# Table of Contents 1. [Commands](#org360a70a) 2. [Building & Running](#org4602f19) A Telegram bot that holds your beer Crates.io pipeline status # Commands - `/beer ` Ask the bot to hold your beer. The text you give it will be associated with that beer in the future. - `/ontap` See what's on tap. - `/quaff ` Drink the beer with the given number. Numbers will be displayed by the `/ontap` command. - `/corn` Harvest some corn. - `/count` Get the current count of stored beers for this tap. - `/yasd` Die stupidly. # Building & Running This project is managed with Cargo, so just build it with `cargo build` and whatever flags you want. To run it, grab an API token from `@BotFather` on Telegram, and store it in an environment variable called `TELOXIDE_TOKEN`. Then just `cargo run` or execute the binary directly.