killed by a(n) jackal killed by a(n) dwarf killed by a(n) soldier ant killed by a(n) gnome lord killed by a(n) sewer rat killed by a(n) small mimic killed by a(n) giant bat killed by a(n) water moccasin killed by a(n) fox killed by a(n) wand killed by a(n) gnome killed by a(n) rothe killed by a(n) giant ant ascended killed by a(n) water demon poisoned by a(n) rotted corpse killed by a(n) hobbit killed by a(n) shopkeeper killed by a(n) hill orc killed by a(n) killer bee killed by a(n) goblin killed by a(n) kitten killed by a(n) gas spore's explosion killed by a(n) newt killed by a(n) bat killed by a(n) little dog killed by a(n) falling rock killed by a(n) magic missile killed by a(n) bolt of fire slipped while mounting a(n) saddled (pet) killed by a(n) bolt of lightning killed by a(n) pony killed by a(n) fire ant killed by a(n) rabid rat killed by a(n) mumak killed by a(n) bolt of cold killed by a(n) giant rat killed by a(n) coyote killed by a(n) wolf killed by a(n) black pudding killed by a(n) giant spider killed by a(n) owlbear killed by a(n) boulder killed by a(n) leocrotta killed by a(n) wererat killed by a(n) white unicorn died of starvation killed by a(n) arrow killed by a(n) homunculus killed by a(n) jaguar killed by a(n) werejackal killed by a(n) Woodland-elf killed by a(n) gecko killed by a(n) gnome king killed by a(n) watch captain killed by a(n) grid bug killed by a(n) hobgoblin killed by a(n) iguana choked killed by a(n) system shock killed by kicking (something) killed by a(n) poisonous corpse killed by a(n) priest(ess) killed by a(n) kobold zombie killed by a(n) rope golem killed by a(n) giant mimic killed by a(n) kobold killed by a(n) ape killed by a(n) dwarf lord petrified by a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) killed by a(n) crossbow bolt killed by the wrath of (a god) killed by a(n) Uruk-hai killed by a(n) plains centaur killed by a(n) gray unicorn killed by a(n) boiling potion killed by a(n) large mimic killed by a(n) water elemental killed by a(n) brown mold killed by a(n) bugbear killed by a(n) dingo killed by a(n) giant beetle killed by a(n) dagger killed by a(n) gold golem killed by a(n) dart killed by a(n) death ray killed by a(n) imp killed by a(n) werewolf killed by a(n) blue jelly killed by a(n) gargoyle killed by a(n) minotaur killed by a(n) housecat killed by a(n) panther killed by a(n) snake killed by a(n) troll killed by a(n) raven killed by a(n) electric shock killed by a(n) human mummy killed by a(n) Green-elf killed by a(n) cave spider killed by a(n) dog killed by a(n) manes killed by a(n) black unicorn killed by a(n) dwarf zombie killed by a(n) orc zombie killed by a(n) yeti killed by a(n) watchman petrified by a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse killed by a(n) scroll of earth killed by a(n) kobold lord zapped (him|her)self with a(n) wand killed by a(n) riding accident killed by a(n) guard killed by a(n) acidic corpse killed by a(n) large kobold poisoned by a(n) orcish arrow killed by a(n) ettin mummy killed by a(n) lynx killed by a(n) scroll of genocide killed by a(n) crocodile killed by a(n) straw golem killed by a(n) elf zombie killed by a(n) fall onto poison spikes fell into a(n) pit killed by a(n) gnome zombie killed by a(n) falling object killed by a(n) horse poisoned by a(n) killer bee killed by a(n) unsuccessful polymorph killed by a(n) energy vortex killed by a(n) air elemental killed by a(n) tengu killed by a(n) Mordor orc killed by a(n) orcish arrow killed by a(n) bear trap killed by a(n) large cat killed by a(n) rock mole killed by a(n) dwarf king killed by a(n) human zombie killed by a(n) gnome mummy killed by brainlessness drowned in a(n) (moat|pool of water) by a(n) (*eel|kraken) killed by a(n) djinni killed by a(n) spotted jelly killed by a(n) tiger killed by a(n) Grey-elf killed by a(n) vampire bat killed by a(n) winged gargoyle killed by a(n) winter wolf cub killed by a(n) paper golem killed by a(n) blast of frost killed by a(n) garter snake killed by a(n) stalker killed by a(n) ettin zombie killed by a(n) warg killed by a(n) ogre killed by a(n) winter wolf killed by a(n) succubus killed by a(n) orcish dagger killed by a(n) rock troll killed by a(n) quasit killed by a(n) large dog killed by a(n) gnomish wizard killed by contaminated water killed by Yeenoghu killed by a(n) little dart killed by a(n) contaminated potion killed by strangulation killed by a(n) rock piercer killed by a(n) mountain centaur killed by a(n) kobold mummy killed by a(n) soldier poisoned by a(n) little dart killed by a(n) vampire lord killed by a(n) orc-captain killed by a(n) lizard killed by a(n) incubus killed by a(n) warhorse killed by a(n) vampire killed by the ghost of (a player) killed by a(n) gas cloud killed by a(n) ochre jelly killed by a(n) forest centaur zapped (him|her)self with a(n) spell killed by a(n) giant zombie killed by a(n) elf-lord killed by a(n) acid blob killed by a(n) purple worm killed by a(n) giant mummy killed by a(n) Kop Sergeant killed by touching (an artifact) killed by a(n) Olog-hai killed by a(n) elf mummy killed by a(n) xorn killed by a(n) exploding wand killed by a(n) potion of acid killed by a(n) Elvenking killed by a(n) elven dagger killed by a(n) touch of death killed by a(n) ghoul killed by a(n) gray ooze killed by a(n) jabberwock burned by a(n) tower of flame killed by a(n) pyrolisk killed by a(n) orc mummy killed by a(n) gremlin killed by a(n) dwarf mummy killed by a(n) potion of holy water killed by a(n) captain killed by a(n) fire elemental killed by a(n) mind flayer killed by a(n) carnivorous bag killed by a(n) sergeant killed by a(n) land mine killed by a(n) red mold fell into a(n) pit of iron spikes killed by a(n) blast of disintegration killed by a(n) barrow wight killed by a(n) baluchitherium poisoned by a(n) water moccasin killed by a(n) lieutenant killed by a(n) ogre king killed by a(n) wraith killed by a(n) Keystone Kop killed by a(n) carnivorous ape killed by a(n) mastodon caught (him|her)self in (his|her) own magical blast killed by a(n) zruty killed by a(n) master mind flayer killed by a(n) sasquatch killed by a(n) blast of fire killed by falling downstairs shot (him|her)self with a(n) death ray petrified by Medusa poisoned by a(n) giant spider killed by a(n) tower of flame killed by a(n) couatl of (a god) killed by a(n) burning scroll killed by overexertion killed by a(n) stone giant killed by a(n) titan killed by a(n) cadaver poisoned by a(n) rabid rat killed by a(n) Kop Lieutenant killed by a(n) guardian naga hatchling killed by a(n) elven arrow killed by a(n) green mold killed by a(n) shattered potion killed by a(n) ogre lord killed by a(n) flesh golem poisoned by a(n) soldier ant killed by a(n) red naga hatchling killed by a(n) leather golem fell onto a(n) sink caught (him|her)self in (his|her) own fireball killed by a(n) black naga hatchling killed by a(n) ettin killed by a(n) golden naga hatchling killed by a(n) ice vortex killed by Juiblex killed by a(n) iron ball collision killed by the Oracle killed by a(n) water troll killed by a(n) arch-lich killed by a(n) scorpion killed by a(n) explosion killed by a(n) magical explosion killed by a(n) fire giant poisoned by a(n) snake crushed to death by a(n) collapsing drawbridge poisoned by a(n) dart killed by a(n) iron golem killed by a(n) queen bee killed by a(n) centipede killed by a(n) marilith poisoned by Juiblex killed by a(n) shuriken Crunched in the head by a(n) iron ball killed by a(n) golden naga killed by a(n) exploding large box killed by Master Kaen petrified by tasting (cockatrice|chickatrice) meat killed by a(n) earth elemental petrified by a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) egg killed by a(n) iron piercer killed by a(n) gelatinous cube petrified by touching a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse bare-handed killed by a(n) Archon caught (him|her)self in (his|her) own ball of lightning killed by a(n) monkey drowned in a(n) (moat|pool of water) killed by a(n) shark killed by a(n) exploding rune killed by the Wizard of Yendor killed by a(n) dwarvish spear killed by a(n) air elemental of (a god) killed by a(n) couatl killed by a(n) burning book killed by a(n) thrown potion killed by a(n) incubus of (a god) killed by tumbling down a(n) flight of stairs killed by a(n) disenchanter killed by boiling potions caught (him|her)self in (his|her) own ball of cold killed by a(n) baby crocodile killed by a(n) frost giant turned to slime by a(n) green slime killed by exhaustion killed by a(n) ice troll killed by genocidal confusion killed by a(n) master lich poisoned by a(n) vampire bat killed by a(n) silver dragon killed by a(n) fire vortex killed by a(n) xan killed by a(n) vrock killed by Croesus killed by a(n) fog cloud killed by a(n) hill giant killed by a(n) umber hulk killed by a(n) bone devil killed by a(n) red dragon killed by Famine poisoned by Demogorgon killed by a(n) yellow dragon dissolved in molten lava killed by a(n) red naga killed by a(n) black naga killed by a(n) cobra poisoned by a(n) quasit killed by a(n) black dragon killed by a(n) leprechaun killed by a(n) salamander killed by a(n) Kop Kaptain killed by a(n) orange dragon killed by a(n) succubus of (a god) killed by a(n) exploding crystal ball killed by a(n) pit viper killed by sipping boiling water killed by a(n) (*eel|kraken) poisoned by a(n) centipede killed by a(n) water elemental of (a god) killed by a(n) gray dragon caught (him|her)self in (his|her) own burning oil killed by a(n) nalfeshnee killed by bumping into a(n) wall killed by a(n) clay golem killed by a(n) green dragon killed by a(n) barbed devil killed by a(n) Aleax killed by a(n) spear poisoned by Pestilence killed by a(n) orc shaman killed by a(n) hell hound killed by Pestilence killed by a(n) exploding chest killed by a(n) blue dragon killed by a(n) anti-magic implosion killed by a(n) fire elemental of (a god) killed by a(n) stone golem crushed to death by a(n) exploding drawbridge killed by a(n) earth elemental of (a god) killed by Ashikaga Takauji killed by a(n) poisoned blast killed (him|her)self by breaking a(n) wand killed by a(n) shocking sphere killed by the high priest(ess) of (a god) killed by a(n) storm giant burned by molten lava killed by a(n) white dragon escaped (in celestial disgrace) killed by the Cyclops killed by a(n) balrog killed by a(n) flaming sphere killed by life drainage killed by a(n) poisoned needle killed by a(n) psychic blast a trickery killed by a(n) freezing sphere killed by a(n) glass golem killed by Lord Surtur killed by a(n) blast of acid killed by a(n) contact-poisoned spellbook killed by colliding with the ceiling killed by a(n) lich killed while stuck in creature form killed by a(n) nurse killed by a(n) pit fiend killed by a(n) Aleax of (a god) killed by a(n) Angel of (a god) caught (him|her)self in (his|her) own death field starvation killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) minotaur poisoned by a(n) unicorn horn poisoned by a(n) crossbow bolt killed by a(n) guardian naga killed by Asmodeus killed by a(n) wood golem killed by Nalzok killed by a(n) knife killed by a(n) cloud of poison gas killed by a(n) acidic glob petrified by a(n) soldier killed (him|her)self with (his|her) bullwhip killed by a(n) hezrou killed by petrification killed by a(n) demilich killed by a(n) died killed by a(n) electric chair killed by a(n) elven spear killed by a(n) blast of lightning killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) vampire lord killed by a(n) horned devil killed by a(n) titanothere killed by a(n) Angel killed by (his|her) own pick-axe poisoned by a(n) arrow killed by a(n) kobold shaman killed by a(n) ki-rin killed by a(n) vampire in bat form killed by the Minion of Huhetotl killed by a(n) blast of missiles killed by a(n) priestess of (a god) killed by a(n) dust vortex killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) mastodon killed by Death killed by a(n) grappling hook killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) jabberwock killed by the Chromatic Dragon poisoned by a(n) rotted glob of gray ooze killed by a(n) potion of unholy water killed by a(n) python poisoned by Scorpius killed by a(n) priest of (a god) killed by a(n) quantum mechanic drowned in deep water killed by a(n) ice devil drowned in a(n) (moat|pool of water) by a(n) couatl killed by a(n) skeleton killed by Orcus killed by Ixoth killed by a(n) samurai killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) arch-lich killed by (a worthless piece of glass) killed by Demogorgon dragged downstairs by a(n) iron ball poisoned by a(n) scorpion killed by Izchak; the shopkeeper killed by a(n) marilith of (a god) killed by a(n) violet fungus turned into green slime killed by Izchak, the shopkeeper killed by a(n) vrock of (a god) petrified by a(n) sergeant killed by a(n) shade petrified by kicking a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse without boots killed by a(n) quivering blob killed by (his|her) own axe killed by using a(n) magical horn on (him|her)self escaped (with a(n) fake Amulet) killed by a(n) exploding potion killed by a(n) hell hound pup poisoned by a(n) pit viper poisoned by a(n) poison dart killed by a(n) poison dart killed by touching The Sceptre of Might petrified by a(n) captain killed by a(n) wumpus killed by a(n) lance killed by a(n) mildly contaminated potion killed by (his|her) own battle-axe killed by a(n) glass piercer killed by a(n) baby white dragon killed by a(n) baby orange dragon killed by the Dark One killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) vampire killed by a(n) baby gray dragon crushed to death by a(n) falling drawbridge killed by shattered potions killed by a(n) baby yellow dragon killed by a(n) ranseur killed by a(n) spetum killed by a(n) baby green dragon killed by a(n) rock killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) baluchitherium killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) hell hound killed by a(n) vampire lord in bat form killed by a(n) burning potion of oil killed by burning scrolls went to heaven prematurely killed by a(n) steam vortex killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) leocrotta killed by a(n) long worm killed by axing a(n) hard object killed by a(n) baby black dragon petrified by a(n) lieutenant poisoned by a(n) fall onto poison spikes drowned in a(n) (moat|pool of water) by a(n) python killed by Vlad the Impaler killed by a(n) baby silver dragon squished under a(n) boulder killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) winged gargoyle killed by a(n) baby blue dragon killed by a(n) ninja killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) air elemental petrified by losing gloves while wielding a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse killed by a(n) baby red dragon killed by Dispater committed suicide killed by a(n) acid venom petrified by tasting Medusa meat killed by touching Mjollnir killed by a(n) partisan petrified by trying to tin a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) without gloves killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) master lich killed by a(n) trapper killed by a(n) lurker above killed by a(n) glaive poisoned by a(n) queen bee killed by a(n) boomerang killed by touching The Platinum Yendorian Express Card killed by a(n) ya poisoned by a(n) cobra killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ettin killed by a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) killed by a(n) javelin petrified by elementary physics killed by a(n) woodchuck killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) fire vortex killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) mumak killed by a(n) unrefrigerated sip of juice killed by a(n) orcish spear killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) salamander teleported out of the dungeon and fell to (his|her) death killed by contaminated tap water killed by a(n) alchemic blast killed by a(n) human killed by a(n) imperious order killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) queen bee killed by a(n) guisarme killed by a(n) valkyrie killed by bumping into a(n) door petrified by kicking a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse barefoot killed by a(n) residual undead turning effect killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) soldier ant killed by a(n) knight killed by a(n) halberd killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) zruty killed by a(n) lucern hammer crushed to death by a(n) closing drawbridge killed by a(n) baby long worm died of exhaustion killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) xorn killed by (his|her) own dwarvish mattock killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) warhorse killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) tiger petrified by swallowing a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) whole killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) vampire lord drowned in a(n) swamp petrified by a(n) Archon killed by self-genocide killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) Olog-hai quit while already on Charon's boat killed by bumping into a(n) boulder killed by a(n) finger of death killed by a(n) barbarian killed by touching The Magic Mirror of Merlin killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) titan poisoned by a(n) rotted glob of brown pudding killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) fire ant killed by a(n) silver arrow killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) water troll petrified by a(n) troll killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) marilith killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) disenchanter killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) energy vortex killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) rock troll killed by Medusa killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) lynx petrified by removing gloves while wielding a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse petrified by trying to help a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) out of a(n) pit killed by a(n) bone devil of (a god) killed by the Master Assassin killed by a(n) bec de corbin killed by a(n) wizard killed by a(n) exploding ring killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) giant mummy killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) cobra killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) fire elemental killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) balrog killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) silver dragon killed by jumping out of a(n) bear trap killed by a(n) chameleon poisoned by a(n) elven arrow killed by a(n) orc killed by a(n) green slime killed by a(n) baby purple worm killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) storm giant killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) bone devil killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) titanothere killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) red dragon fell into a(n) chasm petrified by attempting to saddle a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) tower of flame killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) gray dragon deliberately plunged into a(n) pit killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) stalker killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) panther killed by a(n) bardiche killed by wedging into a(n) narrow crevice killed by a(n) cursed throne killed by sitting on a(n) iron spike poisoned by a(n) couatl killed by a(n) hezrou of (a god) killed by a(n) tourist petrified by a(n) watch captain killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) sasquatch panic killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) owlbear killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) orange dragon killed by a(n) abbot killed by (a gem stone) turned to slime by a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) egg petrified by a(n) rock troll killed by a(n) voulge killed by leg damage from being pulled out of a(n) bear trap petrified by a(n) watchman killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) black dragon killed by a(n) jellyfish killed by a(n) bill-guisarme killed by a(n) flint stone petrified by a(n) Olog-hai killed by a(n) archeologist poisoned by a(n) rotten lump of royal jelly petrified by a(n) titan petrified by a(n) ogre king killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) vrock killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) golden naga killed by a(n) monk killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) horse killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) iron golem killed by a(n) shito petrified by touching (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpses bare-handed killed by touching The Longbow of Diana killed by a(n) renegade priestess of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) frost giant killed by a(n) healer killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) green dragon killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) purple worm killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) white dragon crushed to death underneath a(n) drawbridge killed by the Master of Thieves killed by a(n) rogue killed by a(n) piranha killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) troll killed by a(n) warrior killed by a(n) elf killed by elementary chemistry killed by handling Grimtooth killed by a(n) doppelganger killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) nalfeshnee killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) jaguar killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) mountain centaur killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) glass golem petrified by wielding a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse bare-handed killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ettin mummy turned to slime by a(n) scroll of genocide killed by a(n) renegade priest of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) gargoyle killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) pyrolisk killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) yeti killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) yellow dragon killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) crocodile petrified by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) petrified by a(n) storm giant killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) clay golem killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) scorpion killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) minotaur petrified by (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpses killed by crashing into iron bars killed by handling a(n) silver saber petrified by deliberately meeting Medusa's gaze killed by Azura, the shopkeeper killed by a(n) silver spear killed by a(n) renegade Angel of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ice troll killed by handling a(n) silver dagger killed by Scorpius petrified by a(n) hill giant killed by touching The Tsurugi of Muramasa killed by handling a(n) shield of reflection killed by handling a(n) ring of regeneration killed by a(n) apprentice killed by handling a(n) ring of polymorph control killed by Zlaw; the shopkeeper killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) carnivorous ape killed by a(n) cavewoman killed by Dirk; the shopkeeper killed by dangerous winds killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) black pudding petrified by a(n) forest centaur killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) baby white dragon killed by handling a(n) ring of protection killed by sitting in lava killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) earth elemental killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) winter wolf killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) water elemental poisoned by a(n) bone devil killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) water moccasin killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) arch-lich killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) large dog killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) master mind flayer killed by a(n) scroll of fire killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) giant mimic killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) fire giant killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) pit viper killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) jabberwock killed by a(n) fauchard killed by handling a(n) ring of invisibility killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) hell hound pup killed by a(n) lemure killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) pony killed by Lucrezia, the shopkeeper petrified by a(n) plains centaur killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ape killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) (*eel|kraken) petrified by a(n) bugbear killed by a(n) ranger poisoned by a(n) shuriken killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) steam vortex killed by a(n) caveman killed by Thoth Amon killed by Dharma; the shopkeeper killed by a(n) barbed devil of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) rope golem killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) raven killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) rabid rat killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) pit fiend killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) baby gray dragon killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) stone golem killed by Zlaw, the shopkeeper killed by touching Werebane killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ogre king killed by a(n) silver dagger poisoned by Medusa killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) forest centaur poisoned by the Oracle's rotted corpse killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) monk deliberately plunged into a(n) pit of iron spikes petrified by a(n) elf-lord killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) rogue killed by a(n) flesh golem of (a god) unwisely tried to eat Famine petrified by a(n) ogre killed by touching The Heart of Ahriman killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) umber hulk killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) plains centaur killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ettin zombie killed by Neferet the Green killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ice devil killed by handling a(n) ring of increase damage killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) skeleton killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) shocking sphere killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) rothe killed by a(n) stone giant of (a god) killed by the Norn killed by handling a(n) ring of searching killed by a(n) guardian naga of (a god) petrified by a(n) fire giant killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) Elvenking killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) small mimic trickery killed by handling a(n) wand of teleportation killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) quasit killed by handling Grayswandir killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) python killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) healer killed by handling a(n) ring of sustain ability killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) baby black dragon killed by a(n) erinys killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) Aleax unwisely ate the body of Death petrified by a(n) barrow wight killed by handling a(n) silver spear killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ogre lord killed by handling a(n) ring of gain constitution killed by handling a(n) ring of fire resistance killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) valkyrie killed by handling a(n) ring of poison resistance killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) warg killed by a(n) cone of cold killed by the Grand Master killed by handling a(n) ring of increase accuracy killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) baluchitherium killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) elf mummy drowned in a(n) drowning killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) vampire bat killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) tengu killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) winter wolf cub killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) wraith killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) snake killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) tourist killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) baby orange dragon killed by chopping off (his|her) own foot killed by a(n) Nazgul petrified by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) giant beetle killed by molten lava petrified by tripping over a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse killed by a(n) page killed by Moloch's indifference poisoned by a(n) cloud of poison gas killed by a(n) roshi killed by a(n) minotaur of (a god) killed by Mjollnir killed by a(n) master mind flayer priest of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) giant zombie killed by a(n) lynx of (a god) killed by a(n) luckstone petrified by a(n) scroll of genocide killed by a(n) rothe of (a god) killed by bumping into a(n) tree killed by a(n) vampire lord in wolf form killed by a(n) student killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) dwarf lord killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) flesh golem killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) dwarf king burned by burning killed by a(n) vampire in vampire lord form killed by a(n) giant killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) demilich unwisely tried to eat Pestilence killed by a(n) war hammer petrified by a(n) ogre lord petrified by a(n) skeleton unwisely tried to eat Death killed by a(n) salamander priestess of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) blue jelly petrified by a(n) Medusa killed by a(n) large kobold of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) barbed devil poisoned by a(n) rotted glob of black pudding killed by Breezy; the shopkeeper killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) baby green dragon killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) mind flayer unwisely ate the body of Famine killed by Baalzebub killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) lurker above killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) long worm killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) little dog killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) Kop Kaptain killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) human mummy killed by a(n) green dragon of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) gold golem petrified by a(n) green slime killed by a(n) gray unicorn priestess of (a god) petrified by a(n) Green-elf killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) gremlin killed by a(n) hunter killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) gray unicorn killed by a(n) aligned priest killed by Lord Sato killed by Lord Carnarvon killed by a(n) gray dragon priestess of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) hill giant crushed to death by a(n) gas spore's explosion killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) guardian naga killed by a(n) priest killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) hezrou unwisely ate the brain of Famine killed by the Arch Priest turned to slime by a(n) Keystone Kop unwisely ate the brain of Death killed by sitting on lava turned to slime by a(n) imperious order unwisely ate the brain of Pestilence killed by a(n) bat of (a god) unwisely ate the body of Pestilence petrified by a(n) wererat killed by the Wizard of Yendor disguised as a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) petrified by genocidal confusion petrified by a(n) Keystone Kop petrified by a(n) Kop Kaptain petrified by a(n) ranger petrified by a(n) rogue petrified by a(n) salamander petrified by a(n) samurai petrified by stolen (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse petrified by a(n) Uruk-hai petrified by a(n) hobbit petrified by a(n) orc-captain petrified by a(n) stone giant petrified by a(n) Elvenking petrified by a(n) archeologist petrified by a(n) Angel petrified by a(n) aligned priest petrified by a(n) wizard petrified by a(n) hobgoblin petrified by a(n) hill orc killed by the Wizard of Yendor disguised as a(n) floating eye molten lava killed by the Wizard of Yendor disguised as a(n) troll poisoned by a(n) erinys killed by a(n) baby white dragon of (a god) poisoned by an killed by Twoflower killed by Zennia, the shopkeeper poisoned by a(n) silver arrow petrified by a(n) bone devil petrified by a(n) goblin killed by a(n) baby orange dragon of (a god) petrified by a(n) djinni petrified by a(n) dwarf king petrified by a(n) frost giant petrified by a(n) gnome petrified by a(n) gnome lord poisoned by a(n) poisoned needle poisoned by a(n) poisoned blast petrified by a(n) dwarf lord killed by a(n) giant bat priest of (a god) killed by a(n) black dragon of (a god) killed by a(n) high priest of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) giant spider killed by a(n) Mordor orc of (a god) killed by a(n) mastodon priest of (a god) killed by a(n) lurker above priest of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) gnome king killed by a(n) Kop Kaptain of (a god) killed by a(n) kobold called killed by a(n) jabberwock of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) Green-elf killed by a(n) piranha of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) hill orc killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) horned devil killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) housecat killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) killer bee killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) kitten killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) large cat killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) leather golem killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) piranha killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) red naga killed by a(n) neanderthal killed by a(n) piranha priest(ess) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) spotted jelly killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) barbed devil killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) Woodland-elf killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) vampire lord killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) quasit killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) piranha killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) master mind flayer killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) horse killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) guardian naga killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) disenchanter killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) black pudding killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) baluchitherium killed by a(n) pit fiend priest of (a god) killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) balrog killed by a(n) rope golem of (a god) killed by a(n) rock mole of (a god) killed by a(n) red naga of (a god) killed by a(n) quivering blob of (a god) killed by a(n) queen bee of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) gecko killed by a(n) plains centaur priest of (a god) killed by a(n) pit viper of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) shark killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) stone giant killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) xorn killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) Olog-hai killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) winged gargoyle killed by a(n) guide killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) yellow dragon killed by a(n) grid bug of (a god) killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) iron golem killed by a(n) Grey-elf priestess of (a god) killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) ogre king killed by a(n) gremlin priest of (a god) killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating Death killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) vampire killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating Scorpius killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating the Wizard of Yendor killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating Yeenoghu killed by a(n) dwarf king of (a god) killed by a(n) dwarf zombie priest of (a god) killed by a(n) fire ant of (a god) killed by a(n) ghost killed by a(n) ghoul of (a god) killed by a(n) glass golem priest of (a god) killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) water troll killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) troll killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) straw golem killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) barbed devil killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) white unicorn killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) wolf killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) ochre jelly killed by a(n) killer bee, while helples killed by a(n) (cockatrice|chickatrice) of (a god) killed by a(n) chieftain killed by a(n) crocodile priest of (a god) killed by a(n) dingo of (a god) killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) balrog killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) caveman killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) straw golem killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) fire elemental killed by a(n) homunculus, while helples killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) frost giant killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) knight killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) leocrotta killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) master mind flayer killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) plains centaur killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) purple worm killed by a(n) doppelganger imitating a(n) samurai killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) xan killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) Aleax killed by Shaman Karnov killed by handling a(n) ring of gain strength killed by handling a(n) silver arrow killed by handling a(n) ring of warning killed by handling a(n) ring of teleport control killed by handling a(n) ring of stealth killed by handling a(n) ring of slow digestion killed by handling a(n) ring of shock resistance killed by handling a(n) ring of see killed by handling a(n) ring of polymorph killed by handling a(n) ring of free action killed by handling a(n) wand of digging killed by handling a(n) ring of conflict killed by handling a(n) ring of aggravate monster killed by handling a(n) ring of adornment killed by a(n) bone devil priestess of (a god) killed by Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeepe killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopke killed by Midyat, the shopkeeper killed by Llanrwst; the shopkeeper killed by Labouheyre, the shopkeeper killed by handling a(n) wand of death killed by handling a(n) wand of fire killed by Geryon killed by handling silver arrows killed by Pelias killed by a(n) black dragon priest of (a god) killed by Orion killed by King Arthur killed by a(n) shopkeeper, while helpl killed by a(n) blue dragon priest of (a god) killed by Hippocrates killed by handling the Bell of Opening killed by handling Sting killed by handling a(n) wand of striking killed by handling a(n) wand of light killed by handling a(n) wand of speed monster killed by handling a(n) wand of slow monster killed by handling a(n) wand of sleep killed by handling a(n) wand of secret door detection killed by handling a(n) wand of opening killed by handling a(n) wand of nothing killed by handling a(n) wand of make killed by handling a(n) wand of magic missile killed by handling a(n) wand of lightning killed by Caergybi; the shopkeeper killed by Feather; the shopkeeper killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) arch-lich killed by a(n) vampire in fog cloud form killed by a(n) aklys killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) coyote killed by a(n) acolyte killed by a(n) yeti of (a god) killed by a(n) wraith of (a god) killed by a(n) winter wolf priest of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) dingo killed by a(n) vampire of (a god) killed by a(n) titan priest of (a god) killed by a(n) attendant killed by a(n) thug killed by a(n) soldier ant priest of (a god) killed by a(n) shark priest of (a god) killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) fox killed by a(n) sandestin killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) orc mummy killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) ogre king killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) ettin killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) Elvenking killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) couatl killed by a(n) elf mummy of (a god) killed by Feather, the shopkeeper killed by a(n) titan of (a god) killed by exploding potions killed by Dirk, the shopkeeper killed by Dharma, the shopkeeper killed by boiling water killed by Blaze; the shopkeeper killed by Azura; the shopkeeper killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) baby red dragon killed by a(n) ochre jelly of (a god) killed by a(n) iron golem priestess of (a god) killed by a(n) sandestin imitating a(n) winged gargoyle killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) brown mold killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) Woodland-elf killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) giant bat killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) barrow wight killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) baby purple worm killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) black naga killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) black unicorn killed by a(n) chameleon imitating a(n) blue dragon killed by a(n) ettin of (a god) killed by a(n) energy vortex of (a god) killed by Queyssac, the shopkeeper