# BrewStillery BrewStillery is a brewer's, vintner's, and distiller's calculator. It has a multitude of great functions, such as calculating ABV, determining carbonation, and total sparge water needed. Written in Rust, using GTK3 ## New In 6.2.0 * * Annotated types to all variables * * Cleaned up unnecessary logic in `realABVFormatting()` * * Updated tests to include all logic cases ## Full Changelog * [Available Here](CHANGELOG.md) ## Screenshots: ![General Tab Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryGeneralTab.png) ![General Tab Filled In Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryGeneralTabFilledIn.png) ![Beer Tab Top Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryBeerTabTop.png) ![Beer Tab Top Filled In Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryBeerTabTopFilledIn.png) ![Beer Tab Bottom Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryBeerTabBottom.png) ![Beer Tab Bottom Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryBeerTabBottomFilledIn.png) ![Champagne Tab Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryChampagneTab.png) ![Champagne Tab Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryChampagneTabFilledIn.png) ![About Tab Screenshot](media/screenshots/BrewStilleryAboutTab.png) ## To Do: * Add Sugars And Fruits To ABV From Grain * Add Water Minerals Calculator * Add Documentation To The Info Tab * Add Export To Gourmet Option ## Building: To install on Arch, the AUR package name is ```brewstillery```. BrewStillery requires GTK 3.22. To build, just run ```cargo build --release```. The resultant binary will be ```target/release/BrewStillery```. To install/uninstall system-wide, run ```install.sh``` or ```uninstall.sh``` from the scripts directory as your regular user. If you're installing with ```cargo install BrewStillery```, the logo image will be missing. To fix this, you will need ```BrewStilleryLogo.png``` from the media directory. Install it with ```sudo install -Dm755 ../media/BrewStilleryLogo.png /usr/share/BrewStillery/BrewStilleryLogo.png``` ## Sources: * ["Brew By Numbers - Add Up What's In Your Beer"](https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/attachments/0000/2497/Math_in_Mash_SummerZym95.pdf) - Michael L. Hall. PH.D., Zymurgy (Summer) 1995 * ["Refractometer FG Results « SeanTerrill.com"](http://seanterrill.com/2011/04/07/refractometer-fg-results/) - SeanTerrill.com, Modified: January 2010 * ["Kraeusening"](http://www.braukaiser.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kraeusening) - Braukaiser.com, Modified: January 2, 2010 * ["Glenn Tinseth's Hop Page"](http://realbeer.com/hops/) - Glenn Tinseth, 1995-1999 * ["Calculating Gravity, Bitterness, And Color: Techniques"](https://byo.com/bock/item/409-calculating-gravity-bitterness-and-color-techniques) - Chris Colby, 2000 * ["Formulas And C Source Code"](https://web.archive.org/web/20090807084643/http://www.primetab.com:80/formulas) - PrimeTab, Modified: March 25, 2002 * ["Estimating Color"](http://brewwiki.com/index.php/Estimating_Color) - BrewWiki.com, Modified: May, 17 2008 * ["Technical Information for Brewers"](http://wetnewf.org/pdfs/Brewing_articles/MOAWorkbook.xls) - A.J. DeLange, 2013 * ["Color math and programming code examples"](https://www.easyrgb.com/en/math.php) - IRO Group Limited, 2018