[package] name = "NETXave" version = "0.0.9" edition = "2021" license = "Apache-2.0" description = "Lightweight crate for working with the network." include = ["*.rs", "src/", "LICENSE", "Cargo.toml"] exclude = [".*", ".DS_Store", "debug/", "target/", "Cargo.lock", "**/*.rs.bk", "*.pdb", ".AppleDouble", ".LSOverride", "Icon", "._*", ".DocumentRevisions-V100", ".fseventsd", ".Spotlight-V100", ".TemporaryItems", ".Trashes", ".VolumeIcon.icns", ".com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent", ".AppleDB", ".AppleDesktop", "Network Trash Folder", "Temporary Items", ".apdisk", ".env", ".gitignore", ".git", ".idea"] [features] default = [] # Sync or Async sync = [] async = [] # Client or Server client = [] server = [] # Protocols dns = [] ssh = [] ftp = [] http = [] snmp = [] pop3 = [] smtp = [] imap = [] gemini = [] gopher = [] telnet = [] all_protocols = ["dns", "ssh", "ftp", "http", "snmp", "pop3", "smtp", "imap", "gemini", "gopher", "telnet"] # Encryption rustls = ["dep:rustls", "dep:webpki-roots"] native-tls = ["dep:native-tls"] __all__ = ["default", "sync", "async", "client", "server", "all_protocols", "rustls", "native-tls"] [dependencies] rustls = { version = "0.21.0", optional = true } native-tls = { version = "0.2.11", optional = true } webpki-roots = { version = "0.23.0", optional = true }