# RatRod.rs An FEM implementation written in Rust ## Disclaimer This library is mainly a personal project. It's neither qualified neither guarantied and should not be used to assess actual mechanical structures. ## How to use it ? The library is built around the Model class. This class allows to describe the model to be studied using a factory pattern as below : ``` let mut model = Model::new(2, 0.00000001); model.add_node(Node { x : 0., y : 0., z : 0. }).add_node(Node { x : 1., y : 0., z : 0. }).add_material(Material { e : 1. }).add_section(Section { s : 1., i : 1. }).add_element(ElementType::Beam, vec![0,1], 0, 0) .add_u_boundary_condition(0, 0, 0.) .add_u_boundary_condition(0, 1, 0.) .add_u_boundary_condition(0, 2, 0.) .set_force(1, 1, 3.); ``` Then, `model.solve()`, `model.u` and `model.f` can be used to solve the model and get the displacements and forces on the nodes.