# When2Meet CLI Rapidly generate When2Meet forms without ever leaving your dev environment. Built with Inquire + Rust <3 ![Animated GIF making a demonstration of a questionnaire created with this library. You can replay this recording in your terminal with asciinema play command - asciinema play ./assets/expense_tracker.cast](./demo/W2M%20Demo.gif) ## Installation Install using Cargo: ``` cargo install When2Meet-CLI ``` ## Usage To generate a When2Meet: ``` w2m ``` Answer the prompts for: - Title - Start Time - End Time - Time Zone (optional) - Start Date - End Date ## Trivia - When2Meet doesn't have a public API, but it was extremely easy to reverse engineer. - The API actually has no bound for the date range, so it's possible to create a year-long When2Meet. This isn't possible from the website, which restricts the range to one month. For this reason, the CLI allows for any date range. - The entire When2Meet front-end is server-side rendered. The GET and POST requests respond with HTML files.