syntax = "proto3"; package crawler; // The web indexer to find links async. service Crawler { rpc Scan (ScanRequest) returns (ScanReply) {} // sends feedback async as links found rpc Crawl (ScanRequest) returns (ScanReply) {} // waits for all links to be found before returning } // basic reply message. message ScanReply { string message = 1; // message of the scan success. } // Request params for crawling generically. message ScanRequest { string url = 1; // the base request to start crawling/indexing pages. uint32 id = 2; // the user id or identifier to track crawl subs. bool norobots = 3; // ignore respect robots txt file rules. string agent = 4; // User agent to use when crawling. bool subdomains = 5; // allow subdomain crawling. bool tld = 6; // allow tld crawling all . ext. string proxy = 7; // connect to proxy. bool sitemap = 8; // extend crawl with sitemap links. }