A-Block Chain

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The blockchain that powers the A-Block tech stack

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The Chain repo contains all the code needed to set up and interact with a local instance of the A-Block chain. [简体中文](https://github.com/ABlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.zhs.md) | [Español](https://github.com/ABlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.es.md) | [عربي ](https://github.com/ABlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.ar.md)| [Deutsch](https://github.com/ABlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.de.md) | [Français](https://github.com/ABlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.fr.md) .. ## Getting Started Running Chain assumes you have Rust installed and are using a Unix system. You can clone this repo and run the `Makefile` to set everything up for a development environment: ``` make cargo build cargo test ``` .. ## Use Blockchain can be added to your project as a dependency by adding the following to your `Cargo.toml` file: ```toml [dependencies] a_block_chain = "0.1.0" ``` Or alternatively, via command line: ``` cargo add a_block_chain ``` Running `cargo run --bin main` from a repo clone will currently list all assets on the local instance. Chain is not generally intended to be used directly though, and is instead intended to be used from other programs that require access to the blockchain data structure.