# 0.1.8 * Do SIMD runtime detection only once on the first `Rasterizer::new` instead of on each. # 0.1.7 * Fix x86, x86_64 no_std builds, require `std` feature for runtime detected SIMD. # 0.1.6 * Add runtime detected AVX2 or SSE4.2 line drawing. Improves performance on compatible x86_64 CPUs. # 0.1.5 * Remove cap of `1.0` for coverage values returned by `for_each_pixel` now `>= 1.0` means fully covered. This allows a minor reduction in operations / performance boost. # 0.1.4 * Add `Rasterizer::reset`, `Rasterizer::clear` methods to allow allocation reuse. # 0.1.3 * Fix index oob panic scenario. # 0.1.2 * For `Point` implement `Sub`, `Add`, `SubAssign`, `AddAssign`, `PartialEq`, `PartialOrd`, `From<(x, y)>`, `From<[x, y]>` for easier use downstream. * Switch `Point` `Debug` implementation to output `point(1.2, 3.4)` smaller representation referring to the `point` fn. # 0.1.1 * Add explicit compile error when building no_std without the "libm" feature. # 0.1 * Implement zero dependency coverage rasterization for lines, quadratic & cubic beziers.