ABA(1) ; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Gustavo Coutinho de Souza ; ; SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC ; REUSE-IgnoreStart # NAME aba - an address book for *aerc(1)* # SYNOPSIS aba [GLOBAL_OPTS]... cmd [CMD_OPTS]... # DESCRIPTION *aba* is a cli tool which aims to provide an address book for the *aerc(1)* mail client. For such purpose, it stores its addresses in a TOML file, being able to both add to and remove from it, while also allowing the user to modify the file directly. Moreover, it can print *N* number of addresses that fuzzy matched a given string. # GLOBAL OPTIONS *-a*, *--address-book* _PATH_ The path to the address book file. If empty, *aba* will follow the *XDG* *SPECIFICATION*, that is, _XDG_DATA_HOME/aba.toml_. *-h*, *--help* Print the programs help message. # COMMANDS *aba* provides the following commands: ## Add aba add [-F/--force] NAME EMAIL Add a new address to the address book file. *-F*, *--force* Overwrite existing addresses instead of throwing an error. ## Del aba del MATCH Delete any addresses that match *MATCH*. *-r*, *--is-regex* Treat *MATCH* as regular expression. ## List aba list|ls [-n/--number N] FUZZY_MATCH List up to *N* addresses that match *FUZZY_MATCH*. *-n*, *--number* _N_ List up to *N* addresses. The default number is *5*. ## Parse aba parse [OPTS]... [FILENAME] Parse an raw email to add its *From* addresses. If *FILENAME* is not passed or it's '-', *stdin* will be read instead. *-F*, *--force* Overwrite existing addresses instead of throwing an error. *--from* Parse addresses from the *From* header. *--cc* Parse addresses from the *Cc* header. *--to* Parse addresses from the *To* header. *--all* Parse addresses from the *From*, *Cc* and *To* headers. # ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES _XDG_DATA_HOME_ When the *-a/--address-book* GLOBAL OPTION is not passed, *aba* will set the location of its address book file to _XDG_DATA_HOME/aba.toml_. # EXAMPLES - Add an address for *John Doe* whose email is *johndoe@mail.org*: $ aba add "John Doe" "johndoe@email.org" - Delete all addresses whose names contain *doe* or *Doe*: $ aba del --regex "[dD]oe" - List the 2 best fuzzy matches of *doe*: $ aba list -n2 "doe" - Parse *To* and *Cc* addresses from the current viewed aerc message (from inside aerc): :pipe -m aba parse --from --cc # SEE ALSO *aba(5)* # AUTHORS Maintained by _Coutinho de Souza_ . # SOURCE CODE The source code is available at . ; REUSE-IgnoreEnd