# Abstract ICA Client The ICA client contract provides an interface for interacting with Interchain Accounts (ICAs) on different blockchains using the IBC protocol. ```mermaid flowchart subgraph Abstract ICA Support direction LR subgraph CosmWasm Chain PV[Polytone Voice] PP[Polytone Proxy] end subgraph Cosmos Chain A5[Interchain Account] end subgraph Ethereum Chain A6[Proxy] EV[EVM Voice] EV -.-> A6 end subgraph CosmWasm Chain direction TB ICAC[ICA Client] A3 <-- Queries and Executes --> ICAC A3 -.-> PN[Polytone Note] A3 -.-> EN[EVM Note] A3 -.-> CI[CW ICA Controller] end User2[fa:fa-user User] -- owns --> A3["Abstract Account"] CI -.-> A5 PN -.-> PV PV -.-> PP EN -.-> EV end ```