use rumqttc::v5::mqttbytes::{LastWill, QoS}; use rumqttc::v5::ConnectionError; use rumqttc::v5::{Client, MqttOptions}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { pretty_env_logger::init(); let mut mqttoptions = MqttOptions::new("test-1", "localhost", 1884); let will = LastWill::new("hello/world", "good bye", QoS::AtMostOnce, false); mqttoptions .set_keep_alive(Duration::from_secs(5)) .set_last_will(will); let (client, mut connection) = Client::new(mqttoptions, 10); thread::spawn(move || publish(client)); for (i, notification) in connection.iter().enumerate() { match notification { Err(ConnectionError::Io(error)) if error.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused => { println!("Failed to connect to the server. Make sure correct client is configured properly!\nError: {:?}", error); return; } _ => {} } println!("{}. Notification = {:?}", i, notification); } println!("Done with the stream!!"); } fn publish(client: Client) { client.subscribe("hello/+/world", QoS::AtMostOnce).unwrap(); for i in 0..10_usize { let payload = vec![1; i]; let topic = format!("hello/{}/world", i); let qos = QoS::AtLeastOnce; let _ = client.publish(topic, qos, true, payload); } thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); }