H"Brevia" Brevia (Rome)"Dens sapiens" Dens Sapiens "Il Bassini"Bassini~"Laboratorio;" analisis clinicos, bacteriologia, inmunologia, parasitologia, hematologia, anatomia patologica, quimica clinica Laboratorio 'Adiyat Halab Adiyat Halab 'Iraq (1977)IraqN1199 news. National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees. District 1199 1199 News20 century British history20 Century Br Hist!21st century science & technology21st Century Sci Technol/ Bulletin trimestriel du planning familialBull Trimest Plan FamA Crianca portuguesa Crianca Port)A Current bibliography on African affairsCurr Bibliogr Afr AffA Journal of Church and StateJ Church StateDA Pediatria; revista mensal de clinica, patologia e higiene infantilPediatria (Rio)A common place Common Place.A journal of Jewish medical ethics and halachaJ Jew Med Ethics HalachaA report of the ... National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs / conducted by the Graduate Program in Hospital Administration of Duke University. National Forum on Hospital and Health AffairsRep Natl Forum Hosp Health AffA&M : advertising and marketingA & M A. M. A. archives of dermatology AMA Arch Derm0A. M. A. archives of dermatology and syphilologyAMA Arch Derm SyphilolAA. M. A. archives of industrial hygiene and occupational medicineA M A Arch Ind Hyg Occup MedA. M. A. archives of neurologyAMA Arch Neurol-A. M. A. archives of neurology and psychiatryAMA Arch Neurol PsychiatryA. M. A. archives of pathologyAMA Arch PatholGA.A.G. bijdragen / Afdeling Agrarische Geschiedenis, Landbouwhogeschool A A G BijdrA.I.D. evaluation news AID Eval News/A.M.A. American journal of diseases of childrenAMA Am J Dis Child$A.M.A. archives of industrial healthAMA Arch Ind Health$A.M.A. archives of internal medicineAMA Arch Intern Med A.M.A. archives of ophthalmologyAMA Arch Ophthalmol!A.M.A. archives of otolaryngologyAMA Arch OtolaryngolA.M.A. archives of surgery AMA Arch Surg&A.M.A. journal of diseases of childrenAMA J Dis Child;A.R.A.G. national newsletter / Abortion Reform Action GroupARAG Natl NewslGA.W.R. Bulletin. Association for the Study of the World Refugee ProblemAWR Bull!AA : l'architecture d'aujourd'huiArchit AujourdhuiAACN advanced critical careAACN Adv Crit CareAACN clinical issuesAACN Clin Issues-AACN clinical issues in critical care nursingAACN Clin Issues Crit Care NursAADE editors' journal AADE Ed J3AAHS journal / American Aviation Historical SocietyAAHS J AANA journalAANA JMAANNT journal / the American Association of Nephrology Nurses and TechniciansAANNT JZAAOHN journal : official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health NursesAAOHN J AAPG bulletinAm Assoc Pet Geol Bull[AAPPO journal : the journal of the American Association of Preferred Provider OrganizationsAAPPO JAAPS PharmSciTechAAPS PharmSciTech AAPS pharmSci AAPS PharmSci AARCTimes AARC TimesAARN news letterAARN News Lett3AB bookman's weekly : for the specialist book world AB Bookm Wkly ABA journalABA J ABC decor ABC Decor ACE quarterlyACE Q&ACM queue : tomorrow's computing today ACM QueueACOG committee opinionACOG Comm OpinACOG educational bulletinACOG Educ BullACOG nurses bulletinAcog Nurse BullACOG technical bulletinACOG Tech BullACP journal club ACP J Club-ACRH [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionACRH RepACS chemical biology ACS Chem BiolAD nurseAD NurseADA newsADA News'ADM (Asociacion Dental Mexicana : 1986)ADM-ADM; revista de la Asociacion Dental MexicanaADMAAFOSR TN. United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research,AFOSR TN United States Air Force Off Sci ResAAFOSR TR. United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research,AFOSR TR United States Air Force Off Sci ResAFRO technical papers Afro Tech Pap/AGSO journal of Australian geology & geophysicsAGSO J Aust Geol GeophysAHA hospital technology seriesAHA Hosp Technol Ser AHIP Coverage AHIP Cover AHME journalAHME J5AHP journal / Association for Healthcare PhilanthropyAHP J-AIA journal. American Institute of ArchitectsAIA JHAIAA student journal. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA Stud JLAICC economic review. Indian National Congress. All India Congress Committee AICC Econ Rev7AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical EngineersAIChE JAIDS & public policy journalAIDS Public Policy JAIDS & societyAIDS SocAIDS (London, England)AIDSAIDS Action policy briefAIDS Action Policy Brief;AIDS Institute newsletter. New York (State). AIDS InstituteAIDS Inst Newsl AIDS action AIDS Action+AIDS action update / AIDS Action FoundationAIDS Action Update AIDS alert AIDS AlertAIDS analysis Africa AIDS Anal AfrAIDS analysis AsiaAIDS Anal AsiaAIDS and behavior AIDS Behav AIDS care AIDS CareAIDS clinical careAIDS Clin CareAIDS clinical review AIDS Clin RevdAIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS EducationAIDS Educ PrevkAIDS health promotion exchange / World Health Organization, Global Programme on AIDS, Health Promotion UnitAIDS Health Promot ExchAIDS illustrated AIDS IllusBAIDS information exchange / the United States Conference of Mayors AIDS Inf ExchAIDS patient careAIDS Patient CareAIDS patient care and STDsAIDS Patient Care STDSAIDS policy & lawAIDS Policy Law AIDS researchAIDS Res$AIDS research and human retrovirusesAIDS Res Hum RetrovirusesAIDS research and therapy AIDS Res Ther AIDS reviewsAIDS RevAIDS treatment newsAIDS Treat News AIDS updates AIDS Updates AIDS watch AIDS Watch AIDS weekly AIDS WklyAIDS weekly plusAIDS Wkly Plus"AIDS/STD health promotion exchangeAIDS STD Health Promot ExchAIDSED newsletter : newsletter of the WHO/Unesco AIDS Education and Health Promotion Materials Exchange Centre for Asia and the Pacific AIDSED Newsl-AIDSlink : Eastern, Central & Southern AfricaAIDSlinkAIDoS news : bimonthly bulletin of the Italian Association for Women in Development. Associazione italiana donne per lo sviluppo Aidos News\AIHA journal : a journal for the science of occupational and environmental health and safetyAIHA J (Fairfax, Va)UAIHAJ : a journal for the science of occupational and environmental health and safetyAIHAJHAIPLA quarterly journal / American Intellectual Property Law Association AIPLA Q J(AJNR. American journal of neuroradiologyAJNR Am J Neuroradiol&AJR. American journal of roentgenologyAJR Am J Roentgenol*AJS review. Association for Jewish StudiesAJS Rev"AJS; American journal of sociologyAJSLALAFO; revista de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Facultades de OdontologiaALAFO(ALTEX : Alternativen zu TierexperimentenALTEX8AM [reports]. United States. Office of Aviation MedicineAM Rep,AMB; revista da Associacao Medica BrasileiraAMB Rev Assoc Med Bras;AMD-TR [reports]. United States. Aerospace Medical Division AMD TR RepAMDI bollettino AMDI Boll AMHC forum AMHC ForumFAMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA SymposiumAMIA Annu Symp ProcAMIFAmif9AMRL-TR. Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories (6570th)AMRL TRAMROAMROAN. Arkansas nurse AN Ark NurseANA clinical conferences ANA Clin ConfANA clinical sessions ANA Clin SessANECANECANLANL Rep6ANNA journal / American Nephrology Nurses' AssociationANNA J ANPHI papers ANPHI PapANQANQ ANS. Advances in nursing scienceANS Adv Nurs SciANU historical journal ANU Hist JANZ journal of surgery ANZ J SurgGANZHES journal. Australian and New Zealand History of Education SocietyAnzhes JEAOHA : a publication of the American Osteopathic Hospital AssociationAOHA AOHA today AOHA Today AORN journalAORN JGAPDI newsletter. United Nations Asian and Pacific Development Institute APDI NewslAPICAPICFAPMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica ScandinavicaAPMISAPMIS. Supplementum APMIS Suppl APS observerAPS ObsAQ (Balmain, N.S.W.)AQCARKIVOC : free online journal of organic chemistry / Arkat-USA, IncARKIVOCNARN journal : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation NursesARN JARTnewsARTnewsASA newsletter ASA NewslFASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992)ASAIO JDASAIO transactions / American Society for Artificial Internal Organs ASAIO Trans6ASDA news (American Student Dental Association : 1981) ASDA News&ASDC journal of dentistry for childrenASDC J Dent ChildASEAN economic bulletinASEAN Econ BullXASGSB bulletin : publication of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology ASGSB BullASHAASHAASHA monographs ASHA MonogrASHA. Supplement ASHA SupplASM newsASM News ASNA reporterASNA RepASTM standardization newsASTM Stand NewsATLA abstracts ATLA AbstrMAUAA journal : official journal of the American Urological Association AlliedAUAA JAV communication review Av Commun RevAVISO (Ottawa, Ont.)AVISO2AVS news / Association for Voluntary SterilizationAVS NewsCAVSC news (Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception (U.S.)) AVSC NewsOAWHONN lifelines / Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal NursesAWHONN LifelinesUAWHONN voice / Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) AWHONN Voice@AWHONN's clinical issues in perinatal and women's health nursing.AWHONNS Clin Issues Perinat Womens Health Nurs)Aachener Kunstblatter (DuMont Buchverlag)Aachen KunstblOAarsberetning - Kobenhavns universitets medicinsk-historiske institut og museum#Arsberet Kbh Univ Med Hist Inst MusCAarsberetning - Kobenhavns universitets medicinsk-historiske museum%Arsberet Kobenhavns Univ Med Hist MusAastaraamat - Eesti Teadusliku Seltsi Rootsis. Annales - Societatis Litterarum Estonicae in Svecia. Eesti Teaduslik Selts Rootsis#Aastaraam Eesti Tead Seltsi Rootsis Abbottempo AbbottempoAbdominal imaging Abdom ImagingAbdominal surgery Abdom SurgAberdeen University reviewAberdeen Univ Rev6Abhandlungen und Berichte (Deutsches Museum (Germany))Abh Ber Dtsch MusvAbhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums fur Volkerkunde, Dresden. Staatliches Museum fur Volkerkunde Dresden!Abh Ber Staatl Mus Voelkerkd DresCAbhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der NaturwissenschaftenAbh Gesch Med Naturwiss-Aboriginal And Islander Health Worker JournalAborig Isl Health Work JAbortion Review Abortion RevNAbortion research notes / International Reference Center for Abortion ResearchAbort Res NoteshAbr-Nahrain : an annual under the auspices of the Department of Semitic Studies, University of Melbourne Abr Nahain>Abstracts - Society for Neuroscience. Society for NeuroscienceAbstr Soc NeurosciAbstracts of the ... General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. American Society for Microbiology. General MeetingAbstr Gen Meet Am Soc MicrobiolAcademia Peruana de Cirugia Acad Peru Cir]Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency MedicineAcad Emerg MedKAcademic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical CollegesAcad MedAcademic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic PsychiatryAcad PsychiatryAcademic psychology bulletinAcademic Psychol BullAcademic radiology Acad RadiolAcademy news (Milwaukee, Wis.) Acad News4Academy of Management journal. Academy of Management Acad Manage J3Academy of management review. Academy of ManagementAcad Manage RevfAcademy review of the California Academy of Periodontology, United States Section, ARPA InternationaleAcad Rev Calif Acad Periodontol Acadiensis Acadiensis Acarologia AcarologiaAccademia medica Accad Medica8Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Fondazione Leone CaetaniAccad Naz Lincei Rome Accademie e biblioteche d'ItaliaAccad Bibl ItalAccident and emergency nursingAccid Emerg Nurs!Accident; analysis and preventionAccid Anal PrevAccountability in research Account ResAccounts of chemical research Acc Chem Res3Acoustics Australia / Australian Acoustical Society Acoust Aust(Acoustics research letters online : ARLOAcoust Res Lett OnlineAcquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) weekly surveillance report / AIDS Activity, Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control1Acquir Immunodefic Syndr (AIDS) Wkly Surveill RepAcquisitions medicales recentesAcquis Med RecentAcross the boardAcross Board (NY)*Acta - Unio Internationalis Contra CancrumActa Unio Int Contra Cancrum9Acta Academiae Scientiarum Polonae / Polska Akademia NaukActa Acad Sci Pol Acta Baltica Acta Balt9Acta Belgica de arte medicinali et pharmaceutica militariActa Belg Arte Med Pharm MilActa Belgica historiae medicinae : official journal of the Belgian Association for the History of Medicine / Societas Belgica Historiae MedicinaeActa Belg Hist MedsActa Belgica. Medica physica : organe officiel de la Societe royale belge de medecine physique et de rehabilitationActa Belg Med Phys!Acta Endocrinologica PanamericanaActa Endocrinol PanamActa Europaea fertilitatisActa Eur FertilActa Leidensia Acta Leiden Acta ManilanaActa Manila Ser AActa Musei NapocensisActa Mus NapocensisActa Poloniae historica Acta Pol Hist'Acta Salmanticensia. Filosofia y letras#Acta Salmanticensia Ser Filos Letra,Acta Salmanticensia. Historia de la medicinaActa Salmant Hist Med/Acta Scholae Medicinalis Universitatis in KiotoActa Sch Med Univ Kioto%Acta Societatis Medicorum UpsaliensisActa Soc Med Ups3Acta Societatis Medicorum Upsaliensis. SupplementumActa Soc Med Ups SuppliActa Universitatis Agriculturae. Facultas agronomica. Vysoka skola zemedelska v Brne. Fakulta agronomickaActa Univ Agric Fac Agron=Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Geographica. Univerzita KarlovaActa Univ Carol Geogr\Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis. Univerzita Karlova!Acta Univ Carol Univerzita Karlov$Acta Universitatis Carolinae. MedicaActa Univ Carol [Med] (Praha)1Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Medica. MonographiaActa Univ Carol Med Monogr7Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philosophica et historicaActa Univ Carol Philos HistGActa Universitatis Lundensis. Sectio I, Theologica, juridica, humanioraActa Univ Lund=Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae Acta Univ Palacki Olomuc Fac MedUActa Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila Jozsef Nominatae. Acta juridica et politica(Acta Univ Szeged Attila Jozsef Nominatae>Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia sociologica Upsaliensia Acta Univ UpsActa agronomica Acta AgronActa allergologica Acta Allergol Acta allergologica. SupplementumActa Allergol Suppl (Copenh)Acta anaesthesiologicaActa AnaesthesiolActa anaesthesiologica BelgicaActa Anaesthesiol Belg#Acta anaesthesiologica ScandinavicaActa Anaesthesiol Scand1Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Anaesthesiol Scand SupplActa anaesthesiologica SinicaActa Anaesthesiol Sin^Acta anaesthesiologica Taiwanica : official journal of the Taiwan Society of AnesthesiologistsActa Anaesthesiol TaiwanActa anaesthesiologica italicaActa Anaesthesiol ItalActa anatomicaActa Anat (Basel)Acta anatomica. SupplementumActa Anat Suppl (Basel)Acta anthropogeneticaActa Anthropogenet-Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Antiq HungActa applicandae mathematicaeActa Appl Math-Acta argentina de fisiologia y fisiopatologiaActa Argent Fisiol FisiopatolActa astronauticaActa Astronaut"Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis Acta BiomedcActa bio-medica de L'Ateneo parmense : organo della Societa di medicina e scienze naturali di ParmaActa Biomed Ateneo ParmenseActa biochimica PolonicaActa Biochim Pol'Acta biochimica et biophysica HungaricaActa Biochim Biophys Hung$Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica#Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai)?Acta biochimica et biophysica; Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae"Acta Biochim Biophys Acad Sci HungActa biologiae experimentalisActa Biol Exp (Warsz)/Acta biologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Biol Acad Sci HungActa biologica HungaricaActa Biol HungActa biologica et medicaActa Biol Med (Gdansk)"Acta biologica et medica GermanicaActa Biol Med GerActa biomaterialia Acta BiomaterActa biotechnologicaActa BiotechnolActa biotheoretica Acta BiotheorBActa botanica Gallica : bulletin de la Societe botanique de FranceActa Bot GallicaHActa brevia Neerlandica de physiologia, pharmacologia, microbiologia e.a1Acta Brevia Neerl Physiol Pharmacol Microbiol E AActa cancerologicaActa Cancerol (Lima)Acta cardiologica Acta CardiolActa cardiologica. SupplementumActa Cardiol SupplActa chemica ScandinavicaActa Chem Scand6Acta chemica Scandinavica (Copenhagen, Denmark : 1989)Acta Chem ScandEActa chemica Scandinavica. Series A: Physical and inorganic chemistryActa Chem Scand AGActa chemica Scandinavica. Series B: Organic chemistry and biochemistryActa Chem Scand B<Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae CechoslovacaActa Chir Orthop Traumatol CechActa chirurgiae plasticaeActa Chir Plast0Acta chirurgica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Chir Acad Sci HungActa chirurgica BelgicaActa Chir BelgActa chirurgica HungaricaActa Chir HungActa chirurgica ItalicaActa Chir ItalActa chirurgica IugoslavicaActa Chir IugoslActa chirurgica PatavinaActa Chir PatavActa chirurgica ScandinavicaActa Chir Scand*Acta chirurgica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Chir Scand SupplActa cientifica venezolanaActa Cient VenezZActa cirurgica brasileira / Sociedade Brasileira para Desenvolvimento Pesquisa em Cirurgia Acta Cir Bras Acta classicaActa ClActa clinica BelgicaActa Clin Belg"Acta clinica Belgica. SupplementumActa Clin Belg SupplmActa clinica odontologica : organo de difusion academica de Sociedad Antioquena de Endodoncistas ... [et al.]Acta Clin OdontolActa crystallographicaActa CrystallogrhActa crystallographica. Section A, Crystal physics, diffraction, theoretical and general crystallographyActa Crystallogr AAActa crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallographyActa Crystallogr A5Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural scienceActa Crystallogr BSActa crystallographica. Section B: Structural crystallography and crystal chemistryActa Crystallogr BCActa crystallographica. Section C, Crystal structure communicationsActa Crystallogr C=Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography#Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr;Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online)Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep OnlineXActa crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications0Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst CommunActa cytologica Acta CytolActa de odontologia pediatricaActa Odontol PediatrActa demographica Acta DemogrActa dermato-venereologicaActa Derm Venereol(Acta dermato-venereologica. Supplementum!Acta Derm Venereol Suppl (Stockh))Acta dermatologica-Kyoto. English editionActa Dermatol Kyoto Engl Ed7Acta dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica, et Adriatica'Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Panonica AdriatGActa dermatovenerologica Croatica : ADC / Hrvatsko dermatolosko drustvoActa Dermatovenerol CroatActa diabetologica Acta DiabetolActa diabetologica latinaActa Diabetol Lat0Acta embryologiae et morphologiae experimentalisActa Embryol Morphol ExpMActa embryologiae et morphologiae experimentalis ("Halocynthia" Association")Acta Embryol Morphol Exp Acta embryologiae experimentalisActa Embryol Exp (Palermo)Acta endocrinologicaActa Endocrinol (Copenh)Acta endocrinologica IbericaActa Endocrinol Iber"Acta endocrinologica. SupplementumActa Endocrinol Suppl (Copenh)Acta endoscopicaActa EndoscopicaActa ethnologica et linguisticaActa Ethnol Linguist Acta gastro-enterologica BelgicaActa Gastroenterol Belg'Acta gastroenterologica LatinoamericanaActa Gastroenterol Latinoam"Acta genetica et statistica medicaActa Genet Stat Med'Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiaeActa Genet Med Gemellol (Roma)Acta geographica Acta GeogrRActa geographica Croatica : glasilo Geografskog odjela PMF-a Sveucilista u ZagrebuActa Geogr CroatActa gerontologicaActa Gerontol (Milano)Acta ginecologicaActa Ginecol (Madr)1Acta gynaecologica et obstetrica Hispano-LusitanaActa Gynaecol Obstet Hisp LusitActa haematologica Acta HaematolActa haematologica PolonicaActa Haematol PolActa hepato-gastroenterologica!Acta Hepatogastroenterol (Stuttg)Acta hepato-splenologicaActa HepatosplenolActa hepatologica Act HepatoActa histochemicaActa Histochem Acta histochemica et cytochemicaActa Histochem Cytochem!Acta histochemica. SupplementbandActa Histochem SupplAActa historiae rerum naturalium necnon technicarum. Special issueActa Hist Rerum Nat TechActa historica LeopoldinaActa Hist Leopoldina/Acta historica medicinae, pharmaciae, veterinae!Acta Hist Med Pharm Vet (Beograd)5Acta historica scientiarum naturalium et medicinaliumActa Hist Sci Nat Med0Acta historico-medica vallisoletana. Monografias"Acta Hist Med Vallisoletana MonogrActa horticulturae Acta HorticActa hospitalia Acta Hosp&Acta iberica radiologica-cancerologicaActa Iber Radiol CancerolActa isotopicaActa Isot (Padova)Acta leprologica Acta Leprol Acta medicaActa Medica CordobaSActa medica (Hradec Kralove) / Universitas Carolina, Facultas Medica Hradec KraloveActa Medica (Hradec Kralove)_Acta medica (Hradec Kralove). Supplementum Universitas Carolina, Facultas Medica Hradec Kralove"Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) Suppl,Acta medica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Med Acad Sci HungActa medica AustriacaActa Med Austriaca!Acta medica Austriaca. SupplementActa Med Austriaca SupplActa medica CatholicaActa Med CatholGActa medica Croatica : casopis Hravatske akademije medicinskih znanostiActa Med CroaticaActa medica Hungarica Acta Med HungActa medica IndonesianaActa Med IndonesActa medica Iranica Acta Med Iran8Acta medica Italica di malattie infettive e parassitarie!Acta Med Ital Mal Infett ParassitOActa medica Italica di medicina tropicale e subtropicale e di gastroenterologia,Acta Med Ital Med Trop Subtrop GastroenterolActa medica IugoslavicaActa Med IugoslActa medica NagasakiensiaActa Med NagasakiActa medica OkayamaActa Med OkayamaActa medica OrientaliaActa Med OrientActa medica PatavinaActa Med Patav!Acta medica Patavina. SupplementoActa Med Patavina SupplActa medica PhilippinaActa Med PhilippActa medica Polona Acta Med PolActa medica ScandinavicaActa Med Scand&Acta medica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Med Scand SupplActa medica VietnamicaActa Med VietnamActa medica auxologicaActa Med Auxol (Milano)UActa medica colombiana : AMC : organo de la Asociacion Columbiana de Medicina InternaActa Med ColombActa medica costarricenseActa Med CostarricActa medica de TenerifeActa Med TenerifeActa medica del valleActa Med Valle8Acta medica dominicana : revista cientifica para medicos Acta Med DomActa medica et biologicaActa Med Biol (Niigata)Acta medica hidalguenseActa Med HidalguenseActa medica hispanica Acta Med HispActa medica portuguesa Acta Med PortfActa medica romana; annali della Facolta di medicina e chirurgia, Universita cattolica del Sacro Cuore Acta Med RomActa medica veterinariaActa Med Vet (Napoli)Acta medicae historiae PatavinaActa Med Hist PatavActa medicinae OkayamaActa Med Okayama"Acta medicinae legalis et socialisActa Med Leg Soc (Liege)4Acta microbiologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Microbiol Acad Sci HungActa microbiologica BulgaricaActa Microbiol BulgActa microbiologica HungaricaActa Microbiol HungActa microbiologica PolonicaActa Microbiol Pol?Acta microbiologica Polonica. Series A: Microbiologia generalisActa Microbiol Pol A?Acta microbiologica Polonica. Series B: Microbiologia applicataActa Microbiol Pol BActa microbiologica SinicaActa Microbiol Sin-Acta microbiologica et immunologica HungaricaActa Microbiol Immunol Hung/Acta microbiologica, virologica et immunologica%Acta Microbiol Virol Immunol (Sofiia)2Acta morphologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Morphol Acad Sci Hung@Acta morphologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Supplementum Acta Morphol Acad Sci Hung SupplActa morphologica HungaricaActa Morphol Hung(Acta morphologica Neerlando-ScandinavicaActa Morphol Neerl ScandActa myologica : myopathies and cardiomyopathies : official journal of the Mediterranean Society of Myology / edited by the Gaetano Conte Academy for the study of striated muscle diseases Acta Myol"Acta neurobiologiae experimentalisActa Neurobiol Exp (Wars)Acta neurochirurgicaActa Neurochir (Wien) Acta neurochirurgica. SupplementActa Neurochir Suppl"Acta neurochirurgica. SupplementumActa Neurochir Suppl (Wien)Acta neurologicaActa Neurol (Napoli)Acta neurologica BelgicaActa Neurol BelgActa neurologica ScandinavicaActa Neurol Scand+Acta neurologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Neurol Scand SupplActa neurologica TaiwanicaActa Neurol Taiwan(Acta neurologica et psychiatrica BelgicaActa Neurol Psychiatr Belg Acta neurologica latinoamericanaActa Neurol LatinoamActa neurologica. QuaderniActa Neurol [Quad] (Napoli)Acta neuropathologicaActa Neuropathol#Acta neuropathologica. SupplementumActa Neuropathol SupplActa neurovegetativaActa Neuroveg (Wien)"Acta neurovegetativa. SupplementumActa Neuroveg SupplActa numismatica Acta Numis)Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica JaponicaActa Obstet Gynaecol Jpn/Acta obstetrica y ginecologica hispano-lusitanaActa Obstet Ginecol Hisp Lusit;Acta obstetrica y ginecologica hispano-lusitana. Suplemento$Acta Obstet Ginecol Hisp Lusit Suppl-Acta obstetricia et gynecologica ScandinavicaActa Obstet Gynecol Scand9Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica. SupplementActa Obstet Gynecol Scand SupplActa odontologica ScandinavicaActa Odontol Scand,Acta odontologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Odontol Scand Suppl'Acta odontologica latinoamericana : AOLActa Odontol LatinoamActa odontologica venezolanaActa Odontol VenezJActa of bioengineering and biomechanics / Wroclaw University of TechnologyActa Bioeng BiomechActa oncologicaActa Oncol (Madr)#Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) Acta OncolActa ophthalmologicaActa Ophthalmol (Copenh)!Acta ophthalmologica ScandinavicaActa Ophthalmol Scand-Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica. SupplementActa Ophthalmol Scand Suppl Acta ophthalmologica. SupplementActa Ophthalmol Suppl"Acta ophthalmologica. SupplementumActa Ophthalmol SupplActa orthopaedica Acta OrthopActa orthopaedica BelgicaActa Orthop BelgActa orthopaedica ScandinavicaActa Orthop Scand,Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Orthop Scand Suppl+Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcicaActa Orthop Traumatol TurcActa orthopaedica. SupplementumActa Orthop SupplActa ortopedica mexicanaActa Ortop MexActa oto-laryngologicaActa Otolaryngol$Acta oto-laryngologica. SupplementumActa Otolaryngol Suppl$Acta oto-rhino-laryngologica BelgicaActa Otorhinolaryngol Belg+Acta oto-rino-laringologica ibero-americanaActa Otorinolaryngol Iber AmActa otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-faccialeActa Otorhinolaryngol Ital#Acta otorrinolaringologica espanolaActa Otorrinolaringol EspActa paediatrica Acta Paediatr&Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) Acta Paediatr2Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). SupplementActa Paediatr Suppl1Acta paediatrica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Paediatr Acad Sci HungActa paediatrica BelgicaActa Paediatr BelgActa paediatrica HungaricaActa Paediatr Hung+Acta paediatrica Japonica; Overseas editionActa Paediatr JpnActa paediatrica LatinaActa Paediatr LatActa paediatrica ScandinavicaActa Paediatr Scand)Acta paediatrica Scandinavica. SupplementActa Paediatr Scand SupplActa paediatrica. SupplementumActa Paediatr SupplActa paedologica Acta PaedologActa paedopsychiatricaActa PaedopsychiatrActa palaeontologica PolonicaActa Palaeontol Pol/Acta pathologica et microbiologica ScandinavicaActa Pathol Microbiol ScandEActa pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section A, PathologyActa Pathol Microbiol Scand [A]HActa pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section B, MicrobiologyActa Pathol Microbiol Scand [B]WActa pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section B: Microbiology and immunology1Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand [B] Microbiol ImmunolFActa pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section C, ImmunologyActa Pathol Microbiol Scand [C];Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Supplement!Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Suppl=Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum!Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand SupplActa pathologica japonicaActa Pathol JpnTActa pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica. Section A, Pathology'Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand [A]WActa pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica. Section B, Microbiology'Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand [B]UActa pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica. Section C, Immunology'Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand [C]JActa pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica. Supplement)Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand SupplActa pediatrica espanolaActa Pediatr Esp$Acta pharmaceutica (Zagreb, Croatia) Acta PharmActa pharmaceutica HungaricaActa Pharm HungActa pharmaceutica JugoslavicaActa Pharm JugoslActa pharmaceutica NordicaActa Pharm NordActa pharmaceutica SuecicaActa Pharm Suec"Acta pharmaceutica internationaliaActa Pharm IntActa pharmacologica SinicaActa Pharmacol Sin#Acta pharmacologica et toxicologicaActa Pharmacol Toxicol (Copenh)mActa physiologiae plantarum / Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Plant Physiology Genetics and BreedingActa Physiol Plant#Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)Acta Physiol (Oxf)2Acta physiologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Physiol Acad Sci HungActa physiologica HungaricaActa Physiol HungActa physiologica PolonicaActa Physiol PolActa physiologica ScandinavicaActa Physiol Scand,Acta physiologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Physiol Scand Suppl-Acta physiologica et pharmacologica BulgaricaActa Physiol Pharmacol Bulg/Acta physiologica et pharmacologica NeerlandicaActa Physiol Pharmacol NeerlActa physiologica et pharmacologica latinoamericana : organo de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiologicas y de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de FarmacologiaActa Physiol Pharmacol Latinoam"Acta physiologica latino americanaActa Physiol Lat AmActa physiologica, pharmacologica et therapeutica latinoamericana : organo de la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiologicas y [de] la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Farmacologia$Acta Physiol Pharmacol Ther Latinoam.Acta physiotherapica et rheumatologica BelgicaActa Physiother Rheumatol BelgActa poloniae pharmaceuticaActa Pol PharmActa protozoologicaActa Protozool1Acta psiquiatrica y psicologica de America latinaActa Psiquiatr Psicol Am LatActa psychiatrica BelgicaActa Psychiatr BelgActa psychiatrica ScandinavicaActa Psychiatr Scand,Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Psychiatr Scand Suppl Acta psychiatrica et neurologicaActa Psychiatr Neurol-Acta psychiatrica et neurologica ScandinavicaActa Psychiatr Neurol Scand;Acta psychiatrica et neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum!Acta Psychiatr Neurol Scand Suppl.Acta psychiatrica et neurologica. SupplementumActa Psychiatr Neurol SupplActa psychologicaActa Psychol (Amst))Acta psychotherapeutica et psychosomaticaActa Psychother Psychosom;Acta psychotherapeutica, psychosomatica et orthopaedagogica'Acta Psychother Psychosom OrthopaedagogActa radiologica Acta radiol+Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987) Acta Radiol2Acta radiologica et cancerologica. BohemoslovenciaActa Radiol CancerolActa radiologica. OncologyActa Radiol OncolActa radiologica. SupplementumActa Radiol SupplActa radiologica: diagnosisActa Radiol Diagn (Stockh)7Acta radiologica: oncology, radiation, physics, biology"Acta Radiol Oncol Radiat Phys Biol+Acta radiologica: therapy, physics, biologyActa Radiol Ther Phys BiolActa reproductiva TurcicaActa Reprod TurcActa reumatologica portuguesaActa Reumatol Port Acta rheumatologica ScandinavicaActa Rheumatol Scand.Acta rheumatologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Rheumatol Scand SupplActa rhumatologica Acta RhumatolActa rhumatologica BelgicaActa Rhumatol BelgActa socio-medica ScandinavicaActa Sociomed Scand*Acta socio-medica Scandinavica. SupplementActa Sociomed Scand SupplActa sociologica Acta SociolActa stomatologica BelgicaActa Stomatol BelgActa stomatologica CroaticaActa Stomatol Croat{Acta stomatologica internationalia : revue scientifique et bulletin officiel de l'Association stomatologique internationaleActa Stomatol IntActa therapeutica Acta TherActa theriologicaActa Theriol (Warsz) Acta tropica Acta TropActa tropica. SupplementumActa Trop SupplActa tuberculosea BelgicaActa Tuberc BelgActa tuberculosea JaponicaActa Tuberc JpnActa tuberculosea ScandinavicaActa Tuberc Scand,Acta tuberculosea Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Tuberc Scand Suppl)Acta tuberculosea et pneumologica BelgicaActa Tuberc Pneumol Belg.Acta tuberculosea et pneumologica ScandinavicaActa Tuberc Pneumol Scand<Acta tuberculosea et pneumologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Tuberc Pneumol Scand SupplActa urologica BelgicaActa Urol BelgActa veterinaria Acta Vet Brno1Acta veterinaria Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Vet Acad Sci HungActa veterinaria Hungarica Acta Vet HungActa veterinaria ScandinavicaActa Vet Scand+Acta veterinaria Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Vet Scand SupplActa virologica Acta VirolActa vitaminologicaActa Vitaminol#Acta vitaminologica et enzymologicaActa Vitaminol Enzymol"Acta zoologica (Stockholm, Sweden) Acta Zool+Acta zoologica et pathologica AntverpiensiaActa Zool Pathol Antverp(Actas de dermatologia & dermatopatologiaActas Dermatol DermatopatolSActas de las reuniones cientificas del cuerpo facultativo del Instituto Policlinico)Actas Reun Cient Cuerfo Fac Inst PoliclinActas dermo-sifiliograficasActas DermosifiliogrActas espanolas de psiquiatriaActas Esp Psiquiatr0Actas luso-espanolas de neurologia y psiquiatriaActas Luso Esp Neurol PsiquiatrAActas luso-espanolas de neurologia, psiquiatria y ciencias afines,Actas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc AfinesActas urologicas espanolasActas Urol Esp*Actes de la recherche en sciences socialesActes Rech Sci Soc;Action (National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases) Action NatlAction For Children Action ChildAction contre le SIDAAction Contre SIDASActionAid disability news : the newsletter of Disability Division, ActionAid, IndiaActionaid Disabil NewsActivitas nervosa superiorAct Nerv Super (Praha)}Acts of the Legislature of the province of Manitoba : passed in the session held in the ... year of the reign of ... ManitobaActs Legis Prov Manit ManitActualidad juridica AranzadiActual Jurid AranzadiActualidad medica Actual Medica<Actualidad pediatrica; revista de bibliografia internacionalActual Pediatr (Granada) Actualites anatomo-pathologiquesActual AnatpatholActualites biologiques Actual Biol;Actualites cardiologiques et angeiologiques internationales"Actual Cardiol Angeiol Int (Paris)&Actualites de physiologie pathologiqueActual Physiol Pathol (Paris)Actualites endocrinologiquesActual Endocrinol (Paris)'Actualites hepato-gastro-enterologiques"Actual Hepatogastroenterol (Paris)Actualites neurophysiologiquesActual Neurophysiol (Paris)!Actualites odonto-stomatologiquesActual Odontostomatol (Paris)Actualites pharmaceutiques Actual PharmActualites pharmacologiquesActual Pharmacol (Paris)Actualites psychiatriquesActual PsychiatrActuelle Urologie Actuel Urol+Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics researchAcupunct Electrother ResLAcupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society Acupunct MedAcute cardiac careAcute Card Care Acute care Acute CareAd astra (Washington, D.C.)Ad Astra*Adapted physical activity quarterly : APAQAdapt Phys Activ QAddiction (Abingdon, England) AddictionAddiction biology Addict BiolAddictive behaviors Addict BehavAddictive diseases Addict Dis Adicciones AdiccionesAdlerAdlerAdler Museum bulletinAdler Mus BullAdministration & societyAdm Soc*Administration and policy in mental healthAdm Policy Ment HealthAdministration for developmentAdm DevAdministration in mental healthAdm Ment HealthAdministration in social work Adm Soc WorkAdministrative change Adm ChangeAdministrative law journal Adm Law JAdministrative law review Adm Law RevAdministrative management Adm ManageAdministrative radiology : AR Adm Radiol%Administrative radiology journal : AR Adm Radiol J Administrative science quarterly Adm Sci Q Adolescence Adolescence Adolescence education newsletterAdolesc Educ Newsl#Adolescent and pediatric gynecologyAdolesc Pediatr Gynecol'Adolescent medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.) Adolesc MedAdolescent medicine clinicsAdolesc Med ClinAdolescent psychiatryAdolesc PsychiatryAdult education Adult Educ Advance dataAdv DataAdvance for nurse practitionersAdv Nurse PractAdvanced drug delivery reviewsAdv Drug Deliv Rev!Advanced imaging (Woodbury, N.Y.) Adv Imaging*Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)Adv Mater Deerfield#Advanced practice nursing quarterlyAdv Pract Nurs QNAdvanced robotics : the international journal of the Robotics Society of Japan Adv RobotAdvancement of scienceAdv Sci0Advances and technical standards in neurosurgeryAdv Tech Stand Neurosurg Advances in abortion care / IPASAdv Abort Care$Advances in adolescent mental healthAdv Adolesc Mental Health%Advances in alcohol & substance abuseAdv Alcohol Subst AbuseAdvances in anatomic pathologyAdv Anat Pathol1Advances in anatomy, embryology, and cell biologyAdv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Advances in applied microbiologyAdv Appl MicrobiolAdvances in behavioral biologyAdv Behav Biol1Advances in biochemical engineering/biotechnologyAdv Biochem Eng Biotechnol*Advances in biochemical psychopharmacologyAdv Biochem PsychopharmacolAdvances in bioethics Adv Bioeth*Advances in biological and medical physicsAdv Biol Med PhysAdvances in biology of skin Adv Biol Skin6Advances in biomedical engineering and medical physicsAdv Biomed Eng Med PhysAdvances in biophysics Adv Biophys&Advances in biotechnological processesAdv Biotechnol ProcessesAdvances in botanical research Adv Bot ResAdvances in cancer researchAdv Cancer Res"Advances in carbohydrate chemistryAdv Carbohydr Chem3Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistryAdv Carbohydr Chem BiochemAdvances in cardiac surgery Adv Card SurgAdvances in cardiology Adv Cardiol$Advances in cardiopulmonary diseasesAdv Cardiopulm DisAdvances in cell biology Adv Cell BiolAdvances in chemistry series Adv Chem SerAdvances in chemotherapy Adv Chemother*Advances in child development and behaviorAdv Child Dev BehavAdvances in chromatographyAdv Chromatogr"Advances in chronic kidney diseaseAdv Chronic Kidney DisAdvances in clinical chemistry Adv Clin ChemVAdvances in clinical pathology : the official journal of Adriatic Society of Pathology Adv Clin Path!Advances in clinical pharmacologyAdv Clin Pharmacol#Advances in clinical rehabilitationAdv Clin Rehabil)Advances in colloid and interface scienceAdv Colloid Interface Sci3Advances in comparative physiology and biochemistryAdv Comp Physiol BiochemGAdvances in consumer research. Association for Consumer Research (U.S.)Adv Consum ResdAdvances in contraception : the official journal of the Society for the Advancement of ContraceptionAdv Contracept0Advances in contraceptive delivery systems : CDSAdv Contracept Deliv Syst!Advances in cryogenic engineering Adv Cryog EngBAdvances in cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research1Adv Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphorylation Res&Advances in cyclic nucleotide researchAdv Cyclic Nucleotide ResAdvances in cytopharmacologyAdv CytopharmacolAdvances in dental research Adv Dent ResAdvances in dermatology Adv DermatolAdvances in drug research Adv Drug ResAdvances in ecological research Adv Ecol Rs(Advances in endocrinology and metabolismAdv Endocrinol MetabAdvances in enzyme regulationAdv Enzyme Regul=Advances in enzymology and related areas of molecular biology Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol;Advances in enzymology and related subjects of biochemistryAdv Enzymol Relat Subj Biochem-Advances in experimental medicine and biologyAdv Exp Med BiolAdvances in fertility controlAdv Fertil Control:Advances in fluorine research and dental caries preventionAdv Fluorine Res'Advances in food and nutrition researchAdv Food Nutr ResAdvances in food research Adv Food Res%Advances in food research. SupplementAdv Food Res SupplAdvances in genetics Adv Genet#Advances in gerontological researchAdv Gerontol Res9Advances in health economics and health services researchAdv Health Econ Health Serv ResEAdvances in health economics and health services research. Supplement%Adv Health Econ Health Serv Res Suppl;Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract"Advances in heterocyclic chemistryAdv Heterocycl ChemAdvances in human genetics Adv Hum Genet'Advances in immunity and cancer therapyAdv Immun Cancer TherAdvances in immunology Adv Immunol"Advances in inorganic biochemistryAdv Inorg BiochemAdvances in internal medicineAdv Intern MedAdvances in lipid research Adv Lipid ResAdvances in marine biology Adv Mar BiolAdvances in mass spectrometryAdv Mass SpectromAdvances in medical sciences Adv Med SciAdvances in medical sociologyAdv Med SociolAdvances in metabolic disordersAdv Metab DisordAdvances in microbial ecologyAdv Microb Ecol Advances in microbial physiologyAdv Microb PhysiolAdvances in mind-body medicineAdv Mind Body MedAdvances in morphogenesis Adv MorphogAdvances in myocardiologyAdv MyocardiolAdvances in myochemistry Adv Myochem[Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal NursesAdv Neonatal Care/Advances in nephrology from the Necker HospitalAdv Nephrol Necker Hosp1Advances in neural information processing systemsAdv Neural Inf Process SystAdvances in neuroimmunologyAdv NeuroimmunolAdvances in neurology Adv Neurol Advances in nutritional research Adv Nutr Res9Advances in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery"Adv Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr SurgAdvances in oral biology Adv Oral Biol!Advances in oto-rhino-laryngologyAdv Otorhinolaryngol%Advances in pain research and therapyAdv Pain Res TherAdvances in parasitology Adv ParasitolAdvances in pathobiology Adv Pathobiol)Advances in pediatric infectious diseasesAdv Pediatr Infect DisAdvances in pediatrics Adv PediatrBAdvances in peritoneal dialysis. Conference on Peritoneal DialysisAdv Perit Dial!Advances in pest control researchAdv Pest Control Res#Advances in pharmaceutical sciences Adv Pharm SciAdvances in pharmacology Adv Pharmacol,Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.) Adv Pharmacol)Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapyAdv Pharmacol Chemother Advances in physiology educationAdv Physiol EducAdvances in planned parenthoodAdv Plan Parent2Advances in population : psychosocial perspectives Adv Popul2Advances in prostaglandin and thromboxane research!Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Res@Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane, and leukotriene research(Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukot ResAdvances in protein chemistryAdv Protein ChemAdvances in psychobiologyAdv PsychobiolAdvances in psychology researchAdv Psychol Res"Advances in psychosomatic medicineAdv Psychosom MedAdvances in radiation biologyAdv Radiat Biol%Advances in renal replacement therapyAdv Ren Replace Ther#Advances in reproductive physiologyAdv Reprod Physiol8Advances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research'Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res Advances in sex hormone researchAdv Sex Horm ResAdvances in shock research Adv Shock ResAdvances in skin & wound careAdv Skin Wound Care!Advances in socio-dental researchAdv Sociodent Res&Advances in space biology and medicineAdv Space Biol Med]Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Adv Space Res1Advances in steroid biochemistry and pharmacologyAdv Steroid Biochem PharmacolAdvances in surgeryAdv SurgAdvances in the biosciences Adv BiosciAdvances in therapyAdv TherAdvances in tracer methodologyAdv Tracer MethodoltAdvances in tuberculosis research. Fortschritte der Tuberkuloseforschung. Progres de l'exploration de la tuberculoseAdv Tuberc ResAdvances in veterinary medicine Adv Vet MedAdvances in veterinary science Adv Vet Sci7Advances in veterinary science and comparative medicineAdv Vet Sci Comp MedAdvances in virus research Adv Virus Res?Advances in wound care : the journal for prevention and healingAdv Wound Care4Advancing clinical care : official journal of NOAADN Adv Clin CareAdventist heritage Advent HeritAdverse drug reaction bulletinAdverse Drug React Bull2Adverse drug reactions and acute poisoning reviews&Adverse Drug React Acute Poisoning Rev0Adverse drug reactions and toxicological reviewsAdverse Drug React Toxicol RevAdvertising age Advert Age Advocacy now Advocacy NowAdvocate (Boston, Mass.)AdvocateAegyptusAegyptusAere perenniusAere PerenniusAeromedica acta Aeromed ActaAeromedical reviews Aeromed Rev]Aerosol science and technology : the journal of the American Association for Aerosol ResearchAerosol Sci TechnolAerospace America Aerosp Am7Aerospace engineering (Society of Automotive Engineers) Aerosp EngAerospace historian Aerosp HistAerospace medicine Aerosp MedAerzteblatt Rheinland-PfalzArztebl Rheinl PfalzAerztliche Praxis Arztl PraxAesthetic plastic surgeryAesthetic Plast SurgAevumAevumAffari sociali internazionali Aff Soc IntAffiliaAffiliaAfghan medical journal Afghan Med J Afghanistan Afghanistan AfricAsia (Paris, France : 1984) AfricasiaAfrica Africa (Lond)Africa (Roma), QuaderniAfricaQAfrica : journal of the International Institute of African Languages and CulturesAfricaGAfrica : notiziario dell'Associazione fra le imprese italiane in Africa Africa (Roma)Africa South of the Sahara Afr SouthAfrica analysisAfr Anal,Africa development. Afrique et developpementAfr Dev Africa health Afr HealthAfrica insight Afr Insight0Africa link : a publication of the Africa RegionAfr LinkAfrica media review Afr Media RevAfrica quarterlyAfr QAfrica recovery Afr Recovery Africa reportAfr Rep Africa today Afr Today Africa woman Afr Woman2Africa women & health : a Safe Motherhood magazineAfr Women Health,Africa's population and development bulletinAfr Popul Dev BullAfrican affairsAfr Aff (Lond)RAfrican alternatives / Africa Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project Afr AlternatAfrican concord Afr ConcordAfrican demography Afr DemogrAfrican economic history Afr Econ HistAfrican environment Afr Environ+African farmer : the key to Africa's future Afr FarmerAfrican health sciencesAfr Health SciAfrican historical studies Afr Hist StudAfrican journal for the psychological study of social issues : journal of the African Society for the Psychological Study of Social IssuesAfr J Psychol Study Soc Issues@African journal of fertility, sexuality, and reproductive healthAfr J Fertil Sexual Reprod Heal"African journal of health sciencesAfr J Health SciAAfrican journal of medical practice / African Academy of SciencesAfr J Med Pract0African journal of medicine and medical sciencesAfr J Med Med Sci&African journal of reproductive healthAfr J Reprod HealthAfrican journal of sociology Afr J SociolRAfrican notes : bulletin of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan Afr NotesAfrican population newsletterAfr Popul Newsl(African review (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)Afr RevAfrican social research Afr Soc ResAfrican studiesAfr StudAfrican studies review Afr Stud RevAfrican study monographsAfr Study MonogrAfrican urban notes. Ser. BAfr Urban Notes BAfrican urban quarterly Afr Urban QIAfrican urban studies (Michigan State University. African Studies Center)Afr Urban StudAfricana Marburgensia Afr Marburgen6Africana notes and news. Africana aantekeninge en nuusAfr Notes NewsAfricana research bulletin Afr Res Bull4Africom / African Council on Communication EducationAfricomAfrika und Ubersee Afr Uebersee"Afrique 2000 (Geneva, Switzerland) Afrique 2000Afrique contemporaine Afr ContempAfrique documentsAfr DocAfrique francaise chirurgicaleAfr Francaise ChirAfrique medicaleAfr Med+Afro-Americans in New York life and historyAfro Am N Y Life HistAfyaAfyaAge Age (Omaha)Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands)Age Dordr NethAge (Melbourne, Vic.)AgeAge and ageing Age AgeingAged care & services reviewAged Care Serv RevAgeing and society Ageing SocAgeing international Ageing IntAgeing research reviewsAgeing Res RevAgenda (Durban, South Africa)Agenda Agenda salud Agenda SaludAgents and actionsAgents ActionsAgents and actions. SupplementsAgents Actions Suppl Aggiornamenti clinicoterapeuticiAggiorn Clinico TerAggiornamenti di fisiologiaAggiorn Fisiol&Aggiornamenti di terapia oftalmologicaAggiorn Ter Oftalmol)Aggiornamenti in ostetricia e ginecologiaAggiorn Ostet Ginecol)Aggiornamenti sulle malattie da infezioneAggiorn Sulle Mal InfezAggiornamento pediatricoAggiorn PediatrAggressive behavior Aggress BehavAgingAgingAging & leisure livingAging Leis LivingAging & mental healthAging Ment HealthAging (Milan, Italy)Aging (Milano)Aging and work Aging Work Aging cell Aging Cell(Aging clinical and experimental researchAging Clin Exp ResAging trends (Hyattsville, Md.) Aging TrendsnAgressologie: revue internationale de physio-biologie et de pharmacologie appliquees aux effets de l'agression Agressologie%Agricultural and biological chemistryAgric Biol ChemAgricultural economics researchAgric Econ ResAgricultural history Agric Hist-Agricultural information development bulletinAgric Inf Dev BullAgricultural systems Agric SystAgriculture and human valuesAgric Human ValuesAgronomy journalAgron J8Aguiaine / Societe d'etudes folkloriques du Centre-OuestAguiaine"Aichi Gakuin Daigaku Shigakkai shi"Aichi Gakuin Daigaku Shigakkai ShiAichi-Gakuin dental scienceAichi Gakuin Dent Sci6Aids Asia : voice of the Asian solidarity against AIDS AIDS Asia Aidscaptions AidscaptionsAin Shams medical journalAin Shams Med JAir & space Smithsonian Air Space?Air & waste : journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Air Waste-Air University review (United States edition)Air Univ Rev (US ed)Air and water pollutionAir Water PollutAir line pilotAir Line PilotAir medical journal Air Med J*Ajalooline ajakiri (Tartu, Estonia : 1998)Ajalooline AjakAkademaike iatrike Akad IatrAkademiska Dzive Akad Dzive"Akron business and economic reviewAkron Bus Econ RevAkron law review Akron Law RevAktuelle Dermatologie Aktuelle Derm(Aktuelle Endokrinologie und StoffwechselAktuel Endokrinol StoffwechselAktuelle ErnahrungsmedizinAktuel ErnahrungsmedAktuelle GerontologieAktuelle GerontolAktuelle Oto-Rhino-LaryngologieAktuelle OtorhinolaryngolAktuelle Probleme der Phoniatrie und Logopadie. Current problems in phoniatrics and logopedics. Problemes actuels de phoniatrie et de logopedieAktuel Probl Phoniatr Logop-Aktuelle Probleme in Chirurgie und OrthopadieAktuelle Probl Chir Orthop"Aktuelle Probleme in der ChirurgieAktuelle Probl ChirAktuelle RadiologieAktuelle RadiolAktuelle TraumatologieAktuelle TraumatolAktuelle Urologie Aktuelle UrolAkusherstvo i ginekologiiaAkush Ginekol (Sofiia)Akwesasne notesAkwesasne NotesAl DaratAl DaratAlabama dental review Ala Dent RevAlabama heritage Ala HeritAlabama law review Ala Law RevMAlabama medicine : journal of the Medical Association of the State of AlabamaAla Med"Alaska history (Anchorage, Alaska) Alsk Hist&Alaska journal (Juneau, Alaska : 1971)Alaska JAlaska medicine Alaska MedAlaska statutes, 1962 : containing the general and permanent laws of the State of Alaska / Annotated, indexed, and printed by the Michie Company. AlaskaAlsk Statut 1962 Alsk*Albany law journal of science & technologyAlbany Law J Sci TechnolAlbany law reviewAlbany Law Rev5Alberta RN / Alberta Association of Registered NursesAlta RNAlberta history Alberta HistAlberta law review Alta Law RevAlberta medical bulletinAlberta Med BullAlbertus Magnus BlatterAlbertus Magnus BlaettAlbionAlbion/Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv fur Ophthalmologie$Albrecht Von Graefes Arch OphthalmolAlbrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie. Albrecht von Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology-Albrecht Von Graefes Arch Klin Exp OphthalmolAlcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.)Alcohol,Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)Alcohol Alcohol9Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Supplement.Alcohol Alcohol SupplAlcohol and drug researchAlcohol Drug Res!Alcohol health and research worldAlcohol Health Res WorldaAlcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismAlcohol Res Health3Alcohol, drugs, and driving : abstracts and reviewsAlcohol Drugs DrivingAlcoholism treatment quarterlyAlcohol Treat Q.Alcoholism, clinical and experimental researchAlcohol Clin Exp ResAlergiaAlergiaAlexandria dental journal : ADJ Alex Dent J-Alexandria journal of pharmaceutical sciencesAlex J Pharm SciAlgerie medicaleAlger MedicaleAlgological studiesArch Hydrobiol Suppl Algol Stud&Algorithms for molecular biology : AMBAlgorithms Mol Biol&Alimentary pharmacology & therapeuticsAliment Pharmacol TherAlisoAlisoQAllemagne d'aujourd'hui : revue francaise d'information sur les deux l'AllemagnesAllem Aujourdhui!Allergie (Pointe-Claire, Quebec).Allerg Pointe ClaireAllergie et immunologieAllerg Immunol (Paris)Allergie und AsthmaAllerg Asthma (Leipz)Allergie und ImmunologieAllerg Immunol (Leipz)Allergie- und AsthmaforschungAllerg AsthmaforschAllergo Journal : interdisziplinare Zeitschrift fur Allergologie und Umweltmedizin : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Allergie- und Immunitatsforschung Allergo J Allergologia et immunopathologiaAllergol Immunopathol (Madr)SAllergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology Allergol IntAllergyAllergy]Allergy and asthma proceedings : the official journal of regional and state allergy societiesAllergy Asthma ProcRAllergy proceedings : the official journal of regional and state allergy societies Allergy ProcRAllgemeine homoopathische Zeitung fur wissenschaftliche und praktische HomoopathieAllg Homoopath Ztg Allgemeines statistisches Archiv All Stat Arch%Allied health and behavioral sciencesAllied Health Behav SciAlma Mater PhilippinaAlma Mater PhilippXAlmanac (National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (U.S.). International Council)AlmanacAlpha Omega FranceAlpha Omega Fr Alt-Thuringen Alt ThuringAltamuraAltamura-Altern und Entwicklung. Aging and developmentAltern Entwickl Aging DevAlternative lifestylesAlternative Lifestyles?Alternative medicine review : a journal of clinical therapeuticAltern Med Rev,Alternative therapies in health and medicineAltern Ther Health Med)Alternatives to laboratory animals : ATLAAltern Lab AnimbAlumnae magazine (Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association)=Alumnae Mag Columbia Univ Presbyt Hosp Sch Nurs Alumnae Assoc9Alumni bulletin - School of Dentistry, Indiana University!Alumni Bull Sch Dent Indiana Univ<Alumni bulletin. University of Michigan. School of DentistryAlumni Bull Univ Mich Sch Dent`Alumni magazine (Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association);Alumni Mag Columbia Univ Presbyt Hosp Sch Nurs Alumni Assoc*Alzheimer disease and associated disordersAlzheimer Dis Assoc DisordCAlzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's AssociationAlzheimers Dement4AmFAR report / American Foundation for AIDS Research AMFAR Rep0Amatus Lusitanus; revista de medicina e cirurgia Amatus LusitAmbioAmbioAmbixAmbixAmbulatory care Ambul CareAmbulatory outreachAmbul OutreachTAmbulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Ambul PediatrAmbulatory surgery Ambul SurgAmerasia journal Amerasia JAmerica America (NY)America indigenaAm IndigAmerica latinaAm Lat1American Association of Industrial Nurses journalAm Assoc Ind Nurses J:American Bar Association journal. American Bar AssociationAm Bar Assoc JAAmerican Bar Foundation research journal. American Bar FoundationAm Bar Found Res J'American College of Physicians observerAm Coll Physicians ObsMAmerican Indian and Alaska native mental health research (Monographic series)0Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res Monogr SerAAmerican Indian and Alaska native mental health research (Online)%Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health ResYAmerican Indian and Alaska native mental health research : journal of the National Center%Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health ResAmerican Indian art magazineAm Indian Art Mag,American Indian culture and research journalAm Indian Cult Res JAmerican Indian quarterly Am Indian Q/American Industrial Hygiene Association journalAm Ind Hyg Assoc J1American Industrial Hygiene Association quarterlyAm Ind Hyg Assoc QAmerican Jewish archives Am Jew Arch$American Jewish historical quarterly Am Jew Hist QAmerican Jewish history Am Jew Hist"American Lung Association bulletinAm Lung Assoc BullAmerican Museum novitates Am Mus Novit(American Nurses Association PublicationsANA PublAmerican Presbyterian Am Presbyt1American Universities Field Staff reports: AfricaAm Univ Field Staff Rep Afr/American Universities Field Staff reports: AsiaAm Univ Field Staff Rep Asia8American Universities Field Staff reports: North America Am Univ Field Staff Rep North Am8American Universities Field Staff reports: South America Am Univ Field Staff Rep South AmAmerican annals of the deaf Am Ann DeafAmerican anthropologist Am AnthropolAmerican antiquityAm Antiq+American archives of rehabilitation therapyAm Arch Rehabil Ther!American biotechnology laboratoryAm Biotechnol LabAmerican clinical laboratory Am Clin Lab#American corrective therapy journalAm Correct Ther JAmerican demographics Am DemogrAmerican educationAm Educ%American educational research journal Am Educ Res J&American enterprise (Washington, D.C.) Am EnterpAmerican family physicianAm Fam PhysicianAmerican family physician/GPAm Fam Physician GPAmerican health Am HealthAmerican heart journal Am Heart JAmerican heritageAm Herit+American heritage of invention & technologyAm Herit Invent TechnolAmerican history illustrated Am Hist IllusAmerican horseman Am Horseman;American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementiasAm J Alzheimers Dis Other DemenAmerican journal of acupuncture Am J Acupunct*American journal of agricultural economicsAm J Agric EconAmerican journal of art therapy Am J Art TherAmerican journal of audiology Am J AudiolAmerican journal of botanyAm J Bot#American journal of cardiac imagingAm J Card ImagingRAmerican journal of cardiovascular drugs : drugs, devices, and other interventionsAm J Cardiovasc Drugs(American journal of clinical dermatologyAm J Clin Dermatol%American journal of clinical oncologyAm J Clin Oncol&American journal of clinical pathologyAm J Clin Pathol(American journal of community psychologyAm J Community PsycholdAmerican journal of contact dermatitis : official journal of the American Contact Dermatitis SocietyAm J Contact DermatAmerican journal of correction Am J Correct American journal of criminal law Am J Crim LawiAmerican journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care NursesAm J Crit CareAmerican journal of dentistry Am J Dent/American journal of diseases of children (1911)Am J Dis Child/American journal of diseases of children (1960)Am J Dis Child+American journal of economics and sociologyAm J Econ Sociol5American journal of electroneurodiagnostic technology#Am J Electroneurodiagnostic Technol American journal of epidemiologyAm J EpidemiolAmerican journal of ethics & medicine : a national medical student journal published by the University of Pennsylvania School of MedicineAm J Ethics MedAmerican journal of family law Am J Fam Law#American journal of health behaviorAm J Health Behav#American journal of health planningAm J Health Plann+American journal of health promotion : AJHPAm J Health PromotyAmerican journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System PharmacistsAm J Health Syst PharmAmerican journal of hematology Am J Hematol%American journal of hospital pharmacyAm J Hosp PharmUAmerican journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council Am J Hum Biol"American journal of human geneticsAm J Hum GenetAmerican journal of hygieneAm J HygRAmerican journal of hypertension : journal of the American Society of HypertensionAm J Hypertens'American journal of industrial medicine Am J Ind Med%American journal of infection controlAm J Infect Control'American journal of infectious diseasesAm J Infect Dis\American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney FoundationAm J Kidney Dis"American journal of law & medicine Am J Law Med$American journal of medical geneticsAm J Med Genet,American journal of medical genetics. Part AAm J Med Genet AAmerican journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics%Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr GenetJAmerican journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet0American journal of medical genetics. SupplementAm J Med Genet SuppleAmerican journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality Am J Med Qual%American journal of mental deficiencyAm J Ment Defic-American journal of mental retardation : AJMRAm J Ment RetardAmerican journal of nephrology Am J Nephrol-American journal of obstetrics and gynecologyAm J Obstet Gynecol!American journal of ophthalmologyAm J OphthalmolKAmerican journal of optometry and archives of American Academy of OptometryAm J Optom Arch Am Acad Optom6American journal of optometry and physiological opticsAm J Optom Physiol Opt American journal of orthodontics Am J OrthodAmerican journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of OrthodonticsAm J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop2American journal of orthopedics (Belle Mead, N.J.) Am J Orthop"American journal of otolaryngologyAm J Otolaryngol American journal of perinatologyAm J Perinatol,American journal of pharmaceutical educationAm J Pharm EducjAmerican journal of pharmacogenomics : genomics-related research in drug development and clinical practiceAm J PharmacogenomicsFAmerican journal of pharmacy and the sciences supporting public health$Am J Pharm Sci Support Public HealthAmerican journal of philology Am J Philol)American journal of physical anthropologyAm J Phys Anthropol%American journal of physical medicine Am J Phys Med]American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic PhysiatristsAm J Phys Med RehabilAmerican journal of physics Am J Phys'American journal of physiologic imagingAm J Physiol Imaging/American journal of physiology. Cell physiologyAm J Physiol Cell Physiol<American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolismAm J Physiol Endocrinol MetabEAmerican journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology'Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol@American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiologyAm J Physiol Heart Circ PhysiolFAmerican journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology"Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol PhysiolRAmerican journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology&Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol0American journal of physiology. Renal physiologyAm J Physiol Renal Physiol%American journal of political science Am J Pol Sci%American journal of practical nursingAm J Pract Nurs'American journal of preventive medicine Am J Prev MedAmerican journal of primatology Am J PrimatolAmerican journal of proctology Am J ProctolIAmerican journal of proctology, gastroenterology & colon & rectal surgery,Am J Proctol Gastroenterol Colon Rectal Surg"American journal of psychoanalysisAm J Psychoanal!American journal of psychotherapyAm J Psychother!American journal of public healthAm J Public Health9American journal of public health and the nation's health!Am J Public Health Nations HealthCAmerican journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989)Am J Reprod ImmunolAmerican journal of reproductive immunology : AJRI : official journal of the American Society for the Immunology of Reproduction and the International Coordination Committee for Immunology of ReproductionAm J Reprod ImmunolDAmerican journal of reproductive immunology and microbiology : AJRIMAm J Reprod Immunol Microbiol:American journal of respiratory and critical care medicineAm J Respir Crit Care Med:American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biologyAm J Respir Cell Mol BiolRAmerican journal of respiratory medicine : drugs, devices, and other interventionsAm J Respir MedAmerican journal of rhinology Am J RhinolAmerican journal of scienceAm J Sci\American journal of speech-language pathology / American Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationAm J Speech Lang PatholAmerican journal of surgery Am J Surg>American journal of syphilis, gonorrhea, and venereal diseasesAm J Syph Gonorrhea Vener Dis American journal of therapeutics Am J TherAmerican journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant SurgeonsAm J Transplant'American journal of veterinary medicine Am J Vet Med'American journal of veterinary research Am J Vet ResAmerican laboratoryAm LabAmerican laundry digest Am Laund Dig3American law reports. ALR 3d. Cases and annotationsAm Law Rep ALR 3rd Cases AnnotAmerican librariesAm LibrNAmerican literature; a journal of literary history, criticism and bibliographyAm LitAmerican medical news Am Med NewsAmerican pharmacyAm Pharm American philosophical quarterly Am Philos QAmerican politics quarterly Am Polit QAmerican potato journal Am Potato J-American practitioner and digest of treatmentAm Pract Dig TreatAmerican quarterlyAm QAmerican rehabilitation Am RehabilAmerican review of tuberculosis Am Rev TubercAmerican scientistAm SciAmerican sociological review Am Sociol RevAmerican speech Am Speech!American studies (Lawrence, Kan.)Am Stud (Lawrence)American zoologistAm ZoolAmericasAmericas (Engl ed)AmerikastudienAmerikastudienAmicusAmicus Amino acids Amino Acids Amphibian & reptile conservationAmphib Reptile Conserv Amstelodamum AmstelodamumAmyloid : the international journal of experimental and clinical investigation : the official journal of the International Society of AmyloidosisAmyloidAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron DiseasesAmyotroph Lateral SclerAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron disorders : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases1Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron DisordAnaerobeAnaerobe Anaesthesia AnaesthesiaAnaesthesia and intensive careAnaesth Intensive Care1Anaesthesia, resuscitation, and intensive therapyAnaesth Resusc Intensive Ther Anaesthesiologie und ReanimationAnaesthesiol Reanim Anais NestleAn Nestle (Rio De Janeiro)!Anais brasileiros de dermatologiaAn Bras Dermatol0Anais brasileiros de dermatologia e sifilografiaAn Bras Derm Sifilogr Anais brasileiros de ginecologiaAn Bras Ginecol(Anais da Academia Brasileira de CienciasAn Acad Bras Cienc@Anais da Escola Nacional de Saude Publica e de Medicina Tropical)An Esc Nacl Saude Publica Med Trop (Lisb)'Anais da Faculdade de Farmacia do PortoAn Fac Farm Porto.Anais da Faculdade de Medicina de Porto AlegreAn Fac Med Porto Alegre(Anais da Faculdade de Medicina do RecifeAn Fac Med RecifeGAnais da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco"An Fac Odontol Univ Fed PernambucopAnais de historia : publicacao do Departamento de Historia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras de AssisAn HistAnais de microbiologiaAn Microbiol (Rio J)1Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina TropicalAn Inst Hig Med Trop (Lisb)'Anais do Instituto de Medicina TropicalAn Inst Med Trop (Lisb)&Anais paulistas de medicina e cirurgiaAn Paul Med Cir+Anais. Sao Paulo, Brazil (City) MaternidadeAn Matern Sao Paulo7Anais. Universidade de Sao Paulo. Faculdade de MedicinaAn Fac Med Univ Sao PauloIAnalecta sacra Tarraconensia; revista de ciencias historico-eclesiasticasAnalecta Sacra TarraconEAnalele Universitatii Bucuresti: Istorie. Universitatea din BucurestiAn Univ Bucur IstorfAnalele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi. Sectiunea IIIc, Stiinte economice (1976)4An Stiint Univ AI I Cuza Iasi Sect III C Stiint Econ;Anales (Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Medicos (Lerida, Spain))An Ilustre Col Of MedJAnales - Instituto de Investigaciones Odontologicas, Universidad del Zulia"An Inst Invest Odontol (Maracaibo) Anales NestleAn Nestle (B Aires)*Anales chilenos de historia de la medicinaAn Chil Hist MedAnales de antropologia An AntropolAnales de cirugiaAn Cir (Rosario)Anales de farmacia hospitalariaAn Farm Hosp (Madr)%Anales de historia antigua y medievalAn Hist Antigua Mediev Anales de historia contemporaneaAn Hist ContempiAnales de la Academia de Geografia e Historia de Guatemala. Academia de Geografia e Historia de GuatemalaAn Acad Geogr Hist Guatem%Anales de la Casa de Salud ValdecillaAn Casa Salud Valdecilla/Anales de la Facultad de Medicina de MontevideoAn Fac Med MontevSAnales de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay!An Fac Med Univ Repub Montev Urug$Anales de la Facultad de OdontologiaAn Fac Odontol+Anales de la Facultad de Quimica y FarmaciaAn Fac Quim Farm (Santiago)/Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de MedicinaAn R Acad Nac Med (Madr)&Anales de la Real Academia de FarmaciaAn Real Acad FarmKAnales de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Ciencia y de la TecnologiaAn Soc Mex Hist Cienc Tec\Anales de la Sociedad de Geografia e Historia. Sociedad de Geografia e Historia de GuatemalaAn Soc Geogr HistAnales de medicina An Med (Barc)Anales de medicina (Lima, Peru) An Med (Lima)1Anales de medicina interna (Madrid, Spain : 1984)An Med InternaAnales de medicina publicaAn Med PublicaAnales de medicina y cirugia An Med CirAnales de medicina: Cirugia An Med Cir"Anales de medicina: Especialidades An Med EspecAnales de medicina: Medicina An Med Med-Anales de pediatria (Barcelona, Spain : 2003)An Pediatr (Barc)0Anales del Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San PabloAn Hosp St Cruz San PabloAnales del Instituto BarraquerAn Inst Barraquer8Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e HistoriaAn Inst Nac Antropol HistAnales del Instituto de Estudios Madrilenos. Instituto de Estudios Madrilenos (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas)An Inst Estud Madr4Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones VeterinariasAn Inst Invest Vet\Anales del Programa Academico de Medicina / Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de LimaAn Programa Acad Med (Lima)'Anales del sistema sanitario de NavarraAn Sist Sanit Navar'Anales espanoles de odontoestomatologiaAn Esp OdontoestomatolAnales espanoles de pediatriaAn Esp PediatrAnales medicos de ConcepcionAn Med Concepc.Anales otorrinolaringologicos ibero-americanosAn Otorrinolaringol Ibero AmFAnales. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de MedicinaAn Fac Med LimaLAnali Gazi Husrev-begove biblioteke. Gazi Husrevbegova biblioteka u SarajevuAn Gazi Husrev Begove Bibl)Anali Klinicke bolnice "Dr M. Stojanovic"An Klin Bol Dr M StojanovicAnalise SocialAnal Soc$Analisis politico (Bogota, Colombia) Anal Polit#Analog science fiction/science factAnalog Sci Fict Sci FactAnalysisAnalysis Analytica AnalyticaAnalytica chimica actaAnal Chim Acta&Analytical and bioanalytical chemistryAnal Bioanal Chem$Analytical and quantitative cytologyAnal Quant Cytol}Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology / the International Academy of Cytology [and] American Society of CytologyAnal Quant Cytol HistolAnalytical biochemistry Anal BiochemeAnalytical cellular pathology : the journal of the European Society for Analytical Cellular PathologyAnal Cell PatholAnalytical chemistry Anal ChemAnalytical letters Anal Lett]Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical ChemistryAnal SciAnalytische Psychologie Anal Psychol,Anasthesie, Intensivtherapie, NotfallmedizinAnasth Intensivther NotfallmedHAnasthesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie : AINS.Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther2Anasthesiologische und intensivmedizinische PraxisAnasthesiol Intensivmed PraxAnatomia clinica Anat ClinAnatomia e chirurgia Anat Chir!Anatomia, histologia, embryologiaAnat Histol Embryol+Anatomic pathology (Chicago, Ill. : annual) Anat Pathol(Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007)Anat Rec (Hoboken)(Anatomical record. Part B, New anatomistAnat Rec B New AnatEAnatomical science international / Japanese Association of Anatomists Anat Sci IntAnatomischer AnzeigerAnat AnzAnatomy and embryologyAnat Embryol (Berl)'Ancient philosophy (Garland Publishing) Anc PhilosAndover Newton quarterlyAndover Newton Q Andrologia Andrologia Andrologie AndrologieAnestesia e rianimazione Anest Rianim!Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiiaAnesteziol Reanimatol&Anesthesia & pain control in dentistryAnesth Pain Control DentAnesthesia and analgesia Anesth AnalgAnesthesia progress Anesth ProgAnesthesie et analgesie Anesth Anal"Anesthesie, analgesie, reanimationAnesth Analg (Paris)AnesthesiologyAnesthesiologyAnesthesiology clinicsAnesthesiol Clin'Anesthesiology clinics of North AmericaAnesthesiol Clin North AmericaAnesthesiology reviewAnesthesiol Rev Angeiologie AngeiologieQAngeiologie et annales de la Societe francaise d'angeiologie et d'histopathologie&Angeiol Ann Soc Fr Angeiol Histopathol Angelicum Angelicum0Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)Angew Chem Int Ed Engl8Angewandte Chemie (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)Angew Chem Weinheim Bergstr GerAngewandte ParasitologieAngew Parasitol Angiogenesis Angiogenesis Angiologia Angiologia Angiologica Angiologica Angiology Angiology$Anglia (Halle an der Saale, Germany)AngliaAnglican theological reviewAnglican Theol RevEAnglo-German medical review. Deutsch-englische medizinische RundschauAnglo Ger Med RevAnglo-Saxon EnglandAnglo Sax EnglAnhui nongxueyuan xuebao>Journal of Anhui Agricultural College|Anhui Nongxueyuan XuebaoAnimal behaviour Anim Behav$Animal biology (Leiden, Netherlands)Anim Biol Leiden NethAnimal biotechnologyAnim Biotechnol,Animal blood groups and biochemical geneticsAnim Blood Groups Biochem Genet8Animal blood groups and biochemical genetics. Supplement%Anim Blood Groups Biochem Genet SupplAnimal cognition Anim CognAnimal genetics Anim GenetRAnimal health research reviews / Conference of Research Workers in Animal DiseasesAnim Health Res RevAnimal learning & behaviorAnim Learn BehavAnimal production Anim ProdAnimal reproduction scienceAnim Reprod SciAnimal science journal%Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho|Anim. Sci. J.BAnimal technology : journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians Anim Technol%Animal welfare (South Mimms, England) Anim WelfRAnkara Universitesi Yilligi. Annales de l'Universite d'Ankara. Ankara UniversitesiAnn Univ AnkaraAnnales (Paris, France : 1946)Ann Econ Soc Civilis%Annales Academiae Medicae StetinensisAnn Acad Med Stetin0Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis. SuplementAnn Acad Med Stetin Supl8Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Ser. A.5, MedicaAnn Acad Sci Fenn AAnnales Nestle [English ed.]Ann Nestle [Eng] Annales Nestle. [Deutsche Aufl.]Ann Nestle [Ger]Annales Nestle. [Ed. francaise]Ann Nestle [Fr]AAnnales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio D: Medicina&Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sklodowska [Med]*Annales Universitatis Saraviensis. MedizinAnn Univ Sarav [Med]_Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae. Sectio Biologica2Ann Univ Sci Budap Rolando Eotvos Nominatae [Biol]Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae. Sectio geographica. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem0Ann Univ Sci Budap Rolando Eotvos Nom Sect Geogr'Annales archeologiques arabes syriennesAnn Archeol SyrieUAnnales belges de medecine militaire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor militaire geneeskundeAnn Belg Med Mil#Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiaeAnn Chir Gynaecol+Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae FenniaeAnn Chir Gynaecol Fenn9Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae Fenniae. SupplementumAnn Chir Gynaecol Fenn Suppl1Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae. SupplementumAnn Chir Gynaecol Suppl.Annales cisalpines d'histoire sociale. Serie IAnn Cisalp Hist SocAnnales d'anatomie pathologiqueAnn Anat Pathol (Paris)$Annales d'economie et de statistique Ann Econ StatAnnales d'endocrinologieAnn Endocrinol (Paris)Annales d'histochimie Ann Histochim+Annales d'hygiene et de medecine colonialesAnn Hyg Med ColonAnnales d'immunologieAnn Immunol (Paris)Annales d'oculistiqueAnn Ocul (Paris)|Annales d'oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale : bulletin de la Societe d'oto-laryngologie des hopitaux de ParisAnn Otolaryngol Chir CervicofacAnnales d'urologieAnn Urol (Paris)Annales de Bourgogne Ann Bourgogne*Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'OuestAnn Bretagne Payes OuestAnnales de Normandie Ann Normandie3Annales de biologie animale, biochimie, biophysiqueAnn Biol Anim Biochim BiophysAnnales de biologie cliniqueAnn Biol Clin (Paris)'Annales de cardiologie et d'angeiologieAnn Cardiol Angeiol (Paris)Annales de chirurgieAnn ChirVAnnales de chirurgie de la main : organe officiel des societes de chirurgie de la main Ann Chir MainAnnales de chirurgie infantileAnn Chir InfantAnnales de chirurgie plastiqueAnn Chir Plast,Annales de chirurgie plastique et esthetiqueAnn Chir Plast Esthet4Annales de chirurgie thoracique et cardio-vasculaireAnn Chir Thorac Cardiovasc!Annales de demographie historiqueAnn Demogr Hist (Paris),Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphieAnn Dermatol Syphiligr (Paris)*Annales de dermatologie et de venereologieAnn Dermatol VenereolAnnales de droit Annal Droit&Annales de droit international medicalAnn Droit Int Med-Annales de gastroenterologie et d'hepatologie!Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol (Paris)Annales de genetique Ann Genet,Annales de genetique et de selection animaleAnn Genet Sel AnimAnnales de geographie Ann GeorgrAnnales de l'EstAnn EstAnnales de l'INSEE Ann InseeAnnales de l'Institut PasteurAnn Inst Pasteur (Paris)&Annales de l'Institut Pasteur de LilleAnn Inst Pasteur Lille*Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. ImmunologieAnn Inst Pasteur Immunol)Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. ImmunologyAnn Inst Pasteur Immunol,Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. MicrobiologieAnn Inst Pasteur Microbiol+Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. MicrobiologyAnn Inst Pasteur Microbiol'Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. VirologyAnn Inst Pasteur VirolhAnnales de l'Institut archeologique du Luxembourg. Institut archeologique du Luxembourg (Arlon, Belgium)Ann Inst Archeol LuxembLAnnales de l'Universite d'Abidjan. Serie G: Geographie. Universite d'AbidjanAnn Univ Abidjan Ser G&Annales de l'anesthesiologie francaiseAnn Anesthesiol FrGAnnales de la Faculte des lettres et sciences humaines (Dakar, Senegal)Ann Fac Lett Sci Hum3Annales de la Societe belge d'histoire des hopitauxAnn Soc Belg Hist Hop1Annales de la Societe belge de medecine tropicaleAnn Soc Belg Med Trop+Annales de la Societe d'emulation de BrugesAnn soc Emul BrugesNAnnales de la Societe entomologique de France. Societe entomologique de FranceAnn Soc Entomol FrlAnnales de la Societe royale d'archeologie de Bruxelles. Societe royale d'archeologie de Bruxelles (Belgium)Ann Soc R Archeol BruxNAnnales de la Societe royale des sciences medicales et naturelles de BruxellesAnn Soc R Sci Med Nat Brux,Annales de la nutrition et de l'alimentationAnn Nutr AlimentAnnales de limnologie Ann LimnolAnnales de medecine interneAnn Med Interne (Paris)LAnnales de medecine legale, criminologie, police scientifique et toxicologie'Ann Med Leg Criminol Police Sci ToxicolAnnales de medecine physiqueAnn Med Phys (Lille)Annales de microbiologieAnn Microbiol (Paris),Annales de parasitologie humaine et compareeAnn Parasitol Hum CompAnnales de pathologie Ann PatholAnnales de pediatrieAnn Pediatr (Paris)Annales de physiqueAnn Phys (Paris)Annales de radiologieAnn Radiol (Paris)Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique : revue scientifique de la Societe francaise de reeducation fonctionnelle de readaptation et de medecine physiqueAnn Readapt Med PhysAAnnales de recherches veterinaires. Annals of veterinary research Ann Rech VetZAnnales du Cercle royal d'histoire et d'archeologie d'Ath et de la region et musees athoisAnn Cerc Roy Hist Archeol AthAnnales du MidiAnn MidiMAnnales du Service des antiquites de l'Egypte / Ministere des travaux publicsAnn Serv Antiq Egypte1Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimationAnn Fr Anesth Reanim.Annales historiques de la Revolution francaiseAnn Hist Revolut FrAnnales historiques du MantoisAnn Hist MantoisAnnales immunologiae HungaricaeAnn Immunol HungAnnales medicales de Nancy Ann Med Nancy5Annales medicinae experimentalis et biologiae FenniaeAnn Med Exp Biol Fenn"Annales medicinae internae FenniaeAnn Med Intern Fenn0Annales medicinae internae Fenniae. SupplementumAnn Med Intern Fenn SupplAnnales medico-psychologiquesAnn Med Psychol (Paris)Annales odonto-stomatologiquesAnn Odontostomatol (Lyon)Annales paediatriae FenniaeAnn Paediatr Fenn7Annales paediatrici. International review of pediatrics Ann Paediatr"Annales pharmaceutiques francaises Ann Pharm Fr;Annales scientifiques de l'Universite de Besancon. MedecineAnn Sci Univ Besancon Med9Annales. Faculte des lettres et sciences humaines de NiceAnn Fac Lett Sci Hum Nice=Annales. Societe francaise d'angeiologie et d'histopathologieAnn Soc Angeiol Histopathologie)Annali - Istituto Giangiacomo FeltrinelliAnn Ist Giangiacomo Feltrinelli0Annali Isnardi di auxologia normale e patologicaAnn Isnardi Auxol Norm Patol"Annali Sclavo. Collana monograficaAnn Sclavo Collana Monogr8Annali Sclavo; rivista di microbiologia e di immunologia Ann SclavoAnnali d'igiene Ann Ig (Roma)&Annali dell'Istituto "Carlo Forlanini"Ann Ist Carlo Forlanini?Annali dell'Istituto e museo di storia della scienza di FirenzeAnn Ist Mus Stor Sci Fir(Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanitaAnn Ist Super Sanita-Annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di TorinoAnn Osp Maria Vittoria TorinoDAnnali della Facolta di economia e commercio (Universita di Messina)Ann Fac Econ CommerTAnnali della Facolta di medicina e chirurgia della Universita degli studi di Perugia#Ann Fac Med Chir Univ Studi Perugia?Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. Fondazione Luigi EinaudiAnn Fond Luigi EinaudinAnnali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia. Scuola normale superiore (Italy)Ann Sc Norm Super PisaAnnali della sanita pubblicaAnn Sanita PubblicaAnnali di chimicaAnn Chim4Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunitaAnn Ig9Annali di laringologia, otologia, rinologia, faringologia Ann Laringol Otol Rinol FaringolAnnali di medicina navaleAnn Med Nav (Roma)%Annali di medicina navale e tropicaleAnn Med Nav Trop&Annali di microbiologia ed enzimologiaAnn Microbiol Enzimol)Annali di neuropsichiatria e psicoanalisiAnn Neuropsichiatr Psicoanal"Annali di ostetricia e ginecologiaAnn Ostet Ginecol6Annali di ostetricia, ginecologia, medicina perinataleAnn Ostet Ginecol Med Perinat+Annali di ottalmologia e clinica oculisticaAnn Ottalmol Clin Ocul Annali di radiologia diagnosticaAnn Radiol Diagn (Bologna)Annali di stomatologiaAnn Stomatol (Roma)Annali italiani di chirurgia Ann Ital Chir.Annali italiani di dermatologia e sifilografiaAnn Ital Dermatol SifilograAnnali italiani di medicina interna : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di medicina internaAnn Ital Med IntAnnali italiani di pediatriaAnn Ital Pediatr Annali mediciAnn Med (Milano)Annali medici di SondaloAnn Med Sondalo;Annals (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada)Ann R Coll Physicians Surg CanAnnals of IowaAnn IowaAnnals of Saudi medicine Ann Saudi Med)Annals of Wyoming (Cheyenne, Wyo. : 1925)Ann Wyo8Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEMAnn Agric Environ MedAnnals of allergy Ann AllergyvAnnals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & ImmunologyAnn Allergy Asthma ImmunolAnnals of arid zone Ann Arid ZoneSAnnals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine Ann Behav Med0Annals of biochemistry and experimental medicineAnn Biochem Exp MedAnnals of biologyAnn Biol Annals of biomedical engineeringAnn Biomed EngAnnals of botanyAnn Bot (Lond)Annals of cardiac anaesthesiaAnn Card Anaesth)Annals of clinical and laboratory scienceAnn Clin Lab SciAnnals of clinical biochemistryAnn Clin Biochem%Annals of clinical laboratory scienceAnn Clin Lab Sci2Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobialsAnn Clin Microbiol AntimicrobbAnnals of clinical psychiatry : official journal of the American Academy of Clinical PsychiatristsAnn Clin PsychiatryAnnals of clinical research Ann Clin ResAnnals of dentistryAnn DentAnnals of diagnostic pathologyAnn Diagn PatholAnnals of dyslexia Ann DyslexiaAnnals of emergency medicine Ann Emerg MedAnnals of epidemiology Ann EpidemiolAnnals of eugenics Ann EugenAnnals of family medicine Ann Fam Med%Annals of general hospital psychiatryAnn Gen Hosp PsychiatryAnnals of general psychiatryAnn Gen PsychiatryYAnnals of health law / Loyola University Chicago, School of Law, Institute for Health LawAnn Health LawAnnals of hematology Ann HematolPAnnals of hepatology : official journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology Ann HepatolAnnals of human biology Ann Hum BiolAnnals of human genetics Ann Hum GenetAnnals of hygieneAnn HygAnnals of immunology Ann ImmunolAnnals of internal medicineAnn Intern MedAnnals of medical history Ann Med HistAnnals of medicineAnn MedAnnals of microbiology Ann MicrobiolAnnals of neurology Ann NeurolAnnals of noninvasive electrocardiology : the official journal of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology, IncAnn Noninvasive ElectrocardiolAnnals of nuclear medicine Ann Nucl Med Annals of nutrition & metabolismAnn Nutr MetabYAnnals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO Ann OncolAnnals of ophthalmologyAnn Ophthalmol&Annals of ophthalmology (Skokie, Ill.)Ann Ophthalmol (Skokie)AAnnals of periodontology / the American Academy of PeriodontologyAnn PeriodontolAnnals of physical medicine Ann Phys MedAnnals of plastic surgeryAnn Plast SurgAnnals of scienceAnn SciAnnals of surgeryAnn Surg*Annals of surgical innovation and researchAnn Surg Innov ResAnnals of surgical oncologyAnn Surg Oncol,Annals of the Academy of Medicine, SingaporeAnn Acad Med SingaporeVAnnals of the Association of American Geographers. Association of American GeographersAnn Assoc Am Geogr3Annals of the Australian College of Dental SurgeonsAnn Aust Coll Dent Surg.Annals of the Entomological Society of AmericaAnn Entomol Soc AmAnnals of the ICRPAnn ICRP?Annals of the Medical Section of the Polish Academy of SciencesAnn Med Sect Pol Acad Sci:Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)Ann Natl Acad Med Sci8Annals of the National Association of Geographers, IndiaAnn Natl Assoc Geogr*Annals of the New York Academy of SciencesAnn N Y Acad Sci;Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental SurgeonsAnn R Australas Coll Dent Surg2Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of EnglandAnn R Coll Surg Engl/Annals of the Social Science Council of NigeriaAnn Soc Sci Counc Niger"Annals of the history of computingAnn Hist Comput Annals of the rheumatic diseases Ann Rheum DisAnnals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of AsiaAnn Thorac Cardiovasc SurgKAnnals of transplantation : quarterly of the Polish Transplantation SocietyAnn Transplant,Annals of tropical medicine and parasitologyAnn Trop Med ParasitolAnnals of tropical paediatricsAnn Trop PaediatrAnnals of tuberculosis Ann TubercAnnals of vascular surgery Ann Vasc Surg&Annals of western medicine and surgeryAnn West Med SurgAnnotated laws of Massachusetts : containing all the laws of Massachusetts of a general and permanent nature / completely annotated by the editorial staff of the publisher. MassachusettsAnnot Laws Mass MassZAnnotation : the newsletter of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission Annotation"Annotationes zoologicae JaponensesAnnot Zool Jpn/Annuaire - Facultes catholiques de Lille (1972)Fac Cathol LilleAnnuaire de l'Afrique du Nord Annu Afr Nord#Annuaire des pays de l'ocean indienAnnu Pays Ocean Indien_Annual Conference on Research in Medical Education. Conference on Research in Medical EducationAnnu Conf Res Med Educ,Annual Symposium on Nursing Faculty PracticeAnnu Symp Nurs Fac Pract3Annual meeting - American Institute of Oral BiologyAnnu Meet Am Inst Oral BiolAnnual proceedings / Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Association for the Advancement of Automotive MedicineAnnu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med(Annual progress in reproductive medicineAnnu Prog Reprod MedAnnual report - Division of Biological and Medical Research, Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne National Laboratory. Division of Biological and Medical Research*Annu Rep Div Biol Med Res Argonne Natl LabEAnnual report of the Council. Royal Society of Health (Great Britain)Annu Rep R Soc Promot HealthTAnnual report of the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University)Annu Rep Res Inst Environ Med Nagoya Univ%Annual reports in medicinal chemistryAnnu Rep Med ChemAnnual review of anthropologyAnnu Rev Anthropol+Annual review of astronomy and astrophysicsAnnu Rev Astron AstrophysAnnual review of biochemistryAnnu Rev Biochem'Annual review of biomedical engineeringAnnu Rev Biomed Eng.Annual review of biophysics and bioengineeringAnnu Rev Biophys Bioeng6Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structureAnnu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct5Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistryAnnu Rev Biophys Biophys Chem/Annual review of cell and developmental biologyAnnu Rev Cell Dev BiolAnnual review of cell biologyAnnu Rev Cell Biol$Annual review of clinical psychologyAnnu Rev Clin Psychol-Annual review of earth and planetary sciencesAnnu Rev Earth Planet Sci(Annual review of ecology and systematicsAnnu Rev Ecol SystAnnual review of entomologyAnnu Rev Entomol Annual review of fluid mechanicsAnnu Rev Fluid MechAnnual review of geneticsAnnu Rev Genet,Annual review of genomics and human geneticsAnnu Rev Genomics Hum Genet)Annual review of gerontology & geriatricsAnnu Rev Gerontol GeriatrAnnual review of immunologyAnnu Rev ImmunolAnnual review of medicine Annu Rev MedAnnual review of microbiologyAnnu Rev MicrobiolAnnual review of neuroscienceAnnu Rev Neurosci Annual review of nuclear scienceAnnu Rev Nucl Sci!Annual review of nursing researchAnnu Rev Nurs ResAnnual review of nutrition Annu Rev NutrAnnual review of pharmacologyAnnu Rev Pharmacol,Annual review of pharmacology and toxicologyAnnu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol#Annual review of physical chemistryAnnu Rev Phys ChemAnnual review of physiologyAnnu Rev PhysiolAnnual review of phytopathologyAnnu Rev PhytopatholAnnual review of plant biologyAnnu Rev Plant Biol!Annual review of plant physiologyAnnu Rev Plant Physiol=Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology%Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol BiolAnnual review of population lawAnnu Rev Popul LawAnnual review of psychologyAnnu Rev PsycholAnnual review of public healthAnnu Rev Public HealthAnnual review of rehabilitationAnnu Rev RehabilAnnual review of sex researchAnnu Rev Sex ResAnnual review of sociologyAnnu Rev SociolBAnnual statistical supplement, ... to the Social security bulletinAnnu Stat Suppl Soc Secur BullAnnual survey of American lawAnnu Surv Am LawAnnuale mediaevale Annu MediaevgAnnuario statistico dell'assistenza e della previdenza sociale. Istituto centrale di statistica (Italy)Annu Stat Assist Previd SocAnotaciones pediatricas Anot PediatrAntaiosAntaiosDAntarctic journal of the United States / National Science Foundation Antarct J US5Antarctic science / Blackwell Scientific Publications Antarct Sci Anthropologia AnthropologiaAnthropologiai kozlemenyekAnthropol KozlAnthropologicaAnthropologica@Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural HistoryAnthropol Pap Am Mus Nat HistAnthropological quarterly Anthropol QJAnthropological science : journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon!Jinruigaku zasshi|Anthropol. Sci.Anthropologie et societes Anthropol SocRAnthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht uber die biologisch-anthropologische Literatur Anthropol Anz$Anthropology & archeology of EurasiaAnthropol Archeol Eurasia"Anthropology & education quarterlyAnthropol Educ QAnthropology U.C.L.AAnthropol UCLA!Anthropology of work review : AWRAnthropol Work RevAnthropology todayAnthropol TodayKAnthropotes / Istituto Giovanni Paolo II per studi su matrimonio e famiglia Anthropotes/Anthroquest : the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation news Anthroquest Anthrozoos Anthrozoos)Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistryAnticancer Agents Med ChemAnti-cancer drug designAnticancer Drug DesAnti-cancer drugsAnticancer Drugs&Antibiotic medicine & clinical therapyAntibiotic Med Clin Ther Antibiotica Antibiotica=Antibiotica et chemotherapia. Fortschritte. Advances. ProgresAntibiot ChemotherAntibiotics and chemotherapyAntibiot ChemotherAntibiotics annual Antibiot Annu Antibiotiki AntibiotikiAnticancer researchAnticancer Res Antichthon Antichthon Anticipation AnticipationAntiekAntiek Antike Welt Antike Welt%Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy)Antimicrobial Agents Chemother (Bethesda)Antioquia medica Antioquia MedAntioxidants & redox signalingAntioxid Redox SignalAntipodeAntipode AntiqueWeek Antiqueweek Antiquity Antiquity)Antisense & nucleic acid drug developmentAntisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev"Antisense research and developmentAntisense Res Dev"Antiviral chemistry & chemotherapyAntivir Chem ChemotherAntiviral research Antiviral ResAntiviral therapy Antivir TherAntonie van LeeuwenhoekAntonie Van Leeuwenhoek!Anuario Brasileiro De OdontologiaAnu Bras OdontolAnuario de estudios Atlanticos Anu Estud AtlAnuario de estudios americanos Anu Estud Am$Anuario de estudios centroamericanosAnu Estud CentroamAnuario de estudios medievalesAnu Estud MedievAnuario indigenista Anu IndigAnuarul Institutului de Istorie si Arheologie "A. D. Xenopol" Academia Republicii Socialiste Romania. Institutul de Istorie si Arheologie "A.D. Xenopol."Anu Isnt Istor Arheol XenopolAnxietyAnxietyAnxiety, stress, and copingAnxiety Stress CopingXAnzeiger (Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse)#Anz Philol Hist Kl Osterr Akad Wiss&Anzeiger fur die AltertumswissenschaftAnz AltertwissApeiron (Montreal, Quebec)ApeironApexApex Aphasiology Aphasiology ApolloniaApollonia (Sydney)=Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death ApoptosisApotheker und Kunst Apoth KunstAppalachian journal Appalach JAppetiteAppetiteApplicable analysis Appl AnaljApplied & preventive psychology : journal of the American Association of Applied and Preventive PsychologyAppl Prev Psychol&Applied and environmental microbiologyAppl Environ MicrobiolkApplied and theoretical electrophoresis : the official journal of the International Electrophoresis SocietyAppl Theor Electrophor Applied animal behaviour scienceAppl Anim Behav Sci!Applied behavioral science reviewAppl Behav Sci Rev&Applied biochemistry and biotechnologyAppl Biochem Biotechnol%Applied biochemistry and microbiologyAppl Biochem MicrobiolApplied bioinformaticsAppl BioinformaticsApplied cardiology Appl Cardiol-Applied cardiopulmonary pathophysiology : ACPAppl Cardiopulm PathophysiolApplied catalysis Appl CatalApplied cognitive psychologyAppl Cogn PsycholYApplied demography / Population Association of America, Applied Demography Interest Group Appl DemorApplied developmental science Appl Dev SciApplied economics Appl EcongApplied economics discussion paper series / University of Oxford, Institute of Economics and StatisticsAppl Econ Discuss Pap SerApplied economics lettersAppl Econ Lett"Applied engineering in agricultureAppl Eng AgricApplied entomology and zoologyAppl Entomol Zool (Jpn)Applied ergonomics Appl ErgonbApplied geochemistry : journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry Appl Geochem&Applied geography (Sevenoaks, England) Appl Geogr!Applied geography and developmentAppl Geogr Dev*Applied health economics and health policyAppl Health Econ Health Policy=Applied human science : journal of physiological anthropologyAppl Human SciApplied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology : AIMM / official publication of the Society for Applied Immunohistochemistry Appl Immunohistochem Mol MorpholApplied magnetic resonanceAppl Magn ResonApplied mathematical modellingAppl Math ModelApplied microbiologyAppl Microbiol&Applied microbiology and biotechnologyAppl Microbiol BiotechnolApplied microgravity technologyAppl Micrograv TechnolApplied neurophysiologyAppl NeurophysiolApplied neuropsychologyAppl NeuropsycholApplied nursing research : ANR Appl Nurs Res.Applied occupational and environmental hygieneAppl Occup Environ HygApplied opticsAppl OptApplied parasitologyAppl ParasitolApplied pathology Appl Pathol&Applied philosophy (Fort Pierce, Fla.) Appl PhilosApplied physics lettersAppl Phys Lett%Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics Appl Phys BApplied polymer symposiaAppl Polym SympApplied psycholinguisticsAppl Psycholinguist(Applied psychophysiology and biofeedbackAppl Psychophysiol BiofeedbackzApplied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicineAppl Radiat IsotApplied radiology Appl Radiol&Applied research in mental retardationAppl Res Ment Retard0Applied rheology (Lappersdorf, Germany : Online) Appl RheolApplied spectroscopyAppl SpectroscApplied statistics Appl StatApplied therapeutics Appl Ther7Apres-demain / fonde par la Ligue des droits de l'homme Apres DemainAptechnoe delo Aptechn Delo$Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Aquaculture+Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Aquat ToxicolArab affairs (London, England)Arab AffArab studies quarterly Arab Stud QArabia (London, England)ArabiaArabicaArabicaAramco world magazineAramco World MagArbeit und SozialesArb Soz[Arbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (Bundesamt fur Sera und Impfstoffe) zu Frankfurt a.M:Arb Paul Ehrlich Inst Bundesamt Sera Impfstoffe Frankf A MnArbeiten aus dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, dem Georg-Speyer-Haus und dem Ferdinand-Blum-Institut zu Frankfurt a.MFArb Paul Ehrlich Inst Georg Speyer Haus Ferdinand Blum Inst Frankf A M.Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin in GiessenArb Gesch Med Giessen/Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Praventivmedizin!Arbeitsmed Sozialmed PraventivmedIArbeitsphysiologie; internationale Zeitschrift fur angewandte PhysiologieArbeitsphysiologieArbetarrorelsens arsbokArbetarrorel ArsbArborArborLArc de cercle : an international journal of the history of the mind-sciences Arc CercleArchaea (Vancouver, B.C.)ArchaeaDArchaeologia aeliana, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquityArchaeol AelianaArchaeologia cantianaArchaeol Cantiana Archaeology ArchaeologyArchaologischer Anzeiger Archaeol AnzArcheion iatrikon epistemonArch Iatr EpistemArcheologia (Torun, Poland) ArcheologiawArchief. Mededelingen van het Koninklijk zeeuwsch genootschap der wetenschappen. Zeeuwsch genootschap der wetenschappen#Archief Meded k Zeeuwsch Genoot Wet Archifacts ArchifactsArchitectural record Archit RecArchitecture (Washington, D.C.) Architecture-Archiv der Geschichte der NaturwissenschaftenArch Gesch Naturwiss_Archiv der Julius Klaus-Stiftung fur Vererbungsforschung, Sozialanthropologie und RassenhygieneBArch Julius Klaus Stift Vererbungsforsch Sozialanthropol RassenhygArchiv der Pharmazie Arch PharmMArchiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen GesellschaftArch Pharm Ber Dtsch Pharm GesArchiv for pharmaci og chemiArch Pharm Chem (Kbh)Archiv fur GenetikArch Genet (Zur)$Archiv fur Geschichte des BuchwesensArch Gesch BuchwesArchiv fur GeschwulstforschungArch Geschwulstforsch/Archiv fur Gewerbepathologie und GewerbehygieneArch Gewerbepathol GewerbehygArchiv fur Gynakologie Arch Gynakol$Archiv fur Hygiene und BakteriologieArch Hyg BakteriolArchiv fur KinderheilkundeArch Kinderheilkd$Archiv fur Kinderheilkunde. BeihefteArch Kinderheilkd SupplArchiv fur KreislaufforschungArch KreislaufforschArchiv fur Kriminologie Arch KriminolArchiv fur Kultur-geschichteArch KulturgeschvArchiv fur Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie. Serie B: Klimatologie, Umweltmeteorologie, Strahlungsforschung%Arch Meteorol Geophys Bioklimatol [B]Archiv fur MikrobiologieArch MikrobioloArchiv fur Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde, vereinigt mit Zeitschrift fur Hals-, Nasen- und OhrenheilkundeArch Ohren Nasen KehlkopfheilkdArchiv fur OrientforschungArch Orientforsch1Archiv fur Papyrusforschung und verwandte GebieteArch PapyrusforschArchiv fur ProtistenkundeArch Protistenkd,Archiv fur Psychiatrie und NervenkrankheitenArch Psychiatr NervenkrrArchiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, vereinigt mit Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie2Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr Z Gesamte Neurol PsychiatrArchiv fur PsychologieArch Psychol (Frankf)!Archiv fur ReformationsgeschichteArch Reformation HistArchiv fur SozialgeschichteArch SozialgeschArchiv fur TierernahrungArch TierernahrArchiv fur Toxikologie Arch Toxikol$Archiv fur dermatologische ForschungArch Dermatol Forsch)Archiv fur die Geschichte von OberfrankenArch Gesch Oberfranken"Archiv fur die gesamte PsychologieArch Gesamte Psychol%Archiv fur die gesamte VirusforschungArch Gesamte Virusforsch*Archiv fur experimentelle VeterinarmedizinArch Exp VeterinarmedArchiv fur klinische Medizin Arch Klin Med4Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle DermatologieArch Klin Exp DermatolKArchiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ohren- Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde(Arch Klin Exp Ohren Nasen KehlkopfheilkdArchiv fur lebensmittelhygieneArch Lebensmittelhyg-Archiv fur orthopadische und Unfall-ChirurgieArch Orthop Unfallchir!Archiv fur physikalische TherapieArch Phys Ther (Leipz)Archiv orientalni Arch OrientArchivalische ZeitschriftArch Z Archivaria Archivaria%Archive for history of exact sciencesArch Hist Exact SciOArchive reporter. Data Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention Arch ReportArchives belges de dermatologieArch Belg Dermatol4Archives belges de dermatologie et de syphiligraphieArch Belg Dermatol SyphiligrArchives belges de medecine sociale, hygiene, medecine du travail et medecine legale. Belgisch archief van sociale geneeskunde, hygiene, arbeidsgeneeskunde en gerechtelijke geneeskundeArch Belg Med Soc1Archives d'anatomie et de cytologie pathologiquesArch Anat Cytol PatholAArchives d'anatomie microscopique et de morphologie experimentaleArch Anat Microsc Morphol Exp Archives d'anatomie pathologiqueArch Anat Pathol (Paris)MArchives d'anatomie, d'histologie et d'embryologie normales et experimentalesArch Anat Histol EmbryolArchives d'ophtalmologieArch Ophtalmol (Paris):Archives d'ophtalmologie et revue generale d'ophtalmologie Arch Ophtalmol Rev Gen OphtalmolArchives de biologieArch Biol (Liege)CArchives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algerie Institut Pasteur d'AlgerieArch Inst Pasteur Alger,Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de MadagascarArch Inst Pasteur Madagascar'Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de TunisArch Inst Pasteur Tunis/Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de la MartiniqueArch Inst Pasteur Martinique)Archives de l'Institut Pasteur helleniqueArch Inst Pasteur Hell*Archives de medecine generale et tropicaleArch Med Gen TropArchives de medecine sociale Arch Med SocLArchives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie Arch PediatrArchives de philosophie Arch Philos+Archives de sciences sociales des religionsArch Sci Soc ReligArchives de stomatologie Arch StomatolLArchives des maladies de l'appareil digestif et des maladies de la nutritionArch Mal Appar Dig Mal Nutr/Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseauxArch Mal Coeur VaissTArchives des maladies professionnelles de medecine du travail et de securite sociale Arch Mal Prof\Archives des sciences / editees par la Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle de GeneveArch SciArchives des sciences et compte rendu des seances de la Societe / edites par la Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Geneve!Arch Sci Compte Rendu Seances Soc$Archives des sciences physiologiquesArch Sci Physiol (Paris)eArchives europeennes de sociologie. European journal of sociology. Europaisches Archiv fur SoziologieArch Eur SociolJArchives for dermatological research. Archiv fur dermatologische ForschungArch Dermatol Res Archives francaises de pediatrieArch Fr Pediatr7Archives francaises des maladies de l'appareil digestifArch Fr Mal App DigArchives hospitalieresArch Hosp (Paris)'Archives internationales Claude BernardArch Int Claude Bernard0Archives internationales d'histoire des sciencesArch Int Hist Sci (Paris)iArchives internationales de neurologie, des maladies hereditaires, de medecine mentale et psychosomatiqueArch Int Neurol:Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de therapieArch Int Pharmacodyn Ther'Archives internationales de physiologieArch Int Physiol7Archives internationales de physiologie et de biochimieArch Int Physiol BiochimGArchives internationales de physiologie, de biochimie et de biophysique Arch Int Physiol Biochim BiophysArchives italiennes de biologieArch Ital Biol3Archives medicales de l'Ouest: Angers/Nantes/RennesArch Med Ouest%Archives mediterraneennes de medecineArch Mediterr MedArchives of AIDS research Arch AIDS ResArchives of Iranian medicine Arch Iran MedArchives of STD/HIV researchArch STD HIV ResArchives of andrology Arch AndrolArchives of animal nutritionArch Anim NutrArchives of biochemistry Arch Biochem'Archives of biochemistry and biophysicsArch Biochem BiophysArchives of child healthArch Child HealthiArchives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of NeuropsychologistsArch Clin Neuropsychol#Archives of dermatological researchArch Dermatol ResArchives of dermatology Arch Dermatol'Archives of dermatology and syphilologyArch Derm Syphilol Archives of disease in childhoodArch Dis Child@Archives of disease in childhood. Education and practice editionArch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed<Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal EdArchives of emergency medicineArch Emerg Med/Archives of environmental & occupational healthArch Environ Occup Health6Archives of environmental contamination and toxicologyArch Environ Contam Toxicol Archives of environmental healthArch Environ HealthArchives of facial plastic surgery : official publication for the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc. and the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery SocietiesArch Facial Plast SurgArchives of family medicine Arch Fam MedArchives of general psychiatryArch Gen Psychiatry&Archives of gerontology and geriatricsArch Gerontol Geriatr2Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. SupplementArch Gerontol Geriatr SupplArchives of gynecology Arch Gynecol%Archives of gynecology and obstetricsArch Gynecol Obstet"Archives of histology and cytologyArch Histol Cytol8Archives of industrial hygiene and occupational medicineArch Ind Hyg Occup Med.Archives of insect biochemistry and physiologyArch Insect Biochem Physiol.Archives of interamerican rheumatology : A.I.RArch Interam RheumatolArchives of internal medicineArch Intern MedArchives of medical research Arch Med ResArchives of microbiologyArch MicrobiolArchives of natural history Arch Nat HistArchives of neurology Arch Neurol$Archives of neurology and psychiatryArch Neurol PsychiatryArchives of ophthalmology Arch OphthalArchives of oral biologyArch Oral Biol*Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgeryArch Orthop Trauma Surg\Archives of orthopaedic and traumatic surgery. Archiv fur orthopadische und Unfall-ChirurgieArch Orthop Trauma Surg!Archives of oto-rhino-laryngologyArch OtorhinolaryngolArchives of otolaryngologyArch Otolaryngol1Archives of otolaryngology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)Arch OtolaryngolArchives of pathologyArch Pathol (Chic)+Archives of pathology & laboratory medicineArch Pathol Lab MedArchives of pediatrics Arch Pediatr,Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicineArch Pediatr Adolesc MedArchives of pharmacal researchArch Pharm ResArchives of physical medicine Arch Phys Med0Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitationArch Phys Med RehabilArchives of physical therapyArch Phys Ther'Archives of physiology and biochemistryArch Physiol BiochemArchives of psychiatric nursingArch Psychiatr NursArchives of sexual behaviorArch Sex BehavaArchives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide ResearchArch Suicide ResArchives of surgery Arch Surg*Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) Arch SurgArchives of toxicology Arch ToxicolArchives of virology Arch Virol"Archives of virology. SupplementumArch Virol Suppl!Archives of women's mental healthArch Womens Ment HealthCArchives roumaines de pathologie experimentales et de microbiologieArch Roum Pathol Exp MicrobiolArchives. Middlesex HospitalArch Middx Hosp!Archivii italiani di laringologiaArch Ital Laringol/Archivio "E. Maragliano" di patologia e clinicaArch Maragliano Patol Clin7Archivio "Putti" di chirurgia degli organi di movimentoArch Putti Chir Organi MovDArchivio "de Vecchi" per l'anatomia patologica e la medicina clinicaArch De Vecchi Anat PatolArchivio - Ospedale al mare Arch Osp MareKArchivio Monaldi per la tisiologia e le malattie dell'apparato respiratorio Arch Monaldi+Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del toraceArch Monaldi Mal Torace.Archivio della Societa romana di storia patriaArch Soc Rom Stor Patria Archivio di chirurgia del toraceArchivio Chir Torace0Archivio di chirurgia toracica e cardiovascolareArch Chir Torac Cardiovasc6Archivio di farmacologia sperimentale e scienze affiniArch Farmacol Sper Sci AffinArchivio di fisiologia Arch FisiolArchivio di medicina internaArch Med Interna!Archivio di medicina mutualisticaArch Med MutualArchivio di ortopedia Arch Ortop$Archivio di ostetricia e ginecologiaArch Ostet GinecolArchivio di ottalmologia Arch Ottamol&Archivio di patologia e clinica medicaArch Patol Clin Med0Archivio di psicologia, neurologia e psichiatriaArch Psicol Neurol PsichiatrArchivio di radiologia Arch RadiolArchivio di scienze biologicheArch Sci Biol (Bologna)Archivio di tisiologia Arch TisiolBArchivio di tisiologia e delle malattie dell'apparato respiratorioArch Tisiol Mal Appar Respir,Archivio internazionale di studi neurologici Arch Internazionale Studi Neurol8Archivio italiano delle malattie dell'apparato digerenteArch Ital Mal Appar DigYArchivio italiano di anatomia e di embriologia. Italian journal of anatomy and embryologyArch Ital Anat Embriol4Archivio italiano di anatomia e istologia patologicaArch Ital Anat Istol PatolArchivio italiano di chirurgiaArch Ital Chir?Archivio italiano di dermatologia, sifilografia, e venereologia$Arch Ital Dermatol Sifilogr Venereol>Archivio italiano di dermatologia, venereologia, e sessuologia#Arch Ital Dermatol Venereol Sessuol7Archivio italiano di otologia, rinologia e laringologiaArch Ital Otol Rinol LaringolDArchivio italiano di otologia, rinologia e laringologia. Supplemento#Arch Ital Otol Rinol Laringol Suppl`Archivio italiano di otologia, rinologia, laringologia e patologia cervico-facciale. Supplemento5Arch Ital Otol Rinol Laringol Patol Cervicofacc SupplTArchivio italiano di otologia, rinologia, laringologia, e patologia cervico-facciale/Arch Ital Otol Rinol Laringol Patol Cervicofacc3Archivio italiano di patologia e clinica dei tumoriArch Ital Patol Clin Tumori-Archivio italiano di pediatria e puericolturaArch Ital Pediatr Pueric+Archivio italiano di scienze farmacologicheArch Ital Sci FarmacolBArchivio italiano di scienze mediche tropicali e di parassitologia!Arch Ital Sci Med Trop ParassitolArchivio italiano di urologiaArch Ital Urol*Archivio italiano di urologia e nefrologiaArch Ital Urol NefrolArchivio italiano di urologia, andrologia : organo ufficiale [di] Societa italiana di ecografia urologica e nefrologica / Associazione ricerche in urologiaArch Ital Urol AndrolArchivio per le scienze medicheArch Sci Med (Torino)Archivio stomatologicoArch Stomatol (Napoli)Archivio storico italianoArch Stor ItalArchivio storico lombardoArch Stor Lomb+Archivio storico per le province napoletaneArch Stor Prov Napol2Archivio storico siciliano (Palermo, Italy : 1946)Arch Stor SicilArchivio veneto (1927) Arch VenetoArchivio veterinario italiano Arch Vet ItalArchivmitteilungenArchivmitteilungenArchivni casopisArch CasArchivo espanol de morfologiaArch Esp MorfolArchivo hispalense Arch HispArchivo ibero-americano Arch Ibero Am+Archivos De Historia Da Medicina PortuguezaArch Hist Med Port#Archivos argentinos de dermatologiaArch Argent Dermatol Archivos argentinos de pediatriaArch Argent Pediatr!Archivos argentinos de tisiologiaArch Argent Tisiol0Archivos argentinos de tisiologia y neumonologiaArch Argent Tisiol Neumonol Archivos cubanos de cancerologiaArch Cuba CancerolArchivos de biologia andinaArch Biol Andina.Archivos de biologia y medicina experimentalesArch Biol Med Exp (Santiago)Archivos de bronconeumologiaArch Bronconeumol!Archivos de cardiologia de MexicoArch Cardiol Mex,Archivos de enfermedades del corazon y vasosArch Enferm Coraz Vasos&Archivos de farmacologia y toxicologiaArch Farmacol Toxicol*Archivos de histologia normal y patologicaArch Histol Norm Patol Archivos de investigacion medicaArch Invest Med (Mex)#Archivos de la Fundacion Roux-OcefaArch Fund Roux Ocefa0Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de OftalmologiaArch Soc Esp Oftalmol7Archivos de la Sociedad Oftalmologica Hispano-AmericanaArchivos Soc Oftalmol Hisp Am-Archivos de la Sociedad de Cirujanos de ChileArch Soc Cir ChileVArchivos de medicina experimental; trabajos del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas Arch Med ExpArchivos de medicina infantilArch Med Infant2Archivos de medicina interna (Montevideo, Uruguay)Arch Med InternArchivos de neurobiologiaArch Neurobiol (Madr) Archivos de odonto estomatologiaArch Odonto Estomatol(Archivos de oftalmologia de Buenos AiresArch Oftalmol B AiresArchivos de pediatriaArch Pediatr (Barc)!Archivos de pediatria del UruguayArch Pediatr Urug*Archivos del Colegio Medico de El SalvadorArch Col Med El Salv)Archivos del Instituto de Biologia AndinaArch Inst Biol Andina/Archivos del Instituto de Cardiologia de MexicoArch Inst Cardiol Mex>Archivos del Instituto de Farmacologia Experimental (Medicina)Arch Inst Farmacol Exp (Madr)!Archivos dominicanos de pediatriaArch Domin PediatrArchivos espanoles de urologia Arch Esp Urol&Archivos latinoamericanos de nutricionArch Latinoam NutrArchivos medicos de Cuba Arch Med CubaArchivos medicos mexicanosArch Medicos MexArchivos medicos panamenosArch Med Panamenos8Archivos uruguayos de medicina, cirugia y especialidadesArch Urug Med Cir Espec@Archivos venezolanos de medicina tropical y parasitologia medica!Arch Venez Med Trop Parasitol Med0Archivos venezolanos de puericultura y pediatriaArch Venez Pueric PediatrNArchivos. Havana. Universidad. Hospital Universitario "General Calixto Garcia"Arch Hosp Univ!Archivum chirurgicum NeerlandicumArch Chir NeerldArchivum franciscanum historicum : periodica publicatio trimestris cura pp. Collegii D. BonaventuraeArch Franciscanum Hist:Archivum histologicum Japonicum. Nippon soshikigaku kirokuArch Histol Jpn1Archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalisArch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz)^Archivum veterinarium Polonicum / Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Veterinary Sciences Arch Vet PolYArchiwum historii i filozofii medycyny / Polskii Towarzystwo Historii Medycyny i FarmacjiArch Hist Filoz MedArchiwum historii medycynyArch Hist Med (Warsz)(Archiwum medycyny sadowej i kryminologiiArch Med Sadowej KryminolArctic anthropologyArctic AnthropolArctic medical researchArctic Med ResArethusaArethusa'Argentine Republic. Laws, statutes, etcArgent Repub Laws StatutArgos (Utrecht, Netherlands)ArgosArhiv za farmacijuArh Farm (Belgr)Arhiv za higijenu rada Arh Hig Rada&Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologijuArh Hig Rada Toksikol}Arhiv za zastitu majke i djeteta. Archives of mother and child welfare. Archives pour la protection de la mere et de l'enfantArh Zast Ariel. Ari'el Ariel (Jerus)Arizona State law journalAriz State Law JArizona and the West Ariz West4Arizona journal of international and comparative lawAriz J Int Comp LawArizona law review Ariz Law RevArizona medicineAriz MedkArizona revised statutes, annotated : prepared under legislative authority, Laws 1956, chapter 129. ArizonaAriz Revis Statut Annot ArizArkansas archeology Ark ArcheolArkansas dentistryArk DentArkansas law review Ark Law Rev\Arkansas statutes, 1947 : comprising statutes of a general and permanent nature ... ArkansasArk Statut 1947 Ark)Arkhiv anatomii, gistologii i embriologiiArkh Anat Gistol EmbriolArkhiv patologii Arkh Patol#Armed Forces medical journal, IndiaArmed Forces Med J IndiaArmed forces and societyArmed Forces SocArquivo de patologia Arq Patol=Arquivo; Orgao Da Sociedade Brasileira De Implantologia BucalArquivo#Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologiaArq Bras Cardiol4Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologiaArq Bras Endocrinol Metabol Arquivos brasileiros de medicina Arq Bras Med&Arquivos brasileiros de medicina navalArq Bras Med Nav$Arquivos brasileiros de oftalmologiaArq Bras Oftalmol"Arquivos brasileiros de psicologiaArq Bras PsicolMArquivos da Faculdade de Higiene e Saude Publica da Universidade de Sao Paulo(Arq Fac Hig Saude Publica Univ Sao Paulo+Arquivos de cirurgia clinica e experimentalArq Cir Clin ExpArquivos de clinicaArq Clin (Rio De J)Arquivos de gastroenterologiaArq Gastroenterol#Arquivos de higiene e saude publicaArq Hig Saude Publica-Arquivos de medicina e cirurgia de PernambucoArq Med Cirur PernambArquivos de neuro-psiquiatriaArq NeuropsiquiatrArquivos de oncologia Arq OncolArquivos de pediatria ... Arq Pediatr@Arquivos do Centro Cultural Portugues. Centre culturel portugaisArq Cent Cult PortGArquivos do Centro de Estudos da Faculdade de Odontologia da U. F. M. G,Arq Cent Estud Fac Odontol UFMG (Belo Horiz)5Arquivos do Centro de Estudos do curso de odontologiaArq Cent Estud Curso OdontolArquivos do Instituto BiologicoArq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo)Arquivos mineiros de leprologiaArq Min Leprol"Arquivos portugueses de bioquimicaArq Port Bioquim$Arquivos portugueses de oftalmologiaArq Port OftalmolUArquivos. Coimbra. Universidade. Instituto de Farmacologia e Terapeutica Experimental Arq Inst Farm?Arquivos. Instituto Brasileiro para Investigacao da TuberculoseArq Inst Bras Invest TubersArrows for change Arrows ChangeArs curandi em odontologiaArs Curandi Odontol%Arsbok. Goteborgs tandlakare-sallskapArsb Goteb Tandlak Sallsk)Arsbok. Odontologiska samfundet i FinlandArsb Odontol Samf Finl Art historyArt HistArt in AmericaArt AmArteres et veinesArteres VeinesArteriosclerosis (Dallas, Tex.)Arteriosclerosis\Arteriosclerosis and thrombosis : a journal of vascular biology / American Heart AssociationArterioscler Thromb2Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biologyArterioscler Thromb Vasc BiolArteryArteryArtes de Mexico Artes MexArthritis + RheumaArthritis Rheum (Munch)Arthritis and rheumatismArthritis RheumbArthritis care and research : the official journal of the Arthritis Health Professions AssociationArthritis Care ResArthritis research Arthritis ResArthritis research & therapyArthritis Res TherArthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association ArthroscopyEArtificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology,Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol#Artificial intelligence in medicineArtif Intell MedArtificial life Artif LifeArtificial limbs Artif LimbsArtificial organs Artif OrgansArvArvArzneimittel-ForschungArzneimittelforschungcArzteblatt Baden-Wurttemberg : Offizielles Organ der Landesarztekammer Baden-Wurttemberg ... [etc.]Arztebl Baden WurttArztliche Forschung Arztl ForschArztliche JugendkundeArztl JugendkdArztliche SammelblatterArztl SammelblArztliche WochenschriftArztl WochenschAscaniaAscaniaQAsclepio; archivo iberoamericano de historia de la medicina y antropologia medicaAsclepioAsepsisAsepsisAsiaAsia*Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutritionAsia Pac J Clin Nutr#Asia Pacific journal of social workAsia Pac J Soc WorkHAsia Pacific observer : a quarterly newsletter from the East-West Center Asia Pac ObsAsia Pacific viewpointAsia Pac Viewp Asia major Asia MajorAsia quarterlyAsia Q:Asia-Oceania journal of obstetrics and gynaecology / AOFOGAsia Oceania J Obstet GynaecolAsia-Pacific POPIN bulletinAsia Pac POPIN BullAsia-Pacific POPIN newsletterAsia-Pac POPIN NewslZAsia-Pacific journal of public health / Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public HealthAsia Pac J Public Health)Asia-Pacific journal of rural developmentAsia Pac J Rural Dev Asia-Pacific population & policyAsia Pac Pop Policy0Asia-Pacific population journal / United NationsAsia Pac Popul JTAsia-Pacific population research abstracts / East-West Center, Program on PopulationAsia Pac Popul Res Abstr)Asian & Pacific population programme newsAsian Pac Popul Programme News5Asian American and Pacific Islander journal of healthAsian Am Pac Isl J HealthlAsian Forum newsletter : official organ of the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and DevelopmentAsian Forum NewsllAsian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology / launched by the Allergy and Immunology Society of ThailandAsian Pac J Allergy Immunol2Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCPAsian Pac J Cancer PrevAsian and African studiesAsian Afr Stud?Asian and Pacific census forum / East-West Population InstituteAsian Pac Cens Forum#Asian and Pacific census newsletterAsian Pac Census Newsl*Asian and Pacific migration journal : APMJAsian Pac Migr JUAsian and Pacific population forum / East-West Population Institute, East-West CenterAsian Pac Popul ForumAsian anthropologyAsian Anthropol&Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annalsAsian Cardiovasc Thorac AnnAsian development review Asian Dev RevAsian economies Asian EconAsian folklore studiesAsian Folkl StudAsian geographer Asian GeogrOAsian journal of aesthetic dentistry / the Asian Academy of Aesthetic DentistryAsian J Aesthet DentAsian journal of andrologyAsian J AndrolAsian journal of communicationAsian J CommunAsian journal of controlAsian J Control-Asian journal of economics and social studiesAsian J Econ Soc Stud$Asian journal of infectious diseasesAsian J Infect DisAsian journal of medicine Asian Med J5Asian journal of surgery / Asian Surgical Association Asian J SurgAsian medical journal Asian Med J Asian migrant Asian MigrAsian perspectiveAsian PerspectAsian population programme newsAsian Popul Programme NewsOAsian population studies series / Economic Commission for Asia and the Far EastAsian Popul Stud Ser Asian profile Asian Profile(Asian studies (Quezon City, Philippines) Asian Stud Asian survey Asian SurvAsian thought & societyAsian Thought Soc!Asian-Pacific economic literatureAsia Pac Econ Lit'Asian-Pacific population programme newsAsian Pac Popul Programme NewsAsiatische Forschungen Asiat ForschAsiaweekAsiaweek5Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika (Berlin, Germany : 1973)Asien Afr LateinamAskeri sihhiye dergisiAsk Sihhiye DergBAsklepii : bolgaro-sovetskii ezhegodnik istorii i teorii meditsinyAsklepiiAslib proceedings Aslib ProcAspen Emphysema ConferenceAspen Emphysema Conf$Aspen's advisor for nurse executivesAspens Advis Nurse Exec'Assay and drug development technologiesAssay Drug Dev TechnolAssertive NurseAssertive Nurse Assessment AssessmentAssignment childrenAssignment ChildAssisted reproduction reviewsAssist Reprod Rev*Assistenza infermieristica e ricerca : AIRAssist Inferm Ric4Assistive technology : the official journal of RESNAAssist TechnolAssociation & society managerAssoc Soc ManagerAssociation management Assoc ManageAsthetische MedizinAsthet Med (Berl) Astragale AstragaleAstrameddelandeAstrameddelande Astrobiology Astrobiology Astronomy Astronomy+Astronomy & astrophysics. Supplement seriesAstron Astrophys Suppl SerAstronomy and astrophysicsAstron Astrophys&Astrophysical letters & communicationsAstrophys Lett CommunAstrophysics and space scienceAstrophys Space SciJAtencion primaria / Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria Aten Primaria Atene e Roma Atene RomaAteneaAtenea3Ateneo Veneto : revista di scienze, lettere ed arti Ateneo Veneto7Athena; rassegna mensile di biologia, clinica e terapiaAthenaAtherosclerosisAtherosclerosisAtherosclerosis. SupplementsAtheroscler SupplAtlantaAtlantaAtlanta history Atlanta HistAAtlanta medicine : bulletin of the Medical Association of Atlanta Atlanta MedAtlanta weekly Atlanta WklyAtlantic (Boston, Mass. : 1981)AtlanticAtlantic economic journal : AEJ Atl Econ J'Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1971)Atl Mon'Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1993)Atl MonAtlantic reporter Atl ReportAtlantida (Lisbon, Portugal) AtlantidaAtlantis (Montreal, Quebec)Atlantis (Montr)Atlantis (Wolfville, N.S.)Atlantis (Wolfv)2Atlas de radiologie clinique de la Presse medicaleAtlas Radiol Clin Presse MedDAtlas of the oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America(Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North AmAtlas world press reviewAtlas World Press RevAtmospheric environment Atmos EnvironAtoll research bulletinAtoll Res BullAtomic energy law journalAt Energy Law JAtomic energy review At Energy Rev Atompraxis AtompraxisAttachment & human developmentAttach Hum DevWAtti del congresso nazionale. Societa italiana di medicina legale e delle assicurazioniAtti Congr Naz Soc Ital Med LegEAtti della Accademia dei fisiocritici in Siena. Sezione medico-fisica$Atti Accad Fisiocrit Siena [Med Fis]_Atti della Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, Classe di scienze fisiche. Memorie.Atti Accad Sci Ist Bologna Classe Sci Fis Rend$Atti della Accademia medica lombardaAtti Accad Med Lomb)Atti della Accademia nazionale dei LinceiAtti Accad Naz Lincei1Atti della R. Accademia dei fisiocritici in SienaAtti Accad Fisiocrit Siena*Atti della Societa italiana di cardiologiaAtti Soc Ital CardiolAtti della Societa italiana di dermatologia e sifilografia e delle sezioni interprovinciali. Societa italiana di dermatologia e sifilografiaGSoc Ital Dermatol Sifilogr Sezioni Interprov Soc Ital Dermatol Sifilogr}Atti e memorie - Accademia nazionale di scienze, lettere e arti, Modena. Accademia di scienze, lettere e arti (Modena, Italy)'Atti Mem Accad Naz Sci Lett Arti ModenaAtti e memorie - Deputazione di storia patria per le antiche provincie modenesi. Deputazione di storia patria per le antiche provincie modenesi0Atti Mem Deput Stor Patria Antiche Prov ModenesiHAtti e memorie dell'Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere La Colombaria*Atti Mem Accad Toscana Sci Lett Colombaria<Atti e memorie della Accademia di storia dell'arte sanitariaAtti Mem Accad Stor Arte Sanit@Atti e memorie della Accademia italiana di storia della farmaciaAtti Mem Accad Ital Stor FarmHAtti e memorie della Reale Accademia Petrarca di lettere, arti e scienze'Atti Mem R Accad Petrarca Lett Arti Sci<Atti. Universita di Palermo. Clinica oto-rino-laringoiatrica(Atti Clin Otorinolaringoitr Univ PalermoAttualita dentale Attual Dent%Attualita di ostetricia e ginecologiaAttual Ostet GinecolAttualita in ematologia Attual EmatolAuckland University law reviewAuckl Univ Law RevAudiology & neuro-otologyAudiol NeurootolDAudiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology AudiologyAudit Unit NewsAudit Unit NewsAudubonAudubonBAugmentative and alternative communication (Baltimore, Md. : 1985)Augment Altern CommunAuris, nasus, larynxAuris Nasus LarynxAus Politik und ZeitgeschichtePolit ZeitgeschAusgrabungen und Funde Ausgrab FundeAussenwirtschaft : Zeitschrift fur internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen / herausgegeben vom Schweizerischen Institut fur Aussenwirtschafts- und Marktforschung an der Handels-Hochschule St. GallenAussenwirtschaftAust-Agder arvAust Agder ArvAustralasian annals of medicineAustralas Ann MedAustralasian biotechnologyAustralas BiotechnoliAustralasian chiropractic & osteopathy : journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of AustralasiaAustralas Chiropr OsteopathydAustralasian historical archaeology : journal of the Australasian Society for Historical ArchaeologyAustralas Hist Archaeol"Australasian journal of philosophyAustralas J PhilosAustralasian journal on ageingAustralas J AgeingAustralasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine / supported by the Australasian College of Physical Scientists in Medicine and the Australasian Association of Physical Sciences in MedicineAustralas Phys Eng Sci Med_Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of PsychiatristsAustralas PsychiatryAustralasian radiologyAustralas Radiol'Australia and New Zealand health policyAust New Zealand Health Policy3Australian College of Midwives Incorporated journalAust Coll Midwives Inc J)Australian Prosthodontic Society bulletinAust Prosthodont Soc Bull.Australian Society Of Prosthodontists BulletinAust Soc Prosthodontists Bull.Australian and New Zealand journal of medicineAust N Z J Med3Australian and New Zealand journal of ophthalmologyAust N Z J Ophthalmol3Australian and New Zealand journal of public healthAust N Z J Public HealthAustralian bulletin of labourAust Bull LabournAustralian clinical review / Australian Medical Association [and] the Australian Council on Hospital Standards Aust Clin RevcAustralian critical care : official journal of the Confederation of Australian Critical Care NursesAust Crit CareAustralian cultural historyAust Cult HistAustralian dental journal Aust Dent JAustralian dental practiceAust Dent Pract"Australian economic history reviewAust Econ Hist RevAustralian economic papers Aust Econ PapZAustralian endodontic journal : the journal of the Australian Society of Endodontology Inc Aust Endod JAustralian family physicianAust Fam PhysicianAustralian geographical studiesAust Geogr StudOAustralian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital AssociationAust Health RevAustralian historical studiesAust Hist StudAustralian hospital Aust Hosp(Australian intellectual property journalAust Intellect Prop J$Australian journal of French studiesAust J Fr Stud+Australian journal of agricultural researchAust J Agric Res)Australian journal of biological sciencesAust J Biol Sci#Australian journal of biotechnologyAust J Biotechnol!Australian journal of dermatologyAust J Dermatol%Australian journal of early childhoodAust J Early Child Australian journal of family lawAust J Fam Law<Australian journal of geodesy, photogrammetry, and surveyingAust J Geod Photogramm Surv'Australian journal of marriage & familyAust J Marriage FamiAustralian journal of midwifery : professional journal of the Australian College of Midwives IncorporatedAust J Midwifery#Australian journal of ophthalmologyAust J Ophthalmol&Australian journal of plant physiologyAust J Plant Physiol'Australian journal of political scienceAust J Polit Sci5Australian journal of professional and applied ethicsAust J Prof Appl Ethics Australian journal of psychologyAust J Psychol#Australian journal of public healthAust J Public Health3Australian journal of science and medicine in sportAust J Sci Med SportFAustralian journal of scientific research. Ser. B: Biological sciencesAust J Sci Res (B),Australian journal of sex, marriage & familyAust J Sex Marriage And FamAustralian journal of zoology Aust J ZoolAustralian journal on ageing Aust J AgeingKAustralian medical record journal / Medical Record Association of AustraliaAust Med Rec J&Australian nursing journal (July 1993) Aust Nurs JAustralian orthodontic journal Aust Orthod JAustralian paediatric journalAust Paediatr JCAustralian prosthodontic journal / Australian Prosthodontic SocietyAust Prosthodont JAustralian psychologist Aust PsycholAustralian societyAust SocAustralian veterinary journal Aust Vet J Austriaca Austriaca;Autism : the international journal of research and practiceAutism Autoimmunity AutoimmunityAutoimmunity reviews Autoimmun Rev!Autonomic & autacoid pharmacologyAuton Autacoid Pharmacol)Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinicalAuton Neurosci)Autonomous agents and multi-agent systemsAuton Agent Multi Agent SystAutonomous robots Auton Robots Autophagy AutophagyAvances en odontoestomatologiaAv OdontoestomatolAvances en periodonciaAv Periodoncia-Avances en psicologia clinica latinoamericanaAv Piscol Clin LatinonotAvian diseases Avian Dis(Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A Avian Pathol Aviation week & space technologyAviat Week Space Technol+Aviation, space, and environmental medicineAviat Space Environ MedAxone (Dartmouth, N.S.)AxoneAziia i Afrika segodniaAziia Afr SegodniaAztlanAztlanB-ENTB-ENTB.T.T.A. reviewBTTA Rev BC studiesB C StudDBDD : be-khol derakhekha da'ehu : ketav-'et le-'inyene Torah u-mada'BDD#BELCAST journal of Belizean affairsBelcast J Belizean Aff/BERC bulletin / Basic Education Resource Centre BERC BullfBETA bulletin of experimental treatments for AIDS : a publication of the San Francisco AIDS foundationBETAQBIB-Mitteilungen : Informationen aus dem Bundesinstitut fur BevolkerungsforschungBib MittBIRPERHT publication BIRPERHT Publ=BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecologyBJOGBJR supplement / BIR BJR SupplBJU internationalBJU IntBMC anesthesiologyBMC AnesthesiolBMC biochemistry BMC BiochemBMC bioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics BMC biologyBMC BiolBMC biotechnologyBMC BiotechnolBMC blood disordersBMC Blood Disord BMC cancer BMC CancerBMC cardiovascular disordersBMC Cardiovasc DisordBMC cell biology BMC Cell BiolBMC chemical biology BMC Chem BiolBMC clinical pathologyBMC Clin PatholBMC clinical pharmacologyBMC Clin Pharmacol*BMC complementary and alternative medicineBMC Complement Altern MedBMC dermatology BMC DermatolBMC developmental biology BMC Dev Biol#BMC ear, nose, and throat disordersBMC Ear Nose Throat Disord BMC ecologyBMC EcolBMC emergency medicine BMC Emerg MedBMC endocrine disordersBMC Endocr DisordBMC evolutionary biology BMC Evol BiolBMC family practice BMC Fam PractBMC gastroenterologyBMC Gastroenterol BMC genetics BMC Genet BMC genomics BMC GenomicsBMC geriatrics BMC GeriatrBMC health services researchBMC Health Serv ResBMC immunology BMC ImmunolBMC infectious diseasesBMC Infect Dis)BMC international health and human rightsBMC Int Health Hum RightsBMC medical education BMC Med EducBMC medical ethicsBMC Med EthicsBMC medical genetics BMC Med GenetBMC medical imagingBMC Med Imaging+BMC medical informatics and decision makingBMC Med Inform Decis Mak BMC medical research methodologyBMC Med Res Methodol BMC medicineBMC MedBMC microbiology BMC MicrobiolBMC molecular biology BMC Mol BiolBMC musculoskeletal disordersBMC Musculoskelet DisordBMC nephrology BMC Nephrol BMC neurology BMC NeurolBMC neuroscience BMC NeurosciBMC nuclear medicine BMC Nucl Med BMC nursingBMC NursBMC ophthalmologyBMC OphthalmolBMC oral healthBMC Oral HealthBMC palliative careBMC Palliat CareBMC pediatrics BMC PediatrBMC pharmacology BMC PharmacolBMC physiology BMC PhysiolBMC plant biologyBMC Plant BiolBMC pregnancy and childbirthBMC Pregnancy ChildbirthBMC psychiatryBMC PsychiatryBMC public healthBMC Public HealthBMC pulmonary medicine BMC Pulm MedBMC structural biologyBMC Struct Biol BMC surgeryBMC SurgBMC systems biology BMC Syst Biol BMC urologyBMC UrolBMC veterinary research BMC Vet ResBMC women's healthBMC Womens HealthBMJ (Clinical research ed.)BMJ!BMQ; the Boston medical quarterlyBMQ BNI quarterlyBNI Q-BNWL [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionBNWL RepBSCS pamphletsBSCS PamBZB. Bayerisches ZahnarzteblattBZB Bayer ZahnarzteblBackgrounder (Washington, D.C.) Backgrounder8Bacteriologia, virusologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia-Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol Epidemiol (Bucur)TBacteriologia, virusologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)%Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol EpidemiolBacteriological reviews Bacteriol RevIBailliere's best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism/Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab?Bailliere's best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology,Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol:Bailliere's best practice & research. Clinical haematology'Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin HaematolGBailliere's best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology.Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol;Bailliere's best practice & research. Clinical rheumatology(Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol$Bailliere's clinical anaesthesiologyBaillieres Clin Anaesthesiol1Bailliere's clinical endocrinology and metabolism Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab%Bailliere's clinical gastroenterologyBaillieres Clin Gastroenterol Bailliere's clinical haematologyBaillieres Clin Haematol+Bailliere's clinical immunology and allergyBaillieres Clin Immunol AllergyBailliere's clinical neurologyBaillieres Clin Neurol/Bailliere's clinical obstetrics and gynaecologyBaillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol!Bailliere's clinical rheumatologyBaillieres Clin RheumatolBaillieres Clinical OncologyBaillieres Clin Oncol;Baker-Cederberg notebook. Baker-Cederberg Museum & ArchivesBaker Cederberg NotebBalance (Alexandria, Va.)BalanceBalcanica (Rome, Italy) Balcanica=Baldwin's Kentucky revised statutes annotated : KRS. Kentucky!Baldwins Ky Revis Statut Annot KyBaltimore magazine Baltim MagBangladesh Development StudiesBangladesh Dev Stud,Bangladesh Medical Research Council bulletinBangladesh Med Res Counc BullJBangladesh journal of microbiology / Bangladesh Society of MicrobiologistsBanglad J MicrobiolBangladesh medical journalBangladesh Med JBanqueBanqueBaptist history and heritageBaptist Hist HeritBarbados nursing journalBarbados Nurs JBarcelona quirurgica Barc QuirBarrister (Chicago, Ill.) Barrister/Barron's national business and financial weeklyBarrons<Bartonia; proceedings of the Philadelphia botanical club ...Bartonia Basal facts Basal Facts*Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicologyBasic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol Basic and applied histochemistryBasic Appl HistochemBasic and applied myology : BAMBasic Appl Myol#Basic and applied social psychologyBasic Appl Soc PsychBasic life sciencesBasic Life SciBasic research in cardiologyBasic Res CardiolBasler Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Altertumskunde / herausgegeben von der Historischen und Antiquarischen Gesellechaft zu BaselBasl Z Gesch AltertumskdBaylor law review Bayl Law RevBaylor nursing educatorBaylor Nurs Educ Bedside nurse Bedside Nurse0Begg journal of orthodontic theory and treatmentBegg J Orthod Theory Treat2Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses' Association) BeginningsBehavior genetics Behav GenetBehavior modification Behav ModifBehavior research methodsBehav Res Methods_Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers : a journal of the Psychonomic Society, Inc Behav Res Methods Instrum ComputBehavior science research Behav Sci ResBehavior therapy Behav Ther&Behavioral & social sciences librarianBehav Soc Sci Librar$Behavioral and brain functions : BBFBehav Brain Funct-Behavioral and cognitive neuroscience reviewsBehav Cogn Neurosci RevBehavioral and neural biologyBehav Neural BiolBehavioral assessment Behav AssessBehavioral biology Behav BiolYBehavioral ecology : official journal of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology Behav Ecol#Behavioral ecology and sociobiologyBehav Ecol SociobiolBehavioral engineering Behav EngBehavioral healthcare Behav HealthcBehavioral healthcare tomorrowBehav Healthc Tomorrow&Behavioral medicine (Washington, D.C.) Behav MedPBehavioral medicine update : a publication of the Society of Behavioral MedicineBehav Med UpdateBehavioral neuropsychiatryBehav NeuropsychiatryBehavioral neuroscienceBehav NeurosciBehavioral science Behav SciBehavioral sciences & the law Behav Sci LawBehavioral sleep medicineBehav Sleep Med Behaviorism Behaviorism&Behaviorists for Social Action journalBehav Soc Action JBehaviormetrikaBehaviormetrika Behaviour Behaviour"Behaviour & information technologyBehav Inf TechnolOBehaviour change : journal of the Australian Behaviour Modification Association Behav ChangeBehaviour research and therapyBehav Res TherBehavioural brain researchBehav Brain ResBehavioural neurology Behav NeurolBehavioural pharmacologyBehav PharmacolBehavioural processesBehav ProcessesBehring Institute MitteilungenBehring Inst MittBeijing yi ke da xue xue baoBJournal of Beijing Medical University|Beijing Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao&Beilstein journal of organic chemistryBeilstein J Org Chem5Beitrage zu Infusionstherapie und klinische ErnahrungBeitr Infusionther Klin Ernahr2Beitrage zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung : BZGBeitr Gesch Arb:Beitrage zur Geschichte der Medizin und ihrer NebengebieteBeitr Gesch Med Nebengeb>Beitrage zur Geschichte der Pharmazie und ihrer Nachbargebiete"Beitr Gesch Pharm Ihrer NachbargebxBeitrage zur Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte Erfurts / herausgegeben vom Rektor der Medizinischen Akademie Erfurt(Beitr Hochsch Wissenschaftsgesch Erfurts&Beitrage zur Hygiene und EpidemiologieBeitr Hyg EpidemiolJBeitrage zur Klinik der Tuberkulose und spezifischen Tuberkulose-Forschung*Beitr Klin Tuberk Spezif TuberkuloseforschMBeitrage zur Klinik und Erforschung der Tuberkulose und der Lungenkrankheiten#Beitr Klin Erforsch Tuberk LungenkrBeitrage zur KrebsforschungBeitr KrebsforschBeitrage zur NeurochirurgieBeitr Neurochir)Beitrage zur Orthopadie und TraumatologieBeitr Orthop TraumatolBeitrage zur Pathologie Beitr PatholBeitrage zur RheumatologieBeitr RheumatolBeitrage zur SexualforschungBeitr SexualforschBeitrage zur Silikose-ForschungBeitr Silikoseforsch/Beitrage zur Silikose-Forschung (Pneumokoniose)"Beitr Silikoseforsch Pneumokoniose!Beitrage zur deutschen PhilologieBeitr Dtsch Philol"Beitrage zur gerichtlichen MedizinBeitr Gerichtl Med!Beitrage zur klinischen ChirurgieBeitr Klin Chir2Beitrage zur klinischen Neurologie und PsychiatrieBeitr Klin Neurol PsychiatrCBeitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen PathologieBeitr Pathol Anat;Beitrage zur tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinarmedizin#Beitr Trop Landwirtsch Veterinarmed2Beitrage zur wurttembergischen ApothekengeschichteBeitr Wurttemb ApothekengeschBeleid & maatschappijBeleid MaatschBelfagorBelfagor%Belgisch tijdschrift voor geneeskundeBelg Tijdschr GeneeskBelizean studies Belizean StudBelleten (Turk Tarih Kurumu)Belleten Bender's health care law monthlyBenders Health Care Law MonBenefits quarterly Benefits QBeneluxBeneluxCBengal, past & present : journal of the Calcutta Historical SocietyBengal Past PresentGBericht uber die Zusammenkunft. Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft&Ber Zusammenkunft Dtsch Ophthalmol Ges`Berichte Aus Der Bonner Universitatsklinik Und Poliklinik Fur Mund-, Zahn- Und Kieferkrankheiten)Ber Bonn Univ Poliklin Mund Zahn Kieferkr/Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen GesellschaftBer Dtsch Bot Ges<Berichte zur Raumforschung und Raumplanung (Vienna, Austria)Ber Raumforsch Raumplan$Berichte zur WissenschaftsgeschichteBer Wiss"Berichte zur deutschen LandeskundeBer Dtsch Landeskd7Berichte. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. BBer Naturforsch Ges Freibg Br:Berichte. Physikalisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft, WurzburgBer Phys Med Ges WurzbgBerita jururawatBerita JururawatBerkala ilmu kedokteranBerkala Ilmu KedokteranBerkeley journal of sociologyBerkeley J SociolBerkeley municipal code, 1976 : a codification of the general ordinances of the city of Berkeley, California / codified, indexed by Book Publishing Company. Berkeley (Calif.)'Berkeley Munic Code 1976 Berkeley Calif^Berkeley technology law journal / Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, BerkeleyBerkeley Technol Law JBerkeley women's law journalBerkeley Womens Law JBerliner MedizinBerl MedBerliner Statistik Berl StatOBerliner Statistik. Monatsschrift / Herausgeber, Statistisches Landesamt BerlinBerl Stat Mon SchrBerliner geographische StudienBerl Geogr StudBerliner historische StudienBerl Hist StudBerliner journal fur Soziologie Berl J Soziol$Berliner tierarztliche WochenschriftBerl Tierarztl Wochenschr2Berliner und Munchener tierarztliche WochenschriftBerl Munch Tierarztl WochenschrBerufs-DermatosenBerufsdermatosenBerufsdermatosen. MonographienBerufsdermatosen (Monogr)BerytusBerytus2Best practice & research. Clinical anaesthesiology Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol=Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism$Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab3Best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology!Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol.Best practice & research. Clinical haematologyBest Pract Res Clin Haematol;Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology#Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol/Best practice & research. Clinical rheumatologyBest Pract Res Clin RheumatolkBest practices and benchmarking in healthcare : a practical journal for clinical and management applicationBest Pract Benchmarking Healthc,Best's review. Life-health insurance editionBests Rev Life Health Insur EdBetter homes and gardensBetter Homes Gard)Between the species : a journal of ethicsBetween SpeciesBevolking en gezinBevolking Gezin Beyond relief Beyond ReliefXBibliografia italiana di storia della scienza / Istituto e museo di storia della scienzaBibliogr Ital Stor SciBibliographie internationale de la demographie historique / Comite international des sciences historiques, Commission internationale de demographie historique ; Societe de demographie historique ; Union internationale pour l'etude scien...Bibliogr Int Demogr HistBibliography of reproduction; a classified monthly list of references compiled from the research literature, vertebrates including manBibliographr Reprod"Biblioteca di storia della scienza Bibl Stor SciBibliotek for laeger Bibl Laeger*Biblioteka Higijenskog instituta NR SrbijeBibl Hig Instituta NR SrbBibliotheca anatomica Bibl AnatBibliotheca cardiologica Bibl CardiolBibliotheca gastroenterologicaBibl GastroenterolBibliotheca gynaecologica Bibl GynaecolBibliotheca haematologica Bibl HaematolBibliotheca microbiologicaBibl MicrobiolBibliotheca nutritio et dietaBibl Nutr Dieta<Bibliotheca ophthalmologica : supplementa ad ophthalmologicaBibl OphthalmolBibliotheca paediatrica Bibl PaediatrBibliotheca psychiatricaBibl Psychiatr'Bibliotheca psychiatrica et neurologicaBibl Psychiatr NeurolBibliotheca radiologica Bibl RadiolBibliotheca tuberculosea Bibl TubercBibliothek und Wissenschaft Bibl Wiss=Bibliotheque d'humanisme et renaissance; travaux et documentsBibl Humanisme Renaiss#Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des chartesBibl Ec ChartesBiblosBibloszBien-naitre / Association beninoise pour la promotion de la famille. Association beninoise pour la promotion de la famille Bien NaitreqBijdragen en mededelingen (Gelre, Vereeniging tot Beoefening van Geldersche Geschiedenis, Oudheidkunde, en Recht) Bijdr MededEBijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der NederlandenBijdr Meded Geschied Ned1Bijdragen tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie BijdragenBijdragen tot de geschiedenisBijdr Geschied Biken journalBiken JBild der Wissenschaft Bild Wiss$Bilten za hematologiju i transfuzijuBilt Hematol TransfuzBing du xue za zhi(Virologica Sinica|Ping Tu Hsueh Tsa Chih'Binocular vision & strabismus quarterlyBinocul Vis Strabismus Q Bio Systems BiosystemsBio-Medical instrumentationBiomed Instrum%Bio-medical materials and engineeringBiomed Mater EngBio-medical purview Biomed Purv*Bio/technology (Nature Publishing Company)Biotechnology (N Y)BioCycleBiocycleKBioDrugs : clinical immunotherapeutics, biopharmaceuticals and gene therapyBioDrugsMBioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology BioessaysBioFactors (Oxford, England) BiofactorsBioPsychoSocial medicineBiopsychosoc Med BioTechniques BiotechniquescBiocell : official journal of the Sociedades Latinoamericanas de Microscopia Electronica ... et. alBiocellBiochemical Society symposiumBiochem Soc Symp Biochemical Society transactionsBiochem Soc Trans3Biochemical and biophysical research communicationsBiochem Biophys Res Commun"Biochemical and molecular medicineBiochem Mol MedBiochemical archives Biochem ArchBiochemical clinics Biochem ClinBiochemical education Biochem EducBiochemical engineering journal Biochem Eng JBiochemical genetics Biochem GenetBiochemical medicine Biochem Med*Biochemical medicine and metabolic biologyBiochem Med Metab BiolBiochemical pharmacologyBiochem Pharmacol#Biochemical systematics and ecologyBiochem Syst Ecol,Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen : BPPBiochem Physiol PflanzBiochemische Zeitschrift Biochem Z Biochemistry Biochemistry%Biochemistry and experimental biologyBiochem Exp Biol0Biochemistry and molecular biology internationalBiochem Mol Biol IntBiochemistry international Biochem IntBiochemistry. BiokhimiiaBiochemistry (Mosc)Biochimica clinica Biochim ClinBiochimica et biophysica actaBiochim Biophys Acta Biochimie BiochimieBioconjugate chemistryBioconjug ChemBiocontrol scienceBiocontrol SciBiodegradationBiodegradation Biodynamica Biodynamica,Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Bioelectrochemistry=Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics (Lausanne, Switzerland)Bioelectrochem BioenergBioelectromagneticsBioelectromagnetics Bioethics BioethicsBioethics NorthwestBioethics Northwest%Bioethics bulletin (Washington, D.C.) Bioeth BullBioethics digest Bioethics DigBioethics examiner Bioeth ExamBioethics forumBioethics ForumBioethics news Bioeth NewsBioethics quarterly Bioethics QBioethics research notesBioeth Res NotesBioetica Y Debat Bioet DebatBiofeedback and self-regulationBiofeedback Self RegulBiofilmsBiofilms Biofizika Biofizika BioformosaSheng wu xue bao|Bioformosa Biofouling BiofoulingBiogenic amines Biog AminesBiogerontologyBiogerontologySBiographical memoirs of fellows of the Royal Society. Royal Society (Great Britain)Biogr Mem Fellows R Soc9Biographical memoirs. National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)Biogr Mem Natl Acad Sci Biography Biography Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)BioinformaticsBioinformationBioinformationBioinorganic chemistry Bioinorg Chem'Bioinorganic chemistry and applicationsBioinorg Chem ApplBioinspiration & biomimeticsBioinspir BiomimBiokhimiia (Moscow, Russia) BiokhimiiaBiologiaBiologia (Bratisl)Biologia (Lahore, Pakistan)Biologia&Biologia neonatorum. Neo-natal studies Biol NeonatBiologia plantarum Biol PlantBiologica (Santiago, Chile)Biologica (Santiago)Biologica LatinaBiol Lat$Biological & pharmaceutical bulletinBiol Pharm BullBiological chemistry Biol Chem!Biological chemistry Hoppe-SeylerBiol Chem Hoppe SeylerBiological conservation Biol ConservBiological cybernetics Biol CybernDBiological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of LondonBiol J Linn Soc LondBiological mass spectrometryBiol Mass SpectromBiological memoirsBiol MemBiological procedures onlineBiol Proced OnlineBiological psychiatryBiol PsychiatryBiological psychology Biol PsycholBiological psychology bulletinBiol Psychol BullBiological researchBiol ResBiological research for nursing Biol Res Nurs1Biological research in pregnancy and perinatologyBiol Res Pregnancy Perinatol9Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical SocietyBiol Rev Camb Philos SocBiological rhythm researchBiol Rhythm ResBiological signals Biol Signals Biological signals and receptorsBiol Signals Recept'Biological structures and morphogenesisBiol Struct Morphog!Biological trace element researchBiol Trace Elem ResTBiologicals : journal of the International Association of Biological Standardization Biologicals-Biologicheskie membrany / Akademiia nauk SSSR Biol MembrBiologicke listy Biol ListyBiologie et gastro-enterologieBiol Gastroenterol (Paris)Biologie medicaleBiol Med (Paris)Biologisches Zentralblatt Biol Zent BlBiologist (Columbus, Ohio) BiologistBiologist (London, England)Biologist (London)HBiology and human affairs : a British Social Hygiene Council publication Biol Hum Aff9Biology and society : the journal of the Eugenics SocietyBiol Soc7Biology bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSRBiol Bull Acad Sci USSRBiology direct Biol DirectBiology letters Biol LettrBiology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow TransplantationBiol Blood Marrow TransplantBiology of metalsBiol MetBiology of reproduction Biol Reprod#Biology of reproduction. SupplementBiol Reprod Suppl%Biology of sport / Institute of Sport Biol SportRBiology of the cell / under the auspices of the European Cell Biology Organization Biol CellBiology of the neonate Biol NeonateBiomacromoleculesBiomacromolecules#Biomagnetic research and technologyBiomagn Res TechnolZBiomarkers : biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals Biomarkers Biomaterials Biomaterials5Biomaterials, artificial cells, and artificial organs!Biomater Artif Cells Artif OrgansBiomaterials, artificial cells, and immobilization biotechnology : official journal of the International Society for Artificial Cells and Immobilization Biotechnology.Biomater Artif Cells Immobilization Biotechnol4Biomaterials, medical devices, and artificial organs!Biomater Med Devices Artif Organs+Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiologyBiomech Model Mechanobiol3Biomedica : revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud BiomedicaBiomedica biochimica actaBiomed Biochim Acta,Biomedical & environmental mass spectrometryBiomed Environ Mass Spectrom9Biomedical Library bulletin (La Jolla, San Diego, Calif.)Biomed Lib Bull+Biomedical and environmental sciences : BESBiomed Environ SciBBiomedical bulletin / Association for Voluntary Sterilization, Inc Biomed BullBiomedical chromatography : BMCBiomed ChromatogrBiomedical communications Biomed CommunBiomedical digital librariesBiomed Digit LibrBiomedical engineeringBiomed Eng (NY)Biomedical engineering onlineBiomed Eng Online%Biomedical ethics (Tubingen, Germany) Biomed EthicsdBiomedical instrumentation & technology / Association for the Advancement of Medical InstrumentationBiomed Instrum TechnolBiomedical mass spectrometryBiomed Mass SpectromBiomedical microdevicesBiomed Microdevices5Biomedical news; the newspaper for the life scientist Biomed News[Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia3Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech RepubZBiomedical peptides, proteins & nucleic acids : structure, synthesis & biological activity"Biomed Pept Proteins Nucleic Acids"Biomedical research (Tokyo, Japan) Biomed ResBiomedical science Biomed Sci!Biomedical science and technologyBiomed Sci Technol#Biomedical sciences instrumentationBiomed Sci Instrum+Biomedicine / [publiee pour l'A.A.I.C.I.G.] BiomedicineBiomeditsinskaia khimiia Biomed Khim/Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineeringBiomed Tech (Berl) Biomembranes BiomembraneseBiometals : an international journal on the role of metal ions in biology, biochemistry, and medicine Biometals-Biometrical journal. Biometrische ZeitschriftBiom J Biometrics BiometricsBiometrie humaineBiom Hum Biometrika BiometrikaBiometrische ZeitschriftBiom Z Biomimetics BiomimeticsBiomolecular engineering Biomol Eng Bioorganic & medicinal chemistryBioorg Med Chem(Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry lettersBioorg Med Chem LettBioorganic chemistry Bioorg ChemBioorganicheskaia khimiia Bioorg Khim#Biopharmaceutics & drug dispositionBiopharm Drug DisposBiophysical chemistry Biophys ChemBiophysical journal Biophys J BiophysicsBiophysics (Oxf)%Biophysics of structure and mechanismBiophys Struct Mech Biophysik BiophysikBiopolimery i kletkaBiopolim Kletka Biopolymers Biopolymers%Bioprocess and biosystems engineeringBioprocess Biosyst EngBioprocess technologyBioprocess TechnolBioresource technologyBioresour Technol Biorheology BiorheologyZBiorheology. Supplement : the official journal of the International Society of BiorheologyBiorheology SupplBiosBios Bioscience BioscienceBioscience reports Biosci Rep+Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistryBiosci Biotechnol BiochemIBiosecurity and bioterrorism : biodefense strategy, practice, and scienceBiosecur Bioterror Biosensors BiosensorsBiosensors & bioelectronicsBiosens Bioelectron Bioseparation BioseparationBiospectroscopyBiospectroscopyBiostatistics (Oxford, England) BiostatisticsUBiotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain CommissionBiotech Histochem+Biotechnology & genetic engineering reviewsBiotechnol Genet Eng RevBiotechnology (Reading, Mass.) BiotechnologyBiotechnology advancesBiotechnol Adv&Biotechnology and applied biochemistryBiotechnol Appl Biochem Biotechnology and bioengineeringBiotechnol Bioeng*Biotechnology and bioengineering symposiumBiotechnol Bioeng SympBiotechnology annual reviewBiotechnol Annu RevBiotechnology journal Biotechnol JBiotechnology lettersBiotechnol LettBiotechnology progressBiotechnol ProgBiotechnology therapeuticsBiotechnol Ther Biotelemetry Biotelemetry#Biotelemetry and patient monitoringBiotelem Patient Monit#Biotherapy (Dordrecht, Netherlands) Biotherapy Biotronics Biotronics Biotypologie BiotypologieBipolar disordersBipolar DisordBirth (Berkeley, Calif.)BirthBirth Psychology BulletinBirth Psychol BullBirth and the family journal Birth Fam J%Birth defects original article seriesBirth Defects Orig Artic SerABirth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology$Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol TeratolIBirth defects research. Part B, Developmental and reproductive toxicology&Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol6Birth defects research. Part C, Embryo today : reviews Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today Birthright BirthrightHBiuletyn IGS / Szkola Glowna Handlowa, Instytut Gospodarstwa SpolecznegoBiul IGS.Biuletyn Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w GdanskuBiul Inst Med Morsk GdanskBiuletyn Panstwowego Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej w Gdansku. Biulleten' Gosudarstvennogo Instituta morskoi i tropicheskoi meditsiny v Gdan'ske. Bulletin of the State Institute of Marine and Tropical Medicine in Gdansk, Pola...+Biul Panstw Inst Med Morsk Trop J W Gdansku,Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytutu HistorycznegoBiul Zydowskiego Inst Hist Pol"Biuletyn-Biblioteki JagiellonskiejBiul Bibl JagiellonLBiulleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytatelei prirody. Otdel biologicheskii Biull Mosk Ova Ispyt Prir (Biol)EBiulleten' Vsesoiuznogo kardiologicheskogo nauchnogo tsentra AMN SSSR2Biull Vsesoiuznogo Kardiol Nauchn Tsentra AMN SSSR1Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsinyBiull Eksp Biol MedWBiulleten'. Russian S.F.S.R. Ministerstvo Zdravookhraneniia. Uchenyi meditsinskii sovetEBiulleten Russ SFSR Minist Zdravookhraneniia Uchenyi Meditsinskii sov Black aging Black Aging Blake studies Blake StudBlatter fur Heimatkunde ... BL Heimatkd,Blatter fur Zahnheilkunde. Bulletin dentaire Bl Zahnheilkd/Blatter fur deutsche und internationale PolitikBl Dtsch Int Polit.Blatter fur wurttembergische KirchengeschichteBL Wueritemb KirchengeschBleter far geshikhteBL GeszBloodBlood Blood cells Blood Cells!Blood cells, molecules & diseasesBlood Cells Mol DisYBlood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosisBlood Coagul FibrinolysisBlood pressure Blood PressBlood pressure monitoringBlood Press MonitBlood pressure. SupplementBlood Press SupplBlood purification Blood Purif Blood reviews Blood Rev Blood vessels Blood VesselsBloomsbury geographerBloomsbury Geogr&Blue Cross Association research seriesBlue Cross Assoc Res SerBlutBlut Blutalkohol BlutalkoholBoardroom reports Boardr Rep Body image Body Image Bogens verden Bogens VerdenBohemia (Munich, Germany)Bohemia Jahrb Coll CarolinumYBold : quarterly journal of the International Institute on Aging (United Nations - Malta)BoldsBoleettino d'informazioni della Consociazione nazionale infermiere professionali e assistenti sanitarie visitatriciBoll Inf Consoc Naz (Rome)PBolet'in de la Agrupacion Odontologica de la Zona Central de la Capital Federal.+Bol Agrup Odontol Zona Cent Cap Fed B Aires0Boletim - Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaBol Fac Odontol Piracicaba*Boletim Da Equipe De Odontologia SanitariaBol Equipe Odontol Sanit Boletim De Dentistica Operatoria Bol Dent OperWBoletim Do Servico De Odontologia Sanitaria Da Secretaria Da Saude Do Rio Grande Do Sul%Bol Serv Odontol Sanit (Porto Alegre)-Boletim clinico dos Hospitais Civis de LisboaBol Clin Hosp Civis Lisb(Boletim da Academia Nacional de MedicinaBol Acad Nac Med5Boletim da Divisao Nacional de Dermatologia SanitariaBol Div Nac Dermatol Sanit@Boletim da Faculdade de Farmacia e Odontologia de Ribeirao Preto#Bol Fac Farm Odontol Ribeirao Preto+Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de LisboaBol Soc Geogr LisbBoletim de geografia teoreticaBol Geogr TeorvBoletim de informacao socio-economica / Gabinete de Estudos Economicos, Ministerio do Plano e Cooperacao InternacionalBol Inf Socio EconBoletim de materiais dentarios Bol Mat DentBoletim demografico / Secretaria de Planejamento da Presidencia da Republica, Fundacao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, Diretoria de Populacao e Social, Superintendencia de Estudos de Populacao e Sociais Bol Demogr|Boletim do C.B.R. / Ministerio da Educacao e Cultura, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Centro de Biologia da ReproducaoBol Cent Biol Reprod?Boletim do Centro de Estudos, Hospital dos Servidores do Estado%Bol Cent Estud Hosp Servidores EstadoBoletim do Instituto de AngolaBol Inst Angola$Boletim do Instituto de PuericulturaBol Inst PuericBBoletim do Instituto de Puericultura e Pediatria Martagao Gesteira!Bol Inst Pueric Martagao Gesteira2Boletim epidemiologico. AIDS / Ministerio da SaudeBol Epidemiol AIDSBoletim geografico Bol GeogrJBoletim informativo do Centro de Documentacao e Pesquisa / CEDOPE UNISINOSBol Inf Cent Doc PesquiBoletim sobre populacao, emprego e renda no nordeste / Superintendencia do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste, Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco Bol Popul Emprego Renda Nordeste5Boletim. Sao Paulo, Brazil (City) Sanatorio Sao LucasBol Sanat Sao Lucas.Boletin (Consejo Nacional de Poblacion (Peru))Bol Cons Nac PoblacNBoletin (Instituto de Estudios de Poblacion y Desarrollo (Dominican Republic))Boletin0Boletin (Sociedad Espanola de Hidrologia Medica)Bol Soc Esp Hidrol Med*Boletin - Circulo Argentino de OdontologiaBol Circ Argent OdontolBBoletin - Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto RicoBol Col Prof Enferm P R/Boletin De La Sociedad Estomatologica ArgentinaBol Soc Estomatol Argent7Boletin Del Instituto De Investigaciones Bibliograficas!Bol Inst Invest Bibliogr (Mexico)DBoletin bibliografico de la Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico*Bol Bibliogr Secr Hacienda Credito Publico Boletin chileno de parasitologiaBol Chil ParasitolNBoletin cultural e informativo - Consejo General de Colegios Medicos de Espana!Bol Cult Inf Cons Gen Col Med Esp Boletin cultural y bibliograficoBol Cult BibliogrBoletin de analisis demograficoBol Anal DemogrBoletin de antropologia Bol Antropol!Boletin de antropologia americanaBol Antropol Am1Boletin de estudios latinoamericanos y del CaribeBol Estud Latinoam Caribe(Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicosBol Estud Med Biol"Boletin de historia y antiguedadesBol Hist AntigBoletin de indicadores de coyuntura / Republica de Venezuela, Presidencia de la Republica, Oficina Central de Estadistica e InformaticaBol Indic CoyuntfBoletin de informacion - Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Odontologos y Estomatologos 2. a Region (Cataluna)$Bol Inf Col Odontol Estomatol (Barc)Boletin de informacion dentalBol Inf Dent (Madr).Boletin de informaciones parasitarias chilenasBol Inf Parasit Chil\Boletin de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Academia Nacional de la Historia (Argentina)Bol Acad Nac Hist (Argent)\Boletin de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Academia Nacional de la Historia (Venezuela)Bol Acad Nac Hist (Caracas)<Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Odontologia para NinosBol Asoc Argent Odontol Ninos.Boletin de la Asociacion Medica de Puerto RicoBol Asoc Med P R0Boletin de la Asociacion de Demografia HistoricaBol Asoc Demogr HistIBoletin de la Biblioteca de Menendez Pelayo / Sociedad de Menendez PelayoBol Bibl Menendez PelayoZBoletin de la Institucion Sancho el Sabio. Institucion "Sancho el Sabio" (Victoria, Spain)Bol Inst Sancho SabioABoletin de la Liga Contra el Cancer. Liga Contra el Cancer (Cuba)Bol Liga Contra Cancer Havana8Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana. English edBol Of Sanit Panam (Engl)JBoletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana. Pan American Sanitary BureauBol Oficina Sanit PanamBoletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural. Seccion biologica : organo del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Jose de Acosta Bol R Soc Esp Hist Nat Secc BiolRBoletin de la Sociedad Castellonense de Cultura. Sociedad Castellonense de CulturaBol Soc Castell Cult,Boletin de la Sociedad Catalana de PediatriaBol Soc Catalana Pediatr*Boletin de la Sociedad Dental de GuatemalaBol Soc Dent Guatem:Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de la FarmaciaBol Soc Esp Hist Farm:Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de la MedicinaBol Soc Esp Hist MedFBoletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia y Filosofia de la MedicinaBol Soc Mex Hist Filos Med'Boletin de la Sociedad Quimica del PeruBol Soc Quim Peru.Boletin de la Sociedad Valenciana de PediatriaBol Soc Valencia Pediatr<Boletin de la Universidad de Granada. Universidad de GranadaBol Univ GranadaBoletin de odontologiaBol Odontol (Bogota)Boletin de poblacion Bol PoblacBoletin de protesis Bol ProtesjBoletin de psicologia / Republica de Cuba, Ministerio de Salud Publica, Hospital Psiquiatrico de la Habana Bol PsicolBoletin de sanidad militar Bol Sanid MiliBoletin del Centro de Estudios del Siglo XVIII. Universidad de Oviedo. Centro de Estudios del Siglo XVIIIBol Cent Estud Siglo XVIIISBoletin del Hospital Militar. Cuba. Ejercito. Hospital Militar Dr. Carlos J. Finlay6Bol Hosp Mil Cuba Ejercito Hosp Mil Dr Carlos J Finlay%Boletin del Hospital San Juan de DiosBol Hosp San Juan Dios-Boletin del Instituto Interamericano del NinoBol Inst Interam Nino^Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos. Instituto de Estudios Asturianos (Oviedo, Spain)Bol Inst Estud Asturianos_Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Medicos y Biologicos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico*Bol Inst Estud Med Biol Univ Nac Auton MexQBoletin del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Doctor Emilio Ravignani"+Bol Inst Hist Argent Am Dr Emilio RavignaniBoletin del PROLAP Bol PROLAPUBoletin del SIDEMA : publicacion periodico del Centro de Estudios de Poblacion, CENEP Bol SIDEMABoletin dental uruguayo Bol Dent UrugGBoletin editorial / El Colegio de Mexico, Departamento de PublicacionesBol Ed Col MexIBoletin epidemiologico de Chile / Republica de Chile, Ministerio de SaludBol Epidemiol Chile.Boletin medico del Hospital Infantil de MexicoBol Med Hosp Infant Mex`Boletin mensual de estadisticas (Colombia. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadisticas)Bol Mens Estad DANETBoletin mexicano de derecho comparado / Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas, UNAMBol Mex Derecho CompBoletin odontologicoBol Odontol (B Aires)Boletin odontologico mexicanoBol Odontol Mex3Boletin oficial del estado: Gaceta de Madrid. SpainBol Of Estado Gac Madr Spain.Boletin socioeconomico (Cali, Colombia : 1985) Bol Socioecon$Boletin. Academia Peruana de CirugiaBol Acad Peru Cir:Boletin. Asociacion Medica Nacional de la Republica Panama Bol Asoc Medica Nac Repub Panama:Boletin. Asociacion Venezolana de Enfermeras ProfesionalesBol Asoc Venez Enferm ProfLBoletin. Buenos Aires. Universidad Nacional. Instituto de Clinica Quirurgica#Bol B Aires Univ Nac Inst Clin QuirIBoletin. Mexico (City) Hospital Oftalmologico de Nuestra Senora de la LuzBol Hosp OftalmolQBoletin. Santa Fe, Argentine Republic (Province) Direccion General de OdontologiaBol Dir Gen Odontol (Santa Fe)6Boletin. Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y GinecologiaBol Soc Chil Obstet Ginecol7Boletin. Sociedad Cubana de Dermatologia y Sifilografia Bol Soc Cubana Dermatol Sifilogr(Boletin. Sociedad de Cirugia del UruguayBol Soc Cir Urug.Boletines de la Sociedad de Cirugia de RosarioBol Soc Cir Rosario6Boletines y trabajos - Sociedad Argentina de CirujanosBol Tr Soc Argent Cir:Boletines y trabajos - Sociedad de Cirugia de Buenos AiresBol Trab Soc Cir B AiresSBoletines y trabajos / Academia Argentina de Cirugia. Academia Argentina de CirugiaBol Trab Acad Argent Cir3Boletn Asociacin Chilena de Proteccin de la FamiliaBol Asoc Chil Prot Fam.Bollettino - Societa medico chirurgica CremonaBoll Soc Med Chir Cremona.Bollettino - Societa medico-chirurgica di PisaBoll Soc Med Chir PisaBollettino chimico farmaceuticoBoll Chim FarmBollettino d'oculistica Boll OculSBollettino del Centro internazionale A. Beltrame di storia dello spazio e del tempo(Boll Cent Int Beltrame Stor Spazio TempoPBollettino dell'Archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia"Boll Arch Stor Mov Soc Cattol Ital/Bollettino dell'Istituto sieroterapico milaneseBoll Ist Sieroter Milan"Bollettino dell'Ospedale di VareseBoll Osp Varese:Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentaleBoll Soc Ital Biol Sper0Bollettino della Societa italiana di cardiologiaBoll Soc Ital Cardiol4Bollettino della Societa medico chirurgica brescianaBoll Soc Med Chir Bresciana=Bollettino delle malattie dell'orecchio, della gola, del nasoBoll Mal Orecch Gola Naso Bollettino di demografia storicaBoll Demogr Stor:Bollettino e memorie della Societa piemontese di chirurgiaBoll Mem Soc Piemont Chir;Bollettino e memorie della Societa tosco-umbra di chirurgiaBoll Mem Soc Tosco Umbra Chir1Bollettino metallografico. Metallurgical bulletinBoll Metallogr*Bollettino storico-bibliografico subalpinoBoll Stor Bibliogr SubalpLBollettino. Societa italiana di medicina e igiene tropicale. Sezione Eritrea%Bull Soc Ital Med Ig Trop Sez EritreaBologna incontriBologna IncontriBologna medicaBologna MedicaBoneBoneBone and mineral Bone MinerBone marrow transplantationBone Marrow TransplantBoneKEy osteovisionBonekey Osteovision[Bonner Geschichtsblatter / Im Auftrage des Vereins Alt-Bonn herausgegeben von StadtarchivarBonn GeschichtsblABook supplement to the Journal of child psychology and psychiatry$Book Suppl J Child Psychol PsychiatrBordeaux chirurgical Bord ChirBordeaux medicalBord Med%Borden's review of nutrition researchBordens Rev Nutr Res&Borgyogyaszati es venerologiaia szemleBorgyogy Venerol Sz+Borsuye : Zeitschrift fur Medizin u. KulturBorsuyeBostonBoston&Boston College Third World law journalBoston Coll Third World Law JKBoston College environmental affairs law review. Boston College. Law SchoolBoston Coll Environ Aff Law Rev3Boston College industrial and commercial law reviewBoston Coll Ind Commer Law Rev7Boston College international and comparative law reviewBoston College Int Comp Law Rev5Boston College law review. Boston College. Law SchoolBoston Coll Law Rev+Boston University international law journalBoston Univ Int Law JBoston University journal Boston Univ J>Boston University law review. Boston University. School of LawBoston Univ Law RevBoston bar journal Boston Bar JBostonia (Boston, Mass. : 1986)Bostonia-Botanical Museum leaflets, Harvard UniversityBot Mus Lealf Harv Univ^Botanical bulletin of Academia Sinica. New series. Zhong yang yan jiu yuan. Zhi wu yan jiu suoBot Bull Acad Sinica (Taiwan)!Botanical gazette (Chicago, Ill.)Bot GazCBotanical journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of LondonBot J Linn SocKBotswana national health bulletin / issued by the National Health InstituteBotsw Natl Health BullBotswana notes and recordsBotsw Notes Rec Brachytherapy BrachytherapyBrain & development Brain DevBrain : a journal of neurologyBrainBrain and cognition Brain CognBrain and language Brain LangBrain cell biologyBrain Cell BiolBrain injury : [BI] Brain Inj%Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland) Brain PatholBrain research Brain ResBrain research bulletinBrain Res BullBrain research reviews Brain Res Rev(Brain research. Brain research protocolsBrain Res Brain Res Protoc&Brain research. Brain research reviewsBrain Res Brain Res Rev(Brain research. Cognitive brain researchBrain Res Cogn Brain Res,Brain research. Developmental brain researchBrain Res Dev Brain Res(Brain research. Gene expression patternsBrain Res Gene Expr Patterns(Brain research. Molecular brain researchBrain Res Mol Brain ResBrain structure & functionBrain Struct FunctBrain topography Brain TopogrBrain tumor pathologyBrain Tumor PatholBrain, behavior and evolutionBrain Behav EvolBrain, behavior, and immunityBrain Behav ImmunZBrandeis journal of family law / Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of LouisvilleBrandeis J Fam LawBrandeis law journalBrandeis Law JBrandeis review Brandeis Rev Brasil-medicoBras MedBratislavske lekarske listyBratisl Lek ListyZBraunschweiger Veroffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Pharmazie und der Naturwissenschaften&Braunschw Veroff Gesch Pharm NaturwissBrazilian dental journal Braz Dent JBrazilian economic studiesBraz Econ Stud'Brazilian journal of population studiesBraz J Popul StudBrazilian oral research Braz Oral ResBreast (Edinburgh, Scotland)BreastBreast cancer (Tokyo, Japan) Breast CancerBreast cancer research : BCRBreast Cancer Res$Breast cancer research and treatmentBreast Cancer Res TreatBreast disease Breast DisVBreastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding MedicineBreastfeed Med`Breastfeeding review : professional publication of the Nursing Mothers' Association of AustraliaBreastfeed RevBrethren life and thoughtBrethr Life Thought Bridge (Washington, D.C. : 1992)Bridg Wash D CBriefings in bioinformaticsBrief Bioinform-Briefings in functional genomics & proteomicsBrief Funct Genomic ProteomicBriefings in medical ethicsBrief Med EthicsBriefsBriefs#Brigham Young University law reviewBrigh Young Univ Law Rev:Brigham Young University studies. Brigham Young UniversityBrigham Young Univ Stud)Bristol medico-chirurgical journal (1963)Bristol Med Chir J6Britannia (Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies) Britannia-Britannica yearbook of science and the future Br Yearb Sci British Columbia medical journal B C Med JBritish book news Br Book NewsBritish dental journal Br Dent J:British dental nurses' journal (Fleetwood, England : 1994)Br Dent Nurs JBritish heart journal Br Heart JBritish heritageBr HeritBritish history illustrated Br Hist IlluswBritish journal for the history of philosophy : BJHP : the journal of the British Society for the History of PhilosophyBr J Hist Philos*British journal for the history of science Br J Hist SciBritish journal of addiction Br J AddictBritish journal of anaesthesia Br J AnaesthBritish journal of audiology Br J Audiol(British journal of audiology. SupplementBr J Audiol Suppl%British journal of biomedical scienceBr J Biomed SciBritish journal of cancer Br J Cancer(British journal of clinical pharmacologyBr J Clin Pharmacol0British journal of clinical practice. SupplementBr J Clin Pract Suppl$British journal of community nursingBr J Community Nurs(British journal of diseases of the chestBr J Dis Chest]British journal of educational technology : journal of the Council for Educational TechnologyBr J Educ Technol)British journal of experimental pathologyBr J Exp Pathol)British journal of guidance & counsellingBr J Guid CouncBritish journal of haematology Br J Haematol$British journal of health psychologyBr J Health Psychol$British journal of hospital medicine Br J Hosp Med=British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005)Br J Hosp Med (Lond)&British journal of industrial medicine Br J Ind Med(British journal of international studies Br J Int Stud"British journal of law and society Br J Law Soc$British journal of medical education Br J Med EducbBritish journal of medical hypnotism : official organ of the British Society of Medical Hypnotists Br J Med HypnBritish journal of neurosurgeryBr J Neurosurg2British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing) Br J Nurs-British journal of obstetrics and gynaecologyBr J Obstet GynaecolBritish journal of orthodontics Br J OrthoddBritish journal of perioperative nursing : the journal of the National Association of Theatre NursesBr J Perioper NursBritish journal of pharmacologyBr J Pharmacol0British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapyBr J Pharmacol Chemother"British journal of plastic surgeryBr J Plast Surg$British journal of political scienceBr J Polit Sci/British journal of preventive & social medicineBr J Prev Soc Med6British journal of psychology (London, England : 1953) Br J Psychol(British journal of radiology. SupplementBr J Radiol SupplBritish journal of rheumatologyBr J Rheumatol"British journal of sexual medicine Br J Sex Med"British journal of social medicine Br J Soc MedBritish journal of social work Br J Soc Work)British journal of sociology of educationBr J Sociol Educ"British journal of sports medicineBr J Sports MedBritish journal of urology Br J UrolBritish medical bulletin Br Med BullBritish medical journalBr Med J/British medical journal (Clinical research ed.)Br Med J (Clin Res Ed)British poultry science Br Poult Sci!British review of economic issuesBr Rev Econ IssuesBritish science news Br Sci NewsBromley local historyBromley Local HistBroncho-pneumologieBronchopneumologie+Bronte Society transactions. Bronte SocietyBronte Soc TransBrookhaven symposia in biologyBrookhaven Symp Biol,Brookings bulletin (Washington, D.C. : 1962)Brookings Bull%Brookings papers on economic activityBrookings Pap Econ Act%Brooklyn journal of international lawBrooklyn J Int LawBrooklyn law reviewBrooklyn Law RevBroward review Broward Rev'Bruns' Beitrage fur klinische ChirurgieBruns Beitr Klin Chir(Bruns' Beitrage zur klinischen ChirurgieBruns Beitr Klinischen ChirBruxelles medicalBrux MedBucherei des AugenarztesBuch AugenarztBuffalo law reviewBuffalo Law RevBuilding operating managementBuild Oper ManageBuilding systems designBuild Syst DesBuilt environment Built EnvironFBuletin i Universitetit Shteteror te Tiranes. Seria shkencat mjekesore(Bul Univ Shtet Tiranes Ser Shk MjekesoreBuletin keluarga Bul KeluargaVBuletin stiintific. Sectiunea de stiinte medicale. Academia Republicii Populare Romane:Bul Stiint Sect Stiint Medicale Acad Republicii Pop Romane:Bulletin (American Association for the History of Nursing)Bull Am Assoc Hist Nurs-Bulletin (Eugenics Society (London, England))Bull Eugen SocHBulletin (Gandhigram Institute of Rural Health and Family Welfare Trust)0Bull Gandhigram Inst Rural Health Fam Welf Trust7Bulletin (Hospital for Joint Diseases (New York, N.Y.))Bull Hosp Jt Dis6Bulletin (Institute of Medical Ethics (Great Britain))IME bullCBulletin (National Clearinghouse for Poison Control Centers (U.S.))"Bull Natl Clgh Poison Control Cent9Bulletin (National Medical and Dental Association (U.S)).+Bull Natl Med Dent Assoc Natl Advocates Soc:Bulletin (New York State Archeological Association : 1987)Bull J N Y State Archeol Assoc0Bulletin (Societe belge d'etudes Napoleoniennes)Bull Soc Belge Etud Napoleon(Bulletin (St. Louis Park Medical Center)Bull St Louis Park Med Cen"Bulletin (Western Dental Society).West Dent Soc Bull,Bulletin - Academy of Medicine of New JerseyBull Acad Med N J(Bulletin - Alameda County Dental SocietyBull Alameda Cty Dent SocWBulletin - American Academy of Arts and Sciences. American Academy of Arts and SciencesBull Am Acad Arts Sci4Bulletin - American Association of Hospital DentistsBull Am Assoc Hosp Dent3Bulletin - American Protestant Hospital AssociationBull Am Protestant Hosp AssocIBulletin - Bibliotheque royale Albert Ier. Bibliotheque royale Albert IerBull Bibl R AlbertaBulletin - British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. British Society for Middle Eastern StudiesBull Br Soc Middle East Stud4Bulletin - Cercle Benelux d'histoire de la pharmacieBull Cercle Benelux Hist Pharm$Bulletin - Cincinnati Dental SocietyBull Cincinnati Dent Soc6Bulletin - Cosmos Club. Cosmos Club (Washington, D.C.)Bull Cosm Club#Bulletin - Geisinger Medical CenterBull Geisinger7Bulletin - Institute for Medical Research, Kuala LumpurBull Inst Med Res Kuala LumpurKBulletin - Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Salisbury Cove, Maine-Bull Mt Desert Isl Biol Lab Salisb Cove Maine]Bulletin - Musees royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique. Musees royaux des beaux-arts de BelgiqueBull Mus Rov Beaux Arts Belg*Bulletin - N. Z. Society of PeriodontologyBull N Z Soc Periodontol,Bulletin - National Tuberculosis AssociationBull Natl Tuberc AssocDBulletin - National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association!Bull Natl Tuberc Respir Dis Assoc7Bulletin - New Jersey Society of Dentistry for ChildrenBull N J Soc Dent Child+Bulletin - Northern District Dental SocietyBull North Dist Dent Soc.Bulletin - Office international des epizootiesBull Off Int Epizoot1Bulletin - Pacific Coast Society of OrthodontistsBull Pac Coast Soc Orthod*Bulletin - San Diego County Dental SocietyBull San Diego Cty Dent Soc*Bulletin - San Mateo County Dental SocietyBull San Mateo Cty Dent Soc)Bulletin - Second District Dental SocietyBull Second Dist Dent Soc$Bulletin - Sinai Hospital of DetroitBull Sinai Hosp Detroit4Bulletin - Societe francaise d'histoire des hopitauxBull Soc Fr Hist Hop'Bulletin - Tennessee Nurses AssociationBull Tenn Nurses Assoc#Bulletin - Texas Nurses AssociationBull Tex Nurses Assoc2Bulletin / Atlantic-Cape May County Dental SocietyBull Atl Cape May Cty Dent Soc!Bulletin / Midtown Dental SocietyBull Midtown Dent Soc/Bulletin / Monmouth-Ocean County Dental Society Bull Monmouth Ocean Cty Dent Soc^Bulletin International De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences Et Des Lettres, Classe De Medecine Bull Int Acad Pol Sci Let Cl Med+Bulletin Of The Contra Costa Dental SocietyBull Contra Costa Dent SocFBulletin Of The Fifth District Dental Society Of The State Of New York"Bull Fifth Dist Dent Soc State N Y8Bulletin Of The National Guild Of Catholic Psychiatrists Bull Natl Guild Cathol Psychiatr<Bulletin Of The New Jersey College Of Medicine And DentistryBull N J Coll Med Dent?Bulletin Of The New York State Dental Society Of Anesthesiology#Bull N Y State Dent Soc Anesthesiol)Bulletin Of The Plainfield Dental SocietyBull Plainfield Dent Soc"Bulletin Of The School Of Medicine Bull Sch Med2Bulletin biologique de la France et de la BelgiqueBull Biol Fr BelgBulletin d'audiophonologieBull Audiophonol9Bulletin d'etudes orientales / Institut francais de DamasBull Etud Orient$Bulletin d'histoire de l'electriciteBull Hist ElectrBulletin d'histoire politiqueBull Hist PolitGBulletin d'hygiene. Health bulletin. Montreal (Quebec). Dept. of HealthBull HygABulletin d'information. Federation pharmaceutique mediterraneenneBull Inform Fed Pharm Mediterr]Bulletin de Groupement europeen pour la recher che scientifique en stomatologie & odontologie(Bull Group Eur Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol,Bulletin de l'Academie de chirurgie dentaireBull Acad Chir Dent (Paris)Bulletin de l'Academie dentaireBull Acad Dent (Paris),Bulletin de l'Academie lorraine des sciencesBull Acad Soc Lorraines Sci=Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de chirurgie dentaire (1983)Bull Acad Natl Chir Dent,Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de medecineBull Acad Natl MedMBulletin de l'Academie polonaise des sciences. Serie des sciences biologiquesBull Acad Pol Sci Biol5Bulletin de l'Academie royale de medecine de BelgiqueBull Acad R Med Belg,Bulletin de l'Academie veterinaire de FranceBull Acad Vet FrDBulletin de l'Association Guillaume Bude. Association Guillaume BudeBull Assoc Guillaume Bude0Bulletin de l'Association de geographes francaisBull Assoc Geogr Fr)Bulletin de l'Association des anatomistesBull Assoc Anat (Nancy)[Bulletin de l'Association des diplomes de microbiologie de la Faculte de pharmacie de Nancy-Bull Assoc Diplomes Microbiol Fac Pharm Nancy:Bulletin de l'Association francaise pour l'etude du cancerBull Assoc Fr Etud CancerOBulletin de l'Association tunisienne du planning familial : publication interneBull Assoc Tunis Plan Fam.Bulletin de l'Ecole francaise d'Extreme-OrientBull Ec Fr Extr OrientBulletin de l'Institut d'EgypteBull Inst EgypteNBulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Serie B: Sciences humainesBull Inst Fond Afr Noire Ser BkBulletin de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale. Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du CaireBull Inst Fr Archeol OrientGBulletin de l'Institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicaleBull Inst Natl Sante Rech MedFBulletin de la Bibliotheque nationale. Bibliotheque nationale (France) Bull Bibl NatBulletin de la Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques. Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiquesBull Cl Lett Sci Morales PolitYBulletin de la Federation des societes de gynecologie et dobstetrique de langue francaise#Bull Fed Soc Gynecol Obstet Lang FrBulletin de la Section d'histoire moderne et contemporaine. France. Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques. Section d'histoire moderne et contemporaineBull Sect Hist Mod ContempUBulletin de la Societe archeologique du Finistere. Societe archeologique du FinistereBull Soc Archeol FinistereBulletin de la Societe archeologique, historique, litteraire & scientifique du Gers. Societe archeologique, historique, litteraire et scientifique du Gers#Bull Soc Archeol Hist Litt Sci GersBulletin de la Societe belge d'etudes geographiques. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Vereniging voor Aardrijkskundige studies. Societe belge d'etudes geographiquesBull Soc Belg Etud Geogr,Bulletin de la Societe belge d'ophtalmologieBull Soc Belge Ophtalmol)Bulletin de la Societe chimique de FranceBull Soc Chim FryBulletin de la Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts de la Sarthe. Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts de la SartheBull Soc Agric Sci Arts SartheSBulletin de la Societe d'etudes des Hautes-Alpes. Societe d'etudes des Hautes-AlpesBull Soc Etud His AlpesUBulletin de la Societe d'histoire moderne. Societe d'histoire moderne (Paris, France)Bull Soc Hist Mod4Bulletin de la Societe de Borda (Dax, France : 1876)Bull Soc Borda+Bulletin de la Societe de chimie biologiqueBull Soc Chim Biol (Paris)FBulletin de la Societe de l'histoire du protestantisme francais (1852)Bull Soc Hist Protestant Fr4Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique (1990)Bull Soc Pathol Exot@Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filialesBull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales/Bulletin de la Societe de pharmacie de BordeauxBull Soc Pharm Bord1Bulletin de la Societe de pharmacie de StrasbourgBull Soc Pharm StrasbXBulletin de la Societe des amis des sciences et des lettres de Poznan. Seria C: Medecine Bull Soc Amis Sci (Med) (Poznan)/Bulletin de la Societe des amis du vieux ToulonBull Soc Amis Vieux ToulonCBulletin de la Societe des etudes oceaniennes (Polynesie orientale)Bull Soc Etud OceanienneswBulletin de la Societe des lettres, sciences et arts de la Correze. Societe des lettres, sciences et arts de la CorrezeBull Soc Lett Sci Arts CorrezeJBulletin de la Societe des sciences medicales du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg#Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche LuxembEBulletin de la Societe francaise de dermatologie et de syphiligraphieBull Soc Fr Dermatol SyphiligroBulletin de la Societe historique et archeologique du Perigord. Societe historique et archeologique du PerigordBull Soc Hist Archeol Perigord/Bulletin de la Societe industrielle de MulhouseBull Soc Ind Mulhouse2Bulletin de la Societe internationale de chirurgieBull Soc Int Chir3Bulletin de la Societe languedocienne de geographieBull Soc Languedoc Geogr:Bulletin de la Societe libanaise d'histoire de la medecineBull Soc Liban Hist MedCBulletin de la Societe medicale d'Afrique noire de langue francaiseBull Soc Med Afr Noire Lang FrgBulletin de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France. Societe nationale des antiquaires de FranceBull Soc Nat Antiq FrCBulletin de la Societe royale belge de gynecologie et d'obstetriqueBull Soc R Belge Gynecol ObstetBulletin de la societe archeologique, historique et artistique Le vieux papier pour l'etude de la vie et des moeurs d'autrefois&Bull Soc Archeol Hist Artist Vieux Pap,Bulletin de liaison de demographie africaineBull Liaison Demogr AfrBBulletin de medecine legale, urgence medicale, centre anti-poisons)Bull Med Leg Urgence Med Cent Antipoisons+Bulletin de methodologie sociologique : BMSBull Methodol Sociol!Bulletin de microscopie appliqueeBull Micr Appl!Bulletin de philosophie medievaleBull Philos Mediev*Bulletin de physio-pathologie respiratoire Bull Physiopathol Respir (Nancy)FBulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen WissenschaftenBull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss5Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts. Leo Baeck InstituteBull Leo Baeck InstBulletin des etudes ValeryennesBull Etud ValeryennesBulletin des etudes portugaisesBull Etud Port Bres.Bulletin des infirmieres catholiques du CanadaBull Infirm Cathol Can>Bulletin des seances- Academie royale des sciences d'outre-mer!Bull Seances Acad R Sci Outre Mer/Bulletin des societes d'ophtalmologie de FranceBull Soc Ophtalmol FrBulletin du C. E. R. P Bull CerpBulletin du Centre d'histoire economique et sociale de la region lyonnaise. Centre d'histoire economique et sociale de la region lyonnaise Bull Cent Hist Econ Soc Reg LyonSBulletin du Groupement international pour la recherche scientifique en stomatologie Bull Group Int Rech Sci StomatolaBulletin du Groupement international pour la recherche scientifique en stomatologie & odontologie(Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol[Bulletin du STATEC. Luxembourg. Service central de la statistique et des etudes economiques Bull StatecBulletin du cancer Bull CancerBulletin du cancer. Radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise du cancer : organe de la societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologiqueBull Cancer Radiother&Bulletin economique et social du MarocBull Econ Soc MarocABulletin et memoires de l'Academie royale de medecine de BelgiqueBull Mem Acad R Med Belg;Bulletin et memoires de la Societe des chirurgiens de ParisBull Mem Soc Chir Paris2Bulletin europeen de physiopathologie respiratoireBull Eur Physiopathol RespirBulletin hispanique Bull Hisp1Bulletin historique et scientifique de l'AuvergneBull His Sci AuvergneTBulletin international des services de sante des armees de terre, de mer et de l'air(Bull Int Serv Sante Armees Terre Mer Air%Bulletin medecine legale, toxicologieBull Med Leg ToxicolBulletin medicalBull Med>Bulletin medical. Revue medicale francaise. Guide du praticienBull Med Rev Med Fr Guide Prat:Bulletin mensuel - Societe de medecine militaire francaiseBull Mens Soc Med Mil Fr=Bulletin mensuel de la Societe veterinaire pratique de FranceBull Mens Soc Vet Prat Fr4Bulletin municipal officiel de la ville de MarseilleBull Munic Off Ville Mars4Bulletin of Academy of Dentistry for the HandicappedBull Acad Dent HandicapBulletin of Czechoslovak lawBull Czechoslovak LawBulletin of Haffkine Institute Bull Haffkine'Bulletin of Indonesian economic studiesBull Indones Econ StudsBulletin of Islamic medicine / Kuwait Ministry of Public Health [and] National Council of Culture, Arts and LettersBull Islam Med#Bulletin of Latin American researchBull Lat Am Res-Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research InstituteBull Pharm Res InstPBulletin of Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh*Bull Postgrad Inst Med Educ Res ChandigarhBulletin of anesthesia historyBull Anesth HisthBulletin of animal health and production in Africa. Bulletin des sante et production animales en AfriqueBull Anim Health Prod Afr1Bulletin of bibliography (Westwood, Mass. : 1979) Bull Bibliogr"Bulletin of clinical neurosciencesBull Clin Neurosci$Bulletin of concerned Asian scholarsBull Concern Asian SchBulletin of economic research Bull Econ ResBulletin of endemic diseasesBull Endem Dis (Baghdad)"Bulletin of entomological researchBull Entomol Res6Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicologyBull Environ Contam ToxicolLBulletin of epizootic diseases of Africa. Bulletin des epizooties en AfriqueBull Epizoot Dis Afr-Bulletin of experimental biology and medicineBull Exp Biol Med7Bulletin of francophone Africa / Maghreb Research GroupBull Francoph Afr&Bulletin of gastrointestinal endoscopyBull Gastrointest EndoscBulletin of hygieneBull Hyg (Lond) Bulletin of mathematical biologyBull Math BiolBulletin of medical ethicsBull Med EthicsBulletin of peace proposalsBull Peace Propos Bulletin of prosthetics researchBull Prosthet Res&Bulletin of research in the humanitiesBull Res Humanit)Bulletin of science, technology & societyBull Sci Technol Soc+Bulletin of the 8th District Dental SocietyBull Eighth Dist Dent Soc$Bulletin of the Akron Dental SocietyBull Akron Dent Soc3Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-MidwiferyBull Am Coll Nurse Midwifery2Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-MidwivesBull Am Coll Nurse Midwives,Bulletin of the American College of SurgeonsBull Am Coll Surg\Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. American Schools of Oriental ResearchBull Am Schools Orient Res?Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science / ASISBull Am Soc Inf SciXBulletin of the British Association of Orientalists. British Association of OrientalistsBull Br Assoc OrientCBulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Historical series Bull Br Mus-Bulletin of the British Psychological SocietyBull Br Psychol Soc4Bulletin of the Calcutta School of Tropical MedicineBull Calcutta Sch Trop Med)Bulletin of the Chemical Society of JapanBull Chem Soc JpnBBulletin of the Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto University"Bull Chest Dis Res Inst Kyoto Univ:Bulletin of the Dental Guidance Council for Cerebral Palsy Bull Dent Guid Counc Cereb Palsy0Bulletin of the Eleventh District Dental SocietyBull Eleventh Dist Dent Soc*Bulletin of the Georgia Academy of ScienceBull Ga Acad Sci.Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical AssociationBull Ghana Geogr Assoc4Bulletin of the Gloucester County Historical SocietyBull Gloucester Cty Hist Soc+Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint DiseasesBull Hosp Joint DisABulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic InstituteBull Hosp Jt Dis Orthop InstfBulletin of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. Hunt Institute for Botanical DocumentationBull Hunt Inst Bot DocCBulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad)#Bull Indian Inst Hist Med HyderabadABulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto UniversityBull Inst Chem Res Kyoto UnivDBulletin of the Institute for Medical Research, University of MadridBull Inst Med Res Univ Madr0Bulletin of the Institute of Historical ResearchBull Inst Hist ResEBulletin of the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in GdyniaBull Inst Marit Trop Med Gdynia1Bulletin of the Institute of Medicine (Hyderabad)Bull Inst Hist Med HyderabadBulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research. International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research)Bull Int Comm Urgent Anthropol Ethnol ResBulletin of the International Pediatric Association. Bulletin de l'Association internationale de pediatrie. Boletin de la Asociacion Internacional de PediatriaBull Int Pediatr Assoc8Bulletin of the International Union against TuberculosisBull Int Union TubercIBulletin of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung DiseaseBull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis&Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins HospitalBull Johns Hopkins Hosp*Bulletin of the Los Angeles Dental SocietyBull Los Angeles Dent Soc0Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological SocietyBull Los Angel Neuro Soc2Bulletin of the Los Angeles neurological societiesBull Los Angeles Neurol SocBulletin of the Mason ClinicBull Mason Clin0Bulletin of the Massachusetts Nurses AssociationBull Mass Nurses Assoc+Bulletin of the Medical Library AssociationBull Med Libr Assoc Bulletin of the Menninger ClinicBull Menninger Clin/Bulletin of the NYU hospital for joint diseasesBull NYU Hosp Jt Dis;Bulletin of the Natural Family Planning Council of VictoriaBull Nat Fam Plan Counc Vic,Bulletin of the New York Academy of MedicineBull N Y Acad Med@Bulletin of the New York State Society of Dentistry for ChildrenBull N Y State Soc Dent Child"Bulletin of the Newark Dental ClubBull Newark Dent Club1Bulletin of the Ophthalmological Society of EgyptBull Ophthalmol Soc Egypt%Bulletin of the Osaka Medical CollegeBull Osaka Med Coll$Bulletin of the Osaka Medical SchoolBull Osaka Med Sch0Bulletin of the Osaka Medical School. SupplementBull Osaka Med Sch Suppl0Bulletin of the Pan American Health OrganizationBull Pan Am Health Organ+Bulletin of the Parenteral Drug AssociationBull Parenter Drug Assoc!Bulletin of the Park Ridge CenterBull Park Ridge Cent-Bulletin of the Passaic County Dental SocietyBull Passaic Cty Dent Soc;Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for PsychoanalysisBull Phila Assoc Psychoanal5Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. ChemistryBul Pol Acad Sci ChemkBulletin of the Population and Development Studies Center. Soul Taehakkyo. In'gu mit Palchon Munje Yon'gusoBull Popul Dev Stud CentIBulletin of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of SydneyBull Postgrad Comm Med Univ Syd#Bulletin of the Psychonomic SocietyBull Psychon Soc%Bulletin of the Public Health Society#Bull Publ Health Soc (Kuala Lumpur)*Bulletin of the Research Council of IsraelBull Res Counc IsrLBulletin of the Research Council of Israel. Section E: Experimental medicine!Bull Res Counc Isr Sect E Exp Med7Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith StudiesBull R Inst Inter Faith Stud3Bulletin of the School of Medicine (Baltimore, Md.)Bull Sch Med Univ MdtBulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London. School of Oriental and African StudiesBull Sch Orient Afr StuddBulletin of the Sloane Hospital for Women in the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York City+Bull Sloane Hosp Women Columbia Presbyt Med-Bulletin of the Suffolk County Dental SocietyBull Suffolk Cty Dent SocFBulletin of the Tenth District Dental Society of the State of New York+Bull Tenth Dist Dent Soc (Rockville Centre)LBulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific!Bull Unesco Reg Off Educ Asia Pac%Bulletin of the Valley Dental SocietyBull Val Dent Soc)Bulletin of the World Health OrganizationBull World Health Organ5Bulletin of the World Health Organization. SupplementBull World Health Org Suppl$Bulletin of the history of dentistryBull Hist Dent#Bulletin of the history of medicine Bull Hist Med0Bulletin of the history of medicine. SupplementsBull Hist Med Suppl[Bulletin officiel du Conseil national de l'Ordre / Ordre national des chirurgiens-dentistes'Ordre Natl Chir Dent Cons Natl Bull Off=Bulletin officiel. Chambre syndicale des medecins de la SeineBull Off Chambre Synd Med SeineBulletin on narcotics Bull Narc"Bulletin on the rheumatic diseasesBull Rheum Dis0Bulletin on training, trends, techniques, topics Bull TraineBulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'a 1610) du Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiquesBull Philol HistaBulletin trimestriel de l'Institut des actuaires francais. Institut des actuaires francais, Paris$Bull Trimest Inst Actuaires Francais8Bulletin trimestriel de la Societe mycologique de FranceBull Trimest Soc Mycol Fr_Bulletin, McGuire Clinic and St. Luke's Hospital. Richmond. St. Luke's Hospital. McGuire ClinicCBull McGuire Clin St Lukes Hosp Richmond St Lukes Hosp McGuire Clin(Bulletin. Association medicale haitienneBull Assoc Med Haiti%Bulletin. Bronx County Dental SocietyBull Bronx Cty Dent Soc#Bulletin. Brooklyn. Jewish Hospital Bull Brooklyn,Bulletin. Buffalo. Millard Fillmore Hospital"Bull Millard Fillmore Hosp Buffalo!Bulletin. Chicago Medical SocietyBull Chic Med Soc!Bulletin. Columbus Dental SocietyColumbus Dent Soc Bull&Bulletin. Dayton (Ohio) Dental SocietyBull Dayton Dent Soc/Bulletin. Georgetown University. Medical CenterBull Georgetown Univ Med Cent&Bulletin. Hospital for Special SurgeryBull Hosp Spec Surg3Bulletin. Hudson County Dental Society, Jersey CityBull Hudson Cty Dent Soc3Bulletin. Jami'at al-Iskandariyah. Kulliyat al-TibbBull Alexandria Fac8Bulletin. Jersey City. Margaret Hague Maternity Hospital(Bull Jersey City Margaret Hague Mat Hosp7Bulletin. John Rylands University Library of Manchester#Bull J Rylands Univ Libr ManchesterBulletin. Kresge Eye InstituteBull Kresge Eye Inst)Bulletin. Montgomery-Bucks Dental SocietyBull Montg Bucks Dent Soc5Bulletin. Moore-White Medical Foundation, Los Angeles$Bull Moore White Med Found Los Angel.Bulletin. National Institutes of Health (U.S.)Bull Natl Inst Health$Bulletin. New England Medical CenterBull New Engl Med Cent"Bulletin. New York Medical CollegeBulletin NY Med Coll@Bulletin. Ninth District Dental Society of the State of New YorkBull Ninth Dist Dent Soc:Bulletin. Okayama Daigaku. Igakubu. Gangen Kenkyu Shisetsu%Bull Cancer Inst Okayama Univ Med SchGBulletin. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Hospital. Ayer Clinical Laboratory Bull Phila Pa Hosp Ayer Clin LabBulletin. Portland, Or. ClinicPortland Clin BullPBulletin. Roslyn, N. Y. St. Francis Hospital and Sanatorium for Cardiac ChildrenHeart Cent Bull (Roslyn)'Bulletin. Societe de chirurgie de ParisBull Soc Chir Paris4Bulletin. Societe des medecins hygienistes d'AlgerieBull Soc Med Hyg Alger6Bulletin. Societe des sciences, lettres et arts de PauBull Soc Sci Lettr Arts PauRBulletin. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Belgrad. Odeljenje medicinskih naukaBull Acad Serbe Sci Arts*Bulletin. Tufts-New England Medical CenterBull Tufts N Engl Med Cent-Bulletin. Union County (N. J.) Dental SocietyBull Union Cty Dent Soc*Bulletin. United States. Army Medical DeptBull U S Army Med Dep>Bulletin. University of London. Institute of Classical StudiesBull Inst Class Stud Univ Lond'Bulletin. Vancouver Medical AssociationBull Vanc Med Assoc#Bulletin. World Medical AssociationBull World Med AssocNBulletins et memoires de la Faculte mixte de medecine et de pharmacie de Dakar"Bull Mem Fac Mixte Med Pharm Dakar<Bulletins et memoires de la Societe d'anthropologie de ParisBull Mem Soc Anthropol Paris=Bulletins et memoires de la Societe francaise d'ophtalmologieBull Mem Soc Fr OphtalmolBBulletins et memoires de la Societe medicale des hopitaux de ParisBull Mem Soc Med Hop Paris Bullettino delle scienze medicheBull Sci Med (Bologna)BundesgesundheitsblattBundesgesundheitsblatt?Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz=Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz+Bureau of Justice Statistics special reportBur Justice Stat Spec RepBurgenlandische HeimatblatterBurgenl HeimatblBurgenseBurgenseBurma medical journal Burma Med J>Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn InjuriesBurnsBurns, including thermal injuryBurns Incl Therm InjBusiness & professional ethicsBus Prof Ethics&Business & professional ethics journalBus Prof Ethics JBusiness India BusinessIndia-Business and economic review (Columbia, S.C.) Bus Econ RevBusiness and health Bus Health$Business economics (Cleveland, Ohio)Bus Econ!Business ethics (Oxford, England) Bus EthicsJBusiness ethics quarterly : the journal of the Society for Business Ethics Bus Ethics QBusiness historyBus HistBusiness history review Bus Hist RevBusiness horizons Bus HorizBusiness in Thailand Bus ThailBusiness insurance Bus Insur6Business review (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)Bus Rev Business weekBus Week^Butlleti de la Societat d'Amics de la Historia i de la Ciencia Farmaceutica Catalana : BSAHCFC(Butll Soc Amics Hist Cienc Farm Catalana By og bygdBy Bygd Bygone Kent Bygone Kent'Byogen biseibutsu kenshutsu joho, geppoSInfectious agents surveillance report (IASR)|Byogen Biseibutsu Kenshutsu Joho GeppoByzantinische ForschungenByzantinische ForschByzantinische ZeitschriftByzantinische ZByzantinoslavicaByzantinoslavica5Byzantion; revue internationale des etudes byzantines ByzantionC.H.A.C. reviewCHAC RevC.I.C.I.A.M.S. nouvelles CICIAMS Nouv#CA: a cancer journal for cliniciansCA Cancer J ClinACAFS news : a Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) newsletter CAFS News+CAL [magazine] Certified Akers LaboratoriesCALCANACANA,CAP today / College of American Pathologists CAP Today!CARE briefs on development issuesCARE Briefs Develop IsssuesCBE life sciences educationCBE Life Sci EducBCBE views : official publication of the Council of Biology Editors CBE Views$CCAR journal (New York, N.Y. : 1991)CCAR JZCCICA annual : publication of the Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs CCICA AnnualCCL family foundationsCCL Family FoundCCQ. Critical care quarterlyCCQ)CDA journal California Dental AssociationCDA JCDC AIDS weekly CDC AIDS WklyCDR (London, England : Review)CDR (Lond Engl Rev)CDR (London, England : Weekly)CDR (Lond Engl Wkly) CDS reviewCDS Rev CDT digestCDT DigCEDPA network (Online) CEDPA NetwBCEDPA world wide. Centre for Development and Population ActivitiesCEDPA World Wide CEPAL review CEPAL Rev3CES odontologia / Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud CES OdontolDCEX [reports]; civil effects exercise. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionCEX Rep Civ Eff Exerc CHA insight CHA InsightCIN plusCIN PlusCIRDAP development digestCIRDAP Dev DigrCIRES, Cahiers ivoiriens de recherche economique et sociale. Centre ivoirien de recherches economiques et socialesCIRES Cah Ivoir Rech Econ SocCMD. Current medical dialogCmd CNA bulletinCNA Bull)CNS & neurological disorders drug targetsCNS Neurol Disord Drug TargetsCNS drug reviews CNS Drug Rev CNS drugs CNS Drugs CNS spectrums CNS SpectrTCOMSIG review / COMSIG, Chiropractors and Osteopaths Musculo-Skeletal Interest Group COMSIG Rev,COO [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionCOO RepCOPDCOPDCPR population research Cpr Popul Res"CRC Critical reviews in immunologyCRC Crit Rev Immunol$CRC critical reviews in biochemistryCRC Crit Rev Biochem&CRC critical reviews in bioengineeringCRC Crit Rev Bioeng4CRC critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciencesCRC Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci-CRC critical reviews in clinical neurobiologyCRC Crit Rev Clin Neurobiol?CRC critical reviews in clinical radiology and nuclear medicine!CRC Crit Rev Clin Radiol Nucl Med*CRC critical reviews in diagnostic imagingCRC Crit Rev Diagn Imaging2CRC critical reviews in food science and nutritionCRC Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr$CRC critical reviews in microbiologyCRC Crit Rev Microbiol-CRC critical reviews in radiological sciencesCRC Crit Rev Radiol Sci"CRC critical reviews in toxicologyCRC Crit Rev ToxicolCRHCS news : the newsletter of the Commonwealth Regional Health Community Secretariat for East, Central and Southern Africa. Commonwealth Regional Health Community for East, Central, and Southern Africa. Secretariat CRHCS news CRM advocate CRM Advocate0CRNA : the clinical forum for nurse anesthetistsCRNA CVI forum CVI Forum CVI newswatch CVI NewswatchCVPCVPCW, Canadian welfareCan WelfCaboCaboCaderno de terapeutica Labor Cad Ter LaborCadernos De Pesquisas Cad Pesqui Cadernos da Casa de Oswaldo CruzCad Casa Oswaldo Cruz3Cadernos de historia e saude / Casa de Oswaldo CruzCad Hist SaudehCadernos de saude publica / Ministerio da Saude, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Nacional de Saude PublicaCad Saude PublicaCaduceus (Springfield, Ill.)Caduceus Caementum CaementumCahiers Confrontation Cah ConfrontCahiers Laennec Cah LaennecCahiers Leopold DelisleCah Leopold Delisle1Cahiers O. R. S. T. O. M. Serie sciences humainesCah Orstom (Sci Hum)NCahiers R. M. F.: bulletin medical-guide du praticien-revue medicale francaise Cah Rmf Bull Med Guide Pract RevCahiers Vilfredo ParetoCah Vilfredo Pareto4Cahiers alsaciens d'archeologie, d'art et d'histoireCah Alsac Archeol Art HistCahiers bruxelloisCah BruxCahiers d'AlexandrieCah AlexCahiers d'anesthesiologieCah Anesthesiol,Cahiers d'archeologie et d'histoire du BerryCah Archeol Hist BerryCahiers d'etudes africaines Cah Etud Afr.Cahiers d'etudes medievales (Montreal, Quebec)Cah Etud MedievCahiers d'etudes sur la Mediterranee orientale et le monde turco-iranien / Fondation nationale des science politiques, Centre d'etudes et de recherches internationales$Cah Mediterr Orient Monde Turco IranCahiers d'histoireCah Hist/Cahiers d'histoire (Espaces Marx (Association))Cah Hist Espaces Marx AssocCahiers d'histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale / Ministere de l'education nationale, Archives generales du royaume, Centre de recherches et d'etudes historiques de la seconde guerre mondialeCah Hist Second Guerr Mond5Cahiers d'histoire mondiale. Journal of world history Cah Hist MondCahiers d'odonto-stomatologieCah Odontostomatol TouraineCahiers danthropologie Cah AnthropolCahiers de ClioCah ClioCahiers de geographie de Quebec Cah Geogr QueCahiers de geographie du Quebec Cah Geogr Que Cahiers de lAcademie de BretagneCah Acad Bretagne)Cahiers de medecine inter professionnelleCah Med Inter ProfCahiers de psychiatrie Cah Psychiatr!Cahiers de recherche sociologiqueCah Rech SociolCahiers de sexologie cliniqueCah Sexol Clin1Cahiers de sociologie et de demographie medicalesCah Sociol Demogr Med4Cahiers des Ameriques latines (Paris, France : 1985) Cah Am Lat6Cahiers des annales de Normandie. Annales de NormandieCah Ann NormandieCahiers des etudes anciennes Cah Etud Anc Cahiers des religions africaines Cah Relig AfrCahiers des sciences humaines Cah Sci HumQCahiers du Centre de recherches et d'etudes sur Paris et l'Ile-de-France (CREPIF)&Cah Cent Rech Etud Paris Lle de France$Cahiers du monde russe et sovietiqueCah Monde Russe Sov#Cahiers du seminaire de philosophieCah Semin Philos Cahiers economiques de Bruxelles Cah Econ BruxCahiers economiques et sociaux Cah Econ SocCahiers geographiques de RouenCah Geogr RouenCahiers geologiquesCah Geol7Cahiers internationaux d'histoire economique et socialeCah Int Hist Econ SocYCahiers medicaux de l'union francaise; revue medico-chirurgicale de la France d'outre-merCah Medicaux Union FrCahiers medicaux lyonnais Cah Med LyonHCahiers quebecois de demographie / Association des demographes du QuebecCah Que DemogrCahiers techniques AFRO Cah Tech AFRO Cahiers victoriens & edouardiensCah Victor EdouardiensCairoCairo Cairo today Cairo TodayCalcified tissue internationalCalcif Tissue IntCalcified tissue researchCalcif Tissue ResCalcutta medical journalCalcutta Med J'California Historical Society quarterlyCalif Hist Soc QCalifornia State Bar journalCalif State Bar J,California Western international law journalCalif West Int Law JCalifornia Western law reviewCalif West Law RevCalifornia anthropologistCalif AnthropolCalifornia code of regulationsCalif Code Regul9California counts / Public Policy Institute of California Calif CountsCalifornia historical quarterly Calif Hist QCalifornia hospitals Calif HospCalifornia journalCalif JCalifornia law review Calif Law Rev+California magazine (Beverly Hills, Calif.) Calif MagCalifornia management reviewCalif Manage RevCalifornia medicine Calif MedCalifornia nurse Calif NurseCalifornia sociologist Calif SociolCalifornia's health Calif Health'Californian journal of health promotionCalifornian J Health PromotCalyx (Toronto, Ont.).Calyx Cambodge soir Cambodge SoiraCambridge anthropology : a journal of the Department of Social Anthropology, Cambridge UniversityCamb AnthropolCambridge journal of economicsCambridge J EconCambridge municipal code 1988 : a codification of the general ordinances of the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts / codified, indexed and published by Book Publishing Company. Cambridge (Mass.)Camb Munic Code 1988 Camb MassiCambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics : CQ : the international journal of healthcare ethics committeesCamb Q Healthc EthicsCampbell law reviewCampbell Law RevdCanada Supreme Court reports. Recueil des arrets de la Cour Supreme du Canada. Canada. Supreme Court'Can Supreme Court Rep Can Supreme CourtCanada's mental healthCan Ment HealthCanadian AIDS news Can AIDS News'Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journalCan Anaesth Soc J(Canadian Forces Dental Services BulletinCan Forces Dent Serv Bull)Canadian Forces Dental Services quarterlyCan Forces Dent Serv QGCanadian HIV/AIDS policy & law review / Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal NetworkCan HIV AIDS Policy Law Rev$Canadian Medical Association journalCan Med Assoc J(Canadian Psychiatric Association journalCan Psychiatr Assoc JCanadian Slavonic papersCan Slavon PapTCanadian aeronautics and space journal. Le journal aeronautique et spatial du CanadaCan Aeronaut Space JLCanadian and international education. Education canadienne et internationale Can Int EducCanadian bar journal Can Bar J+Canadian bulletin of cardiovascular nursingCan Bull Cardiovasc Nurs&Canadian critical care nursing journalCan Crit Care Nurs JCanadian dimension Can DimensCanadian doctorCan DoctCanadian ethnic studies Can Ethn StudCanadian family law quarterly Can Fam Law Q5Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadienCan Fam PhysicianCanadian geographic Can GeogrCanadian hospitalCan HospCanadian human rights advocateCan Hum Rights Advocate#Canadian journal of African studiesCan J Afr Stud#Canadian journal of Italian studiesCan J Ital Stud]Canadian journal of applied sport sciences. Journal canadien des sciences appliquees au sportCan J Appl Sport SciVCanadian journal of behavioural science. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportementCan J Behav Sci Canadian journal of biochemistry Can J Biochem/Canadian journal of biochemistry and physiologyCan J Biochem Physiol9Canadian journal of botany. Journal canadien de botanique Can J BotCanadian journal of chemistry Can J Chem=Canadian journal of comparative medicine (Gardenvale, Quebec)Can J Comp Med?Canadian journal of comparative medicine and veterinary scienceCan J Comp Med Vet SciOCanadian journal of comparative medicine. Revue canadienne de medecine compareeCan J Comp MedACanadian journal of criminology. Revue canadienne de criminologieCan J. Criminol"Canadian journal of earth sciencesCan J Earth SciBCanadian journal of family law. Revue canadienne de droit familial Can J Fam LawPCanadian journal of forest research. Journal canadien de la recherche forestiere Can J For ResXCanadian journal of genetics and cytology. Journal canadien de genetique et de cytologieCan J Genet CytolCanadian journal of history Can J Hist;Canadian journal of history of sport and physical educationCan J Hist Sport Phys Educ$Canadian journal of medical sciences Can J Med Sci&Canadian journal of medical technologyCan J Med Technol Canadian journal of microbiologyCan J Microbiol*Canadian journal of nursing administrationCan J Nurs Adm&Canadian journal of nursing leadershipCan J Nurs LeadershICanadian journal of occupational therapy. Revue canadienne d'ergotherapieCan J Occup TherCCanadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologieCan J OphthalmolFCanadian journal of otolaryngology. Journal canadien d'otolaryngologieCan J OtolaryngolRCanadian journal of otolaryngology. Journal canadien d'otolaryngologie. SupplementCan J Otolaryngol SupplCanadian journal of philosophy Can J PhilosCanadian journal of physics Can J Phys/Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacologyCan J Physiol PharmacolLCanadian journal of political science. Revue canadienne de science politiqueCan J Polit Sci?Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrieCan J PsychiatryCanadian journal of psychology Can J PsycholECanadian journal of public health. Revue canadienne de sante publiqueCan J Public HealthCanadian journal of research Can J Res:Canadian journal of surgery. Journal canadien de chirurgie Can J Surg"Canadian journal of urban researchCan J Urban ResCanadian journal of zoology Can J ZoolCanadian labour Can LabourCanadian mineralogist Can Mineral'Canadian operating room nursing journalCan Oper Room Nurs JCanadian pharmaceutical journal Can Pharm J5Canadian psychological review. Psychologie canadienneCan Psychol RevACanadian public administration. Administration publique du CanadaCan Public Adm-Canadian public policy. Analyse de politiquesCan Public PolicyGCanadian respiratory journal : journal of the Canadian Thoracic Society Can Respir J#Canadian review of American studiesCan Rev Am Stud!Canadian services medical journalCan Serv Med JCanadian social trendsCan Soc Trends+Canadian statistical review (Ottawa, Ont.). Can Stat RevCanadian studies in populationCan Stud PopulMCanadian-American Slavic studies. Revue canadienne-americaine d'etudes slavesCan Am Slav StudCancerCancerCancer biochemistry biophysicsCancer Biochem BiophysCancer biology & therapyCancer Biol Ther0Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markersCancer BiomarkCancer biotherapyCancer Biother(Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticalsCancer Biother RadiopharmCancer bulletin (Houston, Tex.) Cancer BullCancer causes & control : CCCCancer Causes Control Cancer cell Cancer CellCancer cell internationalCancer Cell Int.Cancer cells (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. : 1989) Cancer Cells5Cancer chemotherapy and biological response modifiers$Cancer Chemother Biol Response Modif$Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacologyCancer Chemother Pharmacol#Cancer chemotherapy reports. Part 1Cancer Chemother Rep#Cancer chemotherapy reports. Part 2Cancer Chemother Rep 2#Cancer chemotherapy reports. Part 3Cancer Chemother Rep 3Cancer clinical trialsCancer Clin TrialsCancer communications Cancer Commun5Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer CenterCancer ControlCancer cytology Cancer CytolCancer detection and preventionCancer Detect Prev|Cancer detection and prevention. Supplement : official publication of the International Society for Preventive Oncology, IncCancer Detect Prev SupplCancer drug deliveryCancer Drug DelivCancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers PrevCancer gene therapyCancer Gene Ther Cancer genetics and cytogeneticsCancer Genet CytogenetCancer genomics & proteomicsCancer Genomics ProteomicsUCancer imaging : the official publication of the International Cancer Imaging SocietyCancer Imaging?Cancer immunity : a journal of the Academy of Cancer Immunology Cancer Immun&Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CIICancer Immunol ImmunotherCancer informatics Cancer InformCancer investigation Cancer InvestCancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.)Cancer JCancer letters Cancer LettCancer metastasis reviewsCancer Metastasis RevCancer nursing Cancer NursCancer practice Cancer PractCancer progress Cancer ProgSCancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologiqueCancer RadiotherCancer research Cancer ResCancer research. Supplement Can Res SupplCancer science Cancer SciCancer surveys Cancer SurvCancer therapy Cancer TherCancer treatment and researchCancer Treat ResCancer treatment reportsCancer Treat RepCancer treatment reviewsCancer Treat RevCanine practice Canine PractCantiumCantiumCape Breton postCape Breton PostCapital University law reviewCap Univ Law RevCapital nursingCap NursCapitation management reportCapitation Manag RepCapitation rates & dataCapitation Rates DataCarbohydrate lettersCarbohydr LettCarbohydrate research Carbohydr ResCarbon balance and managementCarbon Balance ManagCarcinogenesisCarcinogenesis&Carcinogenesis; a comprehensive surveyCarcinog Compr Surv Cardiac electrophysiology reviewCard Electrophysiol RevCardio-vascular nursingCardiovasc Nurs Cardiologia CardiologiaCardiologia (Rome, Italy) CardiologiaCardiologia pratica Cardiol Prat Cardiology CardiologyCardiology clinics Cardiol ClinCardiology in review Cardiol RevCardiology in the young Cardiol YoungCardiology managementCardiol Manage Cardioscience Cardioscience<Cardiovascular & hematological agents in medicinal chemistry"Cardiovasc Hematol Agents Med Chem5Cardiovascular & hematological disorders drug targets&Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets'Cardiovascular Research Center bulletinCardiovasc Res Cent Bull+Cardiovascular and interventional radiologyCardiovasc Intervent RadiolCardiovascular clinicsCardiovasc ClinCardiovascular diabetologyCardiovasc DiabetolCardiovascular diseasesCardiovasc DisCardiovascular drug reviewsCardiovasc Drug RevkCardiovascular drugs and therapy / sponsored by the International Society of Cardiovascular PharmacotherapyCardiovasc Drugs Ther3Cardiovascular engineering (Dordrecht, Netherlands)Cardiovasc Eng Cardiovascular journal of AfricaCardiovasc J AfrCardiovascular journal of South Africa : official journal for Southern Africa Cardiac Society [and] South African Society of Cardiac PractitionersCardiovasc J S Afr[Cardiovascular pathology : the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular PathologyCardiovasc Pathol!Cardiovascular radiation medicineCardiovasc Radiat MedCardiovascular radiologyCardiovasc RadiolCardiovascular researchCardiovasc ResMCardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventionsCardiovasc Revasc Med Cardiovascular reviews & reportsCardiovasc Rev Rep(Cardiovascular surgery (London, England)Cardiovasc SurgCardiovascular toxicologyCardiovasc ToxicolCardiovascular ultrasoundCardiovasc UltrasoundCardozo law reviewCardozo Law Rev0Care giver : journal of the College of Chaplains Care GiveraCare management journals : Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care Care Manag J6Caribbean affairs (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago) Caribb AffCaribbean health Caribb HealthCaribbean medical journal Caribb Med JCaribbean review Caribb Rev/Caribbean studies (Rio Piedras, San Juan, P.R.) Caribb StudCaridad, ciencia y arteCaridad Cienc ArteCaries research Caries Res4Caring : National Association for Home Care magazineCaring=Carinthia I : Mittheilungen des Geschichtsvereins fur Karnten Carinthia ICaritasCaritas!Carlsberg research communicationsCarlsberg Res CommunCarnegie quarterly Carnegie QCarney Hospital journal Carney Hosp JCarolina planning Carol PlannCarrefour africain Carrefour AfrCarta economica regional : CERCarta Econ Reg6Carta informativa (Asociacion Demografica Salvadorena) Carta InfCasa de la mujer Casa Mujer1Case Western Reserve journal of international lawCase West Reserve J Int LawCase Western Reserve law reviewCase West Reserve Law RevCase and comment Case Comment%Case studies in health administrationCase Stud Health AdmCasopis Matice moravske (1968)Cas Matice MoravskeCasopis Narodniho musea Cas Nar MuzCasopis ceskeho lekarnictva Cas Cesk Lek#Casopis ceskoslovenskych veterinaru Cas Cesk VetCasopis lekaru ceskych Cas Lek CeskGCasopis za zgodovino in narodopisje. Review for history and ethnographyCas Zgodovino NarodopCatena supplement Catena SupplCatering & health Cater Health,Catheterization and cardiovascular diagnosisCathet Cardiovasc DiagnzCatheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & InterventionsCatheter Cardiovasc IntervCatholic University law reviewCathol Univers Law RevCatholic hospital Cathol Hosp$Catholic standard (Washington, D.C.) Cathol StandCatholic update Cathol UpdateCatholic woman Cathol WomanCatholic world Cathol WorldCe FocusCE FocusCellCellCell & chromosomeCell ChromosomeCell adhesion and communicationCell Adhes CommunCell and muscle motilityCell Muscle MotilCell and tissue bankingCell Tissue BankCell and tissue kineticsCell Tissue KinetCell and tissue researchCell Tissue Res Cell biochemistry and biophysicsCell Biochem BiophysCell biochemistry and functionCell Biochem FunctCell biology and toxicologyCell Biol ToxicolCell biology educationCell Biol EducCell biology international Cell Biol Int"Cell biology international reportsCell Biol Int RepCell biology reviews : CBR Cell Biol RevCell biophysics Cell Biophys Cell calcium Cell CalciumCell communication & adhesionCell Commun Adhes&Cell communication and signaling : CCSCell Commun SignalCell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) Cell CycleCell death and differentiationCell Death DifferCell differentiation Cell DiffertCell differentiation and development : the official journal of the International Society of Developmental BiologistsCell Differ Dev Cell divisionCell DivmCell growth & differentiation : the molecular biology journal of the American Association for Cancer ResearchCell Growth DifferCell host & microbeCell Host MicrobeCell metabolism Cell Metab Cell motility Cell Motil"Cell motility and the cytoskeletonCell Motil CytoskeletonCell preservation technologyCell Preserv TechnolCell proliferation Cell ProlifCell regulation Cell Regul Cell researchCell ResCell stress & chaperonesCell Stress ChaperonesCell structure and functionCell Struct FunctCell transplantationCell Transplant2Cell vision : the journal of analytical morphologyCell VisCells, tissues, organsCells Tissues Organs Cellscience Cellscience$Cellular & molecular biology lettersCell Mol Biol Lett%Cellular & molecular biology researchCell Mol Biol ResCellular & molecular immunologyCell Mol ImmunolCellular and molecular biology Cell Mol Biol7Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France)Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand)9Cellular and molecular biology, including cyto-enzymologyCell Mol Biol Incl Cyto Enzymol+Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLSCell Mol Life Sci#Cellular and molecular neurobiologyCell Mol NeurobiolCellular immunology Cell ImmunolCellular microbiologyCell Microbiol[Cellular oncology : the official journal of the International Society for Cellular Oncology Cell OncolCellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacologyCell Physiol BiochemCellular signalling Cell SignalHCentaurus; international magazine of the history of science and medicine CentaurusqCenter view : a publication of the Center for Applied and Professional Ethics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Cent View Centerpoint CenterpointCenterviews (Honolulu, Hawaii) CenterviewsCentral Asia monitorCent Asia MonitCentral Asian surveyCentr Asian SurvCentral European history Cent Eur Hist)Central European journal of public healthCent Eur J Public HealthXCentral issues in anthropology : a journal of the Central States Anthropological SocietyCent Issues AnthropolMCentral nervous system trauma : journal of the American Paralysis AssociationCent Nerv Syst TraumaCentral states speech journalCent States Speech JCentre calling Cent CallCentre medicalCent MedACentro de Estudios de Recursos Odontologicos para el Nino : CERONCent Estud Recur Odontol Nino2Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache CephalalgiaCerebellum (London, England) Cerebellum'Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) Cereb CortexCerebral palsy bulletinCereb Palsy BullCerebral palsy reviewCereb Palsy RevCerebrospinal fluid researchCerebrospinal Fluid Res,Cerebrovascular and brain metabolism reviewsCerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev-Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)Cerebrovasc Dis*Cerebrum : the Dana forum on brain scienceCerebrumCeresCeres Cerrahpasa Tip Fakultesi dergisiCerrahpasa Tip Fak DergCertified dental technicianCertif Dent TechjCeska a Slovenska farmacie : casopis Ceske farmaceuticke spolecnosti a Slovenske farmaceuticke spolecnostiCeska Slov FarmpCeska a slovenska oftalmologie : casopis Ceske oftalmologicke spolecnosti a Slovenske oftalmologicke spolecnostiCesk Slov OftalmolFCeska a slovenska psychiatrie / Ceska lekarska spolecnost J.E. PurkyneCeska Slov Psychiatr<Ceska gynekologie / Ceska lekarska spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne Ceska GynekolCeskoslovenska biologieCeskoslov BiolCeskoslovenska dermatologie Cesk Dermatol7Ceskoslovenska epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologieCesk Epidemiol Mikrobiol ImunolCeskoslovenska farmacie Cesk Farm5Ceskoslovenska fysiologie / Ustredni ustav biologicky Cesk Fysiol)Ceskoslovenska gastroenterologie a vyzivaCesk Gastroenterol VyzCeskoslovenska gynekologie Cesk GynekolCeskoslovenska hygienaCesk HygCeskoslovenska morfologie Cesk MorfolCeskoslovenska nemocniceCeskoslov NemocniceCeskoslovenska neurologie Cesk Neurol*Ceskoslovenska neurologie a neurochirurgieCesk Neurol NeurochirCeskoslovenska oftalmologie Cesk OftalmolCeskoslovenska onkologia Cesk OnkolCeskoslovenska otolaryngologieCesk OtolaryngolCeskoslovenska patologie Cesk PatolCeskoslovenska pediatrie Cesk PediatrCeskoslovenska psychiatrieCesk PsychiatrCeskoslovenska psychologie Cesk PsycholCeskoslovenska radiologie Cesk RadiolCeskoslovenska rentgenologieCesk RentgenolCeskoslovenska stomatologie Cesk StomatolCeskoslovenske zdravotnictvi Cesk Zdrav?Ceskoslovensky casopis historicky / Ceskoslovenska akademie ved Cesk Cas Hist Cesra Saule Cesra SauleCeylon Dental Journal Ceylon Dent JXCh'ikwa Kijae Hakhoe chi. The Journal of the Korea Research Society for Dental MaterialsChikwa Kijae Hakhoe Chi\Ch'onmun Hakhoe chi. The journal of the Korean Astronomical Society. Han'guk Ch'onmun HakhoeJ Korean Astron SocChain drug reviewChain Drug RevChang Gung medical journalChang Gung Med JChangeChangeChanges (Hove, England)ChangesChanging men (Madison, Wis.) Chang MenChanging timesChanging TimesChannelsChannelsChaos (Woodbury, N.Y.)ChaosChaos, solitons, and fractalsChaos Solitons FractalsChartChart!Chatelaine (Toronto, Ont. : 1928) ChatelaineChekhoslovatskaia biologiiaChekhoslovatskaia BiolChekhoslovatskaia fiziologiia Chekh Fiziol ChemMedChem ChemMedChem4Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology ChembiochemChemia analitycznaChem AnalitycznaChemica scriptaChem Scr"Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletinChem Pharm Bull (Tokyo)Chemical Society reviews Chem Soc RevChemical and engineering news Chem Eng NewsChemical biology & drug designChem Biol Drug Des,Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)Chem Commun (Camb)Chemical dependencies Chem DependChemical geology Chem GeolChemical heritage / CHF Chem HeritChemical immunology Chem ImmunolChemical immunology and allergyChem Immunol AllergyChemical physics Chem PhysChemical physics lettersChem Phys Lett Chemical record (New York, N.Y.)Chem RecChemical research in toxicologyChem Res ToxicolChemical reviewsChem RevChemical senses Chem Senses Chemical week Chem WeekChemicke zvesti Chem ZvestiChemico-biological interactionsChem Biol InteractPChemie der Erde : Beitrage zur chemischen Mineralogie, Petrographie und Geologie Chem ErdeRChemioterapia : international journal of the Mediterranean Society of Chemotherapy ChemioterapiaChemisch weekblad Chem WeekblChemische BerichteChem Ber ChemistryChemistry (Easton)Chemistry & biodiversityChem BiodiversChemistry & biology Chem BiolChemistry & industryChem Ind0Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) ChemistryChemistry Central journal Chem Cent JChemistry and physics of lipidsChem Phys LipidsChemistry in BritainChem BrChemistry in CanadaChem CanChemistry lettersChem Lett (Jpn)GChemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society Chem MaterChemistry, an Asian journal Chem Asian J Chemosphere Chemosphere ChemotherapiaChemotherapia (Basel) Chemotherapy ChemotherapyLChemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry ChemphyschemChemtechChemtech Chemtracts ChemtractsChestChest&Chest surgery clinics of North AmericaChest Surg Clin N Am:Chiba Igakkai zasshi. The Journal of Chiba Medical SocietyJ Chiba Med SocChicago bar recordChicago Bar RecChicago history Chic Hist$Chicago journal of international lawChic J Int LawChicago medicineChic MedChicago policy review Chic Pol RevChicago studies Chic Stud%Chicago today (University of Chicago) Chic TodayChicago-Kent law reviewChic Kent Law RevChicano law reviewChicano Law Rev!Chief information officer journalChief Inf Off J.Child & adolescent social work journal : C & AChild Adolesc Social Work JChild abuse & neglectChild Abuse Negl9Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America!Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am1Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health$Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment HealthChild and family Child FamChild care quarterly Child Care QChild development Child DevChild health alertChild Health AlertChild health dialogueChild Health DialogueChild maltreatmentChild MaltreatChild nephrology and urologyChild Nephrol UrolaChild neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescenceChild Neuropsychol&Child psychiatry and human developmentChild Psychiatry Hum DevChild psychiatry quarterlyChild Psychiatry QChild survival action news /Child Surviv Action News Child welfare Child Welfare Child's brain Childs BrainhChild's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric NeurosurgeryChilds Nerv Syst#Child: care, health and developmentChild Care Health DevChildhood (Copenhagen, Denmark) ChildhoodChildrenChildren"Children and youth services reviewChild Youth Serv RevChildren in the tropics Child TropChildren today Child TodayChildren worldwide Child WorldwUChildren's health care : journal of the Association for the Care of Children's HealthChild Health CareChildren's legal rights journalChild Leg Rights JChimiaChimia (Aarau)Chimica therapeutica Chim Ther'China aktuell / Institut fur Asienkunde China Aktuell China journal (Canberra, A.C.T.)China JChina law and practiceChina Law Pract.China national journal of new gastroenterologyGZhongguo xin xiao hua bing xue za zhi|China Natl. J. New Gastroenterol.China newsletter China NewslChina population headlinersChina Popul HeadlChina population newsletterChina Popul NewslChina population research leadsChina Popul Res Leads$China population research newsletterChina Popul Res NewslChina population todayChina Popul TodayChina reconstructsChina ReconstrChina report (New Delhi, India) China RepChina's medicine Chinas MedChinese culture Chin CultChinese economic studiesChin Econ Stud0Chinese environment & development (Armonk, N.Y.)Chin Environ DeviChinese geographical science / Sponsored by Changchun Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of SciencesChin Geogr Sci Chinese journal of biotechnologyChin J Biotechnol"Chinese journal of cancer research1Chung-kuo yen cheng yen chiu|Chin. J. Cancer Res.%Chinese journal of digestive diseasesChin J Dig DisChinese journal of genetics$Acta genetica Sinica|Chin. J. Genet.'Chinese journal of integrative medicineChin J Integr Med+Chinese journal of oceanology and limnologywZhongguo hai yang hu zhao xue bao / edited by the Chinese Society of Oceanology and Limnology|Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol.%Chinese journal of population scienceChin J Popul SciChinese medical journalChin Med J (Engl)Chinese medicineChin MedChinese scienceChin SciChinese science bulletinKexue tongbao|Chin. Sci. Bull."Chinese sociology and anthropologyChin Sociol Anthropol Chirality ChiralityChirigaku hyoronChirigaku HyoronChiropractic & osteopathyChiropr OsteopatbChiropractic history : the archives and journal of the Association for the History of Chiropractic Chiropr Hist ChirurgiaChirurgia (Bucur)%Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)Chirurgia (Bucur)"Chirurgia e patologia sperimentaleChir Patol SperChirurgia italiana Chir Ital$Chirurgia maxillofacialis & plasticaChir Maxillofac Plast+Chirurgia narzadow ruchu i ortopedia polskaChir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop PolChirurgia urologica Chir UrolChirurgie de la main Chir MainChirurgie pediatrique Chir Pediatr.Chirurgie; memoires de l'Academie de chirurgie Chirurgie>Chirurgisches Forum fur experimentelle und klinische ForschungChir Forum Exp Klin ForschChitty's law journal Chittys Law JChoice (Chicago, Ill.)Choice (Middletown)Choices (New York, N.Y.)Choices!Choices in respiratory managementChoices Respir ManageChonnam Uidae chapchi Chonnam Med J'Chosen i-bo. The Korean medical journal Chosen IboChot mai het kan phayabanChot Mai Het Kan PhayabanChrist to the world Christ World(Christian Medical Dental Society journalChrist Med Dent Soc J!Christian Medical Society journalChrist Med Soc J0Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : 1983)Christ Sci Monitor7Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : Eastern ed.)Christ Sci Monitor (East Ed)Christian bioethics Christ Bioeth(Christian century (Chicago, Ill. : 1902)Christ CenturyChristian nurseChrist Nurse (Mysore)Christian nurse internationalChrist Nurse IntChristian scholar's reviewChrist Sch Rev5Christiana Albertina; Kieler Universitats-Zeitschrift Christiana Albertina Kiel Univ ZChristianity and crisis Christ CrisisChristianity today Christ TodayChromatographiaChromatographiaChromatographic reviewsChromatogr Rev Chromosoma Chromosoma~Chromosome research : an international journal on the molecular, supramolecular and evolutionary aspects of chromosome biologyChromosome ResChronic diseases in CanadaChronic Dis CanChronic illness Chronic IllnChronic respiratory diseaseChron Respir DisChronica horticulturaeChron Horticult$Chronicle (Philadelphia, Pa. : 1990)Chronicle (Phila)4Chronicle (Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh)Chron R Coll Physicians EdinbChronicles of Oklahoma Chron OklaUChronique d'Egypte; bulletin periodique de la Fondation egyptologique reine Elisabeth Chron Egypte(Chroniques d'actualite de la S.E.D.E.I.SChron Actual SEDEISChronobiologiaChronobiologiaChronobiology internationalChronobiol IntChurch and society Church SocChurch history Church HistCiba Foundation study groupCiba Found Study GroupCiba Foundation symposiumCiba Found Symp Ciba symposia CIBA SympCiba symposium. [English ed.] Ciba SympCiba-ZeitschriftCiba Z (Basel) Ciel et terre Ciel TerreCiencia & saude coletivaCien Saude ColetCiencia Y Sociedad Cienc SocCiencia e cultura Cienc CultCiencia e investigacion Cienc InvestCiencia y desarrollo Cienc Desarro)Cincinnati Dental Society bulletin (1979)Cincinnati Dent Soc BullCincinnati journal of medicine Cinci J MedCircular farmaceutica Circ Farm Circulation CirculationJCirculation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation SocietyCirc JCirculation researchCirc ResCirculatory shock Circ ShockCirculatory shock. SupplementCirc Shock Suppl4Circulo Odontologico De San Martin Y Tres De Febrero!Circ Odontol San Martin Tres Febr Cirugia Bucal Cir BucalCirugia espanolaCir EspQCirugia pediatrica : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Pediatrica Cir PediatrCirugia y cirujanosCir CirCirugia, ginecologia y urologiaCir Ginecol UrolCities (London, England)CitiesCity journal (New York, N.Y.)City JCityscape (Washington, D.C.) CityscapeCivil War history Civ War HistCivil War times illustratedCiv War Times IllusvCivil code annotated of the State of California / annotated and indexed by the publisher's editorial staff. California Civ Code Annot State Calif CalifCivil liberties Civil Lib Civilisations CivilisationsBCladistics : the international journal of the Willi Hennig Society CladisticsClassical antiquity Class AntiqClassical philology Class PhilolClassical quarterlyClass QClassical world Class World Clay minerals Clay MinerClays and clay mineralsClays Clay MinerClearing house (Menasha, Wis.)Clearing HouseClearinghouse reviewClgh Rev$Cleveland Clinic journal of medicineCleve Clin J MedCleveland Clinic quarterly Cleve Clin QCleveland state law reviewClevel State Law Rev@Climacteric : the journal of the International Menopause Society ClimactericClimatic change Clim ChangeClinic (Paris, France)Clinic (Paris)0Clinic odontologia : la revue de l'omnipraticien Clin OdontolClinica (Bologna, Italy)ClinicaAClinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistryClin Chim ActaClinica del torax Clin Torax4Clinica e investigacion en ginecologia y obstetriciaClin Invest Ginecol ObstetClinica europeaClin EurClinica latinaClin Lat;Clinica nuova; rassegna del progresso medico internazionale'Clin Nuova Rass Prog Med InternazionaleClinica y laboratorioClin Lab (Zaragoza)#Clinical & developmental immunologyClin Dev Immunol"Clinical & experimental metastasisClin Exp Metastasis%Clinical & experimental ophthalmologyClin Experiment OphthalmolVClinical & experimental optometry : journal of the Australian Optometrical AssociationClin Exp OptomClinical & translational oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of MexicoClin Transl Oncol%Clinical EEG (electroencephalography)Clin ElectroencephalogrdClinical EEG and neuroscience : official journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ENCS)Clin EEG Neurosci0Clinical advances in hematology & oncology : H&OClin Adv Hematol OncolClinical allergy Clin AllergyClinical allergy and immunologyClin Allergy Immunol!Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.) Clin AnatClinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/HemostasisClin Appl Thromb Hemost-Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunologyClin Diagn Lab Immunol Clinical and diagnostic virologyClin Diagn VirolfClinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyClin Exp Allergy%Clinical and experimental dermatologyClin Exp Dermatol0Clinical and experimental dialysis and apheresisClin Exp Dial Apheresis&Clinical and experimental hypertensionClin Exp Hypertens>Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. : 1993)Clin Exp HypertensCClinical and experimental hypertension. Part A, Theory and practiceClin Exp Hypertens AIClinical and experimental hypertension. Part B, Hypertension in pregnancyClin Exp Hypertens B$Clinical and experimental immunologyClin Exp Immunol"Clinical and experimental medicine Clin Exp Med$Clinical and experimental nephrologyClin Exp Nephrol#Clinical and experimental neurologyClin Exp Neurol1Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecologyClin Exp Obstet Gynecol#Clinical and experimental pathologyClin Exp Pathol3Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiologyClin Exp Pharmacol Physiol?Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology. Supplement Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol Suppl&Clinical and experimental rheumatologyClin Exp RheumatolGClinical and investigative medicine. Medecine clinique et experimentaleClin Invest Med#Clinical and laboratory haematologyClin Lab Haematol$Clinical and molecular allergy : CMAClin Mol Allergy%Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVIClin Vaccine ImmunolClinical anesthesia Clin AnesthYClinical autonomic research : official journal of the Clinical Autonomic Research SocietyClin Auton ResClinical biochemistry Clin Biochem%Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon)Clinical breast cancerClin Breast CancerClinical bulletin Clin BullClinical calcium Clin Calcium^Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer ResearchClin Cancer ResClinical cardiology Clin CardiolClinical chemistry Clin Chem9Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine : CCLM / FESCCClin Chem Lab Med+Clinical child and family psychology reviewClin Child Fam Psychol Rev(Clinical child psychology and psychiatryClin Child Psychol PsychiatryClinical colorectal cancerClin Colorectal CancerClinical cornerstoneClin CornerstoneClinical drug investigationClin Drug InvestigClinical dysmorphologyClin DysmorpholClinical endocrinologyClin Endocrinol (Oxf)Clinical engineeringClin Eng(Clinical engineering information serviceClin Eng Inf ServClinical engineering news Clin Eng NewsClinical ethics reportClin Ethics RepClinical evidence Clin EvidPClinical excellence for nurse practitioners : the international journal of NPACEClin Excell Nurse Pract4Clinical excerpts; a journal devoted to therapeuticsClin Excerpts J Devoted TherClinical exercise physiologyClin Exerc PhysiolClinical eye and vision careClin Eye Vis CareClinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological AssociationClin Gastroenterol HepatolClinical genetics Clin GenetClinical genitourinary cancerClin Genitourin CancerClinical gerontologist Clin GerontolClinical hemorheologyClin Hemorheol*Clinical hemorheology and microcirculationClin Hemorheol MicrocircClinical imaging Clin Imaging#Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) Clin Immunol'Clinical immunology and immunopathologyClin Immunol ImmunopatholClinical immunology reviewsClin Immunol Rev/Clinical implant dentistry and related researchClin Implant Dent Relat ResdClinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of AmericaClin Infect DisTClinical intensive care : international journal of critical & coronary care medicineClin Intensive Care$Clinical journal of oncology nursingClin J Oncol Nurs_Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport MedicineClin J Sport Med>Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASNClin J Am Soc NephrolClinical laboratoryClin LabuClinical laboratory management review : official publication of the Clinical Laboratory Management Association / CLMAClin Lab Manage RevTClinical laboratory science : journal of the American Society for Medical Technology Clin Lab SciClinical laser monthlyClin Laser Mon=Clinical leadership & management review : the journal of CLMAClin Leadersh Manag Rev Clinical linguistics & phoneticsClin Linguist PhonClinical lung cancerClin Lung CancerClinical lymphoma Clin LymphomaClinical lymphoma & myelomaClin Lymphoma MyelomaClinical materials Clin MaterClinical medicineClin Med (Northfield Il)Clinical medicine & research Clin Med Res#Clinical medicine (London, England)Clin MedClinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesClin Microbiol InfectClinical microbiology reviewsClin Microbiol RevClinical molecular pathologyClin Mol PatholClinical nephrology Clin Nephrol#Clinical neurology and neurosurgeryClin Neurol NeurosurgClinical neuropathologyClin NeuropatholClinical neuropharmacologyClin NeuropharmacolgClinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical NeurophysiologyClin Neurophysiol&Clinical neuroscience (New York, N.Y.) Clin NeurosciClinical neuroscience researchClin Neurosci ResClinical neurosurgeryClin Neurosurg&Clinical notes on respiratory diseasesClin Notes Respir DisClinical nuclear medicine Clin Nucl MedClinical nurse specialist CNSClin Nurse Spec%Clinical nursing practice in epilepsyClin Nurs Pract EpilepsyClinical nursing research Clin Nurs Res(Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland) Clin Nutr"Clinical obstetrics and gynecologyClin Obstet GynecolClinical oncology Clin OncolAClinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain))Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol)Clinical oral implants researchClin Oral Implants ResClinical oral investigationsClin Oral Investig"Clinical orthodontics and researchClin Orthod ResClinical orthopaedics Clin Orthop*Clinical orthopaedics and related researchClin Orthop Relat ResClinical otolaryngology : official journal of ENT-UK ; official journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial SurgeryClin Otolaryngol+Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciencesClin Otolaryngol Allied SciClinical pediatricsClin Pediatr (Phila),Clinical performance and quality health careClin Perform Qual Health CareClinical pharmacokineticsClin Pharmacokinet&Clinical pharmacology and therapeuticsClin Pharmacol TherClinical pharmacy Clin PharmClinical physics and physiological measurement : an official journal of the Hospital Physicists' Association, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Medizinische Physik and the European Federation of Organisations for Medical PhysicsClin Phys Physiol Meas%Clinical physiology (Oxford, England) Clin Physiol$Clinical physiology and biochemistryClin Physiol Biochem*Clinical physiology and functional imagingClin Physiol Funct ImagingPClinical positron imaging : official journal of the Institute for Clinical P.E.TClin Positron Imaging>Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health : CP & EMHClin Pract Epidemol Ment HealthAClinical practice guideline. Quick reference guide for clinicians&Clin Pract Guidel Quick Ref Guide ClinClinical preventive dentistryClin Prev DentClinical privilege white paperClin Privil White PapBClinical proceedings - Children's Hospital National Medical Center"Clin Proc Child Hosp Natl Med CentFClinical proceedings - Children's Hospital of the District of Columbia"Clin Proc Child Hosp Dist ColumbiaClinical prostate cancerClin Prostate Cancer#Clinical psychology & psychotherapyClin Psychol PsychothertClinical psychology : a publication of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological AssociationClin Psychol (New York)Clinical psychology reviewClin Psychol RevClinical radiology Clin RadiolClinical rehabilitation Clin RehabilClinical reportsClin Rep#Clinical reproduction and fertilityClin Reprod FertilClinical researchClin ResPClinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac SocietyClin Res Cardiol7Clinical research practices and drug regulatory affairsClin Res Pr Drug Regul AffClinical resource managementClin Resour ManagClinical reviews in allergyClin Rev Allergy(Clinical reviews in allergy & immunologyClin Rev Allergy ImmunolClinical rheumatologyClin RheumatolClinical scienceClin Sci)Clinical science (London, England : 1979)Clin Sci (Lond)'Clinical science and molecular medicineClin Sci Mol Med3Clinical science and molecular medicine. SupplementClin Sci Mol Med SupplClinical social work journalClin Soc Work J'Clinical symposia (Summit, N.J. : 1957) Clin Symp,Clinical techniques in small animal practiceClin Tech Small Anim PractClinical therapeutics Clin TherClinical toxicology Clin Toxicol'Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)Clin Toxicol (Phila)Clinical transplantationClin TransplantClinical transplants Clin Transpl!Clinical trials (London, England) Clin Trials!Clinical trials and meta-analysisClin Trials MetaanalClinical trials journal Clin Trials JClinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil)ClinicsClinics in chest medicineClin Chest Med"Clinics in communication disordersClin Commun DisordClinics in dermatology Clin Dermatol Clinics in diagnostic ultrasoundClin Diagn Ultrasound'Clinics in endocrinology and metabolismClin Endocrinol MetabClinics in gastroenterologyClin GastroenterolClinics in geriatric medicineClin Geriatr MedClinics in haematology Clin HaematolClinics in laboratory medicine Clin Lab MedClinics in liver diseaseClin Liver Dis%Clinics in obstetrics and gynaecologyClin Obstet Gynaecol2Clinics in occupational and environmental medicineClin Occup Environ MedClinics in perinatologyClin PerinatolClinics in plastic surgeryClin Plast Surg)Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgeryClin Podiatr Med SurgClinics in podiatry Clin PodiatryClinics in rheumatic diseasesClin Rheum DisClinics in sports medicineClin Sports MedClinique (Paris, France)Clinique (Paris)ClioClio$Clio medica (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Clio MedCloningCloningCloning and stem cellsCloning Stem Cells Co-existence (Glasgow, Scotland) Coexistence`Coastal management : an international journal of marine environment, resources, law, and society Coast ManageCochlear implants internationalCochlear Implants Int0Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)Cochrane Database Syst RevCode of Alabama, 1975 : with provision for subsequent pocket parts / prepared under the supervision of the Legislative Council ... by the editorial staff of the publishers ... AlabamaCode Ala 1975 Ala/Code of Federal regulations. 45: Public welfareCode Fed Regul Public WelfareCode of Georgia annotated : including Code of 1981; including the Code of 1933, the Code of 1981 and all laws of general application subsequently enacted, with editorial notes and complete annotations of the decisions of the Supreme Cou...Code Ga Annot GaCode of Virginia, 1950 : With provisions for subsequent pocket parts. Annotated / Prepared under the supervision of the Virginia Code Commission by the editorial staff of the publishers. VirginiaCode Va 1950 Va)Code of federal regulations. 46, ShippingCode Fed Regul ShippingCode of laws of South Carolina, 1976, annotated : containing permanent public statutes of general application to the end of the 1975 Legislative session : prepared under the supervision of the Legislative Council and Code Commissioner a...Code Laws S C 1976 Annot S CCoeur et medecine interneCoeur Med Interne/Coeur; revue de cardiologie medico-chirurgicaleCoeur Cognition CognitionCognition & emotion Cogn EmotkCognitive and behavioral neurology : official journal of the Society for Behavioral and Cognitive NeurologyCogn Behav Neurol!Cognitive and behavioral practiceCogn Behav PractCognitive behaviour therapyCogn Behav TherCognitive neuropsychiatryCognit NeuropsychiatryCognitive neuropsychologyCogn NeuropsycholCognitive processing Cogn ProcessCognitive psychologyCognit PsycholCognitive therapy and researchCognit Ther Res.Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscienceCogn Affect Behav NeurosciCoimbra medica Coimbra Med Coin world Coin World3Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant BiolColeccion estudios CIEPLANColecc Estud CIEPLAN+Coleccion historica de ciencias de la saludColecc Hist Cienc SaludCollagen and related researchColl Relat ResFCollana di monografie. Archivio "E. Maragliano" di patologia e clinica+Arch Maragliano Patolog Clin Collana Monogr.Collana monografica. Gazzetta medica sicilianaCollana Monogr Gazz Med Sicil+Collected works on cardio-pulmonary diseaseColl Works Cardiopulm Dis~Collections : the newsletter of the Archives and Special Collections on Women in Medicine, the Medical College of Pennsylvania Collections1Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical SocietyCollect N S Hist SocCollege review (Denver, Colo.)Coll RevCollege student journal Coll Stud J/Collegian (Royal College of Nursing, Australia) CollegianCollegium antropologicum Coll Antropol'Colloids and surfaces. B, BiointerfacesColloids Surf B BiointerfacesOColloques internationaux. Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)Colloq Int CNRSJColloques nationaux. Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)Colloq Natx Cent Natl Rech SciColombia medica Colomb Med Colombia medica (Cali, Colombia) Colomb MedColor research and applicationColor Res ApplBColorado heritage : the journal of the Colorado Historical Society Colo Herit>Colorado journal of international environmental law and policyColo J Int Environ Law PolicyColorado lawyer Colo LawyerColorado medicineColo MedColorado nurse Colo NurseColorado nurse (1985) Colo NurseColorado quarterlyColo QyColorado revised statutes, 1973 / completely annotated and indexed by the editorial staff of the Michie Company. ColoradoColo Revis Statut 1973 ColokColorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and IrelandColorectal DisColumbia forumColumbia Forum Columbia human rights law reviewColumbia Human Rights Law Rev"Columbia journal of gender and lawColumbia J Gend Law+Columbia journal of law and social problemsColumbia J Law Soc ProblColumbia journalism reviewColumbia J RevColumbia law reviewColumbia Law Rev3Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening Comb Chem High Throughput ScreenCombroadCOMBROADCommentary (New York, N.Y.) CommentaryCommercial law journal Commer Law JCommercial laws of EuropeCommer Law Eur Commitment Commitment Common factor (Stoughton, Mass.) Common FactorCommon law world reviewCommon Law World RevCommonweal (New York, N.Y.) Commonweal-Communicable disease and public health / PHLSCommun Dis Public Health'Communicable disease report. CDR reviewCommun Dis Rep CDR Rev+Communicable disease report. CDR supplementCommun Dis Rep CDR Suppl'Communicable disease report. CDR weeklyCommun Dis Rep CDR Wkly"Communicable diseases intelligenceCommun Dis IntellCommunicating nursing researchCommun Nurs ResCommunication & medicine Commun MedCommunication monographs Commun MonogrCommunication research Communic ResTCommunication theory : CT : a journal of the International Communication Association Commun Theory2Communicationes de historia artis medicinae. SupplCommun Hist Artis Med Suppl>Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciencesCommun Agric Appl Biol SciACommunications in behavioral biology. Part A: [Original articles]Commun Behav Biol$Communications in psychopharmacologyCommun Psychopharmacol1Communications in soil science and plant analysisCommun Soil Sci Plant AnalCommunications of the ACM Commun ACMCommunio (Spokane, Wash.)CommunioCommunique (Milwaukee, Wis.) CommuniqueLCommunique / American Nurses Association, Center for Ethics and Human RightsCommunique (Wash DC)Communique Newsletter Commun Newsl$Communist and post-communist studiesCommunist Post-Communist StudCommunist economiesCommunist Econ/Communist economies and economic transformationCommunist Econ Econ Transform$Community and junior college journalCommunity Jr Coll JCommunity dental healthCommunity Dent Health)Community dentistry and oral epidemiologyCommunity Dent Oral EpidemiolCommunity development journalCommunity Dev J:Community eye health / International Centre for Eye HealthCommunity Eye HealthCommunity geneticsCommunity GenetCommunity healthCommunity Health (Bristol)Community health studiesCommunity Health StudCommunity medicine Community MedCommunity mental health journalCommunity Ment Health JCommunity mental health reviewCommunity Ment Health RevCommunity nurseCommunity NurseCommunity nursingCommunity NursCommunity outlookCommunity OutlookcCommunity practitioner : the journal of the Community Practitioners' & Health Visitors' AssociationCommunity PractUCommunity-based public health policy & practice / Partnership for the Public's Health*Community Based Public Health Policy Pract#Comparative and functional genomicsComp Funct Genomics$Comparative and general pharmacologyComp Gen Pharmacol'Comparative biochemistry and physiologyComp Biochem PhysiolBComparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiologyComp Biochem Physiol ADComparative biochemistry and physiology. B, Comparative biochemistryComp Biochem Physiol BKComparative biochemistry and physiology. Biochemistry and molecular biology%Comp Biochem Physiol Biochem Mol BiolSComparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology and toxicologyComp Biochem Physiol CDComparative biochemistry and physiology. C: Comparative pharmacologyComp Biochem Physiol C?Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Comparative physiology!Comp Biochem Physiol Comp PhysiolSComparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology)Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol;Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, PhysiologyComp Biochem Physiol A PhysiolQComparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology'Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol BiolYComparative biochemistry and physiology. Part C, Pharmacology, toxicology & endocrinology3Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol EndocrinolFComparative biochemistry and physiology. Part D, Genomics & proteomics/Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics ProteomicsSComparative biochemistry and physiology. Pharmacology, toxicology and endocrinology1Comp Biochem Physiol Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol3Comparative biochemistry and physiology. PhysiologyComp Biochem Physiol PhysiolHComparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP(Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol PharmacolComparative economic studiesComp Econ StudComparative education review Comp Educ RevComparative hepatology Comp Hepatol<Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases!Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect DisComparative labor law journal : a publication of the U.S. National Branch of the International Society for Labor Law and Social Security [and] the Wharton School, and the Law School of the University of PennsylvaniaComp Labor Law JComparative lawNihon Univ Comp LawComparative medicineComp Med"Comparative medicine East and WestComp Med East WestComparative political studiesComp Polit StudComparative politics Comp PolitComparative social research Comp Soc Res*Comparative studies in society and historyComp Stud Soc HistComparative urban researchComp Urban ResCompareCompareCompendium (Newtown, Pa.) Compendium%Compendium (Newtown, Pa.). Supplement Compend SupplCompendium (Yardley, PA)CompendHCompendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, N.J. : 1995)Compend Contin Educ DentUCompendium of continuing education in dentistry. (Jamesburg, N.J. : 1995). SupplementCompend Contin Educ Dent Suppl Compensation and benefits reviewCompens Benefits RevCompensation review Compens RevComplement (Basel, Switzerland) ComplementComplement and inflammationComplement Inflamm,Complementary therapies in clinical practiceComplement Ther Clin Pract#Complementary therapies in medicineComplement Ther Med.Complementary therapies in nursing & midwiferyComplement Ther Nurs Midwifery Complexity ComplexityComplicated Cardiac PatientComplicat Card PatientCompost science & utilizationCompost Sci UtilFComprehensive gerontology. Section A, Clinical and laboratory sciencesCompr Gerontol [A]OComprehensive gerontology. Section B, Behavioural, social, and applied sciencesCompr Gerontol [B]>Comprehensive gerontology. Section C, Interdisciplinary topicsCompr Gerontol [C]Comprehensive immunology Compr Immunol"Comprehensive ophthalmology updateCompr Ophthalmol UpdateComprehensive psychiatryCompr PsychiatryComprehensive therapy Compr TherComptes rendus biologiesC R Biol>Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. La vie des sciencesC R Acad Sci Gen}Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Mecanique, physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terreC R Acad Sci IIHComptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vieC R Acad Sci III/Comptes rendus de l'Association des anatomistesC R Assoc Anat5Comptes rendus de la Societe francaise de gynecologieC R Soc Fr Gyncol<Comptes rendus de therapeutique et de pharmacologie cliniqueC R Ther Pharmacol ClinSComptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D, Sciences naturellesC R Seances Acad Sci DTComptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vieC R Seances Acad Sci IIIGComptes rendus des seances de la Societe de biologie et de ses filialesC R Seances Soc Biol FilCComptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Serie chimiqueC R Trav Lab Carlsberg [Chim]HComptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Serie physiologique!Cr Trav Lab Carlsberg Ser PhysiolCComptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciencesC R Hebd Seances Acad SciaComptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles$C R Acad Sci Hebd Seances Acad Sci D3Comptes-rendus des travaux du Laboratoire CarlsbergC R Trav Lab Carlsberg#Computational biology and chemistryComput Biol ChemComputational statistics Comput Stat(Computational statistics & data analysisComput Stat Data AnalmComputational systems bioinformatics / Life Sciences Society. Computational Systems Bioinformatics ConferenceComput Syst Bioinformatics ConfaComputer aided surgery : official journal of the International Society for Computer Aided SurgeryComput Aided Surg1Computer applications in the biosciences : CABIOSComput Appl BiosciComputer graphicsComput Graph (ACM),Computer methods and programs in biomedicineComput Methods Programs Biomed;Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering#Comput Methods Biomech Biomed EnginComputer physics communicationsComput Phys Commun Computer programs in biomedicineComput Programs BiomedEComputer supported cooperative work : CSCW : an international journalComput Support Coop Work.Computer vision and image understanding : CVIUComput Vis Image UnderstComputer/law journal Comput Law JlComputerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging SocietyComput Med Imaging GraphPComputerized radiology : official journal of the Computerized Tomography Society Comput RadiolComputerized tomography Comput TomogrComputers & chemistry Comput ChemComputers & geosciences Comput GeosciComputers & graphics Comput GraphBComputers & mathematics with applications (Oxford, England : 1987)Comput Math Appl;Computers and biomedical research, an international journalComput Biomed ResComputers and the humanities Comput Hum!Computers in biology and medicineComput Biol MedComputers in cardiologyComput CardiolComputers in healthcareComput HealthcComputers in hospitals Comput HospComputers in human behaviorComput Human BehavComputers in nursing Comput Nurs(Computers, environment and urban systemsComput Environ Urban Syst%Computers, informatics, nursing : CINComput Inform NursComputertomographieComputertomographie Computerworld ComputerworldComunitaComunitaConcepts in immunopathologyConcepts ImmunopatholConcernConcern (Anaheim)Concern (Regina, Sask.)ConcernConcern for dying Concern DyingConcern in care of the agingConcern Care AgingConcerned demographyConcerned DemograConciencia latinoamericana : boletin periodico de opiniones de Catolicas por el Derecho a DecidirConcienc LatinoamHConcordia Historical Institute quarterly. Concordia Historical InstituteConcordia Hist Inst QConcordia journal Concordia JConcours medical Concours MedConditio Judaica Conditio JudConditional reflex Cond ReflexCondorcet studiesCondorcet StudConectorConector8Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses journalConfed Aust Crit Care Nurses JConference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. ConferenceConf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol SocConferences d'histoire de la medecine : [fascicule] / Institut d'histoire de la medecine, Musee d'histoire de la medecine. Conferences d'histoire de la medecine Conf Hist Med&Conferences lyonnaises d'ophtalmologieConf Lyon Ophtalmol_Conferencias y estudios de historia y organizacion de la ciencia / Academia de Ciencias de CubaConf Estud Hist Organ CiencConfigurationsConfigurationsConfinia neurologica Confin NeurollConfinia psychiatrica. Borderland of psychiatry. Grenzgebiete der Psychiatrie. Les Confins de la psychiatrieConfin PsychiatrConflict and health Confl HealthCongenital anomaliesCongenit Anom (Kyoto)Congenital heart diseaseCongenit Heart Dis+Congestive heart failure (Greenwich, Conn.)Congest Heart Fail%Congres international de stomatologieCongr Int StomatolCongress monthly Congr. Mon%Congressional quarterly weekly reportCongr Q Wkly Rep[Congressional record : proceedings and debates of the ... Congress. United States. CongressCongr Rec (Dly Ed)Connaissance des arts Connaiss ArtsConnecticut General statutes annotated / Under arrangement of the official General statutes of Connecticut, revision of 1958. ConnecticutConn Gen Statut Annot ConnkConnecticut dental student journal / the University of Connecticut Health Center, School of Dental MedicineConn Dent Stud JConnecticut health bulletinConn Health Bull(Connecticut journal of international lawConn J Int LawConnecticut law review Conn Law RevConnecticut medicineConn Med0Connecticut nursing news (Meriden, Conn. : 1980)Conn Nurs NewsConnective tissue researchConnect Tissue ResConscience (Washington, D.C.) ConscienceConsciousness and cognitionConscious CognJConsensus development conference summaries / National Institutes of Health&Consens Dev Conf Summ Natl Inst HealthzConsensus statement / NIH Consensus Development Conference. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development ConferenceConsens StatementJConservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology Conserv BiolConservative Judaism Conserv Jud%Consommation, revue de socio-economie Consommation Constellations (Oxford, England)Constellations<Constitution (Foundation for the United States Constitution) ConstitutionConstitutional commentary Const Comment0Constitutional law journal (Newark, N.J. : 1990) Const Law J Consultant ConsultantConsulting-specifying engineerConsult Specif EngConsumer health perspectivesConsum Health PerspectConsumer markets abroadConsum Mark AbroadConsumer reports Consum RepConsumer reports on healthConsum Rep HealthContact (Geneva, Switzerland)Contact,Contact and intraocular lens medical journalContact Intraocul Lens Med JContact dermatitisContact DermatitisQContact lens & anterior eye : the journal of the British Contact Lens AssociationCont Lens Anterior Eye Contact point Contact Point Contactologia ContactologiaContamination controlContam Control-Contamination control-biomedical environmentsContam Control Biomed EnvironContemporary European historyContemp Eur Hist Contemporary French civilizationContemp Fr CivilizContemporary Jewry Contemp JewContemporary Marxism Contemp MarxContemporary Southeast AsiaContemp Southeast AsiaContemporary administrator Contemp Adm-Contemporary administrator for long-term careContemp Adm Long Term Care Contemporary anesthesia practiceContemp Anesth PractContemporary clinical trialsContemp Clin TrialsContemporary crisesContemp CrisisContemporary drug problemsContemp Drug ProblContemporary economic policyContemp Econ Policy#Contemporary educational psychologyContemp Educ PsycholContemporary internal medicineContemp Intern Med,Contemporary issues in clinical biochemistryContemp Issues Clin BiochemContemporary longterm careContemp Longterm CareContemporary neurology seriesContemp Neurol SerDContemporary nurse : a journal for the Australian nursing profession Contemp NurseContemporary ob/gynContemp Ob GynContemporary oncology Contemp OncolContemporary orthopaedicsContemp OrthopContemporary pediatricsContemp PediatrContemporary pharmacy practiceContemp Pharm PractContemporary philosophyContemp PhilosContemporary policy issuesContemp Policy IssuesContemporary psychoanalysisContemp Psychoanal%Contemporary review (London, England) Contemp Rev2Contemporary reviews in obstetrics and gynaecologyContemp Rev Obstet GynaecolContemporary sociologyContemp SociolContemporary surgery Contemp SurgContemporary therapy Contemp Ther$Contemporary topics in immunobiologyContemp Top ImmunobioleContemporary topics in laboratory animal science / American Association for Laboratory Animal ScienceContemp Top Lab Anim Sci+Contemporary topics in molecular immunologyContemp Top Mol ImmunolContemporary urology Contemp UrolContinuing care Contin Care Continuity ContinuityContinuity and change Contin Chang ContinuumContinuum (N Y)AContinuum (Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Care) Continuum=Continuum (Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care)+Continuum Soc Soc Work Leadersh Health Care Contraception ContraceptionContraception ReportContracept Rep#Contraception, fertilite, sexualiteContracept Fertil Sex (Paris)*Contraception, fertilite, sexualite (1992)Contracept Fertil SexContraceptive delivery systemsContracept Deliv SystContraceptive technologyContracept TechnolContraceptive technology updateContracept Technol Update Contract (New York, N.Y. : 1960)ContractContract design Contract DesContract healthcareContract HealthcContract interiorsContract InterContradictionsContradictions"Contrast media & molecular imagingContrast Media Mol ImagingContrastes (Murcia, Spain) ContrastessContree / [Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing, Instituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, Afdeling Streekgeskiedenis]Contree Contrepoint Contrepoint'Contributi (Biblioteca Antonio Panizzi) Contributi0Contributions a l'histoire economique et socialeContrib Hist Econ Soc7Contributions from the University of Michigan HerbariumContrib Univ Mich Herb>Contributions in biology and geology / Milwaukee Public MuseumContrib Biol Geol Contributions in medical studiesContrib Med StudContributions in psychologyContrib PsycholContributions to Asian studiesContrib Asian StudContributions to Indian sociology / Ecole pratique des hautes etudes (VIo section)-Paris [and] Institute of Social Anthropology-OxfordContrib Indian Sociol!Contributions to Nepalese studiesContrib Nepalese StudContributions to embryologyContrib Embryol*Contributions to gynecology and obstetricsContrib Gynecol ObstetContributions to microbiologyContrib Microbiol,Contributions to microbiology and immunologyContrib Microbiol ImmunolRContributions to mineralogy and petrology. Beitrage zur Mineralogie und PetrologieContrib Mineral PetrolContributions to nephrologyContrib Nephrol"Contributions to political economyContrib Polit EconContributions to primatologyContrib Primatol#Contributions to sensory physiologyContrib Sens PhysiolControl engineering practiceControl Eng PractControlled clinical trialsControl Clin TrialsConvulsive therapy Convuls Ther3Cooley law review / the Thomas M. Cooley Law SchoolCooley Law RevCooperation and conflict Coop ConflRCoordinators' notebook : an international resource for early childhood development Coord NotebCopeiaCopeia Cor et vasaCor VasaCore journals in pediatricsCore J PediatrCorneaCornea!Cornell international law journalCornell Int Law J(Cornell journal of law and public policyCornell J Law Public PolicyCornell law reviewCornell Law Rev&Cornell magazine (Ithaca, N.Y. : 1993) Cornell MagCoronary artery diseaseCoron Artery DisCorporate commentary Corp Comment CorrectCare CorrectcareWCorrective and social psychiatry and journal of behavior technology methods and therapy+Correct Soc Psych J Behav Tech Methods Ther[Correo poblacional y de la salud / Centro de Estudios de Poblacion y Paternidad ResponsableCorreo Poblac SaludICortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behaviorCortex Cosmetologica CosmetologicaCost & quality : CQ Cost Qual%Cost & quality quarterly journal : CQ Cost Qual Q JCost containmentCost Containment0Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/ECost Eff Resour AllocCough (London, England)CoughCounseling and values Couns Values Counselling psychology quarterlyCouns Psychol QCountdown to IstanbulCountdown IstanbCountry demographic profilesCtry Demogr ProfilesCountry life (London, England) Ctry LifeCourrierCourrierNCourts, health science & the law / Georgetown University Medical & Law CentersCourts Health Sci LawCovertaction quarterlyCovertaction Q&Coyuntura economica (Bogota, Colombia) Coyunt EconCpc Research Review CPC Res Rev1Cranio : the journal of craniomandibular practiceCranioCranio clinics internationalCranio Clin IntCreative nursing Creat NursCreces / CONINCrecesCreighton law reviewCreighton Law RevCrime and delinquency Crime DelinqCrime and social justiceCrime Soc JusticeCrime, law, and social changeCrime Law Soc Change+Criminal behaviour and mental health : CBMHCrim Behav Ment HealthCriminal justice and behaviorCrim Justice BehavCriminal justice ethicsCrim Justice EthicsCriminal justice historyCrim Justice HistCriminal justice journalCrim Justice JCriminal law bulletin Crim Law BullCriminal law forumCrim Law ForumCriminal law journal Crim Law J%Criminal law review (London, England) Crim Law RevCriminal reports [Canada] new series, annotated; a series of reports with annotations and practice notes on criminal cases arising in the courts of the various provinces in CanadaCrim Rep Can New SerCrisisCrisis Criterion CriterionCritica storica Crit Stor.Critica; revista hispanoamericana de filosofiaCriticaCritical Path AIDS projectCrit Path AIDS ProjCritical care (London, England) Crit Care_Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care MedicineCrit Care ResuscCritical care clinicsCrit Care ClinCritical care medicine Crit Care MedCritical care nurseCrit Care Nurse.Critical care nursing clinics of North AmericaCrit Care Nurs Clin North AmCritical care nursing quarterlyCrit Care Nurs QCritical care updateCrit Care UpdateCritical inquiryCrit InqCritical pathways in cardiologyCrit Pathw CardiolCritical public healthCrit Public Health6Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biologyCrit Rev Biochem Mol Biol"Critical reviews in bioengineeringCrit Rev Bioeng*Critical reviews in biomedical engineeringCrit Rev Biomed Eng!Critical reviews in biotechnologyCrit Rev Biotechnol0Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciencesCrit Rev Clin Lab Sci'Critical reviews in computed tomographyCrit Rev Comput Tomogr&Critical reviews in diagnostic imagingCrit Rev Diagn Imaging.Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expressionCrit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr.Critical reviews in food science and nutritionCrit Rev Food Sci NutrCritical reviews in immunologyCrit Rev Immunol'Critical reviews in medical informaticsCrit Rev Med Inform Critical reviews in microbiologyCrit Rev Microbiol Critical reviews in neurobiologyCrit Rev Neurobiol%Critical reviews in neurosurgery : CRCrit Rev NeurosurgCritical reviews in oncogenesisCrit Rev Oncog'Critical reviews in oncology/hematologyCrit Rev Oncol HematolvCritical reviews in oral biology and medicine : an official publication of the American Association of Oral BiologistsCrit Rev Oral Biol Med"Critical reviews in plant sciencesCRC Crit Rev Plant Sci4Critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systemsCrit Rev Ther Drug Carrier SystCritical reviews in toxicologyCrit Rev ToxicolCritical social research Crit Soc ResCritical sociology Crit SocioleCritical studies in mass communication : CSMC : a publication of the Speech Communication AssociationCrit Stud Mass CommunCritique (Clandeboye, Man.)CritiqueCritique of anthropologyCrit AnthropolCroatian medical journal Croat Med JCronache dell'IDICron IDICronache pompeianeCron PompeianeCronos (Valencia, Spain).Cronos Crop scienceCrop SciCross currents Cross Curr!Cross currents (Ann Arbor, Mich.)Cross Curr (Ann Arbor MI)Cross-referenceCrossreference-Cross-reference on human resources managementCrossref Hum Resour ManageCrucibleCrucibleCruxCrux Cryo letters Cryo Letters Cryobiology CryobiologyACuadernos Complutenses de historia de la medicina y de la cienciaCuad Complut Hist Med CiencCuadernos americanosCuad Am%Cuadernos de arquitectura y urbanismoCuad Arquit Urban Cuadernos de comunicacion AMIDEPCuad Comun AMIDEP'Cuadernos de economia (Santiago, Chile) Cuad EconCuadernos de economia social Cuad Econ SocOCuadernos de estudios gallegos / Instituto Padre Sarmiento de Estudios GallegosCuad Estud GallegosCuadernos de filologia clasica Cuad Filol ClcCuadernos de historia de Espana / Instituto de Historia de la Cultura Espanola, Medioeval y Moderna Cuad Hist Esp-Cuadernos de historia de la medicina espanolaCuad Hist Med Esp)Cuadernos de historia de la salud publicaCuad Hist Salud Publica$Cuadernos de investigacion historicaCuad Invest HistCuadernos de nutricion Cuad NutrCuadernos del CENDES Cuad CENDESCuadernos del CLAEH Cuad CLAEH?Cuadernos hispanicos de historia de la medicina y de la cienciaCuad Hisp Hist Med CiencCuadernos hispanoamericanosCuad HispanoamCuadernos medicos-sociales Cuad Med Soc@Cuadernos valencianos de historia de la medicina y de la cienciaCuad Valencia Hist Med Cienc Cuban studies Cuban Stud Culta Bononia Culta BononiaCultura e scuolaCult ScCultura medicaCult MedHCultural anthropology : journal of the Society for Cultural AnthropologyCult Anthropol/Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology"Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol$Cultural diversity and mental healthCult Divers Ment HealthCultural survival quarterly Cult Surv Q$Culture (Canadian Ethnology Society)CultureCulture technique Cult TechCulture, health & sexualityCult Health Sex Culture, medicine and psychiatryCult Med Psychiatry<Cultures et developpement / Universite catholique de LouvainCult Dev`Cumberland County history. Cumberland County Historical Society and Hamilton Library AssociationCumberl Cty HistCumberland law reviewCumberland Law RevCumberland-Samford law reviewCumberland Samford Law RevCuore e circolazione Cuore CircCurareCurare Curationis CurationisCurrentCurrentCurrent Alzheimer researchCurr Alzheimer ResCurrent HIV research Curr HIV ResCurrent HIV/AIDS reportsCurr HIV/AIDS RepCurrent affairs bulletin Curr Aff Bull"Current allergy and asthma reportsCurr Allergy Asthma RepCurrent allergy reportsCurr Allergy Rep%Current anaesthesia and critical careCurr Anaesth Crit CareCurrent anthropologyCurr AnthropolCurrent atherosclerosis reportsCurr Atheroscler RepCurrent biology : CB Curr BiolCurrent cancer drug targetsCurr Cancer Drug TargetsCurrent cardiology reportsCurr Cardiol Rep.Current clinical topics in infectious diseasesCurr Clin Top Infect Dis0Current concepts in hospital pharmacy managementCurr Concepts Hosp Pharm ManageCurrent concepts in nutritionCurr Concepts Nutr3Current concepts of cerebrovascular disease: Stroke Curr Conc Cerebrovasc Dis Stroke#Current contents. Clinical medicineCurr Contents Clin Med4Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine"Curr Control Trials Cardiovasc Med*Current developments in psychopharmacologyCurr Dev PsychopharmacolCurrent diabetes reports Curr Diab Rep"Current directions in autoimmunityCurr Dir Autoimmun]Current directions in psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological SocietyCurr Dir Psychol SciCurrent drug deliveryCurr Drug Deliv#Current drug discovery technologiesCurr Drug Discov TechnolCurrent drug metabolismCurr Drug MetabCurrent drug targetsCurr Drug Targets4Current drug targets. CNS and neurological disorders#Curr Drug Targets CNS Neurol Disord?Current drug targets. Cardiovascular & haematological disorders,Curr Drug Targets Cardiovasc Haematol Disord?Current drug targets. Immune, endocrine and metabolic disorders.Curr Drug Targets Immune Endocr Metabol Disord*Current drug targets. Infectious disordersCurr Drug Targets Infect Disord.Current drug targets. Inflammation and allergy!Curr Drug Targets Inflamm AllergyCurrent eye research Curr Eye Res Current gastroenterology reportsCurr Gastroenterol RepCurrent gene therapyCurr Gene TherCurrent genetics Curr GenetCurrent genomics Curr GenomicsCurrent heart failure reportsCurr Heart Fail RepCurrent hematology reportsCurr Hematol Rep'Current history (New York, N.Y. : 1941) Curr HistCurrent hypertension reportsCurr Hypertens RepCurrent immunology reviewsCurr Immunol Rev"Current infectious disease reportsCurr Infect Dis Rep)Current interventional cardiology reportsCurr Interv Cardiol Rep)Current issues in intestinal microbiologyCurr Issues Intest Microbiol#Current issues in molecular biologyCurr Issues Mol BiolCurrent issues in public healthCurr Issues Public Health-Current law statutes annotated. Great BritainCurr Law Statut Annot GBCurrent legal problemsCurr Leg ProblCurrent medical practiceCurr Med Pract$Current medical research and opinionCurr Med Res OpinCurrent medicinal chemistry Curr Med Chem/Current medicinal chemistry. Anti-cancer agentsCurr Med Chem Anticancer AgentsDCurrent medicinal chemistry. Cardiovascular and hematological agents'Curr Med Chem Cardiovasc Hematol AgentsCurrent medicine and drugsCurr Med DrugsCurrent medicine for attorneys Curr Med AttyCurrent microbiologyCurr MicrobiolCurrent molecular medicine Curr Mol Med*Current neurology and neuroscience reportsCurr Neurol Neurosci RepCurrent neurovascular researchCurr Neurovasc Res Current obstetrics & gynaecologyCurr Obstet Gynaecol Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.) Curr OncolCurrent oncology reportsCurr Oncol Rep2Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunologyCurr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol"Current opinion in anaesthesiologyCurr Opin Anaesthesiol Current opinion in biotechnologyCurr Opin BiotechnolCurrent opinion in cardiologyCurr Opin CardiolCurrent opinion in cell biologyCurr Opin Cell Biol#Current opinion in chemical biologyCurr Opin Chem Biol8Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic careCurr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care%Current opinion in cosmetic dentistryCurr Opin Cosmet Dent Current opinion in critical careCurr Opin Crit CareCurrent opinion in dentistryCurr Opin Dent/Current opinion in drug discovery & developmentCurr Opin Drug Discov Devel7Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity"Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes#Current opinion in gastroenterologyCurr Opin Gastroenterol"Current opinion in general surgeryCurr Opin Gen Surg)Current opinion in genetics & developmentCurr Opin Genet DevCurrent opinion in hematologyCurr Opin HematolCurrent opinion in immunologyCurr Opin Immunol&Current opinion in infectious diseasesCurr Opin Infect DisACurrent opinion in investigational drugs (London, England : 2000)Curr Opin Investig DrugsCurrent opinion in lipidologyCurr Opin LipidolCurrent opinion in microbiologyCurr Opin Microbiol)Current opinion in molecular therapeuticsCurr Opin Mol Ther.Current opinion in nephrology and hypertensionCurr Opin Nephrol HypertensCurrent opinion in neurobiologyCurr Opin NeurobiolCurrent opinion in neurologyCurr Opin Neurol-Current opinion in neurology and neurosurgeryCurr Opin Neurol Neurosurg*Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecologyCurr Opin Obstet GynecolCurrent opinion in oncologyCurr Opin Oncol Current opinion in ophthalmologyCurr Opin OphthalmolCurrent opinion in orthopaedicsCurr Opin Orthop9Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery$Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck SurgCurrent opinion in pediatricsCurr Opin Pediatr!Current opinion in periodontologyCurr Opin PeriodontolCurrent opinion in pharmacologyCurr Opin Pharmacol Current opinion in plant biologyCurr Opin Plant BiolCurrent opinion in psychiatryCurr Opin Psychiatry%Current opinion in pulmonary medicineCurr Opin Pulm MedCurrent opinion in radiologyCurr Opin RadiolCurrent opinion in rheumatologyCurr Opin Rheumatol%Current opinion in structural biologyCurr Opin Struct BiolCurrent opinion in urologyCurr Opin UrolCurrent orthopaedics Curr OrthopCurrent osteoporosis reportsCurr Osteoporos Rep!Current pain and headache reportsCurr Pain Headache Rep$Current pharmaceutical biotechnologyCurr Pharm BiotechnolCurrent pharmaceutical designCurr Pharm DesMCurrent population reports, Series P-25. Population estimates and projectionsCurr Popul Rep Popul Estim ProjCCurrent population reports. Series P-20, Population characteristicsCurr Popul Rep Popul Charact9Current population reports. Series P-28, Special censusesCurr Popul Rep [Spec Censuses]8Current population reports. Series P-60, Consumer incomeCurr Popul Rep Consum Income*Current practice in gerontological nursingCurr Pract Gerontol Nurs5Current practice in obstetric and gynecologic nursingCurr Pract Obstet Gynecol Nurs'Current practice in orthopaedic surgeryCurr Pract Orthop Surg%Current practice in pediatric nursingCurr Pract Pediatr NursCurrent prescribing Curr PrescrCurrent problems in cancerCurr Probl CancerCurrent problems in cardiologyCurr Probl Cardiol)Current problems in clinical biochemistryCurr Probl Clin BiochemCurrent problems in dermatologyCurr Probl Dermatol(Current problems in diagnostic radiologyCurr Probl Diagn Radiol-Current problems in obstetrics and gynecologyCurr Probl Obstet Gynecol8Current problems in obstetrics, gynecology and fertility Curr Probl Obstet Gynecol Fertil8Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care&Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health CareCurrent problems in pediatricsCurr Probl PediatrCurrent problems in surgeryCurr Probl Surg#Current problems of Soviet medicineCurr Probl Sov Med!Current protein & peptide scienceCurr Protein Pept SciCurrent psychiatric therapiesCurr Psychiatr TherCurrent psychiatry reportsCurr Psychiatry RepCurrent psychiatry reviewsCurr Psychiatry Rev(Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.) Curr Psychol/Current research on occupations and professionsCurr Res Occup Prof,Current researches in anesthesia & analgesiaCurr Res Anesth AnalgCurrent review of pain Curr Rev PainCurrent rheumatology reportsCurr Rheumatol RepCurrent scienceCurr SciCurrent separationsCurr Sep/Current sociology. La Sociologie contemporaine. Curr SociolCurrent sports medicine reportsCurr Sports Med Rep3Current studies in hematology and blood transfusion Curr Stud Hematol Blood Transfus/Current studies on the nature of brain functionCurr Stud Nat Brain FunctCurrent surgery Curr Surg7Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimentalCurr Ther Res Clin ExpCurrent therapeuticsCurr Ther (Seaforth)/Current therapy in endocrinology and metabolismCurr Ther Endocrinol Metab%Current topics in cellular regulationCurr Top Cell Regul*Current topics in comparative pathobiologyCurr Top Comp Pathobiol'Current topics in developmental biologyCurr Top Dev Biol,Current topics in experimental endocrinologyCurr Top Exp EndocrinolCurrent topics in eye researchCurr Top Eye ResCurrent topics in hematologyCurr Top Hematol"Current topics in medical mycologyCurr Top Med Mycol%Current topics in medicinal chemistryCurr Top Med Chem-Current topics in microbiology and immunologyCurr Top Microbiol Immunol)Current topics in molecular endocrinologyCurr Top Mol Endocrinol6Current topics in pathology. Ergebnisse der PathologieCurr Top Pathol.Current topics in radiation research quarterlyCurr Top Radiat Res Q4Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine!Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med-Current treatment options in gastroenterology Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol&Current treatment options in neurologyCurr Treat Options Neurol%Current treatment options in oncologyCurr Treat Options OncolCurrent urology reports Curr Urol RepCurrent vascular pharmacologyCurr Vasc PharmacolCurrent women's health reportsCurr Womens Health RepCurrent world leadersCurr World LeadCurrents in alcoholism Curr AlcoholCurrents in modern biology Curr Mod Biol Currents in theology and missionCurr Theol MissionHCurso Internacional de Oftalmologia. Curso Internacional de OftalmologiaCurso Int OftalmolCutaneous and ocular toxicologyCutan Ocul Toxicol.Cutis; cutaneous medicine for the practitionerCutisoCyberpsychology & behavior : the impact of the Internet, multimedia and virtual reality on behavior and societyCyberpsychol BehaviCylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. The National Library of Wales journal. National Library of Wales'Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol CymruCyprus medical journal Cyprus Med J CytoJournal Cytojournal Cytobiologie CytobiologieCytobiosCytobiosCytogenetic and genome researchCytogenet Genome Res Cytogenetics CytogeneticsCytogenetics and cell geneticsCytogenet Cell GenetCytokineCytokine Cytokine & growth factor reviewsCytokine Growth Factor Rev Cytokines CytokinesCytokines and molecular therapyCytokines Mol Ther'Cytokines, cellular & molecular therapyCytokines Cell Mol Ther CytologiaCytologia (Tokyo) Cytometry CytometryTCytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology Cytometry A%Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometryCytometry B Clin CytomJCytometry. Supplement : the journal of the Society for Analytical CytologyCytometry SupplMCytopathology : official journal of the British Society for Clinical Cytology CytopathologyCytotechnologyCytotechnology Cytotherapy CytotherapyCzasopismo geograficzne : kwartalnik Zrzeszenia Pol. Nauczycieli Geografji, Towarzystwa Geograficznego we Lwowie i Towarzystwa Geograficznego w Poznaniu Czas GeogrCzasopismo prawno-historyczneCzas Praw HistCzasopismo stomatologiczne Czas StomatolCzech mycology Czech MycolCzech sociological reviewCzech Sociol RevCzechoslovak economic digestCzech Econ DigCzechoslovak medicine Czech Med Czechoslovak sociological reviewCzechoslov Sociol RevDA, West Asia reportDA West Asia Rep DDZ; das deutsche ZahnarzteblattDDZ#DE; the journal of dental engeering DE J Dent Eng!DEF : Development education forumDEFUDHS+ dimensions : a biannual newsletter of the Demographic and Health Surveys project DHS Dimens$DICP : the annals of pharmacotherapyDICPZDLR-Nachrichten : Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Forschungsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR NachrDNA (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.)DNADNA and cell biology DNA Cell Biol DNA repairDNA Repair (Amst)]DNA research : an international journal for rapid publication of reports on genes and genomesDNA Res8DNA sequence : the journal of DNA sequencing and mappingDNA Seq+DP [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionDP RepDP. Dental practiceDent Pract (Ewell) DRG monitor DRG Monit)DTW. Deutsche tierarztliche WochenschriftDtsch Tierarztl WochenschrDVT, Dejiny ved a technikyDejiny Ved TechDaedalusDaedalusDaily (Statistics Canada) Dly Stat CanDaily Mail and GuardianDly Mail GuardDaily report. China Dly Rep China(Daily report. People's Republic of ChinaDly Rep Peoples Repub ChinaDaily times (Lagos, Nigeria) Dly Times Dakar medical Dakar MedDalhousie dental journalDalhousie Dent JDalhousie law journal Dalhous Law J/Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) Dalton TransDanish medical bulletin Dan Med BullDanmarks amtsrad Dan AmtsradDansk medicinhistorisk arbogDan Medicinhist ArbogDansk tidsskrift for farmaciDan Tidsskr FarmDaphnisDaphnisDapim refuiim. Folia medica Dapim Refuiim Das AltertumAltertum Das ArgumentArgument@Das Dental-Labor. Le Laboratoire dentaire. The Dental laboratoryDent Labor (Munch)Das Deutsche GesundheitswesenDtsch Gesundheitsw Das LogbuchLogbuchDas Medizinische LaboratoriumMed Lab (Stuttg)#Das Medizinische Periskop IngelheimMed Periskop Ingelheim Das Offentliche GesundheitswesenOffentl Gesundheitswes Das Orchester OrchesteraDas Osterreichische Zahntechniker Handwerk : offizielles Organ der Bundesinnung der ZahntechnikerOsterr Zahntech Handw Data Asia Data Asia8Data bulletin (Center for Studying Health System Change)(Data Bull (Cent Stud Health Syst Change)NData strategies & benchmarks : the monthly advisory for health care executivesData Strateg BenchmarksData user newsData User NewsDatabaseDatabase-Daughters of the American Revolution magazineDAR MagDauphin County reportsDauphin Cty Rep De EconomistEconomist (Leiden) De Halve maen Halve MaenDe Paul law reviewDe Paul Law Rev De economia De Economia!DePaul journal of health care lawDePaul J Health Care Law Deans List Deans List Deans Notes Deans NotesDeath education Death Educ Death studies Death Stud Decisions Decisions Decubitus Decubitus8Deep-sea research. Part A, Oceanographic research papersDeep Sea Res ADefence science journal Def Sci J Defenders DefendersFDefense counsel journal / International Association of Defense Counsel Def Couns JDefense law journal Def Law JDefense nationaleDef Natl!Delaware code annotated. DelawareDel Code Annot DelDelaware historyDel HistDelaware medical journal Del Med JDelaware nurse Del NurseDelft progress reportDelft Prog RepADeltion Hellenikes Mikrobiologikes kai Hygieinologikes Hetaireias$Delt Hell Mikrobiol Hygieinol Hetair;Deltion tes Paidiatrikes Klinikes tou Panepistemiou Athenon%Delt Paidiatr Klin Panepistem Athenon,Deltion. Iatrocheirourgike Hetaireia Athenon+Deltion Iatrocheirourgike Hetaireia AthenonDementia (Basel, Switzerland)Dementia*Dementia and geriatric cognitive disordersDement Geriatr Cogn DisordDemocracy (New York, N.Y.) Democracy Demografia DemografiaDemografia y economia Demogr Econ.Demograficheskie issledovaniia (Kiev, Ukraine) Demogr Issled Demografie DemografiejDemografske sveske / Centar za demografska istrazivanja Instituta drustvenih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu Demogr SveskeDemographic research Demogr ResDemographie africaine Demogr AfrnDemographische Informationen / hrsg. vom Institut fur Demographie, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Demogr Inf Demography DemographyDemography India Demogr IndiaDemohrafichni doslidzhenniaDemohrafichni DoslidzhenniaDemos (Mexico City, Mexico)DemosDemostaDemosta%Den Norske tannlaegeforenings tidendeNor Tannlaegeforen TidDensDensDent, contemporary dentistryDentDentagoDentago Dental Angles Dent Angles Dental Cadmos Dent CadmosXDental Dienst; Fachzeitschrift fur den Dental-Markt; technisches Fachblatt fur Prothetik Dent DienstDental DiscourseDent Discourse Dental MirrorDent Mirror (Atlanta)VDental School quarterly / the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dent Sch Q Dental Team Dent TeamDental Therapeutics NewsletterDent Ther Newsl8Dental abstracts; a selection of world dental literature Dent AbstrDental anaesthesia and sedationDent Anaesth Sedat'Dental assistant (Chicago, Ill. : 1994) Dent AssistDental assistingDent Assist (Waco Tx)Dental clinics of North AmericaDent Clin North AmDental concepts Dent ConceptsDental delineator Dent DelinDental dialogue (Bombay, India) Dent Dialogue Dental digestDent DigDental dimensions Dent Dimens Dental echoDent Echo (Heidelb)Dental economics - oral hygiene Dent Econ Dental healthDent Health (London)*Dental historian : Lindsay Club newsletter Dent HistDental hygieneDent Hyg (Chic)(Dental hygienist (San Francisco, Calif.)Dent Hyg (San Franc) Dental images Dent ImagesDental implantology updateDent Implantol UpdateDental items of interestDent Items InterestDental journalDent JDental journal of Malaysia Dent J MalaysPDental journal of Zambia : official publication of the Zambia Dental Association Dent J ZambDental lab management todayDent Lab Manage TodayDental laboratorie bladet Dent Lab BlDental laboratory review Dent Lab RevDental management Dent ManageJDental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials Dent MaterDental materials journal Dent Mater J Dental newsDent News (Lond) Dental officeDent OffDental practice Dent PractDental practice managementDent Pract Manage4Dental practice; views, trends and news of dentistryDent Pract (Cincinnati) Dental press Dent PressDental progressDent Prog (Chic)"Dental radiography and photographyDent Radiogr Photogr"Dental research and graduate studyDent Res Grad StudyDental student Dent Stud Dental survey Dent SurvDental teamwork Dent Teamwork_Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental TraumatologyDent Traumatol Dental update Dent UpdateDental world (London, England) Dent World%Dental-revue (Solothurn, Switzerland)Dent RevDentalhygienistnewsDentalhygienistnewsDentalpracticeDentalpractice Dentessence DentessenceDentist (Waco, Tex.)Dentist Dentist news Dent NewsDentistische Rundschau Dent Rundsch/Dentistry (American Student Dental Association) DentistryDentistry (Loma Linda, Calif.)Dentistry (Loma Linda)Dentistry in JapanDent Jpn (Tokyo)Dentistry today Dent TodayDento maxillo facial radiologyDentomaxillofac Radiol*Dento-maxillo-facial radiology. SupplementDentomaxillofac Radiol SupplDentoralDentoral (Istanbul) Dentoscope DentoscopeDenver University law reviewDenver Univ Law Rev.Denver journal of international law and policyDenver J Int Law PolicyDenver law journal Denver Law J8Department of State publication. Background notes seriesBackgr Notes Ser1Department of the Army technical bulletin. TB MEDTech Bull Dep Army Depression DepressionDepression and anxietyDepress AnxietyDer Altsprachliche UnterrichtAltsprachi UnterrDer Anaesthesist Anaesthesist Der ArchivarArchivarDer Arztliche Dienst Arztl Dienst@Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen MedizenChirurgDer Deutsche Apotheker Dtsch Apoth Der Donauraum DonauraumDer Freie ZahnarztFreie ZahnarztDer Gynakologe GynakologeNDer Hautarzt; Zeitschrift fur Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte GebieteHautarzt Der InternistInternist (Berl)(Der Kassenzahnarzt; Colloquium med. dentKassenzahnarzt Colloq Med DentDer KnappschaftsarztKnappschaftsarzt Der Krebsarzt Krebsarzt Der LandarztLandarzt Der Medizinische SachverstandigeMed SachverstandDer Nervenarzt Nervenarzt!Der Offentliche GesundheitsdienstOffentl GesundheitsdienstMDer Ophthalmologe : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft Ophthalmologe Der Orthopade Orthopade Der Pathologe PathologeDer Praktische Arzt Prakt ArztDer Praktische TierarztPrakt Tierarzt Der Radiologe Radiologe(Der Sportarzt vereinigt mit SportmedizinSportarzt Ver SportmedDer TuberkulosearztTuberkulosearztDer Unfallchirurg Unfallchirurg Der UrologeUrologeDer Urologe. Ausg. A Urologe ADer Urologe. Ausg. B Urologe B"Der Zahnarzt; Colloquium med. dentZahnarzt)Der Zahntechniker. Le Mecanicien-dentisteZahntechniker (Basel)Dermatitis : contact, atopic, occupational, drug : official journal of the American Contact Dermatitis Society, North American Contact Dermatitis Group Dermatitis#Dermatologia ibero latino-americanaDermatol Iber Lat AmDermatologia internationalis Dermatol Int-Dermatologia tropica et ecologica geographicaDermatol Trop Ecol GeogrDermatologic clinics Dermatol ClinbDermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.] Dermatol SurgDermatologic therapy Dermatol Ther Dermatologica DermatologicaDermatologische MonatschriftDermatol MonatsschrDermatologische WochenschriftDermatol Wochenschr Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland) Dermatology5Dermatology nursing / Dermatology Nurses' Association Dermatol NursDermatology online journalDermatol Online J:Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt. Occupation and environmentDerm Beruf UmweltDermatovenerologiaDermatovenerologia;Desarrollo de base : revista de la Fundacion Interamericana Desarro BaseDesarrollo economicoDesarrollo Econ Desarrollo rural en las AmericasDesarro Rural AmerDesarrollo y sociedad Desarro Soc*Deseret news (Salt Lake City, Utah : 1964) Deseret NewsDesertification controlDesertif ControlDesmosDesmosDetroit College of Law reviewDetroit Coll Law RevDetroit dental bulletinDetroit Dent BullDetroit in perspectiveDetroit PerspectDeutsche Apotheker-ZeitungDtsch Apoth ZtgDeutsche AussenpolitikDtsch AussenpolitDeutsche GesundheitspolitikDtsch Gesundheitspolit!Deutsche KrankenpflegezeitschriftDtsch KrankenpflegezYDeutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau : Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittelkunde und LebensmittelrechtDtsch Lebensmitt RundschDeutsche RentenversicherungDtsch RentenversicherDeutsche SchwesternzeitungDtsch SchwesternztgDeutsche StomatologieDtsch Stomatol.Deutsche Stomatologie (Berlin, Germany : 1990)Dtsch StomatolLDeutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte.Dtsch Vierteljahresschr Litt Wiss Geistesgesch;Deutsche Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde mit Zentralblatt&Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd ZentralblmDeutsche Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde mit Zentralblatt fur die gesamte Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde.Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd Zentralbl Gesamte>Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichts-Chirurgie Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir(Deutsche Zeitschrift fur NervenheilkundeDtsch Z Nervenheilkd$Deutsche Zeitschrift fur PhilosophieDtsch Z Philos%Deutsche Zeitschrift fur SportmedizinDtsch Z Sportmed@Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Verdauungs- und StoffwechselkrankheitenDtsch Z Verdau Stoffwechselkr9Deutsche Zeitschrift fur die gesamte gerichtliche MedizinDtsch Z Gesamte Gerichtl Med*Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (1946)Dtsch Med Wochenschr$Deutsche tierarztliche WochenschriftDtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr"Deutsche zahnarztliche ZeitschriftDtsch Zahnarztl ZDeutscher GesundheitskalenderDtsch Gesundheit&Deutsches Archiv fur klinische MedizinDtsch Arch Klin MedDeutsches Arzteblatt Dtsch Arztebl!Deutsches Jahrbuch fur VolkskundeDtsch Jahrb VolkskdDeutsches SchiffahrtsarchivDtsch Schiffahrtsarch(Deutsches Zentralblatt fur KrankenpflegeDtsch Zentralbl KrankenpflDeutsches medizinisches Journal Dtsch Med JDeutschland Archiv Dtschl ArchDeveloping world bioethicsDev World Bioeth Development (Cambridge, England) Development,Development (Cambridge, England). Supplement Dev SupplDevelopment Southern Africa Dev South AfrDevelopment and change Dev ChangeDevelopment and gender in brief : a quarterly update from BRIDGE, raising gende awareness among policy-makers and practitionersDev Gend BriefDevelopment and peace Dev PeaceDevelopment and psychopathologyDev Psychopathol_Development and society (Soul Taehakkyo. Institute for Social Devdelopment and Policy Research)Dev SocDevelopment brief Dev Brief=Development bulletin (Australian Development Studies Network)Dev Bull Development communication reportDev Commun RepDevelopment dialogue Dev DialogueDevelopment digestDev DigDevelopment directionsDev Dir,Development education exchange papers : DEEPDEEP Dev Educ Exch PapDevelopment forum Dev ForumDevelopment genes and evolutionDev Genes EvolDevelopment in practice Dev PractDevelopment internationalDev IntMDevelopment policy review : the journal of the Overseas Development InstituteDev Policy Rev%Development, growth & differentiationDev Growth Differ(Developmental and comparative immunologyDev Comp ImmunolDevelopmental biologyDev Biol-Developmental biology (New York, N.Y. : 1985)Dev Biol (N Y 1985)Developmental cellDev CellZDevelopmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of AnatomistsDev DynDevelopmental genetics Dev GenetDevelopmental immunology Dev Immunol*Developmental medicine and child neurologyDev Med Child Neurol6Developmental medicine and child neurology. SupplementDev Med Child Neurol SupplDevelopmental neurobiology Dev NeurobiolDevelopmental neuropsychologyDev Neuropsychol!Developmental neurorehabilitationDev NeurorehabilDevelopmental neuroscience Dev Neurosci+Developmental pharmacology and therapeuticsDev Pharmacol TherDevelopmental psychobiologyDev PsychobiolDevelopmental psychology Dev PsycholDevelopmental review : DRDev RevDevelopmental scienceDev Sci*Developments in biological standardizationDev Biol StandDevelopments in biologicalsDev Biol (Basel)2Developments in health economics and public policyDev Health Econ Public PolicyDevelopments in ophthalmologyDev Ophthalmol4Developments in toxicology and environmental scienceDev Toxicol Environ SciDeveloppement & civilisations Dev CivilisXDeveloppement et sante : revue de perfectionnement medical et sanitaire en pays tropical Dev SanteDeveloppement-QuebecDev QueDeviant behavior Deviant BehavDghs Chronicle DGHS Chron?Dh : bulletin d'information / Societe de demographie historiqueDemogr Hist Bull Inf Soc2Di li xue bao / Chung-kuo ti li hsueh hui pien chiActa Geogr SinDiabete & metabolisme Diabete MetabDiabetesDiabetesDiabetes & metabolismDiabetes MetabuDiabetes & vascular disease research : official journal of the International Society of Diabetes and Vascular DiseaseDiab Vasc Dis Res Diabetes care Diabetes CareDiabetes forecastDiabetes Forecast'Diabetes research (Edinburgh, Scotland) Diabetes Res'Diabetes research and clinical practiceDiabetes Res Clin Pract3Diabetes research and clinical practice. SupplementDiabetes Res Clin Pract SupplDiabetes self-managementDiabetes Self Manag"Diabetes technology & therapeuticsDiabetes Technol Ther Diabetes, nutrition & metabolismDiabetes Nutr MetabDiabetes, obesity & metabolismDiabetes Obes Metab(Diabetes/metabolism research and reviewsDiabetes Metab Res RevDiabetes/metabolism reviewsDiabetes Metab RevADiabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association Diabet Med Diabetologia DiabetologiaDiabetologia CroaticaDiabetol Croat"Diagnostic and clinical immunologyDiagn Clin Immunol8Diagnostic and interventional radiology (Ankara, Turkey)Diagn Interv RadiolDiagnostic cytopathologyDiagn Cytopathol$Diagnostic gynecology and obstetricsDiagn Gynecol ObstetoDiagnostic histopathology / published in association with the Pathological Society of Great Britain and IrelandDiagn HistopatholDiagnostic imaging Diagn Imaging'Diagnostic imaging in clinical medicineDiagn Imaging Clin MedDiagnostic immunology Diagn Immunol.Diagnostic microbiology and infectious diseaseDiagn Microbiol Infect DisSDiagnostic molecular pathology : the American journal of surgical pathology, part BDiagn Mol PatholDiagnostic pathology Diagn PatholDiagnostics in Africa Diagn Afr Diakonia (Mainz, Germany : 1972)DiakoniaDialectical anthropologyDialect AnthropolDialectics and humanism Dialect HumDialogDialogDialogueDialogue Can Philos Assoc%Dialogue (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1986)DialogueDialogue on diarrhoeaDialogue Diarrhoea"Dialogues in clinical neuroscienceDialogues Clin NeurosciDialogues in contraceptionDialogues ContraceptDialoogDialoogDialysis & transplantationDial TransplantDiamond (Philadelphia, Pa.)Diamond6Diario de Centro America (Guatemala, Guatemala : 1880) D Cent AmDiario de Yucatan D YucatanDiarrhoea DialogueDiarrhoea DialogueDiastemaDiastemaDickinson law reviewDickinson Law Rev-Die Agnes Karll-Schwester, der Krankenpfleger"Agnes Karll Schwest KrankenpflegerDie Arztliche FortbildungArztl FortbildDie Dritte Welt Dritte Welt=Die Erde; Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu BerlinErde Die Heilkunst HeilkunstDie InfusionstherapieInfusionstherapieDie KrankenschwesterKrankenschwesterDie Kulturpflanze : Berichte und Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Kulturpflanzenforschung der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in Gatersleben Krs. Aschersleben KulturpflanzeDie Medizinische MedizinischeDie Medizinische WeltMed Welt Die NahrungNahrungDie NaturwissenschaftenNaturwissenschaftenDie Neue Rundschau Neue RundschDie Pharmazeutische Industrie Pharm Ind Die Pharmazie PharmazieDie Pharmazie. Beihefte Pharm BeihDie Politische Meinung Polit MeinDie Quintessenz QuintessenzDie Quintessenz der ZahntechnikQuintessenz ZahntechDie RehabilitationRehabilitation (Stuttg) Die SondeSondeSDie Suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir sosiologie. The South African journal of sociologyS Afr Tydskr SosiolDie Therapiewoche Therapiewoche<Die Tuberkulose und ihre Grenzgebiete in EinzeldarstellungenTuberk Grenzgeb Einzeldarst Die WaageWaageDifesa socialeDif Soc Differences Differences1Differentiation; research in biological diversityDifferentiationCDigest of public general bills and selected resolutions, with indexDigest Public Gen BillsDigesta antibiotica Dig Antibiot Digestion DigestionDigestive and liver disease : official journal of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver Dig Liver Dis'Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland)Dig DisDigestive diseases and sciences Dig Dis SciDigestive surgeryDig SurgDigitale BilddiagnostikDigitale Bilddiagn Dimension DimensionDimensions in health serviceDimens Health ServCDimensions in oncology nursing : journal of the Division of NursingDimens Oncol Nurs*Dimensions of critical care nursing : DCCNDimens Crit Care NursDimensions/NBSDimensions (Wash)BDine Yisrael : shanaton le-mishpat 'Ivri ule-mishpahah be-Yisra'el Dyny YsrlDiogenesDiogenesDiotimaDiotimaDirasat sukkaniyahDirasat Sukkaniyah(Dirasat. Medical and biological sciencesDirasat Med Biol SciDirector (Cincinnati, Ohio)DirectorDirectors & boards Dir BoardsDirimDirimDisability & society Disabil SocDisability and rehabilitationDisabil RehabilDisability, handicap & societyDisabil Handicap SocbDisaster management & response : DMR : an official publication of the Emergency Nurses AssociationDisaster Manag Response Disasters DisastersDischarge planning updateDisch Plann UpdateDiscourse processesDiscourse ProcessDiscoverDiscoverDiscovery and innovation Discov InnovDiscovery medicine Discov Med"Discussions of the Faraday SocietyDiscuss Faraday SocDisease management : DM Dis ManagDisease management advisorDis Manag AdvisDisease markers Dis MarkersDisease-a-month : DMDis MonDiseases of aquatic organismsDis Aquat OrganDiseases of the chest Dis Chest Diseases of the colon and rectumDis Colon RectumqDiseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus / I.S.D.E Dis EsophagusDiseases of the nervous system Dis Nerv Syst#Diskussionsforum medizinische EthikDiskussionsforum Med EthikDisplaysDisplaysDissentDissentDissertation abstracts Diss AbstrDistrict nursing Dist NursPDistrict of Columbia Dental Society journal. District of Columbia Dental SocietyJ Dist Columbia Dent Soc!Divulgacion cultural odontologicaDivulg Cult OdontolDix-huitieme siecleDix Huit SiecleDobutsu iden ikushu kenkyu5Journal of animal genetics|Dobutsu Iden Ikushu Kenkyu5Documenta Geigy. Acta psychosomatica. [Deutsche Ausg]%Doc Geigy Acta Psychosom (Dtsch Ausg)3Documenta Geigy. Acta rheumatologica. [English ed.]Doc Geigy Acta RheumatoljDocumenta Neerlandica et Indonesica de morbis tropicis; quarterly journal of tropical medicine and hygieneDoc Neerl Indones Morbis Trop,Documenta de medicina geographica et tropicaDoc Med Geogr Trop4Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmologyDoc Ophthalmol-Documenta ophthalmologica. Proceedings seriesDoc Ophthalmol Proc Ser*Documenta rheumatologica. [Deutsche Ausg.] Doc RheumatolDocumentation in medical ethicsDoc Med EthicsoDocuments d'analisi geografica / [publicacions del Departament de Geografia, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona]Doc Anal GeogrDocuments pour l'histoire du vocabulaire scientifique / Centre national de la recherche scientifique, GRECO, Histoire du vocabulaire scientifiqueDoc Hist Vocab Sci,Documents. International Chamber of Commerce DocumentsDodoneDodone3Doklady Akademii nauk / [Rossiiskaia akademii nauk]Dokl Akad NaukDoklady Akademii nauk SSSRDokl Akad Nauk SSSR Doklady Bolgarskoi akademii naukDokl Bulg Acad NaukyDoklady biochemistry : proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Biochemistry section / translated from Russian Dokl BiochemDoklady biological sciences : proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Biological sciences sections / translated from Russian Dokl Biol SciuDoklady biophysics : proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Biophysics section / translated from Russian Dokl Biophys$Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysicsDokl Biochem Biophys Dokumente aus Hoechster ArchivenDok Hoechst ArchDolentium HominumDolentium Hominum%Domes : digest of Middle East studiesDomesDomestic animal endocrinologyDomest Anim EndocrinolDominion law reports Dom Law RepDong wu fen lei xue bao1Acta zootaxonomica Sinica|Dong Wu Fen Lei Xue Bao(Dong wu xue bao. [Acta zoologica Sinica]Dong Wu Xue BaoDong wu xue yan jiuRZoological research / "Dong wu xue yan jiu" bian ji we yuan hui bian ji|Zool. Res.jDown's syndrome, research and practice : the journal of the Sarah Duffen Centre / University of PortsmouthDowns Syndr Res PractDrake law review Drake Law RevDraper Fund reportDraper Fund Rep#Draper World Population Fund reportDraper World Popul Fund Rep Droit social Droit SocDrosophila information serviceDrosoph Inf ServDrug and alcohol dependenceDrug Alcohol DependDrug and alcohol reviewDrug Alcohol RevDrug and chemical toxicologyDrug Chem ToxicolDrug and cosmetic industryDrug Cosmet IndDrug and therapeutics bulletinDrug Ther Bull Drug delivery Drug DelivDrug design and deliveryDrug Des DelivDrug design and discoveryDrug Des Discov(Drug development and industrial pharmacyDrug Dev Ind PharmDrug development research Drug Dev ResDrug discovery todayDrug Discov Today Drug forum Drug ForumDrug information journal Drug Inf J%Drug intelligence & clinical pharmacyDrug Intell Clin PharmDrug merchandising Drug MerchADrug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicalsDrug Metab Dispos%Drug metabolism and drug interactionsDrug Metabol Drug Interact$Drug metabolism and pharmacokineticsDrug Metab PharmacokinetDrug metabolism reviewsDrug Metab RevDrug news & perspectivesDrug News Perspect Drug researchDrug ResDrug research reports Drug Res Rep_Drug resistance updates : reviews and commentaries in antimicrobial and anticancer chemotherapyDrug Resist UpdatPDrug safety : an international journal of medical toxicology and drug experienceDrug SafDrug standards Drug StandDrug therapeutics Drug Ther Drug therapyDrug Ther (NY) Drug topics Drug TopicsDrug trade newsDrug Trade NewsDrug-nutrient interactionsDrug Nutr InteractDrugsDrugs Drugs & aging Drugs Aging Drugs & society (New York, N.Y.)Drugs Soc (New York) Drugs in R&D Drugs R DDrugs made in GermanyDrugs Made GerDrugs of the future Drugs Future(Drugs of today (Barcelona, Spain : 1998)Drugs Today (Barc).Drugs under experimental and clinical researchDrugs Exp Clin ResDublin University law journalDubl Univ Law JDublin historical recordDublin Hist Rec Dubrovnik Dubrovnik#Duke journal of gender law & policyDuke J Gend Law PolicyDuke law and technology reviewDuke Law Technol RevDuke law journal Duke Law JDuneland notes Dunel Notes)Duodecim; laaketieteellinen aikakauskirjaDuodecim7Duodecim; laaketieteellinen aikakauskirja. SupplementumDuodecim SupplDuquesne law reviewDuquesne Law RevDuriusDurius0Dusseldorfer Arbeiten zur Geschichte der MedizinDusseld Arb Gesch Med9Dusseldorfer Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin. BeiheftDusseld Arb Gesch Med Beih$Dusseldorfer geographische SchriftenDusseld Geogr SchrDynamic medicine : DMDyn MedDynamics (Pembroke, Ont.)DynamicsDynamis (Granada, Spain)Dynamis*Dynamische Psychiatrie. Dynamic psychiatry Dyn PsychiatrDyslexia (Chichester, England)Dyslexia Dysphagia DysphagiaE (Norwalk, Conn.)E4E law : Murdoch University electronic journal of lawE LawE-ITVEITV6EBRI issue brief / Employee Benefit Research InstituteEBRI Issue Brief ECA : estudios centro americanos Estud Cent AmEED management : the monthly update on emergency department managementED ManagGEDS magazine : official journal of the E.E.C. Dental Students CommitteeEDS Mag EDTNA/ERCA journal (English ed.) EDTNA ERCA JXEEG-EMG Zeitschrift fur Elektroenzephalographie, Elektromyographie und verwandte Gebiete7EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte GebWEHP toxicogenomics : journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health SciencesEHP Toxicogenomics EMBO reportsEMBO Rep$ENLB. Emergency nurse legal bulletinENLB Emerg Nurse Leg Bull ENTechnology EntechnologyWEPA journal / United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Public AwarenessEpa JCEPI newsletter / c Expanded Program on Immunization in the Americas EPI Newsl ERS spectrum ERS Spectr1ESA bulletin. Bulletin ASE. European Space AgencyESA Bull ESA journalESA JESRC Data Archive bulletinESRC Data Arch Bull ET journalET J,EURASIP journal on applied signal processing EURASIP J Appl Signal Processing3EURASIP journal on bioinformatics & systems biologyEURASIP J Bioinform Syst Biol;EURE. Revista latinoamericana de estudios urbano regionalesEUREEURO reports and studies EURO Rep StudEXSEXSEar and hearingEar HearEar, nose, & throat journalEar Nose Throat JEarly American literature Early Am Lit Early child development and careEarly Child Dev Care"Early childhood research quarterlyEarly Child Res QEarly education and developmentEarly Educ DevEarly human development Early Hum DevEarly pregnancy (Online)Early PregnancyuEarly pregnancy : biology and medicine : the official journal of the Society for the Investigation of Early PregnancyEarly PregnancyEarly science and medicine Early Sci MedEarth (Waukesha, Wis.)Earth (Waukesha)Earth Negotiations BulletinEarth Negot BullEarth and mineral sciencesEarth Miner Sci#Earth and planetary science lettersEarth Planet Sci LettEarth in space Earth SpaceMEarth sciences history : journal of the History of the Earth Sciences SocietyEarth Sci HistEarth space reviewEarth Space RevEarth, moon, and planetsEarth Moon Planets Earthwatch Earthwatch%East African journal of public healthEast Afr J Public HealthEast African medical journalEast Afr Med JEast European Jewish affairsEast Eur Jew AffEast European quarterly East Eur Q+East central Europe. L'Europe du centre-est East Cent EurEastern Africa economic reviewEast Afr Econ Rev+Eastern Africa journal of rural developmentEast Afr J Rural Dev-Eastern Africa social science research reviewEast Afr Soc Sci Res RevEastern European economicsEast Europ Econ.Eastern European politics and societies : EEPSEast Eur Polit Soc0Eastern and southern Africa geographical journalEast South Afr Geogr JEastern economic journal East Econ JEastern horizon East Horiz!Eating and weight disorders : EWDEat Weight DisordEating behaviors Eat BehavEating disorders Eat DisordEbonyEbony$Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.)EchocardiographyEchoesEchoesLEcological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America Ecol ApplXEcological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics Ecol EconEcological engineeringEcol EngEcological entomology Ecol EntomolEcological modelling Ecol ModellEcological monographs Ecol MonogrEcologyEcologyEcology law quarterly Ecol Law QEcology letters Ecol LettEcology of diseaseEcol DisEcology of food and nutritionEcol Food Nutr1Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society EconometricaEconomia & lavoroEcon LavMEconomia (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Departamento de Economia)Economia'Economia e sociologia (Evora, Portugal) Econ SociolEconomia e storia Econ Stor@Economia pubblica : mensile di studi e d'informazione del Ciriec Econ PubblicaEconomia y desarrollo Econ DesarroEconomic and political weeklyEcon Polit WklyEconomic botanyEcon Bot*Economic bulletin for Asia and the PacificEcon Bull Asia Pac`Economic computation and economic cybernetics studies and research / Academy of Economic Studies Econ Comput Econ Cybern Stud Res Economic eyeEcon EyeEconomic geography Econ GeogrGEconomic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Econ GeolEconomic inquiryEcon InqEconomic modelling Econ ModelEconomic outlook USAEcon Outlook USA1Economic review (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)Econ Rev0Economic review (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)Econ Rev Economica EconomicaEconomics and human biology Econ Hum BiolEconomics and philosophy Econ PhilosEconomics letters Econ LettEconomics of education review Econ Educ RevEconomie & statistique Econ StatEconomie et humanismeEcon HumanismeEconomie et medecine animales Econ Med AnimEconomie meridionale Econ MeriddEconomie prospective internationale / Centre d'etudes prospectives et d'informations internationalesEcon Prospect IntEconomies et societesEcon SocyEconomisch- en sociaal-historisch jaarboek / uitgegeven door de vereniging het Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch ArchiefEcon Soc Hist Jaarb!Economisch-statistische Berichten Econ Stat Ber"Economist (London, England : 1843) EconomistEconomy and historyEcon Hist (Sweden)Economy and societyEcon SocEcotoxicology (London, England) Ecotoxicology&Ecotoxicology and environmental safetyEcotoxicol Environ Saf.Ecrits de Paris: revue des questions actuelles Ecrits Paris Edcentric Edcentric!Edinburgh Dental Hospital gazetteEdinb Dent Hosp GazEdinburgh medical journalEdinburgh Med JEditorial research reportsEditor Res RepEducacion dentalEduc Dent (Ica)Educacion medica y saludEduc Med SaludEducafrica (English version) Educafrica/Education and training of the mentally retardedEduc Train Ment RetardEducation and urban societyEduc Urban Soc(Education for health (Abingdon, England)Educ Health (Abingdon)Education libraries bulletinLibr Bull Univ Lond#Educational & industrial televisionEduc Ind Telev*Educational administration quarterly : EAQ Educ Adm Q)Educational and psychological measurementEduc Psychol Meas&Educational broadcasting internationalEduc Broadcast Int-Educational directions for dental auxiliariesEduc Dir Dent Aux(Educational directions in dental hygieneEduc Dir Dent HygEducational gerontology Educ GerontolcEducational leadership : journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A Educ LeadershEducational studies Educ StudEducational theory Educ TheoryEducator's update Educ Update!Effective clinical practice : ECPEff Clin PractEffective health careEff Health Care$Effluent and water treatment journalEffluent Water Treat JEgeszsegtudomanyEgeszsegtudomanyEgypte/monde arabeEgypte Monde ArabeEgyptian dental journal Egypt Dent J Egyptian journal of bilharziasisEgypt J Bilharz)Egyptian journal of genetics and cytologyEgypt J Genet CytolEgyptian medical journal Egypt Med JEhealth international eHealth IntEichsfelder HeimathefteEichsfelder Heimath Eicosanoids Eicosanoids"Eighteenth century (Lubbock, Tex.)Eighteenth Century (Lubbock)Eighteenth century lifeEighteenth Century LifeEighteenth-century IrelandEighteenth Century IrelEighteenth-century studiesEighteenth Century Stud(Eire-Ireland; a journal of Irish studies Eire IrelJEisei Shikenjo hokoku. Bulletin of National Institute of Hygienic SciencesEisei Shikenjo HokokuBEkistics; reviews on the problems and science of human settlementsEkistics Ekologiia EkologiiaEkonomi dan Keuangan IndonesiaEkon Keuangan IndonesEkonomicky casopisEkon CasEkonomika Sovetskoi Ukrainy Ekon Sov UkrEkonomska misao Ekon MisaoEkonomska revija Ekon RevijaEkonomski pregled Ekon Pregl0Eksperimental'naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiiaEksp Klin FarmakolEksperimental'naia khirurgiiaEksp Khirurgiia/Eksperimental'naia khirurgiia i anesteziologiiaEksp Khir AnesteziolEksperimental'naia onkologiia Eksp Onkol'Eksperimentalna meditsina i morfologiiaEksp Med MorfolEl Caribe contemporaneoCaribe ContempHEl Cooperador dental; cooperativismo, informacion y ciencia odontologicaCoop Dent (B Aires) El Dia medicoDia Med El MedicoMedicoEl Medico practico Med Pract El Odontologo Odontologo El PalacioPalacioEl Protesista dental Protes DentEl ToraxToraxEl Trimestre economico Trimest Econ Elderly care Elder CareElectroanalysisElectroanalysisElectrochimica actaElectrochim ActaElectrodiagnostic-TherapieElectrodiagn Ther3Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology$Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol?Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Supplement*Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl$Electromagnetic biology and medicineElectromagn Biol MedElectromyographyElectromyography-Electromyography and clinical neurophysiologyElectromyogr Clin NeurophysiolElectron microscopy reviewsElectron Microsc RevElectrophoresisElectrophoresis'Elektro Medizin; Biomedizin und TechnikElektromed Biomed Tech EmbryologiaEmbryologia (Nagoya)Eme eme; estudios dominicanosEme Eme Estud Domin Emergency EmergencyEmergency department news : EDNEmerg Dep News#Emergency health services quarterlyEmerg Health Serv Q Emergency health services reviewEmerg Health Serv RevEmergency medical servicesEmerg Med ServEmergency medicine Emerg Med$Emergency medicine (Fremantle, W.A.)Emerg Med (Fremantle)$Emergency medicine Australasia : EMAEmerg Med Australas+Emergency medicine clinics of North AmericaEmerg Med Clin North Am Emergency medicine journal : EMJ Emerg Med JEmergency medicine reports Emerg Med RepSEmergency nurse : the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association Emerg NurseEmergency planning digestEmerg Plann DigEmergency radiology Emerg RadiolEmerging infectious diseasesEmerg Infect DisEmerging themes in epidemiologyEmerg Themes EpidemiolJEmerita / Junta para Ampliacion de Estudios, Centro de Estudios HistoricosEmeritaEmisor demografico Emisor DemogrEmory international law reviewEmory Int Law RevEmory law journal Emory Law JEmory magazine Emory MagEmotion (Washington, D.C.)EmotionVEmphasis, nursing / Los Angeles County, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Nursing Department Emphasis NursEmpire state report Emp State RepEmpirical economics Empir EconEmpleo y desempleo Empl DesemplEmployee benefit plan reviewEmployee Benefit Plan RevEmployee benefits journalEmpl Benefits JEmployee health & fitnessEmpl Health FitEmployee relations law journalEmployee Relat Law JEmployment relations todayEmploy Relat Today.En familia (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)Familia Enantiomer Enantiomer Encounter Encounter Endeavour Endeavour Endocrine EndocrineEndocrine development Endocr DevEndocrine journalEndocr JEndocrine pathology Endocr PatholEndocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Endocr PractEndocrine regulations Endocr RegulEndocrine research Endocr Res!Endocrine research communicationsEndocr Res CommunEndocrine reviews Endocr Rev4Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets'Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug TargetsEndocrine-related cancerEndocr Relat Cancer+Endocrinologia e scienza della costituzioneEndocrinol Sci CostEndocrinologia experimentalisEndocrinol ExpEndocrinologia japonicaEndocrinol JpnEndocrinologia y terapeutica Endocr TerapEndocrinologieEndocrinologie Endocrinology Endocrinology5Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North AmericaEndocrinol Metab Clin North Am EndodonciaEndodoncia (Mex)Endodoncia (Madrid, Spain) EndodonciaEndodontic practice Endod Prac!Endodontics & dental traumatologyEndod Dent TraumatolEndokrinologieEndokrinologieEndokrynologia PolskaEndokrynol PolEndokrynologia, diabetologia i choroby przemiany materii wieku rozwojowego : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologow Dzieciecych5Endokrynol Diabetol Chor Przemiany Materii Wieku Rozw*Endoscopic surgery and allied technologiesEndosc Surg Allied Technol Endoscopy Endoscopy2Endothelium : journal of endothelial cell research Endothelium5Energy & fuels : an American Chemical Society journal Energy Fuels Energy policy Energy Policy=Enfance; psychologie, pedagogie, neuropsychiatrie, sociologieEnfanceEnfermedades del torax Enferm Torax0Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinicaEnferm Infecc Microbiol Clin Enfermeras Enfermeras Enfermeria EnfermeriaEnfermeria clinica Enferm ClinVEnfermeria intensiva / Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Intensiva y Unidades CoronariasEnferm IntensivaEnfoqueEnfoqueEnfoque feminista Enfoque FemEnfoques en atencion primariaEnfoques Aten PrimEngage/social actionEngage Soc ActionEngineering and scienceEng SciEngineering in medicineEng MedEnglish language notesEngl Lang Notes*Enlace. Inter-American Commission of WomenEnlaceEno FoENO FO$Enquetes du Musee de la vie wallonneEnquetes Mus Vie WallonneEntomologia Sinica$Zhongguo kun chong xue|Entomol. Sin.'Entomologia experimentalis et applicataEntomol Exp ApplEntomological news Entomol News Entre nous (Copenhagen, Denmark)Entre Nous Cph DenXEntscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Zivilsachen. Germany (West). Bundesgerichtshof)Entscheid Bundesgerichtshofes Zivilsachen Environment EnvironmentEnvironment & planning AEnviron Plan AEnvironment and behavior Environ Behav.Environment and planning. B, Planning & designEnviron Plann B Plann Des0Environment and planning. C, Government & policyEnviron Plann C Gov Policy,Environment and planning. D, Society & spaceEnviron Plan DEnvironment and urbanization Environ UrbanEnvironment folio Environ FolioEnvironment international Environ Int0Environmental Change and Security Project reportEnviron Change Secur Proj RepEnvironmental Review Environ RevEnvironmental actionEnviron AcitonEnvironmental affairs Environ Aff%Environmental and experimental botanyEnviron Exp Bot'Environmental and molecular mutagenesisEnviron Mol Mutagen"Environmental biology and medicineEnviron Biol Med Environmental biosafety researchEnviron Biosafety ResEnvironmental conservationEnviron Conserv'Environmental education and informationEnviron Educ InfEnvironmental entomologyEnviron EntomolEnvironmental ethicsEnviron Ethics%Environmental geochemistry and healthEnviron Geochem Health5Environmental health : a global access science sourceEnviron Health!Environmental health perspectivesEnviron Health Perspect5Environmental health series. [RH] Radiological health"Environ Health Ser [Radiol Health]dEnvironmental history review : EHR : a publication of the American Society for Environmental HistoryEnviron Hist Rev&Environmental impact assessment reviewEnviron Impact Assess Rev.Environmental law (Northwestern School of Law) Environ LawEnvironmental letters Environ LettEnvironmental managementEnviron ManagemEnvironmental medicine : annual report of the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University Environ MedEnvironmental microbiologyEnviron Microbiol'Environmental monitoring and assessmentEnviron Monit AssessEnvironmental mutagenesisEnviron Mutagen'Environmental physiology & biochemistryEnviron Physiol BiochemEnvironmental politics Env Polit/Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)Environ Pollut Environmental quality and safetyEnviron Qual Saf,Environmental quality and safety. SupplementEnviron Qual Saf SupplLEnvironmental quality; annual report of the Council on Environmental Quality(Environ Qual Annu Rep Counc Environ QualEnvironmental research Environ Res"Environmental science & technologyEnviron Sci Technol:Environmental science and pollution research internationalEnviron Sci Pollut Res Int\Environmental sciences : an international journal of environmental physiology and toxicology Environ SciEnvironmental technologyEnviron TechnolEnvironmental toxicologyEnviron Toxicol.Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETACEnviron Toxicol Chem)Environmental toxicology and pharmacologyEnviron Toxicol PharmacolEnvironmental valuesEnviron Values Environments EnvironmentsEnvironmetrics (London, Ont.)EnvironmetricsEnvironnement africain Environ AfrEnzymeEnzymeEnzyme & proteinEnzyme ProteinEnzyme and microbial technologyEnzyme Microb Technol Enzymologia Enzymologia Enzymologia biologica et clinicaEnzymol Biol Clin (Basel)EosEos (Washington DC)Eos (Rome, Italy)EOS Epatologia EpatologiaEpeirotike hestiaEpeirotike Hestia+Epeteris Hetaireias Stereoelladikon Meleton&Epet Etaireias Stereoelladikon Meleton-Epheta; revista de enfermeria y accion socialEphetaEpidemiologia e prevenzioneEpidemiol Prev#Epidemiologia e psichiatria socialeEpidemiol Psichiatr Soc/Epidemiologic perspectives & innovations : EP+IEpidemiol Perspect InnovEpidemiologic reviews Epidemiol RevEpidemiological bulletinEpidemiol BullEpidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie : casopis Spolecnosti pro epidemiologii a mikrobiologii Ceske lekarske spolecnosti J.E. PurkyneEpidemiol Mikrobiol ImunolEpidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) Epidemiology!Epidemiology and community healthEpidemiol Community HealthEpidemiology and infectionEpidemiol Infect=Epigenetics : official journal of the DNA Methylation Society Epigenetics Epigraphica EpigraphicaEpigraphische Studien Epigraph Stud Epilepsia EpilepsiaEpilepsy & behavior : E&BEpilepsy Behav-Epilepsy currents / American Epilepsy Society Epilepsy CurrEpilepsy research Epilepsy ResEpilepsy research. SupplementEpilepsy Res SupplCEpileptic disorders : international epilepsy journal with videotapeEpileptic DisordEpioneEpioneFEpisteme; rivista critica di storia delle scienze mediche e biologicheEpistemeEpithelial cell biologyEpithelial Cell BiolEpitheorese Koinonikon EreunonEpitheor Koin EreunEpopteiaEpopteia Equilibrium EquilibriumEquine veterinary journal Equine Vet J%Equine veterinary journal. SupplementEquine Vet J Suppl!Equinoxe (Cayenne, French Guiana)EquinoxeEra socialista Era SocialErdkundeErdkundeErdkundliches Wissen Erdkd WissenErfahrungsheilkundeErfahrungsheilkunde2Ergebnisse der Anatomie und EntwicklungsgeschichteErgeb Anat EntwicklungsgeschErgebnisse der Biologie Ergeb Biol'Ergebnisse der Chirurgie und OrthopadieErgeb Chir OrthopErgebnisse der EnzymforschungErgeb EnzymforschWErgebnisse der Hygiene, Bakteriologie, Immunitatsforschung und experimentellen Therapie-Ergeb Hyg Bakteriol Immunitatsforsch Exp TherNErgebnisse der Mikrobiologie, Immunitatsforschung und experimentellen Therapie)Ergeb Mikrobiol Immunitatsforsch Exp TherQErgebnisse der Physiologie, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie Ergeb PhysiolAErgebnisse der allgemeinen Pathologie und pathologischen AnatomieErgeb Allg Pathol Pathol Anat,Ergebnisse der gesamten Tuberkuloseforschung Ergeb Gesamten Tuberkuloseforsch2Ergebnisse der inneren Medizin und KinderheilkundeErgeb Inn Med Kinderheilkd Ergonomics ErgonomicsAErgonomics in design : the magazine of human factors applications Ergon Des.Ernahrungsforschung. Berichte und MitteilungenErnahrungsforsch Ber Mitt/Ernst Schering Foundation symposium proceedingsErnst Schering Found Symp Proc+Ernst Schering Research Foundation workshop!Ernst Schering Res Found WorkshopBErziehung und Unterricht; osterreichische padagogische Zeitschrift Erzieh UnterrEsencia OdontologicaEsencia OdontolaEsope : bi-mensuel social, politique, economique / publie avec la collaboration de la S.E.D.D.E.SEsopeEspace, populations, societesEspace Popul Soc#Espaces et societes (Paris, France) Espaces SocEspiral (Guadalajara, Mexico)EspiralEsprit (Paris, France : 1932)EspritEsquire (New York, N.Y.)Esquire+Essays and studies (London, England : 1950)Essays Stud (Lond)Essays in arts and sciencesEssays Arts SciEssays in biochemistryEssays Biochem Essays in fundamental immunologyEssays Fundam Immunol.Essays in neurochemistry and neuropharmacologyEssays Neurochem NeuropharmacolEssenceEssence (Downsview)Essential drugs monitorEssent Drugs MonitEssential psychopharmacologyEssent Psychopharmacol&Essex Institute historical collectionsEssex Inst Hist CollectTEssex archaeology and history : the transactions of the Essex Archaeological SocietyTrans Essex Archaeol Soc Essex journalEssex J Estadistica EstadasticaEstadistica panamena. BoletinEstad Panamena{Estadistica panamena. Situacion demografica, seccion 231: Migracion internacional. Panama. Direccion de Estadistica y Censo3Estad Panamena Situac Demogr Secc 231 Migr Migr IntEstadistica venezolana Estad VenezEste pais (Mexico City, Mexico) Este PaisEstodont/pressEstodont Press Estomatologia EstomatologiaEstomatologia e culturaEstomatol CultEstudios (Madrid, Spain)EstudiosEstudios clasicosEstud ClEstudios de Asia y AfricaEstud Asia AfrEstudios de cultura nahuatlEstud Cult NahuatlEstudios de economia Estud Econ Estudios de historia novohispanaEstud Hist Novohisp+Estudios de historia social (Madrid, Spain)Estud Hist Soc2Estudios de historia social y economica de AmericaEstud Hist Soc Econ AmEstudios de poblacion Estud PoblachEstudios del Departamento de Historia Moderna. Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Historia modernaEstud Dep Hist ModEstudios demograficos y urbanosEstud Demogr Urbanos Col MexEstudios geograficos Estud Geogr/Estudios latinoamericanos (Mexico City, Mexico)Estud Latinoam%Estudios migratorios latinoamericanosEstud Migr LatinoamEstudios paraguayos Estud Parag/Estudios publicos / Centro de Estudios PublicosEstud Publicos!Estudios rurales latinoamericanosEstud Rurales LatinoamEstudios segovianos Estud Segov5Estudios sociales (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) Estud Soc"Estudios sociales centroamericanosEstud Soc Centroam+Estudios sociologicos (Mexico City, Mexico) Estud Sociol%Estudis : revista de historia modernaEstudisWEstudis historics i documents dels Arxius de Protocols / Col.legi Notarial de BarcelonaEstud Hist Doc Arxius ProtocEstudis romanicsEstud Rom (Barcelona);Estudos CEBRAP. Centro Brasileiro de Analise e Planejamento Estud CEBRAPEstudos de historia e saudeEstud Hist SaudegEstudos demograficos : revista do Gabinete de Estudos Demograficos do Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Estud DemogrEstudos economicos Estud EconEstudos feministas Estud Fem#Etc.; a review of general semanticsEtcEthical currents : a publication of the Center for Healthcare Ethics, St. Joseph Health System, and California Association of Catholic HospitalsEthical Currents'Ethical human psychology and psychiatryEthical Hum Psychol PsychiatryREthical human sciences and services : an international journal of critical inquiryEthical Hum Sci Serv[Ethical perspectives / Catholic University of Leuven ; European Centre for Christian EthicsEthical Perspect:Ethical theory and moral practice : an international forumEthical Theory Moral PractEthicsEthicsEthics & behavior Ethics BehavEthics & international affairsEthics Int AffBEthics & medicine : a Christian perspective on issues in bioethics Ethics Med!Ethics and information technologyEthics Inf Technol"Ethics and intellectual disabilityEthics Intellect DisabilEthics and medics Ethics MedicsEthics committee newsletterEthics Comm NewslEthics in science & medicineEthics Sci MedBEthik in der Medizin : Organ der Akademie fur Ethik in der Medizin Ethik MedEthiopia observer Ethiop Obs)Ethiopian journal of development researchEthiop J Dev ResEthiopian medical journal Ethiop Med JEthiqueEthique Ethnic Groups Ethnic GroupsEthnic and racial studiesEthn Racial StudAEthnic forum : bulletin of ethnic studies and ethnic bibliography Ethn Forum Ethnicity EthnicityEthnicity & diseaseEthn DisEthnicity & health Ethn HealthEthnohistory (Columbus, Ohio) EthnohistoryEthnologia Europaea Ethnol EurEthnologia Scandinavica Ethnol ScandEthnologie francaise Ethnol Fr Ethnology EthnologyEthnomedizin-Ethnomedicine EthnomedizinEthnosEthnos3Ethology : formerly Zeitschrift fur TierpsychologieEthologyEthology and sociobiologyEthol SociobiolEthos (Berkeley, Calif.)EthosEtnografia polska Etnogr PolEtnologiska studier Etnol StudEtudesEtudes (Paris)=Etudes & documents (Groupe de demographie africaine (France))Etud Doc Groupe Demogr AfrEtudes & expansion Etud ExpansEtudes StatistiquesEtudes Stat Inst Natl Stat,Etudes Sur Les Soins Et Le Service InfirmierEtud Soins Serv InfirmEtudes anglaises (Periodical) Etud AnglQEtudes balkaniques / Academie bulgare des sciences, Institut d'etudes balkaniques Etud Balk$Etudes canadiennes. Canadian studiesEtud Can"Etudes classiques (Namur, Belgium) Etud ClassEtudes d'histoire africaine Etud Hist AfrEtudes freudiennes Etudes FreudEtudes germaniquesEtud GerEtudes internationalesEtud IntEtudes inuit. Inuit studies Etud InuitEtudes irlandaisesEtud IrlEtudes limousinesEtud LimousinesEtudes maliennes Etudes MalinEtudes napoleoniennes : bulletin historique de la Societe de sauvegarde du chateau imperial de Pont-de-Briques Etud Napoleon%Etudes neo-natales. Neo-natal studiesEtudes NeonatalesEtudes polemologiques Etud PolemolEtudes rurales Etud RuralesEtudes rwandaisesEtudes RwandaisesEtudes togolaises de populationEtud Togol PopulEtudes vauclusiennes Etud VauclusEtudes zairoises Etud Zair;Eubios journal of Asian and international bioethics : EJAIBEubios J Asian Int BioethEugenics Society symposiaEugen Soc SympEugenics quarterlyEugen QEukaryotic cell Eukaryot CellEuropa RegionalEur RegEuropa ethnicaEur Ethn!Europa medica. [Edicion espanola]Eur Med (Paris)Europa medicophysicaEura Medicophys Europa-Archiv Europa ArchivEuropace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of CardiologyEuropaceEurope, outremerEur OmEurope-Asia studies Eur Asia Stud"Europe; revue litteraire mensuelleEurope8European Quality Assurance Network newsletter / EuroQuanEur Qual Assur Netw NewslEuropean addiction researchEur Addict ResEuropean archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck SurgeryEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol6European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology. SupplementEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol SuppllEuropean archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric DentistryEur Arch Paediatr Dent9European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience!Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci9European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciencesEur Arch Psychiatry Neurol Sci!European biophysics journal : EBJ Eur Biophys JEuropean cells & materialsEur Cell Mater&European child & adolescent psychiatryEur Child Adolesc PsychiatryEuropean cytokine networkEur Cytokine NetwREuropean demographic information bulletin / European Centre for Population StudiesEurop Demogr Inf BullREuropean eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders AssociationEur Eat Disord RevEuropean economic review Eur Econ Rev%European food research and technologySZeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung. A|Eur. Food Res. Technol.European foreign affairs reviewEur Foreign Aff RevEuropean heart journal Eur Heart JREuropean heart journal supplements : journal of the European Society of CardiologyEur Heart J SupplEuropean history quarterly Eur Hist Q European human rights law reviewEur Hum Rights Law Rev%European intellectual property reviewEur Intellect Prop RevEuropean journal of ageing Eur J Ageing#European journal of anaesthesiologyEur J Anaesthesiol/European journal of anaesthesiology. SupplementEur J Anaesthesiol Suppl&European journal of applied physiologyEur J Appl PhysiolBEuropean journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol4European journal of basic and applied histochemistryEur J Basic Appl Histochem'European journal of biochemistry / FEBS Eur J BiochemEuropean journal of cancer Eur J Cancer.European journal of cancer & clinical oncologyEur J Cancer Clin Oncol3European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) Eur J CancerEuropean journal of cancer careEur J Cancer Care (Engl)qEuropean journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP)Eur J Cancer Prev1European journal of cancer. Part B, Oral oncologyEur J Cancer B Oral OncolvEuropean journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic SurgeryEur J Cardiothorac SurgEuropean journal of cardiology Eur J CardiolEuropean journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of CardiologyEur J Cardiovasc NursEuropean journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation : official journal of the European Society of Cardiology, Working Groups on Epidemiology & Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise PhysiologyEur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil European journal of cell biologyEur J Cell Biol,European journal of cell biology. SupplementEur J Cell Biol SupplEuropean journal of clinical chemistry and clinical biochemistry : journal of the Forum of European Clinical Chemistry SocietiesEur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem*European journal of clinical investigationEur J Clin Invest)European journal of clinical microbiologyEur J Clin MicrobiolEuropean journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical MicrobiologyEur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis&European journal of clinical nutritionEur J Clin Nutr)European journal of clinical pharmacologyEur J Clin PharmacoliEuropean journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in EuropeEur J Dent Educ%European journal of dermatology : EJDEur J DermatoluEuropean journal of disorders of communication : the journal of the College of Speech and Language Therapists, LondonEur J Disord Commun8European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokineticsEur J Drug Metab PharmacokinetEuropean journal of echocardiography : the journal of the Working Group on Echocardiography of the European Society of CardiologyEur J EchocardiogrhEuropean journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency MedicineEur J Emerg MedNEuropean journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine SocietiesEur J Endocrinol European journal of epidemiologyEur J Epidemiol1European journal of gastroenterology & hepatologyEur J Gastroenterol HepatolIEuropean journal of genetics in society : an ethical approach to geneticsEur J Genet Soc+European journal of gynaecological oncologyEur J Gynaecol OncolEuropean journal of haematologyEur J Haematol-European journal of haematology. SupplementumEur J Haematol SupplEuropean journal of health lawEur J Health LawwEuropean journal of heart failure : journal of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of CardiologyEur J Heart Fail(European journal of histochemistry : EJHEur J Histochem)European journal of human genetics : EJHGEur J Hum GenetvEuropean journal of immunogenetics : official journal of the British Society for Histocompatibility and ImmunogeneticsEur J ImmunogenetEuropean journal of immunology Eur J Immunol+European journal of intensive care medicineEur J Intensive Care Med%European journal of internal medicineEur J Intern MedEuropean journal of marketing Eur J Mark;European journal of mass spectrometry (Chichester, England)%Eur J Mass Spectrom (Chichester, Eng)$European journal of medical geneticsEur J Med Genet$European journal of medical research Eur J Med Res'European journal of medicinal chemistryEur J Med ChemEuropean journal of morphology Eur J MorpholiEuropean journal of neurology : the official journal of the European Federation of Neurological Societies Eur J Neurol$European journal of nuclear medicineEur J Nucl Med:European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imagingEur J Nucl Med Mol ImagingEuropean journal of nutrition Eur J Nutr-European journal of obstetrics and gynecologyEur J Obstet GynecolDEuropean journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol`European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing SocietyEur J Oncol Nurs(European journal of operational researchEur J Oper Res!European journal of ophthalmologyEur J Ophthalmol!European journal of oral sciencesEur J Oral Sci%European journal of organic chemistryEuropean J Org Chem European journal of orthodontics Eur J OrthodgEuropean journal of paediatric dentistry : official journal of European Academy of Paediatric DentistryEur J Paediatr DentoEuropean journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology SocietyEur J Paediatr Neurol*European journal of pain (London, England) Eur J PainEuropean journal of pediatrics Eur J PediatruEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical SciencesEur J Pharm SciEuropean journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.VEur J Pharm Biopharm European journal of pharmacologyEur J Pharmacol&European journal of political researchEur J Polit Res European journal of protistologyEur J Protistol!European journal of public healthEur J Public HealthEuropean journal of radiology Eur J Radiol(European journal of respiratory diseasesEur J Respir Dis4European journal of respiratory diseases. SupplementEur J Respir Dis Suppl1European journal of rheumatology and inflammationEur J Rheumatol Inflamm1European journal of sexually transmitted diseasesEur J Sex Transm Dis%European journal of social psychologyEur J Soc PsycholEuropean journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical OncologyEur J Surg OncolEuropean journal of toxicology Eur J ToxicolYEuropean journal of toxicology and environmental hygiene. Journal europeen de toxicologieEur J Toxicol Environ Hyg9European journal of toxicology and hygiene of environmentEur J Toxicol Hyg EnvironEuropean journal of ultrasound : official journal of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and BiologyEur J UltrasoundyEuropean journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular SurgeryEur J Vasc Endovasc Surg$European journal of vascular surgeryEur J Vasc SurgEuropean law review Eur Law RevEuropean neurology Eur NeurolaEuropean neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of NeuropsychopharmacologyEur NeuropsychopharmacolNEuropean psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European PsychiatristsEur PsychiatryEuropean radiology Eur Radiol%European review (Chichester, England)Eur Rev8European review for medical and pharmacological sciencesEur Rev Med Pharmacol SciEuropean sociological reviewEur Sociol RevEuropean spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society Eur Spine JEuropean studies review Eur Stud RevdEuropean surgical research. Europaische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales europeennes Eur Surg Res#European urban and regional studiesEur Urban Reg StudEuropean urologyEur UrolsEuropean water pollution control : official publication of the European Water Pollution Control Association (EWPCA)Eur Water Pollut ControlEurophysics letters Europhys LettEuthanasia newsEuthanasia News Evaluation Evaluation#Evaluation & the health professionsEval Health ProfEvaluation and program planningEval Program PlannEvaluation practice Eval PractEvaluation quarterlyEval QEvaluation reviewEval RevEvening sun (Baltimore, Md.) Evening Sun%Evidence report/technology assessment"Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep)/Evidence report/technology assessment (Summary)Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ)&Evidence-based cardiovascular medicineEvid Based Cardiovasc Med<Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM"Evid Based Complement Alternat MedEvidence-based dentistryEvid Based DentEvidence-based medicineEvid Based MedEvidence-based mental healthEvid Based Ment HealthEvidence-based nursingEvid Based Nurs Evocations EvocationsEvolution & developmentEvol Dev[Evolution and human behavior : official journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution SocietyEvol Hum Behav5Evolution; international journal of organic evolutionEvolution Int J Org EvolutionEvolutionary anthropologyEvol Anthropol"Evolutionary bioinformatics onlineEvol Bioinform OnlineEvolutionary computation Evol ComputExceptional children Except ChildExcerpta medica Excerpta Med*Excerpta medica. Section 12, OphthalmologyExcerpta Med (Ophthalmol)8Excerpta medica. Section 13, Dermatology and venereologyExcerpta Med (Dermatol)+Excerpta medica. Section 15, Chest diseasesExcerpta Medica 15 Chest Dis7Excerpta medica. Section 20, Gerontology and geriatrics#Excerpta Medica 20 Gerontol Geriatr3Excerpta medica. Section 28, Urology and nephrologyExcerpta Med (Urol)Executive housekeeperExec HousekeepergExecutive housekeeping today / the official magazine of the National Executive Housekeepers AssociationExec Housekeep TodayExecutive intelligence reviewExec Intell Rev-Executive solutions for healthcare managementExec Solut Healthc Manag#Exercise and sport sciences reviewsExerc Sport Sci RevExercise immunology reviewExerc Immunol Rev Expedition Expedition Experientia ExperientiaExperientia. SupplementumExperientia Suppl Experimental & applied acarologyExp Appl Acarol!Experimental & molecular medicine Exp Mol MedExperimental aging research Exp Aging Res'Experimental and clinical endocrinologyExp Clin EndocrinolExperimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes : official journal, German Society of Endocrinology [and] German Diabetes AssociationExp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes(Experimental and clinical immunogeneticsExp Clin Immunogenet,Experimental and clinical psychopharmacologyExp Clin PsychopharmacolqExperimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ TransplantationExp Clin Transplant$Experimental and molecular pathologyExp Mol PatholkExperimental and toxicologic pathology : official journal of the Gesellschaft fur Toxikologische PathologieExp Toxicol PatholIExperimental animals / Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal ScienceExp AnimExperimental biologyExp Biol!Experimental biology and medicine Exp Biol Med1Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)Exp Biol Med (Maywood)TExperimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Experimentation cerebrale Exp Brain ResExperimental cell biology Exp Cell BiolExperimental cell research Exp Cell Res&Experimental cell research. SupplementExp Cell Res SupplExperimental dermatology Exp DermatolExperimental diabesity researchExp Diabesity ResExperimental diabetes researchExp Diabetes Res&Experimental embryology and teratologyExp Embryol TeratolExperimental eye research Exp Eye ResExperimental gerontology Exp GerontolExperimental hematology Exp HematolExperimental lung research Exp Lung Res!Experimental medicine and surgery Exp Med SurgExperimental mycology Exp MycolExperimental nephrology Exp NephrolExperimental neurology Exp Neurol"Experimental neurology. SupplementExp Neurol SupplExperimental oncology Exp OncolExperimental parasitology Exp ParasitolExperimental pathology Exp PatholExperimental physiology Exp PhysiolExperimental psychology Exp Psychol-Experimentelle Medizin, Pathologie und KlinikExp Med Pathol KlinExperimentelle PathologieExp Pathol (Jena)$Expert opinion on biological therapyExpert Opin Biol TherExpert opinion on drug deliveryExpert Opin Drug Deliv.Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicologyExpert Opin Drug Metab ToxicolExpert opinion on drug safetyExpert Opin Drug Saf Expert opinion on emerging drugsExpert Opin Emerg Drugs'Expert opinion on investigational drugsExpert Opin Investig Drugs!Expert opinion on pharmacotherapyExpert Opin Pharmacother%Expert opinion on therapeutic targetsExpert Opin Ther Targets'Expert review of anti-infective therapyExpert Rev Anti Infect Ther#Expert review of anticancer therapyExpert Rev Anticancer Ther'Expert review of cardiovascular therapyExpert Rev Cardiovasc Ther Expert review of medical devicesExpert Rev Med Devices&Expert review of molecular diagnosticsExpert Rev Mol Diagn"Expert review of neurotherapeuticsExpert Rev NeurotherExpert review of ophthalmologyExpert Rev OphthalmolExpert review of proteomicsExpert Rev ProteomicsExpert review of vaccinesExpert Rev Vaccines$Expert reviews in molecular medicineExpert Rev Mol Med#Explorations in Renaissance cultureExplor Renaiss Cult Explorations in economic historyExplor Econ HistExplorations in knowledge Explor KnowlDExplorations pyreneennes : bulletin trimestriel de la Societe RamondBull Soc RamondExplore (New York, N.Y.) Explore (NY)ExplorerExplorer (Hayward)Explorers journalExplor J%Exposes annuels de biochimie medicaleExpos Annu Biochim Med-Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions ExtremophilesEye & contact lensEye Contact LensEye (London, England)EyeEye, ear, nose & throat monthlyEye Ear Nose Throat MonF.A.S. professional bulletin FAS Prof BullF.A.S. public interest reportFAS Public Interest RepDF.N.I.B.; organe de la Federation nationale des infirmier(e)s belgesFNIBFAO food and nutrition paperFAO Food Nutr PapFAO food and nutrition seriesFAO Food Nutr Ser$FAO nutrition meetings report seriesFAO Nutr Meet Rep SerFAO nutritional studies FAO Nutr StudFAR, The French-American review Fr Am Rev FDA consumer FDA ConsumFDA drug bulletin FDA Drug BullnFDA medical bulletin : important information for health professionals from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration FDA Med Bull FDC reports. Drugs and cosmeticsFDC Rep Drugs Cosmet FDI world FDI World FEBS letters FEBS Lett FEMNET news FEMNET News(FEMS immunology and medical microbiologyFEMS Immunol Med MicrobiolFEMS microbiology ecologyFEMS Microbiol EcolFEMS microbiology immunologyFEMS Microbiol ImmunolFEMS microbiology lettersFEMS Microbiol LettFEMS microbiology reviewsFEMS Microbiol RevFEMS yeast researchFEMS Yeast Res FNIB info FNIB InfoBFPRC [reports]. Great Britain. Flying Personnel Research CommitteeFprcFa yi xue za zhiFa Yi Xue Za Zhi3Facial orthopedics and temporomandibular arthrology'Facial Orthop Temporomandibular ArthrolFacial plastic surgery : FPSFacial Plast Surg/Facial plastic surgery clinics of North AmericaFacial Plast Surg Clin North Am<Fact sheet (Center for Home Care Policy and Research (U.S.))&Fact Sheet (Cent Home Care Policy Res)Fact sheets on SwedenFact Sheets SwedFactor odontologicoFactor OdontolFactotumFactotumFacts about infant feedingFacts Infant Feed Faculty notes (New Orleans, La.)Fac Notes (New Orleans La)Fag tidsskriftet sykepleienFag Tidsskr SykepleienFagopyrum : novosti o ajdibuckwheat newsletter|FagopyrumGFaith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers Faith PhilosFaits et tendances Fait TendFamilial cancer Fam Cancer@Families in society : the journal of contemporary human servicesFam SocKFamilies, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcareFam Syst HealthFamille et developpementFam DevFamily & community healthFam Community HealthFamily UrologyFam Urol%Family and conciliation courts reviewFam Concil Courts RevdFamily and consumer sciences research journal / American Association of Family and Consumer SciencesFam Consum Sci Res J"Family circle (Mount Morris, Ill.) Fam CircleFamily economics review Fam Econ Rev Family health Fam HealthFamily law (Chichester) Family LawFamily law quarterly Fam Law QFamily law reports Fam Law RepFamily law review Fam Law RevFamily life educator Fam Life EducFamily life mattersFam Life Matters Family matters (Melbourne, Vic.) Fam MattersFamily medicineFam MedFamily planning Fam PlannFamily planning digest Fam Plann Dig#Family planning information serviceFam Plann Inf ServFamily planning perspectivesFam Plann PerspectFamily planning quarterly Fam Plann QFamily planning resumeFam Plann ResumeFamily planning todayFam Plann TodayFamily planning worldFamily Plan WorldHFamily planning/population reporter; a review of State laws and policiesFam Plann Popul RepFamily practice Fam PractFamily practice managementFam Pract ManagFamily practice newsFam Pract NewsFamily process Fam ProcessFamily relations Fam RelatFamily systems medicine Fam Syst MedFamily therapyFam TherFamplanco newsFamplanco NewsFar Eastern affairs Far East AffFar Eastern economic reviewFar East Econ RevFaraday discussionsFaraday Discuss+Faraday discussions of the Chemical SocietyFaraday Discuss Chem SocFarmaceuticky obzorFarm ObzFarmaceutisk tidendeFarm TidFarmaceutski glasnik Farm GlasFarmacevtski vestnik Farm VestnFarmacia clinica Farm ClinoFarmacia hospitalaria : organo oficial de expresion cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria Farm HospFarmacia nueva Farm Nueva/Farmacihistoriska sallskapets degrees arsskriftFarmacihist Sallsk ArsFarmacja polskaFarm Pol)Farmaco (Societa chimica italiana : 1989)Farmaco8Farmacognosia; anales del Instituto Jose Celestino Mutis FarmacognosiaFarmacoterapia actualFarmacoter ActualFarmakologiia i toksikologiiaFarmakol Toksikol Farmakoterapi FarmakoterapiFarmatsevtychnyi zhurnalFarm Zh FarmatsiiaFarmatsiia (Sofia)FasettFasettFauchardFauchard#Faulkner & Gray's medicine & healthFaulkner Grays Med HealthMFederal bar journal : the official publication of the Federal Bar Association Fed Bar J}Federal personnel manual system. FPM bulletin / Office of Personnel Management. United States. Office of Personnel ManagementFPM BullFederal probation Fed ProbatFederal register Fed RegistFederal rules decisionsFed Rules DecisFederal supplement Fed SupplMFederation bulletin / Federation of State Medical Boards of the United StatesFed Bull5Federation of Insurance & Corporate Counsel quarterlyFed Insur Corp Couns Q)Federation of Insurance Counsel quarterlyFed Insur Couns Q!Federation of operative dentistry Fed Oper DentFederation proceedingsFed ProcbFederation proceedings. Translation supplement; selected translations from medical-related scienceFed Proc Transl SupplBFeedback : ICOMP newsletter on management of population programmesFeedbackFel'dsher i akusherkaFeldsher AkushFeline practice Feline Pract*Female health topics & diagnostic reporterFemale Health Top Diagn ReportTFemina : revista da Federacao Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e ObstetriciaFeminaFeminism & psychology Fem PsycholFeminist economicsFem EconFeminist issues Fem IssuesFeminist reviewFem RevFeminist studies : FSFem StudFenniaFennia#Fertilite, contraception, sexualiteFertil Contracept SexFertilite, orthogenie Fertil OrthogFertility and contraceptionFertil ContraceptFertility and sterility Fertil Steril>Fertility determinants research notes / The Population CouncilFertil Determ Res NotesFetal and pediatric pathologyFetal Pediatr PatholFetal diagnosis and therapyFetal Diagn Ther Fetal therapy Fetal TherZFett Wissenschaft Technologie : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Fettwissenschaft e.V.*Fat science technology|Fett Wiss. Technol.Feuillets de biologie Feuill BiolFeuillets du praticien Feuill Prat Fibrinolysis FibrinolysisOFides et historia : official publication of the Conference on Faith and History Fides Et HistField staff reports / UFSIField Staff Rep/Fieldstaff reports. Asia. Southeast Asia seriesFieldstaff Rep)Fieldstaff reports. Southeast Asia seriesFieldstaff Rep&Fieldstaff reports. West Europe seriesFieldstaff Rep West Eur SerFiji medical journal Fiji Med JFilaria journal Filaria J Film History Film HistFinance & development Finance Dev(Financial times (North American edition) Financ Times7Finanz-archiv : Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Finanzwesen Finanzarchiv5Findings brief : health care financing & organization Find Brief Finisterra Finisterra#Finska lakaresallskapets handlingarFin Lakaresallsk HandlFire journal (Boston, Mass.)Fire JFire technology Fire TechnolFirst things (New York, N.Y.) First ThingsFish & shellfish immunologyFish Shellfish ImmunolFisheries researchFish ResvFission product inhalation project [technical progress report]. Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and ResearchFission Prod Inhal Proj Fitoterapia Fitoterapia Fiziologia normala si patologicaFiziol Norm PatolFiziologicheskii zhurnal Fiziol Zh3Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. SechenovaFiziol Zh SSSR Im I M SechenovaJFiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiiskaia akademiia naukFiziol Zh Im I M SechenovaFiziologiia chelovekaFiziol ChelovekaFiziolohichnyi zhurnal Fiziol Zh-Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1994) Fiziol ZhFlambeau (Bakwanga, Congo)FlambeauFlash-Informations Flash Inf,Flight safety digest (Arlington, Va. : 1988)Flight Saf Dig(Flinders journal of history and politicsFlinders J Hist PolitFlintknappers' exchangeFlintknappers ExchMFlorida State University law review. Florida State University. College of LawFla State Univ Law RevFlorida dental journal Fla Dent J$Florida journal of international law Fla J Int LawFlorida law review Fla Law RevNFlorida supplement : decisions of lower courts of record and state commissions Fla Suppl Florilegium Florilegium'Flying safety (Washington, D.C. : 1981) Flying SafFo. Facultad De OdontologiaFOFocus (San Francisco, Calif.)FocusGFocus MDA : the official publication of the Missouri Dental Association Focus MDA Focus On Aacn Focus AACNFocus on Ohio dentistryFocus Ohio Dent4Focus on autism and other developmental disabilitiesFocus Autism Other Dev DisablEFocus on critical care / American Association of Critical-Care NursesFocus Crit CareFocus on gender Focus GendVFocus: technical cooperation. Focus. Cooperacion tecnica. Focus. Cooperation techniqueFocus Tech CoopFogorvosi szemle Fogorv SzFoi et langageFoi LangFolding & designFold DesFoldrajzi ertesito Foldr Ert Folha medica Folha MedFolia allergologicaFolia Allergol (Roma)Folia biologicaFolia Biol (Praha)Folia cardiologica Folia CardiolFolia clinica et biologicaFolia Clin Biol (Sao Paulo)Folia clinica internacionalFolia Clin Int (Barc)Folia endocrinologicaFolia Endocrinol?Folia endocrinologica; mensile di incretologia e incretoterapia1Folia Endocrinol Mens Incretologia IncretoterapiaxFolia geographica. Series geographica-oeconomica / Polska Akademia Nauk, Oddzial w Krakowie, Komisja Nauk GeograficznychFolia Geogr Ser Geogr Oecon-Folia haematologica (Leipzig, Germany : 1928).Folia Haematol Int Mag Klin Morphol Blutforsch>Folia haematologica; internationales Magazin fur BlutforschungFolia Haematol (Frankf) Folia hereditaria et pathologicaFolia Hered Pathol (Milano)oFolia histochemica et cytobiologica / Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical SocietyFolia Histochem Cytobiol!Folia histochemica et cytochemica!Folia Histochem Cytochem (Krakow)Folia humanisticaFolia Humanist Folia medicaFolia Med (Plovdiv)Folia medica CracoviensiaFolia Med CracovFolia medica NeerlandicaFolia Med Neerl%Folia medica Neerlandica. AdditamentaAdditamenta Folia Med Neerl*Folia medica. Folia medica (Naples, Italy)Folia Med (Napoli)Folia mendelianaFolia MendelianaFolia microbiologicaFolia Microbiol (Praha)Folia morphologicaFolia Morphol (Warsz)xFolia neuropathologica / Association of Polish Neuropathologists and Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of SciencesFolia NeuropatholFolia ophthalmologicaFol OphthalmolFolia orientalia Folia OrientFolia parasitologicaFolia Parasitol (Praha)Folia phoniatricaFolia Phoniatr (Basel)wFolia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)Folia Phoniatr Logop9Folia primatologica; international journal of primatologyFolia Primatol (Basel)Folia psychiatricaFolia Psychiatr*Folia psychiatrica et neurologica japonicaFolia Psychiatr Neurol Jpn>Folia psychiatrica, neurologica et neurochirurgica Neerlandica&Folia Psychiatr Neurol Neurochir NeerlFolia stomatologicaFolia StomatolFolia veterinaria Folia VetFolia veterinaria Latina Folia Vet LatFolk (Kobenhavn)FolkFolkloreFolkloreFolklore americanoFolkl AmFolklore brabanconFolkl BrabanconFolklore de ChampagneFolkl ChampagneFolklore suisse Folkl SuisseFontanusFontanus[Fonti per la storia della sanita : collana del CISO Veneto patrocinata dalla regione VenetoFonti Stor SanitaFood & foodways Food Foodways9Food Research Institute studies (Stanford, Calif. : 1975)Food Res Inst StudQFood Research Institute studies in agricultural economics, trade, and development'Food Res Inst Stud Agric Econ Trade DevFood additives and contaminantsFood Addit Contam|Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research AssociationFood Chem ToxicolFood and cosmetics toxicologyFood Cosmet ToxicolFood and drug law journalFood Drug Law JFood and nutritionFood Nutr (Roma)Food and nutrition bulletinFood Nutr BullFood biotechnologyFood BiotechnolFood chemistry Food Chem Food control Food ControlFood management Food ManageFood microbiologyFood Microbiol Food policy Food Policy Food researchFood ResFood science and biotechnologyFood Sci BiotechnolFood technology Food Technol"Food, Drug, cosmetic law quarterlyFood Drug Cosmet Law Q Food, drug, cosmetic law journalFood Drug Cosmet Law JoFood, drug, cosmetic, and medical device law digest : a publication of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law Section#Food Drug Cosmet Med Device Law DigFoodborne pathogens and diseaseFoodborne Pathog Dis Foot & ankle Foot AnklekFoot & ankle international / American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society [and] Swiss Foot and Ankle SocietyFoot Ankle IntFoot and ankle clinicsFoot Ankle ClinJFor your information (Institute of Health Record & Information Management)(For Your Inf (Inst Health Rec Inf Manag)ForbesForbes'Ford Foundation letter. Ford FoundationLett Ford Found.Ford Foundation report (New York, N.Y. : 1992)Ford Found Rep!Fordham international law journalFordham Int Law J3Fordham law review / edited by Fordham law studentsFordham Law Rev.Foreign affairs (Council on Foreign Relations) Foreign AffForeign policyForeign PolicyForensic science Forensic SciForensic science internationalForensic Sci IntForesight (Los Angeles, Calif.) ForesightForest ecology and managementFor Ecol Manage&Formosan journal of medical humanitiesFormos J Med HumanitFormulary (Cleveland, Ohio) FormularyForo internacionalForo IntForo mundial de la saludForo Mund SaludForschende KomplementarmedizinForsch Komplementarmed%Forschende Komplementarmedizin (2006)Forsch Komplement Med (2006)AForschung und Fortbildung in der Chirurgie des Bewegungsapparates'Forsch Fortbild Chir Bewegungsapparates&Forschungen zur Volks- und LandeskundeForsch Volks LandeskdForschungsberichte des ATB.Research reports of ATB|Forschungsberichte ATB)Forschungsjournal neue soziale BewegungenForsch J Neue Soz BewegForsvarsmedicinForsvarsmedicinFort Concho reportFort Concho Rep3Fortpflanzung, Besamung, und Aufzucht der Haustiere&Fortpflanz Besamung Aufzucht Haustiere0Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der RontgenstrahlenFortschr Geb RontgenstrGFortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin"Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr NuklearmedWFortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin. Erganzungsband4Fortschr Geb Rontgenstrahlen Nuklearmed ErganzungsbdeFortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren. Erganzungsband?Fortschr Geb Rontgenstrahlen Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr ErganzungsbdFortschritte der AndrologieFortschr AndroliFortschritte der Arzneimittelforschung. Progress in drug research. Progres des recherches pharmaceutiquesFortschr ArzneimittelforschFortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe. Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products. Progres dans la chimie des substances organiques naturellesFortschr Chem Org Naturst-Fortschritte der Geburtshilfe und GynakologieFortschr Geburtshilfe Gynakol*Fortschritte der Hals-Nasen-OhrenheilkundeFortschr Hals Nasen Ohrenheilkd$Fortschritte der ImmunitatsforschungFortschr Immunitatsforsch/Fortschritte der Kiefer- und Gesichts-ChirurgieFortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir!Fortschritte der KieferorthopadieFortschr KieferorthopFortschritte der Medizin Fortschr Med%Fortschritte der Medizin. MonographieFortschr Med Monogr%Fortschritte der Medizin. OriginalienFortschr Med OrigMFortschritte der Medizin. Supplement : die Kongressinformation fur die PraxisFortschr Med Suppl@Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, und ihrer Grenzgebiete"Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr Grenzgeb'Fortschritte der Neurologie-PsychiatrieFortschr Neurol Psychiatr[Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen GesellschaftFortschr Ophthalmol$Fortschritte der VerhaltensforschungFortschr VerhaltensforschFortschritte der Zoologie Fortschr Zool;Fortschritte der angewandten Radioisotopie und Grenzgebiete!Fortschr Angew Radioisot GrenzgebNFortschritte der psychosomatischen Medizin. Advances in psychosomatic medicineFortschr Psychosom Med5Fortschritte in der Tierphysiologie und TierernahrungFortschr Tierphysiol TierernahrFortuna vitreaFortuna VitreaFortuneFortuneForumForum Fam Plan West HemisphForum (Chicago, Ill.)ForumForum (Genoa, Italy)Forum (Genova)Forum (Washington, D.C. : 1977) Forum (Wash),Forum for applied research and public policyForum Appl Res Public PolicyForum for development studiesForum Dev StudForum mondial de la santeForum Mond SanteForum of nutrition Forum NutrForum on medicine Forum Med?Forum statisticum / Verband Schweizerischer Statistischer Amter Forum Stat&Forum; revista invatamintului superiorForum Rev Invat SuperFoundation news Found NewsFoundation news & commentaryFound News Comment Foundations Foundations Fpop Bulletin Fpop BullFra SundhedsstyrelsenFra SundhedsstyrFractalsFractalsFrance MedecineFr MedFranciaFranciaFrankfurter Hefte Frankf Hefte&Frankfurter Zeitschrift fur PathologieFrankf Z PatholFree China reviewFree China RevFree inquiry (Buffalo, N.Y.)Free Inq"Free inquiry in creative sociologyFree Inq Creat SociolFree radical biology & medicineFree Radic Biol MedFree radical researchFree Radic Res$Free radical research communicationsFree Radic Res CommunFree world horizonsFree World HorizFreedom at issue Freedom IssueFreedom review Freedom Rev Freedomways Freedomways,Freiburger Forschungen zur MedizingeschichteFreib Forsch MedizingeschFrench historical studies Fr Hist StudFrench studiesFr StudFrenesieFrenesie*Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistryFresenius J Anal ChemFreshwater biology Freshw BiolFriends of Women newsletterFriends Women Newsl4Friends of the P.I. Nixon Medical Historical LibraryFriends P I Nixon Med Hist Libr Front Lines Front LinesFront lines researchFront Lines Res+Frontier Nursing Service quarterly bulletinFront Nurs Serv Q Bull FrontiersFrontiers (Boulder)Frontiers in aging seriesFront Aging Ser7Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library Front BiosciJFrontiers in health policy research / National Bureau of Economic ResearchFront Health Policy ResFrontiers in neuroendocrinologyFront NeuroendocrinolFrontiers in zoology Front ZoolFrontiers of biology Front Biol&Frontiers of gastrointestinal researchFront Gastrointest Res'Frontiers of health services managementFront Health Serv ManageFrontiers of hormone researchFront Horm ResFrontiers of medical and biological engineering : the international journal of the Japan Society of Medical Electronics and Biological EngineeringFront Med Biol Eng'Frontiers of neurology and neuroscienceFront Neurol NeurosciFrontiers of oral physiologyFront Oral Physiol+Frontiers of radiation therapy and oncologyFront Radiat Ther OncolFruhmittelalterliche StudienFruhmittelalt Stud Ftiziologia Ftiziologia!Fu dan xue bao. Zi ran ke xue banMJournal of Fudan University. Natural science|Fu Dan Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban8Fuerzas armadas de Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela : 1971)Rev Fuerzas Armadas VenezFugitive leaves from the historical collections / Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. LibraryFugitive Leaves Hist CollectFujian yi yao za zhi,Fujian medical journal|Fu Jian Yi Yao Za Zhi#Fukuoka Shika Daigaku Gakkai zasshi#Fukuoka Shika Daigaku Gakkai Zasshi$Fukushima journal of medical scienceFukushima J Med SciFul-, orr-, gegegyogyazatFulorrgegegyogyaszat!Functional & integrative genomicsFunct Integr Genomics'Functional and developmental morphologyFunct Dev MorpholFunctional neurology Funct NeurolFunctional plant biology : FPBFunct Plant BiolFund raising managementFund Raising ManageFundamenta scientiae Fundam Sci#Fundamental & clinical pharmacologyFundam Clin PharmacolRFundamental and applied toxicology : official journal of the Society of ToxicologyFundam Appl Toxicol$Fungal genetics and biology : FG & BFungal Genet BiolFutur anterieur Futur AnterFutureFutureFuture dentistry Future DentFuture microbiologyFuture Microbiol!Future oncology (London, England) Future OncolFuturesFutures!Futuribles (Paris, France : 1981) Futuribles$Fysiatricky a reumatologicky vestnikFysiatr Revmatol Vestn:Fysiatricky vestnik. Ceskoslovenska fysiatricka spolecnostFysiatr Vestn Cesk Fysiatr SpolG.E.NG E NGENGen GHA today GHA Today GHAA journalGHAA J*GIRE. Grupo de Informacion en ReproduccionGIRE]GMHC treatment issues : the Gay Men's Health Crisis newsletter of experimental AIDS therapiesGMHC Treat IssuesGMU law review GMU Law RevGPGP GRMA news GRMA NewsGROOTSGROOTS>GSA today : a publication of the Geological Society of America GSA TodayHGaceta CONASIDA / Consejo Nacional para la Prevencion y Control del SIDA Gac CONASIDA Gaceta medicaGac Med (Guayaquil)Gaceta medica de CaracasGac Med CaracasGaceta medica de Mexico Gac Med MexGaceta medica del Norte Gac Med NorteGaceta medica espanola Gac Med EspGaceta sanitaria / S.E.S.P.A.S Gac Sanit=Gaea; anales de la Sociedad Argentina de Estudios GeograficosGAEA An Soc Argent Estud GeogrGait & posture Gait Posture?Galenika; casopis za medicinu, farmaciju, hemiju i srodne nauke$Galenika Cas Med Farm Hem Srod NaukeGalicia-clinica Galicia Clin&Gallup report (Princeton, N.J. : 1981) Gallup RepGames and economic behaviorGames Econ BehavGamete research Gamete Res.Gan no rinsho. Japan journal of cancer clinics Gan No Rinsho*Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapyGan To Kagaku Ryoho2Gan. Gann; the Japanese journal of cancer researchGanGanka. OphthalmologyGankaGansu nong ye da xue xue bao6Gansu nongye daxue xuebao|Gansu Nong Ye Da Xue Xue BaoGarden history Gard Hist}Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer AssociationGastric CancerGastroenterologiaGastroenterologiaGastroenterologia JaponicaGastroenterol JpnGastroenterologia y hepatologiaGastroenterol Hepatol(Gastroenterologie clinique et biologiqueGastroenterol Clin Biol5Gastroenterologische Fortbildungskurse fur die Praxis$Gastroenterol Fortbildungskurse PraxTGastroenterologisches Journal : Organ der Gesellschaft fur Gastroenterologie der DDRGastroenterol JGastroenterologyGastroenterology)Gastroenterology clinics of North AmericaGastroenterol Clin North AmhGastroenterology nursing : the official journal of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and AssociatesGastroenterol NursGastrointestinal endoscopyGastrointest Endosc3Gastrointestinal endoscopy clinics of North AmericaGastrointest Endosc Clin N AmGastrointestinal radiologyGastrointest RadiolGGateway heritage : quarterly journal of the Missouri Historical Society Gateway HeritGaz, woda; technika sanitarna Gaz Woda TechGazeta medica portuguesa Gaz Med PortGazetteGazetteFGazette - The Law Society of Upper Canada. Law Society of Upper CanadaGaz Law Soc Upper Can<Gazette Des Hopitaux Civils Et Militaire De L Empire OttomanGaz Hop Civ Mil Empire OttomanGazette medicale de France Gaz Med Fr)Gazette of the Grolier Club. Grolier ClubGaz Grolier ClubGazzetta chimica ItalianaGazz Chim Ital(Gazzetta degli ospedali e delle cliniche Gazz Osp Clin/Gazzetta internazionale di medicina e chirurgiaGazz Int Med ChirGazzetta medica italiana Gazz Med ItalGazzetta medica lombarda Gaz Med LombGazzetta sanitaria Gazz Sanit Ge-magazineGe Mag Geburtshilfe und FrauenheilkundeGeburtshilfe FrauenheilkdGedrag & gezondheid Gedrag Gezond#Gegenbaurs morphologisches JahrbuchGegenbaurs Morphol JahrbGeka chiryo. Surgical therapy Geka ChiryoGeloof en wetenschap Geloof WetGematologiia i transfuziologiiaGematol Transfuziol@GenEthics news : genetic engineering, ethics and the environmentGenethics NewsGender & history Gend HistLGender & society : official publication of Sociologists for Women in SocietyGend SocHGender action : a newsletter of the USAID Office of Women in Development Gend ActionGender and developmentGend DevGender and education Gend Educ Gender issues Gender IssuesiGender medicine : official journal of the Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine at Columbia UniversityGend Med;Gender, place and culture : a journal of feminist geographyGend Place Cult"Gender, technology and developmentGend Technol DevGendersGenders (Austin Tex)GeneGeneGene amplification and analysisGene Amplif AnalGene analysis techniquesGene Anal TechGene expression Gene ExprGene expression patterns : GEPGene Expr PatternsBGene geography : a computerized bulletin on human gene frequencies Gene Geogr Gene therapy Gene Ther Gene therapy & molecular biologyGene Ther Mol BiolGeneeskunde en sportGeneeskd SportAGeneeskundige bladen uit kliniek en laboratorium voor de praktijk Geneeskd BlGeneeskundige gids Geneeskd GidsGeneral & diagnostic pathologyGen Diagn Pathol1General Information Programme, Unisist newsletterGen Inf Programme UNISISTNewsl%General and comparative endocrinologyGen Comp EndocrinolGeneral cytochemical methodsGen Cytochem MethodsGeneral dentistryGen DentGeneral hospital psychiatryGen Hosp PsychiatryGGeneral laws of Rhode Island, 1956 : completely annotated. Rhode IslandGen Laws R I 1956 R IGeneral pharmacology Gen Pharmacol!General physiology and biophysicsGen Physiol BiophysGeneral practice Gen Pract"General surgery & laparoscopy newsGen Surg Laparosc NewsWGeneral systems : yearbook of the Society for the Advancement of General Systems TheoryGen Syst+General thoracic and cardiovascular surgeryGen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg#Generations (San Francisco, Calif.) GenerationsGenes & development Genes DevGenes & genetic systemsGenes Genet SystGenes and function Genes FunctGenes and immunity Genes Immun;Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms Genes CellsGenes, brain, and behaviorGenes Brain BehavGenes, chromosomes & cancerGenes Chromosomes CancerGenesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)Genesis+Genetic analysis : biomolecular engineering Genet Anal-Genetic analysis, techniques and applicationsGenet Anal Tech Appl(Genetic counseling (Geneva, Switzerland) Genet CounsGenetic engineeringGenet Eng (N Y)$Genetic engineering (Academic Press) Genet EngGenetic epidemiologyGenet Epidemiol Genetic epidemiology. SupplementGenet Epidemiol SupplGenetic psychology monographsGenet Psychol MonogrGenetic testing Genet TestGenetic vaccines and therapyGenet Vaccines Ther2Genetic, social, and general psychology monographsGenet Soc Gen Psychol MonogrGeneticaGeneticaGenetica iberica Genet IberGenetical research Genet ResGeneticsGenetics Genetics and genetic engineeringGenet Genet EngGenetics and molecular biologyGenet Mol Biol%Genetics and molecular research : GMR Genet Mol ResSGenetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics Genet Med%Genetics, selection, evolution. : GSEGenet Sel EvolGenetikaGenetikaGeneve-Afrique. Geneva-Africa Geneva Afr@Genewatch : a bulletin of the Committee for Responsible Genetics GenewatchGenitourinary medicineGenitourin MedGenome biology Genome BiolBGenome informatics. International Conference on Genome Informatics Genome Inform2Genome informatics. Workshop on Genome Informatics(Genome Inform Ser Workshop Genome InformGenome research Genome ResGenome science & technologyGenome Sci TechnolGenomicsGenomicsBGenomics, proteomics & bioinformatics / Beijing Genomics Institute"Genomics Proteomics BioinformaticsGenre (Los Angeles, Calif.)GenreGenusGenus Geo-Eco-Trop Geo Eco Trop GeoJournal GeoJournal'Geobios (Lyon, France). Memoire specialGeobios Mem SpecGeocarto international Geocarto IntGeochemical journal Geochem JGeochemical transactions Geochem TransGeochimica et cosmochimica actaGeochim Cosmochim Acta>Geoforum; journal of physical, human, and regional geosciencesGeoforum$Geografiia v shkole (Moscow, Russia) Geogr ShkoleGeografisch tijdschrift Geogr TydschrZGeografisk tidskrift / udgivet af Bestyrelsen for Det Kongelige danske geografiske selskab Geogr Tidsskr.Geografiska annaler. Series B, Human geographyGeogr Ann Ser B'Geografski pregled. Revue de geographie Geogr PreglGeographia Polonica Geogr PolGeographia medica Geogr MedGeographica (Madrid, Spain) GeographicaGeographica helvetica Geogr HelvGeographical analysis Geogr AnalGeographical perspectivesGeogr PerspectGeographical review Geogr RevGeographical review of IndiaGeogr Rev IndiaGeographical review of Japan Geogr Rev JpnGeographical survey Geogr SurvGeographicaliaGeographicaliaGeographie et recherche Geogr RechGeographische Berichte Geogr BerGeographische Rundschau Geogr RundschGeographische ZeitschriftGeogr ZGeography (Sheffield, England) GeographyGeography bulletin Geogr BullGeography review Geogr Rev&Geological Society of America bulletinGeol Soc Am BullGeological magazineGeol Mag;Geologische Rundschau : Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Geologie Geol RundschGeologyGeologyGeomicrobiology journalGeomicrobiol JGeophysical research lettersGeophys Res Lett0George Mason University civil rights law journal!Geoge Mason Univ Civ Rights Law JGeorgetown Magazine Georget MagGeorgetown dental journalGeorgetown Dent J"Georgetown immigration law journalGeorget Immgr Law JGeorgetown medical bulletinGeorgetown Med BullGeorgia State Bar journalGeorgia State Bar J#Georgia State University law reviewGa State Univ Law RevVGeorgia epidemiology report / Georgia Dept. of Human Resources, Office of EpidemiologyGa Epidemiol RepGeorgia hospitals today / GHA Ga Hosp TodaySGeorgia journal of science : official publication of the Georgia Academy of ScienceGa J Sci'Georgia law review (Athens, Ga. : 1966)Georgia Law RevGeorgia nursingGa NurseGeorgia pharmacist quarterly Ga Pharm QGeorgian medical newsGeorgian Med NewsGeospatial healthGeospatial HealthGeotimesGeotimes Geriatric nephrology and urologyGeriatr Nephrol UrolGeriatric nursingGeriatr Nurs (Minneap)#Geriatric nursing (London, England)Geriatr Nurs (Lond)"Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.) Geriatr NursGeriatric nursing and home careGeriatr Nurs Home Care Geriatrics GeriatricsGerman comments Ger CommentsGerman journal of ophthalmologyGer J OphthalmolGerman life and letters Ger Life LettGerman medical monthly Ger Med MonGerman medicineGer MedGerman politics Ger PolitGerman studies review Ger Stud Rev#Germanisch-Romanische MonatsschriftGer Rom Monatsschr Germanistik GermanistikGermantowne crier Germant Crier Gerodontics Gerodontics Gerodontology GerodontologyGeronGeron Gerontion Gerontion Gerontologia GerontologiaGerontologia clinicaGerontol Clin (Basel) Gerontologie GerontologieKGerontologie et societe : cahiers de la Fondation nationale de gerontologie Gerontol Soc Gerontology Gerontology"Gerontology & geriatrics educationGerontol Geriatr Educ)Geschichte in Wissenschaft und UnterrichtGesch Wiss Unterr4Geschichte und Gesellschaft (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) Gesch GesGesnerusGesnerusGesnerus. SupplementGesnerus Suppl%Gesundheit (Derendingen, Switzerland) GesundheitGesundheits-Ingenieur Gesund IngYGesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany))GesundheitswesenGewinaGewinaGhana journal of sociologyGhana J SociolGhana medical journal Ghana Med JGhana official news bulletinGhana Off News BullGhana social science journalGhana Soc Sci J Gibralfaro GibralfaroGigiena i sanitariia Gig Sanit-Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevaniiaGig Tr Prof Zabol Ginecologia GinecologiaGinecologia clinica Ginecol ClinGinecologia y obstetriciaGinecol Obstet (Lima)#Ginecologia y obstetricia de MexicoGinecol Obstet MexGinekologia polska Ginekol Pol)Giornale critico della filosofia italianaG Crit Filos ItalUGiornale degli economisti e annali di economia / Universita commerciale Luigi BocconiG Econ Ann Econ.Giornale della Accademia di medicina di TorinoG Accad Med Torino'Giornale di batteriologia e immunologiaG Batteriol Immunol3Giornale di batteriologia, virologia ed immunologiaG Batteriol Virol ImmunolGiornale di batteriologia, virologia ed immunologia ed annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino. Parte 1: Sezione microbiologica#G Batteriol Virol Immunol Microbiol~Giornale di batteriologia, virologia ed immunologia ed annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino. Parte 2: Sezione clinicaG Batteriol Virol Immunol ClineGiornale di batteriologia, virologia, ed immunologia ed annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di TorinoG Batteriol Virol ImmunolGiornale di biochimica G BiochimGiornale di clinica medica G Clin MedGiornale di endodonzia G EndodonziavGiornale di fisica sanitaria e protezione contro le radiazioni. The journal of health physics and radiation protectionG Fis Sanit Prot RadiazGiornale di gerontologia G Gerontol%Giornale di gerontologia. SupplementoG Gerontol Suppl(Giornale di igiene e medicina preventiva G Ig Med Prev-Giornale di malattie infettive e parassitarieG Mal Infett ParassitGiornale di medicina militare G Med MilGiornale di pneumologia G Pneumol+Giornale di psichiatria e di neuropatologiaG Psichiatr NeuropatolGiornale di scienze mediche G Sci Mediche-Giornale di stomatologia e di ortognatodonziaG Stomatol Ortognatodonzia#Giornale italiano della tubercolosiG Ital Della Tuberc?Giornale italiano della tubercolosi e delle malattie del toraceG Ital Tuberc Mal Torace+Giornale italiano delle malattie del toraceG Ital Mal Torace#Giornale italiano di anestesiologiaG Ital Anestesiol Giornale italiano di cardiologiaG Ital Cardiol'Giornale italiano di cardiologia (2006)G Ital Cardiol (Rome)"Giornale italiano di chemioterapiaG Ital ChemioterGiornale italiano di chirurgia G Ital Chir!Giornale italiano di dermatologiaG Ital DermatoltGiornale italiano di dermatologia e venereologia : organo ufficiale, Societa italiana di dermatologia e sifilografiaG Ital Dermatol Venereol8Giornale italiano di dermatolotia. Minerva dermatologica G Ital Dermatol Minerva DermatolGiornale italiano di endodonzia G Ital EndodGiornale italiano di filologia G Ital Filol(Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoroG Ital Med Lav5Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomiaG Ital Med Lav ErgonWGiornale italiano di nefrologia : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di nefrologia G Ital Nefrol!Giornale italiano di oftalmologiaG Ital OftalmolGiornale italiano di oncologia G Ital Oncol2Giornale italiano di patologia e di scienze affini G Ital Patol"Giornale veneto di scienze medicheG Veneto Sci MedEGlas. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Odeljenje medicinskih naukaGlas Srp Akad Nauka [Med]Glasgow dental journal Glasg Dent JGlasgow medical journal Glasgow Med J Glasnik (Srpska akademija nauka)Glasnik/Glasnik. Belgrad. Higijenski institut NR SrbijeGlas Belgrad Hig Inst NR Srb:Glasnik. Republicki zavod za zdravstvenu zastitu SR SrbijeGlas ZavodzdravGlasraGlasraGlendale law reviewGlendale Law RevGliaGliaGlimpse (Dhaka, Bangladesh)GlimpseZGlobal AIDSnews : the newsletter of the World Health Organization Global Programme on AIDS Glob AIDSnews Global access to STD diagnosticsGlob Access STD DiagnGlobal and planetary changeGlob Planet ChangeGlobal biogeochemical cyclesGlobal Biogeochem Cycles9Global center news / Center for Women's Global LeadershipGlob Cent News!Global child health news & reviewGlob Child Health New Rev9Global environmental change : human and policy dimensionsGlob Environ ChangeGlobal futures digestGlobal Futures Dig0Global impacts : research for development review Glob Impacts Global issues (Washington, D.C.) Glob IssuesGlobalization and health Global Health(Globe. International College of DentistsGlobe>Glotta; zeitschrift fur griechische und lateinische sprache...GlottaGlqGLQ Glycobiology GlycobiologyGlycoconjugate journal Glycoconj J Gmda Bulletin GMDA BullGnitifGenitif2Godisen zbornik na Medicinskiot fakultet vo SkopjeGod Zb Med Fak Skopje Gold bulletin Gold BullHGolden Gate University law review. Golden Gate University. School of LawGold Gate Univ Law RevGolden Gate law reviewGold Gate Law RevGong ye wei sheng wu,Industrial microbiology|Gong Ye Wei Sheng WuGonzaga law reviewGonzaga Law Rev"Good housekeeping (New York, N.Y.)Good HousekeepingGottinger Jahrbuch Gott Jahrb Governing Governing Government information quarterly Gov Inf QGovernment publications review Gov Publ Rev6Government publications review (New York, N.Y. : 1982) Gov Publ RevGovernment relations noteGov Relat Note#Graduate faculty philosophy journalGrad Fac Philos JGrants magazine Grants MagGrantsmanship Center NewsGrantsmanship Cent NewsGraphical models Graph ModelsGrassroots DevelopmentGrassroots Dev5Gratz College annual of Jewish studies. Gratz CollegeGratz Coll Annual Jew StudrGravitational and space biology bulletin : publication of the American Society for Gravitational and Space BiologyGravit Space Biol BullGreat Ormond Street journalGreat Ormond St JGreek economic reviewGreek Econ Rev"Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies%Greek Roman Byz Stud (Cambridge Mass)Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft Grenzgeb WissGroniekGroniek Ground water Ground WaterGroup dynamics : theory, research, and practice : the official journal of Division 49, Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy of the American Psychological Association Group DynGroup practice Group PractGroup practice journal Group Pract JGrowthGrowthGrowth and change Growth Change"Growth factors (Chur, Switzerland)Growth FactorsGrowth hormone & IGF research : official journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research SocietyGrowth Horm IGF ResGrowth regulation Growth Regul$Growth, development, and aging : GDAGrowth Dev AgingGrudnaia i serdechno-sosudistaia khirurgiia / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR [i] Vsesoiuznoe nauchnoe obshchestvo khirurgovGrud Serdechnososudistaia Khir$Grudnaia khirurgiia (Moscow, Russia) Grudn Khir%Grundfragen aus der SilikoseforschungGrundfragen Silikoseforsch Gruzlica (Warsaw, Poland : 1926)Gruzlica6Gruzlica i choroby pluc; tuberculosis et pneumonologiaGruzlicaGu sheng wu xue bao/Acta palaeontologica Sinica|Gu Sheng Wu Xue Bao Guam recorderGuam RecGuang ming ri baoGuang Ming Ri BaoGuangxi nongye shengwu kexueKJournal of agricultural and biological science|Guangxi Nongye Shengwu KexueGuatemala indigena Guatem Indig+Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporainsGuerr Mond Conflits Contemp0Guide du praticien; edition du district parisien Guide Prat#Guildhall studies in London historyGuildhall Stud Lond HistGujarat statistical reviewGujarat Stat RevGulf Coast historical reviewGulf Coast Hist RevzGuo li Taiwan shi fan da xue Di li yan jiu suo di li yan jiu bao gao. Kuo li T'ai-wan shih fan ta hsueh. Ti li yen chiu soEGuo Li Taiwan Shi Fan Da Xue Di li Yan Jiu Suo Di Li Yan Jiu Bao Gaob Guoshu xuebao&Journal of fruit science|Guoshu xuebaoGuru Nanak journal of sociologyGuru Nanak J SociolGutGutGutenberg JahrbuchGutenberg JahrbGuthrie Clinic bulletinGuthrie Clin BullGuy's Hospital gazette Guys Hosp GazGuy's Hospital reports Guys Hosp Rep Gymnasium GymnasiumGynaecologia. International monthly review of obstetrics and gynecology. Revue internationale mensuelle d'obstetrique et de gynecologie. Monatsschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie Gynaecologia(Gynakologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau Gynakol Geburtshilfliche RundschGynakologische Praxis Gynakol PraxGynakologische RundschauGynakol Rundsch'Gynecologic and obstetric investigationGynecol Obstet InvestGynecologic investigationGynecol InvestGynecologic oncology Gynecol OncolnGynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological EndocrinologyGynecol Endocrinol Gynecologie GynecologieGynecologie et obstetriqueGynecol Obstet (Paris)Gynecologie pratique Gynecol Prat$Gynecologie, obstetrique & fertiliteGynecol Obstet Fertil Gyogyszereink GyogyszereinkGyogyszereszetGyogyszereszet-HASL [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionHASL Rep HBI reportHBI RepOHEC forum : an interdisciplinary journal on hospitals' ethical and legal issues HEC ForumHIV capsule reportHIV Capsule RepHIV clinical trialsHIV Clin Trials=HIV clinician / Delta Region AIDS Education & Training CenterHIV Clin HIV hotline HIV Hotline8HIV inside : a newsletter for correctional professionals HIV Inside HIV medicineHIV MedHIV prevention plus! HIV Prev Plus>HIV/AIDS policy & law review / Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal NetworkHIV AIDS Policy Law RevHMOHMOHMO practice / HMO Group HMO PractHNOHNOHHPB surgery : a world journal of hepatic, pancreatic and biliary surgeryHPB SurgSHRC & CC. Journal of high resolution chromatography & chromatography communications2HRC CC J High Resolut Chromatogr Chromatogr Commun)HRMagazine : on human resource management HRMAGAZINEHRSA careactionHRSA CareactionHSMHA health reportsHSMHA Health Rep HSTC bulletin Hstc BullQHabitat debate / UNCHS (Habitat), the United Nations Centre for Human SettlementsHabitat DebateHabitat international Habitat IntHabitation (Elmsford, N.Y.)Habitation (Elmsford)&Hacettepe bulletin of medicine/surgeryHacettepe Bull Med Surg+Hacettepe sosyal ve beseri bilimler dergisiHacettepe Sosyal Bilimler DergHadassah magazine Hadassah MagHadesHadesHadtortenelmi kozlemenyek Hadtort Kozl HaematologiaHaematologia (Budap) Haematologica HaematologicaHaematologica Latina Haematol Lat!Haematology and blood transfusionHaematol Blood TransfusHHaemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia Haemophilia Haemostasis HaemostasisHalcyonHalcyon,Hallym international journal of aging : HIJAHallym Int J Aging HIJA-Halsbury's statutes of England. Great BritainHalsburys Statut Engl G BHamatologie und BluttransfusionHamatol BluttransfusHamburger Arzteblatt Hamb ArzteblRHamdard Islamicus : quarterly journal of the Hamdard National Foundation, Pakistan Hamdard IslamHamdard medicus Hamdard MedHamline law reviewHamline Law RevHamostaseologieHamostaseologieHampshire : the county magazine HampshireHan'guk Ch'uksan Hakhoe chi:Korean journal of animal science|Hanguk Chuksan Hakhoe ChiHan'guk Kyunhakhoe chiHanguk Kyun Hakoe Chi-Han'guk Misaengmul, Saengmyong Konghakhoe chi\Korean journal of microbiology and biotechnology|Hanguk Misaengmul Saengmyong Konghakhoe ChiHan'guk Nonghwa Hakhoe chiHanguk Nonghwa Hakhoe Chi$Han'guk Ungyong Konch'ung Hakhoe chiGKorean journal of applied entomology|Hanguk Ungyong Konchung Hakhoe Chi#Han'guk Yakyong Changmul Hakhoe chiKKorean journal of medicinal crop science|Hanguk Yakyong Changmul Hakhoe Chi Hand clinics Hand ClinHand surgery : an international journal devoted to hand and upper limb surgery and related research : journal of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand Hand Surg%Handbook of experimental pharmacologyHandb Exp Pharmacol Handchirurgie HandchirurgieHandchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Handchirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Mikrochirurgie der Peripheren Nerven und Gefasse : Organ der V...Handchir Mikrochir Plast ChirsHandelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent. Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie de Gand%Handel Maatsch Geschied Oudheidk GentHansenologia internationalis Hansenol IntHarbor dental log Harb Dent LogHarefuahHarefuahHarm reduction journal Harm Reduct J)Harofe haivri. The Hebrew medical journalHarofe Haivri Heb Med JHarper Hospital bulletinHarper Hosp BullHarper'sHarpers (N Y N Y)Hartford Hospital bulletinHartford Hosp BullHarvard AIDS review Harv AIDS RevHarvard blackletter law journalHarv Blacklett Law JHarvard business review Harv Bus Rev/Harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review!Harv Civ Rights-Civil Lib Law RevHarvard dental alumni bulletinHarv Dent Alumni BullHarvard dental bulletinHarv Dent BullHarvard educational review Harv Educ Rev3Harvard health letter / from Harvard Medical SchoolHarv Health Lett2Harvard heart letter : from Harvard Medical SchoolHarv Heart LettHarvard human rights journalHarv Hum Rights J!Harvard international law journalHarvard Int Law JHarvard international reviewHarvard Int Rev"Harvard journal of Asiatic studiesHarv J Asiat Stud&Harvard journal of law & public policyHarv J Law Public Policy#Harvard journal of law & technologyHarv J Law TechnolHarvard journal on legislationHarvard J LegisHarvard law review Harv Law RevHarvard library bulletinHarv Libr BullHarvard magazineHarv MagHarvard medical alumni bulletinHarv Med Alumni BullHarvard men's health watchHarv Mens Health WatchHarvard review of psychiatryHarv Rev Psychiatry&Harvard studies in classical philologyHarv Stud Classic PhilolHarvard women's health watchHarv Womens Health WatchHarvard women's law journalHarv Women's Law JHarvey lectures Harvey LectHarz-ZeitschriftHarz ZHastaneHastane%Hastings constitutional law quarterlyHastings Constit Law Q1Hastings international and comparative law reviewHastings Int Comp Law RevHastings women's law journalHastings Womens Law J,Hawaii bar journal (Honolulu, Hawaii : 1963) Haw Bar JHawaii dental journal Hawaii Dent JHawaii medical journal Hawaii Med J&Hawaii nurse (Honolulu, Hawaii : 1994)Hawaii Nurse (Honol)Hawaii nurses pipelineHawaii Nurses PipelineHawaii revised statutes : comprising the statutes of the State of Hawaii, consolidated, revised, and annotated / published by authority. HawaiiHawaii Revis Statut HawaiiHayes historical journal Hayes Hist JHead & face medicine Head Face Med Head & neck Head NeckHead & neck surgeryHead Neck SurgHeadacheHeadache Healing Light Heal Light%Health & medical care services reviewHealth Med Care Serv RevLHealth & medicine : journal of the Health and Medicine Policy Research Group Health MedHealth & place Health Place%Health & social care in the communityHealth Soc Care CommunityHealth & social workHealth Soc WorkHealth (Family Media, Inc.) Health (N Y)Health (London, England : 1997)Health (London)Health Forum journalHealth Forum J#Health Law Project library bulletinHealth Law Proj Libr BullHealth PAC bulletinHealth PAC BullHealth affairs Health AffHealth affairs (Project Hope)Health Aff (Millwood),Health and Canadian society (Winnipeg, Man.)Health Can SocHealth and Safety Code annotated of the State of California, adopted April 7, 1939 / annotated and indexed by the publisher's editorial staff. California:Health Saf Code Annot State Calif Adopt April 7 1939 CalifHealth and human rightsHealth Hum Rights.Health and population; perspectives and issuesHealth Popul Perspect Issues#Health and quality of life outcomesHealth Qual Life OutcomesHealth and sexuality Health Sex!Health and social service journalHealth Soc Serv JHealth bulletinHealth Bull (Melb) Health careHealth Care (Don Mills)DHealth care analysis : HCA : journal of health philosophy and policyHealth Care Anal%Health care cost reengineering report"Health Care Cost Reengineering RepHealth care dimensionsHealth Care DimenHealth care educationHealth Care EducKHealth care ethics USA : a publication of the Center for Health Care EthicsHealth Care Ethics USAHealth care financing reviewHealth Care Financ Rev/Health care financing review. Annual supplement!Health Care Financ Rev Annu Suppl4Health care financing review. Statistical supplement!Health Care Financ Rev Stat SupplHealth care financing trendsHealth Care Financ Trends"Health care food & nutrition focusHealth Care Food Nutr Focus#Health care for women internationalHealth Care Women IntHealth care in CanadaHealth Care CaneHealth care innovations : the journal of the American Association of Preferred Provider OrganizationsHealth Care InnovHealth care law monthlyHealth Care Law Mon7Health care law newsletter / Weissburg and Aronson, IncHealth Care Law Newsl*Health care management (Philadelphia, Pa.)Health Care ManagHealth care management reviewHealth Care Manage RevHealth care management scienceHealth Care Manag SciHealth care marketerHealth Care Mark$Health care marketer & target marketHealth Care Mark Target Market0Health care newsletter / National Safety CouncilHealth Care Newsl(Health care planning & marketing : HCP&MHealth Care Plann MarkHealth care reform weekHealth Care Reform Week*Health care security and safety managementHealth Care Secur Saf Manage Health care strategic managementHealth Care Strateg ManageHealth care systemsHealth Care SystHealth care weekHealth Care WeekHealth communication Health Commun%Health communications and informaticsHealth Commun InformaticsHealth cost managementHealth Cost ManageHealth data managementHealth Data ManagHealth devicesHealth DevicesHealth economics Health EconHealth education Health EducaHealth education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health EducationHealth Educ BehavHealth education bulletinHealth Educ BullHealth education journal Health Educ JHealth education monographsHealth Educ MonogrHealth education quarterly Health Educ QHealth education reportsHealth Educ RepHealth education researchHealth Educ ResHealth educators at workHealth Educ Work Health estate Health EstateHHealth estate journal : journal of the Institute of Hospital EngineeringHealth Estate JgHealth expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy Health ExpectHealth facilities managementHealth Facil ManageHealth for the millionsHealth MillionsHealth industry todayHealth Ind TodayHealth informatics journalHealth Informatics J(Health information and libraries journalHealth Info Libr JeHealth information management : journal of the Health Information Management Association of AustraliaHealth Inf Manag+Health information systems and telemedicineHealth Inf Syst TelemedHealth laboratory scienceHealth Lab SciHealth law in CanadaHealth Law CanHealth law journal Health Law JGHealth law news. University of Houston. Health Law and Policy InstituteHealth Law NewsHealth law reviewHealth Law RevHealth law vigilHealth Law VigilHealth libraries reviewHealth Libr RevHealth management Health ManageHealth management forumHealth Manage Forum!Health management quarterly : HMQHealth Manage QHealth management technologyHealth Manag TechnolHealth manpower literatureHealth Manpow LitHealth manpower managementHealth Manpow ManageHealth manpower reportHealth Manpow RepHealth marketing quarterly Health Mark Q Health matrix Health Matrix&Health matrix (Cleveland, Ohio : 1991)Health Matrix ClevelHealth news (Waltham, Mass.) Health NewsHealth perspectivesHealth PerspectHealth physics Health Phys!Health planning & manpower reportHealth Plann Manpow Rep"Health planning & manpower reportsHealth Plann Manpow Rep Health policyHealth Policy (New York)&Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Health PolicyHealth policy and educationHealth Policy EducHealth policy and planningHealth Policy PlanHealth policy quarterlyHealth Policy QHealth policy week : HPWHealth Policy Week(Health practitioner. Physician assistantHealth Pract Physician Assist"Health progress (Saint Louis, Mo.) Health Prog"Health promotion (Oxford, England) Health PromotHealth promotion internationalHealth Promot InttHealth promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion ProfessionalsHealth Promot J AustrHealth promotion practiceHealth Promot PractmHealth psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological AssociationHealth Psychol)Health reform and priority services / PHRHealth Reform Prior Serv3Health research policy and systems / BioMed CentralHealth Res Policy SystHealth services managementHealth Serv ManageHealth services management research : an official journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration / HSMC, AUPHAHealth Serv Manage ResHealth services managerHealth Serv ManagerHealth services manpower reviewHealth Serv Manpow RevHealth services reportsHealth Serv RepHealth services researchHealth Serv Res<Health statistics quarterly / Office for National Statistics Health Stat QHealth system leaderHealth Syst LeadHealth systems managementHealth Syst ManageHealth systems reviewHealth Syst RevHealth technologyHealth TechnolHealth technology assessmentHealth Technol Assess (Rockv)2Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)Health Technol Assess$Health technology assessment reportsHealth Technol Assess RepHealth technology directionsHealth Technol DirWHealth transition review : the cultural, social, and behavioural determinants of healthHealth Transit Rev Health trends Health Trends Health values Health ValuesHealth visitor Health VisitHealth, risk & societyHealth Risk Soc HealthAction HealthActionHealthMarketingHealthmarketing HealthScan Healthscan HealthSpan Healthspan(HealthTexas / Texas Hospital Association Healthtexas1Healthcare Alabama / Alabama Hospital Association Healthc AlaHealthcare benchmarksHealthc Benchmarks-Healthcare benchmarks and quality improvement!Healthcare Benchmarks Qual ImprovHealthcare bottom lineHealthc Bottom Line%Healthcare computing & communicationsHealthc Comput Commun&Healthcare demand & disease managementHealthc Demand Dis ManagHealthcare executive Healthc ExecHealthcare executive currentsHealthc Exec Curr'Healthcare facilities management seriesHealthc Facil Manag Ser\Healthcare financial management : journal of the Healthcare Financial Management AssociationHealthc Financ ManageHealthcare foodserviceHealthc FoodservmHealthcare foodservice magazine : the international trade publication for the healthcare foodservice industryHealthc Foodserv MagHealthcare forum Healthc ForumrHealthcare hazard management monitor : HHMM : the newsletter of the Center for Healthcare Environmental ManagementHealthc Hazard Manage Monit0Healthcare hazardous materials management : HHMMHealthc Hazard Mater ManageHealthcare human resourcesHealthc Hum ResourXHealthcare informatics : the business magazine for information and communication systemsHealthc InformHealthcare information management : journal of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society of the American Hospital AssociationHealthc Inf Manage)Healthcare leadership & management reportHealthc Leadersh Manag RepHealthcare leadership reportHealthc Leadersh Rep Healthcare protection managementHealthc Prot Manage$Healthcare quarterly (Toronto, Ont.) Healthc Q"Healthcare systems strategy reportHealthc Syst Strategy RepHealthcare trends & transitionHealthc Trends TransitHealthcarePapers Healthc Pap Healthcover Healthcover Healthplan HealthplanMHealthy People 2000 statistical notes / National Center for Health StatisticsHealthy People 2000 Stat NotesWHealthy People 2000 statistics and surveillance / National Center for Health Statistics!Healthy People 2000 Stat SurveillHealthy People 2010 statistical notes : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Center for Health StatisticsHealthy People 2010 Stat NotesHearing researchHear Res+Heart & lung : the journal of critical care Heart LungHeart (British Cardiac Society)Heart$Heart advisor / the Cleveland Clinic Heart AdvisHeart and vessels Heart VesselsHeart and vessels. SupplementHeart Vessels SupplHeart disease (Hagerstown, Md.) Heart Dis@Heart disease and stroke : a journal for primary care physiciansHeart Dis Stroke Heart failure Heart FailHeart failure clinicsHeart Fail ClinHeart failure monitorHeart Fail MonitHeart failure reviewsHeart Fail Rev?Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society Heart RhythmGHeart transplantation / International Society for Heart TransplantationHeart TransplantHeart, lung & circulationHeart Lung Circ!Heartbeat (San Francisco, Calif.) Heartbeat%Heating, piping, and air conditioningHeat Piping Air CondHefte zur UnfallheilkundeHefte UnfallheilkdHeidelberger Jahrbucher Heidelb JahrbHeiko shinkei kagaku Equilib ResHeilkunde - HeilwegeHeilkd HeilwegeHeilpadagogische WerkblatterHeilpadagog WerkblHeimenHeimen Helicobacter Helicobacter$Hellenic journal of nuclear medicineHell J Nucl Med@Hellenika stomatologika chronika. Hellenic stomatological annalsHell Stomatol Chron1Hellenike cheirourgike. Acta chirurgica HellenicaHell CheirourgikeHellenike iatrike Hell IatrHellenis adelphe Hell Adelphe Helmantica HelmanticaHelminthologiaHelminthologiaHelvetica chimica actaHelv Chim ActaHelvetica chirurgica actaHelv Chir Acta'Helvetica chirurgica acta. SupplementumHelv Chir Acta SupplHelvetica medica acta Helv Med Acta#Helvetica medica acta. SupplementumHelv Med Acta SupplHelvetica odontologica actaHelv Odontol ActaHelvetica paediatrica actaHelv Paediatr Acta(Helvetica paediatrica acta. SupplementumHelv Paediatr Acta Suppl-Helvetica physiologica et pharmacologica actaHelv Physiol Pharmacol Acta;Helvetica physiologica et pharmacologica acta. Supplementum#Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta Suppl 1Hematologic pathologyHematol PatholHematological oncology Hematol Oncol#Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Hematology{Hematology / the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program&Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ ProgramHematology and cell therapyHematol Cell Ther,Hematology/oncology clinics of North AmericaHematol Oncol Clin North Am(Hematopathology and molecular hematologyHematopathol Mol HematolHemispheres (Paris, France) HemispheresHHemodialysis international. International Symposium on Home Hemodialysis Hemodial Int Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Hemostase Hemostase!Hengyang shi fan xue yuan xue baoHJournal of Heng Yang Teachers' College|Hengyang Shi Fan Xue Yuan Xue Bao$Henry Ford Hospital medical bulletinHenry Ford Hosp Med Bull#Henry Ford Hospital medical journalHenry Ford Hosp Med JHepatitis WeeklyHepatitis WklyHepato-gastroenterologyHepatogastroenterology<Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international : HBPD INTHepatobiliary Pancreat Dis IntHepatology (Baltimore, Md.) HepatologyMHepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology Hepatol ResHeraldique et genealogie Her GenealHercyniaHercynia Hereditas HereditasHeredityHeredity Heritage review (Bismarck, N.D.) Herit Rev Hermathena HermathenaHermesHermes (Wiesb):Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgeryHernia Herpes : the journal of the IHMFHerpesHerzHerz.Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie$Herzschrittmacherther ElektrophysiolHesperian Foundation newsHesperian Found NewsVHesperis tamuda / Universite Mohammed V., Faculte des lettres et des sciences humainesHesperis TamudaHessische FamilienkundeHess FamilienkdHessisches Arzteblatt Hess Arztebl Het HormoonHormoonHet Land van Aalst Land AalstHet ZiekenhuiswezenZiekenhuiswezen Heterocycles Heterocycles Hexagon RocheHexagon Roche [Engl]*Hifu to hinyo. The Dermatology and urologyHifu To Hinyo Dermatol UrolHifuka kiyo. Acta dermatologica Hifuka Kiyo&Hifuka no rinsho. Rinsho derma (Tokyo)Hifuka No RinshoHigashi Nihon shigaku zasshiHigashi Nippon Shigaku Zasshi High altitude medicine & biologyHigh Alt Med BiolHigh technology (Boston, Mass.)High Technol (Boston)High technology law journalHigh Technol Law JHigieneHigieneQHigijena; casopis za higijenu, mikrobiologiju, epidemiologiju i sanitarnu tehniku)Hig Cas Hig Mikrobiol Epidemiol Sanit TehHindsight (Saint Louis, Mo.) HindsightHindu (Madras, India : Daily)HinduHindustan antibiotics bulletinHindustan Antibiot Bull'Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica JaponicaHinyokika Kiyo Hippocampus Hippocampus Hippocrates HippocratesHippocrates (Sausalito, Calif.)Hippocrates (Sausalito) Hippokrates HippokratesHippokrates (Helsinki, Finland)Hippokrates (Helsinki)THiroshima Daigaku shigaku zasshi. The Journal of Hiroshima University Dental Society Hiroshima Daigaku Shigaku Zasshi%Hiroshima journal of medical sciencesHiroshima J Med Sci8Hispalis medica; revista sevillana de medicina y cirugiaHisp MedHispania (Madrid, Spain : 1940)HispaniaHispania sacra Hisp SacrahHispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic NursesHisp Health Care Int'Hispanic journal of behavioral sciencesHisp J Behav Sci(Histochemie. Histochemistry. Histochimie HistochemieHistochemistryHistochemistryHistochemistry and cell biologyHistochem Cell BiolHistoire & mesureHist MesHistoire (Paris, France)Histoire!Histoire des accidents du travailHist Accid TravHistoire des sciences medicales Hist Sci MedHistoire et natureHist NatHistoire magazineHist Mag Histoire sociale. Social history Histoire SocHistoire, economie et societe Hist Econ SocHistology and histopathologyHistol HistopatholHistopathologyHistopathology Historama HistoramaHistoriaHistoria (Argentina)Historia (Wiesbaden, Germany)HistoriaHistoria hospitalium Hist HospHistoria medicinae veterinariae Hist Med VetHistoria mexicanaHist Mex(Historia nauk biologicznych i medycznychHist Nauk Biol MedWHistoria scientiarum : international journal of the History of Science Society of JapanHist Sci (Tokyo)Historia y cultura Hist Cult1Historia y sociedad (Rio Piedras, San Juan, P.R.)Hist SocHistoria y vida Hist VidaHistoriallinen aikakauskirja Hist Aikak3Historiallinen arkisto. Suomen Historiallinen SeuraHist ArkHistorian (London, England) Historian(Historic preservation (Washington, D.C.) Hist PreservHistorical New HampshireHist N HHistorical archaeology Hist Archaeol'Historical journal (Cambridge, England)Hist J#Historical journal of Massachusetts Hist J Mass+Historical journal of western MassachusettsHist J West Mass$Historical journal: Auckland-WaikatoHist J Auckl Waikato6Historical magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church"Hist Mag Protestant Episcop ChurchHistorical methods Hist MethodsHistorical news Hist News(Historical records of Australian scienceHist Rec Aust Sci.Historical reflections. Reflexions historiques Hist ReflectJHistorical research : the bulletin of the Institute of Historical ResearchHist Res$Historical studies (Melbourne, Vic.) Hist StudHistorical studies in the physical and biological sciences : HSPS / Office of History of Science and Technology, University of California, BerkeleyHist Stud Phys Biol SciHistoricka demografie Hist DemogrHistoricky casopis Hist CasopisHistorie (Arhus, Denmark)Historie (Arhus)$Historielararnas forenings arsskriftHistoriel Foren ArsskrOHistorisch-demographische Mitteilungen. Communication de demographie historiqueHist Demogr MittHistorische ZeitschriftHist ZHistorisches Jahrbuch Hist Jahrb$Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt LinzHist Jahrb Stadt Linz'Historisk tidskrift (Stockholm, Sweden) Hist TidskrHistorisk tidskrift for FinlandHist Tidskr Finl@Historisk tidsskrift : udgivet af Den norske historiske forening Hist Tidsskr+Historiska och litteraturhistoriska studierHist Litteraturhist StudHistory & computing Hist Comput0History (Historical Association (Great Britain))History (Lond)+History and philosophy of the life sciencesHist Philos Life SciHistory and theory Hist TheoryHistory in AfricaHist AfrHistory of European ideasHist Eur Ideas"History of Nursing Society journalHist Nurs Soc JHistory of agriculture Hist AgricHistory of anthropologyHist AnthropolHistory of childhood quarterly Hist Child QHistory of education Hist EducHistory of education quarterly Hist Educ QHistory of medicineHist Med"History of medicine (Mobile, Ala.) Hist Med Univ South Ala Coll MedHistory of neuroscience Hist NeurosciHistory of nursing bulletinHist Nurs BullHistory of political economyHist Polit EconHistory of political thoughtHist Polit ThoughtHistory of psychiatryHist PsychiatryHistory of psychology Hist PsycholHistory of religions Hist ReligIHistory of science; an annual review of literature, research and teachingHist SciHistory of the human sciencesHist Human Sci History today Hist TodayHistory workshop Hist WorkshopHistory workshop journal : HWJHist Workshop J&Hitotsubashi journal of law & politicsHitotsubashi J Law PolitHofstra law reviewHofstra Law Rev Hoitotiede HoitotiedeHoja tisiologica Hoja TisiolHokkaido Shika Ishikai shiHokkaido Shika Ishikai Shi0Holdsworth law review / University of BirminghamHoldsworth Law RevHolistic Assertive NurseHolistic Assertive NurseHolistic nursing practiceHolist Nurs PractHolocaust and genocide studiesHolocaust Genocide StudHome care economicsHome Care EconHome care managerHome Care ManagHome care providerHome Care Provid#Home health care services quarterlyHome Health Care Serv QHome health journal Home Health JHome health reviewHome Health RevHome healthcare nurseHome Healthc NurseHome healthcare nurse managerHome Healthc Nurse ManagHomemaker's magazine Homemak Mag5Homeopathy : the journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy HomeopathyxHomeostasis in health and disease : international journal devoted to integrative brain functions and homeostatic systemsHomeost Health DisHommes & migrations Hommes MigrHommes et terres du NordHommes Terres NordMHomo : internationale Zeitschrift fur die vergleichende Forschung am MenschenHomoHong Kong law journalHong Kong Law J&Hong Kong monthly digest of statisticsHong Kong Mon Dig Stat Honvedorvos Honvedorvos4Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische ChemieHoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem Horizon : a magazine of the artsHorizon'Horizons in biochemistry and biophysicsHoriz Biochem BiophysHorizons medicaux Horiz MedZHormone and metabolic research. Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung. Hormones et metabolismeHorm Metab Res1Hormone and metabolic research. Supplement seriesHorm Metab Res SupplHormone researchHorm ResHormonerHormonerHormonesHormonesHormones (Athens, Greece)Hormones (Athens)Hormones and behavior Horm BehavMHortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science HortScienceHortTechnologyHorttechnologyHorticultural reviewsHortic Rev (Am Soc Hortic Sci))Horumon to rinsho. Clinical endocrinologyHorumon To RinshoHospitalHospital (Rio J)Hospital & community psychiatryHosp Community Psychiatry)Hospital & health services administrationHosp Health Serv AdmHospital Corps quarterly Hosp Corps QHospital administrationHosp Adm (Chic) Hospital administration currentsHosp Admin Curr!Hospital administration in Canada Hosp Adm CanHospital admitting monthlyHosp Admitting MonHospital aviation Hosp AviatHospital bond review Hosp Bond ReviHospital capital finance American Hospital Association, Division of Hospital Planning and Capital FinanceHosp Cap Finance`Hospital case management : the monthly update on hospital-based care planning and critical pathsHosp Case Manag'Hospital cost management and accountingHosp Cost Manag AccountHospital developmentHosp DevHospital employee healthHosp Employee HealthHospital engineeringHosp Eng"Hospital entrepreneurs' newsletterHosp Entrep NewslHospital equipment & suppliesHosp Equip Supplies/Hospital ethics / American Hospital Association Hosp EthicsHospital financial managementHosp Financ ManageHospital food & nutrition focusHosp Food Nutr FocusHospital formulary Hosp FormulHospital forum Hosp ForumHospital generalHosp Gen (Madr)Hospital gift shop managementHosp Gift Shop ManageHospital guest relations reportHosp Guest Relations Rep'Hospital hazardous materials managementHosp Hazard Mater ManageHospital infection controlHosp Infect ControlHospital law newsletterHosp Law NewslHospital libraries Hosp LibrHospital management Hosp Manage"Hospital management communicationsHosp Manage Commun#Hospital management quarterly : HMQ Hosp Manage Q)Hospital material[dollar sign] managementHosp Mater Manage&Hospital materiel management quarterlyHosp Mater Manage Q*Hospital medicine (London, England : 1998)Hosp MedHospital outlook Hosp Outlook!Hospital patient relations reportHosp Patient Relat RepHospital peer review Hosp Peer RevHospital pharmacy Hosp PharmHospital physicianHosp PhysicianHospital practice Hosp PractHospital practice (1995)Hosp Pract (Minneap) Hospital practice (Hospital ed.)Hosp Pract (Hosp Ed)Hospital practice (Office ed.)Hosp Pract (Off Ed)Hospital progress Hosp ProgHospital purchasing managementHosp Purch ManageHospital purchasing news : HPNHPN Hosp Purch NewsHospital quarterlyHosp QPHospital record study : a joint study by CPHA and IMS America Ltd. / IMS AmericaHosp Rec StudyHospital revenue reportHosp Revenue RepHospital risk managementHosp Risk Manage'Hospital security and safety managementHosp Secur Saf ManageHospital strategy reportHosp Strategy RepHospital supervision Hosp SupervHospital supervisor's bulletinHosp Superv BullHospital technology seriesHosp Technol SerHospital topicsHosp TopHospital tribune Hosp TribHospital trustee Hosp Trustee Hospitalis Hospitalis HospitalsHospitals (Lond)!Hospitals & health networks / AHAHosp Health Netw:Hospitals & health networks 360 degrees : H&HN 360 degreesHosp Health Netw 360*Hotetsu rinsho. Practice in prosthodonticsHotetsu Rinsho&Houston journal of health law & policyHoust J Health Law Policy$Houston journal of international lawHoust J Int Law*Houston law review / University of Houston Houst Law RevLHouston lawyer : official monthly publication of the Houston Bar Association Houst Lawyer How to: Evaluate health programsHow Eval Health ProgramsHoward law journal Howard Law J#Hu li za zhi The journal of nursing Hu Li Za ZhiHua nan nong ye da xue xue baoMJournal of South China Agricultural University|Hua Nan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue BaoHua sheng xue bao+Journal of peanut science|Hua Sheng Xue Bao Hua zhong nong ye da xue xue baoYJournal Huazhong (Central China) Agricultural University|Hua Zhong Nong Ye Da Xue Xue BaoHuadong shifan daxue xuebaoCJournal of East China Normal University|Huadong Shifan Daxue Xuebao)Huan jing wu ran zhi li ji shu yu she beiTechniques and equipment for environmental pollution control / Zhongguo ke xue yuan sheng tai huan jing yan jiu zhong xin zhu ban|Huan Jing Wu Ran Zhi Li Ji Shu Yu She BeiHuisarts en wetenschap Huisarts WetHuman & experimental toxicologyHum Exp ToxicolHuman antibodiesHum AntibodiesHuman antibodies and hybridomasHum Antibodies Hybridomas7Human behavior; the newsmagazine of the social sciences Hum BehavHuman biology in OceaniaHum Biol Oceania2Human biology; an international record of researchHum BiolHuman brain mappingHum Brain Mapp<Human cell : official journal of Human Cell Research SocietyHum CellHuman communication researchHum Commun ResHuman developmentHum Dev Human ecologyHum Ecol+Human ecology: an interdisciplinary journalHum Ecol Interdiscip J Human events Hum Events Human factors Hum FactorsHuman fertility Hum Fertil$Human fertility (Cambridge, England)Hum Fertil (Camb)Human gene therapy Hum Gene TherHuman genetics Hum GenetHuman genetics. SupplementHum Genet Suppl\Human genome news / National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of HealthHum Genome NewsHuman genomics Hum GenomicsHuman heredity Hum HeredHuman immunology Hum ImmunolHuman molecular genetics Hum Mol GenetHuman movement science Hum Mov SciHuman mutation Hum MutatHuman nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.)Hum NatHuman neurobiology Hum Neurobiol"Human nutrition. Applied nutritionHum Nutr Appl Nutr#Human nutrition. Clinical nutritionHum Nutr Clin NutrHuman organization Hum OrganHuman pathology Hum PatholtHuman performance in extreme environments : the journal of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme EnvironmentsHum Perf Extrem EnvironHuman physiology Hum PhysiolHuman psychopharmacologyHum PsychopharmacolGHuman relations; studies towards the integration of the social sciences Hum Relat$Human reproduction (Oxford, England) Hum Reprod%Human reproduction and genetic ethicsHum Reprod Genet EthicsHuman reproduction updateHum Reprod UpdateHuman research report Hum Res RepHuman resource managementHum Resour ManageHuman resources for healthHum Resour HealthHuman rights (Chicago, Ill.) Human RightsHuman rights quarterly Hum Rights Q Human studiesHum StudHuman toxicology Hum ToxicolHuman vaccines Hum VaccinHumane health careHum Health Care Humane health care internationalHum Health Care IntHumane medicine Humane Med Humangenetik HumangenetikHumanismus und Technik JahrbuchHumanismus Tech HumanitasHumanitas (Monterey N L)Humanities report Humanit RepHumanity & society Humanity Soc$Humboldt journal of social relationsHumboldt J Soc RelatHunan nong ye da xue xue baoEJournal of Hunan Agricultural University|Hunan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue BaoHungarian studies review : HSR Hung Stud RevHungarica acta physiologicaHung Acta Physiol>Huntia; a yearbook of botanical and horticultural bibliographyHuntia Hybridoma HybridomaHybridoma (2005)Hybridoma (Larchmt)Hybridoma and hybridomicsHybrid Hybridomics Hydrobiologia HydrobiologiaHydrotherapie-PhysiotherapieHydrother PhysiotherHygieHygieHygienisk revyHyg RevyHypatiaHypatia Hypertension HypertensiontHypertension in pregnancy : official journal of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in PregnancyHypertens PregnancyPHypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension Hypertens Res Hypotenuse Hypotenuse[I supplementi di Tumori : official journal of Societa italiana di cancerologia ... [et al.] Suppl TumoriI. C. R. S. medical reports ICRS Med RepI.D.A.A. communique IDAA CommunIADS newsletter IADS NewslIAL newsIAL News IAPAC monthly IAPAC MonJIARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to man'IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risk Chem ManIARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans / World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer#IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks HumIARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. Supplement / World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer)IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum SupplQIARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans'IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risk Chem Hum]IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. Supplement-IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risk Chem Hum SupplIARC scientific publications IARC Sci PublcIASSIST quarterly / International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology IASSIST Q?IAVI report : newsletter on international AIDS vaccine researchIAVI Rep;IAWA journal / International Association of Wood AnatomistsIAWA JIBS-Materialien IBS Materi ICAO journalICAO J ICCW journalICCW JICCW news bulletinICCW News Bull ICEA news Icea News ICMR bulletin Icmr BullRICPD 94 : newsletter of the International Conference on Population and DevelopmentICPD 94;ICSSR newsletter. Indian Council of Social Science Research ICSSR Newsl ICSU reviewIcsu Rev&IDEA The Journal of Law and TechnologyIDEA J Law Technol,IDO [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionIDO Rep IDS bulletinIDS Bull*IDrugs : the investigational drugs journalIDrugs"IEE proceedings. NanobiotechnologyIEE Proc Nanobiotechnol IEE proceedings. Systems biologyIEE Proc Syst Biol'IEEE computer graphics and applicationsIEEE Comput Graph Appl{IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine : the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology SocietyIEEE Eng Med Biol Mag+IEEE instrumentation & measurement magazineIEEE Instrum Meas Mag IEEE network IEEE NetwRIEEE pervasive computing / IEEE Computer Society [and] IEEE Communications SocietyIEEE Pervasive ComputIEEE sensors journal IEEE Sens J=IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processingIEEE Trans Acoust5IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systemsIEEE Trans Aerosp Electron Syst,IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineeringIEEE Trans Biomed EngQIEEE transactions on computers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIEEE Trans Comput[IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing SocietyIEEE Trans Image ProcessIEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyIEEE Trans Inf Technol BiomedIEEE transactions on magneticsIEEE Trans Magn$IEEE transactions on medical imagingIEEE Trans Med Imaging4IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniquesIEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech#IEEE transactions on nanobioscienceIEEE Trans NanobioscienceXIEEE transactions on neural networks / a publication of the IEEE Neural Networks CouncilIEEE Trans Neural NetwIEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society"IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng$IEEE transactions on nuclear scienceIEEE Trans Nucl Sci>IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence#IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach IntellMIEEE transactions on plasma science. IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.IEEE Trans Plasma Sci IEEE Nucl Plasma Sci SocwIEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyIEEE Trans Rehabil EnghIEEE transactions on robotics and automation : a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation SocietyIEEE Trans Rob AutomIEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part C, Applications and reviews : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society%IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern C Appl Rev2IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cyberneticsIEEE Trans Syst Man CybernIEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part A, Systems and humans : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society%IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern A Syst HumIEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society#IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern B CybernGIEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control,IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control8IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphicsIEEE Trans Vis Comput GraphMIEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics / IEEE, ACM$IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol BioinformIET nanobiotechnology / IETIET NanobiotechnolIET systems biology IET Syst BiolIFMBE proceedings IFMBE Proc IFO-StudienIFO Stud IGCC news IGCC NewsPIHRIM : the journal of the Institute of Health Record Information and ManagementIHRIM IIASA reports IIASA RepBIIC; international review of industrial property and copyright lawIIC Int Rev Ind Prop Copyr LawIIPS newsletter IIPS NewslRILAR journal / National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal ResourcesILAR J ILAR news Ilar News!ILSA journal of international lawILSA J Int Law:IMA journal of mathematics applied in medicine and biologyIMA J Math Appl Med BiolIMCH newsletter / ICMH Newsl'IMF survey. International Monetary FundIMF SurvIMJ. Illinois medical journal IMJ Ill Med J$IMS, Industrial medicine and surgeryIMS Ind Med SurgQINS reporter / Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. Department of JusticeINS Rep$INSTRAW news : women and development INSTRAW NewsmINTUS : revista de las unidades docentes de psicologia medica, clinica psiquiatrica e historia de la medicinaIntusIOBC/WPRS bulletin"Bulletin OILB/SROP|IOBC/WPRS Bull.IPPF medical bulletin IPPF Med Bull IPPF news IPPF NewsIPPF open fileIPPF Open File]IPPF/WHR news service. International Planned Parenthood Federation. Western Hemisphere RegionIPPF WHR News ServIRBIRB5IRCS journal of international research communicationsICRS J Int Res CommunIRCS journal of medical scienceIRCS J Med SciIRCS medical science IRCS Med Sci+IRCS medical science: Biomedical technologyIRCS Med Sci Biomed Technol+IRCS medical science: Cardiovascular systemIRCS Med Sci Cardiovasc Syst+IRE transactions on bio-medical electronicsIre Trans Biomed Electron'IRE transactions on medical electronicsIRE Trans Med ElectronISA transactions ISA Trans+ISL law review. International School of Law ISL Law RevISSN:ESSN:ISSN: 0066-197XESSN:ISSN: 0104-5970ESSN:ISSN: 0194-5998ESSN:ISSN: 0278-5633ESSN:ISSN: 0743-5150ESSN:ISSN: 0793-2952ESSN:ISSN: 0886-4470ESSN: 1538-361XISSN: 0891-2874ESSN:ISSN: 1022-386XESSN:ISSN: 1331-2294ESSN: IUBMB life IUBMB Life IUSSP papers IUSSP PapIcarusIcarus&Icd Scientific And Educational JournalICD Sci Educ JIdaho code : containing the general laws of Idaho annotated, Compiled under the supervision of the Idaho Code Commission. Idaho Ida Code IdaIdaho law review Ida Law RevIdeas & production Ideas ProdIdeggyogyaszati szemle Ideggyogy SzIdengaku zasshi Jpn J GenetIgaku kenkyu. Acta medica Igaku Kenkyu+Igaku to seibutsugaku. Medicine and biologyIgaku To SeibutsugakuIgienaIgienaIgiene e sanita pubblicaIg Sanita Pubbl/Igiene e sanita pubblica. Collana di monografie!Ig Sanita Pubblica Collana Monogr Il CancroCancro#Il Cervello; giornale di nevrologiaCervello G NevrolIl Corriere dei farmacisti Corr FarmIl Diritto del lavoroDir LavIl Farmaco; edizione praticaFarmaco [Prat] Il Farmaco; edizione scientifica Farmaco [Sci] Il FegatoFegato Il Fracastoro FracastoroIl Friuli medico Friuli MedIl Giornale di chirurgiaG Chir Il LattanteLattante4Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. CNuovo Cimento CIl Pensiero politicoPensiero Polit+Il Pisani : organo del Manicomio di PalermoPisani"Il Policlinico. Sezione chirurgicaPoliclinico [Chir]Il Policlinico. Sezione medicaPoliclinico [Med]Il Policlinico. Sezione praticaPoliclinico [Prat]Il PontePonteIl Progresso medicoProgr Med (Napoli) Il SangueSangue Il ToraceTorace Il ValsalvaValsalva Il VeltroVeltroIllimaniIllimaniIllinois bar journal Ill Bar JIllinois classical studiesIll Classic StudIllinois dental journal Ill Dent JIllinois researchIll ResYIllinois revised statutes / compiled and edited under Smith-Hurd classification. IllinoisIll Revis Statut Ill IllImage Image (IN)/Images; Marquette University dental reflections&Images Marquette Univ Dent Reflections Imago mundi Imago MundiImmigrants & minorities Immigr MinorImmunitat und Infektion Immun InfektImmunityImmunityImmunity & ageing : I & A Immun Ageing ImmunoMethods Immunomethods Immunobiology ImmunobiologyImmunobiology. SupplementImmunobiol SupplImmunochemistryImmunochemistryImmunodeficiencyImmunodeficiencyImmunodeficiency reviewsImmunodefic RevImmunogeneticsImmunogenetics%Immunohematology / American Red Cross ImmunohematolImmunologia clinica Immunol ClinImmunologic research Immunol ResImmunological communicationsImmunol CommunImmunological investigationsImmunol InvestImmunological reviews Immunol Rev Immunology Immunology/Immunology and allergy clinics of North AmericaImmunol Allergy Clin North AmImmunology and cell biologyImmunol Cell BiolImmunology letters Immunol LettImmunology series Immunol SerImmunology today Immunol TodayImmunology. Supplement Immunol SupplImmunome research Immunome ResImmunopharmacologyImmunopharmacology'Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicologyImmunopharmacol ImmunotoxicolHImmunotechnology : an international journal of immunological engineeringImmunotechnologyImpact of science on societyImpact Sci Soc Impact on HIV Impact HIVImplant dentistry Implant DentImplantologistImplantologistImplementation science : IS Implement SciImportant advances in oncologyImportant Adv OncolImprensa medicaImprensa Medica ImpressionsImpressions (Orange) Imprimatur ImprimaturImprintImprint6Imprint (American Historical Print Collectors Society)Imprint (N Y N Y 1976)%Improving human performance quarterlyImprov Hum Performance QImpulseImpulse (Sydney) In health In HealthIn point of fact In Point Fact In practiceIn PractIn silico biologyIn Silico BiolIn vitroIn VitroIn vitro & molecular toxicologyIn Vitr Mol ToxicolUIn vitro cellular & developmental biology : journal of the Tissue Culture AssociationIn Vitro Cell Dev Biol1In vitro cellular & developmental biology. AnimalIn Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim\In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant : journal of the Tissue Culture AssociationIn Vitro Cell Dev Biol PlantIn vitro. MonographIn Vitro MonogrIn vivo (Athens, Greece)In VivogIn/fire ethics : newsletter of the International Network of Feminists Interested in Reproductive HealthIn Fire EthicsInTouch (Melville, N.Y.)InTouch Inchiesta Inchiesta;Indent; Journal Of International Dentistry; English Edition Indent [Engl]India quarterlyIndia QIndian archives Indian ArchIndian economic reviewIndian Econ RevIndian heart journalIndian Heart J%Indian heart journal: teaching seriesIndian Heart J Teach Ser"Indian journal of American studiesIndian J Am StudIndian journal of behaviourIndian J BehavIndian journal of biochemistryIndian J Biochem+Indian journal of biochemistry & biophysicsIndian J Biochem BiophysIndian journal of cancerIndian J CancerIndian journal of chemistry Indian J Chem%Indian journal of clinical psychologyIndian J Clin Psychol^Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental ResearchIndian J Dent ResIndian journal of dermatologyIndian J Dermatol8Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology!Indian J Dermatol Venereol LeprolIndian journal of economics Indian J Econ&Indian journal of environmental healthIndian J Environ Health&Indian journal of experimental biologyIndian J Exp Biol_Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of GastroenterologyIndian J Gastroenterol Indian journal of gender studiesIndian J Gend Stud$Indian journal of history of scienceIndian J Hist Sci&Indian journal of industrial relationsIndian J Ind RelatIndian journal of leprosy Indian J LeprIndian journal of malariologyIndian J MalariolsIndian journal of maternal and child health : official publication of Indian Maternal and Child Health Association,Indian J Matern Child Health#Indian journal of medical educationIndian J Med Educ Indian journal of medical ethicsIndian J Med Ethics&Indian journal of medical microbiologyIndian J Med Microbiol"Indian journal of medical sciencesIndian J Med SciIndian journal of ophthalmologyIndian J Ophthalmol Indian journal of otolaryngologyIndian J Otolaryngol*Indian journal of pathology & bacteriologyIndian J Pathol Bacteriol*Indian journal of pathology & microbiologyIndian J Pathol MicrobiolIndian journal of pediatricsIndian J Pediatr)Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciencesIndian J Pharm SciIndian journal of pharmacologyIndian J Pharmacol:Indian journal of physical anthropology and human genetics!Indian J Phys Anthropol Hum Genet-Indian journal of physiology and pharmacologyIndian J Physiol Pharmacol0Indian journal of preventive and social medicineIndian J Prev Soc MedIndian journal of psychiatryIndian J PsychiatryIndian journal of psychologyIndian J PsycholIndian journal of public healthIndian J Public Health(Indian journal of quantitative economicsIndian J Quant Econ/Indian journal of sexually transmitted diseasesIndian J Sex Transm Dis!Indian journal of social researchIndian J Soc Res Indian journal of social scienceIndian J Soc Sci)Indian journal of the history of medicineIndian J Hist MedIndian medical gazette Ind Med GazIndian medical journal Indian Med JIndian medical tribuneIndian Med Trib+Indian pacing and electrophysiology journalIndian Pacing Electrophysiol JIndian pediatricsIndian PediatrIndian psychological reviewIndian Psychol RevIndian sociological bulletinIndian Sociol BullIndiana code : comprising all laws of a general and permanent nature including statutes enacted through the 1982 regular session of the Indiana General Assembly / edited and published under the direction of the Indiana Legislative Counc...Indiana Code IndianaIndiana folklore Indiana FolklKIndiana health law review / [Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis]Indiana Health Law Rev.Indiana international & comparative law reviewIndiana Int Comp Law Rev/Indiana law journal (Indianapolis, Ind. : 1926) Indiana Law JIndiana law reviewIndiana Law RevIndiana magazine of historyIndiana Mag Hist>Indiana medical history quarterly / Indiana Historical SocietyIndiana Med Hist QGIndiana medicine : the journal of the Indiana State Medical Association Indiana Med Indiana social studies quarterlyIndiana Soc Stud Q6Indicator (Minnesota Mining and Manfuacturing Company) IndicatorIndividual psychologyIndivid PsycholIndo-Iranian journal Indo Iran J Indoor air Indoor Air+Industrial & engineering chemistry researchInd Eng Chem Res#Industrial & labor relations reviewInd Labor Relat RevIndustrial archaeology reviewInd Archaeol RevCIndustrial engineering (American Institute of Industrial Engineers)Ind EngIndustrial health Ind HealthIndustrial health monthlyInd Health MonIndustrial hygiene newsletter Ind Hyg NewslIndustrial medicine & surgery Ind Med SurgIndustry and health careInd Health Care3Industry and health care (Ballinger Publishing Co.)Ind Health Care (Cambridge Ma) Industry weekInd WeekMInfancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant StudiesInfancyInfant and child developmentInfant Child DevInfant behavior & developmentInfant Behav DevInfant mental health journalInfant Ment Health JInfants and young childrenInfants Young ChildInfanzia anormale Infanz Anorm Infection InfectionInfection and immunity Infect Immun#Infection control & urological careInfect Control Urol CareInfection control : ICInfect ControlInfection control CanadaInfect Control CanxInfection control and hospital epidemiology : the official journal of the Society of Hospital Epidemiologists of AmericaInfect Control Hosp EpidemiolInfection control digestInfect Control DigInfection control roundsInfect Control RoundsInfection control weeklyInfect Control WklyvInfection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseasesInfect Genet EvolInfections in medicine Infect MedInfectious agents and cancerInfect Agent CancerInfectious agents and diseaseInfect Agents Dis+Infectious disease clinics of North AmericaInfect Dis Clin North AmInfectious diseases Infect Dis0Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecologyInfect Dis Obstet Gynecol!Infectious disorders drug targetsInfect Disord Drug Targets Infertility Infertility Infirmiers Infirmiers Inflammation Inflammation#Inflammation & allergy drug targetsInflamm Allergy Drug Targets`Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.] Inflamm ResInflammatory bowel diseasesInflamm Bowel DisInflammopharmacologyInflammopharmacology|Info trends : medicine, law & ethics / University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Info Trends9InfoCare : information strategies for healthcare networksInfocareInform (Silver Spring, Md.)InformInformaciones medicas Inf MedicasInformatics in primary careInform Prim CareInformation and behavior Inf Behav3Information management (PTN Publishing Corporation) Inf ManageInformation privacyInf PrivMInformation processing in medical imaging : proceedings of the ... conferenceInf Process Med ImagingInformation sciences Inf Sci (Ny)Information services & use Inf Serv UseIInformation summary (International Clearinghouse on Adolescent Fertility)Inf SummdInformationen aus Orthodontie und Kieferorthopadie : mit Beitragen aus der internationalen LiteraturInf Orthod Kieferorthop!Informationen zur RaumentwicklungInf Raumentwickl Informatore Odonto-StomatologicoInf Odontostomatol_Informe demografico (Sao Paulo (Brazil : State). Fundacao Sistema Estadual de Analise de Dados) Inf DemogrInforum (Adelaide, S. Aust.)InforumInfrared physics Infrared Phys&Infusionstherapie (Basel, Switzerland)Infusionstherapie)Infusionstherapie und TransfusionsmedizinInfusionsther Transfusionsmed)Infusionstherapie und klinische ErnahrungInfusionsther Klin Ernahr5Infusionstherapie und klinische Ernahrung. Sonderheft!Infusionsther Klin Ernahr SonderhInhalation toxicology Inhal ToxicolInhaled particles Inhaled PartInitiatives in populationInitiatives Popul)Initiatives in reproductive health policyInitiat Reprod Health PolicyInjuryInjury#Injury control and safety promotionInj Control Saf PromotcInjury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury PreventionInj Prev Inland seas Inland SeasInnere MedizinInn Med Innovations InnovationsInnovations (Philadelphia, Pa.)Innovations Phila PaInnovations in oncology nursingInnov Oncol NursInorganic chemistry Inorg Chem"Inorganic chemistry communicationsInorg Chem CommunInorganica chimica actaInorganica Chim ActaInquiry (Oslo, Norway)Inquiry (Oslo)IInquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financingInquiry)Insect biochemistry and molecular biologyInsect Biochem Mol BiolInsect molecular biologyInsect Mol BiolInsect systematics & evolutionInsect syst. evol.Insectes sociauxInsectes Sociaux:Insight (American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses)Insight)Institut des belles lettres arabes : IBLAIBLA Institutions InstitutionsInstitutions/volume feeding Inst Vol FeedInstructional course lecturesInstr Course LectInsurance counsel journal Insur Couns J%Insurance law journal (Chicago, Ill.) Insur Law J"Insurance, mathematics & economicsInsur Math Econ2Integrated environmental assessment and managementIntegr Environ Assess ManagIntegrated healthcare reportIntegr Healthc RepIntegration (Tokyo, Japan) Integration#Integrative and comparative biologyIntegr Comp BiolIntegrative cancer therapiesIntegr Cancer TherHIntegrative medicine : integrating conventional and alternative medicine Integr Med`Integrative physiological and behavioral science : the official journal of the Pavlovian SocietyIntegr Physiol Behav SciIntegrative psychiatry : IPIntegr Psychiatry.Integrative psychological & behavioral scienceIntegr Psychol Behav Sci Intellect Intellect+Intellectual and developmental disabilitiesIntellect Dev DisabilIntellectual digest Intellect DigIntellectual property journalIntellect Prop J Intelligence IntelligencekIntensive & critical care nursing : the official journal of the British Association of Critical Care NursesIntensive Crit Care NursIntensive care medicineIntensive Care MedIntensive care nursingIntensive Care NursIntensive care worldIntensive Care WorldIntensivmedizinische PraxisIntensivmed PraxInter economics Inter EconInter-American economic affairsInter Am Econ Aff Inter-Nord Inter Nord(Inter-University Faculty Work ConferenceInteruniv Fac Work ConfInteracting with computersInteract Comput Interaction Interaction/Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgeryInteract Cardiovasc Thorac Surg Interciencia IntercienciaIntercomIntercom (Des Moines)'Interdisciplinary science reviews : ISRInterdiscip Sci Rev'Interdisciplinary topics in gerontologyInterdiscip Top Gerontol Interferon Interferon Interior design (New York, N.Y.) Inter Des!Interiors (New York, N.Y. : 1978) Interiors Intermediair IntermediarInternal and emergency medicineIntern Emerg Med Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) Intern MedInternal medicine journal Intern Med J$International Health And DevelopmentInt Health DevvInternational Journal Of Radiation Applications And Instrumentation. Part D, Nuclear Tracks And Radiation MeasurementsInt J Rad Appl Instrum D#International MS journal / MS ForumInt MS J(International Review Of Modern SociologyInt Rev Mod SociolInternational Socialist reviewInt Social Rev@International Symposium On Fluoridation And Preventive DentistryInt Symp Fluorid Prev Dent"International abstracts of surgeryInt Abstr Surg+International advances in surgical oncologyInt Adv Surg OncolInternational affairsInt Aff$International anesthesiology clinicsInt Anesthesiol ClinKInternational angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology Int Angiol8International archives of allergy and applied immunologyInt Arch Allergy Appl Immunol0International archives of allergy and immunologyInt Arch Allergy Immunol?International archives of occupational and environmental healthInt Arch Occup Environ Health/International biodeterioration & biodegradationInt Biodeterior BiodegradationPInternational braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of UrologyInt Braz J Urol#International breastfeeding journalInt Breastfeed JInternational child healthInt Child Health)International clinical psychopharmacologyInt Clin Psychopharmacol/International congress series / Excerpta Medica Int Congr Ser2International contact lens clinic (New York, N.Y.)Int Contact Lens ClinInternational demographics Int DemogrInternational dental journal Int Dent J International development review Int Dev Rev*International digest of health legislationInt Dig Health Legis International disability studiesInt Disabil Stud%International drug therapy newsletterInt Drug Ther NewslInternational economic insightsInt Econ InsightsInternational economic journal Int Econ J International endodontic journal Int Endod J$International family planning digestInt Fam Plann Dig*International family planning perspectivesInt Fam Plan Perspect5International family planning perspectives and digestInt Fam Plann PerspEInternational health news / National Council for International HealthInt Health NewsInternational heart journal Int Heart J/International history of nursing journal : IHNJInt Hist Nurs JInternational immunology Int Immunol International immunopharmacologyInt Immunopharmacol%International journal (Toronto, Ont.)Int J*International journal for equity in healthInt J Equity Health:International journal for numerical methods in engineeringInt J Numer Methods Eng&International journal for parasitologyInt J ParasitolzInternational journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care / ISQuaInt J Qual Health Care7International journal for the advancement of counselingInt J Adv Couns6International journal for the study of animal problemsInt J Study Anim ProblInternational journal for vitamin and nutrition research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Vitamin- und Ernahrungsforschung. Journal international de vitaminologie et de nutritionInt J Vitam Nutr Res International journal of Leprosy Int J Lepr,International journal of Middle East studiesInt J Middle East Stud#International journal of STD & AIDSInt J STD AIDS.International journal of adolescence and youthInt J Adolesc Youth7International journal of adolescent medicine and healthInt J Adolesc Med Health2International journal of aging & human developmentInt J Aging Hum Dev0International journal of air and water pollutionInt J Air Water Pollut&International journal of air pollutionInt J Air Pollut"International journal of andrology Int J Androl#International journal of anesthesia Int J Anesth%International journal of anthropologyInt J Anthropol-International journal of antimicrobial agentsInt J Antimicrob Agents"International journal of audiology Int J Audiol/International journal of behavioral developmentInt J Behav Dev,International journal of behavioral medicineInt J Behav MedRInternational journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineeringInt J Bifurcat Chaos.International journal of bio-medical computingInt J Biomed Comput2International journal of biological macromoleculesInt J Biol Macromol9International journal of biological research in pregnancyInt J Biol Res Pregnancy,International journal of biological sciencesInt J Biol Sci+International journal of biomedical imagingInt J Biomed Imaging'International journal of biometeorologyInt J Biometeorol2International journal of body composition researchInt J Body Compos Res@International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer Int J Cancer(International journal of cardiac imagingInt J Card Imaging#International journal of cardiology Int J Cardiol5International journal of cardiovascular interventionsInt J Cardiovasc Intervent%International journal of cell cloningInt J Cell Cloning,International journal of child psychotherapyInt J Child Psychother&International journal of chronobiologyInt J Chronobiol+International journal of circumpolar healthInt J Circumpolar Health7International journal of clinical & laboratory researchInt J Clin Lab Res:International journal of clinical monitoring and computingInt J Clin Monit ComputOInternational journal of clinical oncology / Japan Society of Clinical OncologyInt J Clin Oncol>International journal of clinical pharmacology and biopharmacyInt J Clin Pharmacol Biopharm?International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeuticsInt J Clin Pharmacol Ther7International journal of clinical pharmacology researchInt J Clin Pharmacol ResFInternational journal of clinical pharmacology, therapy and toxicologyInt J Clin PharmacolGInternational journal of clinical pharmacology, therapy, and toxicology!Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol*International journal of clinical practiceInt J Clin Pract6International journal of clinical practice. SupplementInt J Clin Pract Suppl-International journal of cognitive ergonomicsInt J Cogn Ergon+International journal of colorectal diseaseInt J Colorectal DisInternational journal of comparative psychology / ISCP ; sponsored by the International Society for Comparative Psychology and the University of CalabriaInt J Comp Psychol.International journal of comparative sociologyInt J Comp Sociol/International journal of computerized dentistryInt J Comput Dent/International journal of contemporary sociologyInt J Contemp Sociol International journal of control Int J Control)International journal of cosmetic scienceInt J Cosmet Sci,International journal of crude drug researchInt J Crude Drug Res'International journal of dental hygieneInt J Dent Hyg(International journal of dental symposiaInt J Dent Symp$International journal of dermatologyInt J DermatolInternational journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental NeuroscienceInt J Dev Neurosci0International journal of educational developmentInt J Educ Dev0International journal of emergency mental healthInt J Emerg Ment Health;International journal of environmental analytical chemistryInt J Environ Anal Chem6International journal of environmental health researchInt J Environ Health ResAInternational journal of environmental research and public healthInt J Environ Res Public Health%International journal of epidemiologyInt J Epidemiol-International journal of equilibrium researchInt J Equilib Res8International journal of experimental diabesity researchInt J Exp Diabesity Res7International journal of experimental diabetes researchInt J Exp Diabetes Res/International journal of experimental pathologyInt J Exp Pathol"International journal of fertility Int J Fertil9International journal of fertility and menopausal studiesInt J Fertil Menopausal Stud7International journal of fertility and women's medicineInt J Fertil Womens Med*International journal of food microbiologyInt J Food Microbiol4International journal of food sciences and nutritionInt J Food Sci Nutr$International journal of forecastingInt J Forecast0International journal of gastrointestinal cancerInt J Gastrointest CancerAInternational journal of geographical information science : IJGISInt J Geogr Inf Sci-International journal of geriatric psychiatryInt J Geriatr Psychiatry,International journal of group psychotherapyInt J Group PsychotherInternational journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and ObstetricsInt J Gynaecol ObstetrInternational journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer SocietyInt J Gynecol Cancer~International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological PathologistsInt J Gynecol Pathol:International journal of health care finance and economicsInt J Health Care Finance Econ6International journal of health care quality assuranceInt J Health Care Qual AssurbInternational journal of health care quality assurance incorporating Leadership in health services5Int J Health Care Qual Assur Inc Leadersh Health Serv)International journal of health educationInt J Health Educ+International journal of health geographicsInt J Health Geogr(International journal of health sciencesInt J Health SciOInternational journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluationInt J Health Serv#International journal of hematology Int J Hematol3International journal of human-computer interactionInt J Hum Comput Interact/International journal of human-computer studiesInt J Hum Comput Stud(International journal of hydrogen energyInt J Hydrogen Energy9International journal of hygiene and environmental healthInt J Hyg Environ HealthInternational journal of hyperthermia : the official journal of European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology, North American Hyperthermia GroupInt J Hyperthermia'International journal of immunogeneticsInt J Immunogenet9International journal of immunopathology and pharmacologyInt J Immunopathol Pharmacol+International journal of immunopharmacologyInt J Immunopharmacol+International journal of impact engineeringInt J Impact Eng+International journal of impotence researchInt J Impot Res.International journal of industrial ergonomicsInt J Ind ErgonInternational journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious DiseasesInt J Infect Dis6International journal of infrared and millimeter wavesInt J Infrared Millimeter Waves<International journal of injury control and safety promotionInt J Inj Contr Saf Promot,International journal of instructional mediaInt J Instr Media(International journal of integrated careInt J Integr Care.International journal of laboratory hematologyInt J Lab HematolkInternational journal of language & communication disorders / Royal College of Speech & Language TherapistsInt J Lang Commun Disord+International journal of law and psychiatryInt J Law Psychiatry+International journal of law and the family Int J Law Fam4International journal of law, policy, and the familyInt J Law Policy Family'International journal of legal medicineInt J Legal Med{International journal of leprosy and other mycobacterial diseases : official organ of the International Leprosy AssociationInt J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis,International journal of man-machine studiesInt J Man Mach Stud7International journal of mass emergencies and disastersInt J Mass Emerg Disasters*International journal of mass spectrometryInt J Mass Spectrom<International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processesInt J Mass Spectrom Ion Process,International journal of medical informaticsInt J Med Inform4International journal of medical microbiology : IJMMInt J Med Microbiol)International journal of medical sciences Int J Med Sci&International journal of mental healthInt J Ment Health.International journal of mental health nursingInt J Ment Health Nurs8International journal of methods in psychiatric researchInt J Methods Psychiatr Res}International journal of microcirculation, clinical and experimental / sponsored by the European Society for MicrocirculationInt J Microcirc Clin ExpXInternational journal of modern physics. A, Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmologyInt J Mod Phys A+International journal of molecular medicine Int J Mol Med%International journal of nanomedicineInt J Nanomedicine'International journal of neural systemsInt J Neural Syst"International journal of neurology Int J Neurol*International journal of neuropharmacologyInt J Neuropharmacol(International journal of neuropsychiatryInt J Neuropsychiatry5International journal of nuclear medicine and biologyInt J Nucl Med Biol6International journal of nursing education scholarshipInt J Nurs Educ Scholarsh)International journal of nursing practiceInt J Nurs Pract(International journal of nursing studiesInt J Nurs StudpInternational journal of nursing terminologies and classifications : the official journal of NANDA InternationalInt J Nurs Terminol Classif International journal of obesity Int J Obes'International journal of obesity (2005)Int J Obes (Lond)International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of ObesityInt J Obes Relat Metab Disord-International journal of obstetric anesthesiaInt J Obstet Anesth>International journal of occupational and environmental healthInt J Occup Environ HealthGInternational journal of occupational medicine and environmental healthInt J Occup Med Environ HealthBInternational journal of occupational safety and ergonomics : JOSEInt J Occup Saf ErgonEInternational journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology!Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol!International journal of oncology Int J Oncol7International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgeryInt J Oral Maxillofac Surg%International journal of oral surgeryInt J Oral Surg%International journal of orthodontics Int J Orthod7International journal of orthodontics (Milwaukee, Wis.)Int J Orthod MilwaukeeInternational journal of paediatric dentistry / the British Paedodontic Society [and] the International Association of Dentistry for ChildrenInt J Paediatr Dent+International journal of palliative nursingInt J Palliat NurskInternational journal of pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of PancreatologyInt J Pancreatol0International journal of partial hospitalizationInt J Partial HospInternational journal of pediatric obesity : IJPO : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of ObesityInt J Pediatr Obes6International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngologyInt J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol5International journal of peptide and protein researchInt J Pept Protein Res&International journal of pharmaceutics Int J Pharm)International journal of phytoremediationInt J Phytoremediation'International journal of plant sciencesInt J Plant Sci!International journal of politics Int J Polit4International journal of population geography : IJPGInt J Popul Geogr$International journal of primatologyInt J Primatol)International journal of protein researchInt J Protein Res#International journal of psychiatryInt J Psychiatry/International journal of psychiatry in medicineInt J Psychiatry Med5International journal of psychoanalytic psychotherapyInt J Psychoanal PsychotherIInternational journal of psychology. Journal international de psychologie Int J PsycholrInternational journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of PsychophysiologyInt J PsychophysiollInternational journal of psychosomatics : official publication of the International Psychosomatics InstituteInt J Psychosom&International journal of public healthInt J Public Health*International journal of quantum chemistryInt J Quantum ChemInternational journal of quantum chemistry. Quantum biology symposium : proceedings of the International Symposium on Quantum Biology and Quantum Pharmacology. International Symposium on Quantum Biology and Quantum Pharmacology$Int J Quantum Chem Quantum Biol SympkInternational journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part A, Applied radiation and isotopesInt J Rad Appl Instrum [A]iInternational journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part B, Nuclear medicine and biologyInt J Rad Appl Instrum B*International journal of radiation biologyInt J Radiat BiolbInternational journal of radiation biology and related studies in physics, chemistry, and medicine*Int J Radiat Biol Relat Stud Phys Chem Med=International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physicsInt J Radiat Oncol Biol PhysInternational journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de readaptationInt J Rehabil Res'International journal of remote sensingInt J Remote Sens!International journal of sexology Int J Sexol)International journal of social economicsInt J Soc Econ0International journal of sociology of the familyInt J Sociol Fam*International journal of special educationInt J Spec Educ(International journal of sport nutritionInt J Sport Nutr@International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolismInt J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab)International journal of sport psychologyInt J Sport Psychol(International journal of sports medicineInt J Sports Med2International journal of surgery (London, England) Int J Surg/International journal of surgical investigationInt J Surg Investig+International journal of surgical pathologyInt J Surg PatholAInternational journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiologyInt J Syst Evol Microbiol0International journal of systematic bacteriologyInt J Syst Bacteriol(International journal of systems scienceInt J Syst Sci+International journal of technology & agingInt J Technol Aging=International journal of technology assessment in health care Int J Technol Assess Health Care2International journal of the sociology of languageInt J Soc Lang)International journal of tissue reactionsInt J Tissue React#International journal of toxicology Int J Toxicol'International journal of trauma nursingInt J Trauma Nurs4International journal of urban and regional researchInt J Urban Reg ResZInternational journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association Int J Urol(International journal of women's studiesInt J Womens Stud!International journal of zoonosesInt J Zoonoses9International labour review / International Labour OfficeInt Labour RevInternational library review Int Libr RevInternational maritime healthInt Marit HealthYInternational microbiology : the official journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology Int Microbiol-International migration (Geneva, Switzerland)Int MigrInternational nursing review Int Nurs RevInternational ophthalmologyInt Ophthalmol#International ophthalmology clinicsInt Ophthalmol ClinInternational organization Int OrganInternational orthopaedics Int Orthop International pharmacopsychiatryInt Pharmacopsychiatry+International philosophical quarterly : IPQ Int Philos Q%International planned parenthood newsInt Plann Parenthood News International psychiatry clinicsInt Psychiatry Clin$International psychogeriatrics / IPAInt Psychogeriatr5International quarterly of community health educationInt Q Community Health Educ International record of medicine Int Rec Med=International record of medicine and general practice clinicsInt Rec Med Gen Pract Clin%International regional science reviewInt Reg Sci Rev%International rehabilitation medicineInt Rehabil MedInternational rescuer Int Rescuer)International review (Steubenville, Ohio)Int Rev2International review of connective tissue researchInt Rev Connect Tissue Res International review of cytology Int Rev Cytol,International review of cytology. SupplementInt Rev Cytol Suppl{International review of education. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft. Revue internationale de pedagogie Int Rev Educ.International review of experimental pathologyInt Rev Exp Pathol International review of missionsInt Rev Missions/International review of natural family planningInt Rev Nat Fam Plann$International review of neurobiologyInt Rev Neurobiol"International review of physiologyInt Rev Physiol6International review of psychiatry (Abingdon, England)Int Rev Psychiatry6International review of research in mental retardationInt Rev Res Ment RetardeInternational review of social history / International Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, AmsterdamInt Rev Soc Hist)International review of tropical medicineInt Rev Trop Med#International reviews of immunologyInt Rev Immunol#International science review seriesInt Sci Rev SerInternational security Int Secur2International seminars in surgical oncology : ISSOInt Semin Surg Oncol2International series of monographs on oral biologyInt Ser Monogr Oral Biol$International social science journal Int Soc Sci J#International social science reviewInt Soc Sci Rev$International social security reviewInt Soc Secur RevInternational social work Int Soc WorkOInternational sociology : journal of the International Sociological Association Int SociolXInternational studies quarterly : a publication of the International Studies Association Int Stud QInternational surgeryInt Surg@International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction&Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct$International urology and nephrologyInt Urol NephrolInternational wildlife Int WildlInternational wound journal Int Wound JHInternationale Zeitschrift fur Vitamin- und Ernahrungsforschung. Beiheft!Int Z Vitam Ernahrungsforsch Beih8Internationale Zeitschrift fur Vitaminforschung. BeiheftInt Z Vitaminforsch BeihInternationale Zeitschrift fur Vitaminforschung. International journal of vitamin research. Journal international de vitaminologieInt Z VitaminforschYInternationale Zeitschrift fur angewandte Physiologie, einschliesslich ArbeitsphysiologieInt Z Angew PhysiolInternationale Zeitschrift fur klinische Pharmakologie, Therapie, und Toxikologie. International journal of clinical pharmacology, therapy, and toxicology!Int Z Klin Pharmakol Ther ToxikolxInternationale Zeitschrift fur physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation, mit Zentralblatt fur die gesamte RehabilitationInt Z Phys Med RehabilInternationale spectator Int Spect)Internationales Archiv fur ArbeitsmedizinInt Arch Arbeitsmed?Internationales Archiv fur Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene!Int Arch Gewerbepathol GewerbehygInternationales AsienforumInt AsianforumInternet healthcare strategiesInternet Healthc StrategInternistische PraxisInternist Prax*Intersezioni (Bologna, Italy : Periodical) Intersezioni Intervirology IntervirologyInvasion & metastasisInvasion MetastasisInverse problems Inverse ProblInvertebrate neuroscience : INInvert NeurosciInvestigacion clinica Invest Clin_Investigacion economica / Escuela Nacional de Economia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Invest Econ"Investigacion medica internacionalInvest Med IntInvestigacion y cienciaInvestig CiencXInvestigaciones historicas (Universidad de Valladolid. Departamento de Historia Moderna) Invest HistInvestigational new drugsInvest New DrugsInvestigative & cell pathologyInvest Cell PatholInvestigative ophthalmologyInvest Ophthalmol,Investigative ophthalmology & visual scienceInvest Ophthalmol Vis SciInvestigative radiology Invest RadiolInvestigative urology Invest Urol'Investigative urology (Berlin, Germany)Investig Urol (Berl) Ion channels Ion ChannelsIon exchange and membranesIon Exch MembrIowa Dental BulletinIowa Dent Bull"Iowa State University veterinarianIowa State Univ VetIowa code annotated. IowaIowa Code Annot IowaIowa law review Iowa Law Rev3Iowa medicine : journal of the Iowa Medical SocietyIowa MedIppa - Newsletter IPPA NewslIranian biomedical journal Iran Biomed J2Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunologyIran J Allergy Asthma Immunol#Iranian journal of immunology : IJIIran J Immunol Iranian journal of public healthIran J Public HealthQIranian studies : bulletin of the Society for Iranian Cultural and Social Studies Iran StudIraqi Dental Journal Iraqi Dent J=Ircs Medical Science: Reproduction, Obstetrics And Gynecology!Irc Med Sci Reprod Obstet GynecolaIrish economic and social history : journal of the Economic and Social History Society of IrelandIr Econ Soc HistAIrish geography : bulletin of the Geographical Society of IrelandIr Geogr|Irish historical studies : joint journal of the Irish Historical Society and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies Ir Hist Stud Irish journal of medical science Ir J Med Sci'Irish journal of psychological medicineIr J Psychol Med2Irish law reports monthly / [editor, Bart D. Daly]Ir Law Rep MonIrish medical journalIr Med JIrish nurses' journal Ir Nurses J Irish nursing and hospital worldIr Nurs Hosp WorldIrish veterinary journalIr Vet JIryoIryo[Isis; an international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influencesIsisIsla (Mangilao, Guam)IslaIslamic studies Islam StudIslenha Rev Islenha Isokinetics and exercise scienceIsokinet Exerc SciIsotope geoscience Isot Geosci,Isotopes in environmental and health studiesIsotopes Environ Health StudIsozymesIsozymes Curr Top Biol Med ResIsrael journal of chemistry Isr J Chem!Israel journal of dental sciencesIsr J Dent Sci'Israel journal of experimental medicine Isr J Exp Med"Israel journal of medical sciences Isr J Med SciIsrael journal of zoology Isr J ZoolIsrael law review Isr Law RevIsrael medical journal Isr Med JIsrael oriental studiesIsr Orient StudIsrael social science researchIsr Soc Sci ResIssledovaniia po genetike Issled GenetOIssue Brief (Public Policy Institute (American Association of Retired Persons))8Issue Brief (Public Policy Inst (Am Assoc Retired Pers))+Issue brief (Center for Medicare Education)Issue Brief Cent Medicare Educ6Issue brief (Center for Studying Health System Change)(Issue Brief Cent Stud Health Syst ChangeIssue brief (Commonwealth Fund)Issue Brief (Commonw Fund)ZIssue brief (George Washington University. Center for Health Services Research and Policy)8Issue Brief George Wash Univ Cent Health Serv Res PolicybIssue brief (George Washington University. Medical Center. Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems)DIssue Brief (George Wash Univ Med Cent Ensuring Solut Alcohol Probl)HIssue brief (George Washington University. National Health Policy Forum)$Issue Brief Natl Health Policy Forum#Issue brief (Grantmakers in Health) Issue brief (Grantmakers Health),Issue brief (Health Policy Tracking Service)$Issue Brief Health Policy Track Serv:Issue brief (Institute on Health Care Costs and Solutions)*Issue Brief (Inst Health Care Costs Solut)/Issue brief (Massachusetts Health Policy Forum)&Issue Brief (Mass Health Policy Forum)Issues & studies Issues Stud;Issues (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.))IssuesIssues (Saint Louis, Mo.)Issues (St Louis Mo)+Issues in brief (Alan Guttmacher Institute)#Issues Brief (Alan Guttmacher Inst))Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursingIssues Compr Pediatr NursIssues in criminologyIssues Ciminol&Issues in emerging health technologiesIssues Emerg Health Technol,Issues in ethics / Center for Applied Ethics Issues Ethics)Issues in health care (Philadelphia, Pa.)Issues Health CareIssues in health care of womenIssues Health Care WomenIssues in law & medicineIssues Law MedIssues in medical ethicsIssues Med EthicsIssues in mental health nursingIssues Ment Health Nurs[Issues in reproductive and genetic engineering : journal of international feminist analysisIssues Reprod Genet Eng Issues in science and technologyIssues Sci TechnolIstanbul Tip Fakultesi mecmuasiIstanbul Tip Fak MecmuasiIstoricheski pregled Istor Pregl%Istoriia SSSR (Moscow, Russia : 1957) Istor SSSRIstorija (Skopje, Macedonia)IstorijaSIstorijski casopis : organ Istorijskog instituta Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti Istor CasPIstorijski zapisi : organ Istoriskog instituta i Drustva istoricara SR Crne Gore Istor Zapisi%Istoriko-biologicheskie issledovaniiaIstor Biol IssledItalia contemporanea Ital ContempItalia medioevale e umanisticaItal Medioev Um%Italian general review of dermatologyItal Gen Rev DermatolbItalian general review of oto-rhino-laryngology. Revue generale italienne d'oto-rhino-laryngologieItal Gen Rev OtorhinolaryngolPItalian heart journal : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology Ital Heart J\Italian heart journal. Supplement : official journal of the Italian Federation of CardiologyItal Heart J Suppl2Italian journal of gastroenterology and hepatologyItal J Gastroenterol Hepatol(Italian journal of neurological sciencesItal J Neurol Sci0Italian journal of orthopaedics and traumatologyItal J Orthop Traumatol>Italian journal of orthopaedics and traumatology. SupplementumItal J Orthop Traumatol SupplItaly; documents and notesItaly Doc NotesItemsItemsItems & issues Items Issues Itogi nauki Itogi Nauk/Iugoslavica physiologica et pharmacologica actaIugosl Physiol Pharmacol ActaIustitia (Bloomington, Ind.)Iustitia7Ivra; rivista internazionale di diritto romano e anticoIura{Iyo Kizai Kenkyujo hokoku. Reports of the Institute for Medical and Dental Engineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University2Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku Iyo Kizai Kenkyusho Hokoku_Iyo denshi to seitai kogaku. Japanese journal of medical electronics and biological engineeringIyodenshi To Seitai Kogaku>Izvestiia Akademii nauk Gruzinskoi SSR. Seriia biologicheskaiaIzv Akad Gruz Ssr. Ser BiolCIzvestiia Akademii nauk Kirgizskoi SSR. Seriia biologicheskikh naukIzv Akad Nauk Kirg Ssr [Biol]:Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdelenie khimicheskikh nauk&Izv Akad Nauk Sssr Otdelenie Khim Nauk4Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriia biologicheskaiaIzv Akad Nauk SSSR Biol5Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriia geograficheskaiaIzv Akad Nauk SSSR Ser GeogrLIzvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia / Rossiiskaia akademiia naukIzv Akad Nauk Ser Biol6Izvestiia Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva (1992)Izv Russ Geogr ObshchestvaUIzvestiia Vsesoiuznogo geograficheskogo obshchestva. Geograficheskoe obshchestvo SSSRIzv Vses Geogr Obshchestva%Izvestiia na Instituta po fiziologiiaIzv Inst Fiziol (Sofiia))Izvestiia na Instituta po istoriia na BKPIzv Inst Istor BKP*Izvestiia na Mikrobiologicheskiia institutIzv Mikrobiol Inst (Sofiia)Izvestiia na meditsinskite instituti. [Bulletin des instituts de medecine]. Bulgarska akademiia na naukite, Sofia. Otdelenie za biologicheski i meditsinski naukiIIzv Meditsinskite Inst Bulg Akad Naukite Sofia Otd Biol Meditsinski NaukioIzvestiia. Bulgarska akademiia na naukite, Sofia. Nauchnoizsledovatelski institut za protivorakovi antibiotitsiKIzv Bulg Akad Naukite Sofia Nauchnoizsledovatelski Inst protivorak antibiotFIzvestiia. Seriia fiziologii i meditsiny. Qazaq SSR Ghylym Akademiiasy1Izv Seriia Fiziol Meditsiny Qazaq SSR Ghylum AkadPJAAMI; journal of the Association for the Advancement of Medical InstrumentationJ Assoc Adv Med InstrumHJAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician AssistantsJAAPAJACEPJACEP6JAMA : the journal of the American Medical AssociationJAMAJAPCAJAPCAAJCAH perspectives. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals JCAH PerspectiJCCA. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. Journal de l'Association chiropratique canadienneJCCA J Can Chiropr Assoc.JEMS : a journal of emergency medical servicesJEMSQJFMA, the Journal of the Florida Medical Association. Florida Medical AssociationJFMA^JFORL. Journal francais d'oto-rhino-laryngologie; audiophonologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale7JFORL J Fr Otorhinolaryngol Audiophonol Chir MaxillofacJICA newsletter JICA NewslBJK practitioner : a journal of current clinical medicine & surgeryJK Pract"JMR, Journal of marketing research J Mark Res.JNMA; journal of the Nepal Medical AssociationJNMA J Nepal Med AssocEJOGN nursing; journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing JOGN Nurs JOICFP review JOICFP Rev,JONA'S healthcare law, ethics and regulationJONAS Healthc Law Ethics RegulJOP : Journal of the pancreasJOP1JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutritionJPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr5JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical AssociationJ Pak Med Assoc*JPO: the journal of practical orthodonticsJPO J Pract OrthodDJSAC grapevine. Joint Strategy and Action Committee (New York, N.Y.)JSAC GrapevineaJSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons / Society of Laparoendoscopic SurgeonsJSLSJaarboek : verslagen en mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereniging over het jaar ... Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische VerenigingJaarb K Ned Bot VerGJaarboek Numaga : gewijd aan heden en verleden van nijmegen en omgeving Jaarb NumagaJaarboek van kankeronderzoek en kankerbestrijding in Nederland. Yearbook for cancer research and fight against cancer in the Netherlands%Jaarb Kankeronderz Kankerbestrijd Ned6Jabega : revista de la Diputacion Provincial de MalagaJabega2Jahrbuch der Albertus-Universitat zu Konigsberg/PrJahrb Albertus Univ Koenigsb=Jahrbuch der Coburger Landesstiftung. Coburger LandesstiftungJahrb Coburg LandesstiftCJahrbuch der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Breslau0Jahrb Schlesisch Friedrich Wilhelms Univ Breslau#Jahrbuch der Universitat DusseldorfJahrb Univ DuesseldEJahrbuch der historischen Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland$Jahrb Hist Forsch Bundesrepub DtschlxJahrbuch des Historischen Vereins fur das Furstentum Liechtenstein. Historischer Verein fur das Furstentum Liechtenstein"Jahrb Hist Ver Furst LiechtensteinbJahrbuch des Instituts fur Deutsche Geschichte. Universitat Tel-Aviv. Makhon le-historyah GermanitJahrb Inst Dtsch GeschKJahrbuch des Instituts fur Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung'Jahrb Inst Gesch Med Robert Bosch StiftSJahrbuch des Oberosterreichischen Musealvereines. Oberosterreichischer MusealvereinJahrb Oberoesterr MusealverXJahrbuch des Vereins fur Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Verein fur Geschichte der Stadt WienJahrb Vereins Gesch Stadt Wien#Jahrbuch fur Antike und ChristentumJahrb Antike ChristentumJahrbuch fur Geschichte Jahrb GeschMJahrbuch fur Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas&Jahrb Gesch Staat Wirtsch Ges Lateinam-Jahrbuch fur Landeskunde von NiederosterreichJahrb Landeskd NiederosterrJahrbuch fur SozialwissenschaftJahrb Sozialwiss"Jahrbuch fur WirtschaftsgeschichteJahrb Wirtschaftsgesch.Jahrbuch fur brandenburgische LandesgeschichteJahrb Brandenbg LandesgeschHJahrbuch fur internationales Recht. German yearbook of international lawGer Yearb Int Law$Jahrbucher fur Geschichte OsteuropasJahrb Gesch Osteur-Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und StatistikJahrb Natl Okon StatOJahresbericht (Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften : 1988)Jahresber Schweiz Akad Med WissJamaica journalJam J8James Arthur lecture on the evolution of the human brainJames Arthur LectJames Joyce quarterly James Joyce Q Janasamkhya JanasamkhyakJanus; revue internationale de l'histoire des sciences, de la medecine, de la pharmacie, et de la techniqueJanusJapan and the world economyJapan World Econ"Japan quarterly (Asahi Shinbunsha)Jpn Q?Japan-hospitals : the journal of the Japan Hospital AssociationJpn HospJapanese circulation journal Jpn Circ JJapanese dental journal Jpn Dent JJapanese economic studiesJapanese Econ StudJapanese heart journal Jpn Heart J#Japanese journal of applied physicsJpn J Appl Phys*Japanese journal of cancer research : GannJpn J Cancer Res%Japanese journal of clinical oncologyJpn J Clin Oncol$Japanese journal of gastroenterologyJpn J Gastroenterol'Japanese journal of infectious diseasesJpn J Infect Dis-Japanese journal of medical science & biologyJpn J Med Sci BiolJapanese journal of medicine Jpn J Med Japanese journal of microbiologyJpn J Microbiol!Japanese journal of ophthalmologyJpn J Ophthalmol Japanese journal of pharmacologyJpn J PharmacolJapanese medical journal Jpn Med J (Natl Inst Health Jpn)*Japanese studies in the history of scienceJpn Stud Hist SciJednota annual FurdekJednota Annu Furdek$Jeune Afrique (Paris, France : 1980) Jeune AfrJewish Journal Of Sociology Jew J SociolJewish affairsJew AffTJewish historical studies : transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of EnglandTrans Jew Hist Soc EnglFJewish life (Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America : 1975)Jew Life&Jewish observer and Middle East reviewJew Obs Middle East Rev+Jewish quarterly review (Philadelphia, Pa.) Jew Q RevJewish social studies Jew Soc Stud Jian kang bao Jian Kang BaoJiangsu nong ye ke xueTJiangsu nongye kexue / Jiangsu sheng nong ye ke xue yuan bian|Jiangsu Nong Ye Ke XueJiangxi yixueyuan xuebao9Acta academiae medicinae jiangxi|Jiangxi Yixueyuan XuebaoJibi inkoka Otolaryngology Jibiinkoka=Jie fang jun yi xue za zhi. [Liberation army medical journal] Chieh Fang Chun I Hsueh Tsa ChihJikeikai medical journalJikeikai Med J$Jikken dobutsu. Experimental animalsJikken DobutsuJilin nong ye da xue xue baoGActa agriculturae universitatis jilinensis|Jilin Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Jimlar mutane Jimlar MutaneJinbun (Nihon Jinbun Kagakkai)ZinbunJing ji lun wenJing Ji Lun Wen5Jinko mondai kenkyu. [Journal of population problems]Jinko Mondai Kenkyu,Jinkogaku kenkyu / Nihon Jinko Gakkai henshuJinkogaku Kenkyu>Jinrui idengaku zasshi. The Japanese journal of human geneticsJinrui Idengaku ZasshiGJinruigaku zasshi. The Journal of the Anthropological Society of NipponJinruigaku ZasshiJohns Hopkins magazineJohns Hopkins Mag)Johns Hopkins medical journal. SupplementJohns Hopkins Med J Suppl Joicfp News JOICFP NewsSJoint Commission journal on quality and patient safety / Joint Commission ResourcesJt Comm J Qual Patient Saf.Joint Commission journal on quality and safetyJt Comm J Qual Saf\Joint Commission perspectives. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare OrganizationsJt Comm Perspect(Joint, bone, spine : revue du rhumatismeJoint Bone Spine Jordemodern Jordemodern1Jordmorbladet : bilag til tidsskriftet Sykepleien Jordmorbladet&Jornal brasileiro de doencas toracicasJ Bras Doencas Torac Jornal brasileiro de ginecologiaJ Bras GinecolJornal brasileiro de medicina J Bras MedJornal brasileiro de neurologia J Bras NeurolhJornal brasileiro de pneumologia : publicacao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e TisilogiaJ Bras Pneumol Jornal brasileiro de psiquiatriaJ Bras Psiquiatr2Jornal da Sociedade das Ciencias Medicas de LisboaJ Soc Cienc Med LisbJornal de historia da medicina J Hist Med Jornal de medicina de Pernambuco J Med PernambJornal de pediatriaJ Pediatr (Rio J)Jornal de psicologiaJ PsicolJornal do medicoJ Med (Oporto)EJosai Shika Daigaku kiyo. The Bulletin of the Josai Dental UniversityJosai Shika Daigaku Kiyo4Journal (Academy of Hospital Administration (India))J Acad Hosp Adm5Journal (American Academy of Gnathologic Orthopedics)J Am Acad Gnathol Orthop8Journal (American Association for Medical Transcription)J Am Assoc Med Transcr-Journal (American Medical Record Association)J Am Med Rec Assoc*Journal (Anglo-Continental Dental Society)J Anglocont Dent Soc8Journal (Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (U.S.))J Assoc Healthc Philanthr%Journal (Canadian Dental Association)J Can Dent Assoc$Journal (Indiana Dental Association)J Indiana Dent Assoc?Journal (Institute of Health Record Information and Management)#Journal (Inst Health Rec Inf Manag)2Journal (Institute of Sterile Services Management)J Inst Sterile Serv Manage>Journal (National Association for Hospital Development (U.S.))J Natl Assoc Hosp Dev&Journal (New Hampshire Dental Society)J N H Dent Soc0Journal (North Louisiana Historical Association)J North La Hist Assoc;Journal (Southern California Dental Assistants Association)#J South Calif Dent Assistants Assoc&Journal - Academy of General DentistryJ Acad Gen Dent$Journal - Alabama Dental AssociationJ Ala Dent Assoc*Journal - American Health Care AssociationJ Am Health Care Assoc/Journal - American Intra-Ocular Implant SocietyJ Am Intraocul Implant Soc*Journal - American Water Works AssociationJ Am Water Works Assoc4Journal - Association for Hospital Medical EducationJ Assoc Hosp Med Educ5Journal - Association of Official Analytical ChemistsJ Assoc Off Anal Chem'Journal - California Dental AssociationJ Calif Dent Assoc.Journal - Connecticut State Dental AssociationJ Conn State Dent Assoc"Journal - Forensic Science SocietyJ Forensic Sci Soc(Journal - Michigan State Medical SocietyJ Mich State Med Soc(Journal - Mississippi Dental AssociationJ Miss Dent Assoc?Journal - National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals J Natl Assoc Priv Psychiatr Hosp%Journal - Newark Beth Israel HospitalJ Newark Beth Isr Hosp%Journal - Oklahoma Dental AssociationJ Okla Dent Assoc+Journal - Oklahoma State Dental AssociationJ Okla State Dent AssocJJournal - Scottish Labour History Society. Scottish Labour History SocietyJ Scott Labour Hist Soc,Journal - Seattle-King County Dental SocietyJ Seattle King Cty Dent Soc0Journal - Southern California Dental AssociationJ South Calif Dent Assoc,Journal - Tennessee State Dental AssociationJ Tenn State Dent Assoc,Journal - Water Pollution Control FederationJ Water Pollut Control Fed%Journal / Contra Costa Dental SocietyJ Contra Costa Dent Soc"Journal / Maine Dental AssociationJ Maine Dent Assoc$Journal Das Auxiliares Odontologicas J Aux OdontolJournal Of Aging And Judaism J Aging Jud:Journal Of Apdsa; Asian Pacific Dental Student AssociationJ APDSA (Tokyo)Journal Of Developing Areas J Dev AreasJournal Of Economic PsychologyJ Econ PsycholJournal Of ElasticityJ Elast3Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social EnvironmentJ Hum Behav Soc EnvironJournal Of Nursing Ethics J Nurs EthicsJournal Of Rural Development J Rural Dev>Journal Of The American Dental Association (Edizione Italiana)J Am Dent Assoc (Ed Ital)RJournal Of The Australian Institute Of Surgical And Dental Technicians (Melbourne)J Aust Inst Surg Dent Tech<Journal Of The Egyptian Society Of Obstetrics And GynecologyJ Egypt Soc Obstet Gynecol?Journal Of The International College Of Dentists; Japan SectionJ Int Coll Dent (Jpn):Journal Of The Korean Research Society For Dental HypnosisJ Korean Res Soc Dent Hypn$Journal Of The Macomb Dental SocietyJ Macomb Dent SocEJournal Of The National Association Of Seventh-Day Adventist Dentists$J Natl Assoc Seventh Day Advent Dent7Journal Of The New Jersey Dental Hygienists AssociationJ N J Dent Hyg Assoc5Journal Of The Nigeria Association Of Dental StudentsJ Niger Assoc Dent StudHJournal Officiel De La Republique Francaise, Edition Des Lois Et DecretsJ Off Repub Fr Ed Lois DecretsSJournal SOGC : journal of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of CanadaJ SOGCJournal asiatiqueJ AsiatJournal belge d'urologie J Belge UrolxJournal belge de medecine physique et de rehabilitation. Belgisch tijdschrift voor fysische geneeskunde en rehabilitatieJ Belge Med Phys RehabiluJournal belge de medecine physique et de rhumatologie. Belgisch tijdschrift voor fysische geneeskunde en reumatologieJ Belge Med Phys RhumatolRJournal belge de medecine physique. Belgisch tijdschrift voor fysische geneeskundeJ Belge Med PhysJournal belge de radiologieJ Belge RadioluJournal belge de rhumatologie et de medecine physique. Belgisch tijdschrift voor reumatologie en fysische geneeskundeJ Belge Rhumatol Med PhysFJournal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquee : JATBAJ Agric Tradit Bot Appl9Journal d'agriculture tropicale et de botanique appliqueeJ Agric Trop Bot Appl+Journal d'odontologie conservatrice / CNEOCJ Odontol ConservJournal d'urologieJ Urol (Paris)$Journal d'urologie et de nephrologieJ Urol Nephrol (Paris)+Journal d'urologie medicale et chirurgicaleJ Urol Medicale ChirJournal de biologie buccaleJ Biol Buccale_Journal de biomateriaux dentaires : [publication du College francais de biomateriaux dentaires]J Biomater DentJournal de chirurgieJ Chir (Paris)Journal de genetique humaine J Genet HumBJournal de gynecologie, obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction$J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris)!Journal de la Societe de biologie J Soc Biol-Journal de la Societe de statistique de ParisJ Soc Stat Paris'Journal de la Societe des americanistesJ Soc Am$Journal de la Societe des oceanistes J Soc OceanJournal de medecine de BesanconJ Med Besancon/Journal de medecine de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest J Med BordJournal de medecine de Caen J Med CaenJournal de medecine de Lyon J Med LyonJournal de medecine de Nantes J Med NantesJournal de medecine de Paris J Med Paris!Journal de medecine de Strasbourg J Med Strasb-Journal de medecine et de chirurgie pratiquesJ Med Chir Prat(Journal de medecine legale droit medicalJ Med Leg Droit MedJournal de microscopieJ Microsc (Paris)0Journal de microscopie et de biologie cellulaireJ Microsc Biol CellJournal de parodontologie J Parodontol Journal de pharmacie de Belgique J Pharm BelgJournal de pharmacologie J PharmacolJournal de physiologieJ Physiol (Paris)"Journal de physiologie. SupplementJ Physiol Suppl (Paris).Journal de psychologie normale et pathologiqueJ Psychol Norm Pathol (Paris)Journal de radiologieJ RadiolGJournal de radiologie, d'electrologie & archives d'electricite medicale&J Radiol Electrol Arch Electr Medicale?Journal de radiologie, d'electrologie, et de medecine nucleaireJ Radiol Electrol Med Nucl#Journal de stomatologie de BelgiqueJ Stomatol Belg0Journal de toxicologie clinique et experimentaleJ Toxicol Clin Exp Journal des maladies vasculaires J Mal VascFJournal des praticiens; revue generale de clinique et de therapeutiqueJ Prat Rev Gen Clin Ther'Journal des sciences medicales de LilleJ Sci Med LilleJournal for Medicaid managementJ Medicaid ManagehJournal for healthcare quality : official publication of the National Association for Healthcare QualityJ Healthc QualxJournal for nurses in staff development : JNSD : official journal of the National Nursing Staff Development OrganizationJ Nurses Staff Dev3Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPNJ Spec Pediatr Nurs)Journal for the history of Arabic scienceJ Hist Arabic Sci,Journal for the scientific study of religionJ Sci Study Relig*Journal for the theory of social behaviourJ Theory Soc Behav Journal francais d'ophtalmologieJ Fr OphtalmolFJournal francais d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale%J Fr Otorhinolaryngol Chir MaxillofacXJournal francais d'oto-rhino-laryngologie, audio-phonologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale1J Fr Otorhinolaryngol Audiophonol Chir MaxillofacUJournal francais d'oto-rhino-laryngologie; audiophonologie, chirurgie maxillo-faciale1J Fr Otorhinolaryngol Audiophonol Chir Maxillofac5Journal francais de medecine et chirurgie thoraciquesJ Fr Med Chir Thorac%Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik : JEPJ Entwickl PolitJournal fur GeschichteJ GeschJournal fur Hirnforschung J HirnforschJournal fur Sozialforschung J Soz Forsch"Journal international de chirurgie J Int ChirJournal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus / American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusJ AAPOSEJournal of AHIMA / American Health Information Management AssociationJ AHIMAJournal of AOAC International J AOAC IntJournal of African economies J Afr EconJournal of African history J Afr HistJournal of African law J Afr LawJournal of African studies J Afr Stud$Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JADJ Alzheimers Dis-Journal of American college health : J of ACHJ Am Coll HealthJournal of American culture J Am Cult"Journal of American ethnic historyJ Am Ethn Hist/Journal of American history (Bloomington, Ind.) J Am HistJournal of American insurance J Am InsurJournal of American studies J Am StudJournal of Arab affairs J Arab Aff$Journal of Asian and African studiesJ Asian Afr StudJournal of Asian economics J Asian Econ*Journal of Asian natural products researchJ Asian Nat Prod Res2Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMCJ Ayub Med Coll AbbottabadEJournal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of OncologyJ BUONJournal of Baltic studies J Balt Stud&Journal of Biblical ethics in medicineJ Biblic Ethics Med$Journal of Black health perspectivesJ Black Health PerspectJournal of Buddhist ethicsJ Buddh Ethics2Journal of California and Great Basin anthropologyJ Calif Gt Basin Anthropol7Journal of Canadian studies. Revue d'etudes canadiennes J Can StudJournal of Cherokee studiesJ Cherokee StudUJournal of Christian nursing : a quarterly publication of Nurses Christian Fellowship J Christ Nurs)Journal of Commonwealth political studiesJ Commonw Polit Stud`Journal of ET nursing : official publication, International Association for Enterostomal Therapy J ET Nurs Journal of East and West studiesJ East West Stud1Journal of Eastern African research & developmentJ East Afr Res Dev[Journal of Ethiopian studies / Haile Sellassie I University, Institute of Ethiopian Studies J Ethiop Stud!Journal of European social policyJ Eur Soc PolicyJournal of European studies J Eur StudJournal of Great Lakes researchJ Great Lakes ResJournal of HIV therapy J HIV Ther2Journal of HIV/AIDS prevention in children & youthJ HIV AIDS Prev Child Youth7Journal of Indian Association for Communicable DiseasesJ Indian Assoc Commun DisPJournal of Institute of Economic Research. J.S.S. Institute of Economic ResearchJ Inst Econ Res=Journal of J. J. Group of Hospitals and Grant Medical CollegeJ Jj Group Hosp Grant Med Coll"Journal of Jewish communal serviceJ Jew Communal Serv!Journal of Korean medical scienceJ Korean Med SciJournal of Latin American lore J Lat Am Lore!Journal of Latin American studies J Lat Am Stud,Journal of Marmara University Dental FacultyJ Marmara Univ Dent FacJournal of Mormon history J Mormon HistJournal of NAL Associates J Nal Assoc5Journal of National Black Nurses' Association : JNBNAJ Natl Black Nurses AssocJournal of Near Eastern studiesJ Near East Stud"Journal of Osaka Dental UniversityJ Osaka Dent UnivJournal of Palestine studies J Palest StudjJournal of Philippine development : a technical journal of the National Economic and Development Authority J Philipp Dev Journal of Philippine statisticsJ Philipp StatKJournal of Pierre Fauchard Academy (Pierre Fauchard Academy. India Section)J Pierre Fauchard AcadJournal of Presbyterian historyJ Presbyt HistJournal of Reform Judaism J Reform JudJournal of Semitic studies J Semit Stud1Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern studiesJ South Asian Middle East Stud)Journal of Southeast Asian earth sciencesJ Southeast Asian Earth Sci"Journal of Southeast Asian studiesJ Southeast Asian StudzJournal of Soviet nationalities : a quarterly publication of the Center on East-West Trade, Investment, and Communications J Sov Natly7Journal of Thai Association for Voluntary SterilizationJ Thai Assoc Volunt SterilizJournal of UOEHJ UOEH'Journal of X-ray science and technologyJ Xray Sci Technol'Journal of Zhejiang University. ScienceJ Zhejiang Univ Sci+Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B.J Zhejiang Univ Sci B)Journal of abnormal and social psychologyJ Abnorm Soc Psychol$Journal of abnormal child psychologyJ Abnorm Child PsycholJournal of abnormal psychologyJ Abnorm Psychol(Journal of accident & emergency medicineJ Accid Emerg Med/Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromesJ Acquir Immune Defic Syndr6Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)J Acquir Immune Defic SyndrJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology : official publication of the International Retrovirology Association*J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum RetrovirolhJournal of addictive diseases : the official journal of the ASAM, American Society of Addiction Medicine J Addict DisJournal of adolescence J Adolesc_Journal of adolescent health care : official publication of the Society for Adolescent MedicineJ Adolesc Health CareJournal of adolescent research J Adolesc Res,Journal of advanced medical-surgical nursingJ Adv Med Surg NursJournal of advanced nursing J Adv NursJournal of advertising research J Advert ReshJournal of aerosol medicine : the official journal of the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine J Aerosol MedJournal of aerosol science J Aerosol Sci Journal of aerospace engineering J Aerosp EngJournal of affective disordersJ Affect Disord Journal of aging & social policyJ Aging Soc PolicyJournal of aging and healthJ Aging Health&Journal of aging and physical activityJ Aging Phys ActJournal of aging studies J Aging Stud.Journal of agricultural & environmental ethicsJ Agric Environ Ethics*Journal of agricultural and food chemistryJ Agric Food ChemJournal of agricultural ethicsJ Agric Ethics Journal of agricultural research J Agric Res)Journal of agricultural safety and healthJ Agric Saf HealthJournal of agromedicineJ AgromedicineJournal of aircraftJ Aircr%Journal of alcohol and drug educationJ Alcohol Drug EducJournal of allied healthJ Allied HealthBJournal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)J Altern Complement Med$Journal of ambulatory care marketingJ Ambul Care Mark Journal of analytical toxicologyJ Anal ToxicolJournal of anatomyJ Anat!Journal of anatomy and physiologyJ Anat PhysiolJournal of andrologyJ AndrolJournal of anesthesiaJ Anesth1Journal of animal physiology and animal nutritionJ Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)Journal of animal science J Anim Sci#Journal of anthropological researchJ Anthropol ResJournal of anti-aging medicineJ Anti Aging MedJournal of anxiety disordersJ Anxiety Disord1Journal of applied animal welfare science : JAAWSJ Appl Anim Welf Sci$Journal of applied behavior analysisJ Appl Behav AnalJournal of applied biochemistryJ Appl BiochemUJournal of applied biomaterials : an official journal of the Society for BiomaterialsJ Appl BiomaterJournal of applied biomechanicsJ Appl Biomech*Journal of applied botany and food qualityAngewandte Botanik / Vereinigung fur Angewandte Botanik [und] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitatsforschung|J. Appl. Bot. Food Qual.Journal of applied cardiologyJ Appl CardiolQJournal of applied clinical medical physics / American College of Medical PhysicsJ Appl Clin Med Phys0Journal of applied communication research : JACRJ Appl Commun Res"Journal of applied crystallographyJ Appl Crystallogr+Journal of applied developmental psychologyJ Appl Dev PsycholJournal of applied entomology8Zeitschrift fur angewandte Entomologie|J. Appl. Entomol.Journal of applied genetics J Appl Genet\Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological SocietyJ Appl GerontolJournal of applied measurement J Appl MeasJournal of applied microbiologyJ Appl MicrobiolJournal of applied philosophy J Appl PhilosJournal of applied physics J Appl PhysJournal of applied physiologyJ Appl Physiol4Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)J Appl PhysiolQJournal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiologyJ Appl PhysiolJournal of applied probability J Appl Probab$Journal of applied social psychologyJ Appl Soc PsycholJournal of applied statistics J Appl Stat#Journal of applied toxicology : JATJ Appl Toxicol Journal of aquatic animal healthJ Aquat Anim Health!Journal of archaeological scienceJ Archaeol Sci.Journal of architectural and planning researchJ Archit Plann ResJournal of arid environmentsJ Arid EnvironaJournal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial OrgansJ Artif Organs-Journal of assisted reproduction and geneticsJ Assist Reprod Genet)Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosisJ Atheroscler Thromb#Journal of atherosclerosis researchJ Atheroscler ResJournal of athletic training J Athl Train Journal of atmospheric chemistry J Atmos ChemJournal of attention disordersJ Atten Disord-Journal of autism and childhood schizophreniaJ Autism Child Schizophr-Journal of autism and developmental disordersJ Autism Dev DisordJournal of autoimmune diseasesJ Autoimmune DisJournal of autoimmunity J Autoimmun6Journal of automated methods & management in chemistryJ Autom Methods Manag Chem!Journal of autonomic pharmacologyJ Auton Pharmacol%Journal of avian medicine and surgeryJ Avian Med Surg2Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitationJ Back Musculoskeletal RehabilJournal of bacteriology J Bacteriol9Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacologyJ Basic Clin Physiol PharmacolJournal of basic microbiologyJ Basic Microbiol7Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatryJ Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry Journal of behavioral assessmentJ Behav AssessJournal of behavioral medicine J Behav Med,Journal of bioactive and compatible polymersJ Bioact Compat Polym.Journal of biochemical and biophysical methodsJ Biochem Biophys Methods/Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicologyJ Biochem Mol Toxicol!Journal of biochemical toxicologyJ Biochem ToxicolJournal of biochemistryJ Biochem (Tokyo)-Journal of biochemistry and molecular biologyJ Biochem Mol BiolJournal of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biophysics : JBMBB : the official journal of the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB)J Biochem Mol Biol BiophysJournal of bioenergetics J Bioenerg)Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranesJ Bioenerg BiomembrJournal of bioengineeringJ BioengJournal of bioethical inquiry J Bioeth InqJournal of bioethicsJ BioethJournal of biogeography J Biogeogr3Journal of bioinformatics and computational biologyJ Bioinform Comput BiolJournal of biological education J Biol EducqJournal of biological inorganic chemistry : JBIC : a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic ChemistryJ Biol Inorg Chem!Journal of biological photographyJ Biol Photogr7Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agentsJ Biol Regul Homeost Agents(Journal of biological response modifiersJ Biol Response ModJournal of biological rhythmsJ Biol Rhythms%Journal of biological standardization J Biol StandJournal of biologyJ Biol0Journal of bioluminescence and chemiluminescenceJ Biolumin Chemilumin$Journal of biomaterials applicationsJ Biomater Appl0Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer editionJ Biomater Sci Polym Ed$Journal of biomechanical engineering J Biomech EngJournal of biomechanics J Biomech1Journal of biomedical discovery and collaborationJ Biomed Discov Collab!Journal of biomedical engineering J Biomed Eng!Journal of biomedical informaticsJ Biomed Inform(Journal of biomedical materials researchJ Biomed Mater Res0Journal of biomedical materials research. Part AJ Biomed Mater Res AFJournal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials"J Biomed Mater Res B Appl BiomaterJournal of biomedical optics J Biomed OptJournal of biomedical science J Biomed Sci&Journal of biomedicine & biotechnologyJ Biomed BiotechnolJournal of biomolecular NMR J Biomol NMRbJournal of biomolecular screening : the official journal of the Society for Biomolecular ScreeningJ Biomol Screen,Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamicsJ Biomol Struct Dyn(Journal of biomolecular techniques : JBT J Biomol Tech'Journal of biopharmaceutical statisticsJ Biopharm Stat(Journal of bioscience and bioengineeringJ Biosci BioengJournal of biosciencesJ BiosciJournal of biosocial science J Biosoc Sci(Journal of biosocial science. SupplementJ Biosoc Sci SupplJournal of biotechnology J BiotechnolJournal of black studies J Black Stud&Journal of bone and mineral metabolismJ Bone Miner MetabqJournal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral ResearchJ Bone Miner Res6Journal of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injury"J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve InjJournal of bryologyJ BryolWJournal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn AssociationJ Burn Care ResJournal of burns and woundsJ Burns Wounds#Journal of business (Chicago, Ill.)J Bus"Journal of business and psychology J Bus Psychol Journal of business ethics : JBE J Bus EthicsJournal of business research J Bus RescJournal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education J Cancer Educ-Journal of cancer epidemiology and preventionJ Cancer Epidemiol Prev0Journal of cancer research and clinical oncologyJ Cancer Res Clin Oncol+Journal of cancer research and therapeuticsJ Cancer Res Ther$Journal of capillary electrophoresisJ Capillary Electrophor=Journal of capillary electrophoresis and microchip technology&J Capill Electrophor Microchip Technol!Journal of carbohydrate chemistryJ Carbohydr ChemJournal of carcinogenesis J CarcinogJournal of cardiac failure J Card FailJournal of cardiac surgery J Card SurgJournal of cardiography J Cardiogr#Journal of cardiography. SupplementJ Cardiogr SupplJournal of cardiology J Cardiol!Journal of cardiology. SupplementJ Cardiol Suppl)Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitationJ Cardiopulm Rehabil8Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and preventionJ Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev1Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesiaJ Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth$Journal of cardiothoracic anesthesiaJ Cardiothorac Anesth!Journal of cardiothoracic surgeryJ Cardiothorac Surg2Journal of cardiovascular diagnosis and proceduresJ Cardiovasc Diagn Proced+Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiologyJ Cardiovasc ElectrophysioltJournal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic ResonanceJ Cardiovasc Magn Reson4Journal of cardiovascular medicine (Hagerstown, Md.)J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown)&Journal of cardiovascular pharmacologyJ Cardiovasc Pharmacol7Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeuticsJ Cardiovasc Pharmacol TherJournal of cardiovascular riskJ Cardiovasc RiskJournal of case management J Case Manag*Journal of cataract and refractive surgeryJ Cataract Refract SurgJournal of cell science J Cell Sci#Journal of cell science. SupplementJ Cell Sci Suppl.Journal of cellular and comparative physiologyJ Cell Comp Physiol*Journal of cellular and molecular medicineJ Cell Mol Med Journal of cellular biochemistryJ Cell Biochem,Journal of cellular biochemistry. SupplementJ Cell Biochem SupplJournal of cellular physiologyJ Cell Physiol*Journal of cellular physiology. SupplementJ Cell Physiol SupplJournal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismJ Cereb Blood Flow Metab!Journal of chemical documentation J Chem DocJournal of chemical ecology J Chem EcolJournal of chemical education J Chem Educ5Journal of chemical information and computer sciencesJ Chem Inf Comput Sci,Journal of chemical information and modelingJ Chem Inf Model Journal of chemical neuroanatomyJ Chem NeuroanatMJournal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)J Chem Technol Biotechnol*Journal of chemical theory and computationJ Chem Theory Comput)Journal of chemotherapy (Florence, Italy) J ChemotherEJournal of child and adolescent psychiatric and mental health nursing*J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Ment Health NursJournal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing : official publication of the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nurses, IncJ Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs2Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacologyJ Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol#Journal of child and family nursingJ Child Fam Nurs#Journal of child and family studiesJ Child Fam StuddJournal of child health care : for professionals working with children in the hospital and communityJ Child Health CareJournal of child language J Child LangJournal of child neurologyJ Child Neurol0Journal of child nutrition & management (Online)J Child Nutr ManagBJournal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesJ Child Psychol PsychiatryJournal of child sexual abuseJ Child Sex Abus"Journal of chromatographic scienceJ Chromatogr SciJournal of chromatography J ChromatogrJournal of chromatography. AJ Chromatogr AYJournal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences-J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci5Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical applicationsJ Chromatogr B Biomed ApplBJournal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applicationsJ Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl/Journal of chromatography. Supplementary volumeJ Chromatogr SupplJournal of chronic diseases J Chronic DisJournal of circadian rhythmsJ Circadian RhythmsJournal of climateJ Clim+Journal of clinical & laboratory immunologyJ Clin Lab Immunol;Journal of clinical and experimental hematopathology : JCEHJ Clin Exp HematopwJournal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology : official journal of the International Neuropsychological SocietyJ Clin Exp Neuropsychol4Journal of clinical and experimental psychopathologyJ Clin Exp PsychopatholcJournal of clinical and experimental psychopathology & quarterly review of psychiatry and neurology/J Clin Exp Psychopathol Q Rev Psychiatry Neurol)Journal of clinical and hospital pharmacyJ Clin Hosp PharmJournal of clinical anesthesia J Clin AnesthJournal of clinical apheresis J Clin ApherqJournal of clinical chemistry and clinical biochemistry. Zeitschrift fur klinische Chemie und klinische BiochemieJ Clin Chem Clin BiochemJournal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol$Journal of clinical child psychologyJ Clin Child PsycholJournal of clinical computing J Clin ComputnJournal of clinical densitometry : the official journal of the International Society for Clinical DensitometryJ Clin DensitomJournal of clinical engineering J Clin Eng Journal of clinical epidemiologyJ Clin Epidemiol%Journal of clinical forensic medicineJ Clin Forensic Med$Journal of clinical gastroenterologyJ Clin Gastroenterol Journal of clinical hypertensionJ Clin Hypertens3Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.)J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich)Journal of clinical immunologyJ Clin Immunol(Journal of clinical issues in psychologyJ Clin Issues Psychol'Journal of clinical laboratory analysisJ Clin Lab Anal,Journal of clinical laser medicine & surgeryJ Clin Laser Med Surg Journal of clinical microbiologyJ Clin MicrobiolJournal of clinical monitoring J Clin Monit,Journal of clinical monitoring and computingJ Clin Monit Comput'Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmologyJ Clin Neuroophthalmol)Journal of clinical neuromuscular diseaseJ Clin Neuromuscul DisjJournal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic SocietyJ Clin Neurophysiol#Journal of clinical neuropsychologyJ Clin Neuropsychol_Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of AustralasiaJ Clin NeurosciJournal of clinical nursing J Clin Nurs\Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology J Clin Oncol&Journal of clinical orthodontics : JCO J Clin Orthod.Journal of clinical outcomes management : JCOMJ Clin Outcomes ManagJournal of clinical pathology J Clin PatholPJournal of clinical pathology. Supplement (Association of Clinical Pathologists)'J Clin Pathol Suppl (Assoc Clin Pathol)CJournal of clinical pathology. Supplement (College of Pathologists)J Clin Pathol Suppl Coll PatholIJournal of clinical pathology. Supplement (Royal College of Pathologists)#J Clin Pathol Suppl (R Coll Pathol)"Journal of clinical periodontologyJ Clin Periodontol Journal of clinical pharmacologyJ Clin Pharmacol-Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeuticsJ Clin Pharm TherJournal of clinical psychologyJ Clin Psychol2Journal of clinical psychology in medical settingsJ Clin Psychol Med Settings&Journal of clinical psychopharmacologyJ Clin Psychopharmacol2Journal of clinical research and drug development.J Clin Res Drug Dev\Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseasesJ Clin RheumatoljJournal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep MedicineJ Clin Sleep Med+Journal of clinical stomatology conferencesJ Clin Stomatol Conf$Journal of clinical ultrasound : JCUJ Clin UltrasoundiJournal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology J Clin Virol!Journal of cognitive neuroscienceJ Cogn Neurosci7Journal of collective negotiations in the public sector"J Collect Negotiations Public Sect#Journal of college science teachingJ Coll Sci Teach(Journal of colloid and interface scienceJ Colloid Interface SciJournal of colloid science J Colloid Sci"Journal of combinatorial chemistry J Comb Chem%Journal of combinatorial optimization J Comb Optim Journal of common market studiesJ Common Mark Stud"Journal of communication disordersJ Commun Disord0Journal of community & applied social psychologyJ Community Appl Soc PsycholJournal of community healthJ Community Health#Journal of community health nursingJ Community Health NursJournal of community psychologyJ Community Psychol3Journal of comparative and physiological psychologyJ Comp Physiol Psychol Journal of comparative economics J Comp Econ%Journal of comparative family studiesJ Comp Fam Stud Journal of comparative pathology J Comp Pathol_Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology5J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav PhysiolPJournal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiologyJ Comp Physiol [A]YJournal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiologyJ Comp Physiol [B]!Journal of comparative psychologyJ Comp Psychol;Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983)J Comp PsycholTJournal of computational biology : a journal of computational molecular cell biology J Comput Biol"Journal of computational chemistry J Comput Chem$Journal of computational electronicsJ Comput Electron%Journal of computational neuroscienceJ Comput Neurosci'Journal of computer assisted tomographyJ Comput Assist Tomogr*Journal of computer-aided molecular designJ Comput Aided Mol Des'Journal of computer-assisted microscopyJ Comput Assist Microsc-Journal of consulting and clinical psychologyJ Consult Clin Psychol Journal of consulting psychologyJ Consult Psychol Journal of contaminant hydrologyJ Contam Hydrol.Journal of contemporary African studies : JCASJ Contemp Afr StudJournal of contemporary AsiaJ Contemp Asia#Journal of contemporary ethnographyJ Contemp EthnogrJournal of contemporary historyJ Contemp HistJournal of contemporary law J Contemp Law*Journal of continuing education in nursingJ Contin Educ NursRJournal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release SocietyJ Control ReleasejJournal of cosmetic and laser therapy : official publication of the European Society for Laser DermatologyJ Cosmet Laser TherJournal of cosmetic dermatologyJ Cosmet DermatolJournal of cosmetic science J Cosmet Sci+Journal of counseling and development : JCD J Couns Dev Journal of counseling psychologyJ Couns Psychol}Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery : official publication of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial SurgeryJ Craniomaxillofac Surg:Journal of craniofacial genetics and developmental biologyJ Craniofac Genet Dev BiolFJournal of craniofacial genetics and developmental biology. Supplement J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol Suppl:Journal of craniomandibular disorders : facial & oral painJ Craniomandib DisordJournal of criminal justiceJ Crim JusticeJournal of critical care J Crit Care%Journal of cross-cultural gerontologyJ Cross Cult Gerontol$Journal of cross-cultural psychologyJ Cross Cult PsycholJournal of crustacean biology : a quarterly of the Crustacean Society for the publication of research on any aspect of the biology of crustaceaJ Crustacean BiolJournal of crystal growthJ Cryst GrowthJournal of cultural diversity J Cult Divers Journal of current social issuesJ Curr Soc Issues"Journal of cutaneous laser therapyJ Cutan Laser Ther)Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgeryJ Cutan Med SurgJournal of cutaneous pathologyJ Cutan PatholAJournal of cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research(J Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphor Res%Journal of cyclic nucleotide researchJ Cyclic Nucleotide ResUJournal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society J Cyst FibrosJournal of dairy science J Dairy Sci*Journal of deaf studies and deaf educationJ Deaf Stud Deaf EducJournal of dental education J Dent EducIJournal of dental hygiene : JDH / American Dental Hygienists' Association J Dent HygJournal of dental practice administration : JDPA : official publication of American Academy of Dental Practice Administration, Organization of Teachers of Dental Practice Administration, American Academy of Dental Group PracticeJ Dent Pract AdmJournal of dental research J Dent ResoJournal of dental technology : the peer-reviewed publication of the National Association of Dental LaboratoriesJ Dent TechnolJournal of dentistryJ Dent!Journal of dentistry for children J Dent Child1Journal of dentistry for children (Chicago, Ill.)J Dent Child (Chic)(Journal of dentistry for the handicappedJ Dent Handicap!Journal of dermatological scienceJ Dermatol SciJournal of developing societies J Dev Soc Journal of development economics J Dev Econ9Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBPJ Dev Behav Pediatr2Journal of developmental and physical disabilitiesJ Dev Phys Disabil#Journal of developmental physiology J Dev Physiol)Journal of diabetes and its complicationsJ Diabetes ComplicationsJournal of dialysisJ Dial'Journal of diarrhoeal diseases researchJ Diarrhoeal Dis ResJournal of digestive diseases J Dig DisgJournal of digital imaging : the official journal of the Society for Computer Applications in RadiologyJ Digit ImagingJournal of divorce J DivorceJournal of divorce & remarriageJ Divorce & RemarriageJournal of drug education J Drug EducJournal of drug issues J Drug IssuesJournal of drug research J Drug ResJournal of drug targeting J Drug Target%Journal of drugs in dermatology : JDDJ Drugs DermatolJournal of dual diagnosis J Dual Diagn4Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and controlJ Dyn Syst Meas ControlJournal of econometricsJ Econom4Journal of economic and social history of the orientJ Econ Soc Hist Orient*Journal of economic and social measurementJ Econ Soc Meas+Journal of economic behavior & organizationJ Econ Behav Organ&Journal of economic dynamics & controlJ Econ Dyn ControlJournal of economic entomologyJ Econ EntomolJournal of economic issues J Econ IssuesJournal of economic literature J Econ Lit/Journal of economic studies (Glasgow, Scotland) J Econ StudJournal of economic surveys J Econ SurvJournal of economic theory J Econ Theory!Journal of economics and business J Econ BusJournal of ecumenical studiesJ Ecumenical Stud$Journal of education for social workJ Educ Soc Work1Journal of educational administration and historyJ Educ Adm Hist!Journal of educational psychologyJ Educ Psychol Journal of elder abuse & neglectJ Elder Abuse Negl<Journal of electrical and electronics engineering, AustraliaJ Electr Electron Eng AustJournal of electrocardiologyJ ElectrocardiolJournal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological KinesiologyJ Electromyogr KinesiolJournal of electron microscopyJ Electron Microsc (Tokyo)(Journal of electron microscopy techniqueJ Electron Microsc TechJournal of electronic imagingJ Electron Imaging1Journal of embryology and experimental morphologyJ Embryol Exp MorpholgJournal of emergency nursing: JEN : official publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association J Emerg Nurs?Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHREJ Empir Res Hum Res Ethics)Journal of endocrinological investigationJ Endocrinol InvestJournal of endodonticsJ EndodJournal of endotoxin researchJ Endotoxin Res/Journal of endourology / Endourological Society J EndourollJournal of endovascular surgery : the official journal of the International Society for Endovascular SurgeryJ Endovasc SurgnJournal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular SpecialistsJ Endovasc Ther!Journal of engineering psychology J Eng PsycholJournal of enterostomal therapyJ Enterostomal TherJJournal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, IndiaJ Environ Biol1Journal of environmental economics and managementJ Environ Econ ManageJournal of environmental healthJ Environ Health#Journal of environmental managementJ Environ Manage)Journal of environmental monitoring : JEMJ Environ Monit1Journal of environmental pathology and toxicologyJ Environ Pathol ToxicolJournal of environmental pathology, toxicology and oncology : official organ of the International Society for Environmental Toxicology and CancerJ Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol#Journal of environmental psychologyJ Environ Psychol Journal of environmental qualityJ Environ Qual&Journal of environmental radioactivityJ Environ Radioact.Journal of environmental science & engineeringJ Environ Sci EngJournal of environmental science and health. Part A, Environmental science and engineering & toxic and hazardous substance controlAJ Environ Sci Health A Environ Sci Eng Toxic Hazard Subst ControlkJournal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering3J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ EngiJournal of environmental science and health. Part C, Environmental carcinogenesis & ecotoxicology reviews6J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol RevRJournal of environmental science and health. Part C: Environmental health sciencesJ Environ Sci Health ClJournal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastesJ Environ Sci Health B)Journal of environmental sciences (China)J Environ Sci (China)Journal of enzyme inhibitionJ Enzyme Inhib4Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistryJ Enzyme Inhib Med Chem;Journal of epidemiology / Japan Epidemiological Association J Epidemiol)Journal of epidemiology and biostatisticsJ Epidemiol Biostat,Journal of epidemiology and community healthJ Epidemiol Community HealthJournal of epilepsy J EpilepsyJournal of esthetic and restorative dentistry : official publication of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry ... [et al.]J Esthet Restor DentJournal of esthetic dentistry J Esthet Dent!Journal of ethics, law, and agingJ Ethics Law Aging'Journal of ethnic and migration studiesJ Ethn Migr Stud'Journal of ethnicity in substance abuseJ Ethn Subst Abuse)Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicineJ Ethnobiol EthnomedJournal of ethnopharmacologyJ Ethnopharmacol*Journal of evaluation in clinical practiceJ Eval Clin Pract3Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiologyJ Evol Biochem PhysiolJournal of evolutionary biology J Evol BiolJournal of existentialism J Existent8Journal of experimental & clinical assisted reproductionJ Exp Clin Assist Reprod7Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CRJ Exp Clin Cancer Res&Journal of experimental animal scienceJ Exp Anim SciJournal of experimental botany J Exp Bot(Journal of experimental child psychologyJ Exp Child Psychol2Journal of experimental marine biology and ecologyJ Exp Mar Bio Ecol(Journal of experimental medical sciences J Exp Med Sci!Journal of experimental pathology J Exp Pathol3Journal of experimental pathology (Oxford, England)J Exp Pathol (Oxford)"Journal of experimental psychology J Exp Psychol=Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process+Journal of experimental psychology. AppliedJ Exp Psychol Appl+Journal of experimental psychology. GeneralJ Exp Psychol Gen=Journal of experimental psychology. Human learning and memoryJ Exp Psychol [Hum Learn]DJournal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance!J Exp Psychol Hum Percept PerformCJournal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognitionJ Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn)Journal of experimental social psychologyJ Exp Soc Psychol/Journal of experimental therapeutics & oncologyJ Exp Ther OncolIJournal of experimental zoology. Part A, Comparative experimental biologyJ Exp Zoolog A Comp Exp BiolKJournal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology$J Exp Zool Part A Ecol Genet PhysiolNJournal of experimental zoology. Part B. Molecular and developmental evolutionJ Exp Zoolog B Mol Dev Evol;Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiologyJ Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol8Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiologyJ Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol%Journal of family and economic issuesJ Fam Econ Issues!Journal of family health trainingJ Famil Health TrainJournal of family history J Fam HistJournal of family issues J Fam Issues>Journal of family law / University of Louisville School of Law J Fam LawJournal of family nursing J Fam NursJournal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43) J Fam PsycholJournal of family psychotherapyJ Fam PsychotherJournal of family violenceJ Fam Violence&Journal of feline medicine and surgeryJ Feline Med Surg"Journal of feminist family therapyJ Fem Fam TherJournal of fish biology J Fish BiolJournal of fish diseases J Fish DisJournal of fluency disordersJ Fluency DisordJournal of fluid mechanics J Fluid MechJournal of fluorescence J FluorescJournal of fluorine chemistry J Fluor ChemJournal of foetal medicine J Foetal MedJournal of food composition and analysis : an official publication of the United Nations University, International Network of Food Data SystemsJ Food Compost Anal#Journal of food process engineeringJ Food Process EngJournal of food protection J Food ProtJournal of food quality J Food QualJournal of food science J Food SciJournal of forecasting J Forecast&Journal of forensic and legal medicineJ Forensic Leg MedJournal of forensic medicineJ Forensic MedJournal of forensic nursingJ Forensic NursJournal of forensic sciencesJ Forensic Sci.Journal of free radicals in biology & medicineJ Free Radic Biol MedJournal of gambling studies / co-sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling and Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming J Gambl StudJournal of garden history J Gard HistJournal of gastroenterologyJ Gastroenterol*Journal of gastroenterology and hepatologyJ Gastroenterol Hepatol5Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases : JGLDJ Gastrointestin Liver DisiJournal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary TractJ Gastrointest SurgJournal of general internal medicine : official journal of the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal MedicineJ Gen Intern MedJournal of general microbiologyJ Gen MicrobiolJournal of general orthodontics J Gen OrthodJournal of genetic counseling J Genet CounsJournal of geneticsJ GenetJournal of geographical systems J Geogr SystJournal of geophysical research J Geophys Res,Journal of geriatric physical therapy (2001)J Geriatr Phys TherJournal of geriatric psychiatryJ Geriatr Psychiatry-Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurologyJ Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol!Journal of gerontological nursingJ Gerontol Nurs%Journal of gerontological social workJ Gerontol Soc WorkJournal of gerontology J GerontolJournal of glass studies J Glass StudJournal of glaucoma J Glaucoma[Journal of government information : an international review of policy, issues and resources J Gov InfiJournal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational PhysiologyJ Gravit Physiol:Journal of group psychotherapy, psychodrama and sociometry%J Group Psychother Psychodrama SociomJournal of guidance, control, and dynamics : a publication of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics devoted to the technology of dynamics and controlJ Guid Control Dyn'Journal of gynaecological endocrinologyJ Gynaecol EndocrinolJournal of gynecologic surgeryJ Gynecol Surg+Journal of halacha and contemporary societyJ Halacha Contemporary Society-Journal of hand surgery (Edinburgh, Scotland)J Hand Surg [Br]UJournal of hand therapy : official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists J Hand TherJournal of happiness studiesJ Happiness StudJournal of hazardous materialsJ Hazard Mater6Journal of health & population in developing countriesJ Health Popul Dev Ctries!Journal of health & social policyJ Health Soc PolicyJournal of health and hospital law : a publication of the American Academy of Hospital Attorneys of the American Hospital AssociationJ Health Hosp Law$Journal of health and human behaviorJ Health Hum Behav4Journal of health and human resources administrationJ Health Hum Resour Adm3Journal of health and human services administrationJ Health Hum Serv Adm%Journal of health and social behaviorJ Health Soc BehavJournal of health care benefitsJ Health Care Benefits!Journal of health care chaplaincyJ Health Care ChaplainJournal of health care financeJ Health Care Finance3Journal of health care for the poor and underservedJ Health Care Poor UnderservedJournal of health care interior design : proceedings from the ... Annual National Symposium on Health Care Interior Design. National Symposium on Health Care Interior Design (U.S.)J Health Care Inter DesJournal of health care interior design : proceedings from the ... Symposium on Health Care Interior Design. Symposium on Health Care Interior DesignJ Health Care Inter Des#Journal of health care law & policyJ Health Care Law Policy Journal of health care marketingJ Health Care Mark!Journal of health care technologyJ Health Care TechnolJournal of health communicationJ Health CommunJournal of health economics J Health EconQJournal of health education / Association for the Advancement of Health Education J Health EducJournal of health law J Health LawJournal of health managementJ Health Manag-Journal of health organization and managementJ Health Organ Manag*Journal of health politics, policy and lawJ Health Polit Policy LawJournal of health psychologyJ Health Psychol,Journal of health services research & policyJ Health Serv Res Policy,Journal of health, population, and nutritionJ Health Popul NutrvJournal of healthcare design : proceedings from the ... Symposium on Healthcare Design. Symposium on Healthcare Design J Healthc DesJournal of healthcare education and training : the journal of the American Society for Healthcare Education and Training / American Hospital AssociationJ Healthc Educ Train3Journal of healthcare information management : JHIMJ Healthc Inf ManagLJournal of healthcare management / American College of Healthcare ExecutivesJ Healthc Manag)Journal of healthcare materiel managementJ Healthc Mater ManagepJournal of healthcare protection management : publication of the International Association for Hospital SecurityJ Healthc Prot Manage)Journal of healthcare resource managementJ Healthc Resour ManagjJournal of healthcare risk management : the journal of the American Society for Healthcare Risk ManagementJ Healthc Risk ManagJournal of helminthology J HelmintholJournal of hematotherapy J Hematother-Journal of hematotherapy & stem cell researchJ Hematother Stem Cell Res,Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgeryJ Hepatobiliary Pancreat SurgJournal of hepatology J Hepatol(Journal of hepatology. Supplement / EASLJ Hepatol Suppl!Journal of herbal pharmacotherapyJ Herb Pharmacother!Journal of heterocyclic chemistryJ Heterocycl Chem/Journal of high resolution chromatography : HRCJ High Resolut ChromatogrJournal of historical geography J Hist GeogrJournal of historical sociology J Hist SociolJournal of histotechnologyJ Histotechnol[Journal of holistic nursing : official journal of the American Holistic Nurses' Association J Holist NursJournal of home economics J Home EconJournal of homosexuality J Homosex#Journal of hospital dental practiceJ Hosp Dent PractJournal of hospital marketing J Hosp Mark0Journal of hospital marketing & public relationsJ Hosp Mark Public Relations%Journal of hospital medicine (Online) J Hosp Med8Journal of hospital supply, processing, and distributionJ Hosp Supply Process Distrib'Journal of human ecology (Delhi, India) J Hum EcolJournal of human ergologyJ Hum Ergol (Tokyo)Journal of human evolution J Hum EvolJournal of human genetics J Hum GenetJournal of human hypertensionJ Hum Hypertens_Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association J Hum LactJournal of human nutrition J Hum NutrcJournal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic AssociationJ Hum Nutr DietJournal of human stressJ Human StressJournal of human virology J Hum Virol>Journal of hygiene, epidemiology, microbiology, and immunology!J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol ImmunolJournal of hypertension J HypertenscJournal of hypertension. Supplement : official journal of the International Society of HypertensionJ Hypertens SupplJournal of image guided surgeryJ Image Guid Surg&Journal of immigrant & refugee studiesJ Immigr Refug StudLJournal of immigrant and minority health / Center for Minority Public HealthJ Immigr Minor HealthJournal of immigrant healthJ Immigr Health.Journal of immune based therapies and vaccinesJ Immune Based Ther VaccinesJournal of immunoassay J Immunoassay(Journal of immunoassay & immunochemistryJ Immunoassay ImmunochemJournal of immunogenetics J Immunogenet Journal of immunological methodsJ Immunol Methods-Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) J ImmunolJournal of immunopharmacologyJ Immunopharmacol1Journal of immunotherapy (Hagerstown, Md. : 1997)J Immunother (1997)QJournal of immunotherapy : official journal of the Society for Biological Therapy J ImmunothersJournal of immunotherapy with emphasis on tumor immunology : official journal of the Society for Biological Therapy#J Immunother Emphasis Tumor Immunol;Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer : IVFJ In Vitro Fert Embryo Transf Journal of individual psychologyJ Individ Psychol"Journal of industrial microbiologyJ Ind Microbiol2Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnologyJ Ind Microbiol Biotechnol]Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of ChemotherapyJ Infect ChemotherJournal of inflammation J Inflamm)Journal of inflammation (London, England)J Inflamm (Lond)Journal of information ethicsJ Infor EthicsUJournal of infusion nursing : the official publication of the Infusion Nurses Society J Infus Nurs&Journal of inherited metabolic diseaseJ Inherit Metab Dis!Journal of inorganic biochemistryJ Inorg BiochemJournal of insect physiologyJ Insect Physiol"Journal of insect science (Online) J Insect SciJournal of insurance medicine J Insur Med.Journal of insurance medicine (New York, N.Y.) J Insur Med#Journal of integrative neuroscienceJ Integr Neurosci2Journal of intellectual & developmental disabilityJ Intellect Dev Disabil+Journal of intellectual disabilities : JOIDJ Intellect Disabil2Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDRJ Intellect Disabil Res"Journal of intensive care medicineJ Intensive Care Med2Journal of interamerican studies and world affairsJ Inter Am Stud World Aff2Journal of intercultural studies (Melbourne, Vic.)J Intercult Stud+Journal of interdisciplinary cycle researchJ Interdiscipl Cycle ResJournal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine ResearchJ Interferon Cytokine ResJournal of interferon researchJ Interferon ResJournal of internal medicine J Intern Med(Journal of internal medicine. SupplementJ Intern Med Suppl Journal of international affairs J Int Aff$Journal of international development J Int Dev"Journal of international economics J Int Econ!Journal of interpersonal violenceJ Interpers Violence!Journal of interprofessional careJ Interprof CarehJournal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacingJ Interv Card Electrophysiol$Journal of interventional cardiologyJ Interv Cardiol[Journal of intravenous nursing : the official publication of the Intravenous Nurses SocietyJ Intraven Nurs!Journal of invertebrate pathologyJ Invertebr PatholJournal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology : official organ of the International Association of Asthmology (INTERASMA) and Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia e Inmunologia J Investig Allergol Clin ImmunolmJournal of investigative medicine : the official publication of the American Federation for Clinical ResearchJ Investig Med[Journal of investigative surgery : the official journal of the Academy of Surgical Research J Invest SurgJournal of labelled compoundsJ Labelled Compd4Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticalsJ Labelled Comp RadiopharmJournal of labor economics J Labor EconJournal of labor research J Labor ResBJournal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part AJ Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A#Journal of laparoendoscopic surgeryJ Laparoendosc SurgJournal of laser applications J Laser Appl&Journal of law and ethics in dentistryJ Law Ethics DentJournal of law and health J Law HealthJournal of law and medicine J Law MedJournal of law and policy J Law PolicyJournal of law and society J Law Soc Journal of learning disabilitiesJ Learn DisabilJournal of legal education J Legal EducJournal of legislationJ LegisJournal of lesbian studiesJ Lesbian StudJournal of leukocyte biology J Leukoc Biol(Journal of leukocyte biology. SupplementJ Leukoc Biol SupplJournal of librarianshipJ Libr5Journal of library history (Tallahassee, Fla. : 1974) J Libr HistJournal of lipid mediatorsJ Lipid Mediat.Journal of lipid mediators and cell signallingJ Lipid Mediat Cell SignalJournal of lipid research J Lipid ResJournal of liposome researchJ Liposome Res Journal of liquid chromatographyJ Liq Chromatogr0Journal of long-term effects of medical implantsJ Long Term Eff Med Implants&Journal of lower genital tract diseaseJ Low Genit Tract Dis+Journal of machine learning research : JMLRJ Mach Learn ResJournal of macroeconomics J Macroecon8Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997) J Magn Reson,Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRIJ Magn Reson Imaging'Journal of magnetic resonance. Series AJ Magn Reson A'Journal of magnetic resonance. Series BJ Magn Reson BJournal of mammalian evolution J Mamm EvolJournal of mammalogyJ Mammal.Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasiaJ Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia'Journal of managed care pharmacy : JMCPJ Manag Care Pharm!Journal of management in medicine J Manag Med6Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeuticsJ Manipulative Physiol TherJournal of marine biotechnologyJ Mar Biotechnol%Journal of marital and family therapyJ Marital Fam TherJournal of marketingJ Mark&Journal of marketing for mental healthJ Mark Ment Health$Journal of marketing for professions J Mark Prof)Journal of marriage and family counselingJ Marriage Fam Couns"Journal of marriage and the familyJ Marriage Fam"Journal of mass spectrometry : JMSJ Mass SpectromJournal of materials research J Mater Res$Journal of materials science lettersJ Mater Sci Lett3Journal of materials science. Materials in medicineJ Mater Sci Mater MedJournal of maternal-fetal investigation : the official journal of French Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology ... [et al.]J Matern Fetal Investig1Journal of mathematical analysis and applicationsJ Math Anal ApplJournal of mathematical biology J Math Biol!Journal of mathematical chemistry J Math Chem"Journal of mathematical psychologyJ Math Psychol$Journal of maxillofacial orthopedicsJ Maxillofac Orthop Journal of maxillofacial surgeryJ Maxillofac Surg+Journal of mechanochemistry & cell motilityJ Mechanochem Cell Motil$Journal of medical Internet researchJ Med Internet Res&Journal of medical and dental sciencesJ Med Dent Sci~Journal of medical and veterinary mycology : bi-monthly publication of the International Society for Human and Animal MycologyJ Med Vet MycolJournal of medical biography J Med BiogrJournal of medical case reportsJ Med Case ReportsJournal of medical education J Med Educ+Journal of medical engineering & technologyJ Med Eng TechnolJournal of medical entomology J Med Entomol)Journal of medical entomology. SupplementJ Med Entomol SupplJournal of medical ethics J Med EthicsJournal of medical genetics J Med GenetJournal of medical microbiologyJ Med MicrobiolJournal of medical primatologyJ Med PrimatolJournal of medical science J Med Sci,Journal of medical sciences (Taipei, Taiwan) J Med SciJournal of medical screening J Med Screen,Journal of medical speech-language pathologyJ Med Speech Lang PatholJournal of medical systems J Med SystJournal of medical technology : official publication of American Medical Technologists [and] American Society for Medical Technology J Med TechnolJournal of medical virology J Med Virol1Journal of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistryJ Med Pharm ChemJournal of medicinal chemistry J Med ChemJournal of medicinal food J Med FoodJournal of medicineJ MedQJournal of medicine and law / Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University J Med LawJournal of medieval history J Mediev HistJournal of membrane science J Memb SciJournal of memory and language J Mem Lang%Journal of mental deficiency researchJ Ment Defic Res'Journal of mental health administrationJ Ment Health Adm"Journal of microbiological methodsJ Microbiol Methods&Journal of microbiology (Seoul, Korea) J Microbiol)Journal of microbiology and biotechnologyJ Microbiol BiotechnolnJournal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology. Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii J Microbiol Epidemiol ImmunobiolJournal of microelectromechanical systems : a joint IEEE and ASME publication on microstructures, microactuators, microsensors, and microsystemsJ Microelectromech SystJournal of microencapsulationJ MicroencapsulJournal of microscopy J MicroscJournal of microsurgery J Microsurg%Journal of midwifery & women's healthJ Midwifery Womens Health(Journal of minimally invasive gynecologyJ Minim Invasive Gynecol5Journal of modern applied statistical methods : JMASMJ Mod Appl Stat Methods)Journal of molecular and applied geneticsJ Mol Appl Genet,Journal of molecular and cellular cardiologyJ Mol Cell CardiolJournal of molecular biology J Mol Biol"Journal of molecular endocrinologyJ Mol EndocrinolJournal of molecular evolution J Mol EvolJournal of molecular graphics J Mol Graph)Journal of molecular graphics & modellingJ Mol Graph ModelJournal of molecular histology J Mol HistolJournal of molecular medicine J Mol Med/Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany) J Mol Med3Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnologyJ Mol Microbiol BiotechnolJournal of molecular modeling J Mol Model&Journal of molecular neuroscience : MNJ Mol Neurosci&Journal of molecular recognition : JMRJ Mol RecognitJournal of molecular signaling J Mol Signal!Journal of molecular spectroscopyJ Mol SpectroscJournal of molecular structure J Mol StructJournal of moral education J Moral EducJournal of morphology J MorpholJournal of motor behavior J Mot Behav3Journal of multicultural counseling and developmentJ Multicult Couns Devel$Journal of multicultural social workJ Multicult Soc Work,Journal of muscle research and cell motilityJ Muscle Res Cell Motil2Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions!J Musculoskelet Neuronal InteractJournal of music therapy J Music TherJournal of nanobiotechnologyJ Nanobiotechnology)Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnologyJ Nanosci NanotechnolJournal of natural products J Nat ProdJournal of natural toxins J Nat Toxins*Journal of negative results in biomedicineJ Negat Results BiomedJournal of nematology J NematolJournal of nephrology J NephrolJournal of nephrology nursingJ Nephrol NursJournal of neural engineering J Neural EngJournal of neural transmissionJ Neural Transm7Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996)J Neural Transm/Journal of neural transmission. General sectionJ Neural Transm Gen SectHJournal of neural transmission. Parkinson's disease and dementia section$J Neural Transm Park Dis Dement Sect,Journal of neural transmission. SupplementumJ Neural Transm Suppl!Journal of neural transplantationJ Neural Transplant.Journal of neural transplantation & plasticityJ Neural Transplant PlastJournal of neuro-AIDS J NeuroAIDSJournal of neuro-oncology J NeurooncolgJournal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyJ Neuroophthalmol#Journal of neuro-visceral relationsJ Neurovisc RelatJournal of neurobiology J NeurobiolJournal of neurochemistry J NeurochemJournal of neurocytology J NeurocytolJournal of neuroendocrinologyJ Neuroendocrinol.Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitationJ Neuroeng RehabilJournal of neurogenetics J NeurogenetRJournal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of NeuroimagingJ NeuroimagingJournal of neuroimmunologyJ Neuroimmunol&Journal of neuroimmunology. SupplementJ Neuroimmunol SupplJournal of neuroinflammationJ NeuroinflammationJournal of neurolinguisticsJ Neurolinguistics-Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPTJ Neurol Phys Ther$Journal of neurologic rehabilitationJ Neurol RehabilJournal of neurologyJ Neurol2Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatryJ Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry0Journal of neuropathic pain & symptom palliation%J Neuropathic Pain Symptom Palliation4Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurologyJ Neuropathol Exp NeurolJournal of neurophysiologyJ NeurophysiolJournal of neuropsychiatryJ Neuropsychiatr5Journal of neuroradiology. Journal de neuroradiologie J NeuroradiolJournal of neuroscience methodsJ Neurosci Methods Journal of neuroscience researchJ Neurosci ResJournal of neurosurgery J NeurosurgJournal of neurosurgery. SpineJ Neurosurg Spine'Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiologyJ Neurosurg Anesthesiol Journal of neurosurgical nursingJ Neurosurg Nurs!Journal of neurosurgical sciencesJ Neurosurg SciJournal of neurotrauma J NeurotraumaJournal of neurovirology J Neurovirol=Journal of nuclear biology and medicine (Turin, Italy : 1991)J Nucl Biol MedbJournal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear CardiologyJ Nucl CardiolOJournal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine J Nucl Med&Journal of nuclear medicine technologyJ Nucl Med TechnolJournal of nurse-midwiferyJ Nurse MidwiferyJournal of nursing care qualityJ Nurs Care QualbJournal of nursing history : a publication of the Nursing Archives Associates at Boston University J Nurs HistJournal of nursing law J Nurs LawJournal of nursing management J Nurs ManagJournal of nursing measurement J Nurs Meas$Journal of nursing quality assuranceJ Nurs Qual AssurJournal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta TauJ Nurs Scholarsh+Journal of nursing staff development : JNSDJ Nurs Staff Dev"Journal of nutrition and dietetics J Nutr DietJournal of nutrition education J Nutr Educ+Journal of nutrition education and behaviorJ Nutr Educ Behav$Journal of nutrition for the elderly J Nutr Elder/Journal of nutritional science and vitaminologyJ Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo)HJournal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN / NAACOGJ Obstet Gynecol Neonatal NursAJournal of obstetrics & gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa"J Obstet Gynaecol East Cent Africa%Journal of obstetrics and gynaecologyJ Obstet Gynaecol (Lahore)4Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (Tokyo, Japan)J Obstet GynaecolbJournal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and GynaecologyJ Obstet Gynaecol.Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of IndiaJ Obstet Gynaecol India1Journal of occupational and environmental hygieneJ Occup Environ HygpJournal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental MedicineJ Occup Environ MedJournal of occupational healthJ Occup Health)Journal of occupational health psychologyJ Occup Health PsycholAJournal of occupational medicine and toxicology (London, England)J Occup Med Toxicol^Journal of occupational medicine. : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association J Occup Med&Journal of occupational rehabilitationJ Occup RehabilJournal of ocular pharmacologyJ Ocul PharmacolJournal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics : the official journal of the Association for Ocular Pharmacology and TherapeuticsJ Ocul Pharmacol TherJournal of official statistics J Off StatJournal of oleo science J Oleo Sci|Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy PractitionersJ Oncol Pharm Pract*Journal of ophthalmic nursing & technologyJ Ophthalmic Nurs TechnolJournal of opioid managementJ Opioid Manag`Journal of optics. B, Quantum and semiclassical optics : journal of the European Optical Society!J Opt B Quantum Semiclassical Opt{Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsJ Oral Maxillofac SurgJournal of oral medicine J Oral MedJournal of oral pathology J Oral PatholJournal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral PathologyJ Oral Pathol MedJournal of oral rehabilitationJ Oral RehabilJournal of oral science J Oral SciJournal of oral surgeryJ Oral Surg (Chic)<Journal of oral surgery (American Dental Association : 1965) J Oral Surg@Journal of oral surgery, anesthesia, and hospital dental service!J Oral Surg Anesth Hosp Dent Serv-Journal of oral therapeutics and pharmacologyJ Oral Ther PharmacolJournal of orofacial pain J Orofac PainJournal of orthodonticsJ OrthodZJournal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society J Orthop ResYJournal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association J Orthop Sci*Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong)J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong)+Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research J Orthop SurgJournal of orthopaedic traumaJ Orthop TraumaJournal of outcome measurementJ Outcome MeasJournal of paediatric dentistryJ Paediatr Dent'Journal of paediatrics and child healthJ Paediatr Child Health1Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother&Journal of pain and symptom managementJ Pain Symptom ManageJournal of paleolimnology J PaleolimnolJournal of paleontology J PaleontolJournal of palliative careJ Palliat CareJournal of palliative medicine J Palliat Med_Journal of parenteral science and technology : a publication of the Parenteral Drug AssociationJ Parenter Sci TechnolJournal of pastoral careJ Pastoral Care%Journal of patient account managementJ Patient Acc ManageJournal of peace research J Peace Res*Journal of pediatric & perinatal nutritionJ Pediatr Perinat Nutr.Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecologyJ Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol6Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEMJ Pediatr Endocrinol Metab3Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutritionJ Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr}Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & PractitionersJ Pediatr Health CaretJournal of pediatric hematology/oncology : official journal of the American Society of Pediatric Hematology/OncologyJ Pediatr Hematol OncolJournal of pediatric nursingJ Pediatr NurshJournal of pediatric oncology nursing : official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology NursesJ Pediatr Oncol Nurs"Journal of pediatric ophthalmologyJ Pediatr Ophthalmol1Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismusJ Pediatr Ophthalmol StrabismusJournal of pediatric orthopaedics. Part B / European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society, Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North AmericaJ Pediatr Orthop B Journal of pediatric orthopedicsJ Pediatr OrthopJournal of pediatric psychologyJ Pediatr PsycholJournal of pediatric surgeryJ Pediatr SurgJournal of pediatric urologyJ Pediatr UrolTJournal of peptide science : an official publication of the European Peptide Society J Pept SciJournal of perianesthesia nursing : official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses / American Society of PeriAnesthesia NursesJ Perianesth NursJournal of perinatal medicine J Perinat MedRJournal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association J PerinatolJournal of periodontal researchJ Periodontal Res+Journal of periodontal research. SupplementJ Periodontal Res SupplJournal of periodontology J Periodontol!Journal of perioperative practiceJ Perioper PractJournal of personalityJ Pers,Journal of personality and social psychologyJ Pers Soc Psychol!Journal of personality assessment J Pers Assess Journal of personality disordersJ Personal Disord1Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysisJ Pharm Biomed Anal0Journal of pharmaceutical marketing & managementJ Pharm Mark ManageNJournal of pharmaceutical science and technology : the official journal of PDAJ Pharm Sci Technol"Journal of pharmaceutical sciences J Pharm SciJournal of pharmacobio-dynamicsJ Pharmacobiodyn0Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceuticsJ Pharmacokinet Biopharm0Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamicsJ Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn4Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methodsJ Pharmacol Toxicol Methods"Journal of pharmacological methodsJ Pharmacol Methods#Journal of pharmacological sciencesJ Pharmacol SciJournal of pharmacotherapyJ PharmacotherJournal of pharmacy & pharmaceutical sciences : a publication of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Societe canadienne des sciences pharmaceutiquesJ Pharm Pharm Sci6Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, BiologyJ Photochem Photobiol BJournal of phycologyJ Phycol%Journal of physical activity & healthJ Phys Act HealthJournal of physicsJ Phys.Journal of physics A: Mathematical and generalJ Phys A Math Gen%Journal of physics D: Applied physicsJ Phys D Appl Phys,Journal of physics E: Scientific instruments J Phys [E]_Journal of physics. B, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics : an Institute of Physics journalJ Phys B At Mol Opt PhysFJournal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journalJ Phys Condens MatterUJournal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics : an Institute of Physics journalJ Phys G Nucl Part Phys%Journal of physiological anthropologyJ Physiol Anthropol?Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science"J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci&Journal of physiology and biochemistryJ Physiol Biochem`Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological SocietyJ Physiol PharmacolJournal of physiology, ParisJ Physiol ParisJournal of pineal research J Pineal ResJournal of plankton researchJ Plankton Res"Journal of plant growth regulationJ Plant Growth RegulJournal of plant nutrition J Plant NutrJournal of plant physiologyJ Plant PhysiolJournal of plant research J Plant Res>Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRASJ Plast Reconstr Aesthet SurgvJournal of policy analysis and management : [the journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management]J Policy Anal ManageJournal of policy history : JPH J Policy HistJournal of political science J Polit Sci7Journal of polymer science. Part A-1, Polymer chemistryJ Polym Sci [A1]3Journal of polymer science. Part B: Polymer lettersJ Polym Sci [B]2Journal of polymer science: Part A, General papers J Polym Sci AJournal of popular culture J Pop CultJournal of populationJ PopulJournal of population economics J Popul EconJournal of population research J Popul Res#Journal of post Keynesian economicsJ Post Keynes Econ"Journal of post anesthesia nursingJ Post Anesth Nurs Journal of postgraduate medicineJ Postgrad MedJournal of poverty J Poverty5Journal of prevention & intervention in the communityJ Prev Interv CommunityJournal of preventive and social medicine : JOPSOM : a bi-annual journal of the National Institute of Preventive and Social MedicineJ Prev Soc Med*Journal of preventive medicine and hygieneJ Prev Med Hyg Journal of preventive psychiatryJ Prev PsychiatryJournal of prison & jail healthJ Prison Jail HealthJournal of prison healthJ Prison HealthJournal of products liabilityJ Prod LiabilityeJournal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing J Prof Nurs*Journal of professional services marketingJ Prof Serv Mark Journal of projective techniques J Proj Tech9Journal of projective techniques & personality assessmentJ Proj Tech Pers AssessWJournal of prosthodontics : official journal of the American College of Prosthodontists J ProsthodontJournal of protein chemistryJ Protein ChemJournal of proteome researchJ Proteome ResJournal of psychedelic drugsJ Psychedelic Drugs0Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursingJ Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Journal of psychiatric educationJ Psychiatr EducJournal of psychiatric nursingJ Psychiatr Nurs9Journal of psychiatric nursing and mental health services!J Psychiatr Nurs Ment Health ServJournal of psychiatric practiceJ Psychiatr PractJournal of psychiatric researchJ Psychiatr Res"Journal of psychiatric social workJ Psychiatr Soc Work/Journal of psychiatric treatment and evaluationJ Psychiatr Treat Eval*Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPNJ Psychiatry NeurosciJournal of psychoactive drugsJ Psychoactive Drugs$Journal of psycholinguistic researchJ Psycholinguist Res'Journal of psychology & human sexualityJ Psychol Human Sex!Journal of psychology and JudaismJ Psychol Judaism"Journal of psychology and theologyJ Psychol Theol4Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessmentJ Psychopathol Behav Assess/Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)J Psychopharmacol:Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services!J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv Journal of psychosocial oncologyJ Psychosoc Oncol3Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecologyJ Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol!Journal of psychosomatic researchJ Psychosom ResJournal of public economics J Public EconJournal of public healthJ Public Health (Bangkok)*Journal of public health (Oxford, England)J Public Health (Oxf)"Journal of public health dentistryJ Public Health Dent8Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMPJ Public Health Manag Pract!Journal of public health medicineJ Public Health MedJournal of public health policyJ Public Health PolicyJournal of public policyJ Public PolicykJournal of quality assurance : a publication of the National Association of Quality Assurance Professionals J Qual Assur'Journal of quality in clinical practiceJ Qual Clin PractMJournal of quantitative economics : journal of the Indian Econometric Society J Quant Econ9Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transferJ Quant Spectrosc Radiat TransfJournal of radiation researchJ Radiat Res (Tokyo)`Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection J Radiol Prot4Journal of receptor and signal transduction researchJ Recept Signal Transduct ResJournal of receptor research J Recept Res&Journal of reconstructive microsurgeryJ Reconstr Microsurg)Journal of refractive and corneal surgeryJ Refract Corneal Surg6Journal of refractive surgery (Thorofare, N.J. : 1995)J Refract SurgJournal of refugee studies J Refug StudJournal of regional policy J Reg PolicyJournal of regional science J Reg SciJournal of rehabilitation J RehabilwJournal of rehabilitation R&D / Veterans Administration, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Rehabilitation R&D Service J Rehabil R DxJournal of rehabilitation medicine : official journal of the UEMS European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine J Rehabil Med2Journal of rehabilitation research and developmentJ Rehabil Res DevaJournal of rehabilitation research and development. Clinical supplement / Veterans AdministrationJ Rehabil Res Dev Clin SupplJournal of religion & aging J Relig AgingJournal of religion and healthJ Relig Health2Journal of religion in Africa. Religion en Afrique J Relig Afr Journal of religious gerontologyJ Relig GerontoluJournal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation J Ren Nutr4Journal of reproduction & fertility. Abstract seriesJ Reprod Fertil Abstr Ser%Journal of reproduction and fertilityJ Reprod Fertil1Journal of reproduction and fertility. SupplementJ Reprod Fertil Suppl-Journal of reproductive and infant psychologyJ Reprod Infant Psychol"Journal of reproductive immunologyJ Reprod Immunol"Journal of research in personality J Res PersJournal of research in reading J Res ReadIJournal of research of the National Institute of Standards and TechnologyJ Res Natl Inst Stand TechnoldJournal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence J Res AdolescJournal of risk and uncertaintyJ Risk UncertainJournal of robotic systems J Robot SystJournal of rural studies J Rural StudJournal of safety research J Safety ResJournal of school psychology J Sch PsycholDJournal of science and medicine in sport / Sports Medicine AustraliaJ Sci Med SportCJournal of scientific & industrial research. C. Biological sciencesJ Sci Ind Res (C)-Journal of scientific and industrial researchJ Sci Ind Res (India)!Journal of scientific instruments J Sci Instrum Journal of sedimentary petrologyJ Sediment PetrolJournal of sedimentary research. Section A, Sedimentary petrology and processes : an international journal of SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)(J Sediment Res A Sediment Petrol ProcessJournal of sensory studies J Sens StudJournal of separation science J Sep Sci Journal of sex & marital therapyJ Sex Marital Ther$Journal of sex education and therapyJ Sex Educ TherJournal of sex research J Sex ResYJournal of shoulder and elbow surgery / American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons ... [et al.]J Shoulder Elbow SurgJournal of sleep research J Sleep Res4Journal of social and administrative pharmacy : JSAPJ Soc Adm Pharm+Journal of social and biological structuresJ Soc Biol Struct)Journal of social and clinical psychologyJ Soc Clin Psychol&Journal of social and economic studiesJ Soc Econ Stud,Journal of social and personal relationshipsJ Soc Pers Relat*Journal of social behavior and personalityJ Soc Behav Pers'Journal of social development in Africa J Soc Dev AfrJournal of social history J Soc HistJournal of social hygiene J Soc HygJournal of social philosophy J Soc PhilosJournal of social policy J Soc Policy"Journal of social service researchJ Soc Serv Res(Journal of social work & human sexualityJ Soc Work Hum Sex5Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitationJ Soc Work Disabil Rehabil7Journal of social work in end-of-life & palliative care J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care&Journal of sociology (Melbourne, Vic.)J Sociol (Melb)'Journal of sociology and social welfareJ Sociol Soc Welf#Journal of southern African studiesJ South Afr Stud!Journal of spacecraft and rocketsJ Spacecr Rockets=Journal of speech and hearing disorders. Monograph supplement!J Speech Hear Disord Monogr Suppl&Journal of speech and hearing researchJ Speech Hear Res9Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHRJ Speech Lang Hear ResJournal of spinal disordersJ Spinal Disord(Journal of spinal disorders & techniquesJ Spinal Disord Tech&Journal of sport & exercise psychologyJ Sport Exerc PsycholJournal of sport history J Sport HistJournal of sport rehabilitationJ Sport RehabilJournal of sports sciences J Sports Sci-Journal of statistical planning and inferenceJ Stat Plan Inference&Journal of sterile services managementJ Sterile Serv ManageJournal of steroid biochemistryJ Steroid Biochem\Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning AssociationJ Strength Cond ResdJournal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke AssociationJ Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis-Journal of structural and functional genomicsJ Struct Funct GenomicsJournal of structural biology J Struct BiolJournal of studies on alcoholJ Stud Alcohol'Journal of studies on alcohol and drugsJ Stud Alcohol Drugs)Journal of studies on alcohol. SupplementJ Stud Alcohol Suppl"Journal of submicroscopic cytologyJ Submicrosc Cytol0Journal of submicroscopic cytology and pathologyJ Submicrosc Cytol PatholJournal of substance abuse J Subst Abuse$Journal of substance abuse treatmentJ Subst Abuse Treat#Journal of supramolecular structureJ Supramol Struct=Journal of supramolecular structure and cellular biochemistryJ Supramol Struct Cell BiochemIJournal of supramolecular structure and cellular biochemistry. Supplement$J Supramol Struct Cell Biochem Suppl/Journal of supramolecular structure. SupplementJ Supramol Struct SupplJournal of surgical education J Surg EducJournal of surgical oncology J Surg Oncol(Journal of surgical oncology. SupplementJ Surg Oncol Suppl(Journal of surgical orthopaedic advancesJ Surg Orthop Adv Journal of synchrotron radiationJ Synchrotron Radiat$Journal of telemedicine and telecareJ Telemed TelecareJournal of texture studiesJ Texture StudJournal of thanatology J ThanatolJournal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society (Washington, D.C.)J Afro Am Hist Geneal Soc1Journal of the Air & Waste Management AssociationJ Air Waste Manage Assoc8Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)J Air Waste Manag Assoc0Journal of the Air Pollution Control AssociationJ Air Pollut Control Assoc1Journal of the All-India Ophthalmological SocietyJ All India Ophthalmol Soc,Journal of the American Academy of AudiologyJ Am Acad Audiol3Journal of the American Academy of Child PsychiatryJ Am Acad Child PsychiatryBJournal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry"J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyJ Am Acad Dermatol6Journal of the American Academy of Nurse PractitionersJ Am Acad Nurse Pract7Journal of the American Academy of Physician AssistantsJ Am Acad Physician AssistIJournal of the American Academy of Religion. American Academy of ReligionJ Am Acad Relig3Journal of the American Animal Hospital AssociationJ Am Anim Hosp AssocJJournal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALASJ Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci)Journal of the American Audiology SocietyJ Am Audiol Soc(Journal of the American Auditory Society J Am Aud Soc8Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFMJ Am Board Fam Med(Journal of the American Chemical Society J Am Chem Soc2Journal of the American College Health AssociationJ Am Coll Health Assoc-Journal of the American College of CardiologyJ Am Coll Cardiol5Journal of the American College of NeuropsychiatristsJ Am Coll Neuropsychiatr,Journal of the American College of NutritionJ Am Coll Nutr3Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACRJ Am Coll Radiol+Journal of the American College of SurgeonsJ Am Coll Surg-Journal of the American College of ToxicologyJ Am Coll Toxicol1Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)J Am Dent Assoc8Journal of the American Dental Society of AnesthesiologyJ Am Dent Soc Anesthesiol,Journal of the American Dietetic AssociationJ Am Diet Assoc*Journal of the American Geriatrics SocietyJ Am Geriatr SocuJournal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. American Historical Society of Germans from RussiaJ Am Hist Soc Ger Russ/Journal of the American Institute of HomeopathyJ Am Inst Homeopath-Journal of the American Institute of PlannersJ Am Inst Plann+Journal of the American Medical AssociationJ Am Med Assoc5Journal of the American Medical Directors AssociationJ Am Med Dir Assoc?Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIAJ Am Med Inform Assoc2Journal of the American Medical Record AssociationJ Am Med Rec Assoc-Journal of the American Medical TechnologistsJ Am Med Technol3Journal of the American Medical Women's AssociationJ Am Med Womens Assoc:Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (1972)J Am Med Womens Assoc4Journal of the American Mosquito Control AssociationJ Am Mosq Control Assoc@Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. SupplementJ Am Mosq Control Assoc Suppl-Journal of the American Oil Chemists' SocietyJ Am Oil Chem Soc.Journal of the American Optometric AssociationJ Am Optom AssocCJournal of the American Oriental Society. American Oriental SocietyJ Am Orient Soc2Journal of the American Pharmaceutical AssociationJ Am Pharm AssocKJournal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Washington,D.C. : 1996)J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash)WJournal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association(J Am Pharm Assoc Am Pharm Assoc (Baltim)7Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhAJ Am Pharm Assoc (2003)4Journal of the American Physical Therapy AssociationJ Am Phys Ther AssocKJournal of the American Planning Association. American Planning AssociationJ Am Plann Assoc5Journal of the American Podiatric Medical AssociationJ Am Podiatr Med Assoc,Journal of the American Podiatry AssociationJ Am Podiatry Assoc6Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses AssociationJ Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc2Journal of the American Psychoanalytic AssociationJ Am Psychoanal AssocOJournal of the American Scientific Affiliation. American Scientific AffiliationJ Am Sci AffileJournal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural ScienceJ Am Soc Hortic SciaJournal of the American Society for Information Science. American Society for Information ScienceJ Am Soc Inf Sci5Journal of the American Society for Mass SpectrometryJ Am Soc Mass SpectrommJournal of the American Society for the Study of Orthodontics. American Society for the Study of OrthodonticsJ Am Soc Study OrthodvJournal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of EchocardiographyJ Am Soc Echocardiogr4Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASNJ Am Soc Nephrol/Journal of the American Statistical AssociationJ Am Stat Assoc4Journal of the American Venereal Disease AssociationJ Am Vener Dis Assoc6Journal of the American Veterinary Medical AssociationJ Am Vet Med Assoc*Journal of the Anatomical Society of IndiaJ Anat Soc India1Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Arnold ArboretumJ Arnold ArborJournal of the Asiatic Society J Asiat SocJournal of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians : the official publication of the Association for Academic Minority PhysiciansJ Assoc Acad Minor PhysAJournal of the Association for Physical and Mental RehabilitationJ Assoc Phys Ment Rehabil@Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JAROJ Assoc Res Otolaryngol@Journal of the Association for the Care of Children in HospitalsJ Assoc Care Child Hosp<Journal of the Association for the Care of Children's HealthJ Assoc Care Child Health3Journal of the Association of Genetic TechnologistsJ Assoc Genet Technol2Journal of the Association of Medical IllustratorsJ Assoc Med Illus7Journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology NursesJ Assoc Pediatr Oncol NursesCJournal of the Audio Engineering Society. Audio Engineering SocietyJ Audio Eng Soc0Journal of the Australian Population AssociationJ Aust Popul Assoc2Journal of the Baltimore College of Dental SurgeryJ Baltimore Coll Dent Surg2Journal of the Biological Photographic AssociationJ Biol Photogr Assoc)Journal of the British Endodontic SocietyJ Br Endod Soc(Journal of the British Fertility Society J Br Fer Soc-Journal of the British Interplanetary SocietyJ Br Interplanet Soc,Journal of the California Dental AssociationJ Calif Dent Assoc3Journal of the Canadian Association of RadiologistsJ Can Assoc Radiol*Journal of the Canadian Dental AssociationJ Can Dent Assoc (Tor),Journal of the Canadian Dietetic AssociationJ Can Diet Assoc9Journal of the Catholic Nurses Guild of England and Wales J Cathol Nurses Guild Engl Wales8Journal of the Charles H. Tweed International FoundationJ Charles H. Tweed Int FoundJournal of the Chemical Society J Chem Soc8Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communicationsJ Chem Soc Chem Commun6Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions 1J Chem Soc [Perkin 1]MJournal of the Chester Archaeological Society. Chester Archaeological SocietyJ Chester Archaeol Soc1Journal of the Chinese Medical Association : JCMAJ Chin Med Assoc5Journal of the College of Radiologists of AustralasiaJ Coll Radiol Australas*Journal of the Colorado Dental AssociationJ Colo Dent Assoc,Journal of the Community Development SocietyJ Community Dev Soc9Journal of the Dental Guidance Council on the HandicappedJ Dent Guid Counc Handicap9Journal of the Dental School, National University of IranJ Dent Sch Natl Univ Iran1Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer InstituteJ Egypt Natl Canc Inst/Journal of the Egyptian Society of ParasitologyJ Egypt Soc ParasitolFJournal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADVJ Eur Acad Dermatol VenereolOJournal of the Evangelical Theological Society. Evangelical Theological SocietyJ Evang Theol Soc:Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University<Hokkaido Daigaku Nogakubu kiyo|J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ.+Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, BaghdadJ Fac Med Baghdad2Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical AssociationJ Gay Lesbian Med Assoc!Journal of the Geological SocietyJ Geol Soc London0Journal of the Georgia Association of HistoriansProc Pap Ga Assoc Hist)Journal of the Georgia Dental AssociationJ Ga Dent Assoc"Journal of the Germantown HospitalJ Germantown Hosp(Journal of the Hawaii Dental AssociationJ Hawaii Dent Assoc.Journal of the Hawaii State Dental AssociationJ Hawaii State Dent Assoc Journal of the Hillside HospitalJ Hillside Hosp<Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic SocietyJ Hong Kong Branch R Asiat Soc'Journal of the Idaho Academy of ScienceJ Idaho Acad Sci*Journal of the Indian Academy of DentistryJ Indian Acad Dent2Journal of the Indian Academy of Forensic SciencesJ Indian Forensic SciRJournal of the Indian Anthropological Society / the Indian Anthropological SocietyJ Indian Anthropol Soc(Journal of the Indian Dental AssociationJ Indian Dent Assoc#Journal of the Indian Law InstituteJ Indian Law Inst)Journal of the Indian Medical AssociationJ Indian Med AssocEJournal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive DentistryJ Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent(Journal of the Indian medical professionJ Indian Med Prof%Journal of the Institute of Actuaries J Inst Actuar>Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri LankaJ Inst Chart Account Sri Lanka$Journal of the Institute of Medicine J Inst Med6Journal of the International Academy of PeriodontologyJ Int Acad PeriodontolBJournal of the International Association of Dentistry for ChildrenJ Int Assoc Dent ChildCJournal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS CareZJournal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Chicago, Ill. : 2002)+J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care (Chic Ill)DJournal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry / IFCCJ Int Fed Clin ChemEJournal of the International Federation of Gynaecology and ObstetricsJ Int Fed Gynaecol Obstet>Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINSJ Int Neuropsychol Soc8Journal of the International Society of Sports NutritionJ Int Soc Sports Nutr@Journal of the International Wine & Food Society (London : 1989)J Int Wine Food Soc#Journal of the Iowa Medical SocietyJ Iowa Med Soc8Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and SurgeonsJ Ir Coll Physicians Surg'Journal of the Irish Dental AssociationJ Ir Dent Assoc(Journal of the Irish Medical AssociationJ Ir Med Assoc;Journal of the Japanese Obstetrical & Gynecological SocietyJ Jpn Obstet Gynecol Soc3Journal of the Japanese and international economiesJ Jpn Int Econ(Journal of the Kansas Dental AssociationJ Kans Dent Assoc+Journal of the Kansas Entomological SocietyJ Kans Entomol Soc*Journal of the Kentucky Dental AssociationJ Ky Dent Assoc]Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society. Lancaster County Historical Society (Pa.)J Lanc Cty Hist Soc+Journal of the Louisiana Dental AssociationJ La Dent Assoc<Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic SocietyJ Malays Branch R Asiat Soc?Journal of the Market Research Society. Market Research SocietyJ Mark Res Soc0Journal of the Maryland State Dental AssociationJ Md State Dent Assoc+Journal of the Massachusetts Dental SocietyJ Mass Dent Soc8Journal of the Medical Association for Prevention of WarJ Med Assoc Prev War-Journal of the Medical Association of GeorgiaJ Med Assoc Ga:Journal of the Medical Association of the State of AlabamaJ Med Assoc State Ala1Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLAJ Med Libr Assoc+Journal of the Minnesota Academy of ScienceJ Minn Acad Sci4Journal of the Mississippi State Medical AssociationJ Miss State Med AssocJournal of the Missouri BarJ Mo Bar*Journal of the Missouri Dental AssociationJ Mo Dent Assoc-Journal of the Mount Sinai Hospital, New YorkJ Mt Sinai Hosp N Y3Journal of the National Association of ChiropodistsJ Natl Assoc Chiropodists(Journal of the National Cancer InstituteJ Natl Cancer Inst4Journal of the National Cancer Institute. MonographsJ Natl Cancer Inst Monogr<Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCNJ Natl Compr Canc Netw+Journal of the National Medical AssociationJ Natl Med Assoc,Journal of the New Jersey Dental AssociationJ N J Dent Assoc?Journal of the New York State School Nurse-Teachers Association!J N Y State Sch Nurse Teach Assoc4Journal of the New Zealand Society of PeriodontologyJ N Z Soc Periodontol*Journal of the Nigeria Medical AssociationJ Nigeria Med Assoc)Journal of the Optical Society of America J Opt Soc AmFJournal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image scienceJ Opt Soc Am AOJournal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis=Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physicsJ Opt Soc Am B"Journal of the Oslo city hospitalsJ Oslo City Hosp6Journal of the Oto-laryngological Society of AustraliaJ Otolaryngol Soc Aust;Journal of the Otto Rank Association. Otto Rank AssociationJ Otto Rank Assoc+Journal of the Pakistan Medical AssociationJ Pak Med Assoc*Journal of the Parenteral Drug AssociationJ Parenter Drug AssocBJournal of the Patent Office Society. Patent Office Society (U.S.) J Pat Off Soc2Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office SocietyJ Pat Trademark Off Soc.Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science J Pa Acad SciEJournal of the Philippine Federation of Private Medical PractitionersJ Philipp Fed Priv Med Pract-Journal of the Philippine Medical AssociationJ Philipp Med Assoc3Journal of the Physicians Association for AIDS CareJ Physicians Assoc AIDS Care*Journal of the Reticuloendothelial SocietyJ Reticuloendothel Soc0Journal of the Rhode Island State Dental SocietyJ R I State Dent Soc/Journal of the Rocky Mountain Analgesia SocietyJ Rocky Mt Analg SocwJournal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association. Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance AssociationJ Rocky Mt Mediev Renaiss Assoc'Journal of the Royal Army Medical CorpsJ R Army Med CorpssJournal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and IrelandJ R Asiat Soc GB Irel2Journal of the Royal Australian Historical SocietyJ R Aust Hist Soc4Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of LondonJ R Coll Physicians Lond5Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of EdinburghJ R Coll Surg Edinb*Journal of the Royal Naval Medical ServiceJ R Nav Med Serv_Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Royal Society of Antiquaries of IrelandJ R Soc Antiq Irel$Journal of the Royal Society of Arts J R Soc Arts&Journal of the Royal Society of HealthJ R Soc Health(Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine J R Soc Med1Journal of the Royal Society of Western AustraliaJ R Soc West Aust;Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal SocietyJ R Soc Interface<Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General)J R Stat Soc [Ser A]KJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society)J R Stat Soc Ser A Stat SocFJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statisticsJ R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat*Journal of the Science Society of ThailandJ Sci Soc Thailand.Journal of the Seattle District Dental SocietyJ Seattle Dist Dent SockJournal of the Society for Army Historical Research. Society for Army Historical Research (London, England)J Soc Army Hist Res4Journal of the Society for Gynecologic InvestigationJ Soc Gynecol Investig)Journal of the Society for Health SystemsJ Soc Health Syst.Journal of the Society for Information DisplayJ Soc Inf Disp/Journal of the Society for Integrative OncologyJ Soc Integr OncolKJournal of the Society of Archivists. Society of Archivists (Great Britain) J Soc Arch*Journal of the Society of Christian EthicsJ Soc Christ Ethics+Journal of the Society of Cosmetic ChemistsJ Soc Cosmet Chem1Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses : JSPNJ Soc Pediatr NursUJournal of the Society of Research Administrators. Society of Research Administrators J Soc Res Adm.Journal of the South African Logopedic SocietyJ S Afr Logop Soc;Journal of the South African Speech and Hearing AssociationJ S Afr Speech Hear Assoc3Journal of the South African Veterinary AssociationJ S Afr Vet Assoc;Journal of the South African Veterinary Medical AssociationJ S Afr Vet Med Assoc8Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association (1975)J S C Med AssocAJournal of the Southern California Dental Hygienists' Association"J South Calif State Dent Hyg Assoc/Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic AssociationJ South Orthop Assoc<Journal of the Sri Lanka Branch of the Royal Asiatic SocietyJ Sri Lanka Branch R Asiat Soc,Journal of the Tennessee Medical AssociationJ Tenn Med Assoc/Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld InstitutesJ Warburg Courtauld InstJournal of the WestJ West%Journal of the West Australian NursesJ West Aust Nurses2Journal of the West Virginia Philosophical SocietyJ West Va Philo Soc'Journal of the autonomic nervous systemJ Auton Nerv Syst'Journal of the cardiometabolic syndromeJ Cardiometab SyndrJournal of the early Republic J Early Repub0Journal of the experimental analysis of behaviorJ Exp Anal Behav!Journal of the history of biology J Hist Biol#Journal of the history of dentistry J Hist DentJournal of the history of ideas J Hist Ideas6Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciencesJ Hist Med Allied Sci$Journal of the history of philosophy J Hist Philos#Journal of the history of sexuality J Hist Sex1Journal of the history of the behavioral sciencesJ Hist Behav Sci+Journal of the history of the neurosciencesJ Hist Neurosci$Journal of the neurological sciences J Neurol Sci/Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNSJ Peripher Nerv Syst;Journal of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system : JRAAS$J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst.Journal of the science of food and agricultureJ Sci Food Agric'Journal of theology for Southern AfricaJ Theol South AfrJournal of theoretical biology J Theor BiolJournal of thermal biology J Therm BiolJournal of thoracic imagingJ Thorac ImagingqJournal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung CancerJ Thorac OncolJournal of thought J Thought+Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTHJ Thromb Haemost&Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysisJ Thromb ThrombolysissJournal of tissue culture methods : Tissue Culture Association manual of cell, tissue, and organ culture proceduresJ Tissue Cult MethodsJournal of tissue viabilityJ Tissue Viability.Journal of toxicology and environmental healthJ Toxicol Environ Health6Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part AJ Toxicol Environ Health AHJournal of toxicology and environmental health. Part B, Critical reviews#J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev:Journal of toxicology and environmental health. SupplementJ Toxicol Environ Health Suppl*Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicologyJ Toxicol Clin Toxicol6Journal of toxicology. Cutaneous and ocular toxicology J Toxicol Cutaneous Ocul Toxicol$Journal of toxicology. Toxin reviewsJ Toxicol Toxin Rev@Journal of trace elements and electrolytes in health and disease$J Trace Elem Electrolytes Health DisnJournal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS)J Trace Elem Med BiolxJournal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society / Transcultural Nursing SocietyJ Transcult Nurs!Journal of translational medicine J Transl Med@Journal of transnational law & policy / Florida State UniversityJ Transnatl Law Policy|Journal of transplant coordination : official publication of the North American Transplant Coordinators Organization (NATCO)J Transpl CoordyJournal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD)J Trauma DissociationPJournal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses J Trauma NursJournal of traumatic stressJ Trauma StressJournal of travel medicine : official publication of the International Society of Travel Medicine and the Asia Pacific Travel Health Association J Travel MedJournal of tropical pediatricsJ Trop PediatrhJournal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in MedicineJ Ultrasound Med:Journal of ultrastructure and molecular structure researchJ Ultrastruct Mol Struct Res"Journal of ultrastructure researchJ Ultrastruct ResJournal of urban economics J Urban EconFJournal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of MedicineJ Urban HealthJournal of urban history J Urban Hist,Journal of urban law / University of Detroit J Urban LawJournal of urological nursing J Urol Nurs{Journal of vacuum science & technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films : an official journal of the American Vacuum SocietyJ Vac Sci Technol A7Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIRJ Vasc Interv RadiolaJournal of vascular nursing : official publication of the Society for Peripheral Vascular Nursing J Vasc NursJournal of vascular research J Vasc ResJournal of vascular surgery : official publication, the Society for Vascular Surgery [and] International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter J Vasc Surg Journal of vector borne diseasesJ Vector Borne DisEJournal of vector ecology : journal of the Society for Vector Ecology J Vector Ecol:Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation J Vestib ReshJournal of veterinary cardiology : the official journal of the European Society of Veterinary Cardiology J Vet CardiolJournal of veterinary dentistry J Vet DentJournal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, IncJ Vet Diagn InvestZJournal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal MedicineJ Vet Intern Med'Journal of veterinary medical educationJ Vet Med EducKJournal of veterinary medicine. A, Physiology, pathology, clinical medicine#J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin MedSJournal of veterinary medicine. B, Infectious diseases and veterinary public health(J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health3Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeuticsJ Vet Pharmacol Ther/Journal of veterinary science (Suwon-si, Korea) J Vet SciJournal of viral hepatitis J Viral HepatJournal of virological methodsJ Virol MethodsJournal of virologyJ VirolJournal of visionJ Vis+Journal of visual communication in medicineJ Vis Commun Med(Journal of visual impairment & blindnessJ Vis Impair BlindJournal of vocational behavior J Vocat Behav;Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice FoundationJ Voice$Journal of voluntary action researchJ Volunt Action ResJournal of water and healthJ Water HealthJournal of wilderness medicineJ Wilderness MedJournal of wildlife diseases J Wildl DisJournal of women & aging J Women Aging1Journal of women's health & gender-based medicineJ Womens Health Gend Based Med Journal of women's health (2002)J Womens Health (Larchmt)rJournal of women's health / the official publication of the Society for the Advancement of Women's Health ResearchJ Womens Health!Journal of women's health and law J Womens HealJournal of women's history J Womens HistJournal of wound care J Wound CareJournal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society / WOCNJ Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs Journal of youth and adolescenceJ Youth AdolesclJournal of zoo and wildlife medicine : official publication of the American Association of Zoo VeterinariansJ Zoo Wildl Med;Journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary researchZZeitschrift fur zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung|J. Zoolog. Syst. Evol. Res.Journal of zoologyJ ZoolJournal. Assam Science SocietyJ Assam Science SocietyBJournal. Children's Asthma Research Institute and Hospital, Denver#J Child Asthma Res Inst Hosp Denver(Journal. Houston District Dental SocietyJ Houston Dist Dent Soc-Journal. Indianapolis District Dental SocietyJ Indianap Dist Dent Soc#Journal. Iowa State Medical SocietyJ Iowa State Med Soc$Journal. Medical Association of EireJ Med Assoc Eire'Journal. Mercer Dental Society, TrentonJ Mercer Dent Soc#Journal. National Analgesia SocietyJ Natl Analg Soc!Journal. National Malaria SocietyJ Natl Malar Soc4Journal. Royal Microscopical Society (Great Britain)J R Microsc Soc1Journal. Royal Sanitary Institute (Great Britain)J R Sanit Inst,Journal. San Antonio District Dental SocietyJ San Antonio Dent Soc9Journal. Washington Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. CJ Wash Acad SciJournalen sykepleien J Sykepleien"Journalism Conference And WorkshopJ Conf WorkshopJournalism history Journal Hist$Journalism monographs (Austin, Tex.)Journalism Monogr2Journees annuelles de diabetologie de l'Hotel-DieuJourn Annu Diabetol Hotel DieuJudaica librarianshipJud LibrarianshJudaismJudaism Judicature Judicature)Jugoslavenska ginekologija i opstetricijaJugosl Ginekol Opstet+Jugoslavenska ginekologija i perinatologijaJugosl Ginekol PerinatolHJugoslovenski pregled; informativno dokumentarni prirucnik o Jugoslaviji Jugosl Pregl6Julkaisu. Suomen Naishammaslaakarit ryhma, HelsingforsJulk Suom Naishammaslaak Ryhma#Jun shi yi xue ke xue yuan yuan kan]Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences|Chun Shih I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Yuan Yuan KanJun wu xi tongkMycosystema / Zhongguo ke xue yuan Wei sheng wu yan jiu suo. Zhongguo jun wu xue hui zhu ban|Jun Wu Xi Tong Jurimetrics Jurimetrics Juris doctorJuris DrJurist (Washington, D.C.)JuristJuristatJuristat!Justus Liebigs Annalen der ChemieJustus Liebigs Ann ChemJuvenile & family court journalJuv Fam Court JJyske samlinger Jyske Saml*K [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionK Rep KIPH bulletin KIPH BullKOSKos+KY [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionKY Rep Kadmoniyot Qadmoniot;Kagakushi kenkyu. [Journal of the history of science, JapanKagakushi Kenkyu$Kaibogaku zasshi. Journal of anatomyKaibogaku Zasshi>Kaiin dayori. [Membership news]. Nippon Kontakuto Renzu Gakkai*Kaiin Dayori Nippon Kontakuto Renzu Gakkai8Kajok kyehoek nonjip. Journal of family planning studiesKajok Kyehoek Nonjip4Kaku igaku. The Japanese journal of nuclear medicine Kaku IgakuKamper almanak Kampener AlmCKanagawa shigaku. The Journal of the Kanagawa Odontological SocietyKanagawa ShigakuKanazawa Ika Daigaku zasshiBJournal of Kanazawa Medical University|Kanazawa Ika Daigaku ZasshiKangarooKangaroo6Kango kenkyu. The Japanese journal of nursing research Kango Kenkyu$Kango kyoshitsu. [Nursing classroom]Kango Kyoshitsu4Kango tenbo. The Japanese journal of nursing science Kango Tenbo9Kanho Hakhoe chi [The Journal of Nurses Academic Society]Kanho Hakhoe ChiKanhohak t'amguKanhohak TamguKansai Daigaku keizai ronshuKansai Daigaku Keizai RonshuKansas history Kans Hist;Kansas medicine : the journal of the Kansas Medical SocietyKans MedKansas statutes annotated : duly arranged, numbered, annotated, and indexed with histories, notes, and references as required by law / Compiled and edited by Franklin Corrick, revisor of statutes. KansasKans Statut Annot KansUKansenshogaku zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious DiseasesKansenshogaku ZasshiKao gu ren lei xue kanKao Ku Jen Lei Hsueh KanKardiologia polska Kardiol Pol Kardiologiia Kardiologiia"Kat'ollik Taehak Uihakpu nonmunjip!Katollik Taehak Uihakpu Nonmunjip+Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ)Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ) Katilolehti KatilolehtiKatunobKatunobKazanskii meditsinskii zhurnal Kazan Med ZhKeeping posted Keep PostedKeio economic studiesKeio Econ Stud-Keisei geka. Plastic & reconstructive surgery Keisei GekaKekkaku : [Tuberculosis]KekkakuKemiKemi#Kennedy Institute of Ethics journalKennedy Inst Ethics JKentucky bench & bar Ky Bench BarKentucky dental journal Ky Dent JKentucky folklore record Ky Folkl RecKentucky hospitals magazine Ky Hosp Mag%Kentucky law journal (Lexington, Ky.)KY Law JKentucky medical journalKy Med JKentucky nurseKy NurseKenya nursing journal Kenya Nurs JKenya statistical digestKenya Stat DigKeystone folklore quarterlyKeystone Folkl QKhelmintologiiaKhelmintologiiaKhigiena i zdraveopazvaneHig ZdraveopazKhimiia i meditsinaKhimiia MeditsinaKhimiia prirodnykh soedineniiHim Prir Soedin KhirurgiiaKhirurgiia (Sofiia) Kidney & blood pressure researchKidney Blood Press ResKidney international Kidney Int Kidney international. SupplementKidney Int Suppl8Kieler Beitrage zur Geschichte der Medizin und PharmazieKieler Beitr Gesch Med PharmKieler geographische SchriftenKiel Geogr SchrKinderarztliche PraxisKinderarztl PraxKinderkrankenschwester : Organ der Sektion Kinderkrankenpflege / Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Sozialpadiatrie und Deutsche Gesellschaft fur KinderheilkundeKinderkrankenschwester!Kinetoplastid biology and diseaseKinetoplastid Biol Dis Kiryat sefer Kiryat Sefer<Kisaengch'unghak chapchi. The Korean journal of parasitologyKisaengchunghak Chapchi5Kiseichugaku zasshi. Japanese journal of parasitologyKisechugaku ZasshiKiserletes orvostudomanyKiserl OrvostudKiso shinrigaku kenkyuJpn J Psychon Sci+Kita Kanto igaku. Kitakanto medical journalKita Kanto Igaku1Kiyo. [Reports]. Kyoto Daigaku. Kekkaku Kenkyusho$Kyoto Daigaku Kekkaku Kenkyusho KiyoKleioKleioKlinicheskaia khirurgiia Klin Khir'Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostikaKlin Lab DiagnKlinicheskaia meditsinaKlin Med (Mosk)dKlinichna khirurhiia / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov'ia Ukrainy, Naukove tovarystvo khirurhiv Ukrainy Klin Khir+Klinicka mikrobiologie a infekcni lekarstviKlin Mikrobiol Infekc Lek4Klinika i lechenie zlokachestvennykh novoobrazovaniiKlin Lech Zlokach Novoobraz Klinika oczna Klin Oczna.Klinische Anasthesiologie und IntensivtherapieKlin Anasthesiol Intensivther[Klinische Medizin; osterreichische Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche und praktische Medizin Klin Med Osterr Z Wiss Prakt Med*Klinische Monatsblatter fur AugenheilkundeKlin Monatsbl AugenheilkdMKlinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde und fur augenarztliche Fortbildung2Klin Monatsblatter Augenheilkd Augenarztl FortbildKlinische Padiatrie Klin PadiatrKlinische WochenschriftKlin WochenschrKlinisk sygeplejeKlin SygeplejeNKnee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA#Knee Surg Sports Traumatol ArthroscKo Hsueh Tung Pao6Kexue Tongbao [English Language Edition]|Kexue Tongbao=Kobe Daigaku Igakubu kiyo. Medical journal of Kobe UniversityKobe Daigaku Igakubu KiyoKobe Ika Daigaku kiyoKobe Ika Daigaku KiyoKoinoniaKoinoniaKoku Eisei Gakkai zasshiKoku Eisei Gakkai ZasshiGKokubyo Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Stomatological Society, JapanKokubyo Gakkai Zasshi*Kokyu to junkan. Respiration & circulationKokyu To Junkan7Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie!Kolner Z Soz Sozialpsychol (Aufl)"Kolner medizinhistorische BeitrageKoln Med BeitrKomunikaty mazursko-warminskieKomun Mazur WarmaKongressband / Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. KongressKongressbd Dtsch Ges Chir KongrKonjunkturpolitikKonjunkturpolitikKorea & world affairs Korea (South) Korea journalKorea J+Korea journal of population and developmentKorea J Popul Dev+Korean and Korean-American studies bulletinKorean Korean Am Stud Bull%Korean journal of biological sciencesKorean J Biol Sci%Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJOKorean J OphthalmolQKorean journal of radiology : official journal of the Korean Radiological SocietyKorean J RadiolKorotKorotGKoshu Eiseiin kenkyu hokoku. Bulletin of the Institute of Public HealthKoshu Eisei In Kenkyu HokokuIKosmas : [journal of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU)]Kosmas5Kosmicheskaia biologiia i aviakosmicheskaia meditsinaKosm Biol Aviakosm Med#Kosmicheskaia biologiia i meditsina Kosm Biol MedJKosmos. Seria A, Biologia / Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodnikow im. KopernikaKosm Ser A Biol Kotiseutu KotiseutuKrankengymnastikKrankengymnastik*Krankenpflege (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)Krankenpflege (Frankf)Krankenpflege Journal Krankenpfl JKrankenpflege. Soins infirmiersKrankenpfl Soins Infirm"Krebsforschung und KrebsbekampfungKrebsforsch KrebsbekampfKritiek (Ravels, Belgium)KritiekKroc Foundation seriesKroc Found SerKronika (Ljubljana, Slovenia)Kronika<Kultur & Technik : Zeitschrift des Deutschen Museums Munchen Kult TechKultura fizycznaKult FizKultura i spoleczenstwo Kult SpoleczDKumamoto Igakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Kumamoto Medical SocietyKumamoto Igakkai ZasshiKun chong fen lei xue bao)Entomotaxonomia|Kun Chong Fen Lei Xue Bao+Kun chong xue bao. Acta entomologica SinicaKun Chong Xue BaoKun chong zhi shi@Kunchong zhishi / [Zhongguo kun chong xue hui]|Kun Chong Zhi Shi;Kungliga Krigsvetenskapsakademiens handlingar och tidskrift&K Krigsvetenskapakad Handlingar TidskrKunst & Therapie Kunst TherKunst des Orients Kunst Orient'Kwartalnik historii kultury materialnejKwart Hist Kult MaterUKwartalnik historii nauki i techniki : Kwartal'nyi zhurnal istorii nauki i tekhniki -Kwart Hist Nauki Tech$Kwartalnik historii ruchu zawodowegoKwart Hist Ruchu ZawKwartalnik historyczny Kwart Hist Kybernetik KybernetikUKyklos : Jahrbuch des Instituts fur Geschichte der Medizin an der Universitat LeipzigKyklos4Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery Kyobu GekaHKyoto Daigaku kokukagaku kiyo. Bulletin of stomatology, Kyoto UniversityKyoto Daigaku Kokukagaku Kiyo<Kypriakai spoudai : deltion tes Hetaireias Kypriakon Spoudon Kupr Spoud!Kyushu journal of medical scienceKyushu J Med SciL' Alimentation et la vie Aliment VieL' Annee biologique Annee BiolL' Annee psychologique Annee PsycholL' Annee sociologique Annee SociolL' Annee therapeutique Annee Ther!L' Arcispedale S. Anna di FerraraArcisp S Anna Ferrara.L' Ateneo parmense. Sezione I: Acta bio-medicaAteneo Parmense [1]L' Ethnographie Ethnographie.L' EurobiologisteEurobiologisteL' Evolution medicaleEvol MedL' Evolution psychiatriqueEvol Psychiatr (Paris)L' Homeopathie francaise Homeopath Fr)L' Homme; revue francaise d'anthropologieHomme L' HopitalHopital L' Infirmiere InfirmiereL' Infirmiere canadienne Infirm CanL' Infirmiere haitienne Infirm HaitiL' Information dentaireInf Dent'L' Information medicale et paramedicaleInf Med Paramed (Montreal)L' Orthodontie francaise Orthod FrL' Ospedale maggiore Osp MaggioreL'Action nationale Action NatlL'Actualite chimique Actual ChimL'Actualite economique Actual EconL'Aeronautique et l'astronautique : organe commun de l'Association francaise des ingenieurs et techniciens de l'aeronautique de l'espace (A.F.I.T.A.E.) et de la Societe francaise d'astronautique (S.F.A.)Aeronaut AstronautL'Afrique et l'Asie modernes Afr Asie Mod"L'Afrique litteraire et artistiqueAfr Litt ArtistL'Annee endocrinologiqueAnnee EndocrinolGL'Annee sociale / Institut de Sociologie, Universite libre de Bruxelles Annee Soc2L'Annee therapeutique et clinique en ophtalmologieAnnee Ther Clin OphtalmolL'Antiquite classique Antiq ClassAL'Archiginnasio : bullettino della Biblioteca comunale di Bologna ArchiginnasioaL'Ateneo parmense. Acta bio-medica : organo della Societa di medicina e scienze naturali di ParmaAteneo Parmense Acta Biomed`L'Ateneo parmense. Acta naturalia : organo della Societa di medicina e scienze naturali di ParmaAteneo Parmense Acta NatL'Attualita dietetica Attual Diet L'Auxiliaire AuxiliaireL'Avenir medical Avenir MedL'Echo medical des CevennesEcho Med Cevennes0L'Economia umana; rassegna medica internazionale-Economia Umana Rassegna Medica InternazionaleL'Economie de la Reunion Econ ReunL'Egypte contemporaineEgypte Contemp L'Encephale EncephaleL'Espace geographique Espace Geogr L'Estampille EstampilleL'Hygiene mentaleHyg MentuL'Infirmiere auxiliaire : revue de la Corporation professionnelle des infirmieres et infirmiers auxiliaires du Quebec Infirm Aux\L'Infirmiere du Quebec : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du Quebec Infirm QueL'Infirmiere francaise Infirm Fr!L'Information d'histoire de l'art Inf Hist ArtL'Information geographique Inf GeogrL'Information historiqueInf HistL'Information litteraireInf LittL'Information psychiatrique Inf PsychiatrL'Informatore medicoInf Med L'Odontologie OdontologieL'Ospedale psichiatrico Osp Psichiatr L'Oto-rino-laringologia italianaOtorinolaringol ItalL'echo medical du nord Echo Med NordL'enfant en milieu tropicalEnfant Milieu TropL'igiene modernaIg ModL'union medicale du Canada Union Med Can+LA [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionLA Rep LARC medicalLARC Med1LC GC : magazine of liquid and gas chromatographyLC GC LDA journalLDA JLDI issue briefLDI Issue Brief5LEXIS District of Columbia code. District of ColumbiaLexis DC Code DCLJ special report LJ Spec RepCLLULL : boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de las CienciasLlullLMT : Lab management todayLMT'LTC regulatory risk & liability advisorLTC Regul Risk Liabil Advis_La Bibliofilia; rivista de storia del libro e delle arti grafiche di bibliografia ed erudizione Bibliofilia La CasanaCasana La CelluleCellule&La Chirurgia degli organi di movimentoChir Organi MovLa Civilta cattolica Civ CattolLa Clinica ginecologica Clin GinecolLa Clinica ortopedica Clin Ortop#La Clinica ostetrica e ginecologicaClin Ostet Ginecol La Clinica otorinolaringoiatricaClin OtorinolaringoiatrLa Clinica pediatricaClin Pediatr (Bologna)La Clinica terapeuticaClin TerLa Clinica termale Clin TermLa Clinica veterinariaClin Vet (Milano)La Critica sociologica Crit SociolLa Gazette des archivesGaz ArchLa Lutte contre le cancer Lutte CancerLa Medecine aeronautique Med AeronautLa Medecine en FranceMed Fr (Bombay)La Medecine infantileMed Infant (Paris)La Medicina colonial Med ColonLa Medicina del lavoroMed LavLa Medicina internazionaleMed Int (Milano)La Medicina tropicalMed Trop (Madr)La Nouvelle presse medicaleNouv Presse Med!La Nouvelle revue des deux mondesNouv Rev Deux MondesLa Nuova veterinaria Nuova VetLa Pathologie generale Pathol Gen La PediatriaPediatria (Napoli)BLa Pediatria medica e chirurgica : Medical and surgical pediatricsPediatr Med Chir La PenseePenseeLa Pensee et les hommes Pensee HommesLa Pharmacie industrielle Pharm IndLa PiePieLa Prensa medica mexicanaPrensa Med MexLa Presse medicale Presse Med La Presse thermale et climatiquePresse Therm ClimLa Promotion dentaire Promot DentLa Prophylaxie antivenerienneProphyl Antivenerienne"La Prophylaxie sanitaire et moraleProphyl Sanit MoraleLa Provence medicaleProv MedLa Psychiatrie de l'enfantPsychiatr EnfantLa Quintessenza QuintessenzaLa Radiologia medicaRadiol Med (Torino)&La Rassegna della letteratura italianaRass Lett Ital0La Rassegna di clinica, terapia e scienze affini Rass Clin Ter La Recherche Recherche"La Revue de geographie de MontrealRev Geogr MontrLa Revue de geriatrie Revue GeriatrLa Revue de medecineRev Med (Paris)`La Revue de medecine interne / fondee ... par la Societe nationale francaise de medecine interneRev Med InterneLa Revue de pediatrie Rev Pediatr<La Revue des infirmieres et infirmiers auxiliaires du QuebecRev Infirm Infirm Aux Que*La Revue du Louvre et des musees de FranceRev Louvre Mus FrLa Revue du praticienRev PratGLa Revue francaise d'endocrinologie clinique, nutrition, et metabolismeRev Fr Endocrinol Clin*La Revue francaise de la prothese dentaireRev Fr Prothese DentLa Revue lyonnaise de medecine Rev Lyon MedLa Revue medicale de PicardieRev Med Picardie3La Revue stomato-odontologique du nord de la FranceRev Stomatoodontol Nord Fr&La Ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio Ric Clin LabLa Ricerca scientificaRic SciHLa Ricerca scientifica. 2. ser., pt. 2: Rendiconti. Sezione B: BiologicaRic Sci 2 Ser Pt 2 Rend [B].La Ricerca scientifica. 2. ser., pt.1: RivistaRic Sci 2 Ser Pt 1 RivLa Riforma medica Riforma MedLa Sante publiqueSante Publique (Bucur) La Semaine des hopitaux de Paris Sem Hop Paris&La Semaine des hopitaux: therapeutiqueSem Hop Ther ParisALa Semaine medicale [medecine sociale. Edition: couverture jaune]Sem Medicale Med SocLa Semana medicaSem Med,La Technique de l'eau et de l'assainissementTech Eau AssainissementLa Tribuna odontologicaTrib Odontol (B Aires)La Tunisie medicale Tunis Med"La Vie medicale au Canada francaisVie Med Can Fr4La Vie medicale. Evolution medicale et therapeutiqueVie Med Evolut Med TherLa Voix dentaire Voix DentMLa chronique du CEPED / Centre francais sur la population et le developpement Chron CEPEDLa parola del passatoParola PassatoeLa semaine des hopitaux : organe fonde par l'Association d'enseignement medical des hopitaux de ParisSem Hop6La tourbe des philosophes : revue d'etudes alchimiques Tourbe PhilosbLa voix de la femme : magazine trimestriel d'information, d'education et de mobilisation de l'APDF Voix Femme Lab animal Lab Anim (NY) Lab on a chipLab Chip Lab world Lab World Labor history Labor HistLabor law journal Labor Law JLaboratornoe deloLab Delo7Laboratory and research methods in biology and medicineLab Res Methods Biol MedLaboratory animal care Lab Anim CareLaboratory animal science Lab Anim SciLaboratory animalsLab AnimcLaboratory hematology : official publication of the International Society for Laboratory Hematology Lab HematolFLaboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology Lab InvestLaboratory medicineLab MedLaboratory practice Lab Pract.Labour (Committee on Canadian Labour History).LabourLabour and society Labour Soc6Labour capital and society. Travail capital et societeLabour Cap SocLabour history Labour Hist Laeknabladid Laeknabladid Lahey Clinic Foundation bulletinLahey Clin Found BullLakartidningenLakartidningenLampadaLampadaLancetLancetLancet neurology Lancet NeurolLand and water law reviewLand Water Law RevLand economics Land EconLand use policyLand use policy Landscape LandscapeLandscape and urban planningLandsc Urban PlanLangagesLangagesFLangenbeck's archives of surgery / Deutsche Gesellschaft fur ChirurgieLangenbecks Arch Surg Langenbecks Archiv fur ChirurgieLangenbecks Arch ChirLangenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie. Supplement II, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Kongress2Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl II Verh Dtsch Ges ChiriLangenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie. Supplement. Kongressband. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Kongress&Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd_Langenbecks Archiv fur klinische Chirurgie ... vereinigt mit Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Chirurgie+Langenbecks Arch Klin Chir Ver Dtsch Z Chir3Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloidsLangmuirLanguage & communication Lang Commun Language and cognitive processesLang Cogn ProcessLanguage and speech Lang Speech1Language, speech, and hearing services in schoolsLang Speech Hear Serv SchLaryngo- rhino- otologieLaryngorhinootologie"Laryngologie, Rhinologie, OtologieLaryngol Rhinol Otol (Stuttg) Laser physics Laser PhysLasers in medical scienceLasers Med SciLasers in surgery and medicineLasers Surg Med*Lasers in surgery and medicine. SupplementLasers Surg Med Suppl Lateinamerika Lateinamerika Laterality LateralityLatin American perspectivesLat Am Perspect*Latin American population history bulletinLat Am Popul Hist Bull,Latin American population history newsletterLat Am Popul Hist NewsLatin American research reviewLat Am Res RevLatomusLatomus Laundry news Laund News Laval medical Laval MedZLavori dell'Istituto di anatomia e istologia patologica, Universita degli studi di Perugia+Lav Ist Anat Istol Patol Univ Studi Perugia Lavoro umanoLav UmLaw & inequality Law Inequal Law & justice Law Justice Law & libertyLaw Lib Law & policy Law PolicyLaw & policy quarterly Law Policy Q=Law & social inquiry : journal of the American Bar Foundation Law Soc InqLaw & society review Law Soc RevKLaw Institute journal : the official organ of the Law Institute of Victoria Law Inst JLaw and contemporary problemsLaw Contemp ProblLaw and human behavior Law Hum BehavLaw and mental healthLaw Ment HealthLaw and philosophy Law Philos(Law and policy in international businessLaw Policy Int BusLaw and psychology reviewLaw Psychol RevLaw fileLaw FileLaw in context (Bundoora, Vic.) Law ContextLaw library journal Law Libr JULaw, medicine & health care : a publication of the American Society of Law & MedicineLaw Med Health CareLaw-medicine news Law Med NewsdLaws / passed by the ... General Assembly of the state of Illinois at their ... session ... IllinoisLaws Ill*Laws of Puerto Rico annotated. Puerto RicoLaws P R Annot P R+Laws of the state of New Mexico. New MexicoLaws State N M N MxLaws of the state of Oregon / enacted during the ... session of the Legislative Assembly, begun ... concluded ... OregonLaws State Or OrLe Centre-est medical Cent Est Med Le Chirurgien-dentiste de France Chir Dent FrLe Contrat social Contrat SocLe Corps medicalCorps Med (Ettelbruck)Le Courrier de l'Unesco Courr UnescoLe DebatDebatLe Developpement voltaique Dev Volta Le DiabeteDiabete;Le Journal dentaire belge. Belgisch blad voor tandheelkunde J Dent BelgeLe Journal dentaire du Quebec J Dent Que9Le Journal medical libanais. The Lebanese medical journal J Med LibanLe LaitLaitLe Livre et l'estampe Livre EstampeLe Mali medicalMali MedQLe Medecin d'usine; revue d'hygiene industrielle et des maladies professionnellesMed Usine Rev Hyg Ind Mal ProfLe Medecin de reserveMed Reserve (Paris) Le Medecin generaliste de France Med Gen FrLe Medecin libre Med LibreLe Monde alpin et rhodanienMonde Alp Rhodan.Le Moniteur des pharmacies et des laboratoiresMonit Pharm LabLe Mouvement socialMouv Soc Le MuseonMuseon Le Nourrisson NourrissonLe Pharmacien biologiste Pharm Biol Le PoumonPoumonLe Poumon et le coeur Poumon CoeurLe Progres medicalProgr Med (Paris) Le Progres odonto-stomatologiqueProg OdontostomatolLe Saguenay medical Saguenay MedLe SangSang Le ScalpelScalpel (Brux)Le Sud medical et chirurgical Sud Med Chir(Le Technicien belge en prothese dentaireTech Belge Prothese DentLe Travail humainTrav HumLe courrier des pays de l'Est / publie avec le concours du Centre de documentation sur l'U.R.S.S. et les pays slaves de l'Ecole pratique des hautes etudesCourr Pays EstLe infezioni in medicina : rivista periodica di eziologia, epidemiologia, diagnostica, clinica e terapia delle patologie infettive Infez MedLe monde dentaire Monde DentLeague exchange League Exch League lines League Lines7Learning & behavior : a Psychonomic Society publication Learn Behav,Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.) Learn MemLearning and motivation Learn MotivLearning disabilities research & practice : a publication of the Division for Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional ChildrenLearn Disabil Res PractpLebensmittel-Wissenschaft + [i.e. und] Technologie. Food science + technology. Science + technologie alimentaireLebenson Wiss TechnolLebensversicherungs MedizinLebensversicher MedLeber, Magen, DarmLeber Magen Darm!Lecture notes in computer scienceLect Notes Comput Sci,Lectures on the scientific basis of medicineLect Sci Basis MedLeeds Dental Journal Leeds Dent J!Legal aspects of medical practiceLeg Aspects Med PractLegal ethics (Oxford, England) Leg EthicsLegal medical quarterly Leg Med QLegal medicineLeg MedLegal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)Leg Med (Tokyo)Legal medicine annual Leg Med Annu"Legal reference services quarterlyLegal Ref Serv Q)Legal studies (Society of Legal Scholars)Leg Stud (Soc Leg Scholars)1Legal studies (Society of Public Teachers of Law)Leg Stud0Lege artis medicinae : uj magyar orvosi hirmondoLege Artis MedLekarska veda v zahranici Lek Veda ZahrLekarske listyLek ListLekarske praceLek PrLekarsky obzorLek ObzLekarz wojskowy Lek WojskLemouziLemouziLens and eye toxicity researchLens Eye Toxic Res Lens researchLens ResLeodiumLeodium Leopoldina LeopoldinaLeprosy in India Lepr IndiaLeprosy reviewLepr RevLes Annales d'oto-laryngologieAnn OtolaryngolLes Annales de l'I.F.O.R.D Ann IFORD%Les Annales homeopathiques francaisesAnn Homeopath Fr Les BronchesBronchesLes Cahiers de Fontenay Cah Fontenay/Les Cahiers de l'Alliance israelite universelleCah All Isr UniversLes Cahiers de l'Iroise Cah IroiseLes Cahiers de l'Orient Cah Orient$Les Cahiers de l'analyse des donneesCah Anal Donnees*Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturaleCah Rech ArchitLes Cahiers de medecineCah Med#Les Cahiers de medecine veterinaire Cah Med VetLes Cahiers de prothese Cah ProtheseLes Cahiers des Dix. Les DixCah Dix8Les Cahiers du College de medecine des hopitaux de ParisCah Coll Med Hop ParisLes Cahiers haut-marnaisCah Haut MarnaisLes Cahiers lorrains Cah LorrainsLes Cahiers rationalistes Cah RationLes Revues medicales normandesRev Med NormandesLes cahiers d'outre-merCah O MLes cahiers de Tunisie Cah TunisLes cahiers du nursingCah Nurs8Les entretiens de Bichat. Medecine. Entretiens de BichatEntret Bichat Med Entret BichatLes temps modernes Temps ModLethaiaLethaiaLettere italiane Lett ItalLetters in applied microbiologyLett Appl Microbiol"Letters in drug design & discoveryLett Drug Des DiscovLeukemia & lymphoma Leuk Lymphoma[Leukemia : official journal of the Leukemia Society of America, Leukemia Research Fund, U.KLeukemiaLeukemia researchLeuk ResLeuvensche bijdragenLeuvense BijdrLeveltari kozlemenyekLeveltari KozlLeveltari szemle Leveltari SzLex et scientiaLex SciLeyte-Samar studiesLeyte Samar StudLiasLiasLiberation (New York, N.Y.) LiberationLiberian studies journalLiberian Stud JLiberty, life, and family Lib Life FamLibraries & culture Libr Cult/Library Association record. Library AssociationLibr Assoc RecLibrary chronicle Libr ChronLibrary history Libr HistLibrary journalLibr J&Library resources & technical servicesLibr Resour Tech Serv2Library review. Great Britain. Forestry CommissionLibr Rev (Lond)-Library science with a slant to documentationLib Sci Slant DocLibrary technology reportsLibr Technol RepLibrary trends Libr TrendsLichenologist (London, England) Lichenologist6Lietuvos TSR aukstuju mokyklu mokslo darbai: Biologija"Liet Tsr Aukst Mokyklu Mokslo DarbLietuvos istorijos metrastisLiet Istor MetrastLife (Chicago, Ill. : 1978)LifeLife science advances Life Sci Adv|Life science advances. Experimental and clinical endocrinology : a journal of the Council of Scientific Research Integration Life Sci Adv Exp Clin EndocrinoleLife science advances. Plant physiology : a journal of the Council of Scientific Research IntegrationLife Sci Adv Plant Physiol Life sciencesLife Sci Life sciences and space researchLife Sci Space Res1Life sciences. Pt. 1: Physiology and pharmacology Life Sci IALife sciences. Pt. 2: Biochemistry, general and molecular biology Life Sci IIGLife support & biosphere science : international journal of earth spaceLife Support Biosph SciPLife support systems : the journal of the European Society for Artificial OrgansLife Support SystLife-threatening behaviorLife Threat Behav`Lifelong learning, the adult years / Adult Education Association of the United States of AmericaLifelong Learn Adult YearsLifetime data analysisLifetime Data AnalLigamentLigament Liguorian LiguorianLijecnicki vjesnik Lijec Vjesn:Likars'ka sprava / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov'ia Ukrainy Lik SpravaLilith (Fitzroy, Vic.)LilithLille chirurgical Lille ChirZLille medical : journal de la Faculte de medecine et de pharmacie de l'Universite de Lille Lille MedLimburgLimburgLimnology and oceanographyLimnol OceanogrLincoln heraldLinc Her*Lincoln law review (San Francisco, Calif.) Linc Law Rev!Lincoln review (Washington, D.C.) Lincoln RevLinen supply newsLinen Supply News Lingua nostra Lingua NostrabLingua. International review of general linguistics. Revue internationale de linguistique generaleLinguaLinguistic inquiry (Online) Linguist InqLinguistics and philosophyLinguist PhilosLinks (New York, N.Y.)LinksLipidsLipidsLipids in health and diseaseLipids Health DisCLippincott's case management : managing the process of patient careLippincotts Case Manag"Lippincott's primary care practiceLippincotts Prim Care Pract5Lippische Mitteilungen aus Geschichte und LandeskundeLipp Mitt Gesch Landeskd Lishi yanjiu Lishi Yanjiu!Listener (London, England : 1967)Listener Listening ListeningLiteracy discussion Lit DiscussLiteratur-Eildienst "Roche."Lit Eildienst Roche!Literatura (San Sebastian, Spain) LiteraturaLiterature & historyLit HistLiterature and medicineLit MedLitterature, medecine, societe Litt Med SocLituanusLituanusLiverLiverbLiver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver Liver IntLiver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society Liver TransplLiver transplantation and surgery : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation SocietyLiver Transpl Surg!Liverpool classical monthly : LCMLiverp Classical MonLivrustkammarenLivrustkammarenLlano Estacado heritageLlano Estac HeritageLloydiaLloydiaLo sperimentale SperimentaleLocal population studiesLocal Popul StudLocus (Denton, Tex.)Locus!Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocologyLogoped Phoniatr VocolLogosLogosLogos (Santa Clara, Calif.)Logos (Santa Clara)&Loma Linda University Dentist MagazineLoma Linda Univ Dent MagLondon Clinic medical journalLond Clin Med JLong Island forumLong Isl ForumLong range planningLong Range Plann Long term care (Don Mills, Ont.)Long Term Care (Don Mills);Long term care and health services administration quarterly Long Term Care Health Serv Adm QLong-term care quarterlyLong Term Care Q Longevita Longevita5Los Alamos science / Los Alamos Scientific LaboratoryLos Alamos SciLos Angeles lawyerLos Angel LawyerLoss, grief & careLoss Grief CareLotta contro la tubercolosi Lotta TubercLouisiana historyLa HistLouisiana law review LA Law RevLouisiana studiesLa StudLouvain medicalLouv MedLouvain studies Louv StudILovtidende. A, Almindelige love, anordninger og bekendtgoerelser. DenmarkLOVTID K DAN AULoyola University of Chicago law journal. Loyola University of Chicago. School of LawLoyola Univ Chicago Law JLoyola consumer law reviewLoyola Consum Law RevLoyola law reviewLoyola Law Rev?Loyola of Los Angeles international and comparative law journalLoyola Los Angel Int Comp Law J Loyola of Los Angeles law reviewLoyola Los Angel Law RevLuft- und RaumfahrtLuft RaumfahrtBLuminescence : the journal of biological and chemical luminescence LuminescenceLungLung$Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Lung CancerLupusLupusLuso-Brazilian review Luso-Braz Rev+Lutheran quarterly (Gettysburg, Pa. : 1949) Lutheran QLutheran theological journalLutheran Theol J;Luzifer-Amor : Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse Luzif AmorLymphatic research and biologyLymphat Res Biol Lymphokine and cytokine researchLymphokine Cytokine ResLymphokine researchLymphokine Res Lymphology Lymphology.Lyon Mediterranee medical. Medecine du Sud-EstLyon Mediterr Med Med Sud EstLyon chirurgical Lyon Chir Lyon medicalLyon MedLyon pharmaceutique Lyon PharmM & B pharmaceutical bulletinM B Pharm Bull.M.D. computing : computers in medical practice MD ComputMAAS journal of Islamic scienceMAAS J Islam SciMARHIAMARHIA MCH news PAC MCH News PAC3MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursingMCN Am J Matern Child NursMD medical newsmagazineMD$MGH news / Montreal General HospitalMGH News5MGMA connexion / Medical group Management Association MGMA ConnexMHMHMIT's technology reviewMITS Technol Rev,MLM [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionMLM Rep MLN bulletinMLN Bull MLO: medical laboratory observerMLO Med Lab Obs"MMG. Medizin, Mensch, GesellschaftMmgMMW Fortschritte der MedizinMMW Fortschr Med)MMW, Munchener medizinische WochenschriftMMW Munch Med WochenschrMMWR. CDC surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. CDC surveillance summaries / Centers for Disease ControlMMWR CDC Surveill Summ+MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly reportMMWR Morb Mortal Wkly RepMMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease ControlMMWR Recomm RepbMMWR. Surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries / CDCMMWR Surveill Summ)MNA accent / Minnesota Nurses Association MNA AccentMPS. Medical products salesmanMPS)MRS bulletin / Materials Research SocietyMRS BullMSMs?MSDA journal : journal of the Maryland State Dental AssociationMSDA JMULTIsMultisMaandblad van "Oud-Utrecht" : vereeniging tot beoefening en tot verspreiding van de kennis der geschiedenis van Utrecht en omstrekenMaandbl Oud UtrechtbMaandschrift - Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. Netherlands. Centraal Bureau voor de StatistiekMaandschr Cent Bur Stat#Maandschrift voor kindergeneeskundeMaandschr KindergeneeskdaMaandstatistiek van bevolking en volksgezondheid. Netherlands. Centraal Bureau voor de StatistiekMaandstat Bevolking Volksgezond<Maandstatistiek van de bevolking (Hague, Netherlands : 1982)Maandstat Bevolking9Maanedsskrift for praktisk Laegegerning og social MedicinManedsskr Prakt Laegegern2Maastricht journal of European and comparative lawMaastrich J Eur Comp Law Maclean'sMacleansMacromolecular bioscienceMacromol BiosciMacromoleculesMacromolecules Mademoiselle MademoiselleMadjalah Kedokteran IndonesiaMadjalah Kedokt IndonesVMadjalah Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia. Journal Of The Indonesian Dental AssociationMadj Persat Dokt Gigi IndonesMagazin istoric Mag Istor)Magazine antiques (New York, N.Y. : 1971) Mag AntiqMagazine litteraireMag LittMaghreb, MachrekMaghreb MachrekMagma (New York, N.Y.)MAGMA Magnesium MagnesiumMagnesium and trace elementsMagnes Trace ElemmMagnesium research : official organ of the International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium Magnes ResMagnetic resonance annualMagn Reson AnnuMagnetic resonance imagingMagn Reson Imaging3Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North AmericaMagn Reson Imaging Clin N Am%Magnetic resonance in chemistry : MRCMagn Reson ChemvMagnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in MedicineMagn Reson Med SciMagnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in MedicineMagn Reson MedMagnetic resonance quarterly Magn Reson QMagyar belorvosi archivumMagy Belorv ArchMagyar noorvosok lapjaMagy Noorv LapjaMagyar onkologia Magy OnkolMagyar radiologia Magy RadiolMagyar sebeszetMagy Seb:Magyar traumatologia, orthopaedia es helyreallito sebeszet&Magy Traumatol Orthop Helyreallito SebAMagyar traumatologia, ortopedia, kezsebeszet, plasztikai sebeszet*Magy Traumatol Ortop Kezseb Plasztikai Seb;Magyar tudomany : [a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Ertesitoje]Magy TudMaharashtra medical journalMaharashtra Med J]Mahidol population gazette / Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol UniversityMahidol Popul Q GazMaiaMaia-Maikotokishin : Maikotokishin Kenkyukai kaihoGProceedings of the Japanese Association of Mycotoxicology|Maikotokishin>MainLines : the newsletter for the Midwest Alliance in Nursing Mainlines"Maine Historical Society quarterlyMaine Hist Soc QMaine law review Maine Law Rev Maine nurse Maine NurseMaine revised statutes annotated, 1964 : being the tenth revision of the Revised statutes of the state of Maine, 1964 / prepared under the supervision of the Committee on Revision of Statutes. Maine#Maine Revis Statut Annot 1964 MaineMajalah demografi IndonesiaMajalah Demografi Indones)Majalah obstetri dan ginekologi IndonesiaMajalah Obstet Ginekol Indones)Majallah-i'ulum-i payah-i pizishki-i IranzIranian journal of basic medical sciences / Mashad University of Medical Sciences|Majallah iulum i Payah i Pizishki i Iran1Majallat Majma' al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah bi-DimashqRev Acad Arabe Damas.Majallat Niqabat Attiba' al-Asnan al-Urduniyah,Majallat Niqabat Attiba Alasnnan Alurduniyah<Majallat al-Diwan al-Qawmi lil-Usrah wa-al-'Umran al-Bashari5Majallat Aldiwan Alqawmi Lilusrah Waal Umran lbashari-Majallat al-buhuth wa-al-dirasat al-'Arabiyah(Majallat Albuhuth Waaldirasat Alarabiyah(Majallat ma had al-makhtutat al-Arabiyah&Majallat Ma had al Makhtutat al Arabiy!Majallat tibb al-asnan al-SuriyahMajallat Tibb Alasnan Alsuriyah Majallat tibb al-famm al-SuriyahMajallat Tibb Alfamm Alsuriyah%Major problems in clinical pediatricsMajor Probl Clin Pediatr"Major problems in clinical surgeryMajor Probl Clin Surg#Major problems in internal medicineMajor Probl Intern Med+Major problems in obstetrics and gynecologyMajor Probl Obstet GynecolMajor problems in pathologyMajor Probl Pathol:Makedonski medicinski pregled. Revue medicale macedonienneMakedon Med Pregl,Making the rounds in health, faith, & ethicsMak Rounds Health Faith Ethics Malacologia MalacologiaMalagaMalagaMalaria journalMalar JMalaria weekly Malar WklyMalattie cardiovascolariMal CardiovascEMalawi medical journal : the journal of Medical Association of Malawi Malawi Med JMalaysian dental journal Malays Dent JMalaysian journal of reproductive health : a publication of the Reproductive Research Centre of the National Population and Family Development Board, MalaysiaMalays J Reprod Health'Malaysian journal of tropical geographyMalays J Trop GeogrMalpractice digest Malpract DigMammaliaMammaliaMammalian biology*Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde|Mamm. Biol.QMammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society Mamm GenomeMan and medicineMan Med Man in India Man IndiaManaged care (Langhorne, Pa.) Manag CareManaged care interfaceManag Care InterfaceManaged care quarterly Manag Care Q&Managed care strategies (Atlanta, Ga.)Manag Care Strateg Managed medicare & medicaid newsManag Medicare Medicaid NewsqManagement and compliance series / American Society for Hospital Engineering of the American Hospital AssociationManag Compliance SerManagement focus Manage FocusManagement review Manage RevManagement science Manage SciManagement world Manage World(Managing international development : MID Manag Int DevBManchester memoirs / Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society Manch MenManitoba historyMan HistManitoba law journal Manit Law JManitoba medical review Manit Med RevMankindMankindSManshurat Majallat dirasat al-Khalij wa-al-Jazirah al-'Arabiyah / Jami'at al-Kuwayt;Manshur Atmajallat Dirasat Alkhalij Waal Jazirah AlarabiyahManual therapyMan Ther&Manufacturing chemist and aerosol newsManuf Chem Aerosol News Manuscripta ManuscriptaManuscripts (New York, N.Y.)Manuscripts (N Y)ManushiManushi)Marburger Schriften zur MedizingeschichteMarbg Schrift Medgesch!Marburger geographische SchriftenMarbg Geogr SchrMargaMargaMarginMarginMarginalia dermatologicaMarginalia DermatolMargins (Baltimore, Md.)Margins (Baltim)Marine behaviour and physiologyMar Behav Physiol%Marine biotechnology (New York, N.Y.)Mar Biotechnol (NY)Marine chemistryMar ChemMarine ecology progress seriesMar Ecol Prog SerMarine environmental researchMar Environ ResMarine geologyMar GeolMarine pollution bulletinMar Pollut BullMarine-rundschau Mar RundschFMarkers : the annual journal of the Association for Gravestone StudiesMarkersMarketing health servicesMark Health Serv Maroc medical Maroc MedMarquette law reviewMarquette Law RevMarquette medical reviewMarquette Med RevMarriageMarriageMarriage & family reviewMarriage Fam RevMarriage and family livingMarriage Fam LivingMarriage and family newsletterMarriage Fam NewslMarseille chirurgical Mars ChirMarseille medicalMars MedMarxist perspectives Marx Perspect&Maryland Genealogical Society bulletinMd Geneal Soc BullMaryland historical magazine Md Hist Mag-Maryland journal of contemporary legal issuesMd J Contemp Leg Issues/Maryland journal of international law and tradeMd J Int Law TradeMaryland law forum Md Law Forum+Maryland law review (Baltimore, Md. : 1936) MD Law Rev0Maryland medical journal (Baltimore, Md. : 1985)Md Med JTMaryland medicine : MM : a publication of MEDCHI, the Maryland State Medical SocietyMd MedMaryland nursing news Md Nurs NewsMaryland state medical journalMd State Med JMass spectrometry reviewsMass Spectrom RevuMassachusetts general laws annotated : under arrangement of the official General laws of Massachusetts. MassachusettsMass Gen Laws Annot Mass&Massachusetts journal of mental healthMass Journal Ment HealthMassachusetts law review Mass Law RevMassachusetts physicianMass PhysicianMassachusetts reports : cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court!Mass Rep Mass Supreme Judic Court-Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiologyMasuiGMatekon: translations of Russian & East European mathematical economicsMatekonMateria Medica GrecaMater Med GrecaMateria medica NordmarkMater Med Nordmark>Materia medica Polona. Polish journal of medicine and pharmacy Mater Med PolMaterial culture Mater CultGMaterial history bulletin. Bulletin d'histoire de la culture materielleMater Hist BullVMaterialien zur Bevolkerungswissenschaft / Bundesinstitut fur BevolkerungswissenschaftMater BevolkwissMaterials & design Mater DesKMaterials Research Society symposia proceedings. Materials Research Society%Mater Res Soc Symp Proc Mater Res Soc#Materials management in health careMater Manag Health CareMaterials performance Mater PerformMaterials research bulletinMater Res Bull)Materialwissenschaft und WerkstofftechnikMaterwiss Werksttech!Materialy i prace antropologiczneMater Pr AntropolMaternal & child nutritionMatern Child Nutr!Maternal and child health journalMatern Child Health JMaternal-child nursing journalMatern Child Nurs J0Maternidade e infancia; arquivos medicos-sociaisMatern Infanc (Sao Paulo):Maternite; revue pratique d'obstetrique et de puericulture Maternite#Mathematical and computer modellingMath Comput ModelMathematical biosciences Math Biosci.Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBEMath Biosci Eng8Mathematical medicine and biology : a journal of the IMA Math Med BiolMathematical population studiesMath Popul StudMathematical social sciences Math Soc Sci'Mathematics and computers in simulationMath Comput SimulMatrix (Stuttgart, Germany)Matrix'Matrix (Stuttgart, Germany). Supplement Matrix SupplHMatrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology Matrix Biol Maturitas MaturitasMawazoMawazoMaxwell review Maxwell Rev'Mayo Clinic health letter (English ed.)Mayo Clin Health Lett$Mayo Clinic proceedings. Mayo ClinicMayo Clin Proc Mayo Clinic women's healthsourceMayo Clin Womens Healthsource Mazingira Mazingira%McCall's (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1921)McCallsMcGeorge law reviewMcGeorge Law RevMcGill journal of education McGill J Educ,McGill law journal. Revue de droit de McGill McGill Law JMcGill medical journal Mcgill Med JWMcGill-Queen's/Hannah Institute studies in the history of medicine, health, and society2Mcgill Queens Hannah Inst Stud Hist Med Health Soc4McGraw-Hill's Washington report on medicine & health Mcgraw Hills Wash Rep Med HealthMcGraw-Hill's medicine & healthMcgraw Hills Med HealthMcKinney's Consolidated laws of New York annotated : with annotations from state and federal courts and state agencies. New York (State))McKinneys Consol Laws N Y Annot N Y State>Mead Johnson Symposium on Perinatal and Developmental Medicine!Mead Johnson Symp Perinat Dev MedMeanderMeander Measurement science & technologyMeas Sci Technol Meccanica Meccanica.Mechanical engineering (New York, N.Y. : 1919)Mech Eng)Mechanics & chemistry of biosystems : MCBMech Chem Biosyst$Mechanisms of ageing and developmentMech Ageing DevMechanisms of developmentMech Dev%MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine MedGenMedMeddelanden fran Flyg- och navalmedicinska namnden. Statens namnd for flyg- och navalmedicinsk forsknings- och forsoksverksamhetRMedd Flyg Navalmed Namnd Statens Namnd For Flyg Navalmed Forsk Forsoksvererksamhet*Meddelelser fra Norsk farmaceutisk selskapMedd Nor Farm Selsk=Meddelelser. Denmark. Sundhedsstyrelsen. Beredskabsafdelingen&Medd Sundhedsstyr BeredskabsafdelingenMedecine & chirurgie digestives Med Chir Dig!Medecine aeronautique et spatialeMed Aeronaut SpatMedecine d'Afrique noire Med Afr NoireMedecine d'Egypte Med EgypteMedecine dans le monde Med MondeMedecine et armees Med ArmeesMedecine et audio vision Med Audio VisMedecine et hygieneMed Hyg (Geneve)Medecine et laboratoireMed Lab!Medecine et maladies infectieusesMed Mal InfectMedecine interne Med Interne#Medecine legale et dommage corporelMed Leg Dommage CorporMedecine sciences : M/SMed Sci (Paris)5Medecine tropicale : revue du Corps de sante colonialMed Trop (Mars)rMededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen)3Meded Rijksuniv Gent Fak Landbouwkd Toegep Biol Wet|Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor wetenschappen, letteren en schone kunsten van Belgie. Klasse der wetenschappen0Meded K Acad Wet Lett Schone Kunsten Belg Kl Wet%Medi-Cal Policy Institute issue brief Medi-Cal Policy Inst Issue BriefMedia & gender monitor / An occasional publication by the Women's Programme at the World Association for Christian CommunicationMedia & Gend Monit Media Asia Media AsiaMedia development Media DevMediaeval studies Mediaev Stud"Mediaevalia philosophica polonorumMediaev Philos PolMediators of inflammationMediators InflammMedica Britannica Med Br (Lond) Medical & biological engineering Med Biol Eng,Medical & biological engineering & computingMed Biol Eng Comput!Medical & biological illustrationMed Biol IllusFMedical Bulletin / U.S. Army First Army United States. Army. Army, 1stMed Bull U S Army Army 1stMedical Bulletin Of UgandaMed Bull Uganda#Medical Research Council memorandumMemo Med Res CouncMedical Section proceedings : the ... annual Meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council of Life Insurance. American Council of Life Insurance. Medical Section. Meeting Med Sect ProcMedical affairsMed AffMedical and pediatric oncologyMed Pediatr Oncol*Medical and pediatric oncology. SupplementMed Pediatr Oncol Suppl!Medical and veterinary entomologyMed Vet EntomolMedical anthropology Med AnthropolMedical anthropology newsletterMed Anthropol NewslMedical anthropology quarterlyMed Anthropol Q Medical artMed ArtMedical arts and sciences Med Arts Sci"Medical aspects of human sexualityMed Aspects Hum SexMedical biologyMed Biol#Medical bulletin (Ann Arbor, Mich.)Med Bull (Ann Arbor),Medical bulletin of Istanbul Medical FacultyMed Bull Istanbul Med FacYMedical bulletin of the U. S. Army, Europe. United States. Army, Europe. Medical DivisionMed Bull US Army Eur0Medical bulletin. Harrisburg Polyclinic Hospital!Med Bull Harrisburg Polyclin Hosp&Medical bulletin. St. Louis UniversityMed Bull St Louis UnivIMedical bulletin. United States. Army. European Command. Medical Division%Med Bull U S Army Eur Command Med DivWMedical bulletin. United States. Veterans Administration. Dept. of Medicine and SurgeryMed Bull Vet Adm Medical careMed Care'Medical care research and review : MCRRMed Care Res RevMedical care review Med Care RevMedical claims managementMed Claims ManagMedical counterpointMed Counterpoint]Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision MakingMed Decis MakingMedical design and material Med Des MaterMedical device technologyMed Device TechnolMedical digestMed DigMedical dimensions Med DimensXMedical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists Med DosimMedical economicsMed EconMedical educationMed EduccMedical electron microscopy : official journal of the Clinical Electron Microscopy Society of JapanMed Electron MicroscMedical electronics Med Electron,Medical electronics & biological engineeringMed Electron Biol EngMedical engineering & physics Med Eng Phys"Medical ethics (Burlington, Mass.)Med Ethics (Burlingt, Mass)<Medical ethics : journal of Forum for Medical Ethics Society Med EthicsMedical group managementMed Group Manage'Medical group management journal / MGMAMed Group Manage J!Medical gynaecology and sociologyMed Gynaecol Sociol-Medical gynaecology, andrology, and sociologyMed Gynaecol Androl SociolMedical heritage Med HeritMedical historyMed HistMedical history Australia Med Hist AustMedical history. SupplementMed Hist SupplMedical humanities Med HumanitMedical humanities reviewMed Humanit RevMedical hypothesesMed HypothesesMedical image analysisMed Image AnalMedical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted InterventionTMed Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv$Medical immunology (London, England) Med Immunol0Medical informatics and the Internet in medicineMed Inform Internet MedMedical insight Med InsightMedical instrumentation Med InstrumMedical interface Med Interface#Medical journal of Osaka UniversityMed J Osaka UnivMedical journal of Zambia Med J Zambia/Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of IranMed J Islam Repub IranMedical laboratory sciences Med Lab SciMedical laboratory technologyMed Lab TechnolMedical law international Med Law IntMedical law review Med Law RevMedical management networkMed Manag NetwMedical marketing & mediaMed Mark Media#Medical microbiology and immunologyMed Microbiol ImmunolMedical molecular morphologyMed Mol MorpholbMedical mycology : official publication of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology Med MycolMedical network strategy reportMed Netw Strategy RepMedical newsletterMed Newsl (Lond)-Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England) Med Oncol*Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapyMed Oncol Tumor PharmacotherMedical opinion & review Med Opin RevMedical physicsMed PhysgMedical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science CentreMed Princ Pract&Medical problems of performing artistsMed Probl Perform Art^Medical products sales : MPS : the official journal of the American Surgical Trade AssociationMed Prod Sales#Medical progress through technologyMed Prog Technol.Medical progress; a review of medical advancesMed ProgMedical radiographer Med Radiogr#Medical radiography and photographyMed Radiogr PhotogrMedical radiology Med RadiolMedical record and annals Med Rec Ann2Medical record and health care information journalMed Rec Health Care Inf JMedical record news Med Rec News$Medical reference services quarterlyMed Ref Serv QMedical research engineering Med Res EngMedical scienceMed Sci]Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research Med Sci MonitMedical science research Med Sci ResMedical self-care Med Self CareMedical serviceMed Serv Medical services journal, CanadaMed Serv J CanMedical teacher Med TeachMedical technicians bulletinMed Techn Bull Medical times Med TimesMedical toxicology Med Toxicol.Medical toxicology and adverse drug experienceMed Toxicol Adverse Drug Exp!Medical trial technique quarterlyMed Trial Tech Q Medical tribune and medical newsMed Trib Med NewsMedical ultrasoundMed UltrasoundMedical waste analystMed Waste AnalMedical woman's journal Med Womans J Medical world Med WorldMedical world newsMed World NewsMedical/dental journal Med Dent J MedicamentaMedicamenta (Madr)!Medicamento, historia e sociedadeMedicam Hist Soc*Medicamentos de actualidad. Drugs of today Med Actual Medicamentum Medicamentum Medicamundi Medicamundi5Medicare brief / National Academy of Social InsuranceMedicare BriefMedicinaMedicinaMedicina (Florence, Italy)Medicina (Firenze)Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)Medicina (Kaunas)Medicina De HojeMed HojeMedicina clinicaMed Clin (Barc)Medicina clinica e sperimentale Med Clin Sper)Medicina contemporanea (Lisbon, Portugal) Med Contemp'Medicina cutanea ibero-latino-americanaMed Cutan Ibero Lat Am"Medicina del deporte y del trabajoMed Deporte Trab;Medicina dello sport; rivista di fisiopatologia dello sportMed Sport (Roma)Medicina e historiaMed Hist (Barc)Medicina em revistaMed RevMedicina espanolaMed EspXMedicina et pharmacologia experimentalis. International journal of experimental medicineMed Pharmacol Exp Int J Exp MedGMedicina experimentalis. International journal of experimental medicineMed Exp Int J Exp Med Medicina fisica y rehabilitacionMed Fis RehabilMedicina infantil Med InfantRMedicina intensiva / Sociedad Espanola de Medicina Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias Med IntensivaMedicina internaMed Interna (Bucur),Medicina interna (Bucharest, Romania : 1991) Med Interna:Medicina latina; revista medica de colaboracion cientificaMed LatMedicina nei secoli Med SecoliMedicina oral : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Medicina Oral y de la Academia Iberoamericana de Patologia y Medicina BucalMed Oral-Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucalMed Oral Patol Oral Cir BucalMedicina panamericana Med PanamMedicina practicaMed Pract (Zaragoza)Medicina psicosomatica Med PsicosomMedicina thoracalis Med ThoracMedicina tradicional Med TradicMedicina y cirugiaMed Cir (Bogota)Medicina y cirugia de guerraMed Cir GuerraMedicina y desarrolloMed Desarrollo Medicina y seguridad del trabajoMed Segur Trab (Madr)Medicina, cirurgia, farmacia Med Cir Farm4Medicinal chemistry (Shariqah, United Arab Emirates)Med ChemMedicinal chemistry research : an international journal for rapid communications on design and mechanisms of action of biologically active agents Med Chem ResMedicinal research reviews Med Res Rev Medicinar MedicinarMedicineMedicineMedicine & health Med HealthMedicine & health (1997) Med Health%Medicine and global survival : M & GSMed Glob Surviv!Medicine and health, Rhode IslandMed Health R IMedicine and lawMed LawMedicine and science in sportsMed Sci Sports+Medicine and science in sports and exerciseMed Sci Sports ExercMedicine and societyMed Soc (Berkeley)Medicine and sport science Med Sport SciMedicine and warMed WarMedicine at Emory Med EmoryMedicine illustrated Med IllusMedicine international (UK ed.)Med IntMedicine of the yearMed YearMedicine today Med TodayMedicine's geographic heritageMed Geogr Herit Medicine, conflict, and survivalMed Confl Surviv%Medicine, health care, and philosophyMed Health Care PhilosMedicine, science, and the law Med Sci LawgMedicines, ethics and practice : a guide for pharmacists. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain$Med Ethics Pract Royal Pharm Soc G BMedicinsk Forum Med ForumMedicinski arhivMed ArhMedicinski glasnikMed GlasMedicinski pregled Med PreglMedicinski razgledi Med Razgl$Medicinski vjesnik (Osijek, Croatia)Med Vjesn (Osijek)Medico Boehringer: overseas edMed Bohringer (Overseas)Medico-legal bulletin Med Leg BullMedico; Europa Ausg Medico (Eur)Medico; international ed Medico (Int) Medicographia MedicographiaMedicolegal newsMedicoleg NewsMedieval archaeologyMediev Archaeol Medievales MedievalesMedievalia et humanisticaMediev Humanist8Medika; informativni casopis farmaceutiskih poduzeca NRHMedika (Zagreb)Medinfo. MEDINFOMedinfoMedioevo latino Medioevo LatMedioevo romanzoMedioev RomanzoMedisch contactMed Contact (Bussum)Medisch maandblad Med MaandblMediterranee medicale Mediterr Med*Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiiaMed Tr Prom Ekol3Meditsinskaia parazitologiia i parazitarnye bolezniMed Parazitol (Mosk)"Meditsinskaia promyshlennost' SSSR Med Prom SSSRMeditsinskaia radiologiiaMed Radiol (Mosk)Meditsinskaia sestra Med SestraMeditsinskaia tekhnikaMed Tekh Meditsinskii zhurnal Uzbekistana Med Zh Uzb Medizin in Geschichte und KulturMed Gesch KultMedizin und GesellschaftMed GesMedizin und SportMed Sport (Berl)sMedizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte : Jahrbuch des Instituts fur Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung Med Ges Gesch|Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte. Beiheft : Jahrbuch des Instituts fur Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch StiftungMed Ges Gesch BeihMedizinhistorisches Journal Medizinhist JMedizinische DokumentationMed DokMedizinische KlinikMed Klin"Medizinische Klinik (Klinik-Ausg.)Med Klin [Klin],Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany : 1983)Med Klin (Munich)8Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany : 1983). SupplementMed Klin Suppl"Medizinische Klinik (Praxis-Ausg.)Med Klin [Prax]Medizinische MonatsschriftMed Monatsschr+Medizinische Monatsschrift fur PharmazeutenMed Monatsschr PharmMedizinische NovitatenMed NovMedizinische TechnikMed Tech (Stuttg)Medizinischer Bild-DienstMed Bild DienstMedizinrecht : MedR MedizinrechtMedscape women's healthMedscape Womens HealthLMedsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses Medsurg NursMedychnyi zhurnal Med ZhurnalMedycyna doswiadczalnaMed Dosw&Medycyna doswiadczalna i mikrobiologiaMed Dosw MikrobiolaMedycyna nowozytna : studia nad historia medycyny / Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Historii Nauki Med NowozytnaMedycyna pracyMed PrMedycyna weterynaryjna Med WeterMedycyna wieku rozwojowegoMed Wieku Rozwoj@Melanges de l'Ecole francaise de Rome. Moyen age, temps modernes'Melanges Ec Fr Rome Moyen Age Temps Mod Melanges de la Casa de VelazquezMelanges Casa VelazquezMelanoma research Melanoma ResMelbourne University law reviewMelb Univ Law RevMelbourne historical journal Melb Hist J_Melita theologica : the review of the Royal University Students' Theological Association, Malta Melita TheolMellen history of medicineMellen Hist MedMelsheimer entomological seriesMeisheimer Entomol SerMemai heiko igakuMemai Heiko IgakuMembrane & cell biologyMembr Cell BiolMembrane biochemistry Membr Biochem Membranes MembranesOMemoires de l'Academie des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres de Toulouse"Mem Acad Sci Inscr B-Lett Toulouse5Memoires de l'Academie royale de medecine de BelgiqueMem Acad R Med BelgMemoires de la Societe d'agriculture, commerce, sciences et arts du departement de la Marne. Societe d'agriculture, commerce, sciences et arts du departement de la Marne, Chalons-sur-Marne#Mem Soc Agric Commer Sci Arts Marne(Memoires. Academie de chirurgie (France)Mem Acad Chir (Paris):Memorandum report. Naval Medical Research Institute (U.S.)Memo Rep Nav Med Res Inst (US)9Memoria de el Colegio Nacional. Colegio Nacional (Mexico)Mem Col Nac (Mex)?Memorias da Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Classe de CienciasMem Acad Cienc Lisb Cl CiencMemorias do Instituto ButantanMem Inst Butantan"Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo CruzMem Inst Oswaldo CruzMemory & cognition Mem CognitMemory (Hove, England)Memory#Memphis State University law reviewMemphis State Univ Law Rev%Memphis and Mid-South medical journalMemphis Mid South Med JMemphis medical journal Memphis Med JMen's reproductive healthMen's Reprod HealthMenninger perspectiveMenninger PerspectMenopause (New York, N.Y.) MenopauseMenopause international Menopause IntMens en onderneming Mens Ondernem+Mental and physical disability law reporterMent Phys Disabil Law Rep^Mental disability law reporter / American Bar Association, Commission on the Mentally DisabledMent Disabil Law Rep Mental healthMent Health (Lond)Mental health and societyMent Health SocMental health careMent Health CareKMental health nursing : journal of the Psychiatric Nurses Association / PNAMent Health NursMental health services researchMent Health Serv ResMental health statistical noteMent Health Stat Note'Mental health today (Brighton, England)Ment Health TodayMental hospitals Ment HospMental hygieneMent HygMental retardation Ment RetardMental retardation abstractsMent Retard AbstrBMental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviewsMent Retard Dev Disabil Res RevMental retardation and the lawMent Retard LawMentalisMentalis Mercer Dental Society NewsletterMercer Dent Soc NewslMercer law reviewMercer Law RevMerrill-Palmer quarterlyMerrill Palmer Q8Merrill-Palmer quarterly (Wayne State University. Press))Merrill Palmer Q (Wayne State Univ Press)4Merrill-Palmer quarterly of behavior and developmentMerrill Palmer Q Behav DevMese sanitario Mese Sanit Mesoamerica (Antigua, Guatemala)Mesoamerica (Antigua Guatem)MetaMeta%Metabolic and pediatric ophthalmologyMetab Pediatr Ophthalmol)Metabolic bone disease & related researchMetab Bone Dis Relat ResMetabolic brain diseaseMetab Brain DisMetabolic engineering Metab EngMetabolic ophthalmologyMetab Ophthalmol/Metabolic ophthalmology, pediatric and systemicMetab Ophthalmol(Metabolic syndrome and related disordersMetab Syndr Relat Disord0Metabolic, pediatric, and systemic ophthalmologyMetab Pediatr Syst OphthalmolHMetabolic, pediatric, and systemic ophthalmology (New York, N.Y. : 1985)Metab Pediatr Syst Ophthalmol%Metabolism: clinical and experimental Metabolism:Metabolomics : Official journal of the Metabolomic Society Metabolomics Metal ions in biological systemsMet Ions Biol Syst Metamedicine Metamedicine Meteoritics MeteoriticsMeteoritics & planetary scienceMeteorit Planet SciMethodist historyMethodist HistMethodology and science Methodol SciMethods (San Diego, Calif.)Methods2Methods and achievements in experimental pathologyMethods Achiev Exp Pathol>Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacologyMethods Find Exp Clin PharmacolMethods in cell biologyMethods Cell BiolQMethods in cell science : an official journal of the Society for In Vitro BiologyMethods Cell SciMethods in enzymologyMethods EnzymolMethods in medical researchMethods Med Res,Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)Methods Mol BiolMethods in molecular medicineMethods Mol MedMethods of biochemical analysisMethods Biochem Anal"Methods of information in medicineMethods Inf Med.Methods of information in medicine. SupplementMethods Inf Med SupplMezzogiorno d'Europa Mezzog EurMian yi xue za zhi(Journal of immunology|Mian Yi Xue Za ZhihMichie's West Virginia code, annotated / prepared by the editorial staff of the publisher. West VirginiaMichies W Va Code Annot W VaMichie's annotated code of the public general laws of Maryland / Prepared by the editorial staff of the publishers .... Maryland(Michies Annot Code Public Gen Laws Md MdMichigan Jewish history Mich Jew HistMichigan academician Mich AcadeMichigan appeals reports : cases decided in the Michigan Court of Appeals. Michigan. Court of Appeals#Mich Appeals Rep Mich Court Appeals*Michigan compiled laws annotated. MichiganMich Compil Laws Annot MichMichigan health & hospitalsMich Health HospMichigan history Mich HistMichigan hospitals Mich Hosp Michigan journal of gender & lawMich J Gend LawMichigan law review Mich Law RevMichigan medicineMich MedMichigan quarterly review Mich Q RevbMichigan statutes annotated / Compiled and edited by ... the publisher's editorial staff. MichiganMich Statut Annot MichMicrobe (Washington, D.C.)Microbe Wash DC)Microbes and infection / Institut PasteurMicrobes Infect Microbial & comparative genomicsMicrob Comp GenomicsMicrobial cell factoriesMicrob Cell Fact+Microbial drug resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.)Microb Drug ResistMicrobial ecology Microb EcolMicrobial pathogenesis Microb Pathog-Microbial releases : viruses, bacteria, fungiMicrob ReleasesMicrobiologia (Madrid, Spain) MicrobiologiaMicrobiologia espanola Microbiol Esp+Microbiologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia%Microbiol Parazitol Epidemiol (Bucur)MicrobiologicaMicrobiologicaMicrobiological research Microbiol ResMicrobiological reviews Microbiol RevMicrobiological sciences Microbiol SciMicrobiology (Reading, England) MicrobiologyMicrobiology and immunologyMicrobiol Immunol1Microbiology and molecular biology reviews : MMBRMicrobiol Mol Biol Rev Microbios Microbios_Microchemical journal, devoted to the application of microtechniques in all branches of science Microchem J(Microcirculation (New York, N.Y. : 1994)Microcirculation-Microcirculation, endothelium, and lymphatics Microcirc Endothelium LymphaticsMicrogravity quarterly : MGQMicrogravity Q#Microgravity science and technologyMicrogravity Sci TechnolMicron (Oxford, England : 1993)Micron Micronesica Micronesica(Microscope (Carshalton Beeches (Surrey)) MicroscopeMicroscopia electronica y biologia celular : organo oficial de las Sociedades Latinoamericana de Microscopia Electronica e Iberoamericana de Biologia CelularMicrosc Electron Biol CelularMicroscopica acta Microsc ActaMicroscopica acta. SupplementMicrosc Acta Suppl:Microscopy : the journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club MicroscopyMicroscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of CanadaMicrosc Microanal!Microscopy research and techniqueMicrosc Res Tech Microsurgery MicrosurgeryMicrovascular research Microvasc Res!Mid-America; an historical reviewMid Am Mid-American review of sociologyMid Am Rev Sociol+Midcontinental journal of archaeology, MCJAMidCont J Archaeol#Middle East dentistry & oral healthMiddle East Dent Oral HealthMiddle East healthMiddle East Health&Middle East journal of anaesthesiologyMiddle East J Anaesthesiol%Middle East journal of anesthesiologyMiddle East J Anesthesiol#Middle East report (New York, N.Y.)Middle East RepMiddle Eastern studiesMiddle East StudMidland history Midl Hist"Midstream; a monthly Jewish reviewMidstream (N Y)MidwayMidway*Midwest Alliance in Nursing journal / MAINMidwest Alliance Nurs JFMidwest medical ethics : a publication of the Midwest Bioethics CenterMidwest Med EthicsMidwestern dentist Midwest DentMidwife and health visitorMidwife Health Visit)Midwife, health visitor & community nurse$Midwife Health Visit Community Nurse Midwifery Midwifery(Midwifery today and childbirth educationMidwifery Today Childbirth Educ*Midwifery today with international midwifeMidwifery Today Int Midwife<Midwives : official journal of the Royal College of MidwivesMidwivesMidwives chronicleMidwives ChronMie medical journal Mie Med JMigracijske teme Migr Teme Migration MigrationMigration news Migr News/Migration today (Staten Island, New York, N.Y.) Migr TodayMigration world magazineMigr World MagMikrobiologicheskii zhurnal Mikrobiol ZhMikrobiologiiaMikrobiologiiaMikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal Mikrobiol Zh0Mikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1993) Mikrobiol ZMikrobiyoloji bulteniMikrobiyol BulMikrochimica actaMikrochim Acta#Mikrochimica et ichnoanalytica actaMikrochim Ichnoanal Acta Mikroskopie MikroskopieMilieux (Le Creusot, France)MilieuxMilitaerlaegenMilitaerlaegenMilitargeschichteMilitargeschichte=Military affairs : journal of the American Military InstituteMil AffMilitary collector & historianMilit Collect Hist+Military history of Texas and the SouthwestMilit Hist Tex SouthwestMilitary law review Mil Law RevMilitary medicineMil MeduMilitary psychology : the official journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association Mil PsycholMilitary reviewMil RevMilitary surgeonMil SurgMilwaukee history Milw Hist:Mims magazine weekly : the journal of quality patient careMIMS Mag5Mind; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophyMind"Mineral and electrolyte metabolismMiner Electrolyte MetabMineralogical magazine Mineral MagMinervaMinervaMinerva (Arlington, Va.)Minerva (Arlingt Va)Minerva anestesiologicaMinerva AnestesiolMinerva cardioangiologicaMinerva Cardioangiol!Minerva cardioangiologica EuropeaMinerva Cardioangiol EurMinerva chirurgica Minerva ChirMinerva dermatologicaMinerva DermatolMinerva dietologicaMinerva Dietol(Minerva dietologica e gastroenterologicaMinerva Dietol Gastroenterol4Minerva ecologica idroclimatologica e fisiconucleare$Minerva Ecol Idroclimatol Fisiconucl3Minerva ecologica idroclimatologica fisicosanitaria#Minerva Ecol Idroclimatol Fis SanitMinerva endocrinologicaMinerva EndocrinolMinerva farmaceutica Minerva FarmMinerva fisiconucleareMinerva Fisiconucl&Minerva fisioterapica e radiobiologicaMinerva Fisioter RadiobiolMinerva gastroenterologicaMinerva Gastroenterol(Minerva gastroenterologica e dietologicaMinerva Gastroenterol DietolMinerva ginecologicaMinerva GinecolMinerva medica Minerva MedXMinerva medicolegale; archivio di antropologia criminale, psichiatria, e medicina legaleMinerva MedicolegMinerva nefrologicaMinerva NefrolMinerva neurochirurgicaMinerva NeurochirMinerva nipiologicaMinerva NipiolMinerva nucleare Minerva NuclMinerva oftalmologicaMinerva OftalmolMinerva ortognatodonticaMinerva OrtognatodMinerva ortopedica Minerva OrtopMinerva otorinolaringologicaMinerva OtorinolaringolMinerva pediatricaMinerva PediatrMinerva psichiatricaMinerva PsichiatrMinerva radiologicaMinerva Radiol3Minerva radiologica, fisioterapica e radiobiologica!Minerva Radiol Fisioter RadiobiolMinerva stomatologicaMinerva StomatolMinerva urologica Minerva Urol#Mini reviews in medicinal chemistryMini Rev Med Chem%Minimally invasive neurosurgery : MINMinim Invasive Neurosurg#Minimally invasive surgical nursingMinim Invasive Surg NursyMinimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy"Minim Invasive Ther Allied TechnolMinnesota history Minn HistMinnesota law review Minn Law RevMinnesota medicineMinn MedMinnesota nursing accentMinn Nurs AccentMinnesota pharmacist Minn Pharm'Minnesota statutes annotated. MinnesotaMinn Statut Annot MinnMinority nurse newsletterMinor Nurse NewslMirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia / Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut mirovoi ekonomiki i mezhd'unarodnykh otnoshenii!Mirovaia Ekon Mezdunar Otnosheiia2Mirror / Georgetown University School of DentistryGeorgetown Univ Sch Dent MirrorMisaengmul kwa sanop6The microorganisms and industry|Misaengmul Gwa San-eob)Miscelanea de estudios arabes y hebraicosMisc Estud Arabes Hebraicos-Mises au point de l'accoucheur et du pediatreMises Point Accouch PediatreMissionalia hispanica Mission HispBMississippi College law review. Mississippi College. School of LawMiss Coll Law Rev&Mississippi Dental Association journalMiss Dent Assoc JMississippi RNMiss RN"Mississippi Valley medical journalMiss Valley Med JMississippi law journal Miss Law J-Missouri dental journal (Jefferson City, Mo.) Mo Dent JMissouri historical review Mo Hist RevMissouri law review Miss Law RevMissouri medicineMo MedMissouri statutes annotated : The laws of a general and permanent nature as contained in the Revised statutes of Missouri, 1929, including laws of the 56th General assembly, 1931, together with annotations from the cases construing thos...Mo Statut Annot Mo Mitochondrion Mitochondrion6Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und BerufsforschungMitt Arbeitsmarkt Berufsforsch8Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Salzburger LandeskundeMitt Ges Salzburger LandeskdRMitteilungen der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie#Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol4Mitteilungen der osterreichischen SanitatsverwaltungMitt Osterr SanitatsverwaltiMitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts. Deutsches Archaologisches Institut. Abteilung Kairo"Mitt Dtsch Archaeol Inst Abt KairoPMitteilungen des Kremser Stadtarchivs. Krems an der Donau (Austria). StadtarchivMitt Krems Stadtarch<Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeitrage der Cusanus-Gesellschaft Mitt Forschungsbeitr Cusanus Ges3Mitteilungen. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft"Mitt Dtsch Pharm Ges Pharm Ges DDROMitteilungen. Schweizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt. Medizinische Abteilung(Mitt Med Abt Schweiz UnfallversicherunstKMitteilungsblatt. Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Statistik und InformatikMittbl Osterr Ges Stat InformMitteldeutsche FamilienkundeMitteldtsch FamkdMittellateinisches JahrbuchMittellat Jahrb Mnemosyne MnemosyneMobiusMobiusModern Asian studiesMod Asian Stud Modern China Mod ChinaModern JudaismMod JudModern age (Chicago, Ill.)Mod Age)Modern concepts of cardiovascular diseaseMod Concepts Cardiovasc DisModern dental practiceMod Dent PractModern healthcare Mod Healthc(Modern healthcare. [Short-term care ed.]Mod Healthc (Short Term Care)Modern hospitalMod HospModern language notesMod Lang NotesModern medicineMod MedModern medicine of Asia Mod Med AsiaModern midwife Mod MidwifeModern nursing home Mod Nurs HomebModern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc Mod PatholModern philology Mod Philol Modern problems in ophthalmologyMod Probl OphthalmolModern problems in paediatricsMod Probl Paediatr%Modern problems of pharmacopsychiatryMod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry6Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association Mod RheumatolModern treatment Mod Treat.Modern trends in human reproductive physiologyMod Trends Hum Reprod PhysiolModern trends in immunologyMod Trends Immunol!Modern trends in medical virologyMod Trends Med VirolModern trends in neurologyMod Trends NeurolModern trends in orthopaedicsMod Trends Orthop Modern trends in plastic surgeryMod Trends Plast SurgModern trends in radiotherapyMod Trends RadiotherModern trends in rheumatologyMod Trends RheumatolModern trends in surgeryMod Trends SurgModern veterinary practice Mod Vet PractMohlomiMohlomi'Molecular & cellular biomechanics : MCBMol Cell Biomech%Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCPMol Cell Proteomics"Molecular & general genetics : MGG Mol Gen Genet&Molecular and biochemical parasitologyMol Biochem Parasitol3Molecular and cell biology of human diseases seriesMol Cell Biol Hum Dis Ser#Molecular and cellular biochemistryMol Cell BiochemMolecular and cellular biology Mol Cell Biol$Molecular and cellular endocrinologyMol Cell Endocrinol$Molecular and cellular neurosciencesMol Cell NeurosciMolecular and cellular probesMol Cell ProbesMolecular and chemical neuropathology / sponsored by the International Society for Neurochemistry and the World Federation of Neurology and research groups on neurochemistry and cerebrospinal fluidMol Chem NeuropatholMolecular aspects of medicineMol Aspects MedMolecular bioSystems Mol BiosystMolecular biologyMol BiolMolecular biology & medicine Mol Biol MedMolecular biology and evolution Mol Biol EvolMolecular biology of the cell Mol Biol CellMolecular biology reports Mol Biol Rep/Molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysicsMol Biol Biochem BiophysMolecular biotechnologyMol BiotechnolMolecular biotherapy Mol BiotherMolecular cancer Mol CancerMolecular cancer research : MCRMol Cancer ResMolecular cancer therapeuticsMol Cancer TherMolecular carcinogenesis Mol CarcinogMolecular cellMol Cell6Molecular cell biology research communications : MCBRCMol Cell Biol Res CommunMolecular diagnosis & therapyMol Diagn TherMolecular diagnosis : a journal devoted to the understanding of human disease through the clinical application of molecular biology Mol DiagnMolecular diversity Mol DiversMolecular ecologyMol EcolMolecular ecology notesMol Ecol Notes(Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.)Mol EndocrinolMolecular genetic medicine Mol Genet Med%Molecular genetics and genomics : MGGMol Genet Genomics!Molecular genetics and metabolismMol Genet MetabMolecular human reproductionMol Hum ReprodIMolecular imaging : official journal of the Society for Molecular Imaging Mol ImagingbMolecular imaging and biology : MIB : the official publication of the Academy of Molecular ImagingMol Imaging BiolMolecular immunology Mol ImmunolMolecular interventions Mol Interv*Molecular marine biology and biotechnologyMol Mar Biol Biotechnol%Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.)Mol MedMolecular medicine today Mol Med TodayMolecular membrane biologyMol Membr BiolMolecular microbiology Mol MicrobiolMolecular neurobiology Mol NeurobiolMolecular neurodegenerationMol Neurodegener#Molecular nutrition & food researchMol Nutr Food ResMolecular painMol PainMolecular pathology : MP Mol PatholMolecular pharmaceutics Mol PharmMolecular pharmacology Mol Pharmacol%Molecular phylogenetics and evolutionMol Phylogenet EvolMolecular physicsMol PhysMolecular plant breeding(Fen zi zhi wu yu zhong|Mol. Plant Breed.+Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMIMol Plant Microbe InteractMolecular psychiatryMol Psychiatry&Molecular reproduction and developmentMol Reprod DevMolecular systems biology Mol Syst BiolGMolecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene TherapyMol TherMolecular toxicology Mol ToxicolMolecular urologyMol UrolMolecular visionMol VisMolecules (Basel, Switzerland) MoleculesMolecules and cells Mol CellsMolekuliarnaia biologiiaMol Biol (Mosk)6Molekuliarnaia genetika, mikrobiologiia i virusologiiaMol Gen Mikrobiol VirusolMoment (New York, N.Y.)MomentMomentumMomentum?Monash University law review. Monash University. Faculty of LawMonash Univ Law RevMonash bioethics reviewMonash Bioeth RevMonastic studies Monastic StudMonatshefte fur TierheilkundeMonatsh Tierheilkd Monatshefte fur VeterinarmedizinMonatsh VeterinarmedGMonatskurse fur die arztliche Fortbildung. Bildbeilage; Farbige Medizin%Monatskurse Arztl Fortbild [Bildbeil]TMonatsschrift Kinderheilkunde : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur KinderheilkundeMonatsschr Kinderheilkd5Monatsschrift deutscher Zahnarzte: der freie Zahnarzt)Monatsschr Dtsch Zahnarzte Freie Zahnarzt!Monatsschrift fur KinderheilkundeMonatsschr Kinderheilkd7Monatsschrift fur Ohrenheilkunde und Laryngo-Rhinologie$Monatsschr Ohrenheilkd Laryngorhinol,Monatsschrift fur Psychiatrie und NeurologieMonatsschr Psychiatr Neurol'Monatsschrift fur TuberkulosebekampfungMonatsschr Tuberkulosebekampf!Monatsschrift fur UnfallheilkundeMonatsschr Unfallheilkd:Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde und Versicherungsmedizin(Monatsschr Unfallheilkd VersicherungsmedSMonatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde, Versicherungs-, Versorgungs- und Verkehrsmedizin5Monatsschr Unfallheilkd Versicher Versorg Verkehrsmed)Mondai to kenkyu : Chugoku jijo senmonshiMondai To Kenkyu;Monday developments : a biweekly publication of InterAction Monday Dev Monde medical Monde MedMondes En Developpement Mondes DevcMondes et cultures : comptes rendus trimestriels des seances de l'Academie des sciences d'outre-mer Mondes Cult Mondo cinese Mondo CinMondo odontostomatologicoMondo OdontostomatolMondo ortodontico Mondo OrtodMonitore ostetrico-ginecologicoMonit Ostet GinecologCMonitore ostetrico-ginecologico di endocrinologia e del metabolismo$Monit Ostet Ginecol Endocrinol Metab=Monografias de la Corporacion Centro Regional de la PoblacionMonogr Corp Cent Reg PoblacMMonografie di quaderni internazionali di storia della medicina e della sanitaMonogr Quad Int Stor Med Sanita:Monograph of the American Association of Mental DeficiencyMonogr Am Assoc Ment Defic+Monograph series. World Health OrganizationMonogr Ser World Health OrganAMonographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie!Monogr Gesamtgeb Neurol Psychiatr2Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie)Monogr Gesamtgeb Psychiatr Psychiatry Ser%Monographs in Soviet medical sciencesMonogr Sov Med SciMonographs in allergyMonogr AllergyMonographs in clinical cytologyMonogr Clin Cytol#Monographs in developmental biologyMonogr Dev BiolMonographs in human geneticsMonogr Hum GenetMonographs in neural sciencesMonogr Neural SciMonographs in oral scienceMonogr Oral SciMonographs in paediatricsMonogr PaediatrMonographs in pathology Monogr Pathol Monographs in population biologyMonogr Popul Biol#Monographs in the surgical sciencesMonogr Surg SciMonographs in virology Monogr Virol;Monographs of the American Association on Mental DeficiencyMonogr Am Assoc Ment DeficBMonographs of the American Association on Mental Deficiency (1982)Monogr Am Assoc Ment Defic<Monographs of the American Association on Mental RetardationMonogr Am Assoc Ment Retard'Monographs of the Physiological SocietyMonogr Physiol Soc;Monographs of the Society for Research in Child DevelopmentMonogr Soc Res Child DevMonographs on atherosclerosisMonogr AtherosclerMonographs on endocrinologyMonogr EndocrinolMonspeliensis HippocratesMonspel Hippocrates)Montana : the magazine of western historyMontanaMontana code annotated. MontanaMont Code Annot MontMontana law review Mont Law Rev!Montana wildlife (Bozeman, Mont.) Mont WildlNMontfort : Vierteljahresschrift fur Geschichte und Gegenwartskunde VorarlbergsMontfortCMonthly bulletin of statistics (United Nations. Statistical Office)Mon Bull Stat U N Stat OffSMonthly bulletin of the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Laboratory Service-Mon Bull Minist Health Public Health Lab ServKMonthly labor review / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Mon Labor Rev1Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyMon Not R Astron Soc&Monthly review (New York, N.Y. : 1949)Mon RevMonthly vital statistics reportMon Vital Stat RepMontpellier medical Montp MedMontreal medical Montreal MedMonumenta Nipponica Monum NipponMonuments historiques : Mh Monum HistMorbidity and mortality Morb MortalbMorbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries : MMWR / Centers for Disease Control"Morb Mortal Wkly Rep Surveill SummMoreanaMoreana&Morfologiia (Saint Petersburg, Russia) MorfologiiaMorphologia medica Morphol Med)Morphologiai es igazsagugyi orvosi szemleMorphol Igazsagugyi Orv Sz7Morphologie : bulletin de l'Association des anatomistes MorphologieMorphologie et embryologieMorphol Embryol (Bucur) Mosquito news Mosq News Mother Jones Mother JonesMothers and children Mothers Child Motor control Motor Control!Mountain research and development Mt Res Dev+Mouth (American Student Dental Association)MouthFMovement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society Mov DisordMovimento operaio e socialistaMov Operaio SocMoyoMoyoMultibody system dynamicsMultibody Syst Dyn5Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) Mult Scler Multivariate behavioral researchMultivariate Behav ResMunca sanitara Munca Sanit+Munchener medizinische Wochenschrift (1950)Munch Med Wochenschr*Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie : MKGMund Kiefer Gesichtschir Mundo Medico Mundo MedMunger Africana Library notesMunger Afr Libr Notes Munnpleien Munnpleien;Munstersche Beitrage zur Geschichte und Theorie der Medizin!Munstersche Beitr Gesch Theor MedMuscle & nerve Muscle NerveMuscle & nerve. SupplementMuscle Nerve SupplMuscle biology Muscle BiolMusculoskeletal careMusculoskeletal CareMusees de Geneve Mus GeneveMuseum helveticumMus HelvMusic & letters Music LettMuslim world (Hartford, Conn.)Muslim World (Hartford) Mutagenesis MutagenesisMutation research Mutat Res Mycologia MycologiaMycological research Mycol ResMycopathologiaMycopathologia%Mycopathologia et mycologia applicataMycopathol Mycol Appl Mycorrhiza MycorrhizaMycosesMycosesMykosenMykosenMykosen. Supplement Mykosen Suppl Mymensingh medical journal : MMJMymensingh Med JZN & HC perspectives on community : official publication of the National League for NursingN HC Perspect CommunityNAACOG newsletter NAACOG NewslNAACOG technical bulletinNAACOG Tech Bull@NAACOG's clinical issues in perinatal and women's health nursing,NAACOGS Clin Issu Perinat Womens Health Nurs NABER report NABER Rep NACDL journalNACDL JNACUBO business officer : magazine of the National Association of College and University Business Officers. National Association of College and University Business OfficersNACUBO Bus OffNADA (Salisbury, Zimbabwe)NADAoNADC-MA-. United States. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aviation Medical Acceleration LaboratoryGNADC MA United States Nav Air Dev Cen Johnsville Pa Aviat Med Accel LaboNADC-MR [reports]. United States. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aerospace Medical Research Dept NADC-MR Rep NADL journalNADL JNAHAM access management journalNAHAM Access Manag J NAPHT news NAPHT NewsNARESA monograph NARESA Mongr]NASA contractor report. NASA CR. United States. National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNASA Contract Rep NASA CR NASNewsletter NasnewsletterNASPCP newsletter / National AIDS/STD Prevention and Control Program. National AIDS/STD Prevention and Control Program (Philippines) NASPCP NewslNATNewsNATNEWS NCCE news NCCE News?NCI monographs : a publication of the National Cancer Institute NCI Monogr2NCP bulletin / Nutrition Center of the PhilippinesNCP BullNCSL legisbriefNCSL Legisbrief NDA journalNDA JNEHW health watchNEHW Health WatchNFAIS newsletter NFAIS Newsl NFI bulletinNFI BullPNFPA journal : the official magazine of the National Fire Protection AssociationNFPA JMNHPF issue brief / National Health Policy Forum, George Washington UniversityNHPF Issue Brief NHSA dialog NHSA DialogINIAID AIDS agenda / National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesNIAID AIDS AgendaNIDA research monographNIDA Res Monogr1NIH consensus and state-of-the-science statements NIH Consens State Sci Statements,NIH consensus development conference summaryNIH Consens Dev Conf SummNIH consensus statementNIH Consens Statement+NIH guide for grants and contracts (Online)NIH Guide Grants ContractsVNIH guide for grants and contracts / U.S. Department of Health, Education, and WelfareNIH Guide Grants ContractsNIHAE bulletin NIHAE Bull NIPH annalsNIPH AnnNITANITA NJPC bulletin NJPC BullNLN convention papers NLN Conv PapNLN publicationsNLN PublBNLN update : connecting members of the National League for Nursing NLN UpdateNMR in biomedicine NMR BiomedNP news (Bellevue, Wash.)NP NewsNPG forum series NPG Forum Ser NPN medecineNPN MedNT learning curveNT Learn CurveNTMNTM NTP CERHR MON NTP CERHR MON,NYO [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionNYO RepNYSSNTA journal NYSSNTA JKNachrichten aus dem Institut fur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften Hamburg"Nachr Inst Gesch Naturwiss Hamburg]Nachrichten von der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse#Nachr Akad Wiss Gott Philol Hist KlkNachrichtenblatt. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Medizin, der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik0Nachrichtenbl Dtsch Ges Gesch Med Naturwiss Tech!Nagoya journal of medical scienceNagoya J Med SciNagoya medical journal Nagoya Med J3Naika hokan. Japanese archives of internal medicine Naika HokanNaika. Internal medicineNaika7Nakadori Byoin iho. Nakadori Hospital medical bulletin]Nakadori Byoin Iho)Nan kai da xue xue bao. Zi ran ke xue ban^Acta scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis|Nan Kai Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban)Nanjing shi da xue bao. Zi ran ke xue ban+Nanjing shida xuebao|Nanjing Shi Da Xue Bao Nano letters Nano LettNanomedicine (London, England)Nanomed4Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine NanomedicineNanotechnologyNanotechnology Nanr News NANR NewsNarodno zdravlje Nar ZdravNarodonaselenieNarodonaselenie"Naselenie (Sofia, Bulgaria : 1983) NaselenieNasza przeszloscNasza PrzesloscNation (New York, N.Y. : 1865)NationNation's business Nations BusHNational AIDS bulletin / Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations IncNatl AIDS BullNational Black law journalNatl Black Law JANational Bureau of Economic Research bulletin on aging and health#Natl Bur Econ Res Bull Aging Health@National Cancer Institute carcinogenesis technical report series&Natl Cancer Inst Carcinog Tech Rep Ser#National Cancer Institute monographNatl Cancer Inst Monogr)National Cancer Institute research reportNatl Cancer Inst Res RepNational Catholic reporterNatl Cathol Report.National Conference on Dental Public RelationsNatl Conf Dent Public Relat#National Dental Association journalNatl Dent Assoc J&National Family Health Survey bulletinNatl Fam Health Surv Bull=National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds newsletter&Natl Fed Cathol Physicians Guild Newsl"National Institute economic reviewNatl Inst Econ Rev-National Institute of Animal Health quarterlyNatl Inst Anim Health Q (Tokyo):National Institute on Drug Abuse research monograph series#Natl Inst Drug Abuse Res Monogr SerRNational Institutes of Health consensus development conference consensus statement3Natl Inst Health Consens Dev Conf Consens StatementHNational Institutes of Health consensus development conference summaries&Natl Inst Health Consens Dev Conf SummFNational Institutes of Health consensus development conference summary&Natl Inst Health Consens Dev Conf SummNational Jewish law reviewNatl Jew Law Rev`National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (Series). Series B, Descriptive report. Natl Med Care Util Expend Surv B_National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (Series). Series C, Analytical report. Natl Med Care Util Expend Surv C+National Nosocomial Infections Study report Natl Nosocomial Infect Study Rep3National Toxicology Program technical report series!Natl Toxicol Program Tech Rep SerNational University law reviewNatl Univ Law RevNational civic review Natl Civ RevNational forum Natl ForumNational geographicNatl Geogr MagNational geographic researchNatl Geogr Res!National hospital and health careNatl Hosp Health CareNational journal Natl J (Wash)National medical-legal journalNatl Med Leg JNational network (Dallas, Tex.) Natl Netw$National observer (Washington, D.C.)Natl ObsQNational population news bulletin : newsletter of the National Population CouncilNatl Popul News Bull National report on subacute careNatl Rep Subacute CareNational reviewNatl RevNational safety news Natl Saf NewsNational tax journal Natl Tax JNational vital statistics reports : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics SystemNatl Vital Stat RepNational wildlife Natl WidlNational women's health reportNatl Womens Health RepNationalities papersNatl PapUNationalokonomisk tidsskrift : maanedskrift for samfundssporgsmaal, okonomi og handelNationalokon TidsskrNatur und Museum Natur MusNaturaNatura?Natura croatica : periodicum Musei Historiae Naturalis Croatici4casopis Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnog muzeja|Nat. Croat.Natural historyNat HistNatural immunity Nat Immun+Natural immunity and cell growth regulationNat Immun Cell Growth RegulNatural law forum Nat Law ForumNatural product letters Nat Prod LettNatural product reports Nat Prod RepNatural product research Nat Prod ResNatural resources forumNat Resour ForumNatural resources journal Nat Resour JNatural toxins Nat Toxins(Naturalia Monspeliensia. Serie botaniqueNat Monspel Ser BotNatureNatureNature and systemNat SystNature biotechnologyNat BiotechnolNature cell biology Nat Cell BiolNature chemical biology Nat Chem Biol1Nature clinical practice. Cardiovascular medicineNat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med4Nature clinical practice. Endocrinology & metabolismNat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab7Nature clinical practice. Gastroenterology & hepatology$Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol$Nature clinical practice. NephrologyNat Clin Pract Nephrol#Nature clinical practice. NeurologyNat Clin Pract Neurol"Nature clinical practice. OncologyNat Clin Pract Oncol&Nature clinical practice. RheumatologyNat Clin Pract Rheumatol!Nature clinical practice. UrologyNat Clin Pract UrolNature genetics Nat GenetNature immunology Nat ImmunolNature materials Nat MaterNature medicineNat MedNature methods Nat MethodsNature neuroscience Nat NeurosciNature protocols Nat ProtocNature reviews. CancerNat Rev CancerNature reviews. Drug discoveryNat Rev Drug DiscovNature reviews. Genetics Nat Rev GenetNature reviews. ImmunologyNat Rev ImmunolNature reviews. MicrobiologyNat Rev Microbiol&Nature reviews. Molecular cell biologyNat Rev Mol Cell BiolNature reviews. NeuroscienceNat Rev Neurosci%Nature structural & molecular biologyNat Struct Mol BiolNature structural biologyNat Struct BiolNature: New biology Nat New Biol Naturwissenschaftliche RundschauNaturwiss Rundsch=Nauchni trudove na Meditsinskata akademiia "Vulko Chervenkov"$Nauchni Tr Med Acad Vulko Chervenkov8Nauchni trudove na Visshiia meditsinski institut, Sofiia Nauchni Tr Vissh Med Inst SofiiaHNauchni trudove. Sofia. Nauchno-izsledovatelski stomatologichen institut/Nauchni Tr Nauchnoizsled Stomatol Inst (Sofiia)5Nauchnye doklady vysshei shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki$Nauchnye Doki Vyss Shkoly Biol Nauki.Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology#Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol-Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv fur Pharmakologie#Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch PharmakolKNaunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv fur Pharmakologie und experimentelle Pathologie.Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmakol Exp PatholKNaunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv fur experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie.Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Exp Pathol PharmakolNaval review (Annapolis, Md.)Nav Rev Navy medicineNavy MedBNebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on MotivationNebr Symp MotivNebraska history Nebr HistNebraska law review Neb Law RevNebraska nurse Nebr Nurse,Nederlands militair geneeskundig tijdschriftNed Milit Geneeskd TijdschrNederlands tandartsenbladNed Tandartsenbl@Nederlands tijdschrift voor de psychologie en haar grensgebiedenNed Tijdschr Psychol'Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskundeNed Tijdschr Geneeskd(Nederlands tijdschrift voor gerontologieNed Tijdschr Gerontol)Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkundeNed Tijdschr Tandheelkd9Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor verloskunde en gynaecologieNed Tijdschr Verloskd GynaecolNeerlands volkslevenNeerl VolkslevenCNefrologia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola Nefrologia NefrologiaNegro history bulletinNegro Hist Bull5Nenpo : Annual reports. Jinko Mondai Kenkyujo (Japan)Jinko Mondai Kenkyusho NenpoANeonatal intensive care : the journal of perinatology-neonatologyNeonatal Intensive CareNeonatal network : NN Neonatal Netw Neonatology NeonatologyNeoplasia (New York, N.Y.) Neoplasia Neoplasma Neoplasma#Neoplastic disease at various sitesMonogr Neoplast Dis Var SitesNeopsichiatria (U.S.L. n. 15)NeopsichiatriaNeotropical entomologyNeotrop Entomol$Nepal Medical College journal : NMCJNepal Med Coll J(Nepal population and development journalNepal Popul Dev JNepegeszsegugyNepegeszseguegy Nephrologie NephrologieNephrologie & therapeutique Nephrol TherNephrology (Carlton, Vic.)Nephrology (Carlton)Nephrology news & issuesNephrol News IssuesNephrology nurse Nephrol NurseSNephrology nursing journal : journal of the American Nephrology Nurses' AssociationNephrol Nurs JNephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal AssociationNephrol Dial TransplantNephronNephronNephron. Clinical practiceNephron Clin Pract Nephron. Experimental nephrologyNephron Exp NephrolNephron. PhysiologyNephron PhysiolNervnaia sistema / Leningradskii ordena Lenina gosudarstvennyi universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova, Fiziologicheskii institut imeni akad. A.A. Ukhtomskogo Nerv SistBNestle Nutrition workshop series. Clinical & performance programme/Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Clin Perform Programme6Nestle Nutrition workshop series. Paediatric programme(Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Pediatr ProgramyNetherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation Neth Heart JNetworkNetworkNetwork (Bristol, England)Network&Network (Research Triangle Park, N.C.)Netw Res Triangle Park N C2Network - International Fertility Research ProgramNetw Int Fertil Res ProgramNetwork en francaisNetw Fr Neue Heimat Neue HeimatcNeue Munchner Beitrage zur Geschichte der Medizin und Naturwissenschaften. Medizinhistorische Reihe6Neue Munch Beitr Gesch Med Naturwiss Medizinhist ReiheNeue juristische WochenschriftNeue Jurist Wochenschr4Neue osterreichische Zeitschrift fur KinderheilkundeNeue Osterr Z KinderheilkdNeue politische LiteraturNeue Polit Lit+Neuere Medizin- und WissenschaftsgeschichteNeuere Med Wiss Quellen Stud;Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie. AbhandlungenNeues Jahrb Geol Palaontol AbhNeumologia y cirugia de toraxNeumol Cir ToraxNeuphilologische MitteilungenNeuphilol MittNeural computation Neural ComputNeural developmentNeural DevelopRNeural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society Neural NetwNeural plasticity Neural PlastNeuro endocrinology lettersNeuro Endocrinol LettNeuro-ChirurgieNeurochirurgie Neuro-Signals NeurosignalsNeuro-degenerative diseasesNeurodegener DisNeuro-oncology Neuro Oncol"Neuro-ophthalmology (Aeolus Press)Neuroophthalmology NeuroImage NeuroimageNeuroRehabilitationNeuroRehabilitationPNeuroRx : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeuticsNeuroRxNeurobehavioral toxicologyNeurobehav Toxicol)Neurobehavioral toxicology and teratologyNeurobehav Toxicol Teratol Neurobiologia Neurobiologia Neurobiology Neurobiology Neurobiology (Budapest, Hungary)Neurobiology (Bp)Neurobiology of agingNeurobiol AgingNeurobiology of disease Neurobiol Dis#Neurobiology of learning and memoryNeurobiol Learn MemWNeurocase : case studies in neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry, and behavioural neurology NeurocaseNeurochemical pathologyNeurochem PatholNeurochemical research Neurochem ResNeurochemistry international Neurochem IntNeurochirurgiaNeurochirurgia (Stuttg) Neurocirugia NeurocirugiaNeurocirugia (Asturias, Spain)Neurocirugia (Astur)NeurocomputingNeurocomputingNeurocritical careNeurocrit CareeNeurodegeneration : a journal for neurodegenerative disorders, neuroprotection, and neuroregenerationNeurodegenerationNeuroendocrinologyNeuroendocrinologyNeuroepidemiologyNeuroepidemiologyNeurofibromatosisNeurofibromatosiskNeurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility SocietyNeurogastroenterol Motil Neurogenetics Neurogenetics%Neuroimaging clinics of North AmericaNeuroimaging Clin N AmNeuroimmunomodulationNeuroimmunomodulationNeuroinformaticsNeuroinformaticsNeurologia (Barcelona, Spain) Neurologia"Neurologia i neurochirurgia polskaNeurol Neurochir PolNeurologia medico-chirurgicaNeurol Med Chir (Tokyo)/Neurologia, neurochirurgia i psychiatria polskaNeurol Neurochir Psychiatr Pol%Neurologia, neurocirugia, psiquiatriaNeurol Neurocir Psiquiatr&Neurologia, psihiatria, neurochirurgiaNeurol Psihiatr NeurochirNeurologic clinics Neurol ClinNeurological research Neurol ResNeurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology Neurol Sci'Neurologie a psychiatrie ceskoslovenskaNeurol Psychiatr CeskoslovNeurologie et psychiatrieNeurol Psychiatr (Bucur) Neurologija Neurologija Neurology Neurology*Neurology & clinical neurophysiology : NCNNeurol Clin NeurophysiolNeurology India Neurol India,Neurology, neurophysiology, and neuroscienceNeurol Neurophysiol NeurosciNeuromolecular medicineNeuromolecular MedNeuromuscular disorders : NMDNeuromuscul DisordNeuronNeuronNeuron glia biologyNeuron Glia BiolNeuropadiatrieNeuropadiatrieKNeuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of NeuropathologyNeuropathology'Neuropathology and applied neurobiologyNeuropathol Appl NeurobiolNeuropatologia polskaNeuropatol PolNeuropediatricsNeuropediatrics Neuropeptides NeuropeptidesNeuropharmacologyNeuropharmacologyNeurophysiologyNeurophysiologyNeuropsichiatriaNeuropsichiatriaNeuropsihijatrijaNeuropsihijatrijaNeuropsychiatrie : Klinik, Diagnostik, Therapie und Rehabilitation : Organ der Gesellschaft Osterreichischer Nervenarzte und PsychiaterNeuropsychiatr1Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescenceNeuropsychiatr Enfance AdolescNeuropsychiatryNeuropsychiatry:Neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and behavioral neurology)Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav NeurolNeuropsychobiologyNeuropsychobiologyNeuropsychologiaNeuropsychologia!Neuropsychological rehabilitationNeuropsychol RehabilNeuropsychologyNeuropsychologyNeuropsychology reviewNeuropsychol Rev\Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition/Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol CognaNeuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyNeuropsychopharmacologyNeuroradiologyNeuroradiology%Neurorehabilitation and neural repairNeurorehabil Neural Repair Neuroreport Neuroreport Neuroscience Neuroscience&Neuroscience and behavioral physiologyNeurosci Behav Physiol&Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviewsNeurosci Biobehav RevNeuroscience bulletin Neurosci BullNeuroscience letters Neurosci Lett Neuroscience letters. SupplementNeurosci Lett SupplNeuroscience news Neurosci NewsNeuroscience research Neurosci Res$Neuroscience research communicationsNeurosci Res CommunZNeuroscience research. Supplement : the official journal of the Japan Neuroscience SocietyNeurosci Res Suppl'Neurosciences Research Program bulletinNeurosci Res Program BullNeurosciences researchNeurosci Res (N Y) Neurosurgery Neurosurgery%Neurosurgery clinics of North AmericaNeurosurg Clin N AmNeurosurgical focusNeurosurg FocusNeurosurgical review Neurosurg RevZNeurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeuticsNeurotherapeuticsNeurotoxicity research Neurotox ResNeurotoxicologyNeurotoxicologyNeurotoxicology and teratologyNeurotoxicol Teratol Neurotoxins NeurotoxinsNeurourology and urodynamicsNeurourol UrodynNeusser Jahrbuch Neuss Jahrb*Nevada Historical Society quarterly (1961)Nev Hist Soc Q.Nevada Nurses Association Quarterly NewsletterNev Nurses Assoc Q NewslNevada RNformationNev RnformationNevada revised statutes : containing all statute laws of Nevada of a general, public, and permanent nature / Classified, arranged, revised, indexed and published (pursuant to chapter 220 of NRS) by the Legislative Counsel, State of Neva...Nev Revis Statut Nev>Nevrone; periodico di neurologia, psichiatria e scienze affini)Nevrone Period Neurol Psichiatr Sci AffinNevropatologiia i psikhiatriiaNevropatol Psikhiatriia New AfricanNew AfrNew American review New Am RevNew Atlantis (Washington, D.C.) New AtlantisNew BlackfriarsNew BlackfriarsNew Catholic worldNew Cathol World New Egyptian journal of medicineNew Egypt J Med,New England and regional allergy proceedingsN Engl Reg Allergy Proc%New England journal of human servicesN Engl J Hum ServNew England journal of public policy : a journal of the John W. McCormack Institute of Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts at BostonN Engl J Public Policy5New England journal on criminal and civil confinementN Engl J Crim Civ Confin!New England journal on prison lawNew Engl J Prison LawNew England law reviewNew Engl Law RevNew German critique, NGC New Ger Crit=New Hampshire revised statutes annotated, 1955. New HampshireN H Revis Statut Annot N H-New Istanbul contribution to clinical scienceNew Istanbul Contrib Clin SciMNew Jersey Historical Commission newsletter. New Jersey Historical CommissionN J Hist Comm Newsl"New Jersey League for Nursing newsN J League Nurs NewsNew Jersey healthCare N J HealthcNew Jersey historyN J HistNew Jersey journal of pharmacy N J J PharmFNew Jersey medicine : the journal of the Medical Society of New JerseyN J MedNew Jersey nurse N J NurseNew Jersey statutes annotated : Permanent ed. Laws of a general and permanent nature under arrangement of Revised statutes, 1937, including laws of the 163rd Legislature, 1939; with annotations from cases construing or applying the laws...N J Statut Annot N JNew Left review New Left RevNew Mexico dental journal N M Dent JNew Mexico historical review N M Hist RevNew Mexico law review N M Law RevNew Mexico nurse N M Nurse/New Mexico statutes, 1978 annotated. New MexicoN M Statut 1978 Annot N MNew Philippines New PhilippNew South (Atlanta, Ga.) New South&New South Wales public health bulletinN S W Public Health BullNew WestNew WestNew YorkNew YorkBNew York Historical Society quarterly. New-York Historical Society NY Hist Soc Q'New York Law School human rights annualN Y Law School Hum Rights Annu+New York Law School journal of human rightsN Y Law Sch J Hum Rights@New York Law School journal of international and comparative lawN Y Law Sch J Int Comp Law3New York Law School law review. New York Law SchoolNY Law Sch Law Rev%New York Medical College news & notesN Y Med Coll News Notes(New York University journal of dentistryN Y Univ J DentkNew York University journal of international law & politics. New York University. International Law SocietyN Y Univ J Int Law Polit<New York University journal of legislation and public policyN Y Univ J Legis Public Policy%New York University law review (1950)N Y Univ Law RevNew York affairsN Y AffNew York folkloreN Y FolkNew York folklore quarterly NY Folkl Q7New York history. New York State Historical AssociationN Y HistNew York law forum N Y Law ForumNew York law journal N Y Law JNew York medicineNY MedNew York state bar journalN Y State Bar J"New York state journal of medicineN Y State J MedNew York state nurseN Y State Nurse"New York supplement. Second seriesN Y Suppl Second Ser"New Yorker (New York, N.Y. : 1925) New Yorker)New Zealand School Dental Service gazetteN Z Sch Dent Serv GazNew Zealand bioethics journal N Z Bioeth JpNew Zealand cartography and geographic information systems : the journal of the New Zealand Cartographic SocietyN Z Cartogr Geogr Inf SysNew Zealand geographerN Z GeogNew Zealand health & hospitalN Z Health HospitalNew Zealand hospitalN Z Hosp&New Zealand journal of family planningN Z J Fam Plann New Zealand journal of geography N Z J Geogr!New Zealand journal of psychology NZ J PsycholNew Zealand librariesN Z LibrNew Zealand nursing forumN Z Nurs ForumJNew Zealand population newsletter / New Zealand Demographic Society (Inc.)N Z Popul NewslFNew Zealand population review / New Zealand Demographic Society (Inc.) N Z Popul RevNew Zealand veterinary journal N Z Vet J New community New community3New directions for child and adolescent developmentNew Dir Child Adolesc Dev$New directions for child developmentNew Dir Child Dev)New directions for mental health servicesNew Dir Ment Health Serv$New directions for youth developmentNew Dir Youth Dev*New era nursing image international : NENINew Era Nurs Image IntNew genetics and society New Genet Soc New guard New GuardNew hibernia reviewNew Hibernia RevNew horizons (Baltimore, Md.) New HorizNew humanist (London, England) New HumanistNew internationalistNew IntANew journal (Institute of Health Record & Information Management)!New J (Inst Health Rec Inf Manag)"New leader (New York, N.Y. : 1935)New LeadNew literary history New Lit HistNew perspectives on TurkeyNew Perspect Turk New perspectives quarterly : NPQNew Perspect QNew republic (New York, N.Y.) New RepubNew review of bioethicsNew Rev BioethNew scientist (1971)New Sci!New scientist and science journal New Sci Sci J New societyNew SocNNew solutions : a journal of environmental and occupational health policy : NS New Solut&New statesman (London, England : 1957) New StatesmanNew theology review New Theol Rev New times New TimesNew world (New Orleans, La.) New World*Newborn and infant nursing reviews : NAINRNewborn Infant Nurs RevNewcastle medical journalNewcastle Med J(Newfoundland Medical Association journalNewfoundl Med Assoc JNewportNewport<Newport history : bulletin of the Newport Historical Society Newport Hist,News & Views : Rhode Island Nursing Magazine News ViewsCNews - Women's International Network. Women's International NetworkWIN News)News Bulletin - Indian Dental AssociationNews Bull Indian Dent AssocBNews Letter; Florence Nightingale International Nurses Association-News Lett Florence Nightingale Int Nurs Assoc News Notes / Ohio Dental JournalNews Notes Ohio Dent JNews in physiological sciences : an international journal of physiology produced jointly by the International Union of Physiological Sciences and the American Physiological SocietyNews Physiol Sci,News letter. Maine State Nurses' Association"News Lett Maine State Nurses Assoc8News letter. Scandinavian Society of Forensic Odontology Newsl Scand Soc Forensic OdontolNews of NorwayNews NorNNewsette - Department of Health National League of Nurses, Manila, PhilippinesNewsette7Newsletter (American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law)Newsl Am Acad Psychiatry Law9Newsletter (Canadian Society for the History of Medicine)Newsl Can Soc Hist Med-Newsletter (Infant Feeding Action Coalition).Newsl Infant Feed Action CoalithNewsletter (Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children);Newsl Inter Afr Comm Tradit Pract Affect Health Women Child4Newsletter (International Academy of Periodontology)Newsl Int Acad Periodontol^Newsletter (Macro Systems. Institute for Resource Development. Demographic and Health Surveys)3Newsl Macro Syst Inst Resour Dev Demogr Health Surv@Newsletter (Medical Sciences Historical Society (Great Britain))Newsl Med Sci Hist Soc4Newsletter (Society for Ancient Medicine & Pharmacy)Newsl Soc Anc Med Pharm)Newsletter (Society for Ancient Medicine)Newsl Soc Anc Med:Newsletter (Women's Global Network on Reproductive Rights)$Newsl Womens Glob Netw Reprod RightsaNewsletter - American Academy of Health Administration. American Academy of Health AdministrationNewsl Am Acad Health Adm`Newsletter - Family Planning Association of Hong Kong / Family Planning Association of Hong KongNewsl Fam Plan Assoc Hong KongNewsletter - Family Planning International Assistance / Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Family Planning International AssistanceNewsl Fam Plan Int AssistcNewsletter - Group for the Use of Psychology in History. Group for the Use of Psychology in HistoryNewsl Group Use Psychol Hist'Newsletter - Springfield Dental SocietyNewsl Springfield Dent Soc1Newsletter / American Association Of Tissue BanksNewsl Am Assoc Tissue BanksNewsletter / International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. International Union for the Scientific Study of PopulationNewsl Int Union Sci Study PopulJNewsletter on feminism and philosophy / American Philosophical AssociationNewsl Feminism PhilosJNewsletter on philosophy and medicine / American Philosophical AssociationAPA Newsl Philos Med0Newsletter on science, technology & human valuesNewsl Sci Technol Human Values#Newsletter, history of anthropologyNewsl Hist AnthropolENewsletter-Social Welfare History Group. Social Welfare History GroupNewsl Soc Welf Hist Group1Newsletter. American Academy of Implant DentistryNewsl Am Acad Implant Dent*Newsletter. American Academy of PediatricsNewsl Am Acad Pediatr6Newsletter. British Society for the History of ScienceNewsl Br Soc Hist Sci<Newsletter. International College of Dentists. India SectionNewsl Int Coll Dent India Sect'Newsletter. Kentucky Nurses AssociationNewsl Ky Nurses Assoc(Newsletter. Wisconsin League for NursingNewsl Wis League Nurs1Newsline (People with AIDS Coalition of New York)Newsline People AIDS Coalit N Y'Newswatch (Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria) NewswatchNewsweekNewsweekNiagara frontierNiagara FrontierNicaragua Odontologica Nicar OdontolNicaragua medica Nicar MedNice historique Nice Hist Nice medicalNice MedNichidai igaku zasshiNichidai Igaku ZasshibNicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and TobaccoNicotine Tob Res_Niederdeutsche Mitteilungen / herausgegeben von der Niederdeutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft zu LundNiederdtsch MittNiederrheinisches JahrbuchNiederhein JahrbNiedersachsisches AerzteblattNiedersachs Arztebl Niedersachsisches ZahnarzteblattNiedersachs Zahnarztebl[Nieuwe Nederlandse bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde en der natuurwetenschappen,Nieuwe Ned Bijdr Geschied Geneeskd NatuurwetNieuwe West-Indische gidsNieuwe West Indische GidsNigeria and the classicsNiger ClassicsNigeria magazine Niger MagLNigeria's population : quarterly journal of population activities in Nigeria Niger PopNigerian Dental Journal Niger Dent J%Nigerian journal of clinical practiceNiger J Clin PractaNigerian journal of medicine : journal of the National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria Niger J MedNigerian journal of paediatricsNiger J PaediatriNigerian journal of physiological sciences : official publication of the Physiological Society of NigeriaNiger J Physiol SciENigerian medical journal : journal of the Nigeria Medical Association Niger Med J/Nigerian quarterly journal of hospital medicineNig Q J Hosp Med Nihon Ago Kansetsu Gakkai Zasshi Nihon Ago Kansetsu Gakkai ZasshiNihon Hosenkin Gakkai shi,Actinomycetologica|Nippon Hosenkin Gakkaishi!Nihon Hotetsu Shika Gakkai zasshi!Nihon Hotetsu Shika Gakkai Zasshi;Nihon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai zasshi. Nippon acta radiologica#Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai ZasshiNihon Kakin Gakkaishi/Japanese poultry science|Nippon Kakin Gakkaishi!Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai zasshi!Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai ZasshiSNihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal MedicineNippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi&Nihon Rinsho Shishubyo Danwakai kaishi&Nihon Rinsho Shishubyo Danwakai KaishiNihon Sakumotsu Gakkai kijiJpn J Crop SciNihon Senchu Gakkai shi6Japanese journal of nematology|Nihon Senchu Gakkai ShiNihon Shokubutsu Byori GakkaihoQAnnals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan|Nippon Shokubutsu Byori GakkaihoNihon Shoyu Kenkyujo zasshiIJournal of Japan Soy Sauce Research Institute|Nihon Shoyu Kenkyujo Zasshi[Nihon Sutoma Rihabiriteshon Gakkaishi [Journal Of Japanese Society Of Stoma Rehabilitation]=Nihon Sutoma Rihabiriteshon Gakkaishi J Jpn Soc Stoma Rehabil@Nihon ishigaku zasshi. [Journal of Japanese history of medicine]Nippon Ishigaku ZasshiNihon sanshigaku zasshi;The journal of sericultural science|Nihon Sanshigaku ZasshiNihon shi kenkyuNihonshi Kenkyu/Niigata Igakkai zasshi. Niigata medical journalNiigata Igakkai Zasshi&Nineteenth century (Philadelphia, Pa.) Ninet CenturyNineteenth-century contextsNinet Century ContextsNineteenth-century fictionNineteenth Century FictNippon Byori Gakkai kaishiNippon Byori Gakkai Kaishi&Nippon Chokucho Komonbyo Gakkai zasshiNippon Chokucho Komonbyo$Nippon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai zasshi$Nippon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai ZasshiNippon Densenbyo Gakkai zasshiNippon Densenbyo Gakkai ZasshiNippon Funin Gakkai zasshiNippon Funin Gakkai ZasshiNippon Gan Chiryo Gakkai shiNippon Gan Chiryo Gakkai ShiNippon Ganka Gakkai zasshiNippon Ganka Gakkai ZasshiNippon Geka Gakkai zasshiNippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi Nippon Heikatsukin Gakkai zasshi Nippon Heikatsukin Gakkai Zasshi@Nippon Hifuka Gakkai zasshi. The Japanese journal of dermatologyNippon Hifuka Gakkai Zasshi?Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai zasshi. The japanese journal of urologyNippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi%Nippon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai zasshi%Nippon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai ZasshiNippon Ika Daigaku zasshiNippon Ika Daigaku Zasshi?Nippon Ishikai zasshi. Journal of the Japan Medical AssociationNippon Ishikai ZasshiNippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai kaihoNippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai KaihoNippon Jinzo Gakkai shiNippon Jinzo Gakkai ShiGNippon Ketsueki Gakkai zasshi : journal of Japan Haematological SocietyNippon Ketsueki Gakkai ZasshiNippon Koku Geka Gakkai zasshiNippon Koku Geka Gakkai ZasshiNippon Naibunpi Gakkai zasshiNippon Naibunpi Gakkai ZasshiNippon Rai Gakkai zasshiNippon Rai Gakkai Zasshi;Nippon Ronen Igakkai zasshi. Japanese journal of geriatricsNippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi"Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai zasshi"Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai ZasshiNippon Seikeigeka Gakkai zasshiNippon Seikeigeka Gakkai ZasshiNippon Shika Ishikai zasshiNippon Shika Ishikai ZasshisNippon Shika Zairyo Kikai Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japan Research Society of Dental Materials & Appliances'Nippon Shika Zairyo Kikai Gakkai ZasshiNippon Shishubyo Gakkai kaishiNippon Shishubyo Gakkai KaishiINippon Shokakibyo Gakkai zasshi The Japanese journal of gastro-enterologyNippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi7Nippon Shonika Gakkai zasshi. Acta paediatrica JaponicaNippon Shonika Gakkai ZasshiRNippon Suisan Gakkai Shi. Bulletin Of The Japanese Society Of Scientific FisheriesNippon Suisan Gakkai Shi4Nippon eiseigaku zasshi. Japanese journal of hygieneNippon Eiseigaku ZasshiNippon ganka kiyoNippon Ganka Kiyo2Nippon geka hokan. Archiv fur japanische ChirurgieNippon Geka HokanANippon juigaku zasshi. The Japanese journal of veterinary scienceNippon Juigaku Zasshi4Nippon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine Nippon Rinsho:Nippon saikingaku zasshi. Japanese journal of bacteriologyNippon Saikingaku ZasshiFNippon seirigaku zasshi. Journal of the Physiological Society of JapanNippon Seirigaku Zasshi7Nippon yakurigaku zasshi. Folia pharmacologica JaponicaNippon Yakurigaku ZasshiSNitric oxide : biology and chemistry / official journal of the Nitric Oxide Society Nitric OxideNjsna Newsletter NJSNA Newsl%No shinkei geka. Neurological surgeryNo Shinkei Geka%No to hattatsu. Brain and developmentNo To HattatsuNobel Symposium Nobel SympNoesis (Pau, France)NoesisNoise & health Noise HealthNomadic peoples Nomad PeopleNong ye sheng wu ji shu xue baoEJournal of agricultural biotechnology|Nong Ye Sheng Wu Ji Shu Xue BaoNonlinear biomedical physicsNonlinear Biomed Phys1Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences#Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life Sci-Nonlinearity in biology, toxicology, medicineNonlinearity Biol Toxicol Med!Nonprofit management & leadershipNonprofit Manag Leadersh Noordgouw Noordgouw2Nordic journal of Soviet and East European studiesNord J Sov East Eur StudNordic journal of psychiatryNord J PsychiatryNordisk hygienisk tidskriftNord Hyg Tidskr)Nordisk hygienisk tidskrift. SupplementumNord Hyg Tidskr SupplNordisk medicinNord MedNordisk medicinhistorisk arsbokNord Medicinhist ArsbNordisk psykiatrisk medlemsbladNord Psyk Medl<Nordisk psykiatrisk tidsskrift. Nordic journal of psychiatryNord Psykiatr TidsskrNordisk psykologi Nord PsykolNordisk sexologi Nord SexolNordisk veterinaermedicin Nord Vet Med"Normale und pathologische AnatomieNorm Pathol Anat (Stuttg)NoroisNorois;Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. Norwegian journal of geographyNor Geogr TidsskrNorsk theologisk tidsskriftNor Teol Tidsskr"North Carolina Central law journalNorth Carol Centr Law JNNorth Carolina dental gazette : a publication of North Carolina Dental Society N C Dent GazNorth Carolina dental journal N C Dent JNorth Carolina folklore N C Folklor'North Carolina journal of mental healthN C J Ment HealthNorth Carolina law reviewNorth Carol Law RevNorth Carolina medical journal N C Med JbNorth Dakota century code : containing statutes of a general and permanent nature ... North DakotaN D Century Code N DNorth Dakota historyN D HistNorth Dakota law review N D Law Rev%North eastern reporter. Second seriesNorth East Rep Second Ser%North western reporter. Second seriesNorth West Rep Second SerNortheast African StudiesNortheast Afr StudNortheast folkloreNortheast Folk'Northern Illinois University law reviewNorth Ill Univ Law Rev!Northern Kentucky State law forumNorth Ky State Law ForumNorthern Kentucky law reviewNorth KY Law RevNorthern Scotland North ScotlNorthern Virginia heritageNorth Va HeritNorthern history North HistNorthwest Ohio quarterlyNorthwest Ohio QNorthwest dentistryNorthwest DentNorthwest medicine Northwest Med@Northwest report : a newsletter of the Northwest Area Foundation Northwest Rep"Northwestern University law reviewNorthwest Univ Law RevNorthwestern dental researchNorthwest Dent Res Noseleutike NoseleutikeNosokomeiaka chronika Nosokom Chron Not Man Apart Not Man ApartNotas de poblacionNotas PoblacionNotatki plockieNotatki PlockieNotes and queries Notes Queries0Notes and records of the Royal Society of LondonNotes Rec R Soc Lond+Notes from the underground (New York, N.Y.) Notes UndergrNotiziario farmaceuticoNot FarmNotizie di Politeia Not Polit1Notre Dame journal of law, ethics & public policy%Notre Dame J Law Ethics Public PolicyNous (Detroit, Mich.)NousNouveau journal de chimie Nouv J ChimNouvelle ecoleNouv EcNouvelle revue du XVIe siecleNouv Rev 16e Siecle&Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologieNouv Rev Fr Hematol3Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie; blood cellsNouv Rev Fr Hematol Blood CellsNouvelles - Comite international catholique des infirmieres et assistantes medico-sociales. News - International Committee of Catholic Nurses and Medico-Social Workers)Nouv Com Int Cathol Infirm Assist Med Soc6Nouvelles de la republique des lettres (Naples, Italy)Nouv Repub LettNova Scotia historical review N S Hist RevqNova acta Leopoldina : Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Carolinisch Deutschen Akademie der NaturforscherNova Acta LeopoldPNova acta Paracelsica : ... Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Paracelsus-GesellschaftNova Acta ParacelsicaNova acta stomatologicaNova Acta StomatolNova law journal Nova Law JNova law review Nova Law RevNovaia i noveishaia istoriiaNov Novejsaja IstorNovaia khirurgiiaNov KhirNovartis Foundation symposiumNovartis Found Symp&Novosti meditsinskogo priborostroeniiaNov Med PriborostrNovosti meditsinskoi tekhniki Nov Med Tekh Nowe drogi Nowe Drogi Nowotwory Nowotwory)Nuclear Tracks And Radiation MeasurementsNucl Tracks Radiat MeasNuclear engineering and design/fusion : an international journal devoted to the thermal, mechanical, materials, structural, and design problems of fusion energyNucl Eng Des/Fusion}Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipmentNucl Instrum Methods Phys Res AhNuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atomsNucl Instrum Methods Phys Res BNuclear medicine and biology Nucl Med BiolNuclear medicine communicationsNucl Med CommunNuclear medicine review. Central & Eastern Europe : journal of Bulgarian, Czech, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Yugoslav societies of nuclear medicine and Ukrainian Society of RadiologyNucl Med Rev Cent East EurNuclear physics. A Nucl Phys ANuclear receptor Nucl ReceptNuclear receptor signalingNucl Recept SignalMNuclear science and engineering : the journal of the American Nuclear Society Nucl Sci EngNuclear technology Nucl TechnolNuclear-MedizinNucl Med (Stuttg)Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Res+Nucleic acids research. Special publicationNucleic Acids Res Spec Publ)Nucleic acids research. Supplement (2001)Nucleic Acids Res SupplNucleic acids symposium seriesNucleic Acids Symp Ser%Nucleic acids symposium series (2004)Nucleic Acids Symp Ser (Oxf) Nucleonics NucleonicsNucleosides & nucleotidesNucleosides Nucleotides(Nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids%Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic AcidsNuestra historia Nuestra HistNueva enfermeria Nueva Enferm7Nuevos libros / Acuerdo de Cartagena, Junta, Biblioteca Nuevos LibrosNufusbilim Dergisi Nufusbil Derg Nuklearmedizin. Nuclear medicineNuklearmedizinNumenNumen2Nuncius / Istituto e museo di storia della scienzaNunciusNuntius radiologicus Nunt RadiolNuova antologiaNuova AntologiaNuova rivista storicaNuova Riv Stor%Nuovi annali d'igiene e microbiologiaNuovi Ann Ig Microbiol-Nurse Educators Opportunities And InnovationsNurse Educ Oppor InnovNurse anesthesia Nurse AnesthNurse author & editorNurse Author EdNurse education in practiceNurse Educ PractNurse education todayNurse Educ TodayNurse educator Nurse EducNurse managers' bookshelfNurse Managers BookshelfNurse practitioner forumNurse Pract ForumNurse researcher Nurse Res Nurses Lamp Nurses LampNursingNursing (Lond)ONursing & health care : official publication of the National League for NursingNurs Health CareNursing & health sciencesNurs Health Sci>Nursing BC / Registered Nurses Association of British ColumbiaNurs BCNursing Montreal Nurs MontrealNursing New ZealandNurs N Z-Nursing New Zealand (Wellington, N.Z. : 1995)Nurs N ZNursing QuebecNurs QueNursing Research Conference Nurs Res Conf Nursing administration quarterly Nurs Adm Q$Nursing and health care perspectivesNurs Health Care Perspect Nursing care Nurs CareNursing careers Nurs Careers>Nursing case management : managing the process of patient careNurs Case ManagaNursing diagnosis : ND : the official journal of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association Nurs DiagnNursing digestNurs DigNursing dynamicsNurs DynNursing economic$ Nurs EconNursing education monographsNurs Educ MonogrNursing education perspectivesNurs Educ PerspectNursing educators microworldNurs Educ MicroworldNursing ethics Nurs Ethics Nursing focus Nurs FocusNursing for women's healthNurs Womens Health Nursing forumNurs Forum (Auckl)`Nursing history review : official journal of the American Association for the History of Nursing Nurs Hist Rev Nursing homes Nurs Homes%Nursing homes and senior citizen careNurs Homes Sr Citiz CareNursing in critical careNurs Crit CareNursing inquiryNurs InqNursing journalNurs J (Manila)Nursing law & ethics,Nurs Law EthicsNursing law's Regan reportNurs Law Regan RepNursing leadership Nurs LeadershNursing leadership forumNurs Leadersh ForumNursing management Nurs Manage3Nursing management (Harrow, London, England : 1994)Nurs Manag (Harrow)Nursing mirror Nurs Mirror#Nursing mirror and midwives journalNurs Mirror Midwives J Nursing newsNurs News (Meriden)Nursing older peopleNurs Older PeopleNursing outlook Nurs Outlook'Nursing papers. Perspectives en nursingNurs PapJNursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals Nurs Philos&Nursing practice (Edinburgh, Scotland) Nurs Pract!Nursing praxis in New Zealand inc Nurs Prax N ZNursing quality connectionNurs Qual ConnectNursing researchNurs ResNursing research report Nurs Res RepNursing scienceNurs SciNursing science quarterly Nurs Sci Q+Nursing spectrum (D.C./Baltimore metro ed.)Nurs Spectr (Wash D C)Nursing spectrum (Florida ed.)Nurs Spectr (Fla Ed)5Nursing spectrum (Greater Philadelphia/Tri-state ed.)#Nurs Spectr (Gt Phila Tri State Ed)Nursing spectrum (Illinois ed.)*Nurs Spectr (Gt Chic Ne Ill Nw Indiana Ed)"Nursing spectrum (New England ed.)Nurs Spectr (N Engl Ed)!Nursing staff development insiderNurs Staff Dev InsidBNursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987) Nurs StandWNursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987). Special supplement.Nurs Stand Spec SupplENursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing Nurs StandNursing success todayNurs Success Today:Nursing the elderly : in hospital, homes and the community Nurs Elder Nursing times Nurs TimesNursing times. Nursing homesNurs Times Nurs Homes Nursing world Nurs WorldNursingConnectionsNursingconnections NursingLife Nurs LifeaNutricion hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion Parenteral y Enteral Nutr Hosp=Nutritio et dieta; European review of nutrition and dieteticsNutr Dieta Eur Rev Nutr DietNutrition & metabolismNutr Metab (Lond)/Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) NutritionNutrition abstracts and reviewsNutr Abstr RevANutrition abstracts and reviews. Series A: Human and experimentalNutr Abstr Rev Ser Hum ExpNutrition and cancer Nutr Cancer1Nutrition and health (Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire) Nutr HealthNutrition and metabolism Nutr MetabNutrition for healthy livingNutr Healthy LivingNutrition for life Nutr Life;Nutrition history notes / Vanderbilt Medical Center LibraryNutr Hist NotesHNutrition in clinical care : an official publication of Tufts UniversityNutr Clin CarerNutrition in clinical practice : official publication of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral NutritionNutr Clin PractNutrition journalNutr JNutrition reports international Nutr Rep Int#Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.)Nutr ResNutrition reviewsNutr RevNutrition today Nutr TodayNutrition update Nutr Update9Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCDNutr Metab Cardiovasc DisNutritional neuroscience Nutr Neurosci5O Medico; semanario de assuntos medicos e paramedicosMedico (Porto)OH. Osteopathic hospitalsOH OHMS digestOHMS Dig ONA journalONA J ONS connect ONS Connect#ONS news / Oncology Nursing SocietyONS News OR manager OR ManagerOR techOR Tech,ORGYN : Organon's magazine on women & healthORGYN.ORINS [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionORINS Rep US At Energy CommgORL-head and neck nursing : official journal of the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck NursesORL Head Neck NursBORL; journal for oto-rhino-laryngology and its related specialties!ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec2ORNL-NSIC [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ORNL-NSIC Rep0ORNL-TM [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ORNL-TM Rep#ORNL. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionORNL,ORO [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionORO Rep Ob. gyn. news Ob Gyn News Ob/gyn World Ob/Gyn WorldObesity (Silver Spring, Md.)Obesity (Silver Spring)Obesity researchObes Res_Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of ObesityObes RevObesity surgery : the official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery and of the Obesity Surgery Society of Australia and New Zealand Obes SurgUObjets et mondes : la revue du Musee de l'homme, Museum national d'histoire naturelle Objets Mondes8Observations et diagnostics economiques. Revue de l'OFCEObs Diagn EconObstetrica si ginecologiaObstet Ginecol (Bucur)"Obstetrical & gynecological surveyObstet Gynecol SurvObstetricia pratica Obstet Prat+Obstetricia y ginecologia latino-americanasObstet Ginecol Lat AmObstetrics and gynecologyObstet Gynecol Obstetrics and gynecology annualObstet Gynecol Annu2Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North AmericaObstet Gynecol Clin North Am$Occasional newsletter (Lindsay Club)Occas Newsl Lindsay Club9Occasional paper (Royal College of General Practitioners)Occas Pap R Coll Gen Pract.Occasional papers on medical history AustraliaOccas Pap Med Hist AustOccupational HealthOccup Health (Auckl)'Occupational and environmental medicineOccup Environ Med)Occupational health & safety (Waco, Tex.)Occup Health SafOccupational health nursingOccup Health NursOccupational health reviewOccup Health Rev=Occupational health; a journal for occupational health nursesOccup Health (Lond)'Occupational medicine (Oxford, England)Occup Med (Lond))Occupational medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.) Occup MedOccupational outlook quarterly / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics in cooperation with Veterans AdministrationOCCUP Outlook Q'Occupational therapy and rehabilitationOccup Ther Rehabil"Occupational therapy internationalOccup Ther IntvOceania; a journal devoted to the study of the native peoples of Australia, New Guinea, and the Islands of the PacificOceaniaOchsner Clinic reportsOchsner Clin Rep"Ocular immunology and inflammationOcul Immunol Inflamm Odonatologica OdonatologicaOdontOdontOdontesOdontes Odontiatrike OdontiatrikiOdontoestomatologiaOdontoestomatologiaOdontoiatria praticaOdontoiatr Prat<Odontoiatria; revista ibero-americana de medicina de la bocaOdontoiatr Rev Iberoam Med Boca OdontologiaOdontologia (Lima)Odontologia (Paris, France) OdontologiaOdontologia Atual Odontol AtualOdontologia Clinica Odontol ClinOdontologia JaliscienseOdontol JaliscOdontologia Peruana Odontol PeruNOdontologia bonaerense. / FOPBA, Federacion Odontologica de la Pcia. de Bs. AsOndontol BonaerOdontologia capixabaOdontol CapixabaOdontologia chilena Odontol ChilOdontologia de America Odontol AmOdontologia de postgradoOdontol PostgradoOdontologia dinamica Odontol DinOdontologia practica Odontol PractOdontologia uruguaya Odontol Urug Odontologica OdontologicaOdontological bulletin Odontol BullOdontologie ConservatriceOdontol ConservOdontologisk revy Odontol RevyOdontologisk revy. SupplementOdontol Revy SupplOdontologisk tidskriftOdontol Tidskr#Odontologiska foreningens tidskriftOdontol Foren Tidskr8Odontology / the Society of the Nippon Dental University Odontology Odontoprotesi Odontoprotesi$Odontostomatologia E ImplantoprotesiOdontostomatol ImplantoprotesiOdontostomatologike proodosOdontostomatol Proodos Oecologia OecologiaOeconomica Polona Oecon Pol"Oesterreichische Apotheker ZeitungOsterr Apoth Ztg&Oesterreichische Dentisten Zeitschrift Osterr Dent Z Off our backs Off Our BacksLOfficial journal of the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses / CACCNOff J Can Assoc Crit Care NursMOfficial publication. Dental Hygienists' Association of the State of New York!Off Publ Dent Hyg Assoc State N Y(Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990) OftalmologiaOftalmologicheskii zhurnal Oftalmol Zh#Ohio Northern University law reviewOhio North Univ Law RevOhio State law journalOhio State Law J&Ohio history / Ohio Historical Society Ohio Hist=Ohio medicine : journal of the Ohio State Medical AssociationOhio MedOhio nurses reviewOhio Nurses RevOil, paint, and drug reporterOil Paint Drug Report!Okajimas folia anatomica JaponicaOkajimas Folia Anat Jpn=Oklahoma City University law review. Oklahoma City UniversityOklahoma City Univ Law RevOklahoma law reviewOklahoma Law Rev%Oklahoma statutes annotated. OklahomaOkla Statut Annot OklaOld English newsletterOld Engl NewslOldenburgische FamilienkundeOldenburg FamilienkdOligonucleotidesOligonucleotides"Omaly sy anio. Hier et aujourd'hui Omaly AnioOmegaOmega (Westport)(Omics : a journal of integrative biologyOMICSOmni (New York, N.Y.)Omni Omnia medica Omnia MedOmnia medica et therapeuticaOmnia Med TherOmnia medica. SupplementoOmnia Med SupplOmnia therapeutica Omnia TherOmnia therapeutica. SupplementoOmnia Ther Suppl Omvardaren Omvardaren|Oncodevelopmental biology and medicine : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and MedicineOncodev Biol MedOncogeneOncogeneOncogene research Oncogene Res Oncologia Oncologia6Oncologica / Vereniging van Oncologie Verpleegkundigen OncologicaOncologyOncologyOncology (Williston Park, N.Y.)Oncology (Williston Park)Oncology nursing forumOncol Nurs ForumOncology reports Oncol RepOncology research Oncol Res One on oneOne One Onkologie Onkologie#Online journal of issues in nursingOnline J Issues Nurs Ons AmsterdamOns AmstOns heemOns HeemOntario dentistOnt DentOntario historyOnt HistOntario medical review Ont Med Rev Ontogenez OntogenezOostvlaamsche zantenOostvlaam ZantenOperational research quarterly Oper Res QOperations researchOper Res&Operative Orthopadie und TraumatologieOper Orthop TraumatolOperative dentistry Oper DentOperative dentistry. SupplementOper Dent Suppl'Operative techniques in sports medicineOper Tech Sports MedOpheliaOphelia>Ophtalmologie : organe de la Societe francaise d'ophtalmologie OphtalmologiemOphthalmic & physiological optics : the journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists)Ophthalmic Physiol OptOphthalmic epidemiologyOphthalmic EpidemiolOphthalmic geneticsOphthalmic GenetOphthalmic literatureOphthalmic Lit#Ophthalmic paediatrics and geneticsOphthalmic Paediatr Genet-Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgeryOphthal Plast Reconstr SurgOphthalmic researchOphthalmic ResOphthalmic seminarsOphthalmic SeminOphthalmic surgeryOphthalmic SurgOphthalmic surgery and lasersOphthalmic Surg LasersoOphthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging : the official journal of the International Society for Imaging in the EyeOphthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging~Ophthalmologica. Journal international d'ophtalmologie. International journal of ophthalmology. Zeitschrift fur AugenheilkundeOphthalmologica Ophthalmology Ophthalmology&Ophthalmology clinics of North AmericaOphthalmol Clin North Am Optica actaOpt Acta (Lond)'Optical journal and review of optometryOpt J Rev OptomOptics communications Opt CommunOptics express Opt ExpressOptics lettersOpt LettOptions for policy and practiceOptions Policy PractOptometry (St. Louis, Mo.) OptometryXOptometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry Optom Vis SciDOptometry clinics : the official publication of the Prentice Society Optom ClinOpuscula medica Opusc Med Opusculum Opusculum Oral diseasesOral Dis Oral health Oral Health"Oral health & preventive dentistryOral Health Prev Dent Oral hygieneOral HygOral implantologyOral Implantol Oral microbiology and immunologyOral Microbiol Immunol Oral oncology Oral OncolOral sciences reviews Oral Sci Rev"Oral surgery, oral diagnosis : OSDOral Surg Oral Diagn/Oral surgery, oral medicine, and oral pathologyOral Surg Oral Med Oral PatholLOral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics0Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod9Oral-prophylaxe / Herausgeber, Verein fur Zahnhygiene e.VOralprophylaxeOrale ImplantologieOrale Implantol%Orange County Dental Society BulletinOrange Cty Dent Soc BullOrbisOrbisOrbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Orbit6Oregon historical quarterly. Oregon Historical Society Oreg Hist QOregon law reviewOregon Law RevOregon revised statutes : containing, with some exceptions, the statute laws of Oregon of a general, public and permanent nature ... OregonOr Revis Statut OrOregon state dental journalOreg State Dent J Organic & biomolecular chemistryOrg Biomol ChemOrganic geochemistry Org GeochemOrganic lettersOrg Lett1Organic preparations and procedures internationalOrg Prep Proced Int4Organizational behavior and human decision processesOrgan Behav Hum Decis Process-Organizational behavior and human performanceOrgan Behav Hum PerformOrganizational dynamics Organ DynOrganometallicsOrganometallicsOrganonOrganonOriens extremusOriens ExtremusOriente Cristiano Oriente CristOriente moderno Oriente ModOriginsOriginsOrigins of life Orig Life}Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere : the journal of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of LifeOrig Life Evol Biosph8Orizzonti della ortopedia odierna e della riabilitazioneOrizz Ortop Odie RiabilOrnicar?Ornicar5Orovosok lapja (Magyar Orvosok Szabad Szakszervezete)Orvosok Lapja Nepeu!Orphanet journal of rare diseasesOrphanet J Rare DisOrthodontic review Orthod Rev$Orthodontics & craniofacial researchOrthod Craniofac Res_Orthodontike epitheorese : epiotemoniko periodiko tes Orthodontikes Etaireias tes Ellados / OEEOrthod Epitheorese7Orthopaedic audio-synopsis continuing medical education Orthop Surg@Orthopaedic nursing / National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Orthop NursOrthopaedic review Orthop Rev>Orthopedic nursing / National Association of Orthopedic Nurses Orthop Nurs Orthopedics Orthopedics Ortodoncia Ortodoncia Ortodontia OrtodontiaOrtopedia maxilar Ortop Maxilar'Ortopedia, traumatologia, rehabilitacjaOrtop Traumatol Rehabil*Ortopediia travmatologiia i protezirovanieOrtop Travmatol ProtezOrvosi hetilap Orv Hetil Orvoskepzes OrvoskepzesOrvostorteneti kozlemenyekOrvostort KozlOsaka University law reviewOsaka Univ Law RevOsaka city medical journalOsaka City Med JOsgoode Hall law journalOsgoode Hall Law JOsirisOsirisOsler Library newsletterOsler Libr NewslOspedali d'Italia - chirurgia Osp Ital ChirDOsteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research SocietyOsteoarthritis CartilageOsteopathic hospital leadershipOsteopath Hosp Leadersh%Osteopathic medicine and primary careOsteopath Med Prim CareOsteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USAOsteoporos IntOsterreichische ArztezeitungOsterr ArzteztgOsterreichische HebammenzeitungOsterr Hebammenztg(Osterreichische KrankenpflegezeitschriftOsterr KrankenpflegezeOsterreichische Pflegezeitschrift : Organ des Osterreichischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeverbands!Osterreichische Pflegezeitschrift!Osterreichische SchwesternzeitungOsterr SchwesternztgwOsterreichische Zahnarzts-Zeitung; Mitteilungen der Bundesfachgruppe fur Zahnheilkunde der Osterreichischen ArztekammerOsterr ZahnarzteztgOsterreichische ZahnprothetikOsterr Zahnprothet&Osterreichische Zahntechniker HandwerkOsterr Zahntech HandwerkMOsterreichische Zeitschrift fur Erforschung und Bekampfung der Krebskrankheit!Osterr Z Erforsch Bekampf KrebskrGOsterreichische Zeitschrift fur Onkologie. Austrian journal of oncologyOsterr Z Onkol8Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Statistik und InformatikOsterr Z Stat Inform,Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur StomatologieOsterr Z Stomatol Osteuropa OsteuropaOstomy/wound managementOstomy Wound ManageOtago law review Otago Law RevOto-rino-laringologieOtorinolaringologie1Otolaryngologia polska. The Polish otolaryngologyOtolaryngol Pol(Otolaryngologic clinics of North AmericaOtolaryngol Clin North AmOtolaryngologyOtolaryngology(Otolaryngology and head and neck surgeryOtolaryngol Head Neck SurgOtology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology Otol NeurotolOttawa law reviewOttawa Law RevOu Daigaku shigakushiOu Daigaku Shigakushi Ouest-medical Ouest MedEOur planet : the magazine of the United Nations Environment Programme Our PlanetOutcomes managementOutcomes Manag(Outcomes management for nursing practiceOutcomes Manag Nurs Pract;Outlook and bulletin. Southern Dental Society of New JerseyOutlook Bull South Dent Soc N JOutlook magazine Outlook MagOutlook on agriculture Outlook Agric"Overijssel (Enschede, Netherlands) OverijsselOxford German studies Oxf Ger StudOxford Medical School gazetteOxf Med Sch GazOxford Slavonic papers Oxf Slav Pap+Oxford bulletin of economics and statisticsOxf Bull Econ StatOxford economic papers Oxf Econ PapOxford journal of legal studiesOxf J Leg Stud&Oxford reviews of reproductive biologyOxf Rev Reprod Biol"Oxford surveys on eukaryotic genesOxf Surv Eukaryot GenesP & S quarterlyP S Q PAG bulletinPag Bull PAN (Nigeria)PAN PAS reporterPAS RepPCR methods and applicationsPCR Methods Appl:PDA journal of pharmaceutical science and technology / PDAPDA J Pharm Sci TechnolPDM: Physicians' drug manualPDM PFCA reviewPFCA Rev<PHC4 FYI / Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment CouncilPHC4 FYIPI perspective PI PerspectVPIACT papers / Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology PIACT PapbPIACT product news. Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology (U.S.)PIACT Prod NewsPIDSA abstracts PIDSA AbstrPLoS ONEPLoS ONE PLoS biology PLoS BiolPLoS clinical trialsPLoS Clin TrialsPLoS computational biologyPLoS Comput Biol PLoS genetics PLoS Genet PLoS medicinePLoS Med PLoS neglected tropical diseasesPLoS Negl Trop DisPLoS pathogens PLoS Pathog6POPCEN news letter. Population Centre (Lucknow, India) POPCEN Newsl=POPIN bulletin / International Population Information Network POPIN BullPP newsPP News PPAR researchPPAR Res PRB reportPRB Rep PRN forum PRN ForumPS PS (Wash DC)PSD communication newsletterPSD Commun NewslPace law review Pace Law Rev6Pacific AIDS alert bulletin / South Pacific CommissionPac AIDS Alert BullPacific Northwest quarterlyPac Northwest QDPacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on BiocomputingPac Symp BiocomputPacific affairsPac AfftPacific health dialog : a publication of the Pacific Basin Officers Training Program and the Fiji School of MedicinePac Health DialogPacific historical review Pac Hist Rev(Pacific law journal (Sacramento, Calif.) Pac Law JPacific medicine and surgery Pac Med SurgPacific reporter. Second seriesPac Rep Second SerPacific sociological reviewPac Sociol RevPacific studiesPac StudPacific viewpoint Pac Viewp7Pacifica : journal of the Melbourne College of DivinityPacifica,Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACEPacing Clin ElectrophysiolPadiatrie und GrenzgebietePadiatr GrenzgebPadiatrie und Padologie Padiatr Padol%Padiatrie und Padologie. SupplementumPadiatr Padol SupplPaedagogica historica Paedagog HistPaediatria Danubiana ...Paediatr DanubPaediatria Japonica Paediatr JpnPaediatria Universitatis TokyoPaediatr Univ TokyoPaediatric anaesthesiaPaediatr Anaesth%Paediatric and perinatal drug therapyPaediatr Perinat Drug Ther%Paediatric and perinatal epidemiologyPaediatr Perinat EpidemiolPaediatric drugsPaediatr DrugsPaediatric nursing Paediatr NursPaediatric respiratory reviewsPaediatr Respir RevPaediatrica IndonesianaPaediatr Indones Paediatrician Paediatrician Paedovita PaedovitaPage's Ohio revised code annotated : containing the text of the official Ohio revised code, effective October 1, 1953, with the addition of all statutes of a general nature enacted by the General Assembly ... and notes of decisions cons... Pages Ohio Revis Code Annot Ohio(Pagine di storia della medicina. CollanaPagine Stor Med [Collana]Pahlavi medical journal Pahlavi Med JPainPainPain and headache Pain Headache\Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management NursesPain Manag NursPain medicine (Malden, Mass.)Pain MedPain physicianPain Physician?Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain Pain PractPain. Supplement Pain SupplPakistan development review Pak Dev Rev#Pakistan economic and social reviewPak Econ Soc Rev-Pakistan journal of biological sciences: PJBSPak J Biol Sci#Pakistan journal of family planningPak J Fam PlannPakistan journal of health Pak J Health$Pakistan journal of medical research Pak J Med Res+Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciencesPak J Pharm SciPakistan journal of psychology Pak J PsycholPakistan journal of science Pak J Sci6Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial researchPak J Sci Ind ResPakistan journal of zoology Pak J ZoolPakistan pediatric journal Pak Pediatr JPakistan population review Pak Popul Rev1Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology%Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol Palaeontology PalaeontologyPalaiosPalaios Paleobiology PaleobiologyPaleoceanographyPaleoceanographyPaleopathology newsletterPaleopathol NewslPalestine exploration quarterlyPalest Explor QPalliative & supportive carePalliat Support CarePalliative medicine Palliat Med Pammatone PammatonePan American health Pan Am Health$Pan American medical woman's journalPan Am Med Womans JPan-African journal Pan Afr JPancreasPancreasePancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.] Pancreatology"Panhandle-Plains historical reviewPanhand-Plains Hist RevPanminerva medicaPanminerva Med Panoscope Panoscope@Panstwo i prawo : organ Zrzeszenia Prawnikow Demokratow w Polsce Panstwo Prawo~Papeles de poblacion / Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados de la Poblacion, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de MexicoPapeles Poblac/Paper series (United Hospital Fund of New York)Pap Ser United Hosp Fund N YCPapers / National Conference for Professional Nurses and Physicians$Pap Natl Conf Prof Nurses PhysiciansLPapers / Regional Science Association. Regional Science Association. MeetingPap Reg Sci AssocPapers in Slovene studies Pap Slov StudZPapers in regional science : the journal of the Regional Science Association International Pap Reg SciPapers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. Cahiers de la Societe bibliographique du Canada. Bibliographical Society of CanadaPap Bibliogr Soc Can$Papers of the British School at RomePap Br Sch RomePapers on Far Eastern historyPap Far East Hist/Papers on French seventeenth century literaturePap Fr Seventeenth Century Lit]Papers presented at the ... meeting. American Chemical Society. Division of Polymer Chemistry Polymer Prepr*Papers. Bibliographical Society of AmericaPap Bibliogr Soc Am$Papua and New Guinea medical journal P N G Med J*Paracelsus; Archiv der praktischen MedizinParacelsus Arch Prakt MedParade (New York, N.Y.)ParadeParadentologieParadentologieParamedics international Paramed Int/Parameters : journal of the US Army War College Parameters Paraplegia ParaplegiaParasite (Paris, France)ParasiteParasite immunologyParasite Immunol Parasitology ParasitologyParasitology international Parasitol IntParasitology research Parasitol Res!Parasitology today (Personal ed.)Parasitol TodayParassitologiaParassitologiaParazitologiiaParazitologiiaParenting, science and practiceParent Sci Pract(Parents magazine (New York, N.Y. : 1985)Parents Mag (NY)%Parents' magazine (Bergenfield, N.J.) Parents Mag Paris medical Paris MedParivar ayojanParivar AyojanParkingParking Parkinsonism & related disordersParkinsonism Relat DisordParliamentary affairs Parliam Aff Parma medica Parma MedParodontologia e stomatologia (nuova) : organo ufficiale dell'ARPA italiana, della Societa italiana Jonoforesi stomatologica e della Accademia ligustica di stomatologiaParodontol Stomatol (Nuova)ParodontologieParodontologie Parodontologie (Berlin, Germany) Parodontol+Parodontologie (Zurich, Switzerland : 1954)Parodontologie!Parodontologie and academy reviewParodontol Acad RevParodontopathiesParodontopathiesParoi arterielleParoi ArterielleJPart A news : independent news to legally maximize Medicare part A dollars Part A News Part B news Part B NewsParticipant journalPart JParticle and fibre toxicologyPart Fibre Toxicol'Partisan review (New York, N.Y. : 1936) Partis RevcParttorteneti kozlemenyek. Magyar Szocialista Munkaspart. Kozponti Bizottsag. Parttorteneti Intezet Parttort Kozl$Passato e presente (Florence, Italy)Passato PresentePassauer Schriften zur Psychologiegeschichte / herausgegeben vom Institut fur Geschichte der Neueren Psychologie der Universitat PassauPassau Schr PsychologiegeschPast & present Past PresentPastoral psychologyPastoral PsycholIPathobiology : journal of immunopathology, molecular and cellular biology PathobiologyPathobiology annualPathobiol AnnuPathologia Europaea Pathol EurPathologia et microbiologiaPathol Microbiol (Basel)Pathologia veterinaria Pathol Vet Pathologica PathologicaPathologie et biologie Pathol BiolPathologie-biologiePathol Biol (Paris) Pathologist Pathologist Pathology PathologyPathology (Philadelphia, Pa.)Pathology (Phila)&Pathology and immunopathology researchPathol Immunopathol ResPathology annual Pathol AnnuPathology international Pathol Int!Pathology oncology research : PORPathol Oncol Res Pathology, research and practicePathol Res Pract]Pathophysiology : the official journal of the International Society for Pathophysiology / ISPPathophysiology-Pathophysiology of haemostasis and thrombosisPathophysiol Haemost ThrombPathways (Chestnut Hill, Mass.)PathwaysPatient accounts Patient Acc Patient care Patient CarePatient care managementPatient Care Manag(Patient counselling and health educationPatient Couns Health Educ Patient education and counselingPatient Educ CounsPatient education newsletterPatient Educ NewslXPatient-focused care : the health care executive's guide to organizational restructuringPatient Focus CareCPatient-focused care and satisfaction / American Health ConsultantsPatient Focus Care Satisf PatologiaPatologia (Mex),Patologia e clinica ostetrica e ginecologicaPatol Clin Ostet GinecolPatologia polska Patol Pol:Patologicheskaia fiziologiia i eksperimental'naia terapiiaPatol Fiziol Eksp TerPattern recognitionPattern RecognitPatterns of prejudicePatterns Prejudice)Pavlov journal of higher nervous activityPavlov J High Nerv Act<Pawlow-Zeitschrift fur hohere Nerventatigkeit. Deutsche AusgPawlow Z Hohere NerventatigkeitPeasant studies Peasant Stud PediatriaPediatria (Santiago)Pediatria de las Americas Pediatr AmPediatria panamericana Pediatr PanamPediatria polska Pediatr PolPediatria pratica Pediatr Prat Pediatric AIDS and HIV infectionPediatr AIDS HIV InfectPediatric alert Pediatr AlertsPediatric allergy and immunology : official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and ImmunologyPediatr Allergy Immunol{Pediatric and adolescent gynecology : official journal of the International Federation of Infantile and Juvenile GynecologyPediatr Adolesc GynecolPediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology SocietyPediatr Dev PatholPediatric annals Pediatr AnnPediatric blood & cancerPediatr Blood CancerPediatric cardiologyPediatr CardiolPediatric case reviews (Print)Pediatr Case RevPediatric clinics of IndiaPediatr Clin India"Pediatric clinics of North AmericaPediatr Clin North AmPediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care SocietiesPediatr Crit Care MedPediatric dentistry Pediatr DentPediatric dermatologyPediatr DermatolPediatric diabetesPediatr DiabetesPediatric emergency carePediatr Emerg Care%Pediatric endocrinology reviews : PERPediatr Endocrinol RevPediatric exercise sciencePediatr Exerc Sci!Pediatric hematology and oncologyPediatr Hematol OncolPediatric infectious diseasePediatr Infect Dis&Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)Pediatr NephrolPediatric neurologyPediatr NeurolPediatric neurosciencePediatr NeurosciPediatric neurosurgeryPediatr NeurosurgPediatric news Pediatr NewsPediatric nursing Pediatr NursPediatric pathology & laboratory medicine : journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology, affiliated with the International Paediatric Pathology AssociationPediatr Pathol Lab Med(Pediatric pathology & molecular medicinePediatr Pathol Mol MedXPediatric pathology / affiliated with the International Paediatric Pathology AssociationPediatr Pathol'Pediatric pharmacology (New York, N.Y.)Pediatr Pharmacol (New York)Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy AssociationPediatr Phys TherPediatric pulmonologyPediatr Pulmonol!Pediatric pulmonology. SupplementPediatr Pulmonol SupplPediatric radiologyPediatr RadiolPediatric rehabilitationPediatr RehabilPediatric research Pediatr Res%Pediatric rheumatology online journalPediatr Rheumatol Online JPediatric surgery internationalPediatr Surg IntPediatric transplantationPediatr Transplant Pediatrician PediatricianPediatricke listy Pediatr Listy Pediatrics Pediatrics5Pediatrics in review / American Academy of Pediatrics Pediatr RevJPediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society Pediatr Int Pediatrie PediatriePediatrie (Bucharest, Romania)Pediatrie (Bucur) Pediatriia Pediatriia%Pediatriia akusherstvo i ginekologiiaPediatr Akus GinekolPediatrik Cerrahi DergisiPediatr Cerrahi DergPedodontie FrancaisePedod Fr Pelican news Pelican NewsPenal code, annotated, of the State of California : adopted February 14, 1872, with amendments ... / annotated and indexed by the publisher's editorial staff. California"Penal Code Annot State Calif CalifPenelope (Paris, France)PenelopePenn bioethics journal Penn Bioeth J9Penn medicine / University of Pennsylvania Medical CenterPenn MedDPennsylvania Bar Association quarterly. Pennsylvania Bar AssociationPA Bar Assoc QPennsylvania Mennonite heritagePa Mennon HeritPennsylvania archaeologist Pa ArchaeolPennsylvania dental journalPa Dent J (Harrisb)(Pennsylvania district and county reportsPa Dist Cty RepPennsylvania folklife Pa FolklifePennsylvania health & you Pa Health YouPennsylvania heritage (1974)Pa HeritPennsylvania historyPa Hist#Pennsylvania medical journal (1928)Pa Med JPennsylvania medicinePa MedPeoplePeople'People & the planet / IPPF, UNFPA, IUCN People Planet People Count People CountPeople and place People Place People weeklyPeople (Chicago)Pepperdine law reviewPepperdine Law RevPeptide and protein reviewsPeptide Protein RevPeptide researchPept ResPeptidesPeptides Perception PerceptionPerception & psychophysicsPercept PsychophysPerceptual and motor skillsPercept Mot SkillsvPerfiles latinoamericanos : revista de la Sede Academica de Mexico de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Perf LatinoamPerformance improvement advisorPerform Improv Advis Perfusion PerfusionPerinatal care Perinat Care+Perinatologia y reproduccion humana / INPerPerinatol Reprod Hum/Periodical (Council on America's Military Past)Period Counc Am Mil PastPeriodicum biologorum Period BiolPeriodontal abstractsPeriodontal AbstrUPeriodontal case reports : a publication of the Northeastern Society of PeriodontistsPeriodontal Case RepgPeriodontal clinical investigations : official publication of the Northeastern Society of PeriodontistsPeriodontal Clin Investig Periodontics PeriodonticsPeriodontology 2000Periodontol 2000Perioperative nursing quarterlyPerioper Nurs Q`Peritoneal dialysis international : journal of the International Society for Peritoneal DialysisPerit Dial IntPerkins journal Perkins J&Permanente Foundation medical bulletinPerm Found Med BullPermian historical annualPermian Hist AnnuPersona y derecho Pers DerechoPersonal Relationships Pers Relatsh&Personality and individual differencesPers Individ Dif*Personality and social psychology bulletinPers Soc Psychol BullxPersonality and social psychology review : an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, IncPers Soc Psychol Rev Personnel Personnel Persoonia Persoonia Perspectivas Perspectivas6Perspectivas internacionales en planificacion familiarPerspect Int Planif Fam\Perspective infirmiere : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du QuebecPerspect Infirm PerspectivesPerspectives (Montclair):Perspectives (Gerontological Nursing Association (Canada)) Perspectives Perspectives in American historyPerspect Am Hist(Perspectives in Mexican American studiesPerspect Mex Am Stud$Perspectives in biology and medicinePerspect Biol MedMPerspectives in health : the magazine of the Pan American Health OrganizationPerspect HealthPerspectives in healthcare risk management / American Society for Healthcare Risk Management of the American Hospital AssociationPerspect Healthc Risk Manage+Perspectives in nephrology and hypertensionPerspect Nephrol Hypertens#Perspectives in pediatric pathologyPerspect Pediatr Pathol Perspectives in psychiatric carePerspect Psychiatr CareVPerspectives in respiratory nursing : a publication of the Respiratory Nursing SocietyPerspect Respir NursPerspectives in social workPerspect Soc Work9Perspectives in vascular surgery and endovascular therapy Perspect Vasc Surg Endovasc Ther1Perspectives internationales du planning familialPerspect Internation Plan Fam0Perspectives on Medicaid and Medicare management!Perspect Medicaid Medicare ManagePerspectives on accreditationPerspect Accredit_Perspectives on addictions nursing : a publication of the National Nurses Society on AddictionsPerspect Addict Nurs*Perspectives on developmental neurobiologyPerspect Dev Neurobiol#Perspectives on medicaid managementPerspect Medicaid Manage\Perspectives on science and Christian faith : journal of the American Scientific AffiliationPerspect Sci Christ Faith.Perspectives on sexual and reproductive healthPerspect Sex Reprod HealthPerspectives on the professionsPerspectives Prof!Pesquisa e planejamento economicoPesqui Planej EconPest management sciencePest Manag SciPesticides monitoring journalPestic Monit J%Petermanns geographische MitteilungenPetermanns Geogr Mitt-Peuples mediterraneens. Mediterranean peoplesMediterr PeoplesPflegePflegePflege ZeitschriftPflege Z?Pflege aktuell / DBfK, Deutscher Berufsverband fur PflegeberufePflege Aktuell0Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology Pflugers ArchFPflugers Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere,Pflugers Arch Gesamte Physiol Menschen TierePharmaceutica acta HelvetiaePharm Acta HelvPharmaceutical biotechnologyPharm BiotechnolPharmaceutical bulletin Pharm Bull)Pharmaceutical development and technologyPharm Dev TechnolPharmaceutical historianPharm Hist (Lond)Pharmaceutical research Pharm Res)Pharmaceutical science & technology todayPharm Sci Technolo TodayPharmaceutical statistics Pharm StatPharmaceutisch weekblad Pharm Weekbl+Pharmaceutisch weekblad. Scientific editionPharm Weekbl SciPharmacien de FrancePharm FrPharmacoEconomicsPharmacoeconomics$Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safetyPharmacoepidemiol Drug SafPharmacogeneticsPharmacogeneticsPharmacogenetics and genomicsPharmacogenet GenomicsPharmacogenomicsPharmacogenomicsPharmacological reports : PR Pharmacol RepVPharmacological research : the official journal of the Italian Pharmacological Society Pharmacol Res'Pharmacological research communicationsPharmacol Res CommunPharmacological reviews Pharmacol Rev Pharmacology PharmacologyPharmacology & therapeuticsPharmacol TherFPharmacology & therapeutics. Part B: General & systematic pharmacologyPharmacol Ther [B]Pharmacology & toxicologyPharmacol Toxicol*Pharmacology and therapeutics in dentistryPharmacol Ther DentPharmacology for physiciansPharmacol Physicians(Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behaviorPharmacol Biochem BehavPharmacopsychiatriaPharmacopsychiatriaPharmacopsychiatryPharmacopsychiatryPharmacotherapyPharmacotherapy`Pharmacy history Australia : the newsletter of the Australian Academy of the History of PharmacyPharm Hist AustPharmacy in history Pharm HistGPharmacy management combined with the American journal of pharmacy : PMPharm Manage Comb Am J Pharm&Pharmacy practice management quarterlyPharm Pract Manag QPharmacy times Pharm TimesPharmacy update Pharm UpdatePharmacy world & science : PWSPharm World Sci.Pharmakopsychiatrie, Neuro-Psychopharmakologie&Pharmakopsychiatr NeuropsychopharmakolPharmakotherapiaPharmakotherapiaPharmatherapeuticaPharmatherapeuticaPharmazeutische Praxis Pharm PraxPharmazeutische Rundschau Pharm Rundsch,Pharmazeutische Zentralhalle fur DeutschlandPharm Zentralhalle DtschlPharmazie in unserer ZeitPharm Unserer Zeit(Pharmaziehistorische Bibliographie : PhBPharmaziehist Bibliogr Pharmaziehistorische ForschungenPharmaziehist Forsch@Pharmeuropa bio / the Biological Standardisation Programme, EDQMPharmeuropa BioPharmeuropa scientific notesPharmeur Sci Notes&Pharmeuropa. Special issue biologicalsPharmeuropa Spec Issue Biol Pharmindex PharmindexPhi Delta KappanPhi Delta KappanPhi Kappa Phi journalPhi Kappa Phi JPhiladelphia medicine Phila Med Philippine Population NewsletterPhilipp Popul NewslPhilippine development Philipp DevPhilippine geographical journalPhilipp Geogr JPhilippine journal of cancerPhilipp J Cancer Philippine journal of cardiologyPhilipp J Cardiol'Philippine journal of internal medicinePhilipp J Intern Med#Philippine journal of mental healthPhilipp J Ment HealthPhilippine journal of nutritionPhilipp J NutrvPhilippine journal of obstetrics & gynecology : official publication, Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological SocietyPhilipp J Obstet Gynecol#Philippine journal of ophthalmologyPhilipp J Ophthalmol6Philippine journal of ophthalmology and otolaryngology Philipp J Ophthalmol Otolaryngol+Philippine journal of public administrationPhilipp J Public AdmPhilippine journal of surgeryPhilipp J Surg6Philippine journal of surgery and surgical specialtiesPhilipp J Surg Surg Spec*Philippine journal of surgical specialtiesPhilipp J Surg SpecPhilippine law journal Philipp Law JPhilippine population journalPhilipp Popul J+Philippine quarterly of culture and societyPhilipp Q Cult Soc0Philippine social sciences and humanities reviewPhilipp Soc Sci Humanit RevPhilippine sociological reviewPhilipp Sociol RevPhilippine studies Philipp StudPhillip Journal Phillip J,Phillip Journal fur restaurative ZahnmedizinPhillip J Restaur Zahnmed Philobiblon Philobiblon Philologus Philologus PhilosophiaPhilosophia (Mendoza)Philosophia naturalis Philos NatPhilosophic exchange Philos Exch!Philosophic research and analysisPhilos Res AnalysisPhilosophical studies Philos StudgPhilosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciencesPhilos Trans R Soc Lond AXPhilosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences"Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci=Philosophical transactions. Physical sciences and engineeringPhilos Trans Phys Sci EngVPhilosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences#Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng SciPhilosophy & public affairsPhilos Public AffPhilosophy & public policy quarterly / the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, School of Public Affairs, University of MarylandPhilos Public Policy QPhilosophy (London, England) PhilosophyPhilosophy East & WestPhilos East West(Philosophy and phenomenological researchPhilos Phenomenol ResPhilosophy in contextPhilos ContextPhilosophy of science Philos Sci!Philosophy of the social sciencesPhilos Soc Sci9Philosophy research archives (Bowling Green, Ohio : 1982)Philos Res Arch5Philosophy, ethics, and humanities in medicine : PEHMPhilos Ethics Humanit MedPhilosophy, theology Philos Theol Phlebologie PhlebologiePhlebolymphologyPhlebolymphology Phonetica Phonetica8Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements$Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Relat ElemPhoto-dermatology PhotodermatolPhotochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for PhotobiologyPhotochem Photobiol SciPhotochemistry and photobiologyPhotochem Photobiol1Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine#Photodermatol Photoimmunol PhotomedPhotomedicine and laser surgeryPhotomed Laser SurgPhotonics spectraPhotonics SpectraPhotophysiologyPhotophysiologyPhotosynthesis researchPhotosynth ResPhotosyntheticaPhotosyntheticaPhronesis (Barcelona, Spain) Phronesis Phycologia Phycologia Phylon (1960)Phylon Physica A Physica APhysica D. Nonlinear phenomena Physica DPhysica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB)Phys Med-Physical & occupational therapy in geriatricsPhys Occup Ther Geriatr-Physical & occupational therapy in pediatricsPhys Occup Ther PediatrPhysical biology Phys Biol*Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCPPhys Chem Chem Phys=Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North AmericaPhys Med Rehabil Clin N Am"Physical review A: General physicsPhys Rev A Gen Phys"Physical review C: Nuclear physicsPhys Rev C Nucl Phys'Physical review D: Particles and fieldsPhys Rev D Part FieldsPhysical review letters Phys Rev LettPhysical review. A Phys Rev A$Physical review. B, Condensed matterPhys Rev B Condens Matter^Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics<Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip TopicsCPhysical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics'Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter PhysPhysical therapy Phys TherPhysician assistantPhysician Assist>Physician assistant (American Academy of Physician Assistants)Physician Assist(Physician assistant. Health practitionerPhysician Assist Health PractPhysician east Phys EastPhysician executivePhysician Exec&Physician performance & payment reportPhysician Perform Paym Rep8Physician relations update / American Health ConsultantsPhysician Relat UpdatePhysician's managementPhysicians ManagePhysician's worldPhysicians WorldPhysics in medicine and biology Phys Med BiolPhysics letters. A Phys Lett APhysics letters. [Part B] Phys Lett BPhysics reportsPhys Rep Physics today Phys TodayPhysiologia BohemoslovacaPhysiol BohemoslovPhysiologia bohemoslovenicaPhysiol BohemoslovbPhysiologia comparata et oecologia; an international journal of comparative physiology and ecology)Physiol Comp Ocol Int J Comp Physiol EcolPhysiologia plantarum Physiol Plant+Physiological and biochemical zoology : PBZPhysiol Biochem Zool#Physiological chemistry and physicsPhysiol Chem Phys3Physiological chemistry and physics and medical NMRPhysiol Chem Phys Med NMRPhysiological entomologyPhysiol EntomolPhysiological genomicsPhysiol GenomicsPhysiological measurement Physiol Meas;Physiological research / Academia Scientiarum Bohemoslovaca Physiol ResPhysiological reviews Physiol Rev!Physiological reviews. SupplementPhysiol Rev SupplPhysiological zoology Physiol Zool Physiologie PhysiologiePhysiologie vegetale Physiol VegPhysiology & behavior Physiol Behav(Physiology & pharmacology for physiciansPhysiol Pharmacol PhysiciansPhysiology (Bethesda, Md.)Physiology (Bethesda) Physiotherapy Physiotherapy+Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie CanadaPhysiother CanePhysiotherapy research international : the journal for researchers and clinicians in physical therapyPhysiother Res Int!Physiotherapy theory and practicePhysiother Theory PractPhysis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)Physis6Physis; rivista internazionale di storia della scienzaPhysis Riv Int Stor SciPhytochemical analysis : PCAPhytochem AnalPhytochemistryPhytochemistryKPhytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology PhytomedicinePhytonPhyton (Buenos Aires)Phyton; annales rei botanicaePhytonPhytopathologyPhytopathologyPhytotherapy research : PTR Phytother Res Picturescope PicturescopePielegniarka i poloznaPieleg Polozna~Pigment cell research / sponsored by the European Society for Pigment Cell Research and the International Pigment Cell SocietyPigment Cell ResPinheiros terapeutico Pinheiros TerGPioneer America Society transactions : P.A.S.T. Pioneer America SocietyPioneer Am Soc Trans Pituitary PituitaryPizhuhish va sazandidi0Research & reconstruction|Pizhuhish Va SazandidiPlacentaPlacentaPlacenta. SupplementPlacenta SupplPlains anthropologistPlains AnthropolPlan og arbeidPlan ArbPlanejamento Agora Planej AgoraPlanetary and space sciencePlanet Space Sci3Planned Parenthood-World Population Washington memo!Plan Parent World Popul Wash MemoPlanned parenthoodPlanned Parent (India)KPlanned parenthood challenges / International Planned Parenthood FederationPlan Parent ChallPlanned parenthood reviewPlan Parent RevPlant & cell physiologyPlant Cell PhysiolPlant and soil Plant Soil"Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)Plant Biol (Stuttg)Plant biosystems Plant BiosystPlant biotechnology journalPlant Biotechnol JPlant breeding-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenzuchtung|Plant Breed.Plant breeding reviewsPlant Breed RevPlant cell reportsPlant Cell Rep$Plant cell, tissue and organ culturePlant Cell Tissue Organ Cult8Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands)Plant Foods Hum Nutr7Plant genetic resources newsletter (Rome, Italy : 1979)Plant Genet Resour NewslPlant growth regulationPlant Growth Regul Plant methods Plant MethodsPlant molecular biologyPlant Mol Biol(Plant molecular biology reporter / ISPMBPlant Mol Biol RepPlant physiology Plant PhysiolSPlant physiology and biochemistry : PPB / Societe francaise de physiologie vegetalePlant Physiol BiochemPlant production sciencePlant Prod SciPlant protection scienceIOchrana rostlin / Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences|Plant Prot. Sci. Plant science (Shannon, Ireland) Plant SciPlant systematics and evolutionDEntwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik der Pflanzen|Plant Syst. Evol.-Plant systematics and evolution. SupplementumYEntwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik der Pflanzen. Supplementum|Plant Sys. Evol., Suppl.Plant, cell & environmentPlant Cell EnvironPlantaPlanta Planta medica Planta Med%Plasma processes and polymers (Print)Plasma Process PolymPlasmidPlasmid"Plastic and reconstructive surgeryPlast Reconstr Surg)Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1946)Plast reconstr surg (1946)CPlastic and reconstructive surgery and the transplantation bulletin#Plast Reconstr Surg Transplant BullqPlastic surgical nursing : official journal of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical NursesPlast Surg Nurs Platelets PlateletsPlatonPlaton (Athens)Plucne bolesti i tuberkulozaPlucne Bolesti TuberkPlugger (Waterloo, Ia.)PluggerPlural societies Plural SocPlzensky lekarsky sbornik Plzen Lek SbmPneumoftiziologia : revista Societatii Romane de Pneumoftiziologie / [Societatea Romana de Pneumoftiziologie]Pneumoftiziologia Pneumologia (Bucharest, Romania) Pneumologia Pneumologie (Stuttgart, Germany) PneumologiePneumonologia i alergologia polska : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Ftyzjopneumonologicznego, Polskiego Towarzystwa Alergologicznego, i Instytutu Gruzlicy i Chorob PlucPneumonol Alergol PolPneumonologia polska Pneumonol PolPneumonologie. Pneumonology Pneumonologie.Pneumonologike kai phymatiologike epitheoresis!Pneumonol Phymatiologike Epitheor7Poblacion (Consejo Nacional de Poblacion (Peru) : 1995) PoblacionPoblacion y desarrollo (1991)Poblac DesarroPogon sahoe yon'guPogon Sahoe Yongu Polar biology Polar BiolPolar research Polar ResPolarforschungPolarforschungPoliclinico; sezione practicaPoliclinico [Prat]Policy analysis Policy AnalIPolicy analysis brief. H series / Project Hope, Center for Health AffairsPolicy Anal Brief H SerVPolicy analysis brief. W series / Project Hope, Walsh Center for Rural Health AnalysisPolicy Anal Brief W SerPolicy and politics Policy Polit>Policy brief (Center for Home Care Policy and Research (U.S.))(Policy Brief (Cent Home Care Policy Res) Policy brief (Commonwealth Fund)Policy Brief Commonw Fund[Policy brief (George Washington University. Center for Health Services Research and Policy)9Policy Brief George Wash Univ Cent Health Serv Res Policy5Policy brief (UCLA Center for Health Policy Research)(Policy Brief UCLA Cent Health Policy Res Policy review Policy RevPolicy sciences Policy SciaPolicy statement / Royal College of General Practitioners. Royal College of General Practitioners!Policy Statement R Coll Gen PractFPolicy studies journal: the journal of the Policy Studies Organization Policy Stud JPolicy studies reviewPolicy Stud Rev#Policy, politics & nursing practicePolicy Polit Nurs PractPolimery w medycynie Polim Med Polio news Polio newsPolis (Bologna, Italy)PolisPolish American studies Pol Am StudPolish Western affairs Pol West AffPolish ecological studies Pol Ecol StudPolish journal of chemistry Pol J Chem'Polish journal of occupational medicinePol J Occup Med@Polish journal of occupational medicine and environmental healthPol J Occup Med Environ HealthTPolish journal of pathology : official journal of the Polish Society of Pathologists Pol J PatholPolish journal of pharmacologyPol J Pharmacol+Polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacyPol J Pharmacol Pharm%Polish journal of veterinary sciences Pol J Vet SciPolish medical journal Pol Med J+Polish medical science and history bulletinPol Med Sci Hist Bull,Polish medical sciences and history bulletinPol Med Sci Hist BullPolish perspectives Pol PerspectVPolish population review / Polish Demographic Society [and] Central Statistical Office Pol Popul RevPolitica internazionale Polit Int#Politica y sociedad (Madrid, Spain)Polit Soc (Madrid)Political affairs Polit AffPolitical geography Polit GeogrPolitical research quarterly Polit Res Q$Political science (Wellington, N.Z.) Polit SciPolitical science quarterly Polit Sci QPolitical studies Polit StudPolitical theory Polit TheoryPoliticka ekonomie Polit EkonPolitico (Pavia, Italy)Politico (Pavia)Politics & society Polit SocPolitics (Kensington, N.S.W.)Politics (Syd)bPolitics and the life sciences : the journal of the Association for Politics and the Life SciencesPolitics Life SciPolitics today Polit Today*Politique africaine (Paris, France : 1981) Polit AfrPolitique etrangere Polit EtrangPolitiques de population Politiq PopulPolitische Studien Polit StudPolitische VierteljahresschriftPolit VierteljahresschrPolityPolityDPolski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa LekarskiegoPol Merkur LekarskiPolski przeglad chirurgicznyPol Przegl ChirHPolski przeglad radiologii / Polskie Lekarskie Towarzystwo RadiologicznePol Przegl Radiol0Polski przeglad radiologii i medycyny nuklearnejPol Przegl Radiol Med NuklPolski tygodnik lekarskiPol Tyg Lek (Wars)0Polski tygodnik lekarski (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) Pol Tyg Lek%Polskie archiwum medycyny wewnetrznejPol Arch Med WewnPolskie archiwum weterynaryjnePol Arch WeterPolymerPolymer (Guildf)PommernPommernHPop Sahel : bulletin d'information sur la population et le developpement Pop SahelPoplinePoplinePopnetPopnetPopulacao & desenvolvimentoPopul DesenvolvPopulacni zpravy Popul ZprPopular governmentPop GovPopulasiPopulasi PopulationPopulation (Paris)Population (New York, N.Y.)Population (NY)2Population And Environmental Psychology NewsletterPopul Environ Psychol NewslPopulation Concern newsPopul Concern News#Population Data Information ServicePopul Data Inf Serv!Population and development review Popul Dev RevPopulation and environment Popul Environ;Population briefs : reports on Population Council research, Popul BriefsPopulation bulletin Popul BullPopulation bulletin of ECWAPopul Bull ECWAPopulation bulletin of ESCWAPopul Bull ESCWA)Population bulletin of the United Nations Popul Bull UNNPopulation bulletin of the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia"Popul Bull U N Econ Comm West AsiaPopulation chronicle Popul Chron1Population communication: technical documentationPopul Commun Tech DocPopulation dynamics quarterly Popul Dyn Q3Population education in Asia and Oceania newsletterPopul Educ Asia Ocean Newsl7Population education in Asia and the Pacific newsletterPopul Educ Asia Pac Newsl Forum Population education interchangePopul Educ InterchangePopulation et avenir Popul AvenirPopulation et famille Popul Famille]Population et societes; bulletin mensuel d'informations demographiques, economiques, socialesPopul Soc (Paris)EPopulation forum : monthly newsletter of the Commission on Population Popul ForumVPopulation geography : a journal of the Association of Population Geographers of India Popul GeogrPopulation headliners Popul HeadlPopulation health metricsPopul Health MetrPopulation index Popul Index*Population manager : ICOMP review / ICOMP, Popul ManagzPopulation newsletter / issued by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Popul NewslPopulation policy compendiumPopul Policy CompendPopulation report Popul RepFPopulation reports (Washington, D.C.). Series C,, Female sterilization Popul Rep CCPopulation reports (Washington, D.C.). Series D, Male sterilization Popul Rep D?Population reports (Washington, D.C.). Series D, Sterilization. Popul Rep D1Population reports. Series A: Oral contraceptives Popul Rep A2Population reports. Series B: Intrauterine devices Popul Rep B4Population reports. Series C: Sterilization [Female] Popul Rep C,Population reports. Series E, Law and policy Popul Rep E3Population reports. Series F: Pregnancy termination Popul Rep F,Population reports. Series G, Prostaglandins Popul Rep G-Population reports. Series H: Barrier methods Popul Rep H1Population reports. Series I: Periodic abstinence Popul Rep I6Population reports. Series J: Family planning programs Popul Rep J6Population reports. Series K: Injectables and implants Popul Rep K4Population reports. Series L, Issues in world health Popul Rep L,Population reports. Series M. Special topics Popul Rep M,Population reports. Special topic monographsPopul Rep Spec Top Monogr#Population research (Peking, China) Popul ResOPopulation research abstract : a contribution to research on India's populationPopul Res Abstr%Population research and policy reviewPopul Res Policy RevIPopulation research bulletin. Pakistan Institute of Development EconomicsPopul Res BullPopulation research leadsPopul Res LeadsPopulation review Popul Rev"Population sciences (Cairo, Egypt) Popul SciPopulation studiesPopul Stud (NY)Population today Popul TodayPopulation trends Popul Trends#Population trends and public policyPopul Trends Public PolicyPopulation. English selectionPopulPortugal medicoPort Med{Positive Directions news : a support and information network of people with HIV/AIDS, their families, friends and providersPosit Dir NewsPositive health newsPosit Health News%Positive living (Los Angeles, Calif.) Posit LivingHPositive outlook : the newsletter of the AIDS Alternative Health Project Posit OutlookIPositively aware : the monthly journal of the Test Positive Aware Network Posit AwarePost-Soviet geographyPost Sov Geogr#Post-Soviet geography and economicsPost Sov Geogr EconPostal history journal Post HistPostepy biochemiiPostepy BiochemPostepy chirurgii Postep Chir)Postepy higieny i medycyny doswiadczalnejPostepy Hig Med Dosw2Postepy higieny i medycyny doswiadczalnej (Online)Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online)1Postepy neurologii, neurochirurgii, i psychiatrii!Postep Neurol Neurochir PsychiatrPostepy reumatologiiPostep ReumatolPostepy wiedzy medycznejPostep Wiedzy Med0Postgraduate dentistry / Dental Learning Systems Postgrad DentPostgraduate medical journalPostgrad Med JPostgraduate medicine Postgrad MedLPostgraduate seminar. American Urological Association. North Central Section'Postgrad Semin Am Urol Assoc North Cent"Postharvest biology and technologyPostharvest Biol TechnolPoultry science Poult Sci`Prace Komisji Medycyny Doswiadczalnej / Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk, Wydzial LekarskiPr Kom Med Dosw^Prace i studia geograficzne / Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydzial Geografii i Studiow RegionalnychPrac Studi GeografPrace z dejin prirodnich vedPr Dejin Prir Ved?Prace. Lodzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe. Wydzial IV, Nauk LekarskichPr Lodz Tow Nauk [IV]Pracovni lekarstviPrac Lek\Practica farmaceutica / Ministerul Sanatatii, Directia farmaceutica si a Aparaturii Medicale Pract FarmPractica odontologica Pract Odontol Practica oto-rhino-laryngologicaPract Otorhinolaryngol (Basel)Practical dental monographsPract Dent MonogrPractical gastroenterologyPract GastroenterolPractical neurology Pract Neurol5Practical periodontics and aesthetic dentistry : PPADPract Periodontics Aesthet Dent1Practical procedures & aesthetic dentistry : PPADPract Proced Aesthet Dent#Practical psychology for physiciansPract Psychol PhysiciansPractice digest Pract DigPrague medical reportPrague Med RepPrakticke zubni lekarstviPrakt Zubn LekPrakticky lekar Prakt Lek:Praktische Anasthesie, Wiederbelebung und Intensivtherapie Prakt AnaesthPraktische KieferorthopadiePrakt KieferorthopPramanaPramanaPraxisPraxis2Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie"Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr;Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie. Beiheft'Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr Beih8Praxis der Pneumologie vereinigt mit Der Tuberkulosearzt Prax PneumolPraxis der PsychotherapiePrax Psychother+Praxis der Psychotherapie und PsychosomatikPrax Psychother Psychosom!Praxis und Klinik der PneumologiePrax Klin Pneumol Praxis-KurierPrax KurPrecambrian researchPrecambrian ResUPrecis analytique des travaux. Academie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de RouenPrecis Anal TravPregon (Madrid, Spain)PregonPrehospital and disaster medicine : the official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine in association with the Acute Care FoundationPrehosp Disaster MedPrehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS DirectorsPrehosp Emerg CarefPrenatal and neonatal medicine : the international journal of basic and clinical research and practicePrenat Neonatal MedPrenatal diagnosis Prenat DiagnPrensa medica argentinaPrensa Med Argent@Prensa pediatrica; revista americana de puericultura y pediatria%Prensa Pediatr Rev Am Puericu PediatrPreparative biochemistry Prep Biochem(Preparative biochemistry & biotechnologyPrep Biochem Biotechnol1Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital medical bulletinPresbyt St Lukes Hosp Med BullPrescribers' journalPrescr JPrescrire international Prescrire IntPresence (Cambridge, Mass.)Presence (Camb))Presence africaine (Paris, France : 1967) Presence AfrPresence normandePresence NormandePresent tense (New York, N.Y.) Present TensePresidential studies quarterly Pres Stud Q&Presse medicale (Paris, France : 1983) Presse MedPreventPreventPreventing chronic diseasePrev Chronic DisPrevention in human services Prev Hum ServPPrevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention ResearchPrev SciPreventive cardiology Prev CardiolPreventive medicinePrev MedPreventive veterinary medicine Prev Vet Med Prevenzione & assistenza dentalePrev Assist DentPrevenzione stomatologica Prev StomatolPrevidenza socialePrevidenza Soc5Pride Institute journal of long term home health care'Pride Inst J Long Term Home Health Care'Prikladnaia biokhimiia i mikrobiologiiaPrikl Biokhim MikrobiolPrimary cardiologyPrimary Cardiol Primary care Prim Care<Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry%Prim Care Companion J Clin PsychiatryPPrimary care respiratory journal : journal of the General Practice Airways GroupPrim Care Respir JPrimary care update for Ob/GynsPrim Care Update Ob GynsQPrimary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK)Prim Dent CarePrimary psychiatryPrim psychiatryPrimary sensory neuron : the international interdisciplinary journal reporting basic and clinical research on sensory receptors and primary afferent neuronsPrim Sens NeuronPrimates in medicine Primates Med Primates; journal of primatologyPrimatesPrincess Takamatsu symposiaPrincess Takamatsu SympPrinceton history Princet HistPrinceton journal of bioethicsPrincet J BioethbPrincipe de Viana / Diputacion Foral, Institucion Principe de Viana, Consejo de Cultura de Navarra Princ VianaPrint quarterlyPrint QPriroda, clovek in zdravjePrir Clovek ZdravjePrismPrismPrivate practice Priv PactPro Familia Informationen Pro Fam Inf Pro Infirmis Pro InfirmJPro re nata PRN : the official publication of the Utah Nurses' Association Pro Re Nata,Pro-fono : revista de atualizacao cientificaPro Fono+Probate and property (Chicago, Ill. : 1987) Probate Prop\Probate law journal / National College of Probate Judges and Boston University School of Law Probate Law JProbeProbe (Adelaide)Probe (Ottawa, Ont.)ProbeProblemas del desarrollo Probl DesarroProbleme de cardiologie Probl CardiolProbleme de terapeutica Probl TerProbleme de tuberculozaProbl Tuberculoza-Probleme. Symposien aktueller therapeutischerProbl Symp Aktuell Ther2Problemes actuels d'endocrinologie et de nutritionProbl Actuels Endocrinol Nutr*Problemes actuels d'oto-rhino-laryngologieProbl Actuels OtorhinolaryngolProblemes d'Amerique latine Probl Am LatProblemes economiques Probl EconProblemi na geografiiata Probl GeogrProblemi na khigienata Probl KhigProblemi na onkologiiata Probl OnkolProblems in veterinary medicine Probl Vet MedProblems of economic transitionProbl Econ TransitProblems of economics Probl EconWProblems of hematology and blood transfusion. Problemy gematologii i perelivaniia kroviProbl Hematol Blood Transfus'Problems of oncology. Voprosy onkologii Probl OncolProblems of virology Probl VirolProblemy Severa Probl SevProblemy endokrinologiiProbl Endokrinol (Mosk)(Problemy endokrinologii i gormonoterapiiProbl Endokrinol Gormonoter)Problemy gematologii i perelivaniia kroviProbl Gematol Pereliv Krovi&Problemy istoricheskoi demografii SSSRProbl Istor Demogr SSSRProblemy kosmicheskoi biologiiProbl Kosm Biol#Problemy medycyny wieku rozwojowegoProbl Med Wieku RozwojProblemy rodziny Probl RodzinyProblemy sotsial'noi gigieny i istoriia meditsiny / NII sotsial'noi gigieny, ekonomiki i upravleniia zdravookhraneniem im. N.A. Semashko RAMN ; AO "Assotsiatsiia 'Meditsinskaia literatura'."Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Istor MedProblemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny / NII sotsial'noi gigieny, ekonomiki i upravleniia zdravookhraneniem im. N.A. Semashko RAMN ; AO "Assotsiatsiia 'Meditsinskaia literatura'."2Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Zdravookhranenniiai Istor MedProblemy tuberkuleza Probl Tuberk'Problemy tuberkuleza i boleznei legkikhProbl Tuberk Bolezn Legk/Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center)Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent)HProceedings - Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B: Natural environmentProc R Soc Edinb [Nat Environ]@Proceedings - Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersProc Soc Photo Opt Instrum EngJProceedings - United States Naval Institute. United States Naval InstituteProc U S Nav InstProceedings / ... International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology ; ISMB. International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology"Proc Int Conf Intell Syst Mol Biol7Proceedings / AMIA ... Annual Symposium. AMIA SymposiumProc AMIA SympProceedings / Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research [and] Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. American Association for Cancer Research. Meeting"Proc Annu Meet Am Assoc Cancer Res}Proceedings / IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, CSB. IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference$Proc IEEE Comput Syst Bioinform ConfnProceedings / IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference. IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference#Proc IEEE Comput Soc Bioinform ConfRProceedings / State Secretaries Management Conference, American Dental Association)Proc State Secr Manage Conf Am Dent AssocProceedings / the ... Annual Symposium on Computer Application [sic] in Medical Care. Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care#Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med CareProceedings : a conference of the American Medical Informatics Association / ... AMIA Annual Fall Symposium. AMIA Fall SymposiumProc AMIA Annu Fall Symp2Proceedings Of The Cambridge Philosophical SocietyProc Camb Philol Soc:Proceedings Of The International Academy Of Oral PathologyProc Int Acad Oral PatholcProceedings and papers of the annual conference of the California Mosquito Control Association, inc+Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control AssocKProceedings of the ... Conference on Oral Cancer. Conference on Oral CancerProc Conf Oral CancergProceedings of the ... International Congress of Endocrinology. International Congress of EndocrinologyProc Int Congr EndocrinolvProceedings of the ... annual Conference on Research in Medical Education. Conference on Research in Medical EducationProc Annu Conf Res Med Educ|Proceedings of the ... annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History. Western Society for French History. MeetingProc Annu Meet West Soc Fr Hist/Proceedings of the Academy of Political ScienceProc Acad Polit SciMProceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. American Antiquarian SocietyProc Am Antiq Soc;Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer ResearchProc Am Assoc Cancer ResProceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association / Office of the National Secretary of the Association, Catholic University of AmericaProc Am Cathol Philos Assoc1Proceedings of the American Philosophical SocietyProc Am Philos Soc,Proceedings of the American Thoracic SocietyProc Am Thorac Soc5Proceedings of the Association of American PhysiciansProc Assoc Am Physicians9Proceedings of the Australian Association of NeurologistsProc Aust Assoc NeurolaProceedings of the Botanical Society of the British Isles. Botanical Society of the British IslesProc Bot Soc Br Isles.Proceedings of the British Paedodontic SocietyProc Br Paedod SocHProceedings of the British Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology"Proc Br Soc Dent Maxillofac Radiol9Proceedings of the Clinical Dialysis and Transplant ForumProc Clin Dial Transplant ForumwProceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Proc Dorset Nat Hist Archeol Soc6Proceedings of the Entomological Society of WashingtonProc Entomol Soc WashAProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology, ecology_Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised. Bioloogia, okoloogia|Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol.Proceedings of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association. European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association. Congress,Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc Eur Ren AssocmProceedings of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association. European Dialysis and Transplant AssociationProc Eur Dial Transplant AssocQProceedings of the Finnish Dental Society. Suomen Hammaslaakariseuran toimituksiaProc Finn Dent Soc6Proceedings of the Foundation for Orthodontic ResearchProc Found Orthod ResCProceedings of the Geologists' Association. Geologists' AssociationProc Geol Assoc;Proceedings of the Health Policy Forum. Health Policy ForumProc Health Policy ForumIProceedings of the Huguenot Society of London. Huguenot Society of LondonProc Huguenot Soc Lond-Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of ScienceProc Indiana Acad Sci`Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part G, Journal of aerospace engineering!Proc Inst Mech Eng G J Aerosp EngbProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicineProc Inst Mech Eng [H]Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ... Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Scientific Meeting and ExhibitionPProc Int Soc Magn Reson Med Sci Meet Exhib Int Soc Magn Reson Med Sci Meet Exhib Proceedings of the Japan Academy Proc Jpn AcadpProceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series C. Biological and medical sciencesProc K Ned Akad Wet CUProceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Massachusetts Historical SocietyMass Hist Soc Proc5Proceedings of the Mine Medical Officers' AssociationProc Mine Med Off Assoc=Proceedings of the Mine Medical Officers' Association of S. AProc Mine Med Off Assoc SAaProceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites. NIPR Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites!Proc NIPR Symp Antarct MeteoritesOProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaProc Natl Acad Sci U S AUProceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part B, Life sciences!Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China B-Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of IndiaProc Nutr Soc India;Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of EdinburghProc R Coll Physicians Edinb5Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great BritainProc R Inst G B_Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B: Biological, geological, and chemical scienceProc R Ir Acad [B]Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C. Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics and literature. Royal Irish Academy5Proc R Ir Acad C Archaeol Celt Stud Hist Linguist LitAProceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B: BiologyProc R Soc Edinb [Biol]Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing papers of a Biological character. Royal Society (Great Britain)Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci,Proceedings of the Royal Society of MedicineProc R Soc MedIProceedings of the Rudolf Virchow Medical Society in the City of New York$Proc Rudolf Virchow Med Soc City N YProceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.)Proc Soc Exp Biol Med5Proceedings of the University of Otago Medical SchoolProc Univ Otago Med Sch2Proceedings of the Virchow-Pirquet Medical SocietyProc Virchow Pirquet Med Soc.Proceedings of the Weekly Seminar in NeurologyProc Wkly Semin NeurolGProceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. Wesley Historical SocietyProc Wesley Hist Soc/Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology SocietyProc West Pharmacol SocPProceedings of the annual meeting of the American Psychopathological Association$Proc Annu Meet Am Psychopathol Assoc;Proceedings of the annual symposium of the Eugenics SocietyProc Annu Symp Eugen Soc3Proceedings of the staff meetings. Honolulu. ClinicProc Staff Meet Honol Clin.Proceedings of the staff meetings. Mayo ClinicProc Staff Meet Mayo ClinKProceedings of the staff meetings. Pethah-Tiqva, Israel. Beilinson Hospital/Proc Staff Meet Pethah Tiqva Isr Beilinson HospGProceedings, Annual Management Conference - American Dental Association#Proc Annu Manage Conf Am Dent AssocRProceedings, annual meeting of the Medical Section of the American Life Convention$Proc Annu Meet Med Sect Am Life ConvJProceedings, annual meeting of the United States Animal Health Association$Proc Annu Meet U S Anim Health Assoc`Proceedings, the annual meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council of Life Insurance+Proc Annu Meet Med Sect Am Counc Life InsuraProceedings, the annual meeting of the Medical Section of the American Life Insurance Association+Proc Annu Meet Med Sect Am Life Insur Assoc%Proceedings. Animal Care Panel (U.S.)Proc Anim Care Panel-Proceedings. Biological Society of WashingtonProc Biol Soc Wash4Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society Proc Biol Sci'Proceedings. Canadian Cancer ConferenceProc Can Cancer Conf-Proceedings. Chemical Society (Great Britain) Proc Chem Soc3Proceedings. Clinical Spinal Cord Injury Conference#Proc Annu Clin Spinal Cord Inj Conf:Proceedings. Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, 1750-1850Proc Consort Revolut Eur'Proceedings. National Cancer ConferenceProc Natl Cancer Conf7Proceedings. National Conference on Methadone TreatmentProc Natl Conf Methadone Treat=Proceedings. Nursing Theory Conference (University of Kansas)Proc Nurs Theory Conf/Proceedings. Society for the Study of FertilityProc Soc Study FertilBProceedings. Veterans Administration Spinal Cord Injury Conference&Proc Veterans Adm Spinal Cord Inj Conf/Process biochemistry (Barking, London, England)Process Biochem$Produits & problemes pharmaceutiquesProd Probl PharmProduits pharmaceutiques Prod Pharm1Profamilia : planificacion, poblacion y desarollo Profamilia%Professional care of mother and childProf Care Mother ChildProfessional case managementProf Case Manag/Professional development series (Chicago, Ill.)Prof Dev Ser (Chic Ill)'Professional ethics (Gainesville, Fla.) Prof EthicsProfessional ethics report : newsletter of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Committee on Scientific Freedom & Responsibility, Professional Society Ethics GroupProf Ethics RepProfessional flashes Prof Flashes$Professional nurse (London, England) Prof NurseProfessional nursing homeProf Nurs HomeProfessional psychology Prof Psychol.Professional psychology, research and practiceProf Psychol Res PrProfessional safetyProf Saf"Professional sanitation managementProf Sanit ManageProfessioni infermieristiche Prof InfermoProfile of medical practice / Center for Health Services Research and Development, American Medical AssociationProfile Med Pract%Profiles in healthcare communicationsProfiles Healthc Commun Profiles in healthcare marketingProfiles Healthc MarkProfiles in hospital marketingProfiles Hosp Mark3Program notes (Association of University Programs.),Program Notes Assoc Univ Programs Health Adm<Program quarterly - The Asia Foundation. The Asia FoundationProgram Q Asia FoundiProgres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie Prog Urol%Progresos de pediatria y puericulturaProgr Pediatr Puericult Progresos de terapeutica clinicaProgr Ter ClinProgress in AIDS pathologyProg AIDS PatholProgress in allergy Prog AllergyProgress in atomic medicine Prog At Med!Progress in behavior modificationProg Behav Modif$Progress in biochemical pharmacologyProg Biochem PharmacolProgress in biocyberneticsProg BiocybernHProgress in biometeorology. Division A: Progress in human biometeorologyProg Biometeorol0Progress in biophysics and biophysical chemistryProg Biophys Biophys Chem,Progress in biophysics and molecular biologyProg Biophys Mol BiolProgress in brain researchProg Brain Res#Progress in cardiovascular diseasesProg Cardiovasc Dis"Progress in cardiovascular nursingProg Cardiovasc NursProgress in cell cycle researchProg Cell Cycle ResProgress in chemical toxicologyProg Chem Toxicol,Progress in clinical and biological researchProg Clin Biol ResProgress in clinical cancerProg Clin CancerProgress in clinical immunologyProg Clin Immunol!Progress in clinical parasitologyProg Clin ParasitolProgress in clinical pathologyProg Clin Pathol%Progress in colloid & polymer scienceProg Colloid Polym SciiProgress in drug research. Fortschritte der Arzneimittelforschung. Progres des recherches pharmaceutiques Prog Drug Res?Progress in experimental personality & psychopathology researchProg Exp Pers Psychopathol Res-Progress in experimental personality researchProg Exp Pers ResProgress in experimental tumor research. Fortschritte der experimentellen Tumorforschung. Progres de la recherche experimentale des tumeursProg Exp Tumor Res$Progress in food & nutrition scienceProg Food Nutr Sci"Progress in growth factor researchProg Growth Factor ResProgress in gynecology Prog GynecolProgress in hematology Prog Hematol%Progress in hemostasis and thrombosisProg Hemost Thromb,Progress in histochemistry and cytochemistryProg Histochem CytochemProgress in human geographyProg Hum Geogr'Progress in human reproduction researchProg Hum Reprod Res,Progress in immunobiological standardizationProg Immunobiol Stand#Progress in industrial microbiologyProg Ind MicrobiolProgress in lipid researchProg Lipid ResProgress in liver diseasesProg Liver DisProgress in medical geneticsProg Med GenetjProgress in medical virology. Fortschritte der medizinischen Virusforschung. Progres en virologie medicaleProg Med VirolProgress in medicinal chemistry Prog Med ChemProgress in medicine Progr Med-Progress in molecular and subcellular biologyProg Mol Subcell Biol$Progress in neuro-psychopharmacologyProg Neuropsychopharmacol<Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry)Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol PsychiatryProgress in neurobiologyProg Neurobiol Progress in neurological surgeryProg Neurol Surg$Progress in neurology and psychiatryProg Neurol PsychiatryProgress in nuclear medicine Prog Nucl Med7Progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biologyProg Nucleic Acid Res Mol BiolProgress in orthodontics Prog Orthod Progress in pediatric cardiologyProg Pediatr CardiolProgress in pediatric surgeryProg Pediatr SurgProgress in physical therapyProg Phys TherProgress in planning Prog Plann6Progress in psychobiology and physiological psychologyProg Psychobiol Physiol PsycholProgress in psychotherapyProg PsychotherProgress in radiation therapyProg Radiat Ther$Progress in retinal and eye researchProg Retin Eye ResProgress in stereochemistryProg StereochemProgress in surface science Prog Surf SciProgress in surgery Prog Surg2Progress in the chemistry of fats and other lipidsProg Chem Fats Other Lipids1Progress in transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif.)Prog Transplant2Progress in veterinary microbiology and immunologyProg Vet Microbiol Immunol;Progress reports on health & development in Southern AfricaProg Rep Health Dev South AfrProgressive architecture Prog ArchProgresso odontoiatricoProg OdontoiatrProgressos da medicinaProg MedProject Inform perspectiveProj Inf PerspectProjetProjetPrologue (Washington, D.C.)Prologue J Natl ArchPrometeo (Milan, Italy : 1983)Prometeo (Milan)Promoting health Promot HealthPromotion & education Promot Educ Prose studies Prose Stud Prospects ProspectsProstaglandinsProstaglandins&Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators!Prostaglandins Other Lipid MediatProstaglandins and medicineProstaglandins Med7Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids(Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids*Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and medicineProstaglandins Leukot Med&Prostate cancer and prostatic diseasesProstate Cancer Prostatic Dis'Prosthetics and orthotics internationalProsthet Orthot IntProtecting human subjects Prot Hum SubjProtein and peptide lettersProtein Pept LettProtein engineering Protein Eng.Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDSProtein Eng Des Sel#Protein expression and purificationProtein Expr PurifProtein profileProtein Profile6Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society Protein Sci!Protein sequences & data analysisProtein Seq Data AnalProteinsProteinsProteome science Proteome Sci Proteomics ProteomicsProtetyka stomatologicznaProtet StomatolProteus (Shippensburg, Pa.)ProteusProtistProtist Protoplasma Protoplasma(Provence historique; revue trimestrielle Provence HistProvider (Washington, D.C.)ProviderPrzeglad dermatologicznyPrzegl DermatolPrzeglad epidemiologicznyPrzegl EpidemioloPrzeglad geograficzny. Polskii geograficheskii obzor. Polish geographical review. Revue polonaise de geographie Prz GeogrPrzeglad historyczny Przegl HistPrzeglad lekarski Przegl LekPrzeglad orientalistyczny Prz OrientPrzeglad polonijny Przegl PolPrzeglad zachodniPrz ZachPrzeszlosc demograficzna PolskiPrzeszlosc Demograf Pol Psicothema Psicothema Psihoterapija PsihoterapijaPsikhologicheskii zhurnal Psikholog ZhPsychePsyche (Stuttg)GPsyche; revue internationale des sciences de l'homme et de psychanalyse"Psyche Rev Int Sci Homme PsychanalPsychiatria DanubinaPsychiatr DanubMPsychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirataPsychiatr HungPsychiatria clinicaPsychiatr Clin (Basel)Psychiatria et neurologiaPsychiatr Neurol (Basel)Psychiatria polska Psychiatr Pol'Psychiatria, neurologia, neurochirurgiaPsychiatr Neurol NeurochirPsychiatric annals Psychiatr Ann&Psychiatric bulletin (London, England)Psychiatr Bull R Coll PsychiatrPsychiatric communicationsPsychiatr CommunPsychiatric developments Psychiatr DevPsychiatric forumPsychiatr ForumPsychiatric geneticsPsychiatr Genet_Psychiatric journal of the University of Ottawa : Revue de psychiatrie de l'Universite d'OttawaPsychiatr J Univ OttPsychiatric medicine Psychiatr MedRPsychiatric medicine update: Massachusetts General Hospital reviews for physicians1Psychiatr Med Update Mass Gen Hosp Rev PhysiciansPsychiatric newsPsychiatr NewsPsychiatric opinionPsychiatr Opin"Psychiatric rehabilitation journalPsychiatr Rehabil JPsychiatric research reports$Psychiatr Res Rep Am Psychiatr Assoc'Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)Psychiatr Serv>Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie. Beihefte!Psychiatr Neurol Med Psychol Beih5Psychiatrie, Neurologie, und medizinische Psychologie$Psychiatr Neurol Med Psychol (Leipz)Psychiatrische PraxisPsychiatr Prax Psychiatry Psychiatry%Psychiatry and clinical neurosciencesPsychiatry Clin NeurosciPsychiatry digestPsychiatry DigPsychiatry in medicinePsychiatry MedPsychiatry researchPsychiatry ResPsycho-oncologyPsychooncology,Psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic reviewPsychoanal Psychoanal Rev&Psychoanalysis and the social sciencesPsychoanal Soc SciPsychoanalytic reviewPsychoanal RevPsychobiology (Austin, Tex.)Psychobiology (Austin, Tex)Psychodynamic counsellingPsychodyn CounsPsychologica Belgica Psychol BelgPsychological abstracts Psychol AbstrPsychological assessmentPsychol AssessPsychological bulletin Psychol BullPsychological inquiry Psychol InqPsychological issuesPsychol IssuesPsychological medicine Psychol Med,Psychological medicine. Monograph supplementPsychol Med Monogr SupplPsychological methodsPsychol MethodsPsychological monographsPsychol MonogrPsychological reports Psychol RepPsychological research Psychol ResPsychological review Psychol RevMPsychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society / APS Psychol SciPsychological services Psychol ServPsychological studiesPsychol Stud (Mysore)3Psychological studies in population/family planningPsychol Stud Popul Fam Plan0Psychologie & neuropsychiatrie du vieillissementPsychol Neuropsychiatr VieilPsychologie medicalePsychol Med (Paris)Psychologische ForschungPsychol ForschDPsychologische Praxis; Schriftenreihe fur Erziehung und Jugendpflege Psychol PraxwPsychologische Rundschau; Ueberblick uber die Fortschritte der Psychologie in Deutschland, Oesterreich, und der SchweizPsychol RundschPsychology & healthPsychol HealthPsychology (Savannah, Ga.) PsychologyPsychology and aging Psychol Aging#Psychology and developing societiesPsychol Dev Soc JPsychology and psychotherapyPsychol PsychotherPsychology in the schools Psychol SchbPsychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive BehaviorsPsychol Addict BehavPsychology of women quarterlyPsychol Women QPsychology today Psychol TodayPsychology, health & medicinePsychol Health MedPsychology, public policy, and law : an official law review of the University of Arizona College of Law and the University of Miami School of LawPsychol Public Policy Law Psychometrika PsychometrikaPsychoneuroendocrinologyPsychoneuroendocrinologyPsychonomic bulletin & reviewPsychon Bull RevPsychonomic science Psychon SciPsychopathologyPsychopathologyPsychopharmacologiaPsychopharmacologiaPsychopharmacologiePsychopharmacologiePsychopharmacologyPsychopharmacology (Berl)*Psychopharmacology Service Center bulletinPsychopharmacol Serv Cent BullPsychopharmacology bulletinPsychopharmacol Bull!Psychopharmacology communicationsPsychopharmacol CommunPsychopharmacology seriesPsychopharmacol Ser Psychopharmacology. SupplementumPsychopharmacology SupplPsychophysiologyPsychophysiologyPsychosomatic medicine Psychosom MedPsychosomaticsPsychosomatics+Psychotherapie und medizinische PsychologiePsychother Med Psychol (Stuttg)7Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol(Psychotherapie, medizinische PsychologiePsychother Med Psychol (Stuttg)Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.) Psychotherapy Psychotherapy and psychosomaticsPsychother PsychosomJPsychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy ResearchPsychother ResPszichologiai tanulmanyokPszichol TanulmanPublic administration Public AdmaPublic administration and development : a journal of the Royal Institute of Public AdministrationPublic Adm DevPublic administration reviewPublic Adm RevPublic affairs quarterly Public Aff QGPublic affairs report : bulletin of the Bureau of Public AdministrationPublic Aff Rep Public choice Public Choice!Public citizen (Washington, D.C.) Public CitizPublic finance quarterlyPublic Finan Q Public health Public HealthPublic health monographPublic Health MonogrPublic health nursingPublic Health Nurs%Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)Public Health NursPublic health nutritionPublic Health NutrPublic health papersPublic Health PapPublic health reportsPublic Health Rep/Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)Public Health RepPublic health reviewsPublic Health RevGPublic health technical monograph. United States. Public Health ServicePublic health tech monogr US Public law Public LawPublic law forumPublic Law ForumPublic opinion quarterly Public Opin QPublic personnel managementPublic Pers Manage Public policy Public PolicyZPublic sector contracting report : the monthly guide to Medicare and Medicaid managed carePublic Sect Contract Rep*Public sector, health care risk management%Public Sector Health Care Risk Manage2Public understanding of science (Bristol, England)Public Underst SciPublic welfare Public WelfrPublicaciones del Instituto Antituberculoso "Francisco Moragas" de la Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros&Publ Inst Antitubers Francisco Moragas&Publicaciones del Museo de la Farmacia Publ Mus FarmCPublicaciones. Buenos Aires. Centro de Investigaciones TisiologicasPubl B Aires Cent Investig;Publication - American Institute of the History of PharmacyPubl Am Inst Hist Pharm5Publication - Group for the Advancement of PsychiatryPubl Group Adv Psychiatry;Publication of the Society for Literature and Science: PSLSPubl Soc Lit SciZPublication. Cayenne, French Guiana. Institut Pasteur de la Guyane francaise et de l'Inini!Publ Inst Pasteur Guyane Fr IninixPublications de la Societe historique et archeologique dans le Limbourg. Limburgs Geschied- en Oudheidkundig GenootschapPubl Soc Hist Archeol LimbgjPublications de la Societe savante d'Alsace et des regions de l'Est. Collection "Recherches et documents."Publ Soc Savante Alsace Reg EstEPublications in child development. University of California, BerkeleyPubl Child Dev Univ Calif@Publications in psychology. University of California (1868-1952) Publ PsycholCPublications in public health. University of California (1868-1952)Publ Public Health Univ CalifPubliusPublius#Puerto Rico health sciences journalP R Health Sci JPuerto Rico y su enfermera P R EnfermPulaPula Pulaski County historical reviewPulaski Cty Hist RevPulmonary pharmacologyPulm Pharmacol%Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeuticsPulm Pharmacol TherPurchasing administration Purch Adm7Purdon's Pennsylvania statutes, annotated. PennsylvaniaPurdons Pa Statut Annot Pa4Pure and applied chemistry. Chimie pure et appliqueePure Appl ChemPurinergic signallingPurinergic Signal Q.A. briefQA Brief,QA review : quality assurance news and viewsQA Rev6QJM : monthly journal of the Association of PhysiciansQJMQRB. Quality review bulletinQRB Qual Rev Bull QRC advisor QRC AdvisQuaderni Di Azione SocialeQuad Azione Soc7Quaderni Sclavo di diagnostica clinica e di laboratorioQuad Sclavo DiagnIQuaderni del Raggruppamento tosco-umbro-emiliano di storia della medicina/Quad Raggruppamento Toscoumbroemiliano Stor MedQuaderni della nutrizione Quad NutrQuaderni di antibiotica Quad Antibiot,Quaderni di clinica ostetrica e ginecologicaQuad Clin Ostet Ginecol Quaderni di criminologia clinicaQuad Criminol ClinQuaderni di merceologia Quad MerceolQuaderni di radiologia Quad RadiolQuaderni di storia della medicina e della scienza / Cattedra di storia della medicina della Facolta di medicina e chirurgia dell'Universita degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza"Quad Stor Med Sci?Quaderni internazionali di storia della medicina e della sanitaQuad Int Stor Med Sanita0Quaderni per la storia dell'Universita di PadovaQuad Stor Univ PadovaQuaderni storici Quad Stor Quaerendo QuaerendoQuaker history Quaker HistQualitative health researchQual Health ResQualitative sociology Qual SociolQuality & quantity Qual QuantQuality & safety in health careQual Saf Health Care%Quality assurance (San Diego, Calif.) Qual AssurtQuality assurance and utilization review : official journal of the American College of Utilization Review PhysiciansQual Assur Util RevQuality assurance in health care : the official journal of the International Society for Quality Assurance in Health Care / ISQAQual Assur Health Care%Quality connection (Brookline, Mass.) Qual ConnectQuality in health care : QHCQual Health Care!Quality management in health careQual Manag Health Care'Quality of life and cardiovascular careQual Life Cardiovasc CaretQuality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation Qual Life Res5Quarterly (Plant Growth Regulator Society of America)PGRSA QZQuarterly - Northeastern Nevada Historical Society. Northeastern Nevada Historical SocietyNortheast Nev Hist Soc QQuarterly Dental Review Q Dent ReveQuarterly bulletin of Sea View Hospital. New York. Sea View Hospital, Staten Island. Clinical SocietyQ Bull Sea View HospLQuarterly bulletin. Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Medical SchoolQ Bull Northwest Univ Med SchQuarterly demographic bulletin Q Demogr BullAQuarterly journal of experimental physiology (Cambridge, England)Q J Exp PhysiolIQuarterly journal of experimental physiology and cognate medical sciencesQ J Exp Physiol Cogn Med Sci3Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester)'Quarterly journal of studies on alcoholQ J Stud Alcohol&Quarterly journal. Library of Congress Q J Libr CongQuarterly medical review Q Med Rev?Quarterly population bulletin. New Zealand. Dept. of Statistics Q Popul Bull`Quarterly progress report. United States. Air Force. Radiation Laboratory, University of Chicago7Q Prog Rep United States Air Force Radiat Lab Univ Chic"Quarterly review (London, England)Q Rev2Quarterly review of allergy and applied immunologyQ Rev Allergy Appl ImmunolQuarterly review of medicine Q Rev MedQuarterly review of pediatrics Q Rev PediatrQuarterly review of surgery Q Rev Surg6Quarterly review of surgery, obstetrics and gynecologyQ Rev Surg Obstet GynecolQuarterly reviews of biophysics Q Rev Biophys:Quarterly reviews on drug metabolism and drug interactionsQ Rev Drug Metab Drug InteractQueen's gazetteQueens GazetteQueen's law journal Queens Law JQueen's nursing journal Queens Nurs JQueen's quarterly Queen's QQueensland nurses journal Qld Nurses JCQuellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und BibliothekenQuellen Forsch Ital Arch Bibl0Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der PharmazieQuellen Stud Gesch PharmQuercy recherche Quercy RechQuest (Grand Rapids, Mich.)Quest Quimica nova Quim NovaQuinnipiac health law journalQuinnipiac Health Law J-Quintessence International. Edition FrancaiseQuintessence Int [Fr]Quintessence internationalQuintessence Int (Berl)3Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985)Quintessence Int)Quintessence international, dental digestQuintessence Int Dent Dig!Quintessence of dental technologyQuintessence Dent Technol Quintessencia Quintessencia'Quintessencia de protese de laboratorioQuintessencia Protese LabQuintessenz Journal Quintessenz JBQuintessenz-Impulse : magazin fur Kommunikation & PraxismanagementQuintessenz ImpulseQuinto centenario Quinto CentQuipuQuipuER & S report. Hawaii. Dept. of Health. Research and Statistics OfficeR S RepR.I. medical journal R I Med J RANF reviewRANF RevDRCM midwives : the official journal of the Royal College of Midwives RCM MidwivesHRCM midwives journal : official journal of the Royal College of MidwivesRCM Midwives JRCN nursing standardRCN Nurs StandRDHRDHRFRFRF illustratedRF IllusRGORGORNRNRN (For managers)RN (For Managers)RN IdahoRN IdaRNA (New York, N.Y.)RNA RNA biologyRNA Biol RNABC news RNABC News RNAO news RNAO NewsRSR. Reference services review Ref Serv Rev Race & classRace Cl&Radiation and environmental biophysicsRadiat Environ BiophysRadiation data and reportsRadiat Data RepRadiation effects Radiat EffRadiation measurements Radiat MeasRadiation medicine Radiat Med$Radiation oncology (London, England) Radiat Oncol!Radiation oncology investigationsRadiat Oncol InvestigRadiation protection dosimetryRadiat Prot DosimetryRadiation research Radiat ResRadiation research. SupplementRadiat Res SupplERadiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossiiskaia akademiia naukRadiats Biol RadioecolRadical AmericaRadic AmRadical history reviewRadic Hist Rev,Radiobiologia, radioterapia, e fisica medicaRadiobiol Radioter Fis MedRadiobiologia, radiotherapiaRadiobiol Radiother (Berl)RadiobiologiiaRadiobiologiia Radiocarbon RadiocarbonVRadiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc Radiographics Radiography RadiographyRadiography today Radiogr Today Radioisotopes Radioisotopes Radiologia RadiologiaRadiologia AustriacaRadiol AustriacaRadiologia clinica Radiol ClinRadiologia clinica et biologicaRadiol Clin BiolRadiologia diagnosticaRadiol Diagn (Berl)Radiologia interamericanaRadiol InteramRadiologia pratica Radiol Prat#Radiologic clinics of North AmericaRadiol Clin North AmRadiologic technologyRadiol Technol$Radiological health data and reportsRadiol Health Data Rep Radiology RadiologyRadiology management Radiol ManageRadioprotectionRadioprotection+Radioterapia, radiobiologia e fisica medicaRadioter Radiobiol Fis MedicabRadiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and OncologyRadiother Oncol&Radovi Medicinskog faculteta u ZagrebuRad Med Fak ZagrebuRajasthan medical journalRajasthan Med JRampartsRamparts/Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCMRapid Commun Mass SpectromPRasprave i grada za povijest znanosti / Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnostiRaspr Grada Povij ZnanRassegna clinico-scientifica Rass Clin SciRassegna degli archivi di StatoRass Arch Stato*Rassegna di dermatologia e di sifilografiaRass Dermatol Sifilogr0Rassegna di fisiopatologia clinica e terapeuticaRass Fisiopatol Clin Ter7Rassegna di medicina industriale e di igiene del lavoroRass Med Ind Ig Lav!Rassegna di medicina sperimentale Rass Med Sper!Rassegna di neurologia vegetativaRass Neurol Veg-Rassegna di neuropsichiatria e scienze affiniRass NeuropsichiatrRassegna di studi psichiatriciRass Studi PsichiatrRassegna giuliana di medicinaRass Giuliana Med,Rassegna internazionale di clinica e terapiaRass Int Clin Ter/Rassegna internazionale di stomatologia praticaRass Int Stomatol Prat)Rassegna italiana di chirurgia e medicinaRass Ital Chir Med'Rassegna italiana di gastro-enterologiaRass Ital GastroenterolRassegna italiana di sociologiaRass Ital SociolRassegna medica Rass MedicaRassegna medica sardaRass Med SardaRassegna odontotecnicaRass Odontotec&Rassegna penitenziaria e criminologicaRass Penititenziaria CrimjRassegna storica del Risorgimento : organo della Societa nazionale per la storia del Risorgimento italianoRass Stor Risorgim$Rassegna trimestrale di odontoiatriaRass Trimest OdontoiatrRRasy i narody / Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut etnografii im. N.N. Miklukho-MaklaiaRasy Nar Sovrem Etn Ras Probl Ratio juris Ratio JurisRational drug therapyRation Drug TherRaumforschung und RaumordnungRaumforsch Raumordn0Ravintsara : collection medecine, sante publique RavintsaraRaysRaysRe dai yi xue za zhi1Journal of tropical medicine|Re Dai Yi Xue Za Zhi Reaching out Reach Out)Real property, probate, and trust journalReal Property Probate Trust J Reales sitiosR Sitios3Realites cliniques : revue europeenne d'odontologie Real ClinkReanimation et organes artificiels. Wiederbelebung und kunstliche Organe. Reanimation and artificial organsReanim Organes ArtifReasonReason Reason papers Reason Pap(Recent advances in biological psychiatryRecent Adv Biol Psychiatry,Recent advances in clinical nuclear medicineRecent Adv Clin Nucl MedRecent advances in nursingRecent Adv Nurs>Recent advances in studies on cardiac structure and metabolism$Recent Adv Stud Cardiac Struct MetabRecent developments in alcoholism : an official publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on AlcoholismRecent Dev Alcohol,Recent patents on anti-cancer drug discovery%Recent Patents Anticancer Drug Discov/Recent patents on cardiovascular drug discovery%Recent Patents Cardiovasc Drug Discov#Recent progress in hormone researchRecent Prog Horm ResmRecent results in cancer research. Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progres dans les recherches sur le cancerRecent Results Cancer ResRecenti progressi in medicinaRecenti Prog MedReceptorReceptorReceptors & channelsReceptors ChannelsReceptors & signal transductionRecept Signal TransductRecherche en soins infirmiersRech Soins InfirmRecherche socialeRech Soc Recherches#Recher Fed Groupes Etud Recher Inst"Recherches amerindiennes au QuebecRech Amerindien Que!Recherches economiques de LouvainRech Econ LouvainRecherches feministesRech fem%Recherches geographiques a StrasbourgRech Geogr StrasbgRecherches sociographiques Rech Sociogr"Recombinant DNA technical bulletinRecomb DNA Tech Bull'Reconstruction surgery and traumatologyReconstr Surg TraumatolReconstructionistReconstructionistRecordRecord (Washington)Record of chemical progress Rec Chem ProgRecords of Buckinghamshire, or, Papers and notes on the history, antiquities, and architecture of the county, together with the proceedings of the Architectural and Archaeological Society for the County of Buckingham Rec Bucks;Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.CRec Columb Hist SociRecruit & retain : a monthly publication for professionals concerned with nurse recruitment and retentionRecruit RetainRecruitment & retention reportRecruit Retent Rep-Recruitment, retention & restructuring reportRecruit Retent Restruct RepRecueil de medecine veterinaireRec Med Vet Ec Alfort"Red River Valley historical reviewRed River Val Hist Rev'Redbook : the magazine for young adultsRedbook6Redox report : communications in free radical research Redox Rep%References en gynecologie obstetriqueRef Gynecol ObstetReflections / Sigma Theta Tau Reflections[Reflections on nursing leadership / Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of NursingReflect Nurs LeadershRefractive & corneal surgeryRefract Corneal SurgSRefu'ah veterinarit : riv'on Histadrut ha-rof'im ha-veterinariyim be-Erets-Yisra'elRefu Vet#Refu'at ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993)Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim6Refu'at ha-peh veha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel : 1969)Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim-Refu'at ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel : 1944)Refuat Hashinayim-Refu'at ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel : 1983)Refuat HashinayimRefugee reports Refug RepRegards sur l'actualiteRegards ActualRegenerative medicine Regen Med/Regensburger Jahrbuch fur arztliche FortbildungRegensb Jahrb Arztl FortbildRegional anesthesia Reg Anesth%Regional anesthesia and pain medicineReg Anesth Pain MedRegional development dialogueReg Dev DialogueRegional immunology Reg Immunol$Regional science and urban economicsReg Sci Urban EconRegional science perspectivesReg Sci PerspectRegional studiesReg StudRegional-Anaesthesie Reg Anaesth Registered nurse (Toronto, Ont.) Regist Nurse Regulation Regulation!Regulatory analyst. Medical wasteRegul Anal Med WasteRegulatory peptides Regul PeptRegulatory peptides. SupplementRegul Pept Suppl,Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTPRegul Toxicol PharmacolRehab management Rehab Manag"Rehabilitace a fyzikalni lekarstviRehabil Fyz LekRehabilitationRehabilitation"Rehabilitation counseling bulletinRehabil Couns BullRehabilitation literature Rehabil LitYRehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses Rehabil NursRehabilitation psychologyRehabil PsycholRehabilitation record Rehabil RecsRehabilitation: Sozialmedizin, physikalische Medizin, Praventivmedizin; internationale Zeitschrift mit ZentralblattRehabilitation (Bonn)Reihe, Medizinische ForschungReihe Med Forsch2Rein et foie, maladies de la nutrition; actualites Rein FoieReisRev Esp Invest SociolRejuvenation researchRejuvenation ResRelaciones internacionales Relac Int!Religion in life (New York, N.Y.) Relig Life#Religious education (Chicago, Ill.) Relig EducReligious humanismRelig HumanismReligious studies reviewRelig Stud RevRemedes-Actualites Rem Actual&Ren kou xue kan (Changchun shi, China)Ren Kou Xue Kan)Ren kou xue kan / Kuo Li Tai-Wan Ta HsuehRen Kou Xue KanRenaissance and ReformationRenaiss ReformRenaissance and modern studiesRenaiss Mod StudRenaissance quarterly Renaiss Q Renal failureRen FailRenal physiology Ren Physiol!Renal physiology and biochemistryRen Physiol Biochem RendezvousRendezvous (Buffalo))Rendiconti - Istituto superiore di sanitaRend Ist Sup Sanit'Rendiconti / Accademia Nazionale Del XlRend Accad Naz XL-Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze fisiche e naturaliRend Lincei Sci Fis Nat7Report (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry : 1984)Rep Group Adv Psychiatry0Report (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry)Rep Group Adv Psychiatry,Report (U.S. Naval Submarine Medical Center)Rep US Nav Submar Med CentAReport - Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation FacilitiesRep Comm Accredit Rehabil Facil.Report - Institute on Human Values in MedicineRep Inst Hum Values4Report - Navy Medical Neuropsychiatric Research Unit#Rep Nav Med Neuropsychiatr Res Unit0Report - U. S. Naval Medical Research LaboratoryRep US Nav Med Res LabeReport / Victor-Bostrom Fund for the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Victor-Bostrom FundVictor Bostrom Fund RepReport and transactions - The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art. Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and ArtDevon Assoc Adv Sci8Report from the Institute for Philosophy & Public PolicyRep Inst Philos Public PolicytReport of proceedings / the Scottish Society of the History of Medicine. Scottish Society of the History of MedicineRep Proc Scott Soc Hist Med4Report of the congress. European Orthodontic SocietyRep Congr Eur Orthod SocReport on carcinogens : carcinogen profiles / U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program Rep Carcinog0Report on medical guidelines & outcomes researchRep Med Guidel Outcomes Res6Report. Canada. Defence Research Chemical LaboratoriesRep Can Def Res Chem Lab4Report. Canada. Defence Research Kingston LaboratoryRep Can Def Res Kings Lab-Report. U.S. Army Medical Research LaboratoryRep US Army Med Res LabMReport. United States. Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory, Denver#Rep US Army Med Res Nutr Lab DenverFReport. United States. Navy Experimental Diving Unit, Washington, D. CRep US Navy Exp Diving UnitReporter (Wilmington, Del.)Rep Del Nurses Assoc*Reporter on human reproduction and the lawReport Hum Reprod Law<Reports (International Development Research Centre (Canada))Rep Int Dev Res Cent CanNReports - American Universities Field Staff. American Universities Field StaffRep Am Univ Field StaffdReports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of New Jersey. New Jersey. Supreme Court;Rep Cases Argued Determ Supreme Court N J N J Supreme CourtReports of cases decided in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, State of New York. New York (State). Supreme Court. Appellate DivisionURep Cases Decided Appell Div Supreme Court State NY NY State Supreme Court Appell DivgReports of cases decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia at the ... Georgia. Supreme Court9Rep Cases Decided Supreme Court State Ga Ga Supreme CourtNReports of cases determined in the courts of appeal of the state of California)Rep Cases Determ Court Appeal State CalifReports of selected cases decided in courts of the State of New York other than the Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court : miscellaneous reportsMRep Sel Cases Decided Courts State N Y Court Appeals Appell Div Supreme Court%Reports on health and social subjectsRep Health Soc Subj (Lond)%Reports on population/family planningRep Popul Fam Plann-Reports on public health and medical subjects!Rep Public Health Med Subj (Lond)Reports on rheumatic diseases Rep Rheum Dis"Representations (Berkeley, Calif.)Representations (Berkeley),Representative research in social psychologyRepresent Res Soc Psychol ReproWatch ReprowatchReproWatch (Youth edition)ReproWatch (Youth Ed) Reproduccion Reproduccion!Reproduction (Cambridge, England) Reproduction,Reproduction (Cambridge, England) Supplement Reprod Suppl2Reproduction (Cambridge, England). Abstract seriesReprod Abstr SerReproduction and contraceptionReprod Contracept(Reproduction, fertility, and developmentReprod Fertil Dev$Reproduction, nutrition, developmentReprod Nutr Dev$Reproductive and genetic engineeringReprod Genet EngReproductive biology Reprod Biol-Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&EReprod Biol EndocrinolReproductive biomedicine onlineReprod Biomed OnlineIReproductive freedom news / from the Center for Reproductive Law & PolicyReprod Freedom NewsReproductive health Reprod HealthReproductive health mattersReprod Health Matters-Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) Reprod Sci(Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.)Reprod ToxicolRepura. LeprosyRepura$Res ipsa loquitur (Washington, D.C.)Res Ipsa Loquitur Res publica (Liverpool, England) Res PublicaRes publica litterarumRes Publica Litt4Research In Sociology Of Education And SocializationRes Sociol Educ SocialResearch agenda briefRes Agenda Brief)Research and clinical studies in headacheRes Clin Stud HeadachenResearch and development technical report. United States. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San FranciscoRes Dev Tech RepmResearch and statistics note - Health Care Financing Administration, Office of Policy, Planning, and Research8Res Stat Note Health Care Financ Adm Off Policy Plan Res`Research and statistics note - Social Security Administration, Office of Research and Statistics Res Stat Note(Research and theory for nursing practiceRes Theory Nurs Pract;Research communications - Institute for Fermentation, OsakaRes Commun Inst Ferment>Research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol?Research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacologyRes Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol>Research communications in psychology, psychiatry and behavior"Res Commun Psychol Psychiatr Behav*Research communications in substance abuseRes Commun Subst Abuse9Research frontiers in fertility regulation : RFFR / PARFRRes Front Fertil Regul'Research in community and mental healthRes Community Ment Health&Research in developmental disabilitiesRes Dev Disabil!Research in economic anthropologyRes Econ AnthropolResearch in economic history Res Econ HistResearch in experimental medicine. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte experimentelle Medizin einschliesslich experimenteller ChirurgieRes Exp Med (Berl)Research in health economicsRes Health Econ)Research in human capital and developmentRes Hum Cap DevResearch in human development Res Hum DevResearch in immunology Res ImmunoluResearch in medical education : proceedings of the ... annual Conference. Conference on Research in Medical Education Res Med EducResearch in microbiology Res MicrobiolResearch in nursing & healthRes Nurs Health Research in population economicsRes Popul EconResearch in prostaglandinsRes ProstaglandinsResearch in reproduction Res Reprod+Research in rural sociology and developmentRes Rural Sociol Dev3Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAPRes Social Adm Pharm#Research in sports medicine (Print)Res Sports Med#Research in the service of medicine Res Serv Med(Research in the sociology of health careRes Sociol Health CareResearch in urban economicsRes Urban EconResearch in veterinary science Res Vet SciResearch in virology Res Virol,Research initiative, treatment action : RITARes Initiat Treat ActionResearch management Res ManageResearch on aging Res Aging Research on social work practiceRes Soc Work PractResearch on steroidsRes Steroids (Amst)]Research papers (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. History of Medicine Associates)Res Pap Hist Med Assoc@Research progress in organic, biological and medicinal chemistryRes Prog Org Biol Med ChemNResearch publications - Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment DisResearch quarterlyRes Q)Research quarterly for exercise and sportRes Q Exerc Sport*Research report (Health Effects Institute)Res Rep Health Eff Inst8Research report. Naval Medical Research Institute (U.S.)Res Rep Nav Med Res Inst (US)9Research report. Naval School of Aviation Medicine (U.S.)Res Rep U S Nav Sch Aviat MedResearch resources reporterRes Resour Rep!Research studies (Pullman, Wash.)Res StudResearch today Res Today3Research; a journal of science and its applicationsResearch Researches on population ecologyRes Popul Ecol (Kyoto)Reseaux - CiephumReseaux Ciephum&Resena historica (Mexico City, Mexico) Resena HistResenha clinico-cientificaResen Clin CientResident and staff physicianResid Staff PhysicianResidue reviews Residue Rev/Resources for biomedical research and educationResour Biomed Res EducRespiration physiologyRespir Physiol6Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases RespirationRespiratory care Respir Care)Respiratory care clinics of North AmericaRespir Care Clin N AmRespiratory management Respir ManageRespiratory medicine Respir Med%Respiratory physiology & neurobiologyRespir Physiol NeurobiolRespiratory research Respir ResRespiratory therapy Respir TherRespirology (Carlton, Vic.) RespirologyResponsa meridianaResponsa MeridianaRestaurants & institutionsRestaurants InstRestoration quarterlyRestor QRestorative dentistryRestorative Dent&Restorative neurology and neuroscienceRestor Neurol Neurosci,Results and problems in cell differentiationResults Probl Cell DifferResumeResume Resuscitation ResuscitationRetina (Philadelphia, Pa.)Retina Retrovirology Retrovirology Reumatismo Reumatismo Reumatizam Reumatizam Reumatologia ReumatologiaRevenue-cycle strategistRevenue-cycle Strateg.Review (Federation of American Health Systems)Rev Fed Am Health Syst4Review (International Commission of Jurists (1952- )Rev Int Comm Jurists)Review (Patient Focused Care Association)Rev Patient Focus Care Assoc)Review - Federation of American HospitalsRev Fed Am HospReview for religious Rev Relig#Review of African political economyRev Afr Polit EconReview of Czechoslovak medicine Rev Czech MedReview of allergy Rev Allergy"Review of eastern medical sciencesRev East Med Sci&Review of economic conditions in ItalyRev Econ Cond ItalyReview of educational research Rev Educ ResReview of historical demographyRev Hist Demogr4Review of law and social change. New York UniversityRev Law Soc Change%Review of palaeobotany and palynologyRev Palaeobot PalynolReview of public data useRev Public Data UseReview of religious research Rev Relig ResReview of social economy Rev Soc EconReview of social policyRev Soc PolicyReview of socialist lawRev Social LawReview of surgeryRev SurgeReview of urban and regional development studies : RURDS : journal of the Applied Regional ConferenceRURDS Rev Urb Reg Dev StudReviews in American history Rev Am Hist"Reviews in cardiovascular medicineRev Cardiovasc Med(Reviews in clinical & basic pharmacologyRev Clin Basic Pharm/Reviews in clinical and experimental hematologyRev Clin Exp HematolReviews in clinical gerontologyRev Clin Gerontol*Reviews in endocrine & metabolic disordersRev Endocr Metab Disord(Reviews in gastroenterological disordersRev Gastroenterol DisordReviews in immunogeneticsRev ImmunogenetReviews in medical virology Rev Med Virol Reviews in neurological diseasesRev Neurol Dis2Reviews in pure & applied pharmacological sciencesRev Pure Appl Pharmacol SciReviews in the neurosciences Rev NeurosciReviews in urologyRev Urol5Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicologyRev Environ Contam Toxicol/Reviews of geophysics (Washington, D.C. : 1985) Rev GeophysReviews of infectious diseasesRev Infect DisReviews of oculomotor researchRev Oculomot Res4Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacologyRev Physiol Biochem PharmacolReviews of reproduction Rev Reprod0Reviews on drug metabolism and drug interactionsRev Drug Metab Drug InteractReviews on environmental healthRev Environ HealthRevija za sociologiju Rev SociolbRevised statutes : Under arrangement of the official Louisiana revised statutes of 1950. LouisianaRevis Statut La'Revisiones sobre biologia celular : RBCRevis Biol CelularRevista "Roche." Rev Roche&Revista (Ordem dos Medicos (Portugal)) Rev Ordem MedeRevista ABP-APAL / Associacao Brasileira de Psiquiatria and Asociacion Psiquiatrica de America Latina Rev ABPAPAL/Revista ADM (Asociacion Dental Mexicana : 1988)Rev ADM=Revista ADM : organo oficial de la Asociacion Dental MexicanaRev ADM1Revista Argentina De Implantologia EstomatologicaRev Argent Implantol Estomatol"Revista Argentina de microbiologiaRev Argent Microbiol Revista CEPAE Rev CEPAE#Revista Centro America odontologicaRev Cent Am Odontol$Revista De Ginecologia Y ObstetriciaRev Gynecol ObstetNRevista De La Asociacion De Profesionales Del Hospital Nacional De OdontologiaRev Asoc Prof Hosp Nac Odontol[Revista De La Escuela De Odontologia, Universidad Nacional De Tucuman, Facultad De MedicinaRev Esc Odontol Tucuman>Revista De La Facultad De Odontologia Universidad De AntioquiaRev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq3Revista De La Sociedad De Ginecologia Y ObstetriciaRev Soc Ginecol Obstet@Revista De Odontologia Da Universidade Federal De Santa CatarinaRev Odontol St CatarinaRevista De StatisticaRev Stat@Revista Del Ateneo De La Catedra De Tecnica De Operatoria Dental Rev Ateneo Catedra Tec Oper Dent(Revista Del Circulo Odontologico Del SurRev Circ Odontol SurRevista Espanola De Paradoncia Rev Esp Parad Revista F O ARev FOARevista Goiana de medicinaRev Goiana Med Revista IBYSRev Ibys1Revista Kuba de medicina tropical y parasitologiaRev Kuba Med Trop ParasitolRevista OdontologicaRev Odontol (La Paz)NRevista Odontologica; Facultad De Odontologia, Universidad Nacional De CordobaRev Odontol (Cordoba)Revista Paulista De EndodontiaRev Paul EndodontiaJRevista Regional de Aracatuba, Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas%Rev Reg Aracatuba Assoc Paul Cir DentPRevista alergia : organo oficial de la Sociedad Mexicana de Alergia e Inmunlogia Rev AlergRevista alergia Mexico Rev Alerg Mex<Revista alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico : 1993) Rev Alerg MexRevista argentina de alergiaRev Argent Alerg Revista argentina de cardiologiaRev Argent CardiolRevista argentina de cirugiaRev Argent Cir1Revista argentina de endocrinologia y metabolismoRev Argent Endocrinol Metab-Revista argentina de neurologia y psiquiatriaRev Argent Neurol Psiquiatr!Revista argentina de reumatologiaRev Argent Reumatol;Revista argentina de tuberculosis y enfermedades pulmonaresRev Argent Tuberc Enferm PulmRevista argentina de urologiaRev Argent Urol*Revista argentina de urologia y nefrologiaRev Argent Urol NefrolRevista arhivelorRev Arh$Revista brasileira de anestesiologiaRev Bras AnestesiolRevista brasileira de biologia Rev Bras BiolRevista brasileira de cirurgia Rev Bras CirpRevista brasileira de cirurgia cardiovascular : orgao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia CardiovascularRev Bras Cir Cardiovasc Revista brasileira de enfermagemRev Bras Enferm!Revista brasileira de estatisticaRev Bras Estat*Revista brasileira de estudos de populacaoRev Bras Estud Popul'Revista brasileira de gastroenterologiaRev Bras GastroenterolRevista brasileira de geografiaRev Bras Geogr Revista brasileira de leprologiaRev Bras LeprolKRevista brasileira de malariologia e doencas tropicais. Publicacoes avulsasRev Bras Malariol Doencas TropRevista brasileira de medicina Rev Bras Med!Revista brasileira de odontologiaRev Bras OdontolgRevista brasileira de odontologia militar : orgao oficial da Academia Brasileira de Odontologia MilitarRev Bras Odontol Mil"Revista brasileira de oftalmologiaRev Bras Oftalmol*Revista brasileira de otorrinolaringologiaRev Bras Otorinolaringol8Revista brasileira de otorrinolaringologia (English ed.)#Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol (Engl Ed)4Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicasRev Bras Pesqui Med Biol<Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999)Rev Bras Psiquiatr5Revista brasileira de tuberculose e doencas toracicasRev Bras Tuberc Doencas Torac"Revista catarinense de odontologiaRev Catarinense Odontol#Revista centroamericana de economiaRev Centroam Econ0Revista chilena de higiene y medicina preventivaRev Chil Hig Med Prev'Revista chilena de historia y geografiaRev Chil Hist GeogrWRevista chilena de infectologia : organo oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de InfectologiaRev Chilena InfectolmRevista chilena de nutricion : organo oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Nutricion, Bromatologia y Toxicologia Rev Chil Nutr,Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecologiaRev Chil Obstet Ginecol&Revista chilena de odontoestomatologiaRev Chil OdontoestomatolRevista chilena de pediatriaRev Chil PediatrRevista clinica de Sao PauloRev Clin Sao PauloRevista clinica espanola Rev Clin Esp+Revista clinica. Lisbon. Instituto MaternalRev Clin Inst Matern Lisb/Revista colombiana de obstetricia y ginecologiaRev Colomb Obstet Ginecol.Revista colombiana de pediatria y puericulturaRev Colomb Pediatr Pueric)Revista costarricense de ciencias medicasRev Costarric Cienc Med)Revista cubana de administracion de saludRev Cuhana Adm SaludRevista cubana de cardiologiaRev Cubana CardiolRevista cubana de enfermeriaRev Cubana EnfermRevista cubana de estomatologiaRev Cubana Estomatol)Revista cubana de higiene y epidemiologiaRev Cubana Hig EpidemiolRevista cubana de medicinaRev Cubana Med#Revista cubana de medicina tropicalRev Cubana Med TropRevista cubana de pediatriaRev Cubana Pediatr'Revista da Associacao Medica BrasileiraRev Assoc Med Bras.Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992)Rev Assoc Med Bras,Revista da Associacao Medica de Minas GeraisRev Assoc Med Minas Gerais1Revista da Associacao Medica do Rio Grande do SulRev Assoc Med Rio Grande Do Sul6Revista da Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes DentistasRev Assoc Paul Cir DentLRevista da Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas Regional de Aracatuba%Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent Reg Aracatuba(Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S PRev Esc Enferm USP<Revista da Faculdade de Farmacia e Odontologia de AraraquaraRev Fac Farm Odontol Araraquara@Revista da Faculdade de Farmacia e Odontologia de Ribeirao Preto"Rev Fac Farm Odontol Ribeiro Preto*Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia da FZLRev Faculdade Odontol FZLDRevista da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal da BahiaRev Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia@Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Sao PauloRev Fac Odontol Sao Paulo0Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de AracatubaRev Fac Odontol Aracatuba+Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de LinsRev Faculdade Odontol Lins1Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de PernambucoRev Fac Odontol Pernambuco5Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirao PretoRev Fac Odontol Ribeiro Preto:Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Sao Jose dos Campos#Rev Fac Odontol Sao Jose Dos Campos1Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia, Porto AlegreRev Fac Odontol P Alegre6Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Historia da CienciaRev Soc Bras Hist Cienc4Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina TropicalRev Soc Bras Med TropRevista de Indias Rev IndiasRevista de Viernes MedicoRev Viernes Med|Revista de actualidad estomatologica espanola / Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontologos y Estomatologos de EspanaRev Actual Estomatol EspRevista de actualidad odontoestomatologica espanola : boletin de informacion, del Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontologos y Estomatologos de EspanaRev Actual Odontoestomatol Esp"Revista de administracao municipal Rev Adm Munic@Revista de archivos, bibliotecas y museos (Madrid, Spain : 1897)Rev Arch Bibl MusRevista de biologia oral Rev Biol OralRevista de biologia tropical Rev Biol Trop_Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, o. r. l., oftalmologie, stomatologie. Oftalmologie:Rev Chir Oncol Radiol O R L Oftalmol Stomatol Ser OftalmolfRevista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, o. r. l., oftalmologie, stomatologie. Seria: Stomatologie:Rev Chir Oncol Radiol O R L Oftalmol Stomatol Ser StomatolZRevista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, o.r.l., oftalmologie, stomatologie. Chirurgie2Rev Chir Oncol Radiol O R L Oftalmol Stomatol ChirfRevista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, o.r.l., oftalmologie, stomatologie. Oto-rino-laringologia=Rev Chir Oncol Radiol O R L Oftalmol Stomatol OtorinolaringolRevista de ciencias biomedicasRev Cinc BiomedRevista de cirugia Rev Cir (Mex)Revista de cirugia del Uruguay Rev Cir UrugRevista de dialectologia y tradiciones populares / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto Antonio de Nebrija, Seccion de Tradiciones Populares&Rev Dialoctol Tradiciones Pop (Madrid)Revista de enfermagemRev Enferm (Lisboa)(Revista de enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain) Rev Enferm$Revista de estudios de la vida localRev Estud Vida LocalRevista de estudios extremenosRev Estud Extremenos=Revista de farmacia e bioquimica da Universidade de Sao PauloRev Farm Bioquim Univ Sao Paulo!Revista de farmacia e odontologiaRev Farm OdontolRevista de fomento social Rev Fom Soc&Revista de gastroenterologia de MexicoRev Gastroenterol MexcRevista de gastroenterologia del Peru : organo oficial de la Sociedad de Gastroenterologia del PeruRev Gastroenterol Peru&Revista de ginecologia e d'obstetriciaRev Ginecol Obstet (Sao Paulo)Revista de historiaRev Hist (Costa Rica)#Revista de historia Jeronimo ZuritaRev Hist Jeronimo Zurita)Revista de historia americana y argentinaRev Hist Am ArgentRevista de historia canariaRev Hist Canaria$Revista de historia de la psicologiaRev Hist PsicolRevista de historia militar Rev Hist MilRRevista de historia naval / Instituto de Historia y Cultura Naval, Armada EspanolaRev Hist NavalRevista de igiena, bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie, pneumoftiziologie. Bacteriologia, virusologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia`Rev Ig Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol Epidemiol Pneumoftiziol Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol EpidemiolqRevista de igiena, bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie, pneumoftiziologie. PneumoftiziologiaHRev Ig Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol Epidemiol Pneumoftiziol PneumoftiziolRevista de igiena, medicina muncii, medicina sociala, bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie, pneumoftiziologie. Pneumoftiziologie / Uniunea Societatilor de Stiinte Medicale din Romania[Rev Ig Med Muncii Med Soc Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol Epidemiol Pneumoftiziol Pneumoftiziol!Revista de informacao legislativa Rev Inf Legis)Revista de informacion medico-terapeuticaRev Inform Med Ter!Revista de instituciones europeas Rev Inst EurRevista de investigacionRev Invest (Guadalajara)URevista de investigacion clinica; organo del Hospital de Enfermedades de la NutricionRev Invest Clin)Revista de investigacion en salud publicaRev Invest Salud PublicaRevista de istorie Rev Istor;Revista de la Agrupacion Odontologica de la Capital FederalRev Agrup Odontol Cap Fed3Revista de la Asociacion Argentina de MicrobiologiaRev Asoc Argent Microbiol)Revista de la Asociacion Medica ArgentinaRev Asoc Med Argent/Revista de la Asociacion Mexicana de EnfermerasRev Asoc Mex Enferm/Revista de la Asociacion Odontologica ArgentinaRev Asoc Odontol Argent3Revista de la Asociacion Odontologica de Costa RicaRev Asoc Odontol Costa RicaLRevista de la Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti. Biblioteca Nacional Jose MartiRev Bibl Nac Jose Marti*Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias MedicasRev Fac Cienc Med?Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas (Cordoba, Argentina)!Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba5Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de CordobaRev Fac Cienc Med CordobaDRevista de la Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Central de VenezuelaRev Fac Farm Univ Cent VenezKRevista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de MexicoRev Fac Med Univ Nac Auton MexDRevista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de ColombiaRev Fac Med Univ Nac Colomb%Revista de la Facultad de Odontologia"Rev Fac Odontol Univ Nac (Cordoba)HRevista de la Facultad de Odontologia (San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina)Rev Fac Odontol Tucuman7Revista de la Facultad de Odontologia (Santiago, Chile)Rev Fac Odontol Univ ChileLRevista de la Facultad de Odontologia de la Universidad Nacional de ColombiaRev Fac Odontol Univ Nac Colomb0Revista de la Federacion Odontologica ColombianaRev Fed Odontol Colomb1Revista de la Federacion Odontologica EcuatorianaRev Fed Odontol Ecuat,Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de BiologiaRev Soc Argent BiolRRevista de la Sociedad Bolivariana de Venezuela. Sociedad Bolivariana de VenezuelaRev Soc Bolivar Venez3Revista de la Sociedad Colombiana de EndocrinologiaRev Soc Colomb Endocrinol=Revista de la Sociedad Colombiana de Pediatria y PuericulturaRev Soc Colomb Pediatr Pueric3Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia NaturalRev Soc Mex Hist Nat/Revista de la Sociedad Odontologica de La PlataRev Soc Odontol La Plata0Revista de la Sociedad Peruana de EndocrinologiaRev Soc Peru Endocrinol<Revista de la Sociedad Venezolana de Historia de la MedicinaRev Soc Venez Hist MedNRevista de la Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Universidad Nacional de CordobaRev Univ Nac Cordoba Revista de la sanidad de policiaRev Sanid Polic'Revista de la sanidad militar argentinaRev Sanid Milit Argent&Revista de la sanidad militar del PeruRev Sanid Mil Peru%Revista de marina (Valparaiso, Chile)Rev Mar0Revista de medicina de la Universidad de NavarraRev Med Univ NavarraiRevista de medicina interna, neurologe, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie, dermato-venerologie. Medicina internaDRev Med Interna Neurol Psihiatr Neurochir Dermatovenerol Med InternaRevista de medicina interna, neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie, dermato-venerologie. Neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgieRRev Med Interna Neurol Psihiatr Neurochir Dermatovenerol Neurol Psihiatr NeurochirRevista de medicina militar Rev Med MilRevista de medicina veterinariaRev Med Vet (B Aires)%Revista de medicina y ciencias afinesRev Med Cienc AfinesRevista de neuro-psiquiatriaRev NeuropsiquiatrRevista de neurologia Rev Neurol1Revista de obstetricia y ginecologia de VenezuelaRev Obstet Ginecol Venez+Revista de occidente (Madrid, Spain : 1923) Rev OccidenteHRevista de odontologia da UNESP / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)Rev Odontol UNESP Revista de odontologia da UNICIDRev Odontol UNICID9Revista de odontologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo / USPRev Odontol Univ Sao Paulo>Revista de ortopedia y traumatologia. Edicion latino americanaRev Ortop Traumatol Ed Lat AmRevista de otorrinolaringologiaRev OtorrinolaringolJRevista de pediatrie, obstetrica si ginecologie. Obstetrica si ginecologie)Rev Pediatr Obstet Ginecol Obstet Ginecol:Revista de pediatrie, obstetrica si ginecologie. Pediatria"Rev Pediatr Obstet Ginecol Pediatr"Revista de planeacion y desarrolloRev Planeac DesarroRevista de psicoanalisis Rev PsicoanalFRevista de psiquiatria y psicologia medica de Europa y America latinas#Rev Psiquiatr Psicol Med Eur Am Lat=Revista de publicaciones navales; suplemento de Sanidad naval Rev Publ NavRevista de quimica e farmacia Rev Quim Farm+Revista de salud publica (Bogota, Colombia)Rev Salud Publica (Bogota)$Revista de sanidad e higiene publicaRev Sanid Hig Publica (Madr)Revista de sanidad militarRev Sanid Milit&Revista de sanidad y asistencia socialRev Sanid Asist SocRevista de saude publicaRev Saude Publica#Revista de tuberculosis del UruguayRev Tuberc UrugRevista de urologiaRev Urol(mexico)5Revista del Ateneo Argentino de Odontologia : R.A.A.ORev Ateneo Argent Odontol+Revista del Circulo Odontologico de CordobaRev Circ Odontol Cordoba/Revista del Colegio Estomatologico de GuatemalaRev Col Estomatol Guatem'Revista del Colegio Medico de GuatemalaRev Col Med Guatem*Revista del Colegio Nacional de EnfermerasRev Col Nac Enferm7Revista del Colegio de Medicos y Cirujanos de GuatemalaRev Col Med Cir GuatemRevista del Hospital del NinoRev Hosp Nino (Lima).Revista del Instituto Nacional de CancerologiaRev Inst Nac Cancerol (Mex)=Revista del Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades TropicalesRev Inst Salubr Enferm Trop1Revista del Museo Nacional. Museo Nacional (Peru) Rev Mus Nac?Revista del Museo de la Facultad de Odontologia de Buenos AiresRev Museo Fac Odontol B AiresRevista dentalRev Dent (St Domingo)Revista dental de ChileRev Dent ChileNRevista do Centro de Ciencias Biomedicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlandia+Rev Centro Cienc Biomed Univ Fed Uberlandia Revista do Hospital das ClinicasRev Hosp Clin Fac Med Sao Paulo Revista do Instituto Adolfo LutzRev Inst Adolfo Lutz>Revista do Instituto Historico e Geographico Brazileiro (1906)Rev Inst Hist Geogr BrasHRevista do Instituto de Antibioticos, Universidade Federal de PernambucoRev Inst Antibiot (Recife)6Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao PauloRev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo*Revista do Servico Nacional de TuberculoseRev Serv Nac TubersRevista economicaRev EconRevista economica do NordesteRev Econ Nordeste2Revista ecuatoriana de higiene y medicina tropicalRev Ecuat Hig Med Trop5Revista ecuatoriana de medicina y ciencias biologicasRev Ecuat Med Cienc Biol Revista ecuatoriana de pediatriaRev Ecuat Pediatr/Revista ecuatoriana de pediatria y puericulturaRev Ecuat Pediatr Pueric%Revista enfermagem em novas dimensoesRev Enferm Nov Dimens"Revista espanola de anestesiologiaRev Esp Anestesiol0Revista espanola de anestesiologia y reanimacionRev Esp Anestesiol Reanim`Revista espanola de antropologia americana / Departamento de Antropologia y Etnologia de AmericaRev Esp Antropol AmRevista espanola de cardiologiaRev Esp Cardiol%Revista espanola de endodoncia / AEDERev Esp EndodonciakRevista espanola de enfermedades digestivas : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia DigestivaRev Esp Enferm Dig!Revista espanola de estomatologiaRev Esp EstomatolRevista espanola de fisiologiaRev Esp Fisiol,Revista espanola de geriatria y gerontologiaRev Esp Geriatr Gerontol:Revista espanola de las enfermedades del aparato digestivoRev Esp Enferm Apar DigLRevista espanola de las enfermedades del aparato digestivo y de la nutricionRev Esp Enferm Apar Dig Nutr$Revista espanola de medicina nuclearRev Esp Med Nucl-Revista espanola de obstetricia y ginecologiaRev Esp Obstet GinecolRevista espanola de oncologia Rev Esp Oncol9Revista espanola de oto-neuro-oftalmologia y neurocirugia!Rev Esp Otoneurooftalmol Neurocir!Revista espanola de paleontologiaRev Esp PaleontolRevista espanola de pediatriaRev Esp Pediatr`Revista espanola de quimioterapia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de QuimioterapiaRev Esp Quimioter>Revista espanola de reumatismo y enfermedades osteoarticularesRev Esp Reum Enferm OsteoarticYRevista espanola de reumatologia : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de ReumatologiaRev Esp Reumatol!Revista espanola de salud publicaRev Esp Salud Publica Revista espanola de tuberculosisRev Esp Tuberc/Revista espanola la de documentacion cientificaRev Esp Doc Cient"Revista estadistica (Havana, Cuba) Rev Estad'Revista europea de odonto-estomatologiaRev Eur Odontoestomatol(Revista gaucha de enfermagem / EENFUFRGSRev Gaucha EnfermRevista gaucha de odontologiaRev Gaucha OdontolRevista general de marina Rev Gen MarERevista geografica del Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e HistoriaRev Geogr Inst Panam Geogr Hist%Revista guatemalteca de estomatologiaRev Guatem Estomatol!Revista iberica de endocrinologiaRev Iber Endocrinol Revista iberica de parasitologiaRev Iber ParasitoljRevista ibero-americana de ortodoncia : publicacion oficial de la Asociacion Ibero-Americana OrtodoncistasRev Iberoam OrtoddRevista iberoamericana de micologia : organo de la Asociacion Espanola de Especialistas en MicologiaRev Iberoam Micol'Revista interamericana de planificacionRev Interam Planif$Revista interamericana de radiologiaRev Interam RadiolRevista internacional de sociologia / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Seccion de Sociologia del Instituto "Sancho de Moncada"Rev Int Sociol1Revista juridica de la Universidad de Puerto RicoRev Jurid Univ P R&Revista latino-americana de enfermagemRev Lat Am Enfermagem.Revista latinoamericana de anatomia patologicaRev Latinoam Anat Patol+Revista latinoamericana de cirugia plasticaRev Latinoam Cir Plast(Revista latinoamericana de microbiologiaRev Latinoam Microbiol8Revista latinoamericana de microbiologia y parasitologia&Rev Latinoam Microbiol Parasitol (Mex)$Revista latinoamericana de patologiaRev Latinoam PatolRevista latinoamericana de perinatologia : organo oficial de la Federacion Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de Medicina [Perinatal] (F.L.A.M.P.)Rev Latinoam Perinatol%Revista latinoamericana de psicologiaRev Latinoam PsicolRevista loteriaLoteria (Panama)5Revista medica (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) Rev Med (Mex)Revista medica cubanaRev Med CubanaRevista medica da aeronautica Rev Med Aeron'Revista medica da aeronautica do BrasilRev Med Aeron BrazRevista medica de Chile Rev Med ChilRevista medica de CordobaRev Med CordobaRevista medica de Costa RicaRev Med Costa RicaRevista medica de Mocambique Rev Med MoambRevista medica de PanamaRev Med PanamaRevista medica de ValparaisoRev Med Valparaiso0Revista medica del Hospital Central del EmpleadoRev Med Hosp Cent Empl#Revista medica del Hospital EspanolRev Medica Hosp Esp#Revista medica del Hospital GeneralRev Med Hosp Gen (Mex)"Revista medica del Hospital ObreroRev Med Hosp Obrero?Revista medica del IPSS / Instituto Peruano de Seguridad Social Rev Med IPSS7Revista medica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro SocialRev Med Inst Mex Seguro SocRevista medica do sul de MinasRev Medica MinasRevista medica hondurenaRev Med HondurRevista medica peruana Rev Med PeruJRevista medico-chirurgicala a Societatii de Medici si Naturalisti din IasiRev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi1Revista mexicana de ciencias politicas y socialesRev Mex Cienc Polit Soc1Revista mexicana de cirugia, ginecologia y cancerRev Mex Cir Ginecol CancerRevista mexicana de sociologiaRev Mex SociolRevista mexicana de urologia Rev Mex UrolRevista odonto-estomatologicaRev OdontoestomatolRevista odontologicaRev Odontol Circ Odontol Parag"Revista odontologica de ConcepcionRev Odontol Concepcion"Revista odontologica de Costa RicaRev Odontol Costa Rica#Revista odontologica de Puerto RicoRev Odontol P RRevista odontologica do ParanaRev Odontol Parana Revista odontologica ecuatorianaRev Odontol EcuatBRevista oto-neuro-oftalmologica y cirugia neurologica sudamericana(Rev Oto Neuro Oftalmol Cir Neurol Sud AmRevista paulista de enfermagemRev Paul EnfermRevista paulista de hospitais Rev Paul HospRevista paulista de medicina Rev Paul MedRevista paulista de odontologiaRev Paul Odontol#Revista pernambucana de odontologiaRev Pernambucana OdontolRevista peruana de pediatriaRev Peru PediatrRevista peruana de poblacionRev Peru PoblacRevista portuguesa de cirurgia cardio-toracica e vascular : orgao oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-Toracica e VascularRev Port Cir Cardiotorac Vasc<Revista portuguesa de estomatologia e cirurgia maxilo-facial Rev Port Estomatol Cir MaxilofacRevista portuguesa de farmacia Rev Port FarmRevista portuguesa de historia Rev Port Hist&Revista portuguesa de medicina militarRev Port Med MilRevista portuguesa de pediatriaRev Port Pediatr.Revista portuguesa de pediatria e puericulturaRev Port Pediatr Pueric!Revista portuguesa de pneumologiaRev Port Pneumol!Revista quirurgica espanola : RQE Rev Quir EspRevista romana de bioetica Rev Rom BioetLRevista romana de statistica : organ al Comisiei Nationale pentru Statistica Rev Rom Stat-Revista stiintelor medicale: medicina internaRev Stiint MedRevista universitariaRev Univ!Revista uruguaya de psicoanalisisRev Urug Psicoanal1Revista venezolana de sanidad y asistencia socialRev Venez Sanid Asist SocRevista venezolana de urologiaRev Venez Urol2Revista. Centro de Estudos Demograficos (Portugal)Rev Cent Estud Demograficos*Revista. Chile. Servicio Nacional de SaludRev Serv Nac Salud)Revista. Circulo Argentino de OdontologiaRev Circ Argent Odontol(Revista. Circulo Odontologico de RosarioRev Circul Ondontol Ros6Revista. Guayaquil. Hospital de Ninos "Alejandro Mann"Rev Hosp Ninos Alejandro Mann*Revista. Sociedad Colombiana de OrtodonciaRev Soc Colomb OrtodGRevista. Tucuman, Argentine Republic. Universidad. Facultad de MedicinaRev Fac Med TucumanRevista/review interamericanaRev Rev InteramRevmatologiia (Moscow, Russia)Revmatologiia (Mosk)Revolution (Oakland, Calif.) Revolution Revolution (Staten Island, N.Y.) Revolution:Revue annuelle - Societe odonto-stomatologique du Nord-Est#Rev Annu Soc Odontostomatol Nordest*Revue archeologique du centre de la FranceRev Archeol Centre France0Revue belge d'archeologie et d'histoire de l'artRev Belge Archeol Hist ArtURevue belge d'histoire contemporaine. Belgisch tijdschrift voor nieuwste geschiedenisBelg Tijdschr Nieuwste GeschiedRevue belge d'homoeopathieRev Belg HomoeopathRevue belge de geographieRev Belge GeogrIRevue belge de medecine dentaire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor tandheelkundeRev Belge Med Dent6Revue belge de pathologie et de medecine experimentaleRev Belg Pathol Med Exp]Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor philologie en geschiedenisRev Belge Philol HistCRevue belge de stomatologie. Belgisch tijdschrift voor stomatologieRev Belge StomatolBRevue canadienne de biologie / editee par l'Universite de Montreal Rev Can Biol*Revue canadienne de biologie experimentaleRev Can Biol ExpRevue d'Allemagne Rev AllemRevue d'Alsace Rev AlsaceRevue d'Auvergne Rev Auvergne>Revue d'archeologie moderne et d'archeologie generale : RAMAGERev Archeol Mod Archeol Gen/Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientaleRev Assyriol Archeol Orient!Revue d'economie du developpement Rev Econ DevRevue d'economie politiqueRev Econ PolitRevue d'egyptologie Rev Egyptol?Revue d'electroencephalographie et de neurophysiologie clinique(Rev Electroencephalogr Neurophysiol Clin=Revue d'elevage et de medecine veterinaire des pays tropicauxRev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop*Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publiqueRev Epidemiol Sante Publique9Revue d'epidemiologie, medecine sociale et sante publique$Rev Epidemiol Med Soc Sante PubliqueRevue d'ethnologie du QuebecRev Ethnol Que%Revue d'etudes comparatives est-ouestRev Etud Comp Est OuestRevue d'hematologie Rev Hematol(Revue d'histoire de l'Amerique francaiseRev Hist Am Fr&Revue d'histoire de l'Eglise de FranceRev Hist Eglise Fr"Revue d'histoire de l'art dentaireRev Hist Art Dent/Revue d'histoire de la deuxieme guerre mondialeRev Hist Deuxieme Guerre Mond)Revue d'histoire de la medecine hebraiqueRev Hist Med Heb Revue d'histoire de la pharmacieRev Hist Pharm (Paris)Revue d'histoire des sciencesRev Hist Sci [Paris]6Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applicationsRev Hist Sci (Paris)Revue d'histoire des textesRev Hist TextesRevue d'histoire ecclesiastiqueRev Hist Eccles&Revue d'histoire economique et socialeRev Hist Econ Soc.Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieusesRev Hist Philos Relig(Revue d'histoire litteraire de la FranceRev Hist Litt FrRevue d'histoire maghrebineRev Hist Maghreb)Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaineRev Hist Mod Contemp&Revue d'hygiene et de medecine socialeRev Hyg Med SocRevue d'immunologieRev Immunol (Paris)2Revue d'immunologie et de therapie antimicrobienneRev Immunol Ther AntimicrobRevue d'odonto-stomatologieRev Odontostomatol0Revue d'odonto-stomatologie du midi de la FranceRev Odontostomatol Midi Fr Revue d'orthopedie dento-facialeRev Orthop Dento Faciale7Revue d'orthopedie et de chirurgie de l'appareil moteurRev Orthop Chir Appar MotRevue d'oto-neuro-ophtalmologieRev Otoneuroophtalmol'Revue de Comminges (Pyrenees Centrales) Rev CommingesRevue de Coree Rev CoreeRevue de Pau et du Bearn Rev Pau BearnRevue de chirurgieRev ChirCRevue de chirurgie orthopedique et reparatrice de l'appareil moteur%Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar MotRevue de cytologie cliniqueRev Cytol ClinRevue de droit Rev DroitbRevue de geographie alpine / publiee par l'Institute de geographie alpine (Universite de Grenoble) Rev Geogr AlpRevue de geographie de LyonRev Geogr Lyon,Revue de gerontologic d'expression francaiseRev Gerontol Expr Fr@Revue de l'Academie polonaise des sciences. Polska Akademia NaukRev Acad Pol Sci,Revue de l'Avranchin et du pays de GranvilleRev Avranchin Pays GranvilleRevue de l'EstRev Est3Revue de l'Institut Napoleon (Paris, France : 1954)Rev Inst Napoleon'Revue de l'Institut d'hygiene des minesRev Inst Hyg Mines (Hasselt)!Revue de l'Institut de sociologieRev Inst Sociol2Revue de l'Occident musulman et de la MediterraneeRev Occident Musulman Mediterr4Revue de l'Universite d'Ottawa. University of OttawaRev Univ Ottawa"Revue de l'Universite de Bruxelles Rev Univ BruxRevue de l'atheroscleroseRev Atheroscler=Revue de l'atherosclerose et des arteriopathies peripheriquesRev Atheroscler (Paris)%Revue de l'enseignement philosophiqueRev Enseign Philos!Revue de l'enseignement superieurRev Enseign Super!Revue de l'histoire des religionsRev Hist Relig"Revue de l'hygiene professionnelle Rev Hyg ProfRevue de l'infirmiere Rev Infirm0Revue de l'infirmiere et de l'assistante socialeRev Infirm Assist Soc#Revue de l'infirmiere. InformationsRev Infirm [Inf]CRevue de la Bibliotheque nationale. Bibliotheque nationale (France) Rev Bibl NatlRevue de la Haute-AuvergneRev Haute Auvergne#Revue de la Saintonge et de l'AunisRev Saintonge Aunis(Revue de la Societe de biometrie humaineRev Soc Biom Hum:Revue de la Societe francaise d'histoire de l'art dentaireRev Soc Fr Hist Art Dent5Revue de la Societe francaise d'histoire des hopitauxRev Soc Fr Hist HopRevue de la tuberculose Rev Tuberc-Revue de laryngologie - otologie - rhinologieRev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord)Revue de medecine aeronautiqueRev Med AeronautRevue de medecine de ToulouseRev Med ToulouseRevue de medecine de Tours Rev Med Tours*Revue de medecine et d'hygiene d'Outre-MerRev Med Hyg Outre Mer(Revue de medecine psychosomatique (1985)Rev Med Psychosom<Revue de medecine psychosomatique et de psychologie medicaleRev Med Psychosom Psychol MedRevue de medecine veterinaireRev Med Vet (Toulouse)9Revue de metaphysique et de morale (Paris, France : 1945)Rev Metaphys MoraleERevue de neuropsychiatrie infantile et d'hygiene mentale de l'enfanceRev Neuropsychiatr InfantRevue de pathologie compareeRev Pathol Comp7Revue de pathologie generale et de physiologie cliniqueRev Pathol Gen Physiol Clin;Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennesRev Philol Litt Hist AncRevue de pneumologie cliniqueRev Pneumol ClinRevue de statistique appliquee Rev Stat ApplRevue de stomatologieRevue Stomatol5Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-facialeRev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac4Revue de synthese / Centre international de synthese Rev Synth&Revue de tuberculose et de pneumologieRev Tuberc Pneumol (Paris)2Revue dentaire libanaise. Lebanese dental magazineRev Dent LibanMRevue des corps de sante des armees: terre, mer, air, et du corps veterinaire$Rev Corps Sante Armees Terre Mer Air,Revue des deux mondes (Paris, France : 1948)Rev Deux MondesRevue des etudes byzantines Rev Etud ByzRevue des etudes grecques Rev Etud GrecRevue des etudes italiennes Rev Etud ItalRevue des etudes juivesRev Etud JuivesRevue des etudes latines Rev Etud LatRevue des etudes slavesRev Etud Slaves$Revue des etudes sud-est europeennesRev Etud Sud Est EurRevue des langues romanes Rev Lang Rom Revue des maladies respiratoiresRev Mal Respir!Revue des questions scientifiques Rev Quest Sci!Revue des sciences de l'education Rev Sci EduRevue des sciences humaines Rev Sci HumRevue des sciences medicales Rev Sci MedbRevue des sciences morales & politiques : travaux de l'Academie des sciences morales et politiquesRev Sci Morales Polit1Revue des sciences philosophiques et theologiquesRev Sci Philos Theol1Revue des sciences sociales de la France de l'EstRev Sci Soc Fr Est.Revue des societes savantes de Haute-Normandie Rev Soc Savantes Haute NormandiecRevue des travaux de l'Academie des sciences morales et politiques et comptes rendus de ses seances+Rev Trav Acad Sci Morales Polit C R SeancesRevue dromoise Rev DromoiseRevue du Centre d'etude des pays de l'Est et du Centre national pour l'etude des Etats de l'Est. Brussels (Belgium). Universite libre. Centre d'etude des pays de l'EstRev Cent Etud Pays Est Revue du NordRev NordRevue du Rouergue Rev RouergueRevue du SESDA Rev SESDA Revue du TarnRev TarnRevue du Vivarais Rev Vivarais!Revue du corps de sante militaireRev Corps Sante Mil+Revue du paludisme et de medecine tropicaleRev Palud Med TropRevue du rhumatismeRev Rhum*Revue du rhumatisme (Ed. francaise : 1993)Rev Rhum Ed Fr!Revue du rhumatisme (English ed.)Rev Rhum Engl Ed6Revue du rhumatisme et des maladies osteo-articulairesRev Rhum Mal OsteoarticRevue economique du Sud-OuestRev Econ Sud OuestRevue economique et sociale Rev Econ SochRevue europeenne d'etudes cliniques et biologiques. European journal of clinical and biological researchRev Eur Etud Clin Biol*Revue europeenne de dermatologie et de MSTRev Eur Dermatol MST/Revue europeenne des migrations internationalesRev Eur Migr IntRevue francaise d'allergologieRev Fr AllergolZRevue francaise d'endodontie : publication officielle de la Societe francaise d'endodontie Rev Fr Endod$Revue francaise d'etudes americainesRev Fr Etud Am1Revue francaise d'etudes cliniques et biologiquesRev Fr Etud Clin BiolQRevue francaise d'histoire d'outre-mer / Societe francaise d'histoire d'outre-merRev Fr Hist Outre Mer#Revue francaise d'histoire du livreRev Fr Hist Livre%Revue francaise d'odonto-stomatologieRev Fr OdontostomatolRevue francaise de gerontologieRev Fr Gerontol/Revue francaise de gynecologie et d'obstetriqueRev Fr Gynecol ObstetRevue francaise de psychanalyseRev Fr Psychanal$Revue francaise de science politiqueRev Fr Sci PolitRevue francaise de sociologie Rev Fr SociolRevue francaise de transfusionRev Fr TransfuskRevue francaise de transfusion et d'hemobiologie : bulletin de la Societe nationale de transfusion sanguineRev Fr Transfus Hemobiol4Revue francaise de transfusion et immuno-hematologieRev Fr Transfus Immunohematol%Revue francaise des affaires socialesRev Fr Aff Soc*Revue francaise des maladies respiratoiresRev Fr Mal Respir*Revue francaise des prothesistes dentairesRev Fr Prothes DentRevue generale de droit Rev Gen DroituRevue generale des sciences pures et appliquees et bulletin de l'Association francaise pour l'avancement des sciences+Rev Gen Sci Pures Appl Bull Assoc Fr Av SciRevue geographique de l'Est Rev Geogr Est/Revue geographique des Pyrenees et du Sud-OuestRev Geogr Pyren Sud Ouest Revue historique (Paris, France)Rev Hist (Paris)<Revue historique de Bordeaux et du departement de la GirondeRev Hist Bordeaux Dep GirondeRevue historique des armeesRev Hist ArmeesQRevue international des services de sante des armees de terre, de mer et de l'airRev Int Serv Sante Armees"Revue internationale d'hepatologieRev Int Hepatol2Revue internationale d'histoire de la psychanalyseRev Int Hist Psychanal1Revue internationale d'histoire de la psychiatrieRev Int Hist Psychiatr)Revue internationale d'histoire militaireRev Int Hist Mil;Revue internationale de criminologie et de police techniqueRev Int Criminol Police Tech!Revue internationale de pediatrieRev Int Pediatr#Revue internationale de philosophieRev Int PhilosRevue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l'International Organization against Trachoma et des organisations nationales et inter...&Rev Int Trach Pathol Ocul Trop SubtropRevue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de sante publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l'International Organization against Trachoma et des organisation...5Rev Int Trach Pathol Ocul Trop Subtrop Sante PubliqueBRevue internationale du trachome. International review of trachoma Rev Int TrachRevue medicale de Bruxelles Rev Med BruxRevue medicale de Liege Rev Med LiegeRevue medicale de LouvainRev Med LouvainRevue medicale de Nancy Rev Med Nancy#Revue medicale de la Suisse romandeRev Med Suisse Romande#Revue medicale des alpes francaisesRev Med Alpes FrRevue medicale du Moyen-OrientRev Med Moyen OrientRevue medicale internationale de photo, cinema, television. International journal of medical photography, cinematography & televisionRev Med Int Photo Cinema TelevRevue medicale miniereRev Med MiniereRevue medicale suisseRev Med Suisse.Revue medico-chirurgicale des maladies du foieRev Med Chir Mal Foie,Revue mediterraneenne des sciences medicalesRev Mediterr Sci MedRevue neurologiqueRev Neurol (Paris)"Revue nouvelle (Brussels, Belgium)Rev NouvRevue numismatique Rev Numis'Revue odonto stomatologique du Nord-EstRev Odontostomatol NordestRevue odonto-implantologiqueRev OdontoimplantolRevue philosophique de LouvainRev Philos LouvRevue roumaine d'endocrinologieRev Roum EndocrinolRevue roumaine d'histoire Rev Roum Hist#Revue roumaine d'inframicrobiologieRev Roum InframicrobiolRevue roumaine de medecine Rev Roum Med"Revue roumaine de medecine interneRev Roum Med Intern.Revue roumaine de morphologie et d'embryologieRev Roum Morphol Embryol/Revue roumaine de morphologie et de physiologieRev Roum Morphol PhysiolRevue roumaine de neurologieRev Roum Neurol.Revue roumaine de neurologie et de psychiatrieRev Roum Neurol PsychiatrRevue roumaine de physiologieRev Roum Physiol9Revue roumaine de physiologie (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)Rev Roum PhysiolRevue roumaine de virologieRev Roum Virol7Revue roumaine de virologie (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)Rev Roum VirolDRevue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) Rev Sci TechmRevue suisse de zoologie; annales de la Societe zoologique suisse et du Museum d'histoire naturelle de GeneveRev Suisse ZoolRevue tiers-monde Tiers MondeRevue tunisienne de geographieRev Tunis Geogr%Revue tunisienne de sciences socialesRev Tunis Sci Soc)Revue tunisienne des etudes de populationRev Tunis Etud Popul.Revue. Palais de la decouverte (Paris, France)Rev Palais DecouvRheinische LebensbilderRheinische LebensbilderRheinische VierteljahrsblatterRhein VierteljahrsblRheinisches ArzteblattRheinisches Arztebl!Rheinisches Museum fur PhilologieRhein Mus Philol+Rheumatic diseases clinics of North AmericaRheum Dis Clin North Am Rheumatism Rheumatism(Rheumatologia, balneologia, allergologiaRheumatol Balneol Allergol Rheumatology RheumatologyRheumatology (Oxford, England)Rheumatology (Oxford)"Rheumatology and physical medicineRheumatol Phys MedRheumatology and rehabilitationRheumatol RehabilRheumatology international Rheumatol Int Rhinology RhinologyRhinology. Supplement Rhinol SupplRhode Island dental journal R I Dent JRhode Island historyR I HistRhode Island medical journal R I Med JRhode Island medicineR I Med Rhodesiana Rhodesiana Rhumatologie RhumatologieRichmond County historyRichmond Cty HistRigRigRinascimento (Florence, Italy) Rinascimento Rinsho Shishubyo Danwakai kaishi Rinsho Shishubyo Danwakai Kaishi8Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology Rinsho Byori8Rinsho ganka. Japanese journal of clinical ophthalmology Rinsho Ganka(Rinsho geka. Journal of clinical surgery Rinsho Geka%Rinsho hoshasen. Clinical radiographyRinsho Hoshasen6Rinsho naika shonika. Internal medicine and pediatricsRinsho Naika Shonika Intern Med Ripon forum Ripon ForumRisk (Concord, NH)RiskHRisk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis Risk Anal Risk management (New York, N.Y.) Risk Manage'Risk management in Canadian health careRisk Manag Can Health CareRisk, issues in health & safetyRisk Issues Health Saf Riso reportRISO RepFRittenhouse : journal of the American scientific instrument enterprise Rittenhouse!Rivista critica di clinica medicaRiv Crit Clin Med)Rivista critica di storia della filosofiaRiv Crit Stor Filos*Rivista d'ostetricia e ginecologia praticaRiv Ostet Ginecol Prat6Rivista degli infortuni e delle malattie professionaliRiv Infort Mal ProfRivista degli studi orientaliRiv Studi Orient,Rivista dell'Istituto sieroterapico italianoRiv Ist Sieroter ItalLRivista dell'Istituto vaccinogeno e dei consorzi provinciali antitubercolari,Riv Ist Vaccinogeno Consorzi Prov AntitubercRivista dell'infermiere Riv InfermERivista della tubercolosi e delle malattie dell'apparato respiratorioRiv Tuberc Mal Appar Respir-Rivista di anatomia patologica e di oncologiaRiv Anat Patol OncolRivista di biologiaRiv BiolRivista di chirurgia e medicina Riv Chir MedRivista di chirurgia pediatricaRiv Chir PediatrRivista di clinica pediatricaRiv Clin Pediatr)Rivista di emoterapia ed immunoematologiaRiv Emoter ImmunoematolRivista di estetica Riv Estet,Rivista di filologia e d'istruzione classicaRiv Filol Istruz ClassicaRivista di filosofia Riv FilosRivista di gastro-enterologiaRiv Gastroenterol,Rivista di istochimica, normale e patologicaRiv Istochim Norm PatolRivista di malariologia Riv MalariolRivista di medicina aeronauticaRiv Med Aeronaut*Rivista di medicina aeronautica e spazialeRiv Med Aeronaut Spaz#Rivista di meteorologia aeronauticaRiv Meteorol AeronauttRivista di neurobiologia : organo ufficiale della Societa dei neurologi, neuroradiologi e neurochirurghi ospedalieri Riv NeurobiolRivista di neurologia Riv Neurol,Rivista di odontoiatria degli Amici di BruggRiv Odontoiatr Amici Brugg/Rivista di odontostomatologia e implantoprotesi"Riv Odontostomatol Implantoprotesi#Rivista di ostetricia e ginecologiaRiv Ostet Ginecol?Rivista di ostetricia ginecologia pratica e medicina perinatale"Riv Ostet Ginecol Prat Med PerinatRivista di parassitologiaRiv Parassitol+Rivista di patologia clinica e sperimentaleRiv Patol Clin SperRivista di patologia e clinicaRiv Patol Clin&Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentaleRiv Patol Nerv MentRivista di psicoanalisi Riv PsicoanalRivista di psicologia Riv Psicol%Rivista di psicologia della scritturaRiv Psicol ScrURivista di psicologia sociale e Archivio italiano di psicologia generale e del lavoro#Riv Psicol Soc Arch Ital Psicol GenRivista di radiologia Riv Radiol(Rivista di storia della chiesa in ItaliaRiv Stor Chiesa Ital7Rivista di storia della filosofia (Milan, Italy : 1984)Riv Stor Filos Rivista di storia della medicina Riv Stor MedRivista di storia della scienza Riv Stor Sci2Rivista di storia delle scienze mediche e naturaliRiv Stor Sci Mediche NatRivista di studi classiciRiv Studi ClassRivista geografica italianaRiv Geogr Ital-Rivista internazionale di psicologia e ipnosiRiv Int Psicol Ipn)Rivista internazionale di scienze socialiRiv Int Sci SocialiRivista italiana d'igiene Riv Ital Ig$Rivista italiana degli odontotecniciRiv Ital Odontotec;Rivista italiana del tracoma e di patologia oculare esotica Riv Ital Trac Patol Ocul Esotica5Rivista italiana di economia, demografia e statisticaRiv Ital Econ Demogr StatRivista italiana di ginecologiaRiv Ital GinecolnRivista italiana di medicina legale : dottrina, casistica, ricerca sperimentale, giurisprudenza e legislazioneRiv Ital Med LegnRivista italiana di odontoiatria infantile : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di odontoiatria infantileRiv Ital Odontoiatr Infant Rivista italiana di stomatologiaRiv Ital StomatolRivista marittima Riv MarittRivista militareRiv MilRivista oto-neuro-oftalmologicaRiv OtoneurooftalmolRivista pediatrica sicilianaRiv Pediatr Sicil,Rivista rosminiana di filosofia e di culturaRiv Rosmin Filos Cult#Rivista siciliana della tubercolosiRiv Sicil TubercNRivista sperimentale di freniatria e medicina legale delle alienazioni mentali$Riv Sper Freniatr Med Leg Alien MentRivista storica calabreseRiv Stor CalabrRivista storica italiana Riv Stor ItalNRoFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der NuklearmedizinRofoRobotics and autonomous systemsRob Auton SystRochester historyRochester HistRocky Mountain medical journalRocky Mt Med JRRocznik Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej im. Gen. Karola Swierczewskiego w SzczecinieRocz Pomor Akad MedDRoczniki Akademii Medycznej im. Juliana Marchlewskiego w Bialymstoku0Rocz Akad Med Im Juliana Marchlewskiego BialymstORoczniki Akademii Medycznej im. Juliana Marchlewskiego w Bialymstoku. Suplement6Rocz Akad Med Im Juliana Marchlewskiego Bialymst Suppl0Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku (1995)Rocz Akad Med Bialymst$Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu HigienyRocz Panstw Zakl Hig-Roczniki filozoficzne. Annales de philosophie Rocz FilozRoczniki humanistyczne Rocz Humanist-Rodo kagaku. The Journal of science of labour Rodo Kagaku1Roentgen-Europ; radiodiagnostic clinique europeenRontgeneur Radiodiagn Clin EurNRogerian nursing science news : newsletter of the Society of Rogerian ScholarsRogerian Nurs Sci News%Rolling stone (San Francisco, Calif.) Roll Stone Romance notes Roman NotesRomaniaRomaniaURomanian journal of endocrinology / sponsore [sic] by the Academy of Medical SciencesRom J Endocrinol$Romanian journal of gastroenterologyRom J GastroenterolpRomanian journal of gerontology and geriatrics / the National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, BucharestRom J Gerontol GeriatrXRomanian journal of physiology : physiological sciences / [Academia de Stiinte Medicale] Rom J PhysiolRomanian journal of virology Rom J VirolRomanian medical review Rom Med Rev Romantisme Romantisme!Romische historische Mitteilungen Rom Hist MittRonenbyo. [Geriatrics]Ronenbyo Rontgen- und LaboratoriumspraxisRontgen Laborator_Rontgen-Blatter; Zeitschrift fur Rontgen-Technik und medizinisch-wissenschaftliche PhotographieRontgenblatterRontgendiagnostik; ErgebnisseRontgendiagnostik Ergeb4Rontgenpraxis; Zeitschrift fur radiologische Technik RontgenpraxisRooilijn (Amsterdam)RooilijnRoshniRoshniURossiiskii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiiskaia akademiia naukRoss Fiziol Zh Im I M SechenovaYRossiiskii gastroenterologicheskii zhurnal : ezhekvartalnyi nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnalRoss Gastroenterol ZhLRossiiskii meditsinskii zhurnal : organ Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia RSFSR Ross Med Zh1Roumanian archives of microbiology and immunologyRoum Arch Microbiol ImmunolRoyal Society of Health journalR Soc Health JFRozhledy v chirurgii : mesicnik Ceskoslovenske chirurgicke spolecnosti Rozhl ChirRozhledy v tuberkulose Rozhl Tuberk!Rozprawy Wydzialu Nauk MedycznychRozpr Wydz Nauk Med2Ruch prawniczy, ekonomiczny i socjologiczny (1962)Ruch Praw Ekon SocjolRudolstadter HeimathefteRudolstaedter HeimathRumah Tangga Dan KesehatanRumah Tangga KesehatanRumanian medical review Rum Med RevRuperto-CarolaRuperto CarolaRural Africana Rural AfrRural and remote healthRural Remote HealthRural conditions and trendsRural Cond TrendsRural demography Rural Demogr-Rural policy brief / RUPRI Rural Health PanelRural Policy BriefRural reconstruction forumRural Reconstr ForumRural sociology Rural SociolRuss Coile's health trendsRuss Coiles Health TrendsRussian entomological journal3Russkii entomologicheskii zhurnal|Russ. Entomol. J.WRussian journal of immunology : RJI : official journal of Russian Society of ImmunologyRuss J Immunol^Russian journal of plant physiology: a comprehensive Russian journal on modern phytophysiologyRuss J Plant Physiol9Russian social science review : a journal of translationsRuss Soc Sci RevRutgers Camden law journalRutgers Camden Law J)Rutgers computer & technology law journalRutgers Comput Technol Law JRutgers law journal Rutgers Law JRutgers law reviewRutgers Law Rev6Rutland record : journal of the Rutland Record Society Rutland RecRyoikibetsu shokogun shirizuRyoikibetsu Shokogun ShirizuRyumachi. [Rheumatism]RyumachiQS & TA & NU. Rivista di scienza e tecnologia degli alimenti e di nutrizione umanaS TA NU*SA nursing journal. SA verplegingstydskrif SA Nurs JSA. Sociological analysis Sociol Anal SAAD digestSAAD Dig-SAAS bulletin, biochemistry and biotechnologySAAS Bull Biochem BiotechnolmSAHARA J : journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance / SAHARA , Human Sciences Research CouncilSAHARA JDSAIS review (Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies)SAIS Rev&SAR and QSAR in environmental researchSAR QSAR Environ ResNSAfAIDS news : Southern Africa AIDS Information Dissemination Service bulletin SAfAIDS News:SBC : newsletter of the Society for Bioethics ConsultationSBC SC Trodent SC Trodent+SC [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionSC RepTSCI nursing : a publication of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury NursesSCI Nurs^SCN news / United Nations, Administrative Committee on Coordination, Subcommittee on NutritionSCN News SDC magazineSdc MagSEAPRAP research report : a report of research undertaken with the assistance of an award from the Southeast Asia Population Research Awards Program (SEAPRAP), Institute of Southeast Asian StudiesSeaprap Res RepSEB experimental biology seriesSEB Exp Biol Ser~SECOLAS annals : journal of the Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies. Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies SECOLAS Ann#SIAM journal on applied mathematicsSIAM J Appl Math#SIAM studies in applied mathematicsSIAM Stud Appl MathNSIDAhora : un proyecto del Departamento de Publicaciones del PWA Coalition, NYSidahora SIECUS report SIECUS RepMSMU law review : a publication of Southern Methodist University School of Law SMU Law Rev9SPUMS journal / South Pacific Underwater Medicine SocietySPUMS J=SPVN : journal of the Society for Peripheral Vascular NursingSPVN SRA journalSRA J7STAL. Sciences et techniques de l'animal de laboratoireStal STD bulletinSTD BullSTEP perspective STEP PerspectVSTN's journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma NursesSTNS J Trauma NursSaalburg-JahrbuchSaalburg JahrbSaarlandisches Aerzteblatt Saarl Arztebl Sabouraudia Sabouraudia Sac Explorer Sac ExplorSacitra AyurvedaSacitra AyurvedaSaeculumSaeculum Safe journalSAFE JSafe motherhood Safe MotherSage (Atlanta, Ga.)Sage<Saint Anthony messenger; a national Catholic family magazineSt Anthony Messenger"Saint Louis University law journalSt Louis Univ Law J(Saint Louis University public law reviewSt Louis Univ Public Law Rev)Saint-Luc medical. Sint-Lucas tijdschrift St Luc MedSairaanhoidon vuosikirjaSairaanh Vuosik)Sairaanhoitaja (Helsinki, Finland : 1991)SairaanhoitajaSairaanhoitaja. SjukskoterskanSairaanhoitajaSairaanhoitajalehtiSairaanhoitajalehtiSaishin igaku. Modern medicine Saishin IgakuSaisons d'AlsaceSaisons AlsaceSaline systemsSaline SystemsSalisbury medical bulletinSalisbury Med Bull#Salmagundi (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.) Salmagundi Salubritas SalubritasBSalud bucal / Confederacion Odontologica de la Republica Argentina Salud BucalSalud publica de MexicoSalud Publica MexuSalud reproductiva y sociedad : organo informativo del Programa Salud Reproductiva y Sociedad de El Colegio de MexicoSalud Reprod Soc@Salus / Department of National Health and Population DevelopmentSalus+Salzburger Beitrage zur Paracelsusforschung!Salzburger Beitr ParacelsusforschSame-day surgery Same Day SurgSamiksaSamiskaOSammlung zwangloser Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Psychiatrie und Neurologie%Samml Zwangl Abh Geb Psychiatr NeurolSample registration bulletinSample Regist BullSamtidenSamtiden+San Fernando Valley Dental Society bulletinSan Fernando Val Dent Soc Bull*San Gabriel Valley Dental Society bulletinSan Gabriel Val Dent Soc BullSan Jose studies San Jose Stud;Sanfujinka no jissai. Practice of gynecology and obstetricsSanfujinka No JissaiSangre Sangre (Barc)3Sangyo igaku. Japanese journal of industrial health Sangyo IgakuSanita pubblicaSanita PubblicaSankhyaSankhya$Sankhya. Series B. [Methodological.] Sankhya Ser BSanop Misaengmul Hakhoe chiSanop Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi4Santa Clara computer and high-technology law journal%Santa Clara Comput High Technol Law JSanta Clara law reviewSanta Clara Law RevSanta Clara lawyer (1961)Santa Clara LawyerSante (Montrouge, France)SantejSante Quebec : revue de la Corporation professionnelle des infirmieres et infirmiers auxiliaires du Quebec Sante Que Sante Salud Sante SaludSante mentale au QuebecSante Ment Que-Sante publique (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France)Sante Publique#Santiago / [Universidad de Oriente]SantiagoSanto Tomas journal of medicineSt Tomas J MedSanto Tomas nursing journalSt Tomas Nurs JSapienzaSapienza1Sapporo igaku zasshi. The Sapporo medical journalSapporo Igaku Zasshi Sarcoidosis SarcoidosisSarcoidosis, vasculitis, and diffuse lung diseases : official journal of WASOG / World Association of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders!Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung DisSarcomaSarcoma Sarvekshana SarvekshanaSaskatchewan history Sask HistSaskatchewan law review Sask Law RevSaturday review Saturday RevSaturday review of the sciencesSaturday Rev SciSaturday review/worldSaturday Rev WorldSaudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi ArabiaSaudi J Kidney Dis TransplSaudi medical journal Saudi Med JSavannaSavanna%Sbornik Ceske geograficke spolecnostiSbs Ces Geogr SpolSbornik archivnich praci Sb Arch PrSbornik lekarskySb LekISbornik praci Filosoficke fakulty brnenske university. C, Rada historicka'Sb Pr Filos Fak Brnenske Univ Rada HistFSbornik pro pathofysiologii traveni a vyzivy; gastroenterologia bohema/Sb Pathofysiol Traveni Vyz Gastroenterol BohemaXSbornik trudov. Azerbaidzhanskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii institut im. N. Narimanova9Sb Tr Azerbaidzhanskii Gos Meditsinskii Inst N NarimanovaLSbornik vedeckych praci Lekarske fakulty Karlovy university v Hradci Kralove3Sb Ved Pr Lek Fak Karlovy Univerzity Hradci KraloveZSbornik vedeckych praci Lekarske fakulty Karlovy univerzity v Hradci Kralove. Supplementum9Sb Ved Pr Lek Fak Karlovy Univerzity Hradci Kralove Suppl Scada JournalSCADA J7Scalpel & tongs : American journal of medical philately Scalpel TongsScalpel and quill Scapel Quill Scan'odont ScanodontScandiaScandiaScandinavian actuarial journalScand Actuar JScandinavian audiology Scand Audiol$Scandinavian audiology. SupplementumScand Audiol Suppl)Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJScand Cardiovasc J/Scandinavian cardiovascular journal. SupplementScand Cardiovasc J Suppl'Scandinavian journal of caring sciencesScand J Caring Sci=Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigationScand J Clin Lab InvestKScandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation. SupplementumScand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl'Scandinavian journal of dental researchScand J Dent Res0Scandinavian journal of development alternativesScand J Dev Altern(Scandinavian journal of gastroenterologyScand J Gastroenterol4Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology. SupplementScand J Gastroenterol Suppl#Scandinavian journal of haematologyScand J Haematol1Scandinavian journal of haematology. SupplementumScand J Haematol SupplScandinavian journal of history Scand J Hist"Scandinavian journal of immunologyScand J Immunol.Scandinavian journal of immunology. SupplementScand J Immunol Suppl+Scandinavian journal of infectious diseasesScand J Infect Dis9Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. SupplementumScand J Infect Dis Suppl4Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sportsScand J Med Sci Sports,Scandinavian journal of occupational therapyScand J Occup Ther:Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgeryScand J Plast Reconstr SurgScandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery / Nordisk plastikkirurgisk forening [and] Nordisk klubb for handkirurgi%Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand SurgYScandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery. Supplementum+Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg SupplHScandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Supplementum!Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Suppl+Scandinavian journal of primary health careScand J Prim Health Care7Scandinavian journal of primary health care. SupplementScand J Prim Health Care Suppl"Scandinavian journal of psychologyScand J Psychol%Scandinavian journal of public healthScand J Public Health1Scandinavian journal of public health. SupplementScand J Public Health Suppl/Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicineScand J Rehabil Med;Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. SupplementScand J Rehabil Med Suppl,Scandinavian journal of respiratory diseasesScand J Respir Dis:Scandinavian journal of respiratory diseases. SupplementumScand J Respir Dis Suppl$Scandinavian journal of rheumatologyScand J Rheumatol0Scandinavian journal of rheumatology. SupplementScand J Rheumatol Suppl'Scandinavian journal of social medicineScand J Soc Med5Scandinavian journal of social medicine. SupplementumScand J Soc Med Suppl&Scandinavian journal of social welfareScand J Soc Welf}Scandinavian journal of surgery : SJS : official organ for the Finnish Surgical Society and the Scandinavian Surgical Society Scand J Surg;Scandinavian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgeryScand J Thorac Cardiovasc SurgIScandinavian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. Supplementum$Scand J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Suppl.Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrologyScand J Urol Nephrol<Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology. SupplementumScand J Urol Nephrol Suppl2Scandinavian journal of work, environment & healthScand J Work Environ HealthScandinavian population studiesScand Popul Stud[Scandinavian studies : publication of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study Scand StudScandinavian studies in lawScand Stud LawScanningScanningScanning electron microscopyScan Electron MicroscScanning microscopyScanning MicroscScanning microscopy. SupplementScanning Microsc Suppl Scha JournalSCHA J4Schaffhauser Beitrage zur vaterlandischen GeschichteSchaffhauser Beitr Vaterl Gesch Scheidewege ScheidewegeSchiff und Zeit Schiff ZeitSchizophrenia bulletinSchizophr BullSchizophrenia research Schizophr ResSchmerz (Berlin, Germany)Schmerz&Scholarly inquiry for nursing practiceSch Inq Nurs Pract!Scholastic update (Teachers' ed.)Scholast Update*School Dental Service gazette, New ZealandSch Dent Serv Gaz N ZSchool Psychology InternationalSch Psychol IntSchool health reviewSch Health RevSchool nurse newsSchool Nurse NewsSchool psychology reviewSchool Psych RevSchool science and mathematics Sch Sci Math5Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des alten OrientsSchr Gesch Kult Alten OrientsSchriftenreihe NeurologieSchriftenr NeurolLSchriftenreihe Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Prophylaxe5Schriftenr Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeitsschutz ProphylXSchriftenreihe Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz, Prophylaxe, und Ergonomie?Schriftenr Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeitsschutz Prophyl ErgonomieASchriftenreihe aus dem Gebiete des offentlichen Gesundheitswesens!Schriftenr Geb Off Gesundheitswes>Schriftenreihe des Vereins fur Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene#Schriftenr Ver Wasser Boden LufthygRSchriftenreihe zur Geschichte der Versammlungen deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte1Schriftenr Gesch Versamml Dtsch Naturforsch Arzte,Schriftenreihe. Altnurnberger Landschaft e.VAltnurnb LandschJSchriftenreihe. Medizinische Hochschule Hannover. Gesellschaft der Freunde+Schriftenr Ges Freunde Med Hochsch HannoverLSchweizer Archiv fur Neurologie und Psychiatrie (Zurich, Switzerland : 1985)Schweiz Arch Neurol PsychiatrSchweizer Archiv fur Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie. Archivio svizzero di neurologia e psichiatriaSchweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr"Schweizer Archiv fur TierheilkundeSchweiz Arch TierheilkdSchweizer MonatshefteSchweiz Monatsh Schweizerische Apotheker ZeitungSchweiz Apoth ZtgZSchweizerische Arztezeitung. Bulletin des medecins suisses. Bollettino dei medici svizzeriSchweiz Arzteztg\Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Geschichte. Revue suisse d'histoire. Rivista storica svizzeraSchweiz Z GeschiSchweizerische Zeitschrift fur Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe. Revue suisse de gynecologie et d'obstetriqueSchweiz Z Gynakol GeburtshilfeISchweizerische Zeitschrift fur Homoopathie. Journal suisse d'homoeopathieSchweiz Z HomoopathkSchweizerische Zeitschrift fur Pathologie und Bakteriologie. Revue suisse de pathologie et de bacteriologieSchweiz Z Pathol BakteriolpSchweizerische Zeitschrift fur Psychologie und ihre Andwendungen. Revue suisse de psychologie, pure et appliqueeSchweiz Z Psychol AnwendESchweizerische Zeitschrift fur Soziologie. Revue suisse de sociologieSchweiz Z Soziol+Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur SportmedizinSchweiz Z SportmedSchweizerische Zeitschrift fur Tuberkulose und Pneumonologie. Revue suisse de la tuberculose et de pneumonologie. Rivista svizzera della tubercolosi e della pneumonologiaSchweiz Z Tuberc PneumonolnSchweizerische Zeitschrift fur Tuberkulose. Revue suisse de la tuberculose. Rivista svizzera della tubercolosiSchweiz Z Tuberk)Schweizerische medizinische WochenschriftSchweiz Med Wochenschr7Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift. SupplementumSchweiz Med Wochenschr SupplSchwestern Revue Schwest RevScienceScience (80- )Science & Christian beliefSci Christ BeliefScience & government report Sci Gov Rep;Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society Sci JusticeScience & medicineSci Med (Phila)vScience & practice perspectives / a publication of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of HealthSci Pract PerspectScience & public policySci Public Policy)Science & recherche odontostomatologiquesSci Rech OdontostomatolScience & sports Sci SportsScience (New York, N.Y.)ScienceScience Of Biology Journal Sci Bio JScience activitiesSci ActScience and cultureSci CultScience and engineering ethicsSci Eng EthicsScience and societySci SocScience as cultureSci Cult (Lond)Science communication Sci CommunScience digestSci DigScience educationSci EducScience for the people Sci People Science forum Sci ForumEScience in China. Series B, Chemistry, life sciences & earth sciences Sci China BGScience in China. Series C, Life sciences / Chinese Academy of SciencesSci China C Life SciScience in New GuineaSci New GuineaScience in context Sci ContextScience in progressSci Prog (New Haven) Science newsSci News0Science of aging knowledge environment : SAGE KESci Aging Knowledge EnvironScience progressSci Prog#Science studies (Helsinki, Finland)Sci StudScience teacher (Normal, Ill.) Sci Teach:Science's STKE : signal transduction knowledge environmentSci STKEScience, medicine and man Sci Med Man"Science, technology & human valuesSci Technol Human ValuesSciences des aliments Sci AlimentsSciences et avenir Sci Avenir%Sciences et techniques en perspectiveSci Tech PerspectSciences geologiques: Memoire Sci Geol MemSciences sociales et sante Sci Soc SanteScientia SinicaSci Sin{Scientia Sinica. Series B, Chemical, biological, agricultural, medical & earth sciences / Chung-kuo k'o hsueh yuan, chu pan Sci Sin [B]Scientia canadensisSci Can;Scientia genetica; periodico di genetica per i paesi latini Sci GenetScientia horticulturaeSci Hortic (Amsterdam)#Scientia medica italica. English ed Sci Med ItalScientia pharmaceutica Sci PharmScientia; rivista di scienzaScientiaScientific AmericanSci Am#Scientific And Educational Bulletin Sci Educ Bull"Scientific and educational journal Sci Educ J5Scientific proceedings of the Cardiff Medical SocietySci Proc Cardiff Med Soc6Scientific reports of the Istituto superiore di sanitaSci Rep Ist Super SanitaScientific reviewGuigoz Sci RevScientist (Philadelphia, Pa.) ScientistScientometricsScientometricsScna Newsletter SCNA Newsl Scoliosis ScoliosisScottish educational review Scott Edu RevScottish geographical magazineScott Geogr Mag%Scottish journal of political economyScott J Polit EconScottish medical journal Scott Med JFScreening : journal of the International Society of Neonatal Screening Screening=Scripta ethnologica (Centro Argentino de Etnologia Americana) Scr EthnolScripta medicaScr Med (Brno) Scriptorium Scriptorium Sda DentistSDA DentSea View Hospital bulletinSea View Hosp BullSeagull theatre quarterly : STQSeagull Theatre Q Seara medica Seara MedSearcher (Medford, N.J.)Search Medford N J2Seattle University law review / Seattle UniversitySeattle Univ Law Rev%Second messengers and phosphoproteins!Second Messengers Phosphoproteins%Second opinion (Chicago, Ill. : 1999)Second Opin (Chic)!Second opinion (Park Ridge, Ill.) Second Opin%Second opinions on health care issuesSecond Opin Health Care Issues Sedimentology SedimentologySeeds (New York, N.Y.)SeedsSefaradSefaradSei Roka Kango Daigaku kiyoSeiroka Kango Daigaku Kiyo9Seibutsu kankyo chosetsu. [Environment control in biologySeibutsu Kankyo ChosetsuSeibutsu shiryo bunseki9Journal of analytical bio-science|Seibutsu Shiryo Bunseki6Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society Seikagaku Seikatsu eisei. [Life sanitationSeikatsu EiseiSeikeigeka. Orthopedic surgery Seikei Geka"Seishin igaku. Clinical psychiatry Seishin Igaku9Seizure : the journal of the British Epilepsy AssociationSeizureSelecoes odontologicasSel Odontol (Sao Paulo)Selective cancer therapeuticsSel Cancer TherSelfSelf#Semaine des hopitaux. Therapeutique Sem Hop Ther"Semaine des hopitaux: informations Sem Hop Inf1Semaine medicale professionelle et medico-socialeSem Med Prof Med SocSemaine therapeutiqueSem TherSemana Epidemiologica Sem EpidemiolSemana medica de Mexico Sem Med MexSeminaSeminaSeminarSeminarSeminar international Semin Int#Seminar report. Merck Sharp & DohmeSemin Rep Merck Sharp Dohme,Seminario De Ensenanza De La OdontopediatriaSemin Ensen OdontopediatrSeminars for nurse managersSemin Nurse ManagSeminars in adolescent medicineSemin Adolesc MedSeminars in anesthesia Semin Anesth$Seminars in arthritis and rheumatismSemin Arthritis RheumSeminars in arthroplastySemin ArthroplastySeminars in cancer biologySemin Cancer Biol2Seminars in cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesiaSemin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth(Seminars in cell & developmental biologySemin Cell Dev BiolSeminars in cell biologySemin Cell Biol$Seminars in clinical neuropsychiatrySemin Clin Neuropsychiatry*Seminars in cutaneous medicine and surgerySemin Cutan Med SurgSeminars in dental hygieneSemin Dent HygSeminars in dermatologySemin Dermatol Seminars in diagnostic pathologySemin Diagn PatholSeminars in dialysis Semin DialSeminars in drug treatmentSemin Drug TreatSeminars in family medicine Semin Fam Med%Seminars in fetal & neonatal medicineSemin Fetal Neonatal Med$Seminars in gastrointestinal diseaseSemin Gastrointest DisSeminars in hearing Semin HearSeminars in hematology Semin HematolSeminars in immunology Semin ImmunolSeminars in immunopathologySemin Immunopathol,Seminars in interventional cardiology : SIICSemin Interv Cardiol Seminars in laparoscopic surgerySemin Laparosc SurgSeminars in liver diseaseSemin Liver Dis%Seminars in musculoskeletal radiologySemin Musculoskelet RadiolSeminars in neonatology : SNSemin NeonatolSeminars in nephrology Semin NephrolSeminars in neurology Semin NeurolSeminars in nuclear medicineSemin Nucl MedSeminars in oncology Semin OncolSeminars in oncology nursingSemin Oncol NursSeminars in ophthalmologySemin OphthalmolSeminars in orthodontics Semin Orthod)Seminars in pediatric infectious diseasesSemin Pediatr Infect DisSeminars in pediatric neurologySemin Pediatr NeurolSeminars in pediatric surgerySemin Pediatr SurgSeminars in perinatologySemin Perinatol!Seminars in perioperative nursingSemin Perioper NursSeminars in psychiatrySemin PsychiatrySeminars in radiation oncologySemin Radiat Oncol&Seminars in reproductive endocrinologySemin Reprod Endocrinol!Seminars in reproductive medicineSemin Reprod Med2Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicineSemin Respir Crit Care Med"Seminars in respiratory infectionsSemin Respir InfectSeminars in roentgenologySemin RoentgenolSeminars in speech and languageSemin Speech LangSeminars in surgical oncologySemin Surg Oncol/Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgerySemin Thorac Cardiovasc SurgQSeminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. Pediatric cardiac surgery annual3Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu%Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasisSemin Thromb Hemost"Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MRSemin Ultrasound CT MRSeminars in urologic oncologySemin Urol OncolSeminars in urology Semin UrolSeminars in vascular medicineSemin Vasc MedSeminars in vascular surgerySemin Vasc Surg:Seminars in veterinary medicine and surgery (small animal)Semin Vet Med Surg (Small Anim)Senckenbergiana biologica Senckenb Biol Senefiance Senefiance Senior nurseSr NurseSenior scholastic Sr Scholast"Sensors and actuators. A, PhysicalSens Actuators A Phys"Sensors and actuators. B, ChemicalSens Actuators B ChemSensory processesSens ProcessesSensory systems Sens SystTSentinel event alert / Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare OrganizationsSentinel Event Alert]Seria filologia rosyjska / Uniwersytet im. Adama Michiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydzial Filologiczny Ser Filol RosSerie sciences de l'hommeCah Am Lat Ser Sci HommeSeries haematologica Ser Haematol Series on nursing administration Ser Nurs AdmSeries paedopsychiatricaSer PaedopsychiatrServir (Lisbon, Portugal)ServirServizio migranti Serv Migr>Session laws of Hawaii passed by the State Legislature. Hawaii*Sess Laws Hawaii Passed State Legis HawaiitSession laws of Kansas : passed during the ... regular session of the ... Legislature of the State of Kansas. KansasSess Laws Kans Kans1Session laws of the State of Minnesota. MinnesotaSess Laws State Minn MinnSession laws. GuamSess Laws Guam Sessualita Sessualita Sessuologia SessuologiaSeton Hall law reviewSeton Hall Law RevSeton Hall legislative journalSeton Hall Legis JSettimana medica Settim Med Seven days Seven DaysSewage and industrial wastesSewage Ind WasteSewage works journal Sewage Work J Sex roles Sex RolesSex weekly plus Sex Wkly Plus2Sexual abuse : a journal of research and treatment Sex AbuseXSexual and marital therapy : journal of the Association of Sexual and Marital TherapistsSex Marital Ther Sexual health Sex HealthSexual health exchangeSex Health ExchSexual medicine today Sex Med TodaySexual plant reproductionSex Plant Reprod"Sexualidade e planeamento familiarSex Planeam FamSexuality and disability Sex DisabilSexually transmitted diseasesSex Transm DisSexually transmitted infectionsSex Transm Infect*Sh'ma : a journal of Jewish responsibilityShma/Shakai keizai shigaku / Shakai Keizai ShigakkaiShakai Keizai ShigakuShakespeare studiesShakespeare Stud#Shandong Da Xue xue bao. Li xue banGJournal of Shandong University. Natural science|Shandong Da Xue Xue BaoShanghai yixue jianyan zazhiLShanghai journal of medical laboratory sciences|Shanghai Yixue Jianyan ZazhiShe zhiJournal of snake|She ZhiShendetesia popullore Shendet Pop1Sheng li ke xue jin zhan [Progress in physiology]Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan-Sheng li xue bao : [Acta physiologica Sinica]Sheng Li Xue Bao8Sheng ming ke xue yan jiu / Hunan shi fan da xue zhu banILife science research / Hunan Normal University|Sheng Ming Ke Xue Yan JiuSheng wu duo yang xing+Chinese biodiversity|Sheng Wu Duo Yang XingOSheng wu hua xue yu sheng wu wu li xue bao Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica5Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Xue Bao (Shanghai)Sheng wu hua xue za zhi_Chinese biochemical journal / Zhongguo sheng wu hua xue hui zhu ban|Sheng Wu Hua Hsueh Tsa Chih Shengwu jishuBiotechnology|Shengwu JishuShenyang yao ke da xue xue baoLJournal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University|Shenyang Yao Ke Da Xue Xue BaoShi jie hua ren xiao hua za zhiDWorld Chinese journal of digestology|Shi Jie Hua Ren Xiao Hua Za ZhiShi yan sheng wu xue baoShi Yan Sheng Wu Xue BaoShigaku zasshiShigaku Zasshi5Shigaku. Odontology; journal of Nippon Dental CollegeShigaku$Shika gakuho. Dental science reports Shikwa GakuhoVShika rikogaku zasshi. Journal of the Japan Society for Dental Apparatus and MaterialsShika Rikogaku Zasshi"Shimane journal of medical scienceShimane J Med Sci;Shinkei kenkyu no shimpo. Advances in neurological sciencesShinkei Kenkyu No Shimpo6Shinrigaku kenkyu : The Japanese journal of psychologyShinrigaku KenkyuShisoShiso2Shiyo. The journal of the Tokyo Dental AssociationShiyoShock (Augusta, Ga.)Shock8Shokubutsu kenkyu zasshi. The Journal of Japanese botanyShokubutsu Kenkyu ZasshiHShokuhin eiseigaku zasshi. Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of JapanShokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi;Shoni shikagaku zasshi. The Japanese journal of pedodonticsShoni Shikagaku Zasshi*Shonika kiyo. Annales paediatrici Japonici Shonika KiyoShonika. Pediatrics of JapanShonikaShou lei xue bao)Acta theriologica sinica|Shou Lei Xue BaoShstfSHSTFShujutsu. OperationShujutsu Si yu yan Si Yu Yan)Sichuan da xue xue bao. Zi ran ke xue ban=Sichuan daxue xuebao|Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue BanSicilia medica Sicilia MedSicilia sanitaria Sicil Sanit SidAlerte SidAlerteSieccan journal Sieccan JSierraSierra Sightsaving SightsavingSigmul bunryu hag-hoeji8Korean journal of plant taxonomy|Sigmul Bunryu Hag-hoeji Sigmul saengmyeong gong haghoejiFKorean journal of plant biotechnology|Sigmul Saengmyeong Gong HaghoejiSigmund Freud House bulletinSigmund Freud House BullSignSignSignal processingSignal ProcessingSignature (Ramsey, N.J.) SignatureSigns Signs (Chic)Simon Wiesenthal Center annualSimon Wiesenthal Cent AnnuSimulation & games Simul GamesSimulation & gaming Simul GamingSinai Hospital journalSinai Hosp J (Balt)Singapore dental journalSingapore Dent J-Singapore journal of obstetrics & gynaecologySingapore J Obstet Gynecol'Singapore journal of tropical geographySingap J Trop GeogrSingapore libraries Singap LibrSingapore medical journalSingapore Med JJSingapore statistical bulletin. Singapore. National Statistical CommissionSingap Stat Bull0Singmul Hakhoe chi. The Korean journal of botanySingmul Hakhoe ChiSintesi medicaSintesi MedicaSiriraj Hospital gazetteSiriraj Hosp GazSistema nervoso Sist NervSistemi urbani Sist UrbaniSistoleSistoleiSitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse/Sitzungsber Heidelb Akad Wiss Math Naturwiss Kl-Sjukskoterskan / Svensk sjukskoterskeforeningSjukskoterskan&Skandinavisches Archiv fur PhysiologieSkand Arch PhysiolSkeletal radiologySkeletal RadiolSkepticSkepticSkinSkin (Los Angeles)ISkin pharmacology : the official journal of the Skin Pharmacology SocietySkin Pharmacol-Skin pharmacology and applied skin physiology Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol Skin pharmacology and physiologySkin Pharmacol PhysiolSkin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI)Skin Res TechnolSkin therapy letterSkin Therapy LettSkinmedSkinmedOSkull base : official journal of North American Skull Base Society ... [et al.] Skull BaseSkull base surgerySkull Base SurgSky and telescope Sky TelescopeSSlaski kwartalnik historyczny Sobotka / Wroclawskie Towarzystwo Milosnikow HistoriiSlaski Kwat Hist SabotkaSlavery & abolition Slavery Abol Slavic review Slavic Rev!Slavonic and East European reviewSlav East Eur RevSleepSleepSleep medicine Sleep MedSleep medicine reviews Sleep Med RevSleep research online : SROSleep Res OnlineSlezsky sbornik Slezsky SbSloan management reviewSloan Manage RevSlovansky prehled Slov PrehlSlovenska archivistika Slov ArchSlovensky lekarSlov LekSlownik biograficzny polskich nauk medycznych XX wieku / Instytut Historii Nauki, Oswiaty i Techniki PAN, Pracownia Historii Nauk MedycznychSlown Biogr Pol Med XX Wieku,Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)SmallKSmall ruminant research : the journal of the International Goat AssociationSmall Rumin Res$Smith College studies in social workSmith Coll Stud Soc Work0Smith-Hurd Illinois annotated statutes. IllinoisSmith-Hurd Ill Annot Statut Ill Smithsonian SmithsonianSmithsonian annals of flightSmithson Ann FlightFSmithsonian studies in history and technology. Smithsonian InstitutionSmithson Stud Hist TechnolSnakeroot extractSnakeroot ExtrSoap, perfumery & cosmeticsSoap Perfum Cosmet (Lond)Social & legal studies Soc Leg StudSocial Marketing ForumSoc Mark ForumSocial Science News LetterSoc Sci New Lett Social action Soc Action"Social and economic administrationSoc Econ Adm (Lond)Social and economic studies Soc Econ StudSocial and labour bulletinSoc Labour BullSocial behavior and personalitySoc Behav PersSocial behaviour Soc BehavSocial biologySoc Biol Social biology and human affairsSoc Biol Hum AffSocial casework Soc Casework Social change Soc ChangeSocial choice and welfareSoc Choice WelfareSocial cognitionSoc Cogn+Social cognitive and affective neuroscienceSoc Cogn Affect Neurosci$Social development (Oxford, England)Soc DevSocial development issuesSoc Dev IssuesESocial forces; a scientific medium of social study and interpretation Soc ForcesSocial historySoc HistaSocial history of medicine : the journal of the Society for the Social History of Medicine / SSHM Soc Hist MedSocial indicators research Soc Indic Res&Social justice (San Francisco, Calif.) Soc JusticeSocial justice researchSoc Justice ResSocial justice reviewSoc Justice RevSocial marketing quarterly Soc Mar QSocial marketing updateSoc Mark UpdateSocial networks Soc NetworksSocial neuroscience Soc NeurosciSocial philosophy & policySoc Philos Policy Social policy Soc Policy@Social policy report / Society for Research in Child DevelopmentSoc Policy Rep Social praxisSoc PraxSocial problems Soc Probl.Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology"Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol9Social psychiatry. Sozialpsychiatrie. Psychiatrie socialeSoc PsychiatrySocial psychology Soc PsycholSocial psychology quarterly Soc Psychol QSocial researchSoc Res (New York)0Social responsibility, journalism, law, medicineSoc Responsib Journal Law MedSocial scienceSoc SciSocial science & medicine Soc Sci Med Social science & medicine (1982) Soc Sci Med/Social science & medicine. Medical anthropologySoc Sci Med [Med Anthropol],Social science & medicine. Medical economicsSoc Sci Med [Med Econ],Social science & medicine. Medical geographySoc Sci Med [Med Geogr]ASocial science & medicine. Medical psychology & medical sociology$Soc Sci Med [Med Psychol Med Sociol]4Social science & medicine. Part A, Medical sociologySoc Sci Med [A]7Social science & medicine. Part B, Medical anthropologySoc Sci Med [B]4Social science & medicine. Part C, Medical economicsSoc Sci Med [C]4Social science & medicine. Part D, Medical geographySoc Sci Med [D]5Social science & medicine. Part E, Medical psychologySoc Sci Med [E]:Social science & medicine. Part F, Medical & social ethicsSoc Sci Med [F]Social science computer reviewSoc Sci Comput RevSocial science history Soc Sci Hist)Social science information studies : SSISSoc Sci Inf StudSocial science quarterly Soc Sci QSocial science research Soc Sci ResSocial sciencesSoc SciSocial sciences in China Soc Sci ChinaBSocial sciences information. Information sur les sciences socialesSoc Sci Inf (Paris)Social security bulletinSoc Secur BullSocial security bulletin. Annual statistical supplement / U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security AdministrationSoc Secur Bull Annu Stat Suppl"Social studies (Maynooth, Ireland)Soc Stud (Maynooth)Social studies of science Soc Stud SciSocial theory and practiceSoc Theory PractSocial thought Soc ThoughtSocial welfareSoc Welfare (India) Social workSoc Work0Social work education and development newsletterSoc Work Educ Dev NewslSocial work in education Soc Work EducSocial work in health careSoc Work Health CareSocial work research Soc Work Res Social work research & abstractsSoc Work Res AbstrSocial work with groupsSoc Work GroupsSocial-Medicinsk tidskriftSoc Med TidskrSociale wetenschappenSoc Wetenschap Socialisme SocialismeSocialist review Social RevSocialist revolutionSocial Revolut&Socialmedicinsk tidskrift. SkriftserieSocialmed Tidskr SkriftserSocieta e storiaSoc StorSocietasSocietasOSocietes d'Afrique & SIDA : newsletter of the Societes d'Afrique & SIDA Network Soc Afr SIDASocietySocietyVSociety & animals : social scientific studies of the human experience of other animalsSoc AnimSociety & natural resourcesSoc Nat ResourSociety and cultureSoc Cult#Society for Ancient Medicine reviewSoc Anc Med Rev1Society for Applied Bacteriology symposium seriesSoc Appl Bacteriol Symp Ser'Society of General Physiologists seriesSoc Gen Physiol Ser0Society of Reproduction and Fertility supplementSoc Reprod Fertil Suppl Socio-economic planning sciencesSocioecon Plann SciSocioeconomic issues of healthSocioecon Issues HealthSociologia (Lisbon, Portugal) SociologiaSociologia Neerlandica Sociol NeerlSociologia del dirittoSociol DirittoSociologia del lavoro Sociol LavSociologia ruralisSociol RuralisSociological bulletin Sociol BullSociological focus Sociol FocusSociological inquiry Sociol InqSociological methodologySociol MethodolSociological methods & researchSociol Methods Res]Sociological perspectives : SP : official publication of the Pacific Sociological AssociationSociol PerspectSociological research Sociol ResSociological review mongraphSociol Rev [Monogr]VSociological spectrum : the official journal of the Mid-South Sociological Association Sociol SpectrSociological symposium Sociol SympSociologicky casopis Sociol CasSociologie du travail Sociol TravSociologie et societes Sociol SocSociologie romaneasca Sociol RomSociologija sela Sociol SelaSociologische gids Sociol GidsSociologus; Zeitschrift fur empirische Soziologie, sozialpsychologische und ethnologische Forschung. A Journal for empirical sociology, social psychology, and ethnic research Sociologus Sociology SociologySociology and social researchSociol Soc ResSociology of education Sociol EducSociology of health & illnessSociol Health IllnSociology of religion Sociol ReligSociology of sport journalSociol Sport J!Sociology of work and occupationsSociol Work Occup Sociometry SociometrySoemmerring-ForschungenSoemmering ForschSoftware in healthcare Softw HealthcSoftware law journal Softw Law JSogo igaku. Medicine Sogo Igaku,Sogo kango. Comprehensive nursing, quarterly Sogo KangoHSoil Science Society of America journal. Soil Science Society of AmericaSoil Sci Soc Am JSoil biology & biochemistrySoil Biol Biochem Soil scienceSoil SciSoins. Cardiologie Soins CardiolSoins. Chirurgie Soins Chir'Soins. Chirurgie (Paris, France : 1982) Soins Chir(Soins. Chirurgie generale et specialiseeSoins Chir Gen SpecJSoins. Formation, pedagogie, encadrement : avec la participation du CEEIECSoins Form Pedagog EncadrSoins. GerontologieSoins Gerontol-Soins. Gynecologie, obstetrique, puericultureSoins Gynecol Obstet Pueric8Soins. Gynecologie, obstetrique, puericulture, pediatrie#Soins Gynecol Obstet Pueric PediatrSoins. Pathologie tropicaleSoins Pathol TropSoins. Pediatrie, puericultureSoins Pediatr PuericSoins. PsychiatrieSoins Psychiatr'Soins; la revue de reference infirmiereSoinsSojourn (Singapore)Sojourn Sojourners SojournersXSolaiat; Sociedad Odontologica Latino-Americana De Implantes Aloplasticos Y TransplantesSOLAIAT,Solicitors' journal (London, England : 1928) Solicit J&Solid state nuclear magnetic resonanceSolid State Nucl Magn Reson#Somatic cell and molecular geneticsSomat Cell Mol GenetSomatic cell geneticsSomatic Cell GenetSomatosensory & motor researchSomatosens Mot ResSomatosensory researchSomatosens ResSomerset archaeology and natural history : the Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society for ...Somerset Archaeol Net Hist=Sonderband ... der Zeitschrift Strahlentherapie und OnkologieSonderb Z Strahlenther Onkol.Sonderbande zur Strahlentherapie und OnkologieSonderb Strahlenther Onkol1Soobshcheniia Akademii nauk Gruzinskoi SSR (1963)Soobshch Akad Nauk Gruz SsrSoprodenSoproden'Sosiaalilaaketieteellinen AikakauslehtiSos Laaketiet Aikak Sosiologia Sosiologia Sotahistoriallinen aikakauskirjaSotahist Aikak&Sotilaslaaketieteellinen aikakauslehtiSotilaslaak AikakSotsiologicheskie issledovaniiaSotsiol Issled[Soudni lekarstvi / casopis Sekce soudniho lekarstvi Cs. lekarske spolecnosti J. Ev. PurkyneSoud Lek Soundings SoundingsSource (New York, N.Y. : 1981)Source Notes Hist Art$Source code for biology and medicineSource Code Biol Med'South African Journal Of Animal ScienceS Afr J Anim Sci?South African dental journal. Suid Afrikaanse tandarts tydskrif S Afr Dent J`South African journal of botany : official journal of the South African Association of BotanistsSuid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir plantkunde : amptelike tydskrif van die Suid-Afrikaanse Genootskap van Plantkundiges|S. Afr. J. Bot.ZSouth African journal of clinical science. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir kliniese wetenskapS Afr J Clin ScitSouth African journal of laboratory and clinical medicine. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir laboratorium- en kliniekwerkS Afr J Lab Clin Med3South African journal of obstetrics and gynaecologyS Afr J Obstet Gynaecol South African journal of science S Afr J SciHSouth African journal of surgery. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir chirurgie S Afr J Surg%South African journal on human rightsS Afr J Hum RightsSouth African labour bulletinS Afr Labour BullSouth African law journal S Afr Law JSouth African law reports. Die Suid-Afrikaanse hofverslae. Beslissings van: Die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Die Suidwes-Afrika Afdeling, die Hoerhof van Rhodesie. Decisions of: The Supreme Court of South Africa, the South-West Africa... S Afr Law RepBSouth African nursing journal. Suid-Afrikaanse verplegingstydskrifS Afr Nursing J!South African sociological reviewS Afr Sociol RevSouth American Indian studiesSouth Am Indian StudSouth Asia bulletinSouth Asia BullSouth Asia researchSouth Asia ResSouth Asian reviewSouth Asian RevSouth Carolina dental journal S C Dent J"South Carolina historical magazine S C Hist Mag"South Carolina history illustratedS C Hist IllusSouth Carolina law review S C Law Rev,South Carolina nurse (Columbia, S.C. : 1994) S C NurseSouth Carolina nursingS C NurscSouth Dakota codified laws : comprising statutes of a general and permanent nature ... South DakotaS D Codif Laws S D!South Dakota farm & home researchS D Farm Home Res#South Dakota historical collectionsS D Hist Collect South Dakota journal of medicine S D J MedSouth Dakota law review S D Law RevQSouth Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical AssociationS D Med!South European society & politicsSouth Eur Soc PolitSouth Pacific bulletinSouth Pac BullSouth Texas law journalSouth Tex Law JSouth Texas law reviewSouth Tex Law Rev%South eastern reporter. Second seriesSouth East Report Second SerSouthampton medical journalSouthampt Med J)Southeast Asian journal of social scienceSoutheast Asian J Soc Sci"Southeast Asian journal of surgerySoutheast Asian J SurgSoutheast Europe seriesSoutheast Eur Ser(Southeastern Europe. L'Europe du Sud-Est Southeast EurSoutheastern geographerSoutheast Geogr,Southern Africa political & economic monthlySouth Afr Polit Econ Mon1Southern California interdisciplinary law journalSouth Calif Interdiscip Law JSouthern California law reviewSouth Calif Law RevSouthern California quarterly South Calif Q5Southern California review of law and women's studiesSouth Calif Rev Law Womens StudcSouthern Illinois University law journal. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. School of LawSouth Ill Univ Law JSouthern Indian studiesSouth Indian StudTSouthern University law review. Southern University and A & M College. School of LawSouth Univ Law RevSouthern economic journal South Econ JSouthern exposure South ExposSouthern folklore quarterly South Folk QSouthern history South HistSouthern hospitals South HospSouthern journal of optometry South J OptomSouthern medical journal South Med JSouthern medicine South MedSouthern medicine and surgerySouth Med SurgwSouthern reporter. Second series. Cases argued and determined in the courts of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, MississippiBSouth Report Second Ser Cases Argued Determ Courts Ala Fla La MissSouthern studies South StudSouthwest review Southwest Rev"Southwestern University law reviewSouthwest Univ Law Rev$Southwestern journal of anthropologySouthwest J AnthropolSouthwestern law journalSouthwest Law JSouthwestern medicine Southwest MedSovetskaia arkhitektura (Kommunisticheskaia akademiia (Soviet Union). Sektsiia sotsrasselenia i zhilishchno-bytogo stroitel'stvo)Sov ArkhYSovetskaia etnografiia / Akademiia nauk SSSR i Narodnyi komissariat prosveshcheniia RSFSR Sov EtnogrSovetskaia meditsinaSov MedSovetskii vrachebnyi sbornikSov Varchebnyii SbSovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo Sov Gos Pravo@Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSRSov Zdravookhr#Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie KirgiziiSov Zdravookhr Kirg"Soviet Anthropology And ArcheologySov Anthropol ArcheolgSoviet Jewish affairs / IJA, Institute of Jewish Affairs, in association with the World Jewish Congress Sov Jew AffSoviet SociologySov SocSoviet Union. Union sovietique Sov Union#Soviet economy (Silver Spring, Md.)Sov EconSoviet educationSov EducSoviet genetics Sov GenetSoviet geography Sov Geogr&Soviet journal of bioorganic chemistrySov J Bioorg ChemSoviet law and government Sov Law GovSoviet studiesSov StudSoviet studies in history Sov Stud HistSoviet studies in philosophySov Stud PhilosSovremennye problemy onkologiiSovrem Probl Onkol Sovremennye problemy tuberkulezaSovrem Probl Tuberk3Sowjetwissenschaft; Naturwissenschaftliche BeitrageSowjetwiss Naturwiss BeitrSozial- und PraventivmedizinSoz PraventivmedSozialgeschichte der MedizinSozialgesch Med/Sozialmedizinische und padagogische JugendkundeSozialmed Padagog JugendkdSpace communications Space CommunSpace life sciencesSpace Life Sci Space policy Space PolicySpace science reviews Space Sci Rev"Space technology (Oxford, England) Space Technol Space world Space World SpaceflightSpaceflight (Lond)Spagna contemporaneaSpagna Contemp(Spanish journal of agricultural research5Revista de investigacion agraria|Span. J. Agric. Res.!Spatial cognition and computationSpat Cogn ComputSpatial visionSpat VisSpecial care in dentistry : official publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and the American Society for Geriatric DentistrySpec Care DentistSpecial collections Spec CollectSpecial education Spec Educ!Special education: forward trendsSpec Educ Forward TrendsSpecial libraries Spec Libr4Special publication (American Philosophical Society)Spec Publ Am Philos Soc@Special report series (Medical Research Council (Great Britain)) Spec Rep Ser Med Res Counc (G B):Special report series - Indian Council of Medical Research!Spec Rep Ser Indian Counc Med Res.Special topics in endocrinology and metabolismSpec Top Endocrinol Metab+Specialty law digest. Health care (Monthly)Spec Law Dig Health Care (Mon)%Specialty law digest. Health care lawSpec Law Dig Health Care LawSpecifying engineer Specif Eng"Spectator (London, England : 1828) SpectatorDSpectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy'Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc3Spectrochimica acta. Part A: Molecular spectroscopySpectrochim Acta [A]Spectrum (Lexington, Ky.)Spectrum&Speculations in science and technologySpeculations Sci TechnolSpeculumSpeculumSpeech pathology and therapySpeech Pathol TherSpiegel historiael Spieg HistUSpinal cord : the official journal of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia Spinal CordSpineSpine Spine (Philadelphia, Pa. : 1986)SpineSpinner (New Bedford, Mass.)SpinnerSpiralesSpiralesLSpisanie na Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite. Bulgarska akademiia na naukiteSpis Blg Akad NaukSpitalulSpitalulSplice : the splice of life Splice LifeSpore (English edition)SporeESports biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in SportsSports Biomech Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) Sports Med&Sports medicine and arthroscopy reviewSports Med ArthroscdSportverletzung Sportschaden : Organ der Gesellschaft fur Orthopadisch-Traumatologische SportmedizinSportverletz SportschadenBSprawozdania z czynnosci i posiedzen - Lodzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe%Spraw Czynnosci Posiedz Lodz Tow Nauk$Springer seminars in immunopathologySpringer Semin Immunopathol*Springer series on health care and societySpringer Ser Health Care Soc'Sri Lanka journal of population studiesSir Lanka J Popul Stud$Sri Lanka journal of social sciencesSri Lanka J Soc SciSri Lanka population digestSri Lanka Popul Dig#Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvoSrp Arh Celok Lek&St. Barnabas Hospital medical bulletinSt Barnabas Hosp Med Bull"St. Bartholomew's Hospital journalSt Bartholomews Hosp JSt. John's law reviewSt Johns Law RevSt. Luke's journal of theologySt Lukes J TheolSt. Mary's Hospital gazetteSt Marys Hosp GazSt. Mary's law journalSt Marys Law JSt. Thomas law reviewSt Thomas Law Rev'St. Vincent's Hospital medical bulletinST Vincents Hosp Med Bull$St. Vladimir's theological quarterlySt Vladmirs Theol QStadionStadionStadion (Cologne, Germany)Stadion (Koln) Stadtehygiene StadtehygieneGStaff papers - International Monetary Fund. International Monetary FundStaff Pap Int Monet FundStain technology Stain TechnolStandardization news : SN Stand NewsStanford French reviewStanford Fr Rev%Stanford journal of international lawStanford J Int LawStanford law & policy reviewStanford Law Pol RevStanford law reviewStanford Law RevStanford medical bulletinStanford Med Bull Stanovnistvo StanovnistvoStapp car crash journalStapp Car Crash JStatStatdState Coverage Initiatives issue brief : a national initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation"State Coverage Initiat Issue Brief State government (Denver, Colo.) State GovState health legislation reportState Health Legis RepState legislatures State Legis#State nursing legislation quarterlyState Nurs Legis QqState reproductive health monitor : legislative proposals and actions / prepared by the Alan Guttmacher InstituteState Reprod Health MonitStatecoStatecoStates of health States Health Statistica StatisticaStatistica Neerlandica Stat NeerlStatistical Notes Of JapanStat Notes JpnIStatistical Reporter / Office Of Federal Statistical Policy And Standards Stat Report:Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biologyStat Appl Genet Mol Biol3Statistical bulletin (Metropolitan Life Foundation)Stat Bull Metrop Life FoundAStatistical bulletin (Metropolitan Life Insurance Company : 1984)Stat Bull Metrop Insur Co:Statistical bulletin (Metropolitan Life Insurance Company) Stat Bull Metropol Life Insur CoHStatistical journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for EuropeStat J UN Econ Comm Eur'Statistical methods in medical researchStat Methods Med Res3Statistical news. Poland. Glowny Urzad Statystyczny Stat News Pol%Statistical notes for health plannersStat Notes Health PlannRStatistical science : a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical StatisticsStat SciStatistics in medicineStat MedStatistics of Navy medicine Stat Navy Med$Statistiques & etudes: Midi-PyreneesStat Etud Midi PyrenGStatistiques demographiques. Institut national de statistique (Belgium) State DemogrJStatistisk tidskrift. Statistical review. Sweden. Statistiska centralbyran Stat Tidskr!Statistiska meddelanden. Serie BeStatist Medd Ser Be Befolk ValCStatistiske efterretninger. Befolkning og valg / Danmarks statistikStatist EfterretGStatisztikai szemle : a Magyar Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal folyoirata Stat SzlemStatutes of California and digests of measures / compiled by Bion M. Gregory, legislative counsel. CaliforniaStatut Calif Dig Meas CalifStem cell reviews Stem Cell Rev Stem cells Stem CellsStem cells (Dayton, Ohio) Stem CellsStem cells and developmentStem Cells Dev(Stereotactic and functional neurosurgeryStereotact Funct Neurosurg Sterile world Sterile World Sterkiana SterkianaSterne und WeltraumSterne Weltraum Steroidologia SteroidologiaSteroidsSteroidsSteroids and lipids researchSteroids Lipids ResStetson law reviewStetson Law Rev%Stewart William's Glamorgan historianGlamorgan HistStimmen der Zeit Stimmen ZeitStomaStoma (Heidelb)Stoma (Lisbon, Portugal) Stoma (Lisb)Stoma (Thessalonike, Greece)Stoma (Thessaloniki) StomatologiaStomatologia (Bucur)Stomatologia mediterranea : SMStomatol Mediterr StomatologicaStomatologica (Genova)Stomatologicke zpravy / SPOFA Stomatol ZprStomatologicky vestnikStomatol Vestn!Stomatologie (Bucharest, Romania) StomatologieStomatologie der DDR Stomatol DDR StomatologiiaStomatologiia (Mosk)Stomatologiia. StomatologyStomatologiia (Sofiia)QStomatologija / issued by public institution "Odontologijos studija" ... [et al.] Stomatologija4Stomatologika chronika. Acta stomatologica HellenicaStomatol Chron (Athenai)Stomatoloski glasnik SrbijeStomatol Glas Srb+Stomatoloski vjesnik. Stomatological reviewStomatol VjesnStoria contemporanea Stor Contemp!Storia e critica della psicologiaStor Crit PsicolStoria e medicina popolare Stor Med PopStoria in Lombardia Stor Lomb Storia urbana Stor Urbana Strabismus Strabismus]Strada maestra; quaderni della Biblioteca comunale "G. C. Croce" di San Giovanni in PersicetoStrada Maestra&Strahlenschutz in Forschung und PraxisStrahlenschutz Forsch PraxStrahlentherapieStrahlentherapieTStrahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al]Strahlenther OnkolStrahlentherapie. SonderbandeStrahlentherapie [Sonderb]Strasbourg medical Strasb Med]Strategies for healthcare excellence : organizational productivity, quality and effectivenessStrateg Healthc Excell$Strategy & tactics (Cambria, Calif.)Strategy TacticsStrenna storica bologneseStrenna Stor BologneseStress (Amsterdam, Netherlands)StressStress medicine Stress Med)Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulationStroke"Structure (London, England : 1993) Structure Stud. medStudenterraad Med%Student lawyer (Chicago, Ill. : 1972) Stud LawyerStudent medicineStud MedStudi classici e orientaliStud Cl OrientStudi di demografia Stud DemogrDStudi di filologia italiana : bulletino dell' Accademia della CruscaStudi Filol ItalStudi di sociologia Studi SociolStudi emigrazioneStud Emigrazione$Studi emigrazione. Etudes migrations Studi EmigrStudi francesiStudi Fr$Studi italiani di filologia classicaStudi Ital Filol ClStudi sassaresi Studi Sassar Studi storici Stud StorStudi venezianiStudi VenezianiStudia (Lisbon, Portugal)StudiaStudia CartesianaStud CartesianaStudia Comeniana et historicaStud Comeniana HistStudia LeibnitianaStud LeibnitianaStudia RosenthalianaStud RosenthalianaStudia demograficzne Studia DemogrStudia filozoficzne Stud FilozStudia geographica Stud GeogrStudia historica GandensiaStud Hist Gandensia+Studia i materialy z dziejow nauki polskiejStud Mater Dziejow Nauk Pol^Studia i materialy z dziejow nauki polskiej. Seria B: Historia nauk biologicznych i medycznychStud Mater Dziej Nauk Pol Ser BStudia islamica Stud IslamStudia neophilologicaStud NeophilolStudia papyrologica Stud PapyrolStudia psychologicaStud Psychol (Bratisl)QStudien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktiner-Ordens und seiner Zweige!Stud Mitt Gesch Benediktinerorden,Studien zur Geschichte des KrankenhauswesensStud Gesch KrankenhauswesensStudiesStudiesStudies - Hastings CenterStud Hastings CentKStudies from the Tokugawa Institute. Tokugawa Seibutsugaku Kenkyusho, TokyoStud Tokugawa InstStudies in Burke and his timeStud Burke TimeStudies in Christian ethicsStud Christ EthicsStudies in English literature Stud Engl LitStudies in European thoughtStud Eur ThoughtStudies in Scottish literatureStud Scott LitStudies in Soviet thoughtStud Sov ThoughtStudies in ancient medicine Stud Anc MedStudies in bibliography Stud Bibliogr)Studies in church history (Chicago, Ill.)Stud Chur Hist0Studies in comparative international developmentStud Comp Int Dev%Studies in eighteenth-century cultureStud Eighteenth Cent CultStudies in family planningStud Fam Plann,Studies in health technology and informaticsStud Health Technol InformStudies in history Stud HistGStudies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci,Studies in history and philosophy of scienceStud Hist Philos SciStudies in history of biologyStud Hist BiolStudies in history of medicine Stud Hist Med*Studies in history of medicine and scienceStud Hist Med SciStudies in human ecology Stud Hum EcolStudies in labour historyStud Labour HistStudies in medieval cultureStud Mediev CultStudies in mycology Stud MycolStudies in neuro-anatomyStud NeuroanatStudies in philology Stud Philol!Studies in philosophy of medicineStud Philos MedStudies in profertility seriesStud Profertility Ser)Studies in religion. Sciences religieuses Stud ReligStudies in romanticismStud Romanticism(Studies in surface science and catalysisStud Surf Sci Catal#Studies in the American renaissanceStud Am RenaissStudies in the RenaissanceStud Renaissance5Studies in the social sciences (West Georgia College)Stud Soc Sci West Ga Coll Studies in third world societiesStud Third World Soc'Studies on Russian economic developmentStud Russ Econ DevMStudies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century / edited by Theodore BestermanStud Voltaire 18th Century*Studies on medical and population subjectsStud Med Popul SubjStudii clasiceStud Cl%Studii si cercetari de endocrinologieStud Cercet Endocrinol!Studii si cercetari de fiziologieStud Cercet Fiziol)Studii si cercetari de inframicrobiologieStud Cercet Inframicrobiol'Studii si cercetari de medicina internaStud Cercet Med Interna!Studii si cercetari de neurologieStud Cercet Neurol"Studii si cercetari de virusologieStud Cercet VirusolStudime historike Studime HistStudiumStudiumStudium generale; Zeitschrift fur die Einheit der Wissenschaften im Zusammenhang ihrer Begriffsbildungen und ForschungsmethodenStud Gen (Berl)Study encounterStudy EncountercStudy sessions - Canadian Catholic Historical Association. Canadian Catholic Historical Association Study Sess Can Cathol Hist AssocSub-cellular biochemistrySubcell Biochem Subacute care Subacute CareSubsidia medica Subsid MedoSubstance abuse : official publication of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse Subst Abus1Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policySubst Abuse Treat Prev Policy$Substance and alcohol actions/misuseSubst Alcohol Actions MisuseSubstance use & misuseSubst Use Misuse Suchasnist' Sucasnist#Sudan journal of population studiesSudan J Popul StudSudan medical journal Sudan Med JSudan notes and recordsSudan Notes RecSuddeutsche OptikerzeitungSuddtsch Optikerztg Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertizaSud Med EkspertSudhoffs Archiv Sudhoffs ArchFSudhoffs Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften!Sudhoffs Arch Gesch Med NaturwissBSudhoffs Archiv; Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Beihefte'Sudhoffs Arch Z Wissenschaftsgesch BeihVSudost Europa : [Monatsschrift der Abteilung Gegenwartsforschung des Sudost-Instituts] SudosteuropaMSuffield technical note. Canada. Suffield Experimental Station, Ralston, Alta4Suffield Tech Note Can Suffield Exp Stn Ralston AltaNSuffield technical paper. Canada. Suffield Experimental Station, Ralston, Alta3Suffield Tech Pap Can Suffield Exp Stn Ralston AltaSuffolk University law reviewSuffolk Univ Law Rev Suffolk transnational law reviewSuffolk Transnatl Law RSuicideSuicide#Suicide & life-threatening behaviorSuicide Life Threat BehavSun (Baltimore, Md. : 1837)Sun%Sunday times (London, England : 1931) Sunday Times:Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia toimituksia. Sar. A.4: BiologicaAnn Acad Sci Fenn [Biol]GSuomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Sar. A.5, Medica-anthropologica'Suom Tiedeakat Toim A5 Medica Anthropol&Suomen Hammaslaakariseuran ToimituksiaSuom Hammaslaak Toim0Suomen apteekkarilehti. Finlands apotekartidningSuom Apteenkkaril*Suomen laakarilehti. Finlands lakartidning Suom LaakarilSupervisor nurse Superv NurseSupervisory management Superv Manage6Supplement ... to the European journal of neuroscienceSuppl Eur J Neurosci+Supplement ... to the Public health reportsSuppl Public Health RepHSupplement ... to the journal Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy$Suppl J Med Oncol Tumor Pharmacother@Supplement to International journal of gynecology and obstetricsSuppl Int J Gynecol Obstet'Supplements to Clinical neurophysiologySuppl Clin Neurophysiol.Supplementum ... ad Thrombosis and haemostasisSuppl Thromb HaemostjSupportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in CancerSupport Care CancerSurgerySurgerySurgery annual Surg AnnuiSurgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric SurgerySurg Obes Relat Dis Surgery today Surg Today Surgery, gynecology & obstetricsSurg Gynecol Obstet%Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRASurg Radiol AnatSurgical businessSurg BusSurgical endoscopy Surg EndoscSurgical forum Surg ForumSurgical gastroenterologySurg GastroenterolSurgical infectionsSurg Infect (Larchmt)Surgical innovation Surg Innov Surgical laparoscopy & endoscopySurg Laparosc Endosc9Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques"Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan TechSurgical neurology Surg NeurolSurgical oncology Surg Oncol*Surgical oncology clinics of North AmericaSurg Oncol Clin N AmSurgical rounds Surg Rounds!Surgical technology internationalSurg Technol IntSurveillance & society Surveill SocSurvey (London, England : 1961) Survey (Lond)*Survey and synthesis of pathology researchSurv Synth Pathol ResSurvey methodology Surv MethodolSurvey of biological progressSurv Biol ProgSurvey of immunologic researchSurv Immunol ResSurvey of ophthalmologySurv OphthalmolSurvivalSurvival (Lond)Survival news (Atlanta, Ga.)Surviv News (Atlanta Ga);SusPop news : the Sustainable Population Society newsletter SusPop NewsSuvremenna meditsinaSuvr Med (Sofiia)Sveikatos apsaugaSveikatos ApsaugaSvensk farmaceutisk tidskriftSven Farm TidskrSvensk geografisk arsbokSven Geogr ArsbSvensk juristtidningSven Juristtidn!Svensk medicinhistorisk tidskriftSven Med Tidskr3Svensk tandlakare tidskrift. Swedish dental journalSven Tandlak Tidskr"Svensk tidskrift (Uppsala, Sweden) Sven TidskrSvenska lakartidningenSven Lakartidn Swasth hind Swasth HindSwedish dental journal Swed Dent J"Swedish dental journal. SupplementSwed Dent J Suppl Swiss biotech Swiss Biotech Swiss dent Swiss DentSwiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of PneumologySwiss Med WklySwiss surgery. SupplementSwiss Surg Suppl!Sydney University medical journalSydn Univ Med J2Sydsvenska medicinhistoriska sallskapets arsskrift!Sydsven Medicinhist Sallsk Arsskr@Sydsvenska medicinhistoriska sallskapets arsskrift. Supplementum'Sydsven Medicinhist Sallsk Arsskr SupplSyesisSyesisSygeplejerskenSygeplejersken Sykepleien SykepleienSykepleien. Fag Sykepl Fag Symbiosis Symbiosis8Symbolae Osloenses / auspiciis Societatis Graeco-Latinae Symb Oslo0Symposia of the Society for Experimental BiologySymp Soc Exp Biol,Symposia of the Swedish Nutrition FoundationSymp Swed Nutr FoundoSymposium Of The Pharmacology, Therapeutics And Toxicology Group, International Association For Dental Research!Symp Pharmacol Ther Toxicol Group(Symposium on Fundamental Cancer ResearchSymp Fundam Cancer Res*Symposium on Oral Sensation and PerceptionSymp Oral Sens Percept3Symposium series (Society for Applied Microbiology)Symp Ser Soc Appl MicrobiolSynapse (New York, N.Y.)SynapseJSynlett : accounts and rapid communications in synthetic organic chemistrySynlettSyntax (Oxford, England)SyntaxSyntheseSynthese SynthesisSynthesis (Stuttg)Synthesis philosophica Synth PhilosSynthetic communications Synth CommunSyracuse law reviewSyracuse Law Rev#Systematic and applied microbiologySyst Appl MicrobiolSystematic biology Syst BiolSystematic entomology Syst EntomolSystematic parasitologySyst ParasitolSystematic zoology Syst ZoolSystems & control lettersSyst Control LettSystems biologySyst Biol (Stevenage)\Systems research : the official journal of the International Federation for Systems ResearchSyst ResSzazadokSzazadok9Szczecinskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Wydzial Nauk LekarskichSzczecin Tow Nauk Wydz Nauk Lek Szemeszet SzemeszetT'ung pao. T'oung pao Toung Pao!T.-I.-T. journal of life sciencesTIT J Life SciJTAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte GenetikTheor Appl GenetTB & HIVTB HIVTDR newsTDR NewsTEC bulletin (Online)TEC Bull (Online),TID [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionTID Rep TMJ update TMJ UpdateTSitologiia i genetika Tsitol Genet$TVZ : het vakblad voor de verplegingTVZ2T[echnical report]. Brookhaven National LaboratoryTech Rep Brookhaven Natl Lab!Tablet (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.)Tablet Taehan Ch'ikkwa Uisa Hyophoe chiTaehan Chikkwa Uisa Hyophoe Chi#Taehan Imsang Misaengmul Hakhoe chiKKorean journal of clinical microbiology|Taehan Imsang Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi Taehan Imsang Pyongni Hakhoe chi<Korean journal of clinical pathology|Korean J. Clin. Pathol.Taehan Kanho Hakhoe chiTaehan Kanho Hakhoe ChiTaehan Misaengmul Hakhoe chiOThe journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology|Taehan Misaengmul Hakhoe ChiGTaehan Uihak Hyophoe chi. The Journal of the Korean Medical AssociationTaehan Uihak Hyophoe ChiTaehan kanho. The Korean nurse Taehan Kanho(Taiwan nong ye hua xue yu shi pin ke xueeTaiwanese journal of agricultural chemistry and food science|Taiwan Nong Ye Hua Xue Yu Shi Pin Ke XueETaiwan yi xue hui za zhi. Journal of the Formosan Medical AssociationTaiwan Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi,Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecologyTaiwan J Obstet GynecolTalantaTalantaTampa Bay historyTampa Bay HistTandlaegebladetTandlaegebladetTandlaegernes nye tidsskriftTandlaegernes TidsskrTandlakartidningenTandlakartidningen Tandteknikern Tandteknikern`Tanisal ve girisimsel radyoloji : Tibbi Goruntuleme ve Girisimsel Radyoloji Dernegi yayin organiTani Girisim Radyol9Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzymeTanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso!Tanzania health research bulletinTanzan Health Res BullTanzania notes and recordsTanzan Notes RecTar heel nurseTar Heel NurseTargeted diagnosis and therapyTargeted Diagn TherTaxonTaxon&TeLinde's operative gynecology updatesTeLindes Oper Gynecol UpdatesNTeach-in : the journal for junior hospital doctors and senior medical studentsTeach InTeachers College recordTeach Coll RecTeaching Sociology Teach Sociol!Teaching and learning in medicineTeach Learn MedTeaching notes on populationTeach Notes Popul&Teaching of psychology (Columbia, Mo.) Teach PsycholTeaching philosophy Teach PhilosTeaching political scienceTeach Polit Sci;Technical bulletin of the Registry of Medical TechnologistsTech Bull Regist Med Technol:Technical bulletin. United States. Veterans Administration&Tech Bull United States Veterans AdmintTechnical documentary report, ARL-TDR. United States. Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base, N. MTech Doc Rep ARL TDRHTechnical documentary report. SAM-TDR. USAF School of Aerospace Medicine'Tech Doc Rep SAMTDR USAF Sch Aerosp MeddTechnical documentary report. United States. Air Force. Systems Command. Electronic Systems Division9Tech Doc Rep U S Air Force Syst Command Electron Syst DivKTechnical documentary report; AAL-TDR. Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory (U.S.) Tech Doc Rep Arct Aeromed Lab US3Technical manual. U.S. Army Biological LaboratoriesTech Man US Army Biol Lab7Technical manuscript. U.S. Army Biological LaboratoriesTech Manuscr US Army Biol LabLTechnical note. United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration%Tech Note U S Natl Aeronaut Space Adm8Technical note; TN. Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory (U.S.)Tech Note Arct Aeromed Lab (US)QTechnical report. CRDLR. U.S. Army Chemical Research and Development Laboratories'Tech Rep CRDLR US Army Chem Res Dev Lab?Technical report. CWLR. U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Laboratories#Tech Rep CWLR US Army Chem Warf Lab>Technical report. New York Naval Shipyard. Material Laboratory"Tech Rep NY Nav Shipyard Mater Lab;Technical report.; TR. Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory (U.S.)Tech Rep Arct Aeromed Lab US<Technical report: NAVTRADEVCEN. Naval Training Device CenterTech Rep NAVTRADEVCENTechnik GeschichteTechnikgeschichte(Technikgeschichte in EinzeldarstellungenTechnikgesch Einzeldarst7Techniques hospitalieres, medico-sociales et sanitairesTech Hosp Med Soc SanitTechniques in coloproctologyTech Coloproctol,Techniques in hand & upper extremity surgeryTech Hand Up Extrem SurgTechniques in urology Tech Urol3Techniques in vascular and interventional radiologyTech Vasc Interv RadiolTechniques orthopediques Tech Orthop Technologia Technologia+Technological forecasting and social changeTechnol Forecast Soc ChangeTechnology (Elmsford, N.Y.) TechnologyBTechnology Evaluation Center Assessment Program. Executive summary)Technol Eval Cent Asses Program Exec SummTechnology and culture Technol CultbTechnology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and MedicineTechnol Health Care)Technology in cancer research & treatmentTechnol Cancer Res TreatTechnology in society Technol SocTechnology review Technol RevTecnologica (Chicago, Ill.) Tecnologica[Tecnologica. MAP supplement. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Medical Advisory PanelTecnologica MAP Suppl`Tel Aviver Jahrbuch fur deutsche Geschichte / herausgegeben vom Institut fur Deutsche GeschichteTel Aviver Jahrb Dtsch GeschTelecommunications policyTelecomm PolicyJTelemedicine and telehealth networks : newsmagazine of distance healthcareTelemed Telehealth Netw Telemedicine and virtual realityTelemed Virtual RealTTelemedicine journal : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association Telemed JaTelemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine AssociationTelemed J E HealthTelemedicine today Telemed Today3Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorologyTellus B Chem Phys MeteorolTemas de poblacion Temas PoblacTemas odontologicos Temas OdontolTemple dental reviewTemple Dent Rev0Temple international and comparative law journalTemple Int Comp Law J/Temple law quarterly (Philadelphia, Pa. : 1946) Temple Law QTemple law reviewTemple Law Rev#Tennessee Folklore Society bulletinTenn Folk Soc BulleTennessee code annotated / prepared under the supervision of the Tennessee Code Commission. TennesseeTenn Code Annot TennTennessee historical quarterly Tenn Hist QTennessee law review Tenn Law RevATennessee medicine : journal of the Tennessee Medical AssociationTenn Med.Tennessee nurse / Tennessee Nurses Association Tenn NurseTennessee public welfare recordTenn Publ Welfare RecTennessee studies in literature Tenn Stud Lit'Teorie a praxe telesne vychovy a sportuTeor Prax Teles Vychovy'Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoi kul'turyTeor Prak Fiz KultTequestaTequestaTerapevticheskii arkhivTer ArkhTerapiaTerapia.Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesisTeratog Carcinog Mutagen Teratology TeratologyTerra (Helsinki, Finland)TerraTerrae incognitae Terr IncognTerramycine informationsTerramycine Inf Terrorism Terrorism Tetrahedron TetrahedronTetrahedron lettersTetrahedron LettTetrahedron, asymmetryTetrahedron AsymmetryTexanaTexana,Texas Dental Assistants Association bulletinTex Dent Assist Assoc BullzTexas Heart Institute journal / from the Texas Heart Institute of St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Texas Children's HospitalTex Heart Inst JTexas Tech law reviewTex Tech Law RevTexas bar journal Texas Bar JTexas dental journal Tex Dent JTexas hospitalsTex HospTexas international law journal Tex Int Law JTexas journal of pharmacy Tex J Pharm"Texas journal of women and the lawTex J Women LawTexas law review Tex Law RevTexas medicineTex MedTexas monthly (Austin, Tex.)Tex Mon Texas nursingTex Nurs%Texas reports on biology and medicineTex Rep Biol MedTexas review of law & politicsTex Rev Law PolitTexas state journal of medicineTex State J Med(Texas studies in literature and languageTexas Stud Lit LangTextile rental Text Rent Textos NEPO Textos NEPOTextual practice Textual PractThai journal of nursing Thai J NursThalamus & related systemsThalamus Relat SystThalassia SalentinaThalassia SalentinaThe AAPS journalAAPS JhThe ABNF journal : official journal of the Association of Black Nursing Faculty in Higher Education, IncABNF JFThe ACES bulletin. Association for Comparative Economic Studies (U.S.) ACES Bull+The AFL-CIO American federationist. AFL-CIOAFL CIO Am FedThe AIDS reader AIDS ReadMThe Academic nurse : the journal of the Columbia University School of Nursing Acad NurseThe Academy bookman Acad Bookman The Admitting management journalAdmit Manage J'The African journal of medical sciences Afr J Med SciEThe African journal of psychiatry. Le Journal africain de psychiatrieAfr J Psychiatry4The African journal of sexually transmitted diseasesAfr J Sex Transmi DisThe Agricultural history reviewAgric Hist RevThe Ahfad journalAhfad JThe Air Force law reviewAir Force Law Rev The Alabama historical quarterly Ala Hist Q'The Alabama journal of medical sciences Ala J Med SciThe Alabama nurse Ala NurseThe Alabama reviewAla RevThe Alaska nurse Alaska NurseThe Albuquerque tribune Albuq TribuneThe Alexandria medical journalAlexandria Med J$The Alkaloids. Chemistry and biologyAlkaloids Chem BiolThe Alma materAlma Mater (Baltimore)The Alpha omegan Alpha OmeganThe Alumnae magazine Alumnae MagThe Alumni magazine Alumni MagThe American Asian review Am Asian RevThe American Benedictine reviewAm Benedictine RevEThe American College of Cardiology Extended Learning. Supplement tape)Am Coll Cardiol Extended Learn Suppl TapeThe American Jewish year bookAm Jew(The American Journal of dermatopathologyAm J Dermatopathol-The American Society Legion of Honor magazineAm Soc Legion Honor MagBThe American University journal of gender, social policy & the lawAm Univ J Gend Soc Policy Law[The American University journal of international law and policy / Washington College of LawAm Univ J Int Law Policy"The American University law reviewAm Univ Law RevThe American archivistAm ArchThe American art journalAm Art JThe American babyAm Baby!The American behavioral scientist Am Behav SciThe American biology teacher Am Biol Teach The American criminal law reviewAm Crim Law Rev"The American ecclesiastical review Am Eccles RevThe American economic review Am Econ RevThe American economistAm Econ#The American heart hospital journalAm Heart Hosp JThe American historical review Am Hist RevFThe American imago; a psychoanalytic journal for the arts and sciencesAm Imago(The American journal of Chinese medicine Am J Chin Med&The American journal of EEG technologyAm J EEG TechnolThe American journal of anatomy Am J Anat&The American journal of anesthesiologyAm J Anesthesiol(The American journal of bioethics : AJOB Am J BioethThe American journal of cancer Am J Cancer"The American journal of cardiology Am J Cardiol0The American journal of cardiovascular pathologyAm J Cardiovasc Pathol)The American journal of clinical hypnosisAm J Clin Hypn*The American journal of clinical nutritionAm J Clin Nutr'The American journal of comparative law Am J Comp Law*The American journal of digestive diseases Am J Dig Dis.The American journal of drug and alcohol abuseAm J Drug Alcohol Abuse*The American journal of emergency medicineAm J Emerg Med&The American journal of family therapy Am J Fam TherThe American journal of forensic medicine and pathology : official publication of the National Association of Medical ExaminersAm J Forensic Med Pathol+The American journal of forensic psychiatryAm J Forensic Psychiatry+The American journal of forensic psychologyAm J Forensic Psychol(The American journal of gastroenterologyAm J Gastroenterol,The American journal of geriatric cardiologyAm J Geriatr Cardiol1The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapyAm J Geriatr PharmacothertThe American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric PsychiatryAm J Geriatr Psychiatry*The American journal of gynecologic healthAm J Gynecol Health1The American journal of hospice & palliative careAm J Hosp Palliat Care$The American journal of hospice careAm J Hosp Care)The American journal of international law Am J Int Law%The American journal of jurisprudenceAm J Jurisprud$The American journal of knee surgeryAm J Knee Surg%The American journal of legal history Am J Leg Hist$The American journal of managed careAm J Manag Care+The American journal of medical electronicsAm J Med Electron*The American journal of medical technologyAm J Med Technol The American journal of medicineAm J MedThe American journal of nursing Am J NursEThe American journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and childrenAm J Obstet Dis Women ChilduThe American journal of occupational therapy. : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy AssociationAm J Occup Ther*The American journal of orthopedic surgeryAm J Orthop Surg#The American journal of orthopedics Am J Orthop'The American journal of orthopsychiatryAm J OrthopsychiatryThe American journal of otology Am J Otol!The American journal of pathology Am J Pathol5The American journal of pediatric hematology/oncologyAm J Pediatr Hematol Oncol The American journal of pharmacy Am J Pharm"The American journal of physiology Am J Physiol"The American journal of psychiatryAm J Psychiatry"The American journal of psychology Am J PsycholKThe American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy, and nuclear medicine$Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med)The American journal of social psychiatryAm J Soc Psychiatry!The American journal of sociology Am J Sociol'The American journal of sports medicineAm J Sports Med*The American journal of surgical pathologyAm J Surg Pathol,The American journal of the medical sciences Am J Med Sci&The American journal of trial advocacyAm J Trial Advocacy5The American journal of tropical medicine and hygieneAm J Trop Med HygcThe American journal on addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions Am J AddictcThe American mathematical monthly : the official journal of the Mathematical Association of America Am Math MonThe American naturalistAm NatThe American neptune Am NeptuneThe American nurseAm NurseThe American orthoptic journal Am Orthopt JThe American philatelist Am Philat%The American political science reviewAm Polit Sci RevThe American prospect Am ProspectThe American psychologist Am Psychol'The American review of Canadian studiesAm Rev Can Stud*The American review of respiratory diseaseAm Rev Respir DisThe American scholar Am Scholar!The American school board journalAm Sch Board JThe American sociologist Am SociolThe American spectatorAm SpectThe American statisticianAm StatThe American surgeonAm SurgThe Amicus journalAmic J The AnalystAnalyst (Lond)The Anatomical recordAnat RecdThe Anatomical record. Supplement : an offical publication of the American Association of AnatomistsAnat Rec SupplThe Angle orthodontist Angle OrthodThe Anglo-American law reviewAnglo Am Law RevThe Annals of applied biology Ann Appl Biol"The Annals of occupational hygiene Ann Occup Hyg:The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. SupplementAnn Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl1The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngologyAnn Otol Rhinol LaryngolThe Annals of pharmacotherapyAnn PharmacotherThe Annals of regional science Ann Reg SciBThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social ScienceAnn Am Acad Pol Soc SciqThe Annals of the Chinese Historical Society of the Pacific Northwest / Mei-kuo hsi pei Hua jen li shih hsueh huiAnn Chin Hist Soc Pac NorthwestThe Annals of thoracic surgeryAnn Thorac SurgThe Antioch review Antioch RevThe Antiseptic AntisepticThe Appraisal journal Appraisal JThe Arab economist Arab Econ'The Arab journal of the social sciencesArab J Soc Sci The Archivist ArchivistThe Arizona dental journal Ariz Dent JThe Arizona nurse Ariz NurseThe Ark-light newsletterArk Light NewslThe Arkansas dental journal Ark Dent J!The Arkansas historical quarterly Ark Hist QThe Armenian review Armen RevThe Army lawyer Army Lawyer&The Army quarterly and defence journal Army Q Def JThe Art bulletinArt BullThe Art of medicationArt MedThe ArticulatorArticulator (Columb)The Asbury theological journalAsbury Theol JThe Asia Foundation newsAisa Found NewsThe Asia magazineAsia MagThe Asian economic reviewAsian Econ RevOThe Asian journal of economics : a journal of the Society for Asian Development Asian J EconThe Astronomical journalAstron JThe Astrophysical journal Astrophys J,The Astrophysical journal. Supplement seriesAstrophys J Suppl SerThe Atlanta historical journalAtlanta Hist J.The AukAuk The Australasian Catholic recordAustralas Cathol Rec'The Australasian journal of dermatologyAustralas J DermatolThe Australasian nurses journalAustralas Nurses J@The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecologyAust N Z J Obstet GynaecolLThe Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology. Supplement Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol Suppl3The Australian and New Zealand general practitionerAust N Z Gen Pract?The Australian and New Zealand journal of mental health nursingAust N Z J Ment Health Nurs4The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatryAust N Z J Psychiatry3The Australian and New Zealand journal of sociologyAust N Z J Sociol1The Australian and New Zealand journal of surgeryAust N Z J SurgGThe Australian economic review / Institute of Applied Economic Research Aust Econ RevThe Australian geographer Aust GeogroThe Australian journal of advanced nursing : a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing FederationAust J Adv Nurs=The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economicsAust J Agric Resour Econ&The Australian journal of anthropologyAust J Anthropol`The Australian journal of clinical hypnotherapy / Australian Society of Clinical HypnotherapistsAust J Clin Hypnother#The Australian journal of dentistry Aust J DentBThe Australian journal of experimental biology and medical scienceAust J Exp Biol Med Sci+The Australian journal of forensic sciencesAust J Forensic Sci*The Australian journal of holistic nursingAust J Holist Nurs,The Australian journal of mental retardationAust J Ment Retard#The Australian journal of optometry Aust J Optom'The Australian journal of physiotherapyAust J Physiother.The Australian journal of politics and historyAust J Polit Hist&The Australian journal of rural healthAust J Rural Health'The Australian journal of social issuesAust J Soc Issues$The Australian journal of statistics Aust J StatThe Australian law journal Aust Law JThe Australian library journal Aust Libr JThe Australian nurses' journal Aust Nurses JThe Australian outlook Aust OutlookThe Australian quarterlyAust QThe Bangkok post Bangkok Post-The Bangladesh journal of scientific researchBangladesh J Sci ResThe Baptist quarterly Baptist QThe Baxter health policy reviewBaxter Health Policy RevThe Baylor dental journal Baylor Dent J The BeaverBeaverThe Behavior analyst / MABA Behav Anal!The Behavioral and brain sciencesBehav Brain SciThe Biochemical journal Biochem JThe Biological bulletin Biol BullThe Birth gazette Birth GazThe Black law journal Black Law JThe Black scholar Black ScholarThe Blue sheet Blue SheetThe Bodleian Library recordBodleian Libr RecThe Body forum Body ForumThe Body positive Body PositThe Bombay Hospital journal Bombay Hosp JThe Book collector Book Collect The BookmanBookman1The Boston University public interest law journal!Boston Univ Public Interest Law JThe Boston globe Boston Globe5The Botanical review; interpreting botanical progressBot RevvThe Brazilian journal of infectious diseases : an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious DiseasesBraz J Infect Dis,The British Library journal. British Library Br Libr J$The British dental surgery assistantBr Dent Surg Assist The British homoeopathic journalBr Homeopath J2The British journal for eighteenth-century studiesBr J 18th Cent Stud1The British journal for the philosophy of scienceBr J Philos Sci;The British journal of addiction to alcohol and other drugsBr J Addict Alcohol Other Drugs)The British journal of cancer. SupplementBr J Cancer Suppl(The British journal of clinical practiceBr J Clin PractNThe British journal of clinical psychology / the British Psychological SocietyBr J Clin Psychol"The British journal of criminology Br J Criminol"The British journal of dermatology Br J Dermatol1The British journal of disorders of communicationBr J Disord Commun-The British journal of educational psychologyBr J Educ Psychol&The British journal of family planningBr J Fam PlanncThe British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General PractitionersBr J Gen Pract>The British journal of mathematical and statistical psychologyBr J Math Stat Psychol)The British journal of medical psychologyBr J Med Psychol The British journal of nutrition Br J Nutr$The British journal of ophthalmologyBr J Ophthalmol3The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgeryBr J Oral Maxillofac Surg#The British journal of oral surgeryBr J Oral SurgOThe British journal of physical medicine, including its application to industry Br J Phys Med+The British journal of physiological opticsBr J Physiol OptAThe British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental scienceBr J Psychiatry-The British journal of psychiatry. SupplementBr J Psychiatry Suppl The British journal of radiology Br J Radiol5The British journal of social and clinical psychologyBr J Soc Clin PsycholLThe British journal of social psychology / the British Psychological SocietyBr J Soc Psychol The British journal of sociology Br J Sociol%The British journal of sports historyBr J Sports HistThe British journal of surgery Br J SurguThe British journal of theatre nursing : NATNews : the official journal of the National Association of Theatre NursesBr J Theatre Nurs=The British journal of tuberculosis and diseases of the chestBr J Tuberc Dis Chest(The British journal of venereal diseasesBr J Vener DisThe British studies monitor Br Stud MonitThe British veterinary journalBr Vet JThe Brookings review Brookings RevThe Brooklyn Hospital journalBrooklyn Hosp JThe Bryologist Bryologist5The Bulletin - American Association of Dental EditorsBull Am Assoc Dent Ed*The Bulletin - Essex County Dental SocietyBull Essex Cty Dent Soc#The Bulletin of Akron City HospitalBull Akron City Hosp0The Bulletin of Louis A. Weiss Memorial HospitalBull Louis A Weiss Mem Hosp$The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental CollegeBull Tokyo Dent Coll3The Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental UniversityBull Tokyo Med Dent Univ'The Bulletin of mathematical biophysicsBull Math Biophys0The Bulletin of the Academy of General DentistryBull Acad Gen Dent>The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the LawBull Am Acad Psychiatry Law2The Bulletin of the American College of PhysiciansBull Am Coll Physicians0The Bulletin of the Bergen County Dental SocietyBull Bergen Cty Dent Soc-The Bulletin of the Cincinnati Dental SocietyBull Cincinnati Dent Soc,The Bulletin of the Cleveland Dental SocietyBull Cleve Dent Soc1The Bulletin of the Fifth District Dental Society!Bull Fifth Dist Dent Soc (Fresno)3The Bulletin of the High Institute of Public HealthBull High Inst Public Health8The Bulletin of the Kanagawa Dental College : BKDC / KDSBull Kanagawa Dent Coll;The Bulletin of the Michigan Dental Hygienists' AssociationBull Mich Dent Hyg Assoc6The Bulletin of the Philadelphia County Dental SocietyBull Phila Cty Dent Soc)The Bulletin of the Toledo Dental SocietyBull Toledo Dent Soc*The Bulletin of the Tulane Medical FacultyBull Tulane Univ Med Fac,The Bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical SchoolBull Yamaguchi Med Sch%The Bulletin of the atomic scientists Bull At SciThe BurBurThe Burlington magazine Burlingt Mag The CCL newsCCL News`The CLAO journal : official publication of the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, IncCLAO J6The COBASHECA (community based health care) newsletter COBASHECAThe California clinician Calif ClinZThe California school psychologist : CASP / California Association of School PsychologistsCalif School PsycholThe Californians CaliforniansThe Cambridge law journal Camb Law J The CanadianCanadianThe Canadian bar review Can Bar RevThe Canadian dental hygienist Can Dent HygThe Canadian entomologist Can EntomThe Canadian forum Can Forum+The Canadian geographer. Geographe canadien Can GeogrThe Canadian historical review Can Hist Rev"The Canadian journal of cardiology Can J Cardiol@The Canadian journal of economics. Revue canadienne d'economique Can J Econ)The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacyCan J Hosp Pharm'The Canadian journal of human sexuality Can J Hum Sex<The Canadian journal of medical radiation technology / CAMRTCan J Med Radiat Technol&The Canadian journal of native studiesCan J Native Stud]The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiquesCan J Neurol Sci4The Canadian journal of ob/gyn & women's health careCan J Ob Gyn Womens Health Care The Canadian journal of oncology Can J Oncol+The Canadian journal of psychiatric nursingCan J Psychiatr NursCThe Canadian journal of radiography, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine Can J Radiogr Radiother Nucl MedThe Canadian journal of urology Can J Urol[The Canadian journal of women's health care for physicians addressing women's health issues=Can J Womens Health Care Phys Addressing Womens Health IssuesThe Canadian nurse Can NursegThe Canadian review of sociology and anthropology. La Revue canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologieCan Rev Sociol Anthropol@The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue veterinaire canadienne Can Vet JTThe Canadian yearbook of international law. Annuaire canadien de droit internationalCan Yearb Int LawThe Capital chemistCap Chem The Career development quarterly Career Dev QThe Carmarthen antiquaryCarmarthen AntiqThe Carmarthensire hisorianCarmarthensh Hist The Carolina journal of pharmacy Carol J PharmThe Cartographic journal Cartogr JThe Case manager Case ManagerThe Catholic historical reviewCathol Hist RevThe Catholic lawyer Cathol LawyerThe Catholic medical quarterly Cathol Med QThe Catholic mind Cathol MindThe Catholic nurse Cathol NurseThe Cato journalCato JThe Centennial review Centen RevThe Center magazineCent Mag'The Central African journal of medicineCent Afr J MedThe Cerebral palsy journal Cereb Palsy J-The Cervix and the lower female genital tractCervix Low Female Genital TractThe Ceylon medical journal Ceylon Med JThe Chaucer review Chaucer RevThe Chemist and druggist Chem DrugThe Chesopiean ChesopieanThe Chesterton reviewChesterton Rev$The Chicago Medical School quarterlyChic Med Sch QThe Chicago medical recorder Chic Med RecThe China business review China Bus RevThe China geographer Chnia GeogrThe China quarterlyChina QThe Chinese journal of dental research : the official journal of the Scientific Section of the Chinese Stomatological Association (CSA)Chin J Dent Res!The Chinese journal of physiologyChin J Physiol The Chronicle Chronicle!The Chronicle of higher educationChron High Educ&The Cincinnati Dental Society bulletinCincinnati Dent Soc Bull*The Cincinnati Historical Society bulletinCinci Hist Soc BullThe Civil liberties reviewCiv Liberties RevThe Classical outlook Class OutlookThe Classical review Classical RevThe Cleft palate journalCleft Palate JrThe Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial AssociationCleft Palate Craniofac JThe Clergy review Clergy RevQThe Clinical biochemist. Reviews / Australian Association of Clinical BiochemistsClin Biochem RevThe Clinical investigator Clin InvestigThe Clinical journal of pain Clin J PainThe Clinical neuropsychologistClin NeuropsycholThe Clinical psychologist Clin Psychol The ClinicianClinician (Goa)The Coevolution quarterlyCoevol QThe Colby Library quarterly Colby Libr QThe Colorado magazineColo Mag&The Columbia journal of world businessColumbia J World Bus.The Columbia science and technology law reviewColumbia Sci Technol Law Rev3The Compendium of continuing education in dentistryCompend Contin Educ Dent;The Compendium on continuing education in general dentistryCompend Contin Educ Gen DentThe Conference Board recordConf Board Rec+The Connecticut Historical Society bulletinConn Hist Soc Bull#The Connecticut probate law journalConn Probate Law JYThe Consultant pharmacist : the journal of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Consult PharmThe Contemporary Pacific Contemp Pac9The Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterlyCornell Hotel Restaur Adm Q'The Cornell journal of social relationsCornell J Soc RelatThe Cornell veterinarian Cornell VetThe Counseling psychologist Couns Psychol The CourierCourierThe Crown agents reviewCrown Agents Rev&The Current digest of the Soviet pressCurr Dig Sov Press+The Current digest of the post-Soviet pressCurr Dig Post Sov Press9The Dacca University studies: Part A. University of DaccaDacca Univ Stud A!The Daily Washington law reporterDly Wash Law ReportThe Dalhousie review Dalhousie RevThe Deccan geographer Deccan GeogrThe Dental assistant Dent AssistTThe Dental assistant journal : journal of the American Dental Assistants Association Dent Assist JThe Dental journal of Australia Dent J Aust*The Dental journal of Malaysia & SingaporeDent J Malaysia Singapore#The Dental magazine and oral topicsDent Mag Oral TopThe Dental outlook Dent Outlook)The Dental practitioner and dental recordDent Pract Dent RecThe Dental recordDent Rec (London)The Dental technician Dent TechThe Denver Westerners roundupDenver West Roundup The Department of State bulletinDep State BullThe Developing economiesDev EconThe Devon historian Devon Hist$The Dhaka University studies. Part BDhaka Univ Stud B Biol StudThe Diabetes educator Diabetes Educ?The Dialog / Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Dentistry(Dialog Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Sch DentThe Dickensian Dickensian3The Durham University journal. University of Durham Durham Univ JThe EMBO journalEMBO JThe EMT journalEMT J$The East African geographical reviewEast Afr Geogr RevWThe East Tennessee Historical Society's publications. East Tennessee Historical SocietyEast Tenn Soc PublThe Eastern anthropologistEast Anthropol The Ecologist EcologistThe Economic and social reviewEcon Soc Rev (Irel)The Economic bulletin of GhanaEcon Bull GhanaThe Economic history review Econ Hist RevThe Economic journal of Nepal Econ J NepalThe Economic recordEcon RecThe Ecumenical reviewEcum RevThe Educational forum Educ ForumThe Educational recordEduc RecJThe Egyptian journal of immunology / Egyptian Association of ImmunologistsEgypt J Immunol]The Egyptian journal of psychiatry : official journal of the Egyptian Psychiatric AssociationEgypt J Psychiatry2The Egyptian population and family planning reviewEgypt Popul Fam Plann Rev6The Einstein quarterly journal of biology and medicineEinstein Q J Biol MedBThe Emporia State research studies / Kansas State Teachers CollegeEmporia State Res StudThe EndocrinologistEndocrinologistThe Endodontic report Endod RepThe English historical review Engl Hist RevThe EnvironmentalistEnvironmentalistThe Eta Sigma GammanEta Sigma GammanThe Ethiopian herald Ethiop HeraldThe Eugenical news Eugen NewsThe Eugenics review Eugen RevThe European journal of contraception & reproductive health care : the official journal of the European Society of Contraception#Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care(The European journal of general practiceEur J Gen PractZThe European journal of health economics : HEPAC : health economics in prevention and careEur J Health Econ-The European journal of international affairs Eur J Int Aff The European journal of medicine Eur J Med$The European journal of neuroscienceEur J Neurosci@The European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistryEur J Prosthodont Restor Dent-The European physical journal. E, Soft matterEur Phys J E Soft MatteroThe European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology Eur Respir J,The European respiratory journal. SupplementEur Respir J SupplThe Euthanasia review Euthan RevThe Expository times Expo TimesiThe FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental BiologyFASEB JThe FEBS journalFEBS JThe Family coordinator Fam CoordThe Family law reporter Fam Law RepThe Family life coordinatorFam Life CoordThe Family plannerFam Plann (Palo Alto)The Family planning managerFam Plan Manag$The Family practice research journalFam Pract Res JThe Federal reporter Fed ReportThe Female patientFemale patient!The Filson Club history quarterlyFilson Club Hist QThe First people First PeopleThe Fletcher forumFletcher Forum#The Fletcher forum of world affairsFletcher Forum World AffThe Florida Bar journal FLA Bar JThe Florida entomologist Fla Entomol The Florida historical quarterly Fla Hist QThe Florida nurse Fla NurseThe Fookien times yearbookFookien Times YearbThe Fordham urban law journalFordham Urban Law J4The Fortnightly review of the Chicago Dental SocietyFortn Rev Chic Dent SocThe Frater of Psi OmegaFrater Psi Omega The FreemanFreemanThe Functional orthodontist Funct Orthod The FurrowFurrowcThe Future of children / Center for the Future of Children, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation Future Child The FuturistFuturistThe Gallup opinion indexGallup Opin IndexThe GastroenterologistGastroenterologist2The Gazette of the Egyptian Paediatric AssociationGaz Egypt Paediatr AssocThe Gem State RN news letterGem State RN News LettThe Genetic resourceGenetic ResourThe Geographical journalGeogr JThe Geographical magazine Geogr MagThe Geographical observer Geogr Obs@The George Washington journal of international law and economics George Washington J Int Law Econ The George Washington law reviewGeorge Washington Law RevThe George Wright forumGeorge Wright Forum/The Georgetown University right-to-life journalGeorgetown Univ Right to Life J&The Georgetown journal of legal ethicsGeorget J Leg EthicsThe Georgetown law journalGeorgetown Law J The Georgia historical quarterly Ga Hist QThe Gerontologist GerontologistThe Ghanaian nurse Ghana NurseOThe Glaxo volume; an occasional contribution to the science and art of medicine#Glaxo Vol Occas Contrib Sci Art MedThe Grace Hospital bulletinGrace Hosp BulThe Great ideas todayGreat Ideas Today%The Greater Milwaukee dental bulletinGreater Milw Dent Bull-The Greater St. Louis Dental Society bulletinGreater St Louis Dent Soc BullThe Group health journalGroup Health JThe Guildhall miscellanyGuildhall Misc%The Gunma journal of medical sciencesGunma J Med Sci9The Guthrie bulletin of the Donald Guthrie Medical Center Guthrie BullIThe Guthrie journal of the Donald Guthrie Foundation for Medical Research&Guthrie J Donald Guthrie Found Med Res&The Guttmacher report on public policyGuttmacher Rep Public PolicyThe Hahnemannian HahnemannianThe HandHandThe Harlem Hospital bulletinHarlem Hosp BullThe Harvard blackletter journalHarv Blacklett J+The Harvard environmental law review : HELRHELR Harvard Environ Law Rev-The Harvard journal of minority public healthHarv J Minor Public Health>The Harvard mental health letter / from Harvard Medical SchoolHarv Ment Health LettThe Harvard theological reviewHarv Theol RevThe Hastings Center reportHastings Cent RepThe Hastings law journalHastings Law JTThe Hawaii nurse : the official monthly newsletter of the Hawaii Nurses' Association Hawaii NurseThe Hawaiian journal of history Hawaii J HistThe Health care supervisorHealth Care SupervThe Health of the people Health PeopleThe Health service journal Health Serv JThe Healthcare Forum journalHealthc Forum JThe Heart bulletin Heart BullThe Hemingway review Hemingway RevLThe Henry E. Sigerist supplements to the Bulletin of the history of medicine$Henry E Sigerist Suppl Bull Hist MedThe Herbal review Herbal Rev The Herbarist Herbarist+The Hillside journal of clinical psychiatryHillside J Clin PsychiatryThe HipHip'The Hispanic American historical reviewHisp Am Hist RevThe Histochemical journal Histochem J#The Historian; a journal of history HistorianThe History teacher Hist Teacher!The Homiletic and pastoral reviewHomilet Pastor RevpThe Hopkins HIV report : a bimonthly newsletter for healthcare providers / Johns Hopkins University AIDS ServiceHopkins HIV RepThe Hospice journalHosp J'The Hospital and health services reviewHosp Health Serv Rev4The Hospital manager / American Hospital Association Hosp ManagerThe Hospital medical staffHosp Med Staff9The Houston review: history and culture of the Gulf Coast Houston RevThe Human life review Hum Life Rev The HumanistHumanist The Huntington Library quarterlyHuntingt Libr QThe IHS primary care providerIHS Prim Care ProvidThe Illinois medical journal Ill Med J"The Implant Society : [periodical] Implant Soc-The Indian economic and social history reviewIndian Econ Soc Hist RevVThe Indian economic journal : the quarterly journal of the Indian Economic Association Indian Econ JThe Indian historian Indian Hist%The Indian journal of animal sciencesIndian J Anim Sci$The Indian journal of chest diseasesIndian J Chest Dis6The Indian journal of chest diseases & allied sciencesIndian J Chest Dis Allied Sci"The Indian journal of child healthIndian J Child Health'The Indian journal of hospital pharmacyIndian J Hosp Pharm&The Indian journal of medical researchIndian J Med Res(The Indian journal of medicine & surgeryIndian J Med Surg-The Indian journal of nutrition and dieteticsIndian J Nutr DietThe Indian journal of pharmacyIndian J PharmpThe Indian journal of public administration : quarterly journal of the Indian Institute of Public AdministrationIndian J Public Adm!The Indian journal of social workIndian J Soc WorkThe Indian journal of surgery Indian J Surg"The Indian journal of tuberculosisIndian J Tuberc#The Indian political science reviewIndian Pol Sci RevThe Indian practitioner Indian PractThe Indian veterinary journal Indian Vet JThe Indiana nurse Indiana Nurse#The Indonesian journal of geographyIndones J GeogrThe Indonesian quarterly Indones QThe Industrial robotInd Rob/The International and comparative law quarterlyInt Comp Law Q The International history review Int Hist Rev8The International journal for the psychology of religionInt J Psychol Relig7The International journal of African historical studiesInt J Afr Hist StudHThe International journal of adult orthodontics and orthognathic surgery$Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath SurglThe International journal of angiology : official publication of the International College of Angiology, Inc Int J Angiol/The International journal of applied philosophyInt J Appl Philos;The International journal of applied radiation and isotopesInt J Appl Radiat Isot.The International journal of artificial organsInt J Artif Organs0The International journal of aviation psychologyInt J Aviat Psychol)The International journal of biochemistry Int J Biochem/The International journal of biological markersInt J Biol MarkersThe International journal of childbirth education : the official publication of the International Childbirth Education AssociationInt J Childbirth Educ?The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosisInt J Clin Exp Hypn2The International journal of developmental biologyInt J Dev Biol-The International journal of eating disordersInt J Eat Disord2The International journal of environmental studiesInt J Environ Stud/The International journal of forensic dentistryInt J Forensic Dent;The International journal of health planning and managementInt J Health Plann Manage4The International journal of medicine and law : IJML Int J Med Law)The International journal of neuroscienceInt J Neurosci9The International journal of occupational health & safetyInt J Occup Health Saf:The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implantsInt J Oral Maxillofac Implants?The International journal of oral implantology : implantologistInt J Oral Implantol)The International journal of oral myologyInt J Oral Myol{The International journal of orofacial myology : official publication of the International Association of Orofacial MyologyInt J Orofacial Myology1The International journal of pediatric nephrologyInt J Pediatr NephrolAThe International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry#Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent+The International journal of prosthodonticsInt J Prosthodont,The International journal of psycho-analysisInt J PsychoanalnThe International journal of social education : official journal of the Indiana Council for the Social StudiesInt J Soc Educ.The International journal of social psychiatryInt J Soc Psychiatry8The International journal of sociology and social policyInt J Sociol Soc Policy+The International journal of the addictions Int J Addict1The International journal of the history of sportInt J Hist Sport(The International journal on drug policyInt J Drug Policy"The International migration review Int Migr Rev+The International review of psycho-analysisInt Rev Psychoanal The Internist Internist"The Investor-owned hospital reviewInvestor Owned Hosp Rev3The Iowa dental journal / Iowa State Dental Society Iowa Dent JThe Iowa orthopaedic journal Iowa Orthop JThe Irish banking review Ir Bank RevThe Irish nursing news Ir Nurs NewsHThe Irish sword : the journal of the Military History Society of IrelandIr SwordThe Irish theological quarterly Irish Theol QThe Islamic quarterlyIslam QThe Island magazineIsl Mag-The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJIsr Med Assoc J7The Israel annals of psychiatry and related disciplinesIsr Ann Psychiatr Relat Discip5The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciencesIsr J Psychiatry Relat Sci#The Italian journal of biochemistryItal J Biochem'The Italian journal of gastroenterologyItal J GastroenterolUThe Italian journal of surgical sciences / sponsored by Societa italiana di chirurgiaItal J Surg SciThe Jamaican nurseJamaican Nurse#The Japanese journal of antibioticsJpn J Antibiot+The Japanese journal of dermatology. Ser. BJpn J Dermatol B-The Japanese journal of experimental medicine Jpn J Exp Med&The Japanese journal of human geneticsJpn J Hum Genet1The Japanese journal of obstetrics and gynecologyJpn J Obstet Gynecol"The Japanese journal of physiology Jpn J Physiol0The Japanese journal of psychiatry and neurologyJpn J Psychiatry NeurolThe Japanese journal of surgery Jpn J Surg$The Japanese journal of tuberculosis Jpn J Tuberc7The Japanese journal of tuberculosis and chest diseasesJpn J Tuberc Chest Dis+The Japanese journal of veterinary research Jpn J Vet Res#The Japanese psychological researchJpn Psychol ResThe Jerusalem quarterly Jerusalem Q%The Jewish Memorial Hospital bulletinJew Mem Hosp BullThe Jewish digestJew Dig7The John Marshall journal of computer & information lawJohn Marshall J Comput Inf Law3The John Marshall journal of practice and procedureJohn Marshall J Pract ProcedThe John Marshall law reviewJohn Marshall Law Rev)The Johns Hopkins Nurses' alumni magazineJohns Hopkins Nurses Alumni Mag!The Johns Hopkins medical journalJohns Hopkins Med J0The Johns Hopkins medical letter health after 50&Johns Hopkins Med Lett Health After 503The Joint Commission journal on quality improvementJt Comm J Qual ImprovThe Jordan dental journal Jordan Dent J The JournalJournalThe Journal for hospital admitting management : official publication of the National Association of Hospital Admitting Managers / NAHAMJ Hosp Admit Manage!The Journal of American folk-lore J Am Folk%The Journal of American health policyJ Am Health PolicyThe Journal of Arizona history J Ariz HistThe Journal of Asian studies J Asian StudThe Journal of British studies J Br Stud The Journal of Caribbean history J Caribb Hist2The Journal of Commonwealth & comparative politicsJ Commonw Comp Polit!The Journal of East Asian affairsJ East Asian Aff#The Journal of Egyptian archaeologyJ Egypt ArchaeolThe Journal of Erie studies J Erie Stud(The Journal of European economic historyJ Eur Econ HistSThe Journal of Hellenic studies / the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies J Hell Stud)The Journal of Indian Orthodontic SocietyJ Indian Orthod Soc"The Journal of Long Island historyJ Long Isl Hist'The Journal of Mexican American history J Mex Am Hist"The Journal of Mississippi history J Miss HistThe Journal of NIH research : life sciences research and news about the National Institutes of Health and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration J NIH ResThe Journal of Negro education J Negro EducThe Journal of Negro history J Negro Hist3The Journal of Nihon University School of DentistryJ Nihon Univ Sch Dent-The Journal of Osaka University Dental SchoolJ Osaka Univ Dent SchThe Journal of Pacific history J Pac Hist The Journal of San Diego historyJ San Diego Hist The Journal of abdominal surgery J Abdom Surg^The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent MedicineJ Adolesc Health$The Journal of air medical transportJ Air Med TranspThe Journal of allergy J Allergy.The Journal of allergy and clinical immunologyJ Allergy Clin Immunol)The Journal of ambulatory care managementJ Ambul Care Manage$The Journal of analytical psychologyJ Anal PsycholThe Journal of animal ecology J Anim EcolThe Journal of antibioticsJ Antibiot (Tokyo)"The Journal of antibiotics. Ser. BJ Antibiot [B])The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapyJ Antimicrob Chemother#The Journal of applied bacteriologyJ Appl Bacteriol)The Journal of applied behavioral scienceJ Appl Behav SciThe Journal of applied ecology J Appl Ecol The Journal of applied nutrition J Appl Nutr!The Journal of applied psychologyJ Appl Psychol&The Journal of applied social sciencesJ Appl Soc SciThe Journal of arthroplastyJ ArthroplastyRThe Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of AsthmaJ AsthmaThe Journal of asthma research J Asthma Res,The Journal of audiovisual media in medicineJ Audiov Media Med The Journal of auditory research J Aud Res The Journal of aviation medicine J Aviat Med#The Journal of behavioral economics J Behav EconThe Journal of biocommunication J Biocommun#The Journal of biological chemistry J Biol Chem"The Journal of biological sciences J Biol Sci3The Journal of biophysical and biochemical cytologyJ Biophys Biochem CytolThe Journal of black psychologyJ Black Psychol%The Journal of bone and joint surgeryJ Bone Joint Surg6The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volumeJ Bone Joint Surg Am5The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volumeJ Bone Joint Surg Br)The Journal of burn care & rehabilitationJ Burn Care Rehabil*The Journal of business and social studiesJ Bus Soc Stud The Journal of business strategyJ Bus StrategyThe Journal of cancer research J Cancer ResxThe Journal of cardiovascular management : the official journal of the American College of Cardiovascular AdministratorsJ Cardiovasc Manag&The Journal of cardiovascular medicineJ Cardiovasc Med%The Journal of cardiovascular nursingJ Cardiovasc Nurs%The Journal of cardiovascular surgeryJ Cardiovasc Surg (Torino)The Journal of cell biology J Cell BiolThe Journal of chemical physics J Chem Phys&The Journal of chemical thermodynamicsJ Chem ThermodynThe Journal of child psychiatryJ Child Psychiatry!The Journal of clinical dentistry J Clin Dent%The Journal of clinical dysmorphologyJ Clin Dysmorphol%The Journal of clinical endocrinologyJ Clin Endocrinol4The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolismJ Clin Endocrinol MetabThe Journal of clinical ethics J Clin Ethics%The Journal of clinical investigation J Clin Invest!The Journal of clinical nutrition J Clin Nutr+The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistryJ Clin Pediatr Dent2The Journal of clinical pharmacology and new drugsJ Clin Pharmacol New DrugsAThe Journal of clinical pharmacology and the journal of new drugsJ Clin Pharmacol J New Drugs"The Journal of clinical psychiatryJ Clin Psychiatry)The Journal of college and university lawJ Coll Univ Law$The Journal of communicable diseases J Commun DisThe Journal of communicationJ Commun$The Journal of communication inquiry J Commun Inq$The Journal of comparative neurology J Comp Neurol5The Journal of comparative pathology and therapeuticsJ Comp Pathol Ther/The Journal of compliance in health care : JCHCJ Compliance Health Care"The Journal of computed tomographyJ Comput Tomogr"The Journal of conflict resolutionJ Conflict ResolutThe Journal of consumer affairs J Consum Aff The Journal of consumer research J Consum Res1The Journal of contemporary health law and policyJ Contemp Health Law Policy=The Journal of continuing education in the health professionsJ Contin Educ Health ProfThe Journal of contraception J ContraceptThe Journal of corporation law J Corp Law)The Journal of cranio-mandibular practiceJ Craniomandibular Pract*The Journal of cranio-maxillofacial traumaJ Craniomaxillofac Trauma#The Journal of craniofacial surgeryJ Craniofac Surg The Journal of creative behavior J Creat Behav)The Journal of criminal law & criminologyJ Crim Law Criminol<The Journal of criminal law, criminology, and police scienceJ Crim Law Criminol Police SciThe Journal of critical illness J Crit Illn*The Journal of current adolescent medicineJ Curr Adolesc MedThe Journal of dairy research J Dairy ResThe Journal of dental medicine J Dent MedThe Journal of dental symposia J Dent Symp#The Journal of dermatologic surgeryJ Dermatol Surg0The Journal of dermatologic surgery and oncologyJ Dermatol Surg Oncol'The Journal of dermatological treatmentJ Dermatolog TreatThe Journal of dermatology J Dermatol(The Journal of development communication J Dev Comm%The Journal of diabetic complicationsJ Diabet ComplicationsoThe Journal of documentation; devoted to the recording, organization and dissemination of specialized knowledgeJ Doc The Journal of early adolescenceJ Early Adolesc%The Journal of ecclesiastical historyJ Ecclesiast HistThe Journal of ecologyJ Ecol!The Journal of economic education J Econ Educ#The Journal of educational research J Educ Res!The Journal of emergency medicine J Emerg MedThe Journal of endocrinology J Endocrinol&The Journal of environmental educationJ Environ EducThe Journal of ethnic studies J Ethn Stud&The Journal of eukaryotic microbiologyJ Eukaryot Microbiol#The Journal of experimental biology J Exp Biol$The Journal of experimental medicine J Exp Med#The Journal of experimental zoology J Exp ZoolThe Journal of experimental zoology. Supplement : published under auspices of the American Society of Zoologists and the Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry / the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and BiologyJ Exp Zool Suppl)The Journal of extra-corporeal technologyJ Extra Corpor Technol!The Journal of family and culture J Fam CultThe Journal of family practice J Fam PractThe Journal of family welfare J Fam WelfoThe Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle SurgeonsJ Foot Ankle SurgThe Journal of foot surgery J Foot Surg*The Journal of forensic odonto-stomatologyJ Forensic Odontostomatol/The Journal of general and applied microbiologyJ Gen Appl Microbiol The Journal of general education J Gen Educ!The Journal of general physiology J Gen Physiol!The Journal of general psychology J Gen PsycholThe Journal of general virology J Gen Virol!The Journal of genetic psychologyJ Genet PsycholThe Journal of geographyJ GeogThe Journal of geologyJ GeolThe Journal of gnathology J GnatholThe Journal of hand surgeryJ Hand Surg [Am],The Journal of hand surgery, European volumeJ Hand Surg Eur Vol)The Journal of head trauma rehabilitationJ Head Trauma Rehabil.The Journal of health administration educationJ Health Adm EducThe Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart TransplantationJ Heart Lung Transplant$The Journal of heart transplantationJ Heart Transplant"The Journal of heart valve diseaseJ Heart Valve DisThe Journal of heredityJ HeredThe Journal of higher education J Higher Educ!The Journal of hospital infection J Hosp InfectThe Journal of human resources J Hum Resour3The Journal of humanistic education and developmentJ Humanist Educ DevThe Journal of hygiene J Hyg (Lond)0The Journal of imperial and commonwealth historyJ Imp Commonw Hist#The Journal of industrial economics J Ind Econ0The Journal of industrial hygiene and toxicologyJ Ind Hyg ToxicolThe Journal of infectionJ Infect"The Journal of infectious diseases J Infect Dis6The Journal of information and image management : JIIMJ Inf Image Manage&The Journal of infusional chemotherapyJ Infus Chemother(The Journal of interdisciplinary historyJ Interdiscip Hist.The Journal of international law and economicsJ Int Law Econ-The Journal of international medical research J Int Med Res"The Journal of invasive cardiologyJ Invasive Cardiol(The Journal of investigative dermatologyJ Invest Dermatol/The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicineJ Lab Clin Med&The Journal of laryngology and otologyJ Laryngol Otol2The Journal of laryngology and otology. SupplementJ Laryngol Otol SupplThe Journal of law & economics J Law EconThe Journal of law & politics J Law PolitThe Journal of law and religion J Law Relig!The Journal of law and technology J Law TechnolcThe Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & EthicsJ Law Med EthicsThe Journal of legal history J Legal HistThe Journal of legal medicine J Leg MedThe Journal of legal studies J Legal Stud"The Journal of libertarian studies J Libert Stud*The Journal of lithotripsy & stone diseaseJ Lithotr Stone Dis,The Journal of long term care administrationJ Long Term Care AdmGThe Journal of long term home health care : The PRIDE Institute journalJ Long Term Home Health Care&The Journal of maternal-fetal medicineJ Matern Fetal Med%The Journal of mathematical sociology J Math Sociol!The Journal of medical humanities J Med Humanit/The Journal of medical humanities and bioethicsJ Med Humanit Bioeth,The Journal of medical laboratory technologyJ Med Lab Technol0The Journal of medical practice management : MPMJ Med Pract Manage&The Journal of medicine and philosophy J Med PhilosThe Journal of membrane biology J Membr BiolThe Journal of mental science J Ment Sci"The Journal of mental subnormalityJ Ment SubnormThe Journal of micrographics J MicrogrThe Journal of microwave powerJ Microw PowerxThe Journal of microwave power and electromagnetic energy : a publication of the International Microwave Power Institute!J Microw Power Electromagn EnergyThe Journal of military history J Mil Hist%The Journal of modern African studiesJ Mod Afr StudThe Journal of modern history J Mod Hist7The Journal of molecular and cellular immunology : JMCIJ Mol Cell Immunol*The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD J Mol Diagn The Journal of molluscan studiesJ Molluscan Stud)The Journal of nervous and mental diseaseJ Nerv Ment Dis9The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciencesJ Neuropsychiatry Clin NeurosciRThe Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience J Neurosci`The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience NursesJ Neurosci NursThe Journal of new drugs J New Drugs+The Journal of nuclear biology and medicineJ Nucl Biol Med3The Journal of nuclear medicine and allied sciencesJ Nucl Med Allied Sci%The Journal of nursing administration J Nurs AdmThe Journal of nursing care J Nurs Care The Journal of nursing education J Nurs EducThe Journal of nutritionJ Nutr'The Journal of nutritional biochemistryJ Nutr BiochemEThe Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British CommonwealthJ Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw?The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British EmpireJ Obstet Gynaecol Br EmplThe Journal of oncology management : the official journal of the American College of Oncology Administrators J Oncol Manag%The Journal of ophthalmic photographyJ Ophthalmic Photogr2The Journal of oral implant and transplant surgeryJ Oral Implant Transplant Surg The Journal of oral implantologyJ Oral Implantol The Journal of organic chemistry J Org Chem6The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapyJ Orthop Sports Phys TherThe Journal of osteopathyJ Osteopath (Kirksvill)The Journal of otolaryngology J Otolaryngol)The Journal of otolaryngology. SupplementJ Otolaryngol SupplThe Journal of parapsychology J ParapsycholThe Journal of parasitology J ParasitolThe Journal of pathologyJ Pathol)The Journal of pathology and bacteriologyJ Pathol BacteriolThe Journal of peasant studiesJ Peasant Stud&The Journal of pediatric endocrinologyJ Pediatr EndocrinolThe Journal of pediatrics J PediatrThe Journal of pedodonticsJ Pedod+The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursingJ Perinat Neonatal Nurs?The Journal of perinatal education : an ASPO/Lamaze publicationJ Perinat EducThe Journal of periodontology J Periodontol9The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeuticsJ Pharmacol Exp TherTThe Journal of pharmacy & law / Ohio Northern University, the Pharmacy-Law Institute J Pharm Law(The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacologyJ Pharm PharmacoljThe Journal of pharmacy technology : jPT : official publication of the Association of Pharmacy TechniciansJ Pharm Technol-The Journal of physical and colloid chemistryJ Phys Colloid Chem!The Journal of physical chemistry J Phys Chem.The Journal of physics and chemistry of solidsJ Phys Chem SolidsThe Journal of physiology J PhysiolThe Journal of plastic and reconstructive surgical nursing : official organ of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical NursesJ Plast Reconstr Surg Nurs The Journal of practical nursing J Pract Nurs#The Journal of preventive dentistry J Prev Dent#The Journal of prosthetic dentistryJ Prosthet DentThe Journal of protozoology J ProtozoolThe Journal of psychiatry & lawJ Psychiatry LawThe Journal of psychohistory J PsychohistThe Journal of psychology J Psychol2The Journal of psychotherapy practice and researchJ Psychother Pract ResThe Journal of religionJ ReligThe Journal of religious ethicsJ Relig Ethics The Journal of religious history J Relig Hist+The Journal of reproduction and development J Reprod Dev$The Journal of reproductive medicine J Reprod Med8The Journal of research and education in Indian medicineJ Res Educ Indian Med*The Journal of research in Indian medicineJ Res Indian Med#The Journal of respiratory diseases J Respir DisThe Journal of rheumatology J Rheumatol'The Journal of rheumatology. SupplementJ Rheumatol Suppl!The Journal of risk and insurance J Risk InsurThe Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care AssociationJ Rural HealthThe Journal of school health J Sch HealtheThe Journal of school nursing : the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses J Sch NursThe Journal of sex education J Sex Educ$The Journal of small animal practiceJ Small Anim Pract+The Journal of social and political affairsJ Soc Polit Aff+The Journal of social and political studiesJ Soc Polit StudThe Journal of social issues J Soc Issues The Journal of social psychology J Soc PsycholThe Journal of social studies J Soc Stud!The Journal of social welfare lawJ Soc Welfare Law6The Journal of social, political, and economic studiesJ Soc Polit Econ Stud#The Journal of sociological studies J Sociol StudThe Journal of southern history J South Hist The Journal of special education J Spec Educ+The Journal of speech and hearing disordersJ Speech Hear DisordThe Journal of speech disordersJ Speech DisordThe Journal of sports medicine J Sports Med3The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitnessJ Sports Med Phys FitnessrThe Journal of state government / National Conference of State Legislatures [and] the Council of State Governments J State Gov9The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biologyJ Steroid Biochem Mol BiolThe Journal of stone disease J Stone Dis The Journal of surgical research J Surg Res"The Journal of technology transferJ Technol Transf0The Journal of the Acoustical Society of AmericaJ Acoust Soc Am?The Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia"J Albert Einstein Med Cent (Phila)/The Journal of the All India Dental AssociationJ All India Dent Assoc:The Journal of the American Academy of Gold Foil OperatorsJ Am Acad Gold Foil Oper;The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeonsJ Am Acad Orthop Surg5The Journal of the American Academy of PsychoanalysisJ Am Acad PsychoanalEThe Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic LaparoscopistsJ Am Assoc Gynecol LaparoscJThe Journal of the American Association of Nephrology Nurses & TechniciansJ Am Assoc Nephrol Nurses Tech=The Journal of the American Association of Nurse AnesthetistsJ Am Assoc Nurse AnesthXThe Journal of the American Board of Family Practice / American Board of Family PracticeJ Am Board Fam Pract/The Journal of the American College of DentistsJ Am Coll Dent:The Journal of the American Dental Hygienists' AssociationJ Am Dent Hyg Assoc3The Journal of the American Osteopathic AssociationJ Am Osteopath Assoc.The Journal of the American Paraplegia SocietyJ Am Paraplegia Soc;The Journal of the American Society for Geriatric DentistryJ Am Soc Geriatr Dent<The Journal of the American Society for Preventive DentistryJ Am Soc Prev DentKThe Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and MedicineJ Am Soc Psychosom Dent Med+The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society J Ark Med SocAThe Journal of the Asian Federation of Obstetrics and GynaecologyJ Asian Fed Obstet GynaecolThe Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps : official publication of the Association for Persons with Severe HandicapsJ Assoc Pers Sev Handicaps8The Journal of the Association of Medical Women in IndiaJ Assoc Med Women India=The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANACJ Assoc Nurses AIDS Care5The Journal of the Association of Physicians of IndiaJ Assoc Physicians India5The Journal of the Canadian Church Historical SocietyJ Can Church Hist Soc9The Journal of the Christian Medical Association of IndiaJ Christ Med Assoc India3The Journal of the College of General PractitionersJ Coll Gen Pract1The Journal of the Dental Association of ThailandJ Dent Assoc Thai/The Journal of the Egyptian Medical AssociationJ Egypt Med Assoc5The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health AssociationJ Egypt Public Health Assoc.The Journal of the Florida Medical AssociationJ Fla Med AssocKThe Journal of the Florida Medical Association. Florida Medical AssociationJ Fla Med Assoc/The Journal of the Florida State Dental SocietyJ Fla State Dent Soc.The Journal of the Friends' Historical SocietyJ Friends Hist Soc1The Journal of the Greater Houston Dental SocietyJ Gt Houst Dent Soc/The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory7Hattori Shokubutsu Kenkyujo hokoku|J. Hattori Bot. Lab.-The Journal of the Indiana Dental AssociationJ Indiana Dent Assoc3The Journal of the Indiana State Dental AssociationJ Indiana State Dent Assoc4The Journal of the Indiana State Medical AssociationJ Indiana State Med Assoc4The Journal of the Institute of Hospital EngineeringJ Inst Hosp Eng4The Journal of the International College of SurgeonsJ Int Coll SurgAThe Journal of the Kansas Bar Association. Kansas Bar AssociationJ Kans Bar Assoc)The Journal of the Kansas Medical SocietyJ Kans Med Soc2The Journal of the Kansas State Dental AssociationJ Kans State Dent Assoc/The Journal of the Kentucky Medical AssociationJ Ky Med Assoc5The Journal of the Kentucky State Medical AssociationJ Ky State Med Assoc-The Journal of the Kuwait Medical AssociationJ Kuwait Med AssocjThe Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society : official organ of the Louisiana State Medical SocietyJ La State Med Soc,The Journal of the Maine Medical AssociationJ Maine Med Assoc0The Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey J Med Soc N J.The Journal of the Michigan Dental AssociationJ Mich Dent Assoc4The Journal of the Michigan State Dental AssociationJ Mich State Dent Assoc.The Journal of the Nebraska Dental AssociationJ Nebr Dent Assoc2The Journal of the New Jersey State Dental SocietyJ N J State Dent Soc5The Journal of the New York State Nurses' AssociationJ N Y State Nurses AssocCThe Journal of the New York State School Nurse Teachers Association!J N Y State Sch Nurse Teach Assoc0The Journal of the North Carolina Dental SocietyJ N C Dent Soc5The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical AssociationJ Okla State Med Assoc-The Journal of the Ontario Dental AssociationJ Ont Dent Assoc<The Journal of the Operating Room Research Institute : JORRIJ Oper Room Res Inst/The Journal of the Operational Research SocietyJ Oper Res Soc,The Journal of the Oregon Dental AssociationJ Oreg Dent Assoc0The Journal of the Philippine Dental AssociationJ Philipp Dent Assoc]The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Royal Astronomical Society of CanadaJ R Astron Soc Can9The Journal of the Royal College of General PractitionersJ R Coll Gen PractKThe Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Occasional paperJ R Coll Gen Pract Occas Pap?The Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health and HygieneJ R Inst Public Health-The Journal of the Rutgers University LibraryJ Rutgers Univ LibrThe Journal of the Siam Society J Siam Soc/The Journal of the Singapore Paediatric SocietyJ Singapore Paediatr Soc3The Journal of the Society of Occupational MedicineJ Soc Occup Med/The Journal of the Tennessee Dental AssociationJ Tenn Dent Assoc[The Journal of the Tennessee State Medical Association. Tennessee State Medical AssociationJ Tn State Med Assoc]The Journal of the Texas Dental Hygienists' Association. Texas Dental Hygienists' AssociationJ Texas Dent Hyg AssocJThe Journal of the Western Society of Periodontology/Periodontal abstracts(J West Soc Periodontol Periodontal Abstr/The Journal of the Wisconsin Dental AssociationJ Wis Dent Assoc1The Journal of the Wisconsin State Dental SocietyJ Wis State Dent Soc7The Journal of the dental auxiliaries, Malaya, Malaysia J Dent Aux2The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgeryJ Thorac Cardiovasc SurgThe Journal of thoracic surgery J Thorac Surg%The Journal of toxicological sciences J Toxicol SciThe Journal of traumaJ Trauma!The Journal of tropical geography J Trop Geogr The Journal of tropical medicine J Trop Med,The Journal of tropical medicine and hygieneJ Trop Med Hyg;The Journal of tropical pediatrics and African child healthJ Trop Pediatr Afr Child HealthAThe Journal of tropical pediatrics and environmental child health#J Trop Pediatr Environ Child HealthThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of value inquiry J Value Inq+The Journal of venereal disease informationJ Vener Dis InfVThe Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science J Vet Med SciThe Journal of vitaminologyJ Vitaminol (Kyoto)'The Journal of volunteer administration J Volunt Adm"The Journal of wildlife managementJ Wildl Manage*The Journal of world intellectual propertyJ World Intellect PropThe Journal-lancetJ LancetThe Judges' journalJudges JThe Juridical review Jurid RevThe Kansas geographer Kans GeogrThe Kansas historical quarterly Kans Hist QThe Kansas nurse Kans Nurse)The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciencesKaohsiung J Med SciThe Keio journal of medicine Keio J MedThe Key reporter Key Report The KidneyKidney3The King Faisal Specialist Hospital medical journalKing Faisal Spec Hosp Med J.The Kitasato archives of experimental medicineKitasato Arch Exp MedThe KivaKivaThe KneeKnee$The Kobe journal of medical sciencesKobe J Med SciWThe Korean journal of biochemistry : official journal of the Korean Biochemical SocietyKorean J Biochem The Korean journal of hepatologyKorean J Hepatol'The Korean journal of internal medicineKorean J Intern Med"The Korean journal of parasitologyKorean J ParasitolThe Kumamoto medical journalKumamoto Med JThe Kurume medical journal Kurume Med JThe Labor lawyer Labor LawyerThe Lactation review Lactation RevThe Ladies' home journal Ladies Home JThe Lahey Clinic bulletinLahey Clin BullThe LampLampThe Lancet infectious diseasesLancet Infect DisThe Laryngoscope LaryngoscopeThe Law quarterly review Law Q RevThe Law teacher Law TeachFThe Lebanese pharmaceutical journal. La Revue pharmaceutique libanaise Leban Pharm J The LeechLeech The LibraryLibrary (Lond):The Library chronicle of the University of Texas at AustinLibr Chron Univ Tex AustinThe Library quarterlyLibr QThe Linacre quarterly Linacre QdThe Linnean : newsletter and proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Linnean Society of LondonLinnean&The Lippincott health promotion letterLippincott Health Promot LettThe Liverpool law reviewLiverp Law RevThe Local historian Local HistThe LogLogThe London Hospital gazette Lond Hosp GazThe London archaeologist Lond ArchaeolThe London journalLond J"The Long Island historical journalLong Island Hist JThe Los Angeles timesLos Angeles TimesThe Lovelace Clinic reviewLovelace Clin Rev(The Magazine of Albemarle County historyMag Albemarle Cty Hist'The Maghreb review. Majallat al-Maghrib Maghreb RevThe Malawian geographerMalawian GeogrThe Malayan economic review : the journal of the Economic Society of Singapore, the Department of Economics and Statistics and the Economic Research Centre of the University of SingaporeMalay Econ Rev"The Malaysian journal of pathologyMalays J PatholThe Malloch room newsletterMalloch Room NewslThe Manchester medical gazette Manch Med Gaz4The Manchester school of economic and social studiesManchester Sch Econ Soc StudThe Marine Corps gazette Mar Corps GazThe Mariner's mirror Mar MirrorThe Maryland bar journalMd Bar JThe Maryland historianMd HistThe Maryland nurseMd NurseThe Massachusetts nurse Mass NurseThe Massachusetts reviewMass Rev)The Masterkey for Indian lore and historyMasterkey Ind Lore Hist The MayanMayanThe McGill dental reviewMcgill Dent RevThe McGill news McGill News.The Medical annals of the District of ColumbiaMed Ann Dist ColumbiaThe Medical annualMed Annu/The Medical bulletin of the U. S. Army Far East Med Bull US$The Medical clinics of North AmericaMed Clin North Am The Medical journal of Australia Med J Aust'The Medical journal of Cairo UniversityMed J Cairo UnivThe Medical journal of Malaya Med J MalayaThe Medical journal of MalaysiaMed J Malaysia0The Medical journal of the Egyptian Armed ForcesMed J Egypt Armed Forces%The Medical journal of the South-WestMed J Southwest,The Medical letter on drugs and therapeuticsMed Lett Drugs Ther0The Medical malpractice cost containment journalMed Malpract Cost Containment JThe Medical officerMed OffThe Medical press Med PressThe Medical staff counselorMed Staff CounsThe Medical-moral newsletterMed Moral NewslThe Medico-legal journal Med Leg J The MedicusMedicusThe Meharri-Dent Meharri DentWThe Mendel newsletter; archival resources for the history of genetics & allied sciences Mendel NewslThe Mennonite quarterly review Mennon Q RevThe Merck report Merck RepThe Michigan historical review Mich Hist RevThe Michigan nurse Mich NurseThe Middle East journal Middle East JThe Middle East medical journalMiddle East Med JThe Midwest quarterlyMidwest Q (Pittsb)#The Milbank Memorial Fund quarterlyMilbank Mem Fund Q7The Milbank Memorial Fund quarterly. Health and societyMilbank Mem Fund Q Health SocThe Milbank quarterly Milbank Q'The Minneapolis district dental journalMinneap Dist Dent JThe Mississippi doctor Miss DoctThe Mississippi quarterlyMiss QThe Missouri nurseMo NurseThe Modern churchman Mod ChurchmThe Modern law review Mod Law RevThe Modern schoolman Mod Schoolman The MonistMonist The MonthMonth-The Mount Sinai journal of medicine, New YorkMt Sinai J MedThe Muslim world Muslim WorldThe NAHAM management journalNAHAM Manage JThe NCSDHA dental hygienistNCSDHA Dent HygThe Nation's healthNations HealthThe National Jewish monthly Natl Jew MonThe National dean's list Deans ListThe National engineerNatl EngThe National law journal Natl Law J%The National medical journal of IndiaNatl Med J India9The National underwriter. Life & health insurance editionNatl Underwrit [Life Health]The Nebraska medical journal Nebr Med J"The Nebraska state medical journalNebr State Med JThe Nervous child Nerv Child#The Netherlands journal of medicine Neth J Med"The Netherlands journal of surgery Neth J SurgUThe Neuroscientist : a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatryNeuroscientist`The New England historical and genealogical register / New-England Historic Genealogical SocietyN Engl Hist Geneal Regist#The New England journal of medicine N Engl J MedThe New England quarterly New Engl QThe New Hungarian quarterly New Hung Q,The New Orleans medical and surgical journalNew Orleans Med Surg JThe New York dental journal NY Dent J!The New York journal of dentistry N Y J DentThe New York medical quarterly N Y Med QThe New York physician N Y PhysicianThe New York review of booksNew York Rev Books!The New York state dental journalN Y State Dent JThe New York timesNY Times (Print)The New York times magazine N Y Times MagThe New Zealand dental journal N Z Dent J The New Zealand family physicianN Z Fam Physician"The New Zealand journal of history N Z J Hist"The New Zealand law journal : NZLJ N Z Law JThe New Zealand law reports N Z Law RepThe New Zealand medical journal N Z Med J*The New Zealand nursing journal. Kai tiaki N Z Nurs JThe New Zealand psychologist NZ PsycholThe New biologistNew BiolQThe New dentist : the official journal of the American Student Dental AssociationNew DentThe New law journal New Law JThe New philosophy New PhilosThe New physician New PhysicianThe New phytologist New PhytolThe New scholasticismNew ScholasticismThe New universities quarterly New Univ QThe New-England galaxy N Engl Galaxy/The Newsletter of biomedical safety & standardsNewsl Biomed Saf Stand3The Nigerian journal of economic and social studiesNiger J Econ Soc Stud!The Nigerian medical practitionerNiger Med PractThe Nigerian nurse Niger Nurse)The Nigerian postgraduate medical journalNiger Postgrad Med J(The Nihon University journal of medicineNihon Univ J MedThe North American review North Am RevThe North American veterinarian North Am Vet$The North Carolina historical review N C Hist Rev The Northern Ireland law reportsNorth Irel Law Rep$The Northern Ireland legal quarterlyNorth Irel Leg QThe Notre Dame law reviewNotre Dame Law RevThe Notre Dame lawyerNotre Dame Lawyer$The Nova Scotia historical quarterly NS Hist Q The Nova Scotia medical bulletin N S Med BullCThe Nucleus; an international journal of cytology and allied topicsNucleusThe Nurse practitioner Nurse Pract$The Nursing clinics of North AmericaNurs Clin North AmThe Nursing journal of India Nurs J India The Nursing journal of SingaporeNurs J SingaporeIThe OECD observer. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOECD ObsThe Occupational health nurseOccup Health Nurse (Auckl) The OfficeOfficeThe Ohio State medical journalOhio State Med JThe Ohio dental journal Ohio Dent JThe Ohio journal of science Ohio J SciThe Oklahoma nurse Okla NurseThe Old Northwest Old Northwest0The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary researchOnderstepoort J Vet Res-The Online journal of current clinical trialsOnline J Curr Clin TrialsThe Ontario psychologist Ont Psychol The OpticianOpticianThe Optometric weekly Optom WklyThe Oral history review Oral Hist RevThe Oregon nurse Oreg Nurse The OrganOrganThe Orthodontist Orthodontist'The Orthopedic clinics of North AmericaOrthop Clin North AmThe Osteopathic hospitalOsteopath HospThe Osteopathic professionOsteopath ProfThe P. A. journalPA JThe PCR reporterPCR RepThe Pacific historianPac HistThe Pacific northwesterner Pac NorthwestThe Pakistan dental review Pak Dent Rev<The Pakistan journal of surgery, gynaecology, and obstetricsPak J Surg Gynaecol Obstet&The Pakistan nursing and health reviewPak Nurs Health RevThe PalimpsestPalimpsest (Iowa City)The Patna journal of medicine Patna J Med+The Pavlovian journal of biological sciencePavlov J Biol Sci(The Pediatric infectious disease journalPediatr Infect Dis JThe Penn dental journalPenn Dent J (Phila)2The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biographyPa Mag Hist BiogrThe Pennsylvania nursePa NurseThe Personalist PersonalistThe Personnel administratorPers Adm"The Personnel and guidance journal Pers Guid JThe Personnel journalPers JHThe Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha&Pharos Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Med SocThe Philippine economic journalPhilipp Econ J!The Philippine journal of nursingPhilipp J Nurs$The Philippine journal of pediatricsPhilipp J Pediatr-The Philippine review of economics & businessPhilipp Rev Econ BusThe Philosophical forum Philos ForumThe Philosophical journalPhilos JThe Philosophical quarterlyPhilos QThe Philosophical review Philos RevThe Philosophy forum Philos ForumThe Physical therapy review Phys Ther Rev The Physician and sportsmedicinePhys SportsmedThe Physiologist PhysiologistThe Physiology teacher Physiol TeachThe Planetary report Planet RepThe Plant cell Plant Cell2The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biologyPlant JThe Polar recordPolar Rec (Gr Brit)The Polish reviewPol RevThe Political quarterlyPolit QThe Pope speaks Pope SpeaksThe Practical lawyer Pract LawyerThe Practitioner PractitionerThe Prairie rose Prairie Rose The PriestPriest*The Princeton University library chroniclePrinceton Univ Libr Chron The Probe Probe (Lond).The Proceedings of the Cardiff Medical SocietyProc Cardiff Med Soc7The Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of ChicagoProc Inst Med Chic(The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Proc Nutr SocTThe Professional geographer : the journal of the Association of American Geographers Prof GeogrThe Progressive ProgressiveThe Progressive nurseProgress Nurse The ProstateProstateThe Prostate. SupplementProstate Suppl(The Psychiatric clinics of North AmericaPsychiatr Clin North AmThe Psychiatric hospitalPsychiatr HospThe Psychiatric quarterly Psychiatr Q%The Psychiatric quarterly. SupplementPsychiatr Q SupplThe Psychoanalytic quarterly Psychoanal Q%The Psychoanalytic study of the childPsychoanal Study ChildThe Psychohistory reviewPsychohist RevThe Psychological record Psychol RecThe Psychologist PsychologistThe Public historian Public HistThe Public interestPublic InterestThe Public relations journalPublic Relat J(The Publications of the Thoresby SocietyPubl Thoresby Soc>The Puerto Rico journal of public health and tropical medicinePR J Public Health Trop Med2The Pulse of the Montana State Nurses' AssociationPulseThe Punjab medical journal Punjab Med J)The Quality letter for healthcare leadersQual Lett Healthc Lead0The Quarterly journal of experimental psychologyQ J Exp PsycholRThe Quarterly journal of experimental psychology. A, Human experimental psychologyQ J Exp Psychol A]The Quarterly journal of experimental psychology. B, Comparative and physiological psychologyQ J Exp Psychol B!The Quarterly journal of medicineQ J Med.The Quarterly journal of microscopical scienceQ J Microsc Sci'The Quarterly journal of social affairs Q J Soc AffThe Quarterly journal of speech Q J Speech5The Quarterly of the National Dental Association, IncQ Natl Dent AssocThe Quarterly reviewQ Rev DC Nurses AssocThe Quarterly review of biology Q Rev Biol.The Quarterly review of economics and businessQ Rev Econ Bus\The Quarterly review of economics and finance : journal of the Midwest Economics AssociationQ Rev Econ FinanceThe Queensland nurse Qld NurseThe Rand journal of economics Rand J EconThe Reader's digestRead Dig@The Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New YorkRec Assoc Bar City New YorkThe Reformed journalReform JThe Regan report on nursing lawRegan Rep Nurs Law/The Register of the Kentucky Historical SocietyRegist Ky Hist Soc6The Responsive community : rights and responsibilitiesResponsive Community%The Review of Black political economyRev Black Polit EconThe Review of economic studies Rev Econ StudThe Review of gastroenterologyRev GastroenterolThe Review of metaphysics Rev MetaphysThe Review of politics Rev Polit)The Review of radical political economicsRev Radic Polit EconThe Review of regional studies Rev Reg Stud$The Review of scientific instrumentsRev Sci InstrumThe Rhodesia nurse Rhod NurseThe Rhodesian nurse Rhod Nurse)The Rocky Mountain social science journalRocky Mt Soc Sci J The RostrumRostrumThe Round table Round Table)The Royal Canadian Dental Corps quarterlyR Can Dent Corps Q8The Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene journalR Inst Public Health Hyg JThe Russian reviewRuss Rev6The Ryan advisory for health services governing boards!Ryan Advis Health Serv Gov BoardsThe San Diego law reviewSan Diego Law Rev~The Scandinavian economic history review / [the Scandanavian Society for Economic and Social History and Historical Geography]Scand Econ Hist Rev%The Scandinavian journal of economics Scand J EconThe School counselor Sch CounsThe School psychology digestSch Psychol DigThe School science review Sch Sci Rev$The Science of the total environmentSci Total EnvironXThe Science reports of the Tohoku University. Seventh series: (Geography) Tohoku DaigakuSci Rep Tohoku Univ Ser 7 The SciencesSciences (New York)/The Scientific basis of medicine annual reviewsSci Basis Med Annu RevThe Scottish historical reviewScott Hist RevwThe Scottish journal of criminal justice studies : the journal of the Scottish Association for the Study of DelinquencyScott J Crim Justice Stud!The Scottish journal of sociologyScott J SociolThe Seoul journal of medicine Seoul J MedThe Serials librarianSer LibrThe Seventeenth centurySeventeenth CenturyThe Sight-saving review Sight Sav ReveThe Sightsaving review : official publication of the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness Sightsav RevThe Singapore family physicianSingapore Fam Physician$The Singapore public health bulletinSingapore Public Health BullThe Sixteenth century journalSixt Century J$The Social and rehabilitation recordSoc Rehabil RecThe Social science journal Soc Sci JThe Social service review Soc Serv RevThe Social workerSoc Work'The Society for Nursing History gazetteSoc Nurs Hist Gaz7The Society for the Social History of Medicine bulletinSoc Soc Hist Med Bull (Lond)LThe Society of Malawi journal. Society of Malawi (Historical and Scientific) Soc Malawi JThe Sociological quarterlySociol QThe Sociological review Sociol RevsThe South African geographical journal, being a record of the proceedings of the South African Geographical Society S Afr Geogr J,The South African journal of African affairsS Afr J Afr AfflThe South African journal of communication disorders. Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir KommunikasieafwykingsS Afr J Commun DisordlThe South African journal of economic history : [journal of the Economic History Society of Southern Africa]S Afr J Econ HistMThe South African journal of economics. Suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir ekonomie S Afr J Econ-The South African journal of medical sciencesS Afr J Med SciThe South Atlantic quarterly South Atl Q=The South Carolina nurse / South Carolina Nurses' Association S C Nurse1The South Dakota journal of medicine and pharmacySD J Med PharmThe South Dakota nurse S D NurseBThe Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health(Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health,The Southern journal of educational researchSouth J Educ Res"The Southern journal of philosophySouth J PhilosThe Southern medical journal South Med J%The Southwestern historical quarterlySouthwest Hist Q&The Southwestern journal of philosophySouthwest J Philos+The Soviet journal of developmental biologySov J Dev BiolThe Soviet journal of ecology Sov J EcolThe Soviet reviewSov Rev!The Spanish journal of psychologySpan J PsycholThe Springfielder SpringfielderThe St. Luke's Hospital gazette St Lukes Hosp Gaz (Guardamangia)<The Statistician : journal of the Institute of Statisticians Statistician The SummarySumm Shute InstThe Sunday times magazineSunday Times MagazineThe Supreme Court reviewSupreme Court RevUThe Surgeon's circular letter. United States. Army. Far East Command. Medical Section1Surg Circ Lett U S Army Far East Command Med Sect%The Surgical clinics of North AmericaSurg Clin North AmThe Surgical technologist Surg Technol(The Swedish pioneer historical quarterlySwed Pioneer Hist QNThe Swedish-American historical quarterly / Swedish Pioneer Historical SocietySwed Am Hist QThe Sydney law review Syd Law RevThe Texas journal of science Tex J Sci The ThomistThomist'The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeonThorac Cardiovasc Surg+The Tohoku journal of experimental medicineTohoku J Exp Med7The Tokai journal of experimental and clinical medicineTokai J Exp Clin Med.The Tokushima journal of experimental medicineTokushima J Exp MedThe Torah u-madda journalTorah U Madda JThe Town planning review Town Plan RevGThe Toxicologist : an official publication of the Society of Toxicology Toxicologist%The Trained nurse and hospital reviewTrained Nurse Hosp RevThe Training school bulletinTrain Sch Bull (Vinel)BThe Transactions of the Association of Industrial Medical OfficersTrans Assoc Ind Med Off)The Transactions of the Hunterian SocietyTrans Hunter Soc8The Transactions of the Society of Occupational MedicineTrans Soc Occup MedeThe Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of GastroenterologyTurk J Gastroenterol!The Turkish journal of pediatricsTurk J PediatrThe Turnbull Library recordTurnbull Libr RecThe Ukrainian quarterlyUkr QThe Ulster medical journal Ulster Med J'The Undergraduate journal of philosophyUndergrad J PhilosThe Unesco courier UNESCO CourGThe University of Chicago law review. University of Chicago. Law SchoolUniv Chic Law Rev%The University of Chicago legal forumUniv Chic Leg Forum$The University of Illinois law forumUniv Ill Law Forum$The University of Maryland law forumUniv Md Law Forum$The University of Memphis law reviewUniv Memphis Law Rev-The University of New South Wales law journalUniv N S W Law J(The University of Queensland law journalUniv Qld Law J%The University of Toronto law journalUniv Tor Law J The Urban & social change reviewUrban Soc Change Review=The Urban League review. National Urban League. Research DeptUrban Leag RevThe Urban review Urban Rev!The Urologic and cutaneous reviewUrol Cutaneous Rev%The Urologic clinics of North AmericaUrol Clin North AmThe Utne reader Utne ReadThe Uttar Pradesh State dental journal : an official publication of the State U.P. Dental Branch of the Indian Dental AssociationUttar Pradesh State Dent JThe Veterinarian VeterinarianThe Veterinary bulletinVet Bull'The Veterinary clinics of North AmericaVet Clin North Am8The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practiceVet Clin North Am Equine Pract=The Veterinary clinics of North America. Food animal practice!Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract>The Veterinary clinics of North America. Large animal practice"Vet Clin North Am Large Anim Pract>The Veterinary clinics of North America. Small animal practice"Vet Clin North Am Small Anim PractThe Veterinary quarterlyVet QThe Veterinary recordVet Rec The Victorian historical journal Vic Hist J!The Victorian historical magazine Vic Hist MagThe Victorian newsletter Vic NewslThe Virginia explorer Va Explor.The Virginia magazine of history and biographyVa Mag Hist BiogrThe Virginia quarterly reviewVa Q RevThe Volta review Volta RevThe Volunteer leader Volunt LeaderThe Washington monthlyWash MonThe Washington nurse Wash NurseThe Washington quarterlyWash QThe Washingtonian WashingtonianThe Weather vane Weather Vane0The Welsh history review. Cylchgrawn hanes cymruWelsh Hist Rev The West African medical journalWest Afr Med JKThe West African medical journal and Nigerian medical & dental practitioner#West Afr Med J Niger Med Dent Pract:The West African medical journal and Nigerian practitionerWest Afr Med J Niger PractThe West Indian medical journalWest Indian Med JOThe West Tennessee Historical Society papers. West Tennessee Historical SocietyWest Tenn Hist Soc PapRThe West Texas Historical Association year book. West Texas Historical AssociationWest Tex Hist Asso Year B!The West Virginia medical journal W V Med J,The Western Canadian journal of anthropologyWest Can J Anthropol,The Western Pennsylvania historical magazineWest Pa Hist Mag The Western historical quarterly West Hist QThe Western humanities review West Hum Rev$The Western journal of black studiesWest J Black StudThe Western journal of medicine West J MedThe Western political quarterly West Polit QgThe William and Mary Bill of Rights journal : a student publication of the Marshall-Wythe School of LawWilliam Mary Bill Rights JThe William and Mary quarterlyWilliam Mary QThe Wilson quarterlyWilson QThe Wisconsin bar bulletin Wis Bar BullThe Wisconsin sociologist Wisc Sociol(The Wistar Institute symposium monographWistar Inst Symp MonogrThe Woman physicianWoman PhysicianThe Women's annual Womens Annu<The Women's watch / International Women's Right Action Watch Womens WatchThe World Bank economic reviewWorld Bank Econ Rev The World Bank research observerWorld Bank Res ObsThe World today World TodayThe X-ray technician Xray TechThe Xi Psi Phi quarterly Xi Psi Phi Q=The Yale University library gazette. Yale University. LibraryYale Univ Libr Gaz(The Yale journal of biology and medicineYale J Biol MedThe Yale law journal Yale Law JThe Year in immunology Year ImmunolThe Zambia nurse Zambia NurseThe Zambia nurse journalZambia Nurse J!The Zimbabwe journal of economics Zimb J EconThe Zimbabwe nurseZimbabwe NursebThe acts of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia passed in the session of ... Australia(Acts Parliam Commonw Aust Pass Sess AustbThe aging male : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male Aging MaleThe all England law reportsAll Engl Law Rep[The anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology$Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol BiolThe animals' agenda Anim AgendaThe annotated code of the public general laws of Maryland. Health-general / compiled and revised by Commission to Revise the Annotated Code; edited, annotated, and indexed by the editorial staff of the publishers under the supervision o... Annot Code Public Gen Laws Md MdQThe annual of the Society of Christian Ethics. Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.)Annu Soc Christ EthicsThe bibliotheck BibliotheckThe breast journalBreast JGThe bulletin - Missouri Historical Society. Missouri Historical SocietyBull Mo Hist SocTThe bulletin of the Cleveland Medical Library. Cleveland Medical Library AssociationBull Clevel Med LibrdThe bulletin of the Illinois Dental Hygienist's Association. Illinois Dental Hygienists' AssociationBull Ill Dent Hyg Assoc\The bulletin of the Society of University Cartographers. Society of University CartographersBull Soc Univ Cartogr-The bulletin of the Tri-County Dental SocietyBull Tri Cty Dent Soc+The cancer journal from Scientific AmericanCancer J Sci AmThe classical journalClass JThe elder law journal Elder Law JThe federal law reports : being reports of cases decided by the federal courts (other than the high court), state courts exercising federal jurisdiction, and courts of territories Fed Law RepThe gender cg newsletter Gend CG NewslThe general statutes of North Carolina : containing general laws of North Carolina ... / prepared under the supervision of the Department of Justice of the State of North Carolina ; annotated, under the supervision of the Department of ...Gen Statut N C N CThe great concern Gt ConcernThe health care managerHealth Care Manag (Frederick)The healthcare strategistHealthc StrategThe heart surgery forumHeart Surg Forum[The hematology journal : the official journal of the European Haematology Association / EHA Hematol J6The history of the family : an international quarterlyHist FamThe hospitalist Hospitalist The indexerIndexerGThe international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activityInt J Behav Nutr Phys Act8The international journal of biochemistry & cell biologyInt J Biochem Cell Biol3The international journal of cardiovascular imagingInt J Cardiovasc Imaging3The international journal of lower extremity woundsInt J Low Extrem WoundsQThe international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery : MRCASInt J Med RobotThe international journal of neuropsychopharmacology / official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (CINP)Int J Neuropsychopharmacol9The international journal of psychiatric nursing researchInt J Psychiatr Nurs Res7The international journal of supercomputer applicationsInt J Supercomput ApplThe international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung DiseaseInt J Tuberc Lung DisWThe international spectator : a quarterly journal of the Istituto affari internazionali Int Spect"The international tinnitus journalInt Tinnitus J#The journal of American health careJ Am Health CareThe journal of ECTJ ECT!The journal of adhesive dentistry J Adhes Dent4The journal of behavioral health services & researchJ Behav Health Serv Res The journal of biolaw & business J Biolaw Bus+The journal of contemporary dental practiceJ Contemp Dent Pract"The journal of development studies J Dev StudThe journal of economic history J Econ HistUThe journal of economic perspectives : a journal of the American Economic AssociationJ Econ PerspectThe journal of ethicsJ Ethics-The journal of evidence-based dental practiceJ Evid Based Dent Pract!The journal of family health careJ Fam Health CareThe journal of family planning and reproductive health care / Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Royal College of Obstetricians & GynaecologistsJ Fam Plann Reprod Health CarewThe journal of gender-specific medicine : JGSM : the official journal of the Partnership for Women's Health at ColumbiaJ Gend Specif MedThe journal of gene medicine J Gene MedeThe journal of headache and pain : official journal of the Italian Society for the Study of HeadachesJ Headache Pain`The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry SocietyJ Histochem Cytochem4The journal of horticultural science & biotechnologyJ Hortic Sci Biotechnol9The journal of international trade & economic developmentJ Int Trade Econ DevThe journal of investigative dermatology. Symposium proceedings / the Society for Investigative Dermatology, Inc. [and] European Society for Dermatological ResearchJ Investig Dermatol Symp ProcThe journal of knee surgery J Knee SurgThe journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal ObstetriciansJ Matern Fetal Neonatal Med'The journal of medical chemical defenseJ Med Chem Biol Radiol Def*The journal of medical investigation : JMI J Med Invest/The journal of medieval and Renaissance studiesJ Mediev Renaiss StudrThe journal of men's health & gender : the official journal of the International Society for Men's Health & GenderJ Mens Health Gend1The journal of mental health policy and economicsJ Ment Health Policy Econ,The journal of microcolumn separations : JMSJ Microcolumn Sep%The journal of nursing research : JNR J Nurs Res(The journal of nutrition, health & agingJ Nutr Health Aging2The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology researchJ Obstet Gynaecol ResCThe journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain SocietyJ Pain0The journal of pastoral care & counseling : JPCCJ Pastoral Care CounselRThe journal of peptide research : official journal of the American Peptide Society J Pept ResThe journal of philosophyJ Philos$The journal of physical chemistry. A J Phys Chem A$The journal of physical chemistry. B J Phys Chem B+The journal of physiological sciences : JPS J Physiol Sci The journal of political economy J Polit Econ#The journal of political philosophyJ Polit PhilosThe journal of politicsJ Polit!The journal of primary prevention J Prim PrevThe journal of sexual medicine J Sex Med#The journal of spinal cord medicineJ Spinal Cord Med"The journal of supportive oncologyJ Support Oncol=The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the LawJ Am Acad Psychiatry LawLThe journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry#J Am Acad Psychoanal Dyn PsychiatryMThe journal of the Bergen County Dental Society. Bergen County Dental SocietyJ Bergen Cty Dent Soc,The journal of the British Menopause SocietyJ Br Menopause Soc;The journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally IllJ Calif Alliance Ment Ill5The journal of the Philadelphia County Dental SocietyJ Phila Cty Dent Soc@The journal of the Polynesian Society. Polynesian Society (N.Z.) J Polyn Soc2The journal of the Royal Anthropological InstituteJ R Anthropol Inst;The journal of the Royal College of Physicians of EdinburghJ R Coll Physicians Edinb]The journal of the West Virginia Historical Association. West Virginia Historical AssociationJ W Va Hist AssocThe journal of vascular access J Vasc AccessThe journalism quarterly Journal QOThe journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciencesJ Gerontol A Biol Sci Med SciQThe journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc SciThe lancet oncology Lancet OncolThe male nurses' journal Male Nurses JThe mankind quarterly Mankind Q)The national Catholic bioethics quarterlyNatl Cathol Bioeth QThe neurologist Neurologist~The new microbiologica : official journal of the Italian Society for Medical, Odontoiatric, and Clinical Microbiology (SIMMOC) New MicrobiolThe ocular surface Ocul SurfThe oncologist Oncologist5The online journal of knowledge synthesis for nursingOnline J Knowl Synth Nurs*The overseas post-graduate medical journalOverseas Postgrad Med JThe pharmacogenomics journalPharmacogenomics JThe practising midwife Pract MidwifeyThe proceedings of the European Prosthodontic Association ... Annual Meeting. European Prosthodontic Association. MeetingProc Eur Prosthodontic AssoccThe proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association. South Carolina Historical AssociationProc S C Hist AssocThe protein journal Protein JXThe quarterly journal of administration / Institute of Administration, University of IfeQ J Adm"The quarterly journal of economicsQ J EconThe quarterly journal of nuclear medicine : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR) Q J Nucl MedThe quarterly journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging : official publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) [and] the International Association of Radiopharmacology (IAR), [and] Section of the Society of...Q J Nucl Med Mol ImagingThe regulatory affairs journal Regul Aff J$The review of diabetic studies : RDSRev Diabet Stud&The review of economics and statistics Rev Econ StatBThe review of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Polska Akademia NaukRev Pol Acad ScicThe science reports of the research institutes, Tohoku University. Ser. C, Medicine. Tohoku Daigaku"Sci Rep Res Inst Tohoku Univ [Med]HThe spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine SocietySpine J1The state of Black America. National Urban LeagueState Black Am#The state of health care in AmericaState Health Care AmPThe surgeon : journal of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and IrelandSurgeoncThe symposium / The Society for Developmental Biology. Society for Developmental Biology. SymposiumSymp Soc Dev Biol?The veterinary clinics of North America. Exotic animal practice!Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim PractThe virtual mentor : VMVirtual MentorThe weekly law reports Wkly Law RepwThe women's health data book : a profile of women's health in the United States / [Jacob's Institute of Women's Health]Womens Health Data BookThe world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological PsychiatryWorld J Biol PsychiatryTheScientificWorldJournalScientificWorldJournalTheatre survey Theatre SurvTheologiai szemleTheol SzTheological studies Theol StudTheology digest Theol Dig Theology today (Princeton, N.J.) Theol TodayTheoretica chimica actaTheor Chim Acta'Theoretical biology & medical modellingTheor Biol Med ModelTheoretical medicine Theor Med"Theoretical medicine and bioethicsTheor Med BioethTheoretical population biologyTheor Popul BiolTheoretical surgery Theor SurgTheoriaTheoria#Theorie und Praxis der KorperkulturTheor Prax KorperkultTheory & psychologyTheory PsycholTheory and decision Theory DecisTheory and society Theory SoczTherapeutic apheresis : official journal of the International Society for Apheresis and the Japanese Society for Apheresis Ther ApherTherapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis TherapyTher Apher DialTherapeutic drug monitoringTher Drug MonitTherapeutic immunology Ther ImmunolTherapeutic recreation journalTher Recreation JTherapeutica nova Ther Nova"Therapeutikon (Karlsruhe, Germany) Therapeutikon'Therapeutique (La Semaine des hopitaux) Therapeutique^Therapeutique / Entretiens de Bichat Pitie-Salpetriere. Entretiens de Bichat Pitie-Salpetriere$Entret Bichat Pitie Salpetriere TherTherapeutische BerichteTher BerdTherapeutische Umschau und medizinische Bibliographie. Revue therapeutique et bibliographie medicaleTher Umsch Med Bibliogr+Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique Ther UmschTherapia Hungarica Ther Hung$Therapia Hungarica (English edition) Ther HungTherapieTherapieTherapie der GegenwartTher GgwTheriacaTheriacaTheriogenologyTheriogenologyThird world planning reviewThird World Plann RevThird world quarterly Third World QThisWeek (Lagos, Nigeria)ThisWeekThomas Jefferson law reviewThomas Jefferson Law RevThoracic surgery clinicsThorac Surg ClinThoraxThoraxThoraxchirurgieThoraxchirurgie'Thoraxchirurgie und vaskulare ChirurgieThoraxchir Vask Chir$Thoraxchirurgie, vaskulare ChirurgieThoraxchir Vask ChirThoughtThoughtThrombosis and haemostasisThromb Haemost%Thrombosis et diathesis haemorrhagicaThromb Diath Haemorrh3Thrombosis et diathesis haemorrhagica. SupplementumThromb Diath Haemorrh SupplThrombosis journalThromb JThrombosis research Thromb ResThrombosis research. SupplementThromb Res SupplThurgood Marshall law reviewThurgood Marshall Law RevThymusThymus>Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid AssociationThyroidThyroidology / A.P.R.I.M ThyroidologyTianjin da xue xue bao2Journal of Tianjin University|Tianjin Daxue XuebaoTianjin yi ke da xue xue baoBJournal of Tianjin Medical University|Tianjin Yi Ke Da Xue Xue BaoTibet news reviewTibet News RevTicTICTicitlTicitl Tidens tannTid Tann"Tidning. Sveriges TandlakarforbundSver Tandlakarforb Tidn%Tidskrift for Sveriges sjukskoterskorTidskr Sver Sjukskot Tidskrift for sjukvardspedagogerTidskr SjukvardspedagogTidskrift i militar halsovardTidskr Mil Halsov'Tidsskrift for den Norske laegeforeningTidsskr Nor Laegeforen'Tidsskrift for praktiserende tandlaegerTidsskr Prakt TandlaegTidsskrift for rettsvidenskapTidsskr Rettsvitenskap Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskningTidsskr SamfunnsforskTidsskrift for sygeplejerskerTidsskr Sygepl6Tidsskrift for tandlaeger (Copenhagen, Denmark : 1981)Tidsskr TandlaegerTidsskriftet sykepleienTidsskr SykeplTierarztliche PraxisTierarztl Prax5Tierarztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere*Tierarztl Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere5Tierarztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere*Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Klientiere Heimtiere Tierarztliche Praxis. SupplementTierarztl Prax SupplTierarztliche UmschauTierarztl Umsch Tiers-monde Tiers MondeTijdschrift Voor TandheelkundeTijdschr Voor Tandheelkd=Tijdschrift voor bejaarden-, kraam- en ziekenversorging : bkz)Tijdschr Bejaarden Kraam Ziekenverzorging[Tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, natuurwetenschappen, wiskunde en techniek/Tijdschr Geschied Geneeskd Natuurwet Wiskd Tech Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskundeTijdschr DiergeneeskdTijdschrift voor entomologieTijdschr Entomol#Tijdschrift voor gastro-enterologieTijdschr GastroenterolTijdschrift voor geneeskundeTijdschr Geneeskd*Tijdschrift voor gerontologie en geriatrieTijdschr Gerontol Geriatr%Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis (1920).Tijdschr Geschied"Tijdschrift voor kindergeneeskundeTijdschr KindergeneeskdTijdschrift voor philosophieTijdschr FilosTijdschrift voor psychiatrieTijdschr Psychiatr$Tijdschrift voor sociale geneeskundeTijdschr Soc Geneeskd%Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenisTijdschr Soc GeschiedTijdschrift voor sociale gezondheidszorg : TSG : 14-daags blad van de Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sociale GezondheidszorgTijdschr Soc Gezondheidsz&Tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappenTijdschr Soc WetTijdschrift voor sociologieTijdschr Sociol!Tijdschrift voor ziekenverplegingTijdschr Voor ZiekenverplTikkunTikkunTimarit Hjukrunarfelags IslandsTimarit Hjukrunarfel IslTimeTimeTimeline (Columbus, Ohio)Timeline2Timely topics in medicine. Cardiovascular diseasesTimely Top Med Cardiovasc DisTimes (London, England : 1788) Times (Lond)&Times / Tennessee Hospital AssociationTimesTimisoara medicala Timisoara MedTip Fakultesi mecmuasi Tip Fak MecmTiroler Heimat Tirol HeimTiroler heimatblatter : Zeitschrift fur Geschichte, Natur und Volkskunde / herausgegeben vom Verein fur Heimatschutz und Heimatpflege in TirolTirol Heimatbl Tissue & cell Tissue CellTissue antigensTissue AntigensTissue engineering Tissue EngTobacco control Tob ControlToday's Catholic teacherTodays Cathol TeachPToday's Christian doctor : the journal of the Christian Medical & Dental SocietyTodays Christ DrHToday's FDA : official monthly journal of the Florida Dental Association Todays FDAToday's OR nurseTodays OR NurseToday's health Todays HealthToday's nursing homeTodays Nurs HomeToday's surgical nurseTodays Surg NurseFToho Igakkai zasshi. Journal of the Medical Society of Toho UniversityToho Igakkai ZasshiTohogakuTohogakuTohoku Shika Daigaku Gakkai shiTohoku Shika Daigaku Gakkai ShiTohoku igaku zasshiTohoku Igaku ZasshiToko-ginecologia practicaTokoginecol Pract2Tokyo igaku. The Tokyo journal of medical sciences Tokyo IgakuTonan Ajia kenkyuTonan Ajia KenkyuTongmul Hakhoe chiTongmul Hakhoe Chi!Topical problems of psychotherapyTop Probl PsychotherMTopics in HIV medicine : a publication of the International AIDS Society, USA Top HIV MedTopics in clinical nursing Top Clin NursTopics in clinical nutrition Top Clin NutrTopics in current chemistry Top Curr ChemTopics in emergency medicine Top Emerg MedTopics in health care financingTop Health Care Financ'Topics in health information managementTop Health Inf Manage"Topics in health record managementTop Health Rec ManageTopics in hospital law Top Hosp LawBTopics in hospital pharmacy management / Aspen Systems CorporationTop Hosp Pharm Manage+Topics in magnetic resonance imaging : TMRITop Magn Reson Imaging+Topics in spinal cord injury rehabilitationTop Spinal Cord Inj RehabilTopics in stroke rehabilitationTop Stroke RehabilToronto journal of theology Tor J Theol Toronto starTor StarTorreon medico Torreon MedTort & insurance law journalTort Insur Law J+Tort trial & insurance practice law journalTort Trial Insur Pract Law JTortenelmi szemle Tortenelmi SzfTorteneti statisztikai tanulmanyok / Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal Konyvtara, Magyar Orszagos LeveltarTort Stat TanulmZTorture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of tortureTortureTouchstone (Nashville, Tenn.)Touchstone (Nashv)Toulouse medical Toulouse MedTouro law review Touro Law Rev]Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning AssociationTown Ctry PlannTown hall journal Town Hall JToxic substance mechanismsToxic Subst MechToxicity report series Toxic Rep SerToxicologic pathologyToxicol PatholDToxicological European research. Recherche europeenne en toxicologieToxicol Eur ResToxicological reviews Toxicol RevIToxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology Toxicol Sci Toxicology Toxicology#Toxicology and applied pharmacologyToxicol Appl Pharmacol Toxicology and industrial healthToxicol Ind HealthRToxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRAToxicol In VitroToxicology letters Toxicol LettEToxicon : official journal of the International Society on ToxinologyToxicon$Toyoshi kenkyu / [Toyoshi Kenkyukai]Toyoshi KenkyuNTrabajos del Instituto Cajal / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientificasTrab Inst Cajal:Trabajos del Instituto Cajal de investigaciones biologicasTrab Inst Cajal Invest BiolTrace elements in medicineTrace Elem Med:Tracking report / Center for Studying Health System Change Track RepTTractrix : yearbook for the history of science, medicine, technology and mathematicsTractrix0Tradimus : the magazine for RCN nursing studentsTradimusTraditioTraditio*Tradition (Rabbinical Council of America). TraditionTraffic (Copenhagen, Denmark)TrafficTraffic injury preventionTraffic Inj PrevTraining (New York, N.Y.)Training Training and development journal Train Dev J Trans-action Trans ActioncTransaction of the International Conference on Endodontics. International Conference on EndodonticsTrans Int Conf EndodCTransactions & studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila%Transactions (English Ceramic Circle)Trans Engl Ceram Circle6Transactions (Institute of British Geographers : 1965)Trans Inst Br GeogryTransactions - American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology$Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol>Transactions - American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Trans Am Soc Artif Intern OrgansMTransactions - American Society of Ophthalmologic and Otolaryngologic Allergy+Trans Am Soc Ophthalmol Otolaryngol AllergyuTransactions - Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological SocietyTrans Bristol Glos Archaeol SocBTransactions - Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology)Trans Indiana Acad Ophthalmol OtolaryngolGTransactions - Pennsylvania Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology$Trans Pa Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol}Transactions - The Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society. Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society!Trans Leicester Archaeol Hist SochTransactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association. American Philological AssociationTrans Proc Am Philol AssocVTransactions and report / Liverpool Medical Institution. Liverpool Medical InstitutionTrans Rep Liverp Med InstTransactions of the ... Annual Meeting of the American Broncho-Esophagological Association. American Broncho-Esophagological Association. Meeting)Trans Annu Meet Am Bronchoesophagol AssoclTransactions of the ... Meeting of the American Surgical Association. American Surgical Association. Meeting&Trans Meet Am Surg Assoc Am Surg AssocTransactions of the ... annual meeting of the American Laryngological Association. American Laryngological Association. MeetingTrans Am Laryngol AssocDTransactions of the ASAE. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Trans ASAE|Transactions of the American Academy of Insurance Medicine : Annual Meeting. American Academy of Insurance Medicine. MeetingTrans Am Acad Insur MedCTransactions of the American Association of Genito-Urinary SurgeonsTrans Am Assoc Genitourin SurgDTransactions of the American Clinical and Climatological AssociationTrans Am Clin Climatol Assoc.Transactions of the American Fisheries SocietyTrans Amer Fish SocUTransactions of the American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc!Trans Am Laryngol Rhinol Otol Soc2Transactions of the American Microscopical SocietyTrans Am Microsc Soc5Transactions of the American Neurological AssociationTrans Am Neurol Assoc,Transactions of the American Nuclear SocietyTrans Am Nucl Soc5Transactions of the American Ophthalmological SocietyTrans Am Ophthalmol Soc/Transactions of the American Otological SocietyTrans Am Otol Soc7Transactions of the American Society for NeurochemistryTrans Am Soc Neurochem6Transactions of the Association of American PhysiciansTrans Assoc Am PhysiciansNTransactions of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America!Trans Assoc Life Insur Med Dir Am:Transactions of the Australian College of OphthalmologistsTrans Aust Coll Ophthalmol?Transactions of the British Society for the History of PharmacyTrans Br Soc Hist PharmATransactions of the British Society for the Study of OrthodonticsTrans Br Soc Study Orthod5Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical SocietyTrans Camb Bibliogr Soc5Transactions of the Canadian Ophthalmological SocietyTrans Can Opthalmolog SocXTransactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. Illinois State Academy of ScienceTrans Ill State Acad Sci3Transactions of the Institute of Indian GeographersTrans Inst Indian Geogr<Transactions of the International Conference on Oral SurgeryTrans Int Conf Oral SurgETransactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Trans Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space SciHTransactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. Kansas Academy of ScienceTrans Kans Acad ScilTransactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society"Trans Lancaster Cheshire Antiq Soc-Transactions of the Medical Society of LondonTrans Med Soc LondETransactions of the New England Obstetrical and Gynecological SocietyTrans N Engl Obstet Gynecol Soc8Transactions of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology!Trans New Orleans Acad Ophthalmol0Transactions of the New York Academy of SciencesTrans N Y Acad Sci9Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of AustraliaTrans Ophthalmol Soc Aust;Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of New ZealandTrans Ophthalmol Soc N ZGTransactions of the Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society"Trans Pac Coast Obstet Gynecol SocMTransactions of the Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthalmological Society annual meeting+Trans Pac Coast Otoophthalmol Soc Annu Meet,Transactions of the Royal Historical SocietyTrans R Hist SocaTransactions of the Royal Schools of Dentistry, Stockholm and Umea. Stockholm. TandlakarhogskolanTrans R Sch Dent Stockh Umea>Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: earth sciencesTrans R Soc Edinb Earth SciBTransactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneTrans R Soc Trop Med Hyg>Transactions of the St. John's Hospital Dermatological Society Trans St Johns Hosp Dermatol SocETransactions of the annual meeting. National Tuberculosis Association!Trans Annu Meet Natl Tuberc AssocDTransactions of the ophthalmological societies of the United KingdomTrans Ophthalmol Soc U K,Transactions. American College of CardiologyTrans Am Coll CardiolDTransactions. American Urological Association. South Central Section#Trans South Cent Sect Am Urol AssocCTransactions. American Urological Association. Southeastern Section"Trans Southeast Sect Am Urol Assoc>Transactions. American Urological Association. Western SectionTrans West Sect Am Urol AssocITransactions. Australasian Medical Congress (British Medical Association)Trans Aust Med Congr*Transactions. European Orthodontic SocietyTrans Eur Orthod Soc?Transactions. National Safety Council. National Safety CongressTrans Natl Saf Congr<Transactions. Ophthalmological Society of the United KingdomTrans Opthal Soc U K\Transactions. Section on Ophthalmology. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology4Trans Sect Ophthalmol Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol]Transactions. Section on Otolaryngology. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology5Trans Sect Otolaryngol Am Acad Ophthalmol OtolaryngolTranscultural psychiatryTranscult Psychiatry TransfusionTransfusion (Paris)Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for HaemapheresisTransfus Apher Sci\Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Societe francaise de transfusion sanguineTransfus Clin Biol&Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England) Transfus MedTransfusion medicine and hemotherapy : offizielles Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Transfusionsmedizin und ImmunhamatologieTransfus Med HemotherTransfusion medicine reviewsTransfus Med RevTransfusion science Transfus SciTransgenic researchTransgenic ResHTranslational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine Transl ResTransplant immunologyTranspl ImmunolRTransplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation SocietyTranspl Infect Dis]Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation Transpl IntTransplantationTransplantationTransplantation bulletinTransplant BullTransplantation proceedingsTransplant ProcTransplantation reviewsTransplant Rev'Transplantation reviews (Orlando, Fla.)Transplant Rev (Orlando)Transplantation scienceTransplant SciTransport history Trans Hist(Transport theory and statistical physicsTransp Theory Stat PhysTrauma, violence & abuseTrauma Violence Abuse1Travaux de la Societe de pharmacie de MontpellierTrav Soc Pharm MontpjTravaux des Laboratoires de matiere medicale et de pharmacie galenique de la Faculte de pharmacie de Paris4Trav Lab Matiere Med Pharm Galenique Fac Pharm ParisTravaux scientifiques des chercheurs du Service de sante des armees durant l'annee ... / Republique Francaise, Ministere de la defense, Direction centrale du Service de sante des armees!Trav Sci Cherch Serv Sante Armees&Travel medicine and infectious diseaseTravel Med Infect Dis,Treatment guidelines from the Medical LetterTreat Guidel Med LettTreatment review Treat Rev?Treatment services bulletin. Canada. Dept. of Veterans' AffairsTreat Serv BullTreatmentUpdateTreatmentUpdateTreatments in endocrinologyTreat Endocrinol"Treatments in respiratory medicineTreat Respir MedTree physiology Tree Physiol9Trends & techniques in the contemporary dental laboratoryTrends Tech Contemp Dent LabTrends in amplification Trends Amplif%Trends in analytical chemistry : TRACTrends Analyt ChemTrends in biochemical sciencesTrends Biochem SciTrends in biotechnologyTrends Biotechnol!Trends in cardiovascular medicineTrends Cardiovasc MedTrends in cell biologyTrends Cell BiolTrends in cognitive sciencesTrends Cogn Sci0Trends in ecology & evolution (Personal edition)Trends Ecol Evol+Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEMTrends Endocrinol MetabTrends in genetics : TIG Trends Genet#Trends in health care, law & ethicsTrends Health Care Law EthicsTrends in history Trends HistTrends in immunologyTrends ImmunolTrends in microbiologyTrends MicrobiolTrends in molecular medicineTrends Mol MedTrends in neurosciencesTrends NeurosciTrends in parasitologyTrends Parasitol"Trends in pharmacological sciencesTrends Pharmacol SciTrends in plant scienceTrends Plant SciTrial (Boston, Mass.)TrialTrial lawyers quarterlyTrial Lawyers QTrialsTrials/Triangle; the Sandoz journal of medical scienceTriangle TrianguloTriangulo Rev Sandoz Cienc MedKTribuna Odontologica Do Sindicato Dos Odontologistas Do Estado Da GuanabaraTrib Odontol (Guanabara)<Tribune (International Women's Tribune Centre : English ed.)Trib Int Womens Trib CentTriumph (Washington, D.C.)TriumphTrodentTrodentTropenmedizin und ParasitologieTropenmed ParasitolTropical Health Trop Heal"Tropical and geographical medicineTrop Geogr Med%Tropical animal health and productionTrop Anim Health ProdTropical biomedicine Trop BiomedTropical diseases bulletin Trop Dis BullTropical doctor Trop DoctQTropical gastroenterology : official journal of the Digestive Diseases FoundationTrop Gastroenterol.Tropical journal of obstetrics and gynaecologyTrop J Obstet Gynaecol2Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IHTrop Med Int HealthTropical medicine and parasitology : official organ of Deutsche Tropenmedizinische Gesellschaft and of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)Trop Med Parasitol/Trudy - Institut fiziologii imeni I. P. PavlovaTr Inst Fiziol Im I P Pavlova8Trudy - Institut normal'noi i patologicheskoi fiziologiiTr Inst Norm Patol FiziolTrudy Instituta biologii Tr Inst Biol9Trudy Instituta fiziologii, Akademiia nauk Gruzinskoi SSRTr Inst Fiz Akad Nauk Gruz SsrTrudy Instituta imeni PasteraTr Inst Im Pastera:Trudy Instituta morfologii zhivotnykh im. A. N. Severtsova$Tr Inst Morfol Zhivotn An SevertsovaHTrudy Leningradskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. Pastera#Tr Leningr Inst Epidemiol MikrobioleTrudy Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera1Tr Leningr Nauchnoissled Inst Epidemiol MikrobiolFTrudy Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigienicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta Tr Leningr Sanitarnogig Med InstTTrudy Moskovskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii-Tr Mosk Nauchnoissled Inst Epidmiol Mikrobiol:Trudy fiziologicheskikh laboratorii akademika I.P. PavlovaTr Fiziol Lab Akad I P Pavlova-Trudy. Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut genetikiTr Akad Nauk SSSR Inst GenetETrudy. Institut grudnoi khirurgii (Akademiia meditsinskikh nauk SSSR)*Tr Akad Med Nauk Sssr Mosc Inst Grudn KhirATrudy. Mikrobiologijas instituts (Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija)3Tr Latv Padomju Soc Repub Zinat Akad Mikrobiol InstQTrudy. Moscow (Russia). Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii vitaminnyi institut5Trudy Mosc Russ Vsesoiuznyi Nauchno Issled Vitam Inst[Trudy. Vsesoiuznoe fiziologicheskoe obshchestvo imeni I. P. Pavlova. Orenburgskoe otdelenie<Trudy Vsesoiuznoe Fiziol Obshchestvo Im I P Pavlov Orenb Otd3Trustee : the journal for hospital governing boardsTrusteeTrusts and estatesTrusts Estates Tsitologiia Tsitologiia'Tsukuba Daigaku jinbun chirigaku kenkyu'Tsukuba Daigaku Jinbun Chirigaku Kenkyu2Tsurumi shigaku. Tsurumi University dental journalTsurumi ShigakuTubercleTubercleqTubercle and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung DiseaseTuber Lung Dis#Tuberculology and thoracic diseasesTuberculol Thorac Dis"Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland)Tuberculosis (Edinb)(Tuberculosis And Airborne Disease WeeklyTuberc Airborne Dis WklyTuberkuloz ve toraks Tuberk Toraks Tuberkuloza Tuberkuloza Tuberkulozis TuberkulozisTuberkulozis es tudobetegsegekTuberk TudobetegsegekTuberkulozis kerdeseiTuberk KerdeseiTufts dental outlookTufts Dent OutlookTufts folia medicaTufts Folia MedTufts health science reviewTufts Health Sci RevTulane law reviewTulane Law RevTulsa law journal Tulsa Law JTumor research Tumor ResTumoriTumoridTumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine Tumour BiolTurk Tip Cemiyeti mecmuasiTurk Tip Cemiy MecmTurk Tip Dernegi dergisiTurk Tip Dernegi DergTurk botanik dergisi'Turkish journal of botany|Turk. J. Bot.Turk hemsireler dergisiTurk Hemsire Derg_Turk hijiyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi. Turkish bulletin of hygiene and experimental biologyTurk Hij Deney Biyol Derg(Turk hijiyen ve tecrubi biyoloji dergisiTurk Hij Tecr Biyol Derg^Turk hijiyen ve tecrubi biyoloji dergisi. Turkish bulletin of hygiene and experimental biologyTurk Hij Tecr Biyol DergTurkish neurosurgeryTurk NeurosurgTurun historiallinen arkistoTurun Hist Ark (Finl)RTwin research : the official journal of the International Society for Twin StudiesTwin ReseTwin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin StudiesTwin Res Hum Genet-Tydskrif vir hedendaagse Romeins-Holandse Reg)Tydskrif Hedendaagse Romeins Holandse Reg<Tydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Journal of racial affairsTydsKr Rasse AangelU. S. Navy medicine US Navy MedU. S. medicineUS MedU. S. pharmacistUS Pharm U.S. Catholic US CatholU.S. healthcare US HealthcU.S. long-term reviewUS Long Term RevU.S. news & world reportUS News World RepUCLA Pacific Basin law journalUCLA Pac Basin Law J-UCLA [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionUCLA RepUCLA forum in medical sciencesUCLA Forum Med SciEUCLA law review. University of California, Los Angeles. School of Law UCLA Law Rev/UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biologyUCLA Symp Mol Cell BiolUCLA women's law journalUCLA Womens Law J UFSI reportsUFSI RepUMKC law review UMKC Law Rev UN chronicleUN ChronUN monthly chronicle UN Mon ChronUNA communique UNA CommunUNA nursing journal UNA Nurs J`UNDP news : networking publication of UNDP staff worldwide. United Nations Development Programme UNDP News UNICEF news UNICEF News UNOS update UNOS Update+UR [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionUR Rep USA today USA Today USA weekend USA Weekend5USAF Medical Service digest / United States Air ForceUSAF Med Serv DigUSAID developments USAID DevUSAID highlightsUSAID Highlights-UWFL [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionUWFL Rep?Uchenye zapiski Instituta farmakologii i khimioterapii AMN SSSR(Uch Zap Inst Farmakol Khimioter AMN SSSR?Uchenye zapiski. Seriia biologicheskaia. Leningrad. Universitet&Uchenye Zap Seriia Biolog Leningr UnivgUchenye zapiski. Vtoroi Moskovskii ordena Lenina gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii institut im N.I. Pirogova"Uchenye Zap Mosk Meditsinskii Inst7Uchu koku kankyo igaku / Nihon Uchu Koku Kankyo IgakkaiUchu Koku Kankyo Igaku Uddannelse (Copenhagen, Denmark) UddannelseUdimUdimUgeskrift for laeger Ugeskr LaegerUi sahakUisahakUirusu. Journal of virologyUirusu,Ujcd. Union Des Jeunes Chirurgiens-DentistesUJCD Union Jeunes Chir Dent"Ukrainian review (London, England)Ukr Rev (Lond)!Ukrains'kyi biokhimichnyi zhurnalUkr Biokhim Zh]Ukrains'kyi botanichnyi zhurnal. Ukrainian botanical review. Ukrains'ke botanichne tovarystvoUkr Bot Z Ukr Bot TovarystvoUkrains'kyi istorychnyi zhurnal Ukr Istor Z"Ukrainskii biokhimicheskii zhurnalUkr Biokhim ZhUlster folklifeUlster FolklifeUltramicroscopyUltramicroscopy6Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart, Germany : 1980)Ultraschall MedUltrasonic imagingUltrason Imaging Ultrasonics UltrasonicsUltrasonics sonochemistryUltrason Sonochem Ultrasound in medicine & biologyUltrasound Med BiolUltrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and GynecologyUltrasound Obstet GynecolUltrasound quarterly Ultrasound QUltrastructural pathologyUltrastruct Pathol#Umschau in Wissenschaft und TechnikUmsch Wiss Tech\Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, IncUndersea Hyperb MedUndersea biomedical researchUndersea Biomed ResUnesco bulletin for librariesUnesco Bull LibrUnesco sourcesUnesco SourcesUnfallchirurgieUnfallchirurgieUnfallheilkundeUnfallheilkundeUnion Seminary quarterly reviewUSQR Union Semin Q Rev'Union of Burma journal of life sciencesUnion Burma J Life Sci,Unitas (Helsinki, Finland : English edition)Unitas*United States Armed Forces medical journalU S Armed Forces Med J&United States Navy medical news letterUS Navy Med News LettAUnited States Supreme Court reports. United States. Supreme CourtUS Supreme Court Rep+United States code annotated. United StatesU S Code Annot U S$United States naval medical bulletinU S Nav Med BullzUnited States reports : cases adjudged in the Supreme Court at ... and rules announced at ... United States. Supreme CourtU S Rep U S Supreme CourtUnited States statutes at largeUS Statut LargeUnited Synagogue reviewUnited Synag RevUnited evangelical actionUnited Evangelical Action UniversitasUniversitas (Stuttg)!Universitas (University of Ghana)Universitas (Ghana)(University Of North Carolina News LetterUniv N C News Lett1University of Arkansas at Little Rock law journalUniv Ark Little Rock Law JJUniversity of Baltimore law review. University of Baltimore. School of LawUniv Baltimore Law RevIUniversity of British Columbia law review. University of British ColumbiaUniv B C Law Rev*University of California, Davis law reviewUniv Calif Davis Law RevMUniversity of Cincinnati law review. University of Cincinnati. College of LawUniv Cincinnati Law RevYUniversity of Colorado law review. University of Colorado (Boulder campus). School of LawUniv Colo Law RevAUniversity of Dayton law review. University of Dayton. Law SchoolUniv Dayton Law Rev&University of Detroit Mercy law reviewUniv Detroit Mercy Law Rev*University of Detroit journal of urban lawUniv Detroit J Urban Law University of Detroit law reviewUniv Detroit Law RevUniversity of Edinburgh journal Univ Edinb J@University of Florida journal of law and public policy : JL & PPUniv Fla J Law Public Policy University of Florida law reviewUniv Fla Law RevUniversity of Ghana law journalUniv Ghana Law J!University of Illinois law reviewUniv Ill Law RevDUniversity of Kansas law review. University of Kansas. School of LawUniv Kans Law RevWUniversity of Louisville journal of family law / University of Louisville School of LawUniv Louisv J Fam Law5University of Miami entertainment & sports law review#Univ Miami Entertain Sports Law RevUniversity of Miami law reviewUniv Miami Law Rev-University of Michigan Medical Center journalUniv Mich Med Cent JPUniversity of Michigan journal of law reform. University of Michigan. Law SchoolUniv Mich J Law Reform(University of Minnesota medical bulletinUniv Minn Med Bull1University of Newcastle upon Tyne medical gazetteUniv Newcastle Tyne Med Gaz%University of Pennsylvania law reviewUniv PA Law Rev+University of Pennsylvania medical bulletinUniv Pa Med BullLUniversity of Pittsburgh law review. University of Pittsburgh. School of LawUniv Pittsbg Law RevNUniversity of Puget Sound law review. University of Puget Sound. School of LawUniv Puget Sound Law Rev9University of Richmond law review. University of RichmondUniv Richmond Law Rev,University of San Fernando Valley law review#Univ San Fernando Valley Law ReviewRUniversity of San Francisco law review. University of San Francisco. School of LawUniv San Francisco Law Rev!University of Tasmania law reviewUniv Tasman Law RevEUniversity of Toledo law review. University of Toledo. College of LawUniv Toledo Law Rev+University of Toronto Faculty of Law reviewUniv Tor Fac Law Rev$University of Toronto dental journalUniv Tor Dent J%University of Toronto medical journalUniv Toronto Med J2University of Toronto undergraduate dental journalUniv Toronto Undergrad Dent J)University of West Los Angeles law reviewUniv West Los Angel Law Rev(University of Western Ontario law reviewUniv West Ont Law Rev9University of Wyoming publications (Laramie, Wyo. : 1935) Univ Wyo Publ Unsere Heimat Unsere Heim-Update (Loma Linda University. Ethics Center)Update'Update (National Minority AIDS Council)Update Natl Minor AIDS CouncUpdate On Ethics Update EthicsUpdate in pediatric dentistryUpdate Pediatr DentUpdate on cancer therapeuticsUpdate Cancer Ther"Upsala journal of medical sciences Ups J Med Sci.Upsala journal of medical sciences. SupplementUps J Med Sci Suppl$Upsala lakareforenings forhandlingarUpsala Lakareforen ForhUrban affairs quarterly Urban Aff Q,Urban affairs review (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)!Urban Aff Rev Thousand Oaks CalifUrban anthropologyUrban anthropolUrban geography Urban Geogr Urban health Urban Health.Urban history review. Revue d'histoire urbaineUrban Hist RevUrban history yearbookUrban Hist Yearb#Urban studies (Edinburgh, Scotland) Urban StudUrbana (Caracas, Venezuela)Urbana"Urbanisation and health newsletterUrban Health NewslUrbiUrbiUremia investigation Uremia InvestUrologiaUrologiaUrologia internationalisUrol IntUrologia polskaUrol PolQUrologic nursing : official journal of the American Urological Association Allied Urol NursUrologic oncology Urol OncolUrologic radiology Urol RadiolUrological researchUrol ResUrological survey Urol Surv!Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1923) Urol Mosc!Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999) UrologiiaUrologiia i nefrologiiaUrol Nefrol (Mosk)UrologyUrologyUrology journalUrol JBUrsus (International Association for Bear Research and Management)Ursus*User modeling and user-adapted interactionUser Model User-adapt InteractUspekhi biologicheskoi khimii Usp Biol KhimUspekhi fiziologicheskikh naukUsp Fiziol NaukUspekhi khimiiUsp KhimUspekhi sovremennoi biologiiUsp Sovrem BiolUtafitiUtafitiUtah code annotated 1953. UtahUtah Code Annot 1953 UtahUtah historical quarterly Utah Hist QUtah law review Utah Law Rev Utah nurse Utah Nurse Utah scienceUtah SciUtopian studies Utop StudVASA. Supplementum Vasa SupplFVASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten. Journal for vascular diseasesVasa VDI-BerichteVDI BerVaccineVaccinebVaccine & immunization news : the newsletter of the Global Programme for Vaccines and ImmunizationVaccine Immun NewsVaccine weekly Vaccine WklyVakblad voor biologen Vakbl BiolFValparaiso University law review. Valparaiso University. School of LawValparaiso Univ Law RevfValue in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Value HealthVancouver sun (1986).Vanc SunVanderbilt law reviewVanderbilt Law Rev Vard i NordenVard Nord Utveckl Forsk Vardfacket VardfacketVascularVascular!Vascular and endovascular surgeryVasc Endovascular SurgVascular diseasesVasc Dis#Vascular health and risk managementVasc Health Risk Manag#Vascular medicine (London, England)Vasc MedVascular pharmacologyVascul PharmacolVascular surgery Vasc Surg4Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.)Vector Borne Zoonotic DisVejaVejaSVenereology : official publication of the National Venereology Council of Australia VenereologyVenezuela odontologica Venez OdontolAVerhandelingen - Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van BelgieVerh K Acad Geneeskd BelgIVerhandelingen - Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Geneeskunde van BelgieVerh K Vlaam Acad Geneeskd Belg+Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft Verh Anat GesIVerhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Herz- und Kreislaufforschung#Verh Dtsch Ges Herz Kreislaufforsch;Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Innere MedizinVerh Dtsch Ges Inn Med?Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur KreislaufforschungVerh Dtsch Ges Kreislaufforsch7Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur PathologieVerh Dtsch Ges Pathol:Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur RheumatologieVerh Dtsch Ges RheumatoliVerhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in WienVerh Zool Bot Ges WienVermont historyVt HistVermont history news Vt Hist NewsVermont law review Vt Law RevVermont registered nurseVt Regist Nurse#Vermont statutes annotated. VermontVt Statut Annot VtFVernon's annotated Revised civil statutes of the state of Texas. Texas,Vernons Annot Revis Civ Statut State Tex Tex%Veroffentlichungen aus der Pathologie Veroff Pathol5Veroffentlichungen aus der morphologischen PathologieVeroff Morphol PatholUVeroffentlichungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Pharmazie e. VVeroff Int Ges Gesch PharmjVeroffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften&Veroff Schweiz Ges Gesch Med NaturwissVeroffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Pharmazie / herausgegeben vom Vorstand der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Pharmazie (SGGP)Veroff Schweiz Ges Gesch Pharm Verpleegkunde VerpleegkundeVersicherungsmedizin / herausgegeben von Verband der Lebensversicherungs-Unternehmen e.V. und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.VVersicherungsmedizinVerslagen en mededelingen - Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde"Versl Meded K Viaam Acad Taal LettVerslagen en mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Taal- en Letterkunde. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Taal- en Letterkunde"Versl Meded K Vlaam Acad Taal Lett Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina)Vertex3Vesalius : acta internationales historiae medicinaeVesaliusVeskaVeska1Vestis. Izvestiia. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademijaVestis Lat Psr Zinat AkadgVestnik - Leningradskogo Universiteta. Geologiia, geografiia. Leningradskii gosudarstvennyi universitetVestn Leningr Univ Geol Geogr(Vestnik Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSRVestn Akad Med Nauk SSSRVestnik Akademii nauk SSSRVestn Akad Nauk SSSR.Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. BiologiiaVestn Leningr Univ [Biol]6Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriia V, GeografiiaVestn Mosk Univ Ser VsVestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriia VIII: Istoriia. Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M.V. LomonosovaVestn Mosk Univ Ser 8 IstorYVestnik Rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiiskaia akademiia meditsinskikh naukVestn Ross Akad Med Nauk"Vestnik dermatologii i venerologiiVestn Dermatol Venerol3Vestnik drevnei istorii. Journal of ancient historyVestn Drevnej Istor (Moskva)%Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. GrekovaVestn Khir Im I I GrekVestnik oftalmologiiVestn OftalmolVestnik otorinolaringologiiVestn Otorinolaringol"Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologiiVestn Rentgenol Radiol*Vestnik statistiki (Moscow, Russia : 1949)Vestn Statistiki"Vestnik venerologii i dermatologiiVestn Venerol Dermatol(Veterinair Historisch Genootschap cahierVet Historisch Genoot Cah"Veterinar-medizinische Nachrichten Vet Med Nachr Veterinaria VeterinariaVeterinaria italianaVet Ital Veterinariia VeterinariiaVeterinarni medicinaVet Med (Praha)Veterinarno-meditsinski nauki Vet Med Nauki Veterinarstvi Veterinarstvi$Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesiaVet Anaesth AnalgBVeterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.TVet Comp Orthop TraumatolVeterinary and human toxicologyVet Hum ToxicolRVeterinary clinical pathology / American Society for Veterinary Clinical PathologyVet Clin PatholVeterinary dermatology Vet DermatolIVeterinary heritage : bulletin of the American Veterinary History Society Vet HeritVeterinary historyVet Hist)Veterinary immunology and immunopathologyVet Immunol Immunopathol+Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)Vet JVeterinary medical review Vet Med RevVeterinary medicineVet Med5Veterinary medicine, small animal clinician : VM, SACVet Med Small Anim ClinVeterinary microbiology Vet MicrobiolVeterinary ophthalmologyVet OphthalmolVeterinary parasitology Vet ParasitolVeterinary pathology Vet Pathol Veterinary pathology. SupplementVet Pathol SupplVeterinary radiology & ultrasound : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Radiology and the International Veterinary Radiology AssociationVet Radiol UltrasoundVeterinary researchVet Res"Veterinary research communicationsVet Res Commun]Veterinary surgery : VS : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary SurgeonsVet SurgAVeterinary therapeutics : research in applied veterinary medicineVet TherViata medicala Viata MedZViata medicala; revista de informare profesionala si stiintifica a cadrelor medii sanitare2Viata Med Rev Inf Prof Stiint Cadrelor Medii SanitViatorViatorVibrational Spectroscopy Vib SpectroscVibroVibro Victimology Victimology:Victoria University of Wellington law review / Law FacultyLaw Rev Victorian periodicals newsletterVic Period NewslVictorian periodicals reviewVic Period RevVictorian studiesVic StudYVictorian veterinary proceedings / Australian Veterinary Association (Victorian Division) Vic Vet ProcVida Odontologica Vida Odontol Vida nueva Vida NuevaVie et langageVie Lang$Vie et milieu (Paris, France : 1980)Vie Milieu Paris Vie et sante Vie Sante#Vie medicale (Paris, France : 1920)Vie MedGVierteljahresberichte / Forschungsinstitut der Friedrich-Ebert-StiftungVierteljahresberichte8Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte$Vierteljahrschr Soz Wirtschaftsgesch$Vierteljahrshefte fur ZeitgeschichteVierteljahrsh ZeitgeschVierteljahrsschrift fur schweizerische Sanitatsoffiziere. Journal trimestriel des officiers suisses du service de sante. Rivista trimestrale degli ufficiali sanitari svizzeri$Vierteljahrsschr Schweiz Sanitatsoff Vigilando VigilandoViitorul social Viitorul SocVikalpaVikalpa1Village voice (Greenwich Village, New York, N.Y.) Village VoiceVillanova law reviewVillanova Law RevVina quarterlyVINA Q'Vingtieme siecle (Paris, France : 1984)Vingtieme SiecleViolence UpdateViolence UpdateViolence against womenViolence Against WomenViolence and victims Violence VictViral immunology Viral Immunol7Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology Virchows ArchTVirchows Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medizin*Virchows Arch Pathol Anat Physiol Klin Med6Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histology"Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol;Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histopathology'Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol5Virchows Archiv. A: Pathology. Pathologische Anatomie"Virchows Arch A Pathol Pathol Anat@Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology+Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol"Virchows Archiv. B: Cell pathologyVirchows Arch B Cell PatholVirginia bar news Va Bar NewsVirginia cavalcade Va CavalcadeVirginia dental journal Va Dent J%Virginia journal of international law VA J Int LawVirginia journal of scienceVa J Sci+Virginia journal of social policy & the lawVa J Soc Policy LawVirginia law review Va Law RevVirginia medicalVa MedVirginia medical monthlyVa Med Mon (1918) Virginia medical quarterly : VMQVa Med QVirginia nurseVa NurseVirginia nurse quarterly Va Nurse QVirginia review of sociology Va Rev Sociol Virologie VirologieVirologyVirologyVirology journalVirol J>Virology monographs. Die Virusforschung in Einzeldarstellungen Virol MonogrVirusVirus Virus genes Virus GenesQVirus information exchange newsletter for South-East Asia and the Western Pacific-Virus Inf Exch Newsl South East Asia West PacVirus research Virus ResVirus research. SupplementVirus Res SupplVision research Vision ResVisual cognitionVis cognVisual neuroscience Vis NeurosciVita humana. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Lebensaltersforschung. International journal of human development. Journal international de developpement humain Vita Hum Int Z LebensalterforschVitae scholasticaeVitae ScholasticaeJVital & health statistics. Series 14, Data from the national health surveyVital Health Stat 14bVital & health statistics. Series 14, Data from the national inventory of family planning servicesVital Health Stat 14Vital & health statistics. Series 3, Analytical and epidemiological studies / [U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics]Vital Health Stat 3 Vital Signs Vital SignsGVital and health statistics. Ser. 1, Programs and collection proceduresVital Health Stat 1DVital and health statistics. Ser. 4: Documents and committee reportsVital Health Stat 4LVital and health statistics. Series 10, Data from the National Health SurveyVital Health Stat 10LVital and health statistics. Series 11, Data from the national health surveyVital Health Stat 11LVital and health statistics. Series 13, Data from the National Health SurveyVital Health Stat 13IVital and health statistics. Series 14, Data on national health resourcesVital Health Stat 14KVital and health statistics. Series 2, Data evaluation and methods researchVital Health Stat 2VVital and health statistics. Series 20, Data from the National Vital Statistics SystemVital Health Stat 20VVital and health statistics. Series 21, Data from the National Vital Statistics SystemVital Health Stat 21OVital and health statistics. Series 21, Data on natality, marriage, and divorceVital Health Stat 21VVital and health statistics. Series 23, Data from the National Survey of Family GrowthVital Health Stat 239Vital and health statistics. Series 3, Analytical studiesVital Health Stat 3dVital and health statistics. Series 5, Comparative international vital and health statistics reportsVital Health Stat 5Vital speeches of the dayVital Speeches Day$Vitalstoffe-ZivilisationskrankheitenVitalst ZivilisationskrVitamine und HormoneVitam Horm LeipzigVitamins and hormones Vitam HormVivre autrementVivre AutrementVnitrni lekarstvi Vnitr LekVoedingVoedingVoenno meditsinsko delo Voen Med DeloVoenno-istoricheskii zhurnal Voen Istor ZhVoenno-meditsinskii zhurnal Voen Med ZhVogueVogueVojenske zdravotnicke listyVojen Zdrav ListyVojenskozdravotnicka knihovnaVojenskozdrav KnihVojno-istoriski glasnik Vojnois GlasCVojnosanitetski pregled. Military-medical and pharmaceutical reviewVojnosanit Pregl#Volkskunde (Amsterdam, Netherlands) VolkskundeVoluntary action leadershipVolunt Action LeadershVolunteer administration Volunt Adm0Voprosy Eksperimentalnoi I Klinicheskoi UrologiiVopr Eksper Klinicheskoi UrolVoprosy biokhimii mozgaVopr Biokhim Mozga;Voprosy ekonomiki / Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut ekonomiki Vopr EkonBVoprosy elektropatologii, elektrotravmatizma i elektrobezopasnosti1Vopr Elektropatol Elektrotravmatizma Elektrobezop;Voprosy filosofii / Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut filosofii Vopr FilosVoprosy fiziologii Vopr FiziolVoprosy geografii Vopr Geogr'Voprosy istorii (Moscow, Russia : 1945) Vopr Istor%Voprosy istorii KPSS (Moscow, Russia)Vopr Istor KPSSnVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki (Institut istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki (Akademiia nauk SSSR))Vopr Istor Estestvozn Tekh=Voprosy kliniki i lecheniia zlokachestvennykh novoobrazovanii/Vopr Klin Lecheniia Zlokachestvennykh NovoobrazCVoprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury$Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult Voprosy meditsinskof virusologiiVopr Med VirusolVoprosy meditsinskoi khimii Vopr Med KhimVoprosy neirokhirurgiiVopr Neirokhir%Voprosy okhrany materinstva i detstvaVopr Okhr Materin DetVoprosy onkologii Vopr Onkol.Voprosy patologii serdechno-sosudistoi sistemyVopr Patol Serdechno Sosud SistVoprosy pitaniia Vopr Pitan4Voprosy psikhiatrii i nevropatologii; sbornik trudovVopr Psikhiatr NevropatolVoprosy psikhologii Vopr PsikholVoprosy revmatizma Vopr Revm*Voprosy statistiki (Moscow, Russia : 1994) Vopros StatVoprosy virusologii Vopr VirusolVorgangeVorgange Vox sanguinisVox SangVozesRev Cult VozesVrachebnoe delo Vrach DeloVutreshni bolesti Vutr Boles Vyziva lidu Vyziva LiduZWADC technical note. United States. Air Force. Wright Air Development Center, Dayton, OhioBWADC Tech Note United States Air Force Wright Air Dev Cen Day Ohio\WADC technical report. United States. Air Force. Wright Air Development Center, Dayton, OhioBWADC Tech Rep United States Air Force Wright Air Dev Cent Day Ohio-WASH [reports]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionWASH Rep WDA journalWDA JWE internationalWE Int WHO chronicle WHO Chron WHO features WHO FeatureWHO offset publicationWHO Offset Publ*WHO regional publications. European seriesWHO Reg Publ Eur SerDWMJ : official publication of the State Medical Society of WisconsinWMJWORLD (Oakland, Calif. : 1993)WORLDWRI issues and ideasWRI Issues IdeasWakayama medical reportsWakayama Med RepWake Forest law reviewWake Forest Law RevWaking and sleepingWaking Sleeping!Wall Street journal (Eastern ed.)Wall St J (East Ed)!Wall Street journal (Midwest ed.)Wall St J [Midwest Ed] War & societyWar SocEWar on hunger; a report from the Agency for International DevelopmentWar HungSWarasan Songkhla Nakharin / Mahawitthayalai Songkhla Nakharin, Witthayakhet Hat Yai_Songklanakarin journal / Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus|Warasan Songkhla NakharinWarasan phesatchasatdMahidol University journal of pharmaceutical sciences / Mahawitthayalai Mahidon|Warasan PhesatchasatJWarsan wichai witthayasat / Khana Witthayasat Chulalongkon MahawitthayalairThe Journal of scientific research / Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University|J. Sci. Res. Chulalongkorn Univ.Warta DemografiWarta DemografiWarwickshire historyWarwickshire HistWashburn law journalWashburn Law JWashington State dental journalWash State Dent J#Washington State journal of nursingWash State J Nurs$Washington University dental journalWash Univ Dent J;Washington University journal of urban and contemporary lawWash Univ J Urban Contemp Law\Washington University law quarterly. Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.). School of LawWash Univ Law QWashington and Lee law reviewWash Lee Law RevWashington drug & device letterWash Drug Device Lett-Washington law review (Seattle, Wash. : 1962) Wash Law RevWashington memoWash Memo Alan Guttmacher Inst)Washington post (Washington, D.C. : 1974)Washington Post&Washington report on medicine & healthWash Rep Med Health*Washington times (Washington, D.C. : 1982) Wash TimesrWaste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWAWaste Manag Res!Waste management (New York, N.Y.) Waste ManagWWater environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment FederationWater Environ ResWater research Water ResWater resources researchWater Resour ReseWater science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution ResearchWater Sci TechnolWater, air, and soil pollutionWater Air Soil PollutKWatermark (Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences)%Watermark (Arch Libr Hist Health Sci)KWatermark (Association of Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences) WatermarkWayWayWayne law review Wayne Law RevWeekend magazine Weekend Mag(Weekly mail (Johannesburg, South Africa) Weekly MailWehrmedizinische Mitteilungen Wehrmed MittWehrmedizinische MonatsschriftWehrmed MonatsschrWei ti gu sheng wu xue bao;Acta micropalaeontologica Sinica|Wei Ti Gu Sheng Wu Xue Bao#Weichangbingxue he ganbingxue zazhiVChinese journal of gastroenterology and hepatology|Weichangbingxue He Ganbingxue Zazhi&Weleda Korrespondenzblatter fur AerzteWeleda Korrespondenzbl AerzteWelfare in reviewWelf RevWeltwirtschaftliches ArchivWeltwirtsch Arch*Wen shi zhe xue bao / Guo li Taiwan da xueBull Coll Lib Arts Wen wu (1959)Wen WuWereld en ZendingWereld ZendingWesleyan theological journalWesleyan Theol J West African journal of medicineWest Afr J Med6West African journal of pharmacology and drug researchWest Afr J Pharmacol Drug ResWest African pharmacistWest Afr PharmWest European politicsWest Eur PolitWest Virginia dental journal W V Dent JWest Virginia history W Va HistWest Virginia law reviewWest VA Law RevWest of England medical journalWest Engl Med JWest's Atlantic reporterWest's Atl ReportWest's California reporterWests Calif Report_West's Florida statutes annotated : under arrangement of the official Florida statutes. FloridaWests Fla Statut Annot FlaWest's New York supplementWests N Y SupplWest's Pacific reporterWests Pac ReportWest's Supreme Court reporterWests Supreme Court ReporteWest's Wisconsin statutes annotated / under arrangement of the official Wisconsin statutes. WisconsinWests Wis Statut Annot Wis-West's annotated California codes. CaliforniaWests Annot Calif Codes CalifWWest's annotated Indiana code : under arrangement of the official Indiana code. IndianaWests Annot Indiana CodeWest's federal reporter : cases argued and determined in the United States courts of appeals and Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals Wests Fed RepWest's federal supplementWests Fed SupplWest's north eastern reporterWests North East RepWest's north western reporterWests North West Rep?West's revised code of Washington annotated. Washington (State)&Wests Revis Code Wash Annot Wash StateWest's south eastern reporterWests South East ReportWest's south western reporterWests South West ReportWest's southern reporterWests South Report!Western Illinois regional studiesWest Ill Reg StudWestern New England law reviewWest New Engl Law RevWestern Ontario law reviewWest Ont Law Rev#Western State University law reviewWest State Univ Law RevWestern folklore West Folk'Western journal of medicine and surgeryWest J Med Surg#Western journal of nursing researchWest J Nurs Res.Western journal of speech communication : WJSCWest J Speech Commun6Western journal of surgery, obstetrics, and gynecologyWest J Surg Obstet Gynecol1Western medicine; the medical journal of the westWest Med Med J West*Western states Jewish historical quarterlyWest States Jew Hist QWestern states Jewish historyWest States Jew HistWestminster Institute reviewWestminst Inst RevWetenschappelijke tijdingenWet TijdWhittier law reviewWhittier Law RevWhole earth reviewWhole Earth Rev,Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1948)Wiad Lek Wars Pol 1948,Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960)Wiad LekWiadomosci parazytologiczneWiad Parazytol/Wiadomosci statystyczne (Warsaw, Poland : 1956)Wiad Stat (Warsaw)VWiederherstellungschirurgie und Traumatologie. Reconstruction surgery and traumatology Wiederherstellungschir Traumatol9Wiener Archiv fur Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Neurologie&Wien Arch Psychol Psychiatr NeurologieWiener Beitrage zur ChirurgieWien Beitr Chir Wiener Beitrage zur DermatologieWien Beitr Dermatol0Wiener Beitrage zur Geburtshilfe und GynakologieWien Beitr Geburtshilfe Gynakol*Wiener Beitrage zur Geschichte der NeuzeitWien Beitr Gesch Neuzeit4Wiener Beitrage zur Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde!Wien Beitr Hals Nasen OhrenheilkdWiener Beitrage zur HygieneWien Beitr Hyg#Wiener Beitrage zur KinderheilkundeWien Beitr Kinderheilkd!Wiener Beitrage zur ZahnheilkundeWien Beitr ZahnheilkdQWiener Geschichtsblatter / herausgegeben vom Verein fur Geschichte der Stadt WienWien Geschichtsbl6Wiener Studien zur Medizin, Geschichte und PhilosophieWien Stud Med Gesch Philos=Wiener Zeitschrift fur Nervenheilkunde und deren GrenzgebieteWien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb1Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des MorgenlandesWien Z Kunde Morgenl;Wiener Zeitschrift fur innere Medizin und ihre GrenzgebieteWien Z Inn MedWiener klinische WochenschriftWien Klin Wochenschr,Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. SupplementumWien Klin Wochenschr Suppl(Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift (1946)Wien Med Wochenschr+Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. BeihefteWien Med Wochenschr Beih-Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. SupplementWien Med Wochenschr Suppl"Wiener tierarztliche MonatsschriftWien Tierarztl Monatsschr&Wies wspolczesna; pismo ruchu ludowego Wies Wspolcz3Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschapWijsgerig Perspect Maatsch Wet#Wilderness & environmental medicineWilderness Environ MedWildlife Society bulletinWildl Soc BullWildlife disease Wildl DisWillamette law journalWillamette Law JWillamette law reviewWillamette Law Rev+William & Mary journal of women and the lawWilliam Mary J Women LawWilliam Mitchell law reviewWilliam Mitchell Law RevWilliam and Mary law reviewWilliam Mary Law RevWilson library bulletinWilson Libr BullWindows in time Windows TimeWinnipeg Clinic quarterlyWinnipeg Clin QWinterthur portfolioWinterthur PortfWirtschaft und Statistik Wirtsch Stat+Wirtschaftsdienst (Hamburg, Germany : 1949)WirtschaftsdienstWirtschaftswissenschaftWirtschaftswissenschaft%Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium"Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Stud*Wisconsin Dental Association journal / WDAWis Dent Assoc JWisconsin academy review Wis Acad RevWisconsin law review Wis L RevWisconsin magazine of history Wis Mag HistWisconsin medical journal Wis Med J!Wisconsin session laws. WisconsinWis Sess Laws WisWisconsin women's law journalWis Womens Law JWissenschaft und Glaube Wiss GlaubeIWissenschaftliche Beitrage der Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg.Wiss Beitr Martin Luther Univ Halle Wittenberg=Wissenschaftliche Beitrage zur Geschichte der SeelenheilkundeWiss Beitr Gesch SeelenheilkdIWissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur ErnahrungWiss Veroff Dtsch Ges ErnahrrWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat, Greifswald. Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Reihe/Wiss Z Ernst Moritz Arndt Univ [Ges Sprachwiss]wWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena. Gesellschafts- und sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe2Wiss Z Friedrich Schiller Univ Jena Ges SprachwissrWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. Gesellschafts- und sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe*Wiss Z Humboldt Univ Berl (Ges Sprachwiss)kWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe*Wiss Z Humboldt Univ Berl [Math Naturwiss]jWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe$Wiss Z Karl Marx Univ Math NaturwissuWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Wilhelm-Pieck-Universitat Rostock. Gesellschafts- und sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe2Wiss Z Wilhelm Pieck Univ Rostock [Ges Sprachwiss]oWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Gesellschafts- und sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe (Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig).Wiss Z Karl Marx Univ Leipzig [Ges Sprachwiss]sWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat Greifswald%Wiss Z Ernst Moritz Arndt Univ [Math]&Wissenschaftlicher Dienst SudosteuropaWiss Dienst SudosteurWitthayasan Kasetsat*The Kasetsart journal|Witthayasan Kasetsat'Wolfenbutteler Renaissance MitteilungenWolfenbutteler Renaiss MittWomen & criminal justiceWomen Crim JusticeWomen & health Women HealthWomen & politics Women PolitWomen & therapy Women Ther Women 2000 Women 2000Women And Aids Women AIDS!Women alive (Los Angeles, Calif.) Women Alive?Women and birth : journal of the Australian College of Midwives Women BirthWomen and environments Women EnvironWomen envision Women EnvisWomen in action (Rome, Italy) Women ActionWomen lawyers' journalWomen Lawyers JWomen of Vietnam Women Vietnam Women's health (Hillsdale, N.J.) Womens HealthVWomen's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's HealthWomens Health Issues`Women's health journal / Isis International, Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health NetworkWomens Health JWomen's health updateWomens Health UpdateWomen's health weeklyWomens Health WklyWomen's rights law reporterWomen's Rights Law ReportWomen's studies Womens StudWomen's studies forumWomens Stud Forum#Women's studies international forumWomens Stud Int Forum'Women's studies international quarterlyWomens Stud Int QWomen's world (Kampala, Uganda) Womens WorldWomens Health NewsletterWomens Health NewslWorcester medical newsWorcester Med News Word & world Word WorldWork (Reading, Mass.)WorkWork and occupations Work OccupWork and stress Work StressWork, environment, healthWork Environ Health;Working paper series (National Bureau of Economic Research)NBER Work Pap Ser Working papers for a new societyWork Pap New SocWorking papers magazine Work Pap Mag Working woman Work WomanWorklifeWorklifeWorld AIDS day featuresWorld AIDS Day FeaturesWorld AIDS day newsletterWorld AIDS Day NewslWorld Bank Research NewsWorld Bank Res News1World Health Organization AIDS technical bulletinWHO AIDS Tech Bull1World Health Organization technical report seriesWorld Health Organ Tech Rep SerWorld Neighbors in actionWorld Neighb ActionWorld archaeologyWorld ArchaeolIWorld citizen news : newsletter of the World Government of World CitizensWorld Citz NewsWorld conservation World ConservWorld development forumWorld Dev ForumWorld education reportsWorld Educ RepWorld environment reportWorld Environ Rep World futures World Futures World health World HealthWorld health forumWorld Health Forum[World health statistics quarterly. Rapport trimestriel de statistiques sanitaires mondialesWorld Health Stat QLWorld health statistics report. Rapport de statistiques sanitaires mondialesWorld Health Stat RepWorld hospitals World HospcWorld hospitals and health services : the official journal of the International Hospital FederationWorld Hosp Health Serv)World journal of emergency surgery : WJESWorld J Emerg Surg'World journal of gastroenterology : WJGWorld J GastroenterolWorld journal of orthodonticsWorld J OrthodWorld journal of surgery World J Surg"World journal of surgical oncologyWorld J Surg OncolWorld journal of urology World J UrolWorld medical journal World Med JWorld medicine World MedWorld neurology World Neurol%World news on maxillofacial radiologyWorld News Maxillofac RadiolWorld of Irish nursing World Ir Nurs/World of Irish nursing (Dublin, Ireland : 1995) World Ir Nurs'World of work : the magazine of the ILO World WorkWorld policy journalWorld Policy JWorld politics World PolitNWorld psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)World PsychiatryWorld review (Brisbane, Qld.) World Review'World review of nutrition and dieteticsWorld Rev Nutr DietWorld smoking & healthWorld Smoking Health World tobacco World Tob World watch World WatchWorld's poultry science journalWorlds Poult Sci J(World-wide abstracts of general medicineWorld Wide Abstr Gen Med WorldAIDS WorldAIDS Worldview Worldview^Worldviews on evidence-based nursing / Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of NursingWorldviews Evid Based Nurs2WormBook : the online review of C. elegans biologyWormBookzWound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair SocietyWound Repair Regen Wuhan da xue xue bao. Li xue banTJournal of Wuhan University. Natural science edition|Wuhan Da Xue Xue Bao Li Xue BanWuhan zhi wu xue yan jiu1Wuhan botanical research|Wuhan Zhi Wu Xue Yan Jiu)Wurzburger medizinhistorische ForschungenWurzbg Medizinhist ForschWurzburger medizinhistorische Mitteilungen / im Auftrage der Wurzburger medizinhistorischen Gesellschaft und in Verbindung mit dem Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin der Universitat WurzburgWurzbg Medizinhist MittWyoming nurses' newsletterWyo Nurses NewslWyoming statutes, annotated / prepared under the supervision of the Services Division of the Legislative Service Office by the editorial staff of the publishers ... WyomingWyo Statut Annot Wyo@Wythe County historical review / Wythe County Historical SocietyWythe Cty Hist RevXalocXaloc@Xenobiotica; the fate of foreign compounds in biological systems XenobioticaXenotransplantationXenotransplantationXi bei zhi wu xue bao<Acta botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica|Xibei Zhiwu XuebaoXi nan nong ye xue baoGSouthwest China journal of agricultural sciences|Xi Nan Nong Ye Xue Bao(Xiamen da xue xue bao. Zi ran ke xue banUJournal of Xiamen University. Natural science|Xiamen Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue BanCXianggang Zhong wen da xue xue bao. Chinese University of Hong KongJ Chin Univ Hong Kong5Xianggang hu li za zhi. The Hong Kong nursing journalXianggang Hu Li Za ZhiXu mu shou yi xue bao_Acta veterinaria et zootechnica Sinica / [Zhongguo xu mu shou yi xue hui]|Xu Mu Shou Yi Xue BaoY (Dayton, Ohio)Y)Y [report]. U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionY RepYad Vashem studies*Yad Vashem Stud Eur Jew Catastrophe Resist@Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of JapanYakugaku Zasshi?Yakushigaku zasshi. The Journal of Japanese history of pharmacyYakushigaku Zasshi.Yale journal of health policy, law, and ethicsYale J Health Policy Law Ethics Yale journal of law and feminismYale J Law FemYale journal on regulation Yale J RegulYale law & policy reviewYale Law Policy RevYalkut moreshetYalkut MoreshetYatrosYatros Year bookYear B Leo Baeck Inst*Year book - American Philosophical SocietyYearb Am Philos Soc6Yearbook (Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers)Yearb Conf Lat Am Geogr#Yearbook of German-American studiesYearb Ger Am Stud!Yearbook of physical anthropologyYearb Phys AnthropolYeast (Chichester, England)Yeast'Ying yong yu huan jing sheng wu xue baoChinese journal of applied and environmental biology / Zhongguo ke xue yuan Chengdu sheng wu yan jiu suo zhu ban|Ying Yong Yu Huan Jing Sheng Wu Xue Bao Yngre laeger Yngre LaegerYodYodYojanaYojanaYokohama medical bulletinYokohama Med Bull7Yokufuen chosa kenkyu kiyo. Acta gerontologica JaponicaYokufuen Chosa Kenkyu KiyoYonago acta medicaYonago Acta MedBYonago igaku zasshi. The Journal of the Yonago Medical AssociationYonago Igaku ZasshiYonsei medical journal Yonsei Med JYork state traditionYork State TradYoung children Young ChildYour Child PatientYour Child Patient(Your Oklahoma Dental Association journalYour Okla Dent Assoc JYouth & society Youth SocYugoslav survey Yugosl SurvYunnan nong ye da xue xue baoGJournal of Yunnan Agricultural University|Yunnan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue BaoZ magazine (Boston, Mass.)Z Mag Z pola walki Z Pola Walki%ZFA. Zeitschrift fur AllgemeinmedizinZFA (Stuttgart)8ZFSL, Zeitschrift fur franzosische Sprache und Literatur Z Fr Spr Lit ZPG reporter ZPG ReportZWRZWRZacchiaZacchia2Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde mit Zentralblatt Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd Zentralbl Zahnarzteblatt Baden-WurttembergZahnarztebl Baden WurttembZahnarztliche MitteilungenZahnarztl Mitt5Zahnarztliche Nachrichten Sudwurttemburg-HohenzollernZahnarztl Nachr SudwurttembZahnarztliche PraxisZahnarztl PraxZahnarztliche PraxisfuhrungZahnarztl PraxisfuhrZahnarztliche RundschauZahnarztl RundschZahnarztliche WeltZahnarztl Welt-Zahnarztliche Welt, zahnarztliche Reform, ZWR#Zahnarztl Welt Zahnarztl Reform ZwrTZahnarztliche Welt, zahnarztliche Rundschau, ZWR, vereinigt mit Zahnarztliche Reform5Zahnarztl Welt Zahnarztl Rundsch ZWR Zahnarztl ReformZahnarztlicher Gesundheitsdienst : offizielles Organ des Bundesverbandes der Zahnarzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes E.VZahnarztl Gesundheitsdienst!Zahntechnik (Zurich, Switzerland)Zahntechnik (Zur)RZahntechnik; Zeitschrift fur Theorie und Praxis der wissenschaftlichen ZahntechnikZahntechnik (Berl) Zaire-Afrique Zaire AfrZambeziaZambezia#Zambia nurse (Kitwe, Zambia : 1978) Zambia NurseZaragoza (Zaragoza (Spain)).ZaragozaZasshi. Tokyo Ika DaigakuZasshi Tokyo Ika DaigakuLZbornik prac. Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v Kosiciach. Lekarska fakultaZb Lek Fak KosiceZbornik za istorijuZb IstorKZbornik za zgodovino naravoslovja in tehnike / Slovenska matica v LjubljaniZb Zgodovino Naravoslovja Teh/Zbornik. Vojnomedicinska akademija (Yugoslavia)Zb Vojnomed Akad Zdravno deloZdr DeloZdravookhranenieZdravookhraneniePZdravookhranenie Belarusi (Belorusskii tsentr nauchnoi meditsinskoi informatsii)Zdravookhranenie BelarusiZdravookhranenie BelorussiiZdravookhr BelorussZdravookhranenie KazakhstanaZdravookhranenie KazakhstanaZdravookhranenie KirgiziiZdravookhr KirgMZdravookhranenie Rossiiskoi Federatsii / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia RSFSRZdravookhr Ross FedZdravookhranenie TurkmenistanaZdravookhr TurkmenistanaZdravotnicka pracovnice Zdrav Prac6Zdravotnicka revue; vestnik Ministerstva ZdravotnictviZdrav Rev Vestn Minist ZdravZdravotnicke aktuality, Zdrav AktualZdravstveni vestnik Zdrav Vestn3Zdrowie publiczne / Polskie Towarzystwo HigjeniczneZdrow PubliczneZeitgeschichte Zeitgesch7Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen GesellschaftZ Dtsch Morgenl GesxZeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte. Gesellschaft fur Schleswig-Holsteinische GeschichteZ Ges Schleswig Holstein GeschOZeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung#Z Savigny Stift Rechtsgesch Ger AbtNZeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Kanonistische Abteilung%Z Savigny Stift Rechtsgesch Kanon AbtEZeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsvereins. Aachener GeschichtsvereinZ Aachener Geschichtsver4Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereines fur SteiermarkZ Hist Ver SteiermarkSZeitschrift des Historischen Vereins fur Schwaben. Historischer Verein fur SchwabenZ Hist Ver Schwaben Neuburg{Zeitschrift des Vereins fur Lubeckische Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Verein fur Lubeckische Geschichte und AltertumskundeZ Ver Lubeck Gesch Altertumskd Zeitschrift fur AllgemeinmedizinZ Allgemeinmed Zeitschrift fur AlternsforschungZ Alternsforsch3Zeitschrift fur Anatomie und EntwicklungsgeschichteZ Anat Entwicklungsgesch#Zeitschrift fur Arbeitswissenschaft Z Arbeitswiss(Zeitschrift fur BevolkerungswissenschaftZ Bevolkerungswiss2Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und BibliographieZ Bibliothekswes BibliogrZeitschrift fur BiologieZ BiolDZeitschrift fur Entwicklungspsychologie und Padagogische Psychologie%Z Entwicklungspsychol Padagog Psychol.Zeitschrift fur Erkrankungen der AtmungsorganeZ Erkr AtmungsorganeFZeitschrift fur Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane mit Folia bronchologica#Z Erkr Atmungsorgane Folia Bronchol&Zeitschrift fur ErnahrungswissenschaftZ ErnahrungswissTZeitschrift fur Ernahrungswissenschaft. Journal of nutritional sciences. SupplementaZ Ernahrungswiss SupplZeitschrift fur EthnologieZ Ethnol8Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaften und WeltraumforschungZ Flugwiss Weltraumforsch!Zeitschrift fur GastroenterologieZ Gastroenterol3Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie. VerhandlungsbandZ Gastroenterol Verh,Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und GynakologieZ Geburtshilfe Gynakol-Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und NeonatologieZ Geburtshilfe Neonatol.Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und PerinatologieZ Geburtshilfe PerinatolZeitschrift fur Gerontologie Z GerontollZeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Gerontologie und GeriatrieZ Gerontol GeriatrBZeitschrift fur Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen WissenschaftenZ Gesch Arab Islam Wiss&Zeitschrift fur GeschichtswissenschaftZ Geschichtswiss0Zeitschrift fur Haut- und GeschlechtskrankheitenZ Haut GeschlechtskrZeitschrift fur HautkrankheitenZ HautkrZeitschrift fur Heereskunde Z HeereskdhZeitschrift fur Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten; medizinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und VirologieZ Hyg Infektionskr1Zeitschrift fur Immunitats- und AllergieforschungZ Immunitats Allergieforsch?Zeitschrift fur Immunitatsforschung und experimentelle TherapieZ Immun exp therGZeitschrift fur Immunitatsforschung, Allergie und klinische Immunologie&Z Immunitatsforsch Allerg Klin ImmunolMZeitschrift fur Immunitatsforschung, experimentelle und klinische Immunologie#Z Immunitatsforsch Exp Klin Immunol2Zeitschrift fur Immunitatsforschung. ImmunobiologyZ Immunitatsforsch Immunobiol Zeitschrift fur Jagdwissenschaft Z JagdwissZeitschrift fur Kardiologie Z Kardiol)Zeitschrift fur Kardiologie. SupplementumZ Kardiol Suppl-Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und JugendpsychiatrieZ Kinder Jugendpsychiatr@Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie#Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother0Zeitschrift fur Kinderchirurgie und GrenzgebieteZ Kinderchir GrenzgebZeitschrift fur KinderheilkundeZ Kinderheilkd!Zeitschrift fur KirchengeschichteZ Kirchengesch;Zeitschrift fur Krankenpflege. Revue suisse des infirmieres Z KrankenpflZeitschrift fur Krebsforschung Z Krebsforsch]Zeitschrift fur Krebsforschung und klinische Onkologie. Cancer research and clinical oncology.Z Krebsforsch Klin Onkol Cancer Res Clin Oncol"Zeitschrift fur KreislaufforschungZ KreislaufforschZeitschrift fur Kunstgeschichte Z KunstgeschHZeitschrift fur Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und ihre GrenzgebieteZ Laryngol Rhinol Otol8Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -ForschungZ Lebensm Unters Forsch2Zeitschrift fur Lymphologie. Journal of lymphology Z Lymphol-Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und AnthropologieZ Morphol Anthropol9Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. C, Journal of biosciencesZ Naturforsch [C]6Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Section C: BiosciencesZ Naturforsch [C]nZeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, organische Chemie, Biochemie, Biophysik, BiologieZ Naturforsch [B]NZeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Teil B: Chemie, Biochemie, Biophysik, BiologieZ Naturforsch BQZeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Teil C: Biochemie, Biophysik, Biologie, VirologieZ Naturforsch [C]Zeitschrift fur NeurologieZ Neurol.Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und UnfallchirurgieZ Orthop Unfall0Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und ihre GrenzgebieteZ Orthop Ihre GrenzgebZeitschrift fur Ostforschung Z Ostforsch*Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und EpigraphikZ Papyrologie Epigraphik0Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde (Berlin, Germany) Z Parasitenkd(Zeitschrift fur Physik. A, Atomic nucleiZ Phys A At NuclZeitschrift fur Physiotherapie Z PhysiotherOZeitschrift fur Phytotherapie : offizielles Organ der Ges. f. Phytotherapie e.V Z PhytotherZeitschrift fur PolitikZ Polit>Zeitschrift fur Praventivmedizin. Revue de medecine preventiveZ Praventivmed)Zeitschrift fur Psycho-somatische MedizinZ Psychosom MedFZeitschrift fur Psychologie mit Zeitschrift fur angewandte PsychologieZ Psychol Z Angew Psychol:Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und PsychoanalyseZ Psychosom Med Psychoanal;Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und PsychotherapieZ Psychosom Med Psychother;Zeitschrift fur Psychotherapie und medizinische PsychologieZ Psychother Med Psychol8Zeitschrift fur Rechtsmedizin. Journal of legal medicine Z Rechtsmed0Zeitschrift fur Religions- und GeistesgeschichteZ Relig GeistesgeschZeitschrift fur RheumaforschungZ RheumaforschZeitschrift fur Rheumatologie Z RheumatolZeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde Z SaugetierkdZeitschrift fur SozialreformZ SozialreformZeitschrift fur SoziologieZ Soziol#Zeitschrift fur Stomatologie (1984) Z StomatolDZeitschrift fur Tierphysiologie, Tierernahrung und Futtermittelkunde'Z Tierphysiol Tierernahr FuttermittelkdZeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie Z TierpsycholvZeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie : Organ der Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Tierzucht im ForschungsdienstZ Tierzuecht Zuechtungsbiol/Zeitschrift fur Tropenmedizin und ParasitologieZ Tropenmed ParasitolZeitschrift fur TuberkuloseZ Tuberk=Zeitschrift fur Tuberkulose und Erkrankungen der ThoraxorganeZ Tuberk Erkr ThoraxorgtZeitschrift fur Unfallmedizin und Berufskrankheiten. Revue de medecine des accidents et des maladies professionellesZ Unfallmed BerufskrZeitschrift fur UrologieZ Urol(Zeitschrift fur Urologie und NephrologieZ Urol NephrolZeitschrift fur Vererbungslehre Z Vererbungsl!Zeitschrift fur VersuchstierkundeZ Versuchstierkd6Zeitschrift fur Vitamin-, Hormon- und FermentforschungZ Vitam Horm Fermentforsch5Zeitschrift fur Wirtschafts- und SozialwissenschaftenZ Wirtsch Sozialwiss%Zeitschrift fur WirtschaftsgeographieZ Wirtschgeogr1Zeitschrift fur Wurttembergische LandesgeschichteZ Wurttemb LandesgeschPZeitschrift fur Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie. Abteilung Histochemie"Z Zellforch Microsk Anat HistochemRZeitschrift fur Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie (Vienna, Austria : 1948)Z Zellforsch Mikrosk Anat5Zeitschrift fur agyptische sprache und altertumskundeZ Aegypt Sprach Altertumskd(Zeitschrift fur allgemeine MikrobiologieZ Allg MikrobiolZZeitschrift fur allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. Journal for general philosophy of scienceZ Allg Wissenschaftstheor4Zeitschrift fur angewandte Bader- und KlimaheilkundeZ Angew Bader Klimaheilkd'Zeitschrift fur angewandte Ichthyologie1Journal of applied ichthyology|J. Appl. Ichthyol.%Zeitschrift fur arztliche FortbildungZ Arztl Fortbild (Jena).Zeitschrift fur arztliche Fortbildung (Berlin)Z Arztl Fortbild (Berl)Zeitschrift fur arztliche Fortbildung und Qualitatssicherung : in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung fur das arztliche FortbildungswesenZ Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich.Zeitschrift fur arztliche Fortbildung. BeiheftZ Arztl Fortbild Beih (Jena)+Zeitschrift fur bayerische LandesgeschichteZ Bayer Landesgesch&Zeitschrift fur den ErdkundeunterrichtZ Erdkundeunterr;Zeitschrift fur deutsches Alterthum und deutsche LitteraturZ Dtsch Altert Dtsch Lit9Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete Z Gesamte Hyg2Zeitschrift fur die gesamte experimentelle MedizinZ Gesamte Exp Med[Zeitschrift fur die gesamte experimentelle Medizin einschliesslich experimentelle ChirurgieZ Gesamte Exp Med@Zeitschrift fur die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre GrenzgebieteZ Gesamte Inn Med(Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Chirurgie Z Exp ChirZeitschrift fur experimentelle Chirurgie, Transplantation, und kunstliche Organe : Organ der Sektion Experimentelle Chirurgie der Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie der DDR'Z Exp Chir Transplant Kunstliche Organe]Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Psychologie : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Psychologie Z Exp Psychol9Zeitschrift fur experimentelle und angewandte PsychologieZ Exp Angew Psychol%Zeitschrift fur historische Forschung Z Hist Forsch:Zeitschrift fur induktive Abstammungs- und VererbungslehreZ Indukt Abstamm Vererbungsl8Zeitschrift fur klinische Chemie und klinische BiochemieZ Klin Chem Klin Biochem!Zeitschrift fur klinische Medizin Z Klin Med8Zeitschrift fur klinische Psychologie und PsychotherapieZ Klin Psychol PsychotherjZeitschrift fur klinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie / im Auftrag der Gorres-Gesellschaft#Z Klin Psychol Psychiatr PsychotheroZeitschrift fur klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie und Psychotherapie / im Auftrag der Gorres-Gesellschaft&Z Klin Psychol Psychopathol PsychotherEZeitschrift fur medizinische Isotopenforschung und deren Grenzgebiete#Z Med Isotopenforsch Deren Grenzgeb4Zeitschrift fur medizinische LaboratoriumsdiagnostikZ Med Lab Diagn)Zeitschrift fur medizinische LabortechnikZ Med Labortech:Zeitschrift fur medizinische Mikrobiologie und ImmunologieZ Med Mikrobiol Immunol#Zeitschrift fur medizinische Physik Z Med Phys.Zeitschrift fur medizinische Psychologie : ZMP Z Med Psychol>Zeitschrift fur menschliche Vererbungs- und KonstitutionslehreZ Mensch Vererb Konstitutionsl3Zeitschrift fur mikroskopisch-anatomische ForschungZ Mikrosk Anat ForschEZeitschrift fur naturwissenschaftlichmedizinische Grundlagenforschung Z Naturwiss Med Grundlagenforsch(Zeitschrift fur philosophische ForschungZ Philos Forsch$Zeitschrift fur plastische Chirurgie Z Plast Chir8Zeitschrift fur praktische Anasthesie und WiederbelebungZ Prakt AnasthJZeitschrift fur praktische Anasthesie, Wiederbelebung und Intensivtherapie'Z Prakt Anasth Wiederbeleb Intensivther%Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie Z Rom PhilolHZeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und mikroskopische TechnikZ Wiss Mikrosk*Zeitschrift fur wissenschartliche Zoologie Z Wiss ZoolZentralasiatische StudienZentralasiat Stud-Zentralblatt Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten Zentralbl Haut Und Geschlechtskr1Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin und ArbeitsschutzZentralbl Arbeitsmed;Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitsschutz. BeihefteZent Arb Arb Beih<Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie0Zentralblatt Arbeitsmedizin Arbeitsschutz Erogon=Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Prophylaxe*Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeitsschutz ProphylHZentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz, Prophylaxe und Ergonomie4Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeitsschutz Prophyl ErgonomieNZentralblatt fur Bakteriologie : international journal of medical microbiologyZentralbl BakteriolWZentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene. 1. Abt. Originale B, Hygiene%Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg [B]Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene. Serie B, Umwelthygiene, Krankenhaushygiene, Arbeitshygiene, praventive Medizin%Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg [B]Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie, und Hygiene. Series A, Medical microbiology, infectious diseases, virology, parasitology%Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg [A]Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. 1. Abt. Medizinisch-hygienische Bakteriologie, Virusforschung und Parasitologie. OriginaleZentralbl Bakteriol [Orig]Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Erste Abteilung Originale. Reihe A: Medizinische Mikrobiologie und ParasitologieZentralbl Bakteriol [Orig A]Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Erste Abteilung Originale. Reihe B: Hygiene, Betriebshygiene, praventive MedizinZentralbl Bakteriol [B]Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Erste Abteilung Originale. Reihe B: Hygiene, praventive MedizinZentralbl Bakteriol [Orig B]Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Zweite naturwissenschaftliche Abt.: Allgemeine, landwirtschaftliche und technische Mikrobiologie0Zentralbl Bakteriol Parasitenkd Infektionskr HygZentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Zweite naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung: Mikrobiologie der Landwirtschaft der Technologie und des UmweltschutzesZentralbl Bakteriol NaturwissuZentralblatt fur Bakteriologie. 1. Abt. Originale B, Hygiene, Krankenhaushygiene, Betriebshygiene, praventive MedizinZentralbl Bakteriol [B]yZentralblatt fur Bakteriologie. 1. Abt. Originale. A: Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektionskrankheiten und ParasitologieZentralbl Bakteriol AZentralblatt fur ChirurgieZentralbl ChirZentralblatt fur GynakologieZentralbl GynakolKZentralblatt fur Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten, sowie deren Grenzgebiete%Zentralbl Haut Geschlechtskr GrenzgebZentralblatt fur MikrobiologieZentralbl MikrobiolZentralblatt fur NeurochirurgieZentralbl NeurochirZentralblatt fur PathologieZentralbl PatholZentralblatt fur PhlebologieZentralbl PhlebolTZentralblatt fur Verkehrs-Medizin, Verkehrs-Psychologie, Luft- und Raumfahrt-Medizin7Zentralbl Verkehrsmed Verkehrspsychol Luft Raumfahrtmed*Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe AZentralbl Veterinarmed ATZentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe B. Journal of veterinary medicine. Series BZentralbl Veterinarmed BMZentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe C: Anatomie, Histologie, EmbryologieZentralbl Veterinarmed [C]AZentralblatt fur allgemeine Pathologie und pathologische AnatomieZentralbl Allg Pathol-Zentralblatt fur biologische AerosolforschungZentralbl Biol Aerosolforsch(Zero Population Growth national reporterZero Popul Growth Natl Rep#Zeszyty historyczne (Paris, France) Zest Hist%ZfA. Zeitschrift fur AlternsforschungZFAZhejiang nong ye da xue xue baoLActa Agriculturae Universitatis Chekianensis|Zhejiang Nong Ye Da Xue Xue BaoZhi wu bao hu xue bao0Acta phytophylacica sinica|Zhi Wu Bao Hu Xue BaoZhi wu bing li xue bao3Acta phytopathologica sinica|Zhi Wu Bing Li Xue BaoZhi wu bing li xue hui kan3Plant pathology bulletin|Zhi Wu Bing Li Xue Hui Kan Zhong cao yao2Chinese traditional and herbal drugs|Zhong Cao YaohZhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo ji kan. Zhong yang yan jiu yuan. Jin dai shi yan jiu suoBull Inst Mod Hist Acad Sin*Zhong yao tong bao (Beijing, China : 1981)Zhong Yao Tong BaoZhongguo Shouyi Ke-jiJChinese journal of veterinary science and technology|Zhongguo Shouyi Ke-jiZhongguo bing du xue&Virologica Sinica|Zhongguo Bing Du Xue&Zhongguo bing yuan sheng wu xue za zhiBJournal of pathogen biology|Zhongguo Bing Yuan Sheng Wu Xue Za ZhiZhongguo cao shi dong wu)China herbivores|Zhongguo Cao Shi Dong WuZhongguo dongwu jianyi:Chinese journal of animal quaratine|Zhongguo Dongwu JianyiZhongguo gong gong wei sheng0China public health|Zhongguo Gong Gong Wei ShengZhongguo ji hua mian yiDChinese journal of vaccines and immunization|Zhongguo Ji Hua Mian YiZhongguo kang sheng su za zhi<Chinese journal of antibiotics|Zhongguo Kang Sheng Su Za Zhi%Zhongguo lin chuang yao li xue za zhiThe Chinese journal of clinical pharmacology / [bian ji, Zhongguo lin chuang yao li xue za zhi bian ji bu]|Zhongguo Lin Chuang Yao Li Xue Za ZhiZhongguo mian yi xue za zhi9Chinese journal of immunology|Zhongguo Mian Yi Xue Za ZhiZhongguo nong xue tong baojChinese agricultural science bulletin / "Zhongguo nong xue tong bao" bian ji bu|Zhongguo Nong Xue Tong BaoZhongguo nong ye da xue xue baoHJournal of China Agricultural University|Zhongguo Nong Ye Da Xue Xue BaoZhongguo nong ye ke xue-Zhongguo nongye kexue|Zhongguo Nong Ye Ke Xue'Zhongguo ren shou gong huan bing za zhiCChinese journal of zoonoses|Zhongguo Ren Shou Gong Huan Bing Za Zhi Zhongguo shen jing ke xue za zhi2Chinese journal of neuroscience|Chin. J. Neurosci.#Zhongguo sheng wu gong cheng za zhiDJournal of Chinese biotechnology|Zhongguo Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Za Zhi4Zhongguo sheng wu hua xue yu fen zi sheng wu xue baojChinese journal of biochemistry and molecular biology|Zhongguo Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Fen Zi Sheng Wu Xue BaoZhongguo shou yi xue bao8Chinese journal of veterinary science|Chin. J. Vet. Sci.Zhongguo shou yi za zhi>Chinese journal of veterinary medicine|Zhongguo Shou Yi Za ZhiZhongguo shu cai#Chinese vegetables|Zhongguo Shu CaiZhongguo shui chan ke xuewJournal of fishery sciences of China / Zhongguo shui chan ke xue yan jiu yuan bian ji chu ban|Zhongguo Shui Chan Ke XueZhongguo xu mu xue hui hui zhiIJournal of the Chinese Society of Animal Science|J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci.5Zhongguo yao xue za zhi (Zhongguo yao xue hui : 1989)Chung Kuo Yao Hsueh Tsa ChihEZhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae#Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao Zhongguo you liao zuo wu xue baoChinese journal of oil crop sciences / Zhongguo nong ye ke xue yuan you liao zuo wu yan jiu suo zhu ban|Zhongguo You Liao Zuo Wu Xue Bao]Zhonghua Minguo xiao er ke yi xue hui za zhi [Journal]. Zhonghua Minguo xiao er ke yi xue hui-Zhonghua Min Guo Xiao Er Ke Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi8Zhonghua bing li xue za zhi Chinese journal of pathologyZhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi Zhonghua er bi yan hou ke za zhi Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi4Zhonghua er ke za zhi. Chinese journal of pediatricsZhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi9Zhonghua fang she xue za zhi Chinese journal of radiologyZhonghua Fang She Xue Za ZhiZhonghua fu chan ke za zhiZhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi=Zhonghua kou qiang ke za zhi [Chinese journal of stomatology]Zhonghua Kou Qiang Ke Za Zhi=Zhonghua nei ke za zhi [Chinese journal of internal medicine]Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi3Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery]Zhonghua Wai Ke Za ZhiNZhonghua xin xue guan bing za zhi [Chinese journal of cardiovascular diseases]!Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi.Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980)Zhonghua Yi Shi Za ZhiZhonghua yi xue za zhiZhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi#Zhonghua yi yuan gan ran xue za zhiDChinese journal of nosocomiology|Zhonghua Yi Yuan Gan Ran Xue Za ZhiGZhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine]Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi7Zhonghua zhong liu za zhi [Chinese journal of oncology]Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi+Zhongshan da xue xue bao. Zi ran ke xue ban_Acta scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni|Zhongshan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban2Zhurnal eksperimental'noi i klinicheskoi meditsinyZh Eksp Klin Med-Zhurnal evoliutsionnoi biokhimii i fiziologiiZh Evol Biokhim Fiziol6Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii, i immunobiologii!Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol ImmunobiolZhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia i meditsinskoi promyshlennosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Vserossiiskoe obshchestvo nevrologov [i] Vserossiiskoe obshchestvo psikhiatrov$Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S KorsakovaQZhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova (Moscow, Russia : 1952)(Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S KorsakovaZhurnal obshchei biologiiZh Obshch Biol3Zhurnal voprosy neirokhirurgii imeni N. N. Burdenko!Zh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko6Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova"Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P PavlovaZi you Zhongguo zhi gong yeInd Free ChinaZimbabwe Rhodesia NurseZimbabwe Rhod NurseZionZionZiva antika. Antiquite vivante Ziva AntikaZobozdravstveni vestnikZobozdrav Vestn Zoo biologyZoo BiolZoologica PoloniaeZool PolZoologica scriptaZool ScrFZoologica; scientific contributions of the New York Zoological SocietyZool Sci Contrib N Y Zool SocZoological science Zoolog SciZoologicheskii zhurnal Zool ZhurnalFZoologische Jahrbucher. Abteilung fur Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere#Zool Jahrb Abt Anat Ontogenie TiereZoologischer AnzeigerZool AnzZoology (Jena, Germany)Zoology (Jena) Zoomorphology ZoomorphologyZoonoses and public healthZoonoses Public HealthZoonoses research Zoonoses Res Zooprofilassi Zooprofilassi Zpravy Geografickeho ustavu CSAVZpr Geogr Ust CSAVZu guoZu Guo Zuchthygiene Zuchthygiene*Zurcher medizingeschichtliche AbhandlungenZur Medizingesch AbhZurcher taschenbuch ... hrsg. mit unterstutzung der Antiquarischen gesellschaft von einer gesellschaft zurcherischer geschichtsfreunde ... Zur TaschenbAZwingliana : Mitteilungen zur Geschichte Zwinglis der Reformation ZwinglianaZygonZygonZygote (Cambridge, England)Zygote4[Boei eisei] Japanese Defense Forces medical journal Boei Eisei&[Chapchi] Journal. Taehan Oekwa HakhoeTaehan Oekwa Hakhoe Chapchi[Chiryo] [Therapy]Chiryo [Choson uihak] [Korean medicine] Choson Uihak4[Eisei dobutsu] Japanese journal of sanitary zoology Eisei Dobutsu2[Fukushima igaku zasshi] Fukushima medical journalFukushima Igaku Zasshi6[Gencho Hiroshima igaku] The Hiroshima medical journalGencho Hiroshima Igaku)[Hanguk uiyak] Korean journal of medicine Hanguk Uiyak[Hifu] Skin researchHifu=[Hokenfu zasshi] The Japanese journal for public health nurseHokenfu Zasshi?[Hokkaido igaku zasshi] The Hokkaido journal of medical scienceHokkaido Igaku Zasshi2[Igakushi kenkyu] [Studies on history of medicine]Igakushi Kenkyu%[Kango gijutsu] : [Nursing technique] Kango Gijutsu4[Kango kyoiku] Japanese journal of nurses' education Kango Kyoiku#[Kango] Japanese journal of nursingKango2[Kangogaku zasshi] The Japanese journal of nursingKangogaku Zasshi$[Ke xue tong bao] [Science bulletin]Ko Hsueh Tung Pao/[Kokyuki shinryo] Clinics of respiratory organsKokyuki Shinryo[Minzoku eisei] Race hygiene Minzoku EiseiD[Nenpo] The Annual report of Takamine Laboratory. Takamine KenkyushoTakamine Kenkyusho Nenpo,[Nippon iji shinpo] Japanese medical journal Jpn Med J=[Nippon koshu eisei zasshi] Japanese journal of public healthNippon Koshu Eisei Zasshi.[Nippon shika hyoron] The Nippon dental reviewNippon Shika Hyoron8[Nisshin igaku] The Japanese journal of medical progressNisshin Igaku Jpn J Med Prog8[Ochanomizu igaku zasshi] The Ochanomizu medical journalOchanomizu Igaku Zasshi<[Onsen kagaku] Journal of the Balneological Society of Japan Onsen KagakuM[Osaka Daigaku shigaku zasshi] The journal of Osaka University Dental SocietyOsaka Daigaku Shigaku Zasshi9[Preconference papers]. National Dental Health Conference*Preconf Papers Natl Dent Health Conf (U S)Y[Report no.] NAEC-ACEL-. United States. Aerospace Crew Equipment Laboratory, Philadelphia:Rep No NAEC ACEL United States Aerosp Crew Equip Lab PhilaS[Report no.] NAMC-ACEL-. United States. Air Crew Equipment Laboratory, Philadelphia7Rep No NAMC ACEL United States Air Crew Equip Lab Phila5[Report]. Civil Aeromedical Research Institute (U.S.)Rep Civ Aeromed Res Inst USP[Research reports]. Naval Medical Field Research Laboratory (Camp Lejeune, N.C.)!Res Rep U S Nav Med Field Res Lab"[Rinsho eiyo] [Clinical nutrition] Rinsho Eiyo9[Rinsho fujinka sanka] Clinical gynecology and obstetricsRinsho Fujinka Sanka=[Rinsho ketsueki] The Japanese journal of clinical hematologyRinsho Ketsueki#[Rinsho shika] [Clinical dentistry] Rinsho Shika2[Rinsho shokakibyogaku] Clinical gastro-enterologyRinsho Shokakibyogaku9[Sanfujinka chiryo] Obstetrical and gynecological therapySanfujinka Chiryo<[Sanfujinka no shinpo] Advances in obstetrics and gynecologySanfujinka No Shinpo/[Seitai no kagaku] [Science of the living body] Seitai KagakuD[Sekai sanfujinka soran] [Survey of world obstetrics and gynecology]Surv World Obstet Gynecol (Jpn)0[Shandong yi kan] [Shantung medical publication]Shandong Yi Kan[Shika igaku] [Dental medicine] Shika Igaku#[Shinryo] [Diagnosis and treatment]Shinryo[Sogo rinsho] Clinic all-round Sogo Rinsho<[Technical report] SAM-TR. USAF School of Aerospace MedicineTech Rep SAM-TRa[Tsa chih] [Journal of the] Alumni of the University of Takau. Gaoxiong yi xue yuan. Tong xue hui*Tsa Chih Gaoxiong Yi Xue Yuan Tong Xue Hui<[Yakugaku kenkyu] Japanese journal of pharmacy and chemistryYakugaku Kenkyuh[Yan jiu bao gao] Science reports of the National Taiwan University. Guo li Taiwan da xue. Xin li xue xiYan Jiu Bao Gao*[Ying yang xue bao] Acta nutrimenta SinicaYing Yang Xue Bao:[Zasshi] Journal. Kanazawa Daigaku. Igakubu. Juzen Igakkai-Zasshi Kanazawa Daigaku Igakubu Juzen IgakkaiC[Zasshi] Tokyo Jikeikai medical journal. Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku!Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku Zasshi+[Zasshi] [Journal]. Nihon Kyobu Geka GakkaiNippon Kyobu Geka Gakkai Zasshi9[Zhonghua yan ke za zhi] Chinese journal of ophthalmologyZhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi al-'ArabiAl-Arabial-DarahAldarah"al-Maghrib al-tibbi. Maroc medical Maroc Medal-Mihan al-tibbiyahAl Mihan Al Tibbiyahal-Mustaqbal al-'ArabiAlmustaqbal Alarabi al-Qantara Al QantaraUal-Raida / Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World, Beirut University CollegeAl Raida al-Usrah wa-al-'umran al-bashariAl Usrah Wa Al Umran Al Bashariha-Ahot be-YisraelAhot Beyisrael ha-SifrutHasifrutAbdominal IMAging Abdom ImagingAcademic Emergency MedicineAcad Emerg MedAcademic MedicineAcad MedAcademic Radiology Acad Radiol Accident Analysis and PreventionAccid Anal PrevACP Journal Club ACP J ClubActa Anaesthesiologica BelgicaActa Anaesthesiol Belg#Acta Anaesthesiologica ScandinavicaActa Anaesthesiol Scand1Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Anaesthesiol Scand SupplActa AnatomicaActa Anat (Basel)Acta Biochimica PolonicaActa Biochim PolActa Biologica HungaricaActa Biol Hung$Acta Bio-Medica de L Ateneo ParmenseActa Biomed Ateneo ParmenseActa Biotheoretica Acta BiotheorActa Cardiologica Acta CardiolActa Chemica ScandinavicaActa Chem ScandActa Chirurgiae PlasticaeActa Chir PlastActa Chirurgica BelgicaActa Chir BelgActa Chirurgica HungaricaActa Chir HungActa Chirurgica IugoslavicaActa Chir IugoslActa Cientifica VenezolanaActa Cient VenezActa Clinica BelgicaActa Clin Belg"Acta Clinica Belgica. SupplementumActa Clin Belg SupplAActa Crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of CrystallographyActa Crystallogr A5Acta Crystallographica. Section B, Structural ScienceActa Crystallogr BCActa Crystallographica. Section C, Crystal Structure CommunicationsActa Crystallogr CActa Cytologica Acta CytolActa Dermato-VenereologicaActa Derm Venereol(Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum!Acta Derm Venereol Suppl (Stockh)Acta Diabetologica Acta DiabetolActa Europaea FertilitatisActa Eur FertilActa Gastroenterologica BelgicaActa Gastroenterol Belg'Acta Gastroenterologica LatinoamericanaActa Gastroenterol Latinoam'Acta Geneticae Medicae Et GemellologiaeActa Genet Med Gemellol (Roma)Acta Haematologica Acta HaematolActa HistochemicaActa Histochem!Acta Histochemica. SupplementbandActa Histochem SupplActa Leprologica Acta LeprolActa Medica AustriacaActa Med AustriacaActa Medica CroaticaActa Med CroaticaActa Medica (Hradec Kralove)Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove)*Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove). Supplementum"Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) SupplActa Medica OkayamaActa Med OkayamaActa Medica Portuguesa Acta Med PortActa Microbiologica BulgaricaActa Microbiol Bulg-Acta Microbiologica Et Immunologica HungaricaActa Microbiol Immunol HungActa Microbiologica PolonicaActa Microbiol Pol"Acta Neurobiologiae ExperimentalisActa Neurobiol Exp (Warsz)Acta NeurochirurgicaActa Neurochir (Wien)"Acta Neurochirurgica. SupplementumActa Neurochir Suppl (Wien)Acta Neurologica BelgicaActa Neurol BelgActa Neurologica ScandinavicaActa Neurol Scand+Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Neurol Scand SupplActa NeuropathologicaActa Neuropathol (Berl)-Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica ScandinavicaActa Obstet Gynecol Scand9Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica. SupplementActa Obstet Gynecol Scand SupplActa Odontologica ScandinavicaActa Odontol ScandActa Oncologica Acta Oncol!Acta Ophthalmologica ScandinavicaActa Ophthalmol Scand-Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. SupplementActa Ophthalmol Scand SupplActa Orthopaedica BelgicaActa Orthop BelgActa Orthopaedica ScandinavicaActa Orthop Scand,Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Orthop Scand SupplActa Oto-LaryngologicaActa Otolaryngol (Stockh)"Acta Oto-Laryngologica. SupplementActa Otolaryngol Suppl (Stockh)$Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica BelgicaActa Otorhinolaryngol Belg"Acta Otorhinolaryngologica ItalicaActa Otorhinolaryngol Ital#Acta Otorrinolaringologica EspanolaActa Otorrinolaringol EspActa Paediatrica Acta PaediatrActa Paediatrica JaponicaActa Paediatr JpnActa Paediatrica. SupplementActa Paediatr SupplActa Pharmaceutica HungaricaActa Pharm HungActa Physiologica HungaricaActa Physiol Hung-Acta Physiologica Et Pharmacologica BulgaricaActa Physiol Pharmacol BulgAActa Physiologica, Pharmacologica Et Therapeutica Latinoamericana$Acta Physiol Pharmacol Ther LatinoamActa Physiologica ScandinavicaActa Physiol Scand,Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Physiol Scand SupplActa Poloniae PharmaceuticaActa Pol PharmActa Psychiatrica ScandinavicaActa Psychiatr Scand,Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. SupplementumActa Psychiatr Scand SupplActa PsychologicaActa Psychol (Amst)Acta Radiologica Acta RadiolActa Radiologica. SupplementumActa Radiol SupplActa Stomatologica BelgicaActa Stomatol Belg Acta Tropica Acta Trop$Acta Universitatis Carolinae. MedicaActa Univ Carol [Med] (Praha)1Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Medica. MonographiaActa Univ Carol Med Monogr=Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae Acta Univ Palacki Olomuc Fac MedActa Urologica BelgicaActa Urol BelgActa Veterinaria Hungarica Acta Vet HungActa Veterinaria ScandinavicaActa Vet Scand)Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. SupplementActa Vet Scand SupplActa Virologica Acta VirolBPsiquiatria Y Ciencias Afines Actas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr CienAfinesActas Urologicas EspanolasActas Urol Esp-Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics ResearchAcupunct Electrother Res Addiction AddictionAddictive Behaviors Addict Behav*Administration and Policy In Mental HealthAdm Policy Ment Health Adolescence Adolescence0Advances In Anatomy, Embryology and Cell BiologyAdv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Advances In Applied MicrobiologyAdv Appl Microbiol1Advances In Biochemical Engineering/BiotechnologyAdv Biochem Eng Biotechnol*Advances In Biochemical PsychopharmacologyAdv Biochem PsychopharmacolAdvances In Biophysics Adv BiophysAdvances In Cancer ResearchAdv Cancer Res3Advances In Carbohydrate Chemistry and BiochemistryAdv Carbohydr Chem BiochemAdvances In Cardiac Surgery Adv Card SurgAdvances In Cardiology Adv Cardiol*Advances In Child Development and BehaviorAdv Child Dev BehavAdvances In ChromatographyAdv ChromatogrAdvances In Clinical Chemistry Adv Clin Chem)Advances In Colloid and Interface ScienceAdv Colloid Interface SciAdvances In ContraceptionAdv ContraceptAdvances In Dermatology Adv DermatolAdvances In Enzyme RegulationAdv Enzyme Regul=Advances In Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol-Advances In Experimental Medicine and BiologyAdv Exp Med Biol'Advances In Food and Nutrition ResearchAdv Food Nutr ResAdvances In Genetics Adv GenetAdvances In Human Genetics Adv Hum GenetAdvances In Immunology Adv Immunol"Advances In Inorganic BiochemistryAdv Inorg BiochemAdvances In Internal MedicineAdv Intern MedAdvances In Lipid Research Adv Lipid Res Advances In Microbial PhysiologyAdv Microb Physiol/Advances In Nephrology From The Necker HospitalAdv Nephrol Necker HospAdvances In Neurology Adv Neurol Advances In Nutritional Research Adv Nutr Res"Advances In Operative OrthopaedicsAdv Oper Orthop!Advances In Oto-Rhino-LaryngologyAdv OtorhinolaryngolAdvances In Parasitology Adv Parasitol)Advances In Pediatric Infectious DiseasesAdv Pediatr Infect DisAdvances In Pediatrics Adv PediatrAdvances In Peritoneal DialysisAdv Perit DialAdvances In Pharmacology Adv Pharmacol@Advances In Prostaglandin, Thromboxane, and Leukotriene Research(Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukot ResAdvances In Protein ChemistryAdv Protein Chem"Advances In Psychosomatic MedicineAdv Psychosom Med%Advances In Renal Replacement TherapyAdv Ren Replace Ther8Advances In Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research'Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res"Advances In Surgery (St. Louis, MoAdv Surg0Advances and Technical Standards In NeurosurgeryAdv Tech Stand NeurosurgAdvances In Veterinary Medicine Adv Vet MedAdvances In Virus Research Adv Virus Res0Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological ReviewsAdverse Drug React Toxicol RevAesthetic Plastic SurgeryAesthetic Plast Surg0African Journal of Medicine and Medical SciencesAfr J Med Med SciAge and Ageing Age AgeingAgents and Actions. SupplementsAgents Actions SupplAgingAging (Milano)AIDSAIDS AIDS Care AIDS CareAIDS Clinical Review AIDS Clin RevAIDS Education and PreventionAIDS Educ Prev$AIDS Research and Human RetrovirusesAIDS Res Hum Retroviruses(AJNR. American Journal of NeuroradiologyAJNR Am J Neuroradiol&AJR. American Journal of RoentgenologyAJR Am J RoentgenolAktuelle RadiologieAktuelle RadiolAkusherstvo I GinekologiiaAkush Ginekol (Sofiia)Alaska Medicine Alaska MedAlcoholAlcoholAlcohol and AlcoholismAlcohol Alcohol"Alcohol and Alcoholism. SupplementAlcohol Alcohol Suppl!Alcohol Health and Research WorldAlcohol Health Res World.Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental ResearchAlcohol Clin Exp Res(Alimentary Pharmacology and TherapeuticsAliment Pharmacol TherAllergie Et ImmunologieAllerg Immunol (Paris) Allergologia Et ImmunopathologiaAllergol Immunopathol (Madr)AllergyAllergyAllergy and Asthma ProceedingsAllergy Asthma Proc,Alternative Therapies In Health and MedicineAltern Ther Health Med*Alzheimer Disease and Associated DisordersAlzheimer Dis Assoc DisordAmerican Annals of The Deaf Am Ann DeafAmerican Family PhysicianAm Fam PhysicianAmerican Heart Journal Am Heart J8American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research%Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health ResnAmerican Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research. MonographSeries Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Re Monogr Ser/American Industrial Hygiene Association JournalAm Ind Hyg Assoc JAmerican Journal on Addictions Am J Addict#American Journal of Cardiac IMAgingAm J Card ImagingAmerican Journal of Cardiology Am J Cardiol,American Journal of Cardiovascular PathologyAm J Cardiovasc Pathol$American Journal of Chinese Medicine Am J Chin Med%American Journal of Clinical HypnosisAm J Clin Hypn&American Journal of Clinical NutritionAm J Clin Nutr%American Journal of Clinical OncologyAm J Clin Oncol&American Journal of Clinical PathologyAm J Clin Pathol(American Journal of Community PsychologyAm J Community Psychol&American Journal of Contact DermatitisAm J Contact Dermat!American Journal of Critical CareAm J Crit Care$American Journal of DermatopathologyAm J Dermatopathol*American Journal of Drug and Alcohol AbuseAm J Drug Alcohol Abuse&American Journal of Emergency MedicineAm J Emerg Med American Journal of EpidemiologyAm J Epidemiol3American Journal of Forensic Medicine and PathologyAm J Forensic Med Pathol$American Journal of GastroenterologyAm J Gastroenterol(American Journal of Geriatric PsychiatryAm J Geriatr Psychiatry*American Journal of Health-System PharmacyAm J Health Syst PharmAmerican Journal of Hematology Am J Hematol"American Journal of Human GeneticsAm J Hum Genet American Journal of HypertensionAm J Hypertens'American Journal of Industrial Medicine Am J Ind Med%American Journal of Infection ControlAm J Infect Control#American Journal of Kidney DiseasesAm J Kidney Dis American Journal of Knee SurgeryAm J Knee Surg$American Journal of Law and Medicine Am J Law Med$American Journal of Medical GeneticsAm J Med Genet0American Journal of Medical Genetics. SupplementAm J Med Genet Suppl#American Journal of Medical Quality Am J Med Qual(American Journal of The Medical Sciences Am J Med SciAmerican Journal of MedicineAm J Med&American Journal of Mental RetardationAm J Ment RetardAmerican Journal of Nephrology Am J NephrolAmerican Journal of Nursing Am J Nurs-American Journal of Obstetrics and GynecologyAm J Obstet Gynecol(American Journal of Occupational TherapyAm J Occup Ther!American Journal of OphthalmologyAm J Ophthalmol<American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopedicsAm J Orthod Dentofacial OrthopAmerican Journal of Orthopedics Am J Orthop#American Journal of OrthopsychiatryAm J Orthopsychiatry"American Journal of OtolaryngologyAm J OtolaryngolAmerican Journal of Otology Am J OtolAmerican Journal of Pathology Am J Pathol American Journal of PerinatologyAm J Perinatol)American Journal of Physical AnthropologyAm J Phys Anthropol8American Journal of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAm J Phys Med RehabilAmerican Journal of Physiology Am J Physiol'American Journal of Preventive Medicine Am J Prev MedAmerican Journal of Primatology Am J PrimatolAmerican Journal of PsychiatryAm J Psychiatry"American Journal of PsychoanalysisAm J PsychoanalAmerican Journal of Psychology Am J Psychol!American Journal of PsychotherapyAm J Psychother!American Journal of Public HealthAm J Public Health+American Journal of Reproductive ImmunologyAm J Reprod Immunol:American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular BiologyAm J Respir Cell Mol Biol:American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineAm J Respir Crit Care MedAmerican Journal of Rhinology Am J Rhinol#American Journal of Sports MedicineAm J Sports MedAmerican Journal of Surgery Am J Surg&American Journal of Surgical PathologyAm J Surg Pathol1American Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneAm J Trop Med Hyg'American Journal of Veterinary Research Am J Vet ResAmerican Psychologist Am PsycholAmerican SurgeonAm Surg Anaesthesia AnaesthesiaAnaesthesia and Intensive CareAnaesth Intensive Care Anaesthesiologie Und ReanimationAnaesthesiol Reanim Anaesthesist Anaesthesist(Anais Da Academia Brasileira de CienciasAn Acad Bras CiencAnales Espanoles de PediatriaAn Esp PediatrAnales de Medicina InternaAn Med Interna-Anales Otorrinolaringologicos IberoamericanosAn Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am/Anales de la Real Academia Nacional De MedicinaAn R Acad Nac Med (Madr)AnalystAnalystAnalytical Biochemistry Anal BiochemAnalytical Cellular PathologyAnal Cell PatholAnalytical Chemistry Anal Chem2Analytical and Quantitative Cytology And HistologyAnal Quant Cytol HistolbAnasthesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, SchmerztherapieAnasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallme Schmerzther!Anatomia, Histologia, EmbryologiaAnat Histol EmbryolAnatomical RecordAnat RecAnatomischer AnzeigerAnat AnzAnatomy and EmbryologyAnat Embryol (Berl) Andrologia Andrologia!Anesteziologiia I ReanimatologiiaAnesteziol ReanimatolAnesthesia and Analgesia Anesth AnalgAnesthesiologyAnesthesiology Angiology AngiologyAngle Orthodontist Angle OrthodAnimal Genetics Anim GenetAnimal Reproduction ScienceAnim Reprod Sci%Annales Academiae Medicae StetinensisAnn Acad Med StetinAnnales de Biologie CliniqueAnn Biol Clin (Paris)'Annales de Cardiologie Et D AngeiologieAnn Cardiol Angeiol (Paris)#Annales Chirurgiae Et GynaecologiaeAnn Chir Gynaecol1Annales Chirurgiae Et Gynaecologiae. SupplementumAnn Chir Gynaecol SupplAnnales de ChirurgieAnn Chir6Annales de Chirurgie De la Main Et Du Membre SuperieurAnn Chir Main Memb Super,Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Et EsthetiqueAnn Chir Plast Esthet*Annales de Dermatologie Et De VenereologieAnn Dermatol VenereolAnnales D EndocrinologieAnn Endocrinol (Paris)1Annales Francaises D Anesthesie Et de ReanimationAnn Fr Anesth ReanimAnnales de Genetique Ann GenetAnnales de Medecine InterneAnn Med Interne (Paris):Annales D Oto-Laryngologie Et de Chirurgie Cervico-FacialeAnn Otolaryngol Chir CervicofacAnnales de Pathologie Ann Pathol"Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises Ann Pharm FrAnnales de RadiologieAnn Radiol (Paris)AAnnales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio D, Medicina&Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sklodowska [Med]Annales D UrologieAnn Urol (Paris)Annali di IgieneAnn Ig(Annali dell Istituto Superiore di SanitaAnn Ist Super SanitaAnnali Italiani di Chirurgia Ann Ital Chir#Annali Italiani di Medicina InternaAnn Ital Med Int,Annals of The Academy Of Medicine, SingaporeAnn Acad Med Singapore)Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and ImmunologyAnn Allergy Asthma ImmunolAnnals of Behavioral Medicine Ann Behav Med Annals of Biomedical EngineeringAnn Biomed EngAnnals of Clinical BiochemistryAnn Clin Biochem)Annals of Clinical and Laboratory ScienceAnn Clin Lab SciAnnals of Clinical PsychiatryAnn Clin PsychiatryAnnals of DentistryAnn DentAnnals of Emergency Medicine Ann Emerg MedAnnals of Epidemiology Ann EpidemiolAnnals of Hematology Ann HematolAnnals of Human Biology Ann Hum BiolAnnals of Human Genetics Ann Hum GenetAnnals of The IcrpAnn ICRPAnnals of Internal MedicineAnn Intern MedAnnals of MedicineAnn MedAnnals of Neurology Ann Neurol*Annals of The New York Academy Of SciencesAnn N Y Acad SciAnnals of Nuclear Medicine Ann Nucl Med"Annals of Nutrition and MetabolismAnn Nutr MetabAnnals of Occupational Hygiene Ann Occup HygAnnals of Oncology Ann Oncol,Annals of Otology, Rhinology and LaryngologyAnn Otol Rhinol Laryngol9Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology. SupplementAnn Otol Rhinol Laryngol SupplAnnals of PharmacotherapyAnn PharmacotherAnnals of Plastic SurgeryAnn Plast Surg Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases Ann Rheum Dis2Annals of The Royal College Of Surgeons Of EnglandAnn R Coll Surg EnglAnnals of SurgeryAnn SurgAnnals of Surgical OncologyAnn Surg OncolAnnals of Thoracic SurgeryAnn Thorac Surg,Annals of Tropical Medicine and ParasitologyAnn Trop Med ParasitolAnnals of Tropical PaediatricsAnn Trop PaediatrAnnals of Vascular Surgery Ann Vasc SurgAnnual Review of BiochemistryAnnu Rev Biochem6Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular StructureAnnu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct/Annual Review of Cell and Developmental BiologyAnn Rev Cell Dev BiolAnnual Review of EntomologyAnnu Rev EntomolAnnual Review of GeneticsAnnu Rev GenetAnnual Review of ImmunologyAnnu Rev ImmunolAnnual Review of Medicine Annu Rev MedAnnual Review of MicrobiologyAnnu Rev MicrobiolAnnual Review of NeuroscienceAnnu Rev Neurosci!Annual Review of Nursing ResearchAnnu Rev Nurs ResAnnual Review of Nutrition Annu Rev Nutr,Annual Review of Pharmacology and ToxicologyAnnu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol#Annual Review of Physical ChemistryAnnu Rev Phys ChemAnnual Review of PhysiologyAnnu Rev PhysiolAnnual Review of PsychologyAnnu Rev PsycholAnnual Review of Public HealthAnnu Rev Public Health Ans. Advances In Nursing ScienceANS Adv Nurs SciAnthropologischer Anzeiger Anthropol AnzAntibiotics and ChemotherapyAntibiot ChemotherAntibiotiki I KhimioterapiiaAntibiot KhimioterAnti-Cancer Drug DesignAnticancer Drug DesAnti-Cancer DrugsAnticancer DrugsAnticancer ResearchAnticancer Res%Antimicrobial Agents and ChemotherapyAntimicrob Agents Chemother+Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug DevelopmentAntisense Nucleic Acid Drug DevAntiviral Research Antiviral ResAntonie Van LeeuwenhoekAntonie Van Leeuwenhoek Aorn JournalAORN JApmisAPMISApmis. Supplementum APMIS SupplAppetiteAppetite&Applied Biochemistry and BiotechnologyAppl Biochem Biotechnol&Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl Environ MicrobiolApplied Ergonomics Appl ErgonApplied Human ScienceAppl Human SciApplied Nursing Research Appl Nurs Res(Applied Psychophysiology and BiofeedbackAppl Psychophysiol BiofeedbackApplied Radiation and IsotopesAppl Radiat Isot'Applied and Theoretical ElectrophoresisAppl Theor ElectrophorArbeiten Aus Dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (Bundesamt Fur Sera UndImpfstoffe) Zu Frankfurt A.M. Arb Paul Ehrlich Inst Bundesamt SerImpfstoffe Frankf A MArchiv Fur Kriminologie Arch KriminolArchiv Der PharmazieArch Pharm (Weinheim)Archiv Fur PsychologieArch Psychol (Frankf)Archiv Fur TierernahrungArch Tierernahr1Archives D Anatomie Et de Cytologie PathologiquesArch Anat Cytol PatholArchives of Andrology Arch Androl'Archives of Biochemistry and BiophysicsArch Biochem Biophys#Archives of Dermatological ResearchArch Dermatol ResArchives of Dermatology Arch Dermatol Archives of Disease In ChildhoodArch Dis Child<Archives of Disease In Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed6Archives of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyArch Environ Contam Toxicol Archives of Environmental HealthArch Environ HealthArchives of Family Medicine Arch Fam MedArchives of General PsychiatryArch Gen Psychiatry%Archives of Gynecology and ObstetricsArch Gynecol Obstet"Archives of Histology and CytologyArch Histol Cytol.Archives of Insect Biochemistry and PhysiologyArch Insect Biochem Physiol(Archives de L Institut Pasteur D AlgerieArch Inst Pasteur Alger,Archives de L Institut Pasteur De MadagascarArch Inst Pasteur Madagascar'Archives de L Institut Pasteur De TunisArch Inst Pasteur TunisArchives of Internal MedicineArch Intern MedArchives Italiennes de BiologieArch Ital Biol/Archives Des Maladies Du Coeur Et Des VaisseauxArch Mal Coeur VaissArchives of Medical Research Arch Med ResArchives of MicrobiologyArch MicrobiolArchives of Neurology Arch NeurolArchives of OphthalmologyArch OphthalmolArchives of Oral BiologyArch Oral Biol*Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma SurgeryArch Orthop Trauma Surg3Archives of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck SurgeryArch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg-Archives of Pathology and Laboratory MedicineArch Pathol Lab Med.Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent MedicineArch Pediatr Adolesc MedArchives de Pediatrie Arch Pediatr0Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationArch Phys Med Rehabil'Archives of Physiology and BiochemistryArch Physiol BiochemArchives of Psychiatric NursingArch Psychiatr NursArchives of Sexual BehaviorArch Sex BehavArchives of Surgery Arch SurgArchives of Toxicology Arch Toxicol"Archives of Toxicology. SupplementArch Toxicol SupplArchives of Virology Arch Virol"Archives of Virology. SupplementumArch Virol Suppl)Archivio Italiano di Urologia, AndrologiaArch Ital Urol AndrolArchivos de BronconeumologiaArch BronconeumolArchivos Espanoles de Urologia Arch Esp Urol/Archivos Del Instituto de Cardiologia De MexicoArch Inst Cardiol Mex&Archivos Latinoamericanos de NutricionArch Latinoam Nutr1Archivum Immunologiae Et Therapiae ExperimentalisArch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz)(Arerugi. Japanese Journal of AllergologyArerugi&Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I ToksikologijuArh Hig Rada ToksikolArkhiv Patologii Arkh Patol#Arquivos Brasileiros de CardiologiaArq Bras CardiolArquivos de GastroenterologiaArq GastroenterolArquivos de Neuro-PsiquiatriaArq Neuropsiquiatr2Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular BiologyArterioscler Thromb Vasc BiolArteryArteryArthritis and RheumatismArthritis Rheum Arthroscopy ArthroscopyeArtificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Immobilization BiotechnologyArtif Cells Blood Substit Immobi Biotechnol#Artificial Intelligence In MedicineArtif Intell MedArtificial Life Artif LifeArtificial Organs Artif OrgansArzneimittel-ForschungArzneimittelforschung Asaio JournalASAIO J&Asdc Journal of Dentistry For ChildrenASDC J Dent ChildASHAASHAASHA. Supplement ASHA Suppl/Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and ImmunologyAsian Pac J Allergy Immunol%Asia-Pacific Journal of Public HealthAsia Pac J Public HealthAtencion Primaria Aten PrimariaAtherosclerosisAtherosclerosis Audiology AudiologyAudiology and Neuro-OtologyAudiol NeurootolAuris, Nasus, LarynxAuris Nasus Larynx#Australasian Journal of DermatologyAustralas J Dermatol:Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences In MedicineAustralas Phys Eng Sci MedAustralasian RadiologyAustralas RadiolAustralian Dental Journal Aust Dent JAustralian Family PhysicianAust Fam Physician3Australian Journal of Science and Medicine In SportAust J Sci Med Sport.Australian and New Zealand Journal of MedicineAust N Z J Med@Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics And GynaecologyAust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol3Australian and New Zealand Journal of OphthalmologyAust N Z J Ophthalmol0Australian and New Zealand Journal of PsychiatryAust N Z J Psychiatry3Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public HealthAust N Z J Public Health-Australian and New Zealand Journal of SurgeryAust N Z J SurgAustralian Veterinary Journal Aust Vet JAutoimmunity (Yverdon-Les-Bains Autoimmunity-Aviakosmicheskaia I Ekologicheskaia MeditsinaAviakosm Ekolog MedAvian Diseases Avian Dis)Aviation Space and Environmental MedicineAviat Space Environ Med0Baillieres Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab$Baillieres Clinical GastroenterologyBaillieres Clin GastroenterolBaillieres Clinical HaematologyBaillieres Clin HaematolBaillieres Clinical NeurologyBaillieres Clin Neurol.Baillieres Clinical Obstetrics and GynaecologyBaillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol Baillieres Clinical RheumatologyBaillieres Clin Rheumatol,Bangladesh Medical Research Council BulletinBangladesh Med Res Counc BullBasic Life SciencesBasic Life SciBasic Research In CardiologyBasic Res CardiolBehavior Genetics Behav GenetBehavior Modification Behav ModifBehavioral and Brain SciencesBehav Brain SciBehavioral Medicine Behav MedBehavioral NeuroscienceBehav NeurosciBehavioral Sciences and The Law Behav Sci LawBehaviour Research and TherapyBehav Res TherBehavioural Brain ResearchBehav Brain ResBehavioural PharmacologyBehav Pharmacol,Behring Institute Mitteilungen (Marburg/LahnBehring Inst Mitt"Beitrage Zur Gerichtlichen MedizinBeitr Gerichtl Med6Beitrage Zur Infusionstherapie Und Transfusionsmedizin#Beitr Infusionsther Transfusionsmed2Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche WochenschriftBerl Munch Tierarztl WochenschrBibliotheca Nutritio Et DietaBibl Nutr DietaBiocellBiocell3Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsBiochem Biophys Res CommunBiochemical Genetics Biochem GenetBiochemical Journal Biochem JBiochemical PharmacologyBiochem PharmacolBiochemical Society SymposiaBiochem Soc Symp Biochemical Society TransactionsBiochem Soc Trans Biochemistry Biochemistry BiochemistryBiochemistry (Mosc)Biochemistry and Cell BiologyBiochem Cell Biol0Biochemistry and Molecular Biology InternationalBiochem Mol Biol IntBiochimica Et Biophysica ActaBiochim Biophys Acta Biochimie BiochimieBioconjugate ChemistryBioconjug ChemBioelectromagneticsBioelectromagnetics Bioessays Bioessays Biofactors Biofactors Biofizika BiofizikaBioinformaticsBioinformaticsBiological Bulletin Biol BullBiological Chemistry Biol ChemBiological Cybernetics Biol Cybern&Biological and Pharmaceutical BulletinBiol Pharm BullBiological PsychiatryBiol PsychiatryBiological Psychology Biol PsycholBiological ResearchBiol Res9Biological Reviews of The Cambridge Philosophical SocietyBiol Rev Camb Philos SocBiological Signals Biol Signals!Biological Trace Element ResearchBiol Trace Elem Res Biologicals Biologicals+Biology of Blood and Marrow TransplantationBiol Blood Marrow TransplantBiology of The Cell Biol CellBiology of The Neonate Biol NeonateBiology of Reproduction Biol Reprod Biomaterials BiomaterialsBiomedical ChromatographyBiomed Chromatogr%Biomedical and Environmental SciencesBiomed Environ Sci)Biomedical Instrumentation and TechnologyBiomed Instrum Technol%Bio-Medical Materials and EngineeringBiomed Mater Eng/Biomedical Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids"Biomed Pept Proteins Nucleic Acids#Biomedical Sciences InstrumentationBiomed Sci InstrumBiomedicine and PharmacotherapyBiomed PharmacotherBiomedizinische TechnikBiomed Tech (Berl) Biometals Biometals Biometrics Biometrics"Bioorganic and Medicinal ChemistryBioorg Med ChemBioorganicheskaia Khimiia Bioorg Khim%Biopharmaceutics and Drug DispositionBiopharm Drug DisposBiophysical Chemistry Biophys ChemBiophysical Journal Biophys J Biopolymers Biopolymers Biorheology BiorheologyBioscience Reports Biosci RepBiosensors and BioelectronicsBiosens Bioelectron Biosystems BiosystemsBiotechnic and HistochemistryBiotech Histochem Biotechniques Biotechniques Biotechnology Biotechnology&Biotechnology and Applied BiochemistryBiotechnol Appl Biochem-Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering ReviewsBiotechnol Genet Eng Rev Biotherapy Biotherapy/Biulleten Eksperimentalnoi Biologii I MeditsinyBiull Eksp Biol MedBJR Supplement BJR SupplBloodBlood$Blood Cells, Molecules, and DiseasesBlood Cells Mol Dis"Blood Coagulation and FibrinolysisBlood Coagul FibrinolysisBlood Pressure Blood PressBlood Pressure. SupplementBlood Press SupplBlood Purification Blood Purif Blood Reviews Blood RevBMJ (Clinical Research Ed.)BMJ*Boletin - Asociacion Medica de Puerto RicoBol Asoc Med P R Boletin Chileno de ParasitologiaBol Chil Parasitol(Boletin de Estudios Medicos Y BiologicosBol Estud Med BiolBollettino Chimico FarmaceuticoBoll Chim Farm3Bollettino - Societa Italiana Biologia SperimentaleBoll Soc Ital Biol SperBoneBoneBone Marrow TransplantationBone Marrow TransplantBrainBrainBrain, Behavior and EvolutionBrain Behav EvolBrain, Behavior, and ImmunityBrain Behav ImmunBrain and Cognition Brain CognBrain and Development Brain Dev Brain Injury Brain InjBrain and Language Brain LangBrain Pathology Brain PatholBrain Research Brain Res(Brain Research. Brain Research ProtocolsBrain Res Brain Res Protoc&Brain Research. Brain Research ReviewsBrain Res Brain Res RevBrain Research BulletinBrain Res Bull(Brain Research. Cognitive Brain ResearchBrain Res Cogn Brain Res,Brain Research. Developmental Brain ResearchBrain Res Dev Brain Res(Brain Research. Molecular Brain ResearchBrain Res Mol Brain ResBrain Topography Brain TopogrBrain Tumor PathologyBrain Tumor PatholBratislavske Lekarske ListyBratisl Lek Listy4Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological ResearchBraz J Med Biol Res$Breast Cancer Research and TreatmentBreast Cancer Res TreatBritish Dental Journal Br Dent JBritish Journal of Anaesthesia Br J AnaesthBritish Journal of Audiology Br J Audiol%British Journal of Biomedical ScienceBr J Biomed SciBritish Journal of Cancer Br J Cancer(British Journal of Clinical PharmacologyBr J Clin Pharmacol&British Journal of Clinical PsychologyBr J Clin PsycholBritish Journal of Dermatology Br J Dermatol)British Journal of Educational PsychologyBr J Educ Psychol#British Journal of General PracticeBr J Gen PractBritish Journal of Haematology Br J Haematol$British Journal of Hospital Medicine Br J Hosp Med:British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical PsychologyBr J Math Stat Psychol%British Journal of Medical PsychologyBr J Med PsycholBritish Journal of NeurosurgeryBr J NeurosurgBritish Journal of Nutrition Br J Nutr-British Journal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyBr J Obstet Gynaecol British Journal of OphthalmologyBr J Ophthalmol1British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryBr J Oral Maxillofac SurgBritish Journal of Orthodontics Br J OrthodBritish Journal of PharmacologyBr J Pharmacol"British Journal of Plastic SurgeryBr J Plast SurgBritish Journal of PsychiatryBr J Psychiatry)British Journal of Psychiatry. SupplementBr J Psychiatry SupplBritish Journal of Psychology Br J PsycholBritish Journal of Radiology Br J RadiolBritish Journal of RheumatologyBr J Rheumatol$British Journal of Social PsychologyBr J Soc PsycholBritish Journal of Sociology Br J Sociol"British Journal of Sports MedicineBr J Sports MedBritish Journal of Surgery Br J SurgBritish Journal of Urology Br J UrolBritish Medical Bulletin Br Med BullBritish Poultry Science Br Poult Sci,Bulletin de L Academie Nationale De MedecineBull Acad Natl Med)Bulletin de L Association Des AnatomistesBull Assoc Anat (Nancy)Bulletin Du Cancer Bull Cancer6Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyBull Environ Contam ToxicolbBulletin Du Groupement International Pour la Recherche Scientifique En Stomatologie Et Odontologie(Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol#Bulletin of The History Of Medicine Bull Hist Med&Bulletin / Hospital For Joint DiseasesBull Hosp Jt DisEBulletin of The Institute Of Maritime and Tropical Medicine In GdyniaBull Inst Marit Trop Med Gdynia Bulletin of Mathematical BiologyBull Math Biol+Bulletin of The Medical Library AssociationBull Med Libr AssocABulletin Et Memoires de L Academie Royale De Medecine De BelgiqueBull Mem Acad R Med Belg Bulletin of The Menninger ClinicBull Menninger ClinBulletin on Narcotics Bull Narc,Bulletin of The New York Academy Of MedicineBull N Y Acad Med"Bulletin on The Rheumatic DiseasesBull Rheum Dis,Bulletin de la Societe Belge D OphtalmologieBull Soc Belge OphtalmolJBulletin de la Societe Des Sciences Medicales Du Grand-Duche De Luxembourg#Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche Luxemb)Bulletin of The World Health OrganizationBull World Health OrganBurnsBurns#CA: A Cancer Journal For CliniciansCA Cancer J ClinCaduceusCaduceusCahiers D AnesthesiologieCah Anesthesiol1Cahiers de Sociologie Et De Demographie MedicalesCah Sociol Demogr MedCalcified Tissue InternationalCalcif Tissue Int(Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare EthicsCamb Q Healthc Ethics"Canada Communicable Disease ReportCan Commun Dis Rep,Canadian Association of Radiologists JournalCan Assoc Radiol JCanadian Family PhysicianCan Fam PhysicianCanadian Journal of Anaesthesia Can J Anaesth&Canadian Journal of Applied PhysiologyCan J Appl PhysiolCanadian Journal of Cardiology Can J Cardiol+Canadian Journal of Experimental PsychologyCan J Exp Psychol$Canadian Journal of GastroenterologyCan J Gastroenterol Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyCan J Microbiol)Canadian Journal of Neurological SciencesCan J Neurol SciCanadian Journal of Oncology Can J Oncol!Canadian Journal of OphthalmologyCan J Ophthalmol/Canadian Journal of Physiology and PharmacologyCan J Physiol Pharmacol?Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne de PsychiatrieCan J PsychiatryECanadian Journal of Public Health. Revue Canadienne de Sante PubliqueCan J Public HealthCanadian Journal of Surgery Can J Surg'Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research Can J Vet ResCanadian Veterinary Journal Can Vet JCancerCancerCancer Biochemistry BiophysicsCancer Biochem BiophysCancer Causes and ControlCancer Causes Control5Cancer Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers$Cancer Chemother Biol Response Modif$Cancer Chemotherapy and PharmacologyCancer Chemother PharmacolCancer Detection and PreventionCancer Detect Prev.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers PrevCancer Gene TherapyCancer Gene Ther Cancer Genetics and CytogeneticsCancer Genet Cytogenet Cancer Immunology, ImmunotherapyCancer Immunol ImmunotherCancer Investigation Cancer Invest'Cancer Journal From Scientific AmericanCancer J Sci AmCancer Letters Cancer LettCancer and Metastasis ReviewsCancer Metastasis RevCancer Nursing Cancer NursCancer RadiotherapieCancer RadiotherCancer Research Cancer ResCancer Surveys Cancer SurvCancer Treatment and ResearchCancer Treat ResCancer Treatment ReviewsCancer Treat RevCarbohydrate Research Carbohydr ResCarcinogenesisCarcinogenesis&Carcinogenesis; A Comprehensive SurveyCarcinog Compr Surv Cardiologia Cardiologia Cardiology CardiologyCardiology Clinics Cardiol Clin Cardiovascular Drugs and TherapyCardiovasc Drugs Ther+Cardiovascular and Interventional RadiologyCardiovasc Intervent RadiolCardiovascular ResearchCardiovasc ResCardiovascular SurgeryCardiovasc SurgCaries Research Caries ResCasopis Lekaru Ceskych Cas Lek Cesk,Catheterization and Cardiovascular DiagnosisCathet Cardiovasc DiagnCellCellCell Adhesion and CommunicationCell Adhes Commun Cell Biochemistry and BiophysicsCell Biochem BiophysCell Biochemistry and FunctionCell Biochem FunctCell Biology International Cell Biol IntCell Biology and ToxicologyCell Biol Toxicol Cell Calcium Cell CalciumCell Growth and DifferentiationCell Growth Differ"Cell Motility and The CytoskeletonCell Motil CytoskeletonCell Proliferation Cell Prolif Cell ResearchCell ResCell Stress and ChaperonesCell Stress ChaperonesCell Structure and FunctionCell Struct FunctCell and Tissue ResearchCell Tissue ResCell TransplantationCell TransplantCellular Immunology Cell Immunol$Cellular and Molecular Life SciencesCell Mol Life Sci#Cellular and Molecular NeurobiologyCell Mol NeurobiolCellular Signalling Cell Signal#Central African Journal of MedicineCent Afr J Med)Central European Journal of Public HealthCent Eur J Public Health Cephalalgia CephalalgiaCerebral Cortex Cereb CortexCeska A Slovenska FarmacieCeska Slov FarmCeska A Slovenska OftalmologieCesk Slov OftalmolCeska Gynekologie Ceska GynekolCeskoslovenska Fysiologie Cesk FysiolCeskoslovenska Patologie Cesk PatolCeylon Medical Journal Ceylon Med J-Chang Keng I Hsueh Chang Gung Medical JournalChang Keng I HsuehChemical Immunology Chem Immunol$Chemical and Pharmaceutical BulletinChem Pharm Bull (Tokyo)Chemical Research In ToxicologyChem Res ToxicolChemical Senses Chem SensesChemico-Biological InteractionsChem Biol InteractChemistry and Biology Chem BiolChemistry and Physics of LipidsChem Phys Lipids Chemosphere Chemosphere Chemotherapy Chemotherapy&Chen Tzu Yen Chiu Acupuncture ResearchChen Tzu Yen ChiuChestChest&Chest Surgery Clinics of North AmericaChest Surg Clin N AmChild Abuse and NeglectChild Abuse Negl9Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America!Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am#Child: Care, Health and DevelopmentChild Care Health DevChild Development Child Dev&Child Psychiatry and Human DevelopmentChild Psychiatry Hum Dev Child Welfare Child WelfareChilds Nervous SystemChilds Nerv Syst Chinese Journal of BiotechnologyChin J BiotechnolChinese Journal of PhysiologyChin J PhysiolChinese Medical JournalChin Med J (Engl) Chinese Medical Sciences JournalChin Med Sci J Chirality ChiralityChirurgChirurg ChirurgiaChirurgia (Bucur)Chirurgia Italiana Chir Ital%Chirurgia Maxillofacialis Et PlasticaChir Maxillofac Plast+Chirurgia Narzadow Ruchu I Ortopedia PolskaChir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol#Chirurgia Degli Organi di MovimentoChir Organi Mov Chirurgie Chirurgie Chromosoma ChromosomaChromosome ResearchChromosome ResChronic Diseases In CanadaChronic Dis CanChronobiology InternationalChronobiol IntFChung Yao Tsai Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials (Kuang-Chou ShihChung Yao TsaiChung-Hua Cheng Hsing Shao Shang Wai Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal OfPlastic Surgery and Burns] Chung Hua Cheng Hsing Shao Shang Wai Ko TsChih^Chung-Hua Chieh Ho Ho Hu Hsi Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases%Chung Hua Chieh Ho Ho Hu Hsi Tsa Chih:Chung-Hua Chung Liu Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Oncology]Chung Hua Chung Liu Tsa ChihKChung-Hua Erh Pi Yen Hou Ko Tsa Chih Chinese Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology$Chung Hua Erh Pi Yen Hou Ko Tsa ChihKChung-Hua Fu Chan Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Obstetrics AndGynecology]Chung Hua Fu Chan Ko Tsa Chih@Chung-Hua Hsueh Yeh Hsueh Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Hematology!Chung Hua Hsueh Yeh Hsueh Tsa Chi4Chung-Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Medical Journal]Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih4Chung-Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Medical Journal]#Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih (Taipei)DChung-Hua Kou Chiang I Hsueh Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Stomatology#Chung Hua Kou Chiang Hsueh Tsa ChihRChung-Hua Liu Hsing Ping Hsueh Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Epidemiology (Pei-Ching'Chung Hua Liu Hsing Ping Hsueh Tsa Chih\Chung-Hua Min Kuo Hsiao Erh Ko I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih Chung Hua Min KuoHsiao Erh Ko I Hsueh HuTsa ChihChung-Hua Min Kuo Wei Sheng Wu Chi Mien I Hsueh Tsa Chih Chinese JournalOf Microbiology and Immunology Chung Hua Min Kuo Wei Sheng Wu Chi MienHsueh Tsa Chih>Chung-Hua Nei Ko Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Internal MedicineChung Hua Nei Ko Tsa Chih?Chung-Hua Ping Li Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Pathology] Chung Hua Ping Li Hsueh Tsa ChihChung-Hua Shih Yen Ho Lin Chuang Ping Tu Hsueh Tsa Chih ChineseJournal of Experimental and Clinical Virology Chung Hua Shih Yen HoLin Chuang Ping THsueh Tsa Chih6Chung-Hua Wai Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Surgery]Chung Hua Wai Ko Tsa Chih<Chung-Hua Yen Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology]Chung Hua Yen Ko Tsa ChihKChung-Hua Yu Fang I Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal Of Preventive Medicine]"Chung Hua Yu Fang I Hsueh Tsa ChihChung-Kuo Chi Sheng Chung Hsueh Yu Chi Sheng Chung Ping Tsa Chih ChineseJournal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases Chung Kuo Chi Sheng Chung Hsueh Yu ChSheng Chung Ping Tsa Chih2Chung-Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih (Pei-Ching'Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa ChihOChung-Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica (Pei-ChingChung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa ChihChung-Kuo Hsiu Fu Chung Chien Wai Ko Tsa Chih Chinesse Journal OfReparative and Reconstructive Surgery (Cheng-Tu Shih) Chung Kuo Hsiu FuChung Chien Wai Ko TsChihJChung-Kuo I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae)Chung Kuo I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao^Chung-Kuo I Liao Chi Hsieh Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation (Shang-Hai Shih#Chung Kuo I Liao Chi Hsieh Tsa Chih7Chung-Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao [Acta Pharmacologica Sinica]Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh PaoQChung-Kuo Ying Yung Sheng Li Hsueh Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology+Chung Kuo Ying Yung Sheng Li Hsueh Tsa ChihCiba Foundation SymposiumCiba Found Symp Circulation CirculationCirculation ResearchCirc ResCirugia Pediatrica Cir Pediatr CLAO JournalCLAO J!Cleft Palate-Craniofacial JournalCleft Palate Craniofac J$Cleveland Clinic Journal of MedicineCleve Clin J MedClinica Chimica ActaClin Chim ActaClinica TerapeuticaClin TerClinical Anatomy Clin AnatClinical Autonomic ResearchClin Auton ResClinical Biochemistry Clin BiochemClinical Cardiology Clin CardiolClinical Chemistry Clin Chem*Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory MedicineClin Chem Lab Med-Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory ImmunologyClin Diagn Lab ImmunolClinical DysmorphologyClin DysmorpholClinical ElectroencephalographyClin ElectroencephalogrClinical EndocrinologyClin Endocrinol (Oxf)!Clinical and Experimental AllergyClin Exp Allergy%Clinical and Experimental DermatologyClin Exp Dermatol&Clinical and Experimental HypertensionClin Exp Hypertens$Clinical and Experimental ImmunologyClin Exp Immunol$Clinical and Experimental MetastasisClin Exp Metastasis3Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics And GynecologyClin Exp Obstet Gynecol5Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology And PhysiologyClin Exp Pharmacol PhysiolAClinical and Experimental Pharmacology And Physiology. Supplement Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol Suppl&Clinical and Experimental RheumatologyClin Exp RheumatolClinical Genetics Clin Genet*Clinical Hemorheology and MicrocirculationClin Hemorheol MicrocircClinical IMAging Clin Imaging'Clinical Immunology and ImmunopathologyClin Immunol ImmunopatholClinical Infectious DiseasesClin Infect DisGClinical and Investigative Medicine. Medecine Clinique Et ExperimentaleClin Invest MedClinical Journal of Pain Clin J Pain"Clinical Journal of Sport MedicineClin J Sport Med#Clinical and Laboratory HaematologyClin Lab HaematolClinical Microbiology ReviewsClin Microbiol RevClinical Nephrology Clin Nephrol#Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryClin Neurol NeurosurgClinical NeuropathologyClin NeuropatholClinical NeuropharmacologyClin NeuropharmacolClinical Neuroscience Clin NeurosciClinical NeurosurgeryClin NeurosurgClinical Nuclear Medicine Clin Nucl Med"Clinical Obstetrics and GynecologyClin Obstet Gynecol1Clinical Oncology (Royal College of Radiologists)Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol)*Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research Clin OrthopClinical OtolaryngologyClin OtolaryngolClinical PediatricsClin Pediatr (Phila)Clinical PharmacokineticsClin Pharmacokinet&Clinical Pharmacology and TherapeuticsClin Pharmacol TherClinical Physiology Clin PhysiolClinical Psychology ReviewClin Psychol RevClinical Radiology Clin RadiolClinical Rehabilitation Clin Rehabil*Clinical Reviews In Allergy and ImmunologyClin Rev Allergy ImmunolClinical RheumatologyClin RheumatolClinical ScienceClin Sci (Colch)Clinical Symposia Clin Symp,Clinical Techniques In Small Animal PracticeClin Tech Small Anim PractClinical Therapeutics Clin TherClinical TransplantationClin TransplantClinical Transplants Clin TransplClinics In Chest MedicineClin Chest MedClinics In Dermatology Clin Dermatol Clinics In Diagnostic UltrasoundClin Diagn UltrasoundClinics In Geriatric MedicineClin Geriatr MedClinics In Laboratory Medicine Clin Lab MedClinics In PerinatologyClin PerinatolClinics In Plastic SurgeryClin Plast Surg)Clinics In Podiatric Medicine and SurgeryClin Podiatr Med SurgClinics In Sports MedicineClin Sports Med Clio MedicaClio MedCMAJCMAJCognitive ComputationCognit. Comput.3Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant BiolCollegium Antropologicum Coll Antropol'Communicable Disease Report. CDR ReviewCommun Dis Rep CDR Rev+Communicable Disease Report. CDR SupplementCommun Dis Rep CDR Suppl'Communicable Disease Report. CDR WeeklyCommun Dis Rep CDR Wkly"Communicable Diseases IntelligenceCommun Dis Intell/Community Dental Health (Houndsmills, HampshireCommunity Dent Health)Community Dentistry and Oral EpidemiologyCommunity Dent Oral EpidemiolCommunity Mental Health JournalCommunity Ment Health J<Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases!Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect DisComprehensive PsychiatryCompr PsychiatryComprehensive Therapy Compr TherHComptes Rendus de L Academie Des Sciences. Serie III, Sciences De La VieC R Acad Sci IIIGComptes Rendus Des Seances de la Societe De Biologie Et De Ses FilialesC R Seances Soc Biol FilComputer Aided SurgeryComput Aided Surg,Computer Methods and Programs In BiomedicineComput Methods Programs Biomed)Computerized Medical IMAging and GraphicsComput Med Imaging Graph!Computers In Biology and MedicineComput Biol Med!Computers and Biomedical ResearchComput Biomed ResComputers and Chemistry Comput ChemComputers In Nursing Comput NursConnecticut MedicineConn MedConnective Tissue ResearchConnect Tissue ResConsciousness and CognitionConscious CognContact DermatitisContact Dermatitis+Contemporary Topics In Molecular ImmunologyContemp Top Mol Immunol Contraception Contraception#Contraception, Fertilite, SexualiteContracept Fertil Sex/Contributions To Epidemiology and BiostatisticsContrib Epidemiol Biostat*Contributions To Gynecology and ObstetricsContrib Gynecol ObstetContributions To NephrologyContrib NephrolControlled Clinical TrialsControl Clin TrialsCorneaCorneaCoronary Artery DiseaseCoron Artery DisCortexCortexCrisisCrisisCritical Care ClinicsCrit Care ClinCritical Care Medicine Crit Care Med6Critical Reviews In Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyCrit Rev Biochem Mol Biol*Critical Reviews In Biomedical EngineeringCrit Rev Biomed Eng!Critical Reviews In BiotechnologyCrit Rev Biotechnol0Critical Reviews In Clinical Laboratory SciencesCrit Rev Clin Lab Sci&Critical Reviews In Diagnostic IMAgingCrit Rev Diagn Imaging.Critical Reviews In Eukaryotic Gene ExpressionCrit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr.Critical Reviews In Food Science and NutritionCrit Rev Food Sci NutrCritical Reviews In ImmunologyCrit Rev Immunol Critical Reviews In MicrobiologyCrit Rev Microbiol Critical Reviews In NeurobiologyCrit Rev NeurobiolCritical Reviews In OncogenesisCrit Rev Oncog'Critical Reviews In Oncology/HematologyCrit Rev Oncol Hematol-Critical Reviews In Oral Biology and MedicineCrit Rev Oral Biol Med4Critical Reviews In Therapeutic Drug Carrier SystemsCrit Rev Ther Drug Carrier SystCritical Reviews In ToxicologyCrit Rev Toxicol Cryobiology Cryobiology$Cultural Diversity and Mental HealthCult Divers Ment Health Culture, Medicine and PsychiatryCult Med PsychiatryCurrent Biology Curr Biol.Current Clinical Topics In Infectious DiseasesCurr Clin Top Infect DisCurrent Eye Research Curr Eye ResCurrent Genetics Curr Genet$Current Medical Research and OpinionCurr Med Res Opin Current Opinion In BiotechnologyCurr Opin BiotechnolCurrent Opinion In CardiologyCurr Opin CardiolCurrent Opinion In Cell BiologyCurr Opin Cell Biol+Current Opinion In Genetics and DevelopmentCurr Opin Genet DevCurrent Opinion In HematologyCurr Opin HematolCurrent Opinion In ImmunologyCurr Opin ImmunolCurrent Opinion In LipidologyCurr Opin Lipidol.Current Opinion In Nephrology and HypertensionCurr Opin Nephrol HypertensCurrent Opinion In NeurobiologyCurr Opin NeurobiolCurrent Opinion In NeurologyCurr Opin Neurol,Current Opinion In Obstetrics and GynecologyCurr Opin Obstet GynecolCurrent Opinion In OncologyCurr Opin OncolCurrent Opinion In PediatricsCurr Opin Pediatr%Current Opinion In Pulmonary MedicineCurr Opin Pulm MedCurrent Opinion In RheumatologyCurr Opin Rheumatol%Current Opinion In Structural BiologyCurr Opin Struct BiolCurrent Problems In CancerCurr Probl CancerCurrent Problems In CardiologyCurr Probl CardiolCurrent Problems In DermatologyCurr Probl Dermatol(Current Problems In Diagnostic RadiologyCurr Probl Diagn RadiolCurrent Problems In PediatricsCurr Probl PediatrCurrent Problems In SurgeryCurr Probl Surg3Current Studies In Hematology and Blood Transfusion Curr Stud Hematol Blood Transfus/Current Therapy In Endocrinology and MetabolismCurr Ther Endocrinol Metab%Current Topics In Cellular RegulationCurr Top Cell Regul'Current Topics In Developmental BiologyCurr Top Dev Biol"Current Topics In Medical MycologyCurr Top Med Mycol-Current Topics In Microbiology and ImmunologyCurr Top Microbiol Immunol$Current Topics In NeuroendocrinologyCurr Top NeuroendocrinolCurrent Topics In PathologyCurr Top PatholCutisCutisCytobiosCytobiosCytogenetics and Cell GeneticsCytogenet Cell GenetCytokineCytokine"Cytokine and Growth Factor ReviewsCytokine Growth Factor Rev Cytokines Cytokines)Cytokines, Cellular and Molecular TherapyCytokines Cell Mol Ther Cytometry CytometryCytometry. SupplementCytometry Suppl Cytopathology Cytopathology Dakar Medical Dakar MedDanish Medical Bulletin Dan Med BullDelaware Medical Journal Del Med J*Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive DisordersDement Geriatr Cogn Disord Demography DemographyDental Clinics of North AmericaDent Clin North AmDepression and AnxietyDepress AnxietyDermatologic Clinics Dermatol ClinDermatologic Surgery Dermatol Surg Dermatology DermatologyDermatology Online JournalDermatol Online J#Deutsche Medizinische WochenschriftDtsch Med Wochenschr Development Development&Development Growth and DifferentiationDev Growth DifferDevelopment and PsychopathologyDev PsychopatholDevelopment. Supplement Dev SupplDevelopmental BiologyDev Biol(Developmental and Comparative ImmunologyDev Comp ImmunolDevelopmental DynamicsDev DynDevelopmental Genetics Dev GenetDevelopmental Immunology Dev Immunol*Developmental Medicine and Child NeurologyDev Med Child Neurol6Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. SupplementDev Med Child Neurol SupplDevelopmental Neuroscience Dev NeurosciDevelopmental PsychobiologyDev PsychobiolDevelopmental Psychology Dev Psychol*Developments In Biological StandardizationDev Biol StandDevelopments In OphthalmologyDev OphthalmolDiabetesDiabetes Diabetes Care Diabetes CareDiabetes and MetabolismDiabetes MetabDiabetes/Metabolism ReviewsDiabetes Metab Rev'Diabetes Research and Clinical PracticeDiabetes Res Clin PractDiabetic Medicine Diabet Med Diabetologia DiabetologiaDiagnostic CytopathologyDiagn Cytopathol.Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious DiseaseDiagn Microbiol Infect DisDiagnostic Molecular PathologyDiagn Mol PatholDifferentiationDifferentiation Digestion DigestionDigestive DiseasesDig DisDigestive Diseases and Sciences Dig Dis SciDisability and RehabilitationDisabil Rehabil Disasters DisastersDisease Markers Dis MarkersDisease-A-MonthDis Mon Diseases of The Colon and RectumDis Colon RectumDiseases of The Esophagus Dis EsophagusDNA and Cell Biology DNA Cell Biol DNA ResearchDNA Res DNA SequenceDNA SeqDocumenta OphthalmologicaDoc OphthalmolDoklady Akademii NaukDokl Akad NaukDomestic Animal EndocrinologyDomest Anim Endocrinol$Downs Syndrome Research and PracticeDowns Syndr Res PractDrug and Alcohol DependenceDrug Alcohol DependDrug and Chemical ToxicologyDrug Chem Toxicol,Drug Design and Discovery (Yverdon-Les-BainsDrug Des DiscovDrug Metabolism and DispositionDrug Metab Dispos%Drug Metabolism and Drug InteractionsDrug Metabol Drug InteractDrug Metabolism ReviewsDrug Metab Rev Drug SafetyDrug SafDrug and Therapeutics BulletinDrug Ther BullDrugsDrugsDrugs and Aging Drugs Aging.Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical ResearchDrugs Exp Clin Res)DTW. Deutsche Tierarztliche WochenschriftDTW Dtsch Tierarztl WochenschrDuodecimDuodecim Dysphagia DysphagiaEar and HearingEar HearEar, Nose, and Throat JournalEar Nose Throat JEarly Human Development Early Hum DevEarly PregnancyEarly PregnancyEast African Medical JournalEast Afr Med J&Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetyEcotoxicol Environ SafJEisei Shikenjo Hokoku. Bulletin of National Institute Of Hygienic SciencesEisei Shikenjo Hokoku/Eksperimentalnaia I Klinicheskaia FarmakologiiaEksp Klin Farmakol3Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology$Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol?Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplement*Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl-Electromyography and Clinical NeurophysiologyElectromyogr Clin NeurophysiolElectrophoresisElectrophoresis EMBO JournalEMBO J+Emergency Medicine Clinics of North AmericaEmerg Med Clin North AmEmerging Infectious DiseasesEmerg Infect Dis Encephale Encephale Endeavour Endeavour Endocrine EndocrineEndocrine JournalEndocr JEndocrine Research Endocr ResEndocrine Reviews Endocr Rev Endocrinology Endocrinology5Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North AmericaEndocrinol Metab Clin North Am Endoscopy Endoscopy Endothelium Endothelium0Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia ClinicaEnferm Infecc Microbiol Clin!Environmental Health PerspectivesEnviron Health Perspect'Environmental and Molecular MutagenesisEnviron Mol MutagenEnvironmental Research Environ ResEpidemiologia E PrevenzioneEpidemiol Prev#Epidemiologia E Psichiatria SocialeEpidemiol Psichiatr SocEpidemiologic Reviews Epidemiol RevEpidemiological BulletinEpidemiol Bull(Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, ImunologieEpidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol Epidemiology EpidemiologyEpidemiology and InfectionEpidemiol Infect Epilepsia EpilepsiaEpilepsy Research Epilepsy ResEpilepsy Research. SupplementEpilepsy Res SupplEquine Veterinary Journal Equine Vet J Ergonomics ErgonomicsEssays In BiochemistryEssays BiochemEthiopian Medical Journal Ethiop Med JEthnicity and DiseaseEthn DisEthnicity and Health Ethn Health*European Archives of Oto-Rhino-LaryngologyEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol6European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. SupplementEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol Suppl9European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience!Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin NeurosciEuropean Biophysics Journal Eur Biophys J(European Child and Adolescent PsychiatryEur Child Adolesc PsychiatryEuropean Cytokine NetworkEur Cytokine NetwEuropean Heart Journal Eur Heart J#European Journal of AnaesthesiologyEur J Anaesthesiol/European Journal of Anaesthesiology. SupplementEur J Anaesthesiol SupplBEuropean Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational PhysiologyEur J Appl Physiol European Journal of Biochemistry Eur J BiochemEuropean Journal of Cancer Eur J Cancer%European Journal of Cancer PreventionEur J Cancer Prev+European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic SurgeryEur J Cardiothorac Surg European Journal of Cell BiologyEur J Cell Biol,European Journal of Cell Biology. SupplementEur J Cell Biol Suppl*European Journal of Clinical InvestigationEur J Clin InvestAEuropean Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesEur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis&European Journal of Clinical NutritionEur J Clin Nutr)European Journal of Clinical PharmacologyEur J Clin Pharmacol8European Journal of Drug Metabolism and PharmacokineticsEur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet&European Journal of Emergency MedicineEur J Emerg Med!European Journal of EndocrinologyEur J Endocrinol European Journal of EpidemiologyEur J Epidemiol3European Journal of Gastroenterology and HepatologyEur J Gastroenterol Hepatol+European Journal of Gynaecological OncologyEur J Gynaecol OncolEuropean Journal of HaematologyEur J Haematol-European Journal of Haematology. SupplementumEur J Haematol Suppl"European Journal of HistochemistryEur J Histochem"European Journal of Human GeneticsEur J Hum Genet"European Journal of ImmunogeneticsEur J ImmunogenetEuropean Journal of Immunology Eur J Immunol$European Journal of Medical Research Eur J Med ResEuropean Journal of Morphology Eur J Morphol European Journal of NeuroscienceEur J Neurosci$European Journal of Nuclear MedicineEur J Nucl MedDEuropean Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol!European Journal of OphthalmologyEur J Ophthalmol!European Journal of Oral SciencesEur J Oral Sci European Journal of Orthodontics Eur J Orthod%European Journal of Pediatric SurgeryEur J Pediatr SurgEuropean Journal of Pediatrics Eur J Pediatr European Journal of PharmacologyEur J PharmacolEuropean Journal of Radiology Eur J Radiol1European Journal of Rheumatology and InflammationEur J Rheumatol InflammEuropean Journal of Surgery Eur J Surg%European Journal of Surgical OncologyEur J Surg Oncol5European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryEur J Vasc Endovasc SurgEuropean Neurology Eur Neurol European NeuropsychopharmacologyEur NeuropsychopharmacolEuropean Radiology Eur RadiolEuropean Respiratory Journal Eur Respir J(European Respiratory Journal. SupplementEur Respir J Suppl8European Review For Medical and Pharmacological SciencesEur Rev Med Pharmacol SciEuropean Spine Journal Eur Spine JEuropean Surgical Research Eur Surg ResEuropean UrologyEur UrolEvolutionary Computation Evol ComputExercise Immunology ReviewExerc Immunol Rev#Exercise and Sport Sciences ReviewsExerc Sport Sci RevExperimental Aging Research Exp Aging ResExperimental AnimalsExp Anim"Experimental and Applied AcarologyExp Appl AcarolExperimental Brain Research Exp Brain ResExperimental Cell Research Exp Cell Res4Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology And DiabetesExp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes(Experimental and Clinical ImmunogeneticsExp Clin Immunogenet,Experimental and Clinical PsychopharmacologyExp Clin PsychopharmacolExperimental Dermatology Exp DermatolExperimental Eye Research Exp Eye ResExperimental Gerontology Exp GerontolExperimental Hematology Exp HematolExperimental Lung Research Exp Lung Res$Experimental and Molecular PathologyExp Mol PatholExperimental Nephrology Exp NephrolExperimental Neurology Exp NeurolExperimental Parasitology Exp ParasitolExperimental Physiology Exp Physiol&Experimental and Toxicologic PathologyExp Toxicol PatholEyeEye;Fa I Hsueh Tsa Chih Journal of Forensic Medicine (Shang-HaiFa I Hsueh Tsa ChihFamily MedicineFam MedFamily Planning PerspectivesFam Plann PerspectFamily Practice Fam PractFamily Process Fam ProcessFAO Food and Nutrition PaperFAO Food Nutr PapFaraday DiscussionsFaraday DiscussFarmacoFarmaco FASEB JournalFASEB J FEBS Letters FEBS Lett(FEMS Immunology and Medical MicrobiologyFEMS Immunol Med MicrobiolFEMS Microbiology LettersFEMS Microbiol LettFEMS Microbiology ReviewsFEMS Microbiol RevFertility and Sterility Fertil SterilFetal Diagnosis and TherapyFetal Diagn TherFiziologiia ChelovekaFiziol ChelovekaFogorvosi Szemle Fogorv SzFolding and DesignFold DesFolia BiologicaFolia Biol (Praha)Folia BiologicaFolia Biol (Krakow)#Folia Histochemica Et CytobiologicaFolia Histochem Cytobiol Folia MedicaFolia Med (Plovdiv)Folia Medica CracoviensiaFolia Med CracovFolia MicrobiologicaFolia Microbiol (Praha)Folia MorphologicaFolia Morphol (Warsz)Folia ParasitologicaFolia Parasitol (Praha)Folia Phoniatrica Et LogopedicaFolia Phoniatr LogopFolia PrimatologicaFolia Primatol (Basel)Food Additives and ContaminantsFood Addit ContamFood and Chemical ToxicologyFood Chem ToxicolFoot and Ankle InternationalFoot Ankle IntForensic Science InternationalForensic Sci Int/Fortschritte Der Chemie Organischer NaturstoffeFortschr Chem Org NaturstFortschritte Der Medizin Fortschr Med$Fortschritte Der Medizin. SupplementFortschr Med Suppl'Fortschritte Der Neurologie-PsychiatrieFortschr Neurol Psychiatr!Free Radical Biology and MedicineFree Radic Biol MedFree Radical ResearchFree Radic ResFrontiers In Bioscience Front Biosci/Frontiers of Medical and Biological EngineeringFront Med Biol EngFrontiers In NeuroendocrinologyFront Neuroendocrinol+Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and OncologyFront Radiat Ther Oncol)Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi. Fukuoka Acta MedicaFukuoka Igaku Zasshi$Fukushima Journal of Medical ScienceFukushima J Med SciFunctional Neurology Funct Neurol%Fundamental and Clinical PharmacologyFundam Clin PharmacolFungal Genetics and BiologyFungal Genet BiolFuture of Children Future ChildGaceta Medica de Mexico Gac Med MexGaceta Sanitaria Gac SanitAGan To Kagaku Ryoho [Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy]Gan To Kagaku RyohoGastroenterologia Y HepatologiaGastroenterol Hepatol(Gastroenterologie Clinique Et BiologiqueGastroenterol Clin BiolGastroenterologistGastroenterologistGastroenterologyGastroenterology)Gastroenterology Clinics of North AmericaGastroenterol Clin North AmGastrointestinal EndoscopyGastrointest Endosc3Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North AmericaGastrointest Endosc Clin N AmGeneGeneGene Expression Gene ExprGene Geography Gene Geogr Gene Therapy Gene Ther%General and Comparative EndocrinologyGen Comp Endocrinol General and Diagnostic PathologyGen Diagn PatholGeneral Hospital PsychiatryGen Hosp PsychiatryGeneral Pharmacology Gen Pharmacol!General Physiology and BiophysicsGen Physiol BiophysGenes, Chromosomes and CancerGenes Chromosomes CancerGenes and Development Genes DevGenes and Genetic SystemsGenes Genet SystGenes To Cells Genes CellsGenetic Analysis Genet AnalGenetic Counseling Genet CounsGenetic EpidemiologyGenet Epidemiol Genetic Epidemiology. SupplementGenet Epidemiol Suppl2Genetic, Social, and General Psychology MonographsGenet Soc Gen Psychol MonogrGeneticaGeneticaGenetical Research Genet ResGeneticsGeneticsGenetikaGenetikaGenomeGenomeGenome Research Genome ResGenomicsGenomics Geriatric Nephrology and UrologyGeriatr Nephrol Urol Geriatrics Geriatrics Gerontologist Gerontologist Gerontology GerontologyGesnerusGesnerusGesnerus. SupplementGesnerus SupplGesundheitswesenGesundheitswesenGigiena I Sanitariia Gig Sanit#Ginecologia Y Obstetricia de MexicoGinecol Obstet MexGinekologia Polska Ginekol PolGiornale di ChirurgiaG Chir Giornale Italiano di CardiologiaG Ital CardiolEGlas. Srpska Akademija Nauka I Umetnosti, Odeljenje Medicinskih NaukaGlas Srp Akad Nauka [Med]GliaGlia Glycobiology GlycobiologyGlycoconjugate Journal Glycoconj J;Graefes Archive For Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Graefes Arch Clin Exp OphthalmolGrowth, Development, and AgingGrowth Dev Aging!Growth Factors (Yverdon-Les-BainsGrowth FactorsGrowth Regulation Growth RegulGutGut(Gynakologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau Gynakol Geburtshilfliche Rundsch'Gynecologic and Obstetric InvestigationGynecol Obstet InvestGynecologic Oncology Gynecol OncolGynecological EndocrinologyGynecol Endocrinol HaematologiaHaematologia (Budap) Haematologica Haematologica Haemostasis Haemostasis Hand Clinics Hand Clin3Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische ChirurgieHandchir Mikrochir Plast ChirHarefuahHarefuahHarvard Review of PsychiatryHarv Rev PsychiatryHarvey Lectures Harvey LectHastings Center ReportHastings Cent RepHautarztHautarztHawaii Medical Journal Hawaii Med J Head and Neck Head NeckHeadacheHeadacheHealth AffairsHealth Aff (Millwood)Health BulletinHealth Bull (Edinb)Health Care Management ReviewHealth Care Manage RevHealth DevicesHealth DevicesHealth Economics Health EconHealth Education and BehaviorHealth Educ Behav)Health Education and Behavior. SupplementHealth Educ Behav SupplHealth Physics Health PhysHealth PsychologyHealth PsycholHealth Reports Health RepHealth Services ResearchHealth Serv ResHealth and Social WorkHealth Soc WorkHealth Technology Assessment!Health Technol Assess (Winch Eng)Hearing ResearchHear ResHeartHeartHeart and Lung Heart LungHeart and Vessels Heart VesselsHeart and Vessels. SupplementHeart Vessels Suppl Helicobacter HelicobacterHematological Oncology Hematol OncolHematology and Cell TherapyHematol Cell Ther,Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North AmericaHematol Oncol Clin North Am(Hematopathology and Molecular HematologyHematopathol Mol Hematol Hemoglobin HemoglobinHepato-GastroenterologyHepatogastroenterology Hepatology Hepatology Hereditas HereditasHeredityHeredityHerzHerzHindustan Antibiotics BulletinHindustan Antibiot Bull'Hinyokika Kiyo. Acta Urologica JaponicaHinyokika Kiyo Hippocampus Hippocampus%Hiroshima Journal of Medical SciencesHiroshima J Med SciHistochemical Journal Histochem JHistochemistry and Cell BiologyHistochem Cell BiolHistology and HistopathologyHistol HistopatholHistopathologyHistopathologyHNOHNO:Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi. Hokkaido Journal of Medical ScienceHokkaido Igaku ZasshiHormone and Metabolic ResearchHorm Metab Res*Hormone and Metabolic Research. SupplementHorm Metab Res SupplHormone ResearchHorm ResHormones and Behavior Horm Behav"Hospital Practice (Office Edition)Hosp Pract (Off Ed)Hospitals and Health NetworksHosp Health NetwHPB Surgery (Yverdon-Les-BainsHPB SurgOHua Hsi Kou Chiang I Hsueh Tsa Chih West China Journal Of Stomatology (Cheng-Tu#Hua Hsi Kou Chiang I Hsueh Tsa ChihVHua-Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao [Journal of West China University Of Medical Sciences]Hua Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh PaoHuman AntibodiesHum Antibodies Human BiologyHum Biol Human CellHum Cell!Human and Experimental ToxicologyHum Exp Toxicol Human Factors Hum FactorsHuman Gene Therapy Hum Gene TherHuman Genetics Hum GenetHuman Heredity Hum HeredHuman Immunology Hum ImmunolHuman Molecular Genetics Hum Mol GenetHuman Mutation Hum MutatHuman Pathology Hum PatholHuman Reproduction Hum ReprodHuman Reproduction UpdateHum Reprod UpdateNHu-Nan I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao Bulletin of Hunan Medical University (Chang-ShaHunan I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao Hybridoma Hybridoma Hypertension HypertensionHypertension Research Hypertens Res'I Chuan Hsueh Pao. Acta Genetica SinicaI Chuan Hsueh PaoAIARC Monographs on The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks To Humans#IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks HumMIARC Monographs on The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks To Humans. Supplement)IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum SupplIARC Scientific Publications IARC Sci Publ1IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology MagazineIEEE Eng Med Biol Mag+IEEE Transactions on Biomedical EngineeringIEEE Trans Biomed Eng$IEEE Transactions on Medical IMAgingIEEE Trans Med Imaging/IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation EngineeringIEEE Trans Rehabil Eng:IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied In Medicine and BiologyIMA J Math Appl Med Biol*IMAge - The Journal of Nursing ScholarshipImage J Nurs SchImmunityImmunity Immunobiology ImmunobiologyImmunogeneticsImmunogeneticsImmunologic Research Immunol ResImmunological InvestigationsImmunol InvestImmunological Reviews Immunol Rev Immunology ImmunologyImmunology and Cell BiologyImmunol Cell BiolImmunology Letters Immunol LettImmunology Series Immunol SerImmunology. Supplement Immunol SupplImmunology Today Immunol TodayImmunopharmacologyImmunopharmacology'Immunopharmacology and ImmunotoxicologyImmunopharmacol ImmunotoxicolImmunotechnologyImmunotechnologyImportant Advances In OncologyImportant Adv Oncol3In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. AnimalIn Vitro Cell Dev Biol AnimIn VivoIn VivoIndian Heart JournalIndian Heart J-Indian Journal of Biochemistry and BiophysicsIndian J Biochem BiophysIndian Journal of CancerIndian J Cancer4Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied SciencesIndian J Chest Dis Allied Sci&Indian Journal of Experimental BiologyIndian J Exp Biol"Indian Journal of GastroenterologyIndian J GastroenterolIndian Journal of Leprosy Indian J LeprIndian Journal of MalariologyIndian J Malariol"Indian Journal of Medical ResearchIndian J Med Res"Indian Journal of Medical SciencesIndian J Med SciIndian Journal of OphthalmologyIndian J Ophthalmol,Indian Journal of Pathology and MicrobiologyIndian J Pathol MicrobiolIndian Journal of PediatricsIndian J Pediatr-Indian Journal of Physiology and PharmacologyIndian J Physiol PharmacolIndian Journal of Public HealthIndian J Public HealthIndian PediatricsIndian PediatrIndustrial Health Ind Health Infection Infection+Infection Control and Hospital EpidemiologyInfect Control Hosp EpidemiolInfection and Immunity Infect Immun+Infectious Disease Clinics of North AmericaInfect Dis Clin North Am Inflammation InflammationInflammation Research Inflamm ResInjuryInjuryInjury PreventionInj PrevInquiryInquiry)Insect Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyInsect Biochem Mol BiolInsect Molecular BiologyInsect Mol BiolInstructional Course LecturesInstr Course Lect0Integrative Physiological and Behavioral ScienceIntegr Physiol Behav SciIntensive Care MedicineIntensive Care MedInternal Medicine Intern Med$International Anesthesiology ClinicsInt Anesthesiol ClinInternational Angiology Int Angiol0International Archives of Allergy and ImmunologyInt Arch Allergy Immunol?International Archives of Occupational and Environmental HealthInt Arch Occup Environ Health)International Clinical PsychopharmacologyInt Clin PsychopharmacolInternational Dental Journal Int Dent JInternational Immunology Int Immunol4International Journal of Aging and Human DevelopmentInt J Aging Hum Dev"International Journal of Andrology Int J Androl*International Journal of Artificial OrgansInt J Artif Organs6International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell BiologyInt J Biochem Cell Biol2International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesInt J Biol Macromol+International Journal of Biological MarkersInt J Biol Markers'International Journal of BiometeorologyInt J BiometeorolInternational Journal of Cancer Int J Cancer+International Journal of Cancer. SupplementInt J Cancer Suppl(International Journal of Cardiac IMAgingInt J Card Imaging#International Journal of Cardiology Int J Cardiol+International Journal of Circumpolar HealthInt J Circumpolar Health7International Journal of Circumpolar Health. SupplementInt J Circumpolar Health Suppl;International Journal of Clinical and Experimental HypnosisInt J Clin Exp Hypn9International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory ResearchInt J Clin Lab Res7International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology ResearchInt J Clin Pharmacol Res?International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and TherapeuticsInt J Clin Pharmacol Ther*International Journal of Clinical PracticeInt J Clin Pract6International Journal of Clinical Practice. SupplementInt J Clin Pract Suppl+International Journal of Colorectal DiseaseInt J Colorectal Dis$International Journal of DermatologyInt J Dermatol.International Journal of Developmental BiologyInt J Dev Biol3International Journal of Developmental NeuroscienceInt J Dev Neurosci)International Journal of Eating DisordersInt J Eat Disord%International Journal of EpidemiologyInt J Epidemiol/International Journal of Experimental PathologyInt J Exp Pathol*International Journal of Food MicrobiologyInt J Food Microbiol4International Journal of Food Sciences and NutritionInt J Food Sci Nutr-International Journal of Geriatric PsychiatryInt J Geriatr Psychiatry,International Journal of Group PsychotherapyInt J Group Psychother3International Journal of Gynaecology and ObstetricsInt J Gynaecol Obstet0International Journal of Gynecological PathologyInt J Gynecol Pathol(International Journal of Health ServicesInt J Health Serv#International Journal of Hematology Int J Hematol%International Journal of HyperthermiaInt J Hyperthermia+International Journal of ImmunopharmacologyInt J Immunopharmacol+International Journal of Impotence ResearchInt J Impot Res+International Journal of Law and PsychiatryInt J Law Psychiatry'International Journal of Legal MedicineInt J Legal MedAInternational Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial DiseasesInt J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis,International Journal of Medical Informatics Int J Med Inf'International Journal of Neural SystemsInt J Neural Syst%International Journal of NeuroscienceInt J Neurosci(International Journal of Nursing StudiesInt J Nurs Stud@International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic DisordersInt J Obes Relat Metab DisordGInternational Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental HealthInt J Occup Med Environ Health!International Journal of Oncology Int J Oncol8International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial ImplantsInt J Oral Maxillofac Implants7International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryInt J Oral Maxillofac Surg&International Journal of PancreatologyInt J Pancreatol&International Journal For ParasitologyInt J Parasitol6International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyInt J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol/International Journal of Psychiatry In MedicineInt J Psychiatry Med(International Journal of Psycho-AnalysisInt J Psychoanal)International Journal of PsychophysiologyInt J Psychophysiol0International Journal For Quality In Health CareInt J Qual Health Care*International Journal of Radiation BiologyInt J Radiat Biol=International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, PhysicsInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys0International Journal of Rehabilitation ResearchInt J Rehabil Res*International Journal of Social PsychiatryInt J Soc Psychiatry(International Journal of Sport NutritionInt J Sport Nutr(International Journal of Sports MedicineInt J Sports Med%International Journal of STD and AIDSInt J STD AIDS0International Journal of Systematic BacteriologyInt J Syst Bacteriol=International Journal of Technology Assessment In Health Care Int J Technol Assess Health Care)International Journal of Tissue ReactionsInt J Tissue React6International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung DiseaseInt J Tuberc Lung Dis International Journal of Urology Int J Urol8International Journal For Vitamin and Nutrition ResearchInt J Vitam Nutr ResDInternational Journal For Vitamin and Nutrition Research. SupplementInt J Vitam Nutr Res SupplInternational Nursing Review Int Nurs RevInternational OphthalmologyInt Ophthalmol#International Ophthalmology ClinicsInt Ophthalmol ClinInternational Orthopaedics Int OrthopInternational PsychogeriatricsInt Psychogeriatr International Review of Cytology Int Rev Cytol.International Review of Experimental PathologyInt Rev Exp Pathol$International Review of NeurobiologyInt Rev Neurobiol#International Reviews of ImmunologyInt Rev ImmunolInternational SurgeryInt Surg@International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction&Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct$International Urology and NephrologyInt Urol Nephrol InternistInternist (Berl) Intervirology IntervirologyInvasion and MetastasisInvasion MetastasisInvertebrate NeuroscienceInvert NeurosciInvestigacion Clinica Invest ClinInvestigational New DrugsInvest New Drugs.Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual ScienceInvest Ophthalmol Vis SciInvestigative Radiology Invest Radiol Ion Channels Ion Channels Iowa MedicineIowa Med Irish Journal of Medical Science Ir J Med SciIrish Medical JournalIr Med JISA Transactions ISA TransIsisIsis"Israel Journal of Medical Sciences Isr J Med Sci1Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related SciencesIsr J Psychiatry Relat SciIssues In Law and MedicineIssues Law Med)Italian Journal of Anatomy and EmbryologyItal J Anat EmbryolItalian Journal of BiochemistryItal J Biochem(Italian Journal of Neurological SciencesItal J Neurol Sci/Izvestiia Akademii Nauk. Seriia BiologicheskaiaIzv Akad Nauk Ser BiolHJahresbericht / Schweizerische Akademie Der Medizinischen WissenschaftenJahresber Schweiz Akad Med WissJAMAJAMAJapanese Circulation Journal Jpn Circ JJapanese Heart Journal Jpn Heart JJapanese Journal of AntibioticsJpn J Antibiot#Japanese Journal of Cancer ResearchJpn J Cancer Res%Japanese Journal of Clinical OncologyJpn J Clin Oncol/Japanese Journal of Medical Science and BiologyJpn J Med Sci Biol!Japanese Journal of OphthalmologyJpn J Ophthalmol Japanese Journal of PharmacologyJpn J PharmacolJapanese Journal of Physiology Jpn J Physiol'Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research Jpn J Vet Res/Journal of Biochemical and Molecular ToxicologyJ Biochem Mol Toxicol,Journal of Clinical Monitoring and ComputingJ Clin Monit ComputJournal of Clinical Virology J Clin Virol/Joint Commission Journal on Quality ImprovementJt Comm J Qual Improv$Journal of Abnormal Child PsychologyJ Abnorm Child PsycholJournal of Abnormal PsychologyJ Abnorm Psychol*Journal of Accident and Emergency MedicineJ Accid Emerg Med,Journal of The Acoustical Society Of AmericaJ Acoust Soc AmGJournal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology*J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum RetrovirolJournal of Addictive Diseases J Addict DisJournal of Adolescence J AdolescJournal of Adolescent HealthJ Adolesc HealthJournal of Advanced Nursing J Adv NursJournal of Affective DisordersJ Affect Disord3Journal of The Air and Waste Management AssociationJ Air Waste Manag Assoc*Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyJ Allergy Clin ImmunolJournal of Allied HealthJ Allied Health1Journal of Alternative and Complementary MedicineJ Altern Complement Med<Journal of The American Academy Of Audiology (Hamilton, Ont.J Am Acad AudiolBJournal of The American Academy Of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry"J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.Journal of The American Academy Of DermatologyJ Am Acad Dermatol9Journal of The American Academy Of Psychiatry and The LawJ Am Acad Psychiatry Law1Journal of The American Academy Of PsychoanalysisJ Am Acad Psychoanal3Journal of The American Animal Hospital AssociationJ Am Anim Hosp AssocAJournal of The American Association Of Gynecologic LaparoscopistsJ Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc0Journal of The American Board Of Family PracticeJ Am Board Fam Pract-Journal of The American College Of CardiologyJ Am Coll Cardiol+Journal of The American College Of DentistsJ Am Coll Dent"Journal of American College HealthJ Am Coll Health,Journal of The American College Of NutritionJ Am Coll Nutr+Journal of The American College Of SurgeonsJ Am Coll Surg*Journal of The American Dental AssociationJ Am Dent Assoc,Journal of The American Dietetic AssociationJ Am Diet Assoc*Journal of The American Geriatrics SocietyJ Am Geriatr Soc7Journal of The American Medical Informatics AssociationJ Am Med Inform Assoc2Journal of The American Medical Womens AssociationJ Am Med Womens Assoc4Journal of The American Mosquito Control AssociationJ Am Mosq Control Assoc@Journal of The American Mosquito Control Association. SupplementJ Am Mosq Control Assoc Suppl.Journal of The American Optometric AssociationJ Am Optom Assoc/Journal of The American Osteopathic AssociationJ Am Osteopath Assoc2Journal of The American Pharmaceutical AssociationJ Am Pharm Assoc (Wash)5Journal of The American Podiatric Medical AssociationJ Am Podiatr Med Assoc2Journal of The American Psychoanalytic AssociationJ Am Psychoanal Assoc3Journal of The American Society Of EchocardiographyJ Am Soc Echocardiogr-Journal of The American Society Of NephrologyJ Am Soc Nephrol6Journal of The American Veterinary Medical AssociationJ Am Vet Med Assoc Journal of Analytical PsychologyJ Anal Psychol Journal of Analytical ToxicologyJ Anal ToxicolJournal of AnatomyJ AnatJournal of AndrologyJ AndrolJournal of Animal Science J Anim SciJournal of AntibioticsJ Antibiot (Tokyo)%Journal of Antimicrobial ChemotherapyJ Antimicrob ChemotherJournal of Anxiety DisordersJ Anxiety DisordJournal of AOAC International J AOAC Int$Journal of Applied Behavior AnalysisJ Appl Behav AnalJournal of Applied MicrobiologyJ Appl MicrobiolJournal of Applied PhysiologyJ Appl PhysiolJournal of Applied PsychologyJ Appl PsycholJournal of Applied ToxicologyJ Appl Toxicol'Journal of The Arkansas Medical Society J Ark Med SocJournal of ArthroplastyJ Arthroplasty-Journal of Assisted Reproduction and GeneticsJ Assist Reprod Genet;Journal of The Association For Academic Minority PhysiciansJ Assoc Acad Minor Phys1Journal of The Association Of Nurses In AIDS CareJ Assoc Nurses AIDS Care1Journal of The Association Of Physicians Of IndiaJ Assoc Physicians IndiaJournal of AsthmaJ Asthma)Journal of Atherosclerosis and ThrombosisJ Atheroscler Thromb(Journal of Audiovisual Media In MedicineJ Audiov Media Med-Journal of Autism and Developmental DisordersJ Autism Dev DisordJournal of Autoimmunity J Autoimmun'Journal of The Autonomic Nervous SystemJ Auton Nerv Syst!Journal of Autonomic PharmacologyJ Auton PharmacolJournal of Bacteriology J Bacteriol9Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology And PharmacologyJ Basic Clin Physiol PharmacolJournal of Basic MicrobiologyJ Basic Microbiol7Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental PsychiatryJ Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry2Journal of Behavioral Health Services and ResearchJ Behav Health Serv ResJournal of Behavioral Medicine J Behav MedJournal Belge de RadiologieJ Belge Radiol.Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical MethodsJ Biochem Biophys MethodsJournal of BiochemistryJ Biochem (Tokyo)Journal of Biocommunication J Biocommun)Journal of Bioenergetics and BiomembranesJ Bioenerg BiomembrJournal of Biological Chemistry J Biol Chem!Journal of Biological PhotographyJ Biol Photogr7Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic AgentsJ Biol Regul Homeost AgentsJournal of Biological RhythmsJ Biol Rhythms0Journal of Bioluminescence and ChemiluminescenceJ Biolumin Chemilumin$Journal of Biomaterials ApplicationsJ Biomater Appl0Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer EditionJ Biomater Sci Polym Ed$Journal of Biomechanical Engineering J Biomech EngJournal of Biomechanics J Biomech(Journal of Biomedical Materials ResearchJ Biomed Mater ResJournal of Biomolecular NMR J Biomol NMR.Journal of Biomolecular Structure and DynamicsJ Biomol Struct Dyn'Journal of Biopharmaceutical StatisticsJ Biopharm StatJournal of Biosocial Science J Biosoc Sci2Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American VolumeJ Bone Joint Surg Am1Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumeJ Bone Joint Surg Br$Journal of Bone and Mineral ResearchJ Bone Miner Res'Journal of Burn Care and RehabilitationJ Burn Care RehabilSJournal / Canadian Dental Association. Journal de L Association Dentaire CanadienneJ Can Dent AssocJournal of Cancer Education J Cancer Educ0Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical OncologyJ Cancer Res Clin Oncol$Journal of Capillary ElectrophoresisJ Capillary ElectrophorJournal of Cardiac Failure J Card FailJournal of Cardiac Surgery J Card SurgJournal of Cardiology J Cardiol)Journal of Cardiopulmonary RehabilitationJ Cardiopulm Rehabil1Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular AnesthesiaJ Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth+Journal of Cardiovascular ElectrophysiologyJ Cardiovasc Electrophysiol!Journal of Cardiovascular NursingJ Cardiovasc Nurs&Journal of Cardiovascular PharmacologyJ Cardiovasc PharmacolJournal of Cardiovascular RiskJ Cardiovasc Risk!Journal of Cardiovascular SurgeryJ Cardiovasc Surg (Torino)*Journal of Cataract and Refractive SurgeryJ Cataract Refract SurgJournal of Cell Biology J Cell BiolJournal of Cell Science J Cell Sci#Journal of Cell Science. SupplementJ Cell Sci Suppl Journal of Cellular BiochemistryJ Cell Biochem,Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. SupplementJ Cell Biochem SupplJournal of Cellular PhysiologyJ Cell Physiol-Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismJ Cereb Blood Flow Metab5Journal of Chemical Information and Computer SciencesJ Chem Inf Comput Sci Journal of Chemical NeuroanatomyJ Chem NeuroanatJournal of Chemotherapy J Chemother2Journal of Child and Adolescent PsychopharmacologyJ Child Adolesc PsychopharmacolJournal of Child NeurologyJ Child NeurolAJournal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry And Allied DisciplinesJ Child Psychol PsychiatryJournal de ChirurgieJ Chir (Paris)"Journal of Chromatographic ScienceJ Chromatogr SciJournal of Chromatography. AJ Chromatogr AJournal of Clinical Anesthesia J Clin AnesthJournal of Clinical ApheresisJ Clin Apheresis$Journal of Clinical Child PsychologyJ Clin Child Psychol0Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and MetabolismJ Clin Endocrinol Metab Journal of Clinical EpidemiologyJ Clin EpidemiolJournal of Clinical Ethics J Clin Ethics4Journal of Clinical and Experimental NeuropsychologyJ Clin Exp Neuropsychol$Journal of Clinical GastroenterologyJ Clin GastroenterolJournal of Clinical ImmunologyJ Clin Immunol!Journal of Clinical Investigation J Clin Invest'Journal of Clinical Laboratory AnalysisJ Clin Lab Anal-Journal of Clinical and Laboratory ImmunologyJ Clin Lab Immunol Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyJ Clin Microbiol#Journal of Clinical NeurophysiologyJ Clin NeurophysiolJournal of Clinical Oncology J Clin OncolJournal of Clinical Pathology J Clin Pathol"Journal of Clinical PeriodontologyJ Clin Periodontol Journal of Clinical PharmacologyJ Clin Pharmacol-Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and TherapeuticsJ Clin Pharm TherJournal of Clinical PsychiatryJ Clin PsychiatryJournal of Clinical PsychologyJ Clin Psychol&Journal of Clinical PsychopharmacologyJ Clin PsychopharmacolJournal of Clinical UltrasoundJ Clin Ultrasound Journal of Communicable Diseases J Commun Dis"Journal of Communication DisordersJ Commun DisordJournal of Community HealthJ Community Health#Journal of Community Health NursingJ Community Health Nurs Journal of Comparative Neurology J Comp Neurol Journal of Comparative Pathology J Comp PatholPJournal of Comparative Physiology. A, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral PhysiologyJ Comp Physiol [A]YJournal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, And Environmental PhysiologyJ Comp Physiol [B]!Journal of Comparative PsychologyJ Comp Psychol Journal of Computational Biology J Comput Biol%Journal of Computational NeuroscienceJ Comput Neurosci'Journal of Computer Assisted TomographyJ Comput Assist Tomogr*Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular DesignJ Comput Aided Mol Des-Journal of Consulting and Clinical PsychologyJ Consult Clin Psychol-Journal of Contemporary Health Law and PolicyJ Contemp Health Law Policy:Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental BiologyJ Craniofac Genet Dev Biol(Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial SurgeryJ Craniomaxillofac SurgJournal of Critical Care J Crit CareJournal of Cutaneous PathologyJ Cutan PatholJournal of Dairy Research J Dairy ResJournal of Dairy Science J Dairy SciJournal of Dental Education J Dent EducJournal of Dental Research J Dent ResJournal of DentistryJ Dent!Journal of Dermatological ScienceJ Dermatol SciJournal of Dermatology J Dermatol2Journal of Developmental and Behavioral PediatricsJ Dev Behav Pediatr)Journal of Diabetes and Its ComplicationsJ Diabetes Complications'Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases ResearchJ Diarrhoeal Dis ResJournal of Digital IMAgingJ Digit ImagingJournal of Drug Education J Drug EducJournal of Drug Targeting J Drug TargetJournal of Economic EntomologyJ Econ EntomolJournal of ECTJ ECT1Journal of The Egyptian Public Health AssociationJ Egypt Public Health Assoc/Journal of The Egyptian Society Of ParasitologyJ Egypt Soc ParasitolJournal of ElectrocardiologyJ ElectrocardiolJournal of Electron MicroscopyJ Electron Microsc (Tokyo)Journal of Emergency Medicine J Emerg Med)Journal of Endocrinological InvestigationJ Endocrinol InvestJournal of Endocrinology J EndocrinolJournal of Endourology J EndourolJournal of Endovascular SurgeryJ Endovasc Surg;Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and OncologyJ Environ Pathol Toxicol OncolkJournal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, And Agricultural WastesJ Environ Sci Health BJournal of Enzyme InhibitionJ Enzyme InhibJournal of Epidemiology J Epidemiol,Journal of Epidemiology and Community HealthJ Epidemiol Community HealthJournal of EthnopharmacologyJ Ethnopharmacol"Journal of Eukaryotic MicrobiologyJ Eukaryot Microbiol*Journal of Evaluation In Clinical PracticeJ Eval Clin Pract0Journal of The Experimental Analysis Of BehaviorJ Exp Anal BehavJournal of Experimental Biology J Exp Biol(Journal of Experimental Child PsychologyJ Exp Child Psychol4Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer ResearchJ Exp Clin Cancer Res Journal of Experimental Medicine J Exp Med=Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process+Journal of Experimental Psychology: GeneralJ Exp Psychol GenDJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance!J Exp Psychol Hum Percept PerformCJournal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and CognitionJ Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn1Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and OncologyJ Exp Ther OncolJournal of Experimental Zoology J Exp Zool+Journal of Experimental Zoology. SupplementJ Exp Zool Suppl;Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental EpidemiologyJ Expo Anal Environ EpidemiolJournal of Family Practice J Fam Pract*Journal of The Florida Medical AssociationJ Fla Med Assoc!Journal of Foot and Ankle SurgeryJ Foot Ankle SurgJournal of Forensic SciencesJ Forensic Sci+Journal of The Formosan Medical AssociationJ Formos Med Assoc Journal Francais D OphtalmologieJ Fr OphtalmolJournal of GastroenterologyJ Gastroenterol*Journal of Gastroenterology and HepatologyJ Gastroenterol Hepatol$Journal of General Internal MedicineJ Gen Intern MedJournal of General Physiology J Gen PhysiolJournal of General Psychology J Gen PsycholJournal of General Virology J Gen VirolJournal of Genetic PsychologyJ Genet Psychol-Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and NeurologyJ Geriatr Psychiatry NeurolJournal of Glaucoma J GlaucomaBJournal de Gynecologie, Obstetrique Et Biologie De la Reproduction$J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris)(Journal of Hand Surgery. American VolumeJ Hand Surg [Am]'Journal of Hand Surgery. British VolumeJ Hand Surg [Br]Journal of Hand Therapy J Hand TherJournal of Health Care FinanceJ Health Care Finance3Journal of Health Care For The Poor and UnderservedJ Health Care Poor Underserved*Journal of Health Politics, Policy and LawJ Health Polit Policy Law%Journal of Health and Social BehaviorJ Health Soc Behav)Journal of Heart and Lung TransplantationJ Heart Lung TransplantJournal of Heart Valve DiseaseJ Heart Valve DisJournal of Helminthology J HelmintholJournal of Hematotherapy J HematotherJournal of Hepatology J HepatolJournal of HeredityJ HeredJournal Fur Hirnforschung J Hirnforsch+Journal of Histochemistry and CytochemistryJ Histochem Cytochem1Journal of The History Of The Behavioral SciencesJ Hist Behav Sci6Journal of The History Of Medicine and Allied SciencesJ Hist Med Allied SciJournal of Homosexuality J HomosexJournal of Hospital Infection J Hosp InfectJournal of Human ErgologyJ Hum Ergol (Tokyo)Journal of Human Evolution J Hum EvolJournal of Human Genetics J Hum GenetJournal of Human HypertensionJ Hum HypertensJournal of Hypertension J Hypertens#Journal of Hypertension. SupplementJ Hypertens SupplJournal of Immunoassay J Immunoassay Journal of Immunological MethodsJ Immunol MethodsJournal of Immunology J Immunol)Journal of The Indian Medical AssociationJ Indian Med AssocJournal of InfectionJ InfectJournal of Infectious Diseases J Infect DisJournal of Inflammation J Inflamm&Journal of Inherited Metabolic DiseaseJ Inherit Metab Dis!Journal of Inorganic BiochemistryJ Inorg Biochem+Journal of Intellectual Disability ResearchJ Intellect Disabil Res+Journal of Interferon and Cytokine ResearchJ Interferon Cytokine ResJournal of Internal Medicine J Intern Med(Journal of Internal Medicine. SupplementJ Intern Med Suppl)Journal of International Medical Research J Int Med Res7Journal of The International Neuropsychological SocietyJ Int Neuropsychol Soc!Journal of Invertebrate PathologyJ Invertebr Pathol>Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol$Journal of Investigative DermatologyJ Invest Dermatol!Journal of Investigative MedicineJ Investig Med Journal of Investigative Surgery J Invest Surg+Journal of The Kentucky Medical AssociationJ Ky Med Assoc!Journal of Korean Medical ScienceJ Korean Med Sci+Journal of Laboratory and Clinical MedicineJ Lab Clin MedDJournal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques. Part AJ Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A"Journal of Laryngology and OtologyJ Laryngol Otol.Journal of Laryngology and Otology. SupplementJ Laryngol Otol SupplJournal of Legal Medicine J Leg MedJournal of Leukocyte Biology J Leukoc Biol.Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell SignallingJ Lipid Mediat Cell SignalJournal of Lipid Research J Lipid Res.Journal of The Louisiana State Medical SocietyJ La State Med SocJournal of Magnetic Resonance J Magn Reson%Journal of Magnetic Resonance IMAgingJ Magn Reson Imaging Journal Des Maladies Vasculaires J Mal Vasc6Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ Manipulative Physiol Ther%Journal of Marital and Family TherapyJ Marital Fam TherJournal of Mass SpectrometryJ Mass Spectrom"Journal of Maternal-Fetal MedicineJ Matern Fetal MedJournal of Mathematical Biology J Math Biol-Journal of The Medical Association Of GeorgiaJ Med Assoc Ga.Journal of The Medical Association Of ThailandJ Med Assoc Thai&Journal of Medical and Dental SciencesJ Med Dent Sci-Journal of Medical Engineering and TechnologyJ Med Eng TechnolJournal of Medical Entomology J Med EntomolJournal of Medical Ethics J Med EthicsJournal of Medical Genetics J Med Genet Journal of Medical Investigation J Med Invest2Journal Medical Libanais. Lebanese Medical Journal J Med LibanJournal of Medical MicrobiologyJ Med MicrobiolJournal of Medical PrimatologyJ Med PrimatolJournal of Medical Screening J Med ScreenJournal of Medical Systems J Med Syst*Journal of Medical and Veterinary MycologyJ Med Vet MycolJournal of Medical Virology J Med VirolJournal of Medicinal Chemistry J Med ChemJournal of MedicineJ Med"Journal of Medicine and Philosophy J Med PhilosJournal of Membrane Biology J Membr BiolJournal of MicroencapsulationJ MicroencapsulJournal of Microscopy J Microsc5Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy!J Microw Power Electromagn Energy4Journal of The Mississippi State Medical AssociationJ Miss State Med AssocJournal of Molecular Biology J Mol Biol,Journal of Molecular and Cellular CardiologyJ Mol Cell Cardiol"Journal of Molecular EndocrinologyJ Mol EndocrinolJournal of Molecular Evolution J Mol Evol+Journal of Molecular Graphics and ModellingJ Mol Graph ModelJournal of Molecular Medicine J Mol Med!Journal of Molecular NeuroscienceJ Mol Neurosci Journal of Molecular RecognitionJ Mol RecognitJournal of Morphology J Morphol,Journal of Muscle Research and Cell MotilityJ Muscle Res Cell Motil(Journal of The National Cancer InstituteJ Natl Cancer Inst4Journal of The National Cancer Institute. MonographsJ Natl Cancer Inst Monogr+Journal of The National Medical AssociationJ Natl Med AssocJournal of Natural Products J Nat ProdJournal of Nephrology J Nephrol%Journal of Nervous and Mental DiseaseJ Nerv Ment DisJournal of Neural TransmissionJ Neural Transm,Journal of Neural Transmission. SupplementumJ Neural Transm Suppl0Journal of Neural Transplantation and PlasticityJ Neural Transplant PlastJournal of Neurobiology J NeurobiolJournal of Neurochemistry J NeurochemJournal of Neurocytology J NeurocytolJournal of NeuroendocrinologyJ NeuroendocrinolJournal of Neurogenetics J NeurogenetJournal of NeuroimagingJ NeuroimagingJournal of NeuroimmunologyJ Neuroimmunol&Journal of Neuroimmunology. SupplementJ Neuroimmunol Suppl$Journal of The Neurological Sciences J Neurol SciJournal of NeurologyJ Neurol1Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and PsychiatryJ Neurol Neurosurg PsychiatryJournal of Neuro-Oncology J NeurooncolJournal of Neuro-OphthalmologyJ Neuroophthalmol4Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental NeurologyJ Neuropathol Exp NeurolJournal of NeurophysiologyJ Neurophysiol5Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical NeurosciencesJ Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci5Journal of Neuroradiology. Journal de Neuroradiologie J NeuroradiolJournal of Neuroscience J NeurosciJournal of Neuroscience MethodsJ Neurosci MethodsJournal of Neuroscience NursingJ Neurosci Nurs Journal of Neuroscience ResearchJ Neurosci ResJournal of Neurosurgery J Neurosurg'Journal of Neurosurgical AnesthesiologyJ Neurosurg Anesthesiol!Journal of Neurosurgical SciencesJ Neurosurg SciJournal of Neurotrauma J NeurotraumaJournal of Neurovirology J Neurovirol/Journal of NIHon University School Of DentistryJ Nihon Univ Sch DentJournal of Nuclear CardiologyJ Nucl CardiolJournal of Nuclear Medicine J Nucl Med&Journal of Nuclear Medicine TechnologyJ Nucl Med TechnolJournal of Nurse-MidwiferyJ Nurse Midwifery!Journal of Nursing Administration J Nurs AdmJournal of Nursing Care QualityJ Nurs Care QualJournal of Nursing Education J Nurs EducJournal of Nursing Measurement J Nurs MeasJournal of NutritionJ Nutr/Journal of Nutritional Science and VitaminologyJ Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo)7Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal NursingJ Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs.Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ResearchJ Obstet Gynaecol Res2Journal of Occupational and Environmental MedicineJ Occup Environ Med/Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and TherapeuticsJ Ocul Pharmacol Ther,Journal - Oklahoma State Medical AssociationJ Okla State Med AssocNJournal of The Optical Society Of America A. Optics, IMAge Science, and Vision J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis)Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryJ Oral Maxillofac Surg&Journal of Oral Pathology and MedicineJ Oral Pathol MedJournal of Oral RehabilitationJ Oral RehabilJournal of Orthopaedic Research J Orthop Res2Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical TherapyJ Orthop Sports Phys TherJournal of Orthopaedic TraumaJ Orthop TraumaJournal of Otolaryngology J Otolaryngol'Journal of Paediatrics and Child HealthJ Paediatr Child Health&Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementJ Pain Symptom ManageJournal of Palliative CareJ Palliat CareJournal of Parasitology J ParasitolJournal of PathologyJ Pathol.Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent GynecologyJ Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol1Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and MetabolismJ Pediatr Endocrinol Metab3Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and NutritionJ Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr(Journal of Pediatric Hematology/OncologyJ Pediatr Hematol OncolJournal of Pediatric NursingJ Pediatr Nurs%Journal of Pediatric Oncology NursingJ Pediatr Oncol Nurs1Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusJ Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus)Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. Part BJ Pediatr Orthop B Journal of Pediatric OrthopedicsJ Pediatr OrthopJournal of Pediatric PsychologyJ Pediatr PsycholJournal of Pediatric SurgeryJ Pediatr SurgJournal of Pediatrics J PediatrJournal of Peptide Research J Pept ResJournal of Peptide Science J Pept SciJournal of Perinatal Medicine J Perinat MedJournal of Perinatology J PerinatolJournal of Periodontal ResearchJ Periodontal ResJournal of Periodontology J PeriodontolJournal of PersonalityJ Pers!Journal of Personality Assessment J Pers Assess Journal of Personality DisordersJ Personal Disord,Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyJ Pers Soc Psychol1Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical AnalysisJ Pharm Biomed Anal"Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences J Pharm Sci Journal de Pharmacie De Belgique J Pharm Belg0Journal of Pharmacokinetics and BiopharmaceuticsJ Pharmacokinet Biopharm4Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological MethodsJ Pharmacol Toxicol Methods5Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental TherapeuticsJ Pharmacol Exp Ther$Journal of Pharmacy and PharmacologyJ Pharm Pharmacol6Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, BiologyJ Photochem Photobiol BJournal of PhysiologyJ Physiol (Lond)Journal of Physiology, ParisJ Physiol Paris&Journal of Physiology and PharmacologyJ Physiol PharmacolJournal of Pineal Research J Pineal Res Journal of Postgraduate MedicineJ Postgrad MedJournal of Professional Nursing J Prof NursJournal of Prosthetic DentistryJ Prosthet DentJournal of Protein ChemistryJ Protein ChemJournal of Psychiatric ResearchJ Psychiatr Res&Journal of Psychiatry and NeuroscienceJ Psychiatry NeurosciJournal of Psychoactive DrugsJ Psychoactive Drugs$Journal of Psycholinguistic ResearchJ Psycholinguist ResJournal of Psychology J PsycholJournal of PsychopharmacologyJ Psychopharmacol (Oxf):Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services!J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv3Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and GynaecologyJ Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol!Journal of Psychosomatic ResearchJ Psychosom Res.Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and ResearchJ Psychother Pract Res"Journal of Public Health DentistryJ Public Health Dent!Journal of Public Health MedicineJ Public Health MedJournal of Public Health PolicyJ Public Health Policy'Journal of Quality In Clinical PracticeJ Qual Clin PractJournal of Radiation ResearchJ Radiat Res (Tokyo)"Journal of Radiological Protection J Radiol ProtJournal de RadiologieJ Radiol4Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction ResearchJ Recept Signal Transduct Res&Journal of Reconstructive MicrosurgeryJ Reconstr MicrosurgJournal of Refractive SurgeryJ Refract Surg2Journal of Rehabilitation Research and DevelopmentJ Rehabil Res Dev%Journal of Reproduction and FertilityJ Reprod Fertil6Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Abstract SeriesJ Reprod Fertil Abstr Ser1Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. SupplementJ Reprod Fertil Suppl"Journal of Reproductive ImmunologyJ Reprod Immunol Journal of Reproductive Medicine J Reprod MedJournal of Rheumatology J Rheumatol#Journal of Rheumatology. SupplementJ Rheumatol Suppl'Journal of The Royal Army Medical CorpsJ R Army Med Corps4Journal of The Royal College Of Physicians Of LondonJ R Coll Physicians Lond5Journal of The Royal College Of Surgeons Of EdinburghJ R Coll Surg Edinb*Journal of The Royal Naval Medical ServiceJ R Nav Med Serv&Journal of The Royal Society Of HealthJ R Soc Health(Journal of The Royal Society Of Medicine J R Soc MedJournal of School Health J Sch Health"Journal of Sex and Marital TherapyJ Sex Marital Ther%Journal of Shoulder and Elbow SurgeryJ Shoulder Elbow SurgJournal of Sleep Research J Sleep Res Journal of Small Animal PracticeJ Small Anim Pract/Journal of Smooth Muscle Research (Hirosaki-ShiJ Smooth Muscle ResJournal of Social Psychology J Soc Psychol4Journal of The Society For Gynecologic InvestigationJ Soc Gynecol Investig)Journal of The Society For Health SystemsJ Soc Health Syst*Journal of The Society Of Pediatric NursesJ Soc Pediatr Nurs3Journal of The South African Veterinary AssociationJ S Afr Vet Assoc,Journal - South Carolina Medical AssociationJ S C Med Assoc/Journal of The Southern Orthopaedic AssociationJ South Orthop Assoc1Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing ResearchJ Speech Lang Hear ResJournal of Spinal Cord MedicineJ Spinal Cord MedJournal of Spinal DisordersJ Spinal Disord/Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical FitnessJ Sports Med Phys FitnessJournal of Sports Sciences J Sports Sci5Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyJ Steroid Biochem Mol BiolJournal of Structural Biology J Struct BiolJournal of Studies on AlcoholJ Stud Alcohol)Journal of Studies on Alcohol. SupplementJ Stud Alcohol Suppl0Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and PathologyJ Submicrosc Cytol PatholJournal of Substance Abuse J Subst Abuse$Journal of Substance Abuse TreatmentJ Subst Abuse TreatJournal of Surgical Oncology J Surg Oncol(Journal of Surgical Oncology. SupplementJ Surg Oncol SupplJournal of Surgical Research J Surg Res$Journal of Telemedicine and TelecareJ Telemed TelecareJournal of Theoretical Biology J Theor Biol.Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryJ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg$Journal of Tongji Medical UniversityJ Tongji Med Univ!Journal of Toxicological Sciences J Toxicol Sci*Journal of Toxicology. Clinical ToxicologyJ Toxicol Clin Toxicol.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental HealthJ Toxicol Environ Health1Journal of Trace Elements In Medicine and BiologyJ Trace Elem Med Biol'Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineJ Tradit Chin MedJournal of TraumaJ TraumaJournal of Traumatic StressJ Trauma StressJournal of Tropical PediatricsJ Trop Pediatr!Journal of Ultrasound In MedicineJ Ultrasound MedJournal of UrologyJ Urol0Journal of Vascular and Interventional RadiologyJ Vasc Interv RadiolJournal of Vascular Research J Vasc ResJournal of Vascular Surgery J Vasc SurgJournal of Vector Ecology J Vector EcolJournal of Vestibular Research J Vestib Res.Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic InvestigationJ Vet Diagn Invest'Journal of Veterinary Internal MedicineJ Vet Intern Med%Journal of Veterinary Medical Science J Vet Med Sci3Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and TherapeuticsJ Vet Pharmacol TherJournal of Viral Hepatitis J Viral HepatJournal of Virological MethodsJ Virol MethodsJournal of VirologyJ VirolJournal of VoiceJ VoiceJournal of Wildlife Diseases J Wildl DisJournal of Womens HealthJ Womens Health$Journal of Zoo and Wildlife MedicineJ Zoo Wildl MedKJournals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences And Medical SciencesJ Gerontol A Biol Sci Med SciMJournals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences And Social Sciences J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci2Journees Annuelles de Diabetologie De L Hotel-DieuJourn Annu Diabetol Hotel Dieu1JPEN. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral NutritionJPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr1JPMA. Journal of The Pakistan Medical AssociationJPMA J Pak Med Assoc$Kaibogaku Zasshi. Journal of AnatomyKaibogaku Zasshi1Kaku Igaku [Japanese Journal of Nuclear Medicine] Kaku IgakuKansas MedicineKans MedPKansenshogaku Zasshi. Journal of The Japanese Association ForInfectious DiseasesKansenshogaku ZasshiLKao-Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih [Kaohsiung Journal Of Medical Sciences]$Kao Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa ChihKeio Journal of Medicine Keio J MedKekkakuKekkaku KhirurgiiaKhirurgiia (Sofiia) KhirurgiiaKhirurgiia (Mosk)"Kidney and Blood Pressure ResearchKidney Blood Press ResKidney International Kidney Int Kidney International. SupplementKidney Int Suppl'Klinicheskaia Laboratornaia DiagnostikaKlin Lab DiagnKlinicheskaia MeditsinaKlin Med (Mosk) Klinika Oczna Klin Oczna.Klinische Anasthesiologie Und IntensivtherapieKlin Anasthesiol Intensivther*Klinische Monatsblatter Fur AugenheilkundeKlin Monatsbl AugenheilkdKlinische Padiatrie Klin Padiatr.Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy#Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Kobe Journal of Medical SciencesKobe J Med SciGKokubyo Gakkai Zasshi. The Journal of The Stomatological Society, JapanKokubyo Gakkai ZasshiKorean Journal of OphthalmologyKorean J OphthalmolKorean Journal of ParasitologyKorean J ParasitolPKuang Pu Hseuh Yu Kuang Pu Fen Hsi Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis (Pei-Ching"Kuang Pu Hseuh Yu Kuang Pu Fen HsiKurume Medical Journal Kurume Med J0Kyobu Geka. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery Kyobu GekaLaboratory Animal Science Lab Anim SciLaboratory AnimalsLab AnimLaboratory Investigation Lab InvestLakartidningenLakartidningenLancetLancetLancet Digital HealthLancet Digit Health:Langenbecks Archiv Fur Chirurgie. Supplement. Kongressband&Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl KongressbdLangenbecks Archive of SurgeryLangenbecks Arch Surg$Language and Communication DisordersLang Commun DisordLanguage and Speech Lang SpeechLaryngo- Rhino- OtologieLaryngorhinootologie Laryngoscope LaryngoscopeLasers In Surgery and MedicineLasers Surg Med*Lasers In Surgery and Medicine. SupplementLasers Surg Med SupplLaw and Human Behavior Law Hum BehavLeprosy ReviewLepr RevLeukemiaLeukemiaLeukemia and Lymphoma Leuk LymphomaLeukemia ResearchLeuk Res Life SciencesLife SciLifetime Data AnalysisLifetime Data AnalLijecnicki Vjesnik Lijec VjesnLikarska Sprava Lik SpravaZLin Chuang Erh Pi Yen Hou Ko Tsa Chih Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology (Wu-Han Shih%Lin Chuang Erh Pi Yen Hou Ko Tsa ChihLipidsLipidsLiterature and MedicineLit MedLiverLiver!Liver Transplantation and SurgeryLiver Transpl SurgLungLung Lung Cancer Lung CancerLupusLupus Lymphology LymphologyMAGMAMAGMAMagnesium Research Magnes ResMagnetic Resonance IMAgingMagn Reson Imaging3Magnetic Resonance IMAging Clinics of North AmericaMagn Reson Imaging Clin N AmMagnetic Resonance In MedicineMagn Reson MedMalaysian Journal of PathologyMalays J PatholMammalian Genome Mamm GenomeMaryland Medical JournalMd Med J MASA ReviewMASA RevMass Spectrometry ReviewsMass Spectrom Rev)Masui. Japanese Journal of AnesthesiologyMasuiMateria Medica Polona Mater Med PolMathematical Biosciences Math BiosciMatrix Biology Matrix Biol Maturitas MaturitasMayo Clinic ProceedingsMayo Clin Proc/MCN; American Journal of Maternal Child NursingMCN Am J Matern Child Nurs Md Computing MD Comput$Mechanisms of Ageing and DevelopmentMech Ageing DevMechanisms of DevelopmentMech DevMedecine TropicaleMed Trop (Mars)Medical Anthropology Med AnthropolMedical Anthropology QuarterlyMed Anthropol Q0Medical and Biological Engineering And ComputingMed Biol Eng Comput Medical CareMed Care Medical Clinics of North AmericaMed Clin North AmMedical Decision MakingMed Decis MakingMedical Dosimetry Med DosimMedical EducationMed EducMedical Engineering and Physics Med Eng PhysMedical HistoryMed HistMedical History. SupplementMed Hist SupplMedical HypothesesMed HypothesesMedical InformaticsMed Inf (Lond)Medical Journal of Australia Med J AustMedical Journal of MalaysiaMed J Malaysia#Medical Journal of Osaka UniversityMed J Osaka Univ(Medical Letter on Drugs and TherapeuticsMed Lett Drugs Ther#Medical Microbiology and ImmunologyMed Microbiol Immunol (Berl)Medical Oncology Med OncolMedical and Pediatric OncologyMed Pediatr Oncol*Medical and Pediatric Oncology. SupplementMed Pediatr Oncol SupplMedical PhysicsMed Phys#Medical Progress Through TechnologyMed Prog Technol!Medical and Veterinary EntomologyMed Vet EntomolMedicinaMedicina (B Aires)Medicina ClinicaMed Clin (Barc)Medicina Interna Med InternaMedicina Del LavoroMed LavMedicinal Research Reviews Med Res RevMedicineMedicine (Baltimore)Medicine, Conflict and SurvivalMed Confl Surviv!Medicine and Health, Rhode IslandMed Health R IMedicine and LawMed LawMedicine, Science and The Law Med Sci Law+Medicine and Science In Sports And ExerciseMed Sci Sports ExercMedicinski ArhivMed ArhMedicinski Pregled Med PreglMedico-Legal Journal Med Leg J3Meditsinskaia Parazitologiia I Parazitarnye BolezniMed Parazitol (Mosk)Meditsinskaia TekhnikaMed TekhMedizinhistorisches Journal Medizinhist JMedizinische KlinikMed Klin+Medizinische Monatsschrift Fur PharmazeutenMed Monatsschr Pharm&Medycyna Doswiadczalna I MikrobiologiaMed Dosw MikrobiolMedycyna PracyMed PrMelanoma Research Melanoma ResMembrane and Cell BiologyMembr Cell Biol"Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo CruzMem Inst Oswaldo CruzMemoryMemoryMental Health Statistical NoteMent Health Stat Note+Mental and Physical Disability Law ReporterMent Phys Disabil Law RepMental Retardation Ment RetardMetabolic Brain DiseaseMetab Brain Dis0Metabolic, Pediatric, and Systemic OphthalmologyMetab Pediatr Syst Ophthalmol%Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental Metabolism Metal Ions In Biological SystemsMet Ions Biol SystMethodsMethodsMethods of Biochemical AnalysisMethods Biochem AnalMethods In Cell BiologyMethods Cell BiolMethods In EnzymologyMethods Enzymol>Methods and Findings In Experimental And Clinical PharmacologyMethods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol"Methods of Information In MedicineMethods Inf MedMethods In Molecular BiologyMethods Mol BiolMichigan MedicineMich MedMicrobial Drug ResistanceMicrob Drug ResistMicrobial Pathogenesis Microb Pathog Microbiologia MicrobiologiaMicrobiological Research Microbiol Res Microbiology MicrobiologyMicrobiology and ImmunologyMicrobiol Immunol*Microbiology and Molecular Biology ReviewsMicrobiol Mol Biol Rev Microbios MicrobiosMicrocirculationMicrocirculationMicronMicron!Microscopy Research and TechniqueMicrosc Res Tech Microsurgery MicrosurgeryMicrovascular Research Microvasc Res%Middle East Journal of AnesthesiologyMiddle East J AnesthesiolMikrobiologiiaMikrobiologiiaMikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal Mikrobiol ZMilbank Quarterly Milbank QMilitary MedicineMil Med"Mineral and Electrolyte MetabolismMiner Electrolyte MetabMinerva AnestesiologicaMinerva AnestesiolMinerva CardioangiologicaMinerva CardioangiolMinerva Chirurgica Minerva ChirMinerva EndocrinologicaMinerva EndocrinolMinerva GinecologicaMinerva GinecolMinerva Medica Minerva MedMinerva PediatricaMinerva PediatrMinerva StomatologicaMinerva StomatolMinerva Urologica E NefrologicaMinerva Urol NefrolMinimally Invasive NeurosurgeryMinim Invasive NeurosurgMinnesota MedicineMinn MedMissouri MedicineMo MedMMWR Cdc Surveillance SummariesMMWR CDC Surveill Summ+MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportMMWR Morb Mortal Wkly RepModern Pathology Mod Pathol%Modern Problems of PharmacopsychiatryMod Probl PharmacopsychiatryMolecular Aspects of MedicineMol Aspects Med&Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyMol Biochem ParasitolMolecular Biology of The Cell Mol Biol CellMolecular Biology and Evolution Mol Biol EvolMolecular Biology Reports Mol Biol RepMolecular BiotechnologyMol BiotechnolMolecular Carcinogenesis Mol Carcinog#Molecular and Cellular BiochemistryMol Cell BiochemMolecular and Cellular Biology Mol Cell Biol$Molecular and Cellular EndocrinologyMol Cell Endocrinol$Molecular and Cellular NeurosciencesMol Cell NeurosciMolecular and Cellular ProbesMol Cell Probes%Molecular and Chemical NeuropathologyMol Chem NeuropatholMolecular Diversity Mol DiversMolecular EcologyMol EcolMolecular EndocrinologyMol EndocrinolMolecular and General Genetics Mol Gen Genet!Molecular Genetics and MetabolismMol Genet MetabMolecular Human ReproductionMol Hum ReprodMolecular Immunology Mol Immunol*Molecular Marine Biology and BiotechnologyMol Mar Biol BiotechnolMolecular MedicineMol MedMolecular Medicine Today Mol Med TodayMolecular Membrane BiologyMol Membr BiolMolecular Microbiology Mol MicrobiolMolecular Neurobiology Mol NeurobiolMolecular Pathology Mol PatholMolecular Pharmacology Mol Pharmacol%Molecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionMol Phylogenet Evol$Molecular Plant-Microbe InteractionsMol Plant Microbe InteractMolecular PsychiatryMol Psychiatry&Molecular Reproduction and DevelopmentMol Reprod DevMolecular VisionMol VisMolecules and Cells Mol CellsMolekuliarna MeditsinaMol Med (Sofia)Molekuliarnaia BiologiiaMol Biol (Mosk)4Molekuliarnaia Genetika, Mikrobiologia, I VirusologaMol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol"Monaldi Archives For Chest DiseaseMonaldi Arch Chest DisMonographs In AllergyMonogr AllergyMonographs In Clinical CytologyMonogr Clin CytolMonographs on EndocrinologyMonogr EndocrinolMonographs In Oral ScienceMonogr Oral SciMonographs In Pathology Monogr Pathol;Monographs of The Society For Research In Child DevelopmentMonogr Soc Res Child DevMonthly Vital Statistics ReportMon Vital Stat RepMorfologiia (Sankt-Peterburg MorfologiiaMount Sinai Journal of MedicineMt Sinai J MedMovement Disorders Mov DisordMultiple Sclerosis Mult Scler$Mund-, Kiefer- Und GesichtschirurgieMund Kiefer GesichtschirMuscle and Nerve Muscle Nerve Mutagenesis MutagenesisMutation Research Mutat ResMycopathologiaMycopathologiaMycosesMycoses!Nagoya Journal of Medical ScienceNagoya J Med SciNahrungNahrung!National Medical Journal of IndiaNatl Med J IndiaNatural Immunity Nat ImmunNatural Product Reports Nat Prod RepNatural Toxins Nat ToxinsNatureNatureNature BiotechnologyNat BiotechnolNature Genetics Nat GenetNature MedicineNat MedNature Structural BiologyNat Struct BiolNaturwissenschaftenNaturwissenschaften-Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology#Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol Nebraska Symposium on MotivationNebr Symp Motiv'Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor GeneeskundeNed Tijdschr Geneeskd Neoplasma Neoplasma Nephrologie Nephrologie%Nephrology, Dialysis, TransplantationNephrol Dial TransplantNephronNephron Nervenarzt NervenarztNetherlands Journal of Medicine Neth J MedNeural Computation Neural Comput NeurobiologyNeurobiology (Bp)Neurobiology of AgingNeurobiol AgingNeurobiology of Disease Neurobiol Dis#Neurobiology of Learning and MemoryNeurobiol Learn MemNeurochemical Research Neurochem ResNeurochemistry International Neurochem IntNeuro-ChirurgieNeurochirurgieNeuroendocrinologyNeuroendocrinologyNeuroepidemiologyNeuroepidemiology"Neurogastroenterology and MotilityNeurogastroenterol Motil Neuroimage Neuroimage%Neuroimaging Clinics of North AmericaNeuroimaging Clin N AmNeuroimmunomodulationNeuroimmunomodulation Neurologia NeurologiaNeurologia Medico-ChirurgicaNeurol Med Chir (Tokyo)"Neurologia I Neurochirurgia PolskaNeurol Neurochir PolNeurologic Clinics Neurol ClinNeurological Research Neurol Res Neurology NeurologyNeuromuscular DisordersNeuromuscul DisordNeuronNeuron'Neuropathology and Applied NeurobiologyNeuropathol Appl NeurobiolNeuropediatricsNeuropediatrics Neuropeptides NeuropeptidesNeuropharmacologyNeuropharmacologyNeurophysiologie CliniqueNeurophysiol Clin:Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology)Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav NeurolNeuropsychobiologyNeuropsychobiologyNeuropsychologiaNeuropsychologiaNeuropsychologyNeuropsychologyNeuropsychology ReviewNeuropsychol RevNeuropsychopharmacologyNeuropsychopharmacologyNeuroradiologyNeuroradiology Neuroreport Neuroreport Neuroscience Neuroscience&Neuroscience and Behavioral PhysiologyNeurosci Behav Physiol&Neuroscience and Biobehavioral ReviewsNeurosci Biobehav RevNeuroscience Letters Neurosci Lett Neuroscience Letters. SupplementNeurosci Lett SupplNeuroscience Research Neurosci Res!Neuroscience Research. SupplementNeurosci Res Suppl Neurosurgery Neurosurgery%Neurosurgery Clinics of North AmericaNeurosurg Clin N AmNeurosurgical Review Neurosurg RevNeurotoxicologyNeurotoxicologyNeurotoxicology and TeratologyNeurotoxicol Teratol Neurotoxins NeurotoxinsNeurourology and UrodynamicsNeurourol Urodyn$New Directions For Child DevelopmentNew Dir Child Dev)New Directions For Mental Health ServicesNew Dir Ment Health ServNew England Journal of Medicine N Engl J Med New Horizons New HorizNew Jersey MedicineN J MedNew Microbiologica New MicrobiolNew York State Dental JournalN Y State Dent JNew Zealand Dental Journal N Z Dent JNew Zealand Medical Journal N Z Med JNIDA Research MonographNIDA Res MonogrNIH Consensus StatementNIH Consens Statement"NIH Guide For Grants and ContractsNIH Guide Grants Contracts&NIHon Arukoru Yakubutsu Igakkai Zasshi&Nihon Arukoru Yakubutsu Igakkai ZasshiPNIHon Hansenbyo Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Leprosy (Higashimurayama- ShiNihon Hansenbyo Gakkai Zasshi!NIHon Rinsho Meneki Gakkai Kaishi!Nihon Rinsho Meneki Gakkai Kaishi5NIHon Shinkei Seishin Yakurigaku Zasshi (Kawasaki-Shi'Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakurigaku Zasshi4Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi. Japanese Journal of HygieneNippon Eiseigaku ZasshiFNippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi. Acta Societatis Ophthalmologicae JaponicaeNippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi<Nippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of Japan Surgical SocietyNippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi2Nippon Geka Hokan. Archiv Fur Japanische ChirurgieNippon Geka Hokan;Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of UrologyNippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi9Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Legal MedicineNippon Hoigaku Zasshi<Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi. Nippon Acta Radiologica#Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi?Nippon Ika Daigaku Zasshi. Journal of The Nippon Medical SchoolNippon Ika Daigaku ZasshiYNippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho [Journal of The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society Of Japan]Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho7Nippon Jinzo Gakkai Shi. Japanese Journal of NephrologyNippon Jinzo Gakkai Shi=Nippon Koshu Eisei Zasshi [Japanese Journal of Public Health]Nippon Koshu Eisei ZasshiYNippon Kyobu Geka Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of The Japanese Association For Thoracic SurgeryNippon Kyobu Geka Gakkai ZasshiINippon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Diseases"Nippon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai ZasshiLNippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of Japanese Society Of Internal MedicineNippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi4Nippon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine Nippon Rinsho;Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of GeriatricsNippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi:Nippon Saikingaku Zasshi. Japanese Journal of BacteriologyNippon Saikingaku ZasshiFNippon Seirigaku Zasshi. Journal of The Physiological Society Of JapanNippon Seirigaku ZasshiENippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of GastroenterologyNippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi7Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi. Folia Pharmacologica JaponicaNippon Yakurigaku ZasshiNMR In Biomedicine NMR Biomed%No Shinkei Geka. Neurological SurgeryNo Shinkei Geka&No To Hattatsu [Brain and Development]No To HattatsuNo To Shinkei. Brain and Nerve No To ShinkeiNordisk MedicinNord Med0North Carolina Medical Journal (Relston-Salem Nc N C Med JNuclear Medicine and Biology Nucl Med BiolNuclear Medicine CommunicationsNucl Med CommunNucleic Acids ResearchNucleic Acids ResNucleic Acids Symposium SeriesNucleic Acids Symp SerNuklearmedizinNuklearmedizinNurse Practitioner Nurse Pract Nursing Clinics of North AmericaNurs Clin North AmNursing History Review Nurs Hist RevNursing Outlook Nurs OutlookNursing ResearchNurs ResNutricion Hospitalaria Nutr Hosp Nutrition NutritionNutrition and Cancer Nutr CancerNutrition and Health Nutr HealthNutrition ReviewsNutr RevObesity ResearchObes Res$Obstetrical and Gynecological SurveyObstet Gynecol SurvObstetrics and GynecologyObstet Gynecol2Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North AmericaObstet Gynecol Clin North Am'Occupational and Environmental MedicineOccup Environ MedOccupational Health and SafetyOccup Health SafOccupational MedicineOccup Med (Oxf)Occupational Medicine Occup Med"Ocular Immunology and InflammationOcul Immunol Inflamm Oftalmologia Oftalmologia!Okajimas Folia Anatomica JaponicaOkajimas Folia Anat JpnOncogeneOncogeneOncologyOncology (Huntingt)OncologyOncologyOncology Nursing ForumOncol Nurs ForumOncology Research Oncol Res,Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary ResearchOnderstepoort J Vet Res)Online Journal of Current Clinical TrialsOnline J Curr Clin Trials Ontogenez OntogenezOphthalmic EpidemiologyOphthalmic EpidemiolOphthalmic GeneticsOphthalmic Genet#Ophthalmic and Physiological OpticsOphthalmic Physiol Opt-Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryOphthal Plast Reconstr SurgOphthalmic ResearchOphthalmic ResOphthalmic Surgery and LasersOphthalmic Surg Lasers Ophthalmologe OphthalmologeOphthalmologicaOphthalmologica Ophthalmology OphthalmologyOptometry and Vision Science Optom Vis ScitOral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology AndEndodontics Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadioEndod.Origins of Life and Evolution Of The BiosphereOrig Life Evol BiosphAOrl; Journal of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Its Related Specialties!ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat SpecOrthodontie Francaise Orthod Fr Orthopade Orthopade#Orthopedic Clinics of North AmericaOrthop Clin North Am Orthopedics OrthopedicsOrvosi Hetilap Orv HetilOsaka City Medical JournalOsaka City Med JOsteoarthritis and CartilageOsteoarthritis CartilageOsteoporosis InternationalOsteoporos IntOtolaryngologia PolskaOtolaryngol Pol(Otolaryngologic Clinics of North AmericaOtolaryngol Clin North Am&Otolaryngology - Head and Neck SurgeryOtolaryngol Head Neck Surg"Oxford Surveys on Eukaryotic GenesOxf Surv Eukaryot Genes%Pacing and Clinical ElectrophysiologyPacing Clin ElectrophysiolPaediatric AnaesthesiaPaediatr Anaesth%Paediatric and Perinatal EpidemiologyPaediatr Perinat EpidemiolPainPainPalliative Medicine Palliat MedPancreasPancreasPanminerva MedicaPanminerva Med Papua New Guinea Medical Journal P N G Med JParasiteParasiteParasite ImmunologyParasite Immunol Parasitology ParasitologyParasitology Research Parasitol ResParassitologiaParassitologiaParazitologiiaParazitologiia Pathobiology Pathobiology Pathologe Pathologe Pathologica PathologicaPathologie BiologiePathol Biol (Paris) PathologyPathology (Phila) Pathology PathologyPathology International Pathol Int Pathology, Research and PracticePathol Res Pract9Patologicheskaia Fiziologiia I Eksperimentalnaia TerapiiaPatol Fiziol Eksp Ter4PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and TechnologyPDA J Pharm Sci TechnolPediatria Medica E ChirurgicaPediatr Med Chir Pediatric Allergy and ImmunologyPediatr Allergy ImmunolPediatric Annals Pediatr AnnPediatric CardiologyPediatr Cardiol"Pediatric Clinics of North AmericaPediatr Clin North AmPediatric Dentistry Pediatr DentPediatric DermatologyPediatr DermatolPediatric Emergency CarePediatr Emerg Care!Pediatric Hematology and OncologyPediatr Hematol Oncol$Pediatric Infectious Disease JournalPediatr Infect Dis JPediatric NephrologyPediatr NephrolPediatric NeurologyPediatr NeurolPediatric NeurosurgeryPediatr Neurosurg+Pediatric Pathology and Laboratory MedicinePediatr Pathol Lab MedPediatric PulmonologyPediatr Pulmonol!Pediatric Pulmonology. SupplementPediatr Pulmonol SupplPediatric RadiologyPediatr RadiolPediatric Research Pediatr ResPediatric Surgery InternationalPediatr Surg Int Pediatrics PediatricsPediatrics In Review Pediatr RevPennsylvania MedicinePa MedPeptidesPeptides Perception PerceptionPerceptual and Motor SkillsPercept Mot Skills Perfusion Perfusion5Peritoneal Dialysis International (Downsview, OntarioPerit Dial Int$Perspectives In Biology and MedicinePerspect Biol Med*Perspectives on Developmental NeurobiologyPerspect Dev Neurobiol/Pflugers Archiv. European Journal of Physiology Pflugers ArchPharmaceutica Acta HelvetiaePharm Acta HelvPharmaceutical BiotechnologyPharm BiotechnolPharmaceutical Research Pharm ResPharmacogeneticsPharmacogeneticsPharmacological Research Pharmacol ResPharmacological Reviews Pharmacol Rev Pharmacology Pharmacology'Pharmacology, Biochemistry and BehaviorPharmacol Biochem BehavPharmacology and TherapeuticsPharmacol TherPharmacology and ToxicologyPharmacol ToxicolPharmacopsychiatryPharmacopsychiatryPharmacotherapyPharmacotherapyPharmacy World and SciencePharm World Sci Pharmazie PharmaziePharmazie In Unserer ZeitPharm Unserer Zeit1Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical SocietyPharosXPhilosophical Transactions of The Royal Society Of London. Series B: Biological Sciences"Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci Phonetica PhoneticaPhotochemistry and PhotobiologyPhotochem Photobiol3Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine#Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed=Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North AmericaPhys Med Rehabil Clin N AmPhysical Therapy Phys TherPhysics In Medicine and Biology Phys Med Biol3Physiological Chemistry and Physics And Medical NMRPhysiol Chem Phys Med NMRPhysiological Measurement Physiol MeasPhysiological Research Physiol ResPhysiological Reviews Physiol RevPhysiological Zoology Physiol Zool Physiologist PhysiologistPhysiology and Behavior Physiol Behav$Physiotherapy Research InternationalPhysiother Res IntPigment Cell ResearchPigment Cell ResPlacentaPlacenta Plant Cell Plant CellPlant and Cell PhysiologyPlant Cell PhysiolPlant Foods For Human NutritionPlant Foods Hum Nutr Plant JournalPlant JPlant Molecular BiologyPlant Mol BiolPlant Physiology Plant Physiol Planta Medica Planta MedPlasmidPlasmid"Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryPlast Reconstr SurgPneumoftiziologiaPneumoftiziologia Pneumologie Pneumologie"Pneumonologia I Alergologia PolskaPneumonol Alergol PolPolimery W Medycynie Polim MedPolish Journal of Pathology Pol J PatholPolish Journal of PharmacologyPol J PharmacolPolski Merkuriusz LekarskiPol Merkuriusz Lek%Polskie Archiwum Medycyny WewnetrznejPol Arch Med Wewn1Population Reports. Series A; Oral Contraceptives Popul Rep A2Population Reports. Series B; Intrauterine Devices Popul Rep B2Population Reports. Series C, Female Sterilization Popul Rep C0Population Reports. Series D, Male Sterilization Popul Rep D,Population Reports. Series E; Law and Policy Popul Rep E-Population Reports. Series H; Barrier Methods Popul Rep H6Population Reports. Series J: Family Planning Programs Popul Rep J4Population Reports. Series L: Issues In World Health Popul Rep L,Population Reports. Series M, Special Topics Popul Rep MPopulation Trends Popul TrendsPostepy BiochemiiPostepy Biochem)Postepy Higieny I Medycyny DoswiadczalnejPostepy Hig Med DoswPostgraduate Medical JournalPostgrad Med JPostgraduate Medicine Postgrad MedPoultry Science Poult Sci Practitioner Practitioner2Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie Und Kinderpsychiatrie"Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr;Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie Und Kinderpsychiatrie. Beiheft'Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr BeihPrenatal Diagnosis Prenat Diagn*Preparative Biochemistry and BiotechnologyPrep Biochem BiotechnolPresse Medicale Presse MedPreventive MedicinePrev MedPreventive Veterinary Medicine Prev Vet Med'Prikladnaia Biokhimiia I MikrobiologiiaPrikl Biokhim Mikrobiol(Primary Care; Clinics In Office Practice Prim CareProblemi Na Khigienata Probl KhigProblemy Kosmicheskoi BiologiiProbl Kosm Biol#Problemy Medycyny Wieku RozwojowegoProbl Med Wieku Rozwoj0Problemy Sotsialnoi Gigieny I Istoriia MeditsinyProbl Sotsialnoi Gig Istor MedProblemy Tuberkuleza Probl Tuberk5Proceedings of The Association Of American PhysiciansProc Assoc Am PhysiciansbProceedings of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal Of Engineering In MedicineProc Inst Mech Eng [H]OProceedings of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of AmericaProc Natl Acad Sci U S AUProceedings of The National Science Council, Republic Of China. Part B, Life Sciences!Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China B$Proceedings of The Nutrition Society Proc Nutr SocIProceedings of The Royal Society Of London. Series B: Biological SciencesProc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci@Proceedings of The Society For Experimental Biology and MedicineProc Soc Exp Biol Med/Proceedings of The Western Pharmacology SocietyProc West Pharmacol SocProgres En Urologie Prog UrolProgress In AIDS PathologyProg AIDS Pathol!Progress In Behavior ModificationProg Behav Modif$Progress In Biochemical PharmacologyProg Biochem Pharmacol,Progress In Biophysics and Molecular BiologyProg Biophys Mol BiolProgress In Brain ResearchProg Brain Res#Progress In Cardiovascular DiseasesProg Cardiovasc Dis"Progress In Cardiovascular NursingProg Cardiovasc Nurs,Progress In Clinical and Biological ResearchProg Clin Biol Res!Progress In Clinical ParasitologyProg Clin ParasitolProgress In Drug Research Prog Drug Res'Progress In Experimental Tumor ResearchProg Exp Tumor Res,Progress In Histochemistry and CytochemistryProg Histochem CytochemProgress In Lipid ResearchProg Lipid ResProgress In Liver DiseasesProg Liver DisProgress In Medical VirologyProg Med VirolProgress In Medicinal Chemistry Prog Med Chem-Progress In Molecular and Subcellular BiologyProg Mol Subcell BiolProgress In NeurobiologyProg Neurobiol>Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry)Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry7Progress In Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular BiologyProg Nucleic Acid Res Mol BiolProstaglandinsProstaglandins5Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids(Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty AcidsProstateProstateProstate. SupplementProstate Suppl'Prosthetics and Orthotics InternationalProsthet Orthot IntProtein Engineering Protein Eng#Protein Expression and PurificationProtein Expr PurifProtein Science Protein SciProteinsProteinsPrzeglad EpidemiologicznyPrzegl EpidemiolPrzeglad Lekarski Przegl LekPsychiatria Polska Psychiatr Pol$Psychiatric Clinics of North AmericaPsychiatr Clin North AmPsychiatric GeneticsPsychiatr GenetPsychiatric Quarterly Psychiatr QPsychiatric ServicesPsychiatr ServPsychiatrische PraxisPsychiatr Prax Psychiatry Psychiatry%Psychiatry and Clinical NeurosciencesPsychiatry Clin NeurosciPsychiatry ResearchPsychiatry ResPsychoanalytic Quarterly Psychoanal QPsychoanalytic ReviewPsychoanal Rev!Psychoanalytic Study of The ChildPsychoanal Study ChildPsychological Bulletin Psychol BullPsychological IssuesPsychol IssuesPsychological Medicine Psychol MedPsychological Reports Psychol RepPsychological Research Psychol ResPsychological Review Psychol RevPsychology and Aging Psychol AgingPsychoneuroendocrinologyPsychoneuroendocrinologyPsycho-OncologyPsychooncologyPsychopathologyPsychopathologyPsychopharmacologyPsychopharmacology (Berl)Psychopharmacology BulletinPsychopharmacol BullPsychopharmacology SeriesPsychopharmacol SerPsychophysiologyPsychophysiologyPsychosomatic Medicine Psychosom MedPsychosomaticsPsychosomatics7Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsPsychother PsychosomiPubblicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Section Ii: History and Philosophy of The Life SciencesPubbl Stn Zool Napoli II Public Health Public HealthPublic Health NursingPublic Health NursPublic Health ReportsPublic Health RepPublic Health ReviewsPublic Health Rev#Puerto Rico Health Sciences JournalP R Health Sci J'Pulmonary Pharmacology and TherapeuticsPulm Pharmacol TherQJMQJMQuality Assurance Qual AssurQuality of Life Research Qual Life ResNQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A, Human Experimental PsychologyQ J Exp Psychol AYQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B, Comparative And Physiological PsychologyQ J Exp Psychol B%Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine Q J Nucl MedQuarterly Review of Biology Q Rev BiolQuarterly Reviews of Biophysics Q Rev Biophys&Radiation and Environmental BiophysicsRadiat Environ BiophysRadiation Medicine Radiat Med!Radiation Oncology InvestigationsRadiat Oncol InvestigRadiation Research Radiat Res(Radiatsionnaia Biologiia, RadioecologiiaRadiats Biol Radioecol Radiographics Radiographics Radiologe RadiologeRadiologia MedicaRadiol Med (Torino)#Radiologic Clinics of North AmericaRadiol Clin North AmRadiologic TechnologyRadiol Technol Radiology RadiologyRadiotherapy and OncologyRadiother Oncol)Rapid Communications In Mass SpectrometryRapid Commun Mass SpectromRaysRays!Recent Developments In AlcoholismRecent Dev Alcohol#Recent Progress In Hormone ResearchRecent Prog Horm Res!Recent Results In Cancer ResearchRecent Results Cancer ResRecenti Progressi In MedicinaRecenti Prog MedReceptors and ChannelsReceptors Channels!Receptors and Signal TransductionRecept Signal Transduct'Reconstruction Surgery and TraumatologyReconstr Surg TraumatolRegional Anesthesia Reg AnesthRegulatory Peptides Regul Pept&Regulatory Toxicology and PharmacologyRegul Toxicol PharmacolRehabilitationRehabilitation (Stuttg) Renal FailureRen Fail0Report / Group For The Advancement of PsychiatryRep Group Adv Psychiatry%Reports on Health and Social SubjectsRep Health Soc Subj (Lond)(Reproduction, Fertility, and DevelopmentReprod Fertil Dev$Reproduction, Nutrition, DevelopmentReprod Nutr DevReproductive ToxicologyReprod Toxicol?Research Communications In Molecular Pathology and PharmacologyRes Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol&Research In Developmental DisabilitiesRes Dev Disabil!Research In Experimental MedicineRes Exp Med (Berl)Research In Immunology Res ImmunolResearch In Microbiology Res MicrobiolResearch In Nursing and HealthRes Nurs Health)Research Quarterly For Exercise and SportRes Q Exerc Sport*Research Report / Health Effects InstituteRes Rep Health Eff InstResearch In Veterinary Science Res Vet SciResearch In Virology Res Virol Respiration RespirationRespiration PhysiologyRespir Physiol)Respiratory Care Clinics of North AmericaRespir Care Clin N AmRespiratory Medicine Respir Med Respirology Respirology,Results and Problems In Cell DifferentiationResults Probl Cell Differ Resuscitation ResuscitationRetinaRetina Reumatizam Reumatizam5Reviews of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyRev Environ Contam ToxicolReviews on Environmental HealthRev Environ HealthReviews In The Neurosciences Rev NeurosciReviews of Oculomotor ResearchRev Oculomot Res3Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and PharmacologyRev Physiol Biochem PharmacolReviews of Reproduction Rev Reprod"Revista Argentina de MicrobiologiaRev Argent Microbiol'Revista Da Associacao Medica BrasileiraRev Assoc Med BrasRevista de Biologia Tropical Rev Biol TropRevista Brasileira de Biologia Rev Bras BiolRevista Clinica Espanola Rev Clin Esp#Revista Cubana de Medicina TropicalRev Cubana Med Trop0Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia Y ReanimacionRev Esp Anestesiol ReanimRevista Espanola de CardiologiaRev Esp Cardiol+Revista Espanola de Enfermedades DigestivasRev Esp Enferm DigRevista Espanola de FisiologiaRev Esp Fisiol!Revista Espanola de Salud PublicaRev Esp Salud PublicaLRevista de la Facultad De Ciencias Medicas / Universidad Nacional De Cordoba!Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba&Revista de Gastroenterologia De MexicoRev Gastroenterol MexTRevista Do Hospital Das Clinicas; Faculdade de Medicina Da Universidade De Sao PauloRev Hosp Clin Fac Med Sao Paulo6Revista Do Instituto de Medicina Tropical De Sao PauloRev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo Revista de Investigacion ClinicaRev Invest Clin(Revista Latinoamericana de MicrobiologiaRev Latinoam MicrobiolRevista Medica de Chile Rev Med ChilRevista Medica de PanamaRev Med Panama0Revista de Medicina De la Universidad De NavarraRev Med Univ NavarraJRevista Medico-Chirurgicala A Societatii de Medici Si Naturalisti Din IasiRev Med Chir Soc Med Nat IasiRevista de Neurologia Rev Neurol%Revista Panamericana de Salud PublicaRev Panam Salud PublicaRevista Paulista de Medicina Rev Paul Med!Revista Portuguesa de CardiologiaRev Port CardiolRevista de Saude PublicaRev Saude Publica4Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina TropicalRev Soc Bras Med Trop Revue Belge de Medecine DentaireRev Belge Med DentCRevue de Chirurgie Orthopedique Et Reparatrice De L Appareil Moteur%Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot*Revue D Epidemiologie Et de Sante PubliqueRev Epidemiol Sante PubliqueRevue Internationale Du Trachome Et de Pathologie Oculaire Tropicale EtSubtropicale Et De Sante Publique Rev Int Trach Pathol Ocul Trop SubtroSante Publique)Revue de Laryngologie Otologie RhinologieRev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord) Revue Des Maladies RespiratoiresRev Mal RespirRevue de Medecine InterneRev Med InterneRevue Medicale de Bruxelles Rev Med BruxRevue Medicale de Liege Rev Med Liege#Revue Medicale de la Suisse RomandeRev Med Suisse RomandeRevue NeurologiqueRev Neurol (Paris)Revue de Pneumologie CliniqueRev Pneumol Clin$Revue Du Rhumatisme. English EditionRev Rhum Engl EdRevue Scientifique Et Technique Rev Sci Tech5Revue de Stomatologie Et De Chirurgie Maxillo-FacialeRev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac+Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North AmericaRheum Dis Clin North AmRheumatology International Rheumatol Int Rhinology RhinologyRhinology. Supplement Rhinol Suppl4Rinsho Byori. Japanese Journal of Clinical Pathology Rinsho Byori8Rinsho Ketsueki. Japanese Journal of Clinical HematologyRinsho Ketsueki&Rinsho Shinkeigaku. Clinical NeurologyRinsho Shinkeigaku Risk Analysis Risk AnalRivista di BiologiaRiv BiolRNARNA)Roczniki Akademii Medycznej W BialymstokuRocz Akad Med Bialymst$Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu HigienyRocz Panstw Zakl HigRofo. Fortschritte Auf Dem Gebiete Der Rontgenstrahlen Und Der NeuenBildgebenden Verfahren Rofo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Neuen BildgeVerfahr%Romanian Journal of Internal MedicineRom J Intern Med-Romanian Journal of Morphology and EmbryologyRom J Morphol EmbryolRomanian Journal of Virology Rom J Virol Rontgenpraxis Rontgenpraxis1Roumanian Archives of Microbiology and ImmunologyRoum Arch Microbiol ImmunolRozhledy V Chirurgii Rozhl ChirRyumachiRyumachiSalud Publica de MexicoSalud Publica MexSangre Sangre (Barc)Sangyo Eiseigaku ZasshiSangyo Eiseigaku ZasshiSangyo Ika Daigaku ZasshiSangyo Ika Daigaku ZasshiSanteSante$Sante Publique (Vandoeuvre-Les-NancySante Publique&Sar and QSAR In Environmental ResearchSAR QSAR Environ Res2Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis, and Diffuse Lung Diseases!Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung DisSbornik LekarskySb LekScandinavian Audiology Scand Audiol$Scandinavian Audiology. SupplementumScand Audiol Suppl#Scandinavian Cardiovascular JournalScand Cardiovasc J/Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. SupplementScand Cardiovasc J Suppl=Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory InvestigationScand J Clin Lab InvestIScandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. SupplementScand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl(Scandinavian Journal of GastroenterologyScand J Gastroenterol4Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. SupplementScand J Gastroenterol Suppl"Scandinavian Journal of ImmunologyScand J Immunol.Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. SupplementScand J Immunol Suppl+Scandinavian Journal of Infectious DiseasesScand J Infect Dis9Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. SupplementumScand J Infect Dis Suppl6Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science In SportsScand J Med Sci SportsKScandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery And Hand Surgery%Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand SurgYScandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery And Hand Surgery. Supplementum+Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg Suppl+Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health CareScand J Prim Health Care7Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. SupplementScand J Prim Health Care Suppl"Scandinavian Journal of PsychologyScand J Psychol/Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation MedicineScand J Rehabil Med;Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. SupplementScand J Rehabil Med Suppl$Scandinavian Journal of RheumatologyScand J Rheumatol0Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. SupplementScand J Rheumatol Suppl'Scandinavian Journal of Social MedicineScand J Soc Med5Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine. SupplementumScand J Soc Med Suppl.Scandinavian Journal of Urology and NephrologyScand J Urol Nephrol<Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. SupplementumScand J Urol Nephrol Suppl4Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and HealthScand J Work Environ HealthScanningScanning*Scanning Microscopy (Elk Grove Village, IlScanning MicroscScanning Microscopy. SupplementScanning Microsc SupplSchizophrenia BulletinSchizophr BullSchizophrenia Research Schizophr Res&Scholarly Inquiry For Nursing PracticeSch Inq Nurs Pract+Schriftenreihe Neurologie. Neurology SeriesSchriftenr Neurol?Schriftenreihe Des Vereins Fur Wasser-, Boden-, Und Lufthygiene#Schriftenr Ver Wasser Boden Lufthyg"Schweizer Archiv Fur TierheilkundeSchweiz Arch Tierheilkd'Schweizer Monatsschrift Fur ZahnmedizinSchweiz Monatsschr ZahnmedESchweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift. Journal Suisse de MedecineSchweiz Med Wochenschr7Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift. SupplementumSchweiz Med Wochenschr Suppl+Schweizerische Rundschau Fur Medizin PraxisSchweiz Rundsch Med PraxScienceScience)Science In China. Series C, Life SciencesSci China C Life SciScience and Justice Sci JusticeScience ProgressSci Prog Science of The Total EnvironmentSci Total EnvironScientific AmericanSci AmScottish Medical Journal Scott Med J5Se Pu Chinese Journal of Chromatography (Ta-Lien ShihSe Pu2Seikagaku. Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society Seikagaku>Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi. Psychiatria Et Neurologia JaponicaSeishin Shinkeigaku ZasshiSeizureSeizure$Seminars In Arthritis and RheumatismSemin Arthritis RheumSeminars In Cancer BiologySemin Cancer Biol*Seminars In Cutaneous Medicine and SurgerySemin Cutan Med Surg Seminars In Diagnostic PathologySemin Diagn Pathol$Seminars In Gastrointestinal DiseaseSemin Gastrointest DisSeminars In Hematology Semin HematolSeminars In Immunology Semin ImmunolSeminars In Liver DiseaseSemin Liver DisSeminars In Nephrology Semin NephrolSeminars In Neurology Semin NeurolSeminars In Nuclear MedicineSemin Nucl MedSeminars In Oncology Semin OncolSeminars In Oncology NursingSemin Oncol NursSeminars In Pediatric NeurologySemin Pediatr NeurolSeminars In Pediatric SurgerySemin Pediatr SurgSeminars In PerinatologySemin Perinatol&Seminars In Reproductive EndocrinologySemin Reprod Endocrinol"Seminars In Respiratory InfectionsSemin Respir InfectSeminars In RoentgenologySemin RoentgenolSeminars In Speech and LanguageSemin Speech Lang+Seminars In Surgical Oncology (New York, NySemin Surg Oncol/Seminars In Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgerySemin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg%Seminars In Thrombosis and HemostasisSemin Thromb Hemost!Seminars In Ultrasound, Ct and MrSemin Ultrasound CT MRSeminars In Urologic OncologySemin Urol OncolSeminars In Vascular SurgerySemin Vasc SurgSexually Transmitted DiseasesSex Transm DisSexually Transmitted InfectionsSex Transm Infect-Sheng Li Hsueh Pao [Acta Physiologica Sinica]Sheng Li Hsueh Pao@Sheng Li Ko Hsueh Chin Chan [Progress In Physiological Sciences]Sheng Li Ko Hsueh Chin ChanVSheng Wu I Hsueh Kung Cheng Hsueh Tsa Chih Journal of Biomedical Engineering (Cheng-Tu*Sheng Wu I Hsueh Kung Cheng Hsueh Tsa Chih;Shih Yen Sheng Wu Hsueh Pao Journal of Experimental BiologyShih Yen Sheng Wu Hsueh Pao1Shinrigaku Kenkyu. Japanese Journal of PsychologyShinrigaku KenkyuShockShockSingapore Medical JournalSingapore Med JSkeletal RadiologySkeletal RadiolSkin PharmacologySkin PharmacolSleepSleepSocial BiologySoc Biol.Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology"Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr EpidemiolSocial Science and Medicine Soc Sci MedSocial Security BulletinSoc Secur Bull Social WorkSoc WorkSocial Work In Health CareSoc Work Health Care1Society For Applied Bacteriology Symposium SeriesSoc Appl Bacteriol Symp Ser'Society of General Physiologists SeriesSoc Gen Physiol Ser&Solid State Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceSolid State Nucl Magn Reson#Somatic Cell and Molecular GeneticsSomat Cell Mol Genet Somatosensory and Motor ResearchSomatosens Mot ResSoudni LekarstviSoud LekhSouth African Journal of Communication Disorders. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir KommunikasieafwykingsS Afr J Commun Disord South African Journal of Surgery S Afr J SurgSouth African Medical Journal S Afr Med J South Dakota Journal of Medicine S D J Med>Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health(Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public HealthSouthern Medical Journal South Med JSozial- Und PraventivmedizinSoz PraventivmedSpatial VisionSpat Vis Spinal Cord Spinal CordSpineSpineSports Medicine Sports MedSportverletzung SportschadenSportverletz Sportschaden$Springer Seminars In ImmunopathologySpringer Semin Immunopathol#Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno LekarstvoSrp Arh Celok Lek7Statistical Bulletin / Metropolitan Insurance CompaniesStat Bull Metrop Insur Co'Statistical Methods In Medical ResearchStat Methods Med ResStatistics In MedicineStat Med Stem Cells Stem Cells(Stereotactic and Functional NeurosurgeryStereotact Funct NeurosurgSteroidsSteroids StomatologiiaStomatologiia (Mosk)Strahlentherapie Und OnkologieStrahlenther OnkolStrokeStroke Structure StructureStudies In Family PlanningStud Fam PlannStudies In Human Ecology Stud Hum EcolSub-Cellular BiochemistrySubcell BiochemSubstance Use and MisuseSubst Use Misuse Sudebno-Meditsinskaia EkspertizaSud Med Ekspert8Sudhoffs Archiv; Zeitschrift Fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte"Sudhoffs Arch Z WissenschaftsgeschBSudhoffs Archiv; Zeitschrift Fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Beihefte'Sudhoffs Arch Z Wissenschaftsgesch Beih%Suicide and Life-Threatening BehaviorSuicide Life Threat Behav/Supplement To The European Journal NeuroscienceSuppl Eur J NeurosciSupportive Care In CancerSupport Care CancerSurgerySurgery Surgery Today Surg Today!Surgical Clinics of North AmericaSurg Clin North AmSurgical Endoscopy Surg Endosc"Surgical Laparoscopy and EndoscopySurg Laparosc EndoscSurgical Neurology Surg NeurolSurgical Oncology Surg Oncol*Surgical Oncology Clinics of North AmericaSurg Oncol Clin N AmSurgical and Radiologic AnatomySurg Radiol AnatSurvey of OphthalmologySurv OphthalmolSwedish Dental Journal Swed Dent J"Swedish Dental Journal. SupplementSwed Dent J Suppl Swiss Surgery Swiss Surg0Symposia of The Society For Experimental BiologySymp Soc Exp BiolSynapseSynapseSystematic Biology Syst Biol9Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. Protein, Nucleic Acid, EnzymeTanpakushitsu Kakusan KosoTargeted Diagnosis and TherapyTargeted Diagn TherTechniques In Urology Tech UrolTechnology and Health CareTechnol Health CareTennessee MedicineTenn MedTerapevticheskii ArkhivTer Arkh.Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and MutagenesisTeratog Carcinog Mutagen Teratology TeratologyTexas Heart Institute JournalTex Heart Inst JTexas MedicineTex Med"Theoretical Medicine and BioethicsTheor Med BioethTheoretical Population BiologyTheor Popul BiolTherapeutic Drug MonitoringTher Drug MonitTherapeutic Immunology Ther ImmunolTherapeutische Umschau Ther UmschTherapieTherapie#Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeonThorac Cardiovasc SurgThoraxThoraxThrombosis and HaemostasisThromb HaemostThrombosis Research Thromb ResThyroidThyroid'Tidsskrift For Den Norske LaegeforeningTidsskr Nor Laegeforen5Tierarztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere Nutztiere*Tierarztl Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere5Tierarztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere*Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Klientiere Heimtiere Tierarztliche Praxis. SupplementTierarztl Prax Suppl Tijdschrift Voor DiergeneeskundeTijdschr Diergeneeskd*Tijdschrift Voor Gerontologie En GeriatrieTijdschr Gerontol GeriatrTissue AntigensTissue AntigensTissue and Cell Tissue CellTobacco Control Tob Control'Tohoku Journal of Experimental MedicineTohoku J Exp Med3Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical MedicineTokai J Exp Clin Med$Topics In Magnetic Resonance IMAgingTop Magn Reson ImagingToxicologic PathologyToxicol PatholToxicological Sciences Toxicol Sci Toxicology Toxicology#Toxicology and Applied PharmacologyToxicol Appl Pharmacol Toxicology and Industrial HealthToxicol Ind HealthToxicology Letters Toxicol LettToxiconToxiconDTransactions of The American Clinical and Climatological AssociationTrans Am Clin Climatol Assoc5Transactions of The American Ophthalmological SocietyTrans Am Ophthalmol Soc-Transactions of The Medical Society Of LondonTrans Med Soc LondBTransactions of The Royal Society Of Tropical Medicine and HygieneTrans R Soc Trop Med HygETransactions and Studies of The College Of Physicians Of Philadelphia Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila Transfusion Transfusion"Transfusion Clinique Et BiologiqueTransfus Clin BiolTransfusion Medicine Transfus MedTransfusion Medicine ReviewsTransfus Med RevTransgenic ResearchTransgenic ResTransplant ImmunologyTranspl ImmunolTransplant International Transpl IntTransplantationTransplantationTransplantation ProceedingsTransplant Proc)Trends In Biochemical Sciences (CambridgeTrends Biochem SciTrends In Genetics Trends GenetTrends In MicrobiologyTrends MicrobiolTrends In NeurosciencesTrends Neurosci"Trends In Pharmacological SciencesTrends Pharmacol Sci%Tropical Animal Health and ProductionTrop Anim Health ProdTropical Doctor Trop DoctTropical GastroenterologyTrop Gastroenterol*Tropical Medicine and International HealthTrop Med Int Health Tsitologiia TsitologiiaTsitologiia I Genetika Tsitol GenetTubercle and Lung DiseaseTuber Lung DisTumoriTumoriTumour Biology Tumour BiolTunisie Medicale Tunis MedTurkish Journal of PediatricsTurk J PediatrUgeskrift For Laeger Ugeskr LaegerUirusuUirusu"Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii ZhurnalUkr Biokhim ZhUlster Medical Journal Ulster Med JUltramicroscopyUltramicroscopyUltraschall In Der MedizinUltraschall MedUltrasonic IMAgingUltrason Imaging Ultrasonics UltrasonicsUltrasonics SonochemistryUltrason Sonochem"Ultrasound In Medicine and BiologyUltrasound Med Biol'Ultrasound In Obstetrics and GynecologyUltrasound Obstet GynecolUltrastructural PathologyUltrastruct Pathol Undersea and Hyperbaric MedicineUndersea Hyperb Med Unfallchirurg UnfallchirurgUnfallchirurgieUnfallchirurgieUnion Medicale Du Canada Union Med Can"Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences Ups J Med Sci.Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences. SupplementUps J Med Sci SupplUrologe. Ausgabe A Urologe AUrologia InternationalisUrol Int!Urologic Clinics of North AmericaUrol Clin North AmUrological ResearchUrol ResUrologiia I NefrologiiaUrol Nefrol (Mosk)UrologyUrologyUspekhi Fiziologicheskikh NaukUsp Fiziol NaukVaccineVaccineVasaVasaAVerhandelingen - Koninklijke Academie Voor Geneeskunde Van BelgieVerh K Acad Geneeskd Belg7Verhandlungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur PathologieVerh Dtsch Ges Pathol%Veroffentlichungen Aus Der Pathologie Veroff PatholVersicherungsmedizinVersicherungsmedizin%Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. GrekovaVestn Khir Im I I GrekVestnik OftalmologiiVestn OftalmolVestnik OtorinolaringologiiVestn Otorinolaringol"Vestnik Rentgenologii I RadiologiiVestn Rentgenol Radiol.Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh NaukVestn Ross Akad Med Nauk4Veterinary Clinics of North America. Equine PracticeVet Clin North Am Equine Pract9Veterinary Clinics of North America. Food Animal Practice!Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract:Veterinary Clinics of North America. Small Animal Practice"Vet Clin North Am Small Anim PractVeterinary and Human ToxicologyVet Hum Toxicol)Veterinary Immunology and ImmunopathologyVet Immunol ImmunopatholVeterinary JournalVet JVeterinary Microbiology Vet MicrobiolVeterinary Parasitology Vet ParasitolVeterinary Pathology Vet PatholVeterinary QuarterlyVet Q#Veterinary Radiology and UltrasoundVet Radiol UltrasoundVeterinary RecordVet RecVeterinary ResearchVet Res"Veterinary Research CommunicationsVet Res CommunVeterinary SurgeryVet SurgViolence and Victims Violence VictViral Immunology Viral ImmunolVirchows Archiv Virchows ArchVirginia Medical QuarterlyVa Med QVirologyVirology Virus Genes Virus GenesVirus Research Virus ResVirus Research. SupplementVirus Res SupplVision Research Vision ResVisual Neuroscience Vis NeurosciIVital and Health Statistics. Series 1: Programs And Collection ProceduresVital Health Stat 1KVital and Health Statistics. Series 2: Data Evaluation And Methods ResearchVital Health Stat 2MVital and Health Statistics. Series 3: Analytical And Epidemiological StudiesVital Health Stat 3FVital and Health Statistics. Series 4: Documents And Committee ReportsVital Health Stat 4dVital and Health Statistics. Series 5: Comparative International Vital And Health Statistics ReportsVital Health Stat 5LVital and Health Statistics. Series 10: Data From The National Health SurveyVital Health Stat 10LVital and Health Statistics. Series 11: Data From The National Health SurveyVital Health Stat 11LVital and Health Statistics. Series 13: Data From The National Health SurveyVital Health Stat 13LVital and Health Statistics. Series 14: Data From The National Health SurveyVital Health Stat 14~Vital and Health Statistics. Series 20: Data From The National VitalStatistics System Vital Health Stat 20 Data Natl Vital StaSystOVital and Health Statistics. Series 21: Data on Natality, Marriage, And DivorceVital Health Stat 21VVital and Health Statistics. Series 23: Data From The National Survey of Family GrowthVital Health Stat 23Vitamins and Hormones Vitam HormVnitrni Lekarstvi Vnitr LekVoenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal Voen Med ZhVojnosanitetski PregledVojnosanit PreglBVoprosy Kurortologii, Fizioterapii I Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury$Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz KultVoprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii Vopr Med KhimVoprosy Onkologii Vopr OnkolVoprosy Pitaniia Vopr PitanVoprosy Virusologii Vopr Virusol Vox SanguinisVox SangWeekly Epidemiological RecordWkly Epidemiol Rec3Wei Sheng Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Microbiologica Sinica]Wei Sheng Wu Hsueh Pao>Wei Sheng Yen Chiu Journal of Hygiene Research (Pei-Ching ShihWei Sheng Yen Chiu West African Journal of MedicineWest Afr J MedWest Indian Medical JournalWest Indian Med JWest Virginia Medical Journal W V Med JWestern Journal of Medicine West J Med#Western Journal of Nursing ResearchWest J Nurs Res*WHO Regional Publications. European SeriesWHO Reg Publ Eur SerWiadomosci LekarskieWiad LekWiadomosci ParazytologiczneWiad ParazytolWiener Klinische WochenschriftWien Klin Wochenschr,Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. SupplementumWien Klin Wochenschr Suppl!Wiener Medizinische WochenschriftWien Med Wochenschr,Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift.SupplementWien Med Wochenschr SupplWomen and Health Women Health Womens Health Womens HealthWomens Health IssuesWomens Health IssuesWorld Health ForumWorld Health Forum1World Health Organization Technical Report SeriesWorld Health Organ Tech Rep Ser[World Health Statistics Quarterly. Rapport Trimestriel de Statistiques Sanitaires MondialesWorld Health Stat QWorld Journal of Surgery World J SurgWorld Journal of Urology World J Urol'World Review of Nutrition and DieteticsWorld Rev Nutr Diet Xenobiotica Xenobiotica?Yakugaku Zasshi. Journal of The Pharmaceutical Society Of JapanYakugaku Zasshi$Yale Journal of Biology and MedicineYale J Biol Med/Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao [Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica]Yao Hsueh Hsueh PaoYeastYeast4Yen Ko Hsueh Pao [Eye Science] (Chung-Kuo Kuang-ChouYen Ko Hsueh PaoYonsei Medical Journal Yonsei Med J<Zeitschrift Fur Arztliche Fortbildung Und QualitatssicherungZ Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich&Zeitschrift Fur ErnahrungswissenschaftZ Ernahrungswiss!Zeitschrift Fur GastroenterologieZ Gastroenterol-Zeitschrift Fur Geburtshilfe Und NeonatologieZ Geburtshilfe Neonatol*Zeitschrift Fur Gerontologie Und GeriatrieZ Gerontol GeriatrZeitschrift Fur Kardiologie Z Kardiol-Zeitschrift Fur Kinder- Und JugendpsychiatrieZ Kinder Jugenpsychiatr-Zeitschrift Fur Morphologie Und AnthropologieZ Morphol AnthropolAZeitschrift Fur Naturforschung. Section C. Journal of BiosciencesZ Naturforsch [C]0Zeitschrift Fur Orthopadie Und Ihre GrenzgebieteZ Orthop Ihre GrenzgebZeitschrift Fur Rheumatologie Z RheumatolZentralblatt Fur BakteriologieZentralbl BakteriolZentralblatt Fur ChirurgieZentralbl ChirZentralblatt Fur GynakologieZentralbl Gynakol*Zentralblatt Fur Hygiene Und UmweltmedizinZentralbl Hyg UmweltmedZentralblatt Fur NeurochirurgieZentralbl Neurochir*Zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe AZentralbl Veterinarmed A*Zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe BZentralbl Veterinarmed [B]-Zhurnal Evoliutsionnoi Biokhimii I FiziologiiZh Evol Biokhim Fiziol5Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii I Immunobiologii!Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol ImmunobiolZhurnal Obshchei BiologiiZh Obshch Biol3Zhurnal Voprosy Neirokhirurgii Imeni N. N. Burdenko!Zh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko8Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti Imeni I. P. Pavlova"Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P PavlovaZygoteZygote3100 Volumes of 'notes On Numerical Fluid Mechanics'Notes Numer Fluid MeJ10th Annual Conference 1989 - Canadian Nuclear Society, Proceedings, Vol 2 P Can Nuc SI10th Annual Conference 1989 - Canadian Nuclear Society, Proceedings Vol 3 P Can Nuc SW10th Annual Ieee Symposium On Field-programmable Custom Computing Machines, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Sym Field P)10th Annual Symposium On MicrolithographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins610th Asian International Conference On Fluid Machinery Aip Conf Procd10th Australian Tunnelling Conference - The Race for Space: Keynote Addresses and Asia-pacific ForumAustralas I Min MetG10th Australian Tunnelling Conference - The Race for Space: ProceedingsAustralas I Min MetH10th Baltic Region Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser810th Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Proceedings P Ieee Csfw810th Esaform Conference On Material Forming, Pts A and B Aip Conf Proc910th Euromicro Workshop On Real-time Systems, Proceedings EuromicroC10th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, Proceedings Esa Sp PublC10th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, Proceedings Esa Spec PublW10th Ieee International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, ProceedingsIeee Edoc Conf_10th Ieee International Workshop On Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Wkshp Fut Tr Dis@10th Ieee Symposium On Computers and Communications, ProceedingsIeee Symp Comp Commu-10th International Cold Forging Congress 2000 VDI Bericht410th International Conference On Automated DeductionLect Notes Artif Int[10th International Conference On Harmonics and Quality of Power, Vols I and Ii, ProceedingsInt C Harmon Qual PoO10th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, ProceedingsInt Database Eng App@10th International Design Conference - Design 2008, Vols 1 and 2Des Soc Pub DsU10th International Spring Seminar On Nuclear Physics: New Quests in Nuclear StructureJ Phys Conf SerO10th International Symposium On Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle TunnelsBhr Gr Conf Ser PublN10th International Symposium On Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, ProceedingsPr Int Symp Adv ResF10th International Symposium On Nanostructures: Physics and TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsF10th International Symposium On Nanostructures: Physics and Technology Proc SpieJ10th International Symposium On Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies Aip Conf ProcC10th International Symposium On Process Systems Engineering: Part AComput-aided Chem EnM10th International Workshop On Petri Nets and Performance Models, ProceedingsInt Worksh Petri NetA10th International Workshop On Program Comprehension, ProceedingsProg Comprehen-10th Meeting On Optical Engineering in IsraelP Soc Photo-opt Insw10th Process Technology Conference Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium On Modeling in The Iron and Steel Industry Proc Tech C=10th Symposium On Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Pts 1-3 Aip Conf Proc;10th Topical Workshop On Proton-antiproton Collider Physics Aip Conf ProcM10th Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ SerD11th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S Log-11th Annual Symposium On Photomask TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsH11th Baltic Region Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser411th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, ProceedingsUs For Serv T R NcH11th Conference On Artificial Intelligence for Applications, ProceedingsPr Conf Art Int Appl/11th Ethylene Producers Conference, ProceedingsProc Ethyl Produc CC11th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ&11th European Workshop On White Dwarfs Astr Soc P511th Heidelberg Meeting of Industrial Truck Operators VDI BerichtD11th Iaea Technical Meeting On H-mode Physics and Transport BarriersJ Phys Conf SerC11th Ieee High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Hi Ass Sys EngrS11th Ieee International Symposium On Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, ProceedingsPr Int Symp Adv Res_11th Ieee International Workshop On Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Wkshp Fut Tr DisI11th Ieee International Workshop On Rapid System Prototyping, ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst Prot@11th Ieee Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, ProceedingsIeee Mediterr Elect711th International Conference Information VisualizationIeee Int Conf Inf ViF11th International Conference On Computer-aided Production EngineeringImeche Conf TransP11th International Conference On Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems (oecs11)J Phys Conf Ser411th International Conference On Pipeline ProtectionBhr Gr Conf Ser PublH11th International Congress On Catalysis - 40th Anniversary, Pts A and BStud Surf Sci Catal=11th International Parallel Processing Symposium, Proceedings Ipps ProcP11th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsP11th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications Proc SpieS11th International Symposium On High-performance Computer Architecture, ProceedingsInt S High Perf Comp>11th International Symposium On System Synthesis - ProceedingsProc Int Symp Syst911th International Vavilov Conference On Nonlinear OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Insd11th Mediterranean Conference On Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2007, Vols 1 and 2 Ifmbe Proc.11th Process Technology Conference Proceedings Proc Tech C^11th Slovak-czech-polish Optical Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins^11th Slovak-czech-polish Optical Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics Proc SpieC11th Symposium and School On High-resolution Molecular SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins911th U.s./ North American Mine Ventilation Symposium 2006Proc Monogr Eng Wate-11th Workshop On Labour and Labour Management Acta Hortic711. Workshop Fuzzy Control Des Gma-fa 5.22, ProceedingsFzka Tech Umw Wis BW12th Annual Ieee Symposium On Field-programmable Custom Computing Machines, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Sym Field PD12th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S Log<12th Annual Symposium On Photomask Technology and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt Ins012th Central European Workshop On Quantum OpticsJ Phys Conf Ser712th Conference On Theoretical Nuclear Physics in ItalyJ Phys Conf Ser^12th Czech-slovak-polish Optical Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins012th Ethylene Producers' Conference, ProceedingsProc Ethyl Produc C:12th European Conference On White Dwarf Stars, Proceedings Astr Soc PW12th Ieee International Conference On Engineering Complex Computer Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng CompU12th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtS12th Ieee International Symposium On Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, ProceedingsPr Int Symp Adv Res_12th Ieee International Workshop On Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Wkshp Fut Tr Dis712th International Conference On Magnetic Fluids Icmf12 Physcs ProcU12th International Conference On Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (phonons 2007)J Phys Conf SerP12th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsP12th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications Proc Spie812th International Symposium for Electromachining (isem) VDI Bericht?12th International Symposium On Electrets (ise 12), ProceedingsInt Symp Electrets512th International Symposium On Space Flight Dynamics Esa Sp PublD12th International Workshop On Lidar Multiple Scattering ExperimentsP Soc Photo-opt InsD12th International Workshop On Lidar Multiple Scattering Experiments Proc SpieD12th International Workshop On Rapid System Prototyping, ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst ProtF12th International Workshop On Slow Positron Beam Tecniques (slopos12)J Phys Conf Ser212th Kingston Meeting : Computational Astrophysics Astr Soc P%12th Nrel Photovoltaic Program Review Aip Conf ProcC12th Symposium and School On High-resolution Molecular SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsA12th Symposium On Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc?13th Annual Ieee International Asic/soc Conference, ProceedingsP Ieee Int Asic C&e<13th Annual Symposium On Photomask Technology and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt Ins&13th Asian Test Symposium, ProceedingsAsian Test Symposium413th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, ProceedingsUs For Serv T R Nc^13th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ013th Ethylene Producers' Conference, ProceedingsProc Ethyl Produc C;13th Euromicro Conference On Real-time Systems, Proceedings EuromicroZ13th European Conference On Software Maintenance and Reengineering: Csmr 2009, ProceedingsEur Con Sftwr Mtnceg13th Ieee/acm International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications, ProceedingsIeee Acm Dis Sim=13th Ieee Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Proceedings P Ieee CsfwI13th Ieee International Workshop On Rapid System Prototyping, ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst Prot713th Ieee Symposium On Computer Arithmetic, ProceedingsP S Comp Arithmc13th Imeko Tc1-tc7 Joint Symposium - Without Measurement No Science, Without Science No MeasurementJ Phys Conf SerA13th International Conference On Biomedical Engineering, Vols 1-3 Ifmbe Proc?13th International Conference On Data Engineering - ProceedingsProc Int Conf Dataw13th International Conference On Electrical Bioimpedance and The 8th Conference On Electrical Impedance Tomography 2007 Ifmbe Proc313th International Conference On Jetting TechnologyBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ<13th International Conference On Liquid and Amorphous MetalsJ Phys Conf Ser413th International Conference On Pipeline ProtectionBhr Gr Conf Ser PublJ13th International Conference On Rapidly Quenched and Metastable MaterialsJ Phys Conf Ser[13th International Conference On Slurry Handling and Pipeline Transport - Hydrotransport 13Bhr Gr Conf Ser PublP13th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsP13th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications Proc Spie=13th International Symposium On System Synthesis, ProceedingsProc Int Symp SystD13th International Workshop On Lidar Multiple Scattering ExperimentsP Soc Photo-opt InsD13th International Workshop On Lidar Multiple Scattering Experiments Proc SpieA13th International Workshop On Program Comprehension, ProceedingsProg Comprehen&13th Nrel Photovoltaics Program Review Aip Conf ProcV13th Polish-czech-slovak Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsV13th Polish-czech-slovak Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics Proc SpieC13th Symposium and School On High-resolution Molecular SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsA13th Tron Project International Symposium / Teps '96, ProceedingsP Tron Proj Symp:13th Working Conference On Reverse Engineering ProceedingsWork Conf Reverse EnO14th Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology and Management, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsP14th Annual Conference On Composites and Advanced Ceramic Materials, Pts 1 and 2Ceram Eng Sci Proc?14th Annual Ieee International Asic/soc Conference, ProceedingsP Ieee Int Asic C&e&14th Asian Test Symposium, ProceedingsAsian Test SymposiumC14th Cambridge Workshop On Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and The Sun Astr Soc PS14th Conference On Metal Matrix, Carbon, and Ceramic Matrix Composites, Pts 1 and 2 Nasa Conf PQ14th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research Esa Sp Publ314th European Workshop On White Dwarfs, Proceedings Astr Soc Pg14th Ieee/acm International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications (ds-rt 2010)Ieee Acm Dis Sim=14th Ieee Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Proceedings P Ieee CsfwX14th Ieee International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Technical DigestProc Ieee Micr ElectT14th Ieee International Conference On Program Comprehension (icpc 2006), ProceedingsInt C Program CompreU14th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtJ14th Ieee International Workshop On Rapid Systems Prototyping, ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst Prot714th Ieee Symposium On Computer Arithmetic, ProceedingsP S Comp Arithm>14th International Conference On Data Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf Data314th International Conference On Jetting TechnologyBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ^14th International Conference On Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 2007, ProceedingsI C Mech Mach Vis Pr614th International Conference On Optical Fiber SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins614th International Conference On Optical Fiber Sensors Proc SpieN14th International Conference On The Physics of Highly Charged Ions (hci 2008)J Phys Conf SerV14th International Conference On X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (xafs14), ProceedingsJ Phys Conf Ser*14th International Couette Taylor WorkshopJ Phys Conf SerP14th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsP14th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications Proc SpieQ14th International Symposium for The Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote SensingIop C Ser Earth EnvK14th Nordic-baltic Conference On Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics Ifmbe Proc814th Symposium On High-resolution Molecular SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins'14th Symposium On Photonic MeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>150 Years of Mathematics At Washington University in St. Louis Contemp Math215 Flurforderzeug-tagung 2009: Mit Fachausstellung VDI BerichtD15th Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf Comput?15th Annual Ieee International Asic/soc Conference, ProceedingsP Ieee Int Asic C&eD15th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S LogI15th Annual Symposium On Photomask Technology and Management, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsV15th Czech-polish-slovak Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsV15th Czech-polish-slovak Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics Proc Spie^15th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ^15th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Proceedings Esa Spec Publ[15th European Conference On Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and Microcomponents '98P Soc Photo-opt Ins15th European Triga ConferenceVtt Symp315th European Workshop On White Dwarfs, Proceedings Astr Soc P<15th Ieee Computer Security Foundation Workshop, Proceedings P Ieee Csfwm15th Ieee International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf AsapU15th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtH15th Ieee International Requirements Engineering Conference, ProceedingsInt Requir Eng ConfI15th Ieee International Workshop On Rapid System Prototyping, ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst Prot*15th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test Symp515th Interdisciplinary Forum of The Bundesarztekammer For For Med>15th International Conference On Data Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf Data.15th International Conference On Fluid SealingBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ315th International Conference On Jetting TechnologyBhr Gr Conf Ser PublH15th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 1, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogH15th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 2, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogH15th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 3, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogH15th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 4, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogS15th International Conference On Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (icppp15)J Phys Conf SerE15th International Conference On The Strength of Materials (icsma-15)J Phys Conf Ser15th International Conference The Knowledge-based Organization: Administrative and Juridical Sciences, Conference Proceedings 5Knowl Bas Organ Int15th International Conference The Knowledge-based Organization: Applied Technical Sciences and Advanced Military Technologies, Conference Proceedings 6Knowl Bas Organ Intx15th International Conference The Knowledge-based Organization: Behavioral and Social Sciences, Conference Proceedings 4Knowl Bas Organ Intk15th International Conference The Knowledge-based Organization: Economics Science, Conference Proceedings 3Knowl Bas Organ Intd15th International Conference The Knowledge-based Organization: Management, Conference Proceedings 2Knowl Bas Organ Int15th International Conference The Knowledge-based Organization: Military Sciences. Security and Defense, Conference Proceedings 1Knowl Bas Organ Int*15th International Couette-taylor WorkshopJ Phys Conf SerP15th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications Proc Spie15th Paul D Converse Symposium Amer Mar As815th Symposium On High-resolution Molecular SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins815th Symposium On High-resolution Molecular Spectroscopy Proc Spie11604-2004: Supernovae As Cosmological Lighthouses Astr Soc PD16th Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf ComputI16th Annual Ieee Symposium On High-performance Interconnects, ProceedingsSymp Hi Per IntD16th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S Log<16th Annual Symposium On Photomask Technology and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt Insj16th Congress of The International Commission for Optics : Optics As A Key to High Technology, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins^16th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ^16th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Proceedings Esa Spec Publ;16th Euromicro Conference On Real-time Systems, Proceedings EuromicroW16th European Conference On Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and MicrocomponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins|16th European Symposium On Computer Aided Process Engineering and 9th International Symposium On Process Systems EngineeringComput-aided Chem En#16th European White Dwarfs WorkshopJ Phys Conf Ser=16th Ieee Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Proceedings P Ieee Csfw@16th Ieee International Conference On Network Protocols: Icnp'08I C Network Protocol716th Ieee Symposium On Computer Arithmetic, ProceedingsP S Comp Arithm*16th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test Sympg16th International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architecture and Processors, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf AsapR16th International Conference On Computer-aided Production Engineering - Cape 2000Imeche Conf TransR16th International Conference On Computer Animation and Social Agents, ProceedingsComp Anim Conf Proct16th International Conference On Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures (edison 16)J Phys Conf Ser.16th International Conference On Fluid SealingBhr Gr Conf Ser PublG16th International Conference On Microscopy of Semiconducting MaterialsJ Phys Conf SerJ16th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol Iii, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogI16th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol Ii, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogH16th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol I, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogH16th International Conference On Pattern Recogniton, Vol Iv, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogJ16th International Conference On Photoelectronics and Night Vision DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsJ16th International Conference On Photoelectronics and Night Vision Devices Proc Spie;16th International Conference On Soft Computing Mendel 2010Mendel516th International Conference On Software EngineeringProc Int Conf SoftwP16th International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications Proc SpieP16th International Symposium On Boron, Borides and Related Materials (isbb 2008)J Phys Conf Ser 16th Space Simulation Conference Nasa Conf P!1755 Lisbon Earthquake: RevisitedGeot Geol Earthquake!1755 Lisbon Earthquake: RevisitedGeotech Geol EarthqD17th Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf ComputD17th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S Log<17th Annual Symposium On Photomask Technology and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt Insl17th Congress of The International Commission for Optics: Optics for Science and New Technology, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsQ17th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research Esa Sp PublQ17th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research Esa Spec Publ;17th Euromicro Conference On Real-time Systems, Proceedings EuromicroW17th European Conference On Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and MicrocomponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=17th European Symposium On Computer Aided Process EngineeringComput-aided Chem En"17th European White Dwarf Workshop Aip Conf Proc)17th Grs Conference - Report On A Meeting Grs Bericht=17th Ieee Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Proceedings P Ieee Csfw\17th Ieee International Symposium On Defect and Fault Tolerance in Vlsi Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int Symp Defect217th Ieee Real-time Systems Symposium, ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp P717th Ieee Symposium On Computer Arithmetic, ProceedingsP S Comp Arithm*17th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test SympS17th International Conference On Biomagnetism Advances in Biomagnetism - Biomag2010 Ifmbe Proc>17th International Conference On Data Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf DataC17th International Conference On Optical Fibre Sensors, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsC17th International Conference On Optical Fibre Sensors, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieJ17th International Conference On Photoelectronics and Night Vision DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsJ17th International Conference On Photoelectronics and Night Vision Devices Proc SpieB17th International Conference On Software Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf Softwy17th International Symposium On Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops: Fruit Tree Diseases, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic^17th Slovak-czech-polish Optical Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins^17th Slovak-czech-polish Optical Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics Proc SpieD18th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S Log<18th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture Acm Comp Ar<18th Annual Symposium On Photomask Technology and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt Ins18th Century Studies, Vol 17 U Lib Bruxe>18th Conference On Radio- and Microwave Spectroscopy, Ramis'99Molecul Phys RepI18th Conference On Software Engineering Education & Training, ProceedingsConf Softw Eng Educj18th Congress of The International Commission for Optics: Optics for The Next Millennium, Technical DigestP Soc Photo-opt Insj18th Congress of The International Commission for Optics: Optics for The Next Millennium, Technical Digest Proc SpieQ18th Esa Symposium On European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research Esa Spec Publ;18th Euromicro Conference On Real-time Systems, Proceedings EuromicroW18th European Conference On Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and MicrocomponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=18th European Symposium On Computer Aided Process EngineeringComput-aided Chem EnD18th Ieee Annual Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf Comput\18th Ieee International Symposium On Defect and Fault Tolerance in Vlsi Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int Symp Defect218th Ieee Real-time Systems Symposium, ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp P718th Ieee Symposium On Computer Arithmetic, ProceedingsP S Comp ArithmB18th Ieee Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems, Proceedings Comp Med SyW18th International Conference Electromagnetic Disturbances Emd 2008, Vol 1, ProceedingsInt Conf ElectromagW18th International Conference Electromagnetic Disturbances Emd 2008, Vol 2, ProceedingsInt Conf Electromag>18th International Conference On Data Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf DataK18th International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp S_18th International Conference On Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, ProceedingsInt Confer ParaH18th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 1, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogH18th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 2, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogH18th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 3, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogH18th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 4, ProceedingsInt C Patt RecogJ18th International Conference On Photoelectronics and Night Vision DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins918th International Conference On Vlsi Design, ProceedingsI Conf Vlsi Design718th International Water Supply Congress and Exhibition Water Supp618th Saint Flour Summer School On Probabilities - 1988Lect Notes Math1966 Hot Melt Symposium P Tech As P?1966 International Conference On Multichip Modules, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<1968 in Europe: A History of Protest and Activism, 1956-1977Palg Mac Ser Trans<1968 in Europe: A History of Protest and Activism, 1956-1977Palg Mac Transnat HL1977 Ieee International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference Ieee IpcccJ1988 Ama Educators Proceedings : Efficiency and Effectiveness in Marketing Ama Educ Prq1989 Acm Sigmetrics and Performance 89 : International Conference On Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems Perf E R Si,1989 Advances in Powder Metallurgy, Vols 1-3 Adv Pow MetM1989 Ama Educators Proceedings : Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing Ama Educ Pr.1989 Cern-jinr School of Physics : Proceedings Cern Report1989 Coating Conference P Tech As PH1989 Goddard Conference On Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence Nasa Conf P61989 Ieee Military Communications Conference, Vols 1-3 Ieee Conf R71989 Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 9Proc Pak Cong Zool1989 Wet End Operations Seminar Notes TechN1990 Acm Sigmetrics Conference On Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems Perf E R SiM1990 Ama Educators Proceedings : Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing Ama Educ Pr$1990 Ama Winter Educators Conference Amer Mar As)1990 Bleach Plant Operations Short Course Notes Tech*1990 Dyes, Fillers & Pigments Short Course Notes Tech)1990 Engineering Conference, Book 1 and 2 P Tech As P,1990 Environmental Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P(1990 Finishing and Converting Conference P Tech As PH1990 Goddard Conference On Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence Nasa Conf P.1990 Neutral/alkaline Papermaking Short Course Notes Tech1990 Papermakers Conference P Tech As P>1990 Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference, Book 1 and 2 P Tech As P:1990 Practical Aspects of Pressing and Drying Short Course Notes TechC1990 Proceedings : Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium P Rel Maint S&1990 Pulping Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P81990 Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, Vol 12 Usda Southe71990 Summer School in High Energy Physics and Cosmology Ictp S Theo1990 Tissue Seminar Notes TechC1990 Training for The Future : A Seminar for Training Professionals Notes Tech$1990 Wet End Operations Short Course Notes Tech1991 Ama Educators Proceedings Ama Educ PrO1991 Ama Winter Educators Conference : Marketing Theory and Applications, Vol 2Ama Winter Educ Conf)1991 Bleach Plant Operations Short Course Notes Tech+1991 Cern School of Computing : Proceedings Cern Report*1991 Chemical Processing Aids Short Course Notes Tech#1991 Coated Paperboard Short Course Notes Tech1991 Coating Conference P Tech As P,1991 Environmental Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P 1991 Film Extrusion Short Course Notes Tech21991 Forage and Grassland Conference : Proceedings P Forag GrH1991 Goddard Conference On Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence Nasa Conf P1991 Hot Melt Symposium Notes TechE1991 Ieee International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1-3 Ieee Ijcnn01991 International Mechanical Pulping Conference P Tech As P91991 International Paper Physics Conference, Book 1 and 2 P Tech As P+1991 Kraft Recovery Operations Short Course Notes Tech 1991 Lectures in Complex Systems Sfi Sci C L1991 Nonwovens Conference P Tech As P&1991 Paper Machine Drives Short Course Notes Tech1991 Papermakers Conference P Tech As P81991 Practical Aspects of Pressing & Drying Short Course Notes TechC1991 Proceedings : Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium P Rel Maint S-1991 Sheet Flutter & Windage Problems Seminar P Tech As PE1991 Summer School in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Vols 1 and 2 Ictp S Theo11991 Tappi / Isa Pupid Process Control Conference P Tech As P1991 Tissue Runnability Seminar Notes Tech?1991 Transactions of The American Association of Cost EngineersTrans Annu Meet Amer$1991 Wet End Operations Short Course Notes Tech%1992 Ama Educators Proceedings, Vol 3 Ama Educ PrO1992 Ama Winter Educators Conference : Marketing Theory and Applications, Vol 3 Ama Educ Prh1992 American Forage and Grassland Council, Proceedings - Forages 92 : Grassroots of Animals Agriculture P Forag Gr)1992 Bleach Plant Operations Short Course Notes Tech'1992 Calendering & Winding Short Course Notes Tech+1992 Cern School of Computing : Proceedings Cern Report)1992 Chip Preparation and Quality Seminar Notes Tech#1992 Coated Paperboard Short Course Notes Tech!1992 Coating Binders Short Course Notes Tech1992 Coating Conference P Tech As P1992 Coextrusion Short Course Notes TechF1992 Contaminant Problems & Strategies in Wastepaper Recycling Seminar Notes Tech%1992 Corrugated Containers Conference P Tech As P&1992 Engineering Conference, Books 1-3 P Tech As P(1992 Environmental Conference, Books 1-3 P Tech As P(1992 Finishing and Converting Conference P Tech As P1992 Hot Melt Symposium Notes Tech-1992 Ico Topical Meeting On Optical ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins41992 Ieee Cement Industry Technical Conference XxxivIeee Cem Ind Tech Co51992 Implementing Iso 9000 Quality Standards Tutorial Notes TechL1992 International Chemical Recovery Conference : Proceedings, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P;1992 International Conference On Lasers and OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins51992 International Printing & Graphic Arts Conference P Tech As P+1992 Kraft Recovery Operations Short Course Notes Tech 1992 Lectures in Complex Systems Sfi Sci C LP1992 Nonwoven Fibers : Properties, Characteristics and Applications Short Course Notes Tech1992 Nonwovens Conference P Tech As P#1992 Plastic Laminates Short Course Notes Tech01992 Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference P Tech As P:1992 Practical Aspects of Pressing and Drying Short Course Notes Tech+1992 Process and Product Quality Conference P Tech As P"1992 Pulping Conference, Books 1-3 P Tech As P<1992 Report to The Aerospace Profession, Setp 36th SymposiumSymp P Soc Exp T Pil71992 Shanghai International Symposium On Quantum OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$1992: Shaw and The Law Hundred YearsShaw1992 Sizing Short Course Notes Tech1992 Solvent Pulping Symposium Notes Tech#1992 Stock Preparation Short Course Notes Tech1992 Tissue Runnability Seminar Notes Tech*1992 Topical Meeting On Photonic SwitchingP Soc Photo-opt Ins$1992 Wet End Operations Short Course Notes Tech,1993 Advanced Coating Fundamentals Symposium Notes Tech%1993 Ama Educators Proceedings, Vol 4 Ama Educ Pr%1993 Ama Winter Educators' ConferenceAma Winter Educ Conf61993 American Forage and Grassland Council Proceedings P Forag Gr1993 Coating Conference P Tech As P&1993 Engineering Conference, Books 1-3 P Tech As P,1993 Environmental Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P+1993 European School of High-energy Physics Cern Report1993 Hot Melt Symposium Notes TechB1993 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-s01993 International Symposium On MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+1993 Kraft Recovery Operations Short Course Notes Tech'1993 Nonwovens Conference : Proceedings P Tech As P&1993 Paper Machine Drives Short Course Notes Tech81993 Papermakers Conference : Proceedings, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P>1993 Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference, Vols 1 and 2 P Tech As P51993 Practical Aspects of Pressing and Drying Seminar Notes Tech"1993 Pulping Conference, Books 1-3 P Tech As P1993 Recycling Symposium Notes Tech,1993 Tappi Applications in Wet End Chemistry Notes Tech11993 Tappi / Isa Pupid Process-control Conference P Tech As P<1993 Transactions of Aace International: 37th Annual MeetingTrans Annu Meet Amer$1993 Wet End Operations Short Course Notes TechY1994 Ausimm Annual Conference: Australian Mining Looks North - The Challenges and ChoicesAustralas I Min Met/1994 Biological Sciences Symposium, Proceedings P Tech As P*1994 Cern School of Computing, Proceedings Cern Report$1994 Coating Conference, Proceedings P Tech As P1994 Deinking Short Course Notes Tech1994 Educational Conference and 81st Annual Meeting of Appa: The Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers, Proceedings Ann M Appa31994 Engineering Conference, Proceedings, Books 1-3 P Tech As P81994 European School of High-energy Physics, Proceedings Cern Report51994 Finishing and Converting Conference, Proceedings P Tech As P1994 Hot Melt Symposium P Tech As P\1994 Ieee/acm International Conference On Computer-aided Design - Digest of Technical Papers Ieee Ic CadF1994 Ieee Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference Ieee Text F1994 Ieee First World Conference On Photovoltaic Energy Conversion/conference Record of The Twenty Fourth Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists Conference-1994, Vols I and IiIeee Phot Spec ConfT1994 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation: Proceedings, Vols 1-4Ieee Int Conf RobotT1994 Ieee International Solid-state Circuits Conference - Digest of Technical PapersIsscc Dig Tech Pap IB1994 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB1994 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-sJ1994 Ieee Seventh Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems, Proceedings Comp Med Sy51994 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1-3Ultrason1994 International Conference On Hydraulics in Civil Engineering - Hydraulics Working With The Environment, Preprints of Papers Inst Eng A1994 Nonwovens Conference P Tech As P'1994 Papermakers Conferences, Books 1-2 P Tech As P 1994 Plastic Laminates Symposium P Tech As P01994 Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference P Tech As P51994 Practical Aspects of Pressing and Drying Seminar Notes Tech+1994 Process and Product Quality Conference P Tech As P1994 Process Control Symposium P Tech As P"1994 Pulping Conference, Books 1-3 P Tech As P1994 Recycling Symposium P Tech As P<1994 Tappi Paper Properties: What, How, and Why Short Course Notes Tech,1994 Topical Meeting On Optical Data StorageP Soc Photo-opt Ins$1994 Wet End Operations Short Course Notes TechG1995 25th International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym MvlN1995 Ama Educators' Proceedings - Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing Ama Educ PrI1995 Ama Winter Educators' Conference - Marketing Theory and ApplicationsAma Winter Educ Conff1995 Avionics Conference and Exhibition - Low-cost Avionics: Can We Afford It?, Conference ProceedingsEra Rep*1995 Cern School of Computing, Proceedings Cern Report&1995 Coating Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P#1995 Coating Fundamentals Symposium P Tech As P>1995 Educational Conference & 82nd Annual Meeting, Proceedings Ann M Appa81995 European School of High-energy Physics, Proceedings Cern Report1995 Hot Melt Symposium P Tech As PH1995 Ieee Cement Industry Technical Conference: Xxxvii Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech CoL1995 Ieee International Conference On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1 and 2Ieee C Evol ComputatS1995 Ieee International Solid-state Circuits Conference, Digest of Technical PapersIsscc Dig Tech Pap IC1995 Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and Systems, Vols 1-3Ieee Int Symp Circ SB1995 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB1995 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-s81995 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv91995 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ultrasonl1995 International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-5Int Conf Acoust Spee41995 International Conference On Education in OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins21995 International Conference On Multichip ModulesP Soc Photo-opt Ins:1995 International Environmental Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P01995 International Symposium On MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins01995 International Symposium On Microelectronics Proc Spie?1995 Meeting of The Northern Global Change Program, Proceedings Usda Ne Exp1995 Nonwovens Conference P Tech As P1995 Papermakers Conference P Tech As P?1995 Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As PC1995 Proceedings of The Eighty-eighth Annual Conference On Taxation P A Con Tax)1995 Process & Product Quality Conference P Tech As P&1995 Pulping Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P1995 Recycling Symposium P Tech As P1995 Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court RevI1995 Tappi/isa Pupid Process Control, Electrical & Information Conference P Tech As Pf1995 Transactions of Aace International - Proceedings of The 39th Annual Meeting of Aace InternationalTrans Annu Meet AmerG1996 26th International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym MvlU1996 Ama Educators' Proceedings, Vol 7 - Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing Ama Educ PrP1996 Ama Winter Educators' Conference, Vol 7 - Marketing Theory and ApplicationsAma Winter Educ Conf71996 American Forage and Grassland Council, Proceedings P Forag Gr1996 Cern School of Computing Cern Report#1996 Coating Conference Proceedings P Tech As P1996 Deinking Short Course Notes Tech*1996 Engineering Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P+1996 European School of High-energy Physics Cern Report&1996 Finishing & Converting Conference P Tech As P\1996 Ieee/acm International Conference On Computer-aided Design - Digest of Technical Papers Ieee Ic CadF1996 Ieee Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference Ieee Text F]1996 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsProc Cvpr Ieeep1996 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-6Int Conf Acoust SpeeY1996 Ieee International Conference On Evolutionary Computation (icec '96), Proceedings OfIeee C Evol ComputatT1996 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Proceedings, Vols 1-4Ieee Int Conf RobotS1996 Ieee International Solid-state Circuits Conference, Digest of Technical PapersIsscc Dig Tech Pap IB1996 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-sA1996 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium - Conference Record, Vols 1-3Ieee Nucl Sci Conf RN1996 Ieee/pca Cement Industry Technical Conference - Xxxviii Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech Co81996 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur PrivS1996 Ieee Tencon - Digital Signal Processing Applications Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Tencon Ieee Region:1996 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ultrason1996 International Conference On Simulation and Multimedia in Engineering Education (icsee '96) / Communication Networks Modeling and Simulation Conference Simul Series91996 International Environmental Conference Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P51996 International Printing & Graphic Arts Conference P Tech As P;1996 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P01996 International Symposium On MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)1996 Metered Size Press Forum Proceedings P Tech As P1996 Nonwovens Conference P Tech As P1996 Papermakers Conference P Tech As P 1996 Plastic Laminates Symposium P Tech As P?1996 Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P)1996 Process & Product Quality Conference P Tech As P81996 Process Control Electrical & Information Conference P Tech As P&1996 Pulping Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P1996 Recycling Symposium P Tech As P$1996 Rural Electric Power Conference Rur Elec P41996 Symposium for The Marketing of Higher Education Amer Mar AsM1996 Tappi, Apa, Cppa & Motag-south Chip Preparation and Quality Short Course Notes Tech)1996 Tappi Coated Paperboard Short Course Notes Tech*1996 Tappi Life Cycle Assessment Symposium P Tech As P+1996 Tappi Minimum Effluent Mills Symposium P Tech As P1996 The Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court Rev,1997 Asian International Laminates Symposium P Tech As P"1997 Biological Sciences Symposium P Tech As PQ1997 Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Weeds, Conference Proceedings Vols 1-3Proc Brighton Crop1997 Cern School of Computing Cern Report1997 Coating Conference P Tech As P1997 Deinking Short Course Notes Tech61997 Environmental Conference & Exhibit, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P,1997 Federal Budget: Retrospect and ProspectPolicy Forum Series51997 Finishing and Converting Conference & Trade Fair P Tech As P1997 Hot Melt Symposium P Tech As PD1997 Ieee 47th Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-3 Ieee Vtc P11997 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 1Aerosp Conf ProcF1997 Ieee Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference Ieee A Text]1997 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsProc Cvpr Ieee>1997 Ieee Conference On Information Visualization, ProceedingsIeee Infor VisZ1997 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vols I - VInt Conf Acoust SpeeU1997 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation - Proceedings, Vols 1-4Ieee Int Conf RobotT1997 Ieee International Solid-state Circuits Conference - Digest of Technical PapersIsscc Dig Tech Pap ID1997 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols I-iiiIeee Mtt S Int MicrD1997 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols I-iii Ieee Mtt-sa1997 Ieee Pacific Rim Conference On Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee PacifL1997 Ieee/pca Cement Industry Technical Conference - Xxxix Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech Coa1997 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop - Asmc 97 Proceedings Asmc Proc91997 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy - ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv41997 Ieee Symposium On Visual Languages, Proceedings Ieee VislangN1997 International Conference On Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation (icbgm'97) Simul Series`1997 International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials - Conference ProceedingsConf P Indium PhosphO1997 International Conference On Simulation in Engineering Education (icsee'97) Simul Series=1997 International Symposium On Microelectronics, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1997 Kraft Pulping Short Course Notes Tech1997 Newsprint Forum P Tech As P1997 Nonwovens Conference P Tech As P31997 Pacific Rim Conference On Stellar Astrophysics Astr Soc P?1997 Polymers, Laminations, & Coating Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P61997 Process & Product Quality Conference & Trade Fair P Tech As P&1997 Pulping Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P1997 Recycling Symposium P Tech As PD1997 Shanghai International Conference On Laser Medicine and SurgeryP Soc Photo-opt Ins?1997 Tappi Advanced Coating Fundamentals Symposium, Proceedings P Tech As P$1997 Tissue Runnability Short Course Notes TechM1998 28th Ieee International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic - Proceedings Int Sym Mvl71998 American Forage and Grassland Council, Proceedings P Forag Gr*1998 Cern School of Computing, Proceedings Cern Report81998 European School of High-energy Physics, Proceedings Cern Report1998 Hot Melt Symposium P Tech As P11998 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 1Aerosp Conf Proc]1998 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsProc Cvpr Ieee?1998 Ieee Conference On Information Visualization - ProceedingsIeee Infor VisL1998 Ieee International Conference On Evolutionary Computation - ProceedingsIeee C Evol ComputatG1998 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Vols 1-4Ieee Int Conf RobotM1998 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vols 1-5Ieee Sys Man CybernL1998 Ieee International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference Ieee Ipccc\1998 Ieee International Symposium On Defect and Fault Tolerance in Vlsi Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int Symp DefectB1998 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-s;1998 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium - Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ultrason`1998 International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials - Conference ProceedingsConf P Indium PhosphB1998 International Conference On Parallel Processing - ProceedingsProc Int Conf Paral01998 International Symposium On MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins01998 International Symposium On Microelectronics Proc SpieR1998 International Workshop On Memory Technology, Design and Testing - ProceedingsRec Ieee Int Wkshp MC1998 Sixth International Workshop On Quality of Service (iwqos '98)Int Worksh Qual Serv1998 The Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court RevS1998 Trb Distinguished Lecture, Pt 1/maintenance Challenges and Safety Issues, Pt 2Transport Res RecL1999 29th Ieee International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym Mvl*1999 Cern School of Computing, Proceedings Cern Report81999 Ieee 49th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols 1-3Ieee Vts Veh TechnolJ1999 Ieee-ias/pca Cement Industry Technical Conference - Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech CoL1999 Ieee International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference Ieee IpcccB1999 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-4Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB1999 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-4 Ieee Mtt-sA1999 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium - Conference Record, Vols 1-3Ieee Nucl Sci Conf RQ1999 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (rfic) Symposium - Digest of PapersIeee Rad Freq Integr91999 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ultrason;1999 International Conference On Biomedical Optics (bmo'99)P Soc Photo-opt InsM1999 International Conference On High Density Packaging and Mcms, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsM1999 International Conference On High Density Packaging and Mcms, Proceedings Proc Spie:1999 International Conference On Industrial Lasers (il'99)P Soc Photo-opt Ins=1999 International Symposium On Microelectronics, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=1999 International Symposium On Microelectronics, Proceedings Proc Spie1999 Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court RevD19th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S LogJ19th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture : Proceedings Acm Comp Ar:19th Annual Symposium On Photomask Technology, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsI19th Conference On Software Engineering Education & Training, ProceedingsConf Softw Eng Educ;19th Euromicro Conference On Real-time Systems, Proceedings EuromicroW19th European Conference On Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and MicrocomponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=19th European Symposium On Computer Aided Process EngineeringComput-aided Chem EnD19th Ieee Annual Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf ComputP19th Ieee International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp S]19th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, Vol Ii, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools Art\19th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, Vol I, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtP19th Ieee International Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems, Proceedings Comp Med Syv19th Ieee International Workshops On Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (wetice 2010)Ieee Enabl Technol219th Ieee Real-time Systems Symposium, ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp PA19th Ieee Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems - ProceedingsSym Rel Dist Syst*19th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test Symp>19th International Conference On Data Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf DataC19th International Conference On Optical Fibre Sensors, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsC19th International Conference On Optical Fibre Sensors, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie>19th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vols 1-6Int C Patt RecogJ19th International Conference On Photoelectronics and Night Vision DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins919th International Conference On Vlsi Design, ProceedingsI Conf Vlsi DesignP19th International Congress On High-speed Photography and Photonics, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsC19th International Iupap Conference On Few-body Problems in Physics Epj Web Confa19th International Symposium On Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, ProceedingsInt Sym Comp Archit719th International Water Supply Congress and Exhibition Water Supp619th Saint Flour Summer School On Probabilities - 1989Lect Notes Math 19th Space Simulation Conference Nasa Conf Pu1st Annual International Conference On Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1st Arena Conference On Large Astronomical Infrastructures At Concordia, Prospects and Constraints for Antarctic Optical/ir AstronomyEas PublicationsQ1st Asia-pacific Forum On Engineering and Technology Education, Forum ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ SerP1st Austrian-hungarian Workshop On Distributed and Parallel Systems, Proceedings Kfki Prep R<1st Collaborative Innovation Networks Conference - Coins2009Procd Soc Behv41st Conference On Evacuation Modeling and ManagementProcedia Engineer)1st Crisis in Cosmology Conference, Ccc-i Aip Conf ProcQ1st Eps Conference On History of Physics in Europe in The 19th and 20th Centuries Ital Phy So 1st Eucomas VDI Bericht.1st European Nonlinear Oscillations ConferenceMath Resj1st International Conference On Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors Ital Phy SoJ1st International Conference On Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature Refr Sci TF1st International Conference On New Materials for Extreme Environments Adv Mat ResQ1st International Conference On Process Intensification for The Chemical IndustryBhr Gr Conf Ser PublP1st International Conference On Protecting The Environment - in Process IndustryBhr Gr Conf Ser Puble1st International Conference On Security Camera Network, Privacy Protection and Community Safety 2009Procd Soc BehvY1st International Ieee Embs Conference On Neural Engineering 2003, Conference ProceedingsI Ieee Embs C Neur E=1st International Rilem Symposium On Self Compacting Concrete Rilem Proc71st International Rilem Symposium On Timber Engineering Rilem ProcY1st International Symposium On Design, Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete Rilem Proc?1st International Symposium On Laser Precision MicrofabricationP Soc Photo-opt Ins61st North American Conference On Multiphase TechnologyBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ1st Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education Under The Theme: Globalisation of Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser51st Workshop Italian Research On Antarctic Atmosphere Ital Phy So@1st Workshop On Intense Hadron Facilities and Antiproton Physics Ital Phy So?1st Workshop On Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications Aip Conf Proc1v Cmos G(m)-c FiltersAnalog Circ Sig ProcN2000 Ama Educators' Proceedings - Enhancing Knowledge Development in MarketingAma Winter Educ ConfI2000 Ama Winter Educators' Conference - Marketing Theory and ApplicationsAma Winter Educ Conf2000 Cern School of Computing Cern Report+2000 European School of High-energy Physics Cern ReportS2000 Hd International Conference On High-density Interconnect and Systems PackagingP Soc Photo-opt InsS2000 Hd International Conference On High-density Interconnect and Systems Packaging Proc Spie12000 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 1Aerosp Conf Proc12000 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 2Aerosp Conf Proc12000 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 3Aerosp Conf Proc12000 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 4Aerosp Conf Proc12000 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 5Aerosp Conf Proc12000 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 6Aerosp Conf Proc12000 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vol 7Aerosp Conf Procj2000 Ieee Embs International Conference On Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, ProceedingsEng Med Biol Soc AnnI2000 Ieee-ias/pca Cement Industry Technical Conference, Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech Cof2000 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Proceedings, Vols I-viInt Conf Acoust Speeb2000 Ieee International Conference On Computer Design: Vlsi in Computers & Processors, ProceedingsPr Ieee Comp DesignL2000 Ieee International Conference On Information Visualisation, ProceedingsIeee Infor VisB2000 Ieee International Symposium On Visual Languages, Proceedings Ieee VislangB2000 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB2000 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-sK2000 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop Asmc ProcP2000 Ieee Symposium On Field-programmable Custom Computing Machines, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Sym Field P82000 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv92000 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2UltrasonE2000 International Conference On Image Processing, Vol I, ProceedingsIeee Image Proc_2000 International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Conference ProceedingsConf P Indium PhosphA2000 International Conference On Parallel Processing, ProceedingsProc Int Conf Paral02000 International Symposium On MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins02000 International Symposium On Microelectronics Proc Spie42000 Symposium for The Marketing of Higher Education Amer Mar AsB2000 Trb Distinguished Lecture, Pt 1 - Asphalt Mixtures 2000, Pt 2Transport Res Rec62001: A Materials and Processes Odyssey, Books 1 and 2Int Sampe Tech ConfI2001 Ama Winter Educators' Conference - Marketing Theory and ApplicationsAma Winter Educ Conf,2001 Cern-claf School of High-energy Physics Cern Report+2001 European School of High-energy Physics Cern Report`2001 Hd International Conference On High-density Interconnect and Systems Packaging, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins`2001 Hd International Conference On High-density Interconnect and Systems Packaging, Proceedings Proc Spie42001 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-7Aerosp Conf Procd2001 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol 1, ProceedingsProc Cvpr Ieeed2001 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol 2, ProceedingsProc Cvpr Ieeef2001 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vols I-vi, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust SpeeU2001 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Vols I-iv, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf RobotM2001 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vols 1-5Ieee Sys Man Cybern\2001 Ieee International Symposium On Defect and Fault Tolerance in Vlsi Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int Symp DefectV2001 Ieee International Workshop On Memory Technology, Design and Testing, ProceedingsRec Ieee Int Wkshp MB2001 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB2001 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-sA2001 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium, Conference Records, Vols 1-4Ieee Nucl Sci Conf RP2001 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (rfic) Symposium, Digest of PapersIeee Rad Freq Integr>2001 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Asmc Proc82001 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv92001 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2UltrasonH2001 International Conference On Computer Design, Iccd 2001, ProceedingsPr Ieee Comp DesignE2001 International Conference On Image Processing, Vol I, ProceedingsIeee Image Proc_2001 International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Conference ProceedingsConf P Indium Phosph=2001 International Symposium On Microelectronics, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=2001 International Symposium On Microelectronics, Proceedings Proc Spie62001 Spring School On Superstrings and Related MattersIctp Lect Notes&2001 Summer School On Particle PhysicsIctp Lect Notes2001 The Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court RevL2001 Trb Distinguished Lecture, Pt 1 - Bicycle and Pedestrian Research, Pt 2Transport Res RecQ2002 23rd International Conference On Microelectronics, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt Conf Microelectr82002 European School of High-energy Physics, Proceedings Cern Report42002 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-7Aerosp Conf Proc2002 Ieee Africon, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Africonf2002 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vols I-iv, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust SpeeU2002 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics & The Environment, Conference RecordIeee Int Symp Electr=2002 Ieee International Workshop On Workload CharacterizationI S Workl Char ProcB2002 Ieee/leos Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Leos Ann MtgB2002 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB2002 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-s@2002 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium, Conference Record, Vols 1-3Ieee Nucl Sci Conf RP2002 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (rfic) Symposium, Digest of PapersIeee Rad Freq IntegrK2002 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop Asmc Proc82002 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv92002 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2UltrasonL2002 International Conference On Advanced Packaging and Systems, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsE2002 International Conference On Image Processing, Vol I, ProceedingsIeee Image Proc@2002 International Conference On Parallel Processing, ProceedingProc Int Conf Paral=2002 International Symposium On Microelectronics, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=2002 International Symposium On Microelectronics, Proceedings Proc Spie<2002 Tenth Ieee International Workshop On Quality of ServiceInt Worksh Qual ServD2003 Ieee 58th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols1-5, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh Technol42003 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-8Aerosp Conf Procd2003 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol 1, ProceedingsProc Cvpr Ieeee2003 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol Ii, ProceedingsProc Cvpr Ieee42003 Ieee Industry Applications Conference, Vols 1-3Ieee Ind Applic Socc2003 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Ii, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust Speec2003 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Iv, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust SpeeT2003 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf Robotd2003 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vols 1-5, Conference ProceedingsIeee Sys Man CybernY2003 Ieee International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference Proceedings Ieee IpcccS2003 Ieee International Solid-state Circuits Conference: Digest of Technical PapersIsscc Dig Tech Pap IU2003 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics & The Environment, Conference RecordIeee Int Symp ElectrO2003 Ieee International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing, ProceedingsI S Intell Sig Pr=2003 Ieee International Workshop On Workload CharacterizationI S Workl Char ProcB2003 Ieee Leos Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Leos Ann MtgB2003 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB2003 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-s@2003 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium, Conference Record, Vols 1-5Ieee Nucl Sci Conf RP2003 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (rfic) Symposium, Digest of PapersIeee Rad Freq Integr82003 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv92003 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ultrason\2003 International Conference Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Conference ProceedingsConf P Indium PhosphE2003 International Conference On Image Processing, Vol 1, ProceedingsIeee Image Proc02003 International Symposium On MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins02003 International Symposium On Microelectronics Proc Spiej2003 International Symposium On Technology and Society: Crime Prevention, Security and Design, ProceedingsInt Symp Technol Soc*2003 Physics Education Research Conference Aip Conf ProcD2004 11th International Conference On Harmonics and Quality of PowerInt C Harmon Qual PoO2004 12th Ieee International Conference On Networks, Vols 1 and 2 , ProceedingsIeee Int Conf NetworX2004 23rd Ieee Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, ProceedingsIeee Conv El Elect IQ2004 24th International Conference On Microelectronics, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Int Conf MicroelectrA2004 43rd Ieee Conference On Decision and Control (cdc), Vols 1-5Ieee Decis Contr P42004 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-6Aerosp Conf ProcA2004 Ieee Africon: 7th Africon Conference in Africa, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee AfriconI2004 Ieee Conference On Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Vols 1 and 2Conf Cybern Intell Sc2004 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Ii, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust SpeeJ2004 Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf FuzzyU2004 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Vols 1- 5, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf RobotJ2004 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Vols 1-7Ieee Sys Man CybernD2004 Ieee International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final ReportInt Integ Rel WrkspR2004 Ieee International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1-4, Proceedings Ieee IjcnnS2004 Ieee International Solid-state Circuits Conference, Digest of Technical PapersIsscc Dig Tech Pap IH2004 Ieee International Workshop On Imaging Systems and Techniques (ist)I W Imag Syst TechniB2004 Ieee Leos Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Leos Ann Mtg?2004 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vols 1-7Ieee Nucl Sci Conf RP2004 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (rfic) Symposium, Digest of PapersIeee Rad Freq IntegrK2004 Ieee/sarnoff Symposium On Advances in Wired and Wireless CommunicationIeee Sarnoff SymposK2004 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop Asmc Proc82004 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv)2004 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium, Vols 1-3UltrasonE2004 Ieee Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Vols 1-4 Ieee Wcnc_2004 International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Conference ProceedingsConf P Indium PhosphA2004 International Conference On Parallel Processing, ProceedingsProc Int Conf ParalK2004 International Conference On Parallel Processing Workshops, ProceedingsProc Int Conf ParalB2004 International Symposium On Technology and Society - Istas '04Int Symp Technol Socw2004 Journal of The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists: From The Proceedings of The Technical Sessions, Vol 73J Assoc Asphalt Pav*2004 Physics Education Research Conference Aip Conf Proc2004 The Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court Rev>2004 Twelfth Ieee International Workshop On Quality of ServiceInt Worksh Qual Serv2005 13th Ieee International Conference On Networks Jointly Held With The 2005 7th Ieee Malaysia International Conference On Communications, Proceedings 1 and 2Ieee Int Conf NetworF2005 14th Ieee Workshop On Local & Metropolitan Area Networks (lanman)Wrks Loc Metro AreaP2005/2006 Ieee/pes Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, Vols 1-3Trans Distrib Confk2005 27th Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7P Ann Int Ieee Embs@2005 28th International Spring Seminar On Electronics TechnologyInt Spr Sem Elect TeA2005 2nd Internatinoal Ieee/embs Conference On Neural EngineeringI Ieee Embs C Neur EV2005 3rd Ieee/embs Special Topic Conference On Microtechnology in Medicine and BiologyEng Med Biol Soc AnnY2005 44th Ieee Conference On Decision and Control & European Control Conference, Vols 1-8Ieee Decis Contr PB2005 4th Ieee International Conference On Development and LearningInt C Devel Learn<2005 Asia-pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-5Asia Pacif MicrowaveP2005 European Conference On Wireless Technologies (ecwt), Conference ProceedingsEuro Wirel Technol C92005 Ieee 31st Annual Northeast Bioengineering ConferenceNortheast Bioengin CG2005 Ieee 36th Power Electronic Specialists Conference (pesc), Vols 1-3Ieee Power ElectronA2005 Ieee 9th International Conference On Rehabilitation RoboticsInt C Rehab Robot(2005 Ieee Aerospace Conference, Vols 1-4Aerosp Conf ProcP2005 Ieee Asian Solid-state Circuits Conference, Proceedings of Technical PapersIeee Asian Solid Sta52005 Ieee Cement Industry Technical Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech Cod2005 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol 1, ProceedingsProc Cvpr Ieeed2005 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol 2, ProceedingsProc Cvpr IeeeN2005 Ieee Conference On Electron Devices and Solid-state Circuits, ProceedingsIeee C Elec DevicesE2005 Ieee Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee C Evol Computat*2005 Ieee Csic Symposium, Technical DigestComp Semicond Integrb2005 Ieee Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and ApplicationsInt Worksh Int DataX2005 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vols 1-5Int Conf Acoust Speeb2005 Ieee International Conference On Computer Design: Vlsi in Computers & Processors, ProceedingsPr Ieee Comp DesignM2005 Ieee International Conference On Control Applications (cca), Vols 1and 2Ieee Intl Conf ContrO2005 Ieee International Conference On Electro/information Technology (eit 2005)Int Conf Electro InfN2005 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation (icra), Vols 1-4Ieee Int Conf RobotB2005 Ieee International Frequency Control Symposium and ExhibitionP Ieee Int Freq Cont02005 Ieee International Radar, Conference Record Ieee Rad Conf02005 Ieee International Radar, Conference Record Radar ConfO2005 Ieee International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings - 43rd Annual Int Rel Phyc2005 Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and Systems (iscas), Vols 1-6, Conference ProceedingsIeee Int Symp Circ SU2005 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics & The Environment, Conference RecordIeee Int Symp ElectrP2005 Ieee International Symposium On Technology and Society (istas), ProceedingsInt Symp Technol SocX2005 Ieee International Workshop On Memory Technology, Design, and Testing - ProceedingsRec Ieee Int Wkshp M;2005 Ieee Leos Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings (leos)Ieee Leos Ann Mtg;2005 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium, Vols 1-4Ieee Mtt S Int Micr;2005 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium, Vols 1-4 Ieee Mtt-s?2005 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vols 1-5Ieee Nucl Sci Conf R\2005 Ieee Pacific Rim Conference On Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (pacrim) Ieee Pacif92005 Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference (pac), Vols 1-4Ieee Part Acc Conf>2005 Ieee Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Vols, 1-3Ieee Power Eng SocP2005 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (rfic) Symposium, Digest of PapersIeee Rad Freq IntegrK2005 Ieee Sarnoff Symposium On Advances in Wired and Wireless CommunicationIeee Sarnoff Sympos}2005 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop: Advancing Semiconductor Manufacturing Excellence Asmc Proc2005 Ieee Sensors, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Sensor82005 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv)2005 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium, Vols 1-4UltrasonE2005 Ieee Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Vols 1-4 Ieee WcncC2005 Ieee Workshop On Machine Learning for Signal Processing (mlsp)Machine Learn Sign PR2005 Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Systems - Design and Implementation (sips)Ieee Wrk Sig Pro Sys`2005 International Conference On Communications, Circuits and Systems, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt C Commun CircuitM2005 International Conference On Dependable Systems and Networks, ProceedingsI C Depend Sys NetwoB2005 International Conference On Image Processing (icip), Vols 1-5Ieee Image ProcG2005 International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related MaterialsConf P Indium PhosphK2005 International Conference On Parallel Processing Workshops, ProceedingsProc Int Conf ParalB2005 International Conference On Parallel Processsing, ProceedingsProc Int Conf Parals2005 International Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2I C Wirel Comm NetwS2005 International Symposium On Collaborative Technologies and Systems, ProceedingsInt S Collab Technolw2005 Journal of The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists: From The Proceedings of The Technical Sessions, Vol 74J Assoc Asphalt Pav*2005 Physics Education Research Conference Aip Conf Proc2005 The Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court RevR2005 Workshop On Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (waspaa)Int Integ Rel Wrkspn2006 10th International Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Int C Comp Supp CoopQ2006 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Vols 1-4Int Power Elect MotH2006 14th Ieee International Workshop On Quality of Service, ProceedingsInt Worksh Qual ServH2006 15th Ieee International Symposium On Applications of FerroelectricsIeee Int FerroQ2006 25th International Conference On Microelectronics, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt Conf Microelectr@2006 29th International Spring Seminar On Electronics TechnologyInt Spr Sem Elect TeF2006 38th Annual North American Power Symposium, Naps-2006 ProceedingsNorth Amer Pow SympI2006 3rd Ieee Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Vols 1-3Consum Comm NetworkT2006 3rd Ieee International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, Vols 1-3I S Biomed ImagingZ2006: 40th Annual Ieee International Carnahan Conferences Security Technology, Proceedings Car C Secur@2006 8th International Conference On Signal Processing, Vols 1-4Int Conf Sign Proces+2006 American Control Conference, Vols 1-12P Amer Contr Conf=2006 Bimw: 2006 Beijing International Materials Week, Pts 1-4Mater Sci ForumI2006 Canadian Conference On Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vols 1-5Can Con El Comp En@2006 Design Automation and Test in Europe, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsDes Aut Test Europe12006 European Conference On Wireless TechnologiesEuro Wirel Technol C62006 European Microwave Integrated Circuits ConferenceEur Microw Integrat2006 European Radar ConferenceEurop Radar ConfM2006 Fortieth Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers, Vols 1-5Conf Rec Asilomar CI2006 Ieee 24th Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in IsraelIeee Conv El Elect I82006 Ieee 63rd Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols 1-6Ieee Vts Veh Technol82006 Ieee 64th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols 1-6Ieee Vts Veh Technol(2006 Ieee Aerospace Conference, Vols 1-9Aerosp Conf ProcB2006 Ieee/aiaa 25th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Vols 1- 3Digit Avion Syst Con#2006 Ieee Autotestcon, Vols 1 and 2Ieee AutotestconI2006 Ieee Conference On Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Vols 1 and 2Conf Cybern Intell S82006 Ieee Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-6Ieee C Evol ComputatH2006 Ieee/ifip Network Operations and Management Symposium, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Ifip Netw OperU2006 Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-5 Ieee Imtc Pd2006 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Iii, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust Speec2006 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Ii, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust Speeb2006 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Iv, ProcessingInt Conf Acoust SpeeX2006 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vols 1-13Int Conf Acoust Speeb2006 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol V, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust Spee?2006 Ieee International Conference On Communications, Vols 1-12Ieee IccQ2006 Ieee International Conference On Computer Systems and Applications, Vols 1-3I C Comp Syst ApplicD2006 Ieee International Conference On Electro/information TechnologyInt Conf Electro Inf=2006 Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems, Vols 1-5Ieee Int Conf FuzzyN2006 Ieee International Conference On Image Processing, Icip 2006, ProceedingsIeee Image ProcO2006 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation (icra), Vols 1-10Ieee Int Conf RobotZ2006 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vols 1-6, ProceedingsIeee Sys Man Cybernh2006 Ieee International Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Vols 1-4I C Wirel Comm NetwI2006 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vols 1-8Int Geosci Remote SeE2006 Ieee International Integrated Reliability Workshop, Final ReportInt Integ Rel WrkspQ2006 Ieee International Joint Conference On Neural Network Proceedings, Vols 1-10 Ieee IjcnnY2006 Ieee International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee IpcccO2006 Ieee International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings - 44th Annual Int Rel PhyQ2006 Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and Systems, Vols 1-11, ProceedingsIeee Int Symp Circ S;2006 Ieee International Symposium On Technology and SocietyInt Symp Technol Soc52006 Ieee International Test Conference, Vols 1 and 2Int Test Conf Pw2006 Ieee International Vacuum Electronics Conference Held Jointly With 2006 Ieee International Vacuum Electron SourcesIeee Int Vac Elect CH2006 Ieee International Workshop On Medical Measurement and ApplicationsIeee Int Work Med MeB2006 Ieee Leos Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Leos Ann MtgB2006 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-5Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB2006 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-5 Ieee Mtt-s>2006 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol 1-6Ieee Nucl Sci Conf RZ2006 Ieee/pes Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition: Latin America, Vols 1-3Tr Dist C Exp Lat Am<2006 Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-7Ieee Power Electron(2006 Ieee Radar Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Rad Conf(2006 Ieee Radar Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Radar Conf32006 Ieee Radio and Wireless Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Radio WirelessP2006 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (rfic) Symposium, Digest of PapersIeee Rad Freq Integr72006 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits SymposiumIeee Rad Freq Integr2006 Ieee Sarnoff SymposiumIeee Sarnoff SymposK2006 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop Asmc Proc2006 Ieee Sensors, Vols 1-3 Ieee Sensor82006 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur PrivL2006 Ieee Tenth International Symposium On Consumer Electronics, ProceedingsI Symp Consum Electr62006 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium, Vols 1-5, ProceedingsUltrasonQ2006 Ieee Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (wcnc 2006), Vols 1-4 Ieee WcncI2006 Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Systems Design and ImplementationIeee Wrk Sig Pro Sys[2006 International Conference On Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, Vols 1-4Int C Commun CircuitW2006 International Conference On Field Programmable Logic and Applications, ProceedingsI C Field Prog LogicA2006 International Conference On Parallel Processing, ProceedingsProc Int Conf Paral92006 International Electron Devices Meeting, Vols 1 and 2Int El Devices MeetS2006 International Symposium On Collaborative Technologies and Systems, ProceedingsInt S Collab Technol^2006 International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications, Vols 1 and 2I S Intell Sig Proce2006 International Symposium On Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, Vols 1-3Int Power Elect Elecw2006 Journal of The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists: From The Proceedings of The Technical Sessions, Vol 75J Assoc Asphalt Pav72006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A Coup to End All CoupsStud St Soc Pac*2006 Physics Education Research Conference Aip Conf Proc82006 Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Vols 1-9Ieee Power Eng SocQ2006 Proceedings - Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 P Rel Maint S2006 Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court RevY2007 11th Ieee International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference WorkshopsIeee Edoc Confh2007 12th International Symposium On Advanced Packaging Materials: Processes, Properties, and InterfacesInt Sym Adv Pkg MatV2007 14th Ieee International Conference On Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Vols 1-4Ieee I C Elect Circ32007 15th Ieee International Conference On NetworksIeee Int Conf Networ=2007 15th Ieee Workshop On Local & Metropolitan Area NetworksWrks Loc Metro Area@2007 30th International Spring Seminar On Electronics TechnologyInt Spr Sem Elect Te2007 37th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Global Engineering : Knowledge Without Borders - Opportunities Without Passports, Vols 1- 4Proc Front Educ Conf62007 39th North American Power Symposium, Vols 1 and 2North Amer Pow Symp=2007 44th Acm/ieee Design Automation Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Des Aut ConI2007 4th Ieee Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Vols 1-3Consum Comm NetworkU2007 4th Ieee International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging : Macro to Nano, Vols 1-3I S Biomed Imaging=2007 50th Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, Vols 1-3Midwest Symp CircuitJ2007 5th Ieee International Conference On Industrial Informatics, Vols 1-3Ieee Intl Conf Ind IE2007 5th International Symposium On Intelligent Systems & InformaticsI S Intell Syst InfoB2007 9th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, Vols 1 and 2El Packag Tech Conf2007 Africon, Vols 1-3 Ieee Africon+2007 American Control Conference, Vols 1-13P Amer Contr Confg2007 Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-16P Ann Int Ieee Embs02007 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Vols 1-5Asia Pacif Microwave:2007 Australasian Universities Power Engineering, Vols 1-2Austr Univ Power EngI2007 Canadian Conference On Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vols 1-3Can Con El Comp EnJ2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, Vols 1-3Des Aut Test Europe12007 European Conference On Wireless TechnologiesEuro Wirel Technol CD2007 European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, Vols 1 and 2Eur Microw Integrat2007 European Radar ConferenceEurop Radar Conf@2007 Fifteenth Ieee International Workshop On Quality of ServiceInt Worksh Qual Serv*2007 Icton Mediterranean Winter ConferenceIcton Medit Win ConfP2007 Ieee 10th International Conference On Rehabilitation Robotics, Vols 1 and 2Int C Rehab RobotD2007 Ieee 11th International Conference On Computer Vision, Vols 1-6Ieee I Conf Comp VisE2007 Ieee 23rd International Conference On Data Engineering, Vols 1-3Proc Int Conf DataN2007 Ieee 23rd International Conference On Data Engineering Workshop, Vols 1-2I C Data Engin Works92007 Ieee 33rd Annual Northeast Bioengineering ConferenceNortheast Bioengin C82007 Ieee 65th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols 1-6Ieee Vts Veh Technol82007 Ieee 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols 1-5Ieee Vts Veh TechnolB2007 Ieee 6th International Conference On Development and LearningInt C Devel LearnH2007 Ieee/acm/ifip Workshop On Embedded Systems for Real-time MultimediaEmb Syst Real Time MY2007 Ieee/acs International Conference On Computer Systems and Applications, Vols 1 and 2I C Comp Syst Applic(2007 Ieee Aerospace Conference, Vols 1-9Aerosp Conf ProcA2007 Ieee/aiaa 26th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Vols 1-3Digit Avion Syst ConM2007 Ieee Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Vols 1-12Ieee Antennas Prop-2007 Ieee Applied Electromagnetics ConferenceAppl Electromagn CP2007 Ieee Asian Solid-state Circuits Conference, Proceedings of Technical PapersIeee Asian Solid Sta#2007 Ieee Autotestcon, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Autotestcon52007 Ieee Cement Industry Technical Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech CoI2007 Ieee Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vols 1-8Proc Cvpr IeeeF2007 Ieee Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-10, ProceedingsIeee C Evol ComputatG2007 Ieee Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference, Vols 1-5 Ieee Imtc Pm2007 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Iii, Pts 1-3, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust Spee_2007 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Ii, Pts 1-3Int Conf Acoust Speek2007 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol I, Pts 1-3, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust Spee_2007 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol Iv, Pts 1-3Int Conf Acoust Speea2007 Ieee International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architectures, and ProcessorsIeee Int Conf Asap?2007 Ieee International Conference On Communications, Vols 1-14Ieee IccD2007 Ieee International Conference On Computer Design, Vols, 1 and 2Pr Ieee Comp Design=2007 Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems, Vols 1-4Ieee Int Conf Fuzzy@2007 Ieee International Conference On Image Processing, Vols 1-7Ieee Image Proca2007 Ieee International Conference On Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Vols 1-4In C Ind Eng Eng ManR2007 Ieee International Conference On Microelectronic Test Structures, ProceedingsIeee Int C MicroelecT2007 Ieee International Conference On Networking, Sensing, and Control, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Int C Netw Sens:2007 Ieee International Conference On Software MaintenanceProc Ieee Int Conf SL2007 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vols 1-8Ieee Sys Man Cybern>2007 Ieee International Electron Devices Meeting, Vols 1 and 2Int El Devices MeetS2007 Ieee International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop, ProceedingsInt High Level DesigD2007 Ieee International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final ReportInt Integ Rel WrkspE2007 Ieee International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1-6 Ieee IjcnnY2007 Ieee International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee IpcccO2007 Ieee International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings - 45th Annual Int Rel Phy22007 Ieee International Soi Conference ProceedingsIeee Int Soi Conf_2007 Ieee International Symposium On A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, Vol 1I S World Wirel MobiD2007 Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and Systems, Vols 1-11Ieee Int Symp Circ SG2007 Ieee International Symposium On Consumer Electronics, Vols 1 and 2I Symp Consum Electr_2007 Ieee International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing, Conference Proceedings BookI S Intell Sig Prn2007 Ieee International Symposium On Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement Control and CommunicationI S Precis Clock Syn;2007 Ieee International Symposium On Technology and SocietyInt Symp Technol Soc52007 Ieee International Test Conference, Vols 1 and 2Int Test Conf PB2007 Ieee International Workshop On Imaging Systems and TechniquesI W Imag Syst TechniB2007 Ieee Leos Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Leos Ann Mtg62007 Ieee Military Communications Conference, Vols 1-8Ieee Milit Commun CB2007 Ieee/mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-6Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB2007 Ieee/mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-6 Ieee Mtt-s@2007 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vols 1-11Ieee Nucl Sci Conf Ra2007 Ieee Pacific Rim Conference On Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Pacif42007 Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference, Vols 1-11Ieee Part Acc Conf<2007 Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-6Ieee Power Electron>2007 Ieee Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Vols 1-10Ieee Power Eng Soc&2007 Ieee Radio and Wireless SymposiumIeee Radio WirelessP2007 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (rfic) Symposium, Digest of PapersIeee Rad Freq Integr2007 Ieee Sarnoff SymposiumIeee Sarnoff Sympos>2007 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Asmc Proc2007 Ieee Sensors, Vols 1-3 Ieee Sensor&2007 Ieee Symposium On Artificial LifeIeee Symp Art Life=2007 Ieee Symposium On Computers and Communications, Vols 1-3Ieee Symp Comp Commu82007 Ieee Symposium On Security and Privacy, ProceedingsP Ieee S Secur Priv52007 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1-6UltrasonC2007 Ieee Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, Vols 1-9 Ieee Wcnc=2007 Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Systems, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Wrk Sig Pro Sys[2007 Ifip International Conference On Network and Parallel Computing Workshops, ProceedingsIfip Int C Netw ParaS2007 Inaugural Ieee International Conference On Digital Ecosystems and TechnologiesI C Digit Ecosyst Te_2007 International Conference On Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Int C Commun Circuite2007 International Conference On Field Programmable Logic and Applications, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2I C Field Prog Logic_2007 International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Conference ProceedingsConf P Indium PhosphO2007 International Conference On Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vols 1 and 2Int C Par Distrib SyE2007 International Conference On Parallel Processing Workshops (icpp)Int Conf Para ProcN2007 International Conference On Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Vols 1-4Int C Power Elect DrQ2007 International Conference On Service Systems and Service Management, Vols 1-3I C Serv Syst Serv M`2007 International Conference On Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsInt C Wavel Anal Patd2007 International Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Vols 1-15I C Wirel Comm Netwe2007 International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Vols 1 and 2I S Intell Sig Proc2007 Oceans, Vols 1-5 Oceans-ieee*2007 Physics Education Research Conference Aip Conf ProcY2007 Sid International Symposium, Digest of Technical Papers, Vol Xxxviii, Books I and IiSid Int Symp Dig Tec_2007 Sixteenth Ieee International Symposium On The Applications of Ferroelectrics, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Int Ferro2007 Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court Rev*2007 Wireless Telecommunications SymposiumWirel Telecomm Sympp2008 11th Ieee Intersociety Conference On Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, Vols 1-3Intersoc C Thermal TR2008 13th International Conference On Harmonics and Quality of Power, Vols 1 and 2Int C Harmon Qual PoQ2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Vols 1-5Int Power Elect MotE2008 15th Ieee International Conference On Image Processing, Vols 1-5Ieee Image ProcY2008 15th International Conference On Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (m2vip)I C Mech Mach Vis PrC2008 16th International Workshop On Quality of Service, ProceedingsInt Worksh Qual ServS2008 17th Biennial University/government/industry Micro-nano Symposium, ProceedingsU Gov Ind Micro NanoL2008 17th Ieee International Symposium On The Applications of FerroelectricsIeee Int FerroQ2008 26th International Conference On Microelectronics, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt Conf Microelectr.2008 2nd Icton Mediterranean Winter (icton-mw)Icton Medit Win ConfM2008 2nd Ieee International Conference On Digital Ecosystems and TechnologiesI C Digit Ecosyst Tek2008 30th Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-8Ieee Eng Med BioP2008 30th International Conference On Software Engineering: (icse), Vols 1 and 2Proc Int Conf Softw@2008 31st International Spring Seminar On Electronics TechnologyInt Spr Sem Elect Te;2008 37th Ieee Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition WorkshopIeee App Img Pat42008 40th North American Power Symposium (naps 2008)North Amer Pow SympI2008 42nd Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers, Vols 1-4Conf Rec Asilomar C=2008 45th Acm/ieee Design Automation Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Des Aut Conh2008 4th International Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Vols 1-31I C Wirel Comm NetwA2008 51st Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, Vols 1 and 2Midwest Symp CircuitI2008 5th Ieee Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Vols 1-3Consum Comm NetworkY2008 5th International Conference On Service Systems and Service Management, Vols 1 and 2I C Serv Syst Serv MZ2008 5th International Symposium On Mechatronics & Its Applications, Symposium ProceedingsInt S Mechatr ApplicJ2008 6th Ieee International Conference On Industrial Informatics, Vols 1-3Ieee Intl Conf Ind IG2008 6th International Symposium On Intelligent Systems and InformaticsI S Intell Syst Info]2008 8th International Conference On Application of Concurrency to System Design, ProceedingsInt Conf Appl Concur+2008 American Control Conference, Vols 1-12P Amer Contr ConfF2008 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, Vols 1 and 2Asia S Pacif Des AutI2008 Canadian Conference On Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vols 1-4Can Con El Comp En:2008 Conference On Human System Interactions, Vols 1 and 2Eurogr Tech Rep Seri2008 Conference On Lasers and Electro-optics & Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Vols 1-9Ieee Leos Ann Mtg42008 Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Vols 1-3Des Aut Test EuropeP2008 Digest of Technical Papers International Conference On Consumer Electronics Ieee Icce/2008 Digest of The Leos Summer Topical MeetingsDigest Leos Sum Top2008 European Radar ConferenceEurop Radar ConfO2008 Ieee 14th International Symposium On High Peformance Computer ArchitectureInt S High Perf CompX2008 Ieee 20th International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (iprm)Conf P Indium PhosphE2008 Ieee 24th International Conference On Data Engineering, Vols 1-3Proc Int Conf DataR2008 Ieee 24th International Conference On Data Engineering Workshop, Vols 1 and 2I C Data Engin WorksY2008 Ieee 25th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Conv El Elect IB2008 Ieee 33rd Conference On Local Computer Networks, Vols 1 and 2C Local Comput NetwB2008 Ieee 33rd Conference On Local Computer Networks, Vols 1 and 2Conf Local Comput Neh2008 Ieee 4th International Conference On Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ProceedingsInt C Intell Comp Co?2008 Ieee 67th Vehicular Technology Conference-spring, Vols 1-7Ieee Vts Veh TechnolB2008 Ieee 7th International Conference On Development and LearningInt C Devel LearnU2008 Ieee/acs International Conference On Computer Systems and Applications, Vols 1-3I C Comp Syst Applic(2008 Ieee Aerospace Conference, Vols 1-9Aerosp Conf Proc/2008 Ieee Asian Solid-state Circuits ConferenceIeee Asian Solid Sta#2008 Ieee Autotestcon, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Autotestcon52008 Ieee Cement Industry Technical Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech Cod2008 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, Vols 1-3Proc Cvpr IeeeJ2008 Ieee Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vols 1-12Proc Cvpr IeeeI2008 Ieee Conference On Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Vols 1 and 2Conf Cybern Intell S82008 Ieee Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-8Ieee C Evol Computat2008 Ieee Csic SymposiumComp Semicond Integr@2008 Ieee Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Vols 1-5Ieee Ind Applic SocI2008 Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Vols 1-5 Ieee Imtc P22008 Ieee Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Vols 1-3Ieee Int Veh SymX2008 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vols 1-12Int Conf Acoust Spee72008 Ieee International Conference On Cluster ComputingIeee Int C Cl CompL2008 Ieee International Conference On Communications, Proceedings, Vols 1-13Ieee Icc52008 Ieee International Conference On Computer DesignPr Ieee Comp DesignH2008 Ieee International Conference On Control Applications, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Intl Conf ContrS2008 Ieee International Conference On Dependable Systems & Networks With Ftcs & DccI C Depend Sys NetwoD2008 Ieee International Conference On Electro/information TechnologyInt Conf Electro Inf_2008 Ieee International Conference On Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ProceedingsInt Conf Emerg Techn=2008 Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems, Vols 1-5Ieee Int Conf FuzzyC2008 Ieee International Conference On Image Processing, ProceedingsIeee Image Proc]2008 Ieee International Conference On Microelectronic Test Structures, Conference ProceedingsIeee Int C MicroelecG2008 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Vols 1-9Ieee Int Conf Robot:2008 Ieee International Conference On Software MaintenanceProc Ieee Int Conf SR2008 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics (smc), Vols 1-6Ieee Sys Man CybernH2008 Ieee International Conference On Ultra-wideband, Vol 1, ProceedingsHann Beitr NachrichtH2008 Ieee International Conference On Ultra-wideband, Vol 2, ProceedingsHann Beitr NachrichtH2008 Ieee International Conference On Ultra-wideband, Vol 3, ProceedingsHann Beitr NachrichtD2008 Ieee International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final ReportInt Integ Rel WrkspE2008 Ieee International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1-8 Ieee IjcnnY2008 Ieee International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference (ipccc 2008) Ieee IpcccO2008 Ieee International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings - 46th Annual Int Rel Phy32008 Ieee International Soi Conference, ProceedingsIeee Int Soi Conff2008 Ieee International Symposium On A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, Vols 1 and 2Handb Syst AutoimmunU2008 Ieee International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Vols 1-4I S Biomed ImagingG2008 Ieee International Symposium On Consumer Electronics, Vols 1 and 2I Symp Consum ElectrD2008 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics and The EnvironmentIeee Int Symp Electrx2008 Ieee International Symposium On Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (mascots)I S Mod Anal Sim Como2008 Ieee International Symposium On Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and CommunicationI S Precis Clock Syn;2008 Ieee International Symposium On Technology and SocietyInt Symp Technol Soc>2008 Ieee International Symposium On Workload CharacterizationI S Workl Char ProcB2008 Ieee International Test Conference, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt Test Conf P52008 Ieee International Vacuum Electronics ConferenceIeee Int Vac Elect CB2008 Ieee International Workshop On Imaging Systems and TechniquesI W Imag Syst TechniI2008 Ieee International Workshop On Medical Measurements and ApplicationsIeee Int Work Med MeA2008 Ieee Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Mediterr ElectC2008 Ieee Military Communications Conference: Milcom 2008, Vols 1-7Ieee Milit Commun CB2008 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-4Ieee Mtt S Int MicrB2008 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vols 1-4 Ieee Mtt-sC2008 Ieee Network Operations and Management Symposium, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Ifip Netw Oper[2008 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2008 Nss/mic), Vols 1-9Ieee Nucl Sci Conf R,2008 Ieee/oes Autonomous Underwater VehiclesIeee Auto Under VehK2008 Ieee/pes Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, Vols 1-3Trans Distrib Confb2008 Ieee/pes Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, Vols 1 and 2Tr Dist C Exp Lat Am;2008 Ieee Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Vols 1-11Ieee Pow Ener Soc Ge=2008 Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-10Ieee Power Electron%2008 Ieee Radar Conference, Vols. 1-4 Ieee Rad Conf42008 Ieee Radio and Wireless Symposium, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Radio WirelessE2008 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Rad Freq Integr52008 Ieee Region 10 Conference: Tencon 2008, Vols 1-4Tencon Ieee Region2008 Ieee Sarnoff SymposiumIeee Sarnoff Sympos>2008 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Asmc Proc=2008 Ieee Symposium On Computers and Communications, Vols 1-3Ieee Symp Comp Commu62008 Ieee Ultrasonics Symposium, Vols 1-4 and AppendixUltrason52008 Ieee Workshop On Applications of Computer VisionIeee Work App Comp\2008 Ieee Workshop On Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, ProceedingsDes Diag Elec Circ S<2008 Ieee Workshop On Machine Learning for Signal ProcessingMachine Learn Sign PG2008 Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Systems: Sips 2008, ProceedingsIeee Wrk Sig Pro SysQ2008 Ifip International Conference On Network and Parallel Computing, ProceedingsIfip Int C Netw Para[2008 International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architectures and ProcessorsIeee Int Conf Asap_2008 International Conference On Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Int C Commun CircuitX2008 International Conference On Field Programmable and Logic Applications, Vols 1 and 2I C Field Prog LogicZ2008 International Conference On Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter Physcs Proc12008 International Conference On MicroelectronicsInt C Microelectron12008 International Conference On MicroelectronicsInt Conf Microelectr2008 International Conference On Optical Instruments and Technology: Advanced Sensor Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Insr2008 International Conference On Optical Instruments and Technology: Advanced Sensor Technologies and Applications Proc Spiej2008 International Conference On Optical Instruments and Technology: Mems/nems Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2008 International Conference On Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt Ins2008 International Conference On Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration Proc Spies2008 International Conference On Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Optoelectronic InstrumentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins{2008 International Conference On Optical Instruments and Technology: Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Insf2008 International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ispacs 2008)I S Intell Sig Proce2008 International Symposium On Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, Vols 1-3Int Power Elect ElecG2008 Journal of The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol 77J Assoc Asphalt Pav'2008 Nanjing Gamma-ray Burst Conference Aip Conf Proc*2008 Physics Education Research Conference Aip Conf Procg2008 Proceedings of 17th International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Ic Comp Com Netn2008 Seismic Engineering Conference Commemorating The 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcT2008 Sid International Symposium, Digest of Technical Papers, Vol Xxxix, Books I-iiiSid Int Symp Dig Tec2008 Supreme Court ReviewSupreme Court Revc2009 11th Ieee International Conference On Computer-aided Design and Computer Graphics, ProceedingsInt C Comp Aid Des CS2009 13th International Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work in DesignInt C Comp Supp Coopq2009 15th Ieee International Conference On Embedded and Real-time Computing Systems and Applications, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf EmbedH2009 17th Ieee International Conference On Network Protocols (icnp 2009)I C Network Protocolm2009 18th Ieee International Workshop On Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative EnterprisesIeee Enabl Technole2009 20th Ieee International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architectures and ProcessorsIeee Int Conf AsapF2009 21st International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices & IcsProc Int Symp PowerH2009 22nd Ieee International Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems Comp Med Sy/2009 27th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test SympS2009 28th Ieee International Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist SystH2009 29th Ieee International Conference On Distributed Computing SystemsInt Con Distr Comp S72009 30th Ieee Real-time Systems Symposium, ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp PL2009 31st International Conference On Software Engineering, Companion VolumeProc Int Conf SoftwG2009 31st International Conference On Software Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf Softw@2009 32nd International Spring Seminar On Electronics TechnologyInt Spr Sem Elect Te<2009 34th Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Vols 1-3Ieee Phot Spec ConfA2009 4th International Ieee/embs Conference On Neural EngineeringI Ieee Embs C Neur EZ2009 50th Annual Ieee Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science: Focs 2009, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp FoundT2009 52nd Ieee International Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, Vols 1 and 2Midwest Symp Circuit[2009 5th Ieee International Workshop On Visualizing Software for Understanding and AnalysisIeee Int Work Vis SoY2009 6th International Conference On Service Systems and Service Management, Vols 1 and 2I C Serv Syst Serv ML2009 6th International Symposium On Mechatronics and Its Applications (isma)Int S Mechatr ApplicN2009 7th Ieee International Conference On Industrial Informatics, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Intl Conf Ind I52009 9th Ieee International Conference On Data MiningIeee Data Mining*2009 American Control Conference, Vols 1-9P Amer Contr Confv2009 Annual Ieee Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium - 2009 Ieee Csic Symposium, Technical Digest 2009Comp Semicond Integr22009 Applied Electronics, International ConferenceApplied Electronics&2009 Asian Test Symposium, ProceedingsAsian Test Symposium+2009 European Radar Conference (eurad 2009)Europ Radar Confi2009 Ieee 10th International Conference On Computer-aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design, Vols 1-3Int C Comp Aid Ind DP2009 Ieee 11th International Conference On Rehabilitation Robotics, Vols 1 and 2Int C Rehab RobotA2009 Ieee 12th International Conference On Computer Vision (iccv)Ieee I Conf Comp Visw2009 Ieee 16th International Conference On Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsIn C Ind Eng Eng ManV2009 Ieee 21st International Conference On Indium Phosphide & Related Materials (iprm)Conf P Indium PhosphX2009 Ieee 33rd International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Vols 1 and 2P Int Comp Softw App?2009 Ieee 34th Conference On Local Computer Networks (lcn 2009)C Local Comput Netwh2009 Ieee 5th International Conference On Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ProceedingsInt C Intell Comp CoU2009 Ieee 6th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Vols 1-4Ieee Int Power Elec=2009 Ieee 70th Vehicular Technology Conference Fall, Vols 1-4Ieee Vts Veh TechnolU2009 Ieee/acm International Conference On Automated Software Engineering, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf Autom(2009 Ieee Aerospace Conference, Vols 1-7Aerosp Conf ProcA2009 Ieee/aiaa 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Vols 1-3Digit Avion Syst Con~2009 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (cvpr Workshops 2009), Vols 1 and 2Proc Cvpr Ieee82009 Ieee Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-5Ieee C Evol ComputatI2009 Ieee Control Applications Cca & Intelligent Control (isic), Vols 1-3Ieee Intl Conf Contr,2009 Ieee-ias/pca Cement Industry ConferenceIeee Cem Ind Tech Co62009 Ieee Industry Applications Society Annual MeetingIeee Ind Applic Soc62009 Ieee Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Int Veh Symf2009 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vols 1- 8, ProceedingsInt Conf Acoust Spee>2009 Ieee International Conference On Communications, Vols 1-8Ieee Icc52009 Ieee International Conference On Computer DesignPr Ieee Comp DesignF2009 Ieee International Conference On Control and Automation, Vols 1-3Ieee Int Conf Con AuD2009 Ieee International Conference On Electro/information TechnologyInt Conf Electro Infa2009 Ieee International Conference On Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Vols 1-4In C Ind Eng Eng ManS2009 Ieee International Conference On Networking, Sensing and Control, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Int C Netw SensR2009 Ieee International Conference On Software Maintenance, Conference ProceedingsProc Ieee Int Conf SW2009 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics (smc 2009), Vols 1-9Ieee Sys Man Cybern02009 Ieee International Electron Devices MeetingInt El Devices MeetI2009 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vols 1-5Int Geosci Remote SeP2009 Ieee International Symposium On Parallel & Distributed Processing, Vols 1-5Int Parall Distrib PG2009 Ieee International Symposium On Sustainable Systems and TechnologyIeee I Symp Sust Sys;2009 Ieee International Symposium On Technology and SocietyInt Symp Technol Soc52009 Ieee International Vacuum Electronics ConferenceIeee Int Vac Elect C|2009 Ieee International Workshop On Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and ApplicationsInt Worksh Int DataA2009 Ieee Leos Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Vols 1and 2Ieee Leos Ann Mtg;2009 Ieee/mtt-s International Microwave Symposium, Vols 1-3Ieee Mtt S Int Micr;2009 Ieee/mtt-s International Microwave Symposium, Vols 1-3 Ieee Mtt-s?2009 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vols 1-5Ieee Nucl Sci Conf R:2009 Ieee Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Vols 1-8Ieee Pow Ener Soc Ge(2009 Ieee Radar Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Rad Conf32009 Ieee Sarnoff Symposium, Conference ProceedingsIeee Sarnoff Sympos&2009 Ieee Symposium On Artificial LifeIeee Symp Art LifeP2009 Ieee Symposium On Visual Languages and Human-centric Computing, ProceedingsS Vis Lang Hum Cen C;2009 Ieee Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Vols 1-3Ieee Vehicle Power32009 Ieee Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols 1-5Veh Technol ConfeC2009 Ieee Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, Vols 1-5 Ieee WcncQ2009 International Conference On Advanced Information Networking and ApplicationsInt Con Adv Info NetJ2009 International Conference On Electrical Machines and Systems, Vols 1-3Int C Electr Mach SyK2009 International Conference On Information and Communication TechnologiesInt Conf Inf Commun@2009 International Conference On Intelligent Engineering SystemsInt C Intell Eng SysR2009 International Conference On Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Vols 1 and 2Int C Power Elect DrR2009 International Conference On Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and DevicesInt Conf Sim Semi PrQ2009 International Symposium On Computational Models for Life Sciences (cmls '09) Aip Conf Proc?2009 International Symposium On Wearable Computers, ProceedingsIeee Int Sym Wrbl Co12009 International Workshop On Information OpticsJ Phys Conf Ser2009 Joint Annual Conference of The National Society of Black Physicists and The National Society of Hispanic Physicists, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc2009 Joint Meeting of The European Frequency and Time Forum and The Ieee International Frequency Control Symposium, Vols 1 and 2P Ieee Int Freq Cont*2009 Physics Education Research Conference Aip Conf Proc2009 Proceedings of EsscircProc Eur Solid-state$2009 Rural Electric Power Conference Rur Elec PW2009 Xxii Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics and Image Processing (sibgrapi 2009)Sibgrapi!200 Years of British HydrogeologyGeol Soc Spec Publf2010 12th Ieee Intersociety Conference On Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic SystemsIntersoc C Thermal TL2010 15th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (asp-dac 2010)Asia S Pacif Des AutF2010 18th Biennial University/government/industry Micro-nano SymposiumU Gov Ind Micro NanoS2010 22nd International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (iprm)Conf P Indium PhosphP2010 22nd International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices and Ics (ispsd)Proc Int Symp PowerL2010 23rd Canadian Conference On Electrical and Computer Engineering (ccece)Can Con El Comp EnP2010 29th Ieee International Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems Srds 2010Sym Rel Dist Syst82010 42nd Southeastern Symposium On System Theory (ssst)Se Sym Sys ThryI2010 7th Ieee Consumer Communications and Networking Conference-ccnc 2010Consum Comm NetworkO2010 7th Ieee International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to MacroI S Biomed Imaging 2010 American Control ConferenceP Amer Contr Confc2010 Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (embc)Ieee Eng Med BioU2010 Digest of Technical Papers International Conference On Consumer Electronics Icce Ieee Icce>2010 European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (eumic)Eur Microw IntegratH2010 Ieee 26th Symposium On Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (msst)Ieee Sym Mass StorX2010 Ieee 29th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (ipccc) Ieee Ipccc92010 Ieee 36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering ConferenceNortheast Bioengin CB2010 Ieee 51st Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer ScienceAnn Ieee Symp Found.2010 Ieee 71st Vehicular Technology ConferenceVeh Technol Confe32010 Ieee 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference FallIeee Vts Veh TechnolK2010 Ieee and Acm International Conference On Computer-aided Design (iccad)Iccad-ieee Acm IntB2010 Ieee Antennas and Propagation Society International SymposiumIeee Antennas Prop2010 Ieee AutotestconIeee Autotestcon?2010 Ieee Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting (bctm) Bctm ProcE2010 Ieee Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (csics)Comp Semicond IntegrF2010 Ieee Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cvpr)Proc Cvpr Ieee42010 Ieee Congress On Evolutionary Computation (cec)Ieee C Evol Computat12010 Ieee Frontiers in Education Conference (fie)Proc Front Educ Conf<2010 Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference Globecom 2010Glob Telecomm Conf;2010 Ieee-ias/pca 52nd Cement Industry Technical ConferenceIeee Cem Ind Tech CoN2010 Ieee-ifip International Conference On Dependable Systems and Networks DsnI C Depend Sys NetwoF2010 Ieee Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical ConferenceInd Commer Power62010 Ieee Industry Applications Society Annual MeetingIeee Ind Applic SocN2010 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal ProcessingInt Conf Acoust Spee42010 Ieee International Conference On CommunicationsIeee Icc?2010 Ieee International Conference On Communications - Icc 2010Ieee Icc52010 Ieee International Conference On Computer DesignPr Ieee Comp Design:2010 Ieee International Conference On Control ApplicationsIeee Intl Conf ContrD2010 Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems (fuzz-ieee 2010)Ieee Int Conf Fuzzy62010 Ieee International Conference On Image ProcessingIeee Image ProcE2010 Ieee International Conference On Multimedia and Expo (icme 2010)Ieee Int Con MultiD2010 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation (icra)Ieee Int Conf Robot:2010 Ieee International Conference On Software MaintenanceProc Ieee Int Conf SM2010 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics (smc 2010)Ieee Sys Man Cybern92010 Ieee International Frequency Control Symposium (fcs)P Ieee Int Freq Cont?2010 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumInt Geosci Remote See2010 Ieee International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference I2mtc 2010, Proceedings Ieee Imtc P=2010 Ieee International Professional Communication Conference Int Pro Com&2010 Ieee International Soi ConferenceIeee Int Soi Conf92010 Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and SystemsIeee Int Symp Circ S72010 Ieee International Symposium On Information TheoryIeee Int Symp Info82010 Ieee International Symposium On Intelligent ControlIeee Int Symp IntellN2010 Ieee International Symposium On The Applications of Ferroelectrics (isaf)Ieee Int Ferro>2010 Ieee-ion Position Location and Navigation Symposium PlansIeee Position Locat>2010 Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest (mtt)Ieee Mtt S Int Micr2010 Ieee Radar ConferenceIeee Natl Radar Conf<2010 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Rfic SymposiumIeee Rad Freq Integr>2010 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Asmc Proc2010 Ieee Sensors Ieee Sensor+2010 Ieee Symposium On Security and PrivacyP Ieee S Secur Priv62010 International Conference On Display and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsI2010 International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems Icdcs 2010Int Con Distr Comp S12010 International Conference On MicroelectronicsInt C Microelectronh2010 International Conference On Microelectronic Test Structures, 23rd Ieee Icmts Conference ProceedingsIeee Int C MicroelecD2010 International Conference On Mine Hazards Prevention and ControlAdv Intel Sys Res>2010 International Electron Devices Meeting - Technical DigestInt El Devices MeetA2010 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks Ijcnn 2010 Ieee Ijcnn02010 International Reliability Physics Symposium Int Rel Phy?2010 Journal of The Association of Asphalt Paving TechnologistsJ Assoc Asphalt Pav*2010 Physics Education Research Conference Aip Conf ProcL2010 Proceedings 60th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ectc) Elec Comp C2010 Proceedings Ieee InfocomIeee Infocom Serz2010 Record of Conference Papers Industry Applications Society 57th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference PcicRecord Conf Pap Petr$2010 Rural Electric Power Conference Rur Elec Pm2010 Second International Conference On Computer Engineering and Applications: Iccea 2010, Proceedings, Vol 1Int C Comput Eng Appm2010 Second International Conference On Computer Engineering and Applications: Iccea 2010, Proceedings, Vol 2Int C Comput Eng App?2010 Symposium On Security Detection and Information ProcessingProcedia Engineer;2010 Symposium On Vlsi Circuits, Digest of Technical PapersSymp Vlsi Circuits=2010 Symposium On Vlsi Technology, Digest of Technical Papers S Vlsi TechX2010 Twenty-fifth Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (apec)Appl Power Elect Co>2010 Wide Bandgap Cubic Semiconductors: From Growth to Devices Aip Conf ProcM2011 Ieee International Conference On Microelectronic Test Structures (icmts)Ieee Int C Microelec02011 Ieee Rural Electric Power Conference (repc) Rur Elec PP2011 International Symposium On Computational Models for Life Sciences (cmls-11) Aip Conf Proc20 2120 21/20th Anniversary - Geothermal Resources Council Geoth Res T?20th Anniversary Ieee International Soc Conference, ProceedingsIeee Int Soc Conf320th Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins320th Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology Proc SpieJ20th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture : ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp CI20th Conference On Software Engineering Education & Training, ProceedingsConf Softw Eng EducW20th European Conference On Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and MicrocomponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=20th European Symposium On Computer Aided Process EngineeringComput-aided Chem En`20th Ieee/11th Nasa Goddard Conference On Mass Storage and Technologies (msst 2003), ProceedingsIeee S Mass Stor SysG20th Ieee International Conference On Software Maintenance, ProceedingsProc Ieee Int Conf S\20th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, Vol 1, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools Art\20th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, Vol 2, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools Art@20th Ieee Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist Syst*20th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test Symp>20th International Conference On Data Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf Data520th International Conference On Spectral Line Shapes Aip Conf Proc920th International Conference On Vlsi Design, ProceedingsI Conf Vlsi DesignP20th International Congress On High-speed Photography and Photonics, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Insa20th International Symposium On Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, ProceedingsInt Sym Comp Archit@21st Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsD21st Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S LogI21st Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp CQ21st Application of The Computers and Operations Research in The Mineral Industry Appl Comp OH21st Century Dissent: Anarchism, Anti-globalization and EnvironmentalismInt Polit Econ Ser21st Century ImagingQuintessent Dent Pra 21st Century Keynesian EconomicsInt Pap Polit Econ:21st Century Literacy: If We Are Scripted, Are We LiterateExplor Educ PurpK21st Conference On Software Engineering Education and Training, ProceedingsConf Softw Eng Educ<21st Congress of The Iabs On Progress in Animal RetrovirusesDev Biologicals=21st European Symposium On Computer Aided Process EngineeringComput-aided Chem En<21st Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks, ProceedingsC Local Comput Netw<21st Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks, ProceedingsConf Local Comput Ne221st Ieee Real-time Systems Symposium, ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp P@21st Ieee Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist Syst*21st Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test Symp=21st International Conference On Computer Design, ProceedingsPr Ieee Comp DesignK21st International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp S621st International Conference On Optical Fiber Sensors Proc Spie21st International Conference On Vlsi Design: Held Jointly With The 7th International Conference On Embedded Systems, ProceedingsI Conf Vlsi DesignC21st International Congress On High-speed Photography and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@22nd Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins@22nd Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieB22nd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ProceedingsAnn Comput SecurityU22nd Annual Conference On Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: ACeram Eng Sci ProcU22nd Annual Conference On Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: BCeram Eng Sci ProcD22nd Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S LogI22nd Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, Proceedings Acm Comp ArH22nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society, Ecis 2008 Procedia ChemK22nd Conference On Software Engineering Education and Training, ProceedingsConf Softw Eng Educ*22nd Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test Symp/22nd International Conference On Atomic PhysicsJ Phys Conf SerK22nd International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp Sd22nd International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence (ictai 2010), Proceedings, Vol 1Proc Int C Tools Artd22nd International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence (ictai 2010), Proceedings, Vol 2Proc Int C Tools Art|22nd International Conference On Vlsi Design Held Jointly With 8th International Conference On Embedded Systems, ProceedingsI Conf Vlsi DesignC22nd International Congress On High-speed Photography and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsC22nd International Laser Radar Conference (ilrc 2004), Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp PublC22nd International Laser Radar Conference (ilrc 2004), Vols 1 and 2 Esa Spec PublI22nd International Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist Syst922nd International Water Services Congress and Exhibition Water Supp@23rd Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins@23rd Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieP23rd Euromicro Conference - New Frontiers of Information Technology, ProceedingsEuromicro Conf Proc?23rd European Meeting On Atmospheric Studies By Optical MethodsP Soc Photo-opt Ins\23rd Ieee International Symposium On Defect and Fault-tolerance in Vlsi Systems, ProceedingsInt Sym Defec Fau ToN23rd Ieee International Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist Syst223rd Ieee Real-time Systems Symposium, ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp P*23rd Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test SympK23rd International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp SI23rd International Congress On High-speed Photography and Photonics, Pt 1P Soc Photo-opt InsI23rd International Congress On High-speed Photography and Photonics, Pt 1 Proc SpieY23rd International Sampe Technical Conference : Advanced Materials / Affordable ProcessesInt Sampe Tech Conf[23rd International Symposium On Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, 1996 Proceedings Crs Bui NatF23rd National Symposium On Plasma Science and Technology (plasma-2008)J Phys Conf SerU23rd Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference: Fire in Grassland and Shrubland EcosystemsTall Timb Fire Ecol#24th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium Nasa Conf P?24th Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology, Pt 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins?24th Annual Bacus Symposium On Photomask Technology, Pt 1 and 2 Proc SpieB24th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ProceedingsAnn Comput SecurityD24th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S LogV24th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (cospsac 2000)P Int Comp Softw AppT24th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, Conference Proceedings Acm Comp ArJ24th Annual Symposium of The Society of Flight Test Engineers, ProceedingsProc Ann Symp Sfte424th Euromicro Conference - Proceeding, Vols 1 and 2Euromicro Conf Proc*24th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test SympK24th International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp SC24th International Congress On High-speed Photography and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsC24th International Congress On High-speed Photography and Photonics Proc SpieN24th Summer School and International Symposium On The Physics of Ionized GasesJ Phys Conf Serb24th Summer School and International Symposium On The Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed PapersPub Astro Obs Belgr#25th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium Nasa Conf PU25th Annual Conference On Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: ACeram Eng Sci ProcU25th Annual Conference On Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: BCeram Eng Sci ProcB25th Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity - Ccc 2010Ann Ieee Conf ComputD25th Annual Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks - ProceedingsC Local Comput NetwD25th Annual Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks - ProceedingsConf Local Comput NeC25th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science (lics 2010) Ieee S LogE25th Annual International Computer Software & Applications ConferenceP Int Comp Softw AppI25th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp C.25th Annual Simulation Symposium : ProceedingsProc Annu Simul Sympf25th Ieee International Conference On Computer Communications, Vols 1-7, Proceedings Ieee Infocom 2006Ieee Infocom SerP25th Ieee International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp S@25th Ieee International Real-time Systems Symposium, ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp P*25th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test SympG25th International Conference On Low Temperature Physics (lt25), Part 1J Phys Conf SerG25th International Conference On Low Temperature Physics (lt25), Part 2J Phys Conf SerG25th International Conference On Low Temperature Physics (lt25), Part 3J Phys Conf SerG25th International Conference On Low Temperature Physics (lt25), Part 4J Phys Conf SerG25th International Conference On Low Temperature Physics (lt25), Part 5J Phys Conf SerB25th International Conference On Software Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf SoftwC25th International Congress On High-speed Photography and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsC25th International Congress On High-speed Photography and Photonics Proc SpieZ25th Summer School and International Symposium On The Physics of Ionized Gases - Spig 2010J Phys Conf Serm25-year Perspective On Logic Programming: Achievements of The Italian Association for Logic Programming, GulpLect Notes Comput Sc?25 Years of Model Checking: History, Achievements, PerspectivesLect Notes Comput Sc125 Years of Non-equilibrium Statistical MechanicsLect Notes Phys*26th Acm/ieee Design Automation Conference Acm Ieee D]26th Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, Proceedings 2010P Ieee Semicond TherT26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, ProceedingsP Int Comp Softw App-26th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul Symp-26th European Mask and Lithography ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins-26th European Mask and Lithography Conference Proc Spie*26th Ieee Vlsi Test Symposium, ProceedingsIeee Vlsi Test Symp;26th International Conference On Data Engineering Icde 2010Proc Int Conf DataC26th International Congress On High Speed Photography and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsC26th International Congress On High Speed Photography and Photonics Proc Spie(26th International Cosmic Ray Conference Aip Conf Proc|27 Annual Conference : Water Management of River Systems and Symposium : Resource Development of The Lower Mississippi River Am Wat Res(27th Annual Simulation Symp, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul Symp-27th European Mask and Lithography ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt InsC27th Ieee Conference On Computer Communications (infocom), Vols 1-5Ieee Infocom Ser@27th Ieee International Real-time Systems Symposium, ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp PP27th International Cocoa Beach Conference On Advanced Ceramics and Composites: ACeram Eng Sci ProcP27th International Cocoa Beach Conference On Advanced Ceramics and Composites: BCeram Eng Sci ProcM27th International Congress On High Speed Photography and Photonics, Prts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsM27th International Congress On High Speed Photography and Photonics, Prts 1-3 Proc Spie027th International Symposium On MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsH27th International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic - 1997 Proceedings Int Sym MvlM28th Aipr Workshop: 3d Visualization for Data Exploration and Decision MakingP Soc Photo-opt InsW28th Annual Conference of The Western Region Home Management Family Economics Educators Pap WrhmfeeP28th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference - Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-3Proc Front Educ ConfI28th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, Proceedings Acm Comp ArI28th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp CY28th International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp S?28th International Congress On High-speed Imaging and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?28th International Congress On High-speed Imaging and Photonics Proc SpieI29th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp C229th Annual Proceedings : Reliability Physics 1991 Int Rel Phyl29th Digital Avionics Systems Conference: Improving Our Environment Through Green Avionics and Atm SolutionsDigit Avion Syst Con^29th International Conference On Software Engineering: Icse 2007 Companion Volume, ProceedingsProc Int Conf SoftwA29th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology SymposiumIeee/cpmt Int El Mfgs2nd Annual International Ieee-embs Special Topic Conference On Microtechnologies in Medicine & Biology, ProceedingsEng Med Biol Soc AnnA2nd Arena Conference On The Astrophysical Science Cases At Dome CEas PublicationsQ2nd Asia-pacific Forum On Engineering and Technology Education, Forum ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser:2nd Austrian-hungarian Workshop On Transputer Applications Kfki Prep RG2nd Baltic Region Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ SerG2nd Conference On Academic and Industrial Cooperation in Space Research Esa Sp Publ)2nd Crisis in Cosmology Conference, Ccc-2 Astr Soc P<2nd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, ProceedingsEl Packag Tech Conf*2nd European Fugitive Emissions Conference VDI Bericht>2nd European Symposium On Enzymes in Grain Processing, Esegp-2Vtt SympH2nd European Symposium On Utilisation of The International Space Station Esa Sp PublH2nd European Symposium On Utilisation of The International Space Station Esa Spec PublH2nd Finnish-french Colloquium for Information Technology in ConstructionVtt Symp2nd Global Congress On VaccinesProcedia Vaccinol2nd International Conference On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsY2nd International Conference On Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering - Icanse 2009 Aip Conf Procf2nd International Conference On Advances in Power System Control, Operation & Management, Vols 1 and 2 Iee Conf PublC2nd International Conference On Process Intensification in PracticeBhr Gr Conf Ser PublG2nd International Conference On Ultra-intense Laser Interaction Science Aip Conf ProcH2nd International Conference On Waste Engineering Management, Icwem 2010 Rilem Proc92nd International Rilem Workshop On Hydration and Setting Rilem Proc\2nd International Rilem Workshop On Testing and Modelling The Chloride Ingress Into Concrete Rilem Proct2nd International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt Inst2nd International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and Telescopes Proc Spie2nd International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins2nd International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieQ2nd International Symposium On Aqua Science, Water Resource and Low Carbon Energy Aip Conf ProcY2nd International Symposium On Design, Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete Rilem Proco2nd International Workshop On Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (iwpacbb 2008) Adv Soft Comp12nd Iter International Summer School: Confinement Aip Conf Proc62nd North American Conference On Multiphase TechnologyBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ2nd Radio Research Symposium Esomar Publ2nd Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education Under The Theme: Networking in Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser72nd Workshop : Italian Research On Antarctic Atmosphere Ital Phy SoF2nd Workshop On Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications Wsof-2P Soc Photo-opt InsF2nd Workshop On Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications Wsof-2 Proc Spie'2nd World Congress On SuperconductivityProgr High Temp Supe22nd World Water Congress: Drinking Water TreatmentWa Sci TechnolT2nd World Water Congress: Water and Health-microbiology, Monitoring and DisinfectionWa Sci TechnolJ2nd World Water Congress: Water Distribution and Water Services ManagementWa Sci TechnolM2n Pollen Formation: 40 Cytological Mechanisms of Nuclear Meiotic Restitution Bot Res PractW30th Annual Conference of The Western Region Home Management Family Economics Educators Pap Wrhmfeer30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Vol 1, Regular Papers/panels, ProceedingsP Int Comp Softw App30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Vol 2, Short Papers/workshops/fast Abstracts/doctoral Symposium, ProceedingsP Int Comp Softw AppI30th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp C230th Annual Proceedings : Reliability Physics 1992 Int Rel Phy-30th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul Symp830th Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer ScienceAnn Ieee Symp Found430th Design Automation Conference : Proceedings 1993 Acm Ieee DG30th Ieee International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym Mvl.30th R3-nordic Contamination Control SymposiumVtt SympL30 Years of Epidemiology for The Benefit of Occupational Health, ProceedingsPeople Work Res RepI31st Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp C231st Annual Proceedings : Reliability Physics 1993 Int Rel Phy-31st Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul SympF31st Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, Vols 1 and 2Ann Ieee Symp Found431st Design Automation Conference - Proceedings 1994 Acm Ieee D[31st Eslab Symposium On Correlated Phenomena At The Sun, in The Heliosphere and in Geospace Esa Sp Publ[31st Eslab Symposium On Correlated Phenomena At The Sun, in The Heliosphere and in Geospace Esa Spec Publ<31st Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks, ProceedingsC Local Comput Netw<31st Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks, ProceedingsConf Local Comput Ne131st Ieee Real-time Systems Symposium (rtss 2010)Real Tim Syst Symp P431st Ieee Software Engineering Workshop, ProceedingsIeee Annu Softw EngB31st International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym MvlH32nd Annual Conference of The Canadian Nuclear Association : Proceedings Can Nucl AsX32nd Annual Conference of The Western Region Home Management Family Economics Educators, Pap Wrhmfee;32nd Annual Ieee Software Engineering Workshop, ProceedingsIeee Annu Softw EngQ32nd Annual International Symposium On Microarchitecture, (micro-32), ProceedingsInt Symp Microarch-32nd Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul Symp332nd Design Automation Conference, Proceedings 1995 Des Aut Con`32nd Euromicro Conference On Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (seaa) - ProceedingsEuromicro Conf ProcJ32nd Ieee/cpmt International Electronic Manufacturing Technology SymposiumIeee/cpmt Int El MfgB32nd International Symposium On Computer Architecture, ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp CA32nd International Telecommunications Energy Conference (intelec)Int Telecom Energy]33rd Annual Ieee/acm International Symposium On Microarchitecture: Micro-33 2000, ProceedingsInt Symp MicroarchA33rd Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cost EngineersTrans Annu Meet AmerF33rd Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science : Proceedings An S Fdn Co333rd Design Automation Conference, Proceedings 1996 Des Aut ConH33rd Eslab Symposium On Star Formation From The Small to The Large Scale Esa Sp PublH33rd Eslab Symposium On Star Formation From The Small to The Large Scale Esa Spec Publ]33rd International Conference Proceedings : American Production and Inventory Control Society Lib Am ProdB33rd International Symposium On Computer Archtiecture, ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp CB33rd International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym MvlQ34th Acm/ieee International Symposium On Microarchitecture, Micro-34, ProceedingsInt Symp MicroarchB34th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Conference Proceedings Atca Conf PA34th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cost EngineersTrans Annu Meet Amer-34th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul SympE34th Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science: Proceedings An S Fdn CoB34th International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym Mvl34th Liege International Astrophysics Colloquium - The Next Generation Space Telescope Science Drivers and Technological Challenges Esa Sp Publ.34th R3-nordic Contamination Control SymposiumVtt SympY35th Annual Ieee/acm International Symposium On Microarchitecture (micro-35), ProceedingsInt Symp Microarch-35th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul SympE35th Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, Proceedings An S Fdn CoL35th Ieee Cement Industry Technical Conference : Record of Conference PapersIeee Cem Ind Tech Co-35th Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists ConferenceIeee Phot Spec ConfB35th International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym MvlM35 Vdi Jahrestagung Schadensanalyse:produktverbesserung Durch Schadensanalyse VDI Berichtj35 Years of Chemical Sensors - An Honorary Symposium for Professor Jiri Janata's 70th Birthday CelebrationEcs Transactions`35 Years of Fuzzy Set Theory: Celebratory Volume Dedicated to The Retirement of Etienne E. KerreStud Fuzz Soft Comp@36th Annual Frontiers in Education, Conference Program, Vols 1-4Proc Front Educ Conf436th Annual New Mexico Water Conference, ProceedingsWrri Rep-36th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul SympE36th Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, Proceedings An S Fdn Co?36th International Sampe Symposium and Exhibition, Book 1 and 2Int Sampe Tech Conf^37th Annual Ieee/ifip International Conference On Dependable Systems and Networks, ProceedingsI C Depend Sys Netwo437th Annual New Mexico Water Conference, ProceedingsWrri Rep-37th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul SympE37th Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, Proceedings An S Fdn Co337th Design Automation Conference, Proceedings 2000 Des Aut ConC37th Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference ProceedingsIss Mwsp Conf P037th North American Power Symposium, ProceedingsNorth Amer Pow Symp.37th R3-nordic Contamination Control SymposiumVtt SympM38th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Convention Proceedings, Fall 1993 Atca Conf P438th Annual New Mexico Water Conference, ProceedingsWrri RepP38th Annual Proceedings - Association for The Advancement of Automotive Medicine P Ann C Ass-38th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul SympE38th Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp Found238th Design Automation Conference Proceedings 2001 Des Aut Con@38th Symposium On Physicochemical Problems of Mineral ProcessingSci P Inst Min ConfV395th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar - Time Dependent Phenomena in Quantum MechanicsJ Phys Conf SerV39th Annual 2005 International Carnahan Conference On Security Technology, Proceedings Car C SecurP39th Annual Proceedings - Association for The Advancement of Automotive Medicine P Ann C AssI39th Annual Proceedings: International Reliability Physics Symposium 2001 Int Rel Phy-39th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul SympE39th Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp Found339th Design Automation Conference, Proceedings 2002 Des Aut Con$3d and Hd Broadband Video NetworkingArtech Hse Telecom S&3d Cell Culture: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol63d Computer Vision: Efficient Methods and Applications X Media Publ3-d Fibrous AssembliesWoodhead Publ Text"3d Imaging for Safety and Security Comp Imag Vis"3d Imaging for Safety and SecurityComput Imaging Vis3d Imaging in MedicineNato Adv Sci I F-com/3d Imaging: Theory, Technology and ApplicationsComput Sci Tech Appl.3d Integration for Noc-based Soc ArchitecturesIntegr Circuit Syst73d-position Tracking and Control for All-terrain RobotsSpringer Trac Adv Rob3d Robotic Mapping: The Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problems With Six Degrees of FreedomSpringer Trac Adv Ro3d Stellar Evolution Astr Soc P 3 K Cosmology Aip Conf ProcT3rd Arena Conference On An Astronomical Observatory At Concordia (dome C, Antarctia)Eas PublicationsQ3rd Asia-pacific Forum On Engineering and Technology Education, Forum ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ SerG3rd Baltic Region Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser33rd European Conference On Satellite Communications Iee Conf Publi3rd Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 6th Latin American Meeting On Optics, Lasers, and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>3rd International Conference On Optical Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins?3rd International Conference On Water and Waste Water TreatmentBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ63rd International Conference On Water Pipeline SystemsBhr Gr Conf Ser Publi3rd International Imeko-symposium On Laser Metrology for Precision Measurement and Inspection in Industry VDI BerichtD3rd International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (poem 2010)J Phys Conf Sert3rd International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt Ins3rd International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Parts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins3rd International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, Parts 1-3 Proc Spiea3rd International Symposium On Shape Memory Materials for Smart Systems/e-mrs 2010 Spring Meeting Physcs ProcH3rd Kuala Lumpur International Conference On Biomedical Engineering 2006 Ifmbe ProcZ3rd Mexico-korea Conference On Astrophysics: Telescopes of The Future and San Pedro MartirRev Mex Ast AstrC3rd Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2008 Adv Soft Comp?3rd Symposium On Large Tpcs for Low Energy Rare Event DetectionJ Phys Conf SerL3rd Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser+3rd Vaccine Global Congress, Singapore 2009Procedia Vaccinol73rd Workshop : Italian Research On Antarctic Atmosphere Ital Phy So)3rd World Congress On Oxidation CatalysisStud Surf Sci Catal23rd World Water Congress: Drinking Water TreatmentWa Sci Technol@3rd World Water Congress: Efficient Water Supply and Water ReuseWa Sci TechnolN3rd World Water Congress: Water Services Management, Operations and MonitoringWa Sci TechnolD40th Annual Proceedings: International Reliability Physics Symposium Int Rel Phy-40th Annual Simulation Symposium, ProceedingsProc Annu Simul Symp340th Design Automation Conference, Proceedings 2003 Des Aut ConE40th Ieee International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic Ismvl 2010 Int Sym MvlN40th Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference Proceedings, Vol XxxviIss Mwsp Conf P+40th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings Stapp Car C<40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More Aip Conf ProcV41st Annual Ieee International Carnahan Conference On Security Technology, Proceedings Car C SecurD41st Annual Proceedings: International Reliability Physics Symposium Int Rel PhyE41st Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp Found341st Design Automation Conference, Proceedings 2004 Des Aut ConK41st Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference Proceedings, Vol 37Iss Mwsp Conf PP42nd Annual Proceedings - Association for The Advancement of Automotive Medicine P Ann C AssE42nd Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp Found342nd Design Automation Conference, Proceedings 2005 Des Aut ConE42nd Electronic Components & Technology Conference : 1992 Proceedings P Electr CC42nd Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference ProceedingsIss Mwsp Conf PP43rd Annual Proceedings - Association for The Advancement of Automotive Medicine P Ann C Ass343rd Design Automation Conference, Proceedings 2006 Des Aut ConE43rd Electronic Components & Technology Conference : 1993 Proceedings P Electr CN43rd Hawaii International Conference On Systems Sciences Vols 1-5 (hicss 2010) P Ann HicssC43rd Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference ProceedingsIss Mwsp Conf PN44th Annual 2010 Ieee International Carnahan Conference On Security TechnologyInt Carn Conf SecuJ44th Annual Ieee Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp FoundE44th Electronic Components & Technology Conference - 1994 Proceedings P Electr CJ45th Annual Ieee Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp FoundE45th Electronic Components & Technology Conference - 1995 Proceedings P Electr CM46th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Conference Proceedings, Fall 2001 Atca Conf PJ46th Annual Ieee Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp FoundE46th Electronic Components & Technology Conference - 1996 Proceedings Elec Comp CF46th International Symposium On Crop Protection, Proceedings, Vols 1-4 Int S CropJ47th Annual Ieee Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp FoundD47th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, 1997 Proceedings P Electr C,48th Electric Furnace Conference Proceedings T Iss AimeE48th Electronic Components & Technology Conference - 1998 Proceedings P Electr C348th Ieee Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols 1-3 Ieee Vtc P948th International Symposium On Crop Protection, Pts I-iv Int S Crop&48th Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf Proc,49th Electric Furnace Conference Proceedings T Iss Aime&49th Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf Proc"4-d Framework of Continental CrustGeol Soc Am MemE4-hydroxyandrostenedione - A New Approach to Hormone-dependent CancerRoy Soc Med Int Cong.4or-a Quarterly Journal of Operations Research4or-q J Oper Res34th Asian Physics Symposium: An International Event Aip Conf ProcQ4th Asia-pacific Forum On Engineering and Technology Education, Forum ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ SerG4th Baltic Region Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser>4th Bobigny Conference On Medical Responsibility and Expertise Col Med Le4th Esa International Conference On Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems and Tutorial On Modern and Robust Control: Theory, Tools and Applications Esa Sp PublL4th European Symposium On Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, Proceedings Esa Sp PublL4th European Symposium On Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, Proceedings Esa Spec PublY4th European Workshop On Hot Structures and Thermal Protection Systems for Space Vehicles Esa Sp PublY4th European Workshop On Hot Structures and Thermal Protection Systems for Space Vehicles Esa Spec Publl4th Iberoamerican Meeting On Optics and 7th Latin American Meeting On Optics, Lasers, and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Insl4th Iberoamerican Meeting On Optics and 7th Latin American Meeting On Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications Proc SpieF4th International Conference - Non-destructive Testing of Works of Art Dgzfp BerD4th International Conference Non-destructive Testing of Works of Art Dgzfp BerF4th International Conference On Bioreactor & Bioprocess Fluid DynamicsBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ84th International Conference On Laser Probing - Lap 2008 Aip Conf ProcV4th International Symposium On Environmental Testing for Space Programmes, Proceedings Esa Sp PublS4th International Symposium On Instrumentation Science and Technology (isist' 2006)J Phys Conf Ser54th International Symposium On Therapeutic Ultrasound Aip Conf Procp4th International Workshop On Microprocessor Test and Verification: Common Challenges and Solutions, ProceedingsInt Workshop MicroprN4th International Workshop On Nuclear Fission and Fission-product Spectroscopy Aip Conf Proc:4th International Workshop On Polymer Reaction Engineering Dech MonogV4th International Workshop On Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (bsn 2007) Ifmbe ProcV4th Kuala Lumpur International Conference On Biomedical Engineering 2008, Vols 1 and 2 Ifmbe Proc44th Large Open Pit Mining Conference - Managing RiskAustralas I Min MetG4th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, London, 9-11 April 1997Persp Neural Comp 4th Symposium On Nuclear Physics Aip Conf ProcL4th Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser+4th Uk National Conference On Heat TransferImeche Conf Trans64th Workshop, Italian Research On Antarctic Atmosphere Ital Phy So@4th World Water Congress: Innovation in Drinking Water TreatmentWa Sci TechnolK4th World Water Congress: Innovation in Water Supply - Reuse and EfficiencyWa Sci TechnolD4th World Water Congress: Water Supply and Water Services ManagementWa Sci Technol 50th Electric Furnace Conference T Iss AimeE50th Electronic Components & Technology Conference - 2000 Proceedings P Electr C950th International Symposium On Crop Protection, Pts I-iv Int S Crop&50th Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf Proc#50 Years of Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Inti50 Years of The Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography: Jubilee Proceedings, 1954-2004Res Inst Geodesy Top251st Electronic Components & Technology Conference Elec Comp C&51st Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf ProcD52nd Electronic Components & Technology Conference, 2002 Proceedings Elec Comp CJ52nd International Symposium On Crop Protection, Pts I and Ii, Proceedings Int S Crop&52nd Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf ProcD53rd Electronic Components & Technology Conference, 2003 Proceedings Elec Comp CA53rd Ieee International Midwest Symposium On Circuits and SystemsMidwest Symp Circuit&53rd Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf Proc,54th Electric Furnace Conference ProceedingsElect Furn Conf ProcM54th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings Elec Comp CR55th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, Vols 1 and 2, 2005 Proceedings Elec Comp C&55th Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf ProcQ56th Electronic Components & Technology Conference 2006, Vol 1 and 2, Proceedings Elec Comp CD57th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, 2007 Proceedings Elec Comp CQ57th Ieee Vehicular Technology Conference, Vtc 2003-spring, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh Technol!58th Conference On Glass ProblemsCeram Eng Sci ProcS58th Electric Furnace Conference and 17th Process Technology Conference ProceedingsElect Furn Conf Proc?58th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, Proceedings Elec Comp C&58th Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf Proc!59th Conference On Glass ProblemsCeram Eng Sci ProcS59th Electric Furnace Conference and 19th Process Technology Conference ProceedingsElect Furn Conf Proc65-ht2c Receptors in The Pathophysiology of Cns Disease Recept Ser!5-hydroxytryptamine in Psychiatry Ox Med Publ@5th Baltic Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ SerJ5th European Conference On Cognitive Science Approaches to Process ControlVtt Symp,5th European Conference On Integrated OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins55th European Symposium On Electrochemical Engineering Inst Chem E<5th International Conference On Ac and Dc Power Transmission Iee Conf PublL5th International Conference On Industrial Lasers and Laser Applications '95P Soc Photo-opt InsT5th International Conference On Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (ifsa2007)J Phys Conf SerC5th International Conference On Laser Applications in Life SciencesP Soc Photo-opt InsC5th International Conference On Laser Applications in Life Sciences Proc SpieN5th International Conference On Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon PlasmaJ Phys Conf Serm5th International Conference On Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (pacbb 2011)Adv Intel Soft Compu?5th International Conference On Profitable Condition MonitoringBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ95th International Conference On Thermophysical Properties Aip Conf ProcD5th International Conference On Times of Polymers Top and Composites Aip Conf ProcP5th International Eeigm-amase-forgemat Conference On Advanced Materials ResearchIop Conf Ser-mat Sci/5th International Mango Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic+5th International Mining Geology ConferenceAustralas I Min Met;5th International Photodynamic Association Biennial MeetingP Soc Photo-opt Ins5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies Proc Spie5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Micro- and Nano-optical Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Inst5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt Ins5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and EquipmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment Proc Spie5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Detector, Imager, Display, and Energy Conversion TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Detector, Imager, Display, and Energy Conversion Technology Proc Spie5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Smart Structures and Materials in Manufacturing and TestingP Soc Photo-opt Ins5th International Symposium On Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Smart Structures and Materials in Manufacturing and Testing Proc SpieA5th International Symposium On Quantum Theory and Symmetries Qts5J Phys Conf SerG5th International Workshop On Adaptive Optics for Industry and MedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins45th International Workshop On High-pt Physics At Lhc Aip Conf ProcK5th International Workshop On Image Processing and Computer Optics (dip-94)P Soc Photo-opt Insp5th International Workshop On Microprocessor Test and Verification: Common Challenges and Solutions, ProceedingsInt Workshop MicroprP5th International Workshop On Multi-rate Processes and Hysteresis (murphys 2010)J Phys Conf Ser:5th International Workshop On Polymer Reaction Engineering Dech Monog?5th Symposium By Nordic Separation Science Society (nosss 2009) Procedia ChemL5th Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser65th Workshop: Italian Research On Antarctic Atmosphere Ital Phy So=5th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & AstrophysicsJ Phys Conf Ser,5th Workshop On Atomic and Molecular PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>5th World Water Congress: Drinking Water Quality and TreatmentWa Sci Technol<5th World Water Congress: Drinking Water Treatment ProcessesWa Sci Technol35th World Water Congress: Water Services ManagementWa Sci TechnolI5-year Study of The First Edition of The Core-plus Mathematics CurriculumRes Math Educ Ser&60th Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf Proc/60th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical ForumCeram Eng Sci Proc60 Years of The Casimir EffectJ Phys Conf Ser&61st Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf ProcN67th Conference On Glass Problems: Ceramic Engineering and Science ProceedingsCeram Eng Sci Proc<67th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum, ProceedingsCeram Eng Sci Proc!68th Conference On Glass ProblemsCeram Eng Sci Proc468th Ieee Vehicular Technology Conference, Fall 2008Ieee Vts Veh Technol/68th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical ForumCeram Eng Sci Proc!69th Conference On Glass ProblemsCeram Eng Sci Proc/69th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical ForumCeram Eng Sci Proc+6th Ausimm Extractive Metallurgy ConferenceAustralas I Min Met56th Dresden Polymer Discussion - Surface Modification Macromol SyH6th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, Proceedings (eptc 2004)El Packag Tech Conf,6th Integral Workshop: The Obscured Universe Esa Sp Publ,6th Integral Workshop: The Obscured Universe Esa Spec PublA6th International Conference On Aperiodic Crystals (aperiodic'09)J Phys Conf Ser.6th International Conference On City LogisticsProcd Soc BehvJ6th International Conference On Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems (cpv-6) Aip Conf ProcL6th International Conference On Industrial Lasers and Laser Applications '98P Soc Photo-opt InsL6th International Conference On Industrial Lasers and Laser Applications '98 Proc SpieM6th International Conference On Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Aip Conf ProcB6th International Conference On The Physics of Highly Charged Ions Aip Conf Proc+6th International Mining Geology ConferenceAustralas I Min Met.6th International Sampe Electronics Conference Int Sampe ES6th International Scientific Conference Business and Management 2010, Vols I and Ii Bus ManagE6th International Symposium On Geodesy and Physics of The Earth, Pt 1 Ver Zent PhE6th International Symposium On Geodesy and Physics of The Earth, Pt 2 Ver Zent PhE6th International Symposium On Geodesy and Physics of The Earth, Pt 3 Ver Zent PhX6th International Symposium On Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion Aip Conf ProcU6th International Symposium On Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation Proc Spie56th International Symposium On Therapeutic Ultrasound Aip Conf ProcU6th International Workshop On Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics (dip-97)P Soc Photo-opt Ins:6th International Workshop On Information Optics (wio '07) Aip Conf ProcK6th International Workshop On Program Comprehension (iwpc 98) - ProceedingsProg Comprehen)6th Large Open Pit Mining Conference 2007Australas I Min MetV6th Meeting of The Wg Tools for Simulation and Modelling in Environmental ApplicationsFzka Tech Umw Wis B"6th Mexican Nuclear Physics School Aip Conf ProcK6th Uicee Annual Conference On Enineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser76th Workshop - Italian Research On Antarctic Atmosphere Ital Phy So>6th Workshop On Parallel and Distributed Simulation ( Pads92 ) Simul Series6th Wseas Int Conf On Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits & Systems/7th Wseas Int Conf On Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology, Proceedings Ele Com Eng'72nd Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Steel Proc'73rd Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Steel Proc'74th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Steel Proc\75th Annual Meeting, Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints A & B Can Pulp P'75th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Steel Proc75 Years of Radon TransformConf Proc Lec N Phys'76th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Steel Proc77th Steelmaking Conference Steel Proc'79th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Steel ProcG7th Baltic Region Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser/7th Ethylene Producers' Conference, ProceedingsProc Ethyl Produc C?7th European Conference On Applied Superconductivity (eucas'05)J Phys Conf Ser@7th European Space Mechanisms & Tribology Symposium, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ%7th International Asparagus Symposium Acta HorticF7th International Conference of The Balkan Physical Union Vols 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc^7th International Conference On Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications Icamdata-2010 Aip Conf ProcT7th International Conference On Computer-aided Industrial Design & Conceptual DesignI C Comp Aid Des ConR7th International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks - ProceedingsIeee Ic Comp Com Net>7th International Conference On Fourier Transform SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins<7th International Conference On Laser Applications-icla 2009 Aip Conf ProcP7th International Conference On Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration AnalysisJ Phys Conf Sere7th International Conference On Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-agent Systems (paams 2009)Adv Intel Soft Compue7th International Conference On Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-agent Systems (paams 2009)Adv Intell Soft Compc7th International Conference On Pressure Surges and Fluid Transients in Pipelines and Open ChannelsBhr Gr Conf Ser Publy7th International Conference On Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions: Strenthening and Retrofitting, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switzX7th International Scientific Conference - Engineering for Rural Development, ProceedingsEng Rur DevelopS7th International Symposium On Corrosion in The Pulp & Paper Industry : Proceedings P Tech As P7th International Symposium On Instrumentation and Control Technology: Measurement Theory and Systems and Aeronautical EquipmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins=7th International Symposium On Materials in Space Environment Esa Sp PublQ7th International Symposium On Measurement Technology and Intelligent InstrumentsJ Phys Conf Ser77th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Vols 1-3Ieee Mediterr Elect,7th Meeting in Israel On Optical EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsL7th Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser77th Workshop - Italian Research On Antarctic Atmosphere Ital Phy So/802.11 Wireless Networks: Security and AnalysisComput Commun Netw SX80th Annual Meeting, Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints A Can Pulp PX80th Annual Meeting, Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints B Can Pulp P'84th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Steel Proc'85th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Steel ProcG8th Baltic Region Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ SerG8th China International Nanoscience and Technology Symposium (cinsts09)J Phys Conf Ser48th Edoardo Amaldi Conference On Gravitational WavesJ Phys Conf Ser?8th European Conference On Applied Superconductivity (eucas'07)J Phys Conf SerH8th Ieee International Workshop On Rapid System Prototyping, ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst Prot]8th Internatioanl Conference On The Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers Aip Conf Proc28th International Conference On Correlation OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins28th International Conference On Correlation Optics Proc Spie>8th International Conference On Fourier Transform SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsY8th International Conference On Harmonics and Quality of Power, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Int C Harmon Qual Po?8th International Conference On Hf Radio Systems and Techniques Iee Conf PublM8th International Conference On Multiphase '97 - How Deep? How Far? How Soon?Bhr Gr Conf Ser Publ/8th International Conference On Pressure SurgesBhr Gr Conf Ser PublE8th International Symposium : Hardness Testing in Theory and Practice VDI Bericht98th International Symposium On Small Fruit Virus Diseases Acta Hortic58th International Symposium On Therapeutic Ultrasound Aip Conf ProcL8th International Symposium On Timing of Field Production in Vegetable Crops Acta HorticL8th International Workshop On Program Comprehension (iwpc 2000), ProceedingsProg Compreheni8th Soho Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in The Solar Transition Region and Corona, Proceedings Esa Sp Publi8th Soho Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in The Solar Transition Region and Corona, Proceedings Esa Spec PublL8th Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser58th Workshop Italian Research On Antarctic Atmosphere Soc Ital Fi/91 Electroweak Interaction and Unified Theories Moriond Par$91 High Energy Hadronic Interactions Moriond Par/97th Annual Conference On Taxation, Proceedings P A Con Tax59th Annual Conference 1988 - Canadian Nuclear Society P Can Nuc S09th Ausimm Underground Operators Conference 2005Australas I Min MetG9th Baltic Region Seminar On Engineering Education, Seminar ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Ser/9th Ethylene Producers' Conference, ProceedingsProc Ethyl Produc Ce9th European Aerospace Congress - Visions and Limits of Long-term Aerospace Developments, ProceedingsDglr BerX9th European Meeting On Solar Physics: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp PublX9th European Meeting On Solar Physics: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Spec Publ59th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium Esa Sp Publ<9th Ieee Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Proceedings P Ieee CsfwO9th International Conference On Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle TunnelsBhr Gr Conf Ser Publb9th International Conference On Computer-aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design, Vols 1 and 2I C Comp Aid Des Con>9th International Conference On Fourier Transform SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins.9th International Conference On Multiphase '99Bhr Gr Conf Ser Publj9th International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser and Noncontact Techniques and Short Course Aip Conf Proc09th International Conference On X-ray MicroscopyJ Phys Conf Ser?9th International Design Conference - Design 2006, Vols 1 and 2Des Soc Pub DsW9th International Scientific Conference: Engineering for Rural Development, ProceedingsEng Rur Develop59th International Symposium On Therapeutic Ultrasound Aip Conf ProcL9th International Workshop On Petri Nets and Performance Models, ProceedingsInt Worksh Petri Net@9th International Workshop On Program Comprehension, ProceedingsProg Comprehen,9th Meeting On Optical Engineering in IsraelP Soc Photo-opt Ins69th Nordic Symposium On Tribology Nordtrib 2000, Vol 1Vtt Symp69th Nordic Symposium On Tribology Nordtrib 2000, Vol 2Vtt Symp69th Nordic Symposium On Tribology Nordtrib 2000, Vol 3Vtt Sympz9th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference - Nuclear Energy, Science & Technology Pacific Partnership, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2 Inst Eng A-9th Process Technology Conference Proceedings Proc Tech CL9th Uicee Annual Conference On Engineering Education, Conference ProceedingsMonas Engn Educ Serg9th World Congress On Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress On Computational MechanicsIop Conf Ser-mat Sci,Aaa-arbeiten Aus Anglistik Und AmerikanistikAaa-arb Anglist Am2Aaas08: 2nd Advanced Atmospheric Aerosol SymposiumChem Engineer Trans.Aaas10: Advanced Atmospheric Aerosol SymposiumChem Engineer Trans"Aaas R&d Budget and Policy Project Aaas R&d BAaas Selected Symposia Series Aaas Select Aace Bulletin Aace BullAall Publications Series Aall Publ S7Aana Journal-american Association of Nurse AnesthetistsAana J Aaohn JournalAaohn J Aapg Bulletin Aapg Bull:Aapg Bulletin-american Association of Petroleum Geologists Aapg Bull Aapg Memoirs Aapg MemoirAapg Studies in GeologyAapg Stud Geol3Aaps Advances in The Pharmaceutical Sciences SeriesAaps Adv Pharm Sci Aaps JournalAaps J Aaps Pharmsci Aaps PharmsciAaps PharmscitechAaps Pharmscitech Aascu Issues Aascu IssAas History Series Aas Hist SAas History Series Aas Hist Ser Aatcc Review Aatcc RevAatcc Symposium Aatcc Symp;Aaup Bulletin-american Association of University ProfessorsAaup B Aau Reports Aau Reports3Abacus-a Journal of Accounting and Business StudiesAbacus-j Account Bus;Abacus-a Journal of Accounting Finance and Business StudiesAbacusAbacus-new YorkAbacus-new York Aba JournalAba JYAbc's of Cultural Understanding and Communication: National and International AdaptationsLit Lang LearnAbct Clinical Assessment SeriesAbct Clin Assess Ser>Abc Transporters: Biochemical, Cellular, and Molecular AspectsMethod EnzymolJAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Genetics, Pathophysiology and Molecular BiologyAnn Ny Acad SciKAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Genetics, Pathophysiology, and Molecular BiologyAnn Ny Acad SciEAbdominal Aortic Aneurysms: New Approaches to Rupture Risk AssessmentCardiol Res Clin DevAbdominal Imaging Abdom Imaging_Abductive Cognition: The Epistemological and Eco-cognitive Dimensions of Hypothetical ReasoningCogn Syst MonogrAbelian GroupsLect Notes Pure ApplAbelian Groups and ModulesLect Notes Pure ApplAbelian Groups and Modules Math ApplAbelian Groups and Modules Trends Math+Abelian Groups, Module Theory, and TopologyLect Notes Pure Appl7Abelian Groups, Rings, Modules, and Homological AlgebraMg Txb Pur Appl Math7Abelian Groups, Rings, Modules, and Homological AlgebraMonogr Txb Pure Appl Abel Symposia Abel SympbAbhandlung Der Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu Gottingen Philologisch Historische Klasse Neue FolgeAbh Akad Wiss Got PhCAbhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Universitat HamburgAbh Math Sem Hamburg?Abhandlungen Des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg, Nf Abh Nat VerkAb Initio Simulation of Crystalline Solids: History and Prospects - Contributions in Honor of Cesare PisaniJ Phys Conf Ser Abjection, Melancholia, and Love Warw St PhlJAbnormal Cortical Development and Epilepsy: From Basic to Clinical Science Mariani F P.Abnormal Pressures in Hydrocarbon Environments Aapg Memoir#Aboriginal History Monograph SeriesAborig Hist Mg SerAboriginal Justice Issues Aic Conf PDAboriginal Placenames: Naming and Re-naming The Australian LandscapeAborig Hist Mg SerAboriginal Studies SeriesAboriginal Stud SercAbortion and The Moral Significance of Merely Possible Persons: Finding Middle Ground in Hard Cases Philos Med&Abortion: Legislative and Legal Issues Laws LegisAbout Depression Confr PsychAbout The House About House7Abraham in Arms: War and Gender in Colonial New EnglandEarly Am Stud Ser%Abraham J. (abe) Briloff: A BiographyStud Dev Account ThoXAbraham Kuenen ( 1828-1891 ) : His Major Contributions to The Study of The Old Testament Old Test StSAbram - Abraham: Kompositionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen Zu Genesis 14, 15 Und 17Beih Z Alttest WissAbrasive Engineering Abrasive EngaAbschluss Des Zwolfprophetenbuches: Buchubergreifende Redaktionsprozesse in Den Spaten SammlungenBeih Z Alttest Wiss>Absent Environments: Theorising Environmental Law and The City Law Sci Soc?Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems, Second EditionMath Model-theor AppAbstract and Applied AnalysisAbstr Appl Anal:Abstract Harmonic Analysis of Continous Wavelet TransformsLect Notes Math9Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int:Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int>Abstract Machine Models for Parallel and Distributed ComputingConcur Syst Engn Ser=Abstract Parabolic Evolution Equations and Their ApplicationsSpringer Monogr Math&Abstract Phonology in A Concrete ModelCogn Linguist Res4Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical SocietyAbstr Pap Am Chem SJAbstract State Machines 2003: Advances in Theory and Practice, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIAbstract State Machines 2003: Advances in Theory and Practic, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJAbstract State Machines 2004: Advances in Theory and Practice, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B and Z, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Abstract State Machines, B and Z, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Abundance Profiles: Diagnostic Tools for Galaxy History Astr Soc PKAbuse of Dominant Position: New Interpretation, New Enforcement Mechanisms?Mpi Stud Intell Prop6Abwicklung Des Masseunzulanglichen InsolvenzverfahrensSchr Deut Eur Int In Aca Arts Research Seminar Series Aca Art R SAcacia in Senegal Colloq SemiAcademe-bulletin of The AaupAcademe2Academia-revista Latinoamericana De AdministracionAcad-rev Latinoam Ad#Academia Studies in Asian EconomicsAcad Stud Asian EconYAcademic Administration: A Quest for Better Management and Leadership in Higher EducationEduc Compet Glob WordAcademic and Professional Identities in Higher Education: The Challenges of A Diversifying WorkforceInt Stud High EducAcademic Emergency MedicineAcad Emerg MedAcademic MedicineAcad MedAcademic Pediatrics Acad PediatrAcademic PsychiatryAcad PsychiatrAcademic Psychology BulletinAcad Psychol BAcademic Radiology Acad Radiol/Academic Research Library in A Decade of ChangeChandos Inf Prof SerAcademic Therapy Acad TherAcademie Serbe Des Sciences Et Des Arts Bulletin, Tome Cxv: Classe Des Sciences Mathematiques Et Naturelles, Sciences Naturelles No 37 Serb Ac B(Academy of International Business SeriesAcad Int Bus Ser(Academy of International Business SeriesAcad Int Bus SeriesAcademy of Management AnnalsAcad Manag AnnAcademy of Management ExecutiveAcad Manage ExecAcademy of Management Journal Acad Manage J*Academy of Management Learning & EducationAcad Manag Learn Edu"Academy of Management PerspectivesAcad Manage PerspectAcademy of Management ReviewAcad Manage Rev Acadiensis Acadiensis Acarologia AcarologiaEAccademia Nazionale Virgiliana Di Scienze Lettere E Arti - MiscellanaAccad Naz Virg Sci M>Accademia Toscana Di Science E Lettere "la Colombaria" Studies Acad Tosc S?Accelerated and Outdoor Durability Testing of Organic MaterialsAm Soc Test Mater$Accelerating Japan's Economic GrowthRoutledge Stud Growt-Acceleration and Heating in The Magnetosphere Adv Space Res-Acceleration and Heating in The MagnetosphereAdv Space Res-seriesMAcceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in The Heliosphere Aip Conf Proc3Accelerator-based Infrared Sources and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsDAccelerator-based Sources of Infrared and Spectroscopic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsqAccelerator Driven Systems for Energy Production and Waste Incineration: Physics, Design and Related Nuclear DataIctp Lect NotesAccelerator Instrumentation Aip Conf ProcAccelerator Instrumentation / Aip Conf ProcAccelerator Instrumentation // Aip Conf Proc4Accelerator Instrumentation : Second Annual Workshop Aip Conf Proc9Accelerator Physics At The Superconducting Super Collider Aip Conf ProcAccelerators in The Universe Aip Conf ProcAccentuation and InterpretationPalg Stud Pragm LangHAcceptability of Risk From Radiation - Application to Human Space FlightNcrp Symp ProcQAccepting The Invisible Hand: Market-based Approaches to Social-economic ProblemsPersp Soc Econ.Access, A Zone of Comprehension, and Intrusion Adv Prog Eval=Accessing and Sharing The Benefits of The Genomics RevolutionInt Libr Environ Agr/Accessing Multilingual Information RepositoriesLect Notes Comput Sc*Access, Quality and Satisfaction With CareRes Sociol Health CaAccess to Care in Mali Coll Homm SocAccess to JusticeSociol Crime Law DevAccess to Mobile ServicesAdv Database SystxAccf Center for Policy Research Monograph Series On Tax, Regulatory, and Environmental Policies and U.s, Economic Growth Accf Ms TaxSAccidental Presidents: Death, Assassination, Resignation, and Democratic SuccessionEvol Am Presid Accident Analysis and PreventionAccident Anal Prev*Accidents: Causes, Analysis and Prevention Saf Risk Soc8Accomplishments of The Past and Challenges of The Future Geoth Res T9Accountability in Research-policies and Quality Assurance Account Res Accounting and Business ResearchAccount Bus Res5Accounting and Causal Effects: Econometric ChallengesSpringer Ser AccountAccounting and FinanceAccount FinancLAccounting, Banking and Corporate Financial Management in Emerging EconomiesRes Account Emerg EcAccounting for GoodwillRoutl Stud Account Accounting for Worker Well-beingRes Labor EconAccounting Horizons Account Horiz Accounting in Emerging EconomiesRes Account Emerg Ec$Accounting Organizations and SocietyAccount Org SocAccounting Review Account Rev?Accounts in Drug Discovery: Case Studies in Medicinal ChemistryRsc Drug DiscovAccounts of Chemical ResearchAccounts Chem ResBAcc: Proceedings of The 2005 American Control Conference, Vols 1-7P Amer Contr Conf#Accreditation and Quality AssuranceAccredit Qual Assur-Accretion and Ejection in Agn : A Global View Astr Soc PRAccretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in The Northwest Pacific BasinMod Appr Sol Earth S?Accretion Discs, Jets and High Energy Phenomena in Astrophysics Les Houch S3Accretion Disks and Magnetic Fields in AstrophysicsAstrophys Space Sc LAccretion Disks - New AspectsLect Notes Phys(Accretion Phenomena and Related Outflows Astr Soc P?Accretion Processes in Astrophysical Systems: Some Like It Hot! Aip Conf Proc!Accuracy in Powder Diffraction IiNist Spec Publ7Accuracy of Element Abundances From Stellar AtmospheresLect Notes PhysAcdi Seminaires & ColloquesAcdi Semin Colloq2Aceee Books On Energy Policy and Energy EfficiencyAceee Ener Pol Ener,Aceh, Indonesia: Securing The Insecure StateEthnogr Polit Violen!Aceh Peace Process: Why It FailedPol Stud$Acetylcholine in The Cerebral CortexProg Brain ResXAcheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Vol 2: Ancient Flames and Controlled Use of FireVertebr Paleobiol Pa,Achievement Gap Research Practice and PolicyAchiev Gap Res PracthAchievements and New Directions in Subatomic Physics: Festschrift in Honour of Tony Thomas 60th Birthday Aip Conf ProcrAchievements in Engineering Materials, Energy, Management and Control Based On Information Technology, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switzhAchieving A Sustainable Global Energy System: Identifying Possibilities Using Long-term Energy ScenariosEsri Stud Environ@Achieving Complete Band Gaps Using Low Refractive Index MaterialNanotechnol Sci Tech:Achieving Economic Development in The Era of GlobalizationRoutl Stud Dev EconCAchieving Interoperability in Critical It and Communication SystemsArtech Hse Mob CommAchieving Price Stability Fed Bank Ks*Achieving The Millennium Development GoalsStud Dev Econ Policy"Achilles of Rationalist PsychologyStud Hist Philos MinAch-models in ChemistryAch-models ChemAciar Monograph Series Aciar Mg SAciar Proceedings Series Aciar ProcAciar Technical Reports Aciar Tec RAcid-base Catalysis IiStud Surf Sci CatalAcidic Mining Lakes Environm SciAcidification of Inland WatersPubl Wat Environ Adm;Acidification Research : Evaluation and Policy ApplicationsStud Environ SciAcidity and BasicityMol Sieves Sci TechnAcidity and Basicity of SolidsNato Adv Sci Inst SeHAcido-basic Catalysis: Application to Refining and Petrochemistry, Vol 1Inst Fran Petr PublHAcido-basic Catalysis: Application to Refining and Petrochemistry, Vol 2Inst Fran Petr Publ:Acid Rain: Are The Problems Solved? Conference Proceedings Tr Fish Sci.Acid Rain Research: Do We Have Enough Answers?Stud Environ SciAci Materials Journal Aci Mater JAci Structural Journal Aci Struct J3Acl-mit Press Series in Natural Language Processing Acl Mit NatAcm Computing SurveysAcm Comput Surv2Acm-ieee Design Automation Conference, Proceedings Acm Ieee D9Acm Journal On Emerging Technologies in Computing SystemsAcm J Emerg Tech CompAcmos '08: Proceedings of The 10th Wseas International Conference On Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation Ele Com EngDAcm Sigada Annual International Conference (sigada'99) - Proceedings Ada Letters&Acm Sigarch Computer Architecture News Acm Comp AroAcm Sigcomm'99 Conference: Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communications Comp Comm R:Acm Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review Special Issue Perf E R Si;Acm Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review, Special Issue Perf E R SiAcm Sigmod Record Sigmod RecAcm Sigplan NoticesAcm Sigplan Notices&Acm Sigsoft Software Engineering Notes Acm SigsoftPAcm Symposium On Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsAcm S Model Anal SimAcm Transactions On AlgorithmsAcm T Algorithms&Acm Transactions On Applied PerceptionAcm T Appl Percept6Acm Transactions On Architecture and Code OptimizationAcm T Archit Code Op3Acm Transactions On Autonomous and Adaptive SystemsAcm T Auton Adap Sys'Acm Transactions On Computational LogicAcm T Comput Log.Acm Transactions On Computer-human InteractionAcm T Comput-hum Int$Acm Transactions On Computer SystemsAcm T Comput Syst$Acm Transactions On Database SystemsAcm T Database Syst;Acm Transactions On Design Automation of Electronic SystemsAcm T Des Automat El.Acm Transactions On Embedded Computing SystemsAcm T Embed Comput SAcm Transactions On Graphics Acm T Graphic3Acm Transactions On Information and System SecurityAcm T Inform Syst Se'Acm Transactions On Information SystemsAcm T Inform Syst'Acm Transactions On Internet TechnologyAcm T Internet Techn)Acm Transactions On Mathematical SoftwareAcm T Math Software4Acm Transactions On Modeling and Computer SimulationAcm T Model Comput SHAcm Transactions On Multimedia Computing Communications and ApplicationsAcm T Multim Comput.Acm Transactions On Office Information SystemsAcm T Inform Syst.Acm Transactions On Office Information SystemsAcm T Off Inf Syst5Acm Transactions On Programming Languages and SystemsAcm T Progr Lang Sys#Acm Transactions On Sensor NetworksAcm T Sensor Network#Acm Transactions On Sensor NetworksAcm Trans Sens Netw8Acm Transactions On Software Engineering and MethodologyAcm T Softw Eng MethAcm Transactions On The Web Acm T Web!Acne: Causes, Treatment and MythsDermatol Lab Clin Re4Acne: Review of Current Treatments and Best Practice Roy S Med SAcoustical Imaging Acoust ImagAcoustical Imaging, Vol 19 Acoust ImagAcoustical Imaging, Vol 20 Acoust ImagAcoustical Imaging, Vol 22 Acoust ImagAcoustical Imaging, Vol 23 Acoust ImagAcoustical Imaging, Vol 24 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Technology 90 VDI Bericht.Acoustic Wave and Electromechanical ResonatorsArtech Hse Integr MiAcousto-optics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Acousto-optics and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Acousto-optics and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Acousto-optics and Applications Iii Proc Spie"Acousto-optics and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Acousto-optics and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Acp-applied Cardiopulmonary PathophysiologyAcp-appl Cardiopul PAcquired Aphasia in ChildrenNato Adv Sci I D-behAcquisition of FinitenessStud Generat GrammUAcquisition of Intensifiers: Emphatic Reflexives in English and German Child LanguageStud Lang AcquisAAcquisition of Numeral Classifiers: The Case of Japanese ChildrenStud Lang AcquisJAcquisition of Verbs and Their Grammar: The Effect of Particular LanguagesStud Theor Psycholin:Acquisition of Word Order in Chinese As A Foreign LanguageStud Lang AcquisDAcquisitions, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies XxiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing X Proc Spie&Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing Xiii Proc Spie'Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing Xiv Proc Spie'Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XixP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing Xix Proc Spie&Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing Xv Proc Spie'Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XviiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XviiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing Xviii Proc Spie&Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XxP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing Xx Proc SpieDAcquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies XxiiP Soc Photo-opt InsDAcquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies Xxii Proc SpieCAcquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies Xxv Proc SpieaAcquisition, Utilisation and The Impact of Patent and Market Information On Innovation Activities Vtt Res Notes%Acquistion, Tracking, and Pointing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsAcridaAcrida>A Critical Review: Laser Technologies for Defense and SecurityP Soc Photo-opt InsAcross Languages and CulturesAcross Lang CultAcross The Board Across BoardAcross The Religious DivideRoutl Res Gend Soc>Acrylamide and Other Hazardous Compounds in Heat-treated FoodsWoodhead Food SerYAcs'09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Applied Computer ScienceRec Adv Comput Eng#Acsa Architectural Education SeriesAcsa Archit Educ Ser"Acs Applied Materials & InterfacesAcs Appl Mater Inter Acs Catalysis Acs CatalAcs Chemical Biology Acs Chem BiolAcs Chemical NeuroscienceAcs Chem NeurosciAcs Combinatorial Science Acs Comb SciAcs Medicinal Chemistry LettersAcs Med Chem LettAcs Miscellaneous Publication Acs Misc PAcsms Health & Fitness JournalAcsms Health Fit JAcs NanoAcs NanoAcs Symposium Series Acs Sym Ser,Acta Academiae Aboensis : Ser B Math Et Phys Act Acad Ab Acta Acustica Acta Acust"Acta Acustica United With AcusticaActa Acust United AcActa Adriatica Acta AdriatActa Agriculturae ScandinavicaActa Agr Scand7Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-animal ScienceActa Agr Scand A-an?Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-soil and Plant ScienceActa Agr Scand B-s PActa Agrobotanica Acta Agrobot0Acta Agronomica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Agron HungActa AlimentariaActa Aliment HungActa Allergologica Acta AllergolActa Anaesthesiologica BelgicaActa Anaesth Belg#Acta Anaesthesiologica ScandinavicaActa Anaesth ScandRActa Analytica-international Periodical for Philosophy in The Analytical Tradition Acta Anal)Acta Analytica: Philosophy and Psychology Acta AnalytActa Anatomica Acta Anat-Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Antiqua HungActa Applicandae MathematicaeActa Appl MathActa ArchaeologicaActa Archaeol-denActa Arithmetica Acta ArithActa AstronauticaActa AstronautActa Astronomica Acta Astronom.Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis UpsaliensisActa Bibl Upsal>Acta Biochimica and Biophysica Academiae Scientarium HungaricaActa Biochimica B A'Acta Biochimica Et Biophysica HungaricaActa Biochim Biophys$Acta Biochimica Et Biophysica SinicaActa Bioch Bioph SinActa Biochimica IranicaActa Biochim IranActa Biochimica PolonicaActa Biochim PolActa Bioethica Acta Bioeth/Acta Biologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Biol Acad Sci H+Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series BotanicaActa Biol Cracov Bot+Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series ZoologiaActa Biol Cracov Zoo"Acta Biologica Et Medica GermanicaActa Biol Med GerActa Biologica HungaricaActa Biol HungActa Biomaterialia Acta Biomater'Acta Bioquimica Clinica LatinoamericanaActa Bioquim Clin LActa BiotechnologicaActa BiotechnolActa Biotheoretica Acta Biotheor Acta Borealia Acta Boreal.Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Acta Bot HungActa Botanica Brasilica Acta Bot BrasActa Botanica CroaticaActa Bot CroatActa Botanica GallicaActa Bot GallicaActa Botanica Hungarica Acta Bot HungActa Botanica IndicaActa Bot IndicaActa Botanica Mexicana Acta Bot MexActa Botanica NeerlandicaActa Bot NeerlActa Botanica Sinica Acta Bot SinActa Cardiologica Acta CardiolActa Cardiologica SinicaActa Cardiol SinActa CarsologicaActa Carsologica%Acta Carsologica: Krasoslovni Zbornik Acta Carsol%Acta Carsologica: Krasoslovni Zbornik Acta Carsolog1Acta Carsologica: Krasoslovni Zbornik, Xxiv, 1995 Acta Carsol1Acta Carsologica: Krasoslovni Zbornik, Xxiv, 1995 Acta Carsolog2Acta Carsologica: Krasoslovni Zbornik Xxvii/2 1998 Acta CarsolActa Chemica ScandinavicaActa Chem ScandCActa Chemica Scandinavica Series A-physical and Inorganic ChemistryActa Chem Scand AEActa Chemica Scandinavica Series B-organic Chemistry and BiochemistryActa Chem Scand B-Acta Chimica Academiae Scientarium HungaricaeActa Chim Hung*Acta Chimica Hungarica-models in ChemistryActa Chim HungActa Chimica SinicaActa Chim SinicaActa Chimica SlovenicaActa Chim SlovActa ChiropterologicaActa Chiropterol<Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae Et Traumatologiae CechoslovacaActa Chir Orthop TrActa Chirurgiae PlasticaeActa Chir Plast0Acta Chirurgica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Chir HungActa Chirurgica AustriacaActa Chir AustriacaActa Chirurgica BelgicaActa Chir BelgActa Chirurgica ScandinavicaActa Chir Scand/Acta Chirurgica-the European Journal of SurgeryActa Chir-eur J SurgActa ChromatographicaActa ChromatogrActa Cientifica VenezolanaActa Cient VenezActa Cirurgica Brasileira Acta Cir Bras Acta Classica Acta ClassActa Clinica BelgicaActa Clin BelgActa Clinica CroaticaActa Clin Croat#Acta Conventus Neo-latini AbulensisMediev Ren Tex StudActa CrystallographicaActa Crystallogr Acta Crystallographica Section AActa Crystallogr AdActa Crystallographica Section A-crystal Physics Diffraction Theoretical and General CrystallographyActa Crystall A-crysQActa Crystallographica Section B-structural Crystallography and Crystal ChemistryActa Crystall B-stru3Acta Crystallographica Section B-structural ScienceActa Crystallogr BAActa Crystallographica Section C-crystal Structure CommunicationsActa Crystallogr C;Acta Crystallographica Section D-biological CrystallographyActa Crystallogr D9Acta Crystallographica Section E-structure Reports OnlineActa Crystallogr EVActa Crystallographica Section F-structural Biology and Crystallization CommunicationsActa Crystallogr FActa Cytologica Acta CytolActa Dermato-venereologicaActa Derm-venereol!Acta Dermatovenerologica CroaticaActa Dermatovener CrActa Diabetologica Acta DiabetolActa Diabetologica LatinaActa Diabetol LatActa Electronica Acta Electron Acta Embryologiae ExperimentalisActa Embryol ExpActa EndocrinologicaActa Endocrinol-copActa Endocrinologica-bucharestActa EndocrinolActa Endocrinologica-bucharestActa Endocrinol-buch!Acta Endocrinologica PanamericanaActa Endocrinol PanActa Endoscopica Acta EndoscActa Entomologica BohemoslovacaActa Entomol Bohemos)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis PragaeActa Ent Mus Nat PraActa Entomologica SinicaActa Entomol SinicaActa Ethnographica Acta Ethnogr3Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Ethnogr HungActa Ethologica Acta EtholActa Ethologica Acta EthologVActa Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae Series Physiologia PlantarumActa Fac Rerum PhyIActa Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae Series ZoologiaActa Fac Rerum Zoo Acta Gastro-enterologica BelgicaActa Gastro-ent Belg'Acta Gastroenterologica LatinoamericanaActa Gastroen Latam'Acta Geneticae Medicae Et GemellologiaeActa Genet Med Gemel"Acta Genetica Et Statistica MedicaActa Genet Stat Med'Acta Geodaetica Et Geophysica HungaricaActa Geod Geophys Hu!Acta Geodynamica Et GeomaterialiaActa Geodyn GeomaterActa Geographica Acta GeogrActa Geographica-franceActa Geogr-france-Acta Geographica Slovenica-geografski ZbornikActa Geogr SlovActa Geologica Polonica Acta Geol PolActa Geologica SinicaActa Geol Sin-engl%Acta Geologica Sinica-english EditionActa Geol Sin-englActa Geophysica Acta GeophysActa Geophysica SinicaActa Geophys SinicaActa Geotechnica Acta GeotechActa Geotechnica SlovenicaActa Geotech SlovActa Gerontologica Acta GerontolActa GinecologicaActa Ginecol-madridActa HaematologicaActa Haematol-baselActa Haematologica JaponicaActa Haematol JaponActa Hepato-gastroenterologicaActa Hepato-gastroActa Hepato-splenologicaActa Hepato-splenolActa Herpetologica Acta HerpetolActa HistochemicaActa Histochem Acta Histochemica Et CytochemicaActa Histochem Cytoc6Acta Historiae Artium Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Hist Artium/Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Historica HungActa Historica TallinnensiaActa Hist Tallinensi Acta Histriae Acta HistriaeActa Horticulturae Acta Hortic#Acta Hydrochimica Et HydrobiologicaActa Hydroch Hydrob8Acta Hyperborea: Danish Studies in Classical ArchaeologyActa Hyperborea Acta Ichthyologica Et PiscatoriaActa Ichthyol PiscatActa Informatica Acta InformActa Isotopica Act IsotopiActa Jutlandica Act JutlandActa Leidensia Act Leidens#Acta Leidensia, Vol 59, Nos 1 and 2 Act LeidensActa Leidensia, Vol 60, No 1 Act Leidens1Acta Linguistica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Linguist HungActa Linguistica HungaricaActa Linguist HungarActa LiterariaActa LitActa Materialia Acta MaterActa MathematicaActa Math-djursholm1Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Math Acad Sci H2Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-english SeriesActa Math Appl Sin-eActa Mathematica HungaricaActa Math HungActa Mathematica Scientia Acta Math Sci&Acta Mathematica Sinica-english Series Acta Math Sin"Acta Mathematica Sinica-new Series Acta Math SinActa Mathematica UppsalaActa Math-uppsalaActa Mechanica Acta MechActa Mechanica SinicaActa Mech SinicaActa Mechanica SinicaActa Mech Sinica-prcActa Mechanica Solida SinicaActa Mech Solida Sin,Acta Medica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Acta Med HungActa Medica Austriaca Acta Med AustActa Medica Hungarica Acta Med HungActa Medica MediterraneaActa Medica MediterrActa Medica OkayamaActa Med OkayamaActa Medica Peruana Acta Med PeruActa Medica Polona Acta Med PolActa Medica PortuguesaActa Medica PortActa Medica ScandinavicaActa Med ScandActa MetallurgicaActa Metall MaterActa Metallurgica Et MaterialiaActa Metall MaterActa Metallurgica SinicaActa Metall Sin(Acta Metallurgica Sinica-english LettersActa Metall Sin-englActa Meteorologica SinicaActa Meteorol Sin4Acta Microbiologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Microbiol Hung-Acta Microbiologica Et Immunologica HungaricaActa Microbiol Imm HActa Microbiologica HungaricaActa Microbiol HungActa Microbiologica PolonicaActa Microbiol Pol=Acta Microbiologica Polonica Series A-microbiologia GeneralisActa Microbiol Pol=Acta Microbiologica Polonica Series B-microbiologia ApplicataActa Microbiol PolActa Microscopica Acta MicroscActa Montanistica SlovacaActa Montan Slovaca2Acta Morphologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Morphol HungActa Morphologica HungaricaActa Morphol Hung(Acta Morphologica Neerlando-scandinavicaActa Morphol Neer ScActa MozartianaActa MozartianaActa MusicologicaActa MusicologicaActa MyriapodologicaMemoir Mus Natl Hist"Acta Neurobiologiae ExperimentalisActa Neurobiol ExpActa NeurochirurgicaActa Neurochir Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementa Act Neur S!Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum Act Neur S!Acta Neurochirurgica SupplementumActa Neurochir SupplActa Neurologica Acta NeurolActa Neurologica BelgicaActa Neurol BelgActa Neurologica ScandinavicaActa Neurol ScandActa NeuropathologicaActa NeuropatholActa NeuropsychiatricaActa NeuropsychiatrActa Neurovegetativa Acta Neuroveg Acta Numerica Acta NumerActa Numerica 2008, Vol 17 Acta NumerActa Numerica 2009, Vol 18 Acta NumerActa Numerica 2010, Vol 19 Acta NumerActa Numerica 2011, Vol 20 Acta Numer)Acta Obstetrica Et Gynaecologica JaponicaActa Obstet Gyn Jpn-Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica ScandinavicaActa Obstet Gyn ScanActa Oceanologica SinicaActa Oceanol SinActa Odontologica ScandinavicaActa Odontol Scand0Acta Oecologica-international Journal of Ecology Acta Oecol#Acta Oecologica-oecologia ApplicataActa Oecol-oec Appl#Acta Oecologica-oecologia GeneralisActa Oecol-oec Gen#Acta Oecologica-oecologia PlantarumActa Oecol-oec PlantActa Oeconomica Acta Oecon'Acta of Bioengineering and BiomechanicsActa Bioeng BiomechActa Oncologica Acta OncolActa OphthalmologicaActa Ophthalmol!Acta Ophthalmologica ScandinavicaActa Ophthalmol ScanActa Orientalia Acta OrientActa Ornithologica Acta OrnitholActa Orthopaedica Acta OrthopActa Orthopaedica BelgicaActa Orthop Belg+Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica TurcicaActa Orthop TraumatoActa Orthopaedica ScandinavicaActa Orthop ScandActa Ortopedica BrasileiraActa Ortop BrasActa Oto-laryngologicaActa Oto-laryngol"Acta Otorhinolaryngologica ItalicaActa OtorhinolaryngoActa Paediatrica Acta Paediatr1Acta Paediatrica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Paediatr HungActa Paediatrica BelgicaActa Paediatr BelgActa Paediatrica JaponicaActa Paediatr JaponActa Paediatrica ScandinavicaActa Paediatr ScandActa PaedopsychiatricaActa PaedopsychiatrActa Palaeontologica PolonicaActa Palaeontol PolActa ParasitologicaActa Parasitol/Acta Pathologica Et Microbiologica ScandinavicaActa Pathol Mic ScCActa Pathologica Et Microbiologica Scandinavica Section A-pathologyActa Path Micro Im AFActa Pathologica Et Microbiologica Scandinavica Section B-microbiologyActa Path Micro Im BUActa Pathologica Et Microbiologica Scandinavica Section B-microbiology and ImmunologyActa Patholog MicrobDActa Pathologica Et Microbiologica Scandinavica Section C-immunologyActa Path Micro Im CActa Pathologica JaponicaActa Pathol JaponPActa Pathologica Microbiologica Et Immunologica Scandinavica Section A-pathologyActa Path Micro Im ASActa Pathologica Microbiologica Et Immunologica Scandinavica Section B-microbiologyActa Path Micro Im BQActa Pathologica Microbiologica Et Immunologica Scandinavica Section C-immunologyActa Path Micro Im CActa Paulista De EnfermagemActa Paul EnfermActa Petrologica SinicaActa Petrol SinActa PharmaceuticaActa PharmaceutActa Pharmaceutica JugoslavicaActa Pharm JugoslActa Pharmaceutica NordicaActa Pharm NordicaActa Pharmaceutica SuecicaActa Pharm Suec^Acta Pharmaceutica Technologica-international Journal of Drug Forumlation and BiopharmaceuticsActa Pharm Technol#Acta Pharmacologica Et ToxicologicaActa Pharmacol ToxActa Pharmacologica SinicaActa Pharm SinicActa Pharmacologica SinicaActa Pharmacol SinActa Philosophica Acta Philos-Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Phys HungActa Physica AustriacaActa Phys AustriacaActa Physica Et ChemicaActa Phys ChemActa Physica HungaricaActa Phys Hung*Acta Physica Hungarica A-heavy Ion PhysicsActa Phys Hung A3Acta Physica Hungarica New Series-heavy Ion PhysicsActa Phys Hung Ns-hActa Physica Polonica AActa Phys Pol AActa Physica Polonica BActa Phys Pol B.Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings SupplementActa Phys Pol B Pr SActa Physica SinicaActa Phys Sin-ch Ed$Acta Physica Sinica-overseas EditionActa Phys Sin-ov EdActa Physica SlovacaActa Phys SlovacaActa Physico-chimica SinicaActa Phys-chim SinActa Physicochimica UrssActa Physicochim UrsActa Physiologiae PlantarumActa Physiol PlantActa Physiologica Acta Physiol2Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Physiol Hung3Acta Physiologica Et Pharmacologica LatinoamericanaActa Physiol Pharm L/Acta Physiologica Et Pharmacologica NeerlandicaActa Physiol Pharm NActa Physiologica HungaricaActa Physiol Hung!Acta Physiologica LatinoamericanaActa Physiol Lat AmActa Physiologica PolonicaActa Physiol PolActa Physiologica ScandinavicaActa Physiol Scand6Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Phytopathol Hun/Acta Phytopathologica Et Entomologica HungaricaActa Phytopathol HunActa Phytotaxonomica SinicaActa Phytotaxon Sin Acta Politica Acta PolitActa Poloniae Historica Acta Pol HistActa Poloniae PharmaceuticaActa Pol PharmActa Polymerica Acta PolymActa Polymerica SinicaActa Polym SinActa Polytechnica HungaricaActa Polytech Hung5Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica-applied Physics SeriesActa Polytech Sc Ap9Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica-chemical Technology SeriesActa Polytech Sc ChDActa Polytechnica Scandinavica-chemistry Including Metallurgy SeriesActa Polytech ScandQActa Polytechnica Scandinavica-civil Engineering and Building Construction SeriesActa Polytech Sc Ci<Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica-electrical Engineering SeriesActa Polytech Sc ElFActa Polytechnica Scandinavica-mathematics and Computer Science SeriesActa Polytech Sc MaIActa Polytechnica Scandinavica-mathematics and Computing Machinery SeriesActa Polytec Scand-m<Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica-mechanical Engineering SeriesActa Polytech Sc MeBActa Polytechnica Scandinavica-physics Including Nucleonics SeriesActa Polytech Sc PhActa ProtozoologicaActa Protozool1Acta Psiquiatrica Y Psicologica De America LatinaActa Psiquiat Psicol Acta Psychiatrica Et NeurologicaActa Psych Neurol-Acta Psychiatrica Et Neurologica ScandinavicaActa Psych Neurol:Acta Psychiatrica Et Neurologica Scandinavica SupplementumActa Psych Neurol Sc-Acta Psychiatrica Et Neurologica SupplementumActa Psych Neurol SuActa Psychiatrica ScandinavicaActa Psychiat ScandActa Psychologica Acta PsycholActa Psychologica TaiwanicaActa Psychol Taiwan)Acta Psychotherapeutica Et PsychosomaticaActa PsychotherActa Radiologica Acta RadiolActa Radiologica-diagnosis Acta RadiolActa Radiologica-diagnosisActa Radiol DiagnActa Radiologica Oncology Acta OncolActa Radiologica OncologyActa Radiol Oncol(Acta Radiologica-therapy Physics BiologyActa Radiol Ther PhyActa Reumatologica PortuguesaActa Reumatol PortActa Scientiae Veterinariae Acta Sci VetActa Scientiarum-agronomyActa Sci-agronActa Scientiarum Mathematicarum Acta Sci Math*Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-hortorum CultusActa Sci Pol-hortoruActa Scientiarum-technologyActa Sci-technolActas Espanolas De PsiquiatriaActas Esp Psiquiatri@Actas Luso-espanolas De Neurologia Psiquiatria Y Ciencias AfinesActas Luso-esp Neur$Acta Societatis Botanicorum PoloniaeActa Soc Bot Pol%Acta Societatis Medicorum UpsaliensisActa Soc Med UpszActa Societatis Medicorum Upsaliensis Scientifiques De Bruxelles Serie 1-sciences Mathematiques Astronomiques Et PhysiquesActa Soc Med Ups SciActa Sociologica Acta SociolActa Socio-medica ScandinavicaActa Socio-med ScandActa Stereologica Acta StereolActa Stereologica, Vol 10, No 1 Acta StereolActa Stereologica, Vol 10, No 2 Acta Stereol.Acta Stereologica, Vol 11, Supp 1, Pts 1 and 2 Acta StereolActa Stereologica, Vol 12 No 2 Acta Stereol)Acta Stereologica, Vol 13, No 1, May 1994 Acta Stereol%Acta Stereologica, Vol 14, No 1, 1995 Acta Stereol)Acta Stereologica, Vol 14, No 2, Nov 1995 Acta Stereol+Acta Stereologica, Vol 6, Supp 3, Parts 1-2 Acta StereolActa Stereologica, Vol 9, No 1 Acta StereolActa Stereologica, Vol 9, No 2 Acta StereolActas Urologicas EspanolasActas Urol Esp.Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Tech HungActa Theologica Acta TheolActa Therapeutica Acta TherapActa Theriologica Acta Theriol Acta Tropica Acta Trop.Acta Tuberculosea Et Pneumologica ScandinavicaActa Tuberc Pneum Sc(Acta Unio Internationalis Contra CancrumActa Union Int Contr3Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Facultas AgronomicaActa U Agr Fac Agron6Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Facultas SilviculturaeActa U Agr Fac Silvi#Acta Universitatis Carolinae MedicaActa U Carol Med=Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis : Romanica Stockholmiensia A U S Rom SCActa Universitatis Stockholmiensis : Studia Baltica Stockholmiensia Aus St Balt;Acta Universitatis Umensis : Umea Studies in The Humanities A U Um Hum4Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Figura, Nova Series Act U Ups F>Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia A U U St An@Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Studia Germanistica Upsaliensia A U U St Ge=Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis . Uppsala Studies in Education Acta Univ UActa Urologica BelgicaActa Urol Belg1Acta Veterinaria Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Vet Acad Sci HActa Veterinaria-beogradActa Vet-beogradActa Veterinaria Brno Acta Vet BrnoActa Veterinaria Hungarica Acta Vet HungActa Veterinaria ScandinavicaActa Vet ScandActa Virologica Acta VirolActa VitaminologicaActa Vitaminol#Acta Vitaminologica Et EnzymologicaActa Vitaminol EnzymActa ZoologicaActa Zool-stockholm/Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Zool Acad Sci H/Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum HungaricaeActa Zool HungActa Zoologica BulgaricaActa Zool Bulgar+Acta Zoologica Et Pathologica AntverpiensiaActa Zool Pathol AntActa Zoologica HungaricaActa Zool HungActa Zoologica SinicaActa Zool Sinica*Actes De La Recherche En Sciences SocialesActes Rech Sci Soc$Actes Des Colloques Insectes SociauxAct Colloq Insect S,Actes Des Colloques Insectes Sociaux, Vol 11Act Colloq Insect S+Actes Des Colloques Insects Sociaux, Vol 12Act Colloq Insect SHActes Du... Congres National Des Societes Savantes, Section Des Sciences Act Cnss Sc4Actes Du Trente-septieme Congres Des AlgoniquinistesPap Algon Conf Actexpress Actexpress;Acth, Cushings Syndrome, and Other Hypercortisolemic States Prog EndocActinAdv Exp Med BiolActing With Technology Act Technol9Actinides 2005-basic Science, Applications and TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp P9Actinides 2006-basic Science, Applications and TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp P;Actinides 2008 - Basic Science, Applications and TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp PActinides 2009Iop Conf Ser-mat Sci4Actinides-basic Science, Applications and TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp PActinides Reviews Actin RevActin-monomer-binding ProteinsMol Biol Intell Unit)Action and Performance : Models and Tests Poznan Stud2Action As An Organizer of Learning and DevelopmentMinn Sym Child Psych-Action-perspective in School Health Education P Res Ctr EVAction Potential: Biophysical and Cellular Context, Initiation, Phases and PropagationCell Bio Res Prog3Action Principle and Partial Differential Equations Ann Math StudAction ResearchAction Res-londonActions, Norms, ValuesPerspekt Analyt PhilGAction Theory and Communication Research: Recent Developments in Europe Commun Monog6Activation and Desensitization of Transducing PathwaysNato Adv Sci I H-cel1Activation of Hormone and Growth Factor ReceptorsNato Adv Sci I C-mat&Active and Adaptive Optical ComponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Active and Adaptive Optical Components and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Active and Adaptive Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Active and Passive Optical Components for Communications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Active and Passive Optical Components for Communications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Active and Passive Optical Components for Communications Vii Proc Spie;Active and Passive Optical Components for Wdm CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Active and Passive Optical Components for Wdm Communication Proc Spie?Active and Passive Optical Components for Wdm Communications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Active and Passive Optical Components for Wdm Communications Ii Proc Spie@Active and Passive Optical Components for Wdm Communications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Active and Passive Optical Components for Wdm Communications Iii Proc Spie?Active and Passive Optical Components for Wdm Communications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Active and Passive Optical Components for Wdm Communications Iv Proc Spie/Active and Passive Remote Sensing of The OceansP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Active and Passive Remote Sensing of The Oceans Proc SpieActive and Passive SignaturesP Soc Photo-opt InsActive and Passive Signatures Proc Spie Active and Passive Signatures Ii Proc Spie?Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2007 Proc Spie?Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2008P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2008 Proc SpieLActive and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2010, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsLActive and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2010, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie Active and Programmable NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc0Active and Real-time Database Systems (artdb-95) Work Comp/Active Assessment: Assessing Scientific InquiryMentor Acad Ind2Active Braking Control Systems Design for VehiclesAdv Ind ControlActive Close BinariesNato Adv Sci I C-mat&Active Conceptual Modeling of LearningLect Notes Comput ScEActive Control of Flexible Structures-from Modeling to ImplementationAdv Ind Control/Active Experiments/critical Ionization Velocity Adv Space EActive Experiments in SpaceAdv Space Res-series#Active Experiments in Space Plasmas Adv Space Res#Active Experiments in Space PlasmasAdv Space Res-seriesnActive Experiments in Space Plasmas - 1996 Proceedings of The D0.6 Symposium of Cospar Scientific Commission D Adv Space ResnActive Experiments in Space Plasmas - 1996 Proceedings of The D0.6 Symposium of Cospar Scientific Commission DAdv Space Res-seriesHActive Fault Tolerant Control Systems: Stochastic Analysis and SynthesisLect Notes Contr InfActive Flow ControlNote N Fl Mech Mul DActive Flow Control IiNote N Fl Mech Mul DActive Galactic Nuclei /Iau Symp,Active Galactic Nuclei and Related PhenomenaIau Symp5Active Implants and Scaffolds for Tissue RegenerationStud Mechanobiol TisActive Infective Aortic Valve Endocarditis With Infection Extension: Clinical Features, Perioperative Echocardiographic Findings and Results of Surgical TreatmentFortschr Herz Thorax4Active Learning: Models From The Analytical Sciences Acs Sym Ser(Active Materials and Adaptive Structures Smar Mat St%Active Materials and Smart StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsIActive Materials, Nanoscale Materials, Composites, Glass and Fundamentals Fract MechAActive Matrix Liquid Crystal Displays Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsActive Media TechnologyLect Notes Comput Sc$Active Media Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScActive Middle Ear ImplantsAdv Oto-rhino-laryng Active MiningLect Notes Artif Int Active MiningLect Notes Comput ScActive NetworksLect Notes Comput ScActive Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPActive Ob-stars: Laboratories for Stellar and Circumstellar Physics, Proceedings Astr Soc PEActive Ob Stars: Structure, Evolution, Mass-loss, and Critical LimitsIau Symp P Series7Active Participation Revisited: La Participation Active Tex Etu LitActive Photonic CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt InsActive Photonic Crystals IiP Soc Photo-opt InsActive Photonic Crystals Ii Proc SpieActive Photonic Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsActive Photonic Materials Iii Proc SpieActive PolymersMater Res Soc Symp P=Active, Real-time, and Temporal Database Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazards of Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, and Offshore AreasGeol Soc Am Spec PapActive Telescope SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsActivins and Inhibins Vitam HormActivitas Nervosa SuperiorActiv Nerv SuperVActivities Report and Minutes of Work Groups & Sub-work Groups of The R & D Associates Act Rep R&d'Activities Report of The R&d Associates Act Rep R&d5Activities Report of The R&d Associates, Vol 42, No 2 Act Rep R&d7Activities Report of The R & D Associates, Vol 43, No 1 Act Rep R&daActivities Report-research and Development Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems Inc Activ Rep\Activity-centered Design: An Ecological Approach to Designing Smart Tools and Usable Systems Act Technol7Activity-driven Cns Changes in Learning and DevelopmentAnn Ny Acad SciPActivity Pattern Analysis and Exploration: Travel Behavior Analysis and ModelingTransport Res Rec*Actors and Audience in The Roman CourtroomRoutl Monogr Class S/Actors of Collective Bargaining: A World ReportBull Comparat Lab ReAct Research Report Act Res RepActualite ChimiqueActual ChimiqueActualite Economique Actual Econ!Actualites Odonto-stomatologiquesActual Odonto-stomat,Actualization: Linguistic Change in ProgressAmst Stud Theory His'Actual Problems of Contemporary PhysicsActual Probl Cont PhActual Problems of EconomicsActual Probl Econ(Actual Tasks On Agricultural EngineeringAct Tasks Agric Eng5Actual Tasks On Agricultural Engineering, ProceedingsAct Tasks Agric Eng/Actual Tasks On Agricultural Engineering-zagrebAct Tasks Agric Eng#Actuator 08, Conference ProceedingsActuator#Actuator 10, Conference ProceedingsActuatorSActuator-international Conference and Exhibition On New Actuators and Drive SystemsActuator$Actuator Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsActuelle GerontologieActuelle GerontolActuelle TraumatologieActuelle Traumatol+Acupuncture & Electro-therapeutics ResearchAcupuncture ElectroAcupuncture in Medicine Acupunct Med,Acupuncture: Is There A Physiological Basis? Int Congr SerAcusticaAcustica<Acute and Chronic Pain: Where We Are and Where We Have to GoEur J Pain Supp0Acute and Procedure Pain in Infants and ChildrenProg Pain Res ManagAcute Appendicitis in PregnancyPreg Infants-med Psy0Acute Asthma : Clinical Assessment and TreatmentRes Clin Forums*Acute Asthma : Epidemiology and PhysiologyRes Clin ForumsAcute Blood PurificationContrib Nephrol Acute Care Acute Care.Acute Endocrinology: From Cause to ConsequenceContemp Endocrinol SAcute Kidney InjuryContrib NephrolAcute Leukemias Hematol MaligAcute Lung Injury Upd Int CarAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Ucla Sym Bi^Acute Management of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter: Current Perspectives and Treatment Trends Roy S Med SAcute Myelogenous LeukemiaCancer Treat Res7Acute Myelogenous Leukemia : Progress and Controversies Ucla Sym Bi)Acute Pain: Causes, Effects and TreatmentPain Orig Diagn TreaSAcute Promyelocytic Leukemia: Molecular Genetics, Mouse Models and Targeted TherapyCurr Top Microbiol#Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeNato Adv Sci I A-lifAcute Therapy of Heart FailureRoy Soc Med Int CongAda 2005 RationaleLect Notes Comput ScAda in Transition St Comp Com Ada Letters Ada LettersAdalyaAdalyaAdamantiades-behcet's DiseaseAdv Exp Med BiolAdam Hilger Series On Sensors Ah S SensAda : Moving Towards 2000Lect Notes Comput Sc9Adam Smith: A Moral Philosopher and His Political EconomyGreat Think EconAdam Smith As TheologianRoutl Stud ReligAdam Smith ReviewAdam Smith RevAdam Smith Review, Vol 2Adam Smith RevAdam Smith Review, Vol 3Adam Smith Rev1Adances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 39Adv Exp Soc Psychol Adansonia Adansonia6Adaptation and Cross Layer Design in Wireless NetworksElectr Eng Appl Sign.Adaptation and Evolution in Collective SystemsAdv Nat Comput=Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing 2001 Ifac Work S$Adaptation Learning and OptimizationAdapt Learn OptimPAdaptation to Life At High Salt Concentrations in Archaea, Bacteria, and EukaryaCell Orig Life ExtrePAdaptation to Life At High Salt Concentrations in Archaea, Bacteria, and EukaryaCell Origin Life Ext#Adapted Physical Activity QuarterlyAdapt Phys Act Q#Adapting Plants to Arid Environment Univ Fra SJAdapting The Arthurian Legends for Children: Essays On Arthurian JuveniliaStud Arthur Court CuAdapting to A Changing Railway Imeche Sem'Adaptive Agents and Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int*Adaptive Agents and Multi-agent Systems IiLect Notes Comput ScAdaptive and Learning AgentsLect Notes Artif IntAdaptive and Learning SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Adaptive and Learning Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Adaptive and Natural Computing AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput Sc)Adaptive and Natural Computing AlgorithmsSpring Comp Sci/Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc/Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc&Adaptive and Personalized Semantic WebStud Comp Intell2Adaptive Backstepping Control of Uncertain SystemsLect Notes Contr InfAdaptive Behavior Adapt Behav.Adaptive Capacity and Environmental GovernanceSpringer Ser Env Man7Adaptive Coded Aperture Imaging and Non-imaging SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Adaptive Coded Aperture Imaging and Non - Imaging Sensors IiP Soc Photo-opt InsZAdaptive Coded Aperture Imaging, Non-imaging, and Unconventional Imaging Sensor Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsZAdaptive Coded Aperture Imaging, Non-imaging, and Unconventional Imaging Sensor Systems Ii Proc Spie)Adaptive Computation and Machine LearningAdapt Comput Mach LeNAdaptive Computing: Mathematical and Physical Methods for Complex EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsGAdaptive Control: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications, Second EditionCommun Control EngAdaptive Control TutorialAdv Des ControlAdaptive Designs Inst Math SUAdaptive Differential Evolution: A Robust Approach to Multimodal Problem OptimizationAdapt Learn Optim.Adaptive Dual Control: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf3Adaptive Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract (egb 761) Adv GinkgoBAdaptive Governance: The Dynamics of Atlantic Fisheries ManagementGlob Environ Accord@Adaptive Hypermedia and Adapotive Web-based Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc?Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNAdaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management ScienceInterd Stud Econ Man2Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Comp SciAdaptive Moving Mesh Methods Appl Math Sci>Adaptive Multimedial Retrieval: Retrieval, User, and SemanticsLect Notes Comput ScAdaptive Multimedia RetrievalLect Notes Comput ScYAdaptive Multimedia Retrieval: Identifying, Summarizing, and Recommending Image and MusicLect Notes Comput Sc:Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: User, Context, and FeedbackLect Notes Comput Sc%Adaptive Multi-standard Rf Front-endsAnalog Circ Sig Proc2Adaptive Networks: Theory, Models and ApplicationsUnderst Complex SystRAdaptive Nonlinear System Identification: The Volterra and Wiener Model ApproachesSignals Commun Techn)Adaptive Optical Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Adaptive Optical Systems Technology, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Adaptive Optical Systems Technology, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie4Adaptive Optical System Technologies Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Adaptive Optical System Technologies, Parts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins Adaptive Optics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Adaptive Optics and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Adaptive Optics and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Adaptive Optics and Applications Iii Proc Spie&Adaptive Optics and Optical Structures Crit Rev OpAdaptive Optics for AstronomyNato Adv Sci Inst Se6Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, ProceedingsSpringer Proc Phys8Adaptive Optics for Laser Systems and Other ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Adaptive Optics for Laser Systems and Other Applications Proc SpieAdaptive Optics in AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Adaptive Optics Systems and TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Adaptive Optics Systems and Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Adaptive Optics Systems and Technology Ii Proc SpieAdaptive Optics Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAdaptive Optics Systems Ii Proc Spie Adaptive Optics Systems, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins Adaptive Optics Systems, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie4Adaptive Processing of Sequences and Data StructuresLect Notes Artif Int3Adaptive Representations for Reinforcement LearningStud Comput Intell1Adaptive Rf Front-ends for Hand-held ApplicationsAnalog Circ Sig Proc=Adaptive Scalarization Methods in Multiobjective Optimization Vector OptimAdaptive Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Adaptive Signal Processing in Wireless CommunicationsElectr Eng Appl Sign:Adaptive Spatial Filters for Electromagnetic Brain ImagingSer Biomed Eng6Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing 1992Ifac Symp SeriesKAdaptive Techniques for Dynamic Processor Optimization: Theory and PracticeIntegr Circuit SystKAdaptive Techniques for Dynamic Processor Optimization: Theory and PracticeSer Integr Circuits3Adaptive Techniques for Mixed Signal System On ChipSpringer Int Ser EngAdaptive User Interfaces Hum Fac InfLAdaptive Voltage Control in Power Systems: Modeling, Design and ApplicationsAdv Ind ControlAAdaptive Web Sites: A Knowledge Extraction From Web Data ApproachFront Artif Intel ApAdaptive X-ray OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsAdaptive X-ray Optics Proc SpieDAdas: International Conference On Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Iee Conf PublAdas Quarterly ReviewAdas Quart RevAda : The Choice for 92Lect Notes Comput ScAdded Mases of Ship StructuresFluid Mech Appl;Addendum to The 1993 European School of High-energy Physics Cern Report Addiction AddictionAddiction Biology Addict BiolAddiction: Processes of Change Soc St Add Mg<Addiction Recovery Management: Theory, Research and PracticeCurr Clin PsychiatAddiction Research Addict ResAddiction Research & TheoryAddict Res TheoryAddiction ReviewsAnn Ny Acad SciAddiction Reviews 2Ann Ny Acad SciAddiction Reviews 2008Ann Ny Acad Sci/Addiction to Exercise: A Symptom Or A Disorder?Psychol Res ProgAddictive Behaviors Addict BehavAddictive Diseases Addict DisAddictive States Res P ArnmdAddison-wesley Signature SeriesAdd-wes Signat SerAdditive CombinatoricsCrm Proc & Lect Note!Additive for Water-based Coatings Roy Soc ChAddressing Community Problems Clar SympQAddressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative Educational CurriculaNato Sci Peace Secur9Addressing The Achievement Gap: Findings and ApplicationsRes Educ ProductAdelphi Papers Adelp Pap4Adeno-associated Virus (aav) Vectors in Gene TherapyCurr Top Microbiol.Adenocarcinoma of The Esophagogastric JunctionRecent Results Canc?Adenosine in The Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiac ArrhythmiasRes Clin Forums:Adenoviruses: Model and Vectors in Virus-host InteractionsCurr Top Microbiol7Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens, Second EditionIssues Clin Child PsAdhesionAdhesion Adhesion 13Adhesion Adhesion 15Adhesion%Adhesion-gpcrs: Structure to FunctionAdv Exp Med BiolAdhesion MoleculesMod Insights Dis Mol+Adhesion Molecules: Function and InhibitionProg Inflamm Res SerAdhesion of Microbial PathogensMethod EnzymolAdhesion of Microbial PathogensMethods Enzymol Adhesives Age Adhes AgeAdhesives EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless NetworksAd Hoc Sens Wirel Ne$Ad-hoc, Mobile and Wireless NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc1Ad-hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Ad-hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAd-hoc NetworkingInt Fed Info Proc1Ad Hoc Networking Towards Seamless CommunicationsSignals Commun TechnAd Hoc Networks Ad Hoc Netw1Adiabatic Perturbation Theory in Quantum DynamicsLect Notes Math Adicciones AdiccionesAdigma-a European Initiative On The Development of Adaptive Higher-order Variational Methods for Aerospace Applications: Results of A Collaborative Research Project Funded By The European Union, 2006-2009Notes Numer Fluid Me1Adipose-derived Stem Cells: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolEAdipose Tissue Development: From Animal Models to Clinical Conditions Endocrin DevAdjusting to EmuOne Eur SeveralAdjustment and Beyond Iea Conf VolAdjustment Lending Revisited World Bank"Adjuvant Therapy for Breast CancerCancer Treat ResAdjuvant Therapy of Cancer Adj Ther CancAdjuvant Therapy of Cancer Viii Adj Ther Canc,Adjuvant Therapy of Primary Breast Cancer ViRecent Res Cancer,Adjuvant Therapy of Primary Breast Cancer ViRecent Results CancAdministration & Society Admin Soc*Administration and Policy in Mental HealthAdm Policy Ment HlthNAdministration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services ResearchAdm Policy Ment HlthAdministration in Mental HealthAdm Ment HealthAdministration in Mental HealthAdm Policy Ment HlthAdministration in Social WorkAdmin Soc WorkIAdministration of Debt Relief By The International Financial InstitutionsBeitr Ausl Offentl RAAdministrative Aspects of Investment-based Social Security Reform Nber Conf RAdministrative Law Review Admin Law RevAdministrative Management Admin ManageVAdministrative Passages: Navigating The Transition From Teacher to Assistant PrincipalStud Educ Leadersh Administrative Science QuarterlyAdmin Sci QuartAdmixtures for Concrete Rilem Proc Adolescence Adolescence8Adolescence and Chronic Illness: A Public Health ConcernHealth Hum DevAdolescence and Education Adolesc EducAdolescence and SportsHealth Hum Dev"Adolescence, Careers, and Cultures Sp R Prev I#Adolescent and Pediatric GynecologyAdolescent Pediat G?Adolescent Brain Development: Vulnerabilities and OpportunitiesAnn Ny Acad SciCAdolescent Gynecology and Endocrinology: Basic and Clinical AspectsAnn Ny Acad Sci Adolescent Nutritional DisordersAnn Ny Acad SciAdolescent PsychiatryAdolescent PsychiatAdolescent Psychiatry, Vol 23Adolescent PsychiatAdolescent Psychiatry, Vol 24Adolescent PsychiatAdolescent Psychiatry, Vol 27Adolescent PsychiatAdolescent Psychiatry, Vol 30Adolescent PsychiatJAdolescent Reputations and Risk: Developmental Trajectories to DelinquencyAdv Respons Adol DevAdolescents in The Internet Age Lifesp LearnAdolescent Stress So Inst SQAdolescent Substance Abuse: Evidence-based Approaches to Prevention and TreatmentIssues Child Fam LivNAdolpho Lutz and The Helminthological Collection of The Oswaldo Cruz InstituteSer Livros Mus NacDAdopting Blended Learning for Collaborative Work in Higher EducationEduc Compet Glob WorAdopting New Medical Technology Med Inn Cr:Adoption in Japan: Comparing Policies for Children in NeedRoutl Contemp Jpn Se"Adp-ribosylation in Animal TissuesAdv Exp Med BiolAdrenal ImagingContemp Med Imag/Adrenoceptors : Structure, Mechanisms, Function Adv Phar Sc4Adrenoleukodystrophy and Other Peroxisomal Disorders Int Congr Ser3Adria Microplate Gps Geodesy, Tectonics and HazardsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarGAds/cft Correspondence: Einstein Metrics and Their Conformal BoundariesIrma L Math The Phys5Adsorption and Aggregation of Surfactants in SolutionSurf Sci Series5Adsorption and Aggregation of Surfactants in SolutionSurfactant Sci SerAdsorption and DiffusionMol Sieves Sci TechniAdsorption and Its Applications in Industry and Environmental Protection, Vol I: Applications in IndustryStud Surf Sci CatalzAdsorption and Its Applications in Industry and Environmental Protection, Vol Ii: Applications in Environmental ProtectionStud Surf Sci CatalAdsorption and NanostructuresProg Coll Pol Sci S:Adsorption-journal of The International Adsorption Society Adsorption1Adsorption On New and Modified Inorganic SorbentsStud Surf Sci CatalAdsorption Science & TechnologyAdsorpt Sci Technol7Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia: Biology and TreatmentContemp HematolHAdult Attachment in Clinical Social Work: Practice, Research, and PolicyEssent Clin Soc Work Adult Attention Deficit DisorderAnn Ny Acad SciAdult EducationAdult EdAdult Education-londonAdult Educ-londAdult Education QuarterlyAdult Educ QuartPAdult Education Special Topics-theory Research and Practice in Lifelong LearningAdult Educ Spec Top Adult Learning and Relationships Lifesp Learn-Adult Learning Disorders: Contemporary IssuesNeuropsychologist HbAdults in The Academy Natl B EducAdult Stem CellsMethod Enzymol1Adult Stem Cells: Biology and Methods of AnalysisStem Cells Biol RegAdult Stem Cell SurvivalStem Cells Lab Clin#Adult Years : Continuity and Change Master LectFAdvance Ceramics for Use in Highly Oxidizing / Corrosive Enviro Nments Key Eng MatAdvanced Accelerator Concepts Aip Conf Proc.Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Eighth Workshop Aip Conf Proc5Advanced Agent-based Environmental Management SystemsWhitestein Ser Softw>Advanced Algorithms and Architectures for Signal Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Advanced and Next-generation SatellitesP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Advanced and Next-generation Satellites IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Advanced Autonomic Networking and CommunicationWhitestein Ser SoftwPAdvanced Bacterial Genetics: Use of Transposons and Phage for Genomic EngieeringMethod EnzymoleAdvanced Beam Dynamics Workshop On Effects of Errors in Accelerators, Their Diagnosis and Corrections Aip Conf Proc;Advanced Bioceramics in Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering Key Eng Mater{Advanced Biologically Active Polyfunctional Compounds and Composites: Health Cultural Heritage and Environmental ProtectionEnviron Sci Eng TechIAdvanced Biomaterials-characterization, Tissue Engineering and ComplexityMater Res Soc Symp P.Advanced Biomaterials for Medical ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math.Advanced Biomaterials for Medical ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math3Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems Proc Spie6Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems Ii Proc Spie7Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems Iv Proc Spie6Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems Ix Proc Spie5Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems VP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems Vi Proc Spie7Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems Vii Proc Spie8Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems Viii Proc Spie)Advanced Cancer: Pain and Quality of LifeHealth Hum Dev!Advanced Catalytic Materials-1998Mater Res Soc Symp PAdvanced Cement Based MaterialsAdv Cem Based Mater9Advanced Cementitious Systems : Mechanisms and PropertiesMater Res Soc Symp P(Advanced Ceramic Coatings and InterfacesCeram Eng Sci Proc+Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Interfaces IiCeram Eng Sci Proc,Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Interfaces IiiCeram Eng Sci Proc+Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Interfaces IvCeram Eng Sci ProcAdvanced Ceramic MaterialsAdv Ceram MaterAdvanced Ceramic Materials Key Eng MatAdvanced Ceramic Materials Key Eng MaterAdvanced Ceramics / Key Eng Mat Advanced Ceramics and Composites Key Eng Mat Advanced Ceramics and Composites Key Eng Mater5Advanced Ceramic Tools for Machining Application - Ii Key Eng Mat6Advanced Ceramic Tools for Machining Application - Iii Key Eng Mat6Advanced Ceramic Tools for Machining Application - Iii Key Eng MaterNAdvanced Characterisation of Pavement Soil Engineering Materials, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng Wate-Advanced Characterization Techniques Ceramics Ceram Trans\Advanced Characterization Techniques for Optical, Semiconductor, and Data Storage ComponentsP Soc Photo-opt InsUAdvanced Characterization Techniques for Optics, Semiconductors, and NanotechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsYAdvanced Characterization Techniques for Optics, Semiconductors, and Nanotechnologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsYAdvanced Characterization Techniques for Optics, Semiconductors, and Nanotechnologies Iii Proc SpiecAdvanced Combustion and Aerothermal Technologies: Environmental Protection and Pollution ReductionsNato Sci Peace Secur%Advanced Communication and NetworkingComm Com Inf Sc/Advanced Communications and Multimedia SecurityInt Fed Info ProcAdvanced Composite MaterialsAdv Compos MaterAdvanced Composites LettersAdv Compos LettOAdvanced Computational and Design Techniques in Applied Electromagnetic SystemsEls Appl Elect Mat?Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare - 1Stud Comput Intell?Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare - 2Stud Comput Intell?Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare - 3Stud Comput IntellcAdvanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare 5: Intelligent Decision Support SystemsStud Comput IntellAdvanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare 6: Virtual Reality in Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation, and AssessmentStud Comput IntellAAdvanced Computational Methods and Experiments in Heat Transfer XWit Trans Eng SciBAdvanced Computational Methods and Experiments in Heat Transfer XiWit Trans Eng Sci2Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transer ViiComputat Studies2Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer IxWit Trans Eng Sci1Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer VComputat Studies2Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer ViComputat Studies4Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer ViiiComputat Studies4Advanced Computer Science and Information TechnologyComm Com Inf ScBAdvanced Computer Simulation Approaches for Soft Matter Sciences I Adv Polym SciCAdvanced Computer Simulation Approaches for Soft Matter Sciences Ii Adv Polym SciDAdvanced Computer Simulation Approaches for Soft Matter Sciences Iii Adv Polym Sci&Advanced Computer Systems, ProceedingsKluwer Int Ser Eng C&Advanced Computer Systems, ProceedingsSpringer Int Ser Eng8Advanced Computer Techniques in Applied ElectromagneticsStud Appl Electromag>Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research Aip Conf ProcAdvanced Computing, Pt IiiComm Com Inf Sc=Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc7Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc'Advanced Conceptual Modeling TechniquesLect Notes Comput SchAdvanced Control and Instrumentation Systems in Nuclear Power Plants Design, Verification and ValidationVtt Symp=Advanced Control and Supervision of Mineral Processing PlantsAdv Ind ControlCAdvanced Control of Industrial Processes: Structures and AlgorithmsAdv Ind Control-Advanced Courses in Mathematics Crm Barcelona Ad Co Math-Advanced Courses in Mathematics Crm BarcelonaAdv Courses Math Crm1Advanced Database Research and Development Series Adv Datab RAdvanced Database SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc2Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int2Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Advanced Data Storage Materials and Characterization TechniquesMater Res Soc Symp PVAdvanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and Temporal ApplicationsData Centric Syst ApRAdvanced Democracy Through Education? U.s. Influence Abroad and Domestic PracticesEduc Policy Pract-cr"Advanced Design and Manufacture Ii Key Eng Mat"Advanced Design and Manufacture Ii Key Eng Mater#Advanced Design and Manufacture Iii Key Eng Mater/Advanced Design and Manufacturing Based On StepSpringer Ser Adv Man.Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology IAdv Mater Res-switz&Advanced Design of Concrete StructuresTheor Engn ApplicatDAdvanced Design of Mechanical Systems: From Analysis to OptimizationCism Courses Lect8Advanced Design Problems in Aerospace Engineering, Vol I Math C Sci7Advanced Devices and Materials for Laser Remote SensingMater Res Soc Symp P(Advanced Differential Quadrature MethodsCh Crc Appl Math Non^Advanced Display Technologies: Basic Studies of Problems in Information Display (flowers 2000)P Soc Photo-opt InsAdvanced Distributed SystemsLect Notes Comput ScAdvanced Distrubuted SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc)Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (adas) Imeche SemAdvanced Drug Delivery ReviewsAdv Drug Deliver Rev8Advanced Dynamics and Control of Structures and Machines Cism Cour L8Advanced Dynamics and Control of Structures and MachinesCism Courses Lect'Advanced Econometrics of Tourism DemandRoutl Adv Tour,Advanced Educational Technologies (edute 10)Rec Adv Comput Eng6Advanced Electical Drives: Analysis, Modeling, Control Power SystAdvanced Electronic PackagingMater Res Soc Symp P'Advanced Electronic Packaging MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PUAdvanced Electronic Technologies and Systems Based On Low-dimensional Quantum DevicesNato Asi 3 High Tech.Advanced Electron Microscopy and NanomaterialsMater Sci Forum"Advanced Encryption Standard - AesLect Notes Comput Sc*Advanced Energy Conversion and Application VDI BerichtAdvanced Energy MaterialsAdv Energy MaterPAdvanced Energy Systems Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersAdv Energy Syst Div Advanced Engineering InformaticsAdv Eng InformAdvanced Engineering Materials Adv Eng Mater'Advanced Engineering Materials, Pts 1-3Adv Mater Res-switzAdvanced Engineering Research Adv Eng ResAdvanced Engineering Systems for Specialty Crops: A Review of Precision Agriculture for Water, Chemical, and Nutrient Application, and Yield MonitoringLandbauforsch-vti Ag"Advanced Engineering With Ceramics Brit Cer Pr6Advanced Environmental and Chemical Sensing TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Advanced Environmental and Chemical Sensing Technology Proc SpieHAdvanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHAdvanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies IvP Soc Photo-opt InsGAdvanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies VP Soc Photo-opt InsHAdvanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies ViP Soc Photo-opt InsHAdvanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies Vi Proc SpieIAdvanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsIAdvanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies Vii Proc SpieJAdvanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies Viii Proc Spie,Advanced Environmental Sensing Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsDAdvanced Environments, Tools, and Applications for Cluster ComputingLect Notes Comput ScPAdvanced Experimental Methods for Noise Research in Nanoscale Electronic DevicesNato Sci Ser Ii MathEAdvanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/nano Optics and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsEAdvanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/nano Optics and Photonics Proc SpieHAdvanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/nano Optics and Photonics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsIAdvanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/nano Optics and Photonics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIAdvanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/nano Optics and Photonics Iii Proc Spie*Advanced Fiber Communications TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Advanced Fibers, Plastics, Laminates and CompositesMater Res Soc Symp PAdvanced Financial ModellingRadon Ser Comput App(Advanced Flat Panel Display TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Advanced Flourescence Reporters in Chemistry and Biology ISpringer Ser FluoresaAdvanced Fluorescence Reporters in Chemistry and Biology Iii: Applications in Sensing and ImagingSpringer Ser FluorespAdvanced Fluorescence Reporters in Chemistry and Biology Ii: Molecular Constructions, Polymers and NanoparticlesSpringer Ser Fluores2Advanced Focal Plane Arrays and Electronic CamerasP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Advanced Focal Plane Arrays and Electronic Cameras IiP Soc Photo-opt InsFAdvanced Free-space Optical Communications Techniques and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvanced Free-space Optical Communication Techniques/applications Ii and Photonic Components Architectures for Microwave Systems and DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvanced Free-space Optical Communication Techniques/applications Ii and Photonic Components Architectures for Microwave Systems and Displays Proc SpieAdvanced Functional MaterialsAdv Funct MaterAdvanced Functional ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc"Advanced Fuzzy-neural Control 2001 Ifac Work SXAdvanced Galileo and Gps Receiver Techniques: Enhanced Sensitivity and Improved AccuracyElectr Eng Dev5Advanced Gate Stacks for High-mobility SemiconductorsSpr Ser Adv MicroelewAdvanced Gate Stack, Source/drain, and Channel Engineering for Si-based Cmos 5: New Materials, Processes, and EquipmentEcs TransactionsYAdvanced Gibbs Energy Methods for Functional Materials and Processes: Chemsheet 1999-2009 Vtt Res Notes9Advanced Global Communications Technologies for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Advanced Global Communications Technologies for Astronomy Proc Spie<Advanced Global Communications Technologies for Astronomy IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advanced Glycation End Products in NephrologyContrib Nephrol)Advanced Hard and Soft Magnetic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P+Advanced Health Telematics and Telemedicine St Heal T+Advanced Health Telematics and TelemedicineStud Health TechnolAdvanced High-power LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvanced High-power Lasers Proc SpieDAdvanced Iii-v Compound Semiconductor Growth, Processing and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P@Advanced Image and Video Communications and Storage TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Advanced Imaging in Coronary Artery DiseaseDev Cardiovasc Med9Advanced Imaging Technologies and Commercial ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advanced Information and Knowledge ProcessingAdv Info Know Proc-Advanced Information and Knowledge ProcessingAdv Inform Knowl ProEAdvanced Information Processing Techniques for Lan and Man Management Ifip Trans C*Advanced Information Processing TechnologyAdv Info Proc Tech(Advanced Information Systems EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc*Advanced Information Systems Engineering /Lect Notes Comput Sc+Advanced Information Systems Engineering //Lect Notes Comput Sc5Advanced Information Systems Engineering, ProceedingsBiomed Sci Instrum5Advanced Information Systems Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvanced Information TechnologyAdv Inform Technol8Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and ApplicationsComm Com Inf Sc8Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScEAdvanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScEAdvanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntEAdvanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScaAdvanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications: With Aspects of Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif IntoAdvanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications: With Aspects of Theoretical and Methodological IssuesLect Notes Comput Sc0Advanced Intelligent Paradigms in Computer GamesStud Comput IntellYAdvanced Interconnects and Contact Materials and Processes for Future Integrated CircuitsMater Res Soc Symp P#Advanced Interconnects and ContactsMater Res Soc Symp P#Advanced Intermetallic-based AlloysMater Res Soc Symp PSAdvanced Intermetallic-based Alloys for Extreme Environment and Energy ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P0Advanced Internet Based Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc9Advanced Internet Services and Appplications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Advanced Laser Concepts and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvanced Laser DentistryP Soc Photo-opt InsFAdvanced Laser Processing of Materials - Fundamentals and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PAdvanced Lasers and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Advanced Laser Technologies 2004P Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advanced Laser Technologies 2005, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advanced Laser Technologies 2005, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie Advanced Laser Technologies 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins Advanced Laser Technologies 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins Advanced Laser Technologies 2007 Proc Spie%Advanced Lectures On Machine LearningLect Notes Artif IntAdvanced Lectures On NetworkingLect Notes Comput ScHAdvanced Lectures On Software Engineering: Laser Summer School 2007/2008Lect Notes Comput Sc&Advanced Leds for Solid State LightingP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Advanced Leds for Solid State Lighting Proc Spie$Advanced Light Alloys and CompositesNato Asi 3 High Tech-Advanced Lukasiewicz Calculus and Mv-algebrasTrends Log Stud Log6Advanced Luminescent Materials and Quantum Confinement Elec Soc S?Advanced Manufacture: Focusing On New and Emerging TechnologiesMater Sci Forum=Advanced Manufacturing and Sustainable Logistics, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf=Advanced Manufacturing and Sustainable Logistics, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf PBAdvanced Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems Ele Com EngAdvanced Manufacturing Series Adv Manuf S'Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Pts 1-3Adv Mater Res-switz+Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Pts 1, 2Adv Mater Res-switzAdvanced Materials Adv Mater!Advanced Materials '93, I - A & B T Mrs Jap"Advanced Materials '93, Ii - A & B T Mrs Jap#Advanced Materials '93, Iii - A & B T Mrs JapAdvanced Materials '93, Iv T Mrs Jap!Advanced Materials '93, V - A & B T Mrs Jap"Advanced Materials '93, Vi - A & B T Mrs JapAdvanced Materials & ProcessesAdv Mater Process?Advanced Materials & Processes Preparing for The New MillenniumInt Sampe Tech Conf6Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and Imaging Ii Proc Spie:Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and Imaging Iii Proc Spie2Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Proceedings Aip Conf ProcLAdvanced Materials and Optical Systems for Chemical and Biological DetectionP Soc Photo-opt InsLAdvanced Materials and Optical Systems for Chemical and Biological Detection Proc Spie Advanced Materials and ProcessesMater Sci Forum!Advanced Materials and ProcessingAdv Mater Res-switz$Advanced Materials and Processing Iv Adv Mat ResSAdvanced Materials and Systems for Energy Conversion: Fundamentals and ApplicationsEnerg Sci Eng Tech#Advanced Materials and TechnologiesMater Sci ForumQAdvanced Materials and Technologies for Micro/nano-devices, Sensors and ActuatorsNato Sci Peace Sec BPAdvanced Materials : Cost Effectiveness, Quality Control, Health and EnvironmentMater Sci Monog*Advanced Materials: Expanding The HorizonsInt Sampe Tech Conf&Advanced Materials for Fluid MachineryImeche Conf Trans3Advanced Materials for High Technology ApplicationsMater Sci Forum-Advanced Materials for Optics and ElectronicsAdv Mater Opt Electr6Advanced Materials for Optics and Precision StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsAAdvanced Materials for Thermal Management of Electronic PackagingSpr Ser Adv MicroeleAdvanced Materials Forum I Key Eng MatAdvanced Materials Forum I Key Eng MaterAdvanced Materials Forum IiMater Sci Forum)Advanced Materials Forum Iii, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumAdvanced Materials Forum IvMater Sci Forum&Advanced Materials Forum V, Pt 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum6Advanced Materials : Looking Ahead to The 21st CenturyInt Sampe Tech Conf]Advanced Materials : Meeting The Economic Challenge / Advancements in Synthesis and ProcessesInt Sampe Tech Conf Advanced Materials Processing IiMater Sci ForumAdvanced Materials Research Adv Mat ResAdvanced Materials ResearchAdv Mater Res-switz)Advanced Materials Science and TechnologyMater Sci Forum2Advanced Materials Science and Technology, Pts 1-2Adv Mater Res-switz#Advanced Materials : The Big PayoffInt Sampe Tech ConfAdvanced Materials Xi Key Eng MatAdvanced Materials Xi Key Eng Mater;Advanced Mathematical & Computational Tools in Metrology Iv S Adv Math;Advanced Mathematical & Computational Tools in Metrology IvSer Adv Math Appl Sc;Advanced Mathematical & Computational Tools in Metrology Vi S Adv Math;Advanced Mathematical & Computational Tools in Metrology ViSer Adv Math Appl Sc4Advanced Mathematical and Computational GeomechanicsLect Notes Appl Comp4Advanced Mathematical and Computational Geomechanics Ln App C MKAdvanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing Viii S Adv MathKAdvanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing ViiiSer Adv Math Appl Sc<Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology V S Adv Math<Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology VSer Adv Math Appl Sc>Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology Vii S Adv MathLAdvanced Mathematics for Engineers With Applications in Stochastic Processes Math Res Dev,Advanced Measurement and Test, Parts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat,Advanced Measurement and Test, Parts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterZAdvanced Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms of Bulk Nanostructured MaterialsMater Sci ForumAdvanced Membrane TechnologyAnn Ny Acad SciQAdvanced Metallization and Processing for Semiconductor Devices and Circuits - IiMater Res Soc Symp P1Advanced Metallization Conference 2000 (amc 2000) Mat Res S C1Advanced Metallization Conference 2001 (amc 2001) Mat Res S C1Advanced Metallization Conference 2003 (amc 2003) Mat Res S C1Advanced Metallization Conference 2007 (amc 2007) Mat Res S C[Advanced Metallization for Devices and Circuits - Science, Technology and ManufacturabilityMater Res Soc Symp P&Advanced Metallization for Future Ulsi Mat Res S C*Advanced Metallization in MicroelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp P<Advanced Methods for Satellite and Deep Space CommunicationsLect Notes Contr Inf0Advanced Methods in Materials Processing DefectsStud Appl Mech2Advanced Methods of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ModelingGreen Energy TechnolAdvanced Micro & NanosystemsAdv Micro Nanosyst.Advanced Micro & Nanosystems, Vol 2: Cmos-memsAdv Micro Nanosyst/Advanced Microdevices and Space Science SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Advanced Microelectronic Processing TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Advanced Microlithography TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Advanced Microscopy Techniques Ii Proc Spie0Advanced Microwave and Millimeter-wave DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt InseAdvanced Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Processes: International Research and DevelopmentSpringer Ser Adv ManUAdvanced Monitoring and Numerical Analysis of Coastal Water and Urban Air EnvironmentCsur Ut Ser Lib Sust5Advanced Multilayered and Fibre-reinforced CompositesNato Asi 3 High Tech&Advanced Multimedia Content ProcessingLect Notes Comput ScAdvanced Neutron Sources 1988Inst Phys Conf SerRAdvanced Nondestructive Evaluation for Structural and Biological Health MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation I, Pts 1 and 2, Proceedings Key Eng Mat>Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation I, Pts 1 and 2, Proceedings Key Eng Mater>Advanced Nondestructuve Evaluation I, Pts 1 and 2, Proceedings Key Eng MatPAdvanced Nonlinear Strategies for Vibration Mitigation and System Identification Cism Cour LAdvanced Nonlinear StudiesAdv Nonlinear Stud3Advanced Nuclear Systems Consuming Excess PlutoniumNato Sci S 1 Disarm>Advanced Numerical Applications and Plasticity in Geomechanics Cism Cour LWAdvanced Numerical Methods to Optimize Cutting Operations of Five-axis Milling MachinesSpringer Ser Adv Man@Advanced Numerical Models for Simulating Tsunami Waves and RunupAdv Coastal Ocean EnWAdvanced Optical and Mechanical Technologies in Telescopes and Instrumentation, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsWAdvanced Optical and Mechanical Technologies in Telescopes and Instrumentation, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie3Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing Proc Spie6Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsIAdvanced Optical Concepts in Quantum Computing, Memory, and CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt InsLAdvanced Optical Concepts in Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvanced Optical Data StorageP Soc Photo-opt InsNAdvanced Optical Data Storage: Materials, Systems, and Interfaces to ComputersP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Advanced Optical Devices, Technologies, and Medical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Advanced Optical Devices, Technologies, and Medical Applications Proc SpieTAdvanced Optical Instrumentation for Remote Sensing of The Earths Surface From SpaceP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Advanced Optical Manufacturing and TestingP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins8Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins8Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie5Advanced Optical Materials, Technologies, and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Advanced Optical Memories and Interfaces to Computer StorageP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Advanced Optical Methods for Ultrasensitive DetectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Advanced Optical Processing of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P#Advanced Optical Storage TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Advanced Optoelectronics and LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers Proc Spie0Advanced Organic and Inorganic Optical MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Advanced Organic and Inorganic Optical Materials Proc Spie&Advanced Organic Solid State MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P6Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvanced Performance MaterialsAdv Perform MaterEAdvanced Peripheral Nerve Surgery and Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery Act Neur SAdvanced Phase-lock TechniquesArtech Hse Microw Li#Advanced Photon Counting TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Advanced Photon Counting Techniques Proc Spie&Advanced Photon Counting Techniques IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Advanced Photon Counting Techniques Ii Proc Spie'Advanced Photon Counting Techniques IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Advanced Photon Counting Techniques Iii Proc Spie&Advanced Photon Counting Techniques IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Advanced Photon Counting Techniques Iv Proc Spie%Advanced Photon Counting Techniques V Proc Spie*Advanced Photonic Sensors and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Advanced Photonic Sensors and Applications Proc Spie-Advanced Photonic Sensors and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advanced Photonic Sensors and Applications Ii Proc Spie6Advanced Photonic Sensors: Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Advanced Photonics Materials for Information TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsBAdvanced Photonic Structures for Biological and Chemical DetectionIntegr Anal SystBAdvanced Photonics With Second-order Optically Nonlinear ProcessesNato Asi 3 High Tech\Advanced Planning in Fresh Food Industries : Integrating Shelf Life Into Production PlanningContrib Manag SciAdvanced Polymer Processing Adv Mat ResAdvanced Polymer ProcessingAdv Mater Res-switz(Advanced Polymer Science and EngineeringAdv Mater Res-switzAdvanced Powder TechnologyAdv Powder TechnolAdvanced Powder TechnologyMater Sci ForumAdvanced Powder Technology Ii Key Eng MatAdvanced Powder Technology Ii Key Eng MaterAdvanced Powder Technology IiiMater Sci ForumAdvanced Powder Technology IvMater Sci ForumAdvanced Powder Technology VMater Sci ForumAdvanced Powder Technology ViMater Sci Forum5Advanced Power Plant Materials, Design and TechnologyWoodhead Publ Ser EnAdvanced Precision Engineering Key Eng Mater/Advanced Problems in Constructive Approximation Int S Num M/Advanced Problems in Constructive ApproximationInt Ser Numer Math'Advanced Process Control and AutomationP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Advanced Process Control and Automation Proc Spie5Advanced Processing and Characterization Technologies Aip Conf Proc_Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional MaterialsCeram Eng Sci ProcbAdvanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials IiCeram Eng Sci ProcbAdvanced Processing and Manufacturingtechnologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials IiiCeram Eng Sci Proc;Advanced Propulsion Systems and Technologies, Today to 2020Prog Astronaut Aeron)Advanced Protocols in Oxidative Stress IiMethods Mol BiolaAdvanced Public Procurement As Industrial Policy: The Aircraft Industry As A Technical UniversityEcon Sci Technol Inn+Advanced Radiation Sources and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math+Advanced Radiation Sources and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math4Advanced Reliability Models and Maintenance PoliciesSpringer Ser Reliab+Advanced Research in Asian Economic StudiesAdv Res Asian EconEAdvanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education, Vol 1 Fr Art IntEAdvanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education, Vol 1Front Artif Intel ApEAdvanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education, Vol 2 Fr Art IntEAdvanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education, Vol 2Front Artif Intel Ap,Advanced Research in Physics and EngineeringMa Comput Sci Eng,Advanced Research in Physics and EngineeringMath Comput Sci EngYAdvanced Research On Automation, Communication, Architectonics and Materials, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switzTAdvanced Research On Industry, Information Systems and Material Engineering, Pts 1-7Adv Mater Res-switzQAdvanced Research On Information Science, Automation and Material System, Pts 1-6Adv Mater Res-switzAdvanced Robot ControlLect Notes Contr InfAdvanced Robotics Adv Robotics^Advanced Robust and Nonparametric Methods in Efficiency Analysis: Methodology and ApplicationsStud Product EfficAdvanced Rubber Composites Adv Polym Sci|Advanced Science and Technology for Biological Decontamination of Sites Affected By Chemical and Radiological Nuclear AgentsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarAdvanced Science Letters Adv Sci LettAdvanced Science Research Symposium 2009: Positron, Muon and Other Exotic Particle Beams for Materials and Atomic/molecular SciencesJ Phys Conf Ser,Advanced Security Technologies in NetworkingNato Sc S Ss Iii C SVAdvanced Semiconductor Epitaxial Growth Processes and Lateral and Vertical FabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsJAdvanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop - Proceedings Asmc ProcHAdvanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop-proceedings Asmc Proc,Advanced Sensor and Control-system InterfaceP Soc Photo-opt InsHAdvanced Sensors and Monitors for Process Industries and The EnvironmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Advanced Sensor Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications Proc Spie,Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications Ii Pt 1and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications Ii Pt 1and 2 Proc Spie+Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications Iv Proc Spie[Advanced Sensor Technologies for Nondestructive Evaluation and Structural Health MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Advanced Sensor Technologies for Nondestructive Evaluation and Structural Health Monitoring IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Advanced Separation Techniques for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Radioactive Waste TreatmentWoodhead Publ Ser EnAdvanced Series in BiomechanicsAdv Ser Biomech$Advanced Series in Dynamical Systems Adv S Dy SyAdvanced Series in Management Adv Ser ManagAdvanced Series in ManagementAdv Ser Manage$Advanced Series On Ocean EngineeringAdv Ser Ocean Eng)Advanced Si-based Ceramics and Composites Key Eng Mat)Advanced Si-based Ceramics and Composites Key Eng MaterTAdvanced Sic/sic Ceramic Composites: Developments and Applications in Energy Systems Ceram Trans%Advanced Signal Processing AlgorithmsP Soc Photo-opt InsIAdvanced Signal-processing Algorithms, Architectures, and ImplementationsP Soc Photo-opt InsLAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations IvP Soc Photo-opt InsKAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures,and Implementations IxP Soc Photo-opt InsKAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures,and Implementations Ix Proc SpieLAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations ViP Soc Photo-opt InsNAdvanced Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsNAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsKAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XP Soc Photo-opt InsKAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations X Proc SpieLAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XiP Soc Photo-opt InsLAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations Xi Proc SpieMAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations Xiii Proc SpieMAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XivP Soc Photo-opt InsMAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XviP Soc Photo-opt InsMAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations Xvi Proc SpieNAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsNAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations Xvii Proc SpieOAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XviiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Advanced Signal Processing for Communication SystemsKluwer Int Ser Eng C+Advanced Software and Control for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy Proc Spie9Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy Ii, Pts 1 & 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy Ii, Pts 1 & 2 Proc SpieCAdvanced Software, Control, and Communication Systems for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt InsCAdvanced Software, Control, and Communication Systems for Astronomy Proc SpieMAdvanced Software Engineering: Expanding The Frontiers of Software TechnologyInt Fed Info ProcEAdvanced Solar Polarimetry: Theory, Observation, and Instrumenta Tion Astr Soc PAdvanced Solid State ChemistryMater Sci MonogAdvanced Solid-state LasersOsa Trends Opt Photo(Advanced Solid State Lasers, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt Photo(Advanced Solid-state Lasers, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt PhotoAdvanced Steel ConstructionAdv Steel ConstrHAdvanced Strategies in Control Systems With Input and Output ConstraintsLect Notes Contr Inf@Advanced Structural and Functional Materials Design, ProceedingsMater Sci Forum;Advanced Structural and Functional Materials for Protection Sol St Phen;Advanced Structural and Functional Materials for ProtectionSolid State PhenomenAdvanced Structural MaterialsMater Sci Forum Advanced Structural Materials IiMater Sci Forum!Advanced Structural Materials IiiMater Sci ForumAdvanced Structured MaterialsAdv Struct MatAdvanced Studies in BiometricsLect Notes Comput Sc*Advanced Studies in Music Education SeriesAdv Stud Music Ed S$Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics Adv Stu P M8Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics Adv St Theo8Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied EconometricsAdv Stud Theor Appl&Advanced Summer School in Physics 2005 Aip Conf Proc&Advanced Summer School in Physics 2006 Aip Conf Proc&Advanced Summer School in Physics 2007 Aip Conf ProcVAdvanced Summer School in Physics 2009: Frontiers in Contemporary Physics, 5th Edition Aip Conf Proc(Advanced Symbolic Analysis for CompilersLect Notes Comput ScAdvanced Synthesis & CatalysisAdv Synth Catal:Advanced Synthesis and Processing Technology for Materials Adv Mat ResHAdvanced System for Automatically Detecting Faults Occurring in BearingsEng Tools Tech Table8Advanced Techniques for Clearance of Flight Control LawsLect Notes Contr Inf5Advanced Techniques for Integrated Circuit ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Advanced Techniques for Integrated Circuit Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Advanced Techniques for Materials CharacterizationMater Sci Found+Advanced Techniques for Surface Engineering Euro Mech M+Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence - 1Stud Comput Intell)Advanced Technologies and Societal ChangeAdv Technol Soc Ch>Advanced Technologies Based On Wave and Beam Generated PlasmasNato Asi 3 High TechBAdvanced Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and RemediationP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Advanced Technologies for Fluid-particle Systems Aiche Sym S'Advanced Technologies in Earth SciencesAdv Technol Earth ScAdvanced Technologies in Rehabilitation: Empowering Cognitive, Physical, Social and Communicative Skills Through Virtual Reality, Robots, Wearable Systems and Brain-computer InterfacesStud Health TechnolRAdvanced Technologies in Research, Diagnosis and Treatment of Aids and in OncologyAntibiot ChemotherTAdvanced Technology for Design and Fabrication of Composite Materials and Structures Eng Appl Fr8Advanced Technology Mmw, Radio, and Terahertz TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Advanced Technology Optical/ir Telescopes ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Advanced Technology Optical/ir Telescopes Vi Proc Spie6Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes Iv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes VP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Control SoftwareP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Control Software IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Control Software Ii Proc Spie3Advanced Telescope Design, Fabrication, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Advanced Telescope Design, Fabrication, and Control Proc Spie3Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal ProcessingAdv Txb Contr Sig Pr Advanced Textiles for Wound CareWoodhead Publ TextBAdvanced Tomographic Imaging Methods for The Analysis of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P*Advanced Topics in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int)Advanced Topics in Control Systems TheoryLect Notes Contr Inf0Advanced Topics in Exception Handling TechniquesLect Notes Comput Sc(Advanced Topics in Information RetrievalInform Retrieval SerJAdvanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and NanotechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsJAdvanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies Proc SpieNAdvanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNAdvanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies Iii Proc SpieMAdvanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies IvP Soc Photo-opt InsMAdvanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies Iv Proc SpieLAdvanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VP Soc Photo-opt InsLAdvanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies V Proc Spie2Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in ChinaAdv Top Sci Tech ChiDAdvanced Topics in System and Signal Theory: A Mathematical ApproachFound Signal Process/Advanced Topics in Theoretical Chemical Physics Prog T Chem/Advanced Topics in Theoretical Chemical PhysicsProg Theor Chem Phys)Advanced Topics On Evolutionary ComputingArtif Int Ser Wseas<Advanced Topics On Water Resources, Hydraulics and HydrologyMa Comput Sci Eng<Advanced Topics On Water Resources, Hydraulics and HydrologyMath Comput Sci EngFAdvanced Traffic Management Systems and Automated Highway Systems 2000Transport Res RecGAdvanced Traffic Management Systems and Vehicle-highway Automation 2001Transport Res RecPAdvanced Traffic Management Systems for Freeways and Traffic Signal Systems 2002Transport Res RecOAdvanced Traveler Information Systems, Warning Systems and Intelligent VehiclesTransport Res RecWAdvanced Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment: A Road to Safer Society and EnvironmentNato Sci Peace Secur>Advanced Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsAAdvanced Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAAdvanced Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsAAdvanced Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications Iv Proc Spie@Advanced Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsAAdvanced Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsCAdvanced Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Advanced Web and Network Technologies, and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScDAdvanced Web and Network Technologies, and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Advanced Web Technologies and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScCAdvanced Welding and Micro Joining / Packaging for The 21st CenturyMater Sci Forum$Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks Mu Sys Appl5Advanced X-ray/euv Radiation Sources and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Advanced Zeolite Science and ApplicationsStud Surf Sci CatalGAdvance in Ecological Environment Functional Materials and Ion Industry Adv Mat ResGAdvance in Ecological Environment Functional Materials and Ion IndustryAdv Mater Res-switzJAdvance in Ecological Environment Functional Materials and Ion Industry IiAdv Mater Res-switz#Advancement of Assistive TechnologyAssist Techn Res Ser#Advancement of Assistive TechnologyAssist Technol Res S%Advancement of Intelligent Production Jspe Publ SerAdvancement of ScienceAdv Sci(Advancements in Adaptive Optics, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Advancements in Adaptive Optics, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie!Advancements in Electric Machines Power Syst!Advancements in Marine StructuresProc Monogr Eng Wate8Advancements in The Scientific Study of Combative SportsSports Athl Prep Per?Advances and Applications in Radiation Protection and ShieldingAdv Appl Rad ProtectoAdvances and Applications in The Metallography and Characterization of Materials and Microelectronic Components Microstr Sc<Advances and Challenges in Chemical Mechanical PlanarizationMater Res Soc Symp P-Advances and Continuing Education in Medicine For For Med?Advances and Continuing Education in Medicine, Vol 18 (1994/95) For For Med?Advances and Continuing Education in Medicine, Vol 19 (1995/96) For For Med@Advances and Continuing Education in Medicine, Vol 20, (1996/97) For For MedAAdvances and Continuing Education in Medicine, Vol 25 (2001/2002) For For Med>Advances and Issues in Snow-removal and Ice-control TechnologyTransport Res Rec0Advances and Technical Standards in NeurosurgeryAdv Tech Stand Neuro8Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Vol 32Adv Tech Stand Neuro8Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Vol 33Adv Tech Stand Neuro8Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Vol 34Adv Tech Stand Neuro8Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Vol 36Adv Tech Stand Neuro"Advances Ecoometrics, Vol 15, 2000Adv EconometricsKAdvance Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations VP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Advances in 3d Geoinformation SystemsLec Not Geo CartoAdvances in Abrasive Processes Key Eng MatAdvances in Abrasive Processes Key Eng Mater!Advances in Abrasive Technology V Key Eng Mat!Advances in Abrasive Technology V Key Eng Mater"Advances in Abrasive Technology Vi Key Eng Mat"Advances in Abrasive Technology Vi Key Eng Mater$Advances in Abrasive Technology Viii Key Eng Mat$Advances in Abrasive Technology Viii Key Eng Mater"Advances in Abrasive Technology Xi Key Eng Mat"Advances in Abrasive Technology Xi Key Eng Mater#Advances in Abrasive Technology Xii Adv Mat Res#Advances in Abrasive Technology XiiAdv Mater Res-switz$Advances in Abrasive Technology XiiiAdv Mater Res-switz*Advances in Accounting Behavioral ResearchAdv Acct Beh Res2Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Vol 11Adv Acct Beh Res2Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Vol 12Adv Acct Beh Res1Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Vol 6Adv Acct Beh Res1Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Vol 7Adv Acct Beh Res1Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Vol 8Adv Acct Beh Res1Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Vol 9Adv Acct Beh ResDAdvances in Accounting Education-teaching and Curriculum InnovationsAdv Acc Educ-teachMAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Vol 10Adv Acc Educ-teachLAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Vol 5Adv Acc Educ-teachLAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Vol 6Adv Acc Educ-teachLAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Vol 7Adv Acc Educ-teachLAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Vol 8Adv Acc Educ-teachLAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Vol 9Adv Acc Educ-teach*Advances in Accounting Information SystemsAdv Acc Inform Syst7Advances in Accounting Information Systems, Vol 4, 1996Adv Acc Inform Syst8Advances in Accounting Information Systems, Vol 5 - 1997Adv Acc Inform Syst'Advances in Adaptive Optics Ii, Prs 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins'Advances in Adaptive Optics Ii, Prs 1-3 Proc Spie.Advances in Additives for Water-based Coatings Roy Soc Ch4Advances in Adhesives, Adhesion Science, and TestingAm Soc Test MaterAdvances in Ad Hoc NetworkingInt Fed Info Proc'Advances in Adrenergic Receptor BiologyCurr Top Membr!Advances in Adsorption TechnologyChem Res Appl-novaAdvances in African Linguistics Tr Afr Ling6Advances in Agent-based Complex Automated NegotiationsStud Comput IntellAdvances in Agent CommunicationLect Notes Artif IntAdvances in Agile Manufacturing Adv Des Man&Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology Adv Agr BioAdvances in Agroforestry Adv AgroforAdvances in Agronomy Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 100 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 101 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 102 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 103 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 105 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 106 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 107 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 108 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 109 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 110 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 111 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 112 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 49 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 50 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 51 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 52 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 53 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 54 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 55 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 56 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 57 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 58 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 59 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 60 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 61 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 62 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 63 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 64 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 65 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 66 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 67 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 68 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 69 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 70 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 71 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 72 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 73 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 74 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 75 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 76 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 77 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 78 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 79 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 80 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 81 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 82 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 83 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 84 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 85 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 87 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 88 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 89 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 90 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 91 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 92 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 93 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 94 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 95 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 96 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 97 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 98 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Vol 99 Adv Agron Advances in Agronomy, Volume 104 Adv AgronAdvances in Agronomy, Volume 86 Adv AgronAdvances in Ai and Simulation Simul Series=Advances in Air Pollution Modeling for Environmental SecurityNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear Advances in Air Pollution SeriesAdv Air Pollut Ser$Advances in Algebraic Geometry CodesSer Coding Theory CrUAdvances in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease: Insights, Progress, and PerspectivesAdv Behav BiolKAdvances in Analysis and Geometry: New Developments Using Clifford Algebras Trends Math)Advances in Analytical Cellular Pathology Int Congr SerAdvances in Anatomic PathologyAdv Anat Pathol/Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell BiologyAdv Anat Embryol CelCAdvances in Angiosperm Paleobotany and Paleoclimatic ReconstructionCour For SekenbgAdvances in Anti-aging MedicineAdv Anti Aging Med&Advances in Anti-aging Medicine, Vol 1Adv Anti Aging MedAdvances in Apparel ProductionWoodhead Text Ser6Advances in Applied Articial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Advances in Applied Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Advances in Applied Bioremediation Soil Biol(Advances in Applied Biotechnology Series Adv Ap Biot%Advances in Applied Business StrategyAdv Appl Bus Strateg-Advances in Applied Business Strategy, Vol 10Adv Appl Bus StrategAdvances in Applied CeramicsAdv Appl Ceram%Advances in Applied Clifford AlgebrasAdv Appl Clifford Al4Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (proc. Suppl.)Adv Appl Cliff AlgebAdvances in Applied Mathematics Adv Appl Math7Advances in Applied Mathematics and Global Optimization Adv Mech Math-Advances in Applied Mathematics and MechanicsAdv Appl Math MechFAdvances in Applied Mathematics, Systems, Communications and ComputersMa Comput Sci EngFAdvances in Applied Mathematics, Systems, Communications and ComputersMath Comput Sci EngAdvances in Applied Mechanics Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 28 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 29 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 30 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 32 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 33 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 34 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 36 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 37 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 38 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 39 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 40 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 41 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 42 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 43 Adv Appl Mech%Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol 44 Adv Appl Mech Advances in Applied MicrobiologyAdv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 39Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 40Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 41Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 42Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 43Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 44Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 45Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 47Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 48Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 49Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 51Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 52Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied 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Applied Microbiology, Vol 73Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Microbiology, Vol 74Adv Appl Microbiol(Advances in Applied Mircobiology, Vol 67Adv Appl MicrobiolAdvances in Applied ProbabilityAdv Appl Probab+Advances in Applied Self-organizing SystemsAdv Inform Knowl ProAdvances in Architecture Series Adv Arc SerAdvances in Arsenic Research Acs Sym Ser!Advances in Art and Urban FuturesAdv Art Urban Future'Advances in Artifical Life, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntIAdvances in Artificial Economics: The Economy As A Complex Dynamic SystemLect Notes Econ Math#Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int#Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Comput ScGAdvances in Artificial Intelligence for Privacy Protection and SecurityIntel Inform Syst Se@Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Iberamia 2002, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int3Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Iberamia 2004Lect Notes Artif Int@Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Iberamia 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScEAdvances in Artificial Intelligence - Iberamia-sbia 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int0Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc@Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research : A Research Annual Adv Art Int3Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol 1 Adv Art Int/Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Sbia 2004Lect Notes Artif Int<Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Sbia 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntAdvances in Artificial LifeLect Notes Artif Int(Advances in Artificial Life, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int>Advances in Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Advances in Asian Human-environmental ResearchAdv Asian Hum-env ReAdvances in Asthmology 1990 Int Congr Ser*Advances in Astrobiology and BiogeophysicsAdv Astrobio Biogeop*Advances in Astrobiology and BiogeophysicsAdv Astrobiol Biogeo<Advances in Astronomy: From The Big Bang to The Solar SystemRoy Soc Ser Adv Sci Advances in Atmospheric Sciences Adv Atmos Sci(Advances in Atomic and Molecular PhysicsAdv Atom Mol Phys0Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical PhysicsAdv Atom Mol Opt Phy2Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical PhysicsAdv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics <d>Adv Atom Mol Opt <d>:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 31Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 32Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 36Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 37Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 42Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 43Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 44Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 45Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 46Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 47Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 48Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy9Advances in Atomic Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 49Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 50Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy9Advances in Atomic Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 51Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy8Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Vol 52Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy9Advances in Atomic Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 53Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy8Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Vol 54Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 55Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 56Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 57Adv Atom Mol Opt Phy:Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 58Adv Atom Mol Opt PhyAdvances in Audiology Adv AudiolAdvances in Auroral Physics Adv Space ResAdvances in Auroral PhysicsAdv Space Res-seriesAdvances in Austrian Economics Adv Aus EcoAdvances in Austrian EconomicsAdv Austrian EconAdvances in Automotive Control Ifac Work S#Advances in Automotive Control 2001 Ifac Work S4Advances in Bacterial Paracrystalline Surface LayersNato Adv Sci Inst SeAdvances in Bayesian NetworksStud Fuzz Soft CompAdvances in Bayesian NetworksStud Fuzziness SoftAdvances in Behavioral BiologyAdv Behav Biol Advances in Behavioral EconomicsRoundtable Ser Behav#Advances in Behavioral PharmacologyAdv Behav Pharmacol%Advances in Behavioural Brain ScienceAdv Behav Brain Sci*Advances in Behaviour Research and TherapyAdv Behav Res Ther Advances in Bem in Japan and Usa T Engineer)Advances in Bioceramics and BiocompositesCeram Eng Sci Proc,Advances in Bioceramics and Biocomposites IiCeram Eng Sci Proc+Advances in Bioceramics and Biotechnologies Ceram Trans+Advances in Bioceramics and Porous CeramicsCeram Eng Sci Proc.Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics IiCeram Eng Sci Proc3Advances in Biochemical Engineering / BiotechnologyAdv Biochem Eng Biot1Advances in Biochemical Engineering-biotechnologyAdv Biochem Eng Biot*Advances in Biochemical PsychopharmacologyAdv Biochem PsychophAdvances in BioengineeringBioeng Div AsmeAdvances in Bioethics Adv Bioethics#Advances in Bioethics, Vol 1 - 1996 Adv BioethicsAdvances in BioinformaticsAdv Intel Soft Compu4Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyLect N BioinformatAAdvances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, ProceedingsLect N BioinformatAAdvances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScQAdvances in Biologically Inspired Information Systems: Models, Methods, and ToolsStud Comp IntellQAdvances in Biologically Inspired Information Systems: Models, Methods, and ToolsStud Comput Intell!Advances in Biological Psychiatry Adv Biol P!Advances in Biological PsychiatryAdv Biol Psych-karg Advances in Biology and Medicine Adv Biol MedAdvances in Biomaterials-uk Adv Biomat/Advances in Biomedical and Biomimetic Materials Ceram Trans"Advances in Biomedical Engineering Adv Biom Eng"Advances in Biomedical EngineeringAdv Biomed Eng,Advances in Biomedical Research, ProceedingsRec Adv Biol Biomed8Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in BiometricsLect Notes Comput Sc#Advances in Biometrics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Advances in Biomolecular Simulations Aip Conf ProcAdvances in Biophysics Adv Biophys$Advances in Biophysics, Vol 30, 1994 Adv Biophys$Advances in Biophysics, Vol 31, 1995 Adv Biophys$Advances in Biophysics, Vol 32, 1996 Adv Biophys%Advances in Biophysics, Vol. 33, 1996 Adv Biophys$Advances in Biophysics, Vol 34, 1997 Adv Biophys#Advances in Biophysics, Vol 35 1998 Adv Biophys$Advances in Biophysics, Vol 36, 1999 Adv Biophys$Advances in Biophysics, Vol 37, 2003 Adv BiophysAdvances in Bladder ResearchAdv Exp Med BiolAdvances in Blended LearningLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Blood DisordersAdv Blood DisordAdvances in Botanical Research Adv Bot ResHAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 23 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 24 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 25 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 26 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 29 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 30 Adv Bot ResUAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 31 2000 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 32 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 33 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 34 Adv Bot ResPAdvances in Botanical Research Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 41 Adv Bot ResQAdvances in Botanical Research: Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 44 Adv Bot ResQAdvances in Botanical Research: Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol 45 Adv Bot ResWAdvances in Botanical Research: Oxidative Stress and Redox Regulation in Plants, Vol 52 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 19 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 20 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 21 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 22 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 27 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 28 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 35 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 36 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 37 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 38 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 40 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 42 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 43 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 48 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 49 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 50 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 53 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 54 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 55 Adv Bot Res&Advances in Botanical Research, Vol 56 Adv Bot Res$Advances in Boundary Elements SeriesAdv Bound Elem SerKAdvances in Brain Research: Cerebrovascular Disorders and Neurodegeneration Int Congr SerAdvances in Brain VasopressinProg Brain ResCAdvances in Brain, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Advances in Breast Cancer DetectionRecent Res Cancer'Advances in Building Materials, Pts 1-3Adv Mater Res-switz/Advances in Business and Management ForecastingAdv Bus Manag Foreca6Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Vol 4Adv Bus Manag Foreca6Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Vol 5Adv Bus Manag Foreca6Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Vol 6Adv Bus Manag Foreca+Advances in Business Education and TrainingAdv Bus Educ Train;Advances in Business Intelligence and Financial EngineeringAdv Intel Sys Res-Advances in Business Marketing and PurchasingAdv Bus Mark Purch#Advances in Cable-supported BridgesProc Monogr Eng Wate"Advances in Calculus of Variations Adv Calc VarAdvances in Cancer Control ///Prog Clin Biol ResAdvances in Cancer ResearchAdv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 100Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 101Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 102Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 103Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 104Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 105Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 108Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 109Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 110Adv Cancer Res$Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 111Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 61Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 62Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 63Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 64Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 65Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 66Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 67Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 68Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 69Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 70Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 71Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 72Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 74Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 75Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 76Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 77Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 78Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 79Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 80Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 81Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 82Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 83Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 84Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 85Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 86Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 87Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 88Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 89Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 90Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 91Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 92Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 93Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 94Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 95Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 96Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 97Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 98Adv Cancer Res#Advances in Cancer Research, Vol 99Adv Cancer Res"Advances in Carbohydrate ChemistryAdv Carbohyd Chem3Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and BiochemistryAdv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 50Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 51Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 52Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 53Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 55Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 56Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 57Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 58Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 59Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 60Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 61Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 62Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 63Adv Carbohyd Chem Bi;Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol 64Adv Carbohyd Chem BiAdvances in Cardiology Adv Cardiol&Advances in Cardiovascular EngineeringNato Adv Sci Inst Se$Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery / Int Congr SerAdvances in Carpet ManufactureWoodhead Publ Text Advances in Case-based ReasoningLect Notes Artif Int-Advances in Case-based Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int-Advances in Case-based Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Catalysis Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 39 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 40 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 41 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 42 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 44 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 45 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 46 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 47 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 48 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 49 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 50 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 51 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 52 Adv CatalAdvances in Catalysis, Vol 53 Adv CatalAdvances in Cement Research Adv Cem ResAdvances in Ceramic Armor IiCeram Eng Sci ProcAdvances in Ceramic Armor IiiCeram Eng Sci ProcAdvances in Ceramic Armor IvCeram Eng Sci ProcAdvances in Ceramic Armor VCeram Eng Sci Proc6Advances in Ceramic Coatings and Ceramic-metal SystemsCeram Eng Sci ProcAdvances in Ceramic MaterialsMater Sci Forum(Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites Iv Ceram Trans(Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites Ix Ceram Trans(Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites Vi Ceram Trans*Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites Viii Ceram Trans'Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites X Ceram TransAdvances in Ceramics Adv Ceramic>Advances in Chemical Conversions for Mitigating Carbon DioxideStud Surf Sci Catal)Advances in Chemical-mechanical PolishingMater Res Soc Symp PAdvances in Chemical Physics Adv Chem Phys&Advances in Chemical Physics <d>Adv Chem Phys <d>&Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 103 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 104 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 108 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 109 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 110 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 111 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 112 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 113 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 114 Adv Chem Phys&Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 117 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 118 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 123 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 125 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 126 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 127 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 128 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 129 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 131 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 136 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 137 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 138 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 139 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 140 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 141 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 142 Adv Chem Phys%Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 143 Adv Chem Phys$Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 91 Adv Chem Phys9Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 95 - Surface Properties Adv Chem Phys$Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 96 Adv Chem Phys$Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 98 Adv Chem Phys$Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 99 Adv Chem Phys(Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol Lxxxix Adv Chem Phys(Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 115 Adv Chem Phys(Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 121 Adv Chem Phys(Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 144 Adv Chem Phys'Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol Xciii Adv Chem Phys&Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol Xciv Adv Chem PhysAdvances in Chemistry Research Adv Chem Res%Advances in Chemistry Research, Vol 3 Adv Chem Res%Advances in Chemistry Research, Vol 4 Adv Chem ResAdvances in Chemistry Series Adv Chem Ser&Advances in Chemistry Series <d> Adv Chem Ser*Advances in Child Development and BehaviorAdv Child Dev Behav]Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Developmental Disorders and Interventions, Vol 39Adv Child Dev BehavAdvances in Child Development and Behavior: Varieties of Early Experience: Implications for The Development of Declarative Memory in Infancy, Vol 38Adv Child Dev Behav2Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Vol 24Adv Child Dev Behav2Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Vol 25Adv Child Dev Behav3Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Vol. 26Adv Child Dev Behav2Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Vol 27Adv Child Dev Behav2Advances in 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Adv Chin In3Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies, Vol 4, 1994 Adv Chin InJAdvances in Chinese Medical Ethics, Chinese and International PerspectivesMit Inst Asienk HambAdvances in ChromatographyAdv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 34Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 35Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 36Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 37Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 38Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 39Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 40Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 41Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 42Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 43Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 44Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 45Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 46Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 47Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 48Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chromatography, Vol 49Adv Chromatogr"Advances in Chronic Kidney DiseaseAdv Chronic Kidney DAAdvances in Cirrhosis, Hyperammonemia, and Hepatic EncephalopathyAdv Exp Med Biol<Advances in Classical Trajectory Methods : A Research Annual Adv Clas Tr/Advances in Classical Trajectory Methods, Vol 3 Adv Clas Tr#Advances in Classification Research Asis Monogr+Advances in Classification Research, Vol 10 Asis Monogr*Advances in Classification Research, Vol 2 Asis Monogr*Advances in Classification Research, Vol 3 Asis Monogr*Advances in Classification Research, Vol 4 Asis Monogr*Advances in Classification Research, Vol 8 Asis Monogr Advances in Clear Air Technology VDI Bericht.Advances in Clinical and Experimental MedicineAdv Clin Exp MedAdvances in Clinical Chemistry Adv Clin Chem&Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Vol 30 Adv Clin Chem&Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Vol 31 Adv Clin Chem&Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Vol 32 Adv Clin Chem&Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Vol 33 Adv Clin Chem&Advances in Clinical Chemistry, 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Child PsychologyAdv Clin Child Psych-Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, Vol 16Adv Clin Child Psych-Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, Vol 17Adv Clin Child Psych-Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, Vol 18Adv Clin Child Psych-Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, Vol 19Adv Clin Child Psych0Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, Volume 20Adv Clin Child PsychAdvances in Coal Spectroscopy Mod Anal Ch0Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering SeriesAdv Coastal Ocean En2Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering (series)Adv Coastal Ocean En*Advances in Coding Theory and CryptographySer Coding Th CryptoBAdvances in Cognition and Educational Practice : A Research Annual Adv Cogn Ed;Advances in Cognition and Educational Practice, Vol 3, 1995 Adv Cogn Ed Advances in Cognitive ErgonomicsAdv Hum Fact Erg Ser9Advances in Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive ComputingStud Comp Intell9Advances in Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive ComputingStud Comput Intell8Advances in Cold-region Thermal Engineering and SciencesLect Notes Phys)Advances in Colloid and Interface ScienceAdv Colloid InterfacAdvances in Colloid StructuresProg Coll Pol Sci S:Advances in Commercial Deployment of Spoken Dialog SystemsSpringerbrief Speech(Advances in Communication and NetworkingComm Com Inf Sc*Advances in Communication Control NetworksLect Notes Contr Inf0Advances in Communications and Signal ProcessingLect Notes Contr InfDAdvances in Communications, Computers, Systems, Circuits and Devices Eur Conf Syst#Advances in Commutative Ring TheoryLect Notes Pure Appl3Advances in Comparative Physiology and BiochemistryAdv Comp Physiol Bio"Advances in Comparative Psychology Adv Com Psy1Advances in Complex Analysis and Its ApplicationsAdv Comp Anal Appl-Advances in Complex Electromagnetic MaterialsNato Asi 3 High TechAdvances in Complex SystemsAdv Complex Syst;Advances in Composite Materials and Structures, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater2Advances in Composite Materials and Structures Vii Struct Mat#Advances in Composites, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz^Advances in Computational and Stochastic Optimization, Logic Programming, and Heuristic SearchOperat Res Comp Sci(Advances in Computational BioengineeringAdv Comp Bioeng!Advances in Computational BiologyAdv Exp Med Biol#Advances in Computational Economics Adv Comp Econ#Advances in Computational EconomicsAdv Comput Econ&Advances in Computational IntelligenceAdv Intel Soft Compu&Advances in Computational IntelligenceAdv Intell Soft Comp[Advances in Computational Intelligence in Transport, Logistics, and Supply Chain ManagementStud Comput Intell,Advances in Computational Management ScienceAdv Comput Manag SciZAdvances in Computational Materials Science - Proceedings of The Vi Italian-swiss Workshop Ital Phy So%Advances in Computational MathematicsAdv Comput Math%Advances in Computational MathematicsLect Notes Pure Appl>Advances in Computational Methods for X-ray and Neutron OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsRAdvances in Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2005, Vols 4 A & 4 BLect Ser Computer Co+Advances in Computational Multibody SystemsComp Meth Appl Sci1Advances in Computational Science and EngineeringComm Com Inf ScWAdvances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Methods and ApplicationsComp Meth Appl SciWAdvances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Methods and ApplicationsComput Meth Appl Sci(Advances in Computation and IntelligenceLect Notes Comput Sc5Advances in Computation and Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Advances in Computation: Theory and PracticeAdv Comp The Pract1Advances in Computer and Information Sciences '98Concur Syst Engn Ser)Advances in Computer-assisted RecognitionP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Advances in Computer-assisted Recognition Proc SpieAdvances in Computer GamesLect Notes Comput Sc7Advances in Computer Games: Many Games, Many ChallengesInt Fed Info Proc1Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer VisionComm Com Inf Sc*Advances in Computer Graphics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Advances in Computer Graphics Vi Eurograph SAdvances in Computers Adv Comput,Advances in Computer Science and EngineeringComm Com Inf ScDAdvances in Computer Science and Information Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology, Pt IComm Com Inf Sc6Advances in Computer Science - Asian 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Advances in Computer Science - Asian 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMAdvances in Computer Science - Asian 2006: Secure Software and Related IssuesLect Notes Comput ScUAdvances in Computer Science - Asian 2007: Computer and Network Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScXAdvances in Computer Science - Asian 2009: Information Security and Privacy, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Computer SimulationLect Notes Phys<Advances in Computers: Social Networking and The Web, Vol 76 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 36 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 37 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 48 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 49 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 52 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 53 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 54 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 55 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 56 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 57 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 58 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 59 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol. 60 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol. 61 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 62 Adv ComputMAdvances in Computers, Vol 63: Parallel, Distributed, and Pervasive Computing Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 64 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 65 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 66 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 67 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers , Vol 68 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 70 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 71 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 72 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 73 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 74 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 75 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 77 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 78 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 79 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 80 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 81 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 82 Adv ComputAdvances in Computers, Vol 83 Adv Comput)Advances in Computer Systems ArchitectureLect Notes Comput Sc6Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionAdv Comput Vis Patt!Advances in Computing and ControlLect Notes Contr Inf/Advances in Computing and Information - Icci 90Lect Notes Comput Sc5Advances in Computing Science-asian 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Advances in Computing Science-asian 2002Lect Notes Comput Sc*Advances in Computing Science - Asian 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Computing Science-asian' 98Lect Notes Comput Sc<Advances in Conceptual Modeling: Applications and ChallengesLect Notes Comput Sc>Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Challenges and OpportunitiesLect Notes Comput Sc9Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Challenges PerspectivesLect Notes Comput Sc>Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Foundations and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScBAdvances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Advances in Concrete and Concrete Pavement ConstructionTransport Res Rec#Advances in Concrete and Structures Key Eng Mat#Advances in Concrete and Structures Key Eng MaterAdvances in Concrete Technology Amer Conc I"Advances in Concurrent EngineeringAdv Concurrent Engn(Advances in Concurrent Engineering: Ce96Adv Concurrent Engn(Advances in Concurrent Engineering: Ce97Adv Concurrent Engn(Advances in Concurrent Engineering: Ce99Adv Concurrent Engn3Advances in Condensed Matter and Materials ResearchAdv Condens Matt Mat:Advances in Condensed Matter and Materials Research, Vol 6Adv Condens Matt Mat:Advances in Condensed Matter and Materials Research, Vol 7Adv Condens Matt Mat$Advances in Condensed Matter PhysicsAdv Cond Matter Phys$Advances in Condensed Matter ScienceAdv Condens Mat Sci"Advances in Consciousness Research Adv Consc Res<Advances in Constitutive Relations Applied in Computer CodesCism Courses LectAdvances in Consumer ResearchAdv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 17Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 18Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 19Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 20Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 23Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 26Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 27Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 30Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 32Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 33Adv Consum Res%Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 35Adv Consum Res*Advances in Consumer Research, Volume XxixAdv Consum Res*Advances in Consumer Research, Volume XxxiAdv Consum Res&Advances in Consumer Research, Vol XxiAdv Consum Res'Advances in Consumer Research, Vol XxiiAdv Consum Res'Advances in Consumer Research, Vol XxivAdv Consum Res'Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. XxvAdv Consum Res)Advances in Consumer Research, Vol XxviiiAdv Consum Res'Advances in Consumer Research Vol XxxivAdv Consum Res(Advances in Consumer Research, Vol XxxviAdv Consum ResAdvances in ContraceptionAdv ContraceptFAdvances in Control Communication Networks, and Transportation Systems Sys Con FdnFAdvances in Control Communication Networks, and Transportation SystemsSyst Control-found AAdvances in Control EducationIfac Symp Series"Advances in Control Education 2000Ifac Symp Series2Advances in Controlled Clinical Inhalation Studies Ilsi MonogrGAdvances in Controlled Drug Delivery: Science, Technology, and Products Acs Sym Ser4Advances in Controlled/living Radical Polymerization Acs Sym Ser+Advances in Control Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf0Advances in Cooperative Control and OptimizationLect Notes Contr InfAdvances in Core EvaluationAdv Core Evaluat6Advances in Core Evaluation Iii - Reservoir ManagementAdv Core EvaluatAdvances in Corpus Linguistics Lang ComputEAdvances in Corrosion Control and Materials in Oil and Gas ProductionEur Fed Corr Publ.Advances in Corrosion-deformation InteractionsMater Sci Forum8Advances in Corrosion Protection By Organic Coatings Iii Elec Soc S0Advances in Cross-language Information RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc!Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Adv Cryog Eng@Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials, Vol 44, Pts A and B Adv Cryog Eng~Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (materials), Vol 56: Transactions of The International Cryogenic Materials Conference - Icmc Aip Conf ProcBAdvances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 38, Pts A and B : Materials Adv Cryog Eng6Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 39, Pts A and B Adv Cryog Eng6Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 40, Pts A and B Adv Cryog Eng6Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 41, Pts A and B Adv Cryog Eng5Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 43 Pts A and B Adv Cryog Eng6Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 47, Pts A and B Aip Conf Proc0Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 52a & 52b Aip Conf ProcrAdvances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 54: Transactions of The International Cryogenic Materials Conference - Icmc Aip Conf Proc1Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols 48a and B Aip Conf Proc2Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols. 49a and B Aip Conf Proc1Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols 50a and B Aip Conf Proc1Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols 51a and B Aip Conf Proc3Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols 53a and 53b Aip Conf Proc3Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols 55a and 55b Aip Conf Proc2Advances in Cryptology Asiacrypt 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2002, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc4Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Cryptology Asiacrypt 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc&Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt '94Lect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt'98Lect Notes Comput Sc2Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt'99, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Advances in Cryptology - Auscrypt 90Lect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Cryptology-crypto 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2002, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Cryptology-crypto 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Advances in 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Eurocrypt 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2005,proceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 91Lect Notes Comput Sc&Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt '96Lect Notes Comput Sc&Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt '98Lect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt'99Lect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Crystal GrowthMater Sci Forum@Advances in Cultural Psychology - Constructing Human DevelopmentAdv Cult Psychol Con>Advances in Cultural Psychology-constructing Human DevelopmentAdv Cult Psychol Con4Advances in Culture Tourism and Hospitality ResearchAdv Cult Tour Hosp R<Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol 2Adv Cult Tour Hosp RBAdvances in Cyclic Nucleotide and Protein Phosphorylation ResearchAdv Cyclic Nucl Prot&Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide ResearchAdv Cycl Nucl Res<d>Advances in Dairy TechnologyAdv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 10Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 12Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 14Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 15Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 16Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 17Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 18Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 19Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 20Adv Dairy Technol$Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 21Adv Dairy Technol#Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 7Adv Dairy Technol#Advances in Dairy Technology, Vol 8Adv Dairy TechnolAdvances in Damage MechanicsAdv Damage MechanAdvances in Data AnalysisSt Class Dat AnalAdvances in Data AnalysisStat Ind 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Technology - Edbt 90Lect Notes Comput Sc)Advances in Database Technology - Edbt 92Lect Notes Comput Sc)Advances in Database Technology - Edbt'98Lect Notes Comput Sc5Advances in Databse Technology-edbt 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Data ManagementStud Comput IntellAdvances in Data MiningLect Notes Artif IntAdvances in Data MiningLect Notes Comput Sc=Advances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical AspectsLect Notes Artif Int$Advances in Data Mining, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntJAdvances in Data Mining: Theoretical Aspects and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int4Advances in Data Networks, Communications, ComputersAdv Data Netw Commun>Advances in Data Networks Communications Computers-proceedingsAdv Data Netw CommunAdvances in Decision AnalysisMath Model-theor AppAdvances in Decision Analysis Math Modell6Advances in Decision Making Under Risk and UncertaintyTheory Decis Ser C G$Advances in Deep-fat Frying of FoodsContemp Food Eng]Advances in Degradation Modeling: Applications to Reliability, Survival Analysis, and FinanceStat Ind Technol+Advances in Delivery Science and TechnologyAdv Del Sci TechnolAdvances in DesignSpr Ser Adv ManufAdvances in DesignSpringer Ser Adv ManAdvances in Design and ControlAdv Des Control$Advances in Design and Manufacturing Adv Des Man7Advances in Design and Specification Languages for SocsChdl SergAdvances in Destructive and Non-destructive Analysis for Environmental Monitoring and Nuclear ForensicsP S Iaea9Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound ImagingArtech Hse Bioinf Bi(Advances in Dielectric Ceramic Materials Ceram TransAdvances in Dielectrics Adv Dielectr Advances in Difference EquationsAdv Differ Equ-ny"Advances in Differential EquationsAdv Differential Equ"Advances in Differential EvolutionStud Comput Intell Advances in Digital Forensic IiiInt Fed Info ProcAdvances in Digital ForensicsInt Fed Info Proc Advances in Digital Forensics IiInt Fed Info Proc Advances in Digital Forensics IvInt Fed Info ProcAdvances in Digital Forensics VIfip Adv Inf Comm Te1Advances in Discrete Mathematics and ApplicationsAdv Discrete Math4Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its ApplicationsAppl Numer Harmon An%Advances in Disordered Semiconductors Adv DisordCAdvances in Display Technologies and E-papers and Flexible Displays Proc SpieAdvances in Distributed SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc@Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics, and InferenceStat Ind Technol!Advances in Dna Damage and RepairNato Adv Sci I A-lif)Advances in Downy Mildew Research - Vol 2Dev Plant PatholAdvances in Dynamic GamesAnn Int Soc Dyn Game*Advances in Dynamic Games and ApplicationsAnn Int Soc Dyn Game0Advances in Dynamic Games and Their ApplicationsAnn Int Soc Dyn GameAdvances in Dynamic Game TheoryAnn Int Soc Dyn Game(Advances in Early Education and Day CareAdv Early Educ Day C;Advances in Earth Oriented Applications of Space TechnologyAdv Earth Orient Sp"Advances in Earthquake EngineeringAdv Earthq Engn;Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk ReductionNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear=Advances in Earth Science: From Earthquakes to Global WarmingRoy Soc Ser Adv Sci Advances in Ecological Economics Adv Ecol EconAdvances in Ecological Research Adv Ecol Res<Advances in Ecological Research: Ecological Networks, Vol 42 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 24 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 25 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 27 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 28 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 29 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 30 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 31 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 32 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 33 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 36 Adv Ecol ResTAdvances in Ecological Research, Vol. 37: Population Dynamics and Laboratory Ecology Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 38 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 39 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 40 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 41 Adv Ecol Res'Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 44 Adv Ecol ResAdvances in Ecological Sciences Adv Ecol SciAdvances in Econometrics Adv EconomAdvances in EconometricsAdv Econometrics&Advances in Econometrics and Modelling Adv St Theo,Advances in Econometrics : A Research AnnualAdv E,Advances in Econometrics : A Research AnnualAdv Econometrics%Advances in Econometrics, Vol 13 1998Adv E Advances in Econometrics, Vol 14Adv E\Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Ninth World Congress, Vol IEcon Soc MonogrGAdvances in Education in Diverse Communities-research Policy and Praxis Adv Educ DiGAdvances in Education in Diverse Communities-research Policy and PraxisAdv Educ Divers CommAdvances in Eicosanoid ResearchE Schering Res Fdn W/Advances in Electrical and Computer EngineeringAdv Electr Comput En1Advances in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringAdv Elect Electr Eng7Advances in Electrical Engineering and ElectromagneticsAdv Elec Eng ElectroAdvances in Electrocardiology Int Congr Ser$Advances in Electroceramic Materials Ceram Trans'Advances in Electroceramic Materials Ii Ceram Trans<Advances in Electrochemistry and Electrochemical EngineeringAdv Electroch El Eng4Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living SystemsAdv Electromag Field;Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems, Vol 5Adv Electromag Field?Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and MetamaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math?Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and MetamaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii-math(Advances in Electronic Ceramic MaterialsCeram Eng Sci ProcAdvances in Electronic CeramicsCeram Eng Sci Proc"Advances in Electronic Ceramics IiCeram Eng Sci Proc Advances in Electronic MaterialsMater Sci Forum,Advances in Electronics and Electron PhysicsAdv Electron El Phys4Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol 83Adv Electron El Phys4Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol 84Adv Electron El Phys4Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol 85Adv Electron El Phys4Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol 86Adv Electron El Phys4Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol 87Adv Electron El Phys4Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol 88Adv Electron El PhysAdvances in Electronic TestingFront Electron Test-Advances in Electronincs and Electron PhysicsAdv Electron El PhysAdvances in Energy Materials Ceram TransAdvances in EngineeringAdv Eng!Advances in Engineering Materials Key Eng MatDAdvances in Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MatDAdvances in Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater+Advances in Engineering Plasticity, Pts 1-2 Key Eng Mat+Advances in Engineering Plasticity, Pts 1-2 Key Eng Mater Advances in Engineering Software Adv Eng Softw1Advances in Engineering Software and WorkstationsAdv Eng Softw WorkstIAdvances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics & Construction, ProceedingsSolid Mech Appl&Advances in Enterprise Engineering IiiLect Notes Bus Inf&Advances in Enterprise Engineering IiiLect Notes Bus Inf P2Advances in Enterprise Engineering Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf2Advances in Enterprise Engineering Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf P1Advances in Enterprise Engineering I, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf1Advances in Enterprise Engineering I, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf P%Advances in Enterprise Engineering IvLect Notes Bus Inf%Advances in Enterprise Engineering IvLect Notes Bus Inf P$Advances in Enterprise Engineering VLect Notes Bus Inf P6Advances in Entrepreneurship Firm Emergence and GrowthAdv Entrep Firm Emer>Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Vol 7Adv Entrep Firm Emer3Advances in Environmental Accounting and ManagementAdv Environ Acc Man:Advances in Environmental Measurement Methods for AsbestosAm Soc Test Mater"Advances in Environmental ResearchAdv Environ Res'Advances in Environmental Research-novaAdv Environ Res-ser)Advances in Environmental Research, Vol 2Adv Environ Res-serAdvances in Enzyme RegulationAdv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 28Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 29Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 30Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 31Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 32Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 33Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 34Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 35Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 36Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 37Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 38Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 39Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 40Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 41Adv Enzyme Regul2Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 42, ProceedingsAdv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 43Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 44Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 45Adv Enzyme Regul2Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 46, ProceedingsAdv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 47Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 48Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 49Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 50Adv Enzyme Regul%Advances in Enzyme Regulation, Vol 51Adv Enzyme RegulCAdvances in Enzymology & Related Areas of Molecular Biology, Vol 71Adv Enzymol Ramb=Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular BiologyAdv Enzymol RambEAdvances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology, Vol 67Adv Enzymol RambEAdvances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology, Vol 68Adv Enzymol RambEAdvances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology, Vol 69Adv Enzymol Ramb;Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects of BiochemistryAdv Enzymol Rel S BiAdvances in Enzymology, Vol 72Adv Enzymol RambAdvances in Enzymology, Vol 73Adv Enzymol RambAdvances in Enzymology, Vol 74Adv Enzymol Ramb4Advances in Evolutionary Computing for System DesignStud Comput Intell"Advances in Experimental MechanicsAppl Mech Mater%Advances in Experimental Mechanics IvAppl Mech Mater$Advances in Experimental Mechanics VAppl Mech Mater%Advances in Experimental Mechanics ViAppl Mech Mater-Advances in Experimental Medicine and BiologyAdv Exp Med Biol*Advances in Experimental Social PsychologyAdv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 26Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 29Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 30Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 32Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 33Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 34Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 35Adv Exp Soc Psychol3Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 36Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 37Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 38Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 41Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 42Adv Exp Soc Psychol2Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 43Adv Exp Soc PsycholAdvances in Family Research Adv Fam ResAAdvances in Fatigue Crack Closure Measurement and Analysis: Vol 2Am Soc Test Mater2Advances in Fatigue Lifetime Predictive TechniquesAm Soc Test Mater<Advances in Fatigue Lifetime Predictive Techniques : 2nd VolAm Soc Test Mater/Advances in Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Int Congr SerAdvances in Fiber LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvances in Financial EconomicsAdv Financ EconAdvances in Fisheries Science Adv Fish Sc'Advances in Fission-track Geochronology Solid EarthAdvances in Fluidized Systems Aiche Sym SAdvances in Fluid MechanicsAdv Fluid Mech SerAdvances in Fluid Mechanics IiAdv Fluid Mech SerAdvances in Fluid Mechanics IiiAdv Fluid Mech SerAdvances in Fluid Mechanics IvAdv Fluid Mech Ser"Advances in Fluid Mechanics SeriesAdv Fluid Mech SerAdvances in Fluid Mechanics VAdv Fluid Mech SerAdvances in Fluid Mechanics ViWit Trans Eng SciAdvances in Fluid Mechanics ViiWit Trans Eng Sci.Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology VP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvances in Focused RetrievalLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Food DehydrationContemp Food EngAdvances in Food Engineering Crc Food EnAdvances in Food MycologyAdv Exp Med BiolAdvances in Food Research Adv Food Res'Advances in Food Science and TechnologyFood Sci Technol#Advances in Foreign Policy AnalysisAdv Foreign Policy A"Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics Adv Foren H%Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics, 6 Adv Foren HZAdvances in Forest Inventory for Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity MonitoringFor Sci)Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Key Eng Mat)Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Key Eng Mater,Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Ix Key Eng Mat,Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Ix Key Eng Mater,Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Vi Key Eng Mat,Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Vi Key Eng Mater-Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Vii Key Eng Mat-Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Vii Key Eng Mater.Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Viii Key Eng Mat.Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Viii Key Eng Mater8Advances in Fracture and Failure Prevention, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat8Advances in Fracture and Failure Prevention, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater8Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior, Pts 1 and 2 Adv Mat Res8Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz+Advances in Fracture and Strength, Pts 1- 4 Key Eng Mat+Advances in Fracture and Strength, Pts 1- 4 Key Eng Mater8Advances in Fracture Resistance and Structural Integrity Int S Stren-Advances in Free Radical Biology and MedicineAdv Free Radical Bio2Advances in Functional and Reparative Neurosurgery Act Neur S2Advances in Functional and Reparative NeurosurgeryActa Neurochir Suppl*Advances in Fusion and Processing of Glass Ceram Trans-Advances in Fusion and Processing of Glass Ii Ceram Trans.Advances in Fusion and Processing of Glass Iii Ceram TransCAdvances in Gan, Gaas, Sic and Related Alloys On Silicon SubstratesMater Res Soc Symp PAdvances in Gender Research Adv Gend ResAdvances in Genetics Adv Genet=Advances in Genetics Incorporating Molecular Genetic Medicine Adv Genet$Advances in Genetics Research SeriesAdv Genet Res Ser$Advances in Genetics Research, Vol 1Adv Genet Res Ser$Advances in Genetics Research, Vol 2Adv Genet Res SerAdvances in Genetics, Vol 31 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 32 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 33 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 34 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 35 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 36 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol. 37 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 38 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 39 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 41 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 43 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 47 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 49 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 62 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 63 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 64 Adv GenetAdvances in Genetics, Vol 66 Adv GenetAdvances in GeocomputingLect Notes Earth SciAdvances in Geoecology Adv Geoecol*Advances in Geographic Information ScienceAdv Geogr Inform Sci-Advances in Geometric Modeling and ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in GeometryAdv GeomCAdvances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics and MathematicsAdv Geophys Env MechAdvances in Geophysics Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 34 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 35 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 36 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 37 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 38 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol. 39 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 40 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 41 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol. 43 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol. 44 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 45 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 46 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 47 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 48 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 49 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 50 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 51 Adv GeophysAdvances in Geophysics, Vol 52 Adv Geophys=Advances in Geosynthetic Clay Liner Technology: 2nd SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater3Advances in Geotechnical Engineering and TunnellingAdv Geotech Engn Tun*Advances in Ginkgo Biloba Extract Research Adv Ginkgo"Advances in Global Change ResearchAdv Glob Change ResAdvances in Global LeadershipAdv Glob Leadership$Advances in Global Leadership, Vol 3Adv Glob Leadership$Advances in Global Leadership, Vol 4Adv Glob Leadership$Advances in Global Leadership, Vol 5Adv Glob Leadership$Advances in Global Leadership, Vol 6Adv Glob LeadershipWAdvances in Global Magnetospheric Structure, Dynamics, and Region Coupling, Proceedings Adv Space ResWAdvances in Global Magnetospheric Structure, Dynamics, and Region Coupling, ProceedingsAdv Space Res-seriesBAdvances in Global/regional Descriptions of Ionospheric ParametersAdv Space Res-series!Advances in Grey Systems ResearchUnderst Complex Syst5Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Grid Computing - Egc 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc+Advances in Grinding and Abrasive Processes Key Eng Mat+Advances in Grinding and Abrasive Processes Key Eng Mater1Advances in Grinding and Abrasive Technology Xiii Key Eng Mat1Advances in Grinding and Abrasive Technology Xiii Key Eng Mater0Advances in Grinding and Abrasive Technology Xiv Key Eng Mat/Advances in Grinding and Abrasive Technology Xv Key Eng Mat/Advances in Grinding and Abrasive Technology Xv Key Eng Mater*Advances in Group Decision and NegotiationAdv Group Decis NegoAdvances in Group ProcessesAdv Group Process7Advances in Gynecological and Obstetric Research Series Adv Gyn ObsAdvances in Hadrontherapy Int Congr Ser"Advances in Health Care ManagementAdv Health Care Mana9Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research Adv Health9Advances in Health Economics and Health Services ResearchAdv Health Econ Heal%Advances in Health Sciences EducationAdv Health Sci Educ/Advances in Hellenic Astronomy During The Iya09 Astr Soc PIAdvances in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Molecular TherapyRecent Res CancerKAdvances in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases - Special Clinical Topics Falk Symp"Advances in Heterocyclic ChemistryAdv Heterocycl Chem+Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 102Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 53Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 56Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 57Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 58Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 59Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 60Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 61Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 62Adv Heterocycl Chem+Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol. 67Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 68Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 69Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 70Adv Heterocycl Chem*Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 71Adv 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SciencesNote N Fl Mech Mul D/Advances in High Performance Computing (series)Adv High Perf Com SAdvances in Homotopy Theory Lond Math SAdvances in Hopf AlgebrasLect Notes Pure Appl#Advances in Hospitality and LeisureAdv Hosp Leisure*Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Vol 1Adv Hosp Leisure*Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Vol 2Adv Hosp Leisure*Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Vol 3Adv Hosp Leisure*Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Vol 4Adv Hosp Leisure*Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Vol 5Adv Hosp Leisure/Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics SeriesAdv Hum Fact Erg Ser&Advances in Human Factors / ErgonomicsAdv Hum Fact ErgonAdvances in Human Genetics Adv Hum GenetAdvances in Human Genetics, 22 Adv Hum GenetAdvances in Human ReproductionI C S S)Advances in Hybrid Information TechnologyLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Hydroscience Adv Hydrosci3Advances in Image and Video Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Advances in Image Compression and Automatic Target RecognitionP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Advances in Imaging and Electron PhysicsAdv Imag Elect Phys(Advances in Imaging and Electron PhysicsAdv Imag Electr PhyslAdvances in Imaging and Electron Physics: Selected Problems of Computational Charge Particle Optics, Vol 155Adv Imag Elect Phys2Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol. 101Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 102Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 103Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 105Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 107Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 108Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 111Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 112Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 113Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 114Adv Imag Elect Phys1Advances in Imaging and 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Immunology, Vol 54 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 55 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 57 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 58 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 59 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 60 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 61 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 62 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 63 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 64 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 65 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 66 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 68 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 69 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 70 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol. 72 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 73 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 75 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol. 76 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 77 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 78 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 79 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 80 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 81 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 82 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 83 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 84 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 86 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 87 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 88 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 89 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 90 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 91 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 92 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 93 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 95 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 96 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 97 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 98 Adv ImmunolAdvances in Immunology, Vol 99 Adv Immunol!Advances in Immunology, Volume 56 Adv Immunol*Advances in Independent Component AnalysisPersp Neural Comp5Advances in Industrial and Hazardous Wastes TreatmentAdv Ind Hazard Waste*Advances in Industrial and Labor RelationsAdv Ind Labor Relat>Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations : A Research Annual Adv Ind Lab2Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vol 14Adv Ind Labor Relat2Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vol 15Adv Ind Labor Relat2Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vol 16Adv Ind Labor Relat7Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vol 7, 1996 Adv Ind Lab8Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vol 8 - 1998 Adv Ind LabAdvances in Industrial ControlAdv Ind Control"Advances in Industrial Engineering Adv Ind Eng,Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Adv Ind Erg/Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Ii Adv Ind Erg0Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Iii Adv Ind Erg/Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Iv Adv Ind Erg/Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Vi Adv Ind Erg0Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Vii Adv Ind Erg'Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Falk SympAdvances in InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc$Advances in Informatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Advances in Information and Computer SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Information and Computer Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Information and Intelligent SystemsStud Comput Intell,Advances in Information and Systems SciencesAdv Inf Syst SciGAdvances in Information Processing in Organizations : A Research Annual Adv Inf Pr:Advances in Information Processing in Organizations, Vol 4 Adv Inf Pr!Advances in Information RecordingDimacs Ser Discret M"Advances in Information ReftrievalLect Notes Comput Sc!Advances in Information RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc.Advances in Information Retrieval, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Advances in Information Retrieval TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc Advances in Information Security Adv Inf Sec Advances in Information SecurityAdv Inform Secur.Advances in Information Security and AssuranceLect Notes Comput Sc4Advances in Information Security and Its ApplicationComm Com Inf ScAdvances in Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc,Advances in Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc@Advances in Information Systems Research, Education and PracticeInt Fed Info Proc"Advances in Information TechnologyComm Com Inf Sc>Advances in Information Technology and Communication in Health St Heal T/Advances in Information Technology, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc#Advances in Infrared PhotodetectorsSemiconduct Semimet"Advances in Inorganic BiochemistryAdv Inorg BiochemAdvances in Inorganic ChemistryAdv Inorg ChemAdvances in Inorganic ChemistryAdv Inorg Chem RadGAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry: Including Bioinorganic Studies, Vol 54Adv Inorg ChemGAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry: Including Bioinorganic Studies, Vol 55Adv Inorg ChemHAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry - Including Bioinorganic Studies, Vol 56Adv Inorg ChemHAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry - Including Bioinorganic Studies, Vol 57Adv Inorg ChemFAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry Including Bioinorganic Studies, Vol 58Adv Inorg ChemGAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry: Including Bioinorganic Studies, Vol 59Adv Inorg ChemZAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry: Theoretical and Computational Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 62Adv Inorg Chem(Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 44Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 45Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 46Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 47Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 49Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 50Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 51Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 52Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 53Adv Inorg Chem'Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 60Adv Inorg ChemHAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 61: Metal Ion Controlled ReactivityAdv Inorg ChemAAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 63: Inorganic PhotochemistryAdv Inorg ChemAdvances in Insect PhysiologyAdv Insect Physiol;Advances in Insect Physiology: Insect Integument and ColourAdv Insect Physiol;Advances in Insect Physiology: Insect Mechanics and ControlAdv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 24Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 25Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 26Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 27Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 28Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 29Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 31Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 32Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 33Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 35Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 36Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 37Adv Insect Physiol%Advances in Insect Physiology, Vol 39Adv Insect Physiol'Advances in Instrumentation and Control Adv Instr7Advances in Instrumentation and Control, Vol 44, Pt 1-4 Adv Instr8Advances in Instrumentation and Control, Vol 45, Pts 1-4 Adv Instr<Advances in Instrumentation and Control, Vol 46, Pts 1 and 2 Adv Instr1Advances in Intelligent and Distributed ComputingStud Comp Intell1Advances in Intelligent and Distributed ComputingStud Comput Intell*Advances in Intelligent and Soft ComputingAdv Intel Soft Compu*Advances in Intelligent and Soft ComputingAdv Intell Soft Comp,Advances in Intelligent Computing - Ipmu '94Lect Notes Comput Sc4Advances in Intelligent Computing, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Advances in Intelligent Computing, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Intelligent Data AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc5Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis Ix, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VLect Notes Comput Sc7Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis Viii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis Vii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis Vi, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Advances in Intelligent Decision TechnologiesSmart Innov Syst Tec8Advances in Intelligent Information and Database SystemsStud Comp IntellEAdvances in Intelligent Information Processing:tools and ApplicationsStat Sci Interdisc R+Advances in Intelligent Information SystemsStud Comput Intell8Advances in Intelligent It: Active Media Technology 2006 Fr Art Int8Advances in Intelligent It: Active Media Technology 2006Front Artif Intel Ap'Advances in Intelligent System ResearchAdv Intel Sys ResAdvances in Intelligent Systems Fr Art IntAdvances in Intelligent SystemsFront Artif Intel ApAdvances in Intelligent Systems Int S Micro,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Robotics Fr Art Int,Advances in Intelligent Systems and RoboticsFront Artif Intel Ap(Advances in Intelligent Systems ResearchAdv Intel Sys Res8Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications Fr Art Int8Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and ApplicationsFront Artif Intel Ap(Advances in Intelligent Tutoring SystemsStud Comput Intell%Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering Adv Soft Comp4Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering-2, ProceedingsAdv Intel Soft Compu4Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering-2, ProceedingsAdv Intell Soft Comp'Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering 3Adv Intel Soft Compu3Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams Adv Int St@Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams, Vol 2, 1995 Adv Int St@Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams, Vol 3, 1996 Adv Int StAAdvances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams, Vol 5 - 2000 Adv Int St:Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams, Vol 7 Adv Int St*Advances in Interfacial Engineering Series Adv InterfAdvances in Internal MedicineAdv Internal Med%Advances in Internal Medicine, Vol 37Adv Internal Med%Advances in Internal Medicine, Vol 39Adv Internal Med%Advances in Internal Medicine, Vol 41Adv Internal Med%Advances in Internal Medicine, Vol 42Adv Internal Med(Advances in Internal Medicine, Volume 38Adv Internal Med8Advances in International Accounting : A Research Annual Adv Int Acc9Advances in International Accounting, Supplement 1 - 1998 Adv Int Acc7Advances in International Marketing : A Research Annual Adv Int Mar6Advances in International Marketing: A Research Annual Adv Int Mar6Advances in International Marketing: A Research AnnualAdv Int Marketing*Advances in International Marketing, Vol 5 Adv Int Mar0Advances in International Marketing, Vol 7, 1996 Adv Int Mar0Advances in International Marketing, Vol 8, 1996 Adv Int MaryAdvances in Interpretation of Geological Processes: Refinement of Multi-scale Data and Integration in Numerical ModellingGeol Soc Spec PublAdvances in Joining of Ceramics Ceram TransAdvances in Jurassic Research Geores Forum%Advances in Key Engineering MaterialsAdv Mater Res-switz!Advances in Knowledge AcquisitionLect Notes Artif Int0Advances in Knowledge Acquisition and ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningLect Notes Artif Int<Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int<Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCAdvances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntBAdvances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int.Advances in Knowledge Discovery and ManagementStud Comp Intell"Advances in Knowledge Organization Adv Know Or*Advances in Laboratory Automation Robotics Adv Lab Aut1Advances in Laboratory Automation Robotics, Vol 7 Adv Lab Aut5Advances in Laboratory-based X-ray Sources and OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Advances in Laboratory-based X-ray Sources and Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Advances in Laboratory-based X-ray Sources and Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Advances in Lactoferrin ResearchAdv Exp Med Biol;Advances in Languages and Compilers for Parallel Processing Res Mg Par'Advances in Laser Ablation of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PNAdvances in Laser and Light Spectroscopy to Diagnose Cancer and Other DiseasesP Soc Photo-opt InsoAdvances in Laser and Light Spectroscopy to Diagnose Cancer and Other Diseases Iii: Optical Biopsy, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsaAdvances in Laser and Light Spectroscopy to Diagnose Cancer and Other Diseases Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Advances in Laser and Optics ResearchAdv Laser Opt Res,Advances in Laser and Optics Research, Vol 3Adv Laser Opt Res,Advances in Laser and Optics Research, Vol 4Adv Laser Opt ResMAdvances in Laser Materials Processing: Technology, Research and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mech EAdvances in Laser Medicine Adv Las MedNAdvances in Laser Remote Sensing for Terrestrial and Hydrographic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsOAdvances in Laser Remote Sensing for Terrestrial and Oceanographic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Advances in Lasers and Applications Sussp Proc0Advances in Learning and Behavioral DisabilitiesAdv Learn Behav Disa+Advances in Learning and Instruction SeriesAdv Learn Ins Series'Advances in Learning Classifier SystemsLect Notes Artif Int+Advances in Learning Software OrganizationsLect Notes Comput Sc8Advances in Learning Software Organizations, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Legume SystematicsAdv Legum Systemat$Advances in Legume Systematics, Pt 5Adv Legum Systemat$Advances in Legume Systematics, Pt 6Adv Legum Systemat$Advances in Legume Systematics, Pt 7Adv Legum SystematAdvances in LibrarianshipAdv Libr!Advances in Librarianship, Vol 28Adv Libr!Advances in Librarianship, Vol 29Adv Libr!Advances in Librarianship, Vol 30Adv Libr!Advances in Librarianship, Vol 33Adv Libr3Advances in Library Administration and OrganizationAdv Libr Adm Organ;Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol 21Adv Libr Adm Organ;Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol 22Adv Libr Adm Organ;Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol 23Adv Libr Adm Organ;Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol 24Adv Libr Adm Organ;Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol 25Adv Libr Adm Organ:Advances in Library Administration and Organization Vol 26Adv Libr Adm Organ;Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol 27Adv Libr Adm Organ Advances in Life Course ResearchAdv Life Course ResAdvances in Life Sciences Adv Lif Sci$Advances in Light Emitting MaterialsMater Sci ForumAdvances in Limnology Adv LimnolAdvances in Limnology 46 Ergeb LimnolAdvances in Limnology 47 Ergeb LimnolAdvances in Limnology 50 Ergeb LimnolAdvances in Limnology 51 Ergeb LimnolAdvances in Limnology 57 Ergeb LimnolAdvances in Limnology, Vol 39 Ergeb LimnolAdvances in Limnology, Vol 40 Ergeb LimnolAdvances in Limnology, Vol 52 Ergeb LimnolAdvances in Lipid Research Adv Lipid Res"Advances in Lipid Research, Vol 25 Adv Lipid Res"Advances in Lipid Research, Vol 26 Adv Lipid Res9Advances in Liquid Crystalline Materials and TechnologiesMater Res Soc Symp PAdvances in Liquid Crystals Adv Liq CrystAdvances in Liquid Crystals Key Eng MatAdvances in Liquid Crystals Key Eng MaterAdvances in Logic Contemp Math7Advances in Logic, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Fr Art Int7Advances in Logic, Artificial Intelligence and RoboticsFront Artif Intel Ap,Advances in Machine Learning and CyberneticsLect Notes Artif IntAdvances in Machine Learning IStud Comput IntellAdvances in Machine Learning IiStud Comput Intell)Advances in Machine Learning, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntBAdvances in Machine Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc5Advances in Machining & Manufacturing Technology Viii Key Eng Mat5Advances in Machining and Manufacturing Technology Ix Key Eng Mat5Advances in Machining and Manufacturing Technology Ix Key Eng MaterAdvances in Magnetic ResonanceAdv Magn Reson.Advances in Magnetic Resonance in Food Science Roy Soc Ch&Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol 13Adv Magn Reson+Advances in Magnetic Shape Memory MaterialsMater Sci Forum0Advances in Male Mediated Developmental ToxicityAdv Exp Med Biol!Advances in Management AccountingAdv Manag Account)Advances in Management Accounting, Vol 11Adv Manag Account)Advances in Management Accounting, Vol 14Adv Manag Account)Advances in Management Accounting, Vol 15Adv Manag Account)Advances in Management Accounting, Vol 16Adv Manag Account)Advances in Management Accounting, Vol 17Adv Manag Account)Advances in Management Accounting, Vol 19Adv Manag Account"Advances in Management InformationAdv Manag Inform*Advances in Management Information SystemsAdv Manag Inform SysLAdvances in Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems, Vol IMa Comput Sci EngLAdvances in Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems, Vol IMath Comput Sci Eng8Advances in Marine Antifouling Coatings and TechnologiesWoodhead Publ MaterAdvances in Marine Biology Adv Mar BioliAdvances in Marine Biology: Endogenous and Exogenous Control of Gametogenesis and Spawning in Echinoderms Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 29 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 30 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 31 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 32 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 33 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 34 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 35 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 36 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 37 Adv Mar Biol#Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 38 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 39 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 40 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 41 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 42 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 43 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 44 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 46 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 47 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 50 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 51 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 52 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 54 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 56 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 57 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 58 Adv Mar Biol"Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 59 Adv Mar BiolAdvances in Marine GenomicsAdv Mar Genomics6Advances in Maritime and Naval Science and EngineeringMath Comput Sci EngxAdvances in Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry, PrceedingsLect Notes Artif Int\Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images in Medicine Biotechnology and ChemistryLect Notes Artif IntAdvances in Mass SpectrometryAdv Mass Spectrom%Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Vol 13Adv Mass Spectrom%Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Vol 16Adv Mass SpectromZAdvances in Material Design for Regenerative Medicine, Drug Delivery and Targeting/imagingMater Res Soc Symp P>Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Pts 1 and 2 Adv Mat Res>Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz.Advances in Materials and Systems Technologies Adv Mat Res1Advances in Materials and Systems Technologies Ii Adv Mat Res:Advances in Materials Manufacturing Science and TechnologyMater Sci Forum=Advances in Materials Manufacturing Science and Technology IiMater Sci ForumFAdvances in Materials Manufacturing Science and Technology Xiii, Vol 1Mater Sci ForumGAdvances in Materials Manufacturing Science and Technology Xiii, Vol IiMater Sci ForumBAdvances in Materials Problem Solving With The Electron MicroscopeMater Res Soc Symp PNAdvances in Materials, Processing and Devices in Iii-v Compound SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P#Advances in Materials Processing Ix Key Eng Mat#Advances in Materials Processing Ix Key Eng Mater-Advances in Materials Processing TechnologiesMater Sci ForumAdvances in Materials ResearchAdv Mater Res-gerAdvances in Materials ResearchAdv Materials Res-Advances in Materials Science and EngineeringAdv Mater Sci Eng<Advances in Materials Science and Implant Orthopedic SurgeryNato Adv Sci Inst SeFAdvances in Materials Science for Environmental and Nuclear Technology Ceram Trans%Advances in Materials Science of WoodMater Sci Forum1Advances in Mathematical and Statistical ModelingStat Ind Technol"Advances in Mathematical Economics Adv Math Econ*Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol 10 Adv Math Econ*Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol 11 Adv Math Econ*Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol 12 Adv Math Econ*Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol 13 Adv Math Econ)Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol 7 Adv Math Econ)Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol 8 Adv Math Econ)Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol 9 Adv Math Econ Advances in Mathematical FinanceAppl Numer Harmon An/Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics SeriesAdv Math Fluid MechpAdvances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures: The Jacob Aboudi VolumeSolid Mech Appl'Advances in Mathematical Systems Theory Syst ControlAdvances in MathematicsAdv Math!Advances in Mathematics EducationAdvncs Mthmtcs Educ)Advances in Mathematics of CommunicationsAdv Math Commun Advances in Mathematics Research Adv Math Res(Advances in Mathematics Research, Vol 10 Adv Math Res+Advances in Mathematics Research, Volume 11 Adv Math ResSAdvances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties : Bringing Theory Into PracticeSssa Spec Publ*Advances in Mechanical Design, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz%Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics Adv Mech MathAdvances in Medical EngineeringSpringer Proc PhysAdvances in Medical Sciences Adv Med SciAdvances in Medical SciencesAdv Med Sci-polandAdvances in Medical SociologyAdv Med Sociol Advances in Medicine and Biology Adv Med Biol'Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol 1 Adv Biol Med(Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol 12 Adv Med Biol'Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol 2 Adv Med Biol'Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol 5 Adv Med Biol'Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol 6 Adv 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Alloy"Advances in Metal Matrix CompositeMater Sci Forum#Advances in Metal Matrix Composites Key Eng Mat1Advances in Metrology for X-ray and Euv Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Advances in Metrology for X-ray and Euv Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsUAdvances in Microanatomy of Cells and Tissues, Biophysical and Biochemical CorrelatesMarc Malpig Symp SerAdvances in Microbial EcologyAdv Microb Ecol%Advances in Microbial Ecology, Vol 14Adv Microb Ecol%Advances in Microbial Ecology, Vol 15Adv Microb Ecol%Advances in Microbial Ecology, Vol 16Adv Microb Ecol Advances in Microbial PhysiologyAdv Microb Physiol(Advances in Microbial Physiology, Vol 34Adv Microb Physiol(Advances in Microbial Physiology, Vol 35Adv Microb Physiol(Advances in Microbial Physiology, Vol 36Adv Microb Physiol(Advances in Microbial Physiology, Vol 38Adv Microb Physiol(Advances in Microbial Physiology, Vol 39Adv Microb Physiol(Advances in Microbial Physiology, Vol 40Adv Microb Physiol(Advances in Microbial Physiology, Vol 41Adv 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Minimally Invasive Surgery and Therapy for Spine and NervesActa Neurochir Suppl>Advances in Minimum Description Length Theory and Applications Neu Inf Pro>Advances in Minimum Description Length Theory and ApplicationsNeural Inf Process SJAdvances in Mirror Technology for Synchrotron X-ray and Laser ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsWAdvances in Mirror Technology for X-ray, Euv Lithography, Laser, and Other Applications Proc SpieZAdvances in Mirror Technology for X-ray, Euv Lithography, Laser, and Other Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvances in Modal Logic, Vol 1 Csli Lect N)Advances in Modeling Agricultural SystemsSpringer Ser Optim A/Advances in Modeling and Control of VentilationAdv Exp Med Biol9Advances in Modeling The Management of Stormwater ImpactsAdv Mod Manag Stormw@Advances in Modeling The Management of Stormwater Impacts, Vol 4Adv Mod Manag Stormw@Advances in Modeling The Management of Stormwater Impacts, Vol 5Adv Mod Manag Stormw@Advances in Modeling The Management of Stormwater Impacts, Vol 6Adv Mod Manag StormwIAdvances in Modelling and Clinical Application of Intravenous AnaesthesiaAdv Exp Med Biol+Advances in Modern Environmental Toxicology Adv Mod Env/Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology Adv M C M=Advances in Molecular Biology and Targeted Treatment for Aids Gwumc DeptAdvances in Molecular EcologyNato Adv Sci I A-lifCAdvances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-microbe Interactions, Vol 1Curr Plant Sci BiotCAdvances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-microbe Interactions, Vol 2Curr Plant Sci BiotCAdvances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-microbe Interactions, Vol 3Curr Plant Sci BiotAdvances in Molecular OncologyAdv Exp Med Biol&Advances in Molecular Plant NematologyNato Adv Sci Inst Se:Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction ProcessesAdv Mol Relax Int Pr*Advances in Molecular Relaxation ProcessesAdv Mol Relax Int Pr Advances in Molecular SimilarityAdv Molec Simil.Advances in Molecular Similarity, Vol 2 - 1998Adv Molec SimilAdvances in MorphometricsNato Adv Sci Inst Se+Advances in Mucosal Immunology, Pts A and BAdv Exp Med Biol'Advances in Multidisciplinary RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc>Advances in Multifield Theories for Continua With SubstructureModel Simul Sci EngAdvances in Multi-fluid Flows Siam Proc S1Advances in Multifunctional Materials and Systems Ceram TransAAdvances in Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-ray/euv/fuv OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc8Advances in Multimedia and Databases for The New Century Adv Datab RBAdvances in Multimedia and Network Information System TechnologiesAdv Intel Soft CompuDAdvances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2002, ProceedingLect Notes Comput ScKAdvances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2004, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScKAdvances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2004, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScKAdvances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2004, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2005, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc>Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2005, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput ScEAdvances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2007Lect Notes Comput ScbAdvances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2008, 9th Pacific Rim Conference On MultimediaLect Notes Comput Sc8Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc<Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-pcm 2010, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc=Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-pcm 2010, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc7Advances in Multimedia Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Advances in Multimedia Modeling, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Multimedia Modeling, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Multimedia Modeling, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Multimodal Interfaces - Icmi 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Advances in Multi-objective Nature Inspired ComputingStud Comput IntellFAdvances in Multiple Sclerosis and Experimental Demyelinating DiseasesCurr Top Microbiol3Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric ModellingMath Vis3Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling Math Visual&Advances in Multivariate ApproximationMath Res&Advances in Multivariate Data AnalysisSt Class Dat Anal&Advances in Multivariate Data AnalysisStud Class Data Anal,Advances in Multivariate Statistical MethodsStat Sci Int Res$Advances in Music Education ResearchAdv Music Educ Res'Advances in Music Information RetrievalStud Comput IntellEAdvances in Mutlimedia Information Processing - Pcm 2001, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Myochemistry Adv MyochemAdvances in Myochemistry : 2 Adv MyochemAdvances in NanocrystallizationMater Sci Forum@Advances in Nanoengineering: Electronics, Materials and AssemblyRoy Soc Ser Adv Sci5Advances in Nanomaterials and Processing, Pts 1 and 2 Sol St Phen5Advances in Nanomaterials and Processing, Pts 1 and 2Solid State PhenomenAdvances in Nanophotonics Ii Aip Conf ProcAdvances in Nanoscale MagnetismSpringer Proc PhysXAdvances in Nanoscale Phsics, Electronics and Engineering : An International Book Series Adv Nan PhyLAdvances in Nanostructured Materials Processed By Severe Plastic DeformationMater Sci ForumAdvances in NanotechnologyAdv Nanotechnol!Advances in Nanotechnology, Vol 1Adv Nanotechnol!Advances in Nanotechnology, Vol 2Adv Nanotechnol$Advances in Nanotechnology, Volume 3Adv Nanotechnol$Advances in Nanotechnology, Volume 4Adv Nanotechnol6Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards ResearchAdv Nat Tech Haz Res6Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards ResearchAdv Nat Technol HazAdvances in Natural ComputationAdv Nat ComputAdvances in Natural ComputationAdv Nat Computation%Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc2Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc2Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Natural Language ProcessingLect Notes Artif Int4Advances in Natural Language Processing, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Advances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue SystemsText Speech Lang Tec4Advances in Network and Distributed Systems SecurityInt Fed Info Proc.Advances in Networks and Communications, Pt IiComm Com Inf Sc1Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Adv Neur In4Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10 Adv Neur In4Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 Adv Neur In4Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 Adv Neur In4Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13 Adv Neur InBAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14, Vols 1 and 2 Adv Neur In4Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 Adv Neur In3Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4 Adv Neur In3Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8 Adv Neur In3Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9 Adv Neur In-Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2004, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc-Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2004, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2005, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2005, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2005, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2006, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2006, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2006, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2007, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2007, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2007, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2008, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2008, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2009, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2009, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2009, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2010, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2010, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Advances in Neural Regeneration Research Neurol NeurAdvances in Neurobiology Adv Neurobiol$Advances in Neuroblastoma Research 3Prog Clin Biol ResAdvances in NeuroimmunologyAdv Neuroimmunol.Advances in Neuro-information Processing, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Neuro-information Processing, Pt IiLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Neurology Adv NeurolAdvances in Neurology / Int Congr Ser Advances in Neurology, Volume 74 Adv NeurolAdvances in NeuropharmacologyInt Rev NeurobiolAdvances in Neuroscience Adv NeuroscAdvances in Neurosurgery Adv Neuros2Advances in Neutron Capture Therapy, Vols I and Ii Int Congr Ser.Advances in Neutron Scattering InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Advances in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation Proc Spie#Advances in New Catalytic MaterialsAdv Mater Res-switz-Advances in Nondestructive Evaluation, Pt 1-3 Key Eng Mat-Advances in Nondestructive Evaluation, Pt 1-3 Key Eng MaterBAdvances in Noninvasive Electrocardiographic Monitoring TechniquesDev Cardiovasc Med'Advances in Nonlinear Speech ProcessingLect Notes Artif IntAdvances in Nuclear Physics Adv Nucl Phys#Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol 21 Adv Nucl Phys#Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol 22 Adv Nucl Phys#Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol 23 Adv Nucl Phys#Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol 25 Adv Nucl Phys#Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol 26 Adv Nucl Phys#Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol 27 Adv Nucl PhysKAdvances in Nucleic Acid and Protein Analyses, Manipulation, and SequencingP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Advances in Numerical Heat TransferAdv Numer Heat Trans*Advances in Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol 3Adv Numer Heat TransEAdvances in Numerical Partial Differential Equations and Optimization Siam Proc SAdvances in Nursing Science Adv Nurs Sci Advances in Nutritional Research Adv Nutr Res(Advances in Nutritional Research, Vol 10 Adv Nutr Res'Advances in Nutritional Research, Vol 9 Adv Nutr Res Advances in Nutrition and CancerAdv Exp Med Biol"Advances in Nutrition and Cancer 2Adv Exp Med Biol&Advances in Obstetrics and GynaecologyFortschr Geb Gynaek.Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and SafetyAdv Occup Ergo Saf5Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety, Vol 2Adv Occup Ergo Saf2Advances in Occupational Medicine & RehabilitationAdv Occup Med Rehab?Advances in Occupational, Social, and Organizational ErgonomicsAdv Hum Fact Erg SerAdvances in Ocular Immunology Int Congr Ser*Advances in Open Domain Question AnsweringText Speech Lang TecAdvances in OphthalmologyAdv Ophthalmol)Advances in Optical & Electron MicroscopyAdv Opt Electron Mic:Advances in Optical Beam Characterization and MeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Advances in Optical Biophysics, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Advances in Optical Biopsy and Optical MammographyAnn Ny Acad Sci+Advances in Optical Data Storage TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Advances in Optical Data Storage Technology Proc Spie-Advances in Optical Information Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advances in Optical Information Processing IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Advances in Optical Information Processing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Advances in Optical Information Processing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Advances in Optical Information Processing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Advances in Optical Information Processing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Advances in Optical Interference CoatingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Advances in Optical Structure SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvances in Optical Thin FilmsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Advances in Optical Thin Films IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvances in OptimizationLect Notes Econ Math/Advances in Optimization and Numerical Analysis Math Appl:Advances in Organic Coatings Science and Technology Series Adv Org Co%Advances in Organobromine Chemistry I Ind Chem L&Advances in Organobromine Chemistry Ii Ind Chem L$Advances in Organometallic ChemistryAdv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 35Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 36Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 37Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 41Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 42Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 43Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 44Adv Organomet Chem-Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol. 46Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 47Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 48Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 49Adv Organomet Chem-Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol. 50Adv Organomet Chem-Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol. 51Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 52Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 53Adv Organomet Chem-Advances in Organometallic, Chemistry, Vol 54Adv Organomet Chem+Advances in Organometallic Chemistry Vol 55Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 57Adv Organomet Chem,Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 58Adv Organomet Chem!Advances in Oto-rhino-laryngologyAdv Oto-rhino-laryng/Advances in P-adic and Non-archimedean Analysis Contemp Math%Advances in Pain Research and TherapyAdv Pain Res Ther/Advances in Parallel and Distributed Simulation Simul SeriesAdvances in Parallel Computing Adv Par ComAdvances in Parallel ComputingAdv Parallel ComputAdvances in Parasitology Adv Parasit;Advances in Parasitology - Opportunistic Protozoa in Humans Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 32 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 33 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 34 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 35 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 37 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 38 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 39 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 41 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 42 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 43 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 44 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 45 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 46 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 47 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 48 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 49 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 50 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 51 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 52 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 53 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 54 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 56 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 57 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 58 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 59 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 60 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 61 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 62 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 63 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 64 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 65 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 66 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 67 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 68 Adv ParasitAdvances in Parasitology Vol 69 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 70 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 71 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 72 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 73 Adv Parasit Advances in Parasitology, Vol 74 Adv ParasitAdvances in Pattern RecognitionAdv Pattern RecognitAdvances in Pattern RecognitionLect Notes Comput Sc(Advances in Pattern Recognition (series)Adv Ptrn Recognit!Advances in Pediatric Pulmonology Pediat AdolAdvances in Pediatrics Adv Pediatr4Advances in Performance-based Earthquake EngineeringGeot Geol Earthquake4Advances in Performance-based Earthquake EngineeringGeotech Geol Earthq"Advances in Perinatal ThyroidologyAdv Exp Med BiolAdvances in Peritoneal Dialysis Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis/1995, Vol 11 Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis/1996, Vol 12 Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis/1997, Vol 13 Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis/1998, Vol 14 Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis/1999, Vol 15 Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis, Vol 5, 1989 Adv Perit D&Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis, Vol 6 Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis, Vol 7, 1991 Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis, Vol 8, 1992 Adv Perit D,Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis, Vol 9, 1993 Adv Perit D"Advances in Personality Assessment Adv Pers As)Advances in Personality Assessment, Vol 9 Adv Pers As"Advances in Personality PsychologyAdv Pers Psychol)Advances in Personality Psychology, Vol 2Adv Pers PsycholAdvances in Petri Nets 1989Lect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Petri Nets 1990Lect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Petri Nets 1991Lect Notes Comput Sc$Advances in Pharmacological Sciences Adv Phar ScAdvances in Pharmacology Adv Pharmacol)Advances in Pharmacology and ChemotherapyAdv Pharmacol ChemotBAdvances in Phase Space Analysis of Partial Differential EquationsProg Nonlinear Diffe*Advances in Photonic Materials and Devices Ceram TransIAdvances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication Iii Proc SpieHAdvances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication Iv Proc Spie*Advances in Photosynthesis and RespirationAdv Photosynth Resp&Advances in Physical Organic ChemistryAdv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 27Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 29Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 31Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 32Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 35Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 36Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 37Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 38Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 39Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 40Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 41Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 43Adv Phys Org Chem.Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol 44Adv Phys Org ChemAdvances in PhysicsAdv Phys Advances in Physiology EducationAdv Physiol EducAdvances in Pineal Research Adv PinealAdvances in Pineal Research : 4 Adv PinealAdvances in Pineal Research : 5 Adv PinealAdvances in Pineal Research : 6 Adv PinealAdvances in Pineal Research: 7 Adv PinealAdvances in Pineal Research: 8 Adv Pineal0Advances in Plan-based Control of Robotic AgentsLect Notes Artif IntAdvances in Plant Biology Advan Pl Bio3Advances in Plant Glycosides, Chemistry and Biology Stud Plan S5Advances in Plasma Physics - Thomas H. Stix Symposium Aip Conf ProcAdvances in Polaron PhysicsSpringer Ser Solid-s&Advances in Police Theory and PracticeAdv Polic Theor PracAdvances in Polyamine ResearchAdv Polyamine ResAdvances in Polycarbonates Acs Sym Ser3Advances in Polymer Derived Ceramics and Composites Ceram Trans,Advances in Polymer Nanocomposite TechnologyPolym Sci Technol Se9Advances in Polymer Processing: From Macro to Nano ScalesWoodhead Publ MaterAdvances in Polymer Science Adv Polym SciUAdvances in Polymer Science: Viscoelasticity, Atomistic Models, Statistical Chemistry Adv Polym SciAdvances in Polymer TechnologyAdv Polym Tech'Advances in Porcelain Enamel Technology Ceram TransAdvances in Porous MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PAdvances in Powder Metallurgy Adv Pow Met5Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1993, Vol 1 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1993, Vol 2 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1993, Vol 3 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1993, Vol 4 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1993, Vol 5 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1993, Vol 6 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1994, Vol 1 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1994, Vol 2 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1994, Vol 3 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1994, Vol 4 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1994, Vol 5 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1994, Vol 6 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1994, Vol 7 Adv Pm Part<Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1997 Adv Pm PartCAdvances in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent SystemsAdv Intel Soft CompuCAdvances in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent SystemsAdv Intell Soft Comp)Advances in Practical Multi-agent SystemsStud Comp Intell)Advances in Practical Multi-agent SystemsStud Comput Intell1Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol 32 Adv Pr Sci5Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol Xxxiii Adv Pr Sci4Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol Xxxiv Adv Pr Sci3Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol Xxxv Adv Pr Sci+Advances in Printing Science and Technology Adv Pr Sci3Advances in Printing Science and Technology, Vol 21 Adv Pr Sci3Advances in Printing Science and Technology, Vol 22 Adv Pr Sci3Advances in Printing Science and Technology, Vol 31 Adv Pr Sci*Advances in Probabilistic Graphical ModelsStud Fuzz Soft Comp:Advances in Probability Distributions With Given Marginals Math Appl)Advances in Production Management Systems Ifip Trans B)Advances in Production Management SystemsInt Fed Info ProcAdvances in Program Evaluation Adv Prog Eval_Advances in Prostaglandin and Leukotriene Research: Basic Science and New Clinical ApplicationsMed Sci Symp Ser2Advances in Prostaglandin and Thromboxane ResearchAdv Prostag Thromb RsAdvances in Prostaglandin, Leukotriene, and Other Bioactive Lipid Research: Basic Science and Clinical ApplicationsAdv Exp Med Biol>Advances in Prostaglandin Thromboxane and Leukotriene ResearchAdv Prostag Thromb LAdvances in Protein ChemistryAdv Protein Chem4Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural BiologyAdv Protein Chem Str\Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology: Protein Structure and Diseases, Vol 83Adv Protein Chem StrfAdvances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology: Recent Advances in Electron Cryomicroscopy, Pt AAdv Protein Chem Str<Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Vol 78Adv Protein Chem Str<Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Vol 79Adv Protein Chem StrnAdvances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Vol 82: Recent Advances in Electron Cryomicroscopy, Pt BAdv Protein Chem Str%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 44Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 45Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 46Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 47Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 48Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 49Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 50Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 51Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 53Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 54Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 55Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 56Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 57Adv Protein Chem%Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 58Adv Protein Chem8Advances in Protein Design : International Workshop 1988Gbf Monog Series)Advances in Pseudo-differential OperatorsOper Theory Adv ApplAdvances in Psychology Adv PsycholAdvances in Psychology ResearchAdv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 60Adv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 61Adv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 63Adv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 64Adv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 66Adv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 67Adv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 68Adv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 69Adv Psychol Res'Advances in Psychology Research, Vol 70Adv Psychol Res*Advances in Psychology Research, Volume 71Adv Psychol Res"Advances in Psychosomatic MedicineAdv Psychosom Med9Advances in Public Economics: Utility, Choice and WelfareTheory Decis Ser C G&Advances in Public Interest Accounting Adv Pub Int&Advances in Public Interest AccountingAdv Public Inter Acc/Advances in Quality of Life Theory and ResearchSoc Indic Res Ser/Advances in Quality of Life Theory and ResearchSocial Indic Res)Advances in Quantitative Asset ManagementStud Computat FinAdvances in Quantum ChemistryAdv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 25Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 26Adv Quantum Chem&Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 28Adv Quantum Chem&Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 29Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 30Adv Quantum ChemUAdvances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 31: Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Pt IAdv Quantum ChemVAdvances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 32: Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Pt IiAdv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 34Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 35Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 36Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 37Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 38Adv Quantum ChemiAdvances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 39: New Perspectives in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Pt 1Adv Quantum ChemiAdvances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 40: New Perspectives in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Pt 2Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 41Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 42Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 43Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 44Adv Quantum Chem`Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 45: Theory of The Interaction of Swift Ions With Matter, Pt 1Adv Quantum Chem`Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 46: Theory of The Interaction of Swift Ions With Matter, Pt 2Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 47Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 48Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 49Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 50Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 51Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 52Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 53Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 54Adv Quantum ChemaAdvances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 55: Applications of Theoretical Methods to Atmospheric ScienceAdv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 56Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 57Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 58Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 59Adv Quantum ChemAdvances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 60: Unstable States in The Continuous Spectra, Part 1: Analysis, Concepts, Methods, and ResultsAdv Quantum Chem&Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 61Adv Quantum Chem%Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 62Adv Quantum ChemAdvances in Quantum Computation Contemp MathAdvances in Quantum PhenomenaNato Adv Sci Inst SeAdvances in Quantum Theory Aip Conf ProcAdvances in Radiation BiologyAdv Radiat Biol%Advances in Radiation Biology, Vol 17Adv Radiat Biol%Advances in Radiation Biology, Vol 18Adv Radiat Biol Advances in Radiation ProtectionEuro Health Phys RadAdvances in Radiosurgery Act Neur S$Advances in Rapid Thermal Processing Elec Soc STAdvances in Regenerative Medicine: Role of Nanotechnology and Engineering PrinciplesNato Sci Peace Sec A Advances in Regulatory EconomicsAdv Regul Econ#Advances in Rehabilitation RoboticsLect Notes Contr InfKAdvances in Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere From Space and From The Ground Adv Space ResKAdvances in Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere From Space and From The GroundAdv Space Res-seriesPAdvances in Remote Sensing of The Middle and Upper Atmosphere and The Ionosphere Adv Space Res%Advances in Renal Replacement TherapyAdv Renal Replace Th<Advances in Reproduction in Dogs, Cats and Exotic Carnivores J Rep Fer S&Advances in Reproductive Endocrinology Adv Rep End#Advances in Reproductive PhysiologyAdv Reprod PhysiolMAdvances in Research and Theories of School Management and Educational PolicyAdv Res Th Sch ManagZAdvances in Research and Theories of School Management and Educational Policy, Vol 3, 1995Adv Res Th Sch Manag)Advances in Research On NeurodegenerationAdv Res Neurodegener0Advances in Research On Neurodegeneration, Vol 7Adv Res Neurodegener0Advances in Research On Neurodegeneration, Vol 8Adv Res Neurodegener Advances in Research On Teaching Adv Res Teach;Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology XxivP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology Xxiv Proc Spie=Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology Xxviii Proc SpieIAdvances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology Xxvii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsGAdvances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology Xxv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsGAdvances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology Xxv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie,Advances in Resist Technology and ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Advances in Resist Technology and Processing IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Advances in Resist Technology and Processing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xix, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xviii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xvii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xvii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie<Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xxiii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xxiii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie=Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xxii, Pt 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins=Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xxi, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Advances in Resist Technology and Processing Xx, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsAdvances in Rice Blast ResearchDev Plant PatholAdvances in Ring Theory Trends MathAdvances in Risk Analysis Adv Risk AnalAdvances in RoboticsLect Notes Comput Sc'Advances in Robot Learning, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntAdvances in Rockfill StructuresNato Adv Sci I E-app.Advances in Rolling Equipment and TechnologiesAdv Mater Res-switz:Advances in Rule Interchange and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Advances in Safety and Structural Integrity 2005 Sol St Phen"Advances in Science and Technology Adv Sci Tech$Advances in Sciences and Engineering Adv Sci Eng8Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein ResearchAdv Sec Mess PhosphAdvances in Security TechnologyComm Com Inf Sc-Advances in Self-organizing Maps, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Self Research Adv Self Res9Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and PersonalizationStud Comp Intell9Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and PersonalizationStud Comput Intell$Advances in Semiconducting Materials Adv Mat Res.Advances in Sensing With Security ApplicationsNato Secur Sci Ser A.Advances in Sensing With Security ApplicationsNato Security Sci A Advances in Separation Processes Inst Chem E'Advances in Serotonin Receptor ResearchAnn Ny Acad Sci%Advances in Service-learning ResearchAdv Serv Learn Res-Advances in Services Marketing and ManagementAdv Serv Mark Man@Advances in Shape Memory Materials: Magnetic Shape Memory AlloysMater Sci ForumHAdvances in Signal Processing for Nondestructive Evaluation of MaterialsNato Adv Sci Inst SeAdvances in Silicon ScienceAdv Silicon Sci,Advances in Sintering Science and Technology Ceram TransAdvances in Slow and Fast LightP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvances in Slow and Fast Light Proc Spie"Advances in Slow and Fast Light IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Advances in Slow and Fast Light Iii Proc Spie"Advances in Slow and Fast Light Iv Proc Spie"Advances in Small Business Finance Finan Mon PAdvances in SmalltalkLect Notes Comput Sc8Advances in Smart Technologies in Structural EngineeringComp Meth Appl Sci)Advances in Social Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Advances in Social Network Mining and AnalysisLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Sociology ResearchAdv Sociol Res%Advances in Sociology Research, Vol 6Adv Sociol ResAdvances in Soft Computing Adv Soft Comp Advances in Software EngineeringComm Com Inf Sc Advances in Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc-Advances in Software Engineering, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc3Advances in Software Tools for Scientific ComputingLect Notes Comp SciAdvances in Soil ScienceAdv Soil Sci-ser#Advances in Soil Science-boca Raton Adv Soil SAAdvances in Solar Research At Eclipses From Ground and From SpaceNato Adv Sci I C-mat"Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel CellsCeram Eng Sci Proc%Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells IiCeram Eng Sci Proc&Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells IiiCeram Eng Sci Proc%Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells IvCeram Eng Sci Proc$Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VCeram Eng Sci ProcfAdvances in Solid State Nmr Studies of Materials and Polymers: A Special Volume Dedicated to Isao Ando Ann R Nmr SAdvances in Solid State PhysicsAdv Solid State Phys"Advances in Solid State Physics 41Adv Solid State Phys"Advances in Solid State Physics 42Adv Solid State Phys"Advances in Solid State Physics 43Adv Solid State Phys"Advances in Solid State Physics 44Adv Solid State Phys"Advances in Solid State Physics 45Adv Solid State Phys"Advances in Solid State Physics 46Adv Solid State Phys'Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol 35 Festkor A S'Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol 48Adv Solid State Phys+Advances in Solid State Technology ( Asst ) Adv Sol Tec7Advances in Space Exploration : Cospar Symposium Series Adv Space EAdvances in Space Research Adv Space ResAdvances in Space ResearchAdv Space Res-series!Advances in Space Research-series Adv Space Res!Advances in Space Research-seriesAdv Space Res-series(Advances in Space Science and TechnologyAdv Space Sci Tech0Advances in Spatial Analysis and Decision MakingInt Soc Photogramme7Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Spatial DatabasesLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Spatial Science Adv Spat SciAdvances in Special Education Adv Spec EducPAdvances in Specifying Plasma Temperatures and Ion Composition in The Ionosphere Adv Space ResPAdvances in Specifying Plasma Temperatures and Ion Composition in The IonosphereAdv Space Res-series/Advances in Spectroscopy for Lasers and SensingNato Sci Ser Ii Math/Advances in Spectroscopy for Lasers and SensingNato Sci Ser Ii-math^Advances in Statistical Control, Algebraic Systems Theory, and Dynamic Systems Characteristics Sys Con FdnAdvances in Statistical Methods for The Health Sciences: Applications to Cancer and Aids Studies, Genome Sequence Analysis, and Survival AnalysisStat Ind Technol.Advances in Stellar Interferometry Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Advances in Stellar Interferometry Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie4Advances in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Adv Ster F7Advances in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 11 Adv Ster F7Advances in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 12 Adv Ster F1Advances in Steroid Biochemistry and PharmacologyAdv Steroid BiochemAAdvances in Stochastic Models for Reliability, Quality and SafetyStat Ind Technol)Advances in Stochastic Simulation MethodsStat Ind Technol;Advances in Strabismus Research: Basic and Clinical Aspects Wenn Gr IntAdvances in Strategic AlliancesAdv Strateg Alliance Advances in Strategic ManagementAdv Strateg Manage4Advances in Strategic Management : A Research Annual Adv Strat M2Advances in Strategic Management-a Research AnnualAdv Strateg Manage.Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 11, Pt A Adv Strat M.Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 11, Pt B Adv Strat M.Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 15, 1998 Adv Strat M/Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 16 - 1999 Adv Strat M/Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 16 - 1999Adv Strateg Manage.Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 17, 2000 Adv Strat M.Advances in Strength and Conditioning ResearchSports Athl Prep Per!Advances in Strength of Materials Key Eng Mat!Advances in Strength of Materials Key Eng Mater'Advances in Structural Adhesive BondingWoodhead Publ Mater5Advances in Structural Analysis of Advanced MaterialsAdv Mater Res-switz2Advances in Structural Biology : A Research Annual Adv Str Bio,Advances in Structural Biology, Vol 5 - 1998 Adv Str Bio,Advances in Structural Dynamics, Vols I & IiStud Manag Financ Ac"Advances in Structural EngineeringAdv Struct EngAdvances in Structures, Pts 1-5Adv Mater Res-switz$Advances in Superalloys, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz-Advances in Surface and Thin Film DiffractionMater Res Soc Symp PAdvances in Surface Research Sol St PhenAdvances in Surgery Serono Sym1Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Switching NetworksDimacs Ser Discret MAdvances in Systems BiologyAdv Exp Med Biol'Advances in Teaching Physical Chemistry Acs Sym SerHAdvances in Technological Applications of Logical and Intelligent System Fr Art Int/Advances in Telecommunication Management, Vol 1 Adv Telec M)Advances in Telecommunications Management Adv Telec M0Advances in Telecommunications Management, Vol 2 Adv Telec M0Advances in Telecommunications Management, Vol 3 Adv Telec M!Advances in Textile BiotechnologyWoodhead Publ Text&Advances in The Astronautical SciencesAdv Astronaut Sci2Advances in The Biomechanics of The Hand and WristNato Adv Sci Inst SeAdvances in The Biosciences Adv Biosci,Advances in The Characterisation of Ceramics Brit Cer Pr7Advances in The Computer Simulations of Liquid CrystalsNato Adv Sci I C-matHAdvances in The Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-managed FirmsAdv Econ Anal Partic"Advances in The Economics of Aging Nat Bur EcEAdvances in The Economics of Energy and Resources : A Research Annual Adv Econ En@Advances in The Economics of Energy and Resources, Vol 11 - 1999 Adv Econ EnAdvances in The Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide: International Approaches to Reduce Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas EmissionsNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear:Advances in The Innervation of The Gastro-intestinal Tract Int Congr Ser=Advances in The Interplay Between Quantum and Gravity PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii Math=Advances in The Interplay Between Quantum and Gravity PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii-math(Advances in The Management of Acute PainRoy Soc Med Int Cong5Advances in The Management of Testosterone DeficiencyFront Horm Res)Advances in The Neuroscience of AddictionFront Neurosci0Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical PhysicsAdv Theor Math PhysAdvances in Theoretical Physics Aip Conf Proc/Advances in The Physics of Particles and NucleiAdv Phys Part Nucl7Advances in The Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Vol 30Adv Phys Part Nucl?Advances in The Prevention of Occupational Respiratory Diseases Int Congr SerNAdvances in The Production and Use of Steel With Improved Internal CleanlinessAm Soc Test MaterAdvances in TherapyAdv Ther@Advances in Thermal, Catalytic and Sorptive Waste-gas Management VDI Bericht!Advances in The Study of BehaviorAdv Stud BehavIAdvances in The Study of Behavior: Behavioral Ecology of Tropical AnimalsAdv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 22Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 23Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 24Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 26Adv Stud Behav*Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol. 28Adv Stud Behav*Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol. 29Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 30Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 31Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 32Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 33Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 34Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 35Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 36Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 37Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 38Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 39Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 40Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 41Adv Stud Behav)Advances in The Study of Behavior, Vol 43Adv Stud BehavHAdvances in The Study of Entrepreneurship Innovation and Economic Growth Adv St EntrHAdvances in The Study of Entrepreneurship Innovation and Economic GrowthAdv Stud Entrep InnoJAdvances in The Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth Adv St EntrWAdvances in The Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, Vol 10 1998 Adv St EntrQAdvances in The Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, Vol 4 Adv St EntrWAdvances in The Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, Vol 8, 1996 Adv St EntrXAdvances in The Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, Vol 9 - 1997 Adv St EntrrAdvances in The Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems: Conceptual and Computational Advances in Quantum Chemistry Prog T ChemrAdvances in The Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems: Conceptual and Computational Advances in Quantum ChemistryProg Theor Chem PhyslAdvances in The Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems: Dynamics, Spectroscopy, Clusters, and Nanostructures Prog T ChemMAdvances in The Theory of Control, Signals and Systems With Physical ModelingLect Notes Contr Inf(Advances in The Theory of Frechet SpacesNato Adv Sci I C-matFAdvances in The Theory of Special Functions and Orthogonal PolynomialsAdv Theor Sp Funct%Advances in The Theory of The LexiconInterface Explor/Advances in The Treatment of Radiation Injuries Adv Biosci5Advances in The Understanding and Treatment of AsthmaAnn Ny Acad Sci7Advances in Thin Film Coatings for Optical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Advances in Thin - Film Coatings for Optical Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Advances in Thin-film Coatings for Optical Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsAdvances in Tnf Family ResearchAdv Exp Med BiolAdvances in Topical AnaesthesiaRes Clin Forums,Advances in Topological Quantum Field TheoryNato Sci Ser Ii MathAdvances in Touch J&j Cons Pr%Advances in Trace Substances Research Adv Tr SubAdvances in Transfusion SafetyDev Biologicals&Advances in Transfusion Safety, Vol IvDev BiologicalsAdvances in Transport Adv TransportAdvances in Transport PhenomenaAdv Transp Phenom$Advances in Transport Phenomena 2009Adv Transp Phenom$Advances in Transport Phenomena 2010Adv Transp Phenom$Advances in Tropical Acacia Research Aciar ProcAdvances in Turbulences Vi Fluid Mec AAdvances in Turbulences ViFluid Mech ApplAdvances in Turbulence Vii Fluid Mec AAdvances in Turbulence ViiFluid Mech ApplAdvances in Turbulence XiSpringer Proc Phys\Advances in Turbulence Xii - Proceedings of The 12th Euromech European Turbulence ConferenceSpringer Proc Phys%Advances in Ubiquitous User ModellingLect Notes Comput ScIAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore EngineeringAdv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 18Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 19Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 21Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 22Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 23Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 25Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 26Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 27Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 29Adv Underwat TechnolQAdvances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering, Vol 31Adv Underwat TechnolDAdvances in Urban Stormwater and Agricultural Runoff Source ControlsNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear+Advances in Urethane Science and TechnologyAdv Urethane Sci Tec7Advances in Variable Structure and Sliding Mode ControlLect Notes Contr Inf/Advances in Vascular Pathology 1989, Vols 1 & 2 Int Congr Ser*Advances in Vascular Pathology 1990, Vol 3 Int Congr Ser#Advances in Vascular Pathology 1997 Int Congr SerHAdvances in Vasopressin and Oxytocin: From Genes to Behaviour to DiseaseProg Brain ResAdvances in Vegetable Breeding Acta Hortic"Advances in Veterinary DermatologyAdv Vet Dermatol)Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Vol 4Adv Vet Dermatol0Advances in Veterinary Medicine (academic Press)Adv Vet Med-acad Pr0Advances in Veterinary Medicine (academic Press)Adv Veter Med Ap'Advances in Veterinary Medicine, Vol 41Adv Vet Med-acad Pr'Advances in Veterinary Medicine, Vol 41Adv Veter Med Ap7Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative MedicineAdv Vet Sci Comp Med!Advances in Vibration Engineering Adv Vib EngAdvances in Virus Research Adv Virus Res?Advances in Virus Research: Research Advances in Rabies, Vol 79 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 42 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 43 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 44 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 45 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 46 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 47 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 48 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 50 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 51 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 52 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 53 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 54 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 55 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 56 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 57 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 58 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 62 Adv Virus Res#Advances in Virus Research, Vol. 63 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 65 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 66 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 69 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 70 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 71 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 72 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 73 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 74 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 75 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 77 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 78 Adv Virus Res"Advances in Virus Research, Vol 80 Adv Virus Res)Advances in Visual Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Visual Computing, Proceedings, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc"Advances in Visual Computing, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Visual Computing, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Advances in Visual Computing, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Visual Computing, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Advances in Visual Computing, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc#Advances in Visual Computing, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc$Advances in Visual Computing, Pt IiiLect Notes Comput Sc0Advances in Visual Computing, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Advances in Visual Computing, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Advances in Visual Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc3Advances in Visual Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Advances in Water Pollution Control Adv Wat PolAdvances in Water ResourcesAdv Water Resour7Advances in Web-age Information Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Advances in Web-age Information Management: ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDAdvances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information ManagementLect Notes Comput ScQAdvances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Advances in Web-based Learning - Icwl 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Advances in Web-based Learning - Icwl 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc*Advances in Web-based Learning - Icwl 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc*Advances in Web Based Learning - Icwl 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc*Advances in Web Based Learning - Icwl 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc7Advances in Web Based Learning - Icwl 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Advances in Web Based Learning - Icwl 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc(Advances in Web-based Learning-icwl 2010Lect Notes Comput ScAdvances in Web IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int,Advances in Web Intelligence and Data MiningStud Comp Intell,Advances in Web Intelligence and Data MiningStud Comput Intell)Advances in Web Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int)Advances in Web Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage AnalysisLect Notes Artif Int-Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage AnalysisLect Notes Comput ScNAdvances in Web Semantics I: Ontologies, Web Services and Applied Semantic WebLect Notes Comput Sc-Advances in Wind Energy Conversion TechnologyEnviron Sci Eng/Advances in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksSignals Commun TechnAdvances in Wool TechnologyWoodhead Publ TextAdvances in Wound CareAdv Wound CareAdvances in Wound Care, Vol 1Adv Wound Care%Advances in Xml Information RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc4Advances in Xml Information Retrieval and EvaluationLect Notes Comput ScAdvances in X-ray AnalysisAdv X Ray Anal"Advances in X-ray Analysis, Vol 34Adv X Ray Anal"Advances in X-ray Analysis, Vol 36Adv X Ray Anal"Advances in X-ray Analysis, Vol 37Adv X Ray Anal.Advances in X-ray/euv Optics and Components IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Advances in X-ray/euv Optics and Components Ii Proc Spie/Advances in X-ray/euv Optics and Components IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Advances in X-ray/euv Optics and Components Iii Proc Spie.Advances in X-ray/euv Optics and Components Iv Proc Spie-Advances in X-ray/euv Optics and Components VP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Advances in X-ray/euv Optics, Components, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Advances in X-ray Free-electron Lasers: Radiation Schemes, X-ray Optics, and Instrumentation Proc SpieAdvances in X-ray OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Advances in Yarn Spinning TechnologyWoodhead Publ Text<Advances of Computational Intelligence in Industrial SystemsStud Comput Intell*Advances of Diabetes Mellitus in East Asia Int Congr Ser)Advances of Soft Computing in Engineering Cism Cour L)Advances of Soft Computing in EngineeringCism Courses LectVAdvances On Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases, ProceedingsArtif Int Ser Wseas&Advances On Clinical Chemistry, Vol 52 Adv Clin Chem?Advances On Extrusion Technology and Simulation of Light Alloys Key Eng Mater#Advances On Fractional InequalitiesSpringerbrief Math8Advances On Hot Extrusion and Simulation of Light Alloys Key Eng Mat8Advances On Income Inequality and Concentration MeasuresRoutl Front Polit EcCAdvances On Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent SystemsAdv Intel Soft Compu,Advances On The Pathophysiology of PregnancyAdv Pathophys Preg0Advances On The Pathophysiology of Pregnancy, 40Adv Pathophys Preg)Advancing Affordable Materials TechnologyInt Sampe Tech Conf#Advancing Business Ethics Education Ethics Pract7Advancing Development - Core Themes in Global EconomicsStud Dev Econ Policy7Advancing Development - Core Themes in Global EconomicsStud Devel Econ<Advancing From The Ventral Striatum to The Extended AmygdalaAnn Ny Acad SciKAdvancing Gender Research From The Nineteenth to The Twenty-first Centuries Adv Gend ReskAdvancing Governance in The South: What Roles for International Financial Institutions in Developing StatesInt Polit Econ SerHAdvancing Knowledge in Service-learning: Research to Transform The FieldAdv Serv Learn Res9Advancing Phenomenology: Essays in Honor of Lester EmbreeContrib PhenomenolAdvancing Public GoodsCournot Cent Econ St.Advancing Quality of Life in A Turbulent WorldSoc Indic Res Ser,Advancing Responsible Adolescent DevelopmentAdv Respons Adol DevAdvancing Social Studies Education Through Self-study Methodology: The Power, Promise, and Use of Self-study in Social Studies EducationSelf Study Teach Tea@Advancing Sustainability Through Green Chemistry and Engineering Acs Sym Ser%Advancing The Frontiers of SimulationInt Ser Oper Res ManIAdvancing Theory in Labour Law and Industral Reations in A Global Context Knaw Verhan0Advancs in Cryptology - Crypto 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAdventures in Chemical Physics Adv Chem Phys"Adventures in Mathematical Physics Contemp MathVAdventures Through Deep Time: The Central Mississippi River Valley and Its EarthquakesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap0Adverbs and Adverbial Adjuncts At The InterfacesInterface Explor0Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological ReviewsAdverse Drug React TRAdverse Impact: Implications for Organizational Staffing and High Stakes SelectionSiop Organ Front Ser AdvertisingRout Intro Media Com#Advertising and Consumer Psychology Advert Cons"Advertising and The World Wide Web Advert ConsiAdvertising, Subjectivity and The Nineteenth-century Novel: Dickens, Balzac and The Language of The WallsPalgrave Stud Ninet-=Advocacy Leadership: Toward A Post-reform Agenda in EducationCrit Soc ThoughtAdvocateAdvocateAAdvocating Dignity: Human Rights Mobilizations in Global PoliticsPa Stud Hum RightsaAebd '09: Proceedings of The World Multiconference On Applied Economics, Business and DevelopmentRec Adv Comput EnghAee '07: Proceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Applications of Electrical Engineering Ele Com EnggAee' 08: Proceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Application of Electrical EngineeringRec Adv Electr EnghAee '10: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Applications of Electrical EngineeringRec Adv Electr Eng$Aei Automazione Energia InformazioneAei Autom Energ Inf Aei Studies Aei Studies Aei Studies in Postal RegulationAei St Post RegulatAequationes MathematicaeAequationes Math.Aerial Archaeology: Developing Future PracticeNato Sci Ser I LifeOAerial Surveillance Sensing Including Obscured and Underground Object DetectionP Soc Photo-opt InsNAerobic Exercise and Athletic Performance: Types, Duration and Health BenefitsSports Athl Prep Per'Aerobic Exercise in Special PopulationsSports Athl Prep Per Aerobiologia Aerobiologia'Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies Note Num FlAeronautical Journal Aeronaut JAeronautical QuarterlyAeronaut QuartAeronautique AstronautiqueAeronaut Astronaut1Aeronomy of The Earth's Atmosphere and IonosphereIaga Spec Sopron AeropoliticsTransp Issues PoliciAeropropulsion 87 Nasa Conf P Aerosol and Air Quality ResearchAerosol Air Qual ResAerosol Forcing of Climate Dahl Ws EnvNAerosol Optics: Light Absorption and Scattering By Particles in The AtmosphereS-p B Environ SciAerosol Science and TechnologyAerosol Sci Tech Aerospace AerospaceAerospace America Aerospace Am=Aerospace Application of Computational Methods Versus Testing Imeche SemAerospace Engineering Aerospace EngAerospace Medicine Aerospace Med Aerospace Science and TechnologyAerosp Sci TechnolBAerospace Transmission Systems - Concurrent Design and Manufacture Imeche Sem!Aerospace Transmission Technology Imeche Sem Aerotecnica AerotecnicaAerotecnica Missili E SpazioAerotec Missili SpazDAesthetic Anxiety: Uncanny Symptoms in German Literature and CultureInt Forsch Allg Vgl-Aesthetic Autonomy: Problems and Perspectives Gr Stud CultAesthetic Discourse of The Arts Anal Hus YbAesthetic ExperienceRout Stud Contemp Ph5Aesthetic Formations: Media, Religion, and The SensesRelig Cult CritLAestheticism and The Philosophy of Death: Walter Pater and Post- HegelianismStud Comp Lit SerAesthetic Plastic SurgeryAesthet Plast Surg2Aesthetics and Functionality in Ear ReconstructionAdv Oto-rhino-laryng Aesthetics and Philosophy of ArtContemp Philos New SAesthetics and World PoliticsRethink Peace Confl5Aesthetics of Law and Culture: Texts, Images, ScreensStud Law Politics So0Aestivation: Molecular and Physiological AspectsProg Mol Subcell BioiAeu-archiv Fur Elektronik Und Ubertragungstechnik-international Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsAeu-arch Elektron Ub;Aeu-international Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsAeu-int J Electron C=Aevum-rassegna Di Scienze Storiche Linguistiche E FilologicheAevum-rass Sci Stor:Afar Volcanic Province Within The East African Rift SystemGeol Soc Spec PublAffect and Accuracy in Recall Emory S CogMAffect and Emotion in Human-computer Interaction: From Theory to ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScAffect and GroupsRes Manag Group Team<Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Affective Dialogue Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Affective Meditation and The Invention of Medieval CompassionMiddle Ages Ser(Affilia-journal of Women and Social WorkAffilia J Wom Soc WoAffine Algebraic Geometry Contemp Math"Affine Density in Wavelet AnalysisLect Notes MathDAffinity, That Elusive Dream: A Genealogy of The Chemical RevolutionTransformations-studYAffirmative Action in China and The U.s.: A Dialogue On Inequality and Minority Education Int Dev Educ-Affluence, Mobility and Second Home Ownership Hous Soc Ser-Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political HistoryPrinc Stud Muslim PoAfghanistan, Arms and ConflictContemp Secur Stud8Afghanistan: Political Frailty and External InterferenceRout Stud Mid E Hist$Afghanistan: Transition Under Threat Stud Int GovAfinidadAfinidadAfips Conference Proceedings Afips Conf PAfl-cio American FederationistAfl-cio Am FedAfricaAfricaAfrica and Europe Afrikan Stud+Africa, Human Rights, and The Global SystemStud Hum RightsAfrica in The New Millennium Discuss Pap$Africana Cultures and Policy StudiesContemp Black HistAfrican Affairs Afr AffairsAfricana Linguistica Afr LinguistFAfrican American Girls: Reframing Perceptions and Changing ExperiencesAdv Respons Adol DevAfrican American Review Afr Am RevAfrican and Asian StudiesAfr Asian StudAfrican Archaeological ReviewAfr Archaeol Rev1African Archaeology Network: Research in Progress Stud Afr Past African ArtsAfr Arts6African Biogeography, Climate Change & Human EvolutionHuman Evolut Ser"African Century Publication SeriesAfr Cent Publ SerOAfrican Climate and Climate Change: Physical, Social and Political PerspectivesAdv Glob Change Res/African Constitutionalism and The Role of IslamPa Stud Hum RightsAfrican Cultural AstronomyAstrophysics Space;African Development Review-revue Africaine De Developpement Afr Dev Rev*African Diaspora and The Study of ReligionRelig Cult Crit<African Discourse in Islam, Oral Traditions, and PerformanceAfr Stud-hist PolitAfrican DynamicsAfr DynAfrican Economic History Afr Econ HistAfrican Entomology Afr EntomolAfrican Erosion Surface: A Continental-scale Synthesis of Geomorphology, Tectonics, and Environmental Change Over The Past 180 Million YearGeol Soc Am MemAfrican Health SciencesAfr Health SciAfrican Historical Studies Afr Hist Stud0African Images: Recent Studies and Text in China Ann Sel PapAfrican Invertebrates Afr Invertebr(African Journal of Agricultural Research Afr J Agr Res(African Journal of Agricultural ResearchAfr J Agric Res"African Journal of Aquatic ScienceAfr J Aquat Sci African Journal of BiotechnologyAfr J Biotechnol&African Journal of Business ManagementAfr J Bus Manag&African Journal of Business ManagementAfr J Bus Manage7African Journal of Clinical and Experimental ImmunologyAfr J Clin Exp ImmunAfrican Journal of Ecology Afr J EcolAfrican Journal of HerpetologyAfr J Herpetol;African Journal of Library Archives and Information ScienceAfr J Libr Arch Info!African Journal of Marine Science Afr J Mar Sci0African Journal of Medicine and Medical SciencesAfr J Med Med Sci(African Journal of Microbiology ResearchAfr J Microbiol Res,African Journal of Pharmacy and PharmacologyAfr J Pharm PharmacoAfrican Journal of PsychiatryAfr J Psychiatry)African Journal of Range & Forage ScienceAfr J Range For SciFAfrican Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative MedicinesAfr J Tradit Complem0African Landscapes: Interdisciplinary ApproachesStud Hum Ecol Adapt$African Languages in Basic EducationDtsch Stift Int EntwAfrican Literature Today Afr Lit Today+African Media and The Digital Public SpherePalgr Mac Ser Int Po,African Modernization and Development Series Afr Mod Dev African Music Afr MusicAfrican Natural History Afr Nat HistAfrican Origins of RhetoricAfr Stud-hist Polit5African Political Economic and Security Issues SeriesAfr Polit Econ Secur,African Press, Civic Cynicism, and DemocracyPalgr Mac Ser Int PoAfrican ReviewAfr RevAfrican Small Mammals Colloq SemiAfrican Social Research Afr Soc ResAfrican StudiesAfr StudAfrican Studies Afr Stud-uk&African Studies Centre Research SeriesAfr Stud Ctr Res Ser6African Studies-history Politics Economics and CultureAfr Stud-hist PolitAfrican Studies Review Afr Stud RevDAfrican Union: Challenges of Globalization, Security, and Governance Glob InstAfrican Yearbook of RhetoricAfr Yearb RhetorAfrican ZoologyAfr Zool.Africa's Experience With Structural Adjustment World B DisAfrica Spectrum Afr Spectr Africa Today Afr TodayAfrikanische Studien Afrikan StudAfrika Spectrum Afr SpectrAfrique LitteraireAfr LittAfro-american Studies Afro-am Stud<After 2015: International Development Policy At A CrossroadsRethink Int Dev After Alice Cassell EdAfter Beckett D'apres BeckettSam Beckett TodayAfter Beckett D'apres BeckettSamuel Beckett Today*After Communism: Perspectives On DemocracyF I Ser Int AffFAfter Hardship Cometh Ease: The Jews As Backdrop for Muslim ModerationStud Gesch Kult Isla!Afterlife of Character, 1726-1825 Mater TextsAfterlife of GardensPenn Stud Landsc ArcWAftermath: The Clinton Impeachment and The Presidency in The Age of Political SpectacleCritical America1After Perestroika : Democracy in The Soviet Union Signif Is SAfter Socialism New Dir AnthrKAfter The Dark Ages: When Galaxies Were Young (the Universe At 2<z<5) Aip Conf ProcAfter The First Three Minutes Aip Conf Proc After The Gdr Germ MonitGAfter The Rescue: Jewish Identity and Community in Contemporary DenmarkContemp Anthr ReligAfter The Wall Eur Media MAfter Tutankhamun Stud EgyptOAfter-words: Post-holocaust Struggles With Forgiveness, Reconciliation, JusticePastora Goldner SerAgainst Automobility Soc Rev Mon=Against Theatre: Creative Destructions On The Modernist StagePerform IntervAgainst The Spiritual TurnRoutl Stud Crit Real.Against The Wall: Poor, Young, Black, and MaleCity 21st Century#Agatha Christie: Power and IllusionCrime Files Ser!Ag Chem and Commerical FertilizerAg Chem Comm FertilAgeAgeAge and Ageing Age Ageing&Age Factor and Early Language LearningInterface ExplorAgeing & Society Ageing SocAgeing and Society Ageing SocAgeing and The Glass TransitionLect Notes Phys;Ageing and The Labor Market in Japan: Problems and PoliciesEsri Stud Ser Ageing$Ageing in Advanced Industrial StatesInt Stud PopulAgeing in East AsiaComp Dev Policy Asia0Ageing in Singapore: Service Needs and The StateRoutl Cont Se Asia SAgeing of CompositesWoodhead Publ MaterAgeing PipelinesImeche Conf TransAgeing Research ReviewsAgeing Res RevAgendaAgenda$Agenda-setting in The European UnionPalgrave Stud Eur UnIAgent and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntPAgent and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntOAgent and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntDAgent and Multi-agent Technology for Internet and Enterprise SystemsStud Comput Intell=Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems Fr Art Int=Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex SystemsFront Artif Intel Ap@Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems IvAgent Based Soc Syst@Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems IvSpringer Ser Agent B@Agent-based 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Social SystemsAgent Based Soc SystAgent CommunicationLect Notes Comput ScAgent Communication IiLect Notes Comput Sc'Agent Computing and Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int"Agent-mediated Electronic CommerceLect Notes Artif Int"Agent-mediated Electronic CommerceLect Notes Comput ScHAgent-mediated Electronic Commerce and Trading Agent Design and AnalysisLect Notes Bus InfHAgent-mediated Electronic Commerce and Trading Agent Design and AnalysisLect Notes Bus Inf PKAgent-mediated Electronic Commerce: Designing Trading Agents and MechanismsLect Notes Artif IntFAgent-mediated Electronic Commerce V: Designing Mechanisms and SystemsLect Notes Artif Int%Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce ViLect Notes Artif Int#Agent-mediated Knowledge ManagementLect Notes Artif Int"Agent-oriented Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc%Agent-oriented Information Systems IiLect Notes Artif Int&Agent-oriented Information Systems IiiLect Notes Comput Sc%Agent-oriented Information Systems IvLect Notes Artif IntAgent-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Artif Int'Agent-oriented Software Engineering IiiLect Notes Comput Sc&Agent-oriented Software Engineering IvLect Notes Comput Sc&Agent-oriented Software Engineering IxLect Notes Comput Sc%Agent-oriented Software Engineering VLect Notes Comput Sc&Agent-oriented Software Engineering ViLect Notes Comput Sc'Agent-oriented Software Engineering ViiLect Notes Comput Sc(Agent-oriented Software Engineering ViiiLect Notes Comput Sc%Agent-oriented Software Engineering XLect Notes Comput ScAgents and ActionsAgents ActionsAgents and Actions SupplementsAgent Action Suppl"Agents and Artificial IntelligenceComm Com Inf ScBAgents and Computational Autonomy: Potential, Risks, and SolutionsLect Notes Comput Sc"Agents and Data Mining InteractionLect Notes Artif Int"Agents and Data Mining InteractionLect Notes Comput Sc"Agents and Peer- to Peer ComputingLect Notes Artif Int!Agents and Peer-to-peer ComputingLect Notes Artif Int!Agents and Peer-to-peer ComputingLect Notes Comput ScKAgents for Games and Simulations: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and DesignLect Notes Artif IntRAgents of Change : Progress and Innovation in The Library / Information Profession Mc F S Rutg-Agent Systems, Mobile Agents and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScKAgent Technologies, Infrastructures, Tools, and Applications for E-servicesLect Notes Artif IntAgent Technology and E-healthWhitestein Ser SoftwNAge of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics TodayLogic Epistemol Unit%Age of Apology: Facing Up to The PastPa Stud Hum RightsIAge of Saints: Power, Conflict and Dissent in Early Medieval ChristianityBrill Ser Early MiddAge of Tetrarchs Serb Ac Sci)Age of The Earth: From 4004 Bc to Ad 2002Geol Soc Spec Publ(Age-related Dopamine-dependent Disorders Mg Neur SciJAge-related Macular Degeneration (amd) and Lutein - Assessing The Evidence Roy S Med S Ages of StarsIau Symp P Series;Aggregate Contribution to Hot Mix Asphalt (hma) PerformanceAm Soc Test Mater&Aggregation and Divisibility of DamageTort Insur Law0Aggregation Functions: A Guide for PractitionersStud Fuzz Soft CompAggression and Violent BehaviorAggress Violent Beh,Aggression, Crime and International SecurityContemp Secur StudAggressive BehaviorAggressive BehavAggressive Breast CancerCancer Etiol Diagn T=Agid Report Series : Geosciences in International Development Agid Geo In?Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme ProgrammingLect Notes Bus Inf?Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme ProgrammingLect Notes Bus Inf PLAgile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus InfLAgile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf PLAgile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAgingAgingAging & Mental HealthAging Ment HealthAging and Age-related DisordersOxid Stress Appl BasAging and Alzheimers DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci%Aging and Cellular Defense MechanismsAnn Ny Acad SciAging and CognitionAging CognitionAging and Human DevelopmentAging Hum DevelopAging and Work Aging WorkAging and Work / P Finn InstAging and Working CapacityWho Tech Rep SerAging Auditory SystemSpringer Handb AuditAging Brain and Dementia Neurol Neur:Aging, Cancer, and Age-related Diseases: Common Mechanism?Ann Ny Acad Sci Aging Cell Aging Cell(Aging Clinical and Experimental ResearchAging Clin Exp Res(Aging-clinical and Experimental ResearchAging-clin Exp Res Aging ClockAnn Ny Acad Sci:Aging Consumer: Perspectives From Psychology and EconomicsMarket Consum Psych"Aging, Disability and IndependenceAssist Techn Res Ser5Aging Friendly Technology for Health and IndependenceLect Notes Comput Sc,Aging, Health Behaviors, and Health Outcomes Soc Struct Aging in AsiaAging Iss Health Fin/Aging Issues, Health and Financial AlternativesAging Iss Health Fin+Aging Issues in The United States and Japan Nber Conf R Aging Male Aging MaleAging Medicine Aging Med?Aging: Morphological, Biochemical, Molecular and Social Aspects Res Leg Med#Aging Neuropsychology and CognitionAging Neuropsychol CAging of The BrainTanig Symp Brain SciAging, Theory and GlobalizationSoc Perspect AgingAging-usAging-us<Agmatine and Imidazolines: Their Novel Receptors and EnzymesAnn Ny Acad SciAgn/normal Galaxy Connection Adv Space ResAgn/normal Galaxy ConnectionAdv Space Res-series#Agnone Tablet in Its Italic Context Lingue Iscr-Agn Physics With The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Astr Soc PAgn Surveys: Iau Colloquium 184 Astr Soc P*Agn Variability From X-rays to Radio Waves Astr Soc P!Agora-estudos Classicos Em DebateAgora-estud Class De#A-gps: Assisted Gps, Gnss, and SbasArtech Hse Gnss TechAgrarforschungAgrarforschungAgrarforschung SchweizAgrarforsch Schweiz+BAgrarian Angst and Rural Resistance in Contemporary Southeast AsiaRoutl Iss Stud RuralKAgrarian Policy for European Agriculture, in Light of Gatt and The Eec 1992 Ver Sem Agr Agrartechnik Agrartechnik;Agrartechnische Forschung-agricultural Engineering ResearchAgrartech Forsch-agrAgrartorteneti SzemleAgrartort SzemleAgreement RestrictionsInterface ExplorAgrekonAgrekon Agressologie AgressologieOAgribiological Research-zeitschrift Fur Agrarbiologie Agrikulturchemie Okologie Agribiol Res Agribusiness AgribusinessAgricultura De Las AmericasAgr AmAgricultural Administration Agr Admin Ext)Agricultural Administration and Extension Agr Admin Ext%Agricultural and Biological ChemistryAgr Biol Chem Tokyo'Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes Asae Publ-Agricultural and Food Research - Who Benefits Cas PaperAgricultural and Food Science Agr Food Sci(Agricultural and Food Science in FinlandAgr Food Sci Finland"Agricultural and Forest EntomologyAgr Forest Entomol"Agricultural and Forest EntomologyAgric For Entomol#Agricultural and Forest MeteorologyAgr Forest Meteorol#Agricultural and Synthetic Polymers Acs Sym Ser,Agricultural Applications in Green Chemistry Acs Sym SerCAgricultural Biodiversity and Biotechnology in Economic DevelopmentNat Res Manag Policy,Agricultural Biotechnology & The Public GoodNabc Rep4Agricultural Biotechnology: Challenges and Prospects Acs Sym Ser>Agricultural Biotechnology: Finding Common International GoalsNabc Rep7Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development Biotechn AgAgricultural Chemicals Agric ChemAgricultural EconomicsAgr EconAgricultural EconomicsAgr Econ-blackwell$Agricultural Economics: New ResearchAgr Issues PoliciesAgricultural Economics Research Agr Econ Res+Agricultural Economics-zemedelska EkonomikaAgr Econ-czechGAgricultural Ecosystem Effects On Trace Gases and Global Climate Change Asa Spec PAgricultural Education Agr Educ MagAgricultural Education Magazine Agr Educ Mag^Agricultural Effects On Ground and Surface Waters: Research At The Edge of Science and Society Iahs-aish PAgricultural EngineeringAgr EngAgricultural Engineering 1997 VDI Bericht(Agricultural Engineering Conference 1990 Inst Eng A*Agricultural Engineering for Professionals VDI Bericht+Agricultural Engineering: Land-technik 2008 VDI Bericht0Agricultural Ethics: Issues for The 21st Century Asa Spec PFAgricultural Finance and Credit Infrastructure in Transition Economies Oecd Proc?Agricultural Firm: Current Organizational and Managerial Issues Quad Riv EcAgricultural HistoryAgr HistAgricultural History Review Agr Hist Rev+Agricultural Impacts On Groundwater Quality Aciar Proc)Agricultural Marketing in Tropical AfricaAfr Stud Ctr Res Ser;Agricultural Markets: Mechanisms, Failures, and RegulationsContrib To Econ Anal-Agricultural Materials As Renewable Resources Acs Sym SerAgricultural Meteorology Agr MeteorolAgricultural Policies in ChinaOecd Chin Glob Econ'Agricultural Policy and The Environment Cas Paper'Agricultural Policy and The EnvironmentPolit Econ ForumAgricultural Policy Proceedings Agr PolicyAgricultural ProductionAgr Issues PoliciesAgricultural RecordAgr RecAgricultural ResearchAgr Res-Agricultural Research in An Era of Adjustment Edi Semin SAAgricultural Research Involving Technology, Economics and Ecology Schr Eidg F)Agricultural Research Service PublicationAgr Res Ser Sp Pub5Agricultural Runoff, Coastal Engineering and FloodingEnviron Sci Eng TechAgricultural Science in FinlandAgr Sci FinlandAgricultural Science Review Agr Sci RevAgricultural Sciences in China Agr Sci ChinaAgricultural Sciences in ChinaAgric Sci ChinaEAgricultural Standards: The Shape of The Global Food and Fiber SystemInt Libr Environ AgrAgricultural SystemsAgr SystOAgricultural Technologies for Market-led Development Opportunities in The 1990s World Ban T-Agricultural Technology in Sub-saharan Africa World B DisAgricultural Use of GroundwaterEcon Energy Environm+Agricultural Uses of By-products and Wastes Acs Sym SerAgricultural Wastes Agr WastesAgricultural Water ManagementAgr Water ManageAgricultura TecnicaAgr Tec AgricultureAgriculture-london-Agriculture and Agricultural Science ProcediaAgric Agric Sci Proc9Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe Since 1870Routl Explor Econ HiAgriculture and Environment Agr EnvironAgriculture and Human ValuesAgr Hum ValuesAgriculture and Human ValuesAgric Human Values8Agriculture and Hydrology Applications of Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsnAgriculture and The Environment: Bridging Food Production and Environmental Protection in Developing Countries Asa Spec P\Agriculture and The Wto: Towards A New Theory of International Agricultural Trade RegulationElgar Int Econ Law$Agriculture Ecosystems & EnvironmentAgr Ecosyst EnvironAgriculture in Ancient Greece Skr Ut S In'Agriculture in China and Oecd Countries Oecd ProcAgriculture in Egypt P Brit AcadAgriculture in Northern IrelandAgr Northern IrelandAgriculture Issues and PoliciesAgr Issues Policies#Agriculture Research and TechnologyAgr Issues Policies@Agriculture Series of The Commission of The European Communities Agric S Cec;Agriculture Utilization of Urban and Industrial By-products Asa Spec PAgri Hortique GeneticaAgr Hortique Genet Agri-practice Agri-practice7Agrobiological Management of Soils and Cropping SystemsCirad Colloques Agroborealis Agroborealis Agrochimica Agrochimica Agrociencia Agrociencia AgrocienciaAgrociencia-mexicoAgro-ecosystemsAgro-ecosystems-Agro-food Chains and Networks for Development Wag Ur FronAgro Food Industry Hi-techAgro Food Ind Hi Tec4Agroforestry and Animal Production for Human Welfare Aciar Proc;Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems: Symposium Proceedings Usda Rocky1Agroforestry Development On The Canadian PrairiesAgr Issues PoliciesAgroforestry SystemsAgroforest SystAgrokemia Es TalajtanAgrokem Talajtan Agrologist AgrologistAgronomia CostarricenseAgron Costarric Agronomie AgronomieAgronomie Tropicale Agron Trop$Agronomy for Sustainable DevelopmentAgron Sustain DevAgronomy JournalAgron JAgronomy New Zealand 2007 P Ag Soc NzAgronomy New Zealand 2008 P Ag Soc Nz!Agronomy New Zealand, Proceedings P Ag Soc Nz"Agronomy Research and Developments Agron Res Dev\Agronomy Society of New Zealand (inc.) - Proceedings - Twenty-fourth Annual Conference, 1994 P Ag Soc NzTAgronomy Society of New Zealand - Proceedings, Twenty-eighth Annual Conference, 1998 P Ag Soc NzUAgronomy Society of New Zealand - Proceedings, Twenty-fifth Annual Conference 1995/96 P Ag Soc NzSAgronomy Society of New Zealand - Proceedings, Twenty-ninth Annual Conference, 1999 P Ag Soc NzPAgronomy Society of New Zealand Twenty-third Annual Conference, 1993 Proceedings P Ag Soc Nz(Aharonov-bohm and Other Cyclic PhenomenaSpringer Tr Mod PhysAhi Conference Proceedings Ahi Conf PrkA History of Auditing: The Changing Audit Process in Britain From The Nineteenth Century to The Present DayRoutl New Works Acct7Ahme Journal-association for Hospital Medical EducationAhme J Ass Hos Med E,Ai 2003: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int9Ai 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int,Ai 2005: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int9Ai 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Ai 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Ai 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Ai 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int,Ai 2010: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif IntAi 88Lect Notes Artif IntAiaa Education Series Aiaa Educ Ser Aiaa JournalAiaa J,Aia Journal-american Institute of ArchitectsArchitecture-aia JAi ApplicationsAi Applications.Ai Applications in Natural Resource ManagementAi Appl Nat Res ManAi-art Insight Art Insight#Aias Occasional Publications Series Aias Oc PubEAi(asterisk)ia 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntIAi(asterisk)ia 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-oriented ComputingLect Notes Comput ScGAi (asterisk) Ia 2009: Emergent Perspectives in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int6Ai(asterisk)ia 99: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int+Aibr-revista De Antropologia IberoamericanaAibr-rev Antropol IbhAic '09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Applied Informatics and CommunicationsRec Adv Comput Eng9Aic: 9th Congress of The International Colour AssociationP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Aic: 9th Congress of The International Colour Association Proc Spie Aicam 2005 Adv Mat Res Aicam 2005Adv Mater Res-switzAic Conference Proceedings Aic Conf P Aiche JournalAiche JAiche Symposium Series Aiche Sym SAi Communications Ai CommunYAid for Trade: Global and Regional Perspectives, 2nd World Report On Regional IntegrationUn U Ser Regionalism Aid Impact and Poverty ReductionPalgr Stud Gov SecurAiding and Aging Contr St AgAidsAidsAids: Activism and Alliances Soc As AidsAids & Public Policy JournalAids Public Policy J$Aids and Aid: A Public Good Approach Contrib EconAids and Behavior Aids BehavYAids and Intravenous Drug Use : Future Directions for Community-based Prevention Research Nida Res Mg#Aids and Womens Reproductive Health Reprod Biol/Aids : Anti-hiv Agents, Therapies, and VaccinesAnn Ny Acad Sci=Aids Care-psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of Aids/hiv Aids Care.Aids, Drugs of Abuse, and The Neuroimmune AxisAdv Exp Med BiolAids Education and PreventionAids Educ PrevAids: Facing The Second Decade Soc As Aids Aids: Foundations for The Future Soc As Aids Aids Issues Cur Think EAids Patient CareAids Patient CareAids Patient Care and StdsAids Patient Care St Aids Reader Aids Read Aids ResearchAids Res Hum Retrov$Aids Research and Human RetrovirusesAids Res Hum Retrov(Aids : Responses, Interventions and Care Soc As Aids Aids ReviewsAids RevAids : Rights, Risk and Reason Soc As AidsAid, Trade, and Farm Policies Winr Dev EdQAi Edam-artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and ManufacturingAi EdamAiel Series in Labour EconomicsAiel Ser Labour EconAihajAihaj Aiha JournalAiha J Aiha JournalAiha J-j Sci Occup E;Ai*ia2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int-Ai*ia 99: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif IntAiie TransactionsAiie TAija Law Library Aija Law Lib Aila ReviewAila Rev Ai MagazineAi MagAimr Industry Analysis SeriesAimr Ind Anal SerAip Conference Proceedings Aip Conf ProcAir and Water PollutionAir Water Pollut(Air-assisted Spraying in Crop Protection Br Crop Pr(Airborne and In-water Underwater ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsQAirborne Astronomy Symposium On The Galactic Ecosystem: From Gas to Stars to Dust Astr Soc PRAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsUAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsVAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsUAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsTAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsTAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and Applications V Proc SpieVAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsVAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and Applications Vii Proc SpieWAirborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (isr) Systems and Applications Viii Proc Spie"Airborne Laser Advanced TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Airborne Laser Advanced Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InshAirborne Multispectral Scanning for Forestry and Mapping ( With Emphasis On Meis ) : International Forum For Can PiAirborne Reconnaissance XivP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XixP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XvP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XviP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XviiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XxP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XxiP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XxiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XxiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance Xxiii Proc SpieAirborne Reconnaissance XxivP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XxvP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XxviP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Reconnaissance XxviiP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Telescope SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsAirborne Telescope Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAirbourne Reconnaissance XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Air Change Rate and Airtightness in BuildingsAm Soc Test MaterEAir Conditioning Systems: Performance, Environment and Energy FactorsEnerg Sci Eng Tech!Aircraft & Aerospace Asia-pacificAircr Aerosp Asia-paHAircraft Engine Controls: Design, System Analysis, and Health Monitoring Aiaa Educ SerAircraft Engineering Aircraft Eng-Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyAircr Eng Aerosp Tec'Airea Research Series : Research Report Airea Res SAir EngineeringAir EngBAirflow Performance of Building Envelopes, Components, and SystemsAm Soc Test MaterAir Force Civil EngineerAir Force Civ EngAirglow and AuroraP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Airline Industry: Challenges in The 21st Century Contrib EconAirline LiabilityEur Air Law AssocFAirlines, Airports, and Airspace: Economic and Infrastructure AnalysisTransport Res Rec>Air Monitoring and Detection of Chemical and Biological AgentsP Soc Photo-opt InsAAir Monitoring and Detection of Chemical and Biological Agents IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Air Pollution and Visibility MeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Air Pollution From Agricultural Operations Iii, Proceedings Asae Publ>Air Pollution, Global Change and Forests in The New MillenniumDev Environm Sci=Air Pollution in The 21st Century: Priority Issues and PolicyStud Environ Sci#Air Pollution in The Ural Mountains Nato Asi 2Air Pollution IxAdv Air Pollut Ser-Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application Ix Nato Chal M0Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications Viii Nato-chal M0Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications Xvii Nato-chal M,Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application X Nato-chal M.Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application Xii Nato Chal M/Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application Xiii Nato Chal M.Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XixNato Sci Peace Secur.Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application Xvi Nato-chal M-Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XxNato Sci Peace Sec B)Air Pollution Processes in Regional ScaleNato Sci S Ss Iv EarAir Pollution Research Report Air Poll RAir Pollution ViAdv Air Pollut SerAir Pollution ViiAdv Air Pollut SerAir Pollution ViiiAdv Air Pollut SerAir Pollution XAdv Air Pollut SerAir Pollution XiAdv Air Pollut SerAir Pollution XiiAdv Air Pollut SerAir Pollution XiiiWit Trans Ecol EnvirAir Pollution XivWit Trans Ecol EnvirAir Pollution XvWit Trans Ecol EnvirAir Pollution XviWit Trans Ecol EnvirAir Pollution XviiWit Trans Ecol EnvirFAirport Analysis, Planning and Design: Demand, Capacity and CongestionTransp Infrastruct-r,Airports, Airspace, and Passenger ManagementTransport Res Rec Air ProgressAir ProgAir Quality 2006Transport Res Rec*Air Quality and Comfort in Airliner CabinsAm Soc Test Mater7Air Quality Control in Areas for Smokers and Nonsmokers VDI Bericht!Air Quality in Urban EnvironmentsIss Environ Sci TechAir Quality Monographs Air Qual MgAir Toxics and Water MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Air Traffic Control Association, Fall Conference Proceedings Atca Conf P Air Traffic Control TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Air Traffic Control Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt InsDAir Transport and The European Union: Europeanization and Its LimitsPalgrave Stud Eur UnAir TransportationTransport Res Rec=Air Transportation Challenges: Airspace, Airports, and AccessTransport Res RecDAir, Water and Soil Quality Modelling for Risk and Impact AssessmentNato Sci Peace Secur)Air Water and Soil Science and TechnologyAir Water Soil Sci TAirway InflammationRes Clin Forums#Airway Obstruction and Inflammation Prog R Res%Ajar-african Journal of Aids ResearchAjar-afr J Aids Res=Ajia Keizai-journal of The Institute of Developing Economies- Ajia KeizaiEAjidd-american Journal On Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesAjidd-am J Intellect<Ajs Review-the Journal of The Association for Jewish StudiesAjs Rev/Akari, A Light to Illuminate The Misty Universe Astr Soc PAkkadicaAkkadica"Akron Business and Economic ReviewAkron Bus Econ Rev*Aktualni Zadaci Mehanizacije PoljoprivredeAct Tasks Agric EngAktuelle Chirurgie Aktuel ChirAktuelle ErnahrungsmedizinAktuel ErnahrungsmedAktuelle GerontologieAktuel GerontolAktuelle Neurologie Aktuel Neurol*Aktuelle Probleme Der Otorhinolaryngologie Akt Prob OtAktuelle RheumatologieAktuel RheumatolAktuelle TraumatologieAktuel TraumatolAktuelle Urologie Aktuel UrolAkustische Beihefte Akust Beih!Akzente-zeitschrift Fur Literatur Akzente-z Lit,Al 2002: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int0Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinAla Agr Exp Sta Bull0Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station CircularAla Agr Exp Sta Circ>Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Progress Report SeriesAla Agr Exp Sta ProgAlabama Historical QuarterlyAla Hist Quart#Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences Ala J Med Sci!Alabama Marine Resources BulletinAla Mar Resour BullAl-arabiyya Monograph SeriesAl Arabiyya Mon Ser<Alaska Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station BulletinAlaska Afes BullAlaska Medicine Alaska MedAlaska Sea Grant Report Alaska Sea&Albany Birth Defects Symposium Volumes Alb Bir Def AlbatrossesAustral Nat Hist SerAlberta History Alberta Hist'Alberta Journal of Educational ResearchAlberta J Educ Res*Albert Camus: The Extremes and Equilibrium False Title0Albert Einstein Century International Conference Aip Conf ProcAlbionAlbionKAlbrecht Von Graefes Archiv Fur Klinische Und Experimentelle OphthalmologieA Graef Arch Klin Ex!Alcatel Telecommunications ReviewAlcatel Telecommun RVAlces 25 - Including Papers From The 25th North American Moose Conference and WorkshopAlces-n Am Moose ConVAlces 28 - Including Papers From The 28th North American Moose Conference and Workshop Alces N AmUAlces 29, Including Papers From The 29th North American Moose Conference and Workshop Alces N AmVAlces 32 - Including Papers From The 32nd North American Moose Conference and Workshop Alces N AmVAlces 33 - Including Papers From The 32nd North American Moose Conference and Workshop Alces N AmAlces 34Alces-n Am Moose ConPAlces 35 - Including Papers From The 34th North American Conference and WorkshopAlces-n Am Moose Con Alces 37(1)Alces-n Am Moose Con Alces 37(2)Alces-n Am Moose Con@Alces : North American Moose Conference and Workshop Proceedings Alces N Am@Alces : North American Moose Conference and Workshop ProceedingsAlces-n Am Moose ConXAlces Supplement No 1 1992 - Including Papers From The 3rd International Moose Symposium Alces N AmAlces, Vol 31, 1995 Alces N AmAlces, Vol 34, No 2 - 1998Alces-n Am Moose Con Alcheringa AlcheringaAlcoholAlcoholAlcohol and AlcoholismAlcohol Alcoholism#Alcohol and Cardiovascular DiseasesNovart Fdn SympAlcohol and Drug ResearchAlcohol Drug Res&Alcohol and Wine in Health and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci,Alcohol, Drugs of Abuse and Immunomodulation Adv BiosciAlcohol Health & Research WorldAlcohol Health Res W)Alcoholic Beverage Consumption and HealthFood Bev Consum HlthAlcoholic Fuels Chem Ind-ser#Alcohol, Immunomodulation, and AidsProg Clin Biol Res$Alcoholism : A Molecular PerspectiveNato Adv Sci I A-lif-Alcoholism-clinical and Experimental ResearchAlcohol Clin Exp ResGAlcohol-related Cognitive Disorders: Research and Clinical PerspectivesHealth Hum DevAlcohol Research & HealthAlcohol Res Health#Alcohol, Young Persons and ViolenceRes Pub Pol Series:Alcts Papers On Library Technical Services and CollectionsAlcts P Lib Tech Ser,Aldo-keto Reductases and Toxicant Metabolism Acs Sym Ser Aldosterone Colloq InseAldrichimica ActaAldrichim ActaAlea-estudos NeolatinosAlea-estud Neolat5Alebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Aleph-historical Studies in Science & JudaismAleph2Alexander The Great: Coinage, Finances, and PolicyMem Am Philos Soc(Alexander The Great: Lessons in Strategy Strateg Hist%Alexandru Myller Mathematical Seminar Aip Conf ProcAlfred Benzon Symposium SeriesAlfred Benzon Symp S%Alfred Doblin: Paradigms of ModernismPubl I Ger Stud$Alfred Marshall: Economist 1842-1924Great Think EconAlfredo Casella Stud Mus V#Alfred Tarski and The Vienna CircleVien Cir Inst Yearbk6Alfvenic Structures: From The Sun to The Magnetosphere Adv Space Res6Alfvenic Structures: From The Sun to The MagnetosphereAdv Space Res-series0Algae Energy: Algae As A New Source of BiodieselGreen Energy Technol6Algal Toxins: Nature, Occurrence, Effect and DetectionNato Scie Peace SecuAlgebra & Number TheoryAlgebr Number TheoryAlgebra and Applications Algebra Appl6Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Alg Dis MthmAlgebra and Its Applications Contemp MathAlgebra and Logic Algebr Log+Algebra and Number TheoryLect Notes Pure Appl@Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: in Honor of Yu I Manin, Vol I Prog MathAAlgebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: in Hounor of Yu I Mani, Vol Ii Prog MathAlgebra Colloquium Algebr Colloq(Algebra, Geometry and Their Interactions Contemp Math?Algebraic and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Proceedings Contemp MathLAlgebraic and Coalgebraic Methods in The Mathematics of Program ConstructionLect Notes Comput Sc%Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics Contemp Math7Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics Math Phys S Algebraic and Geometric TopologyAlgebr Geom TopolAlgebraic and Logic ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc!Algebraic and Logic Programming /Lect Notes Comput Sc=Algebraic and Proof-theoretic Aspects of Non-classical LogicsLect Notes Artif Int"Algebraic and Topological Dynamics Contemp MathAlgebraic Biology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAlgebraic CodingLect Notes Comput Sc.Algebraic Coding Theory and Information TheoryDimacs Ser Discret MAlgebraic Combinatorics UniversitextAlgebraic Computing in ControlLect Notes Contr Inf!Algebraic Curves and CryptographyFields I Commun.Algebraic Cycles, Sheaves, Shtukas, and Moduli Trends Math=Algebraic Frames for The Perception-action Cycle, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Algebraic Function Fields and Codes, Second EditionGrad Texts MathAlgebraic Geometry Contemp MathAlgebraic GeometryLect Notes MathAlgebraic GeometryLect Notes Pure Appl)Algebraic Geometry and Geometric ModelingMath Vis)Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling Math Visual'Algebraic Geometry and Its Applications A Mathemat%Algebraic Geometry and Related TopicsConf Pr Lect Not Alg0Algebraic Groups and Lie Groups With Few FactorsLect Notes Math*Algebraic Groups and Their RepresentationsNato Adv Sci I C-matAlgebraic InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc-Algebraic Methodology and Software TechnologyLect Notes Comput Sc:Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology: ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Control Systems, Second EditionCommun Control Eng!Algebraic Methods in Cryptography Contemp MathAlgebraic Methods in PhysicsCrm Ser Math Phys2Algebraic Methods in Statistics and Probability Ii Contemp Math2Algebraic Methods : Theory, Tools and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScAlgebraic Model TheoryNato Adv Sci I C-matAlgebraic PatchingSpringer Monogr Math&Algebraic Structures and Moduli SpacesCrm Proc & Lect Note.Algebraic Structures and Their Representations Contemp Math1Algebraic Theory of Locally Nilpotent DerivationsEncycl Math SciAlgebraic TopologyEms Textb Math2Algebraic Topology : Homotopy and Group CohomologyLect Notes Math>Algebraic Topology: New Trends in Localization and Periodicity Prog MathAlgebraic Topology Poznan 1989Lect Notes Math+Algebraic Topology: The Abel Symposium 2007 Abel Symp7Algebraic Transformation Groups and Algebraic Varieties Enc Mat Sci7Algebraic Transformation Groups and Algebraic VarietiesEncycl Math SciAlgebra, Logic and Applications Alg Log App!Algebra, Meaning, and ComputationLect Notes Comput ScAlgebras and OrdersNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Algebras and Representation TheoryAlgebr Represent Th*Algebras, Representations and Applications Contemp Math"Algebras, Rings and Modules, Vol 2 Math ApplAlgebra Universalis Algebr UnivAlgebra Universalis Algebra UnivDAlgebra, Vol Ii: Fields With Structure, Algebras and Advanced Topics Universitext2Al-ghazali and The Qur'an: One Book, Many MeaningsCult Civiliz Mid E_Al-ghazali, Averroes and The Interpretation of The Qur'an: Common Sense and Philosophy in IslamCult Civiliz Mid E#Alginates: Biology and ApplicationsMicrobiol Monogr,Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics MemoirsAlgonq Iroq Linguist&Algorithm and Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithm EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc)Algorithm Engineering and ExperimentationLect Notes Comput Sc%Algorithm Engineering and ExperimentsLect Notes Comput ScMAlgorithm Engineering: Bridging The Gap Between Algorithm Theory and PracticeLect Notes Comput Sc0Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery X Proc Spie Algorithmica Algorithmica3Algorithmic Applications in Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Algorithmic Aspects in Information and ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc>Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc0Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells, Fourth Edition Virtual LabAlgorithmic Bioprocesses Nat Comp Ser(Algorithmic Decision Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int&Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics ViiSpr Tra Adv Robot&Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics ViiSpringer Trac Adv Ro&Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics IxSpringer Trac Adv Ro&Algorithmic 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Combinatorics Contemp Math-Algorithmic Problems in Groups and Semigroups Trends Math%Algorithmic Randomness and ComplexityTheor Appl ComputLAlgorithmics of Large and Complex Networks: Design, Analysis, and SimulationLect Notes Comput Sc AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithms and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScAAlgorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScGAlgorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScGAlgorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Algorithms and Architectures for Real-time Control Ifac Work S7Algorithms and Architectures of Artificial IntelligenceFront Artif Intel Ap;Algorithms and Classification in Combinatorial Group Theory Math Sci RAlgorithms and CombinatoricsAlgorithms CombAlgorithms and ComplexityLect Notes Comput Sc&Algorithms and Complexity, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithms and ComputationLect Notes Comput Sc)Algorithms 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Imagery Ix Proc Spie\Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Viii Proc SpieYAlgorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XP Soc Photo-opt InsZAlgorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XiP Soc Photo-opt InsZAlgorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Xi Proc Spie\Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Xiii Proc SpiegAlgorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Xii Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsgAlgorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Xii Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie[Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Xiv Proc Spie[Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Xvi Proc Spie\Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Xvii Proc Spie:Algorithms, Architectures and Information Systems SecurityStat Sci Int ResCAlgorithms, Devices, and Systems for Optical Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsCAlgorithms, Devices, and Systems for Optical Information Processing Proc SpieGAlgorithms, Devices, and Systems for Optical Information Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Algorithms-esa 2002, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Algorithms - Esa 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Algorithms Esa 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithms - Esa 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc"Algorithms - Esa 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Algorithms - Esa 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithms - Esa 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc"Algorithms - Esa 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithms-esa 2010Lect Notes Comput ScAlgorithms-esa 2010, Pt IiLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithms - Esa'99Lect Notes Comput Sc&Algorithms for Continuous OptimizationNato Adv Sci Inst SePAlgorithms for Fuzzy Clustering: Methods in C-means Clustering With ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp3Algorithms for Large Scale Linear Algebraic SystemsNato Adv Sci I C-mat!Algorithms for Memory HierarchiesLect Notes Comput Sc Algorithms for Molecular BiologyAlgorithm Mol Biol6Algorithms for Multispectral and Hyperspectral ImageryP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Algorithms for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Algorithms for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Algorithms for Multispectral and 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Ins1Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Vi Proc Spie3Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Vii Proc Spie4Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Viii Proc Spie2Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Xi Proc Spie3Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Xii Proc Spie4Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Xiii Proc Spie3Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Xiv Proc Spie2Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Xv Proc Spie4Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XviiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Xviii Proc Spie Algorithms in Algebraic GeometryIma Vol Math Appl1Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry and Applications Prog Math"Algorithms in Ambient IntelligencePhilips Res Book SerAlgorithms in BioinformaticsLect N Bioinformat)Algorithms in Bioinformatics, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat)Algorithms in Bioinformatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Wabi 2008Lect N BioinformatEAlgorithms, Software, Architecture : Information Processing 92, Vol 1 Ifip Trans AAlgorithm Theory - Swat 2000Lect Notes Comput ScAlgorithm Theory - Swat 2002Lect Notes Comput ScAlgorithm Theory- Swat 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc)Algorithm Theory - Swat 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithm Theory - Swat 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc)Algorithm Theory - Swat 2010, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAlgorithm Theory - Swat 92Lect Notes Comput ScAlgorithm Theory - Swat'98Lect Notes Comput Sc2Alienation and Theatricality: Diderot After BrechtStud Comp Lit Ser:Aliens and Sojourners: Self As Other in Early ChristianityDivin Reread Late AnFAlignment Change in Iranian Languages: A Construction Grammar ApproachEmpir Approach Lang'Alignment-free Models in Plant GenomicsAgr Issues PoliciesAlimentaAlimenta&Alimentary Pharmacology & TherapeuticsAliment Pharm Ther&Alimentary Pharmacology & TherapeuticsAliment Pharm Therap7Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Symposium SeriesAliment Pharm Ther S Alkaloids Alkaloids?Alkene Polymerization Reactions With Transition Metal CatalystsStud Surf Sci Catal-All Apes Great and Small, Vol 1: African Apes Dev Primatol-All Apes Great and Small, Vol 1: African ApesDev Primatol-prog Pr Allegorica AllegoricaAllegoryNew Crit Idiom2Allegory and Sexual Ethics in The High Middle AgesNew Middle Ages Allelopathy Acs Sym SerAllelopathy Journal Allelopathy J%Allergic Diseases and The EnvironmentNestle Nutr Works Se!Allergies and Infectious DiseasesAllergy Infect Dis Allergologia Et ImmunopathologiaAllergol Immunopath Allergologie AllergologieAllergyAllergyUAllergy & Clinical Immunology International-journal of The World Allergy OrganizationAllergy Clin ImmunolAllergy and Asthma ProceedingsAllergy Asthma Proc$Allergy Asthma & Immunology ResearchAllergy Asthma ImmunAllergy Frontiers Allergy Front-Allergy Frontiers: Future Perspectives, Vol 6 Allergy Front0Allergy Frontiers: Therapy and Prevention, Vol 5 Allergy FrontDAllergy Matters: New Approaches to Allergy Prevention and Management Wag Ur FronAllergy Proceedings Allergy ProcAllerton Park Institute Allerton PapAller Weishait Anevang Ist Ze Brufen An Dem Aussgang: Akten Des Symposiums Zum 650 Geburtstag Hugos Von MontfortInnsbr Beitr Kult Ge3All Flesh Is Grass: Plant-animal InterrelationshipsCell Orig Life Extre Allgemeine Forst Und JagdzeitungAllg Forst JagdztgAllgemeine Forstzeitung Allg Forstztg&Allgemeine Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie Allg Z Philos<Allgemeine Zeitschrift Fur Psychiatrie Und Ihre GrenzgebieteAllg Z Psychiatr GreIAllgemeine Zeitschrift Fur Psychiatrie Und Psychisch-gerichtliche MedizinAllg Z Psychiatr Ps4Allgemeine Zellforschung Und Mikroskopische AnatomieAllg Zell Mikro Anat*Allgorithms in Bioniformatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScfAlliance Capitalism and Corporate Management: Entrepreneurial Cooperation in Knowledge Based EconomiesNew Horiz Int Bus"Alliance for Global Sustainability All Glo Sus"Alliance for Global SustainabilityAlliance Glob Sustai)Alliance for Global Sustainability Series All Glo Sus Allison Research and EngineeringAllison Res Eng@Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Roman Catholic PerspectivesClin Med Ethics Ser4Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation, Second EditionContemp HematolLAll-optical Communication Systems: Architecture, Control, and Network IssuesP Soc Photo-opt InsOAll-optical Communication Systems: Architecture, Control, and Network Issues IiP Soc Photo-opt InsPAll-optical Communication Systems: Architecture, Control, and Network Issues IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIAll-optical Networking 1999: Architecture, Control, and Management IssuesP Soc Photo-opt InsDAll-optical Networking: Architecture, Control, and Management IssuesP Soc Photo-opt Ins Alloy Phase Stability and DesignMater Res Soc Symp PHAll Sturm and No Drang: Beckett and Romanticism, Beckett At Reading 2006Samuel Beckett Today.All's Well That Ends Well: New Critical EssaysShakespear CritAllusion and Meaning in John 6Beih Z Neutest Wiss5Alluvial Fans: Geomorphology, Sedimentology, DynamicsGeol Soc Spec Publ-Al-masaq-islam and The Medieval MediterraneanAl-masaqAlmost Ring TheoryLect Notes Math`Alpha-keto Acid Dehydrogenase Complexes : Organization, Regulation, and Biomedical RamificationsAnn Ny Acad Sci)Alpha-revista De Artes Letras Y FilosofiaAlpha-rev Artes Let2Alphonsus M De Liguori and Society During His Time Bibl A Ro I#Alpine Anthology of Homotopy Theory Contemp Math Alpine Botany Alpine Bot)Alpine Perspectives On Algebraic Topology Contemp Math Alpine WatersHandb Environ Chem Al-qantara Al-qantara Al-shajarah Al-shajarah>Alt'01 International Conference On Advanced Laser TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Alt'02 International Conference On Advanced Laser TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Alt'02 International Conference On Advanced Laser Technologies Proc SpieQAlt'03 International Conference On Advanced Laser Technologies: Biomedical OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsTAlt '95 International Symposium On Advanced Materials for Optics and OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsLAlt '96 International Symposium On Laser Methods for Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Alt '97 International Conference On Laser Surface ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Alt'99 International Conference On Advanced Laser TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Alt'99 International Conference On Advanced Laser Technologies Proc SpieAlta Frequenza Alta FreqAltaica BerolinensiaAsiat Forsch Mg GesNAltered Ecologies: Fire, Climate and Human Influence On Terrestrial LandscapesTerra AustralisTAltered Sensations: Rudolph Koenig's Acoustical Workshop in Nineteenth-century Paris Archimedes1Alter Ego: The Critical Writings of Michel LeirisRes Monogr Fr StudAltering Nature, Vol I Philos MedAltering Nature, Vol Ii Philos MedDAlternative Approaches to Human Blood Resources in Clinical Practice Dev Hematol7Alternative Bearing Surfaces in Total Joint ReplacementAm Soc Test MaterNAlternative Education: Global Perspectives Relevant to The Asia-pacific RegionEduc Asia Pac Reg-isVAlternative Faming Systems, Biotechnology, Drought Stress and Ecological FertilisationSustain Agr RevAlternative FuturesAlternative Futures:Alternative Institutional Structures: Evolution and ImpactEcon Legal Relation*Alternative Life-history Styles of Animals Persp Vert%Alternative Lithographic TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Alternative Lithographic Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Alternative Lithographic Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAlternatively Fuelled Vehicles Imeche SemAlternative Medicine ReviewAltern Med Rev(Alternative Methods in Toxicology Series Altern MethCAlternative Perspectives On Economic Policies in The European UnionInt Pap Polit EconMAlternative Pseudodifferential Analysis: With An Application to Modular FormsLect Notes Math Alternatives Alternative Alternatives AlternativesAlternatives JournalAltern J(Alternative Solvents for Green ChemistryRsc Green Chem SerAlternative Sources of EnergyAlternative Sourc En?Alternatives-perspectives On Society Technology and EnvironmentAltern-p Soc Tec+Alternative Splicing in The Postgenomic EraAdv Exp Med Biol8Alternatives-social Transformation and Humane GovernanceAltern-soc TransformAlternatives to CartographyStud Genera GrammarAlternatives to CartographyStud Generat Gramm)Alternatives to Chemical Control of WeedsFri BullhAlternatives to Chlorofluorocarbon Fluids in The Cleaning of Oxygen and Aerospace Systems and ComponentsAm Soc Test Mater,Alternatives to Conventional Food ProcessingRsc Green Chem Ser,Alternative Therapies in Health and MedicineAltern Ther Health M&Altex-alternativen Zu TierexperimentenAltex-altern Tierexp,Altex-alternatives to Animal ExperimentationAltex-altern Anim Ex+Altreitalie: Cittadinanza E Diritto Al Voto Filibrary Ser)Altruism and Prosocial Behavior in GroupsAdv Group ProcessAltschul Symposia Series Altschul Sy"Aluminium Alloys 2006, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumMAluminium Alloys: Their Physical and Mechanical Properties, Part 4/supplementMater Sci ForumCAluminium Alloys: Their Physical and Mechanical Properties, Pts 1-3Mater Sci Forum"Aluminium Cast House Technology XiMater Sci Forum!Aluminium in Biology and Medicine Ciba F SympFAluminum Alloys 2002: Their Physical and Mechanical Properties Pts 1-3Mater Sci Forum6Alzeheimer's Disease: A Compendium of Current TheoriesAnn Ny Acad SciAlzheimer: 100 Years and Beyond Res Per Alz(Alzheimer Disease & Associated DisordersAlz Dis Assoc DisAlzheimers & DementiaAlzheimers Dement$Alzheimer's and Parkinson's DiseasesAdv Behav BiolAlzheimers Disease ///Key Top Brain Res4Alzheimers Disease: A Compendium of Current TheoriesAnn Ny Acad Sci`Alzheimers Disease: Amyloid Precusor Proteins, Signal Transduction, and Neuronal TransplantationAnn Ny Acad SciFAlzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolBAlzheimers Disease and Related Disorders : Selected Communications Adv Biosci.Alzheimer's Disease: Lessons From Cell Biology Res Per Alz4Alzheimer's Disease: Vascular Etiology and PathologyAnn Ny Acad SciAlzheimers ReportsAlzheimers Rep?Ama-agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin AmericaAma-agr Mech Asia Af,Ama American Journal of Diseases of ChildrenAma Am J Dis Child+Ama Archives of Dermatology and SyphilologyAma Arch Derm Syph<Ama Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational MedicineAma Arch Ind Hyg Occ(Ama Archives of Neurology and PsychiatryAma Arch Neurol PsyAma Archives of OphthalmologyAma Arch OphthalmolAma Archives of OtolaryngologyAma Arch OtolaryngolAma Archives of PathologyAma Arch PatholAma Archives of Surgery Ama Arch SurgAma Educators Proceedings Ama Educ Pr#Ama Journal of Diseases of ChildrenAma J Dis ChildQAmartya Sens Capability Approach: Theoretical Insights and Empirical ApplicationsStud Choice Welf=Amateur - Professional Partnerships in Astronomy, Proceedings Astr Soc PAma Winter Educators ConferenceAma Winter Educ Conf2Amazon Basin: Plant Life, Wildlife and EnvironmentEnviron Res Adv8Amazon Gold Rush and Environmental Mercury ContaminationEnviron Sci Eng TechAmazonia and Global ChangeGeophys Monogr SerHAmazoniana-limnologia Et Oecologia Regionalis Systemae Fluminis Amazonas AmazonianaTAmazonian Floodplain Forests: Ecophysiology, Biodiversity and Sustainable ManagementEcol Stud-anal Synth"Amber, Resinite, and Fossil Resins Acs Sym SerAmbient Assisted LivingAdv Technol Soc ChUAmbient Assistive Health and Wellness Management in The Heart of The City, ProceedingLect Notes Comput ScAmbient IntelligenceLect Notes Comput SceAmbient Intelligence and Future Trends - International Symposium On Ambient Intelligence (isaml 2010)Adv Intel Soft Compu+Ambient Intelligence and Smart EnvironmentsAmb Int Sm Env+Ambient Intelligence and Smart EnvironmentsAmb Intell Smart EnvQAmbient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery: Foundations, Theories, and SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc$Ambient Intelligence in Everday LifeLect Notes Comput Sc!Ambient Intelligence PerspectivesAmb Int Sm Env!Ambient Intelligence PerspectivesAmb Intell Smart Env!Ambient Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Ambient Intelligence: Software and ApplicationsAdv Intel Soft CompuMAmbient Intelligence With Microsystems: Augmented Materials and Smart Objects Microsyst SerAmbient NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc]Ambiguities in Decision-oriented Life Cycle Inventories: The Role of Mental Models and ValuesEco-effic Ind SciAmbiguity in Mind and NatureSpringer Ser SynergAmbiguity in Mind and NatureSpringer Series SyneAmbioAmbio'Ambivalence of Progress - Is Less More? Langeng ArcAmbixAmbixAmbulatory Pediatrics Ambul Pediatr Ameghiniana Ameghiniana*Amenagement Du Territoire Et EnvironnementAmenag Terr Env7Amendment-enhanced Phytoextraction of Soil ContaminantsEnv Remed Tech Regul(Amenorrhea: A Case-based, Clinical GuideContemp Endocrinol SAmerasia Journal Amerasia J+America and Enlightenment ConstitutionalismStud AmAmerica and IraqContemp Secur Stud9America in The 21st Century Political and Economic IssuesAm 21 Century PolitAmerica Latina Am LatinaFAmerican Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Instructional Course LecturesAaos Instr Cours Lec-American Academy of Physical Education Papers Am Acad Pe;American Academy of Political and Social Science MonographsAm Aca Pol Soc Sci M-American and Comparative Environmental PolicyAm Comp Environ PoliAmerican Annals of The Deaf Am Ann DeafAmerican Anthropologist Am AnthropolAmerican Antiquity Am AntiquityAmerican Archivist Am Archivist American ArtAm ArtAmerican Art JournalAm Art JAmerican Art Review Am Art Rev5American Association of Petroleum Geologists BulletinAm Assoc Petr Geol B6American Association of University Professors BulletinAmer Assoc Univ Pr BAmerican Bankruptcy Law JournalAm Bankrupt Law J American Bar Association JournalAm Bar Assoc J(American Bar Foundation Research JournalAm Bar Found Res JAmerican Bee JournalAm Bee JAmerican Behavioral Scientist Am Behav SciAmerican Biology Teacher Am Biol Teach!American Biotechnology LaboratoryAm Biotechnol LabAmerican Book Review Am Book RevHAmerican Bourgeoisie: Distinction and Identity in The Nineteenth CenturyPalgrave Stud Cult:American-british-canadian Intelligence Relations 1939-2000Cass Ser Stud IntellAmerican Business Law Journal Am Bus Law J&American Business Politics and SocietyAmer Bus PolitRAmerican Capitalism: Social Thought and Political Economy in The Twentieth CenturyPolit Cult Mod AmAmerican CartographerAm Cartographer9American Catholic Philosophical Association - ProceedingsAmer Cath Phil Assoc)American Catholic Philosophical QuarterlyAm Cath Philos Quart!American Ceramic Society BulletinAm Ceram Soc BullAmerican Choral Review Am Choral RevAmerican City & CountyAm City County)American College Testing Research ReportsAmer Coll Test Res R/American Concrete Institute Special Publication Amer Conc I7American Constitution As A Symbol and Reality for Italy Stud Amer HAmerican Control ConferenceAmer Contr Conf ConfCAmerican Council On Education/macmillian Series On Higher Education Am C Educ MCAmerican Council On Education/oryx Press Series On Higher EducationAm C Educ OryzAmerican Criminal Law Quarterly Am Crim Law QAmerican Criminal Law ReviewAm Crim Law RevAmerican Dairy Review Am Dairy RevAmerican DocumentationAm DocAmerican Dyestuff Reporter Am Dyest RepEAmerican Economic Growth and Standards of Living Before The Civil War Nber Conf R+American Economic Journal-applied EconomicsAm Econ J-appl Econ)American Economic Journal-economic PolicyAm Econ J-econ Polic(American Economic Journal-macroeconomicsAm Econ J-macroecon(American Economic Journal-microeconomicsAm Econ J-microeconAmerican Economic Review Am Econ RevAmerican EconomistAm Econ$American Educational History JournalAm Educ Hist J9American Educational History Journal, Vol 34, Nos 1 and 2Am Educ Hist J9American Educational History Journal, Vol 35, Nos 1 and 2Am Educ Hist J9American Educational History Journal, Vol 37, Nos 1 and 2Am Educ Hist J%American Educational Research Journal Am Educ Res J;American Empire and The Political Economy of Global FinanceInt Polit Econ Ser9American Environmental Policy, 1990-2006: Beyond GridlockAm Comp Environ PoliAmerican Ethnologist Am EthnolAmerican Family PhysicianAm Fam PhysicianAmerican Family Physician/gpAm Fam Phys-gpAmerican FederationistAm FedAmerican Fern Journal Am Fern J American FilmAm Film$American Fisheries Society Symposium Am Fish S S+American Fisheries Society Symposium Series Am Fish S SqAmerican Forage and Grassland Council - The First 50 Years/1994 American Forage and Grassland Council Proceedings P Forag Gr:American Forage and Grassland Council, Vol 10, Proceedings P Forag Gr:American Forage and Grassland Council, Vol 11, Proceedings P Forag Gr9American Forage and Grassland Council, Vol 9, Proceedings P Forag Gr0American Foreign Policy and The Politics of FearRout Glob Secur StudAmerican Forests Am ForestsAmerican Fruit Grower Am Fruit Grow American Gas Association MonthlyAm Gas Assoc MonAmerican Gas Journal Amer Gas J%American Governance and Public PolicyAm Gov Publ Pol%American Governance and Public PolicyAm Gov Public Policy!American Health Foundation Series Amer Hlth F+American Heart Association Monograph SeriesAm Heart Monogr SAmerican Heart Journal Am Heart JAmerican Heritage Am HeritageAmerican Historical Review Am Hist RevAmerican HistoryAm HistAmerican History Illustrated Am Hist IllusAmerican Horticultural MagazineAmer Horticult MagAmerican Horticulturist Am HorticFAmerican Hungers: The Problem of Poverty in U.s. Literature, 1840-194520 219American Icons: The Genesis of A National Visual LanguageRoutl Res Cult MediaAmerican ImagoAm Imago@American Immigration Policy: Confronting The Nation's ChallengesPublic Adm Gov Glob8American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health ResearchAm Indian Alaska Nat,American Indian Culture and Research JournalAm Indian Cult Res JNAmerican Individualisms: Child Rearing and Social Class in Three Neighborhoods Cult Mind Soc/American Industrial Hygiene Association JournalAm Ind Hyg Assoc J3American Italian Historical Association ProceedingsAmer Ital Hist AssocAmerican Jewish ArchivesAm Jewish Arch#American Jewish Civilization Series Am Jew Civ$American Jewish Historical QuarterlyAm Jewish Hist QuartAmerican Jewish HistoryAm Jewish Hist'American Journalist in The 21st CenturyLea Commun SerAmerican Journal of AcupunctureAm J Acupuncture*American Journal of Agricultural Economics Am J Agr Econ+American Journal of Alternative AgricultureAm J Alternative Agr:American Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other DementiasAm J Alzheimers DisAmerican Journal of Anatomy Am J AnatAmerican Journal of Archaeology Am J ArchaeolAmerican Journal of Art Therapy Am J Art TherAmerican Journal of Audiology Am J AudiolAmerican Journal of BioethicsAm J BioethicsAmerican Journal of BotanyAm J BotAmerican Journal of Cardiology Am J Cardiol(American Journal of Cardiovascular DrugsAm J Cardiovasc Drug$American Journal of Chinese MedicineAm J Chinese Med(American Journal of Clinical DermatologyAm J Clin Dermatol%American Journal of Clinical HypnosisAm J Clin Hypn&American Journal of Clinical NutritionAm J Clin Nutr<American Journal of Clinical Oncology-cancer Clinical TrialsAm J Clin Oncol-canc&American Journal of Clinical PathologyAm J Clin Pathol(American Journal of Community PsychologyAm J Commun Psychol#American Journal of Comparative Law Am J Comp Law American Journal of Criminal Law Am J Crim Law!American Journal of Critical CareAm J Crit Care!American Journal of Dance TherapyAm J Dance TherAmerican Journal of Dentistry Am J Dent$American Journal of DermatopathologyAm J Dermatopath&American Journal of Digestive Diseases Am J Dig Dis(American Journal of Diseases of ChildrenAm J Dis Child*American Journal of Drug and Alcohol AbuseAm J Drug Alcohol Ab+American Journal of Economics and SociologyAm J Econ SociolAmerican Journal of Education Am J Educ"American Journal of Eeg TechnologyAm J Eeg Technol5American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic TechnologyAm J Electroneurod T&American Journal of Emergency MedicineAm J Emerg Med+American Journal of Enology and ViticultureAm J Enol Viticult American Journal of EpidemiologyAm J EpidemiolAmerican Journal of Evaluation Am J Eval"American Journal of Family Therapy Am J Fam Ther3American Journal of Forensic Medicine and PathologyAm J Foren Med Path$American Journal of GastroenterologyAm J Gastroenterol(American Journal of Geriatric CardiologyAm J Geriatr Cardiol-American Journal of Geriatric PharmacotherapyAm J Geriatr Pharmac(American Journal of Geriatric PsychiatryAm J Geriat Psychiat#American Journal of Health BehaviorAm J Health Behav$American Journal of Health PromotionAm J Health Promot*American Journal of Health-system PharmacyAm J Health-syst PhAmerican Journal of Hematology Am J Hematol1American Journal of Hospice & Palliative MedicineAm J Hosp Palliat Me American Journal of Hospice CareAm J Hospice Care%American Journal of Hospital PharmacyAm J Hosp Pharm!American Journal of Human Biology Am J Hum Biol"American Journal of Human GeneticsAm J Hum GenetAmerican Journal of HygieneAm J Hyg.American Journal of Hygiene-monographic SeriesAm J Hyg-monogr Ser American Journal of HypertensionAm J Hypertens'American Journal of Industrial Medicine Am J Ind Med%American Journal of Infection ControlAm J Infect ControlAmerican Journal of Insanity Am J Insanity%American Journal of International Law Am J Int Law#American Journal of Kidney DiseasesAm J Kidney Dis"American Journal of Law & Medicine Am J Law Med!American Journal of Legal HistoryAm J Legal Hist American Journal of Managed Care Am J Manag C American Journal of Managed CareAm J Manag Care>American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 1998 Am J Math-s>American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 2001 Am J Math-s?American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences-series Am J Math-sKAmerican Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol 11, Nos 1 & 2 Am S Math MNAmerican Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol 11, Nos. 3 and 4 Am J Math-sMAmerican Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol 16, Nos 1 and 2 Am J Math-sSAmerican Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol 17, Nos 1 and 2, 1997 Am J Math-sMAmerican Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol 18, Nos 1 and 2 Am S Math MIAmerican Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol 22, Nos 1&2 Am J Math-sJAmerican Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol 22 Nos 3 & 4 Am J Math-sAmerican Journal of Mathematics Am J Math'American Journal of Medical ElectronicsAm J Med Electron$American Journal of Medical GeneticsAm J Med Genet+American Journal of Medical Genetics Part AAm J Med Genet AEAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-neuropsychiatric GeneticsAm J Med Genet BHAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics Part C-seminars in Medical GeneticsAm J Med Genet C#American Journal of Medical Quality Am J Med Qual&American Journal of Medical TechnologyAm J Med TechnolAmerican Journal of MedicineAm J MedAmerican Journal of Mens HealthAm J Mens Health%American Journal of Mental Deficiency Am J Ment Def%American Journal of Mental DeficiencyAm J Ment RetardAmerican Journal of Nephrology Am J Nephrol"American Journal of NeuroradiologyAm J Neuroradiol*American Journal of Noninvasive CardiologyAm J Noninvas CardAmerican Journal of Nursing Am J Nurs-American Journal of Obstetrics and GynecologyAm J Obstet Gynecol(American Journal of Occupational TherapyAm J Occup Ther!American Journal of OphthalmologyAm J OphthalmolKAmerican Journal of Optometry and Archives of American Academy of OptometryAmer J Opt Arch Am A6American Journal of Optometry and Physiological OpticsAm J Optom Phys Opt American Journal of OrthodonticsAmer J Orthodontics<American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopedicsAm J Orthod Dentofac>American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery-oral SurgeryAm J Orthod Oral Sur>American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery-orthodonticsAm J Orthod Oral Sur#American Journal of OrthopsychiatryAm J Orthopsychiat"American Journal of OtolaryngologyAm J OtolaryngAmerican Journal of Otology Am J OtolAmerican Journal of Pathology Am J Pathol1American Journal of Pediatric Hematology OncologyAm J Pediat Hematol American Journal of Perinatology Am J Perinat,American Journal of Pharmaceutical EducationAm J Pharm Educ$American Journal of PharmacogenomicsAm J PharmacogenomicAmerican Journal of Pharmacy Am J PharmAmerican Journal of PhilologyAm J Philology)American Journal of Physical AnthropologyAm J Phys Anthropol4American Journal of Physical Anthropology-new SeriesAm J Phys Anthrop-ne%American Journal of Physical MedicineAmer J Physical Med6American Journal of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationAm J Phys Med RehabAmerican Journal of Physics Am J PhysAmerican Journal of Physiology Am J Physiol.American Journal of Physiology-cell PhysiologyAm J Physiol-cell Ph;American Journal of Physiology-endocrinology and MetabolismAm J Physiol-endoc MDAmerican Journal of Physiology-gastrointestinal and Liver PhysiologyAm J Physiol-gastr L?American Journal of Physiology-heart and Circulatory PhysiologyAm J Physiol-heart CEAmerican Journal of Physiology-lung Cellular and Molecular PhysiologyAm J Physiol-lung CPAmerican Journal of Physiology-regulatory Integrative and Comparative PhysiologyAm J Physiol-reg IEAmerican Journal of Physiology-renal Fluid and Electrolyte PhysiologyAm J Physiol-renal/American Journal of Physiology-renal PhysiologyAm J Physiol-renal%American Journal of Political ScienceAm J Polit Sci#American Journal of Potato ResearchAm J Potato Res'American Journal of Preventive Medicine Am J Prev MedAmerican Journal of Primatology Am J PrimatolAmerican Journal of ProctologyAm J Proctol GastroHAmerican Journal of Proctology Gastroenterology & Colon & Rectal SurgeryAm J Proctol GastroAmerican Journal of Psychiatry Am J Psychiat"American Journal of PsychoanalysisAm J PsychoanalAmerican Journal of Psychology Am J Psychol!American Journal of PsychotherapyAm J Psychother!American Journal of Public HealthAm J Public Health8American Journal of Public Health and The Nations HealthAm J Public Health N"American Journal of Public HygieneAm J Public HygcAmerican Journal of Public Hygiene and Journal of The Massachusetts Association of Boards of HealthAm J Publ Hyg J Mass+American Journal of Reproductive ImmunologyAm J Reprod Immunol<American Journal of Reproductive Immunology and MicrobiologyAm J Reprod Im Mic<American Journal of Reproductive Immunology and MicrobiologyAm J Reprod Immunol:American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineAm J Resp Crit Care:American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular BiologyAm J Resp Cell MolAmerican Journal of Rhinology Am J Rhinol'American Journal of Rhinology & AllergyAm J Rhinol Allergy'American Journal of Rhinology & AllergyAmj Rhinol Allergy!American Journal of RoentgenologyAm J Roentgenol4American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium TherapyAm J Roentgenol RadiEAmerican Journal of Roentgenology Radium Therapy and Nuclear MedicineAmer J Roentgenol RaAmerican Journal of ScienceAm J SciAmerican Journal of SemioticsAm J SemioticsAmerican Journal of Sociology Am J Sociol-American Journal of Speech-language PathologyAm J Speech-lang Pat#American Journal of Sports MedicineAm J Sport MedAmerican Journal of Surgery Am J Surg&American Journal of Surgical PathologyAm J Surg Pathol(American Journal of The Medical Sciences Am J Med Sci American Journal of Therapeutics Am J Ther#American Journal of TransplantationAm J Transplant%American Journal of Tropical Medicine Am J Trop Med1American Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneAm J Trop Med Hyg'American Journal of Veterinary Research Am J Vet ResAmerican Journal On AddictionsAm J Addiction&American Journal On Mental RetardationAm J Ment RetardAmerican LaboratoryAm LabAmerican Land & Life Series Am Land LifSAmerican Landscape in The Poetry of Frost, Bishop, and Ashbery: The House AbandonedAm Lit Read Twenty-f!American Law and Economics ReviewAm Law Econ RevAmerican Law Register Am Law Regist"American Liberal Religious ThoughtAmer Lib Rel Thought-American Literacy Scholarship: An Annual 2008Am Lit ScholarshipAmerican Literary History Am Lit HistAmerican Literary RealismAm Lit Realism#American Literary Realism 1870-1910Am Lit Realism'American Literary Scholarship-an AnnualAm Lit ScholarshipAmerican LiteratureAm Lit<American Literature and The Culture of Reprinting, 1834-1853 Mater Texts8American Literature Readings in The Twenty-first CenturyAm Lit Read Twenty-fAmerican MachinistAm MachAmerican Malacological BulletinAm Malacol Bull5American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings Ama Conf P1American Marketing Association Proceedings Series Ama Educ Pr1American Marketing Association Proceedings Series Amer Mar AsAmerican Mathematical Monthly Am Math MonAmerican Metric Journal Am Metric JAmerican Midland Naturalist Am Midl NatAmerican MidwestMidwes Hist CultAmerican Mineralogist Am Mineral American Mining Congress JournalAm Min Congr JAmerican Museum Novitates Am Mus NovitAmerican MusicAm MusicAmerican NaturalistAm NatAmerican Neptune Am Neptune#American Nineteenth Century HistoryAm 19 Century HistAmerican Notes & QueriesAm Note QueriesAmerican Notes & QueriesAnq-q J Short Art NAmerican Paper Industry Am Pap IndAmerican PharmacyAm Pharm American Philosophical QuarterlyAm Philos Quart3American Phytopathological Society Symposium Series Aps Symp SerAmerican Poetry Review Am Poetry Rev>American Policy Toward Israel: The Power and Limits of BeliefsLse Int Stud Ser.American Political Economic and Security IssueAm Polit Econ Secur6American Political Parties and Constitutional Politics Ashbr Const/American Political Poetry Into The 21st CenturyAm Lit Read Twenty-f!American Political Science ReviewAm Polit Sci RevAmerican Politics QuarterlyAm Polit QuartAmerican Politics Research Am Polit ResAmerican Potato Journal Am Potato J-American Practitioner and Digest of TreatmentAm Pract Dig Treat6American Presbyterians-journal of Presbyterian HistoryAm PresbyterianAmerican Programmer Am ProgramCAmerican Protestants and Tv in The 1950s: Responses to A New MediumRelig Cult CritAmerican Psychologist Am Psychol.American Psychopathological Association Series Am PsychopAmerican QuarterlyAm QuartWAmerican Railway Engineering Assoc Bulletin, Bulletin 736, ( Proceedings Vol 93, 1992 ) Am Rail Eng1American Railway Engineering Association Bulletin Am Rail EngWAmerican Railway Engineering Association Bulletin, No 732, ( Proceedings Vol 92, 1991 ) Am Rail EngWAmerican Railway Engineering Association Bulletin, No 733, ( Proceedings Vol 92, 1991 ) Am Rail EngJAmerican Railway Engineering Association Bulletin, Vol 91, No 726 ( 1990 ) Am Rail Eng(American Review of Public AdministrationAm Rev Public Adm&American Review of Respiratory DiseaseAm Rev Respir DisAmerican Review of TuberculosisAm Rev Tuberc Pulm6American Review of Tuberculosis and Pulmonary DiseasesAm Rev Tuberc PulmYAmerican Royalty: The Bush and Clinton Families and The Danger to The American PresidencyEvol Am PresidAmerican Scholar Am Scholar<American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological ReportsAmer Sch Orient ResAmerican ScientistAm Sci+American Scientist On The Research Frontier Archimedes7American Series in Mathematical and Management Sciences Am S Math M\American Society for Public Administration Series On Public Administration and Public PolicyAm Soc Public AdminHAmerican Society for Testing and Materials Special Technical PublicationAm Soc Test MaterIAmerican Society for Testing and Materials Special Technical PublicationsAm Soc Test MaterNAmerican Society of International Law - Proceedings of The 88th Annual Meeting P Am S In L>American Society of Plant Physiologists Symposium Publications Aspp Symp P5American Sociological Association Presidential Series Asa Pres SAmerican Sociological Review Am Sociol RevAmerican Sociologist Am Sociol=American Soc of Animal Science, Western Section - Proceedings Asas Ws PAmerican Speech Am SpeechAmerican StatisticianAm StatEAmerican Story: Mexican American Entrepreneurship and Wealth CreationInt Ser Technol PoliAmerican Studies in Greece Amer St GrAmerican Studies in Scandinavia Am Stud ScandAmerican Studies International Am Stud IntAmerican Surgeon Am SurgeonPAmerican Theorists of The Novel: Henry James, Lionel Trilling and Wayne C. BoothRoutl Crit Thinkers!American Transcendental QuarterlyAm Transcend Quart/American University Studies, Series Ix, HistoryAmer Univ St Ser Ix2American University Studies, Series Xiv, Education Am Un St EdAmerican Vegetable Grower Am Veg Grow,American-vietnamese Dialogue, Feb 8-11, 1993Aspen Inst Conf Rep2American-vietnamese Dialogue, February 11-14, 1992Aspen Inst Conf RepAAmerican Water Resources Association Technical Publication Series Am Wat Res American WestAm WestAmerican ZoologistAm ZoolAmericasAmericasQAmerica's Curious Botanist: A Tercentennial Reappraisal of John Bartram 1699-1777 Mem A PhiloAmerica's Family FarmsAgr Issues Policies)Americas Foods Health Messages and ClaimsCrc Contemp Food SciAmericas Gold Coinage Coin Amer P+Americas in The Early Modern Atlantic WorldAm Early Mod Atl Wor,Americas Most Vulnerable Coastal CommunitiesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap'Americas Role in A Changing World, Pt 1 Adelp Pap'Americas Role in A Changing World, Pt 2 Adelp PapEAmericas Waterfront Revival: Port Authorities and Urban RedevelopmentCity 21st Century)America, Technology and Strategic Culture Strateg Hist%America, The Eu and Strategic CultureContemp Secur Stud5America, War and Power: Defining The State, 1775-2005War Hist PolitAmerikastudien-american StudiesAmerikastudien+Amerind Foundation New World Studies Series Am Fdn N WAmfiteatru EconomicAmfiteatru EconOAmiba 2001: High-z Clusters, Missing Baryons, and Cmb Polarization, Proceedings Astr Soc PWAmicus Und Amelius: Kriegerfreundschaft Und Gewalt in Mittelalterlicher ErzahltraditionQuell Fors Lit Kul G#Amiloride-sensitive Sodium ChannelsCurr Top Membr"Amines Grafted Cellulose MaterialsMater Sci Technol+Amino-acid Homopolymers Occurring in NatureMicrobiol Monogr Amino Acids Amino Acids>Amino Acids Peptides and Proteins-specialist Periodical ReportAmino Acids Pep Prot*Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Vol 35Amino Acids Pep Prot*Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Vol 36Amino Acids Pep Prot Amintaphil Amintaphil<Amiware: Hardware Technology Drivers of Ambient IntelligencePhilips Res Book SerAmme Idaresi DergisiAmme Idaresi DergAmmonia Plant Safety Ammon Plant1Ammonia Plant Safety & Related Facilities, Vol 37 Ammon Plant1Ammonia Plant Safety & Related Facilities, Vol 38 Ammon Plant1Ammonia Plant Safety & Related Facilities, Vol 39 Ammon Plant1Ammonia Plant Safety & Related Facilities, Vol 40 Ammon Plant9Ammonoidea: Environment, Ecology, and Evolutionary Change Syst AssocMAmongst Mathematicians: Teaching and Learning Mathematics At University LevelMath Teach Educ6Amorphous and Crystalline Insulating Thin Films - 1996Mater Res Soc Symp P4Amorphous and Heterogeneous Silicon-based Films-2002Mater Res Soc Symp PLAmorphous and Heterogeneous Silicon Thin Films: Fundamentals to Devices-1999Mater Res Soc Symp P8Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Technology - 1997Mater Res Soc Symp P6Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Technology-1998Mater Res Soc Symp P$Amorphous and Nanocrystalline MetalsMater Res Soc Symp P6Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon-based Films-2003Mater Res Soc Symp PBAmorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon Science and Technology- 2004Mater Res Soc Symp PAAmorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon Science and Technology-2005Mater Res Soc Symp P#Amorphous and Nanostructured CarbonMater Res Soc Symp PKAmorphous and Polycrystalline Thin-film Silicon Science and Technology 2006Mater Res Soc Symp PKAmorphous and Polycrystalline Thin-film Silicon Science and Technology 2007Mater Res Soc Symp PKAmorphous and Polycrystalline Thin-film Silicon Science and Technology-2008Mater Res Soc Symp P)Amorphous Food and Pharmaceutical Systems Roy Soc ChAmorphous Insulating Thin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp P'Amorphous Insulators and SemiconductorsNato Asi 3 High TechAmorphous Metallic Materials Key Eng Mat%Amorphous Metallic Materials: Amm Iii Key Eng Mat+Amorphous Silicon Materials and Solar Cells Aip Conf Proc#Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1989 Mat Res S C#Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1990Mater Res Soc Symp P#Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1991Mater Res Soc Symp P!Amorphous Silicon Technology-1993Mater Res Soc Symp P!Amorphous Silicon Technology-1994Mater Res Soc Symp P#Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1996Mater Res Soc Symp PAmphibia-reptiliaAmphibia-reptilia<Amphiboles: Crystal Chemistry, Occurrence, and Health IssuesRev Mineral GeochemOAmpk-s6k1 Signaling Pathway As A Target for Treating Hepatic Insulin ResistanceHepatol Res Clin DevAmplification of Chirality Top Curr Chem.Amplitude and Intensity Spatial InterferometryP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Amplitude and Intensity Spatial Interferometry IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Amsahts 90 Nasa Conf P-Amseterdamer Beitrage Zur Alteren GermanistikAmst Beitr Alter Ger%Ams Studies in The Eighteenth Century Ams St EighAms Studies in The Emblem Ams St EmblCAmst 02: Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, Proceedings Cism Cour LCAmst 02: Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, ProceedingsCism Courses LectDAmst '05: 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Enzymol3Amyloid, Prions, and Other Protein Aggregates, Pt CMethod EnzymolAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisAmyotroph Lateral ScAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Int Congr Ser=Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Diseases Adv Neurol>Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron DisordersAmyotroph Lateral Sc?Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi-the Anatolian Journal of CardiologyAnadolu Kardiyol Der:Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi-anatolian Journal of PsychiatryAnadolu Psikiyatr De7Anadromous Sturgeons: Habitats, Threats, and Management Am Fish S SDA N A E-approche Neuropsychologique Des Apprentissages Chez L EnfantAnaeAnaerobeAnaerobe-Anaerobic Degradation of Chlorinated Solvents Bioremed Ser0Anaerobic Treatment of Solid and Liquid Residues Dech Monog Anaesthesia AnaesthesiaAnaesthesia and Intensive CareAnaesth Intens Care<Anaesthesia Intensive Care and Pain in Neonates and ChildrenAnaest Intens Care PFAnaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain in Neonates and Children - BasicsAnaest Intens Care P Anaesthesist Anaesthesist!Anais Brasileiros De DermatologiaAn Bras Dermatol(Anais Da Academia Brasileira De CienciasAn Acad Bras CiencAnalecta HusserlianaAnal HusAnalecta HusserlianaAnalecta Husserl>Analecta Husserliana-the Yearbook of Phenomenological Research Anal Hus YbXAnalecta Septentrionalia: Papers On The History of North Germanic Culture and LiteratureReallexikon Ger AlteNAnalele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Al I Cuza Din Iasi-serie Noua-matematicaAn Stiint U Al I-matHAnalele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-seria MatematicaAn Sti U Ovid Co-matHAnalele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-seria MatematicaAnalele Stiint UnivAnales CervantinosAn CervantinosAnales De AnatomiaAn AnatAnales De FisicaAn Fis?Anales De Fisica, Serie B : Aplicacions, Metodos E Instrumentos An Fis S B9Anales De Fisica, Series, Vol 86, No 2 Especial ( 1-164 ) An Fis S B)Anales De La Asociacion Quimica ArgentinaAn Asoc Quim Argent.Anales De La Literatura Espanola ContemporaneaAn Lit Espan Contemp/Anales De La Real Academia Nacional De FarmaciaAn Real Acad Nac F/Anales De La Real Academia Nacional De FarmaciaAnal Real Acad Nac F7Anales De La Real Sociedad Espanola De Fisica Y QuimicaAn Soc Esp Fis QuimFAnales De La Real Sociedad Espanola De Fisica Y Quimica Seria A-fisicaAn Real Soc Esp FisGAnales De La Real Sociedad Espanola De Fisica Y Quimica Seria B-quimicaAn Real Soc Esp Fis Anales Del Instituto De Biologia An Inst BiolAnales De Literatura Chilena An Lit Chil$Anales Del Jardin Botanico De MadridAn Jardin Bot Madrid$Anales Del Jardin Botanico De MadridAnal Jardin Bot Mad0Anales Del Seminario De Historia De La FilosofiaAn Semin Hist Filos'Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De NavarraAn Sist Sanit NavarAnales De Medicina Interna An Med InternAnales De Pediatria An PediatrAnales De Psicologia An PsicolAnales De PsicologiaAn Psicol-spainAnales De QuimicaAn Quim'Anales De Quimica-international Edition An Quim-int:Anales De Quimica Serie A-quimica Fisica Y Quimica TecnicaAn Quim A-fis Tec@Anales De Quimica Serie B-quimica Inorganica Y Quimica AnalyticaAn Quim B-inorg Anal7Anales De Quimica Serie C-quimica Organica Y BioquimicaAn Quim C-org BioqAnales Espanoles De PediatriaAn Esp Pediatr Analgesia: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol;Analisi Numerica: Metodi E Software Matematico, SupplementoAnn Univ FerrarabAnalog-baseband Architectures and Circuits for Multistandard and Low-voltage Wireless TransceiversAnalog Circ Sig Proc%Analog Circuits and Signal ProcessingAnalog Circ Sig Proc]Analog Circuits and Systems for Voltage-mode and Current-mode Sensor Interfacing ApplicationsAnalog Circ Sig ProcUAnalog Circuits and Systems Optimization Based On Evolutionary Computation TechniquesStud Comput Intell"Analogical and Inductive InferenceLect Notes Artif Int$Analogical and Inductive Inference /Lect Notes Artif Int0Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal ProcessingAnalog Integr Circ SAnalog PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Crustal-scale ProcessesGeol Soc Spec PublYAnalogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems: From Understanding to PredictionSpec Publ Int Ass Se3Analogy in Indian and Western Philosophical ThoughtBost Stud Philos Sci<Analogy of Reason and Natur Eine Umweltphilosophie Nach Kant KantstudienAnalusisAnalusis Analyomen 1Perspekt Analyt PhilKAnalyomen 2, Vol Iii: Philosophy of Mind, Practical Philosophy, MiscellaneaPerspekt Analyt Phil8Analyomen 2, Vol Ii: Philosophy of Language, MetaphysicsPerspekt Analyt Phil>Analyomen 2, Vol I: Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of SciencePerspekt Analyt PhilAnalyse Et PrevisionAnal Prevision:Analyses for Hormonal Substances in Food-producing AnimalsRsc Food Anal MonogrAnalyses of AristotleJaakko Hintikka Sel@Analyses of Script: Properties of Characters and Writing SystemsQuant LinguistAnalyse Von Agrar- Und Umweltmassnahmen Bereich Des Landwirtschaftlichen Gewasserschutzes Von Dem Hintergrund Der Eg-wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Der Flussgebietseinheit WeserLandbauforsch-vti AgAnalysing Ecological DataStat Biol HealthAnalysing Seasonal Health DataStat Biol HealthAnalysisAnalysisAnalysis Analysis-uk9Analysis, Algebra, and Computers in Mathematical ResearchLect Notes Pure ApplAnalysis & PdeAnal Pde7Analysis and Algorithms for Service Parts Supply ChainsSpringer Ser Oper ReAnalysis and Applications Anal Appl&Analysis and Applications - Isaac 2001Int Soc Anal App ComHAnalysis and Control of Boolean Networks: A Semi-tensor Product ApproachCommun Control EngTAnalysis and Control of Mixing With An Application to Micro and Macro Flow ProcessesCism Courses LectDAnalysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems: A Flatness-based ApproachMath Eng8Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced ReactionsSpringer Ser Chem Ph0Analysis and Design of Descriptor Linear Systems Adv Mech Math5Analysis and Design of Discrete Part Production LinesSpringer Ser Optim AJAnalysis and Design of Intelligent Systems Using Soft Computing Techniques Adv Soft Comp(Analysis and Design of Marine StructuresMarstruct Bk Series/Analysis and Design of Plated Structures, Vol 1Woodhead Publ Mater9Analysis and Design of Plated Structures, Vol 2: DynamicsWoodhead Publ Mater-Analysis and Design of Quadrature OscillatorsAnalog Circ Sig Proc5Analysis and Design of Univariate Subdivision Schemes Geom Comput2Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables Trends Math7Analysis and Intervention in Developmental DisabilitiesAnal Interven Devel!Analysis and Mathematical Physics Trends Math8Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Analysis and Modelling of Discrete Dynamical SystemsAdv Discrete Math9Analysis and Modelling of Faces and Gestures, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Analysis and Optimization of Differential SystemsInt Fed Info ProcmAnalysis and Optimization of Systems : State and Frequency Domain Approaches for Infinite-dimensional SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf5Analysis and Probability: Wavelets, Signals, FractalsGrad Texts Math+Analysis and Simulation of Contact ProblemsLect Notes Appl Comp.Analysis and Simulation of Multifield ProblemsLect Notes Appl Comp.Analysis and Simulation of Multifield Problems Ln App C M<Analysis and Synthesis of Dynamical Systems With Time-delaysLect Notes Contr InfHAnalysis and Synthesis of Logics: How to Cut and Paste Reasoning Systems Appl Log Ser3Analysis and Synthesis of Networked Control SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf;Analysis and Visualization Tools for Constraint ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc9Analysis, Architectures and Modelling of Embedded SystemsIfip Adv Inf Comm Te/Analysis, Communication, and Perception of Risk Adv Risk AnalYAnalysis, Controllability and Optimization of Time-disscrete Sys Tems and Dynamical GamesLect Notes Econ Math=Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Human-machine Systems 2001Ifac Symp Series>Analysis, Design Construction, and Testing of Deep Foundations Geotech SpOAnalysis, Geometry, and Modeling in Finance: Advanced Methods in Option PricingCh Crc Financ MathAnalysis Mathematica Anal Math6Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images, Proceedings Biosig Brno7Analysis of Cardiac Development: From Embryo to Old AgeAnn Ny Acad SciAnalysis of Censored Data Inst Math S(Analysis of Controlled Dynamical Systems Prog Syst CEAnalysis of Divergence: Control and Management of Divergent ProcessesAppl Num Harm AnalEAnalysis of Divergence: Control and Management of Divergent ProcessesAppl Numer Harmon An.Analysis of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors Acs Sym SerAnalysis of Evolutionary Processes: The Adaptive Dynamics Approach and Its Applications-the Adaptive Dynamics Approach and Its ApplicationsPrinc Ser Theor CompOAnalysis of Excitation and Ionization of Atoms and Molecules By Electron ImpactSpringer Ser Atom Op}Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations: An Application-oriented Exposition Using Differential Operators of Caputo TypeLect Notes Math%Analysis of Heat Equations On DomainsLond Math Soc MonogrPAnalysis of In-service Failures and Advances in Microstructural Characterization Microstr ScJAnalysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series With R, Second EditionUse RAnalysis of Interplanetary Dust Aip Conf ProcPAnalysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators Iv: Fourier Integral Operators Class MathPAnalysis of Means: A Graphical Method for Comparing Means, Rates and ProportionsAsa Siam Ser Stat Ap=Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty: Theory and Case StudiesEcon Stud Inequal So0Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing ImagesSer Remote Sens<Analysis of Multivariate Social Science Data, Second EditionCh Crc Stat Soc BehaAnalysis of Optical StructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Analysis of Paints and Related Materials : Current Techniques for Solving Coatings ProblemsAm Soc Test Mater!Analysis of Parallel Spike TrainsSpr Ser Comput Neuro4Analysis of Radome-enclosed Antennas, Second EditionArtech Hse Antenn Pr]Analysis of Risks Associated With Nuclear Submarine Decommissioning, Dismantling and DisposalNato Sci S 1 Disarm:Analysis of Soils Contaminated With Petroleum ConstituentsAm Soc Test Mater<Analysis of Urban Growth and Sprawl From Remote Sensing DataAdv Geogr Inform Sci'Analysis On Graphs and Its ApplicationsP Symp Pure MathaAnalysis, Partial Differential Equations and Applications: The Vladimir Maz'ya Anniversary VolumeOper Theory Adv ApplIAnalysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds: The Sound of MusicMod Acoust Sign ProcAnalystAnalystAnalytica Chimica ActaAnal Chim Acta;Analytica Chimica Acta-computer Techniques and OptimizationAnal Chim Acta-comp,Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research Mod Anal Ch9Analytical and Approximate Methods in Transport PhenomenaMech Eng Ser Txb Ref&Analytical and Bioanalytical ChemistryAnal Bioanal Chem8Analytical and Computational Methods in ElectromagneticsArtech Hse Elec AnalJAnalytical and Computational Methods in Scattering and Applied MathematicsCh Crc Res NotesJAnalytical and Computational Methods in Scattering and Applied MathematicsCh Crc Res Notes MatXAnalytical and Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processes Elec Soc S>Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical RelativityLect Notes PhysBAnalytical and Numerical Aspects of Partial Differential EquationsDegruyter P Math&Analytical and Quantitative CardiologyAdv Exp Med Biol2Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and HistologyAnal Quant CytolKAnalytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Analytical and Topological Theory of Semigroups / De Gruy MatAnalytical Biochemistry Anal BiochemAnalytical Biotechnology Acs Sym SerAnalytical Cellular PathologyAnal Cell Pathol/Analytical Cellular Pathology-cellular OncologyAnal Cell PatholAnalytical Chemistry Anal ChemHAnalytical Chemistry Associated With The Destruction of Chemical WeaponsNato Sci S 1 Disarm.Analytical Chemistry of Bacillus Thuringiensis Acs Sym SerAnalytical Chemistry Series Anal Chem SerAnalytical Communications Anal CommunAnalytical Instrumentation Anal InstrumAnalytical Letters Anal Lett+Analytical Letters Part A-chemical AnalysisAnal Lett Pt A;Analytical Letters Part B-clinical and Biochemical AnalysisAnal Lett Pt BAnalytical MethodsAnal Methods-uk&Analytical Methods and InstrumentationAnal Method Instrum6Analytical Methods for Problems of Molecular TransportFluid Mech Appl0Analytical Methods in Fuzzy Modeling and ControlStud Fuzz Soft CompAnalytical Proceedings Anal ProcOAnalytical Quality Assurance and Good Laboratory Practice in Dairy Laboratories Int Dairy FAnalytical SciencesAnal SciAnalytical Spectroscopy Library Anal SpectrAnalytical UltracentrifugationProg Coll Pol Sci S!Analytical Ultracentrifugation IvProg Coll Pol Sci S<Analytical Ultracentrifugation of Polymers and NanoparticlesSpringer Lab Man Pol Analytical Ultracentrifugation VProg Coll Pol Sci S!Analytical Ultracentrifugation ViProg Coll Pol Sci S"Analytical Ultracentrifugation ViiProg Coll Pol 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Contexts: Influences of Principals and Teachers in The Service of StudentsRes Theor Educ Admin/Anaphora: Analysis, Algorithms and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc!Anaphora and Type Logical GrammarTrends Log Stud LogAnaphora ProcessingAmst Stud Theory His$Anaphora Processing and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int AnaphylaxisChem Immunol Allergy4Anarchism and Education: A Philosophical PerspectiveRout Int Stud Philos Anarchy, State and Public ChoiceNew Think Polit Econ*Anasthesie Intensivtherapie NotfallmedizinAnasth Intensiv Notf!Anasthesiologie & IntensivmedizinAnasth Intensivmed>Anasthesiologie Intensivmedizin Notfallmedizin SchmerztherapieAnasth Intensiv Notf#Anasthesiologie Und IntensivmedizinAnasth IntensivmedAnatolian Studies Anatol StudAnatomia Clinica Anat ClinAnatomia Histologia EmbryologiaAnat Histol EmbryolGAnatomia Histologia Embryologia-journal of Veterinary Medicine Series CAnat Histol EmbryolqAnatomia Histologia Embryologia-journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C-zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe CAnat Histol EmbryolGAnatomia Histologia Embryologia-zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin ReiheAnat Histol Emb-zblAnatomical RecordAnat RecAnatomical Record Anat RecordJAnatomical Record-advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary BiologyAnat RecSAnatomical Record Part A-discoveries in Molecular Cellular and Evolutionary BiologyAnat Rec Part A Anatomical Science International Anat Sci IntAnatomical Sciences Education Anat Sci EducAnatomischer Anzeiger Anat AnzeigerAnatomy and Embryology Anat EmbryolAnatomy of Gender Carl Wom ExAnatomy of IntegersCrm Proc & Lect NoteAnatomy of Laughter Stud Comp LitAnca-associated VasculitidesAdv Exp Med BiolJAncestors in Post-contact Religion: Roots, Ruptures and Modernity's MemoryReligions WorldUAncient China On Postmodern War - Enduring Ideas From The Chinese Strategic Tradition Cass Mil StudAncient EarthquakesGeol Soc Am Spec PapEAncient Egypt & Antique Europe : Two Parts of The Mediterranean WorldBrit Archaeol Rep InAncient Engineers' InventionsHist Mech Mach SciSAncient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood HydrologyWater Sci ApplAncient Graffiti in ContextRout Stud Anc Hist*Ancient Judaism in Its Hellenistic ContextSupp J Stud JudaismAncient MesoamericaAncient Mesoam$Ancient Orogens and Modern AnaloguesGeol Soc Spec PublAncient Philosophy of The SelfNew Syn Hist LAncient Philosophy of The SelfNew Synth Hist Lib&Ancient Portraiture: Image and MessageActa HyperboreaAncient Seismites Geol S Am SAncient SeismitesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap Ancient World Ancient WorldAndamiosAndamiosAndean Geology Andean Geol+Anderson Localization and Its RamificationsLect Notes Phys Andes: Active Subduction OrogenyFront Earth Sci<And Never Know The Joy: Sex and The Erotic in English Poetry Dqr Stu LitAnd Now for The Bbc ... Curr Deb Br]Andreas Capellanus On Love? Desire, Seduction, and Subversion in A Twelfth-century Latin TextStud Arthur Court CuAndrew Jackson in ContextFirst Men Am Pres Ne9Andrew R Cecil Lectures On Moral Values in A Free Society A R Cecil L1Andrew Seybolds Outlook On Professional ComputingAndrew Seybold Out P Andrologia Andrologia7Andvances in Information and Communication TechnologiesAdv Info Comm TechAnejos De CriticonAnejos CriticonDAnemona: A Multi-agent Methodology for Holonic Manufacturing SystemsSpringer Ser Adv ManAnesthesia and Analgesia Anesth Analg+Anesthesia and Analgesia Current ResearchesAnesth Anal Curr Res)Anesthesia and The Central Nervous System Dev C C MedAnesthesia and The Lung Dev C C MedAnesthesia and The Lung 1992 Dev C C Med!Anesthesia for The New Millennium Dev C C MedAnesthesia InformaticsHealth Inform Ser8Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Related Issues in Surgery Beitr Inten Anesthesie Analgesie ReanimationAnesth Analg ReanimAnesthesiologyAnesthesiology"Anesthesiology and Pain Management Dev C C 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InhibitionRecent Results CancAngiogenesis: in Vitro SystemsMethod Enzymol#Angiogenesis: in Vivo Systems, Pt AMethod Enzymol#Angiogenesis: in Vivo Systems, Pt BMethod Enzymol Angiologica Angiologica Angiology AngiologyFAngiosperm Woods From British Lower Cretaceous and Palaeogene Deposits Sp PalaeontVAngle and Spin Resolved Auger Emission: Theory and Applications to Atoms and MoleculesSpringer Ser Atom OpAngle Orthodontist Angle Orthod+Anglia-zeitschrift Fur Englische PhilologieAnglia-z Engl PhilolAnglistentag 1989 Wurzburg P Conf Ger*Anglistentag 1991 Dusseldorf : Proceedings P Conf Ger(Anglistentag 1992 Stuttgart: Proceedings P Conf Ger Anglistica Anglistica9Anglo-american Relations and Cold War Oil: Crisis in IranCold War Hist-palgrAnglo-german Foundation SeriesAnglo German Fdn SerAnglophone Jewish LiteratureRout Stud Tw Cen Lit/Anglophonia - French Journal of English Studies Anglophonia-Anglophonia-french Journal of English Studies AnglophoniaAnglo-saxon EnglandAnglo-sax EnglAnglo-saxon EnglandAnglo-saxon EnglandAnglo-saxon England 37Anglo-sax EnglAnglo Saxon England, Vol 35Anglo-sax EnglAnglo Saxon England, Vol 36Anglo-sax EnglAnglo-welsh ReviewAnglo-welsh Rev,Angular Momentum and Mass Loss for Hot StarsNato Adv Sci I C-mat)Angular Momentum Evolution of Young StarsNato Adv Sci I C-matAni U Pa ArmenAnimalAnimal?Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes Ix, Proceedings Asae Publ(Animal Alternatives, Welfare, and Ethics Dev An VetAnimal Behaviour Anim Behav$Animal Biodiversity and ConservationAnim Biodiv ConservDAnimal Biodiversity and Emerging Diseases: Prediction and PreventionAnn Ny Acad SciAnimal Biology Anim BiolAnimal BiotechnologyAnim Biotechnol7Animal Biotechnology and The Quality of Meat Production Dev An Vet,Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical GeneticsAnim Blood Groups Bi,Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Genetics Anim GenetAnimal Cells and SystemsAnim Cells Syst&Animal Cell Technology Basic & AppliedAnima Cell Tech9Animal Cell Technology: Basic and Applied Aspects, Vol 15Anima Cell Tech-Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market Esact ProceedAnimal Cognition Anim CognAnimal Cognition Compar CognAnimal Conservation Anim Conserv@Animal Control Management: A New Look At A Public ResponsibilityNew Dir Hum-anim Bon3Animal Epidemiology and Protection of Public HealthRev Epid San Anim9Animal Experimentation and The Future of Medical Research Portl Pr P"Animal Feed Science and TechnologyAnim Feed Sci TechAnimal Genetics Anim GenetAnimal GeneticsAnim Sci Issues Prof!Animal Genomics for Animal HealthDev Biologicals!Animal Husbandry in Warm Climates Eaap PublicAnimal Learning & BehaviorAnim Learn Behav Animal Models Anim Models+Animal Models for Neurodegenerative DiseaseRsc Drug Discov"Animal Models for Retinal Diseases NeuromethodsAnimal Models in Aids Anim ModelsAnimal Models in Liver ResearchAdv Vet Sci Comp Med#Animal Models in Psychopharmacology Adv Phar Sc$Animal Models of Behavioral Analysis NeuromethodsAnimal Models of Dementia NeuromethodsAnimal Models of Drug Addiction Neuromethods2Animal Models of Epilepsy: Methods and Innovations NeuromethodsAnimal Models of Pain Neuromethods4Animal Models of Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Neuromethods.Animal Models of T Cell-mediated Skin DiseasesE Schering Res Fdn W$Animal Nutrition and Feed TechnologyAnim Nutr Feed Techn+Animal Nutrition and Transport Processes, 1 Comp Physiol+Animal Nutrition and Transport Processes, 2 Comp PhysiolAnimal Production Anim Prod<Animal Production and Rural Tourism in Mediterranean Regions Eaap PublicAnimal Production in Australia P Aus S AniAnimal Production Science Anim Prod SciAnimal Regulation StudiesAnim Regulat StudAnimal Reproduction ScienceAnim Reprod SciAnimal ResearchAnim ResAnimals and Environments Int Congr SerAnimal ScienceAnim SciAnimal Science and IssuesAnim Sci Issues Prof%Animal Science Issues and ProfessionsAnim Sci Issues ProfAnimal Science Journal Anim Sci J!Animal Science Papers and Reports Anim Sci P!Animal Science Papers and ReportsAnim Sci Pap Rep#Animal Science Papers and Reports 6 Anim Sci P<Animals in Space: From Research Rockets to The Space ShuttleS-p B Space Explor7Animal Subjects: An Ethical Reader in A Posthuman World Cult Stud SerAnimal Welfare Anim WelfareAnimal Welfare SeriesAnim Welfare SerJAnima Mundi: The Rise of The World Soul Theory in Modern German PhilosophyArch Int Hist Idees8Animation and Performance Capture Using Digitized ModelsCogn Syst Monogr&Animation-an Interdisciplinary Journal AnimationSAn Introduction to Recent Developments in Theory and Numerics for Conservation LawsLect Notes Comp Sci Anion Sensing Top Curr Chem*Anisotropic Behaviour of Damaged MaterialsLect Notes Appl Comp*Anisotropic Behaviour of Damaged Materials Ln App C M<Anisotropy 2000: Fractures, Converted Waves and Case StudiesOpen File Publ/Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi DergisiAnkara Univ Vet Fak Annalen Der Chemie-justus LiebigLiebigs Ann ChemAnnalen Der PhysikAnn Phys-berlinAnnalen Der PhysikAnn Phys-leipzig2Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae-mathematicaAnn Acad Sci Fenn-m<Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Series A1-mathematicaAnn Acad Sci Fenn A10Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Series B Ann Acad ScAnnales Agriculturae Fenniae Ann Agr FennAnnales Agronomiques Ann AgronNAnnales-anali Za Istrske in Mediteranske Studije-series Historia Et SociologiaAnn-anal Istrske MedAnnales Botanici Fennici Ann Bot Fenn#Annales Chirurgiae Et GynaecologiaeAnn Chir Gynaecol#Annales Chirurgiae Et GynaecologiaeAnn Chir Gynaecol FeAnnales D Anatomie PathologiqueAnn Anat PatholAnnales D Astrophysique Ann Astrophys1Annales De Biologie Animale Biochimie BiophysiqueAnn Biol Anim BiochAnnales De Biologie CliniqueAnn Biol Clin-paris*Annales De Bretagne Et Des Pays De L OuestAnn Bretagne Pays'Annales De Cardiologie Et D AngeiologieAnn Cardiol Angeiol Annales De Chimie Et De Physique Ann Chim PhysAnnales De Chimie FranceAnn Chim France'Annales De Chimie-science Des MateriauxAnn Chim-sci MatAnnales De ChirurgieAnn ChirAnnales De Chirurgie InfantileAnn Chir InfantAnnales De Chirurgie PlastiqueAnn Chir Plast Esth)Annales De Chirurgie Plastique EsthetiqueAnn Chir Plast Esth,Annales De Chirurgie Plastique Et EsthetiqueAnn Chir Plast Esth+Annales D Economie Et De Sociologie RuralesAnn Econ Soc Rural,Annales De Dermatologie Et De SyphiligraphieAnn Dermatol Syphil*Annales De Dermatologie Et De VenereologieAnn Dermatol Vener-Annales De Gastroenterologie Et D HepatologieAnn Gastroent HepatoAnnales De GenetiqueAnn Genet-paris,Annales De Genetique Et De Selection AnimaleAnn Genet Sel AnimAnnales De Geographie Ann GeogrAnnales De Geophysique Ann GeophysAnnales De GeophysiqueAnn Geophys-fr%Annales De L Amelioration Des PlantesAnn Amelior Plant&Annales De L Anesthesiologie FrancaiseAnn Anesthesiol Fr,Annales De La Nutrition Et De L AlimentationAnn Nutr AlimentAnnales De La SocieteAnn Soc1Annales De La Societe Belge De Medecine TropicaleAnn Soc Belg Med Tr-Annales De La Societe Entomologique De FranceAnn Soc Entomol Fr3Annales De La Societe Royale Zoologique De BelgiqueAnn Soc Roy Zool BeljAnnales De La Societe Scientifique De Bruxelles Series 1-sciences Mathematiques Astronomiques Et PhysiquesAnn Soc Sci Brux8Annales De Limnologie-international Journal of LimnologyAnn Limnol-int J LimAnnales De L Institut Fourier Ann I Fourier9Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-analyse Non LineaireAnn I H Poincare-an7Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-physique TheoriqueAnn I H Poincare-phyAAnnales De L Institut Henri Poincare-probabilites Et StatistiquesAnn I H Poincare-prAAnnales De L Institut Henri Poincare Section A Physique TheoriqueAnn I H Poincare AUAnnales De L Institut Henri Poincare Section B-calcul Des Probabilites Et StatistiqueAnn I H Poincare B%Annales De L Institut OceanographiqueAnn I Oceanogr ParisAnnales De L Institut PasteurAnn I Pasteur Paris(Annales De L Institut Pasteur-immunologyAnn Inst Pasteur Imm+Annales De L Institut Pasteur-microbiologieAnn Inst Pasteur Mic&Annales De L Institut Pasteur-virologyAnn Inst Pasteur VirAnnales De Medecine InterneAnn Med InterneAnnales De Medecine Veterinaire Ann Med VetAnnales De MicrobiologieAnn Inst Pasteur MicAnnales D EndocrinologieAnn Endocrinol-parisAnnales De Paleontologie Ann Paleontol,Annales De Parasitologie Humaine Et CompareeAnn Parasit Hum CompAnnales De Pathologie Ann PatholAnnales De PediatrieAnn Pediatr-parisAnnales De Physiologie VegetaleAnn Physiol VegAnnales De PhysiqueAnn Phys-paris*Annales De Physique Biologique Et MedicaleAnn Phys Biol MedAnnales De PhytopathologieAnn PhytopatholAnnales De RadioelectriciteAnn RadioelectrAnnales De Radiologie Ann Radiol7Annales De Radiologie-radiologie Clinique RadiobiologieAnn Radiol-radiol Cl"Annales De Recherches Veterinaires Ann Rech Vet*Annales De Sciences Economiques AppliqueesAnn Sci Econ ApplAnnales Des Epiphyties Ann EpiphytAnnales Des Mines Ann Mines Annales Des Sciences ForestieresAnn Sci Forest>Annales Des Sciences Naturelles-botanique Et Biologie VegetaleAnn Sci Nat Bot Biol<Annales Des Sciences Naturelles-zoologie Et Biologie AnimaleAnn Sci Nat ZoolAnnales Des TelecommunicationsAnnales Telecommun;Annales Des Telecommunications-annals of TelecommunicationsAnn TelecommunAnnales De Technologie AgricoleAnn Technol AgrAnnales De VirologieAnn Inst Pasteur Vir$Annales De Zoologie Ecologie AnimaleAnn Zool Ecol AnimAnnales De Zootechnie Ann ZootechAnnales D Histochimie Ann HistochimAnnales D Hydrobiologie Ann HydrobiolAnnales D ImmunologieAnn Inst Pasteur ImmAnnales D OculistiqueAnn Ocul:Annales D Oto-laryngologie Et De Chirurgie Cervico-facialeAnn Oto-lar Chir C-fAnnales D UrologieAnn UrolAnnales-economies SocietesAnnales-econ Soc(Annales-economies Societes CivilisationsAnn Econ Soc CivilAnnales Entomologici FenniciAnn Entomol Fenn1Annales Francaises D Anesthesie Et De Reanimation Ann Fr AnesthAnnales Geophysicae Ann GeophysAnnales GeophysicaeAnn Geophys-germany?Annales Geophysicae-atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences Ann Geophys?Annales Geophysicae-atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space SciencesAnn Geophys-atm Hydr@Annales Geophysicae Series A-upper Atmosphere and Space SciencesAnn Geophys A-upper>Annales Geophysicae Series B-terrestrial and Planetary PhysicsAnn Geophys B-terr PAnnales Henri PoincareAnn Henri Poincare"Annales-histoire Sciences SocialesAnn Hist Sci Soc.Annales Historiques De La Revolution FrancaiseAnn Hist Revol Fr5Annales Medicinae Experimentalis Et Biologiae FenniaeAnn Med Exp Biol FenAnnales Medico-psychologiquesAnn Med-psycholFAnnales of The University of Ferra, Section Vii, Mathematical SciencesAnn Univ FerraraAnnales PaediatriciAnn Paediatr-baselAnnales Paediatrici JaponiciAnn Paediatr Japon"Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises Ann Pharm FrAnnales Polonici Mathematici Ann Pol Math3Annales Scientifiques De L Ecole Normale SuperieureAnn Sci Ecole Norm S&Annales Societatis Geologorum PoloniaeAnn Soc Geol PolAnnales ZoologiciAnn ZoolAnnales Zoologici Fennici Ann Zool Fenn?Annali Della Scuola Normale Superiore Di Pisa-classe Di ScienzeAnn Scuola Norm-sci(Annali Dell Istituto Superiore Di SanitaAnn I Super SanitaCAnnali Dell'universita Di Ferrara, Sezione Vii, Scienze MatematicheAnn Univ FerraraPAnnali Dell'universita Di Ferrara Sezione Vii, Scienze Matematiche, Vol 52, No 2Ann Univ FerraraAnnali Di Chimica Ann Chim-romeAnnali Di Geofisica Ann GeofisAnnali Di GeofisicaAnn Geofis-rome&Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed ApplicataAnn Mat Pur Appl&Annali Di Microbiologia Ed EnzimologiaAnn Microbiol EnzimAnnali Italiani Di Chirurgia Ann Ital Chir Annali Sclavo Ann Sclavo$Annals Academy of Medicine SingaporeAnn Acad Med Singap&Annals and Magazine of Natural HistoryAnn Mag Nat HistAnnals Meeting ReportsAnn Ny Acad Sci7Annals Meeting Reports: Hiv/aids; Swine Flu; and AutismAnn Ny Acad Sci1Annals of Agricultural and Environmental MedicineAnn Agr Env MedAnnals of Allergy Ann Allergy%Annals of Allergy Asthma & ImmunologyAnn Allerg Asthma Im'Annals of Anatomy-anatomischer AnzeigerAnn AnatAnnals of Animal Science Ann Anim SciAnnals of Applied Biology Ann Appl BiolAnnals of Applied NematologyAnn Appl NematolAnnals of Applied ProbabilityAnn Appl ProbabAnnals of Applied Statistics Ann Appl StatAnnals of Arid Zone Ann Arid ZoneAnnals of Behavioral Medicine Ann Behav Med0Annals of Biochemistry and Experimental MedicineAnn Biochem Exp Med Annals of Biomedical EngineeringAnn Biomed EngAnnals of BotanyAnn Bot-londonAnnals of Carnegie MuseumAnn Carnegie Mus)Annals of Clinical and Laboratory ScienceAnn Clin Lab SciAnnals of Clinical BiochemistryAnn Clin BiochemAnnals of Clinical PsychiatryAnn Clin PsychiatryAnnals of Clinical Research Ann Clin ResAnnals of CombinatoricsAnn CombAnnals of Daaam and Proceedings Ann DaaamPAnnals of Daaam for 2008 & Proceedings of The 19th International Daaam Symposium Ann DaaamPAnnals of Daaam for 2009 & Proceedings of The 20th International Daaam Symposium Ann 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EngineeringAnn Nucl Sci Eng"Annals of Nutrition and MetabolismAnn Nutr MetabAnnals of Occupational Hygiene Ann Occup HygAnnals of Oncology Ann OncolAnnals of Operations Research Ann Oper ResAnnals of OphthalmologyAnn Ophthalmol"Annals of Ophthalmology & GlaucomaAnn Ophthalmol Glauc Annals of Ophthalmology-glaucomaAnn Ophthalmol-glauc+Annals of Otology Rhinology and LaryngologyAnn Oto Rhinol LarynAnnals of PharmacotherapyAnn Pharmacother$Annals of Phenomenological SociologyAnn Phenomen SociolAnnals of PhysicsAnn Phys-new YorkAnnals of Plastic Surgery Ann Plas SurgAnnals of Probability Ann Probab)Annals of Public and Co-operative EconomyAnn Public Coop Econ Annals of Pure and Applied LogicAnn Pure Appl LogicAnnals of Regional ScienceAnn Regional SciAnnals of Saudi Medicine Ann Saudi MedAnnals of ScienceAnn SciAnnals of Software Engineering Ann Softw EngAnnals of StatisticsAnn StatAnnals of SurgeryAnn SurgAnnals of Surgical OncologyAnn Surg Oncol;Annals of Telecommunications-annales Des TelecommunicationsAnn Telecommun>Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social ScienceAnn Am Acad Polit Ss1Annals of The Association of American GeographersAnn Assoc Am Geogr.Annals of The Entomological Society of AmericaAnn Entomol Soc Am"Annals of The History of ComputingAnn Hist Comput2Annals of The Institute of Statistical MathematicsAnn I Stat Math>Annals of The International Institute of Sociology. New SeriesAnn Int Inst Sociol4Annals of The International Society of Dynamic GamesAnn Int Soc Dyn Game%Annals of The Israel Physical Society Ann Isr Phy?Annals of The Medical Section of The Polish Academy of SciencesAnn Med Sect Pol Ac'Annals of The Missouri Botanical GardenAnn Mo Bot Gard*Annals of The New York Academy of SciencesAnn Ny Acad Sci Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases Ann Rheum Dis@Annals of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of CanadaAnn Roy Coll Physic2Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of EnglandAnn Roy Coll Surg-Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryAnn Thorac CardiovasAnnals of Thoracic MedicineAnn Thorac MedAnnals of Thoracic SurgeryAnn Thorac SurgAnnals of Tourism ResearchAnn Tourism ResAnnals of Transplantation Ann Transpl,Annals of Tropical Medicine and ParasitologyAnn Trop Med ParasitAnnals of Tropical PaediatricsAnn Trop PaediatrAnnals of Vascular Surgery Ann Vasc Surg4Annapolis Workshop On Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables Astr Soc PNAnne Duden A Revolution of Words: Approaches to Her Fiction, Poetry and Essays Germ MonitAnnee BiologiqueAnn Biol-parisAnnee Psychologique Ann Psychol"Annihilation in Gases and Galaxies Nasa Conf P:Annotating, Extracting and Reasoning About Time and EventsLect Notes Comput Sc"Annotationes Zoologicae JaponensesAnnot Zool Japon2Annual 2004 of The Croatian Academy of EngineeringAnnu Croat Acad Eng2Annual 2006 of The Croatian Academy of EngineeringAnnu Croat Acad Eng2Annual 2007 of The Croatian Academy of EngineeringAnnu Croat Acad Eng2Annual 2008 of The Croatian Academy of EngineeringAnnu Croat Acad Eng+Annual Acm Symposium On Theory of ComputingAcm S Theory ComputAnnual Cira Proceedings Ann Cira P>Annual Computer Security Applications Conference - ProceedingsAnn Comput Security/Annual Conference On Avian Medicine and SurgeryAnn Con Avi Med SurAnnuale MediaevaleAnnu MediaevaleTAnnual Ieee Conference On Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (apec)Appl Power Elect Co2Annual Ieee 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Kern5Annual Meeting On Nuclear Technology '99, Proceedings Jahres KernAnnual of Animal PsychologyAnnu Anim Psychol3Annual of The American Schools of Oriental Research Ann Amer Sc-Annual of The Croatian Academy of EngineeringAnnu Croat Acad Eng)Annual of The Society of Christian EthicsAnnu Soc Christ Eth2Annual Publication of The College Theology SocietyAnn Pub Coll Theol SCAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium : 1992 Proceedings P Rel Maint SCAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium : 1993 Proceedings P A Rel MaiCAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium - 1995 Proceedings P A Rel MaiBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1996 Proceedings P A Rel MaiCAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium - 1997 Proceedings P A Rel MaiBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1999 Proceedings P A Rel MaiBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1999 Proceedings P Rel Maint SCAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium - 2000 Proceedings P A Rel MaiCAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium - 2000 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2001 Proceedings P A Rel MaiBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2001 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2002 Proceedings P A Rel MaiBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2002 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2003 Proceedings P A Rel MaiBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2003 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2004 Proceedings P A Rel MaiBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2004 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2005 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2007 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2008 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2009 Proceedings P Rel Maint SBAnnual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2010 Proceedings P Rel Maint S%Annual Reports in Medicinal ChemistryAnnu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 28Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 29Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 31Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 32Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 34Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 35Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 36Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 37Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 38Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 39Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 40Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 41Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 42Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 43Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 44Annu Rep Med Chem-Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 45Annu Rep Med Chem+Annual Reports of The Progress of ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem"Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy Ann R Nmr S"Annual Reports On Nmr SpectroscopyAnnu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 37 Ann R Nmr S*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 37Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 38 Ann R Nmr S*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 38Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 41 Ann R Nmr S*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 41Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 43 Ann R Nmr S*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 43Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 53 Ann R Nmr S*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 53Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 54Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 55Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 56Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 57Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 58Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 59Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 60Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 61Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 62Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 63Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 64Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 65Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 66Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 67Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 68Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 69Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 70Annu Rep Nmr Spectro*Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy, Vol 72Annu Rep Nmr SpectroWAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry 2008, Vol 104, Section B: Organic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem BXAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry 2008, Vol 104, Section C: Physical ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem CWAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry 2009, Vol 105, Section B: Organic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem BXAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry 2009, Vol 105, Section C: Physical ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem CIAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry Section A-inorganic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem ATAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry Section A-physical & Inorganic ChemistryAnn Rep Progr Chem ATAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry Section A-physical & Inorganic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem AHAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry Section B- Organic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem BGAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry Section B-organic ChemistryAnn Rep Progr Chem BGAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry Section B-organic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem BHAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry Section C-physical ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem CTAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry, Vol 103, Section A: Inorganic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem ARAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry, Vol 103, Section B: Organic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem BTAnnual Reports On The Progress of Chemistry, Vol 105, Section A: Inorganic ChemistryAnnu Rep Prog Chem A&Annual Review in Automatic Programming Ann R Aut P%Annual Review of Analytical ChemistryAnnu Rev Anal Chem,Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, Vol 3Annu Rev Anal Chem,Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, Vol 4Annu Rev Anal ChemAnnual Review of AnthropologyAnnu Rev Anthropol(Annual Review of Anthropology, Volume 39Annu Rev Anthropol$Annual Review of Applied LinguisticsAnnu Rev Appl Lingui+Annual Review of Astronomy and AstrophysicsAnnu Rev Astron Astr3Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol 47Annu Rev Astron Astr3Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol 48Annu Rev Astron AstrAnnual Review of BiochemistryAnnu Rev Biochem%Annual Review of Biochemistry, Vol 79Annu Rev Biochem%Annual Review of Biochemistry, Vol 80Annu Rev Biochem'Annual Review of Biomedical EngineeringAnnu Rev Biomed Eng/Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, Vol 12Annu Rev Biomed EngAnnual Review of BiophysicsAnnu Rev Bioph BiomAnnual Review of BiophysicsAnnu Rev Biophys.Annual Review of Biophysics and BioengineeringAnnu Rev Biophys Bio6Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular StructureAnnu Rev Bioph Biom5Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical ChemistryAnnu Rev Biophys Bio#Annual Review of Biophysics, Vol 39Annu Rev Biophys#Annual Review of Biophysics, Vol 40Annu Rev Biophys/Annual Review of Cell and Developmental BiologyAnnu Rev Cell Dev Bi7Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol 26Annu Rev Cell Dev BiAnnual Review of Cell BiologyAnnu Rev Cell Biol6Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringAnnu Rev Chem Biomol=Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vol 1Annu Rev Chem Biomol=Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vol 2Annu Rev Chem Biomol#Annual Review of Chronopharmacology Ann R Chron*Annual Review of Chronopharmacology, Vol 7 Ann R Chron$Annual Review of Clinical PsychologyAnnu Rev Clin Psycho+Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, Vol 6Annu Rev Clin Psycho!Annual Review of Computer ScienceAnnu Rev Comput Sci)Annual Review of Condensed Matter PhysicsAnnu Rev Conden Ma P0Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, Vol 1Annu Rev Conden Ma P0Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, Vol 2Annu Rev Conden Ma PvAnnual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2009: Advanced Technologies in The Behavioral, Social and NeurosciencesStud Health Technol-Annual Review of Earth and Planetary SciencesAnnu Rev Earth Pl Sc5Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol 38Annu Rev Earth Pl Sc5Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol 39Annu Rev Earth Pl Sc(Annual Review of Ecology and SystematicsAnnu Rev Ecol Syst2Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and SystematicsAnnu Rev Ecol Evol S<Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, Vol 41Annu Rev Ecol Evol SAnnual Review of Economics Annu Rev Econ!Annual Review of Economics, Vol 2 Annu Rev Econ!Annual Review of Economics, Vol 3 Annu Rev EconAnnual Review of EnergyAnnu Rev Energy+Annual Review of Energy and The EnvironmentAnnu Rev Energ EnvAnnual Review of EntomologyAnnu Rev Entomol#Annual Review of Entomology, Vol 56Annu Rev Entomol*Annual Review of Environment and ResourcesAnnu Rev Env Resour2Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Vol 35Annu Rev Env Resour$Annual Review of Financial EconomicsAnnu Rev Financ Econ+Annual Review of Financial Economics, Vol 2Annu Rev Financ Econ Annual Review of Fluid MechanicsAnnu Rev Fluid Mech(Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 43Annu Rev Fluid Mech,Annual Review of Food Science and TechnologyAnnu Rev Food Sci T3Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, Vol 1Annu Rev Food Sci T3Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, Vol 2Annu Rev Food Sci TAnnual Review of GeneticsAnnu Rev Genet!Annual Review of Genetics, Vol 44Annu Rev Genet,Annual Review of Genomics and Human GeneticsAnnu Rev Genom Hum G4Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, Vol 11Annu Rev Genom Hum G+Annual Review of Gerontology and GeriatricsAnnu Rev Gerontol GetAnnual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Life-course Perspectives On Late-life Health Inequalities, Vol 29, 2009Annu Rev Gerontol Ge3Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Vol 27Annu Rev Gerontol Ge9Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Vol 28, 2008Annu Rev Gerontol GeAnnual Review of ImmunologyAnnu Rev Immunol#Annual Review of Immunology, Vol 28Annu Rev Immunol#Annual Review of Immunology, Vol 29Annu Rev Immunol3Annual Review of Information Science and TechnologyAnnu Rev Inform Sci'Annual Review of Law and Social ScienceAnnu Rev Law Soc Sci.Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Vol 6Annu Rev Law Soc SciAnnual Review of Marine ScienceAnnu Rev Mar Sci&Annual Review of Marine Science, Vol 3Annu Rev Mar Sci#Annual Review of Materials ResearchAnn Rev Mater Res#Annual Review of Materials ResearchAnnu Rev Mater Res+Annual Review of Materials Research, Vol 40Annu Rev Mater Res+Annual Review of Materials Research, Vol 41Annu Rev Mater Res"Annual Review of Materials ScienceAnnu Rev Mater SciAnnual Review of Medicine Annu Rev MedBAnnual Review of Medicine-selected Topics in The Clinical Sciences Annu Rev Med'Annual Review of Medicine, Vol 62, 2011 Annu Rev MedAnnual Review of MicrobiologyAnnu Rev Microbiol+Annual Review of Microbiology, Vol 64, 2010Annu Rev MicrobiolAnnual Review of NeuroscienceAnnu Rev Neurosci%Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol 33Annu Rev Neurosci%Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol 34Annu Rev Neurosci-Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle ScienceAnnu Rev Nucl Part S5Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, Vol 60Annu Rev Nucl Part S Annual Review of Nuclear ScienceAnn Rev Nucl SciAnnual Review of Nutrition Annu Rev Nutr"Annual Review of Nutrition, Vol 30 Annu Rev Nutr"Annual Review of Nutrition, Vol 31 Annu Rev Nutr0Annual Review of Pathology-mechanisms of DiseaseAnnu Rev Pathol-mech8Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease, Vol 6Annu Rev Pathol-mechAnnual Review of PharmacologyAnnu Rev Pharmacolog,Annual Review of Pharmacology and ToxicologyAnnu Rev Pharmacol:Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Vol 51, 2011Annu Rev Pharmacol#Annual Review of Physical ChemistryAnnu Rev Phys Chem+Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Vol 61Annu Rev Phys Chem+Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Vol 62Annu Rev Phys ChemAnnual Review of PhysiologyAnnu Rev Physiol#Annual Review of Physiology, Vol 73Annu Rev PhysiolAnnual Review of PhytopathologyAnnu Rev Phytopathol'Annual Review of Phytopathology, Vol 48Annu Rev 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Languages and Linguistics 2007Trends Linguist-stud;Annual Review of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 2009Trends Linguist-studAnnual Reviews in ControlAnnu Rev Control<Annual Selected Papers of The African Literature Association Ann Sel Pap6Annual Series of European Research in Behavior Therapy Ann S Eur R<Annual Symposia On Instrumentation in The Process Industries Ann Symp In3Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science An S Fdn Co3Annual Symposium On Foundations of Computer ScienceAnn Ieee Symp FoundPAnnual Symposium On Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices - Proceedings Ann Sym Inc2Annual Transactions of The Nordic Rheology SocietyAnn T Nord Rheol Soc?Annual Transactions of The Nordic Rheology Society, Vol 3, 1995Ann T Nord Rheol Soc?Annual Transactions of The Nordic Rheology Society, Vol 4, 1996Ann T Nord Rheol Soc6Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency MedicineAnn Upd Intens Care;Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2011Ann Upd Intens Care9Annual Work Bank Conference On Development Economics 1999Ann Wb Conf Dev Econ1Annual Workshop On Computers in Power ElectronicsAnn Worksh Comp Pow:Annual Workshop On Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics Mich Slav MatzAnnual Workshop On Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics - The Ann Arbor Meeting: Functional Categories in Slavic Syntax Mich Slav Mat5Annual World Bank Conference On Development EconomicsAnn Wb Conf Dev Econ:Annual World Bank Conference On Development Economics 1995Ann Wb Conf Dev Econ:Annual World Bank Conference On Development Economics 1996Ann Wb Conf Dev Econ:Annual World Bank Conference On Development Economics 1998Ann Wb Conf Dev Econ:Annual World Bank Conference On Development Economics 2000Ann Wb Conf Dev Econ?Annual World Bank Conference On Development Economics 2001/2002Ann Wb Conf Dev Econ:Annual World Bank Conference On Development Economics 2004Ann Wb Conf Dev EconQAnnual World Bank Conference On Development Economics 2005: Lessons of ExperienceAnn 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Triggers in The Pathogenesis of Tourette's SyndromeNeurosci Res Prog SeWAnpassungsmoglichkeiten Der Deutschen Rindermast An Die Liberalisierung Der AgrarmarkteLandbauforsch-vti Ag;Anq-a Quarterly Journal of Short Articles Notes and ReviewsAnq-q J Short Art NAns ProceedingsAns Proc8Ans Proceedings : 1989 National Heat Transfer ConferenceAns ProcAnspruch Und RechtfertigungPhaenomenologica>Anspruch Und Tendenzen in Der Experimentellen Strukturmechanik VDI BerichtAntaeusAntaeus%Antarctica and Global Climatic Change Polar Res S5Antarctica: Global, Environmental and Economic IssuesArct Reg Antarct IssKAntarctic and Arctic Middle Atmospheres: Their Differences and Similarities Adv Space Res+Antarctic Environment and International Law Int Env Law&Antarctic Journal of The United States Antarct J U S&Antarctic Journal of The United States Antarct J Us@Antarctic Paleoenvironment: A Perspective On Global Change, Pt 2 Antar Res SWAntarctic Peninsula Climate Variability: Historical and Paleoenvironmental PerspectivesAntarct Res SerAntarctic Research Series Antar Res SAntarctic Research SeriesAntarct Res SerAntarctic Science Antarct Sci6Antarctic Stratigraphic Drilling: Cape Roberts Project Misc S Rsnz(Antartic Subglacial Aquatic EnvironmentsGeophys Monogr Ser;Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAntebellum Slave NarrativesStud Am Popul Hist C&Antec 93 : Be in That Number, Vols 1-3 Soc Plast E8Antec '96: Plastics - Racing Into The Future, Vols I-iii Soc Plast EYAnterior Cruciate Ligament (acl): Causes of Injury, Adverse Effects and Treatment OptionsMuscular Syst-anat FAnthologies of British Poetry Int For Lit!Anthology of Statistics in SportsAsa Siam Ser Stat ApAnthracycline Antibiotics Acs Sym SereAnthracycline Chemistry and Biology I: Biological Occurence and Biosynthesis, Synthesis and Chemistry Top Curr ChemVAnthracycline Chemistry and Biology Ii: Mode of Action, Clinical Aspects and New Drugs Top Curr ChemAnthraxCurr Top Microbiol9Anthropologiai Kozlemenyek-anthropological CommunicationsAnthropol KozlemAnthropologicaAnthropologicaAnthropological ForumAnthropol Forum!Anthropological Journal of CanadaAnthropol J CanAnthropological LinguisticsAnthropol LinguistAnthropological NotebooksAnthropol NotebAnthropological Papers Anthr Paper@Anthropological Papers of The American Museum of Natural HistoryAnthropol Pap Am MusOAnthropological Papers of The Museum of Anthropology of The University MichiganAnthropol Pap U Mich1Anthropological Perspectives On Local DevelopmentEuro Assoc Social*Anthropological Perspectives On Technology Am Fdn N WAnthropological QuarterlyAnthropol QuartAnthropological Science Anthropol SciAnthropological TheoryAnthropol Theor Anthropologie AnthropologieAnthropologies of ArtClark Stud Vis ArtsAnthropologiquesAnthropologiquessAnthropologische Asthetik: Philosophie, Psychologie Und Asthetische Theorie Der Emotionen Im Diskurs Der AufklarungHallesche Beitr EurAnthropologische 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Binding Molecules: Antibodies and T-cell ReceptorsAdv Protein ChemCAntigen Depository of The Immune System: Follicular Dendritic CellsCurr Top MicrobiolAntigen PresentationCurr Top MicrobiolAntigonish ReviewAntigonish RevDAnti-hero in The American Novel: From Joseph Heller to Kurt VonnegutAm Lit Read Twenty-f"Antihormones in Health and DiseaseFront Horm Res&Anti-italianism: Essays On A PrejudiceItal Ital Am StudAntike Und AbendlandAntike Abendland.Antimalarial Drugs: Costs, Safety and EfficacyTrop Dis-etiol Patho%Antimicrobial Agents and ChemotherapyAntimicrob Agents ChCAntimicrobial Drug Resistance, Vol 1: Mechanisms of Drug Resistance Infect DisJAntimicrobial Drug Resistance, Vol 2: Clinical and Epidemiological Aspects Infect DisAntimicrobial Peptides Ciba F Symp(Antimicrobial Peptides and Human DiseaseCurr Top MicrobiolJAntimicrobial Peptides: Discovery, Design and Novel Therapeutic Strategies Adv M C M-Antimicrobial Peptides: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolAntimicrobial ResistanceAdv Exp Med BiolAntimicrobial ResistanceRoy Soc Med Int Cong/Antimicrobial Resistance: Beyond The BreakpointIssues Infect Dis$Antimicrobial Susceptibility TestingAdv Exp Med Biol"Antimicrobial Therapeutics ReviewsAnn Ny Acad Sci4Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis Mechanisms IiBasic Life Sci5Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis Mechanisms IiiBasic Life Sci(Antinutrients and Phytochemicals in Food Acs Sym SerAntioch Review Antioch Rev(Antioxidant Measurement and Applications Acs Sym Ser*Antioxidant Nutrients and Immune FunctionsAdv Exp Med BiolAntioxidants & Redox SignalingAntioxid Redox Sign/Antioxidants in Therapy and Preventive MedicineAdv Exp Med BiolAntipodeAntipode6Antiproton-nucleon and Antiproton-nucleus Interactions E Maj Int S;Antiquarianism, Hagiography and History in The 17th CenturyFruhe Neuzeit-stud DAntiquaries JournalAntiq JAntiquesAntiques Antiquity Antiquity%Anti-seismic Measures On Water Supply Water SuppAntisemitism and ModernityRoutl Jew Stud Ser)Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug DevelopmentAntisense Nucleic A"Antisense Research and DevelopmentAntisense Res DevAntisense StrategiesAnn Ny Acad SciAntisense Technology, Pt AMethod EnzymolAntisense Technology, Pt BMethod Enzymol[Anti-submarine Warfare in World War I: British Naval Aviation and The Defeat of The U-boatsCass Ser Nav Policy:Antiterrorism and Homeland Defense: Polymers and Materials Acs Sym SerIAntiterrorist Emergency Ventilation: System, Strategy and Decision-makingTerror Hot Spots ConAntitrust Law JournalAntitrust Law JAntitrust Modernization Laws Legis Anti-vegfDev Ophthalmol"Antiviral Chemistry & ChemotherapyAntivir Chem ChemothAntiviral Chemotherapy 4Adv Exp Med BiolAntiviral Chemotherapy 5Adv Exp Med BiolAntiviral Research Antivir Res3Antiviral Rnai: Concepts, Methods, and ApplicationsMethods Mol BiolAntiviral Therapy Antivir Ther?Anti-war Activism: New Media and Protest in The Information AgeNew Secur ChallSAntonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular MicrobiologyAnton Leeuw Int J G/Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Journal of MicrobiologyA Van Leeuw J Microb<Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology and SerologyAnton Van Lee J M SAntonio GramsciRoutl Crit Thinkers Antropologica AntropologicaAnuario De Estudios Americanos Anu Estud AmAnuario De Estudios MedievalesAnu Estud Mediev!Anuario De Historia De La IglesiaAnu Hist IglesiaAnuario Filosofico Anu FilosAnwendungstechnologie AluminumVDI-BuchAnwendung Von Rfid-systemenVDI-BuchAnxietyAnxietyAnxiety Otago Con SEAnxiety and Substance Use Disorders: The Vicious Cycle of ComorbiditySer Anxiety Relat DiAnxiety and The Heart S Hlth Psyc Anxiety, Depression, and EmotionSer Affective Sci2Anxiety Disorders: A Pocket Guide for Primary CareCurr Clin Pract0Anxiety in Health Behaviors and Physical IllnessSer Anxiety Relat Di;Anxiety : Neurobiology, Clinic and Therapeutic Perspectives Colloq InseTAnxiety : Recent Developments in Cognitive, Psychophysiological, and Health Research S Hlth PsycAnxiety Stress and CopingAnxiety Stress Copin4Anzeiger Fur Schadlingskunde-journal of Pest ScienceAnz Schadl-j Pest Sc8Anzeiger Fur Schadlingskunde Pflanzenschutz UmweltschutzAnz Schadlingskd PflAnziam JournalAnziam JAnz Journal of Surgery Anz J SurgAnzsog Monographs Anzsog Monogr,Aoa2010, 48th Academy of Aphasia ProceedingsProcd Soc BehvsAoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Applications of Broadband Optical and Wireless NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins Aorn JournalAssoc Oper Room Nurs,Aortic Aneurysms: Pathogenesis and TreatmentContemp CardiolApa Decade of Behavior VolumesApa Decade Behav VolOApcmbe 2008: 7th Asian-pacific Conference On Medical and Biological Engineering Ifmbe Proc[Apcom Xxv 1995: Application of Computers and Operations Research in The Minerals IndustriesAustralas I Min Met Apc ProteinsAdv Exp Med BiolNApctp-asean Workshop On Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (amsn08)J Phys Conf SerbApec 2001: Sixteenth Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1 and 2Appl Power Elect CoeApec 2002: Seventeenth Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1 and 23Appl Power Elect CocApec 2003: Eighteenth Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1 and 2Appl Power Elect Co_Apec 2004: Nineteenth Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1-3Appl Power Elect Co^Apec 2005: Twentieth Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1-3Appl Power Elect CoaApec 2006: Twenty-first Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1-3Appl Power Elect CofApec 2007: Twenty-second Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1 and 2Appl Power Elect CoaApec 2008: Twenty-third Annual Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1-4Appl Power Elect CoApec 90Appl Power Elect CoApec 91Appl Power Elect CoLApec 92 : Seventh Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and ExpositionAppl Power Elect CoKApec 93 : Eighth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and ExpositionAppl Power Elect CoYApec '94 - Ninth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1 and 2Appl Power Elect CovApec '95 - Tenth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings 1995, Vols 1 and 2Appl Power Elect CosApec '96 - Eleventh Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Expositions, Vols 1 & 2, Conference ProceedingsAppl Power Elect Co[Apec '97 - Twelfth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1 and 2Appl Power Elect Co^Apec '98 - Thirteenth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vols 1 and 2Appl Power Elect CorApec'99: Fourteenth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 & 2Appl Power Elect CoGAperiodic Structures in Condensed Matter: Fundamentals and ApplicationsCondens Matt Phy-crcApertureApertureAAperture Synthesis: Methods and Applications to Optical AstronomyAstron Astrophys Lib*Aphasia: Symptoms, Diagnosis and TreatmentLang Linguist Ser Aphasiology Aphasiology ApheresisProg Clin Biol ResAphids in A New Millennium Sci UpdateHApics 32nd International Conference Proceedings : Solutions for Progress Lib Am Prod/Apics 34th International Conference Proceedings Lib Am Prod/Apics 36th International Conference Proceedings Ann Apics/Apics 37th International Conference Proceedings Ann Apics Apidologie ApidologieApl 89 Conference ProceedingsApl Quote QuadvAplicacoes Da Ficologia: Anais Do Xi Congresso Brasileiro De Ficologia E Simposio Latino-americano Sobre Algas NocivasMus Nac Ser LivrosApl Quote QuadApl Quote QuadBApmc: 2008 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (apmc 2008), Vols 1-5Asia Pacif MicrowaveApmisApmisVApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications, Metro and Access NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsVApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications, Metro and Access Networks Proc SpiejApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications: Optical Fiber and Planar Waveguide TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsbApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications: Optical Network Design and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt InsOApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications: Optical NetworkingP Soc Photo-opt InsjApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications: Optical Switching and Optical InterconnectionP Soc Photo-opt InsjApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications: Optical Switching and Optical Interconnection Proc SpiewApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications: Optoelectronics, Materials, and Devices for CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt InshApoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications, Passive Components and Transmission SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Apoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications: Wireless and Mobile CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Apoc 2001: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications: Wireless and Mobile Communications Proc SpieXApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communication; Metro and Access Networks IiP Soc Photo-opt InszApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Materials and Devices for Optical and Wireless CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt InszApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Materials and Devices for Optical and Wireless Communications Proc SpieZApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Network Design and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt InsZApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Network Design and Management Proc SpielApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications, Optial Fiber and Planar Waveguide Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InslApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications, Optial Fiber and Planar Waveguide Technology Ii Proc SpiehApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Optical Components and Transmission SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InshApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Optical Components and Transmission Systems Proc SpieRApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Optical Networking IiP Soc Photo-opt InsRApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Optical Networking Ii Proc SpiemApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications, Optical Switching and Optical Interconnection IiP Soc Photo-opt InsbApoc 2002: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Wireless and Mobile Communications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins{Apoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Materials, Active Devices, and Optical Amplifiers, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins{Apoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Materials, Active Devices, and Optical Amplifiers, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie[Apoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Mobile Service and ApplicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Apoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Mobile Service and Application Proc Spie}Apoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Network Architectures, Management, and Applications, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins}Apoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Network Architectures, Management, and Applications, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpiebApoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Optical Fibers and Passive ComponentsP Soc Photo-opt InsbApoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Optical Fibers and Passive Components Proc SpielApoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Optical Transmission, Switching, and SubsystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsaApoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Wireless Communications and NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsaApoc 2003: Asia-pacific Optical and Wireless Communications; Wireless Communications and Networks Proc Spie+Apocalypse for The Church and for The WorldBeih Z Neutest WissAApocalypse When? Calculating How Long The Human Race Will SurviveCathol Stud BioethicApocalyptic Time St Hist Rel2Apolipoprotein E Genotyping in Alzheimer's DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci'Apollonius De Perge, Coniques, Tome 2.2Sci Graeco-arab%Apollonius De Perge, Coniques, Tome 4Sci Graeco-arab>Apollonius De Perge, La Section Des Droites Selon Des RapportsSci Graeco-arab0Apollo-the International Magazine for CollectorsApollo5Apollo-the International Magazine of Art and AntiquesApollo-Apollo-the International Magazine of The ArtsApollo%Apologetics of Evil: The Case of IagoPrinc Monogr Philos Apoptosis Apoptosis ApoptosisMethod Enzymol ApoptosisMod Insights Dis Mol Apoptosis Pez Fdn Sym7Apoptosis: From Signaling Pathways to Therapeutic ToolsAnn Ny Acad Sci0Apoptosis: Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol9A Posteriori Estimates for Partial Differential EquationsRadon Ser Comput AppAppalachian Journal Appalachian J/Apparateelemente: Praxis Der Sicheren AuslegungVDI-BuchApparitions and Miracles Prob Hist RAppearance Versus RealityMind Assoc Occas SerAppetiteAppetite#Appetite and Nutritional AssessmentNutr Diet Res ProgAppitaAppitaAppitaAppita JAppita JournalAppita J=Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and ComputingAppl Algebr Eng CommApplicable Analysis Appl Anal,Applicable Analysis and Discrete MathematicsAppl Anal Discr MathnApplication and Multidisciplinary Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts, Integration, and Case StudiesComput Commun Netw S-Application and Theory of Periodic StructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995Lect Notes Comput Sc)Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1997Lect Notes Comput Sc)Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1998Lect Notes Comput Sc6Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Application and Theory of The Petri Nets 1992Lect Notes Comput Sc)Application-driven Architecture Synthesis Kluw S VlsiRApplication of Accelerated Corrosion Tests to Service Life Prediction of MaterialsAm Soc Test Mater4Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry Aip Conf ProczApplication of Accelerators in Research and Industry - Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Conference, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcAApplication of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc[Application of Advanced Information Technologies: Effective Management of Natural Resources Asae Publ=Application of Agricultural Analysis in Environmental StudiesAm Soc Test MaterFApplication of Basic Science to Hematopoiesis and Treatment of Disease Bris Myer CCApplication of Charge Density Research to Chemistry and Drug DesignNato Adv Sci I B-phy8Application of Computerized Ec Soil Map and Climate Data Agric S CecPApplication of Demilitarized Gun and Rocket Propellants in Commercial ExplosivesNato Sci Ser Ii MathUApplication of Diatom Biofacies in Reconstructing The Evolution of Sedimentary Basins Diatom MonogrYApplication of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management Iahs-aish P>Application of Geotechnical Principles in Pavement Engineering Geotech Sp2Application of Lidar to Current Atmospheric TopicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Application of Lidar to Current Atmospheric Topics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences Aip Conf Proc?Application of Particle and Laser Beams in Materials TechnologyNato Adv Sci Inst SefApplication of Phytotechnologies for Cleanup of Industrial, Agricultural, and Wastewater ContaminationNato Sci Peace SecurDApplication of Scattering Methods to The Dynamics of Polymer SystemsProg Coll Pol Sci SnApplication of Semiochemicals for Management of Bark Beetle Infestations-proceedings of An Informal Conference Usda Interm:Application of Solution Protein Chemistry to BiotechnologyProtein Sci-crc=Application of The Finite Element Method in Implant DentistryAdv Top Sci Tech ChiApplication of Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis to Construction Materials: State-of-the-art Report of The Rilem Technical Committee 194-tdpRilem State Art Rep-Application of Tracers in Arid Zone Hydrology Iahs-aish PwApplication of Tunable Diode and Other Infrared Sources for Atmospheric Studies and Industrial Processing Monitoring IiP Soc Photo-opt InsqApplication of Tunable Diode and Other Infrared Sources for Atmospheric Studies and Industrial Process MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt InsVApplication of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Clay Minerals and Layered Double Hydroxides Cms Work Lect,Applications & Services in Wireless Networks Inn Tec Ser6Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials Int S Num M7Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems ViiBcs Conf Series5Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XBcs Conf Series8Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XiiiBcs Conf SeriesDApplications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems Xii, ProceedingsBcs Conference SCApplications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems Xi, ProceedingsBcs Conference S?Applications and Modelling in Learning and Teaching Mathematics E H S Math*Applications and Science in Soft Computing Adv Soft Comp9Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCApplications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Applications and Science of Computational IntelligenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence Ii Proc Spie:Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence Iii Proc Spie9Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence Iv Proc Spie8Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence VP Soc Photo-opt InsXApplications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary ComputationP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation Ii Proc Spie\Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation Iii Proc Spie[Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation IvP Soc Photo-opt InsZApplications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation VP Soc Photo-opt InsZApplications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation V Proc Spie[Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Applications and Theory of Petri NetsLect Notes Comput Sc*Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2002Lect Notes Comput Sc7Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Applications for Natural Refrigerants Refr Sci TUApplications in Multicriteria Decision Making, Data Envelopment Analysis, and FinanceAppl Manag Sci2Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing Ifip Trans A>Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and Transportation Ws So Ag TeLApplications of Algebraic Geometry to Coding Theory, Physics and ComputationNato Sci Ser Ii MathLApplications of Algebraic Geometry to Coding Theory, Physics and ComputationNato Sci Ser Ii-mathRApplications of Analytic and Geometric Methods to Nonlinear Differential EquationsNato Adv Sci I C-matRApplications of Analytic and Geometric Methods to Nonlinear Differential EquationsNato Adv Sci Inst Se`Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1993 : Knowledge-based Systems in Aerospace and IndustryP Soc Photo-opt InsJApplications of Artificial Intelligence 1993 : Machine Vision and RoboticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Finance and EconomicsAdv Econometrics8Applications of Artificial Intelligence Ix, Parts 1 & IiP Soc Photo-opt InsCApplications of Artificial Intelligence X : Knowledge-based SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsGApplications of Artificial Intelligence X : Machine Vision and RoboticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Applications of Artificial Neural NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Applications of Artificial Neural Networks Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins:Applications of Artificial Neural Networks Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsAApplications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBApplications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAApplications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing VP Soc Photo-opt InsAApplications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing ViP Soc Photo-opt InsAApplications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing Vi Proc SpieBApplications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsBApplications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing Vii Proc Spie-Applications of Artificial Neural Networks IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Applications of Artificial Neural Networks VP Soc Photo-opt InsYApplications of Automation Technology in Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Analysis, Vol 4Am Soc Test Mater2Applications of Bioinformatics in Cancer DetectionAnn Ny Acad Sci0Applications of Category Theory to Fuzzy Subsets Theo Dec L8Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Pt AMethod Enzymol7Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins Pt BMethod Enzymol8Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins, Pt CMethod Enzymol%Applications of Cognitive LinguisticsAppl Cogn Linguist%Applications of Cognitive LinguisticsAppl Cognit LingTApplications of Combinatorics and Graph Theory to The Biological and Social Sciences Ima V MathWApplications of Computational Intelligence in Biology: Current Trends and Open ProblemsStud Comput IntellEApplications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering VProc Monogr Eng WateIApplications of Computers and Operations Research in The Mineral Industry Appl Comp O$Applications of Cryogenic Technology Appl Cryog,Applications of Cryogenic Technology, Vol 10 Appl Cryog@Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge ManagementLect Notes Artif Int@Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc3Applications of Diamond Films and Related MaterialsMater Sci Monog,Applications of Digital Image Processing XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Applications of Digital Image Processing XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Applications of Digital Image Processing XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Applications of Digital Image Processing XixP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Applications of Digital Image Processing XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Applications of Digital Image Processing XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Applications of Digital Image Processing XviiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Applications of Digital Image Processing XviiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Applications of Digital Image Processing XxP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Applications of Digital Image Processing XxiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Applications of Digital Image Processing XxiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxii Proc Spie.Applications of Digital Image Processing XxiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Applications of Digital Image Processing XxivP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxiv Proc Spie-Applications of Digital Image Processing XxixP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxix Proc Spie,Applications of Digital Image Processing XxvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxv Proc Spie-Applications of Digital Image Processing XxviP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxvi Proc Spie:Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxvii, Pts 1and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins:Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxvii, Pts 1and 2 Proc Spie-Applications of Digital Image Processing XxxiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Applications of Digital Image Processing XxxiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxxiii Proc Spie9Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxx, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Applications of Digital Image Processing Xxx, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieQApplications of Digital Techniques in Industrial Design Engineering-caid&cd' 2005I C Comp Aid Des Con$Applications of Ecosystem Management Usda Pac Nw"Applications of Electronic Imaging Crit Rev OpBApplications of Electrospun Nanofiber Membranes for BioseparationsNanotechnol Sci Tech7Applications of Emerging Technologies in TransportationTransport Res Rec%Applications of Enzymes Biotechnology Ind Univ C+Applications of Enzymes to Lignocellulosics Acs Sym Ser5Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Chemistry Struct Bond<Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Applications of Evolutionary ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc3Applications of Evolutionary Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScWApplications of Finite Element Methods for Reliability Studies On Ulsi InterconnectionsSpringer Ser ReliabNApplications of Fourier Transform to Smile Modeling: Theory and ImplementationSpringer Financ&Applications of Fuzzy Logic TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Applications of Fuzzy Logic Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Applications of Fuzzy Logic Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Applications of Fuzzy Sets TheoryLect Notes Artif Int?Applications of Graph Transformations With Industrial RelevanceLect Notes Comput ScLApplications of Graph Transformations With Industrial Relevance, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering VInt Ser Adv High Per<Applications of High-performance Computing in Engineering ViAdv High Perf Com S=Applications of High-performance Computing in Engineering ViiAdv High Perf Com S2Applications of Ichnology to Petroleum ExplorationSepm Core Workshop[Applications of Inductively Coupled Plasma-mass Spectrometry to Radionuclide DeterminationsAm Soc Test Mater%Applications of Interval ComputationsAppl OptimizatApplications of Knot Theory Proc Sym Ap)Applications of Laser-plasma InteractionsSer Plasma Phys&Applications of Laser Plasma RadiationP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Applications of Laser Plasma Radiation IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Applications of Lidar to Current Atmospheric Topics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Applications of Management ScienceAppl Manag SciLApplications of Management Science: in Productivity, Finance, and OperationsAppl Manag Sci0Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Life SafetyNato Scie Peace SecuApplications of MathematicsAppl Math-czech8Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics Aip Conf Proc<Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics '33 Aip Conf Proc<Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics '34 Aip Conf ProcCApplications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (amee '09) Aip Conf ProcApplications of Matrix Theory Inst Math C?Applications of Multiple Scattering Theory to Materials ScienceMater Res Soc Symp PKApplications of Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Image Processing IxP Soc Photo-opt InsKApplications of Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Image Processing Ix Proc Spie9Applications of Neural Networks in High Assurance SystemsStud Comput IntellFApplications of Nonlinear Dynamics-model and Design of Complex Systems Und Com SysFApplications of Nonlinear Dynamics-model and Design of Complex SystemsUnderst Complex Syst'Applications of Nonverbal Communication Clar Symp/Applications of Nonwovens in Technical TextilesWoodhead Publ TextBApplications of Optical Engineering : Proceedings of Oe/midwest 90P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Applications of Optical Fiber Sensors Europto Ser%Applications of Photonic Technology 3P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Applications of Photonic Technology 3 Proc Spie%Applications of Photonic Technology 4P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Applications of Photonic Technology 5P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Applications of Photonic Technology 5 Proc Spie%Applications of Photonic Technology 6P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Applications of Photonic Technology 6 Proc SpiemApplications of Photonic Technology, Closing The Gap Between Theory, Development, and Application, Pt 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsmApplications of Photonic Technology, Closing The Gap Between Theory, Development, and Application, Pt 1 and 2 Proc Spie2Applications of Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry Ii Roy Soc Ch5Applications of Polyhedral Oligomeric SilsesquioxanesAdv Silicon Sci*Applications of Random Matrices in PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii Math*Applications of Random Matrices in PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathPApplications of Rapd Technology to Plant Breedings: Proceedings of The SymposiumJoint Plant Breed S/Applications of Rasch Measurements in EducationEduc Compet Glob Wor-Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture East Sch Ag$Applications of Research MethodologyAdv Learn Behav Disa4Applications of Scanned Probe Microscopy to Polymers Acs Sym SerSApplications of Seasonal Climate Forecasting in Agricultural and Natural EcosystemsAtmos Ocean Sci LibKApplications of Signal and Image Processing in Explosives Detection SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Applications of Social Network AnalysisProcd Soc BehvApplications of Soft Computing Adv Soft CompApplications of Soft ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Applications of Soft Computing: From Theory to PraxisAdv Intel Soft Compu5Applications of Soft Computing: From Theory to PraxisAdv Intell Soft Comp-Applications of Soft Computing: Recent Trends Adv Soft Comp>Applications of Statisics and Probability in Civil EngineeringProc Monogr Eng WateHApplications of Statistical and Field Theory Methods to Condensed MatterNato Adv Sci I B-phy!Applications of SuperconductivityNato Adv Sci I E-app<Applications of Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble MethodsStud Comp Intell?Applications of Supply Chain Management and E-commerce ResearchAppl OptimizatBApplications of Symmetry Methods to Partial Differential Equations Appl Math Sci^Applications of Synchrotron Light to Scattering and Diffraction in Materials and Life SciencesLect Notes Phys`Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in Low-temperature Geochemistry and Environmental SciencesRev Mineral GeochemEApplications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials ScienceMater Res Soc Symp PHApplications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science IiMater Res Soc Symp PIApplications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science IiiMater Res Soc Symp PHApplications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science IvMater Res Soc Symp PGApplications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science VMater Res Soc Symp PBApplications of Systems Approaches At The Farm and Regional Levels Syst Appr S5Applications of Systems Approaches At The Field Level Syst Appr S Applications of Texture Analysis Ceram Trans"Applications of Time Delay SystemsLect Notes Contr InfApplications of Transputer 3Transput Occam Eng SApplications of Transputers Appl TranspAApplications of Ultrashort Laser Pulses in Science and TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Applications of Ultrashort-pulse Lasers in Medicine and BiologyP Soc Photo-opt InsEApplications of X Rays Generated From Lasers and Other Bright SourcesP Soc Photo-opt InsHApplications of X Rays Generated From Lasers and Other Bright Sources IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Applications With Weather SatellitesP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Applications With Weather Satellites IiP Soc Photo-opt InsApplied Acoustics Appl Acoust@Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-correcting CodesLect Notes Comput ScBApplied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-correcting Codes /Lect Notes Comput ScAApplied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error-correcting CodesLect Notes Comput ScMApplied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-correcting Codes, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScApplied Algebraic DynamicsDegruyter Expos MathApplied & Preventive PsychologyAppl Prev Psychol+Applied and Computational Harmonic AnalysisAppl Comput Harmon A%Applied and Computational MathematicsAppl Comput Math%Applied and Computational MathematicsAppl Comput Math-bak2Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2nd EditionMa Comput Sci Eng2Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2nd EditionMath Comput Sci Eng&Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl Environ Microb"Applied and Industrial Mathematics Math Appl+Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Italy S Adv Math+Applied and Industrial Mathematics in ItalySer Adv Math Appl Sc.Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Italy Ii S Adv Math.Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Italy IiSer Adv Math Appl Sc/Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Italy Iii S Adv Math/Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Italy IiiSer Adv Math Appl Sc'Applied and Numerical Harmonic AnalysisAppl Num Harm Anal'Applied and Numerical Harmonic AnalysisAppl Numer Harmon An'Applied and Theoretical ElectrophoresisAppl Theor Electroph Applied Animal Behaviour ScienceAppl Anim Behav SciApplied Animal EthologyAppl Anim EtholApplied AnthropologyAppl AnthropolApplied Artificial IntelligenceAppl Artif Intell3Applied Asymptotic Expansions in Momenta and MassesSpringer Tr Mod Phys&Applied Biochemistry and BiotechnologyAppl Biochem Biotech%Applied Biochemistry and MicrobiologyAppl Biochem Micro+;Applied Bioinformatics and Biostatistics in Cancer ResearchAppl Bioinf Biostat0Applied Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Bioremed Ser#Applied Cardiovascular Biology 1989 Int S App C'Applied Cardiovascular Biology, 1990-91 Int S App CApplied Catalysis Appl CatalApplied Catalysis A-generalAppl Catal A-gen!Applied Catalysis B-environmentalAppl Catal B-environApplied Categorical StructuresAppl Categor StructApplied Clay Science Appl Clay SciApplied Cognitive PsychologyAppl Cognitive PsychApplied Composite MaterialsAppl Compos Mater&Applied Computational ElectromagneticsNato Adv Sci I F-com6Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society JournalAppl Comput ElectromLApplied Computing, Computer Science, and Advanced Communication, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScApplied Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Applied Corpus Linguistics: A Multidimensional Perspective Lang Comput)Applied Cryptography and Network SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc6Applied Cryptography and Network Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScApplied Crystallography Xx Sol St PhenApplied Crystallography Xxi Sol St PhenApplied Developmental Science Appl Dev Sci*Applied Ecology and Environmental ResearchAppl Ecol Env Res'Applied Econometrics Association SeriesAppl Econom Ass Ser'Applied Econometrics Association SeriesAppl Economet Ass SeApplied Econometrics With RUse R(Applied Economic Perspectives and PolicyAppl Econ Perspect PApplied Economics Appl EconApplied Economics LettersAppl Econ LettApplied ElectrochemistryChem Res Appl-novaApplied ElectromagneticsJsaem Appl ElectromEApplied Electromagnetics and Computational Technology Ii, ProceedingsStud Appl Electromag+Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ii)Jsaem St Appl Electr(Applied Electromagnetics Conference AemcAppl Electromagn CApplied Electromagnetics (ii)Jsaem St Appl ElectrApplied Electromagnetics (iii)Jsaem St Appl ElectrApplied ElectronicsApplied ElectronicsApplied Energy Appl Energ"Applied Engineering in AgricultureAppl Eng AgricApplied Entomology and ZoologyAppl Entomol ZoolApplied Ergonomics Appl Ergon%Applied Formal Methods - Fm-trends 98Lect Notes Comput ScApplied Geochemistry Appl GeochemApplied Geography Appl GeogrApplied Geophysics Appl Geophys?Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionStud Comput IntellApplied Health EconomicsRoutl Adv Texts EconApplied Herpetology Appl HerpetolApplied HydrogeophysicsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarApplied ImmunohistochemistryAppl Immunohistochem3Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular MorphologyAppl Immunohisto M MApplied Information Technology Appl Info TApplied Intelligence Appl IntellApplied Laser Radar TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Applied Laser Radar Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsApplied Laser SpectroscopyNato Adv Sci I B-phyApplied Linguistics Appl Linguist Applied Logic: How, What and Why Synth LibrApplied Logic Series Appl Log SerApplied Magnetic ResonanceAppl Magn ResonApplied MagnetismNato Adv Sci Inst Se Applied Material Research At VttVtt SympApplied Mathematical DemographyStat Biol HealthApplied Mathematical ModellingAppl Math ModelApplied Mathematical Sciences Appl Math Sci>Applied Mathematics-a Journal of Chinese Universities Series BAppl Math Ser B*Applied Mathematics & Information SciencesAppl Math Inform Sci#Applied Mathematics and ComputationAppl Math Comput1Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-english EditionAppl Math Mech-engl$Applied Mathematics and Optimization Appl Math OptrApplied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power Systems: Optimization, Control, and Computational IntelligencePower Electron PowerrApplied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power Systems: Optimization, Control, and Computational IntelligencePower Electronics P8Applied Mathematics in Aerospace Science and Engineering Math C SciCApplied Mathematics in Integrated Navigation Systems, Third Edition Aiaa Educ SerApplied Mathematics LettersAppl Math Lett Applied Measurement in EducationAppl Meas EducApplied Mechanics and MaterialsAppl Mech Mater5Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Pts 1-3Appl Mech MaterJApplied Mechanics Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersAppl Mech Div AsmeApplied Mechanics Reviews Appl Mech RevApplied MicrobiologyAppl Microbiol&Applied Microbiology and BiotechnologyAppl Microbiol Biot*Applied Micromechanics of Porous Materials Cism Cour L*Applied Micromechanics of Porous MaterialsCism Courses Lect4Applied Modeling of Urban Water Systems, Monograph 8Adv Mod Manag Stormw>Applied Multivariate Analysis in Sar and Environmental Studies Euro Ch EnvApplied Myrmecology Westv StudApplied NeurophysiologyAppl NeurophysiolApplied NeuropsychologyAppl NeuropsycholEApplied Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Systems Near The Millennium Aip Conf Proc/Applied Nonparametric Statistics in ReliabilitySpringer Ser ReliabApplied Numerical MathematicsAppl Numer MathApplied Nursing Research Appl Nurs ResApplied OcclusionQuintessent Dent PraApplied Ocean ResearchAppl Ocean ResApplied Ontology Appl OntolApplied Optics Appl OpticsApplied Optimization Appl OptimApplied OptimizationAppl Optimizat`Applied Organizational Communication: Theory and Practice in A Global Environment, Third EditionLea Commun Ser Applied Organometallic ChemistryAppl Organomet ChemApplied Parallel ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc'Applied Parallel Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDApplied Parallel Computing: State of The Art in Scientific ComputingLect Notes Comput ScApplied Pattern RecognitionStud Comput IntellApplied Physics Appl Phys0Applied Physics A-materials Science & ProcessingAppl Phys A-mater#Applied Physics B-lasers and OpticsAppl Phys B-lasers O2Applied Physics B-photophysics and Laser ChemistryAppl Phys B-photoApplied Physics ExpressAppl Phys ExpressApplied Physics in SerbiaSasa Dep Math Phys G#Applied Physics in The 21st CenturyHoriz World Phys SerApplied Physics LettersAppl Phys LettZApplied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism-physiologie Appliquee Nutrition Et MetabolismeAppl Physiol Nutr Me"Applied Plasticity, Second Edition Mech Eng Ser/Applied Plastics and Reinforced Plastics ReviewAppl Plas Reinf Pl RApplied Polymer SymposiaAppl Polym SympApplied Polymer Symposia SeriesAppl Polym Symp SerXApplied Positive Psychology: Improving Everyday Life, Health, Schools, Work, and Society S Appl PsycApplied Probability, Second EdSpringer Texts StatHApplied Proof Theory: Proof Interpretations and Their Use in MathematicsSpringer Monogr Math&Applied Pseudoanalytic Function Theory Front MathApplied PsycholinguisticsAppl Psycholinguist!Applied Psychological MeasurementAppl Psych MeasUApplied Psychology-an International Review-psychologie Appliquee-revue InternationaleAppl Psychol-int Rev=Applied Psychology - Individual, Social, and Community IssuesAppl Psy-indiv Soc7Applied Psychology: New Frontiers and Rewarding CareersStauffer Symp Appl P(Applied Psychophysiology and BiofeedbackAppl Psychophys Biof!Applied Public Key Infrastructure Fr Art IntApplied Quantum CryptographyLect Notes PhysApplied Radiation and IsotopesAppl Radiat Isotopes/Applied Rasch Measurement : A Book of ExemplarsEduc Asia Pac Reg-isEApplied Reliability and Quality: Fundamentals, Methods and ProceduresSpringer Ser Reliab+Applied Research in Environmental Economics Zew Econ Stud&Applied Research in Mental RetardationAppl Res Ment Retard#Applied Research in Quality of LifeAppl Res Qual Life Applied RheedSpringer Tr Mod PhysApplied Rheology Appl Rheol3Applied Scanning Probe Methods Ix: CharacterizationNanosci Technol3Applied Scanning Probe Methods Vi: CharacterizationNanosci TechnolKApplied Scanning Probe Methods Vii: Biomimetics and Industrial ApplicationsNanosci TechnolIApplied Scanning Probe Methods Viii: Scanning Probe Microscopy TechniquesNanosci TechnolFApplied Scanning Probe Methods V: Scanning Probe Microscopy TechniquesNanosci TechnolIApplied Scanning Probe Methods X: Biomimetics and Industrial ApplicationsNanosci Technol4Applied Scanning Probe Methods Xii: CharacterizationNanosci TechnolLApplied Scanning Probe Methods Xiii: Biomimetics and Industrial ApplicationsNanosci TechnolGApplied Scanning Probe Methods Xi: Scanning Probe Microscopy TechniquesNanosci Technol$Applied Sciences and The Environment Environm EngnApplied Scientific Research Appl Sci Res^Applied Scientific Research Section A-mechanics Heat Chemical Engineering Mathematical Methods Appl Sci ResZApplied Scientific Research Section B-electrophysics Acoustics Optics Mathematical MethodsAppl Sci Res B-elecApplied SemanticsLect Notes Comput ScApplied Social Studies Appl Soc StudApplied Soft ComputingAppl Soft Comput@Applied Soft Computing Technologies: The Challenge of Complexity Adv Soft CompApplied Soil EcologyAppl Soil EcolApplied Solid Mechanics Appl Sol MApplied Solid Mechanics - 4 Appl Sol M$Applied Spatial Data Analysis With RUse RApplied SpectroscopyAppl Spectrosc(Applied Spectroscopy in Material ScienceP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Applied Spectroscopy in Materials Science IiP Soc Photo-opt InsApplied Spectroscopy ReviewsAppl Spectrosc RevApplied Statistical Science Appl StatistApplied Statistical Science Iv Appl StatistDApplied Statistics-journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series CAppl Stat-j Roy St C,Applied Stochastic Modelling, Second EditionCh Crc Text Stat Sci+Applied Stochastic Models and Data AnalysisAppl Stoch Model D A2Applied Stochastic Models in Business and IndustryAppl Stoch Model BusaApplied Stochastic Processes and Control for Jump-diffusions: Modeling, Analysis, and ComputationAdv Des ControlApplied SuperconductivityAppl Supercond-Applied Superconductivity 1995, Vols. 1 and 2Inst Phys Conf Ser,Applied Superconductivity 1997, Vols 1 and 2Inst Phys Conf SerApplied Surface Science Appl Surf SciApplied Thermal EngineeringAppl Therm EngApplied Vegetation Science Appl Veg SciMApplying Formal Methods: Testing, Performance, and M/e- Commerce, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCApplying Fuzzy Mathematics to Formal Models in Comparative PoliticsStud Fuzz Soft CompIApplying Gis Technologies in Water Utilities: A Challenge and A Necessity Water SuppGApplying Multiple Criteria Aid for Decision to Environmental ManagementEuro Environm ManagApplying Research to Practice Allerton Pa6Applying Social Cognition to Consumer-focused Strategy Advert ConsAppollonius RhodiusHellenist GroninganaLApprehension and Argument: Ancient Theories of Starting Points for KnowledgeStud Hist Philos MinApprenctice in A Changing TradeAdv Cult Psychol Con4Approaches and Applications of Inductive ProgrammingLect Notes Comput ScApproaches to Applied SemioticsApproach Appl Semiot!Approaches to Discourse Particles Stud Pragmat6Approaches to Early Childhood and Elementary EducationEduc Compet Glob Wor!Approaches to Fundamental PhysicsLect Notes PhysUApproaches to Handling Environmental Problems in The Mining and Metallurgical RegionsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarApproaches to Hungarian Approach HungOApproaches to Improving The Quality of Life: How to Enhance The Quality of LifeSoc Indic Res Ser@Approaches to Legal Ontologies: Theories, Domains, MethodologiesLaw Gov Technol SerApproaches to Legal RationalityLogic Epistemol UnitApproaches to MetaphysicsStud Philos Relig Se%Approaches to Phonological Complexity Phonol Phonet7Approaches to Scaling of Trace Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems Dev AtmosphApproaches to Semiotics Approach SApproaches to Singular Analysis Oper TheorApproaches to Singular AnalysisOper Theory Adv ApplOApproaching Micro-arcsecond Resolution With Vsop-2: Astrophysics and Technology Astr Soc PFAppropriate Dose Selection - How to Optimize Clinical Drug DevelopmentE Schering Res Fdn W,Appropriate Housing Systems for Farm Animals Schrift FatAppropriate TechnologyAppropriate Tech8Appropriation As Practice: Art and Identity in ArgentinaStud AmDApproximate and Noisy Realization of Discrete-time Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf&Approximate and Renormgroup SymmetriesNonlinear Phys SciApproximate Commutative AlgebraText Mg Symb ComputBApproximate Reasoning By Parts: An Introduction to Rough MereologyIntel Syst Ref LibrDApproximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHApproximation and Computation: A Festschrift in Honor of Walter Gautschi Int S Num MBApproximation and Computation: in Honor of Gradimir V. MilovanovicSpringer Ser Optim A#Approximation and Online AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput Sc0Approximation By Multivariate Singular IntegralsSpringerbrief Math<Approximation By Solutions of Partial Differential EquationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat5Approximation, Complex Analysis, and Potential TheoryNato Sci Ser Ii MathAApproximation Methods for Efficient Learning of Bayesian NetworksFront Artif Intel ApMApproximation of Additive Convolution-like Operators: Real C-algebra Approach Front Math<Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial OptimizationLect Notes Comput ScVApproximation, Randomization and Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and TechniquesLect Notes Comput ScWApproximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and TechniquesLect Notes Comput ScbApproximation Randomization and Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Techniques, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScdApproximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Techniques, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Approximations and Endomorphism Algebras of ModulesDegruyter Expos MathLApproximations and Numerical Methods for The Solution of Maxwell's Equations Inst Math CApproximation TheoryMath ResApproximation Theory Pure A MathApproximation Theory / Colloq Math(Approximation Theory and Function SeriesBolyai Math Stud(Approximation Theory and Function SeriesBolyai Soc Math Stud7Approximation Theory, Spline Functions and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat/Approximation Theory, Wavelets and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci Inst Se5Approximative Algorithmen Und NichtapproximierbarkeitDegruyter LehrbQAppunti Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa-lecture Notes Scuola Normale Superiore PisaAppunti Sc Norm SupeMApsec 09: Sixteenth Asia-pacific Software Engineering Conference, ProceedingsAsia Pac Sofwr EngIApsec 2008:15th Asia-pacific Software Engineering Conference, ProceedingsAsia Pac Sofwr Eng Aps JournalAps JAquacultural Engineering Aquacult Eng Aquaculture AquacultureAquaculture and The EnvironmentSp Pub Eur Aquacult5Aquaculture Association of Canada Special PublicationAquac Assoc Can SpecAquaculture Canada 2000Aquac Assoc Can SpecAquaculture Canada 2001Aquac Assoc Can SpecAquaculture Canada 2002Aquac Assoc Can SpecAquaculture Economics Asian F Ind$Aquaculture Environment InteractionsAquacult Env Interac1Aquaculture, Innovation and Social TransformationInt Lib Env Agric FoAquaculture International Aquacult IntAquaculture in The 21st Century Am Fish S SAquaculture Nutrition Aquacult NutrAquaculture Research Aquac ResAquaculture Systems Engineering Asae Publ AquaporinsCurr Top MembrAquatic Biology Aquat BiolAquatic Botany Aquat BotAquatic Chemistry Adv Chem Ser5Aquatic Conservation-marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Aquat ConservAquatic Ecology Aquat EcolAquatic Ecology SeriesAquat Ecol Ser%Aquatic Ecosystem Health & ManagementAquat Ecosyst Health;Aquatic Environment : Description, Management, Conservation Iamslic C SAquatic Geochemistry Aquat GeochemAquatic Geomicrobiology Adv Mar Biol2Aquatic Information Resources : Tools of Our Trade Iamslic C SAquatic Insects Aquat InsectAquatic InvasionsAquat Invasions?Aquatic Invasions in The Black, Caspian, and Mediterranean SeasNato Sci S Ss Iv EarAquatic Living ResourcesAquat Living ResourAquatic Mammals Aquat MammAquatic Microbial EcologyAquat Microb Ecol5Aquatic Protected Areas As Fisheries Management Tools Am Fish S SAquatic Sciences Aquat Sci4Aquatic Stewardship Education in Theory and Practice Am Fish S SAquatic Toxicology Aquat Toxicol:Aquatic Toxicology and Risk Assessment : Fourteenth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater:Aquatic Toxicology and Risk Assessment : Thirteenth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterRAqueous Chemistry and Geochemistry of Oxides, Oxyhydroxides, and Related MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P=Aqueous Microwave Assisted Chemistry: Synthesis and CatalysisRsc Green Chem Ser.Aqueous Organometallic Chemistry and CatalysisNato Asi 3 High TechAqueous Polymer DispersionsProg Coll Pol Sci SAqueous Two-phase SystemsMethod EnzymolAquichanAquichanAAquinas and Maimonides On The Possibility of The Knowledge of GodAmst Stud Jew ThoughoAquinas and Maimonides On The Possibility of The Knowledge of God: An Examination of The Quaestio De AttributisAmst Stud Jew ThoughAquinas As AuthorityPub Thomas Inst7Arab American Literary Fictions, Cultures, and PoliticsAm Lit Read Twenty-fArab and Islamic Law Series Arab Isl LArab Culture and The NovelRoutl Stud Mid E Lit,Arab Diaspora: Voices of An Anguished ScreamRoutl Adv Midd E Isl(Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific ResearchArab Gulf J Sci ResOArab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research B-agricultural and Biological SciencesArab Gulf J Sci Res!Arabian Archaeology and EpigraphyArab Archaeol Epigr+Arabian Journal for Science and EngineeringArab J Sci EngArabian Journal of Chemistry Arab J ChemArabian Journal of Geosciences Arab J GeosciArabicaArabica*Arabic and Chinese Handwriting RecognitionLect Notes Comput ScFArabic Computational Morphology: Knowledge-based and Empirical MethodsText Speech Lang TecDArabic in The City: Issues in Dialect Contact and Language VariationRoutl Arab Lingu Ser6Arabic Poetry: Trajectories of Modernity and TraditionRoutl Stud Mid E Lit%Arabic Rhetoric: A Pragmatic AnalysisCult Civiliz Mid EArabic Sciences and PhilosophyArab Sci Philos(Arab-israeli Accords: Legal Perspectives Cimel Bk SerIArab, Muslim, Woman: Voice and Vision in Postcolonial Literature and FilmTransform Think FemLArab Representations of The Occident: East-west Encounters in Arabic FictionCult Civiliz Mid E1Arachidonic Acid Metabolism in The Nervous SystemAnn Ny Acad SciArachneArachneArbeiten Aus Dem Paul-ehrlich-institut (bundesant Fur Sera Und Impfstoffe), Dem Georg-speyer-haus Und Dem Ferdinand-blum-institut Zu Frankfurt A.m. Arb Pei GshArbeiten Zur Kirchengeschichte Arb KirchArbeiten Zur KirchengeschichteArb Kirchengesch-Arbeiten Zur Neutestamentlichen TextforschungArb Neutest Textfors-Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin PraventivmedizinArb Sozialmed Praven/Arbeitswissenschaft in Der Betrieblichen PraxisArbeitswiss Betr Pra&Arbitration 1997: The Next Fifty Years P Ann Meet4Arbitration in Air, Space and Telecommunications LawPca Peace Palace PapArbitration Journal Arbitrat JDArbok for Universitetet I Bergen-matematisk-naturvitenskapelig SerieArb U Bergen Mat-nat#Arbor-ciencia Pensamiento Y CulturaArborArboreal Group Theory Math Sci RArcadiaArcadia;Arcadia-zeitschrift Fur Vergleichende LiteraturwissenschaftArcadia-z VergleichGArchaea: Ancient Microbes, Extreme Environments, and The Origin of LifeAdv Appl MicrobiolHArchaea: Ancient Microbes, Extreme Environoments, and The Origin of LifeAdv Appl Microbiol0Archaea-an International Microbiological JournalArchaea/Archaebacteria : Biochemistry and BiotechnologyBiochem Soc Symp Archaeofauna Archaeofauna Archaeologia Archaeologia<Archaeological and Ethnological Papers of The Peabody MuseumArchaeol Ethnol PapArchaeological Chemistry Acs Sym SerQArchaeological Chemistry: Analytical Techniques and Archaeological Interpretation Acs Sym Ser9Archaeological Chemistry: Materials, Methods, and Meaning Acs Sym SerArchaeological DialoguesArchaeol DialogArchaeological ProspectionArchaeol Prospect(Archaeological Sciences '97, ProceedingsBrit Archaeol Rep InqArchaeological Science Under A Microscope: Studies in Residue and Ancient Dna Analysis in Honour of Thomas H. LoyTerra AustralisqArchaeological Study of Rural Capitalism and Material Life: The Gibbs Farmstead in Southern Appalachia, 1790-1920Contrib Glob Hist Ar;Archaeological Wood Properties, Chemistry, and Preservation Adv Chem Ser|Archaeologie Der Westlichen Slawen: Siedlung, Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft Im Fruh- Und Hochmittelalterlichen OstmitteleuropaReallexikon Ger Alte:Archaeologies-journal of The World Archaeological Congress ArchaeologiesArchaeologies of InternmentOne World Archaeol Archaeology Archaeology)Archaeology and Anthropology of LandscapeOne World ArchaeolArchaeology Culture and SocietyArchaeol Cult SocArchaeology in OceaniaArchaeol Ocean#Archaeology of Australia Since 1788Contrib Glob Hist ArUArchaeology of Capitalism in Colonial Contexts: Postcolonial Historical ArchaeologiesContrib Glob Hist Ar^Archaeology of Colonial Identity: Power and Material Culture in The Dwars Valley, South AfricaContrib Glob Hist Ar Archaeology of IndustrializationSoc Post Med Arch M"Archaeology of Maritime LandscapesWhen Land Meets Sea$Archaeology of Reformation 1480-1580Soc Post Med Arch M1Archaeology of The Aru Islands, Eastern IndonesiaTerra Australis9Archaeometallurgy of Copper: Evidence From Faynan, JordanNat Sci Archaeol Archaeometry Archaeometry!Archaeomineralogy, Second EditionNat Sci Archaeol"Archaologisches KorrespondenzblattArchaol Korresponden Archaologisches Nachrichtenblatt Archaol Nachr$Archean Geodynamics and EnvironmentsGeoph Monog Series$Archean Geodynamics and EnvironmentsGeophys Monogr Ser@Archeological Papers of The American Anthropological AssociationArch P Amer Ant Asso@Archeological Papers of The American Anthropological AssociationArcheol Pap Am Anthr[Archeological Research On The History of The Italian Early Middle Ages (6th-10th Centuries)Biblio Archeol Med.Arche Papers On The Mathematics of AbstractionW Ont Ser Philos Sci Archimedes ArchimedesOArchimedes: New Studies in The History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Archimedes<Archipel-etudes Interdisciplinaires Sur Le Monde InsulindienArchipel Architect Architect*Architecting Critical Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScArchitecting Dependable SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc"Architecting Dependable Systems IiLect Notes Comput Sc#Architecting Dependable Systems IiiLect Notes Comput Sc"Architecting Dependable Systems IvLect Notes Comput Sc"Architecting Dependable Systems ViLect Notes Comput Sc#Architecting Dependable Systems ViiLect Notes Comput Sc0Architecting Systems With Trustworthy ComponentsLect Notes Comput ScArchitects Journal Architects JArchitectural Design Archit DesignArchitectural Digest Archit DigestAArchitectural Glass to Resist Seismic and Extreme Climatic EventsWoodhead Publ Mater"Architectural Historian in America St His A SsArchitectural History Archit HistArchitectural Monographs Archit MonogrArchitectural Record Archit RecArchitectural Review Archit RevArchitectural Science ReviewArchit Sci RevArchitectural Theory ReviewArchit Theory Rev4Architectura-zeitschrift Fur Geschichte Der Baukunst Architectura Architecture ArchitectureGArchitecture and Application of Biomaterials and Biomolecular MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P"Architecture and Civil Engineering Adv Eng Res>Architecture and Design for The Future Internet: 4ward ProjectSignals Commun Techn7Architecture and Design of Distributed Embedded SystemsInt Fed Info Proc'Architecture: Between Spectacle and UseClark Stud Vis ArtsArchitecture D Aujourd HuiArchit Aujourd Hui"Architecture Description LanguagesInt Fed Info Proc[Architecture, Hardware, and Forward-looking Infrared Issues in Automatic Target RecognitionP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Architecture Multifunctional MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P:Architecture of Computing Systems - Arcs 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Architecture of Computing Systems - Arcs 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Architecture of Computing Systems - Arcs 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJArchitecture of Computing Systems-arcs 2009, 22nd International ConferenceLect Notes Comput Sc:Architecture of Computing Systems - Arcs 2010, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Architecture of Forest and Fruit Trees Colloq Inra#Architecture of Scientific SoftwareInt Fed Info ProcDArchitecture Principles: The Cornerstones of Enterprise ArchitectureEnterp Eng SerNArchitectures and Compilation Techniques for Fine and Medium Grain Parallelism Ifip Trans ATArchitectures and Synthesizers for Ultra-low Power Fast Frequency-hopping Wsn RadiosAnalog Circ Sig Proc+Architectures for Adaptive Software SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc4Architectures for Quality of Service in The InternetLect Notes Comput ScOArchitectures, Languages and Patterns for Parallel and Distributed ApplicationsConcur Syst Engn Ser>Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent SystemsConcur Syst Engn SerNArchitectures, Networks, and Intelligent Systems for Manufacturing IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt InsArchitecture-the Aia JournalArchitecture-aia J Architext Architext'Archiv Der Elektrischen Und UbertragungArch Elektr UbertragArchiv Der Mathematik Arch MathArchiv Der Pharmazie Arch PharmMArchiv Der Pharmazie Und Berichte Der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen GesselschaftArchiv Pharm Bericht%Archive for History of Exact SciencesArch Hist Exact SciArchive for Mathematical LogicArch Math Logic+Archive for Rational Mechanics and AnalysisArch Ration Mech AnFArchive for The Psychology of Religion-archiv Fur ReligionspsychologieArch Psychol ReligArchive of Applied MechanicsArch Appl Mech&Archive of Fishery and Marine ResearchArch Fish Mar ResArchivesArchives1Archives D Anatomie Et De Cytologie PathologiquesArch Anat Cytol PathAArchives D Anatomie Microscopique Et De Morphologie ExperimentaleArch Anat Microsc Mo%Archives De Biochimie Et CosmetologieArch Biochim CosmetoArchives De PediatrieArch PediatrieArchives De Philosophie Arch PhilosArchives De PsychologieArch Psychologie+Archives De Sciences Sociales Des ReligionsArch Sci Soc Relig/Archives Des Maladies Du Coeur Et Des VaisseauxArch Mal Coeur VaissTArchives Des Maladies Professionnelles De Medecine Du Travail Et De Securite SocialeArch Mal Prof Med<Archives Des Maladies Professionnelles Et De L EnvironnementArch Mal Prof EnviroArchives Des SciencesArch Sci$Archives Des Sciences PhysiologiquesArch Sci Physiol.Archives De Zoologie Experimentale Et GeneraleArch Zool Exp GenArchives D OphtalmologieArch Ophtalmol-paris"Archives Europeennes De SociologieArch Eur SociolcArchives for Meteorology Geophysics and Bioclimatology Series A-meteorology and Atmospheric PhysicsArch Meteor Geophy AcArchives for Meteorology Geophysics and Bioclimatology Series B-theoretical and Applied ClimatologyArch Meteor Geophy B@Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Supplement Arsp Beiheft Archives Francaises De PediatrieArch Fr Pediatr7Archives Francaises Des Maladies De L Appareil DigestifArch Fr Mal App Dig:Archives Internationales De Pharmacodynamie Et De TherapieArch Int Pharmacod TFArchives Internationales De Physiologie De Biochimie Et De BiophysiqueArch Int Physiol Bio7Archives Internationales De Physiologie Et De BiochimieArch Int Phys Bioch-Archives Internationales D Histoire Des IdeesArch Int Hist Idees-Archives Internationales D'histoire Des IdeesArch Int Hist Idees-Archives Internationales D'histoire Des Idees Int Arch HArchives Italiennes De BiologieArch Ital BiolArchives of Acoustics Arch Acoust Archives of American Art Journal Arch Am Art JArchives of AndrologyArch AndrologyArchives of Animal NutritionArch Anim Nutr5Archives of Animal Nutrition-archiv Fur TierernahrungArch Anim NutrArchives of Asian ArtArch Asian ArtArchives of Biochemistry Arch Biochem'Archives of Biochemistry and BiophysicsArch Biochem BiophysArchives of Biological Sciences Arch Biol SciArchives of Biology Arch BiolArchives of Budo Arch Budo#Archives of Cardiovascular DiseasesArch Cardiovasc Dis,Archives of Civil and Mechanical EngineeringArch Civ Mech Eng$Archives of Clinical NeuropsychologyArch Clin Neuropsych0Archives of Computational Methods in EngineeringArch Comput Method E#Archives of Dermatological ResearchArch Dermatol ResArchives of Dermatology Arch Dermatol'Archives of Dermatology and SyphilologyArch Dermatol Syph Archives of Disease in ChildhoodArch Dis Child?Archives of Disease in Childhood-education and Practice EditionArch Dis Childhood-e;Archives of Disease in Childhood-fetal and Neonatal EditionArch Dis Child-fetalArchives of Emergency MedicineArch Emerg Med/Archives of Environmental & Occupational HealthArch Environ Occup H6Archives of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyArch Environ Con Tox Archives of Environmental HealthArch Environ Health$Archives of Environmental ProtectionArch Environ Prot"Archives of Facial Plastic SurgeryArch Facial Plast SArchives of Family Medicine Arch Fam MedArchives of General PsychiatryArch Gen Psychiat&Archives of Gerontology and GeriatricsArch Gerontol GeriatArchives of Gynecology Arch GynecolArchives of GynecologyArch Gynecol Obstet%Archives of Gynecology and ObstetricsArch Gynecol Obstet"Archives of Histology and CytologyArch Histol Cytol8Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational MedicineArch Indhyg Occ Med.Archives of Insect Biochemistry and PhysiologyArch Insect Biochem&Archives of Interamerican RheumatologyArch Interam RheumatArchives of Internal MedicineArch Intern MedArchives of Iranian Medicine Arch Iran MedArchives of Mechanics Arch MechArchives of Medical Research Arch Med ResArchives of Medical Science Arch Med SciArchives of Metallurgy Arch Metall$Archives of Metallurgy and MaterialsArch Metall MaterArchives of MicrobiologyArch MicrobiolArchives of Mining Sciences Arch Min SciArchives of NeurologyArch Neurol-chicago$Archives of Neurology and PsychiatryArch Neuro PsychiatrArchives of OphthalmologyArch Ophthalmol-chicArchives of Oral BiologyArch Oral Biol*Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma SurgeryArch Orthop Traum SuArchives of OtolaryngologyArchiv Otolaryngol.Archives of Otolaryngology-head & Neck SurgeryArch Otolaryngol!Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngologyArch Oto-rhino-larynNArchives of Oto-rhino-laryngology-archiv Fur Ohren-nasen-und KehlkopfheilkundeArch Oto-rhino-larynArchives of Pathology Arch Pathol+Archives of Pathology & Laboratory MedicineArch Pathol Lab MedArchives of Pediatrics Arch Pediatr,Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent MedicineArch Pediat Adol MedArchives of Pharmacal ResearchArch Pharm Res0Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationArch Phys Med Rehab'Archives of Physiology and BiochemistryArch Physiol Biochem/Archives of Podiatric Medicine and Foot SurgeryArch Podiat Med Ft SArchives of Psychiatric NursingArch Psychiat NursArchives of Psychology Arch PsycholArchives of Sexual BehaviorArch Sex BehavArchives of Suicide ResearchArch Suicide ResArchives of SurgeryArch Surg-chicago)Archives of The Foundation of ThanatologyArch Found ThanatolArchives of Toxicology Arch Toxicol#Archives of Toxicology : Supplement Arch Tox SArchives of Virology Arch Virol"Archives of Virology, Supplementum Arch Vir S Archives of Womens Mental HealthArch Women Ment HlthUArchiv Fur Acker Und Pflanzenbau Und Bodenkunde-archives of Agronomy and Soil ScienceArch Acker Pfl BodenArchiv Fur Das EisenhuttenwesenArch Eisenhuttenwes;Archiv Fur Das Studium Der Neueren Sprachen Und LiteraturenArch Stud Neue Spr$Archiv Fur Dermatologie Und SyphilisArch Dermatol Syph-g$Archiv Fur Dermatologische ForschungArch Dermatol Forsch=Archiv Fur Die Gesamte Physiologie Des Menschen Und Der TiereArch Gesamte Physiol"Archiv Fur Die Gesamte PsychologieArch Gesamte Psychol%Archiv Fur Die Gesamte VirusforschungArch Ges Virusforsch-Archiv Fur Elektronik Und UbertragungstechnikAeu-arch Elektron UbArchiv Fur ElektrotechnikArch Elektrotech.Archiv Fur Entwicklungsmechanik Der OrganismenArch Entwicklung Org6Archiv Fur Experimentelle Pathologie Und PharmakologieArch Exp Pathol Phar*Archiv Fur Experimentelle VeterinarmedizinArch Exp Vet Med'Archiv Fur Experimentelle ZellforschungArch Exp Zellforsch Archiv Fur FischereiwissenschaftArch FischereiwissArchiv Fur GeflugelkundeArch Geflugelkd%Archiv Fur Geschichte Der PhilosophieArch Gesch Philos$Archiv Fur Geschichte Des BuchwesensArch Gesch Buchwes+Archiv Fur Geschichte Des Buchwesens, Bd 64Arch Gesch Buchwes,Archiv Fur Geschichte Des Buchwesens-studienArch Gesch Buchwes-sArchiv Fur GeschwulstforschungArch GeschwulstforscArchiv Fur Gynakologie Arch GynakolArchiv Fur HydrobiologieArch Hydrobiol$Archiv Fur Hygiene Und BakteriologieArch Hyg BakteriolArchiv Fur Japanische Chirurgie Arch Jpn ChirArchiv Fur Klinische Medizin Arch Klin Med4Archiv Fur Klinische Und Experimentelle DermatologieArch Klin Exp DermIArchiv Fur Klinische Und Experimentelle Ohren-nasen-und KehlkopfheilkundeArch Klin Exp OhrArchiv Fur KreislaufforschungArch KreislaufforschArchiv Fur LebensmittelhygieneArch LebensmittelhygXArchiv Fur Meteorologie Geophysik Und Bioklimatologie Serie A-meteorologie Und GeophysikArch 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ProtistenkundeArch Protistenkd,Archiv Fur Psychiatrie Und NervenkrankheitenArch Psychiat NervenArchiv Fur PsychologieArch Psychol-gerAArchiv Fur Reformationsgeschichte-archive for Reformation HistoryArch Reformationsges-Archiv Fur Soziale Gesetzgebung Und StatistikArch Soz Gesetzgeb SArchiv Fur SozialgeschichteArch Sozialgesch*Archiv Fur Sozialgeschichte, 34 Band, 1994Arch Sozialgesch)Archiv Fur Sozialgeschichte, 35. Bd, 1995Arch Sozialgesch%Archiv Fur Sozialgeschichte <d>Arch Sozialgesch/Archiv Fur Sozialwissenschaft Und SozialpolitikArch Sozialwiss Sozi:Archiv Fur Technisches Messen Und Industrielle MesstechnikArch Tech Mess Ind M7Archiv Fur Technisches Messen Und Messtechnische PraxisArch Tech Mess5Archiv Fur Tierernahrung-archives of Animal NutritionArch Tierernahr0Archiv Fur Tierzucht-archives of Animal BreedingArch TierzuchtArchiv Fur Toxikologie Arch Toxikol%Archivio Di Oceanografia E LimnologiaArch Oceanogr LimnolArchivio Storico ItalianoArch Storico ItalArchivio Veterinario Italiano Arch Vet ItalArchivists LibraryArch LibArchivo Espanol De ArqueologiaArch Espan ArqueolArchivo Espanol De ArteArch Espan Art:Archivo Hispalense-revista Historica Literaria Y ArtisticaArch Hispal-rev HistArchiv Orientalni Arch Orient Archivos Argentinos De PediatriaArch Argent Pediatr)Archivos De Alergia E Inmunologia ClinicaArch Alerg Inmunol C.Archivos De Biologia Y Medicina ExperimentalesArch Biol Med ExpArchivos De BronconeumologiaArch Bronconeumol Archivos De Investigacion MedicaArch Invest Med>Archivos De La Sociedad Americana De Oftalmologia Y OptometriaArch Soc Am Oftalmol)Archivos Del Instituto De Biologia AndinaArch I Biol Andina/Archivos Del Instituto De Cardiologia De MexicoArch I Cardiol Mex Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria Arch Med VetArchivos De NeurobiologiaArch NeurobiolArchivos De Zootecnia Arch Zootec&Archivos Latinoamericanos De NutricionArch Latinoam Nutr!Archivum Chirurgicum NeerlandicumArch Chir NeerlArchivum Histologicum JaponicumArch Histol CytolArchivum Histologicum JaponicumArch Histol Japon1Archivum Immunologiae Et Therapiae ExperimentalisArch Immunol Ther Ex+Archivum : International Review On Archives Arch Int ReArchivum Linguisticum Arch LinguistArchiwum Mechaniki Stosowanej Arch MechArcticArcticKArctic and Alpine Biodiversity: Patterns, Causes and Ecosystem Consequences Ecol Stu AnArctic and Alpine ResearchArctic Alpine Res$Arctic Antarctic and Alpine ResearchArct Antarct Alp ResArctic AnthropologyArctic Anthropol+Arctic Oil and Gas: Sustainability At Risk?Routl Explor Environ/Arctic Region and Antartica Issues and ResearchArct Reg Antarct IssOArctic Sea Ice Decline: Observations, Projections, Mechanisms, and ImplicationsGeophys Monogr SerArdeaArdeaArdeolaArdeolaAreaArea?Arena 2006-acoustic and Radio Eev Neutrino Detection ActivitiesJ Phys Conf SerArenaviruses ICurr Top MicrobiolArenaviruses IiCurr Top MicrobiolAre Prisons Any Better Sage Crim J9Are The Distinctions Between Debt and Equity Disappearing Fed Bank BoArethusaArethusaPAreuea Journal-journal of The American Real Estate & Urban Economics AssociationAreuea JSAre Women Achieving Equity in Chemistry: Dissolving Disparity and Catalyzing Change Acs Sym Ser:Arfificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sicence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int)Argonaute Proteins: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolArgosArgosArgosArgos-venezuela(Arguing: Exchanging Reasons Face to FaceLea Commun SerArguing Fundamental RightsLaw Philos LibrArguing On The Toulmin Model Argum LibArguing On The Toulmin ModelArgumentation LibArgumentArgumentEArgument and Rhetoric: Adverbial Connectors in The History of EnglishTop Engl LinguistArgumenta Oeconomica Argum Oecon Argumentation Argumentation$Argumentation in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int$Argumentation in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Comput ScNArgumentation in Science Education: Perspectives From Classroom-based ResearchSci Technol Educ LibArgumentation Library Argum LibArgumentation LibraryArgumentation Lib%Argumentatiton in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Comput ScAArgumentative Indicators in Discourse: A Pragma-dialectical Study Argum Lib Arguments ArgumentsDArguments and Structure: Studies On The Architecture of The SentenceStud Generat GrammArheoloski VestnikArheoloski Vestn&Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I ToksikologijuArh Hig Rada ToksikoArhiv Za Poljoprivredne NaukeArh Poljopr Nauke!Arid Land Research and ManagementArid Land Res Manag%Arid Soil Research and RehabilitationArid Soil Res Rehab2Ariel-a Review of International English LiteratureAriel-rev Int Engl.Arion-a Journal of Humanities and The ClassicsArionAri-springer Asia SeriesAri-springer Asia Se1Aristocracy in The County of Champagne, 1100-1300Middle Ages Ser5Aristocratic Women and The Literary Nation, 1832-1867Palgrave Stud Ninet-6Aristotelian Society Publications Supplementary Volume Arist Soc P*Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Vol 72 Arist Soc P2Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Vol Lxxi, 1997 Arist Soc P.Aristotelian Society - Supplementary Volume 64 Arist Soc P4Aristotelian Society - Supplementary Volume 65, 1991 Arist Soc P.Aristotelian Society - Supplementary Volume 66 Arist Soc P.Aristotelian Society - Supplementary Volume 67 Arist Soc P4Aristotelian Society - Supplementary Volume 68, 1994 Arist Soc P4Aristotelian Society - Supplementary Volume 69, 1995 Arist Soc P4Aristotelian Society - Supplementary Volume 70, 1996 Arist Soc P Aristotle Routl Philos Aristotle and Plotinus On MemoryQuellen Stud PhilosAArith-15 2001: 15th Symposium On Computer Arithmetic, ProceedingsP S Comp ArithmDArith: 2009 19th Ieee International Symposium On Computer ArithmeticP S Comp ArithmfArithmetical Investigations: Representation Theory, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Quantum InterpolationsLect Notes Math8Arithmetical Properties of Commutative Rings and MonoidsLect Notes Pure Appl7Arithmetic and Geometry Around Hypergeometric Functions Prog Math+Arithmetic and Geometry Around Quantization Prog Math+Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic CyclesNato Adv Sci I C-matArithmetic GeometryLect Notes Math4Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory Contemp Math9Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory 2009 Contemp MathArithmetic of Complex ManifoldsLect Notes Math-Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, Second EditionGrad Texts Math(Arithmetic of Finite Fields, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScArithmetic of Function Fields Ohio St U M4Arithmetic of Higher-dimensional Algebraic Varieties Prog MathArithmetic of Quadratic FormsSpringer Monogr Math$Arithmetic Theory of Elliptic CurvesLect Notes Math7Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station Research ReportAriz Aes Res Rep:Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station Technical BulletinAriz Aes Tech Bull3Arizona and The West-a Quarterly Journal of History Ariz WestArizona MedicineAriz Med#Arizona Phonology Conference, Vol 1 Coyote Pap#Arizona Phonology Conference, Vol 2 Coyote Pap#Arizona Phonology Conference, Vol 3 Coyote Pap8Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers Anthr Res PJArizona Water Policy: Management Innovations in An Urbanizing, Arid RegionIssues Water Resourc1Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinArkansas Aes Bull:Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Mimeograph SeriesArkansas Aes Res Ser6Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Report SeriesArkansas Aes Rep Ser8Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research SeriesArkansas Aes Res Ser8Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Special ReportsArkansas Aes Spec Re;Arkansas and The Natural Environment : Water, Waste and WarArkansas Aes Spec Re-Arkansas Archeological Survey Research SeriesArk Archeol Sur ResArkansas Farm ResearchArkansas Farm ResArkansas Historical QuarterlyArkansas Hist Quart Arkheologiya ArkheologiyaArkhiv Patologii Ark PatolArkiv for Astronomi Ark AstronArkiv for BotanikArk BotArkiv for FysikArk FysArkiv for Geofysik Ark GeofysArkiv for KemiArk Kemi%Arkiv for Kemi Mineralogi Och GeologiArk Kem Mineral GeolArkiv for MatematikArk Mat Arkiv for Mineralogi Och GeologiArk Mineral Och GeolArkiv Fur ZoologiArk ZoolArkivocArkivocArmed Forces & SocietyArmed Forces Soc?Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution: Sociological PerspectivesContrib Confl ManagWArmed Forces, Soldiers and Civil-military Relations: Essays in Honor of Jurgen KuhlmannSchr Sozialw I Bunde%Armed Groups and The Balance of PowerLse Int Stud SerKArming America At War: A Model for Rapid Defense Acquisition in Time of WarRes Public Manag0Arming Conflict: The Proliferation of Small Arms Glob Iss Ser Arms & Armour Arms Armour Arms Control and Disarmament LawArms Control DisarmaoArms Control At The End of The Cold War: An Oral History of The Negotiations On Conventional Armed Forces In...Keck Ctr Int St StudArms Control in The Middle East Publ Jc StrArms of His LoveWomen Conf SerArmyanskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal Arm Khim Zh!Arne Ryde Memorial Lecture SeriesArne Ryde Mem Lect SArnoldiaArnoldia Arnoldian Arnoldian;Aromatase Inhibitors: Types, Mode of Action and IndicationsCancer Etiol Diagn T%Aromaticity in Heterocyclic CompoundsTop Heterocycl ChemUAround Caspar Wessel and The Geometric Representation of Complex Numbers, ProceedingsKong Dansk Vidensk9Around The Research of Vladimir Maz'ya I: Function Spaces Int Mat Ser*Around The Research of Vladimir Maz'ya Iii Int Mat SerIAround The Research of Vladimir Maz'ya Ii: Partial Differential Equations Int Mat SerArqArq$Arq-architectural Research QuarterlyArq-archit Res QArquitetura RevistaArquitetura Rev6Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E ZootecniaArq Bras Med Vet Zoo#Arquivos Brasileiros De CardiologiaArq Bras Cardiol4Arquivos Brasileiros De Endocrinologia E MetabologiaArq Bras Endocrinol$Arquivos Brasileiros De OftalmologiaArq Bras Oftalmol+Arquivos Brasileiros De Psicologia AplicadaArq Bras Psicol Apl!Arquivos Brasileros De PsicologiaArq Bras Psicol AplIArquivos Da Escola De Veterinaria Da Universidade Federal De Minas GeraisArq Esc Vet Univ Fed!Arquivos De Biologia E TecnologiaArq Biol Tecnol8Arquivos De Medicina : Revista De Ciencia E Arte Medicas Arq MedicinArquivos De Neuro-psiquiatriaArq Neuro-psiquiat^Arriere-boutiques De La Litterature: Auteurs Et Imprimeurs-libraires Aux Xvie Et Xviie SieclesCribles Arrigo Boito Linea VenetArs CombinatoriaArs CombinatoriafArsenic and Old Mustard: Chemical Problems in The Destruction of Old Arsenical and 'mustard' MunitionsNato Sci S 1 Disarm Ars JournalArsj-am Rocket Soc JArs Mathematica ContemporaneaArs Math ContempArs SemeioticaArs Semeiotica4Arsskrift Den Kongelige Veterinaer-og LandbohojskoleArsskr/kgl Vet LandVArs Topica: The Classical Technique of Constructing Arguments From Aristotle to Cicero Argum Lib"Art and Architecture in DiscussionArt Archit DiscussArt and Science of Epilepsy Int Congr Ser<Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design (vol. 1)Stud Comput Intell-Art and Science of Structural Concrete Design Amer Conc I(Art and Symmetry in Experimental Physics Aip Conf Proc$Art and The Early Photographic AlbumStud Hist Art SympArt and The Human Blastocyst Serono Symp<Art and The State:the Visual Arts in Comparative PerspectiveSt Antonys Ser Art BulletinArt Bull8Art, Community and Environment: Educational PerspectivesRead Art Des Edu Art Criticism Art Criticism,Artech House Antennas and Propagation SeriesArtech Hse Antenn Pr9Artech House Bioinformatics and Biomedical Imaging SeriesArtech Hse Bioinf Bi2Artech House Biomedical Signals and Systems SeriesArtech Hse Biom Sign,Artech House Electromagnetic Analysis SeriesArtech Hse Elec Anal$Artech House Electronic Radar SeriesArtech Hse Elec Rad'Artech House Electronic Warfare LibraryArtech Hse Elec Warf5Artech House Gnss Technology and Applications LibraryArtech Hse Gnss Tech4Artech House Information Security and Privacy SeriesArtech Hse Inf Secur+Artech House Integrated Microsystems SeriesArtech Hse Integr Mi;Artech House Intelligence and Information Operations SeriesArtech Hse Intel Inf7Artech House Intelligent Transportation Systems LibraryArtech Hse Intel Tra-Artech House Methods in Bioengineering SeriesArtech Hse Meth Bioe2Artech House Microelectromechanical Systems SeriesArtech Hse Microel SArtech House Microwave LibraryArtech Hse Microw LiArtech House Microwave Library Artech Micr)Artech House Mobile Communications SeriesArtech Hse Mob Comm5Artech House Nanoscale Science and Engineering SeriesArt Hse Nano Sci Eng$Artech House Optoelectronics Library Art H OptoArtech House Radar LibraryArtech Hse Radar Lib#Artech House Remote Sensing LibraryArtech Hse Remote Se&Artech House Signal Processing LibraryArtech Hse Sig Proc&Artech House Telecommunications SeriesArtech Hse Telecom S5Artech House Universal Personal Communications SeriesArt H Uni Per Commun5Artech House Universal Personal Communications SeriesArtech Hse Univers PArte Individuo Y SociedadArte Individuo SocBArt Encounters Deleuze and Guattari: Thought Beyond Representation Renew PhilosArterial ChemoreceptorsAdv Exp Med BiolArteriosclerosisArteriosclerosisArteriosclerosis and ThrombosisArterioscler Thromb0Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular BiologyArterioscl Throm VasArteryArteryArtes De MexicoArt MexArt, Fashion and Work for Hire: Thomas Demand, Peter Saville, Hedi Slimane, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Cristina Bechtler in ConversationArt Archit DiscussArtficial EvolutionLect Notes Comput ScArtforumArtforumArtforum International Artforum Int>Art Historian: National Traditions and Institutional PracticesClark Stud Vis Arts Art HistoryArt Hist'Art History, Aesthetics, Visual StudiesClark Stud Vis Arts)Arthritic Rat As A Model of Clinical Pain Int Congr Ser0Arthritis & Rheumatism-arthritis Care & ResearchArthrit Rheum-arthrArthritis and RheumatismArthritis RheumArthritis and RheumatismArthritis Rheum-usArthritis Care & ResearchArthrit Care ResArthritis Care and ResearchArthrit Care ResArthritis Research Arthritis ResArthritis Research & TherapyArthritis Res Ther*Arthropod Natural Enemies in Arable Land I Act Jutland+Arthropod Natural Enemies in Arable Land Ii Act JutlandArthropod-plant InteractionsArthropod-plant Inte!Arthropod Structure & DevelopmentArthropod Struct Dev!Arthropod Systematics & PhylogenyArthropod Syst Phylo2Arthroscopic Techniques of The Hip: A Visual GuideVis Arthrosc Ser3Arthroscopic Techniques of The Knee: A Visual GuideVis Arthrosc Ser7Arthroscopic Techniques of The Shoulder: A Visual GuideVis Arthrosc Ser Arthroscopy Arthroscopy/Arthroscopy for Damaged Cartilage and Arthritis Fort Arthr;Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery Arthroscopy Arthuriana ArthurianaArthurian Romance and Gender Int For Lit Artibus Asiae Artibus AsiaeArtibus Et Historiae Artibus HistArtic Centre Reports U Lap A C R+Articular Cartilage and Knee Joint Function Bris Myer Z6Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Articulated Motion An Deformable Objects, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScOArtificail Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing - Ican/iconip 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc4Artificial Cells Blood Substitutes and BiotechnologyArtif Cell Blood SubCArtificial Cells Blood Substitutes and Immobilization BiotechnologyArtif Cell Blood SubKArtificial Chemical Sensing: Olfaction and The Electronic Nose (isoen 2001) Elec Soc SArtificial EvolutionLect Notes Comput Sc$Artificial General Intelligence 2008 Fr Art Int$Artificial General Intelligence 2008Front Artif Intel Ap+Artificial General Intelligence ProceedingsAdv Intel Sys ResArtificial Gravity Spac Tec LArtificial Immune SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc&Artificial Immune Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScArtificial Intelligence Artif Intell;Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing ApplicationsTransport Res Rec.Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science,Lect Notes Artif Int:Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntCArtificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int<Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, Pt ILect Notes Artif Int'Artificial Intelligence and Education / Fr Art IntKArtificial Intelligence and Expert Systems : Will They Change The Library ? Cl Lib Appl?Artificial Intelligence and Heuristic Methods in BioinformaticsNato Sc S Ss Iii C SIArtificial Intelligence and Innovations 2007: From Theory to ApplicationsInt Fed Info Proc>Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Transportation SystemsTransport Res ReciArtificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering Applications: A Bioinspired Approach, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Artificial Intelligence and Neural NetworksLect Notes Artif Int9Artificial Intelligence and Security in Computing SystemsKluwer Int Ser Eng C9Artificial Intelligence and Security in Computing SystemsSpringer Int Ser Eng&Artificial Intelligence and SimulationLect Notes Comput Sc&Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Simul Series8Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - Icaisc 2004Lect Notes Artif IntEArtificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - Icaisc 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScEArtificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - Icaisc 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int0Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Pt ILect Notes Artif Int1Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Pt IiLect Notes Artif Int0Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic ComputationLect Notes Artif Int=Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int=Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Artificial Intelligence: An International PerspectiveLect Notes Comput Sc4Artificial Intelligence Applications and InnovationsIfip Adv Inf Comm Te4Artificial Intelligence Applications and InnovationsInt Fed Info Proc7Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations IiInt Fed Info Proc8Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations IiiInt Fed Info Proc+Artificial Intelligence for Human ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc$Artificial Intelligence in Education Fr Art Int$Artificial Intelligence in EducationFront Artif Intel Ap&Artificial Intelligence in EngineeringArtif Intell Eng1Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing ResearchMater Manuf Technol#Artificial Intelligence in MedicineArtif Intell Med#Artificial Intelligence in MedicineLect Notes Artif Int#Artificial Intelligence in Medicine St Heal T0Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int1Artificial Intelligence in Real-time Control 1991 Ann R Aut P1Artificial Intelligence in Real-time Control 1992 Ann R Aut P<Artificial Intelligence in Real-time Control 1995 (airtc'95) Ifac Work S1Artificial Intelligence in Real-time Control 1997Ifac Symp Series1Artificial Intelligence in Real-time Control 1998Ifac Symp Series1Artificial Intelligence in Real-time Control 2000Ifac Symp Series]Artificial Intelligence in Recognition and Classification of Astrophysical and Medical ImagesStud Comput IntellUArtificial Intelligence in Scientific Computation : Towards Second Generation Systems Imacs Ann C.Artificial Intelligence in Theory and PracticeInt Fed Info Proc1Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice IiInt Fed Info Proc2Artificial Intelligence in Wireless CommunicationsArtech Hse Mob Comm=Artificial Intelligence: Methodology Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int?Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif IntKArtificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntLArtificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications Fr Art IntHArtificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int0Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Fr Art Int0Artificial Intelligence Research and DevelopmentFront Artif Intel ApArtificial Intelligence ReviewArtif Intell RevArtificial Intelligence Series Artif Int$Artificial Intelligence Series-wseasArtif Int Ser Wseas8Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Computer GraphicsStud Comp IntellUArtificial Intelligence Techniques for Networked Manufacturing Enterprises ManagementSpringer Ser Adv ManGArtificial Intelligence: Theories, Models and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntEArtificial Intelligence: Theories, Models and Applications, Setn 2008Lect Notes Artif IntArtificial Life Artif Life4Artificial Life: Borrowing From Biology, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntArtificial Life Ii Sfi S Sci CArtificial Life ViFrom Anim AnimatArtificial Life ViiFrom Anim AnimatArtificial Liver Support Falk Symp2Artificially Induced Grain Alignment in Thin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp P4Artificial Market Experiments With The U-mart SystemSpringer Ser Agent B5Artificial Markets Modeling: Methods and ApplicationsLect Notes Econ Math8Artificial Muscle Actuators Using Electroactive Polymers Adv Sci Tech-Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic AlgorithmsSpring Comp Sci:Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, ProceedingsSpring Comp Sci5Artificial Neural Nets Problem Solving Methods, Pt IiLect Notes Comput ScArtificial Neural Networks /Lect Notes Comput ScOArtificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing - Ican/iconip 2003Lect Notes Comput ScSArtificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations - Icann 2005, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc`Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models and Their Applications - Icann 2005, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScWArtificial Neural Networks for The Modelling and Fault Diagnosis of Technical ProcessesLect Notes Contr Inf2Artificial Neural Networks-icann 2001, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2002Lect Notes Comput Sc-Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2006, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc-Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2006, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc:Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2007, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2007, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2008, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc.Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2008, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc-Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2009, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc.Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2009, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc+Artificial Neural Networks-icann 2010, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc,Artificial Neural Networks-icann 2010, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc/Artificial Neural Networks (icann 2010), Pt IiiLect Notes Comput Sc2Artificial Neural Networks in Medicine and BiologyPersp Neural Comp>Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int"Artificial Nutrition and Hydration Philos MedArtificial Organs Artif OrgansArtificial Organs New Tech Surg)Artificial Oxygen Carrier: Its Front LineKeio U Int Symp Life6Artificial Turbulence for Imaging and Wave PropagationP Soc Photo-opt InsArtiifical EvolutionLect Notes Comput Sc Arti Musices Arti MusicArt in AmericaArt AmOArt in A Season of Revolution: Painters, Artisans, and Patrons in Early AmericaEarly Am Stud Ser"Art in Comparison to Phenomenology Philosophic$Art Inspiring Transmutations of LifeAnalecta Husserl'Art Institute of Chicago Museum StudiesArt Inst Chicago MusArt InternationalArt Int Art JournalArt JOArt Matters: A Critical Commentary On Heidegger's The Origin of The Work of ArtContrib Phenomenol]Art Meets Law in Education: Yearbook of The European Association for Education Law and PolicyYearb Eur Asso EduArt, Memoire Et TerritoireSci Soc-franceArtnewsArt News#Art of Being Jewish in Modern TimesJew Cult ContextArt of Full EmploymentContrib To Econ AnalAArt of Grief: The Use of Expressive Arts in A Grief Support GroupSer Death Dying*Art of Modelling Stars in The 21st CenturyIau Symp P SeriesArt of Random WalksLect Notes Math'Art of Resisting Extreme Natural ForcesWit Trans Eng SciArt of Semiparametrics Contr Stat:Art Outside The Lines: New Perspectives On Gdr Art Culture Ger MonitorArt PsychotherapyArt Psychotherapy Art Quarterly Art Quart,Arts and Intellectual Life in Modern AmericaArts Intell Life Mod?Arts Biomechanics: An Infant Science: Its Challenges and FutureBiomech Theor Appl Artscanada Artscanada Art Seminar Art SeminArts in PsychotherapyArt Psychother Arts MagazineArt Mag Arts of AsiaArt Asia?Arts of Calculation: Quantifying Thought in Early Modern EuropeEar Mod Cult StudHArt Work: Women Artists and Democracy in Mid-nineteenth-century New YorkArts Intell Life Mod'Arundhati Roy's The God of Small ThingsRoutledge Guides Lit&Arvonluonnin Uudet Muodot Ja Verkostot Vtt Res NotesArzneimittel-forschungArznei-forschung$Arzneimittel-forschung-drug ResearchArzneimittel-forsch$Arzneimittel-forschung/drug ResearchArzneimittel-forschArztliche Laboratorium Arztl LabSAsa Decennial Conference Series - The Uses of Knowledge: Global and Local RelationsAsa Decen Conf SerAsae Publication Asae Publ Asaio JournalAsaio JAsa Miscellaneous Publication Asa Misc PAsa Monographs Asa MonogrAsao Monograph SeriesAsao Monog Ser5Asa-siam Series On Statistics and Applied ProbabilityAsa Siam Ser Stat ApAsa Special Publication Asa Spec P'Asbestos: Risks, Environment and ImpactEnv Health Phys ChemAsbm6: Advanced Biomaterials Vi Key Eng MatAsbm6: Advanced Biomaterials Vi Key Eng Mater Asbm7: Advanced Biomaterials Vii Key Eng Mat Asbm7: Advanced Biomaterials Vii Key Eng MaterAsci Journal of Management Asci J ManageEAscites, Hyponatremia and Hepatorenal Syndrome: Progress in TreatmentFront Gastroint Res;Asclepio-revista De Historia De La Medicina Y De La CienciaAsclepiocAscmc 2003: Ieee/semi (r) Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop, Proceedings Asmc ProcAscomycete SystematicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se[Ase 2006: 21st Ieee International Conference On Automated Software Engineering, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf Autom!Asea Brown Boveri Symposia Series Asea Br B SIAsean Economic Integration: Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and FinanceAdv Res Asian EconAsem: A Window of OpportunityStud Int Inst Asian Asha Reports Asha Report*Ashbrook Series in Constitutional Politics Ashbr ConstAshrae JournalAshrae JAshrae JournalAshrae JournalWAshrae Journal-american Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning EngineersAshrae JAshrae Special Publications Ashrae SpecAshrae Transactions Ashrae Tran&Ashrae Transactions 1991, Vol 97, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran&Ashrae Transactions 1991, Vol 97, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions, 1992, Vol 98, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran&Ashrae Transactions 1992, Vol 98, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran&Ashrae Transactions 1993, Vol 99, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran&Ashrae Transactions 1993, Vol 99, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 1995, Vol 101, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 1995, Vol 101, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 1996, Vol 102, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 1996, Vol 102, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 1997, Vol 103, Pt I Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2005, Vol 111, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2005, Vol 111, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2006, Vol 112, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2006, Vol 112, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran&Ashrae Transactions 2007 Vol 113, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2008, Vol 114, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2008, Vol 114, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2009, Vol 115, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2009, Vol 115, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2010, Vol 116, Pt 1 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions 2010, Vol 116, Pt 2 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions, Vol 96, Pt 1, 1990 Ashrae Tran'Ashrae Transactions, Vol 96, Pt 2, 1990 Ashrae Tran?Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference ProceedingsAsia S Pacif Des AutAsia Europe Journal Asia Eur J?Asia-europe Meeting:the Theory and Practice of InterregionalismRoutl Contemp AsiaAsia-europe Studies SeriesAsia Europ StudAsia in The 1990s Res Pap Pol Asia in The Twenty-first CenturyEcon Id Lead 21st CAsia Life Sciences Asia Life Sci<Asian American Parenting and Parent-adolescent RelationshipsAdv Respons Adol DevAsian Americans Assoc As AmBAsian and Pacific Education: Learning, Socialization, and IdentityRes Educ Asian Pac#Asian and Pacific Migration JournalAsian Pac Migr JAsian AnthropologyAnthropol Asia Asian Art Asian ArtAsian Art & CultureAsian Art Cult-Asian-australasian Journal of Animal SciencesAsian Austral J AnimAsian Biomedicine Asian BiomedAsian Business & ManagementAsian Bus ManagAsian Case Research JournalAsian Case Res J'Asian Ceramic Science for Electronics I Key Eng MatTAsian Ceramic Science for Electronics Ii and Electroceramics in Japan V, Proceedings Key Eng MatJAsian Ceramic Science for Electronics Iii and Electroceramics in Japan Xii Key Eng MatJAsian Ceramic Science for Electronics Iii and Electroceramics in Japan Xii Key Eng Mater&Asian Diaspora Poetry in North AmericaLit Crit Cult TheoryUAsian Digital Libraries: Looking Back 10 Years and Forging New Frontiers, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAsian Economic Journal Asian Econ JAsian Economic PapersAsian Econ PapAsian Economic Policy ReviewAsian Econ Policy RAsian Economy and Asian MoneyContrib Econ Anal4Asian Economy and Finance: A Post-crisis PerspectiveInnov Financ MarketXAsian Empire and British Knowledge: China and The Networks of British Imperial ExpansionCamb Imp Post-col StAsian Ethnology Asian Ethnol@Asian-european Relations: Building Blocks for Global Governance?Routl Contemp Asia+Asian Fisheries Society Special PublicationAsian Fish Soc Spec;Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication - Indian Branch Asian F IndAsian Folklore StudiesAsian Folklore StudAsian Herpetological ResearchAsian Herpetol Res5Asian Informal Workers: Global Risks Local ProtectionRoutledge Stud GrowtAsian Journal of AndrologyAsian J Androl/Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary AdvancesAsian J Anim Vet Adv/Asian Journal of Business & Information SystemsAsian J Bus Inf SystAsian Journal of Chemistry Asian J Chem"Asian Journal of Chemistry ReviewsAsian J Chem RevAsian Journal of CommunicationAsian J CommunAsian Journal of ControlAsian J ControlAsian Journal of Mathematics Asian J Math"Asian Journal of Social PsychologyAsian J Soc PsycholAsian Journal of Social ScienceAsian J Soc SciAsian Journal of SpectroscopyAsian J SpectroscAsian Journal of Surgery Asian J Surg&Asian Journal of Technology InnovationAsian J Technol InnoAsian Journal of Womens StudiesAsian J Women Stud:Asian Journal of Wto & International Health Law and PolicyAsian J Wto Int Heal Asian Medicine and GlobalizationEncounters AsiaAsian Migrants and EducationEduc Asia Pac Reg-isAsian Migrants and EducationEduc Asia-pacific Asian Music Asian MusicAsian MyrmecologyAsian MyrmecolAsian Nursing ResearchAsian Nurs Res!Asian-pacific Economic LiteratureAsian-pac Econ Lit/Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and ImmunologyAsian Pac J Allergy*Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer PreventionAsian Pac J Cancer P*Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical MedicineAsian Pac J Trop Med8Asian Paleoanthropology: From Africa to China and BeyondVertebr Paleobiol PaAsian Perspective Asian PerspecAsian PerspectiveAsian Perspect-seoulAsian PerspectivesAsian PerspectAsian Philosophy Asian PhiloshAsian Plants With Unique Horticultural Potential: Genetic Resources, Cultural Practices, and Utilization Acta Hortic,Asian Political Economic and Security IssuesAsian Polit Econ SecAsian Security StudiesAsian Secur Stud&Asian Studies Association of AustraliaAsian Stud Assoc AusAsian Studies ReviewAsian Stud Rev>Asian Summer School On Laser Plasma Acceleration and Radiation Aip Conf Proc Asian Survey Asian Surv Asian Test Symposium ProceedingsAsian Test SymposiumAsian Theatre JournalAsian Theatre JtAsian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of A Workshop On Conservation An D Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in AsiaChelon Res Monogr Asian Women Asian Women#Asian Yearbook of International LawAsian Yearb Int Law+Asian Yearbook of International Law, Vol 14Asian Yearb Int LawAsia Pacific Business ReviewAsia Pac Bus RevAsia Pacific CommunityAsia Pac Commun!Asia-pacific Education ResearcherAsia-pac Educ ResAsia Pacific Education ReviewAsia Pac Educ Rev"Asia-pacific Environment MonographAsia-pac Env Monogr#Asia Pacific Financial DeregulationPac Trad Dev Conf SFAsia-pacific Financial Markets: Integration, Innovation and ChallengesInt Financ Rev.Asia-pacific Journal of Accounting & EconomicsAsia-pac J Account E$Asia Pacific Journal of AnthropologyAsia Pac J Anthropol,Asia-pacific Journal of Atmospheric SciencesAsia-pac J Atmos Sci,Asia-pacific Journal of Chemical EngineeringAsia-pac J Chem Eng*Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical NutritionAsia Pac J Clin Nutr)Asia-pacific Journal of Clinical OncologyAsia-pac J Clin Onco!Asia Pacific Journal of EducationAsia Pac J Educ)Asia-pacific Journal of Financial StudiesAsia-pac J Financ St'Asia Pacific Journal of Human ResourcesAsia Pac J Hum Resou"Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementAsia Pac J Manag;Asia-pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyAsia-pac J Mol Biol,Asia-pacific Journal of Operational ResearchAsia Pac J Oper Res$Asia Pacific Journal of PharmacologyAsia Pac J Pharmacol%Asia-pacific Journal of Public HealthAsia-pac J Public He#Asia Pacific Journal of Social WorkAsia Pac J Soc Work3Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and DevelopmentAsia Pac J Soc Work)Asia-pacific Journal of Teacher EducationAsia-pac J Teach Edu(Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism ResearchAsia Pac J Tour ResAsia Pacific Law ReviewAsia Pac Law Rev-Asia Pacific Microwave Conference ProceedingsAsia Pacif Microwave-Asia Pacific Microwave Conference-proceedingsAsia Pacif MicrowaveAsia-pacific PsychiatryAsia-pac PsychiatLAsia-pacific Security: Us, Australia and Japan and The New Security TriangleAsian Secur Stud,Asia-pacific Software Engineering ConferenceAsia Pac Sofwr EngAsia Pacific ViewpointAsia Pac ViewpAsia Quarterly Asia QuartEAsia's Debt Capital Markets: Prospects and Strategies for DevelopmentMilken Inst Ser Fina Asiasim 2007Comm Com Inf ScJAsias International Role in The Post-cold War Era, Pt 1 : Conference Paper Adelp PapAsias TransformationsAsia's TransformAsias TransformationsAsias TransformAsiatische ForschungenAsiat Forsch Mg GesGAsil Proceedings of The 89th Annual Meeting - Structures of World Order P Am S In LDAsis 2000: Proceedings of The 63rd Asis Annual Meeting, Vol 37, 2000 P Asis AnnAsis 90 P Asis AnnDAsis '95 - Proceedings of The 58th Asis Annual Meeting, Vol 32, 1995 P Asis AnnDAsis '96 - Proceedings of The 59th Asis Annual Meeting, Vol 33, 1996 P Asis AnnCAsis '97 - Proceedings of The 60th Asis Annual Meeting, Vol 34 1997 P Asis AnnDAsis '98 - Proceedings of The 61st Asis Annual Meeting, Vol 35, 1998 P Asis AnnBAsis 99: Proceedings of The 62nd Asis Annual Meeting, Vol 36, 1999 P Asis AnnAsis Monograph Series Asis MonogrFAsist 2001: Proceedings of The 64th Asist Annual Meeting, Vol 38, 2001 P Asist AnnuFAsist 2002: Proceedings of The 65th Asist Annual Meeting, Vol 39, 2002 P Asist AnnuFAsist 2003: Proceedings of The 66th Asist Annual Meeting, Vol 40, 2003 P Asist AnnuGAsist 2004: Proceedings of The 67th Asis&t Annual Meeting, Vol 41, 2004 P Asist AnnuAsist Monograph Series Asist Mon SerAsist Monograph SeriesAsist Monogr SerAsle Transactions Asle TransAslib Proceedings Aslib ProcaAsmc 98 Proceedings - 1998 Ieee/semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop Asmc ProcAsme RtdAsme RtdAsm NewsAsm NewsAsm Transactions Quarterly Asm Trans Q Asn Neuro Asn Neuro:Asociacion Paleontologica Aegentina - Publicacion EspecialAsoc Pal Argent PublAspartic ProteinasesAdv Exp Med BiolyAs Pastoralists Settle: Social, Health, and Economic Consequences of Pastoral Sedentarization in Marsabit District, KenyaStud Hum Ecol AdaptTAsp-dac 2004: Proceedings of The Asia and South Pacific Design Automation ConferenceAsia S Pacif Des AutbAsp-dac 2005: Proceedings of The Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, Vols 1 and 2Asia S Pacif Des AutSAsp-dac 2006: 11th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ProceedingsAsia S Pacif Des AutBAspect '94: Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and TechnologyAdv Underwat Technol5Aspects and Prospects of Theoretical Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScAspects of African Biodiversity Roy Soc Ch0Aspects of Automated Natural Language GenerationLect Notes Artif IntAspects of Brownian Motion UniversitextAspects of ComplexityDe Gru Log ApplicatAspects of Education Aspects Educ.Aspects of Educational and Training Technology Asp Educ Tr6Aspects of Educational and Training Technology, Vol 24 Asp Educ Tr6Aspects of Educational and Training Technology, Vol 25 Asp Educ Tr4Aspects of Education and Training Technology, Vol 23 Asp Educ Tr8Aspects of Education in The Middle East and North AfricaOxf Stud Comp Educ;Aspects of Electron-molecule Scattering and Photoionization Aip Conf ProcAspects of Infinite Groups Alg Dis MthmAspects of Language ContactEmpir Approach Lang^Aspects of Mathematical Modelling: Applications in Science, Medicine, Economics and ManagementMath Biosci InteractAspects of Mathematics A MathematAspects of Molecular ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc?Aspects of Morphogenesis of Leaves, Flowers and Somatic EmbryosScripta Botan Belg&Aspects of Natural Language ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc-Aspects of Operator Algebras and Applications Contemp Math[Aspects of Physical Biology: Biological Water, Protein Solutions, Transport and ReplicationLect Notes Phys;Aspects of Soft Computing, Intelligent Robotics and ControlStud Comput Intell+Aspects of Sustainable Economic DevelopmentInt Marktwirtsch Aspects of Synaptic Transmission A Syn TransLAspects of Synaptic Transmission : Ltp, Galanin, Opioids, Autonomic and 5-ht A Syn Trans:Aspects of The History of Psychology in America: 1892-1992Ann Ny Acad Sci"Aspects of The Syntax of AgreementRoutl Lead Linguists*Aspects of The Tectonic Evolution of ChinaGeol Soc Spec Publ#Aspects of The Theory of MorphologyTrends Linguist-studAspects of Worker Well-beingRes Labor EconAspects On LiteracyLinkop Stud Ed Psych!Aspen Institute Conference ReportAspen Inst Conf RepAspen Symposium 89Us For Serv T R NcAsphalt Binders 2000Transport Res RecAsphalt Binders 2001Transport Res Rec:Asphaltenes: Characterization, Properties and ApplicationsChem Eng Method TechIAsphaltenes: Chemical Transformation During Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils Chem Ind-serAsphalt Mixture ComponentsTransport Res Rec9Asphalt Mixture Quality, Characteristics, and PerformanceTransport Res RecAsphalt MixturesTransport Res RecAsphalt Mixtures 2001Transport Res Rec2Asphalt Pavement Construction and Surface MixturesTransport Res RecQAssassinations and Murder in Modern Italy: Transformations in Society and CultureItal Ital Am Stud'Assay and Drug Development TechnologiesAssay Drug Dev TechnAssembly AutomationAssembly Autom"Assessing and Evaluating PavementsTransport Res RecDAssessing Emotional Intelligence: Theory, Research, and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Hum ExcKAssessing Exposures and Reducing Risks to People From The Use of Pesticides Acs Sym Ser/Assessing George W. Bushs Legacy: The Right ManEvol Am PresidUAssessing Outcomes in Child and Family Services: Comparative Design and Policy Issues Mod Appl SwAssessing Skills and PracticeKey Guid Eff Teach H1Assessing Teachers for Professional Certification Adv Prog EvalUAssessing The Benefits and Costs of Its: Making The Business Case for Its InvestmentsTransp Res Econ PolXAssessing The Evidence On Indigenous Socioeconomic Outcomes: A Focus On The 2002 NatsissCent Abor Econ PolrAssessing The Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Waste-derived Ethanol in Accordance With Eu Red Methodology for Biofuels Vtt Res NotesTAssessing The Risks of Nuclear and Chemical Contamination in The Former Soviet Union Nato Asi 2^Assessing The Sustainability of Liquid Biofuels From Evolving Technologies: A Finnish Approach Vtt Res Notes6Assessing Well-being: The Collected Works of Ed DienerSoc Indic Res Ser Assessment Assessment+Assessment & Evaluation in Higher EducationAssess Eval High EduFAssessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive ControlLect Notes Contr InfAssessment and InterventionAdv Learn Behav DisaQAssessment and Promotion of Work Ability, Health and Well-being of Ageing Workers Int Congr Ser4Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated SedimentsNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear'Assessment and Treatment of Cancer PainProg Pain Res ManagPAssessment and Treatment of Child Psychopathology and Developmental DisabilitiesAssess Treat Child P6Assessment in Technical and Professional CommunicationBaywoods Tech Commun7Assessment of Biodiversity for Improved Forest PlanningFor ScieAssessment of Cold Welding Between Separable Contact Surfaces Due to Impact and Fretting Under VacuumEur Space Agency Sci\Assessment of Fracture Risk and Its Application to Screening for Postmenopausal OsteoporosisWho Tech Rep SerKAssessment of Higher and Professional Competence - International Conference Imare Conf)Assessment of Human Reproductive FunctionAnn Ny Acad Sci9Assessment of Hydrogen Energy for Sustainable DevelopmentNato Sci Peace Secur?Assessment of Pupil Achievement : Motivation and School Success Eur Educ R(Assessment of Reserves in Low Rank CoalsAimm Spectr SerQAssessment of Teaching : Purposes, Practices, and Implications for The Profession Buros Neb SQAssessment of The Ergonomic Quality of Hand-held Tools and Computer Input DevicesErgon Hum Fact SafeEAssessment of The Fate and Effects of Toxic Agents On Water ResourcesNato Sci Peace Secur3Assessment Reform in Education: Policy and PracticeEduc Asia Pac Reg-is/Assessment Reform in Science: Fairness and FearCont Trends Iss Sci(Assesssing and Evaluating Pavements 2002Transport Res RecFAsset Price Bubbles: Implications for Monetary and Regulatory Policies Res Fin Serv(Assia Djebar: in Dialogue With FeminismsFrancopolyphonies"Assignment of The Glass TransitionAm Soc Test MaterAssignment ProblemsOther Titl Appl MathoAssimilation of Remote Sensing and in Situ Data in Modern Numerical Weather and Environmental Prediction ModelsP Soc Photo-opt InsoAssimilation of Remote Sensing and in Situ Data in Modern Numerical Weather and Environmental Prediction Models Proc SpieAssisted DyingBiomed Law Ethics LiAssisted Reproduction Adv Rep End$Assistenza Infermieristica E RicercaAssist Inferm RicAssistive TechnologyAssist Technol9Assistive Technology - Added Value to The Quality of LifeAssist Techn Res Ser9Assistive Technology - Added Value to The Quality of LifeAssist Technol Res SEAssistive Technology From Adapted Equipment to Inclusive EnvironmentsAssist Techn Res SerEAssistive Technology From Adapted Equipment to Inclusive EnvironmentsAssist Technol Res S0Assistive Technology: From Virtuality to RealityAssist Techn Res Ser0Assistive Technology: From Virtuality to RealityAssist Technol Res S;Assistive Technology On The Threshold of The New MillenniumAssist Techn Res Ser;Assistive Technology On The Threshold of The New MillenniumAssist Technol Res S$Assistive Technology Research SeriesAssist Techn Res Ser$Assistive Technology Research SeriesAssist Technol Res S-Association for Asian American Studies Series Assoc As Am2Association for Recorded Sound Collections-journalAssoc Rec Sound Coll;Association for Scottish Literary Studies Occasional Papers Assoc Scot?Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania Monograph SeriesAssoc Soc Anth Oc MoPAssociation for The Advancement of Automotive Medicine - 40th Annual Proceedings P Ann C AssgAssociation for The Study of German Politics/dartmouth Publishing Studies in Modern Policy and Politics Asgp Dart P:Association of Engineering Geologists, Special PublicationAssoc Engn Geologist7Association of Food & Drug Officials Quarterly BulletinAssoc Food Drug Off)Association of Research Libraries Minutes A R L MinutAssociation Review Assoc Rev'Association Rule Hiding for Data MiningAdv Database Syst.Association Rule Mining: Models and AlgorithmsLect Notes Artif Int%Asta-advances in Statistical AnalysisAsta-adv Stat Anal Asterisque Asterisque Asteroid and Spacecraft DynamicsAdv Space Res-seriesGAsteroid Hazard: Evaluating and Avoiding The Threat of Asteroid Impacts Esa Spec PublAsteroids, Comets, Meteors 1993Iau SympAsteroseismologyAstron Astrophys Lib Aste Series in Science EducationAste Ser Sci EducAs The Workforce AgesF W Pierce Mem Lect/Asthma in Real Life: Patient-centred ManagementRoy Soc Med Int CongAsthma TreatmentNato Adv Sci I A-lifAstin Bulletin Astin Bull>Asti Workshop On Anomalies in Hydrogen/deuterium Loaded Metals Ital Phy SoAstm Manual Series Astm Man Ser9Astm's Role in Performance-based Fire Codes and StandardsAm Soc Test MaterAstm Standardization NewsAstm Stand News Astrobiology Astrobiology!Astrobiology: Future PerspectivesAstrophys Space Sc LLAstrobiology: Physical Origin, Biological Evolution and Spatial DistributionSpace Sci Explor PolDAstrochemistry: From Laboratory Studies to Astronomical Observations Aip Conf Proc:Astrochemistry: From Molecular Clouds to Planetary SystemsIau Symp"Astrochemistry of Cosmic PhenomenaIau SympAstrodynamics 1991, Pts 1-3Adv Astronaut SciAstrodynamics 1993, Pts 1-3Adv Astronaut SciAstrodynamics 1995Adv Astronaut SciAstrodynamics 1997Adv Astronaut SciAstrodynamics 1999, Pts 1-3Adv Astronaut SciAstrodynamics 2001, Pts I-iiiAdv Astronaut SciAstrodynamics 2003, Pts 1-3Adv Astronaut Sci$Astrodynamics 2005, Vol 123, Pts 1-3Adv Astronaut SciAstrodynamics 2007, Pts I-iiiAdv Astronaut Sci$Astrodynamics 2009, Vol 135, Pts 1-3Adv Astronaut Sci(Astrodynamics, Space Missions, and ChaosAnn Ny Acad Sci@Astrometry in The Age of The Next Generation of Large Telescopes Astr Soc PAstromineralogy, Second EditionLect Notes PhysAstronautica ActaAstronaut ActaAstronautics & AeronauticsAstronaut AeronautAstronomers UniverseAstron Univers;Astronomical Adaptative Optics Systems and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Astronomical Adaptive Optics Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsRAstronomical and Astrophysical Objectives of Sub-milliarcsecond Optical AstrometryIau Symp3Astronomical Ccd Observing and Reduction Techniques Astr Soc PAstronomical Data AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt InsAstronomical Data Analysis Proc SpieAstronomical Data Analysis IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAstronomical Data Analysis Ii Proc Spie1Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems 1 Astr Soc P2Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Ii Astr Soc P4Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems, Iii Astr Soc P2Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Iv Astr Soc P2Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Ix Astr Soc P1Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems V Astr Soc P2Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Vi Astr Soc P;Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Vii (adass) Astr Soc P4Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Viii Astr Soc P1Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems X Astr Soc P2Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Xi Astr Soc P4Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Xiii Astr Soc P@Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Xiv, Proceedings Astr Soc P3Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Xix Astr Soc P3Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Xvi Astr Soc P4Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Xvii Astr Soc P5Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Xviii Astr Soc P2Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Xx Astr Soc PCAstronomical Infrared Spectroscopy: Future Observational Directions Astr Soc PrAstronomical Instrumentation and The Birth and Growth of Astrophysics: A Symposium Held in Honor of Robert G. Tull Astr Soc P(Astronomical Interferometry, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsAstronomical JournalAstron J@Astronomical Optics and Elasticity Theory: Active Optics MethodsAstron Astrophys Lib2Astronomical Photometry: Past, Present, and FutureAstrophys Space Sc L>Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions Astr Soc P;Astronomical Site Evaluation in The Visible and Radio Range Astr Soc P5Astronomical Society of The Pacific Conference Series Astr Soc P1Astronomical Structures and Mechanisms TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsAstronomical Time SeriesAstrophys Space Sc LAstronomicheskii Zhurnal Astron Zh+Astronomische Nachrichten Astron Nachr Astronomy AstronomyAstronomy & AstrophysicsAstron Astrophys*Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement SeriesAstron Astrophys SupAstronomy & GeophysicsAstron GeophysAstronomy and AstrophysicsAstron AstrophysBAstronomy and Astrophysics At Sub Millimeter Wavelengths, Workshop Soc Ital FiHAstronomy and Astrophysics in Italy in The Second Half of The Xx Century Ital Phy So"Astronomy and Astrophysics LibraryAstron Astrophys Lib!Astronomy and Astrophysics ReviewAstron Astrophys RevJAstronomy and Civilization in The New Enlightenment: Passions of The SkiesAnalecta Husserl)Astronomy and Space Science From The Moon Adv Space Res)Astronomy and Space Science From The MoonAdv Space Res-series1Astronomy At Ir/submm and The Microwave Backgound Adv Space Res2Astronomy At Ir/submm and The Microwave BackgroundAdv Space Res-series,Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental PhysicsAstrophys Space Sc L!Astronomy From Wide-field ImagingIau Symp[Astronomy in The Submillimeter and Far Infrared Domains With The Herschel Space ObservatoryEas Publications?Astronomy Letters-a Journal of Astronomy and Space Astrophysics Astron Lett+Astronomy Reports Astron Rep+VAstronomy With High Contrast Imaging: From Planetary Systems to Active Galactic NucleiEas Publications_Astronomy With High Contrast Imaging Iii: Instrumental Techniques, Modeling and Data ProcessingEas PublicationsdAstronomy With High Contrast Imaging Ii: Instrumentation for Coronagraphy and Nulling InterferometryEas Publications?Astronomy With Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Interferometry Astr Soc PAstronomy With RadioactivitiesLect Notes PhysAstroparticle PhysicsAstropart Phys4Astroparticle Physics and Novel Gamma-ray TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Astrophysical Ages and Time Scales Astr Soc P3Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational LensingIau Symp4Astrophysical Applications of Powerful New Databases Astr Soc P/Astrophysical Applications of Stellar Pulsation Astr Soc PAstrophysical BulletinAstrophys BullAstrophysical Discs Astr Soc PAstrophysical DisksAnn Ny Acad Sci8Astrophysical Disks: Collective and Stochastic PhenomenaAstrophys Space Sc LHAstrophysical Implications of The Laboratory Study of Presolar Materials Aip Conf ProcAstrophysical Journal Astrophys JAstrophysical Journal LettersAstrophys J Lett'Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesAstrophys J Suppl SAstrophysical LettersAstrophys Lett&Astrophysical Letters & CommunicationsAstrophys Lett Comm#Astrophysical Polarized Backgrounds Aip Conf ProcCAstrophysical Sources for Ground-based Gravitational Wave Detectors Aip Conf Proc<Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation Aip Conf Proc7Astrophysical Supercomputing Using Particle SimulationsIau Symp'Astrophysical Turbulence and ConvectionAnn Ny Acad Sci Astrophysics Adv Space Res AstrophysicsAdv Space Res-series Astrophysics Astrophysics Astrophysics Astrophysics+&Astrophysics and Cosmology After Gamow Aip Conf ProcAstrophysics and Space ScienceAstrophys Space Sci&Astrophysics and Space Science LibraryAstrophys Space Sc L*Astrophysics and Space Science ProceedingsAstrophysics Space'Astrophysics At Fuv and Euv WavelengthsAdv Space Res-series.Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental ConstantsLect Notes Phys#Astrophysics Detector Workshop 2008Eas PublicationsAstrophysics From Antarctica Astr Soc PAstrophysics From The Moon Aip Conf ProcAstrophysics in Antarctica Aip Conf ProcFAstrophysics in The Far Ultraviolet: Five Years of Discovery With Fuse Astr Soc PAstrophysics in The Next DecadeAstrophysics Space9Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects Astr Soc PAstrophysics of Compact Objects Aip Conf Proc*Astrophysics of Gravitational Wave Sources Aip Conf ProcAstrophysics of Life Space Tel SAstrophysics of Variable Stars Astr Soc PAstrophysics Update 2Springer-prax Books6Astrophysics With Infrared Surveys: A Prelude to Sirtf Astr Soc P9Asuntosprinklaus Suomessa: Vaikuttavuuden Arvioint, Osa 2 Vtt Res NotesHAswec 2009: 20th Australian Software Engineering Conference, ProceedingsIeee Aus Soft Engr_Asylsuchende Und Migranten Auf See: Staatliche Rechte Und Pflichten Aus Volkerrechtlicher SichtHamb Stud Marit AffAsymmetrical Planetary Nebulae Ann Isr PhyBAsymmetrical Planetary Nebulae Ii: From Origins to Microstructures Astr Soc P"Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae Iii Astr Soc P:Asymmetric Autonomy and The Settlement of Ethnic ConflictsNatl Ethn Confl 21st/Asymmetric Catalysis From A Chinese PerspectiveTop Organometal Chem"Asymmetric Fluoroorganic Chemistry Acs Sym SerAsymmetric Organocatalysis Top Curr ChemAsymmetries of GlobalizationRoutl Stud Dev EconAsymmetry in MorphologyLinguist Inq Monogr(Asymmetry: The Foundation of Information Front CollectFAsymptomatic Atherosclerosis: Pathophysiology, Detection and TreatmentContemp CardiolAsymptotic AnalysisAsymptotic AnalPAsymptotic Analysis and The Numerical Solution of Partial Differential EquationsLect Notes Pure Appl\Asymptotic and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations With Critical ParametersNato Adv Sci Inst SeZAsymptotic Behavior of Dynamical and Control Systems Under Perturbation and DiscretizationLect Notes MathBAsymptotic Combinatorics With Applications to Mathematical PhysicsLect Notes MathBAsymptotic Combinatorics With Applications to Mathematical PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii MathBAsymptotic Combinatorics With Applications to Mathematical PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathAsymptotic Giant Branch StarsIau Symp!Asymptotic Methods in StochasticsFields I Commun!Asymptotic Methods in StochasticsFields Inst Commun'Asymptotic Modelling in Fluid MechanicsLect Notes Phys!Asymptotics and Borel SummabilityCh Crc Monogr Surv PAsymptotics Beyond All OrdersNato Adv Sci I B-phy/Asymptotics for Dissipative Nonlinear EquationsLect Notes Math/Asymptotic Theory of Statistics and ProbabilitySpringer Texts StatRAsync 2007: 13th Ieee International Symposium On Asynchronous Circuits and SystemsPr Int Symp Adv ResRAsync: 2009 15th Ieee International Symposium On Asynchronous Circuits and SystemsPr Int Symp Adv ResWAsync: Eighth International Symposium On Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, ProceedingsPr Int Symp Adv Res!Asynchronous Design Methodologies Ifip Trans A-Atalante-revista De Estudios CinematograficosAtalante(At&t Bell Laboratories Technical Journal At&t Tech JAt&t Technical Journal At&t Tech JAt-automatisierungstechnikAt-automAtemwegs-und LungenkrankheitenAtemweg LungenkrankAtencion Farmaceutica Aten FarmAtencion Primaria Aten PrimAteneaAtenea Atene E Roma Atene Roma Atene E Roma-nuova Serie Seconda Atene RomaAtesea Occasional Papers Atesea Oc PAtesea Occasional Papers No 9 Atesea Oc PGAthabaskan Languages: Perspectives On A Native American Language FamilyOx St Anthropol LingAthenaGods Heroes Anc Worl@Athenaeum-studi Periodici Di Letteratura E Storia Dell Antichita Athenaeum4Atheroma to Heart Failure : A Continuum of Disease ? Roy Brom RAtherosclerosisAtherosclerosisAtherosclerosis / Altschul Sy@Atherosclerosis Iii: Recent Advances in Atherosclerosis ResearchAnn Ny Acad Sci@Atherosclerosis Ii : Recent Progress in Atherosclerosis ResearchAnn Ny Acad Sci>Atherosclerosis : Its Pathogenesis and The Role of Cholesterol Ather Rev?Atherosclerosis Iv: Recent Advances in Atherosclerosis ResearchAnn Ny Acad Sci7Atherosclerosis, Large Arteries and Cardiovascular Risk Adv CardiolAtherosclerosis Reviews Ather RevAtherosclerosis SupplementsAtherosclerosis SuppAtherosclerosis ViAnn Ny Acad SciAtherosclerosis Viii Int Congr Ser0Atherosclerosis V: The Fifth Saratoga ConferenceAnn Ny Acad SciAtherosclerosis X Int Congr SerAtherosclerosis Xi Int Congr SerAtherosclerosis Xii Int Congr SerAtherosclerotic PlaquesNato Adv Sci I A-lifAthletic Therapy TodayAthlet Ther Today'Atla-alternatives to Laboratory AnimalsAtla-altern Lab AnimAtlanta Economic ReviewAtlanta Econ RevAtlanticAtlanticAtlantic CommunicationsKrefeld Hist SympAtlantic Community QuarterlyAtl Community QuartrAtlantic Economy During The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Organization, Operation, Practice, and PersonnelCarol Lowcount AtlAtlantic GeologyAtl GeolAtlantic Geology Atlantic GeolAtlantic PapersAtl PapEAtlantis-journal of The Spanish Association of Anglo-american StudiesAtlantis-spain!Atlas of Robotic Urologic SurgeryCurr Clin UrolAtm Messtechnische PraxisAtm Messtech Prax Atmosfera Atmosfera=Atmosphere and Ionosphere: Dynamics, Processes and MonitoringPhys Earth Space EnvAtmosphere-ocean Atmos OceanAtmospheres in The Solar SystemGeoph Monog SeriesAtmospheres in The Solar SystemGeophys Monogr SerAtmospheres of Venus and Mars Adv Space ResnAtmospheric and Environmental Remote Sensing Data Processing and Utilization: An End to End System PerspectiveP Soc Photo-opt InseAtmospheric and Environmental Remote Sensing Data Processing and Utilization Iii: Readiness for GeossP Soc Photo-opt InseAtmospheric and Environmental Remote Sensing Data Processing and Utilization Iii: Readiness for Geoss Proc SpieAtmospheric and Environmental Remote Sensing Data Processing and Utilization Ii: Perspective On Calibration/validation Initiatives and StrategiesP Soc Photo-opt InsgAtmospheric and Environmental Remote Sensing Data Processing and Utilization Iv: Readiness for Geoss IiP Soc Photo-opt InsgAtmospheric and Environmental Remote Sensing Data Processing and Utilization Vi: Readiness for Geoss IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes, Dynamics, and Climate ChangeP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Atmospheric and Oceanic Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Iv Proc Spie.Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences LibraryAtmos Ocean Sci Lib!Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmos Chem PhysAtmospheric CorrosionAm Soc Test MaterLAtmospheric Deposition of Contaminants to The Great Lakes and Coastal WatersSetac Tech PublicatAtmospheric Environment Atmos Environ-Atmospheric Environment Part A-general TopicsAtmos Environ A-gen/Atmospheric Environment Part B-urban AtmosphereAtmos Environ B-urb"Atmospheric Measurement TechniquesAtmos Meas TechAtmospheric Modeling Ima V MathAtmospheric ModelingIma Vol Math Appl<Atmospheric Optical Modeling, Measurement, and Simulation IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLAtmospheric Optics: Models, Measurements, and Target-in-the Loop PropagationP Soc Photo-opt InsOAtmospheric Optics: Models, Measurements, and Target-in-the-loop Propagation IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAtmospheric OzoneP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Atmospheric Ozone As A Climate GasNato Asi Ser Ser IAtmospheric Ozone DynamicsNato Asi Ser Ser I*Atmospheric Processes Over Complex Terrain Meteor MonAtmospheric PropagationP Soc Photo-opt InsXAtmospheric Propagation, Adaptive Systems, and Laser Radar Technology for Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsXAtmospheric Propagation, Adaptive Systems, and Laser Radar Technology for Remote Sensing Proc SpieUAtmospheric Propagation, Adaptive Systems, and Lidar Techniques for Remote Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Atmospheric Propagation and Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Atmospheric Propagation and Remote Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Atmospheric Propagation and Remote Sensing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Atmospheric Propagation and Remote Sensing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsAtmospheric Propagation IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAtmospheric Propagation IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAtmospheric Propagation IvP Soc Photo-opt InsAtmospheric Propagation Iv Proc Spie3Atmospheric Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Atmospheric Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Iii Proc SpieAtmospheric Propagation VP Soc Photo-opt InsAtmospheric Propagation V Proc SpieAtmospheric Propagation ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsAtmospheric Propagation ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAtmospheric RadiationP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Atmospheric Radiation Measurements and Applications in ClimateP Soc Photo-opt InsYAtmospheric Remote Sensing: Earth's Surface, Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere - I Adv Space ResYAtmospheric Remote Sensing: Earth's Surface, Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere - IAdv Space Res-seriesZAtmospheric Remote Sensing: Earth's Surface, Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere - Ii Adv Space ResZAtmospheric Remote Sensing: Earth's Surface, Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere - IiAdv Space Res-seriesAtmospheric Research Atmos ResAtmospheric Science LettersAtmos Sci Lett Atmospheric Sensing and ModelingP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Atmospheric Sensing and Modeling IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Atmospheric Studies of Earth, Venus and Mars Adv Space Res6Atmospheric Tidal Dynamics and E- and D-region Physics Adv Space Res6Atmospheric Tidal Dynamics and E- and D-region PhysicsAdv Space Res-series Atom & Strom Atom Strom0Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications Aip Conf ProcAtomic and Molecular PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers VP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers V Proc Spie%Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Laser ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Laser Vii Proc SpieAtomic and Molecular WiresNato Adv Sci I E-appTAtomic and Nanometer-scale Modification of Materials : Fundamentals and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci Inst Se6Atomic and Quantum Optics: High-precision MeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt InsKAtomic Collisions: A Symposium in Honor of Christopher Bottcher (1945-1993) Aip Conf Proc#Atomic Data and Nuclear Data TablesAtom Data Nucl Data Atomic Energy Atom Energy+Atomic Energy in AustraliaAtom Energy AustAtomic Energy ReviewAtom Energy RevEAtomic Force Microscopy in Biomedical Research: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol'Atomic Force Microscopy in Cell BiologyMethod Cell Biol&Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 4Ecs Transactions"Atomic Layer Growth and ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp PAtomic Physics 12 Aip Conf ProcAtomic Physics 13 Aip Conf ProcAtomic Physics 14 Aip Conf ProcAtomic Physics 16 Aip Conf ProcAtomic Physics 17 Aip Conf ProcAtomic Physics 19 Aip Conf ProcAtomic Physics 20 Aip Conf ProcAtomic Processes in Plasmas Aip Conf Proc7Atomic Resolution Microscopy of Surfaces and InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp P3Atomic Scale Calculations of Structure in MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PNAtomic Scale Characterization and First-principles Studies of Si3n4 InterfacesSpringer Theses-reco.Atomic-scale Imaging of Surface and InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp PAAtomic-scale Modeling of Nanosystems and Nanostructured MaterialsLect Notes Phys$Atomic Scale Structure of InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp PBAtomic Simulation of Electrooptic and Magnetooptic Oxide MaterialsSpringer Tr Mod PhysBAtomic Simulation of Electrooptic and Magnetooptic Oxide MaterialsSpringer Trac Mod PhAtomic SpectroscopyAtom SpectroscjAtomistic and Continuum Modeling of Nanocrystalline Materials: Deformation Mechanisms and Scale TransitionSpringer Ser Mater SWAtomistic Approaches in Modern Biology: From Quantum Chemistry to Molecular Simulations Top Curr Chem%Atomistic Aspects of Epitaxial GrowthNato Sci Ser Ii Math%Atomistic Aspects of Epitaxial GrowthNato Sci Ser Ii-mathCAtomistic Mechanisms in Beam Synthesis and Irradiation of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P)Atomistic Modeling of Physical Properties Adv Polym SciAtomization and SpraysAtomization SprayAtomkernenergieAtomkernenerg/kerntAtomkernenergie-kerntechnikAtomkernenerg/kerntAtomnaya EnergiyaSov Atom Energy+ Atom OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Atompraxis Atompraxis.Atom Resolved Surface Reactions: NanocatalysisRsc Nanosci Nanotech%Atoms and Molecules in Intense Fields Struct BondJAtoms in Chemistry: From Dalton's Predecessors to Complex Atoms and Beyond Acs Sym SerAtoms in Strong FieldsNato Adv Sci I B-phyhAtoms, Molecules and Photons: An Introduction to Atomic-, Molecular- and Quantum Physics, Second EditionGrad Texts PhysAtomwirtschaftAtomwirtschaftAtomwirtschaft-atomtechnikAtomwirtsch Atomtech&Atopy Syndrome in The Third MillenniumCurr Probl Dermatol*Atq-19th C American Literature and CultureAtqAtrial ArrhythmiasAm Heart Monogr S*Atrial Fibrillation: From Bench to BedsideContemp Cardiol-Atrial Fibrillation: New Therapeutic ConceptsSolvay PharmaceutAtrium in Health and Disease Cardios MonAttachment & Human DevelopmentAttach Hum DevAttachment and SexualityPsychoanal Inq Book.Attachment: Expanding The Cultural ConnectionsFam Ther CounselKAttempts At General Union: A Study in British Trade Union History 1818-1834Rout Libr Edition-Attempts to Understand Metastasis Formation ICurr Top Microbiol.Attempts to Understand Metastasis Formation IiCurr Top Microbiol/Attempts to Understand Metastasis Formation IiiCurr Top MicrobiolMAttending Krishna's Image: Chaitanya Vaishnava Murti-seva As Devotional TruthRoutl Hindu Stud Ser<Attending Madness: At Work in The Australian Colonial AsylumClio Med AttentionProg Brain ResAttention and PerformanceAttention Perform1Attention and Performance in Computational VisionLect Notes Comput ScAttention and Performance XiiiAttention PerformAttention and Performance XivAttention PerformAttention and Performance XvAttention PerformAttention and Performance XviiAttention Perform/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (adhd)Psychiat Theor Appl9Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (adhd) in AdultsKey Issues Ment Heal9Attention in Action: Advances From Cognitive NeuroscienceAdv Behav Brain SciAttention in Cognitive SystemsLect Notes Artif Int$Attention Perception & PsychophysicsAtten Percept PsychoAtterbury Plot Stud Mod Hist>At The Crossroads: The World Trading System and The Doha RoundSchr Ost Ges Eur EcsQAt The Edge of The Universe: Latest Results From The Deepest Astronomical Surveys Astr Soc PAt The Interface Mg Econ Ant)At The Interface / Probing The BoundariesAt The InterfaceFAt The Same Time...the Expression of Simultaneity in Learner VarietiesStud Lang Acquis#Atti Associazione Genetica ItalianaAtti Assoc Genet IteAtti Della Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei Rendiconti-classe Di Scienze Fisiche-matematiche & NaturaliAtti Accad Naz LinAttitudes and Attitude ChangeFront Soc Psychol9Attitudes of Religions and Ideologies Toward The Outsider Relig Dial@Attractivity and Bifurcation for Nonautonomous Dynamical SystemsLect Notes MathAttractor MechanismSpringer Proc Phys)Attribute Grammars and Their ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc,Attribute Grammars, Applications and SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc.Atw-internationale Zeitschrift Fur KernenergieAtw-int Z Kernenerg+Atw-international Journal for Nuclear PowerAtw-int J Nucl PowerBAt Your Service: Service-oriented Computing From An Eu PerspectiveCoop Inform SystA + U-architecture and UrbanismA U-archit Urban6Audience, Agency and Identity in Black Popular CultureStud Afr Am Hist CulMAudiences and Publics: When Cultural Engagement Matters for The Public SphereChanging Media(Audience Studies: A Japanese PerspectiveRoutl Adv Int MediaAudioAudio6Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person AuthenticationLect Notes Comput ScBAudio and Video Based Biometric Person Authentication, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCAudio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBAudio-and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHAudio-based and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Audiology AudiologyAudiology and Neuro-otologyAudiol Neuro-otol#Audio System for Technical ReadingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Auditing-a Journal of Practice & TheoryAuditing-j Pract Th!Auditory and Vestibular EfferentsSpringer Handb AuditAuditory DisplayLect Notes Comput ScAuditory Display Sfi S Sci CAuditory NeuroscienceAudit Neurosci"Auditory Physiology and Perception Adv BiosciAuditory Spectral ProcessingInt Rev NeurobiolAudubonAudubon/Auerbach Series On Applied Software EngineeringAuerbach S Appl Soft*Augmentative and Alternative CommunicationAugment Altern Comm8Augmentative and Alternative Communications PerspectivesAug Alt Comm PerspAugmented Vision and RealityAugment Vis RealGAugmented Vision Perception in Infrared: Algorithms and Applied SystemsAdv Pattern RecognitHAugustine's Manichaean Dilemma, I: Conversion and Apostasy, 373-388 C.e.Divin Reread Late An%August Strindberg and His Translators Kungl Vit H7August Strindberg and The Other New Critical Approaches Int For LitAukAukRAumla-journal of The Australasian Universities Language and Literature AssociationAumlavAuralization: Fundamentals of Acoustics, Modelling, Simulation, Algorithms and Acoustic Virtual Reality, First Edition RwtheditionAuris Nasus LarynxAuris Nasus LarynxAuroral and Related Phenomena Adv Space Res7Ausgaben Deutscher Literatur Des 15 Bis 18 JahrhundertsAusg Deut Lit 15 18Ausgrabungen Und FundeAusgrabungen FundeAus Grunden HandelnIdeen ArgumenteAusimm'98: The Mining CycleAustralas I Min MetIAusimm Annual Conference 1995: Adding Value to Our Resources - Our FutureAustralas I Min MetAusimm New Leaders' ConferenceAustralas I Min Met#Ausimm New Leaders' Conference 2005Australas I Min Met#Ausimm New Leaders' Conference 2006Australas I Min Met#Ausimm New Leaders' Conference 2007Australas I Min Met#Ausimm New Leaders' Conference 2008Australas I Min Met"Ausimm New Leaders Conference 2009Australas I Min Met*Auslegung-a Graduate Journal of Philosophy Auslegung!Auslegung-a Journal of Philosophy AuslegungAussen Politik Aussen Polit<Austere Realism: Contextual Semantics Meets Minimal OntologyRepresent MindAustralasian Annals of MedicineAustralas Ann MedAustralasian BiotechnologyAustralas BiotechnolAustralasian Drama StudiesAustralas Drama Stud@Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Monograph SeriesAimm Monogr Ser@Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Monograph Series Aust Imm MBAustralasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publication SeriesAustralas I Min Met?Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Spectrum SeriesAimm Spectr Ser?Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Symposia Series Aust I Min#Australasian Journal of DermatologyAustralas J Dermatol.Australasian Journal of Educational TechnologyAustralas J Educ Tec0Australasian Journal of Environmental ManagementAustralas J Env Man0Australasian Journal of Environmental ManagementAustralas J Environ"Australasian Journal of PhilosophyAustralas J PhilosAustralasian Journal On AgeingAustralas J Ageing1Australasian of Mining and Metallurgy PublicationAstrlsn Inst Min Met8Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in MedicineAustralas Phys Eng SDAustralasian Pig Science Association (apsa) - Conference Proceedings Apsa Conf PAustralasian Plant PathologyAustralas Plant PathAustralasian PsychiatryAustralas Psychiatry6Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services Aus Pub LibCAustralasian Public Libraries and Information Services, Vol 3, No 3 Aus Pub LibAustralasian RadiologyAustralas Radiol9Australasian Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Aust S Hist6Australasian Universities Power Engineering ConferenceAustr Univ Power EngAustral Ecology Austral EcolAAustralia As An Asia-pacific Regional Power: Friendships in Flux?Routl Secur Asia-pacAustralian Aboriginal StudiesAust Aborig Stud(Australian Academic & Research LibrariesAust Acad Res LibrRAustralian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering - Invitation SymposiaAatse Inv SympAustralian Accounting ReviewAust Account Rev<Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & GynaecologyAust Nz J Obstet Gyn.Australian & New Zealand Journal of StatisticsAust Nz J Stat1Australian and New Zealand Journal of CriminologyAust Nz J Criminol4Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family TherapyAust N Z J Fam Ther4Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family TherapyAust Nz J Fam Ther.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine Aust Nz J Med3Australian and New Zealand Journal of OphthalmologyAust Nz J Ophthalmol0Australian and New Zealand Journal of PsychiatryAust Nz J Psychiat3Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public HealthAust Nz J Publ Heal/Australian and New Zealand Journal of SociologyAust Nz J Sociol-Australian and New Zealand Journal of SurgeryAust Nz J SurgAustralian Archaeology Aust ArchaeolAustralian ArchaeologyAustral ArchaeolAustralian BustardAustral Nat Hist SerAustralian Civil Engineering Aust Civ EngAustralian Computer Journal Aust Comput J*Australian Computer Science Communications Aust Comp S8Australian Conference On Manufacturing Engineering, 1993 Inst Eng AAustralian Critical CareAust Crit CareAustralian Dental Journal Aust Dent J"Australian Economic History ReviewAust Econ Hist RevAustralian Economic Papers Aust Econ PapAustralian Economic Review Aust Econ Rev!Australian Educational Researcher Aust Educ ResAustralian Endodontic Journal Aust Endod JAustralian Family PhysicianAust Fam PhysicianAustralian Feminist StudiesAust Feminist StudAustralian Forest ResearchAust Forest ResAustralian Forestry Aust ForestryAustralian Forestry Austral ForAustralian Geographer Aust GeogrAustralian Geographical StudiesAust Geogr StudAustralian Health ReviewAust Health RevAustralian Historical StudiesAust Historical Stud$Australian Journal of Adult LearningAust J Adult Learn&Australian Journal of Advanced NursingAust J Adv Nurs9Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsAust J Agr Resour Ec,Australian Journal of Agricultural EconomicsAust J Agr Econ+Australian Journal of Agricultural ResearchAust J Agr Res"Australian Journal of AnthropologyAust J Anthropol%Australian Journal of Applied ScienceAust J Appl Sci)Australian Journal of Biological SciencesAust J Biol SciAustralian Journal of Botany Aust J BotAustralian Journal of Chemistry Aust J Chem%Australian Journal of Chinese AffairsAust J Chinese Aff"Australian Journal of Crop ScienceAust J Crop Sci&Australian Journal of Dairy TechnologyAust J Dairy Technol%Australian Journal of Early ChildhoodAust J Early Child$Australian Journal of Earth SciencesAust J Earth SciAustralian Journal of Ecology Aust J EcolAustralian Journal of Education Aust J Educ 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Plant PhysiologyAust J Plant Physiol'Australian Journal of Political ScienceAust J Polit Sci*Australian Journal of Politics and HistoryAust J Polit Hist$Australian Journal of Primary HealthAust J Prim Health Australian Journal of PsychologyAust J Psychol+Australian Journal of Public AdministrationAust J Publ Admin#Australian Journal of Public HealthAust J Public Health"Australian Journal of Rural HealthAust J Rural HealthDAustralian Journal of Scientific Research Series A-physical SciencesAust J Sci Res Ser AFAustralian Journal of Scientific Research Series B-biological SciencesAust J Sci Res Ser B#Australian Journal of Social IssuesAust J Soc Issues#Australian Journal of Soil ResearchAust J Soil Res Australian Journal of Statistics Aust J StatAustralian Journal of Zoology Aust J ZoolAustralian Journal On Ageing Aust J AgeingAustralian LandscapesGeol Soc Spec PublAustralian Library Journal Aust Libr JAustralian Literary Studies Aust Lit Stud3Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic JournalAust Meteorol Ocean"Australian Meteorological MagazineAust Meteorol MagHAustralian Mineral Economics: A Survey of Important Issues, Monograph 24Aimm Monogr Ser!Australian Natural History SeriesAustral Nat Hist Ser'Australian Occupational Therapy JournalAust Occup Ther JAustralian Orthodontic Journal Aust Orthod JAustralian Outlook Aust OutlookAustralian Paediatric JournalAust Paediatr J1Australian People and Animals in Todays Dreamtime Adv Com PsyVAustralian Political Lives: Chronicling Political Careers and Administrative Histories Anzsog MonogrAustralian Prescriber Aust PrescrAustralian Psychologist Aust PsycholAustralian Quarterly Aust QuartAustralian Social Work Aust Soc Work*Australian Software Engineering ConferenceIeee Aus Soft EngrAustralian Systematic Botany Aust Syst BotAustralian Teacher of The DeafAust Teach Deaf%Australian Telecommunication ResearchAust Telecommun Res)Australian Tree Species Research in China Aciar ProcAustralian Veterinary Journal Aust Vet J"Australian Veterinary PractitionerAust Vet Pract2Australian Water Resources Council Technical PaperAust Water Resour CoAustralian Wildlife ResearchAust Wildlife Res6Australia Pacific Extension Conference, 1993, Vols 1-3Proc Austr Pacif ExtXAustralia's Arc of Instability: The Political and Cultural Dynamics of Regional SecurityGeojournal Lib@Australias Many Voices: Australian English-the National LanguageContrib Sociol LangbAustralia's Many Voices: Ethnic Englishes, Indigenous and Migrant Languages - Policy and EducationContrib Sociol LangAAustralias Renewable Resources : Sustainability and Global ChangeBrr ProcGAustralia Under Construction: Nation-building: Past, Present and Future Anzsog MonogrAustria 1945-95 Asgp Dart P.Austria in The Thirties : Culture and Politics St Aust Lit,Austrian Contribution to Analytic PhilosophyLond Stud Hist PhiloAustrian History YearbookAustrian Hist Yearbk Austrian History Yearbook SeriesAustrian Hist Yearb!Austrian History Yearbook, Vol 41Austrian Hist Yearb!Austrian History Yearbook, Vol 41Austrian Hist Yearbk3Austrian Institute for International Affairs SeriesAustrian Inst Int Af"Austrian Journal of Earth SciencesAustrian J Earth Sc"Austrian Journal of Earth SciencesAustrian J Earth Sci"Austrian Journal of Forest ScienceAustrian J For SciQAustrian Writers and The Anschluss : Understanding The Past - Overcoming The Past St Aust LitYAuswirkungen Einer Handelsliberalisierung Auf Die Deutsche Und Europaische LandwirtschaftLandbauforsch-vti Ag*Auswirkungen Eines Eu-beitritts Der TurkeiLandbauforsch-vti AgAut AutAut AutMAuthentic Professional Learning: Making A Difference Through Learning At WorkProf Pract-based Lea+Authoritarianism, Democracy, and Adjustment Sem P Scand4Authoritarianism in Latin America Since Independence Contr Lat ALAuthoritative Communities: The Scientific Case for Nurturing The Whole ChildSearch I Ser Dev AttLAuthoritative Communities: The Scientific Case for Nurturing The Whole ChildSearch Inst Ser DevAuthority in ContentionRes Soc Mov Confl ChCAuthority Matters: Rethinking The Theory and Practice of Authorship Dqr Stud Lit,Authority, Privacy and Public Order in IslamOrient Lovan Anal%Authorship and Publicity Before PrintMiddle Ages SerAutismAutismCAutism and Developmental Disabilities: Current Practices and Issues Adv Spec EducAutism and RepresentationRoutl Res Cult Media%Autism: Current Theories and EvidenceCurr Clin Neurol0Autism: Neural Basis and Treatment PossibilitiesNovart Fdn SympAutism Research Autism ResYAutoantigens and Autoantibodies: Diagnostic Tools and Clues to Understanding AutoimmunityAut Aut AutoantibodHAutobiography As Philosophy: The Philosophical Uses of Self-presentationRoutl Adv Hist Philo-Auto/biography in Canada: Critical Directions Life Writ SerbAutobiography, Travel and Postnational Identity: Narratives of Selfhood in Gandhi, Nehru and IqbalCamb Imp Post-col St@Autocrine and Paracrine Mechanisms in Reproductive Endocrinology Reprod Biol"Autogenous Deformation of Concrete Amer Conc IHAutoimmune Diseases and Treatment: Organ-specific and Systemic DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci$Autoimmune Diseases in EndocrinologyContemp Endocrinol S1Autoimmune Diseases in Pediatric Gastroenterology Falk SympAutoimmune Liver Disease Falk Symp Autoimmunity Autoimmunity*Autoimmunity, Autoantigens, AutoantibodiesAut Aut Autoantibod8Autoimmunity: Concepts and Diagnosis At The Cutting EdgeAnn Ny Acad Sci"Autoimmunity: Experimental AspectsNato Adv Sci Inst Se?Autoimmunity, Part A: Basic Principles and New Diagnostic ToolsAnn Ny Acad Sci8Autoimmunity, Pt B: Novel Applications of Basic ResearchAnn Ny Acad SciAutoimmunity, Pt CAnn Ny Acad SciAutoimmunity, Pt DAnn Ny Acad SciAutoimmunity Reviews Autoimmun Rev6Automata for Branching and Layered Temporal StructuresLect Notes Artif IntAutomata ImplementationLect Notes Comput Sc(Automata, Langages and Programming, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc"Automata Languages and ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc#Automata, Languages and ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc%Automata, Languages and Programming /Lect Notes Comput Sc'Automata, Languages, and Programming //Lect Notes Comput Sc.Automata Languages and Programming, ProceedingLect Notes Comput Sc1Automata , Languages and Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Automata, Languages and Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Automata, Languages and Programming, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc6Automata, Languages and Programming, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Automata, Languages and Programming, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc6Automata, Languages and Programming, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Automata, Languages and Programming, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc*Automata, Languages and Programming, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc7Automata, Languages and Programming, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAAutomata, Logics, and Infinite Games: A Guide to Current ResearchLect Notes Comput ScAutomated 3d and 2d VisionP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Automated Agriculture for The 21st Century Asae PublAutomated Deduction - Cade-11Lect Notes Artif IntAutomated Deduction - Cade-14Lect Notes Artif IntAutomated Deduction - Cade-17Lect Notes Artif Int*Automated Deduction - Cade-19, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int*Automated Deduction - Cade-20, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int*Automated Deduction - Cade-21, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntAutomated Deduction - Cade-22Lect Notes Artif Int9Automated Deduction in Classical and Non-classical LogicsLect Notes Artif IntAutomated Deduction in GeometryLect Notes Artif Int,Automated Deduction in Geometry, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int1Automated Geo-spatial Image and Data ExploitationP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Automated Inspection and High-speed Vision Architectures IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Automated Multi-camera Surveillance: Algorithms and PracticeInt Ser Video Comput%Automated Nanohandling By MicrorobotsSpringer Ser Adv Man)Automated Optical Inspection for IndustryP Soc Photo-opt InsRAutomated Optical Inspection for Industry: Theory, Technology, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomated Reasoning Ifip Trans AAutomated ReasoningLect Notes Artif IntWAutomated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in The Theory of SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc Automated Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int>Automated Reasoning With Analytic Tableaux and Related MethodsLect Notes Artif IntKAutomated Reasoning With Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntKAutomated Reasoning With Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAutomated Software EngineeringAutomat Softw Eng4Automated Synthetic Methods for Speciality Chemicals Roy Soc Ch9Automated Systems Based On Human Skill (and Intelligence)Ifac Symp SeriesRAutomated Taxon Identification in Systematics: Theory, Approaches and ApplicationsSyst Assoc Spec Vol2Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc?Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Automatica Automatica'Automatic Control and Computer SciencesAutom Control Comp S'Automatic Control and Computer SciencesAutom Control Comp+#Automatic Control in Aerospace 2001Ifac Symp Series2Automatic Control of Food and Biological Processes Dev Food SciQAutomatic Differentiation of Algorithms : Theory, Implementation, and Application Siam Proc SYAutomatic Digital Document Processing and Management: Problems, Algorithms and TechniquesAdv Pattern Recognit.Automatic Inspection and Novel InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Automaticity and Control in Language ProcessingAdv Behav Brain SciAutomatic Object RecognitionP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Object Recognition IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Automatic Object Recognition IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Object Recognition IvP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Object Recognition VP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Object Recognition ViP Soc Photo-opt InsNAutomatic Speech Recognition On Mobile Devices and Over Communication NetworksAdv Pattern RecognitAAutomatic Systems for The Identification and Inspection of HumansP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Target Recognition IxP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Target Recognition Ix Proc Spie Automatic Target Recognition ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Automatic Target Recognition ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Target Recognition XP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Target Recognition X Proc SpieAutomatic Target Recognition XiP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Target Recognition Xi Proc Spie Automatic Target Recognition XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Automatic Target Recognition Xii Proc Spie!Automatic Target Recognition XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Automatic Target Recognition Xiii Proc Spie Automatic Target Recognition XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins Automatic Target Recognition Xiv Proc Spie Automatic Target Recognition XixP Soc Photo-opt Ins Automatic Target Recognition XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Automatic Target Recognition XviiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Automatic Target Recognition Xvii Proc Spie"Automatic Target Recognition XviiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Automatic Target Recognition Xviii Proc SpieAutomatic Target Recognition Xx; Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies Xxiv; and Optical Pattern Recognition XxiP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Target Recognition Xx; Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies Xxiv; and Optical Pattern Recognition Xxi Proc Spie Automatic Target Recognition XxiP Soc Photo-opt InsAutomatic Target Recogniton XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State SystemsLect Notes Comput ScAutomatic Welding Ussr Automat Weld+ Automatika AutomatikaUAutomating The Design of Data Mining Algorithms: An Evolutionary Computation ApproachNat Comput SerAutomation 2009 VDI Bericht)Automation and Control Engineering SeriesAutom Control Eng SeAutomation and Remote ControlAutomat Rem Contr+Automation in Blood Transfusion Dev HematolAutomation in ConstructionAutomat Constr7Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing 1992Ifac Symp Series Automation of Mechanical TestingAm Soc Test Mater Automatisme AutomatismeUAutomobile Insurance: Road Safety, New Drivers, Risks, Insurance Fraud and RegulationCtr Res Transp 25thAutomobile Quarterly Automob Quart7Automobiles: Performance, Safety Assessment, and EnergyTransp Issues Polici3Automorphic Forms and L-functions I. Global Aspects Contemp Math3Automorphic Forms and L-functions Ii. Local Aspects Contemp Math'Automorphic Forms and Lie Superalgebras Algebra Appl,Automotive Body, Volume I: Components Design Mech Eng Ser)Automotive Body, Volume Ii: System Design Mech Eng Ser,Automotive Chassis, Vol 1: Components Design Mech Eng Ser(Automotive Chassis, Vol 2: System Design Mech Eng SerAutomotive ElectronicsProc Inst Mech Eng S$Automotive Electronics - Autotech'97 Imeche Sem$Automotive Embedded Systems HandbookInd Inform TechnolAutomotive EngineerAutomot Eng-ukAutomotive Engineering Automot Eng$Automotive Engineering InternationalAutomot Eng IntDAutomotive Engineering: Lightweight, Functional, and Novel MaterialsSer Mater Sci Eng1Automotive Engines and Powertrains - Autotech '97 Imeche Sem9Automotive Environmental Impact and Safety - Autotech '97 Imeche Sem%Automotive Fuels for The 21st Century Imeche SemAutomotive Industries Automot IndSAutomotive Industry: Technical Challenges, Design Issues and Global Economic CrisisTransp Issues Polici5Automotive Lubricant Testing and Additive DevelopmentAm Soc Test MaterAutomotive Manufacturing Imeche Sem'Automotive Manufacturing - Autotech '97 Imeche Sem-Automotive Materials Technolog - Autotech '97 Imeche Sem@Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues, Vol 1Intel Syst Contr AutAAutomotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues, Vol IiIntel Syst Contr AutAutomotive Modelling and Nvh Imeche SemEAutomotive Model Predictive Control: Models, Methods and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr InfAutomotive Passenger Safety Imeche SemAutomotive Plastics Automot PlastAutomotive Powertrains Imeche SemZAutomotive Production Systems and Standardisation : From Ford to The Case of Mercedes-benzContrib Manag SciAutomotive Refinement Imeche SemAutomotive Security VDI Bericht9Automotive Software-connected Services in Mobile NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc+Automotive Systems, Sensors, and Signalling Imeche Sem.Automotive Vehicle Technologies - Autotech '97 Imeche Sem8Autonkuljettajan Liikenneturvallisuustestin Kehittaminen Vtt Res NotesAutonome ProduktionszellenVDI-BuchAutonomic and Trusted ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc,Autonomic and Trusted Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAutonomic CommunicationLect Notes Comput Sc.Autonomic Dysfunction After Spinal Cord InjuryProg Brain Res?Autonomic Management of Mobile Multimedia Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntAutonomic NetworkingLect Notes Comput Sc'Autonomic Neuroscience-basic & ClinicalAuton Neurosci-basicAAutonomic Principles of Ip Operations and Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBAutonomics Development: A Domain-specific Aspect Language Approach Auton SystAutonomic Systems Auton Syst)Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent SystemsAuton Agent Multi-aguAutonomous and Autonomic Systems: With Applications to Nasa Intelligent Spacecraft Operations and Exploration SystemsNasa Monogr Syst Sof7Autonomous Dynamic Reconfiguation in Mult-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int9Autonomous Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntCAutonomous Intelligent Systems: Agents and Data Mining, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAutonomous Robotic SystemsStud Fuzz Soft CompAutonomous Robots Auton RobotAutonomous Robots and AgentsStud Comp IntellAutonomous Robots and AgentsStud Comput IntellFAutonomy and Human Rights in Health Care: An International PerspectiveInt Libr Eth Law NewAutonomy and Judaism Suny Jew PhAutonomy, Consent and The LawBiomed Law Ethics LiAutonomy: in The Law Ius GentiumAutonomy: in The LawIus Gentium-comp PerGAutonomy in Xinjiang: Han Nationalist Imperatives and Uyghur DiscontentPol Stud Autophagy Autophagy#Autophagy in Infection and ImmunityCurr Top Microbiol;Autophagy: Lower Eukaryotes and Non-mammalian Systems, Pt AMethod Enzymol/Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice Adv Ser Manag<Autopsia: Self, Death, and God After Kierkegaard and DerridaKierke Stud Monogr S#Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editoren Beih Editio,Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney DiseaseContrib NephrolAutotestcon 2005Ieee AutotestconAux Marges D'al-andalus, Vol 1Suom Tiedeakat ToimAvant Garde Critical StudiesAvant Garde Crit StuAvant-garde Critical StudiesAvant-garde Crit StuAvant-garde FilmAvant-garde Crit StuAvant-garde/neo-avant-gardeAvant Garde Crit StuEAvant-garde Performance and Material Exchange: Vectors of The RadicalPerform IntervAvant Scene Ballet DanseAvant Scene Ballet-dAvant Scene CinemaAvant Scene CinemaAvant Scene OperaAvant Scene OperaAvant Scene TheatreAvant Scene Theatre Avant Series Avant SerAv Communication Review Av Commun RevAvebury Series in Philosophy Aveb S Phil!Avebury Studies in Green Research Aveb St Gr(Avebury Studies of Care in The CommunityAveb St Car Commun]Aventure Ibadite Dans Le Sud Tunisien (viii-xiii Siecle): Effervescence D'une Region MeconnueSuom Tiedeakat Toim+Average-case Analysis of Numerical ProblemsLect Notes Math'Averroes and The Aristotelian TraditionIslam Ph Th ScinAversive and Nonaversive Interventions : Controlling Life-threatening Behavior By The Developmentally Disabled Spr S Beh!Avian and Poultry Biology ReviewsAvian Poult Biol RevAvian Biology ResearchAvian Biol ResAvian Conservation and EcologyAvian Conserv EcolAvian Diseases Avian DisAvian Embryology, 2nd EditionMethod Cell BiolAvian Immunology in Progress Colloq InraAvian Incubation Poult Sci S9Avian Influenza: Etiology, Pathogenesis and InterventionsPublic Health 21st C3Avian Paleontology At The Close of The 20th Century Sm C PaleobAvian Pathology Avian PatholAAviation: Airport and Air Traffic Economic and Operational IssuesTransport Res RecAviation and Climate ChangeRoutl Stud Phys Geog.Aviation Fuel : Thermal Stability RequirementsAm Soc Test Mater!Aviation Ground Support Equipment Imeche Sem'Aviation Safety Challenges in The 1990sInt Air Saf Sem PAviation Safety in The '90sInt Air Saf Sem P2Aviation Security Engineering: A Holistic ApproachArtech Hse Intel Inf)Aviation Space and Environmental MedicineAviat Space Envir Md Aviation Week & Space TechnologyAviat Week Space Tec>Avoided Deforestation: Prospects for Mitigating Climate ChangeRoutl Explor Environ4Avoiding Treatment Failures in The Anxiety DisordersSer Anxiety Relat DiAvrdc Publication Avrdc Publ Avtomatika Avtomatika+%Avtomatika I Vychislitelnaya TekhnikaAvtom Vychisl Tekh+Avt PublicationsAvt PublA Wake Newslitter Wake NewslXAwarded for Valour: A History of The Victoria Cross and The Evolution of British HeroismStud Mil Strateg His=Awareness Systems: Advances in Theory, Methodology and DesignHum-comput Int-sprin+Awkward Echo: Matthew Arnold and John DeweyRes Curric Instruct'Axelsson Series On Preventive DentistryAxelss Ser Prev Dent%Axial Civilizations and World HistoryJerusalem Stud Rel C Axiomathes Axiomathes/Axiomatic, Enriched and Motivic Homotopy TheoryNato Sci Ser Ii Math/Axiomatic Fuzzy Set Theory and Its ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft CompAxiom of ChoiceLect Notes Math8Axions 2010: Proceedings of The International Conference Aip Conf Proc4Axions: Theory, Cosmology, and Experimental SearchesLect Notes PhyspAxonal Branching and Recovery of Coordinated Muscle Activity After Transection of The Facial Nerve in Adult RatsAdv Anat Embryol CelAxon Growth and GuidanceAdv Exp Med Biol(Azania-archaeological Research in AfricaAzania#B 1 Lymphocytes in B Cell NeoplasiaCurr Top Microbiol>B 2007: Formal Specification and Development in B, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc@B'98: Recent Advances in The Development and Use of The B MethodLect Notes Comput Sc#Babesch Bulletin Antieke BeschavingBabesch Bull Ant BesBachBachWBack-arc Spreading Systems: Geological, Biological, Chemical, and Physical InteractionsGeoph Monog SeriesWBack-arc Spreading Systems: Geological, Biological, Chemical, and Physical InteractionsGeophys Monogr Ser]Backbone of The Americas: Shallow Subduction, Plateau Uplift, and Ridge and Terrane CollisionGeol Soc Am Mem9Back-end of The Fuel Cycle in A 1000 Gwe Nuclear Scenario Oecd ProcBacker Und KonditorBacker Konditor'Back Pain : Classification of Syndromes Brit Back PBack to The Galaxy Aip Conf ProcBack to The Roots and Back to The Future: Towards A New Synthesis Amongst Taxonomic, Ecological and Biogeographical Approaches in Carabidology, ProceedingsPensoft Ser Faunist$Bac-min 2004 Conference, ProceedingsAustralas I Min MetsBacon Und Kant: Ein Erkenntnistheoretischer Vergleich Zwischen Dem Novum Organum Und Der Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft Kantstudien2Bacterial Adhesion: Chemistry, Biology and PhysicsAdv Exp Med BiolBacterial BiofilmsCurr Top Microbiol#Bacterial Diversity and Systematics Fems Symp/Bacterial Dna, Dna Polymerase and Dna HelicasesGen-res Issues)Bacterial Ecology of Aquatic Environments Oceanis S D9Bacterial Endotoxin : Recognition and Effector Mechanisms Int Congr SerBacterial EndotoxinsProg Clin Biol ResBacterial Growth and Lysis Fems SympDBacterial Infection: Close Encounters At The Host Pathogen InterfaceCurr Top MicrobiolBacterial InvasivenessCurr Top MicrobiolBacterial Pathogenesis, Pt AMethod EnzymolBacterial Pathogenesis, Pt BMethod EnzymolBacterial Pathogenesis, Pt CMethod EnzymolBacterial Protein Toxins Zbl Bakt SBacterial Response to PhNovart Fdn SympBacterial Sensing and SignalingContrib Microbiol8Bacterial Signal Transduction: Networks and Drug TargetsAdv Exp Med Biol+Bacterial Virulence Factors and Rho GtpasesCurr Top MicrobiolBacterial Wilt Aciar ProcBacterial Wilt of Groundnut Aciar ProcBacteriological Reviews Bacteriol Rev"Bacteriology Research DevelopmentsBacteriol Res Dev#Bahai Studies Notebook, Vol V, No 1 Bahai St N#Baillieres Clinical AnaesthesiologyBailliere Clin Anaes0Baillieres Clinical Endocrinology and MetabolismBailliere Clin Endoc$Baillieres Clinical GastroenterologyBailliere Clin GastrBaillieres Clinical HaematologyBailliere Clin HaemCBaillieres Clinical Haematology-international Practice and Research Bail Cl Hae<Bailliere's Clinical Haematology, Vol 7, No 4, December 1994 Bail Cl Hae'Baillieres Clinical Infectious DiseasesBailliere Clin Inf DBaillieres Clinical NeurologyBailliere Clin Neur.Baillieres Clinical Obstetrics and GynaecologyBailliere Clin Ob Gy Baillieres Clinical RheumatologyBailliere Clin RheumBail Or Remand? Aic Conf P Baked Apple?Ann Ny Acad Sci Bakers Digest Bakers Dig#Bakhtin Carnival and Other Subjects Crit StudBakken Research Center Series Bakken Res&Balance Control of Flexible StructuresLect Notes Contr Inf=Balanced Automation Systems for Future Manufacturing NetworksIfip Adv Inf Comm TeQBalanced Omega-6/omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio, Cholesterol and Coronary Heart DiseaseWorld Rev Nutr DietNBalance of Power in Asia-pacific Security: Us-china Policies On Regional Order Polit Asia7Balancing Agility and Formalism in Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScGBalancing Dilemmas in Assessment and Learning in Contemporary EducationRoutl Res EducKBalancing Ecosystem Values: Innovative Experiments for Sustainable ForestryUs For Serv T R PnwIBalancing Fisheries Management and Water Uses for Impounded River Systems Am Fish S SOBalancing Written History With Oral Tradition: The Legacy of The Songhoy PeopleAfr Stud-hist PolitBalkan CurrentsMg Balkan Stud/Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its ApplicationsBalk J Geom Appl"Balkan Journal of Medical GeneticsBalk J Med Gen"Balkan Journal of Medical GeneticsBalk J Med GenetBalkan Medical Journal Balk Med J+Balkan Sprachbund Morpho-syntactic FeaturesStud Nat Lang LinguiBalkan Studies Balkan StudBall Bearing JournalBall Bearing J Ballet News Ballet News Ballet Review Ballet Rev Ballettanz BallettanzBallett International Ballett Int"Ballett International-tanz AktuellBallett Int-tanz Akt#Balloon Technology and Observations Adv Space ResBall State University ForumBall St Univ ForumBalticaBalticaRBaltica Iii - International Conference On Plant Condition & Life Management, Vol IVtt SympSBaltica Iii - International Conference On Plant Condition & Life Management, Vol IiVtt SympBaltic Astronomy Balt AstronDBaltica Vii: Life Management and Maintenance for Power Plants, Vol 1Vtt SympDBaltica Vii: Life Management and Maintenance for Power Plants, Vol 2Vtt SympIBaltica Vi: Life Management and Maintenance for Power Plants, Vol 1 and 2Vtt SympBaltic Coastal EcosystemsCent E Eur Dev StudBaltic ForestryBalt ForBaltic Forestry Baltic ForBaltic Journal of Economics Balt J EconBaltic Journal of Management Balt J Manag-Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge EngineeringBalt J Road Bridge E$Baltic Marine Biologists PublicationBalt Mar Biolog Publ#Baltic Question During The Cold WarCold War Hist-routlBaltic Sea BasinCent E Eur Dev StudBaltic Sea Fishery Resources Rap ProcesBalto-slavic Accentual MobilityTrends Linguist-studHBalzac and The Model of Painting: Artist Stories in 'la Comedie Humaine'Res Monogr Fr StudBamboos Linnean SocBamidgehBamidgeh B & Ss-bocconi & Springer SeriesB & Ss Bocc Spr Ser&Banach Algebras and Their Applications Contemp MathBanach Center Publications Banach Cent'Banach Journal of Mathematical AnalysisBanach J Math Anal9Banach Spaces and Descriptive Set Theory: Selected TopicsLect Notes Math#Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions Contemp Math@Banach Space Theory: The Basis for Linear and Nonlinear AnalysisCms Books Math"Bananas and Plantains, 2nd EditionCrop Prod Sci HorticBanbury Report Banb Report1Banded Iron Formation-related High-grade Iron Ore Rev Econ GeolBand-ferromagnetismLect Notes Phys%Bandwidth Extension of Speech SignalsLect Notes Electr En-Banff International Behavioral Science SeriesBanf Int Behav SerBangladesh Journal of Botany Bangl J BotBangladesh Journal of BotanyBangladesh J Botany"Bangladesh Journal of PharmacologyBangl J Pharmacol$Bangladesh Journal of Plant TaxonomyBangl J Plant TaxoneBank Capital and Risk-taking: The Impact of Capital Regulation, Charter Value, and The Business Cycle Kiel Stud-Banking and Monetary Policy in Eastern EuropeStud Econ TransBanking in China, 2nd EditionPalgr Mac Stud BankBanking Law Journal Banking Law J7Banking On Innovation: Modernisation of Payment Systems Contrib Econ>Banking Reform in Southeast Asia: The Region's Decisive DecadeRoutledge Stud Growt$Banking Reforms in South-east EuropeNh Mon Fin SercBanking Sector Liberalization in India: Evaluation of Reforms and Comparative Perspectives On China Contrib EconuBank Performance: A Theoretical and Empirical Framework for The Analysis of Profitability, Competition and EfficiencyRoutl Int Stud Money&Bankruptcy & Distressed Restructurings Nyu Salomon Bantu Studies Bantu Stud=Barbarian Tides: The Migration Age and The Later Roman EmpireMiddle Ages SerBar British Series Bar Brit SerBarclays Bank ReviewBarclay Bank RevBarclays Review Barclays RevBard Music FestivalBard Music Festiv+Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient CareBariat Nurs Surg PatBar Kokhba War ReconsideredTexte Stud Antik Jud/Barnes Foundation-journal of The Art DepartmentBarnes Found-j ArtBaroda Journal of Nutrition Baroda J Nutr@Barometers of Quality of Life Around The Globe: How Are We DoingSoc Indic Res Ser@Barometers of Quality of Life Around The Globe: How Are We DoingSocial Indic Res4Barons' Crusade: A Call to Arms and Its ConsequencesMiddle Ages SerBarrier Polymers and Structures Acs Sym Ser1Barrier Properties of Polymer Clay NanocompositesNanotechnol Sci Tech^Barriers and Biases in Computer-mediated Knowledge Communication: and How They May Be OvercomeComput-supp Collab L-Barriers to International Technology TransferNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec]Bartle-dunford-schwartz Integral: Integration With Respect to A Sigma-additive Vector Measure Monogr MatBaryon ExcitationsSchr Forsch Zent JulBaryonic Dark MatterNato Adv Sci I C-matBasal ForebrainAdv Exp Med BiolBasal Ganglia IiiAdv Behav BiolBasal Ganglia IvAdv Behav BiolBasal Ganglia IxAdv Behav BiolBasal Ganglia VAdv Behav BiolBasal Ganglia ViiAdv Behav BiolBasal Ganglia ViiiAdv Behav Biol3Baseband Analog Circuits for Software Defined RadioAnalog Circ Sig Proc2Base Colonies in The Western Hemisphere, 1940-1967Stud Am<Basees Routledge Series On Russian and East European StudiesRout Ser Rus Eas Eur<Basees-routledge Series On Russian and East European StudiesBasees-rout Ser Russ.Basement Membranes: Cell and Molecular BiologyCurr Top MembrBasement Tectonics 10 P Int C BasBasement Tectonics 11 P Int C BasBasement Tectonics 13 P Int C BasBasement Tectonics 9 P Int C BasFBases in Function Spaces, Sampling, Discrepancy, Numerical IntegrationEms Tracts Math*Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & ToxicologyBasic Clin Pharmacol)Basic and Applied Aspects of Seed BiologyCurr Plant Sci BiotBasic and Applied EcologyBasic Appl Ecol Basic and Applied HistochemistryBasic Appl HistochemBasic and Applied MyologyBasic Appl MyolFBasic and Applied Perspectives On Learning, Cognition, and DevelopmentMinn Sym Child Psych#Basic and Applied Social PsychologyBasic Appl Soc Psych1Basic and Clinical Applications of Vision Science Doc Ophth P.Basic and Clinical Approach to Turner Syndrome Int Congr SerMBasic and Clinical Aspects of Neuroendocrine Immunology in Rheumatic DiseasesAnn Ny Acad Sci3Basic and Clinical Aspects of Vertigo and DizzinessAnn Ny Acad Sci<Basic and Clinical Science of Mental and Addictive Disorders Bibl Psychiat.Basic and Clinical Science of Opioid Addiction Bibl Psychiat9Basic and Clinical Science of Substance Related Disorders Bibl Psychiat9Basic and New Aspects of Gastrointestinal UltrasonographyAdv Ser Biomech]Basic Aspects of Catechol-o-methyltransterase and The Clinical Applications of Its InhibitorsInt Rev NeurobiolBasic Bioethics Basic Bioeth/Basic Bundle Theory and K-cohomology InvariantsLect Notes Phys3Basic Chemometric Techniques in Atomic SpectroscopyRsc Anal Spectrosc MUBasic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Aspects of Alzheimers and Parkinsons Diseases, Vol 1Adv Behav BiolUBasic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Aspects of Alzheimers and Parkinsons Diseases, Vol 2Adv Behav Biol%Basic Concepts of Molecular PathologyMol Pathol Lib<Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics, Second EditionClass Appl Math;Basic Functions of Language, Reading and Reading Disability Neurops CogBasic Life SciencesBasic Life Sci3Basic Mechanisms Controlling Term and Preterm BirthE Schering Res Fdn W*Basic Mechanisms in Cognition and Language Wenn Gr Int.Basic Mechanisms of Granulomatous Inflammation Int Congr SerLBasic Mechanisms of Physiologic and Aberrant Lymphoproliferation in The SkinNato Adv Sci Inst SeBasic Noncommutative GeometryEms Ser Lect Math!Basic Plasma Processes On The SunIau Symp*Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna ArraysLect Notes Electr En$Basic Reactions in Organic SynthesisBasic React Org Synt'Basic Relativity: An Introductory EssaySpringer Briefs Phys?Basic Research and Treatment of Renal Cell Carcinoma MetastasisProg Clin Biol ResBasic Research in CardiologyBasic Res Cardiol!Basic Research On Lung Surfactant Prog R ResBasicsBasics,Basics and Highlights in Fundamental Physics Subnucl Ser"Basic Science for The CardiologistBas Sci Cardiologist&Basics of Applied Stochastic ProcessesProbab Appl Ser8Basics of Contemporary Cryptography for It PractitionersSer Coding Theory CrBasic Space Science Aip Conf Proc Basics Series Basics SerBasin Research Basin ResBasis for Cancer ManagementAnn Ny Acad Sci&Basis of Civilization - Water Science? Iahs-aish P=Basis of The Quality of Typical Mediterranean Animal Products Eaap Public%Basis Theory Primer, Expanded EditionAppl Numer Harmon AnBasket Currency for AsiaRoutledge Stud GrowtBasque Cultural Studies Basque Stud<Basque Politics and Nationalism On The Eve of The Millennium Basque Stud/Basque Studies Program Occasional Papers Series Basque StudGBassin Du Rio De La Plata: Developpement Local Et Integration Regionale HesperidesBatailleWarw St Eur Phil4Bates 25: Celebrating 25 Years of Beam to Experiment Aip Conf ProcCBa(ti,zr)o3-functional Materials: From Nanopowders to Bulk CeramicsNanotechnol Sci TechBats and Forests SymposiumBc Min For Res ProgrBattelle MonographsBattelle MonogrBattelle Technical ReviewBattelle Tech Rev2Batten Disease: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research Adv GenetIBatterer Intervention: Program Approaches and Criminal Justice StrategiesCrim Justice Law EnfBatteries and Supercapacitors Elec Soc S`Battery Management Systems: Accurate State-of-charge Indication for Battery-powered ApplicationsPhilips Res Book Ser#Battlefield Biomedical TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsABattle for Welfare Rights: Politics and Poverty in Modern AmericaPolit Cult Mod AmVBattlefronts Real and Imagined: War, Border, and Identity in The Chinese Middle PeriodNew Middle Ages8Battlespace Digitization and Network-centric Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Battlespace Digitization and Network-centric Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Battlespace Digitization and Network-centric WarfareP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Battlespace Digitization and Network-centric Warfare IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Battlespace Digitization and Network-centric Warfare Ii Proc Spie?Battlespace Technologies: Network-enabled Information DominanceArtech Hse Intel Inf BaubetriebVDI-Buch BauingenieurBauingenieur-germany,Baulicher Und Gebaudetechnischer Brandschutz VDI Bericht Bauphysik Bauphysik Bautechnik BautechnikBayesian Analysis Bayesian Anal+Bayesian Computation With R, Second EditionUse RBayesian EconometricsAdv EconometricsIBayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering Aip Conf ProcOBayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, Pt 2 Aip Conf Proc'Bayesian Inference for Inverse ProblemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Bayesian Item Response Modeling: Theory and ApplicationsStat Soc Behav Sc1Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis, Third EditionCh Crc Text Stat Sci*Bayesian Methods for Measures of AgreementCh Crc Biostat SerNBayesian Networks and Influence Diagrams: A Guide to Construction and AnalysisInform Sci StatBayesian ReliabilitySpringer Ser StatBayesian Robustness Inst Math SKBayesian Statistics and Quality Modelling in The Agro-food Production Chain Wag Ur FronBaylor Law ReviewBaylor Law Rev(Baywoods Technical Communications SeriesBaywoods Tech Commun Bba LibraryBba LibGBbb 2001: Botanical Biodiversity and The Belgian Expertise, ProceedingsScripta Botan Belg8Bcl-2 Protein Family: Essential Regulators of Cell DeathAdv Exp Med Biol=Bcpc Conference: Pests & Diseases 2000, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsProc Brighton CropB C S Conference SeriesBcs Conf SeriesBcs Conference SeriesBcs Conference S'Bcsia Studies in International SecurityBcsia Stud Int'Bcsia Studies in International SecurityBcsia Stud Int SecurBctm Proceedings Bctm Proc;Beach Nourishment Engineering and Management Considerations Coastl Worl5Beam Control, Diagnostics, Standards, and PropagationP Soc Photo-opt InsBeam Cooling and Related Topics Aip Conf Proc)Beam Deflection and Scanning TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsCBeam Dynamics and Technology Issues for Mu(plus)mu(minus) Colliders Aip Conf ProcABeam Dynamics Issues of High-luminosity Asymmetric Collider Rings Aip Conf ProcBeamed Energy Propulsion Aip Conf Proc0Beam Halo Dynamics, Diagnostics, and Collimation Aip Conf ProcDBeam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors, 2000 Sol St PhenDBeam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors, 2000Solid State Phenomen:Beam Instrumentation - Proceedings of The Seventh Workshop Aip Conf ProcBeam Instrumentation Workshop Aip Conf Proc"Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2000 Aip Conf Proc"Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002 Aip Conf Proc"Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2004 Aip Conf Proc"Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2006 Aip Conf Proc Beams 2002 Aip Conf Proc.Beam Shaping and Control With Nonlinear OpticsNato Adv Sci I B-phyDBeam-solid Interactions for Materials Synthesis and CharacterizationMater Res Soc Symp P7Beam Solid Interactions : Fundamentals and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P,Beam-solid Interactions : Physical PhenomenaMater Res Soc Symp P%Beam Stability and Nonlinear Dynamics Aip Conf ProcBearing Dreams, Shaping Visions Assoc As Am4Bearing of Basic Research On Clinical OtolaryngologyAdv Oto-rhino-laryngBearing Steel TechnologyAm Soc Test MatereBearing Steel Technology-advances and State of The Art in Bearing Steel Quality Assurance: 7th VolumeAm Soc Test MaterLBearing The European North: The Northern Dimension and Alternative Scenarios U Lap A C R*Bearing Witness to The Holocaust 1939-1989 Symposium S$Bears - Their Biology and Management Int C Bear#Beauty's Appeal: Measure and Excess Anal Hus YbPBec 2008: 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, ProceedingsPro Bienn Balt El C1Beckett and Religion: Beckett/aesthetics/politicsSam Beckett TodayBeckett in The 1990sSam Beckett TodayBecketts MasculinityNew Interpret Becket>Becoming An Urban Physics and Math Teacher: Infinite PotentialSci Technol Educ LibOBecoming A Professional: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Professional LearningLifelong Learn BookBecoming LoquensBoch Publ Evolu Cult5Becoming Muslim: Western Women's Conversions to Islam Cult Mind SocYBecoming Virtual: Knowledge Management and Transformation of The Distributed OrganizationContrib Manag SciEBecoming Visible: Women's Presence in Late Nineteenth-century America Dqr Stud LitOBee and The Eagle: Napoleonic France and The End of The Holy Roman Empire, 1806War Cult Soc 1750-18CBeech Bark Disease: Proceedings of The Beech Bark Disease SymposiumUsda Fs Ne Res St GtPBeer and Wine Production: Analysis, Characterization, and Technological Advances Acs Sym Ser Bee World Bee WorldBefore and After AvicennaIslam Ph Th SciQBefore Auschwitz: Irene Nemirovsky and The Cultural Landscape of Inter-war FranceRout Stud Tw Cen Lit;Before Haiti: Race and Citizenship in French Saint-domingueAm Early Mod Atl WorGBefore Harlem: The Black Experience in New York City Before World War IPolit Cult Mod AmDBefore Modernism Was: Modern History and The Constituency of WritingLang Discourse SocBeginner's Guide to RUse R:Beginnings of Piezoelectricity: A Study in Mundane PhysicsBost Stud Philos SciBBeginnings of Political Economy: Johann Heinrich Gottlob Von JustiEur Herit Econ Soc S9Beginning to Remember: The Past in The Indonesian PresentCrit Dialogues South*Begriff Der Dichtung in Der Fruhen NeuzeitHist Hermen Ser StudLBegriff Der Homogenitat in Der Verfassungslehre Und EuroparechtswissenschaftBeitr Ausl Offentl RBegrunden Und RechtfertigenQuellen Stud PhiloseBehauptete Subjektivitat: Eine Skizze Zur Deutschsprachigen Judischen Autobiographie Im20 Jahrhundert Conditio Jud&Behavioral & Social Sciences LibrarianBehav Soc Sci LibrBehavioral and Brain FunctionsBehav Brain FunctBehavioral and Brain SciencesBehav Brain SciBehavioral and Chemical EcologyEnviron Res Adv=Behavioral and Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy Nber Conf R7Behavioral and Morphological Asymmetries in Vertebrates Mol B Int UBehavioral and Neural BiologyBehav Neural Biol,Behavioral Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease Persp Beh MBehavioral Assessment Behav AssessBehavioral Biology Behav Biol,Behavioral Characteristics of Residual Soils Geotech SpBehavioral DisordersBehav DisordersBehavioral Ecology Behav Ecol#Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyBehav Ecol SociobiolBehavioral Engineering Behav EngCBehavioral Health As Primary Care: Beyond Efficacy to Effectiveness Hlthc UtilBehavioral Healthcare TomorrowBehav Healthc TomBehavioral InterventionsBehav InterventBehavioral Issues in Autism Curr I AutBehavioral Medicine Behav Med4Behavioral Neurobiology of Anxiety and Its TreatmentCurr Top Behav Neuro=Behavioral Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder and Its TreatmentCurr Top Behav Neuro#Behavioral Neurobiology of BirdsongAnn Ny Acad Sci+Behavioral Neurobiology of Eating DisordersCurr Top Behav Neuro:Behavioral Neurobiology of Schizophrenia and Its TreatmentCurr Top Behav Neuro5Behavioral Neurobiology of The Endocannabinoid SystemCurr Top Behav NeuroBehavioral NeuroscienceBehav Neurosci)Behavioral Neuroscience of Drug AddictionCurr Top Behav Neuro+Behavioral Psychology-psicologia Conductual Behav PsycholBehavioral Science Behav SciBehavioral Sciences & The Law Behav Sci LawBehavioral Sleep MedicineBehav Sleep Med)Behavioral Technologies for Fish Guidance Am Fish S S0Behavioral Theories and Interventions for AutismNeurodev Dis Lab CliBehavior Analyst Behav AnalystFBehavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional and Composite Materials 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsFBehavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional and Composite Materials 2007 Proc SpieFBehavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional and Composite Materials 2008 Proc SpieGBehavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsGBehavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2010 Proc SpieGBehavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2011 Proc SpieBehavior and Philosophy Behav PhilosBehavior Genetics Behav Genet[Behavior Genetics Principles: Perspectives in Development, Personality, and Psychopathology Decade Behav Behaviorism BehaviorismBehavior Modification Behav ModifkBehavior of Pipe Piles in Sand: Plugging and Pore-water Pressure Generation During Installation and LoadingSpringer Ser Geomech2Behavior of Plants Subject to Environmental Stress Colloq Inra,Behavior of Systems in The Space EnvironmentNato Adv Sci Inst SeBehavior Research MethodsBehav Res Methods+Behavior Research Methods & InstrumentationBehav Res Meth Instr1Behavior Research Methods Instruments & ComputersBehav Res Meth Ins C1Behavior Research Methods Instruments & ComputersBehav Res Meth Instr6Behavior Research of Severe Developmental DisabilitiesBehav Res Severe DevBehavior Science NotesBehav Sci NotesBehavior Science Research Behav Sci ResBehavior Therapy Behav Ther Behaviour Behaviour%Behavioural Analysis and ModificationBehav Anal Modif'Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapyBehav Cogn PsychothaBehavioural Approaches in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Optimising Rehabilitation ProceduresNeuropsycholog RehabBehavioural Brain ResearchBehav Brain Res(Behavioural Mechanisms of Food SelectionNato Adv Sci I G-ecoBehavioural Neurology Behav NeurolBehavioural PharmacologyBehav PharmacolBehavioural Processes Behav ProcessBehavioural PsychotherapyBehav Psychother.Behavioural Sciences and Community DevelopmentBehav Sci Commun Dev*Behavioural Sciences and Rural DevelopmentBehav Sci Rural Dev"Behaviour & Information TechnologyBehav Inform TechnolBehaviour Analysis LettersBehav Anal Lett1Behaviour and Rationality in Corporate GovernanceRout Stud Corpor GovBehaviour Change Behav ChangeBBehaviour Monitoring and Interpretation - Bmi - Smart EnvironmentsAmb Intell Smart EnvBehaviour Research and TherapyBehav Res TherBehcets Disease Infl Dis ThBehcets Disease Int Congr SerBehring Institute MitteilungenBehr Inst Mitt%Behring Institute Mitteilungen, No 84Behr Inst Mitt%Behring Institute Mitteilungen, No 88Behr Inst Mitt%Behring Institute Mitteilungen, No 90Behr Inst Mitt4Behring Institute Mitteilungen, No 93, December 1993Behr Inst MittPBeihefte Der Konjunkturpolitik : Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung Beih KonjunBeihefte Zur IberoromaniaBeih Iberoromania0Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Deutsche PhilologieBeih Zeit Deut Phil?Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Die Alttestamentliche WissenschaftBeih Z Alttest Wiss`Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft Und Die Kunde Der Alteren KircheBeih Z Neutest Wiss2Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Romanische PhilologieBeih Z Roman PhilolBeijing: A Concise HistoryRoutl Stud Mod Hist;Beijing's Tibet Policy: Securing Sovereignty and LegitimacyPol Stud&Beilstein Journal of Organic ChemistryBeilstein J Org Chem1Being and Becoming A Management Education ScholarRes Manag Educ Dev,Being and Dialectic: Metaphysics and Culture Suny Se HegKBeing An Expert Professional Practitioner: The Relational Turn in ExpertiseProf Pract-based Lea"Being A Person and Telling A StoryQuellen Stud Philos/Being: Developments in Contemporary Metaphysics Roy I Ph SBBeing in The Pampas: The Question of Being in Argentine LiteratureInt Stud Philos Mono3Being No One: The Self-model Theory of SubjectivityBradford Books-Being Versus Word in Paul Tillich's Theology?Theol Bibl Topelmann-Being Versus Word in Paul Tillich's Theology? Theol BilbBeiruter Texte Und StudienBeiruter Text Stud=Beitrage Aus Der Plasmaphysik-contributions to Plasma PhysicsBeit Plasmaphys-cont=Beitrage Zum Auslandischen Offentlichen Recht Und VolkerrechtBeitr Ausl Offentl R=Beitrage Zum Auslandischen Offentlichen Recht Und VolkerrechtBeitr Ausland Offent:Beitrage Zum Auslandischen Und Internationalen PrivatrechtBeitr Ausland Int PrBeitrage Zur AltertumskundeBeitr Altertumskunde,Beitrage Zur Geschichte Der ArbeiterbewegungBeitr Gesch Arbeit;Beitrage Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache Und LiteraturBeitr Gesch Deut Spr@Beitrage Zur Infusionstherapie/contributions to Infusion Therapy Beitr Infus(Beitrage Zur Intensiv Und Notfallmedizin Beitr IntenKBeitrage Zurklinik Und Ereoschung Der Tuberkulose Und Der LungenkrankheitenBeitr Klin ErforschBeitrage Zur KonfliktforschungBeitr KonfliktforschBeitrage Zur MeereskundeBeitr MeereskdBeitrage Zur MusikwissenschaftBeitr Musikwiss%Beitrage Zur Okologischen TechnologieBeitr Okol TechnolBeitrage Zur Pathologie Beitr PatholCBeitrage Zur Pathologischen Anatomie Und Zur Allgemeinen PathologieBeitr Pathol Anat Al#Beitrage Zur Romanischen PhilologieBeitr Roman Philol)Beitrage Zur Tabakforschung InternationalBeitr Tabakforsch;Beitrage Zur Tropischen Landwirtschaft Und VeterinarmedizinBeitr Trop LandwirtBeitrage Zur Zuchtungsforschung Beitrage Zf)B E Journal of Economic Analysis & PolicyBe J Econ Anal PoliB E Journal of MacroeconomicsBe J Macroecon$B E Journal of Theoretical EconomicsBe J Theor EconBelfagorBelfagorBelgian Journal of Botany Belg J BotBelgian Journal of Linguistics Belg J LingBelgian Journal of Zoology Belg J ZoolTBelgisch Tijdschrift Voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis-revue Belge D Histoire ContemporaineBelg Tijdschr Nieuws+Belief Revision Meets Philosophy of ScienceLogic Epistemol Unit*Beliefs About Sla: New Research Approaches Educ Linguist*Beliefs About Sla: New Research ApproachesEducat Linguistics3Beliefs: A Hidden Variable in Mathematics Education Math Educ LibNBeliefs and Mathematics: Festschrift in Honor of Gunter Torner's 60th BirthdayMont Math Enthus Mon0Bell Canada Papers On Economic and Public PolicyBell Canada Pap EconBelletenBelleten(Belle W Baruch Library in Marine Science Bel Bar LibBell Journal of Economics Bell J Econ0Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science Bell J EconBell Laboratories Record Bell Lab RecBell Labs Technical JournalBell Labs Tech J=Bells Theorem, Quantum Theory and Conceptions of The Universe Fund TheorBell System Technical Journal At&t Tech JBell System Technical JournalBell Syst Tech JBeloit Poetry JournalBeloit Poetry JBelt Conveying of MineralsWoodhead Publ Mech E,Beltsville Symposia in Agricultural Research Beltsv Symp+Benazepril : Profile of A New Ace InhibitorRoy Soc Med Int Cong`Bench Testing of Industrial Fluid Lubrication and Wear Properties Used in Machinery ApplicationsAm Soc Test MaterBBeneficial Effects of Perhexiline in Cardiovascular Disease StatesCardiol Res Clin Dev2Ben-gurion, Zionism and American Jewry 1948 - 1963Isr Hist Polit SocBenign By Design Acs Sym SerBenign Prostatic HyperplasiaProg Clin Biol ResBenjamins Translation LibraryBenjamin Transl LibB-entB-ent+Benthic Habitats and The Effects of Fishing Am Fish S S.Be Phenomenon in Early-type Stars, Proceedings Astr Soc PMBerenguela of Castile (1180-1246) and Political Women in The High Middle AgesNew Middle Ages)Bergamo Spring Conferences On Haematology Bergamo HaeBerg European Studies Series Berg Eur StBBergman Spaces and Related Topics in Complex Analysis, Proceedings Contemp Math9Berichte Der Bunsen-gesellschaft Fur Physikalische ChemieBerich Bunsen GesellDBerichte Der Bunsen-gesellschaft-physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsBer Bunsen Phys Chem/Berichte Der Deutschen Botanischen GesellschaftBer Deut Bot Ges.Berichte Der Deutschen Chemischen GesellschaftBer Dtsch Chem GesHBerichte Der Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Fur MeeresforschungBer Deut Wiss Komm5Berichte Der Schweizerischen Botanischen GesellschaftBer Schweiz Bot Ges'Berichte Des Germany Chapter of The Acm Ber Ger AcmBerichte Uber LandwirtschaftBer Landwirtsch$Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Ber WissgeschUBering Glacier: Interdisciplinary Studies of Earths Largest Temperate Surging GlacierGeol Soc Am Spec Pap-Berkeley Conference On Dutch Linguistics 1993 Publ Aans,Berkeley Conference On Dutch Literature 1987 Publ Aans,Berkeley Conference On Dutch Literature 1995 Publ Aans.Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and SemioticsBerk Insigh Linguist%Berkeley Seminar On Federalism Series Berk S FedBerliner Asien-afrika-studienBerliner As Afr StOBerliner Grenzgangerproblem: Verflechtung Und Systemkonkurrenz Vor Dem MauerbauVeroff Hist Komm BerBerliner Journal Fur Soziologie Berl J Soziol2Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche WochenschriftBerl Munch TierarztlBerlin Workshop SeriesBerlin Workshop SerBernardin Center Series Bern Cent Ser Bernice P Bishop Museum BulletinBernice P Bish Mus B Bernoulli Bernoulli&Bernoulli Potential in SuperconductorsLect Notes Phys,Bernstein Functions: Theory and ApplicationsDegruyter Stud MathABerry Crop Breeding, Production and Utilization for A New Century Acta HorticGBertrand Russell and The Edwardian Philosophers: Constructing The WorldHist Anal PhilosBerufs-dermatosenBerufs-dermatosen2Beryllium: Mineralogy, Petrology, and GeochemistryRev Mineral Geochem Beryllium: Sampling and AnalysisAm Soc Test Mater&Besa Studies in International SecurityBesa Stud Int Secur(Bestia : Yearbook of The Beast Fable SocBestia3Bestia : Yearbook of The Beast Fable Society, Vol 1Bestia)Best Interests of The Child in HealthcareBiomed Law Ethics LiBest Papers Proceedings Best Pap ProcQBest Papers Proceedings - Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management Best Pap Proc<Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & MetabolismBest Pract Res Cl En-Best Practice & Research Clinical HaematologyBest Pract Res Cl Ha:Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & GynaecologyBest Pract Res Cl Ob5Best Practice & Research in Clinical GastroenterologyBest Pract Res Cl Ga=Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics & GynaecologyBest Pract Res Cl Ob1Best Practice & Research in Clinical RheumatologyBest Pract Res Cl RhaBest Practices for The Knowledge Society: Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for AllComm Com Inf Sc&Best Practices in Literacy InstructionRutg Inv Symp Educ S Beta-aluminas and Beta-batteries Key Eng Mat=Beta-amyloid Precursor Proteins and Neurotransmitter Function Int Congr Ser4Beta Carotene: Dietary Sources, Cancer and CognitionNutr Diet Res ProgBeta-glucosidases Acs Sym SerBeta Phi Mu Monograph Series Beta Phi MuIBetasys: Systems Biology of Regulated Exocytosis in Pancreatic Beta-cellsSyst BioBeton- Und StahlbetonbauBeton- StahlbetonbauBetriebBetriebBetriebliche InstandhaltungVDI-BuchBetriebsfestigkeit, 3rd EditionVDI-Buch Betriebswirt Betriebswirt,Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung Und PraxisBetrieb Forsch Prax$Better Ceramics Through Chemistry IvMater Res Soc Symp P#Better Ceramics Through Chemistry VMater Res Soc Symp P$Better Ceramics Through Chemistry ViMater Res Soc Symp PIBetter Ceramics Through Chemistry Vii: Organic/inorganic Hybrid MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P"Better Ceramics Through Processing Brit Cer PrIBetter Land Husbandry: From Soil Conservation to Holistic Land ManagementLand Reconstr Manag-Bettongs, Potoroos and The Musky Rat-kangarooAustral Nat Hist Ser?Between Cultures: Theory and Practice of Cross Cultural Dialogs Condit Jud.Between Data Science and Applied Data AnalysisSt Class Dat Anal.Between Data Science and Applied Data AnalysisStud Class Data AnalTBetween Disclosure and Concealment: An Analysis of Barbara Honigmann's Prose Writing Conditio JudZBetween Rome and Persia: The Middle Euphrates, Mesopotamia and Palmyra Under Roman ControlRoutl Monogr Class SRBetween Scholarship and Autobiographical Project: Saul Friedlander Und Ruth Kluger Conditio JudBetween Science and Technology N-holland DBetween Syntax and SemanticsRoutl Lead Linguists#Between The Grammar and The LexiconLing Arb Between The Local and The GlobalRes Rural Sociol DevWBetween Theory and Observations: Tobias Mayer's Explorations of Lunar Motion, 1751-1755Sourc Stud Hist Math*Between Understanding and Misunderstanding Cont Stud EBBetween Vision and Reality: Cfsps Progress On The Path to MaturityCurr Europe IssSBeyond 2001: Silvicultural Odyssey to Sustaining Terrestrial and Aquatic EcosystemsUs For Serv T R PnwBeyond Afghanistan Res Pap PolUBeyond Cartesian Dualism: Encountering Affect in The Teaching and Learning of ScienceSci Technol Educ LibBeyond DeficiencyAnn Ny Acad Sci<Beyond Degrees: Professional Learning for Knowledge ServicesInform Serv Man SerZBeyond Einstein Gravity: A Survey of Gravitational Theories for Cosmology and AstrophysicsFund Theor Phys3Beyond Enlightenment: Buddhism, Religion, ModernityRoutl Crit Stud Budd8Beyond Health Insurance: Public Policy to Improve HealthAdv Health Econ HealeBeyond Kyoto: Addressing The Challenges of Climate Change - Science Meets Industry, Policy and PublicIop C Ser Earth EnvTBeyond Loop Level Parallelism in Openmp: Accelerators, Tasking and More, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Beyond Market Access for Economic DevelopmentRoutl Stud Eur Econ9Beyond Memory: The Crimean Tatars' Deportation and ReturnAnthr Hist Crit Imag<Beyond Metallocenes: Next Generation Polmerization Catalysts Acs Sym Ser=Beyond Metallocenes: Next Generation Polymerization Catalysts Acs Sym Ser@Beyond Mimesis and Convention: Representation in Art and ScienceBost Stud Philos SciPBeyond Neoliberalism in Latin America?: Societies and Politics At The CrossroadsStud AmgBeyond Partial Differential Equations - Linear and Quasi-linear Abstract Hyperbolic Evolution EquationsLect Notes MathVBeyond Pedagogies of Exclusion in Diverse Childhood Contexts: Transnational ChallengesCrit Cult Stud Child<Beyond Slavery: Overcoming Its Religious and Sexual LegaciesBlack Relig Woman Th=Beyond Small Numbers: Voices of African American Phd ChemistsDivers High EducBeyond The CanonHellenist GroninganaBeyond The City Limits Confl Urb RBeyond The Cold War Res SeriesBeyond The Consumption BubbleRout Interp Mark Res\Beyond The Crisis: Preserving The Capacity for Excellence in Health Care and Medical ScienceAnn Ny Acad SciBeyond The Cultural TurnStud Hist Soc Cult^Beyond The Desert 2002: Accelerator, Non-accelerator and Space Approaches in The New MilleniumInst Phys Conf SerBeyond The Desert 2003Springer Proc Phys8Beyond The Farm: National Ambitions in Rural New EnglandEarly Am Stud SerLBeyond The Golden Door: Jewish American Drama and Jewish American ExperiencePalg Stud Theat PerfGBeyond The International Space Station: The Future of Human Spaceflight Spac Stud!Beyond The Legacy of Genghis KhanIslamic Hist Civiliz Beyond The New Public ManagementNew Horiz Pub PolBeyond The Rural-urban DivideRes Rural Sociol Dev-Beyond The Standard Model V. Fifth Conference Aip Conf ProcBeyond The Steppe and The SownColloq PonticaBeyond Topology Contemp Math<Beyond Two: Theory and Applications of Multiple-valued LogicStud Fuzz Soft Comp Beyond Words Brit S Ap LBfi Working Papers Bfi Work P4Bfpp-connaissance Et Gestion Du Patrimoine AquatiqueBfpp-connaiss Gest P Bga Schriften Bga Schrift'Bhr Group Conference Series PublicationBhr Gr Conf Ser Publ'Biaxial/multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture Esis PublBible Witness in Black ChurchesBlack Relig Woman ThBiblicaBiblicaBiblical ArchaeologistBiblic ArchaeolBiblical Concepts and Our WorldClaremon Stud PhilosbBiblical Perspectives : Early Use and Interpretation of The Bible in Light of The Dead Sea ScrollsStud Text Des JudahBibliographia GeneticaBibliogr GenetQBibliographic Instruction in Practice: A Tribute to The Legacy of Evan Ira Farber Lib OrientSBibliography and The Book Trades: Studies in The Print Culture of Early New England Mater TextsOBiblioteca Dell Archivum Romanicum - Serie I - Storia, Letteratura, Paleografia Bibliot ArcABiblioteca Dell Edizione Nazionale Del Carteggio Di L.a. MuratoriBibl C Muratori#Biblioteca Di Archeologia MedievaleBiblio Archeol Med%Biblioteca Di Nuncius - Studi E TestiBiblio Nuncius?Biblioteca Storica Toscana : Sezione Di Storia Del Risorgimento Bibl Stor TBibliotheca Anatomica Bibl AnatBibliotheca Cardiologica Bibl CardiolPBibliotheca Dell'archivum Romanicum - Serie I - Storia, Letteratura, Paleografia Bibl A Ro IBibliotheca Diatomologica Bibl Diatomol3Bibliotheca Ephemeridium Theologicarum Lovaniensium Bib Eph TheBibliotheca GastroenterologicaBibl GastroenterolBibliotheca Gynaecologica Bibl GynaecolBibliotheca Haematologica Bibl HaematolBibliotheca Lichenologica Bibl LichenolBibliotheca Microbiologica Bibl MicrobBibliotheca Nutritio Et DietaBibl Nutr DietBibliotheca OphthalmologicaBibl Ophthalmol#Bibliotheca Oto-rhino-laryngologicaBibl Oto-rhino-larynBibliotheca Paediatrica Bibl PaediatrBibliotheca Phonetica Bibl PhonetBibliotheca Primatologica Bibl PrimatolBibliotheca Psychiatrica Bibl Psychiat'Bibliotheca Psychiatrica Et NeurologicaBibl Psychiat NeurolBibliotheca Radiologica Bibl RadiolBibliotheca Shamanistica Bibl ShamanBibliotheca Tuberculosea Bibl Tuberc0Bibliotheca Tuberculosea Et Medicinae ThoracalisBibl Tuberc Med ThorBibliotheca Vita Humana Bibl Vita HumBibliothekspraxisBibliothekspraxis#Bibliotheque De L Ecole Des ChartesBibl Ec Chartes*Bibliotheque De L'information GrammaticaleBib Info Gramm#Bibliotheque De Litterature ModerneBib Lit ModernABibliotheque Des Cahiers De L Institut De Linguistique De LouvainBibl Des Cah De L In'Bibliotheque D Humanisme Et RenaissanceBibl Hum RenaissanceBiblische Zeitschrift Biblische Z3Bicarbonate, Chloride, and Proton Transport SystemsAnn Ny Acad SciBics 2008: Proceedings of The 1st International Conference On Bio-inspired Computational Methods Used for Solving Difficult Problems-development of Intelligent and Complex Systems Aip Conf Proc8Biculturalism, Self Identity and Societal TransformationRes Race Ethn Relat$Bicycle and Pedestrian Research 1998Transport Res Rec3Bicycles and Pedestrians; Developing Countries 2005Transport Res Rec<Bidding Strategies in Agent-based Continuous Double AuctionsWhitestein Ser SoftwBiedermeier and BeyondBrit Irish Stud Germ@Bienes Habices Del Reino De Granada: Las Alquerias De Las GabiasSuom Tiedeakat Toim(Biennial Review of Counseling PsychologyBienn Rev Couns Psyc/Biennial Review of Counseling Psychology, Vol 1Bienn Rev Couns Psyc;Biennial Review of Health Care Management: Meso PerspectiveAdv Health Care Mana Bifunctional Molecular CatalysisTop Organometal Chem:Bifurcation and Chaos : Analysis, Algorithms, Applications Int S Num M=Bifurcation and Chaos in Discontinuous and Continuous SystemsNonlinear Phys SciBifurcation and Symmetry Int S Num M,Bifurcation Control: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf1Bifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector FieldsNato Adv Sci Inst Se#Bifurcations in Hamiltonian SystemsLect Notes Math<Bifurcations, Instabilities and Degradations in GeomaterialsSpr Ser Geomch Geong$Bifurcations of Planar Vector FieldsLect Notes Math8Bifurcation Theory and Spatio-temporal Pattern FormationFields Inst Commun%Big Business and Economic DevelopmentRoutl Stud Int Bus WBig Digs Around The World Geotech Sp Big QueuesLect Notes Math;Big Shake: Implications of A Major Earthquake in CaliforniaNat Disaster Res PrBig Wars and Small WarsMil Hist PolicyBijdragen Tot De Dierkunde Bijdr Dierkd+Bijdragen Tot De Taal- Land- En VolkenkundeBijdr Taal-land-v Biken JournalBiken J1Biko Lives: Contesting The Legacies of Steve BikoContemp Black Hist-Bilateral Bargaining: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Econ MathBildgebung-imaging BildgebungBildung, Erziehung Und Religion in Europa: Politische, Rechtshermeneutische Und Padagogische Untersuchungen Zum Europaischen Bildungsauftrag in Evangelischer PerspektivePrakt Theol WissBildung Und Erziehung Bild Erzieh2Bile Acid Biology and Its Therapeutic Implications Falk Symp)Bile Acid Biology and Therapeutic Actions Falk SympBile Acids and Cholestasis Falk SympBile Acids and Immunology Falk SympBile Acids and Pregnancy Falk Symp'Bile Acids and The Hepatobiliary System Falk Symp0Bile Acids: From Genomics to Disease and Therapy Falk SympBile Acids in Gastroenterology Falk Symp#Bile Acids in Hepatobiliary Disease Falk SympMBile Acids in Hepatobiliary Diseases: Basic Research and Clinical Application Falk SympBile Acids in Liver Diseases Falk SympBiligBilig,Bilinear Control Systems: Matrices in Action Appl Math SciMBilinear Integrable Systems: From Classical to Quatum, Continuous to DiscreteNato Sci Ser Ii MathMBilinear Integrable Systems: From Classical to Quatum, Continuous to DiscreteNato Sci Ser Ii-mathBilingualism and The Individual MultilingBilingualism: A Social Approach Palgrave AdvBilingualism in Deaf EducationInt Stud Sign Lang C"Bilingualism in Society and School Multiling#Bilingualism-language and CognitionBiling-lang Cogn!Bilingual Review-revista Bilingue Bilingual Rev8Bilinguals: Cognition, Education and Language ProcessingLang Linguist Ser/Billy Graham and The Rise of The Republic SouthPolit Cult Mod Am/Binaries - Key to Comprehension of The Universe Astr Soc P Binary-computing in MicrobiologyBinary-comput Microb;Binghamton Symposia in Geomorphology : International Series Bing Symp G=Binocular Vision: Development, Depth Perception and DisordersEye Vis Res Dev~Bio'07: Proceedings of The 3rd Wseas International Conference On Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and BioengineeringMa Comput Sci Eng~Bio'07: Proceedings of The 3rd Wseas International Conference On Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and BioengineeringMath Comput Sci EngHBioacoustics-the International Journal of Animal Sound and Its Recording BioacousticsBioactive Carbohydrate Polymers Pr Phyt Soc"Bioactive Components of Human MilkAdv Exp Med BiolBioactive Components of MilkAdv Exp Med BiolBioactive Compounds and CancerNutr Health SerBioactive Compounds From Plants Ciba F SympBioactive Compounds in Foods Acs Sym SerBioactive Conformation I Top Curr ChemBioactive Conformation Ii Top Curr ChemBioactive Hetercycles IiTop Heterocycl ChemBioactive Heterocycles IiiTop Heterocycl ChemBioactive Heterocycles IvTop Heterocycl ChemBioactive Heterocycles VTop Heterocycl ChemBioactive Heterocycles ViTop Heterocycl ChemgBioactive Heterocycles Vii: Flavonoids and Anthocyanins in Plants, and Latest Bioactive Heterocycles IiTop Heterocycl Chem)Bioactive Metabolites From Microorganisms Prog Ind MBioactive Molecules Bioact MolbBioactive Oligosaccharides: Production, Biological Functions and Potential Commercial ApplicationsBiotech Agr Ind MedBioactive Surfaces Adv Polym Sci(Bioactive Volatile Compounds From Plants Acs Sym SerHBioalcohol Production: Biochemical Conversion of Lignocellulosic BiomassWoodhead Publ Ser En Bioanalysis BioanalysisNBioanalytical Approaches for Drugs, Including Anti-asthmatics and Metabolities Meth Surv A!Bio-applications of NanoparticlesAdv Exp Med BiolBioartificial OrgansAnn Ny Acad SciOBioartificial Organs Iii: Tissue Sourcing, Immunoisolation, and Clinical TrialsAnn Ny Acad Sci<Bioartificial Organs Ii: Technology, Medicine, and MaterialsAnn Ny Acad SciABioassay Methods in Natural Product Research and Drug Development Pr Phyt Soc'Bioastronomy 2002: Life Among The StarsIau SympABioastronomy 2007: Molecules, Microbes, and Extraterrestrial Life Astr Soc P7Bioastronomy'99, A New Era in Bioastronomy, Proceedings Astr Soc P1Bioaugmentation, Biobarriers, and Biogeochemistry Bioremed Ser$Bioaugmentation for Site Remediation Bioremed SerBioavailability of Metals in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Importance of Partitioning for Bioavailability to Invertebrates, Microbes, and Plants Met EnvironmoBiobased Economy of The Twenty-first Century: Agriculture Expanding Into Health, Energy, Chemicals and MaterialNabc RepBiobehavioral Reviews Biobehav Rev>Biobehavioral Stress Response: Protective and Damaging EffectsAnn Ny Acad Sci Biocatalysis Biocatalysis"Biocatalysis and BiotransformationBiocatal Biotransfor$Biocatalysis At Extreme Temperatures Acs Sym Ser,Biocatalysis - From Discovery to Application Top Curr Chem&Biocatalysis in Non-conventional MediaProgr BiotechnolBiocatalysis in Oil RefiningStud Surf Sci CatalBiocatalysis in Polymer Science Acs Sym Ser0Biocatalyst Design for Stability and Specificity Acs Sym SerBiocellBiocell Bioceramics Key Eng Mat Bioceramics Key Eng Mater BioceramicsMater Sci ForumBioceramics 14 Key Eng MatBioceramics 14 Key Eng MaterBioceramics 15 Key Eng MatBioceramics 16 Key Eng MaterBioceramics 17 Key Eng MatBioceramics 17 Key Eng MaterBioceramics 18, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MatBioceramics 18, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterBioceramics 21 Key Eng MatBioceramics 21 Key Eng Mater:Bioceramics and Alternative Bearings in Joint Arthroplasty Cer Ortho+Bioceramics and Their Clinical ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mater*Bioceramics: Materials and Applications Iv Ceram Trans)Bioceramics: Materials and Applications V Ceram TransBioceramics, Vol 16 Key Eng MatBioceramics, Vol 17 Key Eng Mat Bioceramics, Vol 19, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat Bioceramics, Vol 19, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater Bioceramics, Vol 20, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat Bioceramics, Vol 20, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterBiochemia MedicaBiochem MedicaBiochemical Actions of HormonesBiochem Action Horm$Biochemical and Biomolecular SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsBiochem Bioph Res CoZBiochemical and Biotechnological Applications of Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Acs Sym SerABiochemical and Cellular Mechanisms of Stress Tolerance in PlantsNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Biochemical and Molecular MedicineBiochem Mol MedWBiochemical and Physiological Aspects of Ethylene Production in Lower and Higher Plants Adv Agr Bio*Biochemical Approaches to Cellular Calcium Meth Surv IBiochemical Archives Biochem Arch6Biochemical Diagnostic Instrumentation, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsBiochemical Education Biochem EducBiochemical EngineeringBiotech Agr Ind MedBiochemical Engineering Journal Biochem Eng JBiochemical Engineering ViiAnn Ny Acad SciBiochemical Engineering ViiiAnn Ny Acad SciBiochemical Genetics Biochem GenetBiochemical Journal Biochem JBiochemical MedicineBiochem Med Metab B*Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic BiologyBiochem Med Metab BBiochemical PharmacologyBiochem PharmacolBiochemical PreparationsBiochem PreparatBiochemical Society SymposiaBiochem Soc SympBiochemical Society SymposiumBiochem Soc Symp Biochemical Society Transactions Biochem Soc TBiochemical SpectroscopyMethod EnzymolBiochemical SpectroscopyMethods Enzymol#Biochemical Systematics and EcologyBiochem Syst Ecol&Biochemie Und Physiologie Der PflanzenBiochem Physiol PflBiochemische Zeitschrift Biochem Z BiochemistryBiochemistry-us>Biochemistry and Cell Biology-biochimie Et Biologie CellulaireBiochem Cell Biol%Biochemistry and Experimental BiologyBiochem Exp Biol9Biochemistry and Histocytochemistry Research DevelopmentsBiochem Res Trends,Biochemistry and Molecular Biology EducationBiochem Mol Biol Edu0Biochemistry and Molecular Biology InternationalBiochem Mol Biol IntBBiochemistry, Biological Functions, Gene Regulation and Expression Int Congr SerBiochemistry International Biochem Int^Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Physiology of Phospholipase A2 and Its Regulatory FactorsAdv Exp Med BiolBiochemistry-moscowBiochemistry-moscow+!Biochemistry of Breast Cyst FluidAnn Ny Acad SciBiochemistry of Exercise Vii Int S SportBiochemistry of Exercise X Int S Sport Biochemistry of Marine Organisms Oceanis S D#Biochemistry of Pulmonary Emphysema Curr T Reh8Biochemistry of The Mevalonic Acid Pathway to TerpenoidsRecent Adv PhytochemBiochemistry Research TrendsBiochem Res TrendsBiochimica Et Biophysica ActaBiochim Biophys Acta+Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-bioenergeticsBba-bioenergetics*Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-biomembranesBba-biomembranes.Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-general SubjectsBba-gen Subjects8Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-gene Regulatory MechanismsBba-gene Regul Mech;Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-gene Structure and ExpressionBba-gene Struct Expr9Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-lipids and Lipid MetabolismBba-lipid Lipid MetBBiochimica Et Biophysica Acta-molecular and Cell Biology of LipidsBba-mol Cell Biol L8Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-molecular Basis of DiseaseBba-mol Basis Dis5Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-molecular Cell ResearchBba-mol Cell Res5Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-proteins and ProteomicsBba-proteins ProteomHBiochimica Et Biophysica Acta-protein Structure and Molecular EnzymologyBba-protein Struct M5Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-reviews On BiomembranesBba-rev Biomembranes/Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-reviews On CancerBba-rev Cancer Biochimie BiochimieBiochip Journal Biochip J,Biocombinatorial Approaches for Drug FindingE Schering Res Fdn W'Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms Soil BiolIBiocompatible Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and ApplicationsNanotechnol Sci Tech<Biocompatible Polymeric Materials and Tourniquets for Wounds Top Appl Chem Biocomputing Biocomp SerBiocomputing (series) Biocomp SerBioconductor Case StudiesUse RBioconjugate ChemistryBioconjugate Chem@Bioconjugation Protocols: Strategies and Methods, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol Biocontrol BiocontrolBiocontrol ScienceBiocontrol Sci!Biocontrol Science and TechnologyBiocontrol Sci Techn@Bioconversion of Plant Raw Materials - Biotechnology AdvancementVtt Symp)Biocybernetics and Biomedical EngineeringBiocybern Biomed EngBiocybernetics of VisionSer Biophys BiocyberBiocycleBiocycle@Biodefence: Advanced Materials and Methods for Health ProtectionNato Sci Peace Sec ABiodegradability Prediction Nato Asi 2.Biodegradable Composites for Bone RegenerationBiomat Prop Prod Dev#Biodegradable Plastics and PolymersStud Polym SciBiodegradationBiodegradationBiodegradation of Azo DyesHandb Environ Chem"Biodegradation of Cellulose FibersBacteriol Res Dev)Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds Envir Sci R Biodemography and Social BiologyBiodemogr Soc Biol#Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Dech Monog2Biodiesel Science and Technology: From Soil to OilWoodhead Publ Ser EnDBiodiversidade Da Fauna Marinha Profunda Na Costa Central BrasileiraSer Livros Mus Nac Biodiversity Roy Soc ChBiodiversity and ConservationBiodivers Conserv#Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function Ecol Stu An8Biodiversity and Ecosystem Processes in Tropical Forests Ecol Stu An}Biodiversity and Management of The Madrean Archipelago: The Sky Islands of Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico Usda Rocky,Biodiversity and Savanna Ecosystem Processes Ecol Stu An'Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystems Inst Bot AcABiodiversity, Biofuels, Agroforestry and Conservation AgricultureSustain Agr Rev!Biodiversity Crisis and CrustaceaCrustacean IssBiodiversity HotspotsEnviron Sci Eng Tech:Biodiversity of Cyanoprocaryotes Algae and Fungi of IsraelBiodivers CyanoprocaVBiodiversity of Microorganisms and Invertebrates : Its Role in Sustainable Agriculture Casafa RepLBiodiversity of The Powdery Mildew Fungi (erysiphales, Ascomycota) of IsraelBiodivers Cyanoproca2Biodiversity Research in The Horn of Africa Region Biol Skrif;Biodiversity, Status, and Conservation of The World's Shads Am Fish S SBiodrugsBiodrugsBBioeconomic Modelling and Valuation of Exploited Marine Ecosystems Econ EnvironBioelectrochemistryBioelectrochemistry%Bioelectrochemistry and BioenergeticsBioelectroch BioenerBioelectrochemistry IvNato Adv Sci Inst SeBioelectromagneticsBioelectromagnetics3Bioelectronic Applications of Photochromic PigmentsNato Sci Ser I LifeJBioelectronics, Biomedical, and Bioinspired Systems V and Nanotechnology V Proc Spie;Bioencapsulation in Silica-based Nanoporous Sol-gel GlassesNanotechnol Sci TechBioenergy Research Bioenerg Res%Bioengineered and Bioinspired SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems Ii Proc Spie)Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems Iv Proc Spie4Bioengineered Molecules : Basic and Clinical Aspects Ser Symp AdGBioengineering Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersBioeng Div Asme:Bioengineering: Principles, Methodologies and ApplicationsBiotech Agr Ind MedMBioengineering Research of Chronic Wounds: A Multidisciplinary Study ApproachStud Mechanobiol Tis6Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology Interd Stat Bioessays Bioessays.Bioethanol: Production, Benefits and EconomicsEnerg Sci Eng Tech,Bioethical Issues, Sociological PerspectivesAdv Med Sociol Bioethics Bioethics7Bioethics and The Humanities: Attitudes and PerceptionsBiomed Law Ethics LiBioethics in A Small WorldWissensch Technikfol"Bioethics of Regenerative Medicine Philos MedIBioethics With Liberty and Justice: Themes in The Work of Joseph M. Boyle Philos MedBiofabricationBiofabrication Biofactors BiofactorsNBio-farms for Nutraceuticals: Functional Food and Safety Control By BiosensorsAdv Exp Med BiolBiofeedback and Self-regulationBiofeedback Self-regBiofilmsMethod EnzymolBiofilmsMethods Enzymol#Biofilms in The Aquatic Environment Roy Soc Ch,Biofilms in The Food and Beverage IndustriesWoodhead Food Ser!Biofilms - Science and TechnologyNato Adv Sci Inst Se Biofizika Biofizika+ Bioflavour 95 Colloq InraBiofluid Mechanics, 3 Nyu M BiomBioformation of Flavours Roy Soc Ch Biofouling Biofouling*Biofouling: Types, Impact and Anti-foulingPollut Sci Technol ABiofuelsAdv Biochem Eng Biot)Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining-biofprBiofuel Bioprod Bior8Biofuels for Road Transport: A Seed to Wheel PerspectiveGreen Energy Technol'Biofuels From Fischer-tropsch SynthesisEnerg Sci Eng TechBiofuels: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol&Biofuels - Techniques and Applications VDI BerichtBiofuturBiofutur Biogas 2009 VDI Bericht2Biogas As Regenerative Energy - Present and Future VDI BerichtBiogenic AminesBiogenic AminesPBiogenic Amines: Pharmacological, Neurochemical and Molecular Aspects in The CnsPharm Res Saf TestCBiogeochemical Controls On Palaeoceanographic Environmental ProxiesGeol Soc Spec Publ!Biogeochemical Cycles of ElementsMet Ions Biol Syst+Biogeochemical Cycling and Sediment Ecology Nato Asi 2DBiogeochemical Processes of Biogenic Elements in China Marginal SeasAdv Top Sci Tech Chi8Biogeochemical Silicium Cycle: Elemental to Global Scale Oceanis S D8Biogeochemical Silicium Cycle: Elemental to Global ScaleOceanis-ser DocBiogeochemistryBiogeochemistryIBiogeochemistry and Pedogenetic Process in Saltmarsh and Mangrove SystemsEnviron Sci Eng Tech;Biogeochemistry of Environmentally Important Trace Elements Acs Sym Ser5Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow-covered Catchments Iahs-aish P#Biogeochemistry of Small Catchments Scope SerBiogeochemistry of Trace Metals Adv Tr SubBiogeochimie MarineOceanis-ser Doc BiogeographyEnviron Res AdvBiogeography and Madagascar Colloq Semi Biogeography in A Changing WorldSyst Assoc Spec VolBiogeosciencesBiogeosciencesBiogerontologyBiogerontology,Biogerontology: Mechanisms and InterventionsAnn Ny Acad Sci(Biography-an Interdisciplinary Quarterly BiographyBiography East and West Lit St E W?Biography in Early Modern France 1540-1630: Forms and FunctionsRes Monogr Fr Stud+Biohydrogen: for Future Engine Fuel DemandsGreen Energy TechnoluBiohydrometallurgy: A Meeting Point Between Microbial Ecology, Metal Recovery Processes and Environmental Remediation Adv Mat ResuBiohydrometallurgy: A Meeting Point Between Microbial Ecology, Metal Recovery Processes and Environmental RemediationAdv Mater Res-switzWBiohydrometallurgy and The Environment Toward The Mining of The 21st Century, Pt A 1999 Process MetWBiohydrometallurgy and The Environment Toward The Mining of The 21st Century, Pt B 1999 Process Met:Biohydrometallury: From The Single Cell to The Environment Adv Mat Res:Biohydrometallury: From The Single Cell to The EnvironmentAdv Mater Res-switz Bioimaging Bioimaging+Bioimaging and Two-dimensional SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Bioindicators of Environmental HealthEcovis World Mg Ser'Bioindicator Systems for Soil Pollution Nato Asi 2BioinformaticsBioinformatics!Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScMethods of Biochemical AnalysisMethod Biochem Anal5Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat"Bioinformatics and Genome AnalysisE Schering Res Fdn W$Bioinformatics: A Practical ApproachCh Crc Math Comp Bio)Bioinformatics for Comparative ProteomicsMethods Mol Biol(Bioinformatics for Dna Sequence AnalysisMethods Mol BiolBioinformatics for ImmunomicsImmunomics Rev4Bioinformatics for Omics Data: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol@Bioinformatics: High Performance Parallel Computer ArchitecturesEmbed Multi-cor Syst+Bioinformatics Methods in Clinical ResearchMethods Mol Biol(Bioinformatics Research and ApplicationsLect N Bioinformat5Bioinformatics Research and Applications, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat4Bioinformatics Research and Development, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc4Bioinformatics Research and Development, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBioinorganic Chemistry Bioinorg ChemBioinorganic ChemistryNato Adv Sci Inst Se'Bioinorganic Chemistry and ApplicationsBioinorg Chem Appl=Bioinorganic Chemistry: Cellular Systems and Synthetic Models Acs Sym SerBioinspiration & BiomimeticsBioinspir Biomim/Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication Proc SpieEBioinspired Applications in Artificial and Natural Computation, Pt IiLect Notes Comput ScIBio-inspired Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Methods, and TechnologiesIntel Robot Auton Ag<Bio-inspired/biomimetic Sensor Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsBio-inspired CatalystsTop Organometal Chem8Bio-inspired Computational Intelligence and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScaBioinspired Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Their Computational ComplexNat Comput Ser(Bio-inspired Computing and CommunicationLect Notes Comput ScRBio-inspired Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Image Analysis and Pattern RecognitionStud Comput Intell;Bio-inspired Modeling of Cognitive Tasks, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Bio-inspired Nanomaterials and NanotechnologyNanotechnol Sci Tech$Bioinspired Nanoscale Hybrid SystemsMater Res Soc Symp P,Bio-inspired Self-organizing Robotic SystemsStud Comput IntellBBio-inspired Systems: Computational and Ambient Intelligence, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc>Bio-inspired Technologies for The Hardware of Adaptive SystemsStud Comput IntellBio-internationalF I P PaperbackBio-international 2F I P PaperbackBiointerphasesBiointerphases BiokhimiyaBiochemistry-ussr+ Biokhimiya BiokhimiyaBiolers in Europe Imeche SemBiologiaBiologiaBiologia NeonatorumBiol NeonatorumBiologia PlantarumBiol Plantarum'Biological Actions of Extracellular AtpAnn Ny Acad Sci%Biological Activity of PhytochemicalsRecent Adv Phytochem%Biological Agriculture & HorticultureBiol Agric Hortic$Biological & Pharmaceutical BulletinBiol Pharm BullFBiological and Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience to TechnologyLect Notes Comput Sc0Biological and Bioinspired Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PBBiological and Environmental Applications of Gas Discharge PlasmasEnviron Res Adv1Biological and Medical Data Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Biological and Medical Physics Biomedical EngineeringBiol Med Phys Biomed6Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical EngineeringBiol Med Phys Biomed?Biological and Physical Aspects of Dredging, Kings Bay, Georgia Coastl Worl6Biological and Psychological Aspects of Orofacial Pain Cranio GrowDBiological Assessment and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Prog Psych#Biological Asymmetry and Handedness Ciba F Symp+Biological Basis for Mind Body InteractionsProg Brain ResEBiological Basis for Risk Assessment of Dioxins and Related Compounds Banb Report%Biological Basis of Cocaine AddictionAnn Ny Acad Sci+Biological Basis of Schizophrenic DisordersTanig Symp Brain Sci9Biological Basis of Sex Differences in PsychopharmacologyCurr Top Behav Neuro1Biological Basis of Sustainable Animal Production Eaap Public6Biological Biomimetic Materials-properties to FunctionMater Res Soc Symp PBiological Bulletin Biol BullBiological Bulletin Biol Bull-usBiological Chemistry Biol Chem!Biological Chemistry Hoppe-seyler Biol Chem H-sBiological Clocks Int Congr Ser:Biological Clocks: Effects On Behavior, Health and OutlookPublic Health 21st CBiological Conservation Biol Conserv.Biological Contaminants in Indoor EnvironmentsAm Soc Test MaterBiological Control Biol ControlMBiological Control Introductions - Opportunities for Improved Crop Production Bcpc Symp Ser^Biological Control of Native Or Indigenous Insect Pests: Challenges, Constraints and Potential Thom Say P$Biological Control of Plant DiseasesNato Adv Sci I A-lifvBiological Control of Plant-parasitic Nematodes: Building Coherence Between Microbial Ecology and Molecular MechanismsProg Biol Control#Biological Control of Rice DiseasesProg Biol Control*Biological Council Symposia On Drug Action Biol Coun SBiological Cybernetics Biol CybernKBiological Effects and Physics of Solar and Galactic Cosmic Radiation, Pt ANato Adv Sci Inst SeKBiological Effects and Physics of Solar and Galactic Cosmic Radiation, Pt BNato Adv Sci Inst Se\Biological Effects and Safety Aspects of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and SpectroscopyAnn Ny Acad Sci Biological Effects of B-caroteneNutr Diet Res Prog3Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and Behavior Front CollectBiological FlowsWorld Congr Biomech+Biological Foundations and Origin of SyntaxErnst Strung ForBiological Foundations of MusicAnn Ny Acad Sci#Biological Function of GangliosidesProg Brain Res[Biological Functions for Information and Communication Technologies: Theory and InspirationStud Comput IntellBiological InvasionsBiol Invasions6Biological Invasions: Towards A Synthesis, ProceedingsNeobiota)Biological Journal of The Linnean SocietyBiol J Linn Soc?Biological Life Support Technologies : Commercial Opportunities Nasa Conf PBiologically Active PeptidesColl Sympos Series*Biologically-active Phytochemicals in Food Roy Soc ChCBiologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information TechnologyLect Notes Comput ScPBiologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Biologically-inspired Collaborative ComputingInt Fed Info Proc+Biologically Inspired Cooperative ComputingInt Fed Info ProcYBiologically-inspired Optimisation Methods: Parallel Algorithms, Systems and ApplicationsStud Comput IntellBiologically Inspired PhysicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy<Biologically Inspired Signal Processing for Chemical SensingStud Comp IntellBiologically-inspired SystemsBiol Inspir SystBiologically Inspired TextilesWoodhead Publ Text2Biologically Motivated Computer Vision, ProceedingLect Notes Comput Sc3Biologically Motivated Computer Vision, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBiological Magnetic Resonance Bio Magn ReBiological Magnetic ResonanceBiol Magn Reson3Biological Markers of Depression : State of The Art Int Congr SerBiological Mass SpectrometryBiol Mass SpectromBiological Mass SpectrometryMethod EnzymolHBiological, Material, and Mechanical Considerations of Joint Replacement Bris Myer Z3Biological Materials of Marine Origin: InvertbratesBiol Inspir SystBiological Membranes Biol Membr-Biological Microarrays: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolcBiological Modeling and Simulation: A Survey of Practical Models, Algorithms, and Numerical MethodsComput Mol Biol Ser<Biological Nitrogen Fixation Associated With Rice ProductionDev Plant Soil SciIBiological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and The EnvironmentCurr Plant Sci BiotYBiological Nitrogen Fixation: Towards Poverty Alleviation Through Sustainable AgricultureCurr Plant Sci Biot5Biological Oxidation of Nitrogen in Organic Molecules Pr Pharm ClBiological Physics Aip Conf ProcBiological Procedures OnlineBiol Proced Online2Biological Processes Associated With Impact Events Impact StudBiological Psychiatry Biol PsychiatBiological Psychiatry, Vol 1 Int Congr SerBiological Psychiatry, Vol 2 Int Congr SerBiological Psychology Biol Psychol/Biological Quality and Precision Agriculture IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Biological Reactive Intermediates IvAdv Exp Med Biol#Biological Reactive Intermediates VAdv Exp Med Biol$Biological Reactive Intermediates ViAdv Exp Med BiolBiological ResearchBiol ResBiological Research for Nursing Biol Res Nurs1Biological Research in Pregnancy and PerinatologyBiol Res Preg Perin^Biological Response to Planned and Unplanned Injuries: Cellular, Molecular and Genetic Aspects Int Congr SerBiological ReviewsBiol RevTBiological Reviews and Biological Proceedings of The Cambridge Philosophical SocietyBiol Rev Biol P Camb9Biological Reviews of The Cambridge Philosophical SocietyBiol Rev9Biological Reviews of The Cambridge Philosophical SocietyBiol Rev Camb PhilosBiological Rhythm ResearchBiol Rhythm Res Biologicals BiologicalsBiological Signals Biol Signal Biological Signals and ReceptorsBiol Signal ReceptBiological Systems Engineering Acs Sym Ser!Biological Trace Element ResearchBiol Trace Elem Res#Biological Trace Element Research / Acs Sym Ser7Biological Unit Processes for Hazardous Waste Treatment Bioremed SerBiological Wastes Biol WasteBiologicheskie Membrany Biol MembranyBiologie CellulaireBiol CellulaireBiologie Et Gastro-enterologieBiol Gastro-enterolBiologisches ZentralblattBiol ZblBiologiske Skrifter Biol Skrif;Biologiske Skrifter Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes SelskabBiol Skr Dan Vid Sel Biologist BiologistBiologiya Morya-marine BiologyBiol Morya-vlad+4Biologizace A Chemizace Zivocisne Vyroby-veterinariaBiol Chem ZivocismeABiology & Knowledge Revisited: From Neurogenesis to Psychogenesis J Piaget SyBiology & Philosophy Biol Philos;Biology and Biotechnology of The Plant Hormone Ethylene IiiNato Sci Ser I Life#Biology and Chemistry of Polyamines Icsu Press;Biology and Conservation of Owls of The Northern HemisphereUs For Serv T R Nc.Biology and Control Theory: Current ChallengesLect Notes Contr Inf0Biology and Criminology: The Biosocial SynthesisRoutl Adv Criminol-Biology and Ecology of Shallow Coastal Waters Olsen Int S>Biology and Environment-proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy Biol Environ7Biology and Epidemiology of Hormone Replacement TherapyE Schering Res Fdn WBiology and Fertility of SoilsBiol Fert Soils1Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes - 2005 Adv Limnol&Biology and Mariculture of Giant Clams Aciar Proc3Biology and Mechanics of Blood Flows, Pt I: BiologyCrm Ser Math PhysJBiology and Mechanics of Blood Flows, Pt Ii: Mechanics and Medical AspectsCrm Ser Math Phys*Biology and Medicine Into The 21st Century Iss Biom M+Biology and Medicine of Signal TransductionAdv Sec Mess Phosph&Biology and Palaeobiology of Bryozoans Olsen Int S6Biology and Pathology of Astrocyte-neuron Interactions Altschul Sy3Biology and Pathology of Innate Immunity MechanismsAdv Exp Med Biol$Biology and Physiology of Amphibians Forts Zool1Biology and Physiology of The Blood-brain BarrierAdv Behav Biol5Biology and Prevention of Aerodigestive Tract CancersAdv Exp Med Biol&Biology and Resource Management SeriesBiol Resource Manage?Biology, Assessment, and Management of North Pacific Rockfishes Low Wake FiBiology, Brains and Behavior Sch Am ResBiology Bulletin Biol Bull+>Biology, Conservation and Sustainable Development of Sturgeons Fish Fish Ser>Biology, Conservation and Sustainable Development of SturgeonsFish Fisheries Serie4Biology, Damage and Management of Seed Orchard Pests Fpm Inf RepBiology Direct Biol Direct<Biology, Epidemiology and Management of Pyrodinium Red Tides Iclarm ContSBiology, Evolution and Conservation of River Dolphins Within South America and AsiaWildl Prot Destr ExtBiology Letters Biol Lett-ukBiology Letters Biol LettersBiology Letters Biology LettBBiology, Management, and Conservation of Lampreys in North America Am Fish S S7Biology, Management, and Protection of Catadromous Eels Am Fish S S?Biology, Management, and Protection of North American Sturgeons Am Fish S S5Biology, Nanotechnology, Toxicology, and Applications Aip Conf ProcBiology of Acinetobacter Fems Symp&Biology of Adventitious Root FormationBasic Life SciCBiology of Alpha2-macroglobulin, Its Receptor, and Related ProteinsAnn Ny Acad SciBiology of Behaviour Biol Behav+Biology of Bile Acids in Health and Disease Falk Symp+Biology of Blood and Marrow TransplantationBiol Blood Marrow TrBiology of Breeding Poultry Poult Sci S'Biology of Cellular Transducing Signals Gwumc Dept8Biology of Disadvantage: Socioeconomic Status and HealthAnn Ny Acad SciBiology of Earthworms Soil BioluBiology of Emerging Viruses: Sars, Avian and Human Influenza, Metapneumovirus, Nipah, West Nile, and Ross River VirusAnn Ny Acad SciBiology of Extracellular MatrixBiol Extracell Matr0Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic FlagellatesSyst Assoc Spec Vol#Biology of Gall-inducing ArthropodsUs For Serv T R NcBiology of HematopoiesisProg Clin Biol Res5Biology of Large African Mammals in Their Environment Sym Zool ScBiology of Lichens-symbiosis, Ecology, Environmental Monitoring, Systematics and Cyber Applications Bibl LichenolBiology of Memory Symp Med HBiology of Menopause Serono SympBiology of MetalsBiol MetEBiology of Negative Strand Rna Viruses: The Power of Reverse GeneticsCurr Top MicrobiolBiology of Nicotine Dependence Ciba F Symp>Biology of Nitric Oxide 1 : Physiological and Clinical Aspects Portl Pr PCBiology of Nitric Oxide 2 : Enzymology, Biochemistry and Immunology Portl Pr PBiology of Nitric Oxide, Pt 3 Portl Pr PBiology of Nitric Oxide, Pt 4 Portl Pr PBiology of Nitric Oxide, Pt 5 Portl Pr PBiology of Nitric Oxide, Pt 7 Portl Pr PBiology of Reproduction Biol ReprodBiology of RhodococcusMicrobiol MonogrBiology of SalmonellaNato Adv Sci Inst SeBiology of Schizophrenia Dev PsychiaBiology of Sport Biol Sport?Biology of Stem Cells and The Molecular Basis of The Stem StateStem Cells Biol Reg-Biology of Terrestrial Isopods V, ProceedingsCrustaceana MonogrBiology of The Cell Biol CellBiology of The Mammary GlandAdv Exp Med BiolBiology of The Neonate Biol NeonateBiology of The Nmda ReceptorFront Neurosci&Biology of The Ocular Microcirculation Int Congr Ser*Biology of The Pancreas in Growing Animals Dev An VetBiology of The SkinSem Ens InsermBiology of The Skin Sem Inserm+Biology of Vitronectins and Their Receptors Int Congr Ser+Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, Pt CMethod Enzymol6Bioluminescence: Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolBiomacromoleculesBiomacromoleculesMBiomagnetism and Magnetic Biosystems Based On Molecular Recognition Processes Aip Conf ProcBiomagnetism : Clinical Aspects Int Congr Ser<Biomagnetism: Fundamental Research and Clinical ApplicationsStud Appl Electromag Biomarkers Biomarkers Biomarkers Setac Sp P*Biomarkers and Biological Spectral ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Biomarkers and Biological Spectral Imaging Proc SpieFBiomarkers and Surrogate Endpoints: Clinical Research and Applications Int Congr Ser1Biomarkers for Agrochemicals and Toxic Substances Acs Sym SerBiomarkers in Brain DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciBiomarkers in Medicine Biomark Med*Biomarkers of Human Exposure to Pesticides Acs Sym SerBiomassBiomassBiomass & BioenergyBiomass BioenergCBiomass Burning and Its Inter-relationships With The Climate SystemAdv Glob Change Res;Biomass Gasification: Chemistry, Processes and ApplicationsRenew Energy Res Dev(Biomass Production By Fast-growing TreesNato Adv Sci I E-app&Biomaterial-living System InteractionsBiomater Living Syst Biomaterials Biomaterials.Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in UrologyWoodhead Publ Mater3Biomaterials Artificial Cells and Artificial OrgansBiomater Artif Cell>Biomaterials Artificial Cells and Immobilization BiotechnologyBiomat Artif Cell ImBiomaterials As Stem Cell NicheStud Mechanobiol Tis#Biomaterials: A Tantalus ExperienceBiol Med Phys Biomed*Biomaterials Developments and Applications Adv Biol Med+Biomaterials for Bone Regenerative MedicineMater Sci Found'Biomaterials for Drug and Cell DeliveryMater Res Soc Symp P#Biomaterials for Treating Skin LossWoodhead Publ Mater2Biomaterials: From Molecules to Engineered TissuesAdv Exp Med Biol"Biomaterials Mechanical PropertiesAm Soc Test Mater2Biomaterials Medical Devices and Artificial OrgansBiomater Artif Cell.Biomaterials Properties Production and DevicesBiomat Prop Prod Dev<Biomaterials Regulating Cell Function and Tissue DevelopmentMater Res Soc Symp PBiomaterial-tissue Interfaces Adv Biomat2Biomechanical Engineering of Textiles and ClothingWoodhead Text SerDBiomechanical Modelling At The Molecular, Cellular and Tissue LevelsCism Courses Lect!Biomechanical Transport ProcessesNato Adv Sci I A-lif+Biomechanics and Modeling in MechanobiologyBiomech Model MechanBiomechanics and Sports Cism Cour LBiomechanics and SportsCism Courses Lect5Biomechanics of Active Movement and Division of CellsNato Adv Sci Inst Se5Biomechanics of Soft Tissue in Cardiovascular Systems Cism Cour L5Biomechanics of Soft Tissue in Cardiovascular SystemsCism Courses LectBiomechanics of The BrainBiol Med Phys Biomed0Biomechanics Principles, Trends and ApplicationsBiomech Theor Appl$Biomechanics Theory and ApplicationsBiomech Theor Appl Biomedica BiomedicaBiomedica Biochimica ActaBiomed Biochim ActaBiomedical Advances in Aging Gwumc Dept-Biomedical and Clinical Aspects of Coenzyme Q Biomed Clin4Biomedical and Clinical Aspects of Coenzyme Q, Vol 6 Biomed Clin.Biomedical and Environmental Mass SpectrometryBiomed Environ Mass%Biomedical and Environmental SciencesBiomed Environ SciBiomedical and Health Research Biom Hlth RBiomedical and Health ResearchBiomed Health Res7Biomedical and Social Aspects of Alcohol and Alcoholism Int Congr Ser@Biomedical and Social Developments in Aids and Associated TumorsAntibiot Chemother%Biomedical Applications of BiophysicsHandb Mod Biophys/Biomedical Applications of Free-electron LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Biomedical Applications of Light ScatteringP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering Ii Proc Spie/Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering VP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Biomedical Applications of Micro- and NanoengineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering Proc Spie8Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering Ii Proc Spie9Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Biomedical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsUBiomedical Applications of Smart Materials, Nanotechnology and Micro/nano Engineering Adv Sci TechABiomedical Applications of Synchrotron Infrared MicrospectroscopyRsc Anal Spectrosc M0Biomedical Applications of Synchrotron RadiationP Int Sch Phys'Biomedical Applications: Polymer Blends Adv Polym SciBiomedical ChromatographyBiomed ChromatogrBiomedical ChromatographyChem Eng Method TechBio-medical Cmos IcsIntegr Circuit Syst Biomedical Data and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell<Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-assist SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-assist Systems Proc Spie?Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-assist Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-assist Systems Ii Proc Spie@Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-assist Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-assist Systems Iii Proc Spie?Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-assist Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-assist Systems Iv Proc SpieBiomedical Engineering Biomed Eng8Biomedical Engineering-applications Basis CommunicationsBiomed Eng-app Bas CBiomedical Engineering OnlineBiomed Eng Online*Biomedical Engineering : Opening New Doors Nyu M Biom3Biomedical Engineering Principles of The Bionic ManSer Bioeng Biomed EnBiomedical Engineering SeriesBiomed Eng Ser/Biomedical Engineering Systems and TechnologiesComm Com Inf ScBiomedical Ethics ReviewsBiomed Ethics Rev6Biomedical Fiber Optic Instrumentation, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Biomedical Fiber Optics, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry Acs Sym SerIBiomedical Functions and Biotechnology of Natural and Artificial Polymers Front BiomHBiomedical Hydrogels: Biochemistry, Manufacture and Medical ApplicationsWoodhead Publ MaterBiomedical Image ProcessingBiol Med Phys BiomedBiomedical Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsEBiomedical Image Processing and Biomedical Visualization, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsIBiomedical Image Processing and Three-dimensional Microscopy, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical Image Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical Image RegistrationLect Notes Comput Sc*Biomedical Image Registration, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHBiomedical Imaging: Reporters, Dyes, and Instrumentation, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical InformaticsMethods Mol Biol'Biomedical Instrumentation & TechnologyBiomed Instrum Techn=Biomedical Instrumentation Based On Micro- and NanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Biomedical Instrumentation Based On Micro- and Nanotechnology Proc Spie!Biomedical Law and Ethics LibraryBiomed Law Ethics LiBiomedical Letters Biomed LettBiomedical Mass SpectrometryBiomed Mass SpectromBiomedical Materials Biomed Mater%Bio-medical Materials and EngineeringBio-med Mater EngCBiomedical Materials-drug Delivery, Implants and Tissue EngineeringMater Res Soc Symp PBiomedical MicrodevicesBiomed Microdevices1Biomedical Nanoetechnology: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol8Biomedical Nanotechnology Architectures and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Biomedical Nanotechnology Architectures and Applications Proc SpieBiomedical Optical SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Biomedical Optics and Lasers: Diagnostics and TreatmentP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical OptoacousticsP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical Optoacoustics Proc SpieBiomedical Optoacoustics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical Optoacoustics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical Optoacoustics Iii Proc SpieBiomedical Optoacoustics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical Optoacoustics Iv Proc Spie@Biomedical Optoelectronic Devices and Systems Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Biomedical Optoelectronic Instrumentation, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsRBiomedical Optoelectronics in Clinical Chemistry and Biotechnology, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomedical Papers-olomouc Biomed Pap/Biomedical Photonics and Optoelectronic ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InscBiomedical Platforms: Realigning The Normal and The Pathological in Late-twentieth-century MedicineInside TechnolBiomedical PolymersWoodhead Publ Mater?Biomedical Research and Beyond: Expanding The Ethics of InquiryRoutl Ann BioethicsBiomedical Research-indiaBiomed Res-indiaBiomedical Research-tokyoBiomed Res-tokyo&Biomedical Science and The Third WorldAnn Ny Acad Sci#Biomedical Sciences InstrumentationBiomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 26Biomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 27Biomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 28Biomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 36Biomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 38Biomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 39Biomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 40Tech Papers Isa+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 41Biomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 42Biomed Sci Instrum+Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 43Biomed Sci Instrum;Biomedical Sensing and Imaging Technologies, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Biomedical Sensing, Imaging, and Tracking Technologies IP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Biomedical Sensing, Imaging, and Tracking Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Biomedical Sensors and MeasurementAdv Top Sci Tech ChiEBiomedical Sensors, Fibers, and Optical Delivery Systems, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Biomedical Signal Processing and ControlBiomed Signal Proces"Biomedical Simulation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLBiomedical Spectroscopy: Vibrational Spectroscopy and Other Novel TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt InsLBiomedical Spectroscopy: Vibrational Spectroscopy and Other Novel Techniques Proc Spie6Biomedical Systems and Technologies Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Biomedical Systems and Technologies, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Biomedical Topical Meetings, Technical DigestOsa Trends Opt PhotoHBiomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy and Biohazard Detection TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsHBiomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy and Biohazard Detection Technologies Proc Spie&Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy IiP Soc Photo-opt InsJBiomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy Iii: Advances in Research and IndustryP Soc Photo-opt InsIBiomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy Iv: Advances in Research and Industry Proc Spie Biomedicine BiomedicineBiomedicine & PharmacotherapyBiomed PharmacotheraBiomedicine As Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of LifeRout Stud Sci TechaBiomedicine As Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of LifeRoutledge Stud Sci TBiomedicine ExpressBiomed ExpressGBiomedicine in The Twentieth Century: Practices, Policies, and PoliticsBiomed Health ResBiomedizinische Technik Biomed TechBiomembrane Electrochemistry Adv Chem SerKBiomembrane Frontiers: Nanostructures, Models and The Design of Life, Vol 2Handb Mod BiophysKBiomembrane Frontiers: Nanostructures, Models and The Design of Life, Vol 2Handbook Mod Biophys Biomembranes BiomembraneBiomembranes and Nutrition Colloq InseBiomems and BionanotechnologyMater Res Soc Symp PBiomems and NanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomems and Nanotechnology Proc SpieBiomems and Nanotechnology IiPro Biomed Opt ImagBiomems and Nanotechnology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomems and Nanotechnology Iii Proc Spie Biomems and Smart NanostructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins Biomems and Smart Nanostructures Proc Spie Biometals BiometalsDBiometals: Molecular Structures, Binding Properties and ApplicationsBiotech Agr Ind MedBiometrical Journal Biometrical J%Biometric Authentication, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScABiometric Id Management and Multimodal Communication, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Biometrics Biometrics"Biometrics and Identity ManagementLect Notes Comput ScBiometrics BulletinBiometrics Bull.Biometrics: Methods, Applications and AnalysisComput Sci Tech Appl-Biometric Technology for Human IdentificationP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Biometric Technology for Human Identification Proc Spie0Biometric Technology for Human Identification IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Biometric Technology for Human Identification Ii Proc Spie1Biometric Technology for Human Identification IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Biometric Technology for Human Identification IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Biometric Technology for Human Identification Iv Proc Spie/Biometric Technology for Human Identification VP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Biometric Technology for Human Identification V Proc Spie1Biometric Technology for Human Identification ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Biometrika BiometrikaBiometrische Zeitschrift Biometr Z+Biomicroelectromechanical Systems (biomems)Mater Res Soc Symp PBiomicrofluidicsBiomicrofluidicslBiomimetic Neural Learning for Intelligent Robots: Intelligent Systems, Cognitive Robotics, and NeuroscienceLect Notes Artif IntSBiomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes: Examples, Ideas and Case StudiesBiol Med Phys BiomedBiomineralizationRev Mineral GeochemBBiomineralization I: Crystallization and Self-organization Process Top Curr ChemKBiomineralization Ii: Mineralization Using Synthetic Polymers and Templates Top Curr Chem9Biomodular Therapy : Forward Looking Concept of Treatment Fors Prax D)Biomolecular Action of Ionizing RadiationSer Med Phys Biomed.Biomolecular Cytoplasmic Therapy After 35 Year Fors Prax DBiomolecular Engineering Biomol EngBiomolecular MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P Biomolecular Materials By DesignMater Res Soc Symp PBiomolecular Nmr AssignmentsBiomol Nmr AssigmBiomolecular Nmr AssignmentsBiomol Nmr Assign6Biomolecular Photonics and Multidimensional MicroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsBiomolecular Spectroscopy IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Biomolecular Structure and DynamicsNato Adv Sci I E-appBiomolecules & Therapeutics Biomol Ther(Biomonitoring and Endoscopy TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Biomonitoring and Endoscopy Technologies Proc SpieBiomonitoring, Ecology, and Systematics of Lichens: Recognizing The Lichenological Legacy of Thomas H. Nash Iii On His 65th Birthday Bibl LichenolTBiomonitoring for Physiological and Cognitive Performance During Military OperationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Biomonitors and Biomarkers As Indicators of Environmental Change Envir Sci RNBiomonitors and Biomarkers As Indicators of Environmental Change 2: A Handbook Envir Sci R'Bionanodesign: Following Nature's TouchRsc Nanosci NanotechBionanofluidic MemsMems Ref Shelf Bioorganic & Medicinal ChemistryBioorgan Med Chem(Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry LettersBioorg Med Chem LettBioorganic Chemistry Bioorg ChemBioorganic Chemistry Top Curr ChemcBioorganic Chemistry Deoxysugars, Polyketides and Related Classes: Synthesis, Biosynthesis, Enzymes Top Curr Chem6Bioorganic Chemistry of Biological Signal Transduction Top Curr ChemBioorganicheskaya Khimiya Bioorg Khim+#Biopharmaceutics & Drug DispositionBiopharm Drug Dispos*Biopharmaceutics and Drug HypersensitivityPharm Res Saf TestBiopharm International Biopharm IntPBiopharm International-the Applied Technologies of Biopharmaceutical Development Biopharm Int'Biopharm-journal of Veterinary PharmacyBiopharm-j Vet PharmBBiopharm-the Applied Technologies of Biopharmaceutical DevelopmentBiopharm-appl T Bio8Biopharm-the Technology & Business of BiopharmaceuticalsBiopharm-technol Bus BiophotonicsBiol Med Phys Biomed)Biophotonics 2007: Optics in Life ScienceP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Biophotonics 2007: Optics in Life Science Proc Spie!Biophotonics and Immune RepsonsesP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Biophotonics and Immune Responses IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Biophotonics and Immune Responses IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Biophotonics and Immune Responses IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Biophotonics and Immune Responses V Proc Spie&Biophotonics and New Therapy FrontiersP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Biophotonics and New Therapy Frontiers Proc Spie)Biophotonics Instrumentation and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Biophotonics Instrumentation and Analysis Proc Spie#Biophotonics Micro-and Nano-imagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Biophotonics New Frontier: From Genome to ProteomeP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health CareP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care Proc Spie:Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care Ii Proc SpieBiophotonics, Pt AMethod EnzymolBiophotonics, Pt AMethods EnzymolBiophotonics, Pt BMethod Enzymol>Biophotonics: Spectroscopy, Imaging, Sensing, and ManipulationNato Sci Peace Sec BoBiophysical Approaches Determining Ligand Binding to Biomolecular Targets: Detection, Measurement and ModellingRsc Biomol SciBiophysical Chemistry Biophys Chem-Biophysical Chemistry: Membranes and Proteins Roy Soc ChBiophysical Journal Biophys J&Biophysical Principles of HemodynamicsCardiol Res Clin Dev?Biophysical Regulation of Vascular Differentiation and AssemblyBiol Med Phys Biomed;Biophysical Tools for Biologists: Vol 1 in Vitro TechniquesMethod Cell Biol;Biophysical Tools for Biologists, Vol 2: in Vivo TechniquesMethod Cell Biol1Biophysics and The Challenges of Emerging ThreatsNato Science Peace SCBiophysics From Molecules to Brain: in Memory of Radoslav K. AndjusAnn Ny Acad SciTBiophysics of Dna- Protein Interactions: From Single Molecules to Biological SystemsBiol Med Phys Biomed<Biophysics of Electron Transfer and Molecular BioelectronicsElectr Biot Adv ForRBiophysics of Human Hair: Structural, Nanomechanical, and Nanotribological StudiesBiol Med Phys BiomedBiophysics of PhotoreceptionSer Biophys BiocyberABiophysics of Photoreceptors and Photomovements in MicroorganismsNato Adv Sci I A-lif%Biophysics of Structure and MechanismBiophys Struct MechBiophysics-ussr Biophys-ussr Biophysik Biophysik6Biopolitics and The Obesity Epidemic: Governing BodiesRout Stud Hlth Soc W Biopolymers Biopolymers2Biopolymer Science: Food and Non Food Applications Colloq InraBiopolymers Ii Adv Polym Sci7Biopolymers: Lignin, Proteins, Bioactive Nanocomposites Adv Polym Sci6Biopolymers Liquid Crystalline Polymers Phase Emulsion Adv Polym Sci?Biopolymers/pva Hydrogels/anionic Polymerisation Nanocomposites Adv Polym Sci>Biopotential Readout Circuits for Portable Acquisition SystemsAnalog Circ Sig ProcBiopreservation and BiobankingBiopreserv Biobank%Bioprocess and Biosystems EngineeringBioproc Biosyst EngBioprocess EngineeringBioprocess EngBioproducts Processing Inst Chem E8Bio-psycho-social Perspectives On Interpersonal ViolencePsychol Emot Motiv A:Bioptics : Optics in Biomedicine and Environmental ScienceP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Bioradicals Detected By Esr SpectroscopyMcbuBiorational Pest Control Agents Acs Sym Ser)Bioreactor Systems for Tissue EngineeringAdv Biochem Eng BiotuBioreactor Systems for Tissue Engineering Ii: Strategies for The Expanison and Directed Differentiation of Stem CellsAdv Biochem Eng Biot Biorecovery Biorecovery/Biorefineries: for Biomass Upgrading FacilitiesGreen Energy Technol2Bioregulators for Crop Protection and Pest Control Acs Sym SerBioremediationSssa Spec PublBioremediation Journal Bioremediat J%Bioremediation: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol&Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents Bioremed SerMBioremediation of Energetics, Phenolics, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Bioremed Ser%Bioremediation of Inorganic Compounds Bioremed SerBioremediation of Inorganics Bioremed Ser,Bioremediation of Mtbe, Alcohols, and Ethers Bioremed Ser.Bioremediation of Pollutants in Soil and WaterAm Soc Test Mater'Bioremediation of Recalcitrant Organics Bioremed Ser<Bioremediation of Soils Contaminated With Aromatic CompoundsNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear6Bioremediation of Surface and Subsurface ContaminationAnn Ny Acad SciBioremediation Series Bioremed Ser-Bioremediation Through Rhizosphere Technology Acs Sym Ser2Bioresource-based Energy for Sustainable SocietiesEnerg Sci Eng Tech Bioresources BioresourcesBioresource TechnologyBioresource Technol Biorheology Biorheology%Biorthogonal Systems in Banach SpacesCms Books Math Bioscience BioscienceBio-science and Bio-technologyComm Com Inf Sc)Bioscience Biotechnology and BiochemistryBiosci Biotech BiochBioscience JournalBiosci JBioscience ReportsBioscience RepBiosciences Communications Biosci CommunBioscience - Society Scher Fdn WBioscience Trends Biosci TrendsEBiosecurity and Bioterrorism-biodefense Strategy Practice and ScienceBiosecur Bioterror3Biosecurity: Origins, Transformations and PracticesNew Secur Chall Biosemiotics Biosemiotics BiosemioticsBiosemiotics-nethBiosemiotics SeriesBiosemiotics Ser BiosensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins Biosensing Proc SpieBiosensing for The 21st CenturyAdv Biochem Eng Biot Biosensing Ii Proc SpieBiosensing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Biosensor and Chemical Sensor Technology Acs Sym Ser Biosensor Design and Application Acs Sym Ser Biosensors BiosensorsBiosensors & BioelectronicsBiosens BioelectronBiosensors and Chemical Sensors Acs Sym SerSBiosensors : Applications in Medicine, Environmental Protection and Process ControlGbf Monog SeriesEBiosensors for Direct Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants in Field Nato Asi 28Biosensors : Fundamentals, Technologies and ApplicationsGbf Monog Series2Biosensors: Properties, Materials and ApplicationsBiotech Agr Ind Med Bioseparation BioseparationBioseparation EngineeringProgr Biotechnol Bioseparation Processes in Foods Ift Bas SymBiosignal (brno) Biosig BrnoBiosocial Bases of ViolenceNato Adv Sci I A-lif<Biosocial Criminology: New Directions in Theory and ResearchCriminol Just Stud)Biosocial Foundations of Family ProcessesNatl Symp Fam IssBiosocial Society Series Biosocial S Biosocieties BiosocietiesBiospectroscopyBiospectroscopy Biostatistics Biostatistics+Biostereometric Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Biostratigraphy in Production and Development GeologyGeol Soc Spec PublBiosurfactantsAdv Exp Med Biol*Biosurfactants: From Genes to ApplicationsMicrobiol Monogr,Biosurveillance and Biosecurity, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat Biosynthesis Top Curr Chem:Biosynthesis: Aromatic Polyketides, Isoprenoids, Alkaloids Top Curr Chem)Biosynthesis of The Tetrapyrrole Pigments Ciba F Symp!Biosystematics and Ecology SeriesBiosyst Ecol Ser Biosystems BiosystemsBiosystems Engineering Biosyst Eng8Biosystems Engineering I: Creating Superior BiocatalystsAdv Biochem Eng BiotEBiosystems Engineering Ii: Linking Cellular Networks and BioprocessesAdv Biochem Eng BiotBiotechforum ( Btf ) BiotechforBiotech Forum EuropeBiotech Forum EuropeBiotechnic & HistochemistryBiotech Histochem Biotechniques BiotechniquesDBiotechniques for Air Pollution Abatement and Odour Control PoliciesStud Environ Sci1Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe Et EnvironnementBiotechnol Agron SocUBiotechnologies in Perspective : Socio-economic Implications for Developing Countries Fut Or StBio-technology Bio-technolBiotechnology AdvancesBiotechnol Adv*Biotechnology & Biotechnological EquipmentBiotechnol Biotec Eq+Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering ReviewsBiotechnol Genet Eng3Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 14Biotechnol Genet Eng4Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol. 15Biotechnol Genet Eng3Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 17Biotechnol Genet Eng3Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 19Biotechnol Genet Eng3Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 20Biotechnol Genet EngkBiotechnology and Agricultural Development: Transgenic Cotton, Rural Institutions and Resource-poor FarmersRoutl Explor Environ&Biotechnology and Applied BiochemistryBiotechnol Appl Bioc Biotechnology and Biodegradation Adv Ap Biot Biotechnology and BioengineeringBiotechnol Bioeng(Biotechnology and Bioprocess EngineeringBiotechnol Bioproc E%Biotechnology and Development MonitorBiotechnol Dev Monit*Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering Ift Bas Sym5Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 13Biotechnol Genet Eng5Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 16Biotechnol Genet Eng5Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 25Biotechnol Genet Eng5Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 26Biotechnol Genet Eng5Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 27Biotechnol Genet Eng9Biotechnology and Human Genetic Predisposition to Disease Ucla Sym BiBiotechnology EducationBiotechnol EducBiotechnology for BiofuelsBiotechnol Biofuels,Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors Acs Sym Ser;Biotechnology for The Environment: Soil Remediation, Vol 3bFocus BiotechnolBiotechnology for The FutureAdv Biochem Eng Biot7Biotechnology for Waste Management and Site Restoration Nato Asi 2Biotechnology in Agriculture Biotechn AgBiotechnology in AgricultureCurr Plant Sci Biot)Biotechnology in Agriculture and ForestryBiotech Agr Forest2Biotechnology in Agriculture Industry and MedicineBiotech Agr Ind Med"Biotechnology in Blood Transfusion Dev HematolBiotechnology in China IAdv Biochem Eng Biot<Biotechnology in China Ii: Chemicals, Energy and EnvironmentAdv Biochem Eng Biot\Biotechnology in Horticultural Crop Improvement: Achievements, Opportunities and Limitations Acta HorticUBiotechnology in Medicine, Foodstuffs, Biocatalysis, Environment and BiogeotechnologyBiotech Agr Ind Med8Biotechnology in The Pulp and Paper Industry: 8th IcbppiProgr Biotechnol,Biotechnology in The Sustainable Environment Envir Sci RBiotechnology Journal Biotechnol JBiotechnology Law ReportBiotechnol Law RepBiotechnology LettersBiotechnol Lett.Biotechnology of Amylodextrin Oligosaccharides Acs Sym SerBiotechnology of Blood Proteins Colloq Inse Biotechnology of Cell Regulation Ser Symp Ad Biotechnology of Plasma ProteinsCurr Stud Hematol Bl$Biotechnology Pharmaceutical AspectsBiotech Pharm Aspect$Biotechnology Pharmaceutical AspectsBiotechnol Pharm Asp%Biotechnology: Pharmaceutical AspectsBiotech Pharm AspectBiotechnology ProgressBiotechnol ProgrBiotechnology R&d TrendsAnn Ny Acad SciBiotechnology Regulation SeriesBiotechnol Regul Ser1Biotechnology: Science and Society At A CrossroadNabc Rep)Biotechnology Software & Internet JournalBiotechnol Softw I JBiotechnology Software JournalBiotechnol Softw JBiotechnology TechniquesBiotechnol TechBiotechnology TherapeuticsBiotechnol Ther3Biotech: The Countercultural Origins of An IndustryPolit Cult Mod Am Biotelemetry Biotelemetry#Biotelemetry and Patient MonitoringBiotelem Pat Mon.Bioterrorism Preparedness, Attack and ResponseAdv Health Care Mana Biotherapy BiotherapyBiothiols, Pt AMethod EnzymolBiothiols, Pt BMethod Enzymol?Biotic Diversity and Germplasm Preservation, Global Imperatives Beltsv Symp+Biotic Recovery From Mass Extinction Events Geol Soc Sp6Biotransport: Heat and Mass Transfer in Living SystemsAnn Ny Acad Sci Biotropica BiotropicaBioworldBioworldBipolar DisordersBipolar Disord Bird-banding Bird Banding Bird Behavior Bird BehavBird Behaviour Bird BehavBird Conservation InternationalBird Conserv IntBird Hormones and Bird Migrations: Analyzing Hormones in Droppings and Egg Yolks and Assessing Adaptations in Long-distance MigrationAnn Ny Acad SciBirds and Climate Change Adv Ecol Res$Birds-evolution Behavior and EcologyBirds-evol Behav Eco Bird Study Bird StudyBirkhauser Advanced TextsBirkhauser Adv Texts*Birkhauser Advances in Infectious DiseasesBirkhauser Adv Infec Bir Report Bir ReportBirth and The Family Journal Birth Fam J1Birth Defects: Issues On Prevention and PromotionHealth Care Iss Cost'Birth Defects : Original Article Series Birth Def%Birth Defects-original Article SeriesBirth Defects-orig?Birth Defects Research Part A-clinical and Molecular TeratologyBirth Defects Res AGBirth Defects Research Part B-developmental and Reproductive ToxicologyBirth Defects Res B2Birth Defects Research Part C-embryo Today-reviewsBirth Defects Res CBirth-issues in Perinatal CareBirth-iss Perinat CBBirth of Biopolitics: Lectures At The College De France, 1978-1979Michel Foucault-lectBirth of OrientalismEncounters Asia>Birth of The Prophet Muhammad: Devotional Piety in Sunni IslamCult Civiliz Mid E-Birth of The Universe and Fundamental PhysicsLect Notes Phys Birth RisksNestle Nutr Works Se Biset Functors for Finite GroupsLect Notes Math,Bisphosphonates and Osteonecrosis of The JawAnn Ny Acad SciBistumer Der Kirchenprovinz Koln, Das Bistum Munster 10: Das Zisterzienserinnen Spater Benediktinerinnenkloster St. Aegidii Zu MunsterGer Sacrum Dritte FoBitBitBit Numerical MathematicsBitGBitterroot Ecosystem Management Research Project: What We Have L EarnedUs For Serv Rmrs-pBituminous Binders 2002Transport Res RecBituminous Binders 2003Transport Res RecBituminous Binders 2004Transport Res RecBituminous Binders 2005Transport Res RecTBituminous Materials and Nonbituminous Components of Bituminous Paving Mixtures 2006Transport Res RecBituminous Paving Mixtures 2002Transport Res RecBituminous Paving Mixtures 2003Transport Res RecBituminous Paving Mixtures 2004Transport Res RecBituminous Paving Mixtures 2005Transport Res RecBituminous Paving Mixtures 2006Transport Res Rec/Biulleten Eksperimentalnol Biologii I MeditsinyB Exp Biol Med+;Bjog-an International Journal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyBjog-int J Obstet GyBju InternationalBju IntBlack American Literature ForumBlack Am Lit Forum^Black and Blue: African Americans, The Labor Movement, and The Decline of The Democratic PartyPrinc Stud Am Polit<Black and White Cultural Interaction in The Antebellum South Chanc Symp$Black Art-an International Quarterly Black Art1Black Bass: Ecology, Conservation, and Management Am Fish S SiBlack Cosmopolitanism: Racial Consciousness and Transnational Identity in The Nineteenth-century Americas Rethink AmQBlack Earth: Ecological Principles for Sustainable Agriculture On Chernozem SoilsInt Year Planet EartBlackface Cuba, 1840-1895 Rethink Am/Black Feminist Politics From Kennedy to ClintonContemp Black HistBlack Hole PhysicsNato Adv Sci I C-mat Black Holes and Galaxy FormationSpace Sci Explor PolRBlack Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei: Diagnostics, Demography and FormationEso Astrophy Symp#Black Holes: Theory and ObservationLect Notes Phys>Black Literate Lives: Historical and Contemporary PerspectivesCrit Soc Thought%Black Masculinity and Sexual PoliticsRoutl Res Race EthnBlack Music Research JournalBlack Music Res JBlack Perspective in MusicBlack Perspect MusicLBlack Poachers, White Hunters: A Social History of Hunting in Colonial KenyaE Afr Stud Ser7Black Power in Bermuda: The Struggle for DecolonizationContemp Black HistBBlack Religion and The Imagination of Matter in The Atlantic WorldBlack Relig Woman Th.Black Religion Womanist Thought Social JusticeBlack Relig Woman ThBlack Routes to IslamCrit Black Stud Ser Black Scholar Black ScholarBlack Sea OceanographyNato Adv Sci I C-matBlacks of Premodern ChinaEncounters Asia(Black Theology in Transatlantic DialogueBlack Relig Woman ThLBlack Townsmen: Urban Slavery and Freedom in The Eighteenth-century AmericasAm Early Mod Atl WorBlack Walnut in A New CenturyUs For Serv T R Nc.Black Women, Cultural Images and Social PolicyRout Stud N Am Polit/Black Women in New South Literature and CultureStud Am Popul Hist C1Black Womens Health: Challenges and OpportunitiesPublic Health 21st C6Bladder Cancer: Diagnosis, Therapeutics and ManagementCurr Clin Urol/Bladder Cancer: Etymology, Diagnosis TreatmentsCancer Etiol Diagn TIBladder Disease: Research Concepts and Clinical Applications, Pts A and BAdv Exp Med Biol9Bladder Tumors: Molecular Aspects and Clinical ManagementCancer Drug Discov D7Blairs Educational Legacy: Thirteen Years of New Labour Marx EducBlake-an Illustrated QuarterlyBlake-illustrated QBlake, Lavater and PhysiognomyStud Comp Lit SerBlake Newsletter Blake Newsl Blake Studies Blake Stud5Blameworthy Belief: A Study in Epistemic Deontologism Synth LibrBlast Furnace and Steel PlantBlast Furn Steel PlGBlast Protection of Civil Infrastructures and Vehicles Using CompositesWoodhead Publ Mater Blast WavesShock Wave High Pres6Blaxploitation Films of The 1970s: Blackness and GenreStud Afr Am Hist Cul,Blazar Demographics and Physics, Proceedings Astr Soc PBlind Speech SeparationSignals Commun TechnBl Lac Phenomenon Astr Soc PBlm-bonniers Litterara MagasinBlm-bonniers Lit MagBlock Copolymers I Adv Polym SciBlock Copolymers Ii Adv Polym Sci/Blockcopolymers Polyelectrolytes Biodegradation Adv Polym SciBlockheizkraftwerke 2008 VDI Bericht.Block-oriented Nonlinear System IdentificationLect Notes Contr Inf1Blocks and Families for Cyclotomic Hecke AlgebrasLect Notes MathBloodBlood<Blood-brain and Other Neural Barriers: Reviews and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Blood Cells Blood Cells"Blood Cells Molecules and DiseasesBlood Cell Mol Dis Blood Coagulation & FibrinolysisBlood Coagul FibrinRBlood Flow in Large Arteries : Applications to Atherogenesis and Clinical Medicine Mg AtheroscBlood PressureBlood PressureBlood Pressure MonitoringBlood Press MonitUBlood Pressure Monitoring in Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics, Second EditionClin Hypertens VascBlood PurificationBlood Purificat$Blood Purification in Intensive CareContrib Nephrol Blood Reviews Blood RevBlood-the Journal of HematologyBlood-j HematolBlood TransfusionBlood Transfus-italy Blood Vessels Blood Vessels3Blow Up Theories for Semilinear Parabolic EquationsLect Notes Math7Blow-up Theory for Elliptic Pdes in Riemannian Geometry Math N PrincOBlueprint for Promoting Academic and Social Competence in After-school ProgramsIssues Child Fam Liv;Blues for New Orleans: Mardi Gras and America's Creole SoulCity 21st CenturyBlue Stragglers Astr Soc P2Bluetongue Disease in Southeast Asia & The Pacific Aciar ProcBluetongue, Pt 1, ProceedingsVeter Ital SerBlumeaBlumeaRBlurring The Lines: Charter, Public, Private and Religious Schools Coming TogetherPolit Educ Book SerBlutBlutB Lymphocytes and AutoimmunityAnn Ny Acad SciBlys Ligands and ReceptorsContemp Immunol Bmb ReportsBmb RepBmc Biochemistry Bmc BiochemBmc BioinformaticsBmc Bioinformatics Bmc BiologyBmc BiolBmc BiotechnologyBmc Biotechnol Bmc Cancer Bmc CancerBmc Cardiovascular DisordersBmc Cardiovasc DisorBmc Cell Biology Bmc Cell Biol*Bmc Complementary and Alternative MedicineBmc Complem Altern MBmc Developmental Biology Bmc Dev BiolBmc Evolutionary Biology Bmc Evol BiolBmc Family Practice Bmc Fam PractBmc GastroenterologyBmc Gastroenterol Bmc Genetics Bmc Genet Bmc Genomics Bmc GenomicsBmc Health Services ResearchBmc Health Serv ResBmc Immunology Bmc ImmunolBmc Infectious DiseasesBmc Infect Dis)Bmc International Health and Human RightsBmc Int Health Hum RBmc Medical Education Bmc Med EducBmc Medical EthicsBmc Med EthicsBmc Medical Genetics Bmc Med GenetBmc Medical GenomicsBmc Med Genomics+Bmc Medical Informatics and Decision MakingBmc Med Inform Decis Bmc Medical Research MethodologyBmc Med Res Methodol Bmc MedicineBmc MedBmc Microbiology Bmc MicrobiolBmc Molecular Biology Bmc Mol BiolBmc Musculoskeletal DisordersBmc Musculoskel DisBmc Musculoskeletal DisordersBmc Musculoskelet DiBmc Nephrology Bmc Nephrol Bmc Neurology Bmc NeurolBmc Neuroscience Bmc NeurosciBmc OphthalmologyBmc OphthalmolBmc Pediatrics Bmc PediatrBmc Plant BiologyBmc Plant BiolBmc PsychiatryBmc PsychiatryBmc Public HealthBmc Public HealthBmc Structural BiologyBmc Struct BiolBmc Systems Biology Bmc Syst BiolBmc Veterinary Research Bmc Vet ResBmj Quality & Safety Bmj Qual Saf.Bmr Journal of Australian Geology & GeophysicsBmr J Aust Geol GeopBn-bianco E NeroBn-bianco E Nero(Board Members and Management ConsultantsRes Manag Consult)Board of International Research in DesignBoard Int Res DesBoar Taint in Entire Male Pigs Eaap PublicABoccaccio and The Book: Production and Reading in Italy 1340-1520 Ital PerspectBBochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics, New SeriesBoch Publ Evolu Cult.Bodega Marine Laboratory Marine Science Series Bod Mar Lab Bodenkultur Bodenkultur+Bodies in Treatment: The Unspoken DimensionRelat Perspect Book4Bodies of Belief: Baptist Community in Early AmericaEarly Am Stud SerBody & SocietyBody Soc(Body and Embodiment in Netherlandish ArtNeth Yearb Hist ArtGBody and Mind: Sport in Europe From The Roman Empire to The RenaissanceSport Glob SocBody and Practice in KantStud Ger Idealism3Body and The Book: Writings On Poetry and Sexuality Dqr Stud LitBody and The Text St Compar L*Body As Object and Instrument of KnowledgeSt Hist Phil Sci SerBody Composition and AgingInterd Top Gerontol Body Image Body ImageBody in BioethicsBiomed Law Ethics Li6Body in Mind: A New Look At The Somatosensory CorticesNeurol Lab Clin ResNBody, Sexuality, and Gender: Versions and Subversions in African Literatures 1MatatuBody Temperature RegulationPhysiol Lab Clin ResBoiler Shell Weld Repair Imeche SemBois Et Forets Des Tropiques Bois For TropDBolema-mathematics Education Bulletin-boletim De Educacao MatematicaBolema-math Educ Bul-Boletim Da Sociedade Brasileira De MatematicaBol Soc Bras MatBoletim De Ciencias Geodesicas B Cienc GeodBoletim De Ciencias GeodesicasBol Cienc Geod;Boletim Do Centro De Pesquisa De Processamento De AlimentosB Cent Pesqui Proc A;Boletim Do Centro De Pesquisa De Processamento De AlimentosB Ctr Pesqui Proc AlBoletim Do Instituto De PescaBol Inst Pesca/Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos EspanolesB Asoc Geogr Esp,Boletin De La Oficina Sanitaria PanamericanaB Ofic Sanit Panam*Boletin De La Real Academia De La HistoriaBol Real Acad Hist$Boletin De La Real Academia EspanolaB Real Acad Espan,Boletin De La Sociedad Argentina De BotanicaB Soc Argent Bot)Boletin De La Sociedad Botanica De Mexico B Soc Bot Mex)Boletin De La Sociedad Botanica De MexicoBol Soc Bot Mex)Boletin De La Sociedad Chilena De QuimicaBol Soc Chil Quim4Boletin De La Sociedad Espanola De Ceramica Y VidrioBol Soc Esp Ceram V*Boletin De La Sociedad Matematica MexicanaBol Soc Mat MexNBoletin Del Instituto De Quimica De La Universidad Nacional Autonoma De MexicoBol Inst Quim Univ NBoletin Del Museo Del Prado B Museo Prado)Boletin De Malariologia Y Salud AmbientalB Malariol Salud Amb)Boletin De Malariologia Y Salud AmbientalBol Malar Salud AmbiHBoletin Latinoamericano Y Del Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y AromaticasB Latinoam Caribe PlHBoletin Latinoamericano Y Del Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y AromaticasBol Latinoam Caribe0Bollettino Della Lega Italiana Contro Lepilessia Boll Leg It+Bollettino Della Societa Geologica ItalianaB Soc Geol Ital+Bollettino Della Societa Geologica ItalianaBoll Soc Geol Ital:Bollettino Della Societa Italiana Di Biologia SperimentaleB Soc Ital Biol Sper0Bollettino Della Societa Paleontologica ItalianaB Soc Paleontol Ital0Bollettino Della Societa Paleontologica ItalianaBoll Soc Paleontol I+Bollettino Della Unione Matematica ItalianaB Unione Mat Ital/Bollettino Dell Istituto Sieroterapico MilaneseB I Sieroter Milan,Bollettino Di Geofisica Teorica Ed ApplicataB Geofis Teor Appl"Bollettino Di Psicologia Applicata B Psicol Appl.Bollettino Di Storia Delle Scienze MatematicheB Stor Sci Mat.Bollettino Di Storia Delle Scienze MatematicheBoll Stor Sci MatBollettino Di ZoologiaB ZoolBoltzmann's LegacyEsi Lect Math Phys#Bolyai Society Mathematical StudiesBolyai Math Stud#Bolyai Society Mathematical StudiesBolyai Soc Math Stud:Bombs Away! Representing The Air War Over Europe and JapanAmst Beitr Neuer GerkBonded Cement-based Material Overlays for The Repair, The Lining Or The Strengthening of Slabs Or PavementsRilem State Art Rep.Bonding Energetics in Organometallic Compounds Acs Sym SerBond Market Development in Asia Oecd ProcABonds of Blood: Gender, Lifecycle, and Sacrifice in Aztec CultureEarly Mod Hist-soc CBoneBone=Bone and Brain Metastases: Advances in Research and TreatmentHealth Hum DevBone and Development Top Bone BiolBone and Mineral Bone MinerBone and Osteoarthritis Top Bone BiolJBone Circulation and Vascularization in Normal and Pathological ConditionsNato Adv Sci Inst Se&Bone Densitometry in Clinical PracticeCurr Clin PractGBone Densitometry in Growing Patients: Guidelines for Clinical PracticeCurr Clin PractBone Formation and Repair Int Congr Ser4Bone Marrow and Peripheral Stem Cell TransplantationTumortherap Rehabil"Bone Marrow Purging and ProcessingProg Clin Biol ResBone Marrow TransplantationBone Marrow Transpl=Bone Marrow Transplantation: Foundations for The 21st CenturyAnn Ny Acad Sci6Bone Metastases: A Translational and Clinical ApproachCancer Metast Biol T^Bone Regeneration: Growth Factors, Augmentation Procedures and Tissue Engineering ApplicationsHum Anat PhysiolBone Regulatory FactorsNato Adv Sci I A-lifBone Repair BiomaterialsWoodhead Publ MaterBone Research in Biomechanics St Heal TBonner Zoologische MonographienBonn Zool Monogr,Bonobos: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation Dev Primatol,Bonobos: Behavior, Ecology, and ConservationDev Primatol-prog PrHBonsai Project Symposium: Breakthroughs in Nanoparticles for Bio-imaging Aip Conf Proc\Book Alone Is Not Enough: Enriching Printed Learning Material With Digital Mobile Technology Vtt Res NotesBook Collector Book Collect Book Forum Book ForumIBookish Histories: Books, Literature, and Commercial Modernity, 1700-1900Palgrave Stud Enligh#Book of Ben Sira in Modern ResearchBeih Z Alttest Wiss-Book of Daniel : in The Light of New Findings Bib Eph The=Book of Ezekiel: Theological and Anthropological Perspectives Sbl Symp SerBook of Isaiah Bib Eph The+Book of Mormon: The Foundation of Our FaithSperry Symp Ser/Book of Nature in Antiquity and The Middle Ages Gr Stud Cult1Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History Gr Stud CultABook of The Knight of The Tower: Manners for Young Medieval WomenStud Arthur Court Cu(Book of Tobit: Text, Tradition, TheologySupp J Stud Judaism Books Abroad Books Abroad7Book Series of The Zeitschrift Fur Celtische PhilologieBuch Z Celt Philol)Books in Soils Plants and The EnvironmentBooks Soil Plant Env+Books in Soils, Plants, and The Environment Book Soil P$Bootstrapping and Related TechniquesLect Notes Econ Math%Bootstrap Tests for Regression ModelsPalgr Texts EconometRBorate-tellurate Glasses: An Alternative of Immobilization of The Hazardous WastesWaste Waste ManagBBorcherds Products On O(2,l) and Chern Classes of Heegner DivisorsLect Notes Math,Borderless Beckett / Beckett Sans FrontieresSam Beckett Today,Borderless Beckett / Beckett Sans FrontieresSamuel Beckett Today2Border Lines: The Partition of Judaeo-christianityDivin Reread Late An-Border Security and Who Is Responsible for ItDef Secur Strateg'Borders of Culture: Margins of IdentityXavier Rev Occas PubBorders, Regions, and People Eur Res R SBoreal Environment ResearchBoreal Environ ResBoreasBoreas%Borgyogyaszati Es Venerologiai SzemleBorgyogy Vener Szle Borna DiseaseCurr Top Microbiol*Borneo Research Council Proceedings SeriesBorn Res Co Pro SerBoron Rev MineralBoron-containing PolymersMacromol Contain Met'Boronic Acids in Saccharide RecognitionMonogr Supramol ChemBoron-rich Solids / Aip Conf ProcSBoron Rich Solids: Sensors, Ultra High Temperature Ceramics, Thermoelectrics, ArmorNato Sec Sci B Phys?Boroughs and Small Towns - Proceedings of The Nantes Colloquium Villes TerrGBose Einstein Condensates: Theory, Characteristics and Current ResearchPhys Res Technol*Bose-einstein Condensation in Atomic GasesP Int Sch Phys)Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical SciencesBosnian J Basic Med:Bosnian Refugees in America: New Communities, New CulturesClin Sociol Res Prac/Bosnian Security After Dayton: New PerspectivesContemp Secur StudBosqueBosque#Boston Medical and Surgical JournalBoston Med Surg JBoston Museum BulletinBoston Museum Bull+Boston Studies in The Philosophy of ScienceBost Stud Philos Sci*Boston Theological Institute Annual Series Bost Theo IBoston University Journal Boston Univ JBoston University Law ReviewBoston U Law Rev Botanica ActaBot ActaBotanica HelveticaBot Helv%Botanical Bulletin of Academia SinicaBot Bull Acad SinicaBotanical GazetteBot Gaz(Botanical Journal of The Linnean SocietyBot J Linn SocBotanical Magazine-tokyo Bot Mag Tokyo Botanical Research and Practices Bot Res PractFBotanical Research: Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Vol. 47 Adv Bot ResBotanical ReviewBot RevBotanical StudiesBot StudBotanica MarinaBot Mar,Botanikai Kozlemenyek-botanical PublicationsBot KozlBotaniska Notiser Bot NotiserBotanisk Tidsskrift Bot TidsskrBotany-botaniqueBotanyBothaliaBothalia8Botnet Detection: Countering The Largest Security Threat Adv Inf SecABotswana Defense Force in The Struggle for An African EnvironmentInitiat Strateg Stud$Botyu-kagaku-scientific Pest Control Botyu Kagaku4Boulder-munich Ii: Properties of Hot, Luminous Stars Astr Soc P'Boundaries, Interfaces, and TransitionsCrm Proc & Lect NoteABoundaries of Babel: Brain and The Enigma of Impossible LanguagesCurr Stud Linguist<Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and NeuropathologyProg Brain Res<Boundaries of Eu Enlargement: Finding A Place for NeighboursStud Cent E Eur#Boundaries of Morphology and SyntaxAmst Stud Theory HisQBoundaries of Rock Mechanics: Recent Advances and Challenges for The 21st CenturyProc Monogr Eng Wate%Boundaries of The West African CratonGeol Soc Spec Publ=Boundary 2-an International Journal of Literature and Culture Boundary Two8Boundary and Mixed Lubrication: Science and Applications Tribology SBoundary Control and VariationLect Notes Pure Appl:Boundary Control of Pdes: A Course On Backstepping DesignsAdv Des Control,Boundary Element Advances in Solid Mechanics Cism Cour L,Boundary Element Advances in Solid MechanicsCism Courses LectBoundary Element MethodsSpr Ser Comput MathBoundary ElementsBoundr Element7Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XxixWit Trans Model Sim9Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XxviiiWit Trans Model Sim6Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XxxWit Trans Model SimBoundary Elements XxAdv Bound Elem SerBoundary Elements XxiAdv Bound Elem SerBoundary Elements XxiiAdv Bound Elem SerBoundary Elements XxiiiAdv Bound Elem Ser8Boundary Elements Xxiv: Incorporating Meshless SolutionsAdv Bound Elem SerBoundary Elements XxvAdv Bound Elem SerBoundary Elements XxviAdv Bound Elem SerRBoundary Elements Xxvii: Incorporating Electrical Engineering and ElectromagneticsWit Trans Model Sim Boundary Element Technology XiiiBoundr ElementBoundary Element Technology XivBoundr ElementBoundary Element Technology XvBoundr ElementBoundary Integral Equations Appl Math Sci2Boundary Integral Equations On Contours With PeaksOper Theory Adv ApplBoundary-layer MeteorologyBound-lay Meteorol9Boundary Layers, Waves and Non-linear Dynamical Processes Adv Space Res9Boundary Layers, Waves and Non-linear Dynamical ProcessesAdv Space Res-seriesaBoundary Properties and Applications of The Differentiated Poisson Integral for Different Domains Math Res DevBoundary Value ProblemsBound Value ProblCBoundary Value Problems and Integral Equations in Nonsmooth DomainsLect Notes Pure Appl<Boundary Value Problems and Markov Processes, Second EditionLect Notes MathBounded Rationality Dahl Ws EnvOBounded Rationality and Public Policy: A Perspective From Behavioural EconomicsEcon Non-mark GoodBourouchaskianaBibl Des Cah De L In@Boutiques and Other Retail Spaces: The Architecture of SeductionInterior ArchitBovine Practice Agri-practiceBovine Practitioner-series Bovine Pr!Bovine Practitioner, Vol 35, No 2 Bovine Pr!Bovine Practitioner, Vol 36, No 1 Bovine Pr!Bovine Practitioner, Vol 36, No 2 Bovine Pr Bovine Practitioner, Vol 37 No 1 Bovine Pr!Bovine Practitioner, Vol 37, No 2 Bovine Pr Bovine Practitioner, Vol 38 No 1 Bovine PrB Physics At Hadron Machines Aip Conf ProcuB-quark Physics With The Lep Collider: The Development of Experimental Techniques for B-quark Studies From Z(0)-decaySpringer Trac Mod Ph`Brachiopods From The Dashaba Formation (middle Ordovician) of Sichuan Province, South-west China Sp PalaeontBrachiopods Past and PresentSyst Assoc Spec Vol Brachytherapy Brachytherapy%Brachytherapy Physics, Second Edition Med Phys MgBracken Biology and Management Aias Oc PubBradford BooksBradford Books%Bradford Studies in European Politics Brad S E PBradleyaBradleya Bragantia Bragantia?Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass WaveguidesOsa Trends Opt Photo9Braided Rivers: Process, Deposits, Ecology and ManagementSpec Publ Int Ass Se Braid GroupsGrad Texts MathBrainBrainBrain / Cold Sh Q B-Brain Activation and Cbf Control, Proceedings Int Congr Ser Brain Aging Neur Cont BBrain & Development Brain Dev-jpnBrain and BiodefenceTanig Symp Brain SciBrain and CognitionBrain CognitionBrain and Language Brain LangBrain and LongevityRes Perspect LongevBrain and Mind Biol SkrifBrain and Oral Functions Int Congr SerBrain Barrier SystemsAlfred Benzon Symp SBrain, Behavior and EpigeneticsEpigenetics Hum HlthBrain Behavior and EvolutionBrain Behav EvolutBrain Behavior and ImmunityBrain Behav ImmunBrain, Body and MachineAdv Intel Soft CompuBrain Cell BiologyBrain Cell BiolKBrain-computer Interfaces: Applying Our Minds to Human-computer InteractionHum-comput Int-sprinEBrain-computer Interfaces: Revolutionizing Human-computer Interaction Front CollectBrain Corticosteroid ReceptorsAnn Ny Acad SciPBrain Damage, Behaviour and Cognition : Developments in Clinical Neuropsychology Brain Dam B Brain Death Devel Neur*Brain Death and Disorders of ConsciousnessAdv Exp Med Biol-Brain Development in Drosophila MelanograsterAdv Exp Med Biol=Brain Dopaminergic Systems : Imaging With Positron Tomography Dev Nuc MedBrain DysfunctionBrain DysfunctBrain Edema Ix Act Neur SBrain Edema Viii Act Neur S Brain Edema X Act Neur SBrain Edema Xi Act Neur SBrain Edema XiActa Neurochir SupplBrain Edema Xii Act Neur SBrain Edema XiiActa Neurochir SupplBrain Edema Xiii Act Neur SBrain Edema Xiv Act Neur S=Brain Fiction: Self-deception and The Riddle of ConfabulationPhilos Psychopathol!Brain Function in Hot EnvironmentProg Brain ResBrain, Heart and Tumor Imaging Int Congr SerBrain Hypoxia and Ischemia Res Leg MedBrain Imaging and BehaviorBrain Imaging Behav%Brain Immune Axis and Substance AbuseAdv Exp Med BiolBrain Impairment Brain ImpairBrain Informatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int Brain Injury Brain Injury.Brain Injury Treatment: Theories and PracticesStud Neuropsych Dev%Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008Adv Exp Med Biol%Brain-inspired Information TechnologyStud Comput IntellBrain-inspired It I Int Congr SerBrain Lesions in The NewbornAlfred Benzon Symp SQBrain Machine Interfaces for Space Applications: Enhancing Astronaut CapabilitiesInt Rev NeurobiolBrain MechanismsAnn Ny Acad Sci<Brain Mechanisms for The Integration of Posture and MovementProg Brain ResBrain Pathology Brain PatholBrain PlasticityAdv Exp Med BiolBrain Plasticity Adv NeurolBrain Plasticity and EpilepsyInt Rev NeurobiolBrain Processes and Memory Int Congr Ser Brain RepairAdv Exp Med BiolBrain Research Brain ResBrain Research BulletinBrain Res BullBrain Research in LanguageLit StudBrain Research ProtocolsBrain Res ProtocBrain Research Reviews Brain Res RevHBrain's Eye: Neurobiological and Clinical Aspects of Oculomotor ResearchProg Brain ResBrain Stem CellsExptl Biol RevBrain Stimulation Brain StimulBrain Structure & FunctionBrain Struct FunctBrain Topography Brain TopogrBrain Topography Today Int Congr SerBrain Tumor PathologyBrain Tumor Pathol Brain TumorsConsult Pathol7Brain, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBram Stoker: A Literary Life Lit Lives Branched-chain Amino Acids, Pt BMethod Enzymol Branched-chain Amino Acids, Pt BMethods EnzymolBranched Polymers I Adv Polym SciBranched Polymers Ii Adv Polym Sci'Branched Standard Spines of 3-manifoldsLect Notes MathBrand Equity & Advertising Advert ConsABranding Cities: Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism, and Social ChangeRoutl Adv Geogr=Branding New York: How A City in Crisis Was Sold to The World Cult Spaces7Brands of Faith: Marketing Religion in A Commercial AgeRelig Media Cult Brassica 97 Acta Hortic6Bratislava Medical Journal-bratislavske Lekarske Listy Bratisl Med J6Bratislava Medical Journal-bratislavske Lekarske ListyBratisl Med J+BrauwissenschaftMonatsschr Brauwiss,Brazilian Archives of Biology and TechnologyBraz Arch Biol TechnBrazilian Journal of Biology Braz J Biol)Brazilian Journal of Chemical EngineeringBraz J Chem EngBrazilian Journal of Genetics Braz J Genet(Brazilian Journal of Infectious DiseasesBraz J Infect Dis4Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological ResearchBraz J Med Biol Res!Brazilian Journal of MicrobiologyBraz J Microbiol!Brazilian Journal of OceanographyBraz J Oceanogr(Brazilian Journal of OtorhinolaryngologyBraz J Otorhinolar,Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesBraz J Pharm SciBrazilian Journal of Physics Braz J Phys$Brazilian Journal of Poultry ScienceBraz J Poult Sci$Brazilian Journal of Poultry ScienceBraz J Poultry Sci$Brazilian Journal of Poultry ScienceBraz J Poultry Sci+FBrazilian Perspectives On Sustainable Development of The Amazon Region Man BiosphRBrazilian Studies in Philosophy and History of Science: An Account of Recent WorksBost Stud Philos SciFBreaching The Colonial Contract: Anti-colonialism in The Us and CanadaExplor Educ PurpYBreaking Down Barriers to Care: Treatment of Tobacco Dependence in Vulnerable PopulationsPublic Health 21st CBreaking Ground On Translational Stem Cell Research: The New York Stem Cell Foundation Fourth Annual Translational Stem Cell Research Conference Breaking GroundAnn Ny Acad Sci=Breaking Ocean Waves: Geometry, Structure, and Remote SensingSpringer-prax Books5Breaking The Barriers to The Free Flow of Information Iamslic C SABreaking The Pulp Yield Barrier Symposium, 1998 Tappi Proceedings P Tech As PTBreakthrough Communities: Sustainability and Justice in The Next American MetropolisUrban Ind Environ8Breakthrough in Cytokine Therapy : An Overview of Gm-csfRoy Soc Med Int CongBreastBreast Breast CancerBreast Cancer-tokyo Breast CancerEmerg Cancer TherIBreast Cancer and Its Precursor Lesions: Making Sense and Making It EarlyCurr Clin Pathol0Breast Cancer : Biological and Clinical Progress Dev Oncol.Breast Cancer: Causes, Diagnosis and TreatmentCancer Etiol Diagn TBreast Cancer ChemosensitivityAdv Exp Med Biol&Breast Cancer: From Biology to TherapyAnn Ny Acad Sci%Breast Cancer in The Post-genomic EraCurr Clin OncolGBreast Cancer : Progress in Biology, Clinical Management and Prevention Dev OncolBreast Cancer ResearchBreast Cancer Res$Breast Cancer Research and TreatmentBreast Cancer Res TrBreast Cancer, Second EditionM D Anderson Cancer Breast Care Breast CareBreast CytopathologyEssent Cytopathol0Breast-feeding: Early Influences On Later HealthAdv Exp Med BiolBreastfeeding MedicineBreastfeed MedKBreastfeeding: Methods, Benefits to The Infant and Mother, and DifficultiesPreg Infants-med PsyBreast JournalBreast J4Breathe, Walk and Chew: The Neural Challenge: Part IProg Brain Res5Breathe, Walk and Chew: The Neural Challenge: Part IiProg Brain ResBreeding Science Breeding SciJBreeding Strategies for Rainfed Lowland Rice in Drought-prone Environments Aciar Proc*Breeding Technologies for Tropical Acacias Aciar ProcBrennstoff-chemie Brennst ChemBrennstoff-warme-kraftBrennst-warme-kraftBrennstoffzellen Und Virtuelle Kraftwerke: Energie-, Umwelt- Und Technologiepolitische Aspekte Einer Effizienten HausenergieversorgungEthics Sci Tech AssBrewers Digest Brewers DigBrewing: New TechnologiesWoodhead Food Ser'Bridge Assessment Management and Design Dev Civ Eng,Bridge Evaluation, Repair and RehabilitationNato Adv Sci I E-app0Bridge Health Monitoring, Maintenance and Safety Key Eng MaterBridge LeadershipEduc Leader Soc JustcBridging Boundaries: Making Scale Choices in Multi-actor Policy Analysis On Water Management, Vol 4Deltares Sel SerMBridging Laboratory and Field Research for Genetic Control of Disease Vectors Wag Ur FronBridging The Digital Divide Iamslic C S@Bridging The Gap Between Graph Edit Distance and Kernel MachinesSer Mach Percept ArtBridging The Gap Between Theory, Research and Practice: The Role of Child Development Laboratory Programs in Early Childhood EducationAdv Early Educ Day CEBridging The Knowledge Divide: Educational Technology for DevelopmentEduc Des Tech Know?Bridging Time Scales: Molecular Simulations for The Next DecadeLect Notes Phys$Bridging Tourism Theory and PracticeBridg Tour Theor Pra4Brief Illustrated History of Machines and MechanismsHist Mech Mach SciBriefings in BioinformaticsBrief Bioinform Briefings in Functional GenomicsBrief Funct Genomics Brigham Young University StudiesBrigham Young U StudIBrighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases - 1994, Vols 1-3Proc Brighton Crop;Brighton Crop Protection Conference: Weeds - 1993, Vols 1-3Proc Brighton Crop;Brighton Crop Protection Conference, Weeds - 1995, Vols 1-3Proc Brighton Crop-Brilliant Light in Life and Material SciencesNato Sec Sci B Phys.Brillouin-wigner Methods for Many-body SystemsProg Theor Chem PhysBrill's Indological LibraryBrills Indol Lib Brill's Japanese Studies LibraryBrl Japan Stud Lib&Brills Series On The Early Middle AgesBrill Ser Early Midd'Brills Studies in Intellectuals History Brill S InBrill's Tibetan Studies LibraryBrills Tibet Stu Lib Brimleyana BrimleyanagBringing Desegregation Home: Memories of The Struggle Toward School Integration in Rural North CarolinaPalgr Stud Oral Hist<Bringing Groundwater Quality Research to The Watershed Scale Iahs-aish PBringing Human Rights HomePa Stud Hum Rights.Bringing Religion Into International RelationsCult Relig Int Relat&Bringing Schools Into The 21st CenturyExplor Educ PurpfBringing Society Back In: Grassroots Ecosystem Management, Accountability, and Sustainable CommunitiesAm Comp Environ Poli<Bringing Telecommunication Services to The People - Is&n '95Lect Notes Comput Sc$Bristol-myers Squibb Cancer Symposia Bris Myer C4Bristol-myers Squibb/mead Johnson Nutrition Symposia Bms Mj Nutr6Bristol-myers Squibb Symposium On Pain Research Series Symp Pain R:Bristol-myers Squibb / Zimmer Orthopaedic Symposium Series Bris Myer Z-Britain, America and The War Debt ControversyBrit Polit Soc;Britain and The 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic: A Dark EpilogueRoutl Stud Soc Hist/Britain and The Balkans: 1991 Until The PresentRoutl Adv Eur PolitLBritain and The Origins of The Vietnam War: Uk Policy in Indo-china, 1943-50Glob Confl Secur!Britain, Germany and The Cold WarCold War Hist-routl0Britain in Vietnam: Prelude to Disaster, 1945-46Mil Hist PolicyKBritain's Bloodless Revolutions: 1688 and The Romantic Reform of LiteraturePalgrave Stud EnlighXBritain's Imperial Cornerstone in China: The Chinese Maritime Customs Service, 1854-1949Routl Stud Mod Hist-Britain's Secret War Against Japan, 1937-1945 Stud IntellCBritain, Sweden and The Cold War, 1945-54: Understanding NeutralitySt Antonys SerpBritain, Turkey and The Soviet Union, 1940-45: Strategy, Diplomacy and Intelligence in The Eastern MediterraneanStud Mil Strateg His_British Abolitionism and The Rhetoric of Sensibility: Writing, Sentiment and Slavery, 1760-1807Palgrave Stud EnlighLBritish Aestheticism and Ancient Greece: Hellenism, Reception, Gods in ExilePalgrave Stud Ninet-7British and French Mandates in Comparative Perspectives Soc Econ P;British and Irish Studies in German Language and LiteratureBrit Irish Stud Germ!British Antarctic Survey BulletinBrit Antarct Surv B:British Archaeological Association Conference TransactionsBrit Archaeol AssocCBritish Archaeological Reports International Series (supplementary)Brit Archaeol Rep In9British Asians and Football: Culture, Identity, ExclusionRoutl Crit Stud SporRBritish Association for The Advancement of Science, Section F Series ( Economics ) Baas F Econ British Birds Brit Birds5British Buddhism: Teachings, Practice and DevelopmentRoutl Crit Stud BuddBritish Ceramics Proceedings Brit Cer PrBritish Ceramic Transactions Brit Ceram T(British Ceramic Transactions and JournalBrit Ceram Trans JBritish Chemical EngineeringBrit Chem Eng Pr Tec3British Chemical Engineering and Process TechnologyBrit Chem Eng Pr TecDBritish Columbia Ministry of Forests Research Program, Working PaperBc Min For Res Progr&British Communications and ElectronicsBr Commun Electron(British Computer Society Workshop Series Brit Comp SBritish Corrosion Journal Brit Corros J0British Crop Protection Council Monograph Series Br Crop Pr5British Crop Protection Council Symposium Proceedings Bcpc Symp SerBritish Dental Journal Brit Dent J$British Educational Research JournalBrit Educ Res JBritish Food Journal Brit Food J#British Foreign and Colonial PolicyBrit Foreign Col Pol<British Foreign Secretaries in An Uncertain World, 1919-1939Brit Foreign Col Pol8British Geomorphological Research Group, Symposia Series Brit GeomorBritish Heart Journal Brit Heart J4British International Thinkers From Hobbes to NamierPalgr Mac Ser Hist.British Journal for Eighteenth-century StudiesBrit J Eighteenth-c-British Journal for The History of PhilosophyBrit J Hist Philos*British Journal for The History of ScienceBrit J Hist Sci-British Journal for The Philosophy of ScienceBrit J Philos SciBritish Journal of Addiction Brit J AddictBritish Journal of AestheticsBrit J AesthetBritish Journal of AnaesthesiaBrit J Anaesth"British Journal of Applied PhysicsBrit J Appl PhysBritish Journal of Audiology Brit J Audiol%British Journal of Biomedical ScienceBrit J Biomed Sci#British Journal of Canadian StudiesBrit J Can StudBritish Journal of Cancer Brit J Cancer%British Journal of Clinical EquipmentBrit J Clin Equip(British Journal of Clinical PharmacologyBrit J Clin Pharmaco$British Journal of Clinical PracticeBrit J Clin Pract&British Journal of Clinical PsychologyBrit J Clin PsycholBritish Journal of CriminologyBrit J CriminolBritish Journal of DelinquencyBr J DelinquencyBritish Journal of DermatologyBrit J Dermatol+British Journal of Dermatology and SyphilisBrit J Dermatol Syph-British Journal of Developmental DisabilitiesBrit J Dev Disabil+British Journal of Developmental PsychologyBrit J Dev Psychol(British Journal of Diseases of The ChestBrit J Dis Chest-British Journal of Disorders of CommunicationBrit J Disord Commun)British Journal of Educational PsychologyBrit J Educ Psychol&British Journal of Educational StudiesBrit J Educ Stud)British Journal of Educational TechnologyBrit J Educ Technol'British Journal of Experimental Biology Br J Exp Biol)British Journal of Experimental PathologyBrit J Exp Pathol"British Journal of Family PlanningBrit J Fam Plan#British Journal of General PracticeBrit J Gen Pract)British Journal of Guidance & CounsellingBrit J Guid CounsBritish Journal of HaematologyBrit J Haematol@British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information ManagementBrit J Healthc Comp$British Journal of Health PsychologyBrit J Health PsychBritish Journal of HerpetologyBrit J Herpetol$British Journal of Hospital MedicineBrit J Hosp Med&British Journal of Industrial MedicineBrit J Ind Med'British Journal of Industrial RelationsBrit J Ind Relat(British Journal of Learning DisabilitiesBrit J Learn DisabilBritish Journal of Management Brit J ManageBritish Journal of Marketing Brit J Market8British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical PsychologyBrit J Math Stat Psy$British Journal of Medical EducationBrit J Med Educ%British Journal of Medical PsychologyBrit J Med Psychol&British Journal of Mental SubnormalityBrit J Ment Subnorm)British Journal of Middle Eastern StudiesBrit J Middle E Stud)British Journal of Middle Eastern StudiesBrit Middle E Stud"British Journal of Music EducationBrit J Music EducBritish Journal of NeurosurgeryBrit J Neurosurg*British Journal of Non-destructive TestingBrit J Nondestr TestBritish Journal of Nutrition Brit J Nutr-British Journal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyBrit J Obstet Gynaec'British Journal of Occupational TherapyBrit J Occup Ther British Journal of OphthalmologyBrit J Ophthalmol/British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryBrit J Oral Max SurgBritish Journal of Oral SurgeryBrit J Oral SurgBritish Journal of PharmacologyBrit J Pharmacol0British Journal of Pharmacology and ChemotherapyBrit J Pharm Chemoth'British Journal of Physiological OpticsBrit J Physiol Opt"British Journal of Plastic SurgeryBrit J Plast Surg$British Journal of Political ScienceBrit J Polit Sci5British Journal of Politics & International RelationsBrit J Polit Int Rel/British Journal of Preventive & Social MedicineBrit J Prev Soc MedBritish Journal of PsychiatryBrit J PsychiatBritish Journal of PsychologyBrit J Psychol-British Journal of Psychology-general SectionB J Psychol-gen Sect-British Journal of Psychology-medical SectionB J Psychol-med Sect1British Journal of Psychology-statistical SectionB J Psychol-stat SecBritish Journal of Radiology Brit J Radiol&British Journal of Religious EducationBrit J Relig EducBritish Journal of RheumatologyBrit J Rheumatol1British Journal of Social and Clinical PsychologyBrit J Soc Clin Psyc"British Journal of Social Medicine Br J Soc Med$British Journal of Social PsychiatryBrit J Soc Psychiat$British Journal of Social PsychologyBrit J Soc PsycholBritish Journal of Social WorkBrit J Soc WorkBritish Journal of Sociology Brit J Sociol)British Journal of Sociology of EducationBrit J Sociol Educ"British Journal of Sports MedicineBrit J Sport Med)British Journal of Statistical PsychologyBrit J Statist PsychBritish Journal of Surgery Brit J Surg$British Journal of Teacher EducationBrit J Teach Educ9British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of The ChestBrit J Tuberc Dis ChBritish Journal of Urology Brit J Urol$British Journal of Venereal DiseasesBrit J Vener Dis)British Journal On Alcohol and AlcoholismBrit J Alcohol AlcohBritish Library Journal Brit Libr J!British Library Occasional Papers Brit Lib OcBritish Library Research Brit Lib Ser.British Library Research & Development Reports Br Lib R DBritish Medical Bulletin Brit Med BullBritish Medical Journal Brit Med J,British Micropalaeontological Society Series Br Micropal.British Military and Naval Medicine, 1600-1830Clio MeduBritish Military Intervention and The Struggle for Jordan: King Hussein, Nasser and The Middle East Crisis, 1955-1958Brit Polit Soc(British Missionary Enterprise Since 1700Christ Soc Mod WorldBritish Museum Occasional PaperBrit Mus Occas Pap,British Mycological Society Symposium Series Br Mycol Sy(British Mycological Society TransactionsBr Mycol Soc Trans'British National Cinema, Second Edition Natl CineDBritish Periodicals and Romantic Identity: The Literary Lower EmpireNinet-century MajorBritish Phycological Journal Brit Phycol J/British Plant Growth Regulator Group Monographs Br Plant GrBritish Plastics Br PlasticsBritish Plastics and RubberBrit Plast RubberUBritish Policy in Aden and Protectorates 1955-67: Last Oupost of A Middle East EmpireBrit Foreign Col Pol-British Policy Towards The European CommunityBrit Foreign Col PolBritish Politics Brit PolitBritish Politics and SocietyBrit Polit SocBritish Polymer Journal Brit Polym JBritish Popular Cinema Brit Pop CineBritish Poultry ScienceBrit Poultry Sci British School At Athens StudiesBr Sch Athens Stud-British Society for Back Pain Research Series Brit Back P6British Society for Plant Growth Regulation Monographs Brit Soc Pl&British Studies in Applied Linguistics Brit S Ap LBritish Sugar Beet ReviewBrit Sugar Beet RevBritish Tax Review Brit Tax Rev&British Telecommunications EngineeringBrit Telecommun Eng"British Telecom Technology JournalBrit Telecom TechnolBritish Veterinary Journal Brit Vet JGBritish Victorian Women's Periodicals: Beauty, Civilization, and PoetryNinet-century MajorBritish Welding Journal Br Weld JBritish Women's Cinema Brit Pop CineFBritish Women Writers and The French Revolution: Citizens of The WorldPalgrave Stud EnlighIBritish Women Writers and The Profession of Literary Criticism, 1789-1832Palgrave Stud Enligh Brittonia Brittonia+Broadband Access Communication TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Broadband Access Communication Technologies Proc Spie.Broadband Access Communication Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Broadband Access Communication Technologies Ii Proc Spie/Broadband Access Communication Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Broadband Access Communication Technologies IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Broadband Access Communication Technologies Iv Proc Spie-Broadband Access Communication Technologies V Proc Spie6Broadband Access Networks:technologies and DeploymentsOpt NetwBroadband Access SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsBroadband Communications Ifip Trans CBroadband Communications, Ii Ifip Trans C'Broadband Economics: Lessons From JapanRoutl Stud Glob Comp3Broadband European Networks and Multimedia ServicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Broadband Internet Deployment in JapanAdv Inform Technol8Broadband Mobile Multimedia: Techniques and ApplicationsWirel Netw Mob Commu!Broadband Networking TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Broadband Networks: Strategies and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Broadband Networks: Strategies and Technologies Proc Spie4Broadband Opto-electrical Receivers in Standard CmosAnalog Circ Sig ProcHBroadband Satellite Communication Systems and The Challenges of MobilityInt Fed Info ProcMBroadband Strategies and Technologies for Wide Area and Local Access NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsCBroadband Wireless Access and Local Networks: Mobile Wimax and WifiArtech Hse Mob Comm*Broad Band X-ray Spectra of Cosmic Sources Adv Space Res*Broad Band X-ray Spectra of Cosmic SourcesAdv Space Res-series6Broadcast and Internet Indecency: Defining Free SpeechLea Commun Ser#Broadcasting Enters The Marketplace Curr Deb BrBroadcasting in JapanRout Library Ed Jpn?Broadening The Spectrum of Clinical Uses of Antiepileptic DrugsRoy Soc Med Int Cong[Broadway and Corporate Capitalism; The Rise of The Professional-managerial Class, 1900-1920Palg Stud Theat Perf0Brock/springer Series in Contemporary Bioscience Brock Spr S Brodogradnja BrodogradnjaiBroken Cisterns of African American Education: Academic Performance and Achievement in The Post-brown EraRes Afr Am EducBroken SymmetriesLect Notes Phys>Brokered World: Go-betweens and Global Intelligence, 1770-1820Upps Stud Hist Sci%Bromatologia I Chemia ToksykologicznaBromatol Chem ToksykBrominated Flame RetardantsHandb Environ ChemBronchiectasisEur Respir MonogrBronchogenic Carcinoma Pneumol Kol5Bronchology and Bronchoesophagology: State of The Art Int Congr SerBronte Studies Bronte StudBrookhaven Symposia in BiologyBrookhaven Sym Biol$Brookings Dialogues On Public Policy Brookings D%Brookings Papers On Economic ActivityBrookings Pap Eco Ac?Brouwer Meets Husserl: On The Phenomenology of Choice Sequences Synth LibrBrown Boveri ReviewBrown Boveri Rev Brown DwarfsIau Symp#Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Planets Astr Soc P`Brownfield Sites Iii: Prevention, Assessment, Rehabilitation and Development of Brownfield SitesWit Trans Ecol Envir_Brownfield Sites Iv: Prevention, Assessment, Rehabilitation and Development of Brownfield SitesWit Trans Ecol EnvirBrowning Institute StudiesBrowning Inst StudBrown Judaic Studies Brown Jud S9Bruchids and Legumes : Economics, Ecology and Coevolution Series EntomBruniana & CampanellianaBruniana CampanellMBrussels Convention On Jurisdiction and The Enforcement of Foreign Judgements Irish Ctr EBruun Memorial Lectures, 1991 Ioc Tech S Bryologist Bryologist#Bryology and Lichenology in Belgium Mem S R BotBsas Publication Bsas PublBsg ProceedingsBsg ProcBsg Proceedings 16Bsg Proc9Btta Review-british Thoracic and Tuberculosis AssociationBtta Rev Brit Tho TuBt Technology Journal Bt Technol J'Bubble Dynamics and Interface Phenomena Fluid Mec AEBubbles, Drops, and Particles in Non-newtonian Fluids, Second Edition Chem Ind-ser1Bubbly Flows: Analysis, Modelling and CalculationHeat Mass TransfBuchreihe Der Anglia Buchr Anglia)Bucina: The Historic Brass Society SeriesBucina Hist Bras SocBucknell Review Bucknell Re`Bucld 27: Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsProc Ann Bucld#Buddhism and Islam On The Silk RoadEncounters Asia+Buddhism in Australia: Traditions in ChangeRoutl Crit Stud BuddABuddhism in The Public Sphere: Reorienting Global InterdependenceRoutl Crit Stud Budd#Buddhism, Power and Political OrderRout Crit Stud Buddh#Buddhism, Power and Political OrderRoutl Crit Stud Budd Buddhisms Buddhisms.Buddhist Behavioral Codes and The Modern World Contr St R"Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society Contr St R7Buddhist Manuscript Cultures: Knowledge, Ritual and ArtRoutl Crit Stud Budd5Buddhist Monasticism in East Asia: Places of PracticeRoutl Crit Stud BuddMBuddhist Nuns in Taiwan and Sri Lanka: A Critique of The Feminist PerspectiveRoutl Crit Stud Budd%Buddhist Rituals of Death and RebirthRoutl Crit Stud BuddYBudgeting, Financial Management, and Acquisition Reform in The U.s. Department of DefenseRes Public ManagBudget-maximizing Bureaucrat Pitt S PolBBuffalo and Goats in Asia : Genetic Diversity and Its Applications Aciar ProcBuffalo Bulletin Buffalo BullBuffalo Law ReviewBuffalo Law RevBugle ResoundingShades Blue Gray SerBuilding and Environment Build EnvironlBuilding A Project Work Breakdown Structure: Visualizing Objectives, Deliverables, Activities, and SchedulesEsi Int Proj Manag S9Building A Trustworthy State in Post-socialist TransitionPolit Evol Inst ChanBuilding AutomationSignals Commun Techn:Building Bridges: Between Mathematics and Computer ScienceBolyai Soc Math StudFBuilding Bridges: Collaboration Within and Beyond The Academic LibraryChandos Inf Prof SerBuilding Deck WaterproofingAm Soc Test Mater[Building Democracy and Civil Society East of The Elbe: Essays in Honour of Edmund MokrzyckiRoutl Contemp Russ E3Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and InspectionAm Soc Test MaterBuilding Global Connections Iamslic C S;Building Healthy Communities for Positive Youth DevelopmentSearch I Ser Dev Att4Building History: The Shoah in Art, Memory, and MythMcgill Euro StudiesNBuilding Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal Systems: for Sustainable DevelopmentsRsc Energy SerSBuilding Intuition: Insights From Basic Operations Management Models and PrinciplesInt Ser Oper Res Man1Building Learning Experiences in A Changing WorldAdv Bus Educ Train0Building Object Categories in Developmental Time Carn S Cogn!Building Research and Information Build Res InfBuildings and The EnvironmentEnviron Sci Eng Tech:Building Sealants : Materials, Properties, and PerformanceAm Soc Test Mater3Building Services Engineering Research & TechnologyBuild Serv Eng Res TBuilding SimulationBuild Simul-china"Buildings: Theory and ApplicationsGrad Texts Math4Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to ConservationGeol Soc Spec PublBuilding Strong Families Fdn Family6Building Supply Chain Excellence in Emerging EconomiesInt Ser Oper Res ManBuilding Systems DesignBuild Syst DesBuilding The Cape Verde IslandsSpringer Theses-recoHBuilding The E-service Society: E-commerce, E-business, and E-governmentInt Fed Info ProcGBuilding The European Capacity in Operational Oceanography, ProceedingsElsev Oceanogr Serie Building The Information SocietyInt Fed Info ProcQBuilding Tightly Integrated Software Development Environments: The Ipsen ApproachLect Notes Comput ScBuilding With Glass VDI BerichtABuilding Workforce Competencies in Career and Technical EducationAdult Educ Spec TopfBuletinul Universitatii De Stiinte Agricole Si Medicina Veterinaria Cluj-napoca Ser Agricultura SeriesB U Agr Med Vet AgriBuletinul Universitatii De Stiinte Agricole Si Medicina Veterinaria Cluj-napoca Seria Horticultura SeriesB U Agr Med Vet HortpBuletinul Universitatii De Stiinte Agricole Si Medicina Veterinaria Cluj-napoca Seria Medicina Veterinara SeriesB U Agr Med Vet M-vevBuletinul Universitatii De Stiinte Agricole Si Medicina Veterinaria Cluj-napoca Seria Zootehni Si Biotehnologii SeriesB U Agr Med Vet Zoot!Bulgarian Chemical CommunicationsBulg Chem Commun4Bulgarian Historical Review-revue Bulgare D HistoireBulg Hist Rev-rev B)Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural ScienceBulg J Agric SciBulk and Graded Nanometals Sol St PhenBulk and Graded NanometalsSolid State PhenomenEBulk Crystal Growth of Electronic, Optical & Optoelectronic MaterialsWiley Ser Mater Elec+Bulk Materials Handling: Real-time Analysis Imeche Sem5Bulk Materials: Research, Technology and ApplicationsChem Eng Method TechBulk Metallic GlassesMater Res Soc Symp PBulk Nuclear Properties Aip Conf Proc'Bulletin Brazilian Mathematical SocietyBull Braz Math SocBulletin D EcologieB Ecol%Bulletin De Correspondance HelleniqueB Corresp Hellenique,Bulletin De L Academie Nationale De MedecineB Acad Nat Med ParisLBulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-serie Des Sciences BiologiquesB Acad Pol Sci BiolJBulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-serie Des Sciences ChimiquesB Acad Pol Sci-chimLBulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-serie Des Sciences De La TerreB Pol Acad Sci-earth]Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-serie Des Sciences Geologiques Et GeographiquesB Acad Pol Sci Geo GiBulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-serie Des Sciences Mathematiques Astronomiques Et PhysiquesB Acad Pol Sci SmapKBulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-serie Des Sciences TechniquesB Acad Pol Sci Tech,Bulletin De L Academie Veterinaire De FranceB Acad Vet France>Bulletin De La Classe Des Sciences Academie Royale De BelgiqueB Cl Sci Ac Roy Belg*Bulletin De La Societe Botanique De France B Soc Bot Fr@Bulletin De La Societe Botanique De France-actualites BotaniquesB Soc Bot Fr-actual=Bulletin De La Societe Botanique De France-lettres BotaniquesB Soc Bot Fr-lett'Bulletin De La Societe Botanique SuisseB Soc Bot Suisse)Bulletin De La Societe Chimique De France B Soc Chim Fr^Bulletin De La Societe Chimique De France Partie Ii-chimie Moleculaire Organique Et BiologiqueB Soc Chim Fr Ii-ch|Bulletin De La Societe Chimique De France Partie I-physicochimie Des Systemes Liquides Electrochimie Catalyse Genie ChimiqueB Soc Chim Fr I-phys+Bulletin De La Societe De Chimie BiologiqueB Soc Chim Biol-Bulletin De La Societe De Pathologie ExotiqueB Soc Pathol ExotJBulletin De La Societe Des Sciences Medicales Du Grand-duche De LuxembourgB Soc Sci Med Lux-Bulletin De La Societe Francaise De CeramiqueB Soc Fr CeramEBulletin De La Societe Francaise De Dermatologie Et De SyphiligraphieB Soc Fr Dermatol SyCBulletin De La Societe Francaise Mineralogie Et De CristallographieB Soc Fr Mineral Cr+Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France B Soc Geol Fr-Bulletin De La Societe Mathematique De France B Soc Math Fr-Bulletin De La Societe Phycologique De FranceB Soc Phycol Fr.Bulletin De La Societe Prehistorique FrancaiseBull Soc Prehist Fr6Bulletin De La Societe Royale De Botanique De BelgiqueB Soc Roy Bot Belg+Bulletin De La Societe Zoologique De France B Soc Zool FrABulletin De La Societe Zoologique De France-evolution Et Zoologie B Soc Zool Fr:Bulletin De L Association Francaise Pour L Etude Du CancerB Assoc Fr Etud CancBulletin De L Institut Pasteur B I PasteurUBulletin De L Institut Royal Des Sciences Naturelles De Belgique-sciences De La TerreBull Inst R Sc N B-s6Bulletin De Medecine Legale Et De Toxicologie MedicaleB Med Leg Tox Med@Bulletin De Medecine Legale Urgence Medicale Centre Anti-poisonsB Med Leg Urge MedBulletin De Mineralogie B Mineral*Bulletin De Physio-pathologie RespiratoireB Physio-pathol RespBulletin De Psychologie B PsycholFBulletin Der Schweizerischen Akademie Der Medizinischen WissenschaftenB Schweiz Akad MedGBulletin Des Centres De Recherches Exploration-production Elf AquitaineB Cent Rech Expl#Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques B Sci Math&Bulletin Des Societes Chimiques BelgesB Soc Chim Belg3Bulletin D Informations Scientifiques Et TechniquesBull Info Sci TechnXBulletin D Informations Scientifiques Et Techniques Du Commissariat A L Energie AtomiqueB Inform Sci Tec CeaBulletin Du CancerB Cancer;Bulletin Du Centre De Recherches Elf Exploration ProductionBull Cent Rech Elf EDBulletin Du Museum National D Histoire Naturelle-section B AdansoniaB Mus Natl Hist NatRBulletin Europeen De Physiopathologie Respiratoire-clinical Respiratory PhysiologyB Eur Physiopath Res/Bulletin for International Fiscal DocumentationB Int Fiscal Doc3Bulletin Francais De La Peche Et De La PiscicultureB Fr Peche PiscicBulletin GeodesiqueB GeodBulletin Hispanique B HispaniqueJBulletin Mathematique De La Societe Des Sciences Mathematiques De RoumanieB Math Soc Sci Math$Bulletin Medecine Legale ToxicologieB Med Leg Toxicol0Bulletin Mensuel De La Societe Linneenne De LyonB Mens Soc Linn Lyon0Bulletin Mensuel De La Societe Linneenne De LyonBull Mens Soc Linn LBulletin Monumental B MonumentalBulletin-national Music CouncilBulletin-natl Music&Bulletin New Jersey Academy of ScienceBull Nj Acad Sci&Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum GeologyB Can Petrol Geol(Bulletin of Comparative Labour RelationsBull Comparat Lab Re$Bulletin of Concerned Asian ScholarsB Concern Asia Schol"Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering B Earthq EngBulletin of Economic Research B Econ ResBulletin of Electrochemistry B Electrochem3Bulletin of Engineering Geology and The EnvironmentB Eng Geol Environ"Bulletin of Entomological Research B Entomol Res6Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyB Environ Contam Tox%Bulletin of Equine Research InstituteB Equine Res Inst-Bulletin of Experimental Biology and MedicineB Exp Biol Med+2Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine,ussrB Exp Biol Med-ussrBulletin of GeosciencesB GeosciBulletin of Geosciences Bull GeosciBulletin of Grain TechnologyB Grain TechnolBulletin of Haffkine Institute B Haffkine IBulletin of Hispanic StudiesB Hispanic Stud'Bulletin of Indonesian Economic StudiesB Indones Econ StudBulletin of Insectology B InsectolBulletin of InsectologyBull Insectology#Bulletin of Latin American Research B Lat Am Res/Bulletin of Latin American Research Book SeriesB Lat Am Res Bk Ser/Bulletin of Latin American Research Book SeriesB Lat Am Res Book SeBulletin of Marine Science B Mar SciBulletin of Materials Science B Mater Sci Bulletin of Mathematical Biology B Math Biol#Bulletin of Mathematical BiophysicsB Math Biophys#Bulletin of Mathematical Statistics B Math Stat*Bulletin of Molecular Biology and MedicineB Mol Biol MedBulletin of Pathology Bull PatholBulletin of Peace ProposalsB Peace Proposals#Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences B Pharm Sci#Bulletin of Pharmaceutical SciencesBull Pharm Sci&Bulletin of Research in The HumanitiesB Res Humanities)Bulletin of Rural Economics and SociologyB Rural Econ Sociol(Bulletin of Science Technology & SocietyB Sci Technol SocBulletin of Spanish Studies B Span StudBulletin of Symbolic Logic B Symb LogLBulletin of The Academy of Sciences of The Ussr Division of Chemical ScienceB Acad Sci Ussr Ch+6Bulletin of The Agricultural Chemical Society of JapanB Agr Chem Soc Japan:Bulletin of The American Academy of Psychiatry and The LawB Am Acad Psych Law,Bulletin of The American College of SurgeonsB Am Coll Surg9Bulletin of The American Geographical Society of New YorkB Am Geogr Soc N Y-Bulletin of The American Mathematical Society B Am Math Soc/Bulletin of The American Meteorological SocietyB Am Meteorol Soc2Bulletin of The American Museum of Natural HistoryB Am Mus Nat Hist)Bulletin of The American Physical Society B Am Phys Soc5Bulletin of The American Schools of Oriental ResearchB Am Sch Oriental Re8Bulletin of The American Society for Information ScienceB Am Soc Inform Inf1Bulletin of The American Society of PapyrologistsB Am Soc Papyrologis)Bulletin of The Asia Institute New SeriesB Asia I New Ser&Bulletin of The Asia Institute, Vol 17B Asia I New Ser&Bulletin of The Asia Institute, Vol 18B Asia I New Ser&Bulletin of The Asia Institute, Vol 19B Asia I New Ser&Bulletin of The Asia Institute, Vol 20B Asia I New Ser8Bulletin of The Association of American Medical CollegesBull Assoc Am Med Co9Bulletin of The Astronomical Institutes of CzechoslovakiaB Astron I Czech:Bulletin of The Astronomical Institutes of The NetherlandsB Astron I NethLBulletin of The Astronomical Institutes of The Netherlands Supplement SeriesB Astron I Neth-Bulletin of The Astronomical Society of IndiaB Astron Soc India!Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists B Atom Sci/Bulletin of The Australian Mathematical SocietyB Aust Math Soc9Bulletin of The Belgian Mathematical Society-simon StevinB Belg Math Soc-sim0Bulletin of The Bingham Oceanographic CollectionB Bingham Oceanogr CIBulletin of The Board of Celtic Studies-bwletin Y Bwrdd Gwybodau CeltaiddB Board Celt Stud.Bulletin of The Brazilian Mathematical SocietyB Braz Math Soc-Bulletin of The British Psychological SocietyB Brit Psychol Soc-Bulletin of The Calcutta Mathematical SocietyBull Calcutta Math S2Bulletin of The Canadian Psychological AssociationB Can Psychol Assoc,Bulletin of The Chemical Society of EthiopiaB Chem Soc Ethiopia)Bulletin of The Chemical Society of JapanB Chem Soc Jpn'Bulletin of The Cleveland Museum of ArtB Cleveland Mus ArtBulletin of The Comediantes B Comediantes,Bulletin of The Copyright Society of The UsaB Copyright Soc Usa7Bulletin of The Council for Research in Music EducationB Coun Res Music EdABulletin of The Earthquake Research Institute-university of TokyoB Earthq Res I Tokyo9Bulletin of The European Association of Fish PathologistsB Eur Assoc Fish Pat9Bulletin of The European Association of Fish PathologistsBull Eur Assn Fish P2Bulletin of The European Society of Human GeneticsB Eur Soc Hum Genet2Bulletin of The Fisheries Research Board of CanadaB Fish Res Board Can-Bulletin of The Geological Society of AmericaBull Geol Soc Am-Bulletin of The Geological Society of DenmarkB Geol Soc Denmark-Bulletin of The Geological Society of DenmarkBull Geol Soc Den-Bulletin of The Geological Society of FinlandB Geol Soc Finland-Bulletin of The Geological Society of FinlandBull Geol Soc Finl#Bulletin of The History of Medicine B Hist MedABulletin of The Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic InstituteB Hosp Joint Dis Ort3Bulletin of The Indo-pacific Prehistory AssociationBull Indo Pac Pre Hi;Bulletin of The Indo-pacific Prehistory Association, Vol 26Bull Indo Pac Pre Hi;Bulletin of The Indo-pacific Prehistory Association, Vol 27Bull Indo Pac Pre Hi;Bulletin of The Indo-pacific Prehistory Association, Vol 28Bull Indo Pac Pre Hi.Bulletin of The Institute of Classical StudiesB I Class Stud0Bulletin of The Institute of Historical Research B I Hist ResBBulletin of The Institute of History and Philology Academia SinicaB Inst Hist Philol4Bulletin of The Institute of Zoology Academia SinicaB I Zool Acad Sinica3Bulletin of The International Statistical InstituteB Int Statist Inst,Bulletin of The Iranian Mathematical SocietyB Iran Math Soc,Bulletin of The Iranian Mathematical SocietyBull Iran Math Soc8Bulletin of The Japanese Society of Scientific FisheriesB Jpn Soc Sci Fish8Bulletin of The Japanese Society of Scientific FisheriesNippon Suisan Gakk6Bulletin of The Japan Society of Precision EngineeringB Jpn Soc Prec Eng6Bulletin of The Japan Society of Precision EngineeringInt J Jpn S Prec Eng=Bulletin of The John Rylands University Library of ManchesterB John Rylands Libr&Bulletin of The Johns Hopkins HospitalB Johns Hopkins Hosp:Bulletin of The Jsme-japan Society of Mechanical EngineersB Jsme'Bulletin of The Korean Chemical SocietyB Kor Chem Soc'Bulletin of The Korean Chemical SocietyB Korean Chem Soc+Bulletin of The Korean Mathematical SocietyB Korean Math Soc)Bulletin of The Lebedev Physics InstituteB Lebedev Phys Inst++Bulletin of The London Mathematical SocietyB Lond Math Soc7Bulletin of The Malaysian Mathematical Sciences SocietyB Malays Math Sci So+Bulletin of The Medical Library AssociationB Med Libr Assoc Bulletin of The Menninger ClinicB Menninger Clin3Bulletin of The Midwest Modern Language AssociationB Midwest Mod Lang[Bulletin of The National Institute of Agricultural Sciences Series A-physics and StatisticsB Natl I Agr Sci A(Bulletin of The National Tax AssociationB Natl Tax Assoc,Bulletin of The New York Academy of MedicineB New York Acad Med'Bulletin of The New York Public LibraryB Ny Public Library%Bulletin of The New York State Museum B Ny St MusFBulletin of The Oxford University Institute of Economic and StatisticsB Oxford U I Econ St1Bulletin of The Peabody Museum of Natural HistoryB Peabody Mus Nat Hi4Bulletin of The Polish Academy of Sciences-chemistryB Pol Acad Sci-chem9Bulletin of The Polish Academy of Sciences-earth SciencesB Pol Acad Sci-earth=Bulletin of The Polish Academy of Sciences-technical SciencesB Pol Acad Sci-tech=Bulletin of The Polish Academy of Sciences-technical SciencesBull Pol Acad Sci-te#Bulletin of The Psychonomic SocietyB Psychonomic Soc*Bulletin of The Research Council of IsraelB Res Counc IsraelDBulletin of The Research Institute for Food Science Kyoto UniversityB Res I Food Sci,Bulletin of The Royal Society of New Zealand B Roy S NzHBulletin of The Russian Academy of Sciences-division of Chemical ScienceB Russ Acad Sci Ch+KBulletin of The School of Oriental and African Studies-university of LondonB Sch Orient Afr St0Bulletin of The Seismological Society of AmericaB Seismol Soc Am%Bulletin of The Torrey Botanical ClubB Torrey Bot ClubRBulletin of The University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 60Bull Univ Agric SciXBulletin of The University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 61, 2005B U Agr Med Vet AgrXBulletin of The University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 61, 2005B U Agr Med Vet ZootXBulletin of The University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 62, 2005B U Agr Med Vet HortXBulletin of The University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 62, 2005B U Agr Med Vet M-veWBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-napocaBull Univ Agric SciSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 57B U Agr Med Vet HortSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 57B U Agr Med Vet ZootSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 57Bull Univ Agric SciSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 59B U Agr Med Vet ZootSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 59Bull Univ Agric SciSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 60B U Agr Med Vet AgrSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 60B U Agr Med Vet M-veSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 60B U Agr Med Vet ZootSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 61B U Agr Med Vet HortSBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 61B U Agr Med Vet M-veYBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 62, 2006B U Agr Med Vet AgrYBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 62, 2006B U Agr Med Vet M-veYBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 63, 2006B U Agr Med Vet HortYBulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vol 63, 2006B U Agr Med Vet M-ve[Bulletin of The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Vols 57 and 58Bull Univ Agric Sci.Bulletin of The Veterinary Institute in PulawyB Vet I Pulawy)Bulletin of The World Health OrganizationB World Health OrganBulletin of Volcanology B VolcanolBulletin On Narcotics B Narcotics"Bulletin On The Rheumatic Diseases B Rheum Dis#Bulletin-philadelphia Museum of ArtB Phila Museum Art/Bulletin Series of The Royal Tropical Institute Bul S Rti<Bulletins Et Memoires De La Societe D Anthropologie De ParisB Mem Soc Anthro Par"Bulletin Sinai Hospital of DetroitB Sinai Hosp Detroit=Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutzBundesgesundheitsblaBunseki KagakuBunseki Kagaku'Buoyant Convection in Geophysical FlowsNato Adv Sci I C-mat\Buprenorphine - A Substitution Agent for The Treatment of Opioid Addiction: A Uk PerspectiveRes Clin Forums'Burbot: Ecology, Management and Culture Am Fish S SGBurden of Musculoskeletal Conditions At The Start of The New MillenniumWho Tech Rep Ser Bureaucrat Bureaucrat%Bureau of American Ethnology BulletinBur Am Ethnol Bull'Bureau of Research Resource ProceedingsBrr Proc%Bureau of Rural Resources Proceedings Bur Rur R P)Bureau of Rural Resources Workshop ReportBur Ru W'Bureau of Standards Journal of ResearchBur Stand J ResYBurg - Vorburg - Suburbium: Zur Problematik Der Nebenareale Fruhmittelalterlicher ZentrenInt Tagung MikulciceBuried Plastic Pipe TechnologyAm Soc Test Mater+Buried Plastic Pipe Technology : 2nd VolumeAm Soc Test MaterBurlington MagazineBurlington MagBurners in Heating Technology 2 VDI Bericht#Burning Issues of North Sea Ecology Senck MaritBurning Plasma Diagnostics Aip Conf ProcBurnsBurns1Buros-nebraska Symposium On Measurement & Testing Buros Neb S1Bus 2000: The Heart of City Centre TransportationImeche Conf TransBus 92Proc Inst Mech Eng SBus and Coach '96Imeche Conf TransBus and Truck - Autotech '97 Imeche Sem=Bush Administrations and Saddam Hussein: Deciding On ConflictAdv Foreign Policy A4Bush School Series in The Economics of Public PolicyBush Sch S PublBusinessBusiness5Business Agility and Information Technology DiffusionInt Fed Info Proc*Business & Information Systems EngineeringBus Inf Syst Eng*Business & Information Systems EngineeringBus Inform Syst Eng+Business & SocietyBus Soc Business and Commercial AviationBus Commer Aviat)Business and Economic History, 2nd Series Bus Ec His1Business and Economic History, 2nd Series, Vol 14 Bus Ec His1Business and Economic History, 2nd Series, Vol 15 Bus Ec His1Business and Economic History, 2nd Series, Vol 16 Bus Ec His1Business and Economic History, 2nd Series, Vol 17 Bus Ec His1Business and Economic History, 2nd Series, Vol 19 Bus Ec His1Business and Economic History, 2nd Series, Vol 21 Bus Ec His:Business and Economic History, Second Series, Vol 20, 1991 Bus Ec His]Business and Economic History : The Journal of The Business History Conference, Second Series Bus Econ H6Business and Economic History, Vol 22, No 1, Fall 1993 Bus Ec His6Business and Economic History, Vol 23, No 1, Fall 1994 Bus Econ H6Business and Economic History, Vol 24, No 1, Fall 1995 Bus Econ H8Business and Economic History, Vol 24, No 2, Winter 1995 Bus Econ H8Business and Economic History, Vol 25, No 2, Winter 1996 Bus Econ H6Business and Economic History, Vol 26, No 1, Fall 1997 Bus Econ H"Business and Management-spausdinta Bus Manag1Business Case for Corporate Social ResponsibilityContrib Manag SciBusiness ComputingHandb Info SystsBusiness, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding - Contributions From The Private Sector to Address Violent ConflictRoutl Stud Peace Con+Business Cycles, Indicators and ForecastingStud Bus CyclesBusiness DiscourseRes Pract Appl Lingu.Business Economics in A Rapidly Changing WorldBus Econ Rapid Chang!Business Ethics-a European Review Bus Ethics,Business Ethics and Corporate SustainabilityStud Transatl Bus Et&Business Ethics and Electronic EconomySt Econ Ethic PhilosBusiness Ethics of InnovationEthic Sci Technol AsBusiness Ethics of InnovationEthics Sci Tech AssBusiness Ethics Quarterly Bus Ethics Q(Business, Finance and Economics of ChinaChina 21st Century-Business-government Relations in Prewar JapanRoutl Stud Mod HistBusiness HistoryBus HistBusiness History Review Bus Hist RevBusiness Horizons Bus HorizonsEBusiness Improvement Districts: Research, Theories, and ControversiesPublic Adm Public Po*Business Information: Needs and StrategiesLibr Inform Sci SerBusiness Information SystemsLect Notes Bus InfBusiness Information SystemsLect Notes Bus Inf P)Business Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf)Business Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf P)Business Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Business Information Systems WorkshopsLect Notes Bus Inf&Business Information Systems WorkshopsLect Notes Bus Inf PIBusiness Innovation in Asia: Knowledge and Technology Networks From JapanRoutl Contemp Asia2Business Intelligence for The Real-time EnterpriseLect Notes Bus Inf3Business Intelligence for The Real-time EnterprisesLect Notes Comput Sc0Business Issues Competition and EntrepreneurshipBus Iss Compet EntreBusiness JapanBus JpnBusiness Lawyer Bus LawyerBusiness Networks De Gruy St`Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial Districts: The Governance of The Global Value Chain Reg Cities)Business Networks: Strategy and StructureRoutl Stud Bus Organ,Business of Sports: A Primer for JournalistsLea Commun Ser.Business of Tourism: Place, Faith, and HistoryHagley Perspect BustBusiness Processes: An Archival Science Approach to Collaborative Decision Making, Records, and Knowledge ManagementArch LibBusiness Process ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc(Business Process Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Business Process Management WorkshopsLect Notes Bus Inf%Business Process Management WorkshopsLect Notes Bus Inf P%Business Process Management WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc+Business Process Management Workshops, 2009Lect Notes Bus Inf"Business Process Modeling NotationLect Notes Bus Inf"Business Process Modeling NotationLect Notes Bus Inf PBusiness Process Re-engineering Ifip Trans ABusiness Process TransformationAdv Manag Inform SysBusiness Quarterly Bus QuartKBusiness Regulation and Public Policy: The Costs and Benefits of ComplianceInt Stud EntrepBusiness Software Review Bus Softw Rev%Business Strategy and The EnvironmentBus Strateg Environ.Business Strategy Over The Industry Life Cycle Adv Strat MBusiness Survey Methods Wiley S ProYBusiness-to-business Brand Management: Theory, Research and Executivecase Study ExercisesAdv Bus Mark Purch Business WeekBus WeekBwkBwkBwkBwk-energie-fachmagBygningsstatiske MeddelelserBygningsstatiske MedByronRoutledge Guides LitByron: Heritage and LegacyNinet-century Major Byron JournalByron JNByron's Romantic Celebrity: Industrial Culture and The Hermeneutic of IntimacyPalgrave Stud EnlighByteByteVBy The Same Word: Creation and Salvation in Hellenistic Judaism and Early ChristianityBeih Z Neutest Wiss Byu StudiesByu Stud(Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East, 1 St Late Ant"Byzantine and Modern Greek StudiesByzantine Mod Greek+Byzantine and Serbian Serres in Xiv Century Serb Ac MonBByzantine Constantinople: Monuments, Topography, and Everyday LifeMedieval Mediterr"Byzantine Legacy in Eastern Europe E Europ MByzantine StudiesByzantine StudByzantinisches Archiv Byzant ArchByzantinische ZeitschriftByzantinische ZByzantinoslavicaByzantinoslavica.Byzantium in The Ninth Century: Dead Or Alive?Soc Prom Byzant St C2cr07: Colliders to Cosmic Rays Aip Conf Proc:C4 Photosynthesis and Related Co2 Concentrating MechanismsAdv Photosynth Resp3Ca 2002: Proceedings of The Computer Animation 2002Comp Anim Conf Proc"Ca-a Cancer Journal for CliniciansCa-cancer J ClinCaap 90Lect Notes Comput Sc=Caap 92 : 17th Colloquium On Trees in Algebra and ProgrammingLect Notes Comput ScCaas Special Publication Caas Spec PubCabi Climate Change SeriesCabi Clim Change SerCable and Satellite EuropeCable Satell EurCables & Transmission Cables TransmCable-stayed Bridges Dev Civ Eng$Cad Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De LaxeCad Lab Xeol LaxeCadernos De Saude PublicaCad Saude Publica,Cadernos Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De Laxe 21Cadern Lab Xeol Laxe,Cadernos Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De Laxe 21 Cuad Lab Xe0Cadernos Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De Laxe, No 33Cad Lab Xeol Laxe`Cadernos Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De Laxe : Revista De Xeoloxia Galega E Do Hercinico PeninsularCad Lab Xeol Laxe`Cadernos Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De Laxe : Revista De Xeoloxia Galega E Do Hercinico Peninsular Cuad Lab Xe^Cadernos Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De Laxe-revista De Xeoloxia Galega E Do Hercinico PeninsularCadern Lab Xeol Laxe1Cadernos Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De Laxe, Vol 35Cadern Lab Xeol LaxeCadmium in The EnvironmentEnv Health Phys ChemCadmoCadmoCadomian OrogenyGeol Soc Spec PublCafe Cacao TheCafe Cacao The2Cafes and Bars: The Architecture of Public DisplayInterior ArchitCahiers Agricultures Cah AgricCahiers De Biologie Marine Cah Biol Mar!Cahiers De Civilisation MedievaleCah Civilis Medieval%Cahiers De Droit Fiscal International Cah Droit F.Cahiers De Droit Fiscal International, Vol 74a Cah Droit F3Cahiers De Droit Fiscal International, Vol Lxxxiiia Cah Droit F3Cahiers De Droit Fiscal International, Vol Lxxxiiib Cah Droit F2Cahiers De La Revue De Theologie Et De Philosophie Cah Rev TheCahiers De MedecineCah Med#Cahiers D'enseignement De La Sofcot Cah Enseign%Cahiers De Nutrition Et De Dietetique Cah Nutr Diet@Cahiers De Psychologie Cognitive-current Psychology of CognitionCah Psychol CognCahiers D Etudes Africaines Cah Etud Afr?Cahiers D Etudes Et De Recherches Victoriennes Et EdouardiennesCah Etud Rech VictorCahiers D HistoireCah HistCahiers Du Cinema Cah CinemaCahiers Du Monde RusseCah Monde Russe$Cahiers Du Monde Russe Et SovietiqueCahiers Monde R Sov'Cahiers Du Musee National D Art ModerneCah Musee Natl Art M Cahiers Economiques De Bruxelles Cah Econ BruxCahiers ElisabethainsCah Elisabethains2Cahiers Histoire Mondiale-journal of World HistoryCah Hist Mond J Worl$Cahiers Internationaux De SociologieCah Int SociolCahiers Orstom HydrobiologieCah Orstom HydrobiolCahiers Orstom OceanographieCah Orstom Oceanogr Cahiers Victoriens & EdouardiensCah Victor EdouardCahiers Vilfredo ParetoCah Vilfredo ParetoACairo International Conference On High Energy Physics (cichep Ii) Aip Conf ProcHCaitanya Vaisnava Vedanta of Jiva Gosvami: When Knowledge Meets DevotionRoutl Hindu Stud SerCajal and ConsciousnessAnn Ny Acad SciCalcified Tissue InternationalCalcified Tissue IntCalcified Tissue Research Calc Tiss ResCalcitonin Gene-related PeptideAnn Ny Acad Sci#Calcium-activated Chloride ChannelsCurr Top Membr6Calcium and Bone Disorders in Children and Adolescents Endocr Dev8Calcium Antagonists : Pharmacology and Clinical ResearchMed Sci Symp Ser8Calcium Binding Proteins in Normal and Transformed CellsAdv Exp Med Biol6Calcium-binding Proteins in The Human Developing BrainAdv Anat Embryol Cel)Calcium Channels : Structure and FunctionAnn Ny Acad Sci:Calcium Entry and Action At The Presynaptic Nerve TerminalAnn Ny Acad Sci(Calcium Hypothesis of Aging and DementiaAnn Ny Acad SciCalcium in Living CellsMethod Cell Biol'Calcium in Plant Growth and Development Cur Top PlCalcium Measurement Methods Neuromethods1Calcium, Membranes, Aging, and Alzheimers DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci*Calcium Nutriture for Mothers and Children Carnation NTCalcium Regulating Hormones and Bone Metabolism : Basic and Clinical Aspects, Vol 11 Int Congr SerCalcium-regulating Hormones, IiContrib Nephrol9Calcium-regulating Hormones I : Role in Disease and AgingContrib Nephrol'Calcium Regulation of Cellular FunctionAdv Sec Mess PhosphCalcium SignalingNato Sci Ser I Life)Calcium Waves, Gradients and Oscillations Ciba F SympCalcoloCalcoloCalculational System DesignNato Adv Sci I F-com^Calculation of Health Expectancies : Harmonization, Consensus Achieved and Future Perspectives Colloq InseiCalculations of Emissions From German Agriculture: National Emission Inventory Report (nir) 2010 for 2008Landbauforsch-vti AgCalculus of SelfishnessPrinc Ser Theor Comp1Calculus of Variations and Differential EquationsCh Crc Res Notes1Calculus of Variations and Differential EquationsCh Crc Res Notes MatDCalculus of Variations and Non-linear Partial Differential EquationsLect Notes Math*Calculus of Variations and Optimal ControlCh Crc Res Notes*Calculus of Variations and Optimal ControlCh Crc Res Notes Mat9Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential EquationsCalc Var Partial DifUCalcutta, Bangladesh, and Bengal Studies : 1990 Bengal Studies Conference Proceedings S Asia S Oc)Calcutta Statistical Association BulletinCalcutta Stat AssocCaldasiaCaldasiaCalibanCalibanNCalibration and Applications of Satellite Sensors for Environmental Monitoring Adv Space Res5Calibration and Characterization of Satellite Sensors Adv Space Res5Calibration and Characterization of Satellite SensorsAdv Space Res-seriesaCalibration and Characterization of Satellite Sensors and Accuracy of Derived Physical Parameters Adv Space ResaCalibration and Characterization of Satellite Sensors and Accuracy of Derived Physical ParametersAdv Space Res-seriesSCalibration and Intercalibration of Satellite Sensors and Early Results of Radarsat Adv Space Res4Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Iahs-aish PSCalibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: A Few Steps Closer to Reality Iahs-aish PMCalibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: Coping With Uncertainty Iahs-aish PYCalibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: From Uncertainty to Decision Making Iahs-aish P4Calibration and Validation of Simulation Models 2004Transport Res ReccCalibration, Characterization of Satellite Sensors, Physical Parameters Derived From Satellite Data Adv Space ResMCalibration of Passive Remote Observing Optical and Microwave InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Calibrations: Reading for The Social Public Worlds Calidoscopio Calidoscopio3California Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinCalif Aes BullCalifornia Agriculture Calif Agr"California Coastal Zone Experience Coastl Worl?California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations ReportsCal Coop Ocean FishCalifornia Fish and GameCalif Fish GameCalifornia Historical QuarterlyCalif Hist QuartCalifornia History Calif Hist*California Journal of Educational ResearchCalif J Educ ResCalifornia Law Review Calif Law RevCalifornia Management ReviewCalif Manage RevCalifornia Medicine Calif Med6Californium-252: Isotope for 21st Century RadiotherapyNato Asi 3 High Tech+Calixarene Complexes With Solvent MoleculesChem Res Appl-novaCallalooCallaloo5Calligraphy and Power in Contemporary Chinese SocietyAnthropol AsiaCallosal AgenesisAdv Behav BiolCall Research PerspectivesEsl Appl Ling Prof"Calorimetry in High Energy Physics Aip Conf ProcCalorimetry in Particle PhysicsLect Notes Pure Appl?Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and ThermochemistryCalphadCalvin Center SeriesCalvin Ctr SerRCalvinism's First Battleground: Conflict and Reform in The Pays De Vaud, 1528-1559Stud Early Mod ReligCam-94 Physics Meeting Aip Conf ProctCambrian - Early Ordovician Brachiopods From Malyi Karatau, The Western Balkhash Region, and Tien Shan, Central Asia Sp Palaeont Cambrian Medieval Celtic StudiesCambr Mediev Celt StCambridge and ViennaVien Cir Inst YearbkCambridge and ViennaVienna Circ Inst Yea Cambridge Archaeological JournalCamb Archaeol JCambridge Classical Journal Camb Class JZCambridge Classical Journal Proceedings of The Cambridge Philological Society - SupplementCamb C J Proc Cam Ph#Cambridge Contemporary AstrophysicsCam Contemp Astrophy3Cambridge Imperial and Post-colonial Studies SeriesCamb Imp Post-col StCambridge Journal of Economics Camb J EconCambridge Journal of EconomicsCambridge J Econ0Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and SocietyCamb J Reg Econ Soc!Cambridge Medieval Celtic StudiesCambr Mediev Celt St!Cambridge Medieval Celtic StudiesCambridge Medieval CCambridge N-body LecturesLect Notes PhysCambridge Opera Journal Camb Opera JCambridge QuarterlyCambridge Quart(Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare EthicsCamb Q Healthc Ethic)Cambridge Review of International AffairsCamb Rev Int Aff)Cambridge Series On Electronic Publishing Cam Electr=Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary AnthropologyCam S Bio Evol Anthr1Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy Cam St Phil5Cambridge Studies in Social and Emotional Development Camb St SocCambro-ordovician Studies IiiMem Assoc AustralasDCamden After The Fall: Decline and Renewal in A Post-industrial CityPolit Cult Mod AmCamden Fifth SeriesCamden Fifth SerCameraCamera Camera and Input Scanner SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsCamera ObscuraCamera ObscuraECameras and Systems for Electronic Photography and Scientific ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsECameras and Systems for Electronic Photography and Scientific Imaging Proc Spie0Cameras, Scanners, and Image Acquisition SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsbCamorristi, Politicians, and Businessmen: The Transformation of Organized Crime in Post-war Naples Ital Perspect CamptothecinsAnn Ny Acad Sci2Camptothecins: Unfolding Their Anticaner PotentialAnn Ny Acad Sci"Canada and International Relations Can Int Rel#Canada: Fracture(s) But Not Rupture AnglophoniaCanadas Mental HealthCan Ment HealthCanada's Money Coin Amer PCanadas Timber Resources For Can PiCanada Us Free Trade Agreement Geonom Inst&Canadian Aeronautics and Space JournalCan Aeronaut Space J!Canadian Agricultural Engineering Can Agr Eng Canadian-american Slavic StudiesCan-am Slav StudLCanadian-american Slavic Studies-revue Canadienne-americaine D Etudes SlavesCan-am Slavic Stud&Canadian Anaesthetists Society JournalCan Anaesth Soc J&Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal Can J AnaesthbCanadian Association of Radiologists Journal-journal De L Association Canadienne Des RadiologistesCan Assoc Radiol J-Canadian Bar Review-revue Du Barreau CanadienCan Bar Rev-rev Barr3Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic SciencesCan B Fish Aquat SciCanadian Ceramics Can CeramCCanadian Ceramics Quarterly-journal of The Canadian Ceramic SocietyCan Ceram QuartCanadian Chemical ProcessingCan Chem ProcessCanadian Commentaries Can Comment:Canadian Conference On Electrical and Computer EngineeringCan Con El Comp En<Canadian Cultural Exchange: Translation and Transculturation Cult Stud Ser4Canadian Cultural Poesis: Essays On Canadian Culture Cult Stud SerCanadian Entomologist Can EntomolCanadian Family PhysicianCan Fam PhysicianCanadian Farm Economics Can Farm EconCanadian Field-naturalist Can Field Nat:Canadian Foreign Policy and International Economic Regimes Can Int RelCanadian Forest IndustriesCan Forest IndeCanadian Forest Service Modelling Working Group: Proceedings of The Ninth Annual Meeting and Workshop For Can NewCanadian Geographer Can Geogr&Canadian Geographer-geographe CanadienCan Geogr-geogr CanCanadian Geotechnical Journal Can Geotech JCanadian Historical Review Can Hist Rev9Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology JournalCan Inst F Sci Tec JCanadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal-journal De L Institut Canadien De Science Et Technologie AlimentairesCan I Food Sc Tech JOCanadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Annual Conference of Metallurgists Cim An Conf]Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences-revue Canadienne Des Sciences De L Administration Can J Adm Sci#Canadian Journal of African StudiesCan J Afr StudiesJCanadian Journal of African Studies-revue Canadienne Des Etudes AfricainesCan J Afr StudJCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-revue Canadienne D AgroeconomieCan J Agr EconMCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-revue Canadienne D Economie RuraleCan J Agr Econ=Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia-journal Canadien D Anesthesie Can J Anaesth8Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and SpectroscopyCan J Anal Sci Spect<Canadian Journal of Anesthesia-journal Canadien D Anesthesie Can J Anesth"Canadian Journal of Animal ScienceCan J Anim SciPCanadian Journal of Applied Physiology-revue Canadienne De Physiologie AppliqueeCan J Appl Physiol(Canadian Journal of Applied SpectroscopyCan J Appl Spectrosc\Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences-journal Canadien Des Sciences Appliquees Au SportCan J Appl Sport Sci'Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science Can J Beh SciUCanadian Journal of Behavioural Science-revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du ComportementCan J Behav Sci Canadian Journal of BiochemistryCan J Biochem Cell B1Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell BiologyCan J Biochem Cell B/Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and PhysiologyCan J Biochem PhysCanadian Journal of Botany Can J Botany8Canadian Journal of Botany-revue Canadienne De Botanique Can J BotCanadian Journal of Cardiology Can J Cardiol(Canadian Journal of Chemical EngineeringCan J Chem EngCanadian Journal of ChemistryCan J Chemistry8Canadian Journal of Chemistry-revue Canadienne De Chimie Can J Chem%Canadian Journal of Civil EngineeringCan J Civil Eng(Canadian Journal of Comparative MedicineCan J Comparat Med?Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary ScienceCan J Comp Med Vet SNCanadian Journal of Comparative Medicine-revue Canadienne De Medecine CompareeCan J Comp Med/Canadian Journal of Criminology and CorrectionsCan J Criminol Corr4Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal JusticeCan J Criminol Crim@Canadian Journal of Criminology-revue Canadienne De CriminologieCan J CriminolRCanadian Journal of Development Studies-revue Canadienne D Etudes Du DeveloppementCan J Dev StudCanadian Journal of DiabetesCan J Diabetes2Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and ResearchCan J Diet Pract Res"Canadian Journal of Earth SciencesCan J Earth SciCanadian Journal of EconomicsCan J Economics1Canadian Journal of Economics & Political ScienceCan J Econ Polit Sci;Canadian Journal of Economics-revue Canadienne D Economique Can J EconlCanadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering-revue Canadienne De Genie Electrique Et InformatiqueCan J Elect Comput E&Canadian Journal of Emergency MedicineCan J Emerg MedYCanadian Journal of Experimental Psychology-revue Canadienne De Psychologie ExperimentaleCan J Exp PsycholACanadian Journal of Family Law-revue Canadienne De Droit Familial Can J Fam LawMCanadian Journal of Film Studies-revue Canadienne D Etudes CinematographiquesCan J Film Stud2Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic SciencesCan J Fish Aquat SciLCanadian Journal of Forest Research-revue Canadienne De Recherche ForestiereCan J Forest Res$Canadian Journal of GastroenterologyCan J Gastroenterol)Canadian Journal of Genetics and CytologyCan J Genet Cytol:Canadian Journal of History-annales Canadiennes D Histoire Can J Hist;Canadian Journal of History of Sport and Physical EducationCan J Hist Sport Phy>Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical MicrobiologyCan J Infect Dis MedyCanadian Journal of Information and Library Science-revue Canadienne Des Sciences De L Information Et De BibliotheconomieCan J Inform Lib SciVCanadian Journal of Information Science-revue Canadienne Des Sciences De L InformationCan J Inform Sci#Canadian Journal of Italian StudiesCan J Ital Stud@Canadian Journal of Linguistics-revue Canadienne De LinguistiqueCan J Ling/rev Can LCanadian Journal of MathematicsCanadian J MathACanadian Journal of Mathematics-journal Canadien De Mathematiques Can J Math$Canadian Journal of Medical Sciences Can J Med Sci&Canadian Journal of Medical TechnologyCan J Med Technol Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyCan J Microbiol)Canadian Journal of Neurological SciencesCan J Neurol SciHCanadian Journal of Occupational Therapy-revue Canadienne D ErgotherapieCan J Occup Ther!Canadian Journal of OphthalmologyCan J OphthalmologyBCanadian Journal of Ophthalmology-journal Canadien D OphtalmologieCan J Ophthalmol"Canadian Journal of OtolaryngologyCan J Otolaryngol+Canadian Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesCan J Pharm SciCanadian Journal of Philosophy Can J PhilosCanadian Journal of Physics Can J Phys/Canadian Journal of Physiology and PharmacologyCan J Physiol PharmGCanadian Journal of Plant Pathology-revue Canadienne De PhytopathologieCan J Plant Pathol!Canadian Journal of Plant ScienceCan J Plant Sci#Canadian Journal of Plastic SurgeryCan J Plast Surg%Canadian Journal of Political ScienceCan J Political SciKCanadian Journal of Political Science-revue Canadienne De Science PolitiqueCan J Polit Sci>Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-revue Canadienne De PsychiatrieCan J PsychiatCanadian Journal of PsychologyCan J Psychology>Canadian Journal of Psychology-revue Canadienne De Psychologie Can J Psychol!Canadian Journal of Public HealthC J Public HealthDCanadian Journal of Public Health-revue Canadienne De Sante PubliqueCan J Public HealthMCanadian Journal of Regional Science-revue Canadienne Des Sciences RegionalesCan J Regional Sci"Canadian Journal of Remote SensingCan J Remote Sens8Canadian Journal of Research Section A-physical Sciences Can J Res A8Canadian Journal of Research Section B-chemical Sciences Can J Res B9Canadian Journal of Research Section C-botanical Sciences Can J Res C7Canadian Journal of Research Section E-medical Sciences Can J Res E=Canadian Journal of Sociology-cahiers Canadiens De Sociologie Can J Sociol Canadian Journal of Soil ScienceCan J Soil Sci Canadian Journal of SpectroscopyCan J SpectroscICanadian Journal of Sport Sciences-revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du SportCan J Sport Sci>Canadian Journal of Statistics-revue Canadienne De Statistique Can J StatCanadian Journal of Surgery Can J SurgCanadian Journal of Urology Can J UrolQCanadian Journal of Veterinary Research-revue Canadienne De Recherche Veterinaire Can J Vet ResCanadian Journal of Zoology Can J Zoolog8Canadian Journal of Zoology-revue Canadienne De Zoologie Can J Zool<Canadian Journal On Aging-revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement Can J AgingCanadian Library Journal Can Libr JCanadian LiteratureCan LiteratureCanadian Mathematical BulletinCan Math BulletinACanadian Mathematical Bulletin-bulletin Canadien De Mathematiques Can Math Bull$Canadian Medical Association JournalCan Med Assoc J Canadian Metallurgical QuarterlyCan Metall Quart;Canadian Migration Patterns: From Britain and North AmericaInt Can Stud SerCanadian Mineralogist Can Mineral*Canadian Mining and Metallurgical BulletinCan Min Metall BullCanadian Mining Journal Can Min JECanadian Modern Language Review-revue Canadienne Des Langues VivantesCan Mod Lang RevACanadian Nuclear Association International Conference Proceedings Can Nucl AsVCanadian Nuclear Society - Sixteenth Annual Conference 1995 Proceedings, Vols I and Ii P Can Nuc S,Canadian Pest Management Society Proceedings Can Pest MCanadian Plains Proceedings Can Plain PCanadian Plains Studies Can Plain SCanadian Plant Disease SurveyCan Plant Dis SurvCanadian PoetryCan Poet(Canadian Psychiatric Association JournalCan Psychiat Assoc J4Canadian Psychological Review-psychologie CanadienneCan Psychol RevCanadian PsychologistCan Psychologist,Canadian Psychologist-psychologie CanadienneCan Psycholog-psycho*Canadian Psychology-psychologie Canadienne Can PsycholCanadian Public AdministrationCan Public Adm@Canadian Public Administration-administration Publique Du CanadaCan Public Admin,Canadian Public Policy-analyse De PolitiquesCan Public PolBCanadian Pulp & Paper Association Technical Section Annual Meeting Can Pulp PCanadian Respiratory Journal Can Respir J#Canadian Review of American StudiesCan Rev Am StudRCanadian Review of Comparative Literature-revue Canadienne De Litterature CompareeCan Rev Comp Lit-Canadian Review of Sociology and AnthropologyCan Rev Sociol Anthr_Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology-revue Canadienne De Sociologie Et D AnthropologieCan Rev Soc Anthrop;Canadian Review of Sociology-revue Canadienne De SociologieCan Rev SociolCanadian Semantic WebSemantic Web BeyondCanadian Semantic WebSemat Web Beyond-comCanadian Slavic StudiesCan Slavic Stud7Canadian Slavonic Papers-revue Canadienne Des SlavistesCan Slavonic PapCanadian Studies in PopulationCan Stud Popul#Canadian Surveyor-geometre Canadien Can Surveyor2Canadian Technical Asphalt Association Proceedings Can Tec AspCanadian Theatre ReviewCan Theatre RevCanadian Veterinary JournalCanadian Vet J8Canadian Veterinary Journal-revue Veterinaire Canadienne Can Vet J Canadian Water Resources JournalCan Water Resour J.Canal History & Technology Proceedings, Vol 17 Canal Hist(Canal History and Technology Proceedings Canal Hist0Canal History and Technology Proceedings, Vol 11 Canal Hist0Canal History and Technology Proceedings, Vol 15 Canal Hist/Canal History and Technology Proceedings, Vol 8 Canal Hist/Canal History and Technology Proceedings, Vol X Canal Hist1Canal History and Technology Proceedings, Vol Xii Canal HistCan-am Eastern 90P Soc Photo-opt Ins-Canary Islands Winter Schools of Astrophysics Can Isl Ast'Canberra Papers On Strategy and DefenceCanber Pap StrategyCancerAnn Ny Acad SciCancerCancerCancerCancer-am Cancer Soc+Cancer & Nutrition Prevention and Treatment Nes Nutr WsCancer and DevelopmentCurr Top Dev Biol4Cancer and Energy Balance, Epidemiology and OverviewEnerg Balance CancerCancer and Metastasis ReviewsCancer Metast RevCancer Biochemistry BiophysicsCancer Biochem BiophCancer Biology & TherapyCancer Biol Ther*Cancer Biology: An Updated Global OverviewCancer Etiol Diagn TCancer BiomarkersCancer BiomarkCancer BiotherapyCancer Biotherapy*Cancer Biotherapy and RadiopharmaceuticalsCancer Biother RadioCancer Causes & ControlCancer Cause Control Cancer Cell Cancer Cell:Cancer Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolCancer Cell InternationalCancer Cell IntCancer Cells-a Monthly ReviewCancer Cell-mon RevCancer Cells Series Cancer CelCancer Cells SeriesCancer Cell-mon Rev$Cancer Chemotherapy and PharmacologyCancer Chemoth Pharm6Cancer Chemotherapy: Challenges for The Future, Vol 10 Int Congr Ser6Cancer Chemotherapy : Challenges for The Future, Vol 4 Int Congr Ser6Cancer Chemotherapy : Challenges for The Future, Vol 5 Int Congr Ser6Cancer Chemotherapy : Challenges for The Future, Vol 7 Int Congr Ser5Cancer Chemotherapy: Challenges for The Future, Vol 8 Int Congr Ser5Cancer Chemotherapy: Challenges for The Future, Vol 9 Int Congr SerCancer Chemotherapy ReportsCancer Chemoth Rep"Cancer Chemotherapy Reports Part 1Cancer Chemoth Rep 1"Cancer Chemotherapy Reports Part 2Canc Chemother Rep 2-Cancer Chemotherapy Reports Part 2 SupplementCancer Chemoth Rep 2"Cancer Chemotherapy Reports Part 3Canc Chemother RepACancer Chemotherapy Reports Part 3 Program Information-supplementCancer Chemoth Rep 3Cancer Clinical TrialsCancer Clin TrialsCancer Communications Cancer Commun:Cancer Cytogenetics: Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolCancer CytopathologyCancer CytopatholCancer Detection and PreventionCancer Detect PrevCancer Discovery Cancer DiscovCancer Drug Delivery Canc Drug Del%Cancer Drug Discovery and DevelopmentCanc Drug Disc Dev%Cancer Drug Discovery and DevelopmentCancer Drug Discov DCancer EpidemiologyCancer Epidemiol+Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & PreventionCancer Epidem Biomar(Cancer Etiology Diagnosis and TreatmentsCancer Etiol Diagn T,Cancer Gene Profiling: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Cancer Genes Pez Fdn SymCancer Gene TherapyAdv Exp Med BiolCancer Gene TherapyCancer Gene TherCancer GeneticsCancer Genet-ny Cancer Genetics and CytogeneticsCancer Genet CytogenCancer Genetics-bkCancer Treat ResCancer Genetics-seriesCancer Genet-serCancer Genomics & ProteomicsCancer Genom ProteomCancer Growth and ProgressionCancer Grow Prog-dorCancer ImagingCancer Imaging#Cancer Immunology and ImmunotherapyCurr Top MicrobiolCancer Immunology ImmunotherapyCancer Immunol Immun Cancer in The First Year of Life Contr OncolCancer Investigation Cancer InvestCancer JournalCancer JCancer Journal - FranceCancer J - France'Cancer Journal From Scientific AmericanCancer J Sci AmCancer Letters Cancer Lett`Cancer Management in Man: Chemotherapy, Biological Therapy, Hyperthermia and Supporting MeasuresCancer Grow Prog-dorKCancer Metastasis and The Lymphovascular System: Basis for Rational Therapy Canc Treat'Cancer Metastasis Biology and TreatmentCancer Metast Biol T,Cancer Nanotechnology: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolCancer Nursing Cancer NursCancer Practice Cancer PractCancer PreventionAnn Ny Acad SciCancer Prevention IiRecent Res CancerACancer Prevention: Novel Nutrient and Pharmaceutical DevelopmentsAnn Ny Acad SciCancer Prevention ResearchCancer Prev ResCancer RadiotherapieCancer RadiotherCancer Research Cancer Res!Cancer Research Therapy & ControlCancer Res Ther ContCancer Science Cancer Sci Cancers of The Skin, ProceedingsRecent Res CancerCancer Stem CellsCancer Etiol Diagn T(Cancer Stem Cells: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolACancer Stem Cells: Novel Concepts and Prospects for Tumor TherapyErnst Schering FoundCancer Surveys Cancer SurvTCancer Survivorship Research and Education: Late Effects On Normal Tissues, Cured IiMed Radiol Rad Oncol,Cancer Susceptibility: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolCancer Systems BiologyCh Crc Math Comp BioCancer Treatment and Research Canc TreatCancer Treatment and ResearchCancer Treat ResCancer Treatment ReportsCancer Treat RepCancer Treatment ReviewsCancer Treat RevCancer VaccinesAnn Ny Acad Sci$Can Crystal Structures Be Predicted? Nova Act LcCandida and Candidamycosis Fems Symp Candollea CandolleaCanine Practice Canine Pract'Can Institutions Have Responsibilities? Global Issues;Can Livestock Be Used As A Tool to Enhance Wildlife Habitat Usda Rocky[Cannibalizing The Colony: Cinematic Adaptations of Colonial Literature in Mexico and BrazilPurdue Stud Roman LiHCanon and Beyond: Edvard Fazer and The Imperial Russian Ballet 1908-1910Suom Tiedeakat ToimECanonical Debate Today: Crossing Disciplinary and Cultural BoundariesInt Forsch Allg VglCanon Law Monograph SeriesCanon Law Monogr SMCan Schools Save Indigenous Languages: Policy and Practice On Four ContinentsPalg Stud Minor Lang/Can The Japanese Change Their Education System?Ox Stud Comp EducFCan The World Be Governed: Possibilities for Effective Multilateralism Stud Int GovKCan Unlike Students Learn Together? Grade Retention, Tracking, and GroupingRes Educ Product*Capacitors: Theory, Types and ApplicationsElectr Eng DevZCapacity Options for Revenue Management: Theory and Applications in The Air Cargo IndustryLect Notes Econ MathLCapacity Reservation for Capital-intensive Technologies: An Options ApproachLect Notes Econ MathCapd - A Decade of ExperienceContrib Nephrol2Capd : Host Defence, Nutrition and UltrafiltrationContrib Nephrol/Cape Workshop On Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables Astr Soc P.Capillary Functions and White Cell InteractionProgr Appl MicrCapillary SurfacesSpringer Tr Mod PhysCap-independent TranslationCurr Top Microbiol/Capital As Power: A Study of Order and CreorderRipe Ser Glob Polit)Capital, Exploitation and Economic CrisisRoutl Front Polit Ec(Capital Flows and The Emerging Economies Nber Conf R CapitalismRoutl Front Polit EcCapitalismes A L'est Coll Gr Deb"Capitalism in Contrasting Cultures De Gruy St2Capitalism, Institutions, and Economic DevelopmentRoutl Front Polit EcCapitalism in The East Coll Gr DebCapitalisms Compared Comp Soc Res3Capitalism, Socialism and Radical Political EconomyNew Dir Mod Econ8Capital Markets, Globalization, and Economic DevelopmentInnov Financ MarketCapital Needs of Central BanksRoutl Int Stud Money'Capital, Time and Transitional DynamicsRoutl Stud Hist EconCapitol Studies Capitol StudDCaptive of The Dawn: The Life and Work of Peretz Markish (1895-1952) Stud YiddishCapture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Aip Conf Proc1Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics Aip Conf Proc'Capturing and Reporting Electronic Data Acs Sym Ser$Car '96: Computer Assisted Radiology Int Congr Ser1Car '97 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Int Congr Ser1Car '98 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Int Congr Ser&Carabid Beetles: Ecology and Evolution Series Entom7Caravelle-cahiers Du Monde Hispanique Et Luso-bresilien CaravelleCarbohydrate Antigens Acs Sym SerCarbohydrate BioengineeringProgr Biotechnol9Carbohydrate Bioengineering: Interdisciplinary Approaches Roy Soc ChCarbohydrate Drug Design Acs Sym Ser0Carbohydrate Expression in The Intestinal MucosaAdv Anat Embryol Cel6Carbohydrate Histochemistry of Vertebrate Taste OrgansProg Histochem Cytoc0Carbohydrate Modifications in Antisense Research Acs Sym SerCarbohydrate PolymersCarbohyd Polym-Carbohydrate Recognition in Cellular Function Ciba F SympCarbohydrate Research Carbohyd Res'Carbohydrates and Carbohydrate Polymers Front BiomZCarbohydrates in Sustainable Development Ii: A Mine for Functional Molecules and Materials Top Curr Chem_Carbohydrates in Sustainable Development I: Renewable Resources for Chemistry and Biotechnology Top Curr ChembCarbohydrate Synthons in Natural Products Chemistry: Synthesis, Functionalization and Applications Acs Sym SerCarbonCarbonECarbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global SynthesisGlob Change Igbp SerMCarbon and Oxide Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation and ApplicationsAdv Struct MatCarbonate Additions to CementAm Soc Test MaterCarbonate Fuel Cell Technology Elec Soc S7Carbonate Platform Systems: Components and InteractionsGeol Soc Spec PublCarbonates and EvaporitesCarbonate EvaporiteCarbonate Sequence Stratigraphy Aapg MemoirACarbonate Systems During The Oligocene-miocene Climate TransitionSpec Publ Int Ass SeCarbon Based NanomaterialsMater Sci Found)Carbon Capture: Sequestration and StorageIss Environ Sci Tech$Carbon Cycling in Northern PeatlandsGeophys Monogr Ser4Carbon Dioxide Utilization for Global SustainabilityStud Surf Sci Catal&Carbon Fibers Filaments and CompositesNato Adv Sci I C-mat3Carbon in The Galaxy : Studies From Earth and Space Nasa Conf PFCarbon Management in Tourism: Mitigating The Impacts On Climate ChangeRout Int Ser Tour Bu&Carbon Materials-chemistry and PhysicsCarbon Mater-chem Ph5Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean Energy Hydrogen SystemsNato Sci Peace Secur:Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean Energy Hydrogen Systems - IiNato Sci Peace SecurCarbon NanostructuresCarbon NanostructCarbon Nanotube ElectronicsIntegr Circuit SystCarbon Nanotubes Top Appl Phys'Carbon Nanotubes and Associated DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Carbon Nanotubes and Associated Devices Proc Spie,Carbon Nanotubes for Biomedical ApplicationsCarbon Nanostruct7Carbon Nanotubes: From Basic Research to NanotechnologyNato Sci Ser Ii Math7Carbon Nanotubes: From Basic Research to NanotechnologyNato Sci Ser Ii-math6Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, and Associated Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, and Associated Devices Iii Proc Spie'Carbon Nanotubes: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol@Carbon Offsets: Examining Their Role in Greenhouse Gas ReductionClim Chang Cause Eff:Carbon Partitioning and Source-sink Interactions in Plants Cur Top Pl2Carbon Partitioning : Within and Between Organisms Env Plant BCarbon Rich Compounds I Top Curr ChemCarbon Rich Compounds Ii Top Curr Chem9Carbons and Carbon-supported Catalysts in Hydroprocessing Rsc Catal Ser<Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in The Global Carbon CycleGeophys Monogr Ser3Carbon Sequestration: Methods, Modeling and ImpactsClim Chang Cause EffLCarbon Sinks and Climate Change: Forests in The Fight Against Global Warming Adv Ecol Econ@Carbon: The Future Material for Advanced Technology Applications Top Appl PhysCarcinogenesisCarcinogenesis5Carcinogenesis Bioassays and Protecting Public HealthAnn Ny Acad SciCarcinogenicity and Pesticides Acs Sym Ser/Cardiac Arrhythmias, Pacing & ElectrophysiologyDev Cardiovasc MedCardiac Bioassist Bakken ResCardiac Drug TherapyContemp Cardiol5Cardiac Electrophysiology, Circulation, and TransportDev Cardiovasc Med5Cardiac Energetics: From Emax to Pressure-volume AreaDev Cardiovasc MedCCardiac Engineering: From Genes and Cells to Structure and FunctionAnn Ny Acad SciCardiac Growth and RegenerationAnn Ny Acad Sci+Cardiac Imaging : X-ray, Mr, and Ultrasound Int Congr SerCardiac RehabilitationCardiol Res Clin DevCardiac RehabilitationContemp CardiolCardiac Rehabilitation in WomenCardiol Res Clin DevCardiac Remodeling and FailureProg Exp CardiolGCardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of ContractilityAnn Ny Acad SciCardiac Surgery Card SurgCardiac Surgery: Current Issues Card Surg!Cardiac Surgery: Current Issues 4 Card SurgICardiff: Architecture and Archaeology in The Medieval Diocese of LlandaffBrit Archaeol AssocBCardinal Numerals: Old English From A Cross-linguistic PerspectiveTop Engl Linguist Cardio-aortic and Aortic SurgeryKeio U Int Symp Life Cardiologia Cardiologia Cardiology CardiologyCardiology Clinics Cardiol ClinCardiology in Review Cardiol RevCardiology in The Elderly Cardiol ElderCardiology in The Young Cardiol YoungCardiology Journal Cardiol J-Cardiology Research and Clinical DevelopmentsCardiol Res Clin DevCardiomyoplasty Bakken ResCardiorenal DiseaseContrib Nephrol&Cardiorenal Syndromes in Critical CareContrib Nephrol Cardioscience CardioscienceCardiostim Monograph Series Cardios MonCardio-thoracic Surgery Int Congr Ser+Cardiovascular and Interventional RadiologyCardiovasc Inter Rad,Cardiovascular and Renal Actions of Dopamine Adv BiosciFCardiovascular and Respiratory Systems: Modeling, Analysis and ControlFront Appl MathCardiovascular DiabetologyCardiovasc DiabetolGCardiovascular Diabetology: Clinical, Metabolic and Inflammatory Facets Adv CardiolCardiovascular Disease 2 Gwumc Dept8Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone ContraceptionWho Tech Rep Ser"Cardiovascular Disease in DiabetesDev Cardiovasc Med6Cardiovascular Disease in Racial and Ethnic MinoritiesContemp Cardiol;Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: New Areas for ResearchWho Tech Rep SerCardiovascular DiseasesCardiovasc Dis(Cardiovascular Disorders in HemodialysisContrib NephrolCardiovascular Drug ReviewsCardiovasc Drug Rev Cardiovascular Drugs and TherapyCardiovasc Drug Ther9Cardiovascular Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract (egb 761) Adv GinkgoCardiovascular EndocrinologyContemp Endocrinol SCardiovascular EngineeringCardiovasc EngSCardiovascular Flow Modelling and Measurement With Application to Clinical Medicine Inst Math CCardiovascular Fluid Mechanics Cism Cour LCardiovascular Fluid MechanicsCism Courses LectCardiovascular Gap Junctions Adv Cardiol.Cardiovascular Genomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol8Cardiovascular Genomics: New Pathophysiological ConceptsDev Cardiovasc Med$Cardiovascular Imaging By UltrasoundDev Cardiovasc Med Cardiovascular Journal of AfricaCardiovasc J Afr)Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance ImagingContemp CardiolMCardiovascular Mathematics: Modeling and Simulation of The Circulatory SystemMs A Mod SimulCardiovascular MedicineCardiovasc MedCardiovascular MriContemp CardiolCardiovascular PathologyCardiovasc Pathol0Cardiovascular Pharmacology: Endothelial Control Adv Pharmacol2Cardiovascular Pharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamineDev Cardiovasc MedCardiovascular RadiologyCardiovasc RadiolCardiovascular ResearchCardiovasc Res'Cardiovascular Research Center BulletinCardiovasc Res Ctr BCardiovascular Risk FactorsCardiovasc Risk FactVCardiovascular Signals in Diabetes Mellitus: A New Tool to Detect Autonomic NeuropathyCardiol Res Clin DevCardiovascular SurgeryCardiovasc SurgCardiovascular TherapeuticsCardiovasc Ther%Cardiovascular Therapy and PreventionCardiovasc Ther PrevCardiovascular ToxicologyCardiovasc ToxicolCardiovascular UltrasoundCardiovasc Ultrasoun,Care, Concern and Cure in Perinatal MedicineI C S SCareer DevelopmentEduc Compet Glob Wor6Career Development in Bioengineering and BiotechnologySer Biomed Eng Career Development InternationalCareer Dev Int!Career Development in The SchoolsRes Career DevCareer Development Quarterly Career Dev QRCareers of University Graduates: Views and Experiences in Comparative PerspectivesHigh Educ Dynam=Care for Major Health Problems and Population Health ConcernsRes Sociol Health Ca#Caregiving-research Practice PolicyCaregiving-res Pract0Caregiving Systems : Informal and Formal Helpers Soc StructCargo Inspection TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsSCari'96 - Proceedings of The 3rd African Conference On Research in Computer Science Colloq Semi6Caribbean Economic Policy and South-south Co-operationWarw Univ Carib StCaribbean Journal of Science Caribb J Sci(Caribbean Meetings On Biological Control Colloq InraCaribbean Series Carib Ser6Caribbean-south American Plate Interactions, VenezuelaGeol Soc Am Spec PapCaribbean StudiesCaribbean StudCaries Research Caries ResCaritasCaritasCarleton Library Series Carl Lib S!Carleton Womens Experience Series Carl Wom ExCarl G Hempel Lecture SeriesCarl G Hemp Lect Ser!Carlsberg Research CommunicationsCarlsberg Res CommunCarmelite Studies Carmelit StudCarmen: From Silent Film to Mtv Crit Stud*Carnahan Conference On Security Technology Car C SecurWCarnal Inscriptions: Spanish American Narratives of Corporeal Difference and DisabilityNew Concepts Lat Am$Carnation Nutrition Education Series Carnation N*Carnegie Institute of Washington Year BookCarnegie I Wash%Carnegie Mellon Symposia On Cognition Carn S Cogn5Carnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public PolicyCarn Roch Conf SerienCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy : A Biannual Conference Proceedings, Vol 35, Autumn 1991Carn Roch Conf SerieoCarnegie - Rochester Conference Series On Public Policy : A Bi-annual Conference Proceedings, Vol 36, July 1992Carn Roch Conf Serie=Carnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 34Carn Roch Conf SerieHCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 40, June 1994Carn Roch Conf SerieLCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 43, December 1995Carn Roch Conf SerieHCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 44, June 1996Carn Roch Conf SerieMCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol. 45, December 1996Carn Roch Conf SerieHCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 46, June 1997Carn Roch Conf SerieCCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 47, 1997Carn Roch Conf Serie=Carnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 48Carn Roch Conf SerieOCarnegie - Rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 49 - December 1998Carn Roch Conf SerieHCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 50, June 1999Carn Roch Conf SerieLCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 51, December 1999Carn Roch Conf SerieHCarnegie-rochester Conference Series On Public Policy, Vol 52, June 2000Carn Roch Conf SerieCarnets De Geologie Carnets Geol@Carnitine: The Science Behind A Conditionally Essential NutrientAnn Ny Acad Sci Carnivore CarnivoreCarnivore ConservationConserv Biol SerCarola ProsperiCslip Guido Gozzano4Carolina International Symposium On Neutrino PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser"Carolina Lowcountry Atlantic WorldCarol Lowcount AtlCarolina QuarterlyCarolina QuartCarotenoids in Human HealthAnn Ny Acad SciCarotenoids SeriesCarotenoids SerCarotenoids, Vol 5Carotenoids Ser#Carotid Artery Stenting: The BasicsContemp Cardiol6Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesCarpath J Earth Env!Carpathian Journal of MathematicsCarpathian J Math"Carriage of Dangerous Goods By SeaHamb Stud Marit AffFCarrier and Bioreactor Red Blood Cells for Drug Delivery and Targeting Adv Biosci2Cars 2000: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Int Congr Ser2Cars 2001: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Int Congr Ser?Cars 2003: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Proceedings Int Congr Ser?Cars 2004: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Proceedings Int Congr Ser2Cars 2005: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Int Congr Ser1Cars '99: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Int Congr SerACar Safety 2007: Innovative Occupant and Partner Crash Protection VDI BerichtCarter Lecture SeriesCarter Lecture SerBCartesian Impedance Control of Redundant and Flexible-joint RobotsSpringer Trac Adv Ro;Cartographic Design: Theoretical and Practical PerspectivesInt W Geogr SerCartographic Journal Cartogr JDCartographies of The Mind: Philosophy and Psychology in IntersectionStud Brain Mind.Cartography and Geographic Information ScienceCartogr Geogr Inf Sc.Cartography and Geographic Information SystemsCartogr Geogr Inform Caryologia CaryologiaKCas: 2009 International Semiconductor Conference, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt Semiconduct Con Casabella CasabellaCasa De Las Americas Casa AmericasCasafa Report Series Casafa RepCasa Monographs Casa MonogrICas - Cern Accelerator School - Cyclotrons, Linacs and Their Applications Cern ReportOCas - Cern Accelerator School, Fifth Advanced Accelerator Physics Course, Vol 1 Cern ReportJCas - Cern Accelerator School : Fourth Advanced Accelerator Physics Course Cern ReportBCas - Cern Accelerator School - Magnetic Measurement and Alignment Cern ReportKC A S Cern Accelerator School : Power Converters for Particles Accelerators Cern ReportVCas - Cern Accelerator School: Superconductivity in Particle Accelerators, Proceedings Cern ReportNC A S Cern Accelerator School : Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers Cern ReportGC A S Cern Accelerator School Third Advanced Accelerator Physics Course Cern Report<Cascom: Intelligent Service Coordination in The Semantic WebWhitestein Ser Softw@Case and Linking in Language Comprehension: Evidence From GermanStud Theor Psycholin6Case Based Design: Applications in Process EngineeringStud Comput Intell*Case-based Reasoning On Images and SignalsStud Comput Intell-Case-based Reasoning Research and DevelopmentLect Notes Artif IntpCase-based Reasoning Research and Development, 18th International Conference On Case-based Reasoning, Iccbr 2010Lect Notes Artif Int:Case-based Reasoning Research and Development, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int:Case-based Reasoning Research and Development, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Casebook of Ethical Challenges in NeuropsychologyStud Neuropsych Dev4Case-by-case Privatization in The Russian Federation World B Dis+Cased-based Guide to Clinical EndocrinologyContemp Endocrinol S:Case for Mars 111 : Strategies for Exploration - TechnicalSci Tech7Case for Mars Vi: Making Mars An Affordable DestinationSci TechECase for Multinational Federalism: Beyond The All-encompassing NationRoutl Ser Fed Stud*Cases and Strategies for Preventive ActionPrevent Action RepCases in Holistic Ministry Cas Hol MinHCases 'n' Places: Global Cases in Educational and Performance TechnologyEduc Des Tech Know"Case Studies for Fatigue EducationAm Soc Test Mater9Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology, Second EditionInterd Contrib Arch:Case Studies in Food Engineering: Learning From Experience Food Eng Ser(Case Studies in Food Product DevelopmentWoodhead Food Ser^Case Studies in Language Curriculum Design: Concepts and Approaches in Action Around The WorldEsl Appl Ling ProfrCase Studies in Novel Food Processing Technologies: Innovations in Processing, Packaging, and Predictive ModellingWoodhead Publ Food S3Case Studies in Participatory Irrigation ManagementWbi Learn Resour Ser1Case Western Reserve Journal of International LawCase West R J Int LC A S I Transactions C A S I Trans:Casi Transactions-canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Casi Trans`Casl Reference Manual: The Complete Documentation of The Common Algebraic Specification LanguageLect Notes Comput ScCasl User ManualLect Notes Comput Sc Cas Papers Cas Paper/Caspian Sea: A Quest for Environmental Security Nato Asi 2bCass'98: Proceedings of The 43rd Annual Corporate Aviation Safety Seminar - Safety Outside The BoxP Corp Aviat Saf SemCassell Education Series Cassell Ed3Cassini/huygens: A Mission to The Saturnian SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Cassius Dio Und Die Romische RepublikBeitr AltertumskundeCass Military Studies Cass Mil StudCass Military StudiesCass Military Studie$Cass Series-naval Policy and HistoryCass Ser Nav Pol His$Cass Series-naval Policy and HistoryCass Ser Nav PolicyCass Series On PeacekeepingCass Ser Peacekeepin!Cass Series On Political ViolenceCass Ser Polit Viole%Cass Series : Studies in IntelligenceCass Ser Stud IntellCastaneaCastanea+C(asterisk)-algebras and Elliptic Theory Ii Trends MathMCasting Technology in Engine Design - Requirements in The Automotive Industry VDI BerichtCataclysmic VariablesAstrophys Space Sc L)Cataclysmic Variables and Related ObjectsAstrophys Space Sc LCatalan's Conjecture Universitext+Catalan Studies: Translations and Criticism Catalan StudCatalogue and Its UsersActa Bibl Upsal$Catalysis and Adsorption By ZeolitesStud Surf Sci Catal-Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control IiStud Surf Sci Catal.Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control IiiStud Surf Sci Catal-Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control IvStud Surf Sci Catal-Catalysis: An Integrated Approach, Second Ed.Stud Surf Sci CatalCatalysis By Metal ComplexesCatal Met ComplexesCatalysis By Metals and AlloysStud Surf Sci Catal"Catalysis By Microporous MaterialsStud Surf Sci CatalWCatalysis By Unique Metal Ion Structures in Solid Matrices: From Science to ApplicationNato Sci Ser Ii MathWCatalysis By Unique Metal Ion Structures in Solid Matrices: From Science to ApplicationNato Sci Ser Ii-mathCatalysis Communications Catal CommunCatalysis in Polymer Synthesis Acs Sym Ser5Catalysis in The Refining of Fischer-tropsch Syncrude Rsc Catal SerCatalysis Letters Catal LettCatalysis of Organic Reactions Chem Ind-serCatalysis of Organic Reactions Chem Indust Catalysis of Organic Reactions / Chem IndustCatalysis Reviews Cataly Rev)Catalysis Reviews-science and Engineering Catal RevCatalysis Science & TechnologyCatal Sci TechnolCatalysis Surveys From AsiaCatal Surv AsiaCatalysis Surveys From JapanCatal Surv JpnCatalysis Today Catal TodayCatalysis, Vol 18 Spr-catalCatalysis, Vol 19 Spr-catalCatalysis, Vol 20 Spr-catalCatalysis, Vol 21 Spr-catalCatalyst Deactivation 1991Stud Surf Sci CatalCatalyst Deactivation 1994Stud Surf Sci CatalCatalyst Deactivation 1997Stud Surf Sci CatalCatalyst Deactivation 1999Stud Surf Sci Catal'Catalyst Deactivation 2001, ProceedingsStud Surf Sci Catal+Catalyst Design for Tailor-made PolyolefinsStud Surf Sci Catal,Catalyst for Upgrading Heavy Petroleum FeedsStud Surf Sci Catal$Catalysts in Petroleum Refining 1989Stud Surf Sci CatalACatalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Industries 1995Stud Surf Sci Catal;Catalytic Activation and Functionalisation of Light AlkanesNato Asi 3 High TechCatalytic Antibodies Chem ImmunolCatalytic Antibodies Ciba F Symp!Catalytic Carbonylation ReactionsTop Organometal Chem"Catalytic Control of Air Pollution Acs Sym Ser6Catalytic Hydroprocessing of Petroleum and Distillates Chem Indust5Catalytic Microreactors for Portable Power GenerationSpringer Theses-reco Catalytic Science and Technology Cat Sci Tec'Catalytic Science and Technology, Vol 1 Cat Sci TecCatalytic Selective Oxidation Acs Sym Ser-Cataract and Refractive Surgery: Progress IiiEssent OphthalmolCataract EpidemiologyDev OphthalmolQCataract Pathogenesis: Results of Epidemiological Studies and Experimental ModelsDev Ophthalmol(Cataracts: Causes, Symptoms, and SurgeryEye Vis Res Dev5Catastrophe Modeling: A New Approach to Managing RiskHuebner Int Ser Risk<Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond Geol S Am S<Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and BeyondGeol Soc Am Spec Pap&Catatonia in Autism Spectrum DisordersInt Rev Neurobiol2Catch and Release in Marine Recreational Fisheries Am Fish S S<Catching Language: The Standing Challenge of Grammar WritingTrends Linguist-studQCatching The Perfect Wave: Adaptive Optics and Interferometry in The 21st Century Astr Soc PdCatchment2coast: A Systems Approach to Coupled River-coastal Ecosystem Science and Management, Vol 2Deltares Sel SerDCatecholamine Research: From Molecular Insights to Clinical MedicineAdv Behav Biol:Categorical Decomposition Techniques in Algebraic Topology Prog MathCategorical Perspectives Trends Math8Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics Contemp MathCategories in UsePsychol Learn Motiv%Categorization By Humans and MachinesPsychol Learn MotivCategory TheoryLect Notes Math'Category Theory and Computer Science //Lect Notes Comput ScCatenaCatenaCatena Supplement Catena SuppBCatfish 2000: Proceedings of The International Ictalurid Symposium Am Fish S S-Catheter-based Sensing and Imaging TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Catheterization and Cardiovascular DiagnosisCatheter Cardio Diag0Catheterization and Cardiovascular InterventionsCatheter Cardio Inte%Catheters in Cardiology and Angiology Erg Exp Med;Cathodic Arcs: From Fractal Spots to Energetic CondensationSpringer Ser Atom OpCatholic Biblical QuarterlyCath Biblical QuartPCatholic Higher Education in The 1960s: Issues of Identity, Issues of GovernanceRes Relig EducCatholic Historical ReviewCathol Hist Rev`Catholicism and Catholicity: Eucharistic Communities in Historical and Contemporary PerspectivesDirect Mod Theol SerFCatholicism in Modern Italy: Religion, Society and Politics Since 1861Christ Soc Mod WorldCatholic School JournalCathol School JCatholic Studies in BioethicsCathol Stud BioethicCatholic University Law ReviewCathol U Law Rev)Catholic University of America Law ReviewCathol U Law RevCatholic Woman P Wethers ICatholic Writer P Wethers ICationic Polymerization Acs Sym Ser Cato JournalCato JCattechCattech Cattle in The Mediterranean Area Eaap PublicCattle Practice Cattle PractCatullus and SirmioGrafostorie P D6Caucasus Region Political Economic and Security IssuesCaucas Reg Polit Ec$Cauchy Problem in General RelativityEsi Lect Math PhysCauchy's Cours D'analyseSourc Stud Hist MathCausal CognitionSymp Syssen FdnKCausality and Causal Modelling in The Social Sciences: Measuring Variations Methods Ser(Causality and Locality in Modern Physics Fund Theor(Causality and Locality in Modern PhysicsFund Theor Phys7Causality, Meaningful Complexity and Embodied CognitionTheory Decis Lib ACausal LearningPsychol Learn MotivCausation and Laws of Nature Aust S HistCausation and Laws of NatureRout Stud Contemp PhCausation and Modern PhilosophyRoutl Adv Hist Philo(Causation and Prevention of Human Cancer Dev Oncol:Causation, Coherence, and Concepts: A Collection of EssaysBost Stud Philos SciBCause 93 - Managing Information Technology As A Catalyst of Change P Cause Ann+Cause 94 - New Opportunities for Partnering P Cause AnnbCause 95 - Realizing The Potential of Information Resources: Information, Technology, and Services P Cause AnnCause National Conf Cause Nat C=Causes and Consequences of Accelerating Tree Growth in EuropeEur Forest Inst Proc1Causes and Consequences of International ConflictContemp Secur StudCave Biology: Life in DarknessEcol Biodivers Cons_Cbbi-10: Proceedings of The 10th International Workshop On Ceramic Breeder Blanket InteractionsFzka Tech Umw Wis BCbe-life Sciences EducationCbe-life Sci EducFCbm Physics Book: Compressed Baryonic Matter in Laboratory ExperimentsLect Notes PhysMCbms 2003: 16th Ieee Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems, Proceedings Comp Med Sy:Cbms-nsf Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics Cbms-nsf MaCbs Laboratory Manual SeriesCbs Lab Manual SerCcamlr Science Ccamlr SciVCcc 2006: Twenty-first Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf Comput!Ccd Precision Photometry Workshop Astr Soc P2Ccgt Plant Components: Development and Reliability Imeche SemCch Working Papers Cch Work PapECcnc: 2005 2nd Ieee Consumer Communications and Networking ConferenceConsum Comm Network Ccte Studies Ccte Stud$Ccte Studies, Vol 54, September 1989 Ccte StudCcte Studies, Vol 55 Ccte StudCcte Studies, Vol 56 Ccte StudCcte Studies, Vol 60, 1995 Ccte Stud$Ccte Studies, Vol 61, September 1996 Ccte Stud$Ccte Studies, Vol 62, September 1997 Ccte StudCcte Studies, Vol 63, 1998 Ccte Stud!Cd14 in The Inflammatory Response Chem Immunol Cd4 MoleculeCurr Top MicrobiolPCd4-pluscd25-plus Regulatory T Cells: Origin, Function and Therapeutic PotentialCurr Top Microbiol&Cd5 B Cells in Development and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad ScigCddea '06: Proceedings of The Conference On Differential and Difference Equations and Applications 2006Tatra Mt Math PublCdiac Communications Cdiac CommunCdma Radio With RepeatersInform Tech Trans Pr(Cdna Libraries: Methods and ApplicationsMethods Mol Biol%Cdna Preparation and CharacterizationMethod EnzymolCd-rom Professional Cd-rom ProffCea'09: Proceedings of The 3rd Wseas International Conference On Computer Engineering and Applications Ele Com Eng Cea Critic Cea CriticCebaf 1992 Summer Workshop Aip Conf ProcRCec'02: Proceedings of The 2002 Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1 and 2Ieee C Evol ComputatECec: 2003 Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsIeee C Evol ComputatSCec2004: Proceedings of The 2004 Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1 and 2Ieee C Evol ComputatCedefop Document Cedefop DocCefaclor : Into The Next DecadeRoy Soc Med Int CongVCeidp: 2009 Annual Report Conference On Electrical Insulation and Dielectric PhenomenaC Elect Insul Diel P Celebrating Ethnicity and NationEur Stud Amer HistCelebrating Minority Professionals in Forestry and Natural Resources Conservation: Proceedings of The Symposium On The Tenth Anniversary of The 2 + 2 Joint Degree Program in Forestry and Natural Resources Conservation Usda So For4Celebration of The Mathematical Legacy of Raoul BottCrm Proc & Lect Note;Celebrity and Glamour in Contemporary Russia: Shocking ChicBasees-rout Ser RussCelestial MechanicsCelestial Mech)Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical AstronomyCelest Mech Dyn AstrCellCell.Cell Activation and Apoptosis in Hiv InfectionAdv Exp Med BiolCell Adhesion and CommunicationCell Adhes CommunCell Adhesion and Human Disease Ciba F SympCell Adhesion Molecules Pez Fdn Sym-Cell Adhesion Molecules in Health and Disease Falk SympHCell and Biotissue Optics: Applications in Laser Diagnostics and TherapyP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Cell and Molecular Biology of Artemia DevelopmentNato Adv Sci I A-liflCell and Molecular Biology of Pancreatic Carcinoma: Recent Developments in Research and Experimental TherapyAnn Ny Acad Sci(Cell and Molecular Biology of The TestisFront Endocrinol,Cell and Molecular Biology of Wood FormationExptl Biol RevCell and Tissue BankingCell Tissue BankCell and Tissue KineticsCell Tissue KinetCell and Tissue ResearchCell Tissue Res2Cell-based Biosensors: Principles and Applications Eng Med Biol-Cell-based Microarrays: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol&Cell Behaviour : Adhesion and MotilitySym Soc Exp Biol1Cell Behaviour: Control and Mechanism of MotilityBiochem Soc Symp Cell Biochemistry and BiophysicsCell Biochem BiophysCell Biochemistry and FunctionCell Biochem FunctCCell Biological Applications of Confocal Microscopy, Second EditionMethod Cell Biol-Cell Biology and Membrane Transport ProcessesCurr Top Membr$Cell Biology and Pathology of Myelin Altschul SyCell Biology and ToxicologyCell Biol ToxicolCell Biology International Cell Biol Int"Cell Biology International ReportsCell Biol Int Rep.Cell Biology of Inositol Lipids and PhosphatesBiochem Soc Symp$Cell Biology of Metals and NutrientsPlant Cell Monogr+Cell Biology of Plant and Fungal Tip GrowthNato Sci Ser I LifeCell Biology of Secretion G Symp EndoCell Biology of Stem CellsAdv Exp Med BiolCell Biology of The AxonResults Probl Cell DCell Biology Research ProgressCell Bio Res ProgCell Biology Reviews Cell Biol RevCell Biophysics Cell Biophys Cell Calcium Cell Calcium?Cell-cell Interactions in The Release of Inflammatory MediatorsAdv Exp Med BiolCell Communication and AdhesionCell Commun Adhes Cell Communication and SignalingCell Commun SignalCell Culture EngineeringAdv Biochem Eng BiotCell Culture Techniques Neuromethods Cell Cycle Cell Cycle Cell Cycle Cold Sh Q BCell Cycle and DevelopmentNovart Fdn SympCell Cycle ControlMethod EnzymolCell Cycle ControlMethods Enzymol!Cell Cycle Deregulation in CancerContemp Cancer ResCell Cycle in DevelopmentResults Probl Cell DCell Cycle RegulationN Hor Th Sk&b Ph Us:Cell Cycle: Regulators, Targets, and Clinical Applications Gwumc Dept1Cell Cycle Synchronization: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolCell Death & DiseaseCell Death DisCell Death and DifferentiationCell Death Differ'Cell Determination During HematopoiesisCell Bio Res ProgCell DifferentiationCell Differ Dev$Cell Differentiation and DevelopmentCell Differ Dev Cell DivisionCell Div/Cell Division: Theory, Variants and DegradationCell Bio Res ProgCell EngineeringCell EngCell Engineering (series) Cell Engn SerCell Engineering, Vol 1 Cell Engn Ser.Cell Engineering, Vol 6: Cell Line DevelopmentCell Eng;Cell Engineering, Vol 7: Antibody Expression and ProductionCell Eng#Cell Entry By Non-enveloped VirusesCurr Top Microbiol3Cell-free Protein Production: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol<Cell Fusion in Health and Disease Ii: Cell Fusion in DiseaseAdv Exp Med BiolCell Growth & DifferentiationCell Growth DifferCell Host & MicrobeCell Host Microbe.Cell Injury: Mechanisms, Responses, and RepairAnn Ny Acad Sci Cell JournalCell JCell Lineages in DevelopmentAnn Ny Acad Sci Cell LipidsCurr Top MembrCell MechanicsMethod Cell Biol"Cell Membranes-methods and ReviewsCell Membr Meth RevCell Metabolism Cell MetabCCell Migration: Developmental Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol)Cell Migration: Signalling and MechanismsTransl Res Biomed"Cell Motility and The CytoskeletonCell Motil CytoskelCell Motility Factors Exp Suppl Cell Nucleus Cell Nucleus0Cell-penetrating Peptides: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolCell Preservation TechnologyCell Preserv TechnolCell ProliferationCell ProliferatCell Regulation Cell Regul Cell ResearchCell Res@Cell Respiration and Cell Survival: Processes, Types and EffectsCell Bio Res Prog(Cells and Cytokines in Lung InflammationAnn Ny Acad SciCells and Materials Cell MaterACell Separation: Fundamentals, Analytical and Preparative MethodsAdv Biochem Eng Biot&Cell Separation Science and Technology Acs Sym SerECell Signaling, Transcription, and Translation As Therapeutic TargetsAnn Ny Acad Sci=Cell Signalling : Biology and Medicine of Signal TransductionAdv Sec Mess Phosph)Cell Signalling : Experimental Strategies Meth Surv ICell Stem CellCell Stem CellCells Tissues OrgansCells Tissues OrgansCell Stress & ChaperonesCell Stress ChaperonCell Structure and FunctionCell Struct Funct8Cell-surface Aminopeptidases: Basic and Clinical Aspects Int Congr SerCell Surface ProteasesCurr Top Dev BiolCell Surface ReceptorsAdv Protein ChemCell Surface Reviews Cell Surf Rev Cell TherapyKeio Univ Symp LifeCell TransplantationCell TransplantCellular Adhesion N Horiz Th$Cellular & Molecular Biology LettersCell Mol Biol Lett%Cellular & Molecular Biology ResearchCell Mol Biol ResCellular & Molecular ImmunologyCell Mol Immunol6Cellular and Biomolecular Mechancis and MechanobiologyStud Mechanobiol Tis1Cellular and Cytokine Networks in Tissue Immunity Prog Leuc B+Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Cirrhosis Colloq Inse5Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Endotoxin Reactions Int Congr Ser<Cellular and Molecular Aspects of The Plant Hormone EthyleneCurr Plant Sci Biot%Cellular and Molecular BioengineeringCell Mol BioengCellular and Molecular Biology Cell Mol BiolICellular and Molecular Biology of Normal and Abnormal Erythroid Membranes Ucla Sym Bi4Cellular and Molecular Biology of The Adrenal Cortex Colloq Inse,Cellular and Molecular Biology of The KidneyContrib Nephrol@Cellular and Molecular Biology of The Materno-fetal Relationship Colloq Inse/Cellular and Molecular Events in Spermiogenesis Sci Bas Fer$Cellular and Molecular Life SciencesCell Mol Life Sci1Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in HypertensionAdv Exp Med Biol3Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Drugs of AbuseAnn Ny Acad SciqCellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Drugs of Abuse and Neurotoxicity: Cocaine, Ghb, and Substituted AmphetaminesAnn Ny Acad ScikCellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Drugs of Abuse Ii: Cocaine, Substituted Amphetamines, Ghb, and OpiatesAnn Ny Acad Sci:Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Ischemic Brain Damage Adv Neurol#Cellular and Molecular NeurobiologyCell Mol Neurobiol<Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Sodium-calcium ExchangeAnn Ny Acad Sci:Cellular and Molecular Procedures in Developmental BiologyCurr Top Dev Biol9Cellular and Porous Materials in Structures and ProcessesCism Courses LectCellular AutomataLect Notes Comput Sc%Cellular Automata and Complex SystemsNonl Phen Compl Syst)Cellular Automata and Cooperative SystemsNato Adv Sci Inst SeCellular Automata and GroupsSpringer Monogr Math8Cellular Automata, Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks Math ApplCellular Automata, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBCellular, Biochemical, and Molecular Aspects of Reperfusion InjuryAnn Ny Acad Sci7Cellular Blood Components in Haemostasis and Thrombosis Bergamo HaeCellular Electron MicroscopyMethod Cell Biol+Cellular Engineering and Cellular Therapies Dev HematolACellular Factors Involved in Early Steps of Retroviral ReplicatonCurr Top Microbiol:Cellular Generation, Transport, and Effects of EicosanoidsAnn Ny Acad SciCellular Genetic AlgorithmsOper Res Comput Sci1Cellular Immunity and The Immunotherapy of Cancer Ucla Sym BiCellular Immunology Cell Immunol@Cellular Integration of Signalling Pathways in Plant DevelopmentNato Adv Sci I H-cel)Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory ProcessingNato Adv Sci Inst SeCellular MicrobiologyCell Microbiol@Cellular Neural Networks, Multi-scroll Chaos and SynchronizationWorld Sci Ser NonlinCellular Oncology Cell Oncol=Cellular Origin and Life in Extreme Habitats and AstrobiologyCell Origin Life Ext9Cellular Origin Life in Extreme Habitats and AstrobiologyCell Orig Life ExtreCellular Oscillatory MechanismsAdv Exp Med Biol4Cellular Peptidases in Immune Functions and DiseasesAdv Exp Med Biol6Cellular Peptidases in Immune Functions and Diseases 2Adv Exp Med Biol9Cellular Peptide Hormone Synthesis and Secretory PathwaysResults Probl Cell D$Cellular Physiology and BiochemistryCell Physiol BiochemCellular Polymers Cell Polym=Cellular Programming and Reprogramming: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol%Cellular Receptors for Animal VirusesCold Spring Harbor MCellular ReprogrammingCell ReprogramCellular Responses to StressBiochem Soc Symp!Cellular Response to BiomaterialsWoodhead Publ Mater(Cellular Signaling in Health and DiseaseBiol Med Phys BiomedCellular Signalling Cell Signal+Cellular Stress Responses in Renal DiseasesContrib Nephrol Cellulose Cellulose=Cellulose Allomorphs: Structure, Accessibility and ReactivityPolym Sci Technol Se"Cellulose Chemistry and TechnologyCell Chem TechnolFCellulose Nanocomposites: Processing, Characterization, and Properties Acs Sym SerCCellulose Solvents: for Analysis, Shaping and Chemical Modification Acs Sym Ser"Cellulose Sources and Exploitation E H S PolymDCellulose: Structure and Properties, Derivatives and Industrial UsesBiotech Agr Ind Med2Cellulosics: Pulp, Fibre and Environmental Aspects E H S PolymCell Volume and SignalingAdv Exp Med BiolCell Volume RegulationContrib NephrolCell Volume Regulation Int Congr SerCeltic LanguagesRoutl Lang Fam SerbCemaf As A Census Methods: A Proposal for A Re-designed Census and An Independent Us Census BureauSpringerbrief PopulCement & Concrete CompositesCement Concrete CompCement and Concrete ResearchCement Concrete ResCement Concrete and AggregatesCement Concrete AggrCement Wapno BetonCem Wapno Beton4Cenozoic Climate and Environmental Changes in RussiaGeol Soc Am Spec Pap,Cenozoic Volcanism in The Mediterranean AreaGeol Soc Am Spec Pap2Censorship & Cultural Regulation in The Modern Age Crit Stud:Censorship and Silencing: Practices of Cultural RegulationIssues DebatesqCensor, The Editor and The Text: The Catholic Church and The Shaping of The Jewish Canon in The Sixteenth CenturyJew Cult Context Centaurus Centaurus:Centenarians: Autonomy Versus Dependence in The Oldest OldFact Res Interv GerCentennial ReviewCentennial Rev-Center Books On Contemporary Landscape DesignCent Books Contemp(Center, Bulge, and Disk of The Milky WayAstrophys Space Sc LCenter for Business Practices Ctr Bus Pract.Center for Cognitive Science Technical Reports Ccs Tec Rep%Center for Hellenic Studies ColloquiaCtr Hell Stud Colloq:Center for Improvement of Early Reading Achievement Series Cen Im E R@Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Writing Monograph SeriesCtr Interdis Stud Wr(Center for Renaissance & Baroque StudiesCtr Ren Bar StudHCenter for Settlement Studies. Occasional Papers. University of ManitobaCent Settle Stud O PGCenter for Settlement Studies. Research Reports. University of ManitobaCent Settle Stud R R%Center for Theoretical Study Workshop Cts WorkshopCenter MagazineCent MagCenter of The GalaxyIau Symp#Central African Journal of MedicineCent Afr J Med0Central and Eastern European Development StudiesCent E Eur Dev Stud=Central and Eastern Europe: Europeanization and Social ChangeSci Po Ser Int RelatNCentral and Peripheral Significance of Neuropeptide Y and Its Related PeptidesAnn Ny Acad ScibCentral and Peripheral Sympathetic Mechanisms in Hypertension : Pathophysiological and TherapeuticRoy Soc Med Int CongCentral Asian StudiesCent Asian StudCentral Asian Studies SeriesCent Asian Stud SerCentral Asia Research ForumCent Asia Res ForumCentral Asiatic JournalCent Asiatic JCentral Bank IndependenceStockh Stud Law5Central Banking, Asset Prices and Financial FragilityRoutl Int Stud Money0Central Banking Governance in The European UnionRoutl Uaces Contemp(Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei Astr Soc PCentral EuropeCent EurVCentral European Dairying : Transfer From Centrally-planned to Market-oriented Economy Int Dairy F.Central European Functional Programming SchoolLect Notes Comput ScCentral European History Cent Eur HistECentral European History and The European Union:the Meaning of EuropeStud Cent E Eur#Central European Journal of BiologyCent Eur J Biol%Central European Journal of ChemistryCent Eur J Chem&Central European Journal of ImmunologyCent Eur J Immunol'Central European Journal of MathematicsCent Eur J Math$Central European Journal of MedicineCent Eur J Med/Central European Journal of Operations ResearchCent Eur J Oper Res/Central European Journal of Operations ResearchCent Europ J Oper Re#Central European Journal of PhysicsCent Eur J Phys)Central European Journal of Public HealthCent Eur J Publ HealCentral European NeurosurgeryCent Eur NeurosurgCentral European Studies Cent Eur Stud5Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute BulletinCent Glas Ceram ResACentralized Enforcement, Legitimacy and Good Governance in The EuRoutledge Res Eu LawACentral Kiloparsec of Starbursts and Agn: The La Palma Connection Astr Soc P5Central Neural Organization of Cardiovascular ControlProg Brain ResCentral Parsecs of The Galaxy Astr Soc PCentral States Speech JournalCent States Speech J-Centre and Periphery in The Hellenistic World St Hellen CCentre De Physique Des HouchesCtr Phys Houches4Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research-caeprCent Abor Econ PolKCentre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, Occasional Monograph SeriesCelrl Oc Mg Ser-Centre for Medicines Research Workshop Series Cmr WorkshHCentre for Research On Transportation 25th Anniversary Series: 1971-1996Ctr Res Transp 25th(Centre for Resource Studies, Proceedings Ctr R St PLCentre International De Recherche En Amenagement Linguistique, Publication B Ciral Pub B5Centre Internationale De Recherche Sur Le BilinguismeCirb Pub5Centrelink Experiment: Innovation in Service Delivery Anzsog Monogr$Centrifugal Pump Low-flow Protection Imeche SemCentrifugal Pumps Imeche SemCCentro Di Studi Di Letteratura Italiana in Piemonte "guido Gozzano"Cslip Guido Gozzano1Centro Internazionale Di Cultura - Studi PichianiCtr Int Cult St PichCentro JournalCent JCentro JournalCentro J#Centromere: Structure and EvolutionProg Mol Subcell Bio4Centrosome in Cell Replication and Early DevelopmentCurr Top Dev BiolCentrumCentrumJCentury of Ideas: Perspectives From Leading Scientists of The 20th CenturyFund Theor PhysCentury of Irish DramaDrama Perform StudCentury of Relativity Physics Aip Conf Proc{Century of Rickettsiology: Emerging, Reemerging Rickettsioses, Molecular Diagnostics, and Emerging Veterinary RickettsiosesAnn Ny Acad SciCentury of War and PeaceMelb Stu C Int LawCeos Sar Workshop Esa Sp PublCeos Sar Workshop Esa Spec Publ Cepal Review Cepal Rev Cephalalgia Cephalalgia Ceramic Age Ceram AgeOCeramic and Polymer Matrix Composites: Properties, Performance and ApplicationsPolym Sci Technol SeCeramic Armor and Armor Systems Ceram Trans!Ceramic Armor Materials By Design Ceram Trans<Ceramic Dielectrics : Composition, Processing and Properties Ceram Trans+Ceramic Engineering and Science ProceedingsCeram Eng Sci ProcCeramic Handbook Ceram HandbCeramic Industry Ceram Ind0Ceramic Interconnect Technology: Next GenerationP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Ceramic Interconnect Technology: Next Generation Proc Spie1Ceramic Interfaces: Properties and Applications V Key Eng Mat1Ceramic Interfaces: Properties and Applications V Key Eng MaterJCeramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications Ceram Trans3Ceramic Materials and Multilayer Electronic Devices Ceram TransJCeramic Matrix Composites - Advanced High-temperature Structural MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P(Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Ceram Trans+Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Ii Ceram Trans,Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Iii Ceram TransCeramic Powder Science Iii Ceram TransCeramic Processing Science Ceram TransCeramicsCeramicsCeramics and Civilization Ceram CivilCeramics-art and PerceptionCeramics-art PerceptCeramics As A Global Enterprise Ceram Civil2Ceramics for Environmental and Energy Applications Ceram Trans'Ceramics: From Processing to Production Brit Cer Pr7Ceramics in Nuclear and Alternative Energy ApplicationsCeram Eng Sci Proc Ceramics in Nuclear ApplicationsCeram Eng Sci ProcCeramics in Orthopaedics Cer OrthoCeramics International Ceram IntCeramics-silikatyCeram-silikatyCeramics-technical Ceram TechCeramic SuperconductorsProgr High Temp SupeCeramic Transactions Ceram Trans%Cerc Studies in Comparative EducationCerc Stud Comp EducCereal Breeding Vort PflanzCereal Chemistry Cereal ChemCereal Foods WorldCereal Food World-Cereal Grains: Assessing and Managing QualityWoodhead Publ Food SCereal Research CommunicationsCereal Res CommunCereal Science TodayCereal Sci TodayWCerebellar Infarct - Midline Tumors - Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Neurosurgery (mien) Adv Neuros7Cerebellar Modules: Molecules, Morphology, and FunctionProg Brain Res Cerebellum CerebellumCerebellum and CognitionInt Rev Neurobiol%Cerebellum: From Structure to ControlProg Brain ResCerebral Blood Flow Upd Int CarCerebral Cortex Cereb CortexCerebral Gliomas Int Congr SerCerebral Hemorrhage Act Neur SGCerebral Ischemia in Young Adults: Pathogenic and Clinical PerspectivesNeurol Lab Clin ResCerebral MicrocirculationProgr Appl MicrCerebral Vascular Disease 7 Int Congr SerCerebral Vascular Disease 8 Int Congr SerCerebral Vasospasm Act Neur SCerebral VasospasmActa Neurochir SupplCerebral Vasospasm Devel Neur<Cerebral Vasospasm: New Strategies in Research and Treatment Act Neur S<Cerebral Vasospasm: New Strategies in Research and TreatmentActa Neurochir Suppl,Cerebrovascular and Brain Metabolism ReviewsCerebrovas Brain MetECerebrovascular Disease: Momentum At The End of The Second MillenniumAm Heart Monogr SCerebrovascular DiseasesCerebrovasc Dis0Cerebrovascular Pathology in Alzheimer's DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci%Cerebrovascular Reseach and DisordersCerebrovas Res Disor6Ceremonies and Spectacles: Performing American Culture Eur C Am St<Ceri Series in International Relations and Political EconomyCeri Ser Int Rel Pol<Ceri Series in International Relations and Political EconomyCeri Ser Int Relat PCCerium As Capturing Agent in Phosphatase and Oxidase HistochemistryProg Histochem CytocXCerma2006: Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, Vol 1, ProceedingsElect Robot Auto MecWCerma2006: Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference Vol 2, ProceedingsElect Robot Auto MecRCerma 2007: Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, ProceedingsElect Robot Auto MecRCerma 2008: Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, ProceedingsElect Robot Auto MecTCern Accelerator School Fifth General Accelerator Physics Course: Proceedings, Vol 1 Cern ReportUCern Accelerator School Fifth General Accelerator Physics Course: Proceedings, Vol Ii Cern Report6Cern Accelerator School Vacuum Technology, Proceedings Cern ReportCerneCerne8Cern Omega Spectrometer 25 Years of Physics, Proceedings Cern ReportC E R N Reports Cern Report,Certain Number-theoretic Episodes in AlgebraMonogr Txb Pure ApplICertification and Security in E-services: From E-government to E-businessInt Fed Info Proc=Certification and Security in Inter-organizational E-servicesInt Fed Info ProcCesifo Book SeriesCesifo Book SerCesifo Economic StudiesCesifo Econ StudCesifo Seminar SeriesCesifo Seminar Ser-Ceska A Slovenska Neurologie A NeurochirurgieCesk Slov Neurol NCeska LiteraturaCesk LitCeskoslovenska Psychologie Cesk Psychol)Ceskoslovensky Casopis Pro Fysiku Sekce ACesk Casopis FyzCesky Lid-ethnologicky CasopisCes Lid-ethnol Cas2Cestode Zoonoses: Echinococcosis and CysticercosisNato Sci Ser I LifeCeur Workshop ProceedingsCeur Workshop ProceeCfd in Fluid Machinery Design Imeche SemTCfd Modeling and Analysis of Different Novel Designs of Air-breathing Pem Fuel CellsEnerg Sci Eng TechCfi-ceramic Forum InternationalCfi-ceram Forum Int0Cfn Lectures On Functional Nanostructures, Vol 1Lect Notes Phys0Cfo-the Magazine for Senior Financial ExecutivesCfo-mag Sr Financ ExTCge Models and Capital Income Tax Reforms: The Case of A Dual Income Tax for GermanyLect Notes Econ MathCgiar Study Papers Cgiar St PC-h Activation Top Curr Chem2Chalcogenide Alloys for Reconfigurable ElectronicsMater Res Soc Symp PChalcogenide LettersChalcogenide Lett%Chalcogenocarboxylic Acid Derivatives Top Curr ChemPChallenge and Innovation: Methodological Advances in Social Research On Hiv/aids Soc As AidsNChallenge for European Community : The Upheavals in Central and Eastern Europe Etud EuropkChallenge of Anticipation: A Unifying Framework for The Analysis and Design of Artificial Cognitive SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc0Challenge of Forced Migration in Southern AfricaAfr Cent Publ Ser)Challenge of Fungal Infection Beyond 2000Roy Soc Med Int Cong7Challenge of Indochina: An Examination of The U.s. RoleAspen Inst Conf RepChallenge of Jesus ParablesMcmaster New Test St"Challenge of Parenting in The '90sAspen Inst Conf Rep6Challenge of Social Innovation in Urban Revitalization Des Sci Plan>Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and PhysicsChall Adv Comput Che9Challenges and Negotiations for Women in Higher EducationLifelong Learn Book2Challenges and Opportunities in Pediatric OncologyAnn Ny Acad SciLChallenges and Opportunities of Connected K-covered Wireless Sensor NetworksStud Comput Intell+Challenges and Opportunities of Healthgrids St Heal T#Challenges for Assistive TechnologyAssist Techn Res Ser#Challenges for Assistive TechnologyAssist Technol Res S/Challenges for Central Banks in An Enlarged EmuSch Ost Ges Europa)Challenges for Computational IntelligenceStud Comput Intell@Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in A Dynamic Global Environment Am Fish S S/Challenges for Neuroscience in The 21st CenturyTanig Symp Brain Sci:Challenges for New Principals in The Twenty -first CenturyInt Res Sch LeadershUChallenges for Next Generation Network Operations and Service Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Challenges in Acute Geriatric CareGeriatr Gerontol EldChallenges in Ad Hoc NetworkingInt Fed Info Proc[Challenges in Administrative Political and Developmental Renewal in Africa: Emerging IssuesAfr Polit Econ Secur:Challenges in Adolescent Health: An Australian PerspectiveHealth Hum DevChallenges in Medicine Pub Jung St/Challenges in Power, High Voltages and Machines Ele Com Eng7Challenges in Process Integration and Device TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Challenges in Process Integration and Device Technology Proc SpieVChallenges in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Regulation of The Nuclear LegacyNato Sci Peace SecurChallenges in Remote Sensing Ele Com Eng)Challenges in Taste Chemistry and Biology Acs Sym Ser"Challenges in Volunteer ManagementRes Public ManageChallenges of A Changing Earth Glo Ch IgbpJChallenges of Administrative Political and Developmental Renewal in AfricaAfr Polit Econ Secur=Challenges of Educating People to Lead in A Challenging WorldEduc Innov Econ Bus!Challenges of Education in BrazilOx Stud Comp EducJChallenges of Expanding Internet: E-commerce, E-business, and E-governmentInt Fed Info Proc0Challenges of Human Resource Management in JapanRoutl Contemp Jpn SeChallenges of Modern Medicine Chall Mod Med@Challenges of Quality Education in Sub-saharan African CountriesEduc Compet Glob Wor;Challenges of Spatial Development of Ljubljana and BelgradeGeograffQChallenges of Systems Biology: Community Efforts to Harness Biological ComplexityAnn Ny Acad Sci4Challenges to Asian Urbanization in The 21st CenturyGeoj Lib4Challenges to Globalization: Analyzing The Economics Nber Conf R8Challenges to Library Learning: Solutions for LibrariansRout Stud Lib Inform'Challenges to The Global Trading SystemPac Trad Dev Conf S@Challenge to Reform Arts Education : What Role Can Research Play Aca Art R SXChallenging American Leadership: Impact of National Quality On Risk of Losing LeadershipTop Saf Risk ReliabIChallenging Euro-america's Politics of Identity: The Return of The Native Rethink GlobHChallenging Mathematics in and Beyond The Classroom: The 16th Icmi StudyNew Icmi Stud SerChallenging Moral ParticularismRout Stud Ethics MorChallenging Questions Subnucl Ser)Challenging Racism in Britain and GermanyMigrat Minor CitizenEChallenging The Aid Paradigm: Western Currents and Asian AlternativesRethink Int Dev Champ Ethique Champ Ethiq6Chance Action and Therapy: The Playful Way of ChangingHealth Hum DevChancellors Symposium Series Chanc Symp;Chandos Asian Studies Series-contemporary Issues and TrendsChandos Asian Stud'Chandos Information Professional SeriesChandos Inf Prof SerChandos Internet SeriesChandos Internet SerChandos Publishing SeriesChandos Publ Ser3Changeable and Reconfigurable Manufacturing SystemsSpringer Ser Adv Man,Change and Continuity in Applied Linguistics Brit S Ap L/Change and Continuity in Early Modern Cosmology ArchimedesChange and Development J Piaget SyChange and Language Brit S Ap LVChange At The Top : The Effects of Corporate Mergers, Takeovers and Management Changes Probl Ind PChange International Change IntiChange in The Construction Industry: An Account of The Uk Construction Industry Reform Movement 1993-2003Routl Stud Bus Organ8Changements A Long Terme De La Diversite Des EcosystemesOceanis-ser Doc Change-paris Change-parisChange-point Problems Inst Math S9Changes in Exchange Rates in Rapidly Developing Countries Nber E A Ec,Changes in Regional Firm Founding ActivitiesRoutl Stud Glob Comp*Changes in Social and Business EnvironmentChange Soc Bus Env1Changes in Social and Business Environment-kaunasChange Soc Bus EnvChanges On The Horizon Iamslic C S`Changing Aspects in Stroke Surgery: Aneurysms, Dissections, Moyamoya Angiopathy and Ec-ic Bypass Act Neur S`Changing Aspects in Stroke Surgery: Aneurysms, Dissections, Moyamoya Angiopathy and Ec-ic BypassActa Neurochir SupplChanging Business Relationships : Small Business Growth and Other Challenges - Proceedings of The Joint Seaanz and Iie Small Enterprise Conference 1996 Conf S InstlChanging Chinese Legal System, 1978 Present: Centralization of Power and Rationalization of The Legal SystemE Asia Hist Polit SoBChanging Circumpolar North: Opportunities for Academic Development U Lap A C P,Changing Climates, Earth Systems and SocietyInt Year Planet EartcChanging Climates in North American Politics: Institutions, Policymaking, and Multilevel GovernanceAm Comp Environ Poli)Changing Conception of Psychological Life J Piaget SyChanging Core Mathematics Maa Notes Ser7Changing Distribution of Income in An Open U.s. EconomyContrib To Econ Anal7Changing Dynamics of Higher Education Middle ManagementHigh Educ Dynam,Changing Economic Geography of GlobalizationRoutl Stud Glob Comp(Changing Economics of Medical Technology Med Inn Cr0Changing European Employment and Welfare RegimesRout Eui Stud Polit0Changing European Employment and Welfare RegimesRoutl Eui Stud PolitGChanging Face of Academic Life: Analytical and Comparative PerspectivesIssues High Educ-pal-Changing Face of Call: A Japanese PerspectiveLang L Lang Technol#Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics Lang Comput2Changing Face of Disease: Implications for Society Soc St Hum6Changing Face of European Labour Law and Social PolicyStud Emp Soc Policy.Changing Face of Management in South East Asia Work Asia+Changing Face of People Management in India Work Asia&Changing Face of Vietnamese Management Work Asia'Changing Face of Women Managers in Asia Work AsiaChanging Faces of JournalismShap Inq Cult CommunChanging Faces of JournalismShap Inquir Cult Changing Families, Changing FoodPalgr Mac Stud Fam/Changing France: The Politics That Markets MakeFr Polit Soc CultNChanging Governance of The Sciences: The Advent of Research Evaluation SystemsSociol Sci YearbChanging Hospital Industry Nber Conf R=Changing Identities in Higher Education: Voicing PerspectivesKey Issues High Educ Changing Images of Civil SocietyRoutl Stud Gov PublVChanging Information Technologies: Research Challenges in The Economics of Information Brit Lib SerGChanging Landscape of Academic Women's Health Care in The United StatesInt Libr Eth Law New(Changing Language Education Through CallRout Stud Comp Assis6Changing Life Patterns in Western Industrial SocietiesAdv Life Course Res`Changing Lives, Changing Rites : Ritual and Social Dynamics in Philippine and Indonesian Uplands Mich St S8Changing Maintenance Business-optimising Your InvestmentProc Inst Mech Eng SChanging Media-changing EuropeChanging Media%Changing Needs in Pediatric EducationNestle Nutr Works SeBChanging Paradigm of Consulting: Adjusting to The Fast-paced WorldRes Manag Consult*Changing Patterns of International Rivalry Int Conf BuChanging Political Agendas Ctr R St P4Changing Politics of European Security: Europe AlonePalgrave Stud Eur UnChanging Prairie Landscapes Can Plain PRChanging Role of Government: The Reform of Public Services in Developing CountriesRole Gov Adjust EconChanging Role of Physics Departments in Modern Universities - Proceedings of International Conference On Undergraduate Physics Education, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcAChanging Roles of Ceramics in Society : 26,000 B P to The Present Ceram CiviliChanging Roles of Ngos in The Creation, Storage, and Dissemination of Information in Developing Countries Ifla Publ'Changing Soviet Union in The New Europe St Commun TChanging Strategic Landscape Int Inst StDChanging Tax Law in East and Southeast Asia Towards The 21st CenturyPub Law E Se Asia-Changing Television Environments, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScChanging The Ways We Work Adv Des Man Changing to National Health Care Eth Chang W)Changing Transatlantic Security RelationsContemp Secur Stud%Changing Trends in Antarctic ResearchEnviron AssessChanging UniversityNato Adv Sci I D-beh Changing Views of Cajal's NeuronProg Brain ResHChanging Visions of East Asia, 1943-93: Transformations and ContinuitiesRoutl Stud Mod HistChanging Visual SystemNato Adv Sci I A-lif*Changing Work Patterns and Social SecurityEiss Kluw Law Int SMChannel Flow, Ductile Extrusion and Exhumation in Continental Collision ZonesGeol Soc Spec PublChannelsChannels+Chanoyu Quarterly-tea and The Arts of Japan Chanoyu QuartNChanson: Son Histoire Et Sa Famille Dans Les Dictionnaires De Langue FrancaiseBeih Z Roman PhilolChaosChaosChaos and Quantum Physics Les Houch S(Chaos and Stability in Planetary SystemsLect Notes PhysFChaos and The Changing Nature of Science and Medicine: An Introduction Aip Conf Proc=Chaos-based Cryptography: Theory, Algorithms and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell-Chaos: Concepts, Control and Constructive UseUnderst Complex Syst&Chaos Control: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr InfFChaos Expansions, Multiple Wiener-ito Integrals and Their ApplicationsProb Stoch Ser,Chaos: From Simple Models to Complex SystemsSer Adv Stat Mech#Chaos in Astronomy, Conference 2007Astrophysics SpaceChaos in Biology and MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsChaos in CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsChaos in Mesoscopic SystemsWss Nonlin Sci Ser BChaos in OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsChaos in Structural MechanicsUnderst Complex Syst7Chaos/nonlinear Dynamics: Methods and CommercializationP Soc Photo-opt InsAChaos, Nonlinearity, Complexity: The Dynamical Paradigm of NatureStud Fuzz Soft CompChaos, Order, and PatternsNato Adv Sci I B-phyHChaos Paradigm: Developments and Applications in Engineering and Science Aip Conf ProcGChaos, Resonance and Collective Dynamical Phenomena in The Solar SystemIau SympChaos Solitons & FractalsChaos Soliton FractDChaos - The Interplay Between Stochastic and Deterministic BehaviourLect Notes PhysIChaos Uncreated: A Reassessment of The Theme of Chaos in The Hebrew BibleBeih Z Alttest Wiss#Chaotic Circuits for CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsChaotic DynamicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se?Chaotic Dynamics and Transport in Classical and Quantum SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math4Chaotic Dynamics and Transport in Fluids and Plasmas Res Tr Phys1Chaotic, Fractal, and Nonlinear Signal Processing Aip Conf ProcPChaotic Worlds: From Order to Disorder in Gravitational N-body Dynamical SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii MathPChaotic Worlds: From Order to Disorder in Gravitational N-body Dynamical SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathCChapman & Hall-crc Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Science SeriesCh Crc Appl Math Non'Chapman & Hall-crc Biostatistics SeriesCh Crc Biostat Ser/Chapman & Hall-crc Computational Science SeriesCh Crc Comp Sci Ser:Chapman & Hall-crc Computer and Information Science SeriesCh Crc Comp Info Sci<Chapman & Hall-crc Computer Science and Data Analysis SeriesCh Crc Comp Sci Data=Chapman & Hall-crc Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery SeriesCh Crc Data Min Know!Chapman & Hall-crc Finance SeriesCh Crc Financ Ser/Chapman & Hall-crc Financial Mathematics SeriesCh Crc Financ Math:Chapman & Hall-crc Handbooks of Modern Statistical MethodsCh Crc Handb Mod Sta@Chapman & Hall-crc Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition SeriesCh Crc Mach Learn Pa@Chapman & Hall Crc Mathematical and Computational Biology SeriesCh Crc Math Comp BioBChapman & Hall Crc Mathematical and Computational Imaging SciencesCh Crc Math Comp ImaIChapman & Hall Crc Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied MathematicsCh Crc Monogr Surv PIChapman & Hall/crc Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied MathematicsCh/c Mon Sur Pur App>Chapman & Hall Crc Numerical Analysis and Scientific ComputingCh Crc Numer Anal Sc0Chapman & Hall Crc Research Notes in MathematicsCh Crc Res Notes Mat0Chapman & Hall/crc Research Notes in MathematicsCh Crc Res Notes7Chapman & Hall/crc Research Notes in Mathematics SeriesCh Crc Res NotesJChapman & Hall Crc Statistics in The Social and Behavioral Sciences SeriesCh Crc Stat Soc Beha0Chapman & Hall Crc Studies in Informatics SeriesCh Crc Stud Info Ser6Chapman & Hall Crc Texts in Statistical Science SeriesCh Crc Text Stat Sci%Chapman and Hall Ecotoxicology Series Ch EcotoxicCharacter and PersonalityCharact Person'Character Evidence: An Abductive Theory Argum LibECharacterisation and Engineering of Protein-carbohydrate InteractionsVtt Publ&Characterisation of Porous Solids Viii Roy Soc ChfCharacteristic Functions, Scattering Functions and Transfer Functions:the Moshe Livsic Memorial Volume Oper TheorfCharacteristic Functions, Scattering Functions and Transfer Functions:the Moshe Livsic Memorial VolumeOper Theory Adv ApplNCharacteristics and Consequences of Orbital Debris and Natural Space ImpactorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Characterization and Chemical Modification of The Silica SurfaceStud Surf Sci CatalNCharacterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials Ceram TransQCharacterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials Ii Ceram TransRCharacterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials Iii Ceram TransiCharacterization and Design of Zeolite Catalysts: Solid Acidity, Shape Selectivity and Loading PropertiesSpringer Ser Mater S2Characterization and Metrology for Ulsi Technology Aip Conf ProcQCharacterization and Metrology for Ulsi Technology 2000, International Conference Aip Conf Proc7Characterization and Metrology for Ulsi Technology 2005 Aip Conf ProcXCharacterization and Modeling to Control Sintered Ceramic Microstructures and Properties Ceram TransKCharacterization and Performance of Calcium Phosphate Coatings for ImplantsAm Soc Test Mater;Characterization and Propagation of Sources and BackgroundsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Characterization and Properties of Petroleum Fractions Astm Man Ser&Characterization and Toxicity of SmokeAm Soc Test Mater9Characterization of Biotechnology Pharmaceutical ProductsDev Biol Stand<Characterization of Nanoparticles Intended for Drug DeliveryMethods Mol Biol4Characterization of Partially Polarized Light FieldsSpringer Ser Opt Sci1Characterization of Plasma-enhanced Cvd ProcessesMater Res Soc Symp P3Characterization of Polymer Surfaces and Thin FilmsProg Coll Pol Sci S$Characterization of Porous Solids IiStud Surf Sci Catal%Characterization of Porous Solids IiiStud Surf Sci Catal#Characterization of Porous Solids VStud Surf Sci Catal$Characterization of Porous Solids ViStud Surf Sci CatalCharacterization of Porous Solids Vii - Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium On The Characterization of Porous Solids (cops-vii), Aix-en-provence, France, 26-28 May 2005Stud Surf Sci Catal+Characterization of Technological MaterialsMater Sci ForumwCharacterization of Terahertz Emission From High Resitivity Fe-doped Bulk Ga0.69in0.31as Based Photoconducting AntennasSpringer Theses-recoGCharacterization of The Structure and Chemistry of Defects in Materials Mat Res S C@Characterization, Propagation, and Simulation of Infrared ScenesP Soc Photo-opt InsHCharacterization, Propagation, and Simulation of Sources and BackgroundsP Soc Photo-opt InsKCharacterization, Propagation, and Simulation of Sources and Backgrounds IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLCharacterization, Propagation, and Simulation of Sources and Backgrounds IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Character Recognition TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Character Theory of Finite Groups Contemp MathCharcot-marie-tooth DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci(Charge Composition of Ultra Heavy Nuclei Adv Space Res6Charge-coupled Devices and Solid State Optical SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Charge-coupled Devices and Solid State Optical Sensors IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Charge-coupled Devices and Solid State Optical Sensors IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Charge-coupled Devices and Solid State Optical Sensors VP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Charged Particle Detection, Diagnostics, and ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsCharged-particle OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsCharged-particle Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsCharged Particle Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCharged Particle Optics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Charged Particle Traps Ii: ApplicationsSpringer Ser Atom OpFCharged Semiconductor Defects: Structure, Thermodynamics and DiffusionEng Mater ProcessPCharge Injection Systems: Physical Principles, Experimental and Theoretical WorkHeat Mass TransfJCharge Migration in Dna: Perspectives From Physics, Chemistry, and BiologyNanosci Technol,Charity and Giving in Monotheistic ReligionsStud Gesch Kult Isla=Charity and Mutual Aid in Europe and North America Since 1800Routl Stud Mod HistvCharity Law & Social Policy: National and International Perspectives On The Functions of The Law Relating to CharitiesLibr Public Policy P7Charlemagne, Muhammad, and The Arab Roots of CapitalismStud Gesch Kult IslaNCharles Bally( 1865-1947): Historicite Des Debats Linguistiques Et DidactiquesBib Info Gramm?Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities and The French RevolutionPalgr Stud Nineteen?Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities and The French RevolutionPalgrave Stud Ninet-!Charleston Conference ProceedingsCharleston Conf Proc&Charleston Conference Proceedings 2003Charleston Conf Proc&Charleston Conference Proceedings 2004Charleston Conf Proc&Charleston Conference Proceedings 2006Charleston Conf Proc&Charleston Conference Proceedings 2008Charleston Conf ProcECharms, Charmers and Charming: International Research On Verbal MagicPalgr Hist Stud Witc6Charter Schools: From Reform Imagery to Reform RealityPalg Stud Urban Educ;Charting The Topic Maps Research and Applications LandscapeLect Notes Artif Int-Chasqui-revista De Literatura LatinoamericanaChasquiChateaubriand, The Timequake Coll CriblesChaucer Review Chaucer RevChaucer's Queer Nation Mediev CultChaucers Visions of ManhoodNew Middle Ages Chdl SeriesChdl Ser Cheap, Safe and Natural MedicineClio Med!Chechnya - Russia's War On TerrorBasees-rout Ser RussOCheck Dams, Morphological Adjustments and Erosion Control in Torrential StreamsEnviron Sci Eng Tech1Checkpoint Controls and Targets in Cancer TherapyCancer Drug Discov DCheironCheiron"Chelonian Conservation and BiologyChelonian Conserv BiChelonian Research MonographsChelon Res MonogrChelseaChelsea Chembiochem Chembiochem Chemcatchem ChemcatchemChemia AnalitycznaChem Anal-warsawKChemical Abundances and Mixing in Stars in The Milky Way and Its SatellitesEso Astrophy SympFChemical Abundances in The Universe: Connecting First Stars to PlanetsIau Symp P SeriesChemical & Engineering News Chem Eng News"Chemical & Pharmaceutical BulletinChem Pharm Bull>Chemical Analysis of Firearms, Ammunition, and Gunshot ResidueInt Forensic Sci Inv.Chemical and Biochemical Engineering QuarterlyChem Biochem Eng QKChemical and Biological Early Warning Monitoring for Water, Food and GroundP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Chemical and Biological Point Sensors for Homeland DefenseP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Chemical and Biological Point Sensors for Homeland Defense IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Chemical and Biological Point Sensors for Homeland Defense Ii Proc SpieChemical and Biological SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Chemical and Biological Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Chemical and Biological Sensing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Chemical and Biological Sensing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Chemical and Biological Sensing Iv Proc Spie!Chemical and Biological Sensing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Chemical and Biological Sensing V Proc Spie"Chemical and Biological Sensing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Chemical and Biological Sensing Vi Proc Spie#Chemical and Biological Sensing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Chemical and Biological Sensing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Chemical and Biological Sensing Viii Proc SpieNChemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNChemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring Ii Proc SpieOChemical and Biological Sensors for 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Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors VP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors XP Soc Photo-opt InsNChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (cbrne) Sensing IxP Soc Photo-opt InsNChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (cbrne) Sensing Ix Proc SpieMChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (cbrne) Sensing X Proc SpieNChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (cbrne) Sensing XiP Soc Photo-opt InsNChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (cbrne) Sensing Xi Proc SpieChemical Biology & Drug DesignChem Biol Drug Des>Chemical Biology of The Tropics: An Interdisciplinary ApproachSignal Commun Plants5Chemical Biomedical and Environmental InstrumentationChem Biomed Env InstChemical CarcinogenesisCurr Cancer ResChemical Communications Chem CommunChemical CrystallographyChem Res Appl-nova'Chemical Design of Responsive Microgels Adv Polym SciEChemical Deterioration and Physical Instability of Food and BeveragesWoodhead Publ Food S8Chemical Ecology and Phytochemistry of Forest EcosystemsRecent Adv Phytochem(Chemical Ecology: From Gene to Ecosystem Wag Ur FronIChemical Elements in Plants and Soil: Parameters Controlling Essentiality Tasks Veg SciChemical Engineering Adv Eng ResChemical EngineeringChem Eng-new York!Chemical Engineering & TechnologyChem Eng Technol#Chemical Engineering and ProcessingChem Eng Process#Chemical Engineering CommunicationsChem Eng CommunChemical Engineering Journal Chem Eng JDChemical Engineering Journal and The Biochemical Engineering JournalChem Eng J Bioch Eng+Chemical Engineering Methods and TechnologyChem Eng Method TechChemical Engineering Progress Chem Eng Prog.Chemical Engineering Progress Symposium SeriesChem Eng Prog S Ser&Chemical Engineering Research & DesignChem Eng Res DesChemical Engineering Science Chem Eng Sci!Chemical Engineering TransactionsChem Engineer TransChemical Engineering WorldChem Eng WorldChemical Engineer-londonChem Eng-london<Chemical Enrichment of Intracluster and Intergalactic Medium Astr Soc PRChemical Evolution Across Space and Time: From The Big Bang to Prebiotic Chemistry Acs Sym Ser-Chemical Evolution From Zero to High RedshiftEso Astrophy SympAChemical Evolution Ii: From The Origins of Life to Modern Society Acs Sym SerkChemical Evolution of Bentonite Buffer in A Final Repository of Spent Nuclear Fuel During The Thermal PhaseVtt Publ"Chemical Evolution: Origin of LifeSt Chem Evol & OrigCChemical Evolution: Self-organization of The Macromolecules of LifeSt Chem Evol & Orig<Chemical Explanation: Characteristics, Development, AutonomyAnn Ny Acad SciCChemical Genomics: Small Molecule Probes to Study Cellular FunctionE Schering Res Fdn WChemical Geology Chem GeolChemical Immunology Chem ImmunolChemical Immunology and AllergyChem Immunol AllergyChemical Industries Chem Ind-serChemical Industries Chem Indust?Chemical Industries : A Series of Reference Books and Textbooks Chem Indust2Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering QuarterlyChem Ind Chem Eng Q/Chemical Industry - Friend to The Environment ? Roy Soc ChChemical Innovation Chem InnovChemical Instrumentation Chem Instrum0Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-chineseChem J Chinese UChemical Library DesignMethods Mol BiolSChemically Induced Alterations in Functional Development and Reproduction of FishesSetac Tech PublicateChemically-induced Alterations in Sexual and Functional Development : The Wildlife / Human Connection Adv Mod Env%Chemically Induced Cell ProliferationProg Clin Biol Res"Chemically Modified Oxide Surfaces Chem Mod SChemically Modified Surfaces Chem Mod S/Chemical Markers for Processed and Stored Foods Acs Sym Ser!Chemical-mechanical PlanarizationMater Res Soc Symp P#Chemical Mechanical Planarization I Elec Soc SMChemical Mechanical Planarization in Ic Device Manufacturing Iii, Proceedings Elec Soc SLChemical Mechanical Planarization in Integrated Circuit Device Manufacturing Elec Soc SIChemical-mechanical Planarization-integration, Technology and ReliabilityMater Res Soc Symp P#Chemical Mechanical Planarization V Elec Soc S;Chemical-mechanical Polishing - Fundamentals and ChallengesMater Res Soc Symp P3Chemical Mechanical Polishing in Silicon ProcessingSemiconduct SemimeteChemical, Microbiological, Health and Comfort Aspects of Indoor Air Quality - State of The Art in Sbs Euro Ch Env&Chemical Microsensors and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Chemical Microsensors and Applications Proc Spie)Chemical Microsensors and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems Ii Acs Sym SerGChemical Modelling Applications and Theory-specialist Periodical ReportChem Model Appl Theo2Chemical Modelling: Applications and Theory, Vol 4Chem Model Appl Theo2Chemical Modelling: Applications and Theory, Vol 5Chem Model Appl Theo)Chemical Modification of LignocellulosicsFri Bull<Chemical Mutagens-principles and Methods for Their Detection Chem MutagensChemical PapersChem PapChemical Papers-chemicke ZvestiChem Pap-chem Zvesti5Chemical Perspectives of Microelectronic Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp P6Chemical Perspectives of Microelectronic Materials Iii Mat Res S CChemical Physics Chem PhysChemical Physics LettersChem Phys Lett1Chemical Physics of Atomic and Molecular ClustersP Int Sch Phys5Chemical Physics of Fullerenes 10 (and 5) Years LaterNato Adv Sci I E-app$Chemical Physics of Intercalation IiNato Adv Sci Inst SeTChemical Physics of Thin Film Deposition Processes for Micro- and Nano- TechnologiesNato Sci Ser Ii MathTChemical Physics of Thin Film Deposition Processes for Micro- and Nano- TechnologiesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathChemical Physics ReportsChem Phys Rep+WChemical Probes in Biology: Science At The Interface of Chemistry, Biology and MedicineNato Sci Ser Ii MathWChemical Probes in Biology: Science At The Interface of Chemistry, Biology and MedicineNato Sci Ser Ii-mathYChemical Processes in Inorganic Materials : Metal and Semiconductor Clusters and ColloidsMater Res Soc Symp P)Chemical Processes in Marine EnvironmentsEnviron Sci-ger)Chemical Processes in Marine Environments Environm SciChemical Processing Chem ProcessFChemical Processing of Dielectrics, Insulators and Electronic CeramicsMater Res Soc Symp P'Chemical Process Performance Evaluation Chem Ind-serChemical Process Research Acs Sym SerBChemical Product Design: Toward A Perspective Through Case StudiesComput-aided Chem EnChemical Ranking and Scoring Setac Sp P6Chemical Reactions and Processes Under Flow ConditionsRsc Green Chem SerfChemical Reactions and Their Control On The Femtosecond Time Scale Xxth Solvay Conference On Chemistry Adv Chem PhysZChemical Reactions in Gas, Liquid and Solid Phases: Synthesis, Properties and ApplicationsChem Res Appl-novaJChemical Reactor Technology for Environmentally Safe Reactors and ProductsNato Adv Sci Inst SeChemical RecordChem Rec)Chemical Research in Chinese UniversitiesChem Res Chinese UChemical Research in ToxicologyChem Res ToxicolChemical ReviewsChem Rev9Chemicals and Radioactive Materials and Human DevelopmentChem Eng Method TechDChemicals As Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental ThreatsNato Sci Peace SecurChemical ScienceChem SciChemical Senses Chem SensesChemical Senses & FlavourChem Sens FlavChemical Senses Series Chem SensChemical Senses, Vol 3 Chem Sens)Chemical Sensors for Hostile Environments Ceram Trans1Chemical Sensors Iv, Proceedings of The Symposium Elec Soc S:Chemical Sensors: Properties, Performance and ApplicationsChem Res Appl-nova*Chemical Separations With Liquid Membranes Acs Sym SerPChemical Separation Technologies and Related Methods of Nuclear Waste Management Nato Asi 2%Chemicals for The Automotive Industry Roy Soc Ch(Chemical Signalling in The Basal GangliaProg Brain ResChemical Signals in Vertebrates Chem Signal"Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 10 Chem Signal"Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 11 Chem Signal!Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 5 Chem Signal!Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 9 Chem Signal#Chemical Signals in Vertebrates Vii Adv BiosciChemical Society Reviews Chem Soc Rev'Chemical Speciation and BioavailabilityChem Spec BioavailabYChemical, Structural and Electronic Analysis of Heterogeneous Surfaces On Nanometer ScaleNato Adv Sci I E-app^Chemical Surface Preparation, Passivation and Cleaning for Semiconductor Growth and ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P)Chemicals Via Higher Plant BioengineeringAdv Exp Med BiolChemical SynthesisNato Adv Sci Inst SeChemical Technology Chem TechnolChemical Vapor DepositionChem Vapor Depos;Chemical Vapor Deposition of Refractory Metals and CeramicsMater Res Soc Symp P>Chemical Vapor Deposition of Refractory Metals and Ceramics IiMater Res Soc Symp P?Chemical Vapor Deposition of Refractory Metals and Ceramics IiiMater Res Soc Symp PChemical Vapour DepositionEng Mater ProcessMChemical Weapon Destruction in Russia: Political, Legal and Technical Aspects Sipri Chem.Chemical Weathering Rates of Silicate Minerals Rev Mineral Chemical Week Chem WeekChemica Scripta Chem ScriptaChemicke Listy Chem Listy!Chemicke Listy Pro Vedu A Prumysl Chem ListyChemicke Zvesti Chem ZvestiChemico-biological InteractionsChem-biol InteractChemie Der Erde-geochemistryChem Erde-geochemChemie Ingenieur Technik Chem-ing-techChemie in Unserer ZeitChem Unserer ZeitChemijaChemijaChemiker-zeitungChem Ztg Chemioterapia ChemioterapiaChemische BerichteChem BerChemische Berichte-recueil Chem Ber-reclChemische TechnikChem Tech-leipzigAChemisorption and Reactivity On Supported Clusters and Thin FilmsNato Adv Sci I E-appChemist-analyst Chem AnalystChemistry-a European Journal Chem-eur JChemistry & BiodiversityChem BiodiversChemistry & Biology Chem BiolChemistry & IndustryChem Ind-londonChemistry-an Asian Journal Chem-asian JBChemistry- and Biology-based Technologies for Contraband DetectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues Int Congr Ser/Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines and FolatesAdv Exp Med Biol Chemistry and Biology of SerpinsAdv Exp Med Biol4Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Research ProgressChem Eng Method Tech7Chemistry and Defects in Semiconductor HeterostructuresMater Res Soc Symp PChemistry and Ecology Chem Ecol*Chemistry and Mathematics of Dna PolyhedraDna Prop Modif FunctChemistry and Medicinal ValueRecent Prog Med PlanChemistry and Physics of CarbonChem Phys Carbon'Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Vol 24Chem Phys Carbon'Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Vol 25Chem Phys Carbon'Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Vol 26Chem Phys Carbon'Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Vol 27Chem Phys Carbon'Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Vol 28Chem Phys Carbon'Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Vol 30Chem Phys Carbon,Chemistry and Physics of Energetic MaterialsNato Adv Sci I C-matChemistry and Physics of LipidsChem Phys Lipids0Chemistry and Properties of Biomolecular Systems T Molec Org2Chemistry and Radiation Changes in The Ozone LayerNato Adv Sci I C-mat*Chemistry and Safety of Acrylamide in FoodAdv Exp Med Biol*Chemistry and Specifications of PesticidesWho Tech Rep Ser*Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and OilsChem Tech Fuels Oil+5Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, Fourth Edition Chem Ind-serJChemistry As A Second Language: Chemical Education in A Globalized Society Acs Sym SerMChemistry, Biology and Medical Applications of Hyaluronan and Its Derivatives Wenn Gr IntChemistry Central Journal Chem Cent J<Chemistry, Dynamics and Layered Structures of The Atmosphere Adv Space Res)Chemistry Education Research and PracticeChem Educ Res Pract"Chemistry for Electronic Materials Eur Mat Res/Chemistry for The Protection of The Environment Envir Sci R1Chemistry for The Protection of The Environment 2 Envir Sci R1Chemistry for The Protection of The Environment 3 Envir Sci R1Chemistry for The Protection of The Environment 4 Envir Sci RChemistry in Britain Chem BritChemistry in New ZealandChem New Zealand!Chemistry in The Oil Industry Vii Roy Soc ChChemistry Letters Chem Lett;Chemistry of Aquatic Systems: Local and Global Perspectives Euro Ch EnvBChemistry of Fragrances: From Perfumer to Consumer, Second Edition Rsc Paperb9Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compound-a Series of MonographsChem Heterocycl Comp#Chemistry of Heterocyclic CompoundsChem Heterocyc Compd#Chemistry of Heterocyclic CompoundsChem Heterocycl Com+:Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds-a Series of MonographsChem Heterocycl CompChemistry of High PolymersChem High Polym#Chemistry of Inorganic Ring SystemsStud Inorg ChemChemistry of Lifes OriginsNato Adv Sci Inst Se'Chemistry of Marine Water and SedimentsEnviron Sci-ger'Chemistry of Marine Water and Sediments Environm SciChemistry of Materials Chem Mater!Chemistry of Microporous CrystalsStud Surf Sci CatalChemistry of Natural CompoundsChem Nat CompdChemistry of Natural CompoundsChem Nat Compd+$Chemistry of Nucleic Acid ComponentsColl Sympos Series2Chemistry of Pheromones and Other Semiochemicals I Top Curr Chem3Chemistry of Pheromones and Other Semiochemicals Ii Top Curr Chem7Chemistry of Structure-function Relationships in CheeseAdv Exp Med Biol5Chemistry of Taste: Mechanisms, Behaviors, and Mimics Acs Sym SerChemistry of The Amazon Acs Sym Ser#Chemistry Research and ApplicationsChem Res Appl-novaChemistry World Chem World-ukChemists and Chemistry Chem Chemis Chemmedchem Chemmedchem Chemoecology Chemoecology;Chemo Fog: Cancer Chemotherapy-related Cognitive ImparimentAdv Exp Med Biol'Chemogenomics: Methods and ApplicationsMethods Mol Biol3Chemoinformatics and Computational Chemical BiologyMethods Mol BiolChemokine ReceptorsMethod EnzymolChemokine Receptors in CancerCancer Drug Discov D/Chemokine Roles in Immunoregulation and DiseaseE Schering Res Fdn W ChemokinesAdv Exp Med Biol ChemokinesMethod EnzymolChemokines and Viral InfectionCurr Top Microbiol,Chemokines, Chemokine Receptors, and DiseaseCurr Top MembrChemokines, Pt AMethod Enzymol8Chemokine System in Experimental and Clinical HematologyCurr Top MicrobiolHChemo-mechanical Couplings in Porous Media Geomechanics and Biomechanics Cism Cour LHChemo-mechanical Couplings in Porous Media Geomechanics and BiomechanicsCism Courses Lect5Chemomechanical Instabilities in Responsive MaterialsNato Scie Peace Secu!Chemometrics and Chemoinformatics Acs Sym Ser/Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory SystemsChemometr Intell LabYChemometrics With R: Multivariate Data Analysis in The Natural Sciences and Life SciencesUse R!Chemoprevention in Cancer Control Iarc Sci PublChemoprevention of CancerRecent Res CancerChemoprevention of CancerRecent Results CanceAChemoreception: From Cellular Signalling to Functional PlasticityAdv Exp Med Biol$Chemosensitivity Testing in OncologyRecent Res Cancer,Chemosensors of Ion and Molecule RecognitionNato Adv Sci I C-matChemosensory PerceptionChemosens Percept4Chemosensory Systems in Mammals, Fishes, and InsectsResults Probl Cell D Chemosphere ChemosphereChemotactic CytokinesAdv Exp Med Biol!Chemotaxis: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Chemotherapy ChemotherapyChemotherapy-tokyoChemotherapy-tokyo Chemphyschem Chemphyschem Chemsuschem ChemsuschemChemtechChemtechChernobyl: A Decade Int Congr SerIChernobyl: Consequences of The Catastrophe for People and The EnvironmentAnn Ny Acad Sci'Chernobyl: Message for The 21st Century Int Congr SerChesapeake ScienceChesapeake SciChestChest+Chest Pain: Causes, Diagnosis and TreatmentCardiol Res Clin Dev>Chevron-notch Fracture Test Experience : Metals and Non-metalsAm Soc Test MaterChiang Mai Journal of ScienceChiang Mai J Sci/Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer ScienceChic J Theor Comput&Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series Chic Lec MChicago Review Chicago Rev1Chicago Series On Sexuality, History, and SocietyChic Sex Hist SocNChicano School Failure and Success : Research and Policy Agendas for The 1990s Stan Educ PChild Abuse & NeglectChild Abuse NeglectChild Abuse, Gender and SocietyRoutl Res Gend SocChild Abuse ReviewChild Abuse RevChild & Family Behavior TherapyChild Fam Behav TherChild & Family Social WorkChild Fam Soc WorkChild & Youth Care ForumChild Youth Care ForNChild and Adolescent Analysis : Its Significance for Clinical Work With Adults Work S Am P"Child and Adolescent Mental HealthChild Adol Ment H-uk9Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North AmericaChild Adol Psych ClChild and The Environment Int Congr Ser2Child and Youth Psychiatry : European Perspectives Child Y Psy[Childbirth Across Cultures: Ideas and Practices of Pregnancy, Childbirth and The PostpartumSci Across CultlChildbirth As A Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence From The Ancient Near East, The Hebrew Bible, and 1qh Xi, 1-18Beih Z Alttest Wiss!Child Care Health and DevelopmentChild Care Hlth DevChild Care QuarterlyChild Youth Care QChild Development Child Dev#Child Development and Child PovertyChild Iss Laws ProgrChild Development PerspectivesChild Dev PerspectChild, Family, and StateNomos,Childhood-a Global Journal of Child Research ChildhoodChildhood: Changing Contexts Comp Soc ResChildhood EducationChildhood Educ'Childhood Environment and Adult Disease Ciba F Symp*Childhood Epilepsies and Brain Development Curr Prob E'Childhood in World History, 2nd EditionThemes World Hist(Childhood Leukemia: A Practical HandbookPediatr Oncol-berlin:Childhood Leukemia : Present Problems and Future Prospects Dev OncoldChildhood Studies and The Impact of Globalization: Policies and Practices At Global and Local LevelsWorld Yearb EducChild Indicators ResearchChild Indic Res+Child: in French and Francophone Literature Fr Lit Ser)Child in The World/the World in The ChildCrit Cult Stud ChildBChild Language Disability : Implications in An Educational Setting Multiling Child Language Disability, Vol 2 Multiling!Child Language Teaching & TherapyChild Lang Teach TheChild MaltreatmentChild MaltreatmentChild Nephrology and UrologyChild Nephrol UrolChild NeuropsychologyChild NeuropsycholEChild Perspectives and Children's Perspectives in Theory and PracticeInt Perspect Early C$Child Psychiatry & Human DevelopmentChild Psychiat Hum DChild Psychiatry QuarterlyChild Psychiat Quart+Child Psychology in Retrospect and ProspectMinn Sym Child PsychChildrenChildrenChildren & Society Child SocChildren and Death Ser Death EChildren and Exercise Schr Hamb MChildren and PainHealth Hum Dev0Children and Television: Fifty Years of ResearchLea Commun SerCChildren and The Good Life: New Challenges for Research On ChildrenChild Well-being Ind$Children and The Politics of CulturePrin St Cult Pow His8Children and Young Adults With Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy Birth Def"Children and Youth Services ReviewChild Youth Serv RevFChildren At Risk : Assessment, Longitudinal Research, and Intervention Prev Int ChVChildren, Develoment and Education: Cultural, Historical, Anthropological PerspectivesInt Perspect Early C=Children, Gender and Families in Mediterranean Welfare StatesChild Well-being IndChildren, Obesity and ExerciseInt Stud Phys Educ YChildren of Minorities Innoc InsChildren of PovertyRef Books Fam IssEChildren's Fiction About 9/11: Ethnic, Heroic and National IdentitiesChild Lit CultChildrens Geographies Child GeogrChildrens Health CareChild Health Care"Childrens Issues Laws and ProgramsChild Iss Laws ProgrChildren's Language Child LangChildrens Language, Vol 7 Child LangChildren's Language, Vol 8 Child LangChildren's Language, Vol 9 Child Lang Childrens Literature and CultureChild Lit Cult+Children's Literature and The Fin De Siecle Contr St Wo!Childrens Literature in EducationChild Lit Educ.Childrens Lives and Schooling Across SocietiesRes Sociol EducChildrens Play and Learning Ear Child E/Children's Reading Comprehension and Assessment Cen Im E R(Children's Rights and Traditional ValuesProg Int Rights ChilChildren's Television CommunityLea Commun SerChildren, Structure and AgencyRoutl Stud Dev Soc"Childrens Understanding of SocietyStud Dev Psychol,Childrens Well-being Indicators and ResearchChild Well-being Ind Childs Brain Child BrainBChild Sexual Abuse: Media Representations and Government ReactionsContemp Iss Pub Pol:Child Sexual Abuse: Pitfalls in The Substantiation ProcessChild Iss Laws ProgrChilds Nervous SystemChild Nerv SystChild Soldiers in AfricaEthnogr Polit ViolenChild Study Journal Child Study J Child Welfare Child Welfare(Chilean Journal of Agricultural ResearchChil J Agr Res3Chilled Foods: A Comprehensive Guide, Third EditionWoodhead Food SerChimiaChimiaChimica & L IndustriaChim Ind-milanChimica E L Industria-milanChim Industr-milanChimica Oggi-chemistry Today Chim OggiChimica Therapeutica Chim TherChimie AnalytiqueChim Anal-paris#Chimie and Industrie Genie ChimiqueChim Ind Gen Chim%Chimney Rock Archaeological Symposium Usda RockyChimpanzees of Bossou and NimbaPrimatol Monogr"China Agricultural Economic ReviewChina Agr Econ Rev"China Agricultural Economic ReviewChina Agric Econ Rev5China: A Guide to Economic and Political DevelopmentsGuide Econ Polit DevChina & World EconomyChina World Econ+China and Africa: Engagement and CompromiseRoutl Contemp China3China and Europe Since 1978: A European PerspectiveChina Q Spec Iss]China and Globalization: The Social, Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese SocietyGlob Realities(China and India: A Tale of Two EconomiesRoutledge Stud GrowtKChina and India: Opportunities and Threats for The Global Software IndustryChandos Asian Stud[China and International Environmental Liability: Legal Remedies for Transboundary PollutionNew Horiz Environ LaFChina and Its Regions: Economic Growth and Reform in Chinese ProvincesNew Horiz Int Bus(China and Japan in The Late Meiji PeriodRoutl Leiden Ser ModChina and The Global EconomyChina Global Econ&China and The Global Political EconomyInt Polit Econ Ser%China and The New International OrderChina Policy SerChina-an International Journal China Int JChina As The World FactoryRoutledge Stud Growt8China: Bioethics, Trust, and The Challenge of The Market Philos MedeChina Center of Advanced Science and Technology ( World Laboratory ) : Symposium/workshop Proceedings Ccast Wl Sw0China Challenge : American Policies in East Asia Proc Acad PChina Communications China CommunChina Economic ReviewChina Econ Rev China Forum China Forum China Foundry China Foundry+China: Has The Last Opportunity Passed By?!China 21st Century,China-india Relations: Contemporary DynamicsRoutl Cont S Asia SeChina in The 21st CenturyChina 21st Century1China in The Early Bronze Age: Shang CivilizationEncounters Asia,China in The Wake of Asia's Financial CrisisRoutl Stud Chin Econ<China Into The Hu-wen Era: Policy Initiatives and ChallengesSer Contemp China China JournalChina JChina Ocean EngineeringChina Ocean Eng:China On The Move: Migration, The State, and The HouseholdRoutl Stud Hum GeogrChina Paper 93 P Tech As PChina Particuology China Part5China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical TechnologyChina Pet Process PeChina Policy SeriesChina Policy SerChina Quarterly China QuartChina Quarterly Special IssuesChina Q Spec Iss:China Review-an Interdisciplinary Journal On Greater China China Rev+China Rising: Will The West Be Able to CopeWorld Sci Ser 21st C!Chinas Agricultural ModernizationChina 21st Century7China's Agriculture in The International Trading System Oecd Proc7China's Capital Markets: Challenges From Wto MembershipAdv Chin Econ StudaChina's Compliance in Global Affairs: Trade, Arms Control, Environmental Protection, Human RightsSer Contemp China>China's Death Penalty: History, Law and Contemporary PracticesRoutl Adv Criminol!Chinas Economic Reform, 1978-1988 Res Asia Es@China's Elite Politics: Political Transition and Power BalancingSer Contemp ChinaChina's Embedded ActivismRout Stud China TranCChina's Emergent Political Economy: Capitalism in The Dragon's LairRoutledge Stud Growt3China's Emerging Cities: The Making of New UrbanismRout Cont China Seri3China's Emerging Cities: The Making of New UrbanismRoutl Contemp China?China's Emerging Financial Markets: Challenges and OpportuntiesMilken Inst Ser FinaPChinas Environmental Crisis: Domestic and Global Political Impacts and ResponsesEnviron Polit TheorChina's Foreign Trade PolicyRout Cont China SeriChina's Foreign Trade PolicyRoutl Contemp China@China's Governmentalities: Governing Change, Changing GovernmentRout Stud China Tran7Chinas Higher Education Reform and InternationalisationRoutl Contemp China7Chinas Higher Education Reform and InternationalisationRoutledge Contemp Ch`China's Information and Communications Technology Revolution: Social Changes and State ResponsesChina Policy SermChina's Integration With The Global Economy: Wto Accession, Foreign Direct Investment and International TradeAdv Chin Econ StudQChina's Local Administration:traditions and Changes in The Sub-national HierarchyChina Policy Ser2Chinas Management Revolution: Spirit, Land, EnergyInt Manage KnowlChinas Medicine Chinas MedChinas Military ModernizationContrib Mil Stud-Chinas Modernization and Open Economic Policy Res Asia EsZChinas New Place in A World in Crisis: Economic, Geopolitical and Environmental DimensionsChin Update Bk SerChina Society YearbookChina Soc YearbChina Society Yearbook, Vol 5China Soc Yearb<China's Opening Society: The Non-state Sector and GovernanceChina Policy SerChina's Outbound TourismContemp Geogr Leis TFChina's Political and Economic Transformation: Theory and Case StudiesChina 21st Century@Chinas Post-reform Economy: Achieving Harmony, Sustaining GrowthRoutl Stud Chin Econ3China's Reforms and International Political EconomyRout Stud China Tran/China's Reforms At 30: Challenges and ProspectsSer Contemp China6China's Rise: Implications for U.s. Leadership in AsiaPol Stud`China's Rise in The World Ict Industry: Industrial Strategies and The Catch-up Development ModelChina Policy Ser"Chinas Rise: Threat Or OpportunityRoutl Secur Asia Ser<China's Rising Sea Power: The Pla Navy's Submarine ChallengeAsian Secur StudEChina's Science and Technology Sector and The Forces of GlobalisationSer Contemp China.China's Security Interests in The 21st CenturyRoutl Secur Asia Ser8China's State Enterprise Reform: From Marx to The MarketRoutl Contemp ChinaFChina's State-owned Enterprise Reforms: An Industrial and Ceo ApproachRoutledge Stud Growt@China's Surging Economy: Adjusting for More Balanced DevelopmentSer Contemp China)China's Three Decades of Economic ReformsRoutl Stud Chin Econ6Chinas Urban Space: Development Under Market SocialismRout Stud China Tran6Chinas Urban Space: Development Under Market SocialismRoutledge Stud ChinaLChina's War On Terrorism: Counter-insurgency, Politics and Internal SecurityAsian Secur Stud!China : The Crisis of 1989, Vol 1 C Int St Sp6China: The Next Twenty Years of Reform and DevelopmentChin Update Bk SerkChina, The United States, and South-east Asia: Contending Perspectives On Politics, Security, and EconomicsAsian Secur Stud;China Under Hu Jintao: Opportunities, Dangers, and DilemmasSer Contemp ChinaChina Update Book SeriesChin Update Bk SerIChina-u.s. Relations Transformed: Perspectives and Strategic InteractionsRoutl Contemp ChinagChina, Xinjiang and Central Asia: History, Transition and Crossborder Interaction Into The 21st CenturyRout Cont China SeriMChinese American Educational Research and Development Association Book SeriesChin Am Educ Res Dev&Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series BChinese Ann Math BEChinese Army Today: Tradition and Transformation for The 21st CenturyAsian Secur StudChinese AstronomyChinese Astron"Chinese Astronomy and AstrophysicsChinese Astron AstrEChinese Banking Industry: Lessons From History for Today's ChallengesRoutl Stud Chin Econ7Chinese Big Business in Indonesia: The State of CapitalRoutl Cont Se Asia S.Chinese Century: The Challenge to Global Order Glob Iss SerChinese Ceramics CommunicationsAdv Mater Res-switzChinese Chemical LettersChinese Chem Lett!Chinese Communist Party in ReformRoutl Stud Chin Econ/Chinese Consumer Market: Opportunites and RisksChandos Asian Stud@Chinese Cyberspaces: Technological Changes and Political EffectsAsias Transform.Chinese Documentaries: From Dogma to PolyphonyMedia Cult Soc Chang0Chinese Economic Development and The EnvironmentNew Horiz Environ EcBChinese Economic Law and Selected Comparisons From The Pacific Rim Dean Rusk CChinese Economic Policy Wor Sss ChiChinese Economic StudiesChinese Econ StudChinese Education Chinese EducChinese Education and SocietyChinese Educ Soc(Chinese Entrepreneurship in A Global Era Chin Worlds6Chinese Ethnic Business: Global and Local Perspectives Chin WorldsChinese Geographical ScienceChinese Geogr SciEChinese Heart in A Cognitive Perspective: Culture, Body, and LanguageAppl Cogn LinguistChinese History and Society Chin Hist Soc1Chinese Identities, Ethnicity and Cosmopolitanism Chin WorldsChinese in AmericaCrit Per AsianEChinese in Britain, 1800-present: Economy, Transnationalism, IdentityPalg Mac Ser TransEChinese in Britain, 1800-present: Economy, Transnationalism, IdentityPalg Mac Transnat HQChinese in Eastern Europe and Russia: A Middleman Minority in A Transnational Era Chin WorldsChinese Journal of AeronauticsChinese J Aeronaut'Chinese Journal of Analytical ChemistryChinese J Anal Chem-Chinese Journal of Astronomy and AstrophysicsChinese J Astron Ast"Chinese Journal of Cancer ResearchChin J Cancer Res"Chinese Journal of Cancer ResearchChinese J Cancer ResChinese Journal of CatalysisChinese J CatalChinese Journal of CatalysisChinese J Catal+'Chinese Journal of Chemical EngineeringChinese J Chem Eng#Chinese Journal of Chemical PhysicsChin J Chem Phys#Chinese Journal of Chemical PhysicsChinese J Chem PhysChinese Journal of ChemistryChinese J Chem Chinese Journal of Communication Chin J CommunChinese Journal of ElectronicsChinese J Electron-Chinese Journal of Geophysics-chinese EditionChinese J Geophys-ch&Chinese Journal of Inorganic ChemistryChin J Inorg Chem&Chinese Journal of Inorganic ChemistryChinese J Inorg Chem'Chinese Journal of Integrative MedicineChin J Integr Med$Chinese Journal of International LawChin J Int Law)Chinese Journal of Mechanical EngineeringChin J Mech Eng)Chinese Journal of Mechanical EngineeringChin J Mech Eng-en%Chinese Journal of Mechanics-series AChin J Mech-ser A%Chinese Journal of Mechanics-series AChinese J Mech-ser A+Chinese Journal of Oceanology and LimnologyChin J Oceanol Limn$Chinese Journal of Organic ChemistryChinese J Org ChemChinese Journal of PhysicsChinese J PhysChinese Journal of PhysiologyChinese J Physiol"Chinese Journal of Polymer ScienceChinese J Polym SciChinese Journal of PsychologyChinese J Psychol'Chinese Journal of Structural ChemistryChin J Struct Chem'Chinese Journal of Structural ChemistryChinese J Struc Chem:Chinese Kinship: Contemporary Anthropological PerspectivesRout Cont China Seri:Chinese Kinship: Contemporary Anthropological PerspectivesRoutl Contemp ChinaChinese Law and GovernmentChinese Law GovChinese LiteratureChinese Literature*Chinese Literature-essays Articles ReviewsChinese Lit-essays.Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance Stud ChinaChinese Management StudiesChin Manag StudChinese MathematicsChin MathematicsChinese Medical JournalChinese Med J-pekingEChinese Migrants and Internationalism: Forgotten Histories, 1917-1945 Chin WorldsIChinese Military Strategy in The Third Indochina War: The Last Maoist WarAsian Secur Stud%Chinese Nationalism in The Global Era Polit AsiaChinese Optics Letters Chin Opt LettLChinese Particle Le: Discourse Construction and Pragmatic Marking in ChineseRout Stud Asian Ling'Chinese Party-state in The 21st CenturyRoutl Contemp China8Chinese Perspective On Risk Analysis and Crisis ResponseAdv Intel Sys ResChinese Physics Chinese PhysChinese Physics BChinese Phys BChinese Physics CChinese Phys CChinese Physics-english Tr Chin PhysChinese Physics LettersChinese Phys LettNChinese Power and International Institutions - Alternate Paths to Global PowerAsian Secur StudAChinese Railways: Reform and Efficiency Improvement Opportunities Contrib EconChinese Science BulletinChinese Sci BullmChinese Scientists and Responsibility: Ethical Issues of Human Genetics in Chinese and International ContextsMit Inst Asienk Hamb'Chinese Society On The Eve of Tiananmen Harv Con Ch"Chinese Sociology and AnthropologyChinese Soc AnthropDChinese Space Policy: A Study in Domestic and International PoliticsSpace Power Polit/Chinese Spoken Language Processing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScChinese State in TransitionRout Stud China Tran^Chinese Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Decision-making: Confucianism, Leadership and WarAsian Secur StudChinese Studies Brit Lib OcChinese Studies in HistoryChinese Stud HistChinese Studies in LiteratureChinese Stud LitChinese Studies in PhilosophyChinese Stud PhilosChinese Transnational Networks Chin WorldsChinese Urban Reform St Cont Ch0Chinese Wisdom Alive: Vignettes of Life-thinkingFocus Civiliz Cult"Chinese Women in The Imperial PastSinica LeidensiaChinese Worlds Chin Worlds!Chinua Achebe's Things Fall ApartRoutledge Guides Lit&Chiral Dynamics: Theory and ExperimentLect Notes Phys Chirality Chirality+Chiral Separations By Liquid Chromatography Acs Sym Ser!Chiral Soliton Models for BaryonsLect Notes Phys+Chiral Sulfur Ligands: Asymmetric Catalysis Rsc Catal SerChiropractic Sports MedicineChiropr Sport MedChirurgChirurg ChirurgiaChirurgia-bucharestChirurgia Plastica Chir Plast Chirurgie ChirurgieChirurgie De La Main Chir MainChirurgie Pediatrique Chir PediatrChirurgische GastroenterologieChir Gastroenterol Chitin: Formation Amd Diagenesis Top GeobiolChloeChloeHChlor-alkali and Chlorate Technology: R. B. Macmullin Memorial Symposium Elec Soc SChloride ChannelsCurr Top MembrChlorinated ParaffinsHandb Environ Chem)Chlorinated Solvent and Dnapl Remediation Acs Sym SerChlorine in CoalCoal Sci Technol$Chloroplast: Basics and ApplicationsAdv Photosynth Resp4Chloroplast: From Molecular Biology to BiotechnologyNato Asi 3 High Tech<Chocolate, Fast Foods and Sweeteners: Consumption and HealthFood Bev Consum Hlth/Choice and Control in American Education, Vol 1 Stan Educ P/Choice and Control in American Education, Vol 2 Stan Educ PChoice in Economic ContextsRes Econ Anthropol5Choices in Financing Health Care and Old Age Security World B DisCholecystokininAnn Ny Acad Sci Cholestasis Int Congr SerCholestatic Liver DiseaseClin Gastroent-ser1Cholestatic Liver Diseases in Children and Adults Falk SympwCholestatic Liver Diseases: New Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Hepatobiliary and Cholestatic Liver Diseases Falk Symp@Cholestatic Liver Diseases: Therapeutic Options and Perspectives Falk SympdCholesterol Binding and Cholesterol Transport Proteins: Structure and Function in Health and DiseaseSubcell Biochem$Cholinergic Function and DysfunctionProg Brain ResGCholinergic Mechanisms: From Molecular Biology to Clinical SignificanceProg Brain Res?Cholinergic Neurotransmission : Functional and Clinical AspectsProg Brain ResEChomsky Et L'ordinateur: Approche Critique D'une Theorie Linguistique Interlangues8Choreographing The Global in European Cinema and TheaterStud Eur Cult Hist;Choreography of Modernism in France: La Danseuse, 1830-1930Res Monogr Fr StudChorus of Different VoicesAmer Univ St Ser Ix,Chp 2000: Co-generation for The 21st CenturyImeche Conf Trans!Christendom and European Identity Relig Soc9Christian and Lyric Tradition in Victorian Women's PoetryRoutl Stud Ninet CenChristian Bioethics Christ BioetChristianity & Literature Christian LitChristianity and Civil Society Bost Theo I%Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity Chr Jud Ant,Christianity and Society in The Modern WorldChrist Soc Mod World%Christianity and Western Civilization P Wethers IBChristianity, Empire, and The Making of Religion in Late AntiquityDivin Reread Late AnChristian Political EthicsEthikon Ser Comp$Christian Religion and BiotechnologyInt Libr Eth Law New'Christians At The Heart of Islamic RuleHist Christ MuslimChristian Scholars Review Christ Sch'Christian Scholars Review, Vol 17, No 4 Christ Sch@Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Spain N D Conf MChristian Studies Today Christ Stud8Christ in The Letters of Paul: in Place of A ChristologyBeih Z Neutest WissEChristliche Spiritualitat: Formen Und Traditionen Der Suche Nach GottDegruyter StudienbUChromaffin Cell: Transmitter Biosynthesis, Storage, Release, Actions, and InformaticsAnn Ny Acad SciTChromaffin Cell: Trnsmitter Biosynthesis, Storage, Release, Actions, and InformaticsAnn Ny Acad SciChromatic Graph TheoryCrc Discr Math Appl*Chromatic Monitoring of Complex Conditions Ser Sensors ChromatinMethod Enzymol ChromatinMethods Enzymol0Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Pt AMethod Enzymol0Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Pt BMethod Enzymol0Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Pt CMethod Enzymol;Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assays: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolChromatographiaChromatographia:Chromatographic Analysis of The Environment, Third EditionChromatogr Sci Ser,Chromatographic Characterization of Polymers Adv Chem SerChromatographic Methods Chromat MetChromatographic Science SeriesChromatogr Sci Ser(Chromatographic Society Symposium Series Chrom S SymXChromatography for Sustainable Polymeric Materials: Renewable, Degradable and Recyclable Adv Polym SciChromatography in Biotechnology Acs Sym Ser!Chromatography of Pharmaceuticals Acs Sym SerChromatography of Polymers Acs Sym Ser-Chromatography: Types, Techniques and MethodsChem Eng Method Tech!Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers Acs Sym Ser.Chromogranins: Functional and Clinical AspectsAdv Exp Med BiolChromophyte AlgaeSyst Assoc Spec Vol Chromosoma Chromosoma>Chromosomal Translocations and Oncogenic Transcription FactorsCurr Top Microbiol Chromosome John Inn S6Chromosome Coordinating Meeting 1992 ( Ccm 92 ), Vol 1 Genome Pr RChromosome ResearchChromosome ResChromosomes Today Chromosom TChromosomes Today, Vol 12 Chromosom TChromosomes Today, Vol 13 Chromosom TChromosomes Today, Vol 14 Chromosom T6Chronic and Recurrent Pain in Children and AdolescentsProg Pain Res Manag:Chronic Care, Health Care Systems and Services IntegrationRes Sociol Health Ca'Chronic Diseases and Injuries in CanadaChron Dis Inj CanChronic Diseases in CanadaChronic Dis CanChronic Fatigue Syndrome Ciba F Symp9Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and PreventionImmunol Immune Syst?Chronic Hepatitis: Metabolic, Cholestatic, Viral and Autoimmune Falk Symp%Chronic Inflammation of Liver and Gut Falk Symp"Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Falk SympChronic Liver Damage Int Congr Ser0Chronic Liver Failure: Mechanisms and ManagementClin Gastroent-serChronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaCurr Top Microbiol@Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Pathogenesis to TreatmentNovart Fdn SympChronic Pain and AddictionAdv Psychosom MedJChronic Pain: A Primary Care Guide to Practical Management, Second EditionCurr Clin Pract0Chronic Prostatitis/chronic Pelvic Pain SyndromeCurr Clin Urol-Chronic Viral and Inflammatory CardiomyopathyE Schering Res Fdn WCChronic Viral Hepatitis: Diagnosis and Therapeutics, Second EditionClin Gastroent-serChronobiologiaChronobiologiaChronobiology InternationalChronobiol IntWChronobiology : Its Role in Clinical Medicine, General Biology, and Agriculture, Part AProg Clin Biol ResWChronobiology : Its Role in Clinical Medicine, General Biology, and Agriculture, Part BProg Clin Biol ResAChrono-topologies: Hybrid Spatialities and Multiple Temporalities Crit StudVChrysostomosbilder in 1600 Jahren: Facetten Der Wirkungsgeschichte Eines KirchenvatersArb Kirchengesch(Chungara-revista De Antropologia ChilenaChungaraChurch & State Church StateChurch and Galileo St Sci HumChurch and Theology in ContextKtcChurch As Politeia Arb KirchChurch As PoliteiaArb KirchengeschChurch, Change and Revolution Publ Thom BeChurch, Chapel and Party: Religious Dissent and Political Modernization in Nineteenth-century England Stud Mod HistChurch History Church HistChurchill, Roosevelt and IndiaRoutl Stud Mod HistHChurchill's Man of Mystery: Desmond Morton and The World of IntelligenceWhitehall Hist*Ciba Foundation Colloquia On EndocrinologyCiba F Coll EndocrinCiba Foundation Symposia Ciba F SympCicatrising ConjunctivitisDev OphthalmolHCicc: Proceedings of The Ieee 2005 Custom Integrated Circuits ConferenceIeee Cust Integr Cir$Cicero, Philippics 3-9, Vols 1 and 2 Texte KommentCiencia & Saude ColetivaCienc Saude ColetivaCiencia E Agrotecnologia Cienc AgrotecCiencia E Investigacion Cienc InvestCiencia E Investigacion AgrariaCienc Investig AgrarCiencia E Tecnica VitivinicolaCienc Tec Vitivinic!Ciencia E Tecnologia De AlimentosCiencia Tecnol AlimeCiencia Florestal Cienc FlorestCiencia Mexico Cienc Mex Ciencia Rural Cienc RuralCiencias Marinas Cienc Mar Ciencia Y Tecnologia AlimentariaCienc Tec Alimentar Ciencia Y Tecnologia AlimentariaCienc Tecnol AlimentCifa Technical Paper Cifa Tech Cigarette Smoking and The KidneyContrib NephrolCiheam Publication Ciheam Publ3Cilia: Model Organisms and Intraflagellar TransportMethod Cell Biol)Ciliary Function in Mammalian DevelopmentCurr Top Dev BiolCilia: Structure and MotilityMethod Cell BiolCimaiseCimaise Cim BulletinCim BullCimel Book Series Cimel Bk SerCimmacs '07: Proceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Computational Intelligence, Man-machine Systems and Cybernetics Ele Com Eng9Cinc: 2009 36th Annual Computers in Cardiology ConferenceComput Cardiol!Cin-computers Informatics NursingCin-comput Inform NuCineasteCineaste Cineforum CineforumCinema E TraduzioneCinema E TraduzioneCinema JournalCinema JCinemas D Amerique LatineCinemas Am LatHCinematic Tourist: Explorations in Globalization, Culture and ResistanceInt Libr Sociol!C(infinity) Differentiable SpacesLect Notes MathCipa Publication Cipa PublCirad ColloquesCirad Colloques\Cira Part Iii Reference Atmospheres - Trace Constituent Models - Comparison With Latest Data Adv Space Res\Cira Part Iii Reference Atmospheres - Trace Constituent Models - Comparison With Latest DataAdv Space Res-seriesCircadian Clock Protein Rev%Circadian Clocks and Their Adjustment Ciba F SympCircadian RhythmsMethod EnzymolCircle-valued Morse TheoryDegruyter Stud MathECircuit and Interconnect Design for Rf and High Bit-rate ApplicationsAnalog Circ Sig ProcFCircuits and Systems for Future Generations of Wireless CommunicationsIntegr Circuit Syst7Circuit Simulation With Spice Opus: Theory and PracticeModel Simul Sci Eng&Circuits Systems and Signal ProcessingCirc Syst Signal Pr Circuit World Circuit World'Circular-grating Light-emitting SourcesP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma and Serum IvAnn Ny Acad Sci/Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma and Serum VAnn Ny Acad Sci,Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma Or SerumAnn Ny Acad Sci/Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma Or Serum IiAnn Ny Acad SciBCirculating Nucleic Acids in Plasma/serum Iii and Serum ProteomicsAnn Ny Acad Sci Circulation Circulation,Circulation-arrhythmia and ElectrophysiologyCirc-arrhythmia Elec#Circulation-cardiovascular GeneticsCirc-cardiovasc Gene"Circulation-cardiovascular ImagingCirc-cardiovasc Imag(Circulation-cardiovascular InterventionsCirc-cardiovasc Inte/Circulation-cardiovascular Quality and OutcomesCirc-cardiovasc Qual%Circulation Et Metabolisme Du CerveauCirc Metab CerveauCirculation-heart FailureCirc-heart FailCirculation JournalCirc JCirculation ResearchCirc ResCirculatory Shock Circ Shock1Circulo De Linguistica Aplicada A La ComunicacionCirc Linguist Apl CoLCircum-pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources Earth Science Series Circ-pac C-Circumstellar Dust Disks and Planet Formation Iap Astr M@Circumstellar Media and Late Stages of Massive Stellar EvolutionRev Mex Ast AstrWCircumventricular Organs and Brain Fluid Environment : Molecular and Functional AspectsProg Brain Res$Cirp Annals-manufacturing TechnologyCirp Ann-manuf Techn8Cirrhosis, Hepatic Encephalopathy, and Ammonium ToxicityAdv Exp Med Biol5Cirrhosis, Hyperammonemia, and Hepatic EncephalopathyAdv Exp Med BiolCirugia Espanola Cir EspanCirugia Y CirujanosCir CirPCisap4: 4th International Conference On Safety & Environment in Process IndustryChem Engineer TransCism Courses and Lectures Cism Cour LCism Courses and LecturesCism Courses LectsCisst'09: Proceedings of The 3rd Wseas International Conference On Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications Ele Com EngsCisst'10: Proceedings of The 4th Wseas International Conference On Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications Ele Com Eng1Cis, The Eu and Russia: Challenges of IntegrationStud Cent E Eur(Citation Analysis in Research EvaluationInform Sci Knowl Man/Cithara-essays in The Judeo-christian TraditionCitharaCitiesCitiesCities and CinemaRoutl Crit Intro UrbCities and CulturesRoutl Crit Intro UrbCities and DevelopmentRoutl Perspect DevCities and EconomiesRoutl Crit Intro UrbCities and GenderRoutl Crit Intro Urb!Cities and Low Carbon TransitionsRout Stud Human Geog!Cities and Low Carbon TransitionsRoutl Stud Hum GeogrCities and NatureRoutl Crit Intro Urb+Cities and Race: America's New Black GhettoQuestion Cities/Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in JapanRout Contemp JapUCities Between Competitiveness and Cohesion: Discourses, Realities and ImplementationGeojournal Lib9Cities in Globalization: Practices, Policies and TheoriesQuestion Cities&Cities in The Pre-modern Islamic WorldSoas-rout Stud Mid ECities in The World, 1500-2000Soc Post Med Arch MCities in The World-systemContrib Econ Econ HiKCities in Transition: Globalization, Political Change and Urban DevelopmentGeojournal Lib:Cities in Transition: New Challenges, New ResponsibilitiesAnglo German Fdn Ser'Cities, Nationalism and DemocratizationQuestion CitiesCities of EuropeMulticult EuropeCities of The Future SeriesCities Future Series.Cities, Words and Images: From Poe to ScorseseLang Discourse Soc3Citizen Rights and Access to Electronic Information Lita Pres S=Citizens and The New Governance: Beyond New Public ManagementInt I Adm Sci Monogr=Citizens and The New Governance: Beyond New Public ManagementInt Inst Adm Sci MgDCitizen Shakespeare: Freemen and Aliens in The Language of The PlaysEarly Mod Cult StudgCitizenship Acquisition and National Belonging - Migration, Membership and The Liberal Democratic StateMigrat Minor CitizendCitizenship and Belonging: Immigration and The Politics of Demographic Governance in Postwar BritainMigrat Minor Citizen-Citizenship and Collective Identity in EuropeRoutl Adv Eur PolitKCitizenship and Involvement in European Democracies: A Comparative AnalysisRoutl Res Comp Polit-Citizenship and State Succession, ProceedingsCo Sci Tech Democ.Citizenship Curriculum in Asia and The PacificCerc Stud Comp Educ$Citizenship in Nordic Welfare StatesRoutl Adv Eur Polit.Citizenship Pedagogies in Asia and The PacificCerc Stud Comp EducCitizenship StudiesCitizenship StudfCitizens of A Christian Nation: Evangelical Missions and The Problem of Race in The Nineteenth CenturyPolit Cult Mod AmYCitizens, Soldiers and National Armies: Military Service in France and Germany, 1789-1830War Hist PolitCitrus & Vegetable MagazineCitrus Veg MagYCitrus and Other Subtropical and Tropical Fruit Crops: Issues, Advances and Opportunities Acta HorticCitrus Industry Citrus IndCityKey Ideas GeogrCity & CommunityCity Community%City and Spectacle in Medieval Europe Mediev St MCity in South AsiaAsias Transform City in The Twenty-first CenturyCity 21st CenturyCity Reader, 5th EditionRout Urb Read SerWCity Rehearsed: Object, Architecture, and Print in The Worlds of Hans Vredeman De VriesClass Tradit ArchitCity Taxes, City SpendingStud Fisc Fed Sl Fin%Civic Engagement in A Network SocietyRes Int Civ EngagemLCivic Engagement in Contemporary Japan: Established and Emerging RepertoiresNonprofit Civ Soc St8Civic Insecurity: Law, Order and Hiv in Papua New GuineaStud St Soc PacmCivic Learning Through Agricultural Improvement: Bringing The Loom and The Anvil Into Proximity With The PlowStud Hist Educ'Civil Aerospace Technologies - Fitec 98Imeche Conf TransCivil Comp ProceedingsCivil Comp Proceed(Civil Disobedience and The German CourtsU Tex Aust Stud ForeCivil Engineering Civil Eng+Civil Engineering and Environmental SystemsCiv Eng Environ Syst5Civil Engineering for Practicing and Design EngineersCivil Eng Pract DesCivil Engineering-londonCivil Eng-londonCivil Engineering SystemsCivil Eng SystCivil Engineering TechnicianCivil Eng TechJCivil Happiness: Economics and Human Flourishing in Historical PerspectiveRoutl Stud Hist EcondCivilizational Identity: The Production and Reproduction of Civilizations in International RelationsCult Relig Int Relat&Civil Liability for Pure Economic Loss Uk Comp LawcCivil-military Dynamics, Democracy, and International Conflict: A New Quest for International PeaceAdv Foreign Policy ACivil Rights DigestCivil Rights Dig1Civil Service Systems in Anglo-american CountriesCiv Serv Syst Comp P0Civil Service Systems in Comparative PerspectiveCiv Serv Syst Comp P@Civil Sociality: Children, Sport, and Cultural Policy in DenmarkEduc Policy Pract CruCivil Society and International Governance: The Role of Non-state Actors in Global and Regional Regulatory FrameworksRoutl Garn Ser Eur W-Civil Society and Political Change in MoroccoHist Soc Islam World'Civil Society and The Internet in JapanRoutl Contemp Jpn SeCivil Society in AlgeriaRoutl Stud Mid E Pol(Civil Society in Comparative Perspective Comp Soc ResFCivil Society in Uncivil Places: Soft State and Regime Change in NepalPol Stud`Civil Society Participation in European and Global Governance: A Cure for The Democratic DeficitTransform State-Civil Society, Religion and Global GovernanceRout Adv Int Rel Glo-Civil Society, Religion and Global GovernanceRoutl Adv Int RelatoCivil Space in The Clinton Era, 32nd Goddard Memorial Symposium/partners in Space ... 2001, 41st Annual MeetingSci Tech Civil SzemleCiv SzleCivil War HistoryCivil War HistCivil War in Poland, 1942-1948Stud Russ E Eur%Ckm Matrix and The Unitarity Triangle Cern Report Cladistics Cladistics@Cladistics-the International Journal of The Willi Hennig Society Cladistics(Cla Journal-college Language AssociationCla J2Claremont Book Series On Applied Social PsychologyClarem Bk Ser App So3Claremont Reading Conference, Fifty-fourth Yearbook Claremont R2Claremont Reading Conference, Fifty-third Yearbook Claremont R%Claremont Reading Conference Yearbook Claremont R/Claremont Studies in The Philosophy of ReligionClaremon Stud Philos0Claremont Symposium On Applied Social Psychology Clar Symp>Clarity of Feelings: What Does It Mean to Understand Emotions?Ideen Argumente Clark Studies in The Visual ArtsClark Stud Vis Arts]Clash of Ideas in World Politics:transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change, 1510-2010Princ Stud Int Hist5Clash of Ireland : Literary Contrasts and Connections Dqr Stu Lit:Class, Culture and Suburban Anxieties in The Victorian EraRoutl Stud Ninet CenClasses of ModulesMonogr Txb Pure ApplClass Field Theory UniversitextWClassical and Advanced Theories of Thin Structures: Mechanical and Mathematical Aspects Cism Cour L0Classical and Generalized Models of Elastic RodsCrc Ser Mod Mech Mat+Classical and Modern Literature-a Quarterly Class Mod Lit6Classical and Modern Potential Theory and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci Inst SeSClassical and Modern Thought On International Relations: From Anarchy to CosmopolisPalgr Mac Ser HistKClassical and New Paradigms of Computation and Their Complexity HierarchiesTr Log Stud Log LibKClassical and New Paradigms of Computation and Their Complexity HierarchiesTrends Log Stud LogClassical and Quantum GravityClassical Quant Grav5Classical and Three-dimensional Qsar in Agrochemistry Acs Sym SerClassical AntiquityClassical AntiquityClassical BulletinClassical BullClassical EconophysicsRoutl Adv Exp Comput;Classical Finite Transformation Semigroups: An Introduction Algebra ApplClassical Foundations Class Found*Classical Fourier Analysis, Second EditionGrad Texts MathClassical Journal Classical J7Classical Liberalism and International Relations TheoryPalgr Mac Ser Hist5Classical Mechanics: Theory and Mathematical Modeling Cornerstones<Classical Microlocal Analysis in The Space of HyperfunctionsLect Notes MathClassical Nova Explosions Aip Conf ProcClassical PhilologyClassical PhilolClassical QuarterlyClassical QuartClassical Receptions JournalClass Recept JClassical Review Classical Rev?Classical Samkhya and Yoga: An Indian Metaphysics of ExperienceRoutl Hindu Stud Ser#Classical Texts in Critical RealismClass Texts Crit Rea%Classical Topics in Discrete GeometryCms Books Math#Classical Tradition in ArchitectureClass Tradit ArchitClassical WorldClassical World7Classic Issues in Islamic Philosophy and Theology TodayIslam Ph Occident.Classic Mechanics: Vom Weitsprung Zum MarsflugDegruyter LehrbClassic Petroleum ProvincesGeol Soc Spec PublClassics in Applied MathematicsClass Appl MathClassics in Mathematics Class MathClassics in Science EducationClass Sci Educ?Classic Works of The Dempster-shafer Theory of Belief FunctionsStud Fuzz Soft Comp5Classification and Clustering for Knowledge DiscoveryStud Comp Intell5Classification and Clustering for Knowledge DiscoveryStud Comput Intell:Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys Aip Conf ProcGClassification and Information Processing At The Turn of The MillenniumSt Class Dat AnalGClassification and Information Processing At The Turn of The MillenniumStud Class Data AnalDClassification and Multivariate Analysis for Complex Data StructuresStud Class Data Anal)Classification, Automation, and New MediaSt Class Dat Anal)Classification, Automation, and New MediaStud Class Data Anal8Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining ApplicationsSt Class Dat Anal8Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining ApplicationsStud Class Data Anal%Classification in The Information AgeSt Class Dat Anal%Classification in The Information AgeStud Class Data Anal%Classification of Algebraic VarietiesEms Ser Congr Rep8Classification of Higher Dimemsional Algebraic VarietiesOberwolfach Semin%Classification of Irregular VarietiesLect Notes Math7Classification of Quadrilaterals: A Study of DefinitionRes Math Educ SerEClassification Research for Knowledge Representation and OrganizationFid Publ)Classification - The Ubiquitous ChallengeSt Class Dat Anal)Classification - The Ubiquitous ChallengeStud Class Data AnalClassifying Madness Philos Med9Class Matters: Early North America and The Atlantic WorldEarly Am Stud Ser;Class of Algorithms for Distributed Constraint OptimizationFront Artif Intel Ap*Classroom Management in Language EducationRes Pract Appl Lingu2Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, Third Edition Chem Ind-serClaudel Studies Claudel StudClaudinsCurr Top MembrClaudins: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolKClausewitz and America: Strategic Thought and Practice From Vietnam to Iraq Strateg Hist@Clausewitzian Dictum and The Future of Western Military StrategyNijhoff Law Spec?Claustrophilia: The Erotics of Enclosure in Medieval LiteratureNew Middle AgesClavierClavier#Clay Materials Used in ConstructionEng Geol Spec Publ S Clay Minerals Clay MinerClays and Clay MineralsClay Clay Miner)Clcweb-comparative Literature and CultureClcweb-comp Lit Cult Clean Air Clean Air Clean CoalRenew Energy Res Dev Clean Energy From Waste and Coal Acs Sym Ser9Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing Elec Soc S;Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing V Elec Soc S>Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing Viii Elec Soc SJCleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing Vii, Proceedings Elec Soc SCleanroom Technology 1999 VDI BerichtClean Room Technology 2001 VDI BerichtClean-soil Air WaterClean-soil Air WaterClean Solvents Acs Sym Ser+Clean Technologies and Environmental PolicyClean Technol Envir<Clean Technology for The Manufacture of Speciality Chemicals Roy Soc ChClean Utilization of CoalNato Adv Sci I C-matClean Water - Clean Environment - 21st Century, Team Agriculture - Working to Protect Water Resources, Conference Proceedings, Vol Iii: Practices, Systems & Adoption Asae PublClean Water - Clean Environment - 21st Century, Team Agriculture - Working to Protect Water Resources, Conference Proceedings, Vol Ii: Nutrients Asae PublClean Water - Clean Environment - 21st Century, Team Agriculture - Working to Protect Water Resources, Conference Proceedings, Vol I: Pesticides Asae Publ?Clearance of Dying Cells in Healthy and Diseased Immune SystemsAnn Ny Acad Sci!Cleft Palate-craniofacial JournalCleft Palate-cran JCleft Palate JournalCleft Palate J$Cleveland Clinic Journal of MedicineClev Clin J MedCleveland Clinic QuarterlyClev Clin J MedCleveland Clinic QuarterlyCleveland Clin QBClient-consultant Collaboration: Coping With Complexity and ChangeRes Manag Consult?Clifford Algebras and Their Application in Mathematical Physics Fund Theor@Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics Fund Theor@Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical PhysicsFund Theor PhysHClifford Algebras: Applications to Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Prog Math PHClifford Algebras: Applications to Mathematics, Physics, and EngineeringProg Math Phys&Clifford Analysis and Its ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math&Clifford Analysis and Its ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math7Clifford Wavelets, Singular Integrals, and Hardy SpacesLect Notes Math Climacteric Climacteric Climate Alert Clim AlertClimate and DevelopmentClim Dev*Climate and Environmental Database SystemsKluwer Int Ser Eng CClimate and Land DegradationEnviron Sci EngGClimate and Trade Policy: Bottom-up Approaches Towards Global AgreementEsri Stud Environ;Climate and Water: Transboundary Challenges in The AmericasAdv Glob Change ResGClimate Change Adaptation in Developed Nations: From Theory to PracticeAdv Glob Change ResOClimate Change Adaptation in New York City: Building A Risk Management ResponseAnn Ny Acad SciKClimate Change and Agriculture: Analysis of Potential International Impacts Asa Spec PlClimate Change and Agriculture: An Economic Analysis of Global Impacts, Adapation and Distributional EffectsNew Horiz Environ Ec4Climate Change and Armed Conflict: Hot and Cold WarsRoutl Stud Peace Con"Climate Change and Crop ProductionCabi Clim Change SerClimate Change and CropsEnviron Sci EngNClimate Change and Energy Pathways for The Mediterranean, Workshop Proceedings All Glo SusHClimate Change and Food Security: Adapting Agriculture to A Warmer WorldAdv Glob Change Res!Climate Change and Foreign PolicyRoutl Adv Int RelatClimate Change and GroundwaterGeol Soc Spec Publ4Climate Change and Its Causes Effects and PredictionClim Chang Cause Eff"Climate Change and Ontario's ParksState Art Worksh SerYClimate Change and The Economics of The Worlds Fisheries: Example of Small Pelagic StocksNew Horiz Environ Ec#Climate Change in The MediterraneanFeem Ser Econ EnvirClimate Change LiabilityNew Hor Env EnergClimate Change ManagementClim Chang Manag}Climate Change Processes in The Stratosphere, Earth-atmosphere-ocean Systems, and Oceanographic Processes From Satellite Data Adv Space Res}Climate Change Processes in The Stratosphere, Earth-atmosphere-ocean Systems, and Oceanographic Processes From Satellite DataAdv Space Res-seriesDClimate Change Research: Evaluation and Policy Implications, A and BStud Environ Sci2Climate Change, Transport and Environmental PolicyNew Hor Env EcoClimate Dynamics Clim Dynam(Climate Dynamics: Why Does Climate Vary?Geophys Monogr Ser#Climate Impact of Solar Variability Nasa Conf P[Climate in Historical Times: Towards A Synthesis of Holocence Proxy Data and Climate ModelsGkss Sch EnvironmWClimate Law and Developing Countries: Legal and Policy Challenges for The World EconomyNew Hor Env EnergClimate of The Past Clim PastClimate Policy Clim PolicyClimate ResearchClim ResClimate Research Climate ResIClimate Time Series Analysis: Classical Statistical and Bootstrap MethodsAtmos Ocean Sci Lib5Climate Variability and Change - Hydrological Impacts Iahs-aish P:Climate Variability and Extremes During The Past 100 YearsAdv Glob Change ResFClimate-vegetation: Afro-asian Mediterranean and Red Sea Coastal Lands Plant VegClimatic ChangeClimatic ChangeHClimatic Changes and Water Resources in The Middle East and North AfricaEnviron Sci EngClinica Chimica ActaClin Chim ActaClinical Allergy Clin AllergyClinical Allergy and Immunology Cl Aller Im*Clinical Allergy: Diagnosis and ManagementCurr Clin Pract#Clinical & Developmental ImmunologyClin Dev Immunol"Clinical & Experimental MetastasisClin Exp Metastas!Clinical & Translational OncologyClin Transl OncolClinical Anatomy Clin Anat)Clinical Anatomy of The Coronary ArteriesAdv Anat Embryol Cel$Clinical Anatomy of The Pelvic FloorAdv Anat Embryol Cel*Clinical and Applied Thrombosis-hemostasisClin Appl Thromb-hem@Clinical and Basic Oculomotor Research: in Honor of David S. ZeeAnn Ny Acad Sci7Clinical and Biological Basis of Lung Cancer PreventionResp Pharm & Pharmac$Clinical and Biomedical SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Clinical and Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging Ii Proc Spie-Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory ImmunologyClin Diagn Lab Immun Clinical and Diagnostic VirologyClin Diagn VirolCClinical and Epidemiological Aspects of End-of-life Decision-making Knaw Verhan!Clinical and Experimental AllergyClin Exp AllergyCClinical and Experimental Approaches to Dermal and Epidermal RepairProg Clin Biol Res%Clinical and Experimental DermatologyClin Exp Dermatol0Clinical and Experimental Dialysis and ApheresisClin Exp Dial A&Clinical and Experimental HypertensionClin Exp HypertensAClinical and Experimental Hypertension Part A-theory and PracticeClin Exp Hypertens AGClinical and Experimental Hypertension Part B-hypertension in PregnancyClin Exp Hypertens B$Clinical and Experimental ImmunologyClin Exp Immunol"Clinical and Experimental Medicine Clin Exp Med$Clinical and Experimental NephrologyClin Exp Nephrol1Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & GynecologyClin Exp Obstet Gyn'Clinical and Experimental OphthalmologyClin Exp Ophthalmol#Clinical and Experimental OptometryClin Exp Optom-Clinical and Experimental OtorhinolaryngologyClin Exp Otorhinolar5Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and PhysiologyClin Exp Pharmacol P&Clinical and Experimental RheumatologyClin Exp Rheumatol#Clinical and Investigative MedicineClin Invest MedFClinical and Investigative Medicine-medecine Clinique Et ExperimentaleClin Invest Med#Clinical and Laboratory HaematologyClin Lab Haematol2Clinical and Laboratory Performance of Bone PlatesAm Soc Test MaterClinical and Vaccine ImmunologyClin Vaccine ImmunolClinical Aphasiology Clin AphasiolClinical Aphasiology, Vol 22 Clin AphasiolClinical Aphasiology, Vol 23 Clin Aphasiol%Clinical Applications of ImmunotoxinsCurr Top Microbiol*Clinical Applications of Mass SpectrometryMethods Mol Biol5Clinical Applications of Modern Imaging Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Clinical Applications of Tgf-beta Ciba F Symp!Clinical Applied Psychophysiology Pl S BehavClinical Aspects of Biomedicine Clin Asp B!Clinical Aspects of Microdialysis Act Neur S>Clinical Assessment, Computerized Methods, and Instrumentation Comp PsychClinical Autonomic ResearchClin Auton ResClinical Biochemistry Clin Biochem:Clinical Biochemistry Contemporary Theories and TechniquesClin Biochem Contemp0Clinical Bioethics: A Search for The FoundationsInt Lib Ethics LawClinical Biomechanics Clin BiomechClinical Breast CancerClin Breast CancerClinical Bulletin Clin BullClinical Cancer PreventionRecent Results CancClinical Cancer ResearchClin Cancer ResClinical Cardiology Clin CardiolClinical Chemistry Clin Chem*Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory MedicineClin Chem Lab Med+Clinical Child and Family Psychology ReviewClin Child Fam PsychClinical Colorectal CancerClin Colorectal Canc,Clinical Decision Making and Quality of Life Col As Fr RClinical Diagnostic SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Clinical Diagnostic Systems: Technologies and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Clinical Diagnostic Systems: Technologies and Instrumentation Proc SpieClinical Drug InvestigationClin Drug InvestClinical DysmorphologyClin Dysmorphol#Clinical Ecology of Cystic Fibrosis Int Congr SerClinical Eeg and NeuroscienceClin Eeg NeurosciMClinical Efficacy and Outcome in The Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain Bris Myer ZClinical ElectroencephalographyClin ElectroencephalClinical EndocrinologyClin EndocrinolClinical Endocrinology / Int Congr SerQClinical Ethics and The Necessity of Stories: Essays in Honor of Richard M. Zaner Philos Med+Clinical Evaluation of Drug Efficacy in Uti Int Congr SerClinical Exercise TestingEur Respir MonogrClinical Flow CytometryAnn Ny Acad Sci<Clinical Functional Mri: Presurgical Functional NeuroimagingMed Radiol Diagn ImaClinical GastroenterologyClin Gastroent-ser(Clinical Gastroenterology and HepatologyClin Gastroenterol HClinical Genetics Clin GenetClinical Genitourinary CancerClin Genitourin CancClinical GerontologistClin Gerontologist-Clinical Handbook of Insomnia, Second EditionCurr Clin NeurolClinical HemorheologyClin Hemorheol*Clinical Hemorheology and MicrocirculationClin Hemorheol Micro+Clinical Hypertension and Vascular DiseasesClin Hypertens Vasc#Clinical Hypertension in NephrologyContrib NephrolClinical Imaging Clin ImagClinical Immunology Cl ImmunolClinical Immunology Clin ImmunolFClinical Immunology and Allergy Antibiotics: Intolerance and Allergies Ejd Book Ser'Clinical Immunology and ImmunopathologyClin Immunol ImmunopClinical ImmunotherapeuticsClin ImmunotherIClinical Impact of Pneumococcal Disease and Strategies for Its PreventionRoy Soc Med Int Cong/Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related ResearchClin Implant Dent RClinical Implant Materials Adv BiomatClinical Infectious DiseasesClin Infect DisClinical InvestigatorClin InvestigatorFClinical Issues in Growth Disorders: Evaluation, Diagnosis and TherapySerono Coll Eur Ser$Clinical Journal of Oncology NursingClin J Oncol NursClinical Journal of Pain Clin J Pain"Clinical Journal of Sport MedicineClin J Sport Med6Clinical Journal of The American Society of NephrologyClin J Am Soc NephroClinical LaboratoryClin LabClinical Lasers and DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Clinical Linguistics & PhoneticsClin Linguist PhonetClinical Lipidology Clin LipidolClinical Lung CancerClin Lung CancerClinical Lymphoma Clin LymphomaClinical Lymphoma & MyelomaClin Lymphoma Myelom$Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & LeukemiaCl Lymph Myelom LeukClinical Materials Clin MaterClinical Medical Ethics SeriesClin Med Ethics SerClinical MedicineClin MedClinical Medicine/us Clin Med/us#Clinical Microbiology and InfectionClin Microbiol InfecClinical Microbiology ReviewsClin Microbiol RevClinical Nephrology Clin Nephrol#Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryClin Neurol NeurosurClinical NeuropathologyClin NeuropatholClinical NeuropharmacologyClin NeuropharmacolClinical NeurophysiologyClin Neurophysiol6Clinical Neurophysiology: From Receptors to Perception Eeg Cl N SuClinical NeuropsychologistClin NeuropsycholClinical NeuropsychologyInt J Clin NeuropsycClinical NeuroradiologyClin Neuroradiol1Clinical Neuroradiology-klinische NeuroradiologieClin NeuroradiolClinical Neuroscience Clin NeurosciClinical Neuroscience ResearchClin Neurosci ResClinical Neurosurgery Clin NeurClinical Neurosurgery, Vol 36 Clin NeurClinical Neurosurgery, Vol 37 Clin NeurClinical Neurosurgery, Vol 38 Clin NeurClinical Nuclear Medicine Clin Nucl MedClinical Nurse SpecialistClin Nurse SpecClinical Nursing Research Clin Nurs ResClinical Nutrition Clin Nutr&Clinical Nutrition: Early Intervention Nes Nutr Ws"Clinical Obstetrics and GynecologyClin Obstet GynecolClinical Oncology Clin OncolClinical Oncology Clin Oncol-ukClinical Oncology Monographs Clin OncoloClinical Oncology-us Clin Oncol-usClinical Oral Implants ResearchClin Oral Implan ResClinical Oral InvestigationsClin Oral Invest*Clinical Orthopaedics and Related ResearchClin Orthop Relat RClinical OtolaryngologyClin OtolaryngolClinical Pediatrics Clin Pediatr Clinical Pet Dev Nuc MedClinical PharmacokineticsClin Pharmacokinet6Clinical Pharmacology : Actualities and Perspectives 3 Colloq Inse$Clinical Pharmacology & TherapeuticsClin Pharmacol Ther2Clinical Pharmacology and Rational Pharmacotherapy Sch Int Med7Clinical Pharmacology : Current Topics and Perspectives Colloq Inse/Clinical Pharmacology / Klinische Pharmakologie Klin Pharm/Clinical Pharmacology of Biotechnology Products Int Congr SerClinical Pharmacy Clin Pharmacy.Clinical Physics and Physiological MeasurementClin Phys Physiol MClinical Physiology Clin Physiol$Clinical Physiology and BiochemistryClin Physiol Bioch*Clinical Physiology and Functional ImagingClin Physiol Funct IClinical Physiology Series Clin PhysClinical Practice Clin PracClinical PsychologistClin Psychol-uk#Clinical Psychology & PsychotherapyClin Psychol PsychotClinical Psychology ReviewClin Psychol Rev(Clinical Psychology-science and PracticeClin Psychol-sci PrClinical Radiology Clin RadiolClinical Rehabilitation Clin Rehabil?Clinical Relevance of Macrophage Function in The Cancer PatientRoy Soc Med Int CongClinical ResearchClin Res(Clinical Research and Regulatory AffairsClin Res Regul AffClinical Research in CardiologyClin Res CardiolClinical Respiratory Journal Clin Respir JRClinical Respiratory Physiology-bulletin Europeen De Physiopathologie Respiratoire Clin Res ProcClinical Reviews in AllergyClin Rev Allerg(Clinical Reviews in Allergy & ImmunologyClin Rev Allerg ImmuClinical RheumatologyClin Rheumatol$Clinical Scenarios in Surgery SeriesClin Scenar Surg Ser'Clinical Scenarios in Surgical OncologyClin Scenar Surg SerClinical ScienceClin Sci'Clinical Science and Molecular MedicineClin Sci Mol Med&Clinical Science of Suicide PreventionAnn Ny Acad SciClinical Social Work JournalClin Soc Work J(Clinical Sociology-research and PracticeClin Sociol Res Prac]Clinical Teacher Education: Reflections From An Urban Professional Development School NetworkRead Educ Thought,Clinical Techniques in Small Animal PracticeClin Tech Small An PClinical Therapeutics Clin TherClinical Toxicology Clin ToxicolClinical TransplantationClin TransplantClinical Trials Clin Trials!Clinical Trials and Meta-analysisClin Trial Meta-anal+Clinical Trials for The Treatment of Sepsis Upd Int Car3Clinical Trial Simulations: Applications and TrendsAaps Adv Pharm SciClinical Trials Journal Clin Trials JGClinical Update On Inflammatory Disorders of The Gastrointestinal TractFront Gastroint ResClinical Use of Antibodies Dev Nuc MedClinical Vision SciencesClin Vision SciClinica TerapeuticaClin Ter(Clinica Veterinaria De Pequenos AnimalesClin Vet Pequenos An Clinician Clinician1Clinic On Library Applications of Data Processing Cl Lib ApplClinicsClinics7Clinics and Research in Hepatology and GastroenterologyClin Res Hepatol GasClinics in AnaesthesiologyClin AnaesthesiolClinics in Chest MedicineClin Chest MedClinics in Dermatology Clin Dermatol!Clinics in Developmental Medicine Clin Dev Med'Clinics in Endocrinology and MetabolismClin Endocrinol MetaClinics in GastroenterologyClin GastroenterolClinics in Geriatric MedicineClin Geriatr MedClinics in Haematology Clin Haematol!Clinics in Immunology and AllergyClin Immunol AllergyClinics in Laboratory Medicine Clin Lab MedClinics in Liver DiseaseClin Liver Dis%Clinics in Obstetrics and GynaecologyClin Obstet GynaecolClinics in Oncology Clinics OncolClinics in PerinatologyClin PerinatolClinics in Plastic SurgeryClin Plast SurgClinics in Rheumatic DiseasesClin Rheum DisClinics in Sports MedicineClin Sport Med9Clinton and Blair: The Political Economy of The Third WayRoutl Front Polit EcQClinton, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Interventionism: Rise and Fall of A PolicyCass Ser Peacekeepin7Clinton's Foreign Policy: Between The Bushes, 1992-2000Contemp Secur StudBClio-a Journal of Literature History and The Philosophy of HistoryClio Clio Medica Clio MedicaDClio Medica-the Wellcome Institute Series in The History of Medicine Clio Medica:Clio Medica-the Wellcome Series in The History of MedicineClio Med Cliometrica Cliometrica+Clitics in Phonology, Morphology and SyntaxLing AktClocking in Modern Vlsi SystemsIntegr Circuit SystCloning and Stem CellsCloning Stem Cells\Closed-end Funds, Exchange-traded Funds, and Hedge Funds: Origins, Functions, and LiteratureInnov Financ Market$Closed-loop Control of Blood GlucoseLect Notes Contr Inf_Closed-loop Supply Chains: New Developments to Improve The Sustainability of Business PracticesSupply Chain Integr<Close-range Photogrammetry Meets Machine Vision, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Closer: Performance, Technologies, Phenomenology Leonardo SerClostridial NeurotoxinsCurr Top MicrobiolClostridium DifficileCurr Top Microbiol,Clostridium Difficile: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol2Closure: Emergent Organizations and Their DynamicsAnn Ny Acad SciClothed With CharityWomen Conf Ser&Clothing and Textiles Research JournalCloth Text Res JClothing Biosensory EngineeringWoodhead Text Ser]Clothing The Spanish Empire: Families and The Calico Trade in The Early Modern Atlantic WorldAm Early Mod Atl Wor5Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and ApplicationsComput Commun Netw SCloud Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Cloud of Witnesses: The Cult of Saints in Past and PresentLiturg Condenda Cloud OpticsAtmos Ocean Sci Lib!Clouds, Cores, and Low Mass Stars Astr Soc PDClozapine in Treatment-resistant Schizophrenia : A Scientific UpdateRoy Soc Med Int Cong3Club Cultures: Boundaries, Identities and OthernessRoutl Adv SociolQClumsy Solutions for A Complex World: Governance, Politics and Plural Perceptions Glob Iss SerECluster Active Archive: Studying The Earth's Space Plasma EnvironmentAstrophysics SpaceCluster Assembled MaterialsMater Sci ForumICluster Computing-the Journal of Networks Software Tools and ApplicationsCluster ComputJCluster-ii Workshop Multiscale/multipoint Plasma Measurements, Proceedings Esa Sp PublJCluster-ii Workshop Multiscale/multipoint Plasma Measurements, Proceedings Esa Spec PublClustering At High Redshift Astr Soc PClustering in The Universe Moriond Ast-Cluster Models for Surface and Bulk PhenomenaNato Adv Sci I B-phyCluster Randomised Trials Interd Stat(Clusters and Cluster-assembled MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PHClusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Explorations Reg Cities&Clusters and Superclusters of GalaxiesNato Adv Sci I C-matClusters in Nuclei, Vol 1Lect Notes Phys1Clusters, Lensing, and The Future of The Universe Astr Soc PClusters of Galaxies Moriond AstHClusters of Galaxies: New Insights From Xmm-newton, Chandra and Integral Adv Space ResHClusters of Galaxies: New Insights From Xmm-newton, Chandra and IntegralAdv Space Res-series/Cmas: Computational Methods in Applied SciencesCmas1Cmb Polarization Workshop: Theory and Foregrounds Aip Conf Proc"Cmc-computers Materials & ContinuaCmc-comput Mater Con!Cme-chartered Mechanical EngineerCme-charter Mech Eng0Cmes-computer Modeling in Engineering & SciencesCmes-comp Model EngoCmmc 96 - Proceedings of The First International Conference On Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MatoCmmc 96 - Proceedings of The First International Conference On Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterCmos BiotechnologyIntegr Circuit SystRCmos Capacitive Sensors for Lab-on-chip Applications: A Multidisciplinary ApproachAnalog Circ Sig Proc2Cmos Current-mode Circuits for Data CommunicationsAnalog Circ Sig ProcUCmos Multichannel Single-chip Receivers for Multi-gigabit Optical Data CommunicationsAnalog Circ Sig ProcCmos Processors and MemoriesAnalog Circ Sig Proc^Cmos Single Chip Fast Frequency Hopping Synthesizers for Wireless Multi-gigahertz ApplicationsAnalog Circ Sig ProcHCmos Sram Circuit Design and Parametric Test in Nano-scaled TechnologiesFront Electron Test!Cmr International Workshop SeriesCmr Int Works SCms Books in MathematicsCms Books MathCms Workshop Lectures Cms Work LectCmv-related Immunopathology Mg VirologyC-myc in B-cell NeoplasiaCurr Top MicrobiolMCnn Effect in Action: How The News Media Pushed The West Toward War in KosovoPalgr Mac Ser Int PoCno in The Universe Astr Soc P)Cns & Neurological Disorders-drug TargetsCns Neurol Disord-drCns Drug Reviews Cns Drug Rev Cns Drugs Cns DrugsCns Neuroscience & TherapeuticsCns Neurosci Ther Cns Spectrums Cns Spectr Cns Spectrums Cns Spectrums<Co2 Capture: Technologies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsInst Fran Petr PublCo2 Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsCo2 Lasers and Applications 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins!Coagulation and Blood Transfusion Dev Hematol6Coal 2005: 6th Australasian Coal Operators' ConferenceAustralas I Min MetCoal AgeCoal AgeOCoal and Coal-related Compounds: Structures, Reactivity and Catalytic ReactionsStud Surf Sci Catal*Coaled Natural Gas: Energy and EnvironmentEnerg Sci Eng TechCoal Preparation Coal PrepCoal Science and TechnologyCoal Sci TechnolCoal Science Ii Acs Sym SerCoal Science, Vols I and IiCoal Sci TechnolCoal Systems AnalysisGeol Soc Am Spec PapSCoastal and Estuarine Environments: Sedimentology, Geomorphology and GeoarchaeologyGeol Soc Spec Publ-Coastal and Estuarine Fine Sediment ProcessesProceed Marine SciCoastal and Estuarine ProcessesAdv Ser Ocean EngCoastal and Estuarine Sciences Coast Est S&Coastal and Estuarine Sciences, Vol 58 Coast Est SCoastal and Estuarine StudiesCoast Estuar Stud*Coastal and Marine Geospatial TechnologiesCoast Syst Cont Marg$Coastal and Shelf Sediment TransportGeol Soc Spec Publ5Coastal Area Management Education in The Asean Region Iclarm Conf\Coastal Area Management in Southeast Asia : Policies, Management Strategies and Case Studies Iclarm ContCoastal Chalk Cliff InstabilityGeol Soc Eng Geol SpCoastal Engineering Coast Eng+Coastal Engineering and Marina Developments Environ St=Coastal Engineering Considerations in Coastal Zone Management Coastl WorlCoastal Engineering Journal Coast Eng JCoastal Engineering V Environ StCoastal Engineering Vi Environ StCoastal Engineering ViiWit Trans Built EnvCoastal Environment Environ St6Coastal Environment V: Incorporating Oil Spill Studies Environ St:Coastal Erosion Responses for Alaska, Workshop Proceedings Uasgcp RepCoastal Land Loss Volcan HazCoastal Management Coast ManageCoastal Ocean Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsCoastal Ocean Remote Sensing Proc SpieCoastal ProcessesWit Trans Ecol EnvirCoastal Research LibraryCoast Res Libr'Coastal Systems and Continental MarginsCoast Syst Cont Marg5Coastal Systems and Sustainable Development in Africa Unesco R MCoastal Systems, Second EditionRoutl Introd Environ3Coastal Systems Studies and Sustainable Development Unesco R MCoastal Watershed ManagementInt Ser Prog Wat ResCoastal Wetlands / Coastl WorlCoastal Zone Management Journal Coast ManageCoastal Zone Management JournalCoast Zone Manage JBCoastal Zones and Environmental Issues: Methodological Reflections Oceanis S DDCoastline Changes: Interrelation of Climate and Geological Processes Geol S Am SCoastlines of Japan Coastl WorlCoastlines of The Black Sea Coastl WorlCoastlines of The Caribbean Coastl Worl Coastlines of The Gulf of Mexico Coastl WorlCoastlines of The Mediterranean Coastl WorlCoastlines of The World Coastl WorlCoasts Under Stress IiZ Geomorphol Supp-Coating/papermakers Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P%Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering Key Eng Mat.Cobalt-base Alloys for Biomedical ApplicationsAm Soc Test Mater(Cocaine: Effects On The Developing BrainAnn Ny Acad Sci*Cocaine : Scientific and Social Dimensions Ciba F Symp&Coccidia and Intestinal Coccidiomorphs Colloq Inra1Coccidioidomycosis: Sixth International SymposiumAnn Ny Acad Sci,Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences UpdateAdv Oto-rhino-laryngCochlear Implants Int Congr Ser*Cochlear Implants and Hearing PreservationAdv Oto-rhino-laryngCochlear Implants in ChildrenAdv Oto-rhino-laryng$Cochlear Implants : New PerspectivesAdv Oto-rhino-laryng-Cochlear Mechanisms and Otoacoustic Emissions Adv Audiol'Cochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsCochrane Db Syst Rev CockatoosAustral Nat Hist Ser4Cockpit and Future Displays for Defense and SecurityP Soc Photo-opt InsCockpit DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Cockpit Displays and Visual SimulationP Soc Photo-opt InsCockpit Displays IiP Soc Photo-opt InsCockpit Displays IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsACockpit Displays Iv: Flat Panel Displays for Defense ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Cockpit Displays Ix: Displays for Defense ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Cockpit Displays Vi: Displays for Defense ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Cockpit Displays Vii: Displays for Defense ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Cockpit Displays Vii: Displays for Defense Applications Proc Spie8Cockpit Displays Viii: Displays for Defense ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsCockpit Displays XP Soc Photo-opt InsCockpit Displays X Proc Spie4Cockpit Display V: Displays for Defense ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Coconut Improvement in The South Pacific Aciar Proc3Cod and Climate Change - Proceedings of A Symposium Ices Mar Sc5Code: Collaborative Ownership and The Digital EconomyLeonardo SeriesCode of Tsar Stefan Dusan Serb Acd ScCodes and Designs Ohio St U MCodes and Turbo Codes Iris Int SerCodes for Error DetectionSer Coding Theory CrCCodesign-international Journal of Cocreation in Design and The ArtsCodesign)Codes of Good Governance Around The WorldBus Iss Compet EntreCodes Over RingsSer Coding Th Crypto$Codes, Systems, and Graphical Models Ima V Math$Codes, Systems, and Graphical ModelsIma Vol Math Appl$Code-switching in Bilingual ChildrenStud Theor PsycholinCodeswitching Worldwide Ii Trend Lin S!Codification of Environmental Law Int Env LawCoding and CryptographyLect Notes Comput ScCoding and CryptologySer Coding Th CryptoCoding and CryptologySer Coding Theory Cr"Coding and Cryptology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Coding and Signal Processing for Information StorageP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Coding Theory and Algebraic GeometryLect Notes Math+Coding Theory and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Coding Theory and Design Theory, Pt 2 Ima V MathCoding Theory and Number Theory Math Appl#Coding Theory and Quantum Computing Contemp MathCoeliac Disease Dev GastroECoerced Confessions: The Discourse of Bilingual Police InterrogationsLang Power Soc ProceCoercion and The State AmintaphilCoeurCoeur-rev Card Med-cCoeur Et Medecine InterneCoeur Med InterneCoevolutionary Fuzzy ModelingLect Notes Comput Sc0Co-evolution of Central Black Holes and GalaxiesIau Symp P Series:Coevolution of Human Potential and Converging TechnologiesAnn Ny Acad Sci Coexistence Co-existence6Co-existent Contradictions : Joseph Roth in Retrospect St Aust Lit8Cogeneration Fuel Cell-sorption Air Conditioning SystemsGreen Energy Technol Cognition CognitionCognition & EmotionCognition EmotionCognition and EconomicsAdv Austrian Econ"Cognition and Emotion in The Brain Int Congr SerCognition and InstructionCognition Instruct8Cognition and Instruction: Twenty-five Years of Progress Carn S Cogn4Cognition and Language A Series in PsycholinguisticsCogn Lang A Ser Psyc*Cognition and Learning in Diverse SettingsAdv Learn Behav DisaCognition and Social Worlds Keele Cog SiCognition-driven Decision Support for Business Intelligence: Models, Techniques, Systems and ApplicationsStud Comput IntelloCognition, Emotion and Autonomic Responses: The Integrative Role of The Prefrontal Cortex and Limbic StructuresProg Brain Res-Cognitive Affective & Behavioral NeuroscienceCogn Affect Behav Ne"Cognitive and Behavioral NeurologyCogn Behav Neurol!Cognitive and Behavioral PracticeCogn Behav Pract=Cognitive and Communicative Approaches to Linguistic AnalysisStud Funct Struct4Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic SpaceNato Adv Sci I D-beh`Cognitive and Neuroscientific Aspects of Human Love: A Guide for Marriage and Couples CounselingPsychol Emot Motiv AGCognitive and Social Perspectives for Literacy Research and InstructionNrc Year1Cognitive Approaches to Entrepreneurship ResearchAdv Stud Entrep Inno)Cognitive Approaches to Lexical Semantics Cog Lin Res)Cognitive Approaches to Lexical SemanticsCogn Linguist ResNCognitive Approaches to Pedagogical Grammar: A Volume in Honour of Rene DirvenAppl Cogn LinguistMCognitive Approach to The Verb: Morphological and Constructional Perspectives Cog Lin ResMCognitive Approach to The Verb: Morphological and Constructional PerspectivesCogn Linguist ResCognitive Aspects of LanguageLing ArbCognitive Assessment Persp IndivSCognitive-behavioral and Neuropsychological Models of Obsessive-compulsive DisorderPsychol Res ProgZCognitive Biology: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives On Mind, Brain and BehaviorVienna Ser Theor BioCognitive Brain ResearchCognitive Brain ResCognitive Computation Cogn ComputCognitive Development Cognitive DevGCognitive Dissonance: Progress On A Pivotal Theory in Social Psychology Sci Con Ser=Cognitive Dysfunction in Children With Temporal Lobe EpilepsyProg Epileptic DisorHCognitive Ergonomics, Clinical Assessment and Computer-assisted Learning Comp PsychECognitive Foundations of Linguistic Usage Patterns: Empirical StudiesAppl Cogn Linguist5Cognitive Impairment: Causes, Diagnosis and TreatmentNeurol Lab Clin Res3Cognitive Integration: Mind and Cognition UnboundedNew Dir Philos CognFCognitive Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary and PhraseologyAppl Cogn LinguistCognitive Linguistics Cogn Linguist%Cognitive Linguistics: Basic ReadingsCogn Linguist ResCCognitive Linguistics: Current Applications and Future PerspectivesAppl Cogn LinguistCognitive Linguistics Research Cog Lin ResCognitive Linguistics ResearchCogn Linguist ResQCognitive Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, and Foreign Language TeachingStud Lang Acquis'Cognitive Modeling and Verbal SemanticsTrends Linguist-studICognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideology, Metaphors and Meaning Cog Lin ResICognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideology, Metaphors and MeaningCogn Linguist Res%Cognitive Models of Speech Processing Acl Mit NatCognitive NeurodynamicsCogn Neurodynamics'Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Special IssueCogn NeuropsychiatryCognitive NeuropsychologyCogn NeuropsycholCognitive NeuropsychologyCognitive NeuropsychCognitive Neuroscience Cogn NeurosciCognitive NeuroscienceCogn Neurosci-uk&Cognitive Paths Into The Slavic DomainCogn Linguist Res0Cognitive Perspectives On Educational LeadershipCrit Iss Educ Leader"Cognitive Perspectives On Language Polish Stud'Cognitive Perspectives On Peer LearningRutg Inv Symp Educ S(Cognitive Perspectives On Word FormationTrends Linguist-stud(Cognitive Poetics: Goals, Gains and GapsAppl Cogn LinguistCognitive Processing Cogn ProcessCognitive PsychologyCognitive Psychol Cognitive Psychology of PlanningCurr Iss Think Reaso!Cognitive Psychology PerspectivesPsychol Res Prog<Cognitive Radar: The Knowledge-aided Fully Adaptive ApproachArtech Hse Radar LibFCognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless SystemsSignals Commun Techn7Cognitive Radio: Terminology, Technology and TechniquesMedia Commun TechnolCognitive Reasoning Cogn TechnolCognitive Science Cognitive Sci$Cognitive Science of Religion SeriesCognitive Sci RelCCognitive Science Series : Technical Monographs and Edit Collection Cog Sci SerOCognitive Sociolinguistics: Language Variation, Cultural Models, Social SystemsCogn Linguist Res/Cognitive Studies in Literature and PerformanceCogn Stud Lit PerforCognitive SystemsCogn Syst MonogrCognitive SystemsLect Notes Comput ScCognitive Systems Monographs Cog Sys MonoCognitive Systems MonographsCogn Syst MonogrCognitive Systems Research Cogn Syst ResCognitive Task Analysis Exp Res Appl2Cognitive Techniques in Visual Data InterpretationStud Comput IntellCognitive Technologies Cogn Technol6Cognitive Technology: Instruments of Mind, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntCognitive Therapy and ResearchCognitive Ther ResCognitive VisionLect Notes Comput Sc>Cognitive Vision Systems: Sampling The Spectrum of ApproachersLect Notes Comput Sc Cohabitation, Family and SocietyRoutl Adv SociolCoherence and Quantum Optics Coher QuantCoherence and Quantum Optics Vi Coher QuantSCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine IxP Soc Photo-opt InsSCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine Ix Proc SpieTCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsTCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine Vii Proc SpieUCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsUCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine Viii Proc SpieRCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine XP Soc Photo-opt InsRCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine X Proc SpieSCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine XiP Soc Photo-opt InsSCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine Xi Proc SpieTCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsQCoherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinica Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsdCoherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InscCoherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsSCoherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsSCoherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications Iv Proc Spie`Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsSCoherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsSCoherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications Vi Proc Spie)Coherence in Spoken and Written DiscoursePrag Beyond New SerCoherence in Spontaneous Text Typol St L*Coherence of Kants Transcendental IdealismStud Ger Idealism:Coherence Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules in Laser FieldsNato Adv Sci I B-phy Co-herencia Co-herenciaECoherent and Collective Interactions of Particles and Radiation BeamsP Int Sch PhysCoherent Atomic Matter Waves Les Houch S&Coherent Behavior in Neuronal NetworksSpr Ser Comput NeuroCCoherent Detection At Millimeter Wavelengths and Their Applications Les Houches-Coherent Effects in Primary Visual PerceptionEye Vis Res DevACoherent Electron-beam X-ray Sources: Techniques and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Coherent Evolution in Noisy EnvironmentsLect Notes PhysBCoherent Light Microscopy: Imaging and Quantitative Phase AnalysisSpringer Ser Surf Sc!Coherent Lightwave CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Coherent Lightwave Communications, Fifth in A SeriesP Soc Photo-opt InsCCoherent Optical Communication: Components, Subsystems, and Systems Proc Spie/Coherent Optical Interactions in SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci I B-phy/Coherent Optical Interactions in SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci Inst SeBCoherent Phenomena and Amplification Without Inversion - Icono '95P Soc Photo-opt Ins7Coherent Radiation Generation and Particle Acceleration Res Tr PhysCoherent Vibrational DynamicsPract SpectroscPCohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems: New Perspectives Prog Math5Cohomological Theory of Crystals Over Function FieldsEms Tracts Math5Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups and Automorphic FormsLect Notes MathCoinage of El Peru Coin Amer P<Coincidence Studies of Electron and Photon Impact Ionization Phys AtomsCoke & Chemistry UssrCoke Chem Ussr7Cola'05: 8th International Conference On Laser AblationJ Phys Conf SerColby Library QuarterlyColby Libr QuartColby Quarterly Colby Quart>Cold Antimatter Plasmas and Application to Fundamental Physics Aip Conf Proc1Cold Aqueous Planetary Geochemistry With FrezchemAdv Astrobiol BiogeoCold Gas At High RedshiftAstrophys Space Sc L#Cold Regions Science and TechnologyCold Reg Sci TechnolFCold Spray Materials Deposition Process: Fundamentals and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mater#Cold Spring Harbor Monograph SeriesCold Spring Harb Mon#Cold Spring Harbor Monograph SeriesCold Spring Harbor M*Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in BiologyCsh Perspect Biol3Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology Cold Sh Q B3Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative BiologyCold Spring Harb Sym:Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology Series Cold Sh Q B Cold Universe Moriond Ast&Cold War Frontiers in The Asia-pacificNissan I Routl Jpn SCold War History Cold War HistCold War History SeriesCold War Hist-routl Cold War History Series-palgraveCold War Hist-palgrCold War in Southern AfricaCold War Hist-routlCold War in The Middle EastCold War Hist-routlACold War Kitchen: Americanization, Technology, and European UsersInside TechnolCold War ReassessmentsKeck Ctr Int St StudCold War RespiteEisen Ctr Stud Cold-water Corals and EcosystemsErlangen Earth C Ser Cold-water Corals and EcosystemsErlangen Earth Conf)Coleccion Tamesis - Serie A : Monografias Col Tam AmColeopterists Bulletin Coleopts Bull"Coleridge, The Bible, and ReligionNinet-century Major,Colistin - New Insights and Practical IssuesRoy Soc Med Int Cong-Colitis: Diagnosis and Therapeutic Strategies Falk SympMCollaboration and Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Pt 1Inform Comm Tech KnoCollaboration and TechnologyLect Notes Comput SclCollaborative and Distributed Chemical Engineering: From Understanding to Substantial Design Process SupportLect Notes Comput Sc1Collaborative and Individual Learning in TeachingEduc Compet Glob Wor9Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual EnterprisesInt Fed Info Proc:Collaborative Decision Making: Perspectives and Challenges Fr Art Int,Collaborative Design in Virtual EnvironmentsIntel Syst Contr Aut1Collaborative Learning, Reasoning, and TechnologyRutg Inv Symp Educ S6Collaborative Networks and Their Breeding EnvironmentsInt Fed Info Proc.Collaborative Networks for A Sustainable WorldIfip Adv Inf Comm Te%Collaborative Patient Centred Ehealth St Heal T'Collaborative Planning in Supply ChainsLect Notes Econ Math/Collaborative Play in Early Childhood EducationChild Iss Laws ProgrMCollaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Adv Man/Collaborative Systems for Production ManagementInt Fed Info ProcZCollaborative Value Creation: An Empirical Analysis of The European Biotechnology IndustryContrib Manag SciCollagen Top Curr ChemCollagen and Related ResearchCollagen Rel ResCollana Di AutomaticaCollana Automatica%Collapse of Communist Power in PolandBasees-rout Ser RussCollectanea Mathematica Collect MathCollect Dont Actes Coll Dont Act0Collected Courses of The Academy of European LawCc Acad Eur LawHCollected Lectures On The Preservation of Stability Under Discretization Siam Proc SHCollected Papers of Habitat and The High-rise - Tradition and InnovationCtbuh Counc Rep4Collected Works of Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973), Vol 1Phaenomenologica5Collected Works of Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973), Vol IiPhaenomenologica6Collected Works of Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973), Vol IiiPhaenomenologica+Collected Writings of The Orpheus InstituteCollect Writ OrpheusCollection Afrique Et LangageCollect Afr Et LangCollection Bleuse Coll BleuseCollection CamphiCollect Amphi 7ACollection Colloques Et Seminaires - Institut Francais Du Petrole Coll Col Se(Collection Cribles: Essays On Literature Coll CriblesCollection Debora Coll Debora?Collection De L Academie Europeenne De Medecine De ReadaptationCollect Acad Eur Med(Collection De La Revue Des Etudes JuivesCollect Revue EtudesECollection De L Association Francaise Pour La Recherche Therapeutique Col As Fr R7Collection De Medicine Legale Et De Toxicologie Medical Col Med LeCollection Detudes ClassiquesCollect Det Class;Collection Development : Survival Tactics in An Age of Less Lacuny Oc P"Collection Environment Et Geologie C Env Geol4Collection Environnement De L'universite De MontrealColl Envir U MontrCollection Geco Collect GecoCollection Grands Debats Coll Gr DebCollection Hesperides Coll HesperCollection Hommes Et Societes Coll Homm SocHCollection, Laboratory, Theater: Scenes of Knowledge in The 17th CenturyTheatr Sci-engl Ed2Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical CommunicationsCollect Czech Chem C-Collection Science and Technique of DemocracyCo Sci Tech Democ1Collection Statistique Et Probabilites AppliqueesCollect Stat Prob ApCollection Symposium SeriesColl Sympos SeriesCollection Turcica Collect TurCollection Unichamp Coll Unichamp7Collective Action in The Formation of Pre-modern StatesFund Issue ArchaeolHCollective Bargaining in Higher Education: Leadership in Uncertain Times P A Con Nat4Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: The 1990s P A Con NatCollective BeingsContemp Syst ThinkRCollective Creativity: Collaborative Work in The Sciences, Literature and The ArtsInt Forsch Allg VglDCollective Decision Making: Views From Social Choice and Game TheoryTheory Decis Ser C GMCollective Dynamics: Topics On Competition and Cooperation in The Biosciences Aip Conf Proc9Collective Improvisation in A Teacher Education CommunitySelf Study Teach Tea_Collective Phenomena in Synchrotron Radiation Sources: Prediction, Diagnostics, CountermeasuresPart Accel DetectCollege & Research Libraries Coll Res LibrCollege and University Coll UnivPCollege Choices: The Economics of Where to Go, When to Go, and How to Pay for It Nber Conf R%College Composition and CommunicationColl Compos CommunCollege English Coll EnglCollege LiteratureColl LiteratureCollege Mathematics Journal Coll Math JCollege Music SymposiumColl Music SymLCollege Student-athletes: Challenges, Opportunities, and Policy ImplicationsDcarc Ser Educ Polic1College Teaching and The Development of ReasoningSci Eng Educ Sources Collegian CollegianCollegium AntropologicumCollegium AntropolColli Albani VolcanoSpec Publ Iavcei6Colliders and Collider Physics At The Highest Energies Aip Conf ProcTCollisional Delamination in New Guinea: The Geotectonics of Subducting Slab BreakoffGeol Soc Am Spec PapCCollision and Collapse At The Africa-arabia-eurasia Subduction ZoneGeol Soc Spec Publ/Collision- and Interaction-induced SpectroscopyNato Adv Sci Inst Se<Collision Avoidance and Automated Traffic Management SensorsP Soc Photo-opt InsLColloidal Ceramic Processing of Nano-, Micro, and Macro- Particulate Systems Ceram Trans1Colloidal Gold Post-embedding ImmunocytochemistryProg Histochem CytocMColloidal Magnetic Fluids: Basics, Development and Application of FerrofluidsLect Notes Phys2Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications Proc Spie5Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications Iv Proc Spie4Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications V Proc SpieColloid and Polymer ScienceColloid Polym SciColloid Chemistry 1 Top Curr ChemColloid Chemistry Ii Top Curr ChemColloid Chemistry of Silica Adv Chem SerColloid Journal Colloid J+2Colloid Journal of The Russian Academy of SciencesColloid J Russ Acad+Colloid Journal of The UssrColloid J Russ Acad+Colloid Journal of The UssrColloid J Ussr+Colloid Journal-ussrColloid J-ussrColloid-polymer Interactions Acs Sym SerColloids and SurfacesColloid Surface?Colloids and Surfaces A-physicochemical and Engineering AspectsColloid Surface A%Colloids and Surfaces B-biointerfacesColloid Surface BColloid Science of LipidsProg Coll Pol Sci S$Colloids for Nano- and BiotechnologyProg Coll Pol Sci SColloids in Drug DeliverySurfactant Sci SerColloque Inserm Colloq Inse4Colloques, Congres Et Conferences Fur La Renaissance Ccc RenaissColloques De L Inra Colloq InraColloques Du C.t.h.s Colloq CthsColloques Et Seminaires Colloq SemiColloques PhytosociologiquesColloq PhytosiolColloquia GermanicaColloq Germanica-Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai Colloq Math-Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos BolyaiColloq Math Soc J BColloquia PontificaColloq PonticaColloquium Mathematicum Colloq MathColloquium MathematicumColloq Math-warsawColog-88Lect Notes Comput ScColombia Medica Colomb MedicaColon Cancer PreventionAdv Exp Med BiolbColonial Cambodia's Bad Frenchmen: The Rise of French Rule and The Life of Thomas Caraman, 1840-87Routl Stud Mod Hist9Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature: A View From IndiaFuture Minor Stud6Colonialism, Race, and The French Romantic ImaginationRoutl Stud RomanticdColonialism, Violence and Muslims in Southeast Asia: The Maria Hertogh Controversy and Its AftermathRoutl Stud Mod Hist)Colonial Latin American Historical ReviewColon Lat Am Hist RColonial Latin American ReviewColon Lat Am RevColonial WaterbirdsColon Waterbird/Colony-stimulating Factors in Clinical PracticeRoy Soc Med Int CongColoproctology Eur Man MedColoproctologySpringer Spec Surg SColoquio-artesColoquio-artesColoquio-letrasColoquio-letras"Colorado School of Mines QuarterlyColo School Mines Q5Colorado State University Experiment Station BulletinColo St Ex St Bull?Colorado State University Experiment Station Technical BulletinColo St Ex St Tech BAColor Aerial Photography in The Plant Sciences and Related Fields W Col Aer PColoration Technology Color TechnolColor Doppler Us of The PenisMed Radiol Diagn ImabColorectal Cancer: New Aspects of Molecular Biology and Immunology and Their Clinical ApplicationsAnn Ny Acad SciColorectal Cancer ScreeningClin Gastroent-serColorectal DiseaseColorectal DisColor Engineering Color Eng Color Hard Copy and Graphic ArtsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Color Hard Copy and Graphic Arts IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Color Hard Copy and Graphic Arts IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Color Image Processing: Methods and ApplicationsImage Process SerMColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsMColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Applications Vii Proc SpieJColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hard Copy, and Graphic ArtsP Soc Photo-opt InsMColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hard Copy, and Graphic Arts IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts IvP Soc Photo-opt InsKColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts VP Soc Photo-opt InsLColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts ViP Soc Photo-opt InsLColor Imaging: Device-independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts Vi Proc Spie8Color Imaging Ix: Processing, Hardcopy, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Color Imaging Ix: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Proc Spie:Color Imaging Viii: Processing, Hardcopy, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Color Imaging Viii: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Proc Spie:Color Imaging Xiii: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Proc Spie9Color Imaging Xii: Processing, Hardcopy, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Color Imaging Xii: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Proc Spie8Color Imaging Xi: Processing, Hardcopy, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Color Imaging X: Processing, Hardcopy, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Color Imaging X: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Proc SpieDColor Imaging Xv: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsDColor Imaging Xv: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Proc SpieEColor Imaging Xvi: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Proc SpieWColor Perception: Philosophical, Psychological, Artistic and Computational Perspectives Vanc St CogColor Research and ApplicationColor Res Appl&Color Science and Imaging TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Color Science and Imaging Technologies Proc Spie Colourage ColourageDColour Measurement: Principles, Advances and Industrial ApplicationsWoodhead Publ TextColour Vision Deficiencies X Doc Ophth PColour Vision Deficiencies Xi Doc Ophth PColour Vision Deficiencies Xiii Doc Ophth P&Colposcopy & Gynecologic Laser SurgeryColp Gynecol Las Sur Columbia Human Rights Law ReviewColumbia Hum R Law RColumbia Journalism ReviewColumbia Journal Rev+Columbia Journal of Law and Social ProblemsColumbia J Law Soc P%Columbia Journal of Transnational LawColumbia J Trans Law"Columbia Journal of World BusinessColumbia J World BusColumbia Law ReviewColumbia Law RevIColumbia University School of Social Work: A History of Social Pioneering Cussw Monogr3Columbia University School of Social Work Monograph Cussw Monogr"Columbia University Seminar SeriesColumb U Sem Ser|Comadem '97: 10th International Congress and Exhibition On Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Vol 1Vtt Symp/Coma Science: Clinical and Ethical ImplicationsProg Brain Res Combating Long-term Unemployment Brad S E P'Combating Terrorism in Northern IrelandCass Ser Polit VioleCombat ModelingInt Ser Oper Res Man6Combat Stress Injury: Theory, Research, and ManagementPsychosoc Stres*Combination Processes for Food Irradiation Iaea Pan P)Combinations of Complex Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Math Combinatorial Algebraic TopologyAlgorithm Comp MathCombinatorial AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput Sc3Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of NetworkingLect Notes Comput ScFCombinatorial and Artificial Intelligence Methods in Materials ScienceMater Res Soc Symp PICombinatorial and Artificial Intelligence Methods in Materials Science IiMater Res Soc Symp PSCombinatorial and Composition Spread Techniques in Materials and Device DevelopmentP Soc Photo-opt InsVCombinatorial and Composition Spread Techniques in Materials and Device Development IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory - Edinburgh 1993 Lond Math S<Combinatorial Approach to Matrix Theory and Its ApplicationsCrc Discr Math Appl,Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra Contemp MathCombinatorial ChemistryMethod EnzymolCombinatorial ChemistryMethods Enzymol3Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput ScreeningComb Chem High T Scr"Combinatorial Chemistry in BiologyCurr Top Microbiol)Combinatorial Chemistry On Solid Supports Top Curr ChemCombinatorial Chemistry, Pt BMethod EnzymolCombinatorial Chemistry, Pt BMethods Enzymol&Combinatorial Designs and ApplicationsLect Notes Pure Appl,Combinatorial Designs and Their ApplicationsCh Crc Res Notes'Combinatorial Geometry and Graph TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc>Combinatorial Group Theory, Discrete Groups, and Number Theory Contemp MathCombinatorial Image AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc)Combinatorial Image Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Combinatorial Machine Learning: A Rough Set ApproachStud Comput Intell:Combinatorial Methods and Informatics in Materials ScienceMater Res Soc Symp P9Combinatorial Methods for Chemical and Biological SensorsIntegr Anal Syst.Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory Adv Stu P M5Combinatorial Number Theory and Additive Group TheoryAdv Courses Math Crm8Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Combinatorial Optimization - Eureka, You ShrinkLect Notes Comput ScACombinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms, Fourth EditionAlgorithms CombCombinatorial Pattern MatchingLect Notes Comput ScSCombinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in Computational Biology Using Perl and RCh Crc Math Comp Bio+Combinatorial Pattern Matching, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Combinatorial Stochastic ProcessesLect Notes Math:Combinatorial Synthesis of Natural Product-based LibrariesCrit Rev Comb Chem Combinatorica CombinatoricaCombinatorics /Colloq Math Soc J BCombinatorics Advances Math ApplGCombinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental MethodologiesLect Notes Comput ScCombinatorics and Graphs Contemp MathOCombinatorics and Reasoning: Representing, Justifying and Building Isomorphisms Math Educ Lib&Combinatorics, Computability and LogicDiscrete Math & Theo'Combinatorics, Computing and Complexity Math Appl C+Combinatorics, Paul Erdos Is Eighty, Vol. 1Bolyai Math Stud+Combinatorics, Paul Erdos Is Eighty, Vol. 1Bolyai Soc Math Stud+Combinatorics, Paul Erdos Is Eighty, Vol. 2Bolyai Math Stud+Combinatorics, Paul Erdos Is Eighty, Vol. 2Bolyai Soc Math Stud%Combinatorics Probability & ComputingComb Probab Comput=Combined and Hybrid Adsorbents: Fundamentals and ApplicationsNato Sci Peace SecurCombined Heat and PowerProc Inst Mech Eng S8Combined Relaxation Methods for Variational InequalitiesLect Notes Econ Math1Combined Vaccines and Simultaneous AdministrationAnn Ny Acad SciACombining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data AnalysisAdv Intel Soft CompuOCombio'95: Summer Workshop On Computational Modeling and Imaging in Biosciences Kfki Prep R`Combio'96 - Summer Workshop On Computational Modelling, Imaging and Visualization in Biosciences Kfki Prep RCombusting Flow DiagnosticsNato Adv Sci I E-app Combustion CombustionCombustion and Flame Combust FlameCombustion and Incineration VDI BerichtJCombustion and Incineration - Eighteenth Dutch-german Conference On Flames VDI BerichtCombustion DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Combustion Explosion and Shock WavesCombust Explo Shock+ Combustion in Automotive Engines Coll Col SeCombustion in High-speed FlowsIcase Larc In Sci EnCombustion InstabilityProg Astronaut AeronCombustion NoiseFluid Mech Appl!Combustion Science and TechnologyCombust Sci Technol*Combustion Synthesis of Advanced MaterialsChem Res Appl-novaCombustion Theory and ModellingCombust Theor ModelComediaComediaComet Assay in ToxicologyIssues Toxicol>Comic Provocations: Exposing The Corpus of Old French FabliauxStud Arthur Court CuQComing of Age of Information Technologies and The Path of Transformational GrowthRoutl Adv Heterod Ec7Comitatus-a Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies ComitatusNCommand, Control, Communications, and Intelligence Systems for Law EnforcementP Soc Photo-opt InsCommandment and Community Suny Jew Ph<Commedia Dell Arte Performance: Contexts and Contents, Vol 1 Theatre Symp?Commemorative Volume for Kosta Todorovic, Member of The Academy Ser Ac Comm'Commentaries On Early Jewish LiteratureComment Early Jew Li!Commentarii Mathematici HelveticiComment Math Helv Commentary Commentary>Commentary On The Principles of Thermodynamics By Pierre DuhemBost Stud Philos Sci#Commentationes Physico-mathematicaeComment Phys-mathComments On Inorganic ChemistryComment Inorg ChemComments On Modern PhysicsComment Mod Phys#Commerce, Complexity, and Evolution Int Symp EcLCommercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast and Free-electron LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsLCommercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast and Free-electron Lasers Proc Spie:Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers Iii Proc Spie=Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers VP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers V Proc Spie=Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers Viii Proc Spie7Commercial and Cultural Climate of Japanese PrintmakingHotei Acad Eur Japan6Commercial Applications for High-performance ComputingP Soc Photo-opt InsJCommercial Applications of Precision Manufacturing At The Sub-micron LevelP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Commercial Applications of Ultrafast LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsCommercial Homes in TourismRoutl Crit Stud TourPCommercialization of Health Care: Global and Local Dynamics and Policy ResponsesSoc Pol Dev Context$Commercial Law of The European UnionIus Gentium-comp PerCommercial Vehicles VDI BerichtRCommercial Vehicles: Trucks and Buses, Indispesable-safe-e Nvironmentally Friendly VDI BerichtjCommerical and Biomedical Applications of Ultrashort Pulse Lasers; Laser Plasma Generation and DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt InsCommerical Fisheries ReviewCommer Fish RevCommitment to Service Prof Lib S Common ColdBirkhauser Adv InfecFCommon Component Modeling Example: Comparing Software Component ModelsLect Notes Comput ScKCommon Disease: Genetic and Pathogenetic Aspects of Multifactorial Diseases Int Congr Ser<Common Food Intolerances 1 : Epidemiology of Coeliac Disease Dyn Nutr RPCommon Food Intolerances 2 : Milk in Human Nutrition and Adult-type Hypolactasia Dyn Nutr RmCommon Ground, Consensus Building and Continual Improvement: International Standards and Sustainable BuildingAm Soc Test Mater7Common Ground? Readings and Reflections On Public SpaceMetrop Mod LifeICommon Hamster (cricetus Cricetus): Perspectives On An Endangered SpeciesBiosyst Ecol SertCommon Interests, Uncommon Goals : Histories of The World Council of Comparative Education Societies and Its MembersCerc Stud Comp EducCommon Knowledge Common KnowlCommon Market Law ReviewCommon Mkt Law Rev*Common Mechanisms in Perception and ActionAttention Perform>Common Mechanisms of Transformation By Small Dna Tumor Viruses Icn Uci C V0Common Themes and Mechanisms of Epitaxial GrowthMater Res Soc Symp P#Commonwealth & Comparative PoliticsCommonw Comp PolitCommonwealth Forestry ReviewCommonw Forest Rev(Commonwealth Foundation-occasional PaperCommonw Found-occ PaECommonwealth: Inter- and Non-state Contributions to Global Governance Glob InstDCommunal Discord, Child Abduction, and Rape in The Later Middle AgesNew Middle Ages<Communalism and Globalization in South Asia and Its DiasporaInters Colon PostcolCCommunal Violence and Democratization in Indonesia: Small Town WarsRoutl Cont Se Asia SCommunicable CrisesRes Public ManagCommunicable CrisesRes Public ManageCommunicating By Language Comm Lang SACommunicating Chemistry: Textbooks and Their Audiences, 1789-1939Eur St Sci Hist ArtsOCommunicating Company: Towards An Alternative Theory of Corporate CommunicationContrib Manag Sci&Communicating Environmental GeoscienceGeol Soc Spec PublQCommunicating in Dental Practice: Stress-free Dentistry and Improved Patient CareQuintessent Dent Pra Communicating in The Third SpaceRoutl Res Cult MediaCommunicating Mathematics Contemp Math(Communicating Process Architectures 2001Concur Syst Engn Ser(Communicating Process Architectures 2003Concur Syst Engn Ser(Communicating Process Architectures 2004Concur Syst Engn Ser2Communicating Process Architectures 2006: Wotug-29Concur Syst Engn Ser(Communicating Process Architectures 2008Concur Syst Engn Ser3Communicating Science: New Agendas in CommunicationNew Agendas Commun6Communicating Sequential Processes: The First 25 YearsLect Notes Comput SczCommunicating The Role of Silviculture in Managing The National Forests, Proceedings of The National Silviculture Workshop Usda Ne ExpSCommunicating With One Another: Toward A Psychology of Spontaneous Spoken DiscourseCogn Lang A Ser Psyc Communicatio Communicatio Communication CommunicationCommunication & BroadcastingCommun BroadcastCommunication and CognitionCommun Cognition.Communication and Cooperation in Agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int?Communication and Law: Multidisciplinary Approaches to ResearchLea Commun Ser<Communication and Leadership: The Design of Leadership StyleRoutl Stud LinguistSCommunication and Management in Technological Innovation and Academic GlobalizationInt C Commun ManageCommunication and NetworkingComm Com Inf Sc"Communication and Networking, Pt IComm Com Inf Sc#Communication and Networking, Pt IiComm Com Inf Sc8Communication and Social Cognition: Theories and MethodsLea Commun SerCommunication and Social Order Comm Soc OrCommunication and SocietyCommun Soc-ser<Communication As Comfort: Multiple Voices in Palliative CareLea Commun SerkCommunication As Organizing: Empirical and Theoretical Explorations in The Dynamic of Text and ConversationLea Commun Ser)Communication Disorders As Disease Factor Pub Jung StCommunication Education Commun EducCommunication GamesApproach Appl Semiot%Communication, Health and The Elderly Fulbright P#Communication in Multiagent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int Communication Media and PoliticsCommun Media PolitCommunication Monographs Commun Monogr;Communication Perspectives On Hiv/aids for The 21st CenturyLea Commun Ser(Communication Process Architectures 2005Concur Syst Engn SerCommunication Research Commun Res+Communication Researchers and Policy-makingMit Press Sourceb&Communications and Control EngineeringCommun Control EngCommunications and Cryptography Kluw Commun:Communications and Discoveries From Multidisciplinary DataStud Comput Intell&Communications and Multimedia SecurityInt Fed Info Proc&Communications and Multimedia SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc@Communications and Multimedia Security Issues of The New CenturyInt Fed Info Proc3Communications and Multimedia Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Communications and Networking in ChinaComm Com Inf ScKCommunications and Networking in Education: Learning in A Networked SocietyInt Fed Info Proc(Communications Architectures & Protocols Comp Comm RCommunication SeriesCommunicCommunication Series Routledge Commun Ser9Communications-european Journal of Communication ResearchCommunications-gerCommunications in AlgebraCommun Algebra'Communications in Analysis and GeometryCommun Anal Geom?Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational ScienceComm App Math Com Sc+Communications in Applied Numerical MethodsCommun Appl Numer M'Communications in Computational PhysicsCommun Comput Phys2Communications in Computer and Information ScienceComm Com Inf Sc*Communications in Contemporary MathematicsCommun Contemp Math0Communications, Information and Network SecurityKluwer Int Ser Eng C&Communications in Mathematical PhysicsCommun Math Phys'Communications in Mathematical SciencesCommun Math Sci<Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical SimulationCommun Nonlinear Sci+Communications in Number Theory and PhysicsCommun Number Theory2Communications in Numerical Methods in EngineeringCommun Numer Meth En0Communications in Partial Differential EquationsCommun Part Diff Eq$Communications in PsychopharmacologyCommun Psychopharmac1Communications in Soil Science and Plant AnalysisCommun Soil Sci PlanCommunications in Statistics Commun Stat6Communications in Statistics Part A-theory and MethodsCommun Stat A-theor>Communications in Statistics Part B-simulation and ComputationCommun Stat B-simul7Communications in Statistics-simulation and ComputationCommun Stat Simulat7Communications in Statistics-simulation and ComputationCommun Stat-simul C/Communications in Statistics-theory and MethodsCommun Stat Theory/Communications in Statistics-theory and MethodsCommun Stat-theor M%Communications in Theoretical PhysicsCommun Theor PhysCommunications Monograph Commun MonogCommunications MonographCommun Monogr-gerCommunications News Commun NewsCommunications of The Acm Commun AcmfCommunications of The Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Vol 8, Pts 4-6 Mitt DgaaehCommunications of The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of The State University of Ghent, Vol 52, Pts 1-4 Int S CropsCommunications of The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of The State University of Ghent, Vol 53, Pts 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b Int S CropsCommunications of The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of The State University of Ghent, Vol 54, Pts 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b Int S CropbCommunications of The German Society for General and Applied Entomology, Vol 12, Nos 1-6, Feb 2000M D Gesell Allg AngeWCommunications of The German Society for General and Applied Entomology, Vol 8, Pts 1-3 Mitt DgaaegCommunications of The German Society for General and Applied Entomonology, Vol 9 No 4-6, September 1995 Mitt Dgaae%Communications On Applied MathematicsCommun Appl MathCommunications On Physics Commun Phys+Communications On Pure and Applied AnalysisCommun Pur Appl Anal+Communications On Pure and Applied AnalysisCommun Pure Appl Ana.Communications On Pure and Applied MathematicsCommun Pur Appl MathCommunications Product ReportsCommun Prod RepCCommunication Technology and Social Change: Theory and ImplicationsLea Commun SerCommunication Theory Commun Theor<Communication With The Cancer Patient: Information and TruthAnn Ny Acad SciCommunication Yearbook Comm YearbCommunication Yearbook 35 Comm YearbCommunicative Cardiac CellAnn Ny Acad SciCommunio Viatorum Communio Viat7Communism, Nationalism and Ethnicity in Poland, 1944-50Basees-rout Ser Russ$Communist and Post-communist StudiesCommunis Post-commun-Communist Economies & Economic TransformationCommunist Econ Ec Tr7Communitarianism, Liberalism, and Social Responsibility S Soc PolitICommunities, Neighborhoods, and Health: Expanding The Boundaries of PlaceSoc Dispar H H CareiCommunities of Practice: Fostering Peer-to-peer Learning and Informal Knowledge Sharing in The Work PlaceInform Sci Knowl ManCommunity and Everyday Life New SociolCommunity-based Aids Prevention Dhhs Public.Community Building in The Twenty-first Century Sch Am ResCommunity Dental HealthCommunity Dent Hlth)Community Dentistry and Oral EpidemiologyCommunity Dent Oral-Community Development in Asia and The PacificRoutl Stud Dev SocCommunity Development JournalCommunity Dev JCommunity EcologyCommunity EcolCommunity GeneticsCommunity GenetYCommunity Genetics and Genetic Alliances: Eugenics, Carrier Testing, and Networks of Risk Genet SocCommunity HealthCommunity HealthCommunity Health StudiesCommunity Health StCommunity InterpretingRes Pract Appl LinguxCommunity Management and Common Property of Coastal Fisheries in Asia and The Pacific: Concepts, Methods and Experiences Iclarm ContCommunity Medicine Community MedCommunity Mental Health JournalCommunity Ment Hlt JECommunity Nursing and Primary Healthcare in Twentieth-century BritainRoutl Stud Soc Hist!Community of The Renewed Covenant Chr Jud Ant/Community Quality-of-life Indicators Best CasesCommun Qual Life Ind3Community Quality-of-life Indicators: Best Cases IiSoc Indic Res Ser4Community Quality-of-life Indicators: Best Cases IiiCommun Qual Life Ind3Community Quality-of-life Indicators: Best Cases IvCommun Qual Life Ind2Community Quality-of-life Indicators: Best Cases VCommun Qual Life IndCommutation & TransmissionCommutation TransmCommutative Algebra /Lect Notes Math*Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Contemp Math*Commutative Algebra and Algebraic GeometryLect Notes Pure ApplTCommutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial and Computational AspectsLect Notes Pure Appl9Commutative Algebra: Interactions With Algebraic Geometry Contemp Math7Commutative Algebra, Singularities and Computer AlgebraNato Sci Ser Ii Math?Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators On The Bergman SpaceOper Theory Adv ApplCommutative Ring TheoryLect Notes Pure Appl(Commutative Ring Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Pure Appl0Comos Front-end Materials and Process TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp PCompact Clinical Guide SeriesComp Clin Guid SerVCompact Clinical Guide to Acute Pain Management: An Evidence-based Approach for NursesComp Clin Guid Ser1Compactifying Moduli Spaces for Abelian VarietiesLect Notes Math+Compaction of Soils, Granulates and PowdersAdv Geotech Engn TunCompact Stars in BinariesIau SympCompanion Animal PracticeCompanion Anim PractCompanion to Urban DesignRoutl CompanionsOComparative Analyses of Operating Hours and Working Times in The European Union Contrib Econ#Comparative and Functional GenomicsComp Funct Genom#Comparative and Functional GenomicsCompar Funct Genom$Comparative and General Pharmacology ComparativeLComparative and Global Pedagogies: Equity, Access and Democracy in EducationGlob Comp Educ Polic.Comparative and International Education Series Comp Int Ed)Comparative and International Law StudiesCompar Int Law St'Comparative and Veterinary PharmacologyHandb Exp Pharmacol,Comparative Aspects of Neuropeptide Function Stud NeurosComparative Austronesian SeriesComp Austro Ser'Comparative Biochemistry and PhysiologyComp Biochem PhysiolLComparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular & Integrative PhysiologyComp Biochem Phys ANComparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular and Integrative PhysiologyComp Biochem Phys A4Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-physiologyComp Biochem Phys AJComparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-biochemistry & Molecular BiologyComp Biochem Phys BQComparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-pharmacology Toxicology & EndocrinologyComp Biochem Phys CCComparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-toxicology & PharmacologyComp Biochem Phys C?Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-genomics & ProteomicsComp Biochem Phys D.Comparative Central European Holocaust StudiesComp Cult Stud Comparative Civilizations ReviewComp Civiliz Rev&Comparative Cognition and Neuroscience Compar CognComparative Constitutional LawRes Hand Comp LawComparative Critical StudiesComp Crit StudComparative Cultural StudiesComp Cult StudComparative CytogeneticsComp CytogenetComparative Dental MorphologyFront Oral Biol*Comparative Development and Policy in AsiaComp Dev Policy AsiaComparative Drama Comp DramaComparative Education Comp Educ6Comparative Education Research: Approaches and MethodsCerc Stud Comp EducComparative Education Review Comp Educ Rev/Comparative Effectiveness of Medical TreatmentsHealth Care Iss CostComparative E-governmentIntegr Ser Inform Sy"Comparative Environmental PoliticsAdv Glob Change ResComparative European PoliticsComp Eur PolitAComparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access SystemsLect Notes Comput ScBComparative Evaluation of Multillingual Information Access SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc;Comparative Evaluation of Xml Information Retrieval SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc#Comparative Feminist Studies SeriesComp Fem Stud SerComparative Gene FindingComput Biol SerComparative GenomicsLect N BioinformatComparative GenomicsLect Notes Comput Sc!Comparative Genomics, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat!Comparative Genomics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScRComparative Governance Reform in Asia: Democracy, Corruption, and Government Trust Res Publ PRComparative Governance Reform in Asia: Democracy, Corruption, and Government TrustRes Public Policy AnTComparative Grammar of British English Dialects: Agreement, Gender, Relative ClausesTop Engl LinguistComparative Group StudiesComp Group Stud%Comparative Haematology InternationalComp Haematol Int;Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesComp Immunol MicrobIComparative Information Technology: Languages, Societies and The InternetGlob Comp Educ Polic#Comparative Law in The 21st CenturyWg Hart Leg Worksh SComparative LiteratureComp LiteratureComparative Literature StudiesComp Literature StudComparative Magnetospheres Adv Space ResComparative MagnetospheresAdv Space Res-seriesComparative MedicineComparative Med"Comparative Medicine East and WestComp Med East West$Comparative Molecular CarcinogenesisProg Clin Biol ResComparative ParasitologyComp Parasitol'Comparative Perspectives On Modern AsiaComp Perspect Mod As(Comparative Physical Education and Sport Com Phys EdComparative Physiology Comp Physiol"Comparative Physiology and EcologyComp Physiol EcolComparative Political StudiesComp Polit StudComparative Politics Comp PolitComparative Politics (series) Comp Polit5Comparative Politics: The Principal-agent PerspectiveRoutl Res Comp Polit!Comparative Public AdministrationRes Public Policy AnKComparative Reconnection Studies At The Sun and in Planetary Magnetospheres Adv Space ResKComparative Reconnection Studies At The Sun and in Planetary MagnetospheresAdv Space Res-series=Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision MakingNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear5Comparative Roles of Suspension-feeders in EcosystemsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarComparative Social Research Comp Soc ReComparative Social Research Comp Soc ResComparative Sociology Comp Sociol'Comparative Spermatology 20 Years After Serono SymComparative Strategy Comp Strategy*Comparative Studies in Society and HistoryComp Stud Soc Hist(Comparative Studies of Culture and Power Comp Soc Res/Comparative Studies of Magnetospheric Phenomena Adv Space Res/Comparative Studies of Magnetospheric PhenomenaAdv Space Res-series2Comparative Studies of Social and Political Elites Comp Soc Res+Comparative Studies of The Moon and Mercury Adv Space Res+Comparative Studies of The Moon and MercuryAdv Space Res-seriesLComparative Studies On The Judicial Review System in East and Southeast AsiaPub Law E Se Asia8Comparative Study of Professional Accountants JudgementsStud Manag Financ AcVComparative Third Sector Governance in Asia: Structure, Process, and Political EconomyNonprofit Civ Soc St@Comparative Vertebrate Exercise Physiology: Phyletic AdaptationsAdv Vet Sci Comp MedMComparative Vertebrate Exercise Physiology: Unifying Physiological PrinciplesAdv Vet Sci Comp Med*Compare-a Journal of Comparative EducationCompareComparing DistributionsSpringer Ser Stat>Comparing European Workers, Pt A: Experiences and InequalitiesRes Sociol Work7Comparing Glasshouse and Field Pesticide Performance Ii Br Crop Pr'Comparison Methods and Stability TheoryLect Notes Pure ApplCComparison of The Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches to EstimationSpringer Ser Stat"Compatible Spatial Discretizations Ima V Math7Compcon: Ieee Computer Society International Conference Compcon IeeeHCompel 2000: 7th Workshop On Computers in Power Electronics, ProceedingsAnn Worksh Comp PowICompel 2002: Ieee Workshop On Computers in Power Electronics, ProceedingsAnn Worksh Comp PowCCom.p.el. 98: 6th Workshop On Computer in Power Electronics, RecordAnn Worksh Comp PowiCompel-the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringCompel1Compendium-continuing Education for Veterinarians CompendiumACompendium of The Microbiological Spoilage of Foods and BeveragesFood Microbiol FoodBCompendium On Continuing Education for The Practicing VeterinarianComp Cont Educ PractCompensation Review Compens RevCompensatory JusticeNomos3Competence and Vulnerability in Biomedical ResearchInt Libr Eth Law NewCCompetence Building and Leveraging in Interorganizational RelationsAdv Appl Bus Strateg>Competence Perspectives On Resources, Stakeholders and RenewalAdv Appl Bus StrategFCompetencies, Higher Education and Career in Japan and The NetherlandsHigh Educ DynamCompetency-based Critical CareCompet-base Crit Car>Competent Design By Castings: Improvements in A Nordic ProjectVtt SympDCompeting and Consensual Voices: The Theory and Practice of Argument Lang Educ Lib9Competing for Knowledge: Creating, Connecting and GrowingRoutl Stud Glob Comp;Competing Models of Linguistic Change: Evolution and BeyondAmst Stud Theory His=Competing Values Leadership: Creating Values in OrganizationsNew Horiz ManaglCompeting Visions of Teacher Knowledge : Proceedings From An Ncrte Seminar for Education Policymakers, Vol 1 Ncrte ConflCompeting Visions of Teacher Knowledge : Proceedings From An Ncrte Seminar for Education Policymakers, Vol 2 Ncrte ConfKCompeting Visions of World Order: Global Moments and Movements, 1880s-1930sPalg Mac Ser Trans-Competition and Innovation in Postal Services T Reg EconcCompetition and Profitability in European Financial Services: Strategic, Systemic and Policy IssuesRoutl Int Stud Money<Competition and Regulation in The Postal and Delivery SectorAdv Regul Econ*Competition in A Consolidating EnvironmentZi Sch Bus Fin MagCompetition in The Provision of Local Public Goods: Single Function Jurisdictions and Individual ChoiceStud Fiscal Fed Stat]Competition Law, Innovation and Antitrust: An Analysis of Tying and Technological IntegrationNew Horiz Compet Law3Competition Policy Analysis: An Integrated Approach Zew Econ Stud Competition Policy InternationalCompet Policy Int(Competition, Regulation, and Convergence Telecommun8Competition, Trust, and Cooperation: A Comparative StudySt Econ Ethic PhilosDCompetitive Advantage and Competition Policy in Developing CountriesCrc Ser Compet Regul1Competitive Advantage in The Contracting BusinessBus Iss Compet Entre<Competitive Industrial Development in The Age of InformationRout Stud Int Bus:Competitive Regionalism - Fta Diffusion in The Pacific RimInt Polit Econ SerCompetitive State Int St Econ_Competitive Strategies and Policies for Tourism Destinations: Quality, Innovation and PromotionTour Hosp Dev ManaggCompilation of The Papers Presented At The Workshop Natural Analogues for Disposal of Radioactive Waste K F K ReportsCompiler CompilersLect Notes Comput ScCompiler ConstructionLect Notes Comput Sc"Compiler Construction, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc ComplementComplement InflammatComplement and InflammationComplement Inflammat8Complementarity: Applications, Algorithms and Extensions Appl Optim8Complementarity: Applications, Algorithms and ExtensionsAppl OptimizatWComplementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing The Dream of Descartes, Einstein and EcclesWorld Philos Ser7Complementary and Alternative Approaches to BiomedicineAdv Exp Med BiolNComplementary and Alternative Medicine: Ethics, The Patient, and The PhysicianBiomed Ethics Rev=Complementary Approaches to Double and Multiple Star Research Astr Soc P#Complementary Therapies in MedicineComplement Ther Med6Complementation: Cognitive and Functional PerspectivesConv Evi Lang Commun,Completeness Theory for Propositional LogicsStud Univers Log;Complete Project Management Office Handbook, Second EditionEsi Int Proj Manag SComplete Scattering Experiments Phys Atoms,Completing The Inventory of The Solar System Astr Soc P.Completion of The Oil Era: The Economic ImpactEnerg Polic Polit PrComplex Adaptive StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsComplex Adaptive Systems Com Adap SyComplex Adaptive SystemsFrom Anim AnimatComplex Adaptive Systems: An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life: An Introduction to Computational Models of Social LifePrinc Stud ComplexComplex Algebraic VarietiesLect Notes MathlComplex Analysis 2: Riemann Surfaces, Several Complex Variables, Abelian Functions, Higher Modular Functions Universitext&Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems Contemp Math)Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems Ii Contemp Math*Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems Iii Contemp MathComplex Analysis and GeometryLect Notes Pure ApplComplex Analysis and Geometry Ohio St U MComplex Analysis and Geometry Prog Math%Complex Analysis and Its Applications Pitman Res$Complex Analysis and Operator TheoryComplex Anal Oper ThCComplex Analysis: Fundamentals of The Classical Theory of FunctionsMod Birkhauser Class Complex Analysis, Second Edition UniversitextXComplex Analysis: Several Complex Variables and Connections With Pde Theory and Geometry Trends Math#Complex Behaviour of Glassy SystemsLect Notes Phys&Complex Carbohydrates in Drug ResearchAlfred Benzon Symp SComplex Commercial Fraud Aic Conf PComplex Computing-networksSpringer Proc PhysAComplex, Contact and Symmetric Manifolds: in Honor of L. Vanhecke Prog MathGComplex Data Modeling and Computationally Intensive Statistical Methods Contrib StatComplex Dynamics Contemp Math?Complex Dynamics: Advanced System Dynamics in Complex VariablesIntel Syst Contr Aut<Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics Iv Proc Spie;Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics VP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Complex Dynamics and Renormalization Ann Math StudKComplex Dynamics, Fluctuations, Chaos, and Fractals in Biomedical PhotonicsPro Biomed Opt Imag>Complex Dynamics in Physiological Systems: From Heart to Brain Und Com Sys)Complex Effects in Large Eddy SimulationsLect Notes Comp SciaComplex Enzymes in Microbial Natural Product Biosynthesis, Part A: Overview Articles and PeptidesMethod EnzymolpComplex Enzymes in Microbial Natural Product Biosynthesis, Part B: Polyketides, Aminocoumarins and CarbohydratesMethod EnzymolComplex Fluids Mat Res S CComplex GeometryLect Notes Pure ApplComplex Geometry and AnalysisLect Notes Math2Complex Intelligent Systems and Their ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim A Complexity Complexity Complexity Sfi S Sci CMComplexity Analysis and Control for Social, Economical and Biological SystemsAdv Inf Syst Sci!Complexity and Artificial MarketsLect Notes Econ MathmComplexity and Knowledge Management: Understanding The Role of Knowledge in The Management of Social Networks Manag Complex!Complexity and Nonlinear DynamicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Complexity and Nonlinear Dynamics Proc Spie@Complexity and Social Movements: Multitudes At The Edge of ChaosInt Libr Sociol8Complexity and Spatial Networks; in Search of Simplicity Adv Spat Sci<Complexity and The Economy: Implications for Economic PolicyEur Assoc Evol PolitQComplexity and The Experience of Values, Conflict and Compromise in OrganizationsRoutl Stud Complex M+Complexity, Chaos, and Biological EvolutionNato Adv Sci I B-phy*Complexity: Design Strategy and World ViewContext Archit;Complexity, Difference and Identity: An Ethical PerspectiveIssues Bus EthicsQComplexity From Microscopic to Macroscopic Scales: Coherence and Large DeviationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathQComplexity From Microscopic to Macroscopic Scales: Coherence and Large DeviationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math$Complexity Hints for Economic PolicyNew Econ Windows/Complexity in Biological Information ProcessingNovart Fdn Symp'Complexity in Ecological Systems Series Com Eco Sys3Complexity Leadership, Pt 1: Conceptual FoundationsLeadersh Horiz&Complexity Management in Fuzzy SystemsStud Fuzz Soft Comp,Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity Aip Conf Proc,Complexity, Metastability and NonextensivitySci Cult Ser PhysComplexity of Creativity Synth Libr"Complexity of Proceduralized TasksSpringer Ser Reliab7Complexity Perspectives in Innovation and Social Change Methods Ser,Complexity Scales and Licensing in PhonologyStud Generat Gramm Complex Light and Optical ForcesP Soc Photo-opt Ins Complex Light and Optical Forces Proc Spie#Complex Light and Optical Forces IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Complex Light and Optical Forces IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Complex Light and Optical Forces IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Complex Light and Optical Forces Iv Proc Spie"Complex Light and Optical Forces V Proc Spie Complex Macromolecular Systems I Adv Polym Sci!Complex Macromolecular Systems Ii Adv Polym SciComplex MediumsP Soc Photo-opt InsComplex Mediums Proc Spie7Complex Mediums Ii: Beyond Linear Isotropic DielectricsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Complex Mediums Ii: Beyond Linear Isotropic Dielectrics Proc Spie8Complex Mediums Iii: Beyond Linear Isotropic DielectricsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Complex Mediums Iii: Beyond Linear Isotropic Dielectrics Proc Spie7Complex Mediums Iv: Beyond Linear Isotropic DielectricsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Complex Mediums V: Light and ComplexityP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Complex Mediums V: Light and Complexity Proc Spie2Complex Methods for Partial Differential EquationsInt Soc Anal App Com Complex Mixtures and Cancer Risk Iarc Sci PublComplex MotionLect Notes Comput ScComplex NetworksStud Comp IntellComplex NetworksStud Comput Intell)Complex Networks of Economic InteractionsLect Notes Econ MathRComplex Nonlinearity: Chaos, Phase Transitions, Topology Change and Path IntegralsUnderst Complex SystGComplex Organismal Functions : Integration and Evolution in Vertebrates Life Sci RHComplex Peace Operations and Civil-military Relations: Winning The Peace Cass Mil Stud&Complex Phenomena in Nanoscale SystemsNato Sci Peace Sec B&Complex Phenomena in Nanoscale SystemsNato Science Peace SComplex Photonic MediaP Soc Photo-opt InsComplex Photonic Media Proc SpieComplex Potential TheoryNato Adv Sci Inst SeComplex Regional Pain SyndromeProg Pain Res ManagComplex SchedulingGor-publComplex Societies of Central Eurasia From The 3rd to The 1st Millennium Bc: Regional Specifics in Light of Global Models, Vols I and IiJ Indo-eur Stud MonoAComplex Sports Biodynamics: With Practical Applications in TennisCogn Syst Monogr#Complex System Maintenance HandbookSpringer Ser Reliab[Complex System Reliability: Multichannel Systems With Imperfect Fault Coverage, 2nd EditionSpringer Ser ReliabComplex Systems Aip Conf ProcComplex SystemsNonl Phen Compl SystComplex SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsComplex Systems Proc Spie#Complex Systems and Binary NetworksLect Notes PhystComplex Systems and Evolutionary Perspectives On Organisation: The Application of Complexity Theory to Organisations Adv Ser Manag/Complex Systems and Self-organization Modelling Und Com Sys/Complex Systems and Self-organization ModellingUnderst Complex SystComplex Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsComplex Systems Ii Proc SpiePComplex Systems in Knowledge-based Environments: Theory, Models and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell3Complex Time-delay Systems: Theory and ApplicationsUnderst Complex Syst8Complex-valued Neural Networks With Multi-valued NeuronsStud Comput Intell(Complex Variables and Elliptic EquationsComplex Var Elliptic-Compliance, Safety and Environmental AdvancesTech Papers IsaComplications in SurgeryComplication Surg"Complier Construction, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHComplife 2007: 3rd International Symposium On Computational Life Science Aip Conf ProcBComponent and Systems Diagnostics, Prognosis and Health ManagementP Soc Photo-opt InsBComponent and Systems Diagnostics, Prognosis and Health Management Proc SpieHComponent and Systems Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Health Management IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHComponent and Systems Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Health Management Ii Proc SpieaComponent-based Software Development for Embedded Systems: An Overview of Current Research TrendsLect Notes Comput Sc$Component-based Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc1Component-based Software Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Component-based Software Quality: Methods and TechniquesLect Notes Comput ScComponent DeploymentLect Notes Comput Sc!Component Deployment, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Components for Fiber Optic Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Components for Fiber Optic Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Components for Fiber Optic Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Components for Wavelength Division MultiplexingP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Key Eng MaterComposerComposerComposite InterfacesCompos Interface=Composite Laminates: Properties, Performance and ApplicationsMater Sci Technol9Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture, Seventh VolumeAm Soc Test Mater]Composite Materials for Implant Applications in The Human Body : Characterization and TestingAm Soc Test MaterComposite Materials Iii Key Eng MatComposite Materials Iv Key Eng Mat=Composite Materials: Science and Applications, Second EditionEng Mater Process9Composite Materials: Testing and Design - Eleventh VolumeAm Soc Test Mater:Composite Materials: Testing and Design, Fourteenth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater9Composite Materials : Testing and Design ( Tenth Volume )Am Soc Test Mater=Composite Materials: Testing, Design, and Acceptance CriteriaAm Soc Test MaterComposite Materials V Key Eng Mat)Composite Media and Homogenization Theory Prog Nonlin Composites Composites_Composite Sampling: A Novel Method to Accomplish Observational Economy in Environmental StudiesEnviron Ecol Stat Se"Composites and Sandwich Structures N Euro EngnComposites BondingAm Soc Test Mater-Composite Science and Technology, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterComposites Engineering Compos EngComposites Forming TechnologiesWoodhead Publ Ser Te0Composites for The Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Imeche SemComposites Manufacturing Compos Manuf3Composites Part A-applied Science and ManufacturingCompos Part A-appl SComposites Part B-engineeringCompos Part B-eng!Composites Science and TechnologyCompos Sci TechnolComposite Structures Compos Struct)Composite Structures: Theory and PracticeAm Soc Test MaterQComposites With Micro-and Nano-structures: Computational Modeling and ExperimentsComp Meth Appl SciQComposites With Micro-and Nano-structures: Computational Modeling and ExperimentsComput Meth Appl SciComposite Systems Decisions Decis EngCompositio Mathematica Compos MathGCompositional Data Analysis in The Geosciences: From Theory to PracticeGeol Soc Spec Publ,Compositionality: The Significant DifferenceLect Notes Comput Sc-Composition and Redaction of The Book of AmosBeih Z Alttest WissAComposition of Embedded Systems: Scientific and Industrial IssuesLect Notes Comput ScBComposition of Secure Multi-party Protocols: A Comprehensive StudyLect Notes Comput Sc0Composting: Processing, Materials and ApproachesWaste Waste ManagCompost Science Compost SciCompost Science & UtilizationCompost Sci Util Compost Science-land UtilizationCompost Sci Land Ut2Compound Energy Systems: Optimal Operation MethodsRsc Energy Ser-Compound-nuclear Reactions and Related Topics Aip Conf Proc0Compound Semiconductor Electronics and PhotonicsMater Res Soc Symp PCompound Semiconductor EpitaxyMater Res Soc Symp P$Compound Semiconductor PhotovoltaicsMater Res Soc Symp PpCompound Semiconductor Power Transistors and State-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors (sotapocs Xxix) Elec Soc StCompound Semiconductor Power Transistors Ii and State-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors (sotapocs Xxxii) Elec Soc SCompound Semiconductors 1994Inst Phys Conf SerCompound Semiconductors 1995Inst Phys Conf SerCompound Semiconductors 1996Inst Phys Conf SerCompound Semiconductors 1997Inst Phys Conf SerCompound Semiconductors 1998Inst Phys Conf SerCompound Semiconductors 1999Inst Phys Conf SerCompound Semiconductors 2001Inst Phys Conf SerCompound Semiconductors 2002Inst Phys Conf Ser)Compound Semiconductors 2004, ProceedingsInst Phys Conf SerPCompound Semiconductors for Energy Applications and Environmental SustainabilityMater Res Soc Symp PFCompound Semiconductor Surface Passivation and Novel Device ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp PCompposites for The Real WorldInt Sampe Tech ConfBComprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture SeriesComp Assess Wat ManBComprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture SeriesCompr Assess Wat ManComprehensive Biochemistry Compr BiochemAComprehensive Cardiovascular Medicine in The Primary Care SettingContemp Cardiol+Comprehensive Care for People With Epilepsy Curr Prob EComprehensive Chemical KineticsCompr Chem KinetComprehensive EndocrinologyCompr EndocrinolComprehensive Immunology Compr ImmunoliComprehensive Models of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems: Their Mechanical Support and InteractionsCardiol Res Clin Dev'Comprehensive Neurologic Rehabilitation Comp Neur RComprehensive PsychiatryCompr Psychiat5Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food SafetyCompr Rev Food Sci F>Comprehensive Series in Photochemistry and Photobiology-seriesCompr Ser Photoch6Comprehensive Series in Photochemisty and PhotobiologyCompr Ser PhotochemComprehensive Therapy Compr TherComprehensive Virology Compr VirolCompressed AirCompressed Air,Compression Response of Composite StructuresAm Soc Test MaterECompression Vs. Expression: Containing and Explaining The World's ArtClark Stud Vis ArtsCompressors and Their SystemsImeche Conf TransCompromised PerfusionProg Appl MicrocirCompromised PerfusionProgr Appl MicrvCompsac 2007: The Thirty-first Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Vol Ii, ProceedingsP Int Comp Softw AppuCompsac 2007: The Thirty-first Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Vol I, ProceedingsP Int Comp Softw AppZCompsac 97 : Twenty-first Annual International Computer Software & Applications ConferenceP Int Comp Softw AppTCompte Rendu Des Seances De La Societe De Physique Et D Histoire Naturelle De GenereCr Soc Phys HistComptes Rendus BiologiesCr BiolComptes Rendus ChimieCr Chim1Comptes Rendus De L Academie Bulgare Des SciencesCr Acad Bulg Sci3Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences De L UrssCr Acad Sci Urss2Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie IiCr Acad Sci IicComptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A-sciences De La Terre Et Des PlanetesCr Acad Sci Ii AHComptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule B-mecaniqueCr Acad Sci Ii B-mec\Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule B-mecanique Physique AstronomieCr Acad Sci Ii BcComptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule B-mecanique Physique Chimie AstronomieCr Acad Sci Ii BEComptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule C-chimieCr Acad Sci Ii CTComptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iii-sciences De La Vie-life SciencesCr Acad Sci Iii-vie>Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie I-mathematiqueCr Acad Sci I-mathIComptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iv Physique AstrophysiqueCr Acad Sci Iv-physJComptes Rendus Des Seances De L Academie Des Inscriptions & Belles-lettresCr Acad Inscr BelleGComptes Rendus Des Seances De La Societe De Biologie Et De Ses Filiales Cr Soc Biol3Comptes Rendus Des Travaux Du Laboratoire CarlsbergCr Trav Lab CarlsbGComptes Rendus Des Travaux Du Laboratoire Carlsberg-serie PhysiologiqueCr Trav Lab Carls PCComptes Rendus Des Travaux Du Laboratoire Carlsberg-series ChimiqueCr Trav Lab Carls CjComptes Rendus Du Deuxieme Colloque-association De Recherche Sur Les Techniques De Forage Et De ProductionC R Deux Colloq-assnComptes Rendus Geoscience Cr GeosciCComptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances De L Academie Des SciencesCr Hebd Acad SciKComptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances De L Academie Des Sciences Serie ACr Acad Sci A MathKComptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances De L Academie Des Sciences Serie BCr Acad Sci B PhysKComptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances De L Academie Des Sciences Serie CCr Acad Sci C ChimKComptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances De L Academie Des Sciences Serie DCr Acad Sci D NatComptes Rendus MathematiqueCr MathComptes Rendus Mecanique Cr MecaniqueComptes Rendus Palevol C R PalevolComptes Rendus Palevol Cr PalevolComptes Rendus PhysiqueCr PhysCompton Gamma-ray Observatory Aip Conf ProcCompton ScatteringSpringer Tr Mod Phys5Compulsive Buying: Clinical Foundations and TreatmentPract Clin GuidebkECompulsory Insurance and Compensation for Bunker Oil Pollution DamageHamb Stud Marit AffComputability of Julia SetsAlgorithm Comp MathEComputable Models of The Law: Languages, Dialogues, Games, OntologiesLect Notes Artif Int!Computational Accelerator Physics Aip Conf Proc&Computational Accelerator Physics 2002Inst Phys Conf SerPComputational Advances in Organic Chemistry : Molecular Structure and ReactivityNato Adv Sci I C-mat.Computational Aerosciences in The 21st CenturyIcase Larc In Sci EnComputational AlgebraLect Notes Pure Appl Computational Algebraic Geometry Prog Math#Computational & Applied MathematicsComput Appl Math+Computational & Theoretical Polymer ScienceComput Theor Polym S>Computational Analysis Synthesis and Design of Dynamic SystemsComput Anal Synth De&Computational and Ambient IntelligenceLect Notes Comput Sc+Computational and Experimental Group Theory Contemp Math>Computational and Experimental Mechanics of Advanced MaterialsCism Courses Lect&Computational and Experimental MethodsComp Exptl Methods4Computational and Experimental Methods in StructuresComput Exp Method St2Computational and Information Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Computational and Mathematical Methods in MedicineComput Math Method MBComputational and Mathematical Models of Microstructural EvolutionMater Res Soc Symp P2Computational and Mathematical Organization TheoryComput Math Organ Th2Computational and Mathematical Organization TheoryComput Mqth Organ Th'Computational and Theoretical ChemistryComput Theor Chem-Computational and Theoretical Polymer ScienceComput Theor Polym S7Computational Approaches in Molecular Radiation BiologyBasic Life Sci4Computational Approaches in Supramolecular ChemistryNato Adv Sci Inst Se-Computational Approaches to Economic Problems Adv Comp EconBComputational Approach to Digital Chinese Painting and CalligraphyAdv Top Sci Tech Chi*Computational Approach to Riemann SurfacesLect Notes Math!Computational Arithmetic Geometry Contemp Math)Computational Aspects of Algebraic CurvesLn Ser ComputingPComputational Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory: Refutable Theories of ValueLect Notes Econ Math;Computational Aspects of Structural Acoustics and VibrationCism Courses LectjComputational Aspects of The Study of Biological Macromolecules By Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyNato Adv Sci I A-lifComputational Ballistics IiWit Trans Model SimComputational Ballistics IiiWit Trans Model SimComputational BiologyMethods Mol Biol#Computational Biology and ChemistryComput Biol Chem:Computational Biology: Issues and Applications in OncologyAppl Bioinf Biostat5Computational Biology of Transcription Factor BindingMethods Mol BiolComputational Biology SeriesComput Biol SerOComputational Cardiology: Modeling of Anatomy, Electrophysiology, and MechanicsLect Notes Comput Sc[Computational Collective Intelligence: Semantic Web, Social Networks and Multiagent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntJComputational Collective Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Pt ILect Notes Artif IntKComputational Collective Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Pt IiLect Notes Artif IntLComputational Collective Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Pt IiiLect Notes Artif IntComputational Color ImagingLect Notes Comput Sc3Computational Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics Adv Stu P M@Computational Commutative and Non-commutative Algebraic GeometryNato Sc S Ss Iii C SComputational ComplexityComput Complex@Computational Complexity of Equivalence and Isomorphism ProblemsLect Notes Comput ScComputational Contact MechanicsCism Courses LectComputational Differentiation Siam Proc S5Computational Discrete Mathematics: Advanced LecturesLect Notes Comput ScComputational Economics Comput Econ(Computational Economics and Econometrics Adv St TheoComputational ElectromagneticsLect Notes Comp SciComputational ElectronicsKluwer Int Ser Eng CCComputational Electrophysiology: Dynamical Systems and BifurcationsFirst Course SilicoComputational Engineering Computat Engn1Computational Engineering in Systems ApplicationsMa Comput Sci Eng1Computational Engineering in Systems ApplicationsMath Comput Sci EngComputational, Experimental, and Numerical Methods for Solving Ill-posed Inverse Imaging Problems: Medical and Nonmedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Computational Finance and Its Applications IiiWit Trans Info Comm'Computational Fluid and Solid MechanicsComput Fluid Solid MComputational Fluid Dynamics Les Houch S>Computational Fluid Dynamics for The 21st Century, Proceedings Note Num Fl8Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium On Aeropropulsion Nasa Conf P$Computational Forensics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc^Computational, Geometric and Process Perspectives On Facial Cognition: Contexts and Challenges Sci Psych S'Computational Geometry and Graph TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc.Computational Geometry-theory and ApplicationsComp Geom-theor ApplComputational GeosciencesComputat Geosci3Computational Group Theory and The Theory of Groups Contemp Math7Computational Group Theory and The Theory of Groups, Ii Contemp MathComputational ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins Computational Imaging and Vision Comp Imag Vis Computational Imaging and VisionComput Imaging VisComputational Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt InsComputational Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsComputational Imaging Iii Proc SpieComputational Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt InsComputational Imaging Iv Proc SpieComputational Imaging Ix Proc SpieComputational Imaging VP Soc Photo-opt InsComputational Imaging V Proc SpieComputational Imaging Vi Proc SpieComputational Imaging ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsComputational Imaging Viii Proc SpieComputational Intelligence Comput IntellComputational IntelligenceComput Intell-usComputational IntelligenceLect Notes Comput ScComputational IntelligenceStud Comput IntellComputational Intelligence VDI Bericht(Computational Intelligence: A CompendiumStud Comput IntellSComputational Intelligence and Bioengineering: Essays in Memory of Antonina StaritaFront Artif Intel Ap@Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Computational Intelligence and Intelligent SystemsComm Com Inf Sc'Computational Intelligence and SecurityLect Notes Artif Int:Computational Intelligence and Security, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int:Computational Intelligence and Security, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int2Computational Intelligence Based On Lattice TheoryStud Comp Intell2Computational Intelligence Based On Lattice TheoryStud Comput Intell?Computational Intelligence: Collaboration, Fusion and EmergenceIntel Syst Ref Libr2Computational Intelligence for Agent-based SystemsStud Comput Intell7Computational Intelligence for Modelling and PredictionStud Comp Intell7Computational Intelligence for Modelling and PredictionStud Comput IntellComputational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation - Evolutionary Computation & Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Control, Knowledge Acquisition & Information RetrievalConcur Syst Engn SerComputational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation - Intelligent Image Processing, Data Analysis & Information RetrievalConcur Syst Engn SernComputational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation - Neural Networks & Advanced Control StrategiesConcur Syst Engn Ser-Computational Intelligence for Remote SensingStud Comput Intell;Computational Intelligence for Technology Enhanced LearningStud Comput Intell8Computational Intelligence: Foundations and ApplicationsWd Sci P Comp Eng5Computational Intelligence in Automotive ApplicationsStud Comput Intell4Computational Intelligence in Business and EconomicsWd Sci P Comp Eng)Computational Intelligence in Data Mining Cism Cour L)Computational Intelligence in Data MiningCism Courses Lect2Computational Intelligence in Decision and ControlWd Sci P Comp Eng)Computational Intelligence in EngineeringStud Comp Intell)Computational Intelligence in EngineeringStud Comput Intell=Computational Intelligence in Expensive Optimization ProblemsAdapt Learn Optim?Computational Intelligence in Flow Shop and Job Shop SchedulingStud Comput IntellBComputational Intelligence in Healthcare 4: Advanced MethodologiesStud Comput Intell@Computational Intelligence in Information Assurance and SecurityStud Comput Intell;Computational Intelligence in Integrated Airline SchedulingStud Comput Intell1Computational Intelligence in Medical InformaticsStud Comput IntellDComputational Intelligence in Multimedia Processing: Recent AdvancesStud Comput IntellLComputational Intelligence in Optimization: Applications and ImplementationsAdapt Learn Optim/Computational Intelligence in Power EngineeringStud Comput Intell>Computational Intelligence in Security for Information SystemsAdv Intell Soft CompCComputational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems 2010Adv Intel Soft CompuGComputational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and BiostatisticsLect N Bioinformat=Computational Intelligence Paradigms: Innovative ApplicationsStud Comput Intell-Computational Intelligence, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int.Computational Intelligence: Research FrontiersLect Notes Comput ScXComputational Intelligence: Soft Computing and Fuzzy-neuro Integration With ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I F-comWComputational Intelligence Techniques for Bioprocess Modelling, Supervision and ControlStud Comput Intell2Computational Intelligence, Theory and Application Adv Soft Comp3Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications Adv Soft Comp3Computational Intelligence: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc@Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScComputational Learning TheoryLect Notes Artif Int*Computational Learning Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int+Computational Life Sciences Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Computational Life Sciences, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScComputational Line GeometryMath VisComputational LinguisticsComput Linguist9Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text ProcessingLect Notes Comput ScFComputational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands 1997 Lang Comput1Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands 2000 Lang Comput1Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands 2001 Lang Comput1Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands 2002 Lang ComputComputational Logic - Cl 2000Lect Notes Artif Int*Computational Logic in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int*Computational Logic in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc7Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond, Pt ILect Notes Artif Int8Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond, Pt IiLect Notes Artif Int#Computational Many-particle PhysicsLect Notes PhysComputational Materials ScienceComp Mater SciComputational Materials ScienceNato Sc S Ss Iii C SMComputational Materials Science: From Basic Principles to Material PropertiesLect Notes Phys2Computational Mathematics and Mathematical PhysicsComp Math Math Phys+Computational Mechanics Comput Mech'Computational Mechanics Research TrendsComput Sci Tech Appl@Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled ProblemsComp Meth Appl Sci@Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled ProblemsComput Meth Appl Sci+Computational Methods and Applied ComputingMa Comput Sci Eng+Computational Methods and Applied ComputingMath Comput Sci Eng6Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements Ix Int S Comp5Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements X Computat Engn6Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements Xi Computat Engn7Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XiiWit Trans Model Sim8Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XiiiWit Trans Model Sim7Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XivWit Trans Model SimFComputational Methods and Experiments in Materials Characterisation IiWit Trans Eng Sci)Computational Methods and Function TheoryLect Notes Math+Computational Methods for Controller DesignLect Notes Contr Inf<Computational Methods for Flow and Transport in Porous Media Theor App T5Computational Methods for Fluid-structure Interaction Pitman ResEComputational Methods for Macromolecules: Challenges and ApplicationsLect Notes Comp SciOComputational Methods for Nanoscale Applications: Particles, Plasmons and WavesNanostruct Sci Techn4Computational Methods for Optimal Design and Control Prog Syst C)Computational Methods for Protein Folding Adv Chem Phys7Computational Methods for Reliability and Risk AnalysisSer Qual Rel Eng Sta@Computational Methods for Representations of Groups and Algebras Prog Math3Computational Methods for Sensor Material SelectionIntegr Anal Syst;Computational Methods for Smart Structures and Materials Ii Struct Mat6Computational Methods for Snps and Haplotype InferenceLect N BioinformatEComputational Methods for The Innovative Design of Electrical DevicesStud Comp Intell8Computational Methods in Applied Science and EngineeringEng Tools Tech Table)Computational Methods in Applied SciencesComp Meth Appl Sci)Computational Methods in Applied SciencesComput Meth Appl SciaComputational Methods in Biometric Authentication: Statistical Methods for Performance EvaluationInform Sci Stat-Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics IvComp Exptl Methods,Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics VComp Exptl Methods-Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics ViComp Exptl MethodsIComputational Methods in Contamination and Remediation of Water ResourcesComp Met Water Res/Computational Methods in Earthquake EngineeringComput Meth Appl Sci*Computational Methods in Economic DynamicsDynam Mod Econ Econ+Computational Methods in Fracture Mechanics Key Eng Mater3Computational Methods in Materials CharacterisationHi Per Struct Mat*Computational Methods in Materials ScienceMater Res Soc Symp P+Computational Methods in Mechanical SystemsNato Adv Sci I F-com(Computational Methods in Multiphase FlowAdv Fluid Mech Ser+Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow IiAdv Fluid Mech Ser,Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow IiiWit Trans Eng Sci+Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow IvWit Trans Eng Sci*Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow VWit Trans Eng Sci.Computational Methods in Neural Modeling, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc6Computational Methods in Science and Engineering Vol 1 Aip Conf Proc7Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Vol 1 Aip Conf Proc7Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Vol 2 Aip Conf Proc;Computational Methods in Surface and Ground Water TransportComp Met Water Res(Computational Methods in Systems BiologyLect Notes Comput Sc5Computational Methods in Systems Biology, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat5Computational Methods in Systems Biology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Computational Methods in Water ResourcesComp Met Water Res6Computational Methods in Water Resources, Vols 1 and 2 Dev Water SciCComputational Methods in Water Resources, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings Dev Water Sci8Computational Methods in Water Resources X, Vols 1 and 2 Water Trans*Computational Methods of Feature SelectionCh Crc Data Min KnowComputational MicroelectronicsComp Microelectron2Computational Mind: A Complex Dynamics PerspectiveStud Comput IntellAComputational Modeling and Problem Solving in The Networked WorldOper Res Comput SciAComputational Modeling and Problem Solving in The Networked WorldOperat Res Comp Sci3Computational Modeling in Biological Fluid Dynamics Ima V Math3Computational Modeling in Biological Fluid DynamicsIma Vol Math Appl2Computational Modeling Methods for NeuroscientistsComput Neurosci-mit+Computational Modeling of Membrane BilayersCurr Top MembrDComputational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScjComputational Modelling in Behavioural Neuroscience: Closing The Gap Between Neurophysiology and BehaviourAdv Behav Brain Sci`Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and ApplicationsProc Monogr Eng Wate0Computational Models for Life Sciences (cmls 07) Aip Conf Proc Computational Models of Argument Fr Art Int Computational Models of ArgumentFront Artif Intel Ap;Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of Comma 2008 Fr Art Int;Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of Comma 2008Front Artif Intel Ap;Computational Models of Argument: Proceedings of Comma 2010Front Artif Intel Ap)Computational Models of Auditory FunctionNato Sci S A Lif SciAComputational Models of Scientific Discovery and Theory Formation Mor Kauf M+Computational Models of The Auditory SystemSpringer Handb Audit&Computational Molecular Biology SeriesComput Mol Biol SerComputational Music ScienceComput Music Sci7Computational Nature of Language Learning and EvolutionCurr Stud LinguistComputational NeuroscienceSpringer Ser Optim A-Computational Neuroscience: Cortical DynamicsLect Notes Comput ScComputational Neuroscience-mitComput Neurosci-mitDComputational Neuroscience: Theoretical Insights Into Brain FunctionProg Brain Res5Computational Noncommutative Algebra and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math-Computational Ocean Acoustics, Second EditionMod Acoust Sign Proc+Computational Optimization and ApplicationsComput Optim ApplGComputational Optimization and Applications in Engineering and IndustryStud Comput Intell2Computational Optimization, Methods and AlgorithmsStud Comput IntellComputational PhysicsConf Proc Lec N PhysComputational PlasticityComp Meth Appl SciComputational Polymer ScienceComput Polymer SciSComputational Probability: Algorithms and Applications in The Mathematical SciencesInt Ser Oper Res ManAComputational Processing of The Portuguese Lanaguage, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int@Computational Processing of The Portuguese Language, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntYComputational Quantum Mechanics for Materials Engineers: The Emto Method and ApplicationsEng Mater ProcessComputational Quantum Physics Aip Conf ProcComputational Risk ManagementComput Risk Manag,Computational Science and Engineering SeriesComput Sci Eng Ser4Computational Science and High Performance ComputingNote N Fl Mech Mul D4Computational Science and High Performance ComputingNotes Numer Fluid Me7Computational Science and High Performance Computing IiNote N Fl Mech Mul D7Computational Science and High Performance Computing IiNotes Numer Fluid Me8Computational Science and High Performance Computing IiiNote N Fl Mech Mul D8Computational Science and High Performance Computing IiiNotes Numer Fluid MeIComputational Science and Its Applications - Icca 2003, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2003, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2003, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2003, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2004, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2004, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2004, Pt 3Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2004, Pt 4Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2005, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2005, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2005, Pt 3Lect Notes Comput ScKComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2005, Vol 4, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2006, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2006, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2006, Pt 3Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2006, Pt 4Lect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2006, Pt 5Lect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2007, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2007, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2007, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2008, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2008, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2009, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc>Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2009, Pt IiLect Notes Comput ScJComputational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2010, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect 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ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Computational Science - Iccs 2008, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc'Computational Science - Iccs 2008, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc'Computational Science - Iccs 2008, Pt 3Lect Notes Comput Sc!Computational Science - Iccs 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc)Computational Science - Iccs 2009, Part ILect Notes Comput Sc3Computational Science -- Iccs 200, Proceedings Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc6Computational Sicence - Iccs 2003, Pt Iii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Computational Social Network AnalysisComput Commun Netw SComputational StatisticsComputation StatComputational Statistics Contr StatComputational StatisticsStat Comput Ser(Computational Statistics & Data AnalysisComput Stat Data An=Computational Statistics Handbook With Matlab, Second EditionCh Crc Comp Sci Data<Computational Structural Dynamics and Earthquake EngineeringStrtr Infra SersComputational StudiesComputat Studies4Computational Studies of Transition Metal NanoalloysSpringer Theses-reco0Computational Systems-biology and BioinformaticsComm Com Inf Sc9Computational Techniques for Structural Health MonitoringSpringer Ser ReliabEComputational Techniques for Voltage Stability Assessment and ControlPower Electron PowercComputational Techniques: The Multiphase Cfd Approach to Fluidization and Green Energy TechnologiesEnerg Sci Eng TechComputational TextileStud Comp IntellComputational TextileStud Comput Intell3Computational Vision and Medical Imaging ProcessingProc Monogr Eng Wate*Computational Vision Based On NeurobiologyP Soc Photo-opt InsQComputational Welding Mechanics: Thermomechanical and Microstructural SimulationsWoodhead Publ MaterComputation and Control Ii Prog Syst CComputation and Control Iii Prog Syst C4Computation and Logic in The Real World, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Computation and Neural Systems Series Comp Neur S'Computation Checkpointing and MigrationEmbed High Perform C"Computation, Cooperation, and LifeLect Notes Comput ScCComputation in Economics, Finance and Engineering: Economic SystemsIfac Symp Series@Computation in Modern Science and Engineering Vol 2, Pts A and B Aip Conf Proc"Computation of Curves and SurfacesNato Adv Sci I C-mat+Computation of Viscous Incompressible Flows Sci ComputComputations for The Nano-scaleNato Adv Sci Inst SeComputed Axial TomographyComput Axial Tomogr3Computed Tomography of The Lung: A Pattern ApproachMed Radiol Diagn ImaComputerComputer@Computer-aided Analysis of Rigid and Flexible Mechanical SystemsNato Adv Sci Inst Se#Computer-aided Chemical Engineering Comp Aid Ch#Computer-aided Chemical EngineeringComput-aided Chem En3Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure EngineeringComput-aided Civ InfComputer-aided DesignComput Aided Design(Computer Aided Design in Control SystemsIfac Symp Series3Computer-aided Design of High-temperature MaterialsT Phys Chem SerLComputer Aided Design of Wire Structures: Frequency and Time Domain AnalysisAdv Elec Eng Electro+Computer-aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging Int Congr Ser1Computer Aided Drug Design in Industrial ResearchE Schering Res Fdn WComputer-aided EngineeringComput Aided EngComputer Aided Geometric DesignComput Aided Geom DComputer-aided Innovation (cai)Int Fed Info Proc7Computer Aided Methods in Optimal Design and OperationsSer Computers Oper RComputer-aided Molecular Design Acs Sym Ser/Computer Aided Optimum Design in Engineering IxWit Trans Built Env.Computer Aided Optimum Design in Engineering XWit Trans Built Env/Computer Aided Optimum Design in Engineering XiWit Trans Built Env.Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures Vi Struct Mat/Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures Vii Struct Mat0Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures Viii Struct Mat!Computer Aided Proofs in Analysis Ima V Math"Computer-aided Statistical Physics Aip Conf ProcComputer Aided SurgeryComput Aided Surg*Computer-aided Systems in Public TransportLect Notes Econ Math-Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast 2001Lect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc,Computer Aided Systems Theory- Eurocast 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc!Computer-aided Transit SchedulingLect Notes Econ Math.Computer-aided Transit Scheduling, ProceedingsLect Notes Econ MathComputer Aided VerificationLect Notes Comput Sc+Computer Aided Verification< ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Computer Aided Verification, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Computer Algebra and Differential Equations Lond Math S8Computer Algebra and Geometric Algebra With ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc5Computer Algebra in Scienfific Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Computer Algebra in Scientific ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc5Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Computer Algebra Methods for Equivariant Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Math#Computer & Communications Decisions Comput 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and Information Sciences - Iscis 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Computer and Information Sciences - Iscis 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Computer and Information Sicences - Iscis 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Computer and Optically Formed Holographic OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Computer and Optically Generated Holographic OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Computer and The Decision-making Process Buros Neb SComputer AnimationComput Sci Tech Appl$Computer Animation 1999, ProceedingsComp Anim Conf Proc$Computer Animation 2000, ProceedingsComp Anim Conf Proc$Computer Animation 2001, ProceedingsComp Anim Conf Proc$Computer Animation '97 - ProceedingsComp Anim Conf Proc#Computer Animation 98 - ProceedingsComp Anim Conf Proc&Computer Animation and Simulation 2000Spring Comp Sci&Computer Animation and Simulation 2001Spring Eurograp%Computer Animation and Simulation '98Spring Comp Sci$Computer Animation and Simulation'99Spring Comp Sci%Computer Animation and Virtual WorldsComput Animat Virt W)Computer Animation Conference ProceedingsComp Anim Conf Proc2Computer Applications in Biotechnology 2001 (cab8) Ifac P Ser-Computer Applications in Chemical EngineeringProcess Technol Proc.Computer Applications in Engineering EducationComput Appl Eng Educ,Computer Applications in Resource Estimation Comput GeoloComputer Applications in Sustainable Forest Management: Including Perspectives On Collaboration and IntegrationManag For Ecosyst(Computer Applications in The BiosciencesComput Appl Biosci+Computer Applications in The Earth Sciences Comp Ap EarJComputer Arithmetic and Validity: Theory, Implementation, and ApplicationsDegruyter Stud Math#Computer Assisted Language LearningComput Assist Lang LComputer Assisted Learning /Lect Notes Comput Sc,Computer-assisted Teaching: New DevelopmentsEduc Compet Glob WorIComputer-based Medical Systems : Proceedings of The Annual Ieee Symposium Comp Med SyVComputer-based Modeling of Novel Carbon Systems and Their Properties: Beyond NanotubesCarbon Mater-chem Ph<Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols St Heal T<Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and ProtocolsStud Health TechnolComputer Bulletin Comput BullComputer Communication ReviewComput Commun RevComputer Communications Comput Commun+Computer Communications and Networks SeriesComput Commun Netw SComputer Communications Review Comp Comm R Computer-controlled MicroshapingP Soc Photo-opt InsComputer Decisions Comput DecisComputer Design Comput DesComputer Engineering SeriesComput Eng Ser0Computer-enhanced Analytical Spectroscopy, Vol 2 Mod Anal Ch0Computer-enhanced Analytical Spectroscopy, Vol 4 Mod Anal ChComputer Equipment ReviewComput Equip RevComputer Fraud & SecurityComput Fraud SecurUComputer Games: Learning Objectives, Cognitive Performance and Effects On DevelopmentComput Sci Tech ApplComputer Graphics Comp Graph&Computer Graphics and Image ProcessingComput Vision GraphComputer Graphics ForumComput Graph Forum^Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation - Modern Techniques and Applications, ProceedingsI C Comp Graph Im Vi:Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation: New AdvancesI C Comp Graph Im ViComputer Graphics-usComput Graphics-usComputer Graphics WorldComput Graph World>Computer Hardware Description Languages and Their Applications Ifip Trans AComputer-human InteractionLect Notes Comput Sc'Computer Human Interaction: ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Computer Image Analysis in The Study of Art Proc Spie)Computer Integrated Manufacturing SystemsComput Integr Manuf0Computer Integrated Process Engineering, Cipe 89 Inst Chem EDComputerization and Networking of Materials Databases : Third VolumeAm Soc Test MaterZComputerized Chemical Data Standards: Databases, Data Interchange, and Information SystemsAm Soc Test Mater)Computerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsComput Med Imag GrapComputerized Radiology Comput RadiolComputerized Tomography Comput TomogrComputer JournalComput J@Computer Keystroke Logging and Writing: Methods and Applications Stud WritComputer Languages Comput Lang'Computer Languages Systems & StructuresComput Lang Syst StrComputer/law Series Comp Law SComputer MathematicsLect Notes Artif IntZComputer Mediated Education of Information Technology Professionals and Advanced End-users Ifip Trans A#Computer-mediated Social NetworkingLect Notes Artif Int\Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics ViiWit Trans Eng Sci]Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics ViiiWit Trans Eng Sci,Computer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineComput Meth Prog Bio'Computer Methods and Water Resources IvComp Met Water Res5Computer Methods for Macromolecular Sequence AnalysisMethod Enzymol5Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and EngineeringComput Method Appl M;Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical EngineeringComput Method Biomec+Computer Modeling of Carbohydrate Molecules Acs Sym Ser7Computer Modeling of Free-surface and Pressurized FlowsNato Adv Sci Inst Se0Computer Modelling of Fluids Polymers and SolidsNato Adv Sci I C-matComputer Music JournalComput Music J%Computer Music Modeling and RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc6Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval: Sense of SoundsLect Notes Comput ScComputer NetworksComm Com Inf ScComputer Networks Comput Netw"Computer Networks and Isdn SystemsComput Networks Isdn0Computer Networks, Architecture and Applications Ifip Trans CComputer Network SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc&Computer Network Security, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc&Computer Network Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScComputer Networks, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScComputer Networks SeriesComput Netw SerYComputer Networks-the International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking Comput NetwComputer Operations Comput Oper%Computer-oriented Process EngineeringProcess Technol ProcComputer PerformanceComput Perform Computer Performance EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Performance Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScComputer Performance EvaluationLect Notes Comput Sc=Computer Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and ToolsLect Notes Comput Sc,Computer Performance Evaluation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScComputer Physics CommunicationsComput Phys CommunComputer Physics ReportsComput Phys Rep^Computer Processing of Oriental Languages: Language Technology for The Knowledge-based EconomyLect Notes Artif Int6Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int Computer Programs in BiomedicineComput Prog BiomedComputer Recognition Systems 2Adv Intel Soft CompuComputer Recognition Systems 3Adv Intel Soft CompuComputer Recognition Systems 4Adv Intel Soft Compu)Computer Recognition Systems, Proceedings Adv Soft Comp)Computer Safety, Reliability and SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc*Computer Safety, Reliability, and 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Comput Sc,Computer Science Technology and ApplicationsComput Sci Tech Appl*Computer Science - Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScComputer Science TodayLect Notes Comput ScComputer Security Ifip Trans A,Computer Security - Esoric 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Security - Esorics 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Security - Esorics 2002, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Security - Esorics 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Computer Security Esorics 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Security - Esorics 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Security - Esorics 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Security - Esorics 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Computer Security - Esorics 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScComputer Security-esorics 2010Lect Notes Comput ScComputer Security - Esorics 92Lect Notes Comput ScComputer Security - Esorics 98Lect Notes Comput Sc'Computers Environment and Urban SystemsComput Environ Urban8Computers Helping People With Special Needs, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Computers Helping People With Special Needs: ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Computers Helping People With Special Needs, Proceedings, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc>Computers Helping People With Special Needs, Proceedings, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput ScbComputer Simulation and Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Biophysics: An Introduction Using RBiol Med Phys BiomedcComputer Simulation for Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, and Combustion in Reciprocating Engines P Int C Hea'Computer Simulation in Chemical PhysicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se(Computer Simulation in Materials ScienceNato Adv Sci I E-app'Computer Simulation in Nonlinear OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter Systems: From Materials to Chemical Biology, Vol 1Lect Notes Phys[Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter Systems: From Materials to Chemical Biology, Vol 2Lect Notes Phys4Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals and PolymersNato Sci Ser Ii Math4Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals and PolymersNato Sci Ser Ii-math/Computer Simulations of Surfaces and InterfacesNato Sci Ser Ii Math/Computer Simulations of Surfaces and InterfacesNato Sci Ser Ii-math_Computer Simulations Studies in Condensed Matter Physics Xxi - Proceedings of The 21st Workshop Physcs Proc;Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-matter Physcis XviSpringer Proc Phys;Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics IiiSpringer Proc Phys;Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-matter Physics XiiSpringer Proc Phys<Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-matter Physics XiiiSpringer Proc Phys;Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-matter Physics XivSpringer Proc Phys;Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-matter Physics XixSpringer Proc Phys:Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-matter Physics XvSpringer Proc Phys;Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-matter Physics XviSpringer Proc Phys=Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-matter Physics XviiiSpringer Proc PhysfComputer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics Xx, Csp-2007: Proceedings of The 20th Workshop Physcs Proc!Computers in Biology and MedicineComput Biol MedComputers in CardiologyComput Cardiol*Computers in Cardiology 1992 : ProceedingsComput Cardiol)Computers in Cardiology 1993, ProceedingsComput CardiolComputers in Cardiology 1995Comput CardiolComputers in Cardiology 1996Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 1997, Vol 24Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 1998, Vol 25Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 1999, Vol 26Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 2000, Vol 27Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 2001, Vol 28Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 2002, Vol 29Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 2003, Vol 30Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 2004, Vol 31Comput Cardiol$Computers in Cardiology 2005, Vol 32Comput Cardiol*Computers in Cardiology 2007, Vols 1 and 2Comput Cardiol%Computers in Cardiology : ProceedingsComput CardiolComputers in Cardiology SeriesComput Cardiol,Computers in Endocrinology : Recent Advances Serono SymComputers in Human BehaviorComput Hum BehavComputers in Industry Comput IndComputers in Medical ActivityAdv Intel Soft CompuComputers in Medical ActivityAdv Intell Soft CompComputers in Nursing Comput NursComputers in Physics Comput PhysComputers in Psychology Comp PsychComputers in Psychology 4 Comp PsychComputers in Psychology 5 Comp PsychComputers in Railway Six Adv TransportComputers in Railways Vi Adv TransportComputers in Railways Vii Adv TransportComputers in Railways Viii Adv TransportfComputers in Railways X: Computer System Design and Operation in The Railway and Other Transit SystemsWit Trans Built EnvComputers in Railways XiWit Trans Built Env'Computers in The Human Interaction LoopHum-comput Int-sprinComputer Speech and LanguageComput Speech LangComputer Standards & InterfacesComp Stand InterComputer Standards & InterfacesComput Stand Inter)Computer-supported Collaborative LearningCom S Coll Learn)Computer-supported Collaborative LearningComput-supp Collab L#Computer Supported Cooperative WorkComp Support Comp W#Computer Supported Cooperative WorkComput Supp Coop Wor/Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design ILect Notes Comput Sc0Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design IiLect Notes Comput Sc1Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design IiiLect Notes Comput Sc0Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design IvLect Notes Comput ScFComputer Supported Cooperative Work-journal of Collaborative ComputingComput Supp Coop W J*Computer Supported Cooperative Work SeriesComp Support Comp WJComputer Supported Cooperative Work-the Journal of Collaborative ComputingComput Supp Coop W J4Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment Ifip Trans B9Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and SimulationLect Notes Comput Sc(Computer Systems Science and EngineeringComput Syst Sci Eng5Computer Systems: Theory, Technology and Applications Mg Comp Sci5Computer Systems: Theory, Technology and ApplicationsMonogr Comput SciComputertomographieComputertomographieJComputertomographie Sonographie Und Andere Neue Bilddiagnostische MethodenComputertom Sonograp!Computer Vision - Accv 2006, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc"Computer Vision - Accv 2006, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc/Computer Vision - Accv 2007, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Computer Vision - Accv 2007, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Computer Vision - Accv 2009, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc"Computer Vision - Accv 2009, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc#Computer Vision - Accv 2009, Pt IiiLect Notes Comput Sc,Computer Vision: Algorithms and ApplicationsTexts Comput Sci%Computer Vision and Computer GraphicsComm Com Inf Sc>Computer Vision and Computer Graphics: Theory and ApplicationsComm Com Inf ScComputer Vision and Graphics Comp Imag VisComputer Vision and GraphicsComput Imaging VisComputer Vision and GraphicsLect Notes Comput Sc"Computer Vision and Graphics, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc#Computer Vision and Graphics, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc)Computer Vision and Image Analysis of ArtP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art Proc Spie,Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art Ii Proc Spie'Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingComput Vis Image UndQComputer Vision and Mathematical Methods in Medical and Biomedical Image AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc5Computer Vision Applications : Meeting The ChallengesP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc:Computer Vision/computer Graphics Collaboration TechniquesLect Notes Comput ScGComputer Vision/computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Computer Vision: Detection, Recognition and ReconstructionStud Comput Intell.Computer Vision - Eccv 2000, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Computer Vision - Eccv 2002, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc"Computer Vision - Eccv 2002 Pt IiiLect Notes Comput Sc"Computer Vision - Eccv 2002, Pt IvLect Notes Comput Sc!Computer Vision - Eccv 2004, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc!Computer Vision - Eccv 2004, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc!Computer Vision - Eccv 2004, Pt 3Lect Notes Comput Sc!Computer Vision - Eccv 2004, Pt 4Lect Notes Comput Sc/Computer Vision - Eccv 2006 , Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Computer Vision - Eccv 2006, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Computer Vision - Eccv 2006, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Computer Vision - Eccv 2006, Pt 4, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Computer Vision - Eccv 2008, Pt Iii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Computer Vision - Eccv 2008, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Computer Vision - Eccv 2008, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Computer Vision - Eccv 2008, Pt Iv, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScComputer Vision-eccv 2010, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc Computer Vision-eccv 2010, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc!Computer Vision-eccv 2010, Pt IiiLect Notes Comput Sc Computer Vision-eccv 2010, Pt IvLect 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Narratological Approach Narratologia'Computing & Control Engineering JournalComput Control Eng JComputing and CombinatoricsLect Notes Comput Sc(Computing and Combinatorics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Computing and Computational Intelligence, Proceedings Ele Com Eng2Computing and Computational Techniques in SciencesMa Comput Sci Eng2Computing and Computational Techniques in SciencesMath Comput Sci Eng!Computing and Control EngineeringComput Control EngComputing and Informatics Comput InformComputing Anticipatory Systems Aip Conf ProcFComputing Anticipatory Systems: Casys - First International Conference Aip Conf Proc=Computing Archaeology for Understanding The Past, ProceedingsBrit Archaeol Rep In>Computing Attitude and Affect in Text: Theory and ApplicationsInform Retrieval SerComputing for Business Comput Bus;Computing for High Luminosity and High Intensity Facilities Aip Conf Proc2Computing in Object-oriented Parallel EnvironmentsLect Notes Comput Sc"Computing in Science & EngineeringComput Sci EngComputing in The 90sLect Notes Comput ScComputing MeaningStud Linguist PhilosComputing Neuron Comp Neur S)Computing Science and Statistics (series) Comp Sci StatComputing Supplementum Comp SupplComputing Surveys Comput SurvComputing Systems Comput SystComputing SystemsComput Syst Sci Eng Computing Systems in EngineeringComput Syst Eng)Computing The Zeros of Analytic FunctionsLect Notes MathComputing With Social TrustHum-comput Int-sprin+Computing With T Node Parallel Architecture Euro C CompComrades Go Private Geonom InstAComrades No More: The Seeds of Political Change in Eastern EuropeBcsia Stud Int SecurComsat Technical ReviewComsat Tech Rev<Comte De Gobineau and Orientalism: Selected Eastern WritingsCult Civiliz Mid EComtemporary European Literature: Common Tendencies and Developments in European Languages With An Emphasis On Narrative and PoetryStud Dokumente GeschComunicacion Y SociedadComun Soc-navarra Comunicar Comunicar3Conceiving Israel: The Fetus in Rabbinic NarrativesDivin Reread Late An7Concentration, Functional Inequalities and Isoperimetry Contemp MathhConcentration Inequalities and Model Selection: Ecole D'ete De Probabilites De Saint-flour Xxxiii - 2003Lect Notes Math'Concentration Risk in Credit PortfoliosEaa Lect NotesEConcept Formation : Knowledge and Experience in Unsupervised Learning Mor Kauf M!Conception Optimale De StructuresMath Appl-berlinConceptions of God, Freedom, and Ethics in African American and Jewish Theology: Essays On Abjection in Literature, Mass Culture, and FilmBlack Relig Woman ThConceptions of PhilosophyRoy I Philos Suppl'Concept Lattices and Their ApplicationsLect Notes Artif IntConcept Lattices, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntdConcept of Latin America in The United States: From Everyday Language to Social Scientific DiscourseLat Am Polit Econ Se/Concept of Passivity in Husserl's PhenomenologyContrib Phenomenol%Concept of Shamanism: Uses and Abuses Bibl Shaman1Concepts and Breeding of Heterosis in Crop PlantsCssa Spec Publ8Concepts and Results in Chaotic Dynamics: A Short CourseTheor Math Phys Ser2Concepts and Trends in Medical Radiation Dosimetry Aip Conf Proc Concepts in Electron CorrelationNato Sci Ser Ii Math Concepts in Electron CorrelationNato Sci Ser Ii-mathConcepts in LawLaw Philos LibrConcepts in Magnetic ResonanceConcept Magnetic Res%Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part AConcept Magn Reson A%Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part AConcepts Magn Reso ADConcepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B-magnetic Resonance EngineeringConcept Magn Reson BDConcepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B-magnetic Resonance EngineeringConcepts Magn Reso BConcepts in NeuroscienceConcept Neurosci"Concepts in Pediatric Neurosurgery Conc Ped N*Concepts in Pediatric Neurosurgery, Vol 11 Conc Ped N^Concepts in The Design and Management of The Coordinated Activity of Active and Reactive Power VDI BerichtConcepts of CultureGerman Life CivilizaConcepts of DialogueBeitr DialogforschConceptual Development J Piaget Sy:Conceptual Foundations of Systems Biology: An IntroductionSyst Biol Theor TechfConceptual Graphs and Fuzzy Logic: A Fusion for Representing and Reasoning With Linguistic InformationStud Comput Intell[Conceptualizing Behaviour in Health and Social Research: A Practical Guide to Data AnalysisHealth Hum Dev(Conceptual Modeling Er 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScConceptual Modeling - Er 2002Lect Notes Comput Sc*Conceptual Modeling - Er 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Conceptual Modeling - Er 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScConceptual Modeling - Er 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc*Conceptual Modeling - Er 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Conceptual Modeling - Er 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Conceptual Modeling - Er 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Conceptual Modeling - Er 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScConceptual Modeling - Er 2010Lect Notes Comput ScConceptual Modeling - Er'99Lect Notes Comput ScAConceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Conceptual Modeling for E-business and The Web, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<Conceptual Modeling for New Information Systems TechnologiesLect Notes Comput Sc>Conceptual Modeling for Novel Application Domains, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc)Conceptual Sructures At Work, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Conceptual Structures: Applications, Implementation and TheoryLect Notes Artif Int7Conceptual Structures: Broadening The Base, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntJConceptual Structures: Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int>Conceptual Structures for Knowledge Creation and CommunicationLect Notes Artif Int7Conceptual Structures: From Information to IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int0Conceptual Structures: Fulfilling Peirce's DreamLect Notes Artif Int!Conceptual Structures in PracticeCh Crc Stud Info Ser2Conceptual Structures: Inspiration and ApplicationLect Notes Artif Int>Conceptual Structures: Integration and Interfaces, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntRConceptual Structures: Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int<Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Visualization and ReasoningLect Notes Artif IntDConceptual Structures: Leveraging Semantic Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntQConceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntConcerning PoetryConcerning Poetry Concilium Concilium;Concise Course On Stochastic Partial Differential EquationsLect Notes Math2Concise Introduction to Image Processing Using C++Ch Crc Numer Anal Sc9Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Third Edition UniversitextConcreteConcrete Concrete 2000Transport Res Rec Concrete 2001Transport Res Rec Concrete 2002Transport Res Rec Concrete 2003Transport Res Rec Concrete 2004Transport Res Rec'Concrete and Constructional EngineeringConcr Constr Eng'Concrete Approach to Classical AnalysisCms Books MathConcrete ConstructionConcrete ConstrConcrete Functional CalculusSpringer Monogr MathConcrete in ConstructionTransport Res RecConcrete in Hot Climates Rilem ProcConcrete in Marine Environment Amer Conc I&Concrete Introduction to Real AnalysisMonogr Txb Pure ApplConcrete Materials 2005Transport Res RecConcrete Materials 2006Transport Res Rec<Concrete Materials: Properties, Performance and ApplicationsMater Sci Technol$Concrete Pipe for The New MillenniumAm Soc Test MaterConcrete QuarterlyConcrete QuarteConcrete Tetrahedron: Symbolic Sums, Recurrence Equations, Generating Functions, Asymptotic EstimatesText Mg Symb Comput Concur 2003 - Concurrency TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc-Concur 2004 - Concurrency Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Concur 2005 - Concurrency Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Concur 2006 - Concurrency Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Concur 2007 - Concurrency Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Concur 2008 - Concurrency Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Concur 2009 - Concurrency Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Concur 2010 - Concurrency TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc Concur 90Lect Notes Comput Sc Concur 91Lect Notes Comput Sc Concur 92Lect Notes Comput ScConcur '94: Concurrency TheoryLect Notes Comput ScConcur'97 : Concurrency TheoryLect Notes Comput ScConcur'98: Concurrency TheoryLect Notes Comput ScConcur '99: Concurrency TheoryLect Notes Comput ScConcur'99: Concurrency TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc1Concurrency and Computation-practice & ExperienceConcurr Comp-pract E7Concurrency and Hardware Design: Advanced in Petri NetsLect Notes Comput Sc.Concurrency, Compositionality, and CorrectnessLect Notes Comput ScConcurrency, Graphs and ModelsLect Notes Comput Sc#Concurrency-practice and ExperienceConcurrency-pract Ex0Concurrent Engineering-research and ApplicationsConcurrent Eng-res A/Concurrent Information Processing and ComputingNato Sc S Ss Iii C SConcurrent Reactive PlansLect Notes Artif Int%Concurrent Systems Engineering SeriesConcur Syst Engn Ser:Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference (cmmp10)J Phys Conf SerCondensed Matter Physics Aip Conf ProcCondensed Matter PhysicsCondens Matter PhysCondensed Matter Physics-crcCondens Matt Phy-crc(Condensed Matter Research and TechnologyCondens Matter Res TCondensed Matter Theories Cond Mat Th Condensed Matter Theories (nova)Condensed Matt Theor!Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 13 Cond Mat Th!Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 14 Cond Mat Th!Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 15 Cond Mat Th!Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 16 Cond Mat Th!Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 17 Cond Mat Th!Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 19Condensed Matt Theor!Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 20Condensed Matt Theor!Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 21Condensed Matt Theor Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 5 Cond Mat Th Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 6 Cond Mat Th Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 7 Cond Mat Th Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 8 Cond Mat Th'Condensed Systems of Low DimensionalityNato Adv Sci I B-phyConditio Judaica Condit JudConditio Judaica Conditio Jud'Conditional and Typed Rewriting SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc{Conditional Moment Estimation of Nonlinear Equation Systems: With An Application to An Oligopoly Model of Cooperative R & DLect Notes Econ MathConditional Reflex Cond Reflex:Conditionals in Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Belief RevisionLect Notes Artif Int'Condition Assessment of Aged StructuresWoodhead Publ Mech E(Conditioned Arousal in Insomnia PatientsSleep-physiol FunctCondition Monitoring Condit MonCondition Monitoring '94 Condit MonZCondition Monitoring and Assessment of Power Transformers Using Computational Intelligence Power SystCondorCondorCondorcet's ParadoxTheory Decis Ser C G:Conducting and Magnetic Organometallic Molecular MaterialsTop Organometal Chem(Conducting Organic Materials and DevicesSemiconduct SemimetKConducting Polymers and Polymer Electrolytes: From Biology to Photovoltaics Acs Sym Ser2Conducting Polymers: A New Era in ElectrochemistryMonogr Electrochem)Conducting Polymers - Transport PhenomenaMater Sci ForumConfectionery Production Confect ProdBConfederation of European Economic Associations Conference Volumes Conf Eea C$Conference: Agricultural Engineering VDI Bericht)Conference: Agricultural Engineering 2000 VDI Bericht)Conference: Agricultural Engineering 2001 VDI Bericht)Conference: Agricultural Engineering 2002 VDI Bericht*Conference: Agricultural Engineering, 2003 VDI Bericht)Conference: Agricultural Engineering 2004 VDI Bericht)Conference: Agricultural Engineering 2007 VDI Bericht>Conference: Agricultural Engineering - Land-technik Ageng 2009 VDI BerichtConference Board RecordConf Board Rec"Conference Moshe Flato 1999, Vol I Math Phys S#Conference Moshe Flato 1999, Vol Ii Math Phys S4Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers YearbookConf Lat Amer GeogrAConference of Latin Americanist Geographers Yearbook 1996, Vol 22Conf Lat Amer Geogr@Conference of Mediterrarean Forest Administrators and Researches Colloq InraCConference On Academic and Industrial Cooperation in Space Research Esa Sp Publ{Conference On Adaptive Ecosystem Restoration and Management: Restoration of Cordilleran Conifer Landscapes of North America Usda Rocky/Conference On Atoms and Molecules Near SurfacesJ Phys Conf Ser*Conference On Crop Protection in The SahelAcdi Semin ColloqJConference On Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena Annual ReportC Elect Insul Diel P/Conference On Emergency Planning and ManagementImeche Conf Trans3Conference On Engineering for Profit From Waste - VImeche Conf Trans'Conference On Human System InteractionsC Hum Syst Interact%Conference On Local Computer NetworksC Local Comput NetwJConference On Nasa Centers for Commercial Development of Space (nasa Ccds) Aip Conf Proc)Conference On New Trains for New RailwaysImeche Conf Trans*Conference On Office Information Systems / Sigois BulsConference On Recent Shifts in Vegetation Boundaries 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InsConfigurationsConfigurationsCConfiguring User-designer Relations: Interdisciplinary PerspectivesComput Supp Coop WorConfined Electrons and PhotonsNato Adv Sci Inst SeConfined Turbidite SystemsGeol Soc Spec Publ8Confinement, Duality, and Nonperturbative Aspects of QcdNato Adv Sci I B-phy>Confinement, Topology and Other Non-pertubative Aspects of QcdNato Sci Ser Ii Math>Confinement, Topology and Other Non-pertubative Aspects of QcdNato Sci Ser Ii-mathConfinia CephalalgicaConfin CephalalgicaConfinia Neurologica Confin NeurolConfinia PsychiatricaConfin PsychiatConflictConflictOConflict and Compliance: State Responses to International Human Rights PressurePa Stud Hum RightsfConflict and Cooperation in Multi-ethnic States: Institutional Incentives, Myths and Counter-balancingAsian Secur Stud:Conflict and Cooperation On Trans-boundary Water Resources Nat Res ManConflict and DevelopmentRoutl Perspect Dev7Conflict and Insurgency in The Contemporary Middle EastMiddle E Mil StudAConflict and Peace in Indias Northeast: The Role of Civil SocietyPol Stud Conflict and Peace in South AsiaContrib Confl ManagGConflict and Resolution: Progressive Educators and Question of ReligionStud Hist EducOConflict and Resource Development in The Southern Highlands of Papua New GuineaStud St Soc PacConflict and The Environment Nato Asi 2"Conflict Between People and Groups Nel Hal PsyDConflict in The Caucasus: Implications for International Legal OrderEuro-asian Stud%Conflict Management and Peace ScienceConflict Manag PeacegConflict Management, Security and Intervention in East Asia: Third-party Mediation in Regional ConflictAsian Secur Stud;Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Post-war SocietiesContemp Secur StudcConflicts in Environmental Regulation and The Internationalisation of The State: Contested TerrainsRipe Ser Glob PolitUConflicts in Natural Resources Management: Integrating Social and Ecological ConcernsNat Resour Env Iss'Conflicts in The Middle East Since 1945Making Contemp World+Conflicts in Urban and Regional Development Confl Urb R)Conflict, Terrorism and The Media in AsiaRoutl Media Cult SocOConflict Transformation and Social Change in Uganda: Remembering After ViolenceRethink Peace ConflSConflict Transformation in Central Asia: Irrigation Disputes in The Ferghana ValleyCent Asian Stud SerEConfluence of Ideas: Evolving to Meet The Challenges of Global Change Iamslic C S5Confluencia-revista Hispanica De Cultura Y Literatura ConfluenciaConfocal MicroscopyMethod Enzymol8Confocal, Multiphoton, and Nonlinear Microscopic ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Confocal, Multiphoton, and Nonlinear Microscopic Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Confocal, Multiphoton, and Nonlinear Microscopic Imaging Iii Proc SpieConfocal Raman MicroscopySpringer Ser Opt SciCConformal Differential Geometry: Q-curvature and Conformal HolonomyOberwolfach Semin0Conformal Groups in Geometry and Spin StructuresProg Math Phys?Conformal Structure of Space-time: Geometry, Analysis, NumericsLect Notes Phys:Conformation-dependent Design of Sequences in Copolymers I Adv Polym Sci;Conformation-dependent Design of Sequences in Copolymers Ii Adv Polym Sci Confrontation ConfrontationConfrontations Psychiatriques Confr PsychGConfronting Modernity in Fin-de-siecle France -bodies, Minds and GenderGender Sex HistoConfronting The Coffee Crisis: Fair Trade, Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mexico and Central AmericaFood Health EnvironConfronting The Holocaust Stud Shoah&Confronting The Yugoslav ControversiesComp Cult StudConfucian Political EthicsEthikon Ser CompCongenital Anomalies Congenit AnomCongenital Endocrinopathies Endocr DevCongenital Endocrinopathies Endocrin DevCongenital Heart DiseaseCongenit Heart Dis2Congenital Heart Disease in Adolescents and AdultsDev Cardiovasc MedCongenital Muscular Dystrophies Devel NeurKCongestion Control in Computer Networks: Theory, Protocols and ApplicationsDistr Clust Grid Com8Congestive Heart Failure: Symptoms, Causes and TreatmentCardiol Res Clin Dev6Congress & The Presidency-a Journal of Capital StudiesCongr PresidencyCongresses & Colloquia Congr CollCongresses & Colloquia Congr ColloqCongressional Digest Congr Dig/Congressional Studies-a Journal of The CongressCongr Stud-j Congr!Congress Volume - Cambridge, 1995Supp Vetus TestamentgCongruent Management of Multiple Resources: Proceedings From The Wood Compatibility Initiative WorkshopUs For Serv T R PnwiConjugated Polymeric Materials : Opportunities in Electronics, Optoelectronics, and Molecular ElectronicsNato Adv Sci I E-app;Conjugation and Deconjugation of Ubiquitin Family ModifiersSubcell Biochem2Conjunctivitis: Symptoms, Treatment and PreventionEye Vis Res DevConnaissance Des ArtsConnaissance Arts-Connaissances Rationnelles Et Action PubliqueSci Soc-franceDConnected Minds, Emerging Cultures: Cybercultures in Online LearningPerspect Instr TechnKConnected Places: Region, Pilgrimage, and Geographical Imagination in IndiaRelig Cult Crit4Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Conn Aes BullConnecticut Law Review Conn Law RevConnecticut MedicineConn MedConnecting Collecting Samdok E SerConnecting Health and Humans St Heal T2Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-informatics St Heal T2Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-informaticsStud Health Technol!Connecting People With TechnologyBaywoods Tech CommuneConnecting The Covenants: Judaism and The Search for Christian Identity in Eighteenth-century EnglandJew Cult ContextConnecting With E-learningConnect E LearnConnecting With Technology 1988 Suppl Sm C.Connectionism and The Philosophy of Psychology Acta Analyt.Connectionist Models in Cognitive NeurosciencePersp Neural Comp,Connectionist Models in Cognitive Psychology Stud Cogn2Connectionist Models of Behaviour and Cognition IiProg Neural Process3Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception IiProg Neural ProcesscConnectionist Models of Development: Developmental Processes in Real and Artificial Neural NetworksStud Dev Psychol;Connectionist Models of Learning, Development and EvolutionPersp Neural Comp:Connections and Reconnections in Solar and Stellar Coronae Adv Space Res:Connections and Reconnections in Solar and Stellar CoronaeAdv Space Res-seriesConnection Science Connect SciConnective Tissue Biology Wenn Gr IntConnective Tissue ResearchConnect Tissue ResConnector SpecifierConnector Specifier Connoisseur Connoisseur>Conodont Biology and Phylogeny: Interpreting The Fossil Record Sp Palaeont>Conodont Biology and Phylogeny: Interpreting The Fossil RecordSpec Pap Palaeontol>Conodont Biology and Phylogeny: Interpreting The Fossil RecordSpec Pap PaleontolConpar 90 - Vapp IvLect Notes Comput ScBConquering Women: Women and War in The German Cultural Imagination Res Series Conradiana ConradianaConrad Workshop Series Conrad W S+Conscience, Consensus and Crossroads in Law Sem Hum SciDConscience of Humankind: Literature and Traumatic Experiences, Vol 3 St Compar L>Conscious in A Vegetative State? A Critique of The Pvs ConceptInt Libr Eth Law NewConsciousness and CognitionConscious Cogn;Consciousness and The Existence of God: A Theistic ArgumentRout Stud Philos Rel$Consciousness, Attention and MeaningPsychol Res ProgIConsciousness: From Perception to Reflection in The History of PhilosophyStud Hist Philos Min@Consciousness Revisited: Materialism Without Phenomenal ConceptsRepresent MindConsensual ProcessesStud Fuzz Soft CompAConsensus, Concordia and The Formation of Roman Imperial Ideology Stud ClassicsDConsensus Decision Making, Northern Ireland and Indigenous MovementsRes Soc Mov Confl Ch'Consensus Development in Cancer Therapy Con Dev Can Consequences of Land Use Changes Adv Ecol SciConservation & RecyclingConserv RecyclingConservation Biology Conserv BiolConservation Biology SeriesConserv Biol SerConservation Ecology Conserv EcolConservation Genetics Conserv GenetConservation GeneticsExs0Conservation Genetics of Endangered Horse Breeds Eaap PublicConservation Genetics ResourcesConserv Genet ResourConservationistConservationistConservation Letters Conserv Lett4Conservation of Endangered Freshwater Fish in Europe Adv Lif SciHConservation of Great Plains Ecosystems: Current Science, Future Options Ecol Ec Env!Conservation of Natural ResourcesEnviron Sci Eng TechEConservation of Plant Genes Ii: Utilization of Ancient and Modern DnaMonog Syst Botan4Conservation of West and Central African RainforestsWorld Bank Environ PConservation Research in Uganda's Forests: A Review of Site History, Research, and Use of Research in Uganda's Forest Parks and Budongo Forest ReserveWildl Prot Destr ExtConservation Research in Uganda's Savannas: A Review of Park History, Applied Research, and Application of Research to Park ManagementWildl Prot Destr Ext4Conservation Reserve - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Usda RockyOConservative Party and European Integration Since 1945: At The Heart of Europe?Routl Adv Eur PolitOConservative Scoliosis Treatment: 1st Sosort Instructional Course Lectures BookStud Health TechnolCConserving Biodiversity On Native Rangelands: Symposium Proceedings Usda Rocky$Conserving Europe's Natural Heritage Int Env Law!Conserving Land, Protecting WaterCompr Assess Wat ManFConsiderations On The Fundamental Principles of Pure Political EconomyRoutl Stud Hist EconKConsociational Theory: Mcgarry and Oleary and The Northern Ireland ConflictRoutl Res Comp Polit!Consolidating The Advances in IbdRes Clin Forums0Consolidation in The European Financial IndustryPalgr Mac Stud Bank+Consolidation of Democracy in Latin America W Wilson L:Consortium On Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850 : ProceedingsConsort Revolut Eur?Consortium On Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850 : Proceedings 1989Consort Revolut Eur?Consortium On Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850 : Proceedings 1991Consort Revolut Eur?Consortium On Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850, Proceedings, 1992Consort Revolut Eur>Consortium On Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850 Proceedings, 1993Consort Revolut EurDConsortium On Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850 - Selected Papers, 1994Consort Revolut EurDConsortium On Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850 - Selected Papers, 1996Consort Revolut Eur\Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy Series On European and International AffairsCk I Dem Ser Eur Int8Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy YearbookConst Karam I Dem Yb=Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy Yearbook 2010Const Karam I Dem Yb-Constituent Interests and U.s. Trade Policies Stud Int EcGConstituting Objectivity: Transcendental Perspectives On Modern PhysicsW Ont Ser Philos Sci%Constitutionalism and Legal ReasoningLaw Philos LibrConstitutionalism in America Consti AmerVConstitutional Politics in The European Union: The Convention Moment and Its AftermathPalgrave Stud Eur Un=Constitutional Reform and The Future of The Republic of China Taiw Mod WConstitutions, Markets and LawNew Think Polit Econ5Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation and Fracture Mech Beh M Constitutive Models for Rubber VProc Monogr Eng WateHConstrained Clustering: Advances in Algorithms, Theory, and ApplicationsCh Crc Data Min Know8Constrained Optimal Control of Linear and Hybrid SystemsLect Notes Contr InfConstraint-based AgentsLect Notes Artif Int/Constraint-based Mining and Inductive DatabasesLect Notes Artif Int!Constraint Databases, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScConstraint Effects in FractureAm Soc Test Mater0Constraint-handling in Evolutionary OptimizationStud Comput Intell,Constraint Reasoning for Differential ModelsFront Artif Intel Ap Constraints Constraints#Constraints in Computational LogicsLect Notes Comput Sc*Constraint Solving and Language ProcessingLect Notes Artif IntAConstraint Theory: Multidimensional Mathematical Model ManagementIfsr Int Ser Syst Sc*Construal of Space in Language and Thought Cog Lin Res>Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in Cold Climates Adv Ecol Sci/Constructed Wetlands in Water Pollution Control Adv Wat Pol-Constructing Adolescence in Fantastic RealismChild Lit Cult!Constructing Ambient IntelligenceComm Com Inf Sc6Constructing and Controlling Compaction of Earth FillsAm Soc Test Mater\Constructing A Security Community in Southeast Asia: Asean and The Problem of Regional Order Polit AsiaGConstructing Chaucer - Author and Autofiction in The Critical TraditionNew Middle Ages\Constructing Democracy in Southern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Italy, Spain and TurkeyDemocratiz StudConstructing Gay Theology Gay Men I RwConstructing Knowledge for Teaching Secondary Mathematics: Tasks to Enhance Prospective and Practicing Teacher LearningMath Teach EducCConstructing Papuan Nationalism: History, Ethnicity, and AdaptationPol StudFConstructing Regional Community and Order in Europe and Southeast AsiaRethink Peace Confl.Constructing Scalar-valued Objective FunctionsLect Notes Econ Math3Constructing Smooth Hot Mix Asphalt (hma) PavementsAm Soc Test MaterConstruction 2000Transport Res RecConstruction 2001Transport Res RecConstruction 2002Transport Res RecConstruction 2003Transport Res RecConstruction 2004Transport Res RecConstruction 2005Transport Res RecConstruction 2006Transport Res Rec,Constructional Approaches to English GrammarTop Engl LinguistJConstruction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart DevicesLect Notes Comput Sc#Construction and Building MaterialsConstr Build Mater%Construction and Real Estate DynamicsAppl Economet Ass SeConstruction ContractingConstr ContractGConstruction Equipment Management for Engineers, Estimators, and OwnersCrc Press Civ Env EnFConstruction of Global Lyapunov Functions Using Radial Basis FunctionsLect Notes MathcConstruction of New Mathematical Knowledge in Classroom Interaction: An Epistemological Perspective Math Educ Lib#Construction Quality and ManagementTransport Res Rec&Constructions in Cognitive LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory His;Constructions of Female Homoeroticism in Early Modern DramaEarly Mod Cult Stud*Constructions of Strict Lyapunov FunctionsCommun Control EngConstructive Approximation Constr Approx?Constructive Criticism: The Human Sciences in The Age of TheoryTheory Culture-Constructive Discourse and Human OrganizationAdv Int Marketing-Constructive Methods for Parallel ProgrammingAdv Comp The Pract*Constructive Negations and ParaconsistencyTrends Log Stud LogConstructive Neural NetworksStud Comp IntellConstructive Neural NetworksStud Comput IntellConstructivist Foundations Constr FoundConsultant PathologyConsult Pathol&Consultation for Organizational ChangeRes Manag ConsultxConsultation in Community, School, and Organizational Practice : Gerald Caplans Contributions to Professional Psychology Ser Clin CConsulting Engineer Consult EngConsumer CapitalismRoutl Front Polit Ec=Consumer-centered Computer-suppported Care for Healthy People St Heal T=Consumer-centered Computer-suppported Care for Healthy PeopleStud Health TechnolConsumer Credit in Europe Contrib EconConsumer Culture Theory Res Con Beh7Consumer-driven Demand and Operations Management ModelsInt Ser Oper Res Man=Consumer-driven Innovation in Food and Personal Care ProductsWoodhead Publ Food S!Consumer Interests Annual, Vol 40 P Am C Cons!Consumer Interests Annual, Vol 41 P Am C Cons!Consumer Interests Annual, Vol 42 P Am C Cons!Consumer Interests Annual, Vol 44 P Am C Cons!Consumer Interests Annual, Vol 45 P Am C ConsQConsumerism in World History: The Global Transformation of Desire, Second EditionThemes World Hist%Consumer-led Food Product DevelopmentWoodhead Publ Food SConsumer Product Safety Issues Saf Risk Soc<Consuming Books: The Marketing and Consumption of LiteratureRout Interp Mark ResConsuming FashionDress, Body, CultureConsumption and Public LifeConsum Public Life^Consumption and The Globalization Project: International Hegemony and The Annihilation of TimeInt Polit Econ SernConsumption Structure and Macroeconomics: Structural Change and The Relationship Between Inequality and GrowthLect Notes Econ MathContact DermatitisContact DermatitisContact Metamorphism Rev MineralContact Or Isolation ? Aus St Balt*Contact Problems: The Legacy of L.a. GalinSolid Mech ApplSContainment of High-level Radioactive and Hazardous Solid Wastes With Clay BarriersSpon ResFContaminants in The Nordic Ecosystem: The Dynamics, Processes and FateEcovis World Mg SerqContaminated Sediments: Characterization, Evaluation, Mitigation/restoration, and Management Strategy PerformanceAm Soc Test Mater=Contaminated Sediments: Evaluation and Remediation TechniquesAm Soc Test Mater#Contaminated Soil '95, Vols 1 and 2 Soil EnvironmIContaminated Soils, Sediments and Water: Science in The Real World, Vol 9 Contam SoilsKContaminated Soils, Sediments and Water Volume 10: Successes and Challenges Contam SoilsContaminated Soils Series Contam SoilsContaminated Urban SoilsEnviron Pollut SerAContemplating Violence: Critical Studies in Modern German CultureAmst Beitr Neuer Ger Contemporanea Contemporanea Contemporary Accounting ResearchContemp Account Res;Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and PolicyFront Econ Global$Contemporary Anglophone Travel NovelLit Crit Cult Theory%Contemporary Anthropology of ReligionContemp Anthr Relig.Contemporary Approaches to Romance LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory His7Contemporary Arab Fiction: Innovation From Rama to YaluRoutl Stud Mid E Lit?Contemporary Arab Women Writers: Cultural Expression in ContextRout Res Postcol LitContemporary Black HistoryContemp Black HistContemporary Boron Chemistry Roy Soc ChContemporary British HistoryContemp Br HistContemporary BuddhismContemp BuddhismContemporary Cancer ResearchContemp Cancer ResContemporary CardiologyContemp Cardiol'Contemporary Challenges in AutoimmunityAnn Ny Acad SciContemporary Chinese ThoughtContemp Chin Thought"Contemporary Clinical NeuroscienceContemp Clin NeuroscContemporary Clinical TrialsContemp Clin Trials!Contemporary Comic Book SuperheroRout Res Cult Med St#Contemporary Computing, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScContemporary Computing, Pt 1Comm Com Inf ScContemporary Computing, Pt 2Comm Com Inf ScContemporary Corporate StrategyRoutl Stud Int Bus WContemporary CrisesContemp Crises)Contemporary Cryptography, Second EditionArtech Hse Inf SecurContemporary Cryptology Ad Co MathContemporary CryptologyAdv Courses Math CrmContemporary DiabetesContemp DiabetesContemporary Drug ProblemsContemp Drug ProblContemporary Economic IssuesContemp Econ Iss#Contemporary Economic Issues, Vol 3Contemp Econ IssContemporary Economic PolicyContemp Econ PolicyContemporary Education Contemp Educ#Contemporary Educational PsychologyContemp Educ Psychol!Contemporary Endocrinology SeriesContemp Endocrinol S#Contemporary Endocrinology (series)Cont Endocrinol?Contemporary Environmental Politics: From Margins to MainstreamRout Res Environ PolContemporary EthnographyContemp EthnogrContemporary European HistoryContemp Eur Hist=Contemporary Explorations in The Culture of The Low Countries Publ AansContemporary Family TherapyContemp Fam TherContemporary Food EngineeringContemp Food EngContemporary France Contemp Fr+Contemporary French and Francophone StudiesContemp Fr Francoph Contemporary French Civilization Cont Fr Civil+Contemporary French Theatre and PerformancePerform Interv Contemporary Fundamental PhysicsContemp Fund Phys8Contemporary Geographies of Leisure Tourism and MobilityContemp Geogr Leis T(Contemporary Germany and The Nazi LegacyNew Perspect Ger StuContemporary HematologyContemp Hematol&Contemporary History in Context SeriesContemp Hist Con SerJContemporary Human Resource Management Issues Challenges and OpportunitiesCont Hum Res ManagContemporary Human Rights Ideas Glob InstContemporary ImmunologyContemp ImmunolDContemporary Irish Republican Prison Writing: Writing and ResistanceNew Dir Ir Ir Am Lit+Contemporary Issues in Asia and The PacificContemp Iss Asia3Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics and Politics Mell St Bus)Contemporary Issues in Clinical Nutrition Cont Iss Cl=Contemporary Issues in Educational Policy and School OutcomesRes Theor Educ AdminDContemporary Issues in Financial Reporting: A User-oriented ApproachRoutl New Works Acct$Contemporary Issues in Public PolicyContemp Iss Pub Pol$Contemporary Issues in Risk Analysis Cont Iss RiSContemporary Issues in Sports Economics: Participation and Professional Team SportsNew Horiz Econ Sport&Contemporary Issues in The Middle East Cont Iss M0Contemporary Knowledge Engineering and CognitionLect Notes Artif IntContemporary Language EducationContemp Lang Educ*Contemporary Language Studies in EducationContemp Lang Stud EdwContemporary Leadership Theories: Enhancing The Understanding of The Complexity, Subjectivity and Dynamic of LeadershipContrib Manag SciContemporary LiteratureContemp LiteratureContemporary MathematiciansCont MathematiciansContemporary Mathematics Contemp MathContemporary Mathematics Series Contemp MathContemporary Medical ImagingContemp Med ImagcContemporary Metal Boron Chemistry I: Borylenes, Boryls, Borane (sigma)-complexes, and Borohydrides Struct BondContemporary Middle EastContemp Middle EContemporary Morphology Trend Lin SContemporary Music ReviewContemp Music RevContemporary NeuroscienceContemp NeurosciHContemporary North Korea: A Guide to Economic and Political DevelopmentsGuide Econ Polit DevContemporary Nurse Contemp NurseContemporary Ob GynContemp Obstet GynecContemporary Organic SynthesisContemp Org SynthContemporary PacificContemp PacificContemporary Pain MedicineContemp Pain MedTContemporary Periodontal Surgery: An Illustrated Guide to The Art Behind The ScienceQuintessent Dent Pra6Contemporary Perspectives in Early Childhood EducationContemp Perspect EarXContemporary Perspectives in E-learning Research: Themes, Methods and Impact On PracticeOpen Flex Learn Ser1Contemporary Perspectives On Developing SocietiesCont P Dev SocYContemporary Perspectives On Language and Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood EducationContemp Perspect EarcContemporary Perspectives On Legal Regulation of Sexual Behavior: Psycholegal Research and Analysis Laws LegisBContemporary Perspectives On Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual IdentitiesNebr Sym MotivEContemporary Perspectives On Mathematics in Early Childhood EducationContemp Perspect EarPContemporary Perspectives On Science and Technology in Early Childhood EducationContemp Perspect EarContemporary Pharmacy PracticeContemp Pharm Pract#Contemporary Philosophy-new SurveryContemp Philos New SContemporary Physics Contemp PhysContemporary Policy IssuesContemp Policy IssueContemporary Political TheoryContemp Polit Theory Contemporary Problems of EcologyContemp Probl Ecol Contemporary Problems of EcologyContemp Probl Ecol+Contemporary PsychoanalysisContemp PsychoanalContemporary PsychologyContemp Psychol+Contemporary Psychology-apa Review of BooksContemp PsycholContemporary PsychometricsMultivar Appl Ser2Contemporary Public Debates Over History EducationInt Rev Hist EducQContemporary Qualitative Research-exemplars for Science and Mathematics EducatorsSci Technol Educ Lib+Contemporary Reflections On Business EthicsIssues Bus Ethics"Contemporary Research in EducationContemp Res Educ-Contemporary Research in Population GeographyGeoj Lib,Contemporary Research in Romance LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory HisCContemporary Research in The Mechanics and Mathematics of MaterialsTheor Engn Applicat5Contemporary Sacramental Contours of A Good Incarnate Tex Etu Lit+Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials Acs Sym SerContemporary Security StudiesContemp Secur Stud&Contemporary Sociological PerspectivesContemp Sociol Persp+Contemporary Sociology-a Journal of ReviewsContemp Sociol"Contemporary South African Debates Cont S AfrContemporary Sport PsychologySports Athl Prep PerContemporary State TerrorismCrit Terror Stud8Contemporary Studies in Advanced Materials and ProcessesMater Sci Forum7Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis Cont Stu Ec7Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial AnalysisContemp Stud Econ FiHContemporary Studies in Sociology : Theoretical and Empirical Monographs Cont St SocContemporary Systems ThinkingContemp Syst ThinkContemporary Terrorism StudiesContemp Terror StudContemporary Theatre ReviewContemp Theatre Rev-Contemporary Topics in Cognitive NeuroscienceCont Top Cogn Neuros!Contemporary Topics in EntomologyContemp Top Entomol$Contemporary Topics in ImmunobiologyContemp Top Immunobi0Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal ScienceContemp Top Lab Anim+Contemporary Topics in Molecular ImmunologyContemp Top Molec Im&Contemporary Topics in Polymer ScienceContemp Top Polym S-Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science, Vol 6Contemp Top Polym S-Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science, Vol 7Contemp Top Polym S*Contemporary Tourism: Diversity and ChangeTour Soc Sci Ser@Contemporary Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Clinical GuideContemp Endocrinol S3Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science EducationCont Trends Iss Sci:Contemporary Trends in Organization Development and ChangeCont Trend Organ Dev-Contemporary U.s. Latino/a Literary CriticismAm Lit Read Twenty-fCContemporary Views On Architecture and Representations in PhonologyCurr Stud LinguistContemporary Womens WritingContemp Womens WritYContending With Nationalism and Communism: British Policy Towards Southeast Asia, 1945-65Glob Confl SecurContent Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScContent Delivery NetworksLect Notes Electr EnuContentious Politics in North America: National Protest and Transnational Collaboration Under Continental IntegrationInt Polit Econ Ser@Content Management: Bridging The Gap Between Theory and PracticeBaywoods Tech CommunEContested Capitalism: The Political Origins of Financial InstitutionsRoutl Adv Int Polit#Contested Cities in The Modern WestEthn Intercomm ConflMContested Governance: Culture, Power and Institutions in Indigenous AustraliaRes Mg Cent Aborig E@Contested Sudan: The Political Economy of War and ReconstructionDurh Mod Mid E IslamContested TerrainContrib Polit SciContesting Early ChildhoodContest Early ChildhContesting Neoliberal EducationRoutl Stud Educ Neol0Contesting Performance: Global Sites of ResearchPerform Interv8Contesting Psychiatry: Social Movements in Mental HealthCrit Stud Health SocFContesting The Monument: The Anti-illusionist Italian Historical Novel Ital PerspectContext ArchitectureContext Archit1Context-aware Computing and Self-managing SystemsCh Crc Stud Info Ser/Context-aware Ranking With Factorization ModelsStud Comput Intell.Context: Nature, Impact, and Role, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIContext of Constitution: Beyond The Edge of Epistemological JustificationBost Stud Philos SciContexts of LearningContexts LearnPContexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communities and FamiliesRoutledge Adv SociolPContexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communities and Families Rtldg Adv Soc(Contextual Approach to Quantum FormalismFund Theor Phys-Contextual Computing: Models and Applications Cogn Technol Continental Crust of South IndiaGeol Soc Ind MemFContinental Intraplate Earthquakes: Science, Hazard, and Policy IssuesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap2Continental Lithosphere : Deep Seismic Reflections GeodynamicsRContinental Margin Sedimentation: From Sediment Transport to Sequence StratigraphySpec Publ Int Ass Se1Continental Philosophy and Philosophy of ReligionHandb Contemp PhilosContinental Philosophy ReviewCont Philos RevBContinental Plate Boundary: Tectonics At South Island, New ZealandGeophys Monogr Ser&Continental Reactivation and ReworkingGeol Soc Spec PublContinental Shelf ResearchCont Shelf ResJContinental Tectonics and Mountain Building: The Legacy of Peach and HorneGeol Soc Spec Publ<Continent-ocean Interactions Within East Asian Marginal SeasGeoph Monog Series<Continent-ocean Interactions Within East Asian Marginal SeasGeophys Monogr SerBContingent Nature of Life: Bioethics and Limits of Human ExistenceInt Libr Eth Law NewContingent ValuationContrib To Econ AnalContinua Pure A MathEContinuation and Bifurcations : Numerical Techniques and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat&Continuation Methods in Fluid Dynamics Note Num FlEContinued Fractions and Orthogonal Functions: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Pure ApplaContinuing Education Programmes for Library and Information Personnel in Educational InstitutionsDtsch Stift Int EntwContinuity and ChangeContinuity ChangecContinuity and Discontinuity in The Peopling of Europe: One Hundred Fiftyyears of Neanderthal StudyVertebr Paleobiol Pa$Continuous Anesthesia Gas MonitoringAm Soc Test Mater7Continuous Bounded Cohomology of Locally Compact GroupsLect Notes MathJContinuous Extracorporeal Treatment in Multiple Organ Dysfunction SyndromeContrib NephrolContinuous HemofiltrationContrib Nephrol1Continuous Nanophase and Nanostructured MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P]Continuous Spikes and Waves During Slow Sleep/electrical Status Epilepticus During Slow Sleep Mariani F PBContinuous-time Markov Decision Processes: Theory and ApplicationsStoch Mod Appl ProbaOContinuous-time Stochastic Control and Optimization With Financial ApplicationsStoch Mod Appl ProbaContinuous Wave-form Analysis Eeg Cl N Su-Continuum-journal of Media & Cultural StudiesContinuum-j Media Cu8Continuum Mechanics: Advanced Topics and Research TrendsModel Simul Sci Eng&Continuum Mechanics and ThermodynamicsContinuum Mech Therm!Continuum Mechanics, Fluids, HeatWseas Mech Eng Ser+Continuum Modeling in The Physical SciencesMath Model Comput,Continuum Models and Discrete Systems, Vol 1 Inter Mec M,Continuum Models and Discrete Systems, Vol 2 Inter Mec MContinuum TheoryLect Notes Pure Appl&Continuum Theory and Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Pure Appl+Continuum Thermodynamics, Pt I: FoundationsSer Adv Math Appl ScContours of The Fantastic Contr Sci F Contraception Contraception!Contraception Fertilite SexualiteContracept Fertil S%Contraception in The Third MillenniumI C S SContraception TodayI C S S#Contraceptive Choices and RealitiesI C S SContraceptive Delivery SystemsContracept Deliv SyslContracting for Better Places: A Relational Analysis of Development Agreements in Urban Development ProjectsSustain Urban AreasContracting for Public ServicesRout Mast Publ Manag?Contracting for Services in State and Local Government AgenciesPublic Adm Public PoContracting Out Inf Bus Key?Contradictions of Israeli Citizenship: Land, Religion and StateRoutl Stud Mid E PolContrast Agents I Top Curr ChemContrast Agents Ii Top Curr ChemLContrast Agents Iii: Radiopharmaceuticals - From Diagnostics to Therapeutics Top Curr Chem Contrast Agents in Liver Imaging Ser Radiol6Contrast in Phonology: Theory, Perception, Acquisition Phonol PhonetContrastive Lexical SemanticsAmst Stud Theory His"Contrast Media & Molecular ImagingContrast Media Mol IContrast Sensitivity P Ret Res FContribuciones Del Macn Contrib MacnCContribution of Presbyterianism to The Maritime Provinces of CanadaMq Stud Hist Relig+Contributions From Boyce Thompson InstituteContrib Boyce ThompsDContributions From The Rosenberg International Forum On Water PolicyCont Ros Int For Wat!Contributions in American History Contr Am Hi/Contributions in Economics and Economic HistoryContrib Econ Econ Hi'Contributions in Latin American Studies Contr Lat AContributions in Legal Studies Contr Leg SContributions in Marine ScienceContrib Mar Sci8Contributions in Mathematical and Computational SciencesContrib Math Comput!Contributions in Military StudiesContrib Mil StudContributions in Philosophy Contr Philo"Contributions in Political ScienceContrib Polit SciContributions in Sociology Contr Soc Contributions in Women's StudiesContrib Women S StudLContributions of John Lansing Carey to The Profession of Accountancy, Vol 10Stud Dev Account Tho<Contributions of The Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso Contr Ast O<Contributions of The Astronomical Observatory Skalnate PlesoContrib Astron Obs SEContributions of The Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso-b Sample Contr Ast ODContributions of The Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, Vol 20 Contr Ast OcContributions of The Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, Vol Xxvii, No 3-bk Sample Xxvii. No 3 Contr Ast O\Contributions of The Institut Fur Kernphysik to The 26th International Cosmic Ray ConferenceFzka Tech Umw Wis B/Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and TheologyContr Bib Exeg Theol)Contributions to Circumpolar AnthropologyContrib Circumpol An7Contributions to Complex Analysis and Analytic Geometry A MathematDContributions to Conflict Management Peace Economics and DevelopmentContrib Confl Manag!Contributions to Dialogue StudiesBeitr Dialogforsch"Contributions to Economic AnalysisContrib Econ Anal"Contributions to Economic AnalysisContrib To Econ AnalContributions to Economics Contrib EconContributions to EconomicsContribut EconContributions to EmbryologyContrib Embryol.Contributions to Global Historical ArchaeologyContr Glob Hist Arch.Contributions to Global Historical ArchaeologyContrib Glob Hist Ar*Contributions to Gynecology and ObstetricsContrib Gynecol Obst"Contributions to Human DevelopmentContrib Hum Dev!Contributions to Indian SociologyContrib Indian Soc#Contributions to Management ScienceContr Manage Sci#Contributions to Management ScienceContrib Manag SciHContributions to Mathematical Psychology, Psychometrics, and Methodology Rec Res PsyContributions to MicrobiologyContrib Microbiol,Contributions to Microbiology and ImmunologyContrib To Microbiol)Contributions to Mineralogy and PetrologyContrib Mineral PetrContributions to NephrologyContrib Nephrol#Contributions to Nonlinear Analysis Prog NonlinContributions to Oncology Contr OncolContributions to PhenomenologyContr PhenomenolContributions to PhenomenologyContrib PhenomenolContributions to Plasma PhysicsContrib Plasm Phys"Contributions to Political EconomyContrib Polit EconContributions to PrimatologyContrib PrimatolContributions to Statistics Contr StatContributions to Statistics Contrib Stat=Contributions to The 28th International Cosmic Ray ConferenceFzka Tech Umw Wis B=Contributions to The 29th International Cosmic Ray ConferenceFzka Tech Umw Wis B:Contributions to The 5th International Congress On RudistsCour For Sekenbg<Contributions to The Chronology of The Eastern Mediterranean Con ChronolCContributions to The First Australian Conodont Symposium (auscos 1)Cour Forsch SenckIContributions to The History of Occupational and Environmental Prevention Int Congr SerGContributions to The Knowledge of Flora and Vegetation of Poland, Vol 1 Ver Geobot?Contributions to The Methodology of The Creation of Written LawEur Assoc Legislat SEContributions to The Second Australian Conodont Symposium (auscos Ii)Cour For Sekenbg*Contributions to The Sociology of Language Contr Soc L*Contributions to The Sociology of LanguageContrib Sociol Lang#Contributions to The Study of Aging Contr St Ag'Contributions to The Study of Education Cont Stud E-Contributions to The Study of Music and Dance Contr St M&Contributions to The Study of Religion Contr St R9Contributions to The Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy Contr Sci F.Contributions to The Study of World Literature Contr St Wo Contributions to TransplantationContibut Transplant$Contributions to Transplant-medicine Contr TransContributions to Zoology Contrib ZoolControlControlControl & Automation Control AutomControl and AutomationComm Com Inf Sc?Control and Automation of Electrical Power Distribution SystemsPower Eng-willisControl and ComputersControl ComputControl and CyberneticsControl CybernLControl and Diseases of Sodium Dependent Transport Proteins and Ion Channels Int Congr Ser7Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems Int S Num M7Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter SystemsInt Ser Numer MathLControl and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems: Nonlinear Phenomena Int S Num M:Control and Estimation of Systems With Input/output DelaysLect Notes Contr Inf,Control and Fate of Atmospheric Trace MetalsNato Adv Sci I C-matControl and InstrumentationControl Instrum'Control and Modeling of Complex Systems Trends Math1Control and Monitoring of Chemical Batch ReactorsAdv Ind ControlQControl and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf6Control and Optimization of Multiscale Process SystemsControl Eng Ser Birk$Control and Regulation of Stem Cells Cold Sh Q BCControl and Regulation of Transport Phenomena in The Cardiac SystemAnn Ny Acad SciZControl and Scheduling Codesign: Flexible Resource Management in Real-time Control SystemsAdv Top Sci Tech Chi,Control and Stimulation of Follicular Growth Adv Rep End3Control and Surveillance of African TrypanosomiasisWho Tech Rep Ser!Control and The Therapeutic TrialClio Med7Control Applications in Marine Systems 2001 (cams 2001) Ifac P Ser0Control Applications in Marine Systems (cams'98) Ifac Work SCControl Applications in Post-harvest and Processing Technology 2001 Ifac Work S)Control Applications of Optimisation 2003 Ifac Work S,Control, Computation and Information SystemsComm Com Inf Sc8Control Configuration Selection for Multivariable PlantsLect Notes Contr InfControl Engineering Control Eng+Control Engineering and Applied InformaticsControl Eng Appl InfControl Engineering PracticeControl Eng Pract%Control Engineering Series BirkhauserControl Eng Ser Birk%Control Engineering Series-birkhauserControl Engn Ser BirUControllability of Partial Differential Equations Governed By Multiplicative ControlsLect Notes Math-Controlled Active Global Experiments ( Cage ) Int Sch Pl9Controlled Assembly and Modification of Inorganic Systems Struct BondControlled Clinical TrialsControl Clin Trials:Controlled/living Radical Polymerization: Progress in Atrp Acs Sym SerJControlled/living Radical Polymerization: Progress in Raft, Dt, Nmp & Omrp Acs Sym SerJControlled Movements : Mechanotronics in Machine and Vehicle Manufacturing VDI BerichtControlled Nanoscale MotionLect Notes PhysControlled Natural LanguageLect Notes Artif IntBControlled Nucleosynthesis: Breakthroughs in Experiment and TheoryFund Theor Phys"Controlled Pulmonary Drug DeliveryAdv Del Sci Technol`Controlled Release Society. International Symposium On Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials Crs Bui Nat1Controlling and Using Light in Nanometric DomainsP Soc Photo-opt InsControlling Broadcasting Fulbright PBControlling Chaos: Suppression, Synchronization and ChaotificationCommun Control Eng=Controlling Disease Outbreaks: The Changing Role of HospitalsPublic Health 21st C7Controlling Industrial Emissions - Practical Experience Inst Chem E8Controlling Light in Optically Induced Photonic LatticesSpringer Theses-reco1Controlling Maillard Pathways to Generate Flavors Acs Sym Ser1Controlling Nitrogen Concentration in Agrosystems Colloq InraEControlling Tissue Optical Properties: Applications in Clinical StudyP Soc Photo-opt InsFControl Mechanisms of Stress and Emotion: Neuroendocrine-based Studies Int Congr Ser(Control Methods in Pde-dynamical Systems Contemp Math Control of Breathing and Dyspnea Adv Biosci/Control of Complex Nonlinear Systems With DelaySpringer Theses-recoBControl of Complex Systems: Structural Constraints and UncertaintyCommun Control Eng7Control of Distributed Parameter and Stochastic SystemsInt Fed Info Proc&Control of Fertility in Domestic Birds Colloq Inra;Control of Flexible-link Manipulators Using Neural NetworksLect Notes Contr InfControl of Fluid FlowLect Notes Contr Inf)Control of Foodborne Trematode InfectionsWho Tech Rep SerControl of Hereditary DiseasesWho Tech Rep Ser4Control of Infectious Animal Diseases By VaccinationDev Biologicals,Control of Integral Processes With Dead TimeAdv Ind ControlControl of Locusts Univ Fra S7Control of Membrane Function : Short-term and Long-term Prog Cell RControl of Metabolic ProcessesNato Adv Sci I A-lifeControl of Nonlinear and Hybrid Process Systems: Designs for Uncertainty, Constraints and Time-delaysLect Notes Contr Inf2Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter SystemsLect Notes Pure Appl@Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Methods and ApplicationsCommun Control Eng)Control of Partial Differential EquationsLect Notes Pure Appl:Control of Partial Differential Equations and ApplicationsLect Notes Pure ApplControl of Pig Reproduction Iii J Rep Fer SControl of Pig Reproduction Vi J Rep Fer S)Control of Power Plants and Power SystemsIfac Symp Series?Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators: Theory and ExperimentsLect Notes Contr Inf%Control of Sandwich Nonlinear SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf0Control of Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces Mat Res S C_Control of Ships and Underwater Vehicles: Design for Underactuated and Nonlinear Marine SystemsAdv Ind Control6Control of Singular Systems With Random Abrupt ChangesCommun Control EngControl of The LeishmaniasesWho Tech Rep Ser#Control of The Onset of Puberty Iii Int Congr SerControl of The Thyroid GlandAdv Exp Med BiolgControl of Turbulent and Magnetohydrodynamic Channel Flows: Boundary Stabilization and State EstimationSyst Control-found ABControl of Uncertain Systems: Modelling, Approximation, and DesignLect Notes Contr Inf@Control Perspectives On Numerical Algorithms and Matrix ProblemsAdv Des ControlControl Problems in RoboticsSpr Tra Adv RobotControl Problems in RoboticsSpringer Trac Adv Ro,Control Reconfiguration of Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Contr InfControl Science EvolutionCollana AutomaticaControls for Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsControl Solutions Control SolutControl Solutions InternationalControl Solut Int4Controls On Carbonate Platform and Basin Development Soc Econ Pa3Controls On Carbonate Platform and Reef Development Sepm Spec PGControl Systems Theory and Applications for Linear Repetitive ProcessesLect Notes Contr InfIControl Theoretic Splines: Optimal Control, Statistics, and Path PlanningPrinc Ser Appl Math&Control-theory and Advanced TechnologyContr-theor Adv TechWControl Theory in Physics and Other Fields of Science: Concepts, Tools and ApplicationsSpringer Tr Mod PhysWControl Theory in Physics and Other Fields of Science: Concepts, Tools and ApplicationsSpringer Tracts Mod+Control Theory in The Plane, Second EditionLect Notes Contr Inf@Control Theory of Distributed Parameter Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf0Control Theory of Partial Differential Equations Pure A Math3Controversial Issues in Climacteric Medicine SeriesContro Issu Clim Med7Controversies in Electoral Democracy and RepresentationControv Elect Dem7Controversies in Electoral Democracy and RepresentationControv Elect Democr/Controversies in Gastrointestinal Tumor TherapyFront Radiat Ther On6Controversies in International Corporate ResponsiblityInt Corp Respons SerControversies in Neuro-oncologyFront Radiat Ther On1Controversies in The Treatment of Prostate CancerFront Radiat Ther On1Controversies in The Treatment of Skin NeoplasiasFront Radiat Ther On%Controversies in Thrombolysis and AmiRoy Soc Med Int CongAControversies in Treating Diabetes: Clinical and Research AspectsContemp Endocrinol S)Controversies in Treatment of Lung CancerFront Radiat Ther OnControversies in Uro-oncologyFront Radiat Ther On(Controversies of Total Knee Arthroplasty Bris Myer Z@Controversy in The Classroom: The Democratic Power of DiscussionCrit Soc ThoughtBConvection in Fluids: A Rational Analysis and Asymptotic ModellingFluid Mech Appl<Convective and Advective Heat Transfer in Geological SystemsAdv Geophys Env Mech1Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous MediaNato Adv Sci I E-app:Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Rotating Disk SystemsLect Notes Appl Comp?Converged Networking: Data and Real-time Communications Over IpInt Fed Info Proc Convergence Convergence;Convergence and Knowledge Processing in Multi-agent SystemsAdv Inform Knowl Pro-Convergence in Ergodic Theory and Probability Ohio St U M)Convergencia-revista De Ciencias Sociales Convergencia:Converging Evidence in Language and Communication ResearchConv Evi Lang CommunConverging InfrastructuresPubl Harv Infor Infr#Conversion of Former Btw FacilitiesNato Sci S 1 DisarmWConversion of Herman The Jew: Autobiography, History and Fiction in The Twelfth CenturyMiddle Ages Ser!Conversion of Liquid Rocket FuelsNato Sci Ser Ii Math"Conversion of Military EnterprisesNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec#Conversion to Judaism in Jewish LawStud Progr Halakh<Conversion to Modernities: The Globalization of Christianity Zones ReligFConverting A Nation: A Modern Inquisition and The Unification of ItalyStud Eur Cult Hist>Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert SpacesCms Books Math@Convex Functions and Their Applications: A Contemporary ApproachCms Books MathTConvex Variational Problems: Linear, Nearly Linear and Anisotropic Growth ConditionsLect Notes Math Convivium Convivium5Convolution Equations and Singular Integral OperatorsOper Theory Adv ApplConvulsive TherapyConvulsive TherECool Discs, Hot Flows: The Varying Faces of Accreting Compact Objects Aip Conf ProcCooleys AnemiaAnn Ny Acad Sci Cooley's Anemia Eighth SymposiumAnn Ny Acad Sci Cooley's Anemia: Ninth SymposiumAnn Ny Acad SciCooling of Electronic SystemsNato Adv Sci Inst Se=Cool Power: Natural Ventilation Systems in Historic BuildingsEnerg Sci Eng Tech'Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The Sun Aip Conf Proc(Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and The Sun Astr Soc PACool Stars, Stellar Systems, and The Sun - 8th Cambridge Workshop Astr Soc P4Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The Sun, Proceedings Astr Soc P$Cool Universe: Observing Cosmic Dawn Astr Soc PCool-water Carbonates Sepm Spec PLCool-water Carbonates: Depositional Systems and Palaeoenvironmental ControlsGeol Soc Spec PublbCooperating On Competition in Transatlantic Economic Relations: The Politics of Dispute PreventionInt Polit Econ SerCooperation and Conflict Coop Confl5Cooperation Between Universities in France and QuebecSer Int0Cooperation of Liver Cells in Health and DiseaseAdv Anat Embryol Cel6Cooperative and Noncooperative Multi-level ProgrammingOper Res Comput Sci+Cooperative Banking in Europe: Case StudiesPalgr Mac Stud Bank&Cooperative Behavior in Neural Systems Aip Conf ProcCooperative BuildingsLect Notes Comput ScCooperative ControlLect Notes Contr Inf$Cooperative Control and OptimizationAppl OptimizatBCooperative Control Design: A Systematic, Passivity-based ApproachCommun Control Eng8Cooperative Control: Models, Applications and Algorithms Cooperat Syst5Cooperative Decision Making in Common Pool SituationsLect Notes Econ Math2Cooperative Design, Visualization, and EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc?Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, PrpceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Cooperative Firms in Global MarketsAdv Econ Anal Partic3Cooperative Game Theory of Networks and HierarchiesTheory Decis Ser C G/Cooperative Information Agents Iii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int!Cooperative Information Agents IvLect Notes Artif Int0Cooperative Information Agents Viii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Cooperative Information Agents Vii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int-Cooperative Information Agents V, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Cooperative Information Agents Xii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int.Cooperative Information Agents Xi, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int-Cooperative Information Agents X, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCooperative Information SystemsCoop Inform Syst,Cooperative Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Cooperative Intelligent Robotics in SpaceP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Cooperative Intelligent Robotics in Space IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Cooperative Intelligent Robotics in Space IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCooperative Internet ComputingKluwer Int Ser Eng CCooperative Internet ComputingSpringer Int Ser Eng,Co-operative Security Arrangements in EuropeEuro Atl Secur StCooperative Systems Cooperat Syst-Cooperative Systems: Control and OptimizationLect Notes Econ MathCooperative Systems Design Fr Art IntCooperative Systems DesignFront Artif Intel ApCooperative Systems Design: Seamless Integration of Artifacts and Conversations - Enhanced Concepts of Infrastructure for Communication Fr Art Int"Cooperative Wirless CommunicationsWirel Netw Mob CommuCooperative Work and Coordinative Practices: Contributions to The Conceptual Foundations of Computer-supported Cooperative WorkComput Supp Coop Wor3Coopetition Strategy: Theory, Experiments and CasesRoutl Stud Glob Comp!Coordinated Activity in The BrainSpr Ser Comput Neuro\Coordinated Activity in The Brain: Measurements and Relevance to Brain Function and BehaviorSpr Ser Comput Neuro4Coordinated Measurements of Magnetospheric Processes Adv Space Res4Coordinated Measurements of Magnetospheric ProcessesAdv Space Res-seriesQCoordination and Communication Using Signs: Studies in Organisational Semiotics 2Info Org Design SerCoordination and Information Nber Conf RCoordination Chemistry Acs Sym SerCoordination Chemistry Struct BondCoordination Chemistry ReviewsCoordin Chem Rev+Co-ordination in Artificial Agent SocietiesLect Notes Artif Int!Coordination Languages and ModelsLect Notes Comput Sc.Coordination Languages and Models, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Coordination Models and Languages, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Coordination: Neural, Behavioral and Social Dynamics Und Com Sys4Coordination: Neural, Behavioral and Social DynamicsUnderst Complex SystHCoordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems IiLect Notes Artif IntICoordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems IiiLect Notes Artif IntFCoordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems VLect Notes Artif IntKCoordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int<Coordination Relations in The Languages of Europe and BeyondEmpir Approach Lang6Coordination Technology for Collaborative ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc0Copayments and The Demand for Prescription DrugsRout Int Stud Health2Copd: A Guide to Diagnosis and Clinical ManagementRespir Med Ser"Copd Is/is Not A Systemic Disease?Pub Health Cent"Copd Is/is Not A Systemic Disease?Public Health 21st C5Copd-journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseCopdCopeiaCopeia!Copenhagen Studies in Translation Copen S TrRCoping With Accession to The European Union: New Modes of Environmental GovernancePalgrave Stud Eur Un@Coping With Cancer and Beyond : Cancer Treatment & Mental HealthPubl Hdi@Coping With Drought Risk in Agriculture and Water Supply SystemsAdv Nat Tech Haz ResCoping With Flash FloodsNato Sci S Prt 2 Env6Coping With Flexibility and Legitimacy After AmsterdamCurr Europe IssCoping With FloodsNato Adv Sci Inst Se$Coping With Institutional Order FlowZi Sch Bus Fin Ma-Coping With Interference in Wireless NetworksSignals Commun Techn'Coping With The Complexity of Economics Ne Econ Win3Coping With Uncertainty: Modeling and Policy IssuesLect Notes Econ MathCoping With Water Deficiency: From Research to Policymaking With Examples From Southern Europe, The Mediterranean and Developing CountriesEnviron Policy?Copolymers in The Preparation of Parental Drug Delivery SystemsPolym Sci Technol Se%Copper Bioavailability and MetabolismAdv Exp Med BiolaCopper-catalyzed Multi-component Reactions: Synthesis of Nitrogen-containing Polycyclic CompoundsSpringer Theses-recoCopper-containing ProteinsAdv Protein ChemNCopper Empire: Mining and The Colonial State in Northern Rhodesia, C.1930-1964Camb Imp Post-col St"Copper Transport and Its DisordersAdv Exp Med BiolBCoptic Studies On The Threshold of A New Millennium, Vols I and IiOrient Lovan AnalDCopyright and Creative Freedom: A Study of Post-socialist Law ReformRoutl Stud Int Law Coral Reefs Coral Reefs-Coral Reefs: Biology, Threats and RestorationOceanogr Ocean Eng!Core Level Spectroscopy of SolidsAdv Condens Mat SciCorelli Studies V Quad Riv ItCore-log IntegrationGeol Soc Spec PublCore-mantle Boundary Region Geodynamics-Core of Economies With Asymmetric InformationLect Notes Econ MathCores to ClustersAstrophys Space Sc L Cor Et VasaCor VasaCorinthian Correspondence Bib Eph The#Cormac Mccarthy: American CanticlesAm Lit Read Twenty-f5Corn Crop Production: Growth, Fertilization and YieldAgr Issues PoliciesCorneaCorneaCornea and External Eye DiseaseEssent Ophthalmol[Cornea and External Eye Disease: Corneal Allotransplantation, Allergic Disease and TrachomaEssent OphthalmolCorneal DystrophiesDev OphthalmolCornell East Asia SeriesCornell E Asia SerCornell Hospitality QuarterlyCornell Hosp Q5Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration QuarterlyCornell Hotel Rest A!Cornell International Law JournalCornell Int Law J#Cornell Journal of Social RelationsCornell J Soc RelatCornell Law Quarterly Cornell Law QCornell Law ReviewCornell Law RevCornell Veterinarian Cornell Vet Cornerstones CornerstonesPCornwallis Group Ix: Analysis for Stabilization and Counter-terrorist OperationsCornwallis Group SerCornwallis Group SeriesCornwallis Group SerDCornwallis Group X: Analysis for New and Emerging Societal ConflictsCornwallis Group SerACorona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity - Fifth Soho Workshop Esa Sp Publ*Corona Charging of Synthetic Polymer FilmsPolym Sci Technol Se"Coronal and Stellar Mass EjectionsIau Symp P SeriesBCoronal Mass Ejections and Solar Particle Events in Solar Cycle 23 Adv Space ResBCoronal Mass Ejections and Solar Particle Events in Solar Cycle 23Adv Space Res-series'Coronal Mass Ejections: An IntroductionAstrophys Space Sc L:Coronal Structure and Dynamics Near Solar Activity Minimum Adv Space Res:Coronal Structure and Dynamics Near Solar Activity MinimumAdv Space Res-seriesCoronary Artery BypassesCardiol Res Clin DevCoronary Artery DiseaseCoronary Artery Dis&Coronary Bypass Surgery in The ElderlyDev Cardiovasc Med,Coronary Circulation and Myocardial Ischemia Upd Int Car:Coronary Microcirculation During Ischaemia and ReperfusionAlfred Benzon Symp SCoronary Risk Factors Revisited Int Congr Ser+Coronary Vascular System in Angina PectorisRoy Soc Med Int Cong CoronavirusesAdv Exp Med BiolCoronaviruses and ArterivirusesAdv Exp Med Biol Coronaviruses and Their DiseasesAdv Exp Med Biol,Coronavirus Replication and Reverse GeneticsCurr Top Microbiol<Corpoate Governance in Less Developed and Emerging EconomiesRes Account Emerg EcCorpora Across The Centuries Lang ComputMCorpora in Cognitive Linguistics: Corpus-based Approaches to Syntax and LexisTrends Linguist-stud)Corpora in The Foreign Language Classroom Lang Comput>Corporal Hitler and The Great War 1914-1918: The List Regiment Cass Mil Stud!Corpora: Pragmatics and Discourse Lang Comput,Corporate and Industry Strategies for EuropeAdv Ser ManageNCorporate and Social Transformation of Money and Banking: Breaking The SerfdomPalgr Mac Stud Bank0Corporate Control and Enterprise Reform in China Contrib Econ>Corporate Criminal Liability: Emergence, Convergence, and RiskIus Gentium-comp Per(Corporate Entrepreneurship and VenturingInt Stud EntrepRCorporate Foresight: Towards A Maturity Model for The Future Orientation of A FirmContrib Manag Sci8Corporate Globalization Through Mergers and Acquisitions Inv Can Res<Corporate Governance Adrift: A Critique of Shareholder ValueSt-gobain Ctr Econ STCorporate Governance and Development: Reform, Financial Systems and Legal FrameworksCrc Ser Compet Regul)Corporate Governance and Firm PerformanceAdv Financ EconsCorporate Governance and Firm Value: Econometric Modelling and Analysis of Emerging and Developed Financial MarketsInt Bus Manag-ser3Corporate Governance and Resource Security in ChinaRout Stud Corpor Gov,Corporate Governance-an International ReviewCorp Gov,Corporate Governance-an International ReviewCorp Gov-oxford%Corporate Governance Around The WorldRout Stud Corpor Gov'Corporate Governance: Does Any Size Fit Adv Pub Int'Corporate Governance: Does Any Size FitAdv Public Inter AccHCorporate Governance, Finance and The Technological Advantage of NationsRoutl Stud Glob Comp-Corporate Power in Global Agrifood GovernanceFood Health Environ3Corporate Rescue Law: An Anglo-american Perspective Corp Glob Law>Corporate Restructuring and Governance in Transition EconomiesStud Econ Transit6Corporate Safety Compliance: Osha, Ethics, and The LawOccup Saf Health Gui<Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental ManagementCorp Soc Resp Env MaXCorporate Social Responsibility and Regulatory Governance -towards Inclusive DevelopmentInt Polit Econ Ser<Corporate Social Responsibility As An International Strategy Contrib Econ'Corporate Social Responsibility in AsiaRoutl Int Bus Asia-Corporate Soldiers and International SecurityContemp Secur Stud*Corporate Strategy: A Feminist PerspectiveRoutl Res Organ BehDCorporate Sustainability As A Challenge for Comprehensive ManagementContrib Manag Sci&Corporations Globalisation and The Law Corp Glob LawGCorporeal Imagination: Signifying The Holy in Late Ancient ChristianityDivin Reread Late An Corps Ecrit Corps Ecrit4Corpus Analysis: Language Structure and Language Use Lang Comput6Corpus-assisted Discourse Studies On The Iraq ConflictRoutl Adv Corpus Lin0Corpus-based Approaches to Metaphor and MetonymyTrends Linguist-stud6Corpus-based Methods in Language and Speech ProcessingText Speech Lang TecCorpus-based Studies in English Lang Comput,Corpus Der Minoischen Und Mykenischen SiegelCorp Mino Myken Sieg7Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae Series BerolinensisCorpus Font Hist Byz>Corpus-linguistic Applications Current Studies, New Directions Lang ComputCorpus Linguistics 25 Years On Lang ComputCorpus Linguistics and Beyond Costerus Es(Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic TheoryCorpus Linguist LingCorpus Linguistics and The Web Lang Comput#Corpus Linguistics Around The World Lang ComputLCorpus Linguistics Beyond The Word: Corpus Research From Phrase to Discourse Lang Comput!Corpus Linguistics, Hard and Soft Lang ComputCorpus Linguistics, Part 1Handb Sprach KommunCorpus Linguistics, Part 2Handb Sprach Kommun1Corpus Linguistics: Refinements and Reassessments Lang Comput!Corpus of Illuminated ManuscriptsCorpus Illuminat MsCorpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions, Vol 3: New Material, Untraced Objects, and Collections Outside India and Pakistan, Pt 1: Mohenjo-daro and HarappaSuom Tiedeakat ToimCorpus Papyrorum RaineriCorpus Papyr Rainer0Correct Hardware Design and Verification MethodsLect Notes Comput Sc=Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHCorrective and Social Psychiatry and Journal of Applied Behavior TherapyCorrect Soc PsychiatWCorrective and Social Psychiatry and Journal of Behavior Technology Methods and TherapyCorrect Soc Psychiat1Corrective Psychiatry & Journal of Social TherapyCorrect Psychiat J S$Correct Models of Parallel ComputingConcur Syst Engn SerCorrect System DesignLect Notes Comput Sc@Correlated Data Analysis : Modeling, Analytics, and ApplicationsSpringer Ser StatCorrelation and Localization Top Curr ChemKCorrelation and Polarization in Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions Aip Conf Proc7Correlation Effects in Low-dimensional Electron SystemsSpringer Series Soli:Correlations and Clustering Phenomena in Subatomic PhysicsNato Adv Sci I B-phyCorrelations and ConnectivityNato Adv Sci I E-app@Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear CollisionsJ Phys Conf SerXCorrelations and Polarization in Electronic and Atomic Collisions and ( E,2e ) ReactionsInst Phys Conf Ser<Correlations, Polarization, and Ionization in Atomic Systems Aip Conf Proc>Correspondances En Metabolismes Hormones Diabetes Et Nutrition Corresp MhdnZCorrespondence : Studies in Literature, History, and The Arts in Nineteenth-century France Faux Titre Corrosion Corrosion9Corrosion and Corrosion Control in Saltwater Environments Elec Soc S"Corrosion and Corrosion Protection Elec Soc SCorrosion and Oxygen ControlFzka Tech Umw Wis B.Corrosion and Protection of Light Metal Alloys Elec Soc SJCorrosion and Reliability of Electronic Materials and Devices, Proceedings Elec Soc SNCorrosion By Carbon and Nitrogen: Metal Dusting, Carburisation and NitridationEur Fed Corros Publ+Corrosion Control in The Aerospace IndustryWoodhead Publ Mater,Corrosion Engineering Science and TechnologyCorros Eng Sci Techn.Corrosion Forms and Control for InfrastructureAm Soc Test Mater:Corrosion Induced By Microorganisms in Natural Environment Oceanis S DCorrosion in Natural WatersAm Soc Test MaterCorrosion in Power Plants VDI BerichtCorrosion in RefineriesEur Fed Corros PublCorrosion in The Military Ii Adv Mat ResCorrosion in The Military IiAdv Mater Res-switzCCorrosion Issues in Light Water Reactors: Stress Corrosion CrackingEur Fed Corros PublCorrosion of Advanced Ceramics Key Eng MatCorrosion of Advanced Ceramics Key Eng MaterCorrosion of Advanced CeramicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se.Corrosion of Electronic and Magnetic MaterialsAm Soc Test MaterCorrosion of Magnesium AlloysWoodhead Publ MaterhCorrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete: Mechanisms, Monitoring, Inhibitors and Rehabilitation TechniquesEur Fed Corros PublQCorrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete: Monitoring, Prevention and RehabilitationEur Fed Corr PublCorrosion Prevention & ControlCorros Prevent Contr7Corrosion, Processes and Advanced Materials in Industry Adv Mat Res<Corrosion Protection: Processes, Management and TechnologiesMater Sci TechnolCorrosion Reviews Corros RevCorrosion Science Corros SciVCorrosion Science: A Retrospective and Current Status in Honor of Robert P Frankenthal Elec Soc SJCorrosion Tests and Standards: Application and Interpretation, 2nd Edition Astm Man Ser)Corrosion Traitements Protection Finition Corros Trait+Corrosion-under-insulation (cui) GuidelinesWoodhead Publ Mater5Corrosion, Wear, Fatigue, and Reliability of CeramicsCeram Eng Sci Proc Corrosive Damage in Power Plants VDI Bericht9Corruption and Development: The Anti-corruption CampaignsPalgrave Stud DevCorruption and Money LaunderingPalgr Ser Asian Gov0Corruption, Development and Institutional DesignInt Econ Assoc SerieCortexCortex+Cortical Function: A View From The ThalamusProg Brain Res/Corticobasal Degeneration and Related Disorders Adv Neurol.Corticofugal Modulation of Sensory InformationAdv Anat Embryol CelCorticotropin-releasing Factor Ciba F SympICorticotropin-releasing Factor and Cytokines: Role in The Stress ResponseAnn Ny Acad Sci;Cosmetic Nanotechnology: Polymers and Colloids in Cosmetics Acs Sym SerCosmetics & ToiletriesCosmet Toiletries,Cosmets in The Post-halley Era, Vols 1 and 2Astrophys Space Sc LCosmic Abundances Astr Soc PbCosmic Abundances As Records of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in Honor of David L. Lambert Astr Soc PCosmical MagnetismNato Adv Sci Inst SeCosmic Chemical EvolutionIau SympCosmic Dust ConnectionNato Adv Sci I C-matCosmic Dust - Near and Far Astr Soc P Cosmic DynamoIau SympLCosmic Evolution and Galaxy Formation: Structure, Interactions, and Feedback Astr Soc PCosmic Explosions Aip Conf ProcCosmic ExplosionsSpringer Proc PhysDCosmic Flows 1999: Towards An Understanding of Large-scale Structure Astr Soc PCosmic Frontiers Astr Soc P6Cosmic Gamma Rays, Neutrinos, and Related AstrophysicsNato Adv Sci I C-mat;Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and GalaxiesIau Symp P Series,Cosmic Masers: From Protostars to BlackholesIau SympCosmic Microwave BackgroundNato Adv Sci I C-mat,Cosmic Microwave Background : 25 Years LaterAstrophys Space Sc LECosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure of The Universe Astr Soc PzCosmic Physics in The Year 2000 - Scientific Perspectives and New Instrumentation, Proceedings of The 8th Gifco Conference Ital Phy SoCosmic QuestionsAnn Ny Acad Sci5Cosmic Radiations: From Astronomy to Particle PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii Math5Cosmic Radiations: From Astronomy to Particle PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii-math)Cosmic Radiation: Spectra and Composition Adv Space Res)Cosmic Radiation: Spectra and CompositionAdv Space Res-seriesCosmic Rays and Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc<Cosmic Rays in Magnetospheres of The Earth and Other PlanetsAstrophys Space Sc LCosmic Rays in The Universe Astr Soc P3Cosmic Rays, Supernovae and The Interstellar MediumNato Adv Sci I C-matCosmic Research Cosmic Res+RCosmo-98: Second International Workshop On Particle Physics and The Early Universe Aip Conf Proc2Cosmological Aspects of X-ray Clusters of GalaxiesNato Adv Sci Inst SeCosmological CrossroadsLect Notes Phys CosmologySpringer Tr Mod Phys CosmologySpringer Tracts ModCosmology Across Cultures Astr Soc P)Cosmology and Elementary Particle Physics Aip Conf ProcCosmology and Gravitation Aip Conf Proc#Cosmology and Large Scale Structure Les Houch S3Cosmology and Large-scale Structure in The Universe Astr Soc PCosmology and Particle Physics Aip Conf ProcCosmology and Particle PhysicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se Cosmology and Particle Physics / Ccast Wl Sw1Cosmopolitan Culture and Consumerism in Chick LitLit Crit Cult TheoryCosmopolitanism Key Ideas`Cosmopolitan Nationalism in The Victorian Empire: Ireland, India and The Politics of Alfred WebbCamb Imp Post-col St2Cosmopolitan Spaces: Europe, Globalization, TheoryRoutl Adv SociolCospar Colloquia Series Cospar Coll8Cospar International Reference Atmosphere (cira), Pt Iii Adv Space Res8Cospar International Reference Atmosphere (cira), Pt IiiAdv Space Res-series^Cossacks and The Russian Empire, 1598-1725: Manipulation, Rebellion and Expansion Into SiberiaRoutl Stud Hist RussCost 516 Tribology SymposiumVtt SympFCost 914- Predictive Microbiology Applied to Chilled Food PreservationEur Commiss Sci ResCost 916 - Polyphenols in FoodEur Commiss Sci Res3Cost 917: Biogenically Active Amines in Food, Vol IEur Commiss Sci Res5Cost 917 - Biogenically Active Amines in Food, Vol IiEur Commiss Sci Res4Cost 917: Biogenically Active Amines in Food, Vol IvEur Commiss Sci Res5Cost 917 - Biogenically Active Amines in Food, Vol ViEur Commiss Sci ResXCost Action E5 Workshop On Fire Safety of Medium-rise Timber Frame Residential BuildingsVtt SympCost-affordable Titanium Iii Key Eng MatCost and Management Cost Manage3Cost and Performance in Integrated Circuit CreationP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Cost and Performance in Integrated Circuit Creation Proc SpienCost Chemistry Cm0603-melusyn Joint Meeting: Damages Induced in Biomolecules By Low and High Energy RadiationsJ Phys Conf SerOCost Control for Quality Care: Meeting The Challenge of Health System Financing Stud Res Ss$Cost-effective Control of Urban SmogRoutl Explor EnvironICost-effective Titanium Component Technology for Leading-edge Performance Imeche SemCost EngineeringCost EngCosterus : New Series Costerus EsdCost-minimizing Choice Behavior in Transportation Planning: A Theoretical Framework for Logit Models Adv Spat Sci5Cost Oriented Automation - (low Cost Automation 2001)Ifac Symp Series%Costs and Benefits of Price Stability Nber Conf R*Costs and Values of Geoscience Information P Geos InfBCost-sharing and Accessibility in Higher Education: A Fairer Deal?High Educ Dynam/Costs of Illness and Benefits of Drug Treatment Klin Pharm;Coteaching in International Contexts: Research and PracticeCult Stud Sci EducCoton Et Fibres TropicalesCoton Fibres Trop(Cots Based Software Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Cots-based Software Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Cotton: Biotechnological AdvancesBiotech Agr Forest%Cotton Fiber Chemistry and TechnologyInt Fiber Sci TechnoCotton: Science and TechnologyWoodhead Text Ser5Co: Twenty-five Years of Millimeter-wave SpectroscopyIau Symp?Coulomb and Interference Effects in Small Electronic Structures Moriond Par%Coulombic Fluids: Bulk and InterfacesSpringer Ser Solid-sLCouncil for African American Researchers in The Mathematical Sciences: Vol V Contemp Math@Council of Europe and The Social Challenges of The Xxist CenturyBull Comparat Lab RehCouncil On International Studies and Programs, State University of New York At Buffalo : Special Studies C Int St Sp<Council On Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat - Council ReportCtbuh Counc RephCounseling and Psychotherapy-investigating Practice From Scientific Historical and Cultural PerspectivesCounsel Psychother!Counseling Boys and Men With AdhdRout Ser CounselCounseling FathersRout Ser CounselCounseling Psychologist Couns Psychol7Counseling Troubled Boys: A Guidebook for ProfessionalsRout Ser Counsel#Counselor Education and SupervisionCouns Educ SupervCountdown 3 KunstgenerationenTrace Transm RhetorMCounteraction to Chemical and Biological Terrorism in East European CountriesNato Scie Peace SecuCCounter-history of Crime Fiction: Supernatural, Gothic, SensationalCrime Files Ser-Countering Nuclear and Radiological TerrorismNato Sec Sci B PhysICountering Terrorism and Wmd: Creating A Global Counter-terrorism NetworkCass Ser Polit Viole;Countering The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass DestructionContemp Secur Stud&Counterinsurgency and The Armed ForcesDef Secur Strateg Counterpoints Counterpoints-Counterterrorism and Open Source IntelligenceLect Notes Soc Netw>Counterterrorism Legislation in Sri Lanka: Evaluating EfficacyPol Stud CounterworksAsa Decen Conf SerPCounting Our Losses: Reflecting On Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday LifeSer Death Dying1Country Risk Evaluation: Methods and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim A"Country Seats of The United StatesPenn Stud Landsc ArcRCoupled Date Communication Techniques for High-performance and Low-power ComputingIntegr Circuit Syst_Coupled Site and Soil-structure Interaction Effects With Application to Seismic Risk MitigationNato Sci Peace SecurUCoupling and Energetics in The Stratosphere-mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere System Adv Space ResUCoupling and Energetics in The Stratosphere-mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere SystemAdv Space Res-series7Coupling Between Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Plasmas Adv Space Res7Coupling Between Magnetospheric and Ionospheric PlasmasAdv Space Res-seriesDCoupling of Fluids, Structures and Waves in Aeronautics, ProceedingsNote N Fl Mech Mul DPCoupling of The High and Low Latitude Heliosphere and Its Relation to The Corona Adv Space ResPCoupling of The High and Low Latitude Heliosphere and Its Relation to The CoronaAdv Space Res-seriesFCoupling of Thunderstorms and Lightning Discharges to Near-earth Space Aip Conf Proc5Coupling Processes in The Lower and Middle AtmosphereNato Adv Sci Inst Se$Coupling Processes in The Mlt Region Adv Space Res$Coupling Processes in The Mlt RegionAdv Space Res-series$Coupling Technology to National NeedP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg SeriesCour For Sekenbg/Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (series)Cour Forsch Senck*Cournot Center for Economic Studies SeriesCournot Cent Econ StCourse in Commutative AlgebraGrad Texts Math%Course in Commutative Banach AlgebrasGrad Texts Math/Course in Formal Languages, Automata and Groups Universitext?Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians, Second EditionGrad Texts MathCourse of Study Course Study%Course On Solar System Plasma Physics Ital Phy So>Courting The Media: Contemporary Perspectives On Media and LawMedia Commun TechnolJCourtly Love Undressed: Reading Through Clothes in Medieval French CultureMiddle Ages Ser&Courtroom Talk and Neocolonial ControlLang Power Soc ProceECouture and Consensus: Fashion and Politics in Postcolonial Argentina Cult Stud Am<Covalent Ceramics Iii - Science and Technology of Non-oxidesMater Res Soc Symp P Covalent Ceramics Ii: Non-oxidesMater Res Soc Symp P0Covalently Bonded Disordered Thin-film MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PDCovalently Modified Antigens and Antibodies in Diagnosis and Therapy Targ Diag T#Coverage Control in Sensor NetworksComput Commun Netw S2Covering Niagara: Studies in Local Popular Culture Cult Stud SerRCoverings of Discrete Quasiperiodic Sets: Theory and Applications to QuasicrystalsSpringer Tr Mod Phys&Covert Modality in Non-finite ContextsInterface Explor7Cox-2: A New Target for Cancer Prevention and TreatmentProg Exp Tumor ResCoxsackie B VirusesCurr Top Microbiol Coyote Papers Coyote Pap)Cps Publications in Philosophy of Science Cps Pub P S?Cp Violation and Beauty Factories and Related Issues in PhysicsAnn Ny Acad Sci2Cp Violation in Particle, Nuclear and AstrophysicsLect Notes Phys?Crabs in Cold Water Regions: Biology, Management, and Economics Low Wake FiHCrafting The Witch: Gendering Magic in Medieval and Early Modern EnglandStud Mediev Hist CulCraftsCrafts;Cral-2006 Chemodynamics: From First Stars to Local GalaxiesEas PublicationsNCral-ipnl: Dark Energy and Dark Matter: Observations, Experiments and TheoriesEas Publications Crane Bag Crane BagCrane Flies: History, Taxonomy and Ecology (diptera: Tipulidae, Limoniidae, Pediciidae, Trichoceridae, Ptychopteridae, Tanyderidae) ZoosymposiadCraniofacial Development: The Tissue and Molecular Interactions That Control Development of The HeadAdv Anat Embryol Cel%Craniofacial Growth Series, Monograph Cranio Grow4Craniofacial Growth Theory and Orthodontic Treatment Cranio Grow6Craniofacial Structures in Connective Tissue Disorders Birth DefLCraniosynostoses: Molecular Genetics, Principles of Diagnosis, and TreatmentMonogr Hum Genet/Cranio-the Journal of Craniomandibular PracticeCranio:Crashworthiness: Energy Management and Occupant Protection Cism Cour L:Crashworthiness: Energy Management and Occupant ProtectionCism Courses LectTCrashworthiness of Transportation Systems: Structural Impact and Occupant ProtectionNato Adv Sci I E-appCrassulacean Acid Metabolism Ecol Stu AnCratons and Fold Belts of IndiaLect Notes Earth Sci#Crayfish in Europe As Alien SpeciesCrustacean Iss,Crc Critical Reviews in Analytical ChemistryCrc Cr Rev Anal Chem,Crc Critical Reviews in Analytical ChemistryCrit Rev Anal Chem$Crc Critical Reviews in BiochemistryCrc Cr Rev Bioch Mol$Crc Critical Reviews in BiochemistryCrit Rev Biochem Mol(Crc Critical Reviews in BiocompatibilityCrit Rev Biocompat&Crc Critical Reviews in BioengineeringCrc Cr Rev Biom Eng.Crc Critical Reviews in Biomedical EngineeringCrit Rev Biomed Eng%Crc Critical Reviews in BiotechnologyCrc Cr Rev Biotechn%Crc Critical Reviews in BiotechnologyCrit Rev Biotechnol4Crc Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory SciencesCrc Cr Rev Cl Lab Sc4Crc Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory SciencesCrit Rev Cl Lab Sci-Crc Critical Reviews in Clinical NeurobiologyCrc Cr Rev Cl Neurob-Crc Critical Reviews in Clinical NeurobiologyCrit Rev Neurobiol?Crc Critical Reviews in Clinical Radiology and Nuclear MedicineCrc Crit R Clin Rad*Crc Critical Reviews in Diagnostic ImagingCrc Cr Rev Diagn Im*Crc Critical Reviews in Diagnostic ImagingCrit Rev Diagn Imag-Crc Critical Reviews in Environmental ControlCrit Rev Env Contr2Crc Critical Reviews in Food Science and NutritionCrc Cr Rev Food Sci2Crc Critical Reviews in Food Science and NutritionCrit Rev Food Sci"Crc Critical Reviews in ImmunologyCrc Cr Rev Immunol"Crc Critical Reviews in ImmunologyCrit Rev Immunol+Crc Critical Reviews in Medical InformaticsCrc Crit R Med Infor$Crc Critical Reviews in MicrobiologyCrc Cr Rev Microbiol$Crc Critical Reviews in MicrobiologyCrit Rev Microbiol+Crc Critical Reviews in Oncology/hematologyCrc Cr Rev Oncol-hem+Crc Critical Reviews in Oncology/hematologyCrit Rev Oncol Hemat&Crc Critical Reviews in Plant SciencesCrc Cr Rev Plant Sci&Crc Critical Reviews in Plant SciencesCrit Rev Plant Sci:Crc Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials SciencesCrc Cr Rev Sol State:Crc Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials SciencesCrit Rev Solid State8Crc Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier SystemsCrit Rev Ther Drug"Crc Critical Reviews in ToxicologyCrc Cr Rev Toxicol"Crc Critical Reviews in ToxicologyCrit Rev ToxicolCrc Enzyme Inhibitors SeriesCrc Enzym Inhib Ser3Crc for Australian Weed Management Technical SeriesCrc Aust Weed ManageCrc Marine Biology SeriesCrc Mar Biol Ser-Crc Press-civil and Environmental EngineeringCrc Press Civ Env En=Crc Press Series On Discrete Mathematics and Its ApplicationsCrc Discr Math Appl'Crc Series in Contemporary Food ScienceCrc Contemp Food SciCrc Series in Food Engineering Crc Food EnGCrc Series in Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic InvestigationsCrc Ser Pract Asp Cr&Crc Series in Pure and Applied PhysicsCrc Ser Pure Appl Ph4Crc Series On Competition Regulation and DevelopmentCrc Ser Compet Regul.Crc Series On Modern Mechanics and MathematicsCrc Ser Mod Mech Mat,Created in China: The Great New Leap ForwardRoutl Media Cult SocCreatedness and EthicsTheol Bibl Topelmann4Creatine: From Basic Science to Clinical ApplicationMed Sci Symp SerICreating Africa in America: Translocal Identity in An Emerging World CityContemp Ethnogr-Creating and Managing Superior Customer ValueAdv Bus Mark Purch*Creating A New Nepal: The Ethnic DimensionPol StudCreating Assertion-based IpIntegr Circuit SystVCreating Brain-like Intelligence: From Basic Principles to Complex Intelligent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int*Creating Capital Markets in Eastern Europe W Wilson SpACreating Collaborative Advantage Through Knowledge and InnovationSer Innovat Knowl Ma'Creating Coordination in The CerebellumProg Brain ResOCreating Human Rights: How Noncitizens Made Sex Persecution Matter to The WorldPa Stud Hum Rights@Creating New Learning Experiences On A Global Scale, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDCreating Our Identities in Service-learning and Community EngagementAdv Serv Learn Res2Creating Social Trust in Post-socialist TransitionPolit Evol Inst ChanCreating The Compliant Patient Cranio Grow.Creating The European Area of Higher EducationHigh Educ Dynam7Creation and Analysis of Employer-employee Matched DataContrib To Econ Anal4Creation of Fermions By Rotating Charged Black HolesMem Soc Math FrVCreation of High-strength Structure and Joints By Setting Up Local Material PropertiesAdv Mater Res-switzZCreation of High-strength Structures and Joints By Setting Up Local Material Properties IiAdv Mater Res-switz Creative Chemical Sensor Systems Top Curr ChemECreative Circle: Artist, Critic, and Translator in African Literature Ann Sel PapACreative Cities, Cultural Clusters and Local Economic DevelopmentNew Horiz Reg SciCreative ComputingCreative Comput@Creative Economies, Creative Cities: Asian-european PerspectivesGeojournal LibDCreative Regions: Technology, Culture and Knowledge Entrepreneurship Reg CitiesCreative Use of Bearing SteelsAm Soc Test MaterVCreative Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies for Densely Populated Urban AreasWa Sci TechnolFCreativity and Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Blending ApproachAppl Cogn LinguistACreativity and Conflict Resolution: Alternative Pathways to PeaceRoutl Stud Peace Con:Creativity and Hci: From Experience to Design in EducationInt Fed Info ProceCreativity and Innovation in Business and Beyond: Social Science Perspectives and Policy ImplicationsRout Stud Innov Org=Creativity, Giftedness, and Talent Development in MathematicsMont Math Enthus Mon/Creativity, Innovation and The Cultural EconomyRoutl Stud Glob Comp1Creativity, Psychology and The History of ScienceBost Stud Philos SciCreativity Research JournalCreativity Res J5Crebellum: Recent Developments in Cerebellar ResearchAnn Ny Acad SciCredibility AssessmentNato Adv Sci I D-behCredit and CollateralRoutl Int Stud MoneyACredit, Money and Macroeconomic Policy: A Post-keynesian ApproachNew Dir Mod Econ*Credit Rating Modelling By Neural NetworksFinanc I Serv Ser0Credit Risk: Models, Derivatives, and ManagementCh Crc Financ Math!Credit Scoring and Credit Control Inst Math C0Creel and Angler Surveys in Fisheries Management Am Fish S S,Creep and Damage in Materials and Structures Cism Cour L:Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures Key Eng Mat:Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures Key Eng MaterCreep-resistant SteelsWoodhead Publ MaterCreole Language Library Creole Lang C++ ReportC++ RepvCretaceaous Oceanic Red Beds: Stratigraphy, Composition, Origins, and Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic SignificanceSoc Sediment Geol SpCretaceous Fossil Vertebrates Sp PalaeontCretaceous Fossil VertebratesSpec Pap PalaeontolCretaceous ResearchCretaceous Res(Cretaceous Resources, Events and RhythmsNato Adv Sci I C-matACretaceous Rudists and Carbonate Platforms-environmental Feedback Sepm Spec P-Cretaceous Rudists of Boeotia, Central Greece Sp PalaeontCriblesCriblesCrime & DelinquencyCrime DelinquencyCrime & Society Crime SocCrime and CorrectionsCrime CorrectionsCrime and Justice Crime Justice&Crime and Justice-a Review of Research Crime Justice'Crime and Justice: A Review of Research Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 20 Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 23 Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 25 Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 27 Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 28 Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 29 Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 30 Crime Justice0Crime and Justice - A Review of Research, Vol 34 Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 37 Crime Justice.Crime and Justice: Areview of Research, Vol 38 Crime Justice/Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol 39 Crime Justice$Crime and Justice in The Netherlands Crime Justice4Crime and Punishment in Western Countries, 1980-1999 Crime Justice6Crime and Punishment: Perspectives From The HumanitiesStud Law Politics SoCrime and Social JusticeCrime Soc Justice Crime Files Crime FileCrime Files SeriesCrime Files SerCrime Laboratory DigestCrime Lab DigestCrime Law and Social ChangeCrime Law Social ChCrime Media CultureCrime Media Cult!Crime Prevention and Intervention Prev Int Ch(Crime Prevention and Security ManagementCrime Prev Secur ManCrime Prevention StudiesCrime Prev Studies:Crime, Punishment, and Politics in Comparative Perspective Crime JusticeCrimes By The Capitalist State Suny Rad S5Crimes of The Holocaust: The Law Confronts Hard CasesPa Stud Hum Rights$Criminal Behaviour and Mental HealthCrim Behav Ment HealECriminal Dilemmas: Understanding and Preventing Crime, Second EditionStud Econ TheoryCriminal Justice and BehaviorCrim Justice BehavCriminal Justice in Crisis Law Soc Set0Criminal Justice Law Enforcement and CorrectionsCrim Justice Law Enf*Criminal Justice Planning and Coordination Aic Conf POCriminal Justice Theory: Explaining The Nature and Behavior of Criminal JusticeCriminol Just StudCriminal Law QuarterlyCrim Law QuartCriminal Law Review Crim Law RevCriminal Law: The Basics Basics SerCriminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys, Second EditionForensic Sci Med Criminologica Criminologica Criminologist Criminologist Criminology CriminologyCriminology & Criminal JusticeCriminol Crim JusticCriminology and Justice StudiesCriminol Just StudCrinCrinCrises and Perspectives Old Test St7Crisis and Creativity in The New Literatures in English Cross C ReaLCrisis and Reflection: An Essay On Husserl's Crisis of The European SciencesPhaenomenologica9Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach, Third EditionLea Commun SerCrisis, Complexity and ConflictContrib Confl Manag>Crisis in Kirkuk: The Ethnopolitics of Conflict and CompromiseNatl Ethn Confl 21st.Crisis Intervention and Time-limited TreatmentCrisis Interv Time-lCrisis ManagementManag Sci Theor ApplCrisis of Detente in EuropeCold War Hist-routl)Crisis of Global Environmental GovernanceEnviron Polit SerCrisis of Global Institutions Glob Inst.Crisis of Leninism and The Decline of The Left J S Pub Int@Crisis-the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide PreventionCrisis]Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management At The Forest Management Unit LevelEur Forest Inst ProcCritica D Arte Critica ArteCritica HispanicaCritica HispanicaCritical America SeriesCritical AmericaCritical Anthropology Crit Anthrop(Critical Appraisal of Fetal Surveillance Int Congr Ser<Critical Appraisal of Physical Science As A Human EnterpriseSci Technol Educ LibzCritical Approaches to Comparative Education: Vertical Case Studies From Africa, Europe, The Middle East, and The Americas Int Dev Educ4Critical Approaches to Food in Children's LiteratureChild Lit CultCritical Approaches to LawCrit Approach LawACritical Arts-a Journal of South-north Cultural and Media Studies Crit Arts4Critical Arts-south-north Cultural and Media Studies Crit ArtsCritical Asian StudiesCrit Asian StudCritical Asian Studies-seriesCrit Asian Stud-serCritical Authors and IssuesCrit Author IssCritical Black Studies SeriesCrit Black Stud Ser Critical Care Crit CareCritical Care and ResuscitationCrit Care ResuscCritical Care ClinicsCrit Care ClinCritical Care Medicine Crit Care MedCritical Care Medicine SeriesCrit Care Med SerCritical Care NurseCrit Care NurseCritical Choices Ethic Techn8Critical Companion to Zoosemiotics: People, Paths, IdeasBiosemiotics SerCritical Concerns in BlindnessCrit Concerns Blind7Critical Constructions-studies On Education and Society Crit Constr&Critical Cultural Studies of ChildhoodCrit Cult Stud Child-Critical Dialogues in Southeast Asian StudiesCrit Dialogues South=Critical Discourse Analysis: An Interdisciplinary PerspectiveLang Linguist SerCritica Letteraria Critica LettICritical Global Perspectives: Rethinking Knowledge About Global Societies Res Soc EducTCritical Graphicacy: Understanding Visual Representation Practices in School ScienceSci Technol Educ LibBCritical History of French Children's Literature, Vol 1: 1600-1830Child Lit Cult-Critical Information Infrastructures SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc"Critical Infrastructure ProtectionInt Fed Info Proc%Critical Infrastructure Protection IiInt Fed Info Proc&Critical Infrastructure Protection IiiIfip Adv Inf Comm TeECritical Infrastructures State of The Art in Research and ApplicationInt Ser Oper Res ManCritical Inquiry Crit InquiryUCritical Interfacial Issues in Thin-film Optoelectronic and Energy Conversion DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PGCritical Issues and State-of-the-art in Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Tech Coun LICritical Issues Facing The Middle East: Security, Politics, and EconomicsInitiat Strateg Stud7Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and BusinessRoutl Stud Mod World0Critical Issues in Educational Leadership SeriesCrit Iss Educ Leader"Critical Issues in Global PoliticsCrit Iss Glob Polit(Critical Issues in Mathematics EducationMont Math Enthus Mon7Critical Issues in The Treatment of Affective Disorders Int Acad B1Critical Issues in The Treatment of Schizophrenia Int Acad B(Critical Loads: Concept and ApplicationsIte Symp4Critical Mass: The Emergence of Global Civil Society Stud Int GovUCritical Multicultural Analysis of Children's Literature: Mirrors, Windows, and DoorsLang Cult Teach"Critical Pedagogies of ConsumptionSociocult Polit Hist,Critical Pedagogy and The Everyday ClassroomExplor Educ PurpKCritical Pedagogy in The Twenty-first Century: A New Generation of Scholars Crit Constr=Critical Pedagogy in Uncertain Times: Hopes and PossibilitiesEduc Polit Pub LifeCritical Perspectives Crit Perspect(Critical Perspectives: A Guilford Series Crit Pers G0Critical Perspectives On Asian Pacific AmericansCrit Per Asian#Critical Perspectives On Bell HooksCrit Soc Thought*Critical Perspectives On Global GovernanceRipe Ser Glob PolitYCritical Perspectives On The Responsibility to Protect: Interrogating Theory and PracticeRout Stud Interv Sta]Critical Political Economy: Complexity, Rationality, and The Logic of Post-orthodox PluralismRoutl Front Polit EcCritical Quarterly Crit QuartCritical Realism-interventionsCrit Realism IntervACritical Reflections On Australian Public Policy: Selected Essays Anzsog MonogrCCritical Regimes of Two-phase Flows With A Polydisperse Solid PhaseFluid Mech ApplCritical ReviewCrit Rev3Critical Review: Industrial Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Critical Review: Industrial Lasers and Applications Proc Spie(Critical Reviews in Analytical ChemistryCrit Rev Anal Chem6Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyCrit Rev Biochem Mol$Critical Reviews in BiocompatibilityCrit Rev Biocompat*Critical Reviews in Biomedical EngineeringCrit Rev Biomed Eng!Critical Reviews in BiotechnologyCrit Rev Biotechnol0Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory SciencesCrit Rev Cl Lab Sci+Critical Reviews in Combinatorial ChemistryCrit Rev Comb Chem&Critical Reviews in Diagnostic ImagingCrit Rev Diagn Imag)Critical Reviews in Environmental ControlCrit Rev Env Contr8Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and TechnologyCrit Rev Env Sci Tec.Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene ExpressionCrit Rev Eukar Gene.Critical Reviews in Food Science and NutritionCrit Rev Food SciCritical Reviews in ImmunologyCrit Rev Immunol Critical Reviews in MicrobiologyCrit Rev Microbiol Critical Reviews in NeurobiologyCrit Rev Neurobiol Critical Reviews in NeurosurgeryCrit Rev NeurosurgCritical Reviews in OncogenesisCrit Rev Oncogenesis'Critical Reviews in Oncology HematologyCrit Rev Oncol Hemat'Critical Reviews in Oncology/hematologyCrit Rev Oncol Hemat+Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & MedicineCrit Rev Oral Biol M-Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and MedicineCrit Rev Oral Biol M"Critical Reviews in Plant SciencesCrit Rev Plant Sci6Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials SciencesCrit Rev Solid State%Critical Reviews in Surface ChemistryCrit Rev Surf Chem4Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier SystemsCrit Rev Ther DrugCritical Reviews in ToxicologyCrit Rev Toxicol2Critical Reviews of Optical Science and Technology Crit Rev OpZCritical Service-learning As Revolutionary Pedagogy: A Project of Student Agency in Action Crit ConstrCritical Social PolicyCrit Soc PolicyCritical Social ThoughtCrit Soc ThoughtCritical Studies Crit StudGCritical Studies : A Journal of Critical Theory, Literature and Culture Crit Stud&Critical Studies in Health and SocietyCrit Stud Health Soc&Critical Studies in Mass CommunicationCrit Stud Mass Comm'Critical Studies in Media CommunicationCrit Stud Media Comm#Critical Studies, Vol 1, No 2, 1989 Crit Stud$Critical Studies, Vol 2, No 1/2 1990 Crit Stud)Critical Study of The Euthalian ApparatusArb Neutest Textfors1Critical Technologies for The Future of ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Critical Technologies for The Future of Computing Proc SpieCritical Terrorism StudiesCrit Terror Stud2Critical Theory: Diverse Objects, Diverse SubjectsCurr Perspect Soc Th=Critical Theory Ethics for Business and Public Administration Ethics Pract&Critical Theory in Russia and The WestBasees-rout Ser Russ2Critical Theory of Robert W. Cox: Fugitive Or GuruInt Polit Econ Ser^Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, and Romance in The Mass Media - Media Literacy ApplicationsRoutl Commun Ser-Critica-revista Hispanoamericana De FilosofiaCriticaCritica StoricaCritica Storica1Criticism-a Quarterly for Literature and The ArtsCrit-q Lit ArtXCriticism, Crisis, and Contemporary Narrative: Textual Horizons in An Age of Global RiskRout Stud Contemp LiCriticonCriticonCriticon, Vol 110Criticon Critics of The Twentieth CenturyCrit Twent CenturyCritiqueCritiqueCritique of AnthropologyCrit Anthropol*Critique of The Quantum Power of Judgement KantstudienCritique, Security and PowerRoutl Crit Secur Stu(Critique-studies in Contemporary FictionCritique-st Contemp;Critiquing Postmodernism in Contemporary Discourses of RaceAm Lit Read Twenty-fCrm Proceedings & Lecture NotesCrm Proc & Lect Note Crm SeriesCrm Ser"Crm Series in Mathematical PhysicsCrm Ser Math PhysCrnle Reviews Journal Crnle Rev JyCroatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Institute for Historical Sciences in Dubrovnik Special Publication Monograph SeriesCroat Acad Sci Arts&Croatian Journal of Forest EngineeringCroat J For EngCroatian Journal of PhilosophyCroat J PhilosCroatian Medical Journal Croat Med JCroatica Chemica ActaCroat Chem Acta,Crohns Disease: A Multidisciplinary Approach Updates Surg2Crohn's Disease - Pathogenesis and Medical TherapyRes Clin ForumsCrop & Pasture ScienceCrop Pasture Sci1Crop Biosecurity: Assuring Our Global Food SupplyNato Sci Peace SecurCrop Biotechnology Acs Sym Ser'Crop Breeding and Applied BiotechnologyCrop Breed Appl Biot.Crop Production Science in Horticulture SeriesCrop Prod Sci HorticCrop Protection Crop Prot+Crop Protection and Sustainable Agriculture Ciba F Symp3Crop Protection Inorganic and Low Input Agriculture Br Crop Pr'Crop Protection in The Developing World Br Crop Pr Crop ResearchCrop ResCrops and Soils Magazine Crops Soils Crop ScienceCrop Sci+Cross-border Banking: Regulatory ChallengesWorld Sci Stud Int EJCross-border Governance and Sustainable Spatial Development: Mind The GapsCent E Eur Dev Stud$Cross-border Security Over TangiblesSchr GemeinschaftsprCross-coupling Reactions Top Curr Chem7Cross-craft and Cross-cultural Interactions in Ceramics Ceram Civil2Cross-cultural Advancements in Positive PsychologyCross Cult Adv PositCross-cultural Buyer BehaviorAdv Int Marketing6Cross-cultural Differences in Perspectives On The SelfNebr Sym Motiv"Cross-cultural Economic ManagementGlob Econ Stud2Cross Cultural Management-an International JournalCross Cult ManagSCross-cultural Perspectives On Policy and Practice: Decolonizing Community ContextsRoutl Res Educ$Cross-cultural Perspectives On Women Cross C P W1Cross-cultural Perspectives On Youth and Violence Cont St SocCross-cultural Pragmatics Mouton TxbCross-cultural Psychology Cross C PsyCross-cultural ResearchCross-cult ResECross/cultures : Readings in The Post/colonial Literatures in English Cross C Rea%Crosscurrents and Crosscutting ThemesRes Educ Afr Caribb(Crosscurrents in Contemporary Psychology Cross Cont>Cross-curricular Teaching and Learning in The Secondary SchoolCrosscurr Teach LearKCross-curricular Teaching and Learning in The Secondary School: MathematicsCrosscurr Teach Lear0Cross Disciplinary Advances in Quantum Computing Contemp MathGCross-disciplinary Applied Research in Materials Science and TechnologyMater Sci Forum.Cross Infections: Types, Causes and PreventionPublic Health 21st C/Crossing Borders in East Asian Higher EducationCerc Stud Comp EducNCrossing Borders: Love Between Women in Medieval French and Arabic LiteraturesMiddle Ages Ser1Crossing Cultural Borders Through The Actors WorkRoutl Adv Theatr Per2Crossing Frontiers: Cultural Exchange and ConflictInt Forsch Allg VglSCrossing Languages and Research Methods: Analyses of Adult Foreign Language ReadingRes Second Lang Lear4Cross-language Studies of Learning to Read and SpellNato Adv Sci I D-behZCrosslinguistic Research in Syntax and Semantics: Negation, Tense and Clausal Architecture Georget U RcCross-linguistic Variation in Sentence Processing: Evidence From Rc Attachment Preferences in GreekStud Theor PsycholinbCrosslinked and Thermallly Treated Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene for Joint ReplacementsAm Soc Test Mater%Crosslinking and Scission in PolymersNato Adv Sci I C-mat!Crosslinking in Materials Science Adv Polym SciCross-media Service DeliveryKluwer Int Ser Eng CECross-modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial ExpressionsLect Notes Comput SclCross-national Information and Communication Technology: Policies and Practices in Education, Second EditionRes Educ Policy LocaOCross-national Longitudinal Research On Human Development and Criminal BehaviorNato Adv Sci Inst Se>Cross-national Research in Self-reported Crime and DelinquencyNato Adv Sci I D-beh$Cross-national Research in Sociology Asa Pres S5Crossover Fiction: Global and Historical PerspectivesChild Lit CultHCrossover Novel: Contemporary Childrens Fiction and Its Adult ReadershipChild Lit CultCross Regional Trade AgreementsPolit Econ Asia Pac/Crossroads Between Innate and Adaptive ImmunityAdv Exp Med Biol2Crossroads Between Innate and Adaptive Immunity IiAdv Exp Med Biol(Cross-sectoral Policy Impacts On ForestsEur Forest Inst ProcCrows Behind The Plough Costerus Es+Cr Submanifolds of Complex Projective SpaceDev MathCr-the New Centennial ReviewCr-new Centen RevECrucial Issues in Semiconductor Materials and Processing TechnologiesNato Adv Sci Inst SeJCruel Madness of Love: Sex, Syphilis and Psychiatry in Scotland, 1880-1930Clio Med=Crusades and The Christian World of The East: Rough ToleranceMiddle Ages Ser Crustaceana CrustaceanaCrustaceana MonographsCrustaceana MonogrCrustacean IssuesCrustacean Iss Cryobiology Cryobiology%Cryogenic Mixed Refrigerant ProcessesInt Cryog Monogr,Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments XP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCryogenic Particle Detection Top Appl Phys Cryogenics Cryogenics Cryoletters Cryoletters Cryo-letters Cryo-lettACryopreservation and Low Temperature Biology in Blood Transfusion Dev Hematol Cryosphere Cryosphere,Cryospheric Systems: Glaciers and PermafrostGeol Soc Spec PublCryptogamie AlgologieCryptogamie AlgolCryptogamie BryologieCryptogam BryolCryptogamie BryologieCryptogamie Bryol"Cryptogamie Bryologie LichenologieCryptogamie Bryol LCryptogamie MycologieCryptogamie Mycol3Cryptographic Algorithms On Reconfigurable HardwareSignals Commun Techn+Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded SystemsLect Notes Comput ScBCryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems-ches 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2002Lect Notes Comput ScBCryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Ches 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDCryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDCryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDCryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDCryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDCryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDCryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2010Lect Notes Comput ScCryptography and CodingLect Notes Comput ScCryptography and Coding Ii Inst Math C$Cryptography and Coding, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Cryptography and Computational Number Theory Prog Com Sc,Cryptography and Computational Number TheoryProg Comput Sci ApplCryptography and LatticesLect Notes Comput Sc#Cryptography: Policy and AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput Sc Cryptologia Cryptologia*Cryptology and Information Security Series Cryp Info Sec*Cryptology and Information Security SeriesCryptol Inf Sec SerCryptology and Network SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc,Cryptology and Network Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Cryptosporidium: The Analytical Challenge Roy Soc Ch#Crystal and Epitaxial Growth, Vol 1S U P Front SciCrystal and Multilayer OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsCrystal Engineering Cryst Eng=Crystal Engineering: From Molecules and Crystals to MaterialsNato Adv Sci I C-matDCrystal Engineering: The Design and Application of Functional SolidsNato Adv Sci I C-matCrystal Growth & DesignCryst Growth Des(Crystal Growth in Science and TechnologyNato Adv Sci I B-phy7Crystal Growth in Space and Related Optical DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Crystal Growth of Si for Solar CellsAdv Mater Res-gerCrystal Lattice DefectsCryst Latt Def Amorp/Crystal Lattice Defects and Amorphous MaterialsCryst Latt Def AmorphCrystalline Defects and Contamination: Their Impact and Control in Device Manufacturing Iii - Decon 2001 Elec Soc SDCrystalline Oxide-silicon Heterostructures and Oxide OptoelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp P<Crystallization and Related Phenomena in Amorphous MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P(Crystallization As A Separations Process Acs Sym SerCrystallization of PolymersNato Adv Sci Inst SeCrystallographic Computing 6Iucr Crystall Symp)Crystallography and The World of SymmetrySpringer Ser Mater SBCrystallography of Quasicrystals: Concepts, Methods and StructuresSpringer Ser Mater S+Crystallography of Supramolecular CompoundsNato Adv Sci Inst SeCrystallography ReportsCrystallogr Rep+Crystallography ReviewsCrystallogr RevHCrystal Materials for Nonlinear Optical Devices and Microgravity ScienceP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Crystal Properties and PreparationCryst Prop PrepCrystal Research and TechnologyCryst Res Technol3Crystals, Multilayers, and Other Synchrotron OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Crystal Structure CommunicationsCryst Struct Commun Crystengcomm CrystengcommCsap Prevention MonographCsap Prevent MonogrUCseetw 2006: 19th Conference On Software Engineering Education and Training WorkshopsC Softw Eng Educ Tr Csis ReportCsis RepCsl 89Lect Notes Comput ScCsli Lecture Notes Csli Lect N9Csni Specialist Meeting On Simulators and Plant AnalyzersVtt SympCssa Special PublicationsCssa Spec Publ3Css Studies in Security and International RelationsCss Stud Sec Int Rel$C(star)-algebras and Elliptic Theory Trends Math9Csur-ut Series-library for Sustainable Urban RegenerationCsur Ut Ser Lib SustCt 2008: Tomography Confluence Aip Conf Proc Ct&f-ciencia Tecnologia Y FuturoCt F-cienc Tecn FutCta PublicationCta Publ!Ct-journal of Computed TomographyCt-j Comput TomogrCt of The AirwaysContemp Med Imag&Cts-clinical and Translational ScienceCts-clin Transl Sci%Cuadernos Da Area De Ciencias Marinas Cuad Area CCuadernos De Anuario FilosoficoCuad Anu FilosCuadernos De Desarrollo RuralCuad Desarro Rural/Cuadernos De Economia Y Direccion De La EmpresaCuad Econ Dir EmpresCuadernos Del NorteCuadernos NorteACuadernos Do Laboratorio Xeoloxico De Laxe, Vol 13, Special IssueCad Lab Xeol LaxeCuadernos HispanoamericanosCuadernos Hispanoam7Cuadernos Para Investigacion De La Literatura HispanicaCuadernos Invest Lit,Cuaj-canadian Urological Association JournalCuaj-can Urol AssocCuba and The United-states W Wilson LCuban CounterpointsWest Hemisphere SerLCuban Intervention in Angola, 1965-1991: From Che Guevara to Cuito Cuanavale Cass Mil Stud%Cuban Journal of Agricultural ScienceCuban J Agr Sci=Cuban Medical Internationalism: Origins, Evolution, and GoalsStud AmTCuba's Military 1990-2005: Revolutionary Soldiers During Counter-revolutionary TimesStud Am`Cuht '09: Proceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Cultural Heritage and TourismMa Comput Sci EngKCulinary Aesthetics and Practices in Nineteenth-century American LiteratureNinet-century MajorCultic Prophecy in The PsalmsBeih Z Alttest WissJCultivated Power: Flowers, Culture, and Politics in The Reign of Louis XivPenn Stud Landsc ArcWCultivating Science, Harvesting Power: Science and Industrial Agriculture in CaliforniaInside TechnolBCult of The Sovereign in Ptolemaic Egypt in The Third Century B.c.Stud HellenistCultura Baltica A U U St GeCCultura-international Journal of Philosophy of Culture and AxiologyCulturaCultural & Social History Cult Soc HistCultural AnthropologyCult Anthropol Cultural Approaches to Parenting Cross Cont,Cultural Aspects of Public Management ReformRes Public Policy An;Cultura Latina Pagana Fra Terzo E Quinto Secolo Dopo CristoAccad Naz Virg Sci M0Cultural Competency Training in A Global SocietyInt Cult PsycholCultural Critique Cult CritTCultural Differences Between The Military and Parent Society in Democratic CountriesContrib Confl ManagACultural Differentiation and Cultural Identity in The Visual Arts Stud Hist ACultural Dimension of Ecology Cul Dev SerCultural Dimension of Education Cul Dev Ser$Cultural Dimensions of Global Change Cul Dev Ser/Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority PsychologyCult Divers Ethn MinCCultural Diversity in The Armed Forces: An International Comparison Cass Mil StudKCultural Diversity in The British Middle Ages: Archipelago, Island, EnglandNew Middle Ages7Cultural Diversity: Issues, Challenges and PerspectivesFocus Civiliz Cult1Cultural Diversity, Liberal Pluralism and SchoolsRout Int Stud Philos*Cultural Dynamics of Social RepresentationCult Dyn Soc RepreseCultural Economics and TheoryRoutl Adv Heterod EcCultural Exclusion in ChinaComp Dev Policy Asia#Cultural Factors in Economic GrowthSt Econ Ethic Philos-Cultural Functions of Intermedial Exploration Int For LitCultural Geographies Cult GeogrMCultural Heritage and Tourism in The Developing World: A Regional PerspectiveContemp Geogr Leis T4Cultural Heritage Conservation in The American South South AnthrUCultural Heritage Management in China: Preserving The Cities of The Pearl River DeltaRoutl Contemp ChinaCultural HermeneuticsCult HermeneutCultural History of FinanceRoutl Explor Econ Hi&Cultural Integrity and World Community S Soc PolitCCultural Intermediaries: Jewish Intellectuals in Early Modern ItalyJew Cult Context^Cultural Landscapes of Port Au Choix: Precontact Hunter-gatherers of Northwestern NewfoundlandInterd Contrib Arch8Culturally Responsive Counseling With Asian American MenRout Ser Counsel$Culturally Sensitive Oral HealthcareQuintessent Dent PraCultural Memory in The Present Cul Mem PreHCultural Memory Studies: An International and Interdisciplinary HandbookMedien Kult Erinneru<Cultural Neuroscience: Cultural Influences On Brain FunctionProg Brain ResYCultural Overstretch?: Differences Between Old and New Member States of The Eu and TurkeyRoutl Eur Sociol Ass"Cultural Politics of Postmodernism Cur Deb ArtMCultural Politics of The Paralympic Movement: Through An Anthropological LensRoutl Crit Stud Spor'Cultural Processes in Child DevelopmentMinn Sym Child PsychGCultural, Psychological and Typological Issues in Cognitive LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory His6Cultural Repertoires: Structure, Function and Dynamics Gr Stud Cult4Cultural Resource Management in Contemporary SocietyOne World Archaeol'Cultural Significance of The Child StarRoutl Adv SociolCultural Sitings Cult SitingsCultural Sociology Cult SociolCultural Spaces Cult SpacesCultural Studies Cult StudCultural Studies and Environmentalism: The Confluence of Ecojustice, Place-based (science) Education, and Indigenous Knowledge SystemsCult Stud Sci Educ%Cultural Studies of Science EducationCult Stud Sci Educ,Cultural Studies of Science Education SeriesCult Stud Sci Educ Cultural Studies of The Americas Cult Stud Am*Cultural Studies of The Modern Middle AgesNew Middle AgesCultural Studies Series Cult Stud SerCultural Survival QuarterlyCult Survival Q$Cultural Theory As Political ScienceRoutledge/ecpr StudoCultural Transfer Through Translation: The Circulation of Enlightened Thought in Europe By Means of TranslationInt Forsch Allg Vgl2Cultural Understanding in Efl Reading in ArgentinaFocus Civiliz CultMCultural Validity in Assessment: Addressing Linguistic and Cultural DiversityLang Cult TeachCultura Y Educacion Cult EducCulture & Psychology Cult Psychol3Culture and Change: Attending to Early Modern WomenCtr Ren Bar Stud+Culture and Civilization in The Middle EastCult Civiliz Mid EPCulture and Computing: Computing and Communication for Crosscultural InteractionLect Notes Comput ScRCulture and Consensus in European Varieties of Capitalism: A Common Sense AnalysisInt Polit Econ SerLCulture and Cultural Entities: Toward A New Unity of Science, Second Edition Synth Libr!Culture and Development in AfricaEnviron Sust Dev PCulture and Development Series Cul Dev Ser?Culture and Economic Explanation: Economics in The Us and JapanRoutl Front Polit EcCulture and ExplosionSemiot Commun Cognit,Culture and History of The Ancient Near East Cult Hist AncCulture and Organization Cult Organ/Culture and Religion in International RelationsCult Relig Int RelatCulture and Security New Int Relat:Culture and Social Behavior: The Ontorio Symposium, Vol 10 Ont Symp P2Culture and Sustainable Development in The PacificPacific Pol PapersCulture and The ImaginationStutt Sem Cultur StLCulture and The Therapeutic Process: A Guide for Mental Health ProfessionalsCounsel Psychother:Culture and Well - Being: The Collected Works of Ed DienerSoc Indic Res SerHCulture As The Core: Perspectives On Culture in Second Language LearningRes Sec Lang Learn SHCulture As The Core: Perspectives On Culture in Second Language LearningRes Second Lang LeareCulture, Body, and Language: Conceptualizations of Internal Body Organs Across Cultures and LanguagesAppl Cogn LinguisteCulture, Body, and Language: Conceptualizations of Internal Body Organs Across Cultures and LanguagesAppl Cognit LingCulture, Class, Distinction Cult Econ SocoCulture, Communication, and Cyberspace: Rethinking Technical Communication for International Online EnvironmentBaywoods Tech CommunCulture Economy and The Social Cult Econ SocCulture Et MuseesCult Mus2Culture Front: Representing Jews in Eastern EuropeJew Cult ContextCulture Health & SexualityCult Health SexCulture, Illness, and Healing Cult Ill HeCulture Medicine and PsychiatryCult Med PsychiatCulture Mind and Society Cult Mind SocMCulture of Mimicry: Laurence Sterne, His Readers and The Art of BodysnatchingMod Humanit Res Asso3Culture of Our Thinking in Relation to SpiritualityRelig SpiritualNCulture of Soft Work: Labor, Gender, and Race in Postmodern American NarrativeAm Lit Read Twenty-fSCulture of Welfare Markets: The International Recasting of Pension and Care SystemsRoutl Adv SociolCulture, Place and Identity Hist Stud Irl;Culture, Politics and Sport: Blowing The Whistle, RevisitedRoutl Crit Stud SporCulturesCultures'Cultures, Contexts, and World EnglishesEsl Appl Ling ProfCultures in ConversationLea Commun SerPCulture, Society, and Cognition: Collective Goals, Values, Action, and KnowledgeMouton Ser Pragmat(Culture, Society and Sexuality: A ReaderSex Cult HealthPCultures of Child Health in Britain and The Netherlands in The Twentieth CenturyClio MedPCultures of Child Health in Britain and The Netherlands in The Twentieth Century Clio MedicaCultures of ContaminationRes Soc Probl PublicCultures of Conversions Gr Stud Cult&Cultures of Curriculum, Second EditionStud Curric Theory(Cultures of The Lusophone Black AtlanticStud Am!Culture, Thought, and Development J Piaget SyTCura Aquarum in Sicilia: Annual Papers On Classical Archaeology, Supplement 6 - 2000Babesch Bull Ant BesGCurbing Gridlock: Peak-period Fees to Relieve Traffic Congestion, Vol 2 Trans Res BBCured I - Lent: Late Effects of Cancer Treatment On Normal TissuesMed Radiol Radiat On^Currencies, Capital Flows and Crises: A Post Keynesian Analysis of Exchange Rate DeterminationRoutl Adv Heterod EcCurrency Crises Nber Conf RDCurrency Union and Exchange Rate Issues: Lessons for The Gulf StatesNew Horiz Money Fina%Current Allergy & Clinical ImmunologyCurr Allergy Clin Im"Current Allergy and Asthma ReportsCurr Allergy Asthm RCurrent Alzheimer ResearchCurr Alzheimer Res;Current & Future Methods in Plant Growth Regulator Research Br Plant GrCurrent Analytical ChemistryCurr Anal ChemBCurrent and Emerging Issues in Cancer Pain : Research and Practice Symp Pain RWCurrent and Future Applications of Mechanical Fasteners for Light-frame Wood Structures Usda So ForHCurrent and Future Trends in Anticonvulsant, Anxiety, and Stroke TherapyProg Clin Biol Res4Current and New Directions in Discourse and DialogueText Speech Lang TecCurrent AnthropologyCurr Anthropol3Current Applications of Polymers and Nano MaterialsMater Sci ForumCurrent Applied PhysicsCurr Appl Phys+Current Approaches to Collective Bargaining Lab Man RelkCurrent Aspects and Concepts of Nursing, Coordinating, Bridging and Rehabilitation in Organ Transplantation Int Congr SerCurrent Atherosclerosis ReportsCurr Atheroscler RepCurrent BioinformaticsCurr BioinformCurrent Biology Curr BiolCurrent Cancer Drug TargetsCurr Cancer Drug TarCurrent Cancer ResearchCurr Cancer ResCurrent Cardiac SurgeryCurr Card Surg2Current Challenges in Patent Information RetrievalInform Retrieval Ser5Current Challenges On Large Supramolecular AssembliesNato Adv Sci I C-matCurrent Clinical NeurologyCurr Clin NeurolCurrent Clinical Oncology Curr Clin O Current Clinical Oncology SeriesCurr Clin Oncol"Current Clinical Oncology (series)Curr Clin OncolCurrent Clinical PathologyCurr Clin Pathol Current Clinical Practice Series Curr Clin P Current Clinical Practice SeriesCurr Clin PractCurrent Clinical PsychiatryCurr Clin PsychiatCurrent Clinical UrologyCurr Clin Urol%Current Collection From Space Plasmas Nasa Conf PCurrent Comments Curr Comments+Current Communications in Molecular Biology Cc Mol Biol"Current Computer-aided Drug DesignCurr Comput-aid Drug8Current Concepts in Autoimmunity and Chronic InflamationCurr Top Microbiol!Current Concepts in EndometriosisProg Clin Biol Res&Current Concepts in Multiple Sclerosis Int Congr Ser'Current Concepts in Peritoneal Dialysis Int Congr Ser@Current Concepts in Primary and Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty Bris Myer Z8Current Concepts of Aldose Reductase and Its Inhibitions Int Congr SerCurrent Contents Curr Contents=Current Contents/agriculture Biology & Environmental SciencesCc/agr Biol Environ"Current Contents/arts & Humanities Cc/art Human"Current Contents/clinical Medicine Cc/clin Med"Current Contents/clinical PracticeCc/clin Practice:Current Contents/engineering Technology & Applied SciencesCc/eng Tech Appl SciCurrent Contents/life Sciences Cc/life Sci3Current Contents/physical Chemical & Earth SciencesCc/phys Chem Earth-Current Contents/social & Behavioral SciencesCc/soc Behav Sci4Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular MedicineCurr Contr Trials C-Current Critical Problems in Vascular Surgery Cur Cr Vasc4Current Critical Problems in Vascular Surgery, Vol 2 Cur Cr VascCurrent Debates in Art History Cur Deb ArtCurrent Debates in Broadcasting Curr Deb Br!Current Debates in Global JusticeStud Glob Justice7Current Developments in Knowledge Acquisition - Ekaw 92Lect Notes Artif Int>Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering Iii Proc Spie>Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering VP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering V Proc Spie?Current 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Photo-opt InsCCurrent Developments in Optical Design and Optical Engineering ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Current Developments in Optical Elements and ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsACurrent Developments in Optical Engineering and Commercial OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Current Developments in Optical Engineering IvP Soc Photo-opt InsCurrent Diabetes ReportsCurr Diabetes Rep"Current Directions in AutoimmunityCurr Dir Autoimmun9Current Directions in Insulin-like Growth Factor ResearchAdv Exp Med Biol+Current Directions in Psychological ScienceCurr Dir Psychol SciCurrent Drug DeliveryCurr Drug DelivCurrent Drug MetabolismCurr Drug MetabCurrent Drug TargetsCurr Drug TargetsCurrent European IssuesCurr Europe IssCurrent Eye Research Curr Eye ResoCurrent Fluoroorganic Chemistry: New Synthetic Directions, Technologies, Materials, and Biological Applications Acs Sym SerCurrent Gene TherapyCurr Gene TherCurrent Genetics Curr GenetCurrent Genomics Curr GenomicsCurrent History Curr HistCurrent Hiv Research Curr Hiv ResCurrent Hypertension ReportsCurr Hypertens Rep$Current Immunosuppression: An Update Roy S Med S>Current Indications for Growth Hormone Therapy, Second Edition Endocr Dev7Current Investigations of The Microbiology of YersiniaeContrib To Microbiol)Current Issues in Applied Memory Research Curr Iss MemCurrent Issues in Autism Curr I Aut&Current Issues in Ecological EconomicsCurr Iss Ecol Econ.Current Issues in Education Policy and The LawEduc Policy Law$Current Issues in Genetic Toxicology Bga SchriftLCurrent Issues in Heteroepitaxial Growth-stress Relaxation and Self AssemblyMater Res Soc Symp P7Current Issues in Liver and Small Bowel TransplantationKeio U Int Symp Life*Current Issues in Mathematical Linguistics N-holland LBCurrent Issues in Measurement Technology for Air Pollution Control VDI BerichtCurrent Issues in Memory Curr Iss Mem#Current Issues in Molecular BiologyCurr Issues Mol Biol6Current Issues in Plant Molecular and Cellular BiologyCurr Plant Sci Biot$Current Issues in Production EcologyCurr Iss Prod Ecol"Current Issues in Relevance TheoryPrag Beyond New Ser(Current Issues in Thinking and ReasoningCurr Iss Think ReasoCurrent Issues in TourismCurr Issues Tour%Current Issues of Physics in Malaysia Aip Conf Proc*Current Knowledge in Reproductive Medicine Int Congr SerCurrent Legal Issues Curr Leg IssCurrent Medical Imaging ReviewsCurr Med Imaging Rev$Current Medical Research and OpinionCurr Med Res OpinCurrent Medicinal Chemistry Curr Med ChemCurrent Medicine for AttorneysCurr Med AttorneyCurrent MicrobiologyCurr MicrobiolCurrent Molecular Medicine Curr Mol MedCurrent Municipal ProblemsCurr Munic ProblCurrent MusicologyCurr MusicologyCurrent Nanoscience Curr NanosciDCurrent Neurochemical and Pharmacological Aspects of Biogenic AminesProg Brain Res*Current Neurology and Neuroscience ReportsCurr Neurol NeurosciCurrent NeuropharmacologyCurr NeuropharmacolCurrent Neurovascular ResearchCurr Neurovasc Res"Current Northeast PaleoethnobotanyN Y State Mus BullCurrent Oncology Curr OncolCurrent Oncology ReportsCurr Oncol Rep2Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyCurr Opin Allergy Cl!Current Opinion in AnesthesiologyCurr Opin Anesthesio Current Opinion in BiotechnologyCurr Opin BiotechCurrent Opinion in CardiologyCurr Opin CardiolCurrent Opinion in Cell BiologyCurr Opin Cell Biol#Current Opinion in Chemical BiologyCurr Opin Chem Biol8Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic CareCurr Opin Clin Nutr.Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface ScienceCurr Opin Colloid In%Current Opinion in Cosmetic DentistryCurr Opin Cosmet D Current Opinion in Critical CareCurr Opin Crit Care/Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & DevelopmentCurr Opin Drug Di De/Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & DevelopmentCurr Opin Drug Disc5Current Opinion in Endocrinology Diabetes and ObesityCurr Opin Endocrinol/Current Opinion in Environmental SustainabilityCurr Opin Env Sust/Current Opinion in Environmental SustainabilityCurr Opin Sust#Current Opinion in GastroenterologyCurr Opin Gastroen)Current Opinion in Genetics & DevelopmentCurr Opin Genet DevCurrent Opinion in HematologyCurr Opin HematolCurrent Opinion in Hiv and AidsCurr Opin Hiv AidsCurrent Opinion in ImmunologyCurr Opin Immunol&Current Opinion in Infectious DiseasesCurr Opin Infect Dis(Current Opinion in Investigational DrugsCurr Opin Invest Dr(Current Opinion in Investigational DrugsCurr Opin Investig DCurrent Opinion in LipidologyCurr Opin LipidolCurrent Opinion in MicrobiologyCurr Opin Microbiol)Current Opinion in Molecular TherapeuticsCurr Opin Mol Ther.Current Opinion in Nephrology and HypertensionCurr Opin Nephrol HyCurrent Opinion in NeurobiologyCurr Opin NeurobiolCurrent Opinion in NeurologyCurr Opin Neurol-Current Opinion in Neurology and NeurosurgeryCurr Opin Neurol Neu*Current Opinion in Obstetrics & GynecologyCurr Opin Obstet GynCurrent Opinion in OncologyCurr Opin Oncol Current Opinion in OphthalmologyCurr Opin Ophthalmol(Current Opinion in Organ TransplantationCurr Opin Organ Tran9Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck SurgeryCurr Opin OtolaryngoCurrent Opinion in PediatricsCurr Opin Pediatr!Current Opinion in PeriodontologyCurr Opin PeriodontCurrent Opinion in PharmacologyCurr Opin Pharmacol Current Opinion in Plant BiologyCurr Opin Plant BiolCurrent Opinion in PsychiatryCurr Opin Psychiatr%Current Opinion in Pulmonary MedicineCurr Opin Pulm MedCurrent Opinion in RadiologyCurr Opin RadiolCurrent Opinion in RheumatologyCurr Opin Rheumatol2Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials ScienceCurr Opin Solid St M%Current Opinion in Structural BiologyCurr Opin Struc BiolCurrent Opinion in UrologyCurr Opin UrolCurrent Organic Chemistry Curr Org ChemCurrent Organic SynthesisCurr Org SynthCurrent Ornithology Curr OrnitholCurrent Ornithology, Vol 17 Curr OrnitholCurrent Ornithology, Vol 8 Curr OrnitholCurrent OrthopaedicsCurr Orthopaed!Current Pain and Headache ReportsCurr Pain Headache R%Current Perspectives in Social TheoryCurr Perspect Soc Th3Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol 16, 1996Curr Perspect Soc Th8Current Perspectives in Special Education Administration Adv Spec Educ8Current Perspectives On Applied Information TechnologiesCurr Persp Appl Inf:Current Perspectives On Cognition Learning and InstructionCurr Persp Cong Lear?Current Perspectives On Hormonal Treatment During The Menopause Int Clin Pr+Current Perspectives On Job-stress RecoveryRes Occup Stress Wel2Current Pespectives in Social Theory, Vol 17, 1997Curr Perspect Soc ThCurrent Pharmaceutical AnalysisCurr Pharm Anal$Current Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyCurr Pharm BiotechnoCurrent Pharmaceutical DesignCurr Pharm Design6Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in AgricultureCurr Plant Sci BiotTCurrent Practices and Future Developments in The Pharmacotherapy of Mental Disorders Int Congr Ser@Current Practices in Ground Water and Vadose Zone InvestigationsAm Soc Test Mater=Current Principles and Practices of Telemedicine and E-healthStud Health Technol4Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation (irs 2008) Aip Conf ProcCurrent Problems in CancerCurr Prob CancerCurrent Problems in CardiologyCurr Prob CardiologyCurrent Problems in DermatologyCurr Probl Dermatol"Current Problems in Dermatology-usCurr Probl Derm-usCurrent Problems in Epilepsy Curr Prob ECurrent Problems in Neurology Curr Prob N7Current Problems in Obstetrics Gynecology and FertilityCurr Prob Obst Gyn F%Current Problems in Otolaryngology 21 Akt Prob OtCurrent Problems in SurgeryCurr Prob SurgZCurrent Problems of Hydrogeology in Urban Areas, Urban Agglomerates and Industrial CentresNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear*Current Problems of Otorhinolaryngology 12 Akt Prob OtXCurrent Progress in The Understanding of Secondary Brain Damage From Trauma and Ischemia Act Neur S!Current Protein & Peptide ScienceCurr Protein Pept ScCurrent ProteomicsCurr ProteomicsCurrent Psychiatry ReportsCurr Psychiat RepCurrent Psychology Curr Psychol%Current Psychology-research & ReviewsCurr Psychol Res RevGCurrent Research and Technological Developments On The Dead Sea ScrollsStud Text Des Judah4Current Research in Advanced Materials and ProcessesMater Sci Forum#Current Research in EthnomusicologyCurr Res Ethnomusico6Current Research in The Semantics Pragmatics InterfaceCur Res Sem Prag Int6Current Research in The Semantics Pragmatics InterfaceCurr Res Semant Prag6Current Research in The Semantics/pragmatics InterfaceCur Res Sem Prag Int&Current Research On Peace and ViolenceCurr Res Peace ViolPCurrent Research On Remote Sensing, Laser Probing, and Imagery in Natural WatersP Soc Photo-opt InsPCurrent Research On Remote Sensing, Laser Probing, and Imagery in Natural Waters Proc Spie1Current Role of Geological Mapping in GeosciencesNato Sci S Ss Iv EarCurrent ScienceCurr Sci India#Current Signal Transduction TherapyCurr Signal Transd T$Currents in High-energy AstrophysicsNato Adv Sci Inst SeLCurrent Situation Regarding The Diagnosis and Treatment of Testicular Tumors Contr OncolCurrent Sociology Curr SociolCurrent SociologyCurrent SociolCurrent Sociology-1976Current Sociol*Current Sociology-sociologie Contemporaine Curr SociolnCurrents of Encounter : Studies On The Contact Between Christianity and Other Religions, Beliefs, and Cultures Curr EncounCurrent Sports Medicine ReportsCurr Sport Med Rep0Current Status of Diabetes Mellitus in East Asia Int Congr SerxCurrent Status of Drug Dependence / Abuse Studies: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Drugs of Abuse and NeurotoxicityAnn Ny Acad Sci9Current Status of Endometriosis : Research and ManagementI C S S3Current Status of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Series C St Gyn ObDCurrent Status of Prevention and Treatment of Diabetic Complications Int Congr SerOCurrent Status, Trends, and Needs in Radiochemical Education: The Us and Abroad Aip Conf Proc3Current Studies in Hematology and Blood TransfusionCurr Stud Hematol BlCurrent Studies in LinguisticsCurr Stud Linguist*Current Themes in Engineering Science 2007 Aip Conf Proc*Current Themes in Engineering Science 2008 Aip Conf Proc*Current Themes in Engineering Science 2009 Aip Conf Proc*Current Themes in Engineering Technologies Aip Conf ProcUCurrent Theoretical Models and High Resolution Solar Observations: Preparing for Atst Astr Soc PCCurrent Therapeutic Approaches to Panic and Other Anxiety Disorders Int Acad B6Current Therapeutic Research-clinical and ExperimentalCurr Ther Res Clin ECurrent Therapeutics Curr TherCurrent Therapy in Nephrology Dev Nephrol'Current Thinking in Ethics and Theology Cur Think E'Current Topics in Antiarrhythmic Agents Curr Clin P)Current Topics in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int)Current Topics in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Comput Sc6Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics, 5th CourseSci Cult Ser Astroph@Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: Primordial CosmologyNato Adv Sci I C-mat>Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: The Early UniverseNato Adv Sci Inst Se*Current Topics in Behavioral NeurosciencesCurr Top Behav NeuroCurrent Topics in BioenergeticsCurr Top Bioenerg'Current Topics in Bioenergetics, Vol 17Curr Top Bioenerg(Current Topics in Cardiovascular DiseaseCurr Top Cardiov Dis%Current Topics in Cellular RegulationCurr Top Cell Regul-Current Topics in Cellular Regulation, Vol 34Curr Top Cell Regul-Current Topics in Cellular Regulation, Vol 35Curr Top Cell Regul-Current Topics in Cellular Regulation, Vol 36Curr Top Cell RegulCurrent Topics in ComplementAdv Exp Med BiolCurrent Topics in Complement IiAdv Exp Med Biol'Current Topics in Developmental BiologyCurr Top Dev Biol3Current Topics in Developmental Biology: MyogenesisCurr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 28Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 29Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 30Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 32Curr Top Dev Biol/Current 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Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 74Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 75Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 76Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 78Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 79Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 80Curr Top Dev Biol/Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 86Curr Top Dev Biol2Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 68Curr Top Dev Biol2Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 70Curr Top Dev Biol#Current Topics in Diabetes ResearchFront Diabetes!Current Topics in Innate ImmunityAdv Exp Med BiolCurrent Topics in Management Curr T Manag$Current Topics in Management, Vol 11 Curr T Manag)Current Topics in Management, Vol 1, 1996 Curr T Manag)Current Topics in Management, Vol 2, 1997 Curr T Manag*Current Topics in Management, Vol 4 - 1999 Curr T Manag%Current Topics in Medicinal ChemistryCurr Top Med ChemCurrent Topics in MembranesCurr Top Membr)Current Topics in Membranes and TransportCurr Top Membr Trans-Current Topics in Microbiology and ImmunologyCurr Top Microbiol)Current Topics in Mucosal Immunology 1993 Int Congr Ser(Current Topics in Nutraceutical ResearchCurr Top Nutraceut RCurrent Topics in PathologyCurr Topics Pathol3Current Topics in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology Curr T Pl B?Current Topics in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology 1990, Vol 9 Curr T Pl B:Current Topics in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology, Vol 8 Curr T Pl B)Current Topics in Plant Molecular Biology Cur T Pl MVCurrent Topics in Plant Physiology : An American Society of Plant Physiologists Series Cur Top Pl&Current Topics in Quantitative FinanceContr Manage Sci Current Topics in Rehabilitation Curr T RehCurrent Topics in Shock Waves Aip Conf Proc8Current Topics in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Curr T Vet?Current Topics On Tonsils and Mucosal Barriers of Upper Airways Int Congr Ser&Current Treatment Options in NeurologyCurr Treat Option N&Current Treatment Options in NeurologyCurr Treat Option Ne%Current Treatment Options in OncologyCurr Treat Option OnCurrent Trends in Ai Planning Fr Art Int(Current Trends in Automation and ControlTech Papers IsaBCurrent Trends in Condensed Matter, Particle Physics and Cosmology Kathman SumHCurrent Trends in Database Technology - Edbt 2004 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Current Trends in Database Technology - Edbt 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc5Current Trends in Diachronic Semantics and Pragmatics Stud Pragmat+Current Trends in Digestive UltrasonographyFront Gastr Res+Current Trends in Digestive UltrasonographyFront Gastroint Res4Current Trends in Economics: Theory and ApplicationsStud Econ Theory?Current Trends in European Second Language Acquisition Research MultilingCurrent Trends in Hand Surgery Int Congr Ser"Current Trends in Infant Screening Int Congr Ser<Current Trends in International Fusion Research, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc'Current Trends in Knowledge Acquisition Fr Art IntCurrent Trends in Life Sciences Curr T LifeCCurrent Trends in Monoclonal Antibody Development and ManufacturingBiotechnol Pharm Asp]Current Trends in Nonlinear Systems and Control: in Honor of Petar Kokotovic and Turi Nicosia Sys Con Fdn]Current Trends in Nonlinear Systems and Control: in Honor of Petar Kokotovic and Turi NicosiaSyst Control-found A6Current Trends in Operator Theory and Its Applications Oper Theor6Current Trends in Operator Theory and Its ApplicationsOper Theory Adv ApplRCurrent Trends in Relativistic Astrophysics: Theoretical, Numerical, ObservationalLect Notes Phys&Current Trends in Scientific Computing Contemp MathJCurrent Trends in The Development and Teaching of The Four Language SkillsStud Lang Acquis*Current Trends in The Physics of MaterialsP Int Sch Phys!Current Trends in Web EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScCurrent Vascular PharmacologyCurr Vasc Pharmacol@Current Viewpoints On The Use of Soil Nitrate Tests in The South Asa Misc P5Current Views of Fatty Acid Oxidation and KetogenesisAdv Exp Med BiolCurrent Zoology Curr ZoolMCurriculum Change in Secondary Schools, 1957-2004: An Educational Roundabout?Woburn Educ SerCurriculum for Tomorrows School Sp St TechCurriculum InquiryCurriculum InqCurriculum MattersCurric MattersCurriculum Studies HandbookStud Curric TheoryCurriculum Theory NetworkCurriculum Theory Ne<Curvature and Variational Modeling in Physics and Biophysics Aip Conf ProcCurves and Abelian Varieties Contemp Math3Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and GraphicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCurzon Jewish Philosophy SeriesCurzon Jew Philos SJCushings Syndrome: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment, First EditionContemp Endocrinol SCusped Shell-like StructuresSpringerbr Appl ScifCustomary Land Tenure and Registration in Australia and Papua New Guinea: Anthropological PerspectivesAsia-pac Env Monogr2Customer Care: A Training Manual for Library StaffChandos Inf Prof Ser7Customer Loyalty in Third Party Logistics RelationshipsContrib Manag SciXCustomer Satisfaction Evaluation: Methods for Measuring and Implementing Service QualityInt Ser Oper Res Man-Customer Satisfaction : Focus On The Customer Amer Mar AsCustos E AgronegocioCust AgronegocioCustos E AgronegocioCustos AgronegocioCutaneous and Ocular ToxicologyCutan Ocul ToxicolCutaneous LymphomaCurr Probl Dermatol-Cutaneous Neural Neoplasms: A Practical GuideCurr Clin Pathol?Cutaneous Neuroimmunomodulation: The Proopiomelanocortin SystemAnn Ny Acad Sci@Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma: Basic and Clinically Relevant BiologyAnn Ny Acad SciCutg ProceedingsCutg ProceedingsCutisCutisBCutter It Journal-the Journal of Information Technology Management Cutter It JXCutting-edge Issues in Business Ethics: Continental Challenges to Tradition and PracticeIssues Bus Ethics,Cutting Edge Medicine and Liaison Psychiatry Int Congr SerNCutting-edge Research Topics On Multiple Criteria Decision Making, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc}Cutting-edge Social Media Approaches to Business Education: Teaching With Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, and BlogsRes Manag Educ Dev-Cutting-edge Technologies in Higher EducationCut Technol High EdCutting Tool EngineeringCutting Tool Eng+Cvgip-graphical Models and Image ProcessingCvgip-graph Model ImCvgip-image UnderstandingCvgip-imag UnderstanOCvpr: 2009 Ieee Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vols 1-4Proc Cvpr IeeeCvrmed-mrcas'97Lect Notes Comput ScCvt 2002 Congress VDI BerichtCw-canadian Welfare Cw-can Welf*C West Churchmans Legacy and Related WorksC W Churchm Leg RelC-x Bond FormationTop Organometal ChemLCyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms: State of The Science and Research NeedsAdv Exp Med BiolDCyber China: Reshaping National Identities in The Age of InformationCeri Ser Int Rel Pol"Cyber Conflict and Global PoliticsContemp Secur Stud9Cyberculture Theorists: Manuel Castells and Donna HarawayRoutl Crit ThinkersACyberforensics: Understanding Information Security InvestigationsSpringer Forens Lab Cybernetica Cybernetica Cybernetics Cybernetics+-Cybernetics and Biophysics Italian Conference Ital Phy SoCybernetics and Systems Cybernet Syst Cybernetics and Systems AnalysisCybern Syst Anal+Cyberpsychology & BehaviorCyberpsychol Behav.Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social NetworkingCyberpsych Beh Soc NLCyber-security and Threat Politics: Us Efforts to Secure The Information AgeCss Stud Sec Int RelyCyber Security, Situation Management, and Impact Assessment Ii; and Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security IiP Soc Photo-opt InsyCyber Security, Situation Management, and Impact Assessment Ii; and Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security Ii Proc Spie0Cyber Situational Awareness: Issues and ResearchAdv Inform Secur0Cyberspace Security and Defense: Research IssuesNato Sci Ser Ii Math0Cyberspace Security and Defense: Research IssuesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathCybiumCybiumCyborgs & Citadels Sch Am Res/Cycles, Transfers and Motivic Homology Theories Ann Math Stud0Cyclic Beta-keto Esters: Synthesis and ReactionsChem Res Appl-nova Cyclic Cabinet Corrosion TestingAm Soc Test MaterACyclic Coverings, Calabi-yau Manifolds and Complex MultiplicationLect Notes MathQCyclic Deformation, Fracture, and Nondestructive Evaluation of Advanced MaterialsAm Soc Test MaterZCyclic Deformation, Fracture, and Nondestructive Evaluation of Advanced Materials: 2nd VolAm Soc Test MaterFCyclic Nature of Innovation: Connecting Hard Sciences With Soft ValuesAdv Stud Entrep Inno.Cyclic Oxidation of High Temperature MaterialsEur Fed Corr Publ.Cyclic Oxidation of High Temperature MaterialsEur Fed Corros Publ(Cyclin Dependent Kinase (cdk) InhibitorsCurr Top Microbiol1Cycloaddition Reactions in Carbohydrate Chemistry Acs Sym Ser@Cyclone Separators in Energy Technology and Chemical Engineering VDI Bericht&Cyclooxygenases: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Cyclophanes Top Curr ChemCyclosporin A and The SkinRoy Soc Med Int Cong&Cyclotrons and Their Applications 2001 Aip Conf Proc1Cypriot Ceramics : Reading The Prehistoric Record U Mus Symp Cypriote Archaeology in GoteborgSt Med Ar Lit Pb*Cysteine Proteases of Pathogenic OrganismsAdv Exp Med BiolCystic FibrosisEur Respir Monogr,Cystic Fibrosis, Basic and Clinical Research Int Congr Ser]Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and Protocols, Vol I: Approaches to Study and Correct Cftr DefectsMethods Mol BioleCystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and Protocols, Vol Ii: Methods and Resources to Understand Cystic FibrosisMethods Mol Biol3Cystic Fibrosis: Etiology, Diagnosis and TreatmentsGen-res IssuesCyta-journal of Food Cyta-j Food Cytobiologie CytobiologieCytobiosCytobios=Cytochrome Oxidase : Structure, Function, and PhysiopathologyAnn Ny Acad SciCytochrome P450, Pt BMethod EnzymolCytochrome P450, Pt CMethod EnzymolCytochrome P450, Pt CMethods EnzymolCytogenetic and Genome ResearchCytogenet Genome ResCytogenetic Methods Bga Schrift Cytogenetics CytogeneticsCytogenetics and Cell GeneticsCytogenet Cell Genet'Cytogenetics of Amphibians and Reptiles Adv Lif Sci Cytojournal CytojournalCytokineCytokine Cytokine & Growth Factor ReviewsCytokine Growth F R CytokinesAdv Protein Chem5Cytokines and Adhesion Molecules in Lung InflammationAnn Ny Acad Sci<Cytokines and Cell Homeostasis in The Gastrointestinal Tract Falk Symp.Cytokines and Chemokines in Autoimmune DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol1Cytokines and Growth Factors in Blood Transfusion Dev HematolCytokines and Inflammation New Tr Cyt=Cytokines and Lipocortins in Inflammation and DifferentiationProg Clin Biol ResCytokines and Molecular TherapyCytokines Mol Ther0Cytokines and Related Immunoregulatory MoleculesBehr Inst MittCytokines and The Liver Falk SympICytokines As Potential Therapeutic Targets for Inflammatory Skin DiseasesE Schering Res Fdn W6Cytokines: Basic Principles and Practical Applications Chall Mod Med&Cytokines Cellular & Molecular TherapyCytokines Cell Mol TLCytokines, Growth Mediators and Physical Activity in Children During Puberty Med Sport SciCytokines in Cancer Therapy Contr Oncol$Cytokines in Liver Injury and Repair Falk Symp CytokinesisAnn Ny Acad Sci!Cytokines, Stress, and DepressionAdv Exp Med Biol=Cytokine Therapies: Novel Approaches for Clinical IndicationsAnn Ny Acad Sci Cytologia Cytologia^Cytological and Immunocytochemical Approaches to The Study of Corneal Endothelial Wound RepairProg Histochem CytocCytology and Genetics Cytol GenetCytology and Genetics Cytol Genet+8Cytology and Surgical Pathology of Gynecologic NeoplasmsCurr Clin Pathol Cytometry Cytometry(Cytometry, 4th Edition: New DevelopmentsMethod Cell Biol(Cytometry, 4th Edition: New DevelopmentsMethods Cell BiolCytometry Part A Cytom Part A#Cytometry Part B-clinical CytometryCytom Part B-clin Cy Cytopathology Cytopathology-Cytopathology of Soft Tissue and Bone LesionsEssent 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X-ray Optics Iii Proc Spie)Damas 99: Damage Assessment of Structures Key Eng Mat)Damas 99: Damage Assessment of Structures Key Eng Mater,Damascus Document: A Centennial of DiscoveryStud Text Des Judah-D-amino Acids Practical Methods and ProtocolsD Amino Acids Pract5D-amino Acids: Practical Methods and Protocols, Vol 1D Amino Acids Pract5D-amino Acids: Practical Methods and Protocols, Vol 2D Amino Acids Pract5D-amino Acids: Practical Methods and Protocols, Vol 4D Amino Acids PractPDams and Reservoirs, Societies and Environment in The 21st Century, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng Wate/Dana-a Journal of Fisheries and Marine ResearchDana-j Fish Mar ResDance & Dancers Dance DancersDance ChronicleDance ChronicleDance Magazine Dance MagDance, Music, Art, and Religion Sc Inst DonDance Research Dance ResDance Research AnnualDance Res AnnuDance Research Journal Dance Res J Dance Scope Dance ScopeDance Theatre Journal Dance Theat JNDancing Communities: Performance, Difference and Connection in The 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Und Arsinoe Ii.Beitr Altertumskunde2Dasia 2000: Data Systems in Aerospace, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ2Dasia 2000: Data Systems in Aerospace, Proceedings Esa Spec Publ%Dasia '97 - Data Systems in Aerospace Esa Sp Publ#Dasia 99: Data Systems in Aerospace Esa Sp Publ#Dasia 99: Data Systems in Aerospace Esa Spec PublLDas Papsttum Und Das Vielgestaltige Italien- Hundert Jahre Italia PontificiaAbh Akad Wiss Got Ph&Das Paulusverstandnis Im Liber GraduumPatrist Texte StudData & Knowledge EngineeringData Knowl Eng.Data Analysis and Modeling for Process ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Data Analysis and Modeling for Process Control IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Data Analysis and Modeling for Process Control Ii Proc Spie2Data Analysis and Modeling for Process Control IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Data Analysis and Modeling for Process Control Iii Proc Spie2Data Analysis, Classification, and Related MethodsSt Class Dat Anal2Data Analysis, Classification, and Related MethodsStud Class Data Anal4Data Analysis, Classification and The Forward SearchSt Class Dat Anal4Data Analysis, Classification and The Forward SearchStud Class Data AnalData Analysis in Astronomy Iv E Maj Int S0Data Analysis, Machine Learning and ApplicationsSt Class Dat Anal0Data Analysis, Machine Learning and ApplicationsStud Class Data Anal<Data and Applications Security and Privacy Xxiv, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Data and Applications Security Xix, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Data and Applications Security Xvii: Status and ProspectsInt Fed Info Proc#Data and Applications Security XxiiLect Notes Comput Sc1Data and Applications Security Xxiii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Data and Applications Security Xxi, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Data and Applications Security Xx, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScData and Information TechnologyTransport Res Rec&Data and Knowledge in A Changing WorldData Knowl Chang WorData and Mobility: Transforming Information Into Intelligent Traffic and Transportation Services, Proceedings of The Lakeside Conference 2010Adv Intel Soft Compu8Data and Safety Monitoring Committees in Clinical TrialsCh Crc Biostat Ser&Data Assimilation for The Earth SystemNato Sci S Ss Iv EarDatabaseDatabase Data Base Data Base$Database and Application Security XvInt Fed Info Proc(Database and Expert Systems ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc5Database and Expert Systems Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Database and Expert Systems Applications, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput ScDatabase and Xml TechnologiesLect Notes Comput Sc*Database and Xml Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Database: Enterprise, Skills and Innovation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Data Base for Advances in Information SystemsData Base Adv Inf SyData Base Product ReportsData Base Prod RepDatabase Programming LanguagesLect Notes Comput Sc!Databases and Information Systems Fr Art Int!Databases and Information SystemsFront Artif Intel Ap$Databases and Information Systems Iv Fr Art Int#Databases and Information Systems V Fr Art IntDatabase Security, V Ifip Trans ADatabase Security, Viii Ifip Trans A-Database Security, Vii - Status and Prospects Ifip Trans A:Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-peer ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc*Databases in Networked Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc7Databases in Networked Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDatabases in TelecommunicationsLect Notes Comput Sc[Database Support for Data Mining Applications: Discovering Knowledge With Inductive QueriesLect Notes Artif Int*Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc.Database Systems for Advanced Applications '95 Adv Datab R7Database Systems for Advanced Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc>Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDatabase Systems of The 90sLect Notes Comput Sc4Database-the Magazine of Electronic Database ReviewsDatabaseDatabase Theory and ApplicationComm Com Inf Sc?Database Theory and Application, Bio-science and Bio-technologyComm Com Inf Sc(Database Theory - Icdt 2001, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Database Theory Icdt 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Database Theory - Icdt 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Database Theory - Icdt 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDatabase Theory - Icdt 92Lect Notes Comput ScDatabase Theory - Icdt '95Lect Notes Comput ScDatabase Theory - Icdt'97Lect Notes Comput ScDatabase Theory - Icdt'99Lect Notes Comput Sc%Data-centric Systems and ApplicationsData Centric Syst Ap4Data Clustering: Theory, Algorithms and ApplicationsAsa Siam Ser Stat Ap5Data Collection and Analysis of Evacuation Situations Vtt Res Notes(Datacomm & Distributed Processing ReportDatacomm Distrib PrQData Depth: Robust Multivariate Analysis, Computational Geometry and ApplicationsDimacs Ser Discret M?Data 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ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsData Mining and Applications Proc Spie(Data Mining and Applications in GenomicsLect Notes Electr EnData Mining and BioinformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc#Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryData Min Knowl DiscBData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsBData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology Proc SpieEData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsEData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology Ii Proc SpieEData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools and Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsDData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools and Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt InsDData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools and Technology Iv Proc SpieEData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology ViP Soc Photo-opt InsEData Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology Vi Proc Spie;Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Tools and Technology VP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Tools and Technology V Proc SpieaData Mining and Knowledge Discovery Via Logic-based Methods: Theory, Algorithms, and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim A$Data Mining and Knowledge ManagementLect Notes Artif Int(Data Mining and Mathematical ProgrammingCrm Proc & Lect NoteTData Mining: Concepts, Methods and Applications in Management and Engineering Design Decis Eng,Data Mining: Concepts, Models and TechniquesIntel Syst Ref Libr4Data Mining for Biomedical Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Data Mining for Design and MarketingCh Crc Data Min Know7Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications Massive Comp#Data Mining for Social Network DataAnn Inform SystData Mining IiManag Informat SystData Mining IiiManag Informat SystData Mining in AgricultureSpringer Ser Optim AData Mining in BiomedicineSpringer Ser Optim A+Data Mining in Biomedicine Using OntologiesArtech Hse Bioinf BiData Mining in Crystallography Struct Bond9Data Mining in Proteomics: From Standards to ApplicationsMethods Mol Biol!Data Mining in Structural BiologyE Schering Res Fdn WXData Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2005P Soc Photo-opt InsXData Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2005 Proc SpieXData Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2006P Soc Photo-opt InsXData Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2006 Proc SpieXData Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsXData Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2007 Proc SpieXData Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2008P Soc Photo-opt InsXData Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2008 Proc SpieData Mining IvManag Informat SystRData Mining Ix: Data Mining, Protection, Detection and Other Security TechnologiesWit Trans Info CommData Mining On Multimedia DataLect Notes Comput Sc;Data Mining: Special Issue in Annals of Information SystemsAnn Inform Syst>Data Mining, Systems Analysis, and Optimization in Biomedicine Aip Conf Proc,Data Mining Techniques for The Life SciencesMethods Mol Biol>Data Mining: Theory, Methodology, Techniques, and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int Data Mining VManag Informat SystHData Mining Vi: Data Mining, Text Mining and Their Business ApplicationsWit Trans Info CommJData Mining Vii: Data, Text and Web Mining and Their Business ApplicationsWit Trans Info CommKData Mining Viii: Data, Text and Web Mining and Their Business ApplicationsWit Trans Info CommQData Mining X: Data Mining, Protection, Detection and Other Security TechnologiesWit Trans Info Comm>Data Modeling for Metrology and Testing in Measurement ScienceModel Simul Sci Eng;Data 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Vols 1-3Des Aut Test EuropemDateso 2006 - Databases, Texts, Specifications, Objects: Proceedings of The 6th Annual International WorkshopCeur Workshop ProceemDateso 2007 - Databases, Texts, Specifications, Objects: Proceedings of The 7th Annual International WorkshopCeur Workshop ProceemDateso 2008 - Databases, Texts, Specifications, Objects: Proceedings of The 8th Annual International WorkshopCeur Workshop ProceemDateso 2009 - Databases, Texts, Specifications, Objects: Proceedings of The 9th Annual International WorkshopCeur Workshop Procee:Daughter Cells: Properties, Characteristics and Stem CellsCell Bio Res Prog4David Bergelson: From Modernism to Socialist Realism Stud YiddishzDavid C. Anchin Research Center Series On Educational Policy in The 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges, and SolutionsDcarc Ser Educ PolicODavid Hilberts Lectures On The Foundations of Mathematics and Physics 1891-1933D Hilb Lect F MathmDavid Hilbert's Lectures On The Foundations of Physics 1915-1927: Relativity, Quantum Theory and EpistemologyD Hilb Lect F MathDavid Hume's Political EconomyRoutl Stud Hist EcondDavid Und Klio: Historiographische Elemente in Der Aufstiegsgeschichte Davids Und Im Alten TestamentBeih Z Alttest WissDavydovs Soliton RevisitedNato Adv Sci I B-phy=Day of Reckoning: Power and Accountability in Medieval FranceMiddle Ages SerDb-sound Engineering MagazineDb-sound Eng Mag2Dcc 2001: Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf2Dcc 2002: Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf2Dcc 2003: Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf2Dcc 2004: Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf2Dcc 2005: Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf2Dcc 2006: Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf2Dcc 2007: Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf7Dcc 2009: 2009 Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf2Dcc '97 : Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf%Dcc '98 - Data Compression ConferenceIeee Data Compr Conf2Dcc '99 - Data Compression Conference, ProceedingsIeee Data Compr Conf*D-d Excitations in Transition-metal OxidesSpringer Tr Mod Phys<Deactivation and Testing of Hydrocarbon-processing Catalysts Acs Sym SerRDeadlock Resolution in Automated Manufacturing Systems: A Novel Petri Net ApproachAdv Ind ControlIDead On Arrival: The Politics of Health Care in Twentieth-century AmericaPolit Soc TwentiethMDead Sea Scrolls As Background to Postbiblical Judaism and Early ChristianityStud Text Des JudahDead Sea Scrolls At FiftyEarly Judaism LitDeafness and Education Deaf Educ.Deafness, Hearing Loss and The Auditory SystemOtolaryngol Res AdvPDealing With An International Clientele: Communications, Diplomacy and EtiquetteInform Serv Man SerDealing With Debt Crisis World BankDean Rusk Center Monograph Dean Rusk CDeath Education Death EducADeath, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Adolescent LiteratureChild Lit CultDeath in The New WorldEarly Am Stud SerRDeath of Christian Britain: Understanding Secularisation 1800-2000, Second EditionChrist Soc Mod WorldDeath of God : End of Art Arguments_Death of The Comprehensive High School?: Historical, Contemporary, and Comparative PerspectivesSecond Educ Chang Wo1Death On Hemodialysis: Preventable Or Inevitable? 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Part A-oceanographic Research Papers Deep-sea Res9Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies in OceanographyDeep-sea Res Pt Ii6Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research PapersDeep-sea Res Pt IPDeep Space Flight and Communications: Exploiting The Sun As A Gravitational LensS-p B Astronaut EngGDeep-space Probes: to The Outer Solar System and Beyond, Second EditionSpringer-prax BooksDeep Structure of The Alps Mem S Geo F2Deep Structure, Singularities, and Computer VisionLect Notes Comput ScnDeep-water Sedimentation in The Alpine Basin of Se France: New Perspectives On The Gres D'annot and Related...Geol Soc Spec Publ Deer of China Dev An VetMDe Facto Federalism in China: Reforms and Dynamics of Central-local RelationsSer Contemp China3Default Risk in Bond and Credit Derivatives MarketsLect Notes Econ MathDefect and Diffusion ForumDefect Diffus Forum"Defect and Diffusion Forum/journalDefect Diffus For/jr!Defect and Diffusion Forum SeriesDefect Diffus Forum9Defect and Impurity Engineered Semiconductors and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P=Defect and Impurity Engineered Semiconductors and Devices IiiMater Res Soc Symp P0Defect and Impurity Engineered Semiconductors IiMater Res Soc Symp PLDefect Engineering in Semiconductor Growth, Processing and Device TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp P3Defect Interaction and Clustering in Semiconductors Sol St Phen3Defect Interaction and Clustering in SemiconductorsSolid State PhenomenDefect-interface InteractionsMater Res Soc Symp PJDefect-oriented Testing for Nano-metric Cmos Vlsi Circuits, Second EditionFront Electron Test?Defect Properties and Related Phenomena in Intermetallic AlloysMater Res Soc Symp P>Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors 1995Inst Phys Conf Ser>Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors 1997Inst Phys Conf SerEDefect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors and DevicesInst Phys Conf Ser!Defects and Diffusion in CeramicsDefect Diffus Forum=Defects and Diffusion in 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Metals: An Annual Retrospective XiiDefect Diffus Forum8Defects and Disorder in Crystalline and Amorphous SolidsNato Adv Sci Inst Se;Defects and Surface-induced Effects in Advanced PerovskitesNato Sci S Prt 3 Hi"Defects in Electronic Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp PODefects in High-k Gate Dielectric Stacks: Nano-electronic Semiconductor DevicesNato Sci Ser Ii MathODefects in High-k Gate Dielectric Stacks: Nano-electronic Semiconductor DevicesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathDefects in Joining Techniques VDI BerichtDefects in MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P,Defects in Semiconductors - Icds-19, Pts 1-3Mater Sci Forum?Defects in Sio2 and Related Dielectrics: Science and TechnologyNato Sci Ser Ii Math?Defects in Sio2 and Related Dielectrics: Science and TechnologyNato Sci Ser Ii-math'Defects of Secretion in Cystic FibrosisAdv Exp Med BiolDefence and Peace EconomicsDefence Peace Econ+Defence Applications of Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntDefence Economics Defenc Econ'Defence Procurement and Industry PolicyRout Stud Defen PeacEDefence Related Sme's: Analysis and Description of Current ConditionsNato Asi S 4 Sci TecDefence Science Journal Defence Sci J/Defending Albion: Britain's Home Army 1908-1919Stud Mil Strateg His Defending Copernicus and GalileoBost Stud Philos SciCDefending Europe: The Eu, Nato, and The Quest for European AutonomyEur Transit-nyu EurYDefending Hypatia: Ramus, Savile, and The Renaissance Rediscovery of Mathematical History ArchimedesVDefending The Genetic Supermarket: The Law and Ethics of Selecting The Next GenerationBiomed Law Ethics LiiDefense Against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation Strategies and Commercial OpportunitiesNato Sec Sci B Phys?Defense and The Environment: Effective Scientific CommunicationNato Sci S Ss Iv EarDefense Conversion StrategiesNato Sci S 1 DisarmDefense Genes in Tomato Bot Res PractDefense Industries: Science and Technology Related to Security : Impact of Conventional Munitions On Environment and PopulationNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear~Defense Industries: Science and Technology Related to Security: Impact of Conventional Munitions On Environment and PopulationNato Sci S Ss Iv EarIDefense Industry Application of Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent SystemsWhitestein Ser SoftwDefense Law Journal Def Law JDefense Molecules Ucla Sym BiDefense of Hume On MiraclesPrinc Monogr Philos@Defense of Mucosal Surfaces: Pathogenesis, Immunity and VaccinesCurr Top MicrobiolDefense Research Series Defen Res S'Defense, Security, and Cockpit DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt InsDefense Security and StrategyDef Secur Strateg$Defense Security and Strategy SeriesDefen Secur Strat2Defense, Security, Cockpit, and Future Displays IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Defense Transformation and Net-centric Systems 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Defense Transformation and Net-centric Systems 2007 Proc Spie3Defense Transformation and Net-centric Systems 2008P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Defense Transformation and Net-centric Systems 2008 Proc Spie3Defense Transformation and Net-centric Systems 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Defense Transformation and Net-centric Systems 2010 Proc Spie3Defense Transformation and Net-centric Systems 2011P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Defense Transformation and Net-centric Systems 2011 Proc Spie2Defense Transformation and Network-centric SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Defense Transformation and Network-centric Systems Proc Spie*Defensive Mutualism in Microbial Symbiosis Mycol SerODeficient and Excessive Levels of Macroelements and Trace Elements in Nutrition Schrif Gms3Defining Soil Quality for A Sustainable EnvironmentSssa Spec Publ@Defining The Sovereign Community: The Czech and Slovak RepublicsDemocr Citiz ConstiteDefining Wilderness Quality : The Role of Standards in Wilderness Management - A Workshop Proceedings Usda Pac NwEDefiniteness in Bulgarian: Modelling The Processes of Language ChangeTrends Linguist-stud2Definition of Constants for Piezoceramic MaterialsMater Sci Technol!Deflection Control for The Future Amer Conc IDeformable AvatarsInt Fed Info Proc7Deformable Models: Biomedical and Clinical ApplicationsTop Biomed Eng6Deformable Models: Theory and Biomaterial ApplicationsTop Biomed Eng/Deformation Analysis in Soft Ground ImprovementGeotech Geol EarthqSDeformation and Exhumation At Convergent Margins: The Franciscan Subduction ComplexGeol Soc Am Spec Pap.Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and TectonicsGeol Soc Spec PublVDeformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics: Current Status and Future PerspectivesGeol Soc Spec PublPDeformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics: From Minerals to The LithosphereGeol Soc Spec Publ Deformation of Glacial MaterialsGeol Soc Spec Publ?Deformation of The Continental Crust: The Legacy of Mike CowardGeol Soc Spec Publ0Deformation Processes of Rigid Plastic MaterialsMater Sci Forum!Deformations of Algebraic SchemesGrundlehr Math WissDeformations of SingularitiesLect Notes Math*Deformation Theory and Symplectic Geometry Math Phys SIDegenerate Diffusions: Initial Value Problems and Local Regularity TheoryEms Tracts MathZDeglacial History and Relative Sea-level Changes, Northern New England and Adjacent Canada Geol S Am SZDeglacial History and Relative Sea-level Changes, Northern New England and Adjacent CanadaGeol Soc Am Spec PapDegradable Aliphatic Polyesters Adv Polym Sci*Degradation and Stabilization of Materials J Poly ScMDegradation Mechanisms in Iii-v Compound Semiconductor Devices and StructuresMater Res Soc Symp P1Degradation Processes in Nanostructured MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PFDegradation Rate of Bioresorbable Materials: Prediction and EvaluationWoodhead Publ Mater.Degradations and Instabilities in Geomaterials Cism Cour L,Degrees in Restructuring in Creole Languages Creole LangDegrees of Belief Synth Libr3Degres-revue De Synthese A Orientation SemiologiqueDegres%De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics De Gru Ex M$Degruyter Expositions in MathematicsDegruyter Expos MathDegruyter HandbuchDegruyter HandbDegruyter KommentarDegruyter KommentDegruyter LehrbuchDegruyter LehrbDegruyter Lexicon Degruyter Lex$Degruyter Proceedings in MathematicsDegruyter P Math/De Gruyter Series in Logic and Its ApplicationsDe Gru Log Applicat.Degruyter Series in Logic and Its ApplicationsDegruyter Ser Log Ap7Degruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and ApplicationsDegruyter Ser NonlinDegruyter StudienbuchDegruyter Studienb!De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics De Gruy Mat Degruyter Studies in MathematicsDegruyter Stud Math"De Gruyter Studies in Organization De Gruy St#De Gruyter Studies On North America De Gruy NorDegruyter TextbookDegruyter TextbDegruyter TexteDegruyter Texte'Dehydroepiandrosterone (dhea) and AgingAnn Ny Acad SciDeissmann The PhilologistBeih Z Neutest WissDekalb Literary Arts JournalDekalb Lit Arts JDeklinationsklassen-wandelStud Linguist Ger$Delamination Behaviour of CompositesWoodhead Publ MaterDe La Phantasia A L'maginationCollect Det ClassLDe La Ragua A Sacratif: Miscelanea De Toponimos Andalusies Al Sur De GranadaSuom Tiedeakat Toim1Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinDel Agr Exp Sta BullDelaware Medical Journal Del Med J%Delaware Symposia On Language Studies Del S Lang;Delay Compensation for Nonlinear, Adaptive, and Pde SystemsSyst Control-found A9Delay-coupled Complex Systems: and Applications to LasersSpringer Theses-reco-Delay Differential Equations and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math2Delay Differential Equations and Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Math9Delegated Legislation and The Role of Comittees in The EcStud Law&Delegation in Contemporary DemocraciesRoutl Ecpr Stud Eur#Deleuze and Guattari for Architects Think ArchitDeleuze and The BodyDeleuze ConnectDeleuze ConnectionsDeleuze Connect1Delft Science in Design 2, Conference Proceedings Res Desgn Ser,Deliberate Search for The Stratigraphic TrapGeol Soc Spec Publ-Delinquency: Causes, Reduction and PreventionCrim Justice Law Enf,Delivering Performance in Food Supply ChainsWoodhead Publ Food SJDelivering Policy Reform: Anchoring Significant Reforms in Turbulent Times Anzsog MonogrIDelivery and Controlled Release of Bioactives in Foods and NutraceuticalsWoodhead Food Ser2Delphi Studies From The Mcb Business Futures GroupDelphi Stud Mcb BusDeltaDeltacDelta 2004: Second Ieee International Workshop On Electronic Design, Test Applications, ProceedingsInt Sym Elect Des TeYDelta 2006: Third Ieee International Workshop On Electronic Design, Test and ApplicationsInt Sym Elect Des TeDeltares Select SeriesDeltares Sel SerlDelta Scuti and Related Stars: Reference Handbook and Proceedings of The 6th Vienna Workshop in Astrophysics Astr Soc PDeltas of The World Coastl Worl?De L'un Au Multiple: Dynamiques Identitaires En Amerique Latine HesperidesDelusional MisidentificationPsychiat Theor ApplVDelusion and Self-deception: Affective and Motivational Influences On Belief FormationMacquarie Mg Cog Sci(Demand-driven Associative ClassificationSpringerbrief ComputDementiaDementia*Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive DisordersDement Geriatr Cogn5Dementia, Design and Technology: Time to Get InvolvedAssist Technol Res S$Demise of Marxism-leninism in RussiaSt Antonys Ser$Demise of The Soviet Communist PartyBasees-rout Ser RussgDemocracy - A Destiny of Humankind? A Qualified, Contingent and Contextual Case for Democracy PromotionGlob Polit StudbDemocracy and Civil Society in Asia, Volume 2: Democratic Transitions and Social Movements in Asia Int Pol EcbDemocracy and Civil Society in Asia, Volume 2: Democratic Transitions and Social Movements in AsiaInt Polit Econ SerDemocracy and Development Iea Conf VolZDemocracy and Foreign Policy: A Case History The Sino-japanese Dispute, 1931-33, Volume 64Rout Library Ed Jpn%Democracy and Multicultural EducationRes Multicult Educ I/Democracy and Myth in Russia and Eastern EuropeBasees-rout Ser RussDemocracy and New Media Media TransitbDemocracy and Party Systems in Developing Countries: A Comparative Study of India and South AfricaRoutl Adv S Asian StDDemocracy and Pluralism:the Political Thought of William E. ConnollyRoutl Innov Polit Th!Democracy and Socialism in Africa Afr Mod DevDemocracy and TraditionNew Forum Book;Democracy Building and Civil Society in Post-soviet ArmeniaRoutl Contemp Russ E+Democracy Citizenship and ConstitutionalismDemocr Citiz Constit=Democracy, Freedom and Coercion: A Law and Economics ApproachNew Horiz Law Econ$Democracy in An Age of GlobalisationStud Glob Justice*Democracy in Contemporary Us Womens PoetryAm Lit Read Twenty-fDemocracy in IslamRoutl Stud Pol IslamRDemocracy in Occupied Japan: The U.s. Occupation and Japanese Politics and SocietyAsias TransformIDemocracy in The European Union: Towards The Emergence of A Public SphereRoutl Adv Eur PolitDemocracy, Racism, and PrisonsRadic Philos TodayGDemocracy, Religious Pluralism and The Liberal Dilemma of AccommodationStud Glob JusticeGDemocracy, Religious Pluralism and The Liberal Dilemma of AccommodationStud Global JusticeDemocracy Transformed? Comp PolitDemocracy With Justice Carl Lib S-Democratic Architecture for The Welfare StateRoutl Stud Man Volun&Democratic Audit of The European UnionOne Eur SeveralqDemocratic Dilemmas of Multilevel Governance: Legitimacy, Representation and Accountability in The European UnionTransform State)Democratic Elections in Poland, 1991-2007Basees-rout Ser RussDemocratic LegitimacyRoutl Stud Soc PolitDemocratizationDemocratization1Democratization and Gender in Contemporary RussiaBasees-rout Ser Russ<Democratization, Development, and Legality: Chile, 1831-1973Stud AmfDemocratization in Morocco: The Political Elite and Struggles for Power in The Post-independence StateRoutl Stud Mid E Pol)Democratization in Post-suharto IndonesiaRoutl Cont Se Asia S"Democratization in The Third World Int Pol EcDemocratization of Expertise? Sociol SciDemocratization StudiesDemocratiz Stud7Democritus: Science, The Arts, and The Care of The Soul Philos Antiq Demografia DemografiaFDemographic and Programmatic Consequences of Contraceptive Innovations Reprod BiolDDemographic Change and Economic Growth: Simulations On Growth Models Contrib Econ`Demographic Change in Australia's Rural Landscapes: Implications for Society and The Environment Landsc SerDemographic Research Demogr ResDemographic Research MonographsDemogr Res Monogr Demography DemographyRDemography and Infrastructure: National and Regional Aspects of Demographic ChangeEnviron PolicyVDemokratie Als Teleologisches Prinzip: Zur Legitimitat Von Staatsgewalt Im VolkerrechtBeitr Ausl Offentl RDemokratie Unter Bedingungen Der Weltgesellschaft: Normative Grundlagen Legitimer Herrschaft in Einer Globalen Politischen OrdnungIdeen Argumente@Demonstrare Voir Et Faire Voir: Forme De La Demonstration A RomePallas@Demonstrare Voir Et Faire Voir: Forme De La Demonstration A RomePallas-rev Etud AntiDenationalizing Science Sociol SciDendrimer CatalysisTop Organometal Chem Dendrimers Top Curr Chem Dendrimers Ii Top Curr Chem+Dendrimers Iii: Design, Dimension, Function Top Curr Chem Dendrimers Iv Top Curr ChemDendrimers V: Functional and Hyperbranched Building Blocks, Photophysical Properties, Applications in Materials and Life Sciences Top Curr Chem(Dendritic Cell Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol#Dendritic Cells and Virus InfectionCurr Top Microbiol6Dendritic Cells in Fundamental and Clinical ImmunologyAdv Exp Med Biol=Dendritic Cells in Fundamental and Clinical Immunology, Vol 2Adv Exp Med Biol=Dendritic Cells in Fundamental and Clinical Immunology, Vol 3Adv Exp Med Biol#Dendritic Cells in Lymphoid Tissues Int Congr Ser<Dendritic Cells: Types, Life Cycles and Biological FunctionsCell Bio Res Prog Dendrobiology DendrobiologyDendrochronologiaDendrochronologia Dengue VirusCurr Top Microbiol.Dengue Virus: Detection, Diagnosis and ControlVirol Res Prog$Denitrification in Soil and Sediment Fems SympQDenken Erzahlen: Reprasentationen Des Intellekts Bei Robert Musil Und Paul ValerySpectr Literaturwiss Denki Kagaku Denki Kagaku Denkmalpflege DenkmalpflegeDennis RobertsonGreat Think Econ%Dense Interstellar Medium in GalaxiesSpringer Proc Phys9Dense Matter in Compact Stars: A Pedagogical IntroductionLect Notes PhysDense Z-pinches Aip Conf Proc1Dense Z-pinches - Fourth International Conference Aip Conf Proc/Dense Z-pinches: Third International Conference Aip Conf Proc9Density Concepts With Applications to The Social SciencesTatra Mt Math PublHDensity-dependent Population Regulation of Black, Brown, and Polar Bears Int Bear Ms,Density Functionals: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes PhysDensity Functional TheoryNato Adv Sci Inst Se-Density Functional Theory: An Advanced CourseTheor Math Phys Ser:Density Functional Theory and Its Application to Materials Aip Conf ProcDensity Functional Theory I Top Curr ChemDensity Functional Theory Ii Top Curr ChemDensity Functional Theory Iii Top Curr ChemDensity Functional Theory Iv Top Curr ChemDensity-matrix RenormalizationLect Notes Phys3Dental Biomaterials: Imaging, Testing and ModellingWoodhead Publ MaterDental BleachingQuintessent Dent PraDental Clinics of North AmericaDent Clin N Am Dental Enamel Ciba F Symp"Dental Implantation and TechnologyDent Sci Mater TechDental Management Dent ManageDental Materials Dent Mater'Dental Materials in Operative DentistryQuintessent Dent PraDental Materials Journal Dent Mater JDental Materials ResearchDent Sci Mater Tech]Dental Perspectives On Human Evolution: State of The Art Research in Dental PaleoanthropologyVertebr Paleobiol Pa%Dental Practitioner and Dental RecordDent Pract Dent Rec'Dental Science Materials and TechnologyDent Sci Mater TechDental Team CompanionQuintessent Dent PraDental TraumatologyDent TraumatolWDentate Gyrus: A Comphrehensive Guide to Structure, Function, and Clinical ImplicationsProg Brain ResDentomaxillofacial RadiologyDentomaxillofac RadUDenumerable Markov Chains: Generating Functions Boundary Theory Random Walks On TreesEms Textb Math.Denver Journal of International Law and PolicyDenver J Int Law PolDenver Law Journal Denver Law JDenver University Law ReviewDenver U Law Rev+Deontic Logic, Agency and Normative Systems Work Comp;Deontic Logic and Artificial Normative Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Deontic Logic in Computer ScienceLect Notes Artif Int.Deontic Logic in Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntDepartment of State BulletinDept State BulCDeparture From The Homeland: Indo-europeans and Archaeology MeetingJ Indo-eur Stud Mono(Dependability Metrics: Advanced LecturesLect Notes Comput ScNDependability Modelling Under Uncertainty: An Imprecise Probabilistic ApproachStud Comput Intell1Dependability of Networked Computer-based SystemsSpringer Ser Reliab;Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDependable Computer SystemsAdv Intel Soft CompuDependable ComputingLect Notes Comput ScDependable Computing - Edcc-3Lect Notes Comput Sc)Dependable Computing: Edcc-4, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Dependable Computing - Edcc-5, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Dependable Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Dependable Engines: The Story of Pratt & Whitney Libr Flight1Dependable Systems: Software, Computing, NetworksLect Notes Comput ScDependencies in Women and Men Schrif SuchEDependency Structures and Lexicalized Grammars: An Algebraic ApproachLect Notes Artif IntDependenz Und Valenz/dependency and Valency: Ein Internationales Handbuch Der Zeitgenossischen Forschung/an International Handbook of Contemporary Research, Volume 2, Part 2Handb Sprach KommunaDependenz Und Valenz: Ein Internationales Handbuch Der Zeitgenossischen Forschung, Band 1, Teil 1Handb Sprach KommunDepicting Canadas ChildrenStud Child Fam CanDeployable Structures Cism Cour LXDeposit and Geoenvironmental Models for Resource Exploitation and Environmental SecurityNato Sci S Prt 2 Env6Deposition and Fate of Trace Metals in Our EnvironmentUs For Serv T R Nc.Deposition of Diamond-like Superhard MaterialsSpringer Tr Mod PhysQDeposition of Organic-carbon-rich Sediments: Models, Mechanisms, and ConsequencesSoc Sediment Geol SpDeposition of Organic FaciesAapg Stud Geol.Depression and Agression in Family Interaction Adv Fam ResDepression and AnxietyDepress AnxietyDepression and ManiaAdv Biochem Psychoph)Depression-causes Diagnosis and TreatmentDepress Causes DiagnDepression in ChildrenDepress Causes Diagn<Depression in Latinos: Assessment, Treatment, and PreventionIssues Child Fam LivDepression in Schizophrenia Prog PsychEDe-radicalization of Jihadists: Transforming Armed Islamist MovementsContemp Terror StudDer Begriff Des SkeptizismusQuellen Stud Philos1Der Dux Mogontiacensis Und Die Notitia DignitatumReallexikon Ger AlteDeregulation and Labour LawBull Comparat Lab Re2Deregulation, Innovation and Market LiberalizationRoutl Stud Bus Organ"Deregulation of Electric Utilities T Reg Econ(Derivations and Constraints in PhonologyPhonol World LangCDerivations and Evaluations: Object Shift in The Germanic LanguagesStud Generat Gramm1Derivative Strategies for Managing Portfolio RiskIcfa Cont Educ Ser'Derived Functors in Functional AnalysisLect Notes Math$Dermal and Transdermal Drug Delivery Paperb Apv Dermatitis Dermatitis Dermatologica DermatologicaQDermatological Treatments : Preliminary Investigations in The Asia-pacific RegionRoy Soc Med Int CongDermatologica Sinica Dermatol SinDermatologic Clinics Dermatol ClinDermatologic Surgery Dermatol SurgDermatologic Therapy Dermatol TherDermatologische MonatsschriftDermatol MonatsschrDermatologische WochenschriftDermatol Wochenschr Dermatology Dermatology,Dermatology Laboratory and Clinical ResearchDermatol Lab Clin Re;Dermatology Research Focus On Acne, Melanoma, and PsoriasisDermatol Lab Clin ReDermatosen in Beruf Und UmweltDermatos Ber Umwelt Desalination DesalinationYDesalination and Water Re-use : Proceedings of The Twelfth International Symposium, Vol 1 Inst Chem EYDesalination and Water Re-use : Proceedings of The Twelfth International Symposium, Vol 3 Inst Chem E$Desalination and Water Re-use, Vol 2 Inst Chem E$Desalination and Water Re-use, Vol 4 Inst Chem E Desalination and Water TreatmentDesalin Water Treat+Desalination: Methods, Costs and TechnologyAgr Issues PoliciesDesarrollo Economico Desarro Econ1Desarrollo Economico-revista De Ciencias SocialesDesarrollo EconDescantDescantDescartes and RegiusStud Hist Idea Low#Descent of Human Sex Ratio At Birth Methods Ser\Descentralizacion Para Satisfacer Necesidades Basicas: Una Guia Economica Para ProfesionalesInvest Neg Hisp Lat,Describing and Modeling Variation in Grammar Trend Lin S,Describing and Modeling Variation in GrammarTrends Linguist-studcDescription of The Low Latitude and Equatorial Ionosphere in The International Reference Ionosphere Adv Space Res5Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English GrammarsTop Engl LinguistQDesertification and Risk Analysis Using High and Medium Resolution Satellite DataNato Sci Peace SecurJDesertification Combat and Food Safety: The Added Value of Camel ProducersNato Sci Ser I Life=Desertification in The Mediterranean Region. A Security IssueNato Sci Peace Secur8Desider - A European Effort On Hybrid Rans-les ModellingNotes Numer Fluid MeDesignDesign#Design Against Fracture and FailureMater Sci Found3Design and Analysis of Distributed Embedded SystemsInt Fed Info ProcPDesign and Analysis of Experiments: Classical and Regression Approaches With SasStat Textb MonogruDesign and Analysis of Gauge R&r Studies: Making Decisions With Confidence Intervals in Random and Mixed Anova ModelsAsa Siam Ser Stat ApLDesign and Analysis of Learning Classifier Systems: A Probabilistic ApproachStud Comput Intell-Design and Analysis of Simulation ExperimentsInt Ser Oper Res Man&Design and Analysis of Vaccine StudiesStat Biol HealthKDesign and Application of Controlled Low-strength Materials (flowable Fill)Am Soc Test Mater-Design and Application of Curves and Surfaces Inst Math C4Design and Application of Hybrid Intelligent Systems Fr Art Int4Design and Application of Hybrid Intelligent SystemsFront Artif Intel Ap2Design and Construction of Earth Retaining Systems Geotech Sp1Design and Control of Intelligent Robotic SystemsStud Comput IntellUDesign and Control of Structure of Advanced Carbon Materials for Enhanced PerformanceNato Adv Sci I E-appTDesign and Destiny: Jewish and Christian Perspectives On Human Germline Modification Basic Bioeth)Design and Engineering of Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Design and Engineering of Optical Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Design and Engineering of Optical Systems Ii Proc SpieHDesign and Fabrication of Planar Optical Waveguide Devices and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsHDesign and Fabrication of Planar Optical Waveguide Devices and Materials Proc SpieYDesign and Implementation of Fully-integrated Inductive Dc-dc Converters in Standard CmosAnalog Circ Sig Proc4Design and Implementation of Large Spatial DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc9Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation SystemsLect Notes Comput ScUDesign and Management of Poverty Reduction Programs and Projects in Anglophone AfricaEdi Learn Resour Ser/Design and Manufacturing of Active MicrosystemsMicrotechnol Mems'Design and Manufacturing of Wdm DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Design and Microfabrication of Novel X-ray OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Design and Microfabrication of Novel X-ray Optics Proc Spie4Design and Microfabrication of Novel X-ray Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Design and Modeling for Computer ExperimentsCh Crc Comp Sci DataDesign and NatureDes NatDesign and Nature Design NatureJDesign and Nature: Comparing Design in Nature With Science and Engineering Design NatureMDesign and Nature Ii: Comparing Design in Nature With Science and EngineeringDes NatMDesign and Nature Ii: Comparing Design in Nature With Science and Engineering Design NatureNDesign and Nature Iii: Comparing Design in Nature With Science and EngineeringWit Trans Ecol EnvirMDesign and Nature Iv: Comparing Design in Nature With Science and EngineeringWit Trans Ecol EnvirLDesign and Nature V: Comparing Design in Nature With Science and EngineeringWit Trans Ecol EnvirFDesign and Operation of Power Systems With Large Amounts of Wind Power Vtt Res Notes*Design and Performance of Biometric SystemComput Sci Tech Appl4Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures Geotech SpgDesign and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction With Optical Measurement of Tissue Ii Proc SpieeDesign and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction With Optical Measurements of TissueP Soc Photo-opt InsCDesign and Process Integration for Microelectronic Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsCDesign and Process Integration for Microelectronic Manufacturing Ii Proc SpieDDesign and Process Integration for Microelectronic Manufacturing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsDDesign and Process Integration for Microelectronic Manufacturing Iii Proc SpieCDesign and Process Integration for Microelectronic Manufacturing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsCDesign and Process Integration for Microelectronic Manufacturing Iv Proc Spie.Design and Quality for Biomedical TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Design and Rehabilitation of Pavements 1998Transport Res Rec+Design and Rehabilitation of Pavements 2001Transport Res Rec+Design and Rehabilitation of Pavements 2002Transport Res Rec7Design and Safety Assessment for Floating Installations Imare ConfDesign and Use of Serious GamesIntel Syst Contr AutDesign and Use of Serious GamesIntell Syst Contr AuZDesign, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsDes Aut Test Europe8Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference and ExpoDes Aut Test Europe9Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and ExpoDes Aut Test EuropeDesign Automation Conference Des Aut Con Design Automation Conference Dac Des Aut Con/Design Automation Conference - Proceedings 1997 Des Aut Con&Design Automation for Embedded SystemsDes Autom Embed Syst4Design By Evolution: Advances in Evolutionary Design Nat Comp SerEDesign, Characterization, and Packaging for Mems and MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsEDesign, Characterization, and Packaging for Mems and Microelectronics Proc SpieHDesign, Characterization, and Packaging for Mems and Microelectronics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHDesign, Characterization, and Packaging for Mems and Microelectronics Ii Proc SpieLDesign, Development, and Applications of Engineering Ceramics and Composites Ceram TransDesigned Monomers and PolymersDes Monomers PolymDesign Engineering-londonDes Eng-londonDesignerly Ways of KnowingBoard Int Res DesQDesigners' Forum: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and ExhibitionDes Aut Test EuropeDesigners Guide Book SeriesDes Guide Book Ser.Designer's Guide to Jitter in Ring OscillatorsDes Guide Book SerADesign, Fabrication, and Applications of Precision Plastic OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Photonic DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Photonic Devices Proc Spie@Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices Ii Proc SpieTDesign for Emergence: Collaborative Social Play With Online and Location-based MediaFront Artif Intel ApLDesign for Manufacturability and Statistical Design: A Constructive ApproachIntegr Circuit Syst:Design for Manufacturability and Yield for Nano-scale CmosIntegr Circuit Syst?Design for Manufacturability Through Design-process IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Design for Manufacturability Through Design-process Integration Proc SpieBDesign for Manufacturability Through Design-process Integration IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBDesign for Manufacturability Through Design-process Integration Ii Proc SpieCDesign for Manufacturability Through Design-process Integration IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCDesign for Manufacturability Through Design-process Integration Iii Proc SpieBDesign for Manufacturability Through Design-process Integration IvP Soc Photo-opt InsBDesign for Manufacturability Through Design-process Integration Iv Proc SpieADesign for Manufacturability Through Design-process Integration V Proc Spie(Designing An Efficient Management SystemContrib Manag SciHDesigning Cathodic Protection Systems for Marine Structures and VehiclesAm Soc Test Mater>Designing Cooperative Systems - The Use of Theories and Models Fr Art Int>Designing Cooperative Systems - The Use of Theories and ModelsFront Artif Intel ApDesigning Correct Circuits Ifip Trans A#Designing Cost-effective CompositesImeche Conf TransDesigning E-business SystemsLect Notes Bus InfDesigning E-business SystemsLect Notes Bus Inf P7Designing for Change in Networked Learning EnvironmentsCom S Coll Learn7Designing for Change in Networked Learning EnvironmentsComput-supp Collab LDesigning Functional FoodsWoodhead Food Ser/Designing High-performance Stiffened Structures Imeche SemZDesigning History in East Asian Textbooks: Identity Politics and Transnational AspirationsRout Stud Edu SocDesigning, Implementing, and Managing Treatment Services for Individuals With Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders: Blueprints for ActionHaworth Addict Treat<Designing Information and Organizations With A Positive LensAdv Int MarketingnDesigning Interfaces in Public Settings: Understanding The Role of The Spectator in Human-computer InteractionHum-comput Int-sprin=Designing Learning: From Module Outline to Effective TeachingKey Guid Eff Teach H0Designing Mobile Service Systems, Second Edition Res Des SerJDesigning of Interfacial Structures in Advanced Materials and Their Joints Sol St PhenJDesigning of Interfacial Structures in Advanced Materials and Their JointsSolid State PhenomenSDesigning, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum2Designing Reliable and Efficient Networks On ChipsLect Notes Electr EnDesigning Safer Chemicals Acs Sym Ser6Designing Smart Homes: Role of Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Comput Sc/Designing The Grey Grid for Information SocietyGl Conference SerTDesigning Ubiquitous Information Environments: Socio-technical Issues and ChallengesInt Fed Info ProcgDesigning User Friendly Augmented Work Environments: From Meeting Rooms to Digital Collaborative SpacesComput Supp Coop Wor=Designing Video and Multimedia for Open and Flexible LearningOpen Flex Learn Ser Design Issues Des IssuesDesign Issues in CscwComp Support Comp WDesign JournalDes JDesign ManualsDes ManQDesign, Manufacturing, and Testing of Micro- and Nano-optical Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsQDesign, Manufacturing, and Testing of Micro- and Nano-optical Devices and Systems Proc SpieFDesign, Manufacturing, and Testing of Planar Optical Waveguide DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Design Methodology and Relationships With ScienceNato Adv Sci Inst Se1Design Methodology for Rf Cmos Phase Locked LoopsArtech Hse Microw Li@Design Methods and Applications for Distributed Embedded SystemsInt Fed Info Proc1Design, Modeling and Control of Laser Beam OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsMDesign, Modeling and Experiments of 3-dof Electromagnetic Spherical Actuators Mech Mach Sci3Design, Modeling and Simulation in MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Design, Modeling and Simulation in Microelectronics Proc Spie Design NewsDes News Design News Design News9Design of Caspase Inhibitors As Potential Clinical AgentsCrc Enzym Inhib SerDesign of Climate PolicyCesifo Seminar Ser5Design of Computing Systems: Cognitive ConsiderationsAdv Hum Fact Ergon@Design of Computing Systems: Social and Ergonomic ConsiderationsAdv Hum Fact ErgonGDesign of Cost-efficient Interconnect Processing Units: Spidergon StnocSyst-chip Des Techno(Design of Efficient Illumination SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Design of High Voltage Xdsl Line Drivers in Standards CmosAnalog Circ Sig ProcLDesign of Image Processing Embedded Systems Using Multidimensional Data Flow Embed Syst%Design of Local Energy Supply Systems VDI BerichtKDesign of Material, Organism, and Minds: Different Understandings of Design X Media PublDesign of Observational StudiesSpringer Ser StatDesign of Optical InstrumentsP Soc Photo-opt InsDesign of Organic Solids Top Curr ChemDesign of Structures 2001Transport Res RecDesign of Structures 2002Transport Res RecDesign of Structures 2003Transport Res RecDesign of Structures 2004Transport Res RecDesign of Structures 2005Transport Res RecDesign of Structures 2006Transport Res Rec*Design of Synthetic Inhibitors of ThrombinAdv Exp Med Biol6Design of The Eurosystem's Monetary Policy Instruments Contrib Econ[Design of Ultra Wideband Antenna Matching Networks: Via Simplified Real Frequency TechniqueSignals Commun Techn-Design of Wireless Autonomous Datalogger Ic'sSpringer Int Ser EngFDesign, Process Integration, and Characterization for MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsFDesign, Process Integration, and Characterization for Microelectronics Proc Spie?Design, Production and Placement of Self-consolidating Concrete Rilem BookserDesign Quarterly Design Quart1Design, Reliability, and Maintenance for Railways Imeche Sem7Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-year PerspectiveLect Notes Bus Inf7Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-year PerspectiveLect Notes Bus Inf P;Design Research in Information Systems: Theory and PracticeIntegr Ser Inform Sy1Design Research Now: Essays and Selected ProjectsBoard Int Res DesDesign Science Planning Des Sci PlanDesigns Codes and CryptographyDesign Code CryptogrJDesign, Selection, and Operation of Refrigerator and Heat Pump Compressors Imeche SemJDesign, Simulation, and Fabrication of Optoelectronic Devices and CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt InsDesign Society Publication DsDes Soc Pub Ds@Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems'98Spring Comp Sci@Design, Specification and 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RockyhDesired Future Conditions for Southwestern Riparian Ecosystems: Bringing Interests and Concerns Together Usda RockyCDesire Lines: Space, Memory and Identity in The Post-apartheid City Architext"Desmopressin in Bleeding DisordersNato Adv Sci Inst Se/Destiny, The Inward Quest, Temporality and LifeAnalecta HusserlfDestructive Organizational Communication: Processes, Consequences, and Constructive Ways of Organizing Commun SerDesulphurisation 2 Inst Chem EDesulphurisation 3 Inst Chem EDetail Practice Detail PractDetecting Allergens in FoodWoodhead Food Ser[Detection and Diagnosis of Stiction in Control Loops: State of The Art and Advanced MethodsAdv Ind Control/Detection and Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets Epj Web ConfEDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike TargetsP Soc Photo-opt InsHDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets IiP Soc Photo-opt InsVDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsUDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Iv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsUDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Iv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieUDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Ix, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsUDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Ix, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieWDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Viii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsVDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Vii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsVDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Vii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieUDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Vi, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsUDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets Vi, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieTDetection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike 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and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets Xv Proc SpieKDetection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets Xvi Proc SpieFDetection and Treatment of Mineral Nutrition Problems in Grazing Sheep Aciar Mg S6Detection, Assessment, Diagnosis and Monitoring CariesMonogr Oral Sci8Detection of and Construction At The Soil/rock Interface Geotech SpLDetection of Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites and Fungi: Bioterrorism PreventionNato Sci Peace Sec AADetection of Biological Agents for The Prevention of BioterrorismNato Sci Peace Sec ACDetection of Bulk Explosives: Advanced Techniques Against TerrorismNato Sci Ser Ii Math:Detection of Cancer Predisposition : Laboratory Approaches Birth DefDDetection of Explosives and Landmines: Methods and Field ExperiencesNato Sci Ser Ii MathKDetection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScADetection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability AssessmentLect Notes Comput ScNDetection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPDetection of Liquid Explosives and Flammable Agents in Connection With TerrorismNato Sci Peace Sec BPDetection of Liquid Explosives and Flammable Agents in Connection With TerrorismNato Science Peace S5Detection Technologies for Mines and Minelike TargetsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Detectors and Associated Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Detectors and Associated Signal Processing Proc SpieCDetectors and Imaging Devices: Infrared, Focal Plane, Single PhotonP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Detectors, Focal Plane Arrays, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Detectors, Focal Plane Arrays, and Imaging Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLDetectors for Crystallography and Diffraction Studies At Synchrotron SourcesP Soc Photo-opt InsDeterminacy of Long GamesDegruyter Ser Log ApDeterminantal Ideals Prog MathIDeterminate World: Kant and Helmholtz On The Physical Meaning of GeometryQuellen Stud Philos2Determination of Geophysical Parameters From Space Sussp ProcDetermination of The GeoidIag SympTDetermination Verbale En Anglais: Approche Linguistique Et Didactique Du Commentaire Interlangues?Determining Mycotoxins and Mycotoxigenic Fungi in Food and FeedWoodhead Publ Food SUDetermining Nanoscale Physical Properties of Materials By Microscopy and SpectroscopyMater Res Soc Symp P Determining Project RequirementsEsi Int Proj Manag SCDetermining Thresholds of Complete Synchronization, and ApplicationWorld Sci Ser Nonlin9Deterministic and Statistical Methods in Machine LearningLect Notes Artif Int)Deterministic Chaos in General RelativityNato Adv Sci Inst Se1Deterministic Extraction From Weak Random SourcesMonogr Theor Comput:Deterministic Solvers for The Boltzmann Transport EquationComp MicroelectronADeterrence in The Middle East: Where Theory and Practice Converge Jcss Study2Deterring International Terrorism and Rogue StatesContemp Secur Stud/Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature StudiesDeuter Cogn Lit Stud#Deutsche Entomologische ZeitschriftDeut Entomol ZKDeutsche Gesellschaft Fur Zerstorungsfreie Prufung E.v. - Conference Volume Dgzfp Ber;Deutsche Gesundheitswesen-zeitschrift Fur Klinische MedizinDeut Gesundheitswes Deutsche Kunst Und DenkmalpflegeDeut Kunst DenkmalpfDeutsche Lebensmittel-rundschauDeut Lebensm-rundsch#Deutsche Medizinische WochenschriftDeut Med Wochenschr&Deutsches Archiv Fur Klinische MedizinDeut Arch Klin Med"Deutsches Arzteblatt InternationalDtsch Arztebl IntDeutsche Sprache Deut Sprache0Deutsche Stiftung Fur Internationale EntwicklungDtsch Stift Int Entw$Deutsche Tierarztliche WochenschriftDeut Tierarztl WochLDeutsche Vierteljahrsschrift Fur Literaturwissenschaft Und GeistesgeschichteDeut Vier Lit Geist"Deutsche Zahnarztliche ZeitschriftDeut Zahnaerztl Z9Deutsche Zeitschrift Fur Die Gesamte Gerichtliche MedizinDeut Z Ges Geric Med(Deutsche Zeitschrift Fur NervenheilkundeDtsch Z Nervenheilkd$Deutsche Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie Deut Z Philos%Deutsche Zeitschrift Fur SportmedizinDeut Z Sportmed-Developing and Growing The Business - Freight Imeche Sem/Developing and Growing The Business - Passenger Imeche Sem=Developing and Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc6Developing China: Land, Politics and Social ConditionsRoutl Contemp China+Developing Concepts in Applied IntelligenceStud Comput IntellPDeveloping Contrastive Pragmatics: Interlanguage and Cross-cultural PerspectivesStud Lang AcquisDeveloping CountriesTransport Res Rec2Developing Countries and Global Trade NegotiationsRout Adv Int Rel Glo?Developing Countries and The Doha Development Agenda of The WtoRoutl Stud Mod World7Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance, Vol 3 Nat Bur EcDeveloping EconomiesDev Econ)Developing Economies in Transition, Vol 1 World B Dis)Developing Economies in Transition, Vol 2 World B Dis)Developing Economies in Transition, Vol 3 World B Dis7Developing Industrial Case-based Reasoning ApplicationsLect Notes Artif IntDDeveloping Industrial Case-based Reasoning Applications, 2nd EditionLect Notes Artif Int7Developing Knowledge and Value in Management Consulting Res ManagDDeveloping Language Learner: An Introduction to Exploratory PracticeRes Pract Appl Lingu^Developing Learning Professionals: Integrating Experiences in University and Practice SettingsProf Pract-based Lea-Developing Multi-database Mining ApplicationsAdv Inform Knowl Pro Developing Successful LeadershipStud Educ LeadershDDeveloping The Future - The Inaugural Young Professionals ConferenceAustralas I Min Met-Developing Transputer Applications ( Oug 11 ) Occam Us Gr$Developing World and State EducationRoutl Stud Educ NeolDeveloping World BioethicsDev World BioethDeveloping Written KarelianStud Lang-finland3Developing Your Teaching: Ideas, Insight and ActionKey Guid Eff Teach H Development DevelopmentDevelopment Aid: A Fresh LookStud Dev Econ Policy"Developmental and Clinical StudiesAdolescent Psychiat(Developmental and Comparative ImmunologyDev Comp Immunol%Developmental Behavioral NeuroscienceMinn Sym Child PsychDevelopmental BiologyDev BiolDevelopmental Brain DysfunctionDev Brain DysfunctDevelopmental Brain Research Dev Brain ResDevelopmental CellDev Cell$Developmental Cognitive NeuroscienceDev Cogn Neurosci+Developmental Disabilities Research ReviewsDev Disabil Res RevDevelopmental Dynamics Dev DynamDevelopmental EndocrinologyFront EndocrinolDevelopmental Endocrinology Serono Sym>Developmental Entrepreneurship: Adversity, Risk, and IsolationInt Res Bus DisciplDevelopmental Genetics Dev Genet1Developmental Genetics of Plant-microbe Symbioses Bot Res PractDevelopmental Immunology Dev Immunol2Developmental Mechanisms of Disease in The Newborn Ross C Ped*Developmental Medicine and Child NeurologyDev Med Child NeurolDevelopmental Neurobiology Dev NeurobiolRDevelopmental Neurocognition: Speech and Face Processing in The First Year of LifeNato Adv Sci Inst Se-Developmental Neuropathology of SchizophreniaNato Adv Sci 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Res4Development Ethics At Work: Explorations - 1960-2002Routl Stud Dev Econ@Development, Evolution and Petroleum Geology of The Wessex BasinGeol Soc Spec Publ%Development Finance and Policy Reform Int Pol Ec7Development Finance: Debates, Dogmas and New DirectionsRoutl Adv Texts Econ9Development Finance in The Global Economy: The Road AheadStud Dev Econ PolicyDevelopment Genes and EvolutionDev Genes Evol$Development Growth & DifferentiationDev Growth DifferDevelopment Guidelines Dev Guidel;Development, Handicap, Rehabilitation : Practice and Theory Int Congr SerDevelopment in Body Engineering VDI Bericht"Development in Chassis Engineering VDI BerichtDevelopment in Context J Piaget Sy.Development in Industrial Microbiology, Vol 35Dev Ind MicrobiolDevelopment in Light Metals Key Eng MatDevelopment Issues Dev Comm S_Development Issues in Global Governance: Public-private Partnerships and Market MultilateralismRoutl Warw Stud GlobRDevelopment Issues: Presentations to The 43rd Meeting of The Development Committee Dev Comm SRDevelopment Issues: Presentations to The 50th Meeting of The Development Committee Dev Comm SDevelopment MacroeconomicsRoutl Stud Dev EconXDevelopment of Auditory and Vestibular Systems 3: Molecular Development of The Inner EarCurr Top Dev BiolNDevelopment of British Naval Thinking: Essays in Memory of Bryan Mclaren RanftCass Ser Nav Policy#Development of Capitalism in RussiaRoutl Contemp Russ E2Development of Component-based Information SystemsAdv Manag Inform Sys4Development of Consensus in Global Infection ControlRes Clin Forums3Development of Emotion Regulation and Dysregulation Camb St SocPDevelopment of Form and Function in Fishes and The Question of Larval Adaptation Am Fish S S(Development of Future-oriented Processes Mac Fdn MenGDevelopment of Intellectual Property Regimes in The Arabian Gulf StatesRout Res Intell PropKDevelopment of Luminescence of Properties of Eu3+-doped Nanosized MaterialsNanotechnol Sci Tech.Development of Memory in Infancy and ChildhoodStud Dev Psychol7Development of Modern Medicine in Non-western CountriesRoy Asiat Soc Books`Development of Modern South Korea: State Formation, Capitalist Development and National IdentityRoutl Adv Korean StuBDevelopment of Multimodal Interfaces: Active Listing and SynchronyLect Notes Comput ScDevelopment of Neural CircuitryCurr Top Dev Biol)Development of New Mdr-tuberculosis DrugsPharm Res Saf Test_Development of Nominal Inflection in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-linguistic PerspectiveStud Lang Acquis@Development of Packaging and Products for Use in Microwave OvensWoodhead Publ MaterdDevelopment of Sea Urchins, Ascidians, and Other Invertebrate Deuterostomes: Experimental ApproachesMethod Cell Biol;Development of Sex Differences and Similarities in BehaviorNato Adv Sci Inst SeGDevelopment of Specifications for Biotechnology Pharmaceutical ProductsDev Biol StandDevelopment of T Cell ImmunityProg Mol Biol TranslDevelopment of The American Public Accounting Profession: Scottish Chartered Accountants and The Early American Public Accountancy ProfessionRoutl New Works Acct"Development of The Cerebral Cortex Ciba F Symp1Development of The Pancreas and Neonatal Diabetes Endocr Dev1Development of The Pancreas and Neonatal Diabetes Endocrin Dev(Development of The Perineum in The HumanAdv Anat Embryol CelSDevelopment of The Rural World: Problems and Policies, Institutions and Instruments Quad Riv Ec Development of The Visual System P Ret Res FDevelopment On The GroundRout Adv Manage BusDevelopment On The GroundRoutl Adv Manag Bus,Development Oriented Research in AgricultureDev Orient Res AgrDevelopment Policy ReviewDev Policy RevJDevelopments and Challenges for Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles: A CompendiumIntel Syst Ref Libr5Developments and Ethical Considerations in Toxicology Roy Soc ChDevelopments and Innovation in Carbon Dioxide (co2) Capture and Storage Technology-vol 1: Carbon Dioxide (co2) Capture, Transport and Industrial ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Ser EnDevelopments and Innovation in Carbon Dioxide (co2) Capture and Storage Technology, Volume 2: Carbon Dioxide (co2) Storage and UtilisationWoodhead Publ Ser En:Developments and Trends in Infinite-dimensional Lie Theory Prog Math8Development-seeds of Change-village Through Global OrderDevelop-seed Change0Developments in Advanced Ceramics and CompositesCeram Eng Sci Proc7Developments in Agricultural and Managed-forest EcologyDev Agric Manag For&Developments in Agricultural Economics Dev Agr Ec.Developments in Animal and Veterinary Sciences Dev An Vet<Developments in Applied Artificail Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Developments in Applied Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int,Developments in Arid Regions Research SeriesDev Arid Reg Res SerKDevelopments in Astrometry and Their Impact On Astrophysics and GeodynamicsIau Symp#Developments in Atmospheric Science Dev AtmosphDevelopments in Biochemistry Devel BiochDevelopments in BiologicalsDev Biologicals*Developments in Biological StandardizationDev Biol Stand*Developments in Biological StandardizationDev BiologicalsDevelopments in Biotherapy Dev Biother'Developments in Cardiovascular MedicineDev Cardiovasc Med!Developments in Civil Engineering Dev Civ Eng7Developments in Corporate Governance and ResponsibilityDev Corp Gov Respons9Developments in Critical Care Medicine and Anesthesiology Dev C C Med;Developments in Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices Ceram Trans2Developments in Dynamic Soil-structure InteractionNato Adv Sci Inst SeDevelopments in EcosystemsDev Ecosystems'Developments in Environmental ModellingDev Environ Model%Developments in Environmental ScienceDev Environm Sci6Developments in Estuarine and Coastal Study Techniques Olsen Int SDevelopments in Food Science Dev Food Sci(Developments in Four-dimensional GeodesyLect Notes Earth Sci!Developments in Fullerene ScienceDev Fullerene Sci Developments in Gastroenterology Dev GastroCDevelopments in General Relativity, Astrophysics and Quantum Theory Ann Isr Phy(Developments in Geotechnical EngineeringDev Geotech Eng2Developments in Health Economics and Public PolicyDev Health Econ Publ2Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy Dev Hlth Ec)Developments in Hematology and Immunology Dev HematolFDevelopments in High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of MaterialsWoodhead Publ MaterDevelopments in Hydrobiology Dev HydrobDevelopments in Hydrobiology Dev Hydrobiol'Developments in Industrial MicrobiologyDev Ind Microbiol7Developments in Landscape Management and Urban Planning Dev LandscDevelopments in Language TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc,Developments in Language Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDevelopments in Marine Biology Dev Mar Bio!Developments in Marine Technology Dev Mar Tec!Developments in Marketing Science Dev Mkt Sci)Developments in Marketing Science, Vol 12 Dev Mkt Sci)Developments in Marketing Science, Vol 13 Dev Mkt SciDevelopments in MathematicsDev MathYDevelopments in Microcomputing - Discovering New Opportunities for Libraries in The 1990s Ver U Essen3Developments in Modern Automotive Body Construction VDI BerichtDevelopments in Nanotechnology Dev NanotecDevelopments in Nephrology Dev NephrolDevelopments in Neurology Devel NeurDevelopments in NeuroscienceDev Neurosci-amster)Developments in Neuroscience, Proceedings Int Congr SerDevelopments in Neurosciences Int Congr Ser Developments in Nuclear Medicine Dev Nuc MedDevelopments in Oncology Dev OncolDevelopments in OphthalmologyDev Ophthalmol*Developments in Optical Component CoatingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Developments in Paleoenvironmental ResearchDev Paleoenviron Res!Developments in Petroleum Science Dev Petr SciDevelopments in Petrophysics Geol Soc Sp'Developments in Plant and Soil SciencesDev Plant Soil SciDevelopments in Plant BreedingDev Plant Breed+Developments in Plant Genetics and Breeding Dev Pl GenDevelopments in Plant PathologyDev Plant Pathol:Developments in Porous, Biological and Geopolymer CeramicsCeram Eng Sci Proc2Developments in Primatology-progress and Prospects Dev Primatol2Developments in Primatology-progress and ProspectsDev Primatol-prog PrDevelopments in Psychiatry Dev Psychia4Developments in Quality-of-life Studies in MarketingDev Qual Lif Stud,Developments in Services of General InterestLeg Iss Serv Gen IntDevelopments in Soft Computing Adv Soft CompDevelopments in Soil Science Dev Soil Sci@Developments in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Lithium Ion Batteries Ceram Trans#Developments in Strategic MaterialsCeram Eng Sci ProcDevelopments in Surgery Dev SurgeryJDevelopments in The Call Centre Industry: Analysis, Changes and ChallengesRoutl Stud Bus Organ=Developments in The Formulation and Reinforcement of ConcreteWoodhead Publ Mater1Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Devel Theor9Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol 14 Devel Theor3Developments in Tryptophan and Serotonin MetabolismAdv Exp Med BiolDevelopments in Volcanology Dev VolcanoDevelopments in Water Science Dev Water Sci Developments in X-ray TomographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Developments in X-ray Tomography IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Developments in X-ray Tomography Ii Proc Spie$Developments in X-ray Tomography IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Developments in X-ray Tomography Iii Proc Spie#Developments in X-ray Tomography IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Developments in X-ray Tomography Iv Proc Spie"Developments in X-ray Tomography VP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Developments in X-ray Tomography ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Developments in X-ray Tomography Vi Proc Spie$Developments in X-ray Tomography ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsDevelopment Southern Africa Dev So AfrDevelopment Southern Africa Dev South AfrQDevelopment, Use and Performance of Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (eifs)Am Soc Test Mater/Development With Sustainable Use of ElectricityNato Asi 3 High Tech;Development With Trade : Ldcs and The International Economy Inc Exc ExtDeviance Et Societe Deviance SocDeviant Behavior Deviant Behav/Device and Materials Modeling in Pem Fuel Cells Top Appl Phys=Device and Process Technologies for Mems and MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Device and Process Technologies for Mems and Microelectronics Proc Spie@Device and Process Technologies for Mems and Microelectronics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Device and Process Technologies for Mems and Microelectronics Ii Proc SpieLDevice and Process Technologies for Microelectronics, Mems, and Photonics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsLDevice and Process Technologies for Microelectronics, Mems, and Photonics Iv Proc Spie[Device and Process Technologies for Microelectronics, Mems, Photonics and Nanotechnology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Device and Process Technologies for Microelectronics, Mems, Photonics and Nanotechnology Iv Proc Spie)Device Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics Und Com Sys)Device Applications of Nonlinear DynamicsUnderst Complex Syst>Device Applications of Silicon Nanocrystals and NanostructuresNanostruct Sci Techn 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Altering Questions and Changing FrameworksRoutl Contemp AsiaRDe-westernizing Communication Research: Altering Questions and Changing FrameworksRoutledge Contemp AsaDexa 2008: 19th International Conference On Database and Expert Systems Applications, ProceedingsInt Workshop DatabasDgeb Publication Dgeb Publ Dglr BerichteDglr BerDhhs Publication Dhhs PublicD H Lawrence ReviewD H Lawrence RevDiabetesDiabetesDiabetesNestle Nutr Works Se Diabetes 1988 Int Congr Ser Diabetes 1991 Int Congr Ser Diabetes 1994 Int Congr SerDiabetes & MetabolismDiabetes Metab$Diabetes & Vascular Disease ResearchDiabetes Vasc Dis ReFDiabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Etiology, Treatment, and OutcomesAdv Exp Med BiolDiabetes and ExerciseContemp DiabetesDiabetes and The BrainContemp DiabetesDiabetes and The KidneyContrib Nephrol Diabetes Care Diabetes CareDiabetes EducatorDiabetes Educator)Diabetes, Insulin and Alzheimer's Disease Res Per AlzDiabetes in WomenContemp DiabetesDiabetes in WomenPublic Health 21st C.Diabetes in Women: Pathophysiology and TherapyContemp Diabetes'Diabetes Mellitus and Its ComplicationsAnn Ny Acad Sci7Diabetes Mellitus: Recent Advances for The 21st Century Int Congr Ser(Diabetes-metabolism Research and ReviewsDiabetes Metab Res(Diabetes-metabolism Research and ReviewsDiabetes-metab ResDiabetes-metabolism ReviewsDiabetes Metab RevDiabetes Nutrition & MetabolismDiabetes Nutr MetabDiabetes Obesity & MetabolismDiabetes Obes Metab(Diabetes, Obesity and Hyperlipidemias-iv Int Congr Ser(Diabetes, Obesity and Hyperlipidemias: V Int Congr Ser'Diabetes Research and Clinical PracticeDiabetes Res Clin Pr+Diabetes Research Clinical and ExperimentalDiabetes Res Clin ExDiabetes RetinopathyContemp DiabetesDiabetes Reviews Diabetes RevDiabetes Stoffwechsel Und HerzDiabetes Stoffwech H"Diabetes Technology & TherapeuticsDiabetes Technol TheADiabetic Complications : Epidemiology and Pathogenetic Mechanisms Serono SymDiabetic Medicine Diabetic Med8Diabetic Neuropathy: Clinical Management, Second EditionContemp Diabetes.Diabetic Neuropathy: New Concepts and Insights Int Congr Ser Diabetologe Diabetologe Diabetologia DiabetologiaDiabetologie Und StoffwechselDiabetol Stoffwechs Diabetology & Metabolic SyndromeDiabetol Metab Syndr Diachronica Diachronica(Diachronic Change in The English PassivePalgr Stud Lang Hist.Diachronic Climatic Impacts On Water ResourcesNato Asi Ser Ser I-Diacritics-a Review of Contemporary Criticism DiacriticsDiaglogos Hispanicos Diag HispFDiagnosis and Epidemiology of Foot-and-mouth Disease in Southeast Asia Aciar Proc/Diagnosis and Identification of Plant PathogensDev Plant Pathol/Diagnosis and Management of Pituitary DisordersContemp Endocrinol S(Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Mycoses Infect DisDiagnosis As Cultural PracticeLang Power Soc ProceNDiagnosis of Process Nonlinearities and Valve Stiction: Data Driven ApproachesAdv Ind ControllDiagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Exercise-related Asthma, Respiratory and Allergic Disorders in SportsEur Respir Monogr Diagnostica Diagnostica"Diagnostic and Clinical ImmunologyDiagn Clin Immunol'Diagnostic and Interventional RadiologyDiagn Interv RadiolJDiagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Interventions Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsODiagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures in Gastroenterology: An Illustrated GuideClin Gastroent-serDiagnostic Biosensor Polymers Acs Sym SerDiagnostic CytopathologyDiagn Cytopathol$Diagnostic Gynecology and ObstetricsDiagn Gynecol ObstetDiagnostic HistopathologyDiagn HistopatholDiagnostic Imaging Diagn Imaging'Diagnostic Imaging in Clinical MedicineDiagn Imag Clin Med;Diagnostic Imaging Technologies and Industrial ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsDiagnostic ImmunologyDiagn Clin Immunol.Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious DiseaseDiagn Micr Infec DisDiagnostic Molecular PathologyDiagn Mol PatholDiagnostic Oncology Diagn Oncol.Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in BiomedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine Proc Spie1Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine Ii Proc Spie1Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine Iv Proc SpieDiagnostic Pathology Diagn Pathol+Diagnostic Procedures for Crop N Management Colloq Inra/Diagnostics for Contemporary Fusion Experiments Int Sch PlDiagnostics in Crop Production Bcpc Symp Ser<Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P?Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials Processing IiMater Res Soc Symp P'Diagnostic Tools in Atmospheric PhysicsP Int Sch Phys-Diagnostic Virology Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol'Diagrammatic Morphisms and Applications Contemp Math)Diagrammatic Representation and InferenceLect Notes Artif Int6Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int6Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc^Diagrammatology: An Investigation On The Borderlines of Phenomenology, Ontology, and Semiotics Synth Libr Dialectica DialecticaDialectical AnthropologyDialect AnthropolDialectologia Et GeolinguisticaDialectol GeolinguisPDialectology Meets Typology: Dialect Grammar From A Cross-linguistic PerspectiveTrends Linguist-studDialects Across BordersAmst Stud Theory HisDialgebras and Related OperadsLect Notes MathDialog-a Journal of TheologyDialogDialog-a Journal of TheologyDialog-j TheologyBDialogic Education and Technology: Expanding The Space of LearningComput-supp Collab L$Dialogue-a Journal of Mormon ThoughtDialogue-j Mormon Th$Dialogue Analysis and The Mass MediaBeitr DialogforschDialogue Analysis Iv, Pt 1Beitr DialogforschDialogue Analysis Iv, Pt 2Beitr Dialogforsch.Dialogue and Learning in Mathematics Education Math Educ LibDialogue and Syncretism Curr Encoun+Dialogue and Technology : Art and Knowledge Spr S Ai S&Dialogue-canadian Philosophical ReviewDialogue-can Philos!Dialogue-journal of Phi Sigma TauDialogue-j Phi Sigma.Dialogue Processing in Spoken Language SystemsLect Notes Artif Int&Dialogues From Public Workshops Series Dialog PublDialysis & TransplantationDialysis Transplant5Dialysis, Dialyzers and Sorbents: Where Are We Going?Contrib Nephrol-Dialysis Membranes: Structure and PredictionsContrib NephrolDialysis-related AmyloidosisContrib NephrolDialysis Therapy in The 1990sContrib Nephrol+Diamond and Diamond-like Films and CoatingsNato Adv Sci I B-phyDiamond and Related MaterialsDiam Relat Mater.Diamond Based Composites and Related MaterialsNato Asi 3 High Tech2Diamond Electronics - Fundamentals to ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P5Diamond Electronics - Fundamentals to Applications IiMater Res Soc Symp PDiamond Films and TechnologyDiamond Film TechnolDiamond-film SemiconductorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Diamond for Electronic ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PDiamond Materials Vi Elec Soc S"Diamond Materials Vii, Proceedings Elec Soc SDiamond Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsDiamond Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsDiamond Optics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsDiamond Optics VP Soc Photo-opt InsDiamonds and Defaults Synth Libr4Diamond, Sic and Nitride Wide Bandgap SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P@Diamond, Silicon Carbide and Related Wide Bandgap SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P&Diarrhea: Causes, Types and TreatmentsPublic Health 21st C-Diarrhea: Diagnostic and Therapeutic AdvancesClin Gastroent-serDiarrhea: OverviewPublic Health 21st CDiasporas-histoire Et SocietesDiasporas-hist SocDiasporas in Antiquity Brown Jud SEDiaspora Strikes Back: Caribbean Latino Tales of Learning and Turning Cult SpacesDiatom Flora in Springs of Lodz Hills (central Poland): Biodiversity, Taxonomy, and Temporal Changes of Epipsammic Diatom Assemblages in Springs Affected By Human Impact Diatom MonogrDiatom Monographs Diatom MonogrDiatom Monographs, Vol 10 Diatom MonogrDiatom Research Diatom ResrDiatoms of North America: The Pliocene-pleistocene Freshwater Flora of Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canadian High ArcticIconogr Diatomol Diatom WorldCell Orig Life ExtreADibner Institute Studies in The History of Science and TechnologyDibner Inst Stud HisDic Int Congr Ser:Dice, Cards, Wheels: A Different History of French CultureCrit Author Iss Dickensian DickensianDickens Quarterly Dickens QuartDickens Studies NewsletterDickens Stud NewslDickinson StudiesDickinson Stud"Dicp-the Annals of PharmacotherapyDicp Ann PharmackDidactical Challenge of Symbolic Calculators: Turning A Computational Device Into A Mathematical Instrument Math Educ Lib%Didactica Slovenica-pedagoska ObzorjaDidact Slov-pedagosDidaktik And/or Curriculum Am Un St Ed>Diderot and Lessing As Exemplars of A Post-spinozist MentalityMod Humanit Res AssoZDid Westward Subduction Cause Cretaceous-tertiary Orogeny in The North American CordilleraGeol Soc Am Spec PapMDie Apostelgeschichte Im Kontext Antiker Und Fruhchristlicher HistoriographieBeih Z Neutest WissDie Casting Engineer Die Cast Eng Dieciocho-hispanic Enlightenment DieciochoDiefenbaker Legacy Can Plain P<Die Fruhzeit Der Thuringer: Archaologie, Sprache, GeschichteReallexikon Ger AlteiDie Landmauer Von Konstantinopel-istanbul: Historisch-topographische Und Baugeschichtliche UntersuchungenMillenn Stud Kult GemDielectric and Related Phenomena: Materials Physico-chemistry, Spectrometric Investigations, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsDielectric Ceramic Materials Ceram Trans4Dielectric Material Integration for Microelectronics Elec Soc S=Dielectric Materials: Introduction, Research and ApplicationsMater Sci TechnolDDielectric Spectroscopy in Biodiesel Production and CharacterizationGreen Energy Technol$Diesel Engines - Particulate Control Imeche SemDiesel Fuel Injection Systems Imeche Sem Diesel Progress Engines & DrivesDiesel Prog Engine D&Diesel Progress North American EditionDiesel Prog N Am EdDiet and Breast CancerAdv Exp Med BiolDiet and CancerAdv Exp Med BiolDiet and Cancer Diet Cancer3Diet and Cancer: Markers, Prevention, and TreatmentAdv Exp Med BiolDiet and Disease Soc St Hum(Dietary Anticarcinogens and Antimutagens Roy Soc Ch&Dietary Components and Immune FunctionNutr Health SerDietary Fat and CancerAdv Exp Med Biol1Dietary Fats, Lipids, Hormones, and TumorigenesisAdv Exp Med Biol9Dietary Fiber, Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and HealthNutr Diet Res Prog#Dietary Fiber in Health and DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol/Dietary Fibre : Chemical and Biological Aspects Roy Soc Ch!Dietary Lipids and Insulin ActionAnn Ny Acad Sci6Dietary Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cancer Diet Cancer9Dietary Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention and TreatmentAdv Exp Med Biol)Diet Diversification and Health Promotion Forum Nutr!Diet, Nutrition & Chronic DiseaseLshtm Publ Heal For6Diet, Nutrition and The Prevention of Chronic DiseasesWho Tech Rep Ser,Diet Quality of American School-age ChildrenChild Iss Laws Progr'Diet Quality of American Young ChildrenChild Iss Laws ProgrDifference Algebra Algebra Appl5Difference Methods for Singular Perturbation ProblemsCh Crc Monogr Surv P2Differences-a Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies Differences;Difference Sets, Sequences and Their Correlation PropertiesNato Adv Sci I C-matADifferential Algebra, Complex Analysis and Orthogonal Polynomials Contemp Math9Differential Analysis On Complex Manifolds, Third EditionGrad Texts Math;Differential and Difference Equations and Applications 2008Tatra Mt Math Publ#Differential and Integral EquationsDiffer Integral Equ:Differential and Integral Equations and Their ApplicationsDiff Int Eq Appl)Differential Diagnosis of HyperthyroidismEndocr Res Clin DevDifferential Dynamical SystemsMath Model ComputDifferential Equations Diff Equat+Differential Equations //Lect Notes Pure ApplDifferential Equations ///Lect Notes Pure Appl?Differential Equations & Asymptotic Theory Mathematical Physics Ser Analysis0Differential Equations and Applications - SeriesDiffer Equ Appl.Differential Equations and Applications, Vol 4Differ Equ Appl.Differential Equations and Applications, Vol 5Differ Equ Appl)Differential Equations and Control TheoryLect Notes Pure Appl.Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics Math Appl)Differential Equations and Quantum GroupsIrma L Math The Phys6Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational ProblemsProg Nonlinear Diffe,Differential Equations Driven By Rough PathsLect Notes MathXDifferential Equations: Geometry, Symmetries and Integrability - The Abel Symposium 2008 Abel Symp'Differential Equations in Banach SpacesLect Notes Pure ApplMDifferential Equations With Applications in Biology, Physics, and EngineeringLect Notes Pure ApplZDifferential Evolution: A Handbook for Global Permutation Based Combinatorial OptimizationStud Comput Intell*Differential Evolution in ElectromagneticsAdapt Learn Optim.Differential Evolution: in Search of SolutionsSpringer Ser Optim A>Differential Games - Developments in Modelling and ComputationLect Notes Contr Inf7Differential Geometrical Methods in Theoretical PhysicsNato Adv Sci I C-mat5Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical PhysicsNato Adv Sci I B-phyDifferential GeometryLect Notes Math*Differential Geometry and Its ApplicationsDiffer Geom Appl!Differential Geometry and PhysicsNankai Tracts MathGDifferential Geometry and Topology, Discrete and Computational GeometryNato Sc S Ss Iii C S/Differential Geometry of Lightlike Submanifolds Front Math"Differential Information EconomiesStud Econ Theory)Differential Operators and Related Topics Oper TheorIDifferential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy: Principles and ApplicationsPhys Earth Space EnvDifferentiationDifferentiation,Differentiation and Functions of Glial Cells Neurol Neur'Differentiation of Embryonic Stem CellsMethod Enzymol'Differentiation of Embryonic Stem CellsMethods Enzymol#Different Paths to A Market Economy Oecd Devel Difficult-to-treat Severe AsthmaEur Respir MonogrvDiffraction 2002: Interpretation of The New Diffractive Phenomena in Quantum Chromodynamics and in The S-matrix TheoryNato Sci Ser Ii MathDiffraction 2008 Aip Conf Proc6Diffraction-limited Imaging With Very Large TelescopesNato Adv Sci I C-mat1Diffraction Radiation From Relativistic ParticlesSpringer Trac Mod PhCDiffractive and Holographic Device Technologies and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsBDiffractive and Holographic Device Technologies and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Diffractive and Holographic Optics TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Diffractive and Holographic Optics Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Diffractive and Holographic Optics Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHDiffractive and Holographic Technologies for Integrated Photonic SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsRDiffractive and Holographic Technologies, Systems, and Spatial Light Modulators ViP Soc Photo-opt InsEDiffractive/holographic Technologies and Spatial Light Modulators ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Diffractive Optics and Micro-optics, Proceedings VolumeOsa Trends Opt Photo Diffractometry and ScatterometryP Soc Photo-opt InsDiffuse Emission VDI Bericht'Diffuse Infrared Radiation and The Irts Astr Soc PDiffuse Interstellar BandsAstrophys Space Sc LDiffuse Optical Imaging Iii Proc Spie!Diffuse Optical Imaging of TissueP Soc Photo-opt InsDiffuse Waves in Complex MediaNato Adv Sci I C-mat2Diffusing Software Product and Process InnovationsInt Fed Info ProcODiffusion and Defect Data - Solid State Data, Pt A : Defect and Diffusion ForumDefect Diffus ForumODiffusion and Defect Data - Solid State Data, Pt A : Defect and Diffusion Forum Diffus De AKDiffusion and Defect Data - Solid State Data, Pt. B : Solid State Phenomena Diffus De B9Diffusion and Diffusional Phase Transformations in AlloysDefect Diffus ForumDiffusion and Reactions Sol St PhenDiffusion and Stresses Diffus De A)Diffusion and Thermodynamics of MaterialsDefect Diffus ForumJDiffusion and Transport of Pollutants in Atmospheric Mesoscale Flow Fields Ercoftac Ser8Diffusion and Use of Geographic Information TechnologiesNato Adv Sci Inst Se.Diffusion in Advanced Materials and ProcessingDefect Diffus ForumDiffusion in MaterialsNato Adv Sci I E-app/Diffusion in Materials: Dimat 2004, Pts 1 and 2Defect Diffus Forum"Diffusion in Materials - Dimat2008Defect Diffus Forum'Diffusion in Metals and Alloys, Pts 1-3Defect Diffus ForumDiffusion in Minerals and MeltsRev Mineral GeochemDiffusion in Ordered Alloys Empmd Mg SDiffusion in Solids and LiquidsDefect Diffus ForumLDiffusion in Solids and Liquids: Heat Transfer - Microstructure & PropertiesMater Sci Forum#Diffusion in Solids and Liquids IiiDefect Diffus Forum"Diffusion in Solids and Liquids IvDefect Diffus Forum.Diffusion in Solids and Liquids V, Pts 1 and 2Defect Diffus Forum.Diffusion in Solids - Past, Present and FutureDefect Diffus ForumcDiffusionless Phase Transitions in Oxides and Some Reconstructive and Martensitic Phase Transitions Key Eng MatcDiffusionless Phase Transitions in Oxides and Some Reconstructive and Martensitic Phase Transitions Key Eng Mater-Diffusion Mechanisms in Crystalline MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P9Diffusion of New Technologies in The Post-communist WorldNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec;Diffusion Processes and Related Problems in Analysis, Vol 1 Prog Probab0Diffusion, Segregation and Stresses in MaterialsDefect Diffus Forum-Diffusions in Materials: Dimat2000, Pts 1 & 2Defect Diffus Forum@Diffusion, Transfer and Implementation of Information Technology Ifip Trans A Digestion DigestionDigestive and Liver DiseaseDigest Liver DisDigestive Diseases Digest DisDigestive Diseases and SciencesDigest Dis SciDigestive Endoscopy Digest EndoscDigestive Physiology in Pigs Eaap PublicDigestive Surgery Digest Surg1Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and BiostructuresDig J Nanomater BiosDigest of European Tort LawDig Eur Tort Law*Digest of The Leos Summer Topical MeetingsDigest Leos Sum TopDiggers At The WellStud Text Des JudahDigging It Up Down UnderWorld Archaeol Congr%Digital Architecture and ConstructionWit Trans Built Env#Digital Avionics Systems ConferenceDigit Avion Syst Con Digital Cinema and MicrodisplaysP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital CitiesLect Notes Comput Sc<Digital Cities Ii: Computational and Sociological ApproachesLect Notes Comput ScDigital Cities IiiLect Notes Comput ScYDigital Color Management: Principles and Strategies for The Standardized Print Production X Media Publ)Digital Communication in Medical PracticeHealth Inform Ser6Digital Communication: Principles and System ModellingSignals Commun TechnEDigital Compression Technologies and Systems for Video CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Digital Control: Past, Present and Future of Pid Control Ifac Work SDigital Creativity Digit CreatDigital Design and FabricationComput Eng Ser.Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology IiAdv Mater Res-switz8Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology, Pts 1 and 2 Adv Mat Res8Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switzDigital DialecticLeonardo SeriesADigital Document Processing: Major Directions and Recent AdvancesAdv Pattern Recognit)Digital Documents: Systems and PrinciplesLect Notes Comput ScDigitale BilddiagnostikDigitale BilddiagnODigitale Edition Zwischen Experiment Und Standardisierung: Musik Text Codierung Beih EditioODigital Enterprise Challenges: Life-cycle Approach to Management and ProductionInt Fed Info ProcJDigital Geography: Geospatial Technologies in The Social Studies ClassroomInt Soc Stud Forum SKDigital Government: E-government Research, Case Studies, and ImplementationIntegr Ser Inform SyDigital HeritageLect Notes Comput ScDigital Human ModelingLect Notes Comput Sc!Digital Human Modeling Conference VDI Bericht#Digital Human Modeling, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Digital Human Modeling: Trends in Human AlgorithmsLect Notes Artif IntODigital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java, First EditionTexts Comput ScieDigital Image Processing and Visual Communications Technologies in The Earth and Atmospheric SciencesP Soc Photo-opt InshDigital Image Processing and Visual Communications Technologies in The Earth and Atmospheric Sciences IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Digital Image Storage and Archiving SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Digital Image Synthesis and Inverse OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital Imaging Med Phys MgDigital Investigation Digit InvestDigital InvestigationDigit Investig@Digitalization in Open Economies: Theory and Policy Implications Contrib EconDigital LibrariesComm Com Inf ScDigital LibrariesLect Notes Comput ScJDigital Libraries: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Digital Libraries and Electronic PublishingDigit Libr Elect PubODigital Libraries: Implementing Strategies and Sharing Experiences, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSDigital Libraries: International Collaboration and Cross-fertilization, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScADigital Libraries: People, Knowledge, and Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Digital Libraries: Research and DevelopmentLect Notes Comput ScVDigital Libraries: Technology and Management of Indigenous Knowledge for Global AccessLect Notes Comput ScNDigital Libraries: Universal and Ubiquitous Access to Information, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Digital Library Economics: An Academic PerspectiveChandos Inf Prof Ser=Digital Library Use: Social Practice in Design and EvaluationDigit Libr Elect PubDigital Mammography Comp Imag VisDigital MammographyComput Imaging VisDigital Mammography Int Congr SerDigital MammographyLect Notes Comput ScDigital MammographyMed Radiol Diagn ImaDigital Mammography '96 Int Congr SerBDigital Mammography: International Workshop On Digital Mammography Digit Mammo Digital Mammography, Proceedings Digit Mammo Digital Mammography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDigital Mamography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDigital Microscopy, 3rd EditionMethod Cell BiolDigital Optical Computing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Digital Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing '95, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital PhotographyP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital Photography Proc SpieDigital Photography IiP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital Photography Ii Proc SpieDigital Photography IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital Photography Iii Proc SpieDigital Photography Iv Proc SpieDigital Photography ViP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital Photography Vi Proc SpieDigital Photography Vii Proc Spie@Digital Preservation for Heritages:technologies and ApplicationsAdv Top Sci Tech ChiDigital Printing of TextilesWoodhead Text SerDigital ProcessesDigital ProcessDigital PublishingP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital Rights ManagementLect Notes Comput ScIDigital Rights Management: A Librarian's Guide to Technology and PractiseChandos Inf Prof SerFDigital Rights Management: Technologies, Issues Challenges and SystemsLect Notes Comput ScGDigital Rights Management: Technologies, Issues, Challenges and SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc Digital Satellite CommunicationsInform Tech Trans PrDigital ScholarshipRout Stud Lib InformDigital Signal ProcessingDigit Signal Process3Digital Signal Processing: An Experimental ApproachSignals Commun Techn@Digital Signal Processing in Power System Protection and ControlSignals Commun Techn$Digital Signal Processing TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsLDigital Signal Processing With Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Third EditionSignals Commun Techn4Digital Solid State Cameras: Design and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Digital Surveillance: Laws, Security and Related IssuesCrim Justice Law Enf Digital Systems and ApplicationsComput Eng SerWDigital Terrain Modelling: Development and Applications in A Policy Support EnvironmentLect Notes Geoinf CaFDigital Transmission: A Simulation-aided Introduction With Vissim/commSignals Commun Techn^Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology: A Practical Engineering Guide, Second EditionSignals Commun Techn]Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology: A Practical Engineering Guide, Third EditionSignals Commun Techn;Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies 1995P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies 1996P Soc Photo-opt InsLDigital Video Compression On Personal Computers: Algorithms and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsDigital WatermarkingLect Notes Comput Sc!Digital Watermarking, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDigital Wireless CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Digital Wireless Communication IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Digital Wireless Communication IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Digital Wireless Communications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Digital Wireless Communications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Digital Wireless Communications Vi Proc SpieHDigital Wireless Communications Vii and Space Communication TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsHDigital Wireless Communications Vii and Space Communication Technologies Proc Spie"Digital Wireless Communitcations VP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Digital Wireless Communitcations V Proc Spie/Digital Youth: The Role of Media in DevelopmentAdv Respons Adol DevDigitised Optical Sky SurveysAstrophys Space Sc LDigitization of The BattlefieldP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Digitization of The Battlefield IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Digitization of The Battlespace IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Digitization of The Battlespace IvP Soc Photo-opt InsLDigitization of The Battlespace V and Battlefield Biomedical Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLDigitization of The Battlespace V and Battlefield Biomedical Technologies Ii Proc Spie4Digitizing The News: Innovation in Online NewspapersInside TechnolWDiglossia and Power: Language Policies and Practice in The 19th Century Habsburg EmpireLang Power Soc Proce=Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Second EditionSpringer Monogr Math8Dilemma of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen - 60 Years Later Ann Isr PhyDilemmas of De-stalinisationBasees-rout Ser Russ@Dilemmas of Engagement: Evaluation and The New Public Management Adv Prog EvalUDilemmas of Statebuilding: Confronting The Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations Secur GovUDilemmas of Statebuilding: Confronting The Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations Secur GovernHDilettantism and Its Values: From Weimar Classicism to The Fin De SiecleStud Comp Lit SerPDilute Iii-v Nitride Semiconductors and Material Systems: Physics and TechnologySpringer Ser Mater SFDimacs-series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceDimacs Ser Discret MGDimacs: Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceDimacs Ser Discret MGDimacs Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer SciencesDimacs Ser Discret M'Dime Dans L'europe Medievale Et ModerneFlaranDimensional StabilityP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Dimension and Recurrence in Hyperbolic Dynamics Prog Math.Dimension-contemporary German Arts and Letters Dimension;Dimension Imaginaire Du Reel Dans La Philosophie De HusserlPhaenomenologica=Dimension Reduction, Computational Complexity and Information Comp Sci StatDimensions of ForgivenessLaws Lif Symp SerDimensions of Ritual EconomyRes Econ Anthropol"Dimensions of The Sustainable City Future CityDimensions of Time and Life Stud TimeEDimension Stone Cladding: Design, Construction, Evaluation and RepairAm Soc Test Mater,Dimension Stone Use in Building ConstructionAm Soc Test MaterDingoAustral Nat Hist Ser>Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Saurians: A Historical PerspectiveGeol Soc Spec Publ4Diode Lasers and Applications in Atmospheric SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Diode Lasers and Applications in Atmospheric Sensing Proc SpieDiode-pumped High Energy and High Power Lasers Eli: Ultrarelativistic Laser-matter Interactions and Petawatt Photonics and Hiper: The European Pathway to Laser Energy Proc Spie1Diode Pumping of Average-power Solid State LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsDiogenesDiogenesDionysosGods Heroes Anc Worl,Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2010 Aip Conf Proc8Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields - Darf 2007/2008 Aip Conf ProcDiophantine ApproximationDev MathDiophantine ApproximationLect Notes Math!Diophantine Geometry, ProceedingsCrm Ser7Dioxygen Activation and Homogeneous Catalytic OxidationStud Surf Sci CatalCDipeptidyl Aminopeptidases: Basic Science and Clinical ApplicationsAdv Exp Med Biol0Dipeptidyl Aminopeptidases in Health and DiseaseAdv Exp Med BiolADiplomacies of Small States: Between Vulnerability and ResilienceInt Polit Econ SerDiplomatic HistoryDiplomatic HistDiplomatic MissionsQueens Policy Stud S=Diplomatic Tours in The Gardens of Versailles Under Louis XivPenn Stud Landsc ArcfDiplomatie Und Gelehrtenrepublik: Die Kontakte Des Franzosischen Gesandten Jacques Bongars (1554-1612)Fruhe Neuzeit-stud DDiplomats and DiplomacyDiplomat DiplomacyADirac's Difference Equation and The Physics of Finite DifferencesAdv Imag Elect PhysDirac SpectrumLect Notes Math;Direct and Inverse Methods in Nonlinear Evolution EquationsLect Notes Phys3Direct and Inverse Problems of Mathematical PhysicsInt Soc Anal App Com"Direct and Large-eddy Simulation I Fluid Mec A$Direct and Large-eddy Simulation Iii Ercoftac Ser#Direct and Large-eddy Simulation Vi Ercoftac Ser/Direct and Large-eddy Simulation V, Proceedings Ercoftac SerDirected MetallationTop Organometal ChemXDirect Foreign Investment: A Japanese Model of Multinational Business Operations, Vol 10Rout Library Ed JpnDirectional Ocean Wave Spectra Jh St Ear SDirection Et GestionDirection Gestion4Directions and Prospects for Educational Linguistics Educ Linguist Directions in Corpus Linguistics Trend Lin SDirections in DevelopmentDir Dev:Directions in Mathematical Systems Theory and OptimizationLect Notes Contr Inf$Directions in Modern Theology SeriesDirect Mod Theol SerDirections in Quantum OpticsLect Notes Phys8Directions in Robust Statistics and Diagnostics, Part Ii Ima V Math+Directions in Strong Motion InstrumentationNato Sci S Ss Iv EarDirect Methanol Fuel CellsEnerg Sci Eng Tech4Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular StructuresNato Adv Sci I C-mat(Direct Methods for Sparse Linear SystemsFund Algorithms,Direct Methods of Solving Crystal StructuresNato Adv Sci I B-phy^Directors and The New Musical Drama: British and American Musical Theatre in The 1980s and 90sPalg Stud Theat PerfDisability & Society Disabil SocDisability and Dependency Dis Han LifDisability and Health JournalDisabil Health JDisability and RehabilitationDisabil Rehabil4Disability and The Disabled-issues Laws and ProgramsDisabil Disab-iss LaDisability and Youth SportInt Stud Phys Educ Y,Disability, Handicap and Life Chances Series Dis Han LifDisability in Islamic LawInt Libr Eth Law NewDisability Studies Disabil StudDisabled in The Soviet Union Pit Rus EasDisaster Advances Disaster AdvDisaster and DevelopmentRoutl Perspect Dev6Disaster Forewarning Diagnostic Methods and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Disaster Forewarning Diagnostic Methods and Management Proc SpieLDisaster Management and Human Health Risk: Reducing Risk, Improving OutcomesWit Trans Ecol EnvirDisaster Mangement HandbookPublic Adm Public Po0Disaster Medicine and Public Health PreparednessDisaster Med Public"Disaster Prevention and ManagementDisaster Prev ManagIDisaster Recovery Planning for Communications and Critical InfrastructureArtech Hse Telecom S Disasters DisastersQDiscipline in The Global Economy: International Finance and The End of LiberalismNew Polit Econ SerDisciplines and DoctoratesHigh Educ DynamNDiscontented Miracle: Growth, Conflict, and Institutional Adaptations in ChinaSer Contemp China%Discontinuous Conduction in The HeartAm Heart Monogr S7Discontinuous Dynamical Systems On Time-varying DomainsNonlinear Phys SciDiscontinuous Galerkin MethodsLect Notes Comp ScifDiscontinuous Galerkin Methods for Solving Elliptic and Parabolic Equations: Theory and ImplementationFront Appl MathDiscontinuous SystemsCommun Control EngDiscourse & CommunicationDiscourse CommunDiscourse & Society Discourse SocvDiscourse and Struggle in Minority Language Policy Formation: Corsican Language Policy in The Eu Context of GovernancePalg Stud Minor Lang:Discourse and Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe Lang Glob5Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and CultureDis Appl Pol Soc Cul(Discourse, Interaction and Communication Phil Stud SDiscourse MarkersPrag Beyond New Ser&Discourse Markers in Colombian SpanishCogn Linguist ResNDiscourse of Palestinian-israeli Relations: Persistent Analytics and PracticesMiddle E Stud Hist PDiscourse ProcessesDiscourse ProcessDiscourses of DeficitPalg Stud Prof OrganDiscourses On Society Sociol SciDiscourse StudiesDiscourse Stud*Discourse Studies in Cognitive LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory His7Discourse-studies in The Cultural Politics of EducationDiscourse-abingdonDiscoverDiscoverKDiscoveries and Research Prospects From 6- to 10- Meter-class Telescopes IiP Soc Photo-opt InsKDiscoveries and Research Prospects From 6- to 10- Meter-class Telescopes Ii Proc SpieGDiscoveries and Research Prospects From 8- to 10-meter-class TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt InsGDiscoveries and Research Prospects From 8- to 10-meter-class Telescopes Proc SpieADiscoveries in Spinal Cord Injury Research: From Bench to BedsideAnn Ny Acad SciIDiscovering Mathematics With Magma: Reducing The Abstract to The ConcreteAlgorithm Comp Math.Discovering Patterns in Mathematics and PoetryInt Forsch Allg VgloDiscovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives On Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science Synth LibrrDiscovering Successful Pathways in Children's Development: Mixed Methods in The Study of Childhood and Family Life Mac Fdn MenDiscovery and InnovationDiscov Innovat9Discovery of Historicity in German Idealism and HistorismSt Econ Ethic Philos(Discovery of Single Top Quark ProductionSpringer Theses-recoIDiscovery of Weak Neutral Currents: The Weak Interaction Before and After Aip Conf ProcDiscovery ScienceLect Notes Artif IntDiscovery Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntDiscovery Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIDiscrete 08: Symposium On Prospects in The Physics of Discrete SymmetriesJ Phys Conf Ser!Discrete & Computational GeometryDiscrete Comput Geom#Discrete and Computational GeometryLect Notes Comput Sc)Discrete and Continuous Dynamical SystemsDiscret Contin Dyn S)Discrete and Continuous Dynamical SystemsDiscrete Cont Dyn S)Discrete and Continuous Dynamical SystemsDiscrete Cont Dyn-a2Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-series BDiscrete Cont Dyn-bDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete Appl Math'Discrete Dynamics in Nature and SocietyDiscrete Dyn Nat SocMDiscrete-event Control of Stochastic Networks: Multimodularity and RegularityLect Notes Math6Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-theory and ApplicationsDiscrete Event Dyn SADiscrete-event Modeling and Simulation: A Practitioner's ApproachComput Anal Synth De,Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control Prog Syst C1Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc&Discrete Geometry for Computer ImageryLect Notes Comput Sc3Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures Contemp MathDiscrete Groups and Geometry Lond Math SDiscrete Integrable SystemsLect Notes Phys;Discrete Integrable Systems: Qrt Maps and Elliptic SurfacesSpringer Monogr Math1Discrete Inverse Problems: Insight and AlgorithmsFund AlgorithmsDiscrete Mathematics Discrete MathDiscrete Mathematics Universitext5Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceDiscret Math Theor C5Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceDiscrete Math TheorBDiscrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (series)Discrete Math & Theo Discrete Methods in EpidemiologyDimacs Ser Discret M!Discrete Models of Fluid Dynamics S Adv MathpDiscrete Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation: Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Computations and Physical PerspectivesSpringer Trac Mod PhDiscrete OptimizationDiscrete Optim:Discrete Optimization for Tsp-like Genome Mapping ProblemsGen-res IssuesJDiscrete Optimization With Interval Data: Minmax Regret and Fuzzy ApproachStud Fuzz Soft CompKDiscrete Oscillator Design: Linear, Nonlinear, Transient, and Noise DomainsArtech Hse Microw LiBDiscrete Random Signal Processing and Filtering Primer With MatlabElectr Eng Appl SignFDiscrete-time High Order Neural Control: Trained With Kalman FilteringStud Comput IntellDDiscrete-time Sliding Mode Control: Multrat Output Feedback ApproachLect Notes Contr Inf9Discursive Constructions 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Flesus) in The Baltic SeaBalt Mar Biolog PublDiseases in Zoo AnimalsErkrankg ZootiereDiseases of Aquatic OrganismsDis Aquat OrganDiseases of Dna RepairAdv Exp Med BiolDiseases of The Chest Dis ChestDiseases of The Colon & RectumDis Colon RectumDiseases of The Esophagus Dis EsophagusDiseases of The Nervous System Dis Nerv Syst$Disegnare Idee Immagini-ideas ImagesDisegnare Idee Immag#Disengagement From Southwest Africa E S Relat S(Disign and Control of Workflow ProcessesLect Notes Comput Sc^Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water: Occurrence, Formation, Health Effects, and Control Acs Sym Ser:Disinfection By Sodium Hypochlorite: Dialysis ApplicationsContrib NephrolDisintegration of Yugoslavia Yearb Eur S9Disks of Galaxies: Kinematics, Dynamics and Perturbations Astr Soc P.Disks, Planetesimals, and Planets, Proceedings Astr Soc P Dislocated Elements in DiscourseRout Stud German Lin Dislocated Elements in DiscourseRoutl Stud Ger LingFDislocation and Degradation of Proteins From The Endoplasmic ReticulumCurr Top MicrobiolfDislocation and Reorientation: Exile, Division and The End of Communism in German Culture and Politics Ger MonitorWDislocation and Resettlement in Development: From Third World to The World of The ThirdRoutl Stud Dev Soc/Dislocation Dynamics During Plastic DeformationSpringer Ser Mater S-Dislocation Theory: A Five Year RetrospectiveDefect Diffus ForumKDismantlement of Destruction of Chemical, Nuclear, and Conventional WeaponsNato Sci S 1 DisarmGDismantling The East-west Dichotomy: Essays in Honour of Jan Van BremenJpn Anthropol WorkshDisorder and FractureNato Adv Sci I B-phyDisordered AlloysSpringer Tr Mod PhysDisordered AlloysSpringer Trac Mod PhDisordered and Complex Systems Aip Conf Proc#Disordered Materials and InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp P-Disordered Materials - Current Developments -Mater Sci ForumDisordered Solids E Maj Int SDisorders of ConsciousnessAnn Ny Acad Sci2Disorders of Synaptic Plasticity and SchizophreniaInt Rev NeurobiolEDisorders of The Respiratory Tract: Common Challenges in Primary CareCurr Clin PractKDisoriented State: Shifts in Governmentality, Territoriality and GovernanceEnviron PolicyDispDisp5Dispersion, Complex Analysis and Optical SpectroscopySpringer Tr Mod Phys4Dispersive Transport Equations and Multiscale Models Ima V Math4Dispersive Transport Equations and Multiscale ModelsIma Vol Math ApplDisplaced Persons and Refugees Colloq SemiDisplay Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsDisplay Devices and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsDisplaysDisplaysNDisplay, Solid-state Lighting, Photovoltaics, and Optoelectronics in Energy Ii Proc SpieDisplay SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsDisplay TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsIDisplay Technologies and Applications for Defense, Security, and AvionicsP Soc Photo-opt InsIDisplay Technologies and Applications for Defense, Security, and Avionics Proc SpieLDisplay Technologies and Applications for Defense, Security, and Avionics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsrDisplay 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Innov/Distraction Osteogenesis and Tissue Engineering Cranio GrowDistributed AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput ScDistributed Algorithms //Lect Notes Comput Sc#Distributed Algorithms, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Distributed and Multiplexed Fiber Optic SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Distributed and Multiplexed Fiber Optic Sensors IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Distributed and Multiplexed Fiber Optic Sensors IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Distributed and Multiplexed Fiber Optic Sensors IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Distributed and Multiplexed Fiber Optic Sensors VP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Distributed and Multiplexed Fiber Optic Sensors ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Distributed and Parallel ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc"Distributed and Parallel DatabasesDistrib Parallel Dat<Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid ComputingKluwer Int Ser Eng C<Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid ComputingSpring Int Ser Eng C<Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid ComputingSpringer Int Ser EngTDistributed and 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Cooperative Laboratories: Networking, Instrumentation, and Measurements Sig Com TecSDistributed Cooperative Laboratories: Networking, Instrumentation, and MeasurementsSignals Commun TechnCDistributed Coordination Approach to Reconfigurable Process ControlSpringer Ser Adv ManRDistributed Embedded Control Systems: Improving Dependability With Coherent DesignAdv Ind ControlVDistributed, High-performance and Grid Computing in Computational Biology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Distributed Intelligence SystemsIfac Symp Series7Distributed Interactive Simulation Systems ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Distributed Leadership: Different PerspectivesStud Educ LeadershDistributed Memory ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc,Distributed Multimedia Information RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc%Distributed Parameter Control SystemsLect Notes Pure Appl&Distributed Processing Product ReportsDistrib Process ProdDistributed ReduplicationLinguist Inq MonogrDistributed Simulation, 1989 Simul SeriesDDistributional 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BiologyDna-j Molec Cell BioDna and Cell Biology Dna Cell BiolBDna and Rna Cleavers and Chemotherapy of Cancer and Viral DiseasesNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Dna Arrays in Neurobiology, Vol 60Int Rev Neurobiol Dna-based Molecular Construction Aip Conf ProcDna-based Molecular Electronics Aip Conf ProcDna-based Nanodevices Aip Conf ProcDna-based Nanoscale Integration Aip Conf Proc Dna Binders and Related Subjects Top Curr Chem Dna ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc'Dna Computing and Molecular ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc Dna DamageAnn Ny Acad Sci'Dna Damage and Repairs in Human TissuesBasic Life SciIDna Damage Detection in Situ, Ex Vivo, and in Vivo: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol.Dna Damage Repair: Repair Mechanisms and AgingDna Prop Modif Funct0Dna Fingerprinting : Approaches and Applications Exper Suppl)Dna: Fingerprinting, Sequencing and ChipsDna Prop Modif Funct)Dna Fingerprinting : State of The ScienceExsDna Methylation and CancerCurr Top Microbiol!Dna Methylation: Basic MechanismsCurr 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and Discovery: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol$Drug Design: Cutting Edge Approaches Roy Soc ChDrug Development and Evaluation Drug Dev E(Drug Development and Industrial PharmacyDrug Dev Ind PharmDrug Development CommunicationsDrug Dev CommunDrug Development ResearchDrug Develop ResDrug Discovery SeriesDrug Discov SerDrug Discovery TodayDrug Discov Today.Drug-dna Interaction Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol1Drug Epidemiology and Post-marketing SurveillanceNato Adv Sci I A-lif Drug Forum Drug ForumDrug Information Journal Drug Inf J%Drug Intelligence & Clinical PharmacyDrug Intel Clin PharDrug Investigation Drug InvestDrug Metabolism and DispositionDrug Metab Dispos$Drug Metabolism and PharmacokineticsDrug Metab Pharmacok(Drug Metabolism, Liver Injury and Ageing T Aging ResDrug Metabolism ReviewsDrug Metab Rev,Drug Metabolism: Towards The Next Millennium Biom Hlth R,Drug Monitoring By Hplc: Recent DevelopmentsPharm Res Saf TestDrug News & PerspectivesDrug News PerspectDrug-nucleic Acid InteractionsMethod EnzymolDrug-nucleic Acid InteractionsMethods EnzymolDrug-nutrient InteractionsDrug Nutr Interact Drug Plants IRecent Prog Med PlanDrug Plants IiRecent Prog Med PlanDrug Plants IiiRecent Prog Med PlanDrug Plants IvRecent Prog Med Plan0Drug Research Related to Neuroactive Amino AcidsAlfred Benzon Symp S+Drug Resistance in Leukemia and Lymphoma IiAdv Blood Disord,Drug Resistance in Leukemia and Lymphoma IiiAdv Exp Med Biol)Drug Resistance : Mechanisms and Reversal Pez Fdn SymDrug Resistance UpdatesDrug Resist UpdateDrug Resistant NeoplasmsCancer Etiol Diagn T=Drug-resistant Tuberculosis: Causes, Diagnosis and TreatmentsVirol Res ProgDrugsDrugs Drug Safety Drug Safety-Drug Safety Evaluation: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Drugs Affecting Lipid MetabolismMed Sci Symp Ser"Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism X Int Congr Ser Drugs & Aging Drug AgingDrugs & Therapy PerspectivesDrugs Ther Perspect5Drugs and Ergogenic Aids to Improve Sport PerformanceEssays Biochem<Drugs and The Liver : High Risk Patients and TransplantationMed Sci Symp Ser%Drugs and The Pharmaceutical SciencesDrugs Pharm SciDrugs During PregnancyPreg Infants-med Psy%Drugs-education Prevention and PolicyDrug-educ Prev Polic&Drugs for Her-2-positive Breast CancerMilestones Drug TherDrugs in DevelopmentDrug DevDrugs in InflammationAgent Action Suppl Drugs in R&d Drugs R&d5Drugs in The Workplace : Research and Evaluation Data Nida Res Mg"Drugs of Abuse, Immunity, and AidsAdv Exp Med Biol.Drugs of Abuse, Immunity, and ImmunodeficiencyAdv Exp Med Biol*Drugs of Abuse, Immunomodulation, and AidsAdv Exp Med BiolDrugs of The Future Drug FutureDrugs of Today Drug TodayDrugs of Today Drugs Today.Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical ResearchDrug Exp Clin ResDrug Targeting and Delivery Drug Targ DDrug Targeting and DeliveryE Horwood Ser Pharm2Drug Targeting By Magnetically Responsive ColloidsPharm Res Saf Test'Drug Targets in Kinetoplastid ParasitesAdv Exp Med BiolDrug Testing and AnalysisDrug Test Anal Drug Therapy Drug Ther2Drug Therapy-clinical Therapeutics in The HospitalDrug Ther Clin TherDrug Therapy Hospital EditionDrug Ther Hosp Ed6Drug Transit and Distribution Interception and ControlDrug Trans Dist IntDrug TransportersHandb Exp Pharmacol*Drug Transport(ers) and The Diseased Brain Int Congr Ser"Drug Treatment of Cardiac Ischemia Pr Pharm Cl*Drug Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure Pr Pharm ClDrustvena Istrazivanja Drus IstrazDrvna Industrija Drvna Ind.Dry Clutch Control for Automotive ApplicationsAdv Ind ControlDry Etch TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins Dry Glazes Ceram HandbDrying Technology Dry Technol)Dry Machining: Turning, Milling, Drilling VDI Bericht,Dry Processing for Submicrometer LithographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Drzave V Razvoju - Med Okoljevarstvom in Razvojnimi TeznjamiGeograffDs 2006: Diffusion and StressesDefect Diffus ForumQDsn 2006 International Conference On Dependable Systems and Networks, ProceedingsI C Depend Sys NetwopDs-rt 2006: Tenth Ieee International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications, ProceedingsIeee Acm Dis SimoDs-rt 2007: 11th Ieee International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications, ProceedingsIeee Acm Dis SimxDs-rt 2008: 12th 2008 Ieee/acm International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, ProceedingsIeee Acm Dis SimDuDuDu Du-z Kultur#Dual Energy Ct in Clinical PracticeMed Radiol Diagn ImaVDual Income Tax: A Proposal for Reforming Corporate and Personal Income Tax in Germany Zew Econ StudDuality in Vector Optimization Vector OptimPDual Processing Model of Visual Information: Cortical and Subcortical ProcessingNeurosci Res Prog Se5Dual Tableaux: Foundations, Methodology, Case StudiesTrends Log Stud Log/Dual Transformation of The German Welfare StateNew Perspect Ger Stu Dubai: Behind An Urban SpectaclePlan Hist Environ SeeDublin Castle and The First Home Rule Crisis: The Political Journal of Sir George Gottrell, 1884-1887Camden Fifth Ser*Ductility of Bulk Nanostructured MaterialsMater Sci ForumDu-die Zeitschrift Der Kultur Du-z KultDu-die Zeitschrift Der Kultur Du-z KulturDu-europaische Kunstzeitschrift Du-eur Kunst6Duisburger Arbeiten Zur Sprach- Und Kulturwissenschaft Duisb Arb SDuke Judaic Studies SeriesDuke Judaic Stud SerDuke Law Journal Duke Law JDuke Mathematical Journal Duke Math JDu-kunstzeitschriftDu-kunstDu Lecteur A L'usagerSocio-logiquesBDumbarton Oaks Colloquium On The History of Landscape ArchitectureDumbarton Oaks Collo Dune Erosion During Storm SurgesDeltares Sel SerDuns Business MonthDuns Bus Month Duns ReviewDuns Bus Month;Durability 2000: Accelerated and Outdoor Weathering TestingAm Soc Test MaterDurability and Change Dahl Ws Env>Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and AdhesivesAm Soc Test MaterJDurability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 2nd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater Durability of Building MaterialsDurability Build MatDurability of Building Sealants Rilem Proc:Durability of Composites for Civil Structural ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mater,Durability of Concrete and Cement CompositesWoodhead Publ Mater Durability of Disease ResistanceCurr Plant Sci BiotNDurability of Strain-hardening Fibre-reinforced Cement-based Composites (shcc)Rilem State Art RepDurable Surfaces Key Eng MatBDural Cavernous Sinus Fistulas: Diagnosis and Endovascular TherapyMed Radiol Diagn Ima$Durham and Newcastle Research ReviewDurham Newcastle ResDurham East Asia SeriesDurham E Asia Ser2Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World SeriesDurh Mod Mid E IslamDurham Research ReviewDurham Res RevDurham University Journal Durham Univ J&Durum Wheat Semolina and Pasta Quality Colloq Inra4Dust in The Solar System and Other Planetary Systems Cospar CollDDust Storms: Elemental Composition, Causes and Environmental ImpactsNat Disaster Res PrDusty Objects in The UniverseAstrophys Space Sc L$Dusty Plasmas and Active Experiments Adv Space Res#Dusty Plasmas in The New Millennium Aip Conf ProcTDutch Contributions to The Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists: Literature Stud Slav LEDutch Contributions to The Twelfth International Congress of Slavists Stud SlavEDutch Contributions to The Twelfth International Congress of Slavists Stud Slav LEDutch Contributions to The Twelfth International Congress of SlavistsStud Slav Lit Poet/Dutch Crossing-journal of Low Countries StudiesDutch Crossing1Dutch Medicine in The Malay Archipelago 1816-1942 N Ned Bij G0Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-american LettersDutch Quart Rev AnglDve Domovini-two Homelands Dve Domovini Dvwk Bulletin Dvwk BullDyes and Pigments Dyes Pigments>Dyfamed: Unique Observatory for The Study of Oceanic Processes Oceanis S DEDyfamed: Un Observatoire Unique Pour L'etude Des Processus OceaniquesOceanis-ser Doc5Dying and Dead Seas: Climatic Versus Anthropic CausesNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear/Dyke Swarms - Time Markers of Crustal EvolutionProc Monogr Eng WateDynaDynaDyna Dyna-bilbao Dyna-colombia Dyna-colombiaDynamic 3d Imaging, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Dynamical Analysis of Vehicle Systems Cism Cour L%Dynamical Analysis of Vehicle SystemsCism Courses LectODynamical Evolution of Star Clusters - Confrontation of Theory and ObservationsIau SympHDynamical Numbers: Interplay Between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory Contemp Math:Dynamical Processes in Critical Regions of The Heliosphere Adv Space Res:Dynamical Processes in Critical Regions of The HeliosphereAdv Space Res-series7Dynamical Properties of Unconventional Magnetic SystemsNato Adv Sci I E-appDynamical SystemsLect Notes MathDynamical Systems and Chaos Appl Math SciDynamical Systems and Control Stab ContrZDynamical Systems and Irreversibility: Proceedings of The Xxi Solvay Conference On Physics Adv Chem PhysDynamical Systems and ProcessesIrma Lect Math Theor$Dynamical Systems and Related Topics Adv S Dy Sy$Dynamical Systems and Small DivisorsLect Notes Math*Dynamical Systems-an International Journal Dynam Syst3Dynamical Systems, Control, Coding, Computer Vision Prog Syst C)Dynamical Systems, Graphs, and AlgorithmsLect Notes MathCDynamical Systems, Wave-based Computation and Neuro-inspired RobotsCism Courses LectDynamical VisionLect Notes Comput Sc4Dynamic Analysis of Petri Net-based Discrete SystemsLect Notes Contr InfQDynamic and Robust Streaming in and Between Connected Consumer-electronic DevicesInt C Intell Eng SysoDynamic and Transient Infinite Elements: Theory and Geophysical, Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental ApplicationsAdv Geophys Env MechWDynamic Assessment: A Vygotskian Approach to Understanding and Promoting L2 Development Educ LinguistDynamic BifurcationsLect Notes Math/Dynamic Brain - From Neural Spikes to BehaviorsLect Notes Comput ScNDynamic Capabilities Between Firm Organisation and Local Systems of ProductionRoutl Stud Glob Comp/Dynamic Cells: Cell Biology of The 21st Century Int Congr Ser1Dynamic Elastic Modulus Measurements in MaterialsAm Soc Test MaterDynamic Epistemic Logic Synth LibrFDynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms & Case StudiesOper Res Comput SciDynamic Formal Epistemology Synth LibrDynamic Geotechnical Testing IiAm Soc Test MaterDynamic Heliosphere Adv Space ResDynamic HeliosphereAdv Space Res-series'Dynamic Interactions of Myelin ProteinsProg Clin Biol ResPDynamic Interstellar Medium: A Celebration of The Canadian Galactic Plane Survey Astr Soc P1Dynamic Inventory Management in Reverse LogisticsLect Notes Econ Math&Dynamic Laser Speckle and ApplicationsOpt Sci Eng-crcDynamic Linear Models With RUse R1Dynamic Macroeconomics With Imperfect CompetitionLect Notes Econ Math2Dynamic Methods for Damage Detection in StructuresCism Courses Lect3Dynamic Mixed Models for Familial Longitudinal DataSpringer Ser Stat;Dynamic Model Development: Methods, Theory and Applications Comp Aid Ch;Dynamic Model Development: Methods, Theory and ApplicationsComput-aided Chem En:Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics of Economics and FinanceDynam Mod Econ Econ9Dynamic Modeling for Business Management: An IntroductionModel Dyn SystADynamic Modeling of Monetary and Fiscal Cooperation Among NationsDynam Mod Econ Econ`Dynamic Modeling, Predictive Control and Performance Monitoring: A Data-driven Subspace ApproachLect Notes Contr InfFDynamic Noncooperative Game Models for Deregulated Electricity MarketsEnerg Polic Polit PrDynamic Nutrition Research Dyn Nutr R)Dynamic Offset Compensated Cmos AmplifersAnalog Circ Sig Proc+Dynamic Optimization and Differential GamesInt Ser Oper Res MancDynamic Planet: Monitoring and Understanding A Dynamic Planet With Geodetic and Oceanographic ToolsIag SympRDynamic Pricing and Automated Resource Allocation for Complex Information ServicesLect Notes Econ Math_Dynamic Processes in The Critical Magnetospheric Regions and Radiation Belt Models, Proceedings Adv Space Res_Dynamic Processes in The Critical Magnetospheric Regions and Radiation Belt Models, ProceedingsAdv Space Res-series-Dynamic Properties of Biomolecular Assemblies Roy Soc ChSDynamic Response of Pre-stressed Spatially Curved Thin-walled Beams of Open ProfileSpringerbr Appl Sci+Dynamics and Balancing of Multibody SystemsLect Notes Appl Comp$Dynamics and Biogenesis of MembranesNato Adv Sci I H-cel<Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands Iahs-aish PDynamics and Control Dynam ControlfDynamics and Control of Chemical Reactors, Distillation Columns and Batch Processes ( Dycord Plus 92 )Ifac Symp SeriesADynamics and Environmental Context of Aeolian Sedimentary Systems Geol Soc Sp4Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics Vii Proc Spie6Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics Viii Proc Spie8Dynamics and Friction in Submicrometer Confining Systems Acs Sym SerODynamics and Mechanisms of Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Related Phenomena N-holland D'Dynamics and Patterns in Complex FluidsSpringer Proc PhysDynamics and RandomnessNonl Phen Compl SystDynamics and Randomness IiNonl Phen Compl Syst!Dynamics and Stability of SystemsDynam Stabil Syst!Dynamics and Stochastic ProcessesLect Notes PhysDDynamics and The Problem of Recognition in Biological MacromoleculesNato Adv Sci Inst SeCDynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems With Long-range InteractionsLect Notes Phys[Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems With Long-range Interactions: Theory and Experiments Aip Conf ProcQDynamics and Use of Sardinella Resources From Upwelling Off Ghana and Ivory Coast Colloq SemigDynamics and Uses of The Mangrove in Countries Along The Southern Rivers (from Senegal to Sierra Leone) Colloq Semi<Dynamics Between Entrepreneurship, Environment and EducationEur Res Entrep"Dynamics, Bifurcation and SymmetryNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Dynamics, Bifurcations and ControlLect Notes Contr Inf8Dynamics, Ephemerides and Astrometry of The Solar SystemIau Symp7Dynamics, Information and Complexity in Quantum SystemsTheor Math Phys Ser#Dynamics in Small Confining SystemsMater Res Soc Symp P(Dynamics in Small Confining Systems-2003Mater Res Soc Symp P&Dynamics in Small Confining Systems IiMater Res Soc Symp P'Dynamics in Small Confining Systems IiiMater Res Soc Symp P&Dynamics in Small Confining Systems IvMater Res Soc Symp PJDynamics: Models and Kinetic Methods for Non-equilibrium Many Body SystemsNato Adv Sci I E-app<Dynamics of Asian Financial Integration: Facts and AnalyticsRoutl Stud Mod WorldCDynamics of Asian Labour Markets: Balancing Control and FlexibilityRoutledge Stud Growt"Dynamics of Atmospheres and OceansDynam Atmos Oceans"Dynamics of Cell and Tissue MotionMath Biosci Interac&Dynamics of Change in Higher EducationHigh Educ Dynam'Dynamics of Complex Interacting SystemsNonl Phen Compl Syst5Dynamics of Complex Interconnected Biological SystemsMath ModEDynamics of Complex Interconnected Systems: Networks and BioprocessesNato Sci Ser Ii MathEDynamics of Complex Interconnected Systems: Networks and BioprocessesNato Sci Ser Ii-math5Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive SystemsDyn Contin Discret ITDynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-series A-mathematical AnalysisDynam Cont Dis Ser AXDynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-series B-applications & AlgorithmsDynam Cont Dis Ser BJDynamics of Coupled Map Lattices and of Related Spatially Extended SystemsLect Notes Phys?Dynamics of Crustal Magma Transfer, Storage and DifferentiationGeol Soc Spec Publ+Dynamics of Crystal Surfaces and Interfaces Fundmat Res4Dynamics of Detonations and Explosions : DetonationsProgr Astronaut Aero<Dynamics of Detonations and Explosions : Explosion PhenomenaProgr Astronaut AeroDynamics of DissipationLect Notes Phys3Dynamics of Earths Deep Interior and Earth RotationGeoph Monog Series%Dynamics of Educational EffectivenessContexts LearnJDynamics of Emerging Stock Markets: Empirical Assessments and ImplicationsContrib Manag SciDynamics of Farmlands Colloq Semi2Dynamics of Fluids and Transport in Fractured RockGeoph Monog Series<Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud DistributionsIau SympADynamics of Gambling: Origins of Randomness in Mechanical SystemsLect Notes PhysXDynamics of Heat: A Unified Approach to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Second EditionGrad Texts Phys#Dynamics of Ice Sheets and GlaciersAdv Geophys Env Mech!Dynamics of Industrial CapitalismGraz Schumpeter Lect"Dynamics of Inequality and PovertyRes Econ Inequal8Dynamics of Information Systems: Theory and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim AYDynamics of International Information Systems: Anatomy of A Grounded Theory InvestigationIntegr Ser Inform SyLDynamics of Intervention: Regulation and Redistribution in The Mixed EconomyAdv Austrian Econ&Dynamics of Language : An IntroductionSyntax SemanticsEDynamics of Magnetic Fluctuations in High-temperature SuperconductorsNato Adv Sci I B-phy.Dynamics of Multiphase Flows Across InterfacesLect Notes Phys(Dynamics of Nonlinear Time-delay SystemsSpringer Ser Synerg#Dynamics of Organizational CollapseRoutl Int Stud Money*Dynamics of Partial Differential EquationsDynam Part Differ Eq.Dynamics of Polyatomic Van Der Waals ComplexesNato Adv Sci I B-phy,Dynamics of Populations of Planetary Systems Iau Colloq.Dynamics of Public Policy: Theory and EvidenceNew Horiz Public Pol,Dynamics of Small Bodies in The Solar SystemNato Adv Sci I C-mat4Dynamics of Small Solar System Bodies and ExoplanetsLect Notes PhysNDynamics of Spatio-temporal Cellular Structures: Henri Benard Centenary ReviewSpringer Tr Mod PhysNDynamics of Spatio-temporal Cellular Structures: Henri Benard Centenary ReviewSpringer Trac Mod Ph+Dynamics of Star Clusters and The Milky Way Astr Soc PEDynamics of Surfaces and Reaction Kinetics in Heterogeneous CatalysisStud Surf Sci Catal"Dynamics of Tethered Space SystemsAdv Eng$Dynamics of The Mammalian Sperm HeadAdv Anat Embryol CelDynamics of Thought Synth Libr"Dynamic Soil-structure InteractionDev Geotech Eng#Dynamics On and of Complex NetworksModel Simul Sci Eng=Dynamics, Structure and Function of Biological MacromoleculesNato Sci S A Lif Sci+Dynamics, Structure and History of Galaxies Astr Soc PXDynamic Stabilisation of The Biped Lucy Powered By Actuators With Controllable StiffnessSpringer Trac Adv Ro>Dynamic Structure of Detonation in Gaseous and Dispersed Media Fluid Mec ADynamic Sun, ProceedingsAstrophys Space Sc LGDynamic Surface Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems: An Lmi ApproachCommun Control EngPDynamic System Reconfiguration in Heterogeneous Platforms: The Morpheus ApproachLect Notes Electr En Dynamic Systems and Applications Dyn Syst Appl Dynamic Systems and ApplicationsDynam Syst Appl5Dynamic Systems, Economic Growth, and The EnvironmentDynam Mod Econ EconGDynamic Taxonomies and Faceted Search: Theory, Practice, and ExperienceInform Retrieval Ser=Dynamic Trip Modelling: From Shopping Centres to The InternetGeojournal LibDynamisDynamisRDynamische Disposition: Strategien Zur Optimalen Auftrags- Und BestandsdispositionVDI-BuchPDynamische Markte: Praxis, Strategien Und Nutzen Fur Wirtschaft Und GesellschaftVDI-BuchDynamische PsychiatrieDynam Psychiat-Dynamo and Dynamics, A Mathematical ChallengeNato Sci Ser Ii Math-Dynamo and Dynamics, A Mathematical ChallengeNato Sci Ser Ii-mathDysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Adv Rep EndDyslexiaDyslexia Dyslexia An Academic PerspectiveDyslex Acad PerspectCDyslexia and Creativity: Investigations From Differing PerspectivesDyslex Acad Perspect*Dyslexia and Depression: The Hidden SorrowPsychiat Theor ApplDyslexic BrainExtraordinary Brain Dysphagia Dysphagia(Dystonia: Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentNeurol Lab Clin Res:Dzhemilev Reaction in Organic and Organometallic SynthesisChem Res Appl-novaEaa Lecture NotesEaa Lect Notes;Eaap European Association for Animal Production Publication Eaap Public@Eaap European Association for Animal Production Technical Series Eaap Tech Eaa SeriesEaa SerEac Occasional Papers Eac Occas PapTEadoption and The Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Pts 1 and 2Inform Comm Tech KnoE & M Ekonomie A ManagementE M Ekon Manag#E&mj-engineering and Mining Journal Eng Min JEar and Hearing Ear Hearing/Earlier and Recent Aspects of SuperconductivitySpringer Series SoliBEarly Algebraization: A Global Dialogue From Multiple PerspectivesAdvncs Mthmtcs EducEarly American LiteratureEarly Am LiteratureEarly American Studies SeriesEarly Am Stud Ser7Early Aspects: Current Challenges and Future DirectionsLect Notes Comput Sc Early Brain Act Acad Ab@Early Brain Injury Or Cerebral Vasospasm, Vol 1: PathophysiologyActa Neurochir Suppl/Early Brain Injury Or Cerebral Vasospasm, Vol 2Acta Neurochir Suppl;Early Child Development: Investing in Our Children's Future Int Congr Ser Early Childhood Education Series Ear Child E.Early Childhood Mathematics Education ResearchStud Math Think Lear"Early Childhood Research QuarterlyEarly Child Res Q Early China Early ChinaBEarly Christian Families in Context: An Interdisciplinary DialogueRelig Marriage FamEarly Christianity Class FoundEarly Church FathersEarly Church FathersEarly Development & ParentingEarly Dev ParentingcEarly Development of The Adrenal Glands in The Grass Snake Natrix Natrix L(lepidosauria, Serpentes)Adv Anat Embryol Cel/Early Development of The Human Pelvic DiaphragmAdv Anat Embryol CelEarly Education and DevelopmentEarly Educ Dev4Early Embryo Development and Paracrine Relationships Ucla Sym Bi4Early Enlightenment of The Dutch Republic, 1650-1750 Brill S InEarly Human Development Early Hum DevIEarly Indicators, Early Treatments, Neuroprotection in Multiple Sclerosis Top NeurosciIEarly Indicators, Early Treatments, Neuroprotection in Multiple SclerosisTopics NeurosciEarly Intervention and CultureUnesco Ycf Ser Early Intervention in PsychiatryEarly Interv PsychiaEarly Intervention in Psychosis Wil Cl Psy3Early Islamic Spaina: The History of Ibn Al-qutiyahCult Civiliz Mid EEarly Italian SigillataBabesch Bull Ant BesEarly Jewish Prayers in GreekComment Early Jew Li Early Judaism and Its LiteratureEarly Judaism Lit@Early Jurassic Pterosaur Dorygnathus Banthensis (theodori, 1830) Sp Palaeont@Early Jurassic Pterosaur Dorygnathus Banthensis (theodori, 1830)Spec Pap PalaeontolEarly Life History of Fish Rap ProcesGEarly Life History of Fishes in The San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Am Fish S S(Early Life Origins of Health and DiseaseAdv Exp Med BiolOEarly Life Stage Mortality Syndrome in Fishes of The Great Lakes and Baltic Sea Am Fish S S=Early-middle Pleistocene Transitions: The Land-ocean EvidenceGeol Soc Spec PublEarly Modern Civil DiscoursesEarly Mod Lit HistEarly Modern Cultural StudiesEar Mod Cult Stud0Early Modern Cultural Studies-palgrave MacmillanEarly Mod Cult StudAEarly Modern Ecostudies: From The Florentine Codex to ShakespeareEarly Mod Cult Stud,Early Modern History and The Social SciencesSixt Century Essays(Early Modern History-society and CultureEarly Mod Hist-soc C"Early Modern Literature in HistoryEarly Mod Lit Hist/Early Modern Women-an Interdisciplinary JournalEarly Mod Women Early Music Early MusicEarly Music HistoryEarly Music Hist;Early Narrative Christology: The Lord in The Gospel of LukeBeih Z Neutest Wiss=Early Nutrition and Its Later Consequences: New OpportunitiesAdv Exp Med BiolQEarly Nutrition Programming and Health Outcomes in Later Life: Obesity and BeyondAdv Exp Med Biol2Early Observable Universe From Diffuse Backgrounds Moriond AstUEarly Palaeozoic Peri-gondwana Terranes: New Insights From Tectonics and BiogeographyGeol Soc Spec PublEarly Popular Visual CultureEarly Popul Vis CultEarly Prehistory of FijiTerra AustralisBEarly Recognition and Intervention in Nutrition-dependent DiseasesBibl Nutr DietxEarly Silurian (llandovery) Orthide Brachiopods From Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada: The O/s Extinction Recovery Fauna Sp Palaeont=Early Stage Prostate Cancer : Diagnosis and Choice of Therapy Int Congr Ser/Early Stages of Oxygen Precipitation in SiliconNato Asi 3 High Tech*Early Universe and Observational CosmologyLect Notes PhysKEarly Universe and The Cosmic Microwave Background: Theory and ObservationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathKEarly Universe and The Cosmic Microwave Background: Theory and ObservationsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathHEarly Warning and Quick Response: Accounting in The Twenty-first CenturyStud Dev Account ThoREarly Warning Systems for Drought Preparedness and Drought Management, Proceedings World MeteoREarnings Inequality, Unemployment, and Poverty in The Middle East and North AfricaContrib Econ Econ HiEar Nose & Throat JournalEar Nose Throat J,Earth Accretionary Systems in Space and TimeGeol Soc Spec Publ#Earth and Atmosphere Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsNEarth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of EdinburghEarth Env Sci T R So>Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn About The EarthGeol Soc Am Spec Pap#Earth and Planetary Science LettersEarth Planet Sc Lett+Earth and Space Science Information Systems Aip Conf ProcNEarth As A Distant Planet: A Rosetta Stone for The Search of Earth-like WorldsAstron Astrophys LibREarth Inside and Out: Some Major Contributions to Geology in The Twentieth CenturyGeol Soc Spec PublEarth InteractionsEarth InteractEarth Island Journal Earth Isl JEarth Moon and PlanetsEarth Moon Planets$Earth Observation and Remote SensingEarth Obs Remot Sen+@Earth Observation for Vegetation Monitoring and Water Management Aip Conf ProcWEarth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and CharacterizationP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing SystemP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems IxP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems VP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems ViP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems Vi Proc SpieEarth Observing Systems ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems Viii Proc SpieEarth Observing Systems XiP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems Xi Proc SpieEarth Observing Systems XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Observing Systems XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Earth-oriented Applications of Space TechnologyEarth-orient Sp TechEarth Planets and SpaceEarth Planets SpaceZEarthquake Data in Engineering Seismology: Predictive Models, Data Management and NetworksGeotech Geol Earthq:Earthquake Design and Performance of Solid Waste Landfills Geotech Sp,Earthquake Engineering & Structural DynamicsEarthq Eng Struct D,Earthquake Engineering & Structural DynamicsEarthquake Eng Struc0Earthquake Engineering and Engineering VibrationEarthq Eng Eng Vib#Earthquake Geotechnical EngineeringGeot Geol EarthquakeEarthquake Hazard and RiskAdv Nat Technol Haz,Earthquake Hazard and Seismic Risk ReductionAdv Nat Tech Haz Res,Earthquake Hazard and Seismic Risk ReductionAdv Nat Technol HazZEarthquake-induced Movements and Seismic Remediation of Existing Foundations and Abutments Geotech SpGEarthquake Monitoring and Seismic Hazard Mitigation in Balkan CountriesNato Sci S Ss Iv EarEarthquake Prediction ResearchEarthquake Pred Res,Earthquake Resistant Construction and Design Dgeb Publ:Earthquake Resistant Construction and Design, Vols 1 and 2 Dgeb Publ+Earthquake Resistant Engineering StructuresAdv Earthq Engn.Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures IiAdv Earthq Engn/Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures IiiAdv Earthq Engn.Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures IvAdv Earthq Engn-Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VWit Trans Built Env.Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures ViWit Trans Built Env/Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures ViiWit Trans Built EnvEarthquakes and TsunamisGeot Geol EarthquakeTEarthquakes At North-atlantic Passive Margins : Neotectonics and Postglacial ReboundNato Adv Sci I C-mat-Earthquake Science and Seismic Risk ReductionNato Sci S Ss Iv EarEarthquake SpectraEarthq Spectra8Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and The Physics of FaultingGeoph Monog Series8Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and The Physics of FaultingGeophys Monogr SerEarthquake Waste SymposiumIetc Tech Publ SerAEarth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing-gis ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsAEarth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing-gis Applications Proc Spie.Earth Rotation and Coordinate Reference FramesIag Symp-Earth's Atmosphere, Ocean and Surface Studies Adv Space Res-Earth's Atmosphere, Ocean and Surface StudiesAdv Space Res-series Earth Science Earth SciEarth Science InformaticsEarth Sci InformPEarth Science in The Urban Ocean: The Southern California Continental BorderlandGeol Soc Am Spec PapEarth-science Reviews Earth-sci RevEarth Sciences HistoryEarth Sci Hist"Earth Sciences in The 21st CenturyEarth Sci 21st CentEarth Sciences Research JournalEarth Sci Res J1Earth's Climate: The Ocean-atmosphere InteractionGeoph Monog Series1Earth's Climate: The Ocean-atmosphere InteractionGeophys Monogr SerEarth's Core and Lower Mantle Fl Mec Astr+Earth's Core: Dynamics, Structure, Rotation Geodynamics:Earth's Deep Mantle: Structure, Composition, and EvolutionGeoph Monog Series:Earth's Deep Mantle: Structure, Composition, and EvolutionGeophys Monogr SerEarths Deep Water CycleGeophys Monogr Ser"Earths Middle and Upper AtmosphereAdv Space Res-seriesEarths Middle Atmosphere Adv Space ResEarths Middle AtmosphereAdv Space Res-series%Earth Surface Processes and LandformsEarth Surf Proc Land%Earth Surface Processes and LandformsEarth Surf ProcessesEarth Surface Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Surface Remote Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsEarth Surface Remote Sensing Ii Proc SpieEas Publications SeriesEas PublicationsEastEast.East African Agricultural and Forestry JournalE Afr Agr Forestry JEEast African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeolimnology and BiodiversityAdv Glob Change ResEast African Medical Journal E Afr Med JEast African Studies E Afr StudEast African Wildlife Journal E Afr Wildl JHEast and West in The Crusader States: Context-contacts-confrontations IiOrient Lovan Anal,East Asia, Globalization and The New EconomyRoutledge Stud Growt0East Asia History Politics Sociology and CultureE Asia Hist Polit So/East Asian Regionalism From A Legal PerspectiveRoutl Contemp AsiaJEast Asian Social Movement: Power, Protest, and Change in A Dynamic RegionNonprofit Civ Soc St5East Asias Economic Integration: Progress and Benefit Ide-jetro Ser>East Asia's Monetary Future: Integration in The Global EconomyNh Mon Fin Ser.East Asia's Potential for Instability & CrisisRand Conf ProcEast Central Europe E Cent Eur)Easter Island Foundation Occasional Paper Eas Isl Fdn7Easter Island in Pacific Context - South Seas Symposium Eas Isl FdnEastern African Economic ReviewEastern Afr Econ RevEastern African StudiesE Afr Stud SerEastern African Studies SeriesE Afr Stud SerEastern AnthropologistEastern AnthropolEastern BuddhistEastern BuddhistEastern Christian StudiesEast Christ StudiesEastern Churches ReviewEastern Church RevEastern European CountrysideEast Eur CountrysEastern European CountrysideEast Eur CountrysideEastern European EconomicsEastern Eur Econ#Eastern European Immigrant FamiliesRoutl Adv SociolAEastern Europe : Opportunities and Needs for Food and Agriculture Cas PaperXEastern Mediterranean As A Laboratory Basin for The Assessment of Contrasting Ecosystems Nato Asi 2&Easter Schools in Agricultural Science East Sch AgEast European Jewish AffairsEast Eur Jew AffEast European Monographs E Europ M$East European Politics and SocietiesE Eur Polit SocEast European Quarterly E Eur Quart5East Germany's Economic Development Since UnificationStud Econ TransEast of Wallace's Line Mod Quat ReEast River Tidal BarrageAnn Ny Acad SciEast-south Relations Series E S Relat S)East-west Economic Relations in The 1990s E-w Eur Ec@East-west European Economic Interaction : Workshop Papers Series E-w Eur EcEast-west Film JournalEast-west Film J'East-west Life Expectancy Gap in Europe Nato Asi 2!East-west Scientific Co-operationNato Asi S 4 Sci TecEast-west Technology TransferNato Asi S 4 Sci TecCEating and Weight Disorders-studies On Anorexia Bulimia and ObesityEat Weight Disord-stEating Behaviors Eat BehavHEating Well, Reading Well: Maryse Conde and The Ethics of InterpretationFrancopolyphonies Eau Du Quebec Eau Quebec]Eav08: Advanced Summer School in Physics 2008: Frontiers in Contemporary Physics, 4th Edition Aip Conf ProcE-books in Academic LibrariesChandos Inf Prof Ser)E-business and Telecommunication NetworksComm Com Inf Sc!E-business and TelecommunicationsComm Com Inf ScME-business and Virtual Enterprises: Managing Business-to-business CooperationInt Fed Info ProcEbusiness in HealthcareHealth Inform SerAE-business in The 21st Century: Realities, Challenges and OutlookIntel Inform Syst Se"E-business Technology and StrategyComm Com Inf Sc%Ec 1992 : Implications for Us Workers Signif Is SKEcai 2000: 14th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings Fr Art IntKEcai 2000: 14th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsFront Artif Intel ApKEcai 2002: 15th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings Fr Art IntKEcai 2002: 15th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsFront Artif Intel ApKEcai 2004: 16th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings Fr Art IntKEcai 2004: 16th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsFront Artif Intel ApEcai 2006, Proceedings Fr Art IntEcai 2006, ProceedingsFront Artif Intel ApEcai 2008, Proceedings Fr Art IntEcai 2008, ProceedingsFront Artif Intel Ap,Ec&m-electrical Construction and MaintenanceEcm-electr Constr MMEcb6: Proceedings of The 6th European Congress On Biotechnology, Pts I and IiProgr Biotechnol"E.c.c.c. 1 Computational Chemistry Aip Conf Proc7Ecce 2009 - European Conference On Cognitive ErgonomicsVtt SympEcclesiastical Law Journal Eccles Law J+Eccomas Multidisciplinary Jubilee SymposiumComp Meth Appl ScihEcfa Study Week On Instrumentation Technology for High-luminosity Hadron Colliders, Proceedings Vols 1-2 Cern Report(Echidna: Extraordinary Egg-laying MammalAustral Nat Hist SerEchocardiography 1988 Int Congr SerEchocardiography 1990 Int Congr SerEchocardiography 1993 Int Congr SerMEchocardiography-a Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied TechniquesEchocardiogr-j CardDEchoes of Many Texts: Reflections On Jewish and Christian Traditions Brown Jud SEchoes of NarcissusPolygons#Eclampsia Glomerulonephritis Uremia Iss NephrosEcletica Quimica Eclet QuimEEclim 2000: 26th European Conference On Laser Interaction With MatterP Soc Photo-opt InsEEclim 2000: 26th European Conference On Laser Interaction With Matter Proc Spie-Eclipsing Binary Stars: Modeling and AnalysisAstron Astrophys LibEclogae Geologicae HelvetiaeEclogae Geol Helv`Ecloud'02: Mini-workshop On Electron-cloud Simulation for Proton and Positron Beams, Proceedings Cern ReportE C M T Round Table Ecmt RoundQEco- and Ground Bio-engineering: The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope StabilityDev Plant Soil Sci?Eco-architecture: Harmonisation Between Architecture and NatureWit Trans Built EnvBEco-architecture Ii: Harmonisation Between Architecture and NatureWit Trans Ecol EnvirCEco-architecture Iii: Harmonisation Between Architecture and NatureWit Trans Ecol Envir&Eco-efficiency in Industry and ScienceEco Efficien Ind Sci&Eco-efficiency in Industry and ScienceEco-effic Ind Sci(Eco-friendly Synthesis of Fine ChemicalsRsc Green Chem Ser Ecography Ecography Ecohealth EcohealthXEco-hydrodynamic Modelling of Primary Production in Coastal Waters and Lakes Using BloomDeltares Sel Ser Ecohydrology EcohydrologyGEco-hydrology: Plants and Water in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments Rout Phys EVEcological Agriculture and Rural Development in Central and Eastern European CountriesNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec=Ecological and Genetic Implications of Aquaculture Activities Rev M T Fis=Ecological and Genetic Implications of Aquaculture ActivitiesRev-methods TechnolEcological Applications Ecol Appl"Ecological Approaches to Cognition Emory S CogEEcological Aspects for Application of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Wag Ur FronEcological Bulletins Ecol BullDEcological Chemistry and Engineering-chemia I Inzynieria Ekologiczna Ecol Chem EngHEcological Chemistry and Engineering S-chemia I Inzynieria Ekologiczna SEcol Chem Eng SEcological Complexity Ecol Complex(Ecological Complexity and SustainabilityAnn Ny Acad SciNEcological Damage Caused By Oil Spills: Economic Assessments and Compensations Oceanis S DEcological Design and PlanningWiley S Sus DesJEcological Destruction, Health, and Development: Advancing Asian ParadigmsKyoto Area StudiesEcological Economics Ecol EconpEcological Economics and Industrial Ecology: A Case Study of The Integrated Product Policy of The European UnionRoutl Explor EnvironPEcological Economics and Sustainable Development: Selected Essays of Herman Daly Adv Ecol EconEcological Economics ReviewsAnn Ny Acad SciEcological EngineeringEcol EngEcological Entomology Ecol Entomol%Ecological Importance of River BottomFolia Fac Sci Nat UnEcological Indicators Ecol IndicEcological Informatics Ecol InformfEcological Land Classification : Applications to Identify The Productive Potential of Southern Forests Usda SoutheEcological Modelling Ecol ModelEcological Monographs Ecol Monogr?Ecological Networks: Linking Structure to Dynamics in Food Webs Sfi S Sci CDEcological Perception Research, Visual Communication, and Aesthetics Rec Res PsyEcological Psychology Ecol Psychol2Ecological Reclamation in Canada At Century's Turn Can Plain PEcological ResearchEcol ResEcological Research MonographsEcol Res MonogrGEcological Risk Assessment Decision-support System: A Conceptual Design Setac Sp P2Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soil Ch Ecotoxic4Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sediments Setac Sp PDEcological Risks Associated With The Destruction of Chemical WeaponsNato Sci Peace SecurEcological Studies Ecol Stud+Ecological Studies : Analysis and Synthesis Ecol Stu An*Ecological Studies- Analysis and Synthesis Ecol Stu An)Ecological Studies-analysis and SynthesisEcol Stud-anal Synth\Ecological Variability: Separating Natural From Anthropogenic Causes of Ecosystem Impairment Setac Sp P'Ecological Water Management in Practice Comm Hydrol/Ecologic Bioprocessing - Challenges in PracticeBeitr Okol Technol Ecologist EcologistEcologyEcologyEcology & Environment Ecol EnvirEEcology and Conservation of Grassland Birds of The Western HemisphereStud Avian Biol-ser1Ecology and Conservation of The Willow FlycatcherStud Avian Biol-ser-Ecology and Evolution of Gall-forming Insects Usda N CentEcology and History Ecol Hist7Ecology and Management Aspects of Extensive Mariculture Ices Mar Sc6Ecology and Management of Aquatic-terrestrial Ecotones Man Biosph5Ecology and Management of Larix Forests: A Look Ahead Usda Interm{Ecology and Management of Oak and Associated Woodlands : Perspectives in The Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico Usda Rocky9Ecology and Management of Small Bodies of Standing Waters Okol Naturs.Ecology and Management of Wood in World Rivers Am Fish S S1Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed-species ForestsFor SciEcology and SocietyEcol SocEcology and StrategyAdv Strateg ManageEcology and The World-system Stud Pol Ec%Ecology Biodiversity and ConservationEcol Biodivers ConsDEcology, Cognition and Landscape: Linking Natural and Social Systems Landsc SerEcology, Economy & Environment Ecol Ec Env(Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Bats Sym Zool SEcology Law QuarterlyEcol Law QuartEcology Letters Ecol LettEcology of Agricultural Pests Syst AssocTEcology of Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout: Habitat As A Template for Life Histories Fish Fish SerEcology of Food and NutritionEcol Food NutrEcology of Freshwater FishEcol Freshw FishOEcology of Juvenile Salmon in The Northeast Pacific Ocean: Regional Comparisons Am Fish S SEcology of Leaf LongevityEcol Res MonogrUEcology of Threatened Semi-arid Wetlands: Long-term Research in Las Tablas De DaimielWetl Ecol Conserv MaNEcology, Planning, and Management of Urban Forests: International PerspectivesSpringer Ser Env Man=Ecology, Survey and Management of Forest Insects, Proceedings Usda Ne Exp!Eco-materials Processing & DesignMater Sci Forum$Eco-materials Processing & Design ViMater Sci Forum%Eco-materials Processing & Design ViiMater Sci Forum(Eco-materials Processing and Design ViiiMater Sci Forum%Eco-materials Processing and Design XMater Sci Forum&Eco-materials Processing and Design XiMater Sci Forum"E-commerce and The Digital EconomyAdv Manag Inform SysE-commerce and Web TechnologiesLect Notes Bus InfE-commerce and Web TechnologiesLect Notes Bus Inf PE-commerce and Web TechnologiesLect Notes Comput Sc,E-commerce and Web Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScEcon Journal Watch Econ J Watch Econometrica Econometrica:Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time SeriesAdv Econometrics@Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series, Pt 2Adv Econometrics%Econometric Modeling of Value-at-riskFinanc I Serv Ser-Econometric Modelling and Forecasting in Asia St Commun T6Econometric Modelling of The World Trade in GroundfishNato Adv Sci I E-appEconometric Models in MarketingAdv EconometricsEconometric Reviews Economet RevPEconometrics Informing Natural Resources Management: Selected Empirical AnalysesNew Horiz Environ EcEconometrics Journal Economet JEconometric Society MonographsEcon Soc MonogrEconometrics of Health Care Adv St TheoZEconometrics of Sequential Trade Models: Theory and Applications Using High Frequency DataLect Notes Econ MathEconometric TheoryEconomet TheorEconomia Chilena Econ ChilEconomia Mexicana-nueva EpocaEcon MexEconomia Politica Econ PolitEconomia PoliticaEcon Polit-italy Economica Economica?Economic Accessibility of Forest Resources in North-west RussiaEur Forest Inst ProcUEconomic Adjustment in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, and Turkey Edi Pol Sem,Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse Nber Conf REconomic Analysis of TerrorismRout Stud Defen PeacEconomic and Business Bulletin Econ Bus Bull/Economic and Environmental Risk and Uncertainty Theo Dec L!Economic and Industrial DemocracyEcon Ind DemocracyDEconomic and Management Perspectives On Intellectual Property RightsAppl Economet Ass SeCEconomic and Palaeoceanographic Significance of Contourite DepositsGeol Soc Spec PublEconomic and Political WeeklyEcon Polit Weekly7Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The PacificMiner Conc Hydrocarb/Economic and Social Development in Pacific AsiaGrowth Econ Asia SerEconomic and Social Review Econ Soc RevIEconomic and Social Transformation in China: Challenges and OpportunitiesRoutl Stud Chin Econ2Economic and Strategic Issues in Us Foreign Policy De Gruy NorEconomica-new SeriesEconomica-new Ser>Economic Aspects of Raw Wool Production and Marketing in China Aciar Tec REconomic BotanyEcon BotEconomic Bulletin for Europe Econ Bull Eur4Economic Change, Social Welfare and Health in Europe Who Reg PubBEconomic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and ResearchEcon Comput Econ CybKEconomic Cooperation Between Singapore and India: An Alliance in The MakingRoutledge Stud GrowtgEconomic Co-operation in The Gulf: Issues in The Economies of The Arab Gulf Co-operation Council StatesRout Stud Mid E EconNEconomic Costs, Cost-effectiveness, Financing & Community-based Drug Treatment Nida Res Mg%Economic Decline and Political Change Pitt S Pol(Economic Development and Cultural ChangeEcon Dev Cult Change7Economic Development and Multilateral Trade Cooperation Trade Dev SerPEconomic Development and Social Change: Historical Roots and Modern PerspectivesRout St Hist Econ>Economic Development, Education and Transnational CorporationsRoutl Stud Dev EconHEconomic Development, Integration, and Morality in Asia and The AmericasRes Econ AnthropolEconomic Development Quarterly Econ Dev Q[Economic Development Through Entrepreneurship: Government, University and Business LinkagesNew Horiz Entrep8Economic Effects of Aging in The United States and Japan Nber Conf R!Economic Effects of ConstitutionsMunich Lect Econ)Economic Evolution and Demographic ChangeLect Notes Econ MathEconomic ForecastingEcon Iss Probl PerspEconomic Geography Econ Geogr,Economic Geography: Past, Present and FutureRoutl Stud Econ GeogEconomic Geology Econ GeolGEconomic Geology and The Bulletin of The Society of Economic GeologistsEcon Geol Bull Soc;Economic Globalisation As Religious War: Tragic ConvergenceRoutl Adv Int RelatREconomic Government of The Eu: A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy CoordinationPalgrave Stud Eur Un:Economic Growth and The Structure of Long-term Development Iea Conf Vol/Economic History of The American Steel IndustryRoutl Explor Econ HiEconomic History Review Econ Hist Rev$Economic History Review-first SeriesEcon Hist Rev-first*Economic Ideas Leading to The 21st CenturyEcon Id Lead 21st CNEconomic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International PerspectiveStud Product EfficEconomic InquiryEcon Inq!Economic Institutions of StrategyAdv Strateg Manage&Economic Integration in Asia and India Ide Jetro Ser&Economic Integration in Asia and India Ide-jetro Ser$Economic Integration in The AmericasRoutl Stud Mod World)Economic Issues Problems and PerspectivesEcon Iss Probl PerspEconomic JournalEcon J&Economic Learning and Social EvolutionEcon Learn Soc EvolfEconomic, Medical/scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What? Nes Nutr WsEconomic Modelling Econ Model8Economic Modelling of Climate Change and Energy PoliciesNew Hor Env Eco6Economic Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems Auton Syst5Economic Organization, Capabilities and Co-ordinationRoutl Stud Bus Organ5Economic Organization, Capabilities and Co-ordinationRtldg Stud Bus8Economic Performance in The Middle East and North AfricaRoutl Polit Econ Mid/Economic Perspective On Climate Change Policies Accf Ms TaxEconomic PlanningEcon Plann-canadaEconomic PluralismRoutl Front Polit EcEconomic Policy Econ Policy~Economic Policy and Performance in Industrial Democracies: Party Governments, Central Banks and The Fiscal-monetary Policy MixRoutl Front Polit Ec0Economic Policy Proposals for Germany and EuropeRoutl Stud Eur EconLEconomic Prosperity Recaptured: The Finnish Path From Crisis to Rapid GrowthCesifo Book SerEconomic RecordEcon RecGEconomic Reform and Cross-strait Relations: Taiwan and China in The WtoSer Contemp China3Economic Reform and Employment Relations in VietnamRoutledge Stud GrowtOEconomic Relations Between Asia and Europe: Organisations, Trade and InvestmentChandos Asian StudPEconomic Relations Between The United States and Korea : Conflict Or Cooperation Sr Inst Int/Economic Rights in Canada and The United StatesPa Stud Hum RightsEconomics & Human Biology Econ Hum BiolEconomics & PoliticsEcon Polit-oxfordNEconomic Sanctions and Presidential Decisions: Models of Political RationalityAdv Foreign Policy A;Economics and Financial Crises in Emerging Market Economies Nber Conf R!Economics and Information SystemsHandb Info SystXEconomics and Management of Networks: Franchising, Strategic Alliances, and CooperativesContrib Manag SciEconomics and Methodology Iea Conf VolEconomics and Philosophy Econ PhilosuEconomics and Politics of Oil in The Caspian Basin: The Redistribution of Oil Revenues in Azerbaijan and Central AsiaCent Asia Res Forum-Economics and Regulation of Financial Privacy Contrib EconEconomics and The MindRoutl Inem Adv Econ#Economics and Training of EducationStud Empiric EconEconomics As Social TheoryEcon Soc Theor&Economic Science for Rural DevelopmentEcon Sci Rural DevWEconomic Science for Rural Development: Finances, Taxes, Investment and Support SystemsEcon Sci Rural DevUEconomic Science for Rural Development: Primary and Secondary Production, ConsumptionEcon Sci Rural Dev3Economic Science for Rural Development, ProceedingsEcon Sci Rural Dev<Economic Science for Rural Development: Production and TaxesEcon Sci Rural Dev?Economic Science for Rural Development: Resources and EducationEcon Sci Rural DevFEconomic Science for Rural Development: Rural and Regional DevelopmentEcon Sci Rural Dev6Economic Science for Rural Development: SustainabilityEcon Sci Rural DevEconomics: Complex WindowsNew Econ Windows!Economics, Energy and EnvironmentEcon Energy Environm?Economics, Ethics and The Market: Introduction and ApplicationsRoutl Front Polit EcKEconomics, Information Systems, and Electronic Commerce: Empirical ResearchAdv Manag Inform Sys$Economics, Law and Individual RightsEcon Legal RelationEconomics Letters Econ LettEconomic Sociology of WorkRes Sociol WorkEconomics of Aging Nber Conf REconomics of American JudaismRoutl Front Polit Ec7Economics of An Ageing Population: Macroeconomic IssuesEsri Stud Ser AgeingEconomics of Art and CultureContrib To Econ Anal$Economics of Climate Change Policies Sustain InnovEconomics of Education Review Econ Educ Rev=Economics of Fishery Management in The Pacific Islands Region Aciar ProcHEconomics of Forest Disturbances: Wildfires, Storms and Invasive SpeciesFor Sci1Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and ServicesLect Notes Comput Sc%Economics of Harmonizing European Law Nh Law Econ>Economics of Health and Wellness: Anthropological PerspectivesRes Econ Anthropol-Economics of Immigration and Social Diversity Res Labor E-Economics of Immigration and Social DiversityRes Labor EconEconomics of Imperfect Markets Contrib EconEconomics of Imperfect MarketsContribut Econ8Economics of Information Communication and EntertainmentEcon Inform Comm Ent%Economics of Information in The 1990s Mc F S RutgEconomics of InnovationContrib Econ AnalEconomics of Interfirm Networks Okon Koop1Economics of International Environmental Problems Kieler Stud-Economics of Language: International AnalysesRoutl Stud Mod World Economics of Legal RelationshipsEcon Legal RelationEconomics of New Goods Stud Income+Economics of Non-market Goods and Resources Eco Nm G Re+Economics of Non-market Goods and ResourcesEcon Non-mark GoodEconomics of ObesityAdv Health Econ Heal,Economics of Online Markets and Ict Networks Contrib Econ,Economics of Online Markets and Ict NetworksContribut Econ8Economics of Persistent Innovation: An Evolutionary ViewEcon Sci Technol InnEconomics of Planning Econ Plann2Economics of Pollution Control in The Asia PacificNew Hor Env Eco.Economics of Science Technology and InnovationEcon Sci Technol Inn/Economics of Science, Technology and InnovationEcon Sci Techn InnovEconomics of SearchRoutl Adv Exp ComputTEconomics of Skills Obsolescence: Theoretical Innovations and Empirical Applications Res Labor EEconomics of Small Firms Stud Ind Or%Economics of Social Security in JapanEsri Stud Ser Ageing7Economics of Sustainable Development: The Case of IndiaNat Res Manag PolicyMEconomics of The Caspian Oil and Gas Wealth: Companies, Governments, PoliciesEuro-asian Stud6Economics of The Firm: Analysis, Evolution and HistoryRout St Glob Compet6Economics of The Firm: Analysis, Evolution and HistoryRoutl Stud Glob CompEconomics of The Law: A PrimerRoutl Adv Texts Econ0Economics of Tourism and Sustainable DevelopmentFeem Ser Econ EnvirEconomics of Transition Econ TransitEconomics of Wealth Creation Baas F EconPEconomic Spillovers, Structural Reforms and Policy Coordination in The Euro Area Contrib Econ3Economics, Rational Choice and Normative PhilosophyRoutl Fr Polit Econ3Economics, Rational Choice and Normative PhilosophyRoutl Front Polit Ec3Economics, Rational Choice and Normative PhilosophyRoutledge Front Poli0Economics, Sustainability, and Natural ResourcesSustain Econ Nat ResEconomic Studies Econom Stud>Economic Studies in Inequality Social Exclusion and Well-beingEc Stud Inequal Soc>Economic Studies in Inequality Social Exclusion and Well-beingEcon Stud Inequal SoEconomic Systems Research Econ Syst ResEconomic Theory Econ TheorEconomic Theory Econ Theory;Economic Theory of Environmental Policy in A Federal SystemNew Hor Env EcoPEconomic Transition in Central Europe and The Commonwealth of Independent StatesStud Econ Transit%Economic Transition in Eastern Europe De Vries L#Economic Valuation of River SystemsNew Horiz Environ EcEconomic Value of Wilderness Usda Southe'Economic Writings: Selections 1904-1945Vienna Circ CollectEconomie Appliquee Econ ApplEconomie Et Medecine Animales Econ Med Anim Economist Economist EconomistEconomist-nethlEconomist-netherlandsEconomist-netherlandmEconomists and Societies: Discipline and Profession in The United States, Britain, and France, 1890s to 1990sPrinc Stud CultEconomy & Environment Econ EnvirEconomy & Environment Econ Environ3Economy and Ecology Towards Sustainable Development Econ Envir'Economy and Economics of Ancient GreeceRoutl Explor Econ Hi3Economy and Politics in The Mycenaean Palace StatesCamb C J Proc Cam PhEconomy and SocietyEcon Soc'Economy and Society in The Modern SouthEcon Soc Mod S*Economy As An Evolving Complex System, Iii Sfi S Sci CGEconomy of The Conflict Region in Sri Lanka: From Embargo to RepressionPol Stud-Econophysics of Markets and Business Networks Ne Econ Win-Econophysics of Markets and Business NetworksNew Econ Windows$Econophysics of Order-driven MarketsNew Econ Windows'Econophysics of Stock and Other Markets Ne Econ Win'Econophysics of Stock and Other MarketsNew Econ Windows9Econophysics of Wealth Distributions: Econophys-kolkata INew Econ WindowsEcontentEcontent(Ecoop 2000 - Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc(Ecoop 2002 - Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc5Ecoop 2003 - Object-oriented Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Ecoop 2004 - Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc5Ecoop 2005 - Object-oriented Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Ecoop 2006 - Object-oriented Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Ecoop 2007 - Object-oriented Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Ecoop 2008 - Object-oriented Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Ecoop 2009 - Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc'Ecoop 2010: Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc=Ecoop 91 : European Conference On Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc;Ecoop 92 European Conference On Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc'Ecoop '95 - Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc%Ecoop'97: Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc&Ecoop'99 - Object-oriented ProgrammingLect Notes Comput ScEcoosa 90 - Quantum OpticsInst Phys Conf Ser8Ecopolis: Architecture and Cities for A Changing Climate Future City Ecoscience Ecoscience6Eco-standards, Product Labelling and Green ConsumerismConsum Public Life-Ecosystem Approaches for Fisheries Management Low Wake Fi5Ecosystem Classification for Environmental Management Ecol EnvirEcosystem HealthEcosyst HealthaEcosystem Management of Natural Resources in The Intermountain West, Proceedings of The SymposiumNat Resour Env Iss:Ecosystem Management : Rare Species and Significant Habits B Ny St Mus@Ecosystem Modeling As A Management Tool for The Black Sea, Vol 1 Nato Asi 2@Ecosystem Modeling As A Management Tool for The Black Sea, Vol 2 Nato Asi 2 Ecosystems EcosystemsEcosystems and Global Changes Dos En InraEcosystems and Land Use ChangeGeoph Monog SeriesEcosystems and Land Use ChangeGeophys Monogr Ser&Ecosystems and Sustainable Development Adv Ecol Sci)Ecosystems and Sustainable Development Ii Adv Ecol Sci*Ecosystems and Sustainable Development Iii Adv Ecol Sci7Ecosystems and Sustainable Development Iv, Vols 1 and 2 Adv Ecol Sci(Ecosystems and Sustainable Development VWit Trans Ecol Envir)Ecosystems and Sustainable Development ViWit Trans Ecol Envir*Ecosystems and Sustainable Development ViiWit Trans Ecol Envir]Ecosystems' Dynamics, Agricultural Remote Sensing and Modeling, and Site-specific AgricultureP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Ecosystems' Dynamics, Agricultural Remote Sensing and Modeling, and Site-specific Agriculture Proc Spie}Ecosystems Dynamics, Ecosystem-society Interactions, and Remote Sensing Applications for Semi-arid and Arid Land, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsEcosystem ServicesIss Environ Sci TechEcotourism Book SeriesEcotour Bk Ser9Ecotourism in Scandinavia: Lessons in Theory and PracticeEcotour Bk Ser.Ecotourism: Management, Development and ImpactTour Hosp Dev Manag Ecotourism, Ngos and DevelopmentContemp Geogr Leis TEcotourism Series Ecotourism Ecotoxicology Ecotoxicology&Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetyEcotox Environ Safe.Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment for Wetlands Setac Sp P@Ecotoxicology, Ecological Risk Assessment and Multiple StressorsNato Sci Peace Secur(Ecotoxicology of Metals in Invertebrates Setac Sp PEcotoxicology of Soil Organisms Setac Sp P Ecotropica Ecotropica Ecovision World Monograph SeriesEcovis World Mg Ser&Ecquid Novi-african Journalism StudiesEcquid Novi-afr JourIEcrs 5: Proceedings of The Fifth European Conference On Residual StressesMater Sci ForumGEcrs 6: Proceedings of The 6th European Conference On Residual StressesMater Sci ForumEcs TransactionsEcs TransactionsbEct - 2008: Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference On Electrical and Control TechnologiesElect Cont Tech-Ect 2009: Electrical and Control TechnologiesElect Cont Tech5Ectj-educational Communication and Technology JournalEctj-educ Commun TecEcumeneEcumeneEcumenical ReviewEcumenical RevTEddy Current Approximation of Maxwell Equations: Theory, Algorithms and ApplicationsMs A Mod Simul;Eddy Structure Identification in Free Turbulent Shear Flows Fluid Mec A0Edebiyat-a Journal of Middle Eastern LiteraturesEdebiyat9E-democracy: A Group Decision and Negotiation PerspectiveAdv Group Decis Nego Edf LetterEdf Lett6Edge of Life: Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics Philos Med(Edible Polysaccharide Films and CoatingsBiotech Agr Ind MedEdi Development Studies Edi Dev StudEdi Learning Resources SeriesEdi Learn Resour Ser#Edinburgh Guides to Islamic FinanceEdinb Guid IslamEdinburgh Studies in LawEdinb Stud LawEdi Policy Seminar Report Edi Pol SemEdi Seminar Series Edi Semin SPEdited Proceedings: Seventeenth International Galvanizing Conference, Paris 1994Proc Int Galvan Conf9Edith Wharton and The Conversations of Literary ModernismAm Lit Read Twenty-f4Editing Emily Dickinson: The Production of An AuthorStud Major Lit AuthoZEditing for Today's Newsroom: A Guide for Success in A Changing Profession, Second EditionLea Commun Ser Editions Sr Edition SrTEdm 2007: 8th International Workshop and Tutorials On Electron Devices and MaterialsInt Sib Workshops Tu]Edm 2008: International Workshop and Tutorials On Electron Devices and Materials, ProceedingsInt Sib Workshops Tu$Edmonton 1991 Spring Symposium, Pt 1 Instr ChemEdnEdn#Edn Magazine-electrical Design NewsEdnWEdoc 2008: 12th Ieee International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing, ProceedingsIeee Edoc ConfPEdoc: 2009 Ieee International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing ConferenceIeee Edoc Conf Edp AnalyzerEdp AnalqEdssc: 2007 Ieee International Conference On Electron Devices and Solid-state Circuits, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsIeee C Elec DeviceseEdu'08: Proceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Education and Educational TechnologyRec Adv Comput EngfEdu '09: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Education and Educational TechnologyRec Adv Comput Eng Educacion Xx1Educ Xx1Educare in EuropeYcf Ser%Educating Educators With Social MediaCut Technol High Ed?Educating in The Arts: The Asian Experience, Twenty-four EssaysEduc Asia Pac Reg-is9Educating Professionals for Network-centric OrganizationsInt Fed Info ProcOEducating The Global Workforce: Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Knowledge WorkersWorld Yearb EducFEducating The Royal Navy: 18th and 19th Century Education for OfficersCass Ser Nav PolicyEducating The Young ChildEduc Young Child$Educating Your Patient With DiabetesContemp Diabetes Education Education$Educational Administration QuarterlyEduc Admin Quart9Educational Algebra: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach Math Educ Lib/Educational & Training Technology InternationalEduc Train Technol)Educational and Psychological MeasurementEduc Psychol Meas4Educational Assessment Evaluation and AccountabilityEduc Assess Eval AccEducational ChangeEduc Compet Glob WorLEducational Decentralization: Asian Experiences and Conceptual ContributionsEduc Asia Pac Reg-is:Educational Design and Technology in The Knowledge SocietyEduc Des Tech Know&Educational Environments and Religions Sci Hum Rel*Educational Evaluation and Policy AnalysisEduc Eval Policy AnEducational Forum Educ ForumEducational Gerontology Educ Gerontol0Educational Innovation in Economics and BusinessEduc Innov Econ Bus4Educational Innovation in Economics and Business IiiEduc Innov Econ Bus3Educational Innovation in Economics and Business IvEduc Innov Econ Bus4Educational Innovation in Economics and Business ViiEduc Innov Econ BusYEducational Innovation in Economics and Business Vii: Pedagogy, Technology and InnovationEduc Innov Econ BusEducational LeadershipEduc Leadership)Educational Leadership for Social JusticeEduc Leader Soc JustEducational Linguistics Educ LinguistEducational LinguisticsEducat Linguistics2Educational Management Administration & LeadershipEduc Manag Adm Lead)Educational Media and Technology YearbookEduc Media Tech Year7Educational Media and Technology Yearbook: Vol 34, 2009Educ Media Tech Year7Educational Media and Technology Yearbook: Vol 35, 2010Educ Media Tech YearEducational Perspectives Educ Perspect!Educational Philosophy and TheoryEduc Philos TheoryEducational Policy Educ PolicyEducational Policy and LawEduc Policy LawnEducational Policy and Practice: The Good, The Bad and The Pseudoscience: Educational Theory and Policy, Vol 1Educ Compet Glob Wor8Educational Policy in Practice Critical Cultural StudiesEduc Policy Pract CrMEducational Policy in The 21st Century Opportunities Challenges and SolutionsEduc Policy 21st Cen%Educational Potential of E-portfoliosConnect E LearnEducational Psychologist Educ PsycholEducational PsychologistEduc Psychol-usEducational PsychologyEduc Psychol-ukEducational Psychology HandbookEduc Psychol HandbEducational Psychology ReviewEduc Psychol RevEducational Psychology SeriesEduc Psychol SerEducational RecordEduc RecEducational ResearchEduc ResEducational Research Educ Res-ukEducational Research Bulletin Educ Res BullEducational ResearcherEduc Researcher/Educational Research: Networks and Technologies Educ Res Ser=Educational Research: Proofs, Arguments, and Other Reasonings Educ Res SerEducational Research QuarterlyEduc Res QuartEducational Research ReviewEduc Res Rev-nethEducational Research Series Educ Res Ser?Educational Research: The Educationalization of Social Problems Educ Res Ser=Educational Research: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Statistics Educ Res SerLEducational Research, The National Agenda, and Educational Reform: A HistoryStud Hist Educ3Educational Research: Why 'what Works' Doesn't Work Educ Res SerEducational ReviewEduc RevEducational SciencesEduc SciEducational Studies Educ Stud"Educational Studies in MathematicsEduc Stud MathEducational Technology Educ Technol Educational Technology & SocietyEduc Technol SocVEducational Technology in Practice: Research and Practical Case Studies From The FieldEduc Des Tech KnowEducational Theatre JournalEduc Theatre JEducational Theory Educ Theory7Education and Civic Culture in Post-communist CountriesStud Russ E Eur7Education and Civic Culture in Post-communist CountriesStud Russia E EuropeEducation and Climate ChangeRoutl Res EducAEducation and Labour Markets Outcomes: A French-german Comparison Zew Econ StudWEducation and Postponement of Maternity: Economic Analyses for Industrialized CountriesEur Stud Popul5Education and Social Inequality in The Global CultureGlob Comp Educ PolicCEducation and Social Integration: Comprehensive Schooling in EuropeSecond Educ Chang Wo8Education and Society : Information Processing 92, Vol 2 Ifip Trans AoEducation and Society in Hong Kong and Macao: Comparative Perspectives On Continuity and Change, Second EditionCerc Stud Comp EducIEducation and Support Programs for Caregivers: Research, Practice, PolicyCaregiving-res PractEducation and The FamilyFound Futures Educ?Education and Training in Autism and Developmental DisabilitiesEduc Train Autism De4Education and Training in Developmental DisabilitiesEduc Train Dev DisabKEducation and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental DisabilitiesEduc Train Ment Ret/Education and Training of The Mentally RetardedEduc Train Ment RetaEducation and Urban SocietyEduc Urban Soc%Education As A Political Tool in AsiaRoutl Contemp AsiaEducation As Change Educ ChangEducation As Change Educ ChangeEducation As My AgendaPalgr Stud Oral HistEducation Conference 1989 Cah EnseignEducation Finance and PolicyEduc Financ Policy7Education for All: Global Promises, National ChallengesInt Persp Educ SocTEducation for A Multicultural Society : A New Agenda for Continuing Higher Education P Assn ContEducation for Animal WelfareAnim Welfare SerXEducation for Demographic Citizenship in Europe - New Challenges for Secondary Education Eur Educ REducation for Information Educ InformMEducation for Peace: A Conference Report From Budapest (eupra, November 1993) Peac Educ RepJEducation for Peace: A Conference Report From Malta (ipra, Oct.-nov. 1994) Peac Educ RepDEducation for The 21st Century - Impact of Ict and Digital ResourcesInt Fed Info Proc0Education for The Library/information Profession Mc F S Rutg&Education, Globalisation and New Times Educ HeritagEducation Heritage Educ Heritag0Education in A Competitive and Globalizing WorldEduc Compet Glob WorEducation in AsiaEduc Compet Glob WorEducation in Divided SocietiesEthn Intercomm Confl0Education in Human Creative Existential Planning Anal Hus YbEducation in Large CitiesEduc Large Cities&Education in Microelectronics and MemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Education in Microelectronics and Mems Proc SpieEducation in OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsBEducation in The Asia Pacific Region-issues Concerns and ProspectsEduc Asia Pac Reg-isDEducation in The Asia-pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and ProspectsEduc Asia-pacific%Education in The Era of GlobalizationPhilos Educ-neth(Education Leadership and Business Ethics Iss Bus Eth5Education of Desire: Towards A Theology of The SensesJah Lec Series>Education of Diverse Student Populations: A Global PerspectiveExplor Educ PurpEducation of Jane AddamsPolit Cult Mod AmCEducation of The Gifted in Europe : Theoretical and Research Issues Eur Educ R%Education of The Visually HandicappedEduc Visual Handicap(Education Outreach and Public EngagementMentor Acad Ind1Education, Philosophy and The Ethical EnvironmentFound Futures Educ6Education Policy in Practice-critical Cultural StudiesEduc Policy Pract-cr7Education Policy in Practice: Critical Cultural StudiesEduc Pol Pract"Education Politics and Public LifeEduc Polit Pub LifedEducation, Professionalization and Social Representations: On The Transformation of Social KnowledgeRout Int Stud Philos=Education Reforms in Ghana: Curriculum in Junior High SchoolsEduc Compet Glob WorEducation, Science and TruthRout Int Stud PhiloscEdute 2009: Proceedings of The 5th Wseas/iasme International Conference On Educational TechnologiesRec Adv Comput EngBEdutech: Where Computer-aided Design Meets Computer-aided LearningInt Fed Info Proc9Edward Said and The Literary, Social, and Political WorldRoutl Stud Soc Polit Edwin Muir Centenary Assessments Assoc ScotGEecc'97 - Proceedings of The Third Esa Electronic Components Conference Esa Sp PublEe-evaluation Engineering Ee-eval EngWEeg-emg-zeitschrift Fur Elektroenzephalographie Elektromyographie Und Verwandte GebieteEeg-emg-z Elek Elekt Eei BulletinEei Bull(Eei Bulletin-edison Electrical InstituteEei Bull Edison Elec-E-engineering & Digital Enterprise TechnologyAppl Mech Mater>E-engineering & Digital Enterprise Technology Vii, Pts 1 and 2Appl Mech MaterLE E Slutsky As Economist and Mathematician: Crossing The Limits of KnowledgeRoutl Stud Hist Econ,Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu AastaraamatEest Raken Uhin Aast Efce Event Efce EventEfce Publications Series Efce Publ S?Effect-directed Analysis of Complex Environmental ContaminationHandb Environ ChemEffective Access to Information Prof Lib SEffective and Efficient Organisations?: Government Export Promotion in Germany and The Uk From An Organisational Economics Perspective Contrib EconEffective CadcamProc Inst Mech Eng SEffective Cadcam 91Proc Inst Mech Eng S2Effective Computation Methods for Wave Propagation Numer Insight6Effective Education for Learners With Exceptionalities Adv Spec Educ+Effective Field Theories in Flavour PhysicsSpringer Tr Mod Phys)Effective Health Behavior in Older AdultsSociet Impact Aging(Effective Hemodiafiltration: New MethodsContrib Nephrol3Effective Learning and Teaching in Higher EducationEffect Learn Teach H3Effective Learning and Teaching in Modern LanguagesEffect Learn Teach H'Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry Prog Math@Effective Models for Low-dimensional Strongly Correlated Systems Aip Conf ProcQEffectiveness of In-service Education and Training of Teachers and School Leaders Eur Educ R9Effective Risk Communication: A Message-centered ApproachFood Microbiol FoodREffective Tax Burden of Companies in European Regions: An International Comparison Zew Econ StudVEffective Teaching for Intended Learning Outcomes in Science and Technology (metilost)Educ Compet Glob Wor.Effective Transition From Design to ProductionResource Manag-crcIEffective Use of Human Resources : A Symposium On New Research Approaches U Cal I Ind+Effect of Affect in Organizational SettingsRes Emotion OrganpEffect of Disorder and Defects in Ion-implanted Semiconductors : Electrical and Physicochemical CharacterizationSemicond SemimetpEffect of Disorder and Defects in Ion-implanted Semiconductors : Electrical and Physicochemical CharacterizationSemiconduct SemimetjEffect of Disorder and Defects in Ion-implanted Semiconductors : Optical and Photothermal CharacterizationSemiconduct SemimetHEffects of Aggregates and Mineral Fillers On Asphalt Mixture PerformanceAm Soc Test MateraEffects of Air Pollution On Forest Health and Biodiversity in Forests of The Carpathian MountainsNato Sci Ser I Life%Effects of Construction On Structures Geotech SpDEffects of Crop Rotation On Potato Production in The Temperate ZonesDev Plant Soil Sci"Effects of Drugs On Verbal FluencyLang Linguist Ser9Effects of Early Adversity On Neurobehavioral DevelopmentMinn Sym Child PsychMEffects of Family Literacy Interventions On Children's Acquisition of ReadingEduc Compet Glob Wor7Effects of Fatty Acids and Lipids in Health and DiseaseWorld Rev Nutr Diet<Effects of Fire Management of Southwestern Natural Resources Usda RockyHEffects of Fire On Madrean Province Ecosystems - A Symposium Proceedings Usda RockyMEffects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract (egb 761) On Aging and Age-related Disorders Adv GinkgoAEffects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract (egb 761) On Neuronal Plasticity Adv GinkgoJEffects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract ( Egb 761 ) On The Central Nervous System Adv GinkgoxEffects of Habitat Fragmentation On Birds in Western Landscapes: Contrasts With Paradigms From The Eastern United StatesStud Avian Biol-ser_Effects of Joint Incongruity On Articular Pressure Distribution and Subchondral Bone RemodelingAdv Anat Embryol Cel0Effects of Liberalizing World Agricultural TradeAgr Issues PoliciesTEffects of Low and Very Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation On Human Health, Proceedings Int Congr SerCEffects of Low-power Light On Biological Systems Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Effects of Low-power Light On Biological Systems Iv, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Effects of Low-power Light On Biological Systems, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Effects of Low-power Light On Biological Systems VP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Effects of Mechanical Stiffness and Vibration On WearAm Soc Test Mater)Effects of Nicotine On Biological Systems Adv Phar Sc,Effects of Nicotine On Biological Systems Ii Adv Phar ScFEffects of Product Quality and Design Criteria On Structural IntegrityAm Soc Test MaterGEffects of Radiation On Materials : 14th International Symposium, Vol 1Am Soc Test Mater@Effects of Radiation On Materials : 15th International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater?Effects of Radiation On Materials: 16th International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater?Effects of Radiation On Materials: 18th International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater?Effects of Radiation On Materials: 19th International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater?Effects of Radiation On Materials: 20th International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater?Effects of Radiation On Materials: 21st International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater1Effects of Radiation On Materials: 22nd SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater?Effects of Radiation On Materials: 23rd International SymposiumAm Soc Test MaterOEffects of Scale On Interpretation and Management of Sediment and Water Quality Iahs-aish P5Effects of Space Weather On Technology InfrastructureNato Sci Ser Ii Math5Effects of Space Weather On Technology InfrastructureNato Sci Ser Ii-mathUEffects of The Application of Phosphorous Fertilizers On The Contamination By Uranium Serb Ac Sci<Effects of The Environment On The Initiation of Crack GrowthAm Soc Test Mater[Effects of Therapy On Biology and Kinetics of The Residual Tumor, Part B : Clinical AspectsProg Clin Biol Res]Effects of Therapy On Biology and Kinetics of The Residual Tumor, Pt A : Pre-clinical AspectsProg Clin Biol Res,Effects of Urbanization On Stream Ecosystems Am Fish S SEfferent Auditory SystemSing Audiol TextbkAEfficiency and Economics of Clinical Care and Research in Surgery Langeng ArcZEfficiency and Effectiveness of Xml Tools and Techniques and Data Integration Over The WebLect Notes Comput ScjEfficiency Instead of Justice: Searching for The Philosophical Foundations of The Economic Analysis of LawLaw Philos LibrEfficiency in The Public SectorStud Product EffREfficiency, Justice and Care: Philosophical Reflections On Scarcity in Health CareInt Libr Eth Law New0Efficiency Measurement in Health and Health CareRout Int Stud Health;Efficiency Versus Sustainability in Dynamic Decision MakingLect Notes Econ Math\Efficient Algorithms: Essays Dedicated to Kurt Mehlhorn On The Occasion of His 60th BirthdayLect Notes Comput Sc-Efficient Approximation and Online AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput Sc0Efficient Graph Rewriting and Its ImplementationLect Notes Comput SccEfficient Numerical Methods for Non-local Operators: H2-matrix Compression, Algorithms and AnalysisEms Tracts Math*Efficient Power Plants and Their Financing VDI BerichtBEfficient Secure Two-party Protocols: Techniques and ConstructionsInform Sec Crypt TexCEfficient Use and Management of Urban Water Supply (efficient 2005)Wa Sci Technol6Efficient Use and Management of Water for Urban SupplyWa Sci Technol"Effluent & Water Treatment JournalEffluent Water Treat8Effluents From Alternative Demilitarization TechnologiesNato Sci S 1 Disarm%Effluent Treatment and Waste Disposal Inst Chem E)Effluent Treatment and Waste Minimisation Inst Chem E5Efnudat: Measurements and Models of Nuclear Reactions Epj Web ConfEfs Brochure Series Efs Brochur=Egitim Arastirmalari-eurasian Journal of Educational Research Egit Arast%Egitim Ve Bilim-education and Science Egit Bilim#E-governance: Managing Or GoverningRoutl Ebusiness,E-government in Europe: Re-booting The StateRoutl Adv Eur Polit7E-government: Towards Electronic Democracy, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScEgypt At Its OriginsOrient Lovan Anal"Egyptian Cultural Icons in Midrash Stud Judaica+Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest ControlEgypt J Biol Pest CoEgyptian Journal of Chemistry Egypt J Chem)Egyptian Journal of Genetics and CytologyEgypt J Genet Cytol+Egypt's Culture Wars: Politics and PracticeRoutl Adv Midd E Isl|Ehac'09: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical CommunicationsMa Comput Sci Eng|Ehac'09: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical CommunicationsMath Comput Sci Eng}Ehac'09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optional CommunicationsMa Comput Sci Eng)Ehealth Beyond The Horizon - Get It There St Heal TiEhealth: Combining Health Telematics, Telemedicine, Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics to The Edge St Heal T,E-health for Diabetes in The Western Pacific Int Congr Ser Ehrlichiosis Curr T Vet@Ehv Ac Undergrounding Electrical Power- Performance and Planning Power Syst Eicosanoids Eicosanoids EicosanoidsNato Adv Sci Inst SeEEicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer and Radiation Injury Dev OncolVEicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Imflammation and Radiation Injury, 4Adv Exp Med BiolSEicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation and Radiation-injury Dev OncolcEicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation, and Radiation Injury 2, Pts A and BAdv Exp Med BiolVEicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation, and Radiation Injury 3Adv Exp Med BiolWEicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation, and Radiation Injury, 5Adv Exp Med BiolEigentumsschutz Und Sozialversicherung: Eine Rechtsvergleichende Analyse Anhand Der Rechtsprechung Des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Und Des Ungarischen VerfassungsgerichtsBeitr Ausl Offentl R?Eigenvalues, Embeddings and Generalised Trigonometric FunctionsLect Notes MathcEighteenth Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, Proceedings 2002P Ieee Semicond TherXEighteenth Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference (compsac 94)P Int Comp Softw App`Eighteenth-century Authorship and The Play of Fiction: Novels and The Theater, Haywood to AustenRout St Eight Cn LitEighteenth-century FictionEighteenth-century FEighteenth-century LifeEighteenth-cent LifeEighteenth-century MusicEighteenth-cent MusiEighteenth-century StudiesEighteenth-cent Stud,Eighteenth Century-theory and InterpretationEighteenth Cent-theoDEighteenth International Conference On Infrared and Millimeter WavesP Soc Photo-opt InsEighteenth Lacus Forum 1991 Lacus Forum#Eighteenth Nastran Users Colloquium Nasa Conf PGEighth Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science : Proceedings Ieee S Log$Eighth European Conference On Mixing Inst Chem E\Eighth Ieee International Conference On Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng CompWEighth Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools Art^Eighth Ieee International Symposium On Computers and Communication, Vols I and Ii, ProceedingsIeee Symp Comp Commu7Eighth Ieee International Vacuum Electronics ConferenceIeee Int Vac Elect C7Eighth Ieee Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems Comp Med SyHEighth International Conference On Antennas and Propagation, Pts 1 and 2 Iee Conf Publ9Eighth International Conference On Automotive Electronics Iee Conf PublVEighth International Conference On Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications Iee Conf PublAEighth International Conference On Electrical Machines and Drives Iee Conf Publ@Eighth International Conference On Electromagnetic Compatibility Iee Conf PublNEighth International Conference On Grey Literature, Gl8 Conference ProceedingsGl Conference SerIEighth International Conference On Information Visualisation, ProceedingsIeee Infor VisKEighth International Conference On Laser and Laser Information TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsKEighth International Conference On Laser and Laser Information Technologies Proc SpieFEighth International Conference On Low-volume Roads 2003, Vols 1 and 2Transport Res RecZEighth International Conference On Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt InsNEighth International Conference On Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives Iee Conf PublFEighth International Conference On Road Traffic Monitoring and Control Iee Conf PublbEighth International Conference On Software Engineering for Telecommunication Systems and Services Iee Conf Publ7Eighth International Conference On Solid State LightingP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Eighth International Conference On Solid State Lighting Proc SpiehEighth International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications Proc SpieBEighth International Conference On Video, Audio and Data Recording Iee Conf Publ.Eighth International Mine Ventilation CongressAustralas I Min MetSEighth International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt InsSEighth International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics Proc SpieKEighth International Symposium On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins1Eighth International Symposium On Laser MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Eighth International Symposium On Laser Metrology Proc SpiemEighth International Symposium On Optical Storage and 2008 International Workshop On Information Data StorageP Soc Photo-opt InsmEighth International Symposium On Optical Storage and 2008 International Workshop On Information Data Storage Proc SpiekEighth International Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsLEighth Mexico-texas Conference On Astrophysics: Energetics of Cosmic PlasmasRev Mex Ast Astr.Eighth Mill Operators' Conference, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met=Eighth National Space Engineering Symposium 1993, Proceedings Inst Eng ASEighth Pacific Rim Conference On Stellar Astrophysics: A Tribute to Kam-ching Leung Astr Soc PFEight International Conference On Quality Control By Artificial VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsFEight International Conference On Quality Control By Artificial Vision Proc SpieHEight International Symposium On Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Production Acta Hortic Eigse-a Journal of Irish StudiesEigse-j Irish StudLEigth Seminar On Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Eikasmos-quaderni Bolognesi Di Filologia ClassicaEikasmos&Einfuhrung in Die Phonetik, 3. AuflageDegruyter Studienb.Einfuhrung in Die Sprechakttheorie, 5. AuflageGer Arbeitsheft*Einstein, 1905-2005: Poincare Seminar 2005 Prog Math P*Einstein, 1905-2005: Poincare Seminar 2005Prog Math PhysfEinstein Meets Magritte-an Interdisciplinary Reflection On Science Nature Art Human Action and SocietyEinstein Meets MagriiEinstein Meets Magritte-an Interdisciplinary Reflection On Science, Nature, Art, Human Action and SocietyEinstein Meet Magrit+Einstein Metrics and Yang-mills ConnectionsLect Notes Pure ApplEEinstein Relation in Compound Semiconductors and Their NanostructuresSpringer Ser Mater SEinstein Studies Einstein St Eire-ireland Eire-irelandEirma Conference Papers Eirma ConfDEisei Kagaku-japanese Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Eisei Kagaku Eisenhower Great GenEisenhower and The German Pows Publ Eisenh*Eisenhower Center Studies On War and PeaceEisen Ctr Stud"Eisenstein Series and Applications Prog Math$Eiss/kluwer Law International SeriesEiss Kluw Law Int SEjc Supplements Ejc SupplEjd Book Series Ejd Book Ser3Ejectors and Their Usefulness in The Energy SavingsEnerg Sci Eng Tech Ejhp Practice Ejhp Pract2E-journal Invasion: A Catalogers Guide to SurvivalChandos Inf Prof SerE-journal of ChemistryE-j Chem E-journals Access and ManagementRout Stud Lib InformEjsoEjsoEjsoEjso-eur J Surg OncIEkc2008: Proceedings of The Eu-korea Conference On Science and TechnologySpringer Proc PhysEEkc 2009 Proceedings of Eu-korea Conference On Science and TechnologySpringer Proc PhysEkisticsEkistic6Ekistics-the Problems and Science of Human SettlementsEkisticsBEklem Hastaliklari Ve Cerrahisi-joint Diseases and Related SurgeryEklem Hast CerrahisiEkologia-bratislavaEkol Bratislava Ekologia Csfr Ekol Csfr)Ekologia Polska-polish Journal of EcologyEkol Pol-pol J EcolEkolojiEkolojiEkonomicko-matematicky Obzor Ekon Mat ObzEkonomicky CasopisEkon CasEkonomiska Samfundets TidskriftEkon Samf Tidskr Ekonomista Ekonomista(Ekonomska Istrazivanja-economic Research Ekon IstrazEksperimentalnaya Onkologiya Eksp Onkol7Eksploatacja I Niezawodnosc-maintenance and ReliabilityEksploat NiezawodnEkstasisEkstasis;Elaborating Professionalism: Studies in Practice and TheoryInnov Chang Prof EduIElachistine Moths of Australia: (lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Elachistidae)Monogr Aust LepidoptElastic Filaments of The CellAdv Exp Med Biol2Elastic Multibody Dynamics: A Direct Ritz ApproachIntel Syst Contr AutNElastic-plastic Fracture Test Methods : The Users Experience ( Second Volume )Am Soc Test Mater/Elastic Waves in Composite Media and Structures Mech Eng-crc6Elastomere Friction: Theory, Experiment and SimulationLect Notes Appl Comp Elastomerics ElastomericsElastoplasticity TheoryLect Notes Appl Comp/Eldercare Technology for Clinical Practitioners Aging Med5Electing to Fight: Why Emerging Democracies Go to WarBcsia Stud Int Secur$Elections As Popular Culture in Asia Polit Asia+Elections, Parties and Political Traditions Ger Hist PElectoral Studies Elect StudGElectoral Systems and Political Transformation in Post-communist EuropeOne Eur Several#Electrical and Computer Engineering Ele Com EngMElectrical and Computer Engineering-a Series of Reference Books and TextbooksElectr Comput Eng*Electrical and Computer Engineering Series Ele Com Eng#Electrical and Control TechnologiesElect Cont Tech3Electrical and Related Properties of Organic SolidsNato Asi 3 High TechKElectrical Bioimpedance Methods: Applications to Medicine and BiotechnologyAnn Ny Acad SciElectrical Communication Electr Commun?Electrical Contacts-ieee Holm Conference On Electrical ContactsElectr ContactElectrical Engineering Electr Eng;Electrical Engineering and Applied Signal Processing SeriesElectr Eng Appl Sign.Electrical Engineering and Electromagnetics ViAdv Elect Electr Eng#Electrical Engineering DevelopmentsElectr Eng Dev&Electrical Engineering Handbook SeriesElectr Eng Handb SerElectrical Engineering Ii VDI BerichtElectrical Engineering in JapanElectr Eng JpnZElectrical Injury: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Therapy, Prevention, and RehabilitationAnn Ny Acad Sci5Electrical Insulating Materials: International IssuesAm Soc Test Mater3Electrically Based Microstructural CharacterizationMater Res Soc Symp P6Electrically Based Microstructural Characterization IiMater Res Soc Symp P7Electrically Based Microstructural Characterization IiiMater Res Soc Symp PMElectrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PQElectrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials IiiMater Res Soc Symp PPElectrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid-state Materials IvMater Res Soc Symp P(Electrical Properties of Oxide Materials Key Eng Mat(Electrical Properties of Oxide Materials Key Eng Mater*Electrical Resistivity of Thin Metal FilmsSpringer Tr Mod PhysElectrical ReviewElectr Rev-londonElectrical TechnologyElectr Technol+Electrical Technology RussiaElectr Technol Russ+Electrical World Electr World_Electric Field-induced Effects On Neuronal Cell Biology Accompanying Dielectrophoretic TrappingAdv Anat Embryol Cel.Electric Field Phenomena in Biological SystemsIop Short Meet Serie?Electric Fields in Composite Dielectrics and Their Applications Power Syst)Electric Furnace Conference - ProceedingsElect Furn Conf Proc&Electric Machines and ElectromechanicsElectr Mach Electrom#Electric Machines and Power SystemsElectr Mach Pow Syst%Electric Power Components and SystemsElectr Pow Compo SysElectric Power Quality Power Syst@Electric Power System Planning: Issues, Algorithms and Solutions Power SystElectric Power Systems ResearchElectr Pow Syst Res8Electrified Interfaces in Physics, Chemistry and BiologyNato Adv Sci I C-mat8Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins8Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) 2007 Proc Spie8Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) 2008 Proc Spie8Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins8Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) 2010 Proc Spie8Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) 2011 Proc Spie Electroactive Polymer Gel RobotsSpringer Trac Adv Ro,Electroactive Polymers and Rapid PrototypingMater Res Soc Symp PElectroactive Polymers (eap)Mater Res Soc Symp P,Electroactive Polymers for Corrosion Control Acs Sym SerElectroanalysis ElectroanalElectroanalytical ChemistryElectroanal Chem9Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances, Vol 19Electroanal Chem#Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol 20Electroanal Chem#Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol 21Electroanal Chem#Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol 23Electroanal ChemElectro- and MagnetobiologyElectro MagnetobiolElectrocardiographyAnn Ny Acad SciElectrocardiology 1988 Int Congr SerEElectrocatalysis: Computational, Experimental, and Industrial AspectsSurfactant Sci SerElectroceramics in Japan I Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan I Key Eng MaterElectroceramics in Japan Iii Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan Iii Key Eng MaterElectroceramics in Japan Iv Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan Iv Key Eng MaterElectroceramics in Japan Ix Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan Vi Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan Vii Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan Viii Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan Viii Key Eng MaterElectroceramics in Japan X Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan X Key Eng MaterElectroceramics in Japan Xi Key Eng MatElectroceramics in Japan Xiii Key Eng MaterRElectrochemical and Chemical Reactivity of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline MaterialsMater Sci Forum'Electrochemical and Solid State LettersElectrochem Solid St2Electrochemical Capacitor and Hybrid Power Sources Elec Soc S2Electrochemical Engineering and The Environment 92 Inst Chem E7Electrochemical Impedence : Analysis and InterpretationAm Soc Test Mater(Electrochemical Methods for NeuroscienceFront NeuroengEElectrochemical Methods in Archaeometry, Conservation and RestorationMonogr Electrochem>Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion: Research and ApplicationMater Sci Forum=Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion Research Vi, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum Electrochemical NanotechnologiesNanostruct Sci Techn1Electrochemical Oxidation and Corrosion of MetalsChem Res Appl-novaaElectrochemical Processing in Ulsi Fabrication and Semiconductor/metal Deposition Ii, Proceedings Elec Soc S&Electrochemical Process Simulation IiiWit Trans Eng Sci=Electrochemical Science and Technology of Copper, Proceedings Elec Soc S=Electrochemical Sensing of Deadly Toxin-atrazine: An OverviewChem Res Appl-novaElectrochemical Society Series Elec Soc S7Electrochemical Synthesis and Modification of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PElectrochemical TechnologyElectrochem Technol:Electrochemical Technology Applications in Electronics Iii Elec Soc S*Electrochemical Technology of Molten SaltsMolt Salt ForumElectrochemistryElectrochemistryTElectrochemistry and Characteristics of Embeddable Reference Electrodes for ConcreteEur Fed Corros Publ_Electrochemistry and Physical Chemical Methods in Serving Materials for Sustainable Development Key Eng Mat!Electrochemistry At The NanoscaleNanostruct Sci TechnElectrochemistry CommunicationsElectrochem Commun$Electrochemistry of Carbon Materials Elec Soc S&Electrochemistry of Glass and Ceramics Ceram Trans'Electrochemistry of Metal ChalcogenidesMonogr ElectrochemElectrochemistry V Top Curr ChemElectrochimica ActaElectrochim Acta)Electrochromic Materials and Applications Elec Soc S'Electrocomponent Science and TechnologyElectrocomp Sci Tech3Electroencephalography and Clinical NeurophysiologyElectroen Clin Neuro>Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Supplement Eeg Cl N Su\Electroless Copper and Nickel-phosphorus Plating: Processing, Characterisation and ModellingWoodhead Publ MaterElectroluminescence ISemiconduct SemimetElectroluminescence IiSemiconduct Semimet@Electroluminescent Materials, Devices, and Large-screen DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Electrolysis: Theory, Types and ApplicationsChem Res Appl-nova/Electromagnetic and Optical Pulse Propagation 2Springer Ser Opt Sci$Electromagnetic Biology and MedicineElectromagn Biol Med5Electromagnetic Cascade and Chemistry of Exotic Atoms E Maj Int SEElectromagnetic Field, Health and Environment, Proceedings of Ehe '07Stud Appl ElectromaghElectromagnetic Field Interaction With Transmission Lines: From Classical Theory to Hf Radiation EffectsAdv Elec Eng ElectroElectromagnetic Fields Adv Chem Ser0Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical EngineeringStud Appl Electromag*Electromagnetic Fields in Stratified MediaAdv Top Sci Tech Chi)Electromagnetic Nondestructive EvaluationStud Appl Electromag.Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ii)Stud Appl Electromag/Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (iii)Stud Appl Electromag.Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (iv)Stud Appl Electromag.Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ix)Stud Appl Electromag-Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (v)Stud Appl Electromag.Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (vi)Stud Appl Electromag0Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (viii)Stud Appl Electromag.Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (xi)Stud Appl Electromag-Electromagnetic Probes of Fundamental PhysicsSci Cult Ser Phys=Electromagnetic Radiation of Electrons in Periodic StructuresSpringer Trac Mod PhElectromagneticsElectromagnetics@Electromagnetics in A Complex World: Challenges and PerspectivesSpringer Proc Phys)Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron StarsNato Sci Ser Ii Math)Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron StarsNato Sci Ser Ii-math9Electromagnetic Wave Scattering On Nonspherical ParticlesSpringer Ser Opt Sci)Electromechanical and Systems EngineeringAppl Mech Mater2Electromechanical Coupling of The Solar Atmosphere Aip Conf Proc'Electromechanical Drive Technology 1997 VDI BerichtBElectromechanical Properties in Composites Based On FerroelectricsEng Mater Process<Electromechanical Systems in Mirotechnology and MechatronicsMicrotechnol MemsElectromyographical Kinesiology Int Congr Ser-Electromyography and Clinical NeurophysiologyElectromyo Clin NeurVElectromyography and Motor Control-electroencephalography and Clinical NeurophysiologyElectromyogr Motor CElectron Fund Theor?Electron and Photon Confinement in Semiconductor NanostructuresP Int Sch Phys=Electron and Photon Impact Ionization and Related Topics 2004Inst Phys Conf Ser5Electron and Proton Transfer in Chemistry and BiologyStud Phys Theo Chem&Electron-beam Interactions With SolidsSpringer Tr Mod Phys:Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps and Their Applications Aip Conf Proc\Electron Beam Modification of Solids: Mechanisms, Common Features and Promising ApplicationsCondens Matter Res T1Electron-beam Sources and Charged-particle OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Electron-beam Sources of High-brightness RadiationP Soc Photo-opt InsPElectron-beam, X-ray, and Ion-beam Submicrometer Lithographies for ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsSElectron-beam, X-ray, and Ion-beam Submicrometer Lithographies for Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsTElectron-beam, X-ray, and Ion-beam Submicrometer Lithographies for Manufacturing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSElectron-beam, X-ray, and Ion-beam Submicrometer Lithographies for Manufacturing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsWElectron-beam, X-ray, Euv, and Ion-beam Submicrometer Lithographies for Manufacturing VP Soc Photo-opt InsXElectron-beam, X-ray, Euv, and Ion-beam Submicrometer Lithographies for Manufacturing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Electron Collisions With Molecules, Clusters and Surfaces Phys Atoms5Electron Correlation in New Materials and NanosystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math5Electron Correlation in New Materials and NanosystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math Electron Correlation Methodology Acs Sym SerElectron CrystallographyNato Adv Sci I E-appmElectron Crystallography for Materials Research and Quantitative Characterization of Nanostructured MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P]Electron Crystallography: Novel Approaches for Structure Determination of Nanosized MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math]Electron Crystallography: Novel Approaches for Structure Determination of Nanosized MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii-math-Electron Crystallography of Organic MoleculesNato Adv Sci I C-mat(Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources Aip Conf ProcElectron Device LettersElectron Devic LettElectron Emission PhysicsAdv Imag Elect PhysRElectronic & Electrical Engineering Research Studies : Electronic Materials SeriesEeers Electr Mat Ser?Electronic and Vibronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes I Top Curr Chem@Electronic and Vibronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes Ii Top Curr ChemElectronic Braking Systems Imeche SemElectronic Business Electron BuszElectronic-business Intelligence: for Corporate Competitive Advantages in The Age of Emerging Technologies & GlobalizationAdv Intel Sys Res+Electronic Campus : An Information Strategy Lib Info R(Electronic Ceramic Materials and Devices Ceram TransElectronic CommerceLect Notes Comput Sc(Electronic Commerce and Web TechnologiesLect Notes Comput Sc5Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScElectronic Commerce ResearchElectron Commer Res-Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsElectron Commer R A-Electronic Commerce Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Electronic Commerce: Theory and PracticeStud Comput Intell(Electronic Communications in ProbabilityElectron Commun Prob/Electronic Components and Technology Conference Elec Comp C+Electronic Customer Relationship ManagementAdv Manag Inform SysVElectronic Defect States in Alkali Halides: Effects of Interaction With Molecular IonsSpringer Tr Mod PhysVElectronic Defect States in Alkali Halides: Effects of Interaction With Molecular IonsSpringer Tracts ModElectronic Design Electron Des'Electronic Design Automation Frameworks Ifip Trans AAElectronic Documents and Information: From Preservation to Access Ver U EssenElectronic EngineerElectron EngineerElectronic Engineering Electron EngElectronic Engineering DesignElectron Eng Des!Electronic Govenment, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScElectronic GovernmentLect Notes Comput Sc=Electronic Government and The Information Systems PerspectiveLect Notes Comput Sc"Electronic Government, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScElectronic HealthcareL N Inst Comp Sci So*Electronic Healthcare Information SecurityAdv Inform SecurOElectronic Health Records and Communication for Better Health Care, Proceedings St Heal TOElectronic Health Records and Communication for Better Health Care, ProceedingsStud Health Technol)Electronic Imaging and Multimedia SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology Iii Proc Spie/Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology Iv Proc Spie;Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology V, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology V, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieAElectronic Imaging: Processing, Printing, and Publishing in ColorP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Electronic Information and Communication in MathematicsLect Notes Comput ScmElectronic Information and Publications: Looking to The Electronic Future, Let's Not Forget The Archival Past Iamslic Con#Electronic Journal of BiotechnologyElectron J Biotechn#Electronic Journal of BiotechnologyElectron J Biotechno#Electronic Journal of CombinatoricsElectron J Comb$Electronic Journal of Linear AlgebraElectron J Linear Al!Electronic Journal of ProbabilityElectron J ProbabBElectronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential EquationsElectron J Qual Theo Electronic Journal of StatisticsElectron J Stat+Electronic Journal of Theoretical ChemistryElectron J Theor ChElectronic Library Electron LibrDElectronic Magnetic and Photonic Materials Division Monograph Series Empmd Mg SElectronic Markets Electron MarkElectronic MaterialsMater Sci FoundElectronic Materials LettersElectron Mater Lett!Electronic Materials - Our Future Int Sampe E+Electronic Materials Science and TechnologyElectron Mater Sci T>Electronic Medical Records: A Practical Guide for Primary CareCurr Clin Pract:Electronic Noses & Sensors for The Detection of ExplosivesNato Sci Ser Ii Math#Electronic Noses and Olfaction 2000 Sensors Ser=Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Polymers and OligomersMater Res Soc Symp P2Electronic, Optoelectronic and Magnetic Thin FilmsEeers Electr Mat Ser)Electronic Packaging Materials Science Iv Mat Res S C(Electronic Packaging Materials Science VMater Res Soc Symp P)Electronic Packaging Materials Science ViMater Res Soc Symp P*Electronic Packaging Materials Science ViiMater Res Soc Symp P+Electronic Packaging Materials Science ViiiMater Res Soc Symp P(Electronic Packaging Materials Science XMater Res Soc Symp PElectronic ParticipationLect Notes Comput Sc%Electronic Participation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScElectronic Product DesignElectron Prod DesElectronic Products Magazine Electron ProdFElectronic Properties of High-tc Superconductors and Related CompoundsSpringer Series Soli1Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures Aip Conf ProcQElectronic Properties of Multilayers and Low-dimensional Semiconductor StructuresNato Adv Sci I B-phyAElectronic Properties of Novel Materials-molecular Nanostructures Aip Conf ProcOElectronic Properties of Novel Materials - Progress in Molecular Nanostructures Aip Conf Proc]Electronic Properties of Novel Materials - Science and Technology of Molecular Nanostructures Aip Conf Proc-Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures Aip Conf Proc1Electronic Properties of Synthetic Nanostructures Aip Conf Proc4Electronic Publishing: Applications and Implications Asis MonogrUElectronic Publishing: Organization, Dissemination and Design - Journal Special IssueElectr Pub Org DissCElectronic Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Semiconductor StructuresSpringer Trac Mod Ph:Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical SciencesElectron Res AnnouncFElectronic Research Announcements of The American Mathematical SocietyElectron Res Announc Electronics Electronics/Electronics & Communication Engineering JournalElectron Commun Eng%Electronics & Communications in JapanElectron Commun JpnElectronics & Wireless WorldElectron Wireless W<Electronics and Biotechnology Advanced (el B A) Forum SeriesElectr Biot Adv ForElectronics and Communications Ele Com Eng'Electronics and Communications in JapanElectr Commun Jpn=Electronics and Communications in Japan Part I-communicationsElectron Comm Jpn 1;Electronics and Communications in Japan Part Ii-electronicsElectron Comm Jpn 2OElectronics and Communications in Japan Part Iii-fundamental Electronic ScienceElectron Comm Jpn 3Electronics and PowerElectron Power#Electronics and Structures for MemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Electronics and Structures for Mems Proc Spie&Electronics and Structures for Mems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Electronics and Structures for Mems Ii Proc Spie"Electronics Information & PlanningElectron Inform PlanElectronics Letters Electron LettYElectronics On Unconventional Substrates-electrotextiles and Giant-area Flexible CircuitsMater Res Soc Symp P7Electronics Packaging Technology Conference ProceedingsEl Packag Tech ConfAElectronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (cerma)Elect Robot Auto MecEElectronics System Design Techniques for Safety Critical ApplicationsLect Notes Electr EnPElectronic States in Crystals of Finite Size: Quantum Confinement of Bloch WavesSpringer Tr Mod PhysCElectronic Structure and Magnetism of 3d-transition Metal PnictidesSpringer Ser Mater S6Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of SolidsLect Notes Phys5Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated MaterialsSpringer Ser Solid-sElectronicsweek ElectronicsElectronics WorldElectron World"Electronics World & Wireless WorldElectron World WirelElectronic Systems for Vehicles VDI Bericht3Electronic Tap-changer for Distributed Transformers Power Syst-Electronic Transactions On Numerical AnalysisElectron T Numer AnaHElectronic Value Exchange: Origins of The Visa Electronic Payment SystemHist Comput-springer"Electronic Vs. Floor Based TradingZi Sch Bus Fin MaElectronic Waste ManagementIss Environ Sci Tech+Electron Image Tubes and Image IntensifiersP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Electron Image Tubes and Image Intensifiers IiP Soc Photo-opt InsElectronische DatenverarbeitungElektron Datenverarb5Electron Kinetics and Applications of Glow DischargesNato Adv Sci I B-phy%Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1991Inst Phys Conf Ser%Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1993Inst Phys Conf Ser%Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1995Inst Phys Conf Ser%Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1997Inst Phys Conf Ser%Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1999Inst Phys Conf Ser%Electron Microscopy and Analysis 2001Inst Phys Conf Ser%Electron Microscopy and Analysis 2003Inst Phys Conf SerBElectron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2009 (emag 2009)J Phys Conf Ser8Electron Microscopy and Multiscale Modeling, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc@Electron Microscopy in Dermatology - Basic and Clinical Research Int Congr Ser$Electron Microscopy of Model SystemsMethod Cell Biol\Electron Microscopy of Molecular and Atom-scale Mechanical Behavior, Chemistry and StructureMater Res Soc Symp PElectron Microscopy of PolymersSpringer Lab Man Pol@Electron Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials and Ulsi DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PElectron Microscopy ReviewsElectron Microsc RevElectron Paramagnetic ResonanceElectron Paramag Res'Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Vol 20Electron Paramag Res'Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Vol 21Electron Paramag ResNElectron-phonon Interaction in Conventional and Unconventional SuperconductorsSpringer Theses-reco*Electron-photon Interaction in Dense MediaNato Sci Ser Ii Math*Electron-photon Interaction in Dense MediaNato Sci Ser Ii-mathCElectron Scattering: From Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei, and Bulk Matter Phys AtomsKElectron Spin Resonance and Related Phenomena in Low-dimensional Structures Top Appl Phys6Electron Spin Resonance-a Specialist Periodical ReportElectron Spin Reson+Electron Theory and Quantum ElectrodynamicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy?Electron Transfer-from Isolated Molecules to Biomolecules, Pt 1 Adv Chem Phys?Electron Transfer-from Isolated Molecules to Biomolecules, Pt 2 Adv Chem PhysElectron Transfer I Top Curr ChemElectron Transfer Ii Top Curr Chem0Electron Transfer in Biology and The Solid State Adv Chem Ser?Electron Transfer in Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Systems Adv Chem SerElectron Transfer Reactions Adv Chem Ser!Electron Transport in NanosystemsNato Sci Peace Sec B!Electron Transport in NanosystemsNato Science Peace S%Electron Tubes and Image IntensifiersP Soc Photo-opt InsAElectro-optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsEElectro-optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEElectro-optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications Iii Proc SpieDElectro-optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsDElectro-optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications Iv Proc SpieEElectro-optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsVElectro-optical Effects to Visualize Field and Current Distributions in SemiconductorsSpringer Ser Solid-sNElectro-optical Materials for Switches, Coatings, Sensor Optics, and DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Electro-optical Remote Sensing, Detection, and Photonic Technologies and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Electro-optical Remote Sensing, Detection, and Photonic Technologies and Their Applications Proc Spie!Electro-optical Remote Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsJElectro-optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Electro-optical System Design, Simulation, Testing and TrainingP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Electro-optical System Design, Simulation, Testing and Training Proc SpieElectro-optical Systems DesignElectr Opt Syst DesKElectro-optical Technology for Remote Chemical Detection and IdentificationP Soc Photo-opt InsNElectro-optical Technology for Remote Chemical Detection and Identification IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOElectro-optical Technology for Remote Chemical Detection and Identification IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Electro-optic and Magneto-optic Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Electro-optic and Magneto-optic Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt InsQElectro-optic and Second Harmonic Generation Materials, Devices, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsTElectro-optic and Second Harmonic Generation Materials, Devices, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Electro-optic Computer Peripherals TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InscElectro-optic, Integrated Optic, and Electronic Technologies for Online Chemical Process MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt InsElectro-opticsElectro-optics0Electro-optics and Microelectronics, Proceedings Ann Isr Phy=Electroorganic Synthesis: Bond Formation At Anode and Cathode Top Curr ChemElectrophoresisElectrophoresis<Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications Ii Key Eng Mat<Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications Ii Key Eng Mater=Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications Iii Key Eng MatFElectrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications, Proceedings Elec Soc S;Electrophoretic Depositon: Fundamentals and Applications Ii Key Eng Mat Electrophysiological Kinesiology St Heal T"Electrophysiological Kinesiology / Int Congr Ser)Electrophysiological Recording Techniques Neuromethods1Electroresponsive Polymers and Their ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P;Electrorheological Fluids: Modeling and Mathematical TheoryLect Notes Math6Electrospun Nanofibers and Nanotubes Research AdvancesNanotechnol Sci Tech4Electrospun Nanofibers Research: Recent DevelopmentsNanotechnol Sci Tech3Electrostatic Effects in Soft Matter and BiophysicsNato Sci Ser Ii MathElectrostatics 1991Inst Phys Conf SerElectrostatics 1995Inst Phys Conf SerElectrostatics 1999Inst Phys Conf SerElectrostatics 2003Inst Phys Conf SerElectrostatics 2007J Phys Conf SerAElectrostimulation: Theory, Applications, and Computational ModelArtech Hse Biom SignElectro-technologyElectro-technol*Electroweak Physics and The Early UniverseNato Adv Sci I B-phy*Electroweak Physics and The Early UniverseNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Electroweak Physics At Lep and LhcSpringer Trac Mod Ph#Electroweak Precisionn Tests At LepSpringer Tr Mod Phys8Electroweak Processes in External Electromagnetic FieldsSpringer Tr Mod Phys5Electroweak Symmetry Breaking: The Bottom-up ApproachSpringer Tr Mod PhysElegant Science in Floriculture Acta HorticElegyContemp Iss Pub PolElektrische Energiespeicher VDI Bericht9Elektromagnetische Schirmung: Theorie Und PraxisbeispieleVDI-BuchElektronika Ir ElektrotechnikaElektron Elektrotech4Elektronische Informationsressourcen Fur GermanistenBibliothekspraxis'Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift B-ausgabeElektrotech Z Ausg B!Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift-etz Elektrotech Z#Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift Etz-aElektrotech Z Ausg AElelmezesi IparElelmezesi Ipar Elelmiszervizsgalati KozlemenyekElelmiszervizsgalati7Element Abundance Variations in The Sun and Heliosphere Adv Space Res7Element Abundance Variations in The Sun and HeliosphereAdv Space Res-seriesCElementa-journal of Slavic Studies & Comparative Cultural SemioticsElementaPElemental Analysis of Fuels and Lubricants: Recent Advances and Future ProspectsAm Soc Test Mater,Elemental Sulfur and Sulfur-rich Compounds I Top Curr Chem-Elemental Sulfur and Sulfur-rich Compounds Ii Top Curr Chem,Elementare Differentialgeometrie, 2. AuflageDegruyter Lehrb,Elementary Calculus of Financial MathematicsMath Model ComputElementary English Elem EngllElementary Feedback Stabilization of The Linear Reaction-convection-diffusion Equation and The Wave EquationMath Appl-berlinElementary Functional AnalysisGrad Texts Math+Elementary Operators and Their ApplicationsOper Theory Adv Appl%Elementary Physics of Complex PlasmasLect Notes Phys4Elementary Reaction Steps in Heterogeneous CatalysisNato Adv Sci Inst SeElementary School Journal Elem School JElementary School TeacherElem Sch Teach-Elementary School Teacher and Course of StudyElem Sch Teach CoursElementsElementsElements and TracesSamuel Beckett TodayElements of Adaptive TestingStat Soc Behav ScElements of Computation TheoryTexts Comput SciOElements of Effective Governance: Measurement, Accountability and ParticipationPublic Adm Public PoElements of Numerical Relativity and Relativistic Hydrodynamics: From Einsteins Equations to Astrophysical Simulations, Second Ed.Lect Notes Phys Elements of Scientific ComputingTexts Comput Sci EngJElement-specific Chromatographic Detection By Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Acs Sym Ser=Element Stratification in Stars: 40 Years of Atomic DiffusionEas PublicationsElettrotecnicaElettrotecnicaElevation Models for GeoscienceGeol Soc Spec PublHEleventh Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsIeee Conf Comp Compl@Eleventh Annual Ieee International Asic Conference - ProceedingsP Ieee Int Asic C&eOEleventh Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management SymposiumP Ieee Semicond Ther;Eleventh Annual Ucla Indo-european Conference - ProceedingsJ Indo Eur Stud Mono5Eleventh Conference On Recent Developments in GravityJ Phys Conf SerKEleventh International Conference On Antennas and Propagation, Vols 1 and 2 Iee Conf PublVEleventh International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, ProceedingsIeee Ic Comp Com NetKEleventh International Conference On Road Transport Information and Control Iee Conf PublUEleventh International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics /atmospheric PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt InsUEleventh International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics /atmospheric Physics Proc SpieSEleventh International Workshop On Research Issues in Data Engineering, ProceedingsPr Gr Lak Symp Vlsi-Eleventh Mexican Symposium On Medical Physics Aip Conf Proc?Eleventh Topical Conference On Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas Aip Conf Proc0Elfe Project - An Electron Laboratory for Europe Ital Phy SoElgar European Law SeriesElgar Eur Law SerElgar Financial LawElgar Financ Law2Elgar Intellectual Property and Global DevelopmentElgar Intell Prop Gl Elgar International Economic LawElgar Int Econ LawElgar Korean LawElgar Korean LawElhElhElh-english Literary HistoryElh-engl Lit HistGE-librarian Service: User-friendly Semantic Search in Digital Libraries X Media Publ[Eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction: Prospects for Effective International Verification Glob Iss Ser0Elimination of Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanut Aciar ProcElin ZeitschriftElin Z2Elites and Decolonization in The Twentieth CenturyCamb Imp Post-col St(Elites and Leadership in Russia PoliticsInt Congr Cent E EurElite Young Athlete Med Sport Sci0Elizabethan Performance in North American Spaces Theatre SympElizabeth of YorkQueenship PowerkElizabeth Spencers Complicated Cartographies: Reimagining Home, The South, and Southern Literary ProductionAm Lit Read Twenty-f(Ellipsis and Focus in Generative GrammarStud Generat GrammEllipsis in ComparativesStud Generat GrammEllipsis in ConjunctionLing ArbEllipsis in Conjunction Linguist ArbElliptic and Parabolic Problems Prog NonlinElliptic and Parabolic ProblemsProg Nonlinear Diffe7Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms, & Fermat's Last TheoremSer Num Theory?Elliptic Differential Equations: Theory and Numerical TreatmentSpr Ser Comput Math*Elliptic Equations: An Introductory CourseBirkhauser Adv Texts2Elliptic Genera and Vertex Operator Super-algebrasLect Notes Math8Elliptic Mixed, Transmission and Singular Crack ProblemsEms Tracts MathPElliptic Partial Differential Equations and Quasiconformal Mappings in The PlanePrinc Math SeriElliptic Partial Differential Equations: Fredholm Theory of Elliptic Problems in Unbounded Domains, Vol 1Mg MathHElliptic Theory and Noncommutative Geometry: Nonlocal Elliptic OperatorsOper Theory Adv Appl%Elliptic Theory On Singular ManifoldsDiff Int Eq Appl-Ellis Horwood Books in Information Technology E Horwood B,Ellis Horwood Series in Analytical Chemistry Ellis Hor S%Ellis Horwood Series in Biotechnology E H S Biot8Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics and Its Applications E H S Math$Ellis Horwood Series in Neuroscience E H S NeuroYEllis Horwood Series in Pharmaceutical Technology, Incorporating Pharmacological SciencesE Horwood Ser Pharm6Ellis Horwood Series in Polymer Science and Technology E H S Polym7Ellis Horwood Series in Water and Wastewater Technology E H S WaterEllis Horwood Workshop Series E H WorkshZEl Salvador in The Aftermath of Peace: Crime, Uncertainty, and The Transition to DemocracyEthnogr Polit ViolenElsevier Ergonomics Book Series Els Erg B SElsevier Oceanography SeriesElsev Oceanogr Serie-Elsevier Series in Thermal and Fluid SciencesEls Ser Therm Fluid9Elsevier Studies in Applied Electromagnetics in MaterialsEls Appl Elect Mat Elt JournalElt JFElucidating The Fuzzy Front End: Experiences From The Innorisk ProjectVtt PublAElusive Search for Peace : South Africa, Israel, Northern Ireland Cont S Afr"Elwyn Simons: A Search for Origins Dev Primatol"Elwyn Simons: A Search for OriginsDev Primatol-prog Pr/Emac 94/95 Final Results - Workshop Proceedings Esa Wpp Ser<Emag: Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2007J Phys Conf SerEmag-micro 89, Vols 1 and 2Inst Phys Conf SerBEmag-nano 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication On The NanoscaleJ Phys Conf Ser#Emancipation of The Serfs in RussiaBasees-rout Ser Russ'Embedded and High Performance ComputingEmbed High Perform C,Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing - Euc 2005Lect Notes Comput ScCEmbedded and Ubiquitous Computing - Euc 2005 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBEmbedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and SimulationLect Notes Comput ScPEmbedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation - ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScOEmbedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Embedded Liberalism and Its Critics New Vis Secur&Embedded Memories for Nano-scale VlsisIntegr Circuit SystEmbedded Multi-core SystemsEmbed Multi-cor Syst$Embedded Processor Design ChallengesLect Notes Comput Sc5Embedded Processors for Multimedia and CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Embedded Processors for Multimedia and Communications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Embedded Processors for Multimedia and Communications Ii Proc SpieEmbedded Software and SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc*Embedded Software and Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIEmbedded Software Design and Programming of Multiprocessor System-on-chip Embed SystEmbedded Software, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Embedded System Design: Topics, Techniques and TrendsInt Fed Info ProcEmbedded Systems Embed SystDEmbedded Systems Design: Artist Roadmap for Research and DevelopmentLect Notes Comput Sc*Embedding Education Into Diabetes PracticeFront Diabetes)Embedding Problems in Symplectic GeometryDegruyter Expos Math(Emblem in Renaissance and Baroque Europe Symb Emblem Embodied Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int7Embodiment and Education: Exploring Creatural ExistencePhilos Educ-neth:Emboding Intelligence in Structures and Integrated Systems Adv Sci TechEmbodying Diversity Gay Men I R7Embodying Sociology: Retrospect, Progress and ProspectsSociol Rev Monogr Embo JournalEmbo JEmbo Molecular Medicine Embo Mol Med Embo ReportsEmbo Rep Embryologia EmbryologiaEmbryology of DolphinsAdv Anat Embryol Cel;Embryonic Development and Manipulation in Animal Production Portl Pr P0Embryonic Origins of Defective Heart DevelopmentAnn Ny Acad SciEmbryonic Stem CellsMethod Enzymol;Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy for Osteo-degenerative DiseasesMethods Mol BiolXEmc 2009: Ieee International Symposium On Electromagnetic Compatibility, Technical PaperInt Symp Elec Compat!Emc of Analog Integrated CircuitsAnalog Circ Sig ProcUEmc York 99: International Conference and Exhibition On Electromagnetic Compatibility Iee Conf Publ[Emergence, Analysis and Evolution of Structures: Concepts and Strategies Across DisciplinesUnderst Complex Syst-Emergence and Change in Early Urban Societies Fund Iss ArchEmergence of Cosmic Structure Aip Conf ProcEmergence of Greater ChinaStud Chin Econ4Emergence of Holocaust Education in American SchoolsSecond Educ Chang WoEmergence of Language Carn S Cogn?Emergence of Modern Hebrew Literature in Babylon From 1735-1950Shofar Suppl Jew StuNEmergence of The American Frontier Hero 1682-1826: Gender, Action, and EmotionAm Lit Read Twenty-fEmergence Or Reduction ? Grundl Komm Emergencias Emergencias$Emergency Economic Stabilization ActFinanc I Serv SerEmergency Medical ServicesEmergen Med ServEmergency Medicine Emergen MedEmergency Medicine AustralasiaEmerg Med Australas+Emergency Medicine Clinics of North AmericaEmerg Med Clin N AmEmergency Medicine Journal Emerg Med J(Emergency Psychiatry in A Changing World Int Congr Ser7Emergent Computer Literacy: A Developmental PerspectiveRoutl Res Educ)Emergent Intelligence of Networked AgentsStud Comp Intell)Emergent Intelligence of Networked AgentsStud Comput Intell(Emergent Lingua Francas and World OrdersRoutl Stud Socioling.Emergent Literacy in Early Childhood EducationYcf SerIEmergent Macroeconomics: An Agent-based Approach to Business FluctuationsNew Econ WindowsjEmergent Neural Computational Architectures Based On Neuroscience: Towards Neuroscience-inspired ComputingLect Notes Artif IntPEmergent Nonlinear Phenomena in Bose-einstein Condensates: Theory and ExperimentSpringer Ser Atom Op2Emergent Problems in Nonlinear Systems and ControlLect Notes Contr Inf?Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Dynamical SystemsUnderst Complex Syst9Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Information RetrievalAdv Inform Knowl Pro9Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic TechnologiesAdv Inform Knowl ProVEmerging and Endemic Pathogens: Advances in Surveillance, Detection and IdentificationNato Sci Peace Sec A+Emerging Applications of Algebraic GeometryIma Vol Math Appl=Emerging Applications of Computer Vision - 25th Aipr WorkshopP Soc Photo-opt InsKEmerging Applications of Vacuum-arc Produced Plasma, Ion and Electron BeamsNato Sci Ser Ii MathKEmerging Applications of Vacuum-arc Produced Plasma, Ion and Electron BeamsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathiEmerging Areas of Human Rights in The 21st Century: The Role of The Universal Declaration of Human RightsRout Res Hum Rts LawEEmerging Artificial Intelligence Applications in Computer EngineeringFront Artif Intel ApEmerging Biological ThreatsNato Sci Ser I LifeEmerging Cancer TherapeuticsEmerg Cancer Ther3Emerging Challenges for Security, Privacy and TrustInt Fed Info ProcjEmerging Clusters: Theoretical, Empirical and Political Perspectives On Initial Stage of Cluster EvolutionInd Dyn Entrep InnovjEmerging Clusters: Theoretical, Empirical and Political Perspectives On Initial Stage of Cluster EvolutionInd Dynam Entrep InnQEmerging Communication-studies On New Technologies and Practices in CommunicationEmerg Commun-stud NeMEmerging Communities: Integrating Networked Information Into Library Services Cl Lib Appl=Emerging Components and Technologies for All-optical NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsHEmerging Components and Technologies for All-optical Photonic Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsEmerging Concepts in CardiologyEmerg Concept CardioCEmerging Conceptual, Ethical and Policy Issues in Bionanotechnology Philos MedQEmerging Constitutional Law of The European Union: German and Polish PerspectivesBeitr Ausland Offent@Emerging Digital Economy: Entrepreneurship, Clusters, and Policy Adv Spat SciBEmerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsBEmerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications Proc SpieEEmerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications Ii Proc SpieFEmerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications Iii Proc Spie8Emerging Directions in Embedded and Ubiquitous ComputingLect Notes Comput ScEEmerging Directions in Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Emerging Drugs and Targets for Alzheimer's Disease Vol 1Rsc Drug DiscovEmerging Drugs and Targets for Alzheimer's Disease, Vol 2: Neuronal Plasticity, Neuronal Protection and Other Miscellaneous StrategiesRsc Drug DiscovlEmerging Economies and The Transformation of International Business: Brazil, Russia, India and China (brics)New Horiz Int BusPEmerging Financial Markets and The Role of International Financial OrganizationsInt Econ Dev Law SerEmerging Foodborne PathogensWoodhead Food Ser2Emerging Geminiviral Diseases and Their Management Bot Res Pract>Emerging High-speed Local-area Networks and Wide-area NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsEmerging Infections 7 Emerg InfectEmerging Infections 9 Emerg InfectEmerging Infections Series Emerg InfectEmerging Infections (series) Emerg InfectEmerging Infectious DiseasesEmerg Infect Dis0Emerging Infectious Diseases of The 21st CenturyEmerg Inf Dis 21st CMEmerging Information Infrastructure: Players, Issues, Technology & StrategiesP Assoc Res LibAEmerging Intellectual Property Paradigm: Perspectives From CanadaQueen Mary Stud InteGEmerging Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SccEmerging Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications: With Aspects of Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif IntEmerging Issues in Food SafetyEmerg Iss Food Saf.Emerging Issues in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Falk SymppEmerging Issues in Intellectual Property: Trade, Technology and Market Freedom Essays in Honour of Herchel SmithQueen Mary Stud Inte2Emerging Issues in International Business ResearchNew Horiz Int Bus7Emerging Issues in The 21st Century World-system, Vol 1Contrib Econ Econ Hi7Emerging Issues in The 21st Century World-system, Vol 2Contrib Econ Econ Hi6Emerging Issues in Water and Infectious Disease SeriesEmerg I Water Infect$Emerging Liquid Crystal TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies V Proc Spie'Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies Vi Proc Spie"Emerging Lithographic TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Emerging Lithographic Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Emerging Lithographic Technologies Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Emerging Lithographic Technologies IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Emerging Lithographic Technologies Ix, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Emerging Lithographic Technologies VP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Emerging Lithographic Technologies V Proc Spie'Emerging Lithographic Technologies ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Emerging Lithographic Technologies Viii Proc Spie3Emerging Lithographic Technologies Vii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Emerging Lithographic Technologies Vi, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Emerging Lithographic Technologies Vi, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie3Emerging Lithographic Technologies Xii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Emerging Lithographic Technologies Xii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie2Emerging Lithographic Technologies Xi, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins1Emerging Lithographic Technologies X, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins1Emerging Lithographic Technologies X, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieEmerging Market Capital FlowsNyu Sa Ctr Ser F M I"Emerging Markets Finance and TradeEmerg Mark Financ TrEmerging Markets ReviewEmerg Mark RevBE-merging Media: Communication and The Media Economy of The FutureEur Commun Counc RepBEmerging Nanotechnologies: Test, Defect Tolerance, and ReliabilityFront Electron Test$Emerging Optoelectronic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Emerging Optoelectronic TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsPEmerging Patterns of Social Demand and University Reform: Through A Glass Darkly Iss High Educ)Emerging Personal Wireless CommunicationsInt Fed Info Proc!Emerging Physics of Consciousness Front CollectKEmerging Powers in Global Governance: Lessons From The Heiligendamm Process Stud Int GovREmerging Raman Applications and Techniques in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical FieldsBiol Med Phys BiomedEmerging Semantic Web Fr Art IntEmerging Semantic WebFront Artif Intel ApFEmerging Societies - Coexistence of Childhood Malnutrition and ObesityNestle Nutr Works Se3Emerging Solutions for Future Manufacturing SystemsInt Fed Info ProcTEmerging Technologies and Information Systems for The Knowledge Society, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntCEmerging Technologies for Future Generation Wireless CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsCEmerging Technologies for Future Generation Wireless Communications Proc Spie>Emerging Technologies for Materials and Chemicals From Biomass Acs Sym Ser3Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management Acs Sym Ser6Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management Ii Acs Sym Ser7Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management Iii Acs Sym Ser6Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management Iv Acs Sym Ser5Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V Acs Sym Ser<Emerging Technologies in Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningLect Notes Comput Sc0Emerging Technologies in Measurement and ControlTech Papers Isa0Emerging Technologies in Non-destructive TestingProc Monogr Eng Wate+Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling Acs Sym Ser$Emerging Technologies Update, Vol IiTech Papers Isa>Emerging Themes in International Management of Human Resources Res Org Sci"Emerging Themes in Polymer Science Roy Soc Ch1Emerging Threats to Energy Security and Stability Nato Sec Sci Emerging Topics in EcotoxicologyEmerg Top Ecotoxicol9Emerging Topics in Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous MediaTheor Appl Trans Por9Emerging Topics On Differential Geometry and Graph Theory Math Res DevXEmerging Trends and Issues in Management Consulting: Consulting As A Janus-faced RealityRes Manag Consult0Emerging Trends and Novel Materials in Photonics Aip Conf ProcFEmerging Trends in Information and Communication Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Emerging Trends in Technological InnovationIfip Adv Inf Comm Te#Emerging Trends in Visual ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc Emerging Web Services TechnologyWhitestein Ser Softw Emerging Web Services Technology Ws So Ag Te(Emerging Web Services Technology, Vol IiWhitestein Ser Softw(Emerging Web Services Technology, Vol Ii Ws So Ag Te(Emerging Web Services Technology Vol IiiWhitestein Ser Softw(Emerging Web Services Technology Vol Iii Ws So Ag TeEmeritaEmeritaEmerson Bicentennial EssaysMass Hist Soc StudEmics and Etics Front AnthrKEmil and Kathleen Sick Lecture-book Series in Western History and BiographyEmil Kathl Sick LectEmily Dickinson BulletinEmily Dickinson BullEmission Lines From Jet FlowsRev Mex Ast Astr!Emissive Materials: Nanomaterials Adv Polym Sci"Emj-engineering Management JournalEmj-eng Manag J8Emlc 2005: 21st European Mask and Lithography ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Emlc 2006: 22nd European Mask and Lithography ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Emlc 2007: 23rd European Mask and Lithography ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Emlc 2007: 23rd European Mask and Lithography Conference Proc Spie8Emlc 2008: 24th European Mask and Lithography ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Emlc 2008: 24th European Mask and Lithography Conference Proc SpieEmmanuel LevinasRoutl Crit ThinkersLEmmi Workshop and 26th Max Born Symposium: Three Days of Strong InteractionsActa Phys Pol B Pr SEmory Law Journal Emory Law JEmory Symposia in Cognition Emory S CogEmotionEmotion-Emotional Intelligence: A Cybernetic ApproachStud Comput Intell?Emotional Labour in Health Care: The Unmanaged Heart of NursingCrit Stud Health SocEmotional Motor SystemProg Brain Res/Emotion and The Law: Psychological PerspectivesNebr Sym Motiv$Emotions and Organizational DynamismRes Emotion OrganEmotions and Risky TechnologiesInt Lib Eth Law TechEmotions and Risky TechnologiesInt Libr Eth Law Tec$Emotions, Ethics and Decision-makingRes Emotion Organ.Emotions in Groups, Organizations and CulturesRes Emotion OrganEmotions Inside OutAnn Ny Acad SciyEmpathie, Mitleid, Sympathie -rezeptionslenkende Strukturen Mittelalterlicher Texte in Bearbeitungen Des Willehalm-stoffsQuell Forsch Lit Kul5Empedocles Redivivus: Poetry and Analogy in Lucretius Stud ClassicsWEmperor Has No Clothes: Teaching About Race and Racism to People Who Don't Want to KnowEduc Leader Soc Just Empire and Neoliberalism in Asia Polit Asia*Empire Journal of Experimental AgricultureEmpire J Exp Agr>Empire of Stereotypes: Germaine De Stael and The Idea of ItalyItal Ital Am StudDEmpires and Boundaries: Race, Class, and Gender in Colonial SettingsRout Stud Cult Hist:Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic GrowthInt Stud Entrep)Empirical Approaches to Language Typology Emp App Lan)Empirical Approaches to Language TypologyEmpir Approach LangEmpirical Economics Empir EconEmpirically Supported TherapiesBanf Int Behav SerNEmpirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering: Experience From EsernetLect Notes Comput Sc`Empirical Methods in Natural Language Generation: Data-oriented Methods and Empirical EvaluationLect Notes Artif Int5Empirical Modeling of The Economy and The Environment Zew Econ Stud5Empirical Modeling of The Economy and The EnvironmentZew Econ Studies3Empirical Processes With Applications to StatisticsClass Appl MathEmpirical Research in TheatreEmpirical Res TheatEmpirical Software EngineeringEmpir Softw EngPEmpirical Software Engineering Issues: Critical Assessment and Future DirectionsLect Notes Comput Sc&Empirical Studies of Commercial Policy Nber Conf R=Empirische Und Methodologische Beitrage Zu Socialwissenschaft Emp Meth BEmployee Benefit Issues, Vol 45 Emp Ben IssEmployee Benefits Issues Emp Ben Iss Employee Benefits Issues, Vol 43 Emp Ben Iss)Employee Health, Coping and MethodologiesRes Occup Stress WelEmployee Relations Law JournalEmployee Relat Law J;Employment and Disability : Trends and Issues for The 1990s Switzer MondEmployment Deconcentration in European Metropolitan Areas: Market Forces Versus Planning RegulationsGeojournal LibiEmployment, Economic Development and Migration in Southern Europe and The Maghreb, Conference ProceedingsRand Conf Proc4Employment of Women in Chinese Culture: Half The SkyNew Horiz ManagEmpmd Monograph Series Empmd MonogEmporium of The WorldSinica Leidensia8Empowering Women Through Literacy: Views From ExperienceAdult Educ Spec Top6E-mrs 2003 Fall Meeting, Symposia A and C, ProceedingsPhys Status Solidi C(E-mrs 2004 Fall Meeting Symposia C and FPhys Status Solidi CEms Series of Congress ReportsEms Ser Congr Rep%Ems Series of Lectures in MathematicsEms Ser Lect MathEms Textbooks in MathematicsEms Textb MathEms Tracts in MathematicsEms Tracts MathEmuEmu0Emulsions - A Fundamental and Practical ApproachNato Adv Sci I C-mat0Emulsion Science: Basic Principles - An OverviewSpringer Tr Mod PhysCEmulsions : Fundamentals and Applications in The Petroleum Industry Adv Chem Ser4Enabling A Simulation Capability in The Organisation Decis EngJEnabling Consumer and Entrepreneurial Literacy in Subsistence MarketplacesEduc Asia Pac Reg-is"Enabling Enterprise TransformationInnov Tech Knowl Man<Enabling Optical Internet With Advanced Network TechnologiesComput Commun Netw SQEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsTEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsTEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications Ii Proc SpieUEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsUEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications Iii Proc SpieTEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsTEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications Iv Proc SpieTEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsUEnabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Enabling Photonic Technologies for Aerospace ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Enabling Photonic Technologies for Aerospace Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Enabling Photonic Technologies for Aerospace Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Enabling Photonic Technologies for Aerospace Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Enabling Real-time Business IntelligenceLect Notes Bus Inf(Enabling Real-time Business IntelligenceLect Notes Bus Inf P#Enabling Science and Nanotechnology Aip Conf ProcGEnabling Sensor and Platform Technologies for Spaceborne Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsGEnabling Sensor and Platform Technologies for Spaceborne Remote Sensing Proc SpieEnabling Social PolicyEthics Sci Tech Ass5Enabling Technologies and Design of Nonlethal WeaponsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Enabling Technologies for 3-d IntegrationMater Res Soc Symp P'Enabling Technologies for 3g and BeyondP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Enabling Technologies for High-bandwidth ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Enabling Technologies for Law Enforcement and SecurityP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Enabling Technologies for Law Enforcement and Security Proc Spie/Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science Ix Proc Spie/Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science Vi Proc Spie0Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science Vii Proc Spie1Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science Viii Proc Spie.Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science XP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Enabling Technology for Simulation ScienceP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Enabling Technology for Simulation Science IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Enabling Technology for Simulation Science IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Enabling Technology for Simulation Science Iii Proc Spie-Enabling Technology for Simulation Science IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Enabling Technology for Simulation Science VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Enabling Technology for Simulation Science V Proc Spie[Enacting Intersubjectivity: A Cognitive and Social Perspective On The Study of InteractionsEmerg Commun-stud Ne(Enam 98: Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses Aip Conf Proc Enantiomer EnantiomerEncaminament Catar Interlangues8Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Food Ingredients Acs Sym SerCEncephale-revue De Psychiatrie Clinique Biologique Et Therapeutique Encephale9Enchanted Modern: Gender and Public Piety in Shii LebanonPrinc Stud Muslim Po2Enclosing The Fisheries: People, Places, and Power Am Fish S S EncompassingLect Notes Econ Math Encounter EncounterHEncountering The Changing Barents: Research Challenges and Opportunities U Lap A C RVEncountering Transcendence:contributions to Theology of Christian Religious ExperienceAnnu Nunt Lovanien2Encounter of Eastern Christianity With Early IslamHist Christ MuslimEncounter Series Encounter S<Encounters in The Victorian Press: Editors, Authors, ReadersPalgrave Stud Ninet-Encounters With AsiaEncounters AsiaEncryption for Digital ContentAdv Inform Secur&Encyclopaedia of Mathematical SciencesEncycl Math Sci%Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences Enc Mat SciLEncyclopedia of Polymer Composites: Properties, Performance and ApplicationsPolym Sci Technol Se Endeavour EndeavourqEnde Des Anthropozentrismus: Anthropologie Und Geschichtskritik in Der Deutschen Literatur Zwischen 1930 Und 1950Quell Forsch Lit KulYEnding The Cold War: Interpretations, Causation, and The Study of International Relations New Vis Secur Endocrine EndocrineBEndocrine and Biochemical Development of The Fetus and The Neonate Reprod Biol?Endocrine and Nutritional Control of Basic Biological Functions Neur Cont BFEndocrine Aspects of Successful Aging: Genes, Hormones and LifestytlesRes Perspect End IntEndocrine Development Endocr DevEndocrine Development Endocrin DevEndocrine DisruptersEnvir Sci Tech Lib5Endocrine Disrupters and Carcinogenic Risk AssessmentNato Sci Ser I LifeHEndocrine-disrupting Chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical PracticeContemp Endocrinol S&Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals in FoodWoodhead Food SerMEndocrine Disruption in Invertebrates: Endocrinology, Testing, and AssessmentSetac Tech PublicatEndocrine Disruption ModelingQsar Environ HealthEndocrine Facets of AgeingNovart Fdn SympEndocrine HypertensionAnn Ny Acad Sci8Endocrine Interactions of Insect Parasites and PathogensExptl Biol Rev0Endocrine Involvement in Developmental Syndromes Endocrin DevEndocrine JournalEndocr J?Endocrine, Metabolic and Immunologic Functions of KeratinocytesAnn Ny Acad SciEndocrine NeoplasiaCancer Treat ResEndocrine OphthalmopathyDev OphthalmolEndocrine Pathology Endocr PatholEndocrine Practice Endocr PractEndocrine-related CancerEndocr-relat CancerEndocrine Research Endocr Res!Endocrine Research CommunicationsEndocr Res Commun3Endocrine Response to Anesthesia and Intensive Care Int Congr SerEndocrine Reviews Endocr Rev*Endocrine Surgery: Principles and PracticeSpringer Spec Surg SEndocrine Updates Endocr UpdatEndocrine UpdatesEndocrin UpdatEndocrinologia ExperimentalisEndocrinol ExpEndocrinologia JaponicaEndocrinol JaponEndocrinologistEndocrinologist Endocrinology EndocrinologyEndocrinology and MetabolismEndocrinol Metab5Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North AmericaEndocrin Metab Clin0Endocrinology of Embryo-endometrium Interactions Reprod BiolDEndocrinology of Parturition: Basic Science and Clinical ApplicationFront Horm Res0Endocrinology Research and Clinical DevelopmentsEndocr Res Clin Dev Endocytobiosis and Cell ResearchEndocyt Cell Res Endocytobiosis and Cell ResearchEndocytobiosis Cell9Endocytosis Structural Components, Functions and PathwaysCell Bio Res Prog!Endodontics & Dental TraumatologyEndod Dent Traumatol6End of European Integration: Anti-europeanism ExaminedRoutl Uaces ContempEnd of Science ? Nobel ConfMEnd of The British Mandate for Palestine, 1948: The Diary of Sir Henry GurneySt Antonys Ser2Endogeni Razvojni Potenciali Slovenskega PodezeljaGeograffEndokrinologieEndokrinologieEndokrynologia PolskaEndokrynol Pol-Endometrial Cytology With Tissue CorrelationsEssent CytopatholEndometriosis // Adv Rep End<Endometriosis: Emerging Research and Intervention StrategiesAnn Ny Acad Sci1Endometriosis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and TreatmentsObstet Gynecol Adv.Endoplasmic Reticulum: A Metabolic CompartmentNato Sci Ser I LifeEndoscopic MicroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsEndoscopic Microscopy IiP Soc Photo-opt InsEndoscopic Microscopy IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEndoscopic Microscopy IvP Soc Photo-opt InsEndoscopic Microscopy VP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Endoscopic Therapy for Barrett's EsophagusClin Gastroent-serEndoscopic UltrasoundClin Gastroent-ser Endoscopy Endoscopy.Endoscopy 2006 - Update and Live Demonstration Falk SympBEndoscopy for Gsp4 and The Cohomology of Siegel Modular ThreefoldsLect Notes MathEndoskopie HeuteEndoskopie HeuteEndosymbionts in ParameciumMicrobiol MonogrdEndothelial Cell Function in Diabetic Microangiopathy : Problems in Methodology and Clinical AspectsFront Diabetes Endothelin Clin Phys2Endothelium-derived Factors and Vascular Functions Int Congr Ser0Endothelium-journal of Endothelial Cell ResearchEndothelium-j EndothEndothelium-new YorkEndothelium-new York EndotoxinAdv Exp Med BiolEndotoxin and SepsisProg Clin Biol Res/Endotoxins: Structure, Function and RecognitionSubcell Biochem=Endoxemia and Endotoxin Shock: Disease, Diagnosis and TherapyContrib NephrolZEnduring Bonds : The Significance of Interpersonal Relationships in Young Children's LivesEduc Young Child!End-user Development, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Endzeiten: Eschatologie in Den Monotheistischen WeltreligionenMillenn Stud Kult Ge$Energetic Charged Particles in SpaceAdv Space Res-seriesAEnergetic Materials: Chemistry, Hazards and Environmental AspectsChem Res Appl-novaEEnergetics and Percolation Properties of Hydrophobic Nanoporous MediaNanotechnol Sci Tech'Energetics of Biological MacromoleculesMethod Enzymol'Energetics of Biological MacromoleculesMethods Enzymol-Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Pt BMethod Enzymol-Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Pt CMethod Enzymol-Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Pt DMethod Enzymol-Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Pt EMethod Enzymol$Energetics of Organometallic SpeciesNato Adv Sci I C-matEnergia Es AtomtechnikaEnerg Atomtech9Energiantuotannon Tuhkien Jalostaminen Maarakennuskaytoon Vtt Res NotesEnergia NuclearEnerg Nucl-madridEnergia NucleareEnerg Nucl-milanMEnergieanwendungstechnik: Wege Und Techniken Zur Effizienteren EnergienutzungVDI-Buch.Energieeinsparung Durch Elektronik Im Fahrzeug VDI BerichtEnergiemanagement:toolsVDI-BuchEnergie Nucleaire ParisEnerg Nucl-parisEnergiesEnergiesEnergietechnikEnergietechnikEnergyEnergy"Energy, Air Quality and Fuels 1998Transport Res Rec#Energy, Air Quality, and Fuels 2000Transport Res Rec#Energy, Air Quality, and Fuels 2001Transport Res Rec#Energy, Air Quality, and Fuels 2002Transport Res Rec#Energy, Air Quality, and Fuels 2003Transport Res RecEnergy & EnvironmentEnerg Environ-ukEnergy & Environmental ScienceEnerg Environ SciEnergy & Fuels Energ Fuel(Energy Analysis of Household ConsumptionAlliance Glob SustaiEnergy and BuildingsEnerg BuildingsKEnergy and Electrochemical Processes for A Cleaner Environment, Proceedings Elec Soc S?Energy and Electrochemical Processing for A Cleaner Environment Elec Soc S/Energy and Environmental Challenges to SecurityNato Sci Peace Secur&Energy and Environmental Concerns 2004Transport Res Rec&Energy and Environmental Concerns 2005Transport Res Rec[Energy and Environmental Concerns 2006: Including 2006 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished LectureTransport Res Rec+Energy and Environmental Engineering SeriesEnergy Environ Eng SEnergy and Environmental PolicyEnerg Environ Policy1Energy and Environment Engineering and Management Adv Mat Res Energy and Environment MaterialsMater Sci Forum"Energy and Environmental MaterialsEnergy Environ. Mater+Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition Eaap PublicEnergy and SustainabilityWit Trans Ecol EnvirEnergy and Sustainability IiWit Trans Ecol EnvirEnergy and The Environment Roy Soc ChEnergy and The Environment Sus World!Energy and The Environment SeriesEnerg Env Ser-crcEnergy Balance and CancerEnerg Balance Cancer1Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment VP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Energy Climate and The EnvironmentEnerg Clim EnvironEnergy Communications Energ Commun&Energy Conservation in Public Premises VDI BerichtEnergy Conversion Energ Convers Energy Conversion and ManagementEnerg Convers Manage?Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration in The Solar CoronaLect Notes Phys;Energy Costs, International Developments and New DirectionsEnerg Sci Eng Tech Energy CropsRsc Energy Environ SEEnergy Dependency, Politics and Corruption in The Former Soviet UnionBasees-rout Ser Russ Energy Digest Energ DigEnergy Economics Energ Econ'Energy Education Science and TechnologyEnergy Educ Sci TechJEnergy Education Science and Technology Part A-energy Science and ResearchEner Educ Sci Tech-aMEnergy Education Science and Technology Part B-social and Educational StudiesEner Educ Sci Tech-bEnergy Efficiency Energ EfficAEnergy Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption: The Rebound EffectEnerg Clim EnvironEnergy Engineering Energ Eng#Energy, Environment and The EconomyNew Hor Env EcoGEnergy, Environment, Ecosystems, Development and Landscape ArchitectureEnergy Environ Eng S!Energy Exploration & ExploitationEnerg Explor ExploithEnergy Flows, Material Cycles and Global Development- A Process Engineering Approach to The Earth SystemEnviron Sci EngGEnergy for A Warming World: A Plan to Hasten The Demise of Fossil FuelsGreen Energy Technol@Energy for Ever : Technological Challenges of Sustainable GrowthAatse Inv SympEnergy for The 21st Century Imeche SemEnergy From Biomass Ener BiomasCEnergy Harvesting and Storage: Materials, Devices, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsCEnergy Harvesting and Storage: Materials, Devices, and Applications Proc SpieFEnergy Harvesting and Storage: Materials, Devices, and Applications Ii Proc Spie?Energy Harvesting With Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric MaterialsMater Sci FoundEnergy in Agriculture Energ Agr!Energy - Information - InnovationGesch ElektrotechEnergy JournalEnerg JEnergy JournalEnergy J@Energy Law 90 : Changing Energy Markets - The Legal Consequences Int Bar AssAEnergy Metabolism and Obesity: Research and Clinical ApplicationsContemp Endocrinol S!Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals Eaap PublicFEnergy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionLect Notes Comput ScSEnergy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Economics Energ Syst*Energy Options Impact On Regional SecurityNato Sci Peace Sec C#Energy Policies Politics and PricesEnerg Polic Polit Pr Energy Policy Energ Policy$Energy Policy and Climate ProtectionEnerg Polic Clim ProQEnergy Policy Instruments and Technical Change in The Residential Building SectorSustain Urban Areas(Energy Pricing: Economics and Principles Energ Syst-Energy Problems and Environmental EngineeringEnergy Environ Eng SEnergy Procedia Enrgy ProcedJEnergy Release and Particle Acceleration At The Sun and in The Heliosphere Adv Space ResJEnergy Release and Particle Acceleration At The Sun and in The HeliosphereAdv Space Res-series_Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in The Solar Atmosphere - Flares and Related Phenomena Adv Space Res_Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in The Solar Atmosphere - Flares and Related PhenomenaAdv Space Res-series8Energy Saving in The Design and Operation of Compressors Imeche Sem1Energy Saving in The Design and Operation of Fans Imeche Sem2Energy Saving in The Design and Operation of Pumps Imeche SemFEnergy Scalable Radio Design: for Pulsed Uwb Communication and RangingAnalog Circ Sig Proc)Energy Science Engineering and TechnologyEnerg Sci Eng TechEnergy Security in AsiaRoutl Secur Asia-pacnEnergy Security: International and Local Issues, Theoretical Perspectives, and Critical Energy InfrastructuresNato Sci Peace SecurEnergy Sources Energ SourceDEnergy Sources Part A-recovery Utilization and Environmental EffectsEnerg Source Part A3Energy Sources Part B-economics Planning and PolicyEnerg Source Part B4Energy Supply and Mineral Resources: How Much LongerSchr ErdwissenschaftEnergy Systems Energ SystEnergy Systems in Transition VDI Bericht/Energy Transfer Dynamics in Biomaterial SystemsSpringer Ser Chem Ph.Energy Transport in Radio Galaxies and Quasars Astr Soc P}Energy Watchers Ix : The Global Energy Sector: Opportunity and Uncertainty and U.s. Energy Trends: Supply, Demand, and ReformEnergy Watch Ser^Energy Watchers Series: Proceedings of Iceeds Annual International Energy and Area ConferencesEnergy Watch SerSEnergy, Wealth and Governance in The Caucasus and Central Asia: Lessons Not LearnedCent Asia Res Forum Energy World Energ WorldEnfermedades Emergentes Enferm Emerg0Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia ClinicaEnferm Infec Micr Cl%Enforcement and Security TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Enforcement of Foreign Judgements Worldwide Int Bar AssBEngaged University: International Perspectives On Civic EngagementInt Stud High EducEEngaging Audiences: A Cognitive Approach to Spectating in The TheatreCogn Stud Lit PerforFEngaging Boys in Treatment: Creative Approaches to The Therapy ProcessRout Ser CounselEngaging Russia Triangle PapkEngaging Russia As Partner and Participant: The Next Stage of Nato-russia Relations, Conference ProceedingsRand Conf ProcEngendering China Harv Con ChEngenharia AgricolaEng Agr-jaboticabalEngenharia Agricola Eng Agric Engenharia Sanitaria E AmbientalEng Sanit Ambient%Engine Coolant Testing: Fourth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterEngineerEngineer-londonEngineer and The Internet VDI BerichtBEngineered Contaminated Soils and Interaction of Soil Geomembranes Geotech SpEngineered Materials Key Eng Mat-Engineered Nanostructural Films and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Engineered Porosity for Microphotonics and PlasmonicsMater Res Soc Symp P6Engineered Zinc Finger Proteins: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol EngineeringEngineering-londonJEngineering & Papermakers: Forming Bonds for Better Papermaking, Books 1-3 P Tech As P+Engineering Analysis With Boundary ElementsEng Anal Bound ElemJEngineering and Deployment of Cooperative Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Engineering and Food for The 21st CenturyFood Preserv Technol,Engineering and Management Innovation SeriesEng Manag Innov Ser6Engineering and Manufacturing for Biotechnology, Vol 4Focus Biotechnol-Engineering and Physics - Synergy for SuccessJ Phys Conf Ser!Engineering and Process EconomicsEng Process Econ(Engineering Apparel Fabrics and GarmentsWoodhead Publ Text-Engineering Application of Fracture Mechanics Eng Appl Fr3Engineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceEng Appl Artif IntelKEngineering Applications of Bio-inspired Artificial Neural Networks, Vol IiLect Notes Comput Sc9Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid MechanicsEng Appl Comp Fluid8Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScEngineering A Quieter EuropeProc Inst Mech Eng S-Engineering Aspects of Metal-waste Management Adv Tr SubHEngineering Bulletin of Purdue University : Engineering Extension Series Engn B P-en?Engineering Ceramics '96: Higher Reliability Through ProcessingNato Asi 3 High TechCEngineering Ceramics: Multifunctional Properties - New Perspectives Key Eng MatCEngineering Ceramics: Multifunctional Properties - New Perspectives Key Eng MaterEngineering ComputationsEng Computation*Engineering Costs and Production EconomicsEng Cost Prod Econ/Engineering Crop Plants for Industrial End Uses Portl Pr PEngineering Cybernetics Eng Cybern@Engineering Decisions for Life Quality: How Safe Is Safe Enough?Springer Ser ReliabEngineering Design, Vol 1 and 2Proc Inst Mech Eng SEngineering DigestEng DigEngineering EducationEng Educ4Engineering Environment-mediated Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int,Engineering Evolutionary Intelligent SystemsStud Comput IntellEngineering Failure Analysis Eng Fail AnalEngineering Fluid MechanicsFluid Mech Appl*Engineering for Human-computer Interaction Ifip Trans A*Engineering for Human-computer InteractionInt Fed Info Proc*Engineering for Human-computer InteractionLect Notes Comput Sc!Engineering for Profit From WasteProc Inst Mech Eng S$Engineering for Profit From Waste IvProc Inst Mech Eng S!Engineering for Rural DevelopmentEng Rur DevelopEngineering Fracture MechanicsEng Fract MechEngineering GeologyEng Geol)Engineering Geology for Tomorrow's CitiesEng Geol Spec Publ S#Engineering Geology of ConstructionGeol Soc Eng Geol Sp Engineering Geology of Weak Rock Eng Geol Sp'Engineering Geology Special Publication Eng Geol Sp.Engineering Geology Special Publication SeriesEng Geol Spec Publ S>Engineering Human Computer Interaction and Interactive SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc7Engineering Information Systems in The Internet ContextInt Fed Info ProcEngineering in Life Sciences Eng Life Sci#Engineering in Medicine and Biology Eng Med BiolMEngineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and CommunicationsEng Intell Syst ElecEngineering Interactive SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc1Engineering Interactive Systems 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSEngineering Interrelated Electricity Markets: An Agent-based Computational ApproachContrib Manag SciEngineering Journal Eng J-canada<Engineering Journal-american Institute of Steel Construction Eng J Aisc@Engineering Journal-american Institute of Steel Construction Inc Eng J AiscAEngineering Knowledge in The Age of The Semantic Web, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Engineering Management InternationalEng Manage IntEngineering Materials Eng Mater Engineering Materials and Design Eng Mater Des#Engineering Materials and Processes Eng Mat Pro#Engineering Materials and ProcessesEng Mater ProcessEngineering Materials Iii Adv Mat ResEngineering News-record Eng News-rec/Engineering of Crystalline Materials PropertiesNato Sci Peace Sec B/Engineering of Crystalline Materials PropertiesNato Science Peace S*Engineering of Functional Skeletal Tissues Top Bone Biol$Engineering of Mixed Reality SystemsHum-comput Int-sprinwEngineering of Sport 8: Engineering Emotion - 8th Conference of The International Sports Engineering Association (isea)Procedia EngineerEngineering of Stem CellsAdv Biochem Eng BiotEngineering Of/with LipasesNato Adv Sci I E-appEngineering Of/with LipasesNato Adv Sci Inst Se!Engineering Optics, Third EditionSpringer Ser Opt SciEngineering Optimization Eng Optimiz;Engineering Plants for Commercial Products and ApplicationsAnn Ny Acad SciUEngineering Plasticity and Its Applications From Nanoscale to Macroscale, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MatUEngineering Plasticity and Its Applications From Nanoscale to Macroscale, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater?Engineering Plasticity From Macroscale to Nanoscale Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat?Engineering Plasticity From Macroscale to Nanoscale Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterEngineering Plastics Eng PlastEngineering Progress Adv Sci Eng<Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int+Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2008 Proc Spie+Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins+Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2010 Proc Spie)Engineering Science and Education JournalEng Sci Educ J4Engineering Secure Software and Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Engineering Self-organising SystemsLect Notes Artif IntCEngineering Self-organising Systems: Methodologies and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc-Engineering Societies in The Agents World IiiLect Notes Artif Int,Engineering Societies in The Agents World IvLect Notes Comput Sc,Engineering Societies in The Agents World IxLect Notes Artif Int+Engineering Societies in The Agents World VLect Notes Artif Int,Engineering Societies in The Agents World ViLect Notes Artif Int-Engineering Societies in The Agents World ViiLect Notes Artif Int.Engineering Societies in The Agents World ViiiLect Notes Artif Int+Engineering Societies in The Agents World XLect Notes Artif Int,Engineering Societis in The Agents World IiiLect Notes Artif IntBEngineering Solutions to The Management of Solid Radioactive WasteProc Inst Mech Eng SjEngineering Stochastic Local Search Algorithms: Designing, Implementing and Analyzing Effective HeuristicsLect Notes Comput ScEngineering Structures Eng Struct/Engineering Structures Under Extreme ConditionsNato Sc S Ss Iii C SEngineering StudiesEng Stud%Engineering Systems With Intelligence Int S Micro2Engineering Theories of Software Intensive SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math2Engineering Theories of Software Intensive SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathYEngineering Thin Films With Ion Beams, Nanoscale Diagnostics, and Molecular ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsYEngineering Thin Films With Ion Beams, Nanoscale Diagnostics, and Molecular Manufacturing Proc Spie'Engineering Tools Techniques and TablesEng Tools Tech Table2Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments 3Els Ser Therm FluidEngineering With Ceramics Brit Cer PrEngineering With Computers Eng ComputEngineering With ComputersEng Comput-germany=Engineers Guide to Automated Testing of High-speed InterfacesArtech Hse Microw LieEngland and Iberia in The Middle Ages, 12th-15th Century: Cultural, Literary, and Political ExchangesNew Middle AgesEnglishEnglishEnglish and Celtic in ContactRoutl Stud Ger LingEnglish Education Engl EducEnglish Electric Journal Engl Electr J8English for Academic Purposes: An Advanced Resource BookRoutl Appl Lingu SerEnglish for Specific PurposesEngl Specif PurpCEnglish Funerary Elegy in The Seventeenth Century: Laws in MourningEarly Mod Lit HistEnglish GalileoBost Stud Philos Sci#English Historical Drama, 1500-1660Early Mod Lit Hist#English Historical Linguistics 1992Amst Stud Theory HisEnglish Historical Review Engl Hist RevEnglish in AfricaEngl AfrEnglish in Australia Engl AustEnglish in Education Engl Educ-ukEnglish JournalEngl J9English L2 Reading: Getting to The Bottom, Second EditionEsl Appl Ling ProfEnglish Language & LinguisticsEngl Lang Linguist English, Language, and Education Engl Lang EEnglish Language NotesEngl Lang Notes0English Language Teacher in Global Civil SocietyEsl Appl Ling ProfEnglish Linguistics AnglophoniaEnglish Literary RenaissanceEngl Literary Renais?English Literary Sexology -translations of Inversion, 1860-1930Palgrave Stud Ninet-*English Literature in Transition 1880-1920Engl Lit Transition4English Short-title Catalogue: Past, Present, Future Ams St EighEnglish Studies Engl StudEnglish Studies in Africa Engl Stud AfrEnglish Studies in Canada Engl Stud Can&English Teaching-practice and CritiqueEngl Teach-pract Cri&English Teaching-practice and CritiqueEngl Teach-prat CritEnglish World-wideEngl World-wide;English Writing and India, 1600-1920: Colonizing AestheticsRout Res Postcol Lit"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1996P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1997P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1999P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2000 Proc Spie"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2001P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2001 Proc Spie"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2002 Proc Spie"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2003 Proc Spie"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2004P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2004 Proc Spie"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2005 Proc Spie"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2006 Proc Spie"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2008P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2008 Proc Spie"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2010 Proc Spie8Enhanced Biodegradation of Pesticides in The Environment Acs Sym Ser6Enhancement of Eaf Performance By Injection Technology Mcmaster S.Enhancing Biocontrol Agents and Handling RisksNato Sci Ser I LifeFEnhancing Cognitive Assistance Systems With Inertial Measurement UnitsStud Comput IntellIEnhancing Humanity: The Philosophical Foundations of Humanistic EducationPhilos Educ-nethDEnhancing Human Performance in Sport : New Concepts and Developments Am Acad Pe^Enhancing Prospects of Longer-term Sustainability of Cross-cultural Inset Initiatives in ChinaEduc Compet Glob Wor<Enhancing The City: New Perspectives for Tourism and LeisureUrban Land Perspect#Enhancing The Power of The InternetStud Fuzz Soft Comp_Enhancing The Quality of Life of People With Intellectual Disabilities: From Theory to PracticeSoc Indic Res SerFEnhancing Urban Environment By Environmental Upgrading and RestorationNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear9Enigma of Good and Evi: The Moral Sentiment in Literature Anal Hus Yb9Enigma of Good and Evi: The Moral Sentiment in LiteratureAnalecta Husserl Enigma of The Vertical Dimension Cranio Grow9Enivironment Materials and Environment Management Pts 1-3Adv Mater Res-switz=Enlarged Space and Ground Data Base for Ionospheric ModellingAdv Space Res-series*Enlightened Eye: Goethe and Visual Culture Ams C Mod G!Enlightenment, Passion, Modernity Cult SitingsNEnlightenment Political Thought and Non-western Societies: Sultans and SavagesRoutl Stud Soc Polit+Enlightenment, Rights and Revolution Series Enl Rig Rev&Ennius Perennis: The Annals and BeyondCamb C J Proc Cam PhEnonciation Et Parti Pris Faux TitreEnoxacin : Focus On DevelopmentRoy Soc Med Int Cong/Enpowerment for Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentTour Soc Sci SerEnriching Communications Enrich CommunEnsenanza De Las Ciencias Ensen Cienc>Enslaved Women and The Art of Resistance in Antebellum AmericaBlack Relig Woman ThEnsuring Control AccuracyLect Notes Contr Inf;Entanglement and Decoherence: Foundations and Modern TrendsLect Notes Phys@Entanglement Between Noncomplementary Parts of Many-body SystemsSpringer Theses-recoFEntanglement, Information, and The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Front CollectEnt-ear Nose & Throat JournalEnt-ear Nose ThroatEnterobacter SakazakiiEmerg Iss Food SafEnterprise & Society Enterp Soc5Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and SimulationLect Notes Bus Inf<Enterprise Applications and Services in The Finance IndustryLect Notes Bus InfFEnterprise Architecture At Work: Modelling, Communication and AnalysisEnterp Eng SerVEnterprise Architecture At Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis, Second EditionEnterp Eng Ser>Enterprise Architecture: Creating Value By Informed GovernanceEnterp Eng Ser=Enterprise, Business-process and Information Systems ModelingLect Notes Bus InfQEnterprise Collaboration: On-demand Information Exchange for Extended EnterprisesIntegr Ser Inform SyEnterprise Engineering SeriesEnterp Eng Ser0Enterprise Governance and Enterprise EngineeringEnterp Eng Ser+Enterprise Information Security and PrivacyArtech Hse Inf SecurEnterprise Information SystemsEnterp Inf Syst-ukEnterprise Information SystemsEnterp Inform SystEnterprise Information SystemsLect Notes Bus Inf P Enterprise Information Systems-bLect Notes Bus Inf Enterprise Information Systems-bLect Notes Bus Inf P!Enterprise Information Systems-bkLect Notes Bus Inf P#Enterprise Information Systems-bookLect Notes Bus Inf#Enterprise Information Systems-bookLect Notes Bus Inf P$Enterprise Information Systems-booksLect Notes Bus Inf#Enterprise Information Systems Pt IComm Com Inf Sc$Enterprise Information Systems Pt IiComm Com Inf ScXEnterprise Inter- and Intra-organizational Integration: Building International ConsensusInt Fed Info ProcEnterprise InteroperabilityLect Notes Bus Inf P(Enterprise Interoperability, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf(Enterprise Interoperability, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf P7Enterprise Management With Sap Sem - Business Analytics Sap ExcellEnterprise of EducationRes Educ Afr Caribb0Enterprise of Science in Islam: New PerspectivesDibner Inst Stud HisQEnterprising Worlds: A Geographic Perspective On Economics, Environments & EthicsGeoj LibhEnterprising Youth: Social Values and Acculturation in Nineteenth-century American Children's LiteratureChild Lit Cult#Entertainment Computing - Icec 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc#Entertainment Computing - Icec 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc#Entertainment Computing - Icec 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc#Entertainment Computing - Icec 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc#Entertainment Computing - Icec 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc#Entertainment Computing - Icec 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc#Entertainment Computing - Icec 2010Lect Notes Comput ScEntertainment Design Entertain Des;Entertainment for Education: Digital Techniques and SystemsLect Notes Comput ScEntgottertes Leid: Zur Lyrik Rose Auslanders Unter Berucksichtigung Der Poetologien Von Theodor W. Adorno, Peter Szondi Und Jacques Derrida Conditio Jud?Entgrenzung Der Verantwortung: Nietzsche, Dostojewskij, LevinasMonogr Texte Nietzsc$Entity-relationship Approach - Er 92Lect Notes Comput Sc%Entity-relationship Approach - Er '94Lect Notes Comput Sc'Entomologia Experimentalis Et ApplicataEntomol Exp ApplEntomologia Generalis Entomol GenEntomologica Americana Entomol AmEntomologica Americana Entomol Am-nyEntomologica FennicaEntomol FennicaEntomologica Germanica Entomol GerEntomological News Entomol NewsEntomological Research Entomol Res9Entomological Research in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems Sci UpdateEntomological Science Entomol SciEntomologica Scandinavica Entomol ScandEntomoloji Dernegi Yayinlari Entomol D YEntomonEntomon Entomophaga EntomophagaJEntrepreneurial Group: Social Identities, Relations, and Collective ActionKauff Found Ser!Entrepreneurial Strategic ContentAdv Entrep Firm Emer#Entrepreneurial Strategic ProcessesAdv Entrep Firm EmerEntrepreneurshipRes Sociol Work)Entrepreneurship and Business Development Fgf Entrepr6Entrepreneurship and Dynamics in The Knowledge EconomyRoutl Stud Glob Comp&Entrepreneurship and Economic ProgressRout Found Mark Econ2Entrepreneurship and Openness: Theory and EvidenceInd Dynam Entrep Inn)Entrepreneurship and Regional DevelopmentEntrep Region DevKEntrepreneurship and Small Business Development in Post-socialist EconomiesRoutl Stud Small BusEntrepreneurship and SmesEntrepreneurship SmegEntrepreneurship: Frameworks and Empirical Investigations From Forthcoming Leaders of European ResearchAdv Entrep Firm EmerNEntrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: The Dynamics of Firms and IndustriesInt Stud EntrepFEntrepreneurship in Emerging Domestic Markets: Barriers and InnovationMilken Inst Ser FinaEntrepreneurship in The RegionInt Stud Entrep8Entrepreneurship in The United States: The Future Is NowInt Stud EntrepMEntrepreneurship, Money and Coordination: Hayeks Theory of Cultural EvolutionNew Horiz Inst Evol,Entrepreneurship Policy: Theory and PracticeInt Stud Entrep.Entrepreneurship Research: Global PerspectivesAdv Ser Manage$Entrepreneurship Theory and PracticeEntrep Theory Pract$Entrepreneurship-theory and PracticeEntrep Theory PractNEntropies of Condensed Phases and Complex Systems: A First Principles ApproachSpringer Theses-recoEntropyEntropyEntropy Entropy-switz1Entropy and Energy Dissipation in Water Resources Water TransEntropy and The Quantum Contemp Math Entropy-bkPrinc Ser Appl Math Entropy-bkPrincet Ser Appl Mat Entropy-bookPrinc Ser Appl Math Entropy-bookPrincet Ser Appl MatKEntropy Coders of The H.264/avc Standard: Algorithms and Vlsi ArchitecturesSignals Commun Techn*Entropy Methods for The Boltzmann EquationLect Notes Math5Entsorgung: Wiederverwertung - Disposal, Bds I and IiProg Radiat Protect:Entwicklungsmanagement: Methoden in Der ProduktentwicklungVDI-BuchBEntwicklung Und Erprobung Innovativer Produkte - Rapid PrototypingVDI-Buch>Enumerative Invariants in Algebraic Geometry and String TheoryLect Notes Math1Envelopes and Sharp Embeddings of Function SpacesCh Crc Res Notes Mat Envirnomental Control ManagementEnviron Contr Manage Environment EnvironmentEnvironment Across CulturesWiss Technik FolgenbEnvironment Across CulturesWissensch TechnikfolEnvironmental AccountingAdv Environ Acc Man&Environmental & Engineering GeoscienceEnviron Eng Geosci"Environmental & Resource EconomicsEnviron Resour EconhEnvironmental and Coastal Hydraulics: Protecting The Aquatic Habitat, Proceedings of Theme B, Vols 1 & 2Water Chang Glob Com'Environmental and Ecological StatisticsEnviron Ecol Stat.Environmental and Ecological Statistics SeriesEnviron Ecol Stat Se%Environmental and Experimental BotanyEnviron Exp BotJEnvironmental and Material Flow Cost Accounting: Principles and ProceduresEco-effic Ind Sci'Environmental and Molecular MutagenesisEnviron Mol Mutagen1Environmental and Process Monitoring TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Environmental and Regional Air PollutionAir Water Soil Sci T7Environmental and Resource Policy for Consumer DurablesLect Notes Econ MathgEnvironmental and Resource Valuation With Revealed Preferences: A Theoretical Guide to Empirical ModelsEcon Non-mark Good2Environmental and Social Effects of TransportationTransport Res RecEnvironmental ArchaeologyEnviron Archaeol:Environmental Aspects of Construction With Waste MaterialsStud Environ SciFEnvironmental Aspects of Converting Cw Facilities to Peaceful PurposesNato Sci Prt 1 Disar@Environmental Aspects of Electrochemical Technology, Proceedings Elec Soc S'Environmental Aspects of Textile DyeingWoodhead Publ Ser Te'Environmental Assessment and Management Res Ec EnjEnvironmental Assessment and Management in The Food Industry: Life Cycle Assessment and Related ApproachesWoodhead Publ Food SEnvironmental BioengineeringHandb Environ EngEnvironmental Biology of FishesEnviron Biol FishEnvironmental Biomonitoring Acs Sym SerrEnvironmental Biotechnologies for Bioremediation of Contaminated Lands and Soil By Microbes, Plants and EarthwormsEnv Remed Tech RegulEnvironmental BiotechnologyHandb Environ EngEnvironmental Biotechnology /Stud Environ Sci>Environmental Biotechnology and Materials Engineering, Pts 1-3Adv Mater Res-switz/Environmental Biotechnology for Waste Treatment Envir Sci RjEnvironmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology Reviews-part C of Journal of Environmental Science and HealthEnviron Carcin Eco RZEnvironmental Carcinogenesis Reviews-part C of Journal of Environmental Science and HealthEnviron Carcin Eco RZEnvironmental Carcinogenesis Reviews-part C of Journal of Environmental Science and HealthEnviron Carcinog Rev5Environmental Cardiology: Pollution and Heart DiseaseIssues ToxicolEnvironmental Catalysis Acs Sym SerEnvironmental Catalysis Efce Publ S7Environmental Challenges in The Mediterranean 2000-2050Nato Sci S Ss Iv Ear-Environmental Challenges in The Pacific BasinAnn Ny Acad Sci[Environmental Challenges of Fertilizer Production - An Examination of Progress and Pitfalls Ifdc Sp Pub/Environmental Challenges of Nuclear DisarmamentNato Sci S 1 Disarm.Environmental Change, Adaptation, and Security Nato Asi 2HEnvironmental Change and Agricultural Sustainability in The Mekong DeltaAdv Glob Change Res/Environmental Change and Food Security in ChinaAdv Glob Change Res'Environmental Change and Foreign PolicyRoutl Adv Int Relat%Environmental Change and Human Health Ciba F SympQEnvironmental Change and Human Security: Recognizing and Acting On Hazard ImpactsNato Sci Peace SecurDEnvironmental Change and Malaria Risk: Global and Local Implications Wag Ur Fron!Environmental Change and MedicineEnv Health Phys ChemSEnvironmental Change in Drylands: Biogeographical and Geomorphological Perspectives Brit Geomor2Environmental Change in Iceland : Past and Present Glac Quat GOEnvironmental Change in Siberia: Earth Observation, Field Studies and ModellingAdv Glob Change ResEnvironmental Chemistry Environ ChemEnvironmental Chemistry LettersEnviron Chem Lett/Environmental Chemistry of Lakes and Reservoirs Adv Chem Ser>Environmental Chemometrics: Principles and Modern Applications Anal Chem SerEnvironmental Claims JournalEnviron Claim J!Environmental Coastal Regions Iii Environ St;Environmental Communication-a Journal of Nature and CultureEnviron CommunEnvironmental ConservationEnviron ConservkEnvironmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects On Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems Setac Sp PEnvironmental ContaminationStud Environ SciZEnvironmental Contamination and Remediation Practices At Former and Present Military Bases Nato Asi 2+Environmental Control and Safety ManagementEnviron Contr Saf M#Environmental Cooperation in EuropeAustrian Inst Int AfEnvironmental Cost ManagementEnviron Res Adv4Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops Wag Ur FronEnvironmental Crime Aic Conf PEnvironmental CrisesGkss Sch EnvironmEnvironmental Crisis Colloq Inra7Environmental Dose Reconstruction and Risk Implications P Nat C RadEnvironmental Earth SciencesEnviron Earth Sci0Environmental Ecology and Technology of Concrete Key Eng Mat0Environmental Ecology and Technology of Concrete Key Eng MaterEnvironmental Economics Conf Eea C1Environmental Economics and Investment AssessmentWit Trans Ecol Envir4Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment IiWit Trans Ecol Envir5Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment IiiWit Trans Ecol Envir6Environmental Economics and The Internatioanal Economy Econ Envir-Environmental Economics, Experimental MethodsRout Expl Enviro Eco-Environmental Economics, Experimental MethodsRoutl Explor Environ Environmental Education ResearchEnviron Educ Res"Environmental Education-washingtonEnviron Educ-wash?Environmental Effects and Their Control in Plant Tissue Culture Acta Hortic@Environmental Effects On Spacecraft Positioning and TrajectoriesGeoph Monog SeriesEnvironmental EncountersEnviron Encount(Environmental Engineering and Management Environm Engn0Environmental Engineering and Management JournalEnviron Eng Manag J!Environmental Engineering ScienceEnviron Eng Sci"Environmental Engineering (series) Environm EngnEnvironmental EntomologyEnviron EntomolEnvironmental Epidemiology Adv Chem SerEnvironmental Ergonomics Els Erg B SEnvironmental EthicsEnviron Ethics Environmental Ethics in BuddhismRoutl Crit Stud Budd!Environmental Exposure and HealthWit Trans Ecol Envir,Environmental Fate and Effects of Pesticides Acs Sym SerEnvironmental Fluid MechanicsEnviron Fluid MechEnvironmental ForensicsEnviron ForensicsEnvironmental Forest ScienceFor Sci%Environmental Geochemistry and HealthEnviron Geochem HlthUEnvironmental Geochemistry and Health, With Special Reference to Developing Countries Geol Soc Sp/Environmental Geochemistry of Sulfide Oxidation Acs Sym SerEnvironmental Geology Environ Geol(Environmental Geology and Water SciencesEnviron Geol Water S1Environmental Hazards-human and Policy DimensionsEnviron Hazards-ukEnvironmental Hazards of War Prio MonogEnvironmental HealthEnviron Health-globEnvironmental HealthEnviron Health-ukEnvironmental Health CriteriaEnviron Health CritEnvironmental Health CriteriaEnviron Health CriteEnvironmental Health for All Nato Asi 2!Environmental Health PerspectivesEnviron Health Persp=Environmental Health Physical Chemical and Biological FactorsEnv Health Phys ChemEnvironmental Health Risk Ii Sus WorldEnvironmental Health Risk IiiWit Tr Biomed HealthEnvironmental Health Risk IvWit Tr Biomed Health?Environmental Health Risks: Lead Poisoning and Arsenic ExposureEnv Health Phys ChemEnvironmental Health Risk VWit Tr Biomed HealthvEnvironmental Heavy Metal Pollution and Effects On Child Mental Development: Risk Assessment and Prevention StrategiesNato Sci Peace SecurEnvironmental History Environ HistEnvironmental HistoryEnviron Hist-usDEnvironmental Hormones: The Scientific Basis of Endocrine DisruptionAnn Ny Acad SciEnvironmental HumanitiesEnviron Humanit$Environmental Immunochemical Methods Acs Sym SerEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEuro Env Imp Assess&Environmental Impact Assessment ReviewEnviron Impact Asses9Environmental Impact of Ammonia and Urea Production Units Ifdc Sp Pub4Environmental Impact of Fertilizer On Soil and Water Acs Sym Ser,Environmental Impact of Radioactive Releases Int Aeaps 2UEnvironmental Impacts of Microbial Insecticides: Need and Methods for Risk AssessmentProg Biol Control^Environmental Indicators for Building Design: Development and Application On Mexican DwellingsSustain Urban AreasEnvironmental Informatics Euro C Comp'Environmental Infrastructure Management Nato Asi 2Environmentalism Asa Monogr*Environmentalism in Landscape ArchitectureDumbarton Oaks CollotEnvironmental Issues Affecting The Forestry and Forest Products Industries in The Eastern United States, Proceedings Usda Ne Exp]Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in The Ceramic & Nuclear Industries Ix Ceram Trans_Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in The Ceramic and Nuclear Industries Iv Ceram Trans`Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in The Ceramic and Nuclear Industries Vii Ceram TransaEnvironmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in The Ceramic and Nuclear Industries Viii Ceram Trans^Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in The Ceramic and Nuclear Industries X Ceram TransbEnvironmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in The Materials and Nuclear Industries Xii Ceram TransDEnvironmental Issues in The Electronics and Semiconductor Industries Elec Soc SEnvironmental Issues in The Electronics/semiconductor Industries and Electrochemical/photochemical Methods for Pollution Abatement Elec Soc SdEnvironmental Issues With Materials and Processes for The Electronics and Semiconductor Industries V Elec Soc SEnvironmentalistEnvironmentalistCEnvironmental Justice and Sustainability in The Former Soviet UnionUrban Ind EnvironGEnvironmental Justice in Latin America: Problems, Promise, and PracticeUrban Ind Environ?Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information ManagementKnowl Org Subj AreaOEnvironmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management, Supplement VolKnowl Org Subj AreaEnvironmental Kuznets CurvesLect Notes Econ MathHEnvironmental Law in Development: Lessons From The Indonesian ExperienceNew Horiz Environ LaEnvironmental Letters Environ Lett;Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development SeriesEn Soc Sust Dev SerEnvironmentally Assisted Cracking: Predictive Methods for Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Materials, Equipment, and StructuresAm Soc Test MaterUEnvironmentally Benign Photocatalysts: Applications of Titanium Oxide-based MaterialsNanostruct Sci Techn)Environmentally Compatible Food PackagingWoodhead Food Ser'Environmentally Conscious ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Proc Spie*Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Iv Proc Spie*Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Vi Proc Spie+Environmentally Friendly Coastal ProtectionNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear9Environmentally Harmonious Chemistry for The 21st CenturyChem Eng Method Tech!Environmentally Sound Agriculture Asae Publ:Environmentally Sustainable Development Proceedings SeriesEnviron Sust Dev PEnvironmental ManagementEnviron Manage?Environmental Management Accounting and Supply Chain ManagementEco-effic Ind Sci:Environmental Management Accounting for Cleaner ProductionEco-effic Ind Sci0Environmental Management and Urban Vulnerability World B DisEnvironmental MicrobiologyEnviron MicrobiolEnvironmental MicrobiologyMethod Enzymol"Environmental Microbiology ReportsEnv Microbiol RepqEnvironmental Mineralogy: Microbial Interactions Anthropogenic Influences, Contaminated Land and Waste Management Min Soc Ser#Environmental Modeling & AssessmentEnviron Model Assess"Environmental Modelling & SoftwareEnviron Modell SoftwEnvironmental Model of Mars Cospar Coll1Environmental Models : Emissions and ConsequencesDev Environ Model'Environmental Monitoring and AssessmentEnviron Monit Assess=Environmental Monitoring and Hazardous Waste Site RemediationP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Environmental Monitoring and Remediation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Iii Proc Spie5Environmental Monitoring and Remediation TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Technologies Proc Spie8Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Technologies Ii Proc Spie:Environmental Monitoring : Meeting The Technical ChallengeIop Short Meet SerieEnvironmental MutagenesisEnviron Mol MutagenEnvironmental MutagenesisEnviron MutagenEnvironmental Odour Management VDI Bericht?Environmental Performance of Digital Printing: Literature Study Vtt Res Notes-Environmental Philosophy As Social PhilosophySoc Philos Today'Environmental Physiology & BiochemistryEnviron Physiol BiocEnvironmental Plant Biology Env Plant B!Environmental Policy, 2nd EditionRoutl Introd EnvironEnvironmental Policy and LawEnviron Policy Law$Environmental Policy and The EconomyContrib To Econ Anal4Environmental Policy in An International Perspective Econ Envir4Environmental Policy in An International Perspective Econ EnvironCEnvironmental Policy Instruments for Conserving Global Biodiversity Kiel StudEnvironmental Politics Environ Polit!Environmental Politics and TheoryEnviron Polit TheorEnvironmental Politics SeriesEnviron Polit SerEnvironmental Politics (series)Environm Polit SerEnvironmental PollutionEnviron PollutEnvironmental Pollution SeriesEnviron Pollut Ser Environmental Pollution (series)Environm Pollut Ser:Environmental Pollution Series A-ecological and BiologicalEnviron Pollut A6Environmental Pollution Series B-chemical and PhysicalEnviron Pollut B&Environmental Problems and DevelopmentEnergy Environ Eng S-Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions ViiWit Trans Built EnvIEnvironmental Problems in Coastal Regions Vi: Including Oil Spill StudiesWit Trans Ecol EnvirVEnvironmental Problems of Central Asia and Their Economic, Social and Security ImpactsNato Sci Peace SecurEnvironmental Progress Environ Prog+Environmental Progress & Sustainable EnergyEnviron Prog Sustain6Environmental Protection Against Radioactive PollutionNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear.Environmental Protection and International Law Int Env Law.Environmental Protection in The European UnionEnviron Prot Eur Uni/Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal BehaviorEnviron Psych Nonver)Environmental Psychology New DevelopmentsPsychol Res ProgEnvironmental Quarterly Environ Quart$Environmental Radiochemical Analysis Roy Soc Ch'Environmental Radiochemical Analysis Ii Roy Soc Ch(Environmental Radiochemical Analysis Iii Roy Soc Ch/Environmental Reconstruction in Headwater Areas Nato Asi 2/Environmental Record in Glaciers and Ice Sheets Phys Ch EarDEnvironmental Regulation: Evaluation, Compliance and Economic ImpactEnv Health Phys ChemEnvironmental Remediation Acs Sym Ser=Environmental Remediation Technologies Regulations and SafetyEnv Remed Tech RegulEnvironmental Research Environ ResXEnvironmental Research : 1991 Technology Transfer Conference - Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2 Env Res TecEnvironmental Research AdvancesEnviron Res AdvEnvironmental Research ForumEnvironm Res ForumEnvironmental Research LettersEnviron Res Lett7Environmental Research : Technology Transfer Conference Env Res TecEnvironmental Reviews Environ RevFEnvironmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms SeriesEnv Risk Assess GenewEnvironmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Vol 2: Methodologies for Assessing Bt Cotton in BrazilEnv Risk Assess GeneiEnvironmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Vol 3: Methodologies for Transgenic FishEnv Risk Assess Gene~Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Vol 4: Challenges and Opportunities With Bt Cotton in VietnamEnv Risk Assess Gene,Environmental Role of Wetlands in HeadwatersNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear9Environmental, Safety, and Health Issues in Ic Production Mat Res S CEnvironmental ScienceEnviron Sci-gerEnvironmental Science Environm SciEnvironmental Science & PolicyEnviron Sci Policy"Environmental Science & TechnologyEnviron Sci Technol%Environmental Science and Engineering Adv Eng Res%Environmental Science and EngineeringEnviron Sci Eng,Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchEnviron Sci Pollut R(Environmental Science and SustainabilityEnergy Environ Eng S,Environmental Science and Technology LibraryEnvir Sci Tech Lib1Environmental Science, Ecosystems and DevelopmentEnergy Environ Eng S0Environmental Science Engineering and TechnologyEnviron Sci Eng TechEnvironmental Science Research Envir Sci RPEnvironmental Security and Environmental Management: The Role of Risk AssessmentNato Sci Peace SecurXEnvironmental Security and Sustainable Land Use - With Special Reference to Central AsiaNato Sci Peace Secur3Environmental Security in Harbors and Coastal AreasNato Sci Peace SecuraEnvironmental Security in South-eastern Europe: International Agreements and Their ImplementationNato Sci Peace Secur&Environmental Sensing and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Environmental Sensing and Combustion DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt InsPEnvironmental Simulation Chambers: Application to Atmospheric Chemical ProcessesNato Sci S Ss Iv EarEnvironmental Software Environ Softw)Environmental Soil Science, Third EditionBooks Soil Plant Env!Environmental Space Sciences-ussrEnviron Space Sci-uAEnvironmental Statistics: Analysing Data for Environmental PolicyNovart Fdn SympEnvironmental Stratified Flows Cism Cour LEnvironmental Stratified FlowsCism Courses Lect+Environmental Stress and Horticulture Crops Acta HorticEnvironmental Studies Series Environ St4Environmental Sustainability: A Consumption ApproachRoutl Explor Econ HiDEnvironmental Taxes: Recent Developments in China and Oecd CountriesChina Global EconEnvironmental TechnologyEnviron Technol Environmental Technology LettersEnviron Technol LettEnvironmental ToxicologyEnviron ToxicolEnvironmental ToxicologyWit Tr Biomed Health&Environmental Toxicology and ChemistryEnviron Toxicol Chem)Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyEnviron Toxicol Phar,Environmental Toxicology and Risk AssessmentAm Soc Test Mater8Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: 2nd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater5Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: 4th VolAm Soc Test MaterYEnvironmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Biomarkers and Risk Assessment-fifth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterYEnvironmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Modeling and Risk Assessment (sixth Volume)Am Soc Test MatersEnvironmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Recent Achievements in Environmental Fate and Transport: Ninth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterEnvironmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Science, Policy, and Standardization-implications for Environmental Decisions, Tenth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater<Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Seventh VolumeAm Soc Test MaterEnvironmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Standardization of Biomarkers for Endocrine Disruption and Environmental Assessment: Eighth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater:Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Third VolumeAm Soc Test Mater*Environmental Toxicology and Water QualityEnviron Toxic WaterEnvironmental Toxicology IiWit Trans Ecol EnvirEnvironmental Toxicology IiiWit Trans Ecol EnvirWEnvironmental Uv Radiation: Impact On Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive ModelsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarEnvironmental Values Environ ValueEnvironmental ValuesRoutl Introd Environ0Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and MethodsEcon Non-mark GoodEnvironment & AssessmentEnviron AssessEnvironment & Chem Environ ChemEnvironment & Management Env ManagEnvironment & PolicyEnviron Policy3Environment and Aquaculture in Developing Countries Iclarm ConfEnvironment and Behavior Environ Behav&Environment and Conservation in BorneoBorn Res Co Pro Ser%Environment and Development EconomicsEnviron Dev Econ6Environment and Evolution of Double and Multiple StarsRev Mex Ast Astr%Environment and Evolution of GalaxiesAstrophys Space Sc LEnvironment and HistoryEnviron Hist-ukiEnvironment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture-fishery-aquaculture ConflictsComp Assess Wat ManiEnvironment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture-fishery-aquaculture ConflictsCompr Assess Wat ManEnvironment and Planning Environ PlannEnvironment and Planning AEnviron Plann A,Environment and Planning B-planning & DesignEnviron Plann B0Environment and Planning C-government and PolicyEnviron Plann C*Environment and Planning D-society & SpaceEnviron Plann D Environment and Plant Metabolism Env Plant B'Environment and Politics, Third EditionRoutl Introd Environ9Environment and Pollution Measurement Sensors and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Environment and Social Theory, Second EditionRoutl Introd Environ'Environment and Tourism, Second EditionRoutl Introd EnvironEnvironment and Urbanization Environ UrbanSEnvironment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-pacific: Between Local and GlobalRoutl Pac Rim Geogr;Environment, Development, and Evolution: Toward A SynthesisVienna Ser Theor Bio*Environment Effects On Fracture and DamageFracture Mech Symp^Environment-friendly Cement Composite (efcc) for Soil Reinforcement and Earth Slope ProtectionEnv Remed Tech RegulEnvironment International Environ Int2Environment, Local Society and Sustainable Tourism U Lap A C R)Environment, Medicine and Health SciencesRec Adv Biol Biomed"Environment Protection EngineeringEnviron Prot Eng?Environment, Public Policies and Dynamics of Coastal Activities Oceanis S D/Environments and Physiology of Fossil Organisms T Rse Earth8Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing Adv Par Com$Environments for Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc'Environments for Multi-agent Systems IiLect Notes Artif Int(Environments for Multi-agent Systems IiiLect Notes Artif IntEnvironmetricsEnvironmetricsIEnvironnement, Politiques Publiques Et Dynamique Des Activites LittoralesOceanis-ser DocEnvironnement Risques & SanteEnvir Risques SanteEnvironnement Risques & SanteEnviron Risque Sante$Envisaging Heaven in The Middle AgesRout St Mediev Rel$Envisaging Heaven in The Middle AgesRout Stud Mediev RelSEnvisioning An English Empire: Jamestown and The Making of The North Atlantic WorldEarly Am Stud Ser Envisioning A New AccountabilityAdv Public Inter AccFEnvisioning Machine Translation in The Information Future, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int5Envisioning Magic - A Princeton Seminar and Symposium St Hist Rel6Envisioning The Artist in The Early Modern NetherlandsNeth Yearb Hist ArtXEnzymatic and Model Carboxylation and Reduction Reactions for Carbon Dioxide UtilizationNato Adv Sci I C-mat%Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention Acs Sym Ser4Enzymatic Conversion of Biomass for Fuels Production Acs Sym Ser0Enzymatic Degradation of Insoluble Carbohydrates Acs Sym SerEnzymatic Mechanisms Biom Hlth REnzymatic Polymerisation Adv Polym SciEnzymeEnzymeEnzyme & ProteinEnzyme ProteinEnzyme and Microbial TechnologyEnzyme Microb TechEnzyme Catalysis ProcessNato Adv Sci I A-lif&Enzyme-catalyzed Synthesis of Polymers Adv Polym SciEnzyme Engineering Enzyme EngEnzyme Engineering 10Ann Ny Acad SciEnzyme Engineering XiAnn Ny Acad SciEnzyme Engineering XiiAnn Ny Acad SciEnzyme Engineering XiiiAnn Ny Acad SciEnzyme Engineering XivAnn Ny Acad Sci#Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism, Pt DMethod Enzymol#Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism, Pt EMethod Enzymol#Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism, Pt EMethods EnzymoldEnzyme Kinetics and Mechanism, Pt F: Detection and Characterization of Enzyme Reaction IntermediatesMethod EnzymolREnzymes Dependent On Pyridoxal Phosphate and Other Carbonyl Compounds As Cofactors Int Union B$Enzymes for Carbohydrate EngineeringProgr Biotechnol%Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing Acs Sym SerEnzymes in ActionNato Sci Prt 1 DisarEnzymes in Biomass Conversion Acs Sym Ser!Enzymes in Carbohydrate Synthesis Acs Sym SerEnzymes in Polymer Synthesis Acs Sym Ser>Enzyme Stabilization and Immobilization: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Enzymologia Enzymologia Enzymologia Biologica Et ClinicaEnzymol Biol Clin:Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism 12Enzymol Mol Biol Car9Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism 3Adv Exp Med Biol9Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism 4Adv Exp Med Biol9Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism 5Adv Exp Med Biol9Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism 6Adv Exp Med Biol9Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism 7Adv Exp Med Biol@Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism - SeriesEnzymol Mol Biol Car0Eos-rivista Di Immunologia Ed ImmunofarmacologiaEos-riv ImmunolUE.o. Wilson and B.f. Skinner: A Dialogue Between Sociobiology and Radical BehaviorismDev Primatol-prog Pr Epd CongressEpd CongEpd Congress 1999Epd CongEpd Congress 2000,proceedingsEpd CongEpd Congress 2008Epd CongEpd Congress 2009, ProceedingsEpd Cong2Epdic 1 : European Powder Diffraction, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumEpdic 3, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumEpdic 5, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum1Epdic 7: European Powder Diffraction, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum Epe JournalEpe J#Ephemerides Theologicae LovaniensesEphemer Theol LovanEpia 91Lect Notes Artif IntdEpic Succession and Dissension: Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.623-14.582, and The Reinvention of The AeneidUnters Antiken Lit GEpidemiologia & PrevenzioneEpidemiol Prev#Epidemiologia E Psichiatria SocialeEpidemiol Psichiat SfEpidemiologia E Psichiatria Sociale-an International Journal for Epidemiology and Psychiatric SciencesEpidemiol Psichiat S0Epidemiological and Molecular Aspects On Cholera Infect DisEpidemiologic Reviews Epidemiol Rev+Epidemiologie Et Sante Animale, 2008, No 53Rev Epid San Anim+Epidemiologie Et Sante Animale, 2008, No 54Rev Epid San Anim%Epidemiologie Et Sante Animale, No 55Rev Epid San Anim%Epidemiologie Et Sante Animale, No 56Rev Epid San Anim&Epidemiologie Mikrobiologie ImunologieEpidemiol Mikrobi Im Epidemiology EpidemiologyEpidemiology and Animal HealthRev Epid San Anim6Epidemiology and Animal Health: Molecular EpidemiologyRev Epid San AnimDEpidemiology and Etiology of Insulin-dependent Diabetes in The Young Pediat Ad EEpidemiology and InfectionEpidemiol InfectHEpidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Elderly PeopleWho Tech Rep SerLEpidemiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Prevalence and EtiologySpringer Ser Epidemi6Epidermal Cells: Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol=Epididymis: Role and Importance in Male Infertility TreatmentFront EndocrinolEpidotesRev Mineral Geochem4Epigenesis of Mind : Essays On Biology and Cognition J Piaget Sy.Epigenetic Contributions in Autoimmune DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol Epigenetics Ciba F Symp Epigenetics Epigenetics EpigeneticsEpigenetics-usEpigenetics & ChromatinEpigenet Chromatin5Epigenetics and Disease: Pharmaceutical Opportunities Prog Drug ResEpigenetics and Human HealthEpigenetics Hum Hlth"Epigenetics and Human ReproductionEpigenetics Hum HlthREpigenetics and Neuropsychiatric Diseases: Mechanisms Mediating Nature and NurtureAnn Ny Acad SciEpigenetics-book Ciba F SympEEpigenetics in Cancer Prevention: Early Detection and Risk AssessmentAnn Ny Acad Sci3Epigenetics: Mechanism, Functions and Human EffectsGen-res Issues EpigenomicsEpigenomics-ukNEpilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsNEpilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology Proc Spie Epilepsia Epilepsia Epilepsies Epilepsies=Epilepsies : Revue De La Ligue Contre Lepilepsie, Vol 1, No 2Epilepsi;Epilepsies : Revue De La Ligue Francaise Contre L EpilepsieEpilepsiEpilepsy & BehaviorEpilepsy Behav.Epilepsy and Society : Realities and Prospects Int Congr Ser7Epilepsy and The Functional Anatomy of The Frontal Lobe Adv NeurolEpilepsy Currents Epilepsy Curr<Epilepsy, Infantile Spasms, and Developmental EncephalopathyInt Rev Neurobiol?Epilepsy in Women: The Scientific Basis for Clinical ManagementInt Rev NeurobiolEpilepsy Research Epilepsy ResEpileptic DisordersEpileptic Disord(Epileptogenic and Excitotoxic Mechanisms Curr Prob EEpioptics-7, ProceedingsSci Cult Ser PhysEpisodesEpisodesEpistemeEpisteme"Epistemic Foundations of FuzzinessStud Fuzz Soft Comp5Epistemic Logic and The Theory of Games and Decisions Theor Dec C Epistemologia EpistemologiaEEpistemological Aspects of Computer Simulation in The Social SciencesLect Notes Artif Int6Epistemological Foundations of Mathematical Experience Rec Res Psy EpistemologyRoy I Philos SupplkEpistemology and Probability: Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, and The Nature of Quantum-theoretical ThinkingFund Theor Phys%Epitaxial Crystal Growth, Pts 1 and 2Cryst Prop Prep,Epitaxial Growth-principles and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PEpitaxial Growth ProcessesP Soc Photo-opt InsEpitaxial HeterostructuresMater Res Soc Symp P/Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films and HeterostructuresMater Res Soc Symp PEpitaxial Oxide Thin Films IiMater Res Soc Symp PEpitaxial Oxide Thin Films IiiMater Res Soc Symp P5Epitaxy and Applications of Si-based HeterostructuresMater Res Soc Symp PEpithelial Cell BiologyEpithelial Cell Biol)Epithelial Transport and Barrier FunctionAnn Ny Acad Sci)Epitope Mapping Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolEpj Web of Conferences Epj Web ConfEplEpl-europhys LettE Pluribus Unum Consti AmerEpm 87Phys ResEpochEpochEpoch of Galaxy FormationNato Adv Sci I C-mat E-polymers E-polymers Epri JournalEpri J*Epstein-barr Virus and Associated Diseases Colloq Inse#Epstein-barr Virus and Human CancerCurr Top Microbiol+Epstein-barr Virus and Human Disease - 1990 Exp Biol MGEptc 2006: 8th Electronic Packaging Technology Conference, Vols 1 and 2El Packag Tech ConfEEptc: 2008 10th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, Vols 1-3El Packag Tech ConfXEquality and Transparency: A Strategic Perspective On Affirmative Action in American LawCeri Ser Int Relat PGEqualization: Its Contribution to Canada's Economic and Fiscal ProgressPolicy Forum Series"Equal Treatment in Social Security Stud Res SsXEquation-of-state and Phase-transition Issues in Models of Ordinary Astrophysical Matter Aip Conf Proc!Equation of State in Astrophysics Iau ColloqgEquidosimetry - Ecological Standardization and Equidosimetry for Radioecology and Environmental EcologyNato Sci Peace SecurIEquilibria and Dynamics of Gas Adsorption On Heterogeneous Solid SurfacesStud Surf Sci Catal*Equilibrium in Economics: Scope and LimitsRoutl Front Polit Ec[Equilibrium Manifold: Postmodern Developments in The Theory of General Economic EquilibriumArne Ryde Mem Lect S+Equilibrium Problems and Variational ModelsNoncon Optim Its AppCEquilibrium Research, Clinical Equilibriometry and Modern Treatment Int Congr Ser?Equilibrium Structure and Properties of Surfaces and InterfacesNato Adv Sci Inst SeEquine AthleteEquine AthleteEquine Practice Equine PractEquine Veterinary EducationEquine Vet EducEquine Veterinary Journal Equine Vet JEquityRes Econ Inequal?Equity and Efficiency Considerations of Public Higher EducationLect Notes Econ MathZEquity and Excellence in Education: Towards Maximal Learning Opportunites for All StudentsRoutl Res EducEquity and The EnvironmentRes Soc Probl PublicWEquity, Efficiency and Evolutionary Stability in Bargaining Games With Joint ProductionLect Notes Econ MathOEquity Ownership and Performance: An Empirical Study of German Traded Companies Contrib Econ Era ReportEra RepErasmusErasmusErasmus Institute Books Eras Inst BkErbrechtDegruyter LehrbOErca 9: From The Global Mercury Cycle to The Discoveries of Kuiper Belt Objects Epj Web ConfpErca: From The Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change to The Observation of The Earth From Space, Vol 8 Epj Web ConfPErcoftac Series (european Research Community On Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) Ercoftac SerErdeErdeErdkundeErdkunde Erdol & Kohle Erdgas PetrochemieErdol Kohle Erdgas P"Erdol Und Kohle Erdgas PetrochemieErdol Kohle ErdgasBErdol Und Kohle Erdgas Petrochemie Vereinigt Mit Brennstoff-chemieErd Koh Erdg Petr V0E-research: Transformation in Scholarly PracticeRoutl Adv Res Method<Eretz Israel, Israel and The Jewish Dispora Mutual Relations St Jew CivErfolgreiche Verhandlungsfuhrung in Einkauf Und Logistik: Praxiserprobte Erfolgsstrategien Und Wege Zur Kostensenkung, 2 AuflageVDI-BuchErfolgreiche Verhandlungsfuhrung in Einkauf Und Logistik: Praxiserprobte Erfolgsstrategien Und Wege Zur Kostensenkung, 3 AuflageVDI-Buch*Ergebnisse Der Exakten NaturwissenschaftenErg Exakt Naturwiss&Ergebnisse Der Experimentellen Medizin Erg Exp MedUErgebnisse Der Hygiene Bakteriologie Immunitatsforschung Und Experimentellen TherapieErg Hyg Bakt ImmunErgebnisse Der Limnologie Ergeb Limnol7Ergebnisse Der Mathematik Und Iher Grenzgebiete 3 FolgeErgeb Math GrenzgebMErgebnisse Der Mikrobiologie Immunitatsforschung Und Experimentellen TherapieErg Mikrobiol Imm EPErgebnisse Der Physiologie Biologischen Chemie Und Experimentellen PharmakologieErg Physiol Biol Ch$Ergodic Theory and Dynamical SystemsErgod Theor Dyn Syst8Ergodic Theory and Its Connection With Harmonic Analysis Lond Math S!Ergodic Theory and Related Fields Contemp Math%Ergodic Theory and Related Topics IiiLect Notes Math#Ergodic Theory of Lattice Subgroups Ann Math Stud0Ergodic Theory With A View Towards Number TheoryGrad Texts Math Ergonomics Ergonomics4Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work With ComputersLect Notes Comput ScAErgonomics and Health Aspects of Work With Computers, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Ergonomics and Psychology: Developments in Theory and PracticeErgon Des Manag Theo8Ergonomics Design and Management Theory and ApplicationsErgon Des Manag Theo#Ergonomics Human Factors and SafetyErgon Hum Fact Safe;Erich Huckel (1896-1980): From Physics to Quantum ChemistryBost Stud Philos SciEricksonian Monographs EricksonianEricsson Review Ericsson RevEricsson Technics Ericsson Tech]Erinnerte Reformation: Studien Zur Luther-rezeption Von Der Aufklarung Bis Zum 20 JahrhundertTheol Bibl TopelmannEriugena: East and West N D Conf M Erkenntnis ErkenntnisErkenntnis Und ReduktionPhaenomenologicaErkrankungen Der ZootiereErkrankg Zootiere Erlangen Earth Conference SeriesErlangen Earth C Ser Erlangen Earth Conference SeriesErlangen Earth ConfErnahrungs UmschauErnahrungs UmschauErnahrungs UmschauErnahrungs-umschauErnahrungs-umschauErnahrungs-umschauErnahrungswirtschaftErnahrungswirtschaft.Ernest Gowers: Plain Words and Forgotten Deeds Transform Gov!Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Life Lit LivesErnst CassirerPassages/Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium ProceedingsErnst Schering Found+Ernst Schering Research Foundation WorkshopE Schering Res Fdn WErnst Strungmann ForumErnst Strung For_Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers: Technological and Methodological Advances Iahs-aish PDErosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programmes in River Basins Iahs-aish P<Erosion and Sediment Yield: Global and Regional Perspectives Iahs-aish PIErosion Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Integrating Methods and Techniques Iahs-aish PAErosion, Transport and Deposition Processes - Theories and Models Catena SuppIErotapokriseis: Early Christian Question-and-answer Literature in ContextContr Bib Exeg Theol@Erp Systems and Organisational Change: A Socio-technical InsightSpringer Ser Adv Man/Error Analysis With Applications in EngineeringSolid Mech Appl4Error Control and Adaptivity in Scientific ComputingNato Adv Sci I C-mat:Error-correcting Codes, Finite Geometries and Cryptography Contemp Math>Errors and Intelligence in Computer-assisted Language LearningRout Stud Comp AssisErrors in OrganizationsSiop Organ Front SerLErsatzteilmanagement: Effiziente Ersatzteillogistik Fur IndustrieunternehmenVDI-BuchErudition and EloquenceSuomal Tied Toim SarErwerbs-obstbauErwerbs-obstbauAErythropoietin : From Molecular Structure to Clinical ApplicationContrib Nephrol-Erythropoietin in Renal and Non-renal AnemiasContrib NephrolErythropoietin in The 90sContrib Nephrol"Esa Bulletin-european Space AgencyEsa Bull-eur Space?Esact Proceedings (european Society for Animal Cell Technology) Esact Proceed5Esaim-control Optimisation and Calculus of VariationsEsaim Contr Op Ca Va5Esaim-control Optimisation and Calculus of VariationsEsaim Contr Optim CabEsaim-mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis-modelisation Mathematique Et Analyse NumeriqueEsaim-math Model Num Esaim-probability and StatisticsEsaim-probab Stat!Esa Journal-european Space AgencyEsa J-eur Space AgenEsa Special Publications Esa Sp PublEsa Special Publications Esa Spec Publ1Esa Wpp (workshop Preliminary Proceedings) Series Esa Wpp Ser%Escap Studies in Trade and InvestmentEscap Stud Trade Inv>Esccon 2000: European Space Components Conference, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ>Esccon 2000: European Space Components Conference, Proceedings Esa Spec Publ>Escena Del Crimen: Estudios Sobre Narrativa Policiaca Mexicana Let Siglo Xx6Esec 91 : 3rd European Software Engineering ConferenceLect Notes Comput ScEse-estudios Sobre EducacionEse-estud Sobre EducXEsem: 2009 3rd International Symposium On Empirical Software Engineering and MeasurementInt Symp Emp Softwar+Esi International Project Management SeriesEsi Int Proj Manag S'Esi Lectures in Mathematics and PhysicsEsi Lect Math Phys1Esine Ja Aika: Materiaalisen Kulttuurin Historiaa Hist Arkisto8Esis (european Structural Integrity Society) Publication Esis Publ/Esl and Applied Linguistics Professional SeriesEsl Appl Ling Prof]Esl Models and Their Application: Electronic System Level Design and Verification in Practice Embed SystEso Astrophysics SymposiaEso Astrophy SympE S O M A R Congress SeriesProc Esomar CongrEsomar Publication Series Esomar PublEsop 90Lect Notes Comput ScEsop 92Lect Notes Comput ScEsophageal Mucosa Int Congr Ser EsophagusEsophagus-tokyo&Espagne Au Temps Des Validos 1598-1645Collect Amphi 7EspritEspritEsprit CreateurEsprit Createur)Esq-a Journal of The American RenaissanceEsq-j Am RenaissanceEsri Studies Series On AgeingEsri Stud Ser Ageing&Esri Studies Series On The EnvironmentEsri Stud Environ'Esr Spectroscopy in Membrane Biophysics Bio Magn ReEssays & Studies Essays StudAEssays and Studies Center for Reformation and Renaissance StudiesEssays Stud Cent Ref$Essays and Surveys in MetaheuristicsOper Res Comput Sci$Essays and Surveys in MetaheuristicsOperat Res Comp SciEssays in BiochemistryEssays Biochem%Essays in Biochemistry: ChronobiologyEssays Biochem:Essays in Biochemistry: Epigenetics, Disease and BehaviourEssays Biochem.Essays in Biochemistry: Mitochondrial FunctionEssays Biochem4Essays in Biochemistry: Nuclear Receptor SuperfamilyEssays Biochem/Essays in Biochemistry: Systems Biology, Vol 45Essays BiochemEssays in Biochemistry, Vol 27Essays BiochemEssays in Biochemistry, Vol 28Essays Biochem$Essays in Biochemistry, Vol 29, 1995Essays Biochem$Essays in Biochemistry, Vol 30, 1995Essays Biochem$Essays in Biochemistry, Vol 32, 1997Essays BiochemEssays in Biochemistry, Vol 33Essays Biochem$Essays in Biochemistry, Vol 33, 1998Essays Biochem$Essays in Biochemistry, Vol 34, 1999Essays Biochem?Essays in Biochemistry, Vol 41: The Ubiquitin-proteasome SystemEssays BiochemEssays in Biochemistry, Vol 42Essays BiochemEssays in Biochemistry, Vol 46Essays BiochemEssays in CriticismEssays CriticismNEssays in Cuban Intellectual History: New Concepts in Latino American CulturesNew Concepts Lat AmHEssays in Dynamic General Equilibrium Theory: Festschrift for David CassStud Econ TheoryEssays in French LiteratureEssays Fr Literature Essays in Honor of James R. WebbRes Iss Real Estate%Essays in Honor of Josep M. Sola-sole Catalan StudEssays in LiteratureEssays LiteratureGEssays in Medieval Studies : Proceedings of The Illinois Medieval Assoc Ess Med St"Essays in Medieval Studies, Vol 10 Ess Med St!Essays in Medieval Studies, Vol 7 Ess Med St!Essays in Medieval Studies, Vol 9 Ess Med StEssays in Physics Essays PhysEssays in PoeticsEssays Poetics(Essays in Seventeenth-century Literature Ess Sev Cen#Essays in Theatre-etudes Theatrales Essays Theat%Essays in The History of Therapeutics Clio Medica2Essays On American Constitutional Law and Politics Berk S FedEssays On Boredom and Modernity Crit StudEssays On Canadian WritingEssays Can WritBEssays On Control: Perspectives in The Theory and Its Applications Prog Syst CEssays On Karolina PavlovaStud Russ Lit Theor Essays On Liberty and Federalism Wpw Memor LEssays On Native ModernismNmai Ed2Essays On Peripheral Nerve Repair and RegenerationInt Rev NeurobiolEssays On Port Economics Contrib Econ$Essays On The Doctrinal Study of LawLaw Philos LibrdEssays On The Representational and Derivational Nature of Grammar: The Diversity of Wh-constructionsLinguist Inq MonogrEssays On Transport Economics Contrib EconNEsscirc 2005: Proceedings of The 31st European Solid-state Circuits ConferenceProc Eur Solid-stateNEsscirc 2006: Proceedings of The 32nd European Solid-state Circuits ConferenceProc Eur Solid-stateNEsscirc 2007: Proceedings of The 33rd European Solid-state Circuits ConferenceProc Eur Solid-stateNEsscirc 2008: Proceedings of The 34th European Solid-state Circuits ConferenceProc Eur Solid-stateUEssderc 2006: Proceedings of The 36th European Solid-state Device Research ConferenceProc Eur S-state DevUEssderc 2007: Proceedings of The 37th European Solid-state Device Research ConferenceProc Eur S-state DevUEssderc 2008: Proceedings of The 38th European Solid-state Device Research ConferenceProc Eur S-state DevEssenceEssence;Essence of Computation: Complexity Analysis, TransformationLect Notes Comput ScEssence of DiplomacyStud Dipl Int RelatEssence of MemoryProg Brain Res)Essential Building Blocks of Human Nature Front Collect$Essential Cases On Natural CausationDig Eur Tort Law$Essential Clnical Social Work SeriesEssent Clin Soc WorkEssential Dance MedicineMusculoskelet MedEssential EchocardiographyContemp Cardiol4Essential Infectious Disease Topics for Primary CareCurr Clin Pract4Essential Nursery Management: A Practitioner's GuideNurs World RoutledgenEssential Oils: Art, Agriculture, Science, Industry and Entrepreneurship (a Focus On The Asia- Pacific Region)Agr Issues Policies)Essential Oils - Requirements and Reality Paperb ApvEssential Pic18 MicrocontrollerComput Commun Netw S-Essential Practice Guidelines in Primary CareCurr Clin PractEssentials in CytopathologyEssent CytopatholEssentials in OphthalmologyEssent Ophthalmol)Essentials of Food Science, Third EditionFood Sci Text Ser-Essentials of Integration Theory for AnalysisGrad Texts Math$Essentials of Language Documentation Trend Lin S$Essentials of Language DocumentationTrends Linguist-stud&Essentials of Logistics and ManagementManag Technol Ser=Essentials of Restenosis: for The Interventional CardiologistContemp Cardiol:Essential Sources in The Scientific Study of ConsciousnessBradford BooksEssential Sports MedicineMusculoskelet MedKEssential Urologic Laparoscopy: The Complete Clinical Guide, Second EditionCurr Clin Urol&Essex Institute Historical CollectionsEssex I Hist Collect)Establishing A Successful Human Pregnancy Serono Sym^Establishing Medical Reality: Essays in The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Biomedical Science Philos Med5Establishing The Foundation of Collaborative NetworksInt Fed Info Proc&Esterases, Lipases, and PhospholipasesNato Adv Sci Inst Se3Estetika-the Central European Journal of AestheticsEstetika*Esthetics and The Treatment of Facial Form Cranio GrowaEstimating Characteristics of The Foreign Born By Legal Status: An Evaluation of Data and MethodsSpringerbrief Popul7Estimation and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems Int S Num M2Estimation and Control Over Communication NetworksControl Eng Ser BirkEstonian Journal of ArchaeologyEst J Archaeol"Estonian Journal of Earth SciencesEst J Earth SciEstracytEstracytEstracyt, Scientific Edition 4Estracyt2Estreno-cuadernos Del Teatro Espanol ContemporaneoEstrenoEstrogens and Human DiseasesAnn Ny Acad Sci1Estrogens: Production, Functions and ApplicationsEndocr Res Clin Dev Estuaries EstuariesEstuaries and Coasts Estuar CoastEstuaries and CoastsEstuaries Coasts<Estuaries and Coasts : Spatial and Temporal Intercomparisons Olsen Int S:Estuaries: Types, Movement Patterns and Climatical ImpactsEnviron Sci Eng Tech$Estuarine and Coastal Marine ScienceEstuar Coast Mar Sci#Estuarine Coastal and Shelf ScienceEstuar Coast Shelf SEstuarine Indicators Mar Sci SerEstudios AtacamenosEstud AtacamenosEstudios Clasicos Estud ClasicoEstudios Constitucionales Estud ConstEstudios De Economia Estud EconEstudios De EconomiaEstud EconomiaEstudios De Psicologia Estud PsicolEstudios De PsicologiaEstud Psicol-madridEstudios Filologicos Estud FilolEstudios Geologicos-madridEstud Geol-madrid&Estudios Sobre El Mensaje PeriodisticoEstud Mensaje Period&Estudios Sobre El Mensaje PeriodisticoEstud Sobre Mensaj P"Estudios Sociales CentroamericanosEstud Soc CentroamEstudios Y Documentos Estud DocumEstudos Ibero-americanosEstud Ibero-am^Eta Carinae and Other Mysterious Stars: The Hidden Opportunities of Emission Line Spectroscopy Astr Soc PEta Carinae At The Millennium Astr Soc P'E.t.a. Hoffmann: Leben - Werk - Wirkung Degruyter Lex(Eta Products and Theta Series IdentitiesSpringer Monogr Math Et Cetera Et CeteraEtc-review of General Semantics Et Cetera*E-technologies-innovation in An Open WorldLect Notes Bus Inf*E-technologies-innovation in An Open WorldLect Notes Bus Inf P3E-technologies: Transformation in A Connected WorldLect Notes Bus Inf P%Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind Philos Film@Ethical and Social Issues in The Information Age, Fourth EditionTexts Comput Sci=Ethical and Social Principles in Occupational Health PracticePeople Work Res Rep%Ethical Aspects of Human Reproduction Ethique Sci%Ethical Codes and Income DistributionRoutl Stud Hist Econ6Ethical Dimension of Strategies Used By Drug Companies Congr ColloqaEthical Dimensions of The Economy: Making Use of Hegel and The Concepts of Public and Merit GoodsStud Econ Ethics PhiUEthical Issues Associated With Scientific and Technological Research for The MilitaryAnn Ny Acad SciCEthical Principles and Economic Transformation: A Buddhist ApproachIssues Bus EthicsREthical Questions and International Ngos: An Exchange Between Philosphers and NgosLibr Ethics Appl Phi!Ethical Theory and Moral PracticeEthical Theory Moral+Ethical Traceability and Communicating FoodInt Libr Environ AgrEthicsEthicsEthics Roy I Ph SEthics & Behavior Ethics BehavEthics & Global PoliticsEthics Glob PolitEthics and AnthropologyAnn Ny Acad Sci-Ethics and Consultancy: European Perspectives Iss Bus Eth'Ethics and Environmental Responsibility Aveb S Phil4Ethics and Eventfulness in Middle English LiteratureNew Middle Ages!Ethics and Information TechnologyEthics Inf TechnolEthics and Policy of BiometricsLect Notes Comput ScEthics and Sport Ethics SportEthics and Technology Ethic TechnEthics and The Librarian Allerton PaEthics and The Professions Aveb S Phil"Ethics and War in The 21st CenturyLse Int Stud SerEthics As Foreign Policy Interventions&Ethics for Journalists, Second Edition Media SkillsEthics for Life Scientists Wag Ur FronCEthics, Hunger and Globalization: in Search of Appropriate PoliciesInt Libr Environ AgrEthics in A Changing World Eth Chang WMEthics in Culture: Dissemination of Values Through Literature and Other MediaSpect LiteraturwissEthics in GroupsRes Manag Group Team$Ethics in Medical Education in ChinaMit Inst Asienk HambEthics in Medicine Kar Ins NcsEthics in Practice Ethics Pract,Ethics in Psychiatry: European ContributionsInt Libr Eth Law NewEthics in Science & MedicineEthics Sci MedAEthics in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - A Global CommunityInt Soc Bus Econ EthHEthics, Knowledge and Truth in Sports Research: An Epistemology of Sport Ethics Sport*Ethics, Liability and The Technical ExpertAustralas I Min Met9Ethics, Liberalism and Realism in International RelationsRoutl Adv Int RelatEthics, Money and Sport Ethics SportJEthics of Aesthetics in Japanese Cinema and Literature: Polygraphic DesireRoutl Contemp Jpn Se8Ethics of Banking: Conclusions From The Financial CrisisIssues Bus Ethics&Ethics of Business in A Global Economy Iss Bus Eth>Ethics of Doping and Anti-doping: Redeeming The Soul of Sport? 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Int Pol Ec,Ethnicity, Race and Nationality in EducationRutg Inv Symp Educ S#Ethnic Landscapes in An Urban WorldRes Urban Sociol,Ethnic Politics in Burma: States of ConflictRoutl Cont Se Asia S@Ethnobiology At The Millenium: Past Promise and Future Prospects Anthr Paper(Ethnobotany and The Search for New Drugs Ciba F SympXEthnocultural Perspectives On Disaster and Trauma: Foundations, Issues, and ApplicationsInt Cult Psychol;Ethno-diplomacy: The Uyghur Hitch in Sino-turkish RelationsPol StudFEthnographically Speaking: Autoethnography, Literature, and AestheticsEthnogr Alt Book SerWEthnographies of Archaeological Practice: Cultural Encounters, Material TransformationsWorld Archaeol SerOEthnographies of Educational and Cultural Conflicts: Strategies and ResolutionsStud Educ Ethnog Ethnography Ethnography4Ethnography and Education Policy Across The AmericasEduc Pol Pract!Ethnography and Human Development Mac Fdn Men!Ethnography of Political ViolenceEthnogr Polit Violen Ethnohistory EthnohistoryFEthnolinguistic Explorations of The Serbian and Other Slavic LanguagesSerb Ac Sci Art LangEthnologia Scandinavica Ethnol ScandEthnological Uralica Ethnol Ural Ethnology EthnologyEthnomusicologyEthnomusicologyLEthno-nationalism, Islam and The State in The Caucasus: Post-soviet DisorderCent Asian Stud Ser7Ethno-religious Violence in Indonesia: From Soil to GodRoutl Cont Se Asia SEthnosEthnos4Ethoexperimental Approaches to The Study of BehaviorNato Adv Sci I D-behEthological Roots of CultureNato Adv Sci Inst SeEthologyEthologyEthology and SociobiologyEthol SociobiolEthology Ecology & EvolutionEthol Ecol Evol&Ethonographic Alternatives Book SeriesEthnogr Alt Book SerEthosEthosEtikk I Praksis Etikk PraksisBEtiology and Treatment of Acute Lung Injury: From Bench to BedsideNato Sci Ser I Life,Etiology of Breast and Gynecological CancersProg Clin Biol ResAEtiology of Bulimia Nervosa : The Individual and Familial Context S Ap Psyc SEtiology of Hodgkin's DiseaseNato Adv Sci Inst Se*Etiology of Human Disease At The Dna Level Nobel SympOEtiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in North America Adv Ap Biot5Etr&d-educational Technology Research and DevelopmentEtr&d-educ Tech Res5E-transformation: Enabling New Development StrategiesInnov Tech Knowl Man Etri JournalEtri J2Ettore Majorana International Life Sciences Series E M I Lif S@Ettore Majorana International Science Series : Physical Sciences E Maj Int SBEttore Majorana: Unpublished Research Notes On Theoretical PhysicsFund Theor PhysEtudes AnglaisesEtud AnglaisesEtudes Cinematographiques Etud CinemaEtudes ClassiquesEtud ClassiquesBEtudes Et Recherches Sur Les Systemes Agraires Et Le Developpement Etud Rech SEtudes Et Syntheses De L Iemvt Et S IemvtEtudes Europeennes Etud EuropEtudes FrancaisesEtud FrEtudes GermaniquesEtud GerEtudes InternationalesEtud IntEtudes IrlandaisesEtud IrlandaisesEtudes LitterairesEtud LitterairesEtudes Philosophiques Etud PhilosEtudes Rurales Etud Rurales"Etudes Theologiques Et ReligieusesEtud Theol ReligEtudes TraditionnellesEtud TraditionnellesREtudiants De L'exil: Migrations Internationales Et Universites Refuges (xvi-xx S.) 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- Parallel Processing, Part IiLect Notes Comput Sc'Euro-par 2010 Parallel Processing, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc Euro-par '98 Parallel ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc Euro-par'99: Parallel ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc4Europa-the Ocean Moon: Search for An Alien BiosphereSpringer-prax BooksEuropean Accounting ReviewEur Account RevEuropean Addiction ResearchEur Addict Res0European Air Law and Policy: Recent DevelopmentsEur Air Law Assoc/European Air Law Association: Conference PapersEur Air Law Assoc6European Air Law Association Conference Papers, Vol 12Eur Air Law AssocBEuropean Air Law Association: Eleventh Annual Conference in LisbonEur Air Law Assoc?European Air Law Association: Tenth Annual Conference in ViennaEur Air Law AssocBEuropean-american Relations and The Middle East: From Suez to IraqCss Stud Sec Int Rel/European-american Trade and Financial AlliancesNew Horiz Int BusNEuropean and Chinese Cognitive Styles and Their Impact On Teaching MathematicsStud Comput Intell*European 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of ImmunogeneticsEur J ImmunogenetEuropean Journal of Immunology Eur J Immunol*European Journal of Industrial Engineering Eur J Ind Eng(European Journal of Industrial RelationsEur J Ind Relat European Journal of Inflammation Eur J Inflamm'European Journal of Information SystemsEur J Inform Syst'European Journal of Inorganic ChemistryEur J Inorg Chem(European Journal of Integrative MedicineEur J Integr Med+European Journal of Intensive Care MedicineEur J Inten Care Med%European Journal of Internal MedicineEur J Intern Med%European Journal of International Law Eur J Int Law,European Journal of International ManagementEur J Int Manag+European Journal of International RelationsEur J Int Relat"European Journal of Jewish StudiesEur J Jew Stud%European Journal of Law and EconomicsEur J Law Econ0European Journal of Lipid Science and TechnologyEur J Lipid Sci TechEuropean Journal of MarketingEur J Marketing%European Journal of Mass SpectrometryEur J Mass Spectrom&European Journal of Mechanics 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Pow+European Transactions On TelecommunicationsEur T TelecommunEuropean Union Glob Inst#European Union and Global DemocracyPoli Sci Res Cent Fo$European Union and Global GovernanceRoutl Garn Ser Eur WREuropean Union and Global Social Change: A Critical Geopolitical-economic AnalysisRoutl Adv Eur PolitIEuropean Union and International Development: The Politics of Foreign AidRoutl Uaces ContempREuropean Union and The Asia-pacific: Media, Public and Elite Perceptions of The EuRoutl Uaces Contemp8European Union and The Making of A Wider Northern EuropeRoutl Adv Eur PolitZEuropean Union and The Social Dimension of Globalization - How The Eu Influences The WorldRoutl Garn Ser Eur WCEuropean Union As A Leader in International Climate Change PoliticsRoutl Uaces ContempCEuropean Union At The United Nations: Intersecting MultilateralismsPalgrave Stud Eur Un,European Union Intergovernmental ConferencesRoutl Uaces Contemp'European Union: Multidisciplinary ViewsFilibrary SeriesbEuropean Union Peacebuilding and Policing: Governance and The European Security and Defence PolicyRoutl Adv Eur PolitEuropean Union PoliticsEur Union Polit7European Union's Eco-management and Audit Scheme (emas)Eco-effic Ind Sci?European Union Security Dynamics - in The New National InterestNew Secur ChallGEuropean Union's Roles in International Politics: Concepts and AnalysisRoutl Ecpr Stud Eur#European Urban and Regional StudiesEur Urban Reg StudEuropean UrologyEur UrolEuropean Urology SupplementsEur Urol Suppl/European Warfare in A Global Context, 1660-1815 Warfare HistEEuropean Welfare States and Supranational Governance of Social PolicySt Antonys Ser'European Wireless Technology ConferenceEuro Wirel Technol C*European Workshop On Optical Fibre SensorsP Soc Photo-opt InsEuropean Workshop On PlanningLect Notes Artif IntCEuropean Workshop On Smart Structures in Engineering and TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins/European Yearbook of International Economic LawEur Yearb Int Econ L4European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2010Eur Yearb Int Econ L0Europe-asia Relations: Building MultilateralismsPalg Stud Eur Un Pol0Europe-asia Relations: Building MultilateralismsPalgrave Stud Eur UnEurope-asia StudiesEurope-asia StudAEurope, Canada and The Comprehensive Economic and Trade AgreementRout Stud Governance1Europe, Globalization and Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironm Polit SerEurope in Change Eur Change4Europe in Transition-the Nyu European Studies SeriesEur Transit-nyu Eur5Europe in Transition: The Nyu European Studies SeriesEur Transit Nyu Eur!Europe-revue Litteraire MensuelleEurope-rev Lit MensMEurope's Automotive Industry On The Move: Competitiveness in A Changing World Zew Econ Stud?Europes Medicinal Products : Present Realities and Future Plans Colloq InsenEurope's Troubled Region: Economic Development, Institutional Reform and Social Welfare in The Western BalkansRoutl Stud Dev Econ(Europharmacy 93: Common Cold Study ForumRoy Soc Med Int CongEurophysics Letters Europhys LettEuroplastics Monthly Europlast MonEuropto Series Europto Ser'Euroscepticism and European IntegrationPoli Sci Res Cent Fo9Euroschool Lectures On Physics With Exotic Beams, Vol IiiLect Notes PhysEurosensors Xii, Vols 1 and 2 Sensors SerEurosensor Xxiv ConferenceProcedia Engineer2Eurosilva - Contribution to Forest Tree Physiology Colloq InraEurosla Yearbook Eurosla YbEurosla Yearbook, 2001 Eurosla YbEurosla Yearbook, Vol 5 2005 Eurosla YbEurosla Yearbook, Vol 6 2006 Eurosla Yb Euro-spectra Euro-spectraEurosurveillanceEurosurveillanceSEuroteca Direct 91 : European Engineering Research and Technology Transfer Congress Imeche Sem6Eurotech Direct 91 : Computers in Engineering IndustryProc Inst Mech Eng S$Eurotech Direct 91 : Machine SystemsProc Inst Mech Eng S,Eurotech Direct 91 : Materials and ProcessesProc Inst Mech Eng S-Eurotech Direct 91 : Thermofluids EngineeringProc Inst Mech Eng S%Eusebius Von Casarea Als HareseographPatrist Texte Stud6Eustathii Thessalonicensis De Emendanda Vita MonachicaCorpus Font Hist Byz_Eu's Transformative Power: Europeanization Through Conditionality in Central and Eastern EuropePalgrave Stud Eur UnEuthanasia, Ethics and The LawBiomed Law Ethics LiGEuthanasia in The Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy KillingInt Libr Eth Law New7Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt InsJEuv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy and Atomic PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Euv, X-ray, and Neutron Optics and SourcesP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Euv, X-ray, and Neutron Optics and Sources Proc Spie3Euwit: 2008 European Wireless Technology ConferenceEuro Wirel Technol C3Euwit: 2009 European Wireless Technology ConferenceEuro Wirel Technol C<Eux, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEvaluating Adam SmithRoutl Stud Hist Econ,Evaluating Childrens Books : A Critical Look Allerton Pa&Evaluating Climate Change Action Plans Envir Sci R:Evaluating Clinical Audit: Past Lessons, Future DirectionsRoy Soc Med Int CongMEvaluating Competencies: Forensic Assessments and Instruments, Second EditionPerspect Law Psychol`Evaluating Derivatives: Principles and Techniques of Algorithmic Differentiation, Second EditionOther Titl Appl Math9Evaluating Educational Reforms: Scandinavian Perspectives Eval Societ8Evaluating Effectiveness of Primary Prevention of Cancer Iarc Sci Publ5Evaluating Electronic Portfolios in Teacher EducationRes Methods Educ TecEvaluating Feynman IntegralsSpringer Tr Mod PhyshEvaluating Hospital Policy and Performance: Contributions From Hospital Policy and Productivity ResearchAdv Health Econ HealEvaluating Intelligent Transportation Systems, Advanced Traveler Information Systems, and Other Artificial Intelligence ApplicationsTransport Res Rec)Evaluating Marketing Actions and OutcomesAdv Bus Mark PurchEvaluating New TechnologiesInt Libr Eth Law TecAEvaluating Online Learning: Challenges and Strategies for SuccessEduc Compet Glob Wor&Evaluating Social Development Projects Dev GuidelGEvaluating Social Programs and Problems: Visions for The New Millennium Clar Symp7Evaluating Success and Failure in Post-communist ReformKeck Ctr Int St StudEEvaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information AccessLect Notes Comput ScwEvaluating Technology in Teacher Education: Lessons From The Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers for Technology (pt3) ProgramRes Methods Educ Tec@Evaluating Theory-practice and Urban-rural Interplay in PlanningGeoj Lib@Evaluating Theory-practice and Urban-rural Interplay in PlanningGeojournal LibBEvaluating The Upgrading of Technical Courses At Two-year Colleges Adv Prog Eval9Evaluating User Experience in Games: Concepts and MethodsHum-comput Int-sprin#Evaluation & The Health ProfessionsEval Health ProfVEvaluation and Decision Models With Multiple Criteria: Stepping Stones for The AnalystInt Ser Oper Res ManIEvaluation and Development: Proceedings of The 1994 World Bank Conference World B OpEvaluation and Program PlanningEval Program PlannEvaluation and Society Eval SocietEvaluation in PlanningGeoj LibEvaluation in PlanningGeojournal Lib=Evaluation, Inspection and Monitoring of Structural IntegrityFracture Mech SympEEvaluation of Advanced Semiconductor Materials By Electron MicroscopyNato Adv Sci I B-phy*Evaluation of Certain Contaminants in FoodWho Tech Rep Ser$Evaluation of Certain Food AdditivesWho Tech Rep Ser1Evaluation of Certain Food Additives, 51st ReportWho Tech Rep Ser5Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and ContaminantsWho Tech Rep SerBEvaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants, 53rd ReportWho Tech Rep Ser'Evaluation of Certain Food ContaminantsWho Tech Rep Ser6Evaluation of Certain Veterinary Drug Residues in FoodWho Tech Rep SerCEvaluation of Certain Veterinary Drug Residues in Food, 52nd ReportWho Tech Rep SerPEvaluation of Digital Libraries: An Insight Into Useful Applications and MethodsChandos Inf Prof SerAEvaluation of Educational Programmes : Methods, Uses and Benefits Eur Educ REvaluation of Electronic VotingLect Notes Bus Inf P,Evaluation of Forest Policies and ProgrammesEur Forest Inst ProcZEvaluation of Genetically Altered Medflies for Use in Sterile Insect Techniques Programmes Iaea Pan P@Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc6Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software EngineeringComm Com Inf ScZEvaluation of Persistence and Long-range Transport of Organic Chemicals in The Environment Setac Sp P;Evaluation of Public Services and Public Services Personnel Allerton PaGEvaluation of Resources Exploitable By Small-scale Fisheries in Senegal Colloq Semi%Evaluation of Text and Speech SystemsText Speech Lang Tec0Evaluation of Transportation Investment ProjectsRoutl Adv Manag Bus?Evaluation of Worldwide Digital Reference Services in LibrariesChandos Inf Prof SerEvaluation Practice Eval PractEvaluation QuarterlyEvaluation QuartEvaluation ReviewEvaluation RevsEvaluations of Process Modeling Grammars: Ontological, Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses Using The Example BpmnLect Notes Bus Inf P<Evaluer Et Valoriser: Une Sociologie Economique De La MesureSocio-logiques(Evangelical Missiological Society SeriesEvangel Missiol SocZEvangelium Und Gesetz: Eine Systematisch-theologische Reflexion Zu Karl Barths PredigtwerkTheol Bibl Topelmann!Evaporites Through Space and TimeGeol Soc Spec PublEve Kosofsky SedgwickRoutl Crit ThinkersEventEventEventfulness in British Fiction Narratologia,Event-related Dynamics of Brain OscillationsProg Brain Res.Ever-illuminating Wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas P Wethers IHEveryday Economic Practices: The 'hidden Transcripts' of Egyptian VoicesNew Polit Econ SerCEveryday Innovators: Researching The Role of Users in Shaping Ict'sComp Support Comp W)Everyday Life During The Neolithic Period Doc Arch Fr.Everyday Miracle : Yiddish Culture in Montreal Doss Queb S7Everyday Nationalism: Women of The Hindu Right in IndiaEthnogr Polit ViolenNEveryday Resilience of The City - How Cities Respond to Terrorism and DisasterNew Secur ChallEve's ChildrenThemes Bibl NarrEvidence & Policy Evid PolicyEvidence and Decision MakingYearb Natl Soc Stud5Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative MedicineEvid-based Compl AltHEvidence-based Librarianship: Case Studies and Active Learning ExercisesChandos Inf Prof Ser.Evidence-based Medicine: A Critical AssessmentRoy Soc Med Int Cong"Evidence for Linguistic RelativityAmst Stud Theory HiscEvidentiality and Epistemic Modality in Spanish (semi-)auxiliaries: A Cognitive-functional ApproachAppl Cogn Linguist:Evlauation of Cross-language Information Retrieval SystemsLect Notes Comput ScEEvoked Potentials-electroencephalography and Clinical NeurophysiologyEvoked PotentialEvoked Potentials Review Evok Pot REvoked Potentials Review, No 4 Evok Pot R Evolution Evolution)Evolution Algebras and Their ApplicationsLect Notes MathEvolution & DevelopmentEvol Dev1Evolution and Development of The Brachiopod ShellSpec Pap Palaeontol9Evolution and History of Human Populations in South Asia:Vertebr Paleobiol PaEvolution and Human BehaviorEvol Hum Behav7Evolution and Learning: The Baldwin Effect ReconsideredLife Mind-philos Iss=Evolution and Palaeobiology of Early Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs Sp Palaeont=Evolution and Palaeobiology of Early Sauropodomorph DinosaursSpec Pap Palaeontol=Evolution and Palaeobiology of Early 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Evol BiolIEvolutionary Biology of Host-parasite Relationships: Theory Meets Reality Dev An Vet$Evolutionary Biology of The BivalviaGeol Soc Spec PublEvolutionary Biology, Vol 28 Evol BiolEvolutionary Biology, Vol 29 Evol BiolEvolutionary Biology, Vol 30 Evol BiolEvolutionary Biology, Vol 31 Evol BiolEvolutionary Biology, Vol 32 Evol BiolEvolutionary Biology, Vol 33 Evol BiolEvolutionary Computation Evol ComputCEvolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Evolutionary Computation in PracticeStud Comput IntellYEvolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNEvolutionary Design of Intelligent Systems in Modeling, Simulation and ControlStud Comput Intell.Evolutionary Dynamics and Extensive Form GamesEcon Learn Soc EvolEvolutionary Ecology Evol EcolEvolutionary Ecology Research Evol Ecol ResEvolutionary Economic GeographyRoutl Stud Glob Comp)Evolutionary Economics: Program and Scope Rec Econ Th/Evolutionary Epistemology, Language and Culture Theor Dec A/Evolutionary Epistemology, Language and CultureTheory Decis Lib A0Evolutionary Genetics of Plant-microbe Symbioses Agron Res Dev)Evolutionary Multi-criterion OptimizationLect Notes Comput Sc6Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScZEvolutionary Multi-objective Optimization in Uncertain Environments: Issues and AlgorithmsStud Comput Intell8Evolutionary Perspectives On Human Reproductive BehaviorAnn Ny Acad Sci&Evolutionary Phenomena in The Universe Ital Phy So&Evolutionary Processes in Binary StarsNato Adv Sci Inst Se2Evolutionary Processes in Interacting Binary StarsIau Symp(Evolutionary Processes in World PoliticsEvol Proc World PolEvolutionary Programming Iv Com Adap SyEvolutionary Psychology Evol PsycholEvolutionary PsychologyEvol Psychol-us8Evolutionary Psychology and Information Systems ResearchIntegr Ser Inform SyEvolutionary SchedulingStud Comput Intell|Evolutionary Statistical Procedures: An Evolutionary Computation Approach to Statistical Procedures Designs and ApplicationsStat Comput Ser_Evolutionary Swarm Robotics: Evolving Self-organising Behaviours in Groups of Autonomous RobotsStud Comput IntellEvolutionary Theory Evol Theor)Evolutionary Tinkering in Gene ExpressionNato Adv Sci I A-lifEvolutionary Trends in PlantsEvol Trend PlantEvolution As Computation Nat Comp Ser!Evolution, Cognition, and Realism Cps Pub P SEvolution EquationsLect Notes Pure ApplHEvolution Equations and Their Applications in Physical and Life SciencesLect Notes Pure ApplSEvolution Equations: Applications to Physics, Industry, Life Sciences and Economics Prog NonlinSEvolution Equations: Applications to Physics, Industry, Life Sciences and EconomicsProg Nonlinear Diffe7Evolution Equations, Control Theory, and BiomathematicsLect Notes Pure Appl7Evolution Equations, Semigroups and Functional Analysis Prog Nonlin7Evolution Equations, Semigroups and Functional AnalysisProg Nonlinear Diffe(Evolution From Cellular to Social ScalesNato Sec Sci B PhysEvolution in Astrophysics Esa Sp PublEvolution Inclusions and Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing Ii: Differential-operator Inclusions and Evolution Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing Adv Mech MathEvolution Inclusions and Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing I: Operator Inclusions and Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing Adv Mech MathEvolution in Dialysis AdequacyContrib NephrolwEvolution of An Andean Margin: A Tectonic and Magmatic View From The Andes to The Neuquen Basin (35 Deg - 39 Deg S Lat)Geol Soc Am Spec PapQEvolution of Animal Communication: Reliability and Deception in Signaling Systems Mg Beh Ecol-Evolution of Binary and Multiple Star Systems Astr Soc P5Evolution of Chinese Medicine: Song Dynasty, 960-1200Needham Res Inst Ser"Evolution of Communication SystemsVienna S Theor Biol"Evolution of Communication SystemsVienna Ser Theor BioSEvolution of Concepts and 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Ciba F Symp1Evolution of Infectious Agents in Relation to SexAnn Ny Acad Sci=Evolution of Information Technology in Educational ManagementInt Fed Info Proc9Evolution of Interstellar Matter and Dynamics of Galaxies Cts Workshop4Evolution of Italian Enterprises in The 20th Century Contrib Econ@Evolution of Markets for Water: Theory and Practice in AustraliaNew Horiz Environ Ec/Evolution of Massive Stars, Mass Loss and WindsEas PublicationsEvolution of Metabolic PathwaysRecent Adv PhytochemEvolution of MicrosurgeryDev Ophthalmol-Evolution of Non-expected Utility PreferencesLect Notes Econ MathEvolution of Nordic FinancePalgr Mac Stud Bank!Evolution of Scientific KnowledgeNew Hor Inst Evol Ec!Evolution of Scientific KnowledgeNew Horiz Inst Evol:Evolution of Silicon Sensor Technology in Particle PhysicsSpringer Tr Mod PhysEvolution of Starbursts Aip Conf Proc:Evolution of Stars : The Photospheric Abundance ConnectionIau SympHEvolution of Subterranean Mammals At The Organismal and Molecular LevelsProg Clin Biol Res1Evolution of Surface and Thin Film MicrostructureMater Res Soc Symp P"Evolution of The Earth and PlanetsGeoph Monog Series&Evolution of The First Nervous SystemsNato Adv Sci I A-lifMEvolution of The Levant Margin and Western Arabia Platform Since The MesozoicGeol Soc Spec PublEvolution of The Milky WayAstrophys Space Sc LEvolution of The PsycheHum Ev Beh & IntelleEvolution of The Rheic Ocean: From Avalonian-cadomian Active Margin to Alleghenian-variscan CollisionGeol Soc Am Spec Pap%Evolution of The Universe of Galaxies Astr Soc PAEvolution of The Us Airline Industry: Theory, Strategy and PolicyStud Ind Organ<Evolution of The Web in Artificial Intelligence EnvironmentsStud Comput Intell1Evolution of Thin-film and Surface MicrostructureMater Res Soc Symp P;Evolution of Thin Film and Surface Structure and MorphologyMater Res Soc Symp P;Evolution of Thin Film Morphology: Modeling and SimulationsSpringer Ser Mater SEvolution of X-ray Binaries Aip Conf ProcEvolution PsychiatriqueEvol PsychiatrEvolution Und Menschwerdung Nova Act Lc1Evolution, Variation, and Classification of PalmsMem New York Botan G+Evolvable Systems: From Biology to HardwareLect Notes Comput Sc8Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScEvolving American PresidencyEvol Am Presid>Evolving Arab City: Tradition, Modernity and Urban DevelopmentPlan Hist Environ SeBEvolving Continents: Understanding Processes of Continental GrowthGeol Soc Spec PublJEvolving Fuzzy Systems - Methodologies, Advanced Concepts and ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp3Evolving Methods for Macromolecular CrystallographyNato Sci Ser Ii MathEvolving Models of Language Brit S Ap L0Evolving Openmp in An Age of Extreme ParallelismLect Notes Comput Sc;Evolving Roles and Expectations of Steelmaking Refractories Mcmaster SEEvolving Sun and Its Influence On Planetary Environments, Proceedings Astr Soc P=Evolving Technologies for The Competitive Edge, Books 1 and 2Int Sampe Tech Conf Evolving Transportation NetworksTransp Res Econ PolEvolving Undergraduate Major Am Acad PeE-voting and IdentityLect Notes Comput Sc"E-voting and Identity, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Ew 103: Tactical Battlefield Communications Electronic WarfareArtech Hse Elec RadEweekEweekAEwork and Ebusiness in Architecture, Engineering and ConstructionProc Monogr Eng WateExact Exponential AlgorithmsTexts Theor Comput SNExact Treatment of Finite-dimensional and Infinite-dimensional Quantum Systems Math Res Dev4Examinations : Comparative and International Studies Comp Int Ed8Examining The Big Bang and Diffuse Background RadiationsIau SympMExamples of Resource Inventory and Monitoring in National Parks of California Usdi Tran PNExceedingly Nietzsche: Aspects of Contemporary Nietzsche-interpretation, Vol 4Rout Libr Ed-friedriExcellence in Higher Education Wenn Gr IntExceptional ChildrenExcept Children4Exceptionalism and The Politics of Counter-terrorismRoutl Stud Lib SecurExceptionalityExceptionalitydExceptionally Preserved Conchostracans and Other Crustaceans From The Upper Carboniferous of IrelandSpec Pap PalaeontolIExchange of Trace Gases Between Terrestrial Ecosystems and The Atmosphere Life Sci R1Exchange-organizational Behavior Teaching JournalExchangeKExchange Processes At The Land Surface for A Range of Space and Time Scales Iahs-aish PExchange Rate Policy in EuropeAppl Econom Ass Ser)Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic DynamicsAppl Economet Ass Se<Excimer Laser Materials Processing and Beam Delivery SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsExcimer LasersNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Excimer Lasers and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Excimer Lasers and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFExcimer Lasers : Applications, Beam Delivery Systems, and Laser DesignP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Excimer Lasers, Optics, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGExcitation-contraction Coupling in Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth MuscleAdv Exp Med BiolCExcitations in Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional Quantum FluidsNato Adv Sci I B-phy)Excitatory Amino Acids and Brain Ischemia Adv Biosci'Excitatory Amino Acids: Ten Years Later Biom Hlth R'Excitatory Amino Acids: Ten Years LaterBiomed Health Res)Excited Polaron States in Condensed Media Proc NonlinExcited StatesExcited States Excli JournalExcli J^Exclusion and Hierarchy: Orthodoxy, Nonobservance, and The Emergence of Modern Jewish IdentityJew Cult ContextExclusionary Politics of AsylumMigrat Minor CitizenRExclusive Production of Neutral Vector Mesons At The Electron-proton Collider HeraSpringer Tr Mod PhysIExcrement in The Late Middle Ages: Sacred Filth and Chaucer's FecopoeticsNew Middle Ages$Executable Modal and Temporal LogicsLect Notes Artif IntKExecution Techniques, True Trading Costs, and The Microstructure of MarketsIcfa Cont Educ Ser\Executive Agency Revolution in Whitehall: Public Interest Versus Bureau-shaping Perspectives Transform GovAExecutive Functions and The Frontal Lobes: A Lifespan PerspectiveStud Neuropsychol NeBExemplaria-a Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies ExemplariaxExemplifikationen Und Regelbeispiele: Eine Untersuchung Zum 100-jahrigen Beitrag Von Adolf Wach Zur Legislativen TechnikSchr Juris Zeitgesch#Exercise and Sport Sciences ReviewsExerc Sport Sci Rev#Exercise and Sport Sciences ReviewsExercise Sport Sci R*Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews/seriesExercise Sport Sci R4Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, Volume 28, 1998Exercise Sport Sci R#Exercise, Calories, Fat, and CancerAdv Exp Med BiolExercise GenomicsMol Transl MedExercise Immunology ReviewExerc Immunol Rev:Exercise of Public Authority By International InstitutionsBeitr Ausl Offentl R+Exercise Standards and Malpractice ReporterExerc Stand MalpractExeter Maritime Studies Exet Mari SExhaled BiomarkersEur Respir Monogr@Exhumation Associated With Continental Strike-slip Fault SystemsGeol Soc Am Spec PapExileExile(Exile and Return Among The East TimoreseContemp Ethnogr?Exilees, Marginal Figures and Pariahs in Francophone Literature Coll Dont ActGExiles, Emigres and Intermediaries: Anglo-italian Cultural Transactions Int For LitGExiles, Emigres and Intermediaries: Anglo-italian Cultural TransactionsInt Forsch Allg VglExiles TravelingAmst Beitr Neuer Ger/Ex-im Bank in The 21st Century: A New Approach? Sr Inst IntgExistence and Regularity Properties of The Integrated Density of States of Random Schrodinger OperatorsLect Notes Math)Existence, Historical Fabulation, DestinyAnalecta HusserlExistence: Semantics and SyntaxStud Linguist Philos'Existential Graphs of Charles S. PeirceApproach Appl Semiot"Existentialism of Jean-paul SartreRout Stud Tw Cen PhilExistenzproblematik Und Erzahlstrategie: Studien Zum Parabolischen Erzahlen in Der Kurzprosa Von Ernst Weiss Stud Deut Lit/Exit-architecture: Design Between War and PeaceTrace Transm RhetorExo-/astro-biology Esa Sp PublExo-/astro-biology Esa Spec Publ7Exocyclic Dna Adducts in Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis Iarc Sci PublExogenous DermatologyCurr Probl Dermatol+Exogenous Factors in Colonic Carcinogenesis Falk Symp)Exoplanet Atmospheres: Physical Processes Pr S Astrop3Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity Aip Conf Proc:Exoplanets: Detection, Formation, Properties, HabitabilitySpringer-prax Books;Exoskeletons in Rehabilitation Robotics: Tremor SuppressionSpringer Trac Adv Ro Exotic Ants Westv Stud Exotic Aquatic Organisms in AsiaAsian Fish Soc SpecExotic Clustering Aip Conf ProcExotic Nuclear ExcitationsSpringer Trac Mod PhExotic Nuclear Systems Aip Conf Proc5Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear /particle Astrophysics (ii) Aip Conf ProcKExotic Nuclei and Nuclear - Particle Astrophysics Iii: From Nuclei to Stars Aip Conf ProcExotic Pet PracticeExot Pet Pract4Exotic Stars As Challenges to Evolution, Proceedings Astr Soc P6Expanding Access to Health Care: A Management ApproachTransform Tr Gov Dem'Expanding Colleges and New Universities Acta Univ UmExpanding Frontiers of Global Trade Rules: The Political Economy Dynamics of The International Trading SystemRoutl Stud Mod WorldJExpanding Indications for The New Macrolides, Azalides, and Streptogramins Infec Dis TOExpanding Roles for Horticulture in Improving Human Well-being and Life Quality Acta HorticPExpanding The Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Pts 1 and 2Inform Comm Tech Kno<Expanding The Production and Use of Cool Season Food LegumesCurr Plant Sci Biot&Expanding Worlds of General Relativity Einstein St"Expansion of Trade and Fdi in AsiaRout Contemp Asia"Expansion of Trade and Fdi in AsiaRoutl Contemp Asia)Expansions and Asymptotics for StatisticsMonogr Stat Appl Pro@Expected Effects of Climatic Change On Marine Coastal Ecosystems Dev HydrobiExperience of Economic Redistribution: The Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy in South AfricaAfr Stud-hist Polit/Experience, Reality, and Scientific ExplanationW Ont Ser Philos ScikExperiences With Community Action Projects: New Research in The Prevention of Alcohol & Other Drug ProblemsCsap Prevent Monogr8Experience With The Management of Software Projects 1992 Ann R Aut P Experientia ExperientiaExperientia Supplementa Exp SupplExperientia Supplementa Exper SupplExperientia SupplementumExperientia SupplExperimental Aging Research Exp Aging ResExperimental AgricultureExp AgrExperimental AlgorithmicsLect Notes Comput Sc$Experimental Algorithms, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Experimental & Applied AcarologyExp Appl Acarol"Experimental and Applied AcarologyExp Appl Acarol'Experimental and Clinical EndocrinologyExp Clin Endocrinol2Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & DiabetesExp Clin Endocr Diab$Experimental and Clinical Hepatology Int Congr Ser(Experimental and Clinical ImmunogeneticsExp Clin Immunogenet/Experimental and Clinical Liver Transplantation Int Congr Ser&Experimental and Clinical Neuroscience Exp Clin Ne,Experimental and Clinical PsychopharmacologyExp Clin Psychopharm)Experimental and Clinical TransplantationExp Clin Transplant3Experimental and Efficienct Algorithms, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Experimental and Efficient AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput Sc2Experimental and Efficient Algorithms, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Experimental and Molecular Approaches to Plant BiosystematicsMonog Syst Botan#Experimental and Molecular Medicine Exp Mol Med$Experimental and Molecular PathologyExp Mol PatholnExperimental and Numerical Methods for Solving Ill-posed Inverse Problems: Medical and Nonmedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Experimental and Numerical Methods in Earthquake Engineering Euro ReliabEExperimental and Theoretical Advances in Biological Pattern FormationNato Adv Sci Inst SeEExperimental and Theoretical Investigations of Steel-fibrous ConcreteSpringer Ser Geomech5Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness Ciba F Symp%Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine Exp Ther Med&Experimental and Toxicologic PathologyExp Toxicol PatholExperimental AnimalsExp Anim Tokyo1Experimental Approaches to Anxiety and Depression Biol Coun S/Experimental Approaches to Diabetic RetinopathyFront DiabetesExperimental Astronomy Exp AstronExperimental BiologyExp Biol!Experimental Biology and Medicine Exp Biol M!Experimental Biology and Medicine Exp Biol MedExperimental Biology ReviewsExptl Biol RevExperimental Brain Research Exp Brain Res"Experimental Brain Research Series Exp Br ResExperimental Cell Biology Exp Cell BiolExperimental Cell Research Exp Cell ResExperimental Chaos Aip Conf Proc0Experimental Cosmology At Millimetre Wavelengths Aip Conf ProcExperimental Dermatology Exp DermatolExperimental Diabesity ResearchExp Diabesity ResExperimental Diabetes ResearchExp Diabetes ResExperimental EconomicsExp Econ5Experimental Embryology in Aquatic Plants and AnimalsNato Adv Sci I A-lifExperimental Eye Research Exp Eye ResExperimental Fluid MechanicsExp Fluid MechExperimental Gerontology Exp GerontolExperimental Headache Models Fr Head ResExperimental Heat TransferExp Heat TransferRExperimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 1993, Vols 1 and 2Els Ser Therm FluidExperimental Hematology Exp HematolExperimental Horticulture Exp HorticExperimental Lung Research Exp Lung ResExperimental MathematicsExp MathExperimental MechanicsExp Mech=Experimental Mechanics in Nano and Biotechnology, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat=Experimental Mechanics in Nano and Biotechnology, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater[Experimental Mechanics : Technology Transfer Between High Tech Engineering and Biomechanics Clin Asp B=Experimental Mechanics, Theoretical and Experimental Research VDI Bericht!Experimental Medicine and Surgery Exp Med Surg:Experimental Methods in Engine Research and Development 91 Imeche Sem*Experimental Methods in Hydraulic ResearchGeoplanet-earth PlanBExperimental Models for Renal Diseases: Pathogenesis and DiagnosisContrib Nephrol0Experimental Models in Obstetrics and Gynecology Adv Gyn ObsExperimental Mycology Exp Mycol6Experimental Nations: Or, The Invention of The MaghrebTransl TransnatExperimental Nephrology Exp NephrolExperimental Neurology Exp Neurol&Experimental Nuclear Physics in Europe Aip Conf ProcExperimental Oncology Exp OncolExperimental Parasitology Exp ParasitolExperimental PathologyExp Pathol-jenaExperimental Physiology Exp PhysiolExperimental Plant VirologyAdv Top Sci Tech ChiExperimental PragmaticsPalg Stud Pragm LangExperimental Psychology Exp Psychol0Experimental Reports of Equine Health LaboratoryExp Rep Equine HealExperimental RoboticsSpr Tra Adv RobotExperimental RoboticsSpringer Trac Adv RoExperimental Robotics IxSpr Tra Adv RobotExperimental Robotics IxSpringer Trac Adv RoExperimental Robotics VLect Notes Contr InfExperimental Robotics ViLect Notes Contr InfExperimental Robotics ViiLect Notes Contr InfExperimental Robotics ViiiSpr Tra Adv RobotExperimental Robotics ViiiSpringer Trac Adv RoExperimental TechniquesExp Techniques;Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials 3 Key Eng Mat;Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials 3 Key Eng Mater;Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials 5 Key Eng Mat;Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials 5 Key Eng Mater&Experimental Thermal and Fluid ScienceExp Therm Fluid Sci'Experimental Unsaturated Soil MechanicsSpringer Proc PhysjExperiment and Natural Philosophy in Seventeenth-century Tuscany: The History of The Accademia Del CimentoSt Hist Phil Sci SerExperimentelle PathologieExp Pathol-jena9Experimenting With Dynamic Macromodels: Growth and CyclesLect Notes Econ Math-Experiments in Catalytic Reaction EngineeringStud Surf Sci CatalExperiments in Fluids Exp Fluids6Experiments in Unit Operations and Processing of Foods Iseki-food#Expert Fuzzy Information ProcessingStud Fuzz Soft Comp$Expertise: Research and Applications Exp Res Appl$Expert Opinion On Biological TherapyExpert Opin Biol ThExpert Opinion On Drug DeliveryExpert Opin Drug Del Expert Opinion On Drug DiscoveryExpert Opin Drug Dis.Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism & ToxicologyExpert Opin Drug MetExpert Opinion On Drug SafetyExpert Opin Drug Saf Expert Opinion On Emerging DrugsExpert Opin Emerg Dr'Expert Opinion On Investigational DrugsExpert Opin Inv Drug!Expert Opinion On PharmacotherapyExpert Opin Pharmaco%Expert Opinion On Therapeutic PatentsExpert Opin Ther Pat%Expert Opinion On Therapeutic TargetsExpert Opin Ther Tar-Expert Psychological Testimony for The CourtsClarem Bk Ser App So#Expert Review of Anticancer TherapyExpert Rev Anticanc'Expert Review of Anti-infective TherapyExpert Rev Anti-infe$Expert Review of Clinical ImmunologyExpert Rev Clin ImmuExpert Review of HematologyExpert Rev Hematol Expert Review of Medical DevicesExpert Rev Med Devic&Expert Review of Molecular DiagnosticsExpert Rev Mol Diagn"Expert Review of NeurotherapeuticsExpert Rev NeurotherExpert Review of ProteomicsExpert Rev ProteomicExpert Review of VaccinesExpert Rev Vaccines$Expert Reviews in Molecular MedicineExpert Rev Mol MedExpert Systems Expert Syst-Expert Systems for Environmental Applications Acs Sym SerExpert Systems in EngineeringLect Notes Artif Int Expert Systems With ApplicationsExpert Syst ApplnExplaining Change in Russian Foreign Policy: The Role of Ideas in Post-soviet Russias Conduct Towards The WestSt Antonys Ser=Explaining Communication: Contemporary Theories and ExemplarsLea Commun SeriExplaining Federalism: State, Society and Congruence in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany and SwitzerlandRoutl Ser Fed Stud8Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory Synth Libr6Explaining Global Poverty: A Critical Realist ApproachRoutl Stud Crit RealAExplaining Individual Differences in Reading: Theory and EvidenceNew Dir Commun D ResExplaining War and PeaceContemp Secur StudExplanation and Its Limits Roy Inst Ph4Explanation: Theoretical Approaches and Applications Synth Libr Explicacion De Textos LiterariosExpl Textos Lit Explicator ExplicatorRExplicit Stability Conditions for Continuous Systems: Functional Analytic ApproachLect Notes Contr Inf;Explo 2007 Blasting: Techniques and Technology, ProceedingsAustralas I Min MetFExplo 95 - Exploring The Role of Rock Breakage in Mining and QuarryingAustralas I Min Met4Explo'99: A Conference On Rock Breaking, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met&Exploitation of Fine-grain ParallelismLect Notes Comput Sc;Exploitation of Linkage Learning in Evolutionary AlgorithmsAdapt Learn Optim<Exploiting New Image Sources and Sensors, 26th Aipr WorkshopP Soc Photo-opt InsTExploiting The Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications and Case Studies, Pts 1 and 2Inform Comm Tech Kno9Exploration and Meaning Making in The Learning of ScienceInnov Sci Educ TechnExploration and Mining GeologyExplor Min GeolExploration BritainGeol Soc Spec PublExploration GeophysicsExplor GeophysExploration of Lexicons Ciral Pub BXExploration of Small Bodies in The Solar System: I. Initial Results and Future Prospects Adv Space ResXExploration of Small Bodies in The Solar System: I. 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Contemporary MethodologyNato Sci Peace Secur7Exposure Assessment for Epidemiology and Hazard Control Ind Hyg Sci8Expounding The Mathematical Seed, Vol 1: The TranslationSci Netw Hist Stud8Expounding The Mathematical Seed, Vol 2: The SupplementsSci Netw Hist Stud9Expression and Interpretation of Negation: An Ot TypologyStud Nat Lang Lingui"Expression of Cognitive CategoriesExpr Cogn CategExpression of ModalityExpr Cogn CategExpression of PossessionExpr Cogn Categ5Expression of Recombinant Genes in Eukaryotic SystemsMethod EnzymolExpression of TimeExpr Cogn CategEExpression Patterns of Matrix Genes During Human Skeletal DevelopmentProg Histochem CytocExpressions MaghrebinesExpr MaghrebinesGExpressions of Cambodia: The Politics of Tradition, Identity and ChangeRoutl Cont Se Asia S1Expressions of Drunkenness (four Hundred Rabbits)Icap Ser Alcohol SocExpress Polymer LettersExpress Polym Lett#Expulsion of The Jews: 1492 & After Garl S RenaisExsExs)Ex Situ Biological Treatment Technologies Bioremed SerFExtendable Rationality: Understanding Decision Making in OrganizationsOrgan Chang Innov:Extended Clinical Consulting By Hospital Computer NetworksAnn Ny Acad SciDExtended Defects in Germanium: Fundamental and Technological AspectsSpringer Ser Mater S9Extended Density Functionals in Nuclear Structure PhysicsLect Notes Phys!Extended Field of Operator Theory Oper Theor=Extending A Continent: Architecture, Rheology and Heat BudgetGeol Soc Spec Publ[Extending Schumacher's Concept of Total Accounting and Accountability Into The 21st CenturyAdv Public Inter AccVExtending The Horizons: Advances in Computing, Optimization, and Decision TechnologiesOper Res Comput SciJExtending The Reach of Powder Diffraction Modelling By User Defined MacrosMater Sci ForumNExtending The Scope of Corpus-based Research: New Applications, New Challenges Lang ComputExtensions of Logic ProgrammingLect Notes Artif Int=Extensions of Moser-bangert Theory: Locally Minimal SolutionsProg Nonlinear Diffe&Extensive Livestock Breeding Operation Etud Rech S4External Controls On Deep-water Depositional Systems Sepm Spec P4External Controls On Deep-water Depositional SystemsSoc Sediment Geol SpSExternal Dimension of Eu Justice and Home Affairs: Governance, Neighbours, SecurityPalgrave Stud Eur UnFExternal Finance for Private Sector Development: Appraisals and IssuesStud Dev Econ Policy<External Perceptions of The European Union As A Global ActorRoutl Garn Ser Eur W!Extracellular Matrix: An OverviewBiol Extracell MatrExtracellular Matrix ComponentsMethod EnzymolExtracellular Matrix ComponentsMethods EnzymolqExtracellular Matrix Components and Integrins in Relationship to Human Intestinal Epithelial Cell DifferentiationProg Histochem Cytoc Extracellular Matrix DegradationBiol Extracell Matr"Extracellular Matrix in The KidneyContrib NephroloExtracellular Matrix of The Uterus, Cervix and Fetal Membranes : Synthesis, Degradation and Hormonal Regulation Res Per MedExtracellular Nucleic AcidsNucleic Acids Mol BioExtracellular Nucleotides and Nucleosides: Release, Receptors, and Physiological and Pathophysiological EffectsCurr Top Membr;Extracellular Regulators of Differentiation and DevelopmentBiochem Soc SympVExtracting Knowledge From Time Series: An Introduction to Nonlinear Empirical ModelingSpringer Ser SynergGExtracting Meaning From Complex Data : Processing, Display, InteractionP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Extraction of Metabolites From Plant TissuesFood Sci Technol5Extraction, Refining, and Fabrication of Light Metals Cim An Conf"Extra Dimensions in Space and TimeMultiversal Journeys"Extragalactic Background Radiation Space Tel S!Extragalactic Gas At Low Redshift Astr Soc P'Extra-galactic Globular Cluster SystemsEso Astrophy SympCExtragalactic Infrared Background and Its Cosmological ImplicationsIau SympExtragalactic Radio SourcesIau SympExtragalactic Star ClustersIau SympOExtrageniculostriate Mechanisms Underlying Visually-guided Orientation BehaviorProg Brain Res-Extrahepatic Manifestations in Liver Diseases Falk SympExtraordinary BrainExtraordinary Brain'Extraordinary Learning in The WorkplaceInnov Chang Prof EduExtra-planar Gas Astr Soc P Extrapolation ExtrapolationExtrasolar Planets Saas Fee AdAExtrasolar Planets in Multi-body Systems: Theory and ObservationsEas Publications&Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow Astr Soc PNExtraverted and Energized: Review and Tests of Stress Moderation and MediationPsychol Emot Motiv A6Extreme Hydrological Events: New Concepts for SecurityNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear?Extreme Hydrological Events: Precipitation, Floods and Droughts Iahs-aish P.Extremely Large Telescopes: Which Wavelengths?P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Extremely Large Telescopes: Which Wavelengths? Proc Spie>Extreme Man-made and Natural Hazards in Dynamics of StructuresNato Sci Peace Secur"Extreme Photonics and ApplicationsNato Sci Peace Sec B>Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - Xp/agile Universe 2003Lect Notes Comput ScLExtreme Programming and Agile Methods - Xp/ Agile Universe 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLExtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Extreme Proterozoic Geology, Geochemistry and ClimateGeoph Monog Series5Extreme Proterozoic Geology, Geochemistry and ClimateGeophys Monogr SerExtreme Right in Western EuropeMaking Contemp WorldExtremesExtremes0Extremes: Oceanography's Adventures At The PolesMaury Worksh Hist Po.Extremes of The Extremes: Extraordinary Floods Iahs-aish PExtreme Solar Systems Astr Soc P-Extreme Statistics in Nanoscale Memory DesignIntegr Circuit Syst7Extreme Stress and Communities: Impact and InterventionNato Adv Sci Inst Se%Extreme Ultraviolet (euv) LithographyP Soc Photo-opt InsBExtreme Values in Finance, Telecommunications, and The Environment Mg Stat ProBExtreme Values in Finance, Telecommunications, and The EnvironmentMonogr Stat Appl Pro Extremophiles Extremophiles ExtremophilesMethod Microbiol7Extremum Problems for Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators Front MathEExxon Education Foundation Series On Rhetoric and Political Discourse Ex Ed Fdn R:Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and Effects in Alaskan WatersAm Soc Test MaterEyeEye0Eye & Contact Lens-science and Clinical PracticeEye Contact Lens$Eye and Vision Research DevelopmentsEye Vis Res Dev Eye BankingDev OphthalmolEye Ear Nose and Throat MonthlyEye Ear Nose Throat$Eye Infections, Blindness and MyopiaEye Vis Res DevEye Lens Membranes and Aging T Aging ResEye Movement ResearchStud Vis Inform ProcZEye Research Developments: Glaucoma, Corneal Transplantation, and Bacterial Eye InfectionsEye Vis Res Dev6Eyesafe Lasers : Components, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsEye's Aqueous HumorCurr Top MembrEye's Aqueous Humor, Edition 2Curr Top MembrHEye-transactions of The Ophthalmological Societies of The United KingdomEyeHEye-transactions of The Ophthalmological Societies of The United KingdomEye-t Ophth Soc UkEzra Pound and Europe Int For Lit;Ezra The Scribe: The Development of Ezra 7-10 and Nehemia 8Beih Z Alttest Wiss!Faa/nasa En Route Noise Symposium Nasa Conf PmFabrication and Characterization in The Micro-nano Range: New Trends for Two and Three Dimensional StructuresAdv Struct Mat1Fabrication and Properties of Lithium Ceramics Ii Adv CeramicEFabrication of Long-length and Bulk High Termperature Superconductors Ceram TransFabrication Technology Brit Cer Pr=Fabrication, Testing, and Reliability of Semiconductor LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Fabrication, Testing, and Reliability of Semiconductor Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAFabrication, Testing, and Reliability of Semiconductor Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFabric TestingWoodhead Publ TextFabrique Du Signe InterlanguesFabulaFabulavFacade Engineering - Outer Wall Cladding By Metal, Natural Stone, Glass, Ceramic, Fiber Cement : The New Din Standards VDI BerichtNFace Biometrics for Personal Identification: Multi-sensory Multi-modal SystemsSignals Commun TechnfFacelifts for Special Libraries: A Practical Guide to Revitalising Diverse Physical and Digital SpacesChandos Inf Prof Ser&Facets of Dyslexia and Its RemediationStud Vis Inform ProcFacial Plastic SurgeryFacial Plast SurgFaciesFacies;Facilitative Glucose Transporters in Articular ChondrocytesAdv Anat Embryol CelIFacilitative Leader in City Hall: Reexamining The Scope and ContributionsAm Soc Public Admin@Facility Location: Concepts, Models, Algorithms and Case StudiesContrib Manag SciJFacility Logistics: Approaches and Solutions to Next Generation ChallengesResource Manag-crcjFacing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security ConceptsHexag Ser Hum Enviro/Facing The Challenge in The Asia-pacific RegionCelrl Oc Mg SerHFacing The Challenge of Risk and Vulnerability in An Information Society Ifip Trans A]Facing The East in The West: Images of Eastern Europe in British Literature, Film and Culture Int For Lit]Facing The East in The West: Images of Eastern Europe in British Literature, Film and CultureInt Forsch Allg Vgl_Facing The Multicore-challenge: Aspects of New Paradigms and Technologies in Parallel ComputingLect Notes Comput ScFacing The OtherCurzon Jew Philos SFactoring Groups Into SubsetsLect Notes Pure Appl$Factorization and Integrable Systems Oper Theor$Factorization and Integrable SystemsOper Theory Adv Appl!Factorization in Integral DomainsLect Notes Pure ApplFFactorization of Matrix and Operator Functions: The State Space MethodOper Theory Adv ApplWFactors Influencing Mammalian Kidney Development: Implications for Health in Adult LifeAdv Anat Embryol CelGFactors Limiting Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in The Mediterranean Basin Colloq Inra?Factors of Soil Formation: A Fiftieth Anniversary RetrospectiveSssa Spec Publ1Facts, Fiction, and African Creative ImaginationsRoutl Afr Stud.Facts, Research and Intervention in GeriatricsFact Res Interv Ger7Failure Analysis and Fractography of Polymer CompositesWoodhead Publ MaterMFailure of American and British Propaganda in The Arab Middle East, 1945-1957Cold War Hist-palgr/Failure Rate Modelling for Reliability and RiskSpringer Ser Reliab0Fair: Flexible Algorithms for Image RegistrationFund Algorithms"Fairness in Bargaining and MarketsLect Notes Econ MathFairness in International TradeInt Soc Bus Econ Eth#Fair Value of Insurance LiabilitiesNyu Sa Ctr Ser F M IxFaisceaux Pervers Des Cycles Evanescents Des Varietes De Drinfeld Et Groupes De Cohomologie Du Modele De Deligne-carayolMem Soc Math FrFaith & Order Series Faith Ord S)Faith and Impiety in Revolutionary MexicoStud AmFaith and Order Papers Faith OrderbFaith and Well-being in Later Life: Linking Theories With Evidence in An Interdisciplinary InquiryRelig SpiritualdFaith Formation of The Laity in Catholic Schools: The Influence of Virtues and Spirituality SeminarsRes Relig EducFaith, Power, and ViolenceOrient Christ AnalecFaith to Creed Faith Ord S:Falklands Conflict Twenty Years On: Lessons for The FutureSandhurst Conf SerFalk Symposium Falk SympLFall 2000 45th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Conference Proceedings Atca Conf P5Fallible Authors: Chaucer's Pardoner and Wife of BathMiddle Ages SerFall of Detente Nobel Symp>Falls in Epileptic and Non-epileptic Seizures During Childhood Mariani F PMFamilial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy and Other Transthyretin Related Disorders Arq MedicinFamilial Cancer Fam Cancer[Families, Ageing and Social Policy: Intergenerational Solidarity in European Welfare States Glob Welf>Families in Society-the Journal of Contemporary Human ServicesFam Soc-j Contemp H?Families in Society-the Journal of Contemporary Social ServicesFam SocTFamilies of Conformally Covariant Differential Operators, Q-curvature and Holography Prog MathFamilyFamilyFamily & Community HealthFam Community Health&Family and Child Mental Health JournalFam Child Ment Heal6Family Art Therapy: Foundations of Theory and PracticeFam Ther Counsel,Family Authorship and Romantic Print CulturePalgrave Stud EnlighFamily Business Review Fam Bus RevFamily Coordinator Fam Coord:Family Farms: Survival and Prospect, A World-wide AnalysisRoutl Stud Hum GeogrFamily Health Psychology S Ap Psyc S"Family in America, Research Series Fam Amer R'Family in English Children's LiteratureChild Lit Cult^Family Investments in Children's Potential: Resources Parenting Behaviors That Promote Success Mon Parent!Family Issues in The 21st CenturyFam Iss 21st CenturyFamily Law Quarterly Fam Law QuartQFamily Life and Individual Welfare in Post-war Europe: Britain and Italy ComparedSt Antonys Ser:Family Life and Youth Offending: Home Is Where The Hurt IsRoutl Adv CriminolFamily Life CoordinatorFam Life Coodinator$Family Life: Roles, Bonds and ImpactFam Iss 21st CenturyFamily, Market and Community Oecd Soc P2Family, Medical Decision-making, and Biotechnology Philos MedFamily MedicineFam MedFamily Planning PerspectivesFam Plann PerspectFamily Practice Fam PractSFamily Practices in South Asian Muslim Families: Parenting in A Multi-faith BritainPalgr Mac Stud FamFamily Process Fam ProcessFamily Relations Fam Relat#Family School Community PartnershipFam Sch Commun PartFamily Therapy and CounselingFam Ther Counsel6Family Transcultural Consultation: The Borders of CareFam Iss 21st Century Family Violence Against Children Prev Int Ch!F&m-feinwerktechnik & MesstechnikF M-feinwerktech Mes2Fanfare-the Magazine for Serious Record CollectorsFanfareRFantastic in France and Russia in The Nineteenth Century: in Pursuit of HesitationStud Comp Lit SerFantastic Odysseys Contr Sci F^Fantasy of Family: Nineteenth-century Children's Literature and The Myth of The Domestic IdealChild Lit Cult&Fao Animal Production and Health Paper Fao Anim Pr4Fao Expert Consultation On Fish Technology in AfricaFao FishFao Fisheries ReportFao FishFao Land and Water BulletinFao Land Water Bull)Fao Plant Production and Protection Paper Fao Plant PFao Plant Protection BulletinFao Plant Protect B!Fao Research and Technology PaperFao Res Technol PapFao Water Reports Fao Water RepFaraday DiscussionsFaraday Discuss(Faraday Symposia of The Chemical SocietyFaraday Symp Chem S>Far- and Near-field Optics: Physics and Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsFar Eastern Survey Far East Sur7Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of The WorldPrinc Econ Hist W WoXFarewell to The Party Model: Independent Local Lists in East and West European CountriesResource Manag-crc/Far-fetched Facts: A Parable of Development AidInside Technol'Far Infrared and Submillimetre Universe Esa Sp PublFar-infrared Workshop 2007 - Far-infrared and Submillimeter Emission of The Interstellar Medium: Models Meet Extragalactic and Galactic ObservationsEas PublicationsFarmaciaFarmaciaFarmacoFarmacoFarmaco-edizione Pratica Farm Ed PratFarmaco-edizione ScientificaFarmacoFarmaco-edizione ScientificaFarmaco-ed SciFarmakologiya I ToksikologiyaFarmakol ToksikolFarm Animals Genetic Resources Bsas Publ#Farm Animals : It Pays to Be Humane Cas PaperFarm Building ProgressFarm Build Progr,Farm Building Research & Development StudiesFarm Build Res Dev SFarm ChemicalsFarm ChemicalsFarm Chemicals and Croplife Farm Chem<Farm Communities At The Crossroads: Challenge and Resistance Can Plain S^Farmers, Gene Banks and Crop Breeding: Economic Analyses of Diversity in Wheat, Maize and Rice Nat Res Man%Farming and Peasants in Latin America Colloq Semi8Farming Forever: Technologies for Better Crop ProductionAatse Inv SympUFarming for Health: Green-care Farming Across Europe and The United States of America Wag Ur FronFarm Quarterly Farm Quart4Far North: Plant Biodiversity and Ecology of Yakutia Plant VegHFascism and Neofascism: Critical Writings On The Radical Right in EuropeStud Eur Culture HisFascism and Political TheoryRout Iss Contemp Pol Faseb JournalFaseb J2Fashion Theory-the Journal of Dress Body & Culture Fash TheorycFassung T Des Parzival Wolframs Von Eschenbach: Untersuchungen Zur Uberlieferung Und Zum TextprofilQuell Forsch Lit Kul<Fast Elementary Processes in Chemical and Biological Systems Aip Conf ProcAFastest, Highest, Strongest: A Critique of High-performance SportRoutl Crit Stud SporCFast Food/slow Food: The Cultural Economy of The Global Food SystemSoc Econ Anthropol M3Fast Fourier Transform: Algorithms and ApplicationsSignals Commun TechnFast Ion Transport in SolidsNato Adv Sci Inst SeLFast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics: Optimization and Feedback ControlLect Notes Contr Inf"Fastnachtspiel - Commedia Dellarte Schlern SchIFast Simulation of Electro-thermal Mems: Efficient Dynamic Compact ModelsMicrotechnol MemsFast Software EncryptionLect Notes Comput Sc)Fast Software Encryption (revised Papers)Lect Notes Comput Sc2Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems Int S Num M2Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization ProblemsInt Ser Numer MathFaszination Von GewaltQuell Forsch Lit KulDFatal Attractions: Protein Aggregates in Neurodegenerative Disorders Res Per Alz?Fat and Cholesterol Reduced Foods : Technologies and Strategies Adv Ap Biot*Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals Acs Sym SerFate of Chemical Pollutants Oceanis S D9Fate of Nutrients and Pesticides in The Urban Environment Acs Sym Ser8Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in The EnvironmentNato Sci Peace Secur6Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in The North SeaHamb Stud Marit AffFate of The Male Germ CellAdv Exp Med Biol+Fate of The Most Massive Stars, Proceedings Astr Soc PfFathers and Mothers: Dilemmas of The Work-life Balance: A Comparative Study in Four European CountriesSoc Indic Res SerFatigueAdv Exp Med Biol Fatigue 2010Procedia EngineerFatigue 93, Vols 1-3 Int Fatig Ser)Fatigue & Fracture Mechanics, 35th VolumeAm Soc Test Mater8Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & StructuresFatigue Fract Eng MFatigue AnalysisVtt Symp(Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 28th VolAm Soc Test Mater+Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 30th VolumeAm Soc Test Mater(Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 31st VolAm Soc Test Mater+Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 32nd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater+Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 33rd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater+Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, 34th VolumeAm Soc Test Mater3Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: Twenty-ninth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater>Fatigue and Fracture of Medical Metallic Materials and DevicesAm Soc Test Mater,Fatigue and Fracture Reliability EngineeringSpringer Ser Reliab)Fatigue and Fracture Testing of WeldmentsAm Soc Test Mater Fatigue As A Window to The BrainIss Clin Cogn Neurop=Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and DesignAm Soc Test Mater4Fatigue Damage of Materials: Experiment and AnalysisAdv Damage MechanFatigue Design 1990Vtt SympFatigue Design 1992, Vol 2Vtt SympFatigue Design 1994Vtt SympFatigue Design 1995, Vol IVtt SympFatigue Design 1995, Vol IiVtt SympFatigue Design 1995, Vol IiiVtt SympFatigue Design 1998, Vol IVtt SympFatigue Design 1998, Vol IiVtt SympFatigue Design and Reliability Esis Publ!Fatigue Failure of Textile FibresWoodhead Publ TextFatigue of Electronic MaterialsAm Soc Test Mater/Fatigue of Engineering Materials and StructuresFatigue Eng Mater&Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced CompositesEng Mater ProcessHFatigue Testing and Analysis Under Variable Amplitude Loading ConditionsAm Soc Test MaterRFatou, Julia, Montel: The Great Prize of Mathematical Sciences of 1918, and BeyondLect Notes Math$Fat-storing Cells and Liver Fibrosis Falk SympFatty Acid OxidationProg Clin Biol Res*Fatty Acids and Lipids: Biological AspectsWorld Rev Nutr Diet#Fatty Acids and Lipids-new FindingsWorld Rev Nutr DietFaulkner and Yoknapatawpha Faulk Yokna(Faulkner At 100: Retrospect and Prospect Faulk Yokna>Fault Detection and Fault-tolerant Control Using Sliding ModesAdv Ind ControlRFault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes ( Safeprocess 91 )Ifac Symp Series;Fault Diagnoisis and Tolerance in Cryptography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLFault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance for Mechatronic Systems: Recent AdvancesSpr Tra Adv RobotLFault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance for Mechatronic Systems: Recent AdvancesSpringer Trac Adv Ro:Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Systems Using A Hybrid ApproachLect Notes Contr InfFault-free Trains - A Reality? Imeche Sem.Fault Lines: Why The Republicans Lost CongressControv Elect Dem Fault Location On Power Networks Power Syst0Fault Tolerant Control Design for Hybrid SystemsLect Notes Contr InfAFault-tolerant Control Systems: Design and Practical ApplicationsAdv Ind Control4Fault Tolerant Flight Control: A Benchmark ChallengeLect Notes Contr Inf2Fault-tolerant Flight Control and Guidance SystemsAdv Ind ControlFauna of Arabia SeriesFauna Arab SerFauna of Arabia, Vol 23, 2007Fauna Arab SerFauna of Arabia, Vol 24 2009Fauna Arab Ser Faux Titre False Title@Faux Titre : Etudes De Langue Et Litterature Francaises Publiees Faux TitrebFccm 2003: 11th Annual Ieee Symposium On Field-programmable Custom Computing Machines, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Sym Field PbFccm 2005: 13th Annual Ieee Symposium On Field-programmable Custom Computing Machines, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Sym Field PbFccm 2006: 14th Annual Ieee Symposium On Field-programmable Custom Computing Machines, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Sym Field PbFccm 2007: 15th Annual Ieee Symposium On Field-programmable Custom Computing Machines, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Sym Field P Fda Consumer Fda Consum Fda PapersFda Pap1Fddi, Campus-wide, and Metropolitan Area NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsFdr and The EnvironmentWorld RooseveltsFdr and The HolocaustFeri Dipl Econ HistEFdr, The Vatican, and The Roman Catholic Church in America, 1933-1945World RooseveltsFear and Defence E M I Lif SKFearful Symmetries: Essays and Testimonies Around Excision and CircumcisionMatatu(Fear of Crime and Criminal Victimization Int B Krim{Fear of God and The Beginning of Wisdom: The School of Nisibis and Christian Scholastic Culture in Late Antique MesopotamiaDivin Reread Late AnSFeasibility and Infeasibility in Optimization: Algorithms and Computational MethodsInt Ser Oper Res Man#Feasibility of Joint ImplementationEnviron PolicyDFeathered Dragons: Studies On The Transition From Dinosaurs to Birds Life O Past.Featured-based Syntax of Functional CategoriesStud Generat Gramm Febs JournalFebs J Febs Letters Febs LettFederal Bar JournalFed Bar News JFederal Bar News & JournalFed Bar News J'Federalism and Local Politics in RussiaBasees-rout Ser RussFederalism and Nationalism St FederalIFederalism and Regionalism in Australia: New Approaches, New Institutions Anzsog MonogrEFederalism, Nationalism and Development: India and The Punjab EconomyRoutl Cont S Asia Se3Federal Nation: Perspectives On American FederalismStud AmFederal Probation Fed Probat0Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Conference Series Fed Bank Bo4Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Symposium Series Fed Bank Ks'Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis ReviewFed Reserve Bank St*Federal Torts Reform, Claims and Liability Laws LegisFederation Over The WebLect Notes Comput ScFederation ProceedingsFaseb JFederation ProceedingsFed ProcFederico Garcia LorcaRoutl Mod Contemp Dr)Feedback Systems: Input-output PropertiesClass Appl MathAFeeding During Late Infancy and Early Childhood: Impact On HealthNestle Nutr Works SeSFeedstocks for The Future: Renewables for The Production of Chemicals and Materials Acs Sym SerFeedstuff Evaluation East Sch Ag Feedstuffs FeedstuffsFeldexperiment Zum Methodenvergleich Von Ammoniak- Und Ammonium-konzentrationsmessungen in Der Umgebungsluft, 2005 Bis 2008 in BraunschweigLandbauforsch-vti AgFeldspars and Their ReactionsNato Adv Sci Inst SeFeline Practice Feline Pract/Female Circumcision: Multicultural PerspectivesPa Stud Hum RightsGFemale Entrepreneurship: Implications for Education Training and PolicyRoutl Adv Manag BusQFemale Entrepreneurship in East and South-east Asia: Opportunities and ChallengesChandos Asian StudLFemale Hepatology: Favorable Role of Female Factors in Chronic Liver DiseaseHepatol Res Clin Dev9Female Reader in The English Novel: From Burney to AustenRout St Eight Cn LitFemale Reproductive AgingStud ProferlitFemale Sex Hormones and CancersCancer Etiol Diagn TAFemale Terrorism and Militancy: Agency, Utility, and OrganizationContemp Terror Stud*Female Urology: A Practical Clinical GuideCurr Clin UrolFeminism Fr Lit SerFeminism After Bourdieu Soc Rev MonFeminism & Psychology Fem Psychol3Feminism and Philosophy of Science: An IntroductionUnderst Fem PhilosFFeminism and The Women's Movement in Malaysia - An Unsung (r)evolutionRout Malays Stud Ser)Feminism, Domesticity and Popular CultureRoutl Adv SociolAFeminism, Economics and Utopia: Time Travelling Through ParadigmsRoutl Front Polit EcFeminist Criminology Fem Criminol<Feminist Critique of Education: 15 Years of Gender Education Educ Heritag3Feminist Cultural Studies of Science and TechnologyTransformations-londFeminist EconomicsFem EconCFeminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Power in KnowledgeFem Philos Collect.Feminist Futures: Theatre, Performance, TheoryPerform IntervFeministische StudienFem StudFeministische StudienFeministische StudFeminist Legal StudiesFem Legal StudNFeminist Metaphysics: Explorations in The Ontology of Sex, Gender and The SelfFem Philos Collect(Feminist Movements in Contemporary JapanAsian Stud Assoc AusFeminist Perspectives Fem Perspect#Feminist Perspectives On Family Law Fem PerspectFeminist Philosophy CollectionFem Philos Collect:Feminist Readings of Edith Wharton: From Silence to SpeechAm Lit Read Twenty-f1Feminist Reflections On The History of PhilosophyNew Synth Hist LibFeminist Research MethodologyRoutl Res Gend AsiaFeminist Review Feminist RevFeminist Studies Feminist StudFeminist Theory Fem TheorRFeminization Debate in Eighteenth-century England: Literature, Commerce and LuxuryPalgrave Stud Enligh(Fems Immunology and Medical MicrobiologyFems Immunol Med MicFems Microbiology EcologyFems Microbiol EcolFems Microbiology ImmunologyFems Microbiol ImmunFems Microbiology LettersFems Microbiol LettFems Microbiology ReviewsFems Microbiol RevFems Symposium Fems SympFems Yeast ResearchFems Yeast Res)Femtosecond Laser Applications in BiologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Femtosecond Laser Applications in Biology Proc SpieFemtosecond Laser FilamentationSpringer Ser Atom Op.Femtosecond Phenomena and Nonlinear Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Femtosecond Phenomena and Nonlinear Optics Iii Proc SpieBFemtosecond Real-time Spectroscopy of Small Molecules and ClustersSpringer Tr Mod Phys=Femtosecond Technology for Technical and Medical Applications Top Appl Phys@Femtosecond to Nanosecond High-intensity Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsFermentation Biotechnology Acs Sym SerFermented Milk ProductsFood Sci TechnolFermi-pasta-ulam ProblemLect Notes PhysDFermi Surfaces of Low-dimensional Organic Metals and SuperconductorsSpringer Tr Mod PhysFernstrom Foundation SeriesFerns Found SeriesAFerro- and Antiferroelectricity: Order/disorder Versus Displacive Struct BondqFerroelectric Crystals for Photonic Applications: Including Nanoscale Fabrication and Characterization TechniquesSpringer Ser Mater S5Ferroelectric Polymers and Ceramic-polymer Composites Key Eng Mat5Ferroelectric Polymers and Ceramic-polymer Composites Key Eng MaterBFerroelectric Random Access Memories Fundamentals and Applications Top Appl PhysFerroelectricsFerroelectricskFerroelectrics in Microwave Devices, Circuits and Systems: Physics, Modelling, Fabrication and MeasurementsEng Mater ProcessFerroelectrics Letters SectionFerroelectrics LettFerroelectric Thin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films Top Appl PhysFerroelectric Thin Films IiiMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films IvMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films VMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films ViMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films ViiMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films ViiiMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films XMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films XiMater Res Soc Symp PFerroelectric Thin Films XiiMater Res Soc Symp P!Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys Adv Mat Res$Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys IiMater Sci Forum<Fertility and Infertility in Dogs, Cats and Other Carnivores J Rep Fer S#Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Int Congr SerFertility and Sterility Fertil SterilgFertility, Living Arrangements, Care and Mobility: Understanding Population Trends and Processes: Vol 1Underst Popul Trends?Fertility of Immigrants: A Two-generational Approach in GermanyDemogr Res Monogr&Fertility, Sterility and Contraception C St Gyn ObFertilizer ResearchFert ResFestival ArchitectureClass Tradit Archit(Festivals and The Cultural Public SphereRoutl Adv Sociol1Festkorperprobleme-advances in Solid State PhyicsFestkor-adv Solid St2Festkorperprobleme-advances in Solid State Physics Festkor A S7Festkorperprobleme - Advances in Solid State Physics 32 Festkor A S7Festkorperprobleme - Advances in Solid State Physics 33 Festkor A S=Festkorper Probleme - Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol 29 Festkor A S=Festkorper Probleme - Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol 30 Festkor A S=Festkorper Probleme - Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol 31 Festkor A S:Festkorperprobleme-advances in Solid State Physics, Vol 34 Festkor A S-Fetal and Neonatal Physiological Measurements Int Congr SerFetal and Pediatric PathologyFetal Pediatr PatholKFetal Cells in Maternal Blood: Prospects for Noninvasive Prenatal DiagnosisAnn Ny Acad SciFetal Diagnosis and TherapyFetal Diagn TherFetal Physiology and Pathology C St Gyn ObFette Seifen AnstrichmittelFett Wiss TechnolQFette Seifen Anstrichmittel Verbunden Mit Der Zeitschrift Die ErnahrungsindustrieFette Seifen Anstr V Fett-lipid Fett-lipid4Fett Wissenschaft Technologie-fat Science TechnologyFett Wiss TechnolFetus As A Patient 88 Int Congr SerEFeuilleton - Essay - Aphorismus: Nicht-fiktionale Prosa in Osterreich Inn B KultFeuillets De Radiologie Feuill RadFeuillets De Radiologie Feuill RadiolFew-body Problems in Physics Aip Conf Proc Few Body Problems in Physics '02 Few Body Sy Few-body Problems in Physics '98 Few Body Sy Few-body Problems in Physics '99 Few Body SyFew-body Systems Few-body SystFew-body Systems Supplementum Few Body Sy5Few-cycle Laser Pulse Generation and Its Applications Top Appl PhysFeyerabend's PhilosophyQuellen Stud PhilosFf Communications Ff Commun,Fgf Entrepreneurship - Research Monographien Fgf EntreprDFia National Assessment of Data Quality for Forest Health IndicatorsUsda For Serv N ResFiber and Integrated OpticsFiber Integrated Opt@Fiber-based Component Fabrication, Testing, and ConnectorizationP Soc Photo-opt InsFiber Integrated OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Fiber Lasers Iii: Technology, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Fiber Lasers Iii: Technology, Systems, and Applications Proc Spie6Fiber Lasers Ii: Technology, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Fiber Lasers Iv: Technology, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Fiber Laser Sources and AmplifiersP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Fiber Laser Sources and Amplifiers IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Fiber Laser Sources and Amplifiers IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Fiber Laser Sources and Amplifiers IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Fiber Laser Sources and Amplifiers VP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Fiber Lasers: Research, Technology and ApplicationsLasers Electro-opt R3Fiber Lasers: Technology, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Fiber Lasers Vii: Technology, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Fiber Lasers Vii: Technology, Systems, and Applications Proc Spie6Fiber Lasers Vi: Technology, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Fiber Lasers V: Technology, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Fiber Lasers V: Technology, Systems, and Applications Proc Spie'Fiber Networking and TelecommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Fiber Networks for Telephony and CatvP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Fiber Networks for Voice, Video, and Multimedia ServicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFiber Optic and Laser Sensors XP Soc Photo-opt Ins Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Fiber Optic Components and Optical CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Fiber Optic Components and Optical Communications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Fiber Optic Components and ReliabilityP Soc Photo-opt InsFFiber Optic Components, Subsystems, and Systems for TelecommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Fiber Optic Gyros : 15th Anniversary ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Fiber Optic Gyros: 20th Anniversary ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Fiber Optic Materials and ComponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Fiber Optic Medical and Fluorescent Sensors and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Fiber-optic Metrology and StandardsP Soc Photo-opt InsFiber Optic Network ComponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Fiber Optic Physical Sensors in Manufacturing and TransportationP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics for Network ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Fiber Optic Sensor-based Smart Materials and Structures Smar Mat St&Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications V Proc Spie(Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Fiber-optic Sensors : Engineering and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsFiber Optic Sensors IvP Soc Photo-opt InsFiber Optic Sensors VP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Fiber Optic Sensor Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Fiber Optic Sensor Technology and Applications 2001P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Fiber Optic Sensor Technology and Applications 2001 Proc Spie2Fiber Optic Sensor Technology and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Fiber Optic Sensor Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Fiber Optic Sensor Technology Ii Proc Spie)Fiber Optics in Astronomical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsFiber Optics in Astronomy Ii Astr Soc PFiber Optics in Astronomy Iii Astr Soc P)Fiber Optic Smart Structures and Skins IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Fiber Optic Smart Structures and Skins IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Fiber Optic Smart Structures and Skins IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Fiber Optic Smart Structures and Skins VP Soc Photo-opt InsEFiber Optics Reliability and Testing: Benign and Adverse EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Fiber Optics Reliability : Benign and Adverse Environments IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Fiber Optics Reliability : Benign and Adverse Environments IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Fiber Optic Systems for Mobile Platforms IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Fiber Optic Systems for Mobile Platforms IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Fiber-reinforced Cementitious MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PFibers and Polymers Fiber PolymFibonacci QuarterlyFibonacci QuartFibre Chemistry Fibre Chem+Fibre Optics 90P Soc Photo-opt Ins#Fibres & Textiles in Eastern EuropeFibres Text East EurFibre Science & TechnologyFibre Sci TechnolFibre Types in Skeletal MusclesAdv Anat Embryol Cel FibrinogenAnn Ny Acad Sci1Fibrinogen 4 - Current Basic and Clinical Aspects Int Congr Ser5Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation, and FibrinolysisAdv Exp Med Biol Fibrinolysis FibrinolysisFibrinolysis & ProteolysisFibrinolysis ProteolFibroblast Growth Factor FamilyAnn Ny Acad Sci4Fibrous Proteins: Amyloids, Prions and Beta ProteinsAdv Protein Chem7Fibrous Proteins: Coiled-coils, Collagen and ElastomersAdv Protein Chem-Fibrous Proteins: Muscle and Molecular MotorsAdv Protein ChemFichte and Jacobi Ficht StudFichte-studien Ficht StudFiction and FictionalismNew Probl PhilosFFictions in Science: Philosophical Essays On Modeling and IdealizationRout Stu Philos Sci6Fictions of Female Education in The Nineteenth CenturyStud Am Popul Hist CIFictions of The City: Class, Culture and Mass Housing in London and ParisLang Discourse SocJFiction Written Under Oath?: Essays in Philosophy and Educational ResearchPhilos Educ-neth Fiddlehead Fiddlehead*Fidia Research Foundation Symposium Series Fid Res FdnFidia Research SeriesFidia Res SeriesFid PublicationFid Publ:Fie: 2008 Ieee Frontiers in Education Conference, Vols 1-3Proc Front Educ Conf)Field Analytical Chemistry and TechnologyField Anal Chem TechField and Service RoboticsSpr Tra Adv RobotField and Service RoboticsSpringer Trac Adv RoField and Service RoboticsSpringer Tracts AdvHField and Service Robotics: Recent Advances in Research and ApplicationsSpr Tra Adv RobotHField and Service Robotics: Recent Advances in Research and ApplicationsSpringer Trac Adv RoGField and Service Robotics: Results of The 6th International ConferenceSpr Tra Adv RobotGField and Service Robotics: Results of The 6th International ConferenceSpringer Trac Adv RoField Arithmetic, Third EditionErgeb Math GrenzgebMField Boundary Habitats: Implications for Weed, Insect and Disease ManagementTop Can Weed Sci8Fieldbus Systems and Their Applicationos 2001 (fet'2001) Ifac P SerField Crops ResearchField Crop ResFField Geology Education: Historical Perspectives and Modern ApproachesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap'Field Instrumentation for Soil and RockAm Soc Test Mater7Field Margins: Integrating Agriculture and Conservation Br Crop Pr Field Methods Field Method^Field Programmable Gate Arrays (fpgas) for Fast Board Development and Reconfigurable ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Field-programmable Logic and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFields Institute CommunicationsFields I CommunFields Institute CommunicationsFields Inst CommunNFields, Networks, Computational Methods, and Systems in Modern ElectrodynamicsSpringer Proc PhysgFields of Logic and Computation: Essays Dedicated to Yuri Gurevich On The Occasion of His 70th BirthdayLect Notes Comput Sc&Fields, Strings and Critical Phenomena Les Houch S$Fields, Strings, and Quantum Gravity Ccast Wl SwFields Within FieldsFields Within Fields$Field Testing in Engineering Geology Geol Soc En;Field Theories for Low-dimensional Condensed Matter SystemsSpringer Ser Solid-s;Field Theories for Low-dimensional Condensed Matter SystemsSpringer Series Soli3Field Theory, Topology and Condensed Matter PhysicsLect Notes PhysVField Trip Guidebook for The Northeastern United States: 1993 Boston Gsa, Vols 1 and 2 U Ma Dgg C5Fieldwork in Tourism: Methods, Issues and ReflectionsContemp Geogr Leis TFi-forum ItalicumFi-forum ItalicumPFifteenth Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management SymposiumP Ieee Semicond TherCFifteenth Annual Symposium On Computer Applications in Medical CareProc Symp Comput App]Fifteenth Ieee International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Technical DigestProc Ieee Micr ElectMFifteenth International Conference in Organic Coatings Science and Technology Adv Org Co@Fifteenth Working Conference On Reverse Engineering, ProceedingsWork Conf Reverse EnFifth Compton Symposium Aip Conf ProcBFifth Conference On Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications Nasa Conf P:Fifth Conference On Charge-coupled Devices and Ccd SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Fifth Conference On Optics (romopto '97), Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Fifth Congress of The Brazilian Society of MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Fifth Cryogenics '98 Iir International Conference, Proceedings Refr Sci TFFifth European Conference On Power Electronics and Applications, Vol 2 Iee Conf PublFFifth European Conference On Power Electronics and Applications, Vol 3 Iee Conf PublFFifth European Conference On Power Electronics and Applications, Vol 5 Iee Conf PublFFifth European Conference On Power Electronics and Applications, Vol 6 Iee Conf PublFFifth European Conference On Power Electronics and Applications, Vol 7 Iee Conf PublFFifth European Conference On Power Electronics and Applications, Vol 8 Iee Conf PublEFifth European Conference On Power Electronics and Application, Vol 4 Iee Conf Publ;Fifth European Conference On Smart Structures and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Fifth European Conference On Smart Structures and Materials Proc SpieAFifth European Summer School On Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics Aip Conf ProcOFifth Freedom: Jobs, Politics, and Civil Rights in The United States, 1941-1972Princ Stud Am Polit0Fifth Great Lakes Symposium On Vlsi, ProceedingsPr Gr Lak Symp VlsiBFifth Hutton Symposium On The Origin of Granites and Related Rocks Geol S Am SNFifth Ifip International Conference On Theoretical Computer Science - Tcs 2008Int Fed Info Proc?Fifth International Bridge Engineering Conference, Vols 1 and 2Transport Res Rec<Fifth International Conference On Artificial Neural Networks Iee Conf Publ4Fifth International Conference On Correlation OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsIFifth International Conference On Developments in Power System Protection Iee Conf PublAFifth International Conference On Electrical Machines and Devices Iee Conf PublMFifth International Conference On Electrical Safety in Hazardous Environments Iee Conf Publ9Fifth International Conference On Fine Particle MagnetismJ Phys Conf SerNFifth International Conference On Foundations of Computer-aided Process Design Aiche Sym SAFifth International Conference On Hf Radio Systems and Techniques Iee Conf PublIFifth International Conference On High Performance Computing, ProceedingsP Int C High PerformgFifth International Conference On Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsgFifth International Conference On Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics Proc SpieJFifth International Conference On Mobile Radio and Personal Communications Iee Conf Publ\Fifth International Conference On Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins\Fifth International Conference On Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieMFifth International Conference On Power Electronics and Variable-speed Drives Iee Conf PublEFifth International Conference On Power System Management and Control Iee Conf PublHFifth International Conference On Radio Receivers and Associated Systems Iee Conf PublDFifth International Conference On Thin Film Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsDFifth International Conference On Thin Film Physics and Applications Proc SpierFifth International Conference On Trends in Distribution Switchgear: 400v-145kv for Utilities and Private Networks Iee Conf PublgFifth International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsgFifth International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications Proc SpieeFifth International Symposium On Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems - ProceedingsPr Int Symp Adv Res=Fifth International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Fifth International Symposium On Display HolographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins`Fifth International Symposium On Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations Siam Proc SGFifth International Symposium On Instrumentation and Control TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsGFifth International Symposium On Instrumentation and Control Technology Proc SpieAFifth International Symposium On Laser Precision MicrofabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsAFifth International Symposium On Laser Precision Microfabrication Proc Spie<Fifth International Symposium On Optical Storage (isos 2000)P Soc Photo-opt InsbFifth International Symposium On Temperate Zone Fruits in The Tropics and Subtropics - Proceedings Acta Hortic2Fifth International Symposium On Vaccinium Culture Acta HorticGFifth International Topical Meeting On Education and Training in OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Fifth International Workshop On Fireblight Acta HorticjFifth International Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsjFifth International Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering Proc SpieMFifth International Workshop On Program Comprehension - Iwpc '97, ProceedingsProg ComprehenFifth Large Open Pit ConferenceAustralas I Min Met,Fifth Mexican School of Particles and Fields Aip Conf Proc9Fifth Rilem Symposium On Fibre-reinforced Concretes (frc) Rilem ProcLFifth Seminar On Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Fifth Symposium Optics in IndustryP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Fifth Symposium Optics in Industry Proc SpieFifty-second Annual Meeting - Microscopy Society of America/twenty-ninth Annual Meeting - Microbeam Analysis Society, ProceedingsProc Ann Meet MsaBFifty Years of Antimicrobials: Past Perspectives and Future TrendsSymp Soc Gen Microbi%Fifty Years of Plant in Vitro Culture Colloq Inra!Fifty Years of Quine's Two Dogmas Graz Phil S$Fifty Years of Romanian Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc_Fight for An Egalitarian Society: Towards Politics of Racial Harmony and Equity in South AfricaAfr Polit Econ SecurIFighting Terrorism and Drugs: Europe and International Police CooperationRoutl Adv Int RelatFighting The Slave TradeW African Studies@Fighting Traffic: The Dawn of The Motor Age in The American CityInside Technol<Fighting Words: Language Policy and Ethnic Relations in AsiaBcsia Stud Int SecurFigs: The Genus FicusTradit Herb Med ModEFigurative Language: Cross-cultural and Cross-linguistic PerspectivesCurr Res Semant PragCFigure of The Crowd in Early Modern London: The City and Its DoubleEarly Mod Cult Stud<Figur Und Person: Beitrag Zu Einer Historischen Narratologie Narratologia$Fiixed Point Theory and ApplicationsFixed Point Theory A%File-sharing Applications EngineeringComput Netw SerFilibrary Series Filibrary SFilibrary Series Filibrary SerFilibrary SeriesFilibrary Series'Filled Elastomers Drug Delivery Systems Adv Polym Sci6Filler-reinforced Elastomers Scanning Force Microscopy Adv Polym SciFilmFilmFilm and Media Studies SeriesFilm Media Stud SerFilm and The EmotionsMidwest Stud Philos Film Comment Film CommentFilm CriticismFilm Criticism Film Culture Film Culture:Film, Form and Phantasy: Adrian Stokes and Film AestheticsLang Discourse Soc%Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings Acs Sym Ser-Filming Shakespeare in The Global MarketplacePalgrave Shakespear Filmkritik FilmkritikFilm Psychology ReviewFilm Psychol RevFilm Quarterly Film Quart Film Reader Film Reader Filmrutan Filmrutan/Film Synthesis and Growth Using Energetic BeamsMater Res Soc Symp P<Film Und Kulturelle Erinnerung: Plurimediale KonstellationenMedia Cult MemFilomatFilomat Filosofia FilosofiaFilosofia UnisinosFilos UnisinosFilosoficky Casopis Filos CasFilosofija-sociologija Filos-sociol Filozofia FilozofiaFilozofia Nauki Filoz NaukFilozofska Istrazivanja Filoz IstrazFilozofski Vestnik Filoz Vestn$Filozofski Vestnik-acta Philosophica Filoz VestnQFiltering Theory: With Applications to Fault Detection, Isolation, and EstimationSyst Control-found AFiltration & Separation Filtr SeparatDFiltration and Drainage in Geotechnical/geoenvironmental Engineering Geotech SpFinal Control Elements Final Contr!Final Stages of Stellar EvolutionEas PublicationsFinance & Development Financ DevFinance and Stochastics Financ StochFinance and Trade ReviewFinanc Trade RevFinance A Uver Financ A Uver6Finance A Uver- Czech Journal of Economics and Finance Financ Uver5Finance A Uver-czech Journal of Economics and Finance Financ Uver1Finance, Economics, and Economic Development 2005Transport Res Rec1Finance, Economics, and Economic Development 2006Transport Res RecFinance Research LettersFinanc Res LettFinancial Analysts Journal Financ Anal J%Financial and Monetary Policy Studies Finan Mon P9Financial Condition and Regulation of Insurance Companies Fed Bank BoAFinancial Crises: Socio-economic Causes and Institutional ContextRoutl Stud Mod WorldFinancial CryptographyLect Notes Comput Sc(Financial Cryptography and Data SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc#Financial Cryptography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Financial Crytography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Financial Deregulation and Integration in East Asia Nber E A EcAFinancial Development, Institutions, Growth and Poverty ReductionStud Dev Econ Policy&Financial Econometrics, Second EditionRoutl Adv Texts Econ2Financial Engineering, E-commerce and Supply Chain Appl Optim2Financial Engineering, E-commerce and Supply ChainAppl OptimizatFinancial ExecutiveFinanc Executive0Financial Fragility and Instability in IndonesiaRoutl Cont Se Asia S9Financial Globalization and Democracy in Emerging Markets Int Pol Ec9Financial Globalization and Democracy in Emerging MarketsInt Polit Econ Ser*Financial Institutions and Services SeriesFinanc I Serv SerAFinancial Institutions in Europe Under New Competitive Conditions Finan Mon P3Financial Instruments of Forest Policy, ProceedingsEur Forest Inst Proc8Financial Liberalisation in Asia: Analysis and Prospects Oecd Devel2Financial Liberalization: Beyond Orthodox ConcernsInt Pap Polit EconfFinancial Liberalization in Developing Countries: Issues, Time Series Analyses and Policy Implications Contrib EconFinancial Management Financ Manage0Financial Management of Life Insurance Companies Hueb Int S6Financial Market Imperfections and Corporate Decisions Contrib Econ&Financial Markets and Financial Crises Nat Bur Ec&Financial Markets and The MacroeconomyRoutl Int Stud MoneyFinancial Markets Ethics Etud EuropFinancial Market Volatility Fed Bank KsAFinancial Modeling Applications and Data Envelopment ApplicationsAppl Manag Sci3Financial Modeling Under Non-gaussian DistributionsSpringer FinancFinancial ModellingContr Manage Sci:Financial Models and Tools for Managing Lean ManufacturingSupply Chain Integr&Financial Models in Insurance Solvency Hueb Int S1Financial Participation of Employees in The Eu-27Stud Econ Transit2Financial Reform and Economic Development in ChinaAdv Chin Econ Stud'Financial Reform in Socialist Economies Edi Semin S9Financial Regulation and Monetary Arrangements After 1992Contrib To Econ AnalYFinancial Reporting in The Uk: A History of The Accounting Standards Committee, 1969-1990Routl Hist Persp AccBFinancial Sector Reform and The International Integration of ChinaRout Stud Chin EconBFinancial Sector Reform and The International Integration of ChinaRoutl Stud Chin Econ8Financial Sector Reforms, Economic Growth, and Stability Edi Semin S>Financial Sector Reforms in Asian and Latin American Countries Edi Semin S5Financing Medicine: The British Experience Since 1750Routl Stud Soc HistDFinancing Newly Emerging Private Enterprises in Transition Economies Oecd Proc+Financing The World Economy in The Nineties Finan Mon P Finanzarchiv Finanzarchiv&Finanzierung Der Bundeshauptstadt BonnVeroff Hist Komm Ber+Finding Saint Francis in Literature and ArtNew Middle AgesFine Ceramic Powders Brit Cer PrTFine Chemicals for The Electronics Industry Ii : Chemical Applications for The 1990s Roy Soc ChXFine Needle Aspiration of Bone Tumours: The Clinical, Radiological, Cytological ApproachMonogr Clin Cytol%Fine Particles Science and TechnologyNato Asi 3 High Tech0Fine Sediment Dynamics in The Marine EnvironmentProceed Marine Sci$Fine Structure of Solar Radio BurstsAstrophys Space Sc L-Fine Structures of Hyperbolic DiffeomorphismsSpringer Monogr Math(Finfets and Other Multi-gate TransistorsIntegr Circuit Syst*Finishing of Advanced Ceramics and Glasses Ceram Trans3Finite and Infinite Combinatorics in Sets and LogicNato Adv Sci Inst Se Finite and Locally Finite GroupsNato Adv Sci Inst SesFinite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: Steady-state and Time-dependent ProblemsOther Titl Appl Math.Finite Dimensional Algebras and Related TopicsNato Adv Sci I C-mat.Finite Dimensional Algebras and Related TopicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se/Finite Element Analysis of Beam-to Beam ContactLect Notes Appl Comp@Finite Element Analysis of Shells - Fundamentals, Second EditionComput Fluid Solid MFinite Element MethodsLect Notes Pure Appl&Finite Elements in Analysis and DesignFinite Elem Anal Des Finite Elements in Fluids, Vol 8 S Comp Phys0Finite Element Structural Analysis: New Concepts Aiaa Educ SerFinite Fields and Applications Contemp MathFinite Fields and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc$Finite Fields and Their ApplicationsFinite Fields Th App&Finite Fields: Theory and Applications Contemp Math.Finite Generalized Quadrangles, Second EditionEms Ser Lect MathFinite Geometries, ProceedingsDev Math/Finite Or Infinite Dimensional Complex AnalysisLect Notes Pure Appl@Finite Or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and ApplicationsAdv Comp Anal Appl?Finite Reductive Groups: Related Structures and Representations Prog Math4Finite-state Methods and Natural Language ProcessingFront Artif Intel Ap4Finite-state Methods and Natural Language ProcessingLect Notes Artif Int4Finite-state Methods and Natural Language ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc Finite Structures With Few Types Ann Math Stud-Finite Zeros in Discrete Time Control SystemsLect Notes Contr InfFinnish Chemical LettersFinn Chem LettBFinnish-karelian Symposium On Mire Conservation and ClassificationPubl Wat Environ Adm#Finska Kemistsamfundets MeddelandenFinska Kemists MeddFinslerian Geometries Fund TheorFinslerian GeometriesFund Theor PhysFiore in ContextW&k Devers Dante StF.i.p. PaperbackF I P Paperback>Fire and Explosions: Recent Advances in Modelling and Analysis Imeche Sem>Fire and Flammability of Furnishings and Contents of BuildingsAm Soc Test MaterFire and Materials Fire MaterFire and Polymers Acs Sym SerFire and Polymers Ii Acs Sym SerBFire and Polymers Iv: Materials and Concepts for Hazard Prevention Acs Sym Ser?Fire and Polymers V: Materials and Concepts for Fire Retardancy Acs Sym SersFire and Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Development in Eastern Indonesia and Northern Australia, Proceedings Aciar Proc?Fire and The Environment : Ecological and Cultural Perspectives Usda Southe Fire Command Fire CommandFire EngineeringFire Eng0Firefighter Fitness: A Health and Wellness GuidePublic Health 21st CIFire, Fuel Treatments, and Ecological Restoration: Conference ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-p$Fire Hazard and Fire Risk AssessmentAm Soc Test Mater$Fire in Ecosystems of Boreal EurasiaFor SciFire in The Tropical Biota Ecol Stu AnHFire in The United States: A Reference Work On The Nation's Fire Problem Saf Risk Soc Fire JournalFire JFirelineFireline.Fire Properties of Polymer Composite MaterialsSolid Mech Appl:Fire Protection and Fire Fighting in Nuclear Installations Int Aeaps 2 Fire ResearchFire Res$Fire Resistance of Industrial FluidsAm Soc Test Mater Fire Safety Saf Risk SocFire Safety Journal Fire Safety JFire Service TodayFire Serv Today/Fire Standards in The International MarketplaceAm Soc Test MaterFire Technology Fire Technol Fire ToxicityWoodhead Publ MaterEFirm As An Entity: Implications for Economics, Accounting and The LawEcon Legal RelationTFirst Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference : Advances in The Physics of Sunspots Astr Soc P/First Annual Advanced Research Techniques Forum Amer Mar As?First Balkan Symposium On Vegetables and Potatoes, Vols. I & Ii Acta Hortic5First Cinvestav-unam Symposium On High Energy Physics Aip Conf Proc=First City: Philadelphia and The Forging of Historical MemoryEarly Am Stud Ser)First Computers-history and Architectures Hist Comp,First Course in Bayesian Statistical MethodsSpringer Texts Stat"First Course in In Silico MedicineFirst Course Silico First Course in Order StatisticsClass Appl Math'First Crusade and The Idea of CrusadingMiddle Ages Ser-First Erich L. Lehmann Symposium - Optimality Inst Math S;First European Conference On Smart Structures and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-First European Congress of Mathematics, Vol I Prog Math.First European Congress of Mathematics, Vol Ii Prog Math/First European Congress of Mathematics, Vol Iii Prog Math9First European Workshop On Monte Carlo Treatment PlanningJ Phys Conf Ser>First Extractive Metallurgy Operators' Conference, ProceedingsAustralas I Min MetFirst Glast Symposium Aip Conf ProcjFirst Iee/imeche International Conference On Power Station Maintenance - Profitability Through Reliability Iee Conf Publ@First Iee International Conference On Artificial Neural Networks Iee Conf PublZFirst International Conference of The Oie Reference Laboratories and Collaborating CentresDev BiologicalsFFirst International Conference On 3g Mobile Communication Technologies Iee Conf PublWFirst International Conference On Advances in Medical Signal and Information Processing Iee Conf Publ9First International Conference On Expert Planning Systems Iee Conf PubldFirst International Conference On Improving Construction and Use Through Integrated Design SolutionsVtt SymptFirst International Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related Materials for Advanced Electronic and Optical DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsAFirst International Conference On Intelligent Systems Engineering Iee Conf Publ2First International Conference On Rabies in EuropeDev BiologicalsVFirst International Conference On Software Engineering and Formal Methods, ProceedingsI C Softw Eng Form MgFirst International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsMFirst International Future Mining Conference and Exhibition 2008, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met'First International Persimmon Symposium Acta HorticFFirst International Symposium On Banana in The Subtropics, Proceedings Acta Hortic*First International Symposium On Cherimoya Acta Hortic*First International Symposium On Cucurbits Acta Hortic1First International Symposium On Edible Alliaceae Acta Hortic$First International Symposium On Fig Acta HorticAFirst International Symposium On High-power Laser MacroprocessingP Soc Photo-opt InsFirst International Symposium On Microgravity Research & Applications in Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, Vols I and Ii, Proceedings Esa Sp PublFirst International Symposium On Microgravity Research & Applications in Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, Vols I and Ii, Proceedings Esa Spec Publ1First International Symposium On Ornamental Palms Acta Hortic4First International Symposium On Quantum InformaticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4First International Symposium On Quantum Informatics Proc Spie;First International Symposium On Solanacea for Fresh Market Acta Hortic2First International Symposium On Walnut Production Acta Hortic@First International Workshop and Summer School On Plasma PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser&First International Workshop On Carrot Acta HorticBFirst International Workshop On Classical and Quantum InterferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins;First International Workshop On Hyaluronan in Drug Delivery Roy S Med SeFirst International Workshop On Nonequilibrium Processes in Plasma Physics and Studies of EnvironmentJ Phys Conf SerbFirst International Workshop On Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering, ProceedingsInt Work Sys Appr DCFirst Invitation Conference On Databases for Education and Training Cedefop Doc@First Ishs Workshop On Strategies to Optimize Wine Grape Quality Acta HorticAFirst Ishs Workshop On Water Relations of Grapevines, Proceedings Acta Hortic-First Iso Workshop On Analytical Spectroscopy Esa Sp Publ<First Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Situ Instruments WorkshopP Soc Photo-opt Ins<First Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Situ Instruments Workshop Proc SpieUFirst Lady of Letters: Judith Sargent Murray and The Struggle for Female IndependenceEarly Am Stud SerQFirst Language Attrition: Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Methodological IssuesStud BilingualdFirst Latin American Symposium On High Energy Physics and Vii Mexican School of Particles and Fields Aip Conf ProcFirst Light in The Universe Saas Fee Ad First Light Science With The GtcRev Mex Ast AstrLFirst Mediterranean Conference On Classical and Quantum Gravity (mccqg 2009)J Phys Conf Ser:First Meeting of The Aps Topical Group On Hadronic PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser$First Men Americas Presidents SeriesFirst Men Am Pres NeFirst Msg Rao Workshop Esa Sp PublFirst Msg Rao Workshop Esa Spec PublEFirst Nrel Conference On Theromophotovoltic Generation of Electricity Aip Conf ProcDFirst Prejudice: Religous Tolerance and Intolerance in Early AmericaEarly Am Stud Ser0First-principles Calculations for Ferroelectrics Aip Conf Proc1First Principles of Meteorology and Air PollutionEnviron Pollut SerJFirst Professional Scientist: Robert Hooke and The Royal Society of LondonSci Netw Hist StudFirst Results From Hinode Astr Soc P~First Sourcebook On Nordic Research in Mathematics Education: Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, and Contributions From FinlandMont Math Enthus Mon First StarsEso Astrophy Symp8First Stars and Galaxies: Challenges for The Next Decade Aip Conf ProcFirst Stars Iii Aip Conf ProcSFirst Status Colloquium of The Microsystem Technology Project, September 23-24 1993 K F K Reports;First Steps in Several Complex Variables: Reinhardt DomainsEms Textb Math7First Stromlo Symposium: The Physics of Active Galaxies Astr Soc PjFirst Translations of Machiavelli's Prince: From The Sixteenth to The First Half of The Nineteenth CenturyInt Forsch Allg VglIFirst Us-japanese Dialogue On Lipid Disorders and Coronary Artery DiseaseRoy Soc Med Int Cong9First Workshop On Innovative System Concepts, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ9First Workshop On Innovative System Concepts, Proceedings Esa Spec Publ-Fiscal Decentralisation in Emerging Economies Oecd Devel9Fiscal Decentralization and Local Public Finance in JapanRoutl Front Polit EcXFiscal Federalism and Political Decentralization: Lessons From Spain, Germany and CanadaStud Fiscal Fed Stat*Fiscal Institutions and Fiscal Performance Nber Conf R)Fiscal Policy and Management in East Asia Nber E A EcUFiscal Policy, Taxation and The Financial System in An Increasingly Integrated Europe Finan Mon P%Fiscal Reform in The Developing World Fisc Ref DFiscal Studies Fisc Stud"Fiscal Targets and Economic GrowthJohn Deu Rt Econ Pol2Fischer-tropsch Synthesis, Catalysts and CatalysisStud Surf Sci CatalFischer-tropsch TechnologyStud Surf Sci CatalFish & Shellfish ImmunologyFish Shellfish ImmunFish and Fisheries Fish FishFish and Fisheries Series Fish Fish SerFish and Fisheries SeriesFish Fisheries Serie0Fish Behaviour in Relation to Fishing Operations Ices Mar ScFish Drying in Indonesia Aciar Proc Fisheries Fisheries6Fisheries and Oil Development On The Continental Shelf Am Fish S S>Fisheries Assessment and Management in Data-limited Situations Low Wake FiFisheries Bycatch Alaska SeaFisheries in A Changing Climate Am Fish S SFisheries Management Fish Manage Fisheries Management and EcologyFisheries Manag Ecol.Fisheries Management and Watershed Development Am Fish S SFisheries Oceanography Fish Oceanogr*Fisheries, Reefs, and Offshore Development Am Fish S SFisheries ResearchFish ResFisheries Science Fisheries Sci+Fisheries Subsidies Under International LawHamb Stud Marit AffFishery Bulletin Fish B-noaaGFishery Bulletin of The National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationFish Bull Natl Oc AtFishery Stock Assessment Models Low Wake Fi"Fishes and The Break-up of PangaeaGeol Soc Spec PublFish Fishing and FisheriesFish Fish Fish7Fish Habitat: Essential Fish Habitat and Rehabilitation Am Fish S SFishing News International Fish News IntFish Nutrition in Practice Colloq InraFish Nutrition Research in AsiaAsian Fish Soc Spec!Fish Nutrition Research in Asia /Asian Fish Soc SpecFish Pathology Fish PatholFish Physiology Fish Physiol Fish Physiology and BiochemistryFish Physiol Biochem+Fish Production Potential of The Baltic SeaEnviron Sci EngFish VaccinologyDev Biol Stand Fitoterapia Fitoterapia!Five Lectures in Complex Analysis Contemp Math9Five Years of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Reappraisal Prog SurgGFixed and Flapping Wing Aerodynamics for Micro Air Vehicle ApplicationsProgr Astronaut AeroFFixed-point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and EngineeringSpringer Ser Optim AFixed Point TheoryFixed Point Theor-roFixed Point TheoryFixed Point Theory#Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsFixed Point Theory A#Fixed Point Theory and Applications Pitman Res*Fixed Point Theory and Applications SeriesFixed Point Theory A*Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol 6Fixed Point Theory A*Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol 7Fixed Point Theory A'Fixed Point Theory and Its Applications Banach CentCFixed Point Theory for Lipschitzian-type Mappings With ApplicationsTopol Fixed Point Th Fizika Metallov I MetallovedenieFiz Met Metalloved+Fizika Nizkikh TemperaturFiz Nizk Temp+Fizika Tverdogo TelaFiz Tverd Tela+ Fizika Zemli Fiz Zemli+Fiziologicheskii ZhurnalFiziol Zh Sssr,Fiziologiya I Biokhimiya Kulturnykh RasteniiFiziol Biokhim Kult+Fjord Systems and ArchivesGeol Soc Spec PublFlag-transitive Steiner Designs Front Math2Flame Retardants: Functions, Properties and SafetyChem Eng Method TechUFlammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-enriched Atmospheres : 6th VolumeAm Soc Test MaterWFlammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-enriched Atmospheres : Fifth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterVFlammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-enriched Atmospheres: Ninth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterXFlammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-enriched Atmospheres: Seventh VolumeAm Soc Test MaterVFlammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-enriched Atmospheres: Tenth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterFlaranFlaranFlares and FlashesLect Notes PhysAFlare Stars in Star Clusters, Associations and The Solar VicinityIau SympmFlatness, Roughness, and Discrete 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PolyphenolsMethods Enzymol@Flavonoids: Biosynthesis, Biological Effects and Dietary SourcesNutr Diet Res ProgFlavonoids in Cell FunctionAdv Exp Med BiolFlavonoids in The Living SystemAdv Exp Med Biol*Flavor and Health Benefits of Small Fruits Acs Sym Ser&Flavor and Lipid Chemistry of Seafoods Acs Sym SerFlavor-food Interactions Acs Sym SerFlavor Measurement Ift Bas SymFlavor of Dairy Products Acs Sym Ser Flavor Physics and The Tev ScaleSpringer Trac Mod PhFlavor Precursors Acs Sym Ser"Flavors in Noncarbonated Beverages Acs Sym SerFlavor Technology Acs Sym SerFlavour and Fragrance Chemistry Pr Phyt SocFlavour and Fragrance JournalFlavour Frag J=Flavour and Spin in Hadronic and Electromagnetic Interactions Ital Phy So;Flaw Assessment in Pressure Equipment and Welded Structures Imeche SemFlax : Breeding and Utilisation Adv Agr BioFleeting Identities S Il U CarbFleet TelematicsOper Res Comput SciFleischFleischFleischwirtschaftFleischwirtschaftFlemish Veterinary Journal Flem Vet JFlexibility: A Concise GuideMusculoskelet Med>Flexibility and Labour Markets in Canada and The United States Int Lab Res+Flexible and Efficient Information HandlingLect Notes Comput Sc9Flexible Databases Supporting Imprecision and UncertaintyStud Fuzz Soft Comp9Flexible Electronics 2004-materials and Device TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp P0Flexible Electronics: Materials and ApplicationsElectron Mater Sci T4Flexible Electronics-materials and Device TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp P4Flexible Manufacture of Lightweight Frame StructuresAdv Mater Res-switz3Flexible Mechanisms for An Efficient Climate PolicyZew Econ StudiesFlexible Multibody DynamicsSolid Mech Appl0Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation and MaintenanceAm Soc Test Mater Flexible Query Answering Systems Adv Soft CompIFlexible Query Answering Systems: 8th International Conference, Fqas 2009Lect Notes Artif Int-Flexible Query Answering Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int-Flexible Query Answering Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Flexible Services and Manufacturing JournalFlex Serv Manuf JLFlexible Work Arrangements: Conceptualizations and International ExperiencesStud Emp Soc PolicyFlight From Science and ReasonAnn Ny Acad Sci3Flight Mechanics / Estimation Theory Symposium 1990 Nasa Conf P-Flood Issues in Contemporary Water Management Nato Asi 2*Floodplains : Interdisciplinary ApproachesGeol Soc Spec Publ'Flood Recovery, Innovation and ResponseWit Trans Ecol EnvirEFlood Risk Management: Hazards, Vulnerability and Mitigation MeasuresNato Sci S Ss Iv EarBFlood Risk Management in Europe: Innovation in Policy and PracticeAdv Nat Tech Haz ResbFlood Risks and Land Use Conflicts in The Yangtze Catchment, China and At The Rhine River, GermanySch Int Ent UmwelFloods and Flood Management Fluid Mec AFloraFlora+Flora De La Republica De Cuba, Fasciculo 16Flora Repub Cuba A8Flora De La Republica De Cuba-serie A Plantas VascularesFlora Repub Cuba A%Flora Fanerogamica Da Ilha Do CardosoFlora Fanerogam Card-Flora Fanerogamica Da Ilha Do Cardoso, Vol 14Flora Fanerogam CardIFlora Fanerogamica Da Ilha Do Cardoso, Vol 15: Leguminosae, ThymelaeaceaeFlora Fanerogam Card+Florence and Its Church in The Age of DanteMiddle Ages Ser9Florentine Drawing At The Time of Lorenzo The Magnificent Vill Spel C0Florentine Villa: Architecture, History, SocietyClass Tradit Archit0Florida Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinFla Agr Exp Sta Bull0Florida Agricultural Experiment Station CircularFla Agr Exp Sta CircFlorida Entomologist Fla EntomolFlotation Plant OptimisationAimm Spectr SerFlotation TechnologyHandb Environ Eng,Flow and Combustion in Reciprocating EnginesExp Fluid MechFFlow and Creep in The Solar System : Observations, Modeling and TheoryNato Adv Sci Inst SeFlow and Image CytometryNato Adv Sci Inst Se,Flow and Microstructure of Dense SuspensionsMater Res Soc Symp P6Flow and Transport Processes With Complex ObstructionsNato Sci Ser Ii Math6Flow and Transport Processes With Complex ObstructionsNato Sci Ser Ii-math;Flow Cytometry and Image Analysis for Clinical Applications Int Congr Ser'Flow Cytometry Protocols, Third EditionMethods Mol Biol Flow Dynamics Aip Conf Proc/Flow Equation Approach to Many-particle SystemsSpringer Tr Mod Phys<Flower Bulbs - Seventh International Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticIFlow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz: Towards A Theory of CollaborationComput Music Sci"Flow-induced Structure in Polymers Acs Sym Ser>Flow Injection Analysis ( Fia ) Based On Enzymes Or AntibodiesGbf Monog SeriesFlow in Porous Media Int S Num M$Flow Measurement and InstrumentationFlow Meas Instrum(Flow Processes in Faults and Shear ZonesGeol Soc Spec PublFlows, Boundaries, Interactions Aip Conf ProcFlows of Reactive FluidsFluid Mech ApplFlow Turbulence and CombustionFlow Turbul Combust@Fluch Und Gebet: Magische Manipulation Versus Religioses Flehen?Hans Lietzmann Vorle/Fluconazole and Its Role in Vaginal CandidiasisRoy Soc Med Int CongFluctuation and Noise LettersFluct Noise Lett9Fluctuation Phenomena in High Temperature SuperconductorsNato Asi 3 High TechIFluctuations and Noise in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsIFluctuations and Noise in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical Systems Proc SpieLFluctuations and Noise in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLFluctuations and Noise in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical Systems Ii Proc SpieMFluctuations and Noise in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMFluctuations and Noise in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical Systems Iii Proc Spie#Fluctuations and Noise in Materials Spie Proc Ser&Fluctuations and Noise in Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Fluctuations and Noise in Materials Ii Proc Spie6Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics Proc Spie9Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics Ii Proc Spie:Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics Iii Proc Spie%Fluctuation Theory for Levy ProcessesLect Notes Math>Fluid and Electrolytes in Pediatrics: A Comprehensive HandbookNutr Health SerFluid Catalytic Cracking Ii Acs Sym SerFluid Catalytic Cracking Iii Acs Sym SerGFluid Catalytic Cracking Vii Materials: Methods and Process InnovationsStud Surf Sci CatalJFluid Catalytic Cracking Vi: Preparation and Characterization of CatalystsStud Surf Sci CatalCFluid Catalytic Cracking V: Materials and Technological InnovationsStud Surf Sci CatalDFluid Catalytic Cracking V: Materials and Technological Innovati OnsStud Surf Sci CatalFluid Dynamics Fluid DynFluid Dynamics Fluid Dynam+9Fluid Dynamics and Dynamos in Astrophysics and Geophysics Fl Mec Astr6Fluid Dynamics of Cavitation and Cavitating TurbopumpsCism Courses LectFluid Dynamics Research Fluid Dyn ResFluid Film Bearings Imeche Sem\Fluid Flow and Solute Movement in Sandstones: The Onshore Uk Permo-triassic Red Bed SequenceGeol Soc Spec Publ7Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Boiling in Micro-channelsHeat Mass TransfFluid Flow Modelling Hyd Eng SofBFluid Flow Through Faults and Fractures in Argillaceous Formations Oecd ProcFluid-fluid InteractionsRev Mineral GeochemHFluidization and Fluid Particle Systems: Recent Research and Development Aiche Sym SCFluidized Bed Combustion and Gasification: Experience and Prospects VDI Bericht<Fluid Machinery for The Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical IndustryImeche Conf TransBFluid Machinery for The Oil, Petrochemical, and Related IndustriesImeche Conf Trans3Fluid Mechanics and Dynamics of Multi-valve Engines Imeche Sem$Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications Fluid Mec A$Fluid Mechanics and Its ApplicationsFluid Mech Appl9Fluid Mechanics and The Environment: Dynamical ApproachesLect Notes Phys.Fluid Mechanics of Astrophysics and Geophysics Fl Mec AstrLFluid Mechanics of Mixing : Modelling, Operation and Experimental Techniques Fluid Mec AFluid Mixing 5 Inst Chem EFluid Mixing 6 Inst Chem EFluid Mixing Iv Inst Chem ELFluid Motions in Volcanic Conduits: A Source of Seismic and Acoustic SignalsGeol Soc Spec Publ(Fluid Overload: Diagnosis and ManagementContrib Nephrol7Fluid-particle Processes: Fundamentals and Applications Aiche Sym SbFluid Phase Behavior of Systems Involving High Molecular Weight Compounds and Supercritical FluidsChem Eng Method TechFluid Phase EquilibriaFluid Phase EquilibrFluid Power SeriesFluid Power Ser[Fluid Power Systems and Technology Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersFluid Power Syst Tec3Fluids and Waves: Recent Trends in Applied Analysis Contemp Math Fluid Sealing Fluid Mec AKFluids Engineering Division of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluid Eng DFluid Structure InteractionAdv Fluid Mech Ser8Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary ProblemsWit Trans Built Env;Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IvWit Trans Built EnvFluid Structure Interaction IiAdv Fluid Mech SerFluid Structure Interaction VWit Trans Built Env'Fluid Transport in Nanoporous MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math)Fluorescence Detection Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsEFluorescence in Situ Hybridization (fish): Protocols and ApplicationsMethods Mol BioloFluorescence in Vivo Imaging Based On Genetically Engineered Probes: From Living Cells to Whole Body Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt InsoFluorescence in Vivo Imaging Based On Genetically Engineered Probes: From Living Cells to Whole Body Imaging Iv Proc SpieHFluorescence Methods and Applications: Spectroscopy, Imaging, and ProbesAnn Ny Acad Sci9Fluorescence of Supermolecules, Polymers, and NanosystemsSpringer Ser FluoresFluorescence SpectroscopyMethod EnzymolFluorescence SpectroscopyMethods Enzymol-Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Imaging and Probes Spr S Fluor-Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Imaging and ProbesSpringer Ser Fluores9Fluorescent Chemosensors for Ion and Molecule Recognition Acs Sym Ser$Fluorescent Proteins, Second EditionMethod Cell BiolFluorideFluoride6Fluoride and Calcium Combined Therapy for OsteoporosisRes Clin Forums!Fluoride and The Oral EnvironmentMonogr Oral SciRFluoride Official Quarterly Journal of International Society for Fluoride ResearchFl Off Q J Int Soc FFluorides and Oral HealthWho Tech Rep SerFluorinated Heterocycles Acs Sym SerFlussiges ObstFlussiges Obst*Fluvial Processes and Environmental Change Brit GeomorFluvial Sedimentology Vi Int As SedBFlux-corrected Transport: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications Sci ComputBFlux-corrected Transport: Principles, Algorithms, and ApplicationsScientif ComputFlyFly9Fly Ash: Reuse, Environmental Problems and Related IssuesPollut Sci Technol AyFly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete - Proceedings, Fifth International Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Amer Conc IFFly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in 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Fundamentals and Applications in The Petroleum Industry Adv Chem Ser Foamy VirusesCurr Top Microbiol4Focal Epilepsy : Clinical Use of Emission Tomography Curr Prob E'Focal Plane Arrays for Space TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Focal Plane Arrays for Space Telescopes IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Focal Plane Arrays for Space Telescopes Iii Proc SpieFocal Points in Framed GamesLect Notes Econ MathUFocs 2002: 43rd Annual Ieee Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Symp FoundFocused Access to Xml DocumentsLect Notes Comput ScDFocused Issue On Fundamental Issues in Competence Theory DevelopmentRes Compet-based ManCFocused Issue On The Marketing Process in Organizational CompetenceRes Compet-based ManXFocused Issue On Understanding Growth: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and DiversificationRes Compet-based Man Focused Retrieval and EvaluationLect Notes Comput Sc1Focus: Gamelan Music of Indonesia, Second EditionFocus World MusicFocus: Irish Traditional MusicFocus World Music,Focus: Music of South Africa, Second EditionFocus World Music4Focus On Autism and Other Developmental DisabilitiesFocus Autism Dev DisFocus On BiotechnologyFocus Biotechnol#Focus On Civilizations and CulturesFocus Civiliz Cult"Focus On Climate Change and HealthClim Chang Cause EffFocus On Computer GraphicsFoc Comp GraphFocus On Depression and AnxietyFocus Depress AnxFocus On Exceptional ChildrenFocus Except Child Focus On Hiv Fr Infec DkFocus On Multiplicity: International Workshop On Particle Multiplicity in Relativistic Heavy Ion CollisionsJ Phys Conf SerFocus On Robert GravesFocus Robert GravesFocus On Structural BiologyFocus Struct BiologyFocus On Vehicle Electronics VDI BerichtFocus On World MusicFocus World Music%Focus Strategies in African LanguagesTrends Linguist-stud Fodder Crops and Amenity GrassesHandb Plant BreedFog of Peace and War Planning Strateg HistFolding & DesignFold DesFolia BiologicaFolia Biol-pragueFolia Biologica-krakowFolia Biol-krakowFolia Clinica InternacionalFolia Clin InternFolia Endocrinologica JaponicaFolia Endocrinol Jpn@Folia Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Comeniane BratislaviensisFolia Fac Med U ComeWFolia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis: BiologiaFolia Fac Sci Nat UnFolia Geobotanica Folia Geobot#Folia Geobotanica & PhytotaxonomicaFolia Geobot Phytotx#Folia Histochemica Et CytobiologicaFolia Histochem Cyto!Folia Histochemica Et CytochemicaFol Histoch CytochemFolia HumanisticaFolia HumanisticaFolia LinguisticaFolia LinguistFolia Linguistica HistoricaFolia Linguist HistFolia MicrobiologicaFolia MicrobiolFolia Morphologica Folia MorpholFolia NeuropathologicaFolia NeuropatholFolia NeuropsiquiatricaFolia NeuropsiquiatrFolia Ophthalmologica JaponicaFolia Ophthalmol JpnFolia Parasitologica Folia ParasitFolia Pharmacologica JaponicaFolia Pharmacol JpnFolia PhoniatricaFolia Phoniatr Folia Phoniatrica Et LogopaedicaFolia Phoniatr LogoFolia PrimatologicaFolia Primatol*Folia Psychiatrica Et Neurologica JaponicaFolia Psychiat Neu J?Foliations, Geometry, and Topology: Paul Schweitzer Festschrift Contemp MathFolia Veterinaria Latina Folia Vet LatFolia Zoologica Folia ZoolFolic Acid and Folates Vitam Horm Folk Life Folk LifeFolkloreFolkloreFolklore Americano Folklore Am'Folklore-electronic Journal of FolkloreFolklore-el J FolklFolk Music Journal Folk Music J/Folksonomies: Indexing and Retrieval in Web 2.0Knowl Info-stud InfoBFollowing Charcot: A Forgotten History of Neurology and PsychiatryFront Neurol NeuroscNFoncteurs En Grassmanniennes, Filtration De Krull Et Cohomologie Des FoncteursMem Soc Math FrJFonctionnement Des Peuplements Vegetaux Sous Contraintes Environnementales Colloq InraFonctions SphincteriennesCollect Acad Eur MedKFondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (feem) Series On Economics and The EnvironmentFeem Ser Econ EnvirIFondazione Eni Enrico Mattei-feem-series On Economics and The EnvironmentFeem Ser Econ EnvirFonderieFonderieFonderie-franceFond-frFontes Artis MusicaeFontes Artis Musicae)Fontes Et Subsidia Ad Bibliam PertinentesFontes Subsid Biblia1Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-surveillanceFood Addit Contam BFood Additives and ContaminantsFood Addit Contam\Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk AssessmentFood Addit Contam A Food AllergyAllergy Infect Dis!Food Allergy and Food IntoleranceBibl Nutr Diet9Food Allergy and Intolerance: Current Issues and Concerns Roy Soc ChFood & Function Food Funct"Food & Nutrition Notes and ReviewsFood Nutr Notes RevFood Analytical MethodsFood Anal Method-Food and Agrarian Orders in The World-economyContrib Econ Econ Hi Food and Agricultural ImmunologyFood Agr Immunol Food and Agricultural ImmunologyFood Agric ImmunolFood and Agricultural SecurityAnn Ny Acad Sci(Food and Beverage Consumption and HealthFood Bev Consum HlthFood and Bioprocess TechnologyFood Bioprocess TechFood and Bioproducts ProcessingFood Bioprod Process;Food and Cancer Prevention: Chemical and Biological Aspects Roy Soc ChFood and Chemical ToxicologyFood Chem ToxicolFood and Cosmetics ToxicologyFood Cosmet ToxicolFood and Drug Law JournalFood Drug Law JFood and Environmental VirologyFood Environ Virol:Food and Foodways in Asia: Resource, Tradition and CookingAnthropol AsiaFood and Nutrition BulletinFood Nutr Bull"Food and Packaging Interactions Ii Acs Sym SerFood and Society Food & SocBFood and The Mid-level Farm: Renewing An Agriculture of The MiddleFood Health EnvironFood Australia Food AustFood Biophysics Food BiophysFood BiotechnologyAdv Biochem Eng BiotFood BiotechnologyFood BiotechnolFood BiotechnologyProgr Biotechnol9Food Biotechnology in Ethical Perspective, Second EditionInt Libr Environ AgrFoodborne Listeriosis T Ind Micr:Foodborne Microbial Pathogens: Mechanisms and PathogenesisFood Sci Text SerFoodborne Pathogens and DiseaseFoodborne Pathog DisGFoodborne Pathogens: Hazards, Risk Analysis and Control, Second EditionWoodhead Food Ser+Food-borne Viruses: Progress and ChallengesEmerg Iss Food Saf`Food Chain Integrity: A Holistic Approach to Food Traceability, Safety, Quality and AuthenticityWoodhead Publ Food SFood Chain SecurityNato Sci Peace Secur+Food Chains: From Farmyard to Shopping CartHagley Perspect BusFood Chemistry Food Chem Food Colloids Roy Soc Ch@Food Colloids and Polymers : Stability and Mechanical Properties Roy Soc Ch(Food Colloids, Biopolymers and Materials Roy Soc Ch:Food Colloids: Interactions, Microstructure and Processing Roy Soc Ch1Food Colloids: Self-assembly and Material Science Roy Soc Ch2Food Colorants: Chemical and Functional PropertiesChem Funct Prop Food!Food Constituents and Oral HealthWoodhead Food Ser0Food Contaminants: Mycotoxins and Food Allergens Acs Sym Ser Food Control Food Control:Food, Diet and Health: Past, Present and Future TendenciesFood Sci TechnolFood Drug Cosmetic Law JournalFood Dr Cosmet Law JFood EngineeringFood Eng"Food Engineering and Manufacturing Food Engn Mfg.Food Engineering Aspects of Baking Sweet GoodsContemp Food Eng&Food Engineering in A Computer Climate Inst Chem E'Food Engineering: Integrated Approaches Food Eng SerFood Engineering Interfaces Food Eng SerFood Engineering Reviews Food Eng RevFood Engineering Series Food Eng SerWFood Exploitation By Social Insects: Ecological, Behavioral, and Theoretical ApproachesContemp Top Entomol!Food Factors for Health Promotion Forum Nutr7Food Factors in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Acs Sym Ser=Food Flavor and Chemistry: Explorations Into The 21st Century Roy Soc ChFood Flavor and Safety Acs Sym SerFood Flavors and Chemistry Roy Soc Ch;Food Flavors: Formation, Analysis, and Packaging Influences Dev Food Sci)Food Flavors, Ingredients and Composition Dev Food SciFood for The Ageing PopulationWoodhead Food SerTFood Fortification and Supplementation: Technological, Safety and Regulatory AspectsWoodhead Food SerFood Health and EnvironmentFood Health Environ%Food, Hunger, and Agricultural Issues Winr Dev Ed+Food Hydrocolloid Edible Films and CoatingsFood Sci TechnolFood HydrocolloidsFood Hydrocolloid>Food Hydrocolloids: Characteristics, Properties and StructuresFood Sci TechnolFood Hygiene and Safety ScienceFood Hyg Safe SciFood in CanadaFood Can7Food Insecurity, Vulnerability and Human Rights FailureStud Dev Econ PolicyFood in World HistoryThemes World Hist Food Irradiation and The Chemist Roy Soc Ch)Food Legumes in The Meditterranean Region Colloq InraFood Lipids and Health Ift Bas Sym+Food Lipids: Chemistry, Flavor, and Texture Acs Sym SerQFood Losses Due to Non-infectious and Production Diseases in Developing Countries Fao Anim PrFood Manufacture Food Manuf/Food Materials Science: Principles and Practice Food Eng SerFood Microbiological Analysis Ift Bas SymFood MicrobiologyFood Microbiol!Food Microbiology and Food SafetyFood Microbiol FoodFood MicrostructureFood MicrostructFood Packaging TechnologyAm Soc Test Mater0Food Packaging: Testing Methods and Applications Acs Sym Ser+Food Phytochemicals for Cancer Prevention I Acs Sym Ser,Food Phytochemicals for Cancer Prevention Ii Acs Sym Ser Food Policy Food Policy!Food Polymers, Gels, and Colloids Roy Soc ChIFood Preservation By Pulsed Electric Fields: From Research to ApplicationWoodhead Publ Food S#Food Preservation Technology SeriesFood Preserv TechnolFood Processing Automation Asae PublFood Processing Automation Iii Asae PublBFood Processing Automation Ii : Proceedings of The 1992 Conference Asae PublBFood Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Third EditionWoodhead Food SerFood Product Development Food Prod Dev,Food Product Development Based On Experience Ift Bas SymFood Production/managementFood Prod ManageIFood Properties and Computer-aided Engineering of Food Processing SystemsNato Adv Sci I E-appFood Proteins and LipidsAdv Exp Med Biol'Food Quality and Crop Protection Agents Br Crop PrFood Quality and PreferenceFood Qual Prefer Food ResearchFood ResFood Research Institute StudiesFood Res I StudFood Research International Food Res IntFood Reviews International Food Rev IntFood Safety Assessment Acs Sym Ser2Food Safety Assurance and Veterinary Public HealthFood Saf Assur VetNFood Safety Governance: Integrating Science, Precaution and Public Involvement Risk Gov Soc#Food Safety in The Human Food Chain Cas Paper<Food Safety Issues Associated With Products From AquacultureWho Tech Rep SerFood Science and BiotechnologyFood Sci Biotechnol)Food Science and Technology InternationalFood Sci Technol IntCFood Science and Technology-lebensmittel-wissenschaft & TechnologieFood Sci Technol-leb$Food Science and Technology ResearchFood Sci Technol Res"Food Science and Technology SeriesFood Sci TechnolFood Science Text SeriesFood Sci Text Ser Food Security Food SecurFood Security and Soil QualityAdv Soil Sci-serFood Security in AsiaAcad Stud Asian EconNFoods for Health: Integrating Agriculture, Medicine and Food for Future HealthNabc Rep?Foods for Health in The 21st Century: A Road Map for The FutureAnn Ny Acad SciFoods, Nutrition and Immunity Dyn Nutr RFood Structure Food Struct Food Systems and Agrarian ChangeFood Syst Agrar ChFood TechnologyFood Technol-chicago!Food Technology and BiotechnologyFood Technol BiotechFood Technology in Australia Food AustFood Technology in AustraliaFood Technol Aust Food Technology in The Year 2000Bibl Nutr DietFood Toxicology Ift Bas SymFood Trade ReviewFood Trade Rev Foot & Ankle Foot AnkleFoot & Ankle InternationalFoot Ankle IntFoot and Ankle ClinicsFoot Ankle ClinAFoot and Ankle Motion Analysis: Clinical Treatment and TechnologyBiomed Eng SerFoot and Mouth Disease VirusCurr Top MicrobiolFootball Manager: A HistorySport Glob SoceFootmarks of Innate Immunity in The Ovary and Cytokeratin-positive Cells As Potential Dendritic CellsAdv Anat Embryol Cel,Foot Ulcers: Causes, Diagnosis and TreatmentEndocr Res Clin Dev*For A Better Nutrition in The 21st CenturyNestle Nutr Works Se"Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems Low Wake FiForages for Plantation Crops Aciar ProcForages On Red Soils in China Aciar ProcEForay Into The Worlds of Animals and Humans: With A Theory of MeaningPosthumanitiesForbesForbesForce of LanguageLang Discourse Soc!Forces and Tension in DevelopmentCurr Top Dev Biol^Forces, Growth and Form in Soft Condensed Matter: At The Interface Between Physics and BiologyNato Sci Ser Ii Math Forces in Scanning Probe MethodsNato Adv Sci I E-app Forces in Scanning Probe MethodsNato Adv Sci Inst SeFordham Law ReviewFordham Law Rev"Fordham Series in Medieval StudiesFordham Ser Mediev S+Forebrain Areas Involved in Pain ProcessingFrontier Pain Res7Forecasting and Hedging in The Foreign Exchange MarketsLect Notes Econ Math>Forecasting International Migration in Europe: A Bayesian ViewSpringer Ser DemogrFForecasting in The Presence of Structural Breaks and Model UncertaintyFront Econ GlobalEForecasting : Market Determinants Affecting Cash Flows and Reversions Airea Res S2Forecasting, Travel Behavior, and Network ModelingTransport Res Rec@Forecasting With Exponential Smoothing: The State Space ApproachSpringer Ser StatForeign Affairs Foreign AffForeign Agriculture Foreign Agr-Foreign Direct Investment and The Environment Oecd Proc/Foreign Direct Investment and The World EconomyRoutl Stud Mod World.Foreign Direct Investment in Post-crisis KoreaRoutl Adv Korean Stu?Foreign Direct Investment Policy and Promotion in Latin America Oecd Proc"Foreign Direct Investments in AsiaRoutl Stud Mod WorldForeign Language AnnalsForeign Lang AnnForeign Literature StudiesForeign Lit StudkForeignness of The Foreign Woman in Proverbs 1-9: A Study of The Origin and Development of A Biblical MotifBeih Z Alttest Wiss4Foreign Object Impact and Energy Absorbing Structure Imeche SemForeign PolicyForeign PolicyForeign Policy AnalysisForeign Policy Anal)Foreign Policy in An Interconnected WorldGlob Polit Stud=Foreign Policy Making in Taiwan: From Principle to Pragmatism Polit Asia#Forensic Applications of The Mmpi-2Appl Psy-indiv Soc8Forensic Evidence Analysis and Crime Scene InvestigationP Soc Photo-opt InsMForensic Linguistics-the International Journal of Speech Language and The LawForensic LinguistForensic Pathology ReviewsForensic Pathol Rev!Forensic Pathology Reviews, Vol 5Forensic Pathol RevBForensic Polymer Engineering: Why Polymer Products Fail in ServiceWoodhead Publ MaterForensic QuarterlyForensic QuartForensic Science Forensic SciForensic Science and MedicineForensic Sci MedForensic Science InternationalForensic Sci Int'Forensic Science International-geneticsForensic Sci Int-gen'Forensic Science Medicine and PathologyForensic Sci Med PatForensic ToxicologyForensic Toxicol)Forest Analytics Withh R: An IntroductionUse RJForest Biodiversity in North, Central and South America, and The Caribbean Man Biosph:Forest Biodiversity: Lessons From History for Conservation Iufro Res Ser5Forest Biodiversity Research, Monitoring and Modeling Man BiosphForest Communities in The Third Millennium: Linking Research Business and Policy Toward A Sustainable Non-timber Forest Product SectorUs For Serv T R Nc#Forest Development in Cold ClimatesNato Adv Sci Inst Se;Forest Diversity and Function: Temperate and Boreal Systems Ecol Stu An;Forest Diversity and Function: Temperate and Boreal SystemsEcol Stud-anal SynthForest Ecology and ManagementForest Ecol Manag@Forest Ecosystems, Forest Management and The Global Carbon CycleNato Asi Ser Ser IHForested Habitats and Human-modified Land-use Effects On Avian DiversityBirds-evol Behav Eco1Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Research ReportsFor Farm Comm Tree RYForest Genetic Resource Conservation and Management in Canada - Proceedings of A Workshop For Can PiVForest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Synthesis of Past Research and Future DirectionsEcol Stud-anal Synth;Forest Landscape Restoration in Central and Northern EuropeEur Forest Inst ProcBForest Management and The Water Cycle: An Ecosystem-based ApproachEcol Stud-anal SynthForest Modeling Symposium For Can NorForest Pathology Forest Pathol5Forest Pest Management Institute - Information Report Fpm Inf RepForest Policy and EconomicsForest Policy Econ9Forest Policy and Economics in Support of Good GovernanceEur Forest Inst Proc[Forest Policy in The Countries With Economies in Transition - Ready for The European Union?Eur Forest Inst ProcForest Products Journal Forest Prod J Forest Research Crossing BordersEur Forest Inst ProcForestryForestryForestry and AgroforestryRes Meth Plant Sci0Forestry and Environment - Engineering Solutions Asae PublCForestry Canada Information Report Newfoundland and Labrador Region For Can New3Forestry Canada Information Report Northwest Region For Can NorGForestry Canada Information Report Petawawa National Forestry Institute For Can PiPForestry Canda Modeling Working Group : Proceedings of The Fifth Annual Workshop For Can NorForestry Chronicle Forest ChronGForestry Cooperatives: What Today's Resource Professionals Need to KnowUs For Serv T R Nc6Forestry Research Management Initiatives for The 1990sFri BullForestry SciencesFor SciEForest Scenario Modelling for Ecosystem Management At Landscape LevelEur Forest Inst ProcForest Science Forest Sci@Forests in Poverty Reduction Strategies: Capturing The PotentialEur Forest Inst ProcOForests to Climate Change Mitigation: Clean Development Mechanism in BangladeshEnviron Sci EngForest SystemsFor SystForest Systems Forest SystEForging A Women's Health Research Agenda: Policy Issues for The 1990sAnn Ny Acad Sci:Forging Chivalric Communities in Malory's Le Morte DarthurStud Arthur Court Cu'Forging New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers IStud Fuzz Soft Comp(Forging New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers IiStud Fuzz Soft Comp@Forging Sustainable Peace in Mindanao: The Role of Civil SocietyPol StuddForgiveness and Reconciliation: Psychological Pathways to Conflict Transformation and Peace BuildingPeace Psychol Book S,Forgotten Captives in Japanese-occupied AsiaRoutl Stud Mod HistFForkhead Transcription Factors: Vital Elements in Biology and MedicineAdv Exp Med BiolForktailForktail(Formal Approaches to Agent-based SystemsLect Notes Artif Int(Formal Approaches to Agent-based SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc%Formal Approaches to Software TestingLect Notes Comput Sc>Formal Approaches to Software Testing and Runtime VerificationLect Notes Comput Sc$Formal Aspects in Security and TrustInt Fed Info Proc$Formal Aspects in Security and TrustLect Notes Comput ScFormal Aspects of ComputingForm Asp ComputFormal Aspects of Context Appl Log SerFormal Aspects of SecurityLect Notes Comput ScFormal Concept AnalysisLect Notes Artif Int0Formal Concept Analysis: Formal Concept AnalysisLect Notes Artif Int$Formal Concept Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int$Formal Concept Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Formal Concepts Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int)Formal Descriptions of Developing SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math)Formal Descriptions of Developing SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math!Formal Description Techniques, Iv Ifip Trans C!Formal Description Techniques, Vi Ifip Trans CFormal Design Methods for Cad Ifip Trans B3Formal Foundations for Software Engineering MethodsLect Notes Comput Sc?Formal Foundations of Reuse and Domain Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Formalin-fixed Paraffin-embedded Tissues: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Formal Languages and CompilationTexts Comput Sci+Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-time SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc'Formal Methods and Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc4Formal Methods and Software Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Formal Methods and Stochastic Models for Performance EvaluationLect Notes Comput Sc+Formal Methods: Applications and TechnologyLect Notes Comput ScFFormal Methods At The Crossroads: From Panacea to Foundational SupportLect Notes Comput Sc)Formal Methods for Components and ObjectsLect Notes Comput Sc0Formal Methods for Computational Systems BiologyLect Notes Comput Sc(Formal Methods for Hardware VerificationLect Notes Comput Sc.Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc#Formal Methods for Mobile ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc8Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc;Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems IvInt Fed Info ProcEFormal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Formal Methods for Performance EvaluationLect Notes Comput Sc?Formal Methods for Protocol Engineering and Distributed SystemsInt Fed Info Proc@Formal Methods for Quantitative Aspects of Programming LanguagesLect Notes Comput Sc)Formal Methods for Software ArchitecturesLect Notes Comput Sc2Formal Methods for The Design of Real-time SystemsLect Notes Comput ScFormal Methods for Web ServicesLect Notes Comput Sc,Formal Methods: Foundations and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc'Formal Methods in Computer-aided DesignLect Notes Comput Sc4Formal Methods in Computer-aided Design, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Formal Methods in Databases and Software Engineering Work Comp/Formal Methods in Software and Systems ModelingLect Notes Comput ScFormal Methods in System DesignForm Method Syst Des!Formal Methods in Systems BiologyLect N BioinformatFormal Methods Pacific '97Spr S Disc Math-Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc:Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Formal Models, Languages and ApplicationsSer Mach Percept ArtFormal Models of AgentsLect Notes Artif Int&Formal Ontology and Conceptual Realism Synth Libr&Formal Ontology in Information Systems Fr Art Int&Formal Ontology in Information SystemsFront Artif Intel Ap*Formal Perspectives On Romance LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory His5Formal Properties of Finite Automata and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc.Formal Properties of Measurement ConstructionsInterface ExplorFormal Semantics for Vhdl Kluw S VlsiPFormal Specification and Synthesis of Procedural Controllers for Process SystemsLect Notes Contr InfPFormal Technique for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2002, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJFormal Techniques for Computer Systems and Business Processes, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed SystemsInt Fed Info ProcDFormal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2003Lect Notes Comput ScQFormal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDFormal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2005Lect Notes Comput ScDFormal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2006Lect Notes Comput ScDFormal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2007Lect Notes Comput ScDFormal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2008Lect Notes Comput ScEFormal Techniques for Newtowrked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc9Formal Techniques in Real-time and Fault-tolerant SystemsLect Notes Comput ScFFormal Techniques in Real-time and Fault-tolerant Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScZFormal Techniques, Modelling and Analysis of Timed and Fault-tolerant Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFormal Theories of InformationLect Notes Comput ScFormal to Practical SecurityLect Notes Comput ScMForm and Function in Language Research: Papers in Honour of Christian LehmannTrends Linguist-studFFormat Integration and Its Effect On Cataloging, Training, and SystemsAlcts P Lib Tech SerKFormation and Applications of The Sedimentary Record in Arc Collision Zones Geol S Am SKFormation and Applications of The Sedimentary Record in Arc Collision ZonesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap@Formation and Development of Small Business: Issues and EvidenceRoutl Stud Small Bus9Formation and Differentiation of Early Embryonic MesodermNato Adv Sci I A-lifXFormation and Dynamics of Self-organized Structures in Surfactants and Polymer SolutionsProg Coll Pol Sci SWFormation and Early Growth of Business Webs: Modular Product Systems in Network MarketsInform Age Econ'Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks Astr Soc P6Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters Astr Soc P*Formation and Evolution of Solids in SpaceNato Adv Sci I C-mat1Formation and Interactions of Topological DefectsNato Adv Sci Inst SeFormation of Binary StarsIau Symp.Formation of Black Holes in General RelativityEms Textb Math1Formation of Dark Matter Haloes in A Cdm UniverseSpace Sci Explor Pol0Formation of The Galactic Halo....inside and Out Astr Soc PEFormative Period of American Capitalism: A Materialist InterpretationRout Int Stud Bus HiFormative Years of Scholars Wenn Gr IntAForme Des Choses: Poesie Et Savoirs Dans La Sepmaine De Du BartasCribles"Forming Couples: Godard's ContemptLegend Spec Lect Ser2Forming Ethical Identities in Early Childhood PlayContest Early ChildhForming The MindStud His Phil MindForming The MindStud Hist Philos Min4Formoterol : Fast and Long-lasting BronchodilatationRoy Soc Med Int Cong Formulary Formulary1Formulation and Delivery of Proteins and Peptides Acs Sym Ser8Formulation of Christianity By Conflict Through The Ages Symposium S2Fornvannen-journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research FornvannenForo InternacionalForo IntForschende KomplementarmedizinForsch Komplementmed<Forschende Komplementarmedizin Und Klassische NaturheilkundeForsch Komp Klas Nat(Forschungen Zur Europaischen IntegrationForsch Eur Integr0Forschung Im Ingenieurwesen-engineering ResearchForsch IngenieurwesSForschungszentrum Karlsruhe - Technik Und Umwelt, Wissenschaftliche Berichte (fzka)Fzka Tech Umw Wis BForschung Und Praxis Im Dialog Fors Prax D$Forstwissenschaftliches CentralblattForstwiss CentralblSFortgeschrittene Lernervarietaten: Korpuslinguistik Und Zweitspracherwerbsforschung Linguist ArbSFor The Greater Good of All: Perspectives On Individualism, Society, and LeadershipJepson Stud Leadersh;For The Millions: American Art and Culture Between The WarsArts Intell Life Mod@For The People By The People? Eugene Sue's Les Mysteres De ParisRes Monogr Fr StudUFortschritte Auf Dem Gebiete Der Rontgenstrahlen Und Der Neuen Bildgebenden VerfahrenRofo Fortschr RontgGFortschritte Auf Dem Gebiete Der Rontgenstrahlen Und Der NuklearmedizinFortschr Rontg Neuen/Fortschritte Der Chemie Organischer NaturstoffeFort Chem Org Nat%Fortschritte Der Chemischen ForschungFortschr Chem Forsch/Fortschritte Der Herz Thorax Und GefabchirurgieFortschr Herz ThoraxFortschritte Der Medizin Fortschr MedFortschritte Der MineralogieFortschr Mineral'Fortschritte Der Neurologie PsychiatrieFortschr Neurol PsycBFortschritte Der Neurologie Und Psychiatrie Und Ihrer GrenzgebieteFortschr Neurol P IFortschritte Der PhysikFortschr Physik+Fortschritte Der Physik-progress of Physics Fortschr PhysAFortschritte Der Veterinarmedizin-advances in Veterinary Medicine Fortschr VetFortschritte Der Zoologie Forts Zool Fortschritte in Der Arthroskopie Fort Arthr(Fortschritte in Der Luftreinhaltetechnik VDI Bericht=Fortschritte in Diagnostik Und Therapie Des Prostatakarzinoms Onkol Koll*Fortschritt Und Fortbildung in Der Medizin For For Med?Fortschritt Und Fortbildung in Der Medizin, Band 17 ( 1993/94 ) For For Med=Fortschritt Und Fortbildung in Der Medizin, Bd 16 ( 1992/93 ) For For MedPFortuna Vitrea-works On Literary Tradition Between 13th-century and 16th-centuryFortuna VitreaFortuneFortuneYFort Valley Experimental Forest - A Century of Research 1908-2008, Conference ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-pKForty-fifth Annual Meeting of The Industrial Relations Research Association Ind Rel ResForumForum-us<Forum-a Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary PoliticsForum-j Appl Res ConForum-american Bar AssociationForumForum Der PsychoanalyseForum Psychoanal!Forum for Modern Language StudiesForum Mod Lang Stud Forum Futures Jos-bas Hig Forum-houston Forum-houstonForum ItalicumForum ItalicumForum Mathematicum Forum MathForum Modernes TheaterForum Mod TheaterForum of Nutrition Forum Nutr(Forum On Traffic and Transportation 2003 VDI Bericht1Forum Series On Labour in A Chaning World EconomyForum S Labour ChangIForward-backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Their ApplicationsLect Notes MathForward Studies SeriesForward Stud SerKFosiles Y Moleculas: Aproximaciones A La Historia Evolutiva De Homo SapiensMem Real Soc Esp HisFFossil Earthquakes: The Formation and Preservation of PseudotachylytesLect Notes Earth Sci Fossil RecordFoss Rec`Fossils of The Miocene Castillo Formation, Venezuela: Contributions On Neotropical Palaeontology Sp Palaeont`Fossils of The Miocene Castillo Formation, Venezuela: Contributions On Neotropical PalaeontologySpec Pap Palaeontol7Fostering Monetary & Financial Cooperation in East AsiaWorld Sci Stud Int EFotteaFottea7Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource AnalysisLect Notes Comput ScPFoundational Issues in Linguistic Theory: Essays in Honor of Jean-roger VergnaudCurr Stud Linguist<Foundations and Applications of Mis: A Model Theory ApproachIfsr Int Ser Syst Sc3Foundations and Applications of Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int1Foundations and Applications of Security AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc1Foundations and Applications of Sensor ManagementSignals Commun TechnFoundations and FrontiersP Corp Aviat Saf Sem$Foundations and Futures of EducationFound Futures Educ/Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data MiningStud Comp Intell/Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data MiningStud Comput Intell=Foundations and Tools for Neural Modeling, Proceedings, Vol ILect Notes Comput ScFoundations for The Family Fdn Family=Foundations in Grammatical Evolution for Dynamic EnvironmentsStud Comput Intell.Foundations in Library and Information Science Found Lib>Foundations in Signal Processing Communications and NetworkingFound Signal Process/Foundations of Augmented Cognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntFoundations of Communication Found Comm0Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Vol 3Stud Comput Intell0Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Vol 4Stud Comput Intell[Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Vol 5: Function Approximation and ClassificationStud Comput Intell0Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Vol 6Stud Comput IntellJFoundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 1: Learning ApproximationStud Comput IntellIFoundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 2: Approximate ReasoningStud Comput Intell(Foundations of Computational MathematicsFound Comput Math(Foundations of Computational Mathematics Lond Math SNFoundations of Computer Software: Future Trends and Techniques for DevelopmentLect Notes Comput Sc2Foundations of Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryStud Comp Intell2Foundations of Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryStud Comput Intell$Foundations of Engineering MechanicsFound Eng Mech]Foundations of Europe: European Integration Ideas in France, Germany and Britain in The 1950sForsch Eur Integr:Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Foundations of Generic Optimization, Vol 2Math Model-theor App!Foundations of Genetic AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput Sc*Foundations of Global Genetic OptimizationStud Comput Intell0Foundations of Information and Knowledge SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc=Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPFoundations of Information Technology in The Era of Network and Mobile ComputingInt Fed Info Proc"Foundations of Intelligent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int/Foundations of Intelligent Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Foundations of Intelligent Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFoundations of Language Found Lang Foundations of Location AnalysisInt Ser Oper Res Man0Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation Aiche Sym S\Foundations of Non-equilibrium Economics: The Principle of Circular and Cumulative CausationRoutl Adv Heterod Ec(Foundations of Object-oriented LanguagesLect Notes Comput ScFoundations of OptimizationGrad Texts Math9Foundations of Paul Samuelsons Revealed Preference TheoryRoutl Inem Adv EconFoundations of PersonalityNato Adv Sci Inst SeFoundations of Physics Found PhysFoundations of Physics LettersFound Phys LettKFoundations of Power and Conflicts of Authority in Late-antique MonasticismOrient Lovan Anal*Foundations of Probability and Physics - 3 Aip Conf Proc*Foundations of Probability and Physics - 4 Aip Conf Proc*Foundations of Probability and Physics - 5 Aip Conf Proc9Foundations of Quantization for Probability DistributionsLect Notes Math4Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics, Third EditionWorld Sci Lec No PhyIFoundations of Quantum Mechanics - Historical Analysis and Open Questions Fund Theor?Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in The Light of New Technology Jjap SeriesFFoundations of Real-time Computing : Formal Specifications and Methods Kluw Real TGFoundations of Real-time Computing : Scheduling and Resource Management Kluw Real T*Foundations of Reasoning Under UncertaintyStud Fuzz Soft CompFoundations of Science Found Sci!Foundations of Secure ComputationNato Adv Sci I F-com.Foundations of Security Analysis and Design IiLect Notes Artif Int/Foundations of Security Analysis and Design IiiLect Notes Comput Sc-Foundations of Security Analysis and Design VLect Notes Comput SchFoundations of Small Business Enterprise: An Entrepreneurial Analysis of Small Firm Inception and GrowthRoutl Stud Small BusIFoundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Foundations of Software Science and Computation StructuresLect Notes Comput ScGFoundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScEFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science /Lect Notes Comput ScHFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science ////Lect Notes Comput ScIFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science /////Lect Notes Comput Sc$Foundations of Statistical Inference Contr Stat!Foundations of The Market EconomyFound Mark Econ>Foundation Upgrading and Repair for Infrastructure Improvement Geotech Sp.Founders of Western Thought - The PresocraticsBost Stud Philos SciFounders Series Founders SercFounding The Fathers: Early Church History and Protestant Professors in Nineteenth- Century AmericaDivin Reread Late An`Four Centuries of Geological Travel: The Search for Knowledge On Foot, Bicycle, Sledge and CamelGeol Soc Spec Publ Four Decades of Poetry 1890-1930Four Decades PoetryFourier AnalysisLect Notes Pure Appl=Fourier Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsGrundlehr Math Wiss3Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations St Adv Math)Fourier Analysis On Finite Abelian GroupsAppl Numer Harmon AnFourier Integral OperatorsMod Birkhauser ClassFFourier-mukai and Nahm Transforms in Geometry and Mathematical Physics Prog MathHFourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in Colloid and Interface Science Acs Sym SerJFourier Transforms of Invariant Functions On Finite Reductive Lie AlgebrasLect Notes MathFourier Transform Spectroscopy Aip Conf Proc0Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Technical DigestOsa Trends Opt Photo Four Quarters Four Quarters Fourrages FourragesJFourteenth Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf ComputQFourteenth Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management SymposiumP Ieee Semicond TherZFourteenth Biennial University/government/industry Microelectronics Symposium, ProceedingsP Univ Govt Ind MicrHFourteenth Ieee Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems, Proceedings Comp Med SyJFourteenth International Conference On Numerical Methods in Fluid DynamicsLect Notes PhysHFourteenth International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vols 1 and 2Int C Patt RecogVFourteenth International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt InsVFourteenth International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics Proc Spie7Fourteenth Texas Symposium On Relativistic AstrophysicsAnn Ny Acad SciQFourth All-russian Seminar On Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsWFourth Annual Workshop On Space Operations Applications and Research ( Soar 90 ), Vol 1 Nasa Conf PWFourth Annual Workshop On Space Operations Applications and Research ( Soar 90 ), Vol 2 Nasa Conf P(Fourth Conference in Optics, Romopto '94P Soc Photo-opt Ins-Fourth European Conference On Artificial LifeFrom Anim Animat1Fourth European Conference On Radio Relay Systems Iee Conf Publ8Fourth European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium Esa Sp PublJFourth European Symposium On Computer Aided Process Engineering - Escape 4 Inst Chem E1Fourth European Workshop On Optical Fibre SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Fourth European Workshop On Optical Fibre Sensors Proc Spie%Fourth Family of Quarks and Leptons /Ann Ny Acad Sci-Fourth Generation X-ray Sources and Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Fourth-generation X-ray Sources and Ultrafast X-ray DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Fourth Granada Lectures in Computational PhysicsLect Notes Phys+Fourth Iee Conference On Telecommunications Iee Conf Publ]Fourth Ieee International Conference On Engineering of Complex Computer Systems - ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng Comp]Fourth Ieee International Symposium and Forum On Software Engineering Standards - ProceedingsProc Ieee Softw EngnOFourth Ifip International Conference On Theoretical Computer Science - Tcs 2006Int Fed Info ProcNFourth International Conference On Computer-aided Design and Computer GraphicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Fourth International Conference On Correlation OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Fourth International Conference On Correlation Optics Proc SpieAFourth International Conference On Electrical Machines and Drives Iee Conf Publ9Fourth International Conference On Experimental MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Fourth International Conference On Experimental Mechanics Proc SpieMFourth International Conference On Factory 2000 - Advanced Factory Automation Iee Conf PublWFourth International Conference On Ground Penetrating Radar, June 8-13, 1992, Rovaniemi Geol S FinlSFourth International Conference On Holographic Systems, Components and Applications Iee Conf PublhFourth International Conference On Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InscFourth International Conference On Minority Languages, Vol Ii : Western and Eastern European Papers Multiling]Fourth International Conference On Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins]Fourth International Conference On Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie^Fourth International Conference On Physics of Light-matter Coupling in Nanostructures (plmcn4)Phys Status Solidi CNFourth International Conference On Power Electronics and Variable-speed Drives Iee Conf Publ7Fourth International Conference On Solid State LightingP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Fourth International Conference On Solid State Lighting Proc Spie:Fourth International Conference On Television Measurements Iee Conf PublIFourth International Conference On The Quantitative Evaluation of SystemsInt Conf Quant EvalEFourth International Conference On Thin Film Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsEFourth International Conference On Thin Film Physics and Applications Proc SpieDFourth International Conference On Trends in Distribution Switchgear Iee Conf PublhFourth International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsSFourth International Conference On Virtual Reality and Its Applications in IndustryP Soc Photo-opt InsSFourth International Conference On Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry Proc Spie$Fourth International Mango Symposium Acta Hortic.Fourth International Mining Geology ConferenceAustralas I Min Met.Fourth International Peach Symposium, Vols 1-2 Acta Hortic3Fourth International Protea Working Group Symposium Acta HorticJFourth International Seminar On Modern Cutting and Measurement EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Fourth International Symposium On Atomic TechnologyJ Phys Conf Ser>Fourth International Symposium On Co2 in Protected Cultivation Acta Hortic*Fourth International Symposium On Hazelnut Acta Hortic8Fourth International Symposium On Kiwifruit, Proceedings Acta HorticBFourth International Symposium On Laser Precision MicrofabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsBFourth International Symposium On Laser Precision Microfabrication Proc Spie>Fourth International Symposium On Long-range Sound Propagation Nasa Conf P<Fourth International Symposium On Optical Storage (isos '96)P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Fourth International Symposium On Replant Problems Acta Hortic?Fourth International Symposium On Sodium Valproate and EpilepsyRoy Soc Med Int Cong?Fourth International Symposium On Taxonomy of Cultivated Plants Acta HorticFourth International Workshop Dice 2008: From Quantum Mechanics Through Complexity to Spacetime: The Role of Emergent Dynamical StructuresJ Phys Conf Ser?Fourth International Workshop On Iodine Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InskFourth International Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Fourth Oxford Conference On SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Fourth Oxford Conference On Spectroscopy Proc Spie4Fourth Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor WorkshopP Soc Photo-opt InsiFourth Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Topic in Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics Contemp MathBFourth Symposium On Large Tpcs for Low Energy Rare Event DetectionJ Phys Conf SerOFpl: 2009 International Conference On Field Programmable Logic and ApplicationsInt Con Field Prog$Fractal Analysis for Natural HazardsGeol Soc Spec PublFractal Aspects of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PxFractal Geometry and Applications: A Jubilee of Benoit Mandelbrot - Analysis, Number Theory, and Dynamical Systems, Pt 1P Symp Pure MathFractal Geometry and Applications: A Jubilee of Benoit Mandelbrot - Multifractals, Probability and Statistical Mechanics, Applications, Pt 2P Symp Pure Math Fractal Geometry and Stochastics Prog Probab#Fractal Geometry and Stochastics Ii Prog Probab$Fractal Geometry and Stochastics Iii Prog Probab#Fractal Geometry and Stochastics Iv Prog Probab1Fractals and Universal Spaces in Dimension TheorySpringer Monogr MathGFractals-an Interdisciplinary Journal On The Complex Geometry of NatureFractalsDFractals-complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and SocietyFractalsIFractals, Diffusion, and Relaxation in Disordered Complex Systems, Part A Adv Chem PhysIFractals, Diffusion, and Relaxation in Disordered Complex Systems, Part B Adv Chem Phys)Fractals in Biology and Medicine, Vol IiiMath Biosci Interac(Fractals in Biology and Medicine, Vol IvMath Biosci Interac(Fractals in Biology and Medicine, Vol IvMath Biosci InteractCFractals in Graz 2001: Analysis - Dynamics - Geometry - Stochastics Trends MathFractals in Multimedia Ima V Math,Fractals in The Natural and Applied Sciences Ifip Trans A'Fractals Physical Origin and Properties E Maj Int ScFractional Dynamics: Applications of Fractional Calculus to Dynamics of Particles, Fields and MediaNonlinear Phys SciEFractional-order Nonlinear Systems: Modeling, Analysis and SimulationNonlinear Phys SciCFractional-order Systems and Control: Fundamentals and ApplicationsAdv Ind Control!Fractography of Advanced Ceramics Key Eng Mat!Fractography of Advanced Ceramics Key Eng Mater$Fractography of Advanced Ceramics Ii Key Eng Mat$Fractography of Advanced Ceramics Ii Key Eng Mater%Fractography of Advanced Ceramics Iii Key Eng Mat%Fractography of Advanced Ceramics Iii Key Eng Mater&Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics V Ceram TransLFractography of Modern Engineering Materials: Composites and Metals, 2nd VolAm Soc Test Mater,Fracture and Damage Mechanics V, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat,Fracture and Damage Mechanics V, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterJFracture and Ductile Vs. Brittle Behavior-theory, Modelling and ExperimentMater Res Soc Symp PFFracture and In-situ Stress Characterization of Hydrocarbon ReservoirsGeol Soc Spec PublFracture and Strength 90 Key Eng Mat,Fracture and Strength of Solids, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat,Fracture and Strength of Solids, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater0Fracture and Strength of Solids Vii, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater/Fracture and Strength of Solids Vi, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat/Fracture and Strength of Solids Vi, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterFractured ReservoirsGeol Soc Spec PublDFracture-instability Dynamics, Scaling, and Ductile/brittle BehaviorMater Res Soc Symp PFracture Mechanics Key Eng MaterFracture Mechanics: 25th VolumeAm Soc Test MaterFracture Mechanics of Ceramics Fract Mech&Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol 10 Fract Mech&Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol 11 Fract Mech%Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol 9 Fract Mech@Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Vols 1-3Proc Monogr Eng WateFracture Mechanics SymposiumFracture Mech Symp(Fracture Mechanics: Twenty-fourth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterJFracture Mechanics: With An Introduction to Micromechancis, Second Edition Mech Eng SerFracture of Composites Key Eng MatFracture of Composites Key Eng Mater&Fracture of Materials: Moving Forwards Key Eng Mat&Fracture of Materials: Moving Forwards Key Eng Mater1Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives Ii Esis Publ?Fracture Processes in Concrete, Rock and Ceramics, Vols 1 and 2 Rilem ProcIFracture Resistance Testing of Monolithic and Composite Brittle MaterialsAm Soc Test Mater9Fractures in The Elderly: A Guide to Practical Management Aging MedFragile X / Cancer CytogeneticsProg Clin Biol Res8Fragipans : Their Occurence, Classification, and GenesisSssa Spec PublEFragment-based Drug Design: Tools, Practical Approaches, and ExamplesMethod Enzymol Frailty ModelStat Biol Health(Frames and Bases: An Introductory CourseAppl Numer Harmon An<Frames and Operator Theory in Analysis and Signal Processing Contemp MathLFrames Und Sprachliches Wissen: Kognitive Aspekte Der Semantischen KompetenzSprache Wissen Framework for Monetary Stability Finan Mon PCFraming Discourse On The Environment: A Critical Discourse ApproachRoutl Crit Stud DiscdFraming Research On Technology and Student Learning in The Content Areas: Implications for EducatorsRes Methods Educ TecTFraming The Global Economic Downturn: Crisis Rhetoric and The Politics of Recessions Anzsog Monogr5Francais Juifs 1914-1950: Recit D' Un Desenchantement Tempus SerFrancais ModerneFrancais Modern&France/china: Intercultural ImaginingsRes Monogr Fr StudDFrance On The World Stage: Nation State Strategies in The Global EraFr Plit Soc CultDFrance On The World Stage: Nation State Strategies in The Global EraFr Polit Soc CultFranchising in European Contract Law: A Comparison Between The Main Obligations of The Contracting Parties in The Principles of European Law On Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts (pel Cafdc), French and Spanish LawSchr Eur RechtswissLFrancisella Tularensis: Biology, Pathogenicity, Epidemiology, and BiodefenseAnn Ny Acad SciFrancoist Military TrialsRoutl Can Blanch StuFrancopolyphoniesFrancopolyphoniesFFrankfurt School Perspectives On Globalization, Democracy, and The LawRoutl Stud Soc Polit9Frank Knight and The Chicago School in American EconomicsRoutl Stud Hist EconRFranklin and Eleanor Roosevolt Institute Series On Diplomatic and Economic HistoryFeri Dipl Econ Hist:Franklin Roosevelt's Foreign Policy and The Welles MissionWorld Roosevelts9Frank W Pierce Memorial Lectureship and Conference SeriesF W Pierce Mem LectFranz Liszt and His WorldBard Music Festiv>Free Aceh Movement (gam): Anatomy of A Separatist OrganizationPol StudFree and Unfree LabourInt Comp Social Hist/Free Boundary Problems: Theory and ApplicationsCh Crc Res Notes/Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications Int S Num M/Free Boundary Problems: Theory and ApplicationsInt Ser Numer MathFree Boundary Value Problems Int S Num MCFreedom and Value: Freedom's Influence On Welfare and Worldly ValueLibr Ethics Appl PhiFreedom, Dharma, and RightsSoc Philos Today2Freedom From Poverty: Ngos and Human Rights PraxisPa Stud Hum RightsFreedom of AnalysisStud Generat GrammFreedom of AssociationEur Conv Hum RighFreedom of ExpressionU Tex Aust Stud Fore(Freedom of Expression in A Diverse World AmintaphilKFreedoms Orphans: Contemporary Liberalism and The Fate of American ChildrenNew Forum Book&Freedom, Will, and Nature, Vol 81 2007P Am Cath Philos AssFree-electron Laser ChallengesP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Free-electron Laser Challenges IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Free-electron Laser Challenges Ii Proc Spie%Free-electron Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsFree-electron Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLFree-electron Laser Spectroscopy in Biology, Medicine, and Materials ScienceP Soc Photo-opt InsgFree Form Structural Design: Schemes, Systems & Prototypes of Structures for Irregular Shaped BuildingsRes Archit Eng Ser!Free Radical Biology and MedicineFree Radical Bio Med*Free Radical Biology in Digestive DiseasesFront Gastroint Res!Free Radical Effects On MembranesCurr Top MembrFree Radical ResearchFree Radical Res$Free Radical Research CommunicationsFree Radical Res Com7Free Radicals and Antioxidant Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolIFree Radicals and Oxidative Stress: Environment, Drugs and Food AdditivesBiochem Soc Symp1Free Radicals: Enzymology, Signalling and DiseaseBiochem Soc Symp(Free Radicals in Biology and EnvironmentNato Asi 3 High Tech$Free Radicals in Diagnostic MedicineAdv Exp Med Biol&Free Radicals in Synthesis and BiologyNato Adv Sci I C-mat1Free Radicals in The Pathogenesis of Liver Injury Adv Biosci0Free Radicals, Lipoproteins, and Membrane LipidsNato Adv Sci I A-lif[Free Radicals, Nitric Oxide, and Inflammation: Molecular, Biochemical, and Clinical AspectsNato Sci Ser I Life1Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress, and AntioxidantsNato Adv Sci I A-lif>Free Resolutions in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Res Not Mat@Free-space Laser Communication and Active Laser Illumination IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Free-space Laser Communication and Laser ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Free-space Laser Communication and Laser Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Free-space Laser Communication and Laser Imaging Ii Proc Spie"Free Space Laser Communications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Free Space Laser Communications Iv Proc Spie8Free-space Laser Communications: Principles and AdvancesOpt Fiber Commun Rep"Free-space Laser Communications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Free-space Laser Communications Vi Proc Spie#Free-space Laser Communications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Free - Space Laser Communications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Free-space Laser Communications XP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Free-space Laser Communications X Proc Spie.Free-space Laser Communication Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Free-space Laser Communication Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Free-space Laser Communication Technologies IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Free-space Laser Communication Technologies IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Free-space Laser Communication Technologies VP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Free-space Laser Communication Technologies ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Free-space Laser Communication Technologies ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Free-space Laser Communication Technologies ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XivP Soc Photo-opt InsdFree-space Laser Communication Technologies Xix and Atmospheric Propagation of Electromagnetic WavesP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XviiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XviiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XxP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XxiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Free-space Laser Communication Technologies XxiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFree Surface Flows Cism Cour L7Free Surface Flows Under Compensated Gravity ConditionsSpringer Tr Mod PhysAFree Trade and Its Reception 1815-1960 - Freedom and Trade, Vol I Rout ExplorAFree Trade and Its Reception 1815-1960 - Freedom and Trade, Vol IRoutl Explor Econ Hi4Free Trade in The Americas (an Hemispheric Approach) Coll Bleuse:Freeway Operations and High Occupancy Vehicle Systems 2006Transport Res Rec2Freeway Operations and Traffic Signal Systems 2004Transport Res RecFreeway Operations, High-occupancy Vehicle Systems, Traffic Signal Systems, and Regional Transportation Systems Management 2005Transport Res RecIFreeways, High-occupancy Vehicle Systems, and Traffic Signal Systems 2003Transport Res Rec9Free Will and Determinism in Joseph Conrad's Major NovelsInt Forsch Allg Vgl!Free Will and Moral ResponsiblityMidwest Stud Philos?Free Word Order Phenomenon: Its Syntactic Sources and DiversityStud Generat GrammUFreight Analysis, Evaluation, and Modeling: 2005 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished LectureTransport Res Rec@Freight Analysis, Evaluation, and Modeling; Truck TransportationTransport Res RecUFreight Anaylsis, Evaluation, and Modeling: 2005 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished LectureTransport Res Rec>Freight Policy, Economics, and Logistics; Truck TransportationTransport Res RecFreight TransportationTransport Res RecFreight Transportation 2002Transport Res RecFreight Transportation ResearchTransport Res RecYFreight Travel Behavior, Route Choice Behavior, and Advanced Traveler Information SystemsTransport Res RecTFreiheit Und Determinismus: Ein Philosophischer Kommentar Zu Ciceros Schrift De FatoQuellen Stud PhilosTFremde, Feinde Und Kurioses: Innen Und Aussenansichten Unseres Muslimischen NachbarnStud Gesch Kult IslaFrench-american Review Fr-am Rev(French and American Noir: Dark Crossings Crime File0French Communist Party During The Fifth RepublicFr Polit Soc CultFrench Cultural Studies Fr Cult Stud French ForumFr ForumFrench Historical Studies Fr Hist StudFrench HistoryFr HistFrench Influenced Clergy Etud HispanKFrench Intellectuals and Politics From The Dreyfus Affair to The OccupationFr Polit Soc Cult)French Language and Questions of Identity Stud LingFrench Literature Series Fr Lit SerNFrench Ngos in The Global Era: A Distinctive Role in International DevelopmentFr Polit Soc Cult#French Politics Society and CultureFr Polit Soc Cult*French Politics Society and Culture SeriesFr Plit Soc CultFrench Railway Techniques Fr Rail Tech(French Relations With The European UnionEur Nation State French ReviewFr Rev0French Revolution and The Meaning of CitizenshipContrib Polit Sci+French Revolution, Literature, and The Arts Human SerFrench StudiesFr StudLFrench Studies in The Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Research in FranceBost Stud Philos Sci1French Voter: Before and After The 2002 ElectionsFr Polit Soc CultGFrequency Measurement and Control Advanced Techniques and Future Trends Top Appl Phys2Frequency-stabilized Lasers and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Frequency Synthesizers: Concept to ProductArtech Hse Microw LiFrequenzFrequenz Fresenius Environmental BulletinFresen Environ Bull)Fresenius Journal of Analytical ChemistryFresen J Anal Chem,Fresenius Zeitschrift Fur Analytische ChemieFresen Z Anal Chem!Freshness and Shelf Life of Foods Acs Sym Ser"Fresh Novel Foods By High PressureVtt SympMFresh Start for Collegiate Mathematics: Rethinking The Courses Below Calculus Maa NotesMFresh Start for Collegiate Mathematics: Rethinking The Courses Below Calculus Maa Notes Ser"Fresh Views of Elliptical Galaxies Astr Soc P%Freshwater and Estuarine RadioecologyStud Environ SciFreshwater BiologyFreshwater Biol%Freshwater Budget of The Arctic OceanNato Sci S Prt 2 EnvFreshwater Contamination Iahs-aish P.Freshwater Ecosystems and Aquaculture ResearchEnviron Sci Eng TechBFretting Fatigue: Advances in Basic Understanding and ApplicationsAm Soc Test Mater2Fretting Fatigue: Current Technology and PracticesAm Soc Test Mater1Freuds Drive: Psychoanalysis, Literature and FilmLang Discourse Soc<Freuds Memory: Psychoanalysis, Mourning and The Foreign BodyLang Discourse Soc[Freundesreden Des Ursprunglichen Hiobdialogs: Eine Form Und Traditionsgeschichtliche StudieBeih Z Alttest Wiss Fri BulletinFri BullFriction and Instabilities Cism Cour LFriction and InstabilitiesCism Courses LectFriction in Textile MaterialsWoodhead Publ Text?Friede, Freiheit, Brot! Romane Zur Deutschen NovemberrevolutionAmst Beitr Neuer Ger4Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900): Economy and SocietyEur Herit Econ Soc S=Friedrich Nietzsche Und Die Literatur Der Klassischen ModerneKlass Mod-schriftenrNFriend 2002-regional Hydrology: Bridging The Gap Between Research and Practice Iahs-aish P[Friend'97-regional Hydrology: Concepts and Models for Sustainable Water Resource Management Iahs-aish PEFriend: Flow Regimes From International Experimental and Network Data Iahs-aish PFriendly Guide to WaveletsMod Birkhauser ClassNFriends and Strangers: The Making of A Creole Culture in Colonial PennsylvaniaEarly Am Stud SergFriendships, Peer Socialization and Social Identity Among Adolescent Skateboarders and Graffiti WritersSoc Iss Justice Stat>Friendships: Types, Cultural, Psychological and Social AspectsPsychol Emot Motiv AFriends in Hydrology Iahs-aish P Fringe 89Phys ResFringe Pattern AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Frisian Runes and Neighbouring TraditionsAms B Alt German?Frisno 2 - The 2nd French-israeli Symposium On Nonlinear OpticsNonlin Opt Prin Mat F R LeavisRoutl Crit ThinkersZFrobenius and Separable Functors for Generalized Module Categories and Nonlinear EquationsLect Notes Math)Frobenius Categories Versus Brauer Blocks Prog MathFrom Action to CognitionProg Brain Res;From Active Data Management to Event-based Systems and MoreLect Notes Comput Sc*From Aesop to E-book: The Story Goes On... Iasl Proc From A Geometrical Point of ViewLogic Epistemol UnitUFrom Agglomeration to Innovation: Upgrading Industrial Clusters in Emerging Economies Ide-jetro SerSFrom Airline Reservations to Sonic The Hedgehog: A History of The Software IndustryHist Comput-mit Pres}From Alexandria to Babylon: Near Eastern Languages and Hellenistic Erudition in The Oxyrhynchus Glossary (p.oxy. 1802 + 4812)Sozomena-stud Recov'From Animals to Animats 10, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntFrom Animals to Animats 11Lect Notes Artif IntFrom Animals to Animats 2 Com Adap SyFrom Animals to Animats 3 Com Adap SyFrom Animals to Animats 5From Anim AnimatFrom Animals to Animats 6From Anim Animat&From Animals to Animats 9, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFrom Animals to Animats SeriesFrom Anim AnimatMFrom Black Codes to Recodification: Removing The Veil From Regulatory WritingBaywoods Tech Commun\From Boolean Logic to Switching Circuits and Automata: Towards Modern Information TechnologyStud Comput Intell=From Brains to Systems: Brain-inspired Cognitive Systems 2010Adv Exp Med Biol>From Brows to Trust: Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents Hum Com Int.From Bulk to Nano: The Many Sides of MagnetismSpringer Ser Mater SHFrom Capital Surges to Drought: Seeking Stability for Emerging EconomiesStud Dev Econ PolicyYFrom Cardanos Great Art to Lagranges Reflections: Filling A Gap in The Histroy of AlgebraHerit Eur Math8From Cells to Proteins: Imaging Nature Across DimensionsNato Sec Sci B Phys0From Central State to Free Global Market EconomyNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec&From Child Welfare to Child Well-beingChild Well-being IndaFrom Civil Rights to Human Rights: Martin Luther King, Jr., and The Struggle for Economic JusticePolit Cult Mod Am$From Classical to Modern Probability Prog ProbabFrom Clone to Clinic Dev Biother%From Coherent Tunneling to RelaxationSpringer Tr Mod Phys From Cold War to New World OrderContrib Polit SciFrom Colloids to NanotechnologyProg Coll Pol Sci SmFrom Communication to Presence: Cognition, Emotions and Culture Towards The Ultimate Communicative ExperienceEmerg Commun-stud Ne?From Computer Literacy to Informatics Fundamentals, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc From Crisis to Growth in Africa?Rout Stud Dev EconFFrom Darkness to Light: Origin and Evolution of Young Stellar Clusters Astr Soc P;From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge EngineeringSt Class Dat Anal;From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge EngineeringStud Class Data Anal*From Data Protection to Knowledge Machines Comp Law SoFrom Economics Imperialism to Freakonomics: The Shifting Boundaries Between Economics and Other Social SciencesEcon Soc TheorFrom Energy to Information Writing Sci5From Epigenesis to Epigenetics: The Genome in ContextAnn Ny Acad Sci?From Extrasolar Planets to Cosmology: The Vlt Opening SymposiumEso Astrophy Symp$From Femto-to Attoscience and BeyondLasers Electro-opt RFFrom Florence to The Heavenly City: The Poetry of Citizenship in Dante Ital PerspectWFrom Genes to Animal Behavior: Social Structures, Personalities, Comminication By ColorPrimatol MonogrKFrom Genes to Personalized Healthcare: Grid Solutions for The Life Sciences St Heal TKFrom Genes to Personalized Healthcare: Grid Solutions for The Life SciencesStud Health TechnolFrom Genetics to Gene TherapyUcl Molec Pathol SerFrom Genetics to Mathematics S Adv Math)From Geometric Modeling to Shape ModelingInt Fed Info Proc-From Giant Planets to Cool Stars, Proceedings Astr Soc P:From Governance to Identity: A Festschrift for Mary HenkelHigh Educ DynamFrom Grid to Healthgrid St Heal T1From Ground-based to Space-borne Sub-mm Astronomy Esa Sp Publ(From Guilt to Shame: Auschwitz and After20 217From Gutenberg to The Global Information InfrastructureDigit Libr Elect Pub-From Hahn-banach to Monotonicity, 2nd EditionLect Notes Math:From Hodge Theory to Integrability and Tqft: Tt*- GeometryP Symp Pure Math?From Hyperbolic Systems to Kinetic Theory: A Personalized QuestLect Notes Unione MayFrom Information to Knowledge From Knowledge to Wisdom: Challenges and Changes Facing Higher Education in The Digital Age Wenn Gr Int,From Innate Immunity to Immunlolgical MemoryCurr Top Microbiol&From Instrumentation to Nanotechnology Dev NanoteceFrom Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge EnvironmentsLect Notes Comput Sc/From Ion Channels to Cell-to-cell Conversations Ser Cent EsFrom Ireland ComingIndex Christ Art Oc?From Knowledge Intensive Cad to Knowledge Intensive EngineeringInt Fed Info ProcKFrom Lending to Learning: The Development and Extension of Public LibrariesChandos Inf Prof Ser6From Leonardo to Iter: Nonlinear and Coherence Aspects Aip Conf ProchFrom Local Invasion to Metastatic Cancer: Involvement of Distant Sites Through The Lymphovascular SystemCurr Clin OncolKFrom Logos to Christos: Essays On Christology in Honour of Joanne Mcwilliam Edition Sr/From Luigi Galvani to Contemporary NeurobiologyFidia Res SeriesMFrom Mars to Greenland : Charting Gravity With Space and Airborne InstrumentsIag Symp<From Mating to Mentality: Evaluating Evolutionary Psychology M M Cog Sci<From Mating to Mentality: Evaluating Evolutionary PsychologyMacquarie Mg Cog Sci-From Medieval Pilgrimage to Religious Tourism Rel Age TranPFrom Model-driven Design to Resource Management for Distributed Embedded SystemsInt Fed Info Proc&From Molecular Biology to Therapeutics Pharm Skin#From Molecular Genetics to GenomicsRoutl St Hist Sci Te'From Molecular Targets to Public HealthPeople Work Res RepdFrom Molecular to Modular Tumor Therapy: Tumors Are Reconstructible Communicatively Evolving SystemsTumor MicroenvironFrom Molecules to MedicinesNato Sci Peace Sec AZFrom Morphological Imaging to Molecular Targeting: Implications to Preclinical DevelopmentE Schering Res Fdn W5From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in RobotsStud Comput Intell(From Nanopowders to Functional Materials Sol St Phen-From Natural to Artificial Neural ComputationLect Notes Comput ScCFrom Neural Networks and Biomolecular Engineering to BioelectronicsElectr Biot Adv ForFrom Newton to ChaosNato Adv Sci Inst Se+From Nuclei and Their Constituents to StarsP Int Sch PhysbFrom Nursery Rhymes to Nationhood: Children's Literature and The Construction of Canadian IdentityChild Lit Cult)From Object-orientation to Formal MethodsLect Notes Comput ScOFrom Orientalism to Postcolonialism: Asia Europe and The Lineages of DifferenceRoutl Contemp AsiaFrom Ovulation to Implantation Int Congr Ser[From P2p and Grids to Services On The Web: Evolving Distributed Communities, Second EditionComput Commun Netw SkFrom Passion to Objectivity: International and Cross-disciplinary Perspectives On Service-learning ResearchAdv Serv Learn ResBFrom Perception to Meaning: Image Schemas in Cognitive LinguisticsCogn Linguist ResMFrom Phonology to Syntax: Pronominal Cliticization in Otfrid's Evangelienbuch Linguist ArbFrom Physics to Biology Aip Conf ProcFrom Pigments to PerceptionNato Adv Sci I A-lif+From Plant Taxonomy to Evolutionary Biology Nova Act LcFrom Pole to PoleFrom Pole PolenFrom Political Economy to Economics: Method, The Social and The Historical in The Evolution of Economic TheoryEcon Soc TheorVFrom Populations to Ecosystems: Theoretical Foundations for A New Ecological SynthesisMonogr Popul BiolFrom Powder to BulkImeche Conf Trans7From Private to Public: Natural Collections and Museums Upps Hist Sci7From Private to Public: Natural Collections and MuseumsUpps Stud Hist SciFFrom Privileges to Rights: Work and Politics in Colonial New York CityEarly Am Stud SerHFrom Protection to Promotion, Proceedings of The International SymposiumPeople Work Res Rep#From Protein Folding to New EnzymesBiochem Soc SympiFrom Psychoanalytic Narrative to Empirical Single Case Research: Implications for Psychoanalytic PracticePsychoanal Inq Book2From Qos Provisioning to Qos Charging, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4From Quantum Fluctuations to Cosmological Structures Astr Soc PSFrom Quantum to Classical Molecular Dynamics: Reduced Models and Numerical AnalysisZur Lect Adv MathIFrom Quarks to Black Holes: Progress in Understanding The Logic of Nature Subnucl SerFrom Reaction to CognitionLect Notes Artif IntFrom Reading to Neurons Iss Biol L6From Reasons to Norms: On The Basic Question in EthicsLibr Ethics Appl PhiaFrom Republican Polity to National Community: Reconsiderations of Enlightenment Political ThoughtStud Volt Eight Cent4From Research in Oncology to Therapeutic Innovations Colloq InseFrom Research to Prevention: Managing Occupational and Environmental Health Hazards, Proceedings of The International SymposiumPeople Work Res Rep)From Roman Provinces to Medieval KingdomsRewriting Hist=From Semiconductors to Proteins: Beyond The Average Structure Fundmat Res,From Sets and Types to Topology and Analysis Ox Logic GFrom Smart Homes to Smart CareAssist Techn Res SerSFrom Sociology to Computing in Social Networks:theory, Foundations and ApplicationsLect Notes Soc Netw+From Soil Contamination to Land RestorationAir Water Soil Sci TRFrom Solidarity to Schisms: 9/11 and After in Fiction and Film From Outside The UsInt Forsch Allg Vgl2From Specification to Embedded Systems ApplicationInt Fed Info ProcDFrom Stars to Galaxies: Building The Pieces to Build Up The Universe Astr Soc PIFrom Stars to Galaxies: The Impact of Stellar Physics On Galaxy Evolution Astr Soc PLFrom Summetria to Symmetry: The Making of A Revolutionary Scientific Concept Archimedes-From System Complexity to Emergent PropertiesUnderst Complex SystFrom The Brain to The Mouth Neurops CogDFrom The Ground Up: Beyond Gender Theory in Archaeology, ProceedingsBrit Archaeol Rep InFrom The Heart of The Heartland Reappraisal.From Theory to Practice in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntZFrom The Outer Heliosphere to The Local Bubble: Comparison of New Observations With TheorySpace Sci Ser Issi5From Twilight to Highlight: The Physics of SupernovaeEso Astrophy Symp-From Varying Couplings to Fundamental PhysicsAstrophysics SpaceFrom Walras to ParetoEur Herit Econ Soc SKFrom Web to Social Web: Discovering and Deploying User and Content ProfilesLect Notes Artif IntFrom Wilson to Waldheim St Aust LitFrom Zeolites to Porous Mof Materials: The 40th Anniversary of International Zeolite Conference, Proceedings of The 15th International Zeolite ConferenceStud Surf Sci CatalBFrom Z-machines to Alma: (sub) Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies Astr Soc P1Frontier in Functional Manufacturing TechnologiesAdv Mater Res-switz5Frontier Research in Nanoscale Science and Technology Physcs Proc$Frontiers-a Journal of Women Studies FrontiersFrontiers Collection Front CollectFrontiers CollectionFrontiers Coll#Frontiers for Engineering Materials Key Eng MatFrontiers in AlgorithmicsLect Notes Comput Sc&Frontiers in Algorithmics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Frontiers in Applied Mathematics Front App M Frontiers in Applied MathematicsFront Appl Math$Frontiers in Arterial ChemoreceptionAdv Exp Med Biol5Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Fr Art Int5Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and ApplicationsFront Artif Intel Ap$Frontiers in Behavioral NeuroscienceFront Behav NeurosciFrontiers in Bioactive Lipids Gwumc Dept*Frontiers in Biomedicine and Biotechnology Front BiomFrontiers in Bioprocessing Ii Conf P AcsFrontiers in Bioscience Front Biosci Frontiers in Bioscience-landmark Front Biosci Frontiers in Bioscience-landmarkFront Biosci-landmrkFrontiers in Brain RepairAdv Exp Med Biol"Frontiers in Cardiovascular HealthProg Exp Cardiol"Frontiers in Cellular NeuroscienceFront Cell Neurosci&Frontiers in Cerebral Vascular BiologyAdv Exp Med BiolJFrontiers in Cerebrovascular Disease: Mechanisms, Diagnosis, and TreatmentAm Heart Monogr SIFrontiers in Clinical Neuroscience: Neurodegeneration and NeuroprotectionAdv Exp Med Biol'Frontiers in Computational NeuroscienceFront Comput NeuroscBFrontiers in Computing Technologies for Manufacturing ApplicationsSpringer Ser Adv Man$Frontiers in Condensed Matter TheoryAnn Ny Acad SciFrontiers in Cosmic PhysicsAnn Ny Acad Sci$Frontiers in Crustacean Neurobiology Adv Lif SciFrontiers in DiabetesFront DiabetesFrontiers in Drug ResearchAlfred Benzon Symp SFrontiers in Earth SciencesFront Earth Sci)Frontiers in Eating and Weight Regulation Forum Nutr(Frontiers in Ecology and The EnvironmentFront Ecol EnvironPFrontiers in Education 1995 - 25th Annual Conference, Proceedings, Vols I and IiProc Front Educ ConfOFrontiers in Education 1997 - 27th Annual Conference, Proceedings, Bols I - IiiProc Front Educ Conf!Frontiers in Education ConferenceProc Front Educ ConfOFrontiers in Education - Educating Engineers for World Competition, ProceedingsProc Front Educ ConfMFrontiers in Education Fie'96 - 26th Annual Conference, Proceedings, Vols 1-3Proc Front Educ Conf<Frontiers in Education - Proceedings, 23rd Annual ConferenceProc Front Educ ConfFrontiers in ElectronicsSel Top Electr SystFrontiers in Electronic TestingFront Electron TestDFrontiers in Electronic Testing : A Kluwer International Book Series Fr Electr TFrontiers in EndocrinologyFront EndocrinolFrontiers in EntrepreneurshipPerspect EntrepFrontiers in Flood Research Iahs-aish P Frontiers in Global OptimizationNoncon Optim Its App Frontiers in Global OptimizationNonconvex Optim/Frontiers in Gynecological Endocrinology Series Front Gyn EFrontiers in Headache Research Fr Head Res%Frontiers in Health Policy Research 1Nber Fr Hlth Pol Res%Frontiers in Health Policy Research 3Nber Fr Hlth Pol Res%Frontiers in Health Policy Research 4Nber Fr Hlth Pol Res-Frontiers in Health Policy Research, Volume 7Nber Fr Hlth Pol ResFrontiers in HepatologyFrontiers Hepatology#Frontiers in Human Brain Topography Int Congr SerFrontiers in Human NeuroscienceFront Hum NeurosciFrontiers in Human ReproductionAnn Ny Acad SciFrontiers in Laser SpectroscopyP Int Sch Phys3Frontiers in Magnetism of Reduced Dimension SystemsNato Asi 3 High TechFrontiers in Materials ResearchAdv Materials Res-Frontiers in Materials Science and Technology Adv Mat Res-Frontiers in Materials Science and TechnologyAdv Mater Res-switzFrontiers in Mathematics Front Math.Frontiers in Modeling and Control of BreathingAdv Exp Med Biol*Frontiers in Modern Carbohydrate Chemistry Acs Sym Ser"Frontiers in Modern Plasma Physics Aip Conf ProcRFrontiers in Muscle Research : Myogenesis, Muscle Contraction and Muscle Dystrophy Int Congr Ser:Frontiers in Nanoscale Science of Micron/submicron DevicesNato Adv Sci I E-appFrontiers in Neural CircuitsFront Neural CircuitoFrontiers in Neurodegenerative Disorders and Aging: Fundamental Aspects, Clinical Perspectives and New InsightsNato Sci Ser I LifeFrontiers in NeuroendocrinologyFront NeuroendocrinFrontiers in NeuroengineeringFront NeuroengFrontiers in NeuroscienceFront Neurosci;Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, and Reactions Aip Conf ProcDFrontiers in Nuclear Structure Astrophysics, and Reactions: Finustar Aip Conf ProcFrontiers in Numerical Analysis Universitext Frontiers in Nutritional ScienceFront Nutr SciFrontiers in Pain ResearchFrontier Pain Res,Frontiers in Particle Physics - Cargese 1994Nato Adv Sci Inst Se<Frontiers in Pathogen Detection: From Nanosensors to SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Frontiers in Pathogen Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems Proc SpieFrontiers in Physics Aip Conf ProcTFrontiers in Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology Design, Simulation, and FabricationNato Sci Ser Ii MathTFrontiers in Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology Design, Simulation, and FabricationNato Sci Ser Ii-math)Frontiers in Pure and Applied ProbabilityFront Pur Appl Prob5Frontiers in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics Prog T Chem5Frontiers in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and PhysicsProg Theor Chem Phys Frontiers in Sedimentary Geology Front Sed#Frontiers in Smooth Muscle ResearchProg Clin Biol ResEFrontiers in Superconducting Materials-new Materials and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P#Frontiers in The Economics of Aging Nat Bur Ec$Frontiers in The Economics of GenderRoutl Siena Stud Pol<Frontiers in The Science and Technology of Polymer RecyclingNato Adv Sci I E-app/Frontiers in Turbulence and Coherent StructuresWorld Sci Lect NotesTFrontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Frontiers in Water Resource EconomicsNat Res Manag PolicyFrontiers in Zoology Front ZoolFrontiers of Alzheimer Research Int Congr SerFrontiers of Anthropology Front Anthr#Frontiers of Asian American Studies Assoc As AmCFrontiers of Astrophysics: A Celebration of Nrao's 50th Anniversary Astr Soc PEFrontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics: 2007 Aip Conf ProcEFrontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics: 2009 Aip Conf ProcFrontiers of Chemical DynamicsNato Adv Sci Inst SeFrontiers of Combining Systems Appl Log SerFrontiers of Combining SystemsLect Notes Artif Int+Frontiers of Combining Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int+Frontiers of Combining Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Frontiers of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1994Cmas&Frontiers of Computer Science in ChinaFront Comput Sci ChiFrontiers of CosmologyNato Sci Ser Ii MathFrontiers of CosmologyNato Sci Ser Ii-math(Frontiers of Dental and Facial Esthetics Cranio GrowZFrontiers of Diabetes Research : Current Trends in Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus Int Congr Ser>Frontiers of Diversity: Explorations in Contemporary PluralismAt The Interface(Frontiers of Economics and GlobalizationFront Econ Global9Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in ChinaFront Environ Sci En6Frontiers of Field Theory, Quantum Gravity and StringsHoriz In World Phys2Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics Aip Conf Proc Frontiers of Fundamental Physics Aip Conf Proc&Frontiers of Gastrointestinal ResearchFront Gastr Res&Frontiers of Gastrointestinal ResearchFront Gastroint ResYFrontiers of High Performance Computing and Networking - Ispa 2006 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLFrontiers of High Performance Computing and Networking - Ispa 2007 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc#Frontiers of High-pressure ResearchNato Adv Sci I B-phyrFrontiers of High Pressure Research Ii: Application of High Pressure to Low-dimensional Novel Electronic MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii MathrFrontiers of High Pressure Research Ii: Application of High Pressure to Low-dimensional Novel Electronic MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathFrontiers of Hormone ResearchFront Horm Res Frontiers of Infectious Diseases Fr Infec D(Frontiers of Laser Spectroscopy of GasesNato Adv Sci I C-mat.Frontiers of Librarianship-syracuse UniversityFront Librariansh-sy!Frontiers of Mathematics in ChinaFront Math China&Frontiers of Mucosal Immunology, Vol 1 Int Congr Ser&Frontiers of Mucosal Immunology, Vol 2 Int Congr Ser3Frontiers of Multifunctional Integrated NanosystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math3Frontiers of Multifunctional Integrated NanosystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math(Frontiers of Multifunctional NanosystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math(Frontiers of Multifunctional NanosystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math(Frontiers of Nano-optoelectronic SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math(Frontiers of Nano-optoelectronic SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathFrontiers of Nephrology Int Congr SerFrontiers of NeurologyAnn Ny Acad Sci'Frontiers of Neurology and NeuroscienceFront Neurol Neurosc%Frontiers of Nmr in Molecular Biology Ucla Sym BiFrontiers of Nuclear Structure Aip Conf ProcFrontiers of Numerical Analysis UniversitextmFrontiers of Optical Spectroscopy: Investigating Extreme Physical Conditions With Advanced Optical TechniquesNato Sci Ser Ii MathmFrontiers of Optical Spectroscopy: Investigating Extreme Physical Conditions With Advanced Optical TechniquesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathFrontiers of Oral BiologyFront Oral BiolFrontiers of Oral Physiology Front OralCFrontiers of Particle Beams : Observation, Diagnosis and CorrectionLect Notes PhysFrontiers of Philosophy Fron PhilosFrontiers of Photobiology Int Congr SerFrontiers of PhysicsFront Phys-beijingFrontiers of Physics in ChinaFront Phys ChinaFrontiers of Primary Care Front Pr CaFrontiers of Propulsion ScienceProg Astronaut Aeron+Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and OncologyFront Radiat Ther On<Frontiers of Reactive Oxygen Species in Biology and Medicine Int Congr SerFrontiers of Social PsychologyFront Soc Psychol-Frontiers of Space and Ground-based AstronomyAstrophys Space Sc LFrontiers of Stellar Evolution Astr Soc PFrontiers of Stress Research Neur Cont B2Frontiers of The Mechanisms of Memory and Dementia Int Congr Ser7Frontiers of Time: Retrocausation-experiment and Theory Aip Conf ProcCFrontiers of Www Research and Development - Apweb 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFrontiers On Nonlinear DynamicsFront Nonlinear DynFrontiers Science SeriesFront Sci Series"Frontier Topics in Nuclear PhysicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy"Frontier Topics in Nuclear PhysicsNato Adv Sci Inst SeYFrontline and Factory: Comparative Perspectives On The Chemical Industry At War 1914-1924 Archimedes/Fronts, Waves and Vortices in Geophysical FlowsLect Notes PhysFrozen Section LibraryFrozen Sect LibrFrozen Section Library: BoneFrozen Sect Libr.Frozen Section Library: Central Nervous SystemFrozen Sect Libr+Frozen Section Library: Genitourinary TractFrozen Sect LibrFrozen Section Library: LungFrozen Sect Libr Frozen Section Library: PancreasFrozen Sect Libr Frtl-5 Today Int Congr Ser^Fruhe Neuzeit-studien Und Dokumente Zur Deutschen Literatur Und Kultur Im Europaischen KontextFruhe Neuzeit Studie^Fruhe Neuzeit-studien Und Dokumente Zur Deutschen Literatur Und Kultur Im Europaischen KontextFruhe Neuzeit-stud D*Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and HealthFood Bev Consum HlthAFruit and Vegetable Flavour: Recent Advances and Future ProspectsWoodhead Food Ser Fruit Flavors Acs Sym Ser3Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and NutritionFood Bev Consum HlthFruitsFruits/Fruits of Empirical Linguistics, Vol 1: ProcessStud Genera Grammar/Fruits of Empirical Linguistics, Vol 1: ProcessStud Generat Gramm/Fruits of Empirical Linguistics, Vol 2: ProductStud Genera Grammar/Fruits of Empirical Linguistics, Vol 2: ProductStud Generat GrammFruit Varieties JournalFruit Varieties J Frye Studies Frye StudiesNFs'09: Proceedings of The 10th Wseas International Conference On Fuzzy SystemsArtif Int Ser Wseas&Fsh Action and Intraovarian RegulationStud Proferlit^Fst Tcs 2000: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc]Fst Tcs 2002: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoetical Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScQFst Tcs 2003: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScPFsttcs 2004: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc]Fsttcs 2005: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc]Fsttcs 2006: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc]Fsttcs 2007: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFuelFuel!Fuel Cell Chemistry and Operation Acs Sym SerFuel Cell Micro-grids Power Syst Fuel Cells Fuel CellsFuel Cells and Hydrogen EnergyFuel Cell Hydro EnerFuel Cells and Hydrogen Storage Struct BondFuel Cell Seminar 2007Ecs Transactions Fuel Cells I Adv Polym Sci Fuel Cells Ii Adv Polym Sci.Fuel Cell Technologies: State and PerspectivesNato Sci Ser Ii Math.Fuel Cell Technologies: State and PerspectivesNato Sci Ser Ii-math'Fuel Homeostasis and The Nervous SystemAdv Exp Med BiolFuel Injection SystemsImeche Conf TransFuel Injection Systems Imeche SemFuel Processing TechnologyFuel Process Technol Fuels and Chemicals From Biomass Acs Sym SerFuels and Powertrain VDI Bericht'Fuel Science & Technology InternationalFuel Sci Techn Int2Fuels for Automotive and Industrial Diesel Engines Imeche SemFuji Business History SeriesFuj Busin Hist Ser&Fujitsu Scientific & Technical JournalFujitsu Sci Tech J-Fukaya Categories and Picard-lefschetz TheoryZur Lect Adv Math3Fulbright Institute Series On International AffairsF I Ser Int AffFulbright Papers Fulbright P&Full-chip Nanometer Routing TechniquesAnalog Circ Sig Proc'Fulleranes: The Hydrogenated FullerenesCarbon Mater-chem Ph4Fullerene-based Materials: Structures and Properties Struct Bond%Fullerenes and Carbon Based Materials Eur Mat ResLFullerenes and Nanotubes: The Building Blocks of Next Generation Nanodevices Elec Soc SFullerenes and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsFullerenes and Photonics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsFullerenes and Photonics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFullerenes and Photonics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Fullerenes and Related Structures Top Curr Chem Fullerene Science and TechnologyFullerene Sci Techn!Fullerenes for The New Millennium Elec Soc S.Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon NanostructuresFuller Nanotub Car N'Fullerenes: Principles and ApplicationsRsc Nanosci NanotechJFullerenes : Synthesis, Properties, and Chemistry of Large Carbon Clusters Acs Sym Ser0Fullness of The Logos in The Key of Life, Book IAnalecta HusserlFull-potential Electronic Structure Method: Energy and Force Calculations With Density Functional and Dynamical Mean Field TheorySpringer Ser Solid-s-Full Seismic Waveform Modelling and InversionAdv Geophys Env Mech@Full Use of Labour Potential in Transformation in The Cee StatesOkon Theorie Hsch Fumigants Acs Sym SerFumonisins in FoodAdv Exp Med BiolFun and Games, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFuncao Educativa Dos MuseusSer Livros Mus Nac!Functional & Integrative GenomicsFunct Integr GenomicFunctional AnalysisLect Notes Pure Appl(Functional Analysis and Complex Analysis Contemp Math(Functional Analysis and Its ApplicationsFunct Anal Appl+oFunctional Analysis On The Eve of The 21st Century - in Honor of The Eightieth Birthday of I. M. Gelfand, Vol I Prog Math:Functional Analysis On The Eve of The 21st Century, Vol Ii Prog MathFFunctional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations Universitext3Functional Analytic Methods for Evolution EquationsLect Notes Math>Functional-analytic Methods for Partial Differential EquationsLect Notes Math5Functional Anatomy of The Neuroendocrine Hypothalamus Ciba F Symp>Functional Anatomy of The Sleep-wakefulness Cycle: WakefulnessAdv Anat Embryol Cel+Functional and Constraint Logic ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc Functional and Logic ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc-Functional and Logic Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Functional and Operatorial Statistics Contr Stat%Functional and Operatorial Statistics Contrib Stat-Functional and Speciality Beverage TechnologyWoodhead Food Ser#Functional and Structural MaterialsMater Sci Forum#Functional and Systemic Linguistics Trend Lin S>Functional Approach to Nonlinear Models of Water Flow in SoilsMath Model-theor AppFunctional Biomaterials Key Eng Mat)Functional Categories in Learner LanguageStud Lang Acquis#Functional Dairy Products, Volume 2Woodhead Publ Food S*Functional Data Analysis With R and MatlabUse RNFunctional Design Errors in Digital Circuits: Diagnosis, Correction and RepairLect Notes Electr En2Functional Disorders of The Gastrointestinal TractSolvay PharmaceutFunctional Ecology Funct EcolTFunctional Equations and Characterization Problems On Locally Compact Abelian GroupsEms Tracts Math7Functional Equations and Inequalities With ApplicationsSpringer Monogr MathNFunctional Equations, Difference Inequalities and Ulam Stability Notions (fun) Math Res DevFunctional FoodsWoodhead Food Ser*Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals SeriesFunct Food Nutra SerFunctional Foods Ii Roy Soc Ch@Functional Genomics and Proteomics in The Clinical NeurosciencesProg Brain ResFunctional GlycomicsMethod Enzymol+Functional Glycomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolFunctional Grammar Funct Grammar5Functional Imaging and Modeling of Heart, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Functional Imaging and Modeling of The Heart, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScKFunctional Imaging and Optical Manipulation of Living Cells, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Functional Informatics in Drug DiscoveryDrug Discov SerFunctional IntegrationNato Adv Sci I B-phyEFunctional Integration of Opto-electro-mechanical Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsHFunctional Integration of Opto-electro-mechanical Devices and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Functionality, Intentionality and MoralityRes Emotion Organ$Functionalized and Sensing Materials Adv Mat Res$Functionalized and Sensing MaterialsAdv Mater Res-switz7Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and SystemsNato Sci Peace Sec B7Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and SystemsNato Science Peace S"Functionally Graded Materials 2000 Ceram Trans!Functionally Graded Materials ViiMater Sci Forum"Functionally Graded Materials ViiiMater Sci Forum3Functional Manufacturing Technologies and Ceeusro I Key Eng Mat3Functional Manufacturing Technologies and Ceeusro I Key Eng Mater4Functional Manufacturing Technologies and Ceeusro Ii Key Eng Mater%Functional Materials and Biomaterials Adv Polym Sci Functional Materials and DevicesMater Sci Forum6Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies : Fm&nt-2007J Phys Conf SerFunctional Materials LettersFunct Mater LettJFunctional Metal-organic Frameworks: Gas Storage, Separation and Catalysis Top Curr Chem%Functional Metal-oxide NanostructuresMater Res Soc Symp PFunctional Microbial GenomicsMethod Microbiol#Functional Molecular Nanostructures Top Curr Chem1Functional Monitoring and Drug-tissue InteractionP Soc Photo-opt InsCFunctional Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics and Other Applications Sol St PhenCFunctional Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics and Other ApplicationsSolid State Phenomen_Functional Nanostructured Materials Through Multiscale Assembly and Novel Patterning TechniquesMater Res Soc Symp PIFunctional Nanostructures: Processing, Characterization, and ApplicationsNanostruct Sci TechnFunctional Neuroanatomy of PainAdv Anat Embryol CelFunctional Neurology Funct Neurol>Functional Neuroscience: Evoked Potentials and Magnetic Fields Eeg Cl N Su2Functional Organisation of The Human Visual Cortex Wenn Gr Int%Functional Photonic and Fiber DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Functional Photonic Integrated CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Functional Phthalocyanine Molecular Materials Struct BondFunctional Plant BiologyFunct Plant BiolCFunctional Polymer Nanocomposties for Energy Storage and Conversion Acs Sym SerIFunctional Preservation and Quality of Life in Head and Neck RadiotherapyMed Radiol Radiat On:Functional Programming Languages and Computer ArchitectureLect Notes Comput Sc-Functional Programming Languages in EducationLect Notes Comput Sc1Functional Properties of Nanostructured MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math1Functional Properties of Nanostructured MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii-math:Functional Proteomics and Nanotechnology-based MicroarraysPan St Ser Nanobiote,Functional Proteomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol?Functional Rehabilitation in Neurosurgery and Neurotraumatology Act Neur S6Functional Renormalization and Ultracold Quantum GasesSpringer Theses-reco-Functional Status Measurement in Primary Care Front Pr Ca8Functional-structural Plant Modelling in Crop Production Wag Ur FronZFunctional Thin Films and Nanostructures for Sensors: Synthesis, Physics, and ApplicationsIntegr Anal Syst+Function and Regulation of Cellular SystemsMath Biosci Interac+Function and Regulation of Cellular SystemsMath Biosci Interact/Function and Specificity of Gamma/delta T CellsCurr Top Microbiol2Functiones Et Approximatio Commentarii MathematiciFunct Approx Comm Ma@Functiones Et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici, Vol 42, Pt 1Funct Approx Comm Ma@Functiones Et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici, Vol 43, Pt 1Funct Approx Comm MaAFunctiones Et Approximatio: Commentarii Mathematici, Vol 43, Pt 2Funct Approx Comm Ma@Functiones Et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici, Vol 44, Pt 1Funct Approx Comm Ma7Functioning and Management of European Beech EcosystemsEcol Stud-anal SynthUFunction of Proverbs in Discourse: The Case of A Mexican Transnational Social NetworkContrib Sociol LangUFunctions in Biological and Artificial Worlds: Comparative Philosophical PerspectivesVienna Ser Theor Bio5Functions of A Complex Variable: Theory and TechniqueClass Appl MathFunctions of Language Funct Lang-Functions of Matrices: Theory and ComputationOther Titl Appl MathFunction Spaces Contemp MathFunction SpacesLect Notes Pure Appl'Function Spaces and Wavelets On DomainsEms Tracts Math"Function Spaces in Modern Analysis Contemp MathFunction Spaces, ProceedingsLect Notes Pure Appl"Function Spaces, Second ConferenceLect Notes Pure ApplPFunctions, Spaces, and Expansions: Mathematical Tools in Physics and EngineeringAppl Numer Harmon AnFundamenta Informaticae Fund InformFundamenta Informaticae Fundam InformCFundamental Advances and Innovations in The Pulp and Paper Industry Aiche Sym S#Fundamental & Clinical PharmacologyFund Clin Pharmacol#Fundamental & Clinical PharmacologyFundam Clin Pharm?Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Chemically Modified Surfaces Roy Soc Ch!Fundamental and Applied LimnologyFund Appl Limnol"Fundamental and Applied NematologyFund Appl Nematol$Fundamental and Applied Spectroscopy Aip Conf Proc"Fundamental and Applied ToxicologyFund Appl Toxicol#Fundamental and Clinical ImmunologyFund Clin Immunol.Fundamental Approaches to Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc;Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNFundamental Aspects of Electrochemical Deposition and Dissolution, Proceedings Elec Soc SHFundamental Aspects of Heterogeneous Catalysis Studied By Particle BeamsNato Adv Sci I B-phy1Fundamental Aspects of High Temperature Corrosion Elec Soc S,Fundamental Aspects of Inert Gases in SolidsNato Adv Sci I B-phy&Fundamental Aspects of Quantum PhysicsQtm Prob Wht Noi@Fundamental Aspects of Ultrathin Dielectrics On Si-based DevicesNato Asi 3 High Tech#Fundamental Biomedical TechnologiesFund Biomed Technol)Fundamental Concepts in Biophysics, Vol 1Handb Mod Biophys\Fundamental Concepts of Childrens Literature Research - Literary and Sociological ApproachesChild Lit Cult+Fundamental Concepts of Christian EstheticsGott Orient SyrFundamental Gas-phase and Surface Chemistry of Vapor-phase Deposition Ii and Process Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manfacturing Iv Elec Soc S1Fundamental Interactions and Twistor-like Methods Aip Conf Proc!Fundamental Issues in Archaeology Fund Iss Arch!Fundamental Issues in ArchaeologyFund Issue Archaeol?Fundamental Issues in Control of Carbon Gasification ReactivityNato Adv Sci I E-app.Fundamental Issues of Nonlinear Laser Dynamics Aip Conf ProcFundamentalist Phenomenon S I E Con MFundamental Materials Research Fundmat ResPFundamental Mechanisms of Low-energy-beam-modified Surface Growth and ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P8Fundamental Numerical Methods for Electrical EngineeringLect Notes Electr EnFundamental Physics in Space Adv Space ResFundamental Physics in SpaceAdv Space Res-series-Fundamental Physics in Space & Related Topics Esa Sp PublLFundamental Physics in Space - Proceedings of The Alpbach Summer School 1997 Esa Sp Publ*Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 2000 Aip Conf Proc*Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 2001 Aip Conf Proc*Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 2002 Aip Conf Proc*Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 2003 Aip Conf Proc,Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbulence Trends Math'Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics Fund Theor'Fundamental Problems in Quantum PhysicsFund Theor Phys&Fundamental Problems in Quantum TheoryAnn Ny Acad Sci&Fundamental Problems in Solar Activity Adv Space Res7Fundamental Problems of Laser Optics - Laser Optics '98P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Fundamental Problems of Optoelectronics and MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Fundamental Problems of Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Proc Spie?Fundamental Problems of Optoelectronics and Microelectronics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Fundamental Problems of Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Ii Proc SpieMFundamental Problems of Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsMFundamental Problems of Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieCFundamental Processes in Sputtering of Atoms and Molecules (sput92)Kong Dansk Vidensk_Fundamental Role of Teletraffic in The Evolution of Telecommunications Networks, Vols 1a and 1bTeletraf Sci EngSFundamentals and Applications of Biosorption Isotherms, Kinetics and ThermodynamicsEnviron Sci Eng Tech.Fundamentals and Applications of NanomaterialsArt Hse Nano Sci Eng:Fundamentals and Engineering of Severe Plastic DeformationMater Sci Technol<Fundamentals and Standards in Hardware Description LanguagesNato Adv Sci Inst SegFundamentals and Technology of Multifunctional Oxide Thin Films (symposium G, Emrs 2009 Spring Meeting)Iop Conf Ser-mat SciEFundamentals for The Assessment of Risks From Environmental Radiation Nato Asi 2'Fundamentals in Handwriting RecognitionNato Adv Sci Inst SeFundamentals of AdsorptionKluwer Int Ser Eng CFundamentals of AlgorithmsFund AlgorithmsMFundamentals of Aluminium Metallurgy: Production, Processing and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mater0Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence ResearchLect Notes Artif IntOFundamentals of Clinical Research: Bridging Medicine, Statistics and OperationsStat Biol Health$Fundamentals of Combustion Processes Mech Eng SerJFundamentals of Computational Geoscience: Numerical Methods and AlgorithmsLect Notes Earth Sci1Fundamentals of Computational Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Fundamentals of Computation TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc/Fundamentals of Computation Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc^Fundamentals of Computerized Tomography: Image Reconstruction From Projections, Second EditionAdv Pattern RecognitGFundamentals of Cryobiology: Physical Phenomena and Mathematical ModelsBiol Med Phys Biomed)Fundamentals of Deformation and AnnealingMater Sci Forum!Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Power SystvFundamentals of Electron Density, Density Matrix and Density Functional Theory in Atoms, Molecules and The Solid State Prog T Chem@Fundamentals of Friction : Macroscopic and Microscopic ProcessesNato Adv Sci I E-app'Fundamentals of Gas Phase Ion ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-matGFundamentals of General Ecology, Life Safety and Environment ProtectionEnviron Sci Eng TechFFundamentals of Ground Combat System Ballistic Vulnerability/lethalityProg Astronaut Aeron.Fundamentals of Human Performance and TrainingAdult Educ Spec Top)Fundamentals of Hydrology, Second EditionRoutl Fund Phys:Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and NanotechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Fundamentals of Laser-matter InteractionP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Fundamentals of Latex Film Formation: Processes and PropertiesSpringer Lab Man Pol1Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern CultureFund Mediev Early MoIFundamentals of Memory Formation : Neuronal Plasticity and Brain Function Forts Zool+Fundamentals of Modern Statistical GeneticsStat Biol Health2Fundamentals of Mri: Interactive Learning ApproachSer Med Phys Biomed1Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and NanotribologyMater Res Soc Symp P5Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology IiiMater Res Soc Symp P4Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology IvMater Res Soc Symp PIFundamentals of Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling for Rf and Microwave DesignArtech Hse Microw LiIFundamentals of Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling for Rf and Microwave Design Artech Micr4Fundamentals of Novel Oxide/semiconductor InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp P;Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Modules and Their ApplicationsRsc Energy Ser&Fundamentals of Predictive Text MiningTexts Comput Sci#Fundamentals of Quantum InformationLect Notes PhysFundamentals of Radar Imaging Cbms-nsf Ma6Fundamentals of Relational Database Management SystemsStud Comput Intell_Fundamentals of Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks: Theory and Algorithms, Second EditionFound Signal Process$Fundamentals of Scientific ComputingTexts Comput Sci EngPFundamentals of Semiconductors: Physics and Materials Properties, Fourth EditionGrad Texts Phys0Fundamentals of Shock Wave Propagation in SolidsShock Wave High Pres$Fundamentals of Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc)Fundamentals of Space Environment Science Adv Space Res)Fundamentals of Space Environment ScienceAdv Space Res-series$Fundamentals of Stochastic FilteringStoch Mod Appl Proba"Fundamentals of Traffic SimulationInt Ser Oper Res ManUFundamentals of Tribology and Bridging The Gap Between The Macro-and Micro/nanoscalesNato Sci Ser Ii MathUFundamentals of Tribology and Bridging The Gap Between The Macro-and Micro/nanoscalesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathNFundamental Stellar Properties: The Interaction Between Observation and TheoryIau SympqFundamental Structural Aspects and Features in The Bioengineering of The Gas Exchangers: Comparative PerspectivesAdv Anat Embryol Cel%Fundamental Systems in Quantum Optics Les Houch SFundamental Theories of Physics Fund TheorFundamental Theories of PhysicsFund Theor Phys&Fundamental Trends in City DevelopmentUrban Land PerspectFundamenta Mathematicae Fund Math7Funding of Higher Education: International PerspectivesGarland High Educ(Funding of Public and Academic Libraries Prof Lib S Fungal Allergy and Pathogenicity Chem ImmunolFungal BiodiversityCbs Lab Manual SerFungal BiologyFungal Biol-uk)Fungal Conservation: Issues and Solutions Br Mycol SyFungal Diversity Fungal DiversFungal Ecology Fungal EcolFungal Genetics and BiologyFungal Genet BiolFungal Genomics Adv Genet&Fungal Genomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol)Fungi and Biotechnology : Recent Advances Int Biosci'Fungi and Mycotoxins in Stored Products Aciar ProcFungicide Resistance Br Crop Pr$Funkcialaj Ekvacioj-serio InternaciaFunkc Ekvacioj-ser IFunktionelle Biologie & MedizinFunkt Biol MedFunktionen Des BewusstseinsHumanprojekt-interdiHFunktionen Des Erlebens: Neue Perspektiven Des Qualitativen BewusstseinsHumanprojekt-interdi%Funktionsanalyse Biologischer Systeme Funk Biol SjFunktionsverbgefug?: Empirisch: Eine Korpusbasierte Untersuchung Zu Den Nominalen Pradikaten Des DeutschenReihe Ger Linguist Fun With Algorithms, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Further Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging Roy Soc ChFurthering Judicial Education World Ban TbFur Unseren Betrieb Lebensnotwendig: Georg Von Holtzbrinck Als Verlagsunternehmer Im Dritten ReichArch Gesch Buchwes-sJFusion06: Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure At The Coulomb Barrier Aip Conf Proc Fusion 08 Aip Conf ProcFusion Energy 1996, Vol 1P S IaeaFusion Energy 1996, Vol 2P S IaeaFusion Energy 1996, Vol 3P S IaeaFusion Engineering and DesignFusion Eng Des2Fusion Methods for Unsupervised Learning EnsemblesStud Comput IntellFusion Science and TechnologyFusion Sci TechnolFusion TechnologyFusion TechnolFussgangerschutzVDI-Buch=Future As Fairness: Ecological Justice and Global CitizenshipAt The InterfaceOFuture Astronuclear Physics: From Microscopic Puzzles to Macroscopic NightmaresEas Publications6Future Changes in Pesticide Registration Within The Ec Br Crop Pr Future City Future CityTFuture Curricular Trends in School Algebra and Geometry: Proceedings of A ConferenceRes Math Educ SerFuture Databases 92 Adv Datab R*Future Develoment of Competition FrameworkInt Compet Law SerBFuture Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information SciencesStud Fuzz Soft CompBFuture Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information SciencesStud Fuzziness SoftHFuture Directions in Distributed Computing: Research and Position PapersLect Notes Comput ScPFuture Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: The 10th Anniversary of The Vlba Astr Soc P\Future Directions in Nuclear Physics With 4-pi Gamma Detection Systems of The New Generation Aip Conf Proc-Future Directions in Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Aip Conf ProcJFuture Directions of Nonlinear Dynamics in Physical and Biological SystemsNato Adv Sci Inst Se%Future Engine and System Technologies Imeche Sem0Future Envelope 1 - A Multidisciplinary ApproachRes Archtec Engr Ser@Future European and Japanese Remote-sensing Sensors and ProgramsP Soc Photo-opt InsIFuture Euv/uv and Visible Space Astrophysics Missions and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt InsIFuture Euv/uv and Visible Space Astrophysics Missions and Instrumentation Proc Spie(Future for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Acta Hortic"Future Generation Computer SystemsFuture Gener Comp Sy[Future Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Grid Computing and EscienceFuture Gener Comp SynFuture Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Grid Computing Theory Methods and ApplicationsFuture Gener Comp SynFuture Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Grid Computing-theory Methods and ApplicationsFuture Gener Comp Sy(Future Generation Information TechnologyLect Notes Comput Sc5Future Generation Information Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Future Generation Photovoltaic Technologies Aip Conf ProcFuture Giant TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt InsFuture Giant Telescopes Proc Spie$Future Groundwater Resources At Risk Iahs-aish PFuture High Energy Colliders Aip Conf Proc"Future Infrared Detector MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsFuture Internet - Fis 2008Lect Notes Comput ScFuture Internet - Fis 2009Lect Notes Comput ScFuture Internet-fis 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc;Future Interventions With Battered Women and Their FamiliesSage Viol Women.Future Issues Facing Wisconsins Land Resources Inst Env RFuture LipidologyFuture LipidolFuture Medicinal ChemistryFuture Med ChemFuture MicrobiologyFuture Microbiol)Future Multimedia Networking, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScvFuture Nato Security: Addressing The Challenges of Evolving Security and Information Sharing Systems and ArchitecturesNato Asi S 4 Sci TecFuture of Accelerator Physics Aip Conf Proc#Future of Anthropological KnowledgeAsa Decen Conf Ser)Future of Assisted Suicide and EuthanasiaNew Forum Book Future of Biological DisarmamentLse Int Stud SerFuture of Children Future ChildFuture of Committals Aic Conf PFuture of Dairy Education Int Dairy F!Future of Deuteronomistic History Bib Eph TheiFuture of Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management: Challenges for The Next GenerationLea Commun Ser,Future of Fisheries Science in North AmericaFish Fisheries Serie9Future of Geological Modelling in Hydrocarbon DevelopmentGeol Soc Spec Publ8Future of Glycerol: New Uses of A Versatile Raw MaterialRsc Green Chem Ser"Future of Glycerol, Second EditionRsc Green Chem SerKFuture of Hormone Therapy: What Basic Science and Clinical Studies Teach UsAnn Ny Acad Sci1Future of Human Rights: U.s. Policy for A New EraPa Stud Hum Rights-Future of Identity in The Information SocietyIfip Adv Inf Comm TeFuture of Industrial Relations U Cal I IndEFuture of Intermodal Freight Transport: Operations, Design and PolicyTransp Econ Manag Po Future of Leadership Development S Appl Psyc Future of Leadership DevelopmentSer Appl PsycholFuture of Learning Future LearnFuture of Literacy Studies Palgrave Adv6Future of Livestock Breeding and Service Organizations Eaap TechFuture of Minority StudiesFuture Minor StudFuture of Payment SystemsRoutl Int Stud MoneyJFuture of Photometric, Spectrophotometric and Polarimetric Standardization Astr Soc PFuture of Political CommunityRoutl Ecpr Stud EurFuture of The Academic JournalChandos Publ SerFuture of The Academic Library Oc P U IllFuture of The Chemical Industry Acs Sym SerFuture of The OocyteE Schering Res Fdn W,Future of The Study of Religion, ProceedingsNumen Book Series1Future of The Worlds Forests: Ideas Vs Ideologies World Forests Future of Turkish Foreign PolicyBcsia Stud Int Future of Turkish Foreign PolicyBcsia Stud Int SecurWFuture of Vehicular and Traffic Technology: Mobility Today, Tomorrow and After Tomorrow VDI BerichtFuture Oncology Future Oncol;Future Opportunities in Catalytic and Separation TechnologyStud Surf Sci Catal=Future Orientation: Developmental and Ecological PerspectivesSpringer Ser Hum Exc-Future-oriented Studies / Etudes Prospectives Fut Or St'Future Perspectives in Gastroenterology Falk SympaFuture Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations Aip Conf Proc3Future Research Direction and Visions for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt InsFuturesFuturesFutures: of Jacques Derrida Cul Mem Pre2Futures of Reproduction: Bioethics and BiopoliticsInt Libr Eth Law New$Future Spacecraft Propulsion SystemsS-p B Astronaut EngOFuture Technologies for Food Production and Future Food Scientists, ProceedingsSik DokFFuture Tendencies in Computer Science, Control and Applied MathematicsLect Notes Comput ScNFuture Trends and Needs in Science and Engineering for Plasma Physics in Space Adv Space Res2Future Trends in Biomedical Applications of LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsFuture Trends in MedicineRoy Soc Med Int CongDFuture Trends in Soft Materials Research With Advanced Light SourcesJ Phys Conf Ser)Future Trends in Veterinary Public HealthWho Tech Rep SerFuture Virology Future Virol Futuribles Futuribles*Futurism and The Technological ImaginationAvant-garde Crit StuFuturismo: Impact and Legacy Filibrary SerFuturistFuturistQFuzz-ieee 2005: Proceedings of The Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy SystemsIeee Int Conf Fuzzy#Fuzziness and Approximate ReasoningStud Fuzz Soft Comp;Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality AssuranceArtech Hse Inf Secur>Fuzzy and Rough Techniques in Medical Diagnosis and MedicationStud Fuzz Soft Comp6Fuzzy Choice Functions: A Revealed Preference ApproachStud Fuzz Soft CompQFuzzy Cognitive Maps: Advances in Theory, Methodolologies, Tools and ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp;Fuzzy Control and Filter Design for Uncertain Fuzzy SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf-Fuzzy Engineering Economics With ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft CompFuzzy ImplicationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp-Fuzzy Information and Engineering 2010, Vol 1Adv Intel Soft Compu.Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Proceedings Adv Soft Comp(Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Vol 1 Adv Soft Comp+Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Volume 2Adv Intel Soft Compu+Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Volume 2Adv Intell Soft Comp-Fuzzy-like Multiple Objective Decision MakingStud Fuzz Soft Comp Fuzzy LogicStud Fuzz Soft Comp Fuzzy LogicStud Fuzziness SoftFuzzy Logic and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int9Fuzzy Logic: A Spectrum of Theoretical & Practical IssuesStud Fuzz Soft Comp5Fuzzy Logic-based Algorithms for Video De-interlacingStud Fuzz Soft Comp>Fuzzy Logic in Action: Applications in Epidemiology and BeyondStud Fuzz Soft Comp:Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute (flsi) Soft Computing SeriesFlsi Soft Comp Ser'Fuzzy Mathematics: Approximation TheoryStud Fuzz Soft CompVFuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making: Theory and Applications With Recent DevelopmentsSpringer Ser Optim A@Fuzzy Networks for Complex Systems: A Modular Rule Base ApproachStud Fuzz Soft Comp&Fuzzy Optimization and Decision MakingFuzzy Optim Decis Ma4Fuzzy Optimization: Recent Advances and ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp=Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational EquationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp=Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational EquationsStud Fuzziness Soft0Fuzzy Portfolio Optimization: Theory and MethodsLect Notes Econ MathBFuzzy Preference Ordering of Interval Numbers in Decision ProblemsStud Fuzz Soft CompFuzzy RationalityStud Fuzz Soft Comp:Fuzzy Set Approach to Multidimensional Poverty MeasurementEcon Stud Inequal SoFuzzy Sets and SystemsFuzzy Set Syst/Fuzzy Sets and Systems - Ifsa 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int+Fuzzy Stochastic Multiobjective ProgrammingInt Ser Oper Res Man2Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int8Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Fuzzy Systems in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyStud Fuzz Soft Comp?F Weinberg International Symposium On Solidification Processing Cim An Conf6Gaas Ic Symposium - 18th Annual, Technical Digest 1996Tg Ieee Gal Ars6Gaas Ic Symposium - 19th Annual, Technical Digest 1997Tg Ieee Gal Ars6Gaas Ic Symposium - 20th Annual, Technical Digest 1998Tg Ieee Gal Ars6Gaas Ic Symposium - 22nd Annual, Technical Digest 2000Tg Ieee Gal Ars6Gaas Ic Symposium - 24th Annual, Technical Digest 2002Tg Ieee Gal Ars5Gaas Ic Symposium - 25th Annual Technical Digest 2003Tg Ieee Gal Ars(Gaas Ic Symposium, Technical Digest 2001Tg Ieee Gal Ars)Gaba and Benzodiazepine Receptor SubtypesAdv Biochem Psychoph5Gaba and The Basal Ganglia: From Molecules to SystemsProg Brain ResGaba(a) Receptors and AnxietyAdv Biochem PsychophGabaergic Synaptic TransmissionAdv Biochem Psychoph$Gaba in Autism and Related DisordersInt Rev Neurobiol,Gaba: Receptors, Transporters and Metabolism Adv Phar ScGaceta Medica De Mexico Gac Med MexGaceta Sanitaria Gac Sanit2Gadolinium: Compounds, Production and ApplicationsChem Eng Method Tech$Gaia: At The Frontiers of AstrometryEas Publications4Gaia-ecological Perspectives for Science and SocietyGaia6Gaia Spectroscopy, Science and Technology, Proceedings Astr Soc PGait & Posture Gait PostureGait Disorders Adv NeurolGalactic & Stellar DynamicsEas PublicationskGalactic and Anomalous Cosmic Rays in The Heliosphere: The Cycle 22 Solar Minimum and The Onset of Cycle 23 Adv Space ReskGalactic and Anomalous Cosmic Rays in The Heliosphere: The Cycle 22 Solar Minimum and The Onset of Cycle 23Adv Space Res-series"Galactic and Cluster Cooling Flows Astr Soc P'Galactic and Extragalactic AstrophysicsAdv Space Res-series/Galactic and Extragalactic Background RadiationIau Symp*Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic FieldsIau SympGalactic BulgesIau Symp&Galactic Center: 4th Eso/ctio Workshop Astr Soc PEGalactic Center: A Window to The Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies Astr Soc PhGalactic Center Workshop 2006: From The Center of The Milky Way to Nearby Low-luminosity Galactic NucleiJ Phys Conf SerGalactic Cosmic Ray Heavy Ions Adv Space Res(Galactic Halos: A Uc Santa Cruz Workshop Astr Soc POGalactic High-energy Astrophysics High-accuracy Timing and Positional AstronomyLect Notes PhysGalactic ModelsAnn Ny Acad SciGalaninExperientia Suppl@Galanin: Basic Research Discoveries and Therapeutic ImplicationsAnn Ny Acad SciGalaxies and ChaosLect Notes PhysBGalaxies and Their Constituents At The Highest Angular ResolutionsIau Symp6Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature Versus Nurture Astr Soc PGalaxies in The Local VolumeAstrophysics SpaceGalaxies: The Third Dimension Astr Soc PRGalaxy Disk in Cosmological Context, Proceedings of The 254th Symposium of The IauIau Symp P SeriesGalaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies Astr Soc P$Galaxy Dynamics: A Rutgers Symposium Astr Soc P9Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights and Future Challenges Astr Soc P+Galaxy Evolution: The Milky Way Perspective Astr Soc P)Galaxy Evolution: Theory and ObservationsRev Mex Ast AstrGalaxy FormationP Int Sch PhysGalaxy Formation and EvolutionS-p B Astron Planet Galaxy Formation, Second EditionAstron Astrophys Lib,Galaxy Interactions At Low and High RedshiftIau SympKGalaxy Wars: Stellar Populations and Star Formation in Interacting Galaxies Astr Soc P#Galerius and The Will of DiocletianRoman Imp Biogr`Galician and Irish in The European Context: Attitudes Towards Weak and Strong Minority LanguagesPalg Stud Minor LangGalilee Through The CenturiesDuke Judaic Stud SerGalileo EngineerBost Stud Philos Sci@Galileo's Medicean Moons: Their Impact On 400 Years of DiscoveryIau Symp P Series'Galleria-rassegna Bimestrale Di CulturaGalleria+Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1988Inst Phys Conf Ser+Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1989Inst Phys Conf Ser+Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1990Inst Phys Conf Ser+Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1991Inst Phys Conf Ser+Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1993Inst Phys Conf Ser%Gallium Nitride and Related MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P(Gallium Nitride and Related Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp PGallium Nitride ElectronicsSpringer Ser Mater SGallium Nitride (gan) ISemiconduct SemimetGallium Nitride (gan) IiSemiconduct Semimet%Gallium Nitride Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices Proc Spie(Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices Ii Proc Spie)Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices Iii Proc Spie(Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices VP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Gallstones: Pathogenesis and Treatment Falk Symp Galois Theory UniversitextGalois Theory and Modular FormsDev MathGalpin Society Journal Galpin Soc JGalvanotechnikGalvanotechnikGambling, Freedom and DemocracyRoutl Stud Soc PolitGames and Culture Games CultGames and Economic BehaviorGame Econ Behav"Games, Groups, and The Global GoodSpringer Ser Game Th/Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and PhilosophyLogic Epistemol UnitGamete Interaction Conrad W SGamete Research Gamete ResBGame Theoretical Applications to Economics and Operations Research Theor Dec C6Game-theoretic Methods in General Equilibrium AnalysisNato Adv Sci Inst SeKGame Theoretic Problems in Network Economics and Mechanism Design SolutionsAdv Inform Knowl Pro0Game Theoretic Risk Analysis of Security ThreatsInt Ser Oper Res ManGame Theory Analysis of OptionsLect Notes Econ MathGame Theory and ApplicationsGame Theor Appl Ser#Game Theory and Applications SeriesGame Theor Appl Ser%Game Theory and Applications - SeriesGame Theor Appl$Game Theory and Applications, Vol 13Game Theor Appl%Game Theory and Economic ApplicationsLect Notes Econ Math"Game Theory and Linguistic MeaningCurr Res Semant PragJGame Theory and Mutual Misunderstanding: Scientific Dialogues in Five ActsStud Econ TheoryFGame Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and The EnvironmentRoutl Explor Environ$Game Theory, Experience, RationalityVien Cir Inst Yearbk)Gaming Cultures and Place in Asia-pacificRoutl Stud New Media Gamma 2001 Aip Conf ProcGamma-delta T Cells Chem Immunol<Gamma-ray and Cosmic-ray Detectors, Techniques, and MissionsP Soc Photo-opt InsGamma Ray Astronomy Adv Space Res,Gamma-ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001 Aip Conf ProcGamma-ray Bursts Aip Conf ProcGamma-ray Bursts 2007 Aip Conf Proc'Gamma-ray Bursts: 30 Years of Discovery Aip Conf Proc8Gamma-ray Bursts - 3rd Huntsville Symposium, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc%Gamma-ray Bursts in The Afterglow EraEso Astrophy Symp!Gamma-ray Bursts in The Swift Era Aip Conf Proc%Gamma-ray Bursts: Prospects for Glast Aip Conf ProcGamma-ray Bursts, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc"Gamma-ray Bursts - Second Workshop Aip Conf Proc:Gamma-ray Bursts: The Brightest Explosions in The UniverseS-p B Astron Planet)Gamma-ray Bursts: The First Three Minutes Astr Soc PGamma-ray Busts Aip Conf Proc+Gamma-ray Detector Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGamma-ray DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt InsGamma-ray Line Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc(Gamma Ray Sky With Compton Gro and SigmaNato Adv Sci Inst Se#Gan, Ain, Inn and Related MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PGan, Ain, Inn and Their AlloysMater Res Soc Symp PGan and Related Alloys-2001Mater Res Soc Symp PGan and Related Alloys-2002Mater Res Soc Symp PGan and Related Alloys - 2003Mater Res Soc Symp P.Gandhis Spinning Wheel and The Making of IndiaRout Stud S Asia His+Ganga: Water Use in The Indian SubcontinentWater Sci Technol Li\Ganita-yukti-bhasa (rationales in Mathematical Astronomy) of Jyesthadeva, Vol. Ii: AstronomySourc Stud Hist Math^Ganita-yukti-bhasa (rationales in Mathematical Astronomy) of Jyesthadeva, Vol. I : MathematicsSourc Stud Hist MathGannGann!Gann Monograph On Cancer ResearchGann Monogr Canc ResJGanzheitliche Fabrikplanung: Grundlagen, Vorgehensweise, Edv-unterstutzungVDI-BuchDGap Junction-mediated Intercellular Signalling in Health and DiseaseNovart Fdn Symp Gap JunctionsCurr Top Membr Gap Junctions Prog Cell R:Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High-t(c) SuperconductorsNato Adv Sci I B-phy/Garbage-the Independent Environmental QuarterlyGarbage-indep Env QGarden JournalGarden JKGarden of Delights: Reform and Renaissance for Women in The Twelfth CenturyMiddle Ages Ser+Garland Reference Library of Social Science Garl Ref L+Garland Reference Library of The Humanities Garl Rl Hum#Garland Studies in Higher EducationGarland High Educ"Garland Studies in The Renaissance Garl S RenaisGarlic Consumption and HealthFood Bev Consum HlthGartenbauwissenschaftGartenbauwissenschafGas and Chemical LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Gas and Chemical Lasers and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Gas and Chemical Lasers, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Gas and Chemical Lasers and Intense Beam ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Gas and Chemical Lasers and Intense Beam Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Gas and Chemical Lasers and Intense Beam Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Gas and Chemical Lasers and Intense Beam Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsRGas and Galaxy Evolution: A Conference in Honor of The 20th Anniversary of The Vla Astr Soc P+Gas and Metal Vapor Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsNGas, Chemical, and Electrical Lasers and Intense Beam Control and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGas Engineering & ManagementGas Eng Manage(Gaseous Electronics and Its Applications Adv Sol TecMGas-expanded Liquids and Near-critical Media: Green Chemistry and Engineering Acs Sym Ser'Gas Explosions in Ccgt and Steam Plants Imeche SemRGas Generation and Migration in Radioactive Waste Disposal: Safety-relevant Issues Radioact W'Gas Hydrates: Challenges for The FutureAnn Ny Acad Sci Gas LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Gas Lasers - Recent Developments and Future ProspectsNato Asi 3 High TechGasliniGaslini8Gas, Liquid, and Free-electron Lasers - Laser Optics '98P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Gas, Metal Vapor, and Free-electron Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsBGas-phase and Surface Chemistry in Electronic Materials ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P7Gas Pressure Effects On Materials Processing and DesignMater Res Soc Symp PGas Separation & Purification Gas Sep PurifGas Transport in Porous MediaTheor Appl Trans PorLGastric Bypass: Surgical Procedures, Health Effects and Common ComplicationsSurg-proced ComplicaGastric CancerGastric Cancer:Gastric Cancer: Diagnosis, Early Prevention, and TreatmentCancer Etiol Diagn TGastric Carcinogenesis Int Congr Ser.Gastroduodenal Disease and Helicobacter PyloriCurr Top Microbiol2Gastroduodenal Pathology and Camphylobacter Pylori Int Congr SerGastroenteritis VirusesNovart Fdn SympGastroenterologiaGastroenterologiaGastroenterologia JaponicaGastroenterol JpnGastroenterologia Y HepatologiaGastroent Hepat-barcGastroenterologia Y HepatologiaGastroenterol Hepato(Gastroenterologie Clinique Et BiologiqueGastroen Clin BiolGastroenterologyGastroenterology)Gastroenterology Clinics of North AmericaGastroenterol Clin NGastroenterology NursingGastroenterol Nurs&Gastroenterology Research and PracticeGastroent Res PractCGastroenterology Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow: A Review and Preview Falk SympZGastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Disease: Molecular and Cell Biological AspectsAnn Ny Acad SciGastrointestinal EndoscopyGastrointest Endosc>Gastrointestinal Function : Regulation and Disturbances, Vol 7 Int Congr Ser>Gastrointestinal Function : Regulation and Disturbances, Vol 8 Int Congr Ser>Gastrointestinal Function : Regulation and Disturbances, Vol 9 Int Congr SerWGastrointestinal Inflammation and Disturbed Gut Function: The Challenge of New Concepts Falk SympGastrointestinal LymphomaRecent Res CancerGastrointestinal MalignanciesEmerg Cancer Ther!Gastrointestinal MicrocirculationProgr Appl MicrGastrointestinal Pathology / Int Aca PatGastrointestinal RadiologyGastrointest Radiol9Gastrointestinal Tract Sonography in Fetuses and ChildrenMed Radiol Diagn ImaGastrointestinal TransportCurr Top Membr Gastrulation Bod Mar LabGas Turbine Pollutant Emissions Imeche Sem Gas Turbines Imeche SemGas Turbines in Power Plants VDI BerichtDGate Dielectric Integrity: Material, Process, and Tool QualificationAm Soc Test Mater4Gates Foundation and The Future of Us Public SchoolsRoutl Stud Educ NeolFGateway to The Pacific Rim: Information Resources for The 21st Century A R L Minut;Gathering Hopewell: Society, Ritual, and Ritual InteractionInterd Contrib ArchPGatt Or Wipo : New Ways in The International Protection of Intellectual Property Iic St Ind$Gauge Theory and Symplectic GeometryNato Adv Sci I C-matjGaussian Approximation Potential: An Interatomic Potential Derived From First Principles Quantum MechanicsSpringer Theses-reco'Gaussian Processes for Machine LearningAdapt Comput Mach LeGaussian Random Fields S Prob StatGaussian Scale-space Theory Comp Imag Vis@Gauvain, Gawein, Walewein: Die Emanzipation Des Ewig VerspatetenHermaea Ger ForschGayanaGayanaGayana Botanica Gayana Bot)Gay and Lesbian Subculture in Urban ChinaRoutl Contemp AsiaHGay Liberation Youth Movement in New York: An Army of Lovers Cannot FailStud Am Popul Hist CDGay Male Fiction Since Stonewall: Ideology, Conflict, and AestheticsRout Stud Tw Cen Lit+Gay Mens Issues in Religious Studies Series Gay Men I R8Gays' and Lesbians' Rights in An Enlarged European Union Etud EuropGazette Des Beaux-artsGaz Beaux-artsGazette MedicaleGaz Med-franceGazette Medicale De FranceGazette Med FranceGazzetta Chimica ItalianaGazz Chim ItalGbf Monograph SeriesGbf Monog SeriesGdr Monitor Special Series Gdr Mon SpGearbox Noise and VibrationProc Inst Mech Eng SGear Drives '99 VDI Bericht,Gear Technology - Gaining A Competitive Edge Imeche Sem Geburtshilfe Und FrauenheilkundeGeburtsh Frauenheilk)Gec-aei Journal of Science and TechnologyGec-aei J Sci TechnoGec Journal of Research Gec-j Res#Gec-journal of Science & TechnologyGec-j Sci Technol%Gec-journal of Science and TechnologyGec J Sci TechnolGec Journal of Technology Gec J Technol Gec ReviewGec RevvGedeckte Schuldverschreibungen in Deutschland Und Grossbritannien: Pfandbriefe Und Uk Covered Bonds Im RechtsvergleichSchr Eur Int Priv BGedrag & Gezondheid Gedrag GezondGedrag & Organisatie Gedrag Organ#Gedrag-tijdschrift Voor Psychologie Gedrag GezondBGedruckten Griechischen Beichtbucher Zur Zeit Der TurkenherrschaftArb Kirchengesch!Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung Der LuftGefahrst Reinhalt LGefasschirurgieGefasschirurgieFGegenstandstheorie Und Theorie Der Intentionalitat Bei Alexius MeinongPhaenomenologica8Gegenwartige Vergangenheit: Ausgewahlte Kleine SchriftenBeitr Altertumskunde,Gegenwartskunde Gesellschaft Staat ErziehungGegen Ges Staat ErzoGehirn Und Gedudel: Warum Die Fussball-europameisterschaft Das Leben Verlangert, Der Musikantenstadl Aber NichtTrace Transm Rhetor0Geistiges Eigentum: Herausforderung DurchsetzungMpi Stud Intell Prop*Gel-free Proteomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolGelsProg Coll Pol Sci S+Gels: Structures, Properties, and FunctionsProg Coll Pol Sci SGematologiya I TransfuziologiyaGematol TransfuziolGems & Gemology Gems Gemol Gems in Experimental Mathematics Contemp MathGender & Society Gender Soc?Gender & Society: Feminist Perspectives On The Past and PresentGen Soc Fem PerspGender and Agrarian ReformsRoutl Int Stud Women<Gender and Chinese Development: Towards An Equitable SocietyRoutl Iaffe Adv Fem<Gender and Christianity in Medieval Europe: New PerspectivesMiddle Ages SercGender and Community Under British Colonialism: Emotion, Struggle and Politics in A Chinese VillageE Asia Hist Polit So)Gender and Culture At The Limit of RightsPa Stud Hum Rights`Gender and Culture in Literature and Film East and West: Issues of Perception and Interpretation Lit St E WGender and Education Gender EduceGender and Education in China: Gender Discourses and Women's Schooling in The Early Twentieth CenturyRoutl Contemp ChinaGender and Everyday Life New Sociol!Gender and International SecurityRoutl Crit Secur Stu5Gender and Jewish Difference From Paul to ShakespeareMiddle Ages Ser2Gender and Labour in Korea and Japan: Sexing ClassWomen Asia SerUGender and Laughter: Comic Affirmation and Subversion in Traditional and Modern MediaAmst Beitr Neuer Ger'Gender and Narrative in The MahabharataRoutl Hindu Stud SerTGender and Recovery From Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: A Psychological PerspectiveFortschr Herz ThoraxGender and Self in IslamRoutl Adv Midd E Isl7Gender and Sexual Diversity in Schools: An IntroductionExplor Educ Purp]Gender and Social Policy in A Global Context: Uncovering The Gendered Structure of The SocialSoc Policy Dev ConteBGender and Society : Feminist Perspectives On The Past and Present Gend Soc FEGender and The American Temperance Movement of The Nineteenth CenturyStud Am Popul Hist C0Gender and The Contours of Precarious EmploymentRoutl Iaffe Adv Fem7Gender and The Fictions of The Public Sphere, 1690-1755Rout St Eight Cn Lit?Gender and The Local-global Nexus: Theory, Research, and Action Adv Gend ResIGender and The Military: Women in The Armed Forces of Western Democracies Cass Mil StudGGender and Work in Urban China: Women Workers of The Unlucky GenerationRoutl Contemp ChinaTGender Designs It: Construction and Deconstruction of Information Society TechnologyStud Interdisz Gesch!Gender, Diversity, and DifferenceSoc Philos TodayGender Divisions and Working Time in The New Economy: Changing Patterns of Work, Care and Public Policy in Europe and North America Glob WelfAGendered Choices: Learning, Work, Identities in Lifelong LearningLifelong Learn Book3Gendered Perspectives On Reproduction and Sexuality Adv Gend ResBGendered Transformations: Theory and Practices On Gender and MediaEur Commun Res Educ@Gender, Equality and Difference During and After State SocialismStud Cent E EurNGender, Equality and Education From International and Comparative PerspectivesInt Persp Educ SocGender, Equity, and SchoolingMo S Res Educ PolGender Equity in HealthRout Stud Hlth Soc W Gender, Ethnicity and Employment Contrib Econ4Gender, Health and Information Technology in ContextHealth Technol Soc9Gender, Household and State in Post-revolutionary VietnamAsian Stud Assoc AusSGender, Households, and Society: Unraveling The Threads of The Past and The PresentArcheol Pap Am Anthr-Gender, Human Security and The United NationsRoutl Crit Secur StuHGender, Identity, and Imperialism: Women Development Workers in PakistanComp Fem Stud SerGender in An Urban WorldRes Urban SociolOGender Inclusive: Essays On Violence, Men, and Feminist International RelationsRoutl Adv Int RelatKGendering The Field: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods for Mining CommunitiesAsia-pac Env Monogr'Gender in World History, Second EditionThemes World Hist(Gender, Islam and Democracy in IndonesiaAsian Stud Assoc Aus%Gender Issues in Contemporary Society Clar Symp8Gender, Labour, War and Empire: Essays On Modern BritainGender Sex HistGender Medicine Gender Med3Gender, Migration, and The Public Sphere, 1850-2005Routl Res Gend HistGender Place and CultureGender Place CultZGender Politics in Brazil and Chile:the Role of Parties in National and Local PolicymakingSt Antonys Ser>Gender, Race and National Identity: Nations of Flesh and BloodRoutl Res Gend Soc<Gender, Race, and Nationalism in Contemporary Black PoliticsComp Fem Stud Ser"Gender Realities: Local and Global Adv Gend Res=Gender Regimes, Citizen Participation and Rural RestructuringRes Rural Sociol DevGender Rhetoric: North-southAfr Yearb RhetorGendersGenders"Genders and Sexualities in HistoryGender Sex HistGenders, Second EditionNew Crit IdiomRGender, State and Social Power in Contemporary Indonesia: Divorce and Marriage LawAsian Stud Assoc Aus5Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal PerspectivesPa Stud Hum Rights9Gender Trouble Makers: Education and Empowerment in NepalNew Approach Sociol?Gender, War and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775-1830War Cult Soc 1750-18Gender Work and OrganizationGend Work OrganGender Work and OrganizationGender Work OrganGeneGeneGene Analysis TechniquesGene Anal TechGene-based Therapies for CancerCurr Cancer Res Gene-combis Gene-combis"Gene Conservation and Exploitation Stadler GenNGene Doping in Sports: The Science and Ethics of Genetically Modified Athletes Adv GenetGene ExpressionGene Expression-Gene Expression in The Central Nervous SystemProg Brain ResGene Expression PatternsGene Expr Patterns:Gene Expression : Regulation At The Rna and Protein LevelsBiochem Soc Symp9Gene Flow and Agriculture: Relevance for Transgenic Crops Bcpc Symp SerGene Geography Gene Geogr)Gene Manipulation in Plant Improvement Ii Stadler Gen8General and Applied Aspects of Halophilic MicroorganismsNato Adv Sci I A-lif%General and Comparative EndocrinologyGen Comp Endocr(General Anesthesia Research Developments Adv Biol Med+General Design and Roadside Safety FeaturesTransport Res RecAGeneral Equilibrium Analysis of Production and Increasing ReturnsSer Math Econ Game TGeneral Forum On Traffic 1998 VDI BerichtGeneral Gynaecology C St Gyn ObGeneral Hospital PsychiatryGen Hosp PsychiatGeneral Inequalities 6 Int S Num M0Generalizations of Thomaes Formula for Zn CurvesDev MathGeneralized Analytic FunctionsInt Soc Anal App Com.Generalized Bessel Functions of The First KindLect Notes Math<Generalized Bounds for Convex Multistage Stochastic ProgramsLect Notes Econ Math@Generalized Collocation Methods: Solutions to Nonlinear ProblemsModel Simul Sci EngGeneralized ConcavityClass Appl Math?Generalized Convexity and Optimization: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Econ Math(Generalized Convexity and Related TopicsLect Notes Econ Math-Generalized 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Oncology Physics in The 21st Century Med Phys Mg,General Principles of European Community Law Euro MonogrGeneral Relativity Sussp Proc"General Relativity and GravitationGen Relat Gravit,General Relativity and Gravitational Physics Aip Conf Proc-General Relativity and John Archibald WheelerAstrophys Space Sc L0General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc)General Series-the Historical AssociationGen Ser-hist Assoc2General Surgery : Current Status and Future Trends Serono SymGeneral SystemsGen Syst*General Theory of Emotions and Social LifeRoutl Adv Sociol=General Theory of Homogenization: A Personalized IntroductionLect Notes Unione Ma8General Theory of Information Transfer and CombinatoricsLect Notes Comput Sc!General Topology and ApplicationsLect Notes Pure ApplPGeneral Topology and Applications : Proceedings of The 1988 Northeast ConferenceLect Notes Pure Appl`Generating Power At High Efficiency: Combined Cycle Technology for Sustainable Energy ProductionWoodhead Publ Ser EnEGeneration, Amplification, and Measurement of Ultrashort Laser PulsesP Soc Photo-opt InsHGeneration, Amplification, and Measurement of Ultrashort Laser Pulses IiP Soc Photo-opt InsIGeneration, Amplification, and Measurement of Ultrashort Laser Pulses IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Generation of Antibodies By Cell and Gene Immortalization Year Immun0Generation of Cosmological Large-scale StructureNato Adv Sci I C-mat4Generations-journal of The American Society On Aging Generations@Generative and Component-based Software Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBGenerative and Transformational Techniques in Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScEGenerative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering IiLect Notes Comput ScFGenerative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering IiiLect Notes Comput Sc*Generative Grammar: Theory and Its History Lead LinguistBGenerative Programming and Component Engineering 2002, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBGenerative Programming and Component Engineering 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBGenerative Programming and Component Engineering 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Generative Programming and Component Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScGenerative Theory of RelevanceInform Retrieval Ser1Generators and Relations in Groups and GeometriesNato Adv Sci I C-matUGene Regulation and Aids : Transcriptional Activation, Retroviruses, and Pathogenesis Adv Ap BiotGeneric and Specific Roles of Saccharides At Cell and Bacteria Surfaces: Revealed By Specular and Off-specular X-ray and Neutron ScatteringSpringer Theses-recoGeneric Drugs: Needs and IssuesHealth Care Iss Cost1Generic Model Management: Concepts and AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput ScGeneric ProgrammingInt Fed Info ProcGeneric ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc@Generique De Cinema: Histoire Et Fonctions D'un Fragment HybrideCollect Amphi 7Genes & DevelopmentGene DevGenes & Genetic SystemsGenes Genet SystGenes & Genomics Genes Genom?Genes and Gene Products in The Development of Diabetes Mellitus Int Congr SerGenes and Immunity Genes ImmunGenes and NutritionGen-res IssuesGenes and Nutrition Genes Nutr?Genes and Proteins Underlying Microbial Urinary Tract VirulenceAdv Exp Med BiolGenes Brain and BehaviorGenes Brain Behav&Genes, Cancer and Radiation Protection P Nat C RadGenes Chromosomes & CancerGene Chromosome CancGenes, Fossils and BehaviourNato Sci S A Lif SciIGene Silencing in Higher Plants and Related Phenomena in Other EukaryotesCurr Top Microbiol3Gene Silencing: Theory, Techniques and ApplicationsGen-res IssuesGenesisGenesis+Genesis and Properties of Collapsible SoilsNato Adv Sci Inst SeGenesis of Feynman Diagrams Archimedes$Genesis of Fluid Mechanics 1640-1780St Hist Phil Sci Ser%Genesis of Fluid Mechanics, 1640-1780St Hist Phil Sci SerIGenesis of Innovation: Systemic Linkages Between Knowledge and The MarketNew Horiz Econ InnovGenes to Cells Genes Cells3Gene Targeting and New Developments in NeurobiologyTanig Symp Brain Sci Gene Therapy Gene Ther&Gene Therapy and Gene Delivery SystemsAdv Biochem Eng Biot"Gene Therapy and Molecular BiologyGene Ther Mol Biol5Gene Therapy for Autoimmune and Inflammatory DiseasesMilestones Drug Ther$Gene Therapy for Neoplastic DiseasesAnn Ny Acad Sci3Gene Therapy for Renal Diseases and TransplantationContrib NephrolGene Therapy MethodsMethod EnzymolGene Therapy of CancerAdv Exp Med BiolFGene Therapy of Cochlear Deafness: Present Concepts and Future AspectsAdv Oto-rhino-laryngGeneticaGeneticaGenetica Iberica Genet IberVGenetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming: Modern Concepts and Practical Applications Numer Insight+Genetic Algorithms for Applied Cad ProblemsStud Comput IntellEGenetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsEGenetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications Proc SpieHGenetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsIGenetically Engineered and 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Evolutionary Computation Gecco 2004 , Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Genetic and Evolutionary Computation SeriesGen Evol Comp Ser!Genetic and Psychiatric Disorders Wenn Gr IntGenetica Polonica Genet Pol,Genetic Aspects of Plant Mineral Nutrition /Dev Plant Soil Sci'Genetic Conservation of Salmonid FishesNato Adv Sci Inst SeDGenetic Control of Neuronal Migrations in Human Cortical DevelopmentAdv Anat Embryol CelGenetic Counseling Genet Counsel(Genetic Criticism: Text and Avant-textes Mater Texts-Genetic Democracy: Philosophical PerspectivesInt Lib Ethics Law(Genetic Disorders of Endocrine NeoplasiaFront Horm Res$Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits Adv Genet1Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits, 2nd Edition Adv Genet2Genetic Dissection of Neural Circuits and Behavior Adv Genet/Genetic Endocrinology of The Metabolic SyndromeMetab Dis-lab Clin R"Genetic Engineer & BiotechnologistGenet Eng Biotechnol$Genetic Engineer and BiotechnologistGenet Eng Biotechnol(Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology NewsGenet Eng Biotechn(Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology NewsGenet Eng Biotechn NGGenetic Engineering, Biofertilisation, Soil Quality and Organic FarmingSustain Agr Rev&Genetic Engineering in Food ProductionRoy Soc Med Int CongUGenetic Engineering in Livestock: New Applications and Interdisciplinary PerspectivesEthic Sci Technol AsGenetic Engineering NewsGenet Eng News"Genetic Engineering of Crop Plants East Sch Ag1Genetic Engineering of Plant Secondary MetabolismRecent Adv PhytochemGenetic EpidemiologyGenet EpidemiolGenetic EpidemiologyMethods Mol BiolGenetic Hypertension Colloq Inse@Genetic Improvement of Cattle in Southern Mediterranean Climates Eaap Public3Genetic Improvement of Fine Fibre Producing AnimalsEur Fin Fib Netw O P;Genetic Improvement of Horticultural Crops By Biotechnology Acta Hortic;Genetic Improvements Throughout Gene Location and Inventory Univ Fra S%Genetic Instability and TumorigenesisCurr Top Microbiol:Genetic Mechanisms in Carcinogenesis and Tumor Progression Ucla Sym BiGenetic Models of SchizophreniaProg Brain ResFGenetic Modification of Plants: Agriculture, Horticulture and ForestryBiotech Agr ForestGenetic ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc*Genetic Programming and Evolvable MachinesGenet Program Evol M Genetic Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScGenetic Programming SeriesGenet Progr Ser'Genetic Programming Theory and PracticeGenet Progr Ser*Genetic Programming Theory and Practice IiGenet Progr Ser+Genetic Programming Theory and Practice IiiGenet Progr Ser*Genetic Programming Theory and Practice IvGen Evol Comp Ser*Genetic Programming Theory and Practice IvGenet Evol Comput)Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VGen Evol Comp Ser)Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VGenet Evol Comput*Genetic Programming Theory and Practice ViGen Evol Comp Ser+Genetic Programming Theory and Practice ViiGen Evol Comp Ser,Genetic Programming Theory and Practice ViiiGenet Evol ComputGenetic Psychology MonographsGenet Psychol Monogr$Genetic Resources and Crop EvolutionGenet Resour Crop EvQGenetic Resources At Risk : Scientific Issues, Technologies, and Funding Policies Gen Res Con-Genetic Resources Conservation Program Report Gen Res Con=Genetic Resources of Mediterranean Pasture and Forage LegumesCurr Plant Sci BiotGGenetic Response of Forest Systems to Changing Environmental ConditionsFor SciGeneticsGenetics"Genetics and Aquaculture in Africa Colloq Semi"Genetics and Biology of Alcoholism Banb Report)Genetics and Biology of Sex DeterminationNovart Fdn SympGenetics and Breeding Genet Breed-Genetics and Breeding of Tree Fruits and Nuts Acta Hortic"Genetics and Cancer SusceptibilityProg Clin Biol Res Genetics and Genomics of PopulusPlant Genet Genomics)Genetics and Genomics of The BrassicaceaePlant Genet Genomics&Genetics and Genomics of The TriticeaePlant Genet Genomics/Genetics and Improvement of Barley Malt QualityAdv Top Sci Tech ChiGenetics and Molecular BiologyGenet Mol BiolIGenetics and Molecular Biology of Rhythms in Drosophila and Other Insects Adv GenetGenetics and Molecular Research Genet Mol Res.Genetics and Product Formation in Streptomyces Fems SympGenetics and Society Genet SocGenetics and Sports Med Sport Sci/Genetics and The Future of Tobacco, Proceedings Rec Adv TobGenetics and TuberculosisNovart Fdn Symp+Genetics, Biofuels and Local Farming SystemSustain Agr Rev-Genetic Screening From Newborns to Dna Typing Int Congr Ser,Genetic Services for Underserved Populations Birth DefVGenetics From Laboratory to Society: Societal Learning As An Alternative to RegulationHealth Technol Soc-Genetics Genomics and Breeding of Crop PlantsGenet Genom Breed Cr,Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of SunflowerGenet Genom Breed CrGenetics in Liver Diseases Falk SympGenetics in Medicine Genet Med0Genetic Social and General Psychology MonographsGenet Soc Gen PsychGenetics of Asthma and AtopyMonogr Allergy-Genetics of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour Ciba F SympGenetics of Focal Epilepsies Curr Prob EGenetics of Hearing ImpairmentAnn Ny Acad SciGenetics of Mental RetardationMonogr Hum GenetCGenetics of Sexual Differentiation and Sexually Dimorphic Behaviors Adv GenetGenetics of Social Evolution Westv Stud4Genetics of Streptococci, Enterococci and LactococciDev Biol Stand4Genetics of Streptococci, Enterococci and LactococciDev BiologicalsGenetics Research Genet ResGenetics-research and IssuesGen-res IssuesGenetics Selection EvolutionGenet Sel Evol5Genetic Stability and Recombinant Product ConsistencyDev Biol Stand'Genetic Structure and Regulation of Hiv Harv Aids GGenetic Testing Genet TestGenetic Testing Oecd Proc(Genetic Testing and Molecular BiomarkersGenet Test Mol Bioma&Genetic Toxicology of Complex Mixtures Envir Sci RGenetic Variation and NutritionWorld Rev Nutr Diet(Genetic Variation: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolGenetika Genetika+Genetika-belgradeGenetika-belgrade7Geneva Papers On Risk and Insurance-issues and PracticeGeneva Pap R I-iss P*Geneva Papers On Risk and Insurance TheoryGeneva Pap R I Theor*Geneva Papers On Risk and Insurance TheoryGeneva Pap Risk Ins Geneva Risk and Insurance ReviewGeneva Risk Ins RevGenitourinary MedicineGenitourin Med=Genitourinary Pain and Inflammation: Diagnosis and ManagementCurr Clin UrolXGenius of Archimedes - 23 Centuries of Influence On Mathematics, Science and EngineeringHist Mech Mach SciGenocidal CrimesKey Ideas Criminol@Genocide and Fascism: The Eliminationist Drive in Fascist EuropeRoutl Stud Mod HistGenomeGenomeGenome Analysis Genome AnalGenome Biology Genome BiolGenome Biology and EvolutionGenome Biol EvolLGenome Clustering: From Linguistic Models to Classification of Genetic TextsStud Comput IntellGenome Dynamics Genome DynamGenome Dynamics and StabilityGenome Dynam Stabil+Genome Exploitation: Data Mining The Genome Stadler GenGenome Informatics 2007, Vol 18Genome Inform SerGenome Informatics 2007, Vol 19Genome Inform SerGenome Informatics 2008, Vol 21Genome Inform SerGenome Informatics SeriesGenome Inform Ser0Genome Instability and Transgenerational EffectsGen-res Issues(Genome Instability in Cancer DevelopmentAdv Exp Med BiolGenome Priority Reports Genome Pr R"Genome Rearrangement and Stability Genome AnalGenome Research BiotechforGenome Research Genome ResGenomes Stadler Gen'Genome Science: Towards A New Paradigm? Int Congr SerGGenome: Scientific and Therapeutic Developments and Social ConsequencesColloq Inst ServierGenomes of Plants and Animals Stadler Gen#Genome Stability and Human DiseasesSubcell BiochemGenome Structure and FunctionNato Asi 3 High TechGenomic ImprintingAdv Exp Med Biol-Genomic Instability and Immortality in Cancer Pez Fdn SymGenomicsGenomics%Genomics and Protecomics TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Genomics for Biosafety in Plant BiotechnologyNato Sci Ser I LifeGenomics in EndocrinologyContemp Endocrinol S8Genomics, Obesity and The Struggle Over ResponsibilitiesInt Libr Environ AgrGenomics of Disease Stadler Gen)Genomics of Foodborne Bacterial PathogensFood Microbiol Food,Genomics, Proteomics, and The Nervous System Adv Neurobiol0Genotoxicity: Evaluation, Testing and PredictionGen-res Issues9Genotype X Environment Interactions in Poultry Production Colloq InraGenreGenre$Genre-forms of Discourse and CultureGenre-form Disc Cult:Genres of Modernity: Contemporary Indian Novels in EnglishInt Forsch Allg Vgl=Genres On The Web: Computational Models and Empirical StudiesText Speech Lang TecGentica Iberica Genet IberGenusGenusGenus Aspergillus Fems Symp3Genus Yersinia: Entering The Functional Genomic EraAdv Exp Med Biol)Genus Yersinia: From Genomics to FunctionAdv Exp Med Biol Geoarabia Geoarabia'Geoarchaeology-an International JournalGeoarchaeology7Geoarchaeology of The Landscapes of Classical AntiquityBabesch Bull Ant Bes Geobiology Geobiology%Geobiology and Ecology of Metasequoia T GeobiolGeobios Geobios-lyonSGeochemical Investigations in Earth and Space Science: A Tribute to Issac R. Kaplan Geo Soc S PGeochemical Journal Geochem J(Geochemical Society Special Publications Geo Soc S PGeochemical Transactions Geochem T1Geochemical Transformations of Sedimentary Sulfur Acs Sym Ser2Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Earth Elements Rev Mineral-Geochemistry-exploration Environment AnalysisGeochem-explor Env A"Geochemistry Geophysics GeosystemsGeochem Geophy GeosyGeochemistry International Geochem Int+Geochemistry International Ussr Geochem Int,Geochemistry of Clay-pore Fluid Interactions Min Soc Ser/Geochemistry of Non-traditional Stable IsotopesRev Mineral Geochem&Geochemistry of Sulfur in Fossil Fuels Acs Sym Ser Geochimica GeochimicaGeochimica Et Cosmochimica ActaGeochim Cosmochim AcFGeochronology: Linking The Isotopic Record With Petrology and TexturesGeol Soc Spec PublGeochronometriaGeochronometria:Geocomputational, Sustainability and Enviromental PlanningStud Comput Intell!Geocomputation and Urban PlanningStud Comput IntellGeodermaGeoderma$Geodesic and Horocyclic Trajectories UniversitextGeodesy Beyond 2000Iag SympFGeodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Engineering RolesIag SympGeodetic Reference FramesIag SympGeodetic Theory TodayIag SympGeodetski List Geod ListGeodetski Vestnik Geod VestnGeodinamica Acta Geodin Acta Geodiversitas GeodiversitasSGeodynamic Evolution of East Antarctica: A Key to The East-west Gondwana ConnectionGeol Soc Spec Publ+Geodynamic Evolution of The Pannonian Basin Serb Ac A C&Geodynamics of The Aegean and AnatoliaGeol Soc Spec PublGeodynamics Series Geodynamics*Geo-engineering for Underground Facilities Geotech SpGeoengineering in Arid LandsDev Arid Reg Res Ser7Geoenv I - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications Quant Geo G9Geoenv Iii - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications Quant Geo G{Geoenvironment 2000: Characterization, Containment, Remediation, and Performance in Environmental Geotechnics, Vols 1 and 2 Geotech Sp*Geo-environment and Landscape Evolution IiWit Trans Ecol Envir+Geo-environment and Landscape Evolution IiiWit Trans Built EnvEGeoenv Iv - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications: Proceedings Quant Geo GEGeoenv Vi - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Proceedings Quant Geo G9Geoenv Vii - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications Quant Geo GGeoexplorationGeoexplorationGeofisica E MeteorologiaGeofis MeteorolGeofisica Internacional Geofis Int Geofizika Geofizika Geofluids GeofluidsGeoforumGeoforumGeograffGeograff'Geografia Fisica E Dinamica QuaternariaGeogr Fis Din Quat Geografie Geografie GeografieGeografie-prague/Geografiska Annaler Series A-physical Geography Geogr Ann A,Geografiska Annaler Series B-human Geography Geogr Ann B1Geografisk Tidsskrift-danish Journal of Geography Geogr Tidsskr1Geografisk Tidsskrift-danish Journal of GeographyGeogr Tidsskr-denGeographica HafniensiaGeogr HafniensiaGeographical Analysis Geogr AnalbGeographical Education in A Changing World : Past Experience, Current Trends and Future ChallengesGeojournal Lib@Geographical Information Systems for Urban and Regional PlanningGeoj Lib=Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural HazardsAdv Nat Technol HazGeographical JournalGeogr JGeographical Research Geogr ResGeographical ResearchGeogr Res-austGeographical Review Geogr RevGeographical Teacher Geogr Teach>Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Second EditionCh Crc Data Min Know+Geographic Hypermedia: Concepts and SystemsLec Not Geo CartoGeographic Information ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc+Geographic Information Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLGeographic Information Systems ( Gis ) and Mapping - Practices and StandardsAm Soc Test MaterYGeographic Information Systems, Photogrammetry, and Geological/geophysical Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsAGeographic Spread of Infectious Diseases: Models and ApplicationsPrinc Ser Theor Comp0Geographic Uncertainty in Environmental SecurityNato Sci Peace Secur"Geographie Physique Et QuaternaireGeogr Phys QuaternSGeo/graphies: Mapping The Imagination in French and Francophone Literature and Film Fr Lit SerGeographies of Science Knowl Space4Geographies of The New Economy: Critical Reflections Reg CitiesGeographische ZeitschriftGeogr Z Geography Geography8Geography and Ownership As Bases for Economic Accounting Stud IncomeGeography and Strategy Adv Strat M Geohazard in Rocky Coastal AreasGeol Soc Spec Publ Geohazards Agid Geo In!Geohazards in Engineering GeologyGeol Soc Eng Geol SpGeoinformaticaGeoinformatica3Geoinformatics 2006: Geospatial Information ScienceP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Geoinformatics 2006: Geospatial Information Science Proc Spie6Geoinformatics 2006: Geospatial Information TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Geoinformatics 2006: Geospatial Information Technology Proc Spie@Geoinformatics 2006: Gnss and Integrated Geospatial ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Geoinformatics 2006: Gnss and Integrated Geospatial Applications Proc Spie9Geoinformatics 2006: Remotely Sensed Data and InformationP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Geoinformatics 2006: Remotely Sensed Data and Information Proc Spie3Geoinformatics 2007: Cartographic Theory and ModelsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Geoinformatics 2007: Cartographic Theory and Models Proc Spie@Geoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Science, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins@Geoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Science, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieTGeoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Technology and Applications, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsTGeoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Technology and Applications, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieFGeoinformatics 2007: Remotely Sensed Data and Information, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsFGeoinformatics 2007: Remotely Sensed Data and Information, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieGeoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference On Gis and Built Environment: Advanced Spatial Data Models and Analyses, Parts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsGeoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference On Gis and Built Environment: Advanced Spatial Data Models and Analyses, Parts 1 and 2 Proc Spie!Geoinformatics: Data to KnowledgeGeol Soc Am Spec PaptGeo Jordan 2004: Advances in Geotechnical Engineering With Emphasis On Dams, Highway Materials, and Soil ImprovementGeotech Practice PubGeojournal LibraryGeoj LibGeojournal LibraryGeojournal Lib Geokhimiya Geokhimiya+Geologia Croatica Geol CroatGeologica Acta Geol ActaGeologica Belgica Geol BelgGeologica Carpathica Geol Carpath(Geological Applications of Wireline LogsGeol Soc Spec Publ8Geological Development of The Sicilian-tunisian Platform Unesco R MUGeological Disposal of Carbon Dioxide and Radioactive Waste: A Comparative AssessmentAdv Glob Change Res@Geological History of The Polar Oceans : Arctic Versus AntarcticNato Adv Sci I C-matGeological JournalGeol JGeological MagazineGeol MagGeological QuarterlyGeol Q\Geological Repository Systems for Safe Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuels and Radioactive WasteWoodhead Publ Ser En:Geological Society Engineering Geology Special PublicationGeol Soc Eng Geol SpGeological Society Memoirs Geo Soc MemGeological Society Memoirs Geol Soc Mem&Geological Society of America BulletinGeol Soc Am Bull$Geological Society of America MemoirGeol Soc Am Mem%Geological Society of America MemoirsGeol Soc Am Mem,Geological Society of America Special Papers Geol S Am S,Geological Society of America Special PapersGeol Soc Am Spec Pap$Geological Society of India BulletinGeol Soc India Bull#Geological Society of India MemoirsGeol Soc Ind Mem#Geological Society of India MemoirsGeol Soc India Mem:Geological Society of Zimbabwe Special Publications Series Geol Soc Zi&Geological Society Special Publication Geol Soc Sp&Geological Society Special PublicationGeol Soc Spec PublKGeological Studies in The Klamath Mountains Province, California and OregonGeol Soc Am Spec PapGeological Survey CircularGeol Surv Circular3Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland BulletinGeol Surv Den Greenl'Geological Survey of Denmark - Series CDanm Geol Undersog C+Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper Geol S Finl%Geological Survey Professional PapersGeol Surv Prof Paper]Geologic and Tectonic Development of The Caribbean Plate Boundary in Northern Central AmericaGeol Soc Am Spec Pap5Geologic Modeling and Simulation: Sedimentary Systems Comp Ap EarOGeologic Problem Solving With Microfossils: A Volume in Honor of Garry D. Jones Sepm Spec PGeologie En Mijnbouw Geol Mijnbouw7Geologie En Mijnbouw-netherlands Journal of GeosciencesGeol Mijnbouw-n J GGeologische Rundschau Geol Rundsch0Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm ForhandlingarGeol Foren Stock ForGeologiya I Geofizika Geol GeofizGeologiya I Geofizika Geol Geofiz+GeologyGeologyVGeology and Climatology of Yucca Mountain and Vicinity, Southern Nevada and CaliforniaGeol Soc Am Mem@Geology and Geomorphology of Holocene Coastal Barriers of BrazilLect Notes Earth Sci-Geology and Geophysics of Continental Margins Aapg Memoir/Geology and Habitability of Terrestrial Planets S S S Issi/Geology and Habitability of Terrestrial PlanetsSpace Sci Ser Issi(Geology and Mineral Resources of NigeriaLect Notes Earth SciNGeology and Paleontology of The Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of The DakotasGeol Soc Am Spec Pap.Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2001Transport Res Rec.Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2002Transport Res Rec.Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2003Transport Res Rec.Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2004Transport Res Rec.Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2005Transport Res Rec.Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2006Transport Res Rec8Geology and Religion: A History of Harmony and HostilityGeol Soc Spec PublGGeology and Tectonic Evolution of The Central-southern Apennines, ItalyGeol Soc Am Spec Pap(Geology and Tectonics of The Oman RegionGeol Soc Spec PublGeology From SpaceP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Geology of Coal Fires: Case Studies From Around The World Rev Eng Geol-Geology of Early Humans in The Horn of AfricaGeol Soc Am Spec PapPGeology of Mexico: Celebrating The Centenary of The Geological Society of MexicoGeol Soc Am Spec PapGeology of Ore DepositsGeol Ore Deposit+AGeology of The Humber Group: Central Graben and Moray Firth, Ukcs Geol Soc Sp7Geology Society Engineering Geology Special Publication Geol Soc EnGeomagnetic Field VariationsAdv Geophys Env Mech$Geomagnetics for Aeronautical Safety Nato Sec Sci$Geomagnetic Studies At Low LatitudesGeol Soc Ind MemGeomagnetism and AeronomyGeomagn Aeronomy+Geomagnetizm I AeronomiyaGeomagn Aeron+Geo-marine Letters Geo-mar LettGeomaterials 2000Transport Res RecGeomaterials 2001Transport Res RecGeomaterials 2002Transport Res RecGeomaterials 2003Transport Res RecGeomaterials 2006Transport Res Rec!Geomaterials in Cultural HeritageGeol Soc Spec Publ+Geomatic Solutions for Coastal EnvironmentsEnviron Sci Eng Tech+Geomatics Solutions for Disaster ManagementLec Not Geo Carto1Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate MediaProc Monogr Eng Wate'Geometic Aspects of Functional AnalysisLect Notes MathGeometriae DedicataGeometriae Dedicata#Geometrical Charged-particle OpticsSpringer Ser Opt Sci2Geometric Algebra With Applications in Engineering Geom Comput;Geometric Analysis and Applications to Quantum Field Theory Prog MathGeometric Analysis and PdesLect Notes MathUGeometric Analysis of Pde and Several Complex Variables: Dedicated to Francois Treves Contemp MathLGeometric and Algorithmic Aspects of Computer-aided Design and ManufacturingDimacs Ser Discret M;Geometric and Combinatorial Aspects of Communtative AlgebraLect Notes Pure Appl!Geometric and Functional AnalysisGeom Funct Anal2Geometric and Probabilistic Structures in Dynamics Contemp Math:Geometric and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory Contemp Math:Geometric and Topological Methods for Quantum Field TheoryLect Notes Phys^Geometric Aspects of Analysis and Mechanics: in Honor of The 65th Birthday of Hans Duistermaat Prog Math(Geometric Aspects of Functional AnalysisLect Notes MathJGeometric Aspects of Functional Analysis : Israel Seminar ( Gafa ) 1989-90Lect Notes Math&Geometric Aspects of Industrial Design Siam Proc S(Geometric Control and Nonsmooth Analysis S Adv Math.Geometric Curve Evolution and Image ProcessingLect Notes Math3Geometric Description of Images As Topographic MapsLect Notes Math7Geometric Design and Effects On Traffic Operations 2000Transport Res Rec;Geometric Design and The Effects On Traffic Operations 2001Transport Res Rec;Geometric Design and The Effects On Traffic Operations 2002Transport Res Rec;Geometric Design and The Effects On Traffic Operations 2004Transport Res Rec;Geometric Design and The Effects On Traffic Operations 2005Transport Res Rec;Geometric Design and The Effects On Traffic Operations 2006Transport Res RecGeometric Evolution Equations Contemp MathGeometric Group Theory Ohio St U MGeometric Group Theory Trends Math'Geometric Invariance in Computer Vision Artif Int:Geometric Invariant Theory and Decorated Principal BundlesZur Lect Adv MathXGeometric Methods and Applications: for Computer Science and Engineering, Second EditionTexts Appl Math.Geometric Methods in Algebra and Number Theory Prog Math1Geometric Methods in Bio-medical Image Processing Math Visual$Geometric Methods in Computer VisionP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Geometric Methods in Computer Vision IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Geometric Methods in Group Theory 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Journal Geophys J+!Geophysical Journal International Geophys J Int5Geophysical Journal of The Royal Astronomical Society Geophys J Int5Geophysical Journal of The Royal Astronomical SocietyGeophys J Roy Astr SGeophysical Journal-oxford Geophys J IntGeophysical Monograph SeriesGeoph Monog SeriesGeophysical Monograph SeriesGeophys Monogr SerGeophysical ProspectingGeophys ProspectGeophysical Research LettersGeophys Res LettGeophysical Surveys Geophys Surv Geophysics Geophysics1Geophysics in Mining and Environmental ProtectionGeoplanet-earth Plan&Geoplanet-earth and Planetary SciencesGeoplanet-earth PlanGeopolitical TheoryGeopolit Theor Geopolitics Geopolitics:Geopolitics and Maritime Territorial Disputes in East AsiaRoutl Secur Asia-pacoGeopolitics and The Great Powers in The 21st Century: Multipolarity and The Revolution in Strategic PerspectiveGeopolit TheorDGeopolitics of American Insecurity: Terror, Power and Foreign PolicyPrio New Secur Stud(Geopolitics of Euro-atlantic IntegrationEur Nation StateQGeo-politics of The Euro-asia Energy Nexus: The European Union, Russia and TurkeyNew Secur ChallKGeopolitics Reframed: Security and Identity in Europe's Eastern Enlargement New Vis SecurJGeopolymers: Structure, Processing, Properties and Industrial ApplicationsWoodhead Publ MaterGeo-processingGeo-processingGeoresearch Forum Geores ForumGeorg Buchner JahrbuchGeorg Buchner Jahrb(Georg Buchner Jahrbuch, Bd 10: 2000-2004Georg Buchner Jahrb(Georg Buchner Jahrbuch, Bd 11: 2005-2008Georg Buchner JahrbAGeorge Berkeley: Religion and Science in The Age of EnlightenmentArch Int Hist Idees George EliotRoutledge Guides LitGeorge Herbert: A Literary Life Lit Lives,George Sand in Foreign Hands - New Studies 3Crin5George Sand Lue A L'etranger - Recherches Nouvelles 3CrinGeorgetown Law JournalGeorgetown Law JBGeorgetown University Round Table On Language and Linguistics 1999 Georget U R>Georgetown University Round Table On Languages and Linguistics Georget U RCGeorgetown University Round 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Ussher3Geoscience in South-west England, Vol 10, Pt 2 2001 Proc Ussher3Geoscience in South-west England, Vol 10 Pt 3, 2002 Proc Ussher4Geoscience in South-west England, Vol 11, Pt 2, 2005 Proc Ussher4Geoscience in South-west England, Vol 11, Pt 3, 2006 Proc Ussher4Geoscience in South-west England, Vol 11, Pt 4, 2007 Proc Ussher4Geoscience in South-west England, Vol 12, Pt 1, 2008 Proc UssherGeosciences JournalGeosci JGeoscientific Model DevelopmentGeosci Model DevGeosensor NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc,Geospace Electromagnetic Waves and RadiationLect Notes PhysAGeospatial Analysis and Modelling of Urban Structure and DynamicsGeojournal Lib8Geo-spatial and Temporal Image and Data Exploitation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Geo-spatial and Temporal Image and Data Exploitation Iii Proc SpieGeospatial HealthGeospatial Health*Geo-spatial Image and Data Exploitation IiP Soc Photo-opt InsQGeospatial Infofusion Systems and Solutions for Defense and Security Applications Proc SpieSGeospatial Semantics and The Semanic Web: Foundations, Algorithms, and ApplicationsSemat Web Beyond-com!Geospatial Semantics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Geospatial Techniques in Urban Hazard and Disaster AnalysisGeotech EnvironWGeospatial Technologies and Homeland Security: Research Frontiers and Future ChallengesGeojournal Lib3Geospatial Technologies in Environmental ManagementGeotech Environ9Geospatial Technology and The Role of Location in ScienceGeojournal LibGeospatial Visual AnalyticsNato Sci Peace Secur Geosphere Geosphere0Geoss and Next - Generation Sensors and MissionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Geostandards and Geoanalytical ResearchGeostand Geoanal ResGeostandards NewsletterGeostandard NewslettCGeostandards Newsletter-the Journal of Geostandards and GeoanalysisGeostandard NewslettZGeostationary Ocean Color Imager (goci) Technical Development, Operation, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGeostatistical Simulations Quant Geo G&Geostatistics Banff 2004, Vols 1 and 2 Quant Geo G=Geostatistics for 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Industry in The Twentieth Century Chem Chemis^German Disarmament After World War I: The Diplomacy of International Arms Inspection 1920-1931 Strateg HistGerman Economic Review Ger Econ RevGerman Economic Review-germanyGer Econ Rev-germanyGerman Federalism Today St FederalGerman-german Integration Beih Konjun%German Historical Perspectives Series Ger Hist PGerman HistoryGer HistGermaniaGermaniaGermania LatinaGermania LatinaGermania Sacrum Dritte FolgeGer Sacrum Dritte FoGermanic Notes Ger NotesGermanic Notes and Reviews Ger Notes RevGermanic ReviewGer RevBGermanic Strong Verbs: Foundations and Development of A New SystemTrends Linguist-stud9Germanic Texts and Latin Models: Medieval ReconstructionsGermania LatinaPGerman Idealism and The Problem of Knowledge: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and HegelStud Ger Idealism#Germanisch-romanische MonatsschriftGer-roman MonatsschrGermanistische ArbeitshefteGer Arbeitsheft(Germanium Silicon: Physics and MaterialsSemiconduct Semimet5German-jewish 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Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minorities in Post-reunification GermanyEur Transit-nyu Eur+German-speaking Exiles in Ireland 1933-1945 Germ Monit3Germans, Poland, and Colonial Expansion to The EastStud Eur Cult HistGerman Studies Review Ger Stud Rev%German Studies Towards The MillenniumCutg ProceedingsRGerman Thought and International Relations -the Rise and Fall of A Liberal ProjectPalgr Stud Int RelatGerman Wall: Fallout in EuropeStud Eur Cult HistGermany As A Civilian Power? Iss Ger PolitHGermany's Eu Policy On Asylum and Defence: De-europeanization By DefaultNew Perspect Ger Stu+Germany's New Right As Culture and PoliticsNew Perspect Ger Stu@Germany's Uncertain Power: Foreign Policy of The Berlin RepublicNew Perspect Ger Stu5Germ Cell Development, Division, Disruption and Death Serono SympGerm Cell Tumours Iii Adv BiosciGermline Development Ciba F SympEGerm-line Intervention and Our Responsibilities to Future Generations Philos Med Gerodontics Gerodontics Gerodontology GerodontologyGerontechnology St Heal T Gerontologia GerontologyGerontologia Clinica Gerontol Clin:Gerontological Prism: Developing Interdisciplinary Bridges Soc Aging Gerontologist Gerontologist Gerontology GerontologygGes'09: Proceedings of The 3rd Iasme/wseas International Conference On Recent Ad Geology and SeismologyMa Comput Sci EnggGes'09: Proceedings of The 3rd Iasme/wseas International Conference On Recent Ad Geology and SeismologyMath Comput Sci EngGesa-symposium 2001 VDI BerichtkGeschenke An Aufmerksame: Hebraische Intertextualitat Und Mystische Weltauffassung in Der Lyrik Paul Celans Conditio Jud-Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache, 10. AuflageDegruyter Studienb4Geschichte Des Philosophischen Begriffs Der WahrheitDegruyter StudienbGeschichte Und Gesellschaft Gesch GesSGeschichtsbilder Fur Pagane Und Christen: Res Romanae in Den Spatantiken BreviarienBeitr AltertumskundeAGeschlechterspielraume: Dramatik, Theater, Performance Und GenderAmst Beitr Neuer GerLGesellschaftliche Erinnerung: Eine Medienkulturwissenschaftliche PerspektiveMedien Kult Erinneru>Gesnerus-swiss Journal of The History of Medicine and SciencesGesnerus*Gesta-international Center of Medieval ArtGestaJGestalten Der Transzendentalen Einheit: Bedingungen Der Synthesis Bei Kant KantstudienGestion Y Politica PublicaGest Polit PublicaGestureGesture9Gesture-based Communication in Human-computer InteractionLect Notes Artif Int7Gesture-based Human-computer Interaction and SimulationLect Notes Artif Int@Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-computer InteractionLect Notes Artif Int4Gesture in Human-computer Interaction and SimulationLect Notes Artif Int;Gesture: Second Language Acquisition and Classroom ResearchEsl Appl Ling ProfGesunde PflanzenGesunde PflanzGesundheitswesenGesundheitswesen.Get Real: Documentary Theatre Past and PresentPerform Interv<Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology Sol St Phen<Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor TechnologySolid State Phenomen?Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology Xi Sol St Phen?Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology XiSolid State Phenomen@Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology Xii Sol St Phen@Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology XiiSolid State PhenomenGetting Down to EarthInt S Ecol Econ SerRGetting The Most Out of Your Mentoring Relationships: A Handbook for Women in StemMentor Acad IndAGetting to The Future Through Silviculture - Workshop Proceedings Usda IntermGetting Trains Into Service Imeche Sem9Getty Conservation Institute Symposium Proceedings SeriesGetty Conserv Inst S'Gev-tev Gamma Ray Astrophysics Workshop Aip Conf Proc\Gewalt Im Bild: Das Phanomen Der Medialen Gewalt Im Athen Des 6. Und 5. Jahrhunderts V. Chr. Image ContextzGewerbliche Prozessfinanzierung Und Staatliche Prozesskostenhilfe: Am Beispiel Der Prozessfuhrung Durch InsolvenzverwalterSchr Deut Eur Int InGewerkschaftliche MonatshefteGewerkschaft Monatsh?Geysers - Three Decades of Achievement : A Window On The Future Geoth Res TGffGff+Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data AnalysisUse RGhana Sais Afr StGhana Medical Journal Ghana Med JkGhazi Sultans and The Frontiers of Islam: A Comparative Study of The Late Medieval and Early Modern PeriodsRout Stud Mid E HistGiaches De Wert (1535-1596) and His Time - Migration of Musicians to and From The Low Countries (c.1400-1600), Colloquium ProceedingsYb Alamire Fdn+Giant Micelles: Properties and ApplicationsSurfactant Sci Ser0Giant Oil and Gas Fields of The Decade 1978-1988 Aapg MemoirZGiant Planets of Our Solar System: Atmospheres, Composition, and Structure, Second EditionS-p B Astron Planet Gi Cancer Gi CancerpGiddiness & Vestibulo-spinal Investigations; Combined Audio-vestibular Investigations; Experimental Neurootology Int Congr Ser@Giesstechnik Im Motorenbau: Anforderungen Der Automobilindustrie VDI BerichtGifted Child QuarterlyGifted Child QuartGift : From Basics to Clinics Serono SymGigahertz Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsGigahertz Devices and Systems Proc SpieBGilding The Market: Luxury and Fashion in Fourteenth-century ItalyMiddle Ages Ser1Gi Microbiota and Regulation of The Immune SystemAdv Exp Med Biol!Ginecologia Y Obstetricia ClinicaGinecol Obstet Clin Gineco Ro Gineco RoGinekologia Polska Ginekol Pol=Ginkgo Biloba Extract ( Egb 761 ) As A Free-radical Scavenger Adv Ginkgo:Ginkgo Biloba Extract (egb 761): Lessons From Cell Biology Adv Ginkgo Gino Capponi Bibl Stor TGiono: La Memoire A L OeuvreCribles)Giornale Critico Della Filosofia ItalianaGiorn Crit Filos It.Giornale Degli Economisti E Annali Di EconomiaGiorn Econ Ann Econ>Giornale Di Fisica Sanitaria E Protezione Contro Le RadiazioniGiorn Fis Sanit ProtGiornale Di GerontologiaGiorn GerontolGiornale Di MicrobiologiaGiorn Microbiol/Giornale Di Neuropsichiatria Dell Eta EvolutivaGiorn Neuropsi Evol"Giornale Di NeuropsicofarmacologiaGiorn Neuropsicofarm0Giornale Italiano Di Dermatologia E VenereologiaGiorn Ital Dermat V7Giornale Italiano Di Dermatologia Minerva DermatologicaGiorn Ital Derm Min+Giornale Storico Della Letteratura ItalianaGiorn Storico LettGiovanni Pico Della MirandolaCtr Int Cult St PichDGis and Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment Iahs-aish POGis and Spatial Analysis for The Social Sciences: Coding, Mapping, and ModelingContemp Sociol PerspGiscience & Remote SensingGisci Remote SensGisdata Series Gisdata Ser Gis Diffusion Gisdata Ser8Gis for Emergency Preparedness and Health Risk ReductionNato Sci S Ss Iv EarJGis for Health and The Environment: Development in The Asia-pacific RegionLec Not Geo Carto!Gis in Geology and Earth Sciences Aip Conf ProcGive Peace A Chance Syr S Peace=Giving A Lecture: From Presenting to Teaching, Second EditionKey Guid Eff Teach HGiving Death A Helping HandInt Libr Eth Law New%Gkss School of Environmental ResearchGkss Sch Environm/Glacial Isostasy, Sea-level and Mantle RheologyNato Adv Sci I C-mat"Glacial Processes Past and Present Geol S Am S"Glacial Processes Past and PresentGeol Soc Am Spec Pap*Glacial Sedimentary Processes and ProductsSpec Publ Int Ass Se(Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change Glac Quat GEGlacier-influenced Sedimentation On High-latitude Continental MarginsGeol Soc Spec Publ&Glaciers-ocean-atmosphere Interactions Iahs-aish P2Glacimarine Environments : Processes and SedimentsGeol Soc Spec Publ!Glaciology and Quaternary Geology Glac Quat G,Glaciotectonics and Mapping Glacial Deposits Can Plain PGladiusGladiusGlasGlas0Glas Cdxi: Classe Des Sciences Techniques, No 36GlasGlasgow Mathematical JournalGlasgow Math JGlasnik MatematickiGlas MatGlasnost in Context Berg Eur StGlass and Ceramics Glass Ceram+Glasses and GrainsProg Math PhysGlasses for OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsGlasses for Optoelectronics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Glass in Building: Principles Applications Examples Detail PractGlass Industry Glass IndGlass Physics and ChemistryGlass Phys Chem+"Glass Science and Its ApplicationsSolid State PhenomenGlass Science and TechnologyGlass Sci Technol4Glass Science and Technology-glastechnische BerichteGlass Sci Technol4Glass Science and Technology-glastechnische BerichteGlass Sci TechnologGlass Technology Glass TechnolHGlass Technology-european Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part AGlass Technol-part A*Glass - The Challenge for The 21st Century Adv Mat Res*Glass - The Challenge for The 21st CenturyAdv Mater Res-switzdGlassy, Amorphous and Nan-crystalline Materials: Thermal Physics, Analysis, Structure and PropertiesHot Top Therm AnalGlassy Metals Iii Top Appl Phys4Glastechnische Berichte-glass Science and TechnologyGlastech Ber-glassGlauben, Wissen Und Sagen Stud Deut LitAGlaucoma: An Open Window to Neurodegeneration and NeuroprotectionProg Brain Res Glaucoma : Diagnosis and Therapy T N Orl AcaGl Conference SeriesGl Conference SerGleanings in Bee CultureGlean Bee CultGliaGlia&Glial Interfaces in The Nervous System Biom Hlth R&Glial Interfaces in The Nervous SystemBiomed Health ResGlial-neuronal InteractionAnn Ny Acad Sci"Glimpse At Hilbert Space OperatorsOper Theory Adv Appl0Gliogenesis : Historical Perspectives, 1839-1985Adv Anat Embryol CelGlobal Activism Rethink Glob'Global Analysis and Applied Mathematics Aip Conf Proc#Global Analysis of Minimal SurfacesGrundlehr Math WissPGlobal and Local Football: Politics and Europeanization On The Fringes of The EuRoutl Crit Stud Spor$Global and Multinational Advertising Advert Cons@Global and Organizational Discourse About Information TechnologyInt Fed Info ProcGlobal and Planetary ChangeGlobal Planet ChangeGlobal and Regional GeodynamicsIag Symp/Global and Regional in China's Nation-formationAsias TransformEGlobal and Regional Mercury Cycles: Sources, Fluxes and Mass Balances Nato Asi 2HGlobal and Stochastic Analysis With Applications to Mathematical PhysicsTheor Math Phys Ser'Global Atmospheric-biospheric Chemistry Envir Sci R@Global Atmospheric Change and Its Impact On Regional Air QualityNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear=Global Attractors of Set-valued Dynamical and Control Systems Math Res DevYGlobal Banking Regulation and Supervision: What Are The Issues and What Are The PracticesFinanc I Serv SerGlobal Beef TradeAgr Issues Policies4Global Big Business and The Chinese Brewing IndustryRoutl Stud Chin EconGlobal Biogeochemical CyclesGlobal Biogeochem Cy'Global Business Workforce Restructuring Int Bar AssGlobal Carbon CyclePrinc Primer ClimGlobal CareersRout Glob Hum ResourpGlobal Catastrophes in Earth History : An Interdisciplinary Conference On Impacts, Volcanism, and Mass Mortality Geol S Am SGlobal Challenges and Africa Whitehall Pap@Global Challenges and Local Responses: The East Asian ExperienceRoutl Stud Mod World-Global Challenge: Sustainable Food Production Bcpc Symp Ser&Global Change and Baltic Coastal ZonesCoast Res LibrEGlobal Change and Forestry: Economic and Policy Impacts and ResponsesClim Chang Cause EffIGlobal Change and Integrated Coastal Management : The Asia-pacific RegionCoast Syst Cont Marg!Global Change and Protected AreasAdv Glob Change Res-Global Change and Relevant Space ObservationsAdv Space Res-series$Global Change and Space Observations Adv Space ResGlobal Change BiologyGlob Change BiolGlobal Change BiologyGlobal Change BiolGlobal Change Biology Bioenergy Gcb Bioenergy-Global Change: Challenges for Soil Management Adv GeoecoljGlobal Change, Civil Society and The Northern Ireland Peace Process: Implementing The Political SettlementNew Secur ChallGlobal Change : Igbp Report Igbp Report3Global Change : Impacts On Agriculture and Forestry B Roy S Nz1Global Change: Impacts On Water and Food SecurityWater Resour Dev ManGlobal Change - The Igbp Series Glo Ch IgbpGlobal Change The Igbp SeriesGlob Change Igbp Ser#Global Climate and Ecosystem ChangeNato Adv Sci I B-phyGlobal Climate Change Envir Sci R1Global Climate Change and Cold Regions Ecosystems Adv Soil S1Global Climate Change and Cold Regions EcosystemsAdv Soil Sci-ser-Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems Adv Soil S-Global Climate Change and Tropical EcosystemsAdv Soil Sci-ser0Global Climate Change - The Technology ChallengeAdv Glob Change ResGlobal Climatic Change Br Crop Pr5Global Communication and Transnational Public SpheresPalgr Mac Ser Int Po1Global Compensation: Foundations and PerspectivesRout Glob Hum ResourHGlobal Competition in Transportation Markets: Analysis and Policy Making Res Trans EGlobal ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc/Global Concerns for Forest Resource UtilizationFor Sci'Global Conflict and Security Since 1945Glob Confl Secur7Global Conflict Resolution Through Positioning AnalysisPeace Psychol Book SGGlobal Constructions of Multicultural Education: Theories and RealitiesSociocult Pol His St:Global Continental Changes: The Context of Palaeohydrology Geol Soc SpgGlobal Cooperation in Engineering Education Innovative Technolgies Studies and Professional DevelopmentGlob Coop Eng EdhGlobal Cooperation in Engineering Education Innovative Technologies Studies and Professional DevelopmentGlob Coop Eng EdGlobal Cooperation in Engineering Education: Innovative Technologies, Studies and Professional Development - International Conference ProceedingsGlob Coop Eng EdGlobal Cooperation in Engineering Education: Innovative Technologies, Studies and Professional Development - The Third International Conference ProceedingsGlob Coop Eng EdGlobal Culture and SportGlob Cult SportGlobal Data ManagementEmerg Commun-stud Ne%Global Democracy and Its DifficultiesRoutl Challeng Glob\Global Democracy: for and Against: Ethical Theory, Institutional Design and Social StrugglesDemocratiz StudVGlobal Development and Poverty Reduction: The Challenge for International InstitutionsInt I Glob GovGlobal Dialogue Expo 2000Global Dial ExpoGlobal Diaspora Glob Diaspora1Global Diasporas: An Introduction, Second Edition Glob Diaspora0Global Differential Geometry and Global AnalysisLect Notes MathGlobal Ecology and BiogeographyGlobal Ecol Biogeogr'Global Ecology and Biogeography LettersGlobal Ecol BiogeogrGlobal Economic ReviewGlobal Econ RevGlobal Economic StudiesGlob Econ StudXGlobal Economy Contested: Power and Conflict Across The International Division of Labour Rethink GlobMGlobal E-governance: Advancing E-governance Through Innovation and LeadershipGlob E-gov SerGlobal E-governance SeriesGlob E-gov SerGlobal Empowerment of WomenRoutl Res Gend SocGlobal Energy Strategies Envir Sci REGlobal Engineering and Manufacturing in Enterprise Networks: GlobemenVtt Symp9Global Engineering, Manufacturing and Enterprise NetworksInt Fed Info Proc6Global Entertainment Media: Content, Audiences, IssuesLea Commun Ser<Global Envionmental Policies: Impact, Management and EffectsEnviron Sci Eng TechWGlobal Environmental Accord- Strategies for Sustainability and Institutional InnovationGlob Environ Accord7Global Environmental Change-human and Policy DimensionsGlobal Environ Chang;Global Environmental Change Science: Education and TrainingNato Asi Ser Ser IFGlobal Environmental Change : The Role of Space in Understanding EarthSci TechGlobal Environmental PoliticsGlobal Environ PolitGlobal Environmental StudiesGlob Environ StudGlobal E-security, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc Global Ethics Glob Ethics;Global Ethics: Anarchy, Freedom and International RelationsCrit Iss Glob Polit Global Finance and Social EuropeNew Dir Mod Econ)Global Food and Agricultural Institutions Glob Inst;Global Food Crisis: Governance Challenges and Opportunities Stud Int GovGlobal GamblingRoutl Adv CriminolGlobal Geometry of TurbulenceNato Adv Sci I B-phyGlobal GovernanceGlob GovGlobal Governance Global Gov-Global Governance and Diplomacy: Worlds ApartStud Dipl Int Relat;Global Governance and Japan: The Institutional ArchitectureSheff Cent Jpn StudPGlobal Governance in Accounting: Rebalancing Public Power and Private CommitmentTransform State-Global Governance in The Twenty-first Century Glob Iss Ser7Global Health Care Chain: From The Pacific to The WorldRoutl Res Popul MigrEGlobal Health Governance - Crisis, Institutions and Political EconomyInt Polit Econ Ser9Global Healthgrid: E-science Meets Biomedical Informatics St Heal TKGlobal History of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: EuropeStud Dev Account Tho Global HrmGlob Hrm-Global Ibsen: Performing Multiple ModernitiesRoutledge Adv TheatrDGlobal Impact of The Wesleyan Traditions and Their Related MovementsPie Ews StudiesGlobal Industrial RelationsRout Glob Hum Resour=Global Information Inequalities: Bridging The Information GapChandos Inf Prof Ser3Global Information Infrastructure Commission ReportGlob Inform Infrastr>Global Initiatives to Secure Cyberspace: An Emerging LandscapeAdv Inform SecurGlobal InstabilitySocial Indic ResGlobal Institutions Glob Inst-Global Institutions and The Hiv/aids Epidemic Glob InstGlobal Ireland: Same DifferenceGlob Reg:Globalisation and Citizenship: The Transnational ChallengeRoutl Challeng Glob1Globalisation and Japanese Organisational CultureJpn Anthropol Worksh"Globalisation and The Asia-pacificWarw St Global)Globalisation and The Future of TerrorismContemp Secur Stud#Globalisation and The Labour MarketRoutl Stud Mod WorldcGlobalisation and The Middle Classes in India: The Social and Cultural Impact of Neoliberal ReformsRoutl Cont S Asia SeGlobalisation and Work in AsiaChandos Asian Stud7Globalisation Comparative Education and Policy ResearchGlob Comp Educ PolicBGlobalisation, Employment and Mobility: The South Asian Experience Ide-jetro Ser4Globalisation, Ideology and Education Policy ReformsGlob Comp Educ PolicOGlobalisation, Markets and Healthcare Policy: Redrawing The Patient As ConsumerCrit Stud Health Soc@Globalisation of Executives and Economies: Lessons From ThailandChandos Asian StudWGlobalisation, Public Opinion and The State: Western Europe and East and Southeast AsiaRoutl Adv Int RelatGlobalisation, State and LabourRoutl Stud Employ WoGlobalisierung SudLeviathan Sonderh=Globalising Democracy: Party Politics in Emerging DemocraciesRoutl Warw Stud Glob=Globalising Democracy: Party Politics in Emerging DemocraciesWarw St Global+Globalism and The Obsolescence of The State S Soc PolitGlobal Issues in Water PolicyGlob Iss Water PolGlobal Issues Series Glob Iss SerGlobal Issues Series Global Issues&Globality, Democracy and Civil SocietyDemocratiz Stud+Globalization, Adult Education and TrainingGlob Persp Adult Ed"Globalization and Community SeriesGlob Community SerGlobalization and ConflictContemp Secur Stud>Globalization and Contestation: The New Great Counter-movement Rethink Glob-Globalization and Defence in The Asia-pacificContemp Secur StudBGlobalization and Development: Challenges and Prospects for Belize Speareports<Globalization and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and PolicyFront Econ GlobalDGlobalization and Entrepreneurship: Policy and Strategy PerspectivesMcgill Intl EntrepreGlobalization and Everyday Life New SociolFGlobalization and Geopolitics in The Middle East: Old Games, New RulesDurh Mod Mid E Islam Globalization and Global History Rethink GlobGlobalization and GovernanceGlob GovGlobalization and HealthInt Libr Eth Law New)Globalization and Health: An Introduction Glob Iss Ser.Globalization and International Trade PoliciesWorld Sci Stud Int EWGlobalization and Language in The Spanish Speaking World - Macro and Micro Perspectives Lang GlobHGlobalization and Popular Sovereignty: Democracy's Transnational Dilemma Rethink Glob,Globalization and Regional Economic Modeling Adv Spat SciMGlobalization and Regional Growth in Europe: Past Trends and Future Scenarios Adv Spat Sci&Globalization and Regional IntegrationRoutl Stud Mod WorldUGlobalization and Religious Nationalism in India: The Search for Ontological SecurityRoutl Adv Int RelatFGlobalization and Self-determination: Is The Nation-state Under Siege?Routl Stud Mod WorldGlobalization and Systemic RiskWorld Sci Stud Int EBGlobalization and The Indian Economy: Roadmap to Convertible RupeeRoutledge Stud GrowtQGlobalization and The Myths of Free Trade: History, Theory and Empirical EvidenceRoutl Fr Polit Econ*Globalization and The New Semi-peripheriesInt Polit Econ SerBGlobalization and The Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth Be SustainedStud Dev Econ Policy(Globalization and The Southern EconomiesNord Afrikainst9Globalization and The State in Central and Eastern EuropeBasees-rout Ser Russ(Globalization and The Study of EducationYearb Natl Soc StudiGlobalization and The Time-space Reorganization: Capital Mobility in Agriculture and Food in The AmericasRes Rural Sociol DevBGlobalization and Transformations of Local Socioeconomic PracticesRoutl Adv Sociol#Globalization and Urban Development Adv Spat SciGlobalization and Welfare Glob Welf#Globalization and Wmd ProliferationRout Glob Secur Stud=Globalization As Evolutionary Process: Modeling Global Change Rethink Glob=Globalization As Evolutionary Process: Modeling Global ChangeRethink Global6Globalization Between The Cold War and Neo-imperialismCurr Perspect Soc Th*Globalization, Culture and Society in LaosAsias TransformXGlobalization, Development and The State: The Performance of India and Brazil Since 1990Int Polit Econ SerNGlobalization, Economic Development and Inequality: An Alternative PerspectiveNew Horiz Inst Evol+Globalization, Education and Social JusticeGlob Comp Educ Polic'Globalization in Historical Perspective Nber Conf RGlobalization in World HistoryThemes World HistTGlobalization, Lifelong Learning and The Learning Society: Sociological PerspectivesLifelong Learn Learn+Globalization of Education: An IntroductionSociocult Polit HistGlobalization of Labour MarketsEu Ldc Trad Cap RelGlobalization of Mission SeriesGlobal Mission SerFGlobalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications: Today and in 2020Signals Commun Techn;Globalization of Political Violence: Globalization's ShadowWarw St GlobalRGlobalization of Science and Technology: A Way for C.i.s. Countries to New MarketsNato Asi S 4 Sci TecIGlobalization of Security: State Power, Security Provision and LegitimacyNew Secur Chall"Globalization of Strategy ResearchAdv Strateg Manage+Globalization of The Economy and The Worker Ann Cira P;Globalization: Perspectives From Central and Eastern EuropeContemp Stud Econ Fi/Globalization, Prostitution and Sex TraffickingRoutl Adv Int RelatPGlobalization, Regionalization and Business: Conflict, Convergence and InfluenceInt Polit Econ SerGlobalizationsGlobalizations-Globalizations of Organized Labour: 1945-2004Int Polit Econ Ser=Globalization, The Multinational Firm, and Emerging Economies Adv Int Mar6Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in SocietyRoutl Adv Sociol8Globalization, Violence and The Visual Culture of CitiesQuestioning CitiesUGlobalized Freight Transport: Intermodality, E-commerce, Logistics and SustainabilityTransp Econ Manag Po,Globalizing Dissent: Essays On Arundhati RoyRoutl Stud Soc PolitVGlobalizing Polar Science: Reconsidering The International Polar and Geophysical YearsPalgr Stud Hist SciGlobalizing RegionsGlob RegfGlobalizing Social Justice: The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Bringing About Social ChangeInt Polit Econ Ser$Global Jihadism: Theory and PracticeCass Ser Polit ViolevGlobal Justice and Neoliberal Environmental Governance: Ethics, Sustainable Development and International Co-operationRout Res Environ PolIGlobal Korean Motor Industry: The Hyundai Motor Company's Global StrategyRoutl Adv Korean Stu+Global Learning and Sustainable DevelopmentTeach Cont ThemeAGlobal Legitimacy Game: Civil Society, Globalization, and ProtestPalg Texts Int PolitMGlobal Library and Information Science: A Textbook for Students and Educators Ifla Publ;Global Missiology in The 21st Century: The Iguassu DialogueGlobal Mission Ser7Global Model Simulation: A Frontier of Economic ScienceEcon Iss Probl Persp7Global Neoliberalism and Education and Its ConsequencesRoutl Stud Educ NeolOGlobal Neoproterozoic Petroleum Systems: The Emerging Potential in North AfricaGeol Soc Spec PublGlobal Nest Journal Global Nest J2Global Networks-a Journal of Transnational Affairs Global NetwHGlobal Olympics: Historical and Sociological Studies of The Modern GamesRes Sociol Sport/Global Optimization and Constraint SatisfactionLect Notes Comput Sc>Global Organization Development: Managing Unprecedented ChangeCont Trend Organ DevMGlobal Pathways to Abolishing Physical Punishment: Realizing Childrens RightsRoutl Res Educ+Global Pedagogies: Schooling for The FutureGlob Comp Educ Polic(Global Perspective On Real Estate CyclesNyu Sa Ctr Ser F M I3Global Perspectives On Adult Education and TrainingGlob Persp Adult Ed.Global Perspectives On Design Science ResearchLect Notes Comput Sc:Global Perspectives On Gender Equality: Reversing The GazeRoutl Unrisd Res GenCGlobal Perspectives On Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural LivesRoutl Stud Hum Geogr&Global Perspectives On The Rule of Law Law Dev GlobGlobal Politcal StudiesGlob Polit StudGlobal Politcal Studies SeriesGlob Pol Stud SerGlobal Political MarketingRoutl Res Polit Comm!Global Politics of Defense ReformInitiat Strateg StudYGlobal Politics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Science: Regenerative Medicine in TransitionHealth Technol Soc'Global Positioning System : An OverviewIag Symp'Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights Rethink GlobGlobal Price FixingStud Ind OrganEGlobal Process Monitoring and Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea IceP Soc Photo-opt InsYGlobal Product : Strategy, Product Lifecycle Management and The Billion Customer Question Decis Eng8Global Propagation of Regular Nonlinear Hyperbolic WavesProg Nonlinear Diffe7Global Pseudo-differential Calculus On Euclidean SpacesPseudo Differ OperGlobal Public HealthGlob Public HealthMGlobal Public Policy: Business and The Countervailing Powers of Civil SocietyRipe Ser Glob PolitGlobal RealitiesGlob Realities\Global Research Without Leaving Your Desk: Travelling The World With Your Mouse As CompanionChandos Inf Prof Ser,Global Restructuring and The Power of LabourInt Polit Econ Ser)Global Restructuring of Agro-food SystemsFood Syst Agrar ChVGlobal Restructuring, State, Capital and Labour: Contesting Neo-gramscian PerspectivesInt Polit Econ SerGlobal Resurgence of Religion and The Transformation of International Relations: The Struggle for The Soul of The Twenty-first CenturyCult Relig Int RelatEGlobal Risk Governance: Concept and Practice Using The Irgc FrameworkInt Risk Gov Counc BHGlobal Risk Management: Financial, Operational, and Insurance StrategiesInt Finance Review Global Role of Tropical Rainfall Stud Geo Op'Global Science and National SovereigntyRoutl St Hist Sci Te%Global Security and The War On TerrorContemp Secur Stud+Global Security, Safety, and SustainabilityComm Com Inf Sc8Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScGlobal Security TriangleRoutl Garn Ser Eur WGlobal Shanghai, 1850-2010Asias Transform@Global Sourcing of Information Technology and Business ProcessesLect Notes Bus InfGlobal StaffingRout Glob Hum Resour'Global Standards of Market CivilizationRipe Ser Glob Polit4Global Structure and Evolution in General RelativityLect Notes Phys6Global Surgery Formula for The Casson-walker Invariant Ann Math StudGlobal Talent ManagementGlob HrmGlobal Telecoms BusinessGlob Telecoms Bus)Global Trading Arrangements in TransitionSt Ec Transform PubleGlobal Traffic: Discourses and Practices of Trade in English Literature and Culture From 1550 to 1700Early Mod Cult Stud#Global Trends: Fisheries Management Am Fish S S#Global Trends in Educational PolicyInt Persp Educ SocGlobal UsabilityHum-comput Int-sprinGlobal Vaccine Research ForumProcedia Vaccinol5Global Values Education: Teaching Democracy and PeaceGlob Comp Educ Polic$Global Warming and The Asian PacificAcad Stud Asian Econ%Global Warming: Engineering SolutionsGreen Energy Technol4Global Warming International Center Monograph SeriesGlob Warm Int Ctr M!Global Warming - Myth Or Reality?S-p B Environ Sci"Global Warming : Physics and Facts Aip Conf ProcBGlobecom '00: Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1- 3Glob Telecomm ConfAGlobecom '01: Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-6Glob Telecomm ConfTGlobecom'02: Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-3, Conference RecordsGlob Telecomm Conf@Globecom'03: Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-7Glob Telecomm ConfAGlobecom '04: Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-6Glob Telecomm ConfAGlobecom '05: Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-6Glob Telecomm ConfBGlobecom 2004: Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference WorkshopsGlob Telecomm Conf>Globecom 2006 - 2006 Ieee Global Telecommunications ConferenceGlob Telecomm ConfHGlobecom 2007: 2007 Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-11Glob Telecomm Conf>Globecom 2008 - 2008 Ieee Global Telecommunications ConferenceGlob Telecomm ConfHGlobecom 2009 - 2009 Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-8Glob Telecomm ConfBGlobecom '95 - Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-3Glob Telecomm ConfTGlobecom 97 - Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference, Conference Record, Vols 1-3Glob Telecomm Conf8Globins and Other Nitric Oxide-reactive Proteins, Part BMethod Enzymol6Globins and Other Nitric Oxide-reactive Proteins, Pt AMethod Enzymol"Globular Cluster-galaxy Connection Astr Soc P&Globular Clusters - Guides to GalaxiesEso Astrophy Symp!Glomerulonephritis in The ElderlyContrib Nephrol.Glossa-an International Journal of LinguisticsGlossa:Glotta-zeitschrift Fur Griechische Und Lateinische SpracheGlotta(Glq-a Journal of Lesbian and Gay StudiesGlq-j Lesbian Gay St6Glucocorticoid Action: Basic and Clinical ImplicationsAnn Ny Acad Sci#Glucocorticoid-induced OsteoporosisFront Horm ResXGlucocorticoids and Mood Clinical Manifestations, Risk Factors, and Molecular MechanismsAnn Ny Acad SciAGlucocorticoids: Effects, Action Mechanisms, and Therapeutic UsesBiochem Res Trends<Glucocorticoid Therapy in Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Falk SympGlucose Metabolism in The BrainInt Rev Neurobiol3Glutamate and Disorders of Cognition and MotivationAnn Ny Acad Sci3Glutamate-based Therapies for Psychiatric DisordersMilestones Drug TherjGlutamate Synapse As A Therapeutical Target: Molecular Organization and Pathology of The Glutamate SynapseProg Brain ResGluten Proteins Roy Soc Ch9Gluthione Transferases and Gamma-glutamyl TranspeptidasesMethod Enzymol$Glycans in Diseases and TherapeuticsBiol Extracell Matr Glycobiology Glycobiology GlycobiologyMethod EnzymolGlycobiology // Ucla Sym BiGlycobiology and MedicineAdv Exp Med BiolGlycoconjugate JournalGlycoconjugate JEGlycogenomics: The Impact of Genomics and Informatics On GlycobiologyBiochem Soc SympGlycoimmunologyAdv Exp Med BiolGlycoimmunology 2Adv Exp Med Biol.Glycolysis: Regulation, Processes and DiseasesBiochem Res Trends GlycomicsMethod EnzymolFGlycopeptides and Glycoproteins: Synthesis, Structure, and Application Top Curr Chem#Glycoscience and Microbial Adhesion Top Curr Chem>Glycoscience Synthesis of Oligosaccharides and Glycoconjugates Top Curr Chem8Glycoscience Synthesis of Substrate Analogs and Mimetics Top Curr ChemVGlyoscience: Epimerisation, Isomerisation and Rearrangement Reactions of Carbohydrates Top Curr Chem/Gm Debate: Risk, Politics and Public Engagement Genet SocGm Food On Trial Genet SocvGm/id Methodology, A Sizing Tool for Low-voltage Analog Cmos Circuits: The Semi-empirical and Compact Model ApproachesAnalog Circ Sig ProcGneiss Domes in OrogenyGeol Soc Am Spec PapMGnomon-kritische Zeitschrift Fur Die Gesamte Klassische AltertumswissenschaftGnomonGnss Applications and MethodsArtech Hse Gnss TechGnss for Vehicle ControlArtech Hse Gnss Tech:Goals and Purposes of Higher Education in The 21st CenturyHigh Educ Pol SerKGod and Humans in Islamic Thought: 'abd Al-jabbar, Ibn Sina and Aal-ghazaliCult Civiliz Mid E]God and The British Soldier: Religion and The British Army in The First and Second World WarsChrist Soc Mod WorldCGod and The Goddesses: Vision, Poetry and Belief in The Middle AgesMiddle Ages SerMGod Beyond Belief: in Defence of William Rowe's Evidential Argument From EvilStud Philos Relig Se$Gods and Heroes of The Ancient WorldGods Heroes Anc WorlGods Obvious Design Col Tam Am God, The Gift, and Postmodernism In Phil RelGod, Values, and Empiricism High Inst S8Goemetry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties Ann Math StudGoes-8 and BeyondP Soc Photo-opt InsGoethe, Chaos, and Complexity Int For LitGoethe Jahrbuch Goethe Jahrb(Go Girls: When Slovenian Women Left Home Migracije>Goguen Categories: A Categorical Approach to L-fuzzy RelationsTrends Log Stud Log%Gohberg Anniversary Collection, Vol 2 Oper Theor$Going Amiss in Experimental ResearchBost Stud Philos SciDGoing Beyond The Theory/practice Divide in Early Childhood EducationContest Early Childh6Going Local: Working in Communities and NeighbourhoodsSoc Work Skills SerFGold & Nickel Ore Reserve Estimation Practice Seminar - Seminar PapersAimm Spectr SeriGoldbrakteaten Der Volkerwanderungszeit - Thema Und Variation: Die Formularfamilien Der BilddarstellungenReallexikon Ger Alte Gold Bulletin Gold Bull8Gold Nanoparticles As An Antigen Carrier and An AdjuvantNanotechnol Sci Tech@Gold Nanoparticles: Properties, Characterization and FabricationNanotechnol Sci Tech8Gombrowicz, Polish Modernism, and The Subversion of FormComp Cult Stud Gonadal Development and Function Serono Sym7Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone: Molecules and ReceptorsProg Brain ResGondwana Research Gondwana Res5Gong 1992: Seismic Investigation of The Sun and Stars Astr Soc P?Gong '94: Helio- and Astero-seismology From The Earth and Space Astr Soc PEGong-soho 24: A New Era of Seismology of The Sun and Solar-like StarsJ Phys Conf SerHGonorynchiformes and Ostariophysan Relationships: A Comprehensive ReviewSer Teleost Fish BiofGood Enough Endings: Breaks, Interruptions, and Terminations From Contemporary Relational PerspectivesRelat Perspect Book.Good Humor, Bad Taste: A Sociology of The Joke Humor Res3Good Manufacturing Practice in Transfusion Medicine Dev HematolGGood Occupational Health and Evaluation of Occupational Health ServicesPeople Work Res RepCGood Women of The Parish: Gender and Religion After The Black DeathMiddle Ages Ser0Gorilla Biology: A Multidisciplinary PerspectiveCam S Bio Evol AnthrGor-publicationsGor-publGorteriaGorteriaGospel Preached By The DeafAnnu Nunt Lovanien'Gospel Traditions in The Second Century Chr Jud Ant=Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi-mineral Resources ManagementGospod Surowcami Min>Gossip and Gender: Othering of Speech in The Pastoral EpistlesBeih Z Neutest Wiss7Goteborg University - Department of Sociology MonographGoteb Univ Dep Socio+Gottfried Benn-einfuhrung in Leben Und WerkDegruyter Studienb3Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: The Art of ControversiesNew Synth Hist LibBGott in Der Geschichte: Ausgewahlte Aufsatze Zur KirchengeschichteArb Kirchengesch=Gottinger Forum Fur Altertumswissenschaft Beihefte Neue FolgeGott Forum Altertums-Gottinger Orientforschungen, I. Reihe SyriacaGott Orient SyrGoverance and Limited StatehoodGov Limit State/Governance After Neoliberalism in Latin AmericaStud AmTGovernance and Democracy: Comparing National, European and International ExperiencesRoutl Ecpr Stud Eur,Governance and Innovation: A Historical ViewRoutl Stud Glob CompYGovernance and Performance in The German Public Research Sector: Disciplinary DifferencesHigh Educ Dynam Governance and Public ManagementGov Public Manag"Governance and Regionalism in Asia Polit AsiaIGovernance and Regulation in The Third Sector: International PerspectivesRoutl Stud Man VolunMGovernance-an International Journal of Policy Administration and Institutions Governance@Governance-an International Journal of Policy and Administration GovernanceCGovernance As A Trialogue: Government-society-science in TransitionWater Res Devel ManCGovernance As A Trialogue: Government-society-science in TransitionWater Resour Dev ManRGovernance, Consumers and Citizens: Agency and Resistance in Contemporary PoliticsConsum Public LifeZGovernance for The Environment: A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Policy IntegrationFeem Ser Econ EnvirGovernance in Europe Gov Europe%Governance in Post-conflict SocietiesContemp Secur Stud&Governance in The Business EnvironmentDev Corp Gov Respons%Governance of Agrarian SustainabilityAgr Issues PoliciesNGovernance of Communication Networks: Connecting Societies and Markets With It Contrib EcondGovernance of Network Industries: Institutions, Technology and Policy in Reregulated InfrastructuresStud Evol Polit Econ*Governance of Not-for-profit Organizations Nber Conf RaGovernance Structures of Chinese Firms: Innovation, Competitiveness, and Growth in A Dual EconomyInnov Tech Knowl Man-Governance: Systemic Foundation and FrameworkContrib Manag Sci'Governing China's Multiethnic FrontiersStud Ethnic Groups CTGoverning Global Electronic Networks: International Perspectives On Policy and PowerInform Revol Glob Po0Governing Home Care: A Cross-national Comparison Glob WelftGoverning Knowledge: A Study of Continuity and Change in Higher Education - A Festschrift in Honour of Maurice KoganHigh Educ Dynam7Governing The Environment: Salient Institutional IssuesNew Horiz Environ EcGoverning The Postal ServiceAei St Post RegulatRGoverning The Tap: Special District Governance and The New Local Politics of WaterAm Comp Environ PoliGoverning The Transatlantic Conflict Over Agricultural Biotechnology: Contending Coalitions, Trade Liberalisation and Standard Setting Genet SocGoverning Tomorrows Campus Am C Educ MdGoverning Women: Womens Political Effectiveness in Contexts of Democratization and Governance ReformRoutl Unrisd Res Gen,Governmentality, Biopower, and Everyday LifeRoutl Stud Soc PolitGovernment and Housing Urban Aff AGovernment and Opposition Gov Oppos,Government and Policy-making Reform in ChinaComp Dev Policy Asia2Government and Research: Thirty Years of EvolutionHigh Educ Dynam8Government Bailout: Troubled Asset Relief Program (tarp)Am 21 Century Polit2Government Budget Forecasting: Theory and PracticePublic Adm Public Po Government Information Quarterly Gov Inform Q6Government Laboratories: Transition and TransformationNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec;Government Machine: A Revolutionary History of The ComputerHist Comput-mit PresRGovernment Managing Risk: Income Contingent Loans for Social and Economic ProgressRoutl Stud Bus Organ'Government Policy and Industrial Change Rout S GeogGovernment Publications Review Gov Publ Rev7Government Publications Review Part A-research ArticlesGov Publ Rev Pt A%Government Public Relations: A ReaderPublic Adm Public PoEGovernments and Markets in East Asia: The Politics of Economic CrisesRout Malays Stud SerGovernment SecrecyRes Soc Probl Public9Government, The Railways and The Modernization of BritainBrit Polit SocGovorGovorGoyaGoya<Gpcrs: From Deorphanization to Lead Structure IdentificationErnst Schering FoundXGpr 2000: Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference On Ground Penetrating RadarP Soc Photo-opt InsXGpr 2000: Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference On Ground Penetrating Radar Proc SpieDGpr 2002: Ninth International Conference On Ground Penetrating RadarP Soc Photo-opt InsDGpr 2002: Ninth International Conference On Ground Penetrating Radar Proc Spie-G Protein-coupled Receptors in Drug DiscoveryMethods Mol Biol:G Protein Pathways Part B: G Proteins and Their RegulatorsMethod Enzymol#G Protein Pathways, Pt A, ReceptorsMethod Enzymol-G Protein Pathways: Pt C, Effector MechanismsMethod Enzymol"G Proteins and Signal Transduction Soc Gen Phy"G-proteins and Signal TransductionBiochem Soc Symp/Gps-based Optimal Fir Filtering of Clock ModelsElectr Eng Dev Gps Solutions Gps Solut'G-quadruplex Dna: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol5Grace Hopper and The Invention of The Information AgeLemelson Cent Stud IGraded Syzygies Algebra Appl GradevinarGradev Gradevinar GradevinarXGradient Flows in Metric Spaces and in The Space of Probability Measures, Second Edition Lect Math:Gradient Index, Miniature, and Diffractive Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Gradient Index, Miniature, and Diffractive Optical Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Gradient Index, Miniature, and Diffractive Optical Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIGrading Student Achievement in Higher Education: Signals and ShortcomingsKey Issues High EducGradivaGradiva/Graduate Attributes, Learning and EmployabilityLifelong Learn Book+Graduate Institute of International StudiesGrad Inst Int StudGraduate School in Astronomy Aip Conf ProcGraduate Texts in MathematicsGrad Texts MathGraduate Texts in PhysicsGrad Texts Phys;Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental OphthalmologyGraef Arch Clin Exp)Grafo History - Practices and DisciplinesGrafostorie P D5Grafting/characterization Techniques/kinetic Modeling Adv Polym SciGraham Greene: A Literary Life Lit Lives5Grain Boundary Controlled Properties of Fine Ceramics Jfcc Ws MatCGrain Boundary Diffusion, Stresses and Segregation, Dss 2010 MoscowDefect Diffus ForumkGrain Boundary Engineering in Ceramics - From Grain Boundary Phenomena to Grain Boundary Quantum Structures Ceram Trans$Grain Boundary Segregation in MetalsSpringer Ser Mater SGrain Drying in Asia Aciar Proc9Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials Ii, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum6Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum/Grain Legumes : National Symposium and Workshop Sp Pub AgrDGrain Size and Mechanical Properties - Fundamentals and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P0Grammar and Christianity in The Late Roman WorldDivin Reread Late AnGrammar of Carnatic Music Phonol PhonetGrammar of CavinenaMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of Dolakha NewarMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of EtonMouton Gramm Libr Grammar of French QuantificationStud Nat Lang LinguiGrammar of HupMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of JamsayMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of Kolyma YukaghirMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of KwazaMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of LaoMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of MapucheMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of MinaMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of Mongsen AoMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of MosetenMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of QiangMouton Gramm Libr$Grammar of Tamashek (tuareg of Mali)Mouton Gramm LibrNGrammar of The English Verb Phrase, Vol 1: Grammar of The English Tense SystemTop Engl LinguistGrammar of ToqabaqitaMouton Gramm LibrGrammar of UrarinaMouton Gramm Libr5Grammatical Borrowing in Cross-linguistic PerspectiveEmpir Approach Lang2Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int?Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int?Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and AppliicationsLect Notes Artif IntHGrammaticalization and Pragmatics: Facts, Approaches, Theoretical Issues Stud PragmatGrammatical Relations in RomaniAmst Stud Theory His)Grammatical Study of Innu-aimun ParticlesAlgonq Iroq Linguist(Grammatical Theory and Romance LanguagesAmst Stud Theory HisIGrammatik Im Gesprach: Konstruktionen Der Selbst- Und FremdpositionierungLinguist Impul TendIGrammatik Im Gesprach: Konstruktionen Der Selbst- Und FremdpositionierungLinguist-impulse Ten4Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and ResistanceRoutl Innov Polit ThGranaGrana.Grand Challenges in Computational AstrophysicsEas PublicationsTGrand Seigneur Et Ses Esclaves: Le Comte De Noe Entre Antilles Et Gascogne 1728-1816 Tempus Ser;Grand Unified Theories: Current Status and Future Prospects Aip Conf Proc8Granite: From Segregation of Melt to Emplacement Fabrics Petr Stru GGranite-related Ore DepositsGeol Soc Spec PublGrant Great GenGranting The Seasons: The Chinese Astronomical Reform of 1280, With A Study of Its Many Dimensions and A Translation of Its RecordsSourc Stud Hist MathGranular and Complex MaterialsWorld Sci Lect NotesmGranular Computing and Intelligent Systems : Design With Information Granules of Higher Order and Higher TypeIntel Syst Ref Libr@Granular Computing: At The Junction of Rough Sets and Fuzzy SetsStud Fuzz Soft CompGranular GasesLect Notes Phys$Granular Material-based TechnologiesMater Res Soc Symp PGranular Matter Granul MatterGranular NanoelectronicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy Granulites and Crustal EvolutionNato Adv Sci I C-mat2Graph Algorithms in The Language of Linear AlgebraSoftw Environ ToolsGGraph Based Analysis of Object Oriented Systems: An Integrated ApproachEng Tools Tech Table$Graph-based Knowledge RepresentationAdv Inform Knowl Pro?Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Graph DrawingLect Notes Comput ScGraph Drawing SoftwareMath VisGraph Drawing Software Math Visual:Graphene and Emerging Materials for Post-cmos ApplicationsEcs TransactionsGraphene and Graphite MaterialsMater Sci TechnolGraphical Models Graph Models%Graphical Models and Image ProcessingGraph Model Im Proc"Graphics, Design and Visualization Ifip Trans B$Graphics Interface 2000, ProceedingsProc Graph Interf$Graphics Interface 2002, ProceedingsProc Graph Interf#Graphics Interface 2003, ProceedingProc Graph Interf$Graphics Interface 2004, ProceedingsProc Graph Interf$Graphics Interface 2006, ProceedingsProc Graph InterfGraphics Interface 90 Graph InterGraphics Interface 91 Graph InterGraphics Interface 92 Graph Inter"Graphics Interface 93, Proceedings Graph Inter$Graphics Interface '94 - Proceedings Graph Inter$Graphics Interface '95 - Proceedings Graph Inter#Graphics Interface '96, ProceedingsProc Graph Interf$Graphics Interface '97 - ProceedingsProc Graph Interf#Graphics Interface '99, ProceedingsProc Graph InterfGraphics RecognitionLect Notes Comput Sc=Graphics Recognition: Achievements, Challenges, and EvolutionLect Notes Comput Sc1Graphics Recognition: Algorithms and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc%Graphics Recognition, Recent AdvancesLect Notes Comput Sc;Graphics Recognition: Recent Advances and New OpportunitiesLect Notes Comput Sc6Graphics Recognition: Recent Advances and PerspectivesLect Notes Comput Sc6Graphics Technology in Space Application ( Gtsa 1989 ) Nasa Conf PGraphisGraphis Graphs '04Tatra Mt Math PubllGraphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks: Studies in Broadband, Optical, Wireless and Ad Hoc NetworksTexts Theor Comput SGraphs and CombinatoricsGraph CombinatorGraphs and DiscoveryDimacs Ser Discret MGGraphs and Patterns in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, ProceedingsP Symp Pure Math7Graphs, Dioids and Semirings: New Models and AlgorithmsOper Res Comput SciGraph SymmetryNato Adv Sci I C-mat-Graph -theoretic Concepts in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc,Graph-theoretic Concepts in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc0Graph-theoretic Concepts in Computer Science ///Lect Notes Comput Sc,Graph-theoretic Concepts in Computer-scienceLect Notes Comput Sc6Graph Theory and The Entropy Concept in HistochemistryProg Histochem Cytoc9Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications Siam Proc S4Graph Theory, Computational Intelligence and ThoughtLect Notes Comput ScGraph Theory in Paris Trends MathGraph TransformationsLect Notes Comput Sc2Graph Transformations and Model-driven EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc Graph Transformations, Icgt 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc"Graph Transformations, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBGraptolites From The Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian of Jordan Sp PalaeontGrasas Y AceitesGrasas Aceites,Grasping The Momentum of The Information Age P Cause AnnGrass and Forage ScienceGrass Forage Sci!Grasshoppers and Grassland Health Nato Asi 2Grassland BiodiversityEnviron Sci Eng TechGrassland Science Grassl SciGrassland Science in EuropeGrassland Sci Eur Grassland Science in Perspective Wag Ag Un P:Grassland Society of Southern Africa - Special PublicationGrassl Soc So Afr SpGrassland Systems Approaches Etud Rech SBGrassroots Literacy: Writing, Identity and Voice in Central Africa LiteraciesQGrassroots Social Security in Asia: Mutual Aid, Microinsurance and Social WelfareRout Res Pub Soc Pol=Gratings and Grating Monochromators for Synchrotron RadiationP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Gravitational Collapse: From Massive Stars to PlanetsRev Mex Ast AstrJGravitational Constant: Generalized Gravitational Theories and ExperimentsNato Sci Ser Ii MathJGravitational Constant: Generalized Gravitational Theories and ExperimentsNato Sci Ser Ii-math4Gravitational Effects in Fluid and Materials Science Adv Space Res4Gravitational Effects in Fluid and Materials ScienceAdv Space Res-series5Gravitational Effects in Materials and Fluid Sciences Adv Space Res3Gravitational Effects in Physico-chemical Processes Adv Space ResGravitational LensingLect Notes Phys,Gravitational Lensing: An Astrophysical ToolLect Notes Phys7Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals Astr Soc P-Gravitational Lensing: Strong, Weak and Micro Saas Fee AdIGravitational Physics: Testing Gravity From Submillimeter to Cosmic Scale Aip Conf Proc6Gravitational Wave and Particle Astrophysics DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt InsGravitational-wave DetectionP Soc Photo-opt InsGravitational Waves Aip Conf Proc<Gravitational Waves: A Challenge to Theoretical AstrophysicsIctp Lect NotesGravitation & Cosmology Gravit CosmolGravitation & CosmologyGravit Cosmol-russiaGravitation and Cosmology Aip Conf ProcGravitation and CosmologyAstrophys Space Sc LEGravitation and Cosmology: From The Hubble Radius to The Planck Scale Fund TheorEGravitation and Cosmology: From The Hubble Radius to The Planck ScaleFund Theor PhysGravitation and Quantizations Les Houch S9Gravitation As A Plastic Distortion of The Lorentz VacuumFund Theor Phys8Gravitation: From The Hubble Length to The Planck LengthStud Hi Ener Phy CosGravity and GeoidIag Symp$Gravity, Geoid and Earth ObservationIag Symp"Gravity Geoid and Geodynamics 2000Iag Symp!Gravity, Geoid and Space MissionsIag Symp$Gravity, Gradiometry, and GravimetryIag SympGrazer Philosophische StudienGrazer Philos Stud*Grazer Philosophische Studien 2009, Vol 78Grazer Philos StudVGrazer Philosophische Studien : Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Analytische Philosophie Graz Phil STGrazer Philosophische Studien Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Analytische Philosophie Graz Phil S%Grazer Philosophische Studien, Vol 80Grazer Philos Stud6Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-ray Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsGrazing in The NortheastNraes, Nat Res Agr EGraz Schumpeter LecturesGraz Schumpeter LectGreat Basin NaturalistGreat Basin Nat5Greater Anatolia and The Indo-hittite Language FamilyJ Indo Eur Stud Mono5Greater Anatolia and The Indo-hittite Language FamilyJ Indo-eur Stud MonoGreat Generals Great Gen9Great Historical Geomagnetic Storm of 1859: A Modern Look Adv Space Res9Great Historical Geomagnetic Storm of 1859: A Modern LookAdv Space Res-series5Great Issues for Medicine in The Twenty-first CenturyAnn Ny Acad SciGreat Lakes EntomologistGreat Lakes Entomol/Great Lakes Review-a Journal of Midwest CultureGreat Lakes RevFGreat Patriotic War of The Soviet Union, 1941-45: A Documentary ReaderSov Russ Study WarGreat Plains QuarterlyGreat Plains QuartGreat Power Rivalries Stud Int RCGreat Powers and The Quest for Hegemony: The World Order Since 1500War Hist PolitQGreat Power Struggle in East Asia, 1944-50: Britain, America and Post-war RivalryGlob Confl SecurGreat Thinkers in EconomicsGreat Think Econ Great WhalesAustral Nat Hist Ser Greece & Rome Greece Rome0Greece and Italy: Ancient Roots & New BeginningsAmer Ital Hist AssocGreece and The Cold WarCold War Hist-routlGreece in A Changing Europe Eur Change0Greece in The Making 1200-479 Bc, Second EditionRoutl Hist Anc World1Greek and Latin From An Indo-european PerspectiveCamb C J Proc Cam Ph-Greek Documentary Papyri From Ptolemaic EgyptCorpus Papyr Rainer,Greek Higher Education: Prospects for ReformPublic Policy Ser*Greek Naval Strategy and Policy, 1910-1919Cass Ser Nav Policy)Greek Ostraca From Abu Mina (o. Abu Mina)Arch Papyrus Verwand!Greek Roman and Byzantine StudiesGreek Roman ByzantinBGreeks On Greekness: Viewing The Greek Past Under The Roman EmpireCamb C J Proc Cam Ph9Green Accounting in Europe: A Comparative Study, Volume 2Feem Ser Econ EnvirGreen and Pleasant Land Gr Stud Cult)Green Building Technologies and MaterialsAdv Mater Res-switzGreen Chemical ReactionsNato Sci Peace SecurGreen Chemistry Acs Sym SerGreen Chemistry Green Chem(Green Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringGreen Chem Chem Eng0Green Chemistry for Environmental SustainabilitySustain-contrib Sci#Green Chemistry Letters and ReviewsGreen Chem Lett Rev>Green Composites: Properties, Design and Life Cycle AssessmentChem Eng Method TechGreen Energy and TechnologyGreen Energy TechnolGreen Fluorescent ProteinMethod Enzymol=Green Gene Technology: Research in An Area of Social ConflictAdv Biochem Eng BiotPGreen Giants? Environmental Policies of The United States and The European UnionAm Comp Environ Poli$Greenhouse Effect and Uk Agriculture Cas PaperGreenhouse Effect ReportGreenhouse Eff Rep(Greenhouse Effect, Sea Level and DroughtNato Adv Sci I C-mat-Greenhouse Environment Control and Automation Acta Hortic%Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 9 Enrgy Proced#Greenhouse Gases, Aerosols and Dust Adv Space ReskGreenhouse Gases, Ozone, and Electrodynamics; Their Changes in The Middle Atmosphere and Lower Thermosphere Adv Space ReskGreenhouse Gases, Ozone, and Electrodynamics; Their Changes in The Middle Atmosphere and Lower ThermosphereAdv Space Res-series;Greenhouse-impact On Cold-climate Ecosystems and Landscapes Catena Supp.Green Industrial Applications of Ionic LiquidsNato Sci Ser Ii Math.Green Industrial Applications of Ionic LiquidsNato Sci Ser Ii-math5Greening Airports: Advanced Technology and OperationsGreen Energy TechnolEGreenland Caledonides: Evolution of The Northeast Margin of LaurentiaGeol Soc Am MemWGreen Metathesis Chemistry: Great Challenges in Synthesis, Catalysis and NanotechnologyNato Sci Peace Sec A`Green Plants and Pollution Nature's Technology for Abating and Combating Environmental PollutionAir Water Soil Sci T6Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Biomaterials Acs Sym SerGreen Processing 2004Australas I Min MetGreen Processing 2006Australas I Min MetaGreen Software Defined Radios: Enabling Seamless Connectivity While Saving On Hardware and EnergyIntegr Circuit Syst Green TaxesNew Hor Env EcoGreen Trends in Insect ControlRsc Green Chem SerGregory of NazianzusEarly Church Fathers,Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies On The BeatitudesS Vigiliae ChristiEGregory Rift Valley and Neogene-recent Volcanoes of Northern Tanzania Geol Soc MemGregory The Great - A SymposiumNotr Dam TheolHGrenadiers of The World Oceans: Biology, Stock Assessment, and Fisheries Am Fish S SOGrenzen Des Ich: Die Verfassung Des Subjekts in Goethes Romanen Und ErzahlungenQuell Forsch Lit Kul<Grey Mosaic, Piecing It All Together, Conference ProceedingsGl Conference Ser Grey Room Grey Room%Grey Systems: Theory and ApplicationsUnderst Complex Syst4Grid and Cooperative Computing Gcc 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Grid and Cooperative Computing Gcc 2004 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Grid and Cooperative Computing - Gcc 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Grid and Cooperative Computing, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc$Grid and Cooperative Computing, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput ScGrid and Distributed ComputingComm Com Inf Sc6Grid and Distributed Computing, Control and AutomationComm Com Inf Sc'Grid-based Problem Solving EnvironmentsInt Fed Info ProcGrid ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc'Grid Computing - Grid 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScGrid Computing - Grid 2002Lect Notes Comput ScGrid Computing in Life ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc>Grid Computing: Towards A Global Interconnected InfrastructureComput Commun Netw S"Grid Economics and Business ModelsLect Notes Comput Sc/Grid Economics and Business Models, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Grid Enabled Remote Instrumentation Sig Com Tec'Grid Generation Methods, Second Edition Sci ComputGrid Resource ManagementCh Crc Numer Anal ScGrid Resource ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc5Grid Services Engineering and Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSGrid Technologies: Emerging From Distributed Architectures to Virtual OrganizationsAdv Manag InformGriechische Dramen Griech DramenKGriechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller Der Ersten Jahrhunderte-neue FolgeGriech Christl SchriGriechische StudienBeitr AltertumskundePGrief After Suicide: Understanding The Consequences and Caring for The SurvivorsSer Death DyingbGriff Nach Dem Ich? Ethische Kriterien Fur Die Medizinische Intervention in Das Menschliche GehirnStud Wiss EthikGrinding and Finishing Grind Finish5Grobner Bases and The Computation of Group CohomologyLect Notes Math1Gromov-witten Theory of Spin Curves and Orbifolds Contemp Math$Groningen Studies in Cultural Change Gr Stud CultuGrossbootshaus - Zentrum Und Herrschaft: Zentralplatzforschung in Der Nordeuropaischen Archaologie (1-15 Jahrhundert)Reallexikon Ger Alte$Grothendieck Duality and Base ChangeLect Notes Math(Grothendieck Theory of Dessins D'enfants Lond Math S%Grotian Theology of International Law Relig SocXGround/air Multi-sensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent IsrP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy Iii Proc SpieCGround-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy Ii, Pts 1-4P Soc Photo-opt InsCGround-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy Ii, Pts 1-4 Proc SpieAGround-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, Pts 1- 3P Soc Photo-opt InsAGround-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, Pts 1- 3 Proc Spie(Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes Iii Proc Spie0Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes Ii, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie1Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins1Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie3Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie$Ground-based Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Ground-based Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieGround Engineering Ground Eng Grounding Cog Lin Res GroundingCogn Linguist Res)Grounding The Nietzsche Rhetoric of EarthMonogr Texte NietzscGround SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Ground Support Equipment in The 21st Century Imeche SemGround Vehicle EngineeringGround Veh EngPGround Vibration Engineering: Simplified Analyses With Case Studies and ExamplesGeotech Geol Earthq Ground Water Ground WaterGround Water AgeGround Water AgeGroundwater and EcosystemsNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear!Groundwater and Human DevelopmentInt Assoc Hydrogeol&Groundwater and Subsurface Remediation Environm Engn#Groundwater: An Endangered ResourceWater Chang Glob ComGroundwater Intensive UseInt Assoc Hydrogeol$Groundwater in The Urban EnvironmentInt Assoc Hydrogeol*Groundwater: Legal and Policy Perspectives World Ban TGround Water Management Gr Wat ManPGroundwater Management in Asian Cities: Technology and Policy for SustainabilityCsur Ut Ser Lib SustGroundwater Management in The East of The European Union: Transboundary Strategies for Sustainable Use and Protection of ResourcesNato Sci Peace Secur-Groundwater Management : Quantity and Quality Iahs-aish P'Ground Water Monitoring and RemediationGround Water Monit RGroundwater Quality Management Iahs-aish PNGroundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution Iahs-aish P/Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection Iahs-aish P7Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection (gq'95) Iahs-aish P?Groundwater Recharge From Run-off, Infiltration and PercolationWater Sci Technol Li#Groundwater Residue Sampling Design Acs Sym SerGroupGroup2Group 13 Chemistry 1: Fundamental New Developments Struct Bond5Group 13 Chemistry: From Fundamentals to Applications Acs Sym SerGroup 13 Chemistry Ii Struct Bond/Group 13 Chemistry Iii: Industrial Applications Struct Bond:Group 24 : Physical and Mathematical Aspects of SymmetriesInst Phys Conf SerGroup & Organization ManagementGroup Organ ManageGroup & Organization StudiesGroup Organ Stud8Group and Ring Theoretic Properties of Polycyclic Groups Algebra ApplGroup-based Cryptography Ad Co MathGroup B CoxsackievirusesCurr Top Microbiol-Group Communications and Charges, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Group Coordination and Cooperative ControlLect Notes Contr InfGroup Decision and NegotiationGroup Decis Negot+Group Dynamics-theory Research and PracticeGroup Dyn-theor ResGroupes De Chow-wittMem Soc Math Fr<Group Identities On Units and Symmetric Units of Group Rings Algebra Appl)Group Iii Nitride Semiconductor Compounds S Semi Sci%Group-iv Semiconductor NanostructuresMater Res Soc Symp P*Group Iv Semiconductor Nanostructures-2006Mater Res Soc Symp P Group of 7/8 Glob InstGroup Practice Journal Group Pract J&Group Processes & Intergroup RelationsGroup Process Interg#Group Psychotherapy and PsychodramaGroup Psychother Psy,Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama & SociometryGroup Psychother Psy^Group Representations, Ergodic Theory, and Mathematical Physics: A Tribute to George W. Mackey Contemp Math Group RightsToronto St Philos!Groups, Algebras and Applications Contemp MathGroups and Computation Iii Ohio St U MGroups and Geometries Trends Math9Groups and Symmetries: From Neolithic Scots to John MckayCrm Proc & Lect NoteGroups-canberra 1989Lect Notes Math(Groups, Difference Sets, and The Monster Ohio St U M?Group Search Optimization for Applications in Structural DesignAdapt Learn OptimGroups Geometry and DynamicsGroup Geom DynamGroups - Korea 1988Lect Notes MathGroups, Languages, Algorithms Contemp MathGroups of Galaxies Astr Soc P6Groups of Galaxies in The Nearby Universe, ProceedingsEso Astrophy Symp3Groups of Lie Type and Their Geometries - Como 1993 Lond Math S"Groups of Prime Power Order, Vol 1Degruyter Expos Math"Groups of Prime Power Order, Vol 2Degruyter Expos Math.Groups of Self-equivalences and Related TopicsLect Notes MathGroups, Rings and Algebras Contemp MathGroups, Rings and Group Rings Contemp MathGroups, Rings and Group RingsLect Notes Pure Appl$Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras Math Appl Groups, Rules and Legal PracticeLaw Philos Libr#Group Theory and Numerical AnalysisCrm Proc & Lect NoteGGroup Theory: Classes, Representation and Connections, and Applications Math Res DevGroup Theory in Physics Aip Conf Proc*Groupware: Design, Implementation, and UseLect Notes Comput Sc6Groupware-design: Implementation, and Use, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Grouting and Ground Treatment, Vol 2, Proceedings Geotech Sp-Grouting: Compaction, Remediation and Testing Geotech Sp:Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics, Vols 1 and 2 Geotech SpGrouts and Grouting Geotech SpGrowing A Safety CultureInt Air Saf Sem PPGrowing A Soul for Social Change: Building The Knowledge Base for Social JusticeTeach Learn Indig In8Growing Black Holes: Accretion in A Cosmological ContextEso Astrophy SympYGrowing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-ethical Oversight: The Pacing ProblemInt Libr Eth Law TecHGrowing Greener Cities: Urban Sustainability in The Twenty-first CenturyCity 21st Century;Growing Horse: Nutrition and Prevention of Growth Disorders Eaap PublicGrowing Our Future Kum P Lib MGrowthGrowthGrowthGrowth Develop AgingGrowth Abnormalities / Serono SymGrowth and Change Growth Change?Growth and Characterization of Materials for Infrared DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Growth and Characterization of Materials for Infrared Detectors and Nonlinear Optical SwitchesP Soc Photo-opt InsBGrowth and Characterization of Materials for Infrared Detectors IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Growth and Collapse of The Tibetan PlateauGeol Soc Spec Publ3Growth and Development of Computer-aided InnovationIfip Adv Inf Comm Te1Growth and Employment in Europe and North AmericaRand Conf ProcGrowth and FormNato Adv Sci I B-phy,Growth and Innovation of Competitive Regions Adv Spat Sci$Growth and Productivity in East Asia Nber E A Ec8Growth, Characterisation and Applications of Bulk Ii-vis Eur Mat ResOGrowth, Characterization, and Applications of Laser Host and Nonlinear CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt InsRGrowth, Characterization, and Applications of Laser Host and Nonlinear Crystals IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Growth Determinants in Aquaculture Oceanis S DGrowth Development and AgingGrowth Develop Aging'Growth Disorders : The State of The Art Serono SymHGrowth, Distribution and Innovations: Understanding Their InterrelationsGraz Schumpeter LectGrowth Economics of Asia SeriesGrowth Econ Asia SerOGrowth, Fabrication, Devices, and Applications of Laser and Nonlinear MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsGrowth FactorsGrowth FactorsGrowth Factors and Oncogenes Colloq Inse,Growth Factors and The Cardiovascular SystemDev Cardiovasc MedGrowth Factors and The Ovary Serono Symp Growth Factors and Wound Healing Serono Symp>Growth Factors As Drugs for Neurological and Sensory Disorders Ciba F Symp>Growth Factors: Cell Growth, Morphogenesis, and TransformationGann Monogr Canc Res4Growth Factors : From Genes to Clinical Applications Kar Ins Ncs$Growth Factors in Health and Disease Int Congr Ser'Growth Factors in Perinatal Development Bms Mj NutrGrowth Factors in Reproduction Serono Symp'Growth Factors, Peptides, and Receptors Gwumc DeptGrowth Hormone & Igf ResearchGrowth Horm Igf Res#Growth Hormone Deficiency in AdultsFront Horm ResGrowth Hormone Ii Serono SympAGrowth Hormone/insulin-like Growth Factor Axis During DevelopmentAdv Exp Med Biol6Growth Modification: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why Cranio Grow<Growth of Firms: A Survey of Theories and Empirical EvidenceNew Perspect Mod CorKGrowth of Semiconductor Structures and High-tc Thin Films On SemiconductorsP Soc Photo-opt InsWGrowth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs and Their Businesses: A Global Research PerspectiveNew Horiz Entrep0Growth Patterns in Physical Sciences and BiologyNato Adv Sci Inst Se Growth Plate Biom Hlth RGGrowth Processes and Surface Phase Equilibria in Molecular Beam EpitaxySpringer Tr Mod PhysJGrowth, Processing, and Characterization of Semiconductor HeterostructuresMater Res Soc Symp PGrowth RegulationGrowth RegulatGrowth Regulation of Cancer Ii Ucla Sym Bi5Growth Regulation of Thyroid Gland and Thyroid TumorsFront Horm Res`Growth, Technology, Planning, and Geographic Education in Central Florida: Images and EncountersPathw Geog Ser&Growth Theory of Subharmonic FunctionsBirkhauser Adv Texts Grs Berichte Grs Bericht%Grundlagen Der Klassischen Triz, 2005VDI-BuchcGrundlagen Der Klassischen Triz: Ein Praktisches Lehrbuch Des Erfinderischen Denkens Fur IngenieureVDI-Buch>Grundlagen Der Kommunikation Und Kognition, Bibliotheksausgabe Grundl KommHGrundlagen Und Grenzen Des Folterverbotes in Verschiedenen RechtskreisenBeitr Ausl Offentl R-Grundlehren Der Mathematischen WissenschaftenGrundlehr Math WissGrundthemen PhilosophieGrundthemen Philos Grundwasser Grundwasser#Gruppendynamik Forschung Und PraxisGruppendynam Forsch(Gruppendynamik Und OrganisationsberatungGruppendynamik Organ;Gruppendynamik-zeitschrift Fur Angewandte SozialpsychologieGruppendynamik(Gruppenpsychotherapie Und GruppendynamikGruppenpsychother Gr"Gruppenstil Der Raf Im Info-systemLinguist-impulse Ten)Grzybowski Foundation Special PublicationGrzyb Found Spec PubG Stanley Hall Lecture Series G S Hall L$G Stanley Hall Lecture Series, Vol 9 G S Hall L$Gtpase-controlled Molecular Machines Chall Mod Med$Gtpases Regulating Membrane DynamicsMethod Enzymol0Gtpases Regulating Membrane Targeting and FusionMethod EnzymolGtpase Superfamily Ciba F Symp#Guanine-nucleotide Binding ProteinsNato Adv Sci I A-lifGuanxi and Business StrategyContrib Manag Sci>Guatemalans in The Aftermath of Violence: The Refugees' ReturnEthnogr Polit Violen+Guerres Mondiales Et Conflits ContemporainsGuerre Mond Conf ConGuidance and Control 1990Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1991Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1992Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1993Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1994Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1995Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1996Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1997Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1998Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 1999Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2000Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2001Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2002Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2003Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2004Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2005Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2006Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2007Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2008Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2009Adv Astronaut SciGuidance and Control 2010Adv Astronaut Sci0Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles 2003 Ifac Work SmGuidebook for Field Trips in The Connecticut Valley Region of Massachusetts and Adjacent States, Vols 1 and 2 U Ma Dgg CGuided Wave Nonlinear OpticsNato Adv Sci I E-app;Guidelines for Mastering The Properties of Molecular SievesNato Adv Sci I B-phy5Guides to Economic and Political Developments in AsiaGuide Econ Polit DevGuides to Pastoral Care Series Guid PastorGuide to Advanced Real AnalysisDolciani Math ExpoGuide to Complex VariablesDolciani Math Expo@Guide to Doing Statistics in Second Language Research Using SpssSecond Lang Acquis REGuide to E-science: Next Generation Scientific Research and DiscoveryComput Commun Netw SGuide to Hemorrhoidal Disease Adv Biol MedGuide to Information SourcesGuide Inform SourcesPGuide to Intelligent Data Analysis: How to Intelligently Make Sense of Real DataTexts Comput SciGuide to Ocr for Indic ScriptsAdv Pattern Recognit-Guide to Protein Purification, Second EditionMethod Enzymol%Guide to Public Health Research NeedsHealth Care Iss CostGuide to Qtl Mapping With R/qtlStat Biol HealthGuide to Real VariablesDolciani Math Expo4Guide to Reliable Internet Services and ApplicationsComput Commun Netw S#Guide to Techniques in GlycobiologyMethod Enzymol(Guide to Techniques in Mouse DevelopmentMethod Enzymol=Guide to Three Dimensional Structure and Motion FactorizationAdv Pattern RecognitGuide to TopologyDolciani Math Expo!Guide to Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksComput Commun Netw S<Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular and Cell Biology, Pt BMethod Enzymol<Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular and Cell Biology, Pt CMethod Enzymol<Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular and Cell Biology, Pt CMethods Enzymol5Guiding Principles for Spatial Development in GermanyGer Annu Spat Res Po#Guildhall Studies in London HistoryGuildhall Stud LondGuilford Communication Series Guil Commun Guitar Review Guitar Rev2Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Special PublicationGulf Coast Res Lab SGulf Research Reports Gulf Res RepGulf War of 1991 ReconsideredBesa Stud Int SecurGummi Asbest KunststoffeGummi Fasern KunststGummi Fasern KunststoffeGummi Fasern Kunstst-Gums and Stabilisers for The Food Industry 10 Roy Soc Ch-Gums and Stabilisers for The Food Industry 11 Roy Soc Ch-Gums and Stabilizers for The Food Industry 12 Roy Soc ChGunma Symposia On Endocrinology G Symp Endo(Gunnar Myrdal: An Intellectual BiographyGreat Think EconDGunpowder and Incense: The Catholic Church and The Spanish Civil WarRoutl Can Blanch StuAGuns and Butter: The Economic Causes and Consequences of ConflictCesifo Book Ser+Gurwitsch's Relevancy for Cognitive ScienceContr Phenomenol+Gurwitsch's Relevancy for Cognitive ScienceContrib Phenomenol=Gustav Shpet's Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural TheoryComp Cult StudGutGut Gut and Liver Falk Symp Gut and Liver Gut Liver,Gut As A Model in Cell and Molecular Biology Falk SympGut-associated Lymphoid TissuesCurr Top Microbiol/Gut Flora and Health - Past, Present and FutureRoy Soc Med Int Cong3Gut-liver Interactions: Basic and Clinical Concepts Falk Symp7Gwumc Department of Biochemistry Annual Spring Symposia Gwumc Dept Gymnasium Gymnasium Gynaecologia GynaecologiaGynaecological Cancer C St Gyn ObGynaecological EndoscopyGynaecol EndoscDGynaecology, Obstetrics, and Reproductive Medicine in Daily Practice Int Congr Ser Gynakologe Gynakologe(Gynakologisch-geburtshilfliche RundschauGynakol Geburt RundsGynecological EndocrinologyGynecol Endocrinol'Gynecologic and Obstetric InvestigationGynecol Obstet InvesGynecologic InvestigationGynecol Obstet InvesGynecologic Oncology Gynecol Oncol#Gynecologie Obstetrique & FertiliteGynecol Obstet Ferti*Gypsies in European Literature and CultureStud Eur Cult Hist3H2geo: Geotechnical Engineering for Water ResourcesGeotech Practice Pub'Habermas, Critical Theory and EducationRout Int Stud Philos$Habermas: Rescuing The Public SphereRoutl Stud Soc Polit$Habitability and Cosmic CatastrophesAdv Astrobiol BiogeoHabitatHabitatHabitat and The High-riseCtbuh Counc RepHabitat International Habitat IntEHabitat of Australia's Aboriginal Languages: Past, Present and FutureTrends Linguist-stud4Hacettepe Bulletin of Social Sciences and HumanitiesHacett B Soc Sci Hum/Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and StatisticsHacet J Math StatYHacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of EducationHacet U Egitim FakYHacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of EducationHacet Unit Egit FakHacia El FuturoAdv Glob Change ResHacienda Publica EspanolaHacienda Publica Esp,Hadley Circulation: Present, Past and FutureAdv Glob Change Res Hadron 2009 Aip Conf ProcHadron Collider Physics Aip Conf Proc)Hadron Collider Physics 2005, ProceedingsSpringer Proc Phys5Hadron Colliders At The Highest Energy and LuminositySci Cult Ser PhysHadronic Journal Hadronic JHadronic Physics Aip Conf Proc)Hadronic Physics With Multi-gev Electrons Les Houches#Hadronic Shower Simulation Workshop Aip Conf ProcHadron Physics Aip Conf ProcHadrons and Hadronic MatterNato Adv Sci I B-phyHadrons and Nuclei Aip Conf ProcHadron Spectroscopy Aip Conf Proc/Hadron Spectroscopy and The Confinement ProblemNato Adv Sci Inst SeHadrontherapy in Oncology Int Congr Ser Haematologia Haematologia Haematologica Haematologica$Haematologica-the Hematology JournalHaematol-hematol J Haemophilia Haemophilia Haemostasis HaemostasisyHaftung Und Entschadigung Nach Tankerunfallen Auf See: Bestandsaufnahme, Rechtsvergleich Und Uberlegungen De Lege FerendaHamb Stud Marit AffuHaftung Von Emissionskonsortien: Eine Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung Des Deutschen Und Des Us-amerikanischen RechtsSchr Eur Int Priv BdHagiographische Dossier Der Heiligen Theodosia Von Konstantinopel: Einleitung, Edition Und Kommentar Byzant Arch+Hagley Perspectives On Business and CultureHagley Perspect Bus(Hahr-hispanic American Historical ReviewHahr-hisp Am Hist R;Hainan - State, Society, and Business in A Chinese ProvinceChina Policy Ser$Hair Research for The Next Millenium Int Congr SerHaiti: Hope for A Fragile State Stud Int GovDHakkokogaku Kaishi-journal of The Society of Fermentation TechnologyHakkokogaku KaishiMHalf Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations: A Tribute to Arthur N. Cox Astr Soc P/Half Collision Resonance Phenomena in Molecules Aip Conf ProcHalide Glasses VMater Sci Forum"Halides Diffusion-data CompilationDefect Diffus Forum?Hali-the International Journal of Oriental Carpets and TextilesHali-int J Orient.Hallesche Beitrage Zur Europaischen AufklarungHallesche Beitr Eur.Hallesche Beitrage Zur Europaischen AufklarungHell Beit Eur AukHallesche ForschungenHallesche Forschung.Halogen Bonding: Fundamentals and Applications Struct BondHalon Replacements Acs Sym SerOHalophytes As A Resource for Livestock and for Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands Task Veg Sc&Halophyte Uses in Different Climates I Prog Biomet'Halophyte Uses in Different Climates Ii Prog BiometHamburg African Studies Hamb Afr Stud0Hamburg Lectures On Maritime Affairs 2007 & 2008Hamb Stud Marit Aff#Hamburg Studies On Maritime AffairsHamb Stud Marit Aff"Hamburg Studies On MultilingualismHamb Stud MultilingUHamiltonian Chaos Beyond The Kam Theory: Dedicated to George M. Zaslavsky (1935-2008)Nonlinear Phys Sci.Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and ApplicationsNato Sci Peace Sec B.Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and ApplicationsNato Science Peace S,Hamiltonian Dynamics Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes MathHamiltonian MechanicsNato Adv Sci I B-phyHamiltonian MechanicsNato Adv Sci Inst SeHamiltonian Reduction By StagesLect Notes MathDHamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics (hamsys-98), ProceedingsWorld Sci MonographHamostaseologieHamostaseologie@Hanbali School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah: Conflict Or ConcilationCult Civiliz Mid EHandHandHandai NanophotonicsHandai Nanophoton?Handbook of Administrative Reform: An International PerspectivePublic Adm Public PoJHandbook of Advanced Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric MaterialsWoodhead Publ Mater(Handbook of Advanced Multilevel AnalysisEur Assoc Methodol S@Handbook of Advanced Radioactive Waste Conditioning TechnologiesWoodhead Publ Ser En#Handbook of Agricultural GeophysicsBooks Soil Plant Env/Handbook of Angioplasty and Stenting ProceduresTech Interv RadiolHandbook of Applied Analysis Adv Mech Math>Handbook of Assessment in Persons With Intellectual DisabilityInt Rev Res Ment RetHandbook of Autoimmune DiseasesHandb Syst Autoimmun;Handbook of Biofuels Production: Processes and TechnologiesWoodhead Publ Ser EngHandbook of Business and Finance: Multinational Companies, Venture Capital and Non-profit OrganizationsBus Iss Compet EntreKHandbook of Carbohydrate Polymers : Development, Properties and ApplicationPolym Sci Technol Se#Handbook of Cardiovascular ResearchCardiol Res Clin DevHandbook of Cell ProliferationCell Bio Res Prog'Handbook of Chemoinformatics AlgorithmsCh Crc Math Comp Bio,Handbook of Childhood and Adolescent ObesityIssues Clin Child Ps8Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Aging, Second EditionNutr Health SerQHandbook of Clinical Rating Scales and Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental HealthCurr Clin Psychiat:Handbook of Cognitive Aging: Causes, Processes and EffectsAging Iss Health Fin$Handbook of Communication CompetenceHandb Appl Linguist.Handbook of Communication in The Public SphereHandb Appl Linguist5Handbook of Complex Percutaneous Carotid InterventionContemp Cardiol/Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy of ReligionHandb Contemp Philos;Handbook of Contraception: A Guide for Practical ManagementCurr Clin Pract"Handbook of Curriculum DevelopmentEduc Compet Glob WorHHandbook of Dental Care: Diagnostic, Preventive and Restorative ServicesHealth Care Iss Cost*Handbook of Detergents, Pt E: ApplicationsSurfactant Sci Ser(Handbook of Detergents, Pt F: ProductionSurfactant Sci SerHandbook of Digital HomecareSer Biomed Eng@Handbook of Disease Outbreaks: Prevention, Detection and ControlPublic Health 21st C"Handbook of Down Syndrome ResearchNeurodev Dis Lab Cli6Handbook of Drug-nutrient Interactions, Second EditionNutr Health Ser)Handbook of Drug Targeting and MonitoringPharm Res Saf Test3Handbook of Election News Coverage Around The World Ica Handb Ser0Handbook 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Matter: Structure, Function and ChangesNeuroanat Res Lead Handbooks in Information SystemsHandb Info SystqHandbooks of Applied Linguistics-communication Competence Language and Communication Problems Practical SolutionsHandb Appl Linguist*Handbooks of Sociology and Social ResearchHandb Sociol Soc ResHandbuch Der AudiotechnikVDI-Buch Handbuch Der Deutschen WortartenDegruyter Studienb@Handbuch Der Mess- Und Automatisierungstechnik in Der ProduktionVDI-BuchHandbuch DieselmotorenVDI-Buch4Handbucher Zur Sprach Und KommunikationswissenschaftHandb Sprach Kommun&Handbuch Fur Technisches ProduktdesignVDI-BuchHandbuch LogistikVDI-BuchHandbuch RobotikVDI-Buch1Handchirurgie Mikrochirurgie Plastische ChirurgieHandchir Mikrochir P Hand Clinics Hand Clin.Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SchHandlungsfreiheit Des Unternehmers: Wirtschaftliche Perspektiven, Strafrechtliche Und Ethische SchrankenInst Law Financ Ser Hand of God W U Neu Test-Handover in Dvb-h: Investigation and AnalysisSignals Commun TechnHands-on Inventory ManagementResource Manag-crc>Hand Surgery: Preoperative Expectations Techniques and ResultsSurg-proced ComplicaHaney Foundation SeriesHaney Found Ser:Hankel Norm Approximation for Infinite-dimensional SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf Hannah ArendtRoutl Crit Thinkers,Hannoversche Beitrage Zur NachrichtentechnikHann Beitr Nachricht8Hans Christian Orsted and The Romantic Legacy in ScienceBost Stud Philos SciWHans J Morgenthaus Theory of International Relations: Disenchantment and Re-enchantmentInt Polit Theor SerHans Lietzmann VorlesungenHans Lietzmann VorleHans Zell Studies On Publishing Hz St Publ HantavirusesCurr Top Microbiol-Happiness, Well-being and The Meaning of LifeStud Philoso Theol#Haptic and Audio Interaction DesignLect Notes Comput Sc0Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Haptic Human-computer Interaction, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJHaptics: Generating and Perceiving Tangible Sensations, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIHaptics: Generating and Perceiving Tangible Sensations, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Haptics: Perception, Devices and Scenarios, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Harbour Protection Through Data Fusion TechnologiesNato Sci Peace Secur6Hard Copy and Printing Materials, Media, and ProcessesP Soc Photo-opt InsHard Materials in OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsHard Rock Hydrosystems Iahs-aish P"Hard-to-measure Goods and Services Nber Conf R.Hardware and Software Verification and TestingLect Notes Comput Sc/Hardware and Software, Verification and TestingLect Notes Comput Sc/Hardware and Software: Verification and TestingLect Notes Comput Sc<Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHardware/software Co-designNato Adv Sci I E-appHardware/software Co-designNato Adv Sci Inst SeEHardware/software Codesign - Sixth International Workshop ProceedingsHardw Softw CodesIHardware Specification, Verification and Synthesis : Mathematical AspectsLect Notes Comput Sc:Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsPHard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics and Penetrating Radiation Systems ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPHard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics and Penetrating Radiation Systems Viii Proc Spie-Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics IxP Soc Photo-opt InsCHard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics, Optics, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detector Physics Vi Proc Spie3Hard X-ray, Gamma-ray, and Neutron Detector PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Hard X-ray, Gamma-ray, and Neutron Detector Physics Proc Spie4Hard X-ray Gamma-ray and Neutron Detector Physics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Hard X-ray, Gamma-ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Hard X-ray, Gamma-ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Hard X-ray, Gamma-ray, and Neutron Detector Physics Xii Proc SpieBHard X-ray/gamma-ray and Neutron Optics, Sensors, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsHardy Space of A Slit Domain Front MathHarefuahHarefuah Harmful Algae Harmful AlgaeDHarming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and The Nonidentity ProblemInt Libr Eth Law New!Harmonic Analysis and Hypergroups Trends Math4Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Chic Lec M4Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Contemp MathcHarmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation: Their Roles in Signals, Control and Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf"Harmonic Analysis At Mount Holyoke Contemp Math.Harmonic Analysis: Calderon-zygmund and Beyond Contemp MathYHarmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions On Symmetric Spaces and The Heisenberg GroupSpringer Monogr Math?Harmonic Analysis of Operators On Hilbert Space, Second Edition Universitext-Harmonic Analysis On Reductive, P-adic Groups Contemp Math/Harmonic Analysis On Spaces of Homogeneous TypeLect Notes MathEHarmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, and Related Topics Contemp Math4Harmonic Analysis, Signal Processing, and Complexity Prog Math'Harmonic Maps and Differential Geometry Contemp Math5Harmonic Morphisms, Harmonic Maps, and Related TopicsCh Crc Res Notes\Harmonisch Entgegengesetzt: Zur Darstellung Und Darstellbarkeit in Holderlins Poetik Um 1800Hermaea Ger Forsch`Harmonization of Seismic Hazard in Vrancea Zone: With Special Emphasis On Seismic Risk ReductionNato Sci Peace Secur:Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in A Post-hipparcos Era Astr Soc PVHarmony and Dissent: Film and Avant-garde Art Movements in The Early Twentieth CenturyFilm Media Stud Ser.Harmony of Civilization and Prosperity for AllProcd Soc Behv<Harmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design OptimizationStud Comput IntellAHarm Paradox: Tort Law and The Unwanted Child in An Era of ChoiceBiomed Law Ethics LiHarm Reduction Journal Harm Reduct JMHarnessing Biological Complexity: An Introduction to Computational PhysiologyFirst Course Silico-Harnessing Biotechnology for The 21st-century Conf P Acs7Harnessing Light: Optical Science and Metrology At NistP Soc Photo-opt InscHarnessing Relativistic Plasma Waves As Novel Radiation Sources From Terahertz to X-rays and BeyondP Soc Photo-opt InscHarnessing Relativistic Plasma Waves As Novel Radiation Sources From Terahertz to X-rays and Beyond Proc SpiefHarnessing Relativistic Plasma Waves As Novel Radiation Sources From Terahertz to X-rays and Beyond Ii Proc SpieSHarold Laski: Problems of Democracy, The Sovereign State, and International SocietyPalgr Mac Ser HistVHaro Sur Le Seigneur! 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Library BulletinHarvard Libr BullHarvard Review of PsychiatryHarvard Rev Psychiat#Harvard Series in Ukrainian StudiesHarv S Ukrain St&Harvard Studies in Classical PhilologyHarv Stud Class Phil&Harvard Studies in Classical PhilologyHarvard Stud Class P/Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 100Harvard Stud Class P/Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 102Harv Stud Class Phil/Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 103Harv Stud Class Phil/Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 105Harv Stud Class Phil.Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 95Harvard Stud Class P.Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 96Harvard Stud Class P.Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 97Harvard Stud Class P.Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 98Harv Stud Class Phil.Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 98Harvard Stud Class P.Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 99Harv Stud Class Phil.Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 99Harvard Stud Class P(Harvard Studies in International AffairsHarvard Stud Int AffHarvard Teachers RecordHarv Teach RecHarvard Theological ReviewHarvard Theol RevHarvey Lectures Harvey Lect%Harvey Lectures, Series 94, 1998-1999 Harvey LectHarvey Lectures, Vol 87 Harvey Lect"Harvey Lectures, Vol 92, 1996-1997 Harvey Lect Haseltonia Haseltonia Hasler Review Hasler RevHastings Center ReportHastings Cent RepHastings Center StudiesHastings Cent StudHastings Law JournalHastings Law J.Haunted Visions: Spiritualism and American ArtArts Intell Life ModHaunting The Knowledge EconomyInt Libr SociolHautarztHautarzt,Have Japanese Firms Changed: The Lost DecadePalgr Mac Asian Bus?Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service Miscellaneous PublicationsHawaii Ces Misc BullHawaii Medical Journal Hawaii Med J#Haworth Addictions Treatment SeriesHaworth Addict Treat%Haworth Series in Glbt Family StudiesHaworth Ser Glbt Fam Haydn-studien Haydn-studHayek and Natural LawRoutl Front Polit Ec%Hayek, Mill and The Liberal TraditionRoutl Stud Hist EconHayek Versus MarxRoutl Front Polit EcTHazardous Chemicals in Products and Processes: Substitution As An Innovative Process Sustain Innov%Hazardous Waste & Hazardous MaterialsHazard Waste HazardHazardous Waste ConsultantHazardous Waste Cons,Hazardous Waste Siting and Democratic ChoiceAm Gov Publ PolHazards of Pesticides to Bees Colloq Inra1Hazards Xii - European Advances in Process Safety Inst Chem E(Hazards Xiii Process Safety - The Future Inst Chem E-Hazards Xi : New Directions in Process Safety Inst Chem E Hazards Xiv Inst Chem E4Hazards Xvi: Analysing The Past, Planning The Future Inst Chem E>Hazards Xvii: Process Safety - Fulfilling Our Responsibilities Inst Chem EJHazards Xv: The Process, Its Safety and The Environment - Getting It Right Inst Chem E0Hcci and Cai Engines for The Automotive IndustryWoodhead Publ Mech EMHci 2006: 13th International Conference On The Physics of Highly Charged IonsJ Phys Conf Ser5Hci and Usability for Education and Work, ProceedingsLect Notes 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Xiii: Design and Applications Proc Spie1Head and Neck Cancer - Advances in Basic Research Int Congr SerHead and Neck Cancer, Vol 3 Int Congr Ser Head and Neck Injuries in SportsAm Soc Test MaterKHead and Neck-journal for The Sciences and Specialties of The Head and NeckHead Neck-j Sci SpecHead and Neck PathologyConsult Pathol9Head in Edward Nugent's Hand: Roanoke's Forgotten IndiansEarly Am Stud SerHead-mounted DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt InsHead-mounted Displays IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Head Restraints and Whiplash: The Past, Present and FutureTransp Issues Polici'Headspace Analysis of Foods and FlavorsAdv Exp Med BiolAHealing Bodies, Saving Souls: Medical Missions in Asia and AfricaClio MedAHealing Bodies, Saving Souls: Medical Missions in Asia and Africa Clio Medica'Healing From The Trauma of PeacekeepingHealth Psychol Res FHealthHealthHealth Affairs Health AffairHealth & Place Health Place%Health & Social Care in The CommunityHealth Soc Care CommHealth & Social WorkHealth Soc WorkMHealth and Ecological Implications of Radioactively Contaminated Environments P Nat C RadHealth and Environment 1992 Bga SchriftHealth and Environment 1993 Bga SchriftHealth and Environment 91 Bga Schrift3Health and Environment: Social Science PerspectivesPublic Health 21st CHealth and Human DevelopmentHealth Hum Dev3Health and Medical Aspects of Disaster Preparedness Nato Chal MIHealth and Medicine in Hapsburg Spain: Agents, Practices, RepresentationsMed Hist Suppl6Health and Medicine in The Circum-caribbean, 1800-1968Routl Stud Soc Hist#Health and Quality of Life OutcomesHealth Qual Life OutKHealth and Religious Rituals in South Asia: Disease, Possession and HealingRoutl S Asian ReligHealth and The Modern HomeRoutl Stud Soc HistHealth and The New MediaLea Commun Ser*Health and Treatment Strategies in ObesityAdv Psychosom Med+Health and Welfare During Industrialization Nat Bur EcHealth At The CrossroadsLshtm Publ Heal For8Health Capital and Sustainable Socioeconomic DevelopmentPublic Adm Public PoHealth Cards '95 St Heal THealth Care AnalysisHealth Care AnalHealth Care and Eu LawLeg Iss Serv Gen InthHealth Care Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation: An Assessment Using Data Envelopment Analysis (dea)Int Ser Oper Res Man.Health Care Costs: Causes, Effects and ControlHealth Care Iss Cost=Healthcare Engineering - Latest Developments and ApplicationsImeche Conf Trans7Health Care Financing and Insurance: Options for DesignDev Health Econ PublHealth Care Financing ReviewHealth Care Financ R#Health Care for Women InternationalHealth Care Women In*Health Care for Women International-seriesHealth Care Women ICHealth Care for Women International, Vol 19, No 4, July-august 1998Health Care Women IHealth Care IndustryAimr Ind Anal Ser&Health Care Information InfrastructureP Soc Photo-opt InsHHealth Care in Malaysia: The Dynamics of Provision, Financing and AccessRout Malays Stud Ser#Health Care Issues Costs and AccessHealth Care Iss Cost&Healthcare Knowledge Management PrimerRoutl Ser Inform SysHealth Care Management ReviewHealth Care Manage RHealth Care Management ScienceHealth Care Manag ScEHealth Care Provision Under Financial Constraint : A Decade of ChangeRoy Soc Med Int Cong&Health Care Reform: The Will to ChangeOecd Heal Pol StudIHealthcare Research Ethics and Law: Regulation, Review and ResponsibilityBiomed Law Ethics LiNHealth Care Services, Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Underserved PopulationsRes Sociol Health CaHealth Care SupervisorHealth Care Superv&Healthcare Utilization and Cost Series Hlthc UtilHealth Communication Health Commun%Health Communications and InformaticsHealth Commun Infor&Health Data in The Information Society St Heal T&Health Data in The Information SocietyStud Health TechnolCHealth Disparities in Youth and Families: Research and ApplicationsNebr Sym MotivHealth Economics Health EconHealth Economics Policy and LawHealth Econ Policy LHealth Economics Worldwide Dev Hlth EcHealth Education & BehaviorHealth Educ 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and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems Iv Proc Spie\Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems VP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2007 Proc Spie;Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2008P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2008 Proc SpieHHealth Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2010, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsHHealth Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2010, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie;Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2011 Proc SpieHealth Physics Health Phys Health Policy Health PolicyHealth Policy and EducationHealth Policy EducHealth Policy and PlanningHealth Policy PlannHealth Policy SeriesHealth Pol SerHealth Progress Health ProgHealth Promotion InternationalHealth Promot Int%Health Promotion Journal of AustraliaHealth Promot J AustHealth PsychologyHealth PsycholHealth PsychologyPsychol Emot Motiv A Health Psychology Research FocusHealth Psychol Res FHealth-related Quality of LifePublic Health 21st CHealth Risk & SocietyHealth Risk SocHealth Service Journal Health Serv JHealth Services ManagementHealth Serv ManageHealth Services ReportHealth Serv RepHealth Services ResearchHealth Serv ResHealth Sociology ReviewHealth Sociol Rev8Health Systems Financing: The Path to Universal Coverage Wor Healt RepHealth Technology and SocietyHealth Technol SocHealth Technology AssessmentHealth Technol AssesoHealth Technology Assessments By The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: A Qualitative StudyInnov Valu Health Ca7Health Telematics for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols St Heal T.Health, The Medical Profession, and RegulationDev Health Econ Publ.Health, The Medical Profession, and Regulation Dev Hlth Ec Health Values Health Val+Health Values-achieving High Level Wellness Health ValuesHealthy Aging and LongevityAnn Ny Acad Sci&Healthy Aging for Functional LongevityAnn Ny Acad Sci6Healthy Agriculture, Healthy Nutrition, Healthy PeopleWorld Rev Nutr Diet$Hearing Loss in Childhood : A Primer Ross C PedHearing Research Hearing ResHeartHeart0Heart-a Journal for The Study of The CirculationHeart-j Stud Circ Heart & Lung Heart LungHeart and Vessels Heart VesselsIHeart Disease Diagnosis and Therapy: A Practical Approach, Second EditionContemp Cardiol-Heart Disease: Environment, Stress and GenderNato Sci Ser I LifeHeart Disease in ChildrenCardiol Res Clin DevHeart Failure Bench to BedsideContemp Cardiol1Heart Failure in Perspective - Focus On IbopamineRoy Soc Med Int CongHeart Failure ReviewsHeart Fail Rev5Heart Failure: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment OptionsCardiol Res Clin Dev$Heart Function in Health and DiseaseDev Cardiovasc MedHeart in StressAnn Ny Acad SciHeart Lung and CirculationHeart Lung CircHeart of LearningNew Consciousness Re-Heart Rate Slowing By I(f) Current Inhibition Adv Cardiol Heart Rhythm Heart Rhythm:Hearts Exposed: Transplants and The Media in 1960s BritainSci Technol Med ModHearts Knit TogetherWomen Conf SerHeart Surgery ForumHeart Surg ForumHeartwebHeartweb?Heat-air-moisture Transport: Measurements On Building MaterialsAm Soc Test MaterHeat and Cold Storage With PcmHeat Mass TransfHeat and Mass TransferHeat Mass Transfer;Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Materials and Structures P Int C Hea5Heat and Mass Transfer in Gasoline and Diesel Engines P Int C HeaHeat and Mass Transfer SeriesHeat Mass TransfHeat and Mass Transfer (series)Heat Mass Transf.Heat and Mass Transfer Under Plasma ConditionsAnn Ny Acad Sci]Heath, Nixon and The Rebirth of The Special Relationship: Britain, The Us and The Ec, 1969-74Glob Confl Secur9Heating and Energetics of The Solar Corona and Solar Wind Adv Space Res9Heating and Energetics of The Solar Corona and Solar WindAdv Space Res-seriesHeating-piping-air ConditioningHeat-piping-air Cond(Heating System and Sanitation Technology VDI Bericht;Heating Versus Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of GalaxiesEso Astrophy Symp)Heat Kernel and Theta Inversion On Sl2(c)Springer Monogr MathLHeat Kernels for Elliptic and Sub-elliptic Operators: Methods and TechniquesAppl Numer Harmon AnHeat Recovery Systems & ChpHeat Recov Syst ChpHeat Shock ProteinsHeat Shock Proteins-Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body PhysiologyHeat Shock ProteinsTHeat Transfer 1994 - Proceedings of The Tenth International Heat Transfer Conference Efce Event[Heat Transfer 1994 - Proceedings of The Tenth International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol 1 Inst Chem E[Heat Transfer 1994 - Proceedings of The Tenth International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol 2 Inst Chem E[Heat Transfer 1994 - Proceedings of The Tenth International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol 3 Inst Chem E[Heat Transfer 1994 - 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Chem EHeat Treatment of Materials Sol St PhenHeat Treatment of MaterialsSolid State PhenomenHeat Treatment of MetalsHeat Treat MetHeat Treatment of MetalsHeat Treat Met-uk Heat Waves Appl Math SciOHeaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology: From Thales to Heraclides PonticusAstrophys Space Sc LHeavy Flavor Physics Aip Conf ProcHeavy Flavour PhysicsScott Univ Sum Sch P7Heavy Flavour Physics: A Probe of Nature's Grand DesignP Int Sch Phys Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology Aip Conf Proc>Heavy Ion Collisions At Energies Near The Coulomb Barrier 1990Inst Phys Conf Ser]Heavy Metal Compounds in Soil: Transformation Upon Soil Pollution and Ecological SignificanceAir Water Soil Sci THeavy Quark Effective TheorySpringer Tr Mod PhysHeavy Quark Effective TheorySpringer Trac Mod PhHeavy Quark Physics Aip Conf ProcHeavy Quarks At Fixed Target Aip Conf Proc/Heavy-tailed Distributions in Disaster AnalysisAdv Nat Tech Haz Res<Heavy-tail Phenomena: Probabilistic and Statistical ModelingSpringer Ser Oper Re=Heavy Vehicle Systems-international Journal of Vehicle DesignHeavy Veh SystHebraica Veritas?Jew Cult ContextDHebraischen Und Griechischen Textformen Der Samuel- Und KonigebucherBeih Z Alttest Wiss=Hebrew Bible Reborn: From Holy Scripture to The Book of Books Stud JudaicaHebrew in America Am Jew CivHebrew Union College AnnualHebrew Union Coll An#Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol 64Hebrew Union Coll An#Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol 65Hebrew Union Coll An#Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol 66Hebrew Union Coll An#Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol 67Hebrew Union Coll An#Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol 68Hebrew Union Coll An#Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol 69Hebrew Union Coll An'Hebrew University Studies in LiteratureHebrew U Stud Lit Ar4Hebrew University Studies in Literature and The ArtsHebrew U Stud Lit Ar#Heegner Modules and Elliptic CurvesLect Notes MathHegel and Aesthetics Suny Se Heg Hegel-studien Hegel-studDHegemonic Peace and Empire: The Pax Romana, Britannica and AmericanaWar Hist PolitHegemonic Rivalry N App Peace+Hegemony: Studies in Consensus and CoercionRoutl Stud Soc PolitHeidegger for Architects Think ArchitAHeideggers Contribution to The Undrstanding of Work-based StudiesProf Pract-based LeaKHeideggers Wahrheiten: Wahrheit, Referenz Und Personalitat in Sein Und ZeitQuellen Stud PhiloseHeilig Ins Eschaton: Heiligung Und Heiligkeit Als Eschatologische Konzeption Im 1 ThessalonicherbriefBeih Z Neutest WissHeilongjiang News RegisterHeilongj News RegistHeilpadagogische ForschungHeilpadagog Forsch7Heinrich Hertz: Classical Physicist, Modern PhilosopherBost Stud Philos Sci1Helen Kellogg Institute for International StudiesHelen Kellogg Inst Helgolander MeeresuntersuchungenHelgolander Meeresun2Helgolander Wissenschaftliche MeeresuntersuchungenHelgoland Wiss MeerHelgoland Marine ResearchHelgoland Mar Res Helicases: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Helicobacter Helicobacter'Helicobacter Pylori in The 21st Century Adv M C MHeliophysical ProcessesAstrophysics SpaceHeliosHelios%Helioseismology and Solar Variability Adv Space Res%Helioseismology and Solar VariabilityAdv Space Res-seriesHelioseismology From SpaceAdv Space Res-seriesHeliosphere At Solar Maximum Adv Space ResHeliosphere At Solar MaximumAdv Space Res-series'Heliosphere At Solar Minimum and Beyond Adv Space Res,Heliosphere During The Declining Solar Cycle Adv Space Res,Heliosphere Through The Solar Activity CycleS-p B Astron Space<Heliospheric Cosmic Ray Transport, Modulation and Turbulence Adv Space Res<Heliospheric Cosmic Ray Transport, Modulation and TurbulenceAdv Space Res-series7Hellas Und Der Orient: Phasen Wechselseitiger RezeptionJul Wellhausen VorleHellenic Journal of CardiologyHell J Cardiol$Hellenic Journal of Nuclear MedicineHell J Nucl Med]Hellenische Identitat in Der Spatantike: Pagane Autoren Und Ihr Unbehagen An Der Eigenen ZeitUnters Antiken Lit G Hellenismos U Sci Hum SHellenistica GroninganaHellenist GroninganaHellenistic EpigramsHellenist Groningana$Helmet- and Head-mounted Display IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCHelmet- and Head-mounted Displays and Symbology Design RequirementsP Soc Photo-opt InsFHelmet- and Head-mounted Displays and Symbology Design Requirements IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Helmet- and Head-mounted Displays IvP Soc Photo-opt InsBHelmet and Head-mounted Displays Ix: Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsBHelmet and Head-mounted Displays Ix: Technologies and Applications Proc Spie#Helmet- and Head-mounted Displays VP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Helmet- and Head-mounted Displays V Proc Spie$Helmet- and Head-mounted Displays ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Helmet- and Head-mounted Displays Vi Proc Spie%Helmet- and Head-mounted Displays ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Helmet- and Head-mounted Displays Vii Proc SpieEHelmet- and Head-mounted Displays Viii: Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsEHelmet- and Head-mounted Displays Viii: Technologies and Applications Proc SpieCHelmet- and Head-mounted Displays Xi: Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsBHelmet- and Head-mounted Displays X: Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsHelmet-mounted DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt InsHelmet-mounted Displays IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHelmet-mounted Displays IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHelminthologiaHelminthologiaHelping and Being Helped Clar Symp<Helsinki Agreement: A More Promising Basis for Peace in AcehPol Stud)Helsinki Process and The Future of Europe W Wilson SpLHelsinki University of Technology Signal Processing Laboratory Report SeriesHels Univ Technol SHelvetica Chimica ActaHelv Chim ActaHelvetica Chirurgica ActaHelv Chir ActaHelvetica Medica Acta Helv Med ActaHelvetica Odontologica ActaHelv Odontol ActaHelvetica Paediatrica ActaHelv Paediatr ActaHelvetica Physica ActaHelv Phys Acta-Helvetica Physiologica Et Pharmacologica ActaHelv Physiol Pharm AHematological Oncology Hematol OncolHematologic Malignancies Series Hematol MaligHematologic PathologyHematol Pathol Hematology HematologyHematology and Cell TherapyHematol Cell TherHematology Journal Hematol J,Hematology-oncology Clinics of North AmericaHematol Oncol Clin N(Hematopathology and Molecular HematologyHematopathol Mol Hem:Hematopathology: Genomic Mechanisms of Neoplastic DiseasesMol Transl Med Hematopoiesis Ucla Sym Bi(Hematopoietic Growth Factors in OncologyCancer Treat Res4Hematopoietic Growth Factors in Transfusion MedicineProg Clin Biol ResSHematopoietic Growth Factors : Molecular Biology to Clinical Applications of Rg-csf Int Congr SerHematopoietic Stem Cell BiologyStem Cells Biol RegHematopoietic Stem CellsAnn Ny Acad Sci9Hematopoietic Stem Cells 2000 Basic and Clinical SciencesAnn Ny Acad Sci4Hematopoietic Stem Cells 2002: Genetics and FunctionAnn Ny Acad SciHematopoietic Stem Cells VAnn Ny Acad SciHematopoietic Stem Cells ViAnn Ny Acad SciHematopoietic Stem Cells ViiAnn Ny Acad Sci Hemicellulose and Hemicellulases Port Pr R M&Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology Acs Sym SerHemijska IndustrijaHem IndHemodiafiltrationContrib NephrolHemodiafiltration: A New EraContrib Nephrol4Hemodialysis: From Basic Research to Clinical TrialsContrib NephrolHemodialysis International Hemodial Int/Hemodialysis: New Methods and Future TechnologyContrib NephrolHemodialysis TechnologyContrib Nephrol;Hemodialysis Vascular Access and Peritoneal Dialysis AccessContrib Nephrol Hemoglobin HemoglobinHemoglobins, Pt BMethod EnzymolHemoglobins, Pt CMethod Enzymol3Hemophilia and Von Willebrands Disease in The 1990s Int Congr Ser%Hemophilia Care in The New MillenniumAdv Exp Med Biol#Henry Ford Hospital Medical JournalHenry Ford Hos Med J6Henry George, The Transatlantic Irish, and Their TimesRes Hist Econ Though!Henry James and The Second EmpireStud Comp Lit SerHenry James ReviewHenry James Rev#Heparin and Related PolysaccharidesAdv Exp Med Biol>Heparin and Related Polysaccharides : Structure and ActivitiesAnn Ny Acad Sci<Hepatic Encephalopathy, Hyperammonemia, and Ammonia ToxicityAdv Exp Med Biol;Hepatic Metabolism and Disposition of Endo- and Xenobiotics Falk Symp=Hepatitis B : A Sexually Transmitted Disease in Heterosexuals Int Congr Ser%Hepatitis C and Liver TransplantationHepatol Res Clin Dev!Hepatitis C Infection in DialysisNephrol Res Clin DevHepatitis C VirusesCurr Top MicrobiolHepatitis Delta VirusCurr Top MicrobiolHepatitis Delta VirusProg Clin Biol ResHepatitis Monthly Hepat Mon1Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases InternationalHepatob Pancreat Dis2Hepatobiliary Diseases: Cholestasis and Gallstones Falk SympAHepatocellular Carcinoma: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second EditionCurr Clin Oncol"Hepatocytes: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolHepatocyte Transplantation Falk SympHepato-gastroenterologyHepato-gastroenterol Hepatology HepatologyHepatology 2000 Falk SympHepatology International Hepatol IntHepatology Research Hepatol Res-Hepatology Research and Clinical DevelopmentsHepatol Res Clin Dev9Hepvis96 Workshop On Visualization in High-energy Physics Cern Report)Herald of The Russian Academy of SciencesHer Russ Acad Sci+Herba Polonica Herba Pol5Herbert Butterfield and The Interpretation of History Stud Mod Hist6Herbicide Metabolites in Surface Water and Groundwater Acs Sym SerHerbicides and Plant MetabolismSoc Exp Biol Sem Ser1Herbig-haro Flows and The Birth of Low Mass StarsIau Symp*Herbs: Challenges in Chemistry and Biology Acs Sym Ser2Herd-health Environments Research & Design JournalHerd-health Env Res&Hereditary Cancer in Clinical PracticeHered Cancer Clin PrHereditary Colorectal CancerMd Anderson Solid Tu)Hereditary Diseases and Blood Transfusion Dev HematolHereditary Kidney DiseasesContrib NephrolHereditary NephritisContrib Nephrol Hereditas HereditasHereditas-genetiskt ArkivHereditas-genetisk AHeredityHeredity?Heritage Management of Farmed and Forested Landscapes in Europe Eac Occas Pap Heritage of European MathematicsHerit Eur Math#Heritage of Soviet Oriental StudiesRoutl Contemp Russ E3Heritage, Weathering and Conservation, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng WateRHer Life Historical: Exemplarity and Female Saints' Lives in Late Medieval EnglandMiddle Ages Ser"Hermaea Germanistische ForschungenHermaea Ger Forsch=Hermann Broch - Modernism, Cultural Crisis and The Hitler Era Inn B KultaHermann Gunther Grassmann (1809-1877): Visionary Mathematician, Scientist and Neohumanist ScholarBost Stud Philos SciHermann Hesse Today Ams C Mod GHermann Schlichting - 100 YearsNote N Fl Mech Mul DHermann Schlichting - 100 YearsNotes Numer Fluid Me8Hermann Von Helmholtz's Mechanism: The Loss of Certainty Archimedes Hermathena HermathenatHermeneutics and Psychological Theory : Interpretive Perspectives On Personality, Psychotherapy, and Psychopathology Rutg S ApplHermeneutics At The Crossroads In Phil Rel0Hermeneutics of The Happy Ending in Job 42: 7-17Beih Z Alttest Wiss/Hermeneutik Und Bibelexegese Beim Jungen GoetheHist Hermen Ser StudHermesHermesHermes Hermes-paris,Hermes-zeitschrift Fur Klassische PhilologieHermes-z Klass Philo)Hernani Et Ruy Blas: De Flamme Ou De SangCollect Amphi 7HerniaHernia.Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical ProblemsHeroin Addict Rel ClOHero in Contemporary American Fiction: The Works of Saul Bellow and Don DelilloAm Lit Read Twenty-fHHerons, Egrets and Bitterns: Their Biology and Conservation in AustraliaAustral Nat Hist Ser=Heros Many Faces - Raoul Wallenberg in Contemporary MonumentsHolocaust Contexts9Herpesviridae: Viral Structure, Life Cycle and InfectionsVirol Res Prog Herpetologica Herpetologica'Herpetological Conservation and BiologyHerpetol Conserv BioHerpetological Journal Herpetol JHerpetological MonographsHerpetol Monogr Herpetozoa Herpetozoa*Herring: Expectations for A New Millennium Low Wake FiHerrschaft Und Schrift: Strategien Der Inszenierung Und Funktionalisierung Von Texten in Luzern Und Bern Am Ende Des MittelaltersScrinium FribgHerzHerzHerz KreislaufHerz KreislaufHerzogiaHerzogiaHesperiaHesperia Hesperides HesperidesHetercyclic Supramolecules ITop Heterocycl ChemHeteroatom ChemistryHeteroatom ChemHeteroatomic Aroma Compounds Acs Sym Ser Heterocycles Heterocycles)Heterocycles From Carbohydrate PrecursorsTop Heterocycl ChemHeterocyclic CommunicationsHeterocycl Commun>Heterocyclic Compounds: Synthesis, Properties and ApplicationsChem Res Appl-novaHeterocyclic Polymethine DyesTop Heterocycl Chem'Heterocyclic Scaffolds I - Beta LactamsTop Heterocycl ChemHeterocyclic Supramolecules IiTop Heterocycl Chem8Heterodox Macroeconomics: Keynes, Marx and GlobalizationRoutl Adv Heterod Ec%Heteroepitaxy of Dissimilar MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P Heterofonia Heterofonia*Heterogeneity in Cross-cultural Psychology Cross C Psy#Heterogeneity of Alzheimers Disease Res Per AlzHeterogeneity of Cancer Cells Serono Sym-Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals IiStud Surf Sci Catal.Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals IiiStud Surf Sci Catal-Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals IvStud Surf Sci CatalHeterogeneous Chemistry ReviewsHeterogen Chem RevAHeterogeneous Enantioselective Hydrogenation: Theory and PracticeCatal Met Complexes#Heterogeneous Hydrocarbon Oxidation Acs Sym SerOHeterogeneous Integration of Materials for Passive Components and Smart SystemsMater Res Soc Symp PZHeterogenized Homogeneous Catalysts for Fine Chemicals Production: Materials and ProcessesCatal Met ComplexesCHeterologous Expression of Membrane Proteins: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol=Heterologous Gene Expression in E Coli: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolWHeterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives From Psychoanalytic Gender TheoryPsychoanal New Key!Heterosexual Transmission of Aids Conrad W S#Heterostructure Epitaxy and DevicesNato Asi 3 High Tech;Heterostructures On Silicon : One Step Further With SiliconNato Adv Sci I E-app"Heterotrimeric G-protein EffectorsMethod EnzymolHeterotrimeric G ProteinsMethod Enzymol4Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water SafetyEmerg I Water Infect'Heuresis: Sezione Di Scienze LetterarieHeuresis: Sez Sci LHewlett-packard JournalHewlett-packard J<Hexagon Series On Human and Environmental Security and PeaceHexag Ser Hum Enviro>Heythrop Journal-a Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology Heythrop JHezbollah: A Short HistoryPrinc Stud Muslim PoQHezbollah: The Story of The Party of God: From Revolution to InstitutionalizationMiddle E Focus Hfsp JournalHfsp JiH.g. Bronn, Ernst Haeckel, and The Origins of German Darwinism: A Study in Translation and TransformationTransformations-studUHidastetoyssyjen Vaikutus Ajonopeuksiin Sorateiden Vartioimattomissa Tasoristeyksissa Vtt Res NotesCHidden Dimensions: The Cultural Significance of Wetland ArchaeologyPacif Rim ArchaeolHidden Hands in The MarketRes Econ AnthropolHidden History of 9-11-2001Res Polit Econ8Hidden History of Realism: A Genealogy of Power PoliticsPalgr Mac Ser Hist/Hidden Markets: The New Education PrivatizationCrit Soc Thought*Hidden Markov Models and Dynamical SystemsOther Titl Appl Math=Hidden Markov Models for Time Series: An Introduction Using RMonogr Stat Appl ProHidden Markov Models in FinanceInt Ser Oper Res Man5Hidden Millions: Homelessness in Developing Countries Hous Soc SerHidrobiologicaHidrobiologica@Hierarchical and Geometrical Methods in Scientific VisualizationMath Vis@Hierarchical and Geometrical Methods in Scientific Visualization Math Visual5Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image InterpretationLect Notes Comput Sc(Hierarchy in Natural and Social Sciences Methods SerHierarchy of Life Int Congr SerHigginson Journal Higginson JHigginson Journal of Poetry Higginson JHiggs Particle(s) E Maj Int SHigh Ability StudiesHigh Abil Stud High Altitude Medicine & BiologyHigh Alt Med Biol:High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications Proc Spie=High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications Ii Proc Spie>High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications Iii Proc SpieCHigh and Low Concentrator Systems for Solar Electric Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh and Low Cultures Monat Occ V'High Angular Resolution in AstrophysicsNato Adv Sci I C-mat;High-brightness Beams for Advanced Accelerator Applications Aip Conf Proc%High Brightness Light Emitting DiodesSemiconduct Semimet<High Confidence Software Reuse in Large Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.High-contrast Imaging for Exo-planet DetectionP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh Damping Materials Ii Key Eng MatHigh-definition VideoP Soc Photo-opt Ins6High-density Data Recording and Retrieval TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh Density Digital RecordingNato Adv Sci Inst SeHigh Density Lipoproteins Ather Rev0High Density Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis Ii Int Congr Ser1High Density Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis Iii Int Congr SerTHigh-density Magnetic Recording and Integrated Magneto-optics: Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PLHigh-dimensional Chaotic and Attractor Systems: A Comprehensive Introduction Rev Econ GeolJHigh-dimensional Partial Differential Equations in Science and EngineeringCrm Proc & Lect NoteHigh Dimensional Probability Ii Prog Probab High Dimensional Probability Iii Prog ProbabPHigh-dose Irradiation: Wholesomeness of Food Irradiated With Dos Es Above 10 KgyWho Tech Rep SerOHigh-dose Irradiation: Wholesomeness of Food Irradiated With Doses Above 10 KgyWho Tech Rep SerHigh-dynamic-range (hdr) VisionSpr Ser Adv Microele:High-efficient Low-cost Photovoltaics: Recent DevelopmentsSpringer Ser Opt Sci,High-energy Astrophysics in The 21st Century Aip Conf Proc?High Energy /average Power Lasers and Intense Beam ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsAHigh Energy/average Power Lasers and Intense Beam Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBHigh Energy/average Power Lasers and Intense Beam Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAHigh Energy/average Power Lasers and Intense Beam Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsCHigh-energy Ball Milling: Mechanochemical Processing of NanopowdersWoodhead Publ MaterHigh Energy Blazar Astronomy Astr Soc PHigh Energy ChemistryHigh Energ Chem+'High Energy Cosmic Rays, Second EditionS-p B Astron Planet%High Energy Density and High Power Rf Aip Conf ProcHigh Energy Density Materials Struct BondHigh Energy Density Microwaves Aip Conf ProcHigh Energy Density PhysicsHigh Energ Dens PhysYHigh-energy-density Physics: Fundamentals, Inertial Fusion, and Experimental AstrophysicsShock Wave High Pres"High-energy Detectors in AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins"High-energy Detectors in Astronomy Proc SpieHigh Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy Aip Conf Proc=High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy Ii Proc Spie>High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&High Energy Phenomena in Massive Stars Astr Soc PHigh Energy Phenomenology Sussp ProcHigh Energy Physics Aip Conf Proc5High Energy Physics & Nuclear Physics-english EditionHigh Energ Phys Nucl$High Energy Physics and Applications Aip Conf Proc7High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics-chinese EditionHigh Energ Phys Nuc/High Energy Physics At The Millennium: Mrst '99 Aip Conf Proc/High-energy Polarized Proton Beams: Modern ViewSpringer Tr Mod Phys3High Energy Processes and Phenomena in AstrophysicsIau Symp.High Energy Processes in Accreting Black Holes Astr Soc PNHigh Energy Radiation From Black Holes: Gamma Rays, Cosmic Rays, and Neutrinos Pr S Astrop5High Energy Solar Corona: Waves, Eruptions, ParticlesLect Notes PhysBHigh-energy Solar Phenomena - A New Era of Spacecraft Measurements Aip Conf ProcHigh Energy Solar Physics Aip Conf Proc.High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating Hessi Astr Soc P&High-energy Spectroscopic Astrophysics Saas Fee AdHigh Energy Spin Physics Aip Conf Proc;High-energy Studies of Supernova Remnants and Neutron Stars Adv Space Res;High-energy Studies of Supernova Remnants and Neutron StarsAdv Space Res-series0Higher Dimensional Varieties and Rational PointsBolyai Math StudHigher Education High EducHigher Education Administration With Social Media: Including Applications in Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Alumni Relations, and Career CentersCut Technol High Ed2Higher Education and Graduate Employment in EuropeHigh Educ DynamEHigher Education and Sustainable Development: Paradox and PossibilityKey Issues High Educ=Higher Education Collective Bargaining: Beyond The Boundaries P A Con Nat@Higher Education Collective Bargaining During A Period of Change P A Con NatHigher Education Dynamics High Edu DynHigher Education DynamicsHigh Educ Dynam(Higher Education for A Knowledge SocietyHigh Educ Knowl Soc0Higher Education-handbook of Theory and Research Higher Educ9Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Vol 25 Higher Educ9Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Vol 26 Higher EducPHigher Education in A Global Society: Achieving Diversity, Equity and Excellence Adv Educ Di=Higher Education in Asia/pacific: Quality and The Public Good Int Dev EducHigher Education Policy SeriesHigh Educ Pol SerHigher Education Quarterly High Educ Q'Higher Education Research & DevelopmentHigh Educ Res DevDHigher Education, Research, and Knowledge in The Asia-pacific RegionIssues High Educ-palHigher Education Review High Educ Rev%Higher Learning & Catholic Traditions Eras Inst BkHigher-level Hardware SynthesisLect Notes Comput Sc/Higher-order Algebra, Logic, and Term RewritingLect Notes Comput Sc6Higher Order Difference Methods for Time Dependent PdeSpr Ser Comput Math,Higher-order Processing in The Visual System Ciba F Symp=Higher Oxidation State Organopalladium and Platinum ChemistryTop Organometal Chem)Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics Prog MathHigher Topos Theory Ann Math StudaHigh-fidelity Simulation for Training, Test Support, Mission Rehearsal, and Civilian ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3High-field Transport in Semiconductor SuperlatticesSpringer Tr Mod PhyslHigh Frequency Acoustics in Colloid-based Meso- and Nanostructures By Spontaneous Brillouin Light ScatteringSpringer Theses-reco*High-frequency Analog Fiber Optics SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(High Frequency Electromagnetic DosimetryArtech Hse Elec AnalHigh Frequency Ocean Acoustics Aip Conf Proc+High-grade Gliomas: Diagnosis and TreatmentCurr Clin Oncol2High Heat Flux and Synchrotron Radiation BeamlinesP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh Heat Flux EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh Heat Flux Engineering IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh Heat Flux Engineering IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams Aip Conf ProcHighlands Institute Series High Inst S4High-latitude Bioerosion: The Kosterfjord ExperimentLect Notes Earth Sci8High Latitudes in The International Reference Ionosphere Adv Space ResNHigh Latitude Studies and Upper Atmospheric Processes Including Climate Change Adv Space ResNHigh Latitude Studies and Upper Atmospheric Processes Including Climate ChangeAdv Space Res-seriesHigh-level Data FusionArtech Hse Elec Warf>High-level Modeling and Synthesis of Analog Integrated SystemsAnalog Circ Sig ProcOHigh-level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%High Levels of Natural Radiation 1996 Int Congr SerSHigh Levels of Natural Radiation and Radon Areas: Radiation Dose and Health Effects Int Congr Ser&Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics Aip Conf Proc;Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics and Future ProspectsNato Adv Sci I B-phyHighlights in Food AllergyMonogr Allergy'Highlights in Gastrointestinal Oncology Falk Symp2Highlights in Molecular and Clinical EndocrinologyFront EndocrinolEHighlights in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent SystemsAdv Intel Soft CompuHighlights of Astronomy High AstronHighlights of AstronomyIau SympHighlights of Astronomy, Vol 12Iau SympHighlights of Astronomy, Vol 13Iau SympHighlights of Astronomy, Vol 15Iau Symp P SeriesHighlights of Astronomy, Vol 8Iau SympHighlights of Astronomy, Vol 9 High Astron?Highlights of Current Research On Tobacco and Tobacco Chemistry Rec Adv TobZHighly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission From Astrophysical PlasmasIau SympHighly Excited Molecules Acs Sym Ser+Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2008 (hfm 2008)J Phys Conf Ser*Highly Innovative Space Telescope ConceptsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Highly Integrated Microfluidics DesignArtech Hse Integr MiHighly Redshifted Radio Lines Astr Soc P"Highly Sensitive Optical ReceiversSpr Ser Adv MicroeleHigh Magnetic FieldsLect Notes Phys,High-mobility Group-iv Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PHigh Nitrogen Steels '98Mater Sci Forum9High-occupancy Vehicle Systems and Demand Management 2000Transport Res Rec9High-occupancy Vehicle Systems and Demand Management 2001Transport Res Rec9High-occupancy Vehicle Systems and Demand Management 2002Transport Res RecHigh-perforance Tools VDI Bericht:High Performance Ac Drives: Modelling Analysis and Control Power SystCHigh Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization Appl OptimCHigh Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear OptimizationAppl Optimizat+High-performance Ceramics 2001, Proceedings Key Eng Mat+High-performance Ceramics 2001, Proceedings Key Eng Mater*High-performance Ceramics Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat*High-performance Ceramics Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater%High-performance Ceramics Iv, Pts 1-3 Key Eng Mat%High-performance Ceramics Iv, Pts 1-3 Key Eng MaterHigh-performance Ceramics Vi Key Eng MatHigh-performance Ceramics Vi Key Eng Mater(High-performance Ceramics V, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mat(High-performance Ceramics V, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng Mater-High Performance Chelation Ion ChromatographyRsc Chromatogr MonogAHigh Performance Coatings for Automotive and Aerospace IndustriesMater Sci Technol6High Performance Computational Science and EngineeringInt Fed Info ProcHigh Performance ComputingLect Notes Comput ScHigh-performance ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc+High Performance Computing and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc:High Performance Computing and Communications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)High-performance Computing and NetworkingLect Notes Comput Sc6High Performance Computing and Networking, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6High-performance Computing and Networking, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBHigh Performance Computing for Computational Science - Vecpar 2002Lect Notes Comput ScBHigh Performance Computing for Computational Science - Vecpar 2004Lect Notes Comput ScBHigh Performance Computing for Computational Science - Vecpar 2006Lect Notes Comput ScBHigh Performance Computing for Computational Science - Vecpar 2008Lect Notes Comput ScBHigh Performance Computing for Computational Science - Vecpar 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc3High Performance Computing - Hipc 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3High Performance Computing - Hipc 2002, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&High Performance Computing - Hipc 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc&High Performance Computing - Hipc 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc3High Performance Computing - Hipc 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3High Performance Computing - Hipc 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3High Performance Computing - Hipc 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3High Performance Computing - Hipc 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,High Performance Computing in Fluid Dynamics Ercoftac Ser,High Performance Computing in Remote SensingCh Crc Comp Info Sci'High Performance Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3High Performance Computing Systems and ApplicationsKluwer Int Ser Eng C3High Performance Computing Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc3High Performance Computing Systems and ApplicationsSpring Int Ser Eng C3High Performance Computing Systems and ApplicationsSpringer Int Ser EngEHigh-performance Concrete - Proceedings, Aci International Conference Amer Conc I%High Performance Devices, ProceedingsSel Top Electr Syst5High Performance Embedded Architectures and CompilersLect Notes Comput ScBHigh Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBHigh Performance Embedded Architectures and Compliers, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7High-performance Energy-efficient Microprocessor DesignIntegr Circuit Syst=High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (hpfrcc3) Rilem ProccHigh-performance Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry of Porphyrins, Chlorophylls and BilinsMethods ChromatogrHigh Performance NetworkingInt Fed Info Proc[High Performance Networking, Computing, Communication Systems, and Mathematical FoundationsComm Com Inf ScHigh Performance Networking, Iv Ifip Trans CHigh Performance Networking, V Ifip Trans C%High Performance Non-oxide Ceramics I Struct Bond&High Performance Non-oxide Ceramics Ii Struct Bond%High-performance Optical SpectrometryP Soc Photo-opt Ins!High-performance Organic CoatingsWoodhead Publ MaterHigh Performance Polymers Adv Polym SciHigh Performance PolymersHigh Perform Polym7High Performance Polymers and Polymer Matrix CompositesMater Res Soc Symp P5High Performance Scientific and Engineering ComputingLect Notes Comp Sci0High-performance Structural Lightweight Concrete Amer Conc I*High Performance Structures and CompositesHi Per Struct Mat)High Performance Structures and MaterialsHi Per Struct MatBHigh Performance Structures and Materials Engineering, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz,High Performance Structures and Materials IiHi Per Struct Mat-High Performance Structures and Materials IiiWit Trans Built Env,High Performance Structures and Materials IvWit Trans Built Env>High Performance Systems-the Magazine for Technology ChampionsHigh Perform SystHHigh-power and Femosecond Lasers: Properties, Materials and ApplicationsLasers Electro-opt R?High-power Diode Lasers: Fundamentals, Technology, Applications Top Appl Phys2High-power Diode Laser Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5High-power Diode Laser Technology and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6High-power Diode Laser Technology and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5High-power Diode Laser Technology and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins4High-power Diode Laser Technology and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins5High-power Diode Laser Technology and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins6High-power Diode Laser Technology and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7High-power Diode Laser Technology and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)High-power Fiber and Semiconductor LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins%High-power Gas and Solid State LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh-power Laser Ablation IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh-power Laser Ablation Ii Proc SpieHigh-power Laser Ablation IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh-power Laser Ablation Iii Proc Spie)High-power Laser Ablation Iv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins)High-power Laser Ablation Iv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie"High-power Laser Ablation, Pts 1-2P Soc Photo-opt Ins&High-power Laser Ablation Vii, Pts 1-2P Soc Photo-opt Ins&High-power Laser Ablation Vii, Pts 1-2 Proc Spie)High-power Laser Ablation Vi, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins)High-power Laser Ablation Vi, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie(High-power Laser Ablation V, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins(High-power Laser Ablation V, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie#High Power Laser-matter InteractionSpringer Trac Mod PhHigh-power LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins%High-power Lasers and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%High-power Lasers and Applications Ii Proc Spie&High-power Lasers and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%High-power Lasers and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins%High-power Lasers and Applications Iv Proc Spie$High-power Lasers and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins0High Power Lasers and Laser Machining TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins9High-power Lasers: Applications and Emerging ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9High-power Lasers: Applications and Emerging Applications Proc Spie-High-power Lasers: Gas and Solid State LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins7High-power Lasers in Civil Engineering and ArchitectureP Soc Photo-opt Ins7High-power Lasers in Civil Engineering and Architecture Proc Spie'High-power Lasers in Energy EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins"High-power Lasers in ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins"High-power Lasers in Manufacturing Proc SpieGHigh-power Lasers: Solid State, Gas, Excimer, and Other Advanced LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsJHigh-power Lasers: Solid State, Gas, Excimer, and Other Advanced Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0High Power Microwave Generation and Applications Int Sch Pl.High-power Solid State Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh Pressure and Biotechnology Colloq Inse*High Pressure Bioscience and BiotechnologyProgr Biotechnol*High-pressure Bioscience and BiotechnologyAnn Ny Acad Sci"High Pressure Chemical EngineeringFzka Tech Umw Wis B"High Pressure Chemical EngineeringProcess Technol Proc;High Pressure Chemistry, Biochemistry and Materials ScienceNato Adv Sci Inst SeHigh-pressure CrystallographyNato Sci Ser Ii MathHigh-pressure CrystallographyNato Sci Ser Ii-mathWHigh-pressure Crystallography: From Fundamental Phenomena to Technological ApplicationsNato Sci Peace Sec BAHigh Pressure Effects in Chemistry, Biology and Materials ScienceDefect Diffus Forum(High Pressure in Semiconductor Physics ISemiconduct Semimet)High Pressure in Semiconductor Physics IiSemicond Semimet)High Pressure in Semiconductor Physics IiSemiconduct Semimet High-pressure Materials ResearchMater Res Soc Symp PHigh Pressure Molecular ScienceNato Adv Sci I E-appHigh Pressure ResearchHigh Pressure Res3High-pressure Shock Compression of Condensed Matter High Pr Sh_High- Pressure Shock Compression of Solids Viii: Science and Technology of High-velocity Impact High Pr Sh)High Pressure Technology of NanomaterialsSolid State Phenomen]High Primes and Misdemeanours: Lectures in Honour of The 60th Birthday of Hugh Cowie WilliamsFields I Commun]High Primes and Misdemeanours: Lectures in Honour of The 60th Birthday of Hugh Cowie WilliamsFields Inst CommunHigh Purity Silicon V Elec Soc SHigh Purity Silicon ViP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh Purity Silicon Vi Proc Spie$High Purity Silicon Vii, Proceedings Elec Soc SHigh Quality Beams Aip Conf Proc{High-quality Visual Experience: Creation, Processing and Interactivity of High-resolution and High-dimensional Video SignalSignals Commun Techn5High-redshift Galaxies: Light From The Early UniverseAstron Astrophys Lib/High-resolution Displays and Projection SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Defects in MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PJHigh Resolution Epr: Applications to Metalloenzymes and Metals in MedicineBiol Magn Reson1High Resolution, High Frame Rate Video Technology Nasa Conf P=High-resolution If-to-baseband Sigma Delta Adc for Car RadiosAnalog Circ Sig Proc?High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy, ProceedingsEso Astrophy Symp/High Resolution Microbial Single Cell AnalyticsAdv Biochem Eng Biot*High-resolution Sensors and Hybrid SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsJHigh Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules, Pt AMethod EnzymolJHigh Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules, Pt AMethods EnzymolJHigh Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules, Pt BMethod EnzymolJHigh Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules, Pt BMethods EnzymolCHigh Resolution Solar Physics: Theory, Observations, and Techniques Astr Soc PHHigh-resolution Sonography of The Peripheral Nervous System, 2nd EditionMed Radiol Diagn ImaEHigh-resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsEHigh-resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications Proc SpieHHigh-resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsIHigh-resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIHigh-resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications Iii Proc SpieHHigh-resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsHHigh-resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications Iv Proc Spie@High-resolution X-ray Scattering From Thin Films and MultilayersSpringer Tr Mod Phys6High Risk Scenarios and Extremes: A Geometric ApproachZur Lect Adv MathHigh School Behavioral ScienceHigh School Beh SciHigh Solid Dispersions Adv Polym Sci8High Spectral Density Optical Communication TechnologiesOpt Fiber Commun RepYHigh-speed Computing, Digital Signal Processing, and Filtering Using Reconfigurable LogicP Soc Photo-opt Ins)High-speed Electronics and Device ScalingP Soc Photo-opt Ins*High-speed Electronics and OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&High-speed Fiber Networks and ChannelsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)High-speed Fiber Networks and Channels IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(High-speed Imaging and Sequence AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins+High-speed Imaging and Sequence Analysis IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,High-speed Imaging and Sequence Analysis IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIHigh-speed Inspection Architectures, Barcoding, and Character RecognitionP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh Speed MachiningAdv Mater Res-switz.High-speed Networking and Multimedia ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>High-speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)High Speed Networks and Their Performance Ifip Trans CIHigh-speed Optical Receivers With Integrated Photodiode in Nanoscale CmosAnalog Circ Sig ProcBHigh-speed Phenomena in Photonic Materials and Optical BistabilityP Soc Photo-opt InsHigh-speed Photonic DevicesSer Opt Optoelectron1High-speed Semiconductor Lasers for CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins&High-speed Semiconductor Laser SourcesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+High Speed Vcsels for Optical InterconnectsSpringer Theses-recoCHigh Stakes Accountability: Implications for Resources and CapacityRes Educ Fisc Policy4High-t(c) Microwave Superconductors and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsSHigh Tc Superconducting Thin Films : Processing, Characterization, and Applications Aip Conf Proc=High-tc Superconductivity 1996: Ten Years After The DiscoveryNato Adv Sci I E-app7High Tc Superconductivity : Thin Films and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/High-tc Superconductors Based On Feas CompoundsSpringer Ser Mater SMHigh-tc Superconductors for Magnet and Energy Technology: Fundamental AspectsSpringer Tr Mod PhysHigh-tech Fibrous Materials Acs Sym Ser,High-tech Tots: Childhood in A Digital WorldRes Glob Child AdvocHigh Temperature High Temp+4High-temperature and High-pressure Crystal ChemistryRev Mineral Geochem&High Temperature and Materials ScienceHigh Temp Mat Sci.High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites Iii Key Eng Mat.High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites Iii Key Eng Mater2High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry Elec Soc S5High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry Iv Elec Soc S?High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry, Proceedings Elec Soc SEHigh Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials 4, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumEHigh Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials 5, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumRHigh Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials 6, Prt 1 and 2, ProceedingsMater Sci ForumEHigh Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials 7, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumNHigh-temperature Cuprate Superconductors: Experiment, Theory, and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Solid-s6High Temperature Electrochemistry: Ceramics and Metals Riso Mat Sci@High Temperature Electrolysis in Large-scale Hydrogen ProductionEnerg Sci Eng TechMHigh-temperature Liquid Chromatography: A User's Guide for Method DevelopmentRsc Chromatogr Monog#High Temperature Material ProcessesHigh Temp Mater P-us(High Temperature Materials and ProcessesHigh Temp Mat Pr-isr(High Temperature Materials and ProcessesHigh Temp Mater Proc?High Temperature Materials Chemistry, Pts I and Ii, ProceedingsSchr Fz Jul Energ'High Temperature Materials, Proceedings Elec Soc S*High-temperature Measurements of MaterialsAdv Mater Res-ger;High-temperature Microwave Superconductors and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1High-temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys IiiMater Res Soc Symp P0High-temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys IvMater Res Soc Symp P/High-temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys V Mat Res S C1High-temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys Vii Mat Res S C=High-temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys Vi, Pts 1 and 2Mater Res Soc Symp P-High-temperature Oxidation and Corrosion 2005Mater Sci ForumCHigh-temperature Properties and Applications of Polymeric Materials Acs Sym SerHigh Temperature Science High Temp Sci High Temperatures-high PressuresHigh Temp-high Press0High Temperature Silicides and Refractory AlloysMater Res Soc Symp PHHigh-temperature Superconducting Detectors: Bolometric and NonbolometricP Soc Photo-opt Ins"High Temperature Superconductivity Aip Conf Proc"High Temperature Superconductivity Sussp Proc/High Temperature Superconductivity, ProceedingsMolecul Phys RepDHigh-temperature Superconductor Materials, Devices, and Applications Ceram Trans High-temperature SuperconductorsSpringer Ser Mater S High-temperature SuperconductorsWoodhead Publ Mater>High-temperature Superconductors and Novel Inorganic MaterialsNato Asi 3 High TechXHigh-temperature Superconductors : Fundamental Properties and Novel Materials ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp PiHigh Temperature Superconductors : Relationships Between Properties, Structure, and Solid-state ChemistryMater Res Soc Symp PCHigh-temperature-superconductor Thin Films At Microwave FrequenciesSpringer Tr Mod PhysCHigh-temperature-superconductor Thin Films At Microwave FrequenciesSpringer Trac Mod PhCHigh-temperature-superconductor Thin Films At Microwave FrequenciesSpringer Tracts ModHigh Temperature TechnologyHigh Temp TechnolCHigh-throughput Next Generation Sequencing: Methods and ApplicationMethods Mol Biol?High Throughput Screening: Methods and Protocol, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol!High Time Resolution AstrophysicsAstrophys Space Sc L*Hight Pressure Technology of Nanomaterials Sol St PhenHigh Value Polymers Roy Soc Ch0High Velocity Neutron Stars and Gamma-ray Bursts Aip Conf ProcHighway & Heavy ConstructionHighway Heavy Constr Highway and Facility Design 2003Transport Res RecOHighway and Traffic Safety: Crash Data, Analysis Tools, and Statistical MethodsTransport Res Rec^Highway and Traffic Safety: Engineering, Evaluation, and Enforcement; Trucking and MotorcyclesTransport Res RecHighway and Urban Environment All Glo SusHighway and Urban EnvironmentAlliance Glob Sustai,Highway Capacity and Quality of Service 2005Transport Res Rec,Highway Capacity and Quality of Service 2006Transport Res RecHighway Capacity Issues 1998Transport Res RecHighway Engineer Highway EngHighway Facility DesignTransport Res RecQHighway Facility Design 2004; Including 2004 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished LectureTransport Res RecHighway Facility Design 2006Transport Res RecHighway Geometric Design IssuesTransport Res Rec1Highway Maintencance Safety, Support and ServicesTransport Res Rec8Highway Pavements and Structures Mainenance and SecurityTransport Res Rec/Highway Safety Design, Features, and EvaluationTransport Res RecHighway Safety: Law Enforcement; Alcohol; Driver Training; Safety Planning and Management; Commercial Vehicles; and MotorcyclesTransport Res Rec-Highway Safety Modeling, Analysis, and DesignTransport Res RecWHighway Safety: Modeling, Analysis, Management, Statistical Methods, and Crash LocationTransport Res RecOHighway Safety: Older Person; Traffic Law Enforecement; Management and TruckingTransport Res Rec9Highway Safety, Traffic Law Enforcement, and Truck SafetyTransport Res Rec`Highway Safety: Work Zones, Law Enforcement, Motorcycles, Trucks, Older Drivers, and PedestriansTransport Res Rec+Highway Traffic Monitoring and Data QualityArtech Hse Intel Tra)Hiilidioksidin Talteenotto Ja Varastointi Vtt Res NotesNHilbert-huang Transform Analysis of Hydrological and Environmental Time SeriesWater Sci Technol Li,Hilbert-huang Transform and Its ApplicationsInterdiscip Math$Hilbert Spaces of Analytic FunctionsCrm Proc & Lect NoteNHildegard of Bingens Unknown Language: An Edition, Translation, and DiscussionNew Middle Ages Hilgardia HilgardiaHilger JournalHilger J.Hiljaiset Veneet -yhteenveto Ja Johtopaatokset Vtt Res Notes_Hill-brown Theory of The Moon's Motion: Its Coming-to-be and Short-lived Ascendancy (1877-1984)Sourc Stud Hist Math@Hillel Steiner and The Anatomy of Justice: Themes and ChallengesRout Stud Contemp PhRHimalayan Frontiers of India: Historical, Geo-political and Strategic PerspectivesRoutl Cont S Asia SeHimalayan Geology Himal Geol%Himalayan Languages: Past and Present Trend Lin SHimalayan Tectonics Geol Soc Sp.Hindi Poetry in A Musical Genre: Thumri LyricsRoy Asiat Soc BooksIH(infinity) Control and Estimation of State Multiplicative Linear SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf<H(infinity) Control and Filtering of Two-dimensional SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf4H(infinity) Control for Nonlinear Descriptor SystemsLect Notes Contr InfH-infinity - Control TheoryLect Notes Math=Hinterland Dreams: The Political Economy of A Midwestern CityAmer Bus PolitHip InternationalHip Int,Hipparcos, The New Reduction of The Raw DataAstrophys Space Sc LHipparcos Venice '97 Esa Sp PublHippocampal MicrocircuitsSpr Ser Comput Neuro Hippocampus Hippocampus0Hippocampus: Anatomy, Functions and NeurobiologyNeuroanat Res LeadHippocrates in Context Stud Anc Med Hippokratia Hippokratia%Hiroshima Journal of Medical SciencesHiroshima J Med SciHiroshima Mathematical JournalHiroshima Math J.Hispalensis Lectures On Nuclear Physics, Vol 2Lect Notes Phys!Hispamerica-revista De LiteraturaHispamerica-rev LitDHispania-a Journal Devoted to The Teaching of Spanish and PortugueseHispania-j Dev Inter%Hispania-revista Espanola De HistoriaHispaniaHispania Sacra Hisp Sacra#Hispanic American Historical ReviewHispanic Am Hist Rev'Hispanic Journal of Behavioral SciencesHispanic J Behav Sci<Hispanic Research Journal-iberian and Latin American Studies Hisp Res JHispanic Review Hispanic Rev Hispanofila HispanofilaHistamine in InnflammationAdv Exp Med Biol(Histamine Research in The New Millennium Int Congr Ser>Histo- and Cytochemistry As A Tool in Environmental ToxicologyProg Histochem CytocHistochemical Journal Histochem J HistochemieHistochemistryHistochemistryHistochemistryHistochemistry and Cell BiologyHistochem Cell BiolRHistochemistry of Glycoconjugates of The Auditory Receptor-functional ImplicationsProg Histochem CytocHistochemistry of ReceptorsProg Histochem CytocHistoireHistoireHistoire Moderne Hist ModernHistoire Notariale Hist NotarHistoire NotarialeHist NotarialeHistoire Sociale-social HistoryHist Soc/soc HistHistology and HistopathologyHistol HistopatholHistology ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol9Histone Code and Beyond: New Approaches to Cancer TherapyE Schering Res Fdn WHistopathologyHistopathologyHistoriaHistoriaHistoria Agraria Hist AgrarFHistoria Archaeologica: Festschrift Fur Heiko Steuer Zum 70 GeburtstagReallexikon Ger Alte"Historia Ciencias Saude-manguinhosHist Cienc Saude-manHistoria Critica Hist CritHistoria Critica Hist Critica Historia De Xerez De La FronteraSuom Tiedeakat Toim9Historia: Empiricism and Erudition in Early Modern EuropeTransformations-stud'Historiae Musicae Cultores - Biblioteca Hist Mus C#Historia Hermeneutica Series StudiaHist Hermen Ser StudHistoriallinen Arkisto Hist ArkistHistoriallinen Arkisto Hist ArkistoHistoria Mathematica Hist MathHistoria Mexicana Hist Mexicana Historian HistorianHistoria-santiago Hist-santiagoHistoria Unisinos Hist UnisinosHistoria Y Comunicacion SocialHist Comun SocHistoria Y Politica Hist Polit(Historia-zeitschrift Fur Alte GeschichteHistoria-z Alte Ges Historica Historica8Historical and Prehistorical Earthquakes in The Caucasus Nato Asi 2Historical Archaeology Hist Archaeol(Historical Archaeology of Gendered LivesContrib Glob Hist ArHistorical Biology Hist BiolBHistorical Changes in Large River Fish Assemblages of The Americas Am Fish S S*Historical Development of Modern Cosmology Astr Soc PHistorical Dictionary Databases Cch Work PapHistorical Ecology Sch Am ResHistorical Ecology Series Hist Ecol SerHistorical English Syntax Top Eng LitHistorical Jesus in ContextPrinc Read ReligHistorical JournalHist J/Historical Journal of Film Radio and TelevisionHist J Film Radio TvHistorical Linguistics 1993Amst Stud Theory His"Historical Linguistics 1995, Vol 2Amst Stud Theory HisHistorical Linguistics 1997Amst Stud Theory His$Historical Linguistics and Philology Trend Lin S:Historical Materialism-research in Critical Marxist Theory Hist MaterHistorical Methods Hist MethodHistorical Methods NewsletterHist Meth NewslettHistorical NovelNew Crit Idiom,Historical Papers-communications Historiques Hist Papers[Historical Perspectives: From The Hasmoneans to Bar Kokhba in Light of The Dead Sea ScrollsStud Text Des JudahCHistorical Perspectives in Industrial and Organizational PsychologySer Appl Psychol1Historical Perspectives On Erklaren and Verstehen Archimedes.Historical Perspectives On Midsouth ArcheologyArk Archeol Sur Res(Historical Records of Australian ScienceHist Rec Aust Sci-Historical Reflections-reflexions HistoriquesHist ReflectionsHistorical ResearchHist Res%Historical Review-la Revue HistoriqueHist Rev-greeceOHistorical Seismology: Interdisciplinary Studies of Past and Recent EarthquakesMod Appr Sol Earth S6Historical Social Research-historische Sozialforschung Hist Soc ResHistorical Studies Hist Stud*Historical Studies in The Natural SciencesHist Stud Nat Sci:Historical Studies in The Physical and Biological SciencesHist Stud Phys BiolHistorical Studies - Ireland Hist Stud Irl.Historicising Beckett / Issues of PerformancesSam Beckett Today.Historicising Beckett / Issues of PerformancesSamuel Beckett TodayHistoricky Casopis Hist CasopisHistoric PreservationHist PreservationEHistories of The Immediate Present: Inventing Architectural ModernismWrit Archit Ser`Histories of The Normal and The Abnormal: Social and Cultural Histories of Norms and NormativityRoutl Stud Soc HistHistoriographia Linguistica Hist LingxHistoriographie De L Antiquite Et Transferts Culturels: Les Histoires Anciennes Dans L Europe Des Xviiie Et Xixe Siecles Int For LitHistoriographie in Der AntikeBeih Z Alttest Wiss-Historiography and Writing Postcolonial IndiaRout Stud S Asia HisXHistoriography of Contemporary Science, Technology, and Medicine: Writing Recent ScienceRoutl St Hist Sci Te5Historische Narratologie: Mediavistische PerspektivenTrend Mediev Philol5Historische Narratologie: Mediavistische PerspektivenTrends Mediev PhilolHistorisches Jahrbuch Hist JahrbHistorische ZeitschriftHist ZHistorisk Tidsskrift Hist TidsskrHistoryHistory-History & Conservation of Zanzibar Stone TownE Afr Stud SerHistory and ChangeStudia HistoricaHistory and Ethnicity Asa MonogrHistory and Philosophy of LogicHist Philos Logic$History and Philosophy of PsychologyHist Philos Psychol+History and Philosophy of The Life SciencesHist Phil Life Sci&History and Poetics of IntertextualityComp Cult Stud(History and Society in The Islamic WorldHist Soc Islam WorldHistory and Technology Hist TechnolHistory and Theory Hist Theory.History and Violence in Anglo-irish Literature Costerus EsHistory Has Many VoicesSixt Century EssaysHistory in AfricaHist Afr9History, Literature and Art in Rome in The 2nd-century-adAccad Naz Virg Sci MHistory of Analytic PhilosophyHist Anal PhilosHistory of Anesthesia Int Congr SerHistory of CarcinologyCrustacean IssHistory of Chinese PhilosophyRout Hist World Phil%History of Christian-muslim RelationsHist Christ MuslimHistory of Computing Hist CompHistory of ComputingHist Comput-mit Pres+History of Computing and Education 2 (hce2)Int Fed Info Proc+History of Computing and Education 3 (hce3)Int Fed Info Proc!History of Computing in EducationInt Fed Info ProcHistory of Computing-springerHist Comput-springer0History of Corporate Governance Around The World Nber Conf R8History of Econometrics in France: From Nature to ModelsRoutl Stud Hist EconHistory of Economic IdeasHist Econ IdeasHistory of Education Hist Educ+History of Education & Childrens LiteratureHist Educ Child LitHistory of Education QuarterlyHist Educ Quart!History of Electrical EngineeringGesch Elektrotech&History of English in A Social Context Trend Lin S&History of English in A Social ContextTrends Linguist-studHistory of EntrepreneurshipRoutl Stud Hist EconHistory of European Ideas Hist Eur IdeaHistory of GeoconservationGeol Soc Spec Publ/History of Geomorphology and Quaternary GeologyGeol Soc Spec PublHistory of HavanaPalgrave Essent HistSHistory of Heterodox Economics: Challenging The Mainstream in The Twentieth CenturyRoutl Adv Heterod Ec"History of Islam in German ThoughtRoutl Stud Cult HistHistory of Linguistics 1993 Amst St Th"History of Linguistics 1996, Vol 1 Amst St Th"History of Linguistics 1996, Vol 2 Amst St ThJHistory of Liquid Rocket Engine Development in The United States 1955-1980 Aas Hist S4History of Macroeconomic Policy in The United StatesRoutl Explor Econ Hi(History of Mechanism and Machine ScienceHist Mech Mach SciPHistory of Meteoritics and Key Meteorite Collections: Fireballs, Falls and FindsGeol Soc Spec Publ(History of Modern Computing, 2nd EditionHist Comput-mit PresHistory of Nordic ComputingInt Fed Info ProcHistory of Nordic Computing 2Ifip Adv Inf Comm TeHistory of Oriental AstronomyAstrophys Space Sc LCHistory of Original Ideas and Basic Discoveries in Particle PhysicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se(History of Palaeobotany: Selected EssaysGeol Soc Spec PublHistory of Pediatrics 1850-1950Nestle Nutr Works SeHistory of Photography Hist PhotogrAHistory of Physical Theories of Comets, From Aristotle to Whipple ArchimedesHistory of Political EconomyHist Polit EconHistory of Political ThoughtHist Polit ThoughtHistory of PsychiatryHist PsychiatrHistory of Psychology Hist PsycholHistory of ReligionsHist Religions$History of Rocketry and Astronautics Aas Hist S$History of Rocketry and Astronautics Aas Hist Ser&History of Rotating Machinery DynamicsHist Mech Mach SciHistory of ScienceHist Sci'History of Science and Medicine LibraryHist Sci Med LibrHistory of Science FictionPalgrave Hist Lit#History of Science, History of TextBost Stud Philos Sci$History of Scottish Economic ThoughtRoutl Hist Econ ThouHistory of Special Education Adv Spec EducHistory of Text TechnologiesHist Text TechnolQHistory of The Central Limit Theorem: From Classical to Modern Probability TheorySourc Stud Hist Math$History of The European Space Agency Esa Sp PublSHistory of The European Union: Origins of A Trans- and Supranational Polity 1950-72Routl Uaces ContempHistory of The FamilyHist Fam$History of The Gardens of VersaillesPenn Stud Landsc Arc7History of The Geometry Curriculum in The United StatesRes Math Educ SerHistory of The Human Sciences Hist Hum Sci/History of The International Polar Years (ipys)From Pole PoleHistory-reviews of New BooksHistory-rev New Book History Today Hist Today$History, Violence, and The HyperrealPurdue Stud Roman LiHistory Workshop Journal Hist WorkshopHistory Workshop JournalHist Workshop J!Hitotsubashi Journal of EconomicsHitotsub J Econ&Hitotsubashi Journal of Social StudiesHitotsub J Soc StudHiv/aids and Prisons Aic Conf PHiv, Aids, and The Brain Res P Arnmd1Hiv Aids-medical Social and Psychological AspectsHiv Aids-med Soc PsyHiv and DementiaCurr Top MicrobiolGHiv-associated Cardiovascular Disease: Clinical and Biological InsightsAnn Ny Acad SciHiv Clinical TrialsHiv Clin Trials+Hiv Infection and The Cardiovascular System Adv Cardiol(Hiv Interactions With Host Cell ProteinsCurr Top Microbiol Hiv MedicineHiv Med9Hiv, Resurgent Infections and Population Change in AfricaInt Stud Popul%Hla and Disease - The Molecular BasisAlfred Benzon Symp SeHldvt'05: Tenth Annual Ieee International High-level Design Validation and Test Workshop, ProceedingsInt High Level DesighHldvt'06: Eleventh Annual Ieee International High-level Design Validation and Test Workshop, ProceedingsInt High Level DesigZHldvt: 2008 Ieee International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop, ProceedingsInt High Level DesigHnoHno*Hno-wegweiser Fur Die Facharztliche PraxisHno-wegw Facharzt PrHochspannungstechnikVDI-BuchCHodgkin Lymphoma: A Comprehensive Update On Diagnostics and Clinics Hematol MaligVHofmannsthals Sprachgeschichte: Linguistisch-literarische Studien Zur Lyrischen StimmeReihe Ger LinguistNHohensiedlungen Zwischen Antike Und Mittelalter Von Den Ardennen Bis Zur AdriaReallex German AlterNHohensiedlungen Zwischen Antike Und Mittelalter Von Den Ardennen Bis Zur AdriaReallexikon Ger AlteHoist and Haul 2005Australas I Min MetHokkaido Mathematical JournalHokkaido Math JHolarctic EcologyHolarctic Ecol-Holistic Approach to Water Quality ManagementStockholm Water SympHolistic Nursing PracticeHolist Nurs PractsHollow and Solid Spheres and Microspheres: Science and Technology Associated With Their Fabrication and ApplicationMater Res Soc Symp P6Hollywood and The Cia: Cinema, Defense, and SubversionMedia War SecurHolocaust and Church Struggle Stud ShoahHolocaust and Genocide StudiesHolocaust Genocide SHolocaust and Its ContextsHolocaust ContextsHolocaust Forty Years Later Symposium SHoloceneHolocene=Holocene Landscape Development and Geoarchaeological ResearchZ Geomorphol Supp&Holographic and Diffractive TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt InsMHolographic Anthropic Multiverse: Formalizing The Complex Geometry of RealitySer Knots Everything,Holographic Displays and Optical Elements IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Holographic Imaging and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsHolographic MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsHolographic Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHolographic Materials IvP Soc Photo-opt InsHolographic Materials VP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Holographic Optical Elements and DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Holographic Optical Security SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Holographic Optics Ii : Principles and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsHolographics International 92P Soc Photo-opt InsHolography 2000P Soc Photo-opt InsiHolography 2005: International Conference On Holography, Optical Recording, and Processing of InformationP Soc Photo-opt InsiHolography 2005: International Conference On Holography, Optical Recording, and Processing of Information Proc Spie)Holography: Advances and Modern Trends Ii Proc Spie%Holography and Diffractive Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Holography and Optical Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Holography: A Tribute to Yuri Denisyuk and Emmett LeithP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Holography, Diffractive Optics, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic Geometry Prog MathHolomorphic Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Math)Holomorphic Dynamics and Renormalization:Fields I Commun)Holomorphic Dynamics and Renormalization:Fields Inst CommunAHolomorphic Function Theory in Several Variables: An Introduction UniversitextsHolomorphic Operator Functions of One Variable and Applications: Methods From Complex Analysis in Several VariablesOper Theory Adv ApplHolomorphic Q ClassesLect Notes Math1Holonic and Multi-agent Systems for ManufacturingLect Notes Artif Int>Holonic and Multi-agent Systems for Manufacturing, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int>Holonic and Multi-agent Systems for Manufacturing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Holonic Execution : A Bdi ApproachStud Comput Intell^Holy Ground: Theoretical Issues Relating to The Landscape and Material Culture of Ritual SpaceBrit Archaeol Rep In3Holy, Holy, Holy: The Story of A Liturgical FormulaJul Wellhausen Vorle,Holy Land, Holy Lands, and Christian History St Ch His S Holy Land in History and Thought Pub Eric S,Holy Spirit, The Church, and Christain Unity Bib Eph The"Holy Texts: Authority and LanguageYearb Eur Soc Wom Th-Holy Wars: The Religious Ideology of ChivalryMiddle Ages SerHolz Als Roh-und WerkstoffHolz Roh Werkst Holzforschung Holzforschung Holzforschung Und HolzverwertungHolzforsch HolzverwHomeKey Ideas GeogrHome-based Long-term CareWho Tech Rep SerHome Care Enteral Feeding Nes Nutr WsHome Computer MagazineHome Comput Mag Home Cultures Home Cult9Home Informatics and Telematics: Ict for The Next BillionInt Fed Info ProcHomeland Security HandbookPublic Adm Public PoPHomeland Security in The Uk: Future Preparedness for Terrorist Attack Since 9/11Cass Ser Polit Viole Homeopathy Homeopathy5Home-oriented Informatics and Telematics, ProceedingsInt Fed Info Proc!Homeostasis in Health and DiseaseHomeostasis Hlth DisHHomeostatic Role of The Parasympathetic Nervous System in Human BehaviorNeurosci Res Prog SeSHomeowners, Communities, and Wildfire: Science Findings From The National Fire PlanUs For Serv T R Nc|Home Ownership Beyond Asset and Security: Perceptions of Housing Related Security and Insecurity in Eight European CountriesHous Urban Policy St<Home Ownership: Getting In, Fetting From, Getting Out, Pt IiHous Urban Policy St5Home Ownership: Getting In, Getting From, Getting OutHous Urb Policy Stud5Home Ownership: Getting In, Getting From, Getting OutHous Urban Policy StiHomers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar (basler Kommentar/ Bk), Band Iv: Sechster Gesang (z), Faszikel 2: KommentarSamml Wiss Comment-Homes in Peril: A Study of Foreclosure IssuesHous Iss Laws Progr+Homicide : Patterns, Prevention and Control Aic Conf PHomicide Studies Homicide Stud'Homicide: Trends, Causes and PreventionCrim Justice Law EnfWHominin Environments in The East African Pliocene: An Assessment of The Faunal EvidenceVertebr Paleobiol PaHommeHommeHomme Et La Societe Homme SocHomoHomo@Homocysteine Metabolism: From Basic Science to Clinical MedicineDev Cardiovasc MedIHomogeneous Polynomial Forms for Robustness Analysis of Uncertain SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf-Homogeneous Spaces and Equivariant EmbeddingsEncycl Math Sci0Homogeneous Transition Metal Catalyzed Reactions Adv Chem Ser)Homo-journal of Comparative Human BiologyHomo8Homological Algebra of Semimodules and Semicontramodules Monogr Mat>Homological Mirror Symmetry: New Developments and PerspectivesLect Notes PhysHomology Effects Adv Genet"Homology Homotopy and ApplicationsHomol Homotopy Appl&Homo Novus - A Human Without Illusions Front CollectmHomo Oeconomicus: The Economic Model of Behaviour and Its Applications in Economics and Other Social SciencesEur Herit Econ Soc S,Homophobia and The Judeo Christian Tradition Gay Men I R,Homosexuality and Manliness in Postwar JapanRoutl Contemp Jpn SeHomosexuality / Heterosexuality Kinsey InstKHomosexuality in The Life and Work of Joseph Conrad: Love Between The LinesStud Major Lit AuthoHomotopy of Extremal ProblemsDegruyter Ser NonlinHomotopy Quantum Field TheoryEms Tracts Math"Homotopy Theory and Related TopicsLect Notes Math'Homotopy Theory of C(asterisk)-algebras Front Math5Homotopy Theory of Function Spaces and Related Topics Contemp Math)Hong Kong: Becoming A Chinese Global CityAsias TransformHong Kong, ChinaRoutl Contemp ChinaEHong Kong Film, Hollywood and New Global Cinema: No Film Is An IslandRoutl Media Cult Soc.Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology & VenereologyHong Kong J Dermatol'Hong Kong Journal of Emergency MedicineHong Kong J Emerg Me)Hong Kong Journal of Occupational TherapyHong Kong J Occup Th Hong Kong Journal of PaediatricsHong Kong J PaediatrHong Kong Law JournalHong Kong Law JOHonore Fabri and The Concept of Impetus: A Bridge Between Conceptual FrameworksBost Stud Philos SciHonoring Our EldersContrib Circumpol An7Hooked: Drug War Films in Britain, Canada, and The U.s.Routl Adv CriminolHHoop Dreams On Wheels: Disability and The Competitive Wheelchair AthleteContemp Sociol PerspHoover Institution Publication Hoover Inst%Hoover National Security Forum SeriesHoover Natl Secur Fo!Hopf Algebras and Generalizations Contemp Math-Hopf Algebras and Quantum Groups, ProceedingsLect Notes Pure Appl4Hopf Algebras in Noncommutative Geometry and PhysicsMg Txb Pur Appl MathHopkins Quarterly Hopkins Quart/Hopper and Silo Discharge: Successful Solutions Imeche Sem3Hoppe-seylers Zeitschrift Fur Physiologische ChemieH-s Z Physiol ChemHopping and Related Phenomena Adv DisordHorizonHorizonHorizonsHorizonsUHorizons 2000 - Aspects of Colloid and Interface Science At The Turn of The MilleniumProg Coll Pol Sci SHorizons in Cancer ResearchHoriz Cancer Res#Horizons in Cancer Research, Vol 41Horiz Cancer ResHorizons in Dna Research Horiz Dna ResHorizons in Dna Research, Vol 1 Horiz Dna Res"Horizons in Earth Science ResearchHoriz Earth Sci Res)Horizons in Earth Science Research, Vol 1Horiz Earth Sci Res)Horizons in Earth Science Research, Vol 2Horiz Earth Sci Res"Horizons in Membrane BiotechnologyProg Clin Biol Res!Horizons in Neuroscience ResearchHoriz Neurosci Res(Horizons in Neuroscience Research, Vol 1Horiz Neurosci Res(Horizons in Neuroscience Research, Vol 2Horiz Neurosci Res)Horizons in World Cardiovascular ResearchHoriz World Cardiova0Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research, Vol 1Horiz World Cardiova0Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research, Vol 2Horiz World CardiovaHorizons in World PhysicsHoriz In World Phys Horizons in World Physics SeriesHoriz World Phys Ser"Horizons in World Physics, Vol 268Horiz World Phys SerHorizons of CombinatoricsBolyai Soc Math StudHormonal Carcinogenesis VAdv Exp Med Biol+Hormonal Communicating Events in The Testis Serono SymHormonal Control of Cell CycleRes Perspect End IntHormonal Regulation of Growth Serono Sym)Hormonal Restructuring of The Adult BrainAnn Ny Acad SciHormone and Metabolic ResearchHorm Metab ResHormone-dependent Tumors Contr Oncol@Hormone Perception and Signal Transduction in Animals and PlantsSym Soc Exp BiolDHormone-related Tumors: Novel Approaches to Prevention and TreatmentAnn Ny Acad Sci6Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cardiovascular DiseaseContro Issu Clim Med,Hormone Replacement Therapy and OsteoporosisE Schering Res Fdn W)Hormone Replacement Therapy and The BrainContro Issu Clim MedHormone ResearchHorm ResHormone Research in PaediatricsHorm Res PaediatHormonesHormonesHormones and Behavior Horm BehavHormones and Cell Regulation // Colloq Inse Hormones and Cell Regulation /// Colloq Inse6Hormones and Cell Regulation - 12th European Symposium Colloq InsemHormones and Pharmaceuticals Generated By Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Transport in Water and SoilEmerg Top EcotoxicolHormones and Social BehaviorRes Perspect End IntHormones and The BrainRes Perspect End Int1Hormones and Their Receptors in Fish ReproductionMol Asp Fish Mar Bio/Hormones, Brain and Behaviour in Vertebrates, 1 Comp Physiol3Hormones, Brain and Behaviour in Vertebrates, Vol 2 Comp Physiol>Hormones-international Journal of Endocrinology and MetabolismHorm-int J EndocrinoHormones of The Limbic System Vitam Horm!Hormone Use and Abuse By Athletes Endocr Updat@Horse-head Fiddle and The Cosmopolitan Reimagination of MongoliaCurr Res EthnomusicoHorticultura Brasileira Hortic BrasHorticultural Biotechnology Plant Biol9Horticultural Biotechnology in Vitro Culture and Breeding Acta HorticHorticultural Research Hortic ResHorticultural Science Hortic SciCHorticultural Science in Emerging Economies: Issues and Constraints Acta Hortic Horticulture Horticulture&Horticulture: Art and Science for Life Acta Hortic*Horticulture Environment and BiotechnologyHortic Environ Biote4Horticulture in Human Life, Culture, and Environment Acta Hortic Horticulture in The 21st Century Bot Res Pract0Horticulture - New Technologies and ApplicationsCurr Plant Sci Biot Hortscience HortscienceHorttechnologyHorttechnologyHospice Journal Hospice JHospital Administration Hosp Admin)Hospital & Health Services AdministrationHosp Health Serv Adm!Hospital and Community PsychiatryHosp Community PsychHospital Formulary Hosp FormulHospital MedicineHosp MedHospital Pharmacy Hosp PharmHospital Practice Hosp PractHospital Progress Hosp Progr Hospitals HospitalsHospitals & Health NetworksHosp Health NetworkHost-guest Chemistry Top Curr Chem=Host-guest Molecular Interactions : From Chemistry to Biology Ciba F Symp8Host in The Machine: Examining The Digital in The SocialChandos Internet Ser?Host-pathogen Interactions: Genetics, Immunology and PhysiologyImmunol Immune Syst5Hot and Cool: Bridging Gaps in Massive-star Evolution Astr Soc PHot and Dense Nuclear MatterNato Adv Sci Inst Se(Hotei Academic European Studies On JapanHotei Acad Eur JapanHot Hadronic MatterNato Adv Sci Inst SeFHot Mix Asphalt Construction: Certification and Accreditation ProgramsAm Soc Test MatermHot Quarks 2010: Workshop for Young Scientists On The Physics of Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-nucleus CollisionsJ Phys Conf Ser&Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects Astr Soc P0Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in ChildrenAdv Exp Med Biol3Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children IiAdv Exp Med Biol4Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children IiiAdv Exp Med Biol3Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children IvAdv Exp Med Biol2Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children VAdv Exp Med Biol3Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children ViAdv Exp Med Biol4Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children ViiAdv Exp Med Biol.Hot Topics in Thermal Analysis and CalorimetryHot Top Therm Anal Hot UniverseIau Symp-Houille Blanche-revue Internationale De L EauHouille Blanche;Household Behavior, Equivalence Scales, Welfare and Poverty Contr Stat8Household Divisions of Labour: Teamwork, Gender and TimePalgr Mac Stud Fam6House in Russian Literature: A Mythopoetic ExplorationStud Slav Lit PoetHouse Mouse Aggression E M I Lif S1House Rating Schemes: From Energy to Comfort BaseGreen Energy TechnolGHousework: Craft Production and Domestic Economy in Ancient MesoamericaArcheol Pap Am Anthr3Housing and Health in Europe: The Who Lares Project Hous Soc Ser&Housing and Social Transition in Japan Hous Soc SerHousing and Society Series Hous Soc Ser Housing and Urban Policy StudiesHous Urb Policy Stud Housing and Urban Policy StudiesHous Urban Policy StHousing, Care and Inheritance Hous Soc SerHousing Educators JournalHousing Educ JHousing Finance ReviewHousing Financ RevCHousing, Housing Costs and Mortgages: Trends, Impact and PredictionHous Iss Laws Progr Housing Issues Laws and ProgramsHous Iss Laws Progr'Housing Market Renewal and Social ClassHous Plan Des SerHousing, Markets and Policy Hous Soc Ser$Housing: Participation and ExclusionSoc Legal St Ser"Housing Planning and Design SeriesHous Plan Des SerHousing Policy DebateHous Policy DebateCHousing Policy Reforms in Post Socialist Europe: Lost in Transition Contrib EconHousing Studies Housing StudHousing Theory and SocietyHous Theory SocHousing Transformations Hous Soc SerHouston Journal of MathematicsHouston J MathHouston Law ReviewHouston Law RevHouston Stewart Chamberlain - Zur Textlichen Konstruktion Einer Weltanschauung: Eine Sprach, Diskurs- Und Ideologiegeschichtliche AnalyseStud Linguist Ger-How An Estuary Changed Into A Freshwater Lake Comm HydrolHow Children Learn to Read: Current Issues and New Directions in The Integration of Cognition, Neurobiology and Genetics of Reading and Dyslexia Research and PracticeExtraordinary Brain)How Did The First Stars and Galaxies FormPrinc Front Phys-How Does Emotion Affect Attention and Memory?Psychol Emot Motiv AHow Does The Galaxy Work?Astrophys Space Sc LmHow Do Spores Select Where to Settle: A Holographic Motility Analysis of Ulva Zoospores On Different SurfacesSpringer Theses-recoOHow Do We Best Employ Animal Models for Type 1 Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis?Ann Ny Acad SciFHow Ficta Follow Fiction: A Syncretistic Account of Fictional EntitiesPhilos Stud SerCHow Hysterical: Identification and Resistance in The Bible and FilmRelig Cult CritMHow Organizations Remember: Retaining Knowledge Through Organizational ActionOrgan Chang Innov?How Pretrial Publicity Affects Juror Decision Making and Memory Laws Legis How Professionals Make Decisions Exp Res ApplKHow School Principals Sustain Success Over Time: International PerspectivesStud Educ Leadersh;How Should Rabbinic Literature Be Read in The Modern World? Jud Context\How The European Countries Influenced Each Other in Science and Technology From 1780 to 1830 Colloq Cths6How to Improve The Results of Peripheral Nerve SurgeryActa Neurochir SupplHow to Organize Prevention Prev Int ChHHow to Show Things With Words: A Study On Logic, Language and LiteratureTrends Linguist-studHow to Think About MeaningPhilos Stud SerXHow We Think: A Theory of Goal-oriented Decision Making and Its Educational ApplicationsStud Math Think Lear Hox GenesCurr Top Dev Biol4Hox Genes: Studies From The 20th to The 21st CenturyAdv Exp Med BiolHpbHpbfHpca-15 2009: Fifteenth International Symposium On High-performance Computer Architecture, ProceedingsInt S High Perf CompfHpca-16 2010: Sixteenth International Symposium On High-performance Computer Architecture, ProceedingsInt S High Perf Comp4Hp-finite Element Methods for Singular PerturbationsLect Notes Math'Hplc in Enzymatic Analysis, 2nd EditionMethod Biochem Anal-Hrc-journal of High Resolution ChromatographyHrc-j High Res ChromHrvatski Filmski LjetopisHrvat Film Ljetop5Hsi: 2009 2nd Conference On Human System InteractionsC Hum Syst InteractHsmha Health ReportsHsmha Health Rep{Hte'07: Proceedings of The 5th Iasme / Wseas International Conference On Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and EnvironmentMa Comput Sci Eng{Hte'07: Proceedings of The 5th Iasme / Wseas International Conference On Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and EnvironmentMath Comput Sci Eng*Hts Teologiese Studies-theological StudiesHts Teol Stud-theol Hubbard ModelNato Adv Sci Inst SeHHubble's Science Legacy: Future Optical/ultraviolet Astronomy From Space Astr Soc P Hudebni Veda Hudebni Veda Hudson Review Hudson Rev)Hudson River Fishes and Their Environment Am Fish S SDHuebner International Series On Risk Insurance and Economic SecurityHuebner Int Ser RiskFHuebner International Series On Risk, Insurance, and Economic Security Hueb Int S%Hugo Grotius in International ThoughtPalgr Mac Ser HistHugo Grotius TheologianSt Hist Christ Th(Human Action, Deliberation and Causation Phil Stud SHuman Adult Stem Cells Hum Cell CultHuman & Experimental ToxicologyHum Exp ToxicolHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyHum Anat Physiol$Human and Ecological Risk AssessmentHum Ecol Risk Assess#Human and Nature Minding AutomationIntel Syst Contr Aut-Human Antibody Therapeutics for Viral DiseaseCurr Top Microbiol2Human Aspects in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Ifip Trans BHuman Aspects in ComputingAdv Hum Fact ErgonHuman Aspects of VisualizationLect Notes Comput SckHuman Autonomy in Cross-cultural Context: Perspectives On The Psychology of Agency, Freedom, and Well-beingCross Cult Adv Posit2Human Basophils and Mast Cells: Biological Aspects Chem Immunol0Human Basophils and Mast Cells: Clinical Aspects Chem ImmunolHuman B Cell Populations Chem ImmunolHuman Behavior UnderstandingLect Notes Comput Sc Human Biologists in The ArchivesCam S Bio Evol Anthr Human BiologyHum BiolHuman Body CompositionBasic Life SciHuman Brain MappingHum Brain MappHuman Brain ProteomeInt Rev Neurobiol!Human Capacities and Moral Status Philos Med]Human Capital, Trade, and Public Policy in Rapidly Growing Economies: From Theory to EmpiricsAcad Stud Asian Econ Human Cd38 and Related Molecules Chem Immunol Human CellHum CellHuman Cell Culture Hum Cell Cult"Human Centered Design, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Human-centered Information FusionArtech Hse Elec Warf@Human Centered Robot Systems: Cognition, Interaction, Technology Cog Sys Mono@Human Centered Robot Systems: Cognition, Interaction, TechnologyCogn Syst Monogr#Human-centered Software EngineeringHum-comput Int-sprin)Human-centered Visualization EnvironmentsLect Notes Comput Sc"Human-centred Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc?Human-centric Information Processing Through Granular ModellingStud Comput IntellHuman Choice and ComputersInt Fed Info ProcDHuman Cloning in The Media: From Science Fiction to Science Practice Genet SocHuman Communication ResearchHum Commun ResHuman-computer InteractionHum-comput InteractKHuman-computer Interaction and Management Information Systems: ApplicationsAdv Manag Inform SysJHuman-computer Interaction and Management Information Systems: FoundationsAdv Manag Inform SysOHuman / Computer Interaction : A Series of Monographs, Edited Volumes and Texts Human CompuCHuman-computer Interaction: Designing for Diverse Users and DomainsHum Factors ErgonFHuman-computer Interaction: Design Issues, Solutions, and ApplicationsHum Factors Ergon/Human-computer Interaction: Development ProcessHum Factors Ergon(Human-computer Interaction: FundamentalsHum Factors Ergon7Human-computer Interaction - Interact 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Human-computer Interaction - Interact 2007, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Human-computer Interaction - Interact 2007, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Human-computer Interaction - Interact 2009, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc>Human-computer Interaction - Interact 2009, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Human-computer Interaction, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Human-computer Interaction, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Human-computer Interaction, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Human-computer Interaction, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Human-computer Interaction, Pt 4, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Human-computer Interaction, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc!Human-computer Interaction, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc"Human-computer Interaction, Pt IiiLect Notes Comput Sc!Human-computer Interaction, Pt IvLect Notes Comput Sc!Human-computer Interaction Series Hum Com Int!Human-computer Interaction SeriesHum-comput Int-sprin$Human-computer Interaction SymposiumInt Fed Info Proc!Human-computer Interaction, Vol 1Adv Hum Fact Ergon!Human-computer Interaction, Vol 2Adv Hum Fact Ergon.Human Computer Interaction With Mobile DevicesLect Notes Comput Sc;Human-computer Interaction With Mobile Devices and ServicesLect Notes Comput Sc@Human-computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and ApplicationsAdv Intel Soft Compu@Human-computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and ApplicationsAdv Intell Soft CompHuman ConditionDev Primatol-prog Pr Human Context Hum Context&Human Control of Technical Equipment 2 VDI Bericht+Human Creation Between Reality and Illusion Anal Hus YbHuman CytomegalovirusCurr Top MicrobiolEHuman Detection and Positive Identification: Methods and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsHuman DevelopmentHum Dev"Human Development and Social PowerRoutl Cont S Asia SeJHuman-dimensions of Human-computer Interaction: Balancing The Hci Equation Future Learn!Human Ear Recognition By ComputerAdv Pattern Recognit Human EcologyHum EcolHuman Ecology Review Hum Ecol Rev3Human Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolHumane MedicineHum MedHuman EndometriumAnn Ny Acad SciOHuman Environmental Interactions: Issues and Concerns in Upper Lapland, Finland U Lap A C R2Human Eosinophils: Biological and Clinical Aspects Chem Immunol,Human Error and System Design and ManagementLect Notes Contr Inf+Human Error, Safety and Systems DevelopmentInt Fed Info Proc+Human Error, Safety and Systems DevelopmentLect Notes Comput Sc+Human Evolution, Behavior, and IntelligenceHum Ev Beh & IntellHuman Evolution SeriesHuman Evolut SerWHuman Exposure to Pesticide Residues, Natural Toxins and Gmos: Real and Perceived Risks Bcpc Symp SerAHuman Exposure to Pollutants Via Dermal Absorption and InhalationEnviron Pollut Ser#Human Face of The Urban EnvironmentEnviron Sust Dev PHuman Factor-londonHum Factor-london Human Factors Hum FactorsHuman Factors and ErgonomicsHum Factors Ergon-Human Factors and Ergonomics in ManufacturingHum Factor Ergon Man-Human Factors and Ergonomics in ManufacturingHum Factors ErgonomBHuman Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service IndustriesHum Factor Ergon Man?Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting ProceedingsHum Fac Erg Soc PDHuman Factors in Information Systems : An Organizational Perspective Human Compu@Human Factors in Information Systems: Emerging Theoretical Bases Human Compu'Human Factors in Information Technology Hum Fac Inf0Human Factors Society Annual Meeting ProceedingsProc Hum Fact Soc AnHuman Fertility Hum FertilHHuman Fertility and Reproduction: The Oocyte, The Embryo, and The UterusAnn Ny Acad SciHuman Gene Therapy Hum Gene Ther;Human Gene Therapy: Current Opportunities and Future TrendsE Schering Res Fdn W3Human Genetic Information : Science, Law and Ethics Ciba F SympHuman Genetics Hum Genet Humangenetik HumangenetikHuman Gene Transfer Colloq Inse8Human Genome: Features, Variations and Genetic DisordersGen-res IssuesHuman Genome NewsHum Genome News@Human Growth and Development: An Introduction for Social Workers Stud Soc WorkHuman Heredity Hum Hered(Human Hypothalamus in Health and DiseaseProg Brain ResHuman Immunology Hum Immunol(Human Immunology: Patient-based ResearchAnn Ny Acad Sci)Human Impact On Erosion and Sedimentation Iahs-aish PBHuman Intelligence and Medical Illness: Assessing The Flynn EffectSpringer Ser Hum ExcHHuman Interactions With The Geosphere: The Geoarchaeological PerspectiveGeol Soc Spec PublQHuman Interaction With Complex Systems: Conceptual Principles and Design PracticeKluwer Int Ser Eng C%Human Interactive Proofs, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[Human Interface and The Management of Information: Designing Information Environments, Pt ILect Notes Comput ScUHuman Interface and The Management of Information: Information and Interaction, Pt IiLect Notes Comput ScmHuman Interface and The Management of Information: Interacting in Information Environments, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScyHuman Interface and The Management of Information: Methods, Techniques and Tools in Information Design, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScxHumanismus Und Renaissance in Augsburg: Kulturgeschichte Einer Stadt Zwischen Spatmittelalter Und Dreissigjahrigem KriegFruhe Neuzeit-stud DHumanistHumanistHumanists and Their Libraries Trav I EtudHumanist Satire Trav I EtudIHumanitarian Aid in Post-soviet Countries: An Anthropological PerspectiveCent Asian Stud Ser Humanitas HumanitasBHumanities Association Review-revue De L Association Des Humanites Hum Assoc RevHumanities in SocietyHum SocHumanities Series Human SerHumanized MiceCurr Top Microbiol@Human Language Technology: Challenges of The Information SocietyLect Notes Artif IntHuman Learning Hum LearnVHuman Longevity, Individual Life Duration, and The Growth of The Oldest-old PopulationInt Stud Popul Human Lymphocyte DifferentiationHum Lymphocyte Diff>Human Machine Interaction: Research Results of The Mmi ProgramLect Notes Comput Sc"Human Medicinal Agents From Plants Acs Sym SerJHuman Missions to Mars: Enabling Technologies for Exploring The Red PlanetS-p B Astronaut EngHuman Molecular Genetics Hum Mol GenetJHuman Motion - Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Human Motion: Understanding, Modelling, Capture, and AnimationComput Imaging VisDHuman Motor Development in Individuals With and Without DisabilitiesDisabil Disab-iss LaHuman Movement ScienceHum Movement Sci Human Mummies Man In Ice/Human Muscular Function During Dynamic Exercise Med Sport SciHuman Mutation Hum MutatHuman Nasolacrimal DuctsAdv Anat Embryol Cel Human Nature Hum Nature7Human Nature-an Interdisciplinary Biosocial PerspectiveHum Nature-int Bios6Human Nature in Rural Tuscany: An Early Modern HistoryItal Ital Am StudHuman Neurobiology Hum Neurobiol!Human Nutrition-applied NutritionHum Nutr-appl Nutr"Human Nutrition-clinical NutritionHum Nutr-clin Nutr(Human Ochratoxicosis and Its Pathologies Colloq InseHuman Organization Hum OrganOHuman, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development Ifip Trans A+Human Origins and Environmental Backgrounds Dev Primatol+Human Origins and Environmental BackgroundsDev Primatol-prog PrCHuman Papillomavirus (hpv) Involvement in Esophageal CarcinogenesisCancer Etiol Diagn THuman Pathology Hum PatholHuman Performance Hum PerformWHuman Performance: Driver Behavior, Road Design, and Intelligent Transportation SystemsTransport Res RecdHuman Performance: Models, Intelligent Vehicle Initiative, Traveler Advisory and Information SystemsTransport Res Rec7Human Performance Models Revealed in The Global ContextAdult Educ Spec Top/Human Performance; Simulation and VisualizationTransport Res Rec^Human Performance, Simulation, User Information Systems , and Older Person Safety and MobilityTransport Res Rec7Human Performance, User Information, and Highway DesignTransport Res RecJHuman Perspectives in The Internet Society: Culture, Psychology and GenderAdv Info Comm TechDHuman Placenta: Structure and Development, Circulation and FunctionsPreg Infants-med Psy:Human Population Dynamics: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives Biosocial S8Human Population: Its Influences On Biological DiversityEcol Stud-anal Synth,Humanprojekt-interdisziplinare AnthropologieHumanprojekt-interdi2Human Psychopharmacology-clinical and ExperimentalHum Psychopharm Clin(Human Recognition At A Distance in VideoAdv Pattern RecognitHuman Relations Hum Relat5Human Reliability and Error in Transportation SystemsSpringer Ser ReliabAHuman Remains: Conservation, Retrieval, and Analysis, ProceedingsBrit Archaeol Rep InHuman Reproduction Hum ReprodHuman Reproduction / Int Congr SerHuman Reproduction UpdateHum Reprod UpdateHuman Reproductive EcologyAnn Ny Acad Sci5Human Reproductive System Anatomy Roles and DisordersHum Reprod Syst AnatSHuman Resource Development in The Public Sector: The Case of Health and Social CareRoutl Stud Hum Resou$Human Resource Development QuarterlyHum Resour Dev QHuman Resource ManagementHum Resour ManageHuman Resource ManagementHum Resour Manage-usHuman Resource ManagementHum Resource Manage7Human Resource Management : An International Comparison De Gruy St Human Resource Management Ethics Ethics Pract!Human Resource Management JournalHum Resour Manag J Human Resource Management ReviewHum Resour Manage R)Human Resource Perspectives for The 1990s Ucla Iir C/Human Resource Planning for The Mining Industry P Centr Res"Human Resources Development Series Hum Res DevHuman Resources for HealthHum Resour Health9Human Resources Management in China: Cases in Hr PracticeChandos Asian StudBHuman Resource Strategies for The High Growth Entrepreneurial Firm Res Hum R MHuman Retroviruses / Ucla Sym Bi Human Rights Hum Rights0Human Rights and Foreign Aid: for Love Or Money?Routl Res Hum Rights!Human Rights and Religious Values Curr EncounXHuman Rights and The Moral Responsibilities of Corporate and Public Sector OrganisationsIssues Bus Ethics#Human Rights and The Private SphereU Tex Aust Stud Fore"Human Rights and Us Foreign PolicyRoutl Res Hum RightsHuman Rights in AsiaRoutledge Law AsiaXHuman Rights in Domestic Law and Development Assistance Policies of The Nordic Countries Int Stud H=Human Rights in Latin America: A Politics of Terrror and HopePa Stud Hum Rights2Human Rights in The Arab World: Independent VoicesPa Stud Hum RightsHuman Rights in TurkeyPa Stud Hum RightsBHuman Rights Ngos in East Africa: Political and Normative TensionsPa Stud Hum RightsHuman Rights QuarterlyHum Rights Quart8Human Rights, The Rule of Law, and Development in AfricaPa Stud Hum RightsEHumans and Machines in Space : The Vision, The Challenges, The PayoffSci TechHumans As Geologic Agents Rev Eng Geol Humans At The End of The Ice Age Interd ContHumanschwingungen VDI BerichteHuman Security and The Chinese State: Historical Transformations and The Modern Quest for SovereigntyRoutl Contemp China)Human Security: Concepts and ImplicationsRoutl Adv Int RelatHuman Sexuality Series Hum Sex Ser2Humans in Outer Space - Interdisciplinary OdysseysStud Space Policy1Human Sleep and Cognition, Part I: Basic ResearchProg Brain Res+Human Society and The Internet, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHuman Sperm Acrosome Reaction Colloq Inse=Human Spermatozoa: Maturation, Capacitation and AbnormalitiesHum Reprod Syst Anat Human StudiesHum StudHumans-with-media and The Reorganization of Mathematical Thinking: Information and Communication Technologies, Modeling, Visualization and Experimentation Math Educ LibHuman Systems ManagementHum Syst ManageHuman Toxicology Hum ToxicolHuman Tumor Markers Int Congr SerHuman Vaccines Hum Vaccines:Human Vibration: Effects On Health - Performance - Comfort VDI Bericht#Human Vision and Electronic ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Iv Proc Spie&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Ix Proc SpieGHuman Vision and Electronic Imaging : Models, Methods, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Human Vision and Electronic Imaging V Proc Spie&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Vi Proc Spie'Human Vision and Electronic Imaging ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Vii Proc Spie(Human Vision and Electronic Imaging ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Viii Proc Spie%Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Human Vision and Electronic Imaging X Proc Spie&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Xi Proc Spie'Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Xii Proc Spie(Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Xiii Proc Spie&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Xv Proc Spie'Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Xvi Proc Spie4Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital DisplayP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display VP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Human Well-being: Concept and MeasurementStud Dev Econ Policy7Human Work Interaction Design: Designing for Human WorkInt Fed Info ProcXHuman Work Interaction Design: Usability in Social, Cultural and Organizational ContextsIfip Adv Inf Comm Te)Hume On Motivation and Virtue: New Essays Philos DepthHumic and Fulvic Acids Acs Sym Ser;Humic Substances in The Aquatic and Terrestrial EnvironmentLect Notes Earth Sci2Humic Substances: Structures, Models and Functions Roy Soc Ch@Humic Substances: Versatile Components of Plants, Soil and Water Roy Soc Ch@Humiliation, Degradation, Dehumanization: Human Dignity ViolatedLibr Ethics Appl PhiHHumoral Immunity in Kidney Transplantation: What Clinicians Need to KnowContrib Nephrol-Humor-international Journal of Humor ResearchHumorHumor Research Humor Res<Humus, Its Structure and Role in Agriculture and EnvironmentDev Agric Manag For*Hundred Years War, Vol Iii: Divided HousesMiddle Ages Ser)Hungarian Journal of Industrial ChemistryHung J Ind ChemHungarian Quarterly Hung Quart'Hungary and Finland in The 20th CenturyStudia Historica1Hunger and Poverty-causes Impacts and EradicationHunger Poverty Cause2Hunter-gatherers: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Biosocial S9Hunting for The Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation Aip Conf ProcHuntington Library QuarterlyHuntington Libr QHusserl Routl PhilosUHusserl's Logical Investigations in The New Century: Western and Chinese PerspectivesContr PhenomenolHusserl Studies Husserl Stud5Huygens Principle 1690-1990 : Theory and Applications Stud Math PHvac&r Research Hvac&r ResHyaluronan Metabolism in SkinProg Histochem CytocHybrid Adhesive JointsAdv Struct MatTHybrid and Novel Imaging and New Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsTHybrid and Novel Imaging and New Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications Proc SpieHybrid and Real-time SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc&Hybrid Artificial Intelligence SystemsLect Notes Artif Int,Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Pt 1Lect Notes Artif Int,Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Pt 2Lect Notes Artif Int Hybrid Drives VDI Bericht$Hybrid Estimation of Complex SystemsLect Notes Contr InfHybrid Evolutionary AlgorithmsStud Comput IntellHybrid Fiber-coax SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Hybrid HumourInt Forsch Allg Vgl%Hybrid Image and Signal Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Hybrid Image and Signal Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Hybrid Image and Signal Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Hybrid Image and Signal Processing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Hybrid Image and Signal Processing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Hybrid Image and Signal Processing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Hybrid Image and Signal Processing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHybrid Information Systems Adv Soft Comp/Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Analysis and DesignStud Fuzz Soft CompHybrid Laser-arc WeldingWoodhead Publ MaterGHybrid Latex Particles: Preparation With (mini) Emulsion Polymerization Adv Polym SciHybrid LearningLect Notes Comput Sc*Hybrid Learning and Education, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Hybrid Logic and Its Proof-theory Appl Log SerHybrid MetaheuristicsLect Notes Comput Sc;Hybrid Metaheuristics: An Emerging Approach to OptimizationStud Comput Intell"Hybrid Metaheuristics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Hybrid Methods of Molecular ModelingProg Theor Chem PhysHybrid Neural SystemsLect Notes Artif Int Hybridoma HybridomaHybridoma and HybridomicsHybridoma Hybridom,Hybrid Optimization: The Ten Years of CpaiorSpringer Ser Optim A#Hybrid Organic-inorganic Composites Acs Sym Ser!Hybrid Problems, Hybrid Solutions Fr Art IntoHybrid Random Fields: A Scalabel Approach to Structure and Parameter Learning in Probabilistic Graphical ModelsIntel Syst Ref Libr'Hybrid Self-organizing Modeling SystemsStud Comput IntellQHybrid Sovereignty in The Arab Middle East: The Cases of Kuwait, Jordan, and IraqMiddle E Focus8Hybrid Switching Diffusions: Properties and ApplicationsStoch Mod Appl Proba'Hybrid Systems: Computation and ControlLect Notes Comput Sc4Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHybrid Systems IiLect Notes Comput ScHybrid Systems VLect Notes Comput Sc Hydration and Setting of Cements Rilem ProcHydration Processes in BiologyNato Adv Sci I A-lif>Hydraulic Conductivity and Waste Contaminant Transport in SoilAm Soc Test MaterHydraulic Engineering Software Hyd Eng Sof"Hydraulic Engineering Software ViiComp Met Water Res#Hydraulic Engineering Software Viii Wat Stud Ser\Hydraulic Engineering: Structural Applications, Numerical Modeling and Environmental ImpactsEng Tools Tech TableBHydraulic Failure Analysis: Fluids, Components, and System EffectsAm Soc Test Mater Hydraulic Information Management Wat Stud SerHydraulic Performance Transfer VDI Bericht$Hydraulic Pneumatic Mechanical PowerHydraulic Pneu Mec PHydraulics & PneumaticsHydraulic PneumHydraulic Tests of Miocene Volcanic Rocks At Yucca Mountain and Pahute Mesa and Implications for Groundwater Flow in The Southwest Nevada Volcanic Field, Nevada and CaliforniaGeol Soc Am Spec Pap Hydrobiologia Hydrobiologia9Hydrobiological Variability in The Ices Area, 1980 - 1989 Ices Mar Sc+Hydrocarbon and Petroleum Geology of France Sp Pub Eapg"Hydrocarbon Habitat in Rift Basins Geol Soc Sp5Hydrocarbon Migration and Its Near-surface Expression Aapg MemoirHydrocarbon ProcessingHydrocarb Process#Hydrocarbons in Contractional BeltsGeol Soc Spec Publ!Hydrocarbons in Crystalline RocksGeol Soc Spec PublHydrochemistry Iahs-aish P-Hydrochemistry and Energy Storage in Aquifers Comm Hydrol Hydrocyclones Fluid Mec A-Hydrodynamic Limits of The Boltzmann EquationLect Notes Math5Hydrodynamics : Computations, Model Tests and Reality Dev Mar TecLHydro-ecological Relations in The Delta Waters of The South-west Netherlands Comm Hydrol4Hydro-ecology: Linking Hydrology and Aquatic Ecology Iahs-aish P'Hydroforming for Advanced ManufacturingWoodhead Publ Mater8Hydrogels and Biodegradable Polymers for Bioapplications Acs Sym SerHydrogel Sensors and ActuatorsSpringer Ser Chem Se8Hydrogen and Helium Recycling At Plasma Facing MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math'Hydrogen-based Autonomous Power Systems Power SystHydrogen-bonded LiquidsNato Adv Sci I C-matHydrogen Bonded Polymers Adv Polym SciHydrogen Bonding-new InsightsChall Adv Comput CheHydrogen Bond NetworksNato Adv Sci Inst Se1Hydrogen Cycle-generation, Storage and Fuel CellsMater Res Soc Symp PHydrogen Deficient Stars Astr Soc PHydrogen-deficient Stars Astr Soc P)Hydrogen Energy: Challenges and ProspectsRsc Energy Ser%Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Road VehiclesGreen Energy TechnolHydrogen Fuel PerspectivesEnerg Polic Polit Pr(Hydrogen in Materials and Vacuum Systems Aip Conf ProcHydrogen in Matter Aip Conf ProcHydrogen in Metals Iii Top Appl PhysHydrogen in Metal Systems Ii Sol St PhenHydrogen in Metal Systems IiSolid State PhenomenHydrogen in SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P%Hydrogen in Semiconductors and MetalsMater Res Soc Symp PHydrogen in Semiconductors IiSemiconduct Semimet@Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon NanomaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math@Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon NanomaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii-math@Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon NanomaterialsNato Secur Sci Ser A@Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon NanomaterialsNato Security Sci A:Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Metal HydridesNato Sci Ser Ii Math:Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Metal HydridesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathLHydrogen Storage Materials: The Characterisation of Their Storage PropertiesGreen Energy Technol5Hydrogen Technology: Mobile and Portable ApplicationsGreen Energy Technol+Hydrogeological Processes in Karst Terranes Iahs-aish P<Hydrogeological Regimes and Their Subsurface Thermal EffectsGeoph Monog SeriesHydrogeology Journal Hydrogeol J7Hydro Gis: Theory and Lessons From The Vietnamese DeltaEnviron Sci Eng Tech1Hydrological Basis for Water Resources Management Iahs-aish PKHydrological Basis of Ecologically Sound Management of Soil and Groundwater Iahs-aish PwHydrological, Chemical and Biological Processes of Transformation and Transport of Contaminants in Aquatic Environments Iahs-aish P<Hydrological Extremes: Understanding, Predicting, Mitigating Iahs-aish P[Hydrological Modelling and The Water Cycle: Coupling The Atmosheric and Hydrological ModelsWtr Sci Tec Libr0Hydrological Models for Environmental ManagementNato Sci S Prt 2 EnvHydrological ProcessesHydrol Process0Hydrological Research Basins and The Environment Comm HydrolBHydrological Sciences Bulletin-bulletin Des Sciences Hydrologiques Hydrol Sci B@Hydrological Sciences Journal-journal Des Sciences HydrologiquesHydrolog Sci J$Hydrologie Und WasserbewirtschaftungHydrol Wasserbewirts#Hydrology and Earth System SciencesHydrol Earth Syst Sc"Hydrology and Isotope Geochemistry Colloq SemiOHydrology and Water Resources Symposium 1989 : Comparisons in Austral Hydrology Inst Eng A8Hydrology for The Water Management of Large River Basins Iahs-aish PLHydrology-geomorphology Interface: Rainfall, Floods, Sedimentation, Land Use Iahs-aish PBHydrology, Hydraulics, and Water Quality; Roadside Safety FeaturesTransport Res RecGHydrology, Hydraulics, and Water Quality; Roadside Safety Features 2002Transport Res Rec!Hydrology in The Celtic Countries Colloq Inra)Hydrology in The Humid Tropic Environment Iahs-aish P&Hydrology of Natural and Manmade Lakes Iahs-aish PHydrology of Warm Humid Regions Iahs-aish PHydrology Research Hydrol Res4Hydrology, Water Resources and Ecology in Headwaters Iahs-aish P;Hydromagnetic Waves in The Magnetosphere and The IonosphereAstrophys Space Sc LHydrometallurgyHydrometallurgyHydrophilic Polymers Adv Chem Ser"Hydropneumatische FederungssystemeVDI-Buch%Hydroponics and Transplant Production Acta HorticOHydro Power Developments - Current Projects, Rehabilitation, and Power Recovery Imeche Sem9Hydropower Developments - New Projects and Rehabilitation Imeche SemHydropower EconomicsInt Ser Oper Res Man)Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils and Residua Chem Ind-ser:Hydrosilylation: A Comprehensive Review On Recent AdvancesAdv Silicon ScixHydrothermal Processes Above The Yellowstone Magma Chamber: Large Hydrothermal Systems and Large Hydrothermal ExplosionsGeol Soc Am Spec Pap1Hydrotreatment and Hydrocracking of Oil FractionsStud Surf Sci CatalHydro-umformungVDI-BuchJHyers-ulam-rassias Stability of Functional Equations in Nonlinear AnalysisSpringer Ser Optim A)Hygiene Hypothesis and Darwinian MedicineProg Inflamm Res Ser@Hygiene Instruction for Personnel in The Pharmaceutical Industry Paperb Apv@Hygiene, Quality & Safety in The Cold Chain and Air Conditioning Refr Sci THyleHyle'Hyparxis and Hypostasis in Neoplatonism Less Intell(Hypatia-a Journal of Feminist PhilosophyHypatiaHyperalgesia and Allodynia Symp Pain R<Hyperalgesia: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical ImplicationsProg Pain Res Manag0Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in OtorhinolaryngologyAdv Oto-rhino-laryng@Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Continuum Physics, Third EditionGrundlehr Math Wiss)Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations Universitext>Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, Part 1 Proc Sym Ap>Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, Part 2 Proc Sym Ap:Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Vol 1 Int S Num M:Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Vol 1Int Ser Numer MathBHyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Vols I and IiInt Ser Numer Math"Hyperbolic Systems of Balance LawsLect Notes Math>Hyperbolic Triangle Centers: The Special Relativistic ApproachFund Theor PhysPHypercholesterolemia, Hypocholesterolemia, Hypertriglyceridemia, Invivo KineticsAdv Exp Med BiolHypercomplex Analysis Trends MathHyperfine InteractionsHyperfine Interact)Hyperfunctions On Hypo-analytic Manifolds Ann Math Stud;Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their Q-analoguesSpringer Monogr MathBHyperlipidemia in Childhood and The Development of AtherosclerosisAnn Ny Acad SciHypermedia Design Work Comp-Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of The Land and AtmosphereP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of The OceanP Soc Photo-opt Ins Hypertension Hypertension7Hypertension and Stroke: Pathophysiology and ManagementClin Hypertens VascHypertension and The HeartAdv Exp Med Biol-Hypertension As An Insulin-resistant Disorder Int Congr Ser(Hypertension, Atherosclerosis and LipidsRoy Soc Med Int CongHypertension ControlWho Tech Rep Ser!Hypertension, Heredity and StrokeCerebrovas Res DisorHypertension in PregnancyHypertens PregnancyHypertension Research Hypertens Res/Hypertension Research-clinical and ExperimentalHypertens Res-clin EHyperthermophilic Enzymes, Pt AMethod EnzymolHyperthermophilic Enzymes, Pt BMethod EnzymolHyperthermophilic Enzymes, Pt CMethod Enzymol4Hyperuricemic Syndromes: Pathophysiology and TherapyContrib NephrolFHypervalent Iodine Chemistry: Modern Developments in Organic Synthesis Top Curr Chem.Hypervelocity Impacts in Space and Planetology Adv Space Res.Hypervelocity Impacts in Space and PlanetologyAdv Space Res-series1Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization Acs Sym SerHypoccs SeriesHypoccs Series\Hypoelliptic Estimates and Spectral Theory for Fokker-planck Operators and Witten LaplaciansLect Notes Math-Hypoelliptic Laplacian and Ray-singer Metrics Ann Math Stud#Hypospadias and Genital DevelopmentAdv Exp Med Biol-Hypothalamic Integration of Circadian RhythmsProg Brain Res-Hypothalamic Integration of Energy MetabolismProg Brain Res"Hypothalamic Pituitary Dysfunction Adv Rep EndSHypothesis A/hypothesis B - Linguistic Explorations in Honor of David M. PerlmutterCurr Stud LinguistHypoxiaAdv Exp Med Biol0Hypoxia and Consequences From Molecule to MaladyAnn Ny Acad SciHypoxia and ExerciseAdv Exp Med BiolHypoxia and Mountain Medicine Adv BiosciHypoxia and The CirculationAdv Exp Med Biol"Hypoxia: From Genes to The BedsideAdv Exp Med Biol&Hypoxia in The Northern Gulf of MexicoSpringer Ser Env ManHypoxia: Through The LifecycleAdv Exp Med BiolEHy-redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution At High Redshift Astr Soc P$Hystrix-italian Journal of MammalogyHystrixNI2mtc: 2009 Ieee Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference, Vols 1-3 Ieee Imtc P8I997 Tappi Minimum Effluent Mills Symposium, Proceedings P Tech As PIaae Occasional Paper Series Iaae Oc Pap4Iaeng Transactions On Engineering Technologies Vol 1 Aip Conf Proc5Iaeng Transactions On Engineering Technologies, Vol 3 Aip Conf Proc5Iaeng Transactions On Engineering Technologies, Vol 4 Aip Conf Proc5Iaeng Transactions On Engineering Technologies, Vol 5 Aip Conf Proc6Iaeng Transactions On Engineering Technologies, Vol Ii Aip Conf ProcIaga Special Sopron Book SeriesIaga Spec SopronIahs Publication Iahs-aish PIahs Publications Iahs-aish PI & CI C@I&cs-control Technology for Engineers and Engineering ManagementI&cs-control Tech En,I&cs-industrial and Process Control MagazineI&cs-control Tech En&I&cs-instrumentation & Control SystemsI&cs-instr Con SystI & L-ideologies & Literature I L-ideol Lit!Iamslic 2000: Tides of Technology Iamslic ConIamslic 99: Recasting The Nets Iamslic C SCIamslic At A Crossroads : Proceedings of The 15th Annual Conference Iamslic Con%Iamslic: Every Continent, Every Ocean Iamslic C S9I and She, You and I: From The Minnelied to The Love SongWolf Stamml Gast Ge,Ian Mcewans Enduring Love: A Routledge GuideRoutledge Guides LitIap Astrophysics Meeting Iap Astr MAIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to HumansIarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 47Iarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 48Iarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 49Iarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 54Iarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 55Iarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 56Iarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 57Iarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 58Iarc Monog Eval CarcJIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans - Vol 60Iarc Monog Eval CarcIIarc Monographs On The Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol 62Iarc Monog Eval CarcIarc Publications Iarc PublIarc Scientific Publications Iarc Sci PublXIas 2000 - Conference Record of The 2000 Ieee Industry Applications Conference, Vols 1-5Ieee Ind Applic SocrIas '94 - Conference Record of The 1994 Industry Applications Conference/twenty-ninth Ias Annual Meeting, Vols 1-3Ieee Ind Applic SoctIas '95 - Conference Record of The 1995 Ieee Industry Applications Conference/thirtieth Ias Annual Meeting, Vols 1-3Ieee Ind Applic SocxIas '96 - Conference Record of The 1996 Ieee Industry Applications Conference, Thirty-first Ias Annual Meeting, Vols 1-4Ieee Ind Applic SoczIas '97 - Conference Record of The 1997 Ieee Industry Applications Conference / Thirty-second Ias Annual Meeting, Vols 1-3Ieee Ind Applic SocI A S L Conference Proceedings Iasl ProcSIasted International Conference On Internet and Multimedia Systems and ApplicationsIasted Int Conf Inte;Iasted International Conference On Modelling and SimulationIasted Model Simul<Iasted International Conference On Robotics and ApplicationsIasted Int Conf Robo>Iasted International Conference On Signal and Image ProcessingIasted Int Conf SignIatul Proceedings Iatul ProcIatul Proceedings (new Series)Iatul Proc New Ser@Iatul Quarterly : A Journal of Library Management and TechnologyIatul Q+Iatul Quarterly, Vol 3, No 4, December 1989Iatul QIau Colloquium Iau ColloqIau: Organic Matter in SpaceIau Symp P Series Iau SymposiaIau Symp Iau Symposium Proceedings SeriesIau Symp P Series!Iavcei Proceedings in Volcanology Iavcei Volc Iawa Bulletin Iawa Bull Iawa JournalIawa J^Ibas of Edessa: Rekonstruktion Einer Biographie Und Dogmatischen Position Zwischen Den FrontenArb Kirchengesch+Ibc - International Broadcasting Convention Iee Conf Publ9Ibd 2007 - Achievements in Research and Clinical Practice Falk SympIbd and SalicylatesRes Clin ForumsIbd and Salicylates - 2Res Clin ForumsIbd and Salicylates - 3Res Clin ForumsIbd and Salicylates - 5Res Clin ForumsIbd - The Patient in FocusRes Clin ForumsfIberia and The Mediterranean World of The Middle Ages: Studies in Honor of Robert I. Burns S.j., Vol 1Medieval MediterrIberian Identity Res SeriesIberian WorldsGlob RealitiesIbericaIberica2Ibero-american Bioethics: History and Perspectives Philos Med Iberoromania IberoromaniaBIbic2010: 2nd International Conference On Industrial BiotechnologyChem Engineer TransIbisIbis'Ibm Journal of Research and Development Ibm J Res DevIbm Systems Journal Ibm Syst JIbn 'arab - Time and CosmologyCult Civiliz Mid E Ibro SeriesIbro SerXIcacs 2003: International Conference On Advances in Concrete and Structures, Vol 1 and 2 Rilem ProcIca Handbook Series Ica Handb Ser&Icaleo 90 : Laser Materials ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Icaleo 90 : Optical Methods in Flow and Particle DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Icaleo 91 : Laser Materials ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Icaleo 92 : Laser Materials ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Icaleo 93 - Laser Materials ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Icaleo 93 - Laser Materials Processing Proc SpieDIcaleo'95 - Proceedings of The Laser Materials Processing Conference P Laser InsDIcaleo'96 - Proceedings of The Laser Materials Processing ConferenceLia P`Icaleo'96 - Proceedings of The Lasers and Electro-optics for Automotive Manufacturing ConferenceLia PPIcaleo(r) 2000: Proceedings of The Laser Materials Processing Conference, Vol 89Lia P[Icaleo (r)'99: Proceeding of The Laser Materials Processing Conference, Vol 87, Pts 1 and 2Lia P Icamdata-2008 Aip Conf Proc!Icap Series On Alcohol in SocietyIcap Ser Alcohol SocfIcarism '99: Proceedings of The International Conference On Alternative Routes of Iron and SteelmakingAustralas I Min MetIcarusIcarus>Icase/larc Interdisciplinary Series in Science and EngineeringIcase Larc In Sci En>Icase/latc Interdisciplinary Series in Science and EngineeringIcase Larc In Sci EnIcase / Nasa Larc Series Icase NasaIcassp 90, Vols 1-5Int Conf Acoust SpeeIcassp 91, Vols 1-5Int Conf Acoust Spee_Icassp-92 - 1992 International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vols 1-5Int Conf Acoust SpeedIcassp-93 : 1993 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vols 1-5Int Conf Acoust SpeeIcassp-94 - Proceedings, Vol 1Int Conf Acoust SpeeIcassp-94 Proceedings, Vol 2Int Conf Acoust SpeeIcassp-94 - Proceedings, Vol 3Int Conf Acoust SpeeIcassp-94 - Proceedings, Vol 4Int Conf Acoust SpeeIcassp-94 - Proceedings, Vol 5Int Conf Acoust SpeeIcassp-94 - Proceedings, Vol 6Int Conf Acoust SpeeqIcassp '99: 1999 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Proceedings Vols I-viInt Conf Acoust SpeeVIcc 2000: Ieee International Conference On Communications, Conference Record, Vols 1-3Ieee IccCIcc 2005: Ieee International Conference On Communications, Vols 1-5Ieee IccYIccad-2005: International Conference On Computer Aided Design, Digest of Technical Papers Ieee Ic Cad@Iccad-ieee Acm International Conference On Computer-aided DesignIccad-ieee Acm Int Icca JournalIcca J Icc BulletinIcc Bull^Icccn 2003: 12th International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, ProceedingsIeee Ic Comp Com Net^Icccn 2004: 13th International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, ProceedingsIeee Ic Comp Com Net^Icccn 2005: 14th International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, ProceedingsIeee Ic Comp Com Net^Icccn 2006: 15th International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, ProceedingsIeee Ic Comp Com NetjIccd'2002: Ieee International Conference On Computer Design: Vlsi in Computers and Processors, ProceedingsPr Ieee Comp DesignWIcce: 2005 International Conference On Consumer Electronics, Digest of Technical Papers Ieee IcceVIcce: 2007 Digest of Technical Papers International Conference On Consumer Electronics Ieee IccecIccee 2008: Proceedings of The 2008 International Conference On Computer and Electrical EngineeringInt C Comp Elec EngnIccp 2007: Ieee 3rd International Conference On Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ProceedingsInt C Intell Comp CoIcc PublicationIcc PublJIccs 2010 - International Conference On Computational Science, ProceedingsProcedia Comput SciOIcdcs: 2009 International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems WorkshopsIeee Int Con DisIIcde 2005: 21st International Conference On Data Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf DataKIcde: 2009 Ieee 25th International Conference On Data Engineering, Vols 1-3Proc Int Conf Data>Icdl: 2005 Ieee International Conference On Dielectric LiquidsI C Dielect LiquidsEIcdm 2006: Sixth International Conference On Data Mining, ProceedingsIeee Data MiningRIcdm 2007: Proceedings of The Seventh Ieee International Conference On Data MiningIeee Data MiningKIcdm 2008: Eighth Ieee International Conference On Data Mining, ProceedingsIeee Data MiningmIcdp-usgs Deep Drilling Project in The Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results From The Eyreville Core HolesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap`Icds-18 - Proceedings of The 18th International Conference On Defects in Semiconductors, Pts 1-4Mater Sci ForumIcdt 90Lect Notes Comput ScDIce Ages and Interglacials: Measurements, Interpretation, and ModelsS-p B Environ SciPIcebe 2005: Ieee International Conference On E-business Engineering, ProceedingsInt Conf E Bus EngPIcebe 2006: Ieee International Conference On E-business Engineering, ProceedingsInt Conf E Bus EngPIcebe 2007: Ieee International Conference On E-business Engineering, ProceedingsInt Conf E Bus EnggIceccs 2005: 10th Ieee International Conference On Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng CompgIceccs 2006: 11th Ieee International Conference On Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng CompqIceccs 2008: Thirteenth Ieee International Conference On The Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng Comp0Ice Core Studies of Global Biogeochemical CyclesNato Asi Ser Ser I Ice Cream Int Dairy FIcelandic Agricultural SciencesIceland Agr SciGIcem 14: 14th International Conference On Experimental Mechanics, Vol 6 Epj Web Conf'Ice Physics and The Natural EnvironmentNato Asi Ser Ser IIces Journal of Marine ScienceIces J Mar SciIces Marine Science Symposia Ices Mar ScIIcet: 2009 International Conference On Emerging Technologies, ProceedingsInt Conf Emerg Techn Icfa Continuing Education SeriesIcfa Cont Educ Ser Icga JournalIcga J\Icgse 2009: Fourth Ieee International Conference On Global Software Engineering, ProceedingsInt Conf Global SoftSIcheap-9: 9th International Conference On Chemical and Process Engineering, Pts 1-3Chem Engineer TransjIchnology of An Early Permian Intertidal Flat: The Robledo Mountains Formation of Southern New Mexico, UsaSpec Pap Palaeontol;Ichnos-an International Journal for Plant and Animal TracesIchnosIchor Business BooksIchor Bus Books)Ichthyological Exploration of FreshwatersIchthyol Explor FresIchthyological Research Ichthyol ResGIchthyoses: Clinical, Biochemical, Pathogenic and Diagnostic AssessmentCurr Probl DermatolIciam 95Math Res Icid JournalIcid JaIciea 2006: 1st Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics and Applications, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsC Ind Elect ApplaIciea 2007: 2nd Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics and Applications, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsC Ind Elect ApplaIciea 2008: 3rd Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics and Applications, Proceedings, Vols 1-3C Ind Elect AppldIciea 2010: Proceedings of The 5th Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics and Applications, Vol 1C Ind Elect AppldIciea 2010: Proceedings of The 5th Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics and Applications, Vol 2C Ind Elect AppldIciea 2010: Proceedings of The 5th Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics and Applications, Vol 3C Ind Elect AppldIciea 2010: Proceedings of The 5th Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics and Applications, Vol 4C Ind Elect ApplBIcip: 2004 International Conference On Image Processing, Vols 1- 5Ieee Image ProcIcip-94 - Proceedings, Vol IIeee Image ProcIcip-94 - Proceedings, Vol IiIeee Image ProcIcip-94 - Proceedings, Vol IiiIeee Image ProcIclarm Conference Proceedings Iclarm ConfIclarm Contributions Iclarm ContNIcm 2000: Proceedings of The 12th International Conference On MicroelectronicsNat Radio Sci CoHIcm 2001: 13th International Conference On Microelectronics, ProceedingsInt C Microelectron;Icm 2002: 14th International Conference On MicroelectronicsInt C MicroelectronNIcm 2003: Proceedings of The 15th International Conference On MicroelectronicsInt C MicroelectronIIcme: 2009 Ieee International Conference On Multimedia and Expo, Vols 1-3Ieee Int Con Multi^Icmes 96 - Safe and Efficient Ships: New Approaches for Design Operation and Maintenance, Pt I Imare Conf_Icmes 96 - Safe and Efficient Ships: New Approaches for Design Operation and Maintenance, Pt Ii Imare Conf5Icmit 2005: Control Systems and Robotics, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Icmit 2005: Control Systems and Robotics, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie5Icmit 2005: Information Systems and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Icmit 2005: Information Systems and Signal Processing Proc Spie3Icmit 2005: Mechatronics, Mems, and Smart MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Icmit 2005: Mechatronics, Mems, and Smart Materials Proc Spie@Icmit 2007: Mechatronics, Mems, and Smart Materials, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins@Icmit 2007: Mechatronics, Mems, and Smart Materials, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie3Icmit 2009: Mechatronics and Information Technology Proc Spie_Icms2009: Proceedings of The Second International Conference On Modelling and Simulation, Vol 5Modelling SimulationgIcms2010: Proceedings of The Third International Conference On Modelling and Simulation Icms2010, Vol 3Modelling SimulationgIcms2010: Proceedings of The Third International Conference On Modelling and Simulation Icms2010, Vol 5Modelling Simulation^Icms2010: Proceedings of The Third International Conference On Modelling and Simulation, Vol 1Modelling Simulation^Icms2010: Proceedings of The Third International Conference On Modelling and Simulation, Vol 2Modelling Simulation]Icms2010:proceedings of The Third International Conference On Modelling and Simulation, Vol 4Modelling Simulation^Icms2010: Proceedings of The Third International Conference On Modelling and Simulation, Vol 6Modelling Simulation6Icms: International Conference On Mathematical Science Aip Conf Proc;Icmt '07: International Conference On Military TechnologiesIcmt-int Conf Milit:Icmt'09: International Conference On Military TechnologiesIcmt-int Conf MilitGIcnn - 1996 Ieee International Conference On Neural Networks, Vols. 1-4 Ieee IjcnnIcnp in Europe: Telenurse St Heal TIcn-uci Conferences in Virology Icn Uci C VIco20: Biomedical OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Ico20: Display Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Ico20: Illumination, Radiation, and Color TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Ico20: Lasers and Laser TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Ico20: Materials and NanostructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Ico20: Materials and Nanostructures Proc SpieIco20: Mem, Moems, and NemsP Soc Photo-opt InsIco20: Mem, Moems, and Nems Proc SpieIco20: Optical CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Ico20: Optical Design and FabricationP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Ico20: Optical Information Processing, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Ico20: Optical Information Processing, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie6Ico20: Remote Sensing and Infrared Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Icon-international Journal of Constitutional LawIcon-int J Const LawYIcono 2001: Fundamental Aspects of Laser-matter Interaction and Physics of NanostructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsYIcono 2001: Fundamental Aspects of Laser-matter Interaction and Physics of Nanostructures Proc SpieQIcono 2001: Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Nonlinear Dynamics of Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsQIcono 2001: Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Nonlinear Dynamics of Optical Systems Proc SpieIcono 2001: Novel Trends in Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics and Laser in Chemistry, Biophysics, and BiomedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsIcono 2001: Novel Trends in Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics and Laser in Chemistry, Biophysics, and Biomedicine Proc SpieIcono 2001: Quantum and Atomic Optics, High-precision Measurements in Optics, and Optical Information Processing, Transmission, and StorageP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Icono 2001: Ultrafast Phenomena and Strong Laser FieldsP Soc Photo-opt InsjIcono 2005: Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy, High Precision Measurements, and Laser Biomedicine and ChemistryP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Icono 2005: Nonlinear Optical PhenomenaP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Icono 2005: Nonlinear Optical Phenomena Proc Spie)Icono 2005: Nonlinear Space-time DynamicsP Soc Photo-opt InsXIcono 2005: Novel Photonics Materials: Physics and Optical Diagnostics of NanostructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsXIcono 2005: Novel Photonics Materials: Physics and Optical Diagnostics of Nanostructures Proc SpieIcono 2005: Ultrafast Phenomena and Physics of Superintense Laser Fields; Quantum and Atom Optics; Engineering of Quantum InformationP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Icono 2007: Coherent and Nonlinear Optical PhenomenaP Soc Photo-opt Ins~Icono 2007: Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy and High-precision Measurements; and Fundamentals of Laser Chemistry and BiophotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins~Icono 2007: Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy and High-precision Measurements; and Fundamentals of Laser Chemistry and Biophotonics Proc Spie)Icono 2007: Nonlinear Space-time DynamicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Icono 2007: Nonlinear Space-time Dynamics Proc SpieWIcono 2007: Novel Photonics Materials; Optics and Optical Diagnostics of NanostructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsIcono 2007: Physics of Intense and Superintense Laser Fields; Attosecond Pulses; Quantum and Atomic Optics; and Engineering of Quantum InformationLect Notes Comput ScEIcono 2010: International Conference On Coherent and Nonlinear Optics Proc SpieIcono '98: Fundamental Aspects of Laser-matter Interaction and New Nonlinear Optical Materials and Physics of Low-dimensional StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsIcono '98: Fundamental Aspects of Laser-matter Interaction and New Nonlinear Optical Materials and Physics of Low-dimensional Structures Proc SpiedIcono '98: Quantum Optics, Interference Phenomena in Atomic Systems, and High-precision MeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt InsdIcono '98: Quantum Optics, Interference Phenomena in Atomic Systems, and High-precision Measurements Proc SpieIcono '98: Ultrafast Phenomena and Interaction of Superstrong Laser Fields With Matter: Nonlinear Optics and High-field PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt InsIconographia DiatomologicaIconogr DiatomolIconography At The CrossroadsIndex Christ Art Oc2Icono - Solid State Lasers and New Laser MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsYIcoscm 2007 - International Conference On Operations and Supply Chain Management in ChinaSer Oper Supp Ch MangIcoscm 2009 - Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference On Operations and Supply Chain ManagementSer Oper Supp Ch Man,Icotom 14: Textures of Materials, Pts 1and 2Mater Sci ForumIcp Business Software ReviewIcp Bus Softw RevSIcpc 2007: 15th Ieee International Conference On Program Comprehension, ProceedingsInt C Program CompreFIcpc: 2009 Ieee 17th International Conference On Program ComprehensionInt C Program CompreIcp Software Business ReviewIcp Bus Softw RevMIcra: 2009 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Vols 1-7Ieee Int Conf RobotKIcse 05: 27th International Conference On Software Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf SoftwMIcse 2004: 26th International Conference On Software Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf SoftwMIcse 2007: 29th International Conference On Software Engineering, ProceedingsProc Int Conf SoftwXIcsm 2005: Proceedings of The 21st Ieee International Conference On Software MaintenanceProc Ieee Int Conf SRIcsm 2006: 22nd Ieee International Conference On Software Maintenance, ProceedingsProc Ieee Int Conf SIcsu Press Symposium Icsu PressaIctai 2001: 13th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools Art`Ictai 2004: 16th Ieee Internationalconference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtaIctai 2005: 17th Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtbIctai-2006: Eighteenth International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtOIctai: 2009 21st International Conference On Tools With Artificial IntelligenceProc Int C Tools Art2Ict for Education, Development, and Social JusticeCurr Persp Appl Inf%Icton Mediterranean Winter ConferenceIcton Medit Win ConfIctp Lecture Notes SeriesIctp Lect Notes"Ictp Series in Theoretical Physics Ictp S Theo-Icts, Citizens and Governance: After The HypeInnov Public SectIct Task Force SeriesIct Task Force SeraIcupc '98 - Ieee 1998 International Conference On Universal Personal Communications, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Int Conf UpcIcy Bodies of The Solar SystemIau Symp P SeriesIdaacs'2001: Proceedings of The International Workshop On Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and ApplicationInt Worksh Int DataIdaacs'2003: Proceedings of The Second Ieee International Workshop On Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and ApplicationsInt Worksh Int DataIdaacs 2007: Proceedings of The 4th Ieee Workshop On Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and ApplicationsInt Worksh Int Data.Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinIdaho Aes Bull@Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Current Information SeriesIdaho Aes Curr Infor7Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Research BulletinIdaho Aes Res Bull,Idaho Cooperative Extension Service BulletinIdaho Coop Ext S Bul=Idealism Without Limits: Hegel and The Problem of ObjectivityPhilos Stud ContempIdealistic StudiesIdealistic Stud&Idealization Xiii: Modeling in HistoryPoznan Stud Philos SKIdeal of Public Service: Reflections On The Higher Civil Service in BritainRoutl Stud Gov PublfIdeal Sequence Design in Time-frequency Space: Applications to Radar, Sonar, and Communication SystemsAppl Numer Harmon An Ideal SpacesLect Notes Math.Ideal Theoretic Methods in Commutative AlgebraLect Notes Pure Appl Idea of Humanity in A Global EraPalg Mac Transnat HIdea of ValuesIdeas Under World[Ideas 2007: 11th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, ProceedingsInt Database Eng App2Ideas and Options in English for Specific PurposesEsl Appl Ling ProfIdeas and Production Ideas ProdIdeas of Difference Soc Rev Mon8Ideas, Policies and Economic Development in The AmericasRoutl Stud Dev EconIdeas Underlying World ProblemsIdeas Under WorldIdeas Y Valores Ideas ValoresIdea to Product Serono SympIdeen & ArgumenteIdeen Argumente,Ideggyogyaszati Szemle-clinical NeuroscienceIdeggyogy Szemle,Ideggyogyaszati Szemle-clinical NeuroscienceIdeggyogy SzleIde-jetro Series Ide Jetro SerIde-jetro Series Ide-jetro Ser/Idempotent Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Contemp MathOIdenfificaiton of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks and Polynomial ModelsLect Notes Contr Inf[Identification and Characterization of Neural Progenitor Cells in The Adult Mammalian BrainAdv Anat Embryol CelPIdentification and Control in Systems Governed By Partial Differential Equations Siam Proc SYIdentification and Quantification of Drugs, Metabolites and Metabolizing Enzymes By Lc-msProg Ph Bio AnalAIdentification and System Parameter Estimation 1991, Vols 1 and 2Ifac Symp Series:Identification of Continuous-time Models From Sampled DataAdv Ind ControlLIdentification of Damage Using Lamb Waves: From Fundamentals to ApplicationsLect Notes Appl Comp+Identification of Defects in SemiconductorsSemiconduct Semimet Identification of Textile FibersWoodhead Publ Text1Identification of The Cf ( Cystic Fibrosis ) GeneAdv Exp Med Biol*Identifikationssysteme Und AutomatisierungVDI-Buch4Identifiying, Assessing, and Treating Ptsd At SchoolDev Psychopathol Sch3Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Adhd At SchoolDev Psychopathol Sch?Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Conduct Disorder At SchoolDev Psychopathol Sch7Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Dyslexia At SchoolDev Psychopathol SchHIdentifying, Assessing, and Treating Early Onset Schizophrenia At SchoolDev Psychopathol Sch3Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Ptsd At SchoolDev Psychopathol Sch:Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Self-injury At SchoolDev Psychopathol Sch6Identifying Malicious Code Through Reverse EngineeringAdv Inform SecurEIdentifying The Needs of Drug-affected Children: Public Policy Issues Osap Prev M%Identitat, Institutionen Und OkonomiePolit VierteljahressIdentities At WorkTech Vocat Ed Train.Identities-global Studies in Culture and PowerIdentities-glob StudIdentities On The Move Stud Cult SocDIdentity and Global Politics: Theoretical and Empirical ElaborationsCult Relig Int Relat.Identity and Marginality Among New Australians Relig Soc5Identity and Privacy in The Internet Age, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SceIdentity and Second Language Learning: Culture, Inquiry and Dialogic Activity in Educational ContextsContemp Lang Stud EdIdentity-based CryptographyCryptol Inf Sec SerIIdentity for Europe: The Relevance of Multiculturalism in Eu ConstructionSci Po Ser Int RelatIdentity in EducationFuture Minor Stud9Identity, Interests and Attitudes to European IntegrationPalgrave Stud Eur Un:Identity in The 21st Century: New Trends in Changing TimesIdentity Stud Soc ScIdentity Issues in GroupsRes Manag Group TeamIdentity Issues in GroupsRes Manag Grp Team9Identity Management : Concepts, Technologies, and SystemsArtech Hse Inf SecurUIdentity Politics in The Age of Genocide: The Holocaust and Historical RepresentationRoutl Adv Int RelatIdentity Politics ReconsideredFuture Minor Stud'Identity Studies in The Social SciencesIdentity Stud Soc Sc2Identity Tourism: Imaging and Imagining The NationTour Soc Sci SerIdeologies Across NationsLang Power Soc ProceIdeology & ConsciousnessIcIdeology and Status of SanskritBrills Indol LibIdimt 2004, ProceedingsSchriften Informatik Idimt-2005Schriften Informatik Idimt-2006Schriften Informatik Idimt-2007Schriften Informatik%Idimt-2008: Managing The UnmanageableSchriften Informatik5Idimt-2009: System and Humans, A Complex RelationshipSchriften InformatikIIdimt-2010: Information Technology - Human Values, Innovation and EconomySchriften InformatikbIdiosyncratic Adverse Drug Reactions : Impact On Drug Development and Clinical Use After Marketing Int Congr Ser)Idiotype Networks in Biology and Medicine Int Congr SerIdojarasIdojarasIdrugsIdrugs-Ids Bulletin-institute of Development StudiesIds Bull-i Dev StudI E A Conference Volume Iea Conf VolIea Conference Volume Iea Conf VolZIea Implementing Agreement for A Programme of Research and Development On Fusion Materials K F K ReportsbIecec 96 - Proceedings of The 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Vols 1-4 Proc IececUIecon'01: 27th Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1-3 Ieee Ind ElechIecon'03: The 29th Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1 - 3, Proceedings Ieee Ind ElecWIecon 2000: 26th Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1-4 Ieee Ind ElecoIecon-2002: Proceedings of The 2002 28th Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1-4 Ieee Ind ElecTIecon 2004 - 30th Annual Conference of Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1-3 Ieee Ind Elec_Iecon 2005: Thirty-first Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1-3 Ieee Ind ElecMIecon 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference On Ieee Industrial Electronics, Vols 1-11 Ieee Ind ElecoIecon 2007: 33rd Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1-3, Conference Proceedings Ieee Ind ElecdIecon 2008: 34th Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1-5, Proceedings Ieee Ind ElecMIecon 2010: 36th Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society Ieee Ind EleciIecon '94 - 20th International Conference On Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, Vol 1-3 Ieee Ind ElecIecon '97 - Proceedings of The 23rd International Conference On Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Vols. 1-4 Ieee Ind ElecjIecon '98 - Proceedings of The 24th Annual Conference of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, Vols 1-4 Ieee Ind ElecIee Conference Publications Iee Conf PublmIeee 17th International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf Asap7Ieee 1990 Ultrasonics Symposium : Proceedings, Vols 1-3Ultrason@Ieee 1991 Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conf Ieee Text F;Ieee 1991 Ultrasonics Symposium : Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2UltrasonFIeee 1992 Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference Ieee Text F;Ieee 1992 Ultrasonics Symposium : Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2UltrasonFIeee 1993 Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference Ieee Text FWIeee 1993 Microwave and Millimeter-wave Monolithic Circuits Symposium: Digest of PapersDig Pap Ieee Microw9Ieee 1993 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2UltrasonEIeee 1996 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference - Naecon 1996Proc Naecon Ieee NatEIeee 1997 Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real AnnEIeee 1998 Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real Ann=Ieee 2000 Eighth International Workshop On Quality of ServiceInt Worksh Qual Serv(Ieee 2000 Tencon Proceedings, Vols I-iiiTencon Ieee RegionOIeee 54th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vtc Fall 2001, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh TechnolQIeee 55th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vtc Spring 2002, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh TechnolOIeee 56th Vehicular Technology Conference, Vtc Fall 2002, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh Technol8Ieee 89 International Conference On Consumer Electronics Ieee IcceCIeee Acm Ifip Workshop On Embedded Systems for Real Time MultimediaEmb Syst Real Time MCIeee Acm International Conference On Automated Software EngineeringIeee Int Conf AutomcIeee/acm International Conference On Computer-aided Design Digest of Technical Papers, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Ic CadUIeee Acm International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real Time ApplicationsIeee Acm Dis SimUIeee Acm International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real-time ApplicationsIeee Acm Dis SimUIeee/acm International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real-time ApplicationsIeee Acm Dis SimAIeee-acm Transactions On Computational Biology and BioinformaticsIeee Acm T Comput BiAIeee-acm Transactions On Computational Biology and BioinformaticsIeee-acm T Comput BiBIeee-acm Transactions On Computational Biology and BioinformatiocsIeee-acm T Comput Bi#Ieee-acm Transactions On NetworkingIeee Acm T Network.Ieee Aerospace and Electronic Systems MagazineIeee Aero El Sys Mag%Ieee Aerospace Conference ProceedingsAerosp Conf Proc Ieee Africon Ieee Africon'Ieee Annals of The History of ComputingIeee Ann Hist Comput.Ieee Annual Ieee Software Engineering WorkshopIeee Annu Softw EngAIeee Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference Ieee Text F1Ieee Annual Textile Industry Technical Conference Ieee A Text&Ieee Antennas and Propagation MagazineIeee Antenn Propag M&Ieee Antennas and Propagation MagazineIeee Antennas Propag=Ieee Antennas and Propagation Society International SymposiumIeee Antennas PropMIeee Antennas and Propagation Society, International Symposium 1993, Vols 1-3 Ieee Ap-sNIeee Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1994, Vols I-iii Ieee Ap-srIeee Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium - Antennas: Gateways to The Global Network, Vols 1-4 Ieee Ap-s.Ieee Antennas and Wireless Propagation LettersIeee Antenn Wirel Pr1Ieee Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition WorkshopIeee App Img Pat(Ieee Ap-s International Symposium Digest Ieee Ap-sJIeee Asian Solid-state Circuits Conference Proceedings of Technical PapersIeee Asian Solid Sta&Ieee-asme Transactions On MechatronicsIeee-asme T MechIeee AutotestconIeee Autotestcon#Ieee Cement Industry Technical ConfIeee Cem Ind Tech CoIeee Circuits & DevicesIeee Circuits Device"Ieee Circuits and Devices MagazineIeee Circuit Devic"Ieee Circuits and Systems MagazineIeee Circ Syst MagIeee Communications LettersIeee Commun LettIeee Communications MagazineIeee Commun Mag)Ieee Communications Surveys and TutorialsIeee Commun Surv TutIeee Compcon 97, Proceedings Compcon IeeejIeee Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium - 2006 Ieee Csic Symposium, Technical Digest 2006Comp Semicond IntegrIIeee Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium Technical DigestComp Semicond Integr(Ieee Computational Intelligence MagazineIeee Comput Intell M(Ieee Computational Science & EngineeringIeee Comput Sci Eng#Ieee Computer Applications in PowerIeee Comput Appl Pow"Ieee Computer Architecture LettersIeee Comp Archit L"Ieee Computer Architecture LettersIeee Comput Archit L'Ieee Computer Graphics and ApplicationsIeee Comput GraphIeee Computer Group NewsIeee Comput Group N2Ieee Computer Society Workshop On Visual Languages Ieee VislangIeee Concurrency Ieee Concurr:Ieee Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionProc Cvpr IeeeNIeee Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Proceedings, Vol IProc Cvpr IeeeOIeee Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Proceedings, Vol IiProc Cvpr Ieee6Ieee Conference On Cybernetics and Intelligent SystemsConf Cybern Intell S'Ieee Conference On Decision and ControlIeee Decis Contr P5Ieee Conference On Decision and Control - ProceedingsIeee Decis Contr P<Ieee Conference On Electron Devices and Solid-state CircuitsIeee C Elec Devices:Ieee Conference On Industrial Electronics and ApplicationsC Ind Elect Appl:Ieee Conference On Information Visualization - ProceedingsIeee Infor Vis Ieee Conference On Visualization Ieee VisualIeee Conference Record Ieee Conf RRIeee Conference Record of 2007 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference Ieee Pulp PRIeee Conference Record of 2009 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference Ieee Pulp PMIeee Conference Record of Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference Ieee Pulp P)Ieee Congress On Evolutionary ComputationIeee C Evol Computat6Ieee Consumer Communications and Networking ConferenceConsum Comm NetworkIeee Control Systems MagazineIeee Contr Syst MagAIeee Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in IsraelIeee Conv El Elect IFIeee/cpmt International Electronics Manufacturing Technology SymposiumIeee/cpmt Int El MfgSIeee/cpmt/semi(r) 28th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology SymposiumIeee/cpmt Int El Mfg*Ieee Custom Integrated Circuits ConferenceIeee Cust Integr Cir/Ieee Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 2010Ieee Cust Integr Cir Ieee Data Compression ConferenceIeee Data Compr ConfIeee Design & Test of ComputersIeee Des Test Comput#Ieee Electrical Insulation MagazineIeee Electr Insul M3Ieee Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium RecordIeee Electroman CompIeee Electron Device LettersIeee Electr Device L1Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology MagazineIeee Eng Med BiolIIeee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference (embs)Eng Med Biol Soc AnnGIeee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference ProceedingsIeee Eng Med Bio4Ieee Expert-intelligent Systems & Their Applications Ieee ExpertPIeee Forum On Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries, ProceedingsP Ieee Int Forum Res*Ieee Geoscience and Remote Sensing LettersIeee Geosci Remote S4Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference (globecom)Glob Telecomm Conf1Ieee High Assurance Systems Engineering SymposiumIeee Hi Ass Sys EngrJIeee-ias/pca 2001 Cement Industry Technical Conference - Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech CoIIeee-ias/pca 2002 Cement Industry Technical Conference, Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech CoIIeee-ias/pca 2003 Cement Industry Technical Conference, Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech CoIIeee-ias/pca 2004 Cement Industry Technical Conference, Conference RecordIeee Cem Ind Tech Co'Ieee-ias Pca Cement Industry ConferenceIeee Cem Ind Tech Co'Ieee-ias/pca Cement Industry ConferenceIeee Cem Ind Tech Co5Ieee Ifip Network Operations and Management SymposiumIeee Ifip Netw Oper$Ieee Industrial Electronics MagazineIee Ind Electron M$Ieee Industrial Electronics MagazineIeee Ind Electron M#Ieee Industrial Electronics Society Ieee Ind Elec#Ieee Industry Applications MagazineIeee Ind Appl Mag1Ieee Industry Applications Society Annual MeetingIeee Ind Applic Soc Ieee InfocomIeee Infocom SerSIeee Infocom 2001: The Conference On Computer Communications, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee Infocom SerSIeee Infocom 2002: The Conference On Computer Communications, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee Infocom SerSIeee Infocom 2003: The Conference On Computer Communications, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee Infocom SerSIeee Infocom 2004: The Conference On Computer Communications, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Infocom SerSIeee Infocom 2005: The Conference On Computer Communications, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Infocom SerHIeee Infocom 2009 - Ieee Conference On Computer Communications, Vols 1-5Ieee Infocom SerIeee Infocom 90, Vols 1-3Ieee Infocom SerPIeee Infocom 91, The Conference On Computer Communications, Proceedings Vols 1-3Ieee Infocom SerQIeee Infocom 92 - The Conference On Computer Communications, Proceedings Vols 1-3Ieee Infocom SerRIeee Infocom 93 : The Conference On Computer Communications, Proceedings, Vols 1-3Ieee Infocom SeryIeee Infocom '94: The Conference On Computer Communications - Networking for Global Communications, Proceedings, Vols 1-3Ieee Infocom SersIeee Infocom '95 - The Conference On Computer Communications: Bringing Information to People, Proceedings, Vols 1-3Ieee Infocom SerIeee Infocom '96 - Fifteenth Annual Joint Conference of The Ieee Computer and Communications Societies: Networking The Next Generation, Proceedings Vols 1-3Ieee Infocom SerSIeee Infocom '97 - The Conference On Computer Communications, Proceedings, Vols 1-3Ieee Infocom SerGIeee Infocom '98 - The Conference On Computer Communications, Vols. 1-3Ieee Infocom SerSIeee Infocom '99 - The Conference On Computer Communications, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee Infocom SerIeee Infocom SeriesIeee Infocom Ser+Ieee Instrumentation & Measurement MagazineIeee Instru Meas MagEIeee Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference, Proceedings Ieee Imtc P:Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Ieee Imtc PIeee Intelligent SystemsIeee Intell Syst-Ieee Intelligent Systems & Their ApplicationsIeee Intell Syst App#Ieee Intelligent Vehicles SymposiumIeee Int Veh SymZIeee International Conference On Application-specific Systems Architectures and ProcessorsIeee Int Conf Asap[Ieee International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architectures and ProcessorsIeee Int Conf AsaphIeee International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf AsapiIeee International Conference On Application-specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors, ProceedingsIeee Int Conf Asap?Ieee International Conference On Automated Software EngineeringIeee Int Conf Autom2Ieee International Conference On Cluster ComputingIeee Int C Cl Comp/Ieee International Conference On CommunicationsIeee Icc6Ieee International Conference On Computer-aided Design Ieee Ic CadEIeee International Conference On Computer Communications and NetworksIeee Ic Comp Com Net]Ieee International Conference On Computer Design: Vlsi in Computers & Processors, ProceedingsPr Ieee Comp Design_Ieee International Conference On Computer Design: Vlsi in Computers and Processors, ProceedingsPr Ieee Comp Design0Ieee International Conference On Computer VisionIeee I Conf Comp Vis<Ieee International Conference On Control and Automation IccaIeee Int Conf Con Au5Ieee International Conference On Control ApplicationsIeee Intl Conf Contr1Ieee International Conference On Data EngineeringProc Int Conf Data:Ieee International Conference On Data Engineering WorkshopI C Data Engin Works,Ieee International Conference On Data MiningIeee Data Mining9Ieee International Conference On Development and LearningInt C Devel Learn3Ieee International Conference On Dielectric LiquidsI C Dielect LiquidsDIeee International Conference On Digital Ecosystems and TechnologiesI C Digit Ecosyst Te>Ieee International Conference On Distributed Computing SystemsInt Con Distr Comp SHIeee International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems WorkshopsIeee Int Con DisBIeee International Conference On Electronics, Circuits and SystemsIeee I C Elect CircZIeee International Conference On Embedded and Real-time Computing Systems and ApplicationsIeee Int Conf EmbedLIeee International Conference On Engineering Complex Computer Systems-iceccsIeee Int C Eng Comp.Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy SystemsIeee Int Conf Fuzzy:Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems (fuzz-ieee)Ieee Int Conf Fuzzy6Ieee International Conference On Image Processing IcipIeee Image Proc8Ieee International Conference On Image Processing (icip)Ieee Image Proc=Ieee International Conference On Industrial Informatics IndinIeee Intl Conf Ind I?Ieee International Conference On Industrial Informatics (indin)Ieee Intl Conf Ind I:Ieee International Conference On Information VisualisationIeee Int Con Inf Vis:Ieee International Conference On Information VisualizationIeee Int Conf Inf Vi?Ieee International Conference On Intelligent Robots and SystemsIeee Int C Int Robot@Ieee International Conference On Microelectronic Test StructuresIeee Int C Microelec4Ieee International Conference On Multimedia and ExpoIeee Int Con Multi?Ieee International Conference On Networking Sensing and ControlIeee Int C Netw Sens@Ieee International Conference On Networking, Sensing and ControlIeee Int C Netw Sens>Ieee International Conference On Network Protocols ProceedingsI C Network Protocol5Ieee International Conference On Networks ProceedingsIeee Int Conf Networ8Ieee International Conference On Robotics and AutomationIeee Int Conf Robot=Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation IcraIeee Int Conf Robot=Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation-icraIeee Int Conf RobotBIeee International Conference On Software Maintenance, ProceedingsProc Ieee Int Conf S7Ieee International Conference On Solid Dielectrics-icsdIeee Int C Sol DielVIeee International Conference On Systems, Man, and Cybernatics, Conference ProceedingsIeee Sys Man CybernSIeee International Conference On Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference ProceedingsIeee Sys Man CybernVIeee International Conference On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Conference ProceedingsIeee Sys Man CybernHIeee International Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics (smc 2010)Ieee Sys Man CybernBIeee International Conference On Universal Personal CommunicationsIeee Int Conf Upc/Ieee International Conf On Consumer Electronics Ieee IcceBIeee International Electron Devices Meeting 2005, Technical DigestInt El Devices MeetBIeee International Electron Devices Meeting 2008, Technical DigestInt El Devices MeetJIeee International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference EdocIeee Edoc ConfLIeee International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (edoc) ConferenceIeee Edoc ConfgIeee International Forum On Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries -adl'98-, ProceedingsP Ieee Int Forum Res.Ieee International Frequency Control SymposiumP Ieee Int Freq ContAIeee International High Level Design Validation and Test WorkshopInt High Level Desig?Ieee International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final ReportInt Integ Rel Wrksp>Ieee International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (ijcnn) Ieee IjcnnOIeee International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference (ipccc) Ieee IpcccHIeee International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference IpemcIeee Int Power Elec!Ieee International Soc ConferenceIeee Int Soc Conf.Ieee International Soc Conference, ProceedingsIeee Int Soc Conf!Ieee International Soi ConferenceIeee Int Soi Conf2Ieee International Solid State Circuits ConferenceIsscc Dig Tech Pap I/Ieee International Symp On Circuits and SystemsIeee Int Symp Circ S>Ieee International Symposium On Applications of FerroelectricsIeee Int FerroSIeee International Symposium On A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia NetworksI S World Wirel Mobi2Ieee International Symposium On Biomedical ImagingI S Biomed Imaging4Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and SystemsIeee Int Symp Circ S>Ieee International Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems Comp Med SyIIeee International Symposium On Computers and Communications, ProceedingsIeee Symp Comp Commu4Ieee International Symposium On Consumer ElectronicsI Symp Consum ElectrJIeee International Symposium On Defect and Fault Tolerance in Vlsi SystemsInt Sym Defec Fau ToJIeee International Symposium On Defect and Fault-tolerance in Vlsi SystemsInt Sym Defec Fau ToXIeee International Symposium On Defect and Fault Tolerance in Vlsi Systems - ProceedingsIeee Int Symp DefectWIeee International Symposium On Defect and Fault Tolerance in Vlsi Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int Symp DefectTIeee International Symposium On Defect and Fault Tolerance Vlsi Systems, ProceedingsInt Sym Defec Fau ToHIeee International Symposium On Electrical Insulation. Conference RecordIeee Int Sym Elec InDIeee International Symposium On Electronics and The Environment-iseeIeee Int Symp ElectrDIeee International Symposium On Geoscience and Remote Sensing IgarssInt Geosci Remote SeFIeee International Symposium On Geoscience and Remote Sensing (igarss)Int Geosci Remote Se2Ieee International Symposium On Information TheoryIeee Int Symp Info3Ieee International Symposium On Intelligent ControlIeee Int Symp Intell.Ieee International Symposium On Multimedia-ismIeee Int Sym MultimSIeee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and Software-ispassInt Sym Perform AnalhIeee International Symposium On Precision Clock Synchronization for Meaurement Control and CommunicationI S Precis Clock Syn8Ieee International Symposium On Rapid System PrototypingP Ieee Rap Syst ProtHIeee International Symposium On Sustainable Systems and Technology IssstIeee I Symp Sust SysHIeee International Symposium On Sustainable Systems and Technology-issstIeee I Symp Sust Sys6Ieee International Symposium On Technology and SocietyInt Symp Technol Soc2Ieee International Symposium On Wearable ComputersIeee Int Sym Wrbl Co2Ieee International Symposium On Web Site EvolutionIeee Intl Sympos Web5Ieee International Vacuum Electronics Conference IvecIeee Int Vac Elect C=Ieee International Workshop On Imaging Systems and TechniquesI W Imag Syst Techni}Ieee International Workshop On Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems-technology and Applications-idaacsInt Worksh Int DataDIeee International Workshop On Medical Measurements and ApplicationsIeee Int Work Med MeZIeee International Workshop On Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis VissoftIeee Int Work Vis SooIeee International Workshops On Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises ProceedingsIeee Enabl TechnolIeee Internet ComputingIeee Internet Comput3Ieee-ion Position Location and Navigation SymposiumIeee Position LocattIeee Joint Conference On E-commerce Technology (cec'08) and Enterprise Computing, E-commerce and E-services (eee'08)I W Adv Iss E Commer#Ieee Journal of Oceanic EngineeringIeee J Oceanic Eng#Ieee Journal of Quantum ElectronicsIeee J Quantum Elect'Ieee Journal of Robotics and AutomationIeee T Robotic AutomPIeee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing Ieee J-stars6Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum ElectronicsIeee J Sel Top Quant4Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing Ieee J-stsp$Ieee Journal of Solid-state CircuitsIeee J Solid-st Circ0Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in CommunicationsIeee J Sel Area Comm<Ieee Lasers and Electro-optics Society (leos) Annual MeetingIeee Leos Ann MtgIeee Latin America Transactions Ieee Lat Am TlIeee/leos 1996 Summer Topical Meetings - Advanced Applications of Lasers in Materials and Processing, DigestIeee Leos Ann Mtg6Ieee Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference-meleconIeee Mediterr Elect Ieee Micro Ieee Micro&Ieee Microwave and Guided Wave LettersIeee Microw Guided W?Ieee Microwave and Millimeter-wave Monolithic Circuits SymposiaDig Pap Ieee Microw.Ieee Microwave and Wireless Components LettersIeee Microw Wirel CoIeee Microwave MagazineIeee Microw Mag'Ieee Military Communications ConferenceIeee Milit Commun C?Ieee Military Communications Conference - Proceedings, Vols 1-3Ieee Milit Commun C,Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave SymposiumIeee Mtt S Int Micr,Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Ieee Mtt-s3Ieee Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest Ieee Mtt-sIeee MultimediaIeee MultimediaWIeee Mwscas'06: Proceedings of The 2006 49th Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems,Midwest Symp Circuit^Ieee Mwscas'06: Proceedings of The 2006 49th Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, Vol IiMidwest Symp Circuit2Ieee National Aerospace and Electronics ConferenceProc Naecon Ieee Nat:Ieee National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, NaeconProc Naecon Ieee Nat*Ieee National Radar Conference ProceedingsIeee Natl Radar Conf Ieee Network Ieee Network2Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium - Conference RecordIeee Nucl Sci Conf R0Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium Conference RecordIeee Nucl Sci Conf R'Ieee Oes Autonomous Underwater VehiclesIeee Auto Under Veh'Ieee/oes Autonomous Underwater VehiclesIeee Auto Under VehNIeee Pacific Rim Conference On Communications, Computers and Signal Processing Ieee PacifuIeee Pacific Rim Conference On Communications, Computers and Signal Processing : Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Pacif]Ieee Pacific Rim Conference On Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings Ieee PacifjIeee Pacific Rim Conference On Communications, Computers and Signal Processing : Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Pacif&Ieee Parallel & Distributed TechnologyIeee Parall Distrib$Ieee Particle Accelerator ConferenceIeee Part Acc ConfIeee Personal CommunicationsIeee Pers CommunIeee Pervasive ComputingIeee Pervas ComputIeee Photonics JournalIeee Photonics J!Ieee Photonics Technology LettersIeee Photonic Tech L(Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists ConferenceIeee Phot Spec ConfIeee PotentialsIeee PotentialsIeee Power & Energy MagazineIeee Power Energy M2Ieee Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2010Ieee Pow Ener Soc Ge3Ieee Power and Energy Society General Meeting PesgmIeee Pow Ener Soc Ge3Ieee Power and Energy Society General Meeting-pesgmIeee Pow Ener Soc Ge5Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference RecordsIeee Power Electron.Ieee Power Engineering Society General MeetingIeee Power Eng SocIeee Radar Conference Ieee Rad Conf!Ieee Radio and Wireless SymposiumIeee Radio Wireless2Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits SymposiumIeee Rad Freq Integr#Ieee Robotics & Automation MagazineIeee Robot Autom MagTIeee/rsj 2010 International Conference On Intelligent Robots and Systems (iros 2010)Ieee Int C Int RobotIeee Sarnoff SymposiumIeee Sarnoff SymposIeee Security & PrivacyIeee Secur Priv Ieee Sensors Ieee SensorIeee Sensors Journal Ieee Sens JIeee Signal Processing LettersIeee Signal Proc LetIeee Signal Processing MagazineIeee Signal Proc Mag Ieee Software Ieee Software-Ieee Southeastcon 2010: Energizing Our FutureIeee Southeastcon*Ieee Southeastcon - Conference ProceedingsIeee South RecordIeee Southeastcon-proceedingsIeee Southeastcon Ieee Spectrum Ieee Spectrum!Ieee Symposium On Artificial LifeIeee Symp Art Life3Ieee Symposium On Computers and Communications IsccIeee Symp Comp CommuKIeee Symposium On Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and SystemsDes Diag Elec Circ S+Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science Ieee S Log&Ieee Symposium On Mass Storage SystemsIeee Sym Mass Stor4Ieee Symposium On Mass Storage Systems - ProceedingsIeee S Mass Stor Sys&Ieee Symposium On Security and PrivacyP Ieee S Secur Priv9Ieee Symposium On Visual Analytics Science and TechnologyIeee S Vis AnalKIeee Symposium On Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2008, ProceedingsIeee S Vis AnalIeee Systems Journal Ieee Syst J$Ieee Technology and Society MagazineIeee Technol Soc Mag]Ieee Tencon 2003: Conference On Convergent Technologies for The Asia-pacific Region, Vols 1-4Tencon Ieee RegionNIeee Tencon'97 - Ieee Regional 10 Annual Conference, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Tencon Ieee Region;Ieee Transactions On Acoustics Speech and Signal ProcessingIeee T Acoust Speech'Ieee Transactions On Advanced PackagingIeee T Adv Packaging'Ieee Transactions On Advanced PackagingIeee Trans Adv PackIeee Transactions On Aerospace Ieee T Aerosp5Ieee Transactions On Aerospace and Electronic SystemsIeee T Aero Elec Sys4Ieee Transactions On Aerospace and Naval ElectronicsIeee T Aero Nav Elec;Ieee Transactions On Aerospace and Navigational ElectronicsIeee Trans Aerosp N-Ieee Transactions On Antennas and PropagationIeee T Antenn Propag.Ieee Transactions On Applications and IndustryIeee T Appl Ind.Ieee Transactions On Applied SuperconductivityIeee T Appl SuperconIeee Transactions On AudioIeee Trans Audio/Ieee Transactions On Audio and ElectroacousticsIeee T Acoust Speech9Ieee Transactions On Audio Speech and Language ProcessingIeee T Audio Speech&Ieee Transactions On Automatic ControlIeee T Automat Contr7Ieee Transactions On Automation Science and EngineeringIeee T Autom Sci Eng2Ieee Transactions On Autonomous Mental DevelopmentIeee T Auton Ment De4Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Circuits and SystemsIeee T Biomed Circ S+Ieee Transactions On Biomedical EngineeringIeee T Bio-med Eng7Ieee Transactions On Broadcast and Television ReceiversIeee T Broadc Telev!Ieee Transactions On BroadcastingIeee T Broadcast)Ieee Transactions On Circuits and SystemsIeee T Circuits Syst>Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems for Video TechnologyIeee T Circ Syst VidOIeee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I-fundamental Theory and ApplicationsIeee T Circuits-iQIeee Transactions On Circuits and Systems Ii-analog and Digital Signal ProcessingIeee T Circuits-ii;Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems Ii-express BriefsIeee T Circuits-ii:Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I-regular PapersIeee T Circuits-i#Ieee Transactions On Circuit TheoryIeee T Circuits Syst2Ieee Transactions On Communication and ElectronicsIeee T Commun Electr#Ieee Transactions On Communications Ieee T Commun+Ieee Transactions On Communications SystemsIeee T Commun Syst-Ieee Transactions On Communication TechnologyIeee T Commun Techn$Ieee Transactions On Component PartsIeee T Compon Parts:Ieee Transactions On Components and Packaging TechnologiesIeee T Compon Pack TDIeee Transactions On Components Hybrids and Manufacturing TechnologyIeee T Compon HybrFIeee Transactions On Components Packaging and Manufacturing TechnologyIeee T Comp Pack ManMIeee Transactions On Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Part AIeee T Compon Pack A`Ieee Transactions On Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Part B-advanced PackagingIeee T Compon Pack B?Ieee Transactions On Computational Intelligence and Ai in GamesIeee T Comp Intel AiMIeee Transactions On Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and SystemsIeee T Comput Aid DIeee Transactions On Computers Ieee T Comput)Ieee Transactions On Consumer ElectronicsIeee T Consum Electr/Ieee Transactions On Control Systems TechnologyIeee T Contr Syst T4Ieee Transactions On Dependable and Secure ComputingIeee T Depend Secure5Ieee Transactions On Device and Materials ReliabilityIeee T Device Mat Re:Ieee Transactions On Dielectrics and Electrical InsulationIeee T Dielect El InIeee Transactions On Education Ieee T Educ*Ieee Transactions On Electrical InsulationIeee T Electr Insul2Ieee Transactions On Electromagnetic CompatibilityIeee T Electromagn C%Ieee Transactions On Electron DevicesIeee T Electron Dev)Ieee Transactions On Electronic ComputersIeee Trans Electron8Ieee Transactions On Electronics Packaging ManufacturingIeee T Electron Pa M8Ieee Transactions On Electronics Packaging ManufacturingIeee T Electron Pack&Ieee Transactions On Energy ConversionIeee T Energy Conver+Ieee Transactions On Engineering ManagementIeee T Eng Manage3Ieee Transactions On Engineering Writing and SpeechIeee T Prof Commun-Ieee Transactions On Evolutionary ComputationIeee T Evolut Comput"Ieee Transactions On Fuzzy SystemsIeee T Fuzzy Syst2Ieee Transactions On Geoscience and Remote SensingIeee T Geosci Remote+Ieee Transactions On Geoscience ElectronicsIeee T Geosci ElectIeee Transactions On HapticsIeee T Haptics1Ieee Transactions On Human Factors in ElectronicsIeee Trans Hum Fact1Ieee Transactions On Human Factors in EngineeringIeee T Hum Fact Eng%Ieee Transactions On Image ProcessingIeee T Image Process+Ieee Transactions On Industrial ElectronicsIeee T Ind ElectronGIeee Transactions On Industrial Electronics and Control InstrumentationIeee T Ind El Con In+Ieee Transactions On Industrial InformaticsIeee T Ind Inform6Ieee Transactions On Industry and General ApplicationsIeee Trans Ind Gen A*Ieee Transactions On Industry ApplicationsIeee T Ind Appl7Ieee Transactions On Information Forensics and SecurityIeee T Inf Foren Sec:Ieee Transactions On Information Technology in BiomedicineIeee T Inf Technol B'Ieee Transactions On Information TheoryIeee T Inform Theory4Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation and MeasurementIeee T Instrum Meas7Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation SystemsIeee T Intell Transp3Ieee Transactions On Knowledge and Data EngineeringIeee T Knowl Data En*Ieee Transactions On Learning TechnologiesIeee T Learn TechnolIeee Transactions On Magnetics Ieee T Magn(Ieee Transactions On Man-machine SystemsIeee T Man Machine-Ieee Transactions On Manufacturing TechnologyIeee T Manuf Tech$Ieee Transactions On Medical ImagingIeee T Med Imaging4Ieee Transactions On Microwave Theory and TechniquesIeee T Microw Theory)Ieee Transactions On Military ElectronicsIeee T Mil Electron%Ieee Transactions On Mobile ComputingIeee T Mobile ComputIeee Transactions On MultimediaIeee T Multimedia#Ieee Transactions On NanobioscienceIeee T Nanobiosci#Ieee Transactions On NanotechnologyIeee T Nanotechnol$Ieee Transactions On Neural NetworksIeee T Neural NetworBIeee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation EngineeringIeee T Neur Sys Reh$Ieee Transactions On Nuclear ScienceIeee T Nucl Sci5Ieee Transactions On Parallel and Distributed SystemsIeee T Parall Distr0Ieee Transactions On Parts Hybrids and PackagingIeee T Parts Hyb Pac2Ieee Transactions On Parts Materials and PackagingIeee Tr Parts Mater>Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceIeee T Pattern Anal#Ieee Transactions On Plasma ScienceIeee T Plasma Sci0Ieee Transactions On Power Apparatus and SystemsIeee T Power Ap Syst#Ieee Transactions On Power DeliveryIeee T Power Deliver&Ieee Transactions On Power ElectronicsIeee T Power Electr"Ieee Transactions On Power SystemsIeee T Power Syst7Ieee Transactions On Product Engineering and ProductionIeee T Prod Eng Prod/Ieee Transactions On Professional CommunicationIeee T Prof Commun/Ieee Transactions On Rehabilitation EngineeringIeee T Rehabil Eng Ieee Transactions On Reliability Ieee T ReliabIeee Transactions On Robotics Ieee T Robot,Ieee Transactions On Robotics and AutomationIeee T Robotic Autom0Ieee Transactions On Semiconductor ManufacturingIeee T Semiconduct M&Ieee Transactions On Signal ProcessingIeee T Signal Proces)Ieee Transactions On Software EngineeringIeee T Software Eng+Ieee Transactions On Sonics and UltrasonicsIeee T Son Ultrason4Ieee Transactions On Space Electronics and TelemetryIeee T Space El Tel0Ieee Transactions On Speech and Audio ProcessingIeee T Speech Audi P0Ieee Transactions On Systems Man and CyberneticsIeee T Syst Man CybJIeee Transactions On Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-systems and HumansIeee T Syst Man Cy ACIeee Transactions On Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-cyberneticsIeee T Syst Man Cy BPIeee Transactions On Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C-applications and ReviewsIeee T Syst Man Cy C4Ieee Transactions On Systems Science and CyberneticsIeee T Syst Sci CybEIeee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency ControlIeee T Ultrason Ferr-Ieee Transactions On Vehicular CommunicationsIeee T Veh Commun)Ieee Transactions On Vehicular TechnologyIeee T Veh Technol@Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) SystemsIeee T Vlsi Syst8Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer GraphicsIeee T Vis Comput Gr,Ieee Transactions On Wireless CommunicationsIeee T Wirel Commun1Ieee Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference VppcIeee Vehicle Power$Ieee Vehicular Technology ConferenceVeh Technol ConfeFIeee Vehicular Technology Conference, Fall 2000, Vols 1-6, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh Technol0Ieee Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings Ieee Vtc P1Ieee Vehicular Technology Group-annual ConferenceIeee Veh Technol Gr"Ieee Vehicular Technology MagazineIeee Veh Technol Mag&Ieee Virtual Reality 2001, ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real Ann&Ieee Virtual Reality 2002, ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real Ann&Ieee Virtual Reality 2003, ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real Ann&Ieee Virtual Reality 2004, ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real Ann1Ieee Virtual Reality 2005, Conference ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real Ann&Ieee Virtual Reality 2006, ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real Ann&Ieee Virtual Reality 2010, ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real Ann"Ieee Virtual Reality - ProceedingsP Ieee Virt Real AnnIeee Vlsi Test SymposiumIeee Vlsi Test SympQIeee Vtc 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference, Spring 2001, Vols 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh Technol4Ieee Vts Vehicular Technology Conference ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh TechnolIeee Western Canada Conference and Exhibition On Telecommunication for Health Care : Telemetry, Teleradiology, and TelemedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsIeee Wireless CommunicationsIeee Wirel Commun6Ieee Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Ieee Wcnc9Ieee Working Conference On Current Measurement TechnologyWork C Curr Measurem0Ieee Workshop On Applications of Computer VisionIeee Work App Comp5Ieee Workshop On Local and Metropolitan Area NetworksWrks Loc Metro Area7Ieee Workshop On Machine Learning for Signal ProcessingMachine Learn Sign P*Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing SystemsIeee Wrk Sig Pro Sys.Iee Journal On Electronic Circuits and Systems Iee Proc-g.Iee Journal On Microwaves Optics and Acoustics Iee Proc-h/Iee Journal On Solid-state and Electron Devices Iee Proc-i:Ieej Transactions On Electrical and Electronic EngineeringIeej T Electr ElectrbIeem: 2008 International Conference On Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Vols 1-3In C Ind Eng Eng Man3Iee National Conference On Antennas and Propagation Iee Conf Publ4Iee Proceedings-a-science Measurement and Technology Iee Proc-a-Iee Proceedings-b Electric Power Applications Iee Proc-b:Iee Proceedings-c Generation Transmission and Distribution Iee Proc-c,Iee Proceedings-circuits Devices and SystemsIee P-circ Dev SystIee Proceedings-communications Iee P-commun0Iee Proceedings-computers and Digital TechniquesIee P-comput Dig T/Iee Proceedings-control Theory and ApplicationsIee P-contr Theor Ap1Iee Proceedings-d Control Theory and Applications Iee Proc-d2Iee Proceedings-e Computers and Digital Techniques Iee Proc-e+Iee Proceedings-electric Power ApplicationsIee P-elect Pow Appl-Iee Proceedings-f Radar and Signal Processing Iee Proc-f.Iee Proceedings-g Circuits Devices and Systems Iee Proc-g8Iee Proceedings-generation Transmission and DistributionIee P-gener Transm D5Iee Proceedings-h Microwaves Antennas and Propagation Iee Proc-h2Iee Proceedings-i Communications Speech and Vision Iee Proc-i!Iee Proceedings-j Optoelectronics Iee Proc-j3Iee Proceedings-microwaves Antennas and PropagationIee P-microw Anten P!Iee Proceedings-nanobiotechnologyIee P-nanobiotechnol!Iee Proceedings-nanobiotechnologyIee Proc-nanobiotechIee Proceedings-optoelectronicsIee P-optoelectron*Iee Proceedings-radar Sonar and NavigationIee P-radar Son Nav2Iee Proceedings-science Measurement and TechnologyIee P-sci Meas TechIee Proceedings-software Iee P-softwIee Proceedings-softwareIee Proc-softwIee Proceedings Systems BiologyIee P Syst Biol2Iee Proceedings-vision Image and Signal ProcessingIee P-vis Image Sign Iee Review Iee Review Iee ReviewsIee RevIeice Electronics ExpressIeice Electron Expr$Ieice Transactions On CommunicationsIeice T CommunHIeice Transactions On Communications Electronics Information and SystemsIeice Trans Commun!Ieice Transactions On ElectronicsIeice T ElectronVIeice Transactions On Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer SciencesIeice T Fund Electr-Ieice Transactions On Information and SystemsIeice T Inf SystTIemt 2006: 31st International Conference On Electronics Manufacturing and TechnologyIeee/cpmt Int El MfgIet Circuits Devices & SystemsIet Circ Device SystIet Communications Iet Commun$Iet Computers and Digital TechniquesIet Comput Digit TecIet Computer VisionIet Comput Vis#Iet Control Theory and ApplicationsIet Control Theory AIete Journal of Research Iete J ResIet Electric Power ApplicationsIet Electr Power AppIete Technical Review Iete Tech Rev*Iet Generation Transmission & DistributionIet Gener Transm DisIet Image ProcessingIet Image ProcessIet Information SecurityIet Inform Secur!Iet Intelligent Transport SystemsIet Intell Transp Sy%Iet Microwaves Antennas & PropagationIet Microw Antenna PIet NanobiotechnologyIet NanobiotechnolIet OptoelectronicsIet OptoelectronIet Power ElectronicsIet Power Electron!Ietp Technical Publication SeriesIetc Tech Publ SerIet Radar Sonar and NavigationIet Radar Sonar NavIet Renewable Power GenerationIet Renew Power Gen$Iet Science Measurement & TechnologyIet Sci Meas TechnolIet Signal ProcessingIet Signal Process Iet Software Iet SoftwIet Systems Biology Iet Syst BiolIfa Congress Seminar Series Ifa Congr SIfac Proceedings Series Ifac P SerIfac Symposia SeriesIfac Symp SeriesIfac Workshop Series Ifac Work S6Ifae 2005: 17th Italian Meeting On High Energy Physics Aip Conf ProcIfdc Special Publication Ifdc Sp Pub9Ifip Advances in Information and Communication TechnologyIfip Adv Inf Comm TeCIfip International Conference On Network and Parallel Computing NpcIfip Int C Netw Para Ifip Series On Computer Graphics Ifip S Comp3Ifip Transactions A-computer Science and Technology Ifip Trans A.Ifip Transactions B-applications in Technology Ifip Trans B)Ifip Transactions C-communication Systems Ifip Trans CIfla Alp Project ReportIfla Alp Proj Rep=Ifla Journal-international Federation of Library AssociationsIfla J-int Fed LibrIfla Publications Ifla PublIfmbe Proceedings Ifmbe Proc#Iforest-biogeosciences and ForestryIforest/Iformation Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2002Lect Notes Comput Sc*Ifosfamide in The Treatment of Lung Cancer Contr Oncol>Ifo Survey Data in Business Cycle and Monetary Policy AnalysisContribut Econ;Ifsr International Series On System Science and EngineeringIfsr Int Ser Syst ScIft Basic Symposium Series Ift Bas SymIgaku Kenkyu-acta Medica Igaku Kenkyu+Iga Nephropathy: Pathogenesis and TreatmentContrib NephrolIga Nephropathy : The 25th YearContrib NephrolIga Nephropathy TodayContrib NephroleIgarss 2000: Ieee 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol I - Vi, ProceedingsInt Geosci Remote SeQIgarss 2001: Scanning The Present and Resolving The Future, Vols 1-7, ProceedingsInt Geosci Remote SeIgarss 2002: Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium and 24th Canadian Symposium On Remote Sensing, Vols I-vi, ProceedingsInt Geosci Remote SebIgarss 2003: Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vols I - Vii, ProceedingsInt Geosci Remote Se]Igarss 2004: Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, Vols 1-7Int Geosci Remote Se^Igarss 2005: Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vols 1-8, ProceedingsInt Geosci Remote SeRIgarss: 2007 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vols 1-12Int Geosci Remote SeMIgarss 91 - Remote Sensing : Global Monitoring for Earth Management, Vols 1-4Int Geosci Remote Se?Igarss'93: Better Understanding of Earth Environment, Vols I-ivInt Geosci Remote SeSIgarss '94 - 1994 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Volumes 1-4Int Geosci Remote SeQIgarss '95 - 1995 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vols 1-3Int Geosci Remote Se}Igarss '96 - 1996 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Remote Sensing for A Sustainable Future, Vols I - IvInt Geosci Remote Se^Igarss '97 - 1997 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Proceedings Vols I-ivInt Geosci Remote Se]Igarss '98 - 1998 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Proceedings Vols 1-5Int Geosci Remote Se Igbp Reports Igbp Report)Ige, Mast Cells and The Allergic Response Ciba F SympFIgf-i and Igf Binding Proteins: Basic Research and Clinical Management Endocrin Dev<Igfs: Local Repair and Survival Factors Throughout Life SpanRes Perspect End Int?Igm/galaxy Connection: The Distribution of Baryons At Z(equal)0Astrophys Space Sc LIhc 2006: Proceedings of The Xxvii International Horticultural Congress On Global Horticulture: Diversity and Harmony, Introduction Acta HorticIheringia Serie BotanicaIheringia Ser BotIheringia Serie ZoologiaIheringia Ser Zool7Ihrem Originale Nachzudenken: Zu Lessings UbersetzungenWolfenb Stud AufklarIhsah Seminaires & Colloques Insah Sem C.Iias/iisa Administration and Service 1930-2005Int I Adm Sci MonogrAIic-international Review of Industrial Property and Copyright LawIic-int Rev Ind PropEIic-international Review of Intellectual Property and Competition LawIic-int Rev Intell P>Iic Studies : Studies in Industrial Property and Copyright Law Iic St Ind Iie Solutions Iie SolutionsIie Transactions Iie Trans=Iii-nitride, Sic and Diamond Materials for Electronic Devices Mat Res S CQIi International Gtc Workshop: Science With Gtc 1st-light Instruments and The LmtRev Mex Ast AstrnIii-v and Iv-iv Materials and Processing Challenges for Highly Integrated Microelectronics and OptoelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp P@Iii-v Electronic and Photonic Device Fabrication and PerformanceMater Res Soc Symp P8Iii-v Heterostructures for Electronic / Photonic DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PIii-v NitridesMater Res Soc Symp PIirbI I R B7Iirb-institut International De Recherches BetteravieresIirb_Iiswc - 2005: Proceedings of The 2005 Ieee International Symposium On Workload CharacterizationI S Workl Char ProcIi-vi Blue/green Laser DiodesP Soc Photo-opt InsEIi-vi Blue/green Light Emitters : Device Physics and Epitaxial GrowthSemiconduct Semimet/Ii-vi Compounds and Semimagnetic SemiconductorsMater Sci ForumpIjcai-95 - Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Vols 1 and 2Int Joint Conf ArtifoIjcai-97 - Proceedings of The Fifteenth International Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Vols 1 and 2Int Joint Conf ArtifRIjcnn'01: International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1-4, Proceedings Ieee IjcnnfIjcnn 2000: Proceedings of The Ieee-inns-enns International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vol I Ieee IjcnngIjcnn 2000: Proceedings of The Ieee-inns-enns International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vol Ii Ieee IjcnnhIjcnn 2000: Proceedings of The Ieee-inns-enns International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vol Iii Ieee IjcnngIjcnn 2000: Proceedings of The Ieee-inns-enns International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vol Iv Ieee IjcnnfIjcnn 2000: Proceedings of The Ieee-inns-enns International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vol V Ieee IjcnngIjcnn 2000: Proceedings of The Ieee-inns-enns International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vol Vi Ieee IjcnnHIjcnn: 2009 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1- 6 Ieee IjcnnRIjcnn-90-wash Dc : International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee IjcnnRIjcnn-91-seattle : International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee IjcnnbIjcnn '93-nagoya : Proceedings of 1993 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1-3 Ieee IjcnnAIjcnn International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1-3 Ieee IjcnnIjs Studies in Judaica Ijs Stud JudIktisat Isletme Ve FinansIktisat Islet FinansIl-12 Chem Immunol Ilar JournalIlar JDIles En Partage: Haiti & Republique Dominicaine, Saint-martin, Timor Villes TerritOIl Governo Dell Adattamento Dell Agricoltura Italiana : Istituzioni E Strumenti Quad Riv Ec-Illahee-journal for The Northwest EnvironmentIllahee8Illegal Drug Markets: From Research to Prevention PolicyCrime Prev Studies1Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinIllinois Aes BullIllinois Journal of MathematicsIllinois J MathIllinois Law Review Ill Law RevIllinois Medical JournalIllinois Med JIllinois Research Illinois Res2Illness and Healing Alternatives in Western EuropeStud Social Hist MedVIll-posed and Non-classical Problems of Mathematical Physics and Analysis, ProceedingsInver Ill Posed Prob<Ill-posed Variational Problems and Regularization TechniquesLect Notes Econ MathLIlluminating Darkness: Approaches to Obscurity and Nothingness in LiteratureSuom Tiedeakat Toim7Illuminating: Natural Light in Residential ArchitectureLiving Concepts#Illumination and Source EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Illusion of Accountability in The European UnionRoutl Adv Eur PolitIllusion of Conscious WillBradford Books3Illusion of Linearity: From Analysis to Improvement Math Educ LibAIlsc'99: Proceedings of The International Laser Safety ConferenceLia PIlsi Monograph Ilsi MonogrTImac - Proceedings of The 16th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vols 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsUImac - Proceedings of The 17th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vols I and IiP Soc Photo-opt InsUImac - Proceedings of The 17th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vols I and Ii Proc Spie1Imacs Annals On Computing and Applied Mathematics Imacs Ann CJImac-xviii: A Conference On Structural Dynamics, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsJImac-xviii: A Conference On Structural Dynamics, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings Proc SpieImageImage0Image Acquisition and Scientific Imaging SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Image Algebra and Morphological Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing VP Soc Photo-opt InsImage & Context Image Context7Image Analysis and Processing - Iciap 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Image Analysis and Processing - Iciap 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScImage Analysis and RecognitionLect Notes Comput Sc8Image Analysis and Recognition, 2010, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Image Analysis and Recognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Image Analysis and Recognition, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc1Image Analysis and Recognition, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Image Analysis and Recognition, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc1Image Analysis and Recognition, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Image Analysis and Recognition, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Image Analysis Applications and Computer GraphicsLect Notes Comput ScImage Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Image and Geometry Processing for 3-d Cinematography Geom Comput=Image and Information Systems: Applications and OpportunitiesP Soc Photo-opt InsImage and Signal ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc.Image and Signal Processing for Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing Ix Proc Spie0Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing V Proc Spie1Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing Vi Proc Spie2Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing Viii Proc Spie0Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing X Proc Spie2Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing Xii Proc Spie3Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing Xiii Proc Spie2Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing Xvi Proc Spie(Image and Signal Processing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Image and Video Communications and Processing 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Image and Video Communications and Processing 2000 Proc Spie?Image and Video Communications and Processing 2003, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Image and Video Communications and Processing 2003, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie?Image and Video Communications and Processing 2005, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Image and Video Communications and Processing 2005, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieImage and Video CompressionP Soc Photo-opt InsoImage and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering: Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Standards, Second EditionImage Process SerImage and Video ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsImage and Video Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsImage and Video Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsImage and Video Processing Iii Proc SpieImage and Video Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsImage and Video RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc&Image and Video Retrieval, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScImage and Vision ComputingImage Vision Comput&Image Capture, Formatting, and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt InsBImageclef: Experimental Evaluation in Visual Information RetrievalInform Retrieval Ser%Image Communications and WorkstationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Image Compression and Encryption TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins Image DisplayP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Image Display - Medical Imaging 1995P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Image Display - Medical Imaging 1997P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Image Display - Medical Imaging 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins@Image: E-learning, Understanding, Information Retrieval, MedicalSer Softw Engn Knowl/Image Extraction, Segmentation, and RecognitionP Soc Photo-opt InsImage-guided Therapy Systems Eng Med Biol3Image Handling and Reproduction Systems IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt InspImage Intensifiers and Applications; and Characteristics and Consequences of Space Debris and Near-earth ObjectsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Image Intensifiers and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsImage Matching and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt InsImage Matching and Analysis Proc SpieImage ModelingP Soc Photo-opt InsImage Modeling of The Human EyeArtech Hse Bioinf Bi'Image of Cattle Sector and Its Products Eaap TechIImage of The Judaeo-christians in Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature W U Neu Test?Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis and Analysis in BiometricsSer Mach Percept ArtImage PerceptionP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Image Perception - Medical Imaging 1995P Soc Photo-opt Ins'Image Perception - Medical Imaging 1996P Soc Photo-opt InsImage ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Image Processing: Algorithms and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems Proc Spie+Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems Ii Proc Spie,Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems Iii Proc Spie+Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems Iv Proc Spie+Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems Ix Proc SpieOImage Processing: Algorithms and Systems, Neural Networks, and Machine LearningP Soc Photo-opt InsOImage Processing: Algorithms and Systems, Neural Networks, and Machine Learning Proc Spie*Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems V Proc Spie+Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems Vi Proc Spie,Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems Vii Proc Spie-Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems Viii Proc Spie*Image Processing Algorithms and TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Image Processing and Communications Challenges 2Adv Intel Soft Compu=Image Processing and Interchange : Implementation and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsZImage Processing, Biomedicine, Multimedia, Financial Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol 18 Tsi Press SImage Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Image Processing in Radiology: Current ApplicationsMed Radiol Diagn Ima-Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications Proc Spie1Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications Iii Proc Spie0Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications Iv Proc Spie4Image Processing - Medical Imaging 1997, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins,Image Processing of Edge and Surface DefectsSpringer Ser Mater SImage Processing SeriesImage Process SerTImage Processing, Signal Processing, and Synthetic Aperture Radar for Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Image Propagation Through The AtmosphereP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Image Quality and System PerformanceP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Image Quality and System Performance IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Image Quality and System Performance IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Image Quality and System Performance Iii Proc Spie'Image Quality and System Performance IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Image Quality and System Performance Iv Proc Spie&Image Quality and System Performance V Proc Spie(Image Quality and System Performance Vii Proc Spie)Image Quality and System Performance ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Image Reconstruction and RestorationP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Image Reconstruction and Restoration IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Image Reconstruction From Incomplete DataP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Data IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Data IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Data IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Data VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Data ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Data Vi Proc Spie(Images, Iconoclasm, and The CarolingiansMiddle Ages Ser,Images of Egypt in Early Biblical LiteratureBeih Z Alttest WissImages of Kabir S Asian StudImages of The South South Anthr+Images of The Twenty-first Century, Pts 1-6 P Ieee Embs7Images of Westerners in Chinese and Japanese Literature St Compar L#Image Storage and Retrieval SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Image Understanding and The Man-machine Interface IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Image Understanding for Aerospace ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Image Understanding in The 90s : Building Systems That WorkP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Imaginatio Creatrix: The Pivotal Force of The Genesis/ontopoiesis of Human Life and RealityAnalecta HusserlBImagination and Critique: Two Rival Versions of Historical InquiryPhilos Stud Contemp;Imagination in The Later Middle Ages and Early Modern Times Gr Stud CultQImaginationsprozesse: Verfahren Phantastischen Erzahlens in Franz Kafkas FruhwerkQuell Forsch Lit Kul5Imagined Geography: Sierra Leonean Muslims in AmericaContemp Ethnogr5Imaging and Illumination for Metrology and InspectionP Soc Photo-opt InsaImaging and Printing in A Web 2.0 World; and Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems Iv Proc SpieImaging and The Aging BrainAnn Ny Acad Sci?Imaging At Radio Through Submillimeter Wavelengths, Proceedings Astr Soc P!Imaging Beyond The Pinhole Camera Comp Imag Vis$Imaging Brain Structure and FunctionAnn Ny Acad Sci3Imaging, Cerebral Topography and Alzheimers Disease Res Per Alz(Imaging for Detection and IdentificationNato Sec Sci B Phys;Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to PracticeSignals Commun TechnImaging Humanity Via Folios$Imaging in Biological Research, Pt AMethod Enzymol$Imaging in Biological Research, Pt BMethod Enzymol$Imaging in Neurologic Rehabilitation Comp Neur RAImaging in Pediatric Skeletal Trauma: Techniques and ApplicationsMed Radiol Diagn Ima5Imaging in Percutaneous Musculoskeletal InterventionsMed Radiol Diagn ImaImaging in Radiation Therapy Med Phys MgImaging in TransplantationMed Radiol Diagn Ima`Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules and Cells: Fundamentals and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsJImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues IiP Soc Photo-opt InsJImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues Ii Proc SpieJImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues IvP Soc Photo-opt InsJImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues Iv Proc SpieIImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues VP Soc Photo-opt InsIImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues V Proc SpieJImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues ViP Soc Photo-opt InsJImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues Vi Proc SpieKImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsLImaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues Viii Proc SpieLImaging, Mapping and Modelling Continental Lithosphere Extension and BreakupGeol Soc Spec Publ-Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow AnalysisNote N Fl Mech Mul D-Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow AnalysisNotes Numer Fluid MeBImaging Microstructures: Mathematical and Computational Challenges Contemp MathJImaging of Bone Tumors and Tumor-like Lesions: Techniques and ApplicationsMed Radiol Diagn Ima8Imaging of Complex Media With Acoustic and Seismic Waves Top Appl PhysImaging of Hypoxia Dev Nuc Med%Imaging of Orthopedic Sports InjuriesMed Radiol Diagn Ima+Imaging Pelvic Floor Disorders, 2nd EditionMed Radiol Diagn ImaImaging Science Journal Imaging Sci J)Imaging Sciences and Display TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging SpectrometryP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Imaging Spectrometry - A Tool for Environmental ObservationsEuro Cours Rem SensImaging Spectrometry IiP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry IvP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Imaging Spectrometry of The Terrestrial EnvironmentP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry VP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry ViP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry Vi Proc SpieImaging Spectrometry ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry Vii Proc SpieImaging Spectrometry ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry Viii Proc SpieImaging Spectrometry XP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry X Proc SpieImaging Spectrometry XiP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsImaging Spectrometry Xiii Proc SpieImaging Spectrometry XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Imaging Spectroscopy : Fundamentals and Prospective ApplicationsEuro Cours Rem Sens3Imaging Spectroscopy of The Terrestrial EnvironmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Imaging Systems Technology for Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Imaging Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Imaging Technology and TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Imaging Technology and Telescopes Proc SpieeImaging The Universe in Three Dimensions: Astrophysics With Advanced Multi-wavelength Imaging Devices Astr Soc PBImagining Economics Otherwise: Encounters With Identity/differenceRoutl Front Polit EcNImagining Jewish Art: Encounters With The Masters in Chagall, Guston and KitajStud Comp Lit Ser]Imagining Terrorism: The Rhetoric and Representation of Political Violence in Italy 1969-2009 Ital Perspect]Imagining Terrorism: The Rhetoric and Representation of Political Violence in Italy 1969-2009Italian PerspectivesImagoImagoDImago Mundi-the International Journal for The History of Cartography Imago Mundi"Ima Journal of Applied MathematicsIma J Appl Math%Ima Journal of Management MathematicsIma J Manag Math3Ima Journal of Mathematical Control and InformationIma J Math Control I:Ima Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and BiologyIma J Math Appl Med!Ima Journal of Numerical AnalysisIma J Numer AnalImare Conference Imare ConfFImas 96 - Shipping and The Environment: Is Compromise Inevitable? Pt I Imare ConfGImas 96 - Shipping and The Environment: Is Compromise Inevitable? Pt Ii Imare Conf/Ima Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications Ima V Math/Ima Volumes in Mathematics and Its ApplicationsIma Vol Math ApplImeche Conference TransactionsImeche Conf Trans]Imecs 2007: International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Vols I and IiLect Notes Eng Comp]Imecs 2008: International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Vols I and IiLect Notes Eng Comp^Imecs 2009: International Multi-conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Vols I and IiLect Notes Eng Comp'Imeko Technical Committee Events SeriesImeko TcImf Economic Review Imf Econ RevLImf Policy Advice, Market Volatility, Commodity Price Rules and Other EssaysCarn Roch Conf SerieImf Staff PapersImf Staff Papers2Imidazoline Receptors and Their Endogenous LigandsAnn Ny Acad Sci%Imidazopyridines in Anxiety Disorders Lers MonogrImid/idmc 2006: The 6th International Meeting On Information Display/the 5th International Display Manufacturing Conference, Digest of Technical PapersProc Int Meet Inf Di"Imitation in Animals and ArtifactsFrom Anim AnimatImmanuelImmanuel=Immersive Projection Technology and Virtual Environments 2001Spring EurograpImmigrant Business Migra Minor*Immigrant Enterprise in Europe and The UsaRoutl Stud Mod WorldWImmigrants and Immigration Policy: Individual Skills, Family Ties, and Group Identities Cont Stu Ec>Immigrant Youth Who Excel: Globalization's Uncelebrated HeroesInt Persp Educ Polic Immigration Res Labor E$Immigration and Bureaucratic ControlLang Power Soc ProceVImmigration, Citizenship, and The Welfare State in Germany and The United States, Pt A Ind Dev SocVImmigration, Citizenship, and The Welfare State in Germany and The United States, Pt B Ind Dev SocImmigration, Crime and JusticeSociol Crime Law Dev Immobilisation of Dna On Chips I Top Curr Chem!Immobilisation of Dna On Chips Ii Top Curr ChemImmobilized Catalysts Top Curr Chem*Immobilized Cells: Basics and ApplicationsProgr BiotechnolImmune Mechanisms and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci/Immune Mechanisms in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol'Immune Mechanisms of Pain and AnalgesiaAdv Exp Med Biol0Immune-mediated Diseases: From Theory to TherapyAdv Exp Med Biol&Immune-mediated Neuromuscular DiseasesFront Neurol Neurosc'Immune Receptors: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol#Immune Response to Viral InfectionsAdv Exp Med BiolImmunitat Und Infektion Immun InfektImmunityImmunity+Immunity to and Prevention of Herpes Zoster Arch Vir S%Immuno-analyse & Biologie SpecialiseeImmuno-anal Biol SpeImmunoanalysis of Agrochemicals Acs Sym Ser!Immunoassays for Residue Analysis Acs Sym Ser(Immunoassays for Trace Chemical Analysis Acs Sym Ser Immunobiology Immunobiology=Immunobiology and Prophylaxis of Human Herpesvirus InfectionsAdv Exp Med Biol"Immunobiology of Bacterial Cpg-dnaCurr Top Microbiol.Immunobiology of Natural Killer Cell ReceptorsCurr Top Microbiol*Immunobiology of Proteins and Peptides IiiAdv Exp Med Biol)Immunobiology of Proteins and Peptides ViAdv Exp Med BiolEImmunobiology of Proteins and Peptides Vii: Unwanted Immune ResponsesAdv Exp Med Biol3Immunobiology of Proteins and Peptides V : VaccinesAdv Exp Med Biol1Immunochemical Methods for Environmental Analysis Acs Sym Ser8Immunochemical Technology for Environmental Applications Acs Sym SerImmunochemistryImmunochemistryImmunocontraceptionFront EndocrinoleImmunocytochemical Aspects of Platelet Membrane Glycoproteins and Adhesive Proteins During ActivationProg Histochem Cytoc7Immunocytochemical Methods and Protocols, Third EditionMethods Mol Biol3Immunodeficient Animals: Models for Cancer Research Contr Oncol Immunodeficient Mice in Oncology Contr Oncol0Immunoelectron Microscopy: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol4Immunoendocrinology: Scientific and Clinical AspectsContemp Endocrinol SImmunogeneticsImmunogenetics&Immunogenetics: Advances and EducationNato Asi 3 High TechImmunogenicity Ucla Sym Bi9Immunoglobulin Gene Expression in Development and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciImmunoinformaticsImmunomics Rev$Immunological Adjuvants and VaccinesNato Adv Sci I A-lif1Immunological Alterations in Psychiatric Diseases Adv Biol PFImmunological and Pharmacological Aspects of Atopic and Contact Eczema Pharm SkinImmunological CommunicationsImmunol Commun'Immunological Diseases of Liver and Gut Falk SympImmunological InvestigationsImmunol Invest8Immunological Mechanisms in Asthma and Allergic Diseases Chem ImmunolHImmunological, Metabolic and Infectious Aspects of Liver Transplantation Tr Adv Liv&Immunological Recognition, Pts 1 and 2 Cold Sh Q BImmunological Reviews Immunol RevImmunological SynapseCurr Top MicrobiolImmunological Tolerance Ciba F SympImmunologic Diseases of The EarAnn Ny Acad Sci<Immunologic Mechanisms in Neurologic and Psychiatric Disease Res P Arnmd1Immunologic Perspectives in Chronic Renal FailureContrib NephrolImmunologic Research Immunol Res Immunologist Immunologist Immunology ImmunologyImmunology & Liver Falk Symp/Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North AmericaImmunol Allergy ClinImmunology and Cell BiologyImmunol Cell Biol3Immunology and Developmental Biology of The ChickenCurr Top Microbiol&Immunology and Immune System DisordersImmunol Immune Syst,Immunology and Immunopathogenesis of MalariaCurr Top MicrobiolImmunology and Liver Falk SympImmunology Letters Immunol Lett\Immunology of Diabetes: Autoimmune Mechanisms and The Prevention and Cure of Type 1 DiabetesAnn Ny Acad SciImmunology of Diabetes IiiAnn Ny Acad Sci9Immunology of Diabetes Ii: Pathogenesis From Mouse to ManAnn Ny Acad Sci8Immunology of Diabetes Iv: Progress in Our UnderstandingAnn Ny Acad Sci/Immunology of Diabetes V: From Bench to BedsideAnn Ny Acad Sci'Immunology of Infection, Second EditionMethod Microbiol&Immunology of Infection, Third EditionMethod Microbiol&Immunology of Intracellular Parasitism Chem ImmunolImmunology of SiliconesCurr Top Microbiol-Immunology of Type 1 Diabetes, Second EditionAdv Exp Med BioleImmunology, Phenotype First: How Mutations Have Established New Principles and Pathways in ImmunologyCurr Top MicrobiolImmunology Series Immunol SerImmunology Today Immunol TodayImmunomics ReviewsImmunomics RevImmunomodulating DrugsAnn Ny Acad SciTImmunoparasitology Today-a Combined Issue of Immunology Today and Parasitology TodayImmunoparasitol TodCImmunopathogenetic Aspects of Disease Induced By Helminth Parasites Chem ImmunolImmunopharmacologyImmunopharmacology'Immunopharmacology and ImmunotoxicologyImmunopharm Immunot/Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-based Inhibition MotifsCurr Top MicrobiolVImmunoregulation in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases - Current Understanding and Innovation Falk SympImmunoscintigraphy Int Congr Ser,Immunosuppressive and Antiinflammatory DrugsAnn Ny Acad SciImmunotechnologyImmunotechnologyImmunotechnology Portl Pr P Immunotherapy Immunotherapy ImmunotherapyImmunotherapy-uk5Immunotherapy: Activation, Suppression and TreatmentsImmunol Immune SystImmunotherapy in 2020Ernst Schering Found.Immunotherapy of Cancer: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolImmunotherapy of Infections Infec Dis T-Immunotoxicity Testing: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolHIm Nebenraum Des Textes: Regiebemerkungen in Dramen Des 18, JahrhundertsTheatron6Impact and Dynamic Fracture of Polymers and Composites Esis Publ(Impact Loading of Lightweight StructuresWit Trans Eng Sci*Impact Markers in The Stratigraphic Record Impact Stud<Impact, Monitoring and Management of Environmental PollutionPollut Sci Technol ARImpact of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas On Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Ecosystems Adv Lif Sci&Impact of Biotechnology in AgricultureCurr Plant Sci Biot'Impact of Biotechnology On AutoimmunityMed Sci Symp SerOImpact of Carbon Dioxide, Trace Gases, and Climate Change On Global Agriculture Asa Spec P*Impact of Climate Change On European LakesAquat Ecol SerTImpact of Climate Change On Regional Systems: A Comprehensive Analysis of CaliforniaNew Horiz Environ EcPImpact of Collective Bargaining On Higher Education: A Twenty Year Retrospective P A Con Nat@Impact of Comparative Education Research On Institutional TheoryInt Persp Educ SocLImpact of Computer Supported Technologies On Information Systems Development Ifip Trans A.Impact of Desert Dust Across The MediterraneanEnvir Sci Tech LibJImpact of Ecological Changes On Tropical Animal Health and Disease ControlAnn Ny Acad SciFImpact of Electron and Scanning Probe Microscopy On Materials ResearchNato Adv Sci I E-app9Impact of Electronic Publishing On The Academic Community Wenn Gr Int5Impact of Emerging Zoonotic Diseases On Animal HealthAnn Ny Acad Sci9Impact of Environmental Variability On Ecological SystemsPeter Yodzis Fund EcIImpact of European Integration On Regional Structural Change and CohesionRoutl Stud Eur EconhImpact of Fdi On Economic Growth: An Analysis for The Transition Countries of Central and Eastern Europe Contrib EconDImpact of Globalization On The World's Poor: Transmission MechanismsStud Dev Econ Policy5Impact of Governments On East-west Economic Relations E-w Eur Ec*Impact of Gravitional Lensing On CosmologyIau Symp)Impact of Heavy Metals On The EnvironmentTrace Metals Other#Impact of Hst On European AstronomyAstrophysics Space0Impact of Human Activity On Groundwater Dynamics Iahs-aish P#Impact of International Debt ReliefRoutl Stud Dev Econ#Impact of International Trade Wages Nber Conf RWImpact of Investments On An Emerging Economy: Models and Forecasts. The Case of RomaniaEcon Iss Probl Persp@Impact of Land-use Change On Nutrient Loads From Diffuse Sources Iahs-aish P)Impact of Large Scale Near-ir Sky SurveysAstrophys Space Sc L8Impact of Large-scale Surveys On Pulsating Star Research Astr Soc PFImpact of Local Library Systems On The National Networking Environment Netw Plan P8Impact of Long-term Monitoring On Variable Star ResearchNato Adv Sci Inst Se-Impact of Maternal Nutrition On The OffspringNestle Nutr Works SeNImpact of Medical Cost Offset On Practice and Research: Making It Work for You Hlthc Util[Impact of Minor Bodies of Our Solar System On Planets and Their Middle and Upper Atmosphere Adv Space Res[Impact of Minor Bodies of Our Solar System On Planets and Their Middle and Upper AtmosphereAdv Space Res-seriesDImpact of Nitrogen Deposition On Natural and Semi-natural EcosystemsEnvironm Pollut Ser6Impact of Nonlinearities On Fiber Optic CommunicationsOpt Fiber Commun Rep#Impact of Perestroika On Soviet Law Law East E&Impact of Pollution On Animal ProductsNato Sci Peace SecurAImpact of Radical Right-wing Parties in West European DemocraciesEur Transit-nyu EurBImpact of Recent Advances in Processing of Ceramic Superconductors Ceram Trans?Impact of Reform Instruction On Student Mathematics AchievementStud Math Think LearImpact of Science On SocietyImpact Sci Soc?Impact of State and National Standards On K-12 Science TeachingRes Sci Educ SerAImpact of Structural Changes On Territorial Development in Europe Igipz Pan C!Impact of Technology On Sports IiProc Monogr Eng Wate(Impact of Technology On Successful AgingSociet Impact Aging0Impact of Telemedicine On Health Care Management St Heal T0Impact of Telemedicine On Health Care ManagementStud Health Technol7Impact of The Environment On Human Migration in EurasiaNato Sci S Ss Iv EarFImpact of The Gravity Level On Materials Processing and Fluid Dynamics Adv Space ResFImpact of The Gravity Level On Materials Processing and Fluid DynamicsAdv Space Res-series]Impact of The Holocaust in America: The Jewish Role in American Life: An Annual Review, Vol 6Jewish Role Amer LifMImpact of The Laboratory and Technology On Learning and Teaching Science K-16Res Sci Educ Ser Impact of The Russo-japanese WarRoutl Stud Mod HistLImpact of Tumor Biology On Cancer Treatment and Multidisciplinary StrategiesMed Radiol Radiat On8Impact of U.s. Environmental Regulations On Fuel QualityAm Soc Test MaterImpact of Work On Older AdultsSociet Impact AgingyImpact of Zeolites and Other Porous Materials On The New Technologies At The Beginning of The New Millennium, Pts A and BStud Surf Sci CatalUImpact Response and Dynamic Failure of Composites and Laminate Materials, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MatUImpact Response and Dynamic Failure of Composites and Laminate Materials, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterImpacts and The Early EarthLect Notes Earth SciImpacts in Mechanical SystemsLect Notes PhysImpacts in Precambrian Shields Impact StudFImpacts of El Nino and Climate Variability On Agriculture, Proceedings Asa Spec PAImpacts of Global Change On Tree Physiology and Forest EcosystemsFor Sci.Impacts of Megaconferences On The Water SectorWater Resour Dev Man^Impacts of Point Polluters On Terrestrial Biota: Comparative Analysis of 18 Contaminated AreasEnviron Pollut SerImpacts of Research and Development Expenditures: The Relationship Between Total Factor Productivity and U S Gross Domestic Product PerformanceInnov Tech Knowl Man@Impacts of Urban Growth On Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Iahs-aish PImpact Studies Impact Stud'Impact: Studies in Language and SocietyImpactImpact Tectonics Impact StudJImpairment and Disability: Law and Ethics At The Beginning and End of LifeBiomed Law Ethics Li Imperfections in Iii/v MaterialsSemiconduct Semimet0Imperial Defence: The Old World Order, 1856-1956 Cass Mil Stud;Imperial Horizons of British Protestant Missions, 1880-1914Stud Hist Christ Mis?Imperialism, Power, and Identity: Experiencing The Roman EmpireMir S Balm Lect AncYImperial Laboratory: Experimental Physiology and Clinical Medicine in Post-crimean RussiaClio Med*Imperial Medicine and Indigenous Societies Stud ImperImperial Monkey Business Casa MonogrAImperial Origins of The King's Church in Early America, 1607-1783 Stud Mod Hist8Impersonal Si Constructions-agreement and InterpretationStud Generat Gramm(Implantable Bone Conduction Hearing AidsAdv Oto-rhino-laryng9Implantable Neural Prostheses 1: Devices and ApplicationsBiol Med Phys BiomedFImplantable Neural Prostheses 2: Techniques and Engineering ApproachesBiol Med Phys BiomedImplantation in Mammals Serono SymImplant Dentistry Implant Dent Implantologie ImplantologieDImplant Placement in Post-extraction Sites: Treatment Options, Vol 3Iti Treatment Guide*Implementation and Application of AutomataLect Notes Comput Sc7Implementation and Application of Automata, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Implementation and Application of Functional LanguagesLect Notes Comput Sc@Implementation and Redesign of Catalytic Function in Biopolymers Top Curr Chem&Implementation of Functional LanguagesLect Notes Comput ScdImplementation of Legally Binding Measures to Strengthen The Biological and Toxin Weapons ConventionNato Sci Ser Ii MathdImplementation of Legally Binding Measures to Strengthen The Biological and Toxin Weapons ConventionNato Sci Ser Ii-math5Implementation of The Global Malaria Control StrategyWho Tech Rep SerImplementation Science Implement SciPImplementing Domestic Tradable Permits for Environmental Protection, Proceedings Oecd Proc'Implementing Domestic Tradeable Permits Oecd ProcPImplementing Educational Reform: Sociological Perspectives On Educational PolicySoc Pol Iss EduGImplementing Environmental Management Accounting: Status and ChallengesEco Efficien Ind SciGImplementing Environmental Management Accounting: Status and ChallengesEco-effic Ind Sci1Implementing Health Sector Reform in Central AsiaEdi Learn Resour SerAImplementing International Environmental Law in Germany and China Int Env Law>Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance: Methods and CasesSpringer Financ+Implementing Planned Markets in Health CareState Hlth SerImplementing Rail ProjectsImeche Conf TransgImplementing Recurrent Education in Sweden : On Reform Strategies of Swedish Adult and Higher Education Natl B Educ@Implementing Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations Sci ComputMImplementing The World Intellectual Property Organizations Development Agenda Stud Int GovFImplications of Molecular and Materials Structure for New TechnologiesNato Adv Sci I E-app1Implications of New Data On Radiation Cancer Risk P Nat C RadTImplications of North American Free Trade Agreement for The Asian and Pacific RegionEscap Stud Trade InvJImplicit Functions and Solution Mappings: A View From Variational AnalysisSpringer Monogr Math'Implied Author: Concept and Controversy NarratologiaTImpoliteness in Language: Studies On Its Interplay With Power in Theory and PracticeLang Power Soc Proce2Importance of Colour Perception to Animals and ManNeurosci Res Prog SeKImportance of Feeding Behavior for The Efficient Culture of Salmonid Fishes World Aquac/Importance of Growth for Health and DevelopmentNestle Nutr Works SeLImportance of Reinventing Oscar: Versions of Wilde During The Last 100 Years Int For LitRImportance of Root to Shoot Communication in The Responses to Environmental Stress Brit Soc Pl5Imported Foods: Microbiological Issues and ChallengesEmerg Iss Food SafKImpossible Bodies, Impossible Selves: Exclusions and Student SubjectivitiesIncl Educ Cross CultlImproved Bonferroni Inequalities Via Abstract Tubes: Inequalities and Identities of Inclusion-exclusion TypeLect Notes MathEImproved Ceramics Through New Measurements, Processing, and Standards Ceram Trans1Improved Productivity of Blast Furnace Operations Mcmaster S[Improvement in The Quality of Delivery of Electrical Energy Using Power Electronics Systems Power Syst Improvements in Dialysis TherapyContrib NephrolWImprovements in The Kinetic and Dynamic Profiles of Dihydropyridine Calcium AntagonistsRes Clin ForumsCImproving Access to Justice : The Future of Paralegal Professionals Aic Conf PImproving Catheter Site CareRoy Soc Med Int CongImproving Childrens Lives Prim Prev P%Improving Classroom Learning With IctImprov Learn TlrpImproving Comfort in ClothingWoodhead Publ Ser Te"Improving Educational ProductivityRes Educ ProductBImproving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems Water Trans(Improving Farmed Fish Quality and SafetyWoodhead Food Ser4Improving Genetic Disease Resistance in Farm Animals Curr T Vet1Improving Health and Welfare in Animal Production Eaap PublicImproving Healthcare: A Dose of Competition, A Report By The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice July, 2004, With Various Supplementary MaterialsDev Health Econ Publ%Improving Human Performance QuarterlyImprov Hum PerformAImproving Institutions for Green Landscapes in Metropolitan AreasSustain Urban Areas@Improving Learning By Widening Participation in Higher EducationImprov Learn Tlrp0Improving Learning Cultures in Further EducationImprov Learn TlrpAImproving Learning How to Learn: Classrooms, Schools and NetworksImprov Learn Tlrp,Improving Learning in A Professional ContextImprov Learn TlrpImproving Learning in CollegeImprov Learn Tlrp Improving Learning in Later LifeImprov Learn Tlrp[Improving Learning, Skills and Inclusion: The Impact of Policy On Post-compulsory EducationImprov Learn Tlrp,Improving Learning Through Consulting PupilsImprov Learn TlrpImproving Learning TlrpImprov Learn Tlrp(Improving Literacy By Teaching MorphemesImprov Learn Tlrp;Improving Local Government-outcomes of Comparative ResearchGov Public Manag'Improving Schools, Developing InclusionImprov Learn Tlrp4Improving Schools: Studies in Leadership and CultureRes Theor Educ Admin+Improving Seafood Products for The ConsumerWoodhead Food SerJImproving Service-learning Practice: Research On Models to Enhance ImpactsAdv Serv Learn Res0Improving Student Achievement: Reforms That WorkMilken Fam Found Ser3Improving Teacher Education Through Action ResearchRoutl Res EduclImproving The Context for Inclusion: Personalising Teacher Development Through Collaborative Action ResearchImprov Learn Tlrp;Improving The Exploration Process By Learning From The Past Npf Sp PublImproving The Flavour of CheeseWoodhead Publ Food SIImproving The Health-promoting Properties of Fruit and Vegetable ProductsWoodhead Food SeryImproving The Investment Decision Process - Better Use of Economic Inputs in Securities Analysis and Portfolio ManagementIcfa Cont Educ SerFImproving The Performance of Health Centres in District Health SystemsWho Tech Rep SerMImproving The Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes: Facades and RoofsRes Archit Eng SerAImproving The Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes: NeedsRes Archit Eng SerLImproving The Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes: State of The ArtRes Archit Eng SerFImproving The Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes: StructuresRes Archit Eng Ser6Improving The Quality of Life for The European CitizenAssist Techn Res SerRImproving The Safety and Quality of Milk, Volume 1: Milk Production and ProcessingWoodhead Publ Food SVImproving The Safety and Quality of Milk, Volume 2: Improving Quality in Milk ProductsWoodhead Publ Food S^Improving The Selection, Testing and Evaluation of Weed Biological Control Agents, ProceedingsCrc Aust Weed Manage;Improving The Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Fresh MeatWoodhead Food SerXImproving Vehicle Workshop Efficiency: Incorporating Automatic Identification Technology Imeche SemImproving Working As LearningImprov Learn TlrpImproving Workplace LearningImprov Learn TlrpImpulse Breakdown of Liquids Power SystImpulsive Control TheoryLect Notes Contr Inf*Impulsivity: Causes, Control and DisordersPsychol Emot Motiv AQImpurities, Defects and Diffusion in Semiconductors : Bulk and Layered StructuresMater Res Soc Symp PImpurity Diffusion in Metals Sol St Phen Imr-industrial Management ReviewImr-ind Manag RevOImrt Igrt Sbrt- Advances in The Treatment Planning and Delivery of RadiotherapyFront Radiat Ther OnQImrt, Igrt, Sbrt: Advances in The Treatment Planning and Delivery of RadiotherapyFront Radiat Ther On]Imtc/2000: Proceedings of The 17th Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Ieee Imtc PgImtc/2001: Proceedings of The 18th Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Vols 1-3 Ieee Imtc PiImtc 2002: Proceedings of The 19th Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Vols 1 & 2 Ieee Imtc P]Imtc/95 - 1995 Ieee Instrumentation/measurement Technology Conference, Conference Proceedings Ieee Imtc P}Imtc/97 - Ieee Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference: Sensing, Processing, Networking, Proceedings Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Imtc PfImtc/99: Proceedings of The 16th Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Vols. 1-3 Ieee Imtc PiImtc/o3: Proceedings of The 20th Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Imtc PIn and Out of Equilibrium 2 Prog Probab<In and Out of Equilibrium: Probability With A Physics Flavor Prog Probab,Inbetriebnahme Verfahrenstechnischer AnlagenVDI-BuchInborn Errors of MetabolismNestle Nutr Works SeRIncarceration and The Family: Issues, Effects and Approaches to Successful ReentryCrim Justice Law Enf9Incarnate Text: Imagining The Book in Reformation England Mater TextsUIn Celebration of Revised 780 : Music in The Dewey Decimal Classification, Edition 20 Mla Tech R)Incentive Regulation for Public Utilities T Reg Econ2Incentives, Overlays, and Economic Traffic ControlLect Notes Comput Sc`Incentives, Regulations and Plans: The Role of States and Nation-states in Smart Growth PlanningNew Horiz Reg SciIncisional Hernia Updates SurgVInciting Change in Secondary English Language Programs: The Case of Cherry High SchoolSecond Educ Chang Wo5Including Families and Communities in Urban EducationIss Res Theor Pol Pr>Including The Excluded : Extending The Benefits of Development Inc Exc ExtOInclusion and Psychological Intervention in Schools: A Critical AutoethnographyIncl Educ Cross Cult(Inclusion Methods for Nonlinear Problems Comp SupplAInclusion of Environmental Education in Science Teacher EducationAste Ser Sci EducHInclusion of Other Women: Breaking The Silence Through Dialogic LearningLifelong Learn Book;Inclusion, Participation and Democracy: What Is The PurposeInclusive EducInclusion Polymers Adv Polym Sci/Inclusive Education Cross Cultural PerspectivesIncl Educ Cross Cult0Inclusive Education: Cross Cultural PerspectivesInclusive Educ;Inclusive Masculinity: The Changing Nature of MasculinitiesRoutl Res Gend SocDIncome Elasticity and Economic Development: Methods and ApplicationsAdv Stud Theor ApplFIncomplete Decompositions (ilu) - Algorithms, Theory, and Applications Note Num FlInconsistency ToleranceLect Notes Comput ScCIncorporating Knowledge Sources Into Statistical Speech RecognitionLect Notes Electr En-Incorporating Uncertainty Into Fishery Models Am Fish S S%Inco Science and Engineering ReporterInco Sci Eng ReportXIncreasing Healthy Life Span: Conventional Measures and Slowing The Innate Aging ProcessAnn Ny Acad Sci,Increasingly Safe and Successful Pregnancies Int Congr SerVIncreasing Seismic Safety By Combining Engineering Technologies and Seismological DataNato Sci Peace SecurIncreasing The Ags Polarization Aip Conf Proc:Incredible Anaerobes: From Physiology to Genomics to FuelsAnn Ny Acad SciFIncremental Learning for Motion Prediction of Pedestrians and VehiclesSpringer Trac Adv Ro.Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices Ann Sym IncIncremental Speech TranslationLect Notes Artif Int@Inculturation: Abide By The Otherness of Africa and The AfricansKtc$Indagationes Mathematicae-new SeriesIndagat Math New Ser=In Darkest Alaska: Travel and Empire Along The Inside Passage Nat Cult AmLIn Defense of Human Rights: A Non-religious Grounding in A Pluralistic WorldRoutl Innov Polit Th In Defense of Judicial ElectionsControv Elect DemocrIn Defense of The Alien Defen Alien In Defense of The Aliens, Vol Xx Defen Alien!In Defense of The Aliens, Vol Xxi Defen AlienIn Defense of The Alien, Vol 12 Defen AlienIn Defense of The Alien, Vol 14 Defen AlienIn Defense of The Alien, Vol 15 Defen AlienIn Defense of The Alien, Vol 16 Defen AlienIn Defense of The Alien, Vol 8 Defen Alien!In Defense of The Alien, Vol Xiii Defen Alien In Defense of The Alien, Vol Xix Defen Alien!In Defense of The Alien, Vol Xvii Defen Alien"In Defense of The Alien, Vol Xviii Defen Alien!In Defense of The Alien, Vol Xxii Defen Alien"In Defense of The Alien, Vol Xxiii Defen Alien<Indentation Techniques in Ceramic Materials Characterization Ceram TransIndependent AccountsAdv Public Inter Acc=Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, and Neural NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, and Neural Networks Proc Spie]Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Neural Networks, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering Ix Proc Spie_Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Neural Networks, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Neural Networks, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering Viii Proc SpieeIndependent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Nano-biomimetic Sensors, and Neural Networks VP Soc Photo-opt InseIndependent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Nano-biomimetic Sensors, and Neural Networks V Proc SpiefIndependent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Nano-biomimetic Sensors, and Neural Networks ViP Soc Photo-opt InsfIndependent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Nano-biomimetic Sensors, and Neural Networks Vi Proc Spie\Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Smart Sensors, and Neural Networks IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Smart Sensors, and Neural Networks Ii Proc Spie]Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Smart Sensors, and Neural Networks IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Smart Sensors, and Neural Networks IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Unsupervised Smart Sensors, and Neural Networks Iv Proc Spie:Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal SeparationLect Notes Comput ScGIndependent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAIndependent Component Analysis and Signal Separation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCIndependent Living for Persons With Disabilities and Elderly PeopleAssist Techn Res SerCIndependent Living for Persons With Disabilities and Elderly PeopleAssist Technol Res SIndependent Review Indep Rev1Independent Review-a Journal of Political Economy Indep Rev(Independent Studies in Political EconomyIndep Stud Polit Eco)Index of Christian Art: Occasional PapersIndex Christ Art OcIndex of Emblem Art Symposium Ams St EmblIndex On CensorshipIndex Censorship,India and Counterinsurgency: Lessons LearnedAsian Secur Stud#India: From Regional to World PowerIndia Mod WorldIndia in The Modern WorldIndia Mod World0Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinIndiana Aes Bull9Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station Inspection ReportIndiana Aes Insp Rep9Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station Research BulletinIndiana Aes Res BullIndiana Law Journal Indiana Law J,Indiana Series in The Philosophy of Religion In Phil Rel&Indiana University Mathematics JournalIndiana U Math J)Indian Economic and Social History ReviewIndian Econ Soc Hist.Indian Economic Superpower: Fiction Or Future?World Sci Ser 21st CIndian Historian Indian HistIndian HorizonsIndian Horizons'Indian Journal of Agricultural ResearchIndian J Agr Res'Indian Journal of Agricultural SciencesIndian J Agr SciIndian Journal of AgronomyIndian J Agron!Indian Journal of Animal ResearchIndian J Anim Res!Indian Journal of Animal SciencesIndian J Anim SciIndian Journal of BiochemistryIndian J Biochem+Indian Journal of Biochemistry & BiophysicsIndian J Biochem BioIndian Journal of BiotechnologyIndian J BiotechnolIndian Journal of CancerIndian J Cancer%Indian Journal of Chemical TechnologyIndian J Chem TechnIndian Journal of Chemistry Indian J ChemiIndian Journal of Chemistry Section A-inorganic Bio-inorganic Physical Theoretical & Analytical ChemistryIndian J Chem AUIndian Journal of Chemistry Section B-organic Chemistry Including Medicinal ChemistryIndian J Chem B2Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied SciencesIndian J Chest DisIndian Journal of DermatologyIndian J Dermatol5Indian Journal of Dermatology Venereology & LeprologyIndian J Dermatol VeIndian Journal of Economics Indian J Econ4Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials SciencesIndian J Eng Mater S&Indian Journal of Experimental BiologyIndian J Exp Biol*Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile ResearchIndian J Fibre TextIndian Journal of Fisheries Indian J Fish%Indian Journal of Fisheries-section AIndian J Fish-sect A%Indian Journal of Fisheries-section BIndian J Fish-sect B Indian Journal of Gender StudiesIndian J Gend Stud-Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant BreedingIndian J Genet Pl Br%Indian Journal of Geo-marine SciencesIndian J Geo-mar Sci2Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood TransfusionIndian J Hematol Blo(Indian Journal of Heterocyclic ChemistryIndian J Heterocy ChIndian Journal of HorticultureIndian J Hortic&Indian Journal of Industrial RelationsIndian J Ind Relat!Indian Journal of Marine SciencesIndian J Mar Sci&Indian Journal of Medical MicrobiologyIndian J Med Microbi"Indian Journal of Medical ResearchIndian J Med Res@Indian Journal of Medical Research Section A-infectious DiseasesIndian J Med Res-a_Indian Journal of Medical Research Section B-biomedical Research Other Than Infectious DiseasesIndian J Med Res-bIndian Journal of MicrobiologyIndian J Microbiol)Indian Journal of Nutrition and DieteticsIndian J Nutr DietIndian Journal of OphthalmologyIndian J OphthalmolIndian Journal of OrthopaedicsIndian J Orthop8Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck SurgeryIndian J Otolaryngol,Indian Journal of Pathology and MicrobiologyIndian J Pathol MicrIndian Journal of PediatricsIndian J Pediatr7Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and ResearchIndian J Pharm Educ)Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesIndian J Pharm SciIndian Journal of PharmacologyIndian J PharmacolIndian Journal of Physics Indian J PhysbIndian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of The Indian Association for The Cultivation of Science Indian J PhysiIndian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of The Indian Association for The Cultivation of Science-part AIndian J Phys Pt-aiIndian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of The Indian Association for The Cultivation of Science-part BIndian J Phys Pt-b"Indian Journal of Plant PhysiologyIndian J Plant PhysiIndian Journal of PoliticsIndian J PolitIndian Journal of PsychologyIndian J Psychol,Indian Journal of Pure & Applied MathematicsIndian J Pure Ap Mat(Indian Journal of Pure & Applied PhysicsIndian J Pure Ap Phy'Indian Journal of Radio & Space PhysicsIndian J Radio Space!Indian Journal of Social ResearchIndian J Soc ResIndian Journal of Social WorkIndian J Soc WorkIndian Journal of Surgery Indian J SurgIndian Journal of TechnologyIndian J Technol%Indian Journal of Theoretical PhysicsIndian J Theor Phys'Indian Journal of Traditional KnowledgeIndian J Tradit KnowIndian Journal of VirologyIndian J VirolIndian Journal of Zoology Indian J ZoolIndian Literature Indian Lit8Indian Literature and Popular Cinema: Recasting ClassicsRoutl Cont S Asia Se1Indian Naval Strategy in The Twenty-first CenturyCass Ser Nav Policy@Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological VariabilityGeophys Monogr Ser>Indian Ocean Region: Maritime Regimes for Regional CooperationPolit Econ Asia PacBIndian Ocean Studies: Cultural, Social, and Political PerspectivesRoutl Indian Ocean SIndian PediatricsIndian PediatrIndian Political Science ReviewIndian Polit Sci RevIndian Psychological ReviewIndian Psychol RevxIndians, Environment, and Identity On The Borders of American Literature: From Faulkner and Morrison to Walker and SilkoAm Lit Read Twenty-fIndian Sociological BulletinIndian Sociol BullIndian Veterinary Journal Indian Vet J>Indian Wars of Canada, Mexico and The United States, 1812-1900 Warfare HistJIndia, Pakistan and The Secret Jihad: The Covert War in Kashmir, 1947-2004Asian Secur Stud8India's Emerging Financial Market: A Flow of Funds ModelRoutledge Stud GrowtIndia's Energy SecurityRoutl Cont S Asia Se;India's Globalization: Evaluating The Economic ConsequencesPol StudbIndias Innovation Blueprint: How The Worlds Largest Democracy Is Becoming An Innovation SuperpowerChandos Asian Stud/Indias New Economic Policy: A Critical AnalysisRoutl Stud Dev Soc*India's Nuclear Bomb and National SecurityRoutl Adv S Asian St:Indias Open-economy Policy: Globalism, Rivalry, ContinuityRoutl Cont S Asia Se8India's Princely States: People, Princes and ColonialismRout St Mod Hist Asi8India's Princely States: People, Princes and ColonialismRoutl Stud Mod HistKIndia: The Political Economy of Growth, Stagnation and The State, 1951-2007India Mod WorldOIndicators for Urban and Regional Planning: The Interplay of Policy and Methods Rtpi Lib Ser#Indicators of Children's Well BeingSoc Indic Res Ser=Indicators of Children's Well-being, Conference Papers, Vol 1 Inst Res P Sp>Indicators of Children's Well-being, Conference Papers, Vol Ii Inst Res P Sp?Indicators of Children's Well-being, Conference Papers, Vol Iii Inst Res P Sp#Indicators of Milk and Beef Quality Eaap Public,Indicator Systems for Sustainable Innovation Sustain Innov-Indifference Pricing: Theory and ApplicationsPrinc Ser Financ EngMIndigeneity and Political Theory: Sovereignty and The Limits of The PoliticalRout Iss Contemp PoleIndigeneity in The Courtroom: Law, Culture, and The Production of Difference in North American CourtsIndigen People PolitCIndigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context Int Cul PsyLIndigenous Architecture in Borneo: Traditional Patterns and New DevelopmentsBorn Res Co Pro Ser&Indigenous Biography and AutobiographyAborig Hist Mg Ser=Indigenous Ecotourism: Sustainable Development and ManagementEcotour Bk SerIIndigenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk Reduction: From Practice to PolicyNat Disaster Res PrYIndigenous Knowledge Systems : Implications for Agriculture and International Development Stud Tech S=Indigenous Modernities: Negotiating Architecture and Urbanism ArchitextIndigenous Peoples and PoliticsIndigen People Polit,Indigenous Peoples and Real Estate ValuationRes Iss Real EstateIndigenous Studies SeriesIndigenous Stud SerOIndios En Escena: La Representacion Del Amerindio En El Teatro Del Siglo De OroPurdue Stud Roman LibIndirect Estimation of Migration: Methods for Dealing With Irregular, Inadequate, and Missing DataSpringer Ser DemogrIndirect RestorationsQuintessent Dent PraZIndistinguishability Operators: Modelling Fuzzy Equalities and Fuzzy Equivalence RelationsStud Fuzz Soft CompLIndividual and Organizational Perspectives On Emotion Management and DisplayRes Emotion Organ$Individual and Social Responsibility Nber Conf ReIndividual Financial Planning for Retirement: Empirical Insights From The Affluent Segment in Germany Contrib EconQIndividualisierte Produkte: Komplexitat Beherrschen in Entwicklung Und ProduktionVDI-Buch4Individualizing The Assessment of Language Abilities MultilingIndividual Psychologist Indiv PsycholHIndividual Psychology-the Journal of Adlerian Theory Research & Practice Indiv Psychol#Indivisible Human Rights: A HistoryPa Stud Hum Rights*Indlas 2007: Industrial Laser ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Indlas 2007: Industrial Laser Applications Proc Spie Indo Asia Indo Asia9Indo-european Language Family: Questions About Its StatusJ Indo-eur Stud MonoIndogermanische ForschungenIndoger ForschIndo-iranian Journal Indo-iran JIndonesia and The Malay WorldIndones Malay WorldLIndonesian Journey: A Nation's Quest for Democracy, Stability and ProsperityAsian Polit Econ SecIndonesian PrimatesDev Primatol-prog Pr Indoor Air Indoor AirBIndoor Air-international Journal of Indoor Air Quality and Climate Indoor AirIndoor and Built EnvironmentIndoor Built EnvironIndoor EnvironmentIndoor Environ0Indo-russian Workshop On Micromechanical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsCInducible Plant Proteins : Their Biochemistry and Molecular BiologySoc Exp Biol Semin SInducing Food Insecurity Sem P Scand6Induction, Algorithmic Learning Theory, and PhilosophyLogic Epistemol UnitInduction Motor Control DesignAdv Ind ControlInductive Dependency ParsingText Speech Lang TecYInductive Inference for Large Scale Text Classification: Kernel Approaches and TechniquesStud Comput IntellInductive Logic ProgrammingLect Notes Artif IntGInductive Logic Programming Approach to Statistical Relational LearningFront Artif Intel Ap%Inductive Logic Programming, Ilp 2008Lect Notes Artif Int(Inductive Logic Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntFInductive Powering: Basic Theory and Application to Biomedical SystemsAnalog Circ Sig ProcInductive Synthesis of Functional Programs: Universal Planning, Folding of Finite Programs, and Schema Abstraction By Analogical ReasoningLect Notes Artif IntIndustria Conserve Ind ConserveCIndustrial Agglomeration and New Technologies: A Global PerspectiveNew Horiz Reg Sci4Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical Conf Ind Com Pow/Industrial & Engineering Chemistry FundamentalsInd Eng Chem FundAIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and DevelopmentInd Eng Chem Proc DdCIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research and DevelopmentInd Eng Chem Prod Rd+Industrial & Engineering Chemistry ResearchInd Eng Chem Res#Industrial & Labor Relations ReviewInd Labor Relat RevLIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsLIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies 2007 Proc SpieLIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies 2008 Proc SpieLIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsLIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies 2010 Proc SpieLIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies 2011 Proc SpiemIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies - Smart Structures and Materials 1996P Soc Photo-opt InslIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies: Smart Structures and Materials 1997P Soc Photo-opt InsmIndustrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies - Smart Structures and Materials 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins@Industrial and Commercial Power Systems and Technical ConferenceInd Commer PowerAIndustrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference 1991 Ind Com PowUIndustrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference 1993 : Conference Record Ind Com Pow"Industrial and Commercial TrainingInd Commer TrainIndustrial and Corporate ChangeInd Corp ChangeUIndustrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert SystemsLect Notes Artif Int$Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Ind Eng Chem7Industrial and Engineering Chemistry-analytical Edition Ind Eng Chem)Industrial and Highway Sensors TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsMIndustrial and Organizational Psychology-perspectives On Science and PracticeInd Organ Psychol-us3Industrial and Scientific Uses of High-power LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Industrial and Technological Applications of NeutronsP Int Sch Phys8Industrial Application of Electromagnetic Computer Codes Euro C Comp@Industrial Application of Enzymes On Carbohydrate-based Material Acs Sym SerGIndustrial Applications of Holographic and Speckle Measuring TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Industrial Applications of Knowledge-based Diagnosis Adv Ind Eng&Industrial Applications of Laser RadarP Soc Photo-opt InsEIndustrial Applications of Optical Inspection, Metrology, and SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Industrial Applications of Plasma Physics Int Sch Pl'Industrial Applications of Semantic WebInt Fed Info Proc)Industrial Applications of Surfactants Ii Roy Soc Ch)Industrial Applications of Surfactants Iv Roy Soc Ch/Industrial Applications of The Mossbauer Effect Aip Conf ProcXIndustrial Applications Society : 36th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrXIndustrial Applications Society : 38th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap Petr)Industrial Archaeology: Future DirectionsContr Glob Hist ArchIndustrial Archaeology ReviewInd Archaeol Rev6Industrial Automation and Internet/intranet-technology VDI Bericht.Industrial Biocides: Selection and Application Roy Soc Ch=Industrial Biomaterial Visions: Spearhead Programme 2009-2013 Vtt Res Notes>Industrial Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and MedicineInd Biotech Age Ind9Industrial Biotechnology: Patenting Trends and InnovationInd Biotech Age IndIndustrial Ceramics Ind CeramIndustrial Chemistry Library Ind Chem LJIndustrial Clusters in Asia: Analyses of Their Competition and Cooperation Ide-jetro SerIndustrial Color PhysicsSpringer Ser Opt SciIndustrial Crops and Products Ind Crop ProdIndustrial Design MagazineInd Design Mag,Industrial Development and The Social Fabric Ind Dev Soc'Industrial Development in Postwar JapanRoutl Explor Econ HiIndustrial Diamond ReviewInd Diamond RevIndustrial Distribution Ind Distrib3Industrial Dynamics Entrepreneurship and InnovationInd Dyn Entrep Innov3Industrial Dynamics Entrepreneurship and InnovationInd Dynam Entrep InnIndustrial Effluent TechnologyBhr Gr Conf Ser PublIndustrial Electronics Ind ElectronIndustrial Energy Management VDI BerichtIndustrial EngineerInd EngIndustrial EngineeringInd Eng"Industrial Environmental Chemistry Ind Univ CSIndustrial Fermentation: Food Processes, Nutrient Sources and Production StrategiesFood Sci TechnolIndustrial Finishing Ind FinishIndustrial Gerontology Ind GerontolIndustrial Health Ind Health!Industrial Hygiene Science Series Ind Hyg Sci!Industrial Information TechnologyInd Inform TechnolIndustrial Innovation Series Ind Innov SerIndustrial Inspection IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Industrialization and ProductivityInd ProdIndustrialization Forum Ind ForumIndustrial LaboratoryInd Lab+/Industrial Lasers and Laser Material ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Industrial Lubrication and TribologyInd Lubr Tribol$Industrial Management & Data SystemsInd Manage Data SystIndustrial Marketing ManagementInd Market ManagIndustrial Medicine and Surgery Ind Med Surg3Industrial Minerals and Extractive Industry GeologyGeol Soc Spec Publ0Industrial Mixing Fundamentals With Applications Aiche Sym SMIndustrial, Municipal, and Medical Waste Incineration Diagnostics and ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsFIndustrial Optical Sensing and Metrology: Applications and IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Industrial Optical Sensors for Metrology and InspectionP Soc Photo-opt InsAIndustrial Organization and Regulation of The Securities Industry Nber Conf RIndustrial Photography Ind PhotogrIndustrial Policy in Europe Rout S Ind>Industrial Property in The Biomedical Age: Challenges for AsiaMax Planck Series#Industrial R & D The Human Resource Eirma ConfIndustrial Relations Ind RelatIndustrial Relations in KoreaRoutl Adv Korean StuZIndustrial Relations Research Association - Proceedings of The Forty-eighth Annual Meeting Ind Rel Res0Industrial Relations Research Association Series Ind Rel Res<Industrial Relations Research Association Series, Proceeding Ind Rel Res=Industrial Relations Research Association Series, Proceedings Ind Rel ResbIndustrial Relations Research Association Series - Proceedings of The Forty-seventh Annual Meeting Ind Rel ResIndustrial ResearchInd Res!Industrial Research & DevelopmentRes DevIndustrial Robot Ind Robot)Industrial Robot-an International Journal Ind RobotIndustrial Sensing SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsIndustrial Sensing Systems Proc SpieIndustrial Statistics Contr StatIndustrial Ventilation VDI BerichtIndustrial Vision MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt InsIndustrial Wastes Ind WasteIndustria Textila Ind TextilaIndustrie AlimentariInd Aliment-italy6Industrie Chimique Belge-belgische Chemische Industrie Ind Chim Belg3Industrieentwicklung: Ein Deutsch-britischer DialogPrinz Albert StudBIndustries and Globalization-the Political Casuality of DifferenceGlob GovIndustry and Innovation Ind InnovVIndustry Applications Society : 37th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrVIndustry Applications Society : 39th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 40th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrqIndustry Applications Society 41st Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference, Record of Conference PapersRecord Conf Pap PetrrIndustry Applications Society 42nd Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference - Record of Conference PapersRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 44th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrrIndustry Applications Society 45th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference - Record of Conference PapersRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 47th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 48th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 49th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 50th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap Petr^Industry Applications Society 51st Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 52nd Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 53rd Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 54th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 55th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap PetrTIndustry Applications Society 56th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap Petr:Industry-university Cooperative Chemistry Program Symposia Ind Univ C Industry WeekInd WeekMInec 96: Warship Design - What Is So Different?, Conference Proceedings, Pt 1Inec SerNInec 96: Warship Design - What Is So Different:, Conference Proceedings, Pt IiInec Ser Inec SeriesInec SerXInelastic Behaviour of Structures Under Variable Repeated Loads: Direct Analysis Methods Cism Cour L:Inelasticity and Micromechanics of Metal Matrix CompositesStud Appl MechHInelasticity of Materials: An Engineering Approach and A Practical GuideSer Adv Math Appl Sc\Inelastic Light Scattering of Semiconductor Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Recent AdvancesSpringer Tr Mod PhysdInequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health: Concerns of Patients, Providers and InsurersRes Sociol Health Ca-Inequalities Based On Sobolev RepresentationsSpringerbrief MathIInequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications, Second EditionSpringer Ser StatLInequality Across Societies: Families, Schools and Persisting StratificationRes Sociol Educ#Inequality and Economic IntegrationRoutl Siena Stud Pol5Inequality and Growth: Theory and Policy ImplicationsCesifo Seminar SerIInequality and Opportunity: Papers From The Second Ecineq Society Meeting Res Ec IneqIInequality and Opportunity: Papers From The Second Ecineq Society MeetingRes Econ InequalInequality and PovertyRes Econ Inequal1Inequality, Consumer Credit and The Saving PuzzleNew Dir Mod Econ$Inequality, Crime and Social Control Crime SocCInequality in Education: Comparative and International PerspectivesCerc Stud Comp Educ"Inequality, Poverty and Well-beingStud Dev Econ Policy"Inequality Theory and ApplicationsInequal Theory Appl)Inequality Theory and Applications, Vol 4Inequal Theory Appl)Inequality Theory and Applications, Vol 5Inequal Theory Appl)Inequality Theory and Applications, Vol 6Inequal Theory ApplTInerleukin 12: Cellular and Molecular Immunology of An Important Regulatory CytokineAnn Ny Acad SciInertial Confinement Fusion Res Tr Phys%Inertial Coordinate System On The SkyIau Symp$Inertial Navigation Systems AnalysisArtech Hse Gnss TechJInes 2005: 9th International Conference On Intelligent Engineering SystemsInt C Intell Eng SysXInes 2007: 11th International Conference On Intelligent Engineering Systems, ProceedingsInt C Intell Eng SysXInes 2008: 12th International Conference On Intelligent Engineering Systems, ProceedingsInt C Intell Eng SysBInevitable Aging? Contributions to Evolutionary-demographic TheoryDemogr Res MonogrInfancia Y AprendizajeInfanc AprendizInfancyInfancyInfant and Child DevelopmentInfant Child DevInfant Behavior & DevelopmentInfant Behav DevInfantile Nutrition - An Update Beitr InfusInfant Mental Health JournalInf Mental Hlth JInfant Mental Health JournalInfant Ment Health JInfants & Young ChildrenInfant Young ChildInfants and Young ChildrenInfant Young Child Infection InfectionInfection and Immunity Infect Immun+Infection Control and Hospital EpidemiologyInfect Cont Hosp Ep%Infection Control for The Dental TeamQuintessent Dent Pra Infection Genetics and EvolutionInfect Genet Evol-Infections and Haemorrhage in Acute Leukaemia Bergamo Hae6Infections in Childhood: Ear, Nose, and Throat Aspects Int Congr SerInfections in Medicine Infect MedInfections in Surgery Infect Surg6Infections in The Critically Ill: An Ongoing ChallengeTop Anaesth Crit CarInfections in Urology Infect Urol;Infectious Agents and Disease-reviews Issues and CommentaryInfect Agent DisInfectious Disease Infect DisInfectious Disease and Therapy Infec Dis T+Infectious Disease Clinics of North AmericaInfect Dis Clin N Am2Infectious Disease Informatics and BiosurveillanceIntegr Ser Inform SyXInfectious Disease Informatics: Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Bio-defenseIntegr Ser Inform Sy.Infectious Disease Modelling Research ProgressPublic Health 21st CInfectious DiseasesActual Pharm Biol ClInfectious Disease Series Infec Dis S(Infectious Diseases in Clinical PracticeInfect Dis Clin Prac Infectious Diseases of The Liver Falk Symp"Infectious Pregnancy ComplicationsPreg Infants-med PsyFInfectious Processes: Knowledge, Discourse, and The Politics of PrionsSci Technol Med ModInferior Olivary ComplexAdv Anat Embryol Cel=Infertility in The Modern World: Present and Future Prospects Biosocial SInfiniInfini<Infinite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems Prog MathDInfinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related TopicsInfin Dimens Anal QuFInfinite-dimensional Aspects of Representation Theory and Applications Contemp MathInfinite Length Modules Trends MathInfinite Regress Arguments Argum Lib!Infinity in Logic and ComputationLect Notes Artif Int InflammasomesProg Inflamm Res Ser Inflammation InflammationVInflammation and Cancer: Methods and Protocols, Vol 2: Molecular Analysis and PathwaysMethods Mol Biol$Inflammation and Drug Therapy Series Infl Dr ThBInflammation and Retinal Disease: Complement Biology and PathologyAdv Exp Med Biol)Inflammation: Mechanisms and TherapeuticsAgent Action SupplInflammation Research Inflamm ResaInflammatory Bowel Disease: A Clinical Case Approach to Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment Falk SympFInflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnosis and Therapeutics, Second EditionClin Gastroent-serfInflammatory Bowel Disease: Genetics, Barrier Function, Immunologic Mechanisms, and Microbial PathwaysAnn Ny Acad SciQInflammatory Bowel Disease : Progress in Basic Research and Clinical Implications Falk SympInflammatory Bowel Diseases Falk SympInflammatory Bowel DiseasesInflamm Bowel DisInflammatory Bowel Diseases Nes Nutr Ws Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 1990 Dev Gastro@Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Chronic Recurrent Abdominal Pain Falk SympCInflammatory Bowel Diseases : Pathophysiology As Basis of Treatment Falk SympPInflammatory Bowel Disease: Translation From Basic Research to Clinical Practice Falk Symp<Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy (dcmi): Pathogenesis and TherapyProg Inflamm Res Ser Inflammatory Disease and Therapy Infl Dis Th"Inflammatory Diseases of The BrainMed Radiol Diagn ImaDInflammatory Disease Therapy : Preclinical and Clinical DevelopmentsAgent Action SupplKInflammatory Processes: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opp OrtunitiesProg Inflam ResInflationary CosmologyLect Notes PhysInflation-targeting DebateNat Bur Econ Res StuInflation Theory in EconomicsRoutl Int Stud Money0Influence and Power: Variations On A Messy ThemeLaw Philos LibrLInfluence of Climate Change On The Changing Arctic and Sub-arctic ConditionsNato Sci Peace SecurRInfluence of Corporate Law and Accounting Principles in Determining Taxable Income Ifa Congr S1Influence of Funding On Advances in LibrarianshipAdv Libr0Influence of Molecular Biology On Drug Discovery Klin Pharm3Influence of The Solvents On Some Radical ReactionsChem Res Appl-novaTInfluence of The Sun's Radiation and Particles On The Earth's Atmosphere and Climate Adv Space ResTInfluence of The Sun's Radiation and Particles On The Earth's Atmosphere and ClimateAdv Space Res-series'Influenza and Other Respiratory VirusesInfluenza Other Resp1Influenza Vaccines for The Future, Second EditionBirkhauser Adv InfecInfocom 2007, Vols 1-5Ieee Infocom SerInforInforInformacao & Sociedade-estudos Inf Soc-estudInformacao & Sociedade-estudosInform Soc-estudQInformacije Midem-journal of Microelectronics Electronic Components and Materials Inform MidemInformacios Tarsadalom Inf Tarsad>Informal Conceptual Introduction to Turbulence, Second EditionFluid Mech Appl?Informal Empire in Latin America: Culture, Commerce and CapitalB Lat Am Res Bk Ser?Informal Empire in Latin America: Culture, Commerce and CapitalB Lat Am Res Book Se4Informal Institutions and Rural Development in ChinaRoutl Stud Chin EconqInformal Learning of Active Citizenship At School: An International Comparative Study in Seven European CountriesLifelong Learn BookInformal Logic Informal Log"Informal Work in Developed NationsRoutl Adv Heterod Ec InformaticaInformatica-lithuan+Informatics - 10 Years Back, 10 Years AheadLect Notes Comput Sc#Informatics and Changes in Learning Ifip Trans A*Informatics Curricula and Teaching MethodsInt Fed Info Proc9Informatics Education - Supporting Computational ThinkingLect Notes Comput ScLInformatics Education - The Bridge Between Using and Understanding ComputersLect Notes Comput Sc$Informatics for Health & Social CareInform Health Soc Ca In-formation In-formation?Information Access Through Search Engines and Digital LibrariesInform Retrieval SerInformation Age Inform AgeInformation Age EconomyInform Age EconInformation & Management Inform ManageInformation & ManagementInform Manage-amster Information & Records ManagementInform Rec Manage3Information and Collaboration Models of IntegrationNato Adv Sci I E-app3Information and Collaboration Models of IntegrationNato Adv Sci Inst Se3Information and Communication Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScInformation and Communications for Development: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism in Building The Global Information SocietyGlob Inform Infrastr'Information and Communications SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc4Information and Communications Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBInformation and Communication Techniologies Policies and PracticesMedia Commun Technol*Information and Communication TechnologiesComm Com Inf ScAInformation and Communication Technologies and Real-life LearningInt Fed Info ProcDInformation and Communication Technologies and The Knowledge EconomyInform Comm Tech KnoKInformation and Communication Technologies and The Knowledge Economy SeriesInform Comm Tech KnoqInformation and Communication Technologies for Active Ageing: Opportunities and Challenges for The European UnionAssist Technol Res S4Information and Communication Technologies in ActionRoutl Commun Ser7Information and Communication Technologies in EducationInt Fed Info Proc;Information and Communication Technologies in Rural SocietyRoutledge Stud Techn:Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1999Spring Comp Sci:Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2000Spring Comp Sci~Information and Communication Technology and Public Innovation-assessing The Ict-driven Modernization of Public AdministrationInnov Public SectFInformation and Communication Technology and The Teacher of The FutureInt Fed Info Proc2Information and Communicaton Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScInformation and Computation Inform ComputInformation and Control Inform ComputInformation and ControlInform Control%Information and Decision TechnologiesInform Decis TechnolCInformation and Knowledge: A Constructive Type-theoretical ApproachLogic Epistemol Unit<Information and Management Systems for Product CustomizationIntegr Ser Inform Sy*Information and Organisation Design SeriesInfo Org Design SerInformation and Organization Inf OrganInformation and OrganizationInform Organ-uk*Information and Organization Design SeriesInfo Org Desig Serie*Information and Organization Design SeriesInform Organ Des Ser2Information and Process Integration in EnterprisesKluwer Int Ser Eng C#Information and Software TechnologyInform Software Tech6Information-an International Interdisciplinary Journal Information6Information-an International Interdisciplinary JournalInformation-tokyo6Information Architecture for Information ProfessionalsChandos Inf Prof Ser'Information, A Resource for DevelopmentFid PubloInformation Assurance in Computer Networks: Methods, Models and Architectures for Network Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Information Assurance, Security and Privacy ServicesHandb Info SystWInformation-based Access to Storage: The Foundation of Information Systems, ProceedingsIeee S Mass Stor Sys.Information Behavior: An Evolutionary InstinctInform Sci Knowl Man+Information Business : Issues for The 1990s Inf Bus Key'Information Business : Key Issue Series Inf Bus Key#Information, Coding and Mathematics Kluw Commun#Information Communication & SocietyInform Commun Soc&Information Computing and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc,Information Computing and Applications, Pt 1Comm Com Inf Sc,Information Computing and Applications, Pt 2Comm Com Inf Sc=Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology 1992Ifac Symp Series-Information Criteria and Statistical ModelingSpringer Ser StatInformation DevelopmentInf DevInformation Development Inform DevInformation DisplayInform DisplayBInformation Display-journal of The Society for Information DisplayInf Display-j Soc IAInformation Dissemination and Access in Russia and Eastern EuropeNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec,Information Dissemination in Currency CrisesLect Notes Econ MathInformation DynamicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy Information Economics and PolicyInf Econ Policy!Information Extraction in FinanceAdv Manag Inform%Information Extraction in The Web EraLect Notes Artif Int;Information Extraction: Towards Scalable, Adaptable SystemsLect Notes Artif IntJInformation for Responsible Fisheries: Libraries As Mediators, Proceedings Iamslic C SInformation Fusion Inform FusionBInformation Fusion and Geographic Information Systems, ProceedingsLec Not Geo Carto;Information Geometry: Near Randomness and Near IndependenceLect Notes MathInformation HidingLect Notes Comput Sc#Information Hiding and ApplicationsStud Comput IntellInformation Hiding, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScInformation Historique Inform Hist4Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing Ifip Trans B7Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing IiInt Fed Info Proc$Information, Language, and Cognition Vanc St CogHInformation Literacy Cookbook: Ingredients, Recipes and Tips for SuccessChandos Inf Prof Ser0Information Literacy: International Perspectives Ifla PublCInformation Literacy in The Digital Age: An Evidence-based ApproachChandos Inf Prof SercInformation Literacy Landscapes: Information Literacy in Education, Workplace and Everyday ContextsChandos Inf Prof Ser,Information Literacy : Learning How to Learn Mc F S RutgInformation Litteraire Inform LitInformation Management Inform Manage4Information-management in The Context of Competition VDI Bericht0Information Management in The Production Process VDI Bericht-Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases Xiv Fr Art Int,Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases Xv Fr Art Int,Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XvFront Artif Intel Ap.Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XviiFront Artif Intel Ap.Information Network and Data Communication, Iv Ifip Trans CInformation NetworkingLect Notes Comput ScFInformation Networking: Convergence in Broadband and Mobile NetworkingLect Notes Comput ScInformation Networking in AsiaAdv Info Proc TechBInformation Networking: Towards Ubiquitous Networking and ServicesLect Notes Comput Sc+Information Networks and Data Communication Ifip Trans CInformation Optics Aip Conf Proc+Information Optics and Optical Data StorageP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Information Optics and Photonics Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Information Optics and Photonics Technologies Ii Proc SpieMInformation, Organisation and Technology: Studies in Organisational SemioticsInfo Org Design Ser&Information Organization and DatabasesKluwer Int Ser Eng C&Information Organization and DatabasesSpringer Int Ser Eng:Information, Place and Cyberspace: Issues in Accessibility Adv Spat SciInformation Privacy Inform AgecInformation Procesing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems: Applications, Pt IiComm Com Inf Sc!Information Processing '94, Vol I Ifip Trans A"Information Processing '94, Vol Ii Ifip Trans A#Information Processing '94, Vol Iii Ifip Trans A#Information Processing & ManagementInform Process Manag-Information Processing and Biological SystemsIntel Syst Ref Libr%Information Processing and ManagementComm Com Inf SciInformation Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems: Theory and Methods, Pt 1Comm Com Inf Sc9Information Processing in Computer-assisted InterventionsLect Notes Comput Sc}Information Processing in Design 1999: Acceleration of Product Development Using Edm/pdm Systems and Feature-based Technology VDI Bericht@Information Processing in Mammalian Auditory and Tactile Systems Neurol Neur)Information Processing in Medical Imaging Comp Imag Vis)Information Processing in Medical ImagingLect Notes Comput Sc,Information Processing in Medical Imaging //Prog Clin Biol Res-Information Processing in Medical Imaging ///Lect Notes Comput Sc6Information Processing in Medical Imaging, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc_Information Processing in Production Development: Efficient 3d Modeling - Advances and Pitfalls VDI Bericht6Information Processing in Sensor Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScInformation Processing LettersInform Process Lett.Information Processing Underlying Gaze Control Perg S Neur3Information Processing With Evolutionary AlgorithmsAdv Info Know Proc3Information Processing With Evolutionary AlgorithmsAdv Inform Knowl Pro+Information Protection and Network SecurityP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Information Research and Resource ReportsInform Res Resour R8Information Research-an International Electronic Journal Inform ResInformation RetrievalInform RetrievalIInformation Retrieval: A Health and Biomedical Perspective, Third EditionHealth Inform Ser<Information Retrieval and Mining in Distributed EnvironmentsStud Comp Intell<Information Retrieval and Mining in Distributed EnvironmentsStud Comput IntellInformation Retrieval SeriesInform Retrieval Ser Information Retrieval TechnologyLect Notes Comput Sc-Information Retrieval Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Information Retrieval Technololgy, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Information Revolution and Global PoliticsInform Revol Glob PoPInformation Routing, Correspondence Finding, and Object Recognition in The BrainStud Comput Intell,Information Science and Knowledge ManagementInform Sci Knowl Man"Information Science and StatisticsInform Sci StatInformation SciencesInform Sciences!Information Sciences-applicationsInform Sci-applInformation ScientistInform ScientistInformation SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc"Information Security and AssuranceComm Com Inf Sc:Information Security and Cryptography Texts and MonographsInform Sec Crypt Tex#Information Security and CryptologyLect Notes Comput Sc0Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2002Lect Notes Comput Sc0Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc0Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc0Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc=Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc0Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc.Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc'99Lect Notes Comput Sc0Information Security and Cryptology - Isisc 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc0Information Security and Cryptology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Information Security and PrivacyLect Notes Comput Sc-Information Security and Privacy, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Information Security ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc9Information Security for Automatic Speaker IdentificationSpringerbrief Speech;Information Security for Global Information InfrastructuresInt Fed Info Proc6Information Security Management, Education and PrivacyInt Fed Info Proc6Information Security: Policy, Processes, and PracticesAdv Manag Inform Sys,Information Security Practice and ExperienceLect Notes Comput Sc9Information Security Practice and Experience, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Information Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScpInformation Security Theory and Practice: Smart Devices, Pervasive Systems, and Ubiquitous Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScfInformation Security Theory and Practices: Security and Privacy of Pervasive Systems and Smart DevicesLect Notes Comput SclInformation Security Theory and Practices: Smart Cards, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScbInformation Security Theory and Practices: Smart Devices, Convergence and Next Generation NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc&Information Services Management SeriesInform Serv Man SerWInformationskultur Und Beziehungswissen: Das Korrespondenznetz Hans Fuggers (1531-1598) Stud AugustInformation Society Inform Soc(Information Society: Emerging LandscapesInt Fed Info ProcInformation Sources in PatentsGuide Inform Sources!Information Storage and RetrievalInform Storage Ret Information Strategy and WarfareContemp Secur Stud(Information Structure and Its InterfacesInterface Explor7Information Structure in A Cross-linguistic Perspective Lang Comput\Information Superhighway: The Role of Librarians, Information Scientists, and Intermediaries Ver U EssenBInformation Support for New Public Health Action At District LevelWho Tech Rep ServInformationsverarbeitung in Der Produktentwicklung 2001 Effiziente 3d Produktmodellierung Fortschritte Und Fallstricke VDI Bericht8Information System Concepts: Improving The Understanding Ifip Trans A&Information System Development Process Ifip Trans AInformation Systems Inform SystUInformation Systems Action Research: An Applied View of Emerging Concepts and MethodsIntegr Ser Inform SyEInformation Systems and Artificial Intelligence : Integration AspectsLect Notes Comput Sc-Information Systems and E-business ManagementInf Syst E-bus Manag/Information Systems and E-business TechnologiesLect Notes Bus Inf/Information Systems and E-business TechnologiesLect Notes Bus Inf P"Information Systems and TechnologyTransport Res RecUInformation Systems - Creativity and Innovation in Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesIfip Adv Inf Comm Te*Information Systems: Critical PerspectivesRoutl Stud Org SystInformation Systems EvolutionLect Notes Bus Inf PzInformation Systems for Divers and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operating in Very Shallow Water and Surf Zone Regions IiP Soc Photo-opt InszInformation Systems for Divers and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operating in Very Shallow Water and Surf Zone Regions Ii Proc Spie,Information Systems for Emergency ManagementAdv Manag Inform Sys|Information Systems for Navy Divers and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operating in Very Shallow Water and Surf Zone RegionsP Soc Photo-opt InsInformation Systems FrontiersInform Syst FrontInformation Systems Journal Inform Syst JInformation Systems ManagementInform Syst Manage;Information Systems: Modeling, Development, and IntegrationLect Notes Bus Inf;Information Systems: Modeling, Development, and IntegrationLect Notes Bus Inf PInformation Systems ResearchInform Syst ResEInformation Systems Research Challenge : Qualitative Research Methods Harv Bus CInformation Systems SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc)Information Systems Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Information Systems, Technology and Management, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScZInformation Systems, Technology and Management-third International Conference, Icistm 2009Comm Com Inf ScInformation Technologies 2004P Soc Photo-opt InsInformation Technologies 2004 Proc Spie'Information Technologies in BiomedicineAdv Intel Soft Compu.Information Technologies in Biomedicine, Vol 2Adv Intel Soft Compu5Information Technologies in Environmental EngineeringEnviron Sci Eng#Information Technology & ManagementInform Technol ManagInformation Technology & PeopleInform Technol Peopl?Information Technology and Competitive Advantage in Small FirmsRoutl Stud Small Bus"Information Technology and ControlInf Technol Control-Information Technology and Economic ModellingVtt SympJInformation Technology and Educational Management in The Knowledge SocietyInt Fed Info Proc%Information Technology and Law SeriesInf Technol Law Ser$Information Technology and LibrariesInform Technol Libr-Information Technology and Library Management Ver U Essen5Information Technology and Managing Quality EducationIfip Adv Inf Comm Te'Information Technology and Organization Ber Ger Acm0Information Technology and Orthodontic Treatment Cranio Grow.Information Technology and Product DevelopmentAnn Inform SystBInformation Technology Essentials for Behavioral Health CliniciansHealth Inform Ser9Information Technology for Advanced Manufacturing Systems Ifip Trans B9Information Technology for Balanced Manufacturing SystemsInt Fed Info Proc6Information Technology in Bio- and Medical InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc*Information Technology in Health Care 2007 St Heal TOInformation Technology in Languages for Specific Purposes: Issues and Prospects Educ Linguist`Information Technology in The Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for The 21st CenturyInt Fed Info Proc"Information Technology OutsourcingAdv Manag Inform Sys8Information Technology-research Development ApplicationsInform Technol R & D1Information Technology Revolution in ArchitectureInform Tech Revol Ar*Information Technology: Selected TutorialsInt Fed Info ProcOInformation Technology Strategies From The United States and The European Union St Heal TOInformation Technology Strategies From The United States and The European UnionStud Health Technol:Information Technology Transmission Processing and StorageInform Tech Trans PrFInformation Theoretic Learning: Renyis Entropy and Kernel PerspectivesInform Sci StatInformation Theoretic SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc+Information Theoretic Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Information Theory and Network CodingInform Tech Trans PrInformation Today Inform Today#Information, Uncertainty and FusionKluwer Int Ser Eng C#Information, Uncertainty and FusionSpringer Int Ser EngInformation Visualization Inform VisualAInformation Visualization: Human-centered Issues and PerspectivesLect Notes Comput Sc@Information Von Behorden, Medien Und Bevolkerung Im EreignisfallProg Radiat ProtectInformes De La Construccion Inf ConstrRInforming Authorities, The Media and The Public in The Event of A Nuclear AccidentProg Radiat Protect<Informing Digital Futures: Strategies for Citizen EngagementComput Supp Coop WorInforms Journal On ComputingInforms J Comput Infosystems Infosystems(Infrared and Millimeter-wave EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Infrared and Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and TestingP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Infrared and Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing Proc Spie<Infrared and Photoelectronic Imagers and Detector Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Infrared and Photoelectronic Imagers and Detector Devices Ii Proc Spie,Infrared and Radio Astronomy, and Astrometry Adv Space E)Infrared and Submillimetre Sky After CobeNato Adv Sci I C-mat*Infrared Applications of Semiconductors IiMater Res Soc Symp P+Infrared Applications of Semiconductors IiiMater Res Soc Symp PKInfrared Applications of Semiconductors - Materials, Processing and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P.Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation, Pts 1-2P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Infrared Astronomy With Arrays: The Next GenerationAstrophys Space Sc LInfrared Astronomy With Iso Les Houches*Infrared Components and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Infrared Detector Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane ArraysP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays Viii Proc Spie&Infrared Detectors and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt InsFInfrared Detectors for Remote Sensing: Physics, Materials, and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Infrared Detectors - Materials, Processing, and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P%Infrared Detectors : State of The ArtP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Infrared Detectors: State of The Art IiP Soc Photo-opt InsZInfrared Ellipsometry On Semiconductor Layer Structures: Phonons, Plasmons, and PolaritonsSpringer Tr Mod PhysZInfrared Ellipsometry On Semiconductor Layer Structures: Phonons, Plasmons, and PolaritonsSpringer Tracts ModInfrared Fiber Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Infrared Focal Plane Array Producibility and Related MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Infrared Glass Optical Fibers and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Infrared Holography for Optical Communications Top Appl PhysBInfrared Imaging Systems : Design, Analysis, Modeling, and TestingP Soc Photo-opt InsEInfrared Imaging Systems : Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsDInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsDInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing IxP Soc Photo-opt InsCInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VP Soc Photo-opt InsDInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing ViP Soc Photo-opt InsEInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsCInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XP Soc Photo-opt InsDInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XiP Soc Photo-opt InsEInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XivP Soc Photo-opt InsEInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing Xix Proc SpieDInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XvP Soc Photo-opt InsDInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing Xv Proc SpieEInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XviP Soc Photo-opt InsEInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing Xvi Proc SpieFInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsGInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XviiiP Soc Photo-opt InsGInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing Xviii Proc SpieEInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XxiP Soc Photo-opt InsFInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing Xxii Proc SpieGInfrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modelling, and Testing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Infrared Materials, Devices, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Infrared Materials, Devices, and Applications Proc SpieNInfrared, Mid-ir, and Terahertz Technologies for Health and The Environment IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Infrared, Millimeter Wave, and Terahertz TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Infrared, Millimeter Wave, and Terahertz Technologies Proc Spie.Infrared Optical Fibers and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Physics Infrared PhysInfrared Physics & TechnologyInfrared Phys TechnInfrared Readout ElectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Readout Electronics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Infrared Readout Electronics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Readout Electronics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XviiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Infrared Sensors : Detectors, Electronics, and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Solar PhysicsIau Symp"Infrared Spaceborne Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing and Instrumentation Xvi Proc Spie%Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing XP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing Xiv Proc SpieMInfrared Space Interferometry: Astrophysics & The Study of Earth-like PlanetsAstrophys Space Sc L"Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy Esa Sp Publ;Infrared Spectroscopy: New Tool in Medicine, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular ClustersSpringer Tr Mod Phys#Infrared/submm Astronomy From Space Adv Space Res#Infrared/submm Astronomy From SpaceAdv Space Res-series.Infrared Systems and Photelectronic TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Infrared Systems and Photoelectronic Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Infrared Systems and Photoelectronic Technology Ii Proc Spie3Infrared Systems and Photoelectronic Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Infrared Systems and Photoelectronic Technology Iii Proc Spie&Infrared Technology and Applications /P Soc Photo-opt Ins)Infrared Technology and Applications XxiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Infrared Technology and Applications Xxiii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Infrared Technology and Applications Xxiv, Pts 1-2P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Infrared Technology and Applications Xxiv, Pts 1-2 Proc Spie(Infrared Technology and Applications XxvP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Infrared Technology and Applications Xxv111, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins)Infrared Technology and Applications XxviP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Infrared Technology and Applications Xxvi Proc Spie*Infrared Technology and Applications XxviiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Infrared Technology and Applications Xxvii Proc Spie(Infrared Technology and Applications XxxP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Infrared Technology and Applications XxxiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxiii Proc Spie6Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxii, Pts 1and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxii, Pts 1and 2 Proc Spie6Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxi, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxi, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie7Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxiv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie+Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxvii Proc Spie7Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxvi, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins7Infrared Technology and Applications Xxxvi, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieInfrared Technology XixP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Technology XvP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Technology XviP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Technology XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Technology XviiiP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Technology XxP Soc Photo-opt InsInfrared Technology XxiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Infrared Technololgy and Applications XxixP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Infrared Technololgy and Applications Xxix Proc Spie0Infrastructure Development in The Pacific RegionRoutl Stud Int Bus WPInfrastructure for Agents, Multi-agent Systems, and Scalable Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntInfrastructure Issues Imeche Sem&Infrastructure Productivity EvaluationSpringerbrief Econ'Infrastructures for Virtual EnterprisesInt Fed Info Proc#Infrastucture Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Infusionstherapie Und Klinische ErnahrungInfus Klin Ern)Infusionstherapie Und Klinische ErnahrungInfusionstherapie)Infusionstherapie Und TransfusionsmedizinInfusionstherapieSInfusion Therapy and Transfusion Medicine-infusionstherapie Und TransfusionsmedizinInfus Ther Transfus.Ingeborg Bachmann's Utopia and DisillusionmentSuom Tiedeakat ToimIngegneria Chimica Italiana Ing Chim ItalIngenieria Hidraulica En MexicoIng Hidraul MexIngenieria QuimicaIng QuimIngenieria QuimicaIng Quim-uruguayIngenieur ArchivIng ArchlIngenieur Und Seine Designer: Entwurf Technischer Produkte Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Konstruktion Und DesignVDI-BuchInhalation Toxicology Inhal ToxicolInhaled Particles XJ Phys Conf SerInherited Ataxias Adv NeurolNInherited Neuromuscular Diseases: Translation From Pathmechanisms to TherapiesAdv Exp Med Biol$Inhibin and Inhibin-related ProteinsFront EndocrinolAInhibition of Matrix Metalloproteinases: Therapeutic ApplicationsAnn Ny Acad Sci>Inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteinases: Therapeutic PotentialAnn Ny Acad Sci;Inhibitors of Cyclin-dependent Kinases As Anti-tumor AgentsCrc Enzym Inhib Ser!Inhibitors to Coagulation FactorsAdv Exp Med Biol!Inhibitory Rules in Data AnalysisStud Comput Intell6Inhomogeneous and Quasi-inhomogeneous Optical CoatingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Initial Mass Function 50 Years LaterAstrophys Space Sc L0Initial Reports of The Deep Sea Drilling ProjectInitial Rep Deep SeaiInitiating A Peace Process in Papua: Actors, Issues, Process, and The Role of The International CommunityPol StudOInitiatives in Information Technology and Geospatial Science for TransportationTransport Res Rec4Initiatives in Strategic Studies-issues and PoliciesInitiat Strateg Stud1Injectable Biomaterials: Science and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mater7Injury-international Journal of The Care of The InjuredInjuryInjury PreventionInj PrevInjury Prevention Injury Prev.Injury-the British Journal of Accident SurgeryInjury-br J AccidentInkarnation Und SchopfungTheol Bibl Topelmann?Inlad Waterways; Ports and Channels; and The Marine EnvironmentTransport Res RecInland Saline Aquaculture Aciar ProcInland Water BiologyInland Water Biol%Inland Waterways, Ports, and ShippingTransport Res RecjIn-line Characterization Techniques for Performance and Yield Enhancement in Microelectronic ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsmIn-line Characterization Techniques for Performance and Yield Enhancement in Microelectronic Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsbIn-line Characterization, Yield Reliability, and Failure Analyses in Microelectronic ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsfIn-line Characterization, Yield, Reliability, and Failure Analysis in Microelectronic Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsfIn-line Characterization, Yield, Reliability, and Failure Analysis in Microelectronic Manufacturing Ii Proc Spie>In-line Methods and Monitors for Process and Yield ImprovementP Soc Photo-opt Ins>In-line Methods and Monitors for Process and Yield Improvement Proc Spie>In Memoriam Paul-andre Meyer: Seminaire De Probabilities XxxixLect Notes MathIn Memory of Alexander Reznikov Prog Math Inmunologia Inmunologia?In My Power: Letter Writing and Communications in Early AmericaEarly Am Stud SerInnate Immunity Innate ImmunInnate ImmunityInnate Immun-londonInnate Inflammation and StrokeAnn Ny Acad Sci$Inner Aspect: The Articulation of VpStud Nat Lang LinguibInnerbiblical Exegesis in The Book of Ezekiel: Redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen Zu Ez 34-39Beih Z Alttest WissInner Ear PathobiologyAdv Oto-rhino-laryngInnere MedizinInn MedInner Magnetosphere Dynamics Adv Space ResInner Magnetosphere DynamicsAdv Space Res-series?Inner Magnetosphere Interactions: New Perspectives From ImagingGeophys Monogr Ser)Inner Magnetosphere: Physics and ModelingGeoph Monog SeriesjInner-midrashic Introductions and Their Influence On Introductions to Medieval Rabbinic Bible Commentaries Stud Judaica6Inner Speech - L2: Thinking Words in A Second Language Educ Linguist&Innervation of The Mammalian EsophagusAdv Anat Embryol CelInnocenti Insights Innoc Ins6Innovar-revista De Ciencias Administrativas Y SocialesInnovar-rev Cienc AdDInnovating Genesis: Microgenesis and The Constructive Mind in ActionAdv Cult Psychol ConZInnovating Government: Normative, Policy and Technological Dimensions of Modern GovernmentInf Technol Law SerIInnovation and Business Partnering in Japan, Europe and The United StatesRoutledge Stud Growt/Innovation and Change in Professional EducationInnov Chang Prof Edu&Innovation and Creativity in EducationProcd Soc Behv1Innovation and Entrepreneurial Networks in EuropeRout Int Stud Bus HiLInnovation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation for German Firms Zew Econ StudTInnovation and Inspiration: Fifty Years of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Knaw VerhanZInnovation and Institutions: A Multidisciplinary Review of The Study of Innovation SystemsNew Horiz Econ Innov#Innovation and Market GlobalizationNato Asi S 4 Sci TecInnovation and OriginalityFortuna Vitrea'Innovation and Productivity in Services Oecd Proc5Innovation and Technology of Women's Intimate ApparelWoodhead Text SerAInnovation and The Creative Process: Towards Innovation With CareNew Horiz Econ InnovSInnovation and The Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Pts 1 & 2Inform Comm Tech Kno Innovation and The Public SectorInnov Public Sect'Innovation and Valuation in Health CareInnov Valu Health CaSInnovation, Collaboration in Innovation and The Growth Performance of Finnish FirmsVtt Publ=Innovation, Competence Building and Social Cohesion in EuropeNew Hor Econ Innov=Innovation, Competence Building and Social Cohesion in EuropeNew Horiz Econ Innov<Innovation Diffusion in The New Economy: The Tacit ComponentRoutl Adv Manag Bus6Innovation Durch Wissenstransfer in Der Fruhen NeuzeitChloe1Innovation Et Technologie En Biologie Et MedecineInnov Tech Biol MedRInnovation, Evolution and Economic Change: New Ideas in The Tradition of GalbraithNew Dir Mod Econ\Innovation for Sustainable Electricity Systems: Exploring The Dynamics of Energy Transitions Sustain Innov\Innovation, Growth and Competitiveness: Dynamic Regions in The Knowledge-based World Economy Adv Spat Sci.Innovation in Ceramics Science and Engineering Key Eng MatlInnovation in European Freight Transportation: Basics, Methodology and Case Studies for The European Markets Rwthedition"Innovation in Flotation TechnologyNato Adv Sci I E-appInnovation in Materials Science Key Eng MaterInnovation in Mathematics Int Math SCInnovation in Strategic Philanthropy: Local and Global PerspectivesWaste Waste Manag0Innovation, Knowledge and Power in OrganizationsRoutl Stud Glob CompsInnovation Management for Technical Products: Systematic and Integrated Product Development and Production Planning Rwthedition'Innovation-management Policy & PracticeInnov-manag Policy PTInnovation Markets and Competition Analysis: Eu Competition Law and Us Antitrust LawNew Horiz Compet LawInnovation Networks Tech Inno P>Innovation Networks: New Approaches in Modelling and AnalyzingUnderst Complex Syst,Innovation Optics and Phase Conjugate OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Innovation-oriented Environmental Regulation Zew Econ Stud,Innovation-oriented Environmental RegulationZew Econ StudiesVInnovation Policies, Business Creation and Economic Developmen: A Comparative ApproachInt Stud Entrep!Innovation Policy and The EconomyInnov Policy Econ#Innovation Policy and The Economy 3Innov Policy Econ#Innovation Policy and The Economy 4Innov Policy Econ#Innovation Policy and The Economy 5Innov Policy Econ#Innovation Policy and The Economy 6Innov Policy Econ#Innovation Policy and The Economy 7Innov Policy Econ#Innovation Policy and The Economy 8Innov Policy Econ#Innovation Policy and The Economy 9Innov Policy EconInnovations and Uses for LimeAm Soc Test MaterInnovationserfolgsrechnungVDI-Buch;Innovation Series of The Commission of European Communities Innov S CecQInnovations for Requirements Analysis: From Stakeholders' Needs to Formal DesignsLect Notes Comput Sc9Innovations in Agent-based Complex Automated NegotiationsStud Comput IntellJInnovations in Antiviral Development and The Detection of Virus InfectionsAdv Exp Med Biol.Innovations in Applied Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int.Innovations in Applied Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Comput Sc"Innovations in Applied MathematicsInnov Appl Math9Innovations in Bayesian Networks: Theory and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell,Innovations in Bridge Engineering TechnologyProc Monogr Eng WateDInnovations in Classification, Data Science, and Information SystemsSt Class Dat AnalDInnovations in Classification, Data Science, and Information SystemsStud Class Data Anal/Innovations in Collaborative Urban RegenerationCsur Ut Ser Lib Sust?Innovations in Controlled Low-strength Material (flowable Fill)Am Soc Test MaterBInnovations in Conventional and Advanced Water Treatment ProcessesWa Sci Technol*Innovations in Defence Support Systems - 1Stud Comput IntellMInnovations in Defence Support Systems - 3: Intelligent Paradigms in SecurityStud Comput IntellInnovations in Design With Emphasis On Seismic, Wind, and Environmental Loading: Quality Control and Innovations in Materials/hot-weather Concreting Amer Conc I.Innovations in Digital Watermarking TechniquesStud Comput Intell%Innovations in Distribution LogisticsLect Notes Econ Math3Innovations in Education and Teaching InternationalInnov Educ Teach Int3Innovations in Education and Training InternationalInnov Educ Train Int.Innovations in Financial and Economic Networks New Dim Net.Innovations in Financial and Economic NetworksNew Dimens Netw1Innovations in Financial Markets and InstitutionsInnov Financ MarketInnovations in Food LabellingWoodhead Food Ser%Innovations in Fuel Cell TechnologiesRsc Energy Environ SInnovations in Gis Innovat GisInnovations in Gis Series Innovat GisMInnovations in Health System Finance in Developing and Transitional EconomiesAdv Health Econ Heal)Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems Adv Soft Comp)Innovations in Intelligent Image AnalysisStud Comput Intell'Innovations in Intelligent Machines - 1Stud Comput Intell7Innovations in Multi-agent Systems and Applications - 1Stud Comput Intell<Innovations in Neural Information Paradigms and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell"Innovations in Nonlinear Acoustics Aip Conf Proc(Innovations in Power Systems ReliabilitySpringer Ser Reliab,Innovations in Public Leadership DevelopmentTransform Tr Gov Dem/Innovations in Science Education and TechnologyInnov Sci Educ TechnDInnovations in Structural Engineering and Construction, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng Wate#Innovations in Supercritical Fluids Acs Sym Ser!Innovations in Swarm IntelligenceStud Comput Intell?Innovations Towards Sustainability: Conditions and Consequences Sustain Innov>Innovation System Frontiers: Cluster Networks and Global Value Adv Spat Sci)Innovation Systems in The Service EconomyEcon Sci Techn Innov.Innovation Technology and Knowledge ManagementInnov Tech Knowl Man:Innovation-the European Journal of Social Science ResearchInnovation-abingdon%Innovation Through Knowledge TransferSmart Innov Sys%Innovation Through Knowledge TransferSmart Innov Syst Tec6Innovative Adult Learning With Innovative Technologies Ifip Trans A5Innovative Advances in The Forest Products Industries Aiche Sym S&Innovative Applications in Data MiningStud Comput IntellEInnovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScUInnovative Approaches to The On-site Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated SitesNato Sci S Ss Iv EarUInnovative Architecture for Future Generation High-performance Processors and SystemsPr Ieee Comp Design)Innovative Automobile Occupant Protection VDI Bericht#Innovative Beleuchtung Mit Led 2008 VDI BerichtKInnovative Computing Methods and Their Applications to Engineering ProblemsStud Comput Intell+Innovative Concepts for Agent-based SystemsLect Notes Artif Int9Innovative Concepts for Autonomic and Agent-based SystemsLect Notes Artif Int2Innovative Concepts in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Falk Symp*Innovative Concpts for Agent-based SystemsLect Notes Artif Int'Innovative Detectors for SupercollidersSci Cult Ser Phys"Innovative Endocrinology of CancerAdv Exp Med Biol Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe 2008 VDI Bericht/Innovative Food Science & Emerging TechnologiesInnov Food Sci Emerg%Innovative Internet Community SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc%Innovative Internet Computing SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc2Innovative Internet Computing Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Innovative Methods in Support of Bioremediation Bioremed Ser0Innovative Occupant and Partner Crash Protection VDI Bericht&Innovative Occupant Protection in Cars VDI BerichtHInnovative Perspectives of Higher Education-research Theory and PracticeInnov Persp High EduInnovative Power Trains Systems VDI BerichtInnovative Power Train Systems VDI BerichtMInnovative Pre-treatment Techniques to Prevent Corrosion of Metallic SurfacesEur Fed Corros PublKInnovative Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Ceramics and Composites Ceram TransHInnovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites Ceram TransKInnovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites Ii Ceram TransKInnovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites Iv Ceram TransKInnovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites Vi Ceram TransLInnovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites Vii Ceram TransLInnovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites Viii Ceram TransKInnovative Quick Response Programs in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementInt Handb Inform SysUInnovative Regulatory Approaches Coping With Scandinavian and European Union PoliciesEur Econ Polit IssRInnovative Superhard Materials and Sustainable Coatings for Advanced ManufacturingNato Sci Ser Ii MathRInnovative Superhard Materials and Sustainable Coatings for Advanced ManufacturingNato Sci Ser Ii-math>Innovative Technology Series: Information Systems and Networks Inn Tec Ser@Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar AstrophysicsP Soc Photo-opt InsAInnsbrucker Beitrage Zur Kulturwissenschaft, Germanistische Reihe Inn B KultAInnsbrucker Beitrage Zur Kulturwissenschaft, Germanistische ReiheInnsbr Beitr Kult GeInorganic 3d Structures Struct BondInorganica Chimica ActaInorg Chim Acta Inorganica Chimica Acta-articlesInorg Chim A-article,Inorganica Chimica Acta-articles and LettersInorg Chim A-art Let.Inorganica Chimica Acta-bioinorganic ChemistryInorg Chim A-bioinor=Inorganica Chimica Acta-f-block Elements Articles and LettersInorg Chim A-f-blockInorganica Chimica Acta-lettersInorg Chim A-lett%Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry LettersInorg Nucl Chem LettRInorganic and Metallic Nanotubular Materials: Recent Technologies and Applications Top Appl Phys(Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers Ii Acs Sym Ser=Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers With Special PropertiesNato Adv Sci I E-appInorganic Biochemistry Inorg BiochemInorganic Chemistry Inorg Chem"Inorganic Chemistry CommunicationsInorg Chem CommunGInorganic Crystals for Optics, Electro-optics, and Frequency ConversionP Soc Photo-opt InsInorganic Fluorine Chemistry Acs Sym SerInorganic Materials Inorg Mater+%Inorganic Microbial Sulfur MetabolismMethod EnzymolInorganic Optical MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsInorganic Optical Materials Proc SpieInorganic Optical Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt InsInorganic Optical Materials Ii Proc SpieInorganic Optical Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Inorganic Perspectives in Biology and MedicineInorg Perspect Biol0Inorganic Polymeric Nanocomposites and Membranes Adv Polym Sci6Inorganic Polymers Containing -re(co)3l(plus) PendantsPolym Sci Technol SeInorganic Reaction MechanismsInorg React MechInorganic Syntheses Inorg SynInorganic Syntheses, Vol 30 Inorg SynInorganic Syntheses, Vol 32 Inorg SynInorganic Syntheses, Vol 33 Inorg SynInorganic Syntheses, Vol 34 Inorg SynInorganic Syntheses, Vol 35 Inorg SynInorganic Synthesis, Vol 33 Inorg Syn?Inosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase: A Major Therapeutic Target Acs Sym SerInositol Metabolism in Plants Plant Biol#Inositol Phosphates and Derivatives Acs Sym Ser5Inositol Phosphates and Lipids: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol*In-pack Processed Foods: Improving QualityWoodhead Food SerInpharmaInpharma>In-plane Semiconductor Lasers: From Ultraviolet to MidinfraredP Soc Photo-opt InsBIn-plane Semiconductor Lasers: From Ultraviolet to Mid-infrared IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!In-plane Semiconductor Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins In-plane Semiconductor Lasers IvP Soc Photo-opt InsIn-plane Semiconductor Lasers VP Soc Photo-opt Ins In Practice In Practice6In-process Optical Measurements and Industrial MethodsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>In Pursuit of The People: Political Culture in France, 1934-39Palgr Hist Stud Witc%Input/output and Imaging TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Input/output and Imaging Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt InsIn Quest of The Past Old Test St#Inquiries in The Economics of Aging Nat Bur Ec2Inquiry-an Interdisciplinary Journal of PhilosophyInquiryGInquiry-the Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and FinancingInquiry-j Health Car(Insanity of Place: The Place of InsanityRoutl Stud Cult Hist4Insatiable Curiosity: Innovation in A Fragile FutureInside Technol9Inscribing Sorrow: Fourth-century Attic Funerary EpigramsTrends Class Suppl VInscription and Erasure Mater Texts$In Search of A New Biomembrane Model Biol Skrif%In Search of A New Order in East Asia Res Pap Pol1In Search of An Integrative Vision for TechnologyContemp Syst Think2In Search of Indicators of Sustainable Development Env ManagIn Search of Pre-exilic IsraelJ St Old Test SupplInsect Acs Sym SerInsect BiochemistryInsect Biochem)Insect Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyInsect Biochem Molec!Insect Conservation and DiversityInsect Conserv DiverInsectes Sociaux Insect Soc:Insect Habitats: Characteristics, Diversity and ManagementInsect Terr Arth-bioInsect Hormones, Vol 73 Vitam Horm2Insecticides - Mechanisms of Action and Resistance Tag Ak Land Insect Juvenile Hormone Research Sci UpdaterInsect Life-cycle Polymorphism: Theory, Evolution and Ecological Consequences for Seasonality and Diapause Control Series EntomInsect Molecular BiologyInsect Mol Biol.Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology 1989 Exp Clin Ne(Insect Nicotinic Acetylcholine ReceptorsAdv Exp Med BiolWInsect Pheromones and Other Behaviour-modifying Chemicals : Applications and Regulation Br Crop PrGInsects and Other Terrestrial Arthropods-biology Chemistry and BehaviorInsect Terr Arth-bioInsect Science Insect Sci"Insect Science and Its ApplicationInsect Sci ApplVInsects of Windbreaks and Related Plantings : Distribution, Importance, and Management Usda RockyInsects-plants 89Symp Biol HungInsect Systematics & EvolutionInsect Syst Evol-Insect Viruses: Biotechnological Applications Adv Virus Res5Insect Viruses: Detection, Characterization and RolesVirol Res Prog$In Session-psychotherapy in PracticeIn Session-psychoth&Inside A Modern Macroeconometric ModelLect Notes Econ MathInside Animal HoardingNew Dir Hum-anim BonGInside Austronesian Houses: Perspectives On Domestic Designs for LivingComp Austro SerInside Criminal NetworksStud Organize Crime4Insider Attack and Cyber Security: Beyond The Hacker Adv Inf Sec4Insider Attack and Cyber Security: Beyond The HackerAdv Inform Secur8Insiders and Outsiders in Seventeenth-century PhilosophyRoutledge Stud Seven!Insider Threats in Cyber SecurityAdv Inform SecurInside TechnologyInside TechnolInside The Business Enterprise Nber Conf RInside The Stars Astr Soc PInside The SunAstrophys Space Sc LInside The Welfare StateBrit Polit SocInsidious Workplace BehaviorSer Appl PsycholInsightInsightInsight and InferenceAmer Cath Phil Assoc3Insight and Innovation in International DevelopmentInsight Innov Int DefInsight of Unbelievers: Nicholas of Lyra and Christian Reading of Jewish Text in The Later Middle AgesJew Cult Context@Insights Into Receptor Function and New Drug Development TargetsRes Perspect End IntgInsights Into Water Management: Lessons From Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient CivilizationsWa Sci Technol,In Silico Simulation of Biological ProcessesNovart Fdn Symp"In Silico Tools for Gene DiscoveryMethods Mol Biol1In Silico Toxicology: Principles and ApplicationsIssues ToxicolIn SituIn SituNIn Situ Aeration : Air Sparging, Bioventing, and Related Remediation Processes Bioremed Ser(In Situ Aeration and Aerobic Remediation Bioremed SerYIn Situ and Laboratory Experiments On Electoral Law Reform: French Presidential ElectionsStud Public Choice)In Situ and On-site Bioremediation, Vol 1 Bioremed Ser)In Situ and On-site Bioremediation, Vol 2 Bioremed Ser)In Situ and On-site Bioremediation, Vol 3 Bioremed Ser)In Situ and On-site Bioremediation, Vol 4 Bioremed Ser)In Situ and On-site Bioremediation, Vol 5 Bioremed Ser'In Situ Assessment of Structural TimberRilem State Art Rep6In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater RemediationSerdp Estcp Remediat>In Situ Electron and Tunneling Microscopy of Dynamic ProcessesMater Res Soc Symp PDIn Situ Evaluation of Biological Hazards of Environmental Pollutants Envir Sci R:In Situ Hybridization Protocols for The Brain, 2nd EditionInt Rev NeurobiolUIn-situ Impact Detection Techniques, Interplanetary Dust, and Future Mars Exploration Adv Space ResUIn-situ Impact Detection Techniques, Interplanetary Dust, and Future Mars ExplorationAdv Space Res-series In Situ Nmr Methods in Catalysis Top Curr Chem:In-situ Patterning : Selective Area Deposition and EtchingMater Res Soc Symp P@In Situ Process Diagnostics and Intelligent Materials ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P)In Situ Process Diagnostics and ModellingMater Res Soc Symp POIn Situ-produced Cosmogenic Nuclides and Quantification of Geological ProcessesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap1In Situ Remediation of Chlorinated Solvent PlumesSerdp Estcp Remediat)In Situ Remediation of The Geoenvironment Geotech Sp?In-situ Rock Stress Measurement, Interpretation and ApplicationProc Monogr Eng Wate/In Situ Testing Devices and Strain MeasurementsTransport Res Rec>Insolvency Court's Supervision of The Insolvency AdministratorSchr Deut Eur Int InInsomnia and AnxietySer Anxiety Relat DiDInspection Panel of The World Bank: A Different Complaints ProcedureRw Inst Hum R Lib(Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena Vi Astr Soc P?Inspiring Student Writers: Strategies and Examples for TeachersLit Lang LearnLIn Spite of Partition: Jews, Arabs, and The Limits of Separatist ImaginationTransl Transnat]Instabilitat in Natur Und Wissenschaft: Eine Wissenschaftsphilosophie Der Nachmodernen PhysikQuellen Stud Philos.Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures Iv Math Appl.Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures IxNonl Phen Compl SystLInstabilities of Flows: With and Without Heat Transfer and Chemical ReactionCism Courses Lect!Instability and Transition, Vol 2 Icase Nasa2Instability in Models Connected With Fluid Flows I Int Mat Ser3Instability in Models Connected With Fluid Flows Ii Int Mat Ser3Instability Phenomena in The Zone of The Alpine Arc Mit Sch Ges'Instability, Transition, and Turbulence Icase Nasa#Installation Effects in Fan Systems Imeche Sem&Instant Research On Peace and ViolenceInstant Res Peace VidInstationary Processes and Dynamic Experimental Methods in Catalysis, Electrochemistry and Corrosion Dech Monog7Institute for East-west Security Studies Special Report Inst Ew Sec*Institute for Environmental Studies Report Inst Env R$Institute for Law and Finance SeriesInst Law Financ Ser0Institute for Research On Poverty Special Report Inst Res P Sp6Institute of Acoustics, Proceedings, Vol 19, Pt 8 1997 Proc Ins Ac4Institute of Botany Academia Sinica Monograph Series Inst Bot Ac_Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences : Conference Papers Igipz Pan CEInstitute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Inst Math S?Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications Conference Series Inst Math ALInstitute of Mathematics and Its Applications Conference Series : New Series Inst Math C&Institute of Physics Conference SeriesInst Phys Conf Ser0Institute of Physics Conference Series <d>Inst Phys Conf Ser2Institute of Social Sciences: Urban Studies SeriesIss Urb Stud Ser)Institut Francais Du Petrole PublicationsInst Fran Petr PublYInstitut Fur Weltwirtschaft An Der Universitat Kiel - Symposia and Conference ProceedingsInst Weltwirts Symp.Institut Historique Belge De Rome BibliothequeInst Hist Belge RomeInstitutional Analysis Inst AnalysisFInstitutional and Procedural Aspects of Mass Claims Settlement SystemsPca Peace Palace PapRInstitutional Approach to Global Corporate Governance: Business Systems and BeyondInt Financ RevVInstitutional Balancing in The Asia Pacific: Economic Interdependence and China's RiseRoutl Contemp ChinaHInstitutional Challenges in Post-constitutional Europe: Governing ChangeRoutl Adv Eur Polit+Institutional Change and Economic BehaviourInt Econ Assoc SerieDInstitutional Change and The Public Sector in Transitional Economies World B DisInstitutional Change in JapanEur I Jpn Stud E Asi?Institutional Change in The Payments System and Monetary PolicyRoutl Int Stud MoneyInstitutional CompetitionNew Think Polit Econ2Institutional Dynamics in Environmental GovernanceEnviron PolicyInstitutional EconomicsRoutl Front Polit EcQInstitutional Economics and The Formation of Preferences: The Advent of Pop MusicNew Horiz Inst Evol-Institutional Economics in France and GermanySt Econ Ethic Philos-Institutional Economics in France and GermanyStud Econ Ethics PhiInstitutional Investor Inst Investor1Institutionalisation of European Spatial PlanningSustain Urban Areas2Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series Inst Chem EFInstitution of Engineers, Australia : National Conference Publications Inst Eng A+Institution of Mechanical Engineers Seminar Imeche Sem9Institutions and Gender Empowerment in The Global EconomyWorld Sci Stud Int EInstitutions and IdeologyRes Sociol Organ-resIInstitutions, Equilibria and Efficiency: Essays in Honor of Birgit GrodalStud Econ Theory Institutions of The Asia-pacific Glob InstBInstitutions of The Enlarged European Union: Continuity and ChangeStud Eu Reform Enlar Institutions of The Global South Glob Inst)Institutions, Politics, and Fiscal PolicyZei Stud Eu Econ Law)Institutions, Politics, and Fiscal PolicyZei Stud Eur Econ LacInstitutions, Sustainability, and Natural Resources: Institutions for Sustainable Forest ManagementSustain Econ Nat Res+Instructional Course Lectures, Vol 43, 1994Aaos Instr Cours Lec+Instructional Course Lectures, Vol 44, 1995Aaos Instr Cours Lec+Instructional Course Lectures, Vol 45, 1996Aaos Instr Cours Lec,Instructional Course Lectures, Vol 47 - 1998Aaos Instr Cours LecInstructional Science Instr SciInstrumentationInstrumentation,Instrumentation - Biomedical InstrumentationImeko Tc_Instrumentation, Control and Automation of Water and Wastewater Treatment and Transport Systems Adv Wat Pol>Instrumentation, Controls and Automation in The Power Industry Inst Cont AFInstrumentation, Controls and Automation in The Power Industry, Vol 34 Inst Cont ACInstrumentation for Air Pollution and Global Atmospheric MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Instrumentation for Magnetospheric ImageryP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Instrumentation for Magnetospheric Imagery IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Instrumentation for Monitoring and Control in Celss Adv Space Res3Instrumentation for Monitoring and Control in CelssAdv Space Res-seriesHInstrumentation for Planetary and Terrestrial Atmospheric Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Instrumentation for Uv/euv Astronomy and Solar MissionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Instrumentation in Astronomy Viii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Instrumentation in Astronomy Vii, Parts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics Aip Conf Proc)Instrumentation in The Aerospace Industry Instr Aeros8Instrumentation in The Chemical and Petroleum Industries Instr Chem@Instrumentation in The Chemical and Petroleum Industries, Vol 21 Instr Chem@Instrumentation in The Chemical and Petroleum Industries, Vol 23 Instr Chem%Instrumentation in The Power Industry Instr Pow-Instrumentation in The Power Industry, Vol 32 Instr Pow-Instrumentation in The Power Industry, Vol 33 Instr Pow.Instrumentation in The Pulp and Paper Industry Instr Pulp6Instrumentation in The Pulp and Paper Industry, Vol 28 Instr Pulp?Instrumentation, Metrology, and Standards for NanomanufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsBInstrumentation, Metrology, and Standards for Nanomanufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBInstrumentation, Metrology, and Standards for Nanomanufacturing Ii Proc SpieBInstrumentation, Metrology, and Standards for Nanomanufacturing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Instrumentation Science & TechnologyInstrum Sci Technol?Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Conference ProceedingsTech Papers IsaInstrumentation Technology Instr TechnolInstrumentation TechnologyIntechWInstrument Design and Performance for Optical/infrared Ground-based Telescopes, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsWInstrument Design and Performance for Optical/infrared Ground-based Telescopes, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieInstrument Practice Instrum PractInstruments & Control SystemsI&cs-control Tech En'Instruments and Experimental TechniquesInstrum Exp Tech+,Instruments and Experimental Techniques-ussrInstrum Exper Tech-u@Instruments for Optics and Optoelectronic Inspection and ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Instruments, Methods, and Missions for AstrobiologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology Ii Proc Spie7Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology Iii Proc Spie6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology Iv Proc Spie6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology Ix Proc Spie5Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology VP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology Vi Proc Spie7Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology Viii Proc Spie5Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology X Proc Spie6Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology Xiii Proc Spie[Instruments, Methods, and Missions for The Investigation of Extraterrestrial MicroorganismsP Soc Photo-opt InsKInstruments, Science, and Methods for Geospace and Planetary Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsKInstruments, Science, and Methods for Geospace and Planetary Remote Sensing Proc Spie+Insula-revista De Letras Y Ciencias HumanasInsula:Insulation Materials: Testing and Applications, 4th VolumeAm Soc Test Mater<Insulation Materials: Testing and Applications, Third VolumeAm Soc Test Mater6Insulation Materials : Testing and Applications, Vol 2Am Soc Test Mater+Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins Int Congr Ser9Insulin-like Growth Factors and Their Regulatory Proteins Int Congr SerhInsulin Resistance and Cancer: Epidemiology, Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical ImplicationsEnerg Balance CancerbInsulin Resistance and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (nafld)/nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis(nash)Metab Dis-lab Clin R[Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Pathogenesis, Evaluation, and TreatmentContemp Endocrinol S:Insulin Resistance: Childhood Precursors and Adult DiseaseContemp Endocrinol S#Insulin Resistance in Human Disease Int Congr SerAInsulin Resistance, Metabolic Diseases and Diabetic Complications Int Congr Ser.Insurance and Legal Issues in The Oil IndustryInt Energ Resour LawQInsurance Intermediation: An Economic Analysis of The Information Services Market Contrib EconInsurance Law Journal Insur Law J!Insurance Mathematics & EconomicsInsur Math EconIntechIntechInteger Points in PolyhedraZur Lect Adv MathJInteger Points in Polyhedra-geometry, Number Theory, Algebra, Optimization Contemp MathoInteger Points in Polyhedra - Geometry, Number Theory, Representation Theory, Algebra, Optimization, Statistics Contemp Math2Integer Programming and Combinatorial OptimizationLect Notes Comput Sc?Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc IntegrabilityLect Notes Phys"Integrable Hamiltonian HierarchiesLect Notes Phys!Integrable Quantum Field TheoriesNato Adv Sci I B-phy!Integrable Quantum Field TheoriesNato Adv Sci Inst SeXIntegrable Structures of Exactly Solvable Two-dimensional Models of Quantum Field TheoryNato Sci Ser Ii MathIntegrable Systems Prog Math#Integrable Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Phys!Integrable Systems and Foliations Prog Math?Integrable Systems and Random Matrices: in Honor of Percy Deift Contemp Math)Integrable Systems in Celestial MechanicsProg Math PhysEIntegrable Systems in The Realm of Algebraic Geometry, Second EditionLect Notes Math>Integrable Systems, Quantum Groups, and Quantum Field TheoriesNato Adv Sci Inst Se>Integral and Diagnostic Intrusive Prediction of Speech QualityT-lab Ser Telecommun&Integral Equations and Operator TheoryIntegr Equat Oper ThSIntegral Foam Molding of Light Metals: Technology, Foam Physics and Foam Simulation Eng Mater Integral Geometry and Tomography Contemp Math+Integral Methods in Science and EngineeringCh Crc Res Notes+Integral Methods in Science and EngineeringCh Crc Res Notes Mat0Integral Methods in Science and Engineering - 90 S Comp Phys]Integral Representation Theory: Applications to Convexity, Banach Spaces and Potential TheoryDegruyter Stud Math)Integral Transforms and Special FunctionsIntegr Transf Spec F'Integrated 60ghz Rf Beamforming in CmosAnalog Circ Sig ProcIntegrated Analytical SystemsIntegr Anal Syst9Integrated Approaches for Materials and Structural SafetyFracture Mech SympHIntegrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research, Second Edition Commun Ser<Integrated Approach to Environmental Data Management Systems Nato Asi 28Integrated Assessment and Management of Public ResourcesNew Horiz Environ EcIntegrated Assessment StudiesIntegrat Ass Studies8Integrated Broadband Communication Networks and Services Ifip Trans C+Integrated Cardiothoracic Imaging With MdctMed Radiol Diagn Ima$Integrated Circuit and System DesignLect Notes Comput Sc\Integrated Circuit and System Design: Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and SimulationLect Notes Comput Sc]Integrated Circuit and Systems Design: Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and SimulationLect Notes Comput Sc&Integrated Circuit Design, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScAIntegrated Circuit Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Integrated Circuit Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Integrated Circuit Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control VP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Integrated Circuit Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control ViP Soc Photo-opt InsAIntegrated Circuit Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsBIntegrated Circuit Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegrated Circuits and SystemsIntegr Circuit SystIntegrated Command EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegrated Command Environments Proc Spie6Integrated Communication: Synergy of Persuasive Voices Advert Cons5Integrated Computational Imaging Systems, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt Photo%Integrated Computer-aided EngineeringIntegr Comput-aid E3Integrated Crop Protection: Towards Sustainability? Bcpc Symp Ser(Integrated Electricity Resource PlanningNato Adv Sci Inst SeIntegrated FerroelectricsIntegr FerroelectrIntegrated Formal MethodsLect Notes Comput Sc&Integrated Formal Methods, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Integrated G Proteins Signaling in PlantsSignal Commun Plants=Integrated Healthcare: A Way Forward for The Next Five Years?Roy Soc Med Int Cong5Integrated Intelligent Systems for Engineering DesignFront Artif Intel ApBIntegrated Interconnect Technologies for 3d Nanoelectronic SystemsArtech Hse Integr MiNIntegrated Management and Dynamics of Forest Defoliating Insects , Proceedings Usda Ne ExpBIntegrated Management of Arthropod Pests and Insect Borne DiseasesIntegr Manag Plant P1Integrated Management of Plant Pests and DiseasesIntegr Manag Plant PSIntegrated Management of Systems, Services, Processes and People in It, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Integrated Manufacturing SolutionsTech Papers IsaXIntegrated Measures to Overcome Barriers to Minimizing Harmful Fluxes From Land to WaterStockholm Water Symp#Integrated Methods for OptimizationInt Ser Oper Res Man`Integrated Methods in Catchment Hydrology: Tracer, Remote Sensing and New Hydrometric Techniques Iahs-aish PCIntegrated Molecular Medicine for Neuronal and Neoplastic DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci"Integrated Network Management, Iii Ifip Trans C"Integrated Network Management ViiiInt Fed Info Proc<Integrated Numerical and Experimental Methods in Ship DesignVtt SympQIntegrated Nutrient Management in Farming Systems in Southeast Asia and Australia Aciar ProcIntegrated Optical CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegrated Optical Circuits IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Integrated Optical Devices: Fabrication and TestingP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Integrated Optical Devices, Nanostructures, and DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegrated Optic Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Integrated Optics and MicrostructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Integrated Optics and Microstructures IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Integrated Optics and Microstructures IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Integrated Optics and OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Integrated Optics and Photonic Integrated CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Integrated Optics and Photonic Integrated Circuits Proc SpieIntegrated Optics Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegrated Optics Devices Iii Proc SpieIntegrated Optics Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies Vii Proc Spie<Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies Xii Proc Spie<Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies Xiii Proc Spie;Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies Xiv Proc Spie:Integrated Optics Devices: Potential for CommercializationP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegrated Optics Devices VP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegrated Optics Devices V Proc SpieFIntegrated Optics, Silicon Photonics, and Photonic Integrated CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt InsFIntegrated Optics, Silicon Photonics, and Photonic Integrated Circuits Proc SpieIntegrated OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Integrated Optoelectronics for Communication and ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegrated Optoelectronics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Integrated Optoelectronics, Proceedings Elec Soc S'Integrated Pest Management in The Sahel Insah Sem C/Integrated Photonics Research, Technical DigestOsa Trends Opt Photo:Integrated Power Electronic Converters and Digital ControlPow Electr Appl>Integrated Processing for Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Eur Mat ResTIntegrated Resource Management & Landscape Modification for Environmental Protection Asae Publ(Integrated Series in Information SystemsIntegr Ser Inform Sy2Integrated Silicon Optoelectronics, Second EditionSpringer Ser Opt SciDIntegrated Soil and Sediment Research: A Basis for Proper Protection Soil EnvironmQIntegrated Soil and Water Management for Orchard Development: Role and ImportanceFao Land Water Bull8Integrated Space Geodetic Systems and Satellite Dynamics Adv Space Res8Integrated Space Geodetic Systems and Satellite DynamicsAdv Space Res-series4Integrated Spatial Databases: Digital Images and GisLect Notes Comput ScOIntegrated Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Information ProductionNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear&Integrated Thin Films and Applications Ceram Trans2Integrated Uncertainty Management and ApplicationsAdv Intel Soft Compu+Integrated Urban Water Resources ManagementNato Sci Peace SecurIntegrated Water ManagementNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear<Integrated Water Resource Management in The Kurdistan RegionWater Resour Plan De%Integrated Water Resources Management Iahs-aish PEIntegrated Water Resources Management and Security in The Middle EastNato Sci Peace SecurMIntegrating Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples From The FieldIss Agroecol PresWIntegrating and Articulating Environments: A Challenge for Northern and Southern EuropeIntegrat Ass StudiesdIntegrating Cultural Tactics Into The Management of Bark Beetle and Reforestation Pests, Proceedings Usda Ne Exp8Integrating Efficient Grassland Farming and BiodiversityGrassland Sci EurMIntegrating Photogrammetric Techniques With Scene Analysis and Machine VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsPIntegrating Photogrammetric Techniques With Scene Analysis and Machine Vision IiP Soc Photo-opt InsQIntegrating Photogrammetric Techniques With Scene Analysis and Machine Vision IiiP Soc Photo-opt InstIntegrating Population Outcomes, Biological Mechanisms and Research Methods in The Study of Human Milk and LactationAdv Exp Med BiolIIntegrating Symbolic Mathematical Computation and Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Comput Sc-Integrating The Neurobiology of SchizophreniaInt Rev NeurobiolKIntegrating The Sciences and Society: Challenges, Practices, and PotentialsRes Soc Probl Public5Integration and Innovation Orient to E-society, Vol 1Int Fed Info Proc5Integration and Innovation Orient to E-society, Vol 2Int Fed Info Proc>Integration, Growth and Cohesion in An Enlarged European UnionZei Stud Eur Econ La,Integration in Production Management Systems Ifip Trans B9Integration in Respiratory Control: From Genes to SystemsAdv Exp Med Biol=Integration Issues in Large Commercial Media Delivery SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsIntegration : Myth Or Reality Dis Han LifVIntegration of Advanced Micro-and Nanoelectronic Devices-critical Issues and SolutionsMater Res Soc Symp PeIntegration of Ai and Or Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsLect Notes Comput ScrIntegration of Ai and Or Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Integration of Assistive Technology in The Information AgeAssist Techn Res Ser:Integration of Assistive Technology in The Information AgeAssist Technol Res S#Integration of Health Care DeliveryWho Tech Rep Ser6Integration of Health Telematics Into Medical Practice St Heal T6Integration of Health Telematics Into Medical PracticeStud Health Technol<Integration of Heterogeneous Thin-film Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P5Integration of Information for Environmental SecurityNato Sci Peace Secur*Integration of Medical and Sports Sciences Med Sport Sci6Integration of Phonetic Knowledge in Speech TechnologyText Speech Lang TecBIntegration of Ruminants Into Plantation Systems in Southeast Asia Aciar ProccIntegration of Science and Technology Systems of The Central Asian Republics Into The Western WorldNato Asi S 4 Sci TecPIntegration of Software Specification Techniques for Applications in EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScIntegration-the Vlsi Journal Integration#Integrative and Comparative BiologyIntegr Comp Biol;Integrative and Interdisciplinary Aspects of IntermetallicsMater Res Soc Symp PIntegrative Biology Integr BiolIntegrative BiologyIntegr Biol-ukIntegrative Cancer TherapiesIntegr Cancer Ther1Integrative Ecology: From Molecules to Ecosystems Adv Ecol Res=Integrative Framework and Methods for Coastal Area Management Iclarm Conf'Integrative Neurobiology of AffiliationAnn Ny Acad SciXIntegrative Oncology: Incorporating Complementary Medicine Into Conventional Cancer CareCurr Clin OncolpIntegrative Pain Medicine: The Science and Practice of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Pain ManagementContemp Pain Med0Integrative Physiological and Behavioral ScienceIntegr Phys Beh SciAIntegrative Phytochemistry: From Ethnobotany to Molecular EcologyRecent Adv PhytochemIntegrative PsychiatryIntegrative Psychiat0Integrative Psychological and Behavioral ScienceIntegr Psychol BehavHIntegrative Religious Education in Europe: A Study-of-religions Approach Relig Reason<Integrative Studies in Water Management and Land DevelopmentIntegr Stud Water Ma6Integrative Views of Motivation, Cognition and EmotionNebr Sym MotivIntegrative Zoology Integr Zool+Integrierte Materialwirtschaft Und LogistikVDI-Buch*Integrierte Produkt -und ProzessgestaltungVDI-BuchIntegrierte SchadenanalyseVDI-Buch IntegrinsMethod Enzymol=Integrins and Ion Channels: Molecular Complexes and SignalingAdv Exp Med Biol7Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems VInt Fed Info Proc?Integrity, Internal Control and Security in Information SystemsInt Fed Info ProcIntegument of DolphinsAnim Sci Issues ProfRIntelec 07 - 29th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, Vols 1 and 2Int Telecom EnergyGIntelec 08 - 30th International Telecommunications Energy, Vols 1 and 2Int Telecom EnergyDIntelec 09 - 31st International Telecommunications Energy ConferenceInt Telecom EnergyMIntelec 2001: Twenty-third International Telecommunications Energy Conference Iee Conf PublRIntelec 2006: 28th International Telecommunication Energy Conference, Vols 1 and 2Int Telecom Energy?Inteligent Systems: Approximation By Artificial Neural NetworksIntel Syst Ref Libr Intellect Intellect+Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIntellect Dev DisabBIntellectual Capital Accounting: Practices in A Developing CountryRoutl Stud AccountZIntellectual Capital and Knowledge Management: Strategic Management of Knowledge ResourcesRoutl Adv Manag Bus%Intellectual History of The CaribbeanNew Dir Lat Am Cult*Intellectual Property and EntrepreneurshipAdv Stud Entrep Inno(Intellectual Property and Global MarketsNato Asi S 4 Sci TecZIntellectual Property and Sustainable Development: Development Agendas in A Changing WorldElgar Intell Prop Gl^Intellectual Property and The Limits of Antitrust: A Comparative Study of Us and Eu ApproachesNew Horiz Compet Law9Intellectual Property and The New Global Japanese EconomyRoutledge Stud GrowtTIntellectual Property Debate: Perspectives From Law, Economics and Political EconomyNew Horiz Intel Prop'Intellectual Property, Growth and TradeFront Econ GlobalCIntellectual Property in Asia: Law, Economics, History and PoliticsMpi Stud Intell Prop)Intellectual Property in The 21st CenturyIntell Prop 21st Cen Intellectual Property ManagementContrib Manag Sci_Intellectual Property Management in R&d Collaborations: The Case of The Service Industry SectorContrib Manag Sci+Intellectual Property Rights in AgricultureEn Soc Sust Dev Ser:Intellectual Property Rights in Central and Eastern EuropeNato Asi S 4 Sci TecOIntellectual Property Rights in China: Politics of Piracy, Trade and ProtectionRoutl Contemp China;Intellectual Property Rights: Protection of Plant MaterialsCssa Spec PublIntellectuals and Politics Key Iss SocRIntellectuals in Revolutionary China, 1921-1949: Leaders, Heroes and Sophisticates Chin WorldsYIntellectuals in The Modern Islamic World: Transmission, Transformation and CommunicationNew Horiz Islam Stud Intelligence Intelligence%Intelligence and Security InformaticsLect Notes Comput ScCIntelligence and Security Informatics: Biosurveillance, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SceIntelligence and Security Informatics for International Security: Information Sharing and Data MiningIntegr Ser Inform Sy2Intelligence and Security Informatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Intelligence and Strategy: Selected Essays Stud Intell'Intelligence and The Philosophy of MindP Am Cath Philos Ass&Intelligence-based Systems EngineeringIntel Syst Ref Libr.Intelligence Cooperation and The War On Terror Stud Intell%Intelligence in Communication SystemsInt Fed Info Proc%Intelligence in Communication SystemsLect Notes Comput ScIntelligence in NetworksInt Fed Info ProcgIntelligence in Reliability Engineering: New Metaheuristics, Neural and Fuzzy Techniques in ReliabilityStud Comput Intell%Intelligence in Services and NetworksLect Notes Comput ScMIntelligence in Services and Networks: Technology for Cooperative CompetitionLect Notes Comput Sc.Intelligence Theory: Key Questions and Debates Stud Intell*Intelligent Agents and Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int7Intelligent Agents and Multi-agent Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int5Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int6Intelligent Agents for Telecommunications Applications Fr Art Int;Intelligent Agents in The Evolution of Web and ApplicationsStud Comput IntellIntelligent Agents IvLect Notes Artif IntIntelligent Agents VLect Notes Artif IntEIntelligent Agents Viii: Agent Theories, Architectures, and LanguagesLect Notes Artif IntIntelligent Agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int:Intelligent Algorithms in Ambient and Biomedical ComputingPhilips Res Book Ser,Intelligent and Adaptive Systems in MedicineSer Med Phys Biomed$Intelligent and Evolutionary SystemsStud Comput IntellDIntelligent and Soft Computing in Infrastructure Systems EngineeringStud Comput Intell)Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly 2001 Ifac Work S)Intelligent Automation and Soft ComputingIntell Autom Soft CoPIntelligent Automations and Control: Trends Principles, and Applications, Vol 16 Tsi Press S<Intelligent Autonomous Systems: Foundations and ApplicationsStud Comput IntellIntelligent Autonomous Vehicles Ifac Work S$Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 2001 Ifac P Ser;Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation Networks Reg Cities=Intelligent Collaborative E-learning Systems and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell?Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control ApplicationsIfac Symp SeriesDIntelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications 2003Ifac Symp SeriesRIntelligent Computational Optimization in Engineering: Techniques and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell!Intelligent Computer Aided Design Ifip Trans B"Intelligent Computer Graphics 2009Stud Comp Intell"Intelligent Computer Graphics 2009Stud Comput Intell"Intelligent Computer Graphics 2010Stud Comput Intell Intelligent Computer MathematicsLect Notes Artif Int-Intelligent Computer Mathematics, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int-Intelligent Computer Mathematics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Intelligent Computer Techniques in Applied ElectromagneticsStud Comp Intell3Intelligent Computing and Information Science, Pt IComm Com Inf Sc4Intelligent Computing and Information Science, Pt IiComm Com Inf Sc$Intelligent Computing Based On ChaosStud Comput Intell5Intelligent Computing in Engineering and ArchitectureLect Notes Artif IntBIntelligent Computing in Signal Processing and Pattern RecognitionLect Notes Contr InfIntelligent Computing, Part ILect Notes Comput Sc.Intelligent Computing: Theory and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications Ii Proc Spie2Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications V Proc Spie1Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications Vi Proc Spie(Intelligent Control and Adaptive SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Intelligent Control and AutomationLect Notes Contr Inf6Intelligent Control for Agricultural Applications 2001 Ifac Work S6Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing 2003 Ifac P SerJIntelligent Daa Engineering and Automated Learning Ideal 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIntelligent Data AnalysisIntell Data Anal6Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and PharmacologyKluwer Int Ser Eng C3Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated LearningLect Notes Comput Sc@Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - Ideal 2002Lect Notes Comput ScKIntelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning Ideal 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScKIntelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning Ideal 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMIntelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - Ideal 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc@Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - Ideal 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc@Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - Ideal 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc@Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - Ideal 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc@Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Intelligent Decision and Policy Making Support SystemsStud Comput Intell1Intelligent Decision Making: An Ai-based ApproachStud Comput IntellUIntelligent Decision-making Support Systems: Foundations, Applications and Challenges Decis Eng#Intelligent Decision Making SystemsWd Sci P Comp EngDIntelligent Decision Systems in Large-scale Distributed EnvironmentsStud Comput Intell%Intelligent Distributed Computing IiiStud Comp Intell%Intelligent Distributed Computing IiiStud Comput Intell$Intelligent Distributed Computing IvStud Comp Intell;Intelligent Distributed Computing, Systems and ApplicationsStud Comp Intell?Intelligent Educational Machines: Methodologies and ExperiencesStud Comput IntellGIntelligent Enterprise: Theoretical Concepts and Practical ImplicationsContrib Manag SciIntelligent Environments 2009Amb Int Sm EnvIntelligent Environments 2009Amb Intell Smart Env>Intelligent Environments: Methods, Algorithms and ApplicationsAdv Inform Knowl Pro"Intelligent Freight TransportationAutom Control Eng SeIntelligent Information AccessStud Comput IntellIntelligent Information AgentsLect Notes Artif Int@Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int?Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int8Intelligent Information Integration for The Semantic WebLect Notes Artif Int1Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining Adv Soft Comp>Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, Proceedings Adv Soft Comp%Intelligent Information Processing IiInt Fed Info Proc&Intelligent Information Processing IiiInt Fed Info Proc%Intelligent Information Processing IvInt Fed Info ProcIntelligent Information Systems Adv Soft Comp$Intelligent Information Systems 2001 Adv Soft Comp1Intelligent Information Systems 2002, Proceedings Adv Soft Comp&Intelligent Information Systems SeriesIntel Inform Syst Se/Intelligent Information Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIntelligent InfrastructuresIntel Syst Contr Aut#Intelligent Integrated MicrosystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Intelligent Integrated Microsystems Proc SpieBIntelligent Interactive Assistance and Mobile Multimedia ComputingComm Com Inf Sc7Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and ServicesSmart Innov Sys?Intelligent Interactive Systems in Knowledge-based EnvironmentsStud Comput IntellAIntelligent Leadership: Constructs for Thinking Education LeadersStud Educ LeadershIntelligent Library Buildings Ifla PublIntelligent Library SystemsT Australas Lib InfIntelligent ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsIntelligent Manufacturing Proc Spie!Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Ifac Work S/Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 1998 (ims'98) Ifac Work S&Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 2003 Ifac Work S.Intelligent Mathematics:computational AnalysisIntel Syst Ref Libr;Intelligent Media Technology for Communicative IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int9Intelligent Multimedia Analysis for Security ApplicationsStud Comput IntellAIntelligent Multimedia Communication: Techniques and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell>Intelligent Networking, Collaborative Systems and ApplicationsStud Comput IntellBIntelligent Open Learning Systems: Concepts, Models and AlgorithmsIntel Syst Ref LibrIntelligent Patient ManagementStud Comput IntellFIntelligent Problem Solving: Methodologies and Approaches, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntFIntelligent Problem Solving: Methodologies and Approaches, ProdeedingsLect Notes Artif IntIntelligent RoboticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int8Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int(Intelligent Robots and Autonomous AgentsIntel Robot Auton AgEIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Ix : Algorithms and TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt InsNIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Ix : Neural, Biological and 3-d MethodsP Soc Photo-opt InsGIntelligent Robots and Computer Visions Viii : Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsRIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Viii : Algorithms and Techniques, Pts 1 & 2P Soc Photo-opt InsDIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision X : Algorithms and TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt InsUIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xi : Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsSIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xi : Biological, Neural Net, and 3-d MethodsP Soc Photo-opt InsIIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xii : Active Vision and 3d MethodsP Soc Photo-opt InsEIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xii: Algorithms and TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xiii: 3d Vision, Product Inspection, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsKIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xiii: Algorithms and Computer VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsiIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xiv: Algorithms, Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials HandlingP Soc Photo-opt InsUIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xix: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsUIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xix: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision Proc SpieMIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision X : Neural, Biological and 3-d MethodsP Soc Photo-opt InshIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xv: Algorithms, Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials HandlingP Soc Photo-opt InsiIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xvi: Algorithms, Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials HandlingP Soc Photo-opt InsVIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xvii: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsWIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xviii: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsWIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xviii: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision Proc SpieTIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xx: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsTIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xx: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision Proc SpieUIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxi: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsUIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxi: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision Proc SpieVIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxii: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsVIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxii: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision Proc SpieVIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxiv: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsVIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxiv: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision Proc SpieUIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxv: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsUIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxv: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision Proc SpieGIntelligent Robots and Computer Vision Xxvii: Algorithms and Techniques Proc Spie/Intelligent Scene Modelling Information SystemsStud Comput IntellIntelligent Scheduling SystemsOperat Res Comp SciIntelligent Search On Xml DataLect Notes Comput Sc Intelligent Surveillance SystemsIntel Syst Contr Aut&Intelligent Systems: A Modern ApproachIntel Syst Ref Libr"Intelligent Systems and Automation Aip Conf Proc>Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing in Power Engineering Power Syst>Intelligent Systems and Technologies: Methods and ApplicationsStud Comp IntellBIntelligent Systems Control and Automation Science and EngineeringIntel Syst Contr AutBIntelligent Systems Control and Automation Science and EngineeringIntell Syst Contr Au+Intelligent Systems Design and Applications Adv Soft Comp,Intelligent Systems for Knowledge ManagementStud Comput Intell,Intelligent Systems: From Theory to PracticeStud Comput Intell/Intelligent Systems in Design and ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing Ii Proc Spie3Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing Iii Proc Spie2Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Intelligent Systems in Oil Field Development Under UncertaintyStud Comput IntellCIntelligent Systems Modeling and Decision Support in Bioengineering Eng Med Biol8Intelligent Systems: Modeling, Optimization, and ControlAutom Control Eng Se%Intelligent Systems Reference LibraryIntel Syst Ref LibrCIntelligent Systems: Safety, Reliability and Maintainability IssuesNato Adv Sci Inst SejIntelligent Systems - Third Golden West International Conference, Edited and Selected Papers, Vols 1 and 2 Theo Deci LIntelligent Technical SystemsLect Notes Electr En?Intelligent Techniques and Tools for Novel System ArchitecturesStud Comp Intell.Intelligent Techniques for Web PersonalizationLect Notes Artif IntCIntelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Intelligent Technologies - Theory and Applications Fr Art Int2Intelligent Technologies - Theory and ApplicationsFront Artif Intel Ap.Intelligent Text Categorization and ClusteringStud Comput Intell"Intelligent Transportation SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Intelligent Transportation SystemsTransport Res RecFIntelligent Transportation Systems and Vehicle-highway Automation 2002Transport Res RecFIntelligent Transportation Systems and Vehicle-highway Automation 2003Transport Res RecFIntelligent Transportation Systems and Vehicle-highway Automation 2004Transport Res RecFIntelligent Transportation Systems and Vehicle-highway Automation 2005Transport Res RecFIntelligent Transportation Systems and Vehicle-highway Automation 2006Transport Res RecpIntelligent Transportation Systems, Automated Highway Systems, Traveler Information, and Artificial IntelligenceTransport Res Rec(Intelligent Tutoring System, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIntelligent Tutoring SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc%Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Part IiLect Notes Comput Sc)Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Theory and ApplicationsStud Comp Intell#Intelligent Vehicle Highway SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Intelligent Video Event Analysis and UnderstandingStud Comput IntellIntelligent Virtual AgentsLect Notes Artif Int'Intelligent Virtual Agents, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int'Intelligent Virtual Agents, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SckIntended Mathematics Curriculum As Represented in State-level Curriculum Standards: Consensus Or Confusion?Res Math Educ Ser<Intense Beams and Applications: Lasers, Ions, and MicrowavesP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Laser BeamsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Intense Laser Beams and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Intense Laser Phenomena and Related Subjects S Opt Phot$Intense Microwave and Particle BeamsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Intense Microwave and Particle Beams IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Intense Microwave and Particle Beams IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave PulsesP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave Pulses IiP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave Pulses IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave Pulses IvP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave Pulses IxP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave Pulses VP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave Pulses ViP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave Pulses ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsIntense Microwave Pulses ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIntensivbehandlungIntensivbehandlung$Intensive and Critical Care Medicine Int Congr SerIntensive Care MedicineIntens Care Med<Intensive Care Units: Stress, Procedures and Mortality RatesPublic Health 21st C3Intensive Quenching Systems: Engineering and Design Astm Man SerQIntentional Acts and Institutional Facts: Essays On John Searle's Social OntologyTheory Decis Lib A.Intention and Causation in Medical Non-killingBiomed Law Ethics Li:Intention, Common Ground and The Egocentric Speaker-hearerMouton Ser Pragmat5Intention Des Dichters Und Die Zwecke Der InterpretenQuellen Stud PhilosIntentions in Communication Sys Dev Fdn2Inter Academia 2010: Global Research and EducationAdv Mater Res-switz8Interacting Binaries: Accretion, Evolution, and Outcomes Aip Conf ProcInteracting Binary Stars Astr Soc PJInteracting Code Motion Transformations: Their Impact and Their ComplexityLect Notes Comput Sc+Interacting Electrons in Reduced DimensionsNato Adv Sci I B-phyInteracting Protein DomainsNato Adv Sci I H-celInteracting With ComputersInteract Comput Interaction and Market StructureLect Notes Econ Math8Interaction Between Compilers and Computer ArchitecturesKluwer Int Ser Eng C8Interaction Between Compilers and Computer ArchitecturesSpringer Int Ser Eng=Interaction Between Defects and Anelastic Phenomena in Solids Sol St Phen=Interaction Between Defects and Anelastic Phenomena in SolidsSolid State PhenomenKInteraction Between Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, and ProbabilityLect Notes Pure Appl$Interaction of Analysis and Geometry Contemp Math9Interaction of Charged Particles With Solids and SurfacesNato Adv Sci I B-phySInteraction of Hydrogen Isotopes With Transition Metals and Intermetallic CompoundsSpringer Tr Mod Phys(Interaction of Mechanics and MathematicsInteract Mech Math/Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics Series Inter Mec M*Interactions Among Cell Signalling Systems Ciba F Symp2Interactions Between Climate and Animal Production Eaap Tech.Interactions Between Global Climate SubsystemsGeoph Monog Series0Interactions Between Homotopy Theory and Algebra Contemp MathLInteractions Between Hyperbolic Geometry, Quantum Topology and Number Theory Contemp Math@Interactions Between Ring Theory and Representations of AlgebrasLect Notes Pure ApplAInteractions Between The Cryosphere, Climate and Greenhouse Gases Iahs-aish P<Interactions: Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy, 1860-1930Bost Stud Philos Sci:Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry Contemp MathInteractions of Food Proteins Acs Sym Ser/Interactions of The Major Biogeochemical Cycles Scope SerInteraction Studies Interact StudDInteractive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis: With R and GgobiUse R&Interactive and Integrative CardiologyAnn Ny Acad SciNInteractive Artifacts and Furniture Supporting Collaborative Work and LearningCom S Coll Learn-Interactive Collaborative Information SystemsStud Comput IntellIInteractive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication ServicesLect Notes Comput ScVInteractive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Interactive Drilling for Fast Track Oilfield DevelopmentInst Fran Petr Publ5Interactive Dynamics of Convection and SolidificationNato Adv Sci I E-app!Interactive Learning EnvironmentsInteract Learn EnvirGInteractive Lisrel in Practice: Getting Started With A Simplis ApproachSpringerbrief StatInteractive Markov ChainsLect Notes Comput Sc3Interactive Multimedia and Next Generation NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc]Interactive Multimedia in University Education: Designing for Change in Teaching and Learning Ifip Trans A2Interactive Multimedia On Next Generation NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc*Interactive Multi-modal Question-answeringTheor Appl Nat LangInteractive PaperP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Interactive Phenomena in The Cardiac SystemAdv Exp Med BiolInteractive StorytellingLect Notes Comput Sc%Interactive Storytelling, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Interactive Systems: Design, Specification and VerificationLect Notes Comput Sc<Interactive Systems: Design, Specification, and VerificationLect Notes Comput ScIInteractive Systems: Design, Specification, and Verification, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Interactive Technologies and Sociotechnical SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc:Interactive Technology and The New Paradigm for Healthcare St Heal T(Interactive Theorem Proving, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Interactive Tv: A Shared Experience, ProceedingLect Notes Comput ScEInteractive Wittgenstein: Essays in Memory of Georg Henrik Von Wright Synth LibrInter-american Economic AffairsInter-am Econ Aff#Interamerican Journal of PsychologyInteram J PsycholInter-american Music ReviewInter-am Music Rev9Inter-american Tropical Tuna Commission, Special Report 9Sr Inter Amer Trop TSInter-area Oscillations in Power Systems: A Nonlinear and Nonstationary PerspectivePower Electron PowerInter-asia Cultural StudiesInter-asia Cult Stud.Interatomic Potential and Structural StabilitySpringer Series SoliInterball in The Istp ProgramNato Adv Sci I C-matInterbiotech 89Progr Biotechnol:Intercalation Compounds for Battery Materials, Proceedings Elec Soc S+Intercalation Compounds Isic-6, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum1Intercellular Communication Through Gap Junctions Prog Cell R Interchange Interchange Interciencia IntercienciaHIntercity Passenger Rail; Freight Rail; and Track Design and MaintenanceTransport Res Rec!Inter-clinic Information BulletinInter-clin Info BullIntercollegiate ReviewIntercollegiate Rev&Interconnect and Contact Metallization Elec Soc S/Interconnect and Contact Metallization for Ulsi Elec Soc SInterconnection TechnologyInterconnect Technol1Intercultural Aesthetics: A Worldview PerspectiveEinstein Meet MagritIntercultural CollaborationLect Notes Comput ScVIntercultural Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Intercultural CommunicationRes Pract Appl LinguIntercultural Music StudiesIntercult Music StudIntercultural PragmaticsIntercult PragmatEInterdependence and Conflicts in International Agricultural Relations Quad Riv Ec$Interdependence of Image and Science Colloq Cths-Interdisciplinarity, Creativity, and LearningMont Math Enthus Mon0Interdisciplinarity for The Twenty-first CenturyMont Math Enthus Mon0Interdisciplinarity for The Twenty-first CenturyMontana Math Enthus,Interdisciplinarity in Technology AssessmentWiss Technik Folgenb,Interdisciplinarity in Technology AssessmentWissensch Technikfol%Interdisciplinary Applied MathematicsInterd Appl Math+Interdisciplinary Approaches to The OldowanVertebr Paleobiol Pa'Interdisciplinary Aspects of TurbulenceLect Notes PhysJInterdisciplinary Computer Vision : An Exploration of Diverse ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsBInterdisciplinary Computer Vision: Applications and Changing NeedsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology Interd Cont.Interdisciplinary Contributions to ArchaeologyInterd Contrib ArchbInterdisciplinary Educational Research in Mathematics and Its Connections to The Arts and SciencesMont Math Enthus MonbInterdisciplinary Educational Research in Mathematics and Its Connections to The Arts and SciencesMontana Math Enthus&Interdisciplinary Environmental ReviewInterdi Environm RevHInterdisciplinary Environmental Review, Vol Iii, No 2, 2001, ProceedingsInterdi Environm RevPInterdisciplinary Environmental Review, Vol Ii, Number 2, 2000, Proceedings 2000Interdi Environm Rev)Interdisciplinary German Cultural StudiesInterd Germ CultKInterdisciplinary Management Research-interdisziplinare ManagementforschungInterdisc Manag Res'Interdisciplinary Management Research VInterdisc Manag Res(Interdisciplinary Management Research ViInterdisc Manag Res'Interdisciplinary Mathematical SciencesInterd Math Sci'Interdisciplinary Mathematical SciencesInterdiscip MathOInterdisciplinary Perspectives On Drinking Water Risk Assessment and Management Iahs-aish P>Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Health, Illness, and DiseaseAt The Interface!Interdisciplinary Science ReviewsInterdiscipl Sci RevInterdisciplinary Statistics Interd Stat9Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and ReligionInt Stud Ancient Cul5Interdisciplinary Studies in Economics and ManagementInterd Stud Econ Man'Interdisciplinary Topics in GerontologyInterd Top Gerontol'Interdisciplinary Topics in GerontologyInterdisc Topics Ger`Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena: Fluid, Thermal, Biological, Materials, and Space SciencesAnn Ny Acad Sci;Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena in The Space SciencesAnn Ny Acad SciEInterdisziplinare Beitrage Zur Kriminologischen Forschung, Neue Folge Int B Krim$Inter-domain Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScInter ElectroniqueInter Electronique+Interest Rate Modeling: Theory and PracticeCh Crc Financ Math Interface AgeInterf Age-comput B$Interface Age-computing for BusinessInterf Age-comput B&Interface and Colloid Research ProgessInter Colloid Res Pr.Interface Between Innate and Acquired ImmunityCurr Top Microbiol'Interface Controlled Organic Thin FilmsSpringer Proc PhysDInterface Control of Electrical, Chemical, and Mechanical PropertiesMater Res Soc Symp PInterface Dynamics and GrowthMater Res Soc Symp PIInterface Engineering of Natural Fibre Composites for Maximum PerformanceWoodhead Publ MaterInterface Explorations Inter ExplorInterface ExplorationsInterface Explor'Interface-journal of New Music ResearchInterface-j New Mus Interfaces InterfacesInterfaces and Free BoundariesInterface Free Bound1Interfaces Between Polymers, Metals, and Ceramics Mat Res S CInterface Science Interface Sci*Interfaces Crystallization Viscoelasticity Adv Polym Sci;Interfaces: Explorations in Logic, Language and ComputationLect Notes Artif Int Interfaces IiMater Sci Forum#Interfaces in Biomaterials Sciences Eur Mat ResInterfaces in CompositesMater Res Soc Symp P6Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations ResearchOperat Res Comp SciInterfaces in ComputingInterface ComputInterfaces in Condensed SystemsProg Coll Pol Sci S?Interfaces in Industrial Systems for Production and Engineering Ifip Trans B>Interfaces in Multilingualism: Acquisitions and RepresentationHamb Stud MultilingaInterfaces of Consumption Metering Infrastructures With The Energy Consumers: Review of Standards Vtt Res NotesTInterfaces Recursion Language Chomskys Minimalism and The View From Syntax-semanticsStud Gener GrammTInterfaces Recursion Language Chomskys Minimalism and The View From Syntax-semanticsStud Generat Gramm3Interfaces, Surfactants and Colloids in EngineeringProg Coll Pol Sci S6Interface Strategies - Optimal and Costly ComputationsLinguist Inq Monogr'Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing Acs Sym Ser9Interfacial Effects and Novel Properties of Nanomaterials Sol St Phen9Interfacial Effects and Novel Properties of NanomaterialsSolid State PhenomenKInterfacial Effects in Particulate, Fibrous and Layered Composite Materials Key Eng Mat0Interfacial Engineering for Optimized Properties Mat Res S C3Interfacial Engineering for Optimized Properties IiMater Res Soc Symp P4Interfacial Engineering for Optimized Properties IiiMater Res Soc Symp P0Interfacial Interactions in Polymeric CompositesNato Adv Sci Inst Se=Interfacial Nanostructures in Ceramics: A Multiscale ApproachJ Phys Conf Ser.Interfacial Phenomena and The Marangoni Effect Cism Cour LFInterfacial Phenomena: Equilibrium and Dynamic Effects, Second EditionSurfactant Sci Ser)Interfacial Phenomena in ElectrocatalysisMod Asp Electrochem>Interfacial Processes and Molecular Aggregation of Surfactants Adv Polym Sci,Interfacial Properties of Petroleum Products Chem Ind-ser&Interfacial Science in Ceramic JoiningNato Asi 3 High Tech7Interfacing Pic Microcontrollers to Peripherial DevicesIntel Syst Contr Aut/Interference-optical Methods of Solid MechanicsFound Eng Mech2Interferometric Fiber Sensing - Interferometry '94P Soc Photo-opt Ins Interferometry '99: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Interferometry '99: Techniques and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsInterferometry : ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Interferometry for Optical Astronomy Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins4Interferometry for Optical Astronomy Ii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie0Interferometry in Optical Astronomy, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Interferometry in Optical Astronomy, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie$Interferometry in Space, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Interferometry : Surface Characterization and TestingP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Interferometry : Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt InsInterferometry Vi: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Interferometry Vii: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Interferometry Vii: Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Interferometry Vi: Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt InsInterferometry Xi: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Interferometry Xii: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Interferometry Xii: Applications Proc Spie!Interferometry Xiii: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Interferometry Xiii: Applications Proc Spie,Interferometry Xiii: Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Interferometry Xiii: Techniques and Analysis Proc Spie+Interferometry Xii: Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Interferometry Xi: Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins Interferometry Xiv: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Interferometry Xiv: Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Interferometry Xiv: Techniques and Analysis Proc Spie Interferon: The 50th AnniversaryCurr Top MicrobiolInterferon Y BiotecnologiaInterferon BiotecnolIntergenerational JusticeRout Stud Contemp Ph;Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Technical Series Ioc Tech S;Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, Iib98Mater Sci Forum:Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, Pt 1Mater Sci Forum:Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, Pt 2Mater Sci Forum5Interhemispheric Water Exchange in The Atlantic OceanElsev Oceanogr SerieInterior ArchitectureInterior Archit*Interior Textiles: Design and DevelopmentsWoodhead Text Ser$Interior West Global Change Workshop Usda Rocky Interlangues InterlanguesInterlending & Document SupplyInterlend Doc Supply1Interlending and Document Supply in Britain TodayChandos Inf Prof SerInterleukin-1 in The Brain Perg S NeurInterleukin-6 Type CytokinesAnn Ny Acad Sci Interleukins Vitam Horm2Intermediate Course in Probability, Second EditionSpringer Texts Stat"Intermediate Filament CytoskeletonMethod Cell Biol"Intermediate Filament CytoskeletonMethods Cell Biol3Intermediate Mechanics of Materials, Second EditionSolid Mech Appl1Intermediate Spectral Theory and Quantum DynamicsProg Math PhysIntermediate UveitisDev OphthalmolIntermetallic Matrix CompositesMater Res Soc Symp P"Intermetallic Matrix Composites IiMater Res Soc Symp P#Intermetallic Matrix Composites IiiMater Res Soc Symp PIntermetallicsIntermetallicsHIntermittent Hypoxia: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical ApplicationsPhysiol Lab Clin ResBIntermodal Freight Transportation; Freight Transportation PlanningTransport Res Rec%Intermolecular Forces and Clusters Ii Struct BondInternal and Emergency MedicineIntern Emerg Med5Internal and External Aspects of Corporate GovernanceRout Stud Corpor Gov=Internal Displacement: Conceptualization and Its Consequences Glob Inst3Internal Friction in Metallic Materials: A HandbookSpringer Ser Mater S8Internalism and Epistemology: The Architecture of ReasonRout Stud Contemp PhrInternalization, International Diversification and The Multinational Enterprise: Essays in Honor of Alan M. RugmanRes Glob Strateg ManInternalizing GlobalizationInt Polit Econ SerInternal Medicine Internal MedInternal Medicine Journal Intern Med JKInternal Standardization and Calibration Architectures for Chemical SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Internal Structure of Black Holes and Spacetime Singularities Ann Isr PhyXInternal Structure of Fault Zones: Implications for Mechanical and Fluid-flow PropertiesGeol Soc Spec PublInternasjonal PolitikkInt Polit-oslo6International Academy for Biomedical and Drug Research Int Acad B:International Academy of Pathology Monographs in Pathology Int Aca Pat,International Accounting in The 21st CenturyBus Econ Rapid Chang9International Actors, Democratization and The Rule of LawRoutl Uaces Contemp International Adjustment Process Finan Mon PInternational AffairsInt AffInternational Agrophysics Int Agrophys,International Air Safety Seminar ProceedingsInt Air Saf Sem P)International & Comparative Law QuarterlyInt Comp Law Q+International and Comparative Law QuarterlyInt Comp Law Q,International and Comparative Social HistoryInt Comp Social Hist%International and Cultural Psychology Int Cul Psy%International and Cultural PsychologyInt Cult Psychol'International and Development Education Int Dev EducEInternational and Interarea Comparisons of Income, Output, and Prices Stud Income$International Anesthesiology ClinicsInt Anesthesiol ClinInternational Angiology Int AngiolInternational Applied MechanicsInt Appl Mech+JInternational Approaches to Securing Radioactive Sources Against TerrorismNato Sci Peace Secur4International Arab Journal of Information TechnologyInt Arab J Inf Techn8International Archives of Allergy and Applied ImmunologyInt Arch Aller A Imm0International Archives of Allergy and ImmunologyInt Arch Allergy Imm?International Archives of Occupational and Environmental HealthInt Arch Occ Env Hea0International Aspects of Child Abuse and NeglectHealth Hum Dev7International Assistance and State-university RelationsStud High Educ SerVInternational Assistance to The Palestinians After Oslo: Political Guilt, Wasted MoneyRoutl Stud Arab IsrkInternational Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers Conference Series Iamslic C SdInternational Association of Aquatic and Marine Science, Libraries and Information Conference Series Iamslic C S-International Association of Geodesy SymposiaIag Symp;International Association of Geomorphologists - PublicationIag Publ,International Association of HydrogeologistsInt Assoc Hydrogeol_International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers Conference Series Iamslic Con]International Association of School Librarianship - Proceedings of The 18th Annual Conference Iasl ProcAInternational Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication Int As SedJInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewLInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewLInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - ProceedingsProc Int Assoc TheorZInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - Proceedings, Vol 24, Pt 1Int Ver Theor AngewZInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - Proceedings, Vol 24, Pt 2Int Ver Theor AngewZInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - Proceedings, Vol 24, Pt 4Int Ver Theor AngewZInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - Proceedings, Vol 24, Pt 5Int Ver Theor AngewZInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - Proceedings, Vol 25, Pt 1Proc Int Assoc TheorYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - Proceedings, Vol 25 Pt 2Int Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - Proceedings, Vol 25 Pt 2Proc Int Assoc TheorYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 25, Pt 3Proc Int Assoc TheorZInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology - Proceedings, Vol 25, Pt 4Proc Int Assoc TheorYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 26, Pt 1Proc Int Assoc TheorZInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings - Vol 26, Pt 5Int Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 27, Pt 4Int Ver Theor AngewLInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 24, Pt 3Int Ver Theor AngewLInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 26, Pt 2Int Ver Theor AngewLInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 26, Pt 3Int Ver Theor AngewLInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 26, Pt 4Int Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 1, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 2, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 3, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 5, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 6, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 7, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28, Pt 1, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28, Pt 2, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewXInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28 Pt 3, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28, Pt 4, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 1, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 2, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 3, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 4, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewLInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 5Int Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 1, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 2, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 3, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 4, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 5, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 6, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewZInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt. 7, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor AngewYInternational Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 8, ProceedingsInt Ver Theor Angew@International Atomic Energy Agency Conference & Symposium PapersIaea Conf Symp Pap=International Atomic Energy Agency : Panel Proceedings Series Iaea Pan PeInternational Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series 2 : Nuclear Safety and Environmental Protection Int Aeaps 2AInternational Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series 3 : Physics Int Aeaps 3International Audiology Int AudiolIInternational Aviation and Terrorism: Evolving Threats, Evolving SecurityCass Ser Polit Viole%International Banking and Finance LawInt Bank & Finance LXInternational Banking Regulation and Supervision: Change and Transformation in The 1990sInt Bank & Finance L$International Bar Association Series Int Bar Ass#International Behavioural Scientist Int Behav SciInternational BiodeteriorationInt Biodeterior/International Biodeterioration & BiodegradationInt Biodeter Biodegr'International Biodeterioration BulletinInt BiodeteriorInternational Bioscience Series Int Biosci3International Boundaries and Environmental SecurityInt Boundar Stud Ser%International Boundary Studies SeriesInt Boundar Stud SerInternational Braz J UrolInt Braz J Urol%International Broadcasting Convention Iee Conf Publ-International Broadcasting Convention - Ibc94 Iee Conf PublCInternational Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature and TaxonomyInt B Bact Nomencl T%International Business and ManagementInt Bus Manag-ser1International Business and National War InterestsRout Int Stud Bus HiLInternational Business and Tourism: Global Issues, Contemporary InteractionsRout Int Ser Tour BuAInternational Business Geography: Case Studies of Corporate FirmsRoutl Stud Int Bus W-International Business in An Enlarging EuropeAcad Int Bus SeriesInternational Business Review Int Bus RevPInternational Business Scholarship: Aib Fellows On The First 50 Years and BeyondRes Glob Strateg ManInternational Business Series Int Bus S%International Canadian Studies SeriesInt Can Stud SerInternational Capital Flows Nber Conf RDInternational Carnahan Conference On Security Technology ProceedingsInt Carn Conf Secu!International Cast Metals JournalInt Cast Met JDInternational Center for Research On Language Planning - Publication Ciral Publ/International Ceramic Conference : Austceram 90 Key Eng Mat>International Challenges to American Colleges and UniversitiesAm C Educ Oryz"International Chemical Engineering Int Chem Eng4International Chemical Recovery Conference, Vols 1-3 P Tech As PInternational Classification Int Classif&International Clinical Practice Series Int Clin Pr)International Clinical PsychopharmacologyInt Clin Psychopharm International Clinical SociologyClin Sociol Res Prac/International Collaboration in Community Health Int Congr Ser8International Colloquium On Diffractive Optical ElementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.International Colloquium On Process SimulationInt Colloq Proc SimFInternational Commercial Arbitration: Important Contemporary Questions Icca Cong SerFInternational Committee of The Red Cross: A Neutral Humanitarian Actor Glob Inst8International Communications Association Handbook SeriesInt Commun Assoc Han6International Communications in Heat and Mass TransferInt Commun Heat Mass[International Comparisons of China's Technical and Vocational Education and Training SystemTech Vocat Ed Train<International Comparisons of Prices, Output and ProductivityContrib To Econ Anal$International Competition Law SeriesInt Compet Law SerInternational Competitiveness Edi Semin STInternational Competitiveness and Business Techniques in Advanced Optics and ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins'International Competitiveness in AfricaAdv Stud Theor ApplPInternational Conference and British-israeli Workshop On Greenhouse Technologies Acta HorticBInternational Conference of Microelectronics : Microelectronics 92P Soc Photo-opt Ins=International Conference On 21st Century Emissions TechnologyImeche Conf TransZInternational Conference On Accelerator-driven Transmutation Technologies and Applications Aip Conf Proc4International Conference On Acoustic Sensing Imaging Iee Conf PublIInternational Conference On Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing IcasspInt Conf Acoust SpeeKInternational Conference On Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (icassp)Int Conf Acoust SpeeLInternational Conference On Advanced Information Networking and ApplicationsInt Con Adv Info NetRInternational Conference On Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (icann 2009) Aip Conf ProcSInternational Conference On Advanced Phase Measurement Methods in Optics An Imaging Aip Conf ProcInternational Conference On Advanced Steam Plant - New Materials and Plant Designs and Their Practical Implications for Future Ccgt and Conventional Power StationsImeche Conf TransLInternational Conference On Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology 2007 Aip Conf ProcWInternational Conference On Advancements of Medicine and Health Care Through Technology Ifmbe Proc^International Conference On Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Pts One and Two Aip Conf ProcDInternational Conference On Agricultural Risk and Food Security 2010Agric Agric Sci ProcRInternational Conference On Analogue to Digital and Digital to Analogue Conversion Iee Conf PublTInternational Conference On Application of Concurrency to System Design. ProceedingsInt Conf Appl ConcurKInternational Conference On Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics (icand 2010) Aip Conf Proc>International Conference On Applications of Nuclear Techniques Aip Conf Proc>International Conference On Applications of Optical HolographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins@International Conference On Applications of Optics and Photonics Proc Spie4International Conference On Applied Computer ScienceInt Conf Appl ComputInternational Conference On Applied Informatics and Communications-international Conference On Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical InformaticsInt C Appl Inform C5International Conference On Applied Optical MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins.International Conference On Assuring It's SafeImeche Conf Trans>International Conference On Atomic and Molecular Pulsed LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsBInternational Conference On Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsBInternational Conference On Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers Iii Proc SpieAInternational Conference On Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers IvP Soc Photo-opt InsAInternational Conference On Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers Iv Proc Spie8International Conference On Bear Research and Management Int C BearIInternational Conference On Bear Research and Management Monograph Series Int Bear MsSInternational Conference On Binaries: in Celebration of Ron Webbink's 65th Birthday Aip Conf Proc;International Conference On Bond Graph Modeling - Icbgm '93 Simul Series,International Conference On Business History Int Conf BucInternational Conference On Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena Ii - Channeling 2006P Soc Photo-opt InscInternational Conference On Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena Ii - Channeling 2006 Proc Spie4International Conference On Circuits Systems SignalsInt Conf Circ Syst SBInternational Conference On Combustion Engines and Hybrid VehiclesImeche Conf Trans{International Conference On Communication and Management in Technological Innovation and Academic Globalization-proceedingsInt C Commun Manage?International Conference On Communications Circuits and SystemsInt C Commun Circuit|International Conference On Complexity and Interdisciplinary Sciences: 3rd China-europe Summer School On Complexity Sciences Physcs Proc9International Conference On Compressors and Their SystemsImeche Conf Trans[International Conference On Computational and Experimental Methods in Reciprocating EnginesImeche Conf Trans;International Conference On Computation in Electromagnetics Iee Conf PublEInternational Conference On Computer-aided Design & Conceptual DesignI C Comp Aid Des ConTInternational Conference On Computer-aided Design and Computer Graphics Cad GraphicsInt C Comp Aid Des CTInternational Conference On Computer-aided Design and Computer Graphics-cad GraphicsInt C Comp Aid Des CZInternational Conference On Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design Caid&cdInt C Comp Aid Ind DZInternational Conference On Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design-caid&cdInt C Comp Aid Ind DEInternational Conference On Computer and Electrical Engineering IcceeInt C Comp Elec Eng[International Conference On Computer Design - Vlsi in Computers and Processors, ProceedingsPr Ieee Comp DesignGInternational Conference On Computer Engineering and Applications IcceaInt C Comput Eng AppGInternational Conference On Computer Graphics Imaging and VisualizationI C Comp Graph Im ViUInternational Conference On Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, ProceedingsI C Comp Graph Im ViIInternational Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work in DesignInt C Comp Supp Coop=International Conference On Computer Systems and ApplicationsI C Comp Syst Applic0International Conference On Consumer Electronics Ieee Icce4International Conference On Control 91, Vols 1 and 2 Iee Conf PublXInternational Conference On Control and Synchronization of Dynamical Systems (csds-2005)J Phys Conf Ser.International Conference On Correlation OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsfInternational Conference On Data Transmission - Advances in Modem and Isdn Technology and Applications Iee Conf Publ;International Conference On Dependable Systems and NetworksI C Depend Sys NetwoGInternational Conference On Distributed Computing Systems - ProceedingsInt Con Distr Comp S2International Conference On E-business EngineeringInt Conf E Bus Eng?International Conference On Education in Automotive EngineeringImeche Conf TransPInternational Conference On Electrical and Control Aspects of The Sizewell B Pwr Iee Conf PublIInternational Conference On Electrical Installation Engineering in Europe Iee Conf PublAInternational Conference On Electrical Machines and Systems IcemsInt C Electr Mach Sy:International Conference On Electro Information TechnologyInt Conf Electro Inf9International Conference On Electromagnetic Compatibility Iee Conf PublFInternational Conference On Electromagnetic Disturbances - ProceedingsInt Conf Electromag6International Conference On Emerging Technologies IcetInt Conf Emerg TechnCInternational Conference On Excitonic Processes in Condensed MatterP Soc Photo-opt InsMInternational Conference On Experimental Mechanics: Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?International Conference On Explosion Safety in Hazardous Areas Iee Conf Publ`International Conference On Fault-free Infrastructure: Effective Solutions to Improve EfficiencyImeche Conf TransEInternational Conference On Field Programmable and Logic ApplicationsI C Field Prog LogicEInternational Conference On Field Programmable Logic and ApplicationsInt Con Field ProgEInternational Conference On Forging and Related Technology (icft '98)Imeche Conf Trans!International Conference On Gears VDI Bericht.International Conference On Gears, Pts 1 and 2 VDI Bericht/International Conference On Gears, Vols 1 and 2 VDI Bericht7International Conference On Global Software EngineeringInt Conf Global Soft:International Conference On Harmonics and Quality of PowerInt C Harmon Qual Po]International Conference On High Pressure Science and Technology, Joint Airapt-22 and Hpcj-50J Phys Conf Ser=International Conference On Holography and Correlation OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsVInternational Conference On Holography and Optical Information Processing (ichoip '96)P Soc Photo-opt InsSInternational Conference On Holography, Correlation Optics, and Recording MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsAInternational Conference On Image Processing and Its Applications Iee Conf Publ^International Conference On Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Industrial EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins^International Conference On Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Industrial Engineering Proc SpieBInternational Conference On Indium Phosphide and Related MaterialsConf P Indium PhosphRInternational Conference On Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management IeemIn C Ind Eng Eng ManLInternational Conference On Information and Communication Technologies IcictInt Conf Inf CommunXInternational Conference On Information-decision-action Systems in Complex Organisations Iee Conf PublCInternational Conference On Information Technology in The Workplace Iee Conf PublFInternational Conference On Integrated Broadband Services and Networks Iee Conf PublRInternational Conference On Integrated Powertrain Systems for A Better EnvironmentImeche Conf TransMInternational Conference On Intelligent Computer Communication and ProcessingInt C Intell Comp CoRInternational Conference On Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing IccpInt C Intell Comp Co;International Conference On Intelligent Engineering SystemsInt C Intell Eng Sys5International Conference On Intelligent ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins1International Conference On Inverse Problems 2010J Phys Conf SerIInternational Conference On Joining and Repair of Plastics and CompositesImeche Conf Trans|International Conference On Laser, Applications, and Technologies 2005: Laser Sensing, Imaging, and Information TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins|International Conference On Laser, Applications, and Technologies 2005: Laser Sensing, Imaging, and Information Technologies Proc Spie.International Conference On Laser Physics 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins.International Conference On Laser Physics 2010 Proc SpiedInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2005: Advanced Lasers and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InskInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2005: High-power Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InssInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2005: Laser-assisted Micro- and NanotechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InssInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2005: Laser-assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies Proc SpieInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2005: Laser Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Applications and Laser Technologies for MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2005: Laser Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Applications and Laser Technologies for Medicine Proc SpieGInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2007 Proc SpiedInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2007: Advanced Lasers and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsdInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2007: Advanced Lasers and Systems Proc SpiekInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2007: High-power Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InssInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2007: Laser-assisted Micro- and NanotechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InshInternational Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2007: Laser Technologies for MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsLInternational Conference On Lasers for Measurements and Information TransferP Soc Photo-opt Ins2International Conference On Learner Diversity 2010Procd Soc Behv;International Conference On Life Management of Power Plants Iee Conf Publ{International Conference On Magnetic Fields in O, B and A Stars: Origin and Connection to Pulsation, Rotation and Mass Loss Astr Soc P0International Conference On Magnetism (icm 2009)J Phys Conf Ser>International Conference On Mail Technology - Tomorrow's WorldImeche Conf Trans=International Conference On Main Line Railway Electrification Iee Conf Publ4International Conference On Manufacturing AutomationP Soc Photo-opt InsaInternational Conference On Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and SurfacesJ Phys Conf SerLInternational Conference On Materials for Advanced Technologies (icmat 2005)J Phys Conf Ser5International Conference On Mathematical Biology 2007 Aip Conf ProcLInternational Conference On Mathematics Education Research 2010 - Icmer 2010Procd Soc BehvGInternational Conference On Mechatronics and Machine Vision in PracticeI C Mech Mach Vis PrTInternational Conference On Methods and Models in Science and Technology (icm2st-10) Aip Conf Proc<International Conference On Micro- and Nano-electronics 2009P Soc Photo-opt Ins<International Conference On Micro- and Nano-electronics 2009 Proc Spie0International Conference On Microelectronics IcmInt Conf Microelect0International Conference On Microelectronics-icmInt C Microelectron1International Conference On Microelectronics-mielInt Conf Microelectr1International Conference On Military TechnologiesIcmt-int Conf MilitOInternational Conference On Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsAInternational Conference On Modeling, Optimization, and Computing Aip Conf Proc3International Conference On Modulation SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsHInternational Conference On Monitoring of Toxic Chemicals and BiomarkersP Soc Photo-opt Ins/International Conference On Multi-body DynamicsImeche Conf Trans/International Conference On Nation and LanguageInt Conf Nation Lang0International Conference On Natural Gas HydratesAnn Ny Acad Sci3International Conference On Neutron Scattering 2009J Phys Conf Ser?International Conference On Noncommutative Geometry and PhysicsJ Phys Conf SerPInternational Conference On Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcWInternational Conference On Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Vol 59, Pt 1 and 2 Soc Ital Fi3International Conference On Nuclear DecommissioningImeche Conf Trans7International Conference On Nuclear Decommissioning '98Imeche Conf Trans0International Conference On Operational ResearchInt Conf Oper ResvInternational Conference On Optical Diagnosis of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum Electronics 1997P Soc Photo-opt InssInternational Conference On Optical Diagnostics of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum ElectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;International Conference On Optical Fabrication and TestingP Soc Photo-opt InsGInternational Conference On Optical Fibre Sensors in China Ofs ( C ) 91P Soc Photo-opt InsCInternational Conference On Optical Holography and Its ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:International Conference On Optical Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsVInternational Conference On Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid FlowImeche Conf TransUInternational Conference On Optical Storage, Imaging, and Transmission of InformationP Soc Photo-opt InsEInternational Conference On Optoelectronic Science and Engineering 90P Soc Photo-opt InsJInternational Conference On Parallel and Distributed Systems - ProceedingsInt C Par Distrib SyMInternational Conference On Parallel Architectures and Compilation TechniquesInt Confer Para9International Conference On Parallel Processing WorkshopsInt Conf Para Proc-International Conference On Partial Discharge Iee Conf Publ/International Conference On Pattern RecognitionInt C Patt RecogCInternational Conference On Photodynamic Therapy and Laser MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsEInternational Conference On Photoelectronics and Night Vision DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins-International Conference On Physics Education Aip Conf ProcPInternational Conference On Physics of Emerging Functional Materials (pefm-2010) Aip Conf ProcGInternational Conference On Planetary Boundary Layer and Climate ChangeIop C Ser Earth Env6International Conference On Plasma Physics - Icpp 1994 Aip Conf Proc:International Conference On Power Control and Optimization Aip Conf ProcDInternational Conference On Power Electronics and Drive Systems PedsInt C Power Elect DrBInternational Conference On Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Iee Conf Publ:International Conference On Power Station Maintenance 2000Imeche Conf Trans]International Conference On Practical Applications in Environmental Geotechnology Ecogeo 2000Vtt SympKInternational Conference On Pressure Systems: Operation and Risk ManagementImeche Conf TransHInternational Conference On Product Focused Software Process ImprovementVtt Symp1International Conference On Program ComprehensionInt C Program Compre,International Conference On Quality SoftwareInt Conf Qual SoftwCInternational Conference On Quantitative Evaluation of Systems QestInt Conf Quant EvalCInternational Conference On Quantitative Evaluation of Systems-qestInt Conf Quant EvalaInternational Conference On Radiation Interaction With Materials and Its Use in Technologies 2008Rad Int Mat Tech/International Conference On Railway As A SystemImeche Conf Trans9International Conference On Rehabilitation Robotics IcorrInt C Rehab Robot?International Conference On Renewable Energy - Clean Power 2001 Iee Conf Publ/International Conference On Science of FrictionJ Phys Conf Ser?International Conference On Science of Friction 2010 (icsf2010)J Phys Conf Ser6International Conference On Scientific Optical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsFInternational Conference On Sensors and Control Techniques (icsc 2000)P Soc Photo-opt InsFInternational Conference On Sensor Technology (istc 2001), ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsBInternational Conference On Service Systems and Service ManagementI C Serv Syst Serv M2International Conference On Signal Processing-icspInt Conf Sign Proces*International Conference On Simulation '98 Iee Conf Publ?International Conference On Simulation in Engineering Education Simul SeriesJInternational Conference On Simulation in Engineering Education (icsee 94) Simul SeriesMInternational Conference On Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and DevicesInt Conf Sim Semi Pr+International Conference On Singular OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsVInternational Conference On Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsVInternational Conference On Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie0International Conference On Software EngineeringProc Int Conf SoftwJInternational Conference On Software Engineering and Formal Methods - SefmI C Softw Eng Form M=International Conference On Software Engineering, ProceedingsProc Ieee Int Conf S=International Conference On Software Maintenance, ProceedingsProc Ieee Int Conf SInternational Conference On Solid State Crystals 2000: Epilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsInternational Conference On Solid State Crystals 2000: Epilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology Proc SpietInternational Conference On Solid State Crystals 2000: Growth, Characterization, and Applications of Single CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt InstInternational Conference On Solid State Crystals 2000: Growth, Characterization, and Applications of Single Crystals Proc Spie=International Conference On Space Information Technology 2009P Soc Photo-opt Ins=International Conference On Space Information Technology 2009 Proc Spie7International Conference On Storage & Recording Systems Iee Conf Publ9International Conference On Storage in Nuclear Fuel CycleImeche Conf TransLInternational Conference On Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (sces 2010)J Phys Conf SerTInternational Conference On System Science and Simulation in Engineering-proceedingsInt Conf Syst Sci SiNInternational Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Sys Man CybernMInternational Conference On The Application and Theory of Periodic StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsQInternational Conference On The Applications of The Mossbauer Effect (icame 2009)J Phys Conf SerOInternational Conference On The Applications of The Mossbauer Effect - Icame-95 Ital Phy So@International Conference On Theoretical Physics 'dubna-nano2008'J Phys Conf Ser?International Conference On Theoretical Physics Dubna-nano 2010J Phys Conf Ser+International Conference On ThermoelectricsInt Conf ThermoelectKInternational Conference On Thin Film Physics and Applications, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins/International Conference On Vehicle Safety 2000Imeche Conf Trans1International Conference On Very Large Data BasesProc Int Conf Very L4International Conference On Vlsi Design, ProceedingsI Conf Vlsi Design3International Conference On Wafer Scale IntegrationInt Conf Wafer Scale?International Conference On Wafer Scale Integration ProceedingsInt Conf Wafer ScaleDInternational Conference On Wavelet Analysis and Pattern RecognitionInt C Wavel Anal PatTInternational Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile ComputingI C Wirel Comm Netw>International Conference On X-ray and Neutron Capillary OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsLInternational Conference : Reliability, Production and Control in Coal Mines Aust Imm M=International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings Secur Gov=International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings Secur Govern:International Conflict Resolution Using System Engineering Ifac Work SBInternational Congress of Central and East European Studies SeriesInt Congr Cent E EurFInternational Congress On Advances in Non-impact Printing Technologies Int Cong Ad2International Congress On Ultrasonics, Proceedings Physcs ProcInternational Congress Series Int Congr Ser4International Congress, Symposium and Seminar SeriesI C S S/International Cooperation and Arctic GovernanceRoutl Adv Int Relat-International Corporate Responsibility SeriesInt Corp Respons Ser4International Corrugated Containers Conference, 1994 P Tech As PBInternational Council for Central and East European Studies SeriesInt Co Cent E Eur St@International Council for Commercial Arbitration Congress Series Icca Cong Ser7International Crop Protection: Achievements & Ambitions Bcpc Symp Ser)International Cryogenics Monograph SeriesInt Cryog Monogr,International Dairy Federation Special Issue Int Dairy FInternational Dairy Journal Int Dairy JKInternational Database Engineering and Applications Symposium - ProceedingsInt Database Eng AppIInternational Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: Cambodia and BeyondRethink Peace ConflInternational Dental Journal Int Dent J)International Development Planning ReviewInt Dev Plann Rev International Development Review Int Dev Rev3International E-conference On Computer Science 2005Lect Ser Computer Co.International Economic Actors and Human RightsRoutl Res Int Law)International Economic Association SeriesInt Econ Assoc Serie-International Economic Development Law SeriesInt Econ Dev Law Ser<International Economic Integration in Historical PerspectiveRoutl Explor Econ HiInternational Economic Review Int Econ Rev&Internationale Elektronische RundschauInt Elektron RundschSInternationale Forschungen Zur Allgemeinen Und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft Int For LitSInternationale Forschungen Zur Allgemeinen Und Vergleichenden LiteraturwissenschaftInt Forsch Allg Vgl&International Electron Devices MeetingInt El Devices Meet7International Electronic Conference On Computer Science Aip Conf ProcInternationale MarktwirtschaftInt Marktwirtsch International Endodontic Journal Int Endod J8International Energy and Resources Law and Policy SeriesInt Energ Resour Law/International Engineering Conference, Books 1-3 P Tech As PInternational EntrepreneurshipAdv Entrep Firm EmerjInternational Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Size Enterprises: Orientation, Environment and StrategyMcgill Int Entrepr S#International Environmental AffairsInt Environ AffairAInternational Environmental Agreements-politics Law and EconomicsInt Environ Agreem-p1International Environmental Law and Policy Series Int Env LawInternationale Politik Int Politik/Internationale Revue Der Gesamten HydrobiologieInt Rev Ges HydrobioEInternational Erosion Control Association - Proceedings of Conference Ieca P ConfHInternational Erosion Control Association - Proceedings of Conference 28 Ieca P ConfHInternational Erosion Control Association - Proceedings of Conference 30 Ieca P Conf)Internationales Archiv Fur ArbeitsmedizinInt Arch ArbeitsmedCInternationales Archiv Fur Sozialgeschichte Der Deutschen LiteraturInt Arch SozialgeschInternationales AsienforumInt AsienforumInternationales InsolvenzrechtSchr Deut Eur Int In1Internationales Jahrbuch Des Deutschen IdealismusInt Jahrb Deut Ideal8Internationales Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Idealismus (2003)Int Jahrb Deut Ideal8Internationales Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Idealismus (2004)Int Jahrb Deut Ideal8Internationales Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Idealismus (2006)Int Jahrb Deut Ideal8Internationales Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Idealismus (2007)Int Jahrb Deut Ideal8Internationales Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Idealismus (2008)Int Jahrb Deut Ideal Internationales WirtschaftsrechtDegruyter Lehrb$Internationale Tagungen in MikulciceInt Tagung MikulciceRInternationale Vereinigung Fur Theoretische Und Angewandte Limnologie Mitteilungen Int Ver TheOInternationale Vorgaben Zum Kulturguterschutz Und Ihre Umsetzung in DeutschlandSchrift Kulturgut6Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Arztliche PsychoanalyseInt Z Arztl Psychoan,Internationale Zeitschrift Fur PsychoanalyseInt Z Psychoanal6Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Psychoanalyse Und ImagoInt Z Psychoanal Ima+Internationale Zeitschrift VitaminforschungInt Z VitaminforschXInternationale Zetischrift Fur Angewandte Physiologie Einschliesslich ArbeitsphysiologieInt Z Angew Physiol*International Family Planning PerspectivesInt Fam Plan Perspec"International Fatigue Series - Ifs Int Fatig Ser3International Federation for Information ProcessingInt Fed Info Proc*International Feminist Journal of PoliticsInt Fem J Polit*International Fiber Science and TechnologyInt Fiber Sci TechnoInternational Fiction ReviewInt Fiction RevInternational Finance Int FinanceInternational Finance in Emerging Markets: Issues, Welfare Economics Analyses and Policy Implications Contrib EconInternational Finance ReviewInt Financ RevInternational Finance ReviewInt Finance Review0International Forensic Science and InvestigationInt Forensic Sci InvInternational Forestry Review Int For RevInternational Forestry ReviewInt Forest Rev4International Forum On Information and DocumentationInt Forum Inform Doc,International Gas Engineering and ManagementInt Gas Eng Manage.International Geological Correlation Programme Int Geol CInternational Geology Review Int Geol Rev0International Governance On Environmental IssuesEnviron Policy)International Handbook of Adult MortalityInt Handb PopulYInternational Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and Wellbeing, Pts One and TwoInt Handb Relig EducxInternational Handbook of Education for The Changing World of Work: Bridging Academic and Vocational Learning , Vols 1-6Int Lib Tech Vocat E,International Handbook of Public ProcurementPublic Adm Public Po1International Handbook Series On EntrepreneurshipInt Handb Ser Entrep%International Handbooks of PopulationInt Handb Popul1International Handbooks of Religion and EducationInt Handb Relig Educ.International Handbooks On Information SystemsInt Handb Inform SysInternational Health Hum Res Dev$International Health Care ManagementAdv Health Care ManaInternational Heart Journal Int Heart J9International Heavy Minerals Conference 2001, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met'International Hepatology CommunicationsInt Hepatol CommunInternational History Review Int Hist RevAInternational Human Resource Management in Chinese MultinationalsRoutl Contemp China/International Human Rights Law: An IntroductionPa Stud Hum Rights!International Hydrographic ReviewInt Hydrogr Rev8International Ieee Embs Conference On Neural EngineeringI Ieee Embs C Neur EInternational Immunology Int Immunol International ImmunopharmacologyInt Immunopharmacol*International Information & Library ReviewInt Inf Libr RevInternational Insolvency ReviewInt Insolv Rev<International Institute for Labour Studies - Research Series Int Lab Res?International Institute for Strategic Studies Conference Papers Int Inst St=International Institute of Administrative Sciences MonographsInt I Adm Sci Monogr=International Institute of Administrative Sciences MonographsInt Inst Adm Sci Mg0International Institutions and Asian DevelopmentPac Trad Dev Conf S0International Institutions and Global GovernanceInt I Glob Gov0International Institutions and Global GovernanceIntl Inst Global GovWInternational Institutions and Multinational Enterprises: Global Players-global MarketsIntl Inst Global GovInternational Interactions Int InteractGInternational Interdisciplinary Symposium in Honour of Giampietro Puppi Conf P Ital'International Investment Law and Eu LawEur Yearb Int Econ L;International Investments and Protection of The EnvironmentPca Peace Palace Pap)Internationalisation of Competition RulesRoutl Res Compet Law@Internationalization, Design and Global Development, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Internationalization: Firm Strategies and ManagementAcad Int Bus Ser4Internationalization: Firm Strategies and ManagementAcad Int Bus SeriesRInternationalization of Accounting and Its Implications On European Accounting LawPap Eur Int Retail B&Internationalization of Equity Markets Nat Bur EcInternationalization of Japan Sheff Ctr J/Internationalization of Law and Legal EducationIus Gentium-comp Per#Internationalization of Small FirmsRoutl Stud Small BusQInternationalizing Higher Education: Critical Explorations of Pedagogy and PolicyCerc Stud Comp Educ Internationalizing Media StudiesInt Media Stud Internationalizing Media StudiesInt Media Stud Ser'Internationalizing Media Studies SeriesInt Media Stud SerMInternationalizing The Internet: The Co-evolution of Influence and TechnologyNew Horiz Econ Innov9International Joint Conference On Artificial IntelligenceInt Joint Conf ArtifInternational JournalInt J=International Journal for Educational and Vocational GuidanceInt J Educ Vocat Gui*International Journal for Equity in HealthInt J Equity Health>International Journal for Housing Science and Its ApplicationsInt J Housing Sci>International Journal for Multiscale Computational EngineeringInt J Multiscale ComJInternational Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in GeomechanicsInt J Numer Anal MetEInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical EngineeringInt J Numer Meth Bio:International Journal for Numerical Methods in EngineeringInt J Numer Meth Eng5International Journal for Numerical Methods in FluidsInt J Numer Meth Fl&International Journal for ParasitologyInt J Parasitol0International Journal for Philosophy of ReligionInt J Philos Relig0International Journal for Quality in Health CareInt J Qual Health C9International Journal for Radiation Physics and ChemistryInt J Radiat Phys Ch8International Journal for The Advancement of CounsellingInt J Adv Couns4International Journal for The Psychology of ReligionInt J Psychol Relig[International Journal for The Semiotics of Law-revue Internationale De Semiotique JuridiqueInt J Semiotic Law6International Journal for The Study of Animal ProblemsInt J Stud Anim Prob8International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition ResearchInt J Vitam Nutr Res"International Journal of Acarology Int J Acarol?International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal ProcessingInt J Adapt Control/International Journal of Adhesion and AdhesivesInt J Adhes Adhes8International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous ComputingInt J Ad Hoc Ubiq Co:International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing TechnologyInt J Adv Manuf Tech1International Journal of Advanced Robotic SystemsInt J Adv Robot Syst$International Journal of Advertising Int J Advert&International Journal of AeroacousticsInt J Aeroacoust3International Journal of African Historical StudiesInt J Afr Hist Stud2International Journal of Aging & Human DevelopmentInt J Aging Hum Dev)International Journal of Agrarian AffairsInt J Agrar Aff>International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical SciencesInt J Agric Stat Sci4International Journal of Agricultural SustainabilityInt J Agr Sustain0International Journal of Agriculture and BiologyInt J Agric Biol0International Journal of Air and Water PollutionInt J Air Water Poll&International Journal of Air PollutionInt J Air Water Poll0International Journal of Algebra and ComputationInt J Algebr Comput-International Journal of American LinguisticsInt J Am Linguist"International Journal of Andrology Int J Androl1International Journal of Antennas and PropagationInt J Antenn Propag-International Journal of Antimicrobial AgentsInt J Antimicrob Ag3International Journal of Applied Ceramic TechnologyInt J Appl Ceram TecEInternational Journal of Applied Earth Observation and GeoinformationInt J Appl Earth Obs?International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and MechanicsInt J Appl Electrom>International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics in MaterialsInt J Appl Elect MatAInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer ScienceInt J Ap Mat Com-polAInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer ScienceInt J Appl Math Comp*International Journal of Applied MechanicsInt J Appl Mech7International Journal of Applied Radiation and IsotopesInt J Appl Radiat Is@International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary MedicineInt J Appl Res Vet M.International Journal of Approximate ReasoningInt J Approx Reason/International Journal of Architectural HeritageInt J Archit Herit/International Journal of Art & Design EducationInt J Art Des Educ*International Journal of Artificial OrgansInt J Artif Organs%International Journal of AstrobiologyInt J Astrobiol4International Journal of Athletic Therapy & TrainingInt J Athl Ther Trai"International Journal of Audiology Int J Audiol.International Journal of Automotive TechnologyInt J Auto Tech Kor.International Journal of Automotive TechnologyInt J Auto Tech-kor.International Journal of Automotive TechnologyInt J Automot Techn,International Journal of Aviation PsychologyInt J Aviat Psychol/International Journal of Behavioral DevelopmentInt J Behav Dev,International Journal of Behavioral MedicineInt J Behav MedCInternational Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical ActivityInt J Behav Nutr Phy.International Journal of Bifurcation and ChaosInt J Bifurcat Chaos=International Journal of Bilingual Education and BilingualismInt J Biling Educ Bi%International Journal of BilingualismInt J Bilingual%International Journal of Biochemistry Int J Biochem4International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell BiologyInt J Biochem Cell B2International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesInt J Biol Macromol+International Journal of Biological MarkersInt J Biol Marker9International Journal of Biological Research in PregnancyInt J Biol Res Preg,International Journal of Biological SciencesInt J Biol Sci'International Journal of Biomathematics Int J Biomath.International Journal of Bio-medical ComputingInt J Biomed Comput'International Journal of BiometeorologyInt J Biometeorol&International Journal of Biostatistics Int J BiostatInternational Journal of Cancer Int J Cancer(International Journal of Cardiac ImagingInt J Cardiac Imag#International Journal of Cardiology Int J Cardiol/International Journal of Cardiovascular ImagingInt J Cardiovas Imag-International Journal of Cast Metals ResearchInt J Cast Metal Res%International Journal of Cell CloningInt J Cell Cloning(International Journal of Central BankingInt J Cent Bank*International Journal of Chemical KineticsInt J Chem Kinet5International Journal of Chemical Reactor EngineeringInt J Chem React Eng,International Journal of Child PsychotherapyInt J Child Psychoth/International Journal of Childrens SpiritualityInt J Child Spiritua8International Journal of Circuit Theory and ApplicationsInt J Circ Theor App+International Journal of Circumpolar HealthInt J Circumpol Heal*International Journal of Civil Engineering Int J Civ EngAInternational Journal of Climate Change Strategies and ManagementInt J Clim Chang Str$International Journal of ClimatologyInt J Climatol7International Journal of Clinical & Laboratory ResearchInt J Clin Lab Res;International Journal of Clinical and Experimental HypnosisInt J Clin Exp Hyp<International Journal of Clinical and Experimental PathologyInt J Clin Exp Patho7International Journal of Clinical and Health PsychologyInt J Clin Hlth Psyc:International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and ComputingInt J Clin Monit Com1International Journal of Clinical NeuropsychologyInt J Clin Neuropsyc*International Journal of Clinical OncologyInt J Clin Oncol>International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and BiopharmacyInt J Clin Pharm Bi?International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and TherapeuticsInt J Clin Pharm Th7International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology ResearchInt J Clin Pharm Res*International Journal of Clinical PharmacyInt J Clin Pharm-net*International Journal of Clinical PracticeInt J Clin Pract8International Journal of Clothing Science and TechnologyInt J Cloth Sci Tech%International Journal of Coal GeologyInt J Coal Geol9International Journal of Coal Preparation and UtilizationInt J Coal Prep Util*International Journal of Cognitive TherapyInt J Cogn Ther+International Journal of Colorectal DiseaseInt J Colorectal Dis.International Journal of Communication SystemsInt J Commun Syst.International Journal of Comparative SociologyInt J Comp Sociol5International Journal of Computational Fluid DynamicsInt J Comput Fluid D>International Journal of Computational Geometry & ApplicationsInt J Comput Geom Ap;International Journal of Computational Intelligence SystemsInt J Comput Int Sys.International Journal of Computational MethodsInt J Comp Meth-sing.International Journal of Computational MethodsInt J Comput Methods8International Journal of Computer & Information SciencesInt J Comput Inf Sci<International Journal of Computer Applications in TechnologyInt J Comput Appl T@International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and SurgeryInt J Comput Ass Rad:International Journal of Computer Integrated ManufacturingInt J Comp Integ M:International Journal of Computer Integrated ManufacturingInt J Comput Integ M-International Journal of Computer MathematicsInt J Comput Math;International Journal of Computers Communications & ControlInt J Comput CommunBInternational Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative LearningInt J Comp-supp Coll(International Journal of Computer VisionInt J Comput Vision.International Journal of Conflict and ViolenceInt J Confl Violence,International Journal of Conflict ManagementInt J Confl Manage)International Journal of Consumer StudiesInt J Consum Stud<International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality ManagementInt J Contemp Hosp M/International Journal of Contemporary SociologyInt J Contemp Sociol International Journal of Control Int J Control7International Journal of Control Automation and SystemsInt J Control Autom8International Journal of Cooperative Information SystemsInt J Coop Inf Syst+International Journal of Corpus LinguisticsInt J Corpus Linguis)International Journal of Cosmetic ScienceInt J Cosmetic Sci(International Journal of CrashworthinessInt J Crashworthines1International Journal of Criminology and PenologyInt J Crim Penol)International Journal of Cultural StudiesInt J Cultural Stud)International Journal of Dairy TechnologyInt J Dairy Technol)International Journal of Damage MechanicsInt J Damage Mech7International Journal of Data Mining and BioinformaticsInt J Data Min Bioin4International Journal of Data Warehousing and MiningInt J Data Warehous'International Journal of Dental HygieneInt J Dent Hyg$International Journal of DermatologyInt J DermatolInternational Journal of Design Int J Des.International Journal of Developmental BiologyInt J Dev Biol3International Journal of Developmental NeuroscienceInt J Dev Neurosci9International Journal of Diabetes in Developing CountriesInt J Diabetes Dev C&International Journal of Digital EarthInt J Digit Earth=International Journal of Disability Development and EducationInt J Disabil Dev Ed4International Journal of Distributed Sensor NetworksInt J Distrib Sens N$International Journal of Drug PolicyInt J Drug Policy(International Journal of Early ChildhoodInt J Early Child'International Journal of Earth SciencesInt J Earth Sci)International Journal of Eating DisordersInt J Eat Disorder(International Journal of Economic TheoryInt J Econ Theory0International Journal of Educational DevelopmentInt J Educ Dev-International Journal of Educational Research Int J Ed RAInternational Journal of Educational Research, Vol 23, No 4, 1995 Int J Ed R9International Journal of Electrical Engineering EducationInt J Elec Eng Educ:International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy SystemsInt J Elec Power0International Journal of Electrochemical ScienceInt J Electrochem Sc,International Journal of Electronic CommerceInt J Electron Comm$International Journal of ElectronicsInt J Electron&International Journal of EndocrinologyInt J Endocrinol(International Journal of Energy ResearchInt J Energ Res.International Journal of Engineering EducationInt J Eng Educ4International Journal of Engineering Fluid MechanicsInt J Eng Fluid Mech,International Journal of Engineering Science Int J Eng Sci(International Journal of Engine ResearchInt J Engine Res#International Journal of Entomology Int J Entomol;International Journal of Environmental Analytical ChemistryInt J Environ An Ch6International Journal of Environmental Health ResearchInt J Environ Heal R/International Journal of Environmental ResearchInt J Environ ResAInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthInt J Env Res Pub He=International Journal of Environmental Science and TechnologyInt J Environ Sci Te.International Journal of Environmental StudiesInt J Environ Stud2International Journal of Environment and PollutionInt J Environ Pollut%International Journal of EpidemiologyInt J EpidemiolInternational Journal of Ethics Int J EthicsInternational Journal of Exergy Int J Exergy/International Journal of Experimental PathologyInt J Exp Pathol'International Journal of Expert SystemsInt J Expert Syst*International Journal of Family CounselingInt J Fam Couns'International Journal of Family TherapyInt J Fam Ther International Journal of Fatigue Int J Fatigue"International Journal of Fertility Int J Fertil.International Journal of Fertility & SterilityInt J Fertil Steril9International Journal of Fertility and Menopausal StudiesInt J Fertil Menop S6International Journal of Fertility and Womens MedicineInt J Fertil Women M,International Journal of Finance & EconomicsInt J Financ Econ7International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing SystemsInt J Flex Manuf Sys)International Journal of Food EngineeringInt J Food Eng*International Journal of Food MicrobiologyInt J Food Microbiol(International Journal of Food PropertiesInt J Food Prop4International Journal of Food Science and TechnologyInt J Food Sci Tech4International Journal of Food Sciences and NutritionInt J Food Sci Nutr$International Journal of ForecastingInt J Forecasting8International Journal of Foundations of Computer ScienceInt J Found Comput S!International Journal of FractureInt J Fracture+International Journal of Fracture MechanicsInt J Fract Mech&International Journal of Fuzzy SystemsInt J Fuzzy Syst$International Journal of Game TheoryInt J Game Theory0International Journal of Gastrointestinal CancerInt J Gastro Cancer(International Journal of General SystemsInt J Gen Syst(International Journal of Genome ResearchInt J Genome Res9International Journal of Geographical Information ScienceInt J Geogr Inf Sci9International Journal of Geographical Information SystemsInt J Geogr Inf Syst<International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern PhysicsInt J Geom Methods M-International Journal of Geriatric PsychiatryInt J Geriatr Psych$International Journal of GerontologyInt J Gerontol-International Journal of Global Energy IssuesInt J Global Energy'International Journal of Global WarmingInt J Global Warm%International Journal of Green EnergyInt J Green Energy/International Journal of Greenhouse Gas ControlInt J Greenh Gas Con,International Journal of Group PsychotherapyInt J Group Psychoth'International Journal of Group TensionsInt J Group Tensions-International Journal of Gynecological CancerInt J Gynecol Cancer0International Journal of Gynecological PathologyInt J Gynecol Pathol0International Journal of Gynecology & ObstetricsInt J Gynecol Obstet8International Journal of Health Care Finance & EconomicsInt J Health Care Fi)International Journal of Health EducationInt J Health Educ+International Journal of Health GeographicsInt J Health Geogr7International Journal of Health Planning and ManagementInt J Health Plan M(International Journal of Health ServicesInt J Health Serv,International Journal of Heat and Fluid FlowInt J Heat Fluid Fl/International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferInt J Heat Mass Tran.International Journal of Heavy Vehicle SystemsInt J Heavy Veh Syst#International Journal of Hematology Int J Hematol)International Journal of Heritage StudiesInt J Herit Stud@International Journal of High Performance Computing ApplicationsInt J High Perform C-International Journal of High Speed ComputingInt J High Speed Com&International Journal of Hindu StudiesInt J Hindu Stud/International Journal of Historical ArchaeologyInt J Hist Archaeol/International Journal of Hospitality ManagementInt J Hosp Manag3International Journal of Human-computer InteractionInt J Hum-comput Int/International Journal of Human-computer StudiesInt J Hum-comput St7International Journal of Human Factors in ManufacturingInt J Hum Factor Man'International Journal of Human GeneticsInt J Hum Genet*International Journal of Humanoid RoboticsInt J Hum Robot2International Journal of Human Resource ManagementInt J Hum Resour Man(International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyInt J Hydrogen Energ9International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental HealthInt J Hyg Envir Heal%International Journal of HyperthermiaInt J Hyperther7International Journal of Imaging Systems and TechnologyInt J Imag Syst Tech'International Journal of ImmunogeneticsInt J Immunogenet9International Journal of Immunopathology and PharmacologyInt J Immunopath Ph+International Journal of ImmunopharmacologyInt J Immunopharmaco&International Journal of ImmunotherapyInt J Immunother+International Journal of Impact EngineeringInt J Impact Eng+International Journal of Impotence ResearchInt J Impot Res,International Journal of Inclusive EducationInt J Inclusive EducIInternational Journal of Industrial Engineering-applications and PracticeInt J Ind Eng-appl PPInternational Journal of Industrial Engineering-theory Applications and PracticeInt J Ind Eng-theory.International Journal of Industrial ErgonomicsInt J Ind Ergonom0International Journal of Industrial OrganizationInt J Ind Organ,International Journal of Infectious DiseasesInt J Infect Dis/International Journal of Information ManagementInt J Inform Manage-International Journal of Information SecurityInt J Inf SecurAInternational Journal of Information Technology & Decision MakingInt J Inf Tech Decis6International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter WavesInt J Infrared Milli<International Journal of Injury Control and Safety PromotionInt J Inj Control SaEInternational Journal of Innovative Computing Information and ControlInt J Innov Comput I,International Journal of Inorganic MaterialsInt J Inorg Mater7International Journal of Insect Morphology & EmbryologyInt J Insect Morphol,International Journal of Intangible HeritageInt J Intang HeritFInternational Journal of Intelligent & Cooperative Information SystemsInt J Intell Coop I,International Journal of Intelligent SystemsInt J Intell Syst0International Journal of Intercultural RelationsInt J Intercult Rel2International Journal of Invertebrate ReproductionInt J Inver Rep DevBInternational Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and DevelopmentInt J Inver Rep Dev.International Journal of Laboratory HematologyInt J Lab Hematol;International Journal of Language & Communication DisordersInt J Lang Comm Dis+International Journal of Law and PsychiatryInt J Law Psychiat.International Journal of Law Crime and JusticeInt J Law Crime Just'International Journal of Legal MedicineInt J Legal Med International Journal of Leprosy Int J LeprosyAInternational Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases Int J Leprosy%International Journal of LexicographyInt J Lexicogr.International Journal of Life Cycle AssessmentInt J Life Cycle Ass-International Journal of Logistics ManagementInt J Logist Manag<International Journal of Logistics-research and ApplicationsInt J Logist-res App9International Journal of Machine Tool Design and ResearchInt J Mach Tool D R4International Journal of Machine Tools & ManufactureInt J Mach Tool Manu+International Journal of Management ReviewsInt J Manag Rev,International Journal of Man-machine StudiesInt J Man Mach Stud!International Journal of ManpowerInt J Manpower-International Journal of Maritime EngineeringInt J Marit Eng(International Journal of Market ResearchInt J Market Res*International Journal of Mass SpectrometryInt J Mass Spectrom<International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion ProcessesInt J Mass Spectrom7International Journal of Materials & Product TechnologyInt J Mater Prod Tec+International Journal of Materials ResearchInt J Mater Res$International Journal of Mathematics Int J Math,International Journal of Mechanical SciencesInt J Mech Sci,International Journal of Medical InformaticsInt J Med Inform-International Journal of Medical MicrobiologyInt J Med MicrobiolGInternational Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted SurgeryInt J Med Robot Comp)International Journal of Medical Sciences Int J Med Sci,International Journal of Medicinal MushroomsInt J Med Mushrooms&International Journal of Mental HealthInt J Ment Health.International Journal of Mental Health NursingInt J Ment Health Nu%International Journal of MetalcastingInt J Metalca St%International Journal of MetalcastingInt J Metalcast8International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric ResearchInt J Meth Psych Res8International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric ResearchInt J Method PsychCInternational Journal of Microcirculation-clinical and ExperimentalInt J Microcirc;International Journal of Micrographics & Optical TechnologyInt J Microgr Opt TQInternational Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-wave Computer-aided EngineeringInt J Microwave Mill,International Journal of Middle East StudiesInt J Middle E Stud+International Journal of Mineral ProcessingInt J Miner Process:International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and MaterialsInt J Min Met Mater+International Journal of Mining EngineeringInt J Mining Eng;International Journal of Mining Reclamation and EnvironmentInt J Min Reclam Env.International Journal of Mobile CommunicationsInt J Mob Commun)International Journal of Modern Physics AInt J Mod Phys A)International Journal of Modern Physics BInt J Mod Phys BjInternational Journal of Modern Physics B : Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Applied Physics Int J M P BFInternational Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol 3, No 12, December 1989 Int J M P BBInternational Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol 4, No 5, April 1990 Int J M P B)International Journal of Modern Physics CInt J Mod Phys C?International Journal of Modern Physics C-physics and ComputersInt J Mod Phys C)International Journal of Modern Physics DInt J Mod Phys D9International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear PhysicsInt J Mod Phys E+International Journal of Molecular Medicine Int J Mol Med+International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int J Mol Sci#International Journal of Morphology Int J Morphol(International Journal of Multiphase FlowInt J Multiphas Flow(International Journal of Music EducationInt J Music Educ%International Journal of Nanomedicine Int J Nanomed+International Journal of Nanoscience SeriesInt J Nanosci Ser8International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 1, Nos 5 and 6Int J Nanosci Ser1International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 2, No 6Int J Nanosci Ser8International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 2, Nos 4 and 5Int J Nanosci Ser1International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 3, No 6Int J Nanosci Ser8International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 3, Nos 1 and 2Int J Nanosci Ser8International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 3, Nos 4 and 5Int J Nanosci Ser1International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 4, No 2Int J Nanosci Ser1International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 4, No 4Int J Nanosci Ser8International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 4, Nos 5 and 6Int J Nanosci Ser1International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 5, No 6Int J Nanosci Ser8International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 5, Nos 2 and 3Int J Nanosci Ser8International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 5, Nos 4 and 5Int J Nanosci Ser1International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 6, No 2Int J Nanosci Ser1International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 6, No 5Int J Nanosci Ser8International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol 6, Nos 3 and 4Int J Nanosci Ser'International Journal of NanotechnologyInt J Nanotechnol-International Journal of Nautical ArchaeologyInt J Naut ArchaeolAInternational Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean EngineeringInt J Nav Arch Ocean+International Journal of Network ManagementInt J Netw Manag'International Journal of Neural SystemsInt J Neural Syst"International Journal of Neurology Int J Neurol*International Journal of NeuropharmacologyInt J Neuropharmacol(International Journal of NeuropsychiatryInt J Neuropsych0International Journal of NeuropsychopharmacologyInt J Neuropsychop0International Journal of NeuropsychopharmacologyInt J Neuropsychoph'International Journal of NeuroradiologyInt J Neuroradiol%International Journal of NeuroscienceInt J Neurosci3International Journal of Non-equilibrium ProcessingInt J Non-equilib Pr-International Journal of Non-linear MechanicsInt J Nonlin Mech-International Journal of Non-linear MechanicsInt J Nonlinear Mech2International Journal of Nonlinear Optical PhysicsInt J Nonlinear OptDInternational Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical SimulationInt J Nonlin Sci NumDInternational Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical SimulationInt J Nonlinear Sci3International Journal of Nuclear Medicine & BiologyInt J Nucl Med Biol&International Journal of Number TheoryInt J Number Theory8International Journal of Numerical Analysis and ModelingInt J Numer Anal Mod@International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid FlowInt J Numer Method HSInternational Journal of Numerical Modelling-electronic Networks Devices and FieldsInt J Numer Model El)International Journal of Nursing PracticeInt J Nurs Pract(International Journal of Nursing StudiesInt J Nurs Stud International Journal of Obesity Int J Obesity-International Journal of Obstetric AnesthesiaInt J Obstet Anesth>International Journal of Occupational and Environmental HealthInt J Occup Env Heal7International Journal of Occupational Health and SafetyInt J Occup Healt SaGInternational Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental HealthInt J Occup Med Env=International Journal of Occupational Medicine and ToxicologyInt J Occup Med ToxHInternational Journal of Occupational Medicine Immunology and ToxicologyInt J Occup Med I T;International Journal of Occupational Safety and ErgonomicsInt J Occup Saf Ergo1International Journal of Oceanology and LimnologyInt J Oceanol Limnol$International Journal of OdonatologyInt J Odonatol)International Journal of Offender TherapyInt J Offender ThEInternational Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative CriminologyInt J Offender Ther7International Journal of Offshore and Polar EngineeringInt J Offshore Polar4International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal TechnologyInt J Oil Gas Coal T!International Journal of Oncology Int J Oncol;International Journal of Operations & Production ManagementInt J Oper Prod Man&International Journal of OphthalmologyInt J Ophthalmol-chi(International Journal of OptoelectronicsInt J Optoelectron)International Journal of OptomechatronicsInt J Optomechatroni6International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial ImplantsInt J Oral Max Impl7International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryInt J Oral Max Surg%International Journal of Oral HistoryInt J Oral Hist%International Journal of Oral ScienceInt J Oral Sci%International Journal of Oral SurgeryInt J Oral Maxillof)International Journal of OsteoarchaeologyInt J Osteoarchaeol-International Journal of Osteopathic MedicineInt J Osteopath Med-International Journal of Paediatric DentistryInt J Paediatr Dent&International Journal of PancreatologyInt J Pancreatol-International Journal of Parallel ProgrammingInt J Parallel ProgHInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial IntelligenceInt J Pattern Recogn-International Journal of Pavement EngineeringInt J Pavement Eng6International Journal of Pediatric Hematology/oncologyInt J Pediat Hem Onc-International Journal of Pediatric NephrologyInt J Ped Nephrol*International Journal of Pediatric ObesityInt J Pediatr Obes6International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyInt J Pediatr Otorhi5International Journal of Peptide and Protein ResearchInt J Pept Prot Res:International Journal of Peptide Research and TherapeuticsInt J Pept Res Ther=International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative DentistryInt J Periodont Rest(International Journal of Pest ManagementInt J Pest Manage&International Journal of Pharmaceutics Int J Pharm&International Journal of PharmaceuticsInt J Pharmaceut&International Journal of PharmacognosyInt J Pharmacogn%International Journal of PharmacologyInt J Pharmacol.International Journal of Philosophical StudiesInt J Philos Stud$International Journal of PhotoenergyInt J Photoenergy.International Journal of Physical DistributionInt J Phys DistribEInternational Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics ManagementInt J Phys Distr LogEInternational Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials ManagementInt J Phys Distrib*International Journal of Physical SciencesInt J Phys Sci)International Journal of PhytoremediationInt J Phytoremediat)International Journal of Plant ProductionInt J Plant Prod'International Journal of Plant SciencesInt J Plant Sci#International Journal of PlasticityInt J Plasticity,International Journal of Political EducationInt J Polit Educ!International Journal of Politics Int J Polit>International Journal of Polymer Analysis and CharacterizationInt J Polym Anal Ch,International Journal of Polymeric MaterialsInt J Polym Mater*International Journal of Powder MetallurgyInt J Powder Metall@International Journal of Precision Engineering and ManufacturingInt J Precis Eng Man'International Journal of Press-politicsInt J Press-polit'International Journal of Press-politicsInt J Press/polit4International Journal of Pressure Vessels and PipingInt J Pres Ves Pip$International Journal of PrimatologyInt J Primatol-International Journal of Production EconomicsInt J Prod Econ,International Journal of Production ResearchInt J Prod Res+International Journal of Project ManagementInt J Proj Manag'International Journal of ProsthodonticsInt J Prosthodont)International Journal of Protein ResearchInt J Prot Res#International Journal of PsychiatryInt J Psychiat8International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical PracticeInt J Psychiat Clin/International Journal of Psychiatry in MedicineInt J Psychiat Med'International Journal of PsychoanalysisInt J Psychoanal(International Journal of Psycho-analysisInt J Psychoanal5International Journal of Psychoanalytic PsychotherapyInt J Psychoanal Psy#International Journal of Psychology Int J Psychol)International Journal of PsychophysiologyInt J Psychophysiol.International Journal of Public AdministrationInt J Public Admin&International Journal of Public HealthInt J Public Health0International Journal of Public Opinion ResearchInt J Public Opin REInternational Journal of Qualitative Studies On Health and Well-beingInt J Qual Stud Heal*International Journal of Quantum ChemistryInt J Quantum Chem,International Journal of Quantum InformationInt J Quantum Inf*International Journal of Radiation BiologyInt J Radiat Biol`International Journal of Radiation Biology and Related Studies in Physics Chemistry and MedicineInt J Radiat Biol Re;International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology PhysicsInt J Radiat Oncol-International Journal of Rapid SolidificationInt J Rapid Solidif;International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard MaterialsInt J Refract Met HDInternational Journal of Refrigeration-revue Internationale Du Froid Int J Refrig0International Journal of Rehabilitation ResearchInt J Rehabil Res'International Journal of Remote SensingInt J Remote Sens.International Journal of Research in MarketingInt J Res MarkDInternational Journal of Rf and Microwave Computer-aided EngineeringInt J Rf Microw C E+International Journal of Rheumatic DiseasesInt J Rheum Dis.International Journal of Robotics & AutomationInt J Robot Autom*International Journal of Robotics ResearchInt J Robot Res5International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear ControlInt J Robust Nonlin;International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining SciencesInt J Rock Mech MinTInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics AbstractsInt J Rock Mech Min1International Journal of Satellite CommunicationsInt J Satell Commun@International Journal of Satellite Communications and NetworkingInt J Satell Co Netw@International Journal of Satellite Communications and NetworkingInt J Satell Comm N:International Journal of Science and Mathematics EducationInt J Sci Math Educ*International Journal of Science EducationInt J Sci Educ*International Journal of Sediment ResearchInt J Sediment Res1International Journal of Selection and AssessmentInt J Select Assess(International Journal of Sensor NetworksInt J Sens Netw4International Journal of Service Industry ManagementInt J Serv Ind Manag&International Journal of Sexual HealthInt J Sex Health9International Journal of Shipping and Transport LogisticsInt J Ship Trans Log-International Journal of Simulation ModellingInt J Simul Model-International Journal of Small Group ResearchInt J Small Group R)International Journal of Social EconomicsInt J Soc Econ*International Journal of Social PsychiatryInt J Soc Psychiatr4International Journal of Social Research MethodologyInt J Soc Res Method'International Journal of Social WelfareInt J Soc Welf0International Journal of Sociology of The FamilyInt J Sociol FamGInternational Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringInt J Softw Eng Know.International Journal of Solids and StructuresInt J Solids Struct4International Journal of Speech Language and The LawInt J Speech Lang La2International Journal of Speech-language PathologyInt J Speech-lang Pa#International Journal of Speleology Int J Speleol+International Journal of Sport BiomechanicsInt J Sport Biomech&International Journal of Sport FinanceInt J Sport Financ(International Journal of Sport NutritionInt J Sport Nutr@International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise MetabolismInt J Sport Nutr Exe)International Journal of Sport PsychologyInt J Sport Psychol7International Journal of Sports Marketing & SponsorshipInt J Sport Mark Spo(International Journal of Sports MedicineInt J Sports Med:International Journal of Sports Physiology and PerformanceInt J Sport Physiol:International Journal of Sports Physiology and PerformanceIntj Sport Physiol2International Journal of Sports Science & CoachingInt J Sports Sci Coa#International Journal of Std & AidsInt J Std Aids)International Journal of Steel StructuresInt J Steel Struct6International Journal of Strategic Property ManagementInt J Strateg Prop M*International Journal of Stress ManagementInt J Stress ManageInternational Journal of Stroke Int J Stroke:International Journal of Structural Stability and DynamicsInt J Struct Stab Dy)International Journal of Sulfur ChemistryInt J Sulfur ChemRInternational Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High Performance ComputingInt J Supercomput Ap8International Journal of Surface Science and EngineeringInt J Surf Sci Eng International Journal of Surgery Int J Surg+International Journal of Surgical PathologyInt J Surg PatholBInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and World EcologyInt J Sust Dev World3International Journal of Sustainable TransportationInt J Sustain Transp"International Journal of Symbology Int J SymbolAInternational Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyInt J Syst Evol Micr0International Journal of Systematic BacteriologyInt J Syst Bacteriol,International Journal of Systematic TheologyInt J Syst Theol(International Journal of Systems ScienceInt J Syst Sci8International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInt J Technol Des Ed=International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health CareInt J Technol Assess.International Journal of Technology ManagementInt J Technol Manage'International Journal of The Addictions Int J Addict0International Journal of The Classical TraditionInt J Class Tradit-International Journal of The History of SportInt J Hist SportDInternational Journal of The Japan Society for Precision EngineeringInt J Jpn S Prec Eng,International Journal of Theoretical PhysicsInt J Theor Phys.International Journal of The Physical SciencesInt J Phys Sci)International Journal of Thermal SciencesInt J Therm Sci&International Journal of ThermophysicsInt J Thermophys2International Journal of The Sociology of LanguageInt J Sociol Lang-International Journal of The Sociology of LawInt J Sociol LawKInternational Journal of Tissue Reactions-experimental and Clinical AspectsInt J Tissue React)International Journal of Tourism ResearchInt J Tour Res#International Journal of Toxicology Int J Toxicol-International Journal of Transitional JusticeInt J Transit Just,International Journal of Transport EconomicsInt J Transp Econ-International Journal of Tropical AgricultureInt J Trop Agric6International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung DiseaseInt J Tuberc Lung D,International Journal of Turbo & Jet-enginesInt J Turbo Jet EngJInternational Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-based SystemsInt J Uncertain Fuzz1International Journal of Unconventional ComputingInt J Unconv Comput4International Journal of Urban and Regional ResearchInt J Urban Regional+International Journal of Urological NursingInt J Urol Nurs International Journal of Urology Int J Urol'International Journal of Vehicle DesignInt J Vehicle Des$International Journal of Ventilation Int J Vent4International Journal of Water Resources DevelopmentInt J Water Resour DLInternational Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information ProcessingInt J Wavelets Multi.International Journal of Web and Grid ServicesInt J Web Grid Serv.International Journal of Web Services ResearchInt J Web Serv Res&International Journal of Wildland FireInt J Wildland Fire'International Journal of Womens StudiesInt J Womens Stud!International Journal of ZoonosesInt J Zoonoses6International Journal On Artificial Intelligence ToolsInt J Artif Intell T9International Journal On Disability and Human DevelopmentInt J Disabil Hum De:International Journal On Document Analysis and RecognitionInt J Doc Anal Recog=International Journal On Semantic Web and Information SystemsInt J Semant Web Inf$International Journal On World PeaceInt J World Peace#International Judicial Institutions Glob InstpInternational Knowledge and Innovation Networks: Knowledge Creation and Innovation in Medium-technology ClustersNew Horiz Reg Sci-International Labor and Working-class HistoryInt Labor Work-classInternational LaboratoryInt LabInternational Labour ReviewInt Labour Rev-International Law and International RelationsContemp Secur Stud#International Law and Municipal Law Ver Inst In8International Law and The Third World: Reshaping JusticeRoutl Res Int LawInternational Lawyer Int Lawyer2International Legal Governance of The Human Genome Genet SocInternational Legal TheoryRoutl Res Int Law$International Lens Design ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt InsCInternational Library of Environmental Agricultural and Food EthicsInt Libr Environ AgrDInternational Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food EthicsInt Lib Env Agric Fo2International Library of Ethics Law and TechnologyInt Lib Eth Law Tech2International Library of Ethics Law and TechnologyInt Libr Eth Law Tec8International Library of Ethics Law and The New MedicineInt Lib Ethics Law8International Library of Ethics Law and The New MedicineInt Libr Eth Law New:International Library of Ethics, Law, and The New MedicineInt Lib Ethics Law"International Library of SociologyInt Libr SociolHInternational Library of Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingInt Lib Tech Vocat EInternational Library Review Int Libr Rev1International Look At Educating Young AdolescentsHandb Red Middle LevUInternational Management Accounting in Japan: Current Status of Electronics CompaniesMonden Inst Manag-jp"International Management KnowledgeInt Manage Knowl)International Marketing: Emerging MarketsAdv Int Marketing International Marketing Research Adv Int MarInternational Marketing ReviewInt Market RevInternational Materials Reviews Int Mater Rev!International Mathematical Series Int Mat Ser#International Mathematica Symposium Int Math S*International Mathematics Research NoticesInt Math Res Notices)International Mathematics Research PapersInt Math Res Pap1International Media Communication in A Global Age Commun Ser>International Mediation in Civil Wars: Bargaining With BulletsSecur Confl ManagInternational Medical Journal Int Med J#International Medicines Regulations Cmr WorkshInternational Medieval ResearchInt Medieval Res"International Meeting: Excited QcdActa Phys Pol B Pr S"International Mems Conference 2006J Phys Conf SerInternational Metals Reviews Int Mater RevInternational Microbiology Int MicrobiolInternational MigrationInt MigrInternational Migration in Asia Oecd Proc)International Migration of Health WorkersRoutl Res Popul MigrInternational Migration Review Int Migr Rev<International Monetary Fund: Politics of Conditional Lending Glob Inst(International Monetary Fund Staff PapersInt Monet Fund S Pap2International Monograph Series On Early Child CareInt Monogr Ser Early5International Narcotics Research Conference (inrc 89)Prog Clin Biol Res5International Negotiation in The Twenty-first CenturyU Tex Aust Stud Fore,International Neural Networks Society SeriesInt Neur Netw Soc SCInternational Nuclear Safeguards 1994: Vision for The Future, Vol 1P S IaeaCInternational Nuclear Safeguards 1994: Vision for The Future, Vol 2P S IaeaInternational Nursing Review Int Nurs RevCInternational Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference ProceedingsInt Offshore Polar E6International Olympic Committee and The Olympic System Glob InstInternational OphthalmologyInt Ophthalmol#International Ophthalmology ClinicsInt Ophthalmol Clin,International Optical Design Conference 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins,International Optical Design Conference 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins,International Optical Design Conference 2002 Proc Spie9International Optical Design Conference 2006, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins,International Optical Design Conference 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsGInternational Organisations and Space Law: Their Role and Contributions Esa Sp PublInternational Organization Int Organ4International Organization for Standardization (iso) Glob Inst[International Organizations and Higher Education Policy: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally?Int Stud High EducZInternational Organizations and Lifelong Learning: From Global Agendas to Policy DiffusionTransform State>International Organizations in Global Environmental GovernanceEnviron Polit Ser>International Organizations in Global Environmental GovernanceEnvironm Polit SerInternational Orthopaedics Int Orthop0International Pan Pacific Conference Proceedings P Tech As P)International Papers in Political EconomyInt Pap Polit EconAInternational Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium IpdpsInt Parall Distrib PCInternational Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (ipdps)Int Parall Distrib P8International Parallel Processing Symposium. Proceedings Ipps ProcInternational PerspectivesAdv Learn Behav DisaInternational Perspectives Int PerspectFInternational Perspectives and Challenges in Human Resource Management U Cal I IndTInternational Perspectives On Bilingual Education: Policy, Practice, and ControversyInt Persp Educ Polic=International Perspectives On Community Care for Older PeopleAveb St Car Commun}International Perspectives On Contexts, Communities and Evaluated Innovative Practices - Family-school-community PartnershipsContexts Learn(International Perspectives On CurriculumInt Perspect CurricGInternational Perspectives On Early Childhood Education and DevelopmentInt Perspect Early CFInternational Perspectives On Educational Policy Research and PracticeInt Persp Educ Polic3International Perspectives On Education and SocietyInt Persp Educ Soc7International Perspectives On Entrepreneurship ResearchAdv Ser Manage4International Perspectives On Forensic Mental HealthInt Persp Foren Ment>International Perspectives On Gender and Mathematics EducationInt Perspect Math EdPInternational Perspectives On Mathematics Education-cognition Equity and SocietyInt Perspect Math Ed<International Perspectives On Sexual and Reproductive HealthInt Perspect Sex R HEInternational Perspectives On Social Justice in Mathematics EducationMont Math Enthus MondInternational Perspectives On Streamlining Local-level Information for Sustainable Forest Management Pacif For CaInternational Perspectives On Student Outcomes and Homework: Family-school-community PartnershipsContexts LearnZInternational Perspectives On Teachers and Lecturers in Technical and Vocational EducationTech Vocat Ed TrainLInternational Perspectives Series : Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience Int Per Ppn3International Pespectives On Forensic Mental HealthInt Persp Foren International PharmacopsychiatryInt Pharmacopsychiat%International Philosophical QuarterlyInt Philos Quart@International Policy Coordination and Exchange Rate Fluctuations Nber Conf R;International Political Economy and Poststructural PoliticsInt Polit Econ Ser&International Political Economy Series Int Pol Ec&International Political Economy SeriesInt Polit Econ Ser'International Political Risk ManagementInt Pol Rik Mgt.International Political Risk Management, Vol 4Int Pol Rik Mgt&International Political Science ReviewInt Polit Sci Rev!International Political SociologyInt Polit Sociol%International Political Theory SeriesInt Polit Theor Ser/International Political Thought of Carl SchmittRout Innov Poli Theo/International Political Thought of Carl SchmittRoutl Innov Polit ThInternational Politics Int PoliticsCInternational Politics of Democratization: Comparative PerspectivesRout Res Comp Poli!International Politics of Eurosia Int Pol EurKInternational Politics of Judicial Intervention: Creating A More Just Order New Int RelatInternational Politics of SpaceSpace Power PolitCInternational Politics of The Asia-pacific, 3rd and Revised Edition Polit Asia International Polymer ProcessingInt Polym Proc=International Population Conference, Montreal, 1993, Vols 1-4 Iussp Pop CFInternational Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference Epe PemcInt Power Elect MotOInternational Power Electronics Electrical Drives Automation and Motion SpeedamInt Power Elect Elec%International Productivity DifferenceContrib To Econ Anal3International Professional Communication Conference Int Pro ComInternational PsychogeriatricsInt Psychogeriatr-International Public Health Policy and EthicsInt Libr Eth Law New'International Public Management JournalInt Public Manag JIInternational Railway Conference On Better Journey Time - Better BusinessImeche Conf Trans International Record of MedicineInt Rec Med Gp Clin2International Reference Ionosphere - Workshop 1999 Adv Space Res%International Regional Science ReviewInt Regional Sci RevInternational Relations Int Relat7International Relations and Security in The Digital AgeRoutl Adv Int RelatLInternational Relations in Europe: Traditions, Perspectives and DestinationsRoutl Adv Int Relat+International Relations of The Asia-pacificInt Relat Asia-pac+International Reliability Physics Symposium Int Rel Phy=International Requirements Engineering Conference ProceedingsInt Requir Eng Conf2International Research in The Business DisciplinesInt Res Bus Discipl+International Research On School LeadershipInt Res Sch Leadersh/International Review for The Sociology of SportInt Rev Sociol Sport/International Review of Administrative SciencesInt Rev Adm Sci,International Review of African American ArtInt Rev Afr Am ArtXInternational Review of Applied Psychology-revue Internationale De Psychologie AppliqueeInt Rev Appl Psychol2International Review of Cell and Molecular BiologyInt Rev Cel Mol Bio;International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, Vol 266Int Rev Cel Mol Bio;International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, Vol 267Int Rev Cel Mol Bio;International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, Vol 268Int Rev Cel Mol 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Pathol5International Review of History and Political ScienceInt Rev Hist Pol Sci)International Review of History EducationInt Rev Hist Educ)International Review of History EducationInter Rev Hist Educ$International Review of HydrobiologyInt Rev Hydrobiol@International Review of Industrial and Organizational PsychologyInt Rev Ind Organ PsMInternational Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2008, Vol 23Int Rev Ind Organ PsMInternational Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2009, Vol 24Int Rev Ind Organ PsNInternational Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2010, Vol 25Int Rev Ind Organ Ps)International Review of Law and EconomicsInt Rev Law Econ(International Review of Modern SociologyInt Rev Mod Sociol$International Review of NeurobiologyInt Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 35Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 36Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 38Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 39Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 42Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 48Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 54Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 56Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 62Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 63Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 65Int Rev Neurobiol,International Review of Neurobiology, Vol 73Int Rev Neurobiol"International Review of PhysiologyInt Rev Physiol"International Review of PsychiatryInt Rev Psychiatr'International Review of Psycho-analysisInt Rev Psycho-anal6International Review of Research in Mental RetardationInt Rev Res Ment Ret>International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Vol 19Int Rev Res Ment Ret>International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Vol 21Int Rev Res Ment Ret>International Review of 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Research in Mental Retardation, Vol 38Int Rev Res Ment RetnInternational Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Vol 39: Health Issues Among Persons With Down SyndromeInt Rev Res Ment Ret>International Review of Research in Open and Distance LearningInt Rev Res Open Dis&International Review of Social HistoryInt Rev Soc Hist=International Review of The Aesthetics and Sociology of MusicInt Rev Aesthet Soc%International Review of The Red CrossInt Rev Red CrossDInternational Review Or Cytology - A Survey of Cell Biology, Vol 225 Int Rev Cytol+International Reviews in Physical ChemistryInt Rev Phys Chem#International Reviews of Ergonomics Int Rev Ergon#International Reviews of ImmunologyInt Rev ImmunolBInternational Rilem Conference On Material Science (matsci), Vol I Rilem ProcCInternational Rilem Conference On Material Science (matsci), Vol Ii Rilem ProcDInternational Rilem Conference On Material Science (matsci), Vol Iii Rilem Proc[International Rilem Workshop On Life Prediction and Aging Management of Concrete Structures Rilem ProcRInternational Rilem Workshop On Shrinkage of Concrete, Shrinkage 2000, Proceedings Rilem Proc0International Risk Governance Council BookseriesInt Risk Gov Counc B#International Sales of Works of ArtIcc Publ1International Sampe Electronics Conference Series Int Sampe E/International Sampe Technical Conference SeriesInt Sampe Tech ConfDInternational Sanctions: Between Words and Wars in The Global SystemCass Ser PeacekeepinnInternational School of Nuclear Physics 26th Course: Lepton Scattering and The Structure of Hadrons and NucleiProg Part Nucl Phys8International School of Plasma Physics - Piero Caldirola Int Sch PlFInternational Scientific Conference: Engineering for Rural DevelopmentEng Rur DevelopInternational Security Int Security&International Semiconductor ConferenceInt Semiconduct CondInternational Seminar On Application of Powertrain and Fuel Technologies to Meet Emissions StandardsImeche Conf Trans#International Seminar On ElastomersAppl Polym Symp SeroInternational Seminar On Novel Trends in Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy and High-precision Measurements in OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsMInternational Seminar On Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies - 22nd SessionSci Cult Nucl StratMInternational Seminar On Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies - 27th SessionSci Cult Nucl StratMInternational Seminar On Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies - 30th SessionSci Cult Nucl StratMInternational Seminar On Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies - 31st SessionSci Cult Nucl StratMInternational Seminar On Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies - 32nd SessionSci Cult Nucl StratMInternational Seminar On Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies - 38th SessionSci Cult Nucl StratSInternational Seminar On Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid FlowImeche Conf TransPInternational Seminar On Science and Technology of Glass Materials (isstgm 2009)Iop Conf Ser-mat SciNInternational Seminars On Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies - 36th SessionSci Cult Nucl Strat6International Series in Experimental Social Psychology In S Ex Soc@International Series in Operations Research & Management ScienceInt Ser Oper Res Man.International Series in Quantitative MarketingInt S Quant Market,International Series in Quantitive MarketingInt Ser Quant Market'International Series in Video ComputingInt Ser Video Comput-International Series of Numerical Mathematics Int S Num M-International Series of Numerical MathematicsInt Ser Numer Math0International Series On Advances in ArchitectureInt Ser Adv Archit>International Series On Advances in High Performance ComputingInt Ser Adv High Per1International Series On Computational Engineering Int S Comp(International Series On Consumer ScienceInt Ser Consum Sci5International Series On Developments in Heat TransferInt Ser Dev Heat TraPInternational Series On Microprocessor-based and Intelligent Systems Engineering Int S Micro3International Series On Progress in Water ResourcesInt Ser Prog Wat Res&International Series On Sport Sciences Int S SportAInternational Series On Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship In Tech In8International Series On Technology Policy and InnovationInt S Techn Pol Inn8International Series On Technology Policy and InnovationInt Ser Technol PoliMInternational Series On The Strength and Fracture of Materials and Structures Int S StrenPInternational Siberian Workshops and Tutorials On Electron Devices and MaterialsInt Sib Workshops Tu$International Small Business JournalInt Small Bus J3International Smoked Seafood Conference Proceedings Uasgcp Rep'International Social Development ReviewInt Soc Dev Rev$International Social Science Journal Int Soc Sci J#International Social Science ReviewInt Soc Sci Rev)International Social Studies Forum SeriesInt Soc Stud Forum SDInternational Social Survey Programme, 1984-2009: Charting The Globe Soc Res TodayInternational Social Work Int Soc WorkVInternational Society and The Middle East: English School Theory At The Regional LevelPalgr Stud Int Relat@International Society for Analysis, Applications and ComputationInt Soc Anal App Com8International Society for Applied Cardiovascular Biology Int S App C3International Society for Ecological Economics SersInt S Ecol Econ SerCInternational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (isprs)Int Soc PhotogrammeBInternational Society of Business Economics and Ethics Book SeriesInt Soc Bus Econ EthInternational Sociology Int Sociol&International Solar Cycle Study (iscs) Adv Space Res&International Solar Cycle Study (iscs)Adv Space Res-seriesInternational Space StationSpace Sci Explor Pol7International Space Station: The Next Space Marketplace Spac StudInternational Sportmed JournalInt Sportmed J;International Spring Seminar On Electronics Technology IsseInt Spr Sem Elect Te International Statistical Review Int Stat Rev+International Struggle for New Human RightsPa Stud Hum Rights<International Studies East Asian Series 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PerspectivesInt Stud PerspectInternational Studies QuarterlyInt Stud QuartInternational Studies Review Int Stud RevInternational Sugar Journal Int Sugar JInternational SurgeryInt Surg9International Symp On Multiple-valued Logic - Proceedings Int Sym Mvl:International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics Int Symp EcNInternational Symposium : Integrated Management of Watersheds for Multiple Use Usda RockyBInternational Symposium On Advanced Nanodevices and NanotechnologyJ Phys Conf Ser]International Symposium On Advanced Packaging Materials-processes, Properties, and InterfacesInt Sym Adv Pkg MatLInternational Symposium On Advances in Interconnection and Packaging, Book 2P Soc Photo-opt InsJInternational Symposium On Advances in Interconnection and Packing, Book 1P Soc Photo-opt InsUInternational Symposium On Agrotechnics and Storage of Vegetable and Ornamental Seeds Acta HorticUInternational Symposium On Air Conditioning in High Rise Buildings '2000, Proceedings Refr Sci TrInternational Symposium On Applications of Modelling As An Innovative Technology in The Agri-food-chain - Model-it Acta Hortic8International Symposium On Apricot Culture, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticKInternational Symposium On Biological Product Freeze-drying and FormulationDev BiologicalsVInternational Symposium On Biotechnology of Tropical and Subtropical Species - Part Ii Acta Hortic$International Symposium On Brassicas Acta Hortic+International Symposium On Buffalo Products Eaap PublicEInternational Symposium On Collaborative Technologies and Systems-ctsInt S Collab TechnolUInternational Symposium On Composting and Use of Composted Materials for Horticulture Acta HorticOInternational Symposium On Computer Architecture and High Performance ComputingInt Sym Comp ArchitVInternational Symposium On Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management Acta Hortic^International Symposium On Continuous Cell Lines - An International Workshop On Current IssuesDev Biologicals9International Symposium On Correlation Dynamics in NucleiJ Phys Conf Ser7International Symposium On Crop Protection, Proceedings Int S CropwInternational Symposium On Current Developments in Mediterranean Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Production and Research Acta HorticKInternational Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in A VacuumInt Sym Disch Electr-International Symposium On Display HolographyP Soc Photo-opt InsLInternational Symposium On Distributed Computing and Artificial IntelligenceAdv Intel Soft CompuQInternational Symposium On Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2008 Adv Soft CompInternational Symposium On (e,2e), Double Photoionization and Related Topics and 15th International Symposium On Polarization and Correlation in Electronic and Atomic CollisionsJ Phys Conf Ser[International Symposium On Effect of Preharvest and Postharvest Factors On Storage of Fruit Acta Hortic$International Symposium On ElectretsInt Symp Electrets8International Symposium On Electromagnetic CompatibilityInt Symp Elec CompatHInternational Symposium On Electronic Design Test and Applications DeltaInt Sym Elect Des TeIInternational Symposium On Empirical Software Engineering and MeasurementInt Symp Emp Softwar(International Symposium On Exotic Nuclei Aip Conf Proc-International Symposium On Exotic Nuclei 2009 Aip Conf Proc3International Symposium On Fault-tolerant ComputingDig Pap Int Symp FauLInternational Symposium On Fundamentals of Software Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SceInternational Symposium On Greenhouse Management for Better Yield and Quality in Mild Winter Climates Acta HorticGInternational Symposium On Growing Media and Hydroponics, Vols I and Ii Acta HorticLInternational Symposium On Growing Media and Plant Nutrition in Horticulture Acta HorticMInternational Symposium On High-performance Computer Architecture-proceedingsInt S High Perf Comp9International Symposium On High Power Laser Ablation 2010 Aip Conf ProcInternational Symposium On Integrating Canopy, Rootstocks and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, Proceedings - Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticYInternational Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems IspacsI S Intell Sig ProcYInternational Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems-ispacsI S Intell Sig Proc=International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing-wispI S Intell Sig Pr>International Symposium On Intelligent Systems and InformaticsI S Intell Syst InfoAInternational Symposium On Laser-plasma Interactions ( Islpi 92 )P Soc Photo-opt InscInternational Symposium On Lattice Effects in Cuprate High Temperature Superconductors (lehtsc2007)J Phys Conf Ser<International Symposium On Mechatronics and Its ApplicationsInt S Mechatr Applic8International Symposium On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Acta HorticUInternational Symposium On Mediterranean Animal Germplasm and Future Human Challenges Eaap Public9International Symposium On Microarchitecture, ProceedingsInt Symp MicroarchqInternational Symposium On Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems ProceedingsI S Mod Anal Sim Com0International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic Int Sym Mvl9International Symposium On Multispectral Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins$International Symposium On Myrtaceae Acta Hortic@International Symposium On New Cultivation Systems in Greenhouse Acta Hortic.International Symposium On Olfaction and TasteAnn Ny Acad SciOInternational Symposium On Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Surface EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt Ins^International Symposium On Pertussis : Evaluation and Research On Acellular Pertussis VaccinesDev BiologicalsWInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsWInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Image Processing Proc SpiesInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Laser, Ultraviolet, and Terahertz TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InssInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Laser, Ultraviolet, and Terahertz Technology Proc SpieInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Optoelectronic System Design, Manufacturing, and TestingP Soc Photo-opt InsInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Optoelectronic System Design, Manufacturing, and Testing Proc SpielInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Photoelectronic Imaging and DetectionP Soc Photo-opt InslInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Photoelectronic Imaging and Detection Proc SpielInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Related Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InslInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007: Related Technologies and Applications Proc SpieInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011: Laser Sensing and Imaging and Biological and Medical Applications of Photonics Sensing and Imaging Proc SpiesInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011: Terahertz Wave Technologies and Applications Proc SpieaInternational Symposium On Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging : Technology and Applications 93P Soc Photo-opt Ins5International Symposium On Photonic Glass (ispg 2002)P Soc Photo-opt Ins3International Symposium On Photonics in Measurement VDI BerichtgInternational Symposium On Plant Production in Closed Ecosystems - Automation, Culture, and Environment Acta HorticVInternational Symposium On Polarization Analysis and Applications to Device TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsVInternational Symposium On Postharvest Treatment of Horticultural Crops, Vols I and Ii Acta Hortic>International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices and IcsInt Sym Pow SemicondDInternational Symposium On Quality of Fresh and Fermented Vegetables Acta HorticNInternational Symposium On Rainfall Rate and Radio Wave Propagation (isrr '07) Aip Conf Proc&International Symposium On Ring Theory Trends Math6International Symposium On Safety in Baseball/softballAm Soc Test MaterkInternational Symposium On Scheduling of Irrigation for Vegetable Crops Under Field Condition, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticOInternational Symposium On Strategies for Market Oriented Greenhouse Production Acta HorticaInternational Symposium On The Culture of Subtropical and Tropical Fruits and Crops, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticInternational Symposium On The First Steps Towards An International Harmonization of Veterinary Biologicals : 1993 and Free Circulation of Vaccines Within The EecDev Biol Stand+International Symposium On The Genus Lilium Acta HorticcInternational Symposium On The Importance of Varieties and Clones in The Production of Quality Wine Acta HorticNInternational Symposium On The Physiological Basis of Postharvest Technologies Acta HorticTInternational Symposium On The Superconducting Science & Technology of Ingot Niobium Aip Conf ProcPInternational Symposium On Tospoviruses and Thrips of Floral and Vegetable Crops Acta Hortic,International Symposium On Urban Tree Health Acta Hortic9International Symposium On Vector Boson Self-interactions Aip Conf ProcSInternational Symposium On Virological Aspects of The Safety of Biological ProductsDev BiologicalsPInternational Symposium On Water Quality and Quantity in Greenhouse Horticulture Acta HorticPInternational Symposium On Waves, Coherent Structures, and Turbulence in Plasmas Aip Conf Proc@International Symposium On Workload Characterization ProceedingsI S Workl Char ProcQInternational Tables for Crystallography, Vol. B: Reciprocal Space, Third EditionInt Tables Crystallo1International Tables for Crystallography Volume BInt Tables Crystallo$International Tax and Public FinanceInt Tax Public Finan1International Taxation and Multinational Activity Nber Conf R:International Telecommunications Energy Conference-intelecInt Telecom Energy%International Telemetering Conference Int Telem C-International Telemetering Conference, Vol 26 Int Telem C-International Telemetering Conference, Vol 27 Int Telem C/International Test Conference 1998, ProceedingsInt Test Conf P/International Test Conference 2000, ProceedingsInt Test Conf P/International Test Conference 2001, ProceedingsInt Test Conf P/International Test Conference 2002, ProceedingsInt Test Conf P/International Test Conference 2003, ProceedingsInt Test Conf P/International Test Conference 2004, ProceedingsInt Test Conf P"International Test Conference 2010Int Test Conf P)International Test Conference ProceedingsInt Test Conf P*International Test Conference, ProceedingsInt Test Conf PLInternational Theory of Leonard Woolf: A Study in Twentieth-century IdealismPalgr Mac Ser Hist%International Thought of Martin WightPalgr Mac Ser HistPInternational Trade and Environmental Justice: Toward A Global Political EcologyEnviron Res AdvInternational Trade and Multinational Activity: Heterogeneity of Firms, Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment, and International Business Cycle DynamicsLect Notes Econ Math-International Trade Theory: A Critical ReviewRoutl Stud Int Bus W2International Transactions in Operational ResearchInt T Oper Res/International Trends in Crime : East Meets West Aic Conf P-International Union of Biochemistry Symposium Int Union B@International Union of Crystallography Crystallographic SymposiaIucr Crystall SympFInternational Union of Psychological Science : Selected/revised Papers Iupsys Sr P#International Urogynecology JournalInt Urogynecol J@International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor DysfunctionInt Urogynecol J Pel$International Urology and NephrologyInt Urol NephrolQInternational Views On Disability Measures: Moving Toward Comparative MeasurementRes Soc Sci DisabilTInternational Water Treaties: Negotiation and Cooperation Along Transboundary RiversRoutl Stud Mod World)International Western Geographical SeriesInt W Geogr SerDInternational Wildland Fire Foam Symposium and Workshop, Proceedings For Can PiInternational Wildlife Int WildlifeJInternational Workshop and Conference On Photonics and Nanotechnology 2007 Proc SpieHInternational Workshop On Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy Aip Conf ProcIInternational Workshop On Advanced Materials for High Precision Detectors Cern ReportdInternational Workshop On Advance Issues of E-commerce and Web-based Information Systems ProceedingsI W Adv Iss E Commer<International Workshop On Albizia and Paraserianthes SpeciesFor Farm Comm Tree R?International Workshop On Chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei Aip Conf ProcMInternational Workshop On Complex Structures, Integrability and Vector Fields Aip Conf ProcIInternational Workshop On Database and Expert Systems Applications - DexaInt Workshop DatabasHInternational Workshop On Future Trends of Distributed Computing SystemsInt Wkshp Fut Tr Dis4International Workshop On Hardware/software CodesignHardw Softw Codes>International Workshop On Hysteresis & Multi-scale AsymptoticsJ Phys Conf SeroInternational Workshop On Innovative Architecture for Future Generation High Performance Processors and SystemsIeee Int Conf AutomLInternational Workshop On Memory Technology, Design and Testing, ProceedingsRec Ieee Int Wkshp MInternational Workshop On Monte Carlo Techniques in Radiotherapy Delivery and Verification - Third Mcgill International WorkshopJ Phys Conf Ser=International Workshop On Multi-rate Processes and HysteresisJ Phys Conf SerdInternational Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsdInternational Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering Proc SpiesInternational Workshop On Nonlinear Dynamics and Structures in Biology and Medicine: Optical and Laser TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InssInternational Workshop On Nonlinear Dynamics and Structures in Biology and Medicine: Optical and Laser Technologies Proc SpieuInternational Workshop On Nuclear Physics 27th Course: Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle and Nuclear PhysicsProg Part Nucl PhysqInternational Workshop On Optical Diagnostics of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum ElectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsIInternational Workshop On Petri Nets and Performance Models - ProceedingsInt Worksh Petri NetQInternational Workshop On Photoinduced Self-organization Effects in Optical FiberP Soc Photo-opt InsGInternational Workshop On Photonics and Imaging in Biology and MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsGInternational Workshop On Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine Proc Spie]International Workshop On Poliovirus Attenuation : Molecular Mechanisms and Practical AspectsDev Biol Stand4International Workshop On Positrons At Jefferson Lab Aip Conf Proc>International Workshop On Positron Studies of Defects (psd 08)J Phys Conf Ser/International Workshop On Program ComprehensionProg Comprehen;International Workshop On Program Comprehension-proceedingsProg Comprehen,International Workshop On Quality of ServiceInt Worksh Qual Serv-International Workshop On Quantum Optics 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins-International Workshop On Quantum Optics 2003 Proc Spie-International Workshop On Quantum Optics 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins-International Workshop On Quantum Optics 2007 Proc Spie_International Workshop On Radiation of High Temperature Gases in Atmospheric Entry, Proceedings Esa Sp PubleInternational Workshop On Radiation of High Temperature Gases in Atmospheric Entry, Pt 2, Proceedings Esa Sp PublOInternational Workshop On Statistical-mechanical Informatics 2007 (iw-smi 2007)J Phys Conf SerOInternational Workshop On Statistical-mechanical Informatics 2008 (iw-smi 2008)J Phys Conf SerOInternational Workshop On Statistical-mechanical Informatics 2009 (iw-smi 2009)J Phys Conf SerOInternational Workshop On Statistical-mechanical Informatics 2010 (iw-smi 2010)J Phys Conf SerVInternational Workshop On Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorics: Counting ComplexityJ Phys Conf SerHInternational Workshop On Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/osI W Stor Netw ArchUInternational Workshop On Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering SadfeInt Work Sys Appr DUInternational Workshop On Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering-sadfeInt Work Sys Appr DLInternational Workshop On Temporal Representation and Reasoning. ProceedingsInt Workshop Tempora.International Workshop On The Genus CalliandraFor Farm Comm Tree RInternational Wound Journal Int Wound J$International Yearbook of NephrologyInt Yearbook Nephrol"International Year of Planet EarthInt Year Planet Eart1International Zinc Coated Sheet Conference SeriesInt Zinc Coated Sh!Internation Business OrganizationAcad Int BusinessInternetRout Intro Media Com;Internet Alley: High Technology in Tysons Corner, 1945-2005Lemelson Cent Stud IInternet and CommunicationsInternet CommunInternet and Higher EducationInternet High EducInternet and Network EconomicsLect Notes Comput Sc+Internet and Network Economics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Internet and Society: Social Theory in The Information AgeRout Res Inf Technol%Internet and Workplace TransformationAdv Manag Inform SysInternet ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc%Internet Based Control Education 2001 Ifac Work S7Internet-based Control Systems: Design and ApplicationsAdv Ind Control4Internet-based Enterprise Integration and ManagementP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Internet-based Enterprise Integration and Management Proc Spie-Internet Der Dinge: Www.internet-der-dinge.deVDI-Buch;Internet Election: Perspectives On The Web in Campaign 2004Commun Media Polit*Internet Governance: A Grand CollaborationIct Task Force Ser<Internet Governance: The New Frontier of Global Institutions Glob Inst5Internet Ii: Quality of Service and Future DirectionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Internet Ii: Quality of Service and Future Directions Proc SpieInternet ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsInternet Imaging Proc SpieInternet Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt InsInternet Imaging Ii Proc SpieInternet Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsInternet Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt InsInternet Imaging Iv Proc SpieInternet Imaging VP Soc Photo-opt InsInternet Imaging V Proc SpieInternet Imaging ViP Soc Photo-opt InsInternet Imaging Vi Proc SpieInternet Imaging ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsInternet Imaging Vii Proc Spie%Internet in Indonesia's New DemocracyAsias TransformCInternet Issues: Blogging, The Digital Divide and Digital LibrariesInternet Polic IssInternet Journal of ChemistryInternet J Chem&Internet Multimedia Management SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Internet Multimedia Management Systems Proc Spie)Internet Multimedia Management Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Internet Multimedia Management Systems Ii Proc Spie*Internet Multimedia Management Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Internet Multimedia Management Systems Iii Proc Spie)Internet Multimedia Management Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Internet Multimedia Management Systems Iv Proc Spie(Internet Multimedia Management Systems VP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Internet Multimedia Management Systems V Proc SpieInternet of The FutureLect Notes Comput ScPInternet of Things: From Rfid to The Next-generation Pervasive Networked SystemsWirel Netw Mob CommuInternet of Things, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Internet Performance and Control of Network Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Internet Performance and Control of Network Systems Ii Proc Spie7Internet Performance and Control of Network Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Internet Performance and Control of Network Systems Iii Proc SpieInternet Policies and IssuesInternet Polic Iss+Internet Programming Languages, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Internet Quality and Performance and Control of Network SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Internet Quality and Performance and Control of Network Systems Proc SpieInternet Quality of ServiceP Soc Photo-opt InsInternet Quality of Service Proc SpieInternet Research Internet Res?Internet Research-electronic Networking Applications and Policy Internet Res'Internet Routing and Quality of ServiceP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Internet Routing and Quality of Service Proc Spie<Internet Society: Advances in Learning, Commerce and SocietyAdv Info Comm TechAInternet Society Ii: Advances in Education, Commerce & GovernanceWit Trans Info Comm1Internet - Technical Development and ApplicationsAdv Intel Soft Compu7Internet Technologies, Applications and Societal ImpactInt Fed Info Proc1Internet, Which Court Decides? Which Law Applies?Law Electr Commerce'Internetworking-research and ExperienceInternetworkingInternet WorldInternet World Internist Internist Inter-noise Inter Noise.Inter-noise 93 - People Versus Noise, Vols 1-3 Inter Noise"Interntational Review of SociologyInt Rev Mod Sociol'Interoperable Database Systems ( Ds-5 ) Ifip Trans A-Interoperating Geographic Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc^Interorganisational Standards: Managing Web Services Specifications for Flexible Supply ChainsContrib Manag Sci!Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Adv Chem SerInterpersonal Development Interpers DevYInterphase Cytogenetic Analysis of Solid Tumors By Non-isotopic Dna in Situ HybridizationProg Histochem Cytoc7Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization I Adv Polym Sci8Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization Ii Adv Polym Sci9Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization Iii Adv Polym Sci*Interplanetary Mission Analysis and DesignS-p B Astronaut Eng=Interplay Among Black Holes, Stars and Ism in Galactic NucleiIau Symp P Series>Interplay of Truth and Deception: New Agendas in CommunicationNew Agendas Commun6Interpolation Processes: Basic Theory and ApplicationsSpringer Monogr MathInterpolation TheoryLect Notes-sc Norm S%Interpolation Theory and Applications Contemp Math7Interpolation Theory, Systems Theory and Related Topics Oper Theor7Interpolation Theory, Systems Theory and Related TopicsOper Theory Adv Appl.Interpretation-a Journal of Bible and TheologyInterpretation0Interpretation-a Journal of Political PhilosophyInterpretation-j PolInterpretation in Religion Philos Rel<Interpretation in Social Life, Social Science, and MarketingRout Interp Mark Res_Interpretation of Law in The Age of Enlightenment: From The Rule of The King to The Rule of LawLaw Philos LibrBInterpretation of Modern Synthesis Observations of Spiral Galaxies Astr Soc PEInterpretation of The Remote and In-situ Observations of Small Bodies Adv Space ResEInterpretation of The Remote and In-situ Observations of Small BodiesAdv Space Res-seriesInterpretations of The FloodThemes Bibl Narr"Interpreter and Translator TrainerInterpret Transl TraInterpreter Education SeriesInterpreter Educ Ser Interpreting InterpretingLInterpreting Avicenna: Science and Philosophy in Medieval Islam, ProceedingsIslam Ph Th Sci Interpreting Classical EconomicsRoutl Stud Hist EconInterpreting Consumer ChoiceRout Interp Mark ResInterpreting Human RightsRoutl Adv SociolInterpreting Television NewsCommun Monogr-ger?Interpreting The Early Modern World: Transatlantic PerspectivesContr Glob Hist Arch?Interpreting The Early Modern World: Transatlantic PerspectivesContrib Glob Hist Ar$Interpreting The Italian Renaissance Filibrary SXInterpunktion Des Deutschen: Ein Kompositionelles System Zur Online-steuerung Des Lesens Linguist ArbYInter-relationship Between Irrigation, Drainage and The Environment in The Aral Sea Basin Nato Asi 2<Interrelationships and Evolution of Basal Theropod DinosaursSpec Pap Palaeontol5Interrogating America Through Theatre and PerformancePalg Stud Theat PerfOInterruption-free Electrical Power Supply and Emergency Electrical Power Supply VDI BerichtIntersecciones En AntropologiaIntersecciones AntroEIntersectionality and Beyond: Law, Power and The Politics of Location Soc Justice2Intersections Between Particle and Nuclear Physics Aip Conf ProcCIntersections Between Particle and Nuclear Physics - 6th Conference Aip Conf Proc1Intersections Colonial and Postcolonial HistoriesInters Colon PostcolBIntersections De Deux Quadriques Et Pinceaux De Courbes De Genre 1Lect Notes MathBIntersections of Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in The Middle AgesGender Sex Hist-Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics Aip Conf ProcCIntersection Spaces, Spatial Homology Truncation, and String TheoryLect Notes MathWIntersociety Conference On Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic SystemsIntersoc C Thermal TInterspecific InteractionsInterspec Interact-Interstellar Disk-halo Connection in GalaxiesIau Symp&Interstellar Dust : Contributed Papers Nasa Conf PGInterstellar Dust From Astronomical Observations to Fundamental StudiesEas PublicationsInterstellar Medium in GalaxiesAstrophys Space Sc LAInterstellar Molecules: Their Laboratory and Interstellar HabitatSpringer Trac Mod Ph!Interstitial Intermetallic AlloysNato Adv Sci I E-app!Interstitial Intermetallic AlloysNato Adv Sci Inst SeInterstitial Lung DiseasesEur Respir Monogr.Interstitium, Connective Tissue and Lymphatics Portl Pr P)Intersubband Transitions in Quantum WellsNato Adv Sci I B-phyLIntersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells: Physics and Device Applications ISemicond SemimetLIntersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells: Physics and Device Applications ISemiconduct Semimet"Intertextuality in Ugarit & Israel Old Test St:Intertexture of Apocalyptic Discourse in The New Testament Sbl Symp Ser=Interval / Probabilistic Uncertainty and Non-classical Logics Adv Soft Comp5Intervening in The Brain: Changing Psyche and SocietyEthics Sci Tech Ass9Interventional and Therapeutic Gastrointestinal EndoscopyFront Gastroint ResInterventional NeuroradiologyInterv NeuroradiolInterventional PulmonologyEur Respir Monogr:Interventional Radiology Procedures in Biopsy and DrainageTech Interv Radiol4Interventional Techniques in Cardiovascular MedicineDev Cardiovasc Med8Intervention, Ethnic Conflict and State-building in IraqStud Int Relat!Intervention in School and ClinicInterv Sch Clin Interventions Interventions8Interventions Advances in Art and Urban Futures Volume 4Adv Art Urban Future;Interventions-international Journal of Postcolonial StudiesInterventions-ukPIntervention, Terrorism, and Torture: Contemporary Challenges to Just War Theory AmintaphilInterviewing ExpertsRes Methods Ser Intervirology Intervirology(Interwoven Narrative Worlds of PatagoniaMimesis;Intestinal Absorptive Surface in Mammals of Different SizesAdv Anat Embryol CelIntestinal Disorders Falk Symp&Intestinal Immunology and Food AllergyNestle Nutr Works Se-Intestinal Inflammation and Colorectal Cancer Falk Symp"Intestinal Mucosa and Its Diseases Falk Symp+Intestinal Plasticity in Health and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci)In The Frontiers of Computational ScienceLect Ser Computer CoNIn The Light of Medieval Spain: Islam, The West, and The Relevance of The PastNew Middle AgesIn The Midst of EventsBrit Polit SocIn Theory Only In Theor Only4In The Presence of English: Media and European YouthLang Policy Ser:In The Scope of Logic: Methodology & Philosophy of Science Synth Libr)In The Tradition of Ahlfors and Bers, Iii Contemp Math$In The Tradition of Ahlfors-bers, Iv Contemp Math#In The Tradition of Ahlfors-bers, V Contemp MathPIn The Wrong Place - Alien Marine Crustaceans: Distribution, Biology and ImpactsInvad Nat Spring Ser2Intimate State: Love-marriage and The Law in DelhiCrit Asian Stud-serTIntimate Supply Chain: Leveraging The Supply Chain to Manage The Customer ExperienceResource Manag-crc IntonationText Speech Lang Tec%Intonation Deutscher RegionalsprachenLinguist-impulse TenInto The Nano EraSpringer Ser Mater SRInto The Second Century of Worldwide Glacier Monitoring - Prospects and Strategies Stud Hydrol'Intra-asian Trade and Industrialization Rout Explor'Intra-asian Trade and IndustrializationRoutl Explor Econ Hi&Intra-asian Trade and The World MarketRoutl Stud Mod Hist<Intracavity and Extracavity Control of Laser Beam PropertiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Intracellular Delivery: Fundamentals and ApplicationsFund Biomed Technol Intracellular Protein CatabolismAdv Exp Med Biol5Intracellular Traffic and Neurodegenerative Disorders Res Per AlzGIntracerebral Hemorrhage Hydrocephalus Malresorptivus Peripheral Nerves Adv Neuros3Intracerebral Transplantation in Movement Disorders Res NeurolIntracranial HypertensionNeurol Lab Clin Res6Intracranial Pressure and Brain Biochemical Monitoring Act Neur S6Intracranial Pressure and Brain Biochemical MonitoringActa Neurochir Suppl.Intracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring Xii Act Neur SIIntracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring Xiii: Mechanisms and Treatment Act Neur SIIntracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring Xiii: Mechanisms and TreatmentActa Neurochir Suppl9Intracranial Pressure and Neuromonitoring in Brain Injury Act Neur SvIntracranial Vascular Malformations and Aneurysm: From Diagnostic Work-up to Endovascular Therapy, 2nd Revised EditionMed Radiol Diagn Ima9Intractable Seizures: Diagnosis, Treatment and PreventionAdv Exp Med BiolZIntra-group Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Learning to Read Between The LinesInt Polit Econ SerIntra-jewish Conflict in IsraelRoutl Stud Mid E Pol2Intralogistik: Potentiale, Perspektiven, PrognosenVDI-Buch;Intraoperative Imaging in Neurosurgery: Mri, Ct, Ultrasound Act Neur S;Intraoperative Imaging in Neurosurgery: Mri, Ct, UltrasoundActa Neurochir SupplBIntraoperative Irradiation: Techniques and Results, Second EditionCurr Clin Oncol;Intraoperative Radiation Therapy in The Treatment of CancerFront Radiat Ther On7Intraovarian Regulators and Polycystic Ovarian SyndromeAnn Ny Acad SciIntraperitoneal Cancer TherapyCurr Clin Oncol(Intraplate Strike-slip Deformation BeltsGeol Soc Spec Publ@Intraseasonal Variability in The Atmosphere-ocean Climate SystemS-p B Environ Sci.Intra-state Conflict, Governments and SecurityContemp Secur StudIntravascular UltrasoundDev Cardiovasc Med,Intravenous Immunoglobulins Today & TomorrowRoy Soc Med Int Cong:Intrinsically Conducting Polymers : An Emerging TechnologyNato Adv Sci Inst SeIntrinsic Bioremediation Bioremed Ser8Intrinsic Molecular Mobility and Toughness of Polymers I Adv Polym Sci9Intrinsic Molecular Mobility and Toughness of Polymers Ii Adv Polym SciIntroducing ArgumentsLinguist Inq Monogr?Introduction Aux Problemes Inverses Elliptiques Et ParaboliquesMath Appl-berlin.Introductions and Transfers of Aquatic Species Ices Mar Sc4Introduction to Antenna Analysis Using Em SimulatorsArtech Hse Antenn PrPIntroduction to Applied Bayesian Statistics and Estimation for Social ScientistsStat Soc Behav Sc4Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis With RUse R4Introduction to Applied Optimization, Second EditionSpringer Ser Optim A!Introduction to Climate ModellingAdv Geophys Env MechIntroduction to Complex PlasmasSpringer Ser Atom Op@Introduction to Complex Reflection Groups and Their Braid GroupsLect Notes MathGIntroduction to Computational Micromechanics: Corrected Second PrintingLect Notes Appl Comp=Introduction to Databases: From Biological to Spatio-temporalTexts Comput Sci!Introduction to Data TechnologiesCh Crc Comp Sci DataSIntroduction to Delay Differential Equations With Applications to The Life SciencesTexts Appl Math,Introduction to Derivative-free OptimizationMps-siam Ser Optimiz/Introduction to Direction-of-arrival EstimationArtech Hse Sig ProcEIntroduction to Echo Analysis: Scattering Theory and Wave PropagationSpringer Monogr Math2Introduction to Electron Microscopy for BiologistsMethod Cell Biol*Introduction to Electrostatic MeasurementsElectr Eng Dev@Introduction to Empirical Processes and Semiparametric InferenceSpringer Ser Stat5Introduction to Epidemiology for Health ProfessionalsSpringer Ser Epidemi'Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms Decis Eng<Introduction to Financial Models for Management and PlanningCh Crc Financ Ser7Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport PhenomenaFluid Mech Appl8Introduction to Food Process Engineering, Second EditionFood Sci Text Ser&Introduction to Fronts in Random MediaSurv Tutor Appl MathDIntroduction to Frustrated Magnetism: Materials, Experiments, TheorySpringer Ser Solid-s8Introduction to Generalized Linear Models, Third EditionCh Crc Text Stat SciIntroduction to G-functions Ann Math Stud#Introduction to Glbt Family StudiesHaworth Ser Glbt FamIntroduction to Grid ComputingCh Crc Numer Anal ScIntroduction to Group TheoryEms Textb MathTIntroduction to Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and The N-body Problem, Second Edition Appl Math Sci?Introduction to Harmonic Analysis and Generalized Gelfand PairsDegruyter Stud Math<Introduction to Heavy-tailed and Subexponential DistributionSpringer Ser Oper Re3Introduction to Homological Algebra, Second Edition UniversitextFIntroduction to Hydro Energy Systems: Basics, Technology and OperationGreen Energy Technol)Introduction to Identity-based EncryptionArtech Hse Inf Secur*Introduction to Iterative Toeplitz SolversFund Algorithms3Introduction to Machine Learning and BioinformaticsCh Crc Comp Sci Data:Introduction to Mathematics of Emerging Biomedical ImagingMath Appl-berlin?Introduction to Medical Geology: Focus On Tropical EnvironmentsErlangen Earth C Ser"Introduction to Microsystem Design Rwthedition<Introduction to Modeling and Simulation of Particulate FlowsComput Sci Eng Ser Introduction to Network SecurityCh Crc Comp Info Sci!Introduction to Nonimaging OpticsOpt Sci Eng-crc1Introduction to Nonlinear and Global OptimizationSpringer Ser Optim A.Introduction to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations UniversitextCIntroduction to Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Elliptic ProblemsProg Nonlinear Diffe(Introduction to Nonparametric EstimationSpringer Ser Stat"Introduction to Object RecognitionAdv Pattern RecognitIntroduction to Optimal Control Problems in Life Sciences and Economics: From Mathematical Models to Numerical Simulation With MatlabModel Simul Sci Eng/Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations UniversitextKIntroduction to Organic Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials and DevicesOpt Sci Eng-crc#Introduction to Plasma SpectroscopySpringer Ser Atom Op=Introduction to Precision Machine Design and Error Assessment Mech Eng-crc"Introduction to Probability With RCh Crc Text Stat SciIntroduction to Quantum GroupsMod Birkhauser Class$Introduction to Quantum Spin SystemsLect Notes PhysFIntroduction to Queueing Theory: Modeling and Analysis in ApplicationsStat Ind Technol0Introduction to Radiation Protection in MedicineSer Med Phys BiomedIntroduction to Ramsey Spaces Ann Math Stud0Introduction to Relativistic Continuum MechanicsLect Notes Phys-Introduction to Rf Design Using Em SimulatorsArtech Hse Microw LiIntroduction to Rural PlanningNat Built Environ Se9Introduction to Siegel Modular Forms and Dirichlet Series UniversitextIntroduction to Soil DynamicsTheor Appl Trans Por6Introduction to Space Charge Effects in SemiconductorsSpringer Ser Solid-sNIntroduction to Spanish Private Law: Facing The Social and Economic ChallengesU Tex Aust Stud Fore$Introduction to Spatial EconometricsStat Textb MonogrHIntroduction to Stochastic Calculus for Finance: A New Didactic ApproachLect Notes Econ Math&Introduction to Stochastic Integration Universitext6Introduction to Stochastic Programming, Second EditionSpringer Ser Oper Re'Introduction to Structural OptimizationSolid Mech Appl6Introduction to Sustainable Development, Third EditionRoutl Perspect Dev*Introduction to Symplectic Dirac OperatorsLect Notes Math;Introduction to The Basics of Reliability and Risk AnalysisSer Qual Reliab EngGIntroduction to The Boltzmann Equation and Transport Processes in GasesInteract Mech Math(Introduction to The Confinement ProblemsLect Notes Phys6Introduction to The Foundations of Applied MathematicsTexts Appl Math4Introduction to The Functional Renormalization GroupLect Notes Phys8Introduction to The Geometry and Topology of Fluid FlowsNato Sci Ser Ii MathFIntroduction to The Graphical Theory of Angular Momentum: Case StudiesSpringer Trac Mod Ph<Introduction to The Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials Adv Mech MathKIntroduction to The Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems, Second Edition Appl Math ScimIntroduction to The Mathematical Theory of The Navier-stokes Equations: Steady-state Problems, Second EditionSpringer Monogr MathBIntroduction to The Mathematics of Medical Imaging, Second EditionOther Titl Appl Math7Introduction to The Mathematics of Subdivision SurfacesOther Titl Appl MathFIntroduction to The Numerical Analysis of Incompressible Viscous FlowsComput Sci Eng Ser>Introduction to The Perturbation Theory of Hamiltonian SystemsSpringer Monogr Math>Introduction to The Physics of Diluted Magnetic SemiconductorsSpringer Ser Mater S2Introduction to The Physics of Electrons in SolidsGrad Texts Phys:Introduction to The Physics of Massive and Mixed NeutrinosLect Notes Phys6Introduction to The Relativistic Theory of GravitationLect Notes Phys!Introduction to ThermoelectricitySpringer Ser Mater S$Introduction to Time Series ModelingMonogr Stat Appl Pro5Introduction to Topological Manifolds, Second EditionGrad Texts Math:Introduction to Ultra Wideband for Wireless CommunicationsSignals Commun Techn3Introduction to Variance Estimation, Second EditionStat Soc Behav ScEIntroduction to Wind Energy Systems: Basics, Technology and OperationGreen Energy Technol,Introduction to Zeolite Science and PracticeStud Surf Sci CatalIIntroductory Lectures On Fluctuations of Levy Processes With Applications Universitext#Introductory Philosophy of Medicine Philos Med.Introductory Statistics With R, Second EditionStat Comput SerIntroductory Time Series With RUse RIntrusion Detection SystemsAdv Inform Secur5Intuicion Y Perplejidad En La Antropologia De SchelerCuad Anu FilosIntuitive GeometryBolyai Math StudIntuitive GeometryBolyai Soc Math StudKIntuitive Human Interfaces for Organizing and Accessing Intellectual AssetsLect Notes Artif Int3Invading Nature-springer Series in Invasion EcologyInvad Nat Spring Ser Invariant Descriptive Set TheoryMonogr Txb Pure ApplGInvariant Factors, Julia Equivalences and The (abstract) Mandelbrot SetLect Notes Math(Invariant Imbedding and Inverse Problems Siam Proc SCInvariants of Behavior: Constancy and Variability in Neural SystemsSpringer Ser Cog Neu1Invariant Subspaces of Matrices With ApplicationsClass Appl MathInvariant Theory and Tableaux Ima V MathInvasion & Metastasis Invas MetastInvasive Fungal Infection Roy S Med S%Invasive Plant Science and ManagementInvas Plant Sci Mana Invectives of Sallust and CiceroSozomena-stud Recov6Invented Edens: Techno-cities of The Twentieth CenturyLemelson Cent Stud I/Inventing Leadership:the Challenge of DemocracyNew Horiz Leadersh SInventiones Mathematicae Invent MathRInvention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship From Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern TimesKauff Found Ser;Inventory and Supply Chain Management With Forecast UpdatesInt Ser Oper Res Man!Inventory Control, Second EditionInt Ser Oper Res Man7Inventory of Current Usage in French-speaking Countries Univ Fra S1Inventurstudie 2008 Und Treibhausgasinventar WaldLandbauforsch-vti AgInverse Agonism Int Congr Ser/Inverse and Algebraic Quantum Scattering TheoryLect Notes Phys%Inverse and Ill-posed Problems SeriesInver Ill Posed Prob/Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical CyclesGeoph Monog Series/Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical CyclesGeophys Monogr SerInverse Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsInverse Problem Res Meas ApInverse Problems Inverse ProblInverse Problems and ImagingInverse Probl ImagInverse Problems and ImagingLect Notes MathNInverse Problems and Optimal Design in Industry, Proceedings of The Conference Eur Con Mat#Inverse Problems and Related TopicsCh Crc Res Notes#Inverse Problems and Related TopicsCh Crc Res Notes Mat'Inverse Problems in Diffusion Processes Siam Proc S:Inverse Problems in Electric Circuits and ElectromagneticsMath Anal Tech ApplInverse Problems in EngineeringInverse Probl Eng,Inverse Problems in Geophysical Applications Siam Proc S2Inverse Problems in Partial Differential Equations Siam Proc S*Inverse Problems in Scattering and ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging / Malvern Phy+Inverse Problems in Science and EngineeringInverse Probl Sci EnBInverse Problems, Multi-scale Analysis and Effective Medium Theory Contemp MathRInversion Method in The Discrete-time Nonlinear Control Systems Synthesis ProblemsLect Notes Contr Inf+Invertebrate and Vertebrate Eye DevelopmentCurr Top Dev BiolInvertebrate BiologyInvertebr BiolInvertebrate ImmunityAdv Exp Med BiolInvertebrate NeurobiologyCold Spring Harb MonInvertebrate NeuroscienceInvertebr Neurosci'Invertebrate Reproduction & DevelopmentInvertebr Reprod DevInvertebrate SystematicsInvertebr SystInvertebrate TaxonomyInvertebr Taxon4Investigacion Agraria-sistemas Y Recursos ForestalesInv Agrar-sist Rec F4Investigacion Agraria-sistemas Y Recursos ForestalesInvest Agrar-sist RInvestigacion BibliotecologiaInvestig BibliotecolInvestigacion BibliotecologicaInvestig BibliotecolInvestigacion Clinica Invest ClinInvestigacion EconomicaInvest Econ-mex.Investigaciones De Negocios Hispanos Y LatinosInvest Neg Hisp LatInvestigaciones EconomicasInvest Econ-spain"Investigacion Medica InternacionalInvest Med IntInvestigacion Pesquera Invest PesqInvestigating TranslationBenjamin Transl Lib,Investigating University-school PartnershipsRes Prof Dev SchInvestigational New DrugsInvest New Drug/Investigation and Forensic Science TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Investigations and Applications of Severe Plastic DeformationNato Sci S Prt 3 Hi#Investigations in Cognitive GrammarCogn Linguist Res8Investigations in Instructed Second Language AcquisitionStud Lang Acquis8Investigations Into The Tectonics of The Tibetan PlateauGeol Soc Am Spec PapEInvestigations of Field Dynamics in Laser Plasmas With Proton ImagingSpringer Theses-recoInvestigative & Cell PathologyInvest Cell Pathol(Investigative and Trial Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsInvestigative Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Investigative Image Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Investigative Image Processing Ii Proc SpieInvestigative OphthalmologyInvest Ophth Visual,Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual ScienceInvest Ophth Vis SciInvestigative Radiology Invest RadiolInvestigative Urology Invest Urol!Investing in Biological Diversity Oecd ProcInvesting in Reform Geonom InstBInvesting in The United States: Is The Us Ready for Fdi From ChinaStud Int InvestInvestment Analysts Journal Invest Anal J!Investment Canada Research Series Inv Can Res&Investment Counsel for Private ClientsIcfa Cont Educ SerInvestment in Renewable Energy Imeche SemHInvestment Management and Mismanagement: History, Findings, and AnalysisInnov Financ Market#Investment, R&d, and Log-run GrowthLect Notes Econ MathInvexity and OptimizationNonconvex Optim"Invisible Hand and The Common GoodSt Econ Ethic PhilosRInvisible Hand in Economics: How Economists Explain Unintended Social ConsequencesRoutl Inem Adv Econ/Invisible Universe: Dark Matter and Dark EnergyLect Notes Phys+Invisible Universe International Conference Aip Conf ProcPInvitation to Quantum Cohomology: Kontsevich's Formula for Rational Plane Curves Prog MathcInvitation to Quantum Groups and Duality: From Hopf Algebras to Multiplicative Unitaries and BeyondEms Textb Math"Invitation to Topological RoboticsZur Lect Adv MathGIn Vitro & Molecular Toxicology-a Journal of Basic and Applied ResearchIn Vitro Mol Toxicol)In Vitro Cellular & Developmental BiologyIn Vitro Cell Dev B0In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-animalIn Vitro Cell Dev-an/In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-plantIn Vitro Cell Dev-pl#In-vitro Diagnostic InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins#In-vitro Diagnostic Instrumentation Proc SpieIn Vitro-in Vivo CorrelationsAdv Exp Med Biol2In Vitro-journal of The Tissue Culture AssociationIn Vitro Cell Dev B-In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols, Third EditionMethods Mol Biol/In Vitro Neurotoxicology: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolIn Vitro ToxicologyIn Vitro Toxicol3In Vitro Toxicology : Mechanisms and New Technology Altern Meth$In Vitro Toxicology : New Directions Altern Meth8In Vitro Toxicology: Tenth Anniversary Symposium of Caat Altern MethIn VivoIn Vivo In Vivo Body Composition StudiesAnn Ny Acad SciIn Vivo ImmunologyAdv Exp Med Biol9In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function, Second EditionFront Neurosci"Involuntary Resettlement in Africa World Ban T`Involution: The Formal Theory of Differential Equations and Its Applications in Computer AlgebraAlgorithm Comp Math6In Worcester Massachusetts: Essays On Elizabeth Bishop Wpi Studies)Inzell Lectures On Orthogonal PolynomialsAdv Theor Sp Funct*Inzinerine Ekonomika-engineering EconomicsInz Ekon Inzynieria Chemiczna I ProcesowaInz Chem Procesowa7Io After Galileo: A New View of Jupiter's Volcanic MoonS-p B Astron Planet1Ioannis Antiocheni Fragmenta Quae Supersunt OmniaCorpus Font Hist ByzfIobc/wprs and Ishs International Conference On Integrated Fruit Production, Proceedings of The Meeting Acta HorticIodine Deficiency in EuropeNato Adv Sci Inst Se/Io, Europa, Titan and Cratering of Icy Surfaces Adv Space Res/Io, Europa, Titan and Cratering of Icy SurfacesAdv Space Res-seriesIon-beam-based NanofabricationMater Res Soc Symp P4Ion Beam Processing of Advanced Electronic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PIon Beams and Nano-engineeringMater Res Soc Symp P;Ion Beam Science: Solved and Unsolved Problems, Pts 1 and 2Kong Dansk Vidensk'Ion Beams in Nanoscience and TechnologyPart Accel DetectIon Channel RegulationAdv Sec Mess Phosph!Ion Channels and Genetic Diseases Soc Gen Phy'Ion Channels and Plant Stress ResponsesSignal Commun PlantsFIon Channels: From Atomic Resolution Physiology to Functional GenomicsNovart Fdn SympIon Channels, Pt BMethod Enzymol:Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction : A Series of Advances Ion Ex Solv+Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction, Vol 18 Ion Ex SolvMIon Exchange Membrane Electrodialysis: Fundamentals, Desalination, SeparationWater Resour Plan De2Ion Exchange Processes : Advances and Applications Roy Soc Ch&Ion Flux in Pulmonary Vascular ControlNato Adv Sci Inst Se&Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics Iv Elec Soc SKIonic Liquid Applications: Pharmaceuticals, Therapeutics, and Biotechnology Acs Sym Ser Ionic Liquids Acs Sym Ser Ionic Liquids Top Curr Chem7Ionic Liquids As Green Solvents: Progress and Prospects Acs Sym Ser,Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application Acs Sym SercIonic Liquids Iiia: Fundamentals, Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities, Properties and Structure Acs Sym SergIonic Liquids Iiib: Fundamentals, Progress, Challenges and Opportunities: Transformations and Processes Acs Sym Ser"Ionic Liquids in Chemical Analysis Anal Chem Ser"Ionic Liquids in Organic Synthesis Acs Sym Ser+Ionic Liquids Iv: Not Just Solvents Anymore Acs Sym Ser+Ionic Polymerizations and Related ProcessesNato Adv Sci I E-appIonicsIonics;Ionic Soft Matter: Modern Trends in Theory and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathIon Implantation Technology Aip Conf Proc Ion Implantation Technology 2008 Aip Conf Proc Ion Implantation Technology 2010 Aip Conf Proc5Ion-induced Electron Emission From Crystalline SolidsSpringer Tr Mod Phys>Ionization, Correlation, and Polarization in Atomic Collisions Aip Conf Proc'Ionization of Solids By Heavy ParticlesNato Adv Sci Inst SeIonized Gaseous NebulaeRev Mex Ast Astr4Ionizing Radiation Damage to Dna : Molecular Aspects Ucla Sym Bi8Ion-motive Atpases : Structure, Function, and RegulationAnn Ny Acad Sci%Ionospheric and Thermospheric StudiesAdv Space Res-series/Ionospheric Informatics and Empirical Modelling Adv Space EIonospheric Models Adv Space Res.Ionospheric/thermospheric/mesospheric Coupling Adv Space Res.Ionospheric/thermospheric/mesospheric CouplingAdv Space Res-seriesIon-selective Electrode ReviewsIon Sel Electrode R@Ion-solid Interactions for Materials Modification and ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp PBIon-synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Optical PropertiesNanotechnol Sci Tech(Ion Transfer At Liquid/liquid InterfacesChem Res Appl-novaIooc-ecoc 97 - 11th International Conference On Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communications / 23rd European Conference On Optical Communications, Vol 1 Iee Conf PublIooc-ecoc 97 - 11th International Conference On Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communications / 23rd European Conference On Optical Communications, Vol 2 Iee Conf PublIooc-ecoc 97 - 11th International Conference On Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communications / 23rd European Conference On Optical Communications, Vol 3 Iee Conf PublIooc-ecoc 97 - 11th International Conference On Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communications / 23rd European Conference On Optical Communications, Vol 4 Iee Conf PublIooc-ecoc 97 - 11th International Conference On Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communications / 23rd European Conference On Optical Communications, Vol 5 Iee Conf Publ5Iop Conference Series Earth and Environmental ScienceIop C Ser Earth Env5Iop Conference Series-earth and Environmental ScienceIop C Ser Earth Env7Iop Conference Series-materials Science and EngineeringIop Conf Ser-mat Sci?Iopentol : Clinical Trials With A New Non-ionic Contrast Medium Int Congr SerIop Short Meetings SeriesIop Short Meet SerieIIowa Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station Research BulletinIowa Ahees Res BullFIowa Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station Special ReportIowa Ahees Spec RepIowa Law Bulletin Iowa Law BullIowa Law Review Iowa Law RevIowa State Journal of ResearchIowa State J ResIpap Conference SeriesIpap Conference Ser.Ipc Monographs-institute of Philippine CultureIpc Monogr In Phil C*Ipc Papers-institute of Philippine CultureIpc Pap In Phil C>Ipcs (international Programme On Chemical Safety) Joint SeriesIpcs Joint SerfIpemc 2000: Third International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee Int Power ElecsIpemc 2004: The 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Vols 1-3, Conference ProceedingsIeee Int Power ElecxIpemc 2006: Ces/ieee 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Vols 1-3, Conference ProceedingsIeee Int Power Elec>Ip Network-based Multi-agent Systems for Industrial Automation Power Syst)Ip Operations and Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Ippologia IppologiaIpps/spdp 1999: 13th International Parallel Processing Symposium & 10th Symposium On Parallel and Distributed Processing, Proceedings Ipps Proc!Ip Traffic Theory and PerformanceSignals Commun Techn Ipw BerichteIpw BerIra and Armed StruggleSpringer Aerosp TechEIral-international Review of Applied Linguistics in Language TeachingIral-int Rev Appl LiIran and Nuclear WeaponsRout Glob Secur StudIran and The Caucasus Iran Caucasus3Iran-europe Relations: Challenges and OpportunitiesDurh Mod Mid E Islam0Iranian Journal of Allergy Asthma and ImmunologyIran J Allergy Asthm+Iranian Journal of Arthropod-borne DiseasesIran J Arthropod-bor)Iranian Journal of Basic Medical SciencesIran J Basic Med Sci Iranian Journal of BiotechnologyIran J BiotechnolQIranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering-international English EditionIran J Chem Chem Eng=Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & EngineeringIran J Environ Healt(Iranian Journal of Fertility & SterilityIran J Fertil Steril%Iranian Journal of Fisheries SciencesIran J Fish Sci Iranian Journal of Fuzzy SystemsIran J Fuzzy SystIranian Journal of ImmunologyIran J Immunol Iranian Journal of OphthalmologyIran J OphthalmolIranian Journal of ParasitologyIran J ParasitolIranian Journal of PediatricsIran J Pediatr*Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical ResearchIran J Pharm Res Iranian Journal of Public HealthIran J Public Health%Iranian Journal of Radiation ResearchIran J Radiat ResIranian Journal of Radiology Iran J Radiol(Iranian Journal of Reproductive MedicineIran J Reprod Med)Iranian Journal of Science and TechnologyIran J Sci Technol?Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A-scienceIran J Sci Technol ACIranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction B-engineeringIran J Sci Technol B&Iranian Journal of Veterinary ResearchIran J Vet Res&Iranian Journal of Veterinary ResearchIran J Veterinary Re'Iranian Media: The Paradox of ModernityRoutl Adv Int MediaIranian Polymer Journal Iran Polym J$Iranian Red Crescent Medical JournalIran Red Crescent MeIranian Studies Iran Stud-ukIranian Studies Series Iran Stud SerIranica Antiqua Iran Antiq:Iran in The 21st Century: Politics, Economics and Conflict Iran Stud SerCIraq At A Distance: What Anthropologists Can Teach Us About The WarEthnogr Polit Violen[Iraqi Arab Nationalism: Authoritarian, Totalitarian and Pro-fascist Inclinations, 1932-1941Soas-rout Stud Mid E*Iraq's Armed Forces: An Analytical HistoryMiddle E Mil StudPIraqs Last Jews: Stories of Daily Life, Upheaval, and Escape From Modern BabylonPalgr Stud Oral HistDIraq War: European Perspectives On Politics, Strategy and OperationsContemp Secur StudIrbmIrbm!Ircs Medical Science-biochemistryIrcs Med Sci-biochem1Ireland and India: Nationalism, Empire and MemoryCamb Imp Post-col St%Ireland and The Industrial RevolutionRoutl Explor Econ HiIre Transactions On Audio Ire T Audio%Ire Transactions On Automatic ControlIre T Autom Control*Ire Transactions On Biomedical ElectronicsIre T Biomed Electr"Ire Transactions On Circuit TheoryIre T Circuit TheoryIre Transactions On Education Ire T Educ*Ire Transactions On Engineering ManagementIre Trans Eng Manage2Ire Transactions On Engineering Writing and SpeechIre T Eng Writ Speec0Ire Transactions On Human Factors in ElectronicsIre T Hum Fact Elect&Ire Transactions On Information TheoryIre T Inform Theor'Ire Transactions On Medical ElectronicsIre T Med ElectronMIri 1997 Symposium: New Developments in Ionospheric Modelling An D Prediction Adv Space ResIridium CatalysisTop Organometal ChemIrigaray for Architects Think Archit'Iri: Quantifying Ionosperic Variability Adv Space ResIrish Astronomical JournalIrish Astron JIrish Centre for European Law Irish Ctr EPIrish Childrens Literature and Culture: New Perspectives On Contemporary WritingChild Lit Cult=Irish Economy in Transition: Success, Problems, and Prospects Cont Stu EcIrish Educational StudiesIrish Educ StudIrish Historical StudiesIrish Hist Stud/Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food ResearchIrish J Agr Food Res&Irish Journal of Agricultural ResearchIrish J Agr ResIrish Journal of Earth SciencesIrish J Earth SciIrish Journal of Education Irish J Educ,Irish Journal of Food Science and TechnologyIrish J Food Sci Tec Irish Journal of Medical ScienceIrish J Med Sci'Irish Journal of Psychological MedicineIrish J Psychol MedIrish Journal of PsychologyIrish J PsycholIrish Medical Journal Irish Med J(Irish Modernism and The Global PrimitiveNew Dir Ir Ir Am LitIrish Political StudiesIrish Polit StudIrish University ReviewIrish Univ RevIrish Veterinary Journal Irish Vet JIris International Series Iris Int Ser4Irma Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsIrma L Math The Phys4Irma Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsIrma Lect Math TheorIron AgeIron AgeTIron & Steel Society: Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference ProceedingsIss Mwsp Conf PIron and Steel EngineerIron Steel EngIron and Steel InternationalIron Steel Int-Iron Catalysis: Fundamentals and ApplicationsTop Organometal ChemIron Chelation TherapyAdv Exp Med BiolIron Deficiency and OverloadNutr Health SerIronmaking & SteelmakingIronmak Steelmak!Ironmaking Conference ProceedingsIronm Conf Proc,Ironmaking Resources and Reserves EstimationAimm Spectr Ser?Ironmaking Resources and Reserves Estimation, Supplementary VolAimm Spectr SerIron Ore 2009 ProceedingsAstrlsn Inst Min MetIron Ore 2009 ProceedingsSustain Urban Areas Iron-sulfur Proteins Perovskites Struct BondDIrony - Comedy - Scepticism: Studies On The Work of Adalbert StifterHermaea Ger ForschIrqo'99: Quantum OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsIrradiation Des AlimentsIrradiat Aliments6Irradiation of Food and Packaging: Recent Developments Acs Sym Ser"Irradiation of Polymeric Materials Acs Sym SerIrradiation of Polymers Acs Sym Ser0Irregularities and Prediction of Major DisastersSyst Eval Predict DeDIrreversible Decisions Under Uncertainty: Optimal Stopping Made EasyStud Econ TheoryIrreversible ElectroporationSer Biomed EngIrreversible Quantum DynamicsLect Notes PhysIrrigation and Drainage Irrig DrainIrrigation ScienceIrrigation Sci=Irrigation Water Pricing: The Gap Between Theory and PracticeCompr Assess Wat Man3Irs 2000: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation Stud Geo Op2Irs 92 : Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation Stud Geo Op0Ir Space Telescopes and Instruments, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Isa 2002 Technology Update, Vol Lvii, Pt 1Tech Papers Isa*Isa 2002 Technology Update, Vol Lvii, Pt 2Tech Papers IsaJIsaaks Opferung (gen 22) in Den Konfessionen Und Medien Der Fruhen Neuzeit Arb Kirch>Isab-2010 - First International Symposium On Archimedes BridgeProcedia Engineer Isabelle/holLect Notes Comput ScGIsacc 2009: Fourth International Symposium On Atomic Cluster Collisions Aip Conf ProcRIsaf: 2009 18th Ieee International Symposium On The Applications of FerroelectricsIeee Int FerrogIsairas '99: Fifth International Symposium On Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space Esa Sp PublgIsairas '99: Fifth International Symposium On Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space Esa Spec Publ Isa JournalIsa JIsa Monterrey 2002 (english)Tech Papers IsaSIs&t's Tenth International Congress On Advances in Non-impact Printing Technologies Int Cong Ad I-s AnalyzerI-s AnalIsa TransactionsIsa TAI Saw It Coming: Worker Narratives of Plant Closings and Job LossPalgr Stud Oral HistIsbt Science Series Isbt Sci SerIsbt Science SeriesIsbt Sci Series Isbt Science Series, Vol 1, No 1 Isbt Sci Ser Isbt Science Series, Vol 1, No 1Isbt Sci Series Isbt Science Series, Vol 2, No 1 Isbt Sci Ser Isbt Science Series, Vol 2, No 1Isbt Sci Series Isbt Science Series, Vol 2, No 2 Isbt Sci Ser Isbt Science Series, Vol 2, No 2Isbt Sci Series Isbt Science Series, Vol 3, No 1Isbt Sci SeriesNIsbt Science Series, Vol 3, No 2: Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology Isbt Sci Ser@Isbt Science Series, Vol 4, No 1, State of The Art PresentationsIsbt Sci Series]Isca'07: 34th Annual International Symposium On Computer Architecture, Conference ProceedingsConf Proc Int Symp CLIsca 2008 Proceedings: 35th International Symposium On Computer ArchitectureConf Proc Int Symp CGIsca 2009: 36th Annual International Symposium On Computer ArchitectureConf Proc Int Symp CKIsca 2010: The 37th Annual International Symposium On Computer ArchitectureConf Proc Int Symp CLIscc 2000: Fifth Ieee Symposium On Computers and Communications, ProceedingsIeee Symp Comp CommuWIscc 2002: Seventh International Symposium On Computers and Communications, ProceedingsIeee Symp Comp CommubIscc2004: Ninth International Symposium On Computers and Communications, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsIeee Symp Comp CommuGIscc: 2009 Ieee Symposium On Computers and Communications, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Symp Comp CommuIscgav'08: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial VisionRec Adv Comput Eng Ischemic Blood Flow in The BrainKeio Univ Symp Life%Ischia Group Theory 2004, Proceedings Contemp Math#Iscm Ii and Epmesc Xii, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcIsdeiv 2008: Proceedings of The Xxiiird International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Vols 1 and 2Int Sym Disch ElectrIsdeiv 2008: Proceedings of The Xxiiird International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Vols 1 and 2P Int Symp Disch El]Isdeiv 2010: Xxivth International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in VacuumInt Sym Disch ElectrrIsdeiv: Xixth International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt Sym Disch ElectrrIsdeiv: Xixth International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsP Int Symp Disch EluIsdeiv: Xviiith International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum - Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2P Int Symp Disch ElrIsdeiv: Xxith International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt Sym Disch ElectrrIsdeiv: Xxith International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsP Int Symp Disch ElcIsdeiv: Xxth International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, ProceedingsInt Sym Disch ElectrcIsdeiv: Xxth International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, ProceedingsP Int Symp Disch ElIsegoriaIsegoria Iseki-food Iseki-foodYIshm 92 Proceedings : Proceedings of The 1992 International Symposium On MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Isi Atlas of Science-animal & Plant SciencesIsi Atl Sci-anim Pl!Isi Atlas of Science-biochemistryIsi Atlas-biochemIsi Atlas of Science-immunologyIsi Atlas-immunol!Isi Atlas of Science-pharmacologyIsi Atlas-pharmacolGIsi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi-journal of Thermal Science and TechnologyIsi Bilim Tek DergIsij InternationalIsij IntIsing-type AntiferromagnetsSpringer Tr Mod PhysIsing-type AntiferromagnetsSpringer Tracts ModIs Inheritance Legitimate?St Econ Ethic PhilosIsisIsisIsis En OccidentRelig Graeco Roman W9Isis International Symposium On Interdisciplinary Science Aip Conf Proc+Is It Reasonable to Abandon Nuclear Energy? VDI BerichtIskosIskos%Isla-a Journal of Micronesian StudiesIsla-j Micrones Stud$Islam and Christian-muslim RelationsIslam Christ-muslimYIslam and Early Modern English Literature: The Politics of Romance From Spenser to MiltonEarly Mod Cult StudIslam and Sufism in DaghestanSuom Tiedeakat ToimYIslam and The Baha'i Faith: A Comparative Study of Muhammad 'abduh and 'abdul-baha 'abbasCult Civiliz Mid E4Islam and The Everyday World: Public Policy DilemmasRoutl Polit Econ Mid<Islam Dot Com: Contemporary Islamic Discourses in CyberspacePalgr Mac Ser Int PoIslamic Area StudiesIslam Area Stud-Islamic Art and Culture in Sub-saharan Africa Act U Ups F>Islamic Banking and Finance in The European Union: A ChallengeStud Islam Financ Ac(Islamic Civilization and Muslim NetworksIslam Civiliz Muslim#Islamic Culture Through Jewish EyesRoutl Stud Mid E Lit>Islamic Education in The Soviet Union and Its Successor StatesCent Asian Stud SerIslamic Family Arab Isl L0Islamic Financial Services in The United KingdomEdinb Guid IslamIslamic Gardens and LandscapesPenn Stud Landsc Arc4Islamic History and Civilization - Studies and TextsIslamic Hist Civiliz#Islamic Legitimacy in A Plural AsiaRoutl Contemp AsiaTIslamic Narrative and Authority in Southeast Asia: From The 16th to The 21st CenturyContemp Anthr Relig;Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in DialogueIslam Ph OccidentaIslamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology On The Perennial Issue of Microcosm and MacrocosmIslam Ph Occident:Islamic Philosophy Theology and Science: Texts and StudiesIslam Ph Th SciNIslamic Radicalism and Anti-americanism in Indonesia: The Role of The InternetPol Stud,Islam in Politics in Russia and Central AsiaIslam Area Stud Islam in South Asia: in PracticePrinc Read ReligIslam in The 21st CenturyRelig SpiritualBIslamism, Democracy and Liberalism in Turkey - The Case of The AkpRoutl Stud Mid E Pol;Islam, Migration and Integration: The Age of SecuritizationMigrat Minor Citizen>Islam Obscured: The Rhetoric of Anthropological RepresentationContemp Anthr ReligCIslam-zeitschrift Fur Geschichte Und Kultur Des Islamischen OrientsIslam Island ArcIsl ArcZIsland Disputes and Maritime Regime Building in East Asia: Between A Rock and A Hard PlacePolit Econ Asia PacKIsland Futures: Conservation and Development Across The Asia-pacific RegionGlob Environ StudGIsland in The Stream: Oceanography and Fisheries of The Charleston Bump Am Fish S SIsland Living Series Isl Liv SercIslands and International Politics in The Persian Gulf: The Abu Musa and Tunbs in Strategic ContextDurh Mod Mid E IslamVIslands of Inquiry: Colonisation, Seafaring and The Archaeology of Maritime LandscapesTerra AustralisIsland Studies Series Isl Stud SerIsland SustainabilityWit Trans Ecol Envir<Isle-interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and EnvironmentIsle-interdiscip StuIsletsIsletsIslets of LangerhansAdv Exp Med BiolIIsm 2005: Seventh Ieee International Symposium On Multimedia, ProceedingsIeee Int Sym MultimHIsm 2006: Eighth Ieee International Symposium On Multimedia, ProceedingsIeee Int Sym MultimGIsm 2007: Ninth Ieee International Symposium On Multimedia, ProceedingsIeee Int Sym Multim4Ism: 2008 Ieee International Symposium On MultimediaIeee Int Sym Multim8Ismail Kadare: The Writer and The Dictatorship 1957-1990 Legenda SerLIsmanam 2003: Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline MaterialsJ Metastab Nanocryst Isme Edition Isme Edit Isme JournalIsme JSIsmvl 2002: 32nd Ieee International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym MvlAIsmvl 2006: 36th International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic Int Sym Mvl]Ism Workshops 2007: Ninth Ieee International Symposium On Multimedia - Workshops, ProceedingsIeee Int Sym MultimYIsnd 2007: Proceedings of The 2007 International Symposium On Nonlinear Dynamics, Pts 1-4J Phys Conf SerHIso Beyond Point Sources: Studies of Extended Infrared Emission Workshop Esa Sp PublHIso Beyond Point Sources: Studies of Extended Infrared Emission Workshop Esa Spec PublIso Beyond The Peaks Esa Sp PublIso Beyond The Peaks Esa Spec Publ3Isocyanates: Sampling, Analysis, and Health EffectsAm Soc Test Mater8Isoflavones: Biosynthesis, Occurrence and Health EffectsBiochem Res Trends Isokinetics and Exercise ScienceIsokinet Exerc Sci+Isolated Liver Perfusion for Hepatic TumorsRecent Res CancerIsolation, Migration and Health Soc St Hum(Isopentenoids and Other Natural Products Acs Sym Ser Isopod Systematics and EvolutionCrustacean Iss%Isotonic Transport in Leaky EpitheliaAlfred Benzon Symp S&Isotope Effects in Gas-phase Chemistry Acs Sym Ser&Isotope Effects in Solid State PhysicsSemiconduct SemimetIsotope Geoscience Isot GeosciIsotopenpraxisIsotopenpraxis!Isotopes and Radiation TechnologyIsot Radiat Technol,Isotopes in Environmental and Health StudiesIsot Environ Healt S-Isotopes in Water Resources Management, Vol 1P S Iaea-Isotopes in Water Resources Management, Vol 2P S Iaea9Isotopic and Elemental Tracers of Cenozoic Climate Change Geol S Am S9Isotopic and Elemental Tracers of Cenozoic Climate ChangeGeol Soc Am Spec PapIsozymesProg Clin Biol Res:Isozymes-current Topics in Biological and Medical ResearchIsozymes-curr T BiolwIspacs 2005: Proceedings of The 2005 International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication SystemsI S Intell Sig ProcYIspass: 2001 Ieee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareInt Sym Perform AnalYIspass: 2003 Ieee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareInt Sym Perform AnalYIspass: 2004 Ieee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareInt Sym Perform AnalYIspass 2005: Ieee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareInt Sym Perform AnalYIspass 2006: Ieee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareInt Sym Perform AnalYIspass 2007: Ieee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareInt Sym Perform AnalYIspass 2008: Ieee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareInt Sym Perform AnalYIspass 2009: Ieee International Symposium On Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareInt Sym Perform AnalnIspra '09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Signal Processing, Robotics and AutomationMa Comput Sci EngnIspra '09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Signal Processing, Robotics and AutomationMath Comput Sci Eng.Ispra Courses On Reliability and Risk Analysis Ispra C Rel2Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingIsprs J Photogramm^Ispsd 08: Proceedings of The 20th International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices & IcsInt Sym Pow SemicondIsrael AffairsIsr AffVIsrael and Hizbollah: An Asymmetric Conflict in Historical and Comparative PerspectiveMiddle E Mil Stud/Israel and Its Army: From Cohesion to ConfusionMiddle E Mil Stud#Israel and The Palestinian RefugeesBeitr Ausl Offentl R3Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related DisciplinesIsr J Psychiat Rel DIsrael Exploration JournalIsrael Explor JMIsraeli Counter-insurgency and The Intifadas: Dilemmas of A Conventional ArmyMiddle E Mil Stud$Israeli History Politics and SocietyIsr Hist Polit Soc'Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-bamidgehIsr J Aquacult-bamideIsraeli Military and The Origins of The 1967 War: Government, Armed Forces and Defence Policy 1963-67Middle E Mil Stud3Israeli Politics and The First Palestinian IntifadaRoutl Stud Mid E Pol'Israel Journal of Agricultural ResearchIsrael J Agr ResIsrael Journal of Botany Israel J BotIsrael Journal of Chemistry Isr J ChemIsrael Journal of Chemistry Israel J Chem Israel Journal of Earth SciencesIsr J Earth Sci Israel Journal of Earth SciencesIsrael J Earth Sci%Israel Journal of Ecology & EvolutionIsr J Ecol Evol'Israel Journal of Experimental MedicineIsrael J Exp MedIsrael Journal of Mathematics Isr J MathIsrael Journal of Mathematics Israel J Math"Israel Journal of Medical SciencesIsrael J Med Sci Israel Journal of Plant SciencesIsr J Plant Sci Israel Journal of Plant SciencesIsrael J Plant Sci1Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related SciencesIsr J Psychiatr Rel1Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related SciencesIsrael J PsychiatIsrael Journal of TechnologyIsrael J Technol%Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine Isr J Vet MedIsrael Journal of Zoology Isr J ZoolIsrael Journal of Zoology Israel J ZoolIsrael Law ReviewIsrael Law Rev*Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings Contemp Math"Israel Medical Association JournalIsr Med Assoc J"Israel Medical Association JournalIsrael Med Assoc JIsraels Asymmetric WarsSci Po Ser Int RelatJIsrael's National Security: Issues and Challenges Since The Yom Kippur WarIsr Hist Polit SocIsrael Vs. HamasMiddle E Turmoil Isscc Digest of Technical PapersIsscc Dig Tech Pap IIssues & DebatesIssues DebatesIssues & Studies Issues Stud=Issues and Advances in Postharvest Horticulture, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticMIssues and Advances in Transplant Production and Stand Establishment Research Acta Hortic=Issues and Trends in Radioactive Waste Managment, ProceedingsP S IaeaIssues for The New Decade Prof Lib SIssues in Agent CommunicationLect Notes Artif Int"Issues in Agricultural Development Iaae Oc Pap:Issues in Agroecology-present Status and Future ProspectusIss Agroecol PresNIssues in Aviation: Airports, Capacity, and Air Traffic Control and ManagementTransport Res Rec>Issues in Biomedicine : Monographs in Interdisciplinary Topics Iss Biom MIssues in Business Ethics Iss Bus EthIssues in Business EthicsIssues Bus Ethics(Issues in Children's and Families' LivesIss Childr Fam Lives&Issues in Childrens and Families LivesIssues Child Fam Liv0Issues in Clinical and Cognitive NeuropsychologyIss Clin Cogn Neurop#Issues in Clinical Child PsychologyIssues Clin Child PsIssues in Cognitive Linguistics Cog Lin ResIssues in Cognitive LinguisticsCogn Linguist ResIssues in Complementary FeedingNestle Nutr Works Se*Issues in Corporate Governance and FinanceAdv Financ EconIssues in CriminologyIssues CriminolIssues in Economic ThoughtEcon Iss Probl Persp5Issues in Environmental Science and Technology SeriesIss Environ Sci TechIssues in Germanic Syntax Trend Lin SIssues in German Politics Iss Ger PolitIssues in Higher Education Iss High Educ#Issues in Higher Education-palgraveIssues High Educ-palIssues in Husserl's Ideas IiContr PhenomenolIssues in Infectious DiseasesIssues Infect DisIssues in L2 : Del S LangIssues in Law & MedicineIssues Law MedIssues in Law and Society Iss Law Soc"Issues in Mathematical LinguisticsStud Funct Struct<Issues in Multi-agent Systems: The Agentcities.es ExperienceWhitestein Ser SoftwIssues in Nephrosciences Iss Nephros,Issues in Organization and Management Series Iss Org Man,Issues in Pavement Design and RehabilitationTransport Res Rec Issues in Phonological StructureAmst Stud Theory HisYIssues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering-journal of International Feminist AnalysisIssues Reprod Genet Issues in Science and TechnologyIssues Sci Technol"Issues in Southeast Asian Security Iss Se As S/Issues in The Biology of Language and Cognition Iss Biol L,Issues in The Dynamics of Fishing Operations Colloq Semi&Issues in The Economics of Immigration Nber Conf RCIssues in Theoretical Diversity: Persistence, Composition, and TimePhilos Stud SerDIssues in The Research Theory Policy and Practice of Urban EducationIss Res Theor Pol PrIssues in Toxicology Iss ToxicolIssues in ToxicologyIssues ToxicolIssues in Urban Earthquake RiskNato Adv Sci Inst SeIssues in Water Resource PolicyIssues Water Resourc/Issues of Diversity in Clinical NeuropsychologyIssues Divers Clin N?Issues of Identity in Music Education: Narratives and PracticesAdv Music Educ ResCIssues, Problems, and Performance Measures in Airports and AirspaceTransport Res RecIssup Ad Hoc PublicationIssup Ad Hoc Public_Ist 2006: Proceedings of The 2006 Ieee International Workshop On Imaging Systems and TechniquesI W Imag Syst TechninIstasc '09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Systems Theory and Scientific ComputationMa Comput Sci Eng1Is There A Shortfall in Public Capital Investment Fed Bank BoZIs There A Temperature?: Conceptual Challenges At High Energy, Acceleration and ComplexityFund Theor Phys Istoriya Sssr Istoriya SssrItab 2003: 4th International Ieee Embs Special Topic Conference On Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, Conference ProceedingsEng Med Biol Soc AnnCItalian Agriculture and Changes On The International Economic Scene Quad Riv Ec;Italian Americans: A Retrospective On The Twentieth CenturyAmer Ital Hist Assoc$Italian and Italian American StudiesItal Ital Am StudItalian CliticsTrends Linguist-studItalian Culture Studies, 2001 Via FoliosItalian Jewish Experience Filibrary S!Italian Journal of Animal ScienceItal J Anim SciItalian Journal of BiochemistryItal J BiochemItalian Journal of Food ScienceItal J Food Sci#Italian Journal of GastroenterologyItal J Gastroenterol2Italian Journal of Gastroenterology and HepatologyItal J GastroenterolItalian Journal of Geosciences Ital J Geosci3Italian Journal of Mineral & Electrolyte MetabolismItal J Miner Elect M(Italian Journal of Neurological SciencesItal J Neurol SciItalian Journal of PediatricsItal J Pediatr4Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryItal J Vasc EndovascItalian Journal of Zoology Ital J Zool?Italian Language and Literature in The World Today, Pts 1 and 2 Bibliot Arc.Italian Mathematics Between The Two World WarsSci Netw Hist StudItalian Perspectives Ital PerspectItalian PerspectivesItalian Perspectives5Italian Physical Society Conference Proceedings (ips) Ital Phy SoItalian Quarterly Ital QuartKItalian Scientists in The Low Countries in The Xviith and Xviiith Centuries N Ned Bij GItalian Studies Ital StudItalicaItalicaQItalie Et Belgique En Europe Depuis 1918 - Italie En Belgie in Europa Sedert 1918Inst Hist Belge Rome%Italienische Vergleichskonstruktionen Linguist ArbEItaly in The Age of Pinocchio: Children and Danger in The Liberal EraItal Ital Am StudItalys Divided MemoryItal Ital Am Stud!It and Manufacturing Partnerships Adv Des Man'Itc: 2009 International Test ConferenceInt Test Conf P5Itc - International Test Conference 1997, ProceedingsInt Test Conf P*Itea-informacion Tecnica Economica AgrariaItea-inf Tec Econ Ag1Ite Journal-institute of Transportation EngineersIte J5Item Banking: Interactive Testing and Self-assessmentNato Adv Sci Inst Se'Iterative Approximation of Fixed PointsLect Notes MathdIterative-interpolation Super-resolution Image Reconstruction: A Computationally Efficient TechniqueStud Comput IntellUIterative Learning Control: Robustness and Monotonic Convergence for Interval SystemsCommun Control EngAIterative Regularization Methods for Nonlinear Ill-posed ProblemsRadon Ser Comput App Ite SymposiumIte SympItiIti~Iticse 2000: Proceedings of The 5th Annual Sigcse/sigcue Conference On Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Sigcse Bull}Iticse '99: Proceedings of The 4th Annual Sigcse/sigcue Conference On Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Sigcse BullItinerant Electron MagnetismNato Asi 3 High Tech\Itinerario-international Journal On The History of European Expansion and Global Interaction ItinerarioIt Is Live - But Is It Real ? Curr Deb BrIti Treatment GuideIti Treatment GuideIt's A Nonlinear WorldSpring Und Text Math3It Security: The Need for International Cooperation Ifip Trans A Its JournalIts J Iubmb Life Iubmb LifeIufro Research Series Iufro Res Ser/Iugoslavica Physiologica Et Pharmacologica ActaIugosl Physl Pharm A5Iulius Africanus Chronographiae: The Extant FragmentsGriech Christl Schri7Ius Gentium-comparative Perspectives On Law and Justice Ius Gentium7Ius Gentium-comparative Perspectives On Law and JusticeIus Gentium-comp Per)Iussp International Population Conference Iussp Pop CIutam Bookseries Iutam BookserFIutam-iass Symposium On Deployable Structures: Theory and ApplicationsSolid Mech ApplBIutam/iftomm Symposium On Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical SystemsSolid Mech ApplWIutam-isimm Symposium On Mathematical Modeling and Physical Instances of Granular Flows Aip Conf ProcOIutam Symposium On Advanced Optical Methods and Applications in Solid MechanicsSolid Mech Appl6Iutam Symposium On Advances in Micro- and Nanofluidics Iutam BookserlIutam Symposium On Analytical and Computational Fracture Mechanics of Non-homogeneous Materials, ProceedingsSolid Mech ApplHIutam Symposium On Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Mechanics, Proceedings Iutam BookserUIutam Symposium On Chaotic Dynamics and Control of Systems and Processes in MechanicsSolid Mech Appl1Iutam Symposium On Combustion in Supersonic Flows Fluid Mec AMIutam Symposium On Computational Aero-acoustics for Aircraft Noise PredictionProcedia Engineer>Iutam Symposium On Computational Approaches to Multiphase Flow Fluid Mec A=Iutam Symposium On Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics Iutam BookserKIutam Symposium On Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence Iutam Bookser7Iutam Symposium On Designing for Quietness, ProceedingsSolid Mech Appl\Iutam Symposium On Diffraction and Scattering in Fluid Mechanics and Elasticity, Proceedings Fluid Mec A\Iutam Symposium On Diffraction and Scattering in Fluid Mechanics and Elasticity, ProceedingsFluid Mech ApplFIutam Symposium On Discretization Methods for Evolving Discontinuities Iutam BookserAIutam Symposium On Discretization Methods in Structural MechanicsSolid Mech ApplMIutam Symposium On Dynamics and Control of Nonlinear Systems With Uncertainty Iutam BookserFIutam Symposium On Dynamics of Advanced Materials and Smart StructuresSolid Mech Appl/Iutam Symposium On Dynamics of Slender Vortices Fluid Mec ADIutam Symposium On Elastohydrodynamics and Micro-elastohydrodynamicsSolid Mech ApplcIutam Symposium On Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures: Significance in Turbulence Dynamics Fluid Mec AcIutam Symposium On Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures: Significance in Turbulence DynamicsFluid Mech Appl4Iutam Symposium On Emerging Trends in Rotor Dynamics Iutam Bookser4Iutam Symposium On Evolutionary Methods in MechanicsSolid Mech ApplpIutam Symposium On Field Analyses for Determination of Materials Parameters - Experimental and Numerical AspectsSolid Mech Appl(Iutam Symposium On Flow Control and Mems Iutam BookserCIutam Symposium On Fluid-structure Interaction in Ocean Engineering Iutam Bookser8Iutam Symposium On Geometry and Statistics of Turbulence Fluid Mec AFIutam Symposium On Hamiltonian Dynamics, Vortex Structures, Turbulence Iutam BookserQIutam Symposium On Impact Biomechanics: From Fundamental Insights to ApplicationsSolid Mech ApplZIutam Symposium On Interaction Between Dynamics and Control in Advanced Mechanical SystemsSolid Mech ApplNIutam Symposium On Laminar-turbulent Transition and Finite Amplitude Solutions Fluid Mec ANIutam Symposium On Laminar-turbulent Transition and Finite Amplitude SolutionsFluid Mech Appl<Iutam Symposium On Lubricated Transport of Viscous Materials Fluid Mec AKIutam Symposium On Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves in Structured MediaSolid Mech ApplVIutam Symposium On Mechanical Behavior and Micro-mechanics of Nanostructured MaterialsSolid Mech Appl>Iutam Symposium On Mechanical Properties of Cellular Materials Iutam BookserCIutam Symposium On Mechanics and Reliability of Actuating MaterialsSolid Mech Appl=Iutam Symposium On Mechanics of Granular and Porous MaterialsSolid Mech ApplJIutam Symposium On Mechanics of Martensitic Phase Transformation in SolidsSolid Mech Appl?Iutam Symposium On Mechanics of Passive and Active Flow Control Fluid Mec AQIutam Symposium On Mesoscopic Dynamics of Fracture Process and Materials StrengthSolid Mech ApplRIutam Symposium On Micromechanics of Plasticity and Damage of Multiphase MaterialsSolid Mech ApplNIutam Symposium On Microstructure-property Interactions in Composite MaterialsSolid Mech Appl:Iutam Symposium On Modelling Nanomaterials and Nanosystems Iutam BookserCIutam Symposium On Multi-functional Material Structures and Systems Iutam BookserIutam Symposium On Multiscale Modeling and Characterization of Elastic-inelastic Behavior of Engineering Materials, ProceedingsSolid Mech ApplCIutam Symposium On Multiscale Problems in Multibody System Contacts Iutam Bookser\Iutam Symposium On Nonlinear Instability and Transition in Three-dimensional Boundary Layers Fluid Mec ABIutam Symposium On Nonlinearity and Stochastic Structural DynamicsSolid Mech Appl0Iutam Symposium On Nonlinear Stochastic DynamicsSolid Mech Appl<Iutam Symposium On Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics and Control Iutam Bookser6Iutam Symposium On Nonlinear Waves in Multi-phase Flow Fluid Mec AVIutam Symposium On Numerical Simulation On Non-isothermal Flow of Viscoelastic Liquids Fluid Mec A?Iutam Symposium On One Hundred Years of Boundary Layer ResearchSolid Mech Appl5Iutam Symposium On Optimization of Mechanical SystemsSolid Mech ApplUIutam Symposium On Physicochemical and Electromechanical Interactions in Porous MediaSolid Mech Appl>Iutam Symposium On Recent Advances of Acoustic Waves in Solids Iutam BookserWIutam Symposium On Recent Developments in Non-linear Oscillations of Mechanical SystemsSolid Mech ApplAIutam Symposium On Relations of Shell, Plate, Beam, and 3d Models Iutam Bookser<Iutam Symposium On Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow Fluid Mec A<Iutam Symposium On Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent FlowFluid Mech Appl-Iutam Symposium On Scaling in Solid Mechanics Iutam Bookser^Iutam Symposium On Size Effects On Material and Structural Behavior At Micron- and Nano-scalesSolid Mech Appl;Iutam Symposium On Smart Structures and Structronic SystemsSolid Mech Appl.Iutam Symposium On Statistical Energy AnalysisSolid Mech Appl_Iutam Symposium On Theoretical and Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Porous MaterialsSolid Mech ApplVIutam Symposium On Theoretical, Computational and Modelling Aspects of Inelastic Media Iutam BookserMIutam Symposium On The Physics of Wall-bounded Turbulent Flows On Rough Walls Iutam BookserJIutam Symposium On The Vibration Analysis of Structures With Uncertainties Iutam BookserqIutam Symposium On Topological Design Optimization of Structures, Machines and Materials: Status and PerspectivesSolid Mech ApplLIutam Symposium On Transformation Problems in Composite and Active MaterialsSolid Mech Appl:Iutam Symposium On Turbulence in The Atmosphere and Oceans Iutam Bookser2Iutam Symposium On Turbulent Mixing and Combustion Fluid Mec A2Iutam Symposium On Turbulent Mixing and CombustionFluid Mech Appl0Iutam Symposium On Unilateral Multibody ContactsSolid Mech Appl=Iutam Symposium On Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control Iutam Bookser=Iutam Symposium On Variable Density Low-speed Turbulent Flows Fluid Mec A=Iutam Symposium On Variable Density Low-speed Turbulent FlowsFluid Mech ApplWIutam Symposium On Variational Concepts With Applications to The Mechanics of Materials Iutam BookserUIutam Symposium On Variations of Domain and Free-boundary Problems in Solid MechanicsSolid Mech ApplXIutam Symposium On Vibration Control of Nonlinear Mechanisms and Structures, ProceedingsSolid Mech ApplJIutam Symposium On Waves in Liquid/gas and Liquid/vapour Two-phase Systems Fluid Mec A3Iv Hotine-marussi Symposium On Mathematical GeodesyIag Symp Ivhs JournalIvhs JzIv Latin American Congress On Biomedical Engineering 2007, Bioengineering Solutions for Latin America Health, Vols 1 and 2 Ifmbe ProcgIv Mexican Meeting On Mathematical and Experimental Physics: Relativistic Fluids and Biological Physics Aip Conf ProcBIv Reunion Sobre Astronomia Dinamica En Latinoamerica (adela 2008)Rev Mex Ast Astr-Iv Serbian Conference On Spectral Line ShapesPub Astro Obs BelgrDIvsla Series - Veneto Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts Series Ivsla SerGIvth International Conference On Times of Polymers (top) and Composites Aip Conf Proc]Ivth International Symposium On Horticultural Education, Extension and Training - Proceedings Acta HorticNIvth International Symposium On Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding and Pomology Acta HorticDIwpc 2003: 11th Ieee International Workshop On Program ComprehensionProg ComprehenQIwpc 2004: 12th Ieee International Workshop On Program Comprehension, ProceedingsProg ComprehenBIwqos: 2009 Ieee 17th International Workshop On Quality of ServiceInt Worksh Qual ServDIwqos '99: 1999 Seventh International Workshop On Quality of ServiceInt Worksh Qual ServEIwsa European Specialized Conference On Atrazine and Other Pesticides Water SuppKIwsa European Specialized Conference On Managing Water Distribution Systems Water SuppIwsa European Specialized Conference On Recently Identified Pollutants in Water Resources - Drinking Water Treatment in The Nineties Water SuppIwsa International Specialized Conference On Advanced Treatment and Integrated Water System Management Into The 21st Century, Selected Papers Water SuppJIwsa International Specialized Conference On Disinfection of Potable Water Water SuppMIwsa International Specialized Conference On Management of Urban Water Supply Water SuppOIwsa International Specialized Conference - The Challenges of The Next 50 Years Water Supp:Iwsa International Workshop On Aluminium in Drinking Water Water Supp;Iwsa International Workshop On Bromates and Water Treatment Water SuppLIwsa International Workshop On Inorganic Nitrogen Compounds and Water Supply Water Supp*Iwsa Regional Conference On Rehabilitation Water Supp6Iwsa Specialised Conference On Organic Micropollutants Water SuppkIwsa Specialized Conference - New Developments in Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Water Supply Systems Water Supp>Iwsa Specialized Conference On Quality Aspects of Water Supply Water SuppzIwsa Specialized Conference On Water Supply Improvement Through The Broader Use of Instrumentation, Control and Automation Water SuppPIx Congress of The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies Sbl Sept CoAIx Hadron Physics and Vii Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics Aip Conf ProcRIx International Conference On Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum (qchs Ix) Aip Conf ProcJIx Latin American Regional Meeting of The International-astronomical-unionRev Mex Ast AstrPIx Reunion Regional Latinoamricana De Astronomia Union Astronomica InternacionalRev Mex Ast Astr&Ixth International Asparagus Symposium Acta HorticaIzvestiya Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi Ssr Seriya Fiziko-tekhnicheskikh I Matematicheskikh NaukIzv An Azerb Ssr1Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Fizika Atmosfery I OkeanaIzv An Fiz Atmos Ok+.Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya BiologicheskayaIzv Akad Nauk Biol++Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya FizicheskayaIzv Akad Nauk Fiz+.Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya GeologicheskayaIzv Akad Nauk Geol+6Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Fizika Atmosfery I OkeanaIzv An Sssr Fiz Atm+)Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Fizika ZemliIzv An Sssr Fiz Zem+3Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Seriya BiologicheskayaIzv An Sssr Biol+0Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Seriya FizicheskayaIzv An Sssr Fiz+3Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Seriya GeologicheskayaIzv An Sssr Geol+1Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr-seriya KhimicheskayaB Acad Sci Ussr Ch+)Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic PhysicsIzv Atmos Ocean Phy+Izvestiya Mathematics 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Int'Jacobs Foundation Series On AdolescenceJacobs Found Ser Ado$Jacques Lefevre D'etaples 1450?-1536 Ccc RenaissJaderna Energie Jad EnergJahrbuch Der Berliner MuseenJahrb Berlin Museen+Jahrbuch Der Deutschen SchillergesellschaftJahrb Deut Schiller(Jahrbuch Des Freien Deutschen HochstiftsJahrb Frei Deut Hoch$Jahrbucher Fur Geschichte OsteuropasJahrb Gesch Osteur-Jahrbucher Fur Nationalokonomie Und StatistikJahrb Natl Stat'Jahrbuch Fur Internationale GermanistikJahrb Int GermanJahrbuch Fur SozialwissenschaftJahrb SozialwissenscJahrbuch Fur VolksliedforschungJahrb VolksliedforscJahrestagung Kerntechnik Jahres KernIJahrestagung Kerntechnik 2000 - Annual Meeting On Nuclear Technology 2000 Jahres Kern5Jaids-journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromesJaids5Jaids-journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromesJaids-j Acq Imm Def0Jama-journal of The American Medical AssociationJama-j Am Med Assoc!James Hutton - Present and FutureGeol Soc Spec PublJames Joyce QuarterlyJames Joyce QuartCJamming, Yielding, and Irreversible Deformation in Condensed MatterLect Notes Phys7Janac-journal of The Association of Nurses in Aids CareJ Assoc Nurse Aids C$Jan Mayen Island in Scientific FocusNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear Japan After The Economic MiracleSocial Indic Res Japan Analyst Jpn AnalystJapan and The World EconomyJpn World EconBJapan Annual Reviews in Electronics Computers & TelecommunicationsJpn Annu Rev ElectrJapan Architect Jpn Archit#Japan, Asean, and The United States Res Pap PolJapanese and Western Bioethics Philos MedJapanese Circulation JournalJpn Circulation J,Japanese Circulation Journal-english Edition Jpn Circ JJapanese Economic Review Jpn Econ RevJapanese Economic Studies Jpn Econ StudJapanese EconomyJpn Econ+Japanese Encephalitis and West Nile VirusesCurr Top Microbiol1Japanese Experience With Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Prog NeurolJapanese Heart Journal Jpn Heart JJapanese InformationVtt SympJapanese Journal of AntibioticsJpn J Antibiot2Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and ZoologyJpn J Appl Entomol Z#Japanese Journal of Applied PhysicsJpn J Appl Phys^Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-regular Papers Brief Communications & Review PapersJpn J Appl Phys 1UJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-regular Papers Short Notes & Review PapersJpn J Appl Phys 12Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-lettersJpn J Appl Phys 2DJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-letters & Express LettersJpn J Appl Phys 2Japanese Journal of Botany Jpn J BotJapanese Journal of Breeding Jpn J Breed#Japanese Journal of Cancer ResearchJpn J Cancer Res3Japanese Journal of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryJpn J Child Adol Psy$Japanese Journal of Child PsychiatryJpn J Child Adol Psy%Japanese Journal of Clinical MedicineJpn J Clin Med%Japanese Journal of Clinical OncologyJpn J Clin Oncol Japanese Journal of Crop ScienceJpn J Crop Sci*Japanese Journal of Educational PsychologyJpn J Educ Psychol)Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine Jpn J Exp MedJapanese Journal of Genetics Jpn J GenetJapanese Journal of Geriatrics Jpn J Geriatr"Japanese Journal of Human GeneticsJpn J Hum GenetJapanese Journal of IchthyologyJpn J Ichthyol%Japanese Journal of Industrial HealthJpn J Ind Health'Japanese Journal of Infectious DiseasesJpn J Infect DisJapanese Journal of Mathematics Jap J MathJapanese Journal of Mathematics Jpn J Math-Japanese Journal of Medical Science & BiologyJpn J Med Sci BiolJapanese Journal of Medicine Jpn J Med Japanese Journal of MicrobiologyJpn J MicrobiolJapanese Journal of Nephrology Jpn J Nephrol+Japanese Journal of NeuropsychopharmacologyJpn J Neuropsychoph!Japanese Journal of OphthalmologyJpn J Ophthalmol Japanese Journal of PharmacologyJpn J Pharmacol8Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports MedicineJpn J Phys Fit SportJapanese Journal of Physiology Jpn J Physiol%Japanese Journal of Political ScienceJpn J Polit Sci,Japanese Journal of Psychiatry and NeurologyJpn J Psychiat NeurJapanese Journal of Psychology Jpn J PsycholJapanese Journal of Radiology Jpn J Radiol%Japanese Journal of Religious StudiesJpn J Relig StudJapanese Journal of Surgery Jpn J Surg$Japanese Journal of Thoracic SurgeryJpn J Thorac Surg7Japanese Journal of Toxicology and Environmental HealthJpn J Tox Env Health#Japanese Journal of TransplantationJpn J Transplant(Japanese Journal of Tropical AgricultureJpn J Trop AgrJapanese Journal of Urology Jpn J Urol'Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research Jpn J Vet Res&Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science Jpn J Vet SciJapanese Journal of Zoology Jpn J ZoolJapanese Monetary Policy Nat Bur EcJapanese Psychological ResearchJpn Psychol ResmJapanese Studies - Yearbook of The Deutschen Institut Fur Japanstudien Der Philipp-franz-von-siebold Stiftung JapanstudiennJapanese Studies - Yearbook of The Deutschen Instituts Fur Japanstudien Der Philipp-franz-von-siebold-stiftung Japanstudien,Japanese Theatre and The International StageBrl Japan Stud LibJapan InterpreterJpn Interpreter3Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied MathematicsJpn J Ind Appl Math Japan Journal of Nursing ScienceJpn J Nurs SciJapan Quarterly Jpn QuartJapan Telecommunications ReviewJpn Telecommun RevWJapca-the International Journal of Air Pollution Control and Hazardous Waste ManagementJapca J Air Waste Ma;Japca-the Journal of The Air & Waste Management AssociationJapca J Air Waste MaJaroJaro>Jaro-journal of The Association for Research in OtolaryngologyJaro>Jaro-journal of The Association for Research in OtolaryngologyJaro-j Assoc Res Oto*Jarq-japan Agricultural Research QuarterlyJarq-jpn Agr Res Q+Jassa-the Finsia Journal of Applied FinanceJassa?Jasss-the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social SimulationJasss?Jasss-the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social SimulationJasss-j Artif Soc SJava/jini TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Java/jini Technologies and High-performance Pervasive ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Java On Smart Cards: Programming and SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc<Javma-journal of The American Veterinary Medical AssociationJavma-j Am Vet Med AJavnost-the PublicJavnost-public2Jbis-journal of The British Interplanetary SocietyJbis-j Brit InterplaJbr-btrJbr-btr%Jcms-journal of Common Market StudiesJcms-j Common Mark S@Jcpsp-journal of The College of Physicians and Surgeons PakistanJcpsp-j Coll Physici$Jcr-journal of Clinical RheumatologyJcr-j Clin Rheumatol Jcss Study Jcss StudyJct CoatingstechJct Coatingstech Jct ResearchJct Res%Jean Leray '99 Conference Proceedings Math Phys SJean Piaget Symposium Series J Piaget SyJeffersonian AmericaJeffersonian AmerJemf Quarterly Jemf Quart*Jems-journal of Emergency Medical ServicesJems-j Emerg Med SerAJenam 2001: Astronomy With Large Telescopes From Ground and SpaceRev Mod AstronJernkontorets AnnalerJka-jernkontoret Ann)Jerusalem Studies in Religion and CultureJerusalem Stud Rel C8Jerusalem Symposia On Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Jerus Sym Q/Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics Jer Win SchJet Cutting Technology Fluid Mec A Jetp Letters Jetp Lett+Jetp Letters-ussrJetp Lett-ussrJet PropulsionJet Propulsion#Jets From Stars and Galactic NucleiLect Notes Phys:Jets From Young Stars Iii: Numerical Mhd and InstabilitiesLect Notes Phys-Jets From Young Stars: Models and ConstraintsLect Notes Phys Jewish Art Jewish ArtkJewish Assimilation, Acculturation and Accommodation : Past Traditions, Current Issues and Future Prospects St Jew CivJewish Business EthicsOrthodox Forum Ser;Jewish Culture and Society Under The Christian Roman EmpireInt Stud Ancient CulJewish HistoryJew HistJewish Journal of SociologyJewish J SociolJewish Language ReviewJewish Lang Rev/Jewish Law Association : Papers and Proceedings Jew Law A P!Jewish Law Association Studies Vi Jew Law A PDJewish Law Association Studies Xi: The London 1996 Conference Volume Jew Law A PJewish Literature and Culture Jew Lit CultJewish Quarterly ReviewJewish Quart Rev"Jewish Reception of Heinrich Heine Condit Jud)Jewish Roots of Christological MonotheismSupp J Stud JudaismJewish Self-perception Condit JudJewish Social StudiesJewish Soc Stud.Jewish Studies and The European Academic WorldCollect Revue Etudes7Jews, Antiquity, and The Nineteenth-century ImaginationStud Text Jew HistJews in Cordoba X-xii Centuries St Hebrew C"Jews of Italy: Memory and IdentityStud Text Jew Hist%Jews of Poland Between Two World Wars Taub Inst Jezikoslovlje Jezikoslovlje6Jfcc Workshop Series : Materials Processing and Design Jfcc Ws Mat/Jforl-journal Francais D Oto-rhino LaryngologieJ Fr Otorhinolaryng Jjap Series Jjap SeriesJka-jernkontorets AnnalerJka-jernkontoret Ann*Jmri-journal of Magnetic Resonance ImagingJmri-j Magn Reson Im/Jnms-journal of The Neuromusculoskeletal SystemJnms-j Neuromusc SysJnt-journal of Narrative TheoryJ Narrative Theory?Job Creation and Labour Law: From Protection Towards Pro-actionStud Emp Soc Policy1Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc>Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Jocca-surface Coatings InternationalJocca-surf Coat Int;Jognn-journal of Obstetric Gynecologic and Neonatal NursingJognn;Jognn-journal of Obstetric Gynecologic and Neonatal NursingJognn-j Obst Gyn NeoJohn Albert Hall Lecture SeriesJah Lec SeriesJohn and The Synoptics Bib Eph TheSJohn D and Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Series On Mental Health and Development Mac Fdn MenYJohn D and Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Series On Mental Health and Human Development Mac Fdn Men(John Desmond Bernal: Science and SocietyJ Phys Conf Ser*John Deutsch Roundtable On Economic PolicyJohn Deu Rt Econ PolJohn Duns Scotus St Text GeiIJohn F. Kennedy Student Paper Competition and Specialty Seminar SummariesWater Chang Glob ComJohn Gower : Recent Readings St Mediev CJohn Henry Newman Garl Rl HumJohn Innes Symposia John Inn S&John Knox and The British ReformationsSt Andr St Reformat'John L. Junkins Astrodynamics SymposiumAdv Astronaut ScieJohn of The Cross: Conferences and Essays By Members of The Institute of Carmelite Studies and Others Carmelit Stud"Johns Hopkins Apl Technical DigestJ Hopkins Apl Tech DJohns Hopkins Medical JournalJohns Hopkins Med J?Johns Hopkins Series in Contemporary Medicine and Public Health Jh S Cont M1Johns Hopkins Studies in Earth and Space Sciences Jh St Ear S-Johns Hopkins Symposia in Comparative History Jh Comp His"Johns Hopkins Workshop Proceedings Johns Hop WEJohnson & Johnson Consumer Products, Inc Pediatric Round Table Series J&j Cons Pr4Joining and Adhesion of Advanced Inorganic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PIJoining Society: Social Interaction and Learning in Adolescence and YouthJacobs Found Ser AdoJoint Bone SpineJoint Bone Spine/Joint Commission Journal On Quality ImprovementJoint Comm J Qual Im+Joint Evolution of Black Holes and GalaxiesSer Hi Energy Phys1Joint International Conference Imeko Tc3/tc5/tc20 VDI BerichtMJoint International Symposium On Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage 1999P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Joint Plant Breeding Symposia SeriesJoint Plant Breed SEJoint Soviet-american Workshop On The Physics of Semiconductor Lasers Aip Conf ProcJoint Ventures in East Asia Int Bar AssJokullJokullJomJom-usJom-journal of Metals Jom-j Met6Jom-journal of The Minerals Metals & Materials SocietyJom-j Min Met Mat S+Joop-journal of Object-oriented ProgrammingJoop Jornal Brasileiro De PneumologiaJ Bras PneumolJornal De PediatriaJ PediatJornal De PediatriaJ Pediat-brazil2Joseph Conrad: East European, Polish and Worldwide E Europ M6Josephus and Jewish History in Flavian Rome and BeyondSupp J Stud Judaism2Josephus and The History of The Greco-roman PeriodStud Post BiblJossey-bass Education Series Jos-bas Edc#Jossey-bass Higher Education Series Jos-bas HigJossey-bass Management Series Jos-bas Man#Jossey-bass Nonprofit Sector Series Jos-bas Non$Journal American Pomological SocietyJ Amer Pomolog Soc(Journal American Water Works AssociationJ Am Water Works AssJournal Belge De Radiologie J Belg RadiolJournal D Analyse Mathematique J Anal MathJournal De Biologie BuccaleJ Biol Buccale)Journal De Biophysique Et De BiomecaniqueJ Biophys Biomec+Journal De Biophysique & Medecine NucleaireJ Biophys BiomecJournal De Chimie Physique J Chim Phys:Journal De Chimie Physique Et De Physico-chimie BiologiqueJ Chim Phys PcbJournal De Chirurgie J Chir-parisJournal De Genetique Humaine J Genet HumAJournal De Gynecologie Obstetrique Et Biologie De La ReproductionJ Gynecol Obst Bio R,Journal De Mathematiques Pures Et AppliqueesJ Math Pure ApplJournal De Mecanique J MecaniqueJournal De Mecanique Appliquee J Mec Appl+Journal De Mecanique Theorique Et AppliqueeJ Mec Theor Appl!Journal De Medecine De StrasbourgJ Med Strasbourg(Journal De Medecine Legale Droit MedicalJ Med Leg Droit Med,Journal De Medecine Nucleaire Et BiophysiqueJ Med Nucl BiophysJournal De MicroscopieJ Microsc-paris0Journal De Microscopie Et De Biologie CellulaireJ Microsc Biol Cell8Journal De Microscopie Et De Spectroscopie ElectroniquesJ Microsc Spect ElecJournal De Mycologie Medicale J Mycol MedJournal De Pharmacie CliniqueJ Pharm Clin-series Journal De Pharmacie De Belgique J Pharm BelgJournal De PharmacologieJ Pharmacol-parisJournal De PhysiologieJ Physiol-parisJournal De Physique J Phys-paris Journal De Physique Et Le Radium J Phys-parisJournal De Physique IJ Phys IJournal De Physique Ii J Phys IiJournal De Physique Ii J Phys IvJournal De Physique Iii J Phys IiiJournal De Physique Iii J Phys IvJournal De Physique Iv J Phys IvJournal De Physique LettresJ Phys Lett-parisJournal De RadiologieJ Radiol=Journal De Radiologie D Electrologie Et De Medecine NucleaireJ Radiol Elec Med N3Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen GesellschaftJ Dtsch Dermatol Ges Journal Des Maladies Vasculaires J Mal Vascul0Journal De Toxicologie Clinique Et ExperimentaleJ Toxicol Clin ExperJournal De Toxicologie MedicaleJ Toxicol Clin ExperJournal Du Conseil J ConseilJournal D Urologie J Urologie$Journal D Urologie Et De NephrologieJ Urol Nephrol!Journal Europeen De RadiotherapieJ Eur Radiother,Journal for East European Management StudiesJ E Eur Manag Stud,Journal for East European Management StudiesJ E Eur Manag Stud)Journal for General Philosophy of ScienceJ Gen Philos SciJournal for Nature Conservation J Nat Conserv-Journal for Research in Mathematics EducationJ Res Math Educ,Journal for Specialists in Pediatric NursingJ Spec Pediatr Nurs'Journal for The Education of The Gifted J Educ Gifted$Journal for The History of Astronomy J Hist Astron,Journal for The Scientific Study of ReligionJ Sci Stud Relig Journal for The Study of Judaism J Study Jud1Journal for The Study of Religions and IdeologiesJ Study Relig Ideol<Journal for The Study of The Old Testament Supplement SeriesJ St Old Test Suppl*Journal for The Theory of Social BehaviourJ Theor Soc Behav4Journal Francais De Biophysique & Medecine NucleaireJ Biophys Biomec Journal Francais D OphtalmologieJ Fr Ophtalmol)Journal Francais D Oto-rhino-laryngologieJ Fr Otorhinolaryng/Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte MathematikJ Reine Angew MathJournal Fur Hirnforschung J HirnforschJournal Fur Ornithologie J OrnitholJournal Fur Praktische Chemie J Prakt Chem.Journal Fur Praktische Chemie-chemiker-zeitungJ Prak Chem-chem ZtgJJournal Fur Praktische Chemie-practical Applications and Applied Chemistry J Prakt Chem*Journal Fur SignalaufzeichnungsmaterialienJ Inform Rec MatergJournal Fur Verbraucherschutz Und Lebensmittelsicherheit-journal of Consumer Protection and Food SafetyJ Verbrauch Lebensm8Journal International Des Sciences De La Vigne Et Du VinJ Int Sci Vigne Vin&Journalism and The Debate Over PrivacyLea Commun Ser)Journalism & Mass Communication QuarterlyJournalism Mass CommJournalism QuarterlyJournalism QuartJournalism StudiesJournalism StudJournal-lancetJ LancetJournal of AaposJ Aapos)Journal of Abnormal and Social PsychologyJ Abnorm Soc Psych$Journal of Abnormal Child PsychologyJ Abnorm Child PsychJournal of Abnormal PsychologyJ Abnorm Psychol!Journal of Academic Librarianship J Acad Libr(Journal of Accident & Emergency MedicineJ Accid Emerg MedJournal of Accountancy J Accountancy'Journal of Accounting and Public PolicyJ Account Public Pol!Journal of Accounting & EconomicsJ Account EconJournal of Accounting Research J Account ResJournal of Accounting ResearchJ Accounting Res/Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromesJ Acq Immun Def SyndGJournal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human RetrovirologyJ Acq Immun Def SyndJournal of Addiction Medicine J Addict MedJournal of Addictions Nursing J Addict NursJournal of Addictive Diseases J Addict DisJournal of Adhesion J Adhesion*Journal of Adhesion Science and TechnologyJ Adhes Sci TechnolJournal of Adhesive Dentistry J Adhes DentJournal of Adolescence J Adolescence&Journal of Adolescent & Adult LiteracyJ Adolesc Adult LitJournal of Adolescent HealthJ Adolescent HealthJournal of Adolescent ResearchJ Adolescent ResJournal of Adult Development J Adult Dev'Journal of Advanced Concrete TechnologyJ Adv Concr TechnolJournal of Advanced Materials J Adv MaterJournal of Advanced MaterialsJ Adv Mater-covina?Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design Systems and ManufacturingJ Adv Mech Des SystJournal of Advanced Nursing J Adv Nurs*Journal of Advanced Oxidation TechnologiesJ Adv Oxid Technol"Journal of Advanced TransportationJ Adv TransportJournal of Advanced Zoology J Adv ZoolJournal of Advertising J AdvertisingJournal of Advertising ResearchJ Advertising Res7Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug DeliveryJ Aerosol Med Pulm DHJournal of Aerosol Medicine-deposition Clearance and Effects in The Lung J Aerosol MedJournal of Aerosol Science J Aerosol Sci<Journal of Aerospace Computing Information and CommunicationJ Aeros Comp Inf Com<Journal of Aerospace Computing Information and CommunicationJ Aerosp Comput In C Journal of Aerospace EngineeringJ Aerospace EngJournal of Aesthetic EducationJ Aesthet Educ'Journal of Aesthetics and Art CriticismJ Aesthet Art CriticJournal of Affective DisordersJ Affect DisordersJournal of African ArchaeologyJ Afr Archaeol#Journal of African Cultural StudiesJ Afr Cult Stud!Journal of African Earth SciencesJ Afr Earth SciJournal of African Economies J Afr EconJournal of African History J Afr Hist,Journal of African Languages and LinguisticsJ Afr Lang LinguistJournal of African Law J Afr LawJournal of African Studies J Afr StudJournal of Aging and HealthJ Aging Health&Journal of Aging and Physical ActivityJ Aging Phys ActivJournal of Aging Studies J Aging StudJournal of Agrarian ChangeJ Agrar Change*Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryJ Agr Food Chem.Journal of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsJ Agr Resour Econ,Journal of Agricultural and Urban EntomologyJ Agr Urban Entomol?Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental StatisticsJ Agr Biol Envir St?Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental StatisticsJ Agric Biol Envir S!Journal of Agricultural Economics J Agr Econ*Journal of Agricultural Economics ResearchJ Agr Econ Res,Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research J Agr Eng Res"Journal of Agricultural Entomology J Agr Entomol.Journal of Agricultural & Environmental EthicsJ Agr Environ EthicJournal of Agricultural Science J Agr Sci.Journal of Agricultural Science and TechnologyJ Agric Sci Technol*Journal of Agricultural Science in FinlandJ Agr Sci FinlandJJournal of Agriculture and Rural Development in The Tropics and SubtropicsJ Agr Rural Dev Trop4Journal of Agriculture in The Tropics and SubtropicsJ Agric Trop Subtrop7Journal of Agriculture of The University of Puerto RicoJ Agr U Puerto RicoJournal of AgrometeorologyJ Agrometeorol$Journal of Agronomy and Crop ScienceJ Agron Crop SciJJournal of Agronomy and Crop Science-zeitschrift Fur Acker Und PflanzenbauJ Agron Crop SciJournal of Aircraft J Aircraft#Journal of Air Transport ManagementJ Air Transp Manag%Journal of Alcohol and Drug 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Physiology and Animal NutritionJ Anim Physiol An NuJournal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition-zeitschrift Fur Tierphysiologie Tierernahrung Und FuttermittelkundeJ Anim Physiol An NJournal of Animal Science J Anim Sci&Journal of Anthropological ArchaeologyJ Anthropol Archaeol#Journal of Anthropological ResearchJ Anthropol Res#Journal of Anthropological SciencesJ Anthropol SciJournal of Anti-aging MedicineJ Anti-aging MedJournal of Antibiotics J Antibiot%Journal of Antimicrobial ChemotherapyJ Antimicrob ChemothJournal of Anxiety DisordersJ Anxiety DisordJournal of Aoac International J Aoac IntJournal of Apicultural Research J Apicult ResJournal of Apicultural Science J Apic Sci"Journal of Applied Animal ResearchJ Appl Anim Res)Journal of Applied Animal Welfare ScienceJ Appl Anim Welf SciJournal of Applied BacteriologyJ Appl Bacteriol%Journal of Applied Behavioral ScienceJ Appl Behav Sci$Journal of Applied Behavior AnalysisJ Appl Behav Anal)Journal of Applied Biobehavioral ResearchJ Appl Biobehav ResJournal of Applied BiomaterialsJ Appl Biomater.Journal of Applied Biomaterials & BiomechanicsJ Appl Biomater BiomJournal of Applied BiomechanicsJ Appl BiomechJournal of Applied Biomedicine J Appl Biomed=Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality-angewandte BotanikJ Appl Bot Food Qual,Journal of Applied Botany-angewandte BotanikJ Appl Bot-angew BotJournal of Applied CardiologyJ Appl CardiolJournal of Applied Chemistry J Appl Chem.Journal of Applied Chemistry and BiotechnologyJ Appl Chem Biotechn(Journal of Applied Chemistry of The UssrJ Appl Chem-ussr++Journal of Applied Clinical Medical PhysicsJ Appl Clin Med Phys)Journal of Applied Communication ResearchJ Appl Commun Res"Journal of Applied CrystallographyJ Appl Crystallogr+Journal of Applied Developmental PsychologyJ Appl Dev PsycholJournal of Applied Ecology J Appl EcolJournal of Applied Econometrics J Appl EconomJournal of Applied EconometricsJ Appl EconometJournal of Applied Economics J Appl Econ#Journal of Applied ElectrochemistryJ Appl ElectrochemJournal of Applied EntomologyJ Appl EntomolDJournal of Applied Entomology-zeitschrift Fur Angewandte EntomologieJ Appl EntomolJournal of Applied Genetics J Appl GenetJournal of Applied GeneticsJ Appl GeneticsJournal of Applied GeophysicsJ Appl GeophysJournal of Applied GerontologyJ Appl GerontolJournal of Applied IchthyologyJ Appl IchthyolFJournal of Applied Ichthyology-zeitschrift Fur Angewandte IchthyologieJ Appl IchthyolJournal of Applied Logic J Appl Logic1Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-ussrJ Appl Math Mech-ussJournal of Applied Mechanics J Appl Mech2Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical PhysicsJ Appl Mech Tech Phy5Journal of Applied Mechanics-transactions of The AsmeJ Appl Mech-t AsmeJournal of Applied MeteorologyJ Appl Meteorol.Journal of Applied Meteorology and ClimatologyJ Appl Meteorol ClimJournal of Applied MicrobiologyJ Appl MicrobiolJournal of Applied Nutrition J Appl NutrJournal of Applied Oral ScienceJ Appl 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Management Law and SocietyJ Art Manag Law Soc$Journal of Asian and African StudiesJ Asian Afr Stud6Journal of Asian Architecture and Building EngineeringJ Asian Archit BuildJournal of Asian Earth SciencesJ Asian Earth SciJournal of Asian History J Asian Hist*Journal of Asian Natural Products ResearchJ Asian Nat Prod ResJournal of Asian Studies J Asian Stud-Journal of Assisted Reproduction and GeneticsJ Assist Reprod Gen-Journal of Association of Physicians of IndiaJ Assoc Physician IJournal of AsthmaJ AsthmaJournal of Asthma Research J Asthma Res%Journal of Astrophysics and AstronomyJ Astrophys Astron)Journal of Atherosclerosis and ThrombosisJ Atheroscler Thromb#Journal of Atherosclerosis ResearchJ Atheroscler ResJournal of Athletic TrainingJ Athl Training-Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic TechnologyJ Atmos Ocean Tech4Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-terrestrial PhysicsJ Atmos Sol-terr Phy.Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial PhysicsJ Atmos Terr Phys Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry J Atmos ChemJournal of Attention DisordersJ Atten Disord(Journal of Audiovisual Media in MedicineJ Audiov Media MedJournal of Auditory Research J Aud Res'Journal of Australian Political EconomyJ Aust Polit EconJournal of Australian Studies J Aust Stud-Journal of Autism and Childhood SchizophreniaJ Autism Child Schiz-Journal of Autism and Developmental DisordersJ Autism Dev DisordJournal of Autoimmunity J Autoimmun6Journal of Automated Methods & Management in ChemistryJ Autom Method ManagJournal of Automated ReasoningJ Autom ReasoningJournal of Automatic Chemistry J Autom Chem.Journal of Automation and Information SciencesJ Automat Inf Sci!Journal of Autonomic PharmacologyJ Auton PharmacolJournal of Avian Biology J Avian Biol%Journal of Avian Medicine and SurgeryJ Avian Med SurgJournal of Ayn Rand StudiesJ Ayn Rand Stud2Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal RehabilitationJ Back MusculoskeletJournal of Bacteriology J Bacteriol*Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern StudiesJ Balk Near East 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Microbiol/Journal of Biochemical and Molecular ToxicologyJ Biochem Mol Toxic!Journal of Biochemical ToxicologyJ Biochem ToxicolJournal of Biochemistry J BiochemJournal of BiochemistryJ Biochem-tokyo-Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyJ Biochem Mol BiolJournal of BioelectricityJ BioelectricityJournal of Bioenergetics J Bioenerg)Journal of Bioenergetics and BiomembranesJ Bioenerg BiomembrJournal of BioengineeringJ BioengJournal of Bioethical InquiryJ Bioethic InqJournal of Biogeography J BiogeogrJournal of Biological Chemistry J Biol ChemJournal of Biological Education J Biol Educ)Journal of Biological Inorganic ChemistryJ Biol Inorg ChemJournal of Biological Physics J Biol Phys Journal of Biological PsychologyJ Biol Psychol7Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic AgentsJ Biol Reg Homeos Ag+Journal of Biological Research-thessalonikiJ Biol Res-thessalon(Journal of Biological Response ModifiersJ Biol Resp ModifJournal of Biological Rhythms J Biol Rhythm%Journal of Biological Standardization J Biol StandJournal of Biological Systems J Biol Syst0Journal of Bioluminescence and ChemiluminescenceJ Biolum Chemilum$Journal of Biomaterials ApplicationsJ Biomater Appl/Journal of Biomaterials Science-polymer EditionJ Biomat Sci-polym E=Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-transactions of The AsmeJ Biomech Eng-t AsmeJournal of Biomechanics J Biomech!Journal of Biomedical Engineering J Biomed Eng!Journal of Biomedical InformaticsJ Biomed Inform(Journal of Biomedical Materials ResearchJ Biomed Mater Res=Journal of Biomedical Materials Research-applied BiomaterialsJ Biomed Mater Res-a/Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part AJ Biomed Mater Res ADJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-applied BiomaterialsJ Biomed Mater Res B$Journal of Biomedical NanotechnologyJ Biomed NanotechnolJournal of Biomedical Optics J Biomed OptJournal of Biomedical Science J Biomed Sci(Journal of Biomedicine and BiotechnologyJ Biomed BiotechnolJournal of Biomolecular Nmr J Biomol Nmr!Journal of Biomolecular ScreeningJ Biomol Screen,Journal of Biomolecular Structure & DynamicsJ Biomol Struct DynJournal of Bionic Engineering J Bionic Eng'Journal of Biopharmaceutical StatisticsJ Biopharm StatJournal of BiophotonicsJ Biophotonics/Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical CytologyJ Biophys Biochem Cy(Journal of Bioscience and BioengineeringJ Biosci BioengJournal of Biosciences J BioscienceJournal of Biosciences J BiosciencesJournal of Biosocial Science J Biosoc SciJournal of Biotechnology J BiotechnolJournal of Black PsychologyJ Black Psychol%Journal of Blacks in Higher EducationJ Blacks High EducJournal of Black Studies J Black Stud!Journal of Bone and Joint SurgeryJ Bone Joint Surg1Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-american VolumeJ Bone Joint Surg Am0Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-british VolumeJ Bone Joint Surg Br&Journal of Bone and Mineral MetabolismJ Bone Miner Metab$Journal of Bone and Mineral ResearchJ Bone Miner Res3Journal of Brain Research-journal Fur Hirnforschung J Brain ResJournal of Brain Science J Brain SciJournal of Breast Cancer J Breast CancJournal of Bridge Engineering J Bridge Eng(Journal of British Cinema and TelevisionJ Brit Cine TelevJournal of British Studies J Brit StudJournal of BroadcastingJ Broadcasting*Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic MediaJ Broadcast ElectronJournal of BryologyJ BryolJournal of Building Physics J Build PhysJournal of BuonJ Buon%Journal of Burn Care & RehabilitationJ Burn Care RehabilJournal of Burn Care & ResearchJ Burn Care ResJournal of BusinessJ Bus"Journal of Business and Psychology J Bus Psychol/Journal of Business and Technical CommunicationJ Bus Tech Commun!Journal of Business Communication J Bus Commun,Journal of Business Economics and ManagementJ Bus Econ Manag)Journal of Business & Economic StatisticsJ Bus Econ StatJournal of Business Ethics J Bus EthicsJournal of Business Finance J Bus Finan(Journal of Business Finance & AccountingJ Bus Finan Account*Journal of 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Science J Clust SciJournal of Coastal Research J Coastal ResJournal of Coated FabricsJ Coated FabricsJournal of Coatings TechnologyJ Coating Technol+Journal of Coatings Technology and ResearchJ Coat Technol Res$Journal of Cognition and Development J Cogn Dev3Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral PsychotherapiesJ Cogn Behav Psychot!Journal of Cognitive NeuroscienceJ Cognitive Neurosci#Journal of Cold Regions EngineeringJ Cold Reg Eng7Journal of Collective Negotiations in The Public SectorJ Collect Neg Pub Se&Journal of College Student DevelopmentJ Coll Student Dev$Journal of College Student PersonnelJ Coll St Personnel(Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceJ Colloid Interf SciJournal of Colloid ScienceJ Coll Sci Imp U Tok"Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry J Comb Chem Journal of Combinatorial Designs J Comb Des%Journal of Combinatorial Optimization J Comb Optim(Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series AJ Comb Theory A(Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series BJ Comb Theory B Journal of 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Cross Cult PsycholJournal of Crustacean BiologyJ Crustacean BiolJournal of Cryosurgery J CryosurgJournal of Cryptology J Cryptol*Journal of Crystal and Molecular StructureJ Cryst Mol StructJournal of Crystal GrowthJ Cryst Growth6Journal of Crystallographic and Spectroscopic ResearchJ Cryst SpectroscJournal of Cultural Economics J Cult EconJournal of Cultural Heritage J Cult HeritJournal of Curriculum StudiesJ Curriculum Stud)Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and SurgeryJ Cutan Med SurgJournal of Cutaneous PathologyJ Cutan PatholJournal of Cybernetics J CyberneticsAJournal of Cyclic Nucleotide and Protein Phosphorylation ResearchJ Cyclic Nucl Prot%Journal of Cyclic Nucleotide ResearchJ Cyclic Nucl ProtJournal of Cystic Fibrosis J Cyst FibrosJournal of CytologyJ Cytol Journal of Cytology and Genetics J Cytol GenetJournal of Dairy Research J Dairy ResJournal of Dairy Science J Dairy SciJournal of Database ManagementJ Database Manage*Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf EducationJ Deaf Stud Deaf EduJournal of DemocracyJ DemocrJournal of Dental Education J Dent EducJournal of Dental Research J Dent ResJournal of Dental Sciences J Dent SciJournal of DentistryJ Dent!Journal of Dentistry for Children J Dent ChildJournal of DerivativesJ Deriv!Journal of Dermatological ScienceJ Dermatol Sci#Journal of Dermatological TreatmentJ Dermatol Treat,Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and OncologyJ Dermatol Surg OncJournal of Dermatology J Dermatol7Journal of Design Automation & Fault-tolerant ComputingJ Des Autom FaultJournal of Developing Areas J Dev Areas2Journal of Developmental and Behavioral PediatricsJ Dev Behav Pediatr2Journal of Developmental and Physical DisabilitiesJ Dev Phys Disabil#Journal of Developmental Physiology J Dev Physiol Journal of Development Economics J Dev EconJournal of Development Studies J Dev StudJournal of DharmaJ Dharma)Journal of Diabetes and Its ComplicationsJ Diabetes Complicat(Journal of Diagnostic Medical SonographyJ Diagn Med SonogJournal of Dialysis J Dialysis'Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases ResearchJ Diarrhoeal Dis Res0Journal of Difference Equations and ApplicationsJ Differ Equ Appl!Journal of Differential EquationsJ Differ Equations Journal of Differential Geometry J Differ GeomJournal of Digestive Diseases J Dig DisJournal of Digestive Diseases J Digest DisJournal of Digital ImagingJ Digit ImagingJournal of Digital SystemsJ Digital Syst,Journal of Dispersion Science and TechnologyJ Disper Sci TechnolJournal of Display TechnologyJ Disp TechnolJournal of Divorce J DivorceJournal of Divorce & RemarriageJ Divorce RemarriageJournal of DocumentationJ Doc/Journal of Drug Delivery Science and TechnologyJ Drug Deliv Sci TecJournal of Drug Development J Drug Dev1Journal of Drug Development and Clinical PracticeJ Drug Dev Clin PrJournal of Drug Education J Drug EducJournal of Drug Issues J Drug IssuesJournal of Drugs in DermatologyJ Drugs DermatolJournal of Drug Targeting J Drug Target(Journal of Dynamical and Control SystemsJ Dyn Control Syst.Journal of Dynamics and Differential EquationsJ Dyn Differ EquKJournal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-transactions of The AsmeJ Dyn Syst-t AsmeJournal of Early AdolescenceJ Early Adolescence"Journal of Early Christian StudiesJ Early Christian StJournal of Early InterventionJ Early Intervention!Journal of Earthquake and TsunamiJ Earthq Tsunami!Journal of Earthquake Engineering J Earthq Eng!Journal of Earthquake EngineeringJ Earthquake EngJournal of Earth Science J Earth SciJournal of Earth ScienceJ Earth Sci-china.Journal of Earth Sciences Royal Dublin SocietyJ Earth Sci-dublinJournal of Earth System ScienceJ Earth Syst Sci!Journal of East Asian LinguisticsJ East Asian LinguisJournal of East Asian StudiesJ East Asian Stud"Journal of Eastern African StudiesJ East Afr Stud!Journal of Ecclesiastical HistoryJ Ecclesiast HistJournal of EcologyJ EcolJournal of EconometricsJ Econometrics*Journal of Economic and Social MeasurementJ Econ Soc Meas+Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationJ Econ Behav Organ&Journal of Economic Dynamics & ControlJ Econ Dyn ControlJournal of Economic Education J Econ EducJournal of Economic EntomologyJ Econ EntomolJournal of Economic Geography J Econ GeogrJournal of Economic Growth J Econ GrowthJournal of Economic History J Econ HistJournal of Economic InequalityJ Econ InequalJournal of Economic Issues J Econ IssuesJournal of Economic Literature J Econ Lit Journal of Economic PerspectivesJ Econ Perspect!Journal of Economic Policy ReformJ Econ Policy ReformJournal of Economic PsychologyJ Econ PsycholJournal of EconomicsJ Econ!Journal of Economics and Business J Econ Bus*Journal of Economics & Management StrategyJ Econ Manage StratJournal of Economic Studies J Econ StudJournal of Economic Surveys J Econ Surv5Journal of Economics-zeitschrift Fur NationalokonomieJ EconJournal of Economic Theory J Econ TheoryJournal of EctJ EctJournal of Ecumenical StudiesJ Ecumenical Stud%Journal of Educational Administration J Educ Admin0Journal of Educational and Behavioral StatisticsJ Educ Behav Stat5Journal of Educational and Psychological ConsultationJ Educ Psychol Cons)Journal of Educational Computing ResearchJ Educ Comput Res&Journal of Educational Data ProcessingJ Educ Data Process"Journal of Educational Measurement J Educ Meas!Journal of Educational PsychologyJ Educ PsycholJournal of Educational Research J Educ Res Journal of Educational Sociology J Educ Sociol!Journal of Educational Statistics J Educ Stat!Journal of Educational Television J Educ TvJournal of Educational ThoughtJ Educ Thought&Journal of Education for LibrarianshipJ Educ Librarianship8Journal of Education for Library and Information ScienceJ Educ Libr Inf Sci$Journal of Education for Social WorkJ Educ Soc Work!Journal of Education for TeachingJ Educ TeachingJournal of Education Policy J Educ PolicyJournal of Egyptian ArchaeologyJ Egypt ArchaeolJournal of Elasticity J Elasticity"Journal of Elastomers and PlasticsJ Elastom Plast Journal of Elder Abuse & NeglectJ Elder Abuse Negl:Journal of Electrical Engineering-elektrotechnicky Casopis J Electr Eng:Journal of Electrical Engineering-elektrotechnicky CasopisJ Electr Eng-slovak.Journal of Electrical Engineering & TechnologyJ Electr Eng Technol&Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryJ Electroanal ChemJournal of ElectrocardiologyJ ElectrocardiolJournal of ElectroceramicsJ Electroceram1Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsJ Electromagnet Wave+Journal of Electromyography and KinesiologyJ Electromyogr KinesJournal of Electronic ImagingJ Electron ImagingJournal of Electronic MaterialsJ Electron MaterJournal of Electronic PackagingJ Electron Packaging$Journal of Electronics ManufacturingJ Electron Manuf5Journal of Electronic Testing-theory and ApplicationsJ Electron TestJournal of Electron MicroscopyJ Electron Microsc(Journal of Electron Microscopy TechniqueJ Electron Micr Tech6Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related PhenomenaJ Electron Spectrosc*Journal of Electrophysiological TechniquesJ Electrophysiol TecJournal of Electrostatics J ElectrostatJournal of ElementologyJ Elem1Journal of Embryology and Experimental MorphologyJ Embryol Exp MorphJournal of Emergency Medicine J Emerg MedJournal of Emergency Nursing J Emerg Nurs-Journal of Emotional and Behavioral DisordersJ Emot Behav DisordJournal of Empirical FinanceJ Empir Financ6Journal of Empirical Research On Human Research EthicsJ Empir Res Hum Res Journal of Employment CounselingJ Employment Couns)Journal of Endocrinological InvestigationJ Endocrinol InvestJournal of Endocrinology J EndocrinolJournal of Endodontics J EndodontJournal of Endotoxin ResearchJ Endotoxin ResJournal of Endourology J EndourolJournal of Endovascular SurgeryJ Endovasc SurgJournal of Endovascular TherapyJ Endovasc TherJournal of Energetic Materials J Energ MaterJournal of EnergyJ Energy!Journal of Energy and Development J Energy Dev"Journal of Energy Engineering-asceJ Energ Eng-asce$Journal of Energy in Southern AfricaJ Energy South Afr?Journal of Energy Resources Technology-transactions of The AsmeJ Energ Resour-asme(Journal of Engineered Fibers and FabricsJ Eng Fiber Fabr+Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesJ Eng Appl Sci0Journal of Engineering and Technology ManagementJ Eng Technol ManageJournal of Engineering Design J Eng Design Journal of Engineering Education J Eng EducJJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-transactions of The AsmeJ Eng Gas Turb Power#Journal of Engineering for Industry J Eng Ind<Journal of Engineering for Industry-transactions of The AsmeJ Eng Ind-t Asme Journal of Engineering for PowerJ Eng P9Journal of Engineering for Power-transactions of The AsmeJ Eng Power-t AsmeHJournal of Engineering Materials and Technology-transactions of The AsmeJ Eng Mater-t Asme"Journal of Engineering Mathematics J Eng Math%Journal of Engineering Mechanics-asceJ Eng Mech-asce!Journal of Engineering Psychology J Eng PsycholJournal of Engineering Sciences J Eng Sci!Journal of Engineering Technology J Eng Technol$Journal of Engineering ThermophysicsJ Eng Thermophys)Journal of English and Germanic PhilologyJ Engl Ger PhilolJournal of English LinguisticsJ Engl Linguist!Journal of Enhanced Heat TransferJ Enhanc Heat Transf Journal of Entomological Science J Entomol Sci1Journal of Entomology Series A-general EntomologyJ Entomol Ser A-gen5Journal of Entomology Series A-physiology & BehaviourJ Entomol Ser A'Journal of Entomology Series B-taxonomyJ Entomol Ser B-taxo5Journal of Entomology Series B-taxonomy & SystematicsJ Entomol Ser B3Journal of Environmental and Engineering GeophysicsJ Environ Eng Geoph Journal of Environmental BiologyJ Environ Biol1Journal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJ Environ Econ Manag"Journal of Environmental EducationJ Environ Educ=Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape ManagementJ Environ Eng Landsc0Journal of Environmental Engineering and ScienceJ Environ Eng Sci)Journal of Environmental Engineering-asceJ Environ Eng-asceJournal of Environmental HealthJ Environ Health$Journal of Environmental InformaticsJ Environ InformJournal of Environmental Law J Environ Law#Journal of Environmental ManagementJ Environ Manage#Journal of Environmental MonitoringJ Environ Monitor1Journal of Environmental Pathology and ToxicologyJ Environ Pathol Tox:Journal of Environmental Pathology Toxicology and OncologyJ Environ Pathol Tox#Journal of Environmental PermittingJ Environ Permitting0Journal of Environmental Planning and ManagementJ Environ Plann Man*Journal of Environmental Policy & PlanningJ Environ Pol Plan,Journal of Environmental Polymer DegradationJ Environ Polym Degr/Journal of Environmental Protection and EcologyJ Environ Prot Ecol#Journal of Environmental PsychologyJ Environ Psychol Journal of Environmental QualityJ Environ Qual&Journal of Environmental RadioactivityJ Environ RadioactivJournal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-environmental Science and Engineering & Toxic and Hazardous Substance ControlJ Environ Sci Heal AiJournal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-toxic/hazardous Substances & Environmental EngineeringJ Environ Sci Heal AgJournal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural WastesJ Environ Sci Heal BgJournal of Environmental Science and Health Part C-environmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology ReviewsJ Environ Sci Heal CWJournal of Environmental Science and Health Part C-environmental Carcinogenesis ReviewsJ Environ Sci Heal CPJournal of Environmental Science and Health Part C-environmental Health SciencesJ Environ Sci Heal C!Journal of Environmental Sciences J Environ Sci'Journal of Environmental Sciences-chinaJ Environ Sci-china Journal of Environmental SystemsJ Environ SystJournal of Enzyme Inhibition J Enzym Inhib4Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal ChemistryJ Enzym Inhib Med ChJournal of Epidemiology J Epidemiol,Journal of Epidemiology and Community HealthJ Epidemiol Commun HJournal of Epilepsy J Epilepsy&Journal of Equine Medicine and SurgeryJ Equine Med Surg$Journal of Equine Veterinary ScienceJ Equine Vet Sci'Journal of Essential Oil Bearing PlantsJ Essent Oil Bear Pl!Journal of Essential Oil ResearchJ Essent Oil Res-Journal of Esthetic and Restorative DentistryJ Esthet Restor Dent'Journal of Ethnic and Migration StudiesJ Ethn Migr StudJournal of Ethnic Studies J Ethnic StudJournal of Ethnobiology J EthnobiolJournal of EthnopharmacologyJ EthnopharmacolJournal of EthologyJ Ethol"Journal of Eukaryotic MicrobiologyJ Eukaryot Microbiol!Journal of European Public PolicyJ Eur Public Policy!Journal of European Social PolicyJ Eur Soc PolicyJournal of European Studies J Eur StudJournal of European Training J Eur Train*Journal of Evaluation in Clinical PracticeJ Eval Clin Pract3Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and PhysiologyJ Evol Biochem Phys+Journal of Evolutionary BiologyJ Evolution Biol!Journal of Evolutionary Economics J Evol EconJournal of Evolution Equations J Evol EquJournal of Exceptional ChildrenJ Except Child%Journal of Exercise Science & FitnessJ Exerc Sci FitJournal of Exotic Pet MedicineJ Exot Pet Med/Journal of Experiential Learning and SimulationJ Exp Learn Simulat/Journal of Experimental and Theoretical PhysicsJ Exp Theor Phys+&Journal of Experimental Animal ScienceJ Exp Anim SciJournal of Experimental Biology J Exp BiolJournal of Experimental Botany J Exp Bot(Journal of Experimental Child PsychologyJ Exp Child Psychol2Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer ResearchJ Exp Clin Canc Res!Journal of Experimental Education J Exp Educ2Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and EcologyJ Exp Mar Biol Ecol Journal of Experimental Medicine J Exp Med#Journal of Experimental Nanoscience J Exp Nanosci!Journal of Experimental Pathology J Exp Pathol"Journal of Experimental Psychology J Exp Psychol<Journal of Experimental Psychology-animal Behavior ProcessesJ Exp Psychol Anim B*Journal of Experimental Psychology-appliedJ Exp Psychol-appl*Journal of Experimental Psychology-generalJ Exp Psychol Gen<Journal of Experimental Psychology-human Learning and MemoryJ Exp Psychol-hum LCJournal of Experimental Psychology-human Perception and PerformanceJ Exp Psychol Human@Journal of Experimental Psychology-learning Memory and CognitionJ Exp Psychol Learn/Journal of Experimental Research in PersonalityJ Exp Res Pers)Journal of Experimental Social PsychologyJ Exp Soc Psychol=Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial IntelligenceJ Exp Theor Artif InJournal of Experimental Zoology J Exp ZoolGJournal of Experimental Zoology Part A-comparative Experimental BiologyJ Exp Zool Part AIJournal of Experimental Zoology Part A-ecological Genetics and PhysiologyJ Exp Zool Part ALJournal of Experimental Zoology Part B-molecular and Developmental EvolutionJ Exp Zool Part B;Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental EpidemiologyJ Expo Anal Env Epid:Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental EpidemiologyJ Expo Sci Env EpidJournal of Extension J Extension%Journal of Extra-corporeal TechnologyJ Extra-corp TechnolJournal of Family Counseling J Fam CounsJournal of Family History J Fam HistJournal of Family Issues J Fam IssuesJournal of Family Law J Fam LawJournal of Family Nursing J Fam Nurs7Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health CareJ Fam Plan Reprod HJournal of Family PracticeJ Fam PracticeJournal of Family Psychology J Fam PsycholJournal of Family Studies J Fam StudJournal of Family Therapy J Fam TherJournal of Family ViolenceJ Fam ViolenceJournal of Family Welfare J Fam WelfareJournal of Farm Economics J Farm Econ&Journal of Feline Medicine and SurgeryJ Feline Med Surg'Journal of Feminist Studies in ReligionJ Feminist Stud Rel*Journal of Fermentation and BioengineeringJ Ferment Bioeng"Journal of Fermentation TechnologyJ Ferment Bioeng"Journal of Fermentation TechnologyJ Ferment TechnolJournal of Ferrocement-bangkok J FerrocementJournal of Fertilizer Issues J Fert IssuesJournal of Field ArchaeologyJ Field ArchaeolJournal of Field OrnithologyJ Field OrnitholJournal of Field Robotics J Field RobotJournal of Film and Video J Film VideoJournal of Film and VideoJ Univ Film Video AsJournal of FinanceJ Financ.Journal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisJ Financ Quant Anal!Journal of Financial EconometricsJ Financ EconometJournal of Financial Economics J Financ Econ#Journal of Financial IntermediationJ Financ IntermedJournal of Financial Markets J Financ MarkJournal of Financial Research J Financ Res&Journal of Financial Services ResearchJ Financ Serv ResJournal of Fire & FlammabilityJ Fire Flammability&Journal of Fire Protection EngineeringJ Fire Prot Eng#Journal of Fire Retardant ChemistryJ Fire Retard ChemJournal of Fire Sciences J Fire SciJournal of Fish Biology J Fish BiolJournal of Fish Diseases J Fish Dis.Journal of Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsJ Fix Point Theory A(Journal of Flour and Animal Feed MillingJ Flour Anim F MillJournal of Fluency DisordersJ Fluency DisordJournal of Fluid Mechanics J Fluid Mech Journal of Fluids and StructuresJ Fluid Struct6Journal of Fluids Engineering-transactions of The AsmeJ Fluid Eng-t AsmeJournal of Fluorescence J FluorescJournal of Fluorine ChemistryJ Fluorine ChemJournal of Folklore ResearchJ Folklore Res)Journal of Food Agriculture & EnvironmentJ Food Agric Environ!Journal of Food and Drug AnalysisJ Food Drug Anal&Journal of Food and Nutrition ResearchJ Food Nutr ResJournal of Food BiochemistryJ Food Biochem(Journal of Food Composition and AnalysisJ Food Compos AnalJournal of Food Engineering J Food EngJournal of Food Lipids J Food LipidsJournal of Food & Nutrition J Food Nutr#Journal of Food Process EngineeringJ Food Process Eng+Journal of Food Processing and PreservationJ Food Process PresJournal of Food ProtectionJ Food ProtectJournal of Food QualityJ Food QualityJournal of Food Safety J Food SafetyJournal of Food Science J Food Sci-Journal of Food Science and Technology-mysoreJ Food Sci Tech MysJournal of Food TechnologyJ Food TechnolJournal of Foot & Ankle SurgeryJ Foot Ankle Surg!Journal of Foraminiferal Research J Foramin ResJournal of Forecasting J ForecastingJournal of Forensic PsychiatryJ Forensic Psychiatr+Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & PsychologyJ Foren Psychi Psych+Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & PsychologyJ Forensic Psychi Ps'Journal of Forensic Psychology PracticeJ Forensic Psychol PJournal of Forensic SciencesJ Forensic SciJournal of Forest Economics J Forest EconJournal of Forest Research J For Res-jpnJournal of Forest ResearchJ Forest Res-jpnJournal of ForestryJ Forest,Journal of Fourier Analysis and ApplicationsJ Fourier Anal Appl"Journal of French Language StudiesJ Fr Lang StudJournal of Freshwater EcologyJ Freshwater EcolJournal of Friction and Wear J Frict Wear++Journal of Fuel Cell Science and TechnologyJ Fuel Cell Sci TechJournal of Functional Analysis J Funct Anal!Journal of Functional ProgrammingJ Funct Program+Journal of Function Spaces and ApplicationsJ Funct Space ApplJournal of Fusion EnergyJ Fusion EnergJournal of Futures MarketsJ Futures MarketsJournal of Gambling Studies J Gambl StudJournal of Garden History J Garden HistJournal of Gas ChromatographyJ Gas ChromatogrJournal of GastroenterologyJ Gastroenterol*Journal of Gastroenterology and HepatologyJ Gastroen Hepatol.Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver DiseasesJ Gastrointest Liver$Journal of Gastrointestinal MotilityJ Gastrointest Motil#Journal of Gastrointestinal SurgeryJ Gastrointest SurgJournal of Gender Studies J Gender StudJournal of Gene Medicine J Gene Med+Journal of General and Applied MicrobiologyJ Gen Appl Microbiol!Journal of General Chemistry UssrJ Gen Chem UssrJournal of General Education J Gen Educ$Journal of General Internal MedicineJ Gen Intern MedJournal of General Management J Gen ManageJournal of General MicrobiologyJ Gen MicrobiolJournal of General Physiology J Gen Physiol"Journal of General Plant PathologyJ Gen Plant PatholJournal of General Psychology J Gen PsycholJournal of General Virology J Gen VirolJournal of Genetic Counseling J Genet CounsJournal of Genetic PsychologyJ Genet PsycholJournal of GeneticsJ Genet Journal of Genetics and GenomicsJ Genet Genomics"Journal of Geochemical ExplorationJ Geochem ExplorJournal of Geodesy J GeodesyJournal of GeodynamicsJ Geodyn Journal of Geographical Sciences J Geogr SciJournal of Geographical Systems J Geogr SystJournal of GeographyJ Geogr(Journal of Geography in Higher EducationJ Geogr Higher EducJournal of Geological Education J Geol EducJournal of GeologyJ Geol*Journal of Geomagnetism and GeoelectricityJ Geomagn GeoelectrJournal of Geometric Analysis J Geom AnalJournal of Geometry and Physics J Geom PhysJournal of Geophysical Research J Geophys Res+Journal of Geophysical Research-atmospheresJ Geophys Res-atmos.Journal of Geophysical Research-biogeosciencesJ Geophys Res-biogeo-Journal of Geophysical Research-earth SurfaceJ Geophys Res-earth&Journal of Geophysical Research-oceansJ Geophys Res-oceans6Journal of Geophysical Research-oceans and AtmospheresJ Geophys Res-oc Atm'Journal of Geophysical Research-planetsJ Geophys Res-planet+Journal of Geophysical Research-solid EarthJ Geophys Res-sol Ea7Journal of Geophysical Research-solid Earth and PlanetsJ Geophys Res-solid-Journal of Geophysical Research-space Physics J Geophys Res-Journal of Geophysical Research-space PhysicsJ Geophys Res-space%Journal of Geophysics and Engineering J Geophys Eng/Journal of Geophysics-zeitschrift Fur GeophysikJ Geophys-z Geophys8Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental EngineeringJ Geotech Geoenviron(Journal of Geotechnical Engineering-asceJ Geotech Eng-asceJournal of Geriatric PsychiatryJ Geriatr Psychiat-Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and NeurologyJ Geriatr Psych NeurJournal of Germanic LinguisticsJ Ger Linguist!Journal of Gerontological NursingJ Gerontol Nurs%Journal of Gerontological Social WorkJ Gerontol Soc WorkJournal of Glaciology J GlaciolJournal of Glass Studies J Glass StudJournal of Glaucoma J GlaucomaJournal of Global History J Global Hist(Journal of Global Information ManagementJ Glob Inf ManagJournal of Global OptimizationJ Global Optim!Journal of Government Information J Gov InformJournal of Graph Theory J Graph TheorJournal of Great Lakes ResearchJ Great Lakes ResJournal of Green Building J Green BuildJournal of Grey System J Grey SystJournal of Grey SystemJ Grey Syst-wuhanJournal of Grid Computing J Grid Comput9Journal of Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama and SociometryJ Group Psychother PJournal of Group TheoryJ Group TheoryJournal of Guidance and ControlJ Guid Control(Journal of Guidance Control and DynamicsJ Guid Control DynamJournal of Gynecologic OncologyJ Gynecol OncolJournal of Gynecologic SurgeryJ Gynecol Surg'Journal of Hand Surgery-american VolumeJ Hand Surg-am3Journal of Hand Surgery-british and European VolumeJ Hand Surg-brit Eur'Journal of Hand Surgery-european VolumeJ Hand Surg-eur VolJournal of Hand Therapy J Hand TherJournal of Happiness StudiesJ Happiness StudJournal of Hard Materials J Hard MaterJournal of Hard Tissue BiologyJ Hard Tissue BiolJournal of Hazardous MaterialsJ Hazard MaterJournal of Headache and PainJ Headache Pain%Journal of Head Trauma RehabilitationJ Head Trauma Rehab$Journal of Health and Human BehaviorJ Health Hum Behav%Journal of Health and Social BehaviorJ Health Soc Behav3Journal of Health Care for The Poor and UnderservedJ Health Care Poor U Journal of Healthcare ManagementJ Healthc Manag Journal of Health Care MarketingJ Health Care MarketJournal of Health CommunicationJ Health CommunJournal of Health Economics J Health Econ)Journal of Health Politics Policy and LawJ Health Polit Polic*Journal of Health Population and NutritionJ Health Popul NutrJournal of Health PsychologyJ Health PsycholJournal of Health Science J Health Sci,Journal of Health Services Research & PolicyJ Health Serv Res Po)Journal of Heart and Lung TransplantationJ Heart Lung Transpl Journal of Heart TransplantationJ Heart TransplantJournal of Heart Valve DiseaseJ Heart Valve Dis Journal of Heat Recovery SystemsJ Heat Recov SystJournal of Heat Transfer J Heat Transf1Journal of Heat Transfer-transactions of The AsmeJ Heat Trans-t AsmeJournal of Hellenic StudiesJ Hellenic StudJournal of Helminthology J Helminthol Journal of Hematology & OncologyJ Hematol OncolJournal of Hematotherapy J Hematother-Journal of Hematotherapy & Stem Cell ResearchJ Hematoth Stem Cell,Journal of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic SurgeryJ Hepato-biliary-panJournal of Hepatology J HepatolJournal of HeredityJ HeredJournal of Herpetology J Herpetol!Journal of Heterocyclic ChemistryJ Heterocyclic ChemJournal of Heuristics J HeuristicsJournal of High Energy PhysicsJ High Energy PhysJournal of Higher Education J High EducIJournal of High Resolution Chromatography & Chromatography CommunicationsJ High Res ChromatogJournal of High Speed NetworksJ High Speed NetwJournal of Hispanic PhilologyJ Hispan Philology)Journal of Histochemistry & CytochemistryJ Histochem CytochemJournal of Historical Geography J Hist Geogr Journal of Historical PragmaticsJ Hist PragmatJournal of Historical Research J Hist ResJournal of Historical Sociology J Hist SociolJournal of HistotechnologyJ HistotechnolJournal of Home Economics J Home Econ"Journal of Home Economics ResearchJ Home Econ Res5Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency ManagementJ Homel Secur EmergJournal of Homosexuality J Homosexual Journal of Horticultural Science J Hortic Sci0Journal of Horticultural Science & BiotechnologyJ Hortic Sci Biotech'Journal of Hospice & Palliative NursingJ Hosp Palliat NursJournal of Hospital Infection J Hosp Infect8Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism EducationJ Hosp Leis Sport ToJournal of Hospital Medicine J Hosp MedJournal of Housing Economics J Hous EconIJournal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology-medical SciencesJ Huazhong U Sci-medIJournal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology-medical SciencesJ Huazhong Univ SciJournal of Human Evolution J Hum EvolJournal of Human Genetics J Hum GenetJournal of Human HypertensionJ Hum Hypertens Journal of Humanistic PsychologyJ Humanist PsycholJournal of Human Kinetics J Hum KinetJournal of Human Lactation J Hum Lact!Journal of Human Movement StudiesJ Hum Movement StudJournal of Human Nutrition J Hum Nutr(Journal of Human Nutrition and DieteticsJ Hum Nutr DietJournal of Human Relations J Hum RelatJournal of Human Resources J Hum ResourJournal of Human Stress J Hum StressJournal of Human Virology J Human Virol%Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-asceJ Hydraul Eng-asceJournal of Hydraulic Research J Hydraul ResJournal of Hydrodynamics J HydrodynJournal of Hydroinformatics J Hydroinform!Journal of Hydrologic Engineering J Hydrol EngJournal of HydrologyJ Hydrol'Journal of Hydrology and HydromechanicsJ Hydrol HydromechJournal of HydrometeorologyJ HydrometeorolJournal of Hydronautics J HydronautJournal of HygieneJ Hyg-cambridgeJournal of Hygiene-cambridge J Hyg-camb;Journal of Hygiene Epidemiology Microbiology and ImmunologyJ Hyg Epid Microb ImJournal of Hymenoptera ResearchJ Hymenopt Res,Journal of Hyperbolic Differential EquationsJ Hyperbol Differ EqJournal of Hypertension J HypertensJournal of Iberian Geology J Iber GeolJournal of Imaging Science J Imaging Sci)Journal of Imaging Science and TechnologyJ Imaging Sci TechnJournal of Imaging TechnologyJ Imaging TechnolJournal of Immunoassay J Immunoassay(Journal of Immunoassay & ImmunochemistryJ Immunoass ImmunochJournal of Immunogenetics J Immunogenet Journal of Immunological MethodsJ Immunol Methods!Journal of Immunological Research J Immunol ResJournal of Immunology J ImmunolJournal of ImmunopharmacologyJ ImmunopharmacolJournal of Immunotherapy J ImmunotherJournal of ImmunotoxicologyJ Immunotoxicol,Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth HistoryJ Imp Commonw HistJournal of Inclusion PhenomenaJ Inclusion Phenom8Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic ChemistryJ Incl Phenom MacroEJournal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in ChemistryJ Inclus Phenom MolJournal of Indian History J Indian HistJournal of Indian PhilosophyJ Indian Philos!Journal of Individual Differences J Individ Dif Journal of Individual PsychologyJ Indiv Psychol Journal of Indo-european StudiesJ Indo-eur Stud1Journal of Indo-european Studies Monograph SeriesJ Indo Eur Stud Mono"Journal of Industrial AerodynamicsJ Ind Aerodynam/Journal of Industrial and Engineering ChemistryJ Ind Eng Chem1Journal of Industrial and Management OptimizationJ Ind Manag OptimJournal of Industrial Ecology J Ind EcolJournal of Industrial Economics J Ind Econ!Journal of Industrial EngineeringJ Ind Engineering,Journal of Industrial Hygiene and ToxicologyJ Ind Hyg Toxicol"Journal of Industrial MicrobiologyJ Ind Microbiol2Journal of Industrial Microbiology & BiotechnologyJ Ind Microbiol Biot Journal of Industrial Psychology J Ind PsycholJournal of Industrial Relations J Ind RelatJournal of Industrial Textiles J Ind Text(Journal of Inequalities and ApplicationsJ Inequal ApplJournal of Infection J Infection%Journal of Infection and ChemotherapyJ Infect ChemotherJournal of Infectious Diseases J Infect DisJournal of Inflammation J InflammJournal of Inflammation-londonJ Inflamm-londJournal of Information EthicsJ Inform Ethics Journal of Information Recording J Inform Rec*Journal of Information Recording MaterialsJ Inform Rec MaterJournal of Information Science J Inf SciJournal of Information Science J Inform Sci.Journal of Information Science and Engineering J Inf Sci Eng5Journal of Information Storage and Processing SystemsJ Inf Stor Proc Syst!Journal of Information Technology J Inf Technol!Journal of Information TechnologyJ Inform TechnolJournal of Informetrics J Informetr(Journal of Infrared and Millimeter WavesJ Infrared Millim W2Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz WavesJ Infrared Millim Te!Journal of Infrastructure SystemsJ Infrastruct Syst&Journal of Inherited Metabolic DiseaseJ Inherit Metab DisJournal of Innate ImmunityJ Innate Immun0Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic PolymersJ Inorg Organomet P>Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and MaterialsJ Inorg Organomet P!Journal of Inorganic BiochemistryJ Inorg Biochem#Journal of Inorganic Chemistry-ussrJ Inorg Chem-ussrJournal of Inorganic Materials J Inorg Mater(Journal of Inorganic & Nuclear ChemistryJ Inorg Nucl ChemJournal of Insect BehaviorJ Insect BehavJournal of Insect ConservationJ Insect ConservJournal of Insect PathologyJ Insect PatholJournal of Insect PhysiologyJ Insect PhysiolJournal of Insect Science J Insect SciaJournal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics-zeitschrift Fur Die Gesamte StaatswissenschaftJ Inst Theor EconJournal of Instrumentation J InstrumJournal of Integral EquationsJ Integral Equat.Journal of Integral Equations and ApplicationsJ Integral Equ Appl#Journal of Integrative NeuroscienceJ Integr Neurosci$Journal of Integrative Plant BiologyJ Integr Plant Biol2Journal of Intellectual & Developmental DisabilityJ Intellect Dev Dis+Journal of Intellectual Disability ResearchJ Intell Disabil Res'Journal of Intellectual Property RightsJ Intellect Prop Rig&Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsJ Intell Fuzzy Syst*Journal of Intelligent Information SystemsJ Intell Inf Syst$Journal of Intelligent ManufacturingJ Intell Manuf6Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and StructuresJ Intel Mat Syst Str(Journal of Intelligent & Robotic SystemsJ Intell Robot Syst-Journal of Intelligent Transportation SystemsJ Intell Transport S"Journal of Intensive Care MedicineJ Intensive Care Med Journal of Interactive MarketingJ Interact Mark!Journal of Inter-american StudiesJ Inter-am Stud2Journal of Interamerican Studies and World AffairsJ Interam Stud World+Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchJ Interdiscipl Cycle$Journal of Interdisciplinary HistoryJ Interdiscipl Hist4Journal of Interdisciplinary Modeling and SimulationJ Interdiscipl Model+Journal of Interferon and Cytokine ResearchJ Interf Cytok ResJournal of Interferon ResearchJ Interferon ResJournal of Internal Medicine J Intern Med)Journal of International Advanced OtologyJ Int Adv Otol Journal of International Affairs J Int Aff=Journal of International Biomedical Information and Data-ibidJ Int Biomed Inf Dat)Journal of International Business StudiesJ Int Bus Stud$Journal of International Development J Int Dev%Journal of International Economic LawJ Int Econ Law"Journal of International Economics J Int Econ*Journal of International Law and EconomicsJ Int Law Econ#Journal of International Management J Int Manag"Journal of International MarketingJ Int Marketing)Journal of International Medical Research J Int Med Res*Journal of International Money and FinanceJ Int Money Financ2Journal of International Relations and DevelopmentJ Int Relat Dev5Journal of International Trade & Economic DevelopmentJ Int Trade Econ DevJournal of Internet TechnologyJ Internet Technol!Journal of Interpersonal ViolenceJ Interpers Violence!Journal of Interprofessional CareJ Interprof Care!Journal of Interprofessional CareJ Interprofessional3Journal of Interventional Cardiac ElectrophysiologyJ Interv Card Electr$Journal of Interventional CardiologyJ Interv Cardiol#Journal of Interventional RadiologyJ Intervent RadiolJournal of Invasive CardiologyJ Invasive Cardiol)Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed ProblemsJ Inverse Ill-pose P!Journal of Invertebrate PathologyJ Invertebr Pathol>Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical ImmunologyJ Invest Allerg Clin<Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clinical ImmunologyJ Invest Allerg Clin$Journal of Investigative DermatologyJ Invest Dermatol:Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium ProceedingsJ Invest Derm Symp P!Journal of Investigative Medicine J Invest Med Journal of Investigative Surgery J Invest Surg5Journal of in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo TransferJ In Vitro Fertil EmJournal of Irish LiteratureJ Irish Literature0Journal of Iron and Steel Research InternationalJ Iron Steel Res Int3Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-asceJ Irrig Drain E-asceJournal of Islamic Studies J Islam StudJournal of Israeli History J Isr Hist+Journal of Japanese Society of TribologistsJ Jpn Soc TribologisJournal of Japanese Studies J Jpn Stud1Journal of Japan Society of Lubrication EngineersJ Jpn Soc Lubr EngJournal of Jazz Studies J Jazz StudJournal of Jewish Art J Jewish ArtJournal of Jewish Art Jewish ArtJournal of Jewish Studies J Jewish Stud&Journal of Jewish Thought & PhilosophyJ Jewish Thought PhJournal of Juristic PapyrologyJ Juristic Papyrol,Journal of Knot Theory and Its RamificationsJ Knot Theor RamifJournal of Knowledge Management J Knowl Manag$Journal of Korean Academy of NursingJ Korean Acad Nurs!Journal of Korean Medical ScienceJ Korean Med Sci'Journal of Korean Neurosurgical SocietyJ Korean Neurosurg SJournal of Korean Studies J Korean StudJournal of Korea Trade J Korea TradeJournal of K-theory J K-theoryJournal of Labelled CompoundsJ Labelled Compd4Journal of Labelled Compounds & RadiopharmaceuticalsJ Labelled Compd Rad+Journal of Laboratory and Clinical MedicineJ Lab Clin MedJournal of Labor Economics J Labor EconJournal of Labor Research J Labor Res,Journal of Land and Public Utility EconomicsJ Land Public Util E Journal of Language and Politics J Lang Polit)Journal of Language and Social PsychologyJ Lang Soc Psychol*Journal of Language Identity and EducationJ Lang Identity Educ:Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical TechniquesJ Laparoendosc Adv SAJournal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques-part AJ Laparoendosc Adv A#Journal of Laparoendoscopic SurgeryJ Laparoendosc Surg"Journal of Laryngology and OtologyJ Laryngol OtolJournal of Laser Applications J Laser Appl&Journal of Laser Micro NanoengineeringJ Laser Micro Nanoen*Journal of Latin American Cultural StudiesJ Lat Am Cult StudJournal of Latin American LoreJ Lat Amer Lore!Journal of Latin American Studies J Lat Am StudJournal of Law and Society J Law SocJournal of Law & Economics J Law Econ'Journal of Law Economics & OrganizationJ Law Econ OrganJournal of Law & Education J Law Educ Journal of Law Medicine & EthicsJ Law Med Ethics Journal of Learning DisabilitiesJ Learn Disabil Journal of Learning DisabilitiesJ Learn Disabil-usJournal of Legal Education J Legal EducJournal of Legal History J Legal HistJournal of Legal Medicine J Legal MedJournal of Legal Studies J Legal StudJournal of Leisure Research J Leisure ResJournal of Leukocyte BiologyJ Leukocyte BiolJournal of LibrarianshipJ Libr0Journal of Librarianship and Information ScienceJ Libr Inf SciJournal of Library AutomationJ Libr AutomatCJournal of Library History Philosophy and Comparative LibrarianshipJ Libr Hist PhilosJournal of Lie Theory J Lie Theory-Journal of Life Sciences Royal Dublin SocietyJ Life Sci R Dubl SJournal of Lightwave TechnologyJ Lightwave TechnolJournal of LimnologyJ Limnol"Journal of Linguistic AnthropologyJ Linguist AnthropolJournal of Linguistic CalculusJ Linguist CalculusJournal of Linguistics J LinguistJournal of Lipid MediatorsJ Lipid Mediator.Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell SignallingJ Lipid Mediat CellJournal of Lipid Research J Lipid ResJournal of Liposome Research J Lipos ResJournal of Liposome ResearchJ Liposome Res Journal of Liquid ChromatographyJ Liq Chromatogr7Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related TechnologiesJ Liq Chromatogr R TJournal of Literacy Research J Lit ResJournal of Literary SemanticsJ Literary Semantics&Journal of Lithotripsy & Stone DiseaseJ Lithotr Stone Dis*Journal of Logic and Algebraic ProgrammingJ Logic Algebr Progr Journal of Logic and ComputationJ Logic ComputJournal of Logic ProgrammingJ Logic Program0Journal of Long-term Effects of Medical ImplantsJ Long-term Eff Med4Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process IndustriesJ Loss Prevent ProcJournal of Loss & Trauma J Loss Trauma&Journal of Lower Genital Tract DiseaseJ Low Genit Tract Di*Journal of Low Frequency Noise & VibrationJ Low Freq Noise Vib;Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active ControlJ Low Freq Noise V A"Journal of Low Temperature PhysicsJ Low Temp Phys!Journal of Lubrication TechnologyJ Lubr Technol:Journal of Lubrication Technology-transactions of The AsmeJ Lubric Tech-t AsmeJournal of LuminescenceJ Lumin$Journal of Machine Learning ResearchJ Mach Learn ResJournal of Macroeconomics J Macroecon+Journal of Macromolecular Science-chemistryJ Macromol Sci ChemCJournal of Macromolecular Science Part A-pure and Applied ChemistryJ Macromol Sci A0Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B-physicsJ Macromol Sci B)Journal of Macromolecular Science-physicsJ Macromol Sci Phys1Journal of Macromolecular Science-polymer ReviewsJ Macromol Sci-pol R<Journal of Macromolecular Science-pure and Applied ChemistryJ Macromol Sci PureEJournal of Macromolecular Science-reviews in Macromolecular ChemistryJ Macromol Sci-rev MQJournal of Macromolecular Science-reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry and PhysicsJ Macromol Sci R M C?Journal of Macromolecular Science-reviews in Polymer TechnologyJ Macromol R P TJournal of Magnetic Resonance J Magn Reson%Journal of Magnetic Resonance ImagingJ Magn Reson Imaging&Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series AJ Magn Reson Ser A&Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series BJ Magn Reson Ser BJournal of MagneticsJ Magn+Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsJ Magn Magn MaterJournal of Mammalian Evolution J Mamm EvolJournal of MammalogyJ Mammal.Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and NeoplasiaJ Mammary Gland Biol Journal of Managed Care PharmacyJ Manag Care Pharm Journal of Managed Care PharmacyJ Manage Care PharmJournal of ManagementJ Manage$Journal of Management in Engineering J Manage Eng)Journal of Management Information SystemsJ Manage Inform SystJournal of Management InquiryJ Manage Inquiry$Journal of Management & OrganizationJ Manage OrganJournal of Management Studies J Manage Stud Journal of Managerial PsychologyJ Manage Psychol6Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ Manip Physiol TherJournal of ManufacturingJ ManufIJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-transactions of The AsmeJ Manuf Sci E-t Asme Journal of Manufacturing Systems J Manuf SystJournal of MapsJ MapsJournal of Marine BiotechnologyJ Mar Biotechnol,Journal of Marine Engineering and TechnologyJ Mar Eng TechnolJournal of Marine Research J Mar Res(Journal of Marine Science and TechnologyJ Mar Sci Tech-japan(Journal of Marine Science and TechnologyJ Mar Sci Technol/Journal of Marine Science and Technology-taiwanJ Mar Sci Tech-taiw/Journal of Marine Science and Technology-taiwanJ Mar Sci Technol-taJournal of Marine Systems J Marine Syst%Journal of Marital and Family TherapyJ Marital Fam TherJournal of Maritime ArchaeologyJ Marit Archaeol$Journal of Maritime Law and CommerceJ Marit Law CommerJournal of Marketing J MarketingJournal of Marketing ResearchJ Marketing Res)Journal of Marriage and Family CounselingJ Marriage Fam Couns"Journal of Marriage and The FamilyJ Marriage FamJournal of Mass SpectrometryJ Mass SpectromJournal of Material Culture J Mat Cult/Journal of Material Cycles and Waste ManagementJ Mater Cycles WasteJournal of MaterialsJ MaterJournal of Materials Chemistry J Mater Chem Journal of Materials Engineering J Mater Eng0Journal of Materials Engineering and PerformanceJ Mater Eng Perform'Journal of Materials for Energy Systems J Mater Eng)Journal of Materials in Civil EngineeringJ Mater Civil Eng7Journal of Materials Processing & Manufacturing ScienceJ Mater Process Manu*Journal of Materials Processing TechnologyJ Mater Process TechJournal of Materials Research J Mater ResJournal of Materials Science J Mater Sci$Journal of Materials Science LettersJ Mater Sci Lett5Journal of Materials Science-materials in ElectronicsJ Mater Sci-mater El2Journal of Materials Science-materials in MedicineJ Mater Sci-mater M)Journal of Materials Science & TechnologyJ Mater Sci Technol-Journal of Materials Synthesis and ProcessingJ Mater Synth Proces'Journal of Maternal-fetal InvestigationJ Matern-fetal Inves-Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal MedicineJ Matern-fetal Neo M1Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsJ Math Anal ApplJournal of Mathematical Biology J Math Biol!Journal of Mathematical Chemistry J Math Chem!Journal of Mathematical Economics J Math Econ'Journal of Mathematical Fluid MechanicsJ Math Fluid Mech*Journal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionJ Math Imaging VisJournal of Mathematical Logic J Math LogJournal of Mathematical Physics J Math Phys1Journal of Mathematical Physics Analysis GeometryJ Math Phys Anal Geo"Journal of Mathematical PsychologyJ Math Psychol8Journal of Mathematical Sciences-the University of TokyoJ Math Sci-u Tokyo8Journal of Mathematical Sciences-the University of TokyoJ Math Sci-univ Toky!Journal of Mathematical Sociology J Math Sociol$Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics J Math Mech Journal of Mathematics and Music J Math Music"Journal of Mathematics and PhysicsJ Math Phys Camb*Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto UniversityJ Math Kyoto U Journal of Maxillofacial SurgeryJ Maxillofac SurgJournal of Mechanical Design J Mech Design5Journal of Mechanical Design-transactions of The AsmeJ Mech Des-t Asme,Journal of Mechanical Engineering LaboratoryJ Mech Eng Lab)Journal of Mechanical Engineering ScienceJ Mech Eng Sci,Journal of Mechanical Science and TechnologyJ Mech Sci Technol(Journal of Mechanical Working TechnologyJ Mech Work TechnolJournal of MechanicsJ Mech,Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and BiologyJ Mech Med Biol0Journal of Mechanics of Materials and StructuresJ Mech Mater StructJournal of Mechanisms J MechanismsUJournal of Mechanisms Transmissions and Automation in Design-transactions of The AsmeJ Mech Transm-t AsmeJournal of Media Economics J Media Econ-Journal of Medical and Biological EngineeringJ Med Biol Eng*Journal of Medical and Veterinary MycologyJ Med Vet MycolJournal of Medical Biochemistry J Med BiochemJournal of Medical Biography J Med BiogrJournal of Medical Education J Med Educ+Journal of Medical Engineering & TechnologyJ Med Eng TechnolJournal of Medical Entomology J Med EntomolJournal of Medical Ethics J Med EthicsJournal of Medical Genetics J Med Genet1Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation OncologyJ Med Imag Radiat On$Journal of Medical Internet ResearchJ Med Internet ResJournal of Medical MicrobiologyJ Med MicrobiolJournal of Medical PrimatologyJ Med PrimatolJournal of Medical Screening J Med Screen,Journal of Medical Speech-language PathologyJ Med Speech-lang PaJournal of Medical Systems J Med SystJournal of Medical Technology J Med TechnolJournal of Medical UltrasonicsJ Med UltrasonJournal of Medical Virology J Med VirolJournal of Medicinal Chemistry J Med ChemJournal of Medicinal Food J Med Food/Journal of Medicinal & Pharmaceutical ChemistryJ Med Pharmaceut Ch$Journal of Medicinal Plants ResearchJ Med Plants ResJournal of MedicineJ Med"Journal of Medicine and Philosophy J Med Philos,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern StudiesJ Mediev Early Mod S+Journal of Medieval and Renaissance StudiesJ Medieval RenaissJournal of Medieval HistoryJ Medieval Hist Journal of Mediterranean StudiesJ Mediterr StudJournal of Membrane BiologyJ Membrane BiolJournal of Membrane ScienceJ Membrane SciJournal of Memory and Language J Mem Lang%Journal of Mental Deficiency ResearchJ Ment Defic ResJournal of Mental Health J Ment Health'Journal of Mental Health AdministrationJ Ment Health Admin-Journal of Mental Health Policy and EconomicsJ Ment Health PolicyJournal of Mental Science J Ment SciJournal of Mental SubnormalityJ Ment SubnormJournal of MetalsJom-j Min Met Mat SJournal of Metamorphic GeologyJ Metamorph Geol:Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials SeriesJ Metastab NanocrystJournal of Meteorology J Meteorol"Journal of Microbial BiotechnologyJ Microbial Biotech"Journal of Microbiological MethodsJ Microbiol MethJournal of Microbiology J Microbiol)Journal of Microbiology and BiotechnologyJ Microbiol Biotechn;Journal of Microbiology Epidemiology and Immunobiology UssrJ Micr Epid Imm Ussr0Journal of Microbiology Immunology and InfectionJ Microbiol Immunol"Journal of Microcolumn SeparationsJ Microcolumn Sep%Journal of Microcomputer ApplicationsJ Microcomput Appl)Journal of Microelectromechanical SystemsJ Microelectromech SJournal of MicroencapsulationJ MicroencapsulJournal of MicrographicsJ Micrographics=Journal of Microlithography Microfabrication and MicrosystemsJ Microlith Microfab.Journal of Micromechanics and MicroengineeringJ Micromech Microeng/Journal of Micro-nanolithography Mems and MoemsJ Micro-nanolith Mem!Journal of Micronutrient AnalysisJ Micronutr AnalJournal of MicropalaeontologyJ MicropalaeontolJournal of Microscopy-oxfordJ Microsc-oxford5Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic EnergyJ Microwave Power Ee$Journal of Midwifery & Womens HealthJ Midwifery Wom HealJournal of Military HistoryJ Military Hist#Journal of Milk and Food TechnologyJ Milk Food TechnolJournal of Mind and Behavior J Mind Behav2Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological SciencesJ Miner Petrol Sci(Journal of Minimally Invasive GynecologyJ Minim Invas Gyn(Journal of Minimally Invasive GynecologyJ Minim Invas Gyn L5Journal of Mining and Metallurgy Section B-metallurgyJ Min Metall B5Journal of Mining and Metallurgy Section B-metallurgyJ Min Metall Sect B-Journal of Mining Science J Min Sci+Journal of Mithraic StudiesJ Mithraic Stud!Journal of Mixed Methods ResearchJ Mix Method Res!Journal of Modern African StudiesJ Mod Afr StudJournal of Modern Craft J Mod CraftJournal of Modern Dynamics J Mod Dyn"Journal of Modern European HistoryJ Mod Eur HistJournal of Modern Greek StudiesJ Mod Greek StudJournal of Modern History J Mod Hist!Journal of Modern Italian StudiesJ Mod Ital StudJournal of Modern LiteratureJ Mod LiteratureJournal of Modern Optics J Mod Optic)Journal of Molecular and Applied GeneticsJ Mol Appl Genet,Journal of Molecular and Cellular CardiologyJ Mol Cell Cardiol,Journal of Molecular and Cellular ImmunologyJ Mol Cell ImmunolJournal of Molecular Biology J Mol BiolJournal of Molecular Catalysis J Mol Catal)Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-chemicalJ Mol Catal A-chem*Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-enzymaticJ Mol Catal B-enzym Journal of Molecular Diagnostics J Mol Diagn Journal of Molecular ElectronicsJ Mol Electron"Journal of Molecular EndocrinologyJ Mol EndocrinolJournal of Molecular Evolution J Mol EvolJournal of Molecular GraphicsJ Mol Graphics)Journal of Molecular Graphics & ModellingJ Mol Graph ModelJournal of Molecular Histology J Mol HistolJournal of Molecular Liquids J Mol LiqJournal of Molecular Medicine J Mol Med!Journal of Molecular Medicine-jmm J Mol Med-jmm3Journal of Molecular Microbiology and BiotechnologyJ Mol Microb BiotechJournal of Molecular Modeling J Mol Model!Journal of Molecular NeuroscienceJ Mol Neurosci Journal of Molecular RecognitionJ Mol Recognit!Journal of Molecular SpectroscopyJ Mol SpectroscJournal of Molecular Structure J Mol Struct'Journal of Molecular Structure-theochemJ Mol Struc-theochemJournal of Molluscan Studies J Mollus StudJournal of Monetary EconomicsJ Monetary Econ#Journal of Money Credit and BankingJ Money Credit BankJournal of Moral Education J Moral EducJournal of Morphology J MorpholJournal of Motor Behavior J Motor BehavJournal of Mountain ScienceJ Mt SciJournal of Mountain Science J Mt Sci-engl3Journal of Multicultural Counseling and DevelopmentJ Multicult Couns D5Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural DevelopmentJ Multiling Multicul3Journal of Multiple-valued Logic and Soft ComputingJ Mult-valued Log S Journal of Multivariate AnalysisJ Multivariate AnalJournal of Muscle FoodsJ Muscle Foods,Journal of Muscle Research and Cell MotilityJ Muscle Res Cell MJournal of Musculoskeletal PainJ Musculoskelet Pain!Journal of Musicological Research J Musicol ResJournal of Musicology J MusicologyJournal of Music TheoryJ Music TheoryJournal of Music Therapy J Music Ther.Journal of Nanoelectronics and OptoelectronicsJ Nanoelectron OptoeJournal of Nanomaterials J Nanomater Journal of Nanoparticle ResearchJ Nanopart ResJournal of NanophotonicsJ NanophotonicsJournal of Nano Research J Nano ResJournal of Nano Research J Nano Res-sw)Journal of Nanoscience and NanotechnologyJ Nanosci Nanotechno%Journal of Narrative and Life HistoryJ Narrat Life HistJournal of Narrative TechniqueJ Narrative Tech Journal of Natural Gas ChemistryJ Nat Gas ChemJournal of Natural History J Nat HistJournal of Natural Medicines J Nat MedJournal of Natural MedicinesJ Nat Med-tokyoJournal of Natural Products J Nat Prod#Journal of Natural Products-lloydiaJ Nat ProductsJournal of Natural Toxins J Nat ToxinsJournal of Navigation J NavigationJournal of Near Eastern StudiesJ Near Eastern Stud%Journal of Near Infrared SpectroscopyJ Near Infrared SpecJournal of Negro Education J Negro EducJournal of Negro History J Negro HistJournal of Nematology J Nematol$Journal of Nepal Medical AssociationJ Nepal Med AssocJournal of Nephrology J Nephrol%Journal of Nervous and Mental DiseaseJ Nerv Ment Dis,Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsJ Netw Comput Appl)Journal of Network and Systems ManagementJ Netw Syst ManagJournal of Neural Engineering J Neural EngJournal of Neural TransmissionJ Neural Transm.Journal of Neural Transmission-general SectionJ Neural Transm-genFJournal of Neural Transmission-parkinsons Disease and Dementia SectionJ Neural Transm-park(Journal of Neural Transmission, Suppl 29 J Neur Tr S(Journal of Neural Transmission, Suppl 30 J Neur Tr S(Journal of Neural Transmission, Suppl 31 J Neur Tr S(Journal of Neural Transmission, Suppl 32 J Neur Tr S)Journal of Neural Transmission-supplementJ Neural Transm-supp,Journal of Neural Transmission - Supplementa J Neur Tr S.Journal of Neural Transplantation & PlasticityJ Neural Transp PlasJournal of Neurobiology J NeurobiolJournal of Neurochemistry J NeurochemJournal of Neurocytology J Neurocytol'Journal of Neurodevelopmental DisordersJ Neurodev DisordJournal of NeuroendocrinologyJ Neuroendocrinol.Journal of Neuroengineering and RehabilitationJ Neuroeng RehabilJournal of Neurogenetics J NeurogenetJournal of NeuroimagingJ Neuroimaging#Journal of Neuroimmune PharmacologyJ Neuroimmune PharmJournal of NeuroimmunologyJ NeuroimmunolJournal of NeuroinflammationJ NeuroinflammJournal of NeurolinguisticsJ Neurolinguist<Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine and SurgeryJ Neurol Orth Med S(Journal of Neurological Sciences-turkishJ Neurol Sci-turk$Journal of Neurologic RehabilitationJ Neurol RehabilJournal of NeurologyJ Neurol0Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and PsychiatryJ Neurol Neurosur PsJournal of Neuro-oncology J Neuro-oncolJournal of Neuro-ophthalmologyJ Neuro-ophthalmol4Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental NeurologyJ Neuropath Exp NeurJournal of NeurophysiologyJ NeurophysiolJournal of NeuropsychiatryJ Neuropsychiatry5Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical NeurosciencesJ Neuropsych Clin NJournal of NeuropsychologyJ NeuropsycholJournal of NeuroradiologyJ NeuroradiologyJournal of Neuroscience J NeurosciJournal of Neuroscience MethodsJ Neurosci MethJournal of Neuroscience NursingJ Neurosci Nurs Journal of Neuroscience ResearchJ Neurosci ResJournal of Neurosurgery J Neurosurg"Journal of Neurosurgery-pediatricsJ Neuros-pediatrJournal of Neurosurgery-spineJ Neurosurg-spine'Journal of Neurosurgical AnesthesiologyJ Neurosurg Anesth!Journal of Neurosurgical SciencesJ Neurosurg SciJournal of Neurotrauma J NeurotraumJournal of Neurovirology J Neurovirol#Journal of Neuro-visceral RelationsJ Neuro-vis RelatJournal of New Drugs J New Drugs4Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical SystemsJ New Mat Elect Syst4Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical SystemsJ New Mat Electr SysJournal of New Music ResearchJ New Music Res"Journal of Noncommutative GeometryJ Noncommut Geom!Journal of Non-crystalline SolidsJ Non-cryst Solids$Journal of Nondestructive EvaluationJ Nondestruct Eval)Journal of Non-equilibrium ThermodynamicsJ Non-equil Thermody(Journal of Nonlinear and Convex AnalysisJ Nonlinear Convex A)Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical PhysicsJ Nonlinear Math Phy0Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & MaterialsJ Nonlinear Opt PhysJournal of Nonlinear ScienceJ Nonlinear Sci(Journal of Non-newtonian Fluid MechanicsJ Non-newton Fluid#Journal of Nonparametric StatisticsJ Nonparametr StatJournal of Nonverbal BehaviorJ Nonverbal Behav'Journal of Nuclear Biology and MedicineJ Nucl Biol MedJournal of Nuclear CardiologyJ Nucl CardiolJournal of Nuclear Energy J Nucl EnergySJournal of Nuclear Energy Part C-plasma Physics Accelerators Thermonuclear ResearchJ Nucl Energy CFJournal of Nuclear Energy Parts A and B-reactor Science and TechnologyJ Nucl Energy AbJournal of Nuclear Materials J Nucl MaterJournal of Nuclear Medicine J Nucl Med/Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Allied SciencesJ Nucl Med Allied S)Journal of Nuclear Science and TechnologyJ Nucl Sci Technol/Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology-tokyoJ Nucl Sci Technol-tJournal of Number TheoryJ Number Theory Journal of Numerical Mathematics J Numer MathJournal of Nurse-midwiferyJ Nurse-midwifery!Journal of Nursing Administration J Nurs AdminJournal of Nursing Care QualityJ Nurs Care QualJournal of Nursing Education J Nurs EducJournal of Nursing ScholarshipJ Nurs Scholarship*Journal of Nutrigenetics and NutrigenomicsJ Nutrigenet NutrigeJournal of NutritionJ Nutr#Journal of Nutritional BiochemistryJ Nutr Biochem/Journal of Nutritional Science and VitaminologyJ Nutr Sci Vitaminol"Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics J Nutr DietJournal of Nutrition Education J Nutr Educ+Journal of Nutrition Education and BehaviorJ Nutr Educ Behav#Journal of Nutrition Health & AgingJ Nutr Health Aging&Journal of Object-oriented ProgrammingJ Object-orient Prog%Journal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyJ Obstet Gynaecol;Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of The British EmpireJ Obstet Gyn Brit Em.Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ResearchJ Obstet Gynaecol Re?Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of The British CommonwealthJ Obstet Gyn Br Comm!Journal of Occupational Accidents J Occup Accid1Journal of Occupational and Environmental HygieneJ Occup Environ Hyg2Journal of Occupational and Environmental MedicineJ Occup Environ Med5Journal of Occupational and Organizational PsychologyJ Occup Organ Psych!Journal of Occupational Behaviour J Occup BehavJournal of Occupational HealthJ Occup Health)Journal of Occupational Health PsychologyJ Occup Health Psych Journal of Occupational MedicineJom-j Occup Med"Journal of Occupational PsychologyJ Occup Psychol&Journal of Occupational RehabilitationJ Occup RehabilJournal of Oceanography J OceanogrJournal of Ocean TechnologyJ Ocean TechnolJournal of Ocular PharmacologyJ Ocul Pharmacol/Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and TherapeuticsJ Ocul Pharmacol ThJournal of Official Statistics J Off StatMJournal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-transactions of The AsmeJ Offshore Mech ArctJournal of Oil Palm ResearchJ Oil Palm ResJournal of Oleo Science J Oleo Sci#Journal of Operational OceanographyJ Oper OceanogrJournal of Operational Risk J Oper Risk Journal of Operations Management J Oper ManagJournal of Operator TheoryJ Operat Theor0Journal of Optical Communications and NetworkingJ Opt Commun NetwJournal of Optical Networking J Opt NetwJournal of Optical TechnologyJ Opt Technol++Journal of Optics A-pure and Applied OpticsJ Opt A-pure Appl Op4Journal of Optics B-quantum and Semiclassical OpticsJ Opt B-quantum S O*Journal of Optics-nouvelle Revue D OptiqueJ Opt/Journal of Optimization Theory and ApplicationsJ Optimiz Theory App1Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced MaterialsJ Optoelectron Adv M)Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryJ Oral Maxil SurgJournal of Oral ImplantologyJ Oral ImplantJournal of Oral ImplantologyJ Oral Implantol$Journal of Oral Pathology & MedicineJ Oral Pathol MedJournal of Oral RehabilitationJ Oral RehabilJournal of Oral Surgery J Oral Surg-Journal of Oral Therapeutics and PharmacologyJ Oral Ther PharmacoJournal of Organic Chemistry J Org Chem"Journal of Organizational Behavior J Organ Behav-Journal of Organizational Behavior ManagementJ Organ Behav Manage+Journal of Organizational Change ManagementJ Organ Change Manag;Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic CommerceJ Org Comp Elect Com#Journal of Organometallic ChemistryJ Organomet ChemJournal of Ornithology J OrnitholBJournal of Orofacial Orthopedics-fortschritte Der KieferorthopadieJ Orofac OrthopJournal of Orofacial Pain J Orofac Pain"Journal of Orthomolecular MedicineJ Orthomol Med$Journal of Orthomolecular PsychiatryJ Orthomol MedJournal of Orthopaedic Research J Orthop ResJournal of Orthopaedic ResearchJ Orthopaed Res#Journal of Orthopaedic RheumatologyJ Orthop RheumatolJournal of Orthopaedic Science J Orthop Sci0Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical TherapyJ Orthop Sport PhysJournal of Orthopaedic TraumaJ Orthop TraumaJournal of Otolaryngology J Otolaryngol-Journal of Otolaryngology-head & Neck SurgeryJ Otolaryngol-head NJournal of Pacific History J Pac Hist!Journal of Pacific Rim PsychologyJ Pac Rim Psychol'Journal of Paediatrics and Child HealthJ Paediatr Child HJournal of PainJ Pain&Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementJ Pain Symptom ManagJournal of Paint TechnologyJ Paint TechnolJournal of Paleolimnology J PaleolimnolJournal of Paleontology J PaleontolJournal of Palestine StudiesJ Palestine StudJournal of Palliative CareJ Palliat CareJournal of Palliative CareJ Palliative CareJournal of Palliative Medicine J Palliat Med-Journal of Parallel and Distributed ComputingJ Parallel Distr ComJournal of Parapsychology J ParapsycholJournal of Parasitology J Parasitol+Journal of Parenteral and Enteral NutritionJpen-parenter Enter,Journal of Parenteral Science and TechnologyJ Parent Sci TechnJournal of PathologyJ Pathol%Journal of Pathology and BacteriologyJ Pathol BacteriolJournal of Peace Research J Peace ResJournal of Peace Science J Peace SciJournal of Peasant StudiesJ Peasant Stud.Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent GynecologyJ Pediatr Adol Gynec"Journal of Pediatric EndocrinologyJ Pediatr Endocrinol/Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & MetabolismJ Pediatr Endocr Met3Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and NutritionJ Pediatr Gastr Nutr Journal of Pediatric Health CareJ Pediatr Health Car(Journal of Pediatric Hematology OncologyJ Pediat Hematol Onc%Journal of Pediatric Oncology NursingJ Pediatr Oncol Nurs"Journal of Pediatric OphthalmologyJ Pediatr Ophthalmol/Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & StrabismusJ Pediat Ophth Strab/Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & StrabismusJ Pediatr Ophthalmol!Journal of Pediatric OrthopaedicsJ Pediatr Orthoped(Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics-part BJ Pediatr Orthop BJournal of Pediatric PsychologyJ Pediatr PsycholJournal of Pediatrics J PediatrJournal of Pediatrics J Pediatr-usJournal of Pediatric SurgeryJ Pediatr Surg&Journal of Pension Economics & FinanceJ Pension Econ FinanJournal of Peptide Research J Pept ResJournal of Peptide Science J Pept Sci0Journal of Performance of Constructed FacilitiesJ Perform Constr FacJournal of Perinatal Medicine J Perinat Med'Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal NursingJ Perinat Neonat NurJournal of Perinatology J PerinatolJournal of Periodontal ResearchJ Periodontal ResJournal of Periodontology J Periodontol(Journal of Personal & Interpersonal LossJ Pers Interpers LosJournal of PersonalityJ Pers,Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyJ Pers Soc Psychol!Journal of Personality Assessment J Pers Assess Journal of Personality Disorders J Pers Disord,Journal of Personnel Evaluation in EducationJ Pers Eval EducJournal of Pesticide Science J Pestic SciJournal of Pest Science J Pest SciJournal of Petroleum Geology J Petrol Geol,Journal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringJ Petrol Sci EngJournal of Petroleum TechnologyJ Petrol TechnolJournal of PetrologyJ Petrol1Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical AnalysisJ Pharmaceut Biomed"Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences J Pharm Sci"Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesJ Pharm Sci-usJournal of Pharmacobio-dynamicsJ Pharmacobio-dynam0Journal of Pharmacokinetics and BiopharmaceuticsJ Pharmacokinet Biop0Journal of Pharmacokinetics and PharmacodynamicsJ Pharmacokinet Phar4Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological MethodsJ Pharmacol Toxicol"Journal of Pharmacological MethodsJ Pharmacol Method#Journal of Pharmacological SciencesJ Pharmacol Sci5Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental TherapeuticsJ Pharmacol Exp Ther/Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesJ Pharm Pharm Sci$Journal of Pharmacy and PharmacologyJ Pharm PharmacolJournal of Phase EquilibriaJ Phase Equilib)Journal of Phase Equilibria and DiffusionJ Phase Equilib Diff&Journal of Phenomenological PsychologyJ Phenomenol PsycholJournal of Philosophical LogicJ Philos Logic!Journal of Philosophical Research J Philos ResJournal of PhilosophyJ Philos"Journal of Philosophy of Education J Philos EducJournal of Phonetics J Phonetics Journal of Photochemical EtchingJ Photochem EtchingJournal of Photochemistry J Photochem6Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-chemistryJ Photoch Photobio A4Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-biologyJ Photoch Photobio BCJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C-photochemistry ReviewsJ Photoch Photobio CJournal of Photographic Science J Photogr Sci.Journal of Photopolymer Science and TechnologyJ Photopolym Sci TecJournal of PhycologyJ Phycol/Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference DataJ Phys Chem Ref Data)Journal of Physical and Colloid ChemistryJ Phys Colloid ChemJournal of Physical ChemistryJ Phys Chem-usJournal of Physical Chemistry A J Phys Chem AJournal of Physical Chemistry B J Phys Chem BJournal of Physical Chemistry C J Phys Chem C Journal of Physical OceanographyJ Phys Oceanogr%Journal of Physical Organic ChemistryJ Phys Org Chem#Journal of Physical Therapy ScienceJ Phys Ther Sci-Journal of Physics A-mathematical and GeneralJ Phys A-math Gen1Journal of Physics A-mathematical and TheoreticalJ Phys A-math Theor*Journal of Physics and Chemistry of SolidsJ Phys Chem Solids9Journal of Physics B-atomic Molecular and Optical PhysicsJ Phys B-at Mol Opt#Journal of Physics-condensed MatterJ Phys-condens Mat$Journal of Physics Conference SeriesJ Phys Conf Ser(Journal of Physics C-solid State PhysicsJ Phys C Solid State$Journal of Physics D-applied PhysicsJ Phys D Appl Phys+Journal of Physics E-scientific InstrumentsJ Phys E Sci Instrum"Journal of Physics F-metal PhysicsJ Phys F Met Phys1Journal of Physics G-nuclear and Particle PhysicsJ Phys G Nucl ParticJournal of Physics of The Earth J Phys Earth!Journal of Physics Part A GeneralJ Phys Pt A Gen6Journal of Physics Part B Atomic and Molecular PhysicsJ Phys Pt B Atom M P-Journal of Physics Part C Solid State PhysicsJ Phys Part C Solid!Journal of Physiological Sciences J Physiol Sci&Journal of Physiology and BiochemistryJ Physiol Biochem&Journal of Physiology and PharmacologyJ Physiol PharmacolJournal of Physiology-londonJ Physiol-londonJournal of Physiology-parisJ Physiology-parisJournal of Phytopathology J Phytopathol8Journal of Phytopathology-phytopathologische Zeitschrift J Phytopathol&Journal of Pidgin and Creole LanguagesJ Pidgin Creole LangJournal of Pineal Research J Pineal ResJournal of Pipelines J PipelineJournal of Plankton ResearchJ Plankton Res*Journal of Planning Education and ResearchJ Plan Educ ResJournal of Planning Literature J Plan LitJournal of Plantation CropsJ Plantation Crops/Journal of Plant Biochemistry and BiotechnologyJ Plant Biochem BiotJournal of Plant Biology J Plant Biol(Journal of Plant Diseases and ProtectionJ Plant Dis ProtectJournal of Plant Ecology-ukJ Plant Ecol-uk"Journal of Plant Growth RegulationJ Plant Growth RegulJournal of Plant Nutrition J Plant Nutr\Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-zeitschrift Fur Pflanzenernahrung Und BodenkundeJ Plant Nutr Soil ScJournal of Plant PathologyJ Plant PatholJournal of Plant PhysiologyJ Plant PhysiolJournal of Plant RegistrationsJ Plant RegistJournal of Plant Research J Plant ResJournal of Plasma Physics J Plasma Phys"Journal of Plastic Film & SheetingJ Plast Film Sheet7Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic SurgeryJ Plast Reconstr Aes,Journal of Police Science and AdministrationJ Police Sci Admin)Journal of Policy Analysis and ManagementJ Policy Anal ManagJournal of Policy ModelingJ Policy ModelJournal of Policy ReformJ Policy Reform9Journal of Politeness Research-language Behaviour CultureJ Politeness Res-lanJournal of Political Economy J Polit Econ)Journal of Political & Military SociologyJ Polit Mil SociolJournal of Political PhilosophyJ Polit PhilosJournal of PoliticsJ PolitJournal of Polymer Engineering J Polym EngJournal of Polymer Materials J Polym MaterJournal of Polymer Research J Polym Res"Journal of Polymer Research-taiwanJ Polym Res-taiwan'Journal of Polymers and The EnvironmentJ Polym EnvironJournal of Polymer Science J Polym Sci5Journal of Polymer Science Part A-1-polymer ChemistryJ Polym Sci A13Journal of Polymer Science Part A-2-polymer PhysicsJ Polym Sci A20Journal of Polymer Science Part A-general PapersJ Polym Sci Part A3Journal of Polymer Science Part A-polymer ChemistryJ Polym Sci Pol Chem1Journal of Polymer Science Part B-polymer LettersJ Polym Sci Pol Lett1Journal of Polymer Science Part B-polymer PhysicsJ Polym Sci Pol Phys1Journal of Polymer Science Part C-polymer LettersJ Polym Sci Pol Lett3Journal of Polymer Science Part C-polymer SymposiumJ Polym Sci Pol Sym+Journal of Polymer Science-polymer SymposiaJ Polym Sci Pol SymJournal of Popular Culture J Pop CultJournal of Popular Film J Pop Film&Journal of Popular Film and Television J Pop Film Tv Journal of Popular Music StudiesJ Pop Music StudJournal of Population J PopulatJournal of Population Economics J Popul EconJournal of Porous Materials J Porous MatJournal of Porous MediaJ Porous Media)Journal of Porphyrins and PhthalocyaninesJ Porphyr PhthalocyaJournal of Portfolio ManagementJ Portfolio Manage*Journal of Positive Behavior InterventionsJ Posit Behav Interv Journal of Postgraduate MedicineJ Postgrad Med#Journal of Post Keynesian EconomicsJ Post Keynesian EcJournal of Poultry Science J Poult SciJournal of Power ElectronicsJ Power ElectronJournal of Power SourcesJ Power SourcesJournal of Pragmatics J Pragmatics/Journal of Pre-raphaelite and Aesthetic StudiesJ Pre-raphaelite Aes,Journal of Pre-raphaelite Studies-new SeriesJ Pre-raphaelite StJournal of Presbyterian HistoryJ Presbyterian Hist>Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-transactions of The AsmeJ Press Vess-t AsmeJournal of Preventive Dentistry J Prev DentJournal of Process ControlJ Process Contr(Journal of Product Innovation ManagementJ Prod Innovat Manag!Journal of Production Agriculture J Prod Agric Journal of Productivity Analysis J Prod AnalJournal of Products LiabilityJ Prod Liability2Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering-asceJ Prof Iss Eng-asceDJournal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and PracticeJ Prof Iss Eng Ed PrJournal of Professional Nursing J Prof Nurs Journal of Programming LanguagesJ Program Lang Journal of Projective Techniques J Proj Tech9Journal of Projective Techniques & Personality AssessmentJ Proj Tech Pers AssJournal of Propulsion and PowerJ Propul PowerJournal of Prosthetic DentistryJ Prosthet Dent$Journal of Prosthetics and OrthoticsJ Prosthet OrthotJournal of Protein ChemistryJ Protein ChemJournal of Proteome ResearchJ Proteome ResJournal of Proteomics J ProteomicsJournal of Protozoology J Protozool Journal of Protozoology ResearchJ Protozool ResJournal of Psychedelic DrugsJ Psychedel Drug0Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health NursingJ Psychiatr Ment Hlt Journal of Psychiatric EducationJ Psychiat EducJournal of Psychiatric PracticeJ Psychiatr PractJournal of Psychiatric ResearchJ Psychiat ResJournal of Psychiatric ResearchJ Psychiatr Res/Journal of Psychiatric Treatment and EvaluationJ Psychiat Treat EvJournal of Psychiatry & LawJ Psychiat Law$Journal of Psychiatry & NeuroscienceJ Psychiatr NeurosciJournal of Psychoactive DrugsJ Psychoactive Drugs'Journal of Psychoeducational AssessmentJ Psychoeduc AssessJournal of Psychohistory J Psychohist$Journal of Psycholinguistic ResearchJ Psycholinguist Res Journal of Psychological StudiesJ Psychol StudJournal of Psychology J Psychol!Journal of Psychology and JudaismJ Psychol Judaism"Journal of Psychology and TheologyJ Psychol TheolJournal of Psychology in Africa J Psychol Afr4Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral AssessmentJ Psychopathol BehavJournal of PsychopharmacologyJ PsychopharmacolJournal of PsychophysiologyJ Psychophysiol:Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health ServicesJ Psychosoc Nurs Journal of Psychosocial OncologyJ Psychosoc Oncol2Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and GynecologyJ Psychosom Obst Gyn!Journal of Psychosomatic ResearchJ Psychosom Res$Journal of Psychotherapy IntegrationJ Psychother Integr4Journal of Public Administration Research and TheoryJ Publ Adm Res TheorJournal of Public Economics J Public Econ!Journal of Public Economic TheoryJ Public Econ TheoryJournal of Public HealthJ Public HealthJournal of Public HealthJ Public Health-uk"Journal of Public Health DentistryJ Public Health Dent0Journal of Public Health Management and PracticeJ Public Health Man!Journal of Public Health MedicineJ Public Health MedJournal of Public Health PolicyJ Public Health PolJournal of Public Law J Public Law$Journal of Public Policy & MarketingJ Public Policy Mark$Journal of Public Relations ResearchJ Public Relat Res!Journal of Pulp and Paper ScienceJ Pulp Pap Sci#Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraJ Pure Appl AlgebraJournal of Quality TechnologyJ Qual Technol#Journal of Quantitative CriminologyJ Quant Criminol#Journal of Quantitative LinguisticsJ Quant Linguist9Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative TransferJ Quant Spectrosc RaJournal of Quaternary ScienceJ Quaternary SciJournal of Radiation Research J Radiat Res0Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear ChemistryJ Radioanal Nucl Ch9Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry-articlesJ Radioan Nucl Ch Ar8Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry-lettersJ Radioan Nucl Ch Le$Journal of Radioanalytical ChemistryJ Radioanal Chem"Journal of Radiological Protection J Radiol ProtJournal of Raman SpectroscopyJ Raman SpectroscJournal of Range ManagementJ Range Manage7Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in MicrobiologyJ Rapid Meth Aut MicJournal of Raptor Research J Raptor ResJournal of Rare Earths J Rare Earth*Journal of Rational Mechanics and AnalysisJ Ration Mech AnalJournal of Reading J ReadingJournal of Reading BehaviorJ Reading Behav,Journal of Real Estate Finance and EconomicsJ Real Estate FinancJournal of Real Estate ResearchJ Real Estate ResJournal of Real Estate TaxationJ Real Estate Tax4Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction ResearchJ Recept Signal Tr RJournal of Receptor ResearchJ Receptor Res,Journal of Receptors and Signal TransductionJ Recept Sig Transd&Journal of Reconstructive MicrosurgeryJ Reconstr Microsurg)Journal of Refractive and Corneal SurgeryJ Refract Corneal SJournal of Refractive SurgeryJ Refract SurgJournal of Refugee Studies J Refug StudJournal of Regional ScienceJ Regional SciJournal of Regulatory Economics J Regul EconJournal of Rehabilitation J Rehabil"Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine J Rehabil Med%Journal of Rehabilitation of The DeafJ Rehabil Deaf2Journal of Rehabilitation Research and DevelopmentJ Rehabil Res Dev-Journal of Reinforced Plastics and CompositesJ Reinf Plast CompJournal of ReligionJ ReligJournal of Religion & HealthJ Relig HealthJournal of Religion in Africa J Relig AfrJournal of Religious EthicsJ Relig EthicsJournal of Religious History J Relig HistJournal of Renal Nutrition J Renal Nutr'Journal of Reproduction and DevelopmentJ Reprod Develop%Journal of Reproduction and FertilityJ Reprod Fertil2Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Supplements J Rep Fer S-Journal of Reproductive and Infant PsychologyJ Reprod Infant Psyc"Journal of Reproductive ImmunologyJ Reprod Immunol Journal of Reproductive Medicine J Reprod Med0Journal of Research and Development in EducationJ Res Dev Educ:Journal of Research and Practice in Information TechnologyJ Res Pract Inf Tech)Journal of Research Communication StudiesJ Res Commun Stud,Journal of Research in Crime and DelinquencyJ Res Crime Delinq'Journal of Research in Medical Sciences J Res Med Sci&Journal of Research in Music EducationJ Res Music Educ"Journal of Research in Personality J Res PersJournal of Research in Reading J Res Read'Journal of Research in Science TeachingJ Res Sci Teach7Journal of Research of The National Bureau of StandardsJ Res Nat Bur Stand7Journal of Research of The National Bureau of StandardsJ Res Natl Inst StanWJournal of Research of The National Bureau of Standards Section A-physics and ChemistryJ Res Nbs A Phys ChWJournal of Research of The National Bureau of Standards Section B-mathematical SciencesJ Res Nbs B Math Sci^Journal of Research of The National Bureau of Standards Section B-mathematics and MathematicalJ Res Natl Bur StandaJournal of Research of The National Bureau of Standards Section C-engineering and InstrumentationJ Res Nbs C Eng InstOJournal of Research of The National Bureau of Standards Section D-radio ScienceJ Res Nbs D Rad SciIJournal of Research of The National Institute of Standards and TechnologyJ Res Natl Inst Stan/Journal of Research of The Us Geological SurveyJ Res Us Geol Surv"Journal of Research On AdolescenceJ Res Adolescence&Journal of Research On The LepidopteraJ Res Lepidoptera)Journal of Residuals Science & TechnologyJ Residuals Sci TechJournal of Retailing J RetailingJournal of RheologyJ RheolJournal of Rheumatology J RheumatolJournal of RiskJ RiskJournal of Risk and Insurance J Risk InsurJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJ Risk UncertaintyJournal of Risk Research J Risk ResJournal of Robotic SystemsJ Robotic SystJournal of Roman Studies J Roman StudJournal of Rubber Research J Rubber ResJournal of Rural DevelopmentJ Rural Develop*Journal of Rural Economics and DevelopmentJ Rural Econ DevJournal of Rural HealthJ Rural HealthJournal of Rural Studies J Rural Stud!Journal of Russian Laser ResearchJ Russ Laser ResJournal of Safety Research J Safety Res*Journal of Sandwich Structures & MaterialsJ Sandw Struct MaterJournal of SchedulingJ SchedJournal of Scholarly PublishingJ Scholarly PublJournal of School HealthJ School HealthJournal of School Nursing J Sch NursJournal of School PsychologyJ School Psychol(Journal of Science and Medicine in SportJ Sci Med Sport!Journal of Science and Technology J Sci Technol+Journal of Science Education and TechnologyJ Sci Educ TechnolJournal of Scientific Computing J Sci Comput+Journal of Scientific & Industrial ResearchJ Sci Ind Res India!Journal of Scientific Instruments J Sci Instrum<Journal of Scientific Instruments and of Physics in IndustryJ Sci Instr Phys IndJournal of Sea Research J Sea Res"Journal of Second Language WritingJ Second Lang Writ Journal of Sedimentary PetrologyJ Sediment PetrolJournal of Sedimentary ResearchJ Sediment ResMJournal of Sedimentary Research Section A-sedimentary Petrology and ProcessesJ Sediment Res AIJournal of Sedimentary Research Section B-stratigraphy and Global StudiesJ Sediment Res BJournal of Seed TechnologyJ Seed TechnolJournal of Seismic ExplorationJ Seism ExplorJournal of Seismology J SeismolJournal of SemanticsJ SemantJournal of Semitic StudiesJ Semitic StudJournal of Sensory Studies J Sens StudJournal of Separation Science J Sep SciJournal of Service Management J Serv ManageJournal of Service Research J Serv Res-usJournal of Services Marketing J Serv Mark"Journal of Sex Education & TherapyJ Sex Educ Ther 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HomelJournal of Social History J Soc HistJournal of Social Issues J Soc IssuesJournal of Social Policy J Soc Policy0Journal of Social Political and Economic StudiesJ Soc Polit Econ StJournal of Social Psychology J Soc Psychol"Journal of Social Service ResearchJ Soc Serv Res Journal of Social Work EducationJ Soc Work EducJournal of Social Work PracticeJ Soc Work PractJournal of Sociolinguistics J SociolingJournal of SociologyJ Sociol'Journal of Sociology and Social WelfareJ Sociol Soc WelfareCJournal of Software Maintenance and Evolution-research and PracticeJ Softw Maint Evol-r5Journal of Software Maintenance-research and PracticeJ Softw Maint-res Pr&Journal of Soil and Water ConservationJ Soil Water ConservJournal of Soil Contamination J Soil ContamJournal of Soils and SedimentsJ Soil SedimentJournal of Soils and SedimentsJ Soils SedimentsJournal of Soil Science J Soil Sci<Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-transactions of The AsmeJ Sol Energ-t Asme)Journal of Sol-gel Science and TechnologyJ Sol-gel Sci Techn Journal of Solid State ChemistryJ Solid State Chem'Journal of Solid State ElectrochemistryJ Solid State ElectrJournal of Solution ChemistryJ Solution ChemJournal of Song-yuan StudiesJ Song-yuan StudJournal of Sound and Vibration J Sound Vib(Journal of South American Earth SciencesJ S Am Earth Sci!Journal of South Asian Literature J S Asian Lit)Journal of Southeast Asian Earth SciencesJ Southe Asian Earth"Journal of Southeast Asian StudiesJ Southe Asian Stud"Journal of Southeast Asian StudiesJ Southeast Asian St#Journal of Southern African Studies J S Afr Stud*Journal of Southern Europe and The BalkansJ South Eur BalkJournal of Southern HistoryJ Southern Hist!Journal of Spacecraft and RocketsJ Spacecraft Rockets Journal of Spacecraft TechnologyJ Spacecr Technol,Journal of Spanish Studies Twentieth CenturyJ Spanish Stud 20thJournal of Spatial Science J Spat SciJournal of Special Education J Spec Educ'Journal of Speech and Hearing DisordersJ Speech Hear Disord&Journal of Speech and Hearing ResearchJ Speech Hear ResJournal of Speech DisordersJ Speech Disord/Journal of Speech Language and Hearing ResearchJ Speech Lang Hear RJournal of Spinal Cord MedicineJ Spinal Cord MedJournal of Spinal DisordersJ Spinal Disord(Journal of Spinal Disorders & TechniquesJ Spinal Disord Tech&Journal of Sport & Exercise PsychologyJ Sport Exercise PsyJournal of Sport History J Sport HistJournal of Sport ManagementJ Sport ManageJournal of Sport PsychologyJ Sport Exercise PsyJournal of Sport PsychologyJ Sport PsycholJournal of Sport RehabilitationJ Sport Rehabil/Journal of Sports Chiropractic & RehabilitationJ Sport Chiropr RehJournal of Sports Economics J Sport Econ/Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical FitnessJ Sport Med Phys Fit Journal of Sport & Social IssuesJ Sport Soc Issues&Journal of Sports Science and MedicineJ Sport Sci MedJournal of Sports Sciences J Sport Sci3Journal of Sports Traumatology and Related ResearchJ Sport TraumatolJournal of State Government J State Govt1Journal of Statistical Computation and SimulationJ Stat Comput Sim6Journal of Statistical Mechanics-theory and ExperimentJ Stat Mech-theory EJournal of Statistical Physics J Stat Phys-Journal of Statistical Planning and InferenceJ Stat Plan InferJournal of Statistical Software J Stat SoftwJournal of Steroid BiochemistryJ Steroid Biochemist5Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyJ Steroid BiochemJournal of Stone Disease J Stone Dis#Journal of Stored Products ResearchJ Stored Prod Res1Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering DesignJ Strain Anal Eng(Journal of Strategic Information SystemsJ Strategic Inf SystJournal of Strategic StudiesJ Strategic Stud-Journal of Strength and Conditioning ResearchJ Strength Cond Res,Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular DiseasesJ Stroke CerebrovascJournal of Structural Biology J Struct BiolJournal of Structural ChemistryJ Struct Chem+&Journal of Structural Engineering-asceJ Struct Eng-asceJournal of Structural Geology J Struct GeolJournal of Structural LearningJ Struct LearnJournal of Structural Mechanics J Struct Mech-Journal of Studies in International EducationJ Stud Int EducJournal of Studies On AlcoholJ Stud Alcohol'Journal of Studies On Alcohol and DrugsJ Stud Alcohol Drugs"Journal of Submicroscopic CytologyJ Submicrosc Cytol0Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and PathologyJ Submicr Cytol PathJournal of Substance Abuse J Subst Abuse$Journal of Substance Abuse TreatmentJ Subst Abuse TreatJournal of Substance Use J Subst UseJournal of Sulfur Chemistry J Sulfur ChemJournal of Supercomputing J SupercomputJournal of Superconductivity J Supercond0Journal of Superconductivity and Novel MagnetismJ Supercond Nov MagnJournal of Supercritical FluidsJ Supercrit FluidJournal of Superhard MaterialsJ Superhard Mater#Journal of Supramolecular StructureJ Supramol Str Cell=Journal of Supramolecular Structure and Cellular BiochemistryJ Supramol Str CellIJournal of Surface Investigation-x-ray Synchrotron and Neutron TechniquesJ Surf Invest-x-ray+IJournal of Surface Investigation-x-ray Synchrotron and Neutron TechniquesJ Surf Investig-x-ra%Journal of Surfactants and DetergentsJ Surfactants DetergJournal of Surgical Education J Surg EducJournal of Surgical Oncology J Surg OncolJournal of Surgical Research J Surg Res%Journal of Surveying Engineering-asceJ Surv Eng-asce"Journal of Sustainable Agriculture J Sustain AgrJournal of Sustainable TourismJ Sustain Tour&Journal of Swine Health and ProductionJ Swine Health ProdJournal of Symbolic Computation J Symb ComputJournal of Symbolic LogicJ Symbolic LogicJournal of Symplectic GeometryJ Symplect Geom Journal of Synchrotron RadiationJ Synchrotron Radiat,Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry JapanJ Syn Org Chem Jpn#Journal of Systematic PalaeontologyJ Syst Palaeontol$Journal of Systematics and Evolution J Syst EvolJournal of Systems and SoftwareJ Syst SoftwareJournal of Systems ArchitectureJ Syst ArchitectJournal of Systems Engineering J Syst Eng.Journal of Systems Engineering and ElectronicsJ Syst Eng ElectronJournal of Systems Management J Syst Manage2Journal of Systems Science and Systems EngineeringJ Syst Sci Syst Eng'Journal of Systems Science & ComplexityJ Syst Sci ComplexJournal of TaxationJ TaxJournal of Teacher Education J Teach Educ)Journal of Teaching in Physical EducationJ Teach Phys Educ5Journal of Technical Topics in Civil Engineering-asceJ Tech Top Civ-asce.Journal of Technical Writing and CommunicationJ Tech Writ CommunJournal of Technology TransferJ Technol Transfer%Journal of Telecommunication NetworksJ Telecommun Network$Journal of Telemedicine and TelecareJ Telemed TelecareJournal of TerramechanicsJ Terramechanics!Journal of Testing and Evaluation J Test EvalJournal of Texture StudiesJ Texture StudJournal of Thanatology J Thanatol+Journal of The Academy of Marketing ScienceJ Acad Market Sci3Journal of The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology. J Acad Reh>Journal of The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology-cedar FallsJ Acad R:Journal of The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Vol 23J Acad R:Journal of The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Vol 25J Acad R@Journal of The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Vol 28, 1995 J Acad RehAJournal of The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Vol Xxx, 1997 J Acad RehBJournal of The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Vol Xxxv, 2002 J Acad RehJournal of The AcmJ Acm,Journal of The Acoustical Society of AmericaJ Acoust Soc Am$Journal of The Aeronautical SciencesJ Aeronaut Sci!Journal of The Aerospace Sciences J Aerosp Sci0Journal of The Agricultural Association of ChinaJ Agr Assoc China5Journal of The Agricultural Chemical Society of JapanJ Agr Chem Soc Jpn5Journal of The Agricultural Chemical Society of JapanNippon Nogeik Kaishi8Journal of The Agricultural Society of Trinidad & TobagoJ Agr Soc Trinid Tob0Journal of The Air Pollution Control AssociationJapca J Air Waste Ma1Journal of The Air & Waste Management AssociationJ Air Waste Manage-Journal of The Albert Einstein Medical CenterJ Alb Einstein Med C,Journal of The American Academy of AudiologyJ Am Acad AudiolBJournal of The American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryJ Am Acad Child Psy3Journal of The American Academy of Child PsychiatryJ Amer Acad Child Ps.Journal of The American Academy of DermatologyJ Am Acad Dermatol6Journal of The American Academy of Nurse PractitionersJ Am Acad Nurse Prac7Journal of The American Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeonsJ Am Acad Orthop Sur;Journal of The American Academy of Psychiatry and NeurologyJ Am Acad Psych Neur9Journal of The American Academy of Psychiatry and The LawJ Am Acad Psychiatry1Journal of The American Academy of PsychoanalysisJ Am Acad Psychoan+Journal of The American Academy of ReligionJ Am Acad Relig)Journal of The American Aging AssociationJ Am Aging Assoc3Journal of The American Animal Hospital AssociationJ Am Anim Hosp AssocAJournal of The American Association for Laboratory Animal ScienceJ Am Assoc Lab AnimAJournal of The American Association of Gynecologic LaparoscopistsJ Am Assoc Gyn Lap9Journal of The American Association of Nurse AnesthetistsJ Am Ass Nurs Anesth)Journal of The American Audiology SocietyJ Am Auditory Soc(Journal of The American Auditory SocietyJ Am Auditory Soc0Journal of The American Board of Family MedicineJ Am Board Fam Med0Journal of The American Board of Family PracticeJ Am Board Fam Pract'Journal of The American Ceramic SocietyJ Am Ceram Soc(Journal of The American Chemical Society J Am Chem Soc2Journal of The American College Health AssociationJ Am Coll Health Ass-Journal of The American College of CardiologyJ Am Coll Cardiol5Journal of The American College of Health AssociationJ Amer Coll Health A,Journal of The American College of NutritionJ Am Coll Nutr+Journal of The American College of SurgeonsJ Am Coll Surgeons-Journal of The American College of ToxicologyJ Am Coll Toxicol*Journal of The American Concrete InstituteJ Am Concrete I*Journal of The American Dental AssociationJ Am Dent Assoc,Journal of The American Dietetic AssociationJ Am Diet Assoc*Journal of The American Geriatrics SocietyJ Am Geriatr Soc*Journal of The American Helicopter SocietyJ Am Helicopter Soc2Journal of The American Institute for ConservationJ Am Inst Conserv-Journal of The American Institute of PlannersJ Am I Planners4Journal of The American Leather Chemists AssociationJ Am Leather Chem As,Journal of The American Mathematical Society J Am Math Soc+Journal of The American Medical AssociationJ Amer Med Assoc5Journal of The American Medical Directors AssociationJ Am Med Dir Assoc7Journal of The American Medical Informatics AssociationJ Am Med Inform Assn-Journal of The American Medical TechnologistsJ Am Med Technol2Journal of The American Medical Womens AssociationJ Am Med Women Assoc4Journal of The American Mosquito Control AssociationJ Am Mosquito Contr2Journal of The American Musical Instrument SocietyJ Am Music Instrum S-Journal of The American Musicological SocietyJ Am Music Soc,Journal of The American Oil Chemists SocietyJ Am Oil Chem Soc.Journal of The American Optometric AssociationJ Am Optom Assoc(Journal of The American Oriental SocietyJ Am Oriental Soc/Journal of The American Osteopathic AssociationJ Am Osteopath Assoc2Journal of The American Pharmaceutical AssociationJ Am Pharm AssocMJournal of The American Pharmaceutical Association-practical Pharmacy EditionJ Am Pharm Assoc P PEJournal of The American Pharmaceutical Association-scientific EditionJ Am Pharm Assoc Sci/Journal of The American Pharmacists AssociationJ Am Pharm Assn/Journal of The American Pharmacists AssociationJ Am Pharm Assoc,Journal of The American Planning AssociationJ Am Plann Assoc5Journal of The American Podiatric Medical AssociationJ Am Podiat Med Assn,Journal of The American Podiatry AssociationJ Am Pod Assoc+Journal of The American Pomological SocietyJ Am Pomol Soc+Journal of The American Pomological SocietyJ Amer Pomolog Soc2Journal of The American Psychoanalytic AssociationJ Am Psychoanal AssCJournal of The American Real Estate and Urban Economics AssociationJ Am Real Estate Urb&Journal of The American Rocket SocietyJ Am Rocket Soc9Journal of The American Society for Horticultural ScienceJ Am Soc Hortic Sci7Journal of The American Society for Information ScienceJ Am Soc Inform SciFJournal of The American Society for Information Science and TechnologyJ Am Soc Inf Sci Tec5Journal of The American Society for Mass SpectrometryJ Am Soc Mass Spectr6Journal of The American Society for Psychical ResearchJ Am Soc Psychical R+Journal of The American Society of AgronomyJ Am Soc Agron3Journal of The American Society of Brewing ChemistsJ Am Soc Brew Chem3Journal of The American Society of EchocardiographyJ Am Soc Echocardiog/Journal of The American Society of HypertensionJ Am Soc Hypertens-Journal of The American Society of NephrologyJ Am Soc Nephrol;Journal of The American Society of Sugar Beet TechnologistsJ Am Soc Sugar Beet/Journal of The American Statistical AssociationJ Am Stat Assoc6Journal of The American Veterinary Medical AssociationJ Am Vet Med Assoc4Journal of The American Veterinary Radiology SocietyJ Am Vet Radiol Soc3Journal of The American Water Resources AssociationJ Am Water Resour As*Journal of The Anatomical Society of IndiaJ Anat Soc India0Journal of The Anthropological Society of NipponJ Anthropol Soc Nip'Journal of The Arkansas Medical SocietyJ Arkansas Med SocJournal of The Arnold ArboretumJ Arnold Arboretum*Journal of The Arnold Schoenberg InstituteJ Arnold Schoenberg#Journal of The Asia Pacific EconomyJ Asia Pac Econ2Journal of The Association for Computing MachineryJ Assoc Comput Mach2Journal of The Association for Information SystemsJ Assoc Inf Syst<Journal of The Association for Persons With Severe HandicapsJ Assoc Pers Severe6Journal of The Association for The Study of PerceptionJ Assoc Stud Percept7Journal of The Association of American Medical CollegesJ Assoc Am Med Coll:Journal of The Association of Asphalt Paving TechnologistsJ Assoc Asphalt Pav<Journal of The Association of Official Agricultural ChemistsJ Assoc Off Agr Chem:Journal of The Association of Official Analytical ChemistsJ Assoc Off Ana Chem-Journal of The Association of Public AnalystsJ Assoc Public Anal%Journal of The Astronautical SciencesJ Astronaut Sci#Journal of The Atmospheric Sciences J Atmos Sci-Journal of The Atomic Energy Society of JapanJ Atom Energ Soc Jpn(Journal of The Audio Engineering SocietyJ Audio Eng Soc+Journal of The Australasian Ceramic SocietyJ Aust Ceram Soc/Journal of The Australasian Institute of Metals J Aust I Met/Journal of The Australian Entomological SocietyJ Aust Entomol Soc;Journal of The Australian Institute of Agricultural ScienceJ Aust I Agr Sci-Journal of The Australian Institute of MetalsJ Aust Inst Metals.Journal of The Australian Mathematical SocietyJ Aust Math SocWJournal of The Australian Mathematical Society Series A-pure Mathematics and StatisticsJ Aust Math Soc AKJournal of The Australian Mathematical Society Series B-applied MathematicsJ Aust Math Soc B6Journal of The Australian Traditional-medicine SocietyJ Aust Tradit-med So'Journal of The Autonomic Nervous SystemJ Autonom Nerv Syst.Journal of The Balkan Tribological AssociationJ Balk Tribol Assoc2Journal of The Biological Photographic AssociationJ Biol Photogr Assoc)Journal of The Brazilian Chemical SocietyJ Brazil Chem SocGJournal of The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and EngineeringJ Braz Soc Mech Sci1Journal of The British Archaeological AssociationJ Br Archaeol Assoc:Journal of The British Association of Teachers of The DeafJ Br Assoc Teach D:Journal of The British Association of Teachers of The Deaf Teach Deaf(Journal of The British Grassland SocietyJ Brit Grassland Soc-Journal of The British Interplanetary SocietyJ Brit Inter Soc-Journal of The British Nuclear Energy SocietyJ Brit Nucl Ener Soc0Journal of The British Society for PhenomenologyJ Brit Soc PhenomeniJournal of The Canadian Association of Radiologists-journal De L Association Canadienne Des RadiologistesJ Can Assoc Radiol'Journal of The Canadian Ceramic SocietyJ Can Ceram Soc*Journal of The Canadian Dental AssociationJ Can Dent Assoc^Journal of The Canadian Dietetic Association-revue De L Association Canadienne Des DietetistesJ Can Diet AssocWJournal of The Canadian Historical Association-revue De La Societe Historique Du CanadaJ Can Hist Assoc6Journal of The Central Agricultural Experiment StationJ Cent Agr Exp Sta'Journal of The Ceramic Society of JapanJ Ceram Soc JpnJJournal of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental ManagementJ Chart Inst Water EJournal of The Chemical Society J Chem SocAJournal of The Chemical Society A -inorganic Physical Theoretical J Chem Soc A2Journal of The Chemical Society B-physical Organic J Chem Soc B7Journal of The Chemical Society-chemical CommunicationsJ Chem Soc Chem Comm)Journal of The Chemical Society C-organic J Chem Soc C3Journal of The Chemical Society-dalton TransactionsJ Chem Soc Dalton9Journal of The Chemical Society D-chemical CommunicationsJ Chem Soc Chem Comm4Journal of The Chemical Society-faraday TransactionsJ Chem Soc Faraday T6Journal of The Chemical Society-faraday Transactions IJ Chem Soc Farad T 17Journal of The Chemical Society-faraday Transactions IiJ Chem Soc Farad T 2+Journal of The Chemical Society of PakistanJ Chem Soc Pakistan5Journal of The Chemical Society-perkin Transactions 1J Chem Soc Perk T 15Journal of The Chemical Society-perkin Transactions 2J Chem Soc Perk T 2'Journal of The Chilean Chemical SocietyJ Chil Chem Soc'Journal of The Chinese Chemical SocietyJ Chin Chem Soc-taip6Journal of The Chinese Institute of Chemical EngineersJ Chin Inst Chem Eng-Journal of The Chinese Institute of EngineersJ Chin Inst Eng*Journal of The Chinese Medical AssociationJ Chin Med Assoc6Journal of The Chinese Society of Mechanical EngineersJ Chin Soc Mech Eng;Journal of The College and University Personnel AssociationJ Coll U Pers Assoc5Journal of The College of Radiologists of AustralasiaJ Coll Radiol Austra%Journal of The Communications NetworkJ Commun Netw-uk1Journal of The Communications Research LaboratoryJ Commun Res Lab)Journal of The Construction Division-asceJ Construct Div-asce+Journal of The Copyright Society of The UsaJ Copyright Soc UsaJournal of The Early RepublicJ Early Republ8Journal of The Economic and Social History of The OrientJ Econ Soc Hist Orie&Journal of The Electrochemical SocietyJ Electrochem Soc/Journal of The Electrochemical Society of JapanJ Electrochem Soc Jp1Journal of The Elisha Mitchell Scientific SocietyJ Elisha Mitch Sci S#Journal of The Energy Division-asceJ Energ Div-asceJournal of The Energy Institute J Energy Inst2Journal of The Engineering Mechanics Division-asceJ Eng Mech Div-asce-Journal of The Entomological Research SocietyJ Entomol Res Soc7Journal of The Entomological Society of Southern AfricaJ Entomol Soc S Afr6Journal of The Environmental Engineering Division-asceJ Env Eng Div-asce>Journal of The European Academy of Dermatology and VenereologyJ Eur Acad Dermatol'Journal of The European Ceramic SocietyJ Eur Ceram Soc,Journal of The European Economic AssociationJ Eur Econ Assoc,Journal of The European Mathematical SocietyJ Eur Math Soc:Journal of The European Optical Society-rapid PublicationsJ Eur Opt Soc-rapid0Journal of The Experimental Analysis of BehaviorJ Exp Anal Behav7Journal of The Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu UniversityJ Fac Agr Kyushu UIJournal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi UniversityJ Fac Eng Archit Gaz-Journal of The Faculty of Radiologists-londonJ Fac Radiol-londongJournal of The Faculty of Science University of Tokyo Section 1-mathematics Astronomy Physics ChemistryJ Fac Sci U Tokyo 11Journal of The Fisheries Research Board of CanadaJ Fish Res Board Can*Journal of The Florida Medical AssociationJ Fla Med Assoc!Journal of The Folklore InstituteJ Folklore Inst-Journal of The Food Hygienic Society of JapanJ Food Hyg Soc Jpn'Journal of The Forensic Science SocietyJ Forensic Sci Soc+Journal of The Formosan Medical AssociationJ Formos Med AssocEJournal of The Franklin Institute-engineering and Applied Mathematics J Franklin I!Journal of The Geological SocietyJ Geol Soc London.Journal of The Geological Society of AustraliaJ Geol Soc Aust*Journal of The Geological Society of IndiaJ Geol Soc India,Journal of The Georgia Entomological SocietyJ Georgia Entomol So5Journal of The Geotechnical Engineering Division-asceJ Geotech Eng-asce+Journal of The Hattori Botanical LaboratoryJ Hattori Bot Lab5Journal of The Helminthological Society of WashingtonJ Helminthol Soc W!Journal of The Historical Society J Hist Soc!Journal of The History of Biology J Hist BiolJournal of The History of Ideas J Hist Ideas6Journal of The History of Medicine and Allied SciencesJ Hist Med All Sci$Journal of The History of Philosophy J Hist Philos#Journal of The History of SexualityJ Hist Sexuality1Journal of The History of The Behavioral SciencesJ Hist Behav Sci+Journal of The History of The NeurosciencesJ Hist Neurosci'Journal of The Hydraulics Division-asceJ Hydr Eng Div-asceJournal of The IesJ IesJournal of The IestJ Iest/Journal of The Illuminating Engineering SocietyJ Illum Eng Soc0Journal of The Indiana State Medical AssociationJ Indiana St Med Ass&Journal of The Indian Chemical SocietyJ Indian Chem Soc*Journal of The Indian Institute of ScienceJ Indian I SciMJournal of The Indian Institute of Science Section A-engineering & TechnologyJ Indian I Sci A-engQJournal of The Indian Institute of Science Section B-physical & Chemical SciencesJ Indian I Sci B-phyHJournal of The Indian Institute of Science Section C-biological SciencesJ Indian I Sci C-bio)Journal of The Indian Medical AssociationJ Indian Med Assoc+Journal of The Indian Musicological SocietyJ Indian Music Soc#Journal of The Institute of Brewing J I Brewing"Journal of The Institute of Energy J I Energy2Journal of The Institute of Environmental SciencesJ Inst Environ Sci Journal of The Institute of FuelJ I Fuel<Journal of The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications J I Math Appl2Journal of The Institute of Mathematics of JussieuJ Inst Math Jussieu"Journal of The Institute of MetalsJ I Met&Journal of The Institute of Navigation J Inst Navig%Journal of The Institute of Petroleum J I Petrol<Journal of The Institute of Telecommunications ProfessionalsJ I Telecommun Prof(Journal of The Institute of Wood Science J I Wood SciBJournal of The Institution of British Telecommunications EngineersJ Inst Brit Telecomm<Journal of The Institution of Electronic and Radio EngineersJ I Electron Rad EngIJournal of The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication EngineersJ I El Telecom Eng/Journal of The Institution of Highway Engineers J I Highw Eng/Journal of The Institution of Nuclear Engineers J I Nucl Eng@Journal of The Institution of Water and Environmental ManagementJ Inst Water Env ManAJournal of The International Association for Mathematical GeologyJ Int Ass Math Geol7Journal of The International Neuropsychological SocietyJ Int Neuropsych Soc1Journal of The International Phonetic AssociationJ Int Phon Assoc8Journal of The International Society of Sports NutritionJ Int Soc Sport Nutr#Journal of The Iowa Medical SocietyJ Iowa Med Soc'Journal of The Iranian Chemical SocietyJ Iran Chem Soc8Journal of The Irish Colleges of Physicians and SurgeonsJ Irish Coll Phys S(Journal of The Irish Medical AssociationJ Irish Med Assoc'Journal of The Iron and Steel InstituteJ Iron Steel I4Journal of The Irrigation and Drainage Division-asceJ Irr Drain Div-asce3Journal of The Japanese and International EconomiesJ Jpn Int Econ8Journal of The Japanese Association for Thoracic SurgeryJ Jpn Ass Thor SurgdJournal of The Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology-nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku KaishiJ Jpn Soc Food Sci9Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural ScienceJ Jpn Soc Hortic Sci4Journal of The Japanese Society of Internal MedicineJ Jpn Soc Intern Med1Journal of The Japanese Society of Starch ScienceJ Jpn Soc Starch Sci(Journal of The Japan Institute of Metals J Jpn I Met(Journal of The Japan Petroleum InstituteJ Jpn Petrol Inst+Journal of The Kansas Entomological SocietyJ Kansas Entomol Soc%Journal of The Kansas Medical SocietyJ Kansas Med Soc+Journal of The Kentucky Medical AssociationJ Kentucky Med Assoc*Journal of The Korean Astronomical SocietyJ Korean Astron Soc7Journal of The Korean Institute of Metals and MaterialsJ Korean Inst Met Ma*Journal of The Korean Mathematical SocietyJ Korean Math Soc)Journal of The Korean Medical AssociationJ Korean Med Assoc,Journal of The Korean Meteorological SocietyJ Korean Meteor Soc&Journal of The Korean Physical SocietyJ Korean Phys Soc>Journal of The Korean Society for Applied Biological ChemistryJ Korean Soc Appl Bi)Journal of The Korean Statistical SocietyJ Korean Stat Soc&Journal of The Korean Surgical SocietyJ Korean Surg Soc)Journal of The Kuwait Medical AssociationJ Kuwait Med Assoc Journal of The Learning Sciences J Learn Sci%Journal of The Lepidopterists Society J Lepid Soc!Journal of The Less-common MetalsJ Less-common Met6Journal of The Limnological Society of Southern AfricaJ Limnol Soc S Afr*Journal of The London Mathematical SocietyJ London Math Soc8Journal of The London Mathematical Society-second SeriesJ Lond Math Soc.Journal of The Louisiana State Medical SocietyJ Louisiana St Med S(Journal of The Maine Medical AssociationJ Maine Med AssocBJournal of The Marine Biological Association of The United KingdomJ Mar Biol Assoc Uk&Journal of The Market Research SocietyJ Market Res Soc,Journal of The Mathematical Society of JapanJ Math Soc Jpn:Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical MaterialsJ Mech Behav Biomed.Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of SolidsJ Mech Phys Solids.Journal of The Medical Association of ThailandJ Med Assoc Thailand*Journal of The Medical Library AssociationJ Med Libr Assoc.Journal of The Meteorological Society of JapanJ Meteorol Soc Jpn'Journal of The Mexican Chemical SocietyJ Mex Chem Soc2Journal of The Midwest Modern Language AssociationJ Midwest Mod Lang4Journal of The Mississippi State Medical AssociationJ Miss State Med Ass#Journal of The Mount Sinai HospitalJ Mt Sinai Hosp%Journal of The Musical Arts in AfricaJ Music Arts Afr(Journal of The National Cancer InstituteJ Natl Cancer I4Journal of The National Comprehensive Cancer NetworkJ Natl Compr Canc Ne+Journal of The National Medical AssociationJ Natl Med Assoc7Journal of The National Science Foundation of Sri LankaJ Natl Sci Found Sri$Journal of The Neurological Sciences J Neurol Sci-Journal of The New York Entomological SocietyJ New York Entomol S3Journal of The North American Benthological SocietyJ N Am Benthol Soc0Journal of The Oil & Colour Chemists AssociationJ Oil Colour Chem As1Journal of The Oklahoma State Medical AssociationJ Okla St Med AssocJournal of Theological Studies J Theol Stud+Journal of The Operational Research SocietyJ Oper Res Soc5Journal of The Operations Research Society of AmericaJ Oper Res Soc Am3Journal of The Operations Research Society of JapanJ Oper Res Soc Jpn)Journal of The Optical Society of America J Opt Soc AmKJournal of The Optical Society of America A-optics Image Science and VisionJ Opt Soc Am A;Journal of The Optical Society of America B-optical PhysicsJ Opt Soc Am B'Journal of The Optical Society of KoreaJ Opt Soc Korea,Journal of Theoretical and Applied MechanicsJ Theor App Mech-pol,Journal of Theoretical and Applied MechanicsJ Theor Appl MechJournal of Theoretical Biology J Theor Biol0Journal of Theoretical & Computational ChemistryJ Theor Comput Chem#Journal of Theoretical NeurobiologyJ Theor NeurobiolJournal of Theoretical Politics J Theor Polit"Journal of Theoretical ProbabilityJ Theor Probab$Journal of The Otto Rank AssociationJ Otto Rank Assoc+Journal of The Pakistan Medical AssociationJ Pak Med Assoc2Journal of The Patent and Trademark Office SocietyJ Patent Trademark$Journal of The Patent Office SocietyJ Patent Trademark8Journal of The Pca Research and Development LaboratoriesJ Pca Res Dev Lab(Journal of The Peripheral Nervous SystemJ Peripher Nerv Syst"Journal of The Philosophy of SportJ Philos Sport(Journal of The Physical Society of JapanJ Phys Soc Jpn$Journal of The Polarographic Society J Polar Soc!Journal of The Polynesian SocietyJ Polynesian Soc"Journal of The Power Division-asceJ Power Div Asce>Journal of The Professional Association for Cactus DevelopmentJ Prof Assoc Cactus(Journal of The Radio Research LaboratoryJ Radio Res Lab3Journal of The Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone SystemJ Renin-angio-aldo S*Journal of The Reticuloendothelial SocietyJ Reticuloendoth SocJournal of Thermal Analysis J Therm AnalJournal of Thermal AnalysisJ Therm Analysis+Journal of Thermal Analysis and CalorimetryJ Therm Anal CalorimJournal of Thermal Biology J Therm BiolJournal of Thermal Science J Therm Sci)Journal of Thermal Science and TechnologyJ Therm Sci Tech-jpn#Journal of Thermal Spray TechnologyJ Therm Spray TechnJournal of Thermal StressesJ Therm Stresses*Journal of Thermophysics and Heat TransferJ Thermophys Heat Tr,Journal of Thermoplastic Composite MaterialsJ Thermoplast Compos)Journal of The Royal Aeronautical SocietyJ R Aeronaut Soc4Journal of The Royal Agricultural Society of EnglandJ Roy Agr Soc Engl.Journal of The Royal Anthropological InstituteJ Roy Anthropol InstKJournal of The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and IrelandJ R Anthropol Inst G$Journal of The Royal Asiatic SocietyJ Roy Asiatic Soc3Journal of The Royal Astronomical Society of CanadaJ Roy Astron Soc Can2Journal of The Royal Australian Historical SocietyJ Roy Aust Hist Soc5Journal of The Royal College of General PractitionersJ Roy Coll Gen Pract4Journal of The Royal College of Physicians of LondonJ Roy Coll Phys Lond5Journal of The Royal College of Surgeons of EdinburghJ Roy Coll Surg Edin(Journal of The Royal Musical AssociationJ Roy Music Assn8Journal of The Royal Society for The Promotion of HealthJ R Soc Promo Health&Journal of The Royal Society InterfaceJ R Soc Interface&Journal of The Royal Society InterfaceJ Roy Soc Interface&Journal of The Royal Society of HealthJ Roy Soc Health(Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine J Roy Soc Med+Journal of The Royal Society of New ZealandJ Roy Soc New Zeal9Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series A-generalJ R Stat Soc Ser A-gGJournal of The Royal Statistical Society Series A-statistics in SocietyJ Roy Stat Soc A Sta@Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B-methodologicalJ Roy Stat Soc B MetIJournal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B-statistical MethodologyJ Roy Stat Soc BDJournal of The Royal Statistical Society Series C-applied StatisticsJ Roy Stat Soc C-appBJournal of The Royal Statistical Society Series D-the StatisticianJ Roy Stat Soc D-sta4Journal of The Rubber Research Institute of MalaysiaJ Rubber Res I Malay1Journal of The Sanitary Engineering Division-asceJ Sanit Eng Div Asce.Journal of The Science of Food and AgricultureJ Sci Food Agr*Journal of The Science Society of ThailandJ Sci Soc Thailand9Journal of The Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandJ Agr Sci Finland9Journal of The Scientific Laboratories-denison UniversityJ Sci Lab Denison U'Journal of The Serbian Chemical SocietyJ Serb Chem SocGJournal of The Smpte-society of Motion Picture and Television EngineersJ Smpte)Journal of The Society for American MusicJ Soc Am Music4Journal of The Society for Gynecologic InvestigationJ Soc Gynecol Invest=Journal of The Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsJ Soc Ind Appl Math.Journal of The Society for Information DisplayJ Soc Inf Display2Journal of The Society of Architectural HistoriansJ Soc Archit Hist$Journal of The Society of ArchivistsJ Soc Archivists2Journal of The Society of Chemical Industry-londonJ Soc Chem Ind-l*Journal of The Society of Christian EthicsJ Soc Christ Ethics+Journal of The Society of Cosmetic ChemistsJ Soc Cosmet Chem*Journal of The Society of Dairy TechnologyJ Soc Dairy Technol.Journal of The Society of Dyers and ColouristsJ Soc Dyers Colour<Journal of The Society of Leather Technologists and ChemistsJ Soc Leath Tech Ch2Journal of The Society of Motion Picture EngineersJ Soc Motion Pic Eng?Journal of The Society of Motion Picture & Television EngineersJ Soc Motion Pict T=Journal of The Society of Motion Picture Television EngineersJ Soc Motion Pict T/Journal of The Society of Occupational MedicineJ Soc Occup MedAJournal of The Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation EngineersJ Soc Photo Opt I(Journal of The Society of Rheology JapanJ Soc Rheol Jpn/Journal of The South African Chemical InstituteJ S Afr Chem I?Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and MetallurgyJ S Afr I Min Metall=Journal of The South African Institution of Civil EngineeringJ S Afr Inst Civ EngjJournal of The South African Veterinary Association-tydskrif Van Die Suid-afrikaanse Veterinere VerenigingJ S Afr Vet Assoc1Journal of The South Carolina Medical AssociationJ S C Med AssocJournal of The Southwest J Southwest'Journal of The Structural Division-asceJ Struct Div-asce2Journal of The Surveying and Mapping Division-asceJ Surv Eng Div-asce5Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical EngineersJ Taiwan Inst Chem E,Journal of The Tennessee Medical AssociationJ Tennessee Med Ass Journal of The Textile InstituteJ Text I'Journal of The Torrey Botanical SocietyJ Torrey Bot Soc4Journal of The University Film and Video AssociationJ Univ Film Video As*Journal of The University Film AssociationJ Univ Film Assoc+Journal of The University of Kuwait-scienceJ U Kuwait-sci9Journal of The Urban Planning & Development Division-asceJ Urban Plan Dev Div(Journal of The Violin Society of AmericaJ Violin Soc Am/Journal of The Warburg and Courtauld InstitutesJ Warburg Courtauld<Journal of The Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Division-asceJ Waterw Port C DivFJournal of The Waterways Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division-asceJ Waterway Div-asceJournal of The WestJ West(Journal of The World Aquaculture SocietyJ World Aquacult Soc.Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryJ Thorac Cardiov SurJournal of Thoracic Imaging J Thorac ImagJournal of Thoracic OncologyJ Thorac OncolJournal of Thoracic Surgery J Thorac SurgJournal of Thought J Thought%Journal of Thrombosis and HaemostasisJ Thromb Haemost&Journal of Thrombosis and ThrombolysisJ Thromb ThrombolysJournal of Time Series AnalysisJ Time Ser Anal7Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineJ Tissue Eng Regen MJournal of TopologyJ Topol"Journal of Town Planning InstituteJ Town Plann I!Journal of Toxicological Sciences J Toxicol Sci Journal of Toxicologic PathologyJ Toxicol Pathol.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental HealthJ Toxicol Env Health5Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-part AJ Toxicol Env Heal ADJournal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-part A-current IssuesJ Toxicol Env Heal AFJournal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-part B-critical ReviewsJ Toxicol Env Heal B)Journal of Toxicology-clinical ToxicologyJ Toxicol-clin Toxic5Journal of Toxicology-cutaneous and Ocular ToxicologyJ Toxicol-cutan Ocul#Journal of Toxicology-toxin ReviewsJ Toxicol-toxin Rev*Journal of Trace and Microprobe TechniquesJ Trace Microprobe T@Journal of Trace Elements and Electrolytes in Health and DiseaseJ Trace Elem Elect H2Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental MedicineJ Trace Elem Exp Med1Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and BiologyJ Trace Elem Med Bio'Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineJ Tradit Chin Med Journal of Transcultural NursingJ Transcult Nurs!Journal of Translational Medicine J Transl Med#Journal of Transpersonal PsychologyJ Transpersonal Psy*Journal of Transportation Engineering-asceJ Transp Eng-asce)Journal of Transport Economics and PolicyJ Transp Econ PolicyJournal of Transport GeographyJ Transp GeogrJournal of TraumaJ Traum Journal of Trauma & DissociationJ Trauma Dissociatio4Journal of Trauma-injury Infection and Critical CareJ TraumaJournal of Traumatic StressJ Trauma StressJournal of Travel Medicine J Travel MedJournal of Travel Research J Travel Res-Journal of Tribology-transactions of The AsmeJ Tribol-t AsmeJournal of Tropical Ecology J Trop Ecol"Journal of Tropical Forest ScienceJ Trop For SciJournal of Tropical Geography J Trop Geogr(Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneJ Trop Med HygJournal of Tropical MeteorologyJ Trop MeteorolJournal of Tropical PediatricsJ Trop Pediatrics=Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and Environmental Child HealthJ Trop Ped Env Ch H Journal of Tumor Marker OncologyJ Tumor Marker Oncol2Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme J TurbomachJournal of TurbulenceJ TurbulJournal of Typographic ResearchJ Typograph ResJournal of Ukrainian Studies J Ukr Stud!Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine J Ultras Med:Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure ResearchJ Ultra Mol Struct R"Journal of Ultrastructure ResearchJ Ultra Mol Struct R%Journal of Universal Computer ScienceJ Univers Comput Sci7Journal of University of Science and Technology BeijingJ Univ Sci Technol BJournal of Urban Affairs J Urban AffJournal of Urban Analysis J Urban AnalJournal of Urban Economics J Urban EconDJournal of Urban Health-bulletin of The New York Academy of MedicineJ Urban HealthJournal of Urban History J Urban HistJournal of Urban Law J Urban Law.Journal of Urban Planning and Development-asceJ Urban Plan D-asceJournal of Urban TechnologyJ Urban TechnolJournal of Urology J Urology&Journal of Vacuum Science & TechnologyJ Vac Sci Technol(Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology AJ Vac Sci Technol ABJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A-vacuum Surfaces and FilmsJ Vac Sci Technol A(Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology BJ Vac Sci Technol BJournal of Value InquiryJ Value InquiryJournal of Vascular Access J Vasc Access0Journal of Vascular and Interventional RadiologyJ Vasc Interv Radiol(Journal of Vascular Diseases, Supplement J Vasc DisJournal of Vascular Research J Vasc ResJournal of Vascular Surgery J Vasc Surg Journal of Vector Borne Diseases J Vector DisJournal of Vector Ecology J Vector EcolJournal of Vegetation Science J Veg SciBJournal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical DiseasesJ Venom Anim Toxins.Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal BehaviorJ Verb Learn Verb Be"Journal of Vertebrate PaleontologyJ Vertebr Paleontol8Journal of Vestibular Research-equilibrium & OrientationJ Vestibul Res-equilAJournal of Veterinary Behavior-clinical Applications and Research J Vet BehavJournal of Veterinary Dentistry J Vet Dent.Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic InvestigationJ Vet Diagn Invest1Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical CareJ Vet Emerg Crit Car'Journal of Veterinary Internal MedicineJ Vet Intern Med'Journal of Veterinary Medical EducationJ Vet Med Educ%Journal of Veterinary Medical Science J Vet Med SciNJournal of Veterinary Medicine Series A-physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine J Vet Med AxJournal of Veterinary Medicine Series A-zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe A-physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine J Vet Med AXJournal of Veterinary Medicine Series B-infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health J Vet Med BXJournal of Veterinary Medicine Series B-infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health J Vet Med BJournal of Veterinary Medicine Series B-zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe B-infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health J Vet Med B3Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and TherapeuticsJ Vet Pharmacol TherJournal of Veterinary Science J Vet SciXJournal of Vibration Acoustics Stress and Reliability in Design-transactions of The Asme J Vib AcoustXJournal of Vibration Acoustics Stress and Reliability in Design-transactions of The AsmeJ Vib Acoust Stress;Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-transactions of The Asme J Vib Acoust Journal of Vibration and Control J Vib ControlJournal of Vibroengineering J Vibroeng&Journal of Vinyl & Additive TechnologyJ Vinyl Addit TechnJournal of Viral HepatitisJ Viral HepatitisJournal of Virological MethodsJ Virol MethodsJournal of VirologyJ VirolJournal of VisionJ Vision8Journal of Visual Communication and Image RepresentationJ Vis Commun Image RJournal of Visual Culture J Vis Cult(Journal of Visual Impairment & BlindnessJ Visual Impair BlinJournal of VisualizationJ Visual-japan/Journal of Visualization and Computer AnimationJ Visual Comp Animat)Journal of Visual Languages and ComputingJ Visual Lang ComputJournal of Vitaminology J Vitaminol$Journal of Vlsi and Computer SystemsJ Vlsi Comput Syst!Journal of Vlsi Signal ProcessingJ Vlsi Signal Proc(Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Series J Vlsi SignOJournal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video TechnologyJ Vlsi Sig Proc SystOJournal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video TechnologyJ Vlsi Sig Process S5Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing, Vol 3, Nos 1 and 2 J Vlsi SignJournal of Vocational Behavior J Vocat BehavJournal of VoiceJ Voice.Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal ResearchJ Volcanol Geoth Res%Journal of Volcanology and SeismologyJ Volcanol Seismol+$Journal of Voluntary Action ResearchJ Volunt Action ResJournal of Water and HealthJ Water Health)Journal of Water Chemistry and TechnologyJ Water Chem Techno+7Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management-asceJ Water Res Pl-asce6Journal of Water Services Research and Technology-aquaJ Water Serv Res Tec4Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-aquaJ Water Supply Res T;Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-asceJ Waterw Port C-asceJournal of Web Engineering J Web EngJournal of Web Semantics J Web SemantJournal of Wilderness MedicineJ Wilderness MedJournal of Wildlife DiseasesJ Wildlife DisJournal of Wildlife ManagementJ Wildlife Manage"Journal of Wildlife RehabilitationJ Wildlife Rehabil7Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial AerodynamicsJ Wind Eng Ind AerodJournal of Women & Aging J Women Aging"Journal of Women Politics & PolicyJ Women Polit PolicyJournal of Womens HealthJ Womens Health0Journal of Womens Health & Gender-based MedicineJ Women Health Gen-bJournal of Womens History J Womens Hist(Journal of Wood Chemistry and TechnologyJ Wood Chem TechnolJournal of Wood Science J Wood SciJournal of World Business J World BusJournal of World History J World HistJournal of World PrehistoryJ World PrehistJournal of World Trade J World Trade.Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence NursingJ Wound Ostomy ContJournal of Wscg Journal WscgJournal of Wscg, 2006 Journal WscgJournal of Wscg, 2007 Journal WscgJournal of Wscg, 2008 Journal WscgCJournal of Wuhan University of Technology-materials Science EditionJ Wuhan Univ Technol'Journal of X-ray Science and TechnologyJ X-ray Sci Technol Journal of Youth and AdolescenceJ Youth AdolescenceJournal of Youth Studies J Youth Stud(Journal of Zhejiang University-science AJ Zhejiang Univ-sc A(Journal of Zhejiang University-science BJ Zhejiang Univ-sc B$Journal of Zoo and Wildlife MedicineJ Zoo Wildlife MedJournal of Zoo Animal MedicineJ Zoo Anim MedJournal of Zoo Animal MedicineJ Zoo Wildlife Med;Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary ResearchJ Zool Syst Evol ResJournal of ZoologyJ ZoolJournal On Data Semantics ILect Notes Comput ScJournal On Data Semantics IiLect Notes Comput ScJournal On Data Semantics IiiLect Notes Comput ScJournal On Data Semantics IvLect Notes Comput ScJournal On Data Semantics IxLect Notes Comput ScJournal On Data Semantics VLect Notes Comput ScJournal On Data Semantics ViLect Notes Comput ScJournal On Data Semantics ViiLect Notes Comput Sc&Journal Prestressed Concrete InstituteJ Prestr Concrete IJournals and History of ScienceBiblio NunciusJournals of Gerontology J GerontolIJournals of Gerontology Series A-biological Sciences and Medical SciencesJ Gerontol A-biolKJournals of Gerontology Series B-psychological Sciences and Social SciencesJ Gerontol B-psychol*Journal Water Pollution Control FederationJ Water Pollut Con F2Jovan Ducic Under The Signs of Apollo and Dionysis Serb Ac Mon/Jpc-journal of Planar Chromatography-modern TlcJpc-j Planar Chromat)Jsaem Studies in Applied ElectromagneticsJsaem Appl Electrom7Jsaem Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and MechanicsJsaem St Appl Electr Jsae ReviewJsae Rev8Jsls-journal of The Society of Laparoendoscopic SurgeonsJsls-j Soc LaparoendJsme International Journal Jsme Int JFJsme International Journal Series A-mechanics and Material EngineeringJsme Int J A-mech MLJsme International Journal Series A-solid Mechanics and Material EngineeringJsme Int J A-solid MBJsme International Journal Series B-fluids and Thermal EngineeringJsme Int J B-fluid TVJsme International Journal Series C-dynamics Control Robotics Design and ManufacturingJsme Int J C-dyn ConYJsme International Journal Series C-mechanical Systems Machine Elements and ManufacturingJsme Int J C-mech SypJsme International Journal Series Ii-fluids Engineering Heat Transfer Power Combustion Thermophysical PropertiesJsme Int J Ii-fluid\Jsme International Journal Series Iii-vibration Control Engineering Engineering for IndustryJsme Int J Iii-vib CIJsme International Journal Series I-solid Mechanics Strength of MaterialsJsme Int J I-solid MJspe Publication Series Jspe Publ SerJudaica Bohemiae Jud BohemJudaismJudaismJudaism in Context Jud Context*Judaism, Science, and Moral ResponsibilityOrthodox Forum SereJudging The Validity of Information Sources : Teaching Critical Analysis in Bibliographic Instruction Lib OrientJudgment and Decision MakingJudgm Decis Mak$Judgment and Decision Making JournalJudgm Decis Mak Judicature Judicature2Judicial Reform in Latin America and The Caribbean World Ban T@Jugoslovenska Medicinska Biohemija-yugoslav Medical BiochemistryJugoslav Med Biohem+Junctures-the Journal for Thematic Dialogue JuncturesJung Journal-culture & PsycheJung J-cult PsycheJust Ecological IntegritySt Social Polit LegJustice and XenophobiaVer Ludwig Boltzmann,Justice, Morality, and Social ResponsibilityRes Soc Iss Man SerJustice Quarterly Justice QJustice System JournalJustice Syst JLJust-in-time and Quick Response Systems in Textile and Garment Manufacturing VDI BerichtLJust-in-time Manufacturing Systems : Operational Planning and Control IssuesManuf Res Technol!Justus Liebigs Annalen Der ChemieLiebigs Ann Chem+Jutland Archaeological Society PublicationsJut Arch Soc Publ!Juvenile and Family Court JournalJuvenile Fam Court JJuvenile & Family Court JournalJuvenile Fam Court JJuvenile Headache Int Congr SerJuvenile JusticeJuvenile JusticeK3 Projective Models in ScrollsLect Notes Math/Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi DergisiKafkas Univ Vet FakKafka, Zionism and Beyond Condit JudKagaku Kogaku RonbunshuKagaku Kogaku Ronbun8Kaikille Kansoille: Lahetystyo Kulttuurien Vuoropuheluna Hist Arkisto+Kainate Receptors: Novel Signaling InsightsAdv Exp Med BiolLKaiser Julian Apostata Und Die Philosophische Reaktion Gegen Das ChristentumMillenn Stud Kult GegKaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, 1927-1945: Crossing BoundariesBost Stud Philos Sci=Kaleckis Principle of Increasing Risk and Keynesian EconomicsRoutl Stud Hist Econ+Kalikasan-the Philippine Journal of Biology Kalikasan3Kallmann Syndrome and Hypogonadotropic HypogonadismFront Horm ResKalte Und KlimatechnikKalte Klimatechnik'Kanban-controlled Manufacturing SystemsLect Notes Econ Math]Kansallisten Elakestrategioiden Muotoutuminen Ja Euroopan Unionin Avoin KoordinaatiomenetelmaStud Soc Secur Healt/Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Kans Aes Bull;Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research PublicationKans Aes Res PublKant Routl Philos"Kant and Contemporary Epistemology U W Ont Phi:Kant and Critique: New Essays in Honor of W.h. Werkmeister Synth Libr Kant and Kierkegaard On ReligionClaremon Stud Philos$Kant and Philosophy of Science Today Roy I Ph S?Kant and Swedenborg: Approaches to A Controversial RelationshipHell Beit Eur AukCKant's Critique of Pure Reason: The Foundation of Modern PhilosophyStud Ger Idealism?Kants Idealism: New Interpretations of A Controversial DoctrineNew Synth Hist LibKant's Theory of The SelfRout St Eight Cn Phi Kantstudien Kantstudien Kant-studien Kant-stud%Kaohsiung Journal of Medical SciencesKaohsiung J Med Sci%Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht, 3. 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Notes?Katyn and The Soviet Massacre of 1940: Truth Justice and MemoryBasees-rout Ser Russ=Kauffman Foundation Series On Innovation and EntrepreneurshipKauff Found SerLKaufmann Von Berlin: Ein Historisches Schauspiel Aus Der Deutschen Inflation Conditio Jud#Kausalitat Und Argumentrealisierung Linguist ArbKautschuk Gummi KunststoffeKaut Gummi KunststKavakaKavakaKawasaki Disease Int Congr Ser)Kazakhstan: Ethnicity, Language and PowerCent Asian Stud SerXKazaliste Vlasti: Ceremonijal I Drzavni Blagdani Dubrovacke Republike U 17 I 18 StoljecuCroat Acad Sci ArtsKazuo IshiguroRoutledge Guides LitKeats-shelley JournalKeats-shelley J+Keats-shelley Memorial Association BulletinKeats-shelley Mem As+Keats-shelley Memorial Association BulletinKeats-shelley RevKeats-shelley ReviewKeats-shelley RevDKeck Center for International and Strategic Studies/monograph SeriesKeck Ctr Int St Stud"Kedi Journal of Educational PolicyKedi J Educ PolicyKeele Cognition Seminars Keele Cog SKeeping People Out of Prison Aic Conf PEKeeping The User in Mind: Instructional Design and The Modern LibraryChandos Inf Prof SerKeio Economic StudiesKeio Econ StudEKeio University International Symposia for Life Sciences and MedicineKeio U Int Symp Life6Keio University Symposia for Life Science and MedicineKeio Univ Symp Life)Kelan Kuntoutuksen Vuonna 2003 PaattaneetStud Soc Secur HealtKelvin and IrelandJ Phys Conf SerWKemalism in Turkish Politics: The Republican People's Party, Secularism and NationalismRoutl Stud Mid E PolKemiai KozlemenyekKem Kozl0Kemikaalialtistumisen Vahentaminen Palokohteissa Vtt Res NotesKemisk Tidskrift Kem Tidskr#Kennedy Institute of Ethics JournalKennedy Inst Ethic JKennedy, Johnson and NatoContemp Secur StudKentucky EngineerKy EngKentucky Folklore RecordKy Folklore RecKentucky Law JournalKy Law JKentucky Romance QuarterlyKy Romance Quart Kenyon Review Kenyon Rev:Kept 2009: Knowledge Engineering Principles and TechniquesKnowl Eng Prin TechiKernal-based Data Fusion for Machine Learning: 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Materials Key Eng MatKey Engineering Materials Key Eng Mater4Key Guides to Effective Teaching in Higher EducationKey Guid Eff Teach H Key Ideas Key IdeasKey Ideas in CriminologyKey Ideas CriminolKey Ideas in GeographyKey Ideas GeogrKey Issues in Cultural HeritageKey Issues Cult Heri%Key Issues in Educational Development Ox St Com EKey Issues in Higher EducationKey Issues High EducKey Issues in Mental HealthKey Issues Ment Heal!Key Issues in Sociological Theory Key Iss SocKeynesian MultiplierRoutl Front Polit EcoKeynes On Monetary Policy, Finance and Uncertainty: Liquidity Preference Theory and The Global Financial CrisisRoutl Stud Hist Econ+Keynes's General Theory After Seventy YearsInt Econ Assoc SerieFKeynes's Theoretical Development: From The Tract to The General TheoryRoutl Stud Hist Econ8Keynes's Vision: Why The Great Depression Did Not ReturnRoutl Stud Hist EconIKey Processes in The Growth and Cropping of Deciduous Fruit and Nut Trees Acta HorticKeys for Regeneration Mg Devel BKey Sociologists Key Sociol$Key Technologies for Data ManagementLect Notes Comput ScKey Topics in Brain ResearchKey Top Brain ResKfki Preprint/report Series Kfki Prep R K F K Reports K F K ReportsKgk-kautschuk Gummi KunststoffeKgk-kaut Gummi Kunst:Khams Pa Histories: Visions of People, Place and AuthorityBrills Tibet Stu LibdKhecarividya of Adinatha: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of An Early Text of HathayogaRoutledge Stud TantrKhedive Ismails Army Cass Mil StudKhimicheskaya FizikaKhim FizKhimicheskaya Promyshlennost Khim Promst+"Khimiko-farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal Khim Farm Zh+'Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh SoedineniiKhim Geterotsikl+Khimiya Prirodnykh SoedineniiKhim Prir Soedin+Khimiya Prirodnykh SoedineniiKhim Prirodnyk Soedi Khirurgiya Khirurgiya8Ki2002: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int,Ki 2003: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int9Ki 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Ki2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Ki 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Ki 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Ki 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Ki 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int*Ki-98: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int*Ki-99: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int Kidney & Blood Pressure ResearchKidney Blood Press R$Kidney and Blood Pressure RegulationContrib Nephrol7Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation: A Pracitical GuideCurr Clin Urol Kidney in Plasma Cell DyscrasiasContrib NephrolKidney International Kidney IntKidney, Proteins and DrugsContrib Nephrol&Kidney, Proteins and Drugs : An UpdateContrib Nephrol>Kidney Transplantation : Strategies to Prevent Organ RejectionContrib Nephrol.Kieler Milchwirtschaftliche ForschungsberichteKieler Milchw ForschKieler Studien Kiel StudKieler Studien Kieler StudKierkegaardian AuthorKierke Stud Monogr SKierkegaard RevisitedKierkeg St Monog Ser!Kierkegaards Deiktische TheologieKierke Stud Monogr SMKierkegaards Furcht Und Zittern: Als Bild Seines Ethischen ErkenntnisbegriffsKierke Stud Monogr S$Kierkegaard Studies Monograph SeriesKierke Stud Monogr S%Kierkegaard Studies: Monograph SeriesKierkeg St Monog SerKierkegaard Und SchleiermacherKierke Stud Monogr S@Killing in A Gray Area Between Humanitarian Law and Human RightsSchr Juris Fak Eur8Killing Women: The Visual Culture of Gender and Violence Cult Stud Ser/Kindergartens: Programs, Functions and OutcomesEduc Compet Glob WorKindheit Und EntwicklungKindh Entwickl Kindling 5Adv Behav Biol Kindling 6Adv Behav BiolBKinematic Evolution and Structural Styles of Fold-and-thrust BeltsGeol Soc Spec Publ%Kinematics and Dynamics of Lava FlowsGeol Soc Am Spec Pap[Kinematics and Dynamics of Multibody Systems With Imperfect Joints: Models and Case StudiesLect Notes Appl Comp*Kinematics and Physics of Celestial BodiesKinemat Phys Celest+;Kinematic Systems in Geodesy, Surveying, and Remote SensingIag Symp Kinesiology KinesiologyKinetic and Related ModelsKinet Relat ModKinetics and Catalysis Kinet Catal+*Kinetics-driven Nanopatterning On SurfacesMater Res Soc Symp P+Kinetics of Ordering and Growth At SurfacesNato Adv Sci I B-phy!Kinetics of Phase TransformationsMater Res Soc Symp P)Kinetic Theory of A Dilute Ionized PlasmaSpringer Ser Atom Op"Kinetic Theory of Nonideal PlasmasJ Phys Conf Ser-King and The Whore: King Roderick and La CavaNew Middle Ages)King Authur in The Medieval Low CountriesMediaevalia Lovan9Kingdom of Priests: Ancestry and Merit in Ancient JudaismJew Cult Context0Kingdom of Sicily, 1100-1250: A Literary HistoryMiddle Ages Ser/King Faisal Specialist Hospital Medical JournalK F Spec Hosp Med J#King Herod: A Persecuted Persecutor Stud JudaicaKing Lear: New Critical EssaysShakespear CritOKing Manasseh and Child Sacrifice: Biblical Distortions of Historical RealitiesBeih Z Alttest WissOKingship, Rebellion and Political Culture: England and Germany, C.1215 - C.1250Mediev Cult SocDKing's Lynn and The Fens: Medieval Art, Architecture and ArchaeologyBrit Archaeol Assoc,Kinki University Series On Quantum ComputingKinki U Ser QuantumKinsey Institute Series Kinsey Inst,Kinship and Demographic Behavior in The PastIntl Studies PopulatCKissing Christians: Ritual and Community in The Late Ancient ChurchDivin Reread Late AnKjemiKjemi>Klassik Und Moderne-schriftenreihe Der Klassik Stiftung WeimarKlass Mod-schriftenrKleintierpraxisKleintierpraxisKlinicheskaya MeditsinaKlin Med Moscow+GKlinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni-bulletin of Clinical PsychopharmacologyKlin Psikofarmakol B*Klinische Monatsblatter Fur AugenheilkundeKlin Monatsbl AugenhKlinische NeurophysiologieKlin NeurophysiolKlinische NeuroradiologieKlin NeuroradiolKlinische Padiatrie Klin PadiatrKlinische WochenschriftKlin Wochenschr?Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer ScienceKluwer Int Ser Eng CgKluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science : Communications and Information Theory Kluw CommunRKluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science : Real-time System Kluw Real TmKluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science : Robotics - Vision, Manipulation and Sensors Kluw Robot{Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science : Vlsi, Computer Architecture and Digital Signal Processing Kluw S Vlsi;Kluwer International Series On Advances in Database SystemsKluw Int S Adv DataBKluwer International Series On Computer Supported Cooperative WorkKis Co Sup Coop Work=Kluwer International Series On Discrete Event Dynamic SystemsKluw Int S Dis Ev Dy-Kluwer Internatonal Series in Video ComputingKlu Int S Video CompTKlystrons, Traveling Wave Tubes, Magnetrons, Crossed-field Amplifiers, and GyrotronsArtech Hse Microw LiCKmetijstvo V Mestni Obcini Ljubljana: Relikt Ali Razvojni PotencialGeograffKneeKnee,Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology ArthroscopyKnee Surg Sport Tr AKnjizevna SmotraKjnizev Smotra)Knossos: Palace, City, State, ProceedingsBr Sch Athens Stud*Knots and Links in Three-dimensional FlowsLect Notes MathKnots and Quantum GravityOxf Lec S Math Appl2Knowing Art: Essays in Aesthetics and EpistemologyPhilos Stud SerKnowing Full WellSoochow Univ LectKnowledge Acquisition Knowl Acquis>Knowledge Acquisition: Approaches, Algorithms and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int7Knowledge Acquisition in Practice: A Step-by-step Guide Decis Eng.Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and ManagementLect Notes Artif IntBKnowledge Ahead Approach to Risk: Theory and Experimental EvidenceLect Notes Econ Math0Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An IntroductionExplor Educ Purp8Knowledge and Information-studies in Information ScienceKnowl Info-stud Info!Knowledge and Information SystemsKnowl Inf Syst@Knowledge and Information Visualization: Searching for SynergiesLect Notes Comput Sc@Knowledge and Infromation Visualization: Searching for SynergiesLect Notes Comput Sc.Knowledge and Management of Aquatic EcosystemsKnowl Manag Aquat Ec8Knowledge and Power in The Artic, Conference Proceedings U Lap A C RKnowledge and QuestionsGrazer Philos Stud;Knowledge and Skill Chains in Engineering and ManufacturingInt Fed Info ProcKnowledge and Space Knowl Space5Knowledge and Technology Transfer for Plant PathologyPlant Path 21stmKnowledge and The Family Business: The Governance and Management of Family Firms in The New Knowledge EconomyInnov Tech Knowl Man8Knowledge Annotation: Making Implicit Knowledge ExplicitIntel Syst Ref LibrIKnowledge-based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt ILect Notes Artif IntJKnowledge-based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt IiLect Notes Artif IntKKnowledge-based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt IiiLect Notes Artif IntWKnowledge-based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntVKnowledge-based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntJKnowledge-based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt IvLect Notes Artif IntIKnowledge-based Artificial Intelligence Systems in Aerospace and IndustryP Soc Photo-opt Ins Knowledge Based Computer SystemsLect Notes Artif IntFKnowledge-based Expert Systems in Chemistry: Not Counting On ComputersRsc Theor Comput CheKnowledge Based Hybrid Systems Ifip Trans BjKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: Kes 2007 - Wirn 2007, Pt Iii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntiKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: Kes 2007 - Wirn 2007, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif InthKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: Kes 2007 - Wirn 2007, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScTKnowledge - Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntRKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntRKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScRKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntRKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScRKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntRKnowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 4, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int^Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, Pts 1 and 2 Fr Art Int^Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, Pts 1 and 2Front Artif Intel ApRKnowledge-based Intellignet Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int*Knowledge-based Management Support Systems E Horwood B6Knowledge-based Neurocomputing: A Fuzzy Logic ApproachStud Fuzz Soft Comp5Knowledge Based Organization International ConferenceKnowl Bas Organ Int#Knowledge-based Reactive Scheduling Ifip Trans B$Knowledge-based Software Engineering Fr Art Int$Knowledge-based Software EngineeringFront Artif Intel ApKnowledge-based SystemsKnowl-based Syst&Knowledge Bases for Education Policies Oecd DocumAKnowledge Business: Horticulture Education and Knowledge Transfer Acta Hortic<Knowledge Cartography: Software Tools and Mapping TechniquesAdv Inform Knowl ProKnowledge Contributors Synth Libr(Knowledge-creation Diffusion Utilization Knowledge0Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int=Knowledge Discovery and Emergent Complexity in BioinformaticsLect N BioinformatAKnowledge Discovery Enhanced With Semantic and Social InformationStud Comp Intell<Knowledge Discovery for Counterterrorism and Law EnforcementCh Crc Data Min Know(Knowledge Discovery From Legal DatabasesLaw Philos Libr$Knowledge Discovery From Sensor Data Ind Innov Ser$Knowledge Discovery From Sensor DataLect Notes Comput Sc3Knowledge Discovery From Xml Documents, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Pkdd 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int8Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Pkdd 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int+Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Pkdd 2005Lect Notes Artif Int8Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Pkdd 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int8Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Pkdd 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int*Knowledge Discovery in Inductive DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc;Knowledge Discovery in Life Science Literature, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Knowledge Discovery in Spatial Data Adv Spat SciCKnowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge ManagementComm Com Inf ScNKnowledge-driven Computing: Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent ComputationsStud Comput Intell:Knowledge-driven Corporation: Complex Creative DestructionLmx Leadersh SerPKnowledge-driven Entrepreneurship: The Key to Social and Economic TransformationInnov Tech Knowl MandKnowledge-driven Multimedia Information Extraction and Ontology Evolution: Bridging The Semantic GapLect Notes Artif Int:Knowledge Economies: Innovation, Organization and LocationRoutl Stud Glob Comp;Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Knowledge Engineering: Practice and Patterns, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Knowledge Engineering Principles and TechniquesKnowl Eng Prin TechKnowledge Engineering Review Knowl Eng Rev]Knowledge Enterprise: Intelligent Strategies in Product Design, Manufacturing, and ManagementInt Fed Info Proc>Knowledge Exploration in Life Science Informatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int$Knowledge Flows in European IndustryRoutl Stud Bus Organ#Knowledge for Inclusive DevelopmentInt S Techn Pol Inn#Knowledge for Inclusive DevelopmentInt Ser Technol PoliEKnowledge-free and Learning-based Methods in Intelligent Game PlayingStud Comput Intell'Knowledge Generation & Technical Change Nat Res Man'Knowledge Generation & Technical ChangeNat Res Manag Policy@Knowledge in Formation: A Computational Theory of Interpretation Cogn TechnolTKnowledge in The Development of Economies: Institutional Choices Under GlobalisationNew Perspect Mod CorCKnowledge Management and Acquisition for Smart Systems and ServicesLect Notes Artif Int,Knowledge Management and Management LearningIntegr Ser Inform Sy0Knowledge Management and Organizational LearningAnn Inform Syst,Knowledge Management: An Evolutionary ReviewAdv Manag Inform Sys6Knowledge Management: Competencies and ProfessionalismSer Innovat Knowl Ma/Knowledge Management for Educational InnovationInt Fed Info Proc/Knowledge Management for Health Care ProceduresLect Notes Artif Int/Knowledge Management for Health Care ProceduresLect Notes Comput ScKnowledge Management in ActionInt Fed Info Proc-Knowledge Management in Electronic GovernmentLect Notes Artif Int:Knowledge Management in Electronic Government, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Knowledge Management: Innovation, Technology and CulturesSer Innovat Knowl Ma(Knowledge Management Research & PracticeKnowl Man Res PractKnowledge MiningStud Fuzz Soft Comp'Knowledge Modeling & Expertise Transfer Fr Art IntKnowledge Organization Knowl Organ-Knowledge Organization and Quality Management Adv Know Or'Knowledge Organization in Subject AreasKnowl Org Subj Area"Knowledge Oriented Software Design Ifip Trans A?Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent-based SystemsStud Comput Intell5Knowledge Processing With Interval and Soft ComputingAdv Inform Knowl Pro;Knowledge Representation for Agents and Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntHKnowledge Representation for Health-care: Data, Processes and GuidelinesLect Notes Artif Int-Knowledge Science, Engineering and ManagementLect Notes Artif Int-Knowledge Science, Engineering and ManagementLect Notes Comput ScYKnowledge Seeker - Ontology Modelling for Information Search and Management: A CompendiumIntel Syst Ref LibrAKnowledge Services Management: Organizing Around Internal MarketsServ Sci Res Innov ShKnowledge Sharing in The Integrated Enterprise: Interoperability Strategies for The Enterprise ArchitectInt Fed Info ProcGKnowledge Society Vs. Knowledge Economy: Knowledge, Power, and PoliticsIssues High Educ-pal-Knowledge, Technology Transfer, and ForesightNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec%Kobe Earthquake: Geodynamical AspectsAdv Earthq EngnKobunshi KagakuKobunshi KagakuKobunshi RonbunshuKobunshi RonbunshuKodai Mathematical Journal Kodai Math JKodai School On Solar Physics Aip Conf ProcKodikas Code-ars SemeioticaKodikas Code-ars SemKoedoeKoedoeKog Kagaku ZasshiKog Kagaku ZasshiKogyo Kagaku ZasshiKogyo Kagaku ZasshiKoharenzbegriffe in Der EthikIdeen ArgumenteLKoi 2008: 12th International Conference On Operational Research, ProceedingsInt Conf Oper ResKolloidnyi ZhurnalColloid J Ussr+Kolloid-zeitschrift Kolloid Z0Kolloid-zeitschrift and Zeitschrift Fur PolymereKolloid Z Z Polym7Kolner Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Und SozialpsychologieKolner Z Soziol SozaKommunikation Im Spiegel Der Unternehmenskultur: Dialogisches Handeln Und Unternehmerische ZweckeBeitr Dialogforsch Kommunist KommunistKomparatistische HefteKomparatist HefteKona-powder and ParticleKona Kona Powder and Particle JournalKona Powder Part J>Kondo Effect and Dephasing in Low-dimensional Metallic SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math>Kondo Effect and Dephasing in Low-dimensional Metallic SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathTKonfliktverlaufe: Normen Der Geschlechterbeziehungen in Texten Des 17th JahrhundertsQuell Forsch Lit KulGKongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Matematisk-fysiske MeddelelserKong Dansk VidenskBKoninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, Verhandelingen Knaw Verhan\Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Weteschappen-proceedings Series A-mathematical SciencesK Ned Akad Van Wet AXKoninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Weteschappen-proceedings Series B-physical SciencesK Ned Akad Van Wet-bfKoninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Weteschappen-proceedings Series C-biological and Medical SciencesK Ned Akad Van Wet-pRKonkretisierungskompetenz Und Konkretisierungsmethoden Im Europaischen PrivatrechtPap Eur Int Retail B?Konkretisierung Von Generalklauseln Im Europaischen PrivatrechtSchr Eur Int Priv BKonsthistorisk TidskriftKonsthist Tidskr+Konstruieren Mit Faser-kunststoff-verbundenVDI-BuchKonstruktionen Der FremdeSpectr LiteraturwissKonzepte Des HochdeutschenStud Linguist GerKoordinatsionnaya KhimiyaKoordinats Khim+7Koptische Apokryphen Aus Nubien: Der Kasr El-wizz KodexTexte Unters Gesch A*Koptische Zeugen Der AuferstehungsberichteArb Neutest Textfors Korea-australia Rheology JournalKorea-aust Rheol JKorea Confronts GlobalizationRoutl Adv Korean StuKorea in The New AsiaRout Adv Korea Studi Korea JournalKorea J<Korean Developmental State: From Dirigisme to Neo-liberalismRoutledge Stud Growt3Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal ResourcesKorean J Food Sci AnKorean Journal of BiochemistryKorean J Biochem&Korean Journal of Chemical EngineeringKorean J Chem Eng"Korean Journal of Defense AnalysisKorean J Def AnalKorean Journal of GeneticsKorean J Genetic4Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & TechnologyKorean J Hortic Sci%Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine Kor J Lab Med%Korean Journal of Laboratory MedicineKorean J Lab Med!Korean Journal of Medical HistoryKor J Med Hist&Korean Journal of Metals and MaterialsKorean J Met MaterKorean Journal of OrthodonticsKorean J OrthodKorean Journal of ParasitologyKorean J ParasitolKorean Journal of PathologyKorean J Pathol+Korean Journal of Physiology & PharmacologyKorean J Physiol PhaKorean Journal of RadiologyKorean J RadiolKorean StudiesPac Assoc Korean StKorean War in History Stud E AsKorea Observer Korea ObsKorea Polymer Journal Korea Polym JKorea Research Monograph Korea Res M;Korperkultur Und Moderne: Robert Musils Asthetik Des SportsQuell Forsch Lit KulKorrozios Figyelo Korroz FigyIKorteweg-de Vries and Nonlinear Schroginger Equations: Qualitative TheoryLect Notes Math5Kosmicheskaya Biologiya I Aviakosmicheskaya MeditsinaKosm Biol Aviak Med+#Kosmicheskaya Biologiya I MeditsinaKosm Biol Aviak Med+ Kosmorama KosmoramaQKosovo and Metohija in Serbian-albanian Relations in The 19th Century (1804-1878) Serb Hist SciVKosovo Between War and Peace: Nationalism, Peacebuilding and International TrusteeshipCass Ser PeacekeepincKostengunstig Entwickeln Und Konstruieren: Kostenmanagement Bei Der Integrierten ProduktentwicklungVDI-Buch#Kovove Materialy-metallic Materials Kovove MaterKraft-warme-kopplungVDI-BuchSKraftwerkstechnik: Zur Nutzung Fossiler, Nuklearer Und Regenerativer EnergiequellenVDI-BuchKrefeld Historical SymposiaKrefeld Hist Symp Kriminalistik Kriminalistik,Kriminalistik Und Forensische WissenschaftenKrim Forens WissenKriminologisches Journal Kriminol J3Krise Der Printmedien: Eine Krise Des Journalismus?Dortmund Beitr ZtgKristallografiyaKristallografiya+4Kristall Und Technik-crystal Research and Technology Krist Tech Kriterion KriterionKriterion-revista De Filosofia KriterionKritikaKritika4Kritika-explorations in Russian and Eurasian HistoryKritikaBKritische Metaphysik Der Substanz - Kant Im Widerspruch Zu Leibniz Kantstudien!Ksce Journal of Civil EngineeringKsce J Civ Eng5Ksii Transactions On Internet and Information SystemsKsii T Internet InfKsme International Journal Ksme Int J Ksme JournalKsme JK-theoryK-theory.Kulturraum Tirol: Literatur - Sprache - MedienInnsbr Beitr Kult Ge)Kulturtopographie Des Alemannischen RaumsKult Alemann Raums]Kulturtopographie Des Deutschsprachigen Sudwestens Im Spateren Mittelalter: Studien Und TexteKult Alemann Raums4Kumarian Press Library of Management for Development Kum P Lib MAKungl Vitterhets Histoire Och Antikvitets Akademien : Konferenser Kungl Vit HKunstGrundthemen PhilosKunststoffe-german PlasticsKunstst-ger Plast+Kunststoffe-plast EuropeKunstst-plast EurKunststoffe-plastics Kunstst-plast Kunstwerk Kunstwerk0Kunst, Wissenschaft Und Geschichte Bei NietzscheMonogr Texte Nietzsc$Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim BilimleriKuram Uygul Egit Bil$Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim BilimleriKuram Uygulama EgiCKuwait Amid War, Peace and Revolution: 1979-1991 and New ChallengesSt Antonys Ser'Kuwait Journal of Science & EngineeringKuwait J Sci EngKuwait Medical Journal Kuwait Med JKvantovaya ElektronikaKvantovaya Elektron+2Kwartalnik Historii Zydow-jewish History QuarterlyKwartalnik Hist Zydo Kybernetes Kybernetes Kybernetik Kybernetik Kybernetika KybernetikaKyklosKyklosCKynurenine and Serotonin Pathways : Progress in Tryptophan ResearchAdv Exp Med BiolKyoto Area Studies On AsiaKyoto Area StudiesKyoto Journal of Mathematics Kyoto J MathKyushu Journal of Mathematics Kyushu J MathHL(1) Adaptive Control Theory: Guaranteed Robustness With Fast AdaptationAdv Des Control.L(1)-statistical Procedures and Related Topics Inst Math S Lab Animal Lab Animal Labmedicine Labmedicine Lab On A ChipLab Chip9Lab - On - A - Chip: Platforms, Devices, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Lab - On - A - Chip: Platforms, Devices, and Applications Proc Spie@Lab-on-a-chip: Techniques, Circuits, and Biomedical ApplicationsArtech Hse Integr Mi8Labor and Democracy in The Transition to A Market System Us Post Sov3Laboratoriumsmedizin-journal of Laboratory MedicineLaboratoriumsmedizinLaboratornoe DeloLab Delo3Laboratory and Astronomical High Resolution Spectra Astr Soc PLaboratory Animal Care Lab Anim CareLaboratory AnimalsLab AnimLaboratory Animals Lab Anim-ukLaboratory Animal Science Lab Anim SciLaboratory Investigation Lab InvestLaboratory MedicineLab MedLaboratory Phonology 7 Phonol PhonLaboratory Phonology 7 Phonol PhonetLaboratory Planetology Adv Space Res"Laboratory Robotics and AutomationLab Robotics Automat<Labor, Democratization and Development in India and PakistanRoutl Cont S Asia SeLabor Documentation SeriesColl Instrum Trav Labor History Labor Hist Labor History Labor Hist-uk:Labor, Industry, and Regulation During The Progressive EraNew Polit Econ Ser<Laboring Women: Reproduction and Gender in New World SlaveryEncounters AsiaLabor in The Modern SouthEcon Soc Mod SLabor Law in America Jh Comp HisLabor Law Journal Labor Law J/Labor Market Institutions and Public RegulationCesifo Seminar Ser&Labor Markets and Economic DevelopmentRout Stud Dev EconFLabor Markets and Firm Benefit Policies in Japan and The United States Nber Conf R4Labor Relations in The Public Sector, Fourth EditionPublic Adm Public Po#Labor Statistics Measurement Issues Stud IncomeOLabour and Leisure in Historical Perspective, Thirteenth to Twentieth CenturiesVier Soz Wirts BeihLabour Economics Labour Econ#Labour, Globalization and The StateRoutl Cont S Asia SeLabour Governments 1964-1970Brit Polit SocLabour History Labour HistLabour HistoryLabour Hist-austLabour History ReviewLabour Hist RevwLabour Law in Motion: Diversification of The Labour Force & Terms and Conditions of Employment : Trends in Australia...Bull Comparat Lab ReLabour-le TravailLabour-travail"Labour-management Relations Series Lab Man Rel(Labour Market Contracts and InstitutionsContrib To Econ AnalELabour-market Flexibility and Individual Careers: A Comparative StudyTech Vocat Ed TrainOLabour Market Impact of The Eu Enlargement: A New Regional Geography of Europe?Aiel Ser Labour EconaLabour Market Triangle: Employment Protection, Unemployment Compensation and Activation in Europe Glob Welf=Labour Migration and Social Development in Contemporary ChinaComp Dev Policy AsiaLabour Migration in EuropeMigrat Minor Citizen'Labour Relations in Caribbean Countries Lab Man RelLabyrinth in Nuclear Structure Aip Conf Proc#Lace Expansion and Its ApplicationsLect Notes Math0Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film, and Dry Eye SyndromesAdv Exp Med Biol2Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film, and Dry Eye Syndromes 2Adv Exp Med BiolcLacrimal Gland, Tear Film, and Dry Eye Syndromes 3: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance, Pts A & BAdv Exp Med BiolLacroix and The CalculusSci Netw Hist Stud LactoferrinAdv Exp Med Biol3Lactoferrin - Interactions and Biological Functions Exp Biol M1Lactoferrin: Structure, Function and Applications Int Congr SerLacuny Occasional Paper Lacuny Oc P Lacus Forum Lacus ForumLacus Forum Xxiv Lacus ForumLacus Forum Xxv Lacus ForumLacus Forum Xxvi Lacus ForumLacus Forum Xxvii Lacus ForumLacustrine Basin Exploration Aapg Memoir?Lade Jahwes Im Alten Testament Und in Den Texten Vom Toten MeerBeih Z Alttest Wiss Laeknabladid LaeknabladidtLaertiana: Capitoli Sulla Tradizione Manoscritta E Sulla Storia Del Testo Delle Vite Dei Filosofi Di Diogene LaerzioBeitr Altertumskunde@Lagerstatte De La Voulte: Un Environnement Bathyal Au JurassiqueMem Mus Nat Hist NatLagrange and Finsler Geometry Fund TheorELagrange Multiplier Approach to Variational Problems and ApplicationsAdv Des Control8Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control Ifac Work S=Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control 2006Lect Notes Contr Inf<Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods in Nonlinear Control 2003 Ifac Work SBLaguna De Gallocanta: Medico Natural, Conservacion Y TeledeteccionMem Real Soc Esp His Lahey Clinic Foundation BulletinLahey Clin Found BLaitLaitLakartidningenLakartidningenLake and Reservoir ManagementLake Reserv Manage7Lake Huron Ecosystem: Ecology, Fisheries and ManagementEcovis World Mg Ser'Lake Issyk-kul: Its Natural EnvironmentNato Sci S Ss Iv EarLakes As Ocean Model Oceanis S DLamotrigine - A Brighter FutureRoy Soc Med Int Cong8Lamotrigine - A New Advance in The Treatment of EpilepsyRoy Soc Med Int Cong#Lampf Workshop On ( Pi, K ) Physics Aip Conf ProcLancetLancetLancet Infectious DiseasesLancet Infect DisLancet Neurology Lancet NeurolLancet Oncology Lancet Oncol0Land and Community : Geography in Jewish StudiesStud Text Jew Hist3Land and Maritime Boundary Disputes of The AmericasAm Polit Econ Secur5Land and Nationalism in Fictions From Southern AfricaRout Res Postcol LitLandbauforschungLandbauforschung-gerLandbauforschungLangbauforschung-gerLandbauforschung VolkenrodeLandbauforsch VolkALandbauforschung-vti Agriculture and Forestry Research SonderheftLandbauforsch-vti AgBLandbauforschung-vti Agriculture and Forestry Research, SonderheftLandbauforsch Vti AgLandbouwmechanisatieLandbouwmechanisatie*Landbouwtijdschrift-revue De L AgricultureLandbouwtijd-rev AgrLand Degradation & DevelopmentLand Degrad Dev#Land Degradation and RehabilitationLand Degrad Rehabil9Land Development and Public Involvement in TransportationTransport Res RecLand Economics Land EconLandfallLandfall>Landfill Closures...environmental Protection and Land Recovery Geotech Sp?Landmarks in Organo-transition Metal Chemistry: A Personal ViewProfiles Inorg Chem#Land, Nation and Culture, 1740-1840Palgrave Stud Enligh)Land Reconstruction and Management Series Land Recons)Land Reconstruction and Management SeriesLand Reconstr ManagHLand Reform in Developing Countries: Property Rights and Property WrongsRoutl Prior Dev EconuLand Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: Nasa's Earth Observing System and The Science of Aster and ModisRemote Sens Digit Im LandscapeKey Ideas Geogr Landscape Landscape$Landscape and Ecological EngineeringLandsc Ecol EngLandscape and Urban PlanningLandscape Urban Plan!Landscape Archaeology and EcologyLandsc Archaeol EcolLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitLandscape Architecture MagazineLandsc Archit MagLandscape EcologyLandscape EcolLandscape Ecology and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation: Critical Information for Ecological Risk Assessment, Land-use Management Activities, and Biodiversity EnhancementAm Soc Test Mater#Landscape Ecology in Asian CulturesEcol Res MonogrLandscape Ecology of FireEcol Stud-anal Synth[Landscape Evolution: Denudation, Climate and Tectonics Over Different Time and Space ScalesGeol Soc Spec PublBLandscape Influences On Stream Habitats and Biological Assemblages Am Fish S SsLandscape, Literature and English Religious Culture, 1660-1800: Samuel Johnson and Languages of Natural Description Stud Mod HistLLandscape Modelling: Geographical Space, Transformation and Future ScenariosUrban Land Perspect8Landscape of Hope and Despair: Palestinian Refugee CampsEthnogr Polit Violen*Landscape Perspectives of Land Use Changes Adv Ecol SciLandscape PlanningLandscape PlanLandscape Research Landscape ResLandscape Series Landsc SerLandscapes in Education Landsc EducOLandscapes of Movement: Trails, Paths, and Roads in Anthropological PerspectivePenn Museum Int ResLandscapes of TransitionGeoj LibhLandscapes - Perception, Recognition and Management: Reconciling The Impossible?, Conference ProceedingsLandsc Archaeol Ecol,Landscapes-the Arts Aesthetics and EducationLandsc Art Aesthet ELandscape Theory Art Semin?Landslide Disaster Mitigation in Three Gorges Reservioir, ChinaEnviron Sci Eng Landslides Landslides7Landslides and Climate Change: Challenges and SolutionsProc Monogr Eng WateCLandslides and Engineering Geology of The Seattle, Washington, Area Rev Eng Geol%Landslides: Causes, Types and EffectsNat Disaster Res Pr*Landslides From Massive Rock Slope FailureNato Sci S Ss Iv EargLand Stewardship in The 21st Century: The Contributions of Watershed Management, Conference ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-pLand Subsidence / Iahs-aish PwLand Subsidence Case Studies and Current Research: Proceedings of The Dr. Joseph F. Poland Symposium On Land SubsidenceAssoc Engn GeologistCLand Surface Characterization and Remote Sensing of Ocean Processes Adv Space ResCLand Surface Characterization and Remote Sensing of Ocean ProcessesAdv Space Res-series Landtechnik LandtechnikLandtechnische ForschungLandtech ForschzLand Type Associations Conference: Development and Use in Natural Resources Management, Planning and Research, Proceedings Usda Ne ExpLand Use and Climate ChangeClim Chang Cause EffALand Use and Transportation Planning and Programming ApplicationsTransport Res RecLand Use and WatershedsWater Sci Appl-Land Use Change : The Causes and ConsequencesIte SympLand Use Planning Applications World SoilLand Use PolicyLand Use Policy=Land Use Scenarios: Environmental Consequences of DevelopmentIntegr Stud Water MaLandwirtschaftliche ForschungLandwirt ForschLangenbecks Archives of SurgeryLangenbeck Arch Surg Langenbecks Archiv Fur ChirurgieLangenbeck Arch Chir+Langenbecks Archiv Fur Chirurgie Supplement Langeng Arc"Langland's Early Modern IdentitiesNew Middle AgesLangmuirLangmuirLanguageLanguageLanguage Acquisition Lang AcquisLanguage Acquisition Palgrave AdvZLanguage Acquisition Problems and Reading Disorders: Aspects of Diagnosis and Intervention Prev Int ChLanguage & Communication Lang Commun-Language and Automata Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc Language and Cognitive ProcessesLang Cognitive Proc5Language and Communication : Comparative Perspectives Compar CognLanguage and Computers Lang Comput9Language and Computers : Studies in Practical Linguistics Lang ComputLanguage and Cultural Change Gr Stud CultLanguage and Culture Brit S Ap LLanguage and Development Languag DevLanguage and Education Brit S Ap LLanguage and Education Lang Educ-uk?Language and Education in Japan: Unequal Access to BilingualismPalg Stud Minor LangLanguage and Education Library Lang Educ LibLanguage and GenderRoutl Appl Lingu SerLanguage and Globalization Lang GlobLanguage and GlobalizationLang Globalization1Language and History: Integrationist PerspectivesRoutl Adv Commun Lin(Language and Intercultural CommunicationLang Intercult CommLanguage and Linguistics Lang LinguistLanguage and LinguisticsLang Linguist-taiwan6Language and Literacy Education in A Challenging WorldLang Linguist SerLanguage and LiteratureLang LitULanguage and Mathematics Education: Multiple Perspectives and Directions for ResearchRes Math Educ SerLanguage and Nation Brit S Ap L;Language and Politics in The Sixteenth-century History PlayEarly Mod Lit HistLanguage and Rhythm in PlautusSozomena-stud Recov<Language and Social Cognition: Expression of The Social MindTrends Linguist-stud-Language and Society in Post-communist EuropeInt Congr Cent E EurKLanguage and Space: An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation Vol 1Handb Sprach KommunLanguage and Speech Lang SpeechLanguage and Speech / Act Neur SLanguage and SpiritClaremon Stud PhilosLanguage and Style Lang StyleLanguage and The City Lang GlobuLanguage and The Renewal of Society in Walt Whitman, Laura (riding) Jackson, and Charles Olson: The American CratylusMod Contemp Poet Poe Language Arts Lang ArtsLanguage As A Mirror of Culture A U Um HumLanguage Assessment Quarterly Lang Assess QLanguage At Work Brit S Ap LLanguage Awareness Lang Aware+Language Change and Functional Explanations Trend Lin S,Language Choice in A Nation Under TransitionLang Policy SerLanguage ChoicesImpact,Language, Citizenship and Identity in Quebec Lang Glob.Language - Communication - Information ScienceLing Arb5Language - Communication - Information Science, Vol 2Ling ArbLanguage Context and CognitionLang Context CognLanguage Continuum Comm Lang SLanguage Culture and CurriculumLang Cult CurricLanguage Culture and TeachingLang Cult TeachLanguage Curriculum DesignEsl Appl Ling Prof_Language, Discourse and Identity in Central Europe: The German Language in A Multilingual Space Lang Glob_Language, Discourse and Identity in Central Europe: The German Language in A Multilingual SpaceLang Globalization)Language, Discourse and Social Psychology Palgrave AdvLanguage Discourse Society Lang Disc SocLanguage Discourse SocietyLang Discourse Soc#Language, Discourse, Society ReaderLang Discourse SocLanguage Diversity Endangered Trend Lin SLanguage Diversity EndangeredTrends Linguist-stud3Language, Education and Society in A Changing World Multiling2Language Education for Intercultural Communication Multiling-Language Encounter in The Americas, 1492-1800Eur Ex Glob Interact6Language Engineering and Rigorous Software DevelopmentLect Notes Comput Sc1Language Engineering for Lesser-studied LanguagesNato Sc S Ss Iii C SCLanguage, Gender, and Citizenship in American Literature, 1789-1919Stud Am Popul Hist C5Language History and Linguistic Description in Africa Tr Afr LingLanguage History, Language Change, and Language Relationship: An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics, Second EditionTrends Linguist-studNLanguage Ideologies, Policies and Practices: Language and The Future of Europe Lang GlobLanguage in A Changing Europe Brit S Ap L@Language in Baden-wurttemberg: Features of The Regional Standard Linguist Arb)Language in Education-theory and Practice Lang Educ TCLanguage in Life, and A Life in Language: Jacob Mey - A Festschrift Stud Pragmat?Language in Mind: Advances in The Study of Language and ThoughtBradford BooksLanguage in Religion P Ctr Res DLanguage in SocietyLang SocLanguage in The Context of UseCogn Linguist ResLanguage Learning Lang LearnLanguage Learning & TechnologyLang Learn Technol)Language Learning and Language TechnologyLang L Lang Technol*Language Legislation and Linguistic RightsImpact<Language, Literature and Culture of Slavs - Past and PresentPtpn Filol PilozLanguage Matters Lang Matters8Language Matters: Reflections On Educational LinguisticsContemp Lang Educ!Language, Meaning, InterpretationPhilos Probl Today>Language-meaning-social Construction Interdisciplinary Studies Crit StudLanguage, Minds, and BrainsStud Lang-finland.Language Minority Students in American SchoolsEsl Appl Ling ProfALanguage, Nation and State: Identity Politics in A Multingual AgeEur Transit Nyu EurOLanguage Norms At The Interface Between Theory and Practice of Written LanguageStud Linguist GerLanguage of Belonging Lang GlobLanguage of Comic Narratives Humor Res3Language of Mathematics: Telling Mathematical Tales Math Educ Lib$Language of Pain: Talking About PainLinguist-impulse TenGLanguage of Work: Technical Communication At Lukens Steel, 1810 to 1925Baywoods Tech Commun9Language, People, Numbers: Corpus Linguistics and Society Lang ComputLanguage PolicyLang Policy-nethcLanguage Policy and Modernity in Southeast Asia: Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, and ThailandLang Policy SerBLanguage Policy and Nation-building in Post-apartheid South AfricaLang Policy Ser*Language Policy for The European Community Contr Soc LQLanguage Policy in The People's Republic of China: Theory and Practice Since 1949Lang Policy SerQLanguage Policy in The People's Republic of China: Theory and Practice Since 1949Language Policy#Language Policy in The Soviet UnionLang Policy SerLanguage Policy SeriesLang Policy SerLanguage Policy SeriesLanguage Policy%Language, Power and Identity PoliticsPalg Stud Minor Lang#Language Power and Social ProcessesLang Power Soc Proce%Language Problems & Language PlanningLang Probl Lang Plan,Language Processing and Language Acquisition Stud Th PsyLanguage, Quantum, Music Synth Libr"Language Regimes in TransformationContrib Sociol Lang!Language Resources and EvaluationLang Resour Eval6Languages and Compilers for High Performance ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc.Languages and Compilers for Parallel ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc!Languages and Cultures in ContactOrient Lovan Anal Languages and Linguistics SeriesLang Linguist SerLanguage SciencesLang Sci1Language Scientist As Expert in The Legal SettingAnn Ny Acad SciALanguages, Compilers, and Run-time Systems for Scalable ComputersLect Notes Comput Sc1Languages for A Multicultural World in Transition Northe Conf"Languages for System SpecificationChdl Ser!Languages: From Formal to NaturalLect Notes Comput Sc;Languages in The European Community Ii - Minority Languages Diag Hisp\Languages in The European Community Ii - Second Language And/or Foreign Language Acquisition Diag Hisp^Languages in The European Community Ii - Teaching of Second Languages And/or Foreign Languages Diag Hisp4Languages in The European Community Ii - Translation Diag HispFLanguages, Methodologies and Development Tools for Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntGLanguages, Methodologies, and Development Tools for Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntLanguages of Sentiment Adv Consc Res#Language, Speech, and CommunicationLang Speech & Commun/Language Speech and Hearing Services in SchoolsLang Speech Hear SermLanguage, Speech, Behavior: Proceedings of The 28th Linguistic Colloquium, Held in Graz, Austria, 1993, Vol 1Ling ArblLanguage, Speech, Behavior: Proceedings of The 28th Linguistic Colloquium Held in Graz, Austria, 1993, Vol 2Ling Arb!Language Spread and Social Change Publ Icrb A"Language Talent and Brain ActivityTrends Appl LinguistLanguage Teaching Lang TeachLanguage Teaching Lang Teaching6Language Teaching: Integrational Linguistic ApproachesRoutl Adv Commun LinLanguage Teaching ResearchLang Teach ResLanguage Testing Lang TestLanguage Testing and AssessmentRoutl Appl Lingu Ser;Language Testing and Validation: An Evidence-based ApproachRes Pract Appl Lingu%Language Usage and Language StructureTrends Linguist-studLanguage Variation and ChangeLang Var ChangeLangue FrancaiseLangue FrancaiseGLanman 2004: 13th Ieee Workshop On Local and Metropolitan Area NetworksWrks Loc Metro Area+Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: A New Standard? Prog Surg Laplacian Eigenvectors of GraphsLect Notes MathCLa Rabida 2009: International Scientific Meeting On Nuclear Physics Aip Conf Proc?Laredo Lectures On Orthogonal Polynomials and Special FunctionsAdv Theor Sp FunctLa Republique Des Lettres Rep Des LetLarge Animal PracticeLarge Anim PractLarge Animal ReviewLarge Anim RevLarge Area Vegetation SurveyColloq Phytosiol?Large Bowel Cancer : Policy, Prevention, Research and TreatmentFront Gastr Res%Large Clusters of Atoms and MoleculesNato Adv Sci Inst SeLarge Coulomb SystemsLect Notes Phys6Large Ecosystem Perturbations: Causes and Consequences Geol S Am S*Large Ground-based Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Large Ground-based Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie%Large Hadron Collider Workshop, Vol 2 Cern Report%Large Hadron Collider Workshop, Vol 3 Cern Report Large Lakes Brock Spr SLarge Lenses and PrismP Soc Photo-opt InsQLarge Marine Ecosystems of The North Atlantic: Changing States and SustainabilityLar Mar Ecosyst Large Marine Ecosystems (series)Lar Mar Ecosyst2Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution Ii Geol S Am S2Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IiGeol Soc Am Spec Pap2Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IvGeol Soc Am Spec PapLarge Meteorite Impacts IiiGeol Soc Am Spec PapLarge Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Large Random Matrices: Lectures On Macroscopic AsymptoticsLect Notes MathLarge-sale Scientific ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc&Large Sample Techniques for StatisticsSpringer Texts Stat@Large Scale Computations, Embedded Systems and Computer SecurityComput Sci Tech Appl3Large Scale Computations in Air Pollution Modelling Nato Asi 21Large-scale Constructions in Coastal EnvironmentsEnviron Sci-ger1Large-scale Constructions in Coastal Environments Environm SciLarge-scale Knowledge ResourcesLect Notes Artif Int:Large Scale Management of Distributed Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLarge-scale Molecular SystemsNato Adv Sci I B-phy:Large-scale Motions in The Universe : A Vatican Study Week Pr S Phys"Large-scale Nonlinear OptimizationNoncon Optim Its App"Large-scale Nonlinear OptimizationNonconvex Optim"Large-scale Numerical Optimization Siam Proc SVLarge-scale Optimization With Applications, Pt 3: Molecular Structure and Optimization Ima V Math]Large-scale Optimization With Applications, Pt I: Optimization in Inverse Problems and Design Ima V Math!Large-scale Organizational Change Jos-bas Man Large-scale Parallel Data MiningLect Notes Artif Int(Large-scale Pde-constrained OptimizationLect Notes Comp Sci8Large-scale Pde-constrained Optimization in ApplicationsLect Notes Appl Comp Large-scale Scientific ComputingLect Notes Comput ScNLarge Scale Simulations of Complex Systems, Condensed Matter and Fusion Plasma Aip Conf ProcLarge-scale Structural Testing Amer Conc I7Large-scale Structures and Their Role in Solar Activity Astr Soc P<Large Scale Systems in Information and Decision TechnologiesLarge Scale Syst1Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications 1992Ifac Symp Series:Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications 2001 (lss'01)Ifac Symp Series=Large-screen-projection, Avionic, and Helmet-mounted DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Large-screen Projection Displays IiP Soc Photo-opt InssLarge Spectrum of Free Oscillations of The World Ocean Including The Full Ocean Loading and Self-attraction EffectsHamb Stud Marit AffPLarge Time Asymptotics for Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsSpringer Monogr MathLarge-wavelength Deformations of The Lithosphere: Materials for A History of The Evolution of Thought From The Earliest Times to Plate TectonicsGeol Soc Am MemLarval Biology Bur Rur R PLaryngeal Cancer Int Congr Ser5Laryngeal Diseases: Symptoms, Diagnosis and TreatmentOtolaryngol Res AdvOLaryngologie Rhinologie Otologie Vereinigt Mit Monatsschrift Fur OhrenheilkundeLaryng Rhinol Otol VOLaryngologie Rhinologie Otologie Vereinigt Mit Monatsschrift Fur OhrenheilkundeLaryngo Rhino OtolLaryngo-rhino-otologieLaryngo Rhino Otol Laryngoscope LaryngoscopeJLa Sante A Coeur Ouvert: Socioogie Du Bien-etre, De La Maladie, Et Du SoinSocio-logiques&Laser Ablation for Materials SynthesisMater Res Soc Symp PFLaser Ablation in Materials Processing : Fundamentals and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P.Laser Ablation: Mechanisms and Applications-ii Aip Conf Proc&Laser Ablation of Electronic Materials E Mrs MongrLaser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions and Medical Applications of Laser-generated Secondary Sources of Radiation and ParticlesP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions and Medical Applications of Laser-generated Secondary Sources of Radiation and Particles Proc Spie#Laser and Beam Control TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsTLaser and Nonchoherent Light Ocular Effects: Epidemiology, Prevention, and TreatmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWLaser and Noncoherent Light Ocular Effects: Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Laser and Noncoherent Ocular Effects: Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Laser- and Particle-beam Chemical Processes On Surfaces Mat Res S CLaser and Particle BeamsLaser Part Beams2Laser and Plasma Applications in Materials ScienceAdv Mater Res-switz2Laser and Plasma Applications in Materials Science Aip Conf Proc,Laser Anemometry : Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Laser Applications Engineering (lae-96)P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Applications for Mechanical IndustryNato Adv Sci I E-app*Laser Applications for Mechanical IndustryNato Adv Sci Inst Se;Laser Applications in Combustion and Combustion DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Laser Applications in Combustion and Combustion Diagnostics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Laser Applications in Life SciencesP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Laser Applications in Life Sciences, Parts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Laser Applications in Medicine and Dentistry, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsALaser Applications in Medicine, Biology and Environmental ScienceP Soc Photo-opt InsILaser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsJLaser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsILaser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsILaser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing Iv Proc SpieHLaser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing VP Soc Photo-opt InsILaser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing ViP Soc Photo-opt InsJLaser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsILaser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Laser-assisted Fabrication of Thin Films and MicrostructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins#Laser-assisted Microtechnology 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins#Laser-assisted Microtechnology 2000 Proc SpieLLaser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 6, Proceedings of The Lane 2010, Part 1 Physcs ProcLLaser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 6, Proceedings of The Lane 2010, Part 2 Physcs ProcLaser-assisted Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Laser-based Micro- and Nanopackaging and AssemblyP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Laser-based Micro- and Nanopackaging and Assembly Ii Proc Spie5Laser-based Micro- and Nanopackaging and Assembly IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Laser-based Micro- and Nanopackaging and Assembly IvP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser-based MicropackagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Laser Beam Control and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Laser Beam Control and Applications Proc SpieLaser Beam DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Laser Beam Propagation and ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam ShapingP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping Ii Proc SpieLaser Beam Shaping IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping IvP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping Iv Proc SpieLaser Beam Shaping IxP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping VP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping V Proc SpieLaser Beam Shaping ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping Vii Proc SpieLaser Beam Shaping ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping Viii Proc SpieLaser Beam Shaping XiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Beam Shaping Xi Proc SpieDLaser Capture Microdissection: Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol,Laser Capture Microscopy and MicrodissectionMethod EnzymolLaser Chemistry Laser Chem,Laser Chemistry, Biophysics, and BiomedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Laser Chemistry of Organometallics Acs Sym Ser5Laser Coherence Control : Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules Acs Sym SerLaser Cooling of SolidsP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Cooling of Solids (wh)Woodhead Publ Mater Laser Crystallization of SiliconSemiconduct SemimetLLaser Crystals, Glasses, and Nonlinear Materials Growth and CharacterizationP Soc Photo-opt InsLLaser Crystals, Glasses, and Nonlinear Materials Growth and Characterization Proc SpieGLaser Dimensional Metrology: Recent Advances for Industrial ApplicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Laser Diode and Led Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Laser Diode Chip and Packaging TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Diodes and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Laser Diodes and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Laser Diodes and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Diodes and Leds in Industrial, Measurement, Imaging, and Sensors Applications Ii; Testing, Packaging and Reliability of Semiconductor Lasers VP Soc Photo-opt InsBLaser Diodes, Optoelectronic Devices, and Heterogenous IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt InsBLaser Diodes, Optoelectronic Devices, and Heterogenous Integration Proc Spie*Laser-diode Technology and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Laser Diode Technology and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Diode Technology and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Laser Diode Technology and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Diode Technology and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsMLaser Driven Relativistic Plasmas Applied for Science, Industry, and Medicine Aip Conf ProcKLaser-driven Relativistic Plasmas Applied to Science, Industry and Medicine Aip Conf ProcALaser Energy Distribution Profiles : Measurement and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Laser Florence 2000: A Window On The Laser Medicine WorldP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Laser Florence 2001: A Window On The Laser Medicine WorldP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Laser Florence 2001: A Window On The Laser Medicine World Proc Spie9Laser Florence 2003: A Window On The Laser Medicine WorldP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Laser Florence 2003: A Window On The Laser Medicine World Proc SpieLaser Florence 2008 Aip Conf Proc?Laser Florence 2009: A Gallery Through The Laser Medicine World Aip Conf Proc8Laser Florence '99: A Window On The Laser Medicine WorldP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Focus-electro-opticsLas Focus-electro-opLaser Focus-electro-opticsLaser Focus World&Laser Focus With Fiberoptic TechnologyLaser Focus WorldLaser Focus WorldLaser Focus World1Laser Frequency Stabilization and Noise ReductionP Soc Photo-opt InsFLaser Frequency Stabilization, Standards, Measurement and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsFLaser Frequency Stabilization, Standards, Measurement and Applications Proc SpieTLaser-generated and Other Laboratory X-ray and Euv Sources, Optics, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser HeterodyningSpringer Ser Opt Sci0Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials : 1990P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials : 1991P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials : 1992P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1993P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1994P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1995P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1996P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1997, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1999P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2000, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2001 ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2001 Proceedings Proc SpiexLaser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2002 and 7th International Workshop On Laser Beam and Optics CharacterizationP Soc Photo-opt InsxLaser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2002 and 7th International Workshop On Laser Beam and Optics Characterization Proc Spie/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2004P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2004 Proc Spie/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2005 Proc Spie/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2006 Proc Spie/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2007 Proc Spie/Laser-induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Laser-induced Thin Film ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsULaser-inflicted Eye Injuries: Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser in Production VDI Bericht(Laser Institute of America - ProceedingsLia P.Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena Aip Conf Proc.Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena Laser InterNLaser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena - 13th International Conference Aip Conf Proc6Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Vol 10 Laser Inter5Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Vol 9 Laser Inter2Laser Interactions With Atoms, Solids, and PlasmasNato Adv Sci Inst Se>Laser Interaction With Hard and Soft Tissue Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Interaction With MatterInst Phys Conf SerLaser Interaction With MatterP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Interaction With Tissue and Cells XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Aip Conf Proc%Laser Interferometry Ix: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Laser Interferometry Ix: Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Laser Interferometry Ix: Techniques and Analysis Proc Spie>Laser Interferometry : Quantitative Analysis of InterferogramsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Laser Interferometry Viii: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Laser Interferometry Viii: Techniques and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt InsMLaser Interferometry X: Techniques and Analysis and Applications, Pts A and BP Soc Photo-opt InsMLaser Interferometry X: Techniques and Analysis and Applications, Pts A and B Proc Spie4Laser Interometry Iv : Computer-aided InterferometryP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Isotope SeparationP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Laser Manipulation of Cells and TissuesMethod Cell BiolLaser Marketplace 1992P Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Marketplace in 1991P Soc Photo-opt InsALaser Material Crystal Growth and Nonlinear Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Laser Materials Processing and MachiningP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Laser Materials Processing - Icaleo 94P Soc Photo-opt InsHLaser Materials Processing: Industrial and Microelectronics ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsTLaser Methods of Surface Treatment and Modification, Alt 94 International ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Metrology and InspectionP Soc Photo-opt InsDLaser Metrology for Precision Measurement and Inspection in IndustryP Soc Photo-opt InsDLaser Metrology for Precision Measurement and Inspection in Industry Proc Spie:Laser Micromachining for Optoelectronic Device FabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser MicroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Laser Microtechnology and Laser and Diagnostics of SurfacesP Soc Photo-opt Ins Laser NoiseP Soc Photo-opt InsdLaser Optics 2000: Control of Laser Beam Characteristics and Nonlinear Methods for Wavefront ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Laser Optics 2000: High-power Gas LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsALaser Optics 2000: Semiconductor Lasers and Optical CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Laser Optics 2000: Solid State LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Laser Optics 2000: Ultrafast Optics and Superstrong Laser FieldsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Laser Optics 2000: Ultrafast Optics and Superstrong Laser Fields Proc Spie=Laser Optics 2003: Diode Lasers and Telecommunication SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Laser Optics 2003: Diode Lasers and Telecommunication Systems Proc Spie(Laser Optics 2003: High-power Gas LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Laser Optics 2003: High-power Gas Lasers Proc SpieHLaser Optics 2003: Solid State Lasers and Nonlinear Frequency ConversionP Soc Photo-opt InsDLaser Optics 2003: Superintense Light Fields and Ultrafast ProcessesP Soc Photo-opt InsBLaser Optics 2003: Wavefront Transformation and Laser Beam ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Laser Optics 2006: Diode Lasers and Telecommunication SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Laser Optics 2006: High-power Gas LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Laser Optics 2006: High-power Gas Lasers Proc SpieHLaser Optics 2006: Solid State Lasers and Nonlinear Frequency ConversionP Soc Photo-opt InsDLaser Optics 2006: Superintense Light Fields and Ultrafast ProcessesP Soc Photo-opt InsBLaser Optics 2006: Wavefront Transformation and Laser Beam ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Optics 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Optics 2010 Proc Spie3Laser Optics '95: Biomedical Applications of LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Laser Optics '95: Phase Conjugation and Adaptive OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Laser Optics '95: Solid State LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins Laser Physics Laser Phys Laser PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Physics LettersLaser Phys Lett'Laser Plasma Generation and DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser-plasma Interactions Scot Grad Ser8Laser Plasma Interactions 5: Inertial Confinement Fusion Sussp ProcLaser Power BeamingP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Power Beaming IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBLaser Processing of Advanced Materials and Laser MicrotechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Laser Processing of Materials and Industrial ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Laser Processing of Materials and Industrial Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsJLaser Processing of Materials: Fundamentals, Applications and DevelopmentsSpringer Ser Mater S7Laser Processing: Surface Treatment and Film DepositionNato Adv Sci I E-appLaser Radar IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Laser Radar Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Laser Radar Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Laser Radar: Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Laser Radar Techniques for Atmospheric SensingBba Lib'Laser Radar Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Radar Technology and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Laser Radar Technology and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Radar Technology and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Radar Technology and Applications IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Radar Technology and Applications Ix Proc Spie)Laser Radar Technology and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser Radar Technology and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Laser Radar Technology and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Laser Radar Technology and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Laser Radar Technology and Applications XP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Laser Radar Technology and Applications X Proc Spie*Laser Radar Technology and Applications XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Laser Radar Technology and Applications XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Laser Radar Technology and Applications XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Laser Radar Technology and Applications Xiii Proc Spie*Laser Radar Technology and Applications XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Laser Radar Technology and Applications Xvi Proc Spie)Laser Radar Technology for Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Laser Radar Technology for Remote Sensing Proc Spie Laser Radar VP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Radar ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Laser Radar Vii : Advanced Technology for ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Refrigeration of SolidsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Laser Refrigeration of Solids IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Laser Refrigeration of Solids IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Laser Refrigeration of Solids Iv Proc SpieLaser ResonatorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Laser Resonators and Beam Control IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Laser Resonators and Beam Control VP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Laser Resonators and Beam Control V Proc Spie$Laser Resonators and Beam Control ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Laser Resonators and Beam Control Vi Proc Spie%Laser Resonators and Beam Control ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Laser Resonators and Beam Control ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Laser Resonators and Beam Control Viii Proc Spie#Laser Resonators and Beam Control XP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Laser Resonators and Beam Control X Proc Spie$Laser Resonators and Beam Control XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Laser Resonators and Beam Control XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMLaser Resonators and Coherent Optics : Modeling, Technology, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Resonators IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Resonators Ii Proc SpieLaser Resonators IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Resonators IvP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Resonators Iv Proc Spie=Laser Safety, Eyesafe Laser Systems, and Laser Eye ProtectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins Laser Safety: Tools and TrainingOpt Sci Eng-crcLasers and Applications Proc Spie1Lasers and Electro-optics Research and TechnologyLasers Electro-opt R&Lasers and Optics for Surface AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Lasers As Tools for ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Lasers As Tools for Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsGLasers As Tools for Manufacturing of Durable Goods and MicroelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsRLasers, Clocks and Drag-free Control: Exploration of Relativistic Gravity in SpaceAstrophys Space Sc L5Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2004P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2007 Proc Spie5Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications, Second EditionGrad Texts PhysLaser Shock Peening World MetallLasers in Dentistry Int Congr Ser'Lasers in Dentistry Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Lasers in Dentistry Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Lasers in Dentistry Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry IxP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry Ix Proc Spie Lasers in Dentistry, Proceedings Int Congr Ser#Lasers in Dentistry, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry ViP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry Vi Proc SpieLasers in Dentistry ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry Viii Proc Spie%Lasers in Dentistry V, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry XP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry XiP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry XivP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry XvP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Dentistry Xvi Proc SpieLasers in Dentistry Xvii Proc SpieLasers in Engineering Laser EngLasers in Material ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Lasers in Material Processing and ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Lasers in Material Processing and Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Lasers in Material Processing and Manufacturing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Materials ScienceMater Sci ForumLasers in Medical Science Laser Med SciLasers in MedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Lasers in Medicine and Dentistry: Diagnostics and TreatmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Lasers in Microelectronic ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Lasers in Ophthalmology Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Lasers in Ophthalmology Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Lasers in Ophthalmology Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Lasers in Optical Systems and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Lasers in Otorhinolaryngology, and in Head and Neck SurgeryAdv Oto-rhino-laryngZLasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems Ix, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsZLasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems Ix, Proceedings Of Proc Spie\Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems Viii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems Vii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsZLasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems Vi, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsYLasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems V, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsILasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems XP Soc Photo-opt InsILasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems X Proc SpieILasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization Therapeutics, and Systems XiP Soc Photo-opt InsILasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization Therapeutics, and Systems Xi Proc SpieKLasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLLasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsKLasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems XivP Soc Photo-opt InsLasers in Surgery and MedicineLaser Surg Med@Lasers in Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing of DiamondP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Lasers in The Conservation of ArtworksSpringer Proc Phys3Lasers in The Conservation of Artworks, ProceedingsSpringer Proc PhysLasers in UrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Laser Source and System Technology for Defense and SecurityP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Laser Source and System Technology for Defense and Security IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Laser Source Technology for Defense and Security IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Laser Source Technology for Defense and Security Iii Proc Spie3Laser Source Technology for Defense and Security IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Laser Source Technology for Defense and Security Iv Proc SpieLaser Spectroscopy Aip Conf ProcLaser Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics: Novel Trends and Applications in Laser Chemistry, Biophysics, and Biomedicine - Icono'98P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Laser Spectroscopy of BiomoleculesP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Laser Study of Macroscopic BiosystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Laser-surface Interactions for New Materials Production: Tailoring Structure and PropertiesSpringer Ser Mater S-Laser Surface Processing and Characterization Eur Mat ResDLaser Surgery : Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsVLaser Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Laser Systems for Photobiology and PhotomedicineNato Adv Sci I B-phyLaser Systems TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Systems Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsdLasertechnik Fur Die Fertigung: Grundlagen, Perspektiven Und Beispiele Fur Den Innovativen IngenieurVDI-Buch0Laser Techniques and Systems in Art ConservationP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Laser Techniques and Systems in Art Conservation Proc Spie;Laser Techniques for Condensed-phase and Biological SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Laser Techniques for State-selected and State-to-state ChemistryP Soc Photo-opt InsCLaser Techniques for State-selected and State-to-state Chemistry IiP Soc Photo-opt InsDLaser Techniques for State-selected and State-to-state Chemistry IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCLaser Techniques for State-selected and State-to-state Chemistry IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Laser Techniques for Surface ScienceP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Laser Techniques for Surface Science IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Laser Techniques for Surface Science IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Laser Techniques in Luminescence SpectroscopyAm Soc Test Mater,Laser Technology for Defense and Security ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Laser Technology for Defense and Security ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Laser Technology Iv: Applications in MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsmLaser Technology Iv: Research Trends, Instrumentation, and Applications in Metrology and Materials ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsFLaser Technology V: Applications in Materials Sciences and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Laser Technology Vi: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Laser Technology Vi: Applications Proc Spie,Laser Technology Vii: Applications of LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Laser Technology Viii: Applications of LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Laser Technology Viii: Applications of Lasers Proc Spie)Laser Technology Viii: Progress in LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Laser Technology Vii: Progress in LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Laser Technology Vi: Progress in LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Laser Technology Vi: Progress in Lasers Proc Spie?Laser Technology V: Physics and Research and Development TrendsP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Testing and ReliabilityP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Laser-tissue Interaction and Tissue Optics Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Laser-tissue Interaction and Tissue Optics, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Laser-tissue Interaction Ix. Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsMLaser-tissue Interactions, Therapeutic Applications, and Photodynamic TherapyP Soc Photo-opt InsNLaser-tissue Interaction, Tissue Optics, and Laser Welding Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Laser-tissue Interaction Viii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Laser-tissue Interaction Vii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Laser-tissue Interaction Vi, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Laser-tissue Interaction V, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsOLaser Tissue Interaction Xiii: Photochemical, Photothermal, and PhotomechanicalP Soc Photo-opt InsOLaser Tissue Interaction Xiii: Photochemical, Photothermal, and Photomechanical Proc SpieNLaser-tissue Interaction Xii: Photochemical, Photothermal, and PhotomechanicalP Soc Photo-opt InsNLaser-tissue Interaction Xii: Photochemical, Photothermal, and Photomechanical Proc SpieMLaser-tissue Interaction Xi: Photochemical, Photothermal, and PhotomechanicalP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser-tissue Interaction XivP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser-tissue Interaction Xiv Proc Spie\Laser-tissue Interaction X: Photochemical, Photothermal, and Photomechanical, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsqLaser Wakefield Electron Acceleration: A Novel Approach Employing Supersonic Microjets and Few-cycle Laser PulsesSpringer Theses-recoLaser Weapons TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Weapons Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLaser Weapons Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsjLast Battle of The Cold War: An Inside Account of Negotiating The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces TreatyInitiat Strateg StudPLast Decade of The Cold War: From Conflict Escalation to Conflict Transformation Nobel SympLaster Im Mittelalter Scrin FriburgLast Hunters-first Farmers Sch Am Res4Last Total Solar Eclipse of The Millennium in Turkey Astr Soc PLLat 2010: International Conference On Lasers, Applications, and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsLLat 2010: International Conference On Lasers, Applications, and Technologies Proc SpieLate Cenozoic Drainage History of The Southwestern Great Basin and Lower Colorado River Region: Geologic and Biotic Perspectives Geol S Am SQLate Cenozoic Structure and Evolution of The Great Basin-sierra Nevada TransitionGeol Soc Am Spec Pap*Late Effects of Treatment for Brain TumorsCancer Treat Res.Late Effects of Treatment for Childhood Cancer Curr Clin O1Late Eocene Earth: Hothouse Icehouse, and ImpactsGeol Soc Am Spec PapLate Graft LossTransp Cl Immun SfmmLate Imperial ChinaLate Imp ChinaLate Minoan Iii PotteryMg Danish Inst Athen>Late Modernism: Art, Culture, and Politics in Cold War AmericaArts Intell Life ModsLate Neogene and Quaternary Biodiversity and Evolution: Regional Developments and Interregional Correlations, Vol 1Cour For SekenbgtLate Neogene and Quaternary Biodiversity and Evolution: Regional Developments and Interregional Correlations, Vol IiCour For Sekenbg-Latent Variable Analysis and Signal SparationLect Notes Comput Sc2Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Ecosystems in Se AsiaGeol Soc Spec PublHLate Paleozoic Glacial Events and Postglacial Transgressions in GondwanaGeol Soc Am Spec Pap?Late Quaternary Palaeoceanography of The North Atlantic Margins Geol Soc Sp*Lateral Aligment of Epitaxial Quantum DotsNanosci Technol Laterality Laterality?Lateral Theory of Phonology: What Is Cvcv, and Hy Should It Be?Stud Generat Gramm"Late Roman Transition in The North Bar Brit Ser_Latest Advances in The Aerodynamics of Turbomachinery With Special Emphasis Upon Unsteady Flows Imeche SemELate Stalinist Russia: Society Between Reconstruction and ReinventionBasees-rout Ser RussOLatest Trends in Condensed Matter Physics: Experimental and Theoretical AspectsSolid State PhenomenGLatest Trends On Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering GeologyMa Comput Sci EngGLatest Trends On Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering GeologyMath Comput Sci Eng#Latin 2000: Theoretical InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc#Latin 2002: Theoretical InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc#Latin 2004: Theoretical InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc#Latin 2006: Theoretical InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc#Latin 2008: Theoretical InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc#Latin 2010: Theoretical InformaticsLect Notes Comput ScLatin 92Lect Notes Comput Sc"Latin '95: Theoretical InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc"Latin '98: Theoretical InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc(Latin America and Contemporary ModernityRoutl Adv SociolDLatin America: A New Developmental Welfare State Model in The MakingSoc Policy Dev Conte#Latin America: A New InterpretationStud AmILatin America, Media, and Revolution: Communication in Modern MesoamericaPalgr Mac Ser Int PoLatin American Antiquity Lat Am AntiqLatin American Applied ResearchLat Am Appl ResLatin American Applied ResearchLatin Am Appl Res0Latin American Economic Crises: Trade and LabourInt Econ Assoc Serie!Latin American Indian LiteraturesLat Am Indian Lit)Latin American Indian Literatures JournalLat Am Indian Lit J*Latin American Journal of Aquatic ResearchLat Am J Aquat ResDLatin 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Conf ProcLatin American Studies Series Lat Amer St;Latin American Studies Series, University of Nebraska Press Lat Amer S,Latin American Symposium On Protein for FoodMg IniaLatin American Theatre ReviewLat Am Theatre Rev7Latin American Writers and The Rise of Hollywood CinemaRout Stud Tw Cen Lit Latina-o HopeExplor Educ PurpNLatin Drama in The Early Modern Age: Exemplary Insights in Practice and TheoryFruhe Neuzeit Studie1Latino Children and Families in The United StatesPraeg S Appl PsycholLatino CommunitiesLat Communities Latin Trade Lat TradeLatomusLatomus7Latsploitation, Exploitation Cinemas, and Latin AmericaRoutl Adv Film StudLatteLatte,Lattice Fermions and Structure of The VacuumNato Adv Sci I C-mat:Lattice-gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann ModelsLect Notes Math/Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization With RUse RLaughter Unlimited Monat Occ VALaunching Space Objects: Issues of Liability and Future ProspectsSpace Regul Lib#Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conf L Reid GasLava Flows and Domes Iavcei Volc"Laval Theologique Et PhilosophiqueLaval Theol Philos@Law Against Unfair Competition: Towards A New Paradigm in EuropeMpi Stud Intell Prop-Law & Empire in The Pacific: Fiji and Hawai'i Sch Am ResLaw & LiteratureLaw Lit Law & Policy Law PolicyLaw & Society Review Law Soc RevLaw and Computer TechnologyLaw Comput TechnolLaw and Contemporary ProblemsLaw Contemp ProblLaw and Corporate FinanceElgar Financ Law.Law and Ecology: New Environmental Foundations Law Just Ecol5Law and Economics of International TelecommunicationsLaw Econ Int TelecomLaw and Electronic CommerceLaw Electr CommerceLaw and Human BehaviorLaw Human Behav/Law and Legalization in Transnational RelationsRoutl Adv Int RelatLaw and Literature Curr Leg IssLaw and Philosophy Law PhilosLaw and Philosophy LibraryLaw Philos Libr1Law and Prediction in The Light of Chaos ResearchLect Notes Phys=Law and Social Inquiry-journal of The American Bar FoundationLaw Social Inquiry Law and State Law StateLaw 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ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P:Layered Nanostructures - Polymers With Improved Properties Macromol SyLLayered Structures - Heteroepitaxy, Superlattices, Strain, and MetastabilityMater Res Soc Symp PBLayered Superconductors : Fabrication, Properties and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P;Layout Markers in Biblical Manuscripts and Ugaritic TabletsPericopeMLboc - Third International Workshop On Laser Beam and Optics CharacterizationP Soc Photo-opt Ins Lc Gc Europe Lc Gc Eur$Lc Gc-magazine of Separation ScienceLc Gc-mag Sep SciLc Gc North America Lc Gc N Am0Lc-ms/ms in Proteomics: Methods and ApplicationsMethods Mol BiolMLcn 2001: 26th Annual Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks, ProceedingsC Local Comput NetwMLcn 2001: 26th Annual Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks, ProceedingsConf Local Comput NeMLcn 2002: 27th Annual Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks, ProceedingsC Local Comput NetwMLcn 2002: 27th Annual Ieee Conference On Local Computer Networks, ProceedingsConf 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Justice: Promoting Equity and Excellence Through Inquiry and Reflective PracticeEduc Leader Soc JustLeadership HorizonsLeadersh Horiz3Leadership in The Big Bangs of European IntegrationPalgrave Stud Eur Un2Leadership in The Library / Information Processing Mc F S RutgLeadership MindsetsLead Sch TransformLeadership QuarterlyLeadership Quart6Leaders in War: West Point Remembers The 1991 Gulf War Cass Mil StudLeading Contemporary EconomistsRoutl Stud Hist Econ%Leading-edge Manufacturing StrategiesPma Tech Symp ProcOLeading-edge Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Urban Water ManagementWa Sci Technol.Leading-edge Technology 2005 - Water TreatmentWa Sci Technol9Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and DevelopmentCrc Ser Compet RegulFLeading Learning: Process, Themes and Issues in International ContextsLeadersh Learn SerLeading Linguists Lead LinguistLeading School TransformationLead Sch TransformQLeading The Web in Concurrent Engineering: Next Generation Concurrent Engineering 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QuarterlyLearn Disability Q/Learning Efficacy: Celebrations and PersuasionsRes Teach LearnmLearning for Economic Self-sufficiency: Constructing Pedagogies of Hope Among Low-income, Low-literate AdultsAdult Educ Spec TopLearning Forensic AssessmentInt Persp ForenWLearning From Clusters: A Critical Assessment From An Economic-geographical PerspectiveGeojournal LibFLearning From Failure: Long-term Behaviour of Heavy Masonry StructuresInt Ser Adv ArchitGLearning From Greensboro: Truth and Reconciliation in The United StatesPa Stud Hum Rights!Learning From Inquiry in Practice Astr Soc PLearning From Nature How to Design New Implantable Biomaterials: From Biomineralization Fundamentals to Biomimetic Materials and Processing RoutesNato Sci Ser Ii MathLearning From Nature How to Design New Implantable Biomaterials: From Biomineralization Fundamentals to Biomimetic Materials and Processing RoutesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathPLearning From Research On Teaching: Perspective, Methodology, and Representation Adv Res Teach>Learning Grid Handbook: Concepts Technologies and Applications Future Learn(Learning How to Learn: Tools for SchoolsImprov Learn TlrpLearning Imaging Learn ImagingLearning in CommunitiesHum-comput Int-sprin7Learning in Cultural Context: Family, Peers, and SchoolInt Cult Psychol7Learning in Economic Systems With Expectations FeedbackLect Notes Econ MathLearning in Graphical ModelsNato Adv Sci I D-behNLearning in School, Home and Community: Ict for Early and Elementary EducationInt Fed Info ProcLearning Institutionalized N D Conf M8Learning in The Network Society and The Digitized SchoolEduc Compet Glob Wor<Learning in The Synergy of Multiple Disciplines, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Learning Languages, Learning Life Skills Educ LinguistLearning Machine TranslationNeural Inf Process SLearning MatlabOther Titl Appl MathLearning Media and TechnologyLearn Media Technol/Learning Pediatric Imaging: 100 Essential Cases Learn ImagingLearning Robots, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int2Learning, Skill Acquisition, Reading, and DyslexiaAnn Ny Acad Sci=Learning Software Organizations: Methodology and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc#Learning Theory and Kernel MachinesLect Notes Artif IntLearning Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntLearning Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScJLearning Through Practice: Models, Traditions, Orientations and ApproachesProf Pract-based LeacLearning Through Teaching Mathematics: Development of Teachers' Knowledge and Expertise in PracticeMath Teach EducLearning to Be ProfessionalsInnov Chang Prof EduOLearning to Mentor-as-praxis: Foundations for A Curriculum in Teacher EducationProf Learn Dev Sch HLearning to Work Brookings D4Learning, Training, and Development in OrganizationsSiop Organ Front Ser.Learning Vascular and Interventional Radiology Learn ImagingWLearning With Digital Games: A Practical Guide to Engaging Students in Higher EducationOpen Flex Learn SerLearning Without Boundaries Defen Res 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Languages of South Asia: Status and Policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information TechnologyTrends Linguist-stud Lesser Known Large Dsdna VirusesCurr Top MicrobiolLessico Intellettuale Europeo Less IntellLessons From BosniaRand Conf Proc,Lessons From Laron Syndrome ( Ls ) 1966-1992 Pediat Ad ELessons From Learning Ifip Trans A'Lessons From The Asian Financial CrisisRoutl Contemp Asia`Lessons in Leadership: Executive Leadership Programs for Advancing Diversity in Higher EducationDivers High Educ1Lessons of Cross-national Comparison in EducationOx Stud Comp EducLethaiaLethaia0Lethal Yellowing: Research and Practical AspectsDev Plant PatholLetras De Deusto Letras DeustoLetras Del Siglo Xx Let Siglo Xx+Let's Face Chaos Through Nonlinear Dynamics Aip Conf ProcLettere Al Nuovo CimentoLett Nuovo CimentoLettere Italiane Lett Ital*Letter in The 18th Century and Its Avatars Coll Dont ActLetters in Applied MicrobiologyLett Appl Microbiol"Letters in Drug Design & DiscoveryLett Drug Des Discov!Letters in Heat and Mass TransferLett Heat Mass TransLetters in Mathematical PhysicsLett Math PhysLetters in Organic Chemistry Lett Org ChemLetters in Peptide Science Lett Pept SciLettres Romanes Lett Romanes&Letzte Junger Des Philosophen DionysosMonogr Texte Nietzsc2Leucaena - Adaptation, Quality and Farming Systems Aciar Proc(Leucaena - Opportunities and Limitations Aciar ProcDLeucocyte Trafficking: The Role of Fucosyltransferases and SelectinsE Schering Res Fdn WLeukemiaLeukemiaLeukemia & LymphomaLeukemia LymphomaLeukemia Research Leukemia ResLeukocyte AdhesionCurr Top MembrLeukocyte Adhesion Int Congr Ser>Leukocyte Integrins in The Immune System and Malignant DiseaseCurr Top MicrobiolLeukosLeukosBLeukotriene Receptor Antagonists: Evidence and Experience Examined Roy S Med S2Leukotrienes and Prostanoids in Health and Disease New Trend LKLeuven Lectures On Religious Institutions, Religious Communities and RightsCanon Law Monogr SHLev Davidovich Landau and His Impact On 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Localis%Liability of Classification SocietiesHamb Stud Marit AffJLiaison, Schottky Problem and Invariant Theory: Remembering Federico Gaeta Prog Math2Liapunov Functions and Stability in Control TheoryLect Notes Contr InfALias-journal of Early Modern Intellectual Culture and Its SourcesLiasHLias-sources and Documents Relating to The Early Modern History of IdeasLiasHLias-sources and Documents Relating to The Early Modern History of IdeasLias-sourc Doc Relat1Libeb, Cosmic Rays, and Related X- and Gamma-rays Astr Soc PLiberal Education Liberal Educ+Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Social DemocracyRoutl Stud Soc PolitVLiberalization and Regulation of The Telecommunications Sector in Transition Countries Contrib Econ7Liberalization of Postal Services in The European Union Euro Monogr0Liberalization of The Postal and Delivery SectorAdv Regul EconVLiberal Leviathan: The Origins, Crisis, and Transformation of The American World OrderPrinc Stud Int Hist/Liberation Between Selves, Sexualities, and 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SerLibraryLibrary(Library Acquisitions-practice and TheoryLibr Acquis Pract Th&Library & Information Science ResearchLibr Inform Sci Res'Library and Information Research Report Lib Info RLibrary and Information ScienceLibr Inform ScLibrary and Information ScienceLibr Inform Sci&Library and Information Science SeriesLibr Inform Sci Ser<Library and Information Services in Astronomy Iii (lisa Iii) Astr Soc PVLibrary and Information Services in Astronomy V: Common Challenges, Uncommon Solutions Astr Soc PpLibrary and Information Services in Astronomy Vi: 21st Century Astronomy Librarianship, From New Ideas to Action Astr Soc P6Library Chronicle of The University of Texas At AustinLibr Chron Univ Tex5Library Collections Acquisitions & Technical ServicesLibr Collect Acquis-Library Computer Systems and Equipment ReviewLibr Comp Sys EquipLibrary Computing Libr ComputLibrary Hi Tech Libr Hi TechLibrary JournalLibr J)Library Management: A Case Study ApproachChandos Inf Prof SerLibrary of American Production Lib Am Prod(Library of Ethics and Applied PhilosophyLib Ethics Appl Phil(Library of Ethics and Applied PhilosophyLibr Ethics Appl PhiLibrary of Flight Libr FlightLibrary of Legislative StudiesLibr Legis Stud"Library of Philosophy and ReligionLibr Philos Relig2Library of Public Policy and Public AdministrationLib Pub Policy Pub A2Library of Public Policy and Public AdministrationLibr Public Policy P*Library of Religious Beliefs and PracticesLibr Relig Beliefs P-Library of The History of Psychology TheoriesLibr Hist Psychol ThLibrary Orientation Series Lib OrientBLibrary Project Funding: A Guide to Planning and Writing ProposalsChandos Inf Prof SerLibrary Quarterly Libr Quart&Library Resources & Technical ServicesLibr Resour Tech Ser-Library Science With A Slant to DocumentationLibr Sci Slant DocLibrary Software ReviewLibr Software RevLibrary Trends Libr TrendsDLibrary Web Ecology: What You Need to Know As Web Design CoordinatorChandos Inf Prof SerLibriLibriLibyan Journal of Medicine Libyan J Med Lichenologist Lichenologist'Lichens As Bioindicators of Air Quality Usda Rocky Lichttechnik LichttechnikPLics 2005: 20th Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science - Proceedings Ieee S LogLidar and Atmospheric SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsLidar Atmospheric MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt InsLidar for Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring Vii Proc Spie6Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring Viii Proc Spie4Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environmental Monitoring VP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environmental Monitoring V Proc Spie<Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environment 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IiComm Com Inf Sc5Life System Modeling and Intelligent Computing, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc0Life System Modeling and Simulation, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat-Life : The Human Being Between Life and Death Anal Hus Yb#Life - The Human Quest for An Ideal Anal Hus YbZLife - The Play of Life On The Stage of The World in Fine Arts, Stage-play, and Literature Anal Hus YbLife-threatening BehaviorLife Threatening BehLifetime Data AnalysisLifetime Data Anal:Lifetime Modelling of High Temperature Corrosion ProcessesEur Fed Corr Publ:Lifetime Modelling of High Temperature Corrosion ProcessesEur Fed Corros Publ(Life - Truth in Its Various Perspectives Anal Hus YbFLife (un)worthy of Living: Reproductive Genetics in Israel and GermanyInt Libr Eth Law NewLife Writing Series Life Writ Ser>Lifting Modules: Supplements and Projectivity in Module Theory Front MathKLigand-macromolecular Interactions in Drug Discovery: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolLight-activated Pest Control Acs Sym SerLight & Engineering Light EngLight and Optics in BiomedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsELight As An Energy Source and Information Carrier in Plant PhysiologyNato Adv Sci Inst SehLight At Extreme Intensities: Opportunities and Technological Issues of The Extreme Light Infrastructure Aip Conf ProcLight-driven AlignmentSpringer Ser Opt SciLight Element AbundancesEso Astrophy Symp"Light Elements and Their EvolutionIau SympLight Elements in The UniverseIau Symp P SeriesLight Emission From SiliconMater Res Soc Symp PFLight Emission From Silicon: Progress Towards Si-based Optoelectronics Eur Mat Res2Light Emission in Silicon: From Physics to DevicesSemiconduct SemimetALight-emiting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications XP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Light-emitting Diode Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Light-emitting Diode Materials and Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt InsYLight-emitting Diodes: Materials, Devices, and Applications for Solid State Lighting XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsXLight-emitting Diodes: Materials, Devices, and Applications for Solid State Lighting Xiv Proc SpieWLight-emitting Diodes: Materials, Devices, and Applications for Solid State Lighting Xv Proc Spie@Light-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsCLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsDLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsDLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications Iii Proc SpieCLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsCLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications IxP Soc Photo-opt InsALight-emitting Diodes: Research Manufacturing, and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsALight-emitting Diodes: Research Manufacturing, and Applications V Proc SpieCLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsDLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsDLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications Vii Proc SpieFLight -emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFLight -emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications Viii Proc SpieCLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications XiP Soc Photo-opt InsDLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsDLight-emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing, and Applications Xii Proc Spie)Light Emitting Silicon for MicrophotonicsSpringer Tr Mod Phys)Light Emitting Silicon for MicrophotonicsSpringer Trac Mod Ph,Light Gauge Metal Structures Recent Advances Cism Cour L,Light Gauge Metal Structures Recent AdvancesCism Courses Lect"Lightguides and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Lightguides and Their Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Lightguides and Their Applications Ii Proc Spie&Lightguides and Their Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Lighthouses of The Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for CosmologyEso Astrophy Symp=Light-induced Processes in Optically-tweezed Aerosol DropletsSpringer Theses-recoLighting Design & ApplicationLight Design ApplLighting Research & TechnologyLighting Res Technol(Light, Lasers, and Synchrotron RadiationNato Adv Sci I B-phyLight Metal Age Light Met Age Light Metals Light MetLight Metals 2001 Light MetLight Metals 2002 Light MetLight Metals 2003 Light MetLight Metals 2004 Light MetLight Metals 2005 Light Met+Light Metals 2006, Vol 1: Alumina & Bauxite Light Met7Light Metals 2006, Vol 2: Aluminum Reduction Technology Light Met+Light Metals 2006, Vol 3: Carbon Technology Light MetFLight Metals 2006 Vol 4: Cast Shop Technology and Recycling - Aluminum Light MetLight Metals 2007 Light MetLight Metals 2008 Light MetLight Metals 2009 Light MetLight Metals 2010 Light MetLight Metals Technology 2009Mater Sci Forum=Lightmetry 2002: Metrology and Testing Techniques Using LightP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Lightmetry 2002: Metrology and Testing Techniques Using Light Proc Spie3Lightmetry and Light and Optics in Biomedicine 2004Pro Biomed Opt ImagGLightmetry: Metrology, Spectroscopy, and Testing Techniques Using LightP Soc Photo-opt InsGLightmetry: Metrology, Spectroscopy, and Testing Techniques Using Light Proc Spie'Light Microscopy: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol[Lightning in The Tropics: From A Source of Fire to A Monitoring Systems of Climatic ChangesClim Chang Cause Eff Light Pollution: The Global ViewAstrophys Space Sc L4Light Scattering and Photon Correlation SpectroscopyNato Asi 3 High TechDLight Scattering From Polymer Solutions and Nanoparticle DispersionsSpringer Lab Man Pol>Light Scattering in Semiconductor Structures and SuperlatticesNato Adv Sci I B-phyLight Scattering in Solids Ix Top Appl PhysLight Scattering in Solids Vii Top Appl PhysLight Scattering in Solids Viii Top Appl Phys?Light Scattering Reviews 2: Remote Sensing and Inverse ProblemsS-p B Environ Sci;Light Scattering Reviews 3: Light Scattering and ReflectionS-p B Environ SciLLight Scattering Reviews 4: Single Light Scattering and Radioactive TransferS-p B Environ SciJLight Scattering Reviews 5: Single Light Scattering and Radiative TransferS-p B Environ SciLight Sources 2004Inst Phys Conf SerbLight Weight Metal Corrosion and Modeling for Corrosion Prevention, Life Prediction and AssessmentAdv Mater Res-switz;Lignin : Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives Acs Sym SerLigno-cellulosics E H S Polym^Lignoselluoosaetanolin Ja Synteesikaasusta Fermentoitujen Polttonesteiden Teknologiatarkastelu Vtt Res Notes8Lihir Destiny: Cultural Responses to Mining in MelanesiaAsia-pac Env Monogr=Liikenneturvallisuus Erilaisissa Suunnitelmissa - Esiselvitys Vtt Res Notes-Liikenneturvallisuustoiminnan Lahestymistavat Vtt Res NotesALike An Everlasting Signet Ring: Generosity in The Book of SirachDeuter Cogn Lit Stud9Lili-zeitschrift Fur Literaturwissenschaft Und LinguistikLili Lille Medical Lille Med'Limb Development and Regeneration, Pt AProg Clin Biol Res'Limb Development and Regeneration, Pt BProg Clin Biol Res&Limb Lengthening for Whom, When & How?Mod Endocrin Diabet>Limerick and South-west Ireland: Medieval Art and ArchitectureBrit Archaeol Assoc[Limestone in The Built Environment: Present Day Challenges for The Preservation of The PastGeol Soc Spec Publ3Limitations and Future Trends in Neural ComputationNato Sc S Ss Iii C S(Limitations of Test Methods for PlasticsAm Soc Test Mater2Limited Data Rate in Control Systems With NetworksLect Notes Contr InfLimiting Greenhouse Effects Dahl Ws EnvLLimits and Control of Competition With A View to International HarmonizationInt Compet Law Ser0Limits of British Colonial Control in South AsiaRoutl Stud Mod Hist"Limits of Constitutional Democracy Univ Cent HumVLimits of European Citizenship: European Integration and Domestic Immigration PoliciesMigrat Minor CitizenHLimits of Europeanization: Reform Capacity and Policy Conflict in GreecePalgrave Stud Eur Un;Limits of Logical Empiricism: Selected Papers of Arthur Pap Synth Libr!Limits of Reductionism in Biology Ciba F Symp!Limits of Russian DemocratisationBasees-rout Ser Russ/Limits to Globalization: North-south Divergence Rethink GlobdLimit Theorems for Markov Chains and Stochastic Properties of Dynamical Systems By Quasi-compactnessLect Notes Math,Limit Theorems in Probability and StatisticsColloq Math Soc J B Limnetica Limnetica Limnologica LimnologicaLimnologie Aktuell Limnol AktLimnologie AktuellLimnol Aktuell Limnology LimnologyLimnology and OceanographyLimnol Oceanogr"Limnology and Oceanography-methodsLimnol Oceanogr-meth!Limnology in Developing CountriesLimnol Dev Countr(Limnology in Developing Countries, Vol 4Limnol Dev CountrLincolns Legacy of LeadershipJepson Stud Leadersh Lindbergia Lindbergia#Linear Algebra and Its ApplicationsLinear Algebra Appl9Linear Algebra for Large Scale and Real-time ApplicationsNato Adv Sci Inst SeLinear & Multilinear AlgebraLinear Multilinear AALinear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Their ApplicationsSpringer Ser StatVLinear and Integer Programming Vs Linear Integration and Counting: A Duality ViewpointSpringer Ser Oper Re7Linear and Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient-related Methods Siam Proc S@Linear and Nonlinear Control of Small-scale Unmanned HelicoptersIntel Syst Contr Aut&Linear and Nonlinear Integrated OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Linear and Nonlinear Iterative Learning ControlLect Notes Contr Inf0Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials Proc Spie3Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials Iii Proc Spie3Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials Iv Proc Spie3Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials Vi Proc Spie4Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials Vii Proc Spie5Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials Viii Proc Spie2Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials XP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Linear and Nonlinear Optimization, Second EditionOther Titl Appl Math/Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Third EditionInt Ser Oper Res ManrLinear Cmos Rf Power Amplifiers for Wireless Applications: Efficiency Enhancement and Frequency-tunable CapabilityAnalog Circ Sig ProcLinear Complementarity ProblemClass Appl Math>Linear Control Theory: Structure, Robustness, and OptimizationAutom Control Eng Se3Linear Estimation and Detection in Krylov SubspacesFound Signal Process8Linear Feedback Control: Analysis and Design With MatlabAdv Des Control@Linear Isentropic Oscillations of Stars: Theoretical FoundationsAstrophys Space Sc L4Linearization Methods for Stochastic Dynamic SystemsLect Notes Phys|Linearization Models for Complex Dynamical Systems: Topics in Univalent Functions, Functional Equations and Semigroup TheoryOper Theory Adv Appl-Linearization of Chains and Sideward MovementLinguist Inq Monogr)Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal DataSpringer Ser StatALinear Models and Generalizations: Least Squares and AlternativesSpringer Ser Stat.Linear, Nonlinear, and Power-limiting OrganicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Linear, Nonlinear, and Power-limiting Organics Proc SpieRLinear Ordering Problem: Exact and Heuristic Methods in Combinatorial Optimization Appl Math SciVLinear Programming and Generalizations: A Problem-based Introduction With SpreadsheetsInt Ser Oper Res Man=Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions, Third EditionInt Ser Oper Res ManLinear Programming With MatlabMps-siam Ser Optimiz<Linear Sampling Method in Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering Cbms-nsf MaZLinear-scaling Techniques in Computational Chemistry and Physics: Methods and ApplicationsChall Adv Comput CheBLinear, Time-varying Approximations to Nonlinear Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf8Linear Time-varying Systems: Algebraic-analytic ApproachLect Notes Contr Inf4Linear Time Varying Systems and Sampled-data SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf Linea Veneta Linea VenetFLine Groups in Physics: Theory and Applications Nanotubes and PolymersLect Notes Phys$Liner Conferences in Competition LawHamb Stud Marit AffLinguaLinguaLingua E Stile Lingua Stile Lingua Franca Lingua Franca Lingua Nostra Lingua Nostra&Lingue E Iscrizioni Dell Italia Antica Lingue IscrLinguistica Biblica Linguist BiblLinguistic Analysis Linguist AnalLinguistica Pragensia Linguist PragLinguistica Uralica Linguist Ural5Linguistic Authority, Language Ideology, and MetaphorLang Power Soc Proce*Linguistic Diversity and Language Theories Stud Lang C1Linguistic Fuzzy Logic Methods in Social SciencesStud Fuzz Soft CompLinguistic Inquiry Linguist InqLinguistic Inquiry MonographsLinguist Inq MonogrLinguistic Insights Ling Insights2Linguistic Meaning, Truth Conditions and RelevancePalg Stud Pragm Lang]Linguistic Modeling of Information and Markup Languages: Contributions to Language TechnologyText Speech Lang TecPLinguistic Policies and The Survival of Regional Languages in France and BritainPalg Stud Minor LangLinguistic Review Linguist Rev Linguistics LinguisticsLinguistics and PhilosophyLinguist Philos#Linguistic Scepticism and PoetologyHermaea Ger Forsch#Linguistics in The Netherlands 2005Avt Publ#Linguistics in The Netherlands 2006Avt PublALinguistics of Laughter: A Corpus-assisted Study of Laughter-talkRoutl Stud LinguistLinguistik AktuellLing Akt Linguistik-impulse and TendenzenLinguist Impul Tend Linguistik-impulse and TendenzenLinguist-impulse Ten Linguistique LinguistiqueLinguistische ArbeitenLing ArbLinguistische Arbeiten Linguist Arb'Linguists and Language Issues in Quebec Ciral Pub B#Linkage in Evolutionary ComputationStud Comput IntellLLinking Affect to Action: Critical Contributions of The Orbitofrontal CortexAnn Ny Acad Sci&Linking and Aligning Scores and ScalesStat Soc Behav Sc-Linking Climate Change to Land Surface ChangeAdv Glob Change ResRLinking Competence to Opportunities to Learn: Models of Competence and Data MiningInnov Sci Educ Techn:Linking Literature, Information, and Knowledge for BiologyLect N BioinformatKLinking Research and Marketing Opportunities for Pulses in The 21st CenturyCurr Plant Sci Biot?Linking Science and Technology to Society's Environmental GoalsNat F Sci Tech Goal2Linking The Gaseous and Condensed Phases of MatterNato Adv Sci Inst Se4Linking Tourism, The Environment, and Sustainability Usda Interm%Linking Trade and Technology Policies S Pros Gl E2Linking Up Contrastive and Learner Corpus Research Lang Comput-Linkoping Studies in Education and PsychologyLinkop Stud Ed PsychbLinks Between Geological Processes, Microbial Activities & Evolution of Life: Microbes and GeologyMod Appr Sol Earth SLinnaeus in Italy Upps Hist SciLinnaeus in ItalyUpps Stud Hist Sci Linnean Society Symposium Series Linnean SocLion and The Unicorn Lion UnicornLipases, Part AMethod EnzymolLipases, Part AMethods Enzymol Lipases, Pt BMethod Enzymol Lipases, Pt BMethods Enzymol6Lipases : Structure, Mechanism and Genetic EngineeringGbf Monog SeriesLipid A in Cancer TherapyAdv Exp Med BiolLipid and Polymer-lipid SystemsProg Coll Pol Sci SLipid-mediated SignalingMethods Signal TransLipid Modifications of ProteinsMethod EnzymolLipidomics and Bioactive LipidsMethod EnzymolGLipidomics and Bioactive Lipids: Mass-spectrometry-based Lipid AnalysisMethod Enzymol(Lipidomics: Vol 1: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol(Lipidomics, Vol 2: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolLipid Oxidation in Food Acs Sym Ser*Lipid Polymorphism and Membrane PropertiesCurr Top MembrLipidsLipidsLipids and BiomineralizationsProg Histochem CytocLipids and Health Int Congr SerVLipids and Insulin Resistance: The Role of Fatty Acid Metabolism and Fuel PartitioningAnn Ny Acad Sci*Lipids and Syndromes of Insulin ResistanceAnn Ny Acad SciLipids and The KidneyContrib NephrolMLipids: Categories, Biological Functions and Metabolism, Nutrition and HealthCell Bio Res ProgLipid Signaling in PlantsPlant Cell MonogrLipids in Food Flavors Acs Sym SerLipids in Health and DiseaseLipids Health Dis<Lipids in Photosynthesis: Essential and Regulatory FunctionsAdv Photosynth RespLipids, Rafts and TrafficBiochem Soc SympLipofuscin and Ceroid PigmentsAdv Exp Med Biol4Lipoproteins and The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis Int Congr SerLiposomes in Drug Delivery Drug Targ D'Liposomes: Methods and Protocols, Vol 1Methods Mol Biol'Liposomes: Methods and Protocols, Vol 2Methods Mol BiolLiposomes, Pt AMethod EnzymolLiposomes, Pt BMethod EnzymolLiposomes, Pt DMethod EnzymolLiposomes, Pt DMethods EnzymolLiposomes, Pt EMethod Enzymol#Lipoxygenases and Their MetabolitesAdv Exp Med BiolALiquefaction, Differential Settlement, and Foundation EngineeringTransport Res RecGLiquid and Solid State Crystals : Physics, Technology, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsBLiquid Chromatography for The Determination of Mycotoxins in FoodsFood Sci TechnolILiquid Chromatography Ftir Microspectroscopy Microwave Assisted Synthesis Adv Polym Sci)Liquid Chromatography/mass Spectrometry / Acs Sym SerDLiquid Chromatography/mass Spectrometry, Ms/ms and Time-of-flight Ms Acs Sym Ser6Liquid Chromatography-mass Spectrometry, Third EditionChromatogr Sci Ser3Liquid Crystal Chemistry, Physics, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Liquid Crystal Displays and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsLLiquid Crystalline Functional Assemblies and Their Supramolecular Structures Struct BondLiquid-crystalline Polymers Acs Sym Ser"Liquid-crystalline Polymer Systems Acs Sym Ser$Liquid Crystal Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P3Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications Ix Proc Spie5Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOLiquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications X and Projection Displays XP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Flat Panel DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals Liq CrystLiquid CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Liquid Crystals and Applications in OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Liquid Crystals: Chemistry and StructureP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Liquid Crystals: Chemistry, Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Liquid Crystals for Advanced TechnologiesMater Res Soc Symp PLiquid Crystals IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Liquid Crystals: Materials Science and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Liquid Crystals: Physics, Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals VP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals ViP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals Vi Proc SpieLiquid Crystals ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals Vii Proc SpieLiquid Crystals ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals Viii Proc SpieLiquid Crystals XP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals X Proc SpieLiquid Crystals XiP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystals Xi Proc SpieLiquid Crystals XivP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystal XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLiquid Crystal Xii Proc Spie3Liquid Dynamics: Experiment, Simulation, and Theory Acs Sym Ser%Liquidity, Interest Rates and BankingFinanc I Serv SerLiquid Nourishment Food & SocHLiquid Phase Epitaxy of Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic MaterialsWiley Ser Mater ElecLiquids At Interfaces Les Houch S,Liquids, Freezing and Glass Transition, Pt 1 Les Houch S,Liquids, Freezing and Glass Transition, Pt 2 Les Houch SLiquids Under Negative PressureNato Sci Ser Ii MathLiquids Under Negative PressureNato Sci Ser Ii-mathDLisbon Treaty: Eu Constitutionalism Without A Constitutional Treaty?Schr Ost Ges Eur Ecs'List Decoding of Error-correcting CodesLect Notes Comput Sc]Listening to and Learning From Students: Possibilities for Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Landsc EducListy Cukrovarnicke A Reparske Listy CukrovListy Cukrovarnicke A ReparskeListy Cukrov ReparListy Filologicke List FilolLita Presidents Series Lita Pres S Literacies LiteraciesLiteracyLiteracy7Literacy and Augmentative and Alternative CommunicationAug Alt Comm PerspELiteracy and Basic Education in Europe On The Eve of The 21st-century Eur Educ RLiteracy and PowerLang Cult TeachFLiteracy Development and Enhancement Across Orthographies and CulturesLit StudLiteracy Language and LearningLit Lang LearnLiteracy StudiesLit Stud.Literacy: Traditional, Cultural, Technological Iasl ProcrLiterarhistorische Filmbiographien: Autorschaft Und Literaturgeschichte Im Kino - Mit Einer Filmographie 1909-2007Medien Kult ErinneruoLiterarische Vereine in Dresden: Kulturelle Praxis Und Politische Orientierung Des Burgertums Im 19 JahrhundertStud Texte SozialgesLiterary and Cultural TheoryLit Cultural Theory!Literary and Linguistic ComputingLit Linguist Comput&Literary Criticism and Cultural TheoryLit Crit Cult TheoryLiterary Imagination Lit ImaginLiterary Lives Lit Lives;Literary Market: Authorship and Modernity in The Old Regime Mater TextsdLiterary Minstrelsy, 1770-1830: Minstrels and Improvisers in British, Irish, and American LiteraturePalgrave Stud Enligh5Literary Modernity Between The Middle East and EuropeRoutl Stud Mid E Lit1Literary Quest for An American National CharacterRoutl Transnat Persp"Literary Relations : East and West Lit St E W=Literary Research-a Journal of Scholarly Method and TechniqueLit Res-j Sch Meth TLiterary Research NewsletterLit Res-j Sch Meth TLiterary Review Literary RevGLiterary Scene in The Federal Republic of Germany - A View From Outside Ams C Mod GLiterary Studies East and West Lit St E W&Literary Subversions of Medieval WomenNew Middle Ages+Literary Theory: The Basics, Second EditionBasics+Literary Theory: The Basics, Second Edition Basics Ser2Literary Tradition and Practice in Russian Culture Stud Slav L3Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities, 1790-1910 Dqr Stud Lit;Literatura Espanola En Tiempos De Los Novatores (1675-1725)CriticonQLiteratur Als Spiel: Evolutionsbiologische, Asthetische Und Padagogische KonzepteSpectr Literaturwiss!Literature & History-third SeriesLit Hist-third SerCLiterature and Development in North Africa: The Modernizing MissionLit Crit Cult TheoryLiterature and HistoryLit HistLiterature and Industry Bibliot Arc Literature and Language in Tirol Schlern SchLiterature and MedicineLit MedLiterature and Psychology Lit PsycholLiterature and Revolutions False TitleLiterature and Theology Lit TheolLiterature and War Rod Per ModLiterature-based DiscoveryInform Sci Knowl ManLiterature-film QuarterlyLit-film QuartALiterature, Journalism and The Avant-garde: Intersection in EgyptRoutl Stud Mid E LitLiterature Music Fine ArtsLit Music Fine Arts!Literature of The Indian DiasporaRout Res Postcol Lit3Literature, Politics and Law in Renaissance England Lang Disc Soc3Literature, Politics and Law in Renaissance EnglandLang Discourse SocLiterature, Politics, Theory Lit Pol Th)Literature, Science, and A New HumanitiesCogn Stud Lit PerforLiteratures of Congo-zaireMatatu?Literatur Intermedial: Paradigmenbildung Zwischen 1918 Und 1968Spectr LiteraturwissLiteratur Und Kritik Lit KritikCLiteratur, Wissenschaft Und Wissen Seit Der Epochenschwelle Um 1800Spectr LiteraturwissLithics in ActionLithic Stud Soc Occ'Lithic Studies Society Occasional PaperLithic Stud Soc OccLithiumLithiumLithium Batteries, Proceedings Elec Soc S7Lithium Batteries: Research,technology and ApplicationsElectr Eng DevELithium Niobate: Defects, Photorefraction and Ferroelectric SwitchingSpringer Ser Mater SLLithographic and Micromachining Techniques for Optical Component FabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsOLithographic and Micromachining Techniques for Optical Component Fabrication IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLithography Asia 2008 Proc Spie+Lithography for Semiconductor ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Lithography for Semiconductor Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLithology and Mineral ResourcesLithol Miner ResourLithology and Mineral ResourcesLithol Miner Resour+LithosLithos LithosphereLithosphere-usLithuanian Journal of Physics Lith J PhysLithuanian Mathematical Journal Lith Math JLitigation in KoreaElgar Korean LawQLitigation Issues in The Distribution of Securities: An International Perspective Int Bar Ass$Lit-literature Interpretation TheoryLit-lit Interpret Th Litterature Litterature Litteratures Litteratures7Little Rock: Race and Resistance At Central High SchoolPolit Soc Twentieth&Littman Library of Jewish Civilization Lit Lib JewLiturgia CondendaLiturg CondendaKLiturgical Perspectives: Prayer and Poetry in Light of The Dead Sea ScrollsStud Text Des JudahLiturgy and MuseLiturg Condenda(Live Cell Imaging: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolaLived Experiences of Public Consumption: Encounters With Value in Marketplaces On Five ContinentsConsum Public LifePLivelihoods and Vulnerability in The Arid and Semi-arid Lands of Southern AfricaHunger Poverty CauseLiverLiverLiver and Aging - 1990 Int Congr SerLiver and Drugs '94Prog Hepat Pharm(Liver and Pancreatic Diseases ManagementAdv Exp Med BiolLiver CarcinogenesisNato Adv Sci Inst SeLiver Cell Carcinoma Falk Symp;Liver Cirrhosis: From Pathophysiology to Disease Management Falk Symp4Liver Diseases: Advances in Treatment and Prevention Falk SympLiver International Liver IntLiver, Metabolism and Ageing T Aging Res1Liver Metastasis: Biology and Clinical ManagementCancer Metast Biol T1Liver Microcirculation and Hepatobiliary FunctionProgr Appl MicrLiver PathologyConsult PatholLiver Pathophysiology Int Congr Ser+Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and StudiesLp Sci Fic T Studies-Liver Radioembolization With 90y MicrospheresMed Radiol Diagn ImaLiver Regeneration Tr Adv LivLiver TransplantationLiver Transplant!Liver Transplantation and SurgeryLiver Transplant Sur;Liver Transplantation: Challenging Controversies and TopicsClin Gastroent-serJLives of The Anchoresses: The Rise of The Urban Recluse in Medieval EuropeMiddle Ages SerLives of The Neutron StarsNato Adv Sci I C-matLives of The Neutron StarsNato Adv Sci Inst SeLivestock Environment Iv Asae PublLivestock Farming Systems Eaap Public7Livestock Farming Systems in Central and Eastern Europe Eaap TechULivestock Farming Systems: Research, Development Socio-economics and The Land Manager Eaap Public8Livestock in The Mediterranean Cereal Production Systems Eaap PublicBLivestock Production and Climatic Uncertainty in The Mediterranean Eaap PublicLivestock Production ScienceLivest Prod SciLLivestock Production Sector in Eastern Europe As Affected By Current Changes Eaap PublicLivestock Science Livest SciLivingLivingLiving Cell in Four Dimensions Aip Conf ProcLiving Cities in JapanNissan I Routl Jpn SLiving ConceptsLiving Concepts'Living for The Elderly: A Design ManualDes ManCLiving in A Chemical World: Framing The Future in Light of The PastAnn Ny Acad Sci>Living in Poverty: Developmental Poetics of Cultural RealitiesAdv Cult Psychol Con9Living in Worlds of Music: A View of Education and ValuesLandsc Art Aesthet EZLiving On The Edge: The Mythical, Spiritual, and Philosophical Roots of Social MarginalityHealth Hum DevLiving Reviews in RelativityLiving Rev RelativLiving Reviews in Solar PhysicsLiving Rev Sol PhysLjetopis Socijalnog RadaLjetop Soc RadaLloydiaLloyd'Lloydia-the Journal of Natural ProductsLloydiaLloyds Bank Annual ReviewLloyds Bank Annu RevSLmi Approach to Analysis and Control of Takagi-sugeno Fuzzy Systems With Time DelayLect Notes Contr Inf*Lms Journal of Computation and MathematicsLms J Comput MathLmx Leadership SeriesLmx Leadersh Ser"Local and Analytic Cyclic HomologyEms Tracts Math$Local and Metropolitan Area NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsXLocal and Semi-local Bifurcations in Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems: Results and ExamplesLect Notes Math3Local Area Network Applications: Leveraging The Lan Ifip Trans ALocal Area Network SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc`Local Bifurcations, Center Manifolds, and Normal Forms in Infinite-dimensional Dynamical Systems UniversitextLocal Bubble and Beyond Ii Aip Conf ProcNLocal Cells, Global Science: The Rise of Embryonic Stem Cell Research in India Genet Soc%Local Cohomology and Its ApplicationsLect Notes Pure Appl'Local Construction of A Global LanguageLang Power Soc ProceiLocal Elites, Political Capital and Democratic Development: Governing Leaders in Seven European CountriesUrban Reg Res IntwLocal Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparing Performance in The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and RussiaSt Antonys SerLocal Government StudiesLocal Gov Stud#Local Government Studies-new SeriesLoc Gov Stud-new Ser*Local Group As An Astrophysical Laboratory Space Tel S"Local Heroes in The Global VillageInt Stud EntreLocal Immunity Local Immun,Local Immunity in Reproductive Tract Tissues Sci Bas FerLocal Immunotherapy in Allergy Chem ImmunolLocalisation 1990Inst Phys Conf SerCLocalised Technological Change: Towards The Economics of ComplexityRoutl Stud Glob CompkLocalist Movements in A Global Economy: Sustainability, Justice, 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ExperiencersLinguist Inq MonogrdLock-in Thermography: Basics and Use for Evaluating Electronic Devices and Materials, Second EditionSpr Ser Adv MicroeleLodz Studies in LanguageLodz Stud Language*Loeb Measures in Practice: Recent AdvancesLect Notes Math,Loess : Geomorphological Hazards and Process Catena SuppLog-gases and Random MatricesLond Math Soc Monogr:Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-based Reasoning Appl Log SerLogical and Relational Learning Cogn Technol8Logical Approaches to Comptational Barriers, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScBLogical Approach to Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Graham SolomonW Ont Ser Philos Sci,Logical Aspects of Computational LinguisticsLect Notes Artif Int9Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Logical Empiricism in North AmericaMinn Stud Philos Sci'Logical Foundations of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc4Logical Foundations of 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Ser Eng0Logic Based Program Synthesis and TransformationLect Notes Comput Sc0Logic-based Program Synthesis and TransformationLect Notes Comput Sc=Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Logic Based Program Synthesis and TrnsformationLect Notes Comput ScLogic Colloquim 01, ProceedingsLect Notes LogicLogic Colloquim '98Lect Notes LogicLogic Colloquium '02Lect Notes LogicLogic Colloquium '95Lect Notes Logic+Logic Epistemology and The Unity of ScienceLogic Epistemol Unit:Logic for Programming and Automated Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int=Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and ReasoningLect Notes Artif Int=Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and ReasoningLect Notes Comput ScJLogic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntJLogic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Logicism, Intuitionism, and Formalism: What Has Become of Them? Synth LibrLogic Journal of The Igpl Log J IgplLogic Journal of The Igpl Logic J Igpl Logic, Language, and ComputationLect Notes Artif Int9Logic, Language, and The Structure of Scientific TheoriesPitt Konst S Philos,Logic, Language, Information and ComputationLect Notes Artif Int9Logic, Language, Information and Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScTLogic, Mathematics, Philosophy: Vintage Enthusiasms: Essays in Honour of John L BellW Ont Ser Philos SciLogic of Adaptive Behavior: Knowledge Representation and Algorithms for Adaptive Sequential Decision Making Under Uncertainty in First-order and Relational DomainsFront Artif Intel ApLogic of Theory ChangeLect Notes Artif IntLogic ProgrammingLect Notes Comput ScLogic ProgrammingLogic ProgrammLogic Programming Mit Ps Log)Logic Programming and Automated ReasoningLect Notes Artif Int.Logic Programming and Knowledge RepresentationLect Notes Artif Int,Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic ReasoningLect Notes Artif Int9Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLogic Programming in ActionLect Notes Artif IntLogic Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScELogic Programming : Proceedings of The 1990 North American ConferenceLogic ProgrammCLogic Programming : Proceedings of The 1991 International SymposiumLogic ProgrammCLogic Programming - Proceedings of The 1997 International SymposiumLogic ProgrammmLogic Programming - Proceedings of The 1998 Joint International Conference and Symposium On Logic ProgrammingLogic ProgrammXLogic Programming: Proceedings of The 1999 International Conference On Logic ProgrammingLogic ProgrammFLogic Programming : Proceedings of The Eighth International ConferenceLogic ProgrammOLogic Programming : Proceedings of The North American Conference, 1989, Vol 1-2Logic ProgrammGLogic Programming : Proceedings of The Seventh International ConferenceLogic Programm*Logic Program Synthesis and TransformationLect Notes Comput Sc*Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation Work Comp0Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int Logics for Linguistic Structures Trend Lin S Logics in AiLect Notes Artif IntLogics in Ai /Lect Notes Artif Int!Logics in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int%Logics in Artificial Intelligence 8thLect Notes Artif Int.Logics in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int.Logics in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political TheoryRoutl Innov Polit Th!Logics of Specification LanguagesMonogr Theor ComputLogics Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<Logic Synthesis for Compositional Microprogram Control UnitsLect Notes Electr EnTLogic System of Concept Graphs With Negation and Its Relationship to Predicate LogicLect Notes Artif IntLogic, Thought and ActionLogic Epistemol UnitLogic Versus ApproximationLect Notes Comput ScLogique Et AnalyseLog AnalLogistic Regression ModelsCh Crc Text Stat SciKLogistics and Politics of The British Campaigns in The Middle East, 1914-22Stud Mil Strateg His#Logistics and Transportation ReviewLogist Transport RevoLogistics Outsourcing Relationships: Measurement, Antecedents, and Effects of Logistics Outsourcing PerformanceContrib Manag ScipLogistik in Der Automobilindustrie: Innovatives Supply Chain Management Fur Wettbewerbsfahige ZulieferstrukturenVDI-BuchLogopedics Phoniatrics VocologyLogop Phoniatr Voco/Logos-a Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture Logos-st Paul*Logos & Pneuma-chinese Journal of TheologyLogos Pneuma-chin JlLogos of History - Logos of Life. Historicity, Time, Nature, Communication, Consciousness, Alterity, Culutre Anal Hus Yb=Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of The Logos, Book 1 Anal Hus Yb=Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of The Logos, Book 2 Anal Hus Yb=Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of The Logos, Book 4 Anal Hus Yb=Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of The Logos, Book 5 Anal Hus Yb=Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of The Logos, Book 5Analecta Husserl Logos-vilnius Logos-vilnius[Lohnanspruche Deutscher Arbeitsloser: Determinanten Und Auswirkungen Von Reservationslohnen Kiel StudGLois De Conservations Euleriennes, Lagrangiennes Et Methodes NumeriquesMath Appl-berlin$Loisir & Societe-society and LeisureLoisir Soc-soc LeisLondon JournalLond J;London-leiden Series On Law, Administration and DevelopmentLon Lei Ser Law Adm/London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series Lond Math S&London Mathematical Society MonographsLond Math Soc Monogr!London Papers in Regional Science London PapHLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - Annual Public Health FormLshtm Publ Heal For+London Studies in The History of PhilosophyLond Stud Hist PhiloLone-parent Families Oecd Soc P/Long and Winding Road From Blake to The BeatlesNinet-century Major)Longer Wavelength Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsLongevity and EvolutionAging Iss Health Fin1Longevity Health Sciences: The Phoenix ConferenceAnn Ny Acad SciXLongevity, Regeneration, and Optimal Health: Integrating Eastern and Westen PerspectivesAnn Ny Acad SciLongevity RevolutionColloq Inst ServierLongitudinal Data AnalysisCh Crc Handb Mod Sta:Longitudinal Models in The Behavioral and Related SciencesEur Assoc Methodol SLong Non-coding Rnas, Vol 51Prog Mol Subcell BioFLong-range Atmospheric Transport of Natural and Contaminant SubstancesNato Adv Sci I C-mat#Long-range Charge Transfer in Dna I Top Curr Chem$Long-range Charge Transfer in Dna Ii Top Curr Chem%Long-range Control of Gene Expression Adv Genet0Long-range Correlations in Astrophysical SystemsAnn Ny Acad Sci>Long-range Interactions, Stochasticity and Fractional DynamicsNonlinear Phys SciLong Range PlanningLong Range Plann%Long-term Care for Frail Older PeopleKeio Univ Symp Life'Long-term Care Medicine: A Pocket GuideCurr Clin Pract(Long-term Changes in Ecosystem Diversity Oceanis S D'Long-term Consequences of Early FeedingNestle Nutr Works Se>Long-term Cyclosporin: Delivering Effective Therapeutic Levels Roy S Med S;Long Term Evolution: 3gpp Lte Radio and Cellular TechnologyInternet CommunDLong-term Field Trials to Assess Environmental Impacts of HarvestingFri Bull0Long-term Hillslope and Fluvial System ModellingLect Notes Earth Sci*Long-term Management of Contaminated SitesRes Soc Probl Public3Long-term Monitoring of The Earths Radiation BudgetP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Long-term Properties of Polyolefins Adv Polym SciNLong-term Trends: Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, and Lower Ionosphere Adv Space Res4Long Time Behaviour of Classical and Quantum SystemsSer Con Appl MathiLong View of Research and Practice in Operations Research and Management Science: The Past and The FutureInt Ser Oper Res ManILong Wavelength Infrared Detectors and Arrays: Physics and Applications V Elec Soc S?Long-wavelength Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and ProcessesMater Res Soc Symp P$Look At State and Local Tax Policies Tax Pol R PTLooking At It From Asia: The Processes That Shaped The Sources of History of ScienceBost Stud Philos SciiLooking Back, Looking Forward: Centralization, Multiple Conflicts, and Democratic State Building in NepalPol Stud Looking Deep in The Southern SkyEso Astrophy SympfLooking for Information: Survey of Research On Information Seeking, Needs and Behavior, Second EditionLibr Inform Sci SerPLooking Inward: Devotional Reading and The Private Self in Late Medieval EnglandMiddle Ages Ser Looking South Contr Am HiDLord Byron The European: Essays From The International Byron Society Stud Brit LitLost Generation JournalLost Generation JLost Worlds & Mad ElephantsLe Explorat Lit Cul1Lot-sizing and Scheduling for Flexible Flow LinesLect Notes Econ MathLotus International Lotus IntLou Beray E Naturau Gascoun InterlanguesLoudnessSpringer Handb Audit2Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin La Aes Bull2Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Circular La Aes CircLouisiana AgricultureLa AgrLouisiana Law Review La Law RevLouvain Medical Louvain Med)Louvain Theological & Pastoral MonographsLouvain Theol Pastor0Love and War in London: A Womans Diary 1939-1942 Life Writ SerALove in Modern Japan: Its Estrangement From Self, Sex and SocietyAnthropol Asia9Love, Justice, and Education: John Dewey and The Utopians Landsc Educ-Lovelace Medical Foundation Annual Conference Lov Med Fdn7Loving The Body: Black Religious Studies and The EroticBlack Relig Woman ThLLow and Equatorial Latitudes in The International Reference Ionosphere (iri) Adv Space ResLow and High Dielectric Constant Materials: Materials Science, Processing, and Reliability Issues and Thin Film Materials for Advanced Packaging Technologies Elec Soc S*Low-calorie Sweeteners: Present and FutureWorld Rev Nutr DietLow Cost AutomationIfac Symp SeriesLow Cost Automation 1992Ifac Symp SeriesFLow Countries and The New World(s): Travel, Discovery, Early Relations Publ Aans$Low-dielectric Constant Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp P%Low-dielectric Constant Materials IiiMater Res Soc Symp P$Low-dielectric Constant Materials IvMater Res Soc Symp PRLow-dielectric Constant Materials - Synthesis and Applications in MicroelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp P#Low-dielectric Constant Materials VMater Res Soc Symp P4Low-dimensional Applications of Quantum Field TheoryNato Adv Sci I B-phyGLow-dimensional Carriers Under In-plane Magnetic Field: Novel PhenomenaCondens Matter Res T,Low-dimensional Structures in SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci I B-phyLow-dimensional SystemsLect Notes PhysCLow-dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation, and Some ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathCLow-dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation, and Some ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathLow Dimensional TopologyBolyai Math StudLow-dimensional TopologyConf Proc Lect Not G1Low-dimensional Topology and Quantum Field TheoryNato Adv Sci Inst Se6Low Dose Irradiation and Biological Defense Mechanisms Int Congr Ser*Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposia Series Low Wake FiLow Energy Antiproton Physics Aip Conf Proc-Low-energy Cooling Technologies for Buildings Imeche Sem8Low Energy Ion Beam and Plasma Modification of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P,Low-energy Ion Irradiation of Solid SurfacesSpringer Tr Mod Phys,Low-energy Ion Irradiation of Solid SurfacesSpringer Trac Mod Ph,Lower Central and Dimension Series of GroupsLect Notes MathXLower Damodar River, India: Understanding The Human Role in Changing Fluvial EnvironmentAdv Asian Hum-env Re3Lower-dimensional Systems and Molecular ElectronicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy#Lower Gastrointestinal MalignanciesRadiat Med Rounds)Lower Ionosphere: Measurements and Models Adv Space Res>Lower Jurassic Floras From Hope Bay and Botany Bay, Antarctica Sp Palaeont+Low-frequency Noise in Advanced Mos DevicesAnalog Circ Sig ProcLow-frequency Radio Universe Astr Soc PLow-german in Scandinavian IvBeih Zeit Deut PhilLow-grade Fuels, Vol 1Vtt SympLow-grade Fuels, Vol 2Vtt Symp?Low Gravity Phenomena and Condensed Matter Experiments in Space Adv Space Res?Low Gravity Phenomena and Condensed Matter Experiments in SpaceAdv Space Res-series3Low Incomes: Social, Health and Educational ImpactsSoc Iss Justice Stat Low-latitude Ionospheric Physics Cospar CollKLow-light-level and Real-time Imaging Systems, Components, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Low-lying Potential Energy Surfaces Acs Sym Ser<Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs - Imf Accretion and ActivityMem Soc Astron ItalFLow-metallicity Star Formation: From The First Stars to Dwarf GalaxiesIau Symp P Series<Low Molecular Mass Gelators: Design, Self-assembly, Function Top Curr ChemLLow-power Crystal and Mems Oscillators: The Experience of Watch DevelopmentsIntegr Circuit SystLow Power Design EssentialsIntegr Circuit Syst.Low Power Design in Deep Submicron ElectronicsNato Adv Sci I E-appTLow-power High-resolution Analog to Digital Converters: Design, Test and CalibrationAnalog Circ Sig Proc9Low-power High -speed Adcs for Nanometer Cmos IntegrationAnalog Circ Sig Proc-Low-power Noc for High-performance Soc DesignSyst-chip Des Techno Low Power Uwb Cmos Radar SensorsAnalog Circ Sig ProcLow Surface Brightness Universe Astr Soc P+Low Temperature and Cryogenic RefrigerationNato Sci Ser Ii Math+Low Temperature and Cryogenic RefrigerationNato Sci Ser Ii-mathLow Temperature Detectors Aip Conf Proc Low Temperature Detectors Ltd 13 Aip Conf ProcXLow Temperature Electronics and Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic Based Electronic Devices Elec Soc S1Low Temperature ( Lt ) Gaas and Related MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PPLow Temperature Lubricant Rheology Measurement and Relevance to Engine OperationAm Soc Test MaterLow Temperature PhysicsLow Temp Phys+$Low Temperature Physics, Pts A and B Aip Conf ProcOLow-temperature Thermochronology: Techniques, Interpretations, and ApplicationsRev Mineral Geochem Low Vision St Heal T?Low Voltage Power Mosfets: Design, Performance and ApplicationsSpr Brief Appl Sci2Loyalty and Identity: Jacobites At Home and Abroad Stud Mod Hist Lse International Studies SeriesLse Int Stud Ser Lubrication LubricationLubrication At The Frontier Tribology SLubrication EngineeringLubr EngLubrication ScienceLubr SciLuftfahrtechnik RaumfahrtechnikLuftfahrtech Raumfah Luminescence Luminescence&Luminescence Applied in Sensor Science Top Curr ChemTLuminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy : Qualitative and Quantitative Applications Sepm ShortLuminescent MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PLuminescent Materials Vi Elec Soc S5Luminous Blue Variables : Massive Stars in Transition Astr Soc PLuminous High-latitude Stars Astr Soc PLunar Concrete Amer Conc ILunar Exploration 2000 Adv Space ResLunar Exploration 2000Adv Space Res-seriesLungLung"Lung Biology in Health and DiseaseLung Biol Health Dis Lung Cancer Lung Cancer Lung CancerLung Cancer-j Iaslc;Lung Cancer: Prevention, Management, and Emerging TherapiesCurr Clin OncolELung Surfactant: Basic Research in The Pathogenesis of Lung Disorders Prog R ResLung TransplantationEur Respir Monogr<L'univers Des Musiciens: Analyse D'une Experience ArtistiqueSocio-logiquesHLupin Production and Bio-processing for Feed, Food and Other By-products Agric S CecLupusLupus)Lupus Nephritis: Frontiers and ChallengesImmunol Immune SystLure of The ObjectClark Stud Vis Arts?Lurking Evil : Racial and Ethnic Conflict On The College Campus Aascu IssLuso-brazilian Review Luso-braz RevLuther and Theosis Schr Luth ALutheran QuarterlyLutheran Quart!Luts-lower Urinary Tract SymptomsLuts.Lvov-warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy Synth LibrLwt-food Science and TechnologyLwt-food Sci Technol[Lxiii Yamada Conference On Photo-induced Phase Transition and Cooperative Phenomena (pipt3)J Phys Conf SerLyapunov ExponentsLect Notes MathELydgate Matters: Poetry and Material Culture in The Fifteenth CenturyNew Middle Ages)Lyell: The Past Is The Key to The PresentGeol Soc Spec PublLyme BorreliosisNato Adv Sci Inst SeLyme Borreliosis Ii Zbl Bakt P&Lymphangiogenesis in Cancer MetastasisCancer Metast Biol T2Lymphatic Continuum: Lymphatic Biology and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciLymphatic Continuum RevisitedAnn Ny Acad Sci1Lymphatic Metastasis and Sentinel LymphonodectomyRecent Res CancerLymphatic Research and BiologyLymphat Res BiolCLymphatics in The Digestive System: Physiology, Health, and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciLymphatic System and CancerFront Radiat Ther OnLymph Node CytopathologyEssent CytopatholLymphocyte Activation Chem Immunol.Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation IxAdv Exp Med BiolLymphocyte Signal TransductionAdv Exp Med BiolLymphoid OrganogenesisCurr Top Microbiol Lymphokine and Cytokine ResearchLymphokine Cytok ResLymphokine ResearchLymphokine Res Lymphology Lymphology+Lyndon Baines Johnson and The Uses of PowerContrib Polit SciLyon Chirurgical Lyon Chir Lyon MedicalLyon MedLyon Pharmaceutique Lyon PharmLyophilization Paperb ApvLyricNew Crit IdiomLysimeter Concept Acs Sym Ser@Lysophospholipids and Eicosanoids in Biology and PathophysiologyAnn Ny Acad Sci2M3d : Mechanics and Mechanisms of Material DampingAm Soc Test Mater Maa Notes Maa NotesMaa Notes Series Maa Notes SerCMaa, Seutu, Kulmakunta: Nakokulmia Aluehistorialliseen Tutkimukseen Hist ArkistoMaatstafMaatstafbMabe'08: Proceedings of The 4th Wseas International Conference On Mathematical Biology and EcologyMa Comput Sci EngbMabe 09: Proceedings of The 5th Wseas International Conference On Mathematical Biology and EcologyRec Adv Biol BiomedMabsMabsMabs Mabs-austinMacbeth: New Critical EssaysShakespear Crit8Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringMaced J Chem Chem En9Machiine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection XiiBba LibMachine DesignMach Des!Machine Elements: Life and DesignMech Eng Ser Txb RefMachine Intelligence Mach IntellMachine Intelligence 12 Mach Intell,Machine Intelligence and Pattern RecognitionMach Intell Patt RecMachine Learning Mach Learn,Machine Learning: An Algorithmic PerspectiveCh Crc Mach Learn Pa7Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern RecognitionLect Notes Artif IntDMachine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, ProceedindsLect Notes Artif IntDMachine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntKMachine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntJMachine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part I, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int;Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Pt ILect Notes Artif Int<Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Pt IiLect Notes Artif IntMachine Learning ChallengesLect Notes Artif IntMachine Learning: Ecml 2000Lect Notes Artif IntMachine Learning: Ecml 2002Lect Notes Artif IntMachine Learning: Ecml 2003Lect Notes Artif Int(Machine Learning: Ecml 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Machine Learning: Ecml 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int(Machine Learning: Ecml 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Machine Learning: Ecml 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntMachine Learning: Ecml-95Lect Notes Artif IntMachine Learning : Ecml-97Lect Notes Artif IntMachine Learning - Ewsl-91Lect Notes Artif Int0Machine Learning for Multimedia Content AnalysisMultimed Syst Appl+Machine Learning for Multimodal InteractionLect Notes Comput Sc8Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Machine Learning for Signal Processing XivMachine Learn Sign P5Machine Learning in Document Analysis and RecognitionStud Comput Intell#Machine Learning in Medical ImagingLect Notes Comput Sc4Machine Learning: Modeling Data Locally and GloballyAdv Top Sci Tech ChiVMachine Learning Techniques for Multimedia: Case Studies On Organization and Retrieval Cogn Technol Machinery MachineryMMachinery Acoustics 1999: Development of Low-noise and Low-vibration Products VDI Bericht$Machinery and Production Engineering Mach Prod EngFMachinery, Materials Science and Engineering Applications, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz(Machines, Computations, and UniversalityLect Notes Comput Sc5Machines, Computations, and Universality, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScqMachines of Leonardo Da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux: Kinematics of Machines From The Renaissance to The 20th CenturyHist Mech Mach Sci6Machines of Nature and Corporeal Substances in LeibnizNew Synth Hist Lib5Machine Tool, In-line, and Robot Sensors and ControlsP Soc Photo-opt InsMachine Tool Review Mach Tool Rev,Machine Translation and The Information SoupLect Notes Artif Int=Machine Translation: From Real Users to Research, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Machine Translation: From Research to Real UsersLect Notes Artif IntMachine Vision and ApplicationsMach Vision Appl3Machine Vision and Its Optomechatronic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Machine Vision and Its Optomechatronic Applications Proc SpieQMachine Vision and Three-dimensional Imaging Systems for Inspection and MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt InsTMachine Vision and Three-dimensional Imaging Systems for Inspection and Metrology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsTMachine Vision and Three-dimensional Imaging Systems for Inspection and Metrology Ii Proc SpieCMachine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt InsFMachine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration IiP Soc Photo-opt InsGMachine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFMachine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration IvP Soc Photo-opt InsEMachine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration VP Soc Photo-opt InsFMachine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration ViP Soc Photo-opt InsNMachine Vision Applications in Character Recognition and Industrial InspectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Machine Vision Applications in Industrial InspectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection Ix Proc Spie6Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection Vii Proc Spie9Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection XP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection X Proc Spie7Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection Xiii Proc Spie8Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Machine Vision Architectures, Integration, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Machine Vision Beyond Visible SpectrumAugment Vis Real7Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology Viii Proc Spie.Machine Vision Systems Integration in IndustryP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Machining and Advanced Manufacturing Technology X Key Eng Mat<Machining Dynamics: Fundamentals, Applications and PracticesSpringer Ser Adv ManMachining Impossible ShapesInt Fed Info Proc$Machining of Natural Stone Materials Key Eng Mat$Machining of Natural Stone Materials Key Eng Mater Machining Science and TechnologyMach Sci Technol9Mach's Principle: From Newton's Bucket to Quantum Gravity Einstein StLMackenzie Delta : Environmental Interactions and Implications of Development Nhri SympMacmese 2008: Proceedings of The 10th Wseas International Conference On Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Pts I and IiMa Comput Sci EngMacmese 2008: Proceedings of The 10th Wseas International Conference On Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Pts I and IiMath Comput Sci Eng6Macmillan, Khrushchev and The Berlin Crisis, 1958-1960Cold War Hist-routl)Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science M M Cog Sci)Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive ScienceMacquarie Mg Cog Sci0Macrocyclic Chemistry: New Research DevelopmentsChem Res Appl-nova<Macroeconomic and Structural Adjustment Policies in Zimbabwe Int Pol EcRMacroeconomic Consequences of Demographic Change: Modeling Issues and ApplicationsLect Notes Econ MathMacroeconomic Dynamics Macroecon DynMacroeconomic Linkage Nber E A Ec4Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Decentralization Edi Semin S!Macroeconomic Management in China World B Dis/Macroeconomic Modelling and Policy ImplicationsContrib To Econ AnalMacroeconomics Annual 2002Nber Macroecon AnnMacroeconomics Annual 2002Nber Macroecon AnnuDMacroeconomics of Global Imbalances: European and Asian PerspectivesRout Stud Mod Wor Macroelements and Trace ElementsMengen SpurenelementMacro-ion Characterization Acs Sym Ser5Macro-, Meso-, Micro- and Nano-mechancis of Materials Adv Mat Res&Macromolecular Anticancer TherapeuticsCancer Drug Discov DMacromolecular Architectures Adv Polym Sci.Macromolecular Assemblies in Polymeric Systems Acs Sym SerMacromolecular BioscienceMacromol Biosci$Macromolecular Chemistry and PhysicsMacromol Chem Phys$Macromolecular Chemistry and PhysicsMacromol Chem Physic;Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics-makromolekulare ChemieMacromol Chem Phys$Macromolecular Crystallography, Pt AMethod Enzymol$Macromolecular Crystallography, Pt BMethod Enzymol$Macromolecular Crystallography, Pt BMethods Enzymol$Macromolecular Crystallography, Pt CMethod Enzymol$Macromolecular Crystallography, Pt CMethods Enzymol$Macromolecular Crystallography, Pt DMethod EnzymolnMacromolecular Host-guest Complexes : Optical, Optoelectronic, and Photorefractive Properties and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P.Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology Acs Sym Ser8Macromolecular Interplay in Brain Associative MechanismsSer Biophys BiocyberMacromolecular LiquidsMater Res Soc Symp P(Macromolecular Materials and EngineeringMacromol Mater Eng:Macromolecular Metal Carboxylates and Their NanocompositesSpringer Ser Mater S#Macromolecular Rapid CommunicationsMacromol Rapid Comm#Macromolecular Reaction EngineeringMacromol React EngMacromolecular Research Macromol Res8Macromolecular Reviews Part D-journal of Polymer Science Macromol RevMacromolecular Symposia Macromol SyMacromolecular Symposia Macromol Symp%Macromolecular Theory and SimulationsMacromol Theor SimulMacromoleculesMacromolecules>Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-like Elements SeriesMacromol Contain Met:Macro-roles for Micrornas in The Life and Death of NeuronsRes Per Neurosci'Macroscale Modelling of The Hydrosphere Iahs-aish PMaculaMaculaMacular and Retinal DiseasesDev Ophthalmol#Macular Edema: A Practical ApproachDev OphthalmolMacworldMacworld7Mad Cow Disease and Related Spongiform EncephalopathiesCurr Top Microbiol5Mad Dogs and Englishmen: Rabies in Britain, 1830-2000Sci Technol Med ModJMade in India: Decolonizations, Queer Sexualities, Trans/national ProjectsComp Fem Stud SerMaderas-ciencia Y TecnologiaMaderas-cienc TecnolMadera Y BosquesMadera Bosques,Madness in Seventeenth-century AutobiographyEarly Mod Hist-soc C(Madrasas in South Asia: Teaching Terror?Routl Cont S Asia Se5Maejo International Journal of Science and TechnologyMaejo Int J Sci Tech&Mafic Dykes and Emplacement Mechanisms Int Geol C Magallania MagallaniaMagasin De L Univers Brill S InMagazine Antiques Mag AntiquesMagazine of Concrete ResearchMag Concrete ResMagazine Production Media SkillsMagellanic CloudsIau Symp+Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and GalaxiesIau Symp P SeriesMaghreb-machrekMaghreb-machrek Magnesium MagnesiumMagnesium Alloys 2000Mater Sci Forum"Magnesium Alloys 2003, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumMagnesium and Calcium Schrif GmsCMagnesium and Pyridoxine: Fundamental Studies and Clinical PracticeBiochem Res TrendsMagnesium and Trace ElementsMagnesium Trace ElemMagnesium-bulletin Magnesium-b-Magnesium in The Environment and in Organisms Serb Ac SciMagnesium Research Magnesium Res0Magnesium - Science, Technology and ApplicationsMater Sci Forum.Magnesium - Science, Technology and ApplicatonMater Sci ForumMagnesium Technology 2008Magnesium TechnologyMagnesium Technology 2009Magnesium TechnologyMagnesium Technology 2010Magnesium TechnologyMagnesium Technology SeriesMagnesium TechnologyUMagnetic and Electronic Films-microstructure, Texture and Application to Data StorageMater Res Soc Symp P4Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions Astr Soc P.Magnetic Anisotropies in Nanostructured MatterCondens Matt Phy-crcMagnetic Cataclysmic Variables Astr Soc P#Magnetic Control of Tokamak PlasmasAdv Ind Control.Magnetic Dichroism in Core-level PhotoemissionSpringer Tr Mod PhysMagnetic Energy Conversion Adv Space E6Magnetic Fields Across The Hertzsprung-russell Diagram Astr Soc PSMagnetic Fields in The Universe: From Laboratory and Stars to Primordial Structures Aip Conf ProcXMagnetic Fields in The Universe Ii: From Laboratory and Stars to The Primordial UniverseRev Mex Ast Astr.Magnetic Functions Beyond The Spin-hamiltonian Struct Bond_Magnetic Helicity At The Sun, in Solar Wind and Magnetospheres: Vistas From X-ray Observatories Adv Space Res_Magnetic Helicity At The Sun, in Solar Wind and Magnetospheres: Vistas From X-ray ObservatoriesAdv Space Res-seriesMagnetic HeterostructuresSpringer Tr Mod PhysMagnetic HeterostructuresSpringer Trac Mod Ph/Magnetic Hysteresis in Novel Magnetic MaterialsNato Adv Sci I E-appMagnetic Materials Aip Conf Proc2Magnetic Materials : Microstructure and PropertiesMater Res Soc Symp P[Magnetic Materials, Processes, and Devices Vii and Electrodeposition of Alloys, Proceedings Elec Soc SMagnetic Molecular MaterialsNato Adv Sci I E-appMagnetic NanostructuresSpringer Ser Mater SVMagnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology: Spintronics, Magnetic Mems and RecordingNato Sci Peace Sec BVMagnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology: Spintronics, Magnetic Mems and RecordingNato Science Peace SmMagnetic Properties and Applications of Ferromagnetic Microwires With Amorphous and Nanocrystalline StructureNanotechnol Sci Tech%Magnetic Properties of Fine Particles N-holland D1Magnetic Properties of Low-dimensional Systems IiSpringer Proc PhysMagnetic Properties of SolidsMater Sci Technol/Magnetic Pulsed Compaction of Nanosized PowdersNanotechnol Sci Tech7Magnetic Reconnection Processes in The Solar Atmosphere Adv Space Res7Magnetic Reconnection Processes in The Solar AtmosphereAdv Space Res-series>Magnetic Resonance and Brain Function: Approaches From PhysicsP Int Sch PhysMagnetic Resonance ImagingMagn Reson Imaging3Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North AmericaMagn Reson Imaging CMagnetic Resonance in BiologyMagnet Reson BiolMagnetic Resonance in ChemistryMagn Reson Chem8Magnetic Resonance in Experimental and Clinical Oncology Dev Oncol"Magnetic Resonance in Food Science Roy Soc Ch9Magnetic Resonance in Food Science: From Molecules to Man Roy Soc Ch7Magnetic Resonance in Food Science: Latest Developments Roy Soc Ch&Magnetic Resonance in Medical SciencesMagn Reson Med SciMagnetic Resonance in MedicineMagn Reson MedMagnetic Resonance in MedicineMagnet Reson Med"Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media Aip Conf Proc<Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and MedicineMagn Reson Mater Phy6Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMagnetic Resonance QuarterlyMagn Reson Quart(Magnetic Resonance Scanning and EpilepsyNato Adv Sci Inst Se$Magnetic Storage Systems Beyond 2000Nato Sci Ser Ii Math$Magnetic Storage Systems Beyond 2000Nato Sci Ser Ii-math.Magnetic Surfaces, Thin Films, and MultilayersMater Res Soc Symp PMagnetic Ultrathin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp P2Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and SurfacesMater Res Soc Symp P9Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces - 1997Mater Res Soc Symp P+Magnetism and Activity of The Sun and StarsEas Publications Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Sol St Phen7Magnetism and Structure in Systems of Reduced DimensionNato Adv Sci Inst Se/Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation: New TrendsSpringer Proc Phys$Magnetism: A Supramolecular FunctionNato Adv Sci I C-mat+Magnetism: A Synchrotron Radiation ApproachLect Notes PhysMagnetism in MetalsKong Dansk Vidensk4Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and Their ApplicationsMater Sci Forum'Magnetoelastic Effects and ApplicationsEls Appl Elect Mat1Magnetoelectric Interaction Phenomena in CrystalsNato Sci Ser Ii Math1Magnetoelectric Interaction Phenomena in CrystalsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathWMagnetoelectronics and Magnetic Materials-novel Phenomena and Advanced CharacterizationMater Res Soc Symp PMagnetoencephalographyInt Rev NeurobiolMagnetohydrodynamicsMagnetohydrodynamics5Magnetohydrodynamics: Historical Evolution and Trends Fluid Mec A5Magnetohydrodynamics: Historical Evolution and TrendsFluid Mech Appl*Magneto Luminous Chemical Vapor DepositionGreen Chem Chem EngMagneto-optical ImagingNato Sci Ser Ii MathMagneto-optical ImagingNato Sci Ser Ii-math5Magneto-optical Materials for Photonics and RecordingMater Res Soc Symp P-Magnetoresistive Oxides and Related MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P4Magneto-science: Magnetic Field Effects On MaterialsSpringer Ser Mater S Magnetosheath Adv Space ResMagnetospheric Current SystemsGeoph Monog SeriesMagnetospheric Current SystemsGeophys Monogr SerHMagnetospheric Dynamics and The International Living With A Star ProgramAdv Space Res-series0Magnetospheric Research With Advanced Techniques Cospar CollMagnetospheric SubstormsGeoph Monog Series6Magnetospheric Ulf Waves: Synthesis and New DirectionsGeoph Monog Series6Magnetospheric Ulf Waves: Synthesis and New DirectionsGeophys Monogr SerWMagnetothermal Properties Near Quantum Criticality in The Itinerant Metamagnet Sr3ru2o7Springer Theses-recoMagyar Allatorvosok LapjaMagy AllatorvosokMagyar Kemiai Folyoirat Magy Kem FolyMagyar Kemikusok LapjaMagy Kem LapjaMagyar Pszichologiai SzemleMagy Pszichol Szeml Magyar Zene Magy Zene9Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations, 2nd EditionLibr Relig Beliefs P%Maia-rivista Di Letterature ClassicheMaia-riv Lett Class Maid in ChinaAsias TransformNMaillard Reaction: Chemistry At The Interface of Nutrition, Aging, and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciWMaillard Reaction in Food Chemistry and Medical Science: Update for The Postgenomic Era Int Congr SerDMaillard Reaction in Food Processing, Human Nutrition and Physiology Adv Lif SciBMaillard Reaction: Recent Advances in Food and Biomedical SciencesAnn Ny Acad Sci*Mail Technology: Evolution to E-revolutionImeche Conf Trans<Maimonides in His World: Portrait of A Mediterranean ThinkerJew Christ Muslim>Maimonides Und Die Fruhmittelalterliche Islamische Philosophie Stud Judaica[Main-chain Modification As A Result of Polyolefin Functionalization By Different TechniquesPolym Sci Technol SeMain Currents in Modern ThoughtMain Curr Mod Though.Maine Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinMaine Aes Bull8Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Technical BulletinMaine Aes Tech BullMain Group ChemistryMain Group ChemMain Group Metal ChemistryMain Group Met Chem3Maintaining Financial Stability in A Global Economy Fed Bank Ks6Maintaining Focus, Energy, and Options Over The Career Res Careers3Maintenance and Management of Bridges and PavementsTransport Res Rec/Maintenance and Management of Bridge StructuresTransport Res Rec5Maintenance and Management of Pavement and StructuresTransport Res Rec"Maintenance for Industrial SystemsSpringer Ser Reliab.Maintenance Management and Operations ServicesTransport Res Rec#Maintenance Management and ServicesTransport Res Rec$Maintenance Management InternationalMaint Manage Int>Maintenance, Meed, and Marriage in Medieval English LiteratureNew Middle Ages'Maintenance of Pavements and StructuresTransport Res Rec>Maintenance of Process Instrumentation in Nuclear Power Plants Power Syst6Maintenance of Transportation Pavements and StructuresTransport Res Rec$Maintenance : The Business ChallengeProc Inst Mech Eng SMMainz and The Middle Rhine Valley: Medieval Art, Architecture and ArchaeologyBrit Archaeol AssocGMaitriser L'aleatoire: Exercices Resolus De Probabilites Et StatistiqueCollect Stat Prob Ap+Major Advances in Human Female Reproduction Serono Sym8Major Chemical Disasters - Medical Aspects of ManagementRoy Soc Med Int Cong'Major Controversies in Infant NutritionRoy Soc Med Int Cong^Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution: Palaeontology, Phylogeny, Genetics and DevelopmentSyst Assoc Spec Vol%Major Genes for Reproduction in Sheep Colloq Inra"Major Hazards Onshore and Offshore Inst Chem E%Major Hazards Onshore and Offshore Ii Inst Chem E2Makaaberi Ruumis: Mielikuvia Kuolemasta Ja Kehosta Hist ArkistoOMaking A Collection Count: A Holistic Approach to Library Collection ManagementChandos Inf Prof Ser;Making A Difference in Teacher Education Through Self-studySelf Study Teach TeaNMaking Adjustments : Change and Continuity in Planter Nova Scotia, 1759 - 1800 Planters StBMaking and Metaphor: A Discussion of Meaning in Contemporary Craft Mercury SerMaking British CultureRoutl Stud Cult HistDMaking European Citizens: Civic Inclusion in A Transnational ContextOne Eur Several@Making Fair Lending A Reality in The New Millennium, ProceedingsRes Roundtable SerTMaking Fisheries Management Work: Implementation of Policies for Sustainable FishingRev-methods Technol*Making Functional Materials With NanotubesMater Res Soc Symp P@Making Globally Distributed Software Development A Success StoryLect Notes Comput ScMaking Haste SlowlyDev Orient Res Agr>Making Healthcare Care: Managing Via Simple Guiding Principles Manag Complex{Making Health Services More Accessible in Developing Countries: Finance and Health Resources for Functioning Health Systems Ide-jetro SerMaking Meaning: Constructing Multimodal Perspectives of Language, Literacy, and Learning Through Arts-based Early Childhood EducationEduc Young ChildHMaking Media Content: The Influence of Constituency Groups On Mass MediaLea Commun Ser=Making Music in Japan's Underground: The Tokyo Hardcore SceneE Asia Hist Polit So\Making of A Digital World: The Evolution of Technological Change and How It Shaped Our WorldEvol Proc World PolMaking of A Good DoctorPublic Health 21st C!Making of A Mediterranean EmirateMiddle Ages Ser&Making of Jewish and Christian Worship Two LiturgMaking of Modern AfghanistanCamb Imp Post-col St'Making of Modern Switzerland, 1848-1998New Perspect German Making of The Contemporary WorldMaking Contemp World*Making of The Geological Society of LondonGeol Soc Spec PublGMaking Peace Work: The Challenges of Social and Economic ReconstructionStud Dev Econ Policy$Making Profits Out of Seafood Wastes Alaska Sea*Making Public Services Management CriticalRoutl Crit Stud PublMaking Rights WorkSoc Legal St SerMaking Schools WorkMilken Inst Ser Econ8Making Schools Work for Underachieving Minority Students Cont Stud E+Making Sense of Health, Illness and DiseaseAt The InterfaceHMaking Silicon Valley: Innovation and The Growth of High Tech, 1930-1970Inside Technol;Making Strategies in Spatial Planning: Knowledge and ValuesUrban Land Perspect?Making Sustainability Operational: Fourth Mexico/u.s. Symposium Usda RockyNMaking Teaching and Learning Matter: Transformative Spaces in Higher EducationExplor Educ PurpMaking The Connection Lang Educ TSMaking The Connection: Research and Teaching in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Maa Notes?Making The Transition Work for Women in Europe and Central Asia World B DisMaking Transnational Feminism Perspect GendMaking Universal Service Policy TelecommunMakromolekulare ChemieMakromolekul Chem;Makromolekulare Chemie-macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Makromol Chem.Makromolekulare Chemie-macromolecular SymposiaMakromol Chem-m Symp+Makromolekulare Chemie-rapid CommunicationsMakromol Chem-rapid-Makromolekulare Chemie-theory and SimulationsMakromol Chem-theor Malacologia MalacologiaMalahat Review Malahat RevMalaise Dans Le CapitalismePsychanalyse Et0Malaria: Drugs, Disease and Post-genomic BiologyCurr Top MicrobiolMalaria Immunology, 2nd Edition Chem Immunol]Malaria in South Asia: Eradication Resurgence During The Second Half of The Twentieth CenturyAdv Asian Hum-env ReMalaria Journal Malaria JKMalaria Vector Control and Personal Protection: Report of A Who Study GroupWho Tech Rep SerMalawi Medical Journal Malawi Med JMalayan Economic ReviewSingapore Econ Rev5Malaysia Annual Physics Conference 2010 (perfik-2010) Aip Conf Proc%Malaysian Journal of Computer ScienceMalayas J Comput Sci%Malaysian Journal of Computer ScienceMalays J Comput Sci2Malaysian Journal of Library & Information ScienceMalays J Libr Inf Sc<Malaysian Nepenthes: Evolutionary and Taxonomic Perspectives Bot Res Pract)Malcolm D. Shuster Astronautics SymposiumAdv Astronaut SciSMale and Female Infertility: Genetic Causes, Hormonal Treatments and Health EffectsHum Reprod Syst Anat Male Factor in Human InfertilityFront Endocrinol(Male Fertility Patterns and DeterminantsSpringer Ser Demogr0Male Germ Cell : Spermatogonium to FertilizationAnn Ny Acad SciAMale Germline Stem Cells: Developmental An Regenerative PotentialStem Cells Biol Reg(Male Infertility: Problems and SolutionsCurr Clin Urol$Male-mediated Developmental Toxicity Iss Toxicol$Male-mediated Developmental ToxicityIssues Toxicol$Male-mediated Developmental Toxicity Reprod Biol?Male Reproductive Cancers: Epidemiology, Pathology and GeneticsCancer Genet-ser?Malignant Liver Tumours: Basic Concepts and Clinical Management Falk SympMalignant MesotheliomaRecent Results CancBMalliavin Calculus for Levy Processes With Applications to Finance UniversitextMalnourished ChildNestle Nutr Works SeMalvern Physics Series Malvern PhyMalware Detection Adv Inf SecMalware DetectionAdv Inform Secur,Mamiferos De Restingas E Mangueais Do BrasilSer Livros Mus NacMammaliaMammaliaMammalian Biology Mamm Biol/Mammalian Cell Viability: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol7Mammalian Chromosome Engineering: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMammalian Cochlear NucleiNato Adv Sci Inst SeMammalian Genome Mamm Genome Mammal Review Mammal RevMammals As Predators Sym Zool S Mammal Study Mamm StudyMammary Development in CancerBiochem Soc Symp3M&som-manufacturing & Service Operations ManagementM&som-manuf Serv OpManMan#Mana-estudos De Antropologia SocialMana-estud AntropolManagement Accounting ResearchManage Account Res>Management and Delivery of Maintenance and Operations ServicesTransport Res Rec!Management and Operation of Ships Imare Conf"Management and Organization ReviewManage Organ Rev!Management and Public Policy 2005Transport Res Rec!Management and Public Policy 2006Transport Res Rec]Management and Restoration of Fluvial Systems With Broad Historical Changes and Human Impacts Geol S Am S(Management and The Dominance of ManagersRoutl Stud Manag Org"Management Communication QuarterlyManage Commun QManagement ControlsManage ControlsManagement DatamaticsManage DatamatManagement Decision Manage Decis?Management Development: Perspectives From Research and PracticeRoutl Stud Hum Resou.Management Education for Global SustainabilityRes Manag Educ DeveManagement Enabling The Future Internet for Changing Business and New Computing Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScManagement Focus Manage FocusManagement Informatics Manage InformManagement Information SystemsManag Informat Syst#Management Information Systems 2000Manag Informat SystIManagement Information Systems 2002: Incorporating Gis and Remote SensingManag Informat Syst;Management Information Systems 2004: Gis and Remote SensingManag Informat SystManagement International ReviewManage Int Rev"Management in The Airline IndustryRoutl Res Employ RelBManagement Issues in Manufacturing: Improving Business PerformanceTech Papers IsaManagement Learning Manage Learn.Management of Ageing in Graphite Reactor Cores Roy Soc ChdManagement of Antimicrobials in Infectious Diseases: Impact of Antibiotic Resistance, Second Edition Infect Dis*Management of Carbon Sequestration in Soil Adv Soil S1Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias, Second EditionContemp Cardiol3Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseEur Respir MonogrHManagement of Clay Soils for Rainfed Lowland Rice-based Cropping Systems Aciar ProciManagement of Collective Irrigated Areas At The Dawn of The 21st Century: Issues, Problems and ApproachesCirad ColloquesEManagement of Converged Multimedia Networks and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc{Management of Convergence in Innovation: Strategies and Capabilities for Value Creation Beyond Blurring Industry BoundariesContrib Manag Sci<Management of Convergence Networks and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Management of Defense Acquisition Projects Libr Flight.Management of Education in The Information AgeInt Fed Info ProcAManagement of Epilepsy in Developing Countries : An Icberg ManualRoy Soc Med Int Cong!Management of Fire and ExplosionsImeche Conf Trans(Management of Fruit Flies in The Pacific Aciar Proc-Management of Global Animal Genetic Resources Fao Anim Pr4Management of Health Risks From Environment and FoodAlliance Glob SustaiManagement of Indoor Hygiene VDI Bericht#Management of Intellectual PropertyNew Horiz Intel Prop8Management of Intentional and Accidental Water PollutionNato Sci Peace SecurDManagement of Knowledge Imperfection in Building Intelligent SystemsStud Fuzz Soft Comp?Management of Lakes and Reservoirs During Global Climate Change Nato Asi 2KManagement of Latin American River Basins: Amazon, Plata, and Sao FranciscoWater Reso Manage Po;Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Management of Multimedia On The InternetLect Notes Comput ScOManagement of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological HazardsWit Trans Ecol EnvirRManagement of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards IiWit Trans Ecol Envir,Management of Pediatric Obesity and DiabetesNutr Health Ser;Management of Pollutant Emmission From Landfills and SludgeProc Monogr Eng WateManagement of PsoriasisCurr Probl Dermatol Management of Safety in The '90sInt Air Saf Sem PAManagement of Scarce Water Resources: A Middle Eastern ExperienceProgr Wat Resour+Management of Serious Paediatric InfectionsRes Clin Forums*Management of Small and Medium EnterprisesRoutl Stud Small BusManagement of Technology Manag Tech6Management of Technology Innovation and Value Creation Manag TechManagement of Technology SeriesManag Technol Ser3Management of The Coastal Lagoons and Enclosed Bays Coastl Worl,Management of Transboundary Rivers and LakesWater Res Devel Man,Management of Transboundary Rivers and LakesWater Resour Dev ManqManagement of Transshipment Terminals: Decision Support for Terminal Operations in Finished Vehicle Supply ChainsOper Res Comput Sci\Management of Uncertainty: Theory and Application in The Design of Systems and Organizations Decis Eng&Management of Urinary Tract InfectionsRoy Soc Med Int Cong=Management of Weather and Climate Risk in The Energy IndustryNato Sci Peace Sec C=Management of Weather and Climate Risk in The Energy IndustryNato Sci Peace SecurManagement of World WastesManage World WasteManagement Review Manag RevManagement Science Manage Sci-Management Science and Engineering ManagementManag Sci Eng Manag"Management Science Series A-theory Manage Sci'Management Science Series B-applicationManage Sci B-appl*Management Science Theory and ApplicationsManag Sci Theor Appl!Management Services in GovernmentManage Serv Gov4Management Strategies for Exploited Fish Populations Low Wake FiOManagement Technologies for E-commerce and E-business Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Management Technologies for Metal Mining Influenced WaterManag Technol Met MiManagement Today Manage Today(Management Training in High-tech and R&dNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec!Managerial and Decision EconomicsManage Decis EconTManagerial Attitudes Toward A Stakeholder Prominence Within A Southeast Asia ContextStud Manag Financ AcpManagerial Competence Within The Hospitality and Tourism Service Industries: Global Cultural Contextual AnalysisRoutl Adv Manag Bus0Managerial Economics of Non-profit OrganizationsRoutl Stud Man VolunManagerial Finance Manage Financ)Managerial Uses of Accounting InformationSpringer Ser Account`Managers and Missionaries : Library Services to Children and Young Adults in The Information Age Allerton PaManaging Allergens in FoodWoodhead Food Ser9Managing and Maintaining Highway Structures and PavementsTransport Res RecManaging and Mining Graph DataAdv Database Syst"Managing and Mining Uncertain DataAdv Database Syst'Managing and Modelling Complex ProjectsNato Asi S 4 Sci TecManaging Aseans Coastal Resources for Sustainable Development : Roles of Policymakers, Scientists, Donors, Media and Communities Iclarm ConfgManaging Business Interfaces: Marketing and Engineering Issues in The Supply Chain and Internet DomainsInt Ser Quant Market&Managing Care: A Shared ResponsibilityIssues Bus Ethics5Managing Change in The Postal and Delivery Industries T Reg Econ7Managing Commuters' Behaviour: A New Role for Companies Ecmt Round#Managing Complex Governance SystemsRoutl Crit Stud PublFManaging Conflict in Economic Convergence of Regions in Greater EuropeContrib Confl ManagXManaging Critical Infrastructure Risks: Decision Tools and Application for Port SecurityNato Sci Peace Secur,Managing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets Nber Conf RManaging Defence in A Democracy Cass Mil Stud"Managing Dental Trauma in PracticeQuintessent Dent Pra#Managing Emerging Market PortfoliosIcfa Cont Educ Ser-Managing Emotions in Mergers and AcquisitionsNew Horiz Manag2Managing European Coasts: Past, Present and FutureEnviron Sci-ger2Managing European Coasts: Past, Present and Future Environm SciManaging Fishery ResourcesWorld B Dis FisManaging Forest EcosystemsManag For EcosystManaging for HealthRoutl Health Manag\Managing Global Legal Systems: International Employment Regulation and Competitive AdvantageRout Glob Hum Resour7Managing Human Resources in Europe: A Thematic ApproachRout Glob Hum ResourNManaging Human Resources in Latin America: An Agenda for International LeadersRout Glob Hum Resour+Managing Human Resources in The Middle-eastRout Glob Hum Resour?Managing Infections in Patients With Hematological MalignanciesContemp Hematol7Managing Inflation in Socialist Economies in Transition Edi Semin S:Managing Information Technologys Organizational Impact, Ii Ifip Trans AGManaging Instability in Algeria: Elites and Political Change Since 1995Hist Soc Islam World<Managing in The Information Economy: Current Research IssuesAnn Inform Syst,Managing in Uncertainty: Theory and Practice Appl Optim,Managing in Uncertainty: Theory and PracticeAppl Optimizat5Managing Knowledge Assets and Organizational LearningRes Compet-based Man;Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative InnovationsSer Innovat Knowl Ma6Managing Knowledge in A World of Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int4Managing Large-scale Service Deployment, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Managing Next Generation Networks and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScWManaging Organizational Culture for Effective Internal Control: From Practice to TheoryContrib Manag Sci7Managing Organizational Transitions in A Global Economy U Cal I Ind#Managing Orofacial Pain in PracticeQuintessent Dent Pra(Managing Parliaments in The 21st CenturyInt Inst Adm Sci Mg.Managing People Globally: An Asian PerspectiveChandos Asian Stud&Managing Pesticide Waste and Packaging Bcpc Symp SerEManaging Pinon-juniper Ecosystems for Sustainability and Social Needs Usda RockyManaging Product InnovationAdv Bus Mark PurchManaging Project EndingRoutl Adv Manag Bus1Managing Quality Assurance At The Fe/he Inferface Mendip Pap$Managing Resistance to Agrochemicals Acs Sym Ser%Managing Resources in A Sea of Change Iamslic C S8Managing Risks of Nitrates to Humans and The Environment Roy Soc Ch:Managing Science: Methodology and Organization of ResearchInnov Tech Knowl ManManaging Service QualityManag Serv QualmManaging Soil-borne Pathogens: A Sound Rhizosphere to Improve Productivity in Intensive Horticultural Systems Acta Hortic'Managing Staphylococus Aureus in Eczema Roy S Med SJManaging Terrorism and Insurgency: Regeneration, Recruitment and AttritionContemp Terror StudManaging The Complex Manag ComplexAManaging The Contemporary Multinational: The Role of HeadquartersNew Horiz Int Bus1Managing The Effects of Hydroelectric Development C Env GeolzManaging The Transition From Print to Electronic Journals and Resources: A Guide for Library and Information ProfessionalsRout Stud Lib Inform2Managing Traffic Performance in Converged NetworksLect Notes Comput ScYManaging Uncerttainty: Ethnographic Studies of Illness, Risk and The Struggle for Control Crit Anthrop/Managing Urban and High-use Recreation Settings Usda N CentManaging Urban Traffic SystemsTransport Res Rec:Managing Value-based Organizations: Its Not What You ThinkNew Horiz Manag=Managing Virtualization of Networks and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScyManaging Water Resources in A Time of Global Change: Contributions From The Rosenberg International Forum On Water PolicyCont Ros Int For Wat=Managing Wine Quality, Volume 1: Viticulture and Wine QualityWoodhead Food SerSMan and Nature : Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Man NatureMan and Nature, Vol 8 Man NatureMan and Nature, Vol 9 Man NatureMan and The Biosphere Series Man BiosphMan and The GeosphereEarth Sci 21st Cent3Man and World-an International Philosophical Review Man World,Man As Witch: Male Witches in Central EuropePalgr Hist Stud Witc?Man Bac: The Excavation of A Neolithic Site in Northern VietnamTerra AustralisManchester School Manch Sch0Manchester School of Economic and Social StudiesManch Sch Econ Soc!Manchuria Under Japanese DominionEncounters Asia]Manfred Fuhrmann Als Vermittler Der Antike: Ein Beitrag Zu Theorie Und Praxis Des UbersetzensTransform Antike0Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North BrazilEcol Stud-anal Synth Man in India Man IndiaMan in The Ice Man In Ice-Manipulating Pig Production Viii, Proceedings Apsa Conf P,Manipulating Pig Production Vii, Proceedings Apsa Conf P5Manipulating Quantum Coherence in Solid State SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math5Manipulating Quantum Coherence in Solid State SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math<Manipulation and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells and TissuesP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Manipulation and Control of Jets in Crossflow Cism Cour L0Manipulation of Canopy Structure in Arable Crops Brit Soc Pl(Manis Valuations and Prufer Extensions ILect Notes MathMankindMankindMankind Quarterly Mankind QuartManlichiu Wip, Wiplich ManBeih Zeit Deut PhilMan-machine InteractionsAdv Intel Soft CompuMan-machine InteractionsAdv Intell Soft Comp2Manmade Marvels in Medieval Culture and LiteratureNew Middle AgesFMan, Meaning, and Mystery: 100 Years of History of Religions in Norway St Hist RelMans Future in Arctic Areas U Lap A C P6Man's Influence On Freshwater Ecosystems and Water Use Iahs-aish P%Mans Self-interpretation-in-existence Anal Hus YbBMantle and Lower Crust Exposed in Oceanic Ridges and in Ophiolites Petr Stru G3Mantle Dynamics and Plate Interactions in East Asia Geodynamics3Mantle Flow and Melt Generation At Mid-ocean RidgesGeoph Monog Series0Mantle Plumes: Their Identification Through Time Geol S Am S0Mantle Plumes: Their Identification Through TimeGeol Soc Am Spec PapMantua and Ancient EgyptAccad Naz Virg Sci MManual Therapy Manual TherQManufacturing and Service Enterprise With Risks: A Stochastic Management ApproachInt Ser Oper Res Man#Manufacturing Automation Technology Key Eng Mat/Manufacturing Automation Technology Development Key Eng Mater$Manufacturing Challenge in Aerospace Imeche SemManufacturing Chemist Manuf Chemist&Manufacturing Chemist and Aerosol NewsManuf Chemist Aer NManufacturing Confectioner Manuf ConfectManufacturing Engineering Manuf Eng&Manufacturing Engineering & ManagementManuf Eng Manage3Manufacturing Engineering and Automation I, Pts 1-3Adv Mater Res-switzBManufacturing Engineering and Materials Handling, 2005 Pts A and BManuf Eng Div Asme2Manufacturing Engineering and Materials ProcessingManuf Eng Mater ProcRManufacturing Engineering Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersManuf Eng Div AsmeDManufacturing Human Bombs: The Making of Palestinian Suicide Bombers Perspect Ser2Manufacturing in The Era of Concurrent Engineering Ifip Trans B&Manufacturing in The New Urban Economy Reg Cities,Manufacturing Leds for Lighting and DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control, ProceedingsIfac Symp Series@Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control 2001 (mim 2001) Ifac Work S4Manufacturing of Electronic Materials and Components Ceram TransFManufacturing Process Control for Microelectronic Devices and CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Manufacturing Processes 1: Cutting Rwthedition4Manufacturing Processes 2: Grinding, Honing, Lapping Rwthedition,Manufacturing Processes and Systems, Pts 1-2Adv Mater Res-switz)Manufacturing Process Technology, Pts 1-5Adv Mater Res-switz%Manufacturing Research and TechnologyManuf Res Technol.Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Pts 1-5 Adv Mat Res.Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Pts 1-5Adv Mater Res-switz2Manure: Management, Uses and Environmental ImpactsAgr Issues Policies Manuscripta ManuscriptaManuscripta GeodaeticaManuscr GeodaetManuscripta MathematicaManuscripta MathBManuscripts in Transition: Recycling Manuscripts, Texts and ImagesCorpus Illuminat Ms]Many and The One: Religious and Secular Perspectives On Ethical Pluralism in The Modern WorldEthikon Ser Comp-Many-body Boson Systems: Half A Century LaterTheor Math Phys Ser-Many-body Physics in Condensed Matter SystemsAppunti Sc Norm SupeMany Canons of Tibetan BuddhismBrills Tibet Stu LibAMany Deaths of Tsar Nicholas Ii: Relics, Remains and The RomanovsRoutl Stud Hist RussMany Faces of Depression Roy S Med SMany Faces of Neutron StarsNato Adv Sci I C-matMany Faces of Panic Disorder Psych Fen SNMany Identities, One Nation: The Revolution and Its Legacy in The Mid-atlanticEarly Am Stud Ser+Mapan-journal of Metrology Society of IndiaMapan-j Metrol Soc I.Map Kinase Signaling Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol Mapletech MapletechMapping American Culture Am Land Lif<Mapping Decline: St. Louis and The Fate of The American CityPolit Cult Mod AmHMapping Ethnography in Early Modern Germany: New Worlds in Print CultureHist Text Technol.Mapping Hazardous Terrain Using Remote SensingGeol Soc Spec Publ6Mapping Linguistic Diversity in Multicultural ContextsContrib Sociol Lang.Mapping, Measuring, and Modelling The Universe Astr Soc PSMapping Mongolia: Situating Mongolia in The World From Geologic Time to The PresentPenn Museum Int Res0Mapping Nanotechnology Innovations and KnowledgeIntegr Ser Inform SyBMapping Sustainability: Knowledge E-networking and The Value ChainAlliance Glob SustaiGMapping Terrorism Research: State of The Art, Gaps and Future DirectionCass Ser Polit Viole&Mapping The Galaxy and Nearby GalaxiesAstrophysics Space`Mapping The Hidden Universe: The Universe Behind The Milky Way - The Universe in Hi, Proceedings Astr Soc P]Mapping The Higher Education Landscape: Towards A European Classification of Higher EducationHigh Educ Dynam;Mapping The Progress of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's DiseaseAdv Behav BiolMapping The Triangle Aip Conf ProcMapping Tomorrow's ResourcesNat Resour Env IssMaps and Mirrors Phi Lit CulMaps of The CosmosIau SympMarburg and Ebola VirusesCurr Top Microbiol*Marcel Bataillon: Hispanisme Et Engagement Hesperides Marcellia Marcellia!Marcello Malpighi Symposia SeriesMarc Malpig Symp SerMarcel Proust Aujourd HuiMarcel Proust AujourMarcel Proust Aujourd'hui, No 7Marcel Proust AujourMarconi Review Marconi RevMarek's DiseaseCurr Top MicrobiolFMarginalised Mothers: Exploring Working Class Experiences of ParentingRelatsh ResourTMarginality, Power, and Social Structure: Issues in Race, Class, and Gender AnalysisRes Race Ethn Relat8Marginalization in Urban China: Comparative PerspectivesInt Polit Econ SerIMarginalized Literacies: Critical Literacy in The Language Arts ClassroomContemp Res EducLMarginal Models: for Dependent, Clustered, and Longitudinal Categorical DataStat Soc Behav Sc@Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution: A Critical HistoryRoutl Adv Heterod Ec9Margins Theoretical and Experimental Earth Science SeriesMarg Theor Exp Earth.Mariani Foundation Paediatric Neurology Series Mariani F PMarianne Moore NewsletterMarianne Moore NewslMarian Studies Marian StMarian Studies, Vol 40 Marian StMarian Studies, Vol 41 Marian StMarian Studies, Vol 42 Marian St(Marienerscheinung in Zeiten Der DiktaturRelig Vers Vorarbeit.Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and PhysiologyMar Freshw Behav PhyMarine and Freshwater ResearchMar Freshwater ResMarine and MaritimeMarine MaritimeMarine and Petroleum GeologyMar Petrol GeolMarine Behaviour and PhysiologyMar Behav PhysiolMarine Biogeochemistry Oceanis S DMarine BiologyMar BiolMarine Biology Letters Mar Biol LettMarine Biology Research Mar Biol ResMarine BiotechnologyMar BiotechnolMarine Biotechnology IAdv Biochem Eng BiotMarine Biotechnology IiAdv Biochem Eng BiotMarine ChemistryMar ChemMarine Chemistry Water TransFMarine Climate and Climate Change: Storms, Wind Waves and Storm SurgesS-p B Environ Sci)Marine Corrosion in Tropical EnvironmentsAm Soc Test Mater1Marine Debris in Alaska: Coordinating Our Efforts Uasgcp Rep Marine Drugs Mar Drugs2Marine Ecological Geography: Theory and ExperienceEnviron Sci Eng*Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary PerspectiveMar Ecol-evol PerspMarine Ecology-progress SeriesMar Ecol-prog SerAMarine Ecology-pubblicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica Di Napoli IMar Ecol-p S Z N IAMarine Ecology-pubblicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica Di Napoli IPszni Mar EcolMarine Ecotoxicology Oceanis S DMarine Engineering T EngineerMarine Engineering Log Mar Eng-logMarine Environmental ResearchMar Environ ResIMarine Environment and Sustainable Development : Law, Policy, and Science P Law Sea I-Marine Eutrophication and Population Dynamics Olsen Int SMarine Fisheries Review Mar Fish Rev Marine FoodsBibl Nutr DietMarine Genomics Mar GenomMarine GeodesyMar GeodMarine GeologyMar GeolMarine Geophysical ResearchMar Geophys ResMarine Geophysical ResearchesMar Geophys Res#Marine Georesources & GeotechnologyMar Georesour GeotecMarine GeotechnologyMar GeotechnolIMarine Hard Bottom Communities: Patterns, Dynamics, Diversity, and ChangeEcol Stud-anal SynthMarine Mammal ScienceMar Mammal SciMarine MicropaleontologyMar Micropaleontol Marine Mining Mar Mining0Marine Particles : Analysis and CharacterizationGeoph Monog SeriesBMarine Pelagic Cyanobacteria : Trichodesmium and Other DiazotrophsNato Adv Sci I C-mat Marine Policy Mar PolicyMarine Pollution BulletinMar Pollut BullMarine Refrigeration Imare ConfRMarine Research and Conservation in The Coral Triangle: The Wakatobi National ParkEnviron Sci Eng TechMarine Resource EconomicsMar Resour Econ<Marine Resources: Property Rights, Economics and Environment Int Rev ComZMarine Risk Assessment: A Better Way to Manage Your Business, Conference Proceedings, Pt I Imare Conf[Marine Risk Assessment: A Better Way to Manage Your Business, Conference Proceedings, Pt Ii Imare ConfMariners MirrorMariners MirrorMarine Science CommunicationsMar Sci CommunGMarine Science Information Throughout The World : Sharing The Resources Iamslic ConMarine Science Series Mar Sci SerMarine Structures Mar Struct.Marine Substances With Therapeutic Application Oceanis S D Marine Technology and Sname NewsMar Technol Sname NMarine Technology IiiMarine MaritimeMarine Technology IvMarine Maritime!Marine Technology Society JournalMar Technol Soc JMarine Technology VMarine Maritime Marine Toxins Acs Sym Ser'Marine Toxins and New Zealand Shellfish Misc S Rsnz)Marine Transportation and Port OperationsTransport Res Rec5Marital Litigation in The Court of Requests 1542-1642Camden Fifth Ser)Maritime Archaeology and Social RelationsSpringer Ser Underw+Maritime Archaeology: Australian ApproachesSpringer Ser UnderwMaritime ContainerlogistikVDI-Buch Maritime Engineering & Ports Iii Wat Stud SerMaritime Engineering and PortsComp Met Water Res!Maritime Engineering and Ports Ii Wat Stud SerMaritime Heritage Adv Arc Ser!Maritime History As World HistoryNew Perspectives Mar-Maritime History, Vol 1: The Age of DiscoveryOpen Forum SerMaritime History, Vol 2Open Forum SerHMaritime Industry, Ocean Engineering and Coastal Resources, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng WateMaritime Policy & ManagementMarit Policy ManagMaritime Research Seminar '99Vtt SympMaritime Safety '97Vtt Symp#Maritime Security in Southeast AsiaRoutl Secur Asia Ser)Maritime Topography and The Medieval TownPubl Natl Mus Stud;Markedness and Economy in A Derivational Model of PhonologyStud Generat Gramm1Markedness and Language Change: The Romani SampleEmpir Approach Lang+Markers of Neuronal Injury and DegenerationAnn Ny Acad Sci/Market Approach to Comparable Company Valuation Zew Econ Stud5Market-based Instruments for Environmental ManagementInt Stud Environm Po5Market-consistent Actuarial Valuation, Second EditionEaa SerMarket DevicesSociol Rev Monogr1Market Discipline in Banking: Theory and Evidence Res Fin Serv(Marketing and Consumer Psychology SeriesMarket Consum Psych2Marketing and Public Policy Conference Proceedings Ama Conf PMarketing DiscourseRout Interp Mark Res]Marketing in Developing Countries: Nigerian Advertising in A Global and Technological EconomyRoutl Int Bus WorldXMarketing Intelligent Systems Using Soft Computing: Managerial and Research ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft CompMarketing Letters Market LettMarketing of Edgar Allan PoeStud Am Popul Hist CMarketing Science Market SciHMarketing The Best Deal in Town: Your Library - Where Is Your Purple OwlChandos Inf Prof Ser(Marketing The E-business, Second EditionRoutl EbusinessMarketing TheoryMarketing Theor$Marketization and Democracy in ChinaRout Stud China Tran Market Morality and Company Size Iss Bus Eth!Marketplace for Industrial LasersP Soc Photo-opt InscMarket Potential of High Effeciency Chp and Waste Based Ethanol in European Pulp and Paper Industry Vtt Res Notes1Markets and Compensation for Executives in EuropeInt Bus Manag-ser&Markets, Information and CommunicationFound Mark Econ1Markets in Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? High Edu Dyn3Markets With Transaction Costs: Mathematical TheorySpringer FinancMarkham Review Markham Rev2Markov Chains: Models, Algorithms and ApplicationsInt Ser Oper Res Man6Markov Decision Processes With Applications to Finance Universitext1Markov Decision Processes With Their Applications Adv Mech Math!Markovian Demand Inventory ModelsInt Ser Oper Res Man!Markov Process and Control TheoryMath Res*Markov Processes From K. Ito's Perspective Ann Math StudMark Twain Journal Mark Twain JMarmara Univ Publication Marmara U PMarquesan: A Grammar of SpaceTrends Linguist-studMarquette Studies in TheologyMarq Stud TheolMarriage and Family LivingMarriage Fam LivingMarriage and Family ReviewMarriage Fam RevMarriage in Contemporary JapanRoutl Contemp Jpn Se'Marriage: Roles, Stability and ConflictFam Iss 21st Century8Marriage, Sex, and Civic Culture in Late Medieval LondonMiddle Ages Ser+Mars Express: The Scientific Investigations Esa Spec Publ:Marsh Management in Coastal Louisiana : Effects and Issues Usdi Fish WSMars International Reference Atmosphere, Living With A Star and Fundamental Physics Adv Space ResSMars International Reference Atmosphere, Living With A Star and Fundamental PhysicsAdv Space Res-seriesMarstruct Book SeriesMarstruct Bk SeriesMartian Expedition PlanningSci TechJMartian Outpost: The Challenges of Establishing A Human Settlement On MarsS-p B Space ExplorMartin Classical LecturesMartin Class Lect/Martin Opitz: Lateinische Werke Bd 1, 1614-1624Ausg Deut Lit 15 18-Martin Opitz: Le Livre De La Poesie Allemande Interlangues*Martin Walser : International Perspectives Am U St GerMarx and Lenin, Freud and Lacan S Decouv FrMarx Avec HegelPhilos Toulouse8Marxism & Scientific Socialism: From Engels to AlthusserRoutl Stud Soc PolitMarxism and Education Marx Educ"Marxism and The Chinese Experience Pol Econ SMarxism in The Postmodern Age Crit Pers G+Marxist Approaches in Economic Anthropology Mg Econ Ant1Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinMaryland Aes BullBMaryland Agricultural Experiment Station Miscellaneous PublicationMaryland Aes Misc Pu/Maryland Cooperative Extension Service BulletinMaryland Ces BullMaryland HistorianMaryland HistorianMaryland State Medical JournalMaryland State Med JMary Queen of ScotsRoutledge Hist Biogr$Mary Wollstonecraft: A Literary Life Lit LivesEMaschinenakustik 2008: Wettbewerbsvorteil Durch Gerauscharme Produkte VDI BerichtMaschinenbautechnikMaschinenbautechnikMaschinenbau TechnikMaschinenbau Tech Mascots '93 Simul SeriesMaske Und Kothurn Maske Kothurn.Mask Technology for Microelectronic Components VDI BerichtMasonryAm Soc Test Mater6Masonry : Design and Construction, Problems and RepairAm Soc Test Mater-Masonry : Esthetics, Engineering, and EconomyAm Soc Test Mater-Masonry: Materials, Testing, and ApplicationsAm Soc Test Mater+Masonry: Opportunities for The 21st CenturyAm Soc Test Mater2Masquerade, Crime and Fiction: Criminal DeceptionsCrime Files Ser6Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinMass Agr Exp St Bull?Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station Research BulletinMass Agr Exp St Re BHMassachusetts Historical Society Studies in American History and CultureMass Hist Soc StudMassachusetts Physician Mass PhysMassachusetts ReviewMass Rev Massachusetts Studies in EnglishMass Stud Engl7Mass Communication and Political Information ProcessingCommunicMass Communication and SocietyMass Commun Soc>Mass Customization: An Exploration of European CharacteristicsSpringerbrief Bus,Mass Customization: Challenges and SolutionsInt Ser Oper Res Man)Mass Ejection From Active Galactic Nuclei Astr Soc PMass EmergenciesMass EmergenciesMasses of Fundamental ParticlesNato Adv Sci I B-phyMassive Computing Massive CompMassively Multi-agent Systems ILect Notes Artif Int Massively Multi-agent TechnologyLect Notes Artif Int1Massive Neutrinos Tests of Fundamental Symmetries Moriond WorDMassive Stars: Fundamental Parameters and Circumstellar InteractionsRev Mex Ast Astr%Massive Stars in Interacting Binaries Astr Soc P6Massive Stars : Their Lives in The Interstellar Medium Astr Soc PMassive Stellar Clusters Astr Soc P0Massive Wdm and Tdm Soliton Transmission SystemsSol Sci Technol LibSMass-losing Pulsating Stars and Their Circumstellar Matter: Observations and TheoryAstrophys Space Sc LNMass Media and Drug Prevention: Classic and Contemporary Theories and Research Clar SympqMass Media and Latino Politics: Studies of U.s. Media Content, Campaign Strategies and Survey Research: 1984-2004Lea Commun Ser<Mass Media, Culture and Society in Twentieth-century GermanyNew Perspect Ger StuMassmin 2000, ProceedingsAustralas I Min MetJM.a.s.s. - Model Atmospheres and Spectrum Synthesis, 5th Vienna - Workshop Astr Soc P)Mass of Galaxies At Low and High RedshiftEso Astrophy Symp8Mass Outflow in Active Galactic Nuclei: New Perspectives Astr Soc P3Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological StructuresEas PublicationsMass Rearing of Juvenile Fish Ices Mar Sc(Mass Spectrometry and Nutrition ResearchRsc Food Anal Monogr<Mass Spectrometry for The Characterization of Microorganisms Acs Sym Ser3Mass Spectrometry Imaging: Principles and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol*Mass Spectrometry in Biomolecular SciencesNato Adv Sci Inst Se7Mass Spectrometry in Food Safety: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol9Mass Spectrometry in The Biological Sciences : A TutorialNato Adv Sci I C-mat8Mass Spectrometry: Modified Proteins and GlycoconjugatesMethod EnzymolMass Spectrometry ReviewsMass Spectrom Rev Mass Transit Mass Transit9Mass Vaccination: Global Aspects - Progress and ObstaclesCurr Top Microbiol3Mast Cell Biology: Contemporary and Emerging TopicsAdv Exp Med BiolMaster DrawingsMaster Drawings5Mastering Hidden Costs and Socio-economic PerformanceRes Manag Consult@Mastering The Growth of Scientific and Technological Information Eirma ConfMaster Lecture Series Master LectMaster Lectures in Psychology Mast Lect P<Mastication Robots: Biological Inspiration to ImplementationStud Comput Intell Mastology Int Congr Ser Mastology 88 Int Congr SerMatatuMatatu>Match-communications in Mathematical and in Computer ChemistryMatch-commun Math Co!Matchmaking in Electronic MarketsLect Notes Artif IntMatekonMatekon#Matematica Aplicada E ComputacionalMat Apl ComputFMatematisk-fysiske Meddelelser Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes SelskabMat Fys Medd Dan VidUMatematisk-fysiske Meddelelser Udgivet Af Det Kongelige Danske 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PresMaterialprufungMaterialprufungMaterial Religion Mater Relig%Material Religion and Popular CultureRoutl Stud Relig;Material Research in Atomic Scale By Mossbauer SpectroscopyNato Sci Ser Ii Math;Material Research in Atomic Scale By Mossbauer SpectroscopyNato Sci Ser Ii-mathMaterials & Design Mater Design$Materials & Equipment and WhitewaresCeram Eng Sci Proc(Materials & Process Integration for Mems Microsyst Ser(Materials & Process Integration for Mems Microsystems Materials and Automotive Engines VDI Bericht0Materials and Corrosion-werkstoffe Und Korrosion Mater CorrosAMaterials and Crystallographic Aspects of Ht(c)-superconductivityNato Adv Sci Inst Se!Materials and Design Against Fire Imeche Sem!Materials and Design Against FireProc Inst Mech Eng S7Materials and Device Characterization in MicromachiningP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Materials and Device Characterization in Micromachining IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Materials and Device Characterization in Micromachining IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Materials and Device Characterization in Micromachining Iii Proc SpieHMaterials and Devices for Laser Remote Sensing and Optical CommunicationMater Res Soc Symp P<Materials and Devices for Optoelectronics and MicrophotonicsMater Res Soc Symp P+Materials and Devices for Photonic CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Materials and Devices for Photonic Circuits IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Materials and Devices for Photonic Circuits Ii Proc Spie7Materials and Devices for Silicon-based OptoelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp P'Materials and Devices for Smart SystemsMater Res Soc Symp P+Materials and Devices for Smart Systems IiiMater Res Soc Symp P?Materials and Devices for Thermal-to-electric Energy ConversionMater Res Soc Symp P?Materials and Electronics for High-speed and Infrared DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Materials and Electronics for High-speed and Infrared Detectors Proc Spie&Materials and Fluids Under Low GravityLect Notes Phys%Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesMater Manuf Process&Materials and Manufacturing TechnologyMater Manuf Technol3Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz.Materials and Physics for Nonvolatile MemoriesMater Res Soc Symp PgMaterials and Process Challenges: Aging Systems, Affordability, Alternative Applications, Books 1 and 2 Sci Adv Mat4Materials and Processes for Environmental ProtectionMater Res Soc Symp P0Materials and Processes for Nonvolatile MemoriesMater Res Soc Symp P3Materials and Processes for Nonvolatile Memories IiMater Res Soc Symp P"Materials and Product TechnologiesAdv Mater Res-switzMaterials and Society Mater SocMaterials and Strategies for Lab-on-a-chip - Biological Analysis, Cell-material Interfaces and Fluidic Assembly of NanostructuresMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials and Structures Mater Struct.Materials and Structures for Energy Absorption Imeche SemMaterials and Technologies Adv Mat ResMaterials and TechnologiesAdv Mater Res-switz.Materials and Technologies for 3-d IntegrationMater Res Soc Symp PKMaterials and Technologies for Direct Thermal-to-electric Energy ConversionMater Res Soc Symp P-Materials and Technology for Hydrogen EconomyMater Res Soc Symp P&Materials Aspects of X-ray LithographyMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials At High TemperaturesMater High TempAMaterials Challenge Diversification and The Future, Books 1 and 2 Sci Adv Mat8Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy Ceram TransDMaterials Characterisation Iv: Computational Methods and ExperimentsWit Trans Eng SciMaterials Characterization Mater CharactQMaterials Characterization By Dynamic and Modulated Thermal Analytical TechniquesAm Soc Test Mater7Materials Characterization By Thermomechanical AnalysisAm Soc Test MaterMaterials Chemistry Adv Chem SerMaterials Chemistry Mater ChemMaterials Chemistry and PhysicsMater Chem PhysEMaterial Science and Material Properties for Infrared OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Materials, Design and Manufacturing for Lightweight VehiclesWoodhead Publ Mater3Materials Development for Direct Write TechnologiesMater Res Soc Symp P8Materials, Devices, and Systems for Display and LightingP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Materials, Devices, and Systems for Display and Lighting Proc Spie=Materials, Devices, and Systems for Optoelectronic ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Materials, Devices, Techniques, and Applications for Z-plane Focal Plane Array Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAMaterials Division of The American Society of Mechanial EngineersMater Div AsmeMaterials Engineering Mater EngMaterials Engineering Series Mater Eng SerMaterials Evaluation Mater Eval5Materials-fabrication and Patterning At The NanoscaleMater Res Soc Symp P;Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Ceram TransbMaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion - Batteries, Capacitors and Fuel CellsMater Res Soc Symp PcMaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Ii-batteries, Capacitors and Fuel CellsMater Res Soc Symp P@Materials for Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort in BuildingsWoodhead Publ Ser En6Materials for Energy Storage, Generation and TransportMater Res Soc Symp P&Materials for Environmental Technology VDI BerichtMaterials for Fuel CellsWoodhead Publ Mater4Materials for Future Fusion and Fission TechnologiesMater Res Soc Symp P:Materials for High-temperature Superconductor TechnologiesMater Res Soc Symp P#Materials for Hydrogen Storage-2004Mater Res Soc Symp PJMaterials for Information Technology: Devices, Interconnects and Packaging Eng Mat ProJMaterials for Information Technology: Devices, Interconnects and PackagingEng Mater Process Materials for Infrared DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Materials for Infrared Detectors IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Materials for Infrared Detectors IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Materials for Mechanical and Optical MicrosystemsMater Res Soc Symp PNMaterials for Nanophotonics - Plasmonics, Metamaterials and Light LocalizationMater Res Soc Symp P0Materials for Non-linear and Electro-optics 1989Inst Phys Conf SerMaterials for Nonlinear Optics Acs Sym Ser,Materials for Optical Information ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials for Optical LimitingMater Res Soc Symp P!Materials for Optical Limiting IiMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials for PhotovoltaicsMater Res Soc Symp P6Materials for Rigid and Flexible Printed Wiring BoardsElectr Comput EngMaterials for Smart SystemsMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials for Smart Systems IiMater Res Soc Symp P Materials for Space ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P9Materials for Tomorrow: Theory, Experiments and ModellingSpringer Ser Mater S9Materials for Tomorrow: Theory, Experiments and ModellingSpringer Series MateMaterials Forum Mater ForumMaterials in Design Engineering Mater Des Eng!Materials in Extreme EnvironmentsMater Res Soc Symp P5Materials Innovations in An Emerging Hydrogen Economy Ceram Trans6Materials in Space-science, Technology and ExplorationMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials Inspired By BiologyMater Res Soc Symp PFMaterials, Integration and Packaging Issues for High-frequency DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PIMaterials, Integration and Packaging Issues for High-frequency Devices IiMater Res Soc Symp P@Materials, Integration and Technology for Monolithic InstrumentsMater Res Soc Symp PDMaterials Interactions Relevant to Recycling of Wood-based MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PGMaterials Interactions Relevant to The Pulp, Paper, and Wood IndustriesMater Res Soc Symp P$Materials in Transition, Proceedings Sol St Phen8Materials Issues and Modeling for Device NanofabricationMater Res Soc Symp PQMaterials Issues for Generation Iv Systems: Status, Open Questions and ChallengesNato Sci Peace Sec BQMaterials Issues for Generation Iv Systems: Status, Open Questions and ChallengesNato Science Peace S5Materials Issues for Tunable Rf and Microwave DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P9Materials Issues for Tunable Rf and Microwave Devices IiiMater Res Soc Symp P*Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology IiMater Res Soc Symp P+Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology IiiMater Res Soc Symp P)Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VMater Res Soc Symp P*Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology ViMater Res Soc Symp P+Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology ViiMater Res Soc Symp P,Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology ViiiMater Res Soc Symp P3Materials Issues in Microcrystalline SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P-Materials Issues in Novel Si-based TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp P+Materials Issues in Vacuum MicroelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials Letters Mater LettKMaterials, Manufacturing, and Measurement for Synchrotron Radiation MirrorsP Soc Photo-opt InsMaterials Modelling SeriesMat Modelling Ser;Materials Modification and Synthesis By Ion Beam ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P2Materials Modification By Energetic Atoms and IonsMater Res Soc Symp P)Materials Modification By Ion IrradiationP Soc Photo-opt InsMaterials of Smart Systems IiiMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials PerformanceMater Performance*Materials Performance : Sulphur and Energy Cim An ConfjMaterials, Processes, Integration and Reliability in Advanced Interconnects for Micro- and NanoelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp PSMaterials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc Materials Processing and Texture Ceram TransMaterials Processing in SpaceMater Sci Forum.Materials Processing Technologies, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switzMaterials Protection Mater Prot$Materials Protection and PerformanceMater Prot Perform,Materials Reliability in Microelectronics IiMater Res Soc Symp P-Materials Reliability in Microelectronics IiiMater Res Soc Symp P,Materials Reliability in Microelectronics IvMater Res Soc Symp P,Materials Reliability in Microelectronics IxMater Res Soc Symp P+Materials Reliability in Microelectronics VMater Res Soc Symp P,Materials Reliability in Microelectronics ViMater Res Soc Symp P-Materials Reliability in Microelectronics ViiMater Res Soc Symp P.Materials Reliability in Microelectronics ViiiMater Res Soc Symp P0Materials Reliability Issues in MicroelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp P Materials Research and StandardsMater Res Standard#Materials Research At High PressureMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials Research BulletinMater Res Bull6Materials Research-ibero-american Journal of MaterialsMater Res-ibero-am J!Materials Research in Low GravityP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Materials Research in Low Gravity IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Materials Research in Low Gravity Ii Proc SpieMaterials Research InnovationsMater Res InnovMaterials Research, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum1Materials Research Society Conference Proceedings Mat Res S C0Materials Research Society Symposium ProceedingsMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials Science Mater Sci+GMaterials Science & Engineering C-biomimetic and Supramolecular SystemsMat Sci Eng C-bio SJMaterials Science & Engineering C-biomimetic Materials Sensors and SystemsMat Sci Eng C-biomimGMaterials Science & Engineering C-materials for Biological ApplicationsMat Sci Eng C-mater)Materials Science & Engineering R-reports Mat Sci Eng R%Materials Science and Applied Physics Aip Conf Proc!Materials Science and Engineering Mater Sci Eng7Materials Science and Engineering Applications, Pts 1-3Adv Mater Res-switzaMaterials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and ProcessingMat Sci Eng A-structMMaterials Science and Engineering B-advanced Functional Solid-state MaterialsMater Sci Eng B-advQMaterials Science and Engineering B-solid State Materials for Advanced TechnologyMat Sci Eng B-solid*Materials Science and Engineering, Pts 1-2Adv Mater Res-switz"Materials Science and TechnologiesMater Sci Technol Materials Science and TechnologyMater Sci Tech Ser Materials Science and TechnologyMater Sci Tech-lond9Materials Science and Technology for Nonvolatile MemoriesMater Res Soc Symp P5Materials Science Applications of Ion Beam TechniquesMater Sci ForumMaterials Science ForumMater Sci ForumMaterials Science FoundationsMater Sci Found-Materials Science in Semiconductor ProcessingMat Sci Semicon ProcMaterials Science-medziagotyraMater Sci-medzgMaterials Science-medziagotyraMater Sci-medzg+Materials Science MonographsMater Sci Monog$Materials Science of Concrete SeriesMat Sci Series-Materials Science of Concrete: Special VolumeMat Sci SeriesCMaterials Science of High Temperature Polymers for MicroelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp PBMaterials Science of Microelectromechanical Systems (mems) DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PEMaterials Science of Microelectromechanical Systems (mems) Devices IiMater Res Soc Symp PEMaterials Science of Microelectromechanical Systems (mems) Devices IvMater Res Soc Symp P2Materials Science of Novel Oxide-based ElectronicsMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials Science of The CellMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials Science-polandMater Sci-polandMaterials Science Reports Mater Sci Rep(Materials Science Research InternationalMater Sci Res Int*Materials Science, Testing and InformaticsMater Sci Forum-Materials Science, Testing and Informatics IiMater Sci Forum.Materials Science, Testing and Informatics IiiMater Sci Forum-Materials Science, Testing and Informatics IvMater Sci Forum Materials Science With Ion Beams Top Appl Phys0Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture Key Eng Mater3Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture IvMater Sci Forum2Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture VMater Sci Forum2Materials Synthesis and Processing Using Ion BeamsMater Res Soc Symp P1Materials Synthesis Based On Biological ProcessesMater Res Soc Symp P2Materials Synthesis Utilizing Biological ProcessesMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials Technology Mater Technol[Materials, Technology and Reliability for Advanced Interconnects and Low-k Dielectrics-2003Mater Res Soc Symp P[Materials, Technology and Reliability for Advanced Interconnects and Low-k Dielectrics-2004Mater Res Soc Symp PDMaterials, Technology and Reliability of Advanced Interconnects-2005Mater Res Soc Symp PSMaterials, Technology and Reliability of Low-k Dielectrics and Copper InterconnectsMater Res Soc Symp PMaterials Testing Mater TestEMaterials Testing-materials and Components Technology and Application Mater TestMaterials Theory and ModellingMater Res Soc Symp P6Materials Theory, Simulations, and Parallel AlgorithmsMater Res Soc Symp P"Materials-the Star At Center StageInt Sampe Tech ConfMaterials Today Mater TodayMaterials Transactions Mater TransMaterials Transactions Jim Mater T Jim-Materials Working for You in The 21st Century Sci Adv MatMaterials World Mater WorldMaterial Texts Mater TextsMaterial Und OrganismenMater Organismen)Materialwissenschaft Und WerkstofftechnikMaterialwiss WerkstMateria-rio De JaneiroMateriaMateria-rio De JaneiroMateria-brazil!Maternal and Child Health JournalMatern Child Healt J!Maternal and Child Health JournalMatern Child Hlth JMaternal and Child NutritionMatern Child Nutr(Maternal Nutrition and Pregnancy OutcomeAnn Ny Acad Sci)Maternal Nutrition and Pregnancy Outcomes Pan Am H O!Maternal Physiology and Pathology C St Gyn ObMath/chem/comp 1988Stud Phys Theo Chem)Mathematical & Computational ApplicationsMath Comput Appl&Mathematical Analysis and Applications Aip Conf Proc/Mathematical Analysis of Urban Spatial NetworksUnderst Complex SystGMathematical and Analytical Techniques With Applications to EngineeringMath Anal Tech Appl;Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Natural LanguageStud Funct Struct#Mathematical and Computer ModellingMath Comput Model8Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical SystemsMath Comp Model DynEMathematical and Control Applications in Agriculture and Horticulture Ifac Work SKMathematical and Experimental Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes Textb Math<Mathematical and Quantum Aspects of Relativity and CosmologyLect Notes Phys/Mathematical and Statisical Methods for Imaging Contemp MathvMathematical and Statistical Models and Metheds in Reliability: Applications to Medicine, Finance, and Quality ControlStat Ind TechnolXMathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: An Introduction Ima V MathXMathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: An IntroductionIma Vol Math AppldMathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: Models, Methods, and Theory Ima V MathdMathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: Models, Methods, and TheoryIma Vol Math Appl.Mathematical Approaches to Cardiac ArrhythmiasAnn Ny Acad Sci/Mathematical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence Proc Sym Ap0Mathematical Aspects of Boundary Element MethodsCh Crc Res Notes0Mathematical Aspects of Boundary Element MethodsCh Crc Res Notes Mat+Mathematical Aspects of Evolving InterfacesLect Notes Math1Mathematical Aspects of Fluid and Plasma DynamicsLect Notes Math$Mathematical Aspects of Quantum MapsLect Notes PhysMathematical Biosciences Math Biosci(Mathematical Biosciences and EngineeringMath Biosci EngMathematical Communications Math Commun<Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering Math C Sci(Mathematical Control Theory, Nos 1 and 2Ictp Lect Notes#Mathematical Education of Engineers Inst Math AMathematical EngineeringMath Eng$Mathematical Engineering in Industry Math Eng IndMathematical EpidemiologyLect Notes MathMathematical Finance Math Financ.Mathematical Finance - Bachelier Congress 2000Springer Financ.Mathematical Finance - Bachelier Congress 2000Springer FinanceFMathematical Finance: Core Theory, Problems and Statistical AlgorithmsRoutl Adv Texts Econ2Mathematical Foundation of Turbulent Viscous FlowsLect Notes Math1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1990Lect Notes Comput Sc1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1991Lect Notes Comput Sc1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1992Lect Notes Comput Sc1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1996Lect Notes Comput Sc1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998Lect Notes Comput Sc1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2001Lect Notes Comput Sc1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2002Lect Notes Comput Sc>Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc1Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc(Mathematical Foundations of NeuroscienceInterd Appl Math3Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics /Lect Notes Comput ScmMathematical Foundations of Quantum Information and Computation and Its Applications to Nano- and Bio-systemsTheor Math Phys SereMathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Massive Data ExplorationMath Vis:Mathematical Foundations of Speech and Language Processing Ima V Math:Mathematical Foundations of Speech and Language ProcessingIma Vol Math ApplMathematical GazetteMath GazMathematical Geology Math GeolMathematical GeoscienceInterd Appl MathMathematical Geosciences Math GeosciJMathematical Imaging : Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Mathematical Inequalities & ApplicationsMath Inequal ApplMathematical Intelligencer Math IntellCMathematical Introduction to Conformal Field Theory, Second EditionLect Notes Phys"Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching Math Educ Lib!Mathematical Knowledge ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc.Mathematical Knowledge Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int.Mathematical Knowledge Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMathematical LinguisticsAdv Inform Knowl Pro9Mathematical Literacy: Developing Identities of InclusionStud Math Think Lear7Mathematical Logic: Foundations for Information ScienceProg Comput Sci ApplMathematical Logic QuarterlyMath Logic Quart6Mathematical Medicine and Biology-a Journal of The Ima Math Med Biol1Mathematical Methods and Applied Computing, Vol 1Ma Comput Sci Eng1Mathematical Methods and Applied Computing, Vol 1Math Comput Sci EngKMathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Research and Education Ele Com EngWMathematical Methods, Computational Techniques, Non-linear Systems, Intelligent SystemsMa Comput Sci EngWMathematical Methods, Computational Techniques, Non-linear Systems, Intelligent SystemsMath Comput Sci Eng,Mathematical Methods for Curves and SurfacesLect Notes Comput Sc/Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces IiInnov Appl Math7Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces: Oslo 2000Innov Appl Math*Mathematical Methods for Financial MarketsSpringer Financ>Mathematical Methods for Protein Structure Analysis and DesignLect Notes Comput Sc5Mathematical Methods for Robust and Nonlinear ControlLect Notes Contr Inf[Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy (imrt)Crm Ser(Mathematical Methods in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc'Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision Ima V Math2Mathematical Methods in Electro-magneto-elasticityLect Notes Appl Comp+Mathematical Methods in Geophysical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Mathematical Methods in Geophysical Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Mathematical Methods in Geophysical Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Mathematical Methods in Geophysical Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Mathematical Methods in Geophysical Imaging VP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Mathematical Methods in Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Mathematical Methods in The Applied SciencesMath Method Appl SciIMathematical Methods in Time Series Analysis and Digital Image ProcessingUnderst Complex Syst"Mathematical Methods in TomographyLect Notes Math+Mathematical Methods of Operations ResearchMath Method Oper Res>Mathematical Methods On Optimization in Transportation SystemsAppl Optimizat0Mathematical Methods, Systems Theory and ControlMa Comput Sci Eng0Mathematical Methods, Systems Theory and ControlMath Comput Sci EngMathematical ModelingMath Mod%Mathematical Modeling and ComputationMath Model ComputBMathematical Modeling and Estimation Techniques in Computer VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsEMathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation in Continuum MechanicsLect Notes Comp Sci@Mathematical Modeling, Bayesian Estimation, and Inverse ProblemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Mathematical Modeling, Bayesian Estimation, and Inverse Problems Proc Spie=Mathematical Modeling, Clustering Algorithms and Applications Math Res Dev.Mathematical Modeling, Estimation, and ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Mathematical Modeling, Estimation, and Imaging Proc Spie-Mathematical Modeling in 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Rep@Mathematical Representation At The Interface of Body and CultureInt Perspect Math EdMathematical ResearchMath ResMathematical Research Letters Math Res Lett(Mathematical Research Today and TomorrowLect Notes Math)Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics Oper Theor)Mathematical Results in Quantum MechanicsOper Theory Adv Appl5Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications Math Sci RMathematical Social Sciences Math Soc Sci,Mathematical Software-icms 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Mathematical Software - Icms 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc0Mathematical Structures for Software Engineering Inst Math C+Mathematical Structures in Computer ScienceMath Struct Comp Sci2Mathematical Studies in Nonlinear Wave Propagation Contemp MathQMathematical Studies On Human Disease Dynamics: Emerging Paradigms and Challenges Contemp MathMathematical Systems TheoryMath Syst TheoryPMathematical Systems Theory in Biology, Communications, Computation, and Finance Ima V MathPMathematical Systems 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Methods in Data Mining and Pattern RecognitionFund AlgorithmsMatrix PolynomialsClass Appl Math6Matter and Energy in Clusters of Galaxies, Proceedings Astr Soc P(Matter and Mind: A Philosophical InquiryBost Stud Philos Sci(Matter At High Densities in AstrophysicsSpringer Tr Mod PhysUMatthew's Messianic Shepherd-king: in Search of The Lost Sheep of The House of IsraelBeih Z Neutest Wiss>Maturing Usability: Quality in Software, Interaction and ValueHum-comput Int-sprin Maturitas Maturitas6Mau Mau in Harlem: The U S and The Liberation of KenyaContemp Black Hist3Maury Workshop On The History of Polar OceanographyMaury Worksh Hist PoMausamMausam9Maven in Blue Jeans: A Festschrift in Honor of Zev GarberShofar Suppl Jew Stu*Max Brod in Prague: Identity and Mediation Conditio Jud*Maximising The Value of Marine By-productsWoodhead Food SeraMaximizing The Security and Development Benefits From The Biological and Toxin Weapons ConventionNato Sci Prt 1 Disar$Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods Fund Theor$Maximum Entropy and Bayesian MethodsFund Theor Phys&Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods / Fund Theor'Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods // Fund Theor(Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods /// Fund TheorMaximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods - Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Workshop On Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Cambridge, England, 1994 Fund TheorMaximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods - Proceedings of The Thirteenth International Workshop On Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Santa Barbara, California, U.s.a., 1993 Fund TheorHMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models: Twenty Years LaterAdv Econometrics;Maximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation, Vol Ii: RegressionSpringer Ser StatMaximum PrincipleProg Nonlinear DiffeLMaximum Principles and Eigenvalue Problems in Partial Differential Equations Pitman Res)Max-linear Systems: Theory and AlgorithmsSpringer Monogr MathEMax Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International LawWorld Court Dig4Max Planck Series On Asian Intellectual Property LawMax Planck SeriesMaydicaMaydicaMayo Clinic ProceedingsMayo Clin Proc,Mayoral Control of The New York City SchoolsSpringer Stud Work IMbioMbiouMcbc'09: Proceedings of The 10th Wseas International Conference On Mathematics and Computers in Biology and ChemistryRec Adv Biol Biomed*Mcfarland Series of Rutgers Scils Symposia Mc F S RutgMcgill European StudiesMcgill Euro Studies,Mcgill International Entrepreneurship SeriesMcgill Int Entrepr S,Mcgill International Entrepreneurship SeriesMcgill Intl EntrepreMcgill Law Journal Mcgill Law J_Mcgill Queens Associated Medical Services Studies in The History of Medicine Health and SocietyMcgill Queens Assoc0Mcgill-queens Studies in The History of ReligionMq Stud Hist ReligMcgill Studies in ReligionMcgill Stud ReligMcmaster New Testament StudiesMcmaster New Test St)Mcmaster Symposia On Iron and Steelmaking Mcmaster S2Mcn-the American Journal of Maternal-child NursingMcn-am J Matern-chillMcr 2009: Proceedings of The 4th International Conference On Multi-component Reactions and Related ChemistryAdv Exp Med BiolMd Anderson Cancer Care SeriesM D Anderson Cancer'Md Anderson Solid Tumor Oncology SeriesMd Anderson Solid Tu M D Computing M D ComputMeals in Science and PracticeWoodhead Food Ser2Mean Curvature Flow and Isoperimetric InequalitiesAdv Courses Math Crm9Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses: Basic Examples, Vol 1Ergeb Math Grenzgeb)Meaning and Analysis: New Essays On GricePalg Stud Pragm Lang3Meaning and Language: Phenomenological PerspectivesPhaenomenologica)Meaning and Measurement of Social Support Ser Clin C Meaningful Play, Playful Meaning Assoc Anthr'Meaning in Mathematics Education Vol 37 Math Educ LibMeaning in The Second LanguageStud Lang AcquisxMeaning of Activities in The Dwelling and Residential Environment: A Structural Approach in People-environment RelationsSustain Urban Areas.Meaning of Life in Romantic Poetry and PoeticsRoutl Stud RomanticMeaning of 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Eval Couns Dev&Measurement and Evaluation in GuidanceMeas Eval Guid<Measurement and Interpretation of The On-site Corrosion Rate Rilem Proc<Measurement and Prevention of Boar Taint in Entire Male Pigs Colloq InradMeasurement and Regulation Technology in Wastewater Treatment Plants - Concepts, Experiences, Trends VDI Bericht:Measurement and Testing Methodologies in Automotive Design VDI Bericht/Measurement Challenges in Atmospheric Chemistry Acs Sym Ser4Measurement Error: Models, Methods, and Applications Interd StatMeasurement Errors in Surveys Wiley S ProaMeasurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing Systems and Dependability and Fault ToleranceLect Notes Comput Sc Measurement of Atmospheric GasesP Soc Photo-opt InsOMeasurement of Cotton Fiber Stickiness and Ways of Neutralization of Its EffectCirad Colloques+Measurement of Pain in Infants and ChildrenProg Pain Res ManagHMeasurement of Primary Production From The Molecular to The Global Scale Ices Mar ScDMeasurement of Residual 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in The University Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship EquationAdv Stud Entrep InnoMeasuring TimeInt Ser Oper Res Man Meat ScienceMeat SciMecanique & IndustriesMec Ind#Mecanique Industrielle Et Materiaux Mec Ind Mater Meccanica Meccanica,Mechanical Activation of Inorganic MaterialsSrpska Akad NaukMechanical AlloyingMater Sci ForumcMechanical and Dynamical Principles of Protein Nanomotors: The Key to Nano-engineering ApplicationsNanotechnol Sci Tech8Mechanical Behavior of Diamond and Other Forms of CarbonMater Res Soc Symp P Mechanical Behavior of Materials Mech Beh MCMechanical Behavior of Materials and Structures in MicroelectronicsMater Res Soc Symp P.Mechanical Behavior of Materials X, Pts 1and 2 Key Eng Mat.Mechanical Behavior of Materials X, Pts 1and 2 Key Eng MaterEMechanical Behavior of Salt - Understanding of Thmc Processes in SaltProc Monogr Eng Wate!Mechanical Behaviour of MaterialsMater Sci Forum.Mechanical Behaviour of Materials-vi, Vols 1-4 Int S StrenMechanical EngineeringMech EngBMechanical Engineering : A Series of Textbooks and Reference Books Mech Eng SeMechanical Engineering-crc Mech Eng-crcMechanical Engineering Science Mech Eng SciMechanical Engineering Series Mech Eng Ser=Mechanical Engineering Series of Textbook and Reference BooksMech Eng Ser Txb Ref.Mechanical Engineering Theory and ApplicationsMech Eng Theor ApplMechanical Handling Mech Handling!Mechanical Handling International Mech Handl5Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing EngineeringLect Note Informtech0Mechanical Integration of Plant Cells and PlantsSignal Commun Plants2Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline MaterialsMater Sci ForumFMechanically Alloyed, Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, Part 1Mater Sci ForumFMechanically Alloyed, Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, Part 2Mater Sci ForumBMechanical Modelling and Computational Issues in Civil EngineeringLect Notes Appl Comp]Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of Materials Having Ultra-fine 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Semimet"Mechanical Properties of Solids Xi Key Eng Mat"Mechanical Properties of Solids Xi Key Eng Mater)Mechanical Properties of Structural FilmsAm Soc Test Mater!Mechanical Response of CompositesComp Meth Appl Sci\Mechanical Sound: Technology, Culture, and Public Problems of Noise in The Twentieth CenturyInside TechnolMechanical Spectroscopy Iii Sol St Phen'Mechanical Spectroscopy Ii, Proceedings Sol St Phen Mechanical Spectroscopy Q-1 2001Mater Sci ForumBMechanical Stress Evaluation By Neutrons and Synchrotron RadiationMater Sci ForumMechanical System DynamicsLect Notes Appl Comp(Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingMech Syst Signal Pr+Mechanical Systems, Classical Models, Vol IMath Anal Tech Appl,Mechanical Systems, Classical Models, Vol IiMath Anal Tech ApplCMechanical Systems, Classical Models, Vol Iii: Analytical MechanicsMath Anal Tech Appl%Mechanical Tests for Bituminous Mixes Rilem ProcbMechanical, Thermal and Environmental Testing and Performance of Ceramic Composites and 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ProceedingsMeckaMechanika 2008, ProceedingsMeckaAMechanika 2009 - Proceedings of The 14th International ConferenceMecka@Mechanika 2010: Proceedings of The 15th International ConferenceMecka)Mechanika Kaunas University of TechnologyMecka'Mechanik Miesiecznik Naukowo-technicznyMech Mies Nauk TechMechanism and Machine TheoryMech Mach Theory=Mechanism and New Approach On Drug Resistance of Cancer Cells Int Congr Ser-Mechanism of Fertilization : Plants to HumansNato Adv Sci I H-cel6Mechanism of Myofilament Sliding in Muscle ContractionAdv Exp Med Biol Mechanisms and Control of Emesis Colloq InseMechanisms and Machine Science Mech Mach Sci=Mechanisms and Pathways of Heterotrimeric G Protein SignalingAdv Protein ChemAMechanisms and Principles of Epitaxial Growth in Metallic SystemsMater Res Soc Symp P0Mechanisms and Regulation of Transport Processes Br Plant Gr5Mechanisms and Significance of Cell Volume RegulationContrib Nephrol7Mechanisms and Specificity of Hiv Entry Into Host CellsAdv Exp 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Regulation IvAdv Exp Med Biol;Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation VAdv Exp Med Biol<Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation ViAdv Exp Med Biol=Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation ViiAdv Exp Med Biol\Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation Viii: Autoimmunity 2000 and BeyondAdv Exp Med BiolLMechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation Xi: B Cell BiologyAdv Exp Med BiolLMechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation X: Innate ImmunityAdv Exp Med Biol$Mechanisms of Metallocenter AssemblyAdv Inorg BiochemGMechanisms of Neuronal Damage in Virus Infections of The Nervous SystemCurr Top Microbiol5Mechanisms of Oncogenesis: An Update On TumorigenesisCancer Grow Prog-dor"Mechanisms of Peptic Ulcer Healing Falk Symp%Mechanisms of Plant Defense ResponsesDev Plant PatholDMechanisms of Plant Perception and Response to Environmental Stimuli Brit Soc Pl-Mechanisms of Platelet Activation and ControlAdv Exp Med BiolAMechanisms of Reactions of Organometallic Compounds With SurfacesNato Adv Sci I B-phycMechanisms of Secondary Brain Damage From Trauma and Ischemia, Recent Advances of Our Understanding Act Neur SDMechanisms of Secondary Brain Damage in Cerebral Ischemia and Trauma Act Neur S!Mechanisms of Thin Film EvolutionMater Res Soc Symp P;Mechanisms of Work Production and Work Absorption in MuscleAdv Exp Med BiolFMechanisms, Symbols and Models Underlying Cognition, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Mechanistic Bioinorganic Chemistry Adv Chem Ser:Mechanistic Relationships Between Development and Learning Dahlem WorklMechanizing, Mathematical Reasoning: Essays in Homor of Jorg H Siekmann On The Occasion of His 60th BirthdayLect Notes Artif Int%Mechanosensitive Ion Channels, Part ACurr Top Membr#Mechanosensitive Ion Channels, Pt BCurr Top Membr*Mechanosensitivity and MechanotransductionMechanosens Cells Ti'Mechanosensitivity in Cells and TissuesMechanosens Cells TiMechanosensitivity of The HeartMechanosens Cells TiDMechatronic Design Automation: Emerging Research and Recent AdvancesMech Eng Theor Appl)Mechatronic Design in Textile EngineeringNato Adv Sci Inst Se Mechatronics Mechatronics3Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switzXMechatronic Servo System Control: Problems in Industries and Their Theoretical SolutionsLect Notes Contr Inf9Mechatronics - Mechanical and Electrical Drive Technology VDI Bericht!Mechatronic Systems and Materials Sol St Phen!Mechatronic Systems and MaterialsSolid State Phenomen%Mechatronic Systems and Materials IiiSolid State PhenomenDMechatronic Systems and Materials: Materials Production Technologies Sol St PhenCMechatronic Systems and Materials: Mechatronic Systems and Robotics Sol St PhenCMechatronic Systems and Materials: Mechatronic Systems and RoboticsSolid State PhenomenGMechatronic Systems: Devices, Design, Control, Operation and MonitoringMech Eng Ser Txb Ref4Mechatronik - Mechanisch/elektrische Antriebstechnik VDI BerichtOMechthild of Magdeburg and Her Book: Gender and The Making of Textual AuthorityMiddle Ages Ser?Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: From Pathomechanisms to TreatmentPreg Infants-med Psy Medchemcomm Medchemcomm+Meddelelser Fra Det Norske SkogforsoksvesenMedd Nor Skogforsok1Meddelelser Fra Norsk Institutt for SkogforskningMedd Norsk I Skogfor>Medea Hypothesis: Is Life On Earth Ultimately Self-destructiveSci EssentialsMedecine & Chirurgie Digestives Med Chir DigMedecine Et Armees Med ArmeesMedecine Et Chirurgie Du Pied Med Chir PiedMedecine Et HygieneMed Hyg!Medecine Et Maladies InfectieusesMed Maladies InfectMedecine Legale ToxicologieMed Leg ToxicolMedecine NucleaireMed Nucl8Medecine Nucleaire-imagerie Fonctionnelle Et MetaboliqueMed Nucl[Mededelingen Van De Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen, Universiteit-gent, Vol 57, 2a, Pts 1-4 Int S Crop\Mededelingen Van De Faculteit Van De Landbouwwetenschappen, Vol 58, Pts 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 1993 Int S Crop=Media and Communications Technologies Policies and ChallengesMedia Commun TechnolMedia and Cultural MemoryMedia Cult Mem*Media and Cultural Transformation in ChinaRoutl Media Cult SocKMedia and Ethnic Identity: Hopi Views On Media, Identity, and CommunicationIndigen People Polit0Media and Languages in Humanistic HistoriographyTransform AntikeMedia and Social Theory Cult Econ SocFMedia and The Chinese Diaspora: Community, Communications and CommerceRoutl Media Cult Soc-Media and The Make-believe Worlds of ChildrenLea Commun Ser_Media and The Politics of Failure: Great Powers, Communication Strategies, and Military DefeatsPalgr Mac Ser Int Po!Media and The Tourist ImaginationContemp Geogr Leis T_Media Bias in Reporting Social Research: The Case of Reviewing Ethnic Inequalities in EducationRoutl Adv Sociol|Media, Bureaucracies, and Foreign Aid: A Comparative Analysis of United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, France and JapanAdv Foreign Policy AMedia, Children, and The FamilyCommunic+Media Consumption and Everyday Life in AsiaRoutl Adv Int MediaLMedia Consumption and Public Engagement: Beyond The Presumption of AttentionConsum Public LifeMedia Culture & SocietyMedia Cult Soc.Media Culture and Social Change in Asia SeriesMedia Cult Soc ChangSMedia, Culture and Society in Iran: Living With Globalization and The Islamic State Iran Stud Ser1Media Diversity and Localism: Meaning and MetricsLea Commun Ser=Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research, Third Edition Commun Ser)Mediaevalia-a Journal of Medieval Studies Mediaevalia!Mediaevalia Groningana New SeriesMediaev GroninganaMediaevalia LovaniensiaMediaevalia LovanPMediaeval Islamic Historiography and Political Legitimacy: Bal'ami's TarikhnamahRout Stud Hist IranMediaeval StudiesMediaeval StudMedia Events in A Global AgeComediaMedia Forensics and Security Ii Proc Spie6Media Globalization and The Discovery Channel NetworksRoutl Adv Int MediaAMedia in Hong Kong: Press Freedom and Political Change, 1967-2005Routl Media Cult SocMedia International AustraliaMedia Int AustMedia in Transition Media Transit^Mediale Erregungen? Autonomie Und Aufmerksamkeit Im Literatur- Und Kulturbetrieb Der GegenwartStud Texte SozialgesMedia Literacy and SemioticsSemiot Pop Cult,Media Literacy: New Agendas in CommunicationNew Agendas CommunmMedial Latitudes: Linguistische Gegenstandskonstitution Aus Medientheoretischer Und Pragmatischer PerspektiveLinguist-impulse Ten@Medial Representations: Mathematics, Algorithms and ApplicationsComput Imaging Vis%Media Management and Economics SeriesMedia Manag Econ Ser.Media On The Move: Global Flow and Contra-flowCommun Soc-ser'Media Perspectives for The 21st CenturyCommun Soc-serMedia Practice Media PractDMedia Pressure On Foreign Policy: The Evolving Theoretical FrameworkPalgr Mac Ser Int PoMedia Processors 1999P Soc Photo-opt InsMedia Processors 1999 Proc SpieMedia Processors 2000P Soc Photo-opt InsMedia Processors 2000 Proc SpieMedia Processors 2001P Soc Photo-opt InsMedia Processors 2001 Proc SpieMedia Processors 2002P Soc Photo-opt InsMedia Processors 2002 Proc SpieMedia Psychology Media Psychol Media Skills Media Skills&Media Space 20+ Years of Mediated LifeComput Supp Coop WorMedia Studies Journal Media Stud J4Media/theory-thinking About Media and CommunicationsComediaUMediating Health Information: The Go-betweens in A Changing Socio-technical LandscapeHealth Technol SocOMediation in The Asia-pacific Region: Transforming Conflicts and Building PeaceRoutl Adv Int RelatMediation of PowerCommun Soc-ser;Mediation, Remediation, and The Dynamics of Cultural MemoryMedia Cult Mem9Mediators in The Cardiovascular System: Regional IschemiaAgent Action SupplMediators of InflammationMediat InflammMedia War and SecurityMedia War Secur Medical & Biological Engineering Med Biol Eng,Medical & Biological Engineering & ComputingMed Biol Eng Comput#Medical and Biological IllustrationMed Biol IllusMedical and Care Compunetics 2 St Heal TMedical and Care Compunetics 2Stud Health TechnolMedical and Care Compunetics 3 St Heal TMedical and Care Compunetics 4 St Heal TMedical and Care Compunetics 4Stud Health TechnolMedical and Care Compunetics 5 St Heal TMedical and Care Compunetics 5Stud Health TechnolDMedical and Fiber Optic Sensors and Delivery Systems, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsMedical and Pediatric OncologyMed Pediatr Oncol!Medical and Veterinary EntomologyMed Vet EntomolMedical Anthropology Med AnthropolMedical Anthropology QuarterlyMed Anthropol Q2Medical Applications for Shape-memory Alloys (sma) Imeche Sem1Medical Applications of Lasers Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsjMedical Applications of Lasers in Dermatology, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, and Dentistry Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsfMedical Applications of Lasers in Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, and Endoscopy, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Medical Applications of Lasers, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Medical Applications of Penetrating RadiationP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Medical Aspects of Proteases and Protease Inhibitors Biom Hlth R Medical Audit and AccountabilityRoy Soc Med Int CongMedical BiologyMed BiolMedical Biometrics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Medical Biostatistics, Second EditionCh Crc Biostat Ser Medical CareMed Care$Medical Care Output and Productivity Stud Income Medical Care Research and ReviewMed Care Res Rev Medical Clinics of North America Med Clin N Am%Medical College of Virginia QuarterlyMed Coll Va Quart=Medical Content-based Retrieval for Clinical Decision SupportLect Notes Comput Sc"Medical Data Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMedical Decision MakingMed Decis Making$Medical Device & Diagnostic IndustryMed Device Diagn Ind=Medical Device Data and Modeling for Clinical Decision MakingArtech Hse Bioinf BiMedical Device TechnologyMed Device TechnolMedical Dosimetry Med DosimMedical EducationMed Educ'Medical Education in The New MillenniumEduc Compet Glob Wor'Medical Education: The State of The ArtEduc Compet Glob WorMedical Education-us Med Educ-usMedical Engineering & Physics Med Eng Phys$Medical Enhancement and PosthumanityInt Libr Eth Law Tec)Medical Enzymology: A Simplified ApproachBiochem Res Trends.Medical Ethics At The Dawn of The 21st CenturyAnn Ny Acad Sci0Medical Genetics in The Clinical Practice of OrlAdv Oto-rhino-laryng+Medical Geography in Historical Perspective Med His Sup+Medical Geography in Historical PerspectiveMed Hist Suppl%Medical Geology: A Regional SynthesisInt Year Planet Eart Medical Group Management JournalMed Group Manage JMedical HistoryMed HistMedical History SupplementMed Hist SupplMedical History, Supplement Med His SupMedical Humanities Med HumanitMedical Humanities Series Med Hum SerMedical HypothesesMed Hypotheses<Medical Image 2002: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Medical Image 2002: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc Spie(Medical Image Acquisition and ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Medical Image Acquisition and Processing Proc SpieMedical Image AnalysisMed Image AnalHMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2000Lect Notes Comput ScLMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention-miccai 2002, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput ScNMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2003, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput ScNMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2003, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc[Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2004, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2004, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2005, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput ScNMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2005, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput ScNMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2006, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput ScNMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2006, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc[Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2007, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScZMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention- Miccai 2007, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc\Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2008, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2008, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc\Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2009, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2009, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2010, Pt ILect Notes Comput ScPMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2010, Pt Ii,Lect Notes Comput ScPMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai 2010, Pt IiiLect Notes Comput ScFMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - Miccai'98Lect Notes Comput ScRMedical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention, Miccai'99, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Medical Image Processing: Techniques and ApplicationsBiol Med Phys Biomed,Medical Image V : Pacs Design and EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Medical Imaging 1993 : Image Capture, Formatting, and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Medical Imaging 1993 : Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Medical Imaging 1993 : Pacs Design and EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Medical Imaging 1993 : Physics of Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Medical Imaging 1995: Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Medical Imaging 1995 - Physics of Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Medical Imaging 1996: Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsJMedical Imaging 1996: Physiology and Function From Multidimensional ImagesP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Medical Imaging 1998: Image Processing, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsRMedical Imaging 1998 - Pacs Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical IssuesP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Medical Imaging 1999: Image DisplayP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Medical Imaging 1999: Image Display Proc Spie6Medical Imaging 1999: Image Perception and PerformanceP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Medical Imaging 1999: Image Perception and Performance Proc Spie3Medical Imaging 1999: Image Processing, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Medical Imaging 1999: Image Processing, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieRMedical Imaging 1999 - Pacs Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical IssuesP Soc Photo-opt InsRMedical Imaging 1999 - Pacs Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues Proc Spie=Medical Imaging 1999: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins=Medical Imaging 1999: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieJMedical Imaging 1999: Physiology and Function From Multidimensional ImagesP Soc Photo-opt InsJMedical Imaging 1999: Physiology and Function From Multidimensional Images Proc Spie7Medical Imaging 1999: Ultrasonic Transducer EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Medical Imaging 1999: Ultrasonic Transducer Engineering Proc Spie5Medical Imaging 2000: Image Display and VisualizationP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Medical Imaging 2000: Image Display and Visualization Proc Spie6Medical Imaging 2000: Image Perception and PerformanceP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Medical Imaging 2000: Image Perception and Performance Proc Spie3Medical Imaging 2000: Image Processing, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Medical Imaging 2000: Image Processing, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieRMedical Imaging 2000: Pacs Design and Evaluation - Engineering and Clinical IssuesP Soc Photo-opt InsRMedical Imaging 2000: Pacs Design and Evaluation - Engineering and Clinical Issues Proc Spie0Medical Imaging 2000: Physics of Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Medical Imaging 2000: Physics of Medical Imaging Proc SpieJMedical Imaging 2000: Physiology and Function Form Multidimensional ImagesP Soc Photo-opt InsJMedical Imaging 2000: Physiology and Function Form Multidimensional Images Proc Spie>Medical Imaging 2000: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Medical Imaging 2000: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc Spie6Medical Imaging 2001: Image Perception and PerformanceP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Medical Imaging 2001: Image Perception and Performance Proc Spie0Medical Imaging: 2001: Image Processing, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Medical Imaging: 2001: Image Processing, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie\Medical Imaging 2001: Pacs and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Medical Imaging 2001: Pacs and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evaluation Proc Spie0Medical Imaging 2001: Physics of Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Medical Imaging 2001: Physics of Medical Imaging Proc SpieJMedical Imaging 2001: Physiology and Function From Multidimensional ImagesP Soc Photo-opt InsJMedical Imaging 2001: Physiology and Function From Multidimensional Images Proc Spie>Medical Imaging 2001: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Medical Imaging 2001: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc SpieIMedical Imaging 2001: Visualization, Display, and Image-guided ProceduresP Soc Photo-opt InsIMedical Imaging 2001: Visualization, Display, and Image-guided Procedures Proc SpieWMedical Imaging 2002: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWMedical Imaging 2002: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Proc Spie/Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing, Vol 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing, Vol 1-3 Proc Spie\Medical Imaging 2002: Pacs and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Medical Imaging 2002: Pacs and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evaluation Proc Spie0Medical Imaging 2002: Physics of Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsJMedical Imaging 2002: Physiology and Function From Multidimensional ImagesP Soc Photo-opt InsJMedical Imaging 2002: Physiology and Function From Multidimensional Images Proc SpieIMedical Imaging 2002: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt InsIMedical Imaging 2002: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Display Proc SpieWMedical Imaging 2003: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWMedical Imaging 2003: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Proc Spie/Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie\Medical Imaging 2003: Pacs and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Medical Imaging 2003: Pacs and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evaluation Proc Spie=Medical Imaging 2003: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins=Medical Imaging 2003: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieQMedical Imaging 2003: Physiology and Function: Methods, Systems, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsQMedical Imaging 2003: Physiology and Function: Methods, Systems, and Applications Proc Spie>Medical Imaging 2003: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Medical Imaging 2003: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc SpieIMedical Imaging 2003: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt InsIMedical Imaging 2003: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Display Proc SpieWMedical Imaging 2004: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWMedical Imaging 2004: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Proc Spie/Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie2Medical Imaging 2004: Pacs and Imaging InformaticsPro Biomed Opt Imag=Medical Imaging 2004: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsMMedical Imaging 2004: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical ImagesPro Biomed Opt Imag>Medical Imaging 2004: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Medical Imaging 2004: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc SpieIMedical Imaging 2004: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt InsIMedical Imaging 2004: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Display Proc SpieWMedical Imaging 2005: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWMedical Imaging 2005: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Proc Spie.Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, Pt 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, Pt 1-3 Proc Spie2Medical Imaging 2005: Pacs and Imaging InformaticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Medical Imaging 2005: Pacs and Imaging Informatics Proc Spie=Medical Imaging 2005: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins=Medical Imaging 2005: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieZMedical Imaging 2005: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical Images, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsZMedical Imaging 2005: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical Images, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie>Medical Imaging 2005: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Medical Imaging 2005: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc SpieVMedical Imaging 2005: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Display, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsVMedical Imaging 2005: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Display, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieVMedical Imaging 2006: Image Perception, Observer Performance and Technology AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsVMedical Imaging 2006: Image Perception, Observer Performance and Technology Assessment Proc Spie/Medical Imaging 2006: Image Processing, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Medical Imaging 2006: Image Processing, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie2Medical Imaging 2006: Pacs and Imaging InformaticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Medical Imaging 2006: Pacs and Imaging Informatics Proc Spie9Medical Imaging 2006: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Medical Imaging 2006: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieYMedical Imaging 2006: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical Images Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsYMedical Imaging 2006: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical Images Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie>Medical Imaging 2006: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Medical Imaging 2006: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc SpieIMedical Imaging 2006: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt InsIMedical Imaging 2006: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Display Proc Spie;Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-aided Diagnosis, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-aided Diagnosis, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieWMedical Imaging 2007: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWMedical Imaging 2007: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Proc Spie/Medical Imaging 2007: Image Processing, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Medical Imaging 2007: Image Processing, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie2Medical Imaging 2007: Pacs and Imaging InformaticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Medical Imaging 2007: Pacs and Imaging Informatics Proc Spie9Medical Imaging 2007: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Medical Imaging 2007: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieMMedical Imaging 2007: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical ImagesP Soc Photo-opt InsMMedical Imaging 2007: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical Images Proc Spie>Medical Imaging 2007: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Medical Imaging 2007: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc SpieLMedical Imaging 2007: Visualization and Image-guided Procedures, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsLMedical Imaging 2007: Visualization and Image-guided Procedures, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie;Medical Imaging 2008: Computer-aided Diagnosis, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Medical Imaging 2008: Computer-aided Diagnosis, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieWMedical Imaging 2008: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWMedical Imaging 2008: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Proc Spie/Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie2Medical Imaging 2008: Pacs and Imaging Informatics Proc Spie9Medical Imaging 2008: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Medical Imaging 2008: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieMMedical Imaging 2008: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical ImagesP Soc Photo-opt InsMMedical Imaging 2008: Physiology, Function, and Structure From Medical Images Proc Spie>Medical Imaging 2008: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Medical Imaging 2008: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing Proc SpieWMedical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Modeling, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsWMedical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Modeling, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieZMedical Imaging 2010: Advanced Pacs-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Medical Imaging 2010: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Medical Imaging 2010: Computer - Aided DiagnosisP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Medical Imaging 2010: Computer - Aided Diagnosis Proc SpieWMedical Imaging 2010: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWMedical Imaging 2010: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment Proc Spie&Medical Imaging 2010: Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Medical Imaging 2010: Image Processing Proc Spie0Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging Proc SpieAMedical Imaging 2010: Ultrasonic Imaging, Tomography, and TherapyP Soc Photo-opt InsJMedical Imaging 2010: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and ModelingP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Medical Imaging 2011: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Medical Imaging 2011: Computer-aided Diagnosis Proc Spie&Medical Imaging 2011: Image Processing Proc Spie0Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging Proc SpieJMedical Imaging 2011: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Modeling Proc Spie%Medical Imaging and Augmented RealityLect Notes Comput Sc2Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMedical Imaging and InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc2Medical Imaging in Gastroenterology and Hepatology Falk Symp.Medical Imaging Iv : Image Capture and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Medical Imaging Iv : Image FormationP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Medical Imaging Iv : Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsEMedical Imaging Iv : Pacs System Design and Evaluation, Parts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Medical Imaging Vi : Image Capture, Formatting, and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Medical Imaging Vi : Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Medical Imaging Vi : InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Medical Imaging V : Image Capture, Formatting, and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Medical Imaging V : Image PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Medical Imaging V : Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Medical Imaging Vi : Pacs Design and EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Medical Infobahn for Europe, Proceedings St Heal T(Medical Infobahn for Europe, ProceedingsStud Health TechnolMedical Informatics Med Inform0Medical Informatics and The Internet in MedicineMed Inform InternetMedical Informatics Europe '96 St Heal TMedical Informatics Europe '97 St Heal TMedical Informatics Europe '97Stud Health TechnolMedical Informatics Europe '99 St Heal TMedical Informatics Europe '99Stud Health Technol$Medical Innovation At The Crossroads Med Inn CrMedical Instrumentation Med InstrumMedical Journal of AustraliaMed J AustraliaMedical Journal of Zambia Med J ZambiaMedical Laboratory Sciences Med Lab SciMedical Laboratory TechnologyMed Lab Technol:Medical Laser Applications and Laser-tissue Interactions V Proc SpieMedical Law and Moral RightsLaw Philos LibrMedical Law Review Med Law Rev(Medical Letter On Drugs and TherapeuticsMed Lett Drugs Ther0Medical Management of Oesophageal Reflux Disease Roy S Med STMedical Management of Selected Neurological Disorders: Epilepsy, Spasticity and PainRoy Soc Med Int Cong,Medical Methods for Termination of PregnancyWho Tech Rep Ser#Medical Microbiology and ImmunologyMed Microbiol ImmunMedical Microbiology LettersMed Microbiol Lett$Medical Mineraology and GeochemistryRev Mineral GeochemMedical Molecular MorphologyMed Mol MorpholMedical Mycology Med MycolMedical Oncology Med Oncol*Medical Oncology and Tumor PharmacotherapyMed Oncol Tumor PharMedical Physics Aip Conf ProcMedical PhysicsMed Phys$Medical Physics in The Baltic StatesMed Phys Baltic StathMedical Physics in The Baltic States: Proceedings of The 7th International Conference On Medical PhysicsMed Phys Baltic StatMedical Physics Monographs Med Phys MgMedical Principles and PracticeMed Prin Pract&Medical Problems of Performing ArtistsMed Probl Perform Ar#Medical Progress Through TechnologyMed Prog TechnolMedical Radiation Detectors Med Sci Ser$Medical Radiology Diagnostic ImagingMed Radiol Diagn Ima$Medical Radiology Radiation OncologyMed Radiol Rad Oncol$Medical Radiology-radiation OncologyMed Radiol Radiat OnMedical Record News Med Rec NewsTMedical Research At The Dawn of The 21st Century: Medical Research and Animal ModelsColloq Inst ServierMedical Research Engineering Med Res Eng(Medical Retina: Focus On Retinal ImagingEssent OphthalmolMedical Science MonitorMed Sci MonitorMedical Science Research Med Sci Res%Medical Science Research-biochemistryMed Sci Res-biochemMedical Science Series Med Sci SerMedical Science Symposia SeriesMed Sci Symp Ser:Medical Sensors Ii and Fiber Optic Sensors, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsMedical Simulation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIMedical Sociology and Old Age:towards A Sociology of Health in Later LifeCrit Stud Health SocMedical Teacher Med TeachMMedical Technologies and The Life World: The Social Construction of NormalityCrit Stud Health Soc$Medical Technologies in Neurosurgery Act Neur S$Medical Technologies in NeurosurgeryActa Neurochir SupplaMedical Technology Into Healthcare and Society: A Sociology of Devices, Innovation and GovernanceHealth Technol Soc0Medical Textiles and Biomaterials for HealthcareWoodh Publ Text.Medical Toxicology and Adverse Drug ExperienceMed Toxicol Adv DrugiMedical Treatment of Intoxications and Decontamination of Chemical Agents in The Area of Terrorist AttackNato Secur Sci Ser AiMedical Treatment of Intoxications and Decontamination of Chemical Agents in The Area of Terrorist AttackNato Security Sci AMedical UltrasoundMed UltrasoundMedical Virology Med VirolMedical Virology 10 Med VirolMedical Virology 9 Med Virol#Medicare Reform: Issues and AnswersBush Sch S Publ Medicc Review Medicc Rev%Medici Gardens: From Making to DesignPenn Stud Landsc ArcMedicinaMedicinaMedicina-buenos AiresMedicina-buenos AireMedicina ClinicaMed Clin-barcelonaMedicina Del LavoroMed LavMedicina Dello Sport Med SportMedicina EspanolaMed Esp(Medicina Et Pharmacologia ExperimentalisMed Pharmacol ExpMedicina ExperimentalisMed ExpMedicina Intensiva Med IntensivanMedicinal and Aromatic Plants: Agricultural, Commercial, Ecological, Legal, Pharmacological and Social Aspects Wag Ur Fron1Medicinal and Aromatic Plants-industrial ProfilesMed Aromat Plants-inMedicinal ChemistryMed ChemTMedicinal Chemistry and Pharmacological Potential of Fullerenes and Carbon NanotubesCarbon Mater-chem Ph'Medicinal Chemistry Into The Millennium Roy Soc ChMedicinal Chemistry Research Med Chem ResMedicina-lithuaniaMed Lith"Medicinal Organometallic ChemistryTop Organometal Chem?Medicinal Plants: Classification, Biosynthesis and PharmacologyBiotech Agr Ind MedMedicinal Research Reviews Med Res Rev,Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Y Cirugia BucalMed Oral Patol OralMedicina Paliativa Med PaliativaMedicina-revista Mexicana Med Rev Mex3Medicina-rivista Della Enciclopedia Medica ItalianaMed-riv Enc Med ItalMedicina Thoracalis Med ThoracMedicina Veterinaria-recifeMed Vet-recifeMedicineMedicineOMedicine and Change : Historical and Sociological Studies of Medical Innovation Colloq Inse>Medicine and Evolution: Current Applications, Future Prospects Soc St Hum&Medicine and Science in Aquatic Sports Med Sport Sci+Medicine and Science in Sports and ExerciseMed Sci Sport ExerMedicine and Sport Science Med Sport Sci#Medicine Health Care and PhilosophyMed Health Care PhilMedicine in The Enlightenment Clio Medica*Medicine, Malpractice and MisapprehensionsBiomed Law Ethics LiMedicine Meets Engineering St Heal TMedicine Meets EngineeringStud Health TechnolMedicine Meets Virtual Reality St Heal TMedicine Meets Virtual RealityStud Health Technol$Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 02/10 St Heal T$Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 02/10Stud Health Technol!Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 11 St Heal T!Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 11Stud Health Technol!Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 12 St Heal T!Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 12Stud Health TechnolKMedicine Meets Virtual Reality 13: The Magical Next Becomes The Medical Now St Heal T!Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 14 St Heal T!Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 15 St Heal T!Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16 St Heal T!Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16Stud Health TechnolFMedicine Meets Virtual Reality 17 - Nextmed: Design For/the Well Being St Heal TLMedicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001: Outer Space, Inner Space, Virtual Space St Heal TLMedicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001: Outer Space, Inner Space, Virtual SpaceStud Health TechnolMedicines and Foods Colloq SemiMedicine Science and The Law Med Sci Law=Medicine Series of The Commission of The European Communities Med S CommMedicinski GlasnikMed Glas@Medico-legal Issues in Infectious Diseases: Guide for PhysiciansEmerg Inf Dis 21st C$Medien Des Kollektiven GedachtnissesMedia Cult Mem Medien Und Kulturelle ErinnerungMedien Kult Erinneru8Medieval Andalusian Courtly Culture in The MediterraneanRoutl Stud Mid E LitIMedieval and Renaissance Humanism11: Rhetoric, Representation, and Reform Brill S In*Medieval and Renaissance Texts and StudiesMediev Ren Tex StudMedieval ArchaeologyMediev Archaeol-Medieval Author in Medieval French LiteratureStud Arthur Court CuCMedieval Boundaries: Rethinking Difference in Old French LiteratureMiddle Ages Ser-Medieval Chastity Belt: A Myth-making ProcessNew Middle AgesMedieval Culture and SocietyMediev Cult SocMedieval Cultures Mediev CultMedieval EducationFordham Ser Mediev SDMedieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy, ProceedingsAmst Stud Jew ThoughDMedieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy, ProceedingsAmst Stud JewishMedieval History Journal Mediev Hist J)Medievalism, Multilingualism, and ChaucerNew Middle AgesjMedieval Literacy and Textuality in Middle High German: Reading and Writing in Albrecht's Jungerer TiturelStud Arthur Court CuMedieval Mediterranean Mediev St MCMedieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400 - 1453Medieval Mediterr Medieval Opus False TitleIMedieval Poetics of The Reliquary: Enshrinement, Inscription, PerformanceNew Middle Ages8Medieval Romance and The Construction of HeterosexualityNew Middle AgesMedieval Sexuality: A CasebookRoutl Medieval CasebMedieval Studies At Minnesota Mediev St M Medieval Tibeto-burman LanguagesBrills Tibet Stu Lib#Medieval Tibeto-burman Languages IiBrills Tibet Stu LibMedieval Tuscan Pulpits Acad Tosc SMedikonMedikonXMedinfo 2001: Proceedings of The 10th World Congress On Medical Informatics, Pts 1 and 2 St Heal TXMedinfo 2001: Proceedings of The 10th World Congress On Medical Informatics, Pts 1 and 2Stud Health TechnolWMedinfo 2004: Proceedings of The 11th World Congress On Medical Informatics, Pt 1 and 2 St Heal TWMedinfo 2004: Proceedings of The 11th World Congress On Medical Informatics, Pt 1 and 2Stud Health TechnolaMedinfo 2007: Proceedings of The 12th World Congress On Health (medical) Informatics, Pts 1 and 2 St Heal TaMedinfo 2007: Proceedings of The 12th World Congress On Health (medical) Informatics, Pts 1 and 2Stud Health TechnolDMedinfo '98 - 9th World Congress On Medical Informatics, Pts 1 and 2 St Heal TDMedinfo '98 - 9th World Congress On Medical Informatics, Pts 1 and 2Stud Health Technol4Medioevo-rivista Di Storia Della Filosofia MedievaleMedioevo=Medioevo: Rivista Di Storia Della Filosofia Medievale, Vol 33Medioevo=Medioevo: Rivista Di Storia Della Filosofia Medievale, Vol 34Medioevo=Medioevo: Rivista Di Storia Della Filosofia Medievale, Vol 35MedioevoMedioevo RomanzoMedioevo Romanzo1Medi@sia: Global Media/tion in and Out of ContextAsias TransformOMeditations in Theology: Georges De Schrijver's Wager and Liberation TheologiesAnnu Nunt Lovanien(Mediterranean Archaeology & ArchaeometryMediterr Archaeol Ar-Mediterranean Climate: Variability and Trends Reg Clim St-Mediterranean Climate: Variability and Trends Reg Clim StudMediterranean Historical ReviewMediterr Hist Rev$Mediterranean Journal of MathematicsMediterr J Math Mediterranean Journal of OtologyMediterr J Otol7Mediterranean Landsurface Processes Assessed From Space Reg Clim StudMediterranean Marine ScienceMediterr Mar SciMediterranean PoliticsMediterr PolitMediterranean SocietyForward Stud SerMediterranea-ricerche StoricheMediterr-ric Stor Medium Aevum Medium AevumcMedium- and Long-term Energy Outlook : Energy Balances in Oil-importing and Oil-exporting Countries Energ S CecCMedium-energy Antiprotons and The Quark-gluon Structures of Hadrons E Maj Int SMedizinische Dokumentation Med DokumMedizinische Genetik Med GenetMedizinische GenetikMed Genet-berlinMedizinische KlinikMed KlineMedizinische Schreibweisen: Ausdifferenzierung Und Transfer Zwischen Medizin Und Literatur (16001900)Stud Texte SozialgesMedizinische WeltMed WeltMedscape Womens HealthMedscape Womens HealMedtech 89 : Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsMedullary Thyroid Carcinoma / Colloq InseMedycyna PracyMed PrMedycyna Weterynaryjna Med Weter*Meeresforschung-reports On Marine ResearchMeeresforschungMeeting Basic Learning Needs in The Informal Sector: Integrating Education and Training for Decent Work, Empowerment and Citizenship Vol 2Tech Vocat Ed TrainUMeeting The China Challenge: The U.s. in Southeast Asian Regional Security StrategiesPol StudMeeting The Entropy Challenge Aip Conf Proc&Meeting The Human Immunology ChallengeAnn Ny Acad Sci6Megacities: Urban Form, Governance, and SustainabilityCsur Ut Ser Lib SustjMegadesign and Megaopt - German Initiatives for Aerodynamic Simulation and Optimization in Aircraft DesignNote N Fl Mech Mul D8Megaflow - Numerical Flow Simulation for Aircraft DesignNote N Fl Mech Mul DMegamotMegamotMeiosis and GametogenesisCurr Top Dev Biol-Meiosis, Vol 1: Molecular and Genetic MethodsMethods Mol Biol#Meiosis, Vol 2: Cytological MethodsMethods Mol BiolMeister Eckhart in ErfurtMiscellan Mediaeval Melanges De La Casa De VelazquezMelanges Casa Velazq9Melanocortins: Multiple Actions and Therapeutic PotentialAdv Exp Med BiolMelanocortin SystemAnn Ny Acad Sci}Melanogenesis and Malignant Melanoma: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment Int Congr SerMelanoma Research Melanoma ResMelatonin After Four DecadesAdv Exp Med BiolMelatonin and The Pineal Gland Int Congr Ser@Melatonin: A Universal Photoperiodic Signal With Diverse ActionsFront Horm ResMelatonin, Sleep and InsomniaEndocr Res Clin Dev6Melbourne Studies in Comparative and International LawMelb Stu C Int LawMelbourne University Law ReviewMelb Univ Law Rev&Meldinger Fra Norges LandbrukshogskoleMeld Norg LandbruksqMelecon 2000: Information Technology and Electrotechnology for The Mediterranean Countries, Vols 1-3, ProceedingsIeee Mediterr Elect^Melecon 2004: Proceedings of The 12th Ieee Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Vols 1-3Ieee Mediterr ElectEMelecon 2010: The 15th Ieee Mediterranean Electrotechnical ConferenceIeee Mediterr ElectTMelecon '96 - 8th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Proceedings, Vols I-iiiIeee Mediterr ElectIMelecon '98 - 9th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Conf RMellen Studies in AnthropologyMell Stud AnthroMellen Studies in Business Mell St BusMellen Studies in Sociology Mellen St S5Melliand Textilberichte International Textile ReportsMelliand Textil Int Melos-neue Zeitschrift Fur MusikMelos-n Z MusikBMelt Chemistry, Relaxation, and Solidification Kinetics of Glasses Ceram TransfMeltdown: Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Other Catastrophes - Fears and Concerns for The FutureNat Disaster Res PrGMelt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems Dev VolcanoMelusMelusMelusineMelusine&Membrane and Desalination TechnologiesHandb Environ EngMembrane BiochemistryMembrane BiochemMembrane ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc#Membrane Formation and Modification Acs Sym SerMembrane FusionCurr Top MembrMembrane in Cancer CellsAnn Ny Acad Sci/Membrane-mimetic Approach to Advanced Materials Adv Polym SciMembrane PermeabilityCurr Top Membr1Membrane Processes in Separation and PurificationNato Adv Sci Inst Se Membrane Protein CrystallizationCurr Top Membr*Membrane Protein-cytoskeleton InteractionsCurr Top MembrMembrane ProteinsAdv Protein Chem7Membrane Proteins : Structures, Interactions and Models Jerus Sym Q?Membrane Protein Structure Determination: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMembrane Reactor Technology Aiche Sym SFMembrane Receptors, Channels and Transporters in Pulmonary CirculationAdv Exp Med Biol8Membranes in Drinking and Industrial Water Production IiWa Sci Technol2Membranes-preparation, Properties and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PMembrane Technology Serono Sym5Membrane Technology in Water and Wastewater Treatment Roy Soc Ch)Membrane Trafficking in Viral ReplicationCurr Top Microbiol'Membrane Transport and Renal Physiology Ima V MathNMembrane Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolHMembrane Transport in Plants and Fungi: Molecular Mechanisms and ControlSym Soc Exp BiolgMembranverfahren: Grundlagen Der Modul- Und Anlagenauslegung, 3 Aktualisierte Und Erweiterte Auflage EdVDI-BuchPMemea: 2009 Ieee International Workshop On Medical Measurements and ApplicationsIeee Int Work Med MeMemento Philos Film3Memoire Della Societa Astronomica Italiana - SeriesMem Soc Astron Ital?Memoires De La Societe Geologique De France, ( Nouvelle Serie ) Mem S Geo F-Memoires De La Societe Mathematique De FranceMem Soc Math Fr6Memoires De La Societe Royale De Botanique De Belgique Mem S R Bot7Memoires De Toulouse: Ville D'hier, Ville D'aujourd'hui Villes Territ0Memoires Du Museum National D Histoire NaturelleMem Mus Nat Hist Nat0Memoires Du Museum National D Histoire NaturelleMemoir Mus Natl Hist;Memoires Et Etudes Scientifiques De La Revue De MetallurgieMem Etud Sci Rev Met1Memoires Scientifiques De La Revue De MetallurgieMem Etud Sci Rev Met,Memoirs of The American Mathematical SocietyMem Am Math Soc-Memoirs of The American Philosophical Society Mem A Philo-Memoirs of The American Philosophical SocietyMem Am Philos Soc;Memoirs of The Association of Australasian PalaeontologistsMem Assoc Australas-Memoirs of The California Academy of SciencesMem Calif Acad Sci.Memoirs of The Entomological Society of CanadaMem Entomol Soc Can(Memoirs of The New York Botanical GardenMem New York Botan G)Memoirs of The Royal Metrological SocietyMem R Metrol SocMemorabilia Zoologica Mem Zoologi9Memorias De La Real Sociedad Espanola De Historia NaturalMem Real Soc Esp His"Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo CruzMem I Oswaldo CruzBMemorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Vol 82, Suppl 3, Special Issue Mem I Os CrQMemories From Darkness: Archaeology of Repression and Resistance in Latin AmericaContrib Glob Hist ArMemories in Wireless SystemsSignals Commun Techn Memories: Molecules and CircuitsRes Per NeurosciMemoryMemoryMemoryNew Crit IdiomQMemory, Allegory, and Testimony in South American Theater: Upstaging DictatorshipRoutl Adv Theatr PerMemory & Cognition Mem Cognition Memory and Affect in DevelopmentMinn Sym Child PsychMemory and EmotionSer Biophys BiocyberMemory Concepts - 1993 Int Congr Ser-Memory in Play: From Aeschylus to Sam ShepardPalg Stud Theat Perf+Memory in The Ontopoiesis of Life, Book OneAnal Hus`Memory in The Ontopoiesis of Life: Memory in The Orbit of The Human Creative Existence, Book TwoAnal HusMemory ManagementLect Notes Comput ScMemory MattersInterd Germ Cult&Memory of Touch, for Love of The OtherInt Stud Philos MonoMemory T CellsAdv Exp Med Biol_Mems-03: Ieee The Sixteenth Annual International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical SystemsProc Ieee Micr ElectcMems 2004: 17th Ieee International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Technical DigestProc Ieee Micr Elect!Mems 2005 Miami: Technical DigestProc Ieee Micr ElectcMems 2006: 19th Ieee International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Technical DigestProc Ieee Micr ElectcMems 2008: 21st Ieee International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Technical DigestProc Ieee Micr ElectcMems 2010: 23rd Ieee International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Technical DigestProc Ieee Micr ElectgMems 97, Proceedings - Ieee The Tenth Annual International Workshop On Micro Electro Mechanical SystemsProc Ieee Micr ElecteMems '99: Twelfth Ieee International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Technical DigestProc Ieee Micr ElectMems Adaptive OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsMems Adaptive Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMems Adaptive Optics Ii Proc SpieMems Adaptive Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMems Adaptive Optics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins Mems-based Integrated NavigationArtech Hse Gnss TechXMems Components and Applications for Industry, Automobiles, Aerospace, and CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Mems Components and Applications for Industry, Automobiles, Aerospace, and Communication IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Mems Components and Applications for Industry, Automobiles, Aerospace, and Communication Ii Proc Spie9Mems Design, Fabrication, Characterization, and PackagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Mems Design, Fabrication, Characterization, and Packaging Proc Spie.Mems Linear and Nonlinear Statics and Dynamics Microsyst Ser%Mems Materials and Processes HandbookMems Ref Shelf[Mems/moems: Advances in Photonic Communications, Sensing, Metrology, Packaging and AssemblyP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Mems/moems: Advances in Photonic Communications, Sensing, Metrology, Packaging and Assembly Proc Spie!Mems, Moems, and Micromaching IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Mems, Moems, and Micromaching Iii Proc SpieMems, Moems, and MicromachiningP Soc Photo-opt InsMems, Moems, and Micromachining Proc Spie"Mems, Moems, and Micromachining IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Mems, Moems, and Micromachining Ii Proc Spie,Mems/moems Components and Their ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Mems/moems Components and Their Applications Proc Spie/Mems/moems Components and Their Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Mems/moems Components and Their Applications Ii Proc Spie0Mems/moems Components and Their Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Mems/moems Components and Their Applications Iii Proc Spie/Mems/moems Components and Their Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Mems/moems Components and Their Applications Iv Proc SpieoMems/moems Components and Their Applications V. - Special Focus Topics: Transducers At The Micro-nano InterfaceP Soc Photo-opt InsoMems/moems Components and Their Applications V. - Special Focus Topics: Transducers At The Micro-nano Interface Proc Spie(Mems/moems Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Mems/moems Technologies and Applications Proc Spie+Mems/moems Technologies and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Mems/moems Technologies and Applications Ii Proc Spie,Mems/moems Technologies and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMems Reference ShelfMems Ref ShelfMems ReliabilityMems Ref Shelf4Mems Reliability for Critical and Space ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Mems Reliability for Critical and Space Applications Proc Spie*Mems Reliability for Critical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Mems Reliability for Critical Applications Proc SpieFMems Vibratory Gyroscopes: Structural Approaches to Improve RobustnessMems Ref Shelf Men and Addictions: New ResearchSubst Abus Assess InMen and MasculinitiesMen Masc Menckeniana MenckenianaMendelMendelMendeleev CommunicationsMendeleev Commun Mendell 2009MendelOMendels Theatre: Heredity, Eugenics, and Early Twentieth-century American DramaPalg Stud Theat Perf Mendip Papers Mendip PapMengen- Und SpurenelementeMengen SpurenelementMengen-und SpurenelementeMengen Spurenelement#Mengen- Und Spurenelemente (series)Mengen Spurenelement=Menopause-the Journal of The North American Menopause Society MenopauseKMenopause: Vasomotor Symptoms, Systematic Treatments and Self-care MeasuresAging Iss Health FinYMenschengerechte Groupware - Software-ergonomische Gestaltung Und Partizipative Umsetzung Ber Ger AcmMenschliches LebenGrundthemen PhilosMen's Family RelationsGoteb Univ Dep Socio%Menstrual Cycle and Adolescent HealthAnn Ny Acad Sci=Mental Disorders and Cognitive Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis Curr Prob NMental Handicap ResearchMent Handicap ResMental Health and SocietyMent Health SocMental Health As The Observable Colloq Inse'Mental Health Library Series: MonographMent Heal Lib MonogrMental HospitalsMent HospitalsMental HygieneMent HygWMentalization: Theoretical Considerations, Research Findings, and Clinical ImplicationsPsychoanal Inq Book.Mental Models and Human-computer Interaction 1 Hum Fac InfVMental Representation and Processing of Geographic Knowledge: A Computational ApproachLect Notes Artif IntMental Retardation Ment RetardBMental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research ReviewsMent Retard Dev D R9Mental Retardation, Personality, and Motivational SystemsInt Rev Res Ment RetzMentoring and Diversity: Tips for Students and Professionals for Developing and Maintaining A Diverse Scientific CommunityMentor Acad Ind"Mentoring in Academia and IndustryMentor Acad Ind:Mentoring: Program Development, Relationships and OutcomesEduc Compet Glob WorCMentoring Strategies to Facilitate The Advancement of Women Faculty Acs Sym SerMercer Law ReviewMercer Law Rev)Mercer University Lamar Memorial Lectures Mercer U LMercury, Mars and Saturn Adv Space ResMercury, Mars and SaturnAdv Space Res-seriesMercury Series Mercury SerPMercury Series Archaeological Survey of Canada Papers-national Museums of CanadaMercury Ser ArchaeolCMercury Series Ethnology Division Papers-national Museums of CanadaMercury Ser Ethnol7Merger and Competition Policy in The European Community De Vries L6Mergers and Acquisitions in Asia: A Global PerspectiveRoutl Stud Glob CompMergers and Productivity Nber Conf ROMerica: A Conference On The Culture and Literature of Italians in North America Filibrary S'Merit Aid and The Politics of EducationStud High Educ Ser@Merkel Cells, Merkel Cell Carcinoma and Neurobiology of The Skin Int Congr Ser3Merkur-deutsche Zeitschrift Fur Europaisches DenkenMerkur-deut Z Eur D Merleau-ponty Routl PhilosMer-marine Engineers ReviewMer-mar Eng Rev<Merrill-palmer Quarterly-journal of Developmental PsychologyMerrill Palmer Quart4Merrill-palmer Quarterly of Behavior and DevelopmentMerrill-palmer Q Beh$Mershon International Studies ReviewMershon Int Stud RevMesa MonographsMesa Mg+Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus in The CatAdv Anat Embryol Cel-Mesenchymal Stem Cell Assays and ApplicationsMethods Mol Biol;Mesenchymal Stem Cells for The Heart: From Bench to BedsideAdv Top Sci Tech Chi&Meshfree Methods for Partial EquationsLect Notes Comp SciMesh Reduction MethodsWit Trans Model Sim6Mesocscopic Theory of Polymer Dynamics, Second EditionSpringer Ser Chem PhMesomechanics 2009Procedia Engineer,Meson Physics At Cosy - 11 and Wasa-at- Cosy Aip Conf ProcMesons and Light Nuclei Aip Conf ProcMesons and Light Nuclei '95 Few Body Sy=Mesopause and Extra-terrestrial Influences On The Ozone Layer Adv Space Res#Mesophases, Polymers, and ParticlesProg Coll Pol Sci S9Mesoporous Crystals and Related Nano-structured MaterialsStud Surf Sci Catal>Mesoporous Materials: Properties, Preparation and ApplicationsMater Sci Technol Mesoporous Molecular Sieves 1998Stud Surf Sci CatalMesopotamian Dark Age Revisited Con Chronol$Mesoscale Phenomena in Fluid Systems Acs Sym SerMesoscopic Electron TransportNato Adv Sci I E-app1Mesoscopic, Nanoscopic, and Macroscopic Materials Aip Conf Proc%Mesoscopic Physics and NanotechnologyMesoscopic Phys NanoMesoscopic Quantum Physics Les Houch SPMesozoic and Cenozoic Carbonate Systems of The Mediterranean and The Middle EastGeol Soc Spec PublAMesozoic Sub-continental Lithospheric Thinning Under Eastern AsiaGeol Soc Spec Publ(Message Effects in Communication Science Sage Ar Cr Messtechnik MesstechnikMesterMesterCMestizo Scripts, Digital Migrations, and The Territories of WritingNew Concepts Lat AmMesures Regulation AutomatismeMes Regul AutomatMetaMeta5Meta-analysis of Binary Data Using Profile Likelihood Interd Stat9Metabolic and Nutritional Abnormalities in Kidney DiseaseContrib Nephrol%Metabolic and Pediatric OphthalmologyMetab Pediatr Syst O)Metabolic Bone Disease & Related ResearchMetab Bone Dis RelatMetabolic Brain DiseaseMetab Brain Dis3Metabolic Diseases-laboratory and Clinical ResearchMetab Dis-lab Clin R6Metabolic Disorders and Nutrition Correlated With SkinCurr Probl DermatolMetabolic Encephalopathies Mariani F PMetabolic Engineering Metab Eng&Metabolic Issues of Clinical Nutrition Nes Nutr WsMetabolic OphthalmologyMetab Pediatr Syst O.Metabolic Pediatric and Systemic OphthalmologyMetab Pediatr Syst O*Metabolic Profiling: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol(Metabolic Syndrome and Related DisordersMetab Syndr Relat DFMetabolic Syndrome: Diabetes, Obesity, Hyperlipidemia and Hypertension Int Congr SerOMetabolic Syndrome: Epidemiology, Clinical Treatment, and Underlying MechanismsContemp Endocrinol S Metabolism Metabolis$Metabolism-clinical and Experimental Metabolism+Metabolismes Hormones Diabetes Et NutritionMetab Horm Diabet Nu#Metabolism in The Female Life CycleFront Endocrinol}Metabolism, Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity of Functional Groups: Impact of The Building Blocks of Medicinal Chemistry On AdmetRsc Drug Discov Metabolomics Metabolomics3Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors and Brain Function Portl Pr P!Metaclasses and Their ApplicationLect Notes Comput ScMetacognition and LearningMetacogn LearnMetadata and Semantic ResearchComm Com Inf Sc+Metadata and Semantic Research, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScgMetadata-driven Software Systems in Biomedicine: Designing Systems That Can Adapt to Changing KnowledgeHealth Inform Ser#Metagenomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol!Metagraphs and Their ApplicationsIntegr Ser Inform SyMetaheuristic ClusteringStud Comput Intell6Metaheuristic Procedures for Training Neutral NetworksOper Res Comput Sci(Metaheuristics: Computer Decision-making Appl Optim(Metaheuristics: Computer Decision-makingAppl OptimizatCMetaheuristics for Scheduling in Distributed Computing EnvironmentsStud Comput IntellJMetaheuristics for Scheduling in Industrial and Manufacturing ApplicationsStud Comput Intell&Metaheuristics in The Service IndustryLect Notes Econ Math8Metaheuristics: Progress in Complex Systems OptimizationOper Res Comput SciMetainformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc#Metal and Ceramic Matrix CompositesSer Mat Sci Engn#Metal and Ceramic Matrix CompositesSer Mater Sci Eng(Metal Catalysts in Olefin PolymerizationTop Organometal Chem`Metal Catalyzed Reductive C-c Bond Formation: A Departure From Preformed Organometallic Reagents Top Curr ChemVMetal Complex Catalysts Supercritical Fluid Polymerization Supramolecular Architecture Adv Polym Sci-Metal Complexes With Tetrapyrrole Ligands Iii Struct BondMetal ConstructionMet Constr-brit Weld.Metal Construction and British Welding JournalMet Constr-brit WeldAMetal-containing and Metallosupramolecular Polymers and Materials Acs Sym Ser Metal Cutting: Research AdvancesMater Manuf TechnolMetal Cuttings Met Cuttings+Meta-learning in Computational IntelligenceStud Comput Intell)Metal Fatigue: What It Is, Why It MattersSolid Mech ApplMetal Finishing Met Finish Metal FormingMet FormdMetal Ions in Biolgical Systems, Vol 42: Metal Complexes in Tumor Diagnosis and As Anticancer AgentsMet Ions Biol Syst Metal Ions in Biological SystemsMet Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 30Met Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 31Met Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 32Met Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 33Met Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 34Met Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 35Met Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 36Met Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 37Met Ions Biol SystVMetal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 41: Metal Ions and Their Complexes in MedicationMet Ions Biol Syst(Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Vol 44Met Ions Biol Syst"Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine Met Ion Bio"Metal Ions in Biology and MedicineMetal Ions Biol Med*Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 10Metal Ions Biol Med)Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 2Metal Ions Biol Med)Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 3 Met Ion Bio)Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 4 Met Ion Bio)Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 4Metal Ions Biol Med)Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 5Metal Ions Biol Med)Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 7Metal Ions Biol Med)Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 8Metal Ions Biol Med)Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 9Metal Ions Biol MedMetal Ions in Life SciencesMetal Ions Life SciMetallMetallZMetallfedern: Grundlagen, Werkstoffe, Berechnung, Gestaltung Und Rechnereinsatz, 2 AuflageVDI-Buch:Metallic Alloys: Experimental and Theoretical PerspectivesNato Adv Sci Inst SerMetallic and Molecular Interactions in Nanometer Layers, Pores and Particles: New Findings At The Yoctolitre LevelRsc Nanosci Nanotech2Metallic Materials With High Structural EfficiencyNato Sci Ser Ii Math2Metallic Materials With High Structural EfficiencyNato Sci Ser Ii-mathDMetallic Micro and Nano Materials: Fabrication With Atomic Diffusion Eng MaterMetallic MultilayersMater Sci ForumMetal-ligand InteractionsNato Adv Sci Inst Se@Metal-ligand Interactions : From Atoms, to Clusters, to SurfacesNato Adv Sci Inst Se;Metal-ligand Interactions in Chemistry, Physics and BiologyNato Adv Sci I C-mat^Metal-ligand Interactions: Molecular, Nano-, Micro-, and Macro-systems in Complex EnvironmentsNato Sci Ser Ii Math^Metal-ligand Interactions: Molecular, Nano-, Micro-, and Macro-systems in Complex EnvironmentsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathMetallization of Polymers Acs Sym SerDMetallization : Performance and Reliability Issues for Vlsi and UlsiP Soc Photo-opt InsMetallobiochemistry, Part CMethod EnzymolMetallobiochemistry, Part CMethods EnzymolMetallobiochemistry, Pt DMethod Enzymol%Metallofizika I Noveishie TekhnologiiMetallofiz Nov Tekh+MMetallofizika I Noveishie Tekhnologii-metal Physics and Advanced TechnologiesMetallofiz Nov Tekh+OMetallographic Characterization of Metals After Welding, Processing and Service Microstr Sc Metallography Metallography Metallomics MetallomicsMetallothionein Iii Adv Lif Sci Metallurgia MetallurgiaMetallurgia and Metal FormingMetall Met FormMetallurgia Italiana Metall ItalTMetallurgical and Materials Transactions A-physical Metallurgy and Materials ScienceMetall Mater Trans A^Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B-process Metallurgy and Materials Processing ScienceMetall Mater Trans BMetallurgical Transactions Metall TransFMetallurgical Transactions A-physical Metallurgy and Materials ScienceMetall Trans A/Metallurgical Transactions B-process MetallurgyMetall Trans B Metallurgist Metallurgist+Metal-metal Bonding Struct Bond9Metal-metal Bonds and Clusters in Chemistry and Catalysis Ind Univ CMetal-microbe InteractionsSpec Publ Soc Gen Mi Metal MirrorsP Soc Photo-opt InsBMetal/nonmetal Microsystems: Physics, Technology, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Electronic CeramicsMater Res Soc Symp PAMetal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Electronic Ceramics IiMater Res Soc Symp P]Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Organic Solvents: Synthesis, Formation, Assembly and ApplicationEng Mater Process:Metal-oxo and Metal-peroxo Species in Catalytic Oxidations Struct BondMetal ProgressMet Prog"Metals and Materials International Met Mater Int"Metals and Materials International Met Mater-intMetals and Materials-koreaMet Mater-korea!Metals and The Environment Series Met Environm Metal ScienceMet Sci Metal Science and Heat TreatmentMet Sci Heat Treat+Metals Engineering Quarterly Met Eng QuartMetals for Biomedical DevicesWoodhead Publ Mater Metals Forum Met ForumHMetals in Biology: Applications of High-resolution Epr to MetalloenzymesBiol Magn Reson"Metal Sites in Proteins and Models Struct BondMetals Materials and ProcessesMet Mater ProcessMetal Stamping Met StampMetals Technology Met TechnolMetal-to-nonmetal TransitionsSpringer Series MateMetal Treating Metal TreatMetalurgia International Metal Int Metalurgija Metalurgija Metalworking MetalworkingMetalworking EconomicsMetalwork EconMetalworking ProductionMetalwork ProdCMetamaterials and Plasmonics: Fundamentals, Modelling, ApplicationsNato Science Peace S3Metamaterials: Classes, Properties and ApplicationsMater Sci Technol,Metamaterials: Fundamentals and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications Proc Spie0Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications Iii Proc SpieMetamaterials IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMetamaterials Ii Proc SpieMetamaterials Iii Proc SpieMetamaterials VP Soc Photo-opt InsMetamaterials V Proc Spie4Metamorphoses of Hamiltonian Systems With SymmetriesLect Notes MathTMetamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early ChristianityEkstasisEMetamorphosis of Magic From Late Antiquity to The Early Modern Period Gr Stud CultMetamorphosis: Transformations of The Body and The Influence of Ovid's Metamorphoses On Germanic Literature of The Nineteenth and Twentieth CenturiesInt Forsch Allg VglMetaphilosophyMetaphilosophyMetaphorNew Crit Idiom)Metaphor and Analogy in Science EducationSci Technol Educ Lib9Metaphor and Continental Philosophy: From Kant to DerridaRout Stud Tw Cen PhiMetaphor and SymbolMetaphor SymbolMetaphor and Symbolic ActivityMetaphor Symb Act!Metaphor in Cognitive LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory His2Metaphor, Metonymy, and Experientialist PhilosophyTop Engl Linguist6Metaphysics and God: Essays in Honor of Eleonore StumpRout Stud Philos RelMetaphysics of ConsciousnessRoy I Philos SupplMetaphysics of MemoryPhilos Stud SerXMetaphysics of Perception: Wilfrid Sellars, Perpetual Consciousness and Critical RealismRout Stud Tw Cen PhiMetaphysics of Perfect BeingsRout Stud Philos RelnMetaphysics of Science: An Account of Modern Science in Terms of Principles, Laws and Theories, Second EditionBost Stud Philos SciMeta-programming in LogicLect Notes Comput Sc%Meta-programming in Logic ProgrammingLogic Programm;Metasomatism in Oceanic and Continental Lithospheric MantleGeol Soc Spec PublUMetasprachdiskurse: Einstellungen Zu Anglizismen Und Ihre Wissenschaftliche RezeptionLinguist-impulse Ten+Metastable and Nanostructured Materials IiiMater Sci ForumCMetastable and Nanostructured Materials - Nanomat-2001, ProceedingsMater Sci Forum>Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline MaterialsJ Metastab Nanocryst>Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline MaterialsMater Sci ForumLMetastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials, Ismanam-2000Mater Sci ForumKMetastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum%Metastable Phases and MicrostructuresMater Res Soc Symp P:Metastable States in Amorphous Chalcogenide SemiconductorsSpringer Ser Mater S!Metastable Systems Under PressureNato Sci Peace Sec AMetastasis of Colorectal CancerCancer Metast Biol TRMetathesis Chemistry: From Nanostructure Design to Synthesis of Advanced MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii MathMetathesis Polymerization Adv Polym SciBMetathesis Polymerization of Olefins and Polymerization of AlkynesNato Adv Sci I C-matMeteorite ImpactGeoparks World Meteoritics MeteoriticsMeteoritics & Planetary ScienceMeteorit Planet SciMeteoritics & Planetary ScienceMetorit Planet SciMeteorological Applications Meteorol ApplMeteorological Magazine Meteorol MagMeteorological Monographs Meteor MonMeteorologische RundschauMeteorol RundschMeteorologische Zeitschrift Meteorol Z#Meteorology and Atmospheric PhysicsMeteorol Atmos PhysMethane Gas HydrateGreen Energy Technol_Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (mrsa): Etiology, At-risk Populations and TreatmentBacteriol Res Dev(Method & Theory in The Study of ReligionMeth Theory Stud Rel1Method and Substance in Macrocomparative AnalysisRes Methods SerMethodenMethodenYMethoden Der Diskurslinguistik: Sprachwissenschaftliche Zugange Zur Transtextuellen EbeneLinguist-impulse TenwMethodische Entwicklung Technischer Produkte: Methoden Flexibel Und Situationsgerecht Anwenden, 3., Korrigierte AuflageVDI-Buch6Method of Approximate Inverse: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes MathaMethod of Intrinsic Scaling: A Systematic Approach to Regularity for Degenerate and Singular PdesLect Notes Math'Methodological Issues in Aging ResearchN D Ser Quant MethodKMethodological Surveys in Biochemistry and Analysis, Subseries A : Analysis Meth Surv AOMethodological Surveys in Biochemistry and Analysis, Subseries B : Biochemistry Meth Surv IWMethodologies for Developing and Managing Emerging Technology Based Information SystemsBcs Conf Series%Methodologies for Intelligent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int%Methodologies in Asymmetric Catalysis Acs Sym Ser0Methodology and Computing in Applied ProbabilityMethodol Comput ApplWMethodology-european Journal of Research Methods for The Behavioral and Social SciencesMethodology-euroMethodology of Assessment of Occupational Exposures in The Context of Epidemiological Detection of Cancer Risks Med S Comm3Methodology of The Evaluation of Psychotropic Drugs Psychoph SMethodos Series Methods SerMethodsMethods,Methods-a Companion to Methods in EnzymologyMethods.Methods and Applications in MicropalaeontologyStud Geol Polon3Methods and Applications of Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int@Methods and Applications of Artificial 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Diagnosing The Efficiency of Catalytic Converters: A Patent-oriented SurveyStud Surf Sci CatalMMethods for The Discovery and Characterization of G Protein-coupled Receptors Neuromethods$Methods for Ultrasensitive DetectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Methods for Ultrasensitive Detection IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMethods in BiobankingMethods Mol Biol0Methods in Bioengineering: 3d Tissue EngineeringArtech Hse Meth BioeEMethods in Bioengineering: Alternative Technologies to Animal TestingArtech Hse Meth BioeCMethods in Bioengineering: Biomicrofabrication and BiomicrofluidicsArtech Hse Meth Bioe/Methods in Bioengineering: Cell TransplantationArtech Hse Meth Bioe?Methods in Bioengineering: Microdevices in Biology and MedicineArtech Hse Meth BioeDMethods in Bioengineering: Nanoscale Bioengineering and NanomedicineArtech Hse Meth Bioe?Methods in Bioengineering: Organ Preservation and ReengineeringArtech Hse Meth Bioe3Methods in Bioengineering: Stem Cell BioengineeringArtech Hse Meth BioeBMethods in 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Enzymology: Biothermodynamics, Vol 492, Pt DMethod Enzymol/Methods in Enzymology: Computer Methods, Part BMethod Enzymol6Methods in Enzymology: Computer Methods, Vol 454, Pt AMethod Enzymol&Methods in Enzymology; Liposomes, Pt FMethod Enzymol%Methods in Enzymology Liposomes, Pt GMethod Enzymol:Methods in Enzymology: Methods in Methane Metabolism, Pt AMethod EnzymolCMethods in Enzymology: Methods in Methane Metabolism, Vol 495, Pt BMethod Enzymol.Methods in Enzymology: Non-natural Amino AcidsMethod EnzymolWMethods in Enzymology: Research On Nitrification and Related Processes, Vol 486, Part AMethod EnzymolSMethods in Enzymology: Unfolded Protein Response and Cellular Stress, Vol 489, Pt AMethod EnzymolSMethods in Enzymology: Unfolded Protein Response and Cellular Stress, Vol 490, Pt BMethod EnzymolIMethods in Enzymology, Vol 355: Cumulative Subject Index for Vols 321-354Method EnzymolUMethods in Enzymology, Vol 406, Regulators and Effectors of Small Gtpases: Rho FamilyMethod EnzymolSMethods in Enzymology Vol 453: Autophagy in Disease and Clinical Applications, Pt CMethod EnzymolMethods in Enzymology, Vol 456Method EnzymolMethods in Enzymology, Vol 457: Mitochondrial Function, Partb Mitochondrial Protein Kinases, Protein Phosphatases and Mitochondrial DiseasesMethod Enzymol2Methods in Enzymology, Vol 461: Chemokines, Part BMethod Enzymol7Methods in Enzymology, Vol 466: Biothermodynamics, Pt BMethod Enzymol}Methods in Enzymology, Vol 468: Biophysical, Chemical, and Functional Probes of Rna Structure, Interactions and Folding, Pt AMethod Enzymol}Methods in Enzymology, Vol 469: Biophysical, Chemical, and Functional Probes of Rna Structure, Interactions and Folding, Pt BMethod EnzymolTMethods in Enzymology, Vol 46: Research On Nitrification and Related Processes, Pt BMethod Enzymol8Methods in Enzymology, Vol 470: Guide to Yeast Genetics:Method EnzymolGMethods in Enzymology, Vol 471: Two-component Signaling Systems, Part CMethod EnzymolZMethods in Enzymology, Vol 472: Single Molecule Tools, Pt A: Fluorescence Based ApproachesMethod EnzymolMethods in Enzymology, Vol 473: Thiol Redox Transitions in Cell Signaling, Pt A: Chemistry and Biochemistry of Low Molecular Weight and Protein ThiolsMethod EnzymoltMethods in Enzymology, Vol 474: Thiol Redox Transitions in Cell Signaling, Pt B: Cellular Localization and SignalingMethod Enzymol;Methods in Enzymology, Vol 475: Single Molecule Tools, Pt BMethod EnzymolzMethods in Enzymology, Vol 477: Guide to Techniques in Mouse Development, Part B: Mouse Molecular Genetics, Second EditionMethod Enzymol)Methods in Enzymology, Vol 478: GlycomicsMethod Enzymol4Methods in Enzymology, Vol 479: Functional GlycomicsMethod Enzymol,Methods in Enzymology, Vol 480: GlycobiologyMethod EnzymolXMethods in Enzymology, Vol 481: Cryo-em, Part A - Sample Preparation and Data CollectionMethod EnzymolCMethods in Enzymology, Vol 482: Cryo-em, Part B: 3-d ReconstructionMethod Enzymol[Methods in Enzymology, Vol 483: Cryo-em, Part C: Analyses, Interpretation, and Case StudiesMethod Enzymol6Methods in Enzymology, Vol 487: Computer Methods, Pt CMethod Enzymol7Methods in Enzymology, Vol 488: Biothermodynamics, Pt CMethod EnzymolSMethods in Enzymology, Vol 491: Unfolded Protein Response and Cellular Stress, Pt CMethod EnzymolyMethods in Enzymology, Vol 497: Synthetic Biology, Methods for Part/device Characterization and Chassis Engineering, Pt AMethod Enzymol`Methods in Enzymology, Volume 484: Constitutive Activity in Receptors and Other Proteins, Part AMethod Enzymol`Methods in Enzymology, Volume 485: Constitutive Activity in Receptors and Other Proteins, Part BMethod Enzymol&Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics Meth Geoch Methods in Historical PragmaticsTop Engl Linguist)Methods in Macromolecular CrystallographyNato Sci Ser I LifeMethods in Medical Research Meth Med ResMethods in MicrobiologyMethod MicrobiolMethods in MicrobiologyMethods MicrobiolMethods in Microbiology, Vol 25Method MicrobiolMethods in 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EditionFront NeurosciMethods of Biochemical AnalysisMethod Biochem Anal1Methods of Cancer Diagnosis Therapy and PrognosisMethods Cancer Diagn3Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and PrognosisMethods Cancer DiagnAMethods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis: Brain CancerMethods Cancer DiagnKMethods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis, Vol 1: Breast CarcinomaMethods Cancer Diagn:Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis, Vol 2Methods Cancer Diagn:Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis, Vol 4Methods Cancer Diagn:Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis, Vol 5Methods Cancer Diagn:Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis, Vol 6Methods Cancer Diagn:Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis, Vol 7Methods Cancer DiagnWMethods of Celestial Mechanics, Vol I: Physical, Mathematical, and Numerical PrinciplesAstron Astrophys Lib8Methods of Contemporary Mathematical Statistical PhysicsLect Notes MathMethods of Cut-eliminationTrends Log Stud Log9Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment, Third EditionNat Built Environ SeMethods of Graded RingsLect Notes Math"Methods of Information in MedicineMethod Inform MedtMethods of Investigation of The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Khirbet Qumran Site: Present Realities and Future ProspectsAnn Ny Acad SciMethods of Legal ReasoningLaw Philos Libr,Methods of Microwave Fixation for MicroscopyProg Histochem CytocMethods of Nonconvex AnalysisLect Notes Math(Methods of Pesticide Exposure Assessment Nato-chal M4Methods of Spectral Analysis in Mathematical Physics Oper TheorBMethods of Thought: Individual Differences in Reasoning StrategiesCurr Iss Think Reaso8Methods to Assess The Effects of Chemicals On Ecosystems Scope Ser MethylmercuryEnviron Health CritMetraMetraMetric Foliations and Curvature Prog MathsMetrics for Process Models: Empirical Foundations of Verification, Error Prediction, and Guidelines for CorrectnessLect Notes Bus Inf PLMetrics On The Phase Space and Non-selfadjoint Pseudo-differential OperatorsPseudo Differ OperMetrikaMetrikaMetroeconomica MetroeconomMetroeconomicaMetroeconomica Metrologia MetrologiaBMetrology and Identification of Speciality Animal Fibres - Saf '95Eur Fin Fib Netw O P!Metrology and Measurement SystemsMetrol Meas Syst/Metrology-based Control for Micro-manufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsAMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XP Soc Photo-opt InsBMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XiP Soc Photo-opt InsCMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsQMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xiii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsQMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xiii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieCMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XivP Soc Photo-opt InsCMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xiv Proc SpieLMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xix, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsLMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xix, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieBMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XvP Soc Photo-opt InsBMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xv Proc SpieRMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xviii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsQMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xvii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsQMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xvii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieNMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xvi, Pts 1 & 2P Soc Photo-opt InsNMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xvi, Pts 1 & 2 Proc SpieQMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xxii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieLMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xxi, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsLMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xxi, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieDMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XxivP Soc Photo-opt InsDMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xxiv Proc SpieOMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xx, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsOMetrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography Xx, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie6Metrology of Pedestrian Locomotion and Slip ResistanceAm Soc Test MaterMetropolis and Modern LifeMetrop Mod LifeMetropolitan Museum JournalMetropol Museum J#Metropolitan Museum of Art BulletinMetropol Mus Art BMetropolitan PortraitsMetrop Portraits$Metsantutkimuslaitoksen Tiedonantoja Metsan Tied+Metu Journal of The Faculty of ArchitectureMetu J Fac ArchitDMexican Indigenous Languages At The Dawn of The Twenty-first CenturyContrib Sociol Lang"Mexican Studies-estudios MexicanosMex StudMeyer-neldel RuleDefect Diffus Forum.Mfa Bulletin of The Museum of Fine Arts BostonMfa B Mus Fine ArtMfdbs 91Lect Notes Comput ScMfs-modern Fiction StudiesMfs-mod Fict Stud)Mhd Couette Flows: Experiments and Models Aip Conf ProcEMhd Flows in Compact Astrophysical Objects: Accretion, Winds and JetsAstron Astrophys LibMiami: Mistress of The AmericasMetrop Portraits<Micai 2000: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Micai 2004: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Comput Sc/Micai 2005: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int<Micai 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Micai 2007: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int<Micai 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int<Micai 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int2Micas: Crystal Chemistry and Metamorphic PetrologyRev Mineral GeochemxMicbe '09: Proceedings of The 10th Wseas International Conference On Mathematics and Computers in Business and EconomicsRec Adv Comput EngMicellar CatalysisSurfactant Sci Ser)Michael Ryan's Writings On Medical Ethics Philos Med;Michele Federico Sciacca E La Filosofia Oggi, Vols I and IiPubb Sciacca Sez Att1Michel Foucault-lectures At The College De FranceMichel Foucault-lect8Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Research ReportMich Aes Res Rep9Michigan Cooperative Extension Service Extension BulletinMich Ces Ext BullMichigan Germanic StudiesMich German StudMichigan Historical Review Mich Hist RevMichigan Law Review Mich Law RevMichigan Mathematical Journal Mich Math JMichigan Quarterly ReviewMich Quart RevMichigan Slavic Materials Mich Slav MatPMichigan State University Contributions to International Business and Innovation Adv Int Mar,Michigan Studies of South and Southeast Asia Mich St SCMicon 90 : Advances in Video Technology for Microstructural ControlAm Soc Test MaterMicroMicroTMicro-37 2004: 37th Annual International Symposium On Microarchitecture, ProceedingsInt Symp Microarch_Micro-38: Proceedings of The 38th Annual Ieee/acm International Symposiumn On MicroarchitectureInt Symp Microarch^Micro-39: Proceedings of The 39th Annual Ieee/acm International Symposium On MicroarchitectureInt Symp Microarch^Micro-40: Proceedings of The 40th Annual Ieee/acm International Symposium On MicroarchitectureInt Symp Microarch$Microalgae As Feedstock for BiofuelsSpringerbrief MicroMicroalgal Cell CyclesCell Bio Res Prog6Microalloying for New Steel Processes and ApplicationsMater Sci ForumMicro & Nano LettersMicro Nano LettMicro- and Macrodata of Firms Contr StatFMicro and Macro Mixing: Analysis, Simulation and Numerical CalculationHeat Mass Transf$Micro- and Mesoporous Mineral PhasesRev Mineral GeochemMicro- and Nanoelectronics 2003P Soc Photo-opt InsMicro- and Nanoelectronics 2005P Soc Photo-opt InsMicro- and Nanoelectronics 2005 Proc SpieMicro- and Nanoelectronics 2007 Proc SpiezMicro- and Nanofabricated Electro-optical Mechanical Systems for Biomedical and Environmental Applications, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsZMicro- and Nanofabricated Structures and Devices for Biomedical Environmental Applications Prog Biom O]Micro- and Nanofabricated Structures and Devices for Biomedical Environmental Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Micro- and Nanofabricated Structures and Devices for Biomedical Environmental Applications Ii Proc Spie$Micro and Nanomanufacturing ResearchMater Manuf TechnolMMicro- and Nano-optics for Optical Interconnection and Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Micro- and Nano-photonic Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Micro- and Nano-photonic Materials and Devices Proc SpieMicro- and NanosystemsMater Res Soc Symp P>Micro-and Nanosystems in Medicine, Active Implants, Biosensors Ifmbe Proc,Micro- and Nanosystems-materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PAMicro and Nano Technologies in Bioanalysis: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMicro and Nano Technology Adv Mat ResGMicro- and Nanotechnology for Biomedical and Environmental ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGMicro- and Nanotechnology for Biomedical and Environmental Applications Proc SpieJMicro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsJMicro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems Ii Proc SpieKMicro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsKMicro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems Iii Proc Spie?Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications Ii Proc Spie@Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications Iii Proc Spie=Micro- and Opto-electronic Materials, Structures, and SystemsMicro- Opto-electronAMicroarray Analysis of The Physical Genome: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol6Microarray Innovations: Technology and ExperimentationDrug Discov Ser%Microarray Methods for Drug DiscoveryMethods Mol BiolNMicroarrays and Combinatorial Techniques: Design, Fabrication, and Analysis IiPro Biomed Opt ImagiMicroarrays and Combinatorial Technologies for Biomedical Applications: Design, Fabrication, and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt InsiMicroarrays and Combinatorial Technologies for Biomedical Applications: Design, Fabrication, and Analysis Proc Spie*Microarrays, Immune Responses and VaccinesAnn Ny Acad Sci1Microarrays: Optical Technologies and InformaticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Microarrays: Optical Technologies and Informatics Proc SpieWMicroarrays: Preparation, Microfluidics, Detection Methods, and Biological ApplicationsIntegr Anal Syst.Microarray Technology and Cancer Gne ProfilingAdv Exp Med Biol,Micro-assembly Technologies and ApplicationsInt Fed Info ProcMicrobeam Analysis Microb AnalMicrobeam AnalysisMicrobeam AnalMicrobeam Analysis 1995 Microb Anal$Microbeam Analysis 2000, ProceedingsInst Phys Conf SerMicrobes and EnvironmentsMicrobes EnvironMicrobes and EnvironmentsMicrobes EnvironmentMicrobes and InfectionMicrobes Infect-Microbes and Microbial Products As Herbicides Acs Sym SerMicrobial BiotechnologyMicrob BiotechnolMicrobial Cell FactoriesMicrob Cell FactMicrobial Drug ResistanceMicrob Drug Resist=Microbial Drug Resistance-mechanisms Epidemiology and DiseaseMicrob Drug ResistMicrobial Ecology Microb EcolMicrobial EcologyMicrobial Ecol'Microbial Ecology in Health and DiseaseMicrob Ecol Health D7Microbial Enhancement of Oil Recovery - Recent Advances Dev Petr Sci9Microbial Enhancement of Oil Recovery - Recent Advances / Dev Petr Sci)Microbial Enzymes in Aquatic Environments Brock Spr S"Microbial Growth in Biofilms, Pt AMethod Enzymol"Microbial Growth in Biofilms, Pt AMethods Enzymol7Microbial Growth in Biofilms, Pt A R Biological AspectsMethod Enzymol"Microbial Growth in Biofilms, Pt BMethod Enzymol4Microbial-host Interaction: Tolerance Versus AllergyNestle Nutr Works SeMicrobial ImagingMethod MicrobiolMicrobial InfectionsAdv Exp Med Biol-Microbial Insecticides: Novelty Or Necessity? Bcpc Symp SerMicrobial PathogenesisMicrob Pathogenesis*Microbial Pathogenesis and Immune ResponseAnn Ny Acad Sci-Microbial Pathogenesis and Immune Response IiAnn Ny Acad SciMicrobial Pathogenomics Genome Dynam&Microbial Processes for Bioremediation Bioremed Ser#Microbial Products : New ApproachesSymp Soc Gen Microbi'Microbial Reagents in Organic SynthesisNato Adv Sci I C-mat Microbial Risk Analysis in FoodsEmerg Iss Food Saf&Microbial Signalling and CommunicationSymp Soc Gen MicrobiMicrobial Source TrackingEmerg Iss Food SafCMicrobial Surface Components and Toxins in Relation to Pathogenesis Fems Symp'Microbial Toxins: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMicrobiologicaMicrobiologica6Microbiological Analysis of Red Meat, Poultry and EggsWoodhead Food SerTMicrobiological, Chemotherapeutical and Immunological Problems in High Risk Patients Serono Sym.Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion TestingAm Soc Test MaterMicrobiological Research Microbiol ResMicrobiological Reviews Microbiol RevMicrobiological Sciences Microbiol Sci.Microbiologist and Biological Defense ResearchAnn Ny Acad Sci Microbiology Microbiology+\Microbiology and Biochemistry of Strict Anaerobes Involved in Interspecies Hydrogen Transfer Fems Symp<Microbiology and Biogeochemistry of Hypersaline EnvironmentsMicr Extrem UnusualMicrobiology and ImmunologyMicrobiol Immunol*Microbiology and Molecular Biology ReviewsMicrobiol Mol Biol RMicrobiology HandbookMicrobiol Handb!Microbiology in Civil Engineering Fems SympMicrobiology MonographsMicrobiol Monogr'Microbiology of Atmospheric Trace GasesNato Asi Ser Ser I0Microbiology of Extreme and Unusual EnvironmentsMicr Extrem UnusualHMicrobiology of Extreme Environments and Its Potential for Biotechnology Fems SympMicrobiology Research AdvancesMicrobiol Res AdvMicrobiology-sgm Microbiol-sgmMicrobiology-uk Microbiol-ukMicrobiology-ussrMicrobiology-ussr Microbios MicrobiosMicrobios LettersMicrobios Lett(Microbotics: Components and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsMicro Bunches Workshop Aip Conf Proc=Microcavities and Photonic Bandgaps: Physics and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I E-appMicrochemical Journal Microchem JMicrochemistry N-holland DMicrochimica ActaMicrochim ActaMicrocirculationMicrocirculation+Microcirculation Endothelium and LymphaticsMicrocirc Endoth Lym0Microcirculation in Chronic Venous InsufficiencyProg Appl Microcir0Microcirculation in Chronic Venous InsufficiencyProgr Appl Micr)Microcirculation in Organ TransplantationProgr Appl MicrMicrocirculation-londonMicrocirculation-lon7Microcirculatory Approach to Asian Traditional Medicine Int Congr Ser0Microcirculatory Effects of Hemoglobin SolutionsProg Appl Microcir$Microcirculatory Stasis in The Brain Int Congr SerMicrocomputers in Public Policy Aaas SelectMicrocomputingMicrocomputingMicrocontaminationMicrocontamination3Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P8Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors-1998Mater Res Soc Symp P=Microcrystalline Semiconductors : Materials Science & Devices Mat Res S C1Microdevices Physics and Fabrication TechnologiesMicrodevice Phys FabMicro-doppler Effect in RadarArtech Hse Radar LibMicrodynamics SimulationLect Notes Earth SciMicroecology and Therapy Microecol T Microecology and Therapy, Vol 17 Microecol T Microecology and Therapy, Vol 18 Microecol T Microecology and Therapy, Vol 19 Microecol T Microecology and Therapy, Vol 20 Microecol T&Microecology and Therapy, Vol 23, 1995 Microecol T'Microecology and Therapy, Vol 25 , 1995 Microecol T3Microeconomic Contributions to Strategic ManagementAdv Ser Manage5Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and EvolutionRoundtable Ser Behav)Microelectrodes : Theory and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I E-app9Microelectromechancial Systems - Materials and Devices IiMater Res Soc Symp P8Microelectromechanical Structures for Materials ResearchMater Res Soc Symp P'Micro-electro-mechanical Systems - 2005Microelect Mech SystYMicro-electro-mechanical Systems Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersMicroelect Mech Syst6Microelectromechanical Systems - Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P@Microelectronic Device and Multilevel Interconnection TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Microelectronic Device and Multilevel Interconnection Technology Proc SpieCMicroelectronic Device and Multilevel Interconnection Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Microelectronic Device TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Microelectronic Device Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Microelectronic Device Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMicroelectronic EngineeringMicroelectron Eng`Microelectronic Engineering : An International Journal of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Micro Engn#Microelectronic Engineering, Vol 13 Micro EngnFMicroelectronic Manufacturing Yield, Reliability, and Failure AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt InsIMicroelectronic Manufacturing Yield, Reliability, and Failure Analysis IiP Soc Photo-opt InsJMicroelectronic Manufacturing Yield, Reliability, and Failure Analysis IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIMicroelectronic Manufacturing Yield, Reliability, and Failure Analysis IvP Soc Photo-opt InsIMicroelectronic Manufacturing Yield, Reliability, and Failure Analysis Iv Proc Spie.Microelectronic Packaging and Laser ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Microelectronic Processes, Sensors, and ControlsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Microelectronics and ReliabilityMicroelectron Reliab3Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and PackagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging Proc Spie6Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging Ii Proc Spie7Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging Iii Proc SpieMicroelectronics EducationMesa MgMicroelectronics InternationalMicroelectron IntMicroelectronics Journal Microelectr JMicroelectronics JournalMicroelectron J:Microelectronics Manufacturability, Yield, and ReliabilityP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Microelectronics Manufacturing and ReliabilityP Soc Photo-opt InsMicroelectronics ReliabilityMicroelectron ReliabMicroelectronics Technology Acs Sym Ser3Microelectronics Technology and Process IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Microelectronic Structures and Mems for Optical Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Microelectronic Structures and Mems for Optical Processing Ii Proc Spie>Microelectronic Structures and Mems for Optical Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Microelectronic Structures and Mems for Optical Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Microelectronic Structures and Mems for Optical Processing Iv Proc SpiepMicroelectronic Structures and Microelectromechanical Devices for Optical Processing and Multimedia ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InspMicroelectronic Structures and Microelectromechanical Devices for Optical Processing and Multimedia Applications Proc Spie:Microelectronic Yield, Reliability, and Advanced PackagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Microelectronic Yield, Reliability, and Advanced Packaging Proc Spie Microelements and Trace ElementsMengen Spurenelement%Microemulsions and Emulsions in Foods Acs Sym Ser+Microemulsions: Properties and ApplicationsSurfactant Sci Ser+Microencapsulation - Microgels - Iniferters Adv Polym Sci!Microengineering in BiotechnologyMethods Mol BiolMicrofabricated Sensors Acs Sym Ser0Microfabricated Systems and Mems Vi, Proceedings Elec Soc S"Microfabrication for MicrofluidicsArtech Hse Integr MiMicrofinance: A ReaderRoutl Stud Dev Econ Microfluidic Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Microfluidic Devices and Systems Proc Spie#Microfluidic Devices and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Microfluidic Devices and Systems Ii Proc Spie$Microfluidic Devices and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Microfluidic Devices and Systems Iii Proc SpieMMicrofluidic Lab-on-a-chip for Chemical and Biological Analysis and DiscoveryChromatogr Sci SerMicrofluidics and BiomemsP Soc Photo-opt InsMicrofluidics and Biomems Proc SpieMicrofluidics and NanofluidicsMicrofluid Nanofluid?Microfluidics Based Microsystems: Fundamentals and ApplicationsNato Sci Peace Sec A0Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical MicrosystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems Proc Spie3Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems Ii Proc Spie4Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems Iii Proc Spie3Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems VP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems V Proc Spie3Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems Vi Proc Spie4Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Microfluidics, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems Viii Proc SpieMicrofluidics for BiotechnologyArtech Hse Microel S/Microfluidics for Biotechnology, Second EditionArtech Hse Integr Mi&Microfluidics: Theory and ApplicationsPhys Res Technol;Microfluidic Technologies for Miniaturized Analysis SystemsMems Ref ShelfMicroglia: A PictorialProg Histochem Cytoc3Microgravity Research : Material and Fluid SciencesAdv Space Res-series#Microgravity Science and TechnologyMicrogravity Sci TecBMicrogravity Sciences: Results and Analysis of Recent Spaceflights Adv Space ResVMicrogravity Transport Processes in Fluid, Thermal, Biological, and Materials SciencesAnn Ny Acad Sci-Microgravity Two-phase Flow and Heat TransferSpace Technol LibUMicroirrigation for A Changing World: Conserving Resources/preserving The Environment Asae PublMicrojoining and NanojoiningWoodhead Publ Mater9Microlensing 2000: A New Era of Microlensing Astrophysics Astr Soc P.Microlithographic Techniques in Ic FabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsAMicrolithographic Techniques 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Components IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Micromachined Devices and Components Iv Proc Spie&Micromachined Devices and Components VP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Micromachined Devices and Components V Proc Spie'Micromachined Devices and Components ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Micromachined Devices and Components Vi Proc Spie>Micromachine Technology for Diffractive and Holographic OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Micromachine Technology for Diffractive and Holographic Optics Proc Spie;Micromaching Technology for Micro-optics and Nano-optics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsMicromachining and ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Micromachining and MicrofabricationP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Micromachining and Microfabrication Proc Spie6Micromachining and Microfabrication Process TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Proc SpieBMicromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsBMicromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology and Devices Proc Spie9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Ii Proc Spie:Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Iv Proc Spie9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Ix Proc Spie8Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology VP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology V Proc Spie9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Vi Proc Spie:Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Vii Proc Spie;Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Viii Proc Spie8Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology XP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology X Proc Spie9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Xi Proc Spie;Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Xv Proc Spie*Micromachining Technology for Micro-opticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Micromachining Technology for Micro-optics Proc Spie:Micromachining Technology for Micro-optics and Nano-opticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Micromachining Technology for Micro-optics and Nano-optics Proc Spie=Micromachining Technology for Micro-optics and Nano-optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Micromachining Technology for Micro-optics and Nano-optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Micromachining Technology for Micro-optics and Nano-optics Iii Proc SpiehMicromachining Technology for Micro-optics and Nano-optics V and Microfabrication Process Technology XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Micromechanics of Contact and Interphase LayersLect Notes Appl Comp@Micromechanisms of Fracture and Fatigue: in A Multiscale ContextEng Mater ProcessMMicromechatronics: Modeling, Analysis, and Design With Matlab, Second EditionNano Microsci Eng Te:Micro (mems) and Nanotechnologies for Defense and SecurityP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Micro (mems) and Nanotechnologies for Defense and Security Proc Spie8Micro (mems) and Nanotechnologies for Space ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsEMicro (mems) and Nanotechnologies for Space, Defense, and Security IiP Soc Photo-opt InsEMicro (mems) and Nanotechnologies for Space, Defense, and Security Ii Proc Spie;Micromolluscs: Methodological Challenges - Exciting Results ZoosymposiaMicronMicronMicron and Microscopica ActaMicron Microsc Acta3Micro Nano Devices, Structure and Computing SystemsAdv Mater Res-switz(Micro/nanotribology and Its ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I E-app1Micronesica : A Journal of The University of GuamMicronesica-series'Micronesica, Supplement No 3, June 1991Micronesica-seriesPMicronutrient Deficiencies During The Weaning Period and The First Years of LifeNestle Nutr Works SeEMicro-optical Technologies for Measurement, Sensors, and MicrosystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsMicro-optical Technologies for Measurement, Sensors, and Microsystems Ii and Optical Fiber Sensor Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsMicro-optics 2008 Proc SpieMicro-optics 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Micro-optics: Fabrication, Packaging, and IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt InsMicro-optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Micro-optics Integration and AssembliesP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Micro-optics/micromechanics and Laser Scanning and ShapingP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Micro-optics, Vcsels, and Photonic InterconnectsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Micro-optics, Vcsels, and Photonic Interconnects Proc Spie\Micro-optics, Vcsels, and Photonic Interconnects Ii: Fabrication, Packaging, and IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Micro-optics, Vcsels, and Photonic Interconnects Ii: Fabrication, Packaging, and Integration Proc Spie%Micro-opto-electro-mechanical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Micro-opto-electro-mechanical Systems Proc Spie2Micropalaeontological Society Special PublicationsMicropal Soc Spec PudMicropalaeontology, Sedimentary Environments and Stratigraphy: A Tribute to Dennis Curry (1921-2001)Micropaleaeontologic3Micropaleaeontological Society Special PublicationsMicropaleaeontologicMicropaleontologyMicropaleontology"Microphone Array Signal ProcessingSpringer Top Sign Pr%Microporous and Macroporous Materials Mat Res S C$Microporous and Mesoporous MaterialsMicropor Mesopor MatMicroporous Framework SolidsRsc Mater MonogrMicroporous MaterialsMicroporous MaterMicropremie : The Next Frontier Ross C Ped$Microprocessing and MicroprogrammingMicroproc MicroprogMicroprocessorsMicroprocessors Microprocessors and MicrosystemsMicroprocess MicrosyUMicro-raman Spectroscopy and Luminescence Studies in The Earth and Planetary Sciences Aip Conf Proc3Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification Acs Sym Ser5Microresonators As Building Blocks for Vlsi Photonics Aip Conf Proc*Microrna and Cancer: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMicrorna MethodsMethod Enzymol6Micrornas and The Immune System: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMicrornas in Breast CancerCancer Etiol Diagn T/Micrornas in Development: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMicrorobotics and MicroassemblyP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Microrobotics and Microassembly IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Microrobotics and Microassembly IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Microrobotics and Microassembly Iii Proc Spie#Microrobotics and MicromanipulationP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Microrobotics and Micromechanical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Microrobotics and Microsystem FabricationP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Microsatellites As Research Tools Cospar Coll&Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer Top Appl Phys7Microscale Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math7Microscale Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math%Microscale Thermophysical EngineeringMicroscale Therm Eng Microscope Microscope*Microscopia Electronica Y Biologia CelularMicrosc Electron BioMicroscopica Acta Microsc Acta7Microscopic Aspects of Nonlinearity in Condensed MatterNato Adv Sci I B-phyMMicroscopic Processes in Space Plasmas and Their Role in Macroscale Phenomena Adv Space Res0Microscopic Properties and Processes in MineralsNato Adv Sci I C-matEMicroscopic Simulation of Interfacial Phenomena in Solids and LiquidsMater Res Soc Symp P(Microscopic Simulations of Complex FlowsNato Adv Sci I B-phy9Microscopic Simulations of Complex Hydrodynamic PhenomenaNato Adv Sci I B-phy3Microscopy and Image Analysis of Building MaterialsVtt SympMicroscopy and MicroanalysisMicrosc Microanal&Microscopy in Materials Science SeriesMicro Mat Sci S(Microscopy Microanalysis MicrostructuresMicrosc Microanal M&Microscopy of Semiconducting MaterialsSpringer Proc Phys+Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1989Inst Phys Conf Ser+Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1991Inst Phys Conf Ser+Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1993Inst Phys Conf Ser+Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1995Inst Phys Conf Ser+Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1997Inst Phys Conf Ser8Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1999, ProceedingsInst Phys Conf Ser+Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2001Inst Phys Conf Ser+Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2003Inst Phys Conf Ser+Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2007Springer Proc Phys!Microscopy Research and TechniqueMicrosc Res TechniqMicroscopy TechniquesAdv Biochem Eng Biot!Microsimulation and Public PolicyContrib To Econ AnalMicro-simulation in ActionRes Labor Econ4Microsimulation in Government Policy and ForecastingContrib To Econ Anal^Microstructural Border Between The Motor and The Cognitive Domain in The Human Cerebral CortexAdv Anat Embryol CelNMicrostructurally Short Cracks in Polycrystals Described By Crystal PlasticityMater Sci Technol1Microstructural Processes in Irradiated MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PMicrostructural Science Microstr Sc[Microstructural Stability of Creep Resistant Alloys for High Temperature Plant ApplicationsMicro High Temp Mat+Microstructure Evolution During IrradiationMater Res Soc Symp PWMicrostructure of Cement-based Systems/bonding and Interfaces in Cementitious MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P(Microstructure of Fine-grained Sediments Front Sed*Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Markets Nber Conf R,Microstructure of High Temperature MaterialsMicro High Temp Mat&Microstructure of Irradiated MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PJMicrostructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, Vols 1 and 2 Rilem ProcMicrostructuring of GlassesSpringer Ser Mater S Microsurgery Microsurg$Microsurveys in Discrete ProbabilityDimacs Ser Discret MMicrosystems DynamicsIntel Syst Contr Aut2Microsystems Engineering: Metrology and InspectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Microsystems Engineering: Metrology and Inspection Proc Spie6Microsystems Engineering: Metrology and Inspection IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMicrosystems Mechanical Design Cism Cour L%Microsystems Metrology and InspectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Microsystems Metrology and Inspection Proc SpieMicrosystems Series Microsyst SerMicrosystems (series) MicrosystemsMicrosystem TechnologiesMicrosyst TechnolYMicrosystem Technologies-micro-and Nanosystems-information Storage and Processing SystemsMicrosyst Technol@Microsystem Technology for Chemical and Biological Microreactors Dech Monog4Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life Science Top Curr ChemMicrotechnology and MemsMicrotechnol Mems Microtecnic MicrotecnicMicro Total Analysis SystemsMesa Mg.Micro Total Analysis Systems 2000, ProceedingsMesa Mg(Micro Total Analysis Systems 2004, Vol 1 Roy Soc Ch(Micro Total Analysis Systems 2004, Vol 2 Roy Soc Ch Micro Total Analysis Systems '98Mesa Mg)Microtube Dynamics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol$Microvariation in Syntactic DoublingSyntax SemanticsMicrovascular Research Microvasc Res%Microwave and Optical Technology 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Microwave and Optical Technology 2003 Proc Spie(Microwave and Optical Technology LettersMicrow Opt Techn Let*Microwave and Radio Frequency Applications Ceram Trans!Microwave and Terahertz PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Microwave and Terahertz Photonics Proc SpieMicrowave DischargesNato Adv Sci Inst SeMicrowave Foregrounds Astr Soc P0Microwave Induced Plasma Analytical SpectrometryRsc Anal Spectrosc MVMicrowave Instrumentation and Satellite Photogrammetry for Remote Sensing of The EarthP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Microwave Instrumentation for Remote Sensing of The EarthP Soc Photo-opt InsMicrowave Journal Microwave J-Microwave Materials for Wireless ApplicationsArtech Hse Microw Li&Microwave Methods in Organic Synthesis Top Curr Chem4Microwave Network Design Using The Scattering MatrixArtech Hse Microw Li Microwave Physics and TechniquesNato Asi 3 High Tech$Microwave Processing of Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp P%Microwave Processing of Materials IiiMater Res Soc Symp P$Microwave Processing of Materials IvMater Res Soc Symp P#Microwave Processing of Materials VMater Res Soc Symp P9Microwave Radio Transmission Design Guide, Second EditionArtech Hse Microw Li:Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and EnvironmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Environment IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Environment Ii Proc Spie>Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Environment IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Environment Iii Proc Spie=Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Environment IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Environment Iv Proc Spie<Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Environment VP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Microwave Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Environment V Proc Spie,Microwave Remote Sensing of The Earth System Stud Geo Op Microwaves MicrowavesMicrowaves & Rf Microwaves Rf2Microwave Scattering and Emission Models for UsersArtech Hse Remote Se.Microwave Sensing and Synthetic Aperture RadarP Soc Photo-opt InsMicrowave SuperconductivityNato Adv Sci I E-app Mid-america-an Historical ReviewMid-am-hist Rev Mid-american Review of SociologyMid-am Rev Sociol#Midbrain Periaqueductal Gray MatterNato Adv Sci I A-lifMiddle Ages SeriesMiddle Ages Ser#Middle and Upper Atmosphere ResultsAdv Space Res-seriesCMiddle and Upper Atmospheres, Active Experiments, and Dusty PlasmasAdv Space Res-seriesGMiddle and Upper Atmospheres: Small Scale Structures and Remote Sensing Adv Space ResGMiddle and Upper Atmospheres: Small Scale Structures and Remote SensingAdv Space Res-series8Middle Atmosphere and Lower Thermosphere Electrodynamics Adv Space Res.Middle Atmosphere: Changes and Electrodynamics Adv Space Res(Middle Atmosphere Structure and Dynamics Adv Space Res1Middle Atmosphere Temporal and Spatial Structures Adv Space ResMiddle Eastern LiteraturesMiddle East LitMiddle Eastern Military StudiesMiddle E Mil Stud1Middle Eastern Monographs-oxford University PressMiddle Eastern MonogMiddle Eastern StudiesMiddle Eastern StudMiddle East in FocusMiddle E FocusMiddle East in TurmoilMiddle E TurmoilMiddle East Journal Middle East JMiddle East PolicyMiddle East PolicyMiddle East ReviewMiddle East Rev,Middle East Studies History Politics and LawMiddle E Stud Hist P*Middle Grades Research Journal Top StudiesMiddle Grades Res JRMiddle Miocene Environments and Ecosystem Dynamics of The Eurasian Neogene (eeden)Cour For SekenbgMiddleware 2000Lect Notes Comput ScMiddleware 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMiddleware 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMiddleware 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMiddleware 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in PhilosophyMidwest Stud PhilosAMidwest Studies in Philosophy: The American Philosophers, Vol. 28Midwest Stud PhilosYMidwest Studies in Philosophy Volume Xxx: Shared Intentions and Collective ResponsibilityMidwest Stud Philos@Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems Conference ProceedingsMidwest Symp Circuit Midwifery Midwifery(Mietsicherungs- Oder MieterdienstbarkeitSchr Deut Eur Int InQMighty Mass of Brick and Smoke: Victorian and Edwardian Representations of London Dqr Stud Lit Migracije MigracijeKMigrant Men: Critical Studies of Masculinities and The Migration ExperienceRoutl Res Gend Soc@Migrants to The Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway Cities Spa Plac SocjMigration, Accommodation and Language Change: Language At The Intersection of Regional and Ethnic IdentityPalgr Mac Stud Lang+Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945Eur Transit-nyu EurLMigration and Reorganization: The Pueblo Iv Period in The American Southwest Anthr Res PFMigration and Social Protection: Claiming Social Rights Beyond BordersRethink Int Dev(Migration and Social Protection in ChinaSer Contemp China5Migration and The New Technological Borders of EuropeMigrat Minor Citizen4Migration: A Worldwide Challenge for Social Security Stud Res Ss0Migration, Ethnic Relations and Chinese Business Chin Worlds$Migration in Comparative PerspectiveRoutl Res Popul Migr;Migration in The 21st Century: Rights, Outcomes, and Policy Reg Cities$Migration Minorities and CitizenshipMigrat Minor Citizen%Migration, Minorities and Citizenship Migra Minor<Migration of Serbs and Montenegrins From Kosovo and Metohija Ser Asa DemYMigration Policies and Political Participation: Inclusion Or Intrusion in Western Europe?Migrat Minor Citizen>Migratory Interactive Applications for Ubiquitous EnvironmentsHum-comput Int-sprinMig Welding GuideWoodhead Publ Mater&Mikhail Bakhtin: The Word in The WorldCrit Twent CenturyMikologiya I FitopatologiyaMikol FitopatolMikrobiologiyaMikrobiologiyaMikrobiyoloji BulteniMikrobiyol BulMikrochimica ActaMikrochim Acta#Mikrochimica Et Ichnoanalytica ActaMikrochim Ichoanal Mikroskopie MikroskopieMilan Journal of Mathematics Milan J MathMilbank Memorial Fund QuarterlyMilbank Meml Fund Q(Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly BulletinMilb Meml Fund Q Bu2Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly-health and SocietyMilbank Fund Q2Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly-health and Society Milbank QMilbank Quarterly Milbank Q,Milchwissenschaft-milk Science InternationalMilchwissenschaftVMilcom 2000: 21st Century Military Communications Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Milit Commun CHMilcom 2003 - 2003 Ieee Military Communications Conference, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Milit Commun CEMilcom 2004 - 2004 Ieee Military Communications Conference, Vols 1- 3Ieee Milit Commun CDMilcom 2005 - 2005 Ieee Military Communications Conference, Vols 1-5Ieee Milit Commun CDMilcom 2009 - 2009 Ieee Military Communications Conference, Vols 1-4Ieee Milit Commun CMilenko ZivkovicSasa Dept F Arts MonMilesians: 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Ad 1-1300Publ Natl Mus Stud Military Balance in The Cold WarCold War Hist-routl6Military Communications Conference, 2010 (milcom 2010)Ieee Milit Commun CMilitary Control in PakistanRoutl Adv S Asian StgMilitary Cooperation in Multinational Peace Operations: Managing Cultural Diversity and Crisis Response Cass Mil Stud0Military Forces in 21st Century Peace OperationsContemp Secur Stud-Military, Government and Aerospace Simulation Simul Series.Military, Government, and Aerospace Simulation Simul SeriesMilitary History and PolicyMil Hist PolicyCMilitary Honour and The Conduct of War: From Ancient Greece to Iraq Cass Mil StudEMilitary Industry and Regional Defense Policy: India, Iraq and Israel Cass Mil StudMilitary Law Review Mil Law RevPMilitary Leadership in The British Civil Wars, 1642-1651: The Genius of This Age Cass Mil StudMilitary MedicineMil MedVMilitary Missions and Their Implications Reconsidered: The Aftermath of September 11thContrib Confl ManagKMilitary Nanotechnology: 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Milk Production of Dairy Sheep and Goats Eaap Public Milk Protein Int Dairy F;Milky Way Surveys The Structure and Evolution of Our Galaxy Astr Soc PUMillennium Development Goals and Beyond: International Assistance to The Asia-pacificRethink Int DevMillennium Film JournalMillennium Film J+Millennium-journal of International StudiesMillennium-j Int StIMillennium Studien Zu Kultur Und Geschichte Des Ersten Jahrtausends N ChrMillenn Stud Kult GeIMillennium Studien Zu Kultur Und Geschichte Des Ersten Jahrtausends N ChrMillennium Studien Milli Folklor Milli FolklorJMillimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astonomy IvP Soc Photo-opt InsLMillimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLMillimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy Iii Proc Spie4Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy Proc Spie7Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy Ii Proc Spie"Millimeter and Submillimeter WavesP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves Iv Proc Spie8Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Spectroscopy of Solids Top Curr ChemYMillimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Millimeter Wave and Synthetic Aperture RadarP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Millimeter-wave and Terahertz PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Photonics Proc Spie8Millimeter Wave Technology in Wireless Pan, Lan, and ManWirel Netw Mob Commu8Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMillingMillingMilling Feed and FertiliserMill Feed Fertil)Millisecond Pulsars: A Decade of Surprise Astr Soc PMilton Quarterly Milton QuartMilton's Theology of FreedomArb KirchengeschMilton Studies Milton StudMilton Studies L Milton StudMilton Studies <d>Milton Stud <d>Milton Studies Xlix Milton StudMilton Studies Xlv Milton StudMilton Studies Xlvi Milton StudMilton Studies Xlvii Milton StudMilton Studies Xlviii Milton StudMilton Studies Xxx Milton StudMilton Studies Xxxii Milton StudMilton Studies Xxxiii Milton StudMilton Studies Xxxiv Milton StudMilton Studies Xxxv Milton StudMilton Studies Xxxvi Milton StudUMilutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium: Paleoclimate and The Earth Climate SystemSasa Dep Math Phys GMimesisNew Crit Idiom9Mimesis and Intertextuality in Antiquity and Christianity St Ant Chr'Mimesis-romanische Literaturen Der WeltMimesisMindMindMind & Language Mind LangMind and Heart of The Church P Wethers IBMind and Motion: The Bidirectional Link Between Thought and ActionProg Brain Res"Mind Association Occasional SeriesMind Assoc Occas SerMind Brain and EducationMind Brain EducMind Culture and Activity Mind Cult ActMind, Diet, and The Common ColdRoy Soc Med Int CongDMindev 97 - The International Conference On Mine Project DevelopmentAustralas I Min Met Mind Force: On Human AttractionsStud Nonlin Phenom{Mindfulness in Early Buddhism: New Approaches Through Psychology and Textual Analysis of Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit SourcesRoutl Crit Stud BuddBMindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and The Participating Observer Front CollectRMindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and The Participating Observer, Second Edition Front CollectYMinding The Gap: Appraising The Promise and Performance of Regulatory Reform in Australia Anzsog Monogr1Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics, Third Edition Front Collect$Mind, Matter and The Implicate Order Front Collect Mind Matters Carn S CognMind of Donald Davidson Graz Phil SMinds and Machines Mind MachMinds and Persons Roy I Ph S Mindscapes Alternative-Mindscapes: Philosophy, Science, and The MindPitt Konst S Philos Minefill'98Australas I Min MetOMine Pit Lakes: Characteristics, Predictive Modeling, and Sustainability, Vol 3Manag Technol Met Mi"Mineral and Electrolyte MetabolismMiner Electrol MetabHMineral Concentrations and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in The Escap RegionMiner Conc Hydrocarb$Mineral Deposits and Earth EvolutionGeol Soc Spec Publ#Mineral Fillers in Thermoplastics I Adv Polym SciMineralium DepositaMiner Deposita4Mineralization in Natural and Synthetic BiomaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P7Mineral Nutrient Disorders of Root Crops in The Pacific Aciar Proc>Mineral Nutrition and Fertilizer Use for Deciduous Fruit Crops Acta HorticMineralogical Magazine Mineral Mag?Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of The Mineralogical SocietyMineral Mag J M SocMineralogical Record Mineral RecMineralogical Society Series Min Soc SerMineralogy and Petrology Miner Petrol3Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy ReviewMiner Process Extr M?Mineral Resources Assessment, Development and Management SeriesMin Res Ass Dev ManMineral Resources EngineeringMiner Resour Eng#Minerals & Metallurgical ProcessingMiner Metall Proc%Minerals and Metallurgical ProcessingMiner Metall ProcXMinerals and Metals Development and Trade for Sustainable Supply in Asia and The PacificMin Res Ass Dev ManMMinerals and Reactions At The Atomic Scale : Transmission Electron Microscopy Rev MineralMinerals and The Environment Miner EnvironMinerals Engineering Miner Eng+Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic ProcessesRev Mineral Geochem Minerals Science and Engineering Miner Sci EngMineral Surfaces Min Soc Ser/Mineral/water Interactions Close to EquilibriumFzka Tech Umw Wis B$Mineral-water Interface Geochemistry Rev MineralMinervaMinervaMinerva AnestesiologicaMinerva AnestesiolMinerva BiotecnologicaMinerva BiotecnolMinerva CardioangiologicaMinerva CardioangiolMinerva Chirurgica Minerva ChirMinerva EndocrinologicaMinerva EndocrinolMinerva FisiconucleareMinerva FisiconucQMinerva Fisiconuclear-giornale Di Fisica Sanitaria Protezione Contro Le RadizioniMinerva FisiconuclMinerva GinecologicaMinerva GinecolMinerva Medica Minerva MedMinerva OrtopedicaMinerva Ortoped#Minerva Ortopedica E TraumatologicaMinerva Ortop TraumaMinerva PediatricaMinerva PediatrMinerva RadiologicaMinerva Radiol2Minerva Radiologica Fisioterapica E RadiobiologicaMinerva Radiol Fis RMine Safety: A Modern ApproachSpringer Ser ReliabMine to Mill 1998 ConferenceAustralas I Min MetMine Water and The EnvironmentMine Water Environ-Miniature and Micro-optics and MicromechanicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Miniature and Micro-optics : Fabrication and System ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsCMiniature and Micro-optics : Fabrication and System Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMiniature Vertebrates Sym Zool S/Miniaturized Systems With Micro-optics and MemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Miniaturized Systems With Micro-optics and Mems Proc Spie9Miniaturized Systems With Micro-optics and MicromechanicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Miniaturized Systems With Micro-optics and Micromechanics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Miniaturized Systems With Micro-optics and Micromechanics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Minicourse On Stochastic Partial Differential EquationsLect Notes Math Minimalism: Designing SimplicityHum-comput Int-sprin!Minimalist Approach to ScramblingStud Generat Gramm^Minimalist Inquiries Into Child and Adult Language Acquisition: Case Studies Across PortugueseStud Lang AcquisMinimality Effects in SyntaxStud Genera Grammar"Minimally Invasive Breast BiopsiesRecent Results CancMinimally Invasive NeurosurgeryMinim Invas Neurosur"Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery Ii Act Neur SMinimally Invasive TherapyMinimal Invasiv Ther0Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied TechnologiesMinim Invasiv TherPMinimally Invasive Treatment, Arrest, and Control of Periodontal Diseases, Vol 5Axelss Ser Prev Dent<Minimal Model Approach and Determinants of Glucose Tolerance Penn Ctr NMinimal Processing of FoodsVtt Symp4Minimal Processing of Foods and Process Optimization Food Engn Mfg$Minimal Residual Disease in MelanomaRecent Res CancerRMinimal Residual Epithelial Cancer: Diagnostic Approaches and Prognostic RelevanceProg Histochem CytocMinimax Theory and ApplicationsNoncon Optim Its App4Mini-micro Fuel Cells: Fundamentals and ApplicationsNato Sci Peace SecurMini-micro SystemsMini-micro Syst;Minimizing Spurious Tones in Digital Delta-sigma ModulatorsAnalog Circ Sig Proc)Minimum Reinforcement in Concrete Members Esis Publ'Minimum Wages, Low Pay and UnemploymentAppl Econom Ass Ser$Mining and Analyzing Social NetworksStud Comput IntellCMining and Control of Network Traffic By Computational IntelligenceStud Comput Intell%Mining and Metallurgy in Ancient PeruGeol Soc Am Spec PapMining and Metallurgy QuarterlyMin Metall QuartwMining and Modeling Massive Data Sets in Science, Engineering, and Business With A Subtheme in Environmental Statistics Comp Sci StatMining Complex DataLect Notes Comput ScMining Complex DataStud Comput IntellMining Congress Journal Min Congr JMining EngineeringMin Eng-littleton9Mining Equipment Reliability, Maintainability, and SafetySpringer Ser Reliab/Mining Heritage and Tourism: A Global SynthesisRoutl Adv Tour"Mining Multimedia and Complex DataLect Notes Artif Int&Mining of Data With Complex StructuresStud Comput IntellMining Smartness From Nature Adv Sci TechMining The SkyEso Astrophy SympGMini Nutritional Assessment (mna): Research and Practice in The Elderly Nes Nutr Ws#Mini-reviews in Medicinal ChemistryMini-rev Med Chem!Mini-reviews in Organic ChemistryMini-rev Org ChemMinistry to Outpatients Guid PastorMinisum HyperspheresSpringer Ser Optim A0Mini-symposium On Image-based Motion MeasurementP Soc Photo-opt InsTMinke Whales, Harp and Hooded Seals: Major Predators in The North Atlantic EcosystemNammco Sci Publ*Minkowski Spacetime: A Hundred Years LaterFund Theor Phys2Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Minn Aes Bull>Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Miscellaneous ReportMinn Aes Misc Rep<Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical BulletinMinn Aes Tech Bull;Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service Extension BulletinMinn Aes Ext Bull7Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service Special ReportMinn Aes Spec RepMinnesota Law Review Minn Law RevDMinnesota Lectures On Clusters of Galaxies and Large-scale Structure Astr Soc P4Minnesota Lectures On Extragalactic Neutral Hydrogen Astr Soc PAMinnesota Lectures On The Structure and Dynamics of The Milky Way Astr Soc PMinnesota MedicineMinn MedMinnesota ReviewMinn Rev.Minnesota Studies in The Philosophy of ScienceMinn Stud Philos Sci6Minnesota Studies in The Philosophy of Science, Vol 15Minn Stud Philos Sci&Minnesota Symposia On Child PsychologyMinn Sym Child PsychtMino'09: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics, Optoelectronics Ele Com EngMinoan and Mycenaean SealsCorp Mino Myken Sieg&Minor Bodies in The Outer Solar SystemEso Astrophy SympCMinority Carriers in Iii-v Semiconductors: Physics and ApplicationsSemiconduct Semimet?Minority Governments in India: The Puzzle of Elusive MajoritiesRoutl Cont S Asia Se7Minority Marketing: Research Perspectives for The 1990s Sp Conf AmsJMinority Nationalist Parties and European Integration: A Comparative StudyRoutl Uaces ContempMinority Populations St Biol Ec-Minority Rights in Central and Eastern EuropeBasees-rout Ser Russ2Minority Status, Oppositional Culture, & SchoolingSociocult Polit HistaMinority Within A Minority: Black Francophone Immigrants and The Dynamics of Power and ResistanceNew Approach Sociol%Minor Oral Surgery in Dental PracticeQuintessent Dent PraTMinprex 2000: International Congress On Mineral Processing and Extractive MetallurgyAustralas I Min Met0Minzokugaku Kenkyu-japanese Journal of EthnologyMinzokugaku KenkyulMiocene and Oligocene Petroleum Reservoirs of The Santa Maria and Santa Barbara - Ventura Basins, CaliforniaSepm Core WorkshopBMiocene Tectonics of The Lake Mead Region, Central Basin and RangeGeol Soc Am Spec PapmMippr 2007: Automatic Target Recognition and Image Analysis; and Multispectral Image Acquisition, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsmMippr 2007: Automatic Target Recognition and Image Analysis; and Multispectral Image Acquisition, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieWMippr 2007: Medical Imaging, Parallel Processing of Images, and Optimization TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt InsWMippr 2007: Medical Imaging, Parallel Processing of Images, and Optimization Techniques Proc Spie*Mippr 2007: Multispectral Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Mippr 2007: Multispectral Image Processing Proc Spie3Mippr 2007: Pattern Recognition and Computer VisionP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Mippr 2007: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Proc Spie1Mips and Their Role in The Exchange of MetalloidsAdv Exp Med Biol7Miracles and Extraordinary Experience in Northern KenyaContemp EthnogrEMiracles and The Miraculous in Medieval Germanic and Latin LiteratureGermania Latina*Miracles in Jewish and Christian AntiquityNotr Dam Theol2Miraculous Growth and Stagnation in Post-war JapanRoutl Stud Mod WorldMiraggio Di AlceoBeitr Altertumskunde8Mircen-journal of Applied Microbiology and BiotechnologyMircen J Appl Microb<Miriam S Balmuth Lectures in Ancient History and ArchaeologyMir S Balm Lect Anc/Mirna Regulation of The Translational MachineryProg Mol Subcell Bio%Mirror Symmetry and Tropical Geometry Contemp MathMiscellanea MediaevaliaMiscellan Mediaeval3Miscellaneous Series - Royal Society of New Zealand Misc S Rsnz$Misconceptions About The Middle AgesRout Stud Mediev RelMiskolc Mathematical NotesMiskolc Math NotesMis-matching of Welds Esis Publ Mis Quarterly Mis QuartMis Quarterly Executive Mis Q ExecMissile DefenceContemp Secur StudMissiliMissiliMissili E SpazioMissili E Spazio_Missing Data in Longitudinal Studies: Strategies for Bayesian Modeling and Sensitivity AnalysisMonogr Stat Appl Pro@Missing Italian Nuremberg: Cultural Amnesia and Postwar PoliticsItal Ital Am Stud1Missing Link in Cybernetics: Logic and ContinuityIfsr Int Ser Syst Sc)Missing Links in Teacher Education DesignSelf Study Teach TeaMissionary Factor in EthiopiaStud Int Hist ChristOMissionary Linguistics Ii / Linguistica Misionera Ii: Orthography and Phonology Amst St Th,Missionary Linguistics/linguistica Misionera Amst St Th;Mission Design & Implementation of Satellite ConstellationsSpace Technol Proc0Mission of The Early Church to Jews and Gentiles W U Neu TestHMissions and Conversions: Creating The Montagnard-dega Refugee CommunityContemp Anthr Relig2Missions, States, and European Expansion in AfricaAfr Stud-hist Polit4Missions to The Moon and Exploring The Cold Universe Adv Space Res4Missions to The Moon and Exploring The Cold UniverseAdv Space Res-seriesMissions to The SunP Soc Photo-opt InsMissions to The Sun IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Mission to Proclaim and to Celebrate Christian Existence Tex Etu Lit?Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station BulletinMiss Afes BullHMississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Information SheetMiss Afes Info SheetFMississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Research ReportMiss Afes Res RepIMississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Technical BulletinMiss Afes Tech BullMississippi Law Journal Miss Law JMississippi Quarterly Miss Quart$Mississippi Valley Historical ReviewMiss Valley Hist Rev4Mississippi Valley Journal of Business and EconomicsMiss Valley J Bus Ec:Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Research BulletinMo Aes Res Bull7Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Special ReportMo Aes Spec RepMissouri MedicineMo Med5Missouri Symposium On Research and Educational PolicyMo S Res Educ PolHMitbestimmungsgesetz Und Drittelbeteiligungsgesetz: Kommentar, 5.auflageDegruyter Komment;Mitigating Impacts of Natural Hazards On Fishery Ecosystems Am Fish S S Mitigation Stud Pragmat6Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global ChangeMitig Adapt Strat GlQMitigation and Financing of Seismic Risks: Turkish and International PerspectivesNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear2Mitigation of Metal Mining Influenced Water, Vol 2Manag Technol Met MiMitochondria, 2nd EditionMethod Cell BiolMitochondria and Cell DeathBiochem Soc Symp@Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci+Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Genetics, Pt AMethod EnzymolMitochondrial DnaMitochondr Dna(Mitochondrial Dna: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol!Mitochondrial EncephalomyopathiesProg Neuropath&Mitochondrial Function and DysfunctionInt Rev NeurobiolIMitochondrial Pathogenesis: From Genes and Apoptosis to Aging and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci0Mitochondrial Research in Translational MedicineAnn Ny Acad Sci3Mitochondria: Structure, Functions and DysfunctionsCell Bio Res Prog Mitochondrion Mitochondrion3Mitochondrion in The Germline and Early DevelopmentCurr Top Dev BiolMitosis: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol%Mit Press Series in Logic Programming Mit Ps LogMit Press SourcebooksMit Press SourcebMit Sloan Management ReviewMit Sloan Manage RevMitsubishi Electric AdvanceMitsubishi Electr AdEMitteilungen Der Bundesforschungsanstalt Fur Forst-und HolzwirtschaftMitt BundesforschRMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fuer Allgemeine Und Angewandte EntomologieM D Gesell Allg AngerMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Agewandte Entomologie, Band 11, Heft 1-6, Dezember 1997M D Gesell Allg AngeQMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte EntomologieM D Gesell Allg AngeQMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte EntomologieMitt Deut Ges AllgemQMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie Mitt DgaaeQMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte EntomologieMitt Dtsch Ges AllgsMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Band 10, Heft 1-6, Dezember 1995 Mitt DgaaenMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Band 12, Heft 1-6, Feb 2000Mitt Deut Ges AllgemnMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Band 12, Heft 1-6, Feb 2000Mitt Dtsch Ges AllgZMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Band 17Mitt Deut Ges AllgemiMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Band 9, Heft 1-3, 1994 Mitt DgaaeYMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Vol 16M D Gesell Allg AngeYMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Vol 16Mitt Deut Ges AllgemYMitteilungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Allgemeine Und Angewandte Entomologie, Vol 16Mitt Dtsch Ges Allg=Mitteilungen Der Osterreichischen Geographischen GesellschaftMitt Osterr Geogr GIMitteilungen Der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Fur Boden- Und Felsmechanik Mit Sch GesJMitteilungen Der Versuchsanstalt Fur Wasserbau, Hydrologie Und Glaziologie Mit Ver Was1Mitteilungen Des Instituts Fur Asienkunde HamburgMit Inst Asienk HambBMitteilungen Des Instituts Fur Osterreichische GeschichtsforschungMitt Inst Osterr Ges8Mitteilungen Des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in FlorenzMitt Kunsthist I FloMitteilungen KlosterneuburgMitt KlosterneubgMitteilungen KlosterneuburgMitt KlosterneuburgLMittelniederdeutsche Theophilus-spiel: Text - Ubersetzung - StellenkommentarQuell Fors Lit Kul G8Mixed Automorphic Forms, Torus Bundles, and Jacobi FormsLect Notes MathMixed Boundary Value ProblemsCh Crc Appl Math Non)Mixed Carbonate - Siliciclastic SequencesSepm Core WorkshopAMixed Finite Elements, Compatibility Conditions, and ApplicationsLect Notes Math!Mixed Finite Element TechnologiesCism Courses LectMixed Hodge StructuresErgeb Math GrenzgebIMixed Ionic Electronic Conducting Perovskites for Advanced Energy SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii MathIMixed Ionic Electronic Conducting Perovskites for Advanced Energy SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathMixed-mode Crack BehaviorAm Soc Test MaterMixed Surfactant Systems Acs Sym SerFMixed Valency Systems : Applications in Chemistry, Physics and BiologyNato Adv Sci I C-matMixing: Chaos and TurbulenceNato Adv Sci I B-phyAMk Process At 50 Years: A Powerful Tool for Astrophysical Insight Astr Soc P Mljekarstvo MljekarstvoMlnMlnMln-modern Language NotesMln-mod Lang NotesMmactee' 08: Proceedings of The 10th Wseas International Conference Mathermatical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering Ele Com Eng2Mmixware: A Risc Computer for The Third MillenniumLect Notes Comput Sc-Mm-wave Silicon Technology: 60 Ghz and BeyondIntegr Circuit SystMmw-fortschritte Der MedizinMmw-fortsch MedizindMn'09: Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference On Maritime and Naval Science and EngineeringMa Comput Sci Eng Mnemosyne MnemosyneMnemosyne SupplementaMnemosyne Suppl3Moab in The Iron Age: Hegemony, Polity, ArchaeologyArchaeol Cult Soc)Mobiili-ict Kiinteisto- Ja Rakennusalalla Vtt Res Notes.Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Mobile AgentsLect Notes Comput Sc!Mobile Agents: Control AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput Sc=Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Mobile Agents: Principles of Operation and ApplicationsAdv Manag InformMobile Agents, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures Iii Adv Arc Ser(Mobile and Ubiquitous Information AccessLect Notes Comput Sc*Mobile and Wireless Communication NetworksInt Fed Info Proc+Mobile and Wireless Communications NetworksLect Notes Comput ScMobile CommunicationsLect Notes Comput Sc#Mobile Communications InternationalMob Commun Int*Mobile Computing Research and ApplicationsComput Sci Tech ApplMobile Data AccessLect Notes Comput Sc#Mobile Data Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMobile Datat AccessLect Notes Comput Sc@Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking in Gps-less EnvironmentsLect Notes Comput Sc?Mobile Human-computer Interaction - Mobilehci 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Mobile Hybrid Intrusion Detection: The Movicab-ids SystemStud Comput IntellMobile Information Systems Mob Inf SystMobile Information Systems-bkInt Fed Info ProcMobile Information Systems IiInt Fed Info ProcIMobile Multimedia/image Processing for Military and Security ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsIMobile Multimedia/image Processing for Military and Security Applications Proc SpieNMobile Multimedia/image Processing for Military and Security Applications 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsNMobile Multimedia/image Processing for Military and Security Applications 2007 Proc SpieCMobile Multimedia/image Processing, Security, and Applications 2008 Proc SpieCMobile Multimedia/image Processing, Security, and Applications 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsCMobile Multimedia/image Processing, Security, and Applications 2011P Soc Photo-opt InsEMobile Multimedia Processing: Fundamentals, Methods, and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScMobile Networks & ApplicationsMobile Netw ApplMobile Object SystemsLect Notes Comput ScMobile Particulate SystemsNato Adv Sci Inst SeMobile ResponseLect Notes Comput ScMobile Robots IvP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Mobile Robots: The Evolutionary ApproachStud Comput IntellMobile Robots VP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots ViP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots XP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Mobile Robots Xi and Automated Vehicle Control SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Mobile Robots Xiii and Intelligent Transportation SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Mobile Robots Xiii and Intelligent Transportation Systems Proc SpieMobile Robots XivP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots Xiv Proc SpieFMobile Robots Xv and Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsFMobile Robots Xv and Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies Vii Proc SpieMobile Robots XviP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots Xvi Proc SpieMobile Robots XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsMobile Robots Xvii Proc Spie$Mobile Robot Technology, Proceedings Ifac Work SMobile Technologies of The CityNetworked Cities Ser-Mobile Tv: Customizing Content and ExperienceHum-comput Int-sprinBMobile Wimax: Toward Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area NetworksWirel Netw Mob Commu?Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and ApplicationsL N Inst Comp Sci So Mobilities Mobilities-ukMobilityKey Ideas Geogr7Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons Transp Stud9Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMobility, Sexuality and AidsSex Cult Health Mobilization MobilizationjMobiwac'07: Proceedings of The Fifth Acm International Workshop On Mobility Management and Wireless AccessI W Mob Man Wirel AckMobiwac'08: Proceedings of The Sixth Acm International Symposium On Mobility Management and Wireless AccessI W Mob Man Wirel Ac1Moda 4 - Advances in Model-oriented Data Analysis Contr Stat4Moda6 Advances in Model-oriented Design and Analysis Contr Stat4Moda6 Advances in Model-oriented Design and Analysis Contrib StatDModa 7 - Advances in Model-oriented Design and Analysis, Proceedings Contr StatDModa 7 - Advances in Model-oriented Design and Analysis, Proceedings Contrib Stat7Moda 8 - Advances in Model-oriented Design and Analysis Contr Stat7Moda 8 - Advances in Model-oriented Design and Analysis Contrib StatVModal Analysis-the International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis Modal Anal^Modal Array Signal Processing: Principles and Applications of Acoustic Wavefield DecompositionLect Notes Contr Inf)Modal Interpretation of Quantum MechanicsW Ont Ser Philos Sci)Modal Interpretation of Quantum MechanicsWest Ont Ser PhilosModalities and MultimodalitiesLogic Epistemol UnitModality Acta AnalytModality and EllipsisTrends Linguist-stud!Modality in Grammar and Discourse Typol St LModality in Specialized Texts Ling Insights"Modals and Quasi-modals in English Lang Comput3Modals in The Languages of Europe: A Reference WorkEmpir Approach LangKModel Abstraction in Dynamical Systems: Application to Mobile Robot ControlLect Notes Contr InfModel-based Control of Logistics Processes in Volatile Environments: Decision Support for Operations Planning in Supply ConsortiaOper Res Comput Sci5Model-based Engineering of Embedded Real-time SystemsLect Notes Comput ScModel-based GeostatisticsSpringer Ser Stat/Model Based Learning and Instruction in ScienceModel Model Sci Educ6Model-based Process Supervision: A Bond Graph ApproachAdv Ind Control]Model-based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Abduction, Logic and Computational DiscoveryStud Comp Intell]Model-based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Abduction, Logic and Computational DiscoveryStud Comput Intell:Model-based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and MedicineStud Comp Intell:Model-based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and MedicineStud Comput Intell)Model-based Software and Data IntegrationComm Com Inf Sc'Model-based Testing of Reactive SystemsLect Notes Comput ScModel-based VisionP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Model-based Vision Development and ToolsP Soc Photo-opt InsCModelcare 90 : Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Iahs-aish PModel Cellulosic Surfaces Acs Sym Ser*Model Checking and Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int*Model Checking and Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Comput ScWModel-checking Based Data Retrieval: An Application to Semistructured and Temporal DataLect Notes Comput ScModel Checking SoftwareLect Notes Comput Sc$Model Checking Software, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScModel Driven ArchitectureLect Notes Comput Sc8Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScEModel Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCModel Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Model-driven Development of Reliable Automotive ServicesLect Notes Comput Sc;Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc5Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Pt IiLect Notes Comput ScAModel Generation for Natural Language Interpretation and AnalysisLect Notes Artif Int.Modeling and Characterization of Light SourcesP Soc Photo-opt InsPModeling and Control for Efficient Bipedal Walking Robots: A Port-based ApproachSpringer Trac Adv Ro1Modeling and Control in Environmental Issues 2001 Ifac Work S/Modeling and Control of Antennas and Telescopes Mech Eng Ser3Modeling and Control of Biotechnical Processes 1992Ifac Symp Series'Modeling and Control of Complex SystemsAutom Control Eng Se#Modeling and Control of VentilationAdv Exp Med Biol7Modeling and Control of Vibration in Mechanical SystemsAutom Control Eng Se(Modeling and Design of Wireless NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Modeling and Design of Wireless Networks Proc Spie?Modeling and Identification of Linear Parameter-varying SystemsLect Notes Contr InfEModeling and Numerical Simulation of Materials Behavior and EvolutionMater Res Soc Symp P!Modeling and Retrieval of ContextLect Notes Artif IntJModeling and Simulating Sensory Response for Real and Virtual EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsfModeling and Simulation Environment for Satellite and Terrestrial Communications Networks, ProceedingsKluwer Int Ser Eng CfModeling and Simulation Environment for Satellite and Terrestrial Communications Networks, ProceedingsSpring Int Ser Eng CfModeling and Simulation Environment for Satellite and Terrestrial Communications Networks, ProceedingsSpringer Int Ser Eng>Modeling and Simulation for Defense Systems and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Modeling and Simulation for Defense Systems and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Modeling and Simulation for Military ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Modeling and Simulation for Military Applications Proc Spie2Modeling and Simulation for Military Operations IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Modeling and Simulation for Military Operations IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Modeling and Simulation for Military Operations Iii Proc Spie<Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering & TechnologyModel Simul Sci Eng=Modeling and Simulation in Science Engineering and TechnologyModel Simul Sci Eng.Modeling and Simulation of Biological Networks Proc Sym Ap8Modeling and Simulation of Higher-power Laser Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Modeling and Simulation of Laser Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Modeling and Simulation of Laser Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Modeling and Simulation of New Materials Aip Conf Proc.Modeling and Systems Engineering for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt InsModeling and Using ContextLect Notes Artif Int'Modeling and Using Context, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int%Modeling Aspects in Optical MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology Proc Spie(Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology Ii Proc Spie)Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology Iii Proc SpieTModeling By Nonlinear Differential Equations: Dissipative and Conservative ProcessesWorld Sci Ser NonlinNModeling Complex Living Systems: A Kinetic Theory and Stochastic Game ApproachModel Simul Sci EngModeling Complex SystemsNebr Sym Motiv(Modeling Complex Systems, Second EditionGrad Texts Phys&Modeling, Computation and OptimizationStat Sci Interdisc RUModeling, Control and Implementation of Smart Structures: A Fema-state Space ApproachLect Notes Contr Inf5Modeling, Control and Optimization of Complex SystemsKluw Int S Dis Ev Dy4Modeling Cooperative Behavior in The Social Sciences Aip Conf Proc.Modeling Decisions for Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int;Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int4Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked PopulationsEnviron Ecol Stat Se>Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems With UncertaintiesMath EngModeling Dynamic SystemsModel Dyn Syst Modeling, Estimation and ControlLect Notes Contr Inf<Modeling, Estimation and Control of Systems With Uncertainty Prog Syst CeModeling Foundations of Economic Property Rights Theory: An Axiomatic Analysis of Economic AgreementsStud Econ Theory3Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant TransportTheor Appl Trans Por#Modeling Identification and ControlModel Ident ControlModeling in Combustion ScienceLect Notes Phys/Modeling Income Distributions and Lorenz CurvesEcon Stud Inequal So2Modeling in Systems Biology-the Petri Net ApproachComput Biol Ser'Modeling Language, Cognition and ActionProg Neural Process/Modeling Languages in Mathematical OptimizationAppl Optimizat4Modeling Machine Emotions for Realizing IntelligenceSmart Innov Syst Tec(Modeling Magnetospheric Plasma ProcessesGeoph Monog SeriesModeling Multi-level SystemsUnderst Complex SystModeling Neural DevelopmentDev Cogn NeurosciModeling of Complex Systems Aip Conf Proc)Modeling of Creep for Structural AnalysisFound Eng Mech+Modeling of Indoor Air Quality and ExposureAm Soc Test Mater_Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes: By Finite Element and Soft Computing MethodsEng Mater Process!Modeling of Optical Thin Films IiP Soc Photo-opt InsModeling of Soft Matter Ima V Math>Modeling Paradigms and Analysis of Disease Transmission ModelsDimacs Ser Discret M'Modeling Phase Transitions in The BrainSpr Ser Comput Neuro3Modeling Risk Management in Sustainable ContructionComput Risk ManagBModeling, Signal Processing, and Control for Smart Structures 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsBModeling, Signal Processing, and Control for Smart Structures 2007 Proc SpieBModeling, Signal Processing, and Control for Smart Structures 2008P Soc Photo-opt InsBModeling, Signal Processing, and Control for Smart Structures 2008 Proc Spie<Modeling, Simulation, and Calibration of Space-based SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Modeling, Simulation, and Control Technologies for ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Integrated Circuits Int S Num M=Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Integrated CircuitsInt Ser Numer Math@Modeling, Simulation, and Verification of Space-based Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAModeling, Simulation, and Verification of Space-based Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIModeling, Simulation, and Visualization for Real and Virtual EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsTModeling, Simulation, and Visualization of Sensory Response for Defense ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsCModeling Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Methods, Procedures and TechniquesFuel Cell Hydro EnerFModeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy IiP Soc Photo-opt InsFModeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy Ii Proc SpieFModeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy IvP Soc Photo-opt InsFModeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy Iv Proc Spie1Modeling The Earth's Climate and It's Variability Les Houch SModeling The Hydrogen Bond Acs Sym Ser$Modeling Theory in Science EducationSci Technol Educ Lib.Modeling The Stellar Environment : How and Why Iap Astr MJModeling Uncertainty With Fuzzy Logic: With Recent Theory and ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp8Modelisation, Analyse Et Commande Des Systemes LineairesPour Ing1Modelling, Analysis, and Design of Hybrid SystemsLect Notes Contr InfJModelling and Analysis of Hybrid Supervisory Systems: A Petri Net ApproachAdv Ind ControlHModelling and Applications in Mathematics Education: The 14th Icmi StudyNew Icmi Stud SerSModelling and Computation for Applications in Mathematics, Science, and EngineeringNumer Math Sci ComptModelling and Control for Intelligent Industrial Systems: Adaptive Algorithms in Robotics and Industrial EngineeringIntel Syst Ref LibrOModelling and Control in Biomedical Systems 2003 (including Biological Systems)Ifac Symp Series^Modelling and Control of Dynamical Systems: Numerical Implementation in A Behavioral FrameworkStud Comput Intell{Modelling and Estimation Strategies for Fault Diagnosis of Non-linear Systems: From Analytical to Soft Computing ApproachesLect Notes Contr Inf:Modelling and Evaluating Treatment Effects in EconometricsAdv Econometrics8Modelling and Experimental Measurements in Acoustics IiiComp Exptl Methods/Modelling and Experimentation in Two-phase Flow Cism Cour L/Modelling and Experimentation in Two-phase FlowCism Courses LectJModelling and Laboratory Studies Supporting Space Missions to Small Bodies Adv Space ResJModelling and Laboratory Studies Supporting Space Missions to Small BodiesAdv Space Res-seriesJModelling and Management of Sustainable Basin-scale Water Resource Systems Iahs-aish P@Modelling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual EnvironmentsLect Notes Artif Int6Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Atm Technology Ifip Trans C*Modelling and Predicting Textile BehaviourWoodhead Text Ser=Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and EngineeringModel Simul Mater Sc>Modelling and Simulation of Multitechnological Machine SystemsVtt Symp?Modelling and Simulation of Steam Generators and Firing Systems VDI Bericht#Modelling and Simulation of Systems Imacs Ann C0Modelling and Simulation of Thin-film ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp PHModelling and Simulation - Sixth Bath International Fluid Power WorkshopFluid Power Ser-Modelling and Simulation-world Academic UnionModelling SimulationModelling Aqueous CorrosionNato Adv Sci Inst Se.Modelling Autonomic Communication EnvironmentsLect Notes Comput Sc/Modelling Autonomic Communications EnvironmentsLect Notes Comput Sc<Modelling Autonomic Communications Environments, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Modelling Communication With Robots and Virtual HumansLect Notes Artif IntcModelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc[Modelling Critical and Catastrophic Phenomena in Geoscience: A Statistical Physics ApproachLect Notes PhysModelling Diesel Combustion Mech Eng SerModelling Distributed SystemsTexts Theor Comput S+Modelling Dynamics in Processes and SystemsStud Comput Intell>Modelling, Estimation and Control of Networked Complex Systems Und Com Sys>Modelling, Estimation and Control of Networked Complex SystemsUnderst Complex Syst6Modelling Flows in Environmental and Civil EngineeringEnviron Sci Eng Tech3Modelling Foundations and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Modelling in Medicine and Biology ViWit Tr Biomed Health%Modelling in Medicine and Biology ViiWit Tr Biomed Health&Modelling in Medicine and Biology ViiiWit Tr Biomed HealthModelling in Molecular Biology Nat Comp Ser4Modelling Land-use Change: Progress and ApplicationsGeojournal Lib Modelling Microorganisms in FoodWoodhead Publ Food S4Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Forest FiresWit Trans Ecol EnvirFModelling Non-stationary Economic Time Series: A Multivariate ApproachPalgr Texts Economet3Modelling of Biomolecular Structures and Mechanisms Jerus Sym Q*Modelling of Corroding Concrete Structures Rilem Bookser3Modelling of Engineering and Technological Problems Aip Conf Proc5Modelling of Environmental Chemical Exposure and RiskNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear!Modelling of Machining OperationsAdv Mater Res-switzCModelling of Microstructural Evolution in Creep Resistant MaterialsMicro High Temp Mat0Modelling of Molecular Structures and PropertiesStud Phys Theo Chem"Modelling of Powder Die CompactionEng Mater Process@Modelling of Radiation Damage in Metals Using Ehrenfest DynamicsSpringer Theses-reco Modelling of Stellar AtmospheresIau Symp+Modelling Parasite Transmission and ControlAdv Exp Med BiolOModelling, Pricing, and Hedging Counterparty Credit Exposure: A Technical GuideSpringer FinancbModelling Regional Scenarios for The Enlarged Europe: European Competiveness and Global Strategies Adv Spat SciQModelling, Simulation and Software Concepts for Scientific-technological ProblemsLect Notes Appl CompModelling Soil Erosion By WaterNato Asi Ser Ser IUModelling Soil Erosion, Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological Processes Iahs-aish P?Modelling, State Observation and Diagnosis of Quantised SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf7Modelling Stochastic Fibrous Materials With MathematicaEng Mater ProcessFModelling Sustainable Development: Transitions to A Sustainable FutureFeem Ser Econ EnvirHModelling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHModelling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy Iii Proc Spie!Modelling The Physiological HumanLect Notes Comput Sc1Modelling The Topside Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Adv Space ResaModelling, Valuing and Managing Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems for Non-timber Goods and ServicesEur Forest Inst ProcnModelling With Transparent Soils: Visualizing Soil Structure Interaction and Multi Phase Flow, Non-intrusivelySpringer Ser GeomechiModelling With Words: Learning, Fusion, and Reasoning Within A Formal Linguistic Representation FrameworkLect Notes Artif IntsModel Minority Myth Revisited: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Demystifying Asian American Educational ExperiencesChin Am Educ Res Dev@Mode-locked and Solid State Lasers, Amplifiers, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Mode-locked Lasers and Ultrafast PhenomenaP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Model of The Response Function of Cuore BolometersSpringer Theses-reco@Model Order Reduction: Theory, Research Aspects and ApplicationsEur Consort Math Ind/Model Predictive Control of Wasterwater SystemsAdv Ind Control;Model Reduction Methods for Vector Autoregressive ProcessesLect Notes Econ Math2Models, Algebras and Logic of Engineering SoftwareNato Sc S Ss Iii C SModels, Algebras, and ProofsLect Notes Pure Appl-Models and Algorithms for Global OptimizationSpringer Ser Optim A;Models and Applications to Urban Water Systems, Monograph 9Adv Mod Manag StormwJModels and Images of Catholicism in Italian Americana: Academy and Society Filibrary S;Models and Modeling: Cognitive Tools for Scientific EnquiryModel Model Sci Educ(Models and Modeling in Science EducationModel Model Sci EducPModels and Phenomenology for Conventional and High-temperature SuperconductivityP Int Sch Phys7Models for Assessing and Monitoring Groundwater Quality Iahs-aish PRModels for The Sustainable Management of Temperate Plantation Forests, ProceedingsEur Forest Inst ProcGModels in Cooperative Game Theory: Crisp, Fuzzy, and Multi-choice GamesLect Notes Econ MathVModels in Hardware Testing: Lecture Notes of The Forum in Honor of Christian LandraultFront Electron TestModels in Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScNModels of Brain and Mind: Physical, Computational and Psychological ApproachesProg Brain Res"Models of Discovery and CreativityOrig Stud Sourc SciDModels of Disequilibrium and Shortage in Centrally Planned Economies Int St Ec MModels of Hysteresis Pitman ResModels of Neuropeptide ActionAnn Ny Acad Sci!Models of Sustainable DevelopmentNew Hor Env EcoModels of Viral Hepatitis Monogr Virol&Models: The Third Dimension of Science Writing Sci&Modern Acoustics and Signal ProcessingMod Acoust Sign Proc'Modern Algebra of Information RetrievalInform Retrieval SerModern & Contemporary FranceMod Contemp FrHModern Analysis and Applications: Mark Krein Centenary Conference, Vol 1 Oper TheorHModern Analysis and Applications: Mark Krein Centenary Conference, Vol 1Oper Theory Adv ApplHModern Analysis and Applications: Mark Krein Centenary Conference, Vol 2 Oper TheorHModern Analysis and Applications: Mark Krein Centenary Conference, Vol 2Oper Theory Adv ApplModern Analytical Chemistry Mod Anal Ch+Modern and Ancient Continental Shelf AnoxiaGeol Soc Spec Publ*Modern and Contemporary Poetry and PoeticsMod Contemp Poet Poe-Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia EditorsMod Anthropol Se Asi"Modern Applications of Social Work Mod Appl Sw)Modern Approaches in Solid Earth SciencesMod Appr Sol Earth S)Modern Approach to Functional IntegrationAppl Numer Harmon An=Modern Approach to Intelligent Animation: Theory and PracticeAdv Top Sci Tech Chi#Modern Approach to Regession With RSpringer Texts StatModern Art in The 2000sStud ProferlitModern Asian StudiesMod Asian Stud"Modern Aspects of ElectrochemistryMod Asp Electrochem"Modern Aspects of ElectrochemistryMod Aspect Electroc)Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No 42Mod Asp Electrochem)Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No 43Mod Asp Electrochem)Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No 44Mod Asp Electrochem)Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No 45Mod Asp Electrochem)Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No 46Mod Asp Electrochem)Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No 48Mod Asp Electrochem)Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No 49Mod Asp Electrochem&Modern Aspects of Main Group Chemistry Acs Sym Ser(Modern Aspects of Small-angle ScatteringNato Adv Sci Inst SeModern Aspects of Spin PhysicsLect Notes Phys>Modern Aspects of The Theory of Partial Differential EquationsOper Theory Adv Appl Moderna Sprak Mod SprakModern Austrian LiteratureMod Austrian LitModern Birkhauser ClassicsMod Birkhauser ClassModern British LiteratureMod Brit LiteratureModern CastingMod CastModern Catalan Literature Catalan StudgModern Challenges in Nonlinear Plasma Physics: A Festschrift Honoring The Career of Dennis Papadopoulos Aip Conf ProcmModern Challenges in Statistical Mechanics: Patterns, Noise, and The Interplay of Nonlinearity and Complexity Aip Conf Proc Modern China Mod ChinaModern Chinese LiteratureMod Chinese Lit%Modern Chinese Literature and CultureMod Chin Lit Cult4Modern Circuit Placement: Best Practices and ResultsIntegr Circuit Syst$Modern Coating and Drying Technology Adv InterfHModern Communications Jamming: Principles and Techniques, Second EditionArtech Hse Intel Inf4Modern Communications Receiver Design and TechnologyArtech Hse Intel InfRModern Computational Intelligence Methods for The Interpretation of Medical ImagesStud Comput IntellCModern Computer Techniques and Their Impact On Chemical Engineering Dech Monog=Modern Concepts in Penicillium and Aspergillus 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Fr Iden(Modern Geophysics in Engineering GeologyGeol Soc Eng Geol SpModern HealthcareMod HealthcareModern Hebrew LiteratureMod Hebrew Lit>Modern Humanities Research Association Texts and DissertationsMod Humanit Res Asso&Modern Infectious Disease EpidemiologyStat Biol Health2Modern Insights Into Disease From Molecules to ManMod Insights Dis MolModern Intellectual HistoryMod Intellect HistModern International Drama Mod Int Drama2Modernism and Poetic Inspiration: The Shadow MouthMod Contemp Poet Poe(Modernism and The Language of PhilosophyRout Stud Tw Cen PhiModernism-modernityModernism-modernityZModernism Revisited: Transgression Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry Dqr Stud LitModernism, Second EditionNew Crit Idiom*Modern Issues and Methods in BiostatisticsStat Biol Health2Modernist Studies-literature and Culture 1920-1940Mod Stud-lit CultModernity and MalaysiaMod Anthropol Se Asi`Modernity and The Nation in Mexican Representations of Masculinity: From Sensuality to BloodshedNew Concepts Lat AmModernity in Asian ArtU Syd E Asia SerjModernity, The Media and The Military: The Creation of National Mythologies On The Western Front 1914-1918 Cass Mil Stud;Modernizing Democracy: Innovations in Citizen ParticipationTransform Tr Gov Dem<Modern Japan: A Social and Political History, Second EditionNissan I Routl Jpn S7Modern Jewish Literatures: Intersections and BoundariesJew Cult ContextModern Judaism Mod JudaismModern Language Journal Mod Lang JModern Language QuarterlyMod Lang QuartModern Language Review Mod Lang RevModern Languages in PracticeMod Lang PractModern Language Studies Mod Lang StudModern Law and Society Mod Law SocModern Law Review Mod Law RevModern Machine Shop Mod Mach ShopModern Magnetic ResonancesMolecul Phys Rep7Modern Management of Combined Hypertension and Diabetes Roy S Med S"Modern Management of The MenopauseI C S SModern Mass Spectrometry Top Curr ChemModern Materials HandlingMod Mater Handl@Modern Mathematical Tools and Techniques in Capturing ComplexityUnderst Complex Syst Modern MetalsMod Met"Modern Methods in Complex Analysis Ann Math StudModern Methods in Food Mycology Dev Food Sci7Modern Methods in Scientific Computing and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math7Modern Methods in Scientific Computing and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math=Modern Methods of Analytical Mechanics and Their Applications Cism Cour L=Modern Methods of Analytical Mechanics and Their ApplicationsCism Courses Lect(Modern Methods of Clinical Investigation Med Inn CrFModern Methods of Igneous Petrology : Understanding Magmatic Processes Rev MineralModern Methods of OptimizationLect Notes Econ Math1Modern Microbiological Methods for Dairy Products Int Dairy FNModern Molecular Biology: Approaches for Unbiased Discovery in Cancer ResearchAppl Bioinf Biostat-Modern Morphometrics in Physical AnthropologyDev Primatol-prog Pr]Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques: Regression, Classification, and Manifold LearningSpringer Texts Stat$Modern Nmr Spectroscopy in Education Acs Sym Ser(Modern Nonlinear Optics, Pt 1, Second Ed Adv Chem Phys(Modern Nonlinear Optics, Pt 2, Second Ed Adv Chem Phys(Modern Nonlinear Optics, Pt 3, Second Ed Adv Chem PhysModern Optimal ControlLect Notes Pure ApplModern Paint and CoatingsMod Paint CoatingModern Pathology Modern Pathol(Modern Persian Literature in Afghanistan Iran Stud Ser2Modern Perspectives in Inorganic Crystal ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-mat<Modern Perspectives On Thermoelectrics and Related MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PModern Philology Mod PhilologyModern Physics Letters AMod Phys Lett AModern Physics Letters BMod Phys Lett BModern Phytochemical MethodsRecent Adv Phytochem(Modern Pioneers in Psychological ScienceMod Pioneer PsycholModern Plastics Mod Plast8Modern Poetics and Hemispheric American Cultural StudiesStud AmModern Poetry StudiesMod Poetry Stud0Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration AnalysisMater Sci Forum@Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis Vi, ProceedingsAppl Mech MaterMModern Problems of Electrostatics With Applications in Environment ProtectionNato Sci S Prt 2 Env%Modern Problems of PharmacopsychiatryMod Probl Pharm'Modern Problems of Structural Stability Cism Cour L'Modern Problems of Structural StabilityCism Courses LectModern Protective StructuresCrc Press Civ Env En'Modern Public Economics, Second EditionRoutl Adv Texts Econ,Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia Mod Quat Re)Modern Refrigeration and Air ConditioningMod Refrig Air CondModern Rheumatology Mod Rheumatol<Moderns Abroad: Architecture, Cities and Italian Imperialism ArchitextModern Schoolman Mod Schoolman!Modern Science of Climate ChangesClim Chang Cause EffEModern Sliding Mode Control Theory: New Perspectives and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf$Modern Solvents in Organic Synthesis Top Curr ChemModerns Trends in Ophthalmology Int Congr Ser)Modern Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Chromat MetModern Synthetic Methods Mod Syn Met%Modern Synthetic Methods, Vol 5, 1989 Mod Syn Met8Modern Techniques for Nano- and Microreactors/-reactions Adv Polym Sci/Modern Technologies Applied to Medical PracticeP Soc Photo-opt InsMModern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt InsMModern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation Proc SpieFModern Testing Techniques for Structural Systems: Dynamics and Control Cism Cour L8Modern Theory of Anisotropic Elasticity and Applications Siam Proc SModern Theory of GratingsSpringer Ser Opt SciJModern Tools and Methods of Water Treatment for Improving Living StandardsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarModern Treatment Mod Treat+Modern Trends in Biothermokinetics (series)Mod Tr Biothermokin.Modern Trends in Composite Laminates Mechanics Cism Cour LModern Trends in GeomechanicsSpringer Proc Phys7Modern Trends in Magnetostriction Study and ApplicationNato Sci Ser Ii Math7Modern Trends in Magnetostriction Study and ApplicationNato Sci Ser Ii-math!Modern Trends in Physics Research Aip Conf Proc'Modern Trends in Polymer Science-epf 09 Macromol Sy.Modern Trends in Pseudo-differential Operators Oper Theor.Modern Trends in Pseudo-differential OperatorsOper Theory Adv ApplModern Vaccine DesignBehr Inst MittModern Veterinary Practice Mod Vet PractHModern Yugoslav Conflict 1991-1995: Perception, Deception and DishonestyContemp Secur StudMode Selective Chemistry Jerus Sym Q(Modes of Action of Gnrh and Gnrh Analogs Serono SympHModes of Star Formation and The Origin of Field Populations, Proceedings Astr Soc PAModification and Blending of Synthetic and Natural MacromoleculesNato Sci Ser Ii MathAModification and Blending of Synthetic and Natural MacromoleculesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathHModification and Preparation of Membrane in Supercritical Carbon DioxideChem Res Appl-nova8Modifications of Nuclear Dna and Its Regulatory ProteinsProg Mol Biol TranslModifying Flavour in FoodWoodhead Publ Food S+Modtech 2010: New Face of Tmcr, ProceedingsPr Int Conf ModtechAModular 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Diabetes"Molecular and Cell Biology UpdatesMcbuJMolecular and Cellular Approaches to The Treatment of Neurological Disease Res P Arnmd4Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Muscle ContractionAdv Exp Med Biol4Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Plant ReproductionSoc Exp Biol Semin S#Molecular and Cellular BiochemistryMol Cell BiochemMolecular and Cellular Biology Mol Cell Biol+Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cytokines Prog Leuc B<Molecular and Cellular Biology of Neuroprotection in The CnsAdv Exp Med Biol!Molecular and Cellular BiophysicsCrc Ser Pure Appl Ph&Molecular and Cellular DifferentiationMol Cell Differ$Molecular and Cellular EndocrinologyMol Cell Endocrinol"Molecular and Cellular GerontologyAnn Ny Acad Sci<Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Alcohol and AnestheticsAnn Ny Acad Sci8Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neuronal PlasticityAdv Exp Med Biol_Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neuronal Plasticity in Normal Aging and Alzheimers DiseaseProg Brain Res=Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neurotransmitter ReleaseAdv Sec Mess Phosph2Molecular and Cellular Networks for Cancer Therapy Int Congr Ser#Molecular and Cellular NeuroscienceMol Cell NeurosciMolecular and Cellular ProbesMol Cell ProbeEMolecular and Cellular Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate MetabolismProg Clin Biol Res7Molecular and Cellular Targets for Anti-epileptic Drugs Curr Prob E%Molecular and Chemical NeuropathologyMol Chem Neuropathol&Molecular and Colloidal Electro-opticsSurfactant Sci Ser0Molecular and Developmental Biology of CartilageAnn Ny Acad Sci@Molecular and Functional Diversity of Ion Channels and ReceptorsAnn Ny Acad Sci2Molecular and Functional Models in NeuropsychiatryCurr Top Behav NeuroMolecular and General Genetics Mol Gen Genet(Molecular and Genetic Aspects of Obesity Penn Ctr NBMolecular and Integrative Physiology of The Musculoskeletal SystemAnn Ny Acad Sci)Molecular and Organic Electronics DevicesElectr Eng DevHMolecular and Structural Archaeology: Cosmetic and Therapeutic ChemicalsNato Sci Ser Ii MathHMolecular and Structural Archaeology: Cosmetic and Therapeutic ChemicalsNato Sci Ser Ii-math(Molecular and Structural Biology of HairAnn Ny Acad Sci$Molecular and Subcellular CardiologyAdv Exp Med Biol$Molecular and Translational MedicineMol Transl MedAMolecular Approaches to Compartmentation and Metabolic Regulation Aspp Symp P*Molecular Approaches to Controlling Cancer Cold Sh Q BAMolecular Approaches to The Study and Treatment of Human Diseases Int Congr SerMolecular Aspects of Aging Life Sci R#Molecular Aspects of AmmoniagenesisContrib NephrolFMolecular Aspects of Biotechnology : Computational Models and TheoriesNato Adv Sci I C-mat@Molecular Aspects of Development and Aging of The Nervous SystemAdv Exp Med Biol,Molecular Aspects of Fish and Marine BiologyMol Asp Fish Mar BioMolecular Aspects of MedicineMol Aspects MedHMolecular Aspects of Monooxygenases and Bioactivation of Toxic CompoundsNato Adv Sci I A-lif2Molecular Aspects of Myeloid 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Sclerosis: The Immune SystemResults Probl Cell D3Molecular Basis of Nk Cell Recognition and Function Chem ImmunolGMolecular Basis of Pulmonary Disease: Insights From Rare Lung DisordersRespir Med Ser/Molecular Basis of Smell and Taste Transduction Ciba F Symp@Molecular Basis of Specificity in Nucleic Acid-drug Interactions Jerus Sym Q&Molecular Basis of The Immune ResponseAnn Ny Acad SciMolecular Beam Epitaxy /Mater Sci ForumMolecular Biology Mol Biol+Molecular Biology & Medicine Mol Biol Med7Molecular Biology and Differentiation of MegakaryocytesProg Clin Biol ResMolecular Biology and Evolution Mol Biol Evol2Molecular Biology and Function of Carrier Proteins Soc Gen Phy4Molecular Biology and Genetics of Alzheimers Disease Int Congr Ser2Molecular Biology and Pathology of Elastic Tissues Ciba F SympKMolecular Biology and Physiology of Insulin and Insulin-like Growth FactorsAdv Exp Med Biol&Molecular Biology in Blood Transfusion Dev Hematol#Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit Mol B Int U#Molecular Biology Intelligence UnitMol Biol Intell Unit'Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit P53Mol Biol Intell Unit$Molecular Biology in Tumour Research Biotechfor<Molecular Biology : Its Practice and Role in Crop Protection Br Crop PrMolecular Biology of AgingAlfred Benzon Symp SMolecular Biology of Aging Ucla Sym Bi#Molecular Biology of ErythropoiesisAdv Exp Med BiolFMolecular Biology of Membrane-bound Complexes in Phototrophic Bacteria Fems SympMolecular Biology of MuscleSym Soc Exp Biol&Molecular Biology of Plant DevelopmentSym Soc Exp Biol*Molecular Biology of Protein Folding, Pt AProg Mol Biol Transl*Molecular Biology of Protein Folding, Pt BProg Mol Biol Transl<Molecular Biology of Rna Processing and Decay in ProkaryotesProg Mol Biol Transl+Molecular Biology of The Autoimmune DiseaseNato Adv Sci I H-cel.Molecular Biology of The Cardiovascular System Ucla Sym BiMolecular Biology of The Cell Mol Biol CellMolecular Biology of The RetinaProg Clin Biol ResMolecular Biology Reports Mol Biol RepMolecular Biosystems Mol BiosystMolecular BiotechnologyMol BiotechnolYMolecular Biotechnology of Fungal Beta-lactam Antibiotics and Related Peptide SynthetasesAdv Biochem Eng BiotMolecular Biotherapy Mol Biother-Molecular Botany: Signals and The EnvironmentBiochem Soc SympMolecular Brain Research Mol Brain ResMolecular Breeding Mol Breeding2Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf, ProceedingsDev Plant Breed"Molecular Breeding of Forage CropsDev Plant Breed/Molecular Breeding of Woody Plants, ProceedingsProgr BiotechnolfMolecular Building Blocks for Nanotechnology: From Diamondoids to Nanoscale Materials and Applications Top Appl PhysMolecular Cancer Mol CancerMolecular Cancer ResearchMol Cancer ResMolecular Cancer TherapeuticsMol Cancer TherMolecular CarcinogenesisMol Carcinogen*Molecular Catalysis of Rare-earth Elements Struct Bond)Molecular Catalysts for Energy ConversionSpringer Ser Mater SMolecular CellMol Cell9Molecular, Cellular, and Clinical Aspects of AngiogenesisNato Adv Sci Inst SeSMolecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology of Erythropoietin and ErythropoiesisAnn Ny Acad Sci=Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology of ReproductionMarc Malpig Symp SerMolecular Cellular MicrobiologyMethod MicrobiolMolecular ChaperonesMethod EnzymolKMolecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology Vol 2: Clinical ToxicologyExperientia Suppl!Molecular Control of Haemopoiesis Ciba F SympMolecular Crystals Mol Cryst&Molecular Crystals and Liquid CrystalsMol Cryst Liq CrystnMolecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A-molecular Crystals and Liquid CrystalsMol Cryst Liq Crys A[Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section C-molecular MaterialsMol Cryst Liq Crys C,Molecular Determinants of Radiation ResponseCurr Cancer ResMolecular Diagnosis Mol DiagnMolecular Diagnosis & TherapyMol Diagn Ther<Molecular Diagnosis and Monitoring of Leukaemia and Lymphoma Chall Mod Med%Molecular Diagnostics of Human Cancer Cancer CelMolecular Diversity Mol Divers@Molecular Dynamics of Glass-forming Systems: Effects of Pressure Adv DielectrMolecular EcologyMol EcolMolecular Ecology NotesMol Ecol Notes%Molecular Ecology of Aquatic MicrobesNato Adv Sci Inst SeMolecular Ecology ResourcesMol Ecol ResourRMolecular Electrochemistry of Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic CompoundsNato Adv Sci Inst SeMolecular Electronics Eur Mat Res4Molecular Electronics: Bio-sensors and Bio-computersNato Sci Ser Ii Math4Molecular Electronics: Bio-sensors and Bio-computersNato Sci Ser Ii-mathMolecular Electronics IiAnn Ny Acad SciMolecular Electronics IiiAnn Ny Acad Sci.Molecular Electronics - Science and Technology Aip Conf Proc-Molecular Electronics: Science and TechnologyAnn Ny Acad SciMolecular EndocrinologyMol Endocrinol2Molecular Endocrinology and Steroid Hormone ActionProg Clin Biol Res.Molecular Endocrinology: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol,Molecular Engineering for Advanced MaterialsNato Adv Sci Inst Se(Molecular Epidemiology of MicroorganismsMethods Mol BiolMolecular Evolution Ucla Sym Bi.Molecular Evolution of Physiological Processes Soc Gen PhyNMolecular Evolution On Rugged Landscapes : Proteins, Rna and The Immune System Sfi S Sci C3Molecular Evolution: Producing The Biochemical DataMethod Enzymol;Molecular Evolution: Producing The Biochemical Data, Part BMethod EnzymolMolecular Farming Sci Update8Molecular Genetics and Evolution of Pesticide Resistance Acs Sym SerMolecular Genetics and GenomicsMol Genet Genomics!Molecular Genetics and MetabolismMol Genet Metab.Molecular Genetics, Gene Transfer, and TherapyAdv Vet Med-acad Pr.Molecular Genetics, Gene Transfer, and TherapyAdv Veter Med Ap,Molecular Genetics Microbiology and VirologyMol Genet Microbiol+5Molecular Genetics of Chromosome 21 and Down SyndromeProg Clin Biol Res<Molecular Genetics of Host-specific Toxins in Plant DiseasesDev Plant Pathol%Molecular Genetics of Liver NeoplasiaCancer Genet-serMolecular GeomicrobiologyRev Mineral GeochemMolecular Human ReproductionMol Hum ReprodMolecular Hydrogen in SpaceCam Contemp AstrophyMolecular Imaging Mol ImagingMolecular ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsMolecular Imaging Proc SpieMolecular Imaging and BiologyMol Imaging Biol7Molecular Imaging: Computer Reconstruction and PracticeNato Science Peace SMolecular Imaging Ii Proc SpieMolecular Imaging Iii Proc Spie@Molecular Imaging: Reporters, Dyes, Markers, and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt InsMolecular Immunology Mol Immunol/Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates-2Adv Exp Med BiolMolecular Informatics Mol InformMolecular Interventions Mol Interv3Molecular Level Artificial Photosynthetic MaterialsProg Inorg Chem=Molecular Liquids : New Perspectives in Physics and ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-matPMolecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathPMolecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math7Molecularly Designed Ultrafine/nanostructured MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P$Molecularly Imprinted Materials-2003Mater Res Soc Symp P9Molecularly Imprinted Materials-sensors and Other DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PMolecular Machines Top Curr ChemMolecular Machines and Motors Struct Bond=Molecular Magnetism: From Molecular Assemblies to The DevicesNato Adv Sci Inst SeMolecular ManufacturingElectr Biot Adv For*Molecular Marine Biology and BiotechnologyMol Mar Biol Biotech/Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry Acs Sym SerMolecular Materials Mol MaterEMolecular Mechanism and Therapeutics of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Int Congr SerMMolecular Mechanisms and Epochal Therapeutics of Ischemic Stroke and Dementia Int Congr Ser(Molecular Mechanisms and Models of AgingAnn Ny Acad SciCMolecular Mechanisms and Their Clinical Application in Malignancies Bris Myer C9Molecular Mechanisms in Dna Replication and Recombination Ucla Sym Bi'Molecular Mechanisms in SpermatogenesisAdv Exp Med BiolIMolecular Mechanisms Involved in The Pathogenesis of Huntington's DiseaseNeurodegener Dis Lab7Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Infection Via The GutCurr Top MicrobiolMolecular Mechanisms of FeverAnn Ny Acad Sci.Molecular Mechanisms of Insecticide Resistance Acs Sym Ser(Molecular Mechanisms of Metabolic ArrestExptl Biol Rev+Molecular Mechanisms of Signal TransductionNato Sci S A Lif Sci-Molecular Mechanisms of SpondyloarthropathiesAdv Exp Med Biol/Molecular Mechanisms of Transcellular SignalingNato Adv Sci I A-lif!Molecular Mechanisms of Transport Devel Bioch-Molecular Mechanisms of Xeroderma PigmentosumAdv Exp Med BiolNMolecular Mechanisms to Regulate The Activities of Insulin-like Growth Factors Int Congr SerMolecular MedicineMol MedeMolecular Medicine: Novel Findings of Gene Diagnosis, Regulation of Gene Expression, and Gene Therapy Int Congr SerMolecular Medicine Reports Mol Med RepMolecular Medicine Today Mol Med TodayMolecular Membrane BiologyMol Membr BiolMolecular Microbiology Mol Microbiol8Molecular Mimicry: Infection-inducing Autoimmune DiseaseCurr Top Microbiol'Molecular Mimicry in Health and Disease Int Congr SerMolecular Modeling Acs Sym Ser7Molecular Modeling and Dynamics of Bioinorganic SystemsNato Asi 3 High TechJMolecular Modeling and Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Guide, 2nd EditionInterd Appl Math#Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids Acs Sym Ser:Molecular Modeling Theory: Applications in The GeosciencesRev Mineral Geochem+Molecular Motors and The Cytoskeleton, Pt BMethod EnzymolMolecular NanomagnetsMesoscopic Phys NanoMolecular Nanostructures Aip Conf Proc-Molecular Nanowires and Other Quantum ObjectsNato Sci Ser Ii Math-Molecular Nanowires and Other Quantum ObjectsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathMolecular Networks Struct BondMolecular Neurobiology Mol NeurobiolMolecular Neurobiology of PainProg Pain Res ManagMolecular NeurodegenerationMol NeurodegenerMolecular NeuropharmacologyMol Neuropharmacol#Molecular Nutrition & Food ResearchMol Nutr Food ResMolecular Oncology Mol Oncol,Molecular Oncology and Clinical ApplicationsMcbuMolecular Oral MicrobiologyMol Oral Microbiol$Molecular Organisation On InterfacesProg Coll Pol Sci S-Molecular Organometallic Materials for OpticsTop Organometal ChemMolecular PainMol Pain\Molecular Parameters Indicating Adaptation to Mechanical Stress in Fibrous Connective TissueAdv Anat Embryol Cel+Molecular Pathogenesis of Diabetes MellitusFront Horm Res5Molecular Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Infections Fems SympMolecular Pathogenesis of ModysFront Diabetes+Molecular Pathogenesis of Pancreatic Cancer Biom Hlth R*Molecular Pathogenesis of Virus InfectionsSymp Soc Gen MicrobiMolecular Pathology LibraryMol Pathol Lib)Molecular Pathology of Endocrine DiseasesMol Pathol Lib.Molecular Pathology of Hematolymphoid DiseasesMol Pathol Lib%Molecular Pathology of Liver DiseasesMol Pathol Lib$Molecular Pathology of Lung DiseasesMol Pathol Lib$Molecular Pathology of The PituitaryFront Horm ResMolecular Pharmaceutics Mol PharmMolecular PharmaceuticsMol PharmaceutMolecular Pharmacology Mol PharmacolMolecular Photochemistry Mol Photochem%Molecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionMol Phylogenet EvolMolecular PhysicsMol Phys&Molecular Physics and Hypersonic FlowsNato Adv Sci I C-mat&Molecular Physics and Hypersonic FlowsNato Adv Sci Inst Se!Molecular Physics Reports(series)Molecul Phys Rep(Molecular Physics Reports, Vol 11 - 1995Molecul Phys Rep(Molecular Physics Reports, Vol 12 - 1995Molecul Phys Rep&Molecular Physics Reports, Vol 5, 1994Molecul Phys Rep&Molecular Physics Reports, Vol 6, 1994Molecul Phys Rep&Molecular Physics Reports, Vol 7, 1994Molecul Phys RepMolecular Physiology Mol PhysiolMolecular Plant Mol Plant$Molecular Plant-microbe InteractionsMol Plant Microbe InMolecular Plant PathologyMol Plant Pathol/Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications Ii Proc SpieMolecular Psychiatry Mol Psychiatr0Molecular Realizations of Quantum Computing 2007Kinki U Ser Quantum<Molecular Recognition : Chemical and Biochemical Problems Ii Roy Soc Ch3Molecular Recognition in Host-parasite Interactions Fems Symp(Molecular Repertoire of Adenoviruses IiiCurr Top Microbiol&Molecular Reproduction and DevelopmentMol Reprod DevMolecular Self-assembly Struct BondMMolecular Sieves: From Basic Research to Industrial Applications, Pts A and BStud Surf Sci Catal'Molecular Sieves Science and TechnologyMol Sieves Sci TechnMolecular Similarity I Top Curr ChemMolecular Similarity Ii Top Curr ChemMolecular Simulation Mol Simulat(Molecular Simulation Fracture Gel Theory Adv Polym SciCMolecular Simulations and Biomembranes: From Biophysics to FunctionRsc Biomol SciMolecular Staging of CancerRecent Res CancerMolecular Staging of CancerRecent Results Canc,Molecular Strategies in Biological EvolutionAnn Ny Acad ScihMolecular Structure and Function of The Tight Junction: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical ManifestationsAnn Ny Acad Sci)Molecular Systematics and Plant EvolutionSyst Assoc Spec Vol#Molecular Systematics of BryophytesMonog Syst BotanMolecular Systems Biology Mol Syst BiolHMolecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Curcumin in Health and DiseaseAdv Exp Med BiolMolecular TherapyMol Ther>Molecular Therapy of Breast Cancer: Classicism Meets ModernityCancer Etiol Diagn T*Molecular Therodynamics of Complex Systems Struct BondMolecular TraffickingEssays BiochemMolecular UrologyMol UrolMolecular VisionMol Vis*Molecular Wires: From Design to Properties Top Curr Chem!Molecule-based Magnetic Materials Acs Sym Ser Molecules MoleculesMolecules and Cells Mol CellsMolecules and Grains in Space Aip Conf Proc-Molecules As Components of Electronic Devices Acs Sym Ser/Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes and ProcessesIau SympMolekulyarnaya Biologiya Molek Biol(Moleuclar Imaging: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol4Molgramostim Gm-csf : Possibilities and PerspectivesRoy Soc Med Int CongMolluscan Neurobiology Knaw VerhanMolluscan Research Molluscan ResMolotov: A BiographyStud Russ E Eur Hist$Molten Salt Chemistry and TechnologyMater Sci ForumMolten Salt ForumMolt Salt Forum/Molten Salts: From Fundamentals to ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math/Molten Salts: From Fundamentals to ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathMolten Salts Xiii Elec Soc SMolten Salts Xii, Proceedings Elec Soc S<Molybdenum and Tungsten: Their Roles in Biological ProcessesMet Ions Biol Syst0Molybdenum Enzymes, Cofactors, and Model Systems Acs Sym SerJMoment of Experienced Life On The Poetry of The German Democratic Republic Gdr Mon Sp#Monash Engineering Education SeriesMonas Engn Educ Ser"Monash Studies in Global MovementsMonash Stud Glob Mov?Monastic Bodies: Discipline and Salvation in Shenoute of AtripeDivin Reread Late AnMonatshefte Fur Chemie Monatsh ChemAMonatshefte Fur Chemie Und Verwandte Teile Anderer WissenschaftenMonatsh Chem Verw TlMonatshefte Fur Mathematik Monatsh Math Monatshefte Fur VeterinarmedizinMonatsh VeterinarmedMonatshefte Occasional Volumes Monat Occ VMonatsschrift Fur BrauereiMonat Brauerei"Monatsschrift Fur BrauwissenschaftMonatsschr Brauwiss4Monatsschrift Fur Kriminologie Und StrafrechtsreformMonats Kriminol,Monatsschrift Fur Psychiatrie Und NeurologieMon Psychiatr NeurolOMonatsschrift Fur Uknfallheilkunde Verischerungs-versorungs-und VerkehrsmedizinMon Unfall Verisch-v!Monatsschrift Fur UnfallheilkundeMonatsschr UnfallMonatsschrift KinderheilkundeMonatsschr KinderhLMonden Institute of Management-japanese Management and International StudiesMonden Inst Manag-jpMondes En Developpement Mondes Dev?Monetary and Banking History: Essays in Honour of Forrest CapieRoutl Int Stud Money7Monetary and Banking Reform in Post Communist Economies Inst Ew Sec"Monetary Fiscal and Trade PoliciesMonet Fisc Trade PolMonetary Growth TheoryRoutl Int Stud MoneyMonetary PolicyStud Bus CyclesGMonetary Policy and Central Banking in The Middle East and North AfricaRout Polit Econ MidGMonetary Policy and Central Banking in The Middle East and North AfricaRoutl Polit Econ Mid$Monetary Policy and Taiwan's EconomyAcad Stud Asian EconaMonetary Policy and The German Unemployment Problem in Macroeconomic Models : Theory and Evidence Kiel Stud-Monetary Policy for A Volatile Global Economy Aei Studies&Monetary Policy in A Converging Europe Finan Mon P>Monetary Policy in An Integrated World Economy, Symposium 1995Inst Weltwirts Symp!Monetary Policy in Central EuropeRoutl Int Stud Money4Monetary Policy Instruments for Developing Countries World BankSMonetary Policy in Transition: Inflation Nexus Money Supply in Postcommunist RussiaStud Econ Transit9Monetary Policy Over Fifty Years: Experiences and LessonsRout Int Stud Mon9Monetary Policy Over Fifty Years: Experiences and LessonsRoutl Int Stud MoneyMonetary Policy Rules Nber Conf R%Monetary Theory and Policy ExperienceInt Econ Assoc SerieTMonetary Union in The Gulf: Prospects for A Single Currency in The Arabian PeninsulaDurh Mod Mid E Islam)Money and Exchange: Folktales and RealityRoutl Stud Hist Econ'Money and Markets: A Doctrinal ApproachRoutl Stud Hist EconMMoney and Markets in The Americas: New Challenges for Hemispheric IntegrationSt Econ Fut W HemMoney and ModernityAsao Monog Ser)Money and Payments in Theory and PracticeRoutl Int Stud MoneyBMoney and The Age of Shakespeare: Essays in New Economic CriticismEarly Mod Cult StudZMoney, Banking and Financial Markets in Central and Eastern Europe: 20 Years of TransitionPalgr Mac Stud Bank)Money, Enterprise and Income DistributionRoutl Front Polit EcMoney of Pre-federal America Coin Amer PBMoney, Stock Prices and Central Banks: A Cointegrated Var Analysis Contrib EconMoney, Uncertainty and TimeRoutl Int Stud Money8Mongolia: A Guide to Economic and Political DevelopmentsGuide Econ Polit DevMonistMonist6Monitore Zoologico Italiano-italian Journal of ZoologyMonit Zool Ital*Monitoring A Comprehensive Test Ban TreatyNato Adv Sci Inst Se(Monitoring and Diagnosis in Power Plants VDI BerichtYMonitoring and Indicators of Forest Biodiversity in Europe - From Ideas to OperationalityEur Forest Inst Proc-Monitoring and Verification of Bioremediation Bioremed Ser5Monitoring Food Safety, Agriculture, and Plant HealthP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Monitoring Food Safety, Agriculture, and Plant Health Proc SpieMonitoring Induced SeismicityPageoph Top VolSMonitoring of Changes Related to Natural and Manmade Hazards Using Space Technology Adv Space Res:Monitoring of Gaseous Pollutants By Tunable Diode Lasers / Air Poll RAMonitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems Adv Soft CompLMonitoring, Simulation, Prevention and Remediation of Dense and Debris FlowsWit Trans Ecol EnvirKMonitoring, Simulation, Prevention and Remediation of Dense Debris Flows IiWit Trans Eng Sci6Monitoring Water in The 1990s : Meeting New ChallengesAm Soc Test Mater,Monitoring With Lichens - Monitoring LichensNato Sci S Ss Iv EarQMono- and Multivariable Control and Estimation: Linear, Quadratic and Lmi MethodsMath EngHMonoclonal Gammapathies Iii : Clinical Significance and Basic Mechanisms T Aging ResYMonografias Inia (instituto Nacional De Investigacion Y Tecnologia Agraria Y Alimentaria)Mg IniaMonografias Tercer MilenioMongr Terc MilenioMonografie Matematyczne Monogr MatMonographiae Biologicae Monog BiolMonographiae Biologicae Monogr Biol.Monographien Und Texte Zur Nietzsche-forschungMonogr Texte Nietzsc!Monograph in Behavioral Disorders Mg Beh Dis)Monograph in Behavioral Disorders, Vol 11 Mg Beh Dis)Monograph in Behavioral Disorders, Vol 12 Mg Beh Dis5Monograph of The Cotsen Institute of Archaelogy, UclaMonogr Cotsen Inst AIMonograph of The Gonostomatidae and Kahliellidae (ciliophora, Hypotricha) Monogr Biol8Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied MathematicsMg Txb Pur Appl Math8Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied MathematicsMonogr Textb Pure Ap8Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied MathematicsMonogr Txb Pure Appl6Monograph Series in World Affairs University of DenverMonogr S World AffbMonograph Series of The Psychoanalysis Unit of University College London and The Anna Freud CentreMg S Psychanal UnitoMonograph Series of The Ralph R Greenson Memorial Library of The San Diego Psychoanalytic Society and Institute Mg S RalphMonographs in AllergyMonogr AllergyMonographs in AnthropologyMonogr AnthropolMonographs in Balkan StudiesMg Balkan Stud"Monographs in Behavior and Ecology Mg Beh EcolMonographs in Clinical Cytology Mg Clin CytMonographs in Clinical CytologyMonogr Clin CytolMonographs in Computer Science Mg Comp SciMonographs in Computer ScienceMonogr Comput Sci#Monographs in Developmental Biology Mg Devel B#Monographs in Economic Anthropology Mg Econ AntMonographs in ElectrochemistryMonogr ElectrochemMonographs in Human GeneticsMonogr Hum Genet'Monographs in Leadership and ManagementMonogr Lead ManageMonographs in MathematicsMg MathMonographs in Neural Sciences Mg Neur SciMonographs in Oral ScienceMonogr Oral SciMonographs in PaediatricaMonogr PaediatricaMonographs in PaediatricsMonogr PaediatrMonographs in Parenting Series Mon Parent Monographs in Population BiologyMonogr Popul BiolMonographs in Primatology Mg Primatol&Monographs in Supramolecular ChemistryMonogr Supramol ChemBMonographs in Systematic Botany From The Missouri Botanical GardenMonog Syst Botan:Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science An Eatcs SeriesMonogr Theor ComputMonographs in Virology Mg VirologyMonographs in Virology Monogr Virol5Monographs of Polish Journal of Environmental StudiesMg Pol J Envir Stud5Monographs of The Astronomical Society of The PacificMonogr Astron Soc Pa,Monographs of The Carolina Population CenterMonogr Carolina Pop,Monographs of The Danish Institute At AthensMg Danish Inst Athen+Monographs of The Peshitta Institute LeidenMg Pesh Inst Leiden;Monographs of The Society for Research in Child DevelopmentMonogr Soc Res ChildMonographs On Atherosclerosis Mg Atherosc$Monographs On Australian LepidopteraMonogr Aust Lepidopt!Monographs On Social AnthropologyMonogr Soc Anthropol0Monographs On Statistics and Applied Probability Mg Stat Pro0Monographs On Statistics and Applied ProbabilityMonogr Stat Appl ProWMonolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits for Sensors, Radar, and Communications SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsmMonomers, Oligomers, Polymers, Composites and Nanocomposites Research: Synthesis, Properties and Applications Polym YearbMonomial IdealsGrad Texts Math5Monomialization of Morphisms From 3-folds to SurfacesLect Notes Math1Monotone Random Systems - Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Math9Monsoon Evolution and Tectonics - Climate Linkage in AsiaGeol Soc Spec PublMonster and Lie Algebras Ohio St U MBMonster's Fiery Breath: Feedback in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters Aip Conf Proc+Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox Or DialecticShort Circuits0Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Mont Aes BullMontana Law Review Mont Law RevHMontana Mathematics Enthusiast Monograph Series in Mathematics EducationMont Math Enthus MonHMontana Mathematics Enthusiast Monograph Series in Mathematics EducationMontana Math EnthusHMontana Mathematics Enthusiast-monograph Series in Mathematics EducationMontana Math Enthus'Montana-the Magazine of Western HistoryMontana>Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics of Condensed Matter Systems Ital Phy So*Monte Carlo and Quasi-monte Carlo SamplingSpringer Ser StatUMonte Carlo Method in Condensed Matter Physics, Second, Corrected and Updated Edition Top Appl Phys+Monte Carlo Method in The Physical Sciences Aip Conf Proc'Monte Carlo Methods in Chemical Physics Adv Chem Phys)Monte Carlo Methods in Fuzzy OptimizationStud Fuzz Soft CompMMonte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction, Fifth EditionGrad Texts PhysAMonte Verita : Proceedings of The Centro Stefano Franscini Ascona Monte VeritMonthly Labor Review Mon Labor Rev1Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical SocietyMon Not R Astron Soc0Monthly Review-an Independent Socialist MagazineMon Rev3Monthly Review of The Us Bureau of Labor StatisticsMon Rev Us Bur LaborMonthly Weather ReviewMon Weather RevFMontierte Texte-hybride Helden: Zur Poetik Der Wolfdietrich-dichtungenQuell Forsch Lit KulMonumenta Nipponica Monum NipponMonuments Historiques Monument HistTMood and Anxiety Related Phenotypes in Mice: Characterization Using Behavioral Tests NeuromethodsMood DisordersMod Probl PharmMoon Moon Planets Moon and Mars Adv Space Res Moon and MarsAdv Space Res-seriesMoon and Near-earth Objects Adv Space ResMoon and Near-earth ObjectsAdv Space Res-seriesMoon and The Planets Moon Planets*Moon: Science, Exploration and Utilisation Adv Space ResMoonshine of Finite GroupsEms Ser Lect Math7Moon That Wasn't: The Saga of Venus' Spurious SatelliteSci Netw Hist StudMoorgate and Wall StreetMoorgate Wall Street'Moral Acquaintances and Moral Decisions Philos Med=Moral Dilemmas in Real Life: Current Issues in Applied EthicsLaw Philos Libr7Moral Education: Beyond The Teaching of Right and WrongPhilos Educ-neth&Moral Fabric in Contemporary SocietiesAnn Int Inst SociolMoral ImperativeWid Diss Resis ThirdTMoralische Selbstachtung: Zur Grundfigur Einer Sozialliberalen GerechtigkeitstheorieIdeen ArgumenteMorality and Foreign Policy Dialog PublMorality and NationalismRoutl Innov Polit Th5Moralizing International Relations: Called to AccountCeri Ser Int Relat P"Moral Judgment and Decision MakingPsychol Learn Motiv0Moral Media: How Journalists Reason About EthicsLea Commun Ser&Moral Motivation Through The Life SpanNebr Sym Motiv.Moral Philosophy On The Threshold of ModernityNew Syn Hist L1Moral Responsibility, Authenticity, and EducationRout Int Stud Philos,Moral Responsibility: The Ways of ScepticismRoutl Stud Eth Moral1Moral Und Motivation Im Werk Heinrich Von Kleists Stud Deut Lit+Moral Values in Liberalism and Conservatism A R Cecil L#Moral Wager: Evolution and ContractPhilos Stud Ser"Moravian Music Foundation BulletinMoravian Music FoundMoreanaMoreanaMore Baking Problems SolvedWoodhead Food Ser2More Economic Approach to European Competition Law Conf Ne Po Ec9More Efficient Utilization of Fish and Fisheries Products Dev Food Sci=More Equal Than Others: America From Nixon to The New CenturyPolit Soc Twentieth3Morfologia Normal Y Patologica Seccion A-histologiaMorfol Norm Patol A<Morfologia Normal Y Patologica Seccion B-anatomia PatologicaMorfol Norm Patol B*Morgan Kaufmann Series in Machine Learning Mor Kauf M6Morgan Kaufmann Series in Representation and Reasoning Mor Kauf RMoriond Astrophysics Meetings Moriond Ast Moriond Condensed Matter PhysicsMoriond Cond Matt P!Moriond Particle Physics Meetings Moriond ParMoriond Workshops Moriond Wor:Moro Conflict: Landlessness and Misdirected State PoliciesPol Stud,Morphogenesis and Maturation of RetrovirusesCurr Top Microbiol$Morphogenesis: Cellular InteractionsAnn Ny Acad SciMorphogenesis in PlantsNato Adv Sci Inst SeMorphogenesis of Down SyndromeProg Clin Biol Res$Morphological Analysis in ComparisonAmst Stud Theory HisKMorphological and Cellular Aspects of Tail and Limb Regeneration in LizardsAdv Anat Embryol CelUMorphological and Compositional Evolution of Heteroepitaxial Semiconductor Thin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp P7Morphological and Compositional Evolution of Thin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp P5Morphological and Physical Classification of GalaxiesAstrophys Space Sc L4Morphological Control in Multiphase Polymer Mixtures Mat Res S CMorphology and EvolutionSenckenberg BuchMorphology and Its DemacationsAmst Stud Theory His!Morphology and The Web of GrammarStanf Stud Morphol LQMorphology of Condensed Matter: Physics and Geometry of Spatially Complex SystemsLect Notes Phys"Morphology, Phonology, and Aphasia Spr S Neur-Morphosyntactic Persistence in Spoken EnglishTrends Linguist-stud\Morphotropic Phase Boundary Perovskites, High Strain Piezoelectrics, and Dielectric Ceramics Ceram Trans5Morrey and Campanato Meet Besov, Lizorkin and TriebelLect Notes MathHMorse Theoretic Methods in Nonlinear Analysis and in Symplectic TopologyNato Sci Ser Ii Math>Mosaic-a Journal for The Interdisciplinary Study of LiteratureMosaicMoscow Mathematical Journal Mosc Math J"Moscow University Physics BulletinMosc U Phys B+"Moscow University Physics BulletinMosc Univ Phys Bull+ Mosquito News Mosq News+Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Materials ScienceNato Asi 3 High Tech0Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science 2008 Aip Conf Proc2Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science - 2010 Aip Conf ProcMos-siam Series On OptimizationMos-siam Ser OptimMostly Finite GeometriesLect Notes Pure ApplMother In/and French Literature Fr Lit SerMotion in GamesLect Notes Comput Sc7Motion in Games, First International Workshop, Mig 2008Lect Notes Comput ScMotion in Games, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc_Motion Planning in Medicine: Optimization and Simulation Algorithms for Image-guided ProceduresSpringer Trac Adv RoMotions in The Solar AtmosphereAstrophys Space Sc L5Motivated Social Perception: Ontario Symposium, Vol 9 Ont Symp P,Motivational Aspects of Prejudice and RacismNebr Sym Motiv2Motivational Factors in The Etiology of Drug AbuseNebr Sym Motiv;Motivational Impact of Nicotine and Its Role in Tobacco UseNebr Sym MotivMotivation and Emotion Motiv EmotionIMotives and Algebraic Cycles: A Celebration in Honour of Spencer J. BlochFields Inst Commun>Motives for Metaphor in Scientific and Technical CommunicationBaywoods Tech Commun Motor Control Motor Control+Motor Control and Sensory Motor Integration Adv Psychol#Motor Control : Concepts and Issues Life Sci R Motorcycles VDI BerichtHMotor Development in Early and Later Childhood : Longitudinal Approaches Eur Network0Motor Unit Number Estimation (mune), ProceedingsSuppl Clin Neurophys!Motriz-revista De Educacao FisicaMotrizMott Metal-insulator TransitionSpringer Tr Mod Phys7Mound-builders: Malleefowl, Brush Turkeys and ScrubfowlAustral Nat Hist Ser8Mountain Pine Beetle Symposium: Challenges and Solutions Pacif For C!Mountain Research and Development Mt Res Dev9Mountains in Image and Word in The English-speaking World Anglophonia1Mountains: Sources of Water, Sources of KnowledgeAdv Glob Change Res%Mount Athos and Byzantine MonasticismSoc Prom Byzant StMount Sinai Journal of MedicineMt Sinai J Med)Mouse Cell Culture: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolMouse Liver CarcinogenesisProg Clin Biol Res6Mouse Models for Drug Discovery: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol-Mouse Models of Developmental Genetic DiseaseCurr Top Dev BiolMouton Grammar LibraryMouton Gramm LibrMouton Series in PragmaticsMouton Ser PragmatMouton Textbook Mouton TxbMouvement Social Mouvement Soc8Movement and Experimentation in Young Childrens LearningContest Early ChildhMovement DisordersMovement DisordMovement Disorders in Children Med Sport Sci&Movement Training for The Modern ActorRoutl Adv Theatr PerMovieMovie Movimento Movimento MovimentoMovimento-porto Aleg=Moving Beyond Storytelling: Emerging Research in MicrofinanceContemp Stud Econ FiQMoving Boundaries V: Computational Modelling of Free and Moving Boundary ProblemsComp Exptl MethodsRMoving Boundaries Vi: Computational Modelling of Free and Moving Boundary ProblemsComp Exptl MethodsSMoving Boundaries Vii: Computational Modelling of Free and Moving Boundary ProblemsComp Exptl Methods<Moving Interface Problems and 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Modeling SimulaM S-medecine Sciences M S-med SciMsu Business TopicsMsu Bus Top-mich St-Msu Business Topics-michigan State UniversityMsu Bus Topics-michuMswim'07: Proceedings of The Tenth Acm Symposium On Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsAcm S Model Anal SimMswim'08: Proceedings of The Eleventh Acm International Conference On Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsAcm S Model Anal Sim`Mtdt'06: 2006 Ieee International Workshop On Memory Technology, Design, and Testing, ProceedingsRec Ieee Int Wkshp MM-theory and Quantum GeometryNato Adv Sci I C-mat8Mti and Pulsed Doppler Radar With Matlab, Second EditionArtech Hse Radar Lib2Mtor Pathway and Mtor Inhibitors in Cancer TherapyCancer Drug Discov D*Mtpr-06: Modern Trends in Physics Research Aip Conf Proc\Mtv 2007: Eighth International Workshop On Microprocessor Test and Verification, ProceedingsInt Workshop Micropr[Mtv 2008: Ninth International Workshop On Microprocessor Test and Verification, ProceedingsInt Workshop MicroprMucosal Immunity Adv ImmunolKMucosal Immunity and The Gut Epithelium: Interactions in Health and Disease Dyn Nutr RMucosal ImmunologyMucosal ImmunolMucosal T Cells Chem ImmunolMucus and Related TopicsSym Soc Exp Biol+Mucus Hypersecretion in Respiratory DiseaseNovart Fdn SympMuddied Waters Verh Konik)Mud Volcanoes, Geodynamics and SeismicityNato Sci S Ss Iv EarMMuhammad Is Not The Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of The Last ProphetDivin Reread Late An@Mulitmedia Networks: Security, Displays, Terminals, and GatewaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Mullite and Mullite Matrix Composites Ceram TransAMultiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for Personal Communications Kluw Commun$Multiaccess, Reservations and QueuesPhilips Res Book Ser,Multi-agent and Multi-agent-based SimulationLect Notes Comput ScMulti-agent-based SimulationLect Notes Artif IntMulti-agent-based Simulation IiLect Notes Artif Int Multi-agent-based Simulation IiiLect Notes Artif IntMulti-agent-based Simulation IxLect Notes Artif IntMulti-agent-based Simulation ViLect Notes Artif Int Multi-agent-based Simulation ViiLect Notes Artif Int!Multi-agent-based Simulation ViiiLect Notes Comput ScMulti-agent-based Simulation XLect Notes Artif Int!Multi-agent for Mass User SupportLect Notes Comput ScMultiagent PlatformsLect Notes Artif IntMulti-agent RationalityLect Notes Artif IntMulti-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int.Multi-agent Systems and Agent-based SimulationLect Notes Artif Int$Multi-agent Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int'Multi-agent Systems and Applications IiLect Notes Artif Int5Multi-agent Systems and Applications Iii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int4Multi-agent Systems and Applications Iv, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int3Multi-agent Systems and Applications V, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int`Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations: International Book SeriesMu S Art Soc Sim OrgMulti-agent Systems for SocietyLect Notes Artif IntMultiagent System TechnologiesLect Notes Artif Int,Multi-agent System Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int+Multiagent System Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int+Multiagent System Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Multiaxial Fatigue and Deformation: Testing and PredictionAm Soc Test Mater5Multiaxial Fatigue and Deformation Testing TechniquesAm Soc Test MaterMultiaxial Notch FatigueWoodhead Publ Mater.Multiband Integrated Antennas for 4g TerminalsArtech Hse Antenn PrMultibody System DynamicsMultibody Syst Dyn"Multi-carrier Spread Spectrum 2007Lect Not El Engr"Multi-carrier Spread Spectrum 2007Lect Notes Electr EncMultichain Immune Recognition Receptor Signaling: From Spatiotemporal Organization to Human DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol;Multichamber and In-situ Processing of Electronic MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsMultichip ModulesP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Multichip Modules : International Conference and ExhibitionP Soc Photo-opt InsEMulticolored Landscape of Compact Objects and Their Explosive Origins Aip Conf ProcpMulticomponent and Multilayered Thin Films for Advanced Microtechnologies : Techniques, Fundamentals and DevicesNato Adv Sci Inst SepMulticomponent Interfacial Transport: Described By The Square Gradient Model During Evaporation and CondensationSpringer Theses-reco*Multicomponent Oxide Films for ElectronicsMater Res Soc Symp P Multicore Processors and SystemsIntegr Circuit SystXMulticriteria Analysis and Lca Techniques: With Applications to Agro-engineerng ProblemsGreen Energy TechnolMulticultural Challenge Comp Soc ReMulticultural Challenge Comp Soc ResMulticultural EuropeMulticult EuropeAMulticultural Families, Home Literacies, and Mainstream SchoolingLit Lang LearnDMulticultural Horizons: Diversity and The Limits of The Civil NationInt Libr Sociol5Multiculturalism and Hybridity in African Literatures Ann Sel Pap#Multiculturalism and Moral ConflictRoutl Innov Polit ThOMulticulturalism in The Age of The Mosaic: Essays in Honor of Rudolph G. WilsonEduc Compet Glob Wor=Multidimensional Approaches to Reservoir Fisheries Management Am Fish S S5Multidimensional Hyperbolic Problems and Computations Ima V Math%Multidimensional Item Response TheoryStat Soc Behav Sc?Multidimensional Poverty Measurement: Concepts and ApplicationsEcon Stud Inequal SoMultidimensional ScreeningStud Econ Theory.Multidimensional Signals, Circuits and SystemsT&f S Syst Contr)Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers Acs Sym Ser.Multidimensional Systems and Signal ProcessingMultidim Syst Sign PJMultidisciplinary Approaches to Visual Representations and InterpretationsStud Multidiscip0Multidisciplinary Approach to Myelin Diseases IiNato Adv Sci Inst Se%Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Siam Proc SRMultidisciplinary Methods for Analysis Optimization and Control of Complex Systems Math Indust+Multidisciplinary Perspectives On MenopauseAnn Ny Acad Sci%Multidisciplinary Research in ControlLect Notes Contr Inf&Multidisciplinary Respiratory MedicineMultidiscip Resp Med&Multidisciplinary Respiratory MedicineMultidscip Respir MMulti-drug Resistance in CancerMethods Mol BiolRMulti-ethnic Britain 2000(plus): New Perspectives in Literature, Film and The ArtsInt Forsch Allg VglMultifacets of Dusty Plasma Aip Conf Proc'Multi-feed Systems for Radio Telescopes Astr Soc PPMultifrequency Electronic/photonic Devices and Systems for Dual-use ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsKMultifunctional Barriers for Flexible Structure: Textile, Leather and PaperSpringer Ser Mater S#Multifunctional Energetic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P:Multifunctional Landscapes, Vol Iii: Continuity and Change Adv Ecol SciHMultifunctional Landscapes, Vol Ii: Monitoring, Diversity and Management Adv Ecol Sci>Multifunctional Landscapes, Vol I : Theory, Values and History Adv Ecol Sci:Multi-functional Materials and Structures Iii, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz9Multi-functional Materials and Structures Ii, Pts 1 and 2 Adv Mat Res9Multi-functional Materials and Structures Ii, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz6Multi-functional Materials and Structures, Pts 1 and 2 Adv Mat Res6Multi-functional Materials and Structures, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz+Multifunctional Mesoporous Inorganic SolidsNato Adv Sci Inst Se\Multifunctional Metallic Hollow Sphere Structures: Manufacturing, Properties and Application Eng MaterRMultifunctional Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials: Processing and PropertiesSpringer Ser Mater S!Multigigabit Fiber CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multigigabit Fiber Communication SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsCMulti-gigabit Microwave and Millimeter-wave Wireless CommunicationsArtech Hse Mob CommMultigrid Methods Iii Int S Num MMultigrid Methods Iv Int S Num M0Multilateral Dimension in Russian Foreign PolicyRou Con Rus Eas Eu S=Multilateralism and Regionalism in The Post-uruguay Round EraEu Ldc Trad Cap RelpMultilateralism, Regionalism and Bilateralism in Trade and Investment: 2006 World Report On Regional IntegrationUn U Ser RegionalismMultilateral Treaty-makingNijhoff Law Spec1Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-ray/euv OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-ray / Euv Optics for Astronomy and Projection LithographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-ray/euv Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-ray/euv Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Multilayered Migration Governance:the Promise of PartnershipRoutl Adv Int Relat%Multilayer Electronic Ceramic Devices Ceram Trans1Multilayer Optics for Advanced X-ray ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Multilevel Interconnection : Issues That Impact CompetitivenessP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Multilevel Interconnect TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Multilevel Interconnect Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Multilevel Interconnect Technology Ii Proc Spie&Multilevel Interconnect Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Multi-level Issues in Creativity and InnovationRes Multi Level Iss<Multi-level Issues in Organizational Behavior and LeadershipRes Multi Level Iss:Multi-level Issues in Organizational Behavior and StrategyRes Multi Level Iss,Multi-level Issues in Organizations and TimeRes Multi Level Iss$Multi-level Issues in Social SystemsRes Multi Level Iss*Multi-level Issues in Strategy and MethodsRes Multi Level Iss'Multilevel Modeling of Educational DataQuant Meth Educ BehaSMultilevel Union Administration: The Transformation of Executive Politics in EuropePalgrave Stud Eur UnEMultilingua-journal of Cross-cultural and Interlanguage Communication Multilingua9Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access EvaluationLect Notes Comput Sc'Multilingual Europe: Facts and PoliciesContrib Sociol Lang4Multilingual Framenets in Computational LexicographyTrends Linguist-stud8Multilingual Identities in A Global City: London Stories Lang GlobLMultilingual Information Access Evaluation Ii: Multimedia Experiments, Pt IiLect Notes Comput ScHMultilingual Information Access Evaluation I: Text Retrieval ExperimentsLect Notes Comput Sc;Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and ImagesLect Notes Comput ScGMultilingualism and Sign Languages: From The Great Plains to AustrialiaSociolinguist DeafMultilingualism for AllEur St MultilinMultilingual Matters MultilingMultimedia 2001, ProceedingsSpring Eurograp Multimedia'99Spring Comp Sci2Multimedia Analysis, Processing and CommunicationsStud Comput Intell=Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques - Ecmast '97Lect Notes Comput Sc<Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques - Ecmast'98Lect Notes Comput Sc<Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques - Ecmast'99Lect Notes Comput Sc;Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc(Multimedia Computing and Networking 1995P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 1996P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 1997P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 1999P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 1999 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2000 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2001P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2001 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2002 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2003 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2004P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2004 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2005 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2006 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2007 Proc Spie(Multimedia Computing and Networking 2008 Proc Spie1Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems Ii Proc Spie3Multimedia Content Analysis and Mining, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval 2006 Proc Spie4Multimedia Content Analysis: Theory and ApplicationsSignals Commun Techn>Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and SecurityLect Notes Comput Sc,Multimedia Databases and Image CommunicationSer Softw Engn KnowlHMultimedia Data Mining: A Systematic Introduction to Concepts and TheoryCh Crc Data Min KnowJMultimedia Explorations in Urban Policy and Planning: Beyond The FlatlandsUrban Land PerspectDMultimedia: Full-service Impact On Business, Education, and The HomeP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Multimedia Hardware Architectures 1997P Soc Photo-opt Ins&Multimedia Hardware Architectures 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Multimedia, Hypermedia and Virtual RealityLect Notes Comput ScTMultimedia, Image Processing and Soft Computing: Trends, Principles and Applications Tsi Press S-Multimedia in Education and Special EducationEduc Compet Glob Wor\Multimedia Interaction and Intelligent User Interfaces: Principles, Methods and ApplicationsAdv Pattern Recognit7Multimedia Learning: Cognitive and Instructional IssuesAdv Learn Ins SeriesBMultimedia Multiprocessor Systems: Analysis, Design and Management Embed Syst/Multimedia Networks for Automotive Applications Imeche SemMultimedia On Mobile DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsMultimedia On Mobile Devices Proc Spie!Multimedia On Mobile Devices 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins!Multimedia On Mobile Devices 2007 Proc Spie!Multimedia On Mobile Devices 2008 Proc Spie!Multimedia On Mobile Devices 2010 Proc SpieMultimedia On Mobile Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMultimedia On Mobile Devices Ii Proc Spie/Multimedia Services in Intelligent EnvironmentsStud Comput IntellCMultimedia Services in Intelligent Environments: Integrated SystemsSmart Innov Syst Tec^Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments: Software Development Challenges and SolutionsSmart Innov Syst Tec(Multimedia Storage and Archiving SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems Iv Proc SpieMultimedia SystemsMultimedia Syst#Multimedia Systems and ApplicationsMultimed Syst Appl(Multimedia Systems and Applications-bookP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Multimedia Systems and Applications-book Proc Spie&Multimedia Systems and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Multimedia Systems and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Multimedia Systems and Applications Iii Proc Spie&Multimedia Systems and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Multimedia Systems and Applications Iv Proc Spie&Multimedia Systems and Applications IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Multimedia Systems and Applications Ix Proc Spie,Multimedia Systems and Applications (series) Mu Sys Appl%Multimedia Systems and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Multimedia Systems and Applications V Proc Spie&Multimedia Systems and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Multimedia Systems and Applications Vi Proc Spie'Multimedia Systems and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Multimedia Systems and Applications XP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Multimedia Systems and Applications X Proc Spie!Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsMultimed Tools Appl.Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics Math Visual9Multimedia Translation for Film, Television and The StageCinema E Traduzione3Multimodal and Marine Freight Transportation IssuesTransport Res RecMultimodal Biomedical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsMultimodal Biomedical Imaging Proc Spie Multimodal Biomedical Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Multimodal Biomedical Imaging Ii Proc Spie!Multimodal Biomedical Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Multimodal Biomedical Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins Multimodal Biomedical Imaging Iv Proc SpieMultimodal Biomedical Imaging VP Soc Photo-opt Ins Multimodal Biomedical Imaging Vi Proc SpieRMultimodal Corpora: From Models of Natural Interaction to Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int/Multimodal Intelligent Information PresentationText Speech Lang Tec,Multimodality in Language and Speech SystemsText Speech Lang TecMultimodal MetaphorAppl Cogn Linguist9Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, TextMultimed Syst Appl3Multimodal Signal: Cognitive and Algorithmic IssuesLect Notes Artif Int0Multimodal Technologies for Perception of HumansLect Notes Comput ScMultimodal UsabilityHum-comput Int-sprin8Multi-modal User Interactions in Controlled EnvironmentsMultimed Syst Appl7Multimodal User Interfaces: From Signals to InteractionSignals Commun TechnsMultinational Companies From Emerging Economies: Composition, Conceptualization and Direction in The Global EconomyInt Polit Econ Ser8Multinational Companies: Outsourcing, Conduct, and TaxesBus Iss Compet EntreSMultinational Corporations and The Emerging Network Economy in Asia and The PacificPac Trad Dev Conf SHMultinational Enterprises and The Social Challenges of The Xxist CenturyBull Comparat Lab ReeMultinational Enterprises, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in Africa: South African Perspectives Contrib EconMultinational FederationsRoutl Ser Fed StudMultinational MonitorMultinatl Monit/Multinationals and Economic Growth in East AsiaRoutl Int Bus AsiaMultinationals and Europe 1992 Int Bus S2Multinationals, Environment and Global CompetitionRes Glob Strateg ManNMulti-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery From DatabasesStud Comput Intell"Multi-objective Memetic AlgorithmsStud Comput IntellDMultiobjective Optimization: Interactive and Evolutionary ApproachesLect Notes Comput Sc3Multiobjective Problems of Mathematical ProgrammingLect Notes Econ Math0Multi-objective Programming and Goal Programming Adv Soft Comp_Multiobjective Programming and Goal Programming: Theoretical Results and Practical ApplicationsLect Notes Econ Math?Multi-objective Swarm Intelligent Systems: Theory & ExperiencesStud Comput Intell&Multiparadigm Programming in Mozart/ozLect Notes Comput ScMultiparticle Dynamics Aip Conf Proc)Multiparty Democracy and Political ChangeCont P Dev Soc+Multiphase 95, 7th International ConferenceBhr Gr Conf Ser PublMultiphase Flow DynamicsVtt Publ@Multiphase Flow: The Ultimate Measurement Challenge, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc3Multiphase Reacting Flows: Modelling and Simulation Cism Cour L`Multiphoton Absorption and Nonlinear Transmission Processes: Materials, Theory, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins`Multiphoton Absorption and Nonlinear Transmission Processes: Materials, Theory, and Applications Proc SpiekMultiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Processes in Organics: New Phenomena, Materials and ApplicationsNato Sci S Prt 3 Hi1Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical SciencesP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences Iv Proc Spie4Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences Ix Proc Spie3Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences VP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences Vii Proc Spie6Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences Viii Proc Spie3Multiphoton Microscopy in The Biomedical Sciences X Proc SpieMultiphoton Processes Aip Conf ProcMultiphoton Processes 1996Inst Phys Conf SerMultiple Access CommunicationsLect Notes Comput Sc7Multiple Approaches to Intelligent Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntMultiple Classifier SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc'Multiple Classifier Systems, ProceedingLect Notes Comput Sc(Multiple Classifier Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Multiple Criteria Decision AidingBus Econ Rapid Chang=Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of The Art SurveysInt Ser Oper Res Man7Multiple Criteria Decision Making in The New MillenniumLect Notes Econ MathHMultiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number TheoryP Symp Pure MathMultiple Drug ResistancePharm Res Saf Test/Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial VehiclesSpringer Trac Adv Ro%Multiple Intelligences and LeadershipLeas Org Man SeriesMultiple MyelomaEmerg Cancer Ther&Multiple Myeloma and Related Disorders Chall Mod Med3Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms, Diagnosis and TreatmentCancer Etiol Diagn TMultiple Primary Malignancies Updates SurgWMultiple Realities of Multilingualism: Personal Narratives and Researchers PerspectivesTrends Appl Linguist.Multiple Representations in Chemical EducationModel Model Sci Educ/Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular DiseaseMed Sci Symp SerMultiple Sclerosis Mult SclerMultiple Sclerosis Journal Mult Scler JMultiple Sclerosis Research Int Congr Ser#Multiple Self Theory of PersonalityPsychol Res Prog%Multiple Stars Across The H-r DiagramEso Astrophy SympHMultiple Stressor Effects in Relation to Declining Amphibian PopulationsAm Soc Test Mater.Multiple Stressors: A Challenge for The FutureNato Sci Peace Secur9Multiple Testing Procedures With Applications to GenomicsSpringer Ser StatRMultiplicity in Unity: Plant Subindividual Variation and Interactions With AnimalsInterspec Interact5Multi-point Interaction With Real and Virtual ObjectsSpr Tra Adv Robot5Multi-point Interaction With Real and Virtual ObjectsSpringer Trac Adv RoCMultipoint Mapping and Linkage Based Upon Affected Pedigree MembersProg Clin Biol Res&Multiprocessors and Array Processors / Simul SeriesOMultipurpose Livestock Production in A Tropical Environment ( State of Colima ) Et S IemvtMulti-relational Data MiningFront Artif Intel Ap,Multiscale and Functionally Graded Materials Aip Conf ProcNMultiscale and Multiphysics Computational Frameworks for Nano- and Bio-systemsSpringer Theses-reco9Multiscale Computational Methods in Chemistry and PhysicsNato Sc S Ss Iii C S:Multiscale Damage Related to Environment Assisted CrackingFracture Mech SympkMultiscale Dissipative Mechanisms and Hierarchical Surfaces: Friction, Superhydrophobicity, and BiomimeticsNanosci TechnolMultiscale Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation of Engineering Materials: Structural Integrity and Microstructural WorthinessSolid Mech Appl:Multiscale Finite Element Methods: Theory and ApplicationsSurv Tutor Appl Math)Multiscale Kinetic Modelling of Materials Sol St Phen=Multiscale Materials Modelling: Fundamentals and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mater0Multiscale Methods: Averaging and HomogenizationTexts Appl Math>Multiscale Methods in Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Experiment Trends Math Multiscale Modeling & SimulationMultiscale Model SimFMultiscale Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Structured Deformations Cism Cour L'Multiscale Modeling in Epitaxial Growth Int S Num M'Multiscale Modeling in Epitaxial GrowthInt Ser Numer Math@Multiscale Modeling in Solid Mechanics: Computational ApproachesComput Exp Method St,Multiscale Modeling of Developmental SystemsCurr Top Dev BiolLMultiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite Materials Cism Cour LLMultiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite MaterialsCism Courses Lect!Multiscale Modelling of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PQMultiscale Modelling of Plasticity and Fracture By Means of Dislocation Mechanics Cism Cour LQMultiscale Modelling of Plasticity and Fracture By Means of Dislocation MechanicsCism Courses Lect*Multiscale Modelling of Polymer PropertiesComput-aided Chem En=Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded MaterialsMater Sci Forum0Multiscale Optimization Methods and ApplicationsNoncon Optim Its App0Multiscale Optimization Methods and ApplicationsNonconvex OptimMultiscale Phenomena in Biology Aip Conf Proc:Multiscale Phenomena in Materials-experiments and ModelingMater Res Soc Symp PYMultiscale Phenomena in Materials-experiments and Modeling Related to Mechanical BehaviorMater Res Soc Symp P^Multiscale Phenomena in Plasticity: From Experiments to Phenomenology, Modelling and MaterialsNato Adv Sci I E-app8Multiscale Problems and Methods in Numerical SimulationsLect Notes MathIMultiscale Problems in The Life Sciences: From Microscopic to MacroscopicLect Notes MathLMultiscale Processes in The Earth's Magnetosphere: From Interball to ClusterNato Sci Ser Ii MathLMultiscale Processes in The Earth's Magnetosphere: From Interball to ClusterNato Sci Ser Ii-mathYMultiscaling Associated With Structural and Material Integrity Under Elevated TemperatureFracture Mech SympMultisensor FusionNato Sci Ser Ii MathMultisensor FusionNato Sci Ser Ii-math\Multisensor, Multisource Informatin Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins\Multisensor, Multisource Informatin Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2006 Proc Spie]Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins]Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2003 Proc Spie\Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins]Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins]Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2007 Proc Spie]Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2008P Soc Photo-opt Ins]Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2008 Proc Spie]Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins\Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applicatons 2004P Soc Photo-opt Ins\Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applicatons 2004 Proc SpieMultiset ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc.Multisource Data Integration in Remote Sensing Nasa Conf P>Multispecies Models Relevant to Management of Living Resources Ices Mar Sc@Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Acquisition and ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsKMultispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Instruments and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsNMultispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Instruments and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNMultispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Instruments and Applications Ii Proc SpieQMultispectral and Microwave Sensing of Forestry, Hydrology, and Natural ResourcesP Soc Photo-opt InsgMultispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InskMultispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Multispectral Imaging for Terrestrial ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Multispectral Imaging for Terrestrial Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsdMultispectral Satellite Image Understanding: From Land Classification to Building and Road DetectionAdv Comput Vis PattMultistage CarcinogenesisPrincess Takamatsu S/Multiunit Organization and Multimarket Strategy Adv Strat M*Multivariate Analysis and Its Applications Inst Math S(Multivariate Analysis: Future DirectionsN-holland Stat ProbOMultivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models: Extensions and ApplicationsStat Soc Behav Sc Multivariate Applications SeriesMultivar Appl Ser,Multivariate Approximation and Interpolation Int S Num M$Multivariate Approximation Theory Iv Int S Num M Multivariate Behavioral ResearchMultivar Behav Res+Multivariate Behavioral Research MonographsMultivar Behav Res M%Multivariate Environmental StatisticsN-holland Stat Prob+Multivariate Experimental Clinical ResearchMultivar Exp Clin RMultiversal JourneysMultiversal Journeys"Multi-wafer Rotating Mems MachinesMems Ref Shelf*Multi-wavelength Continuum Emission of AgnIau SympMultiwavelength CosmologyAstrophys Space Sc L9Multiwavelength Mapping of Galaxy Formation and EvolutionEso Astrophy Symp?Multi-wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics Cospar Coll$Munchener Medizinische WochenschriftMunchen Med Wochen$Munda Verb: Typological PerspectivesTrends Linguist-stud Mundus Artium Mundus ArtiumMunich Lectures in EconomicsMunich Lect Econ,Municipal Waste Incineration Risk Assessment Cont Iss RiMuonic Atoms and Molecules Monte VeritUMuonium-antimuonium Oscillations in An Extended Minimal Supersymmetric Standard ModelSpringer Theses-reco Muon Science Sussp ProcMuqarnasMuqarnasFMuqarnas: An Annual On The Visual Culture of The Islamic World, Vol 25MuqarnasGMuqarnas: An Annual On The Visual Cultures of The Islamic World, Vol 26Muqarnas/Muscle Afferents and Spinal Control of MovementIbro SerMuscle & Nerve Muscle Nerve*Muscle Biophysics: From Molecules to CellsAdv Exp Med Biol2Muscle Fatigue Mechanisms in Exercise and Training Med Sport Sci*Muscle Gene Therapy: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol$Muscle, Matrix, and Bladder FunctionAdv Exp Med Biol2Muscle Strength Types, Efficiency and Drug EffectsMuscular Syst-anat FEMuscular Dystrophy Research : From Molecular Diagnosis Toward Therapy Int Congr SerMuscular JudaismRoutl Jew Stud Ser.Muscular System-anatomy Functions and InjuriesMuscular Syst-anat FMusculoskeletal MedicineMusculoskelet MedMuseonMuseonMuses Common-weale Ess Sev CenMuseumMuseumMuseum International Museum IntMuseum MeaningsMus Mean Museum News Museum News#Museum of Fine Arts Boston BulletinMuseum Fine Art Bos3Museums and Community: Ideas, Issues and ChallengesMus Mean5Museums and Education: Purpose, Pedagogy, PerformanceMus Mean>Museums in A Troubled World: Renewal, Irrelevance Or Collapse?Mus MeanMuseums of Modern Science Nobel Symp&Museum Texts: Communication FrameworksMus MeanMusicaMusicaMusica DisciplinaMusica DisciplinaMusicae Scientiae Music Sci Musica Hodie Musica HodieFMusical Crowd in English Fiction, 1840-1910: Class, Culture and NationPalgrave Stud Ninet-Musical Newsletter Music NewslMusical Quarterly Music Quart Musical Times Music TimesMusic & Letters Music Lett Music & Man Music ManMusic Analysis Music AnalMusic and The Sacred Hist Mus C.Music: Composition, Interpretation and EffectsFocus Civiliz CultMusic EducationEduc Compet Glob Wor4Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Approach Work Comp@Music Education for Changing Times: Guiding Visions for PracticeLandsc Art Aesthet EMusic Education ResearchMusic Educ ResMusic Educators Journal Music Educ JAMusicians for The Churches: Reflections On Vocation and FormationYale Stud Sac Music<Music in Florence During The Time of Lorenzo The Magnificent Quad Riv It@Music-inspired Harmony Search Algorithm: Theory and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell*Music in Television: Channels of ListeningRout Mus Screen Med Music JournalMusic J-Music Library Association : Technical Reports Mla Tech RMusic Perception Music PerceptMusic PerceptionSpringer Handb Audit Music Review Music RevMusic Theory SpectrumMusic Theor SpectrumQMusic Therapy and Music in Special Education : The International State of The Art Isme EditMusikforschungMusikforschungMusik in Bayern Musik Bayern Musiktheorie MusiktheorieMusik Und Kirche Musik KircheGMusik Und Sprachprosodie: Kindgerichtetes Singen Im Fruhen SpracherwerbLang Context CognMusique En Jeu Musique JeuMuslim BrotherhoodRoutl Stud Pol Islam*Muslim-christian Relations in Central AsiaCent Asian Stud SerMuslim DiasporaRoutl Islam Stud.Muslim Perspectives On The Sri Lankan ConflictPol StudaMuslim Resistance in Southern Thailand and Southern Philippines: Religion, Ideology, and PoliticsPol StudBMuslims in Global Politics: Identities, Interest, and Human RightsPa Stud Hum Rights"Muslims in Global Societies SeriesMuslims Glob Soc Ser=Muslims in Prison: Challenge and Change in Britain and FranceMigrat Minor CitizenMuslims in SingaporeRoutl Cont Se Asia SSMuslim Societies and The Challenge of Secularization: An Interdisciplinary ApproachMuslims Glob Soc SerEMuslim Society and The Western Indian Ocean: The Seafarers of KachchhRoutl Indian Ocean SMuslim Women in Law and Society: Annotated Translation of Al-tahir Al-haddad's Imra'tuna Fi 'l-sharica Wa 'l-mujtamac, With An IntroductionCult Civiliz Mid EPMuslim Women, Reform and Princely Patronage - Nawab Sultan Jahan Begam of BhopalRoy Asiat Soc Books Muslim World Muslim WorldkMusp '06: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing Ele Com Eng2Musp '08: Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing Ele Com Eng]Mussolini's Propaganda Abroad: Subversion in The Mediterranean and The Middle East, 1935-1940 Stud Intell6Must '96 - Munich Meeting On Air Separation Technology Refr Sci T Mutagenesis Mutagenesis$Mutagens and Carcinogens in The DietProg Clin Biol ResVMutational Analysis: A Joint Framework for Cauchy Problems in and Beyond Vector SpacesLect Notes Math$Mutation and The Environment, Part AProg Clin Biol Res$Mutation and The Environment, Part BProg Clin Biol Res$Mutation and The Environment, Part CProg Clin Biol Res$Mutation and The Environment, Part DProg Clin Biol Res$Mutation and The Environment, Part EProg Clin Biol ResMutation Research Mutat Res7Mutation Research-dnaging Genetic Instability and AgingMutat Res-dnaging GMutation Research-dna RepairMutat Res-dna Repair@Mutation Research-environmental Mutagenesis and Related SubjectsMutat Res-envir MutaEMutation Research-fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of MutagenesisMutat Res-fund Mol M$Mutation Research-genetic ToxicologyMutat Res-genet ToxBMutation Research-genetic Toxicology and Environmental MutagenesisMutat Res-gen Tox EnMutation Research-genomicsMutat Res-genomicsMutation Research LettersMutat Res Lett/Mutation Research-reviews in Genetic ToxicologyMutat Res-rev Genet.Mutation Research-reviews in Mutation ResearchMutat Res-rev Mutat$Mutation Testing for The New CenturyKluw Int S Adv Data Muttersprache Muttersprache,Mutual Encounter of East and West, 1492-1992 Renais Mon.Mutual Funds: Fifty Years of Research FindingsInnov Financ MarketPMutual Perceptions of Religions in The Late Middle Ages and The Early Modern AgeAbh Akad Wiss Got PhMuzikoloski ZbornikMuzikoloski Zb&Myasthenia Gravis and Related DiseasesAnn Ny Acad Sci'Myasthenia Gravis and Related DisordersAnn Ny Acad SciFMyasthenia Gravis and Related Disorders: 11th International ConferenceAnn Ny Acad SciKMyasthenia Gravis and Related Disorders : Experimental and Clinical AspectsAnn Ny Acad Sci(Myc/max/mad Transcription Factor NetworkCurr Top Microbiol Mycologia MycologiaMycological Progress Mycol ProgMycological Research Mycol ResMycology Series Mycol SerMycopathologiaMycopathologia%Mycopathologia Et Mycologia ApplicataMycopath Mycol Appl Mycorrhiza MycorrhizaMycorrhizae and Plant Health Aps Symp Ser&Mycorrhizae in Sustainable Agriculture Asa Spec P+Mycorrhizas for Plantation Forestry in Asia Aciar Proc Mycoscience MycoscienceMycosesMycoses_Mycota-a Comprehensive Treatise On Fungi As Experimental Systems for Basic and Applied ResearchMycota7Mycota: Industrial Applications, Vol 10, Second EditionMycota Mycotaxon Mycotaxon"Mycota Xv: Physiology and GeneticsMycota/Mycotoxicoses in Animals Economically ImportantAnim Sci Issues Prof!Mycotoxin Contamination in Grains Aciar Tec R/Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agriculture Acs Sym SerMycotoxins and Food SafetyAdv Exp Med BiolMycotoxins and Phycotoxins 88 Bioact Mol9Mycotoxins, Endemic Nephropathy and Urinary Tract Tumours Iarc Sci PublMyelination and DysmyelinationAnn Ny Acad Sci&Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Cytokines Int Congr SerMyelodysplastic Syndromes Int Congr Ser9Myelodysplastic Syndromes : Pathophysiology and Treatment Int Congr SerMyeloma Bone DiseaseCurr Clin Oncol)Myeloma Therapy: Pursuing The Plasma CellContemp Hematol1Myeloproliferative Neoplasms- Biology and TherapyContemp HematolMykosenMycosesMykosenMykosenMyoblast Transfer TherapyAdv Exp Med BiolQMyocardial Cytoprotection: A Novel Therapeutic Approach to Coronary Heart DiseaseRes Clin Forums'Myocardial Ischemia and PreconditioningProg Exp Cardiol3Myocardial Ischemia: Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentCardiol Res Clin Dev8Myocardial Preservation, Preconditioning, and AdaptationAnn Ny Acad Sci$Myoclonus and Paroxysmal Dyskinesias Adv Neurol Myofascial Pain and FibromyalgiaAdv Pain Res Ther$Myopia and The Control of Eye Growth Ciba F Symp(My Personal Adaptive Global Net (magnet)Signals Commun Techn Myriad Christ Bib Eph TheMyrmecological News Myrmecol News'Mysore Journal of Agricultural SciencesMysore J Agr Sci6Mysteries, Puzzles, and Paradoxes in Quantum Mechanics Aip Conf Proc;Mystery of Personality: A History of Psychodynamic TheoriesLibr Hist Psychol Th,Mystery of Yawning in Physiology and DiseaseFront Neurol NeuroscSMystik Und Natur: Zur Geschichte Ihres Verhaltnisses Vom Altertum Bis Zur GegenwartTheophr Paracel StudMythNew Crit IdiomMyth and GeologyGeol Soc Spec PublMythloreMythloreMyth, Matriarchy and ModernityInterd Germ CultMyth of Germanic KingshipReallexikon Ger Alte7Myth of Ham in Nineteenth-century American ChristianityBlack Relig Woman Th!Mythological State and Its EmpireRoutl Stud Soc Polit%Myth, Protest and Struggle in OkinawaSheff Cent Jpn Stud)Myths and Science of Soils of The TropicsSssa Spec PublFMyths, Historical Archetypes and Symbolic Figures in Arabic LiteratureBeiruter Text StudMyths of Europe Int For Lit"Myths of Renaissance IndividualismEarly Mod Hist-soc C^N-3 Fats: Nutritional Needs, Traditional and Novel Sources and Microbial Production StrategiesNutr Diet Res Prog$N-3 Fatty Acids and Vascular DiseaseCurr Top Cardiov Dis Nabc ReportNabc Rep$Nabe Review of Research and PracticeNabe Rev Res PractKN-acetylaspartate: A Unique Neuronal Molecule in The Central Nervous SystemAdv Exp Med BiolNachlese: Kleine Schriften 2Beitr Altertumskunde/Nachrichten Aus Chemie Technik Und LaboratoriumNachr Chem Tech LabNachrichten Aus Der Chemie Nachr ChemNachrichten Fur Dokumentation Nachr Dok!Nachrichtentechnische ZeitschriftNachrichtentech ZNachte Der Aufklarung: Studien Zur Asthetik, Ethik Und Erkenntnistheorie in Voyage Au Bout De La Nuit Von Louis-ferdinand Celine Und Die Schlafwandler Von Hermann Broch CommunicatioWNaciones Intelectuales: Las Fundaciones De La Modernidad Literaria Mexicana (1917-1959)Purdue Stud Roman Li2Nagasaki Symposium On Chernobyl: Update and Future Int Congr SerGNagasaki Symposium - Radiation and Human Health: Proposal From Nagasaki Int Congr SerNagoya Mathematical Journal Nagoya Math J?Nahm Transform for Integrable Connections On The Riemann SphereMem Soc Math Fr Nahrung-foodNahrungNa/k-atpase and Related Atpases Int Congr Ser$Na,k-atpase and Related Cation PumpsAnn Ny Acad Sci)Na/k-atpase and Related Transport AtpasesAnn Ny Acad SciNames-a Journal of OnomasticsNames6Naming Theatre: Demonstrative Diagnosis in PerformancePerform IntervNammco Scientific PublicationsNammco Sci PublN&hc-perspectives On CommunityN&hc Perspect Commun(Nancy Cartwright's Philosophy of ScienceRout Stu Philos SciNankai Tracts in MathematicsNankai Tracts Math#Nannofossils and Their Applications Br MicropalNanoNano4Nano 2008: 2nd National Conference On NanotechnologyJ Phys Conf SerNNano-and Microelectromechanical Systems (nems and Mems) and Molecular MachinesMater Res Soc Symp PNano- and MicromaterialsAdv Mater Res-ger-Nano-and Micro-optics for Information SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Nano-and Micro-optics for Information Systems Proc SpieANano- and Microscience Engineering Technology and Medicine SeriesNano Microsci Eng TeGNano- and Microtechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsGNano- and Microtechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems Proc Spie;Nanobioelectronics - for Electronics, Biology, and MedicineNanostruct Sci Techn Nanobiology Nanobiology,Nanobiophotonics and Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Nanobiophotonics and Biomedical Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Nanobiophotonics and Biomedical Applications Ii Proc Spie0Nanobiophotonics and Biomedical Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nanobiosensing: Principles, Development and ApplicationBiol Med Phys Biomed>Nanobiosystems: Processing, Characterization, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Nanobiosystems: Processing, Characterization, and Applications Proc SpieANanobiosystems: Processing, Characterization, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBNanobiosystems: Processing, Characterization, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsBNanobiosystems: Processing, Characterization, and Applications Iii Proc SpieNanobiotronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsNNanocasting: A Versatile Strategy for Creating Nanostructured Porous MaterialsRsc Nanosci Nanotech NanocatalysisNanosci TechnolNanocharacterisationRsc Nanosci Nanotech NanocoatingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Nanocoatings Proc Spie1Nanocoatings: Size Effect in Nanostructured Films Eng Mater2Nanocomposite Coatings and Nanocomposite MaterialsMater Sci FoundNanocomposite Materials Sol St PhenNanocomposite MaterialsSolid State Phenomen'Nanocomposites and Nanoporous Materials Sol St Phen,Nanocomposites and Nanoporous Materials Viii Sol St Phen,Nanocomposites and Nanoporous Materials ViiiSolid State PhenomenHNanocomposites: Ionic Conducting Materials and Structural SpectroscopiesElectron Mater Sci T.Nano-crystalline and Thin Film Magnetic OxidesNato Asi 3 High Tech1Nanocrystals and Organic and Hybrid NanomaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Nanodesign, Technology, and Computer SimulationsP Soc Photo-opt InsVNanoelectrodynamics: Electrons and Electromagnetic Fields in Nanometer-scale StructureNanosci Technol8Nanoengineered Assemblies and Advanced Micro/nanosystemsMater Res Soc Symp P$Nanoengineered Nanofibrous MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math$Nanoengineered Nanofibrous MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii-math=Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices Proc SpieANanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices Iv Proc Spie?Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices VP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices V Proc SpieANanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsANanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices Vii Proc SpielNanoepitaxy: Homo- and Heterogeneous Synthesis, Characterization, and Device Integration of Nanomaterials IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanofabrication TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Nanofabrication Technologies and Device IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nanofabrication: Technologies, Devices and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nanofabrication: Technologies, Devices and Applications Proc Spie%Nanofair 2003: New Ideas for Industry VDI Bericht$Nanofair 2004 New Ideas for Industry VDI Bericht%Nanofair 2005: New Ideas for Industry VDI Bericht$Nanofair 2006 New Ideas for Industry VDI Bericht%Nanofair 2008: New Ideas for Industry VDI Bericht,Nanofluidics: Nanoscience and NanotechnologyRsc Nanosci Nanotech0Nanohybridization of Organic-inorganic MaterialsAdv Mater Res-ger Nano Letters Nano LettJNanolithography: A Borderland Between Stm, Eb, Ib, and X-ray LithographiesNato Adv Sci Inst Se NanomagnetismNato Adv Sci Inst SeNanomanipulation With LightP Soc Photo-opt InsNanomanipulation With Light Proc SpieNanomanipulation With Light IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanomanipulation With Light Ii Proc Spie6Nanomaterials and Devices: Processing and Applications Adv Mat Res%Nanomaterials and Plastic DeformationMater Sci Forum,Nanomaterials and Their Optical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Nanomaterials By Severe Plastic DeformationMater Sci Forum;Nanomaterials By Severe Plastic Deformation Iv, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum6Nanomaterials for Applications in Medicine and BiologyNato Sci Peace Sec B6Nanomaterials for Applications in Medicine and BiologyNato Science Peace S.Nanomaterials for Solid State Hydrogen StorageFuel Cell Hydro Ener)Nanomaterials for Structural ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P4Nanomaterials: Properties, Preparation and ProcessesNanotechnol Sci Tech!Nanomaterials: Risks and BenefitsNato Sci Peace SecurZNanomaterials Synthesis, Interfacing, and Integrating in Devices, Circuits, and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsZNanomaterials Synthesis, Interfacing, and Integrating in Devices, Circuits, and Systems Ii Proc Spie^Nanomaterial Synthesis and Integration for Sensors, Electronics, Photonics, and Electro-opticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins NanomedicineNanomedicine-ukPNanomedicine Design of Particles, Sensors, Motors, Implants, Robots, and Devices Eng Med Biol0Nanomedicine-nanotechnology Biology and MedicineNanomed-nanotechnol/Nanometer Cmos Rfics for Mobile Tv ApplicationsAnalog Circ Sig Proc&Nanometer Scale Science and TechnologyP Int Sch PhysNano/micro BiotechnologyAdv Biochem Eng Biot NanomodelingP Soc Photo-opt InsNanomodeling IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanomodeling Ii Proc Spie@Nanonetwork Materials: Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Related Systems Aip Conf Proc*Nanoneuroscience and NanoneuropharmacologyProg Brain ResdNanoneuroscience: Structural and Functional Roles of The Neuronal Cytoskeleton in Health and DiseaseBiol Med Phys BiomedNano-optics and NanophotonicsNanopt NanophotoNano-optics and Nano-structuresP Soc Photo-opt InsNano-optics and Nano-structures Proc Spie-Nano-optics and Near-field Optical MicroscopyArt Hse Nano Sci Eng8Nanoparticles and Nanodevices in Biological ApplicationsLect Nts Nnscl SciWNanoparticles and Nanostructured Surfaces: Novel Reporters With Biological ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsWNanoparticles and Nanostructured Surfaces: Novel Reporters With Biological Applications Proc Spie]Nanoparticles and Nanowire Building Blocks-synthesis, Processing, Characterization and TheoryMater Res Soc Symp P!Nanoparticles and The EnvironmentRev Mineral GeochemKNanoparticles in Biomedical Imaging: Emerging Technologies and ApplicationsFund Biomed Technol%Nanoparticles in Solids and SolutionsNato Asi 3 High TechLNanoparticles: Properties, Classification, Characterization, and FabricationNanotechnol Sci TechNanoparticulate MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PBNanopatterning-from Ultralarge-scale Intergration to BiotechnologyMater Res Soc Symp P%Nanophase and Nanocomposite Materials Mat Res S C(Nanophase and Nanocomposite Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp P)Nanophase and Nanocomposite Materials IiiMater Res Soc Symp P(Nanophase and Nanocomposite Materials IvMater Res Soc Symp PNanophase MaterialsMater Sci Forum:Nanophase Materials: Synthesis - Properties - ApplicationsNato Adv Sci Inst SeMNanophenomena At Surfaces: Fundamentals of Exotic Condensed Matter PropertiesSpringer Ser Surf ScNanophotonic MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsNanophotonic Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanophotonic Materials IvP Soc Photo-opt InsNanophotonic Materials VP Soc Photo-opt InsNanophotonic Materials V Proc SpieNanophotonic Materials ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins NanophotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Nanophotonics Proc Spie7Nanophotonics and Macrophotonics for Space EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Nanophotonics and Macrophotonics for Space Environments IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Nanophotonics and Macrophotonics for Space Environments IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Nanophotonics for Communication: Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Nanophotonics for Communication: Materials and Devices Proc SpieDNanophotonics for Communication: Materials, Devices, and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCNanophotonics for Communication: Materials, Devices, and Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt InsNanophotonics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanophotonics Ii Proc SpieNanophotonics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanophotonics Iii Proc SpiePNanophotonics: Integrating Photochemistry, Optics and Nano/bio Materials StudiesHandai Nanophoton/Nanophotonics, Nanostructure, and NanometrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Nanophotonics, Nanostructure, and Nanometrology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Nanophysics: Coherence and Transport Les Houch SNanoporous Materials IiiStud Surf Sci CatalNanoporous Materials IvStud Surf Sci Catal0Nanoporous Materials: Types, Properties and UsesNanotechnol Sci TechENanopowders and Nanocoatings: Production, Properties and ApplicationsNanotechnol Sci Tech Nano ResearchNano Res Nanoscale Nanoscale3Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical EngineeringNanosc Microsc Therm-Nanoscale Biocatalysis: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol_Nanoscale Devices: Fabrication, Functionalization, and Accessibility From The Macroscopic WorldNanosci Technol`Nanoscale Devices: Fabrication, Functionalization, and Accessiblility From The Macroscopic WorldNanosci Technol1Nanoscale Devices - Fundamentals and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math1Nanoscale Devices - Fundamentals and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math<Nanoscaled Semiconductor-on-insulator Structures and DevicesNato Sci Peace Sec B<Nanoscaled Semiconductor-on-insulator Structures and DevicesNato Science Peace SGNanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsGNanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications V Proc SpieHNanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsINanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications Vii Proc SpieVNanoscale Imaging, Spectroscopy, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Nanoscale Interactions of Metal-containing PolymersMacromol Contain Met%Nanoscale Linear and Nonlinear Optics Aip Conf ProceNanoscale Materials and Modeling-relations Among Processing, Microstructure and Mechanical PropertiesMater Res Soc Symp P=Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry : Environmental Applications Acs Sym Ser3Nanoscale Materials Science in Biology and MedicineMater Res Soc Symp PNanoscale Memory RepairIntegr Circuit Syst!Nanoscale Optics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Nanoscale Phenomena: Fundamentals and ApplicationsNanosci Technol:Nanoscale Photonic and Cell Technologies for PhotovoltaicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Nanoscale Photonic and Cell Technologies for Photovoltaics Proc Spie.Nanoscale Probes of The Solid/liquid InterfaceNato Adv Sci I E-app.Nanoscale Probes of The Solid/liquid InterfaceNato Adv Sci Inst SeNanoscale Research LettersNanoscale Res Lett Nanoscale Science and TechnologyNato Adv Sci I E-appENanoscale Spectroscopy and Its Applications to Semiconductor ResearchLect Notes Phys0Nanoscience and Engineering in SuperconductivityNanosci TechnolNanoscience and Nanotechnology Aip Conf ProcBNanoscience and Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense Acs Sym Ser&Nanoscience and Nanotechnology LettersNanosci Nanotech LetNanoscience and TechnologyNanosci Technol'Nanoscience and Technology, Pts 1 and 2 Sol St Phen'Nanoscience and Technology, Pts 1 and 2Solid State Phenomen*Nanoscience Using Laser-solid InteractionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Nanosensing: Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Nanosensing: Materials and Devices Proc Spie0Nanosensing: Materials, Devices, and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Nanosensing: Materials, Devices, and Systems Iii Proc Spie1Nanosensors and Microsensors for Bio-systems 2008 Proc Spie?Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-tech Sensors and Systems 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-tech Sensors and Systems 2010 Proc Spie?Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-tech Sensors and Systems 2011 Proc Spie:Nanosensors, Microsensors, and Biosensors and Systems 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins:Nanosensors, Microsensors, and Biosensors and Systems 2007 Proc Spie2Nano-society: Pushing The Boundaries of TechnologyRsc Nanosci NanotechWNanosources and Manipulation of Atoms Under High Fields and Temperatures : ApplicationsNato Adv Sci Inst SeCNanostructued Materials: Classification, Properties and FabricationNanotechnol Sci TechlNanostructured and Advanced Materials for Applications in Sensor, Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic TechnologyNato Sci Ser Ii MathlNanostructured and Advanced Materials for Applications in Sensor, Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic TechnologyNato Sci Ser Ii-mathNanostructured BiomaterialsAdv Top Sci Tech ChiuNanostructured Conducting Polymers and Their Nanocomposites: Classification, Properties, Fabrication and ApplicationsNanotechnol Sci Tech!Nanostructured Films and CoatingsNato Sci S Prt 3 HiNanostructured InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp P8Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their ApplicationsLect Notes PhysNanostructured Materials Acs Sym SerNanostructured MaterialsNanostruct MaterNanostructured MaterialsNato Asi 3 High TechLNanostructured Materials and Coatings for Biomedical and Sensor ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathLNanostructured Materials and Coatings for Biomedical and Sensor ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathZNanostructured Materials and Hybrid Composites for Gas Sensors and Biomedical ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P+Nanostructured Materials and NanotechnologyCeram Eng Sci Proc.Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology IiCeram Eng Sci Proc/Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology IiiCeram Eng Sci Proc$Nanostructured Materials and Systems Ceram TransDNanostructured Materials By High-pressure Severe Plastic DeformationNato Sci Ser Ii MathDNanostructured Materials By High-pressure Severe Plastic DeformationNato Sci Ser Ii-math@Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological ApplicationsNato Sci Peace Sec B@Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological ApplicationsNato Science Peace S7Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical BiosensorsNanotechnol Sci TechJNanostructured Materials for Electrochemical Energy Production and StorageNanostruct Sci Techn6Nanostructured Materials in Alternative Energy DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PPNanostructured Materials, Thin Films and Hard Coatings for Advanced Applications Sol St PhenPNanostructured Materials, Thin Films and Hard Coatings for Advanced ApplicationsSolid State PhenomendNanostructured Metals and Alloys: Processing, Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mater3Nanostructured Metals: Fundamentals to Applications Riso Mat Sci8Nanostructured Powders and Their Industrial ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PKNanostructured Soft Matter: Experiment, Theory, Simulation and PerspectivesNanosci TechnolNanostructured Thin FilmsP Soc Photo-opt InsNanostructured Thin Films Proc SpieBNanostructured Thin Films and Nanodispersion Strengthened CoatingsNato Sci Ser Ii MathBNanostructured Thin Films and Nanodispersion Strengthened CoatingsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathNanostructured Thin Films IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanostructured Thin Films Iii Proc SpieXNanostructures and Microstructure Correlation With Physical Properties of SemiconductorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Nanostructure Science and Technology Nan Sci Tec$Nanostructure Science and TechnologyNanostruct Sci Techn$Nanostructure Science and TechnologyNanostructure Sci TeZNanostructure Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers: Building Blocks for All-optical Processing Eng Mater(Nanostructures: Fabrication and AnalysisNanosci TechnolANanostructures: Synthesis, Functional Properties and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathANanostructures: Synthesis, Functional Properties and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math.Nanostructuring Materials With Energetic BeamsMater Res Soc Symp P,Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced SensorsNato Sci Peace Sec BNanotechnologies in FoodRsc Nanosci NanotechNanotechnology Acs Sym SerNanotechnologyNanotechnologyNanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsNanotechnology Proc SpieNanotechnology / Adv Nan Phy'Nanotechnology and Computer EngineeringAdv Mater Res-switz#Nanotechnology and Its Applications Aip Conf ProcENanotechnology and The Challenges of Equity, Equality and DevelopmentYearb Nanotechnol So'Nanotechnology Applications in Coatings Acs Sym Ser+Nanotechnology: Assessment and PerspectivesEthics Sci Tech Ass"Nanotechnology: Ethics and SocietyPerspect Nanotechnol3Nanotechnology for Electronic Materials and Devices Nan Sci Tec?Nanotechnology for Electronics, Photonics, and Renewable EnergyNanostruct Sci TechnNanotechnology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanotechnology Ii Proc SpieNanotechnology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNanotechnology Iii Proc Spie"Nanotechnology in Catalysis, Vol 3Nanostruct Sci Techn)Nanotechnology in Catalysis, Vols 1 and 2 Nan Sci Tec)Nanotechnology in Catalysis, Vols 1 and 2Nanostruct Sci Techn)Nanotechnology in Catalysis, Vols 1 and 2Nanostructure Sci Te*Nanotechnology in Mesostructured MaterialsStud Surf Sci Catal)Nanotechnology in Undergraduate Education Acs Sym SerNanotechnology: Legal AspectsPerspect Nanotechnol=Nanotechnology: Nanofabrication, Patterning and Self AssemblyNanotechnol Sci Tech$Nanotechnology: Risk, Ethics and Law Sci Soc Ser%Nanotechnology Science and TechnologyNanotechnol Sci TechNanotechnology StandardsNanostruct Sci TechnNanotechnology: The BusinessPerspect Nanotechnol>Nanotechnology - Toxicological Issues and Environmental SafetyNato Sci Peace Secur Nano Today Nano TodayNanotoxicologyNanotoxicologyNanotube-based DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PNanotubes and NanowiresP Soc Photo-opt InsNanotubes and Nanowires Proc SpieNanotubes and NanowiresRsc Nanosci NanotechPNanotubes, Nanowires, Nanobelts and Nanocoils - Promise, Expectations and StatusMater Res Soc Symp PNNanowelded Carbon Nanotubes: From Field-effect Transistors to Solar MicrocellsNanosci Technol NanowiresNato Adv Sci I E-app<Nanowires - Synthesis, Properties, Assembly and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PNaphthyridinesChem Heterocycl Comp NaqshbandiyyaRoutledge Sufi Ser*Narcolepsy: Symptoms, Causes and DiagnosisSleep-physiol Funct#Narrating Class in American FictionAm Lit Read Twenty-fQNarrating Post/communism: Colonial Discourse and Europe's Borderline CivilizationBasees-rout Ser RussNarrating The Management GuruRoutl Adv Manag Bus-Narrating The Rise of Big Business in The UsaRout Int Stud Bus Hi Narrative NarrativeNarrative As Social PracticeLang Power Soc Proce?Narrative Development in Adolescence: Creating The Storied SelfAdv Respons Adol Dev%Narrative Identity and Moral IdentityRout Stud Contemp PhGNarrative Inquiries Into Curriculum Making in Teacher Education, Vol 13 Adv Res TeachNarrative Inquiry Narrat Inq=Narrative Life: Democratic Curriculum and Indigenous LearningExplor Educ PurpNarrative, Pain, and SufferingProg Pain Res ManagMNarratives, Health, and Healing: Communication Theory, Research, and PracticeLea Commun Ser7Narratives of The European Border: A History of NowhereLang Discourse SoceNarratives of Trauma: Discourse of German Wartime Suffering in National and International Perspective Ger MonitorCNarrative Unreliability in The Twentieth-century First-person Novel NarratologiaFNarrative Urteil: Erzahlerische Problemverhandlungen Von Hiob Bis Kant Narratologia Narratologia Narratolog Narratologia Narratologia.Narratologia-contributions to Narrative TheoryNarrat-contrib Narra'Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry NarratologiaNarratologie Des Raumes NarratologiaNarratology and InterpretationTrends Class Suppl VNarratology and Narrative Fr Lit Ser?Narratology in The Age of Cross-disciplinary Narrative Research Narratolog?Narratology in The Age of Cross-disciplinary Narrative Research NarratologiaNarrow Gap Semiconductors 1995Inst Phys Conf SerNarrow Gap Semiconductors 2007Springer Proc PhysgNarrowing The Achievement Gap in A (re)segregated Urban School District: Research, Practice, and PolicyAchiev Gap Res PractYNarrowing The Achievement Gap: Strategues Fir Educating Latino, Black, and Asian StudentsIss Childr Fam Lives/Narrow Vein Mining Conference 2008, ProceedingsAustralas I Min MetNasa Conference Publication Nasa Conf P3Nasa Monographs in Systems and Software EngineeringNasa Monogr Syst SofENasa Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach Conference Astr Soc P"Nasa Space Science Vision MissionsProg Astronaut AeronjNasa/spie Conference On Spin-off Technologies From Nasa for Commercial Sensors and Scientific ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsNash and Nutritional TherapyFrontiers Hepatology-Nasser and The Missile Age in The Middle EastContemp Secur StudNationNation&National Academy Science Letters-indiaNatl Acad Sci Lett0National and Ethnic Conflict in The 21st CenturyNatl Ethn Confl 21st4National and International Law Enforcement DatabasesP Soc Photo-opt Ins\National Approaches to The Governance of Historical Heritage Over Time: A Comparative ReportInt I Adm Sci MonogrqNational Assessment of College Student Learning: Identification of The Skills to Be Taught, Learned, and AssessedNces Res Dev Rep?National Association of College Teachers of Agriculture JournalNacta J"National Board of Education Series Natl B EducENational Bureau of Economic Research Comparative Labor Markets SeriesNat Bur Econ Res Com6National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report Nber Conf R4National Bureau of Economic Research Project Reports Nat Bur Ec?National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Business CyclesNat Bur Econ Res Stu'National Bureau of Standards MonographsNatl Bureau Stand M$National Cancer Institute MonographsNatl Cancer I MonogrHNational Center for Education Statistics Research and Development ReportNces Res Dev RepDNational Center for Research On Teacher Education, Conference Series Ncrte ConfNational Cinemas Natl CineFNational Competitiveness: Transferring Australian Research to IndustryAatse Inv Symp5National Conference On Environmental Engineering 1992 Inst Eng A)National Conference On Juvenile Detention Aic Conf P'National Conference On Juvenile Justice Aic Conf P@National Conference On Legal Information Issues: Selected Essays Aall Publ S0National Council for The Social Studies-bulletinNatl Coun Soc St B0National Council for The Social Studies-yearbookNatl Coun Soc St YbkFNational Cultural Asset Protection and Free Movement of Union CitizensSchrift KulturgutNational Culture and GroupsRes Manag Group Team9National Currencies and Globalization: Endangered Specie?Ripe Ser Glob Polit'National Educators Workshop : Update 89 Nasa Conf P$National Financial Literacy StrategyEduc Compet Glob WorMNational Forest Inventories: Contributions to Forest Biodiversity AssessmentsManag For Ecosyst0National Forest Programmes in A European ContextEur Forest Inst Proc.National Forum On Science and Technology GoalsNat F Sci Tech GoalNational Geographic Natl GeogrNational Geographic ResearchNatl Geogr ResXNational History Standards - The Problem of The Canon and The Future of Teaching HistoryInt Rev Hist EducXNational History Standards - The Problem of The Canon and The Future of Teaching HistoryInter Rev Hist EducDNational Hydrology Workshop Proceedings - Watersheds in The Nineties Usda RockyNational Identities Polit Q Sup:National Identities and Ethic Minorities in Eastern EuropeInt Congr Cent E EurNational Identity and Europe Eur Media MNational Income Tax MagazineNatl Income Tax Mag;National Infrastructure: Protecting, Funding and RebuildingTerror Hot Spots Con*National Innovation, Indicators and PolicyNew Horiz Econ Innov6National Institute for Urban Wildlife Symposium Series Niuw Symp SXNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Nih, Vol 1: Frontiers in Research Infec Dis SXNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Nih, Vol 1: Frontiers in Research Infect DisANational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Nih, Vol 2 Infect DisVNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Nih, Vol 3: Intramural Research Infect Dis-National Institute of Animal Health QuarterlyNatl I Anim Health Q"National Interest and Global Goals Ex Ed Fdn RDNationalising and Denationalising European Border Regions, 1800-2000Geoj Lib+Nationalism and Racism in The Liberal Order Aveb S Phil-Nationalism and Sexuality: Crises of Identity Amer St Gr7Nationalism in A Global Era: The Persistence of NationsRoutl Stud Nat EthnINationalism in International Relations: Norms, Foreign Policy, and EnmityAdv Foreign Policy A7Nationalism in Literature - Literarischer Nationalismus Scot St Pub`Nationalism, Islam and World Literature: Sites of Confluence in The Writings of Mahmud Al-masadiRoutl Stud Mid E Lit'Nationalism, Racism and The Rule of LawSoc Legal St SerNationalisms in JapanSheff Cent Jpn StudNationalisms Old and New Expl SociolFNationalizing The Past: Historians As Nation Builders in Modern EuropeWriting Nation<National Livestock, Poultry and Aquaculture Waste Management Asae Publ!National Medical Journal of IndiaNatl Med J IndiaNationalokonomisk TidsskriftNationalokon Tidsskr%National Overview On Crime Prevention Aic Conf P6National Parks: Biodiversity, Conservation and TourismWildl Prot Destr Ext0National Parks: Vegetation, Wildlife and ThreatsWildl Prot Destr ExtBNational Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations Usda RockyGNational Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations 1995Us For Serv T R PnwGNational Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations 1995 Usda Pac NwGNational Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations 2002Us For Serv Rmrs-pGNational Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations 2004Us For Serv Rmrs-pGNational Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations 2005Us For Serv Rmrs-pGNational Question and Expulsion in Czechoslovakia and Hungary 1938-1948Oaw Zentraleuropa St&National Radio Science Conference NrscNat Radio Sci Co'National Regulation of Space ActivitiesSpace Regul Lib(National Saving and Economic Performance Nat Bur EcJNational Science Foundation (nsf) Forum On Optical Science and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsNational Sculpture ReviewNatl Sculpture RevNational SecurityHandb Info SystMNational Security: Institutional Approaches, Policy Models and Global ImpactsDef Secur Strateg?National Self-determination and Justice in Multinational StatesStud Glob Justice=National, State, and Freight Data Issues and Asset ManagementTransport Res Rec#National Symposium On Family IssuesNatl Symp Fam Iss)National Symposium On Information DisplayNat Sym Inform DispNational Tax Journal Natl Tax JNational Tax Magazine Natl Tax Mag&National Theatres in A Changing EuropeStud Int PerformLNational Virtual Observatory: Tools and Techniques for Astronomical Research Astr Soc P1National Vocational Guidance Association BulletinNatl Vocat Guid Asso*National Westminster Bank Quarterly ReviewNatl Westm Bank Q RNational Wildlife Natl Wildlife<National Wildlife Federation Scientific and Technical Series Nat Wil F S'National Workshop On Nonlinear Dynamics Ital Phy So,Nation and Identity in The New German CinemaRoutl Adv Film StudPNation and Language: Modern Aspects of Socio-linguistic Development, ProceedingsInt Conf Nation LangPNation-building, Identity and Citizenship Education: Cross-cultural PerspectivesGlob Comp Educ PolicVNation of A Hundred Million Idiots: A Social History of Japanese Television, 1953-1973E Asia Hist Polit SoJNation of Women: Gender and Colonial Encounters Among The Delaware IndiansEarly Am Stud Ser9Nation, Psychology, and International Politics, 1870-1919Palg Mac Ser Trans9Nation, Psychology, and International Politics, 1870-1919Palg Mac Transnat HNations and Nationalism Nations Natl+Nation, State and The Industrial RevolutionRoutl Explor Econ Hi;Nation State in A Global/information Era: Policy ChallengesBell Canada Pap Econ9Native American Literature: Towards A Spatialized ReadingRoutl Transnat PerspBNative Ground: Indians and Colonists in The Heart of The ContinentEarly Am Stud SerNative Mice and RatsAustral Nat Hist SerMNative Speaker Concept: Ethnographic Investigations of Native Speaker EffectsLang Power Soc ProceKNato Advanced Science Institute Series, Series I, Global Environment ChangeNato Asi Ser Ser INNato Advanced Science Institute Series, Sub-series 1: Disarmament TechnologiesNato Sci S 1 DisarmENato Advanced Science Institute Series, Sub-series 3, High TechnologyNato Asi 3 High Tech.Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Ser 2 Nato Asi 2@Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series A, Life SciencesNato Adv Sci I A-lif@Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series A, Life SciencesNato Adv Sci Inst Se:Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series B, PhysicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy:Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series B, PhysicsNato Adv Sci Inst SeUNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series C, Mathematical and Physical SciencesNato Adv Sci I C-matUNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series C, Mathematical and Physical SciencesNato Adv Sci Inst SeQNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series D, Behavioral and Social SciencesNato Adv Sci I D-behQNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series D, Behavioral and Social SciencesNato Adv Sci Inst SeCNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series E, Applied SciencesNato Adv Sci I E-appCNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series E, Applied SciencesNato Adv Sci Inst SePNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series F, Computer and Systems SciencesNato Adv Sci I F-comPNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series F, Computer and Systems SciencesNato Adv Sci Inst SeFNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series G, Ecological SciencesNato Adv Sci I G-ecoFNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series G, Ecological SciencesNato Adv Sci Inst Se?Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series H, Cell BiologyNato Adv Sci I H-cel?Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series H, Cell BiologyNato Adv Sci Inst SeJNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Sub-ser 2, Environmental Security Nato Asi 2TNato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Sub-series 4, Science and Technology PolicyNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec.Nato Advanced Sciences Institute Series, Ser 2 Nato Asi 2CNato and Peace Support Operations 1991-1999: Policies and DoctrinesCass Ser PeacekeepinWNato and Terrorism - On Scene: New Challenges for First Responders and Civil ProtectionNato Science Peace S#Nato - Challenges of Modern Society Nato-chal M!Nato Challenges of Modern Society Nato Chal M-Nato : Economics and Information Directorates Nato Ec Inf1Nato-russia Relations in The Twenty-first CenturyRoutl Contemp Russ EBNato Science for Peace and Security Series A-chemistry and BiologyNato Sci Peace Sec ABNato Science for Peace and Security Series A-chemistry and BiologyNato Scie Peace SecuENato Science for Peace and Security Series B - Physics and BiophysicsNato Science Peace SCNato Science for Peace and Security Series B-physics and BiophysicsNato Sci Peace Sec BENato Science for Peace and Security Series C - Environmental SecurityNato Sci Peace SecurCNato Science for Peace and Security Series C-environmental SecurityNato Sci Peace Sec CCNato Science for Peace and Security Series C-environmental SecurityNato Sci Peace Secur8Nato Science Series Ii Mathematics Physics and ChemistryNato Sci Ser Ii Math8Nato Science Series Ii-mathematics Physics and ChemistryNato Sci Ser Ii Math8Nato Science Series Ii-mathematics Physics and ChemistryNato Sci Ser Ii-math7Nato Science Series Iv Earth and Environmental SciencesNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear7Nato Science Series Iv-earth and Environmental SciencesNato Sci S Ss Iv EardNato Science Series Iv Earth and Environmental Sciences, Series Iv: Earth and Environmental SciencesNato Sci S Iv Ear EnGNato Science Series, Partnership Sub-series 1: Disarmament TechnologiesNato Sci Prt 1 DisarENato Science Series, Partnership Sub-series 2: Environmental SecurityNato Sci S Prt 2 Env>Nato Science Series, Partnership Sub-series 3: High TechnologyNato Sci S Prt 3 Hi+Nato Science Series, Series A: Life ScienceNato Sci S A Lif SciBNato Science Series, Series Ii: Mathematics, Physics and ChemistryNato Sci Ser Ii MathBNato Science Series, Sub-series Iii: Computer and Systems SciencesNato Sc S Ss Iii C S@Nato Science Series, Sub-series I: Life and Behavioural SciencesNato Sci Ser I Life"Nato, Security and Risk ManagementContemp Secur Stud<Nato Security Through Science Series A-chemistry and BiologyNato Secur Sci Ser A=Nato Security Through Science Series A: Chemistry and BiologyNato Security Sci A>Nato Security Through Science Series B: Physics and BiophysicsNato Sec Sci B Phys)Nato Security Through Science Series -- C Nato Sec Sci!Nato's Role in European StabilityCsis RepVNatural and Anthropogenic Hazards in Karst Areas: Recognition, Analysis and MitigationGeol Soc Spec Publ5Natural and Artificial Control of Hearing and BalanceProg Brain Res!Natural and Artificial Ecosystems Adv Space Res$Natural and Built Environment SeriesNat Built Environ Se-Natural and Engineered Pest Management Agents Acs Sym Ser9Natural and Engineered Resistance to Plant Viruses, Pt Ii Adv Virus Res%Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins Acs Sym SerINatural Antioxidants and Anticarcinogens in Nutrition, Health and Disease Roy Soc ChNatural Areas Journal Nat Area J1Natural Attenuation of Environmental Contaminants Bioremed Ser2Natural-based Polymers for Biomedical ApplicationsWoodhead Publ MaterNatural CementAm Soc Test MaterENatural Compounds and Their Role in Apoptotic Cell Signaling PathwaysAnn Ny Acad SciNatural Computing Nat ComputNatural ComputingProc Info Commun*Natural Computing in Computational FinanceStud Comp Intell*Natural Computing in Computational FinanceStud Comput Intell1Natural Computing in Computational Finance, Vol 2Stud Comput Intell1Natural Computing in Computational Finance, Vol 3Stud Comp Intell1Natural Computing in Computational Finance, Vol 3Stud Comput IntellNatural Computing, ProceedingsProc Info CommunNatural Computing Series Nat Comp SerNatural Computing SeriesNat Comput Ser2Natural Deduction, Hybrid Systems and Modal LogicsTrends Log Stud LogMNatural Delineation of Human Passions: The Historic Moment of Lyrical Ballads Dqr Stud Lit3Natural Disaster Research Prediction and MitigationNat Disaster Res Pr-Natural Disasters and Sustainable DevelopmentEnviron Sci-ger-Natural Disasters and Sustainable Development Environm Sci:Natural Disturbances and Ecosystem-based Forest Management Mol Cel Hum:Natural Disturbances and Ecosystem-based Forest ManagementTrans Fac For Est Ag=Natural Dyestuffs and Industrial Culture in Europe, 1750-1880Eur St Sci Hist ArtsDNatural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral CognitionBradford Books|Natural Experiment On Electoral Law Reform: Evaluating The Long Run Consequence of 1990s Electoral Reform in Italy and Japan Stud Pub Ch|Natural Experiment On Electoral Law Reform: Evaluating The Long Run Consequence of 1990s Electoral Reform in Italy and JapanStud Public ChoiceCNatural Experiments: Ecosystem-based Management and The EnvironmentAm Comp Environ Poli.Natural Food Colorants: Science and Technology Ift Bas SymNatural Gas ConversionStud Surf Sci CatalNatural Gas Conversion IiStud Surf Sci CatalNatural Gas Conversion IvStud Surf Sci CatalNatural Gas Conversion VStud Surf Sci CatalNatural Gas Conversion ViiStud Surf Sci CatalTNatural Gas Conversion Viii, Proceedings of The 8th Natural Gas Conversion SymposiumStud Surf Sci Catal6Natural Genetic Engineering and Natural Genome EditingAnn Ny Acad SciNatural Hazards Nat Hazards)Natural Hazards and Earth System SciencesNat Hazard Earth Sys?Natural Hazards and Oceanographic Processes From Satellite Data Adv Space Res?Natural Hazards and Oceanographic Processes From Satellite DataAdv Space Res-seriesNatural Hazards in El SalvadorGeol Soc Am Spec PapINatural Hazards: Monitoring and Assessment Using Remote Sensing Technique Adv Space ResNatural Hazards ReviewNat Hazards RevNatural HistoryNat HistVNatural History of The Earth: Debating Long-term Change in The Geosphere and BiosphereRoutl Stud Phys GeogPNatural Image Statistics: A Probabilistic Approach to Early Computational VisionComput Imaging VisNatural Immunity Nat Immun+Natural Immunity and Cell Growth RegulationNat Immun Cell GrowBNatural Intelligence for Scheduling, Planning and Packing ProblemsStud Comput IntellNaturalism, Evolution and Mind Roy I Ph SNaturaliste CanadienNat CanNaturalistic Decision Making Exp Res ApplNatural Killer Cell ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol$Natural Language & Linguistic TheoryNat Lang Linguist Th5Natural Language and Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNatural Language Engineering Nat Lang Eng(Natural Language Generation: ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntNatural Language ProcessingLect Notes Artif Int3Natural Language Processing and Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc@Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Natural Language Processing - Ijcnlp 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc6Natural Language Processing - Ijcnlp 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int1Natural Language Processing-nlp 2000, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int$Natural Language Processing (series) Nat Lang ProcNatural Language SemanticsNat Lang Semant2Natural Law and The Possibility of A Global EthicsPhilos Stud Contemp%Naturally Occuring Pest Bioregulators Acs Sym Ser!Naturally-produced Organohalogens Environ Chem9Natural Microporous Materials in Environmental TechnologyNato Adv Sci I E-appRNatural Organic Material Research: Innovations and Applications for Drinking Water Water Supp,Natural Product Chemistry for Drug DiscoveryRsc Biomol SciNatural Product CommunicationsNat Prod CommunNatural Product Letters Nat Prod LettNatural Product Reports Nat Prod RepNatural Product Research Nat Prod Res&Natural Products and Molecular TherapyAnn Ny Acad SciNatural Products IRecent Prog Med PlanNatural Products IiRecent Prog Med PlanLNatural Products in The New Millennium: Prospects and Industrial Application Pr Phyt Soc8Natural Products Synthesis Ii Targets, Methods, Concepts Top Curr Chem6Natural Products Synthesis I: Targets Methods Concepts Top Curr Chem(Natural Products Via Enzymatic Reactions Top Curr ChemNatural Radiation Environment Aip Conf Proc!Natural Radiation Environment ViiRadioactiv EnvironmNatural Resistance to Infection Local Immun&Natural Resource Management and Policy Nat Res Man&Natural Resource Management and PolicyNat Res Manag PolicyNatural Resource ModelingNat Resour Model1Natural Resources and Environmental Issues (nrei)Nat Resour Env IssNatural Resources ForumNat Resour Forum<Natural Resources in Ghana: Management, Policy and EconomicsEnviron Sci Eng TechNatural Resources Journal Nat Resour JNatural Resources LawyerNat Resour LawNatural Science in Archaeology Nat Sci ArcNatural Science in ArchaeologyNat Sci ArchaeolNatural Sciences and Mountains Act Cnss Sc0Natural Stone Resources for Historical MonumentsGeol Soc Spec Publ+Natural Theology Versus Theology of Nature? Theol BilbNatural Toxins Nat ToxinsNatural Toxins 2Adv Exp Med Biol<Natural Working Fluids'98: Iir - Gustav Lorentzen Conference Refr Sci T6Natural Zeolites: Occurrence, Properties, ApplicationsRev Mineral Geochem Natur Des Schlechten Bei ProklosQuellen Stud PhilosNatureNatureNature After The GenomeSociol Rev MonogrNature & Resources Nature ResourNature and Culture in America Nat Cult Am4Nature and Evolutionary Status of Herbig Ae/be Stars Astr Soc P.Nature and Evolution of Disks Around Hot Stars Astr Soc P$Nature and Origin of Amyloid Fibrils Ciba F Symp3Nature and Origin of Compression in Passive MarginsGeol Soc Spec Publ8Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone WeakeningGeol Soc Spec PublONature As Model: Salomon De Caus and Early Seventeenth-century Landscape DesignPenn Stud Landsc Arc5Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management EcotourismNature BiotechnologyNat BiotechnolNature Cell Biology Nat Cell BiolNature Chemical Biology Nat Chem BiolNature ChemistryNat ChemNature Climate ChangeNat Clim Change0Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular MedicineNat Clin Pract Card3Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & MetabolismNat Clin Pract Endoc6Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & HepatologyNat Clin Pract Gastr#Nature Clinical Practice NephrologyNat Clin Pract Nephr"Nature Clinical Practice NeurologyNat Clin Pract Neuro!Nature Clinical Practice OncologyNat Clin Pract Oncol%Nature Clinical Practice RheumatologyNat Clin Pract Rheum Nature Clinical Practice UrologyNat Clin Pract UrolNature Communications Nat Commun-Nature Conservation 2 : The Role of CorridorsNat Conserv Ser+Nature Conservation 4: The Role of NetworksNat Conserv SerNature Conservation SeriesNat Conserv SerNature + CultureNat CultNature Genetics Nat GenetNature Geoscience Nat GeosciRNature Helps... How Plants and Other Organisms Contribute to Solve Health ProblemsParasitol Res MgNature Immunology Nat Immunol+Nature-inspired Algorithms for OptimisationStud Comput IntellDNature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (nicso 2007)Stud Comp IntellDNature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (nicso 2007)Stud Comput IntellSNature Inspired Problem-solving Methods in Knowledge Engineering, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNature, Knowledge and NegationCurr Perspect Soc ThNature Materials Nat MaterNature MedicineNat MedNature Methods Nat MethodsNature NanotechnologyNat NanotechnolNature Neuroscience Nat NeurosciNature-new BiologyNature-new Biol2Nature of Asian Firms: An Evolutionary PerspectiveChandos Asian Stud Nature of Light: Light in NatureP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Nature of Light: Light in Nature Ii Proc Spie"Nature of Light: What Are Photons?P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Nature of Light: What Are Photons? Proc Spie"Nature of Light: What Is A Photon?P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Nature of Light: What Is A Photon? Proc SpieNature of Remembering Sci Con Ser9Nature of Stalin's Dictatorship: The Politburo, 1928-1953Stud Russ E Eur Hist@Nature of The Self-recognition in The Form of Right and MoralityQuellen Stud Philos5Nature of The Word: Studies in Honor of Paul KiparskyCurr Stud Linguist0Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and PerceptionNato Sci Ser Ii Math0Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and PerceptionNato Sci Ser Ii-math=Nature of Unidentified Galactic High-energy Gamma-ray SourcesAstrophys Space Sc L6Nature Performed: Environment, Culture and Performance Soc Rev Mon6Nature Performed: Environment, Culture and PerformanceSociol Rev MonogrNature Photonics Nat PhotonicsNature-physical ScienceNature-phys SciNature PhysicsNat PhysNature Protocols Nat Protoc,Nature, Raw Materials, and Political EconomyRes Rural Sociol DevNature Reviews CancerNat Rev CancerNature Reviews CardiologyNat Rev Cardiol Nature Reviews Clinical OncologyNat Rev Clin OncolNature Reviews Drug DiscoveryNat Rev Drug DiscovNature Reviews EndocrinologyNat Rev Endocrinol,Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & HepatologyNat Rev Gastro HepatNature Reviews Genetics Nat Rev GenetNature Reviews ImmunologyNat Rev ImmunolNature Reviews MicrobiologyNat Rev Microbiol%Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyNat Rev Mol Cell BioNature Reviews NephrologyNat Rev NephrolNature Reviews NeurologyNat Rev NeurolNature Reviews NeuroscienceNat Rev NeurosciNature Reviews RheumatologyNat Rev RheumatolNature Reviews Urology Nat Rev Urol5Nature, Ritual, and Society in Japan's Ryukyu IslandsJpn Anthropol Worksh(Nature, Society and Environmental CrisisSociol Rev MonogrNature's PrinciplesLogic Epistemol UnitNatures PrinciplesLogic Epistemol Unit%Nature Structural & Molecular BiologyNat Struct Mol BiolNature Structural BiologyNat Struct BiollNature, Technology and Cultural Change in Twentieth-century German Literature: The Challenge of EcocriticismNew Perspect Ger Stu;Nature, Value, Duty: Life On Earth With Holmes Rolston, IiiInt Libr Environ AgrNatureza & ConservacaoNat Conservacao NaturlichkeitGrundthemen PhilosNatur, Technik, GeistQuellen Stud PhilosNaturwissenschaftenNaturwissenschaften&Naturzustandstheorie Des Thomas HobbesQuellen Stud Philos#Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya InformatsiyaNauchno-tekhn Inform\Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya Seriya 1-organizatsiya I Metodika Informatsionnoi RabotyNauch-tekhn Inform 1PNauchno-tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya Seriya 2-informatsionnye Protsessy I SistemyNauch-tekhn Inform 2-Naunyn-schmiedebergs Archives of PharmacologyN-s Arch PharmacolJNaunyn-schmiedebergs Archiv Fur Experimentelle Pathologie Und PharmakologiN-s Arch Ex Path PhKNaunyn-schmiedebergs Archiv Fur Experimentelle Pathologie Und PharmakologieN-s Arch Ex Path Ph-Naunyn-schmiedebergs Archiv Fur PharmakologieN-s Arch PharmakolvNautiloids Before and During The Origin of Ammonoids in A Siluro-devonian Section in The Tafilalt, Anti-atlas, MoroccoSpec Pap PalaeontolNautilusNautilusNaval Architect Nav ArchitKNaval Blockades and Seapower - Strategies and Counter-strategies, 1805-2005Cass Ser Nav PolicyKNaval Coalition Warfare: From The Napoleonic War to Operation Iraqi FreedomCass Ser Nav PolicyNaval Engineers Journal Nav Eng JFNaval Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations: Stability From The SeaCass Ser Nav Pol HisNaval Research Logistics Nav Res Log"Naval Research Logistics QuarterlyNav Res Logist QNaval Research Reviews Nav Res Rev)Naval Ship Systems Command Technical NewsNaval Ship Syst C T-Naval War College Historical Monograph Series Nwc Hist Mg9Navier-stokes Equations Ii - Theory and Numerical MethodsLect Notes Math5Navier-stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical MethodsLect Notes Pure Appl4Navigating Sovereignty: World Politics Lost in ChinaComp Perspect Mod As/Navigating Time and Space in Population StudiesInt Stud Popul8Navigation and Control Technologies for Unmanned SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Navigation and Control Technologies for Unmanned Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Navigation Signal Processing for Gnss Software ReceiversArtech Hse Gnss TechLNazism in Syria and Lebanon: The Ambivalence of The German Option, 1933-1945Soas-rout Stud Mid EFNbc Risks: Current Capabilities and Future Perspectives for ProtectionNato Sci S 1 Disarm%Nber Comparative Labor Markets SeriesNber Compa Labor Mar#Nber-east Asia Seminar On Economics Nber E A Ec(Nber Frontiers in Health Policy ResearchNber Fr Hlth Pol Res8Nber General Series-national Bureau of Economic ResearchNber Gen Ser-nat Bur,Nber International Seminar On MacroeconomicsNber Int Sem Mac1Nber International Seminar On Macroeconomics 2007Nber Int Sem Mac1Nber International Seminar On Macroeconomics 2009Nber Int Sem MacNber Macoeconomics Annual 2004Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics AnnualNber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics AnnualNber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 1990Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics Annual 1997Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics Annual 1997Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 1998Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics Annual 1998Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 1999Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics Annual 1999Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 2000Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics Annual 2000Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 2001Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics Annual 2001Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 2003Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics Annual 2003Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 2004Nber Macroecon AnnNber Macroeconomics Annual 2005Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 2006Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 2007Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 2009Nber Macroecon AnnuNber Macroeconomics Annual 2010Nber Macroecon Annu;Nber Occasional Papers-national Bureau of Economic ResearchNber Occas Pap-nat B Nbs MonographNatl Bur Stand Monog!Ncpv Photovoltaics Program Review Aip Conf ProcNcrp Proceedings Ncrp ProcNcrp Symposium ProceedingsNcrp Symp ProcNdt & E International Ndt&e IntNdt InternationalNdt Int^Neanderthal Lifeways, Subsistence and Technology: One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal StudyVertebr Paleobiol Pa7Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and PerspectivesVertebr Paleobiol Pa7Nearby Large-scale Structures and The Zone of Avoidance Astr Soc PNear-earth Laser CommunicationsOpt Sci Eng-crcNear-earth ObjectsAnn Ny Acad SciFNear-earth Objects, Impact Hazards, and The Mars International Program Adv Space ResFNear-earth Objects, Impact Hazards, and The Mars International ProgramAdv Space Res-seriesRNear-earth Radiation Environment Including Time Variations and Secondary Radiation Adv Space ResNear Eastern ArchaeologyNear East Archaeol<Near-field Characterization of Micro/nano-scaled Fluid FlowsExp Fluid MechNear-field OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Near-field Optics and Surface Plasmon Polaritons Top Appl Phys?Near-field Optics: Physics, Devices, and Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Near-field Optics: Physics, Devices, and Information Processing Proc Spie3Near-infrared Dyes for High Technology ApplicationsNato Asi 3 High TechNear Infra-red Spectroscopy Ellis Hor SNear-rings and Near-fields Math Appl"Nearrings, Nearfields, and K-loops Math Appl3Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment TransportCoast Estuar Stud3Near-space Remote Sensing: Potential and ChallengesSprbrief ElectNear Surface GeophysicsNear Surf GeophysNear-wall Turbulence P Int C Hea*Nebraska Journal of Economics and BusinessNebr J Econ Bus9Nebraska Symposium On Information Technology in EducationNebr Symp Inf Tech E Nebraska Symposium On MotivationNebr Sym Motiv%Nebraska Symposium On Motivation 1988Nebr Sym Motiv%Nebraska Symposium On Motivation 1990Nebr Sym MotivNec Research & Development Nec Res DevDNectar Series On Transportation and Communications Networks ResearchNectar Ser TranspNec Technical Journal Nec Tech J$Nederlands Melk-en Zuiveltijdschrift Ned Melk Zui'Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor GeneeskundeNed Tijdschr Genees!Needham Research Institute SeriesNeedham Res Inst SerNeeds and Moral NecessityRoutl Stud Eth MoralRNeeds and Solutions for Pollution Monitoring, Control, and Abatement, Vols 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsNeeds and WelfareSage Mod-Nefer: The Aesthetic Ideal in Classical EgyptAfr Stud-hist Polit Nefrologia NefrologiaNeftyanoe Khozyaistvo Neft KhozNegationPerspekt Analyt Phil!Negative Co-receptors and LigandsCurr Top MicrobiolHNegative Differential Resistance and Instabilities in 2-d SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci Inst Se Negative Ions, Beams and Sources Aip Conf ProcNegative Motor Phenomena Adv Neurol$Negative Regulation of Hematopoiesis Colloq Inse$Negative Regulators of HematopoiesisAnn Ny Acad ScihNegotiating Afropolitanism: Essays On Borders and Spaces in Contemporary African Literature and FolkloreInt Forsch Allg Vgl"Negotiating Boundaries and BordersStud Qual MethodoljNegotiating Decolonization in The United Nations: Politics of Space, Identity, and International CommunityNew Approach Sociol@Negotiating Motherhood in Nineteenth-century American LiteratureStud Am Popul Hist CBNegotiation and Conflict Management: Essays On Theory and PracticeSecur Confl Manag-Negotiation and Power in Dialogic InteractionAmst Stud Theory His-Negotiation, Auctions, and Market EngineeringLect Notes Bus Inf-Negotiation, Auctions, and Market EngineeringLect Notes Bus Inf PNegotiation Journal Negotiation J8Negotiation Journal-on The Process of Dispute Settlement Negotiation J4Negotiations With Asymmetrical Distribution of Power Contrib EconNegotiation Theory and ResearchFront Soc PsycholNegro American Literature ForumNegro Am Lit ForumNegro History BulletinNegro Hist BullkNeighbours and Strangers: Literary and Cultural Relations in Germany, Austria and Central Europe Since 1989 Germ Monit Nelson-hall Series in Psychology Nel Hal PsyNematicsNato Adv Sci I C-mat Nematologica Nematologica Nematology Nematology&Nematology Monographs and PerspectivesNematol Monogr Persp Nematropica NematropicaNemla Italian Studies (series)Nemla Ital Stud4Nemla Italian Studies, Vols, Xxvii-xxviii, 2003-2004Nemla Ital Stud%Nemla Italian Studies, Vol Xxii, 1998Nemla Ital Stud Nems/mems Technology and Devices Adv Mat Res Nems/mems Technology and DevicesAdv Mater Res-switz3Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Invasive Bladder CancerProg Clin Biol ResNeo-avant-gardeAvant Garde Crit StuNeobiotaNeobiota NeocortexNato Adv Sci I A-lifNeocortical Epilepsies Adv Neurol`Neocortical Grafting to Newborn and Adult Rats: Developmental, Anatomical and Functional AspectsAdv Anat Embryol Cel7Neodymium Based Ziegler Catalysts-fundamental Chemistry Adv Polym SciNeo-formalist Papers Stud Slav LKNeogene-quarternary Continental Margin Volcanism: A Perspective From Mexico Geol S Am SKNeogene-quarternary Continental Margin Volcanism: A Perspective From MexicoGeol Soc Am Spec PapNeoglycoconjugates, Pt AMethod EnzymolNeoglycoconjugates, Pt AMethods EnzymolNeoglycoconjugates, Pt BMethod EnzymolNeoglycoconjugates, Pt BMethods Enzymol Neohelicon NeoheliconVNeo-imperialism in Children's Literature About Africa: A Study of Contemporary FictionChild Lit CultMNeoliberalism and Aids Crisis in Sub-saharan Africa: Globalization's PandemicInt Polit Econ Ser3Neoliberalism, Civil Society and Security in AfricaInt Polit Econ SerBNeoliberalism: National and Regional Experiments With Global IdeasRoutl Front Polit Ec#Neonatal Haematology and Immunology Int Congr Ser&Neonatal Haematology and Immunology Ii Int Congr Ser&Neonatal Hematology and Immunology Iii Int Congr SerNeonatal Survival and Growth Occ Pub Bri Neonatology Neonatology Neophilologus Neophilologus Neoplasia Neoplasia Neoplasma Neoplasma@Neoplastic Hematopathology: Experimental and Clinical ApproachesContemp Hematol/Neoplastic Transformation in Human Cell Culture Exp Biol M+Neoplatonism and Contemporary Thought, Pt 1Stud Neoplatonism"Neoplatonism and Indian PhilosophyStud Neoplatonism#Neoplatonism and Western AestheticsStud NeoplatonismNeotropical EntomologyNeotrop EntomolNeotropical IchthyologyNeotrop Ichthyol`Neotropical Savannas and Seasonally Dry Forests: Plant Diversity, Biogeography, and ConservationSyst Assoc Spec VolNepal in The 21st CenturyGlob Polit Stud Nepc SeriesNepc Ser Nephrologie NephrologieNephrologie & Therapeutique Nephrol Ther Nephrology Nephrology*Nephrology and Urology in The Aged Patient Dev Nephrol'Nephrology - Dialysis - TransplantationNephrol Res Clin Dev#Nephrology Dialysis TransplantationNephrol Dial Transpl6Nephrology Grand Rounds: Clinical Issues in NephrologyContrib NephrolNephrology Nursing JournalNephrol Nurs J-Nephrology Research and Clinical DevelopmentsNephrol Res Clin DevNephronNephronNephron Clinical PracticeNephron Clin PractNephron Experimental NephrologyNephron Exp NephrolNephron PhysiologyNephron PhysiolNeptune and Triton Space Sci S Nervenarzt NervenarztNervenheilkundeNervenheilkunde%Nerves and The Gastrointestinal Tract Falk Symp+Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph SeriesNerv Ment Dis Monogr Nervous Child Nerv ChildkNervous, Immune, Endocrine Regulatory Systems and Diseases Associated With Nerve Growth Factor Co-secretionEndocr Res Clin Dev1Nested Partitions Method, Theory and ApplicationsInt Ser Oper Res Man*Nestle Nutrition Institute Workshop SeriesNestle Nutr Works Se<Nestle Nutrition Institute Workshop Series Pediatric ProgramNes Nutr I Work Ped Nestle Nutrition Workshop SeriesNestle Nutr Works Se?Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series-clinical & Performance Program Nes Nutr Ws@Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series: Clinical & Performance Program Nes Nutr Ws2Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series Pediatric ProgramNestle Nutr Works SeyNet Dextral Slip, Neogene San Gregorio-hosgri Fault Zone, Coastal California: Geologic Evidence and Tectonic ImplicationsGeol Soc Am Spec PapNetherlands and Nazi Genocide Symposium SNetherlands Heart Journal Neth Heart J;Netherlands Institute for Sea Research : Publication Series Neth Inst S+Netherlands Journal of Agricultural ScienceNeth J Agr Sci7Netherlands Journal of Geosciences-geologie En Mijnbouw Neth J GeosciNetherlands Journal of Medicine Neth J Med&Netherlands Journal of Plant PathologyNeth J Plant Pathol#Netherlands Journal of Sea ResearchNeth J Sea Res&Netherlands Journal of Social SciencesNeth J Soc SciNetherlands Journal of Surgery Neth J SurgNetherlands Journal of Zoology Neth J Zool"Netherlands Milk and Dairy JournalNeth Milk Dairy JRNetherlands Milk and Dairy Journal-nederlands-nederlands Melk En ZuiveltijdschriftNeth Milk Dairy J-ne%Netherlands Quarterly of Human RightsNeth Q Hum RightsKNetherlands Yearbook for History of Art-nederlands Kunsthistorisch JaarboekNeth Yearb Hist Art0Netherlands Yearbook of International Law SeriesNeth Yearb Int Law S[Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Vol 41, 2010: Necessity Across International LawNeth Yearb Int Law S8Netherlands Yearbook of International Law , Vol Xl, 2009Neth Yearb Int Law S:Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Vol Xxxix, 2008Neth Yearb Int Law S<Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Vol Xxxviii, 2007Neth Yearb Int Law S+Network Analysis:methodological FoundationsLect Notes Comput ScNetwork and Parallel ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc+Network and Parallel Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNetwork and Systems ManagementNetw Syst ManagDNetwork Architectures, Management, and Applications Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsDNetwork Architectures, Management, and Applications Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieCNetwork Architectures, Management, and Applications Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsCNetwork Architectures, Management, and Applications Ii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie6Network Architectures, Management, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Network Architectures, Management, and Applications Iv Proc Spie8Network Architectures, Management, and Applications Viii Proc SpieBNetwork Architectures, Management, and Applications V, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsBNetwork Architectures, Management, and Applications V, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie.Network-based Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Network-based Parallel ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc-Network-based Parallel Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc7Network-centric Collaboration and Supporting FrameworksInt Fed Info Proc%Network-computation in Neural SystemsNetwork-comp Neural>Network Control and Engineering for Qos, Security and MobilityInt Fed Info ProcANetwork Control and Engineering for Qos, Security and Mobility IiInt Fed Info ProcCNetwork Control and Engineering for Qos, Security and Mobility, IiiInt Fed Info ProcBNetwork Control and Engineering for Qos, Security and Mobility, IvInt Fed Info ProcANetwork Control and Engineering for Qos, Security and Mobility, VInt Fed Info Proc Network Control and OptimizationLect Notes Comput Sc-Network Control and Optimization, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Network Economics for Next Generation Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc`Networked and Distributed Predictive Control: Methods and Nonlinear Process Network ApplicationsAdv Ind ControlNetworked Cities SeriesNetworked Cities SerNetworked Control SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf$Networked Digital Technologies, Pt 1Comm Com Inf Sc$Networked Digital Technologies, Pt 2Comm Com Inf Sc&Networked Embedded Sensing and ControlLect Notes Contr Inf*Networked Group Communication, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Networked Information Technologies: Diffusion and AdoptionInt Fed Info Proc.Networked Rfid: Systems, Software and ServicesComput Commun Netw SINetworked Services and Applications - Engineering, Control and ManagementLect Notes Comput ScNetwork EmpowermentNato Sc S Ss Iii C SpNetwork Enterprises: The Evolution of Organizational Models From Guilds to Assembly Lines to Innovation ClustersInnov Tech Knowl ManNetworking 2000Lect Notes Comput ScNetworking 2004Lect Notes Comput ScNetworking 2005: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications SystemsLect Notes Comput ScNetworking 2006: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications SystemsLect Notes Comput SceNetworking 2007: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SceNetworking 2008: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNetworking 2009Lect Notes Comput ScNetworking 2010, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Networking and Communications On The Plant FloorTech Papers Isa,Networking and Mobile Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Networking: Connecting Workers in and Between Organizations Ifip Trans ANNetworking for Digital Preservation: Current Practice in 15 National Libraries Ifla Publ+Networking - Icn 2001, Part Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Networking - Icn 2001, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNetworking - Icn 2005, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput ScNetworking - Icn 2005, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc2Network Intelligence: Internet-based ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Network Intelligence: Internet-based Manufacturing Proc SpieCNetwork Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Concepts and TechniquesAdv Inform SecurNetwork MagazineNetw MagNetwork Modeling 2005Transport Res RecNetwork Modeling 2006Transport Res RecJNetwork Models and Optimization: Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm Approach Decis EngNetwork OptimizationLect Notes Econ MathmNetwork Performance Engineering: A Handbook On Convergent Multi-service Networks and Next Generation InternetLect Notes Comput ScNetwork Planning Papers Netw Plan PNetworksNetworksNetworks & Spatial EconomicsNetw Spat Econ Networks and Heterogeneous MediaNetw Heterog MediaGNetworks in Action: Text and Computer Exercises in Network OptimizationInt Ser Oper Res ManZNetworks of Nazi Persecution: Bureaucracy, Business, and The Organization of The HolocaustStud War Genocide,Networks, Open Access, and Virtual Libraries Cl Lib ApplWNetworks, Topology and Dynamics:theory and Applications to Economics and Social SystemsLect Notes Econ MathNetwork Strategy Adv Strat MNetwork StrategyAdv Strateg Manage-Neudrucke Deutscher Literaturwerke Neue FolgeNeudrucke Dtsch LitNeue Fragen Des InsolvenzrechtsSchr Deut Eur Int In Neue Hutte Neue HutteNeue Rundschau Neue Rundsch:Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-abhandlungenNeues Jahrb Geol P-a9Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-monatshefteNeues Jahrb Geol P M9Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-monatshefteNeues Jahrb Geol P-m+Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-abhandlungenNeues Jb Miner Abh*Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-monatshefteNeues Jb Miner MonatNeue Zeitschrift Fur Musik Neue Z MusikENeue Zeitschrift Fur Systematische Theologie Und ReligionsphilosophieNeue Z Syst Theol RKNeulekturen-new Readings: Festschrift Fur Gerd Labroisse Zum 80. GeburtstagAmst Beitr Neuer GerNeuphilologische MitteilungenNeuphilol Mitt<Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNeural Bases of Motor BehaviourNato Adv Sci I D-beh'Neural Basis of Behavioural Adaptations Forts ZoolNeural Basis of Early VisionKeio U Int Symp LifeNeural Cell Specification Altschul SyNeural Computation Neural ComputSNeural Computation and Particle Accelerators: Research, Technology and ApplicationsNeurosci Res Prog SeNeural Computing & ApplicationsNeural Comput Appl4Neural Control of Space Coding and Action ProductionProg Brain Res*Neural Crest Induction and DifferentiationAdv Exp Med BiolNeural Development Neural Dev!Neural Development and PlasticityProg Brain Res$Neural Development and SchizophreniaNato Adv Sci Inst SeNeural Development-bookKeio Univ Symp LifeNeural Information ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc=Neural Information Processing: Models and Applications, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc%Neural Information Processing, Part ILect Notes Comput Sc&Neural Information Processing, Part IiLect Notes Comput Sc0Neural Information Processing, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Neural Information Processing, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Neural Information Processing, Pt 3, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Neural Information Processing Series Neu Inf Pro$Neural Information Processing SeriesNeural Inf Process S:Neural Information Processing: Theory and Algorithms, Pt ILect Notes Comput ScNeural Injury and Regeneration Adv NeurolINeurally Mediated Syncope: Pathophysiology, Investigations, and Treatment Bakken Res&Neural Mechanisms of Visual Perception P Ret Res FNeural Monitoring NeurotraumLNeural, Morphological, and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins Neural NetsLect Notes Comput ScNeural Nets Wirn Vietri-01Persp Neural CompNeural Nets - Wirn Vietri-99Persp Neural Comp)Neural Network and Distributed ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Neural Network and Distributed Processing Proc SpiehNeural Network-based State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems: Application to Fault Detection and IsolationLect Notes Contr InfNeural Network ModelsLect Notes Contr Inf0Neural Network Models of Conditioning and Action Quant An BNeural NetworksNeural NetworksNeural Networks /Lect Notes Comput Sc"Neural Networks and Soft Computing Adv Soft Comp(Neural Networks: Best Practice in EuropeProg Neural ProcessTNeural Networks for Instrumentation, Measurement and Related Industrial ApplicationsNato Sc S Ss Iii C S-Neural Networks in Atmospheric Remote SensingArtech Hse Remote SeNeural Networks in Robotics Kluw Robot8Neural Networks in The Analysis and Design of Structures Cism Cour L8Neural Networks in The Analysis and Design of StructuresCism Courses LectFNeural Networks - Producing Dependable Systems, Conference ProceedingsEra RepFNeural Networks: The Inns Series of Texts, Monographs, and ProceedingsNeural Netw Inns$Neural Networks: Tricks of The TradeLect Notes Comput ScNeural Network WorldNeural Netw WorldNeural Plasticity Neural Plast"Neural Plasticity and RegenerationProg Brain ResNeural Processing LettersNeural Process LettNeural ProgrammingTanig Symp Brain SciNeural RegenerationProg Brain ResNeural Regeneration ResearchNeural Regen ResMNeural Signaling: Opportunities for Novel Diagnostic Approaches and TherapiesAnn Ny Acad SciJNeural Substrates of Memory, Affective Functions, and Conscious ExperienceAdv Anat Embryol Cel#Neural-symbolic Cognitive Reasoning Cogn TechnolFNeural Transplantation : From Molecular Basis to Clinical ApplicationsProg Brain ResVNeural Transplantation in Neurodegenerative Disease: Current Status and New DirectionsNovart Fdn SympNeural Tube Effects Ciba F Symp>Neuregulin-i /erbb Signaling System in Development and DiseaseAdv Anat Embryol Cel:Neuroanatomy and Pathology of Sporadic Parkinson's DiseaseAdv Anat Embryol Cel%Neuroanatomy of The Oculomotor SystemProg Brain ResNeuroanatomy Research AdvancesNeuroanat Res Lead)Neuroanatomy Research At The Leading EdgeNeuroanat Res LeadNeuroanesthesia Dev C C MedNeurobehavioral ToxicologyNeurotoxicol Teratol)Neurobehavioral Toxicology and TeratologyNeurobeh Toxicol Ter)Neurobehavioral Toxicology and TeratologyNeurotoxicol TeratolXNeurobehavioral Toxicology: Neurological and Neuropsychological Perspectives, Volume IiiStud Neuropsychol Ne]Neurobiological Mechanisms of Drugs of Abuse: Cocaine, Ibogaine, and Substituted AmphetaminesAnn Ny Acad Sci NeurobiologyNato Adv Sci I A-lif Neurobiology Neurobiology2Neurobiology and Cell Physiology of ChemoreceptionAdv Exp Med BiolNeurobiology-budapestNeurobiology-budapes<Neurobiology of Actin: From Neurulation to Synaptic Function Adv NeurobiolNeurobiology of AgingNeurobiol Aging#Neurobiology of Alzheimer's DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciNeurobiology of C. ElegansInt Rev NeurobiolNeurobiology of Decision-makingRes Per NeurosciNeurobiology of DementiaInt Rev Neurobiol#Neurobiology of Diabetic NeuropathyInt Rev NeurobiolNeurobiology of Disease Neurobiol Dis0Neurobiology of Drug Abuse : Learning and Memory Nida Res Mg*Neurobiology of Drug and Alcohol AddictionAnn Ny Acad Sci&Neurobiology of Early Infant Behaviour Wenner-gr C"Neurobiology of Epilepsy and AgingInt Rev Neurobiol%Neurobiology of Essential Fatty AcidsAdv Exp Med Biol9Neurobiology of Eye Movements: From Molecules to BehaviorAnn Ny Acad SciNeurobiology of Human ValuesRes Per NeurosciNeurobiology of HyperthermiaProg Brain ResNeurobiology of Incontinence Ciba F Symp Neurobiology of Infantile Autism Int Congr Ser#Neurobiology of Learning and MemoryNeurobiol Learn Mem@Neurobiology of Mastication - From Molecular to Systems Approach Int Congr Ser"Neurobiology of Multiple SclerosisInt Rev NeurobiolNeurobiology of NeurotensinAnn Ny Acad SciNeurobiology of No- and -ohAnn Ny Acad SciNeurobiology of PaintingInt Rev Neurobiol.Neurobiology of Post-traumatic Stress DisorderPsychiat Theor ApplNeurobiology of Puberty Endocr UpdatNeurobiology of PubertyEndocrin UpdatNeurobiology of Stress UlcersAnn Ny Acad SciNeurobiology of SuicideAnn Ny Acad Sci!Neurobiology of The Immune SystemInt Rev Neurobiol#Neurobiology of The Locus CoeruleusProg Brain ResNeurobiology of The Retina Sem Ophtalm<Neurobiology of Umwelt: How Living Beings Perceive The WorldRes Per Neurosci6Neuro-cardiovascular Regulation: From Molecules to ManAnn Ny Acad Sci Neurocase Neurocase0Neurochemical Aspects of Phospholipid MetabolismFidia Res SeriesNeurochemical Journal Neurochem JNeurochemical Journal Neurochem J+#Neurochemical Mechanisms in Disease Adv NeurobiolNeurochemical PathologyNeurochem PatholNeurochemical Research Neurochem Res&Neurochemistry in Clinical ApplicationAdv Exp Med BiolNeurochemistry International Neurochem IntLNeurochemistry: Molecular Aspects, Cellular Aspects and Cinical ApplicationsNeurosci Res Prog Se!Neurochemistry of Drug DependenceBiochem Soc Symp Neurochemistry of Drugs of AbuseAnn Ny Acad SciNeurochirurgiaNeurochirurgiaNeurochirurgieNeurochirurgieNeuro-chirurgie Neuro-chir Neurocirugia Neurocirugia\Neurocognition and Social Cognition in Schizophrenia Patients: Basic Concepts and TreatmentsKey Issues Ment Heal#Neurocomputers and Attention, Vol 1 Proc Nonlin#Neurocomputers and Attention, Vol 2 Proc NonlinNeurocomputingNeurocomputingNeurocritical CareNeurocrit Care3Neurocritical Care: A Guide to Practical ManagementCompet-base Crit CarNeurodegenerationNeurodegeneration'Neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis Top Neurosci'Neurodegeneration in Multiple SclerosisTopics NeurosciNeurodegenerative Diseases Gwumc DeptNeurodegenerative DiseasesNeurodegener DisNeurodegenerative DiseasesTop Med Chem SerBNeurodegenerative Diseases Laboratory and Clinical Research SeriesNeurodegener Dis LabNeurodegenerative Disorders Life Sci RFNeurodegenerative Disorders: Loss of Function Through Gain of Function Res Per AlzCNeurodevelopmental Diseases Laboratory and Clinical Research SeriesNeurodev Dis Lab Cli Neurodynamics S Neur NetwNeuroeconomicsAdv Health Econ Heal#Neuroendocrine and Immune CrosstalkAnn Ny Acad ScivNeuroendocrine and Neural Regulation of Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disease: Molecular, Systems, and Clinical InsightsAnn Ny Acad SciJNeuroendocrine Cells and Peptidergic Innervation in Human and Rat ProstateAdv Anat Embryol Cel5Neuroendocrine Immune Basis of The Rheumatic DiseasesAnn Ny Acad SciENeuroendocrine Immune Basis of The Rheumatic Diseases Ii, ProceedingsAnn Ny Acad Sci"Neuroendocrine-immune InteractionsFront Horm Res/Neuroendocrine Immunology in Rheumatic DiseasesAnn Ny Acad SciJNeuroendocrine Leydig Cells and Their Stem Cell Progenitors, The PericytesAdv Anat Embryol CelNeuroendocrine TumorsCurr Clin OncolNeuroendocrinologyNeuroendocrinologyNeuroendocrinology LettersNeuroendocrinol LettNeuroendocrinology of LeptinFront Horm Res8Neuroendocrinology: Pathological Situations and DiseasesProg Brain Res(Neuroendocrinology Research DevelopmentsEndocr Res Clin Dev4Neuroendocrinology: The Normal Neuroendocrine SystemProg Brain ResNeuroepidemiologyNeuroepidemiology NeuroethicsNeuroethics-neth Neuroforum NeuroforumQNeuro-fuzzy Associative Machinery for Comprehensive Brain and Cognition ModellingStud Comput Intell"Neurogastroenterology and MotilityNeurogastroent Motil Neurogenetics NeurogeneticsNeurohypophysis Int Congr Ser,Neurohypophysis : A Window On Brain FunctionAnn Ny Acad Sci Neuroimage Neuroimage%Neuroimaging Clinics of North AmericaNeuroimag Clin N AmNeuroimaging, Pt AInt Rev NeurobiolNeuroimaging, Pt BInt Rev Neurobiol=Neuroimmune Circuits, Drugs of Abuse, and Infectious DiseasesAdv Exp Med Biol:Neuroimmunoendocrinology, 3rd Revised and Enlarged Edition Chem ImmunolNeuroimmunomodulationAnn Ny Acad SciNeuroimmunomodulationNeuroimmunomodulat:Neuroimmunomodulation: From Fundamental Biology to TherapyAnn Ny Acad Sci+Neuroimmunomodulation: The State of The ArtAnn Ny Acad Sci6Neuro-immuno-physiology of The Gastrointestinal MucosaAnn Ny Acad Sci)Neuroinflammation - From Bench to BedsideE Schering Res Fdn W.Neuroinflammation in Neuronal Death and RepairInt Rev NeurobiolNeuroinflammation in StrokeE Schering Res Fdn WNeuroinformaticsNeuroinformaticsBNeuroleptic-nonresponsive Patient : Characterization and Treatment Prog Psych Neurologia NeurologiaNeurologia CroaticaNeurol Croatica"Neurologia I Neurochirurgia PolskaNeurol Neurochir PolNeurologia Medico-chirurgicaNeurol Med-chir.Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists, Pt 3Front Neurol NeuroscNeurological Research Neurol ResNeurological Sciences Neurol SciNeurological SurgeryNeurol Surg TokyoNeurologic Clinics Neurol Clin Neurologist Neurologist Neurology Neurology#Neurology and Literature, 1860-1920Palgrave Stud Ninet-Neurology and Neurobiology Neurol NeurNeurology Asia Neurol AsiaNeurology India Neurol India1Neurology Laboratory and Clinical 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ActivityAnn Ny Acad SciHNeuronal Plasticity: Building A Bridge From The Laboratory to The ClinicRes Per Neurosci4Neuronal Signal Transduction and Alzheimer's DiseaseBiochem Soc SympNeuron Glia BiologyNeuron Glia Biol'Neurons and Networks in The Spinal CordAnn Ny Acad Sci8Neurons: Methods and Applications for The Cell BiologistMethod Cell BiolNeuro-oncology Dev OncolNeuro-oncologyNeuro-oncology*Neuro-oncology and Cancer Targeted TherapyCancer Etiol Diagn TNeuro-ophthalmologyNeuro-ophthalmologyNeuro-orthopedicsNeuro-orthopedicsNeuropadiatrieNeuropadiatrie"Neuropathic Pain: Bench to BedsideRoy Soc Med Int CongNeuropathologyNeuropathology'Neuropathology and Applied NeurobiologyNeuropath Appl Neuro'Neuropathology and Genetics of DementiaAdv Exp Med Biol Neuropathology in Brain Research Int Congr SerNeuropediatricsNeuropediatrics$Neuropeptide Cholecystokinin ( Cck ) Ellis Hor S Neuropeptides NeuropeptidesCNeuropeptides and Immunopeptides : Messengers in A Neuroimmune AxisAnn Ny Acad Sci!Neuropeptides and Their ReceptorsAlfred Benzon Symp S*Neuropeptides: Basic and Clinical AdvancesAnn Ny Acad Sci&Neuropeptides in Development and AgingAnn Ny Acad Sci%Neuropeptides in Respiratory Medicine Cl Aller Im Neuropeptides in The Spinal CordProg Brain Res=Neuropeptides: Structure and Function in Biology and BehaviorAnn Ny Acad Sci=Neuropeptide Systems As Targets for Parasite and Pest ControlAdv Exp Med BiolNeuropharmacologyNeuropharmacology Neuropharmacology of Serotonin /Ann Ny Acad Sci2Neurophysiologie Clinique-clinical NeurophysiologyNeurophysiol ClinNeurophysiologyNeurophysiology+=Neuropilin: From Nervous System to Vascular and Tumor BiologyAdv Exp Med Biol<Neuroprotection and Neurodegeneration in Parkinson's Disease Roy S Med SNeuroprotective AgentsAnn Ny Acad Sci-Neuroprotective Agents and Cerebral IschaemiaInt Rev NeurobiolLNeuroprotective Agents: Eighth International Neuroprotection Society MeetingAnn Ny Acad Sci7Neuroprotective Agents: Fourth International 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Spectroscopy Acs Sym Ser(New Approaches in Medical Image AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins(New Approaches in Medical Image Analysis Proc SpieNew Approaches in SociologyNew Approach Sociol@New Approaches to Circle Packing in A Square: With Program CodesSpringer Ser Optim A'New Approaches to Designing Automobiles VDI Bericht%New Approaches to Employee ManagementN Appr Employ Manag2New Approaches to Employee Management, Vol 4, 1997N Appr Employ Manag{New Approaches to High-tech Materials: Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Materials Science and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins5New Approaches to Housing for The Second Half of LifeLiving Concepts'New Approaches to Interpreter EducationInterpreter Educ SerNew Approaches to Old ProblemsAmst Stud Theory HisRNew Approaches to Organization Design: Theory and Practice of Adaptive EnterprisesInform Organ Des Ser$New Approaches to Peace and Security N App Peace1New Approaches to Problems in Liquid State TheoryNato Adv Sci I C-mat3New Approaches to Stabilisation of Vaccines PotencyDev Biol Stand3New Approaches to Stabilisation of Vaccines PotencyDev Biologicals/New Approaches to The Economics of Plant Health Wag Ur Fron'New Architecture for Functional Grammar Funct Grammar/New Architecture for The U.s. National Accounts Stud Income>New Asian Innovation Dynamics - China and India in PerspectiveTechnol Glob Dev Ser%New Aspects in Phosphorus Chemistry I Top Curr Chem&New Aspects in Phosphorus Chemistry Ii Top Curr Chem'New Aspects in Phosphorus Chemistry Iii Top Curr Chem&New Aspects in Phosphorus Chemistry Iv Top Curr Chem%New Aspects in Phosphorus Chemistry V Top Curr Chem\New Aspects of Applied Informatics, Biomedical Electronics and Informatics and CommunicationInt C Appl Inform C:New Aspects of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave DiffusionSpringer Tr Mod PhysPNew Aspects of Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, Pt 1Energy Environ Eng S$New Aspects of Engineering EducationMa Comput Sci Eng$New Aspects of Engineering EducationMath Comput Sci EngENew Aspects of Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering GeologyMa Comput Sci EngENew Aspects of Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering GeologyMath Comput Sci Eng=New Aspects of Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and EnvironmentWseas Mech Eng Ser1New Aspects of Human Polymorphonuclear LeukocytesAdv Exp Med BiolANew Aspects of Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics, Optoelectronics Ele Com EngNew Aspects of Nuclear DynamicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy!New Aspects of Nutritional StatusBibl Nutr DietWNew Aspects of Resistance Research On Cultivated Plants Bacterial Diseases, Proceedings Beitrage Zf-New Aspects of Signal Processing and Wavelets Ele Com Eng,New Aspects of Spillover Effect in CatalysisStud Surf Sci Catal$New Aspects of Systems, Pts I and IiMa Comput Sci Eng$New Aspects of Systems, Pts I and IiMath Comput Sci Eng8New Aspects of Systems Theory and Scientific ComputationMath Comput Sci Eng1New Aspects of Telecommunications and Informatics Ele Com Eng0New Aspects of Urban Planning and TransportationMa Comput Sci Eng0New Aspects of Urban Planning and TransportationMath Comput Sci Eng New Astronomy New AstronXNew Astronomy: Opening The Electromagnetic Window and Expanding Our View of Planet EarthAstrophys Space Sc LNew Astronomy ReviewsNew Astron RevBNew Avenues to Efficient Chemical Synthesis: Emerging TechnologiesErnst Schering FoundNew Balanced Anesthesia Int Congr SerINew Biocides Development: Combined Approach of Chemistry and Microbiology Acs Sym Ser New BiologistNew BiolNew Biology of Steroid Hormones Serono SymNew Biomedical Materials Biom Hlth RNew BiotechnologyNew BiotechnolDNew Black: Alternative Paradigms and Strategies for The 21st CenturyRes Race Ethn RelatcNew Buddhist Movements in Thailand: Towards An Understanding of Wat Phra Dhammakaya and Santi AsokeRoutl Crit Stud Budd0New Business Creation: An International OverviewInt Stud EntreppNew Carbon Based Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems: Batteries, Supercapacitors and Fuel CellsNato Sci Ser Ii MathpNew Carbon Based Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems: Batteries, Supercapacitors and Fuel CellsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathNew Carbon MaterialsNew Carbon Mater%Newcastle Disease in Village Chickens Aciar Proc#New Catalysts for Clean EnvironmentVtt SympNew Century of X-ray Astronomy Astr Soc P?New Challenges for Intelligent Information and Database SystemsStud Comput IntellNew Challenges for Public Administration in The Twenty-first Century: Efficient Civil Service and Decentralized Public AdministrationInt Inst Adm Sci Mg3New Challenges in Applied Intelligence TechnologiesStud Comp Intell3New Challenges in Applied Intelligence TechnologiesStud Comput Intell7New Challenges in Computational Collective IntelligenceStud Comp Intell7New Challenges in Computational Collective IntelligenceStud Comput IntellPNew Challenges in Superconductivity: Experimental Advances and Emerging TheoriesNato Sci Ser Ii MathPNew Challenges in Superconductivity: Experimental Advances and Emerging TheoriesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathNew Challenges in TypologyTrends Linguist-studSNew Challenges in Typology : Broadening The Horizons and Redefining The FoundationsTrends Linguist-stud7New Challenges to Health: The Threat of Virus InfectionSymp Soc Gen Microbi)New Challenges to International MarketingAdv Int Marketing5New Computational Methods in Power System ReliabilityStud Comput IntellNew Computational ParadigmsLect Notes Comput Sc2New Concepts and Methods in Air Traffic ManagementTransportation AnalyNew Concepts in Anxiety P Fabre MonNew Concepts in Asthma P Fabre MonNew Concepts in Cancer P Fabre MonBNew Concepts in Diagnosis and Therapy of Pancreatic AdenocarcinomaMed Radiol Diagn Ima(New Concepts in Latino American CulturesNew Concept Lat Amer(New Concepts in Latino American CulturesNew Concepts Lat Am?New Concepts in Pathology and Treatment of Autoimmune DisordersE Schering Res Fdn W)New Concepts in The Pathogenesis of NiddmAdv Exp Med Biol6New Concepts of Psychostimulants Induced NeurotoxicityInt Rev NeurobiolNew Consciousness ReaderNew Consciousness ReNew ConstantinesSoc Prom Byzant St.New Contributions to The Philosophy of History Methods Ser New Cosmology Aip Conf ProcNew Creation Or Eternal Now Theol Bilb$New Critical Essays On Kurt VonnegutAm Lit Read Twenty-fNew Critical IdiomNew Crit Idiom?New Deal Banking Reforms and Keynesian Welfare State CapitalismNew Polit Econ Ser New Departures in Marxian TheoryEcon Soc TheorNew Development and Application in Chemical Reaction Engineering, 4th Asia-pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium (apcre 05)Stud Surf Sci Catal7New Developments and Applications in Optical RadiometryInst Phys Conf SerbNew Developments in Algebraic Geometry, Integrable Systems and Mirror Symmetry (rims, Kyoto, 2008) Adv Stu P M(New Developments in Approximation Theory Int S Num M(New Developments in Approximation TheoryInt Ser Numer Math5New Developments in Array Technology and ApplicationsIau Symp4New Developments in Classification and Data AnalysisSt Class Dat Anal4New Developments in Classification and Data AnalysisStud Class Data Anal0New Developments in Computational Fluid DynamicsNote N Fl Mech Mul D!New Developments in Dietary FiberAdv Exp Med Biol)New Developments in Differential Geometry Math ApplFNew Developments in Distributed Applications and Interoperable SystemsInt Fed Info Proc(New Developments in Fatty Acid OxidationProg Clin Biol Res5New Developments in Formal Languages and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell4New Developments in Fundamental Interaction Theories Aip Conf Proc!New Developments in Glycomedicine Int Congr Ser6New Developments in High Temperature SuperconductivityLect Notes Phys3New Developments in Industrial Wastewater TreatmentNato Adv Sci I E-app+New Developments in Lie Theory and Geometry Contemp Math3New Developments in Lie Theory and Its Applications Contemp MathDNew Developments in Lipid-protein Interactions and Receptor FunctionNato Adv Sci Inst Se,New Developments in Nonlinear Plasma Physics Aip Conf Proc!New Developments in OptomechanicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&New Developments in Parsing TechnologyText Speech Lang Tec'New Developments in Polymer Analytics I Adv Polym Sci(New Developments in Polymer Analytics Ii Adv Polym Sci1New Developments in Pseudo-differential Operators Oper Theor1New Developments in Pseudo-differential OperatorsOper Theory Adv Appl(New Developments in Quantum Field TheoryNato Adv Sci I B-phy=New Developments in Refrigeration for Food Safety and Quality Refr Sci T'New Developments in Selective OxidationStud Surf Sci CatalBNew Developments in Selective Oxidation By Heterogeneous CatalysesStud Surf Sci Catal*New Developments in Selective Oxidation IiStud Surf Sci Catal$New Developments in Sheep Production Occ Pub Bri&New Developments in Singularity TheoryNato Sci Ser Ii Math&New Developments in Singularity TheoryNato Sci Ser Ii-mathSNew Developments in The Theory of Networks: Franchising, Alliances and CooperativesContrib Manag Sci@New Developments in The Therapy of Allergic Disorders and Asthma Int Acad BANew Developments in Ultrasonic Transducers and Transducer SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3New Developments in X-ray and Ultraviolet Astronomy Adv Space Res3New Developments in X-ray and Ultraviolet AstronomyAdv Space Res-series;New Developments On Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics Fund TheorONew Diagnostic Technology: Applications in Animal Health and Biologics ControlsDev Biologicals*New Diamond and Frontier Carbon TechnologyNew Diam Front C Tec"New Diamond Science and Technology Mat Res S C(New Dimensions in Information Processing Schr Inform.New Dimensions in International Security, Pt 1 Adelp PapNew Dimensions in Networks New Dim NetNew Dimensions in NetworksNew Dimens Netw New Dimensions of Contrast Media Int Congr SerNew Dimensions of PeacekeepingNijhoff Law Spec(New Dimensions of The European Landscape Wag Ur Fron1New Directions and Applications in Control TheoryLect Notes Contr Inf+New Directions: Efficiency and ProductivityStud Product Effic5New Directions for Cellular and Organ Transplantation Int Congr Ser%New Directions for Community CollegesNew Dir Commun CollNew Directions for Education New Dir Educ#New Directions for Higher EducationNew Dir Higher Educ>New Directions for Situated Cognition in Mathematics Education Math Educ Lib6New Directions in Aging Research: Health and CognitionAging Iss Health FinNew Directions in Ai Planning Fr Art IntNew Directions in Anthropology New Dir Anthr(New Directions in Archaeological ScienceTerra Australis#New Directions in Biblical TheologySupp Novum Testament$New Directions in Biological Control Ucla Sym Bi#New Directions in Civil Engineering New D Civ E2New Directions in Communication Disorders ResearchNew Dir Commun D Res$New Directions in Economic GeographyNew Horiz Reg Sci,New Directions in Human Information BehaviorInform Sci Knowl Man(New Directions in Information ManagementNew Dir Inform Manag4New Directions in Intelligent Interactive MultimediaStud Comp Intell4New Directions in Intelligent Interactive MultimediaStud Comput IntellMNew Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services - 2Stud Comp Intell5New Directions in Irish and Irish American LiteratureNew Dir Ir Ir Am Lit*New Directions in Latino American CulturesNew Dir Lat Am CultZNew Directions in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics: The Alexander V. Kazhikhov Memorial VolumeAdv Math Fluid Mech:New Directions in Mesoscopic Physics (towards Nanoscience)Nato Sci Ser Ii Math:New Directions in Mesoscopic Physics (towards Nanoscience)Nato Sci Ser Ii-math"New Directions in Modern EconomicsNew Dir Mod Econ/New Directions in Nonlinear and Observer DesignLect Notes Contr Inf2New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive ScienceNew Dir Philos CognNew Directions in Quantum ChaosP Int Sch Phys(New Directions in Quantum Chromodynamics Aip Conf Proc/New Directions in Regional Economic Development Adv Spat SciONew Directions in Research and Clinical Works for Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus Int Congr SerYNew Directions in Research With Third-generation Soft X-ray Synchrotron Radiation SourcesNato Adv Sci Inst SeFNew Directions in Rough Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-soft ComputingLect Notes Artif Int:New Directions in Statistical Data Analysis and Robustness Monte Verit&New Directions in Terahertz TechnologyNato Adv Sci I E-app'New Directions in The Human-animal BondNew Dir Hum-anim Bon5New Directions in The Sociology of Global DevelopmentRes Rural Sociol Dev#New Directions in Us Foreign PolicyRout Stud Us For Pol%New Directions in Vestibular ResearchAnn Ny Acad Sci'New Directions in Web Data Management 1Stud Comput Intell New Discoveries in Agrochemicals Acs Sym Ser0New Disparities in Spatial Development in EuropeGer Annu Spat Res Po)New Drugs and Targets for Asthma and CopdProg Respir ResNew Drugs for Asthma TherapyAgent Action SupplNew Drugs in Allergy and AsthmaAgent Action SupplNew Dynamic Public FinanceToulouse Lect Econ*New Dynamics of Innovation and CompetitionNew Dynam Innov Comp%New Economics As Mainstream EconomicsInt Pap Polit EconNew Economic Windows Ne Econ WinNew Economic WindowsNew Econ Windows<New Economy in Development: Ict Challenges and OpportunitiesTechnol Glob Dev SerNew Economy of The Inner CityRoutl Stud Econ GeogNew Educational Review New Educ RevNew Electronics New Electron,New England and Regional Allergy ProceedingsNew Engl Reg Allergy:New England Complex Systems Institute Series On ComplexityNew Engl Compl SystNew England Economic ReviewNew Engl Econ RevNew England Journal of MedicineNew Engl J MedINew England Quarterly-a Historical Review of New England Life and LettersNew Engl QuartNew England ReviewNew Engl Rev Bread L+New England Review and Bread Loaf QuarterlyNew Engl Rev Bread L$New England Review-middlebury SeriesNew Engl Rev-middleb$New Epidemics in Occupational HealthPeople Work Res RepNew Era in Cosmology Astr Soc PNew Era of Wide Field Astronomy Astr Soc P"New Essays in Religious Naturalism High Inst SNew Essays On American Drama Costerus Es%New Essays On Paretos Economic TheoryRoutl Stud Hist Econ New Ethnicities and Language Use Lang GlobENew Europe : Evolving Economic and Financial Systems in East and West Finan Mon P6New Extragalactic Perspectives in The New South AfricaAstrophys Space Sc L(New Eyes to See Inside The Sun and StarsIau SympTNew Face of Government: How Public Managers Are Forging A New Approach to GovernanceAm Soc Public AdminZNew Facet of Three Nucleon Force - 50 Years of Fujita Miyazawa Three Nucleon Force (fm 50) Aip Conf ProcpNew Faith in Ancient Lands: Western Missions in The Middle East in The Nineteenth and Early Twentienth CenturiesStud Christ Mission;New Famines: Why Famines Persist in An Era of GlobalizationRoutl Stud Dev EconVNew Firm Creation in The United States: Initial Explorations With The Psed Ii Data SetInt Stud Entrep New Forests New ForestNew Forum BooksNew Forum Book)New Frontiers for Entertainment ComputingInt Fed Info Proc(New Frontiers in Advanced Plasma Physics Aip Conf Proc0New Frontiers in Applied Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int$New Frontiers in Applied Data MiningLect Notes Artif Int(New Frontiers in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int(New Frontiers in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Comput Sc New Frontiers in Catalysis, Pt BStud Surf Sci Catal New Frontiers in Catalysis, Pt CStud Surf Sci Catal#New Frontiers in Catalysis, Pts A-cStud Surf Sci Catal:New Frontiers in Chemical Biology: Enabling Drug DiscoveryRsc Drug Discov@New Frontiers in Computational Intelligence and Its Applications Fr Art Int@New Frontiers in Computational Intelligence and Its ApplicationsFront Artif Intel Ap5New Frontiers in Dead Sea Paleoenvironmental ResearchGeol Soc Am Spec PapTNew Frontiers in Entrepreneurship: Recognizing, Seizing, and Executing OpportunitiesInt Stud Entrep2New Frontiers in Environmental and Social LabelingSustain InnovationmNew Frontiers in Information and Software As Services: Service and Application Design Challenges in The CloudLect Notes Bus Inf0New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth SciencesInt Year Planet Eart'New Frontiers in Macromolecular Science Macromol Sy;New Frontiers in Materials Processing Training and LearningMater Sci Forum8New Frontiers in Medical Sciences: Redefining Hyaluronan Int Congr Ser"New Frontiers in Polymer Synthesis Adv Polym Sci;New Frontiers in Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum OpticsNato Adv Sci I B-phy$New Frontiers in Respiratory ControlAdv Exp Med Biol5New Frontiers in Screening for Microbial Biocatalysts Stud Org Chem0New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins0New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieENew Frontiers in Women's Studies: Knowledge, Identity and NationalismGen Soc Fem Persp>New Frontiers of Arrhythmias 1990 : 9th International Congress N Tr Arrhyt New Frontiers of Corpus Research Lang Comput:New Frontiers of Mr-based Techniques in Multiple SclerosisTopics NeurosciANew Frontiers of Processing and Engineering in Advanced MaterialsMater Sci ForumNew Generation ComputingNew Generat ComputBNew Generation of Antipsychotic Drugs : Novel Mechanisms of Action Int Acad BNew Generation VaccinesNato Adv Sci Inst SeNew Genetics and Society New Genet SocNew Genetics, New Identities Genet Soc#New Genetics, New Social Formations Genet Soc`New Geography of Knowledge in The Electronics Industry: Asias Role in Global Innovation NetworksPol StudNew German Critique New Ger CritTNew German Jewry and The European Context:the Return of The European Jewish DiasporaNew Perspect Ger StuNew Glimpse of Day OneBeih Z Neutest Wiss=New Global Frontiers in Regulation: The Age of NanotechnologyMonash Stud Glob MovINew Governance in European Social Policy: The Open Method of CoordinationPalgrave Stud Eur UnNew Guide to Italian CinemaItal Ital Am Stud6New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinNew Hamp Aes Bull=New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station Research ReportNew Hamp Aes Res RepNew History of English Metre Stud Ling New Horizons Geoth Res T.New Horizons From Multi-wavelength Sky SurveysIau Symp%New Horizons in Allergy ImmunotherapyAdv Exp Med Biol7New Horizons in Astronomy: Frank N. Bash Symposium 2005 Astr Soc P7New Horizons in Astronomy: Frank N. Bash Symposium 2007 Astr Soc P6New Horizons in Astronomy: Frank N Bash Symposium 2009 Astr Soc P$New Horizons in Biological DosimetryProg Clin Biol Res-New Horizons in Competition Law and EconomicsNew Horiz Compet Law#New Horizons in Earth ReinforcementProc Monogr Eng Wate New Horizons in EntrepreneurshipNew Horiz Entrep,New Horizons in Environmental and Energy LawNew Hor Env Energ'New Horizons in Environmental EconomicsNew Hor Env Eco'New Horizons in Environmental EconomicsNew Horiz Environ Ec!New Horizons in Environmental LawNew Horiz Environ La*New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy Astr Soc P&New Horizons in Information ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc8New Horizons in Institutional and Evolutionary EconomicsNew Hor Inst Evol Ec8New Horizons in Institutional and Evolutionary EconomicsNew Horiz Inst Evol%New Horizons in Intellectual PropertyNew Horiz Intel Prop&New Horizons in International BusinessNew Horiz Int BusNew Horizons in Islamic StudiesNew Horiz Islam Stud!New Horizons in Law and EconomicsNew Horiz Law Econ!New Horizons in Law and Economics Nh Law Econ"New Horizons in Leadership StudiesNew Hor Leadersh St"New Horizons in Leadership StudiesNew Horiz Leadersh SNew Horizons in ManagementNew Horiz Manag2New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless CommunicationsArtech Hse Mob Comm9New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Vol 1Artech Hse Univers P9New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Vol 2Artech Hse Univers P9New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Vol 3Artech Hse Mob Comm!New Horizons in Money and FinanceNew Horiz Money Fina!New Horizons in Money and FinanceNh Mon Fin Ser(New Horizons in Money and Finance SeriesNh Mon Fin Ser"New Horizons in Neonatal Screening Int Congr SerNew Horizons in Neuropsychology Int Congr Ser!New Horizons in Nitrogen FixationCurr Plant Sci Biot2New Horizons in Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases Int Congr SerNew Horizons in Public PolicyNew Horiz Pub PolNew Horizons in Public PolicyNew Horiz Public Pol New Horizons in Regional ScienceNew Horiz Reg Sci%New Horizons in Reproductive MedicineI C S S+New Horizons in The Economics of InnovationNew Hor Econ Innov+New Horizons in The Economics of InnovationNew Horiz Econ Innov&New Horizons in The Economics of SportNew Horiz Econ SportNew Horizons in TheologyAnn Pub Coll Theol SYNew Horizons in Therapeutics : Smith Kline & French Research Laboratories Symposia Series N Horiz Th^New Horizons in Therapeutics: Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals U.s. Research Symposia SeriesN Hor Th Sk&b Ph Us4New Horizons of Applied Scanning Electron MicroscopySpringer Ser Surf Sc#New Horizons of Tumor Immunotherapy Int Congr Ser7New Horizons-the Science and Practice of Acute MedicineNew Horiz-sci Pract8New Humanitarianism: Britain and Sierra Leone, 1997-2003Palgrave Stud DevNew Hungarian QuarterlyNew Hung QuartNew Icmi Studies SeriesNew Icmi Stud SerNew Icmi Study SeriesNew Icmi Stud SerNew Ideas in PsychologyNew Ideas Psychol New Ideas in Tokamak Confinement Res Tr PhysXNew Image Processing Techniques and Applications: Algorithms, Methods, and Components IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&New Insights in Germanic Linguistics IBerk Insigh Linguist'New Insights in Germanic Linguistics IiBerk Insigh Linguist9New Insights Into Structural Interpretation and ModellingGeol Soc Spec Publ.New Insights Into The Pathogenesis of Mastitis Flem Vet J*New Insights in Vertebrate Kidney FunctionSoc Exp Biol Semin S,New Institutionalism in Strategic Management Adv Strat M New IntegralsLect Notes MathNew International Policing Glob Iss SerNew International Relations New Int Relat:New Interpretations of Beckett in The Twenty-first CenturyNew Interpret BecketfNew Japan for The Twenty-first Century: An Inside Overview of Current Fundamental Changes and ProblemsRoutl Contemp Jpn Se3New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinNew Jers Aes Bull9New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Special ReportNew Jers Agr Ex St SNew Journal of Chemistry New J ChemNew Journal of Physics New J PhysHNew Kinds of Phase Transitions: Transformations in Disordered SubstancesNato Sci Ser Ii MathHNew Kinds of Phase Transitions: Transformations in Disordered SubstancesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathFNew Labour and The Civil Service: Reconstituting The Westminster Model Transform Gov&New Leads and Targets in Drug ResearchAlfred Benzon Symp SNew Left Review New Left Rev New Letters New LettersANew Light On Dark Stars: Red Dwarfs, Low-mass Stars, Brown DwarfsSpringer-prax BooksNew Light On Galaxy EvolutionIau SympNew Literary HistoryNew Literary Hist"New Localism in American EducationYearb Natl Soc StudANew Macrolides, Azalides, and Streptogramins in Clinical Practice Infec Dis TNewman and The WordLouvain Theol Pastor1New Materials and Advanced Materials, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switz)New Materials and Their Applications 1990Inst Phys Conf Ser-New Materials: Conjugated Double Bond SystemsMater Sci Forum-New Materials for Advanced Solid State LasersMater Res Soc Symp P*New Materials for Batteries and Fuel CellsMater Res Soc Symp P New Materials for MicrophotonicsMater Res Soc Symp P?New Mechanisms for Tissue-selective Estrogen-free ContraceptionE Schering Res Fdn WNew Media, 1740-1915 Media TransitNew Media & Society New Media Soc!New Media and The New Middle EastPalgr Mac Ser Int PohNew Media, Cultural Studies, and Critical Theory After Postmodernism: Automodernity From Zizek to LaclauPsychoanal Educ SocNew Media Handbook Media Pract/New Medical Model : A Challenge for BiomedicinePubl HdiNew Medications for Drug AbuseAnn Ny Acad Sci New Medit New Medit>New Membrances and Advanced Materials for Wastewater Treatment Acs Sym SerDNew Methodologies and Techniques for A Sustainable Organic ChemistryNato Sci Ser Ii MathDNew Methodologies and Techniques for A Sustainable Organic ChemistryNato Sci Ser Ii-math5New Methods and Results in Non-linear Field EquationsLect Notes Phys4New Methods for Corrosion Testing of Aluminum AlloysAm Soc Test Mater&New Methods for The Analysis of Change Decade Behav3New Methods for The Study of Biomolecular ComplexesNato Adv Sci I C-mat/New Methods in Microscopy and Low Light ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsNew Methods in Quantum TheoryNato Asi 3 High Tech6New Methods, Mechanisms and Models of Vapor DepositionMater Res Soc Symp PkNew Methods of Competing in The Global Marketplace: Critical Success Factors From Service and ManufacturingResource Manag-crc"New Methods of Concurrent CheckingFront Electron Test3New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinNew Mex Agr Exp St B:New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station Research ReportNew Mex Agr Exp St RNew Mexico Anthropologist N M Anthr1New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service CircularNew Mex Coop Ext S CNew Mexico Historical ReviewNew Mex Hist RevNew Microbiologica New MicrobiolNew Middle AgesNew Middle AgesMNew Millennium South Korea: Neoliberal Capitalism and Transnational MovementsRoutl Adv Korean StuKNew Model for Analyzing Antimicrobial Peptides With Biomedical ApplicationsNato Sci Ser I Life4New Modeling Concepts for Today's Software ProcessesLect Notes Comput ScFNew Models and Hydrocodes for Shock Wave Processes in Condensed Matter Epj Web Conf0New Models, New Extensions of Attribution Theory Rec Res Psy;New Modes of Particle Acceleration - Techniques and Sources Aip Conf ProcgNew Molecular Mechanisms of Estrogen Action and Their Impact On Future Perspectives in Estrogen TherapyE Schering Res Fdn W.New Multilateralism in South African DiplomacyStud Dev Econ PolicyNew Nanotechnology DevelopmentsNanotechnol Sci Tech.New Narratives in Eighteenth-century Chemistry ArchimedesNew Nasdaq MarketplaceZi Sch Bus Fin MaNew Nation of GoodsEarly Am Stud Ser:New Network Architectures: The Path to The Future InternetStud Comput Intell)New Norms and Knowledge in World PoliticsRoutl Adv Int Relat(New Observing Modes for The Next Century Astr Soc PgNew Oceanography Research Developments: Marine Chemistry, Ocean Floor Analyses and Marine PhytoplanktonOceanogr Ocean Eng0New Opportunities in The Management of PsychosesRes Clin ForumsNew Orleans ReviewNew Orleans Rev>New Ornamental Crops and The Market for Floricultural Products Acta HorticNew Outlook for The BlindNew Outlook Blind\New Paradigm for Re-engineering Education: Globalization, Localization and IndividualizationEduc Asia Pac Reg-is7New Paradigm of Knowledge Engineering By Soft ComputingFlsi Soft Comp SerNew Paradigms in Subsurface Prediction: Characterization of The Shallow Subsurface Implications for Urban Infrastructure and Environmental AssessmentLect Notes Earth Sci6New Parties in Government: in Power for The First TimeRoutl Ecpr Stud EurGNew Partnership for Africa's Development (nepad) - African Perspectives Discuss Pap!New Paths Towards Quantum GravityLect Notes Phys:New Perspectives and Challenges in Symplectic Field TheoryCrm Proc & Lect Note\New Perspectives for The Effective Treatment of Pre-term Labour - An International ConsensusRes Clin Forums%New Perspectives in Caribbean TourismRoutl Adv Tour!New Perspectives in Endocrinology Serono Sym,New Perspectives in German Political StudiesNew Perspect Ger Pol"New Perspectives in German StudiesNew Perspect Ger Stu"New Perspectives in German StudiesNew Perspect GermangNew Perspectives in Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Arteriovenous Hemofiltration, and PlasmapheresisAdv Exp Med Biol&New Perspectives in Histamine ResearchAgent Action Suppl(New Perspectives in Mathematical BiologyFields I Commun&New Perspectives in Ophthalmology (vi)Res Clin Forums8New Perspectives in Research On Corporate SustainabilityNew Perspect Res CorCNew Perspectives in Service-learning: Research to Advance The FieldAdv Serv Learn ResiNew Perspectives in The Study of Mesoamerican Primates: Distribution, Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation Dev PrimatoliNew Perspectives in The Study of Mesoamerican Primates: Distribution, Ecology, Behavior, and ConservationDev Primatol-prog Pr/New Perspectives On Agri-environmental PoliciesRoutl Explor EnvironMNew Perspectives On Asian American Parents, Students, and Teacher RecruitmentRes Educ Asian PacNew Perspectives On ConceptsGrazer Philos StudNew Perspectives On Evolution Wist Symp SJNew Perspectives On Historical Latin Syntax, Vol 1: Syntax of The SentenceTrends Linguist-studVNew Perspectives On Human Sacrifice and Ritual Body Treatments in Ancient Maya Society Interd Cont,New Perspectives On Learning and InstructionNew Persp Learn Inst=New Perspectives On Maritime History and Nautical ArchaeologyNew Perspectives Mar/New Perspectives On Narrative and MultimodalityRoutl Stud Multimod)New Perspectives On Narrative PerspectiveSuny Ser Margins Lit-New Perspectives On Neurobehavioral EvolutionAnn Ny Acad Sci&New Perspectives On People and Forests World Forests5New Perspectives On Risk Analysis and Crisis ResponseAdv Intel Sys Res\New Perspectives On Romance Linguistics, Vol 1: Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and PragmaticsAmst Stud Theory His4New Perspectives On Safavid Iran: Empire and Society Iran Stud Ser%New Perspectives On Solar Prominences Astr Soc PBNew Perspectives On Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars Iau Colloq=New Perspectives On Streptococci and Streptococcal Infections Zbl Bakt S%New Perspectives On Technical EditingBaywoods Tech Commun+New Perspectives On The Interstellar Medium Astr Soc P*New Perspectives On The Modern CorporationNew Perspect Mod Cor)New Perspectives On The Old Red SandstoneGeol Soc Spec Publ+New Perspectives On The Transnational RightPalg Mac Transnat HNew Perspectives On TurkeyNew Perspect TurkLNew Perspectives : The Reception of Romanticism in The Literature of The Gdr Gdr Mon SpHNew Pharmacological Approaches to Reproductive Health and Healthy AgeingE Schering Res Fdn WENew Pharmacological Approaches to The Therapy of Depressive Disorders Int Acad BTNew Photonics Technologies for The Information Age: The Dream of Ubiquitous Services Art H OptoNew Phytologist New PhytolNew Plant Physiology Research Bot Res PractNew Political EconomyNew Polit EconXNew Political Economy of Urban Education: Neoliberalism, Race, and The Right to The CityCrit Soc ThoughtNew Political Economy SeriesNew Polit Econ Ser<New Politics of Conflict Resolution-responding to DifferenceRethink Peace Confl6New Politics of Masculinity: Men, Power and ResistanceRoutl Innov Polit ThNew Polymeric Materials Acs Sym SerNew Polymeric Materials New Polym Mat9New Polymerization Techniques and Synthetic Methodologies Adv Polym Sci[New Population Problem: Why Families in Developed Countries Are Shrinking and What It MeansPenn State Univ Fam New Possibilities, New Paradigms Am Acad PeNew Problems of PhilosophyNew Probl Philos@New Promising Electrochemical Systems for Rechargeable BatteriesNato Asi 3 High Tech%New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics IiAstrophysics SpaceHNew Quests in Stellar Astrophysics: The Link Between Stars and CosmologyAstrophys Space Sc L0New Quinolones With Potential Anti-mrsa ActivityCancer Etiol Diagn TNew Qumran Texts and StudiesStud Text Des JudahNew Readings in JohnJ St Old Test Suppl>New Regulation and Governance of Food: Beyond The Food Crisis?Routl Stud Hum Geogr New Republic New Republic8New Research in Education: Adult, Medical and VocationalEduc Compet Glob Wor.New Results and New Trends in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc*New Results in Far Ir and Sub-mm Astronomy Adv Space Res*New Results in Far Ir and Sub-mm AstronomyAdv Space Res-series<New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics Ii Note Num Fl=New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics Iii Note Num Fl<New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IvNote N Fl Mech Mul D;New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VNote N Fl Mech Mul D<New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics ViNote N Fl Mech Mul D<New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics ViNotes Numer Fluid Me=New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics ViiNotes Numer Fluid Me New ReviewNew Rev#New Review of East European HistoryNew Rev E Eur Hist'New Review of Hypermedia and MultimediaNew Rev Hypermedia M=New Role of The Academies of Sciences in The Balkan CountriesNato Asi S 4 Sci TecJNew Rosetta Targets: Observations, Simulations and Instrument PerformancesAstrophys Space Sc L,News and Journalism in The Uk, Fifth EditionCommun Soc-ser New Scholar New ScholarNew ScholasticismNew Scholasticism New ScientistNew SciNew Security ChallengesNew Secur Chall&New Security Issues in Northern EuropeRoutl Uaces Contemp4New Selection Schemes in Cattle : Nucleus Programmes Eaap Public2New Shelf-life Technologies and Safety AssessmentsVtt SympFNew Sight Towards Dye-sensitized Solar Cells: Material and Theoretical Key Eng Mater(News in Aseptic Processing and PackagingVtt Symp)News in Clinical Pharmacology and BiologyActual Pharm Biol ClNews in Physiological SciencesNews Physiol SciNewsletters On StratigraphyNewsl StratigrANew Smart Materials Via Metal Mediated Macromolecular EngineeringNato Sci Peace Sec ANews Media and Power in RussiaBasees-rout Ser RussJNew Social Movements in The African Diaspora: Challenging Global ApartheidCrit Black Stud SerNew Social RisksEiss Kluw Law Int S5New Social Studies: People, Projects and PerspectivesStud Hist Educ New SocietyNew Statesman Soc New Sociology New Sociol&New Solar Physics With Solar-b Mission Astr Soc PNew Sound of Indo-european Trend Lin S+New Space Race: China Vs. The United StatesS-p B Space ExplorNew Standards for Fans Imeche SemNew Statesman & SocietyNew Statesman Soc-New States of Matter in Hadronic Interactions Aip Conf ProcGNew Steps in Chemical and Biochemical Phyiscs: Pure and Applied SciencePhys Res Technol$New Strategies for Oral ImmunizationCurr Top Microbiol New Strategies in Fungal Disease Fr Infec DRNew Strategies in Stroke Intervention: Ionic Transporters, Pumps, and New ChannelsContemp Neurosci-New Strategies of Bone Marrow Transplantation Ucla Sym BiNew Stream Cipher DesignsLect Notes Comput Sc*New Structuralism in Cognitive DevelopmentContrib Hum DevNew Structures for PhysicsLect Notes PhysNew Superconducting ElectronicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se/New Symmetry Principles in Quantum Field TheoryNato Adv Sci Inst SeNew Synthese Historical LibraryNew Syn Hist LNew Synthese Historical LibraryNew Synth Hist Lib/New Synthetic Methods (advances in Polymer Sci) Adv Polym Sci New TaxonomySyst Assoc Spec VolqNew Teacher Identity and Regulative Government: The Discursive Formation of Primary Mathematics Teacher EducationMath Teach EducHNew Techniques and Analysis in Optical Measurements - Interferometry '94P Soc Photo-opt Ins*New Techniques for Future Accelerators Iii E Maj Int SBNew Techniques for The Detection of Nuclear and Radioactive AgentsNato Science Peace S(New Techniques in Sediment Core AnalysisGeol Soc Spec Publ!New Techniques in Solid-state Nmr Top Curr ChemNew Techniques in Surgery New Tech SurgRNew Technological Solutions in Underground Mining: International Mining Forum 2006Proc Monogr Eng Wate2New Technologies and Law of The Marine Environment Int Env Law[New Technologies for Archaeology: Multidisciplinary Investigations in Palpa and Nasca, PeruNat Sci ArchaeolNew Technologies for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins>New Technologies for Automation of Metallurgical Industry 2003 Ifac Work S*New Technologies for Computer Control 2001Ifac Symp Series#New Technologies for Supercolliders E Maj Int SNew Technologies in AquacultureBasicsNew Technologies in Aquaculture Basics Ser3New Technologies in Cytometry and Molecular BiologyP Soc Photo-opt InsANew Technologies in Health Care: Challenge, Change and InnovationHealth Technol Soc0New Technologies in Hospital Information Systems St Heal T)New Technologies in Public AdministrationInt I Adm Sci Monogr%New Technologies in Surgical Oncology Updates Surg=New Technologies in The Education of The Visually Handicapped Colloq InseNew Technologies in Urology New Tech SurgNew Technologies in Vlbi Astr Soc P0New Technology Based Firms in The New MillenniumNew Tech Bas Firm Ne7New Technology-based Firms in The New Millennium, Vol 6New Tech Bas Firm NeaNew Technology-based Firms in The New Millennium, Vol 7: Production and Distribution of KnowledgeNew Tech Bas Firm Ne"New Technology Work and EmploymentNew Tech Work EmployNew Telecom Quarterly New Telecom Q(New Tendencies in Mexican Art: The 1990sNew Concepts Lat Am@New Terror: Facing The Threat of Biological and Chemical WeaponsHoover Natl Secur Fo#New Testament in Early Christianity Bib Eph TheNew Testament StudiesNew Testament StudNew Theatre Quarterly New Theat Q9New Theoretical Approaches to Strongly Correlated SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math9New Theoretical Approaches to Strongly Correlated SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math<New Theoretical Concepts for Understanding Organic ReactionsNato Adv Sci I C-mat(New Therapeutic Strategies in Nephrology Dev Nephrol!New Thinking in Political EconomyNew Think Polit Econ$Newton and Newtonianism: New StudiesArch Int Hist Idees$Newton and Newtonianism: New Studies Int Arch HNewton and ReligionArch Int Hist IdeesNewton and Religion Int Arch HXNew Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Contestations and Transcendence IncarnateFem Philos Collect New TrainsImeche Conf TransHNew Transnationalism: Transnational Governance and Democratic LegitimacyTransform State2New Trend in Applied Plasma Science and Technology Aip Conf ProcFNew Trends and Applications of Computer-aided Material and EngineeringAdv Mater Res-switz;New Trends and Developments in Occupational Health Services Int Congr SerPNew Trends and Technologies in Computer-aided Learning for Computer-aided DesignInt Fed Info Proc:New Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntNew Trends in Arrhythmias N Tr Arrhyt,New Trends in Arrhythmias, Vol 6, No 4, 1990 N Tr Arrhyt,New Trends in Arrhythmias, Vol 7, No 1, 1991 N Tr Arrhyt,New Trends in Astrodynamics and ApplicationsAnn Ny Acad Sci0New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications Iii Aip Conf Proc/New Trends in Autonomic Nervous System Research Int Congr Ser)New Trends in Cancer for The 21st CenturyAdv Exp Med Biol6New Trends in Cancer for The 21st Century, 2nd EditionAdv Exp Med Biol*New Trends in Cerebral Aneurysm Management Act Neur S(New Trends in Clinical Neuropharmacology Curr Prob NNew Trends in Cytokines New Tr Cyt0New Trends in Data Warehousing and Data AnalysisAnn Inform Syst$New Trends in Distribution LogisticsLect Notes Econ Math,New Trends in Dynamic Games and ApplicationsAnn Int Soc Dyn Game:New Trends in Epilepsy Management : The Role of GabapentinRoy Soc Med Int CongNew Trends in Formal LanguagesLect Notes Comput ScNew Trends in Gastric Cancer Dev OncolNew Trends in Hepatology 1996 Falk SympNew Trends in Hera Physics 1999Lect Notes Phys5New Trends in Instrumentation for Hypersonic ResearchNato Adv Sci Inst Se3New Trends in Integrability and Partial SolvabilityNato Sci Ser Ii Math8New Trends in Intercalation Compounds for Energy StorageNato Sci Ser Ii Math&New Trends in Lipid Mediators Research New Trend L!New Trends in Materials ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-mat%New Trends in Mechanics and TransportAppl Mech Mater*New Trends in Microanatomy of ReproductionMarc Malpig Symp Ser%New Trends in Modern Dutch Literature Gr Stud Cult8New Trends in Multimedia and Network Information SystemsFront Artif Intel ApDNew Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, and Their ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf1New Trends in Optical Network Design and ModelingInt Fed Info Proc2New Trends in Optical Soliton Transmission SystemsSol Sci Technol LibQNew Trends in Optimal Filtering and Control for Polynomial and Time-delay SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf!New Trends in Pediatric Neurology Int Congr SerNew Trends in PharmacokineticsNato Adv Sci I A-lif(New Trends in Probability and StatisticsNew Tr Prob Stat/New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Vol 4New Tr Prob Stat4New Trends in Quantum Coherence and Nonlinear OpticsHoriz World Phys Ser=New Trends in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Vol 1 Prog T Chem=New Trends in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Vol 1Prog Theor Chem Phys=New Trends in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Vol 2 Prog T Chem=New Trends in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Vol 2Prog Theor Chem Phys:New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques Fr Art Int:New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and TechniquesFront Artif Intel ApNew Trends in Space Geodesy Adv Space ResNew Trends in Space GeodesyAdv Space Res-seriesNew Trends in Systems Theory Prog Syst C$New Trends in The History of Science N Ned Bij GMNew Trends in Thin Structures: Formulation, Optimization and Coupled ProblemsCism Courses Lect"New Trends in Veal Calf Production Eaap PublicANew Trends of Surgery for Stroke and Its Perioperative Management Act Neur SENew Understandings of Teacher's Work: Emotions and Educational ChangeProf Learn Dev Sch HNew Universities QuarterlyU Quart-cult Educ SNew Vico Studies New Vico SNew Vico Studies SeriesNew Vico Stud SerNew Vico Studies, Vol Xix, 2001 New Vico S New Vico Studies, Vol Xxvi, 2008New Vico Stud SerNew Vico Studies, Vol XxviiNew Vico Stud Ser"New Views of The Magellanic CloudsIau SympNew Views of The MoonRev Mineral Geochem8New Views On Historical and Contemporary Security Issues Perspect WarNew Visions in Security New Vis SecurNew Vistas in Dusty Plasmas Aip Conf Proc|New Vistas in Therapeutics, From Drug Design to Gene Therapy: Drug-resistant Tuberculosis, From Molecules to Macro-economicsAnn Ny Acad SciNew Voices On Adam SmithRoutl Stud Hist EconNew Waves in AestheticsNew Waves PhilosNew Waves in MetaethicsNew Waves PhilosNew Waves in PhilosophyNew Waves Philos#New Waves in Philosophy of LanguageNew Waves Philos&New Waves in Philosophy of MathematicsNew Waves Philos%New Waves in Philosophy of TechnologyNew Waves Philos!New Waves in Political PhilosophyNew Waves PhilosNew World Order?Contrib Econ Econ HiLNew World Orders: Violence, Sanction, and Authority in The Colonial AmericasEarly Am Stud SercNew X-ray Results, The Next Generation of X-ray Observatories and Gamma Ray Burst Afterglow Physics Adv Space RescNew X-ray Results, The Next Generation of X-ray Observatories and Gamma Ray Burst Afterglow PhysicsAdv Space Res-series New Yorker New YorkerNew York Fish and Game JournalNew York Fish Game JNew York FolkloreNew York FolkloreBNew York for Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real EstateUrban Ind Environ%New-york Historical Society QuarterlyNew York Hist Soc QNew York History New York HistNew York Literary ForumNew York Lit ForumNew York QuarterlyNew York QuartNew York Review of BooksNew York Rev Books)New Yorks Food and Life Sciences BulletinNew York Food LifeANew York State Agricultural Experiment Station Search AgricultureNy State Aes Search=New York State Agricultural Experiment Station Special ReportNy State Aes Spec Re"New York State Journal of MedicineNew York State J MedNew York State Museum BulletinN Y State Mus Bull New York Theatre Critics ReviewsNew York Theat CritNew York Times Book ReviewNew York Times Bk RNew York Times Book ReviewNy Times Bk Rev(New York University Law Quarterly ReviewN Y Univ Law Q RevNew York University Law ReviewNew York U Law Rev?New York University Monographs in Biomedical Engineering Series Nyu M Biom3New York University Review of Law and Social ChangeNew York U Rev Law S)New York University Salomon Center Series Nyu SalomonONew York University Salomon Center Series On Financial Markets and InstitutionsNyu Sa Ctr Ser F M INew Zealand Economic PapersNew Zeal Econ PapNew Zealand Entomologist N Z EntomolNew Zealand EntomologistNew Zeal EntomolNew Zealand Entomologist Nz EntomolHNew Zealand Freshwater Fishes: An Historical and Ecological Biogeography Fish Fish SerNew Zealand GeographerNew Zeal Geogr,New Zealand Journal of Agricultural ResearchNew Zeal J Agr Res"New Zealand Journal of AgricultureNew Zeal J AgrNew Zealand Journal of BotanyNew Zeal J Bot5New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural ScienceNew Zeal J Crop Hort3New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and TechnologyNew Zeal J Dairy SciNew Zealand Journal of EcologyNew Zeal J Ecol*New Zealand Journal of Educational StudiesNew Zeal J Educ Stud/New Zealand Journal of Experimental AgricultureNew Zeal J Exp Agr'New Zealand Journal of Forestry ScienceNew Zeal J For Sci-New Zealand Journal of Geology and GeophysicsNew Zeal J Geol GeopNew Zealand Journal of HistoryNew Zeal J Hist5New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchNew Zeal J Mar Fresh!New Zealand Journal of PsychologyNew Zeal J PsycholNew Zealand Journal of ScienceNew Zeal J SciNew Zealand Journal of ZoologyNew Zeal J ZoolNew Zealand Medical JournalNew Zeal Med J New Zealand Operational ResearchNew Zeal Oper Res#New Zealand Plant Protection-seriesN Z Plant Protect-se$New Zealand Plant Protection, Vol 54N Z Plant Protect-se$New Zealand Plant Protection, Vol 55N Z Plant Protect-se$New Zealand Plant Protection, Vol 56N Z Plant Protect-se$New Zealand Plant Protection, Vol 57N Z Plant Protect-seNew Zealand PsychologistNew Zeal PsycholNew Zealand Veterinary JournalNew Zeal Vet J1Next-generation Applied Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntVNext Generation Artificial Vision Systems: Reverse Engineering The Human Visual SystemArtech Hse Bioinf Bi6Next-generation Communication and Sensor Networks 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Next-generation Communication and Sensor Networks 2006 Proc Spie6Next-generation Communication and Sensor Networks 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Next-generation Communication and Sensor Networks 2007 Proc SpieKNext Generation Data Technologies for Collective Computational IntelligenceStud Comput Intell<Next Generation Environment Models and Computational Methods Siam Proc S-Next Generation Information System TechnologyLect Notes Comput Sc4Next Generation Information Technologies and SystemsLect Notes Comput ScANext Generation Information Technologies and Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Next Generation in Scientific Ballooning Adv Space ResQNext Generation (nano) Photonic and Cell Technologies for Solar Energy ConversionP Soc Photo-opt InsNext Generation NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc3Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector Aip Conf ProcNext Generation of Data MiningCh Crc Data Min Know8Next Generation of Electric Power Unit Commitment ModelsInt Ser Oper Res Man?Next Generation of Information Systems : From Data to KnowledgeLect Notes Artif Int.Next Generation of Scientific Balloon Missions Adv Space Res4Next Generation Optical Network Design and ModellingInt Fed Info Proc*Next-generation Spectroscopic TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Next-generation Spectroscopic Technologies Proc Spie.Next-generation Spectroscopic Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Next-generation Spectroscopic Technologies Iii Proc Spie-Next-generation Spectroscopic Technologies Iv Proc SpiePNext Generation Teletraffic and Wired/ Wireless Advanced Networking, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScONext Generation Teletraffic and Wired/wireless Advanced Networking, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Next Generation Wide-field Multi-object Spectroscopy Astr Soc PNext Steps in Central America Brookings D?Next Wave in Computing, Optimization, and Decision TechnologiesOper Res Comput Sci?Next Wave in Computing, Optimization, and Decision TechnologiesOperat Res Comp SciNexus Network Journal Nexus Netw J'Nfd Information-wissenschaft Und PraxisNfd Inform-wiss PraxNf-kb in Health and DiseaseCurr Top Microbiol/Ngf and Related Molecules in Health and DiseaseProg Brain Res&Ngst Science and Technology Exposition Astr Soc PQN-heterocyclic Carbenes: From Laboratory Curiosities to Efficient Synthetic Tools Rsc Catal Ser5N-heterocyclic Carbenes in Transition Metal CatalysisTop Organometal ChemIN-heterocyclic Carbenes in Transition Metal Catalysis and OrganocatalysisCatal Met ComplexesNhk Laboratories Note Nhk Lab NoteNhri Symposium Nhri Symp\Nianga, Laboratory for Irrigated Crop Production in The Middle Section of The Senegal Valley Colloq Semi|Nibelungische Intertextualitat : Generationenbeziehungen Und Genealogische Strukturen in Der Heldenepik Des SpatmittelaltersTrends Mediev PhilolNicholas KaldorGreat Think EconNickel '96 - Mineral to MarketAustralas I Min MetcNickel Deposits of The Yilgarn Craton: Geology, Geochemistry, and Geophysics Applied to ExplorationSoc Econ Geol Spec PNicotine & Tobacco ResearchNicotine Tob ResNicotinic Receptors in The CnsProg Brain ResCNicso 2008: Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for OptimizationStud Comp IntellCNicso 2008: Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for OptimizationStud Comput IntellCNicso 2010: Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for OptimizationStud Comp IntellCNicso 2010: Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for OptimizationStud Comput IntellNida Research Monograph Series Nida Res MgNidi Cbgs Publications Nidi Cbgs P-Nidoviruses (coronaviruses and Arteriviruses)Adv Exp Med Biol@Nidoviruses: Toward Control of Sars and Other Nidovirus DiseasesAdv Exp Med BiolNieren-und HochdruckkrankheitenNieren HochdruckNietzsche and IslamRoutl Adv Midd E Isl%Nietzsche: Philosophie De La LegereteMonogr Texte NietzscNietzsche StudienNietzsche StudNietzsche Studien, Band 32Nietzsche StudNietzsche Studien, Band 33Nietzsche StudNietzsche Studien, Band 34Nietzsche StudNietzsche Studien, Band 35Nietzsche StudNietzsche Studien, Band 36Nietzsche StudNietzsche Studien, Band 37Nietzsche StudNietzsche Studien, Band 38Nietzsche StudNietzsche: The Key ConceptsRoutl Key GuidesJNieuwe Nederlandse Bijdragen Tot De Geneeskunde En Der Natuurwetenschappen N Ned Bij G$Nif Laser System Performance RatingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Nigerian Journal of Clinical PracticeNiger J Clin PractNigerian Medical JournalNigerian Med J%Nigmeegs Tijdschrift Voor PsychologieNijm Tijdschr PsychNihilism Key IdeasNihon Reoroji GakkaishiNihon Reoroji Gakk'Nijhoff International Philosophy Series Nijhoff IntNijhoff Law SpecialsNijhoff Law SpecNikkei in The Pacific NorthwestEmil Kathl Sick Lect%Niklas Luhmann: Law, Justice, SocietyNomikoi-crit Leg Thi Nilcrypt 10Tatra Mt Math Publ)Nile Into Tiber: Egypt in The Roman WorldRelig Graeco Roman W3Nile: Origin, Environments, Limnology and Human Use Monogr BiolNimhans Journal Nimhans J:Nine Lives: The Politics of Constitutional Reform in JapanPol StudQNineteenth Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management SymposiumP Ieee Semicond ThereNineteenth Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference (compsac'95), ProceedingsP Int Comp Softw AppNineteenth Century Nineteen Cent8Nineteenth-century Contexts-an Interdisciplinary Journal19 Century ContextsNineteenth-century FictionNineteen Cent LitNineteenth-century FictionNineteen-cent Fict!Nineteenth-century French StudiesNineteen Cent Fr StNineteenth-century LiteratureNineteen Cent Lit*Nineteenth-century Major Lives and LettersNinet-century MajorNineteenth Century MusicNineteen Cent MusicNineteenth Century ProseNineteenth Century P#Nineteenth Century Theatre ResearchNineteen Cent TheatNineteenth Lacus Forum 1992 Lacus Forum#Nineteenth Nastran Users Colloquium Nasa Conf P2Nineteenth Vertebrate Pest Conference, ProceedingsProc Vertebr Pest CYNinth Annual International Workshop On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Ieee ProceedingsProc Ieee Micr Elect9Ninth Conference On The Small City and Regional Community Sm City Reg:Ninth Euromicro Workshop On Real Time Systems, Proceedings Euromicro0Ninth Great Lakes Symposium On Vlsi, ProceedingsPr Gr Lak Symp Vlsi?Ninth Great Plains Wildlife Damage Control Workshop Proceedings Usda RockyXNinth Ieee International Conference On Engineering Complex Computer Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng CompVNinth Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtTNinth Ieee International High-level Design Validation and Test Workshop, ProceedingsInt High Level DesigdNinth Ieee International Symposium On Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications, ProceedingsIeee Acm Dis SimCNinth Ieee Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems, Proceedings Comp Med SyTNinth International Conference On Artificial Neural Networks (icann99), Vols 1 and 2 Iee Conf PublZNinth International Conference On Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, ProceedingsInt C Comp Aid Des CSNinth International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, ProceedingsIeee Ic Comp Com Net@Ninth International Conference On Electrical Machines and Drives Iee Conf Publ?Ninth International Conference On Electromagnetic Compatibility Iee Conf PublMNinth International Conference On Grey Literature, Gl9 Conference ProceedingsGl Conference SerZNinth International Conference On Harmonics and Quality of Power Proceedings, Vols I - IiiInt C Harmon Qual PoHNinth International Conference On Metering and Tariffs for Energy Supply Iee Conf PublHNinth International Conference On Road Transport Information and Control Iee Conf PublRNinth International School On Quantum Electronics: Lasers-physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsONinth International Symposium On Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, ProceedingsPr Int Symp Adv Res[Ninth International Symposium On Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps and Their ApplicationsJ Phys Conf Ser=Ninth International Symposium On Gas Flow and Chemical LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Ninth International Symposium On Laser Metrology, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieONinth International Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer SimulationsP Soc Photo-opt InsFNinth International Workshop On Rapid System Prototyping - ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst Prot]Ninth Joint International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics, Pt IP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Ninth Joint International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics, Pt IiP Soc Photo-opt InseNinth Meeting of The East and Southern African Sub-committee for Soil Correlation and Land Evaluation World Soil,Ninth Mill Operators' Conference ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met-Ninth Texas-mexico Conference On AstrophysicsRev Mex Ast AstrNinth Workshop On Virtual Intelligence/dynamic Neural Networks: Academic/industrial/nasa/defense Technical Interchange and TutorialsP Soc Photo-opt InsNippon Kagaku KaishiNippon Kagaku KaishiNippon Kagaku ZasshiNippon Kagaku ZasshiNippon Nogei Kagaku KaishiNippon Nog Kag KaisheNippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi-journal of The Japan Society for Bioscience Biotechnology and AgrochemistryNippon Nogeik KaishiUNippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi-journal of The Ceramic Society of JapanNippon Seram Kyo GakNippon Suisan GakkaishiNippon Suisan Gakk5Nishina Memorial Lectures: Creators of Modern PhysicsLect Notes Phys+Nissan Institute Routledge Japanese StudiesNissan I Routl Jpn SNist Special PubicationNist Spec Publ Nitration Acs Sym Ser1Nitric Acid-based Fertilizers and The Environment Ifdc Sp Pub Nitric OxideNato Sci S A Lif Sci Nitric OxideTanig Symp Brain Sci"Nitric Oxide-biology and ChemistryNitric Oxide-biol Ch%Nitric Oxide: Brain and Immune System Portl Pr P3Nitric Oxide From L-arginine : Bioregulatory System Int Congr Ser9Nitric Oxide in Brain Development, Plasticity and DiseaseProg Brain Res#Nitric Oxide: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolGNitric Oxide: Novel Actions, Deleterious Effects and Clinical PotentialAnn Ny Acad Sci\Nitric Oxide, Part F: Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in Redox Regulation of Cell SignalingMethod Enzymol=Nitric Oxide, Pt A - Sources and Detection of No; No SynthaseMethod Enzymol=Nitric Oxide, Pt A - Sources and Detection of No; No SynthaseMethods EnzymolNitric Oxide, Pt BMethod EnzymolNitric Oxide, Pt BMethods EnzymolNitric Oxide, Pt CMethod EnzymolNitric Oxide, Pt DMethod EnzymolNitric Oxide, Pt DMethods EnzymolNitric Oxide, Pt EMethod EnzymolZNitric Oxide, Pt G: Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in Redox Regulation of Cell SignalingMethod EnzymolNitrides and OxynitridesMater Sci ForumNitrides and Oxynitrides 2Mater Sci ForumNitrides and Oxynitrides IiiMater Sci ForumNitride SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P/Nitrite and Nitrate in Human Health and DiseaseNutr Health Ser Nitroarenes Envir Sci R2Nitroazoles: Synthesis, Structure and Applications Top Appl Chem<Nitrogen-containing Macromolecules in The Bio- and Geosphere Acs Sym Ser"Nitrogen Fixation With Non-legumesDev Plant Soil Sci3Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports Special IssueNitr Fix Tree Res$Nitrogen Fixing Trees for Acid SoilsNitr Fix Tree Res+Nitrogen Fixing Trees for Fodder ProductionFor Farm Comm Tree R>Nitrogen Flow in Pig Production and Environmental Consequences Eaap PublicNitrogen Metabolism of Plants Pr Phyt SocNitrogen Pollution of Water Water Supp,Nitrosamines and Related N-nitroso Compounds Acs Sym Ser)Nitrous Oxide Emissions Research ProgressEnviron Sci Eng Tech(Njas-wageningen Journal of Life SciencesNjas-wagen J Life Sc Nmai EditionsNmai Ed'Nmr - 3d Analysis - Photopolymerization Adv Polym Sci!Nmr-basic Principles and ProgressNmr-basic Princ ProgNmr in Biomedicine Nmr BiomedNmr in Supramolecular ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-mat Nmr Probe of High-t(c) MaterialsSpringer Tr Mod PhysHNmr Spectroscopy and Computer Modeling of Carbohydrates: Recent Advances Acs Sym Ser?Nmr Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in The Solid State Acs Sym SerPNn'09: Proceedings of The 10th Wseas International Conference On Neural NetworksArtif Int Ser Wseas@Nnn06: Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors 2006 Aip Conf ProcNobel Conference Nobel ConfANobel Laureates and Nanotechnologies of Applied Quantum ChemistryChem Res Appl-nova Nobel Medicus Nobel MedNobel Symposium Nobel Symp.Noble Gases in Geochemistry and CosmochemistryRev Mineral Geochem?Noble Life: The Cultural Biography of Gabriel Kurck (1630-1712)Suom Tiedeakat ToimNociceptive MembraneCurr Top MembrRNoctuids (lepidoptera, Noctuidae) of Marsh Ecosystems in The Biebrza National ParkPol Entomol MonogrLNodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: Algorithms, Analysis, and ApplicationsTexts Appl Math7Nodea-nonlinear Differential Equations and ApplicationsNodea-nonlinear DiffXNo Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and The Ideological Origins of The United NationsLawrence Stone LectNo End to Alliance Nobel SympNoetherian Semigroup Algebras Algebra ApplKNoether Theorems: Invariance and Conservation Laws in The Twentieth CenturySourc Stud Hist Math Noir Thriller Crime FileNoise & Health Noise HealthNoise and Fluctuations Aip Conf ProcINoise and Fluctuations in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsINoise and Fluctuations in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical Systems Proc Spie:Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials Proc Spie2Noise and Fluctuations in Econophysics and FinanceP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Noise and Fluctuations in Econophysics and Finance Proc SpieGNoise and Fluctuations in Photonics, Quantum Optics, and CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGNoise and Fluctuations in Photonics, Quantum Optics, and Communications Proc Spie?Noise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors and StandardsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Noise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors and Standards Proc SpieCNoise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors, and Standards IiP Soc Photo-opt InsCNoise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors, and Standards Ii Proc SpieDNoise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors, and Standards IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsDNoise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors, and Standards Iii Proc Spie4Noise and Stochastics in Complex Systems and FinanceP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Noise and Stochastics in Complex Systems and Finance Proc SpieNoise and Vibration Imeche Sem>Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation SystemsNote N Fl Mech Mul D>Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation SystemsNotes Numer Fluid Me&Noise As A Tool for Studying MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Noise As A Tool for Studying Materials Proc SpieRNoise-con 91 - Proceedings : 1991 National Conference On Noise Control Engineering Noise Con PPNoise-con 93 Proceedings - 1993 National Conference On Noise Control Engineering Noise Con PNoise-con 94, Proceedings Noise Con PNoise-con Proceedings Noise Con P+Noise Control and Acoustics Division - 2005Noise Cont Acoust DiTNoise Control and Acoustics Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersNoise Cont Acoust Di<Noise Control and Measurement Techniques for Fluid Machinery Imeche Sem!Noise Control Engineering JournalNoise Control Eng!Noise Control Engineering JournalNoise Control Eng JNoise in CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt InsNoise in Communication Proc SpieNoise in Communication SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic DynamicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics Proc Spie3Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics Ii Proc Spie4Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics Iii Proc SpieNoise in Devices and CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt InsNoise in Devices and Circuits Proc Spie Noise in Devices and Circuits IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Noise in Devices and Circuits Ii Proc Spie!Noise in Devices and Circuits IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Noise in Devices and Circuits Iii Proc SpieNoise in Fluid Machinery Imeche Sem.Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations Aip Conf Proc+Noise, Oscillators and Algebraic RandomnessLect Notes Phys$Noise Reduction in Speech ProcessingSpringer Top Sign PrHNomen Et Fraternitas: Festschrift Fur Dieter Geuenich Zum 65. GeburtstagReallexikon Ger AlteNomikoi-critical Legal ThinkersNomikoi-crit Leg Thi>Nominalism and Its Aftermath: The Philosophy of Nelson Goodman Synth LibrJNomos: Yearbook of The American Society for Political and Legal PhilosophyNomosSNon-archimedean L-functions and Arithmetical Siegel Modular Forms, 2nd Augmented EdLect Notes Math,Non-associative Algebra and Its Applications Math Appl,Non-associative Algebra and Its ApplicationsMg Txb Pur Appl Math,Non-associative Algebra and Its ApplicationsMonogr Textb Pure Ap,Non-associative Algebra and Its ApplicationsMonogr Txb Pure Appl+Nonassociative Algebra and Its ApplicationsLect Notes Pure ApplGNon-bayesian Decision Theory: Beliefs and Desires As Reasons for ActionTheory Decis Lib A8Nonblocking Supervisory Control of State Tree StructuresLect Notes Contr Inf.Nonclassical Logics and Information ProcessingLect Notes Artif Int<Non-classical Logics and Their Applications to Fuzzy Subsets Theo Dec LNon Coding Rnas in Plants Rna Technol;Noncommunicative Grobner Bases and Filtered-graded TransferLect Notes Math#Noncommutative Algebra and GeometryLect Notes Pure ApplQNoncommutative Differential Geometry and Its Applications to Physics, Proceedings Math Phys S_Noncommutative Functional Calculus: Theory and Applications of Slice Hyperholomorphic Functions Prog MathZNon-commutative Gelfand Theories: A Tool-kit for Operator Theorists and Numerical Analysts UniversitextNoncommutative GeometryLect Notes Math+Noncommutative Geometry and Global Analysis Contemp MathINoncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory in Mathematical Physics Contemp MathMNoncommutative Geometry and The Standard Model of Elementary Particle PhysicsLect Notes Phys3Non-commutative Geometry in Mathematics and Physics Contemp MathANoncommutative Harmonic Analysis With Applications to Probability Banach CentNoncommutative Rings Math Sci RJNoncommutative Rings, Group Rings, Diagram Algebras and Their Applications Contemp MathNon-commutative Ring TheoryLect Notes MathQNoncommutative Spacetimes: Symmetries in Noncommutative Geometry and Field TheoryLect Notes Phys#Noncommutative Stationary ProcessesLect Notes Math4Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii Math4Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii-math`Noncommutativity and Singularities: Proceedings of French-japanese Symposia Held At Ihes in 2006 Adv Stu P M4Noncompact Lie Groups and Some of Their ApplicationsNato Adv Sci Inst Se,Nonconducting Photopolymers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy, Vol 2Nanosci Technol(Nonconventional Optical Imaging ElementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Nonconvex Optimization and Its ApplicationsNoncon Optim Its App+Nonconvex Optimization and Its ApplicationsNonconvex Optim0Non-covalent Interactions: Theory and ExperimentRsc Theor Comput Che@Non-covalent Multi-porphyrin Assemblies Synthesis and Properties Struct Bond*Noncovariant Gauges in Canonical FormalismLect Notes PhysANondestructive and Automated Testing for Soil and Rock PropertiesAm Soc Test MaterNondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsNondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2008P Soc Photo-opt InsNondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2008 Proc SpieNondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsNondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2010 Proc SpieNondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2011 Proc Spie=Nondestructive Characterization of Materials in Aging SystemsMater Res Soc Symp P/Nondestructive Characterization of Materials Ix Aip Conf Proc=Nondestructive Characterization of Materials Vii, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum>Nondestructive Detection and Measurement for Homeland SecurityP Soc Photo-opt InsANondestructive Detection and Measurement for Homeland Security IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBNondestructive Detection and Measurement for Homeland Security IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsBNondestructive Detection and Measurement for Homeland Security Iii Proc Spie`Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials and Civil InfrastructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins`Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials and Civil Infrastructures Proc SpieXNondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials and Composites IiP Soc Photo-opt InsXNondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials and Composites Ii Proc SpieYNondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials and Composites IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsoNondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials, Composites, and Civil Infrastructure IvP Soc Photo-opt InsnNondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials, Composites, and Civil Infrastructure VP Soc Photo-opt InsKNondestructive Evaluation and Reliability of Micro-and Nanomaterial SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Nondestructive Evaluation Engineering Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersNondestruct Eval Eng>Nondestructive Evaluation for Process Control in ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsXNondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, Aerospace Hardware, and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsXNondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, Aerospace Hardware, and Materials Proc SpieMNondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, and Aerospace HardwareP Soc Photo-opt InsPNondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, and Aerospace Hardware IiP Soc Photo-opt InsQNondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, and Aerospace Hardware IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPNondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, and Aerospace Hardware IvP Soc Photo-opt InsPNondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, and Aerospace Hardware Iv Proc Spie7Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Bridges and HighwaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Bridges and Highways Proc Spie8Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Maritime ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Maritime Applications Proc Spie?Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Materials and Composites IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Materials and Composites IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging RailroadsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Railroads Proc Spie6Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Structures and DamsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging UtilitiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Utilities Proc Spie1Nondestructive Evaluation of Bridges and HighwaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Nondestructive Evaluation of Bridges and Highways IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Nondestructive Evaluation of Ceramics Ceram TransBNondestructive Evaluation of Highways, Utilities, and Pipelines IvP Soc Photo-opt InsBNondestructive Evaluation of Highways, Utilities, and Pipelines Iv Proc Spie5Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials and CompositesP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials and Composites IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials and Composites VP Soc Photo-opt InsyNon-destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Volume 1, Deterioration Processes and Standard Test MethodsWoodhead Publ MatergNon-destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Volume 2: Non-destructive Testing MethodsWoodhead Publ Mater4Nondestructive Evaluation of Utilities and PipelinesP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nondestructive Evaluation of Utilities and Pipelines Ii Spie Proc Ser8Nondestructive Evaluation of Utilities and Pipelines IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Nondestructive Inspection of Aging AircraftP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Nondestructive Methods for Materials CharacterizationMater Res Soc Symp P1Nondestructive Monitoring of Materials PropertiesMater Res Soc Symp PFNondestructive Sensing for Food Safety, Quality, and Natural ResourcesP Soc Photo-opt InsNon-destructive TestingNon-destruct Test%Nondestructive Testing and EvaluationNondestruct Test Eva:Nondestructive Testing: Methods, Analyses and ApplicationsMech Eng Theor Appl#Nondestructive Testing of MaterialsStud Appl ElectromagJNondestructive Testing of Pavements and Backcalculation of Moduli, 2nd VolAm Soc Test MaterMNondestructive Testing of Pavements and Backcalculation of Moduli, 3rd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater5Nondestructive Testing Standards - Present and FutureAm Soc Test Mater.Non-dietary Human Exposure and Risk Assessment Acs Sym SerqNonelliptic Partial Differential Equations: Analytic Hypoellipticity and The Courage to Localize High Powers of TDev Math2None of The Above: Puerto Ricans in The Global EraNew Dir Lat Am CultINonequilibrium and Nonlinear Dynamics in Nuclear and Other Finite Systems Aip Conf Proc=Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors ProceedingsSpringer Proc PhysNonequilibrium Materials Key Eng MatNonequilibrium Materials Key Eng Mater2Non-equilibrium Nano-physics: A Many-body ApproachLect Notes Phys[Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions, Vol 2: Ageing and Dynamical Scaling Far From EquilibriumTheor Math Phys Ser(Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions, Vol ITheor Math Phys Ser#Nonequilibrium Phenomena in PlasmasAstrophys Space Sc L3Nonequilibrium Processes in Partially Ionized GasesNato Adv Sci I B-phyXNon-equilibrium Reacting Gas Flows: Kinetic Theory of Transport and Relaxation ProcessesHeat Mass Transf:Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics Aip Conf Proc)Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics Today Aip Conf ProcNon-euclidean Geometries Math Appl4Nonextensive Entropy: Interdisciplinary Applications Sfi S Sci CRNon-ferrous Pyrometallurgy : Trace Metals, Furnace Practices and Energy Efficiency Cim An ConfNon-ferrous Smelting Symposium Aust I MinyNon-financial Performance Measurement and Management Practices in Manufacturing Firms: Comparative International AnalysisStud Manag Financ AcYNon-finite Complementation: A Usage-based Study of Infinitive and -ing Clauses in English Lang ComputCNon-formal Education: Flexible Schooling Or Participatory EducationCerc Stud Comp Educ.Non-governmental Organizations and DevelopmentRoutl Perspect DevGNon-governmental Organizations in China: The Rise of Dependent AutonomyChina Policy Ser+Non-hodgkins Lymphoma - A European PortraitRes Clin Forums4Nonimaging Optics and Efficient Illumination SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Nonimaging Optics and Efficient Illumination Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nonimaging Optics and Efficient Illumination Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Nonimaging Optics and Efficient Illumination Systems VP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Nonimaging Optics : Maximum Efficiency Light TransferP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nonimaging Optics: Maximum-efficiency Light Transfer IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Nonimaging Optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nonimaging Optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Nonimaging Optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer VP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nonimaging Optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Nonimaging Optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Nonimaging Optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer Vii Proc SpieWNonintrusive Inspection, Structures Monitoring, and Smart Systems for Homeland SecurityP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Non-intrusive Inspection TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsQNoninvasive Assessment of Trabecular Bone Architecture and The Competence of BoneAdv Exp Med Biol.Noninvasive Techniques in Biology and Medicine Lov Med Fdn$Noninvasive Ventilation, 2nd EditionEur Respir MonogrNon-ionic SurfactantsChem Eng Method Tech-Nonisotropic and Variable Outflows From Stars Astr Soc P.Non-life Insurance Mathematics, Second Edition Universitext1Nonlinear Acoustics At The Turn of The Millennium Aip Conf Proc1Nonlinear Acoustics Fundamentals and Applications Aip Conf Proc7Nonlinear Analyses and Algorithms for Speech ProcessingLect Notes Artif IntANonlinear Analysis and Its Applications to Differential Equations Prog NonlinANonlinear Analysis and Its Applications to Differential EquationsProg Nonlinear Diffe4Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Ii: Optimization Contemp Math9Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization I: Nonlinear Analysis Contemp Math@Nonlinear Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft ControlLect Notes Contr Inf+Nonlinear Analysis and Variational ProblemsSpringer Ser Optim A6Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations and ControlNato Adv Sci I C-mat;Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications, Vol 4 Teub Text M(Nonlinear Analysis-modelling and ControlNonlinear Anal-model*Nonlinear Analysis-real World ApplicationsNonlinear Anal-real0Nonlinear Analysis-theory Methods & ApplicationsNonlinear Anal-theor)Nonlinear and Adaptive Control, Ncn4 2001Lect Notes Contr Inf0Nonlinear and Adaptive Control With ApplicationsCommun Control Eng1Nonlinear and Coherent Optics - Lasers Optics '98P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Nonlinear and Collective Phenomena in Beam Physics Aip Conf Proc@Nonlinear and Collective Phenomena in Beam Physics 1998 Workshop Aip Conf Proc;Nonlinear and Electro-optic Materials for Optical SwitchingP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Nonlinear and Modern Mathematical Physics Aip Conf Proc$Nonlinear and Optimal Control TheoryLect Notes Math-Nonlinear and Relativistic Effects in Plasmas Res Tr Phys&Nonlinear Astrophysical Fluid DynamicsAnn Ny Acad SciNonlinear Coherent StructuresLect Notes Phys4Nonlinear Coherent Structures in Physics and BiologyNato Adv Sci Inst Se Nonlinear Computational Geometry Ima V Math Nonlinear Computational GeometryIma Vol Math Appl>Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics and Large Inelastic DeformationsSolid Mech Appl+Non-linear Control Based On Physical ModelsLect Notes Contr Inf)Nonlinear Control in The Year 2000, Vol 1Lect Notes Contr Inf)Nonlinear Control in The Year 2000, Vol 2Lect Notes Contr Inf-Nonlinear Controllability and Optimal Control Pure A Math(Nonlinear Control of Vehicles and RobotsAdv Ind Control*Nonlinear Control of Wheeled Mobile RobotsLect Notes Contr Inf(Nonlinear Control Systems 2001, Vols 1-3Ifac Symp Series%Nonlinear Control Systems Design 1992Ifac Symp Series"Nonlinear Deformable-body DynamicsNonlinear Phys Sci1Nonlinear Dielectric Phenomena in Complex LiquidsNato Sci Ser Ii Math1Nonlinear Dielectric Phenomena in Complex LiquidsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathCNonlinear Differential Equations of Monotone Types in Banach SpacesSpringer Monogr Math"Nonlinear Dimensionality ReductionInform Sci Stat6Nonlinear Discrete Optimization: An Algorithmic TheoryZur Lect Adv Math%Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos Prog NonlinNonlinear DynamicsNonlinear DynamXNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Astrophysics: Festschrift in Honor of George ContopoulosAnn Ny Acad Sci*Nonlinear Dynamics and Evolution EquationsFields I Commun*Nonlinear Dynamics and Evolution EquationsFields Inst Commun0Non-linear Dynamics and Fundamental InteractionsNato Sci Ser Ii Math0Non-linear Dynamics and Fundamental InteractionsNato Sci Ser Ii-math7Nonlinear Dynamics and Heterogeneous Interacting AgentsLect Notes Econ Math(Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuronal Networks Nonlin Syst,Nonlinear Dynamics and Particle Acceleration Aip Conf ProcFNonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Semiconductors and DevicesSpringer Proc Phys<Nonlinear Dynamics and Spatial Complexity in Optical Systems Sussp Proc4Nonlinear Dynamics: Between Linear and Impact LimitsLect Notes Appl Comp+Nonlinear Dynamics in Astronomy and PhysicsAnn Ny Acad Sci$Nonlinear Dynamics in Human BehaviorStud Comput IntellNonlinear Dynamics in LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Nonlinear Dynamics in Lasers and Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsCNonlinear Dynamics in Particle Accelerators: Theory and Experiments Aip Conf Proc'Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems Acs Sym Ser2Nonlinear Dynamics in The Life and Social SciencesNato Sci S A Lif Sci/Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life SciencesNonlin Dynam Psychol"Non-linear Electromagnetic SystemsStud Appl Electromag!Nonlinear Electromagnetic SystemsStud Appl ElectromagNon-linear ElectromechanicsFound Eng Mech)Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Problems Prog Nonlin1Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations Contemp Math5Nonlinear Equations: Methods, Models and Applications Prog Nonlin'Nonlinear Estimation and ClassificationLect Notes StatBNonlinear Evolution Equations : Integrability and Spectral Methods Proc NonlinSNonlinear Evolution of Spatio-temporal Structures in Dissipative Continuous SystemsNato Adv Sci I B-phy-Nonlinear Frequency Generation and ConversionP Soc Photo-opt InsVNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsVNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials Devices, and Applications Iii Spr Hdb AudVNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials Devices, and Applications IiiSpringer Handb AuditVNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsVNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications IxP Soc Photo-opt InsUNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsUNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications V Proc SpieVNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsVNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications Vi Proc SpieWNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsXNonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Nonlinear Homogenization and Its Applications to Composites, Polycrystals and Smart MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math]Nonlinear Homogenization and Its Applications to Composites, Polycrystals and Smart MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii-math/Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations and Field Theory Pitman ResNonlinear Hyperbolic Problems /Lect Notes MathNNonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: Theoretical, Applied, and Computational Aspects Note Num FlNonlinear Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Nonlinear Image Processing and Pattern Analysis XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Nonlinear Image Processing and Pattern Analysis Xii Proc SpieNonlinear Image Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing IxP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing VP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing ViP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing XP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Image Processing XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Nonlinearity NonlinearitymNonlinear Least Squares for Inverse Problems: Theoretical Foundations and Step-by-step Guide for Applications Sci Comput-Nonlinear Materials Devices, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGNonlinear Materials: Growth, Characterization, Devices and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Mechanics of CrystalsSolid Mech Appl!Non-linear Mechanics of MaterialsSolid Mech Appl"Nonlinear Mhd Waves and TurbulenceLect Notes PhysENonlinear Microwave Signal Processing: Towards A New Range of DevicesNato Asi 3 High Tech%Nonlinear Model Based Process ControlNato Adv Sci I E-app"Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Prog Syst C8Nonlinear Model Predictive Control:theory and AlgorithmsCommun Control EngHNonlinear Model Predictive Control: Towards New Challenging ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf9Nonlinear Numerical Methods and Rational Approximation Ii Math Appl$Nonlinear Observers and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf[Nonlinear Optical Beam Manipulation and High Energy Beam Propagation Through The AtmosphereP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Nonlinear Optical Effects in Organic PolymersNato Adv Sci I E-appNonlinear Optical EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Nonlinear Optical Interactions and Wave DynamicsP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Optical LiquidsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Nonlinear Optical Liquids and Power LimitersP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Nonlinear Optical Liquids for Power Limiting and ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Optical Materials Acs Sym Ser>Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices for Photonic SwitchingP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Nonlinear Optical Materials for Switching and LimitingP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Optical Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Optical Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Nonlinear Optical Materials: Principles and ApplicationsP Int Sch Phys,Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Applications Proc SpieVNonlinear Optical Phenomena and Coherent Optics in Information Technologies - Icono'98P Soc Photo-opt InsVNonlinear Optical Phenomena and Coherent Optics in Information Technologies - Icono'98 Proc Spie%Nonlinear Optical Processes in SolidsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Nonlinear Optical Properties of Advanced MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Nonlinear Optical Properties of MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsKNon-linear Optical Properties of Matter: From Molecules to Condensed PhasesChall Adv Comput Che4Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials VP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials Vii Proc Spie6Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials XP Soc Photo-opt InsDNonlinear Optical Transmission and Multiphoton Processes in OrganicsP Soc Photo-opt InsGNonlinear Optical Transmission and Multiphoton Processes in Organics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsGNonlinear Optical Transmission and Multiphoton Processes in Organics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsNNonlinear Optical Transmission Processes and Organic Photorefractive MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Optics /P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Nonlinear Optics and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Nonlinear Optics and Applications Ii Proc Spie$Nonlinear Optics and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Nonlinear Optics and Applications Iv Proc Spie#Nonlinear Optics and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Nonlinear Optics and Applications V Proc SpieNonlinear Optics and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsLNonlinear Optics for High-speed Electronics and Optical Frequency ConversionP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Nonlinear Optics in Semiconductors ISemiconduct Semimet%Nonlinear Optics in Semiconductors IiSemiconduct Semimet;Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, and ApplicationsOsa Trends Opt Photo7Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals Proc Spie:Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals Ii Proc SpieLNonlinear Optics of Low-dimensional Structures and New Materials - Icono '95P Soc Photo-opt Ins Nonlinear Optics of Random MediaSpringer Tr Mod PhysHNonlinear Optics: Principles, Materials, Phenomena, and Devices (series)Nonlin Opt Prin Mat/Nonlinear Optics: Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear OptimizationLect Notes Math)Nonlinear Optimization and Related TopicsAppl Optimizat4Nonlinear Optimization With Engineering ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim ANonlinear OscillationsNonlinear OscilCNonlinear Parabolic-hyperbolic Coupled Systems and Their AttractorsOper Theory Adv ApplFNonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Hyperbolic Wave Phenomena Contemp MathfNonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications - College De France Seminar Volume Xii Pitman ReseNonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions and Self-similar SolutionsProg Nonlinear Diffe@Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics Prog Nonlin6Nonlinear Pde's in Condensed Matter and Reactive FlowsNato Adv Sci I C-mat'Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex SystemsNonl Phen Compl Syst?Nonlinear Phenomena in Fluids, Solids and Other Complex Systems N-holland D4Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics of Fluids and Plasmas P Enea WorkNonlinear Physical ScienceNonlinear Phys SciNonlinear Physics of PlasmaSpringer Ser Atom Op6Nonlinear Potential Theory and Weighted Sobolev SpacesLect Notes Math)Nonlinear Problems in Accelerator PhysicsInst Phys Conf Ser!Nonlinear Problems in Engineering P Enea Work.Nonlinear Problems in Relativity and CosmologyAnn Ny Acad Sci!Nonlinear Processes in GeophysicsNonlinear Proc GeophRNonlinear Progamming: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications to Chemical ProcessesMps-siam Ser Optimiz2Nonlinear Pulsations and Hydrodynamics of CepheidsEas PublicationsNonlinear Regression With RUse R Nonlinear Science and ComplexityTrans Nonlin Sci Com1Nonlinear Science At The Dawn of The 21st CenturyLect Notes Phys3Nonlinear Science: The Challenge of Complex SystemsSpringer ComplexNonlinear Science TodayNonlinear Sci TodayNonlinear Solid MechanicsSolid Mech ApplNonlinear Space Plasma Physics Res Tr PhysNonlinear Spectral TheoryDegruyter Ser NonlinNonlinear SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsNonlinear Spectroscopy Proc Spie.Nonlinear Spectroscopy and Ultrafast PhenomenaP Soc Photo-opt Ins Nonlinear Spectroscopy of SolidsNato Adv Sci Inst Se*Nonlinear Speech Modeling and ApplicationsLect Notes Artif Int!Nonlinear Stability of Structures Cism Cour LNonlinear Stochastic Pdes Ima V Math(Nonlinear Structures in Physical Systems Woodw Conf5Nonlinear Systems : Concepts - Methods - Applications Nonlin SystINonlinear Targeted Energy Transfer in Mechanical and Structural Systems ISolid Mech ApplJNonlinear Targeted Energy Transfer in Mechanical and Structural Systems IiSolid Mech Appl)Nonlinear Theory of Generalized FunctionsCh Crc Res Notes)Nonlinear Theory of Generalized FunctionsCh Crc Res Notes Mat9Nonlinear Topographic Effects in The Ocean and AtmosphereAtmos Ocean Sci LibFNonlinear Vibration With Control: for Flexible and Adaptive StructuresSolid Mech Appl+Nonlinear Wave Processes in Excitable MediaNato Adv Sci I B-phybNonlinear Waves and Weak Turbulence With Applications in Oceanography and Condensed Matter Physics Prog Nonlin.Nonlinear Waves: Classical and Quantum AspectsNato Sci Ser Ii Math.Nonlinear Waves: Classical and Quantum AspectsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathBNonlinear Waves in Fluids: Recent Advances and Modern Applications Cism Cour L7Nonlinear Waves in Integrable and Nonintegrable SystemsMath Model Comput&Nonlinear Waves in Solid State PhysicsNato Adv Sci I B-phyNon-locality and ModalityNato Sci Ser Ii MathNon-locality and ModalityNato Sci Ser Ii-math@Non-lte Line Formation for Trace Elements in Stellar AtmospheresEas Publications Nonmonotonic and Inductive LogicLect Notes Artif Int-Non-monotonic Extensions of Logic ProgrammingLect Notes Artif IntYNon-native Language Teachers: Perceptions, Challenges and Contributions to The Profession Educ Linguist9Non-negative Matrices and Markov Chains, Revised PrintingSpringer Ser Stat(Non-neoplastic Diseases of The Anorectum Falk SympGNon-neoplastic Diseases of The Anorectum: An Interdisciplinary Approach Falk SympNon-neutral Plasma Physics Ii Aip Conf ProcNon-neutral Plasma Physics Iii Aip Conf ProcNon-neutral Plasma Physics Iv Aip Conf ProcNon-neutral Plasma Physics V Aip Conf ProcNon-neutral Plasma Physics Vi Aip Conf ProcNon-neutral Plasma Physics Vii Aip Conf Proc6Nonparametric Functional Estimation and Related TopicsNato Adv Sci I C-matANonperturbative Methods in Low Dimensional Quantum Field Theories Johns Hop W5Non-perturbative Particle Theory & Experimental Tests Johns Hop W?Non-point Water Quality Concerns - Legal and Regulatory Aspects Asae PublMNonprofit and Civil Society Studies-an International Multidisciplinary SeriesNonprofit Civ Soc StNNonprofit and Civil Society Studies: An International Multidisciplinary SeriesNonprof Civ Soc Stud(Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector QuarterlyNonprof Volunt Sec Q!Nonprofit Management & LeadershipNonprofit Manag LeadNon-representational TheoryInt Libr Sociol(Non-reproductive Actions of Sex Steroids Ciba F Symp.Nonresonant Laser-matter Interaction (nlmi-10)P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Nonresonant Laser-matter Interaction (nlmi-10) Proc Spie.Nonresonant Laser-matter Interaction (nlmi-11)P Soc Photo-opt Ins-Nonresonant Laser-matter Interaction (nlmi-9)P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Non-responding Hepatitis C Patient: Options and Variables Roy S Med SNNon-semisimple Topological Quantum Field Theories for 3-manifolds With CornersLect Notes Math5Nonsmooth Dynamics of Contacting Thermoelastic Bodies Adv Mech Math]Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Their Inequalities: Comparison Principles and ApplicationsSpringer Monogr Math6Nonsmooth Vector Functions and Continuous OptimizationSpringer Ser Optim ANonstandard AnalysisNato Adv Sci I C-matuNon-standard Employment Under Globalization: Flexible Work and Social Security in The Newly Industrializing Countries Ide-jetro Ser?Non-standard Parameter Adaptation for Exploratory Data AnalysisStud Comput Intell8Non-standard Spatial Statistics and Spatial EconometricsAdv Geogr Inform SciNon-stoichiometric CompoundsNato Adv Sci I C-mat#Non-target Effects of Live VaccinesDev Biol StandXNontraditional Methods of Sensing Stress, Strain, and Damage in Materials and StructuresAm Soc Test MatergNontraditional Methods of Sensing Stress, Strain, and Damage in Materials and Structures: Second VolumeAm Soc Test Mater)Non-university Higher Education in EuropeHigh Educ Dynam Nonviolence and Peace PsychologyPeace Psychol Book S7Non-viral Vectors for Gene Therapy, 2nd Edition: Part 1 Adv Genet:Non-viral Vectors for Gene Therapy, Second Edition: Part 2 Adv Genet&Non-visual Human-computer Interactions Colloq InseNon-waste Technology, Vol IVtt SympNon-waste Technology, Vol IiVtt Symp"Nonwood Plant Fiber Pulping Series Nonwd P FibNonwood Plant Fibers Nonwd P FibSNo Place Like Home: Organizing Home-based Labor in The Era of Structural AdjustmentNew Approach SociolQNo Place of Rest: Jewish Literature, Expulsion, and The Memory of Medieval FranceMiddle Ages Ser/Noradrenergic Mechanisms in Parkinson's Disease P Fabre MonNordic Hydrology Nord HydrolNordic Journal of Botany Nord J BotNordic Journal of LinguisticsNord J LinguistNordic Journal of Music TherapyNord J Music TherNordic Journal of PsychiatryNord J Psychiat&Nordic Journal of Religion and SocietyNord J Relig SocNordic Languages, Pt 1Handb Sprach KommunNordic Psychology Nord Psychol$Nordic Pulp & Paper Research JournalNord Pulp Pap Res J$Nordic Pulp & Paper Research JournalNord Pulp Paper ResNordic Theatre StudiesNord Theatre Stud;Nordic Treasure Hunt Extracting Energy From Forest ResiduesVtt SympNordiska AfrikainstitutetNord AfrikainstNordisk MedicinNord MedNordisk Psykologi Nord PsykolNordisk Veterinaer Medicin Nord Vet Med'Norges Geologiske Undersokelse BulletinNorg Geol Unders B"Normal and Malignant Hematopoiesis Pez Fdn Sym&Normal and Malignant Liver Cell Growth Falk Symp.Normal Approximation and Asymptotic ExpansionsClass Appl Math%Normal Approximation By Steins MethodProbab Appl SerLNormal Forms, Bifurcations and Finiteness Problems in Differential EquationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathLNormal Forms, Bifurcations and Finiteness Problems in Differential EquationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math=Normal Testicular Descent and The Aetiology of CryptorchidismAdv Anat Embryol Cel4Normal Tissue Reactions in Radiotherapy and OncologyFront Radiat Ther On&Normandy Campaign 1944: Sixty Years OnMil Hist PolicyMNormativity of The Natural: Human Goods, Human Virtues, and Human FlourishingPhilos Stud Contemp%Norms, Logics and Information Systems Fr Art Int%Norms, Logics and Information SystemsFront Artif Intel Ap.Norms Over Force: The Enigma of European PowerCeri Ser Int Relat PNorms, Values, and SocietyVien Cir Inst Yearbk1Noropsikiyatri Arsivi-archives of NeuropsychiatryNoropsikiyatri ArsFNorsig 2004: Proceedings of The 6th Nordic Signal Processing SymposiumHels Univ Technol S:Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-norwegian Journal of GeographyNorsk Geogr TidsskrNorsk Geologisk TidsskriftNorsk Geol TidsskrNorsk Polarinstitutt SkrifterNorsk Polarinst SkriNorsk Skogindustri Norsk Skogind3North African Cretaceous Carbonate Platform SystemsNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear;North Aleutian Basin Energy-fisheries, Workshop Proceedings Alaska SeaNorth American Archaeologist N Am Archaeol1North American Economic and Financial Integration Res Glob St1North American Economic and Financial IntegrationRes Glob Strateg Man%North American Journal of AquacultureN Am J Aquacult/North American Journal of Economics and FinanceN Am J Econ Financ.North American Journal of Fisheries ManagementN Am J Fish Manage>North American Nonwood Fiber Symposium, 1998 Tappi Proceedings P Tech As P0North American Perspectives On European Security St World PNorth American Power SymposiumNorth Amer Pow SympNorth American ReviewN Am RevwNorth American Science Symposium: Toward A Unified Framework for Inventorying and Monitoring Forest Ecosystem ResourcesUs For Serv Rmrs-p6North American Transputer Users Group Progress Reports N Amer TranNorth American Tunneling 2006Proc Monogr Eng WateNorth Atlantic Fisheries Isl Liv Ser9North Atlantic Treaty Organization: The Enduring Alliance Glob Inst7North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinN C Agr Exp Sta BullANorth Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical BulletinN C Agr Exp Sta Te B?North Carolina Agricultural Research Service Technical BulletinN C Ars Tech BullNorth Carolina Medical Journal N C Med JNorthcliffe's LegacyContemp Hist Con Ser5North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinN Dak Agr Exp Sta Bu3North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service CircularN Dak Ces Circ=North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Extension BulletinN Dak Coop Ext Se ExNorth Dakota Farm ResearchN Dak Farm Res%Northeast Asia: Ripe for Integration?Polit Econ Asia PacNortheast Conference Reports Northe Conf"Northeastern Environmental Science Ne Envir Sc/Northeastern Environmental Science, Vol 7, No 1 Ne Envir ScNortheastern Naturalist Northeast Nat6Northeast Subsistence-settlement Change: A,d, 700-1300N Y State Mus BullNorthern History Northern Hist*Northern Hydrology : Selected Perspectives Nhri Symp$Northern Journal of Applied ForestryNorth J Appl For Northern Religions and Shamanism Ethnol Ural&Northern Research Basins Water Balance Iahs-aish PNNorthern Territories, Asia-pacific Regional Conflicts and The Aland ExperienceAsias Transform:Northern Wilderness Areas: Ecology, Sustainability, Values U Lap A C PNorthern WorldNorthern World8North European Engineering and Science Conference Series N Euro EngnNorth-holland Delta Series N-holland DNorth-holland Linguistic Series N-holland L!North-holland Mathematics Studies N-holland M2North-holland Series in Statistics and ProbabilityN-holland Stat Prob*North-holland Studies in TelecommunicationNorth Holl Stud Tele;North Korea: A Guide to Economic and Political DevelopmentsGuide Econ Polit DevNorth Korea in Transition Korea Res M#North Korea: Issues and U.s. PolicyAsian Polit Econ Sec9North Korean Foreign Relations in The Post-cold War WorldAsian Polit Econ SecNorth Korean Review N Korean Rev.North Korea Policy: Japan and The Great PowersEur Inst Jpn St E As7North Korea's Military: Diplomatic Campaigns, 1966-2008Routl Secur Asia-pac#North Queensland Gold 89 Conference Aust I Min/Northrop Frye: Eastern and Western Perspectives Frye StudiesNorth's Civil War N Civil War)Northwest Caucasus: Past, Present, FutureCent Asian Stud SerNorthwest Environmental JournalNorthwest Environ J North-western Journal of ZoologyNorth-west J Zool"Northwestern University Law ReviewNorthwest U Law RevNorthwest Medical JournalNorthwest Med JNorthwest Science Northwest SciNorwegian Archaeological ReviewNor Archaeol RevNorwegian Journal of Botany Norw J BotNorwegian Journal of Geology Norw J GeolNorwegian Journal of Zoology Norw J ZoolNorwegian ModalsStud Generat Gramm6Norwegian Petroleum Society (npf), Special Publication Npf Sp PublQNose 2010: International Conference On Environmental Odour Monitoring and ControlChem Engineer Trans;Nose and Viral Cancer: Etiology, Pathogenesis and TreatmentCancer Etiol Diagn T)No Social Science Without Critical TheoryCurr Perspect Soc Th5Notariat Medieval: Droit, Pouvoir Et Societe En BearnHist NotarialeNotarztNotarzt%Notch Effects in Fatigue and FractureNato Sci Ser Ii MathBNotch From Neurodevelopment to Neurodegeneration: Keeping The Fate Res Per AlzNotch SignalingCurr Top Dev BiolNotesNotesNotes and Queries Notes Queries&Notes and Records of The Royal SocietyNotes Rec Roy Soc0Notes and Records of The Royal Society of LondonNotes Rec Roy Soc=Notes On Coxeter Transformations and The Mckay CorrespondenceSpringer Monogr Math#Notes On Introductory CombinatoricsMod Birkhauser Class"Notes On Numerical Fluid Mechanics Note Num Fl?Notes On Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary DesignNote N Fl Mech Mul D?Notes On Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary DesignNotes Numer Fluid MeNotfall & RettungsmedizinNotfall Rettungsmed2Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs The Humanities Pub Square,Notices of The American Mathematical SocietyNot Am Math Soc=No-till Farming: Effects On Soil, Pros and Cons and PotentialAgr Issues PoliciesNot in This FamilyPolit Cult Mod Am*Notre Dame Conferences in Medieval Studies N D Conf MNotre Dame English JournalNotre Dame Engl J>Notre Dame English Journal-a Journal of Religion in LiteratureNotre Dame Engl JNotre Dame Journal of EducationNotre Dame J Educ"Notre Dame Journal of Formal LogicNotre Dame J Form LNotre Dame Law ReviewNotre Dame Law RevNotre Dame LawyerNotre Dame Lawyer/Notre Dame Series On Quantitative MethodologiesN D Ser Quant Method-Notre Dame Series On Quantitative MethodologyN D Ser Quant MethodNotre Dame Studies in TheologyNotr Dam TheolNottingham French StudiesNottingham Fr Stud0Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-napocaNot Bot Horti Agrobo+Noun Phrase in Functional Discourse Grammar Trend Lin S+Noun Phrase in Functional Discourse GrammarTrends Linguist-stud)Noun Phrase in The Generative PerspectiveStud Generat GrammNousNous2Nouveau Journal De Chimie-new Journal of Chemistry New J Chem2Nouveau Journal De Chimie-new Journal of Chemistry Nouv J ChimNouvel AutomatismeNouv AutomatismeNouvelle Presse MedicaleNouv Presse Med)Nouvelle Revue Aeronautique AstronautiqueNouv Rev Aeronaut As&Nouvelle Revue De Medecine De ToulouseNouv Rev Med ToulousNouvelle Revue D Optique Nouv Rev Opt!Nouvelle Revue Du Seizieme SiecleNouv Rev Seizieme SNouvelle Revue Francaise Nouv Rev Fr&Nouvelle Revue Francaise D HematologieNouv Rev Fr HematolNouvelles Questions FeministesNouv Quest FemNova Acta Leopoldina Nova Act Lc Nova Hedwigia Nova Hedwigia:Nova Religio-journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions Nova ReligNovartis Foundation SymposiumNovart Fdn SympNova Supplementa EntomologicaNova Suppl Entomol%Nova Supplementa Entomologica, Vol 21Nova Suppl EntomolNovel-a Forum On FictionNovel-forum FictANovel Algorithms for Fast Statistical Analysis of Scaled CircuitsLect Notes Electr EnMNovel Angiogenic Mechanisms: Role of Circulating Progenitor Endothelial CellsAdv Exp Med Biol-Novel Applications of Lasers and Pulsed PowerP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Novel Approaches in Anticancer Drug Design Contr OncolMNovel Approaches to Improving High Temperature Corrosion Resistance: (efc 47)Eur Fed Corros Publ>Novel Approaches to Selective Treatments of Human Solid TumorsAdv Exp Med BiolPNovel Approaches to Studying Basal Ganglia and Related Neuropsychiatric DisodersInt Rev Neurobiol`Novel Approaches to The Structure and Dynamics of Liquids: Experiments, Theories and SimulationsNato Sci Ser Ii Math`Novel Approaches to The Structure and Dynamics of Liquids: Experiments, Theories and SimulationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math7Novel Approaches to The Treatment of Alzheimers DiseaseAdv Behav Biol2Novel Aspects in Reproductive Biology and Medicine Publ K Med&Novel Biodegradable Microbial PolymersNato Adv Sci I E-appCNovel Biomaterials: Decontamination of Toxic Metals From WastewaterEnviron Sci Eng-Novel Biophotonic Techniques and Applications Proc SpieXNovel Developments On Genetic Recombination: Dna Double Strand Break and Dna End-joining Adv Biophys-Novel Enzyme Technology for Food ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Food S)Novel Food Ingredients for Weight ControlWoodhead Publ Food SNovel Forms of CarbonMater Res Soc Symp PNovel Forms of Carbon IiMater Res Soc Symp PHNovel Frontiers in The Production of Compounds for Biomedical Use, Vol 1Focus BiotechnolINovel Functions of Cholinesterases in Development, Physiology and DiseaseProg Histochem Cytoc#Novel In-plane Semiconductor LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Novel in - Plane Semiconductor Lasers IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers Iv Proc Spie&Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers Ix Proc Spie%Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers VP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Novel In-plane Semiconductor Lasers ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Novel Materials and Devices for SpintronicsMater Res Soc Symp P/Novel Materials and Processes for Advanced CmosMater Res Soc Symp P*Novel Materials in Heterogeneous Catalysis Acs Sym Ser(Novel Methods in Soft Matter SimulationsLect Notes Phys)Novel Methods to Study Interfacial LayersStud Interf Sci7Novel Molecular Approaches to Anti-inflammatory TherapyAgent Action Suppl7Novel Nanocrystalline Alloys and Magnetic NanomaterialsSer Mat Sci Engn7Novel Nanocrystalline Alloys and Magnetic NanomaterialsSer Mater Sci Eng9Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications Proc Spie=Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Novel Optical Resolution Technologies Top Curr Chem/Novel Optical Systems and Large-apertur ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Novel Optical Systems Design and OptimizationP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization VP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization Xi Proc Spie2Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Novel Perspectives in Antibacterial Action Roy S Med S=Novel Processes and Control Technologies in The Food IndustryNato Sci Ser I LifeHNovel Production Methods for Ethylene, Light Hydrocarbons, and Aromatics Chem Indust*Novel Synthesis and Processing of Ceramics Key Eng Mat*Novel Synthesis and Processing of Ceramics Key Eng Mater,Novel Systems for The Study of Human Disease Oecd Proc1Novel Techniques in Fossil Fuel Mass SpectrometryAm Soc Test MaterNovel Trends in Rheology Iii Aip Conf ProcNovenytermelesNovenytermelesNovonNovonNovum TestamentumNovum Testamentum Novyi Mir Novyi MirONo War, No Peace: The Rejuvenation of Stalled Peace Processes and Peace AccordsRethink Peace ConflNoxious Range Weeds Wss Agr Sci N* PhysicsProc Inst Nucl Theor&Npk Fertilizer Production Alternatives Ifdc Sp Pub=Nraes, Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering ServiceNraes, Nat Res Agr E Nrc YearbookNrc Year[Nrel/snl Photovoltaics Program Review - Proceedings of The 14th Conference: A Joint Meeting Aip Conf ProcENrsc: 2009 National Radio Science Conference: Nrsc 2009, Vols 1 and 2Nat Radio Sci Co:N(star) Physics and Nonperturbative Quantum Chromodynamics Few Body Sy$Nsukka Studies in African LiteratureNsukka Stud Afr LitNtmNtm-j Hist Sci Techn Ntt Review Ntt Review Ntz ArchivNtz ArchNtz-communications Journal Ntz-commun JNubian Culture Kungl Vit H@Nuc Compact-european-american Communications in Nuclear Medicine Nuc CompactNucelar ReceptorsMethod EnzymolNucelar ReceptorsMethods Enzymol*Nuclear and Atomic Physics At One Gigaflop Nucl Sci R%Nuclear and Chemical Waste ManagementNucl Chem Waste Man$Nuclear and Condensed Matter Physics Aip Conf Proc!Nuclear and Particle Physics 1993Inst Phys Conf SerNuclear Applications Nucl Appl#Nuclear Applications and TechnologyNucl Appl TechnolGNuclear Cardiology, The Basics: How to Set Up and Maintain A LaboratoryContemp CardiolDNuclear Collisions From The Mean-field Into The Fragmentation RegimeP Int Sch PhyskNuclear Condensed Matter Physics With Synchrotron Radiation: Basic Principles, Methodology and ApplicationsSpringer Tr Mod PhysNuclear Data SheetsNucl Data SheetsNuclear Decom 2001Imeche Conf Trans<Nuclear Decom 92 : Decommissioning of Radioactive FacilitiesProc Inst Mech Eng S!Nuclear Desalination of Sea WaterP S Iaea'Nuclear Dynamics: From Quarks to Nuclei Few Body Sy!Nuclear Emergency Data Management Oecd ProcNuclear Energy Nucl Energy"Nuclear Energy and The Environment Acs Sym Ser<Nuclear Energy-journal of The British Nuclear Energy SocietyNucl Energ-j Br NuclNuclear Engineering and Design Nucl Eng Des%Nuclear Engineering and Design-fusionNucl Eng Des Fusion"Nuclear Engineering and TechnologyNucl Eng Technol!Nuclear Engineering International Nucl Eng Int!Nuclear Equation of State, Part ANato Adv Sci I B-phyNuclear Equation of State, Pt BNato Adv Sci I B-phyNuclear Export of Viral RnasCurr Top Microbiol0Nuclear Fission and Fission-product Spectroscopy Aip Conf Proc8Nuclear Fuels: Manufacturing Processes, Forms and SafetyEnviron Sci Eng TechNuclear Fusion Nucl FusionNuclear Fusion ResearchSpringer Ser Chem PhNuclear Fusion ResearchSpringer Series ChemNuclear Geophysics Nucl GeophysDNuclear Imperative: A Critical Look At The Approaching Energy CrisisTop Saf Risk ReliabrNuclear Imperative: A Critical Look At The Approaching Energy Crisis (more Physics for Presidents), Second EditionTop Saf Risk ReliabNuclear Instruments & MethodsNucl Instrum Methods1Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics ResearchNucl Instrum MethodsyNuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated EquipmentNucl Instrum Meth AfNuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and AtomsNucl Instrum Meth BBNuclear Logics: Contrasting Paths in East Asia and The Middle EastPrinc Stud Int Hist!Nuclear Magnetic Double ResonanceP Int Sch PhysNuclear Magnetic ResonanceNuc Magn Reson<Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications, ProceedingsMolecul Phys Rep,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Nucleic AcidsMethod Enzymol,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Nucleic AcidsMethods Enzymol/Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Modern TechnologyNato Adv Sci Inst Se?Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Macromolecules, Part CMethod Enzymol=Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Macromolecules, Pt BMethod Enzymol<Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biologica Macromolecules, Pt AMethod Enzymol<Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biologica Macromolecules, Pt AMethods Enzymol9Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Paramagnetic MacromoleculesNato Adv Sci I C-mat9Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Paramagnetic MacromoleculesNato Adv Sci Inst Se Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Pt CMethod Enzymol Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Pt CMethods Enzymol"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 34Nuc Magn Reson"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 35Nuc Magn Reson"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 36Nuc Magn Reson"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 37Nuc Magn Reson"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 38Nuc Magn Reson"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 39Nuc Magn Reson3Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings and Molecular StructureNato Adv Sci Inst SeNuclear Many-body Problem 2001Nato Sci Ser Ii MathNuclear Many-body Problem 2001Nato Sci Ser Ii-math#Nuclear Materials Safety ManagementNato Sci S 1 Disarm*Nuclear Materials Safety Management Vol IiNato Sci S 1 Disarm'Nuclear Matter and Heavy Ion CollisionsNato Adv Sci I B-phy2Nuclear Matter in Different Phases and Transitions Fund TheorNuclear Medicine and Biology Nucl Med BiolNuclear Medicine Annual Nucl Med ANuclear Medicine Annual, 1997 Nucl Med ANuclear Medicine CommunicationsNucl Med CommunNuclear Medicine-nuklearmedizin Nucl Med-nuklNuclear Medicine-nuklearmedizin NuklearmedNuclear Medicine SupplementumNucl Med SupplGNuclear Medicine : The State of The Art of Nuclear Medicine in EuropeanNucl Med SupplNuclear-medizin Nuclear-medNNuclear Or Not: Does Nuclear Power Have A Place in A Sustainable Energy FutureEnerg Clim EnvironPNuclear Physical Methods in Radioecological Investigations of Nuclear Test SitesNato Sci S 1 DisarmNuclear Physics Nucl PhysNuclear Physics 2008 Aip Conf ProcNuclear Physics A Nucl Phys A Nuclear Physics and Applications Aip Conf Proc Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc Nuclear Physics At Storage Rings Aip Conf ProcNuclear Physics B Nucl Phys B)Nuclear Physics B-proceedings SupplementsNucl Phys B-proc Sup/Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Iv (npaiv 2009)J Phys Conf Ser#Nuclear Physics in The 21st Century Aip Conf Proc Nuclear Physics, Large and Small Aip Conf Proc@Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine Aip Conf ProcNuclear Physics Trends Aip Conf Proc+Nuclear Physics With Effective Field TheoryProc Inst Nucl Theor.Nuclear Physics With Effective Field Theory IiProc Inst Nucl TheorNuclear Plant Journal Nucl Plant J!Nuclear Power and Energy SecurityNato Sci Peace Sec A%Nuclear Pre-mrna Processing in PlantsCurr Top MicrobiolNuclear Proficiency Testing Aip Conf Proc0Nuclear Proliferation and International SecurityRout Glob Secur StudBNuclear Proliferation in South Asia: Crisis Behaviour and The BombAsian Secur Stud*Nuclear Radiation Detection Materials-2009Mater Res Soc Symp PSNuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors: Physics, Design and Safety, Nos 1 and 2Ictp Lect NotesNuclear Receptor Coregulators Vitam Horm9Nuclear Receptors: Current Concepts and Future ChallengesProteins Cell Regul>Nuclear Region, Host Galaxy and Environment of Active GalaxiesRev Mex Ast AstrNuclear Risks in Central AsiaNato Sci Peace SecurNuclear Safety Nucl SafetyNuclear Science and Engineering Nucl Sci Eng$Nuclear Science and Safety in EuropeNato Sec Sci B PhysNuclear Science and Techniques Nucl Sci Tech%Nuclear Science and Technology SeriesNucl Sci & Techn*Nuclear Science Research Conference Series Nucl Sci R?Nuclear Shapes and Nuclear Structure At Low Excitation EnergiesNato Adv Sci I B-phyNuclear Structure 98 Aip Conf Proc"Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '09 Aip Conf Proc6Nuclear Structure and Heavy-ion Reaction Dynamics 1990Inst Phys Conf Ser6Nuclear Submarine Decommissioning and Related ProblemsNato Sci S 1 DisarmcNuclear Techniques in Soil-plant Studies for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental PreservationP S IaeaNuclear Technology Nucl Technol)Nuclear Technology & Radiation ProtectionNucl Technol RadiatNuclear Technology-fusionNucl Technol-fusionNuclear Track DetectionNucl Tracks Rad Meas9Nuclear Track Detectors: Design, Methods and ApplicationsElectr Eng Dev)Nuclear Tracks and Radiation MeasurementsNucl Tracks Rad Meas)Nuclear Waste Instrumentation EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsNuclear Waste Management Iv Ceram TransGNuclear Weapons and Conflict Transformation: The Case of India-pakistanAsian Secur StudLNuclear Weapons and Strategy: Us Nuclear Policy for The Twenty-first CenturyContemp Secur Stud8Nuclear Winter's Tale: Science and Politics in The 1980sTransformations-stud(Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols 2000 Aip Conf Proc5Nucleation and Crystallization in Liquids and Glasses Ceram Trans,Nucleation and Growth Processes in MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PNuclei and Mesoscopic Physics Aip Conf ProcNuclei At The Limits Aip Conf ProcNucleic Acid Methylation Ucla Sym Bi#Nucleic Acids and Molecular BiologyNucleic Acids Mol Bi5Nucleic Acids-chemical Structure Types and ComponentsNucleic Acids-chem S(Nucleic Acids: Curvature and Deformation Acs Sym SerNucleic Acids ResearchNucleic Acids ResNucleic Acids Symposium Series Nucl Acid SNucleic Acid TherapeuticsNucleic Acid Ther#Nucleic Acid Therapeutics in CancerCanc Drug Disc DevFNuclei Far From Stability/atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 1992Inst Phys Conf SerPNuclei in The Cosmos Iii - Third International Symposium On Nuclear Astrophysics Aip Conf ProcNuclei of Normal GalaxiesNato Adv Sci Inst Se Nucleonics NucleonicsNucleosides & NucleotidesNucleos Nucleot'Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic AcidsNucleos Nucleot Nucl(Nucleotide Analogues As Antiviral Agents Acs Sym Ser6Nucleotides and Their Receptors in The Nervous SystemsProg Brain ResNucleusNucleusNucleus-cambridgeNucleus-cambridgeNueva EstafetaNueva EstafetaNuklearmedizin NuklearmedNuklearmedizinerNuklearmedizinerNuklearmedizin-nuclear MedicineNuklearmed-nucl Med Nukleonik Nukleonik Nukleonika Nukleonika7Number Fields and Function Fields - Two Parallel Worlds Prog Math'Number Theoretic Methods: Future TrendsDev Math Number TheoryCrm Proc & Lect Note Number TheoryTatra Mt Math PublNumber Theory and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat#Number Theory and Dynamical Systems Lond Math S"Number Theory and Its ApplicationsDev Math=Number Theory: An Introduction to Mathematics, Second Edition Universitext!Number Theory: Dreaming in DreamsSer Numb Theory Appl2Number Theory: Sailing On The Sea of Number TheorySer Numb Theory Appl*Number Theory: Tradition and ModernizationDev Math6Number Theory With An Emphasis On The Markoff SpectrumLect Notes Pure ApplNumen Book SeriesNumen Book Series7Numen-international Review for The History of ReligionsNumen#Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide Trend Lin SNumerical AlgorithmsNumer AlgorithmsNumerical Analysis 1991 Pitman ResNumerical Analysis 1993 Pitman ResNumerical Analysis 1999Ch Crc Res NotesNumerical Analysis 1999Ch Crc Res Notes Mat*Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Aip Conf Proc8Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Vols 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc6Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Vols I-iii Aip Conf Proc'Numerical Analysis and Its ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc8Numerical Analysis and Simulation in Vehicle Engineering VDI Bericht4Numerical Analysis for Statisticians, Second EditionStat Comput SerANumerical Analysis: Methods and Mathematical Software, SupplementAnn Univ FerraraNumerical AstrophysicsAstrophys Space Sc LNumerical CombustionLect Notes Phys"Numerical Computer Methods, Part CMethod Enzymol Numerical Computer Methods, Pt BMethod Enzymol Numerical Computer Methods, Pt DMethod Enzymol Numerical Computer Methods, Pt DMethods Enzymol Numerical Computer Methods, Pt EMethod Enzymol>Numerical Computing With Simulink, Vol I: Creating SimulationsOther Titl Appl Math_Numerical Determination of The Electronic Structure of Atoms, Diatomic and Polyatomic MoleculesNato Adv Sci I C-matNumerical Ecology With RUse RNumerical Flow Simulation Ii Note Num FlNumerical Flow Simulation IiiNote N Fl Mech Mul DNumerical Flow Simulation IiiNotes Numer Fluid Me.Numerical Functional Analysis and OptimizationNumer Func Anal Opt&Numerical Geometry of Non-rigid ShapesMonogr Comput SciFNumerical Grid Methods and Their Applications to Schrodingers EquationNato Adv Sci Inst SeNumerical Heat TransferNumer Heat Tr A-applNumerical Heat TransferNumer Heat Transfer+Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-applicationsNumer Heat Tr A-appl+Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-fundamentalsNumer Heat Tr B-fundNumerical Insights Numer InsightNumerical IntegrationNato Adv Sci I C-matNumerical Integration Iv Int S Num M*Numerical Linear Algebra With ApplicationsNumer Linear Algebr#Numerical Linear Approximation in CCh Crc Numer Anal Sc0Numerical Mathematics and Scientific ComputationNumer Math Sci Comp5Numerical Mathematics-theory Methods and ApplicationsNumer Math-theory Me Numerical Methods and AlgorithmsNumer Methods Algori"Numerical Methods and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc<Numerical Methods and Constitutive Modelling in Geomechanics Cism Cour L"Numerical Methods and Error BoundsMath ResLNumerical Methods for Bifurcation Problems and Large-scale Dynamical Systems Ima V MathLNumerical Methods for Bifurcation Problems and Large-scale Dynamical SystemsIma Vol Math Appl9Numerical Methods for Controlled Stochastic Delay SystemsSyst Control-found A9Numerical Methods for Evolutionary Differential EquationsComput Sci Eng SerNumerical Methods for FinanceCh Crc Financ MathUNumerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics: With Applications to Geophysics, Second EditionTexts Appl Math,Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Problems Int S Num M5Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic and Kinetic ProblemsIrma L Math The Phys1Numerical Methods for Nonsmooth Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Appl CompENumerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems With State ConstraintsLect Notes Math4Numerical Methods for Partial Differential EquationsNumer Meth Part D EFNumerical Methods for Solving Inverse Problems of Mathematical PhysicsInver Ill Posed Prob:Numerical Methods for Structured Matrices and ApplicationsOper Theory Adv Appl4Numerical Methods for Two-phase Incompressible FlowsSpr Ser Comput Math&Numerical Methods for Wave Propagation Fluid Mec A0Numerical Methods in Approximation Theory, Vol 9 Int S Num M-Numerical Methods in Geotechnical EngineeringProc Monogr Eng Wate7Numerical Modeling in Materials Science and EngineeringSpr Ser Comput Math-Numerical Modeling in Open Channel HydraulicsWater Sci Technol Li7Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2006 Astr Soc P7Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2007 Astr Soc P7Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2008 Astr Soc P6Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows Astronum-2009 Astr Soc PANumerical Modeling of The Global Atmosphere in The Climate SystemNato Adv Sci I C-mat8Numerical Modelling of Hydrodynamics for Water ResourcesProc Monogr Eng Wate3Numerical Modelling of Nonlinear Stellar PulsationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat*Numerical Models for Differential ProblemsMs A Mod Simul)Numerical Models in Geomechanics: Numog XProc Monogr Eng Wate&Numerical Optimization, Second EditionSpringer Ser Oper Re9Numerical Regularization for Atmospheric Inverse ProblemsSpringer-prax BooksNumerical SemigroupsDev Math?Numerical Simulation of Oscillatory Convection in Low-pr Fluids Note Num Fl<Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise GenerationNotes Numer Fluid Me+Numerical Software With Result VerificationLect Notes Comput Sc#Numerical Solution of Markov Chains Prob Pur ApMNumerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations With Jumps in FinanceStoch Mod Appl Proba5Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations Ad Co Math1Numerical Techniques for Boundary Element Methods Note Num FlNumerical Tools for Ship DesignVtt Symp1Numerical Treatment of Eigenvalue Problems, Vol 5 Int S Num M7Numerical Treatment of Multiphase Flows in Porous MediaLect Notes Phys+Numerical Treatment of Multi-scale Problems Note Num Fl6Numerical Validation in Current Hardware ArchitecturesLect Notes Comput ScQNumerics of Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial and Boundary Volume ProblemsDegruyter Lehrb,Numerics of Unilateral Contacts and FrictionLect Notes Appl CompNumerische Mathematik Numer MathPNumerous Meanings: The Meaning of English Cardinals and The Legacy of Paul GriceCurr Res Semant PragbNumiform '07: Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications, Pts I and Ii Aip Conf ProcNumiform 2010, Vols 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcNumisheet 2005: Proceedings of The 6th International Conference and Workshop On Numerical Simulation of 3d Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Pts A and B Aip Conf Proc)Nuncius-journal of The History of ScienceNunciusNuova Rivista Musicale ItalianaNuova Riv Music ItalNuova Rivista StoricaNuova Riv Storica Nuovo Cimento Nuovo CimentoNuovo Cimento ANuovo Ciment ANuovo Cimento BNuovo Ciment B0Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica ANuov Cimen S I Fis ALNuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and FieldsNuovo Cimento A0Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica BNuov Cimen S I Fis BHNuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica B-basic Topics in Physics Nuovo Cim BzNuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica B-general Physics Relativity Astronomy and Mathematical Physics and MethodsNuovo Cimento BENuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-colloquia On PhysicsNuovo Cimento CMNuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-geophysics and Space PhysicsNuovo Cimento CNuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica D-condensed Matter Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas BiophysicsNuovo Cimento DNurse Education TodayNurs Educ TodayNurse Educator Nurs Educ:Nurse Practitioner Forum-current Topics and CommunicationsNurs Pract Forum9Nursery Crops Development, Evaluation, Production and Use Acta HorticFNursery World Routledge Essential Guides for Early Years PractitionersNurs World RoutledgeNursing & Health CareNurs Health CareNursing & Health SciencesNurs Health Sci$Nursing and Health Care PerspectivesNurs Health Care PerNursing Beyond The Year 2000Who Tech Rep Ser Nursing Clinics of North AmericaNurs Clin N AmNursing Connections Nurs ConnectNursing Economics Nurs EconNursing Ethics Nurs Ethics Nursing Forum Nurs ForumNursing History Review Nurs Hist RevNursing in Critical CareNurs Crit CareNursing Informatics St Heal TENursing Informatics: Where Technology and Caring Meet, Fourth EditionHealth Inform SerNursing InquiryNurs Inq&Nursing Issues Problems and ChallengesNurs Iss Probl ChallNursing Outlook Nurs OutlookNursing Philosophy Nurs PhilosNursing PracticeWho Tech Rep SerNursing ResearchNurs ResNursing Science QuarterlyNurs Sci Quart*Nurturing Faith Through The Book of MormonSperry Symp SerANutraceutical Beverages: Chemistry, Nutrition, and Health Effects Acs Sym SerNutricion Hospitalaria Nutr Hosp"Nutrient Cycling in AgroecosystemsNutr Cycl AgroecosysBNutrient Regulation During Pregnancy, Lactation, and Infant GrowthAdv Exp Med BiolNutrients and Cancer Prevention Exp Biol MZNutrients, Dietary Supplements, and Nutriceuticals: Cost Analysis Versus Clinical BenefitsNutr Health SerHNutrients in Salmonid Ecosystems: Sustaining Production and Biodiversity Am Fish S SNutrigenetics and NutrigenomicsWorld Rev Nutr Diet%Nutrigenomics - Opportunities in Asia Forum NutrNutritio Et Dieta Nutr Dieta Nutrition Nutrition)Nutritional Adaptation to New Life-stylesBibl Nutr Diet:Nutritional and Acid-base Aspects of Amino Acid MetabolismContrib Nephrol1Nutritional and Dietary Significance of Goat Milk Colloq InraCNutritional and Pharmacological Strategies in Chronic Renal FailureContrib Nephrol=Nutritional and Toxicological Consequences of Food ProcessingAdv Exp Med BiolNutritional AnemiasNestle Nutr Works Se#Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis Serono Sym#Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis Serono Symp'Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis '94 Chall Mod Med(Nutritional Biochemistry of Space FlightSpace Sci Explor PolNutritional EducationNutr Diet Res Prog/Nutritional Factors and Osteoporosis PreventionNutr Diet Res Prog5Nutritional Implications of Macronutrient SubstitutesAnn Ny Acad SciENutritional Management of Diabetes Mellitus and Dysmetabolic Syndrome Nes Nutr WsNutritional Neuroscience Nutr Neurosci/Nutritional Status Assessment of The Individual Amer Hlth FNutritional Support 1989 Beitr Infus$Nutritional Support in Organ Failure Int Congr SerNutrition & Dietetics Nutr DietNutrition & Metabolism Nutr MetabNutrition & MetabolismNutr MetabolismNutrition and Aging Nes Nutr WsNutrition and Aging /Prog Clin Biol Res7Nutrition and Biotechnology in Heart Disease and CancerAdv Exp Med BiolNutrition and Brain Nes Nutr Ws-Nutrition and Cancer-an International Journal Nutr CancerNutrition and Cancer PreventionAdv Exp Med Biol"Nutrition and Cardiovascular RisksBibl Nutr DietNutrition and Critical Care Nes Nutr Ws$Nutrition and Diet Research ProgressNutr Diet Res Prog&Nutrition and Feeding of The Broodmare Eaap Public>Nutrition and Fitness: Cultural, Genetic and Metabolic AspectsWorld Rev Nutr Diet@Nutrition and Fitness: Diet, Genes, Physical Activity and HealthWorld Rev Nutr DietUNutrition and Fitness: Evolutionary Aspects, Children's Health, Programs and PoliciesWorld Rev Nutr Diet"Nutrition and Fitness for AthletesWorld Rev Nutr Diet+Nutrition and Fitness in Health and DiseaseWorld Rev Nutr DietuNutrition and Fitness: Mental Health, Aging, and The Implementation of A Healthy Diet and Physical Activity LifestyleWorld Rev Nutr DietMNutrition and Fitness: Metabolic and Behavioral Aspects in Health and DiseaseWorld Rev Nutr Diet>Nutrition and Fitness: Metabolic Studies in Health and DiseaseWorld Rev Nutr DietZNutrition and Fitness: Obesity, The Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Disease, and CancerWorld Rev Nutr Diet&Nutrition and Gastrointestinal DiseaseClin Gastroent-serCNutrition and Grazing Ecology of Speciality Fibre Producing AnimalsEur Fin Fib Netw O PNutrition and GrowthNestle Nutr Works Se<Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries, Second EditionNutr Health SerNutrition and Health SeriesNutr Health Ser'Nutrition and Kidney Disease: A New EraContrib NephrolNutrition and Metabolism Nutr MetabINutrition and Metabolism: Underlying Mechanisms and Clinical ConsequencesNutr Health Ser=Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity, and CancerAnn Ny Acad Sci!Nutrition and Reproduction, Vol 8 Penn Ctr NNutrition and Rheumatic DiseaseNutr Health SerNutrition and StrokeNestle Nutr Works Se!Nutrition Clinique Et MetabolismeNutr Clin Metab&Nutrition, Genetics, and Heart Disease Penn Ctr N Nutrition, Genetics, and Obesity Penn Ctr NNutrition Guide for PhysiciansNutr Health Ser(Nutrition, Health, and Child Development Paho Sci P9Nutrition, Immunity and Infection in Infants and ChildrenNestle Nutr Works SeNutrition in Clinical PracticeNutr Clin PractNutrition in Kidney DiseaseNutr Health Ser!Nutrition in Pregnancy and GrowthBibl Nutr DietNutrition International NutritionNutrition JournalNutr J0Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular DiseasesNutr Metab CardiovasNutrition of The ElderlyNestle Nutr Works Se'Nutrition of The Low Birthweight InfantNestle Nutr Works Se"Nutrition of The Performance Horse Eaap Public,Nutrition of The Very Low Birthweight InfantNestle Nutr Works SeNutrition Reports International Nutr Rep IntNutrition ResearchNutr ResNutrition Research and PracticeNutr Res PractNutrition Research Reviews Nutr Res RevNutrition ReviewsNutr Rev2Nutrition Support for Infants and Children At RiskNestle Nutr Works SeNutrition Today Nutr Today-Nuts and Bolts of Chemical Education Research Acs Sym Ser4Nwig-new West Indian Guide-nieuwe West-indische GidsNwig-new W Indian Gu3O3a: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and ArchaeologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins3O3a: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology Proc Spie6O3a: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology Ii Proc Spie7O3a: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology Iii Proc Spie=Oak Regeneration: Serious Problems, Practical Recommendations Usda Southe;Obama Education Blueprint: Researchers Examine The EvidenceNepc SerLOberflache Und Performanz-untersuchungen Zur Sprache Als Dynamischer GestaltReihe Ger LinguistOberwolfach SeminarsOberwolfach Semin Obese Child Pediat AdolObesityObesityObesity & Bariatric MedicineObesity Bariat Med]Obesity and Cachexia : Physiological Mechanisms and New Approaches to Pharmacological Control Biol Coun SObesity and MetabolismFront Horm ResObesity and Metabolism-milanObes Metab-milanObesity and PregnancyPreg Infants-med PsyObesity and The KidneyContrib Nephrol-Obesity : Basic Concepts and Clinical AspectsFront DiabetesGObesity Before Birth: Maternal and Prenatal Influences On The Offspring Endocr Updat Obesity Facts Obesity Facts$Obesity in Childhood and AdolescencePediatr Adolesc MedObesity in Europe Obesity EurObesity in Europe 91 Obesity Eur4Obesity: Preventing and Managing The Global EpidemicWho Tech Rep SerObesity ResearchObes Res$Obesity Research & Clinical PracticeObes Res Clin PractObesity ReviewsObes RevObesity Surgery Obes Surg&Obesity : Towards A Molecular Approach Ucla Sym BiObesity TreatmentNato Adv Sci Inst Se!Object-based Concurrent ComputingLect Notes Comput ScObject DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc;Object Detection, Classification, and Tracking TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Object Detection, Classification, and Tracking Technologies Proc SpieSObjective Coordination in Multi-agent System Engineering: Design and ImplementationLect Notes Artif Int6Objectivity, Simulation and The Unity of Consciousness P Brit AcadQObject Modeling With The Ocl: The Rationale Behind The Object Constraint LanguageLect Notes Comput Sc<Object-oriented and Internet-based Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Object-oriented Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc0Object-oriented Information Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[Object Oriented Methods for Interoperable Scientific and Engineering Computing, Proceedings Siam Proc SObject-oriented Simulation 1991 Simul Series.Object-oriented Simulation Conference (oos'94) Simul SeriesObject Oriented SystemsObject Oriented SystObject-oriented TechnologyLect Notes Comput Sc6Object-oriented Technology: Ecoop 2006 Workshop ReaderLect Notes Comput Sc6Object-oriented Technology: Ecoop 2007 Workshop ReaderLect Notes Comput Sc'Object-oriented Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScObjects, Agents, and FeaturesLect Notes Comput ScObjects and DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc`Objects and Other Subjects: Grammatical Functions, Functional Categories, and Configurationality St Nat LangTObjects, Components, Architectures, Services, and Applications for A Networked WorldLect Notes Comput Sc(Objects, Components, Models and PatternsLect Notes Bus Inf(Objects, Components, Models and PatternsLect Notes Bus Inf P5Objects, Components, Models and Patterns, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf5Objects, Components, Models and Patterns, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus Inf P%Objects, Models, Components, PatternsLect Notes Comput Sc/Obliged By Memory: Literature, Religion, EthicsRelig Theol Holo$Observational and Physical Cosmology Can Isl Ast0Observational Aspects of Pulsating B and A Stars Astr Soc PObservational Cosmology Astr Soc PObservational CosmologyAstrophys Space Sc L:Observational Cosmology: The Development of Galaxy Systems Astr Soc P6Observational Evidence for Black Holes in The Universe Aip Conf ProcBObservational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and BeyondAstrophys Space Sc L-Observational Tests of Cosmological InflationNato Adv Sci Inst SelObservation Amd Modelling in Numerical Analysis & Model Tests in Dynamic Soil-structure Interaction Problems Geotech Sp/Observation and Control for Operator SemigroupsBirkhauser Adv Texts=Observation and Experiment in The Natural and Social SciencesBost Stud Philos SciMObservation, Prediction and Simulation of Phase Transitions in Complex FluidsNato Adv Sci Inst Se&Observations in Earth Orbit and BeyondAstrophys Space Sc L Observations of Earth From Space Adv Space Res%Observations of The Outer Heliosphere Adv Space Res;Observatories of Development, Observatories for Development Colloq Semi Observatory Observatory:Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems Proc Spie=Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems Ii Proc Spie>Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Observatory Operations to Optimize Scientific ReturnP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Observatory Operations to Optimize Scientific Return IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Observatory Operations to Optimize Scientific Return IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Observatory Operations to Optimize Scientific Return Iii Proc SpiefObserved Hr Diagrams and Stellar Evolution: The Interplay Between Observational Constraints and Theory Astr Soc P"Observing Dark Energy, Proceedings Astr Soc P<Observing Land From Space: Science, Customers and TechnologyAdv Glob Change ResObserving Our Changing EarthIag Symp;Observing Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays From Space and Earth Aip Conf Proc%Observing With The Vlt InterferometerEas Publications#Obsidian-black Literature in ReviewObsidian Obsidian Ii Obsidian Ii"Obstetrical & Gynecological SurveyObstet Gynecol SurvObstetrics and GynecologyObstet Gynecol"Obstetrics and Gynecology AdvancesObstet Gynecol Adv2Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North AmericaObstet Gyn Clin N Am2Obtaining The Best From Regulation and Competition T Reg Econ9Obzor-a Bulgarian Quarterly Review of Literature and ArtsObzor/Occam and The Transputer - Current DevelopmentsTransput Occam Eng S"Occam Users Group Progress Reports Occam Us Gr1Occasional Paper of The Heritage Resources CentreOccas Pap Herit Res7Occasional Papers in Anthropology-penn State UniversityOccas Pap AnthropolCOccasional Papers in Economic and Social History-university of HullOccas Pap Econ Soc H1Occasional Papers in Geography-university of HullOccas Pap Geogr=Occasional Papers International Affairs Ctr Int Aff Harvard UOccas Pap Int Aff7Occasional Papers of The Institute of Mennonite StudiesOcc P Inst Men Stud/Occasional Papers of The Program On EnvironmentOc P Prog EnvironmWOccasional Papers Rural Development Committee and South Asia Program-cornell UniversityOccas Pap Rur Dev CorOccasional Papers - University of Illinois At Urbana-champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information Science Oc P U IllDOccasional Publications of The British Society for Animal Production Occ Pub Bri-Occipital Seizures and Epilepsies in Children Mariani F P'Occupational and Environmental MedicineOccup Environ MedOccupational AsthmaProg Inflamm Res Ser Occupational Cancer EpidemiologyRecent Res Cancer:Occupational Electrical Injury: An International SymposiumAnn Ny Acad SciOccupational Epidemiology Int Congr Ser!Occupational Health for EuropeansPeople Work Res Rep Occupational Health in The 1990sAnn Ny Acad SciOccupational Health NursingOccup Health NursOccupational Health PsychologyOccup Healt Psychol`Occupational Health Psychology: European Perspectives On Research, Education and Practice, Vol 3Occup Healt PsychollOccupational Hygiene and Environmental Issues - Control of Chemical Risks On Both Sides of The Factory Fence Inst Chem EOccupational Medicine Occup Med-cOccupational Medicine-oxfordOccup Med-oxford.Occupational Medicine-state of The Art Reviews Occup Med.Occupational Medicine-state of The Art ReviewsOccup Med-state ArtOccupational Psychology Occup Psychol+Occupational Safety and Health Guide SeriesOccup Saf Health Gui"Occupational Therapy InternationalOccup Ther Int(Occupational Therapy Journal of ResearchOccup Ther J Res+Occupations-the Vocational Guidance JournalOccup-vocat Guid J,Occupations-the Vocational Guidance MagazineOccup-vocat Guid Ma`Occurrence, Characteristics, and Genesis of Carbonate, Gypsum, and Silica Accumulations in SoilsSssa Spec Publ;Ocean Acoustic Interference Phenomena and Signal Processing Aip Conf Proc+Ocean Ambient Noise: Measurement and Theory Underw AcoustOcean & Coastal ManagementOcean Coast ManageOcean Basins and MarginsOcean Basin MarginEOcean Colour : Theory and Applications in A Decade of Czcs ExperienceEuro Cours Rem Sens'Ocean Development and International LawOcean Dev Int LawOcean Dynamics Ocean DynamOcean Engineering Ocean EngOceaniaOceania?Oceanic and Anthropogenic Controls of Life in The Pacific OceanGeoj Lib8Oceanic Circulation Models : Combining Data and DynamicsNato Adv Sci I C-mat;Oceanic Explorations: Lapita and Western Pacific SettlementTerra AustralisOceanic Fronts Oceanis S DOceanic LinguisticsOcean Linguist-Oceanic Remote Sensing and Sea Ice MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Oceanis : Serie De Documents Oceanographiques Oceanis S D+Oceanis-serie De Documents OceanographiquesOceanis-ser DocOceanis, Vol 16, Fascicule 2 Oceanis S DOceanis, Vol 16, Fascicule 3 Oceanis S D%Oceanis, Vol 16, Fascicule Hors-serie Oceanis S DOceanis, Vol 18, Fascicule 2 Oceanis S DOceanis, Vol 18, Fascicule 4 Oceanis S DOceanis, Vol 22 - No 1- 1996 Oceanis S DOceanis, Vol 30, No 4 Oceanis S DOceanis, Vol 30, No 4Oceanis-ser DocOceanis, Vol 33, No 1 and 2 Oceanis S DOceanis, Vol 35, Nos 1 and 2Oceanis-ser DocOcean Management Ocean Manage'Ocean Margin Processes in Global Change Phys Ch Ear#Ocean Modeling and ParameterizationNato Adv Sci I C-matOcean Modelling Ocean Model Oceanography OceanographyOceanography and Marine BiologyOceanogr Mar Biol:Oceanography and Marine Biology - An Annual Review, Vol 33Oceanogr Mar Biol9Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Vol 42Oceanogr Mar Biol;Oceanography and 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Oceanologia OceanologiaOceanologica Acta Oceanol Acta)Oceanological and Hydrobiological StudiesOceanol Hydrobiol St Oceanology Oceanology+Oceanology InternationalOceanology IntOceanology-ussrOceanology-ussr3Ocean Optics: Remote Sensing and Underwater ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Ocean Optics: Remote Sensing and Underwater Imaging Proc SpieOcean Optics XP Soc Photo-opt InsOcean Optics XiP Soc Photo-opt InsOcean Optics XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOcean Optics XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOcean Physics and EngineeringOcean Phys EngFOcean Processes in Climate Dynamics: Global and Mediterranean ExamplesNato Adv Sci Inst Se%Ocean Remote Sensing and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Ocean Remote Sensing and Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Ocean Remote Sensing and Imaging Ii Proc SpieOceansOceansOceans 2005, Vols 1-3 Oceans-ieeeOceans 2006, Vols 1-4 Oceans-ieee2Oceans 2008 - Mts/ieee Kobe Techno-ocean, Vols 1-3 Oceans-ieeeOceans 2008, Vols 1-4 Oceans-ieee"Oceans 2009 - Europe, Vols 1 and 2 Oceans-ieeeOceans 2009, Vols 1-3 Oceans-ieee Oceans 2010 Oceans-ieee Ocean Science Ocean SciOcean Science and EngineeringOcean Phys EngOcean Sensing and Monitoring IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Oceans-ieee Oceans-ieeeOceanusOceanus9Ocean Wave Energy: Current Status and Future PrespectivesGreen Energy Technol.Ocean Waves Breaking and Marine Aerosol FluxesAtmos Ocean Sci LibOchrona SrodowiskaOchr Sr!Ocl-oleagineux Corps Gras LipidesOcl-ol Corps Gras LiOctoberOctober"Ocular Immunology and InflammationOcul Immunol InflammOcular Immunology Today Int Congr SerOcular Surface Ocul Surf?Oculomotor and Vestibular Systems: Their Function and DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci*Oculomotor Control and Cognitive ProcessesStud Vis Inform ProciOculoplastics and Orbit: Aesthetic and Functional Oculofacial Plastic Problem-solving in The 21st CenturyEssent OphthalmolOdd One In: On ComedyShort Circuits8Odense University Studies in History and Social Sciences Oden U St H%Odgojne Znanosti-educational Sciences Odgojne Znan Odonatologica OdonatologicaOdontologisk Revy Odontol Revy Odontology Odontology Oecd and European Welfare States Glob WelfOOecd Centre for Cooperation With European Economics in Transition, Publications Oecd Ctr C Oecd China in The Global EconomyOecd Chin Glob Econ Oecd Development Centre Seminars Oecd DevelOecd Documents Oecd DocumOecd Health Policy StudiesOecd Heal Pol StudOecd Informatics StudiesOecd Inform Stud'Oecd Model Convention - 1996 and Beyond Ifa Congr S%Oecd Private Pensions Conference 2000 Priv Pens SOecd Proceedings Oecd Proc&Oecd Programme On Educational BuildingOecd PebOecd Social Policy Studies Oecd Soc PHOecd Workshop On Knowledge-based Expert Systems in Transportation, Vol 1Vtt SympHOecd Workshop On Knowledge-based Expert Systems in Transportation, Vol 2Vtt Symp Oecologia OecologiaOecologia PlantarumOecolog PlantarOedipusGods Heroes Anc Worl4Oedipus At Colonus: Sophocles, Athens, and The WorldUnters Antiken Lit GOeilOeil!Oeil-magazine International D ArtOeil-mag Int ArtiOesophageal Damage and Defence in Reflux Oesophagitis : Pathophysiological and Cell Biological MechanismsProg Histochem CytocOestrogen Deficiency Adv Rep EndOeuvres & Critiques Oeuvres Crit Ofdma System Analysis and DesignArtech Hse Mob Comm/Ofdm: Concepts for Future Communication SystemsSignals Commun Techn-Of Essays and Reading in Early Modern BritainPalgrave Stud EnlighOffentliche GesundheitswesenOffentl Gesundh WesOff-flavors in Aquaculture Acs Sym Ser$Office Administration and AutomationOffice Admin Automat"Office Communications, Pts 1 and 2 VDI BerichtOfficemation Product ReportsOfficemation Prod RzOffice of Science and Technology Policy Blue Ribbon Panel On The Threat of Biological Terrorism Directed Against LivestockRand Conf Proc2Official History of Britain and The Channel TunnelWhitehall Hist\Official History of The Falklands Campaign Vol Ii: The 1982 Falklands War and It's AftermathWhitehall HistNOfficial History of The Falklands Vol 1: The Origins of The Falklands ConflictWhitehall HistROfficial Proceedings of The Twenty-ninth International Power Conversion Conference Pcim Ref STOfficial Proceedings of The Twenty-sixth International Intelligent Motion Conference Pcim Ref SOf Fish, Fly, Worm, and ManE Schering Res Fdn W;Off Median Phenomena and International Reference Ionosphere Adv Space ResEOffset Reduction Techniques in Highspeed Analog-to-digital ConvertersAnalog Circ Sig ProcfOffset Reduction Techniques in High-speed Analog-to-digital Converters: Analysis, Design and TradeoffsAnalog Circ Sig ProcOffshoreOffshoreOffshore Engineering Offsh EnginOffshore Engineering, Vol 8 Offsh Engin>Offshore Finance and Small States: Sovereignty, Size and MoneyInt Polit Econ Ser^Offshore Risk Assessment: Principles,modelling and Applications of Qra Studies, Second EditionSpringer Ser Reliab4Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation BehaviourAdv Underwat TechnolOfiolitiOfiolitiIOf Mind and Matter: The Duality of National Identity in The German-danish Cent Eur StudOfs-13: 13th International Conference On Optical Fiber Sensors & Workshop On Device and System Technology Toward Future Optical Fiber Communication and SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsOfs-13: 13th International Conference On Optical Fiber Sensors & Workshop On Device and System Technology Toward Future Optical Fiber Communication and Sensing Proc SpieEOf The Past, for The Future: Integrating Archaeology and ConservationGetty Conserv Inst SOf Thoughts and Words Nobel Symp?Of Wings and Wheels: A Synthetic Study of The Biblical CherubimBeih Z Alttest WissGOhio Agricultural Research and Development Center Department Series EssOhio Ardc Rep Ser EsCOhio Agricultural Research and Development Center Research BulletinOhio Ardc Res BullCOhio Agricultural Research and Development Center Research CircularOhio Ardc Res CircBOhio Agricultural Research and Development Center Special CircularOhio Ardc Spec CircOhio Journal of Science Ohio J Sci'Ohio Report On Research and DevelopmentOhio Rep Res Dev Ohio ReviewOhio RevOhio State Law JournalOhio State Law JBOhio State University Mathematical Research Institute Publications Ohio St U M3Ohio State University Working Papers in LinguisticsOsu Work Pap Ling0Ohio University Press Ecology and History SeriesOhio Univ Press Ecol>Oie/fao International Scientific Conference On Avian InfluenzaDev Biologicals.Oie Global Conference On Aquatic Animal HealthDev BiologicalsOikosOikosOil & Chemical PollutionOil Chem PollutOil & Gas Journal Oil Gas JHOil & Gas Science and Technology-revue De L Institut Francais Du PetroleOil Gas Sci Technol?Oil & Gas Science and Technology-revue D Ifp Energies NouvellesOil Gas Sci Technol?Oil and Hydrocarbon Spills Iii: Modelling, Analysis and Control Wat Stud Ser>Oil and Hydrocarbon Spills, Modelling, Analysis and Control Ii Wat Stud Ser*Oil and Security: A World Beyond PetroleumTop Saf Risk Reliab Oil and SoapOil Soap Oil CropsHandb Plant BreedOilfield Review Oilfield RevOil Gas-european MagazineOil Gas-eur Mag Oil Shale Oil Shale0Oil Shale: A Solution to The Liquid Fuel Dilemma Acs Sym Ser(Oil Spill Response: A Global PerspectiveNato Sci Peace Secur Okeanologiya Okeanologiya+'Okike-an African Journal of New WritingOkike-afr J New Writ1Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Okla Aes BullBOklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Miscellaneous PublicationOkla Aes Misc PublCOklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Miscellaneous Publications Ok Ag Ex Mp8Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Research ReportOkla Aes Res Rep;Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Technical BulletinOkla Aes Tech BullOklahoma Current Farm EconomicsOkla Curr Farm EconOklahoma Law Review Okla Law Rev.Okoljski Ucinki Prometa in Turizma V SlovenijiGeograffOkologie & Naturschutz Okol NatursOkonomik Der Kooperation Okon Koop"Okonomische Theorie Der HochschuleOkon Theorie HschOlbaOlba,Old and New Methods in Historical Demography Int St DemogOld and New Philology Beih Editio$Old and New Views of Protein Folding Int Congr SerHOlder Adults With Hiv: An In-depth Examination of An Emerging PopulationHiv Aids-med Soc PsyOld Germanic Name-studiesReallexikon Ger Alte,Old-growth Forests: Function, Fate and ValueEcol Stud-anal SynthZOld-growth Forests in The Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions : Proceedings of A Workshop Usda Rocky(Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph Old Her U M*Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 5 Old Her U M*Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 8 Old Her U M0Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph, Vol 10 Old Her U M0Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph, Vol 11 Old Her U M/Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph, Vol 9 Old Her U M6Old Norse and Finnish Religions and Cultic Place-names Sc Inst DonOld Testament in Its World Old Test StOld-time New EnglandOld-time New EnglDOld Wineskins, New Wine: Readings in Sexuality in Sub-saharan Africa Hum Sex SerJOld Worlds, New Mirrors: On Jewish Mysticism and Twentieth-century ThoughtJew Cult Context Oleagineux OleagineuxOlefin Metathesis Macromol SyOlefin Polymerization Acs Sym SerbOlefin Upgrading Catalysis By Nitrogen-based Metal Complexes Ii: State of The Art and PerspectivesCatal Met ComplexesaOlefin Upgrading Catalysis By Nitrogen-based Metal Complexes I: State-of-the-art and PerspectivesCatal Met Complexes*Olfaction and Electronic Nose, Proceedings Aip Conf ProcOlfaction and Taste XiiAnn Ny Acad Sci'Olfaction in Mosquito-host Interactions Ciba F SympUOlhydraulik: Handbuch Fur Die Hydrostatische Leistungsubertragung in Der FluidtechnikVDI-BuchOligomeric State of SubstancesPolym Sci Technol Se1Oligomers Polymer Composties Molecular Imprinting Adv Polym SciOligonucleotidesOligonucleotides&Oligonucleotides As Therapeutic Agents Ciba F SympOligonucleotide TherapeuticsAnn Ny Acad Sci(Oligosaccharides in Food and Agriculture Acs Sym Ser*Olive: Its Processing and Waste ManagementFood Sci TechnolOliver CromwellRoutledge Hist Biogr,Olsen & Olsen International Symposium Series Olsen Int S'Olympias: Mother of Alexander The GreatWomen Ancient World4Olympic Media: Inside The Biggest Show On TelevisionRoutl Crit Stud Spor7Olympic Women and The Media: International PerspectivesGlob Cult Sport'Oman - The Islamic Democratic TraditionDurh Mod Mid E Islam8Omdoc - An Open Markup Format for Mathematical DocumentsLect Notes Artif Int1Omega-international Journal of Management ScienceOmega-int J Manage S Omega-journal of Death and DyingOmega-j Death Dying&Omics-a Journal of Integrative BiologyOmics0Omitted Variable Tests and Dynamic SpecificationLect Notes Econ MathOmniOmni7Omnidirectional Inductive Power for Biomedical ImplantsAnalog Circ Sig Proc:Omnidirectional Inductive Powering for Biomedical ImplantsAnalog Circ Sig ProcOmr-organic Magnetic ResonanceOmr-organ Magnet Res(On Bypass: Advanced Perfusion TechniquesCurr Card Surg`Once Upon A Time in A Different World: Issues and Ideas in African American Childrens LiteratureChild Lit CultOnchi and Singing DevelopmentAdv Stud Music Ed SDOn-chip Interconnect With Aelite: Composable and Predictable Systems Embed SystOnchocerciasis and Its ControlWho Tech Rep Ser&Oncodevelopmental Biology and MedicineOncodev Biol Med@Oncofertility: Ethical, Legal , Social, and Medical PerspectivesCancer Treat ResOncogeneOncogene>Oncogene and Transgenics Correlates of Cancer Risk AssessmentsNato Adv Sci Inst SeOncogene Research Oncogene Res5Oncogenesis and Molecular Biology of Pituitary TumorsFront Horm ResEOncogenesis : Oncogenes in Signal Transduction and Cell Proliferation Adv Ap BiotaOncogenes Meet Metabolism: From Deregulated Genes to A Broader Understanding of Tumour PhysiologyErnst Schering FoundOncogene TechniquesMethod EnzymolOn Collective IntelligenceAdv Intel Soft Compu OncologiaOncologia-basel Oncologie Oncologie Oncologist OncologistOncologyOncologyOncologyOncology-baselOncology Letters Oncol LettOncology-new York Oncology-nyOncology Nursing ForumOncol Nurs ForumOncology Reports Oncol RepOncology Research Oncol Res%On Comitatives and Related CategoriesEmpir Approach Lang@On Communication. An Interdisciplinary and Mathematical ApproachTheory Decis Lib A Oncotarget OncotargetOncotargets and TherapyOncotargets Ther On Criticism Think ActionOnde Electrique Onde Electr,Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary ResearchOnderstepoort J VetOne-dimensional NanostructuresLect Notes NanoscaleOne Europe Or SeveralOne Eur SeveralOne Hundred Years of Philosophy Stud Phil HFOne Hundred Years of Russell's Paradox: Mathematics, Logic, PhilosophyDe Gru Log ApplicatOne Land, Many LandscapesBrit Archaeol Rep In4One Legacy of Paul F. Brandwein: Creating ScientistsClass Sci Educ>One Million Years of Anthropogenic Global Environmental Change Knaw Verhan)One-of-a-kind Production : New Approaches Ifip Trans BDOnes We Remember: Scholars Reflect On Teachers Who Made A Difference Adolesc Educ<One Teacher: Jesus' Teaching Role in Matthew's Gospel ReportBeih Z Neutest WissOne World ArchaeologyOne World Archaeol'On Futurity: Malabou, Nancy and Derrida Renew PhilosOn Human NatureWiss Technik FolgenbOn Human NatureWissensch Technikfol On InflectionTrends Linguist-studJOn Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems Into The National Airspace SystemIntel Syst Contr AutZOn Interpreting Construction Schemas: From Action and Motion to Transitivity and CausalityTrends Linguist-studOnkologeOnkologe Onkologie OnkologieOnkologisches Kolloquium Onkol KollOn Languages and Language Trend Lin SOnlineOnlineOnline AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput ScOnline & Cdrom ReviewOnline Cdrom Rev6Online Communication in Language Learning and TeachingRes Pract Appl Lingu4Online Communities and Social Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScOnline Consumer Psychology Advert ConsVOn-line Error Detection and Fast Recover Techniques for Dependable Embedded ProcessorsLect Notes Comput ScJOn-line Fault Detection and Supervision in The Chemical Process IndustriesIfac Symp SeriesOnline Information ReviewOnline Inform Rev1Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for NursingOnline J Knowl Syn N Online Review Online RevYOnline Society in China: Creating, Celebrating, and Instrumentalising The Online CarnivalMedia Cult Soc ChangzOn-line Trajectory Generation in Robotic Systems: Basic Concepts for Instantaneous Reactions to Unforeseen (sensor) EventsSpringer Trac Adv RojOn Normalized Integral Table Algebras (fusion Rings): Generated By A Faithful Non-real Element of Degree 3 Algebra Appl Onomazein Onomazein4On Our Way: The Final Passage Through Life and Death Life Passage&On Pied-piping: Wh-movement and BeyondStud Generat Gramm"Onset of Nonlinearity in CosmologyAnn Ny Acad SciOnset of Puberty in Perspective Int Congr SerOn Sharing Religious Experience Curr Encoun;Onshore-offshore Relationships On The North Atlantic Margin Npf Sp Publ#On-site Wastewater Treatment, Vol 6 Asae Publ6Ontario Symposium On Personality and Social Psychology Ont Symp P:On The Cohomology of Certain Non-compact Shimura Varieties Ann Math Stud,On The Compatibility of Flexible InstrumentsEnviron PolicyjOn The Convergence of Bio-information-, Environmental-, Energy-, Space- and Nano-technologies, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MatjOn The Convergence of Bio-information-, Environmental-, Energy-, Space- and Nano-technologies, Pts 1 and 2 Key Eng MaterNOn The Eve of The 3rd Millennium, The European Challenge for Animal Production Eaap Public;On The Goemetry of Diffusion Operators and Stochastic FlowsLect Notes MathOn The Interpretation of Treaties: The Modern International Law As Expressed in The 1969 Vienna Convention On The Law of TreatiesLaw Philos Libr#On The Margins of French Literature Fr Lit SerOn The Move for LovePa Stud Hum RightsHOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2002: Coopls, Doa, and OdbaseLect Notes Comput ScHOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: Coopis, Doa, and OdbaseLect Notes Comput ScCOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: Otm 2003 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc[On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: Coopis, Doa, and Odbase, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: Coopls, Doa, and Odbase, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: Otm 2004 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: Coopis, Doa, and Odbase, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc[On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: Coopis, Doa, and Odbase, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: Otm 2005 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc`On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: Coopis, Doa, Gada, and Odbase Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc`On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: Coopis, Doa, Gada, and Odbas, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: Otm 2006 Workshops, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: Otm 2006 Workshops, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SceOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: Coopis, Doa, Odbase, Gada, and Is, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SceOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: Coopls, Doa, Odbase, Gada, and Is, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: Otm 2007 Workshops, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: Otm 2007 Workshops, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2008, Part ILect Notes Comput ScHOn The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2008, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2008 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc:On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2009, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput Sc:On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2009, Pt 2Lect Notes Comput Sc>On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2009 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc:On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2010, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc;On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2010, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc>On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: Otm 2010 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput ScDOn The Mysteries of Unemployment : Causes, Consequences and Policies Stud Oper R4On The Special Needs of Blind and Low Vision SeniorsAssist Techn Res Ser4On The Special Needs of Blind and Low Vision SeniorsAssist Technol Res S1On The Syntactic Composition of Manner and MotionLinguist Inq MonogrOn The Uniqueness of HumankindWiss Technik FolgenbOn The Uniqueness of HumankindWissensch TechnikfolQOn The Uses of The Fantastic in Modern Theatre: Cocteau, Oedipus, and The MonsterPalg Stud Theat PerfOn The Way to Fuller Koinonia Faith Order On Thinking On Thinking?On Three Levels: Micro-, Meso-, and Macro-approaches in PhysicsNato Adv Sci Inst SeCOn Time - New Contributions to The Husserlian Phenomenology of TimePhaenomenologica?Ontocape: A Re-usable Ontology for Chemical Process Engineering Rwthedition@Ontogenetic and Phylogenetic Mechanisms of NeuroimmunomodulationAnn Ny Acad SciOntogeny of Hematopoiesis Colloq InsePOntolinguistics: How Ontological Status Shapes The Linguistic Coding of ConceptsTrends Linguist-studOntological Explorations Ontol Explor2Ontologies-based Databases and Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc-Ontologies for Agents: Theory and ExperiencesWhitestein Ser Softw-Ontologies for Agents: Theory and Experiences Ws So Ag Te Ontologies for Urban DevelopmentStud Comp Intell Ontologies for Urban DevelopmentStud Comput IntellOntologies in Medicine St Heal TOntologies in MedicineStud Health TechnolFOntologies, Taxonomies and Thesauri in Systems Science and SystematicsChandos Inf Prof Ser-Ontology Alignment: Bridging The Semantic GapSemat Web Beyond-comOntology and The Semantic WebFront Artif Intel Ap"Ontology-based Multi-agent SystemsStud Comput IntellnOntology, Conceptualization and Epistemology for Information Systems, Software Engineering and Service ScienceLect Notes Bus InfMOntology Learning and Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text and KnowledgeFront Artif Intel ApSOntology Management: Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business ApplicationsSemat Web Beyond-comGOntology Representation: Design Patterns and Ontologies That Make SenseFront Artif Intel Ap On Waiting Think ActionOn Water, Vol 79 Vom WasserOpacity of Spiral DisksNato Adv Sci Inst Se!Open and Flexible Learning SeriesOpen Flex Learn Ser/Open Architecture Control Systems and StandardsP Soc Photo-opt InsdOpen Design, A Stakeholder-oriented Approach in Architecture, Urban Planning, and Project Management Res Des SerOpen Distributed Processing Ifip Trans COpen Distributed Processing, Ii Ifip Trans C:Open Economics: Economics in Relation to Other DisciplinesRoutl Stud Hist EconOpen Economies Review Open Econ RevOpen File PublicationsOpen File PublOpen Forum SeriesOpen Forum Ser6Open Government: Fostering Dialogue With Civil Society Oecd ProcOpen House InternationalOpen House Int9Opening Doors: Access to The European Heritage in Museums Toscana Musei#Opening Frontiers in Solar ResearchAdv Space Res-seriesOpening Productive Partnerships Adv Des Man[Opening The Research Text: Critical Insights and In(ter)ventions Into Mathematics Education Math Educ Lib#Open Issues in Local Star FormationAstrophys Space Sc LXOpen It-based Innovation: Moving Towards Cooperative It Transfer and Knowledge DiffusionInt Fed Info ProcLOpen Knowledge Society: A Computer Science and Information Systems ManifestoComm Com Inf ScHOpen-loop and Closed-loop Control of Vehicles and Engines - Autoreg 2004 VDI Bericht,Open Market Operations and Financial MarketsRoutl Int Stud Money/Openmp in A New Era of Parallelism, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Openmp Shared Memory Parallel ProgrammingLect Notes Comput Sc6Openmp Shared Memory Parallel Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScOpen Quantum Systems ILect Notes MathOpen Quantum Systems IiLect Notes Math-Open Quantum Systems Iii: Recent DevelopmentsLect Notes Math0Open Source Development, Adoption and InnovationInt Fed Info Proc0Open Source Development, Communities and QualityInt Fed Info Proc6Open Source Ecosystems-diverse Communities InteractingInt Fed Info ProcOpen Source SystemsInt Fed Info Proc#Open Systems & Information DynamicsOpen Syst Inf DynROpen World and Closed Societies: Essays On Higher Education Policies in TransitionIssues High Educ-palOperaOperaOpera Botanica BelgicaOpera Bot Belg Opera News Opera NewsOpera Quarterly Opera QuarthOperating Hours and Working Times: A Survey of Capacity Utilisation and Employment in The European Union Contrib EconMOperational Characteristics and Crystal Growth of Nonlinear Optical MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsMOperational Characteristics and Crystal Growth of Nonlinear Optical Materials Proc Spie&Operational Effects of Geometrics 2003Transport Res Rec$Operational Freight Carrier PlanningGor-publOperational OceanographyElsev Oceanogr SerieOperational Physics Oper Phys8Operational Quantum Theory I: Nonrelativistic Structures Oper PhysOperational Research QuarterlyOper Res QuartpOperational Semantics for Timed Systems: A Non-standard Approach to Uniform Modeling of Timed and Hybrid SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc1Operational Spacetime: Interactions and ParticlesFund Theor Phys/Operational Warfare At Sea: Theory and PracticeCass Ser Nav Policy]Operation of A Cryogenic Rocket Engine: An Outline With Down-to-earth and Up-to-space RemarksSpringer Aerosp Tech;Operations and Management in Ip-based Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScOperations ResearchOper Res,Operations Research and Cyber-infrastructureOper Res Comput Sci,Operations Research and Cyber-infrastructureOperat Res Comp Sci[Operations Research and Decision Aid Methodologies in Traffic and Transportation ManagementNato Adv Sci I F-comKOperations Research and Health Care: A Handbook of Methods and ApplicationsInt Ser Oper Res Man(Operations Research and Its ApplicationsLect Notes Oper Res5Operations Research and Its Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Oper Res-Operations Research and Management in FishingNato Adv Sci I E-app3Operations Research and Management Science Handbook Oper Res Ser/Operations Research Computer Science InterfacesOper Res Comput Sci/Operations Research Computer Science InterfacesOperat Res Comp Sci/Operations Research/computer Science InterfacesOperat Res Comp Sci6Operations Research/computer Science Interfaces SeriesOperat Res Comp SciBOperations Research : Helping Family Planning Programs Work BetterProg Clin Biol ResOperations Research Letters Oper Res Lett!Operations Research Methodologies Oper Res SerOperations Research ProceedingsOperat Res Proceed$Operations Research Proceedings 2000Operat Res Proceed$Operations Research Proceedings 2001Operat Res Proceed$Operations Research Proceedings 2004Operat Res Proceed$Operations Research Proceedings 2007Operat Res ProceedOperations Research Series Oper Res SerOperations Without PainSci Technol Med ModOperative Dentistry Oper DentUOperative Neuromodulation, Vol 1: Functional Neuroprosthetic Surgery, An IntroductionActa Neurochir Suppl9Operative Neuromodulation: Vol 2: Neural Networks SurgeryActa Neurochir Suppl&Operative Orthopadie Und TraumatologieOper Orthop Traumato&Operative Orthopadie Und TraumatologieOper Orthopade Traum'Operative Techniques in Sports MedicineOper Techn Sport MedOperator Algebras Abel Symp"Operator Algebras and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat3Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications Oper Theor3Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and ApplicationsOper Theory Adv Appl<Operator Algebras, Quantization, and Noncommutative Geometry Contemp MathUOperator Algebras, Unitary Representations, Enveloping Algebras, and Invariant Theory Prog Math%Operator Calculus and Spectral Theory Oper Theor.Operator Functions and Localization of SpectraLect Notes Math?Operator Methods in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Oper Theor+Operator Perspective On Signals and SystemsOper Theory Adv Appl/Operators and Iterative Processes of Fejer TypeInver Ill Posed ProbOperators and Matrices Oper MatricesTOperators, Geometry and Quanta: Methods of Spectral Geometry in Quantum Field TheoryTheor Math Phys Ser*Operator Splittings and Their Applications Math Res Dev)Operator Structures and Dynamical Systems Contemp Math+Operator Theory : Advances and Applications Oper Theor)Operator Theory Advances and Applications Oper Theor)Operator Theory Advances and ApplicationsOper Theory Adv Appl2Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics Oper TheorOperator Theory and Analysis Oper Theor0Operator Theory and Boundary Eigenvalue Problems Oper Theor3Operator Theory and Indefinite Inner Product Spaces Oper Theor!Operator Theory and Interpolation Oper Theor"Operator Theory and Related Topics Oper Theor"Operator Theory and Related TopicsOper Theory Adv Appl6Operator Theory in Function Spaces and Banach Lattices Oper Theor'Operator Theory in Inner Product Spaces Oper TheorAOperator Theory in Krein Spaces and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Oper Theor4Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Applications Contemp Math1Operator Theory, System Theory and Related Topics Oper Theor1Operator Theory, System Theory and Related TopicsOper Theory Adv Appl@Operator-valued Measures and Integrals for Cone-valued FunctionsLect Notes MathOpheliaOphelia:Ophiolite Genesis and Evolution of The Oceanic Lithosphere Petr Stru GXOphiolites and Oceanic Crust: New Insights From Field Studies and Ocean Drilling Program Geol S Am SXOphiolites and Oceanic Crust: New Insights From Field Studies and Ocean Drilling ProgramGeol Soc Am Spec Pap;Ophiolites, Arcs, and Batholiths: A Tribute to Cliff Hopson Geol S Am SOphiolites in Earth HistoryGeol Soc Spec Publ#Ophthalmic and Physiological OpticsOphthal Physl OptOphthalmic Echography 13 Doc Ophth POphthalmic EpidemiologyOphthal EpidemiolOphthalmic EpidemiologyOphthalmic EpidemiolOphthalmic GeneticsOphthalmic Genet&Ophthalmic Lens Design and FabricationP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Ophthalmic Lens Design and Fabrication Ii: Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Ophthalmic Measurements and OptometryP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic OncologyMd Anderson Solid Tu#Ophthalmic Paediatrics and GeneticsOphthalmic Paed Gen-Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryOphthal Plast Recons-Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryOphthalmic Plast RecOphthalmic Research Ophthal ResOphthalmic ResearchOphthalmic ResOphthalmic SeminarsOphthalmic SeminOphthalmic Surgery and LasersOphthalmic Surg Las#Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers & ImagingOphthal Surg Las Im#Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers & ImagingOphthalmic Sur La Im*Ophthalmic Technologies Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Ophthalmic Technologies Ix, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Ophthalmic Technologies Viii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Ophthalmic Technologies Vii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Ophthalmic Technologies Vi, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Ophthalmic Technologies V, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XiP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XivP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XixP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies Xix Proc SpieOphthalmic Technologies XvP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XviP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XviiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies XxP Soc Photo-opt InsOphthalmic Technologies Xx Proc Spie Ophthalmologe OphthalmologeOphthalmologicaOphthalmologica Ophthalmology OphthalmologyOphthalmology Today Int Congr Ser Opiate Receptors, Second Edition Recept SerOpioid AnalgesiaAdv Pain Res Ther1Opioids and Pain Relief: A Historical PerspectiveProg Pain Res Manag,Opioid Sensitivity of Chronic Noncancer PainProg Pain Res Manag'Opioids in The Treatment of Cancer PainRoy Soc Med Int CongEOpportunities and Challenges for Next-generation Applied IntelligenceStud Comp Intell6Opportunities for Molecular Biology in Crop Production Br Crop PrcOpportunities, Use, and Transfer of Systems Research Methods in Agriculture to Developing Countries Syst Appr SKOpportunity 2000 : Understanding and Serving Users in An Electronic Library Ver U Essen3Oppositional Concepts in Computational IntelligenceStud Comput Intell'Oppositional Discourses and DemocraciesRoutl Stud Soc Polit Oppositions Oppositions Optica ActaOpt ActaOptica ApplicataOpt Appl_Optical 3d Measurement Techniques Ii: Applications in Inspection, Quality Control, and RoboticsP Soc Photo-opt InsGOptical Absorption of Impurities and Defects in Semiconducting CrystalsSpringer Ser Solid-sOptical AlignmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optical Amplifiers and Their ApplicationsOsa Trends Opt Photo6Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt PhotoJOptical Analysis Technology in Industry and Environment Today and Tomorrow VDI BerichtHOptical and Digital Gaas Technologies for Signal-processing ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical and Digital Image Processing Proc Spie-Optical and Electrical Properties of PolymersMater Res Soc Symp P(Optical and Fiber Communications ReportsOpt Fiber Comm Rep(Optical and Fiber Communications ReportsOpt Fiber Commun Rep&Optical and Fiber Optic Sensor SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsDOptical and Imaging Techniques for Biomonitoring Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical and Imaging Techniques for Biomonitoring Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical and Imaging Techniques for Biomonitoring Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical and Imaging Techniques for Biomonitoring Iv, Proceedings Of Proc Spie@Optical and Imaging Techniques for Biomonitoring, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Optical and Imaging Techniques in Biomedicine, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Optical and Infrared Detectors for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Optical and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy Proc Spie#Optical and Infrared InterferometryP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical and Infrared Interferometry Proc Spie&Optical and Infrared Interferometry IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optical and Infrared Interferometry Ii Proc Spie9Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy of Circumstellar Matter Astr Soc POptical and Infrared Thin FilmsP Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical and Ir Telescope Instrumentation and Detectors, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical and Ir Telescope Instrumentation and Detectors, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieJOptical and Photonic Applications of Electroactive and Conducting PolymersP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical and Quantum ElectronicsOpt Quant Electron1Optical Astronomical Instrumentation, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optical Astronomy From The Earth and Moon Astr Soc P.Optical Believe It Or Not: Key Lessons LearnedP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optical Binding Phenomena: Observations and MechanismsSpringer Theses-reco"Optical Biophysics, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Optical Biopsies and Microscopic Techniques IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optical Biopsies and Microscopic Techniques Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optical Biopsies and Microscopic Techniques, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optical Biopsies, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsHOptical Biopsy and Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optical Biopsy and Tissue OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Biopsy IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Biopsy Iii Proc Spie!Optical Biopsy Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Biopsy IvP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Biopsy VP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Biopsy ViP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Biopsy ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Biopsy Vii Proc Spie`Optical Characterization Techniques for High-performance Microelectronic Device Manfacturing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Optical Characterization Techniques for High-performance Microelectronic Device ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins`Optical Characterization Techniques for High-performance Microelectronic Device Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Chemical SensorsNato Sci Ser Ii MathUOptical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsUOptical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine Xiii Proc SpieTOptical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XivP Soc Photo-opt InsTOptical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine Xiv Proc Spie5Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques Iii Proc Spie7Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques V Proc Spie9Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and ApplicationsBiol Med Phys BiomedOptical CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optical Components and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Components and Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Components and Materials Ii Proc Spie$Optical Components and Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Components and Materials Iii Proc Spie#Optical Components and Materials IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Components and Materials VP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Components and Materials ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Components and Materials ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Components and Materials Vii Proc Spie%Optical Components and Materials Viii Proc SpieOptical ComputingInst Phys Conf Ser%Optical Computing and Neural NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optical Constants of Materials for Uv to X-ray WavelengthsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optical Constants of Materials for Uv to X-ray Wavelengths Proc SpieOptical Data StorageP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage 2000P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage 2001P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage 2001 Proc SpieOptical Data Storage 2003P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage 2004P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage 2004 Proc SpieOptical Data Storage 2006P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage 2007 Proc SpieOptical Data Storage 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage 2010 Proc SpieOptical Data Storage 91P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage '95P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage '97P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Data Storage '98P Soc Photo-opt Ins!Optical Data Storage TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Design and Analysis SoftwareP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Design and Analysis Software IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Design and Analysis Software Ii Proc SpieOptical Design and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Design and Engineering Proc Spie/Optical Design and Engineering Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie;Optical Design and Processing Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Design and TestingP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Design and Testing Proc Spie+Optical Design and Testing Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Design and Testing Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie*Optical Design and Testing Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Design and Testing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Design and Testing Iv Proc Spie7Optical Design, Materials, Fabrication, and MaintenanceP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Optical Design, Materials, Fabrication, and Maintenance Proc Spie"Optical Detectors for Astronomy IiAstrophys Space Sc L4Optical Devices and Diagnostics in Materials ScienceP Soc Photo-opt InsSOptical Devices and Methods for Microwave/millimeter-wave and Frontier ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Devices for Fiber CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Devices for Fiber Communication IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Devices for Fiber Communication IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Devices for Fiber Communication IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Diagnositics of Living Cells IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Optical Diagnostic Methods for Inorganic Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optical Diagnostic Methods for Inorganic Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optical Diagnostic Methods for Inorganic Materials Iii Proc Spie?Optical Diagnostic Methods for Inorganic Transmissive MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Optical Diagnostics and Living Cells Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optical Diagnostics and Sensing in Biomedicine IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Diagnostics and Sensing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Diagnostics and Sensing IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Optical Diagnostics and Sensing of Biological Fluids and Glucose and Cholesterol MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Optical Diagnostics and Sensing of Biological Fluids and Glucose and Cholesterol Monitoring IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Optical Diagnostics and Sensing of Biological Fluids and Glucose and Cholesterol Monitoring Ii Proc Spie!Optical Diagnostics and Sensing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Diagnostics and Sensing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Diagnostics and Sensing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Diagnostics and Sensing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Diagnostics and Sensing Viii Proc SpieCOptical Diagnostics and Sensing X: Toward Point-of-care Diagnostics Proc SpieLOptical Diagnostics for Fluids/heat/combustion and Photomechanics for SolidsP Soc Photo-opt InsLOptical Diagnostics for Fluids/heat/combustion and Photomechanics for Solids Proc Spie4Optical Diagnostics for Fluids Solids and CombustionP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optical Diagnostics for Fluids, Solids, and Combustions IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optical Diagnostics for Industrial ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Optical Diagnostics in Fluid and Thermal FlowP Soc Photo-opt InsgOptical Diagnostics of Biological Fluids and Advanced Techniques in Analytical Cytology, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Diagnostics of Biological Fluids Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optical Diagnostics of Biological Fluids Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Diagnostics of Biological Fluids VP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Diagnostics of Biological Fluids V Proc SpieAOptical Diagnostics of Living Cells and Biofluids, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Diagnostics of Living Cells IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Diagnostics of Living Cells Iii Proc Spie%Optical Diagnostics of Living Cells VP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Diagnostics of Living Cells V Proc Spie7Optical, Electronic Materials and Applications, Pts 1-2Adv Mater Res-switzOptical EngineeringOpt Eng&Optical Engineering and Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsAOptical Engineering At The Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryP Soc Photo-opt InsdOptical Engineering At The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Ii: The National Ignition FacilityP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optical Engineering for Sensing and Nanotechnology (icosn 2001)P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optical Engineering for Sensing and Nanotechnology (icosn 2001) Proc Spie=Optical Engineering for Sensing and Nanotechnology (icosn'99)P Soc Photo-opt Ins=Optical Engineering for Sensing and Nanotechnology (icosn'99) Proc Spie,Optical Engineering Midwest '95, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins,Optical Enhancements to Computing TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Fabrication and TestingP Soc Photo-opt InsHOptical Fabrication, Metrology, and Material Advancements for TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Fabrication, Testing, and MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Metrology Iii Proc SpieDOptical Fiber and Fiber Component Mechanical Reliability and TestingP Soc Photo-opt InsGOptical Fiber and Fiber Component Mechanical Reliability and Testing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Fiber CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optical Fiber Materials and ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P%Optical Fiber Reliability and TestingP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InsPOptical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications IxP Soc Photo-opt InsPOptical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsQOptical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsROptical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOOptical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Fibers and Their Applications 2008P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Fibers and Their Applications 2011 Proc Spie(Optical Fibers and Their Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Fibers and Their Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Fiber TechnologyOpt Fiber Technol9Optical Fibre Sensing and Systems in Nuclear EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsSOptical Generation and Control of Quantum Coherence in Semiconductor NanostructuresNanosci Technol.Optical Guided-wave Chemical and Biosensors IiSpringer Ser Chem Se,Optical Guided-wave Chemical and Biosensos ISpringer Ser Chem Se&Optical Hard Copy and Printing SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Imaging of Brain Function and MetabolismAdv Exp Med Biol2Optical Imaging of Brain Function and Metabolism 2Adv Exp Med Biol0Optical Implementation of Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsVOptical Information, Data Processing and Storage, and Laser Communication TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Optical Information Processing Systems and ArchitecturesP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optical Information-processing Systems and Architectures IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Information Processing Systems and Architectures IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optical Information Processing Systems and Architectures IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optical Information Processing TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optical Information Processing Technology Proc SpieOptical Information Systems Opt Inf SystOptical Information SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Information Systems Proc SpieOptical Information Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Information Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Information Systems Iv Proc Spie;Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optical Inorganic Dielectric Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Optical Inspection and MicromeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Inspection and Micromeasurements IiP Soc Photo-opt InsQOptical Instrumentation for Gas Emissions Monitoring and Atmospheric MeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Instruments for Weather ForecastingP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Optical Interactions With Tissue and Cells XixP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Optical Interactions With Tissue and Cells Xix Proc Spie.Optical Interactions With Tissue and Cells XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optical Interactions With Tissue and Cells XviiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Interactions With Tissue and Cells XviiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Optical Interactions With Tissue and Cells XxP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optical Interactions With Tissues and Cells Xxi Proc Spie%Optical Interconnections and NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical Interconnects for Telecommunication and Data CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optical Interconnects in Broadband Switching ArchitecturesP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optical Interconnects in The Computer EnvironmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Interconnects: The Silicon ApproachSpringer Ser Opt Sci+Optical Interconnects: The Silicon ApproachSpringer Series Opti*Optical Interference Coatings, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsDOptical Investigations of Cells in Vitro and in Vivo, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Optical/laser Microlithography IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Optical/laser Microlithography IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical/laser Microlithography, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical/laser Microlithography ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical/laser Microlithography ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Optical/laser Microlithography V, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsOptically Activated SwitchingP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optically Activated Switching IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Optically Activated Switching IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optically Activated Switching IvP Soc Photo-opt InsAOptically Based Biological and Chemical Detection for Defence IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAOptically Based Biological and Chemical Detection for Defence Iii Proc Spie;Optically Based Biological and Chemical Sensing for DefenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optically Based Biological and Chemical Sensing for Defence Proc Spie,Optically Based Methods for Process AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Optical Manufacturing and TestingP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Manufacturing and Testing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Manufacturing and Testing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Manufacturing and Testing Iii Proc Spie$Optical Manufacturing and Testing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Manufacturing and Testing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Manufacturing TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Manufacutring and Testing VP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Materials Opt Mater"Optical Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Materials and Applications Proc Spie-Optical Materials and Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optical Materials and Structures Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optical Materials and Structures Technologies Iii Proc Spie/Optical Materials in Defence Systems TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt InsKOptical Materials Reliability and Testing : Benign and Adverse EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsQOptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion IxP Soc Photo-opt InsSOptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPOptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XP Soc Photo-opt InsQOptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XiP Soc Photo-opt InsrOptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion Xi : Chromogenics for Smart WindowsP Soc Photo-opt InsROptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSOptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion Xi : Photovoltaics, Photochemistry, and PhotoelectrochemistryP Soc Photo-opt InsROptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XivP Soc Photo-opt InsQOptical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XvP Soc Photo-opt InsKOptical Measurement and Nondestructive Testing: Techniques and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optical Measurements and Sensors for The Process IndustriesP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial InspectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection Proc SpieZOptical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection Ii: Application in Industrial DesignP Soc Photo-opt Ins`Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection Ii: Applications in Production EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection Iii Proc SpieEOptical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection Iv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsEOptical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection Iv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieDOptical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection V, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsDOptical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection V, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieOptical Measurement TechniquesSpringer Ser Opt SciOptical MemoryP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Memory and Neural NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Optical Methods and Physics of Colloidal DispersionsProg Coll Pol Sci S,Optical Methods for Chemical Process ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Optical Methods for Industrial ProcessesP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Optical Methods for Time and State-resolved ChemistryP Soc Photo-opt InsfOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection : Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamics TherapyP Soc Photo-opt InsxOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InswOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsgOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy IxP Soc Photo-opt InsyOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy Viii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InswOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy Vi, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsvOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy V, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsfOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XP Soc Photo-opt InsgOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XiP Soc Photo-opt InshOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsiOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InshOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XivP Soc Photo-opt InshOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy Xix Proc SpiegOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy Xv Proc SpiehOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XviP Soc Photo-opt InshOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy Xvi Proc SpieiOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsjOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XviiiP Soc Photo-opt InsyOptical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detections: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy Vii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsWOptical Methods for Ultrasensitive Detection and Analysis : Techniques and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Optical Methods in Atmospheric ChemistryP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Optical Methods in Biomedical and Environmental SciencesOpt Within Life Sci$Optical Methods in The Life SciencesP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Methods in The Life Sciences Proc Spie5Optical Methods of Biomedical Diagnostics and TherapyP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Methods of Flow InvestigationP Soc Photo-opt InsIOptical Methods, Sensors, Image Processing, and Visualization in MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsIOptical Methods, Sensors, Image Processing, and Visualization in Medicine Proc Spie<Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications Proc Spie)Optical Metrology for Arts and MultimediaP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Metrology in Production EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Metrology in Production Engineering Proc SpieUOptical Metrology Roadmap for The Semiconductor, Optical, and Data Storage IndustriesP Soc Photo-opt InsXOptical Metrology Roadmap for The Semiconductor, Optical, and Data Storage Industries IiP Soc Photo-opt InsXOptical Metrology Roadmap for The Semiconductor, Optical, and Data Storage Industries Ii Proc Spie-Optical Metro Networks and Short-haul SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Optical Metro Networks and Short-haul Systems Proc Spie0Optical Metro Networks and Short-haul Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Metro Networks and Short-haul Systems Ii Proc Spie1Optical Metro Networks and Short-haul Systems Iii Proc Spie$Optical Micro- and Nanometrology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Micro- and Nanometrology in Manufacturing TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Micro- and Nanometrology in Manufacturing Technology Proc Spie;Optical Micro- and Nanometrology in Microsystems TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optical Micro- and Nanometrology in Microsystems Technology Proc Spie>Optical Micro- and Nanometrology in Microsystems Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Optical Micro- and Nanometrology in Microsystems Technology Ii Proc SpieCOptical Microlithography and Metrology for Microcircuit FabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Microlithography IxP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Microlithography XP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Microlithography XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Microlithography Xiii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optical Microlithography Xiii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie)Optical Microlithography Xii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optical Microlithography Xiv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Microlithography Xix, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Microlithography Xix, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie'Optical Microlithography Xviii, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optical Microlithography Xvii, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optical Microlithography Xvii, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie%Optical Microlithography Xvi, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Optical Microlithography Xv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Optical Microlithography Xv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieOptical Microlithography XxiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Microlithography Xxiii Proc Spie%Optical Microlithography Xxi, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Microlithography Xxi, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieOptical Microlithography Xxiv Proc Spie$Optical Microlithography Xx, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optical Microlithography Xx, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie>Optical Microresonators: Theory, Fabrication, and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Opt Sci:Optical Microstructural Characterization of SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P:Optical Modeling and Measurements for Solar Energy SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optical Modeling and Measurements for Solar Energy Systems Proc Spie=Optical Modeling and Measurements for Solar Energy Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Optical Modeling and Performance PredictionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Modeling and Performance Predictions IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Modelling and DesignP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Modelling and Design Proc Spie4Optical Molecular Probes for Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsHOptical Nanotechnologies: The Manipulation of Surface and Local Plasmons Top Appl Phys0Optical Network Design and Modeling, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Optical Network Design and PlanningOpt Netw)Optical Network Engineering and IntegrityP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical NetworksOpt Netw!Optical Networks and TechnologiesInt Fed Info Proc&Optical Networks: Design and ModellingInt Fed Info ProcOptical Neural NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Optical Online Industrial Process MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Organic and Inorganic MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Organic and Inorganic Materials Proc Spie5Optical Organic and Semiconductor Inorganic MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition IvP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition IxP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition VP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition ViP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optical Pattern Recognition ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition XP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition XiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition Xi Proc SpieOptical Pattern Recognition XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition Xii Proc Spie Optical Pattern Recognition XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition XivP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition Xiv Proc SpieOptical Pattern Recognition XixP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition Xix Proc SpieOptical Pattern Recognition XvP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Pattern Recognition XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Optical Pattern Recognition XviiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optical Pattern Recognition Xxii Proc SpieOptical Pattern Recogniton XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical Phenomena in Semiconductor Structures in Reduced DimensionsNato Adv Sci Inst Se%Optical Probes of Conjugated PolymersP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Processing and Computing: A Tribute to Adolf LohmannP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optical Properties of 2d Systems With Interacting ElectronsNato Sci Ser Ii Math;Optical Properties of 2d Systems With Interacting ElectronsNato Sci Ser Ii-math.Optical Properties of Excited States in SolidsNato Adv Sci Inst Se8Optical Properties of Low Dimensional Silicon StructuresNato Adv Sci Inst SeOptical Properties of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P"Optical Properties of NanocrystalsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optical Properties of Nanostructured Random Media Top Appl Phys2Optical Properties of Semiconductor NanostructuresNato Sci S Prt 3 Hi0Optical Properties of Semiconductor Quantum DotsSpringer Tr Mod Phys$Optical Properties of SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Optical Pulse and Beam PropagationP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optical Pulse and Beam Propagation IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optical Pulse and Beam Propagation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optical Radiation Interaction With MatterP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Radiation Measurements IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optical Recording Mechanisms and MediaP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optical Recording, Storage, and Retrieval SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsQOptical Remote Sensing: Advances in Signal Processing and Exploitation TechniquesAugment Vis Real@Optical Remote Sensing for Industry and Environmental MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Optical Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and CloudsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optical Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Clouds IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optical Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Clouds Ii Proc Spie7Optical Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Clouds IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Optical Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Clouds Iii Proc SpieOptical ResonatorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Resonators: Science and EngineeringNato Asi 3 High TechOptical ReviewOpt RevOptical Scanning 2002P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Scanning 2002 Proc SpieOptical Scanning 2005P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Scanning 2005 Proc Spie)Optical Scanning: Design and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optical Scanning Systems: Design and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Optical Scatter : Applications, Measurement, and TheoryP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Scattering: Applications, Measurement, and Theory IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMOptical Scattering in The Optics, Semiconductor, and Computer Disk IndustriesP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Science and Engineering-crcOpt Sci Eng-crc/Optical Security and Anticounterfeiting SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques VP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques Vi Proc SpieOptical SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Sensing Proc SpieOptical Sensing and DetectionP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Sensing and Detection Proc SpieHOptical Sensing for Environmental and Process Monitoring, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Optical Sensing for Public Safety, Health, and SecurityP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Sensing Ii Proc SpieUOptical Sensing, Imaging, and Manipulation for Biological and Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Sensing Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Sensing Technology and Applications Proc SpieOptical SensorsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Sensors 2008P Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Sensors 2008 Proc Spie2Optical Sensors 2011 and Photonic Crystal Fibers V Proc Spie#Optical Sensors and Biophotonics Ii Proc SpieAOptical Sensors for Environmental and Chemical Process MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Sensor Systems in BiotechnologyAdv Biochem Eng Biot&Optical Society of America ProceedingsOsa ProcXOptical Solitons in Nonlinear Micro Ring Resonators: Unexpected Results and ApplicationsLasers Electro-opt RDOptical Solitons: Theoretical Challenges and Industrial PerspectivesCtr Phys HouchesOptical Space CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Space Communications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Spectra Opt SpectraBOptical Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Compounds, Vol 1 Struct BondBOptical Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes Struct BondvOptical Spectroscopic Instrumentation and Techniques for The 1990s : Applications in Astronomy, Chemistry, and PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt InsWOptical Spectroscopic Techniques and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space ResearchP Soc Photo-opt InsZOptical Spectroscopic Techniques and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Optical Spectroscopic Techniques and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsYOptical Spectroscopic Techniques and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research VP Soc Photo-opt InsYOptical Spectroscopic Techniques and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research V Proc SpiekOptical Spectroscopic Techniques, Remote Sensing, and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research IvP Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical Spectroscopy in Chemistry and Biology - Progress and Trends Phys Chem T6Optical Spectroscopy of Low Dimensional SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci I E-app2Optical Storage and Optical Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optical Storage and Optical Information Processing Proc Spie'Optical Storage and Scanning TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Storage TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Supercomputing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Optical Surfaces Resistant to Severe EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optical Switching and NetworkingOpt Switch Netw(Optical System Alignment and TolerancingP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical System Alignment and Tolerancing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optical System Alignment, Tolerancing, and Verification IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optical System Contamination : Effects, Measurement, Control IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Optical System Contamination : Effects, Measurement, Control IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEOptical System Contamination: Effects, Measurements, and Control 2008P Soc Photo-opt InsEOptical System Contamination: Effects, Measurements, and Control 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsCOptical System Contamination: Effects, Measurements, and Control IvP Soc Photo-opt InsDOptical System Contamination: Effects, Measurements, and Control ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsFOptical System Contamination V and Stray Light and System OptimizationP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Optical Systems Contamination and DegradationP Soc Photo-opt InsTOptical Systems Contamination and Degradation Ii: Effects, Measurements, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Optical Systems Degradation, Contamination, and Stray Light: Effects, Measurements, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Optical Systems Degradation, Contamination, and Stray Light: Effects, Measurements, Control IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Systems in Adverse EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsgOptical Techniques and Instrumentation for The Measurement of Blood Composition, Structure and DynamicsP Soc Photo-opt InsUOptical Techniques for Environmental Sensing, Workplace Safety, and Health MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt InsUOptical Techniques for Environmental Sensing, Workplace Safety, and Health Monitoring Proc Spie9Optical Techniques in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion FlowP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing Ii Proc Spie?Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing Iii Proc Spie>Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing ViP Soc Photo-opt InsSOptical Technologies for Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Studies, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsSOptical Technologies for Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Studies, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie'Optical Technologies for CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Technologies for TelecommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optical Technologies for Telecommunications Proc Spie0Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2007 Proc Spie0Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2009P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2009 Proc Spie2Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine Ix Proc SpieNOptical Technology and Image Processing for Fluids and Solids Diagnostics 2002P Soc Photo-opt InsNOptical Technology and Image Processing for Fluids and Solids Diagnostics 2002 Proc Spie0Optical Technology for Microwave Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optical Technology for Microwave Applications VP Soc Photo-opt InssOptical Technology for Microwave Applications Vi and Optoelectronic Signal Processing for Phased-array Antennas IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optical Technology for Microwave Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Technology for Signal Processing SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Optical Technology in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSOptical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow: Following in The Direction of Tycho BraheP Soc Photo-opt InsaOptical Testing and Metrology Iii : Recent Advances in Industrial Optical Inspection, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Thin Films and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optical Thin Films Iii : New DevelopmentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optical Thin Films Iv: New DevelopmentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optical Thin Films V: New DevelopmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsAOptical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsAOptical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue Iii, Proceedings Of Proc Spie0Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue Iv Proc SpiesOptical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue: Theory, Instrumentation, Model, and Human Studies Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue VP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue V Proc Spie0Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue ViLect Notes Comput Sc1Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue Viii Proc SpieOptical Tomography, Photon Migration, and Spectroscopy of Tissue and Model Media: Theory, Human Studies, and Instrumentation, Proceedings Of, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystem Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins@Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins@Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie?Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems Iv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems Iv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie>Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems V, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems V, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie;Optical Transmission Systems and Equipment for Networking VP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Transmission Systems and Equipment for Networking ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Transmission Systems and Equipment for Networking Vi Proc Spie=Optical Transmission Systems and Equipment for Wdm NetworkingP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Optical Transmission Systems and Equipment for Wdm Networking IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Optical Transmission Systems and Equipment for Wdm Networking Ii Proc SpieAOptical Transmission Systems and Equipment for Wdm Networking IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optical Transmission Systems, Switching, and Subsystems Viii Proc Spie.Optical Trapping and Optical MicromanipulationP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation Proc Spie2Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation Iii Proc Spie1Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation Iv Proc Spie0Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation VP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation V Proc Spie2Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation Vii Proc SpieOptical VelocimetryP Soc Photo-opt InsOptical Waveguide MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P%Optical Waveguide Sensing and ImagingNato Sci Peace Sec B%Optical Waveguide Sensing and ImagingNato Science Peace SOptical Wireless CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Wireless Communications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optical Wireless Communications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optical Wireless Communications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Optical Wireless Communications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Opticomm 2000: Optical Networking and CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Opticomm 2001: Optical Networking and CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Opticomm 2001: Optical Networking and Communications Proc Spie4Opticomm 2002: Optical Networking and CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Opticomm 2003: Optical Networking and CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Opticomm 2003: Optical Networking and Communications Proc SpieOptics & Photonics NewsOpt Photonics News4Optics and Lasers in Biomedicine and Cultures Owls VOpt Within Life Sci Optics and Lasers in Engineering Opt Laser EngOptics and Laser TechnologyOpt Laser Technol<Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime FightingP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting Proc Spie?Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting Ii Proc Spie@Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting IiiP Soc Photo-opt InswOptics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting Vi and Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology ViiP Soc Photo-opt InswOptics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting Vi and Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology Vii Proc Spie/Optics and Photonics for Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optics and Photonics for Information Processing Proc Spie2Optics and Photonics for Information Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optics and Photonics for Information Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland SecurityP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security Proc Spie3Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security Iv Proc SpiegOptics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security V and Biometric Technology for Human Identification Vi Proc SpieOptics and SpectroscopyOpt Spectrosc+Optics and Spectroscopy-ussrOpt Spectrosc-ussrOptics Communications Opt CommunOptics Education and OutreachP Soc Photo-opt InsOptics Express Opt Express5Optics for Computers : Architectures and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Optics for Euv, X-ray and Gamma-ray AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Optics for Euv, X-ray and Gamma-ray Astronomy Proc Spie1Optics for Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Astronomy IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Optics for Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Astronomy Ii Proc Spie2Optics for Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Astronomy IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Optics for Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Astronomy Iii Proc Spie1Optics for Euv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Astronomy Iv Proc Spie*Optics for Fourth-generation X-ray SourcesP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optics for High-brightness Synchrotron Radiation BeamlinesP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Optics for High-brightness Synchrotron Radiation Beamlines IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and FoodsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods Proc Spie7Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods Ii Proc SpieXOptics for Protection of Man and Environment Against Natural and Technological DisastersOpt Within Life Sci+Optics for The Quality of Life, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins+Optics for The Quality of Life, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie=Optics, Illumination, and Image Sensing for Machine Vision IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optics Illumination, and Image Sensing for Machine Vision VP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Optics, Illumination, and Image Sensing for Machine Vision ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Optics, Illumination, and Image Sensing for Machine Vision ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optics, Illumination, and Image Sensing for Machine Vision ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptics in AgricultureP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optics in Agriculture and ForestryP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optics in Agriculture, Forestry, and Biological ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Optics in Agriculture, Forestry, and Biological Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptics in AstrophysicsNato Sci Ser Ii MathOptics in AstrophysicsNato Sci Ser Ii-math\Optics in Atmospheric Propagation, Adaptive Systems, and Lidar Techniques for Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems VP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Random PhenomenaP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optics in Bone Biology and DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptics in Complex SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptics in Computing 2000P Soc Photo-opt InsOptics in Computing 2000 Proc SpieOptics in Computing 98P Soc Photo-opt InsFOptics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics: Diagnostics and TreatmentP Soc Photo-opt InsWOptics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics: Diagnostics and Treatment Ii , Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsWOptics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics: Diagnostics and Treatment Ii , Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie/Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optics in Medicine, Biology and Environmental ResearchOpt Within Life Sci6Optics in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optics in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optics in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Ii Proc Spie:Optics in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optics in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine IvPro Biomed Opt ImagOptics LettersOpt LettOptics of Biological ParticlesNato Sci Ser Ii Math$Optics of Charged Particle AnalyzersAdv Imag Elect PhysOptics of Cosmic DustNato Sci Ser Ii MathOptics of Cosmic DustNato Sci Ser Ii-mathOptics of CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Optics of The Air-sea Interface : Theory and MeasurementP Soc Photo-opt InsGOptics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGOptics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications Proc SpieOptics Within Life SciencesOpt Within Life SciOptikOptik*Optika '98 - 5th Congress On Modern OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptika I SpektroskopiyaOpt Spektrosk+}Optim 2010: Proceedings of The 12th International Conference On Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Pts I-ivP Int Conf Optim ElOptimal AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput ScOptimal Control Int S Num M\Optimal Control and Dynamic Games: Applications in Finance, Management Science and EconomicsAdv Comput Manag Sci&Optimal Control Applications & MethodsOptim Contr Appl Met?Optimal Control Models in Finance: A New Computational Approach Appl Optim%Optimal Control of Complex Structures Int S Num M%Optimal Control of Complex StructuresInt Ser Numer Math7Optimal Control of Constrained Piecewise Affine SystemsLect Notes Contr InfDOptimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Differential EquationsInt Ser Numer Math)Optimal Control of Differential EquationsLect Notes Pure Appl1Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations Int S Num M1Optimal Control of Partial Differential EquationsInt Ser Numer Math1Optimal Control of Partial Differential EquationsLect Notes Contr InfAOptimal Control of Wind Energy Systems: Towards A Global ApproachAdv Ind Control4Optimal Control, Stabilizaton and Nonsmooth AnalysisLect Notes Contr Inf8Optimal Control: Weakly Coupled Systems and ApplicationsAutom Control Eng SeOptimal Design and Control Prog Syst C?Optimal Design and Related Areas in Optimization and StatisticsSpringer Optim ApplOptimal Design of ExperimentsClass Appl MathMOptimal Domain and Integral Extension of Operators: Acting in Function SpacesOper Theory Adv ApplOptimal Dose Identification Int Congr Ser]Optimal Exploitation of Marginal Mediterranean Areas By Extensive Ruminant Production Systems Eaap PublicOptimal Feedback ControlLect Notes Contr Inf,Optimal Interprocedural Program OptimizationLect Notes Comput ScOptimality-theoretic SyntaxLang Speech & Commun Optimality Theory and PragmaticsPalg Stud Pragm Lang4Optimal Linear Controller Design for Periodic InputsLect Notes Contr Inf5Optimal Management of Upper Gastrointestinal BleedingRes Clin Forums0Optimal Models and Methods With Fuzzy QuantitiesStud Fuzz Soft CompIOptimal Patient Management With Botulinum Toxins: Evidence and Experience Roy S Med SWOptimal Quadratic Programming Algorithms: With Applications to Variational InequalitiesSpringer Ser Optim AOptimal Shape DesignLect Notes Math@Optimal Time-domain Noise Reduction Filters: A Theoretical StudySpringerbriefs Elect'Optimal Transportation and ApplicationsLect Notes Math2Optimal Transportation Networks: Models and TheoryLect Notes MathOptimal Transport: Old and NewGrundlehr Math Wiss.Optimal Urban Networks Via Mass TransportationLect Notes Math7Optimierung Des Futterwertes Von Mais Und MaisproduktenLandbauforsch-vti Ag0Optimisation, Econometric and Financial AnalysisAdv Comput Manag SciHOptimising New Modes of Assessment: in Search of Qualities and StandardsInnov Chang Prof EduOptimising Sweet Taste in FoodsWoodhead Food Ser OptimizationLect Notes Econ Math Optimization OptimizationOptimization /Lect Notes MathROptimization and Control of Bilinear Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim A*Optimization and Control With Applications Appl Optim*Optimization and Control With ApplicationsAppl Optimizat/Optimization and Cooperative Control StrategiesLect Notes Contr InfOptimization and Engineering Optim Eng(Optimization and Industry: New Frontiers Appl Optim(Optimization and Industry: New FrontiersAppl Optimizat7Optimization and Logistics Challenges in The EnterpriseSpringer Ser Optim A Optimization and Systems BiologyLect Notes Oper Res-Optimization and Systems Biology, ProceedingsLect Notes Oper Res6Optimization-based Computer-aided Modelling and DesignLect Notes Contr Inf7Optimization Based Data Mining: Theory and ApplicationsAdv Inform Knowl Pro Optimization for Decision MakingInt Ser Oper Res Man%Optimization in Economics and FinanceDynam Mod Econ Econ Optimization in Food EngineeringContemp Food EngOptimization in MedicineSpringer Ser Optim A$Optimization in Medicine and BiologyEng Manag Innov Ser%Optimization in Public TransportationSpringer Ser Optim A#Optimization in The Energy Industry Energ SystOptimization Letters Optim LettOptimization Methods & SoftwareOptim Method Softw6Optimization of Large Structural Systems, Vols 1 and 2Nato Adv Sci Inst Se1Optimization of Sql Queries for Parallel MachinesLect Notes Comput Sc@Optimization, Optimal Control and Partial Differential Equations Int S Num M(Optimization: Structure and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim AOptimization Theory Appl OptimOptimization TheoryAppl Optimizat6Optimization Theory and Methods: Nonlinear ProgrammingSpringer Ser Optim AKOptimization With Multivalued Mappings:theory, Applications, and AlgorithmsSpringer Ser Optim A!Optimization With Pde ConstraintsMath Model-theor App|Optimizing Human Capital With A Strategic Project Office: Select, Train, Measure, and Reward People for Organization Success Ctr Bus Pract6Optimizing Post-earthquake Lifeline System Reliability Tech Coun LKOptimizing Scientific Return for Astronomy Through Information TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsKOptimizing Scientific Return for Astronomy Through Information Technologies Proc Spie`Optimizing Talent: What Every Leader and Manager Needs to Know to Sustain The Ultimate WorkforceCont Trend Organ Dev>Optimizing The Drug-like Properties of Leads in Drug DiscoveryBiotech Pharm Aspect>Optimizing The Drug-like Properties of Leads in Drug DiscoveryBiotechnol Pharm Asp+Optimizing The Management of Genital Herpes Roy S Med SOptimum Design 2000Noncon Optim Its AppOptimum Design 2000Nonconvex OptimOption Prices As ProbabilitiesSpringer FinancLOptions for Britain Ii: Cross Cutting Policy Issues - Changes and ChallengesPolit Q Sp Iss Ser'Options for The Control of Influenza Ii Int Congr Ser(Options for The Control of Influenza Iii Int Congr Ser'Options for The Control of Influenza Iv Int Congr Ser&Options for The Control of Influenza V Int Congr SerGOptiques: The Science of The Eye and The Birth of Modern French FictionCrit Author Iss_Opto-contact: Workshop On Technology Transfers, Start-up Opportunities, and Strategic AlliancesP Soc Photo-opt InsOptoelectric InterconnectsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optoelectronic and Elctronic Sensors IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optoelectronic and Elctronic Sensors Iv Proc Spie%Optoelectronic and Electronic SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors VP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors V Proc Spie(Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors ViP Soc Photo-opt InsQOptoelectronic and Hybrid Optical/digital Systems for Image and Signal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsOOptoelectronic and Wireless Data Management, Processing, Storage, and RetrievalP Soc Photo-opt InsOOptoelectronic and Wireless Data Management, Processing, Storage, and Retrieval Proc Spie%Optoelectronic Component TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optoelectronic Devices and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optoelectronic Devices and Integration IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Optoelectronic Devices and Integration Ii Proc Spie*Optoelectronic Devices and Integration IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optoelectronic Devices and Integration Iii Proc Spie3Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieAOptoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAOptoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application Iii Proc Spie@Optoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsEOptoelectronic Information Processing: Optics for Information Systems Crit Rev Op1Optoelectronic Information Systems and ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsAOptoelectronic Integrated Circuit Materials, Physics, and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Optoelectronic Integrated CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits Viii Proc Spie$Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits X Proc Spie%Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits Xii Proc Spie%Optoelectronic Integration On SiliconP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Optoelectronic Integration On Silicon Proc Spie(Optoelectronic Integration On Silicon IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optoelectronic Interconnects and Component Integration IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Optoelectronic Interconnects and Component Integration Ix Proc Spie-Optoelectronic Interconnects and Packaging IvP Soc Photo-opt InsOptoelectronic Interconnects IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Optoelectronic Interconnects IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Optoelectronic Interconnects, Integrated Circuits, and PackagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Optoelectronic Interconnects, Integrated Circuits, and Packaging Proc SpieOptoelectronic Interconnects VP Soc Photo-opt InsOptoelectronic Interconnects ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Optoelectronic Interconnects ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHOptoelectronic Interconnects Vii; Photonics Packaging and Integration IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHOptoelectronic Interconnects Vii; Photonics Packaging and Integration Ii Proc Spie3Optoelectronic Intergrated Circuits and Packaging VP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optoelectronic Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Proc Spie?Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Optical CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Optical Communications Proc Spie'Optoelectronic Materials and Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Ii Proc Spie&Optoelectronic Materials and Devices V Proc Spie>Optoelectronic Materials and Technology in The Information Age Ceram TransYOptoelectronic Materials: Ordering, Composition Modulation, and Self-assembled StructuresMater Res Soc Symp P$Optoelectronic Materials, Pts 1and 2Mater Sci ForumOptoelectronic MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt InsOptoelectronic PackagingP Soc Photo-opt InsOpto-electronicsOpto-electronics;Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-rapid CommunicationsOptoelectron Adv Mat9Optoelectronics and Applications in Industry and MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsVOptoelectronics Applications in Medicine, Food Technology and Environmental Protection Adv Las Med(Optoelectronics-devices and TechnologiesOptoelectron-devices)Optoelectronics for Environmental Science E Maj Int S=Optoelectronic Signal Processing for Phased-array Antennas IvP Soc Photo-opt InsVOptoelectronics: Infrared-visible-ultraviolet Devices and Applications, Second EditionOpt Sci Eng-crc+Optoelectronics of Group-iv-based MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp POpto-electronics ReviewOpto-electron Rev3Optoeletronic Integrated Circuits and Packaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optoeletronic Materials and Devices, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optoeletronic Materials and Devices, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie OptofluidicsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptogalvanic SpectroscopyInst Phys Conf SerROpto-ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsROpto-ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie%Opto-ireland 2005: Imaging and VisionP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Opto-ireland 2005: Imaging and Vision Proc Spie3Opto-ireland 2005: Nanotechnology and NanophotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Opto-ireland 2005: Nanotechnology and Nanophotonics Proc Spie3Opto-ireland 2005: Optical Sensing and SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Opto-ireland 2005: Optical Sensing and Spectroscopy Proc SpieJOpto-ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsJOpto-ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks Proc Spie'Opto-ireland 2005: Photonic EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Opto-ireland 2005: Photonic Engineering Proc Spie.Optomechanical and Precision Instrument DesignP Soc Photo-opt InsOptomechanical DesignP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optomechanical Design and Engineering 2001P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Optomechanical Design and Engineering 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optomechanical Design and Precision InstrumentsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptomechanical Engineering 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optomechanical Engineering and Vibration ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Optomechanical Engineering and Vibration Control Proc Spie6Optomechanical Technologies for Astronomy, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Optomechanical Technologies for Astronomy, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieOptomechanics 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins'Optomechanics and Dimensional StabilityP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Optomechatronic Actuators and Manipulation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Optomechatronic Actuators and Manipulation Iii Proc Spie<Optomechatronic Actuators, Manipulation, and Systems ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Optomechatronic Actuators, Manipulation, and Systems Control Proc Spie*Optomechatronic Computer-vision Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optomechatronic Micro/nano Components, Devices, and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Optomechatronic Micro/nano Components, Devices, and Systems Proc Spie4Optomechatronic Micro/nano Devices and Components IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Optomechatronic Micro/nano Devices and Components Ii Proc Spie5Optomechatronic Micro/nano Devices and Components IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optomechatronic Sensors, Actuators, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optomechatronic Sensors, Actuators, and Control Proc Spie/Optomechatronic Sensors and Instrumentation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Optomechatronic Sensors and Instrumentation Iii Proc SpieEOptomechatronic Sensors, Instrumentation, and Computer-vision SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsEOptomechatronic Sensors, Instrumentation, and Computer-vision Systems Proc SpieOptomechatronic SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsOptomechatronic Systems Proc Spie#Optomechatronic Systems Control IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Optomechatronic Systems Control Iii Proc SpieOptomechatronic Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptomechatronic Systems Ii Proc SpieOptomechatronic Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOptomechatronic Systems Iii Proc SpieOptomechatronic Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt InsOptomechatronic Systems Iv Proc SpieOptometry and Vision ScienceOptometry Vision Sci8Optometry-journal of The American Optometric Association OptometryAOptp-ireland 2002: Optical Metrology, Imaging, and Machine VisionP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Oral and The Written in Early IslamRoutl Stud Mid E LitOral-based DiagnosticsAnn Ny Acad Sci3Oral Biology: Molecular Techniques and ApplicationsMethods Mol Biol Oral Controlled Release Products Paperb Apv7Oral Cytotoxic Treatment in Haematological MalignanciesRes Clin Forums Oral DiseasesOral Dis Oral Epic: Performance and MusicIntercult Music Stud"Oral Health & Preventive DentistryOral Hlth Prev Dent1Oral History, Oral Culture, and Italian AmericansItal Ital Am Stud.Orality and Literacy in Modern Italian CultureItalian Perspectives/Orality, Literacy, and Colonialism in Antiquity Sbl Semeia Oral Microbiology and ImmunologyOral Microbiol ImmunKOral Narration in Modern French: A Linguistic Analysis of Temporal PatternsRes Monogr Fr Stud Oral Oncology Oral Oncol/Oral Oncology-european Journal of Cancer Part B Oral Oncol Oral Performance and Its ContextMnemosyne SupplOral Radiology Oral RadiolHOral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and EndodonticsOral Surg Oral Med OJOral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and EndodontologyOral Surg Oral Med O+Oral Tolerance: Mechanisms and ApplicationsAnn Ny Acad SciCOral Tolerance: New Insights and Prospects for Clinical ApplicationAnn Ny Acad SciEOrang Suku Laut of Riau, Indonesia: The Inalienable Gift of TerritoryMod Anthropol Se Asi Orbis-a Journal of World AffairsOrbis-j World AffOrbis Litterarum Orbis Lit0Orbital Forcing Timescales and Cyclostratigraphy Geol Soc Sp$Orbital Mechanics and Mission DesignAdv Astronaut SciOrbitals in Chemistry Top Curr ChemUOrbit-an International Journal On Orbital Disorders and Facial Reconstructive SurgeryOrbit6Orbit Correction and Analysis in Circular Accelerators Aip Conf Proc Orbit Determination and Analysis Adv Space Res$Orbit Method in Geometry and Physics Prog MathFOrchestration of The Arts - A Creative Symbiosis of Existential Powers Anal Hus YbBOrder-a Journal On The Theory of Ordered Sets and Its ApplicationsOrder/Order and Chaos in Inanimate and Animate Nature Ver Ges D N0Order and Chaos in Stellar and Planetary Systems Astr Soc PFOrder and Disorder: Music-theoretical Strategies in 20th-century MusicCollect Writ OrpheusOrdered Algebraic Structures Math Appl%Ordered Algebraic Structures: Nanjing Alg Log App5Ordered and Turbulent Patterns in Taylor-couette FlowNato Adv Sci I B-phyEOrdered Intermetallics - Physical Metallurgy and Mechanical BehaviourNato Adv Sci I E-app,Ordered Polymeric Nanostructures At Surfaces Adv Polym SciFOrdering Disorder: Prospect and Retrospect in Condensed Matter Physics Aip Conf Proc,Ordering The World in The Eighteenth Century Stud Mod Hist"Ordinal and Symbolic Data AnalysisSt Class Dat Anal+Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Universitext2Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Vol 3 Pitman ResTOrdinary Differential Equations: Introductions and Qualitative Theory, Third EditionMonogr Txb Pure Appl_Ordinary Places, Extraordinary Events: Citizenship, Democracy and Public Space in Latin AmericaPlan Hist Environ SeOrdovician Earth SystemGeol Soc Am Spec PapUOrebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning: Uncertainty and Risk Management ModelsAimm Spectr SerOre Geology Reviews Ore Geol Rev5Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Special ReportOreg Aes Spec RepOregon Historical QuarterlyOreg Hist Quart#Ore Reserve Reconciliation WorkshopAimm Spectr SerOre Reserves and FinanceAimm Spectr SerOrganOrganOrgan AllocationTransp Cl Immun SfmmOrgan and Tissue Donation Med Hum Ser/Organ Conservation in Curative Cancer TreatmentFront Radiat Ther On(Organellar Ion Channels and Transporters Soc Gen Phy*Organic 3d Photonics Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Organic 3d Photonics Materials and Devices Ii Proc Spie#Organic Acids in Aquatic Ecosystems Life Sci R Organic & Biomolecular ChemistryOrg Biomol Chem&Organic and Biological OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Organic and Nanocomposite Optical MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P+Organic and Pervasive Computing - Arcs 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc+Organic and Polymeric Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P]Organic and Polymeric Materials and Devices-optical, Electrical and Optoelectronic PropertiesMater Res Soc Symp P-Organic-based Chemical and Biological SensorsP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Coatings Aip Conf Proc7Organic Computing: A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems Auton SystXOrganic Conductors, Superconductors and Magnets: From Synthesis to Molecular ElectronicsNato Sci Ser Ii MathXOrganic Conductors, Superconductors and Magnets: From Synthesis to Molecular ElectronicsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathOrganic Electronics Adv Polym SciOrganic Electronics Org ElectronKOrganic Europium Complexes and Their Applications in Optoelectronic DevicesChem Res Appl-nova Organic Farming and Peanut CropsAgr Issues Policies@Organic Farming, Pest Control and Remediation of Soil PollutantsSustain Agr Rev Organic Field Effect TransistorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Organic Field Effect Transistors IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Organic Field-effect Transistors IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Organic Field-effect Transistors IxP Soc Photo-opt InsJOrganic Field Effect Transistors: Theory, Fabrication and CharacterizationIntegr Circuit Syst"Organic Field-effect Transistors VP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Organic Field-effect Transistors ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Organic Field-effect Transistors Vi Proc Spie]Organic Field-effect Transistors Vii and Organic Semiconductors in Sensors and BioelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Geochemistry Org Geochem.Organic Holographic Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Organic Holographic Materials and Applications Proc Spie1Organic Holographic Materials and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Organic Holographic Materials and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Organic/inorganic Hybrid MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P'Organic/inorganic Hybrid Materials-2002Mater Res Soc Symp P'Organic/inorganic Hybrid Materials-2004Mater Res Soc Symp P)Organic/inorganic Hybrid Materials - 2007Mater Res Soc Symp P0Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials for PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Organic/inorganic Hybrid Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp POrganic LettersOrg Lett,Organic Light-emitting Materials and DevicesOpt Sci Eng-crc,Organic Light-emitting Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Organic Light-emitting Materials and Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Organic Light-emitting Materials and Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Organic Light-emitting Materials and Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Organic Light-emitting Materials and Devices Iv Proc Spie.Organic Light-emitting Materials and Devices VP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Organic Light-emitting Materials and Devices ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Organic Light-emitting Materials and Devices ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Organic Light-emitting Materials and Devices ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices Xi Proc Spie0Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Magnetic ResonanceOrg Magn ResonanceOrganic Mass SpectrometryOrg Mass Spectrom*Organic Materials for Non-linear Optics Ii Roy Soc Ch$Organic Meat and Milk From Ruminants Eaap PublicTOrganic, Metallo-organic, and Polymeric Materials for Nonlinear Optical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Organic Micropollutants in The Aquatic Environment / Water Pol R4Organic Molecules for Nonlinear Optics and PhotonicsNato Adv Sci I E-appOrganic NanophotonicsNato Sci Ser Ii MathOrganic NanophotonicsNato Sci Ser Ii-math2Organic Nanostructures for Next Generation DevicesSpringer Ser Mater S#Organic Nonlinear Optical MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P8Organic Optoelectronic Materials, Processing and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P%Organic Optoelectronics and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics Proc Spie(Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics Ii Proc Spie)Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics Iii Proc Spie&Organic Photonic Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Organic Photonic Materials and Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Organic Photonic Materials and Devices Ii Proc Spie*Organic Photonic Materials and Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Organic Photonic Materials and Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Organic Photonic Materials and Devices IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Organic Photonic Materials and Devices Ix Proc Spie(Organic Photonic Materials and Devices VP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Organic Photonic Materials and Devices V Proc Spie)Organic Photonic Materials and Devices ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Organic Photonic Materials and Devices Vi Proc Spie*Organic Photonic Materials and Devices ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Organic Photonic Materials and Devices ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Organic Photonic Materials and Devices Xiii Proc SpieOrganic Photonics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsQOrganic Photorefractive and Photosensitive Materials for Holographic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Organic Photorefractive Materials and Xerographic PhotoreceptorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Organic Photorefractives, Photoreceptors, and NanocompositesP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Organic Photorefractives, Photoreceptors, Waveguides, and FibersP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic PhotovoltaicsP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Photovoltaics Proc SpieOrganic Photovoltaics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Photovoltaics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Photovoltaics Iii Proc SpieOrganic Photovoltaics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Photovoltaics IxP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Photovoltaics Ix Proc SpieOrganic Photovoltaics VP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Photovoltaics ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsOrganic Photovoltaics Vii Proc SpieOrganic Photovoltaics ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Organic Pollutants in The Environment Cms Work Lect1Organic Preparations and Procedures InternationalOrg Prep Proced Int&Organic Process Research & DevelopmentOrg Process Res DevOrganic Reactions Org ReactionsOrganic ReactivityOrg Reactivity+-Organic Semiconductors in Sensor ApplicationsSpringer Ser Mater S8Organic Semiconductors in Sensors and Bioelectronics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Organic Semiconductors in Sensors and Bioelectronics Iii Proc SpieOrganic Solid State Reactions Top Curr ChemOrganic Syntheses Org SynthOrganic Syntheses, Vol 72 Org SynthOrganic Syntheses, Vol 75 Org Synth Organic Syntheses, Vol 76 - 1999 Org SynthOrganic Syntheses, Vol 83 Org SynthOrganic Syntheses, Vol 84 Org SynthOrganic Synthesis, Vol 73 Org Synth8Organic Thin Film for Photonic Applications, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt PhotoOrganic Thin Films Acs Sym SerDOrganic Xenobiotics and Plants: From Mode of Action to EcophysiologyPlant Ecophysiol/Organisational Culture for Information ManagersChandos Inf Prof Ser0Organisation Des Connaissances A L'ere NumeriqueSci Soc-france=Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (oecd) Glob InstOrganised Sound Organ Sound Organism and The Origins of SelfBost Stud Philos SciOrganisms Diversity & EvolutionOrg Divers EvolOrganism-sediment Interactions Bel Bar Lib Organization Organization4Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesOrgan Behav Hum Dec-Organizational Behavior and Human PerformanceOrgan Behav Hum PerfROrganizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of The Knowledge Society Pt IiComm Com Inf Sc$Organizational Change and InnovationOrgan Chang InnovOrganizational Dynamics Organ DynXOrganizational Dynamics of Technology-based Innovation: Diversifying The Research AgendaInt Fed Info ProcBOrganizational Information Systems in The Context of GlobalizationInt Fed Info ProcOrganizational Research MethodsOrgan Res Methods`Organizational Response to Persons With Mental Illness Invloved With The Criminal Justice SystemRes Soc Probl PublicCOrganizational Semiotics: Evolving A Science of Information SystemsInt Fed Info ProcOrganization & Environment Organ Environ2Organization Design: The Evolving State-of-the-artInfo Org Desig SerieeOrganization Development in Health Care: High Impact Practices for A Complex and Changing EnvironmentCont Trend Organ Dev4Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Glob Inst8Organization of Opinion: Open Voting in England, 1832-68 Stud Mod Hist+Organization of The Early Vertebrate EmbryoNato Adv Sci Inst SeaOrganizations and The Sustainability Mosaic: Crafting Long-term Ecological and Societal SolutionsNew Perspect Res CorJOrganizations As Complex Systems: An Introduction to Knowledge Cybernetics Manag ComplexSOrganizations As Learning Systems: Living Composition As An Enabling Infrastructure Adv Ser ManagOrganization Science Organ SciEOrganization Structures: Theory and Design, Analysis and PrescriptionInform Organ Des SerOrganization Studies Organ Stud&Organization Theory and Class Analysis De Gruy St)Organized Adaption in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif IntSOrganized Business Interests in Changing Environments: The Complexity of AdaptationGlob Gov)Organized Crime and Corruption in GeorgiaRoutl Transnat Crime7Organized Crime and States: The Hidden Face of PoliticsSci Po Ser Int Relat;Organized Crime Community: Essays in Honor of Alan A. BlockStud Organize Crime.Organized Crime: Culture, Markets and PoliciesStud Organize CrimeOrganized Crime in The UsCrim Justice Law Enf@Organizing A Research Agenda : Information Studies for The 1990s Dalh U LibhOrganizing Innovation: New Approaches to Cultural Change and Intervention in Public Sector OrganizationsInnov Public SectMOrgan Microcirculation: A Gateway to Diagnositc and Therapeutic InterventionsKeio U Int Symp LifeOrganocatalysisErnst Schering FoundOrganocatalytic Enantioselective Conjugate Addition Reactions: A Powerful Tool for The Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Complex Molecules Rsc Catal SerOrganofluorine Chemistry Top Curr Chem Organogenesis OrganogenesisOrganogenesis in DevelopmentCurr Top Dev Biol:Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry of The Actinides Struct BondOrganometallic ChemistryOrganomet Chem:Organometallic Chemistry Reviews Section A-subject ReviewsOrganomet Chem Rev A9Organometallic Chemistry Reviews Section B-annual SurveysOrganomet Chem Rev B Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 32Organomet Chem Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 33Organomet Chem Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 34Organomet Chem?Organometallic Compounds: Preparation, Structure and PropertiesMater Sci Technol"Organometallic Oxidation CatalysisTop Organometal ChemOrganometallicsOrganometallics%Organometallics in Chemical SynthesisOrganomet Chem Synth-Organometallics in Environment and ToxicologyMetal Ions Life Sci Organon F Organon F"Organophosphorus Chemistry, Vol 34Spr-organophos Chem"Organophosphorus Chemistry, Vol 35Spr-organophos Chem"Organophosphorus Chemistry, Vol 36Spr-organophos Chem"Organophosphorus Chemistry, Vol 37Spr-organophos ChemOrganoselenium Chemistry Top Curr Chem7Organosilanes: Properties, Performance and ApplicationsMater Sci TechnolOrganosulfur Chemistry I Top Curr ChemOrganosulfur Chemistry Ii Top Curr Chem@Organotransition Metal Chemistry of Poly(pyrazolyl)borates, Pt 1Adv Organomet Chem+Organ Preservation With Htk and Uw SolutionContibut Transplant+Organ-selective Actions of Steroid HormonesE Schering Res Fdn WOrgan Shortage: The SolutionsTransp Cl Immun Sfmm Organs, Organisms, OrganizationsLit Cultural TheoryOrgan Transplantation 1990 Dev Surgery Oriental Art Oriental ArtOriental Foods and Herbs Acs Sym SerOrientalia Christiana AnalectaOrient Christ AnalecOrientalia Lovaniensia AnalectaOrient Lovan AnalOriental InsectsOrient Insects(Orientalism, Empire and National CultureCamb Imp Post-col St#Orientational Phenomena in PolymersProg Coll Pol Sci S&Orientation Scolaire Et ProfessionelleOrientat Sc Prof%Origenes Die Homilien Zum Buch JesajaOrig-werke Dtsch Ube(Origenes-werke Mit Deutscher UbersetzungOrig-werke Dtsch Ube<Origeniana Septima: Origen in Analyses of The Fourth Century Bib Eph TheOrigen of Alexandria Chr Jud AntOrigen's Hexapla and FragmentsTexte Stud Antik JudTOriginal Explosion That Created Worlds: Essays On Werewere Liking's Art and WritingsFrancopolyphonies&Origin and Acceleration of Cosmic Rays Adv Space Res&Origin and Acceleration of Cosmic RaysAdv Space Res-series&Origin and Diversification of LanguageMem Calif Acad Sci&Origin and Dynamics of Solar MagnetismSpace Sci Ser Issi+Origin and Evolution of Interplanetary DustAstrophys Space Sc L+Origin and Evolution of The Caribbean PlateGeol Soc Spec Publ4Origin and Evolution of The Vertebrate Immune SystemCurr Top MicrobiolgOrigin and Evolution of The Vertebrate Telencephalon, With Special Reference to The Mammalian NeocortexAdv Anat Embryol Cel*Origin and Posterity of The Gospel of John Divin LectOrigination of Organismal FormVienna S Theor BiolOrigination of Organismal FormVienna Ser Theor BioYOrigin of Cancers: Clinical Perspectives and Implications of A Stem-cell Theory of CancerCancer Treat ResOrigin of Discrete ParticlesSer Knots EverythingEOrigin of Electoral Systems in The Post-war Era: A Worldwide ApproachRoutl Res Comp Polit*Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies Aip Conf ProcHOrigin of Organized Crime in America: The New York City Mafia, 1891-1931Routl Adv Am Hist%Origin of Stars and Planetary SystemsNato Adv Sci I C-mat#Origin of Structure in The UniverseNato Adv Sci Inst Se7Origin of The History of Science in Classical AntiquityPeripatoi-philol-hisOrigin of ValuesSoc EconOrigins Astr Soc PHOrigins, Ancestry and Alliance: Explorations in Austronesian EthnographyComp Austro Ser#Origins and Consequences of Obesity Ciba F Symp'Origins and Development of High Ability Ciba F Symp+Origins and Identities in French Literature Fr Lit SerOrigins and Role of The Laity Champ EthiqWOrigins and Successors of The Compact Disc: Contributions of Philips to Optical StoragePhilips Res Book Ser%Origins of Anatomically Modern Humans Interd ContVOrigins of Black Humanism in America: Reverend Ethelred Brown and The Unitarian ChurchBlack Relig Woman ThOrigins of Geology in ItalyGeol Soc Am Spec PapOrigins of GlobalizationRout Int Stud Bus HiOrigins of Human CommunicationJean Nicod Lect=Origins of Jewish Secularization in Eighteenth-century EuropeJew Cult Context-Origins of Left-wing Cinema in China, 1932-37E Asia Hist Polit So+Origins of Life and Evolution of BiospheresOrigins Life Evol B.Origins of Life and Evolution of The BiosphereOrigins Life Evol B*Origins of Stars and Planets: The Vlt ViewEso Astrophy Symp>Origins of The American-israeli Alliance: The Jordanian FactorIsr Hist Polit SocPOrigins of The European Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisited, 1965-75Css Stud Sec Int RelhOrigins of The Modern Chinese Press: The Influence of The Protestant Missionary Press in Late Qing ChinaRoutl Media Cult Soc7Origins Studies in The Sources of Scientific CreativityOrig Stud Sourc SciAOrl-journal for Oto-rhino-laryngology and Its Related SpecialtiesOrl J Oto-rhino-laryOrnamental Plant Improvement Acta Hortic Ornis Fennica Ornis FennicaOrnis Scandinavica Ornis ScandOrnithological Science Ornithol SciOrnitologia NeotropicalOrnitol Neotrop.Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular DisordersAdv Pain Res Ther;Orotidine Monophosphate Decarboxylase: Mechanistic Dialogue Top Curr Chem!Orphanet Journal of Rare DiseasesOrphanet J Rare Dis*Orphism and Christianity in Late AntiquitySozomena-stud Recov Or Spectrum Or Spectrum Or Spektrum Or Spektrum$Orthodontics & Craniofacial ResearchOrthod Craniofac Res9Orthodontic Treatment: Management of Unfavorable Sequelae Cranio Grow0Orthodontic Treatment: Outcome and Effectiveness Cranio GrowOrthodox Forum SeriesOrthodox Forum SerKOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Fundamentals and ApplicationsWirel Netw Mob CommuFOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for Wireless CommunicationsSignals Commun Techn<Orthogonal Functions, Moment Theory, and Continued FractionsLect Notes Pure Appl(Orthogonal Polarization Spectral ImagingProgr Appl Micr,Orthogonal Polynomials and Special FunctionsLect Notes MathJOrthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions: Computation and ApplicationsLect Notes Math/Orthogonal Polynomials and Their Applications /Lect Notes Pure Appl,Orthogonal Polynomials : Theory and PracticeNato Adv Sci I C-matOrthomolecular PsychiatryOrthomol Psych Orthopade OrthopadeOrthopaedic Nursing Orthop Nurs.Orthopaedics & Traumatology-surgery & ResearchOrthop Traumatol-surOrthopaedics-oxfordOrthopaedics-oxford#Orthopedic Clinics of North AmericaOrthop Clin N Am Orthopedics OrthopedicsOrthotics and ProstheticsOrthotics ProsthetOryxOryxOsaka Journal of Mathematics Osaka J MathOsap Prevention Monograph Osap Prev M.Osa Proceedings On Advanced Solid-state LasersOsa Proc0Osa Proceedings On Advanced Solid-state Lasers /Osa Proc6Osa Proceedings On Advanced Solid-state Lasers, Vol 13Osa ProcCOsa Proceedings On Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon MigrationOsa ProcNOsa Proceedings On Inaugural Forum for The Research Center for Optical PhysicsOsa Proc1Osa Proceedings On Photonics in Switching, Vol 16Osa Proc,Osa Proceedings On Photonic Switching, Vol 8Osa Proc=Osa Proceedings On Picosecond Electronics and OptoelectronicsOsa Proc\Osa Proceedings On Short-wavelength Coherent Radiation : Generation and Applications, Vol 11 Tech Dig SGOsa Proceedings On Shortwavelength V: Physics With Intense Laser PulsesOsa Proc4Osa Proceedings On Soft X-ray Projection LithographyOsa Proc4Osa Proceedings On Soft-x-ray Projection LithographyOsa Proc<Osa Proceedings On Ultrafast Electronics and OptoelectronicsOsa Proc"Osa Trends in Optics and PhotonicsOsa Trends Opt PhotoOscar Montelius 150 Years Kungl Vit H+Oscillating Heterogeneous Catalytic SystemsStud Surf Sci Catal/Oscillation-based Test in Mixed-signal CircuitsFront Electron Test(Oscillatory Event-related Brain DynamicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se?Oscillatory Integrals and Phenomena Beyond All Algebraic OrdersLect Notes MathOsirisOsiris*Osmoregulation and Drinking in VertebratesExptl Biol RevOsmosensing and OsmosignalingMethod Enzymol)Osmotic Dehydration & Vacuum ImpregnationFood Preserv TechnolOsteoarthritis and CartilageOsteoarthr Cartilage9Osteoarthritis, Inflammation and Degradation: A ContinuumBiomed Health ResOsteoimmunologyAdv Exp Med BiolCOsteoimmunology: Interactions of The Immune and Skeletal Systems IiAdv Exp Med Biol Osteologie Osteologie1Osteopontin: Role in Cell Signalling and AdhesionAnn Ny Acad SciOsteoporosis 1996 Int Congr SerOsteoporosis InternationalOsteoporosis IntEOsteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management, Second EditionContemp Endocrinol S~Osterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-hhistorische Klasse, Historische Kommission - Zentraleuropa StudienOaw Zentraleuropa StZOsterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-historische Klasse DenkschriftenOaw DenkschriftenaOsterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften Schriftenreihe Der Erdwissenschaftlichen KommissionenSchr Erdwissenschaft&Osterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift Osterr Bot Z Osterreichische Musikzeitschrift Osterr Musikz!Osterreichische Musik ZeitschriftOsterr Musik ZOsterreichische OsthefteOsterr Osthefte8Osterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf, Berichte Oefzs Ber3Osterreichische Zeitschrift Fur PolitikwissenschaftOsterr Z Polit3Osterreichische Zeitschrift Fur PolitikwissenschaftOsterr Z Politwiss*Osterreichische Zeitschrift Fur VolkskundeOsterr Z Volskunde Osteuropa OsteuropaOstomy Wound ManagementOstomy Wound Manag!Ostracods in British StratigraphyMicropaleaeontologicOstrichOstrichOtago Conference Series Otago Con SOtechestvennaya IstoriyaOtechestv Istoriya=Other 99%: The Conservation and Biodiversity of InvertebratesTrzs NswOther Global CityRoutl Adv Geogr[Other Philadelphia Story: How Local Congregations Suppport Quality of Life in Urban AmericaCity 21st Century#Other Titles in Applied MathematicsOther Titl Appl Math Other Worlds: New Argentine FilmNew Concepts Lat Am(Otjr-occupation Participation and HealthOtjr-occup Part Heal(Otjr-occupation Participation and HealthOtjr-occup Partici H(Otolaryngologic Clinics of North AmericaOtolaryng Clin N AmOtolaryngologyOtolaryng Head Neck$Otolaryngology-head and Neck SurgeryOtolaryng Head Neck!Otolaryngology in Asean CountriesAdv Oto-rhino-laryng Otolaryngology Research AdvancesOtolaryngol Res AdvOtolith Function and DisordersAdv Oto-rhino-laryng4Otolith Function in Spatial Orientation and MovementAnn Ny Acad SciOtology & Neurotology Otol NeurotolOto-rhino-laryngologia NovaOto Rhino Laryn Nova*Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Eur Man MedOtosclerosis and Stapes SurgeryAdv Oto-rhino-laryng4Ototoxicity: Basic Science and Clinical ApplicationsAnn Ny Acad SciOttawa Hispanic Studies Ott Hisp St)Ottoman Administration of Iraq, 1890-1908Soas-rout Stud Mid E>Ottoman Army Effectiveness in World War I: A Comparative StudyMil Hist PolicyQOttoman Ceramics Embracing The Mediterranean and Their Reflections to The PresentSuna Inan Kirac Res%Otto Neurath and The Unity of ScienceLogic Epistemol Unit#Otto Neurath's Economics in ContextVienna Circ Inst YeaOtto-novecentoOtto-novecento Oud Holland Oud HollandOudtestamentische Studien Old Test St Ouest Medical Ouest MedBOur Scene Is London: Ben Jonson's City and The Space of The AuthorStud Major Lit AuthoOutdoor Atmospheric CorrosionAm Soc Test MaterXOutdoor Recreation Benchmark 1988 : Proceedings of The National Outdoor Recreation Forum Usda SoutheOuter Billiards On Kites Ann Math Stud2Outer Heliosphere: The Next Frontiers, Proceedings Cospar Coll Outer PlanetsAdv Space Res-seriesOutflow of Cerebrospinal FluidAlfred Benzon Symp S#Outlines in Pharmaceutical SciencesOutl Pharm SciOutlook On Agriculture Outlook Agr:Out of Africa I: The First Hominin Colonization of EurasiaVertebr Paleobiol PalOut-of-the-box Leadership: Transforming The Twenty-first-century Army and Other Top-performing OrganizationsMonogr Lead Manage)Output Measurement in The Service Sectors Stud Income%Outside Child, in and Out of The BookChild Lit CultBOutsourcing and Human Resource Management: An International SurveyRoutledge Stud GrowtCOutsourcing Technical Communication: Issues, Policies and PracticesBaywoods Tech Commun(Outstanding Dissertations in LinguisticsOutst Diss LunguistOvarian Cancer: New ResearchHoriz Cancer ResOvarian Cancer, Second EditionCancer Treat ResPOvarian Cancer: State of The Art and Future Directions in Translational ResearchAdv Exp Med Biol,Ovary: Regulation, Dysfunction and Treatment Int Congr Ser,Overcoming Aids: Lessons Learned From UgandaRes Glob Child AdvocBOverexploitation and Contamination of Shared Groundwater ResourcesNato Sci Peace SecurOverlandOverland'Overseas Emigration and Family ResearchPubl State Arch FreeGOverview of The Changing Role of The Systems Librarian: Systemic ShiftsChandos Inf Prof Ser<Overweight and The Metabolic Syndrome: From Bench to Bedside Endocr UpdatOverweightness and WalkingPublic Health 21st COvidian TransformationsCamb C J Proc Cam Ph4Ovulation: Evolving Scientific and Clinical Concepts Serono Symp8Ovulation Induction: Basic Science and Clinical Advances Int Congr SerOwl of Minerva Owl MinervaGOwnership and Governance of Enterprises: Recent Innovative DevelopmentsStud Dev Econ PolicyOxbow Monograph Oxbow MonogrOxford Agrarian StudiesOxford Agr StudOxford Art Journal Oxford Art J+Oxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford B Econ Stat!Oxford Economic Papers-new SeriesOxford Econ PapOxford German StudiesOxford Ger StudOxford Journal of ArchaeologyOxford J ArchaeolOxford Journal of Legal StudiesOxford J Legal Stud9Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its ApplicationsOxf Lec S Math ApplOxford Literary ReviewOxford Literary RevOxford Logic Guides Ox Logic GOxford Medical Publications Ox Med Publ.Oxford Monographs in Private International LawOx Mg Priv Int Law Oxford Review of Economic PolicyOxford Rev Econ PolOxford Review of EducationOxford Rev Educ&Oxford Reviews of Reproductive BiologyOxford Rev Reprod B.Oxford Reviews of Reproductive Biology, Vol 17Oxford Rev Reprod B-Oxford Studies in Anthropological LinguisticsOx St Anthropol Ling'Oxford Studies in Comparative Education Ox St Com E'Oxford Studies in Comparative EducationOx Stud Comp Educ'Oxford Studies in Comparative EducationOxf Stud Comp Educ(Oxford Surveys in Information TechnologyOxford Surv Inf TechEOxford, The Collegiate University: Conflict, Consensus and ContinuityHigh Educ DynamOxidants and Antioxidants, Pt AMethod EnzymolOxidants and Antioxidants, Pt AMethods EnzymolOxidants and Antioxidants, Pt BMethod Enzymol Oxidation and Combustion ReviewsOxid Combust Rev)Oxidation and The Testing of Turbine OilsAm Soc Test MaterOxidation Communications Oxid CommunOxidation in Foods and Beverages and Antioxidant Applications, Vol 1: Understanding Mechanisms of Oxidation and Antioxidant ActivityWoodhead Publ Food SnOxidation in Foods and Beverages and Antioxidant Applications, Vol 2: Management in Different Industry SectorsWoodhead Publ Food SROxidation of Alcohols to Aldehydes and Ketones: A Guide to Current Common PracticeBasic React Org SyntOxidation of MetalsOxid MetUOxidation of Primary Alcohols to Carboxylic Acids: A Guide to Current Common PracticeBasic React Org Synt:Oxidative/energy Metabolism in Neurodegenerative DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci)Oxidative Medicine and Cellular LongevityOxid Med Cell LongevOxidative Neural InjuryContemp Clin Neurosc(Oxidative/nitrosative Stress and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci@Oxidative Stress: A Focus On Cardiovascular Disease PathogenesisCardiol Res Clin DevOxidative Stress and AgingMcbu5Oxidative Stress and Free Radical Damage in NeurologyOxid Stress Appl Bas5Oxidative Stress, Cell Activation and Viral InfectionMcbu@Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical PracticeOxid Stress Appl BasJOxide and Nitride Semiconductors: Processing, Properties, and ApplicationsAdv Mater Res-ger!Oxide-based Materials and Devices Proc Spie$Oxide-based Materials and Devices Ii Proc SpieBOxide Based Materials: New Sources, Novel Phases, New ApplicationsStud Surf Sci Catal2Oxide-based Systems At The Crossroads of ChemistryStud Surf Sci Catal5Oxide Minerals : Petrologic and Magnetic Significance Rev MineralOxides Key Eng MatOxides Key Eng Mater1Oxide Superconductor Physics and Nano-engineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Oxide Superconductor Physics and Nano-engineering IiP Soc Photo-opt InsIOxy-fuel Combustion for Power Generation and Carbon Dioxide (co2) CaptureWoodhead Publ Ser En8Oxygen and Life: Oxygenases, Oxidase and Lipid Mediators Int Congr SerOxygen Biology and HypoxiaMethod Enzymol#Oxygen Homeostasis and Its DynamicsKeio Univ Symp LifeOxygen in The Solar SystemRev Mineral GeochemDOxygen Ion and Mixed Conductors and Their Technological ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I E-appOxygen Radicals Int Congr Ser+Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems, Pt CMethod Enzymol+Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems, Pt CMethods Enzymol+Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems, Pt DMethod Enzymol+Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems, Pt DMethods EnzymolOxygen SensingMethod Enzymol,Oxygen Sensing and Hypoxia-induced ResponsesEssays BiochemOxygen Sensing: Molecule to ManAdv Exp Med Biol'Oxygen Transport to Tissue Volume XxiiiAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XiiAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XiiiAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XivAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XixAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XvAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XviAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XviiAdv Exp Med Biol Oxygen Transport to Tissue XviiiAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XxAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XxiAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XxivAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XxixAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XxvAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XxviAdv Exp Med Biol Oxygen Transport to Tissue XxviiAdv Exp Med Biol!Oxygen Transport to Tissue XxviiiAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XxxAdv Exp Med BiolOxygen Transport to Tissue XxxiAdv Exp Med Biol Oxygen Transport to Tissue XxxiiAdv Exp Med BiolOxytocinAdv Exp Med Biol2Oxytocin in Maternal, Sexual, and Social BehaviorsAnn Ny Acad SciOzone-science & Engineering Ozone-sci Eng Ozone Variations of Solar Origin Adv Space ResDP2 Purinoceptors: Localization, Function and Transduction Mechanisms Ciba F Symp*Pace-pacing and Clinical ElectrophysiologyPace Pachyderm PachydermPacific AffairsPac Aff&Pacific Association for Korean StudiesPac Assoc Korean StPacific-basin Finance JournalPac-basin Financ JBPacific Campaign in World War Ii: From Pearl Harbor to GuadalcanalCass Ser Nav PolicyPacific Community Pac CommunityPacific Economic Bulletin Pac Econ BullPacific Economic Review Pac Econ Rev Pacific Focus Pac Focus1Pacific Forestry Centre Canada Information Report Pacif For CPacific From 5000 to 2000 Bp Colloq SemiPacific Historical Review Pac Hist RevPacific Insects Pac InsectsPacific Journal of Mathematics Pac J MathPacific Journal of Optimization Pac J OptimPacific Medicine and Surgery Pac Med Surg:Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor Workshop, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsPacific Northwest QuarterlyPac Northwest QuartSPacific Performances: Theoreticality and Cross-cultural Encounter in The South SeasStud Int PerformPacific Philosophical QuarterlyPac Philos Quart<Pacific Pidgins and Creoles: Origins, Growth and DevelopmentTrends Linguist-studPacific Policy PapersPacific Pol PapersPacific ReviewPac RevCPacific Rim Agriculture: Opportunities, Competitiveness and Reforms Agr PolicyPacific Rim ArchaeologyPacif Rim Archaeol*Pacific Rim Bio-based Composites SymposiumFri Bull#Pacific Rim Business and TechnologyPac Rim Bus TechnollPacific Salmon Environmental and Life History Models: Advancing Science for Sustainable Salmon in The Future Am Fish S SPacific SciencePac SciPacific Sociological ReviewPac Sociol Rev/Pacific Trade and Development Conference SeriesPac Trad Dev Conf SPackaged Software ReportsPackag Software RepPackage Engineering Package Eng Packaging Packaging Packaging Technology and SciencePackag Technol SciPacrim 2004 CongressAustralas I Min MetnPacrim'99: International Congress On Earth Science, Exploration and Mining Around The Pacific Rim, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met(Pacrim Congress 1995 - Exploring The RimAustralas I Min MetPacs: Design and EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Pacs Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical IssuesP Soc Photo-opt InsRPacs Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues - Medical Imaging 1996P Soc Photo-opt InsRPacs Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues - Medical Imaging 1997P Soc Photo-opt InsPadagogische RundschauPadagog Rundsch{Paddlefish Management, Propagation, and Conservation in The 21st Century: Building From 20 Years of Research and Management Am Fish S SPaddy and Water EnvironmentPaddy Water EnvironPadiatrie Und Padologie Padiatr PadolP-adic AnalysisLect Notes MathP-adic Functional AnalysisLect Notes Pure Appl'P-adic Functional Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Pure ApplP-adic Lie GroupsGrundlehr Math WissP-adic Mathematical Physics Aip Conf ProchPads 2008: 22nd International Workshop On Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, ProceedingsW Par Distr SimulathPads 2008: 22nd International Workshop On Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, ProceedingsW Prin Adv Distr SimZPads 2009: 23rd Workshop On Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, ProceedingsW Prin Adv Distr SimPaedagogica Historica Paedagog HistFPaedagogik: Die Theorie Der Erziehung Von 1820/21 in Einer NachschriftDegruyter TextePaedagogische RundschauPaedagog RundschPaediatria CroaticaPaediatr CroatPaediatric AnaesthesiaPaediatr Anaesth%Paediatric and Perinatal EpidemiologyPaediatr Perinat EpPaediatric BronchoscopyProg Respir ResPaediatric Cholestasis Falk Symp:Paediatric Epilepsy Syndromes and Their Surgical Treatment Curr Prob EQPaediatric Gastroenterology : Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Morbus Hirschsprung Falk Symp Paediatrician PaediatricianPaediatric Lung FunctionEur Respir MonogrPaediatric Osteology Int Congr SerEPaediatric Osteology: Prevention of Osteoporosis - A Paediatric Task? Int Congr SerPaediatric Respiratory ReviewsPaediatr Respir RevPaediatrics & Child HealthPaed Child Healt-canPaediatrics & Child HealthPaediatr Child Healt;Paf Antagonists : New Developments for Clinical Application Adv Ap BiotBPagan Latin Culture Between The Third and The Fifth Centuries A.d.Accad Naz Virg Sci MPageoph Topical VolumesPageoph Top VolPahlavi Medical Journal Pahlavi Med JZPahs and The Universe: A Symposium to Celebrate The 25th Anniversary of The Pah HypothesisEas PublicationsJPaid and Unpaid Labour in The Social Economy: An International PerspectiveAiel Ser Labour EconLPaideia : Philosophy/phenomenology of Life Inspiring Education for Our Times Anal Hus YbLPaideia : Philosophy/phenomenology of Life Inspiring Education for Our TimesAnalecta HusserlPaideumaPaideuma4Paideuma-a Journal Devoted to Ezra Pound ScholarshipPaideuma9Paideuma-studies in American and British Modernist PoetryPaideumaPainPain'Pain and Central Nervous System Disease Symp Pain RPain and Injury in Sport Ethics Sport-Pain and Its Origins Diagnosis and TreatmentsPain Orig Diagn TreaPain and Reproduction Front Gyn EPain and The BrainAdv Pain Res Ther0Pain: Brain Stimulation in The Treatment of Pain Disabil Stud Pain Clinic Pain Clinic Pain Clinic /Adv Pain Res Ther Pain Forum Pain Forum1Pain:its Nature and Management in Man and AnimalsRoy Soc Med Int Cong:Painleve Equations in Differential Geometry of Surfaces H)Lect Notes MathPainleve TranscendentsNato Adv Sci I B-phy"Pain Management and Anesthesiology Dev C C MedPain Management NursingPain Manag Nurs Pain MedicinePain MedPain PhysicianPain PhysicianPain Research & ManagementPain Res Manag%Pain Research and Clinical Management Pain Res Cl Pain ReviewsPain Rev7Paintbrush-a Journal of Poetry Translations and Letters Paintbrush&Pain Treatment Centers At A CrossroadsProg Pain Res ManagPaired and Interacting Galaxies Nasa Conf P)Pairing-based Cryptography - Pairing 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc)Pairing-based Cryptography - Pairing 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc)Pairing-based Cryptography - Pairing 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc'Pairing-based Cryptography-pairing 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc$Paj-a Journal of Performance and ArtPaj Pa Journal-physician S AssociatePa J-phys Assoc\Pakistan-japan Relations: Continuity and Change in Economic Relations and Security InterestsRoutl Cont S Asia SePakistan Journal of Botany Pak J BotPakistan Journal of BotanyPakistan J BotPakistan Journal of Geriatrics Pak J Geriatr$Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Pak J Med SciPakistan Journal of NematologyPakistan J Nematol+Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesPak J Pharm Sci6Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial ResearchPakistan J Sci Ind RPakistan Journal of Statistics Pak J StatPakistan Journal of Zoology Pak J ZoolPakistan Veterinary Journal Pak Vet JPalabra Y El HombrePalabra Hombre[Palaeobiogeography and Biodiversity Change: The Ordovician and Mesozoic-cenozoic RadiationsGeol Soc Spec PublPalaeobyzantine Notations IiiEast Christ StudiesPalaeoecology of AfricaPalaeoecol Afr3Palaeoecology of Africa and The Surrounding Islands Palaeoeco A;Palaeoecology of Africa and The Surrounding Islands, Vol 21 Palaeoeco A;Palaeoecology of Africa and The Surrounding Islands, Vol 25 Palaeoeco A<Palaeoecology of Africa and The Surrounding Islands, Vol. 26 Palaeoeco A;Palaeoecology of Africa and The Surrounding Islands, Vol 27 Palaeoeco A/Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology PalaeoecologyPalaeogeogr PalaeoclRPalaeolimnological Proxies As Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh Water Dev Hydrobiol9Palaeontographica Abteilung A-palaozoologie-stratigraphiePalaeontogr Abt A-Palaeontographica Abteilung B-palaophytologiePalaeontogr Abt BPalaeontologia ElectronicaPalaeontol ElectronPalaeontologische Zeitschrift Palaeont ZPalaeontologische Zeitschrift Palaeontol Z Palaeontology Palaeontology6Palaeoproterozoic Supercontinents and Global EvolutionGeol Soc Spec PublqPalaeoseismology: Historical and Prehistorical Records of Earthquake Ground Effects for Seismic Hazard AssessmentGeol Soc Spec Publ+Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography Geo Soc MemIPalaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations: Climatic and Evolutionary ControlsGeol Soc Spec PublPalaiosPalaios3Palc'99: Practical Applications in Language CorporaLodz Stud Language8Paleoaltimetry: Geochemical and Thermodynamic ApproachesRev Mineral GeochemQPaleoanthropology and Archaeology of Big-game Hunting: Protein, Fat, Or Politics?Interd Contrib Arch Paleobiology PaleobiologyPaleobiology of The Dinosaurs Geol S Am SPaleoceanographyPaleoceanography`Paleoclimatology and Paleometeorology : Modern and Past Patterns of Global Atmospheric TransportNato Adv Sci I C-matYPaleoecology, Biostratigraphy, Paleoceanography and Taxonomy of Agglutinated ForaminiferaNato Adv Sci I C-matQPaleoenvironmental Record and Applications of Calcretes and Palustrine CarbonatesGeol Soc Am Spec PapAPaleoenvironments of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, and Its CatchmentGeol Soc Am Spec Pap6Paleogene in South America and The Antarctic PennisulaAsoc Pal Argent Publ8Paleogeno De America Del Sur Y De La Peninsula AntarticaAsoc Pal Argent Publ.Paleogeography, Paleoclimate, and Source RocksAapg Stud Geol+Paleolithic Prehistory of The Zagros-taurus U Mus SympPaleontological Journal Paleontol JPaleontological Journal Paleontol J+Paleontological Journal Paleontolog JPaleontological Research Paleontol ResPaleontologicheskii Zhurnal Paleontol ZhpPaleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context: Fossil Hominins and The Associated Fauna, Vol 2Vertebr Paleobiol PaPaleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context: Geology, Geochronology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment, Vol 1Vertebr Paleobiol Pa?Paleontology of The Upper Eocene Florissant Formation, Colorado Geol S Am S?Paleontology of The Upper Eocene Florissant Formation, ColoradoGeol Soc Am Spec PapnPaleozoic and Early Mesozoic Paleogeographic Relations : Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains and Related Terranes Geol S Am S8Palestine and The Gulf States: The Presence At The TableMiddle E Stud Hist PPalestine Exploration QuarterlyPalest Explor Q7Palestinian Political Prisoners: Identity and CommunityRoutl Stud Arab Isr5Palestinian Refugee Repatriation: Global PerspectivesRoutl Stud Mid E PolPalgrave Advances Palgrave Adv"Palgrave Advances in Byron Studies Palgrave Adv,Palgrave Advances in Charles Dickens Studies Palgrave Adv%Palgrave Advances in Cold War History Palgrave Adv2Palgrave Advances in Continental Political Thought Palgrave Adv(Palgrave Advances in Development Studies Palgrave Adv&Palgrave Advances in Global Governance Palgrave Adv(Palgrave Advances in Henry James Studies Palgrave Adv9Palgrave Advances in International Environmental Politics Palgrave Adv"Palgrave Advances in Irish History Palgrave Adv(Palgrave Advances in Oscar Wilde Studies Palgrave Adv!Palgrave Advances in The Crusades Palgrave Adv4Palgrave Advances in The Modern History of Sexuality Palgrave Adv+Palgrave Advances in Virginia Woolf Studies Palgrave Adv.Palgrave Advances in Witchcraft Historiography Palgrave Adv$Palgrave Advances in World Histories Palgrave AdvPalgrave Essential HistoriesPalgrave Essent Hist3Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and MagicPalgr Hist Stud Wit3Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and MagicPalgr Hist Stud Witc Palgrave Histories of LiteraturePalgrave Hist Lit(Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business SeriesPalgr Mac Asian BusBPalgrave Macmillan Series in International Political CommunicationPalgr Mac Ser Int Po2Palgrave Macmillan Series in Transnational HistoryPalg Mac Ser TransAPalgrave Macmillan Series On The History of International ThoughtPalgr Mac Ser Hist@Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial InstitutionsPalgr Mac Stud Bank6Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate LifePalgr Mac Stud Fam0Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Language VariationPalgr Mac Stud Lang/Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History SeriesPalg Mac Transnat H#Palgrave Review of British PoliticsPalgr Rev Brit Polit(Palgrave Review of British Politics 2005Palgr Rev Brit Polit#Palgrave Series On Asian GovernancePalgr Ser Asian GovPalgrave Shakespeare StudiesPalgrave Shakespear5Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual HistoryPalgrave Stud CultPalgrave Studies in DevelopmentPalgrave Stud Dev+Palgrave Studies in European Union PoliticsPalg Stud Eur Un Pol+Palgrave Studies in European Union PoliticsPalgrave Stud Eur Un7Palgrave Studies in Governance Security and DevelopmentPalgr Stud Gov7Palgrave Studies in Governance Security and DevelopmentPalgr Stud Gov Secur+Palgrave Studies in International RelationsPalgr Stud Int Relat8Palgrave Studies in Language History and Language ChangePalgr Stud Lang Hist6Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and CommunitiesPalg Stud Minor Lang:Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-century Writing and CulturePalgr Stud Nineteen:Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-century Writing and CulturePalgrave Stud Ninet- Palgrave Studies in Oral HistoryPalgr Stud Oral Hist5Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics Language and CognitionPalg Stud Pragm Lang=Palgrave Studies in Professional and Organizational DiscoursePalg Stud Prof Organ3Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance HistoryPalg Stud Theat PerfGPalgrave Studies in The Enlightenment Romanticism and Cultures of PrintPalgrave Stud Enligh9Palgrave Studies in The History of Science and TechnologyPalgr Stud Hist Sci#Palgrave Studies in Urban EducationPalg Stud Urban Educ2Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and InterpretingPalg Txb Transl IntePalgrave Texts in EconometricsPalgr Texts Economet1Palgrave Texts in International Political EconomyPalg Texts Int Polit)Pallas: Review of Ancient Studies, Vol 51Pallas Pallas - Revue D'etudes AntiquesPallasPallas-revue D Etudes AntiquesPallas-rev Etud AntiPalliative MedicinePalliative Med,Paloriskin Arvionnin Tilastopohjaiset Tiedot Vtt Res NotesYPalvelut Muokkaavat Kaikkia Toimialoja: Palveluliiketoiminnan Toimialakohtaiset Tiekartat Vtt Res Notes Palynology Palynology/Palynology and Micropalaeontology of BoundariesGeol Soc Spec PublPamatky ArcheologickePamatky ArcheolPamietnik LiterackiPamietnik LiterackiPanama: Politics and EconomicsPolit Econ Lat Am7Pan American Health Organization Scientific Publication Paho Sci P4Pan American Health Organization Special Publication Pan Am H O%Pan-asianism and Japans War 1931-1945Palg Mac Ser TransIPan -chromatic View of Clusters of Galaxies and The Large-scale StructureLect Notes PhysPancreasPancreas-Pancreatic Islet Cell Regeneration and GrowthAdv Exp Med BiolPancreatic Stem CellsStem Cells Biol Reg?Pancreatitis: Advances in Pathobiology, Diagnosis and Treatment Falk Symp Pancreatology Pancreatology#Panel Data and Labor Market StudiesContrib To Econ Anal%Panel Data and Labour Market DynamicsContrib To Econ Anal.Panel Data and Structural Labour Market ModelsContrib Econ Anal.Panel Data and Structural Labour Market ModelsContrib To Econ AnalMPanel Data Econometrics: Theoretical Contributions and Empirical ApplicationsContrib To Econ AnalkPangea: Paleoclimate, Tectonics, and Sedimentation During Accretion, Zenith and Breakup of A Supercontinent Geol S Am S PangeometryHerit Eur MathPanminerva MedicaPanminerva MedPanoeconomicusPanoeconomicus<Panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in The Twentieth Century IBolyai Soc Math Stud>Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Proceedings Astr Soc PPan-pacific EntomologistPan-pac EntomolPansPans0Pan Stanford Series On Biomedical NanotechnologyPan St Ser Biom Nano(Pan Stanford Series On NanobiotechnologyPan St Ser Nanobiote3Pantheon-internationale Jahreszeitschrift Fur KunstPantheon-int Z KunstPapeles De PoblacionPapeles Poblac Paperback Apv Paperb ApvPaperi Ja Puu-paper and TimberPap Puu-pap TimPaper IndustryPap IndPaper Ja Puu-papper Och TraPap Puu-pap Och Tra0Papers and Reports On Child Language Development Pap R Child7Papers and Reports On Child Language Development, No 29 Pap R Child#Papers From The Budapest Conference Approach Hung`Papers From The Deutschen-gesellschaft-fur-allgemeine-und-angewandte-entomologie, Vol 7, Pts 1-3M D Gesell Allg Ange`Papers From The Deutschen-gesellschaft-fur-allgemeine-und-angewandte-entomologie, Vol 7, Pts 4-6M D Gesell Allg Ange8Papers Given At The Second James Hogg Society Conference Assoc Scot=Papers in International Studies-africa Series-ohio UniversityPap Int Stud Afr SerEPapers in International Studies-southeast Asia Series-ohio UniversityPap Int Stud Se Asia$Papers in Meteorology and GeophysicsPap Meteorol GeophysPapers in Regional Science Pap Reg Sci(Papers of The 32nd Algonquian ConferencePap Algon Conf#Papers of The Algonquian ConferencePap Algon Conf"Papers of The Algonquin ConferencePap Algon Conf0Papers of The Bibliographical Society of AmericaPap Bibliogr Soc AmNPapers of The Center for Research and Documentation of World Language Problems P Ctr Res DUPapers of The Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology-harvard UniversityPap 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1Fao FishPapers Presented At The Fao/japan Expert Consultation On The Development of Community-based Coastal Fishery Management Systems for Asia and The Pacific, Vol 2Fao FishePapers Presented At The Sixth Session of The Standing Committee On Resources Research and DevelopmentFao FishPaper Technology and IndustryPap Technol IndPapierPapierPapillomaviruses /// Ucla Sym Bi!Papillomavirus in Human Pathology Chall Mod Med.Pappus of Alexandria: Book 4 of The CollectionSourc Stud Hist Math1Papua Conflict: Jakartas Perceptions and PoliciesPol Stud%Papua New Guinea Agricultural JournalPapua New Guinea Agr Papua New Guinea Medical JournalPapua New Guinea Med-Parable and Story in Judaism and Christianity St Jud ChrParabolaParabola2Parabola-myth Tradition and The Search for MeaningParabola+Parabola-the Magazine of Myth and TraditionParabolaJParacelsian Moments:science, Medicine and Astrology in Early Modern EuropeSixt Century Essays"Paracelsus-neue Paracelsus EditionParacelsus-neue ParaParaconsistencyLect Notes Pure ApplWPara-differential Calculus and Applications to The Cauchy Problem for Nonlinear SystemsCrm Ser-Paradigms, Poetics and Politics of Conversion Gr Stud Cult ParadoxesTrends Log Stud Log#Paradox of China's Post-mao Reforms Harv Con ChMParadox of Scientific Authority: The Role of Scientific Advice in DemocraciesInside TechnolParagoneParagone Paragraph ParagraphParahippocampal RegionAnn Ny Acad SciParallaxParallax6Parallel Algorithms for Partial Differential Equations Note Num Fl3Parallel and Distributed Computational IntelligenceStud Comput IntellNParallel and Distributed Computing: Applications and Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing Iii Proc Spie8Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing Iv Proc Spie#Parallel and Distributed ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc4Parallel and Distributed Processing and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScJParallel and Distributed Processing and Applications - Ispa 2005 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput ScAParallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Parallel and Distributed Processing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Ifip Trans A+Parallel Architectures for Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsParallel ComputationLect Notes Comput Sc+Parallel Computer Routing and CommunicationLect Notes Comput ScParallel ComputingParallel Comput0Parallel Computing and Mathematical OptimizationLect Notes Econ Math;Parallel Computing and Transputer Applications, Pts 1 and 2Transput Occam Eng S"Parallel Computing and TransputersTransput Occam Eng S>Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications Adv Par Com>Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and ApplicationsAdv Parallel ComputAParallel Computing: Fundamentals, Applications and New Directions Adv Par ComAParallel Computing: Fundamentals, Applications and New DirectionsAdv Parallel Comput-Parallel Computing in Computational Chemistry Acs Sym Ser"Parallel Computing in OptimizationAppl OptimizatSParallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures and Applications Adv Par ComSParallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures and ApplicationsAdv Parallel ComputParallel Computing TechnologiesLect Notes Comput Sc,Parallel Computing Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Parallel Computing: Technology and PracticeTransput Occam Eng S!Parallel Corpora, Parallel Worlds Lang ComputParallel Database SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc8Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for EngineeringComp Sci Engr Tech?Parallel Genetic Algorithms: Theory and Real World ApplicationsStud Comput IntellParallel Image AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc,Parallel Imaging in Clinical Mr ApplicationsMed Radiol Diagn ImaParallel Imports in AsiaMax Planck Series$Parallelization in Inference SystemsLect Notes Artif IntParallel Kinematic Machines Adv Manuf S@Parallelkinematische Maschinen: Entwurf, Konstruktion, AnwendungVDI-Buch%Parallel Lisp : Languages and SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc5Parallel Matlab for Multicore and Multinode ComputersSoftw Environ Tools0Parallel Numerical Computation With ApplicationsKluwer Int Ser Eng C0Parallel Numerical Computation With ApplicationsSpring Int Ser Eng C$Parallel Problem Solving From NatureLect Notes Comput ScsParallel Problem Solving From Nature - Ppsn Iii - International Conference On Evolutionary Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Parallel Problem Solving From Nature - Ppsn Ix, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Parallel Problem Solving From Nature - Ppsn VLect Notes Comput Sc0Parallel Problem Solving From Nature - Ppsn ViiiLect Notes Comput Sc3Parallel Problem Solving From Nature-ppsn Xi, Pt IiLect Notes Comput Sc:Parallel Problem Solving From Nature - Ppsn X, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Parallel Problems Solving From Nature - Ppsn Xi, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc+Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsLect Notes Comput Sc4Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Part IiLect Notes Comput Sc1Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc'Parallel Processing Applied MathematicsLect Notes Comput Sc(Parallel Processing : Conpar 92 - Vapp VLect Notes Comput Sc Parallel Processing DevelopmentsConcur Syst Engn Ser,Parallel Processing for Imaging Applications Proc Spie,Parallel Processing for Scientific ComputingSoftw Environ Tools,Parallel Processing for Scientific ComputingSoftw Environm Tool%Parallel Programming and ApplicationsTransput Occam Eng SParallel Programming and JavaConcur Syst Engn SerEParallel Programming, Models and Applications in Grid and P2p SystemsAdv Parallel ComputParallel Robots, Second EditionSolid Mech ApplIParallel Scientific Computing and Optimization: Advances and ApplicationsSpringer Optim ApplIParallel Scientific Computing and Optimization: Advances and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim A3Parallel Solution of Partial Differential Equations Ima V Math3Parallel Solution of Partial Differential EquationsIma Vol Math Appl'Parallel Symbolic Languages and SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc-Paramagnetic Resonance of Metallobiomolecules Acs Sym Ser8Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential EquationLect Notes Math4Parameter Identification of Materials and Structures Cism Cour L4Parameter Identification of Materials and StructuresCism Courses Lect#Parameterized and Exact ComputationLect Notes Comput Sc/Parameterized and Exact Computation,proceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Parameterized and Exact Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Parameter Setting in Evolutionary AlgorithmsStud Comp Intell,Parameter Setting in Evolutionary AlgorithmsStud Comput IntellLParametric X-ray Radiation in Crystals: Theory, Experiments and ApplicationsSpringer Tr Mod Phys!Paranoia in The Normal PopulationPsychiat Theor ApplBParanoia of The Millionaire: Harry K. Thaw's 1907 Insanity DefensePsychiat Theor ApplHParaoxnases: Their Role in Disease Development and Xenobiotic MetabolismProteins Cell RegHParaoxnases: Their Role in Disease Development and Xenobiotic MetabolismProteins Cell Regul7Paraoxonases in Inflammation, Infection, and ToxicologyAdv Exp Med Biol Paraplegia ParaplegiaParasite ImmunologyParasite Immunol9Parasite-journal De La Societe Francaise De ParasitologieParasite Parasites Ucla Sym BiParasites & VectorsParasite Vector Parasitica Parasitica3Parasitism - Immune Responses in Parasitic Diseases Nova Act Lc Parasitology ParasitologyParasitology International Parasitol IntParasitology Research Parasitol ResParasitology Research MonographParasitol Res MgParasitology Research Trends Adv Biol MedParasitology TodayParasitol TodayParazitologiyaParazitologiya+ Parcella '94Math ResQParental Choice? A Critical Reconsideration of Choice and The Debate About Choice Crit Constr3Parental Treatment and Mental Health of PersonalityHealth Psychol Res F0Parent-child Interaction Therapy, Second EditionIssues Clin Child PsParenting-science and PracticeParent-sci PractParenting Young Children Lifesp Learn/Parents and Children Communicating With SocietyRoutl Commun SerParergonParergonPareto and Political TheoryRoutl Stud Soc Polit-Pareto Optimality, Game Theory and EquilibriaSpringer Ser Optim AParis and The Revolution Hist ModernParis in The Middle AgesMiddle Ages SerParis Peace Conference, 1919Stud Milit Strat5Paris-princeton Lectures On Mathematical Finance 2002Lect Notes Math5Paris-princeton Lectures On Mathematical Finance 2003Lect Notes Math5Paris-princeton Lectures On Mathematical Finance 2004Lect Notes Math5Paris-princeton Lectures On Mathematical Finance 2010Lect Notes Math Paris Review Paris Rev Parkinsonism & Related DisordersParkinsonism Relat DParkinson's Disease Adv 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Etats & RepresentationParliament Estate RParnassus-poetry in ReviewParnassus-poetry RevParoi Arterielle-arterial WallParoi Arteriel$Parsing Beyond Context-free Grammars Cogn Technol5Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide, Second EditionMonogr Comput Sci Parsis in India and The DiasporaRoutl S Asian Relig>Partial Answers-journal of Literature and The History of Ideas Partial AnswQPartial Covers, Reducts and Decision Rules in Rough Sets: Theory and ApplicationsStud Comput IntellCPartial Differential Equation Methods in Control and Shape AnalysisLect Notes Pure ApplPartial Differential EquationsCh Crc Res NotesPartial Differential EquationsCh Crc Res Notes MatPartial Differential EquationsMath ResXPartial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis: The Philippe Clement Festschrift Oper TheorXPartial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis: The Philippe Clement FestschriftOper Theory Adv Appl7Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Prog Nonlin8Partial Differential Equations and Solitary Waves TheoryNonlinear Phys Sci2Partial Differential Equations and Spectral Theory Oper Theor2Partial Differential Equations and Spectral TheoryOper Theory Adv Appl>Partial Differential Equations I: Basic Theory, Second Edition Appl Math SciGPartial Differential Equations Iii: Nonlinear Equations, Second Edition Appl Math SciZPartial Differential Equations Ii: Qualitative Studies of Linear Equations, Second Edition Appl Math Sci?Partial Differential Equations: Modeling, Analysis, ComputationMath Model ComputAPartial Differential Equations: Modeling and Numerical SimulationComput Meth Appl Sci/Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic TypeSym Math>Partial Differential Equations On Multistructures, ProceedingsLect Notes Pure Appl+Partial Differential Equations, ProceedingsLect Notes Pure ApplGPartial Differential Equations With Minimal Smoothness and Applications Ima V Math7Partial Differential Operators and Mathematical Physics Oper Theor'Partial Evaluation: Practice and TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc5Partial Inner Product Spaces: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes MathBPartial Left Ventriculectomy: Its Theory, Results and Perspectives Int Congr SerQPartial Left Ventriculectomy: Recent Evolution for Safe and Effective Application Int Congr Ser@Partially Hyperbolic Dynamics, Laminations, and Teichmuller FlowFields I Commun@Partially Hyperbolic Dynamics, Laminations, and Teichmuller FlowFields Inst Commun3Partially Integrable Evolution Equations in PhysicsNato Adv Sci I C-mat@Partial-order Methods for The Verification of Concurrent SystemsLect Notes Comput ScnParticipants in The International Legal System: Multiple Perspectives On Non-state Actors in International LawRoutl Res Int Law%Participation in Fisheries Governance Rev M T Fis4Participatory Action Research Approaches and MethodsRoutl Stud Hum Geogr@Participatory Community Research: Theories and Methods in ActionApa Decade Behav Vol3Participatory Democracy and Political ParticipationRoutledge/ecpr Stud@Participatory Learning in The Early Years: Research and PedagogyRoutl Res Educ#Particle Acceleration and DetectionPart Accel DetectAParticle Acceleration and Transport in The Heliosphere and Beyond Aip Conf Proc$Particle Acceleration Cosmic Plasmas Aip Conf Proc&Particle Acceleration in Space Plasmas Adv Space Res&Particle Acceleration in Space PlasmasAdv Space Res-seriescParticle Acceleration, Space Plasma Physics, Solar Radiation and The Earth's Atmosphere and Climate Adv Space RescParticle Acceleration, Space Plasma Physics, Solar Radiation and The Earth's Atmosphere and ClimateAdv Space Res-seriesParticle Accelerators Part Accel,Particle & Particle Systems CharacterizationPart Part Syst Char"Particle and Astroparticle PhysicsSer High Energy PhysParticle and Fibre ToxicologyPart Fibre Toxicol&Particle and Nuclear Physics At J-parcLect Notes Phys$Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 39Prog Part Nucl Phys+Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 55, No 2Prog Part Nucl PhysParticle Astrophysics Aip Conf ProcParticle Astrophysics / Moriond Ast#Particle Astrophysics and CosmologyNato Adv Sci Inst Se5Particle Astrophysics, Atomic Physics and Gravitation Moriond Par%Particle Astrophysics InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Particle Astrophysics Instrumentation Proc SpieXParticle Beams & Plasma Interaction On Materials and Ion & Plasma Surface Finishing 2004 Sol St PhenXParticle Beams & Plasma Interaction On Materials and Ion & Plasma Surface Finishing 2004Solid State PhenomenParticle CharacterizationPart Part Syst Char=Particle Image Velocimetry: A Practical Guide, Second EditionExp Fluid MechDParticle Image Velocimetry: New Developments and Recent Applications Top Appl Phys:Particle-laden Flow: From Geophysical to Kolmogorov Scales Ercoftac Ser=Particle Metaphysics: A Critical Account of Subatomic Reality Front Collect!Particle Phenomenology in The 90s W High En PParticle Physics ///Nato Adv Sci I B-phy!Particle Physics and Astrophysics Rencon VietParticle Physics and Cosmology Aip Conf ProcnParticle Physics and Cosmology, First Tropical Workshop - High Energy Physics, Second Latin American Symposium Aip Conf Proc-Particle Physics and Cosmology: The InterfaceNato Sci Ser Ii Math-Particle Physics and Cosmology: The InterfaceNato Sci Ser Ii-math!Particle Physics and The UniverseSpringer Proc Phys#Particle Physics At The Fermi Scale Ccast Wl Sw+Particle Physics From Underground to Heaven Johns Hop W/Particle Physics: Ideas and Recent DevelopmentsNato Adv Sci I C-mat&Particle Physics in The New MillenniumLect Notes Phys,Particle Production in Highly Excited MatterNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Particle Production Near Threshold Aip Conf Proc9Particle Removal From Reservoirs and Other Surface WatersWa Sci TechnolParticles and Fields Aip Conf Proc+Particles and Fields: Classical and QuantumJ Phys Conf Ser&Particles and Fields in Radio Galaxies Astr Soc P!Particles and Fields, Proceedings Aip Conf ProcParticles and Fields, Pt A Aip Conf ProcParticles and Fields, Pt B Aip Conf ProcAParticles and Fields: Xi Mexican Workshop On Particles and Fields Aip Conf ProcParticles and Nuclei Aip Conf ProcQParticles At The Semantics/pragmatics Interface: Synchronic and Diachronic IssuesCurr Res Semant PragPParticle Scattering, X-ray Diffraction, and Microstructure of Solids and LiquidsLect Notes Phys3Particle Separation 2005 - Drinking Water TreatmentWa Sci Technol"Particles, Fields, and Gravitation Aip Conf ProcParticle Size Analysis Roy Soc ChParticle Size Distribution Ii Acs Sym Ser;Particle Size Measurements: Fundamentals, Practice, QualityPart Technol Ser$Particle Sizing and Characterization Acs Sym Ser!Particles, Strings, and Cosmology Aip Conf ProcParticle Technology SeriesPart Technol Ser^Particulate Debris From Medical Implants : Mechanisms of Formation and Biological ConsequencesAm Soc Test MaterParticulate Gravity Currents Sp Publ IntParticulate Gravity Currents Spec Publ IntParticulate Gravity CurrentsSpec Publ Int Ass Se"Particulate Science and TechnologyParticul Sci Technol Particuology ParticuologyPartisan Review Partisan RevLPartner Choice and Cooperation in Networks: Theory and Experimental EvidenceLect Notes Econ MathbPartnering for Progress: Boston University, The Chelsea Public Schools, and Urban Education ReformRes Educ Policy Loca@Partnership At Work: The Quest for Radical Organizational ChangeRoutl Res Employ Rel.Partnership in Chemical Research and Education Acs Sym SerPPartnerships for A Common Purpose: Cooperative Fisheries Research and Management Am Fish S S^Partnerships for Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management: Fifth Mexico/u.s. Biennial Symposium Usda Rocky5Partnerships in Education : Toward A Literate America Asha Report Partonic Structure of The PhotonSpringer Tr Mod Phys4Part-whole Reasoning in An Object-centered FrameworkLect Notes Artif Int3Part-whole Reasoning in An Object-centered FramworkLect Notes Artif Int-Party Discipline and Parliamentary GovernmentParliaments Legisl S&Party Formation in East-central Europe St Commun T"Party Policy in Modern DemocraciesRoutl Res Comp PolitParty Politics Party Polit/Party Politics and Democratization in IndonesiaRoutl Cont Se Asia S:Party Politics in Germany: A Comparative Politics ApproachNew Perspect Ger Stu6Parvovirus B19 and Hematological Disorders in ChildrenVirol Res Prog ParvovirusesContrib MicrobiolPassagesPassages Passas - Revue D'etudes AntiquesPallas]Passenger Travel Demand Forecasting, Planning Applications, and Statewide Multimodal PlanningTransport Res Rec;Passionate Histories: Myth, Memory and Indigenous AustraliaAborig Hist Mg SerLPassionate Society: The Social, Political and Moral Thought of Adam FergusonArch Int Hist Idees2Passion for Policy: Essays in Public Sector Reform Anzsog Monogr>Passion of George Sarton: A Modern Marriage and Its DisciplineMem Am Philos SocFPassion of Infinity: Kierkegaard, Aristotle and The Rebirth of TragedyKierke Stud Monogr S Passion Plays Schlern Sch4Passions in The Arts of The Early Modern NetherlandsNeth Yearb Hist Art5Passions of The Soul in The Metamorphosis of BecomingIslam Ph Occident(Passivation of Metals and SemiconductorsMater Sci Forum+Passive and Active Measurement, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Passive and Active Network MeasurementLect Notes Comput Sc3Passive and Active Network Measurement, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie9Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices Ii, Pt 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices Ii, Pt 1 and 2 Proc Spie:Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices Iv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins:Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices Iv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie7Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices Vii Proc SpiePassive DampingP Soc Photo-opt InsCPassive Damping and Isolation - Smart Structures and Materials 1996P Soc Photo-opt InsCPassive Damping and Isolation - Smart Structures and Materials 1997P Soc Photo-opt InsCPassive Damping and Isolation - Smart Structures and Materials 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins@Passive Eye Monitoring: Algorithms, Applications and ExperimentsSignals Commun Techn4Passive Fiber Optic Components and Their ReliabilityP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Passive Infrared Remote Sensing of Clouds and The AtmosphereP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Passive Infrared Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Passive Infrared Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Passive Materials for Optical ElementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Passive Materials for Optical Elements IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology Iii Proc Spie-Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology V Proc SpieMPassive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology Vi and Radar Sensor Technology ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsMPassive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology Vi and Radar Sensor Technology Vii Proc Spie/Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology XP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology Xi Proc Spie/Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology Xiv Proc Spie<Passive Millimetre-wave and Terahertz Imaging and TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Passive Millimetre-wave and Terahertz Imaging and Technology Proc Spie>Passive Optical Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Clouds IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Passive Optical Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Clouds Iv Proc Spie!Passivity and Localized Corrosion Elec Soc SPast & Present Past Present<Past and Future of Information Systems: 1976-2006 and BeyondInt Fed Info Proc#Past and Future of Medieval Studies N D Conf MhPast and Future Rapid Environmental Changes: The Spatial and Evolutionary Responses of Terrestrial BiotaNato Asi Ser Ser IWPast and Present in Deno(x) Catalysis: From Molecular Modelling to Chemical EngineeringStud Surf Sci CataloPast and Present Variability of The Solar-terrestrial System: Measurement, Data Analysis and Theoretical ModelsP Int Sch Phys$Past and Present Water Column AnoxiaNato Sci S Ss Iv EarpPast Climate Variability in South America and Surrounding Regions: From The Last Glacial Maximum to The HoloceneDev Paleoenviron Res2Past Climate Variability Through Europe and AfricaDev Paleoenviron ResTPast Convictions: The Penance of Louis The Pious and The Decline of The CarolingiansMiddle Ages Ser$Pasteurellosis in Production Animals Aciar ProcRPast Human Migrations in East Asia: Matching Archaeology, Linguistics and GeneticsRoutledge Stud Early+Past in Pieces: Belonging in The New CyprusContemp Ethnogr0Pastora Goldner Series in Post-holocaust StudiesPastora Goldner Ser?Pastoral Drama in Early Modern Italy: The Making of A New Genre Ital Perspect-Pastoral Leadership for Manhood and Womanhood Fdn FamilyPastoral PsychologyPastoral PsycholPast, Present, Future Old Test StGPast Without Shadow: Constructing The Past in German Books for ChildrenChild Lit Cult_Patagonian Ice Fields: A Unique Natural Laboratory for Environmental and Climate Change Studies Ser Cent EsEPatentierung Von Geschaftsprozessen: Monitoring - Strategien - SchutzVDI-BuchVPatents and Technological Progress in A Globalized World: Liber Amicorum Joseph StrausMpi Stud Intell Prop"Path Dependency and MacroeconomicsInt Pap Polit Econ5Path Integral Quantizaton and Stochastic QuantizationSpringer Tr Mod Phys Pathobiology PathobiologyPathobiology Annual Pathobiol Ann.Pathobiology of Marine and Estuarine Organisms Adv Fish ScaPath of Speech Technologies in Computer Assisted Language Learning: From Research Toward PracticeRout Stud Comp AssisCPathogen and Microbial Contamination Management in MicropropagationDev Plant Pathol+Pathogen-derived Immunomodulatory MoleculesAdv Exp Med Biol2Pathogen Detection and Remediation for Safe EatingP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology Falk Symp,Pathogenesis and Control of Viral Infections Serono Sym0Pathogenesis and Management of Atopic DermatitisCurr Probl Dermatol9Pathogenesis and Therapy of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Adv Neurol<Pathogenesis and Treatment of Niddm and Its Related Problems Int Congr SerPathogenesis Mechanism and Cardiovascular Risk Factors for Arteriosclerosis in Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Importance and Implications of Early DiagnosisImmunol Immune Syst5Pathogenic and Diagnostic Relevance of AutoantibodiesUpdat Clin ImmunolEPathogenicity Islands and The Evolution of Pathogenic Microbes, Vol 1Curr Top MicrobiolEPathogenicity Islands and The Evolution of Pathogenic Microbes, Vol 2Curr Top Microbiol Pathologe PathologePathologia Et MicrobiologiaPathol MicrobiolPathologia Europaea Pathol EurPathologia Veterinaria Pathol VetPathologie Biologie Pathol BiolMPathologie Der Invasion Und Metastasierung: Pathologie Der Lungenerkrankungen Verh Deut G#Pathologies of Body, Self and SpaceCogn NeuropsychiatryPathologies of Travel Clio Medica Pathology PathologyPathology & Oncology ResearchPathol Oncol Res&Pathology and Immunopathology ResearchPathol Immunopath RPathology Annual Pathol Annu#Pathology Annual 1993, Vol 28, Pt 1 Pathol Annu#Pathology Annual 1993, Vol 28, Pt 2 Pathol Annu#Pathology Annual 1994, Vol 29, Pt 1 Pathol Annu#Pathology Annual 1994, Vol 29, Pt 2 Pathol Annu#Pathology Annual, 1995 Vol 30, Pt 2 Pathol AnnuPathology International Pathol IntEPathology of Invasion and Metastasis: Pathology of Pulmonary Diseases Verh Deut G!Pathology of Reproductive Failure Int Aca PatPathology of Septic ShockCurr Top MicrobiolTPathology of The Hematopoietic Stem Cell : Quantative Pathology, Molecular Pathology Verh Deut G]Pathology of The Kidneys and Urinary Passages - Molecular Vascular Pathology and Angiogenesis Verh Deut GPathology of The LungEur Respir MonogrPathology Research and PracticePathol Res PractLPathology Update: An Educational Series of The European Society of Pathology Pathol UpdateSPathology Update: An Educational Series of The European Society of Pathology, Vol 1 Pathol UpdateEPathophysiology, Evaluation and Management of Valvular Heart Diseases Adv CardiolLPathophysiology, Evaluation and Management of Valvular Heart Diseases, Vol 2 Adv Cardiol)Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular DiseaseProg Exp Cardiol-Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and ThrombosisPathophysiol Haemo T:Pathophysiology of Head and Neck Musculoskeletal Disorders Front Oral*Pathophysiology of The Blood-brain BarrierFerns Found SeriesPathophysiology of The Liver Int Congr Ser,Path Player Games: Analysis and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim APaths of Enterprise Soc Anal SeAPath Toward Improved Ionosphere Specification and Forecast Models Adv Space Res2Pathways in Geography Series: Resource PublicationPathw Geog SerPathways Through Adolescence Penn St Ch%Pathways Through An Eclectic Universe Astr Soc P[Pathways to Institutional Improvement With Information Technology in Educational ManagementInt Fed Info ProcIPathways to Power: New Perspectives On The Emergence of Social InequalityFund Issue Archaeol"Pathways Towards Habitable Planets Astr Soc P Patient Care Patient Care(Patient Counselling and Health EducationPatient Couns Health Patient Education and CounselingPatient Educ Couns6Patient Package Insert As A Source of Drug Information Int Congr Ser*Patient-patient Centered Outcomes ResearchPatientAPatient Safety and Adverse Events in Contrast Medium Examinations Int Congr Ser)Patient Safety and Health Care ManagementAdv Health Care Mana%Patients, Consumers and Civil SocietyAdv Med Sociol Patologia PatologiaPatologia-madridPatologia-madridPatologia-mexico CityPatologia-mexicoVPatriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and National Culture: Public Culture in Hamburg 1700-1933 Int For LitPatristische Texte Und StudienPatrist Texte Stud!Pattern Analysis and ApplicationsPattern Anal ApplIPattern-based Compression of Multi-band Image Data for Landscape AnalysisEnviron Ecol Stat Se'Pattern Formation in Granular MaterialsSpringer Tr Mod Phys*Pattern: Ornament, Structure, and BehaviorContext ArchitPattern RecognitionLect Notes Comput ScPattern RecognitionPattern Recogn6Pattern Recognition and Data Mining, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis S Mach Perc3Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSPattern Recognition, Chemometrics, and Imaging for Optical Environmental MonitoringP Soc Photo-opt InsSPattern Recognition, Chemometrics, and Imaging for Optical Environmental Monitoring Proc Spie%Pattern Recognition in BioinformaticsLect N Bioinformat2Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat2Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc^Pattern Recognition in Practice Iv: Multiple Paradigms, Comparative Studies and Hybrid SystemsMach Intell Patt RecPattern Recognition LettersPattern Recogn Lett Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Pattern Recognition Using Neural and Functional NetworksStud Comput Intell<Pattern Recogniton With Support Vector Machines, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLPatterns and Factors of Biota Distribution in Remote European Mountain Lakes Adv Limnol4Patterns and Processes in Early Vertebrate EvolutionSpec Pap PalaeontolPatterns of ChangeSci Netw Hist Stud[Patterns of Language Usage: Corpus Linguistics As Method of Analyzing Discourse and CultureSprache WissenPatterns of PrejudicePatterns PrejudicePatterns of Symmetry BreakingNato Sci Ser Ii MathPatterns of Symmetry BreakingNato Sci Ser Ii-mathPatton: A Biography Great GenPaul and The Mosaic Law W U Neu TestPaul Auster's PostmodernityStud Major Lit Autho Paul Erdos and His Mathematics IBolyai Math Stud Paul Erdos and His Mathematics IBolyai Soc Math Stud!Paul Erdos and His Mathematics IiBolyai Math Stud!Paul Erdos and His Mathematics IiBolyai Soc Math Stud5Paulo Freire: Teaching for Freedom and TransformationExplor Educ Purp7Paul Tillich's Theological Legacy: Spirit and Community Theol Bilb Paul VirilioRoutl Crit ThinkersXPave Management; Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Storage; and Acceleratyed Testing 2006Transport Res RecPavement and Winter MaintenanceTransport Res RecPavement Assessment and TestingTransport Res Rec4Pavement Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation 2003Transport Res Rec,Pavement Design and Accelerated Testing 2004Transport Res Rec"Pavement Management and MonitoringTransport Res Rec;Pavement Management and Monitoring of Traffic and PavementsTransport Res Rec?Pavement Management and Rigid and Flexible Pavement Design 2003Transport Res Rec"Pavement Management ImplementationAm Soc Test Mater8Pavement Management, Monitoring, and Accelerated TestingTransport Res Rec=Pavement Management, Monitoring, and Accelerated Testing 2002Transport Res RecBPavement Management, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Storage 2004Transport Res Rec[Pavement Management; Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Storage; and Accelerated Testing 2005Transport Res Rec4Pavement Rehabilitation and Accelerated Testing 2003Transport Res Rec^Pavement Rehabilitation, Strength and Deformation Characteristics, and Surface Properties 2004Transport Res Rec^Pavement Rehabilitation, Strength and Deformation Characteristics, and Surface Properties 2005Transport Res RecrPavement Rehabilitation, Strength and Deformation Characteristics, and Surface Properties-vehicle Interaction 2006Transport Res RecPavement Research IssesTransport Res ReckPavement Surface Condition/performance Assessment: Reliability and Relevancy of Procedures and TechnologiesAm Soc Test MaterPaving The Way for Apollo 11S-p B Space Explor'Pavlovian Journal of Biological SciencePavlovian J Biol Sci.Pavlov Journal of Higher Nervous Activity UssrPav J High Nerv ActPaying for Progress in ChinaRoutl Contemp China~Payment for Environmental Services in Agricultural Landscapes: Economic Policies and Poverty Reduction in Developing CountriesNat Res Manag PolicyPaysage&environnementPaysage EnvironmdPc 2008: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas Internaitonal Conference On Power Systems and Power TechnologyRec Adv Electr Eng Pci JournalPci J?Pcim Reference Series in Power Electronics & Intelligent Motion Pcim Ref SPck and Teaching InnovationsEduc Compet Glob Wor Pc ProductsPc Prod6Pcps-proceedings of The Cambridge Philological SocietyPcps-p Camb Philol SPcr-methods and Applications Pcr Meth ApplPcr Methods in FoodsFood Microbiol Food0Pcr Mutation Detection Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolPcr Protocols, Third EditionMethods Mol Biol$P Cygni 2000 : 400 Years of Progress Astr Soc P$Pda/emea European Virus Safety ForumDev Biologicals4Pda Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and TechnologyPda J Pharm Sci Tech.Pdes and Continuum Models of Phase TransitionsLect Notes Phys Peabody Essex Museum CollectionsPeabody Essex Mus CPeabody Journal of EducationPeabody J EducPeabody Museum Bulletin Pea Mus Bull9Peace Accords in Northeast India: Journey Over MilestonesPol StudFPeace and Freedom: The Civil Rights and Antiwar Movements in The 1960sPolit Cult Mod AmLPeace and Security in The Postmodern World: The Osce and Conflict ResolutionRoutl Stud Peace ConQPeace and Wartime Applications and Technical Issues for Unattended Ground SensorsP Soc Photo-opt InsTPeace As Governance: Power-sharing, Armed Groups and Contemporary Peace NegotiationsRethink Peace Confl1Peacebuilding: Women in International PerspectiveRoutl Adv Int RelatPeace Education Reports Peac Educ RepPeace Education SeriesPeace Educ SerAPeaceful Jihad: Negotiating Identity and Modernity in Muslim JavaContemp Anthr Relig.Peaceful Management of Transboundary Resources Int Env Law Peace in International RelationsRoutl Stud Peace Con;Peacekeeping Intelligence: New Players, Extended BoundariesStud Intell Ser:Peacekeeping in The Middle East As An International RegimeStud Int RelatYPeace Operations and International Criminal Justice: Building Peace After Mass AtrocitiesContemp Secur StudPeace Psychology Book SeriesPeace Psychol Book SPeace Psychology in AsiaPeace Psychol Book SPeace Science: Theory and CasesContrib Confl ManagPeak Performing OrganizationRoutl Res Organ Beh.Peanut Improvement : A Case Study in Indonesia Aciar Proc_Peanut Plant and Light: Spermidines From Peanut Flowers and Studies of Their PhotoisomerizationAgr Issues PolicieswPeasants and Revolution in Rural China: Rural Political Change in The North China Plain and The Yangzi Delta, 1850-1949Routl Stud Chin EconDPeatland Ecology and Archaeology: Management of A Cultural LandscapeLandsc Archaeol Ecol0Pecs 2001: Photon Echo and Coherent SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsPectins and PectinasesProgr Biotechnol<Peculiar Versus Normal Phenomena in A-type and Related Stars Astr Soc PBPedagogically Founded Courseware Generation for Web-based LearningLect Notes Comput ScPedagogical Seminary Pedagog Semin6Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic PsychologyPedagog Semin J GenPedagogische Studien Pedagog StudPedagogy Theo Cont CPedagogy and Human MovementInt Stud Phys Educ YXPedagogy and Ict Use in Schools Around The World: Findings From The Iea Sites 2006 StudyCerc Stud Comp Educ6Pedagogy in (e)motion: Rethinking Spaces and RelationsExplor Educ Purp3Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Research 2000Transport Res Rec:Pedestrian and Cyclist Impact: A Biomechanical PerspectiveSolid Mech Appl9Pedestrian Dynamics: Feedback Control of Crowd EvacuationUnderst Complex SystPedestrians and BicyclesTransport Res RecPedestrians and Bicycles 2003Transport Res Rec.Pedestrians and Bicycles; Developing CountriesTransport Res RecPediatrePediatrePediatric Adrenal Diseases Endocr DevPediatric Aids / Ross Rt Ped4Pediatric Aids and Hiv Infection-fetus to AdolescentPediatr Aids Hiv InfDPediatric Aids: Clinical, Pathologic, and Basic Science PerspectivesAnn Ny Acad Sci Pediatric Allergy and ImmunologyPediat Allerg Imm-uk Pediatric Allergy and ImmunologyPediatr Allergy Immu,Pediatric Allergy Immunology and PulmonologyPediat Aller Imm Pul&Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology Pediat Ad E!Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Pediat Adol!Pediatric and Adolescent MedicinePediatr Adolesc Med%Pediatric and Adolescent Osteosarcoma Canc Treat1Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and GynecologyHealth Hum Dev%Pediatric and Developmental PathologyPediatr Devel PatholFPediatric and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Perspective and ConsequencesPediatr Adolesc Med$Pediatric and Obstetrical Anesthesia Dev C C MedPediatric AnesthesiaPediatr AnesthPediatric Annals Pediatr Ann%Pediatric Asthma Allergy & ImmunologyPediatr Asthma AllerPediatric Blood & CancerPediatr Blood CancerPediatric CardiologyPediatr CardiolPediatric Cardiology / Int Congr Ser$Pediatric Chest Imaging, 2nd EditionMed Radiol Diagn Ima"Pediatric Clinics of North AmericaPediatr Clin N Am$Pediatric Cns Tumors, Second EditionPediatr Oncol-berlin Pediatric Critical Care MedicinePediatr Crit Care MePediatric Dentistry Pediatr DentPediatric Dermatology Int Congr SerPediatric DermatologyPediatr DermatolPediatric DiabetesPediatr DiabetesPediatric Drugs Pediatr DrugsPediatric Emergency CarePediatr Emerg CarePediatric Exercise SciencePediatr Exerc Sci3Pediatric Gender Assignment: A Critical ReappraisalAdv Exp Med Biol!Pediatric Hematology and OncologyPediatr Hemat Oncol&Pediatric Hypertension, Second EditionClin Hypertens Vasc$Pediatric Infectious Disease JournalPediatr Infect Dis J<Pediatric Informatics: Computer Applications in Child HealthHealth Inform Ser@Pediatric Interviewing: A Practical, Relationship-based ApproachCurr Clin PractPediatric Liver TumorsPediatr Oncol-berlinPediatric NephrologyPediatr NephrolPediatric Neuroendocrinology Endocrin DevPediatric NeurologyPediatr NeurolPediatric NeurosciencePediatr NeurosciPediatric NeurosurgeryPediatr Neurosurg8Pediatric Obesity: Etiology, Pathogenesis, and TreatmentContemp Endocrinol SPediatric OncologyPediatr Oncol-berlin6Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-ophthalmology, GeneticsEssent Ophthalmol~Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-ophthalmology, Genetics: Strabismus - New Concepts in Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and TreatmentEssent OphthalmolPediatric PainAdv Pain Res Ther-Pediatric Pain: Biological and Social ContextProg Pain Res ManagPediatric PathologyPediatr Pathol)Pediatric Pathology & Laboratory MedicinePediatr Pathol Lab M(Pediatric Pathology & Molecular MedicinePediatr Pathol Mol MPediatric PharmacologyPediatr PharmacolPediatric Pulmonology Pediatr PulmPediatric RadiologyPediatr RadiolPediatric Research Pediatr ResPediatric RheumatologyPediatr RheumatolPediatric Robotic UrologyCurr Clin Urol Pediatrics PediatricsPediatrics and NeonatologyPediatr NeonatolPediatrics in Review Pediatr RevPediatrics International Pediatr IntPediatric Surgery InternationalPediatr Surg IntPediatric TransplantationPediatr Transplant.Pediatric Urology: A General Urologist's GuideCurr Clin Urol#Pediatric Uroradiology, 2nd EditionMed Radiol Diagn Ima Pediatrie Pediatrie Pediatrika Pediatrika Pedobiologia Pedobiologia3Pedological Perspectives in Archaeological ResearchSssa Spec Publ Pedosphere PedospherelPeds 2003 : Fifth International Conference On Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsInt C Power Elect Dr]Peer-led Team Learning-evaluation, Dissemination, and Institutionalization of A College LevelInnov Sci Educ TechnMPeer-to Peer, Grid, and Service -orientation in Digital Library ArchitecturesLect Notes Comput ScMPeer-to-peer, Grid, and Service -orientation in Digital Library ArchitecturesLect Notes Comput Sc(Peer-to-peer Networking and ApplicationsPeer Peer Netw Appl,Peer-to-peer Storage: Security and ProtocolsComput Sci Tech ApplPeer-to-peer SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc%Peer-to-peer Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScPeer-to-peer Systems IiLect Notes Comput ScPeer-to-peer Systems IiiLect Notes Comput ScPeer-to-peer Systems IvLect Notes Comput ScPeformability Has Its PriceLect Notes Comput Sc@Pegylated Protein Drugs: Basic Science and Clinical ApplicationsMilestones Drug Ther5Peirce Seminar Papers: An Annual of Semiotic AnalysisPeirce Semin PapPelvi-perineologiePelvi-perineologiePembroke Persian Papers Pemb Pers PapPenalising Brownian PathsLect Notes MathPenal PopulismKey Ideas Criminol2Pendulum Impact Machines: Procedures and SpecimensAm Soc Test MaterCPendulum Impact Machines: Procedures and Specimens for VerificationAm Soc Test Mater.Pendulum Impact Testing: A Century of ProgressAm Soc Test Mater-Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic DustAstrophys Space Sc L.Penetrating Radiation Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications Proc Spie1Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications Ii Proc Spie2Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Penetrating Radiation Systems and 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SeriesPenn State Univ Fam&Penn Studies in Landscape ArchitecturePenn St Land Arch&Penn Studies in Landscape ArchitecturePenn Stud Landsc Arc5Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Penn Aes Bull<Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station Progress ReportPenn Aes Progr Rep.Pennsylvania Magazine of History and BiographyPenn Mag Hist BiogPennsylvania Medical Journal Penn Med JPennsylvania MedicinePenn MedPennsylvanian-early Permian Bird Spring Carbonate Shelf, Southeastern California: Fusulinid Biostratigraphy, Paleogeographic Evolution, and Tectonic ImplicationsGeol Soc Am Spec Pap"Pennsylvania Psychiatric QuarterlyPenn Psychiat Quart8Pennsylvania State University Extension Service CircularPenn St Ues Circ@Pennsylvania State University Extension Service Special CircularPenn St Ues Spec Cir$Pennsylvania Studies in Human RightsPa Stud Hum Rights Pensamiento Pensamiento>Pens and Needles: Women's Textualities in Early Modern England Mater TextsPenseePensee>Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial ModelingCh Crc Financ Ser7Pensionomics-on The Role of Paygo in Pension PortfoliosLect Notes Econ MathPension Reform in EuropeRoutl Eui Stud Polit\Pension Systems: Sustainability and Distributional Effects in Germany and The United Kingdom Contrib EconPensoft Series FaunisticaPensoft Ser Faunist5Pentacyclic Triterpenes As Promising Agents in CancerCancer Etiol Diagn T-People and Computers Xiv - Usability Or Else!Bcs Conference S-People and Computers Xix - The Bigger PictureBcs Conf Series,People and Computers Xviii - Design for LifeBcs Conf Series>People and Computers Xvi- Memorable Yet Invisible, ProceedingsBcs Conf Series7People and Computers Xv - Interaction Without FrontiersBcs Conf SeriesPeople and Nature ConservationTrzs NswPeople and Processes VDI Bericht>People and Space: New Forms of Interaction in The City ProjectUrban Land Perspect!People and Work: Research ReportsPeople Work Res RepPeople in Control Iee Conf PublPeople in Corporations Iss Bus EthPeople, Passions, and PowerPeople Pas PowHPeople, Places and Landscapes: Social Change in High Amenity Rural Areas Landsc Ser+Peoples and Cultures of Adamaoua (cameroon) Colloq SemiPPeople's Congresses and Governance in China: Toward A Network Mode of GovernanceLibr Legis Stud`Peoples of Lapland: Boundary Demarcations and Interaction in The North Calotte From 1808 to 1889Suom Tiedeakat ToimPeoples of The Ancient WorldPeoples Anc WorldAPeoples of The River Valleys: The Odyssey of The Delaware IndiansEarly Am Stud SerPeoples Reactions to Technology Clar SympPeopling The Russian PeripheryBasees-rout Ser RussPeopling The Russian PeripheryRout Ser Rus Eas EurPeptide Chemistry Peptide ChPeptide Chemistry 1993 Peptide ChPeptide Chemistry 1994 Peptide ChPeptide Hybrid Polymers Adv Polym SciPeptide-lipid InteractionsCurr Top Membr*Peptide Microarrays: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolPeptide Research Peptide Res'Peptidergic G Protein-coupled ReceptorsNato Adv Sci I A-lifPeptidergic NeuronProg Brain ResPeptidesPeptidesPeptides for YouthAdv Exp Med Biol&Peptides in Energy Balance and ObesityFront Nutr Sci(Peptides in Mammalian Protein Metabolism Portl Pr PPeptide Solvation and H-bondsAdv Protein Chem Peptides, Peptoids, and Proteins Pharmacokin"Peptidomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolUPer Carmina Laudes: Studies On Late Antique Verse Panegyric From Claudian to CorippusBeitr Altertumskunde9Perceiving Gender Locally, Globally, and Intersectionally Adv Gend Res&Perceiving, Measuring, and Using ColorP Soc Photo-opt Ins Perception Perception<Perception-action Cycle: Models, Architectures, and HardwareSpringer Ser Cog NeuPerception & PsychophysicsPercept PsychophysPerception and CognitionStud Vis Inform Proc4Perception and Interactive Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntIPerception-based Data Mining and Decision Making in Economics and FinanceStud Comput Intell6Perception in Multimodal Dialogue Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntPerceptual and Motor SkillsPercept Motor Skill5Perchance to Dream: The Frontiers of Dream PsychologyPsychol Res Prog;Percolation Theory for Flow in Porous Media, Second EditionLect Notes Phys0Percutaneous Tumor Ablation in Medical RadiologyMed Radiol Diagn Ima,Perestroika and East-west Economic Relations Geon Inst I Perfect Learners' Dictionary (?)Lexicogr Ser Maior Perfect Learners' Dictionary (?) LexicographPerfect Norm: How to Teach Differentially, Assess Effectively, and Manage A Classroom Ethically in Ways That Are Brain-friendly and Culturally ResponsiveLit Lang Learn@Perfect Online Course: Best Practices for Designing and TeachingPerspect Instr TechnPerfiles LatinoamericanosPerfiles Latinoam=Performance Analysis and Optimization of Inbound Call CentersLect Notes Econ MathCPerformance Analysis of Flow Lines With Non-linear Flow of MaterialLect Notes Econ Math5Performance Analysis of Queuing and Computer NetworksCh Crc Comp Info SciAPerformance and Cognition: Theatre Studies and The Cognitive TurnRoutl Adv Theatr Per*Performance and Control of Network SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Performance and Control of Network Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Performance and Control of Network Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Performance and Control of Network Systems Iii Proc SpieAPerformance and Control of Next Generation Communication NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsAPerformance and Control of Next Generation Communication Networks Proc Spie7Performance and Durability of The Window-wall InterfaceAm Soc Test MaterGPerformance and Femininity in Eighteenth-century German Women's WritingPalg Stud Theat PerfPerformance and PlacePerform Interv4Performance and Reliability of Semiconductor DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P$Performance-based Management SystemsPublic Adm Public PoIPerformance Challenges for Efficient Next Generation Networks, Vols 6a-6cTeletraf Sci Eng5Performance, Ethics and Spectatorship in A Global AgeStud Int PerformPerformance EvaluationPerform Evaluation'Performance Evaluation and BenchmarkingLect Notes Comput ScKPerformance Evaluation, Measurement and Characterization of Complex SystemsLect Notes Comput ScCPerformance Evaluation: Metrics, Models and Benchmarks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems: Techniques and ToolsLect Notes Comput Sc.Performance Evaluation: Origins and DirectionsLect Notes Comput ScCPerformance Evaluation Revaluation Review, Vol 27 No 4 - March 2000 Perf E R SiDPerformance Evaluation Review, Special Issue, Vol 28 No 1, June 2000 Perf E R SiPerformance, Exile and AmericaStud Int PerformPerformance InterventionsPerform IntervPerformance in The BorderlandsPerform IntervaPerformance Management for Different Employee Groups: A Contribution to Employment Systems TheoryContrib Manag Sci4Performance Management Systems: A Global PerspectiveRout Glob Hum ResourHPerformance Measurement and Management Control: A Compendium of ResearchStud Manag Financ AcSPerformance Measurement and Management Control: Measuring and Rewarding PerformanceStud Manag Financ AcSPerformance Measurement and Management Control: Superior Organizational PerformanceStud Manag Financ Ac=Performance Measurement and Visualization of Parallel Systems Adv Par Com/Performance Measurement in Corporate GovernanceContrib Manag Sci9Performance Measurement in The Dutch Social Rented SectorSustain Urban AreasePerformance Measurement, Reporting, Obstacles and Accountability: Recent Trends and Future Directions Anzsog Monogr@Performance Models and Risk Management in Communications SystemsSpringer Ser Optim A9Performance of Buildings and Serviceability of FacilitiesAm Soc Test Mater5Performance of Deep Foundations Under Seismic Loading Geotech SpHPerformance of Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication Networks Ifip Trans C&Performance of Exterior Building WallsAm Soc Test Mater&Performance of Human Rights in MoroccoPa Stud Hum Rights.Performance of Protective Clothing, 6th VolumeAm Soc Test Mater2Performance of Protective Clothing : Fourth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterDPerformance of The Chinese Insurance Industry Under Economic ReformsAdv Chin Econ StudYPerformance, Quality of Service, and Control of Next-generation Communication Networks IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Performance Recording of Animals Eaap Public9Performance Recording of Animals : State of The Art, 1990 Eaap Public9Performance Recording of Animals : State of The Art, 1992 Eaap Public8Performance Recording of Animals: State of The Art, 2002 Eaap Public8Performance Recording of Animals: State of The Art, 2004 Eaap PublicPerformance Research Perform Res6Performances of Asia-pacific Countries: A New ApproachGlob Econ StudJPerformances of Mourning in Shakespearean Theatre and Early Modern CultureEarly Mod Lit HistZPerformance Tests for Hot Mix Asphalt (hma) Including Fundamental and Empirical ProceduresAm Soc Test Mater7Performance Tools and Applications to Networked SystemsLect Notes Comput SccPerformative Body Spaces: Corporeal Topographies in Literature, Theatre, Dance, and The Visual Arts Crit StudPerformativityNew Crit Idiom5Performing American Identity in Anti-mormon MelodramaStud Am Popul Hist C)Performing Arts & Entertainment in CanadaPerform Art Ent CanPerforming Arts Journal Perform Art JPerforming Arts ReviewPerform Art Rev7Performing Century: Nineteenth-century Theatres HistoryRedefin Brit Theatre]Performing Childhood in The Early Modern Theatre: The Childrens Playing Companies (1599-1613)Early Mod Lit HistQPerforming Magic On The Western Stage: From The Eighteenth Century to The PresentPalg Stud Theat PerfAPerforming National Identity: Anglo-italian Cultural TransactionsInt Forsch Allg Vgl[Performing Patriotism: National Identity in The Colonial and Revolutionary American TheaterEarly Am Stud Ser Perfusion Perfusion PerfusionPerfusion-germany Perfusion-uk Perfusion-uk Pergamon Studies in Neuroscience Perg S NeurPericopePericope6Periglacial and Paraglacial Processes and EnvironmentsGeol Soc Spec Publ Perimenopause Serono Symp,Perinatal and Multigeneration Carcinogenesis Iarc Sci Publ PerinatologyNestle Nutr Works SePerinatology / Int Congr Ser,Perinola-revista De Investigacion QuevedianaPerinolaPeriodica Mathematica HungaricaPeriod Math Hung+Periodica Polytechnica-chemical EngineeringPeriod Polytech Chem+Periodica Polytechnica-chemical EngineeringPeriod Polytech-chem(Periodica Polytechnica-civil EngineeringPeriod Polytech-civ-Periodica Polytechnica-electrical EngineeringPeriod Polytech Elec"Periodica Polytechnica-engineeringPeriod Polytech Eng-Periodica Polytechnica-mechanical EngineeringPeriod Polytech MechPeriodic Control Systems 2001 Ifac Work SPeriodic NanostructuresDev Fullerene SciPeriodico Di MineralogiaPeriod Mineral(Periodic Solutions of The N-body ProblemLect Notes Math'Periodic Systems: Filtering and ControlCommun Control EngPeriodicum Biologorum Period BioldPeriodization and Sovereignty: How Ideas of Feudalism and Secularization Govern The Politics of TimeMiddle Ages Ser Periodontics Periodontics1Periodontitis: Symptoms, Treatment and PreventionPublic Health 21st CPeriodontology 2000Periodontol 2000$Period Spaces for P-divisible Groups Ann Math Stud&Perioperative Critical Care CardiologyTop Anaesth Crit Car>Peripatoi: Philologisch-historische Studien Zum AristotelismusPeripatoi-philol-hisBPeripheral and Spinal Mechanisms in The Neural Control of MovementProg Brain Res-Peripheral Nerve Development and RegenerationFidia Res SeriesPeripheral Neuropathies 1988Fidia Res Series!Peripheral Signaling of The Brain Neur Cont BPerishable Inventory SystemsInt Ser Oper Res ManAPeri-tethys Memoir 5: New Data On Peri-tethyan Sedimentary BasinsMem Mus Nat Hist NatAPeri-tethys Memoir 5: New Data On Peri-tethyan Sedimentary BasinsMemoir Mus Natl HistIPeri-tethys Memoir 6: Peri-tethyan Rift/wrench Basins and Passive MarginsMem Mus Nat Hist NatIPeri-tethys Memoir 6: Peri-tethyan Rift/wrench Basins and Passive MarginsMemoir Mus Natl Hist&Peritoneal Dialysis: A Clinical UpdateContrib NephrolPeritoneal Dialysis BulletinPeriton Dialysis BPeritoneal Dialysis BulletinPeriton Dialysis Int@Peritoneal Dialysis - From Basic Concepts to Clinical ExcellenceContrib Nephrol!Peritoneal Dialysis InternationalPeriton Dialysis IntPeritoneal Dialysis TodayContrib Nephrol-Peri-urban Agriculture in Sub-saharan AfricanCirad Colloques7Permafrost and Actions of Natural Or Artificial Cooling Refr Sci T$Permafrost and Periglacial ProcessesPermafrost Periglac-Permafrost Ecosystems: Siberian Larch ForestsEcol Stud-anal Synth2Permanent Court of Arbitration/ Peace Palace PaperPca Peace Palace Pap8Permanent Under-secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1854-1946Brit Polit SocPermeability of Boundaries?Brit Archaeol Rep InPermeable Reactive Barriers Iahs-aish PHPermeable Walls: Historical Perspectives On Hospital and Asylum VisitingClio Med@Permian Extinction and The Tethys: An Exercise in Global GeologyGeol Soc Am Spec PapEPermissive Residents: West Papuan Refugees Living in Papua New GuineaMonogr Anthropol_Permutation Complexity in Dynamical Systems: Ordinal Patterns, Permutation Entropy and All ThatSpringer Ser SynergAPermutation Methods: A Distance Function Approach, Second EditionSpringer Ser StatMPermutation Testing for Isotonic Inference On Association Studies in GeneticsSpringerbrief StatPerovskite MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P+Perovskite Oxide for Solid Oxide Fuel CellsFuel Cell Hydro EnerWPerovskite Oxides for Electronic, Energy Conversion, and Energy Efficiency Applications Ceram Trans-Peroxisomal Disorders and Regulation of GenesAdv Exp Med Biol7Peroxisomes: Biology and Role in Toxicology and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciPerpetual Peace St Cont GerPerseusGods Heroes Anc WorlPersians: An IntroductionPeoples Anc WorldaPersistence Pays: U.s. Agricultural Productivity Growth and The Benefits From Public R&d SpendingNat Res Manag PolicyPersonal and The PoliticalPolit Evol Inst Chan!Personal and Ubiquitous ComputingPers Ubiquit ComputMPersonal Computers and Intelligent Systems : Information Processing 92, Vol 3 Ifip Trans APersonal Computing Pers Comput;Personal Effects: Reading The Journal of Marie BashkirtseffRes Monogr Fr StudPersonal Income TaxContrib To Econ AnalOPersonal Injury and Wrongful Death Damages Calculations: Transatlantic DialogueContemp Stud Econ Fi Personalist Personalist&Personality and Individual DifferencesPers Indiv DifferPersonality and Mental HealthPersonal Ment Health:Personality and Motivational Systems in Mental RetardationInt Rev Res Ment RetPersonality and Social BehaviorFront Soc Psychol*Personality and Social Psychology BulletinPers Soc Psychol B(Personality and Social Psychology ReviewPers Soc Psychol Rev0Personality and Temperament in Nonhuman PrimatesDev Primatol-prog PrIPersonalized Digital Television: Targeting Programs to Individual Viewers Hum Com IntIPersonalized Digital Television: Targeting Programs to Individual ViewersHum-comput Int-sprinPersonalized MedicinePers MedDPersonalized Nutrition for The Diverse Needs of Infants and ChildrenNestle Nutr Works Se^Personalized Nutrition: Translating Nutrigenetic/nutrigenomic Research Into Dietary GuidelinesWorld Rev Nutr DietLPersonal, Passionate, Participatory Inquiry Into Social Justice in EducationRes Soc Justice PersPersonal RelationshipsPers RelationshipPersonal, Societal, and Ecological Values of Wilderness: Sixth World Wilderness Congress Proceedings On Research, Management, and Allocation, Vol IiUs For Serv Rmrs-pPersonal Takes Pers Takes Personal Wireless CommunicationsInt Fed Info Proc-Personal Wireless Communications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPersonhood and Health CareInt Lib Ethics LawyPersonlichkeitsrecht Im Privatrecht Der Vr China: Eine Studie Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Juristischen PersonenSchrift Chin Recht Personnel Personnel2Personnel Administration & Public Personnel ReviewPers Adm Pub Pers RPersonnel and Guidance Journal Pers Guid JPersonnel JournalPers JPersonnel PreparationAdv Learn Behav DisaPersonnel Psychology Pers PsycholPersonnel ReviewPers RevIPersons in Context: The Challenge of Individuality in Theory and PracticePsychoanal Inq Book*Person, Soul, and Immortality, ProceedingsP Am Cath Philos Ass Persoonia Persoonia(Perspecta-the Yale Architectural Journal Perspecta%Perspectivas Em Ciencia Da InformacaoPerspect Cienc Inf=Perspective in Instructional Technology and Distance LearningPer Inst Technol DisPerspective-la Revue De L InhaPerspect-rev Inha#Perspective Look At Nonlinear MediaLect Notes Phys6Perspective On Stereophonic Acoustic Echo CancellationSpringer Top Sign Pr"Perspectives From Social EconomicsPersp Soc EconPerspectives in Ageing Research Curr T Life Perspectives in American HistoryPerspect Am HistPerspectives in Analysis Math Phys 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ManPerspectives in NanotechnologyPerspect Nanotechnol Perspectives in Neural ComputingPersp Neural Comp$Perspectives in Neurological SurgeryPerspect Neurol Surg8Perspectives in Neutrinos Atomic Physics and Gravitation Moriond WorQPerspectives in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: in Honor of Haim Brezis Contemp MathPerspectives in Nonviolence Rec Res PsyPerspectives in Nuclear Physics Aip Conf ProcPerspectives in Operator Theory Banach Cent(Perspectives in Organometallic Chemistry Roy Soc Ch$Perspectives in Pediatric Cardiology Pers Ped C1Perspectives in Pediatric Cardiology, Vol 2, Pt 2 Pers Ped C1Perspectives in Pediatric Cardiology, Vol 2, Pt 3 Pers Ped C#Perspectives in Pediatric PathologyPerspect Pediat PathPerspectives in Photosynthesis Jerus Sym Q&Perspectives in Plant Cell RecognitionSoc Exp Biol Semin S7Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and SystematicsPerspect Plant Ecol Perspectives in Psychiatric CarePerspect Psychiatr CPerspectives in Public HealthPerspect Public Heal5Perspectives in Radiative Transfer and InterferometryEas Publications#Perspectives in Riemannian GeometryCrm Proc & Lect NotePerspectives in Ring TheoryNato Adv Sci I C-matPerspectives in Robust ControlLect Notes Contr Inf1Perspectives in The Structure of Hadronic SystemsNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Perspectives in Vertebrate Science Persp Vert(Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy Aip Conf ProcPerspectives in Vision Research Persp Vis R1Perspectives of Event-related Potentials Research Eeg Cl N Su.Perspectives of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Sol St Phen.Perspectives of Nanoscience and NanotechnologySolid State Phenomen+Perspectives of Neural-symbolic IntegrationStud Comput IntellPerspectives of New MusicPerspect New Music"Perspectives of System InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc#Perspectives of Systems InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc%Perspectives On Arabic Linguistics XiAmst Stud Theory His&Perspectives On Arabic Linguistics XiiAmst Stud Theory His&Perspectives On Arabic Linguistics XviAmst Stud Theory His-Perspectives On Arabic Linguistics Xvii-xviiiAmst Stud Theory His%Perspectives On Assisted ReproductionFront Endocrinol%Perspectives On Behavioral Inhibition Mac Fdn Men/Perspectives On Corporate Social Responsibility Corp Glob LawzPerspectives On Cross-cultural, Ethnographic, Brand Image, Storytelling, Unconscious Needs, and Hospitality Guest ResearchAdv Cult Tour Hosp R*Perspectives On Developmental NeurobiologyPerspect Dev NeurobipPerspectives On Educational Quality: Illustrative Outcomes On Primary and Secondary Schooling in The NetherlandsSpringerbriefs EducPerspectives On Gender Perspect Gend<Perspectives On Gramsci: Politics, Culture and Social TheoryRout Stud Soc Polit<Perspectives On Gramsci: Politics, Culture and Social TheoryRoutl Stud Soc Polit&Perspectives On Individual Differences Persp IndivdPerspectives On Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications Aip Conf Proc6Perspectives On International Corporate ResponsibilityInt Corp Respons Ser@Perspectives On Karst Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Geochemistry Geol S Am S(Perspectives On Lipase Enzyme TechnologyBiotech Agr Ind Med&Perspectives On Mathematical PracticesLogic Epistemol UnitPerspectives On PoliticsPerspect PolitPerspectives On PrepositionsLing ArbPerspectives On Prepositions Linguist Arb6Perspectives On Properties of The Human Genome Project Adv Genet%Perspectives On Psychological SciencePerspect Psychol SciPerspectives On Quantum Reality U W Ont Phi.Perspectives On Sexual and Reproductive HealthPerspect Sex Repro H6Perspectives On Sino-american Strategic Nuclear IssuesInitiat Strateg Stud*Perspectives On Solid State Nmr in BiologyFocus Struct Biology%Perspectives On Spatial Data Analysis Adv Spat Sci'Perspectives On The American RevolutionPer Amer Revolut&Perspectives On The Economics of Aging Nber Conf R!Perspectives On The Environment 2 Aveb St GrPerspectives On The Family S Soc PolitLPerspectives On The Future of Criminology in The Federal Republic of Germany Int B Krim/Perspectives On The History of Economic Thought Pers His Ec6Perspectives On The History of Economic Thought, Vol 7 Pers His Ec6Perspectives On The History of Economic Thought, Vol 8 Pers His Ec!Perspectives On The Social GospelTexts Stud Social Go6Perspectives On The Unity and Integration of Knowledge Counterpoints(Perspectives On Tsunami Hazard ReductionAdv Nat Technol HazPerspectives On War Perspect War<Perspectives On War: Essays On Security, Society & The State Perspect WarMPerspectives, Science and Technologies for Novel Silicon On Insulator DevicesNato Asi 3 High TechPerspectives Series Perspect Ser%Perspectives-studies in TranslatologyPerspect Stud TranslOPersuasion and Dissuasion in Early Christianity, Ancient Judaism, and HellenismContr Bib Exeg TheoltPersuasion On-line and Communicability: The Destruction of Credibility in The Virtual Community and Cognitive ModelsComput Sci Tech Appl2Persuasive Communication and Drug Abuse PreventionCommunicPersuasive TechnologyLect Notes Comput Sc"Persuasive Technology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Perturbation Bounds for Matrix EigenvaluesClass Appl MathaPerturbation Compensator Based Robust Tracking Control and State Estimation of Mechanical SystemsLect Notes Contr InfJPerturbation Theory for The Schrodinger Operator With A Periodic PotentialLect Notes MathPertussis Vaccine TrialsDev Biol Stand Pervasive Collaborative NetworksInt Fed Info ProcPervasive ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc@Pervasive Computing for Quality of Life Enhancement, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScKPervasive Computing: Innovations in Intelligent Multimedia and ApplicationsComput Commun Netw S Pervasive Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPervasive Information SystemsAdv Manag Inform SysnPerzeption Und Kognitive Verarbeitung Der Sprechmelodie: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Empirische UntersuchungenLang Context CogniPesc'02: 2002 Ieee 33rd Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-4, Conference ProceedingsIeee Power ElectroniPesc'03: 2003 Ieee 34th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-4, Conference ProceedingsIeee Power ElectroniPesc 04: 2004 Ieee 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-6, Conference ProceedingsIeee Power ElectronNPesc 2000: 31st Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-3Ieee Power ElectronaPesc 2001: 32nd Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-4, Conference ProceedingsIeee Power ElectronXPesc 90 Record - 21st Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Power ElectronYPesc 92, Record - 23rd Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Power ElectronJPesc 93 Record - 24th Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists ConferenceIeee Power ElectronXPesc 94 Record - 25th Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Power ElectronYPesc 95 Record - 26th Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols I and IiIeee Power ElectronYPesc 96 Record - 27th Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols I and IiIeee Power ElectronZPesc'97: 28th Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference - Record, Vols I and IiIeee Power ElectronXPesc 98 Record - 29th Annual Ieee Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Power ElectronPeshitta As A TranslationMg Pesh Inst Leiden Pesquisa Agropecuaria BrasileiraPesqui Agropecu BrasPesquisa Veterinaria BrasileiraPesquisa Vet Brasil Pest Control Pest Control/Pest Control With Enhanced Environmental Safety Acs Sym Ser&Pesticide Behaviour in Soils and Water Bcpc Symp Ser%Pesticide Biochemistry and PhysiologyPestic Biochem PhysBPesticide Chemistry and Bioscience: The Food-environment Challenge Roy Soc Ch,Pesticide Decontamination and Detoxification Acs Sym SerUPesticide Formulations & Delivery Systems, 26 Vol: Reassessing Pesticide TechnologiesAm Soc Test Mater:Pesticide Formulations and Applications 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Pr Pesticides in Urban Environments Acs Sym SerPesticides Monitoring JournalPestic Monit J!Pesticide Transformation Products Acs Sym SerPest Management SciencePest Manag SciPests and Pathogens Env Plant BCPet and Molecular Imaging: State of The Art and Future Perspectives Int Congr Ser0Petascale Computing: Algorithms and ApplicationsCh Crc Comp Sci Ser Pet ChemistryE Schering Res Fdn WCPeter Collinson and The Eighteenth-century Natural History ExchangeMem Am Philos Soc%Petermanns Geographische MitteilungenPetermann Geogr MittPetermanns MitteilungenPetermanns MittFPeter Martyr Vermigli and The European Reformations: Semper ReformandaStud Hist Christ Tra'Peter Yodzis Fundamental Ecology SeriesPeter Yodzis Fund Ec8Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency - Icatpn 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc8Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency - Icatpn 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc4Petri Net Technology for Communication-based SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc%Petrography of Cementitious MaterialsAm Soc Test 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Faixa Ribeira, Rio De Janeiro, Se Do Brasil)Ser Nova Terra:Petrological Evolution of The European Lithospheric MantleGeol Soc Spec Publ Petrology Petrology Petrology Petrology+ Petrology and Structural Geology Petr Stru G7Petronius: Satyrica 1-15 - Text, Ubersetzung, Kommentar Texte Komment-Petrophysical Properties of Crystalline RocksGeol Soc Spec Publ Petrophysics Petrophysics)Petrus in Rom-die Literarischen ZeugnisseUnters Antiken Lit G:Pet Studies On Amino Acid Metabolism and Protein Synthesis Dev Nuc Med2Peyronie's Disease: A Guide to Clinical ManagementCurr Clin UrolPezcoller Foundation Symposia Pez Fdn SymPferdeheilkundePferdeheilkundePflegePflege.Pflugers Archiv-european Journal of PhysiologyPflug Arch Eur J PhyFPflugers Archiv Fur Die Gesamte Physiologie Des Menschen Und Der TierePflug Arch Ges PhysPhaedrusPhaedrusPhaenomenologica PhaenomenolPhaenomenologicaPhaenomenologica-Phage Display As A Tool for Synthetic BiologyNanotechnol Sci TechPhage NanobiotechnologyRsc Nanosci 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Crit'Philosophy and Art in The Islamic WorldOrient Lovan Anal5Philosophy and Democracy in Intercultural PerspectiveStud Intercult PhilPhilosophy and EducationPhilos Educ-neth.Philosophy and Engineering: An Emerging AgendaPhilos Eng TechnolPhilosophy and History Philos Hist/Philosophy and History-german Studies Section 1 Philos Hist*Philosophy and Intercultural UnderstandingP Am Cath Philos AssPhilosophy and LiteraturePhilos LiteraturePhilosophy and Medicine Philos Med(Philosophy and Phenomenological ResearchPhilos Phenomen ResPhilosophy and Pluralism Roy I Ph SPhilosophy and PoetryMidwest Stud PhilosPhilosophy and Public Affairs Roy I Ph S0Philosophy and Religion : A Comparative Yearbook Philos Rel*Philosophy and Religion in German IdealismStud Ger IdealGPhilosophy and Revolutions in Genetics-deep Science and Deep Technology Renew PhilosPhilosophy and RhetoricPhilos RhetoricPhilosophy and Technology Philos TechPhilosophy and Technology Roy I Ph SPhilosophy and The EmpiricalMidwest Stud Philos.Philosophy and The Grammar of Religious BeliefClaremon Stud Philos%Philosophy and The Vision of LanguageRout Stud Tw Cen PhiPhilosophy As TherapeiaRoy I Philos Suppl$Philosophy At The Boundary of ReasonP Am Cath Philos AssPhilosophy Communication Philos CommunPhilosophy East & WestPhilos East WestPhilosophy ForumPhilosophy Forum#Philosophy, Literature, and Culture Phi Lit Cul2Philosophy of Biology: A Contemporary IntroductionRoutl Contemp IntroPhilosophy of Education 2003 Phil EducPhilosophy of Education 2004 Phil EducPhilosophy of Education 2005 Phil Educ3Philosophy of Education in The Era of GlobalizationRout Int Stud Philos$Philosophy of Education(proceedings) Phil Educ(Philosophy of Engineering and TechnologyPhilos Eng TechnolPhilosophy of LanguagePrinc Found Cont PhCPhilosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction, Second EditionRoutl Contemp IntrojPhilosophy of Mathematics: A Contemporary Introduction to The World of Proofs and Pictures, Second EditionRoutl Contemp 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SerGPhosphorus Compounds: Advanced Tools in Catalysis and Material SciencesCatal Met ComplexesAPhosphorus Forms in Animal Manure and The Impact On Soil P StatusAnim Sci Issues ProfPhosphorus Heterocycles IiTop Heterocycl ChemEPhosphorus in Action: Biological Processes in Soil Phosphorus Cycling Soil BioliPhosphorus in Plant Biology: Regulatory Roles in Molecular, Cellular, Organismic, and Ecosystem Processes Cur Top Pl6Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and The Related ElementsPhosphorus Sulfur'Photoaccoustic Imaging and SpectroscopyOpt Sci Eng-crc(Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena Aip Conf Proc+Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena IiSpringer Series OptiPhotoactive Organic MaterialsNato Asi 3 High Tech%Photobiochemistry and PhotobiophysicsPhotobioch PhotobiopPhotobiological TechniquesNato Adv Sci I A-lifPhotobiology in MedicineNato Adv Sci Inst SePhotobiology of Infant SkinDermatol Lab Clin Re:Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air Tr Met Env(Photochemical & Photobiological SciencesPhotoch Photobio Sci/Photo Chemical Machining-photo Chemical EtchingPhot Chem Mach Photo$Photochemical Probes in BiochemistryNato Adv Sci I C-mat6Photochemical Processes in Organized Molecular Systems N-holland DPhotochemistry and PhotobiologyPhotochem PhotobiolVPhotochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry of Organic and Inorganic Molecular Thin FilmsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds I Top Curr Chem<Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds Ii Top Curr Chem$Photochemistry and Polymeric Systems Roy Soc Ch-Photochemistry-a Specialist Periodical ReportPhotochem-spec PerioPhotochemistry in Thin FilmsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Photochemistry of Lignocellulosic Materials Acs Sym SerPhotochemistry, Vol 35Photochem-spec PerioPhotochemistry, Vol 36Photochem-spec PerioPhotochemistry, Vol 37Photochem-spec PerioPhotochemistry, Vol 38Photochem-spec PerioPPhotochemotherapy: Photodynamic Therapy and Other Modalities Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsOPhotochemotherapy: Photodynamic Therapy and Other Modalities Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsLPhotochemotherapy: Photodynamic Therapy and Other Modalities, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Photoconduction Polymers/metal-containing Polymers Adv Polym Sci2Photoconversion Processes for Energy and Chemicals Ener Biomas)Photoconversion: Science and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotodermatologyPhotodermatology0Photodermatology Photoimmunology & PhotomedicinePhotodermatol Photo'Photodetector Materials and Devices ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotodetectors and Power MetersP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Photodetectors and Power Meters IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Photodetectors: Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Photodetectors: Materials and Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Photodetectors: Materials and Devices Ii Proc Spie)Photodetectors: Materials and Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Photodetectors: Materials and Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Photodetectors: Materials and Devices Iv Proc Spie'Photodetectors: Materials and Devices VP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Photodetectors: Materials and Devices V Proc Spie(Photodetectors: Materials and Devices ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Photodetectors: Materials and Devices Vi Proc Spie'Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic TherapyPhotodiagn PhotodynXPhotodynamic Inactivation of Microbial Pathogens: Medical and Environmental ApplicationsCompr Ser Photoch*Photodynamic Therapy and Biomedical Lasers Int Congr Ser+Photodynamic Therapy: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol1Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Photodynamic Therapy With Ala: A Clinical HandbookCompr Ser PhotochemHPhotoelectric Properties and Applications of Low-mobility SemiconductorsSpringer Tr Mod Phys/Photoelectronic Detectors, Cameras, and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Photoelectronic Image Devices 1991Inst Phys Conf Ser]Photoemission and Absorption Spectroscopy of Solids and Interfaces With Synchrotron RadiationP Int Sch PhysDPhotoemission From Optoelectronic Materials and Their NanostructuresNanostruct Sci Techn+Photofunctional Transition Metals Complexes Struct BondPhotogrammetriaPhotogrammetriaPhotogrammetric EngineeringPhotogramm Eng.Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote SensingPhotogramm Eng Rem SPhotogrammetric RecordPhotogramm Rec,Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung GeoinformationPhotogramm FernerkunPhotographic Engineering Photogr Eng$Photographic Science and EngineeringPhotogr Sci Eng:Photohemotherapy of Cancer and Other Diseases, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Photoinduced Electron Transfer V Top Curr ChemwPhoto-induced Space Charge Effects in Semiconductors : Electro-optics, Photoconductivity and The Photorefractive EffectMater Res Soc Symp PPhotoinitiated Polymerization Acs Sym Ser"Photoionization of Polyvalent IonsMater Sci Technol<Photomask and Next-generation Lithography Mask Technology IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Photomask and Next-generation Lithography Mask Technology ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Photomask and 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and Next-generation Lithography Mask Technology Xviii Proc SpieIPhotomask and Next-generation Lithography Mask Technology Xv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie#Photomask and X-ray Mask TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photomask and X-ray Mask Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Photomask and X-ray Mask Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photomask and X-ray Mask Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Photomask and X-ray Mask Technology VP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photomask and X-ray Mask Technology ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photomask Technology 2006, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photomask Technology 2006, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie"Photomask Technology 2007, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins"Photomask Technology 2007, Pts 1-3 Proc SpiePhotomask Technology 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsPhotomask Technology 2010 Proc SpiePhoto-mechanics Top Appl PhysPhotomechanics '95P Soc Photo-opt Ins#Photomechanics - Interferometry '94P Soc Photo-opt InsPhotomedicine and Laser SurgeryPhotomed Laser Surg.Photometric Engineering of Sources and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies Astr Soc P PhotometryP Soc Photo-opt Ins Photon 2000 Aip Conf Proc7Photon and Electron Collisions With Atoms and Molecules Phys Atoms.Photon-based Nanoscience and NanobiotechnologyNato Sci Ser Ii Math3Photon Correlation and Scattering, Technical DigestOsa Trends Opt Photo8Photon Correlation Spectroscopy : Multicomponent SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsFPhoton Counting Applications, Quantum Optics, and Quantum CryptographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins`Photon Counting Applications, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing Ii Proc SpieaPhoton Counting Applications, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsaPhoton Counting Applications, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing Iii Proc Spie*Photon Echo and Coherent Spectroscopy 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Photon Echo and Coherent Spectroscopy 2005 Proc Spie)Photon Echo and Coherent Spectroscopy '97P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers Acs Sym Ser6Photonic and Phononic Crystal Materials and Devices IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Photonic and Phononic Crystal Materials and Devices Ix Proc Spie5Photonic and Phononic Crystal Materials and Devices X Proc Spie@Photonic and Quantum Technologies for Aerospace Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Photonic and Quantum Technologies for Aerospace Applications Iii Proc Spie?Photonic and Quantum Technologies for Aerospace Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsMPhotonic Applications for Aerospace, Transportation, and Harsh Environment Ii Proc SpieKPhotonic Applications for Aerospace, Transportation, and Harsh EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Band Gap MaterialsNato Adv Sci Inst Se&Photonic Bandgap Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photonic Bandgap Materials and Devices Proc SpiePhotonic Band Gaps and LocationNato Adv Sci Inst Se/Photonic Component Engineering and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Crystal FibersP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Crystal Fibers Proc SpiePhotonic Crystal Fibers IiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Crystal Fibers IvP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Crystal Fibers Iv Proc Spie4Photonic Crystal Fibers: Properties and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Mater S&Photonic Crystal Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Proc Spie)Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Ii Proc Spie*Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Iii Proc Spie3Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Iii (i.e. V)P Soc Photo-opt Ins3Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Iii (i.e. V) Proc Spie)Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Iv Proc Spie)Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Ix Proc Spie)Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Vii Proc Spie+Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices Viii Proc Spie-Photonic Crystal Materials and NanostructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Photonic Crystal Materials and Nanostructures Proc Spie<Photonic Crystals and Light Localization in The 21st CenturyNato Sci Ser Ii Math<Photonic Crystals and Light Localization in The 21st CenturyNato Sci Ser Ii-mathIPhotonic Crystals and Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensing Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsIPhotonic Crystals and Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensing Applications Ii Proc SpieJPhotonic Crystals and Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensing Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photonic Crystals: Physics and Practical ModelingSpringer Ser Opt Sci>Photonic Detection and Intervention Technologies for Safe FoodP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Photonic Device Engineering for Dual-use ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Photonic Devices and Algorithms for ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing Proc Spie0Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing Iv Proc Spie/Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing Vi Proc Spie2Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing Viii Proc Spie`Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins`Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications Proc SpiecPhotonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InscPhotonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications Ii Proc Spie:Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins:Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie6Photonic Mems Devices: Design, Fabrication and ControlOpt Sci Eng-crcPhotonic MetamaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Metamaterials Proc Spie4Photonic Microdevices/microstructures for Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Photonic Microdevices/microstructures for Sensing Ii Proc Spie5Photonic Microdevices/microstructures for Sensing Iii Proc Spie1Photonic Microresonator Research and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Opt SciVPhotonic Microsystems: Micro and Nanotechnology Applied to Optical Devices and SystemsMems Ref ShelfPhotonic Network CommunicationsPhotonic Netw Commun/Photonic Processing Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Photonic Processing Technology and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Quantum ComputingP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Quantum Computing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsFPhotonics 2000: International Conference On Fiber Optics and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsFPhotonics 2000: International Conference On Fiber Optics and Photonics Proc SpieLPhotonics 2010: Tenth International Conference On Fiber Optics and Photonics Proc Spie-Photonics and Imaging in Biology and MedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine Proc Spie:Photonics and Nanostructures-fundamentals and ApplicationsPhotonic Nanostruct:Photonics and Nanostructures-fundamentals and ApplicationsPhotonics NanostructPhotonics and Radio FrequencyP Soc Photo-opt Ins Photonics and Radio Frequency IiP Soc Photo-opt InsbPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics ExperimentsP Soc Photo-opt InsbPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments Proc SpietPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments 2006, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InstPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments 2006, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpietPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments 2007, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InstPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments 2007, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpiegPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsePhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments IiP Soc Photo-opt InsfPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsfPhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments Iii Proc SpieePhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments IvP Soc Photo-opt InsePhotonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-energy Physics Experiments Iv Proc Spie+Photonics At The Air Force Photonics CenterP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Photonics: Design, Technology, and PackagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Photonics: Design, Technology, and Packaging Proc Spie/Photonics: Design, Technology, and Packaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Photonics: Design, Technology, and Packaging Ii Proc Spie0Photonics: Design, Technology, and Packaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photonics: Design, Technology, and Packaging Iii Proc SpiePhotonics, Devices,and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics, Devices,and Systems Proc Spie"Photonics, Devices, and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Photonics, Devices, and Systems Ii Proc Spie#Photonics, Devices, and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Photonics, Devices, and Systems Iii Proc Spie"Photonics, Devices, and Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Photonics, Devices, and Systems Iv Proc SpiePhotonic Sensing TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonic Sensing Technologies Proc Spie6Photonics for Computers, Neural Networks, and MemoriesP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photonics for Port and Harbor SecurityP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Photonics for Port and Harbor Security IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Photonics for Port and Harbor Security Ii Proc Spie7Photonics for Processors, Neural Networks, and MemoriesP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Photonics for Processors, Neural Networks, and Memories IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Photonics for Solar Energy SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Photonics for Solar Energy Systems Proc Spie%Photonics for Solar Energy Systems Ii Proc Spie&Photonics for Solar Energy Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photonics for Solar Energy Systems Iii Proc Spie.Photonics for Space and Radiation EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photonics for Space and Radiation Environments IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photonics for Space and Radiation Environments Ii Proc Spie Photonics for Space EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Photonics for Space Environments IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Photonics for Space Environments IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Photonics for Space Environments IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Photonics for Space Environments IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Photonics for Space Environments VP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Photonics for Space Environments ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Photonics for Space Environments ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Photonics for Space Environments ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Photonics for Space Environments XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Photonics for Space Environments Xi Proc SpiePhotonics for TransportationP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics in Measurement VDI BerichtPhotonics in MultimediaP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics in Multimedia Proc SpiePhotonics in Multimedia IiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics in Multimedia Ii Proc Spie#Photonics in Switching, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt PhotoPhotonics in The AutomobileP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics in The Automobile IiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics in The Automobile Ii Proc Spie;Photonics in The Transportation Industry: Auto to AerospaceP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Photonics in The Transportation Industry: Auto to Aerospace Proc Spie?Photonics in The Transportation Industry: Auto to Aerospace IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Photonics North 2006, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins!Photonics North 2006, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie!Photonics North 2007, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins!Photonics North 2007, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpiePhotonics North 2008P Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics North 2008 Proc SpiePhotonics North 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics North 2010 Proc SpieDPhotonics North: Applications of Photonic Technology 7b, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsAPhotonics North: Applications of Photonic Technology, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins'Photonics Packaging and Integration IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photonics Packaging and Integration IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Photonics Packaging and Integration VP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Photonics Packaging and Integration ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Photonics Packaging, Integration, and Interconnects IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Photonics Packaging, Integration, and Interconnects ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Photonics Packaging, Integration, and Interconnects Vii Proc Spie8Photonics Packaging, Integration, and Interconnects ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotonics SpectraPhoton SpectraPhotonics SpectraPhotonic Spectra(Photonics Technology in The 21st CenturyP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Photonics Technology Into The 21st Century: Semiconductors, Microstructures, and NanostructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Photonics Technology Into The 21st Century: Semiconductors, Microstructures, and Nanostructures Proc Spie&Photonic Structures Inspired By NatureSpringer Theses-recoPhotonic Switching Ii Sprin S Ele!Photonic Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Photonic Systems and Applications in Defense and ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Photonic Therapeutics and DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics Proc Spie(Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics Ii Proc Spie)Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics Iii Proc Spie(Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics V Proc Spie(Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics Vi Proc Spie)Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics Vii Proc Spie>Photonirvachak-journal of The Indian Society of Remote SensingPhotonirvachak-j IndPhoton ManagementP Soc Photo-opt InsPhoton Management Proc SpiePhoton Management IiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhoton Management Ii Proc SpiePhoton Management IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhoton Management Iii Proc Spie*Photon Migration and Diffuse-light ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Photon Migration and Diffuse-light Imaging Proc SpiejPhoton Migration, Diffuse Spectroscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography: Imaging and Functional AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt InsjPhoton Migration, Diffuse Spectroscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography: Imaging and Functional Assessment Proc Spie>Photon Migration, Optical Coherence Tomography, and MicroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Photon Migration, Optical Coherence Tomography, and Microscopy Proc Spie Photonovel False Title4Photon Processing in Microelectronic and Photonics VP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Photon Processing in Microelectronic and Photonics V Proc Spie3Photon Processing in Microelectronics and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics Proc Spie6Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics Ii Proc Spie7Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics Iii Proc Spie6Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics Iv Proc Spie6Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics Vii Proc Spie1Photon Propagation in Tissues Iii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Photon Propagation in Tissues Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Photon Propagation in Tissues Iv, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Photon Propagation in Tissues, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotons and Local ProbesNato Adv Sci Inst Se6Photons and Low Energy Particles in Surface ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp PPhotons and NeuronsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing Proc Spie1Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2005Pro Biomed Opt Imag1Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2007 Proc SpiePhotons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2008: The Ninth Conference On Biomedical Thermoacoustics, Optoacoustics, and Acoustic-opticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2009P Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2009 Proc Spie1Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins1Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2010 Proc Spie<Photon Transport in Highly Scattering Tissue, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotophysics of OrganometallicsTop Organometal Chem"Photopolarimetry in Remote SensingNato Sci Ser Ii Math"Photopolarimetry in Remote SensingNato Sci Ser Ii-math8Photopolymer Device Physics, Chemistry, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Photopolymer Device Physics, Chemistry and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Photopolymer Device Physics, Chemistry, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Photopolymer Device Physics, Chemistry, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotopolymerization Acs Sym SerfPhotopolymers and Applications in Holography, Optical Data Storage, Optical Sensors, and InterconnectsP Soc Photo-opt InsdPhotoprocesses in Transition Metal Complexes, Biosystems and Other Molecules : Experiment and TheoryNato Adv Sci I C-mat=Photoprotection in Plants: Optical Screening-based MechanismsSpringer Ser BiophysPhotoreceptors and CalciumAdv Exp Med Biol;Photorefractive Effects, Materials and Devices, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt PhotoCPhotorefractive Effects, Materials, and Devices, Proceedings VolumeOsa Trends Opt PhotoZPhotorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications Ix Proc Spie\Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications V Proc Spie]Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsxPhotorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications Vii, and Optical Data StorageP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications Viii Proc Spie\Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications XP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications X Proc Spie^Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal Devices: Materials, Optical Properties, and Applications XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotorefractive MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Photorefractive Materials: Phenomena and Related Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsPhotoresponsive Polymers I Adv Polym SciPhotoresponsive Polymers Ii Adv Polym Sci$Photosensitive Metal-organic Systems Adv Chem Ser<Photosensitive Molecules for Controlling Biological Function Neuromethods,Photosensitive Optical Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Photosensitive Optical Materials and Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt InsGPhotosensitivity and Self-organization in Optical Fibers and WaveguidesP Soc Photo-opt InsFPhotosensitizing Compounds : Their Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Use Ciba F SympOPhotosynthesis in Silico: Understanding Complexity From Molecules to EcosystemsAdv Photosynth Resp3Photosynthesis: Molecular Biology of Energy CaptureMethod Enzymol3Photosynthesis: Molecular Biology of Energy CaptureMethods EnzymolPhotosynthesis ResearchPhotosynth Res1Photosynthesis Research Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolPhotosyntheticaPhotosynthetica+Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center IiNato Adv Sci Inst Se2Photothermal Therapies in Medicine, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Photovoltaic Advanced Research & Development Project Aip Conf ProcPPhotovoltaic and Photoactive Materials - Properties, Technology and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathPPhotovoltaic and Photoactive Materials - Properties, Technology and ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii-math)Photovoltaic Cell and Module TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Photovoltaic Cell and Module Technologies Ii Proc Spie:Photovoltaic Industrial Systems: An Environmental ApproachGreen Energy Technol/Photovoltaic Materials and Manufacturing IssuesMater Res Soc Symp P4Photovoltaics: Developments, Applications and ImpactEnerg Sci Eng Tech"Photovoltaics for The 21st Century Elec Soc SIPhotovoltaik Engineering: Handbuch Fur Planung, Entwicklung Und AnwendungVDI-BuchIPhraseologie: Ein Internationales Handbuch Der Zeitgenossischen ForschungHandb Sprach KommunPhraseologie/phraseology: Ein Internationales Handbuch Der Zeitgenossischen Forschung/an International Handbook of Contemporary Research, Volume 1, Part 1Handb Sprach Kommun"Phraseology and Culture in EnglishTop Engl Linguist*Phronesis-a Journal for Ancient Philosophy Phronesis Phycologia PhycologiaPhycological Research Phycol ResCPhylogenetic Aspects of Neuropeptides: From Invertebrates to HumansAnn Ny Acad SciSPhylogenetic Models in Functional Coupling of The Cns and The Cardiovascular System Comp Physiol9Phylogenetic Perspectives On The Vertebrate Immune SystemAdv Exp Med BiolPhylogeny and 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Illicit Drugs : Cannabis, Cocaine, Opiates Adv Biosci Physiotherapy PhysiotherapyPhysiotherapy Canada Physioth CanPhysiotherapy CanadaPhysiother CanPhytochemical AnalysisPhytochem AnalysisAPhytochemical Diversity and Redundancy in Ecological InteractionsRecent Adv PhytochemXPhytochemical Ecology : Allelochemicals, Mycotoxins, and Insect Pheromones and Allomones Inst Bot Ac*Phytochemical Potential of Tropical PlantsRecent Adv PhytochemPhytochemicals and Health Cur Top PlPhytochemicals for Pest Control Acs Sym Ser4Phytochemical Signals and Plant-microbe InteractionsRecent Adv PhytochemPhytochemistryPhytochemistry#Phytochemistry and Pharmacology IiiRecent Prog Med Plan5Phytochemistry in The Genomics and Post-genomics ErasRecent Adv PhytochemPhytochemistry LettersPhytochem Lett"Phytochemistry of Medicinal PlantsRecent Adv Phytochem5Phytochemistry of Plants Used in Traditional Medicine Pr Phyt SocPhytochemistry Reviews Phytochem RevPhytocoenologiaPhytocoenologiaPhytomaPhytoma Phytomedicine PhytomedicinePhytomedicinesRecent Prog Med PlanPhytomorphologyPhytomorphologyPhytonPhytonPhyton-annales Rei BotanicaePhyton-ann Rei Bot A3Phyton-international Journal of Experimental BotanyPhyton-int J Exp BotPhytoparasiticaPhytoparasiticaPhytopathologia MediterraneaPhytopathol MediterrBPhytopathological Papers of The Commonwealth Mycological InstitutePhytopathol Pap8Phytopathologische Zeitschrift-journal of Phytopathology Phytopathol ZPhytopathologyPhytopathology*Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values IRecent Prog Med Plan+Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values IiRecent Prog Med Plan+Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values IvRecent Prog Med Plan*Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values VRecent Prog Med PlansPhytoplankton of Andean Lakes in Northern Southamerica (colombia): Composition and Environment Distribution Factors Diatom MonogrPhytoprotectionPhytoprotectionOPhytoremediation and Stress: Evaluation of Heavy Metal-induced Stress in Plants Bot Res Pract,Phytoremediation of Metal-contaminated SoilsNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear/Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants Acs Sym Ser)Phytoremediation, Wetlands, and Sediments Bioremed Ser[Phytosfere '99: Highlights in European Plant Biotechnology Research and Technology Transfer Dev Pl Gen Phytotaxa PhytotaxaPhytotherapy Research Phytother ResIPiageng 2009: Image Processing and Photonics for Agricultural EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Piageng 2010: Photonics and Imaging for Agricultural EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Piaget, Evolution, and Development J Piaget SyPiagets Theory J Piaget SyPiano & KeyboardPiano KeyboardPiano Quarterly Piano Quart1Pickup Ions Throughout The Heliosphere and Beyond Aip Conf ProcEPicosecond and Femtosecond Spectroscopy From Laboratory to Real WorldP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Pid Control for Multivariable ProcessesLect Notes Contr Inf6Pid Trajectory Tracking Control for Mechanical SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf:Piecewise Linear Control Systems: A Computational ApproachLect Notes Contr Inf;Piecewise-smooth Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications Appl Math Sci4Piero Gobetti and The Politics of Liberal RevolutionItal Ital Am Stud$Pierre Bayle's Cartesian MetaphysicsRoutledge Stud SevenPierre Fabre Monograph Series P Fabre Mon!Piers 2008 Cambridge, ProceedingsPr Electromagn Res S`Piers 2008 Hangzhou: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Vols I and Ii, ProceedingsPr Electromagn Res SXPiers 2009 Beijing: Progess in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Proceedings I and IiPr Electromagn Res SPieter Van Foreest S St Hist MPietist and Wesleyan StudiesPie Ews StudiesZPiezoelectric Ceramic Materials: Processing, Properties, Charcterization, and ApplicationsMater Sci Technol6Piezoelectricity: Evolution and Future of A TechnologySpringer Ser Mater SIPiezoelectric Materials: Advances in Science, Technology and ApplicationsNato Asi 3 High Tech?Piezoelectric Materials: Structure, Properties and ApplicationsMater Sci Technol/Piezoelectric Multilayer Beam Bending ActuatorsMicrotechnol MemsPiezoelectric SensorsSpringer Ser Chem SePigment & Resin TechnologyPigm Resin Technol Pigment Cell & Melanoma ResearchPigm Cell Melanoma RPigment Cell Research Pigm Cell Res)Pilgrimages and Spiritual Quests in JapanJpn Anthropol WorkshJPilgrim and The Bee: Reading Rituals and Book Culture in Early New England Mater Texts"Pilgrims and Sacred Sites in China Stud ChinaPillars of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc Pima MagazinePima Mag Pina BauschRoutl Perform PractPineal Gland and Its HormonesNato Adv Sci Inst Se4Pineal Region Tumor: Diagnosis and Treatment OptionsProg Neurol Surg-Pinewood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus XylophilusNematol Monogr PerspAPinochet Effect: Transnational Justice in The Age of Human RightsPa Stud Hum Rights8Pioneers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business ResearchInt Stud Entrep"Pioneers in In Vitro FertilizationStud ProferlitPipeline & Gas JournalPipeline Gas J/Pipelined Adc Design and Enhancement TechniquesAnalog Circ Sig ProcPipe Line 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Astrophysics and CosmologyLect Notes PhysPlane and Solid Geometry UniversitextOPlane Answers to Complex Questions: The Theory of Linear Models, Fourth EditionSpringer Texts StatPlanetary and Space SciencePlanet Space SciPlanetary Atmospheres Adv Space ResPlanetary AtmospheresAdv Space Res-series?Planetary Atmospheres and Ionospheres and Reference Atmospheres Adv Space Res6Planetary Atmospheres, Ionospheres, and Magnetospheres Adv Space Res6Planetary Atmospheres, Ionospheres, and MagnetospheresAdv Space Res-series:Planetary Atmospheres, Ionospheres and Plasma Interactions Adv Space Res:Planetary Atmospheres, Ionospheres and Plasma InteractionsAdv Space Res-seriesPlanetary Ionospheres Adv Space Res4Planetary Ionospheres and Atmospheres Including Cira Adv Space Res4Planetary Ionospheres and Atmospheres Including CiraAdv Space Res-series(Planetary Ionospheres and Magnetospheres Adv Space Res(Planetary Ionospheres and MagnetospheresAdv Space Res-seriesPlanetary Magnetospheres Adv Space ResPlanetary MagnetospheresAdv Space Res-series"Planetary Magnetospheric Physics IAdv Space Res-series#Planetary Magnetospheric Physics IiAdv Space Res-seriesPlanetary Materials Rev MineralPlanetary NebulaeIau Symp'Planetary Nebulae As Astronomical Tools Aip Conf Proc&Planetary Nebulae Beyond The Milky WayEso Astrophy Symp;Planetary Nebulae: Their Evolution and Role in The UniverseIau SympMPlanetary Probe Atmospheric Entry and Descent Trajectory Analysis and Science Esa Sp PublPlanetary StudiesAdv Space Res-series*Planetary Systems Beyond The Main Sequence Aip Conf ProcOPlanetary Systems: Detection, Formation, and Habitability of Extrasolar PlanetsAstron Astrophys LibFPlanetary Systems in The Universe Observation, Formation and EvolutionIau SympPlanets Around Pulsars Astr Soc PIPlanets Beyond The Solar System and The Next Generation of Space Missions Astr Soc PPlanets in Binary Star SystemsAstrophys Space Sc LPlanning and Administration Plann AdminPlanning and Analysis 2005Transport 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Enterprise: A State of The Art Handbook, Vol 2Int Ser Oper Res Man'Planning Regional Development in BrazilCirad ColloquesIPlanning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction: From Theory to Practice Fr Art Int<Planning Stability in Material Requirements Planning SystemsLect Notes Econ Math6Planning Support Systems Best Practice and New MethodsGeojournal LibPlanning SustainabilityEnvironm Polit Ser7Planning The Megacity: Jakarta in The Twentieth CenturyPlan Hist Environ SePlanning Theory Plan Theor:Plans D'experience: Constructions Et Analyses StatistiquesMath Appl-berlin%Planseeberichte Fur PulvermetallurgiePlanseeber PulvermetPlantaPlantaPlanta DaninhaPlanta Daninha Plant AgingNato Adv Sci I A-lif Planta Medica Planta MedPlant and Cell PhysiologyPlant Cell PhysiolPlant and Soil Plant SoilPlant and Vegetation Plant Veg/Plant-animal Interactions in The Marine BenthosSyst Assoc Spec VolPlant Archives Plant ArchPlant Biochemistry Plant Biochem Plant Biology Plant Biol Plant Biology Plant Biology*Plant Bioregulators in Horticulture - 1994 Acta HorticPlant Biosystems Plant BiosystPlant BiotechnologyPlant BiotechnolPlant BiotechnologyPlant Biotechnol-nar<Plant Biotechnology and in Vitro Biology in The 21st CenturyCurr Plant Sci BiotPlant Biotechnology-bkCurr Top MicrobiolHPlant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-productsBiotech Agr ForestPlant Biotechnology JournalPlant Biotechnol JPlant Biotechnology ReportsPlant Biotechnol RepPlant BreedingPlant BreedingVPlant Breeding and Sustainable Agriculture : Considerations for Objectives and MethodsCssa Spec Publ Plant Cell Plant CellPlant Cell and EnvironmentPlant Cell EnvironMPlant Cell and Tissue Culture-a Tool in Biotechnology: Basics and Application Princ PractPlant Cell MonographsPlant Cell MonogrPlant Cell ReportsPlant Cell Rep#Plant Cell Tissue and Organ CulturePlant Cell Tiss Org&Plant Cell Wall: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolPlant Cell Wall Polymers Acs Sym SerPlant Chromosome EngineeringMethods Mol Biol&Plant Clonality: Biology and DiversitySpec Feat Veget Sci2Plant Communication From An Ecological PerspectiveSignal Commun PlantsPlant Cytoskeleton Advan Pl Bio5Plant Cytoskeleton: A Key Tool for Agro-biotechnologyNato Sci Peace SecurPlant Desiccation ToleranceEcol Stud-anal SynthPlant DevelopmentCurr Top Dev Biol2Plant Developmental Biology: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Plant Disease Plant DisPlant Disease Reporter Plant Dis Rep Plant Ecology Plant EcolPlant Ecology & DiversityPlant Ecol DiversPlant Ecology and EvolutionPlant Ecol EvolPlant EcophysiologyPlant Ecophysiol+Plant Embryo Culture: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolPlant Engineering Plant EngSPlant-environment Interactions: From Sensory Plant Biology to Active Plant BehaviorSignal Commun Plants(Plant Epigenetics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolPlanters Studies Series Planters StPlant Foods for Human NutritionPlant Food Hum NutrPlant Foods for ManPlant Foods Man7Plant Genetic 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BioPlant Molecular BiologyPlant Mol BiolPlant Molecular Biology 2Nato Adv Sci I A-lif Plant Molecular Biology ReporterPlant Mol Biol Rep<Plant Nutrition - From Genetic Engineering to Field PracticeDev Plant Soil Sci-Plant Nutrition - Physiology and ApplicationsDev Plant Soil Sci Plant Omics Plant OmicsPlant Pathogenic Bacteria Colloq InraPlant Pathology Plant Pathol#Plant Pathology in The 21st CenturyPlant Path 21stPlant Pathology JournalPlant Pathology JPlant Physiology Plant Physiol!Plant Physiology and BiochemistryPlant Physiol BiochPlant Plasma MembranePlant Cell Monogr>Plant Polyphenols 2: Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology, EcologyBasic Life Sci7Plant Polyphenols : Synthesis, Properties, SignificanceBasic Life Sci!Plant-produced Microbial VaccinesCurr Top Microbiol2Plant Production On The Threshold of A New CenturyDev Plant Soil SciPlant Production SciencePlant Prod SciPlant Protection BulletinPlant Prot Bull9Plant Reproduction : From Floral Induction to Pollination Cur Top 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EvolutionPlant Syst Evol&Plant Systematics for The 21st Century Wenn Gr IntPlant Systems BiologyMethods Mol Biol2Plant Transcription Factors: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolPlant Varieties and SeedsPlant Var SeedsPlant Virus Epidemiology Adv Virus Res+Planung, Anlage Und Betrieb Von FlugplatzenVDI-Buch Plasma 2005 Aip Conf Proc Plasma 2007 Aip Conf ProcPlasma and Fusion Science Aip Conf ProcPlasma AntennasArtech Hse Antenn PrAPlasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical AgentsNato Sci Peace Sec AAPlasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical AgentsNato Scie Peace SecuPlasma Astrophysics Esa Sp Publ3Plasma Astrophysics: Reconnection and Flares, Pt IiAstrophys Space Sc L&Plasma Chemistry and Plasma ProcessingPlasma Chem Plasma P+Plasma Deposition and Treatment of PolymersMater Res Soc Symp P)Plasma Deposition of Polymeric Thin FilmsAppl Polym Symp SerPlasma Devices and OperationsPlasma Devices Oper+Plasma Environments of Non-magnetic Planets Cospar CollDPlasma Etching Processes for Sub-quarter Micron Devices, Proceedings Elec Soc S/Plasma Interaction in Controlled Fusion Devices Aip Conf ProcPlasma Kinetic TheorySer Plasma PhysPlasma Lipoproteins, Pt CMethod Enzymol0Plasma Material Interaction in Controlled FusionSpringer Ser Atom OpPlasma Physics Aip Conf ProcPlasma PhysicsPlasma Physics$Plasma Physics and Controlled FusionPlasma Phys Contr FAPlasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1992, Vol 1P S IaeaAPlasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1992, Vol 3 Int Aeaps 3Plasma Physics ReportsPlasma Phys RepPlasma Physics ReportsPlasma Phys Rep+ Plasma Polarization SpectroscopySpringer Ser Atom OpFPlasma Polymerization and Plasma Interactions With Polymeric MaterialsAppl Polym Symp SerPlasma Processes and PolymersPlasma Process Polym>Plasma Processes in The Near-earth Space: Interball and Beyond Adv Space Res>Plasma Processes in The Near-earth Space: Interball and BeyondAdv Space Res-series%Plasma Processing and Dusty ParticlesMater Sci Forum0Plasma Processing and Synthesis of Materials IiiMater Res Soc Symp PPlasma Processing of PolymersNato Adv Sci I E-app#Plasma Processing of SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci I E-appPlasma Processing Xii Elec Soc SPlasma Processing Xiv Elec Soc SPlasmas and Polymers Plasmas PolymPlasma Science & TechnologyPlasma Sci TechnolUPlasmas in The Laboratory and in The Universe: Interactions, Patterns, and Turbulence Aip Conf ProcNPlasmas in The Laboratory and in The Universe: New Insights and New Challenges Aip Conf ProcPlasma Source Mass Spectrometry Roy Soc ChGPlasma Source Mass Spectrometry: Current Trends and Future Developments Roy Soc Ch#Plasma Sources Science & TechnologyPlasma Sources Sci T7Plasma-surface Interactions and Processing of MaterialsNato Adv Sci I E-app3Plasma Technologies for Hazardous Waste Destruction Ital Phy So Plasma Technologies for TextilesWoodhead Publ Ser Te'Plasma Therapy & Transfusion TechnologyPlasma Ther TransfusPlasmidPlasmidPPlasminogen Activation in Fibrinolysis, in Tissue Remodeling, and in DevelopmentAnn Ny Acad Sci0Plasminogen Activators : From Cloning to Therapy Serono Sym"Plasminogen-related Growth Factors Ciba F Symp Plasmonics Plasmonics"Plasmonics in Biology and MedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine VP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine V Proc Spie%Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine Vi Proc Spie&Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine Vii Proc Spie@Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical PropertiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties Proc SpieCPlasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their 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KautschPlasticaPlastica"Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryPlast Reconstr Surg"Plastic and Reconstructive SurgerySpringer Spec Surg S)Plastic Deformation of Minerals and RocksRev Mineral Geochem-Plasticity and Regeneration of Nervous SystemAdv Exp Med Biol9Plasticity in The Adult Brain: From Genes to NeurotherapyProg Brain Res)Plasticity of Metals and Alloys - Ispma 6 Key Eng Mat)Plasticity of Metals and Alloys - Ispma 6 Key Eng Mater&Plasticity of Motoneuronal Connections Res NeurolPlastic Optical FibersP Soc Photo-opt InsPlastics & Polymers Plast PolymPlastics & Rubber InternationalPlast Rubber IntPlastics and RubberPlast Rubber Int/Plastics and Rubber Processing and ApplicationsPlast Rub Proc ApplPlastics Design & ProcessingPlast Design ProcessPlastics Engineering Plast EngPlastics Engineering-crc Plast Eng-crc"Plastics Fabrication and Recycling Plast Eng-crc:Plastics From Bacteria: Natural Functions and ApplicationsMicrobiol MonogrPlastics Rubber and CompositesPlast Rubber 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Narratologia9Points and Lines: Characterizing The Classical Geometries UniversitextPoint to Point CommunicationsPoint Point Commun!Point to Point TelecommunicationsPoint Point TelecommPoint Veterinaire Point Vet9Poisoned Words: Slander and Satire in Early Modern FranceRes Monogr Fr Stud*Poisons: Physiologically Active SubstancesPharm Res Saf TestRPoisson-dirichlet Distribution and Related Topics: Models and Asymptotic BehaviorsProbab Appl SerDPoisson Geometry, Deformation Quantisation and Group Representations Lond Math S+Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics Contemp Math Polar Biology Polar BiolPolar Cap Boundary PhenomenaNato Adv Sci I C-matKPolar Cap Thermosphere/ionosphere and Its Role in Solar-terrestrial Physics Adv Space ResCPolar Hayes: The Life and Contributions of Isaac Israel Hayes, M.d.Mem Am Philos Soc<Polarimetric Detection, Characterization, and Remote SensingNato Sci Peace Secur7Polarimetric Radar Imaging: From Basics to ApplicationsOpt Sci Eng-crcPolarimetry and EllipsometryP Soc Photo-opt InsPolarimetry in AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt InsPolarimetry in Astronomy Proc Spie&Polarimetry of The Interstellar Medium Astr Soc P>Polarimetry : Radar, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, and X-rayP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Polarization Analysis and MeasurementP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Polarization Analysis and Measurement IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Polarization Analysis, Measurement, and Remote Sensing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Polarization Analysis, Measurement, and Remote Sensing Iii Proc Spie9Polarization Analysis, Measurement, and Remote Sensing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Polarization Analysis, Measurement, and Remote Sensing Iv Proc Spie:Polarization and Color Techniques in Industrial InspectionP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Polarization and Color Techniques in Industrial Inspection Proc SpiePolarization and Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Polarization Considerations for Optical Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Polarization Measurement, Analysis, and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing Ii Proc Spie:Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing Viii Proc SpiePolarization Mode DispersionOpt Fiber Comm RepPolarization Mode DispersionOpt Fiber Commun Rep)Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics Aip Conf Proc'Polarization Science and Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Polarization Science and Remote Sensing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Polarization Science and Remote Sensing Iii Proc SpiePolarized Antiproton Beams-how? Aip Conf ProcPolarized Collider Workshop Aip Conf Proc+Polarized Electron/polarized Photon Physics Phys AtomsJPolarized Gas Targets and Polarized Beams - Seventh International Workshop Aip Conf Proc/Polarized Ion Sources and Polarized Gas Targets Aip Conf ProcGPolarized Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays for Magnetism Conference 2009J Phys Conf Ser0Polar Motion: Historical and Scientific Problems Astr Soc PPolar Oceans From SpaceAtmos Ocean Sci LibPolarons and Applications Proc NonlinPolarons in Advanced MaterialsSpringer Ser Mater S Polar Record Polar RecPolar Research Polar ResPolar Research Series Polar Res S%Police and The Community in The 1990s Aic Conf P Police Chief Police ChiefBPolice Corruption: Preventing Misconduct and Maintaining IntegrityAdv Polic Theor Prac3Police Forces: A Cultural History of An InstitutionStud Eur Cult HistPolice Law QuarterlyPolice Law Quart5Police Management: Professional Integrity in PolicingCrim Justice Law EnfPolice QuarterlyPolice Q<Police Technology: Asia Pacific Police Technology Conference Aic Conf P,Policies and Research in Identity ManagementInt Fed Info ProcPolicies for CompetitivenessFuj Busin Hist Ser:Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Policies for Long-run Economic Growth Fed Bank KsbPolicies for Managing Urban Growth and Landscape Change: A Key to Conservation in The 21st CenturyUs For Serv T R NcPolicies, Regulatory Regimes and Management Practices for Investment Promotion and Sustainable Development of The Mineral Resources Sector in Economies in Transition and Developing Countries of East and South-east AsiaMin Res Ass Dev ManJPolicies to Promote Competitiveness in Manufacturing in Sub-saharan Africa Oecd DevelPolicing & Society Polic SocCPolicing-an International Journal of Police Strategies & ManagementPolicingPolicy Analysis Policy AnalPolicy and Politics Policy PolitPolicy and PracticeAdv Learn Behav DisaOPolicy, Experience and Change-cross-cultural Reflections On Inclusive EducationIncl Educ Cross CultPolicy Forum SeriesPolicy Forum SeriesHPolicy Initiatives Towards The Third Sector in International PerspectiveNonprofit Civ Soc St?Policy Making and Implementation: Studies From Papua New GuineaStud St Soc PacsPolicy-making Processes and The European Constitution: A Comparative Study of Member States and Accession CountriesRoutl Ecpr Stud Eur<Policy Options for Reform of Chinese State-owned Enterprises World B Dis:Policy Reform for Sustainable Development in The CaribbeanInt Inst Adm Sci Mg:Policy Reforms and Agriculture Development in Central AsiaNat Res Manag Policy Policy Review Policy RevPolicy Sciences Policy SciPolicy StudiesPol StudPolicy StudiesPolicy Stud-ukPolicy Studies Journal Policy Stud JFPolicy Transfer in European Union Governance: Regulating The UtilitiesRoutl Adv Eur PolitPolimeros-ciencia E Tecnologia PolimerosPolimery Polimery-wPolisPolis-j Soc Greek PoPolish Entomological MonographsPol Entomol MonogrJPolish Experience of Transition: Accomplishments and Problems, Proceedings Trade Invest%Polish Journal of Chemical TechnologyPol J Chem TechnolPolish Journal of Chemistry Pol J ChemPolish Journal of Ecology Pol J Ecol'Polish Journal of Environmental StudiesPol J Environ StudPolish Journal of MicrobiologyPol J MicrobiolPolish Journal of Pathology Pol J PatholPolish Journal of PharmacologyPol J Pharmacol+Polish Journal of Pharmacology and PharmacyPol J Pharmacol Phar%Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Pol J Vet SciPolish Library of PsychiatryBibl Psychiat PolPolish Maritime Research Pol Marit ResPolish Polar Research Pol Polar ResPolish Psychological BulletinPol Psychol Bull/Polish Review of Radiology and Nuclear MedicinePol Rev Radiol NuclPolish Sociological BulletinPol Sociol BullPolish Sociological ReviewPol Sociol Rev1Polish Studies in English Language and Literature Polish Stud+Polit-a Journal for Literature and PoliticsPolit-j Lit PolitYPoliteness in Language: Studies in Its History, Theory and Practice, 2nd Rev. and Exp. Ed Mouton TxbPolitical Agendas for EducationSociocult Polit Hist_Political Agendas for Education: From The Christian Coalition to The Green Party, Third EditionSociocult Polit HistPolitical Analysis Polit Anal5Political and Social Thought in Post-communist RussiaBasees-rout Ser RussAPolitical Approaches to Educational Administration and LeadershipRoutl Res EducPolitical Behavior Polit Behav[Political Booms: Local Money and Power in Taiwan, East China, Thailand, and The PhilippinesSer Contemp ChinabPolitical Civilization and Modernization in China: The Political Context of China's TransformationSer Contemp ChinaPolitical Communication Polit CommunPolitical Communication in Asia Commun Ser!Political Communications (series)Polit Commun Ser-Political Competition and Economic RegulationRoutl Explor Econ HiPolitical ConstructivismRoutl Innov Polit ThKPolitical Culture and Civil Society in Russia and The New States of Eurasia Int Pol Eur$Political Culture and Post-communism St Antony SerKPolitical Cultures in Asia and Europe: Citizens, States and Societal Values Polit AsiagPolitical Culture Under Institutional Pressure: How Institutional Change Transforms Early SocializationPolit Evol Inst Chan<Political Diaries of The Fourth Earl of Carnarvon, 1857-1890Camden Fifth Ser&Political Dimension of Economic Growth Iea Conf VolPPolitical Ecology of Tropical Forests in Southeast Asia: Historical PerspectivesKyoto Area Studies`Political Economy and Christian Theology Since The Enlightenment: Essays in Intellectual History Stud Mod Hist#Political Economy and GlobalizationRoutl Front Polit Ec$Political Economy and Grand StrategyRout Glob Secur Stud#Political Economy and Public Policy Polit Ec PPolitical Economy ForumPolit Econ Forum*Political Economy, Linguistics and CultureEur Herit Econ Soc S?Political Economy of Consumer Behavior : Contesting ConsumptionRoutl Adv Soc EconxPolitical Economy of Educational Reforms and Capacity Development in Southeast Asia: Cases of Cambodia, Laos and VietnamEduc Asia Pac Reg-is%Political Economy of Emerging MarketsCeri Ser Int Relat P6Political Economy of European Union Competition PolicyNew Polit Econ SerlPolitical Economy of Financing Scottish Government: Considering A New Constitutional Settlement for ScotlandStud Fiscal Fed StatKPolitical Economy of Fiscal Policy: Public Deficits, Volatility, and GrowthLect Notes Econ Math+Political Economy of Global Interdependence Pol Econ GlYPolitical Economy of Global Security: War, Future Crises and Changes in Global Governance Rethink Glob(Political Economy of Government Auditing Law Dev Glob$Political Economy of Government DebtContrib To Econ Anal-Political Economy of Human Rights Enforcement Glob Ethics3Political Economy of International Capital MobilityInt Polit Econ Ser0Political Economy of International Organizations Pol Econ Gl1Political Economy of International Tax GovernanceTransform StatemPolitical Economy of Inter-regional Fiscal Flows: Measurement, Determinants and Eff Ects On Country StabilityStud Fiscal Fed StatPolitical Economy of Manitoba Can Plain S*Political Economy of Oil and Gas in AfricaRoutl Stud Int Bus W8Political Economy of Peacebuilding in Post-dayton BosniaContemp Secur Stud"Political Economy of Policy ReformContrib Econ Anal"Political Economy of Policy ReformContrib To Econ AnalNPolitical Economy of Reform in Central Asia: Uzbekistan Under AuthoritarianismCent Asia Res Forum>Political Economy of Rural Livelihoods in Transition EconomiesRoutl Iss St Rur LivPolitical Economy of Socialism Pol Econ SPolitical Economy of SportInt Polit Econ Ser7Political Economy of State-business Relations in EuropeRoutl Uaces ContempPolitical Economy of Tax Reform Nber E A Ec%Political Economy of The Asia PacificPolit Econ Asia Pac&Political Economy of The Minimal StateShaftesb PaperRPolitical Economy of The Sars Epidemic: The Impact On Human Resources in East AsiaRoutledge Stud GrowtUPolitical Economy of Transition and Development: Institutions, Politics, and PoliciesZei Stud Eu Econ Law)Political Economy of Water and SanitationRoutl Stud Dev SocPolitical Economy of WorkRoutl Front Polit EcMPolitical Ethics and The United Nations: Dag Hammarskjld As Secretary-generalCass Ser Peacekeepin,Political Evolution and Institutional ChangePolit Evol Inst ChanIPolitical Failure By Agreement: Learning Liberalism and The Welfare StateNew Think Polit Econ|Political Foundations of Judicial Supremacy: The Presidency, The Supreme Court, and Constitutional Leadership in U S HistoryPrinc Stud Am PolitPolitical Future of Hong KongRoutl Stud Chin EconPolitical Geography Polit GeogrPolitical Geography QuarterlyPolit Geogr Quart7Political Globalization: State, Power and Social ForcesInt Polit Econ SerQPolitical Institutions and Lesbian and Gay Rights in The United States and CanadaRout Stud N Am Polit)Political Islam and Violence in IndonesiaAsian Secur Stud&Political Justice and Religious ValuesContemp Sociol PerspDPolitical Language and Metaphor: Interpreting and Changing The WorldRoutl Innov Polit ThVPolitical Leadership and The Northern Ireland Peace Process: Role, Capacity and EffectSt Antonys Ser/Political Legitimacy of Markets and Governments Polit Ec P-Political Mobilisation and Democracy in IndiaRoutl Adv S Asian St-Political Obligation: A Critical IntroductionRoutl Contemp Polit6Political Parties and Terrorist Groups, Second EditionRout Stud Extrem DemPolitical Philosophy Roy I Ph S'Political Philosophy of Michel FoucaultRoutl Stud Soc Polit!Political Pluralism and The StateRoutl Innov Polit Th!Political Power and Social TheoryPolit Power Soc Theo)Political Power and Social Theory, Vol 16Polit Power Soc Theo)Political Power and Social Theory, Vol 17Polit Power Soc Theo)Political Power and Social Theory, Vol 18Polit Power Soc Theo)Political Power and Social Theory, Vol 19Polit Power Soc Theo,Political Power and Social Theory, Volume 20Polit Power Soc TheoPolitical Power of BusinessRoutl Res Comp PolitPolitical Psychology Polit Psychol7Political Public Relations: Principles and ApplicationsRoutl Commun SerPolitical Quarterly Polit Quart)Political Quarterly Special Issues SeriesPolit Q Sp Iss SerPolitical Quarterly Supplement Polit Q Sup3Political Reform in Japan: Leadership Looming LargeRoutl Contemp Jpn Se'Political Regimes and The Media in AsiaRout Med Cult Soc'Political Regimes and The Media in AsiaRoutl Media Cult SocPolitical Research QuarterlyPolit Res QuartMPolitical Road to War With Iraq: Bush, 9/11 and The Drive to Overthrow SaddamContemp Secur StudPolitical Science Polit SciPolitical Science QuarterlyPolit Sci Quart'Political Science Research Centre ForumPoli Sci Res Cent Fo(Political Sociology for The 21st CenturyRes Polit SociolPolitical StudiesPolit Stud-londonPolitical Studies ReviewPolit Stud RevCPolitical Theatre in Post-thatcher Britain: New Writing - 1995-2005Perform IntervIPolitical Theologies in The Holy Land: Israeli Messianism and Its CriticsRoutl Jew Stud SerPolitical Theory Polit Theory=Political Theory and Community Building in Post-soviet RussiaBasees-rout Ser RussfPolitical Theory of Tyranny in Singapore and Burma: Aristotle and The Rhetoric of Benevolent DespotismRoutl Cont Se Asia S:Political Thought of Sayyid Qutb: The Theory of JahiliyyahRoutl Stud Pol IslamnPolitical Transformation, Structural Adjustment and Industrial Relations in Africa: English-speaking Countries Lab Man Rel/Political Vierteljahresschrift Special EditionsPolit Vierteljahress*Political Violence and Trauma in ArgentinaEthnogr Polit ViolenhPolitical Warfare Against The Kremlin: Us and British Propaganda Policy At The Beginning of The Cold WarGlob Confl SecurPolitica Y Gobierno Polit GobbPoliticians, Bureaucrats and Leadership in Organizations: Lessons From Regional Planning in FranceFr Polit Soc CultKPoliticizing Asian American Literature: Towards A Critical Multiculturalism Stud Asian AmPoliticka Ekonomie Polit EkonPoliticsPoliticsGPolitics, Administration and Society in The Hellenistic and Roman WorldStud HellenistPolitics & Gender Polit GenderPolitics & Society Polit Soc6Politics and Aesthetics in The Diary of Virginia WoolfStud Major Lit Autho.Politics and Change in Singapore and Hong KongRoutl Contemp Asia&Politics and Culture in Modern AmericaPolit Cult Mod Am.Politics and Economics of Latin America SeriesPolit Econ Lat Am+Politics and Ethnicity: A Comparative StudyPerspect Comp PolitPolitics and GlobalizationRes Polit SociolFPolitics and Government in Hong Kong: Crisis Under Chinese SovereigntyRoutl Contemp China:Politics and Neoliberalism: Structure, Process and OutcomeRes Polit SociolPolitics and Public PolicyRes Polit SociolPolitics and Religion Polit Relig1Politics and Society in Twentieth-century AmericaPolit Soc Twentieth)Politics and Society Under The BolsheviksInt Congr Cent E EurQPolitics and Strategy of Clandestine War: Special Operations Executive, 1940-1946 Stud IntellPolitics and The CorporationRes Polit SociolPolitics and The Individual Polit IndividPolitics and The Life SciencesPolit Life SciMPolitics and The Media in Twenty-first Century Indonesia: Decade of DemocracyMedia Cult Soc Chang.Politics and The Ruling Group in Putins RussiaStud Cent E EurIPolitics and Violence in Israel/palestine: Democracy Versus Military RuleRoutl Stud Mid E PolDPolitics As Text and Talk: Analytic Approaches to Politcla DiscourseDis Appl Pol Soc CulPolitics in Asia Polit Asia=Politics in China Since 1949: Legitimizing Authoritarian RuleRoutl Contemp ChinaPolitics in The Russian RegionsStud Cent E EurPolitics of Aid SelectivityRoutl Stud Dev Econ#Politics of American Actor TrainingRoutl Adv Theatr PerPolitics of American EducationSociocult Polit Hist/Politics of Antisocial Behaviour: Amoral PanicsRoutl Adv Criminol^Politics of Becoming European: A Study of Polish and Baltic Post-cold War Security Imaginaries New Int Relat0Politics of Belonging in India: Becoming AdivasiRoutl Cont S Asia Se/Politics of Change: Sexuality, Gender and AgingRes Polit SociolBPolitics of Chinas Environmental Protection: Problems and ProgressSer Contemp China@Politics of Coalition in Korea: Between Institutions and CultureRoutl Adv Korean Stu$Politics of Culture in Liberal ItalyRoutl Stud Mod Eur HPolitics of CyberconflictRout Res Inf Technol>Politics of Developmentalism in Mexico, Taiwan and South KoreaInt Polit Econ Ser!Politics of Education Book SeriesPolit Educ Book SerPolitics of Education ReformsGlob Comp Educ Polic^Politics of Exchange Rates in Developing Countries: Political Cycles and Domestic Institutions Contrib Econ&Politics of Expertise in Latin America Lat Amer St/Politics of Foundations: A Comparative AnalysisRoutl Res Comp Polit*Politics of Heritage: The Legacies of RaceComedia:Politics of Heritage Tourism in China: A View From LijiangRoutl Contemp China#Politics of Housing Booms and BustsInt Polit Econ Ser#Politics of Identity in Irish DramaLit Crit Cult TheoryVPolitics of Immigration in France, Britain, and The United States: A Comparative StudyPerspect Comp Polit4Politics of Intelligence and American Wars With IraqMiddle E FocusJPolitics of Knowledge in Central Asia: Science Between Marx and The MarketCent Asia Res ForumAPolitics of Libraries and Librarianship: Challenges and RealitiesChandos Inf Prof SerJPolitics of Madness: The State, Insanity and Society in England, 1845-1914Routl Stud Soc HistpPolitics of Military Reform in Post-suharto Indonesia: Elite Conflict, Nationalism, and Institutional ResistancePol Stud`Politics of Pact-making: Hungary's Negotiated Transition to Democracy in Comparative PerspectivePolit Evol Inst ChanaPolitics of Post-industrial Welfare States: Adapting Post-war Social Policies to New Social RisksRoutl Eui Stud Polit[Politics of Regional Integration in Latin America: Theoretical and Comparative ExplorationsCeri Ser Int Relat PUPolitics of Regulation: Institutions and Regulatory Reforms for The Age of GovernanceCrc Ser Compet Regul0Politics of Religion in South and Southeast AsiaRoutl Contemp AsiaDPolitics of Romantic Theatricality, 1787-1832: The Road to The StagePalgrave Stud Enligh1Politics of Secularism in International RelationsPrinc Stud Int HistPolitics of Self-expressionRoy Asiat Soc Books@Politics of Selfhood: Bodies and Identities in Global Capitalism Public WorldsPolitics of SexualityRoutledge/ecpr Stud'Politics of Structural Education ReformRoutl Res EducPolitics of The Veil Pub SquarebPolitics of Transition in Central Asia and The Caucasus: Enduring Legacies and Emerging ChallengesCent Asian StudbPolitics of Transition in Central Asia and The Caucasus: Enduring Legacies and Emerging ChallengesCent Asian Stud SerCPolitics of Violence: Gender, Conflict and Community in El SalvadorB Lat Am Res Book Se;Politics of Women's Interests: New Comparative PerspectivesRoutl Res Comp PolitPolitics Philosophy & EconomicsPolit Philos Econ$Politics Science and The EnvironmentPolit Sci EnvironPolitika A NabozenstviPolit Nabozenstvi Politikon Politikon Politikon Politikon-ukPolitische StudienPolit Stud-munichPolitische VierteljahresschriftPolit VierteljahrPolitixPolitixPolityPolity1Pollen-pistil Interactions and Pollen Tube Growth Cur Top Pl$Pollen: Structure, Types and EffectsEnviron Sci Eng TechJPollutants From Combustion - Formation and Impact On Atmospheric ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-mat Pollution Assessment and Control Stat EnvironPollution Engineering Pollut Eng,Pollution Prevention in Industrial Processes Acs Sym Ser*Pollution Science Technology and AbatementPollut Sci Technol APoll With A Human FaceLea Commun SerJPolskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej-polish Archives of Internal MedicinePol Arch Med Wewn(Polyamines in The Gastrointestinal Tract Falk Symp!Polyamines: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol7Poly(arylene Etynylene)s: From Synthesis to Application Adv Polym SciPolya Urn ModelsCh Crc Text Stat Sci"Polycentric Games and Institutions Inst Analysis-Polychar-18 World Forum On Advanced Materials Macromol Sy-Polycrystalline Metal and Magnetic Thin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp PTPolycrystalline Semiconductors Iv Materials, Technologies and Large Area Electronics Sol St PhenTPolycrystalline Semiconductors Iv Materials, Technologies and Large Area ElectronicsSolid State PhenomenEPolycrystalline Semiconductors Iv - Physics, Chemistry and Technology Diffus De B/Polycrystalline Semiconductors Vii, Proceedings Sol St Phen/Polycrystalline Semiconductors Vii, ProceedingsSolid State PhenomenKPolycrystalline Thin Films: Structure, Texture, Properties and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp POPolycrystalline Thin Films: Structure, Texture, Properties, and Applications IiMater Res Soc Symp PPPolycrystalline Thin Films - Structure, Texture, Properties and Applications IiiMater Res Soc Symp PPolycyclic Aromatic CompoundsPolycycl Aromat CompIPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Pollution, Health Effects and ChemistryPolym Sci Technol SePolycystic Kidney DiseaseContrib NephrolPolycystic Ovaries Adv Rep EndPPolycystic Ovary Syndrome: Current Controversies, From The Ovary to The PancreasCont EndocrinolPPolycystic Ovary Syndrome: Current Controversies, From The Ovary to The PancreasContemp Endocrinol SPolyelectrolyte Gels Acs Sym Ser"Polyelectrolytes and NanoparticlesSpringer Lab Man PolMPolyelectrolytes and Polyzwitterions: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Acs Sym Ser6Polyelectrolytes With Defined Molecular Architecture I Adv Polym Sci7Polyelectrolytes With Defined Molecular Architecture Ii Adv Polym SciPolyesters and PolyamidesWoodhead Publ Text>Polyethersulfone: Membranes for Multiple Clinical ApplicationsContrib NephrolPoly(ethylene Glycol) Acs Sym Ser Polyfluorenes Adv Polym Sci'Polyfunctional Cytokines : Il-6 and Lif Ciba F Symp0Polygons: Cultural Diversities and IntersectionsPolygons#Polygons, Polyominoes and PolycubesLect Notes Phys$Polyharmonic Boundary Value ProblemsLect Notes MathPolyhedral ComputationCrm Proc & Lect Note Polyhedron PolyhedronGPolyketides: Biosynthesis, Biological Activity, and Genetic Engineering Acs Sym SerPolymerPolymer;Polymer Aging, Stabilizers and Amphiphilic Block CopolymersPolym Sci Technol Se%Polymer Analysis and Characterization Adv Polym Sci(Polymer Analysis and Characterization IvAppl Polym Symp Ser(Polymer Analysis and Characterization, VAppl Polym Symp Ser"Polymer Analysis - Polymer Physics Adv Polym Sci Polymer Analysis, Polymer Theory Adv Polym SciPolymer and Cell DynamicsMath Biosci InteracPolymer and Cell DynamicsMath Biosci Interact"Polymer Based Molecular CompositesMater Res Soc Symp P2Polymer-based Nanostructures: Medical ApplicationsRsc Nanosci NanotechEPolymer-based Smart Materials - Processes, Properties and ApplicationMater Res Soc Symp PIPolymer Based Systems On Tissue Engineering, Replacement and RegenerationNato Sci Ser Ii MathIPolymer Based Systems On Tissue Engineering, Replacement and RegenerationNato Sci Ser Ii-math%Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials Acs Sym Ser(Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials Ii Acs Sym Ser%Polymer Blends and Polymer Composites Key Eng MatPolymer Bulletin Polym BullLPolymer-carbon Nanotube Composites: Preparation, Properties and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ MaterPolymer Characterization Adv Chem SerGPolymer Characterization: Rheology, Laser Interferometry, Electrooptics Adv Polym SciPolymer Chemistry Polym Chem-uk Polymer Chemistry and TechnologyPolym Ch Tech Kaunas@Polymer Chemistry and Technology-kaunas University of TechnologyPolym Ch Tech KaunasPolymer Communications Polym CommunPolymer CompositesPolym Composite#Polymer Degradation and Performance Acs Sym Ser!Polymer Degradation and StabilityPolym Degrad Stabil=Polymer Drugs in The Clinical Stage: Advantages and ProspectsAdv Exp Med BiolPolymer Durability Adv Chem Ser(Polymer Durability and Radiation Effects Acs Sym Ser3Polymer Electrolytes: Fundamentals and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ MaterPolymer EngineeringVDI-BuchPolymer Engineering and Science Polym Eng Sci:Polymer Fiber Optics: Materials, Physics, and ApplicationsOpt Sci Eng-crcPolymer Gels and NetworksPolym Gels Netw+Polymer Gels: Fundamentals and Applications Acs Sym SerPolymeric and Inorganic Fibers Adv Polym SciPolymeric Delivery Systems Acs Sym Ser2Polymeric Dispersions: Principles and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I E-appLPolymeric Drug Delivery Ii: Polymeric Matrices and Drug Particle Engineering Acs Sym Ser4Polymeric Drug Delivery I: Particulate Drug Carriers Acs Sym Ser'Polymeric Drugs and Drug Administration Acs Sym Ser)Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems Acs Sym SerPolymeric Foams Acs Sym SerPolymeric Foams-crcPolym Foam-crc'Polymeric Foams: Science and TechnologyPolym Foam-crcQPolymeric Foams: Technology and Developments in Regulation, Process, and ProductsPolym Foam-crcPolymeric LayersProg Coll Pol Sci S4Polymeric Materials for Microelectronic Applications Acs Sym Ser Polymeric Materials in DentistryDent Sci Mater TechPolymeric Nanofibers Acs Sym SerPolymer/inorganic InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp PPolymer/inorganic Interfaces IiMater Res Soc Symp P!Polymer Interfaces and Thin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp PPolymer International Polym IntPolymer JournalPolym J Polymer-korea Polym-koreaPolymer Latexes Acs Sym Ser1Polymer Latexes - Epoxide Resins - Polyampholytes Adv Polym SciPolymer Libraries Adv Polym Sci^Polymer Materials: Block-copolymers, Nanocomposites, Organic/inorganic Hybrids, Polymethylenes Adv Polym SciPolymer Membranes/biomembranes Adv Polym SciJPolymer/metal Interfaces and Defect Mediated Phenomena in Ordered PolymersMater Res Soc Symp P*Polymer-modified Hydraulic-cement MixturesAm Soc Test Mater@Polymer Nanocomposites By Emulsion and Suspension PolymerizationRsc Nanosci NanotechPolymer Networks & BlendsPolym Network Blend@Polymer Networks: Synthesis, Properties, Theory and Applications Macromol Sy1Polymer Optics Design, Fabrication, and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsPolymer Particles Adv Polym SciPolymer PhotochemistryPolym PhotochemPolymer Photonic DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsPolymer Photonic Devices Proc SpiePolymer Physics and Engineering Adv Polym Sci+Polymer-plastics Technology and EngineeringPolym-plast TechnolPolymer Reaction EngineeringPolym React EngPolymer Reviews Polym RevPolymers & Polymer CompositesPolym Polym ComposPolymers and Light Adv Polym SciPolymers and Liquid CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt InsPolymers and Liquid Crystals Proc SpiePolymers and Organic Chemistry Macromol SyPolymers As Rheology Modifiers Acs Sym Ser%Polymer Science and Technology SeriesPolym Sci Technol SePolymer Science Series APolym Sci Ser A+Polymer Science Series BPolym Sci Ser B+Polymer Science Series CPolym Sci Ser C+"Polymers for Advanced TechnologiesPolym Advan Technol$Polymers for Biomedical Applications Acs Sym SerPolymers for Microelectronics Acs Sym Ser1Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics Acs Sym Ser%Polymers for Photonics Applications I Adv Polym Sci&Polymers for Photonics Applications Ii Adv Polym Sci"Polymers for Regenerative Medicine Adv Polym Sci*Polymers for Second-order Nonlinear Optics Acs Sym Ser%Polymers From Agricultural Coproducts Acs Sym SerPolymers in Concrete Key Eng Mater0Polymers in Concrete : Advances and Applications Amer Conc I,Polymers in Concrete: The First Thirty Years Amer Conc I!Polymers in Confined Environments Adv Polym Sci!Polymers in Medicine and PharmacyMater Res Soc Symp PPolymers in Microlithography Acs Sym SerPolymers in Sensors Acs Sym Ser2Polymers of Biological and Biomedical Significance Acs Sym Ser)Polymer Solutions, Blends, and InterfacesStud Polym Sci,Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates V Macromol SyTPolymers - Opportunities and Risks Ii: Sustainability, Product Design and ProcessingHandb Environ Chem3Polymers : Their Properties and Blood Compatibility Dev HematolPolymer Synthesis Adv Polym Sci%Polymer Synthesis / Polymer Catalysis Adv Polym Sci%Polymer Synthesis/polymer Engineering Adv Polym Sci.Polymer Synthesis Polymer-polymer Complexation Adv Polym SciPolymer Testing Polym TestPPolymer Therapeutics Ii: Polymers As Drugs, Conjugates and Gene Delivery Systems Adv Polym SciOPolymer Therapeutics I: Polymers As Drugs, Conjugates and Gene Delivery Systems Adv Polym SciPolymer Yearbook Polym YearbBPolymethylmethacrylate A Flexible Membrane for A Tailored DialysisContrib Nephrol3Polymodal Receptor - A Gateway to Pathological PainProg Brain Res Polynomial and Rational MatricesCommun Control EngPolynomial Identity Rings Ad Co MathPolynomial Identity RingsAdv Courses Math Crm1Polynomial Representations of Gln, Second EditionLect Notes Math6Polyolefin Fibres: Industrial and Medical ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Text!Polyomaviruses and Human DiseasesAdv Exp Med Biol"Polyoxometalated Molecular ScienceNato Sci Ser Ii Math"Polyoxometalated Molecular ScienceNato Sci Ser Ii-mathPolyphenols 94 Colloq InraPolyphenols 96 Colloq InraPolyphenols, Wine and Health Pr Phyt SocPolyploidization and CancerAdv Exp Med Biol9Poly-, Quasi- and Rank-one Convexity in Applied Mechanics Cism Cour L/Polysaccharide Materials: Performance By Design Acs Sym Ser6Polysaccharides 1: Structure, Characterization and Use Adv Polym Sci9Polysaccharides: Development, Properties and ApplicationsPolym Sci Technol SeAPolysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications Acs Sym SerPolysaccharides Ii Adv Polym ScijPoly-silicon Thin Film Transistor Technology and Applications in Displays and Other Novel Technology AreasP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Polysoaps/stabilizers/nitrogen-15 Nmr Adv Polym Sci$Polystochastic Models for ComplexityUnderst Complex Syst1Polythiophenes - Electrically Conductive Polymers Adv Polym Sci-Polytopes: Abstract, Convex and ComputationalNato Adv Sci Inst Se)Polytopes - Combinatorics and Computation Dmv SeminarPolytopes, Rings, and K-theorySpringer Monogr Math.Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Human NutritionNestle Nutr Works Se Pomegranate PomegranatebPoncelet Porisms and Beyond: Integrable Billiards, Hyperelliptic Jacobians and Pencils of Quadrics Front MathhPonderosa Pine Ecosystems Restoration and Conservation: Steps Toward Stewardship, Conference ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-pPontePonte/Ponte-rivista Mensile Di Politica E LetteraturaPonte-riv Mens Pol LPoor Are Not UsE Afr Stud SerNPoor Indians: British Missionaries, Native Americans, and Colonial SensibilityEarly Am Stud SeriPop-konzert Als Para-theatrale Form: Seine Varianten Und Seine Bedingungen Im Kulturell-offentlichen RaumTheatron8Popper and Economic Methodology: Contemporary ChallengesRoutl Inem Adv Econ"Popper, Hayek and The Open SocietyRoutl Front Polit Ec Poptronics PoptronicsPopular Computing Pop Comput/Popular Culture and Representations of LiteracyRoutl Stud Literacy(Popular Culture, Globalization and JapanAsias Transform2Popular Culture of Shakespeare, Spenser and JonsonRout Stud Renais Lit0Populares Judentum: Medien, Debatten, Lesestoffe Conditio Jud:Popular Movements and Democratization in The Islamic WorldNew Horiz Islam Stud Popular Music Pop MusicPopular Music and Society Pop Music SocPopular Music of VietnamRoutl Stud Ethnomus9Popular Newspapers, The Labour Party and British PoliticsBrit Polit SocLPopular Religion in Russia: Double Belief and The Making of An Academic MythRoutl Stud Hist Russ Popular Sufism in Eastern EuropeRoutledge Sufi Ser Population Population%Population Ageing and Economic Growth Contrib EconEPopulation Ageing - A Threat to The Welfare State? The Case of SwedenDemogr Res MonogrPopulation and DevelopmentRoutl Perspect Dev!Population and Development Review Popul Dev RevPopulation and Environment Popul Environ*Population and Environment in Arid Regions Man BiosphPopulation Bulletin Popul Bull]Population Change and Economic Development in East Asia: Challenges Met, Opportunities SeizedContemp Iss Asia?Population Decline and Ageing in Japan: The Social ConsequencesRoutl Contemp Jpn Se`Population Dynamics and Projection Methods: Understanding Population Trends and Processes, Vol 4Underst Popul TrendsPopulation Ecology Popul EcolPopulation Economics Popul Econ(Population, Environment, and Development Nidi Cbgs PXPopulation Explosion: The Nature and Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments Aip Conf ProcPopulation Genetics of BacteriaSymp Soc Gen Microbi#Population Genetics of Forest TreesFor Sci3Population Growth and Agricultural Change in AfricaCarter Lecture SerPopulation Health and AgingAnn Ny Acad SciPopulation Health ManagementPopul Health ManagPopulation Index Popul IndexbPopulation in Europe and North America On The Eve of The Millennium: Dynamics and Policy Responses Econom StudFPopulation Mental Health: Evidence, Policy, and Public Health PracticeRout Stud Pub Hlth4Population Migration and Asia: Theories and PracticeAsian Polit Econ SecPopulation of The CaucasusCaucas Reg Polit Ec%Population Research and Policy ReviewPopul Res Policy Rev%Population, Resources and DevelopmentIntl Studies PopulatPopulation Space and PlacePopul Space Place*Population Studies-a Journal of DemographyPop Stud-j DemogPopulation Studies-new YorkPopul Stud-new YorkPorcPorcBPorceedings of The 2005 Northeastern Recreation Research SymposiumUsda Fs Ne Res St GtPore-forming ToxinsCurr Top Microbiol9Pore Structure and Permeability of Cementitious MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P8Porous and Cellular Materials for Structure ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PPorous Ceramic Materials Key Eng MatPorous Ceramic Materials Key Eng MaterPorous Materials Ceram Trans'Porous Materials for Tissue EngineeringMater Sci Forum6Porous Materials in Environmentally Friendly ProcessesStud Surf Sci CatalFPorous Media and Its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry Aip Conf Proc?Porous Polymeric Bioresorbable Scaffolds for Tissue EngineeringSpringer Theses-reco:Porous Semiconductors: Optical Properties and ApplicationsEng Mater ProcessPorphyric Pesticides Acs Sym Ser,Portable Island: Cubans At Home in The WorldNew Concepts Lat Am<Portable Synchrotron Light Sources and Advanced Applications Aip Conf ProcPorta LinguarumPorta Linguarum Portal-libraries and The AcademyPortal-libr AcadLPortal to Lean Production: Principles and Practices for Doing More With LessResource Manag-crcPorter Lectures Porter LectPortfolio AnalysisStud Fuzz Soft CompRPortfolio Choice Problems: An Introductory Survey of Single and Multiperiod ModelsSprbrief Elect0Portfolio Management With Heuristic OptimizationAdv Comput Manag Sci%Portfolio Selection and Asset PricingLect Notes Econ MathPortfolios of Real OptionsLect Notes Econ Math'Portfolio-the Magazine of The Fine Arts PortfolioPortland Press Proceedings Portl Pr P!Portland Press Research Monograph Port Pr R M*Portraits of Influential Chinese EducatorsCerc Stud Comp Educ%Ports/waterways Marine TransportationTransport Res RecPortuguese Economic Journal Port Econ JNPortuguese Modernisms: Multiple Perspectives On Literature and The Visual Arts Legenda SerPortuguese StudiesPortuguese StudPositifPositif"Positioning The History of ScienceBost Stud Philos Sci%Positions-east Asia Cultures CritiquePositions-e Asia Cul(Positions-education Politics and CulturePositions-educ PolitPositive Definite MatricesPrinc Ser Appl MathPositive Polynomials in ControlLect Notes Contr InfPositive Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Contr InfQPositive Youth Development: Evaluation and Future Directions in A Chinese ContextHealth Hum DevRPositive Youth Development: Implementation of A Youth Program in A Chinese ContextHealth Hum Dev(Positive Youth Development Through SportInt Stud Phys Educ Y Positivity Positivity Positivity Trends Math"Positron and Positronium ChemistryMater Sci ForumPositron AnnihilationMater Sci Forum*Positron Annihilation Icpa-10, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumPositron Annihilation - Icpa-12Mater Sci Forum+Positron Annihilation, Icpa-13, ProceedingsMater Sci Forum&Positron Beams for Solids and Surfaces Aip Conf ProcPositron Emission TomographyMethods Mol BiolBPositron Emission Tomography: Critical Assessment of Recent TrendsNato Asi 3 High TechHPositron Emission Tomography in Clinical Research and Clinical Diagnosis Dev Nuc Med.Positron Emission Tomography in The Millennium Int Congr SerPositron Spectroscopy of SolidsP Int Sch PhysPosn(r) and Eisenstein SeriesLect Notes Math?Possibility, Agency, and Individuality in Leibniz's MetaphysicsNew Synth Hist Lib0Possible Worlds in Humanities, Arts and Sciences Res Text Th0Post-agb Objects As A Phase of Stellar EvolutionAstrophys Space Sc LLPostcollisional Tectonics and Magmatism in The Mediterranean Region and Asia Geol S Am SLPostcollisional Tectonics and Magmatism in The Mediterranean Region and AsiaGeol Soc Am Spec PapPostcolonialism and DevelopmentRoutl Perspect Dev*Postcolonialism, Psychoanalysis and BurtonRout Res Postcol LitEPostcolonial Life-writing: Culture, Politics, and Self-representationRout Res Postcol LitPostcolonial PoliticsPostcolonial Polit$Postcolonial Politics of DevelopmentPostcolonial PolitHPostcolonial Postmortems: Crime Fiction From A Transcultural Perspective Int For Lit%Postcolonial Theory and AutobiographyRout Res Postcol LitPost-communist EconomiesPost-communist EconOPost-communist Economies and Western Trade Discrimination: Are Nmes Our EnemiesPolit Evol Inst Chan1Post-communist Regime Change: A Comparative StudyRoutl Res Comp Polit,Post-communist States in The World CommunityInt Congr Cent E Eur,Post-conflict Heritage, Postcolonial TourismAsias TransformtPost-conflict Reconstruction in Japan, Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, East Timor and Afghanistan, ProceedingsUnitar Hiroshima Ser]Post-conflict Tajikistan: The Politics of Peacebuilding and The Emergence of Legitimate OrderCent Asian Stud Ser/Posted Price Offers in Internet Auction MarketsLect Notes Econ MathPostepy BiochemiiPostepy BiochemPostepy Biologii KomorkiPostepy Biol Komorki"Postepy Dermatologii I AlergologiiPostep Derm Alergol)Postepy Higieny I Medycyny DoswiadczalnejPostep Hig Med DoswPostepy MikrobiologiiPostep Mikrobiol$Postepy W Kardiologii InterwencyjnejPostep Kardiol InterhPosteriori Error Analysis Via Duality Theory: With Applications in Modeling and Numerical Approximations Adv Mech MathEPostfrontier Blues: Toward A New Policy Framework for Northeast IndiaPol Stud>Post-genomic Perspectives in Modeling and Control of BreathingAdv Exp Med BiolPostgraduate Medical JournalPostgrad Med JPostgraduate Medicine Postgrad MedQPostharvest '96 - Proceedings of The International Postharvest Science Conference Acta Hortic"Postharvest Biology and TechnologyPostharvest Biol Tec'Postharvest Handling of Tropical Fruits Aciar ProcPostharvest PathologyPlant Path 21st3Post-harvest Physiology and Preservation of ForagesCssa Spec Publ Postharvest Physiology of Fruits Acta HorticPost-historical Middle AgesNew Middle AgesPosthumanitiesPosthumanities)Postimplantation Development in The Mouse Ciba F Symp>Post-keynesian Macroeconomics: Essays in Honour of Ingrid RimaRoutl Front Polit EcPost-medieval ArchaeologyPost-mediev ArchaeolOPostmemories of Terror: A New Generation Copes With The Legacy of The Dirty WarPalgr Stud Oral HistPostmodern Climate ChangeRout Res Environ PolPostmodern Culture Postmod Cult+Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought In Phil Rel>Postmodern Picturebooks: Play, Parody, and Self-referentialityRoutl Res Educ^Post-nafta North America: Reshaping The Economic and Political Governance of A Changing RegionInt Polit Econ Ser8Postnatal Development of The Human Hippocampal FormationAdv Anat Embryol Cel"Post-neoliberalism in The AmericasInt Polit Econ Ser(Post Office Electrical Engineers JournalPost Office Elec Eng1Post-perovskite: The Last Mantle Phase TransitionGeophys Monogr Ser?Post-polio Syndrome: Advances in The Pathogenesis and TreatmentAnn Ny Acad Sci2Postponement Strategies in Supply Chain ManagementInt Ser Oper Res Man&Post-quantum Cryptography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Post-revolutionary Chicana LiteratureLat CommunitiesEPost-roman Towns, Trade and Settlement in Europe and Byzantium, Vol 1Millenn Stud Kult GeEPost-roman Towns, Trade and Settlement in Europe and Byzantium, Vol 1Millennium StudienEPost-roman Towns, Trade and Settlement in Europe and Byzantium, Vol 2Millenn Stud Kult GegPost-socialist City: Urban Form and Space Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe After SocialismGeojournal LibPost-soviet Affairs Post-sov AffPost-soviet Civil SocietyBasees-rout Ser RussPost-soviet GeographyPost-sov Geogr#Post-soviet Geography and EconomicsPost-sov Geogr Econ.Post-soviet Russian Media: Conflicting SignalsBasees-rout Ser Russ'Poststructuralism, Philosophy, PedagogyPhilos Educ-nethfPost-transcriptional Regulation By Star Proteins: Control of Rna Metabolism in Development and DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol6Post-translational Modifications in Health and Disease Protein Rev*Post-translational Modifications in PlantsSoc Exp Biol Semin S9Posture and Gait : Development, Adaptation and Modulation Int Congr SerCPost-war Bosnia: Ethnicity, Inequality and Public Sector GovernanceEthn Inequal PublicSPostwar Challenge: Cultural, Social and Political Change in Western Europe, 1945-58Stud Ger Hist InstAPost-war Italian Cinema: American Intervention, Vatican InterestsRoutl Adv Film StudPotassium ChannelsProg Clin Biol ResPotassium Ion ChannelsCurr Top MembrFPotato Ecology and Modelling of Crops Under Conditions Limiting GrowthCurr Iss Prod EcoltPotatoes - Healthy Food for Humanity: International Developments in Breeding, Production, Protection and Utilization Acta HorticPotato Research Potato ResPotential AnalysisPotential Anal9Potential Analysis of Stable Processes and Its ExtensionsLect Notes MathPotential Energy Surfaces Lect N ChemCPotential for Carbon Capture and Storage (ccs) in The Nordic Region Vtt Res Notes#Potential Health Benefits of Citrus Acs Sym Ser?Potential of Deep Seismic Profiling for Hydrocarbon Exploration Coll Col SePotential Theory Universitext!Poultry and Avian Biology ReviewsPoult Avian Biol Rev;Poultry Feedstuffs: Supply, Composition and Nutritive Value Poult Sci SPoultry Science Poultry Sci Poultry Science Symposium Series Poult Sci SPour L IngenieurPour Ing.Poverty and Charity in Middle Eastern ContextsSuny S Soci Econ His?Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimation With DadEcon Stud Inequal So'Poverty and Inequality in Latin AmericaHelen Kellogg InstLPoverty and Inequality in The Era of Structural Reforms: The Case of Bolivia Kiel Stud/Poverty and Social Exclusion in North and SouthPriorities Devel EcoPoverty in AfricaAfr Polit Econ SecurFPoverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik ThorbeckeEc Stud Inequal Soc0Poverty, Inequality, and Policy in Latin AmericaCesifo Seminar Ser+Poverty, International Migration and AsylumStud Dev Econ PolicyPoverty in World HistoryThemes World Hist5Poverty Orientated Agricultural and Rural DevelopmentRoutl Stud Dev SocMPoverty Reduction and Beyond: Development Strategies for Low-income Countries Ide-jetro SerPowder Diffraction Powder DiffrPowder Metallurgy Powder Metall$Powder Metallurgy and Metal CeramicsPowder Metall Met C+Powder Metallurgy InternationalPowder Metall Int8Powders and Fibers: Interfacial Science and ApplicationsSurfactant Sci SerPowders and Grains 2009 Aip Conf ProcHPowders and Solids: Developments in Handling and Processing Technologies Roy Soc ChPowder TechnologyPowder Technol!Powder Technology and Application Adv Mat Res$Powder Technology and Application Ii Adv Mat Res%Powder Technology and Application IiiAdv Mater Res-switzPowerPowerPower '09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas/iasme International Conference On Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric MachinesRec Adv Electr EngPower and ArchitectureOrient Lovan Anal<Power and German Foreign Policy: Embedded Hegemony in EuropeNew Perspect Ger StuCPower and Politeness in Action: Disagreements in Oral CommunicationLang Power Soc Proce]Power and Politics After Financial Crises: Rethinking Foreign Opportunism in Emerging MarketsInt Polit Econ SerPower and StatusAdv Group Process-Power and Sustainability of The Chinese StateChina Policy Ser Power At WorkRoutl Res Employ RelPower- Aware Computer SystemsLect Notes Comput ScPower-aware Computer SystemsLect Notes Comput ScPower Control and Optimization Aip Conf Proc+Power Control and Optimization, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc)Power Electronics and Applications SeriesPow Electr Appl1Power Electronics and Instrumentation EngineeringComm Com Inf Sc#Power Electronics and Power SystemsPower Electron Power#Power Electronics and Power SystemsPower Electronics P5Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks Power SystPower EngineerPower EngineerPower Engineering Power EngPower Engineering Power Eng-usPower Engineering Journal Power Eng JPower Engineering-willisPower Eng-willis>Powerful Pedagogy: Self-study of A Teacher Educator's PracticeSelf Study Teach Tea$Power Generation and The EnvironmentProc Inst Mech Eng SPower Generation By Renewables Imeche Sem!Power Generation From Solid Fuels Power SystGPower Laws in The Information Production Process: Lotkaian InformetricsLibr Inform Sci Ser$Power-limiting Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Power Line Communications in PracticeArtech Hse Telecom SIPower Management of Digital Circuits in Deep Sub-micron Cmos TechnologiesSpr Ser Adv Microele4Power of Analogy: An Essay On Historical LinguisticsTrends Linguist-studAPower of A Woman's Voice in Medieval and Early Modern LiteraturesFund Mediev Early MoFPower of Click Chemistry for Molecular Machines and Surface PatterningSpringer Theses-recoPower of Convening Environ St-Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity, and Gender BuddhismsPower of Learning From InquiryAdult Educ Spec Top`Power of Optical/ir Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation InstrumentationEso Astrophy SympTPower of Performance: Linking Past and Present in Hananwa and Lobedu Oral LiteratureTrends Linguist-studMPower of Sovereignty: The Political and Ideological Philosophy of Sayyid QutbRoutl Stud Pol IslamMPower of Words in International Relations: Birth of An Anti-whaling DiscoursePolit Sci Environ(Power Plant Surveillance and Diagnostics Power SystIPower Play: The Literature and Politics of Chess in The Later Middle AgesMiddle Ages SerdPower, Politics, and The Reinvention of Tradition: Tibet in The Seventeenth and Eighteenth CenturiesBrills Tibet Stu LibYPower Production From Biomass Ii With Special Emphasis On Gasification and Pyrolysis R&ddVtt SympNPower Production From Waste and Biomass Iv: Advanced Concepts and TechnologiesVtt SympCPower Quality: Mitigation Technologies in A Distributed Environment Power SystPower Reactor TechnologyPower React Technol8Power, Resistance and Conflict in The Contemporary WorldRoutl Adv Int Relat(Power Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Asea Br B S)Power Semiconductor Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PKPower Shifts, Strategy and War: Declining States and International ConflictRout Glob Secur StudPowers of PersonificationBeih Z Neutest Wiss Power Sources Power SourPower Sources 13 Res Dev N MPower Sources 14 Res Dev N MPower Sources 15 Res Dev N MPower Sources 16 Power Sour1Power Sources for The New Millennium, Proceedings Elec Soc S$Power System Modelling and Scripting Power Syst Power Systems Power Syst*Power Systems Applications of Graph TheoryEnerg Sci Eng Tech=Power, Voice and Subjectivity in Literature for Young ReadersChild Lit CultMPower, Voice and The Public Good: Schooling and Education in Global SocietiesAdv Educ Divers CommIPower, Wealth and Women in Indian Mahayana Buddhism: The Gandavyuha-sutraRoutl Crit Stud Budd Powys Review Powys Rev#Poznan Linguistics Meetings, Vol IiPtpn Filol JezgPoznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk, Wydzial Filologiczno-filozoficzny, Prace Komisji JezykoznawczejPtpn Filol JezmPoznan Society for The Humanities, Section Philology & Philosophy, Publications of The Philological CommitteePtpn Filol Piloz*Poznan Studies in Contemporary LinguisticsPoz Stud Contemp Lin*Poznan Studies in Contemporary LinguisticsPoznan Stud ContempCPoznan Studies in The Philosophy of The Sciences and The Humanities Poznan StudCPoznan Studies in The Philosophy of The Sciences and The HumanitiesPoznan Stud Philos S Ppar ResearchPpar ResPps Management Pps ManagPrace I Materialy ZootechnicznePrace Mater Zootech:Prace Instytutu Badawczego Lesnictwa Rozprawy I MonografiePrace I Bad Lesn RozJPrace Vulhm-reports of The Forestry and Game Management Research Institute Prace VulhmCPractical Applications of Asymptotic Techniques in ElectromagneticsArtech Hse Elec AnalAPractical Applications of Microresonators in Optics and PhotonicsOpt Sci Eng-crczPractical Applications of Quantitative Structure-activity Relationships ( Qsar ) in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Euro Ch Env.Practical Approach to Medical Image ProcessingSer Med Phys Biomed*Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesLect Notes Comput Sc7Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Practical Aspects of Knowledge ManagementLect Notes Artif Int6Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int Practical Autonomy and BioethicsRoutl Ann BioethicsPractical Clinical GuidebooksPract Clin Guidebk*Practical Design of Ships and Mobile Units Dev Mar Tec"Practical Digital Imaging and Pacs Med Phys MgPractical GastroenterologyPract GastroenterolPractical Goal ProgrammingInt Ser Oper Res Man>Practical Guide to Cyclosporin A in The Treatment of PsoriasisRoy Soc Med Int CongCPractical Guide to Icp-ms: A Tutorial for Beginners, Second EditionPract Spectrosc#Practical Guide to Project PlanningEsi Int Proj Manag SPractical Holography IvP Soc Photo-opt InsPractical Holography IxP Soc Photo-opt InsPractical Holography VP Soc Photo-opt InsPractical Holography ViP Soc Photo-opt InsPractical Holography ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Practical Holography Vii : Imaging and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsPractical Holography XP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Practical Holography Xi and Holographic Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPractical Holography XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPractical Holography XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Practical Holography Xiv and Holographic Materials ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Practical Holography Xix: Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Practical Holography Xv and Holographic Materials ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Practical Holography Xv and Holographic Materials Vii Proc Spie7Practical Holography Xvi and Holographic Materials ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Practical Holography Xvii and Holographic Materials IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Practical Holography Xviii: Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Practical Holography Xxiii: Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Practical Holography Xxiii: Materials and Applications Proc Spie5Practical Holography Xxii: Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Practical Holography Xxii: Materials and Applications Proc Spie4Practical Holography Xxi: Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Practical Holography Xxiv: Materials and Applications Proc Spie3Practical Holography Xx: Materials and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Practical Holography Xx: Materials and Applications Proc SpiekPractical Hydroinformatics: Computational Intelligence and Technological Developments in Water ApplicationsWater Sci Technol LikPractical Hydroinformatics: Computational Intelligence and Technological Developments in Water ApplicationsWtr Sci Tec Libr'Practical Identity and Narrative AgencyRout Stud Contemp Ph/Practical Introduction to Computer ArchitectureTexts Comput SciPractical Introduction to PslIntegr Circuit Syst#Practical Mathematical Optimization Appl Optim`Practical Methods for Optimal Control and Estimation Using Nonlinear Programming, Second EditionAdv Des ControlIPractical Modalities of An Efficient Screening for The European Community Int Congr Ser,Practical Open Source Software for LibrariesChandos Inf Prof SerPractical Orthopedics Prak Orthop(Practical Peacemaking in The Middle EastPrac Peac Middl East/Practical Peacemaking in The Middle East, Vol 1Prac Peac Middl East0Practical Peacemaking in The Middle East, Vol IiPrac Peac Middl EastPractical Pid ControlAdv Ind ControlvPractical Plant Failure Analysis: A Guide to Understanding Machinery Deterioration and Improving Equipment ReliabilityMech Eng Ser Txb Ref)Practical Problems in Clinical Psychiatry Ox Med Publ?Practical Programming Model for The Multi-core Era, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPractical SigncryptionInform Sec Crypt TexPractical SpectroscopyPract Spectrosc8Practical Transformations and Transformational PracticesAdv Early Educ Day C4Practical Urology: Essential Principles and PracticeSpringer Spec Surg S Practica Oto-rhino-laryngologicaPract-oto-rhino-lary!Practice and Research in LiteracyRes Appl Linguist?Practice and Research Notes in Relational Database ApplicationsComput Sci Tech Appl/Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling IiLect Notes Comput Sc0Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling IiiLect Notes Comput Sc/Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling IvLect Notes Comput Sc.Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling VLect Notes Comput Sc/Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling ViLect Notes Comput Sc5Practice-driven Research On Enterprise TransformationLect Notes Bus Inf`Practice of Econometric Theory: An Examination of The Characteristics of Econometric ComputationAdv Stud Theor ApplPractice of Enterprise ModelingLect Notes Bus InfPractice of Enterprise ModelingLect Notes Bus Inf P,Practice of Enterprise Modeling, ProceedingsLect Notes Bus InfPractice of Public ArtRoutl Res Cult Media$Practicing Anthropology in The South South AnthrPracticing CultureTaking Cult SeriousPPracticing Neurology: What You Need to Know, What You Need to Do, Second EditionCurr Clin NeurolPracticing Veterinarian Pract Vet Practitioner PractitionerPractitioners Guides to DiseasePract Guides Dis2Practitioner's Guide to Common Ano-rectal DiseasesPract Guides DisBPractitioners Guide to Empirically Based Measures of Social SkillsAbct Clin Assess Ser$Praeger Series in Applied PsychologyPraeg S Appl PsycholPraehistorische Zeitschrift Praehist Z Pragmatic Bioethics, 2nd Edition Basic BioethPragmatic CompetenceMouton Ser Pragmat,Pragmatic Markers and Propositional AttitudePrag Beyond New SerPragmatic Markers in Contrast Stud Pragmat Pragmatics PragmaticsPragmatics & Beyond: New SeriesPrag Beyond New SerPragmatics & Cognition Pragmat Cogn8Pragmatics and Corpus Linguistics: A Mutualistic EntenteMouton Ser Pragmat>Pragmatics of Perception and Cognition in Mt Jeremiah 1:1-6:30Beih Z Alttest Wiss%Pragmatism in International Relations New Int Relat(Pragmatism, Neo-pragmatism, and ReligionAmer Lib Rel ThoughtUPrague and Bohemia: Medieval Art Architecture and Cultural Exchange in Central EuropeBrit Archaeol AssocPrague Economic PapersPrague Econ PapPrairie SchoonerPrairie SchoonerPraising The GoddessArch Papyrus Verwand9Praktische Anasthesie Wiederbelebung Und IntensivtherapiePrakt Anasth Wied InPraktische MaschinenakustikVDI-Buch1Praktische Metallographie-practical MetallographyPrakt Metallogr-pr MPraktische RegeltechnikVDI-BuchPraktische Regeltechnik, 2008VDI-BuchPraktische Regeltechnik, 2009VDI-Buch Praktische Theologie Des AlternsPrakt Theol Wiss,Praktische Theologie Im WissenschaftsdiskursPrakt Theol WissPraktische TierarztPrakt TierarztPramanaPramanaPramana-journal of PhysicsPramana-j Phys%Prandtl-essentials of Fluid Mechanics Appl Math Sci=Prapositionen Und Prapositionalphrasen Im MittelhochdeutschenStud Mittelhochdeut:Pratique Medicale Et Chirurgicale De L Animal De CompagniePrat Med Chir AnimPratiques Psychologiques Prat PsycholPravnikPravnikPraxisPraxis-j Rad Per Art)Praxisbuch Energiewirtschaft, 2nd EditionVDI-Buch2Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie Und KinderpsychiatriePrax Kinderpsychol KPraxis Der Pneumologie Prax PneumolPraxis Der PsychotherapiePrax Psychother Psyc+Praxis Der Psychotherapie Und PsychosomatikPrax Psychother Psyc-Praxishandbuch Fur NachlassinsolvenzverfahrenDegruyter Handb!Praxis Und Klinik Der PneumologiePrax Klin Pneumol<Prazisions- Und Tiefbohren Aktuell: Technik - Tools - Trends VDI BerichtbPreaching in Judaism and Christianity: Encounter and Developments From Biblical Times to Modernity Stud JudabPreaching in Judaism and Christianity: Encounter and Developments From Biblical Times to Modernity Stud Judaica@Prebiotic Chemistry: From Simple Amphiphiles to Protocell Models Top Curr ChemPrebiotic Chemistry in Space Adv Space Res:Precambrian Crustal Evolution in The North Atlantic Region Geol Soc SpPrecambrian ResearchPrecambrian Res2Precancerous Lesions: A Multidisciplinary Approach Chall Mod Med<Precedence: Social Differentiation in The Austronesian WorldComp Austro SerPrecious MetalsPrec MetPrecious Metals 1993Prec MetPrecious Metals 1995Prec MetPrecious Metals 1996Prec Met'Precisely Predictable Dirac ObservablesFund Theor Phys!Precise Stellar Radial Velocities Astr Soc PPrecision Agriculture Precis Agric,Precision Agriculture and Biological QualityP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Precision Agriculture and Biological Quality Proc Spie;Precision Assembly Technologies for Mini and Micro ProductsInt Fed Info Proc0Precision Die Design By The Die Expansion MethodMater Sci Found<Precision Electroweak Physics At Electron-positron CollidersSpringer Tr Mod Phys'Precision Engineering and OptomechanicsP Soc Photo-opt InsOPrecision Engineering-journal of The American Society for Precision Engineering Precis EngiPrecision Engineering-journal of The International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology Precis Eng)Precision Machining of Advanced Materials Key Eng MatCPrecision Motion Control: Design and Implementation, Second EditionAdv Ind ControlLPrecision Nanometrology: Sensors and Measuring Systems for NanomanufacturingSpringer Ser Adv Man*Precision Physics of Simple Atomic SystemsLect Notes Phys/Precision Physics of Simple Atoms and MoleculesLect Notes PhysSPrecision Plastic Optics for Optical Storage, Displays, Imaging, and CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Precision Spectroscopy in AstrophysicsEso Astrophy Symp4Precision Surface Finishing and Deburring Technology Adv Mat Res0Precision Temperature Sensors in Cmos TechnologyAnalog Circ Sig ProcpPreclinical and Clinical Strategies for The Treatment of Neurodegenerative, Cerebrovascular and Mental Disorders Int Acad B)Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient MethodsLect Notes Math6Predator's Game-changing Designs: Research-based ToolsLmx Leadersh Ser)Prediabetes - Are We Ready to Intervene ? Pediat Ad EDPredicative Forms in Natural Language and in Lexical Knowledge BasesText Speech Lang Tec@Predictability, Stability, and Chaos in N-body Dynamical SystemsNato Adv Sci I B-phy/Predicting Field Performance in Crop Protection Bcpc Symp SerPrediction and Discovery Contemp MathgPredictions in Ungauged Basins: International Perspectives On The State of The Art and Pathways Forward Iahs-aish P4Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Promise and Progress Iahs-aish PEPredictive Functional Control: Principles and Industrial ApplicationsAdv Ind ControlPredictive Material Modeling: Combining Fundamental Physics Understanding, Computational Methods and Empirically Observed BehaviorAm Soc Test Mater<Predictive Technology Model for Robust Nanoelectronic DesignIntegr Circuit SystGPreference Change: Approaches From Philosophy, Economics and PsychologyTheory Decis Lib A PreferencesPerspekt Analyt Phil2Preferences and Decisions: Models and ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft CompPreferences and Democracy Int St EconPreferences and Similarities Cism Cour LPreferences and Well-being Roy I Ph S2Preferences in Negotiations: The Attachment EffectLect Notes Econ MathPrefrontal CortexProg Brain Res=Pregnancy and Infants-medical Psychological and Social IssuesPreg Infants-med PsyGPregnancy, Risk and Biopolitics: On The Threshold of The Living SubjectTransform Think Fem Pregnancy Termination and Labour C St Gyn ObPrehistoric Documents Docum Prehist-Prehistoric Graves As A Source of Information Kungl Vit H.Prehistory & History of Glassmaking Technology Ceram CivilPrehistory of The Silk RoadEncounters AsiaPrehospital Emergency CarePrehosp Emerg Care-Prehrambeno-tehnoloska I Biotehnoloska RevijaPrehram Tehnol Biot"Preimplantation Embryo Development Serono Symp]Prekare Beschaftigungsverhaltnisse: Systematische Darstellung Samtlicher BeschaftigungsformenDegruyter Handb,Premo: A Framework for Multimedia MiddlewareLect Notes Comput ScdPre-modern Encyclopaedic Texts : Proceedings of The Second Comers Congress, Groningen, 1-4 July 1996 Brill S In Premodern Trade in World HistoryThemes World Hist!Premodern Travel in World HistoryThemes World HistPrenatal and Neonatal MedicinePrenat Neonat MedPrenatal Diagnosis Prenatal DiagPrensa Medica ArgentinaPrensa Med Argent5Prentice Hall Advanced Reference Series : Engineering Pr H Adv Re*Prentice Hall Imsc Press Multimedia SeriesPren Hal Imsc P Mult4Preparation and Use of Food-based Dietary GuidelinesWho Tech Rep SerPreparation of Catalysts VStud Surf Sci CatalPreparation of Catalysts ViStud Surf Sci CatalPreparation of Catalysts ViiStud Surf Sci Catal}Preparation of Thin Film Pd Membranes for H2 Separation From Synthesis Gas and Detailed Design of A Permeability Testing UnitChem Eng Method TechPreparative Biochemistry Prep Biochem(Preparative Biochemistry & BiotechnologyPrep Biochem Biotech Preparative Layer ChromatographyChromatogr Sci Ser Preparing for Blended E-learningConnect E Learn5Preparing for Global Change: A Midwestern Perspective Prog BiometLPreparing for The 2009 International Year of Astronomy: A Hands-on Symposium Astr Soc PPreparing for The Urban Future W Wilson SpRPreparing to Manage Wilderness in The 21st Century : Proceedings of The Conference Usda Southe[Preprosthetic and Maxillofacial Surgery: Biomaterials, Bone Grafting and Tissue EngineeringWoodhead Publ MaterPre-raphaelite ReviewPre-raphaelite RevPres'09: 12th International Conference On Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Pts 1 and 2Chem Engineer TransPres 2010: 13th International Conference On Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution ReductionChem Engineer TransPresbyopia Research Persp Vis RYPreschool Children: Physical Activity, Behavioral Assessment and Developmental ChallengesChild Iss Laws ProgrPrescription Drug MarketAdv Ser ManagePrescrire International Prescrire Int/Presence-teleoperators and Virtual EnvironmentsPresence-teleop Virt&Present and Future of Collider Physics Ital Phy So(Present and Future of Indoor Air Quality Int Congr SerLPresent and Future Role of Monoclonal Antibodies in The Management of CancerFront Radiat Ther On.Present Situation in The Philosophy of SciencePhilo Sci Eur Persp-Present Status of The Quantum Theory of Light Fund Theor Preservation Preservation4Preservation and Transmission of Anglo-saxon Culture St Mediev C(Preservation of Library Materials, Vol 1 Ifla Publ(Preservation of Library Materials, Vol 2 Ifla Publ1Preservation of Natural Stone and Rock WeatheringProc Monogr Eng WateXPreservation of Random Megascale Events On Mars and Earth: Influence On Geologic HistoryGeol Soc Am Spec Pap0Preservation of Roadway Structures and PavementsTransport Res RecnPreserving Astronomy's Photographic Legacy: Current State and The Future of North American Astronomical Plates Astr Soc P&Preserving Privacy in Data OutsourcingAdv Inform Secur:Preserving Privacy in On-line Analytical Processing (olap)Adv Inform SecurPreserving The Astronomical SkyIau Symp#Preserving The Astronomical Windows Astr Soc P*Preserving The Past, Looking to The Future Iamslic C S$Presidency and Rhetorical LeadershipPres Rhetor SerPresidency of Grover ClevelandFirst Men Am Pres NejPresident George W. Bushs Influence Over Bureaucracy and Policy: Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary PowersEvol Am PresidPresidential Rhetoric SeriesPres Rhetor SerPresliaPresliaPresse Medicale Presse Med>Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe: Concepts and ConditionsEur Commun Res EducPressure Equipment DirectiveImeche Conf TransSPressure Vessel and Piping Division of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Pres Ves P9Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional SemanticsPalg Stud Pragm Lang/Presynaptic Receptors and Neuronal Transporters Adv BiosciTPresynaptic Receptors and The Question of Autoregulation of Neurotransmitter ReleaseAnn Ny Acad SciIPretreatment and Reclamation of Dusts, Sludges and Scales in Steel Plants Mcmaster S@Preventing Bank Crises: Lessons From Recent Global Bank Failures Edi Dev Stud.Preventing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets Nber Conf R&Preventing Heterosexism and Homophobia Prim Prev PcPreventing Hiv/ Aids in Young People: A Systematic Review of The Evidence From Developing CountriesWho Tech Rep SerPreventing Juvenile Crime Aic Conf P!Preventing Lethal School ViolenceAdv Respons Adol DevPreventing Youth Suicide Aic Conf P8Prevention and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence Prev Int Ch)Prevention and Management of OsteoporosisWho Tech Rep Ser5Prevention and Noninvasive Therapy of Atherosclerosis Ather Rev-Prevention and Treatment of Childhood ObesityAnn Ny Acad SciAPrevention and Treatment of Hiv Infection in Infants and ChildrenAnn Ny Acad SciFPrevention, Detection and Response to Nuclear and Radiological ThreatsNato Sci Peace Sec BFPrevention, Detection and Response to Nuclear and Radiological ThreatsNato Science Peace ScPrevention of Allergy and Allergic Asthma: World Allergy Organization Project Report and Guidelines Chem Immunol8Prevention of Brucellosis in The Mediterranean Countries Ciheam Publ Prevention of Contact DermatitisCurr Probl DermatolPrevention of Diabetes MellitusWho Tech Rep Ser#Prevention of Functional DependencyColloq Inst Servier,Prevention of Hazardous Fires and ExplosionsNato Sci S 1 Disarm%Prevention of Human Rights Violations Int Stud HOPrevention of Infections and The Role of Immunoglobulins in The Neonatal PeriodRoy Soc Med Int CongSPrevention of Second Primary Cancers: A Resource for Clinicians and Health ManagersProg Exp Tumor ResCPrevention of Water Pollution By Agriculture and Related Activities Fao Water RepPrevention SciencePrev SciPreventive Action ReportsPrevent Action Rep%Preventive Cardiology, Second EditionContemp CardiolPreventive MedicinePrev MedVPreventive Nutrition: The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals, Fourth EditionNutr Health Ser4Preventive Strategies for Living in A Chemical WorldAnn Ny Acad SciPreventive Veterinary Medicine Prev Vet MedNPribes 2000: Proyecto Iberoamericano De Bioegografia Y Entomologia SistematicaMongr Terc MilenioPribory I Tekhnika EksperimentaPrib Tekh Eksp;Pricai 2004: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int;Pricai 2006: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int.Pricai 2008: Trends in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int.Pricai 2010: Trends in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int,Pricai'98: Topics in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int5Price Indexes in Time and Space: Methods and Practice Contrib Stat!Price Measurements and Their Uses Stud Income*Price of Precaution and The Ethics of RiskInt Libr Eth Law Tec@Pricing and Revenue Management of Services: A Strategic ApproachRoutl Adv Manag BusMPricing Theory, Financing of International Organisations and Monetary HistoryRoutl Explor Econ HiePricm 5: The Fifth Pacific Rim International Conference On Advanced Materials and Processing, Pts 1-5Mater Sci ForumaPricm 6: Sixth Pacific Rim International Conference On Advanced Materials and Processing, Pts 1-3Mater Sci ForumPricm 7, Pts 1-3Mater Sci Forum"Prikladnaya Matematika I MekhanikaPrikl Mat MekhVPrimality Testing and Integer Factorization in Public-key Cryptography, Second EditionAdv Inform SecurTPrimality Testing in Polynomial Time: From Randomized Algorithms to "primes Is in P"Lect Notes Comput ScUPrimary and Secondary Eating Disorders: A Psychoneuroendocrine and Metabolic Approach Adv BiosciaPrimary and Secondary Education in Serbia After The Country's Independence and Before World War I Serb Acd ScBPrimary Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction, Second EditionContemp Cardiol Primary Care Primary Care#Primary Care & Community PsychiatryPrimary Care CommunPrimary Care PsychiatryPrimary Care PsychiaPrimary Care Sleep MedicineCurr Clin Pract?Primary Central Nervous System Tumors: Pathogenesis and TherapyCurr Clin Oncol Primary Health Care Publications Prim Hlth CKPrimary Medical Therapy for Breast Cancer: Clinical and Biologic Al AspectsEso Sci Updates%Primary Optic Nerve Sheath MeningiomaMed Radiol Radiat OnEPrimary Prevention By Nutrition Intervention in Infancy and ChildhoodNestle Nutr Works SePrimary Prevention of Aids Prim Prev P%Primary Prevention of Psychopathology Prim Prev PCPrimary Processes of Photosynthesis, Pt 1: Principles and ApparatusCompr Ser PhotochemCPrimary Processes of Photosynthesis, Pt 2: Principles and ApparatusCompr Ser Photochem9Primary Productivity and Biogeochemical Cycles in The Sea Envir Sci RQPrimary School in Japan: Self, Individuality and Learning in Elementary EducationJpn Anthropol Worksh Primate Anti-predator StrategiesDev Primatol-prog PrPrimate EndometriumAnn Ny Acad Sci"Primate Life History and Evolution Mg Primatol9Primate Locomotion: Linking Field and Laboratory ResearchDev Primatol-prog Pr4Primate Reproductive Aging: Cross-taxon PerspectivesInterd Top Gerontol4Primate Reproductive Aging: Cross-taxon PerspectivesInterdisc Topics GerPrimatesPrimatesTPrimates of Gashaka: Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity HotspotDev Primatol-prog Pr Primatologia PrimatologiaPrimatology MonographsPrimatol Monogr+Primatology: Theories, Methods and ResearchAnim Sci Issues Prof#Primer in Density Functional TheoryLect Notes PhysPrimerjalna Knjizevnost Prim KnjizevPrimer of Ecology With RUse RPrimer of Humor Research Humor ResPrimer On Linear ModelsCh Crc Text Stat Sci Primer On Optimal Control TheoryAdv Des ControlPrimes and Knots Contemp Math8Prime Series On Research and Innovation Policy in EuropePrime Ser Res InnovAPrimo Levi and Humanism After Auschwitz: Posthumanist ReflectionsItal Ital Am StudAPrimordial Immunity: Foundations for The Vertebrate Immune SystemAnn Ny Acad Sci:Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Evolution of Early UniverseAstrophys Space Sc L!Primordial Space: The Metric CaseSpace Sci Explor PolPrimordial Universe Les Houch SPrimum Non Nocere Today Int Congr SerPrincess Grace Irish Library Princ GracePrincess Takamatsu SymposiaPrincess Takamatsu S/Princeton Economic History of The Western WorldPrinc Econ Hist W Wo0Princeton Foundations of Contemporary PhilosophyPrinc Found Cont PhPrinceton Frontiers in PhysicsPrinc Front PhysPrinceton Mathematical SeriesPrinc Math Ser"Princeton Monographs in PhilosophyPrinc Monogr Philos Princeton Papers On Architecture Prin P ArchPrinceton Primers in ClimatePrinc Primer ClimPrinceton Readings in ReligionsPrinc Read ReligPrinceton Science LibraryPrinc Sci Libr'Princeton Series in Applied MathematicsPrinc Ser Appl Math'Princeton Series in Applied MathematicsPrincet Ser Appl Mat Princeton Series in Astrophysics Pr S AstropPrinceton Series in FinancePrinc Ser Financ)Princeton Series in Financial EngineeringPrinc Ser Financ EngPrinceton Series in Physics Pr S Phys9Princeton Series in Theoretical and Computational BiologyPrinc Ser Theor CompOPrinceton Studies in American Politics-historical International and ComparativePrinc Stud Am PolitPrinceton Studies in ComplexityPrinc Stud Complex'Princeton Studies in Cultural SociologyPrinc Stud Cult*Princeton Studies in Culture/power/historyPrin St Cult Pow His7Princeton Studies in International History and PoliticsPrinc Stud Int Hist$Princeton Studies in Muslim PoliticsPrinc Stud Muslim PoPrinceton Studies in OperaPrin Stud Opera2Principle of Least Action in Geometry and DynamicsLect Notes Math&Principle of Respect for Human DignityCo Sci Tech DemocQPrinciples and Applications of Density Functional Theory in Inorganic Chemistry I Struct Bond@Principles and Applications of Density in Inorganic Chemistry Ii Struct BondBPrinciples and Methods for Accelerated Catalyst Design and TestingNato Sci Ser Ii MathBPrinciples and Methods for Accelerated Catalyst Design and TestingNato Sci Ser Ii-mathCPrinciples and Methods for The Risk Assessment of Chemicals in FoodEnviron Health Crite-Principles and Perspectives in CosmochemistryAstrophysics Space:Principles and Political Order: The Challenge of DiversityRoutl Innov Polit ThPrinciples and Practice Prin PractPrinciples and Practice Princ Pract5Principles and Practice of Cancer Infectious DiseasesCurr Clin Oncol1Principles and Practice of Constraint ProgrammingLect Notes Comput ScHPrinciples and Practice of Constraint Programming - Cp 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHPrinciples and Practice of Constraint Programming - Cp 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScHPrinciples and Practice of Constraint Programming - Cp 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - Cp 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc;Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - Cp 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc9Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-cp 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc9Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - Cp 97Lect Notes Comput Sc8Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - Cp98Lect Notes Comput Sc7Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-cp'99Lect Notes Comput Sc?Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Principles and Practice of Method Validation Roy Soc Ch1Principles and Practice of Semantic Web ReasoningLect Notes Comput Sc>Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Principles and Practice of Testing in Construction Test ConstrHPrinciples and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruption in SildlifeSetac Tech Publicat:Principles and Theory for Data Mining and Machine LearningSpringer Ser StatKPrinciples for Modelling Dose-response for The Risk Assessment of ChemicalsEnviron Health Crite)Principles of Anticancer Drug DevelopmentCancer Drug Discov D+Principles of Astronomical Telescope DesignAstrophys Space Sc LPrinciples of BiomechanicsMech Eng Ser Txb Ref$Principles of Biomedical Engineering Eng Med BiolPrinciples of Chemoprevention Iarc Sci Publ1Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryLect Notes Artif Int!Principles of Distributed SystemsLect Notes Comput ScMPrinciples of Distributed Systems, 12th International Conference, Opodis 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc.Principles of Distributed Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Principles of Document ProcessingLect Notes Comput Sc$Principles of Electronic PrescribingHealth Inform SerLPrinciples of Evolution: From The Planck Epoch to Complex Multicellular Life Front Collect,Principles of Food Sanitation, Fifth EditionFood Sci Text SerKPrinciples of Gnss, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation SystemsArtech Hse Gnss TechPrinciples of Harmonic Analysis Universitext4Principles of Health Interoperability Hl7 and SnomedHealth Inform SerIPrinciples of Inventory Management: When You Are Down to Four, Order MoreSpringer Ser Oper RepPrinciples of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference (kr '96) Mor Kauf RqPrinciples of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference (kr '94) Mor Kauf R0Principles of Mathematics in Operations ResearchInt Ser Oper Res Man[Principles of Microbiological Troubleshooting in The Industrial Food Processing EnvironmentFood Microbiol FoodPrinciples of NanomagnetismNanosci TechnolPrinciples of NanophotonicsSer Opt OptoelectronPrinciples of Network EconomicsLect Notes Econ MathiPrinciples of Neuropsychological Assessment With Hispanics: Theoretical Foundations and Clinical PracticeIssues Divers Clin N$Principles of Nonparametric Learning Cism Cour L$Principles of Nonparametric LearningCism Courses Lect-Principles of Practice in Multi-agent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int(Principles of Sonar Performance ModelingSpringer-prax Books$Principles of Stellar InterferometryAstron Astrophys Lib=Principles, Systems and Applications of Ip TelecommunicationsLect Notes Comput ScWPrinted Biomaterials: Novel Processing and Modeling Techniques for Medicine and SurgeryBiol Med Phys Biomed&Printed Circuit Board 90, Vols 1 and 2 VDI BerichtPrinting and Packaging StudyAdv Mater Res-switz7Printing Technologies for Images, Gray Scale, and ColorP Soc Photo-opt InsPrinting The Middle Ages Mater TextsPrint QuarterlyPrint Q Print Review Print RevPrinz-albert-forschungenPrinz-albert-forschPrinz Albert StudienPrinz Albert StudPrio Monographs Prio MonogPrionPrion$Prion Diseases of Humans and Animals E H S NeuroPrio New Security StudiesPrio New Secur Stud/Prions and Brain Diseases in Animals and HumansNato Adv Sci I A-lifPrions Prions PrionsCurr Top Microbiol#Priorities in Development EconomicsPriorities Devel EcoPrism International Prism IntPrison JournalPrison J7Prison Labor in The United States: An Economic AnalysisNew Polit Econ Ser7Privacy and Anonymity in Information Management SystemsAdv Inform Knowl ProPrivacy and Identity ProtectionPriv Identity ProtPrivacy Enhancing TechnologiesLect Notes Comput Sc+Privacy Enhancing Technologies, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Privacy in Location-based ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc Privacy in Statistical DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc-Privacy in Statistical Databases, ProceedingsAnn Ny Acad Sci-Privacy in Statistical Databases, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Privacy-preserving Data Mining: Models and AlgorithmsAdv Database Syst#Privacy, Security, and Trust in KddLect Notes Comput ScEPrivacy, Security and Trust Within The Context of Pervasive ComputingKluwer Int Ser Eng C-Private and Public Voices in Victorian PoetryStud Eng & Compa LitSPrivate Contractors and The Reconstruction of Iraq: Transforming Military LogisticsContemp Secur Stud3Private Enterprises and Chinas Economic DevelopmentRoutledge Stud GrowtVPrivate Military and Security Companies: Ethics, Policies and Civil-military Relations Cass Mil StudVPrivate Military and Security Companies: Ethics, Policies and Civil-military RelationsCass Military StudiePrivate Pensions Series Priv Pens SGPrivate Sector and Community Involvement in The Criminal Justice System Aic Conf P4Private Sphere: An Emotional Territory and Its AgentPhilos Stud Contemp<Privatisation and Financial Collapse in The Nuclear IndustryRoutl Stud Bus Organ)Privatisation, Competition and Regulation Oecd Proc+Privatization and Deregulation of TransportStudies RegulatMPrivatization and Market Development: Global Movements in Public Policy IdeasMonash Stud Glob Mov)Privatization and State-owned Enterprises Roch Stud E'Privatization At The End of The CenturyPub Egon Sohmen FdnFPrivatization in Malaysia: Regulation, Rent-seeking and Policy FailureRout Malays Stud Ser8Privatization in Transition Economies: The Ongoing StoryContemp Stud Econ Fi7Probabilistic and Statistical Aspects of Quantum TheoryQuad Sc Norm SuperUProbabilistic and Statistical Methodes in Cryptology: Introduction By Selected TopicsLect Notes Comput ScCProbabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Analysis, With ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat"Probabilistic Approach to Geometry Adv Stu P M(Probabilistic Aspects of Life PredictionAm Soc Test Mater#Probabilistic Engineering MechanicsProbabilist Eng Mech-Probabilistic Methods in Discrete MathematicsProg Pur Ap Discr M-Probabilistic Methods in Fatigue and Fracture Key Eng Mat1Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical EngineeringCism Courses LectAProbabilistic Methods in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum GravityNato Adv Sci I B-phyAProbabilistic Models of The Brain: Perception and Neural Function Neu Inf ProAProbabilistic Models of The Brain: Perception and Neural FunctionNeural Inf Process SDProbabilistic Reasoning and Decision Making in Sensory-motor SystemsSpringer Trac Adv RoProbabilities and MaterialsNato Adv Sci I E-appProbabilities and MaterialsNato Adv Sci Inst Se'Probability and Its Applications SeriesProbab Appl SerNProbability and Mathematical Physics: A Volume in Honor of Stanislav MolchanovCrm Proc & Lect NoteLProbability and Partial Differential Equations in Modern Applied Mathematics Ima V Math Probability and Phase TransitionNato Adv Sci Inst SeProbability and StochasticsGrad Texts Math"Probability and Stochastics SeriesProb Stoch SerQProbability for Statistics and Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Advanced TopicsSpringer Texts StatTProbability in Banach Spaces, 8 : Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference Prog ProbabProbability in Banach Spaces, 9 Prog Probab9Probability in The Engineering and Informational SciencesProbab Eng Inform Sc=Probability Models for Dna Sequence Evolution, Second EditionProbab Appl Ser)Probability Models in Operations Research Oper Res SerProbability : Pure and Applied Prob Pur Ap%Probability Theory and Related FieldsProbab Theory Rel2Probamat-21st Century: Probabilities and MaterialsNato Asi 3 High Tech Probastat '06Tatra Mt Math PublProbility and Real TreesLect Notes MathProbing Bioactive Mechanisms Acs Sym SerProbing ExperiencePhilips Res Book Ser)Probing Mechanics At Nanoscale DimensionsMater Res Soc Symp PJProbing of Proteins By Metal Ions and Their Low-molecular-weight ComplexesMet Ions Biol Syst7Probing Stellar Populations Out to The Distant Universe Aip Conf ProcXProbing The Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei By Multiwavelength Monitoring, Proceedings Astr Soc PProbing The Quantum VacuumSpringer Tr Mod PhysCProbing The Standard Model of Particle Interactions, Parts I and Ii Les Houch S Probiotics: From Bench to MarketAnn Ny Acad SciProblemas Del DesarrolloProbl DesarrolloProblem Books in MathematicsProbl Books Math"Problemes D'histoire Des Religions Prob Hist R'Problem of Assessment in Art and DesignRead Art Des Edu*Problem of Evil in Ealry Modern PhilosophyToronto St Philos,Problem of Forming Social Capital: Why TrustPolit Evol Inst Chan"Problem of Reductionism in ScienceEpistemeIProblem of Refugees in The Light of Contemporary International Law IssuesNijhoff Law SpecProblem of Ritual Sc Inst Don Problemos Problemos2Problems and Interventions in Literacy Development Neurops Cog,Problems and Methods in Mathematical Physics Oper Theor,Problems and Methods in Mathematical PhysicsOper Theory Adv ApplXProblems and Methods of Historical Analysis of Notarial Activity ( 15th-19th Centuries ) Hist Notar9Problems and Methods of The Lexicography of Quebec French Ciral Publ-Problems and Theorems in Classical Set TheoryProbl Books MathProblems in Editing Beih EditioProblems in General SurgeryProbl Gen SurgMProblems in Method and Theory in Social History : The Pittsburg Center Series Probl MethWProblems in Structural Identification and Diagnostics: General Aspects and Applications Cism Cour LWProblems in Structural Identification and Diagnostics: General Aspects and ApplicationsCism Courses Lect!Problems Involving Change of TypeLect Notes Phys)Problems of Atomic Science and TechnologyProbl At Sci Tech)Problems of Atomic Science and TechnologyProbl Atom Sci TechProblems of CommunismProbl CommunismTProblems of Control and Information Theory-problemy Upravleniya I Teorii InformatsiiProbl Control Inform Problems of Drug Dependence 1989 Nida Res MgProblems of Economics Probl EconProblems of Economic TransitionProbl Econ Transit.Problems of High Altitude Medicine and BiologyNato Sci Peace Sec A+Problems of Industrial Psychiatric Medicine Probl Ind P$Problems of Information TransmissionProbl Inf Transm$Problems of Information TransmissionProbl Inform Transm+Problems of Post-communismProbl Post-communism<Problems of Space Science Education and The Role of Teachers Adv Space Res<Problems of Space Science Education and The Role of TeachersAdv Space Res-seriesProblems of The Mixed EconomyContrib To Econ AnalProblems of Virology UssrProbl Virol Ussr,Problem Solving for Wireless Sensor NetworksComput Commun Netw S2Problem Solving in Computational Molecular ScienceNato Adv Sci I C-matKProblem-solving Methods: Understanding, Description, Development, and ReuseLect Notes Artif IntProblemy Ekorozwoju Probl EkorozwProbusProbusProcedia Chemistry Procedia ChemProcedia Computer ScienceProcedia Comput Sci%Procedia Earth and Plantetary ScienceProced Earth Plan ScProcedia EngineeringProcedia EngineerProcedia in VaccinologyProcedia Vaccinol'Procedia Social and Behavioral SciencesProcd Soc Behv/Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional LogicLogic Epistemol UnitjProceeding of The 11th Wseas International Conference On Computers: Computer Science and Technology, Vol 4 Ele Com Eng[Proceeding of The 2002 Ieee International Workshop On Memory Technology, Design and TestingRec Ieee Int Wkshp MRProceeding of The 2002 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks, Vols 1-3 Ieee IjcnnEProceeding of The 2004 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm ProcsProceeding of The 9th International Conference On Environmental Science and Technology Vol B - Poster PresentationsProc Int Conf Env ScPProceeding of The Forty-sixth Annual Meeting of The Western Pharmacology SocietyP W Pharmacol Soc=Proceeding of The Fourth International Congress of NematologyNematol Monogr PerspYProceeding of The Seventh International Conference On Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage ScieProceeding of The Tenth International Workshop On The Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Vols I and IiP Soc Photo-opt InseProceeding of The Tenth International Workshop On The Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Vols I and Ii Proc SpieProceeding of The Third International Workshop On Models for Plant Growth and Control of The Shoot and Root Environments in Greenhouses Acta Hortic>Proceedings : 11th Annual Conference, Canadian Nuclear Society P Can Nuc SCProceedings : 15th International Conference On Software EngineeringProc Int Conf Softw]Proceedings - 16th International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, Vols 1-3Ieee Ic Comp Com Net=Proceedings : 1990 Carnahan Conference On Security Technology Car C Secur4Proceedings - 1991 Pulping Conference, Books 1 and 2 P Tech As P<Proceedings 2006 International Conference On Computer DesignPr Ieee Comp Design8Proceedings : 2nd Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference Ok Ag Ex MpBProceedings : 30th Annual Conference, Canadian Nuclear Association Can Nucl AsbProceedings - 33rd Annual Conference of The Association for The Advancement of Automotive Medicine P Ann C AssWProceedings - 34th Annual Conference of The American Association of Automotive Medicine P Ann C AssbProceedings - 36th Annual Conference of The Association for The Advancement of Automotive Medicine P Ann C AssRProceedings : 38th Annual Conference of The American Council On Consumer Interests P Am C Cons6Proceedings-american Society for Testing and MaterialsP Am Soc Test MaterIProceedings - American Society of Animal Science, Western Section, Vol 39 Asas Ws PgProceedings and Addresses of The Annual Session-american Association for The Study of The Feeble-mindedP Addr Annu Sess-feeYProceedings and Addresses of The Annual Session-american Association On Mental DeficiencyP Addr Annu Sess-amBProceedings and Monographs in Engineering Water and Earth SciencesProc Monogr Eng WateCProceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth SciencesProc Monogr Eng WateProceedings, Annual Conference - National Center for The Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and The Professions (u.s.) Conference P A Con NatMProceedings : Annual Conference of The American Council On Consumer Interests P Am C Cons]Proceedings - Annual Conference of The Association for The Advancement of Automotive Medicine P Ann C AssCProceedings - Annual Ieee International Asic Conference and ExhibitP Ieee Int Asic C&eAProceedings - Annual Meeting of The Microscopy Society of AmericaProc Ann Meet MsaLProceedings - Annual Meeting of The National Association of Schools of MusicP Am Natl Assoc Sch>Proceedings : Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium P A Rel Mai>Proceedings : Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium P Rel Maint S<Proceedings Annual Reliability and Maintainability SymposiumP Annu Rel Maint SymFProceedings - Annual Symposium of The Society of Flight Test EngineersProc Ann Symp Sfte-Proceedings Astronomical Society of AustraliaP Astron Soc Aust3Proceedings: Australia Pacific Extension ConferenceProc Austr Pacif Ext1Proceedings - Brighton Crop Protection ConferenceProc Brighton CropGProceedings - Canadian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition SocietyProc Canad Imag Proc5Proceedings - Canadian Information Processing Society Graph Inter)Proceedings - Cone and Seed Pest Workshop For Can NewCProceedings: Conference On Artificial Intelligence for ApplicationsPr Conf Art Int Appl3Proceedings - Conference On Local Computer NetworksConf Local Comput Ne/Proceedings - Corporate Aviation Safety SeminarP Corp Aviat Saf Sem_Proceedings / Cvpr, Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionProc Cvpr Ieee9Proceedings - Ecology and Management of Annual Rangelands Usda Interm=Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference P Electr C,Proceedings Electronic Components ConferenceProc Electron Compon$Proceedings Elmar-2008, Vols 1 and 2Monogr Cotsen Inst A;Proceeding Series of The International Atomic Energy AgencyP S Iaea3Proceedings: Forest Vegetation Simulator Conference Usda IntermZProceedings - Forty-seventh Annual Symposium On Instrumentation for The Process Industries Ann Symp In`Proceedings From The 36th Annual Meeting of The Rocky Mountain Council On Latin American Studies Rmclas Proc`Proceedings From The 37th Annual Meeting of The Rocky Mountain Council On Latin American Studies Rmclas Proc1Proceedings From The Institute for Nuclear TheoryProc Inst Nucl TheorKProceedings From The Research Centre for Environmental and Health Education P Res Ctr E]Proceedings From The Third Workshop On Genetics of Bark Beetles and Associated MicroorganismsUs For Serv Rmrs-p-Proceedings-frontiers in Education ConferenceProc Front Educ Conf Proceedings - Graphics InterfaceProc Graph Interf+Proceedings - Great Lakes Symposium On VlsiPr Gr Lak Symp Vlsi.Proceedings - Heterogeneous Computing WorkshopProc Heter Comp WorkLProceedings Ict 07: Twenty-sixth International Conference On ThermoelectricsInt Conf Thermoelect9Proceedings - Ieee Computer Security Foundations Workshop P Ieee CsfwYProceedings - Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionProc Cvpr Ieee>Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Computer DesignPr Ieee Comp Design<Proceedings Ieee International Conference On Computer DesignPr Ieee Comp DesignCProceedings - Ieee International Conference On Software MaintenanceProc Ieee Int Conf S_Proceedings - Ieee International Forum On Research and Technology Advances in Digital LibrariesP Ieee Int Forum ResEProceedings - Ieee International Workshop On Rapid System PrototypingP Ieee Rap Syst Prot2Proceedings: Ieee Micro Electro Mechanical SystemsProc Ieee Micr Elect;Proceedings: Ieee Micro Electro Mechanical Systems WorkshopProc Ieee Micr ElectKProceedings Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management SymposiumP Ieee Semicond TherLProceedings, Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management SymposiumP Ieee Semicond Ther1Proceedings - Ieee Software Engineering StandardsProc Ieee Softw Engn!Proceedings Ieee Southeastcon '98Ieee South Record3Proceedings: Ieee Symposium On Security and PrivacyP Ieee S Secur Priv"Proceedings in Applied MathematicsProc Appl Math8Proceedings in Information and Communications TechnologyProc Info CommunProceedings in Marine ScienceProceed Marine Sci Proceedings in Nonlinear Science Proc Nonlin4Proceedings : Institute of Acoustics, Vol 10, Part 5 Proc Ins Ac4Proceedings : Institute of Acoustics, Vol 11, Part 5 Proc Ins Ac2Proceedings : Institute of Acoustics, Vol 11, Pt 2 Proc Ins Ac8Proceedings - Institute of Acoustics, Vol 17, Pt 1, 1995 Proc Ins Ac3Proceedings : Institute of Acoustics, Vol 8, Part 7 Proc Ins Ac3Proceedings : Institute of Acoustics, Vol 9, Part 1 Proc Ins Ac5Proceedings, Intermountain Forest Nursery Association Usda Rocky7Proceedings, Intermountain Forest Nursery Association / Usda RockyGProceedings - International Computer Software & Applications ConferenceP Int Comp Softw AppEProceedings International Computer Software & Applications ConferenceP Int Comp Softw AppDProceedings - International Conference On High Performance ComputingP Int C High PerformLProceedings - International Conference On Tools With Artificial IntelligenceProc Int C Tools ArtJProceedings-international Conference On Tools With Artificial IntelligenceProc Int C Tools Art1Proceedings: International Galvanizing ConferenceProc Int Galvan Conf_Proceedings - International Symposium On Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and SystemsPr Int Symp Adv Res]Proceedings International Symposium On Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and SystemsPr Int Symp Adv ResWProceedings - International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in VacuumP Int Symp Disch El>Proceedings : International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic Int Sym Mvl9Proceedings - International Symposium On System SynthesisProc Int Symp SystJProceedings International Workshop On Microprocessor Test and VerificationInt Workshop MicroprJProceedings-international Workshop On Microprocessor Test and VerificationInt Workshop MicroprpProceedings - International Workshop On Subalpine Stone Pints and Their Environment: The Status of Our Knowledge Usda IntermIProceedings - Management and Productivity of Western-montane Forest Soils Usda Interm,Proceedings: National Silvicultural WorkshopUs For Serv Rmrs-pXProceedings: Northeastern and Intermountain Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations Usda RockyVProceedings of 1995 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Vols 1-3Ieee Int Conf RoboteProceedings of 2007 10th Ieee International Conference On Computer Aided Design and Computer GraphicsInt C Comp Aid Des C]Proceedings of 2007 International Conference On Management Science and Engineering ManagementManag Sci Eng ManagbProceedings of 2008 Ieee International Conference On Networking, Sensing and Control, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Int C Netw SensSProceedings of 2008 Ieee International Symposium On Circuits and Systems, Vols 1-10Ieee Int Symp Circ SfProceedings of 2008 International Conference On Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, Vols 1 and 2Int C Wavel Anal PatXProceedings of 2009 International Conference On Wavelet Analysis and Pattern RecognitionInt C Wavel Anal Pat>Proceedings of 3rd Electronics Packaging Technology ConferenceEl Packag Tech Conf>Proceedings of 5th Electronics Packaging Technology ConferenceEl Packag Tech ConfOProceedings of '95 International Conference On Management Science & EngineeringHeilongj News Regist%Proceedings of Aca Annual ConferencesProc Aca Annu Conf4Proceedings of Advances in Dna Sequencing TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Proceedings of Advances in Fluorescence Sensing TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsQProceedings of An International Expert Meeting On Asbestos, Asbestosis and CancerPeople Work Res RepHProceedings of An International Meeting On Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes Esa Sp Publ}Proceedings of An International Symposium On Calcified Tissues Dental and Surgical Materials and Tissue Material InteractionsP Int Sym Cal Tiss DfProceedings of Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyP Ann Int Ieee EmbsAProceedings of A Symposium On White Pine Provenances and Breeding Usda Ne ExpEProceedings of A Workshop On Advances in Control and Its ApplicationsLect Notes Contr InfNProceedings of A Workshop On Bark Beetle Genetics : Current Status of Research Usda Pac SwMProceedings of A Workshop On Bark Beetle Genetics: Current Status of ResearchUs For Serv T R Pnw.Proceedings of Biochemical and Medical SensorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Proceedings of Biomedical Optoelectronic Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Proceedings of Biomolecular Spectroscopy IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsAProceedings of Clinical Applications of Modern Imaging TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Proceedings of Colloquium in Honor of Jean-marie Souriau Prog MathHProceedings of Conference 28 - International Erosion Control Association Ieca P ConfHProceedings of Conference 29 - International Erosion Control Association Ieca P ConfHProceedings of Conference 31 - International Erosion Control Association Ieca P Conf!Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2000 Acta Hortic,Proceedings of Dental Applications of LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsFProceedings of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiovascular InterventionsP Soc Photo-opt InsIProceedings of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Interventions IiP Soc Photo-opt InsJProceedings of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Interventions IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsProceedings of EcopoleProceedings Ecopole#Proceedings of Ecopole 2007, Vol. 1Proceedings Ecopole"Proceedings of Ecopole 2008, Vol 2Proceedings Ecopole'Proceedings of Ecopole 2008, Vol 2 No 1Proceedings EcopoleProceedings of Ecopole, 2009Proceedings Ecopole'Proceedings of Ecopole 2009, Vol 3 No 2Proceedings Ecopole#Proceedings of Ecopole, Vol 4, No 1Proceedings Ecopole#Proceedings of Ecopole, Vol 4, No 2Proceedings EcopolelProceedings of Electromagnetic Workshop and Meeting On The Industrial Applications of The Eddy Current Codes Phy Sci Cec|Proceedings of Empd '98 - 1998 International Conference On Energy Management and Power Delivery, Vols 1 and 2 and Supplement Ieee Conf RQProceedings of Essderc 2005: 35th European Solid-state Device Research ConferenceProc Eur S-state Dev:Proceedings of Fiber Optics Sensors in Medical DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt InsYProceedings of Holography, Interferometry, and Optical Pattern Recognition in BiomedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Proceedings of Holography, Interferometry, and Optical Pattern Recognition in Biomedicine IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Proceedings of Holography, Interferometry, and Optical Pattern Recognition in Biomedicine IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsJProceedings of Imac-xix: A Conference On Structural Dynamics, Vols 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsJProceedings of Imac-xix: A Conference On Structural Dynamics, Vols 1 and 2 Proc Spie9Proceedings of Imac-xx: Structural Dynamics Vols I and IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Proceedings of Imac-xx: Structural Dynamics Vols I and Ii Proc SpieeProceedings of Inds '09: Second International Workshop On Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization 2009 Smrt Sys Tech9Proceedings of Inorganic and Nanostructured Photovoltaics Enrgy ProcedAProceedings of International Conference On Scientific Computation Ser Appl M;Proceedings of International Meeting On Information DisplayProc Int Meet Inf DiProceedings of Issi 2009 - 12th International Conference of The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vol 1Pro Int Conf Sci InfProceedings of Issi 2009 - 12th International Conference of The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vol 2Pro Int Conf Sci Inf2Proceedings of Laser Applications in OphthalmologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Proceedings of Laser Interaction With Hard and Soft TissueP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Proceedings of Lasers in Dermatology and Tissue WeldingP Soc Photo-opt InsGProceedings of Lasers in Orthopedic, Dental, and Veterinary Medicine IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHProceedings of Lasers in Otolaryngology, Dermatology, and Tissue WeldingP Soc Photo-opt InsAProceedings of Lasers in Urology, Gynecology, and General SurgeryP Soc Photo-opt InsAProceedings of Lasers in Urology, Laparoscopy and General SurgeryP Soc Photo-opt InsAProceedings of Lasers Orthopedic, Dental, and Veterinary MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsUProceedings of Laser Surgery : Advanced Characterization Therapeutics, and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsWProceedings of Laser Surgery : Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Proceedings of Laser-tissue InteractionP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Proceedings of Laser-tissue Interaction IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Proceedings of Laser-tissue Interaction IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Proceedings of Laser-tissue Interaction IvP Soc Photo-opt InsIProceedings of Light-activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy ConferenceLect Not El Engr=Proceedings of Low-energy Laser Effects On Biological SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary ScienceP Lunar Planet Sci2Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science, Vol 21P Lunar Planet Sci2Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science, Vol 22P Lunar Planet SciProceedings of Mascots '07: 15th International Symposium On Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication SystemsI S Mod Anal Sim Com)Proceedings of Medical Lasers and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Proceedings of Medical Lasers and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHProceedings of Microscopy, Holography, and Interferometry in BiomedicineP Soc Photo-opt InseProceedings of Noise-con 96 - The 1996 National Conference On Noise Control Engineering, Vols 1 and 2 Noise Con P&Proceedings of Ophthalmic TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Proceedings of Ophthalmic Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Proceedings of Ophthalmic Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsProceedings of Optical BiopsyP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Proceedings of Optical Fibers in Medicine VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Proceedings of Optical Fibers in Medicine ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Proceedings of Optical Fibers in Medicine ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Proceedings of Optical Fibers in Medicine ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InswProceedings of Optical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection : Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy IiP Soc Photo-opt InsbProceedings of Optical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Early Diagnosis : Mechanisms and TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology P Pak Con Z+Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of ZoologyProc Pak Cong Zool1Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology -bookProc Pak Cong Zool2Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology SeriesProc Pak Cong Zool9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 10, 1990Proc Pak Cong Zool9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 11, 1991Proc Pak Cong Zool9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 12, 1992 P Pak Con Z9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 13, 1993 P Pak Con Z9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 14, 1994 P Pak Con Z9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 15, 1995 P Pak Con Z9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 16, 1996Proc Pak Cong Zool9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 19, 1999Proc Pak Cong Zool9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 21, 2001Proc Pak Cong Zool9Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Vol 23, 2003Proc Pak Cong Zool3Proceedings of Photodynamic Therapy : Mechanisms IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Proceedings of Photodynamic Therapy of CancerP Soc Photo-opt InsGProceedings of Photon Migration and Imaging in Random Media and TissuesP Soc Photo-opt InsZProceedings of Physiological Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Early-detection Diagnostic MethodsP Soc Photo-opt InsbProceedings of Quantification and Localization Using Diffuse Photons in A Highly Scattering MediumP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Proceedings of Roundtable On Sentencing and Indigenous PeoplesRes Pub Pol SeriesWProceedings of Second International Conference On Sports Science and Sports EngineeringSport Sci Sport EngLProceedings of Seminars On Linguistics 1988 : Conference On Student ResearchCirb PubGProceedings of Seventh Annual Structure in Complexity Theory ConferenceStruct Compl Th ConfcProceedings of Soho 12/gong (plus) 2002 On Local and Global Helioseismology: The Present and Future Esa Sp PublcProceedings of Soho 12/gong (plus) 2002 On Local and Global Helioseismology: The Present and Future Esa Spec PublProceedings of Spie Proc SpieEProceedings of Spie-the International Society for Optical EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsJProceedings of Static and Dynamic Light Scattering in Medicine and BiologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Proc Sym Ap+Proceedings of Symposia in Pure MathematicsP Symp Pure MathaProceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics: Algebraic Geometry Seattle 2005, Vol 80, Pts 1 and 2P Symp Pure MathMProceedings of Symposium On Fire Economics, Planning and Policy: Bottom LinesUs For Serv T R PswRProceedings of The 102nd Annual Meeting of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyProc Fl State HorticRProceedings of The 104th Annual Meeting of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyProc Fl State HorticRProceedings of The 105th Annual Meeting of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyP Fl St Hortic SocRProceedings of The 106th Annual Meeting of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyP Fl St Hortic SocRProceedings of The 107th Annual Meeting of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyP Fl St Hortic Soc]Proceedings of The 10th (2000) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IInt Offshore Polar E^Proceedings of The 10th (2000) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IiInt Offshore Polar E_Proceedings of The 10th (2000) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IiiInt Offshore Polar E^Proceedings of The 10th (2000) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IvInt Offshore Polar EkProceedings of The 10th Iasted International Conference On Internet and Multimedia Systems and ApplicationsIasted Int Conf InteProceedings of The 10th International Conference On Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Related Small Energy Phenomena, Physics and ApplicationsIpap Conference SerbProceedings of The 10th International Conference On Textures of Materials, Pts 1 and 2 - Icotom-10Mater Sci Forum.Proceedings of The 10th World Congress On PainProg Pain Res ManagRProceedings of The 118th Annual Meeting of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyProc Fl State HorticRProceedings of The 119th Annual Meeting of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyProc Fl State HorticProceedings of The 11th European Workshop of The European-microbeam-analysis-society (emas) On Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam AnalysisIop Conf Ser-mat ScisProceedings of The 11th International Conference On Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Vols 1 and 2In C Ind Eng Eng Man:Proceedings of The 11th International Congress On Archives Arch Int ReMProceedings of The 11th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vols 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsWProceedings of The 11th International Symposium On Boron, Borides and Related Compounds Jjap SerieseProceedings of The 11th Wseas International Conference On Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation Ele Com EngIProceedings of The 11th Wseas International Conference On Circuits, Vol 1 Ele Com EngOProceedings of The 11th Wseas International Conference On Communications, Vol 3 Ele Com EngProceedings of The 11th Wseas International Conference On Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (macmese '09)Ma Comput Sci EngProceedings of The 11th Wseas International Conference On Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (macmese '09)Math Comput Sci EngHProceedings of The 11th Wseas International Conference On Systems, Vol 2 Ele Com EngKProceedings of The 127th Colloquium of The International Astronomical Union Iau ColloqBProceedings of The 12th Australasian Database Conference, Adc 2001 Aust Comp S:Proceedings of The 12th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium Olsen Int SProceedings of The 12th Iapr International Conference On Pattern Recognition - Conference A: Computer Vision & Image ProcessingInt C Patt RecogProceedings of The 12th Iapr International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol Ii - Conference B: Pattern Recognition and Neural NetworksInt C Patt RecogProceedings of The 12th Iapr International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol Iii - Conference C: Signal Processing, Conference D: Parallel ComputingInt C Patt RecogTProceedings of The 12th Iasted International Conference On Robotics and ApplicationsIasted Int Conf RoboCProceedings of The 12th Ieee Computer Security Foundations Workshop P Ieee CsfwTProceedings of The 12th Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems, Vols 1 and 2Ieee Int Conf FuzzyQProceedings of The 12th International Conference On Distributed Computing SystemsInt Con Distr Comp SsProceedings of The 12th International Conference On Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Vols 1 and 2In C Ind Eng Eng Man?Proceedings of The 12th International Information VisualisationIeee Int Con Inf VisMProceedings of The 12th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vols 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsBProceedings of The 12th Wseas International Conference On CircuitsRec Adv Electr EngHProceedings of The 12th Wseas International Conference On CommunicationsRec Adv Electr EngMProceedings of The 12th Wseas International Conference On Computers , Pts 1-3Rec Adv Comput EngqProceedings of The 13th Cambridge Workshop On Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The Sun - Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp PublqProceedings of The 13th Cambridge Workshop On Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The Sun - Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Spec PublProceedings of The 13th Iasted International Conference On Robotics and Applications/proceedings of The Iasted International Conference On TelematicsIasted Int Conf Robo}Proceedings of The 13th International Conference Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation: Modtech 2009 - New Face of TmcrPr Int Conf Modtech^Proceedings of The 13th International Conference On Defects in Insulating Materials - Icdim 96Mater Sci ForumoProceedings of The 13th International Conference On Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Vols 1-5In C Ind Eng Eng ManMProceedings of The 13th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vols 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Proceedings of The 13th International Symposium On Trichoptera Zoosymposia2Proceedings of The 13th Paul D. Converse Symposium Amer Mar AsHProceedings of The 13th Wseas International Conference On CommunicationsRec Adv Electr EngCProceedings of The 13th Wseas International Conference On ComputersRec Adv Comput EngAProceedings of The 13th Wseas International Conference On SystemsMath Comput Sci EngQProceedings of The 14th International Conference On Distributed Computing SystemsInt Con Distr Comp SYProceedings of The 14th International Conference On Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Systems Physcs ProcLProceedings of The 14th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vols I & IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSProceedings of The 14th National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia and MontenegroPub Astro Obs BelgrProceedings of The 15th American Conference On Applied Mathematics and Proceedings of The International Conference On Computational and Information Sciences 2009, Vols I and IiMa Comput Sci EngProceedings of The 15th American Conference On Applied Mathematics and Proceedings of The International Conference On Computational and Information Sciences 2009, Vols I and IiMath Comput Sci Eng,Proceedings of The 15th Asian Test SymposiumAsian Test SymposiumHProceedings of The 15th Ieee Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems Comp Med SyQProceedings of The 15th International Conference On Distributed Computing SystemsInt Con Distr Comp SUProceedings of The 15th International Modal Analysis Conference - Imac, Vols I and IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Proceedings of The 16th Asian Test SymposiumAsian Test SymposiumbProceedings of The 16th Euromicro Conference On Parallel, Distributed and Network-based ProcessingEuromicro Workshop P[Proceedings of The 16th Iasted International Conference On Applied Simulation and ModellingIasted Model SimulNProceedings of The 16th Ieee International Conference On Program ComprehensionInt C Program CompreNProceedings of The 16th Ieee International Requirements Engineering ConferenceInt Requir Eng ConfVProceedings of The 16th International Conference On Defects in Semiconductors, Pts 1-3Mater Sci ForumQProceedings of The 16th International Conference On Distributed Computing SystemsInt Con Distr Comp SGProceedings of The 16th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop Alaska Sea,Proceedings of The 17th Asian Test SymposiumAsian Test SymposiumVProceedings of The 17th International Conference On Defects in Semiconductors, Pts 1-3Mater Sci ForumQProceedings of The 17th International Conference On Distributed Computing SystemsInt Con Distr Comp SNProceedings of The 17th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 1Int C Patt RecogNProceedings of The 17th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 2Int C Patt RecogNProceedings of The 17th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 3Int C Patt RecogNProceedings of The 17th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Vol 4Int C Patt RecogIProceedings of The 17th International Congress of Life Assurance MedicineRoy Soc Med Int Cong<Proceedings of The 17th International Spin Physics Symposium Aip Conf ProcTProceedings of The 17th International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices & IcsInt Sym Pow SemicondProceedings of The 17th International Vacuum Congress/13th International Conference On Surface Science/international Conference On Nanoscience and TechnologyJ Phys Conf Ser9Proceedings of The 17th National Passive Solar Conference P Natl SolProceedings of The 18th Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 18, Pts 1-5 P Ieee Embs<Proceedings of The 18th Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo Eur Stud Mono<Proceedings of The 18th Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo-eur Stud MonoHProceedings of The 18th International Conference On Software EngineeringProc Int Conf SoftwTProceedings of The 18th International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices & IcsInt Sym Pow SemicondHProceedings of The 18th International Symposium On Space Flight Dynamics Esa Sp PublProceedings of The 18th International Symposium On Virus & Virus-like Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops - Top Fruit Diseases, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticUProceedings of The 1989 Acm Sigmod International Conference On The Management of Data Sigmod Rec=Proceedings of The 1989 American Control Conference, Vols 1-3Amer Contr Conf Conf<Proceedings of The 1989 Arkansas Fescue Toxicosis ConferenceArkansas Aes Spec Re=Proceedings of The 1989 Summer Computer Simulation Conference P Summ CompNProceedings of The 1990 Acm Sigmod International Conference On Management Data Sigmod RecLProceedings of The 1990 Ama Microcomputers in Marketing Education Conference Amer Mar As/Proceedings of The 1990 Cotton Research MeetingArkansas Aes Spec ReBProceedings of The 1990 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne Exp=Proceedings of The 1990 Summer Computer Simulation Conference P Summ Comp/Proceedings of The 1991 Cotton Research MeetingArkansas Aes Spec ReNProceedings of The 1991 International Conference On Parallel Processing, Vol 1Proc Int Conf ParalBProceedings of The 1991 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne Exp|Proceedings of The 1991 Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemical in Ground Water : Prevention, Detection, and Restoration Gr Wat Man@Proceedings of The 1991 Southern Conservation Tillage ConferenceArkansas Aes Spec ReIProceedings of The 1991 Symposium On Systems Analysis in Forest Resources Usda Southe/Proceedings of The 1992 Cotton Research MeetingArkansas Aes Spec Re]Proceedings of The 1992 International Conference On Parallel Processing, Vol I - ArchitectureProc Int Conf ParallProceedings of The 1992 International Conference On Parallel Processing, Vol Iii - Algorithms & ApplicationsProc Int Conf ParalZProceedings of The 1992 International Conference On Parallel Processing, Vol Ii - SoftwareProc Int Conf ParalDProceedings of The 1992 People to People Conference, Selected Papers Rmsc Res Rec=Proceedings of The 1992 Summer Computer Simulation Conference P Summ CompaProceedings of The 1993 Cotton Research Meeting and 1993 Summaries of Cotton Research in ProgressArkansas Aes Spec ReNProceedings of The 1993 International Conference On Parallel Processing, Vol IProc Int Conf ParalOProceedings of The 1993 International Conference On Parallel Processing, Vol IiProc Int Conf ParalPProceedings of The 1993 International Conference On Parallel Processing, Vol IiiProc Int Conf Paral=Proceedings of The 1993 Summer Computer Simulation Conference P Summ CompbProceedings of The 1994 Ieee International Frequency Control Symposium (the 48th Annual Symposium)P Ieee Int Freq ContGProceedings of The 1994 Sem Spring Conference On Experimental MechanicsP Int Cong Experit M=Proceedings of The 1994 Summer Computer Simulation Conference P Summ CompaProceedings of The 1995 Cotton Research Meeting and 1995 Summaries of Cotton Research in ProgressArkansas Aes Spec ReKProceedings of The 1995 Icpp Workshop On Challenges for Parallel ProcessingProc Int Conf ParalProceedings of The 1995 Ieee Iecon - 21st International Conference On Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Ind ElecBProceedings of The 1995 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne ExpGProceedings of The 1995 Sem Spring Conference On Experimental MechanicsP Int Cong Experit MFProceedings of The 1996 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm ProcProceedings of The 1996 Ieee Iecon - 22nd International Conference On Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Vols 1-3 Ieee Ind Elec6Proceedings of The 1996 Ieee National Radar Conference Ieee IjcnnBProceedings of The 1996 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne ExpVProceedings of The 1996 Topical Meeting Radiation Protection & Shielding, Vols 1 and 2Adv Appl Rad ProtectGProceedings of The 1997 16th Southern Biomedical Engineering ConferenceSo Biomm Engn Conf P=Proceedings of The 1997 American Control Conference, Vols 1-6P Amer Contr ConfFProceedings of The 1997 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm Proc6Proceedings of The 1997 Ieee National Radar Conference Radar ConfGProceedings of The 1997 International Conference On Parallel ProcessingProc Int Conf ParalHProceedings of The 1997 International Conference On Software EngineeringProc Int Conf SoftwBProceedings of The 1997 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne Exp=Proceedings of The 1998 American Control Conference, Vols 1-6P Amer Contr ConfFProceedings of The 1998 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm Proc]Proceedings of The 1998 Conference On The History and Heritage of Science Information Systems Asis MonogrjProceedings of The 1998 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vols 1-6Int Conf Acoust SpeeFProceedings of The 1998 Ieee International Frequency Control SymposiumP Ieee Int Freq ContWProceedings of The 1998 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics and The EnvironmentIeee Int Symp Electr:Proceedings of The 1998 Ieee Radar Conference: Radarcon 98 Radar ConfHProceedings of The 1998 International Conference On Software EngineeringProc Int Conf SoftwBProceedings of The 1998 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne Exp=Proceedings of The 1998 Summer Computer Simulation Conference P Summ Comp;Proceedings of The 1999 Asme/ieee Joint Railroad ConferenceAsme RtddProceedings of The 1999 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics and The Environment, Isee - 1999Ieee Int Symp Electr-Proceedings of The 1999 Ieee Radar Conference Ieee Rad Conf-Proceedings of The 1999 Ieee Radar Conference Radar Conf>Proceedings of The 1999 Ieee Symposium On Security and PrivacyP Ieee S Secur PrivaProceedings of The 1999 International Conference On Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation (icbgm'99) Simul SeriesUProceedings of The 1999 International Conference On Web-based Modeling and Simulation Simul SeriesaProceedings of The 19th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldaProceedings of The 19th Annual Conference of The Western Australian Science Education AssociationP A Wesea ConfProceedings of The 19th Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 19, Pts 1-6P Ann Int Ieee Embs<Proceedings of The 19th Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo Eur Stud Mono<Proceedings of The 19th Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo-eur Stud MonoVProceedings of The 19th International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices and IcsInt Sym Pow SemicondProceedings of The 1st International Conference On Indigenous Vegetables and Legumes Prospectus for Fighting Poverty, Hunger and Malnutrition Acta HorticTProceedings of The 1st International Conference On Risk Analysis and Crisis ResponseAdv Intel Sys ResaProceedings of The 1st International Conference On Turfgrass Management and Science Sports Fields Acta HorticCProceedings of The 1st International Conference On Virtual LearningProc Int C Virtual L4Proceedings of The 1st International Guava Symposium Acta Hortic6Proceedings of The 1st International Humulus Symposium Acta Hortic8Proceedings of The 1st International Rose Hip Conference Acta HorticUProceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Breadfruit Research and Development Acta HortictProceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Fresh Food Quality Standards: Better Food By Quality and Assurance Acta HorticZProceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Grapevine Growing, Commerce and Research Acta Hortic_Proceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables Acta HorticzProceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Improving The Performance of Supply Chains in The Transitional Economies Acta Hortic8Proceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Papaya Acta HortickProceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Rootstocks for Deciduous Fruit Tree Species, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticRProceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Saffron Biology and Biotechnolgy Acta HorticuProceedings of The 1st International Symposium On The Labiatae: Advances in Production, Biotechnology and Utilisation Acta HorticAProceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Tomato Diseases Acta Hortic>Proceedings of The 1st International Symposium On Work AbilityPeople Work Res RepXProceedings of The 1st National Congress Valorisation and Recycling of Industrial WastesSer Mono Mat Sci EnghProceedings of The 1st Solar and Space Weather Euroconference On The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate Esa Sp PublhProceedings of The 1st Solar and Space Weather Euroconference On The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate Esa Spec PublhProceedings of The 1st Workshop On Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (recsystel 2010)Procedia Comput ScijProceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical InformaticsRec Adv Biol BiomeduProceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering (eg'08)Energy Environ Eng SXProceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Landscape Architecture (la '08)Energy Environ Eng SYProceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Materials Science (materials'08)Ma Comput Sci EngYProceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Materials Science (materials'08)Math Comput Sci EngZProceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Recent Advances in Nanotechnology Ele Com EnggProceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Visualization, Imaging and Simulation (vis'08)Ma Comput Sci EnggProceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Visualization, Imaging and Simulation (vis'08)Math Comput Sci Eng=Proceedings of The 2000 American Control Conference, Vols 1-6P Amer Contr ConfFProceedings of The 2000 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm ProcJProceedings of The 2000 Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1 and 2Ieee C Evol Computat\Proceedings of The 2000 Cotton Research Meeting and Summaries of Cotton Research in ProgressArkansas Aes Spec ReWProceedings of The 2000 Ieee/eia International Frequency Control Symposium & ExhibitionP Ieee Int Freq ContWProceedings of The 2000 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics and The EnvironmentIeee Int Symp ElectrBProceedings of The 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne Exp=Proceedings of The 2001 American Control Conference, Vols 1-6P Amer Contr ConfFProceedings of The 2001 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm ProcJProceedings of The 2001 Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1 and 2Ieee C Evol Computat\Proceedings of The 2001 Cotton Research Meeting and Summaries of Cotton Research in ProgressArkansas Aes Spec ReWProceedings of The 2001 Ieee International Frequency Control Symposium & Pda ExhibitionP Ieee Int Freq ContjProceedings of The 2001 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics and The Environment, Conference RecordIeee Int Symp Electr-Proceedings of The 2001 Ieee Radar Conference Ieee Rad Conf-Proceedings of The 2001 Ieee Radar Conference Radar ConfGProceedings of The 2001 International Conference On Parallel ProcessingProc Int Conf Paral=Proceedings of The 2002 American Control Conference, Vols 1-6P Amer Contr ConfFProceedings of The 2002 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm ProcPProceedings of The 2002 Ieee 14th International Conference On Dielectric LiquidsI C Dielect LiquidsWProceedings of The 2002 Ieee International Frequency Control Symposium & Pda ExhibitionP Ieee Int Freq Cont-Proceedings of The 2002 Ieee Radar Conference Ieee Rad Conf-Proceedings of The 2002 Ieee Radar Conference Radar Conf=Proceedings of The 2003 American Control Conference, Vols 1-6P Amer Contr ConfFProceedings of The 2003 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm ProcProceedings of The 2003 Ieee International Frequency Control Symposium & Pda Exhibition Jointly With 17th European Frequency and Time ForumP Ieee Int Freq Cont-Proceedings of The 2003 Ieee Radar Conference Ieee Rad Conf-Proceedings of The 2003 Ieee Radar Conference Radar ConfBProceedings of The 2003 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne ExpQProceedings of The 2004 2nd Workshop On Embedded Systems for Real-time MultimediaEmb Syst Real Time M=Proceedings of The 2004 American Control Conference, Vols 1-6P Amer Contr ConfjProceedings of The 2004 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol 1Proc Cvpr IeeejProceedings of The 2004 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol 2Proc Cvpr IeeeUProceedings of The 2004 Ieee International Frequency Control Symposium and ExpositionP Ieee Int Freq ConthProceedings of The 2004 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics & The Environment, Conference RecordIeee Int Symp ElectrGProceedings of The 2004 Ieee Workshop On Computers in Power ElectronicsAnn Worksh Comp PowBProceedings of The 2004 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Usda Ne ExpQProceedings of The 2005 3rd Workshop On Embedded Systems for Real-time MultimediaEmb Syst Real Time M7Proceedings of The 2005 Asme/ieee Joint Rail ConferenceAsme RtdFProceedings of The 2005 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm ProcFProceedings of The 2006 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm Proc[Proceedings of The 2006 Ieee/acm/ifip Workshop On Embedded Systems for Real Time MultimediaEmb Syst Real Time MWProceedings of The 2006 Ieee International Conference On Control Applications, Vols 1-4Ieee Intl Conf ContrXProceedings of The 2006 Ieee International Conference On Networking, Sensing and ControlIeee Int C Netw SenshProceedings of The 2006 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics & The Environment, Conference RecordIeee Int Symp ElectrGProceedings of The 2006 Ieee Workshop On Computers in Power ElectronicsAnn Worksh Comp PowbProceedings of The 2006 Ieee Workshop On Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and SystemsDes Diag Elec Circ SwProceedings of The 2006 Joint Rail Conference On Restoring and Upgrading Rail Infrastructure, Rolling Stock and SystemsAsme RtdBProceedings of The 2006 Northeastern Recreation Research SymposiumUsda For Serv N ResBProceedings of The 2006 Northeastern Recreation Research SymposiumUsda For Serv Nrs GttProceedings of The 2007 11th International Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Vols 1 and 2Int C Comp Supp CoopRProceedings of The 2007 Ieee Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting (bctm) Bctm ProcIProceedings of The 2007 Ieee Conference On Control Applications, Vols 1-3Ieee Intl Conf Contr[Proceedings of The 2007 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation, Vols 1-10Ieee Int Conf RobothProceedings of The 2007 Ieee International Symposium On Electronics & The Environment, Conference RecordIeee Int Symp ElectrbProceedings of The 2007 Ieee Workshop On Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and SystemsDes Diag Elec Circ SuProceedings of The 2008 12th International Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Vols I and IiInt C Comp Supp CoopRProceedings of The 2008 16th Ieee Workshop On Local and Metropolitan Area NetworksWrks Loc Metro AreaAProceedings of The 2008 16th International Conference On NetworksIeee Int Conf NetworFProceedings of The 2008 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm Proc[Proceedings of The 2008 Ieee/acm/ifip Workshop On Embedded Systems for Real-time MultimediaEmb Syst Real Time M>Proceedings of The 2008 Ieee Symposium On Security and PrivacyP Ieee S Secur PrivRProceedings of The 2008 International Conference On E-risk Management (icerm 2008)Adv Intel Sys RescProceedings of The 2008 International Symposium On Collaborative Technologies and Systems: Cts 2008Int S Collab Technol[Proceedings of The 2009 17th Ieee Symposium On Field Programmable Custom Computing MachinesAnn Ieee Sym Field PCProceedings of The 2009 30th Ieee Symposium On Security and PrivacyP Ieee S Secur PrivFProceedings of The 2009 Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting Bctm ProcQProceedings of The 2009 Ieee International Symposium On Workload CharacterizationI S Workl Char ProccProceedings of The 2009 Ieee Symposium On Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and SystemsDes Diag Elec Circ SfProceedings of The 2009 Sixth International Conference On Computer Graphics, Imaging and VisualizationI C Comp Graph Im Vi\Proceedings of The 2009 Snowbird Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Workshop (snowpac 2009) Astr Soc P1Proceedings of The 2009 Viral Clearance SymposiumDev BiologicalsIProceedings of The 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (wsc 2009 ), Vol 1-4Wint Simul C ProcMProceedings of The 2010 Ieee-ifip Network Operations and Management SymposiumIeee Ifip Netw OperVProceedings of The 2010 Ieee International Conference On Solid Dielectrics (icsd 2010)Ieee Int C Sol Diel|Proceedings of The 2010 Ieee International Symposium On Technology and Society: Social Implications of Emerging TechnologiesInt Symp Technol Soc\Proceedings of The 2010 International Conference On Wavelet Analysis and Pattern RecognitionInt C Wavel Anal Pat4Proceedings of The 2010 Winter Simulation ConferenceWint Simul C ProcaProceedings of The 20th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldaProceedings of The 20th Annual Conference of The Western Australian Science Education AssociationP A Wesea ConfProceedings of The 20th Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 20, Pts 1-6P Ann Int Ieee Embs9Proceedings of The 20th National Passive Solar Conference P Natl SolaProceedings of The 21st Annual Conference of The Western Australian Science Education AssociationP A Wesea ConfcProceedings of The 21st Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable AgricultureArkansas Aes Spec ReIProceedings of The 21st Australasian Computer Science Conference, Acsc'98 Aust Comp SAProceedings of The 21st Euromicro Conference On Real-time Systems EuromicroVProceedings of The 21st Ieee International Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems Comp Med SykProceedings of The 21st International Symposium On Classical Versus Molecular Breeding of Ornamentals, Pt 2 Acta HorticgProceedings of The 21st International Symposium On Computer Architecture and High Performance ComputingInt Sym Comp ArchityProceedings of The 22nd Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-4P Ann Int Ieee EmbsaProceedings of The 22nd International Eucarpia Symposium Section Ornamentals: Breeding for Beauty Acta HortichProceedings of The 22nd International Eucarpia Symposium Section Ornamentals: Breeding for Beauty, Pt Ii Acta Hortic9Proceedings of The 22nd National Passive Solar Conference P Natl SolfProceedings of The 22th Workshop On Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics (csp 2009) Physcs ProcaProceedings of The 23rd Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldyProceedings of The 23rd Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-4P Ann Int Ieee EmbsVProceedings of The 23rd Eslab Symposium On Two Topics in X-ray Astronomy, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp PublHProceedings of The 23rd International Conference On Software EngineeringProc Int Conf Softw9Proceedings of The 23rd National Passive Solar Conference P Natl SolaProceedings of The 24th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldJProceedings of The 24th Annual Ieee Conference On Computational ComplexityAnn Ieee Conf ComputKProceedings of The 24th Australasian Computer Science Conference, Acsc 2001 Aust Comp SaProceedings of The 25th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldyProceedings of The 25th Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-4P Ann Int Ieee Embs_Proceedings of The 25th International Conference On The Physics of Semiconductors, Pts I and IiSpringer Proc PhysaProceedings of The 26th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldyProceedings of The 26th Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7P Ann Int Ieee Embs;Proceedings of The 26th Euromicro Conference, Vols I and IiEuromicro Conf ProcHProceedings of The 26th International Symposium On Computer ArchitectureConf Proc Int Symp CVProceedings of The 26th Meeting and Workshop of The European Working Group On Cp Stars Contr Ast OBProceedings of The 27th Euromicro Conference - 2001: A Net OdysseyEuromicro Conf Proc;Proceedings of The 27th International Cosmic Ray ConferenceFzka Tech Umw Wis BaProceedings of The 28th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldvProceedings of The 28th Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference, Workshop and Fast AbstractsP Int Comp Softw App,Proceedings of The 28th Euromicro ConferenceEuromicro Conf Proc`Proceedings of The 29th Annual Boston University Conferece On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldDProceedings of The 29th Annual Conference Avian Medicine and SurgeryAnn Con Avi Med SurZProceedings of The 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications ConferenceP Int Comp Softw AppxProceedings of The 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Workshops and Fast AbstractsP Int Comp Softw App3Proceedings of The 29th Annual Simulation SymposiumProc Annu Simul Symp,Proceedings of The 29th Euromicro ConferenceEuromicro Conf ProcHProceedings of The 2nd Australasian User Interface Conference, Auic 2001 Aust Comp SPProceedings of The 2nd Csni Specialist Meeting On Simulators and Plant AnalysersVtt Symp4Proceedings of The 2nd European Computing ConferenceRec Adv Comput EngZProceedings of The 2nd Gauss Symposium - Conference A: Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Sym Gaussiana_Proceedings of The 2nd Iasme/wseas International Conference On Geology and Seismology (ges '08)Ma Comput Sci Eng_Proceedings of The 2nd Iasme/wseas International Conference On Geology and Seismology (ges '08)Math Comput Sci EnggProceedings of The 2nd International Conference On Environmental and Geological Science and EngineeringMa Comput Sci EngCProceedings of The 2nd International Conference On Virtual LearningProc Int C Virtual LUProceedings of The 2nd International Excursion of The Swiss Phytosociological Society Ver Geobot8Proceedings of The 2nd International Persimmon Symposium Acta Hortic5Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium On Fig Acta HorticgProceedings of The 2nd International Symposium On Lychee, Longan, Rambutan and Other Sapindaceae Plants Acta HorticRProceedings of The 2nd International Workshop On Software Configuration Management Acm SigsoftZProceedings of The 2nd Symposium On Marine Geology: Geology of The North Sea and SkagerrakDanm Geol Undersog CQProceedings of The 2nd World Congress On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (wocmap-2) Acta HorticvProceedings of The 2nd Wseas/iasme International Conference On Energy Planning, Energy Saving, Environmental EducationEnergy Environ Eng SjProceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical InformaticsRec Adv Biol BiomedvProceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Circuits, Systems, Signals and Telecommunications (cisst '08) Ele Com Eng^Proceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Computer Engineering and Applications Ele Com EngProceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology (emeseg '09)Ma Comput Sci EngProceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology (emeseg '09)Math Comput Sci Eng[Proceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Management, Marketing and FinancesMa Comput Sci Eng[Proceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Management, Marketing and FinancesMath Comput Sci Eng}Proceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Multivariate Analysis and Its Application in Science and EngineeringMath Comput Sci EngZProceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Urban Planning and TransportationMa Comput Sci EngZProceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Urban Planning and TransportationMath Comput Sci EngaProceedings of The 30th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann Bucld,Proceedings of The 30th Euromicro ConferenceEuromicro Conf ProcaProceedings of The 32nd Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldaProceedings of The 33rd Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldIProceedings of The 33rd Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-4Ieee Decis Contr PEProceedings of The 33rd Meeting of The Geoscience Information Society P Geos Inf?Proceedings of The 33rd Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySe Sym Sys Thry?Proceedings of The 33rd Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp SysteaProceedings of The 34th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldaProceedings of The 35th Annual Boston University Conference On Language Development, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ann BucldIProceedings of The 35th Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-4Ieee Decis Contr P?Proceedings of The 35th Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySe Sym Sys Thry?Proceedings of The 35th Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp SysteGProceedings of The 36th Eslab Symposium On Earth-like Planets and Moons Esa Sp PublGProceedings of The 36th Eslab Symposium On Earth-like Planets and Moons Esa Spec PublIProceedings of The 36th Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-5Ieee Decis Contr P?Proceedings of The 36th International Instrumentation Symposium Instr AerosIProceedings of The 37th Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-4Ieee Decis Contr P?Proceedings of The 37th International Instrumentation Symposium Instr Aeros?Proceedings of The 38th International Instrumentation Symposium Final ContrIProceedings of The 39th Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-5Ieee Decis Contr PMProceedings of The 3rd Australasian Computer Architecture Conference, Acac'98 Aust Comp SKProceedings of The 3rd Franco-finnish Colloquium On Contrastive Linguistics Pub D Lan R\Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference On Communications and Information TechnologyRec Adv Comput EngUProceedings of The 3rd International Conference On Management, Marketing and FinancesMa Comput Sci EngUProceedings of The 3rd International Conference On Management, Marketing and FinancesMath Comput Sci EngCProceedings of The 3rd International Conference On Virtual LearningProc Int C Virtual L~Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium On Applications of Modelling As An Innovative Technology in The Agri-food Chain Acta HorticHProceedings of The 3rd International Symposium On Pistachios and Almonds Acta Hortic'Proceedings of The 3rd Msg Rao Workshop Esa Sp Publ'Proceedings of The 3rd Msg Rao Workshop Esa Spec PublIProceedings of The 40th Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-5Ieee Decis Contr PIProceedings of The 41st Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-4Ieee Decis Contr PJProceedings of The 45th Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-14Ieee Decis Contr PFProceedings of The 46th Annual Isa Analysis Division Symposium, Vol 34Tech Papers IsaJProceedings of The 46th Ieee Conference On Decision and Control, Vols 1-14Ieee Decis Contr P\Proceedings of The 46th Industrial Waste Conference, May 14, 15, 16, 1991, Purdue UniversityProc Ind Waste Conf3Proceedings of The 47th Industrial Waste ConferenceProc Ind Waste ConfPProceedings of The 49th Annual Ieee Symposium On Foundations of Computer ScienceAnn Ieee Symp Found=Proceedings of The 4th Asia-pacific Bioinformatics ConferenceSer Adv Bioinform=Proceedings of The 4th Australasian Theory Symposium, Cats'98 Aust Comp SNProceedings of The 4th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (eptc 2002)El Packag Tech Conf:Proceedings of The 4th European Conference On Space Debris Esa Sp Publ:Proceedings of The 4th European Conference On Space Debris Esa Spec PublRProceedings of The 4th Iasme/wseas International Conference On Continuum MechanicsMa Comput Sci EnghProceedings of The 4th Iasme/wseas International Conference On Water Resources, Hydraulics and HydrologyMa Comput Sci EngTProceedings of The 4th Iea International Workshop On Beryllium Technology for FusionFzka Tech Umw Wis BEProceedings of The 4th International Colloquium On Process SimulationInt Colloq Proc SimTProceedings of The 4th International Conference On Postharvest Science, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticProceedings of The 4th International Conference On Solar Power From Space - Sps '04, Together With The 5th International Conference On Wireless Power Transmission - Wpt 5 Esa Sp PublProceedings of The 4th International Conference On Solar Power From Space - Sps '04, Together With The 5th International Conference On Wireless Power Transmission - Wpt 5 Esa Spec PublqProceedings of The 4th International Conference On Ubiquitous Information Technologies & Applications (icut 2009)P Int C Ubiq Inform]Proceedings of The 4th International Symposium On in Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding Acta HorticProceedings of The 4th International Symposium On Models for Plant Growth and Control in Greenhouses: Modeling for The 21st Century - Agronomic and Greenhouse Crop Models Acta HorticgProceedings of The 4th Meeting of Iufro Working Party 7.03.04 - Disease and Insects in Forest Nurseries Metsan Tied7Proceedings of The 4th Megapie Technical Review MeetingFzka Tech Umw Wis B]Proceedings of The 4th Wseas/iasme International Conference On Dynamical Systems and ControlsMa Comput Sci EngbProceedings of The 4th Wseas/iasme International Conference On Educational Technologies (edute'08)Rec Adv Comput EngProceedings of The 4th Wseas International Conference On Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering/proceedings of The 2nd Wseas International Conference On Computational ChemistryRec Adv Biol BiomedSProceedings of The 4th Wseas International Conference On Remote Sensing (remote'08)Ma Comput Sci Eng3Proceedings of The 51st Industrial Waste ConferenceProc Ind Waste ConfBProceedings of The 5th Asia- Pacific Bioinfomatics Conference 2007Ser Adv BioinformjProceedings of The 5th Esa International Conference On Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems Esa Sp PubljProceedings of The 5th Esa International Conference On Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems Esa Spec PublProceedings of The 5th Iasme/wseas Int Conf On Water Resources, Hydraulics & Hydrology/proceedings of The 4th Iasme/wseas Int Conf On Geology and SeismologyEnergy Environ Eng SiProceedings of The 5th Iasme/wseas International Conference On Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (fma '07)Ma Comput Sci EngiProceedings of The 5th Iasme/wseas International Conference On Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (fma '07)Math Comput Sci EngAProceedings of The 5th Integral Workshop On The Integral Universe Esa Sp PublAProceedings of The 5th Integral Workshop On The Integral Universe Esa Spec PublKProceedings of The 5th International Conference On Space Optics (icso 2004) Esa Sp PublKProceedings of The 5th International Conference On Space Optics (icso 2004) Esa Spec PublBProceedings of The 5th International Peach Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticDProceedings of The 5th International Postharvest Symposium, Vols 1-3 Acta HorticjProceedings of The 5th Wseas International Conference On Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (mechanics '09)Ma Comput Sci EngjProceedings of The 5th Wseas International Conference On Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (mechanics '09)Math Comput Sci EngYProceedings of The 5th Wseas International Conference On Heat and Mass Transfer (hmt '08)Ma Comput Sci EngXProceedings of The 6th Australasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference, Acsac 2001 Aust Comp S_Proceedings of The 6th Cirp-sponsored International Conference On Digital Enterprise TechnologyAdv Intel Soft Compu_Proceedings of The 6th Cirp-sponsored International Conference On Digital Enterprise TechnologyAdv Intell Soft CompProceedings of The 6th Iasme/wseas International Conference On Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment (hte'08), Pts I and IiWseas Mech Eng SermProceedings of The 6th International Symposium On Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management Acta HorticIProceedings of The 6th International Symposium On Kiwifruit, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic4Proceedings of The 6th Us Mine Ventilation Symposium Us Mine VenQProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Applied Computer Science Ele Com EngProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Applied Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications (elecrtroscience '08)Rec Adv Electr EngEProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On E-activities Ele Com EngfProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Education and Educational Technology (edu'07) Ele Com EngNProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Engineering EducationMa Comput Sci EngNProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Engineering EducationMath Comput Sci EngcProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Information Security and Privacy (isp '07) Ele Com EngnProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics Ele Com EngsProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On System Science and Simulation in Engineering (icossse '07) Ele Com EngProceedings of The 6th Wseas International Conference On Telecommunications and Informatics (tele-info '07)/ 6th Wseas International Conference On Signal Processing (sip '07) Ele Com EngVProceedings of The 75th Annual Meeting of The National Association of Schools of MusicP Am Natl Assoc Sch*Proceedings of The 76th Annual Road School Engn B P-enNProceedings of The 77th Conference of The Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Pathologie Verh Deut GQProceedings of The 7th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, Vols. 1 and 2El Packag Tech ConfaProceedings of The 7th European Conference On Radiation and Its Effects On Components and Systems Esa Sp PublaProceedings of The 7th European Conference On Radiation and Its Effects On Components and Systems Esa Spec PublEProceedings of The 7th International Conference Vibroengineering 2008Vibroengineering Kau_Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium On Plum and Prune Genetics Breeding and Pomology Acta HorticGProceedings of The 7th International Wadden Sea Symposium, Ameland 1990 Neth Inst SgProceedings of The 7th Seminar of The International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Vol IiiOaw DenkschriftenfProceedings of The 7th Seminar of The International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Vol IvOaw DenkschriftenfProceedings of The 7th Seminar of The International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Vol ViOaw DenkschriftengProceedings of The 7th Seminar of The International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Vol ViiOaw Denkschriften@Proceedings of The 7th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference Esa Sp Publ@Proceedings of The 7th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference Esa Spec Publ-Proceedings of The 7th World Congress On PainProg Pain Res ManagQProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Applied Computer Science Ele Com Eng_Proceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Applied Informatics and Communications Ele Com EngProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control and Signal Processing (csecs'08) Ele Com EngProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Computational Intelligence, Man-machine Systems and Cybernetics (cimmacs '08) Ele Com EngnProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Data Networks, Communications, Computers (dncoco '08)Rec Adv Comput EngEProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On E-activities Ele Com Eng_Proceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Multimedia Systems & Signal Processing Ele Com EngProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial Vision (iscgav'-07) Ele Com EngsProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On System Science and Simulation in Engineering (icossse '08)Ma Comput Sci EngsProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On System Science and Simulation in Engineering (icossse '08)Math Comput Sci EngnProceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (istacs'07) Ele Com EngEProceedings of The 7th Wses International Conference On Power Systems Ele Com Eng@Proceedings of The 83rd Meeting of The German Zoological Society Verh Deut ZSProceedings of The 85th Annual Meeting of The American Society of International Law P Am S In LSProceedings of The 86th Annual Meeting of The American Society of International Law P Am S In LRProceedings of The 87th Annual Meeting - The American Society of International Law P Am S In LhProceedings of The 8th Aschersleben Symposium On New Aspects of Resistance Research On Cultivated Plants Beitrage ZfHProceedings of The 8th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium Esa Sp Publ4Proceedings of The 8th Great Lakes Symposium On VlsiPr Gr Lak Symp VlsiProceedings of The 8th International Conference On Applications of Electrical Engineering/8th International Conference On Applied Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications Ele Com EnggProceedings of The 8th International Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Vol 1Int C Comp Supp CoopgProceedings of The 8th International Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Vol 2Int C Comp Supp CooprProceedings of The 8th International Conference On Environmental Science and Technology, Vol A, Oral PresentationsProc Int Conf Env SctProceedings of The 8th International Conference On Environmental Science and Technology, Vol B, Poster PresentationsProc Int Conf Env Sc\Proceedings of The 8th International Conference On Grape Genetics and Breeding, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic]Proceedings of The 8th International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference, Vols I and Ii Acta HorticIProceedings of The 8th International Nannoplankton Association ConferenceCour For SekenbgCProceedings of The 8th International Symposium On Vaccinium Culture Acta Hortic-Proceedings of The 8th World Congress On PainProg Pain Res ManagkProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science Ele Com EngZProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Applied Computer Science (acs'08)Rec Adv Comput EngvProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Applied Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical CommunicationsRec Adv Electr EngmProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Applied Informatics and Communications, Pts I and IiRec Adv Comput EngvProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data BasesArtif Int Ser WseasProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (csecs'09) Ele Com EngnProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Data Networks, Communications, Computers (dncoco '09)Rec Adv Comput EngqProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric MachinesRec Adv Electr EngkProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems Ele Com EngvProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Robotics and AutomationMa Comput Sci EngvProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Robotics and AutomationMath Comput Sci EnggProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Signal, Speech and Image Processing (ssip '08)Rec Adv Comput EngsProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On System Science and Simulation in Engineering (icossse '09)Ma Comput Sci EngsProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On System Science and Simulation in Engineering (icossse '09)Math Comput Sci EngmProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (istac'08)Ma Comput Sci EngmProceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (istac'08)Math Comput Sci Eng[Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Telecommunications and Informatics Ele Com EngGProceedings of The 9th Annual Conference On Hazardous Waste RemediationP Haz Wast Remed;Proceedings of The 9th Annual Linguistics Conference (1995) Ciral Pub B?Proceedings of The 9th Australasian Database Conference, Adc'98 Aust Comp S[Proceedings of The 9th Gifco Conference What Are The Prospects for Cosmic Physics in Italy? Soc Ital FiProceedings of The 9th International Conference On Environmental Science and Technology, Vol A - Oral Presentations, Pts A and BProc Int Conf Env Sc3Proceedings of The 9th International Pear Symposium Acta Hortic:Proceedings of The 9th International Polychaete Conference ZoosymposiaRProceedings of The 9th International Symposium On Materials in A Space Environment Esa Sp PublRProceedings of The 9th International Symposium On Materials in A Space Environment Esa Spec PublLProceedings of The 9th International Symposium On Small Fruit Virus Diseases Acta Hortic_Proceedings of The 9th International Symposium On Timing of Field Production in Vegetable Crops Acta Hortic-Proceedings of The 9th World Congress On PainProg Pain Res ManagvProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data BasesArtif Int Ser WseasaProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Automatic Control, Modeling & Simulation Ele Com EngSProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Automation and InformationRec Adv Electr EngFProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Fuzzy SystemsArtif Int Ser WseasProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (macmese '07)/ Dncoco '07 Ele Com EnguProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Mathematics & Computers in Business and Economics (mcbe '08)Rec Adv Comput EngQProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Neural Networks (nn' 08)Artif Int Ser WseasProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial Vision (iscgav'09)Rec Adv Comput EngProceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Signals, Speech and Image Processing/9th Wseas International Conference On Multimedia, Internet & Video TechnologiesRec Adv Comput Eng_Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Simulation, Modelling and OptimizationMa Comput Sci Eng_Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Simulation, Modelling and OptimizationMath Comput Sci Eng]Proceedings of The Academy of Marketing Science's Fourth Quality-of-life/marketing ConferenceDev Qual Lif Stud>Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaP Acad Nat Sci Phila/Proceedings of The Academy of Political ScienceP Acad Polit Sci6Proceedings of The Academy of Political Science Series Proc Acad P`Proceedings of The Acm International Workshop On Mobility Management and Wireless Access MobiwacI W Mob Man Wirel Ac`Proceedings of The Acm International Workshop On Mobility Management and Wireless Access-mobiwacI W Mob Man Wirel Ac!Proceedings of The Acm Sigsoft 89 Acm Sigsoft2Proceedings of The Agronomy Society of New Zealand P Ag Soc Nz?Proceedings of The All-polish Seminar On Mossbauer SpectroscopyMolecul Phys RepEProceedings of The American Academy and Institute of Arts and LettersP Am Acad I Art Lett7Proceedings of The American Academy for Jewish Research P Am Ac Jew?Proceedings of The American Academy for Jewish Research, Vol 55 P Am Ac JewfProceedings of The American Academy of Arts and Letters and The National Institute of Arts and LettersP Am Acad Arts Lett8Proceedings of The American Academy of Arts and SciencesP Am Acad Arts Sci?Proceedings of The American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion P Am Ac CarGProceedings of The American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Vol 12 P Am Ac CarGProceedings of The American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Vol 13 P Am Ac CarQProceedings of The American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Vol 14 Jan, 1993 P Am Ac CarFProceedings of The American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Vol 9 P Am Ac Car/Proceedings of The American Antiquarian SocietyP Am Antiquarian Soc;Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer ResearchP Am Assoc Canc Res>Proceedings of The American Catholic Philosophical AssociationP Am Cath Philos AssSProceedings of The American Catholic Philosophical Association: Forgiveness, Vol 82P Am Cath Philos AssFProceedings of The American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol 62P Am Cath Philos AssFProceedings of The American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol 65P Am Cath Philos Ass=Proceedings of The American Conference On Applied MathematicsMa Comput Sci Eng=Proceedings of The American Conference On Applied MathematicsMath Comput Sci Eng.Proceedings of The American Control ConferenceP Amer Contr Conf0Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society P Am Math Soc1Proceedings of The American Philosophical SocietyP Am Philos Soc,Proceedings of The American Power ConferenceProc Amer Power ConfZProceedings of The American Power Conference: Putting Technology to Work, Vol 56, I and IiProc Amer Power Conf@Proceedings of The American Power Conference, Vol 54, Pt 1 and 2Proc Amer Power Conf@Proceedings of The American Power Conference, Vol 55, Pts I & IiProc Amer Power Conf=Proceedings of The American Power Conference, Vol 57, Pts 1-3Proc Amer Power ConfBProceedings of The American Power Conference, Vol 58, Pts I and IiProc Amer Power Conf>Proceedings of The American Power Conference, Vol 59, I and IiProc Amer Power ConfCProceedings of The American Power Conference, Vol 59 - Pts I and IiProc Amer Power Conf?Proceedings of The American Power Conference, Vol 61 - I and IiProc Amer Power Conf=Proceedings of The American Society for Horticultural ScienceP Am Soc Hortic Sci;Proceedings of The American Society for Information ScienceP Am Soc Inform Sci8Proceedings of The American Society of International LawP Am Soc Int LawNProceedings of The Annual Boston University Conference On Language DevelopmentProc Ann BucldVProceedings of The Annual Conference and Exposition National Micrographics AssociationP Annu Conf Nat MicrDProceedings of The Annual Conference of The Canadian Nuclear Society P Can Nuc SCProceedings of The Annual Conference On Hazardous Waste RemediationP Haz 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SymposiaProc Annu Simul SympUProceedings of The Annual Western Australian Science Education Association ConferenceP A Wesea Conf#Proceedings of The Apl98 ConferenceApl Quote QuadIProceedings of The Apl99 Conference - Apl99: On Track to The 21st CenturyApl Quote Quad@Proceedings of The Applied Telecommunications Symposium (ats'99) Simul SeriesFProceedings of The Applying Lasers in Education Symposium - Icaleo '93 P Laser Ins8Proceedings of The Arab School On Science and Technology P Arab Sch2Proceedings of The Arctic Opportunities Conference U Lap A C R'Proceedings of The Aristotelian SocietyP Aristotelian Soc;Proceedings of The Aristotelian Society, New Series, Vol 91P Aristotelian Soc<Proceedings of The Aristotelian Society : New Series, Vol 92P Aristotelian Soc;Proceedings of The Aristotelian Society, New Series, Vol 93P Aristotelian Soc;Proceedings of The Aristotelian Society, New Series, Vol 94P Aristotelian SocAProceedings of The Aristotelian Society, New Series, Vol 94, Pt 3P 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Division Fluid Eng DLProceedings of The Asme Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, Vol 2 Fluid Eng D:Proceedings of The Asme Heat Transfer Division 2005, Vol 1Heat Transf Div Asme:Proceedings of The Asme Heat Transfer Division 2005, Vol 2Heat Transf Div Asme*Proceedings of The Asme Materials DivisionMater Div AsmeFProceedings of The Asme Nondestructive Evaluation Engineering DivisionNondestruct Eval EngLProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference - 2005, Vol 1 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2005, Vol 2 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2005, Vol 3 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2005, Vol 4 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2005, Vol 5 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2005, Vol 6 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2005, Vol 7 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2005, Vol 8 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2007, Vol 1 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2007, Vol 2 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2007, Vol 3 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2007, Vol 4 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2007, Vol 6 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2007, Vol 7 Pres Ves PqProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2010, Vol 2: Computer Technology and Bolted Joints Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2010, Vol 3 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2010, Vol 4 Pres Ves PJProceedings of The Asme Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2010, Vol 5 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Physician1Proceedings of The Australian Biochemical SocietyP Aust Biochem SocGProceedings of The Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society P Aus PhyslUProceedings of The Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, Vol 20, No 2 P Aus PhyslUProceedings of The Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, Vol 21, No 1 P Aus PhyslUProceedings of The Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, Vol 21, No 2 P Aus PhyslUProceedings of The Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, Vol 22, No 1 P Aus PhyslaProceedings of The Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, Vol. 27(2) December 1996 P Aus PhyslbProceedings of The Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, Vol 27, No 1, April, 1996 P Aus Physl:Proceedings of The Australian Society of Animal Production P Aus S Ani9Proceedings of The Biennial Baltic Electronics ConferencePro Bienn Balt El C3Proceedings of The Biological Society of WashingtonP Biol Soc Wash?Proceedings of The Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy P Boston AOProceedings of The Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Vol Xiii, 1997 P Boston A"Proceedings of The British Academy P Brit Acad*Proceedings of The British Ceramic SocietyP Brit Ceramic Soc7Proceedings of The British Society of Animal ProductionP Brit Soc Anim Prod9Proceedings of The California Riparian Systems ConferenceUs For Serv T R Psw1Proceedings of The Cambridge Philological SocietyP Camb Philol Soc1Proceedings of The Cambridge Philological SocietyPcps-p Camb Philol S2Proceedings of The Cambridge Philosophical SocietyP Camb Philos SocFProceedings of The Cambridge Philosophical Society-biological SciencesP Camb Philos Soc-bUProceedings of The Cambridge Philosophical Society-mathematical and Physical SciencesProc Camb Philos S-m:Proceedings of The Catholic Theological Society of America Proc Cath*Proceedings of The Cause Annual Conference P Cause Ann9Proceedings of The Center for The Study of The Korean WarProc Ctr Stud KoreanFProceedings of The Center for The Study of The Korean War, Vol 1, No 1Proc Ctr Stud KoreanFProceedings of The Center for The Study of The Korean War, Vol 2, No 1Proc Ctr Stud KoreanFProceedings of The Center for The Study of The Korean War, Vol 3, No 1Proc Ctr Stud KoreanHProceedings of The Center for The Study of The Korean War , Vol 4 , No 1Proc Ctr Stud KoreanFProceedings of The Center for The Study of The Korean War, Vol 5, No 1Proc Ctr Stud KoreanFProceedings of The Center for The Study of The Korean War, Vol 7, No 1Proc Ctr Stud Korean/Proceedings of The Centre for Resources Studies P Centr Res-Proceedings of The Chemical Society of LondonP Chem Soc London5Proceedings of The Coinage of The Americas Conference Coin Amer PEProceedings of The Colloquium On Manned Space Stations - Legal Issues Esa Sp Publ'Proceedings of The Combustion InstituteP Combust InstCProceedings of The Conference : Municipal Wastewater Treatment 1991Wastes[Proceedings of The 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Electron Bean Melting and Refining - State of The Art 1991 P C Elect B1Proceedings of The Conference On Linguistics 1990 Ciral Pub B1Proceedings of The Conference On Linguistics 1990Cirb PubPProceedings of The Conference On Livestock Development in Cotton Growing Regions Et S IemvtJProceedings of The Conference On The Calibration Legacy of The Iso Mission Esa Sp PublJProceedings of The Conference On The Calibration Legacy of The Iso Mission Esa Spec Publ5Proceedings of The Conference Solar Wind 11 - Soho 16 Esa Sp Publ5Proceedings of The Conference Solar Wind 11 - Soho 16 Esa Spec PublGProceedings of The Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference Siam Proc SIProceedings of The Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Pathologie - 73rd Conference Verh Deut GOProceedings of The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and Alma Esa Sp PublOProceedings of The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and Alma Esa Spec Publ'Proceedings of The ... 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of Captive Wild Animals D S Nutr CXProceedings of The Eighth Iasted International Conference On Signal and Image ProcessingIasted Int Conf SignLProceedings of The Eighth Ieee International Symposium On Web Site EvolutionIeee Intl Sympos WebYProceedings of The Eighth International Conference On Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage SciOProceedings of The Eighth International Ishs Symposium On The Processing Tomato Acta HorticXProceedings of The Eighth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1Int Offshore Polar EXProceedings of The Eighth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 3Int Offshore Polar EXProceedings of The Eighth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 4Int Offshore Polar EMProceedings of The Eighth International Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol 2Int Offshore Polar E~Proceedings of The Eighth International People-plant Symposium On Exploring Therapeutic Powers of Flowers, Greenery and Nature Acta HorticOProceedings of The Eighth International Rubus and Ribes Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticwProceedings of The Eighth International Symposium On Canopy, Rootstocks and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems Acta Hortic@Proceedings of The Eighth International Symposium On Flowerbulbs Acta HorticcProceedings of The Eighth International Symposium On Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding and Pomology Acta Hortic`Proceedings of The Eighth International Symposium On Silicon-on-insulator Technology and Devices Elec Soc S?Proceedings of The Eighth International Workshop On Fire Blight Acta HorticKProceedings of The Eighth Symposium On Space Nuclear Power Systems, Pts 1-3 Aip Conf ProcProceedings of The Eighth Workshop On Algorithm Engineering and Experiments and The Third Workshop On Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics Siam Proc SEProceedings of The Eighth Workshop On Electronics for Lhc Experiments Cern ReportvProceedings of The Eight International Pollination Symposium Pollination: Integrator of Crops and Native Plant Systems Acta HorticuProceedings of The Electrochemical Society Symposium On Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials and Devices Elec Soc SaProceedings of The Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IInt Offshore Polar EbProceedings of The Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IiInt Offshore Polar EcProceedings of The Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IiiInt Offshore Polar EbProceedings of The Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IvInt Offshore Polar EHProceedings of The Eleventh International Conference On Data EngineeringProc Int Conf DataFProceedings of The Eleventh International Symposium On Molten Salts Xi Elec Soc SHProceedings of The Eleventh International Symposium On Plasma Processing Elec Soc SQProceedings of The Eleventh International Symposium On Small Fruit Virus Diseases Acta HorticAProceedings of The Eleventh International Workshop On Fire Blight Acta HorticeProceedings of The Eleventh International Workshop On The Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Vol 1 & 2P Soc Photo-opt InseProceedings of The Eleventh International Workshop On The Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Vol 1 & 2 Proc Spie;Proceedings of The Eleventh Journees De Linguistique (1997) Ciral Publ}Proceedings of The Eleventh Thematic Conference: Geologic Remote Sensing - Practical Solutions for Real World Problems, Vol IPr Themat Conf Geol~Proceedings of The Eleventh Thematic Conference - Geologic Remote Sensing: Practical Solutions for Real World Problems, Vol IiPr Themat Conf Geol7Proceedings of The Enea Workshops On Nonlinear Dynamics P Enea Work3Proceedings of The Entomological Society of OntarioP Entomol Soc Ont6Proceedings of The Entomological Society of WashingtonP Entomol Soc Wash/Proceedings of The Estonian Academy of SciencesP Est Acad SciCProceedings of The Estonian Academy of Sciences-physics MathematicsProc Est Acad Sci-ph0Proceedings of The Ethylene Producers ConferenceProc Ethyl Produc CRProceedings of The Eucarpia Symposium On Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticAProceedings of The Euro Berry Symposium - Cost 836 Final Worskhop Acta HorticYProceedings of The European Conference On Promotion of Mental Health and Social InclusionRep Min Social AffFProceedings of The European Conference On Safety in The Modern SocietyPeople Work Res Rep?Proceedings of The European Dialysis and Transplant AssociationP Eur Dial Trans;Proceedings of The European Solid-state Circuits ConferenceProc Eur Solid-stateBProceedings of The European Solid-state Device Research ConferenceProc Eur S-state DevEProceedings of The European Space Components Conference - Esccon 2002 Esa Sp PublEProceedings of The European Space Components Conference - Esccon 2002 Esa Spec PublHProceedings of The European Symposium On Life in Space for Life On Earth Esa Sp PublHProceedings of The European Symposium On Life in Space for Life On Earth Esa Spec Publ/Proceedings of The Eurosensors Xxiii Conference Procedia Chem3Proceedings of The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium Am Fish S SbProceedings of The Fifteenth (2005) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1Int Offshore Polar EbProceedings of The Fifteenth (2005) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 2Int Offshore Polar EbProceedings of The Fifteenth (2005) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 3Int Offshore Polar EbProceedings of The Fifteenth (2005) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 4Int Offshore Polar EAProceedings of The Fifteenth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo Eur Stud MonoAProceedings of The Fifteenth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo-eur Stud MonoIProceedings of The Fifteenth Meeting of The Eucarpia Tomato Working Group Acta Hortic^Proceedings of The Fifth (1995) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IInt Offshore Polar E_Proceedings of The Fifth (1995) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IiInt Offshore Polar E`Proceedings of The Fifth (1995) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IiiInt Offshore Polar E_Proceedings of The Fifth (1995) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IvInt Offshore Polar E_Proceedings of The Fifth Bi-annual International Conference of The Academy of Marketing ScienceWorld Market Congr@Proceedings of The Fifth Canadian Conference On Health Economics Can Plain PGProceedings of The Fifth European Conference On Mathematics in Industry Eur Con MatMProceedings of The Fifth European Space Power Conference (espc), Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp PublTProceedings of The Fifth European Symposium On Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles Esa Sp PublTProceedings of The Fifth European Symposium On Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles Esa Spec PublTProceedings of The Fifth Iaa International Conference On Low-cost Planetary Missions Esa Sp PublXProceedings of The Fifth International Conference On Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage Sci>Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference On Substorms Esa Sp Publ>Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference On Substorms Esa Spec PubljProceedings of The Fifth International Conference On The Study of Shamanism and Alternate Modes of Healing Univer Dial;Proceedings of The Fifth International Congress On Hazelnut Acta Hortic@Proceedings of The Fifth International Protea Research Symposium Acta HorticoProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management Acta HorticEProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Diamond Materials Elec Soc SHProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Grapevine Physiology Acta HorticUProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Irrigation of Horticultural Crops Acta Hortic=Proceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Kiwifruit Acta Hortic^Proceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Magnetic Materials, Processes, and Devices Elec Soc SOProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Olive Growing, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticlProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Process Physics and Modeling in Semiconductor Technology Elec Soc SProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates: Current Trends for Sustainable Technologies, Vols I and Ii Acta HorticWProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Quantum Confinement: Nanostructures Elec Soc SSProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (sofc-v) Elec Soc SUProceedings of The Fifth International Symposium On The Taxonomy of Cultivated Plants Acta Hortic7Proceedings of The Fifth International Walnut Symposium Acta Hortic_Proceedings of The Fifth International Workshop On Hardware/software Codesign (codes/cashe '97)Hardw Softw CodesBProceedings of The Fifth Siam Conference On Applied Linear Algebra Siam Proc SEProceedings of The Fifth Siam International Conference On Data Mining Siam Proc SIProceedings of The Fifth Workshop On Algorithm Engineering and Experiment Siam Proc SVProceedings of The Fifth Workshop On Neural Networks: Academic/industrial/nasa/defenseP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Proceedings of The Fifty-fifth Annual Eastern Snow ConferenceProc Ann E Snow ConfJProceedings of The Fifty-fifth Ieee Holm Conference On Electrical ContactsElectr Contact=Proceedings of The Fifty-first Annual Eastern Snow ConferenceProc Ann E Snow Conf>Proceedings of The Fifty-second Annual Eastern Snow ConferenceProc Ann E Snow Conf^Proceedings of The Final Results Workshop On Daisex (digital Airborne Spectrometer Experiment) Esa Sp Publ^Proceedings of The Final Results Workshop On Daisex (digital Airborne Spectrometer Experiment) Esa Spec PublPProceedings of The Final Results Workshop On Index (indonesian Radar Experiment) Esa Sp Publ;Proceedings of The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health P Finn InsteProceedings of The First Asm Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Conference in Europe, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum[Proceedings of The First Conference On Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning S Repr ReasJProceedings of The First Iaass Conference On Space Safety, A New Beginning Esa Sp PublJProceedings of The First Iaass Conference On Space Safety, A New Beginning Esa Spec PublXProceedings of The First International Conference On Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage ScimProceedings of The First International Conference On Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for EngineeringCivil Comp Proceed`Proceedings of The First International Conference On Sweetpotato: Food and Health for The Future Acta HorticoProceedings of The First International Symposium On Acclimatization and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants Acta HorticEProceedings of The First International Symposium On Ceramic Membranes Elec Soc SbProceedings of The First International Symposium On Chamomile Research, Development and Production Acta HorticHProceedings of The First International Symposium On Citrus Biotechnology Acta HorticEProceedings of The First International Symposium On Litchi and Longan Acta HorticYProceedings of The First International Symposium On Natural Preservatives in Food Systems Acta HorticYProceedings of The First International Symposium On Root and Tuber Crops: Food Down Under Acta Hortic:Proceedings of The First International Workshop On EstringRoy Soc Med Int CongaProceedings of The First International Workshop On Photonic Networks, Components and Applications S Opt PhotVProceedings of The First Ishs Symposium On in Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding Acta HorticpProceedings of The First Latin-american Symposium On The Production of Medicinal, Aromatic and Condiments Plants Acta HorticmProceedings of The First Meeting of Iufro Working Party S2.07-09 ( Diseases and Insects in Forest Nurseries ) Pacif For CNProceedings of The First Results Workshop On Eurostarrs, Wise, Losac Campaigns Esa Sp PublBProceedings of The First Symposium of German-speaking CeltologistsBuch Z Celt PhilolKProceedings of The First Symposium On Iii-v Nitride Materials and Processes Elec Soc S6Proceedings of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyP Fl St Hortic Soc6Proceedings of The Florida State Horticultural SocietyProc Fl State Hortic2Proceedings of The Forage and Grassland Conference P Forag GrGProceedings of The Forty Eighth New Zealand Plant Protection Conference P Nz Plan PQProceedings of The Forty-fifth Annual Meeting of The Western Pharmacology SocietyP W Pharmacol SocFProceedings of The Forty-fifth New Zealand Plant Protection Conference P Nz Plan PQProceedings of The Forty-first Annual Meeting of The Western Pharmacology SocietyP W Pharmacol Soc`Proceedings of The Forty-fourth Annual Convention of The Catholic Theological Society of America Proc CathLProceedings of The Forty-fourth New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference P Nz Weed PRProceedings of The Forty-second Annual Meeting of The Western Pharmacology SocietyP W Pharmacol SocRProceedings of The Forty-second New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference, 1989 P Nz Weed PHProceedings of The Forty Seventh New Zealand Plant Protection Conference P Nz Plan P_Proceedings of The Forty-sixth Annual Convention of The Catholic Theological Society of America Proc CathFProceedings of The Forty Sixth New Zealand Plant Protection Conference P Nz Plan PQProceedings of The Forty-third Annual Meeting of The Western Pharmacology SocietyP W Pharmacol SocKProceedings of The Forty-third New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference P Nz Weed PcProceedings of The Fourteenth (2004) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1Int Offshore Polar EcProceedings of The Fourteenth (2004) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 2Int Offshore Polar EcProceedings of The Fourteenth (2004) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 3Int Offshore Polar EcProceedings of The Fourteenth (2004) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 4Int Offshore Polar ENProceedings of The Fourteenth Annual Acm-siam Symposium On Discrete Algorithms Siam Proc SBProceedings of The Fourteenth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo Eur Stud MonoBProceedings of The Fourteenth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo-eur Stud MonoDProceedings of The Fourteenth Ieee Symposium On Mass Storage SystemsIeee S Mass Stor SyseProceedings of The Fourth (1994) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol I, 1994Int Offshore Polar EfProceedings of The Fourth (1994) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Ii, 1994Int Offshore Polar EgProceedings of The Fourth (1994) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Iii, 1994Int Offshore Polar EfProceedings of The Fourth (1994) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Iv, 1994Int Offshore Polar EHProceedings of The Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis SymposiumUs For Serv T R Nc8Proceedings of The Fourth Compton Symposium, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcIProceedings of The Fourth Copper Mountain Conference On Multigrid Methods Siam Proc SOProceedings of The Fourth European Symposium On Life Sciences Research in Space Esa Sp PublMProceedings of The Fourth Global Conference On Power Control and Optimization Aip Conf Proc]Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference On Exploration and Utilisation of The Moon Esa Sp Publ]Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference On Exploration and Utilisation of The Moon Esa Spec PublYProceedings of The Fourth International Conference On Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage ScicProceedings of The Fourth International Conference On Management Science and Engineering ManagementManag Sci Eng ManagjProceedings of The Fourth International Conference On Operations and Supply Chain Management (icoscm 2010)Ser Oper Supp Ch ManeProceedings of The Fourth International Conference On Quality and Safety Issues Related to Botanicals Acta Hortic=Proceedings of The Fourth International Congress On Artichoke Acta HorticMProceedings of The Fourth International Congress On Cactus Pear and Cochineal Acta Hortic:Proceedings of The Fourth International Conifer Conference Acta HorticMProceedings of The Fourth International Ishs Symposium On Artificial Lighting Acta HorticJProceedings of The Fourth International Strawberry Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticSProceedings of The Fourth International Symposium On Carbonate Fuel Cell Technology Elec Soc SeProceedings of The Fourth International Symposium On Electrochemistry in Mineral and Metal Processing Elec Soc SHProceedings of The Fourth International Symposium On High Purity Silicon Elec Soc S_Proceedings of The Fourth International Symposium On Mineral Nutrition of Deciduous Fruit Crops Acta HorticLProceedings of The Fourth International Symposium On New Floricultural Crops Acta HorticPProceedings of The Fourth International Symposium On Olive Growing, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticmProceedings of The Fourth International Symposium On Process Physics and Modeling in Semiconductor Technology Elec Soc SsProceedings of The Fourth International Symposium On Quantum Confinement: Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Systems Elec Soc S8Proceedings of The Fourth International Walnut Symposium Acta HorticProceedings of The Fourth International Workshop On The Measurement of Microbial Activities in The Carbon Cycle in Aquatic Ecosystems Ergeb LimnolFProceedings of The Fourth Siam International Conference On Data Mining Siam Proc SvProceedings of The Fourth Specialists Meeting On Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities Oecd ProciProceedings of The Fourth Symposium On Low Temperature Electronics and High Temperature Superconductivity Elec Soc SHProceedings of The Fourth Symposium On Thin Film Transistor Technologies Elec Soc S3Proceedings of The Geological Association of CanadaP Geol Assoc Can)Proceedings of The Geologists AssociationP Geologist Assoc1Proceedings of The Geoscience Information Society P Geos Inf=Proceedings of The German Society for Pathology, 78th Meeting Verh Deut G=Proceedings of The German Society for Pathology, 85th Meeting Verh Deut G;Proceedings of The German Society for Pathology, 88 Meeting Verh Deut G3Proceedings of The Glasgow Mathematical AssociationProc Glasg Math Assn2Proceedings of The Great Lakes Silviculture SummitUs For Serv T R Nc1Proceedings of The Hawaiian Entomological SocietyP Hawaii Entomol Soc9Proceedings of The Helminthological Society of WashingtonP Helm Soc WashYProceedings of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 38th Annual Meeting, Vols 1 and 2Hum Fac Erg Soc PYProceedings of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 39th Annual Meeting, Vols 1 and 2Hum Fac Erg Soc PYProceedings of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Vols 1 and 2Hum Fac Erg Soc PYProceedings of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, Vols 1 and 2Hum Fac Erg Soc PCProceedings of The Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, Vol 1Proc Hum Fact Soc AnCProceedings of The Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, Vol 2Proc Hum Fact Soc An^Proceedings of The Hydro-ecology Workshop On The Arctic Environmental Strategy Action On Water Nhri SympaProceedings of The Iasted European Conference On Internet and Multimedia Systems and ApplicationsIasted Int Conf Inte@Proceedings of The Iau 8th Asian-pacific Regional Meeting, Vol I Astr Soc PVProceedings of The Icebe 2008: Ieee International Conference On E-business EngineeringInt Conf E Bus Eng_Proceedings of The Ictps 90 International Conference On Transport Properties of SuperconductorsProgr High Temp Supe:Proceedings of The Iea-workshop On Intense Neutron Sources K F K ReportsProceedings of The IeeeP IeeeaProceedings of The Ieee 1990 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Naecon 1990, Vols 1-3Proc Naecon Ieee NataProceedings of The Ieee 1991 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Naecon 1991, Vols 1-3Proc Naecon Ieee NatcProceedings of The Ieee 1992 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference - Naecon 1992 : Vols 1-3Proc Naecon Ieee NateProceedings of The Ieee 1993 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Naecon 1993, Vols 1 and 2Proc Naecon Ieee NateProceedings of The Ieee 1994 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Naecon 1994, Vols 1 and 2Proc Naecon Ieee NatfProceedings of The Ieee 1995 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference - Naecon 1995, Vols 1 and 2Proc Naecon Ieee NatKProceedings of The Ieee 1996 Virtual Reality Annual International SymposiumP Ieee Virt Real AnnJProceedings of The Ieee 1998 National Aerospace and Electronics ConferenceProc Naecon Ieee Nat-Proceedings of The Ieee 2004 Radar Conference Ieee Rad Conf-Proceedings of The Ieee 2004 Radar Conference Radar ConfBProceedings of The Ieee 2006 Custom Integrated Circuits ConferenceIeee Cust Integr CirBProceedings of The Ieee 2007 Custom Integrated Circuits ConferenceIeee Cust Integr CirBProceedings of The Ieee 2008 Custom Integrated Circuits ConferenceIeee Cust Integr CirBProceedings of The Ieee 2009 Custom Integrated Circuits ConferenceIeee Cust Integr CirSProceedings of The Ieee 2010 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (naecon)Proc Naecon Ieee NatAProceedings of The Ieee International Frequency Control SymposiumP Ieee Int Freq ContLProceedings of The Ieee International Symposium On Workload CharacterizationI S Workl Char Proc[Proceedings of The Ieee/oes/cmtc Ninth Working Conference On Current Measurement TechnologyWork C Curr MeasuremeProceedings of The Ieee/oes Eighth Working Conference On Current Measurement Technology - ProceedingsWork C Curr Measurem2Proceedings of The Ieee Sensors 2003, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Sensor.Proceedings of The Ieee Sensors 2004, Vols 1-3 Ieee SensorsProceedings of The Ieee Twentieth Annual International Conference On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Vols 1 and 2Proc Ieee Micr ElectFProceedings of The Ieee Virtual Reality Annual International SymposiumP Ieee Virt Real AnnUProceedings of The Ii European Meeting of The International Network for Urban Ecology Mem Zoologi<Proceedings of The Iii European Workshop On Exo-astrobiology Esa Sp Publ<Proceedings of The Iii European Workshop On Exo-astrobiology Esa Spec PublCProceedings of The Iiird Balkan Symposium On Vegetable and Potatoes Acta Hortic;Proceedings of The Iiird International Date Palm Conference Acta Hortic=Proceedings of The Iiird International Symposium On Cucurbits Acta HorticProceedings of The Iiird International Symposium On Models for Plant Growth, Environmental Control and Farm Management in Protected Cultivation Acta HorticfProceedings of The Iind International Conference On Turfgrass Science and Management for Sports Fields Acta 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Academy of Sciences Section BP Indian Acad Sci B.Proceedings of The Industrial Waste ConferenceProc Ind Waste Conf)Proceedings of The Institute of Acoustics Proc Ins AcDProceedings of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersPr Inst Electr Elect/Proceedings of The Institute of Radio EngineersP Ire1Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers P I Civil EngCProceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-civil EngineeringP I Civil Eng-civ EnLProceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-engineering SustainabilityP I Civil Eng-eng SuJProceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-geotechnical EngineeringP I Civil Eng-geotecFProceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-maritime EngineeringP I Civil Eng-mar EnDProceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-municipal EngineerP I Civil Eng-municPProceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers Part 1-design and ConstructionP I Civil Eng Pt 1LProceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers Part 2-research 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Multi-body DynamicsP I Mech Eng K-j MuljProceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-journal of Materials-design and ApplicationsP I Mech Eng L-j MatqProceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-journal of Engineering for The Maritime EnvironmentP I Mech Eng M-j Eng]Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-journal of Risk and ReliabilityP I Mech Eng O-j RisjProceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P-journal of Sports Engineering and TechnologyP I Mech Eng P-j Spo=Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers SeriesProc Inst Mech Eng SBProceedings of The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer P Int C HeaLProceedings of The International Conference & Exhibition On Soilless Culture Acta Hortic|Proceedings of The International Conference and British-israeli Workshop On Greenhouse Techniques Towards The 3rd Millennium Acta HorticSProceedings of The International Conference and Exhibition On Biometrics TechnologyProcedia Comput Sci3Proceedings of The International Conference ModtechPr Int Conf ModtechSProceedings of The International Conference of The Chilean Computer Science SocietyP Int C Chil ComputRProceedings of The International Conference On Computing in High Energy Physics 92 Cern ReportHProceedings of The International Conference On Data Engineering (series)Proc Int Conf DataProceedings of The International Conference On Environmental Problems Associated With Nitrogen Fertilisation of Field Grown Vegetable Crops Acta HorticSProceedings of The International Conference On Environmental Science and TechnologyProc Int Conf Env SclProceedings of The International Conference On High Temperature Superconductivity and Localization PhenomenaProgr High Temp SupeJProceedings of The International Conference On Integrated Fruit Production Acta HortichProceedings of The International Conference On Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (iske 2007)Adv Intel Sys ResWProceedings of The International Conference On Linear Statistical Inference Linstat '93 Math ApplProceedings of The International Conference On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Possibilities and Limitations of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Production in The 21st Century Acta HorticSProceedings of The International Conference On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Pt Ii Acta HorticFProceedings of The International Conference On Microalloying in SteelsMater Sci ForumVProceedings of The International Conference On Mining Science & Technology (icmst2009)Proced Earth Plan ScIProceedings of The International Conference On Nanoscience and TechnologyJ Phys Conf SerbProceedings of The International Conference On Optimization of Electrical and Electronic EquipmentP Int Conf Optim ElBProceedings of The International Conference On Parallel ProcessingProc Int Conf ParalIProceedings of The International Conference On Parallel Processing, Vol 2Proc Int Conf ParalIProceedings of The International 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On Virtual LearningProc Int C Virtual LAProceedings of The International Conference Postharvest Unlimited Acta HorticPProceedings of The International Conference Postharvest Unlimited Downunder 2004 Acta HorticBProceedings of The International Conferences On Basement Tectonics P Int C BasCProceedings of The International Congress On Experimental MechanicsP Int Cong Experit M{Proceedings of The International Congress On Greenhouse Vegetables: The Product Chain of Fresh Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers Acta Hortic2Proceedings of The International Herring Symposium Low Wake FiSProceedings of The International Joint Conference On Neural Networks 2003, Vols 1-4 Ieee IjcnnVProceedings of The International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (ijcnn), Vols 1-5 Ieee IjcnnyProceedings of The International Lunar Conference 2003/ International Lunar Exploration Working Group 5 - Ilc2003/ilewg 5Sci Tech:Proceedings of The International Mining Geology ConferenceAustralas I Min MetOProceedings of The 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Acta HorticnProceedings of The International Symposium On Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems Simul SeriesProceedings of The International Symposium On Pits and Pores: Formation, Properties, and Significance for Advanced Luminescent Materials Elec Soc SbProceedings of The International Symposium On Plant Biotechnology: From Bench to Commercialization Acta HorticProceedings of The International Symposium On Plants As Food and Medicine: The Utilization and Development of Horticultural Plants for Human Health Acta HorticOProceedings of The International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices & IcsProc Int Symp PowerVProceedings of The International Symposium On Power Semiconductor Devices & Ics (1998)Proc Int Symp PowerIProceedings of The International Symposium On Progress in Clinical Pacing Curr Clin PaProceedings of The International Symposium On Seed Enhancement and Seedling Production Technology Acta HorticNProceedings of The International Symposium On 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On Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticGProceedings of The International Symposium Psychological Stress At WorkPeople Work Res Rep}Proceedings of The International Symposium Towards Ecologically Sound Fertilisation Strategies for Field Vegetable Production Acta HorticiProceedings of The International Workshop Fingerprinting Methods for The Identification of Timber OriginsLandbauforsch Vti Ag5Proceedings of The International Workshop Mir Deorbit Esa Sp PublTProceedings of The International Workshop On Advances in Grapevine and Wine Research Acta HorticbProceedings of The International Workshop On Applications of Neural Networks to TelecommunicationsInt Neur Netw Soc SbProceedings of The International Workshop On Applications of Neural Networks to TelecommunicationsNeural Netw InnsdProceedings of The International Workshop On Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications 3Int Neur Netw Soc S[Proceedings of The International Workshop On Characterization of 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Workshop On Photoionization 1992St Vac Ultrav Xray PWProceedings of The International Workshop On Quality of Life Cycle Inventory (lci) DataFzka Tech Umw Wis BLProceedings of The International Workshop On Tropical and Subtropical Fruits Acta HorticQProceedings of The Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (series) Proc IececjProceedings of The Ishs Workshop Towards An Ecologically Sound Fertilisation in Field Vegetable Production Acta HorticHProceedings of The Ist International Symposium On Organic Apple and Pear Acta Hortic^Proceedings of The Iti 2007 29th International Conference On Information Technology InterfacesIti^Proceedings of The Iti 2008 30th International Conference On Information Technology InterfacesIti^Proceedings of The Iti 2009 31st International Conference On Information Technology InterfacesItiSProceedings of The Iufro Technical Session On Geomorphic Hazards in Managed ForestsUs For Serv T R PswDProceedings of The Ivth International Cherry Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic\Proceedings of The Ivth International Conference On Managing Quality in Chains, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic9Proceedings of The Ivth International Pineapple Symposium Acta HorticCProceedings of The Ivth International Symposium On Edible Alliaceae Acta HorticTProceedings of The Ivth International Symposium On Irrigation of Horticultural Crops Acta HorticIProceedings of The Ivth International Symposium On Pistachios and Almonds Acta HorticPProceedings of The Ivth International Symposium On Rose Research and Cultivation Acta HorticrProceedings of The Ivth International Symposium On Seed, Transplant and Stand Establishment of Horticultural Crops Acta Hortic?Proceedings of The Ixth International Rubus and Ribes Symposium Acta HorticHProceedings of The Ixth International Symposium On The Processing Tomato Acta Hortic=Proceedings of The Ixth International Workshop On Fire Blight Acta Hortic Proceedings of The Japan Academy P Jpn Acad?Proceedings of The Japan Academy Series A-mathematical SciencesP Jpn Acad A-mathJProceedings of The Japan Academy Series B-physical and Biological SciencesP Jpn Acad B-phys'Proceedings of The Jmsm 2008 Conference Physcs Proc@Proceedings of The Joint Esa-nasa Space-flight Safety Conference Esa Sp Publ@Proceedings of The Joint Esa-nasa Space-flight Safety Conference Esa Spec Publ@Proceedings of The Joint Meeting of Pme 32 and Pme-na Xxx, Vol 2Pme Conference Proce@Proceedings of The Joint Meeting of Pme 32 and Pme-na Xxx, Vol 3Pme Conference Proce@Proceedings of The Joint Meeting of Pme 32 and Pme-na Xxx, Vol 4Pme Conference ProcetProceedings of The Joint Meeting of The Fourteenth Crucifer Genetics Workshop and Fourth Ishs Symposium On Brassicas Acta HorticFProceedings of The Koninklijke Akademie Van Wetenschappen Te AmsterdamP K Akad Wet-amsterdEProceedings of The Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van WetenschappenP K Ned Akad WetenscProceedings of The Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen-biological Chemical Geological Physical and Medical SciencesP K Ned Akad WetenscdProceedings of The Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen Series A-mathematical SciencesP K Ned Akad A MathProceedings of The Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen Series B-palaeontology Geology Physics Chemistry AnthropologyP K Ned Akad B Phys`Proceedings of The Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen Series B-physical SciencesProc K Ned Akad B-phnProceedings of The Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen Series C-biological and Medical SciencesP K Ned Akad C Biol-Proceedings of The Laser Institute of America P Laser Ins<Proceedings of The Laurence Reid Gas Conditioning Conference L Reid Gas+Proceedings of The Law of The Sea Institute P Law Sea IIProceedings of The Lebedev Institute of The Academy of Sciences of Russia P Trudy P N5Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South WalesP Linn Soc N S W.Proceedings of The London Mathematical SocietyP Lond Math Soc9Proceedings of The Lunar and Planetary Science ConferenceP Lunar Planet Sci C3Proceedings of The Massachusetts Historical SocietyP Mass Hist Soc:Proceedings of The Massachusetts Historical Society Series P Ma Hist S@Proceedings of The Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol C, 1988 P Ma Hist S@Proceedings of The Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol Cv 1993 P Ma Hist S4Proceedings of The Meat Industry Research ConferenceP Meat Ind Res ConfdProceedings of The Meeting of The Physiology Section of The European Association for Potato Research Acta HortichProceedings of The Meeting On Planning and Implementing Forest Operations to Achieve Sustainable Forests Usda N Cent?Proceedings of The Meetings - Association of Research LibrariesP Assoc Res LibhProceedings of The Meeting Studying Nature Through Centuries - 120th Anniversary of Belgrade ObservatoryPub Astro Obs Belgr-Proceedings of The Meteoroids 2001 Conference Esa Sp Publ-Proceedings of The Meteoroids 2001 Conference Esa Spec PublCProceedings of The Midwest Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop Nat Wil F SjProceedings of The Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project: An Experimental Approach to Landscape ResearchUs For Serv T R NcQProceedings of The National Academy of Sciences India Section A-physical SciencesP Natl A Sci India ASProceedings of The National Academy of Sciences India Section B-biological SciencesP Natl A Sci India BOProceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of AmericaP Natl Acad Sci UsacProceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America-biological SciencesP Natl Acad Sci-biolaProceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America-physical SciencesP Natl Acad Sci Usa\Proceedings of The National Conference On Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Management Sludg Man SLProceedings of The National Council On Radiation Protection and Measurements P Nat C Rad4Proceedings of The National Passive Solar Conference P Natl Sol7Proceedings of The National Society of Black Physicists Aip Conf Proc:Proceedings of The New Zealand Plant Protection Conference P Nz Plan P;Proceedings of The New Zealand Society of Animal ProductionProc New Zeal Soc AnBProceedings of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production-seriesProc New Zeal Soc AnHProceedings of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol 50 1990Proc New Zeal Soc AnHProceedings of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol 51 1991Proc New Zeal Soc AnHProceedings of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol 52 1992Proc New Zeal Soc AnHProceedings of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol 53 1993Proc New Zeal Soc AnHProceedings of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol 55 1995Proc New Zeal Soc An?Proceedings of The New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference P Nz Weed PYProceedings of The Nineteenth International Symposium On Improvement of Ornamental Plants Acta HorticdProceedings of The Ninth (1999) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1, 1999Int Offshore Polar EeProceedings of The Ninth (1999) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Ii, 1999Int Offshore Polar EfProceedings of The Ninth (1999) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Iii, 1999Int Offshore Polar EeProceedings of The Ninth (1999) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Iv, 1999Int Offshore Polar EIProceedings of The Ninth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory ConferenceStruct Compl Th Conf=Proceedings of The Ninth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo Eur Stud MonoWProceedings of The Ninth Iasted International Conference On Signal and Image ProcessingIasted Int Conf SignpProceedings of The Ninth International Conference On Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Vols 1 and 2Int C Comp Supp CoopYProceedings of The Ninth International Conference On High Temperature Materials Chemistry Elec Soc SjProceedings of The Ninth International Conference On The Study of Shamanism and Alternate Modes of Healing Univer DialOProceedings of The Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists, Vols I and IiOrient Lovan AnalMProceedings of The Ninth International Symposium On Consumer Electronics 2005I Symp Consum ElectrNProceedings of The Ninth International Symposium On Flower Bulbs, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic[Proceedings of The Ninth International Symposium On Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Production Acta Hortic_Proceedings of The Ninth International Symposium On Silicon-on-insulator Technology and Devices Elec Soc SAProceedings of The Ninth Symposium On Space Nuclear Power Systems Aip Conf ProcDProceedings of The Ninth West Coast Conference On Formal Linguistics P W Coast CProceedings of The Ninth Workshop On Algorithm Engineering and Experiments and The Fourth Workshop On Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics Siam Proc S$Proceedings of The Nutrition Society P Nutr Soc1Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of AustraliaProc Nutr Soc Aust9Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of Australia, Vol 16Proc Nutr Soc Aust9Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of Australia, Vol 18Proc Nutr Soc Aust9Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of Australia, Vol 20Proc Nutr Soc Aust3Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand P Nut Soc N;Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Vol 14 P Nut Soc N;Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Vol 15 P Nut Soc N;Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Vol 17 P Nut Soc N;Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Vol 18 P Nut Soc N;Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Vol 19 P Nut Soc N;Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Vol 20 P Nut Soc N;Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Vol 21 P Nut Soc N;Proceedings of The Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Vol 25 P Nut Soc N@Proceedings of The Oecd Workshop On Ex-vessel Debris CoolabilityFzka Tech Umw Wis B=Proceedings of The 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Series A-mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information ScienceProc Rom Acad Ser ATProceedings of The Royal Entomological Society of London Series A-general EntomologyProc R Entomol Soc AJProceedings of The Royal Entomological Society of London Series B TaxomonyP Roy Entomol Soc B5Proceedings of The Royal Institution of Great Britain P R Inst Gb=Proceedings of The Royal Institution of Great Britain, Vol 70 P R Inst GbSProceedings of The Royal Irish Academy Section A-mathematical and Physical SciencesP Roy Irish Acad A`Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy Section A-mathematical Astronomical and Physical SciencesProc R Ir Acad S A-m[Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy Section B-biological Geological and Chemical ScienceP Roy Irish Acad BjProceedings of The Royal Irish Academy Section C-archaeology Celtic Studies History Linguistics LiteratureP Roy Irish Acad C,Proceedings of The Royal Musical AssociationP Roy Music AssocQProceedings of The Royal Society A-mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences P R Soc AQProceedings of The Royal Society A-mathematical Physical and Engineering SciencesP Roy Soc A-math Phy6Proceedings of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences P R Soc B6Proceedings of The Royal Society B-biological SciencesP Roy Soc B-biol SciCProceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A-mathematicsP Roy Soc Edinb AKProceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B-biological SciencesP Roy Soc Edinb B?Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B-biologyProc R Soc Edin B-biYProceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburg Section A-mathematical and Physical SciencesProc R Soc Edin A-ma*Proceedings of The Royal Society of LondonP R Soc LondonnProceedings of The Royal Society of London Series A-containing Papers of A Mathematical and Physical CharacterP R Soc Lond A-contaVProceedings of The Royal Society of London Series A-mathematical and Physical SciencesP Roy Soc Lond A MatVProceedings of The Royal Society of London Series A-mathematical and Physical SciencesProc R Soc Lon Ser-abProceedings of The Royal Society of London Series A-mathematical Physical and Engineering SciencesP Roy Soc Lond A MatGProceedings of The Royal Society of London Series B-biological SciencesP Roy Soc Lond B Bio_Proceedings of The Royal Society of London Series B-containing Papers of A Biological CharacterP R Soc Lond B-conta3Proceedings of The Royal Society of Medicine-london P Roy Soc Med=Proceedings of The Royal Society Series B-biological SciencesProc R Soc Ser B-bio1Proceedings of The Rudolf Virchow Medical SocietyP Rudolf Virch Med SIProceedings of The Rudolf Virchow Medical Society in The City of New YorkProc R Virch Med SocfProceedings of The Second Asm Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Conference in Europe, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumEProceedings of The Second Autumn School On Reactor Physics - Erofi Ii Kfki Prep REProceedings of The Second Balkan Symposium On Vegetables and Potatoes Acta Hortic?Proceedings of The Second European Workshop On Exo-astrobiology Esa Sp Publ?Proceedings of The Second European Workshop On Exo-astrobiology Esa Spec PubloProceedings of The Second Helas International Conference: Helioseismology, Asteroseismology and Mhd ConnectionsJ Phys Conf Ser6Proceedings of The Second Iberian Congress On Chestnut Acta HorticVProceedings of The Second International Conference On Electronic Materials ( Icem 90 ) Mat Res S CYProceedings of The Second International Conference On Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage ScicProceedings of The Second International Conference On Management Science and Engineering ManagementManag Sci Eng Manag`Proceedings of The Second International Conference On Modelling and Simulation (icms2009), Vol 1Modelling Simulation`Proceedings of The Second International Conference On Modelling and Simulation (icms2009), Vol 2Modelling Simulation`Proceedings of The Second International Conference On Modelling and Simulation (icms2009), Vol 3Modelling Simulation`Proceedings of The Second International Conference On Modelling and Simulation (icms2009), Vol 4Modelling Simulation`Proceedings of The Second International Conference On Modelling and Simulation (icms2009), Vol 6Modelling Simulation`Proceedings of The Second International Conference On Modelling and Simulation (icms2009), Vol 7Modelling Simulation`Proceedings of The Second International Conference On Modelling and Simulation (icms2009), Vol 8Modelling Simulation?Proceedings of The Second International Congress On Cancer PainAdv Pain Res Ther9Proceedings of The Second International Humulus Symposium Acta HorticpProceedings of The Second International Symposium On Acclimatization and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants Acta HorticfProceedings of The Second International Symposium On Biotechnology of Tropical and Subtropical Species Acta HorticEProceedings of The Second International Symposium On Edible Alliaceae Acta Hortic}Proceedings of The Second International Symposium On Improving The Performance of Supply Chains in The Transitional Economies Acta Hortic;Proceedings of The Second International Symposium On Loquat Acta HorticProceedings of The Second International Symposium On Low and High Dielectric Constant Materials - Materials Science, Processing, and Reliability Issues Elec Soc SgProceedings of The Second International Symposium On Natural Preservatives in Food, Feed, and Cosmetics Acta HorticqProceedings of The Second International Symposium On Plant Genetic Resources of Horticultural Crops, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic~Proceedings of The Second International Symposium On Process Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manufacturing Elec Soc S\Proceedings of The Second International Symposium On Proton Conducting Membrane Fuel Cell Ii Elec Soc SVProceedings of The Second International Symposium On The Taxonomy of Cultivated Plants Acta Hortic6Proceedings of The Second Isaac Congress, Vols 1 and 2Int Soc Anal App ComProceedings of The Second Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project Symposium: Post-treatment Results of The Landscape ExperimentUs For Serv T R Nc*Proceedings of The Second Msg Rao Workshop Esa Sp PubljProceedings of The Second Oecd ( Nea ) Csni Specialist Meeting On Molten Core Debris-concrete Interactions K F K Reports<Proceedings of The Second Seattle Symposium in BiostatisticsLect Notes StatFProceedings of The Second Siam International Conference On Data Mining Siam Proc SLProceedings of The Second Symposium On Iii-v Nitride Materials and Processes Elec Soc SMProceedings of The Second Symposium On Social Aspects and Recreation Research Usda Pac SwProceedings of The Second Thematic Conference On Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments - Needs, Solutions, and Applications, Vol I Them Conf RProceedings of The Second Thematic Conference On Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments - Needs, Solutions, and Applications, Vol Ii Them Conf R^Proceedings of The Second Workshop On Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing Siam Proc S8Proceedings of The Second Workshop On Pome Fruit Quality Acta Hortic.Proceedings of The Seminar for Arabian StudiesProc Sem Arab Stud;Proceedings of The Seminar for Arabian Studies, Vol 27 1997Proc Sem Arab StudJProceedings of The Sem Ix International Congress On Experimental MechanicsP Int Cong Experit MhProceedings of The Session On Tropical Forestry for People of The Pacific, Xvii Pacific Science Congress Usda Pac SwtProceedings of The Seventeenth (2007) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1- 4, ProceedingsInt Offshore Polar ECProceedings of The Seventeenth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo Eur Stud MonoCProceedings of The Seventeenth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo-eur Stud MonofProceedings of The Seventh (1997) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol I, 1997Int Offshore Polar EgProceedings of The Seventh (1997) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Ii, 1997Int Offshore Polar EhProceedings of The Seventh (1997) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Iii, 1997Int Offshore Polar EgProceedings of The Seventh (1997) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Iv, 1997Int Offshore Polar ENProceedings of The Seventh Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference Usda So ForOProceedings of The Seventh British National Conference On Databases ( Bncod 7 ) Brit Comp SIProceedings of The Seventh European Conference On Mathematics in Industry Eur Con MatVProceedings of The Seventh International Conference On Charged Particle Optics (cpo-7) Physcs ProcnProceedings of The Seventh International Conference On The Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing Univer DialBProceedings of The Seventh International Congress of EgyptologistsOrient Lovan Anal8Proceedings of The Seventh International Mango Symposium Acta Hortic>Proceedings of The Seventh International Robus-ribes Symposium Acta Hortic\Proceedings of The Seventh International Symposium On Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology Acta HorticTProceedings of The Seventh International Symposium On Orchard and Plantation Systems Acta HorticdProceedings of The Seventh International Symposium On Physics and Chemistry of Luminescent Materials Elec Soc SaProceedings of The Seventh International Symposium On Postharvest Physiology of Ornamental Plants Acta HorticaProceedings of The Seventh International Symposium On Silicon-on-insulator Technology and Devices Elec Soc SKProceedings of The Seventh International Symposium On The Processing Tomato Acta HorticGProceedings of The Seventh International Symposium On Vaccinium Culture Acta HorticNProceedings of The Seventh International Workshop On Agglutinated ForaminiferaGrzyb Found Spec PubZProceedings of The Seventh International Workshop On Hardware/software Codesign (codes'99)Hardw Softw CodesVProceedings of The Seventh International Workshop On Petri Nets and Performance ModelsInt Worksh Petri NetZProceedings of The Seventh Siam Conference On Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing Siam Proc SBProceedings of The Seventh Tihany Symposium On Radiation Chemistry P Tihany SyFProceedings of The Seventh Workshop On Electronics for Lhc Experiments Cern Report7Proceedings of The Shortleaf Pine Regeneration Workshop Usda So ForProceedings of The SidP Sid.Proceedings of The Simulators International Xv Simul SeriesbProceedings of The Sixteenth (2006) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1Int Offshore Polar EbProceedings of The Sixteenth (2006) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 2Int Offshore Polar EbProceedings of The Sixteenth (2006) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 3Int Offshore Polar EbProceedings of The Sixteenth (2006) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 4Int Offshore Polar EAProceedings of The Sixteenth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo Eur Stud Mono[Proceedings of The Sixteenth Ieee Symposium On Field-programmable Custom Computing MachinesAnn Ieee Sym Field PdProceedings of The Sixth (1996) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol I, 1996Int Offshore Polar EfProceedings of The Sixth (1996) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol Iii, 1996Int Offshore Polar EIProceedings of The Sixth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory ConferenceStruct Compl Th Conf_Proceedings of The Sixth Bi-annual International Conference of The Academy of Marketing ScienceWorld Market CongrZProceedings of The Sixth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Usda SoutheGProceedings of The Sixth European Conference On Mathematics in Industry Eur Con Mat?Proceedings of The Sixth European Space Power Conference (espc) Esa Sp Publ?Proceedings of The Sixth European Space Power Conference (espc) Esa Spec PublGProceedings of The Sixth Ieee Symposium On Computers and CommunicationsIeee Symp Comp CommuXProceedings of The Sixth International Conference On Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage Sci@Proceedings of The Sixth International Protea Research Symposium Acta HorticGProceedings of The Sixth International Symposium On Electrode Processes Elec Soc S{Proceedings of The Sixth International Symposium On Long Wavelength Infrared Detectors and Arrays: Physics and Applications Elec Soc SGProceedings of The Sixth International Symposium On Mango, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticProceedings of The Sixth International Symposium On Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climate: Product and Process Innovation, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticiProceedings of The Sixth International Symposium On Temperate Fruit Growing in The Tropics and Subtropics Acta HorticEProceedings of The Sixth Siam International Conference On Data Mining Siam Proc SQProceedings of The Sixth Symposium On Stand Establishment and Ishs Seed Sympoisum Acta HorticDProceedings of The Sixth Workshop On Electronics for Lhc Experiments Cern ReportcProceedings of The Sixty-third Annual Congress of The South African Sugar Technologists Association P S Afr Sug@Proceedings of The Society for Experimental Biology and MedicineP Soc Exp Biol MedEProceedings of The Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation EngineersP Soc Photo-opt InstLProceedings of The Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (spie)P Soc Photo-opt InsjProceedings of The Soho 10/gong 2000 Workshop On Helio- and Asteroseismology At The Dawn of The Millennium Esa Sp PubljProceedings of The Soho 10/gong 2000 Workshop On Helio- and Asteroseismology At The Dawn of The Millennium Esa Spec Publ[Proceedings of The Soho 11 Symposium On From Solar Min to Max: Half A Solar Cycle With Soho Esa Sp Publ[Proceedings of The Soho 11 Symposium On From Solar Min to Max: Half A Solar Cycle With Soho Esa Spec Publ2Proceedings of The South Dakota Academy of ScienceProc S D Acad Sci:Proceedings of The South Dakota Academy of Science, Vol 69Proc S D Acad Sci:Proceedings of The South Dakota Academy of Science, Vol 70Proc S D Acad ScicProceedings of The Southern California Climate Symposium Trends and Extremes of The Past 2000 YearsNat Hist Mus Los Ang5Proceedings of The Southern Conference On CorrectionsP S Conf CorrecteProceedings of The Southern Regional Information Exchange Group Biennial Symposium On Forest Genetics Usda So ForDProceedings of The South Pacific Soilless Culture Conference (spscc) Acta Hortic4Proceedings of The Staff Meetings of The Mayo ClinicP Staff M Mayo ClinUProceedings of The State-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors (sotapocs Xxx) Elec Soc S3Proceedings of The Steklov Institute of MathematicsP Steklov I Math+3Proceedings of The Steklov Institute of MathematicsP Steklov Inst Math8Proceedings of The Summer Computer Simulation Conference P Summ Comp*Proceedings of The Swedish Weed Conference P Swed W CProceedings of The Symposia On Electrochemical Processing in Ulsi Fabrication I and Interconnect and Contact Metallization: Materials, Processes, and Reliability Elec Soc SProceedings of The Symposium On Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Electrochemical Processes and Oxygen Depolarized Cathodes and Activated Cathodes for Chlor-alkali and Chlorated Processes Elec Soc S1Proceedings of The Symposium On Aqueous Batteries Elec Soc SYProceedings of The Symposium On Batteries for Portable Applications and Electric Vehicles Elec Soc SfProceedings of The Symposium On Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Electrochemical Methods Elec Soc SKProceedings of The Symposium On Critical Factors in Localized Corrosion Iii Elec Soc SzProceedings of The Symposium On Crystalline Defects and Contamination: Their Impact and Control in Device Manufacturing Ii Elec Soc S}Proceedings of The Symposium On Current Research On Wood-destroying Organisms and Future Prospects for Protecting Wood in UseUs For Serv T R PswProceedings of The Symposium On Ecosystem Management Research in The Ouachita Mountains: Pretreatment Conditions and Preliminary Findings Usda So For=Proceedings of The Symposium On Electrochemical Capacitors Ii Elec Soc SeProceedings of The Symposium On Electrochemical Surface Science of Hydrogen Adsorption and Absorption Elec Soc SaProceedings of The Symposium On Electrochemistry in The Preparation of Fluorine and Its Compounds Elec Soc SfProceedings of The Symposium On Electrode Materials and Processes for Energy Conversion and Storage Iv Elec Soc S8Proceedings of The Symposium On Electron Crystallography T Am CrystpProceedings of The Symposium On Environmental Aspects of Electrochemical Technology: Applications in Electronics Elec Soc SgProceedings of The Symposium On Exploiting The Iso Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in The Internet Age Esa Sp PublgProceedings of The Symposium On Exploiting The Iso Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in The Internet Age Esa Spec PubltProceedings of The Symposium On Fundamental Aspects of Electrochemical Deposition and Dissolution Including Modeling Elec Soc SdProceedings of The Symposium On Fundamentals and Potential Applications of Electrochemical Synthesis Elec Soc SXProceedings of The Symposium On Giant Sequoias: Their Place in The Ecosystem and Society Usda Pac SwProceedings of The Symposium On Light Emitting Devices for Optoelectronic Applications and The Twenty-eighth State-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors Elec Soc S9Proceedings of The Symposium On Lithium Polymer Batteries Elec Soc SlProceedings of The Symposium On Management of Western Bark Beetles With Pheromones: Research and Development Usda Pac SwOProceedings of The Symposium On Molecular Functions of Electroactive Thin Films Elec Soc SPProceedings of The Symposium On New Directions in Electroanalytical Chemistry Ii Elec Soc SsProceedings of The Symposium On Nonpoint Pollution : 1988 - Policy, Economy, Management, and Appropriate Technology Am Wat ResOProceedings of The Symposium On Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland ManagementUs For Serv T R Psw;Proceedings of The Symposium On Passivity and Its Breakdown Elec Soc S5Proceedings of The Symposium On Photoelectrochemistry Elec Soc S<Proceedings of The Symposium On Post-harvest Fish Technology Cifa TechwProceedings of The Symposium On Recent Advances in The Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials, Vol 3 Elec Soc SwProceedings of The Symposium On Recent Advances in The Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials, Vol 4 Elec Soc S<Proceedings of The Symposium On Reliable Distributed SystemsSym Rel Dist SystProceedings of The Symposium On Research and Management of Annosus Root Disease ( Heterobasidion Annosum ) in Western North AmericaUs For Serv T R PswYProceedings of The Symposium On Silicon Nitride and Silicon Dioxide Thin Insulating Films Elec Soc SdProceedings of The Symposium On Some Problems On The Theory of Dynamical Systems in Applied Sciences Adv S Dy Sy3Proceedings of The Symposium On Surface Oxide Films Elec Soc S@Proceedings of The Symposium On The Electrochemical Double Layer Elec Soc S?Proceedings of The Symposium On The Management of Longleaf Pine Usda So ForEProceedings of The Symposium On The Structural Chemistry of Silicates T Am CrystTProceedings of The Symposium On Time-of-flight Diffraction At Pulsed Neutron Sources T Am CrystAProceedings of The Symposium On Wetlands : Concerns and Successes Am Wat ResEProceedings of The Symposium The Three-dimensional Universe With Gaia Esa Sp PublEProceedings of The Symposium The Three-dimensional Universe With Gaia Esa Spec Publ=Proceedings of The Tenth Annual Ucla Indo-european ConferenceJ Indo Eur Stud Mono:Proceedings of The Tenth International Asparagus Symposium Acta HorticjProceedings of The Tenth International Meeting On Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies Physcs ProcNProceedings of The Tenth International Symposium On Small Fruit Virus Diseases Acta HorticWProceedings of The Tenth International Symposium On Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants Acta Hortic8Proceedings of The Tenth Journees De Linguistique (1996) Ciral PublzProceedings of The Tenth Thematic Conference On Geologic Remote Sensing - Exploration, Environment, and Engineering, Vol IPr Themat Conf Geol{Proceedings of The Tenth Thematic Conference On Geologic Remote Sensing - Exploration, Environment, and Engineering, Vol IiPr Themat Conf GeolLProceedings of The Tenth West Coast Conference On Formal Linguistics, Vol 10 P W Coast CProceedings of The Tenth Workshop On Algorithm Engineering and Experiments and The Fifth Workshop On Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics Siam Proc S8Proceedings of The Tev Particle Astrophysics Ii WorkshopJ Phys Conf SerzProceedings of The The First International Symposium On Impact and Friction of Solids, Structures and Intelligent MachinesSer Sta Vib Co Sy :bAProceedings of The Thematic Conference On Geologic Remote SensingPr Themat Conf GeolGProceedings of The Third Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis SymposiumUs For Serv T R NczProceedings of The Third Conference On Hydrogeology, Ecology, Monitoring, and Management of Ground Water in Karst Terranes Gr Wat Man,Proceedings of The Third Contractors Meeting Ener BiomasGProceedings of The Third European Conference On Mathematics in Industry Eur Con MatJProceedings of The Third European Conference On Space Debris, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp PublJProceedings of The Third European Conference On Space Debris, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Spec PublTProceedings of The Third European Symposium On Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles Esa Sp PublTProceedings of The Third European Symposium On Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles Esa Spec Publ8Proceedings of The Third International Chestnut Congress Acta HortichProceedings of The Third International Conference On Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter - Excon '98 Elec Soc SXProceedings of The Third International Conference On Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage SciEProceedings of The Third International Grapevine Phylloxera Symposium Acta HorticAProceedings of The Third International Lake Ladoga Symposium 1999Publ Kare Inst:Proceedings of The Third International Pineapple Symposium Acta HorticdProceedings of The Third International Symposium On Brassicas and Twelfth Crucifer Genetics Workshop Acta HorticCProceedings of The Third International Symposium On Ceramic Sensors Elec Soc SFProceedings of The Third International Symposium On Defects in Silicon Elec Soc S7Proceedings of The Third International Symposium On Fig Acta HorticcProceedings of The Third International Symposium On Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic_Proceedings of The Third International Symposium On Microstructures and Microfabricated Systems Elec Soc S=Proceedings of The Third International Symposium On Persimmon Acta HorticProceedings of The Third International Symposium On Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters From Sar Data for Land Applications Esa Sp PublProceedings of The Third International Symposium On Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters From Sar Data for Land Applications Esa Spec PublQProceedings of The Third International Symposium On Rose Research and Cultivation Acta HorticEProceedings of The Third Siam International Conference On Data Mining Siam Proc SLProceedings of The Third Symposium On Electrochemically Deposited Thin Films Elec Soc S>Proceedings of The Third Symposium On Electrochromic Materials Elec Soc SGProceedings of The Third Symposium On Thin Film Transistor Technologies Elec Soc SHProceedings of The Third Turkish National Congress of Biological Control Entomol D Y1Proceedings of The Third World Fisheries Congress Am Fish S ScProceedings of The Thirteenth (2003) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1Int Offshore Polar EcProceedings of The Thirteenth (2003) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 2Int Offshore Polar EcProceedings of The 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Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, Vol Iii P Ann HicssZProceedings of The Thirty-first Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, Vol Iv P Ann HicssYProceedings of The Thirty-first Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, Vol V P Ann HicssZProceedings of The Thirty-first Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, Vol Vi P Ann Hicss[Proceedings of The Thirty-first Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, Vol Vii P Ann HicssMProceedings of The Thirty-first Meeting of The Geoscience Information Society P Geos InfHProceedings of The Thirty-fourth Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySe Sym Sys ThryHProceedings of The Thirty-fourth Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp Syste[Proceedings of The Thirty-ninth Annual Conference of Canadian Technical Asphalt Association Can Tec AspVProceedings of The Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of The Canadian Pest Management Society Can Pest MGProceedings of The Thirty-ninth Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySe Sym Sys ThryGProceedings of The Thirty-ninth Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp SysteYProceedings of The Thirty-second Sigcse Technical Symposium On Computer Science Education Sigcse BullIProceedings of The Thirty-seventh Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySe Sym Sys ThryIProceedings of The Thirty-seventh Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp SysteGProceedings of The Thirty-sixth Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySe Sym Sys ThryGProceedings of The Thirty-sixth Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp Syste:Proceedings of The Tihany Symposium On Radiation Chemistry P Tihany Sy6Proceedings of The Transgenic Animal Research Workshop Stud Tech S`Proceedings of The Twelfth (2002) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1Int Offshore Polar E`Proceedings of The Twelfth (2002) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 2Int Offshore Polar E`Proceedings of The Twelfth 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Symposium - Section Ornamentals Acta HorticrProceedings of The Twentieth International Eucarpia Symposium, Section Ornamentals: Strategies for New Ornamentals Acta HorticProceedings of The Twentieth International Symposium On Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops - Fruit Tree Diseases Acta HorticCProceedings of The Twentieth Lunar and Planetary Science ConferenceP Lunar Planet SciMProceedings of The Twenty-fifth Meeting of The Geoscience Information Society P Geos InfPProceedings of The Twenty-first Annual Acm-siam Symposium On Discrete AlgorithmsProc Appl MathNProceedings of The Twenty-fourth Meeting of The Geoscience Information Society P Geos InfTProceedings of The Twenty-fourth State-of-the-art-program On Compound Semiconductors Elec Soc SMProceedings of The Twenty-ninth Meeting of The Geoscience Information Society P Geos InfGProceedings of The Twenty-ninth Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp SysteZProceedings of The Twenty-seventh Annual Conference of The Agronomy Society of New Zealand P Ag Soc NzfProceedings of The Twenty-seventh State-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors (sotapocs Xxvii) Elec Soc SSProceedings of The Twenty-sixth International Symposium On Fault-tolerant ComputingDig Pap Int Symp FauMProceedings of The Twenty-sixth Meeting of The Geoscience Information Society P Geos InfcProceedings of The Twenty-sixth State-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors (sotapocs Xxvi) Elec Soc S5Proceedings of The University of Otago Medical SchoolP U Otago Med Sch!Proceedings of The Ussher Society Proc Ussher.Proceedings of The Ussher Society, Vol 7, Pt 1 Proc Ussher4Proceedings of The Ussher Society, Vol 7, Pt 3, 1990 Proc Ussher4Proceedings of The Ussher Society, Vol 7, Pt 4, 1991 Proc Ussher4Proceedings of The Ussher Society, Vol 8, Pt 1, 1992 Proc Ussher3Proceedings of The Ussher Society, Vol 8, Pt 4 1995 Proc Ussher5Proceedings of The Ussher Society, Vol 9, Pt 2 - 1997 Proc Ussher4Proceedings of The 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Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates: Production, Pest Management and Global Competition, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticgProceedings of The Viith International Symposium On Temperate Zone Fruits in The Tropics and Subtropics Acta HorticmProceedings of The Viith International Symposium On Temperate Zone Fruits in The Tropics and Subtropics, Pt 2 Acta HorticFProceedings of The Virtual Worlds and Simulation Conference (vwsim'98) Simul Series:Proceedings of The Vith International Congress On Hazelnut Acta Hortic5Proceedings of The Vith International Peach Symposium Acta HorticgProceedings of The Vith International Solanaceae Conference, Solanaceae Vi: Genomics Meets Biodiversity Acta HorticnProceedings of The Vith International Symposium On Chemical and Non-chemical Soil and Substrate Disinfestation Acta Hortic.Proceedings of The Vith World Congress On Pain Pain Res ClCProceedings of The Vth International Cherry Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic:Proceedings of The Vth International Congress On Artichoke Acta HorticJProceedings of The Vth International Congress On Cactus Pear and Cochineal Acta Hortic8Proceedings of The Vth International Pineapple Symposium Acta Hortic9Proceedings of The Vth International Strawberry Symposium Acta HorticUProceedings of The Vth International Symposium On Artificial Lighting in Horticulture Acta HorticjProceedings of The Vth International Symposium On in Vitro Culture and Horticulture Breeding, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticSProceedings of The Vth International Symposium On Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Plants Acta HorticIProceedings of The Vth International Symposium On New Floricultural Crops Acta Hortic>Proceedings of The West Coast Conference On Formal Linguistics P W Coast C/Proceedings of The Western Pharmacology SocietyP W Pharmacol Soc=Proceedings of The Western Pharmacology Society, Vol 37, 1994P W Pharmacol Soc7Proceedings of The Western Pharmacology Society, Vol 48P W Pharmacol Soc0Proceedings of The Western Snow Conference, 1995P 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Et S IemvtfProceedings of The Workshop "monte Carlo Methods and Models for Applications in Energy and Technology"Fzka Tech Umw Wis BkProceedings of The Workshop On Core Monitoring for Commercial Reactors: Improvements in Systems and Methods Oecd ProcCProceedings of The Workshop On Discretely-coupled Dynamical SystemsWss Nonlin Sci Ser BXProceedings of The Workshop On Information Technology for Virtual Enterprises, Itve 2001 Aust Comp SEProceedings of The Workshop On Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilisation Oecd Proc[Proceedings of The Workshop On Long-lived Radionuclide Chemistry in Nuclear Waste Treatment Oecd Proc@Proceedings of The Workshop On P32 Oversampled Mapping - Isophot Esa Sp Publ@Proceedings of The Workshop On P32 Oversampled Mapping - Isophot Esa Spec PublSProceedings of The Workshop On Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics At Present and Future Kfki Prep RfProceedings of The Workshop On Research Methodologies and Applications for Pacific Island Agroforestry Usda Pac SwWProceedings of The Workshop On Rootstocks' Performance in Phylloxera Infested Vineyards Acta HorticfProceedings of The Workshop On The Physics and Fuel Performance of Reactor-based Plutonium Disposition Oecd Proc\Proceedings of The Workshop On Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators Oecd ProcProceedings of The Workshop Palaeoclimatic Reconstructions Form Marine Sediments of The Ross Sea (antarctica and Southern OceanTerra Ant ReportsProceedings of The Workshop Palaeoclimatic Reconstructions Form Marine Sediments of The Ross Sea (antarctica and Southern OceanTerra Antarct RepHProceedings of The World Bank Annual Conference On Development EconomicsProc Wb Ann Conf DevNProceedings of The World Bank Annual Conference On Development Economics, 1994Proc Wb Ann Conf DevZProceedings of The World Congress On Soilless Culture: Agriculture in The Coming Millenium Acta HorticpProceedings of The Wseas International Conference On Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing Ele Com Eng\Proceedings of The Wseas International Conference On Cultural Heritage and Tourism (cuht'08)Ma Comput Sci Eng\Proceedings of The Wseas International Conference On Cultural Heritage and Tourism (cuht'08)Math Comput Sci Eng{Proceedings of The Wseas International Conference On Finite Differences, Finite Elements, Finite Volumes, Boundary ElementsMa Comput Sci EngCProceedings of The Xiii National Conference of Yugoslav AstronomersPub Astro Obs BelgrQProceedings of The Xiiith International Symposium On Apricot Breeding and Culture Acta HorticTProceedings of The Xiith Ishs Symposium On Apricot Culture and Decline, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticWProceedings of The Xith Eucarpia Symposium On Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Vols 1 and 2 Acta Hortic9Proceedings of The Xith International Asparagus Symposium Acta HorticVProceedings of The Xith International Symposium On Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants Acta HorticKProceedings of The Xivth International Symposium On Horticultural Economics Acta HorticProceedings of The Xixth International Symposium On Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops: Fruit Tree Diseases Acta Hortic4Proceedings of The X-ray Universe 2005, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp Publ4Proceedings of The X-ray Universe 2005, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Spec PublAProceedings of The Xth International Pear Symposium, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticYProceedings of The Xth International Symposium On Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Production Acta HorticGProceedings of The Xth International Symposium On The Processing Tomato Acta Hortic<Proceedings of The Xth International Workshop On Fire Blight Acta HorticZProceedings of The Xvii International Conference On Electromagnetic Disturbances, Emd 2007Int Conf ElectromagBProceedings of The Xv National Conference of Astronomers of SerbiaPub Astro Obs BelgrYProceedings of The Xvth International Symposium On Horticultural Economics and Management Acta HorticSProceedings of The Xx Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics and Image ProcessingSibgrapikProceedings of The Xxiith International Conference On Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical PhysicsAdv Appl Cliff AlgebCProceedings of The Xxiv International Congress of Psychology, Vol 6 Iupsys Sr PCProceedings of The Xxiv International Congress of Psychology, Vol 9 Iupsys Sr PAProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 1 Acta HorticBProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 10 Acta HorticBProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 11 Acta HorticBProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 12 Acta HorticBProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 14 Acta HorticAProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 2 Acta HorticAProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 4 Acta HorticAProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 7 Acta HorticAProceedings of The Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Pt 8 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ProccProceedings - Share Europe Anniversary Meeting 1992 : Information Technology for Business Advantage Share Eur P3Proceedings: Share Europe Anniversary Meeting, 1993 Share Eur P)Proceedings : Share Europe Spring Meeting Share Eur PYProceedings : Share Europe Spring Meeting : Case and Applications Development in Practice Share Eur P.Proceedings: Shrubland Dynamics-fire and WaterUs For Serv Rmrs-pCProceedings: Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in A Changing Environment Usda Interm Proceedings : Shrubland EcotonesUs For Serv Rmrs-p5Proceedings - Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp SysteAProceedings - Symposia and Exhibitions On The Art of Glassblowing P Sym ExhibpProceedings - Symposium On Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub Die-off, and Other Aspects of Shrub Biology and Management Usda Interm.Proceedings - Symposium On Computer ArithmeticP S Comp Arithm,Proceedings Symposium On Computer ArithmeticP S Comp Arithm,Proceedings/symposium On Computer ArithmeticP S Comp ArithmOProceedings - Symposium On Ecology and Management of Riparian Shrub Communities Usda Interm@Proceedings: Symposium On Fire in Wilderness and Park Management Usda Interm2Proceedings/symposium On Logic in Computer Science Ieee S LogiProceedings - Symposium On Whitebark Pine Ecosystems : Ecology and Management of A High-mountain Resource Usda IntermSProceedings - The Thirty-fourth Symposium and Exhibition On The Art of Glassblowing P Sym ExhibRProceedings - The Thirty-third Symposium and Exhibition On The Art of Glassblowing P Sym ExhibFProceedings : The Twenty-first Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySoutheast Symp SystePProceedings - The Twenty-second International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic Int Sym Mvl$Proceedings - Tron Project SymposiumP Tron Proj SympGProceedings - University/government/industry Microelectronics SymposiumP Univ Govt Ind MicrWProceedings : Us Department of Agriculture, Interagency Gypsy Moth Research Review 1990 Usda Ne Exp9Proceedings - Using Seeds of Native Species On Rangelands Usda Interm(Proceedings - Vertebrate Pest ConferenceProc Vertebr Pest CSProceedings: View From The Ridge-considerations for Planning At The Landscape ScaleUs For Serv T R Pnw\Proceedings, Western Forest Nursery Association, September 14-18, 1992, Fallen Leaf Lake, Ca Usda RockyProceedings - Western Section, American Society of Animal Science and Western Branch, Canadian Society of Animal Science, Vol 40 Asas Ws P?Proceedings: Wildland Shrub and Arid Land Restoration Symposium Usda IntermIProceedings: Workshop On Fire, People, and The Central Hardwood Landscape Usda Ne Exp%Proceedings Xvth Cmmi Congress, Vol 1S African Inst Min M%Proceedings Xvth Cmmi Congress, Vol 2S African Inst Min M%Proceedings Xvth Cmmi Congress, Vol 3S African Inst Min M=Proceeedings of The International Symposium On Youth and WorkPeople Work Res RepSProceeedings of The Xviii International Linear Accelerator Conference, Vols 1 and 2 Cern Report7Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed ProcessingCh Crc Comp Sci Ser>Process and Equipment Control in Microelectronic ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsAProcess and Equipment Control in Microelectronic Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsAProcess and Equipment Control in Microelectronic Manufacturing Ii Proc SpieJProcess and Materials Characterization and Diagnostics in Ic ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsProcess BiochemistryProcess Biochem*Process Chemistry of Lubricant Base Stocks Chem Ind-ser-Process Chemistry of Petroleum Macromolecules Chem Ind-serProcess Control and AutomationProcess Control AutProcess Control and DiagnosticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Process Control and Inspection for IndustryP Soc Photo-opt InsProcess Control and QualityProcess Contr Qual-Process Control and Sensors for Manufacturing Spie Proc Ser0Process Control and Sensors for Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Process Control Performance AssessmentAdv Ind Control-Process Control: The Passive Systems ApproachAdv Ind ControlProcess Engineering 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S Am SProcesses On The Early EarthGeol Soc Am Spec Pap:Processes, Terms and Cycles: Steps On The Road to InfinityLect Notes Comput Sc?Processes With Long-range Correlations: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Phys%Process Imaging for Automatic ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Process-induced Chemical Changes in FoodAdv Exp Med BiolKProcess Industries Division of The American Society of Mechanical EngineersProc Ind Div Asme Processing Processing4Processing and Inhibition of Nociceptive Information Int Congr SerKProcessing and Packaging of Semiconductor Lasers and Optoelectronic DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites Ceram Trans@Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites Ii Ceram Trans4Processing and Properties of Compound SemiconductorsSemiconduct Semimet3Processing and Utilization of High-sulfur Coals IiiCoal Sci Technol1Processing and Utilization of High-sulfur Coals VCoal Sci Technol3Processing and Utilization of 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Prescriptive ResearchEduc Compet Glob Wor,Process Optimization: A Statistical ApproachInt Ser Oper Res Man=Process Planning and Scheduling for Distributed ManufacturingSpringer Ser Adv Man+Process Safety and Environmental ProtectionProcess Saf EnvironProcess Safety ProgressProcess Saf ProgProcess Studies Process Stud-Process Systems Engineering 2003, Pts A and B Comp Aid Ch-Process Systems Engineering 2003, Pts A and BComput-aided Chem EnProcess TechnologyProcess Technol Int)Process Technology Conference Proceedings Proc Tech CProcess Technology ProceedingsProcess Technol Proc(Prodrugs: Challenges and Rewards, Part 1Biotechnol Pharm Asp(Prodrugs: Challenges and Rewards, Part 2Biotechnol Pharm AspProduced Water Envir Sci RProduced Water 2 Envir Sci R/Producer Dynamics: New Evidence From Micro Data Stud Income,Producibility of Ii-vi Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Producing Fashion: Commerce, Culture, and ConsumersHagley Perspect BusJProduct Development and Production 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and Production PlanningVtt Symp2Product Reliability: Specification and PerformanceSpringer Ser Reliab$Products Et Problems PharmaceutiquesProd Probl PharmWProduct Testing With Consumers for Research Guidance : Special Consumer Groups, 2nd VolAm Soc Test Mater)Produktdesign in Der Chemischen IndustrieVDI-Buch0Produktionsleitsysteme in Der AutomobilfertigungVDI-BuchjProduktionsplanung Und -steuerung: Grundlagen, Gestaltung Und Konzepte, 3., Vollig Neu Bearbeitete AuflageVDI-BuchLProfane Challenge and Orthodox Response in Dostoevsky's Crime and PunishmentStud Slav Lit PoetProfesional De La Informacion Prof Inform(Professional and Practice-based LearningProf Pract-based LeaAProfessional Burnout : Recent Developments in Theory and Research S Ap Psyc SProfessional Congress On Energy VDI Bericht5Professional Congress On Environment, Climate, Health VDI Bericht6Professional Congress On Information and Communication VDI Bericht!Professional Congress On Mobility VDI Bericht+Professional Congress On The Future of Work VDI Bericht,Professional Development and Practice SeriesProfess Dev Pract S@Professional Development of Information Technology Professionals Ifip Trans AVProfessional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics: The 15th Icmi StudyNew Icmi Stud SerDProfessional Encounters in Tesol: Discourses of Teachers in TeachingPalg Stud Prof OrganProfessional EngineeringProf EngProfessional Geographer Prof Geogr!Professional Knowledge ManagementLect Notes Artif IntEProfessional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher EducationProf Learn Dev Sch HProfessional Librarian Series Prof Lib SProfessional-managerial ClassStirl Manag Ser0Professional Practice in Artificial IntelligenceInt Fed Info ProcProfessional Psychology Prof Psychol-Professional Psychology-research and PracticeProf Psychol-res PrProfessional SafetyProf SafProfessional Service FirmsRes Sociol Organ-resProfessional Supply ManagementProf Supply Manage&Professoriate: Profile of A ProfessionHigh Educ 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Comput%Programs As Data Objects, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPrograms, Proofs, ProcessesLect Notes Comput ScProgres En Urologie Prog Urol5Progress and Continuing Education in Medicine, Vol 13 For For Med6Progress and Perspectives in Chemoprevention of Cancer Serono Sym(Progress and Prospects in Insect Control Br Crop PrDProgresses in Fracture and Strength of Materials and Structures, 1-4 Key Eng MatDProgresses in Fracture and Strength of Materials and Structures, 1-4 Key Eng Mater,Progress in Abrasive and Grinding Technology Key Eng Mater,Progress in Advanced Materials and ProcessesMater Sci ForumProgress in Aerospace SciencesProg Aerosp Sci<Progress in Aids Research in The Federal Republic of Germany Bga SchriftProgress in Allergy Prog Allergy2Progress in Allergy and Clinical Immunology SeriesProg Aller Clin Imm?Progress in Allergy and Clinical Immunology Volume 3, StockholmProg Aller Clin Imm0Progress in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's DiseasesAdv Behav Biol*Progress in Analytical 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in Cryptology -indocrypt 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc4Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc'Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc4Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc(Progress in Cryptology - Latincrypt 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc%Progress in Cryptology - Mycrypt 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc'Progress in Cryptology - Vietcrypt 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc<Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of MaterialsProg Cryst Growth Ch$Progress in Cytomegalovirus Research Int Congr SerProgress in Development Studies Prog Dev StudLProgress in Distributed Operating Systems and Distributed Systems ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc(Progress in Domiciliary 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Cardiol'Progress in Experimental Tumor ResearchProg Exp Tumor ResProgress in Fish VaccinologyDev Biologicals*Progress Inflammation Research and TherapyAgent Action Suppl;Progress in Fluid Flow Research: Turbulence and Applied MhdProg Astronaut Aeron;Progress in Fluid Flow Research: Turbulence and Applied MhdProgr Astronaut Aero&Progress in Food and Nutrition ScienceProg Food Nutr Sci Progress in Forensic Genetics 10 Int Congr SerProgress in Forensic Genetics 7 Int Congr SerProgress in Forensic Genetics 8 Int Congr SerProgress in Forensic Genetics 9 Int Congr Ser)Progress in Fracture and Damage Mechanics Key Eng MaterProgress in Functional Analysis N-holland M3Progress in Functional Manufacturing Technologies I Key Eng MaterProgress in Galois TheoryDev MathProgressing Science EducationSci Technol Educ LibProgress in Hematology Prog Hematol%Progress in Hemostasis and ThrombosisProg Hemost Thromb$Progress in Hepatitis B Immunization Colloq InseProgress in Hepatology, Vol 1 Int Congr 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Testing, Pts 1 and 2 Adv Mat Res0Progress in Measurement and Testing, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switzProgress in Medical GeneticsProg Med GenetProgress in Medical VirologyProg Med VirolProgress in Medicinal ChemistryProgr Med ChemProgress in Metal Physics Prog Met PhysGProgress in Micromechanical Research of Fracture of Composite Materials Key Eng Mater-Progress in Molecular and Subcellular BiologyProg Mol Subcell Bio7Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational ScienceProg Mol Biol Transl`Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science: Animal Models of Human Disease, Vol 100Prog Mol Biol TranslProgress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science: Development, Differentiation, and Disease of The Luminal Gastrointestinal TractProg Mol Biol TranslZProgress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science: Membrane Proteins As Drug TargetsProg Mol Biol Transl`Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science: Proteases in Health and Disease, Vol 99Prog Mol Biol 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Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 44Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 45Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 46Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 47Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 48Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 49Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 50Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 51Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 52Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 53Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 54Prog Nucleic Acid Re?Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol 55Prog Nucleic Acid Re@Progress in 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SeriesProg Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 24Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 28Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 30Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 32Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 34Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 35Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 36Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 37Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 38Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 40Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 41Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 42Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 43Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 44Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 45, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys8Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 45 Suppl 1Prog Part Nucl Phys>Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 45, Supplement 2Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 46Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 46, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 47Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 47, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys0Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 48Prog Part Nucl Phys5Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 48 No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 49, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys5Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 49 No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 50, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 50, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 51, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 52, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys7Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 52, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 53, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 53, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 54, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys7Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 54, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 56, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys7Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 56, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 57, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 58, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 58, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys5Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics Vol 59, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 59, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 60, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 60, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 61, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 61, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 62, No 1Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 62, No 2Prog Part Nucl Phys6Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol 63, No 1Prog Part Nucl PhysProgress in Pattern RecognitionAdv Pattern RecognitProgress in Pattern RecognitionAdv Ptrn Recognit@Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScMProgress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScRProgress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc_Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Progress in Pattern Recognition, Speech and Image AnalysisLect Notes Comput ScLProgress in Pattern Recogniton, Image Analysis and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Progress in Pediatric CardiologyProg Pediatr CardiolProgress in Perinatal Medicine E M I Lif S2Progress in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical AnalysisProg Ph Bio Anal2Progress in Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology Pr Pharm ClProgress in PhotovoltaicsProg PhotovoltaicsProgress in Physical GeographyProg Phys Geog&Progress in Physical Organic ChemistryProg Phys Org ChemProgress in Planning Prog Plann0Progress in Plant Cellular and Molecular BiologyCurr Plant Sci Biot#Progress in Plant Growth RegulationCurr Plant Sci Biot!Progress in Polyimide Chemistry I Adv Polym Sci"Progress in Polyimide Chemistry Ii Adv Polym SciProgress in Polymer ScienceProg Polym Sci*Progress in Powder Metallurgy, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumProgress in Probability Prog ProbabProgress in Psychiatry Series Prog Psych6Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological PsychologyProg Psychob Physiol>Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology, Vol 17Prog Psychob Physiol>Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology, Vol 18Prog Psychob Physiol1Progress in Pure and Applied Discrete MathematicsProg Pur Ap Discr MProgress in Quantum ElectronicsProg Quant Electron Progress in Radiation ProtectionProg Radiat ProtectProgress in Radiopharmacy Dev Nuc MedProgress in Reaction KineticsProg React Kinet+Progress in Reaction Kinetics and MechanismProg React Kinet Mec5Progress in Research On Energy and Protein Metabolism Eaap Public Progress in Respiration Research Prog R Res Progress in Respiratory Research Prog R Res Progress in Respiratory ResearchProg Respir Res$Progress in Retinal and Eye ResearchProg Retin Eye ResProgress in Retinal ResearchProg Retin Res!Progress in Robotics, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc4Progress in Rubber Plastics and Recycling TechnologyProg Rubber Plast Re0Progress in Safety Science and Technology SeriesProg Safety Sci Tech=Progress in Safety Science and Technology, Vol 4, Pts A and BProg Safety Sci Tech=Progress in Safety Science and Technology, Vol 6, Pts A and BProg Safety Sci Tech?Progress in Safety Science and Technology, Vol Iii, Pts A and BProg Safety Sci Tech=Progress in Safety Science and Technology, Vol Ii, Pt A and BProg Safety Sci TechAProgress in Safety Science and Technology, Vol. Viii, Pts A and BProg Safety Sci Tech?Progress in Safety Science and Technology, Vol Vii, Pts A and BProg Safety Sci Tech=Progress in Safety Science and Technology, Vol V, Pts A and BProg Safety Sci Tech7Progress in Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis Key Eng Mat7Progress in Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis Key Eng MaterCProgress in Semiconductor Materials for Optoelectronic ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PdProgress in Semiconductor Materials V-novel Materials and Electronic and Optoelectronic ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PIProgress in Semiconductors Ii- Electronic and Optoelectronic ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PProgress in Soil ScienceProgr Soil SciFProgress in Soi Structures and Devices Operating At Extreme ConditionsNato Sci Ser Ii MathFProgress in Soi Structures and Devices Operating At Extreme ConditionsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathProgress in Sol-gel Production Key Eng Mater!Progress in Solid State ChemistryProg Solid State Ch,Progress in South American Camelids Research Eaap PublicProgress in Spatial Analysis Adv Spat Sci5Progress in Standardization of Aquatic Toxicity Tests Setac Sp P-Progress in String, Field and Particle TheoryNato Sci Ser Ii Math&Progress in String Theory and M-theoryNato Sci Ser Ii Math"Progress in Structural EngineeringSolid Mech Appl0Progress in Structural Engineering and MaterialsProg Struct Eng MatProgress in Surface Science Prog Surf SciProgress in Surface Treatment Key Eng MaterProgress in Surgery Prog Surg&Progress in Systems and Control Theory Prog Syst C5Progress in The Chemistry of Organic Natural ProductsProg Ch Org Nat Prod5Progress in The Chemistry of Organic Natural ProductsProg Chem Org Nat Pr=Progress in The Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol 92Prog Chem Org Nat Pr=Progress in The Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol 93Prog Chem Org Nat Pr:Progress in The Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer Onkol Koll+Progress in The Management of EndometriosisI C S SProgress in Theoretical BiologyProg Theor Biol-Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics Prog T Chem-Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and PhysicsProg Theor Chem PhysOProgress in The Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of Animal Experimentation Dev An Vet0Progress in The Search for Extraterrestrial Life Astr Soc PProgress in TransplantationProg Transplant$Progress in Transportation Data 1998Transport Res Rec)Progress in Transputer and Occam ResearchTransput Occam Eng SProgress in TurbulenceSpringer Proc PhysProgress in Turbulence IiSpringer Proc PhysProgress in Turbulence IiiSpringer Proc Phys.Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science ViSpringer Ser Chem Ph2Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, Vol ISpringer Ser Chem Ph3Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, Vol IvSpringer Ser Chem Ph7Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, Volume IiiSpringer Ser Chem Ph2Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, Vol VSpringer Ser Chem Ph4Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, Vol ViiSpringer Ser Chem PhMProgress in Variational Methods in Hamiltonian Systems and Elliptic Equations Pitman Res8Progress in Vascular Biology, Hemostasis, and ThrombosisAnn Ny Acad Sci Progress in Veterinary NeurologyProg Vet NeurolProgress in Water ResourcesProgr Wat ResourProgress in Water TechnologyProg Water Technol5Progress in Www Research and Development, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Progress in Zeolite and Microporous Materials, Pts A-cStud Surf Sci Catal%Progression of Chronic Renal DiseasesContrib Nephrol"Progressive Agriculture in Arizona Prog Agr ArizProgressive Architecture Prog ArchitcProgressive Development: to Mitigate The Negative Impact of Global Warming On The Semi-arid RegionsEnviron Sci EngProgressive Fish-culturistProg Fish Cult]Progressive in Modern English: A Corpus-based Study of Grammaticalization and Related Changes Lang Comput5Progressive Nature of Renal Disease : Myths and FactsContrib Nephrol Progress of Machining Technology Key Eng Mat Progress of Machining Technology Key Eng Mater4Progress of Physics Research in Malaysia, Perfik2009 Aip Conf Proc5Progress of Precision Engineering and Nano Technology Key Eng Mat5Progress of Precision Engineering and Nano Technology Key Eng Mater[Progress of Superpave (superior Performing Asphalt Pavement): Evaluation and ImplementationAm Soc Test MaterProgress of Theoretical PhysicsProg Theor Phys*Progress of Theoretical Physics SupplementProg Theor Phys SuppKProgress On Advanced Manufacture for Micro/nano Technology 2005, Pt 1 and 2Mater Sci ForumProgress On Meshless MethodsComp Meth Appl Sci;Project and Program Management: A Competency-based ApproachIchor Bus Books"Project Evaluation Conference 2007Australas I Min MetdProject Governance: Implementing Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in Nonprofit Organizations Contrib EconProjectile Technology Interd Cont1Projecting Potential Output: Methods and Problems Zew Econ StudProjection DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Projection Displays 2000: Sixth in A SeriesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Projection Displays 2000: Sixth in A Series Proc SpieProjection Displays IiP Soc Photo-opt InsProjection Displays IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsProjection Displays IvP Soc Photo-opt InsProjection Displays IxP Soc Photo-opt InsProjection Displays VP Soc Photo-opt InsProjection Displays ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsProjection Displays ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsProjection Displays XiP Soc Photo-opt InsProjection Displays XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Project Management for Healthcare InformaticsHealth Inform SerjProject Management in Libraries, Archives and Museums: Working With Government and Other External PartnersChandos Inf Prof SerProject Management Journal Proj Manag J9Project Scheduling With Time Windows and Scarce ResourcesLect Notes Econ MathDProkaryotic and Eukaryotic Heat Shock Proteins in Infectious DiseaseHeat Shock ProteinsProkaryotic Symbionts in PlantsMicrobiol Monogr'Prolactin Gene Family and Its Receptors Int Congr Ser(Prolactinomas, Prolactin and Weight GainCancer Etiol Diagn T Prolegomena Prolegomena&Prolepsis and Ennoia in The Early StoaSozomena-stud RecovProliferation Control RegimesWeapons Mass Destr S:Proliferation of International Organizations: Legal Issues Leg A Int O+Prologue-quarterly of The National ArchivesPrologueFPrologue-quarterly of The National Archives and Records AdministrationProloguePromet-traffic & TransportationPrometPromet-traffic & Transportation Promet-zagreb6Promise of The Herschel Space Observatory, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ6Promise of The Herschel Space Observatory, Proceedings Esa Spec Publ0Promises and Challenges of Regenerative MedicineE Schering Res Fdn WKPromising Practices for Family and Community Involvement During High SchoolFam Sch Commun PartCPromising Practices for Partnering With Families in The Early YearsFam Sch Commun Part<Promising Practices to Support Family Involvement in SchoolsFam Sch Commun Part7Promoting Active Learning in The Life Science ClassroomAnn Ny Acad Sci)Promoting Creativity Across The Life SpanIss Childr Fam Lives)Promoting Creativity Across The Life SpanIssues Child Fam Liv.Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in RussiaBasees-rout Ser RussIPromoting Democracy and The Rule of Law: American and European StrategiesGov Limit State Promoting Health Through SchoolsWho Tech Rep Ser:Promoting Independence for Older Persons With DisabilitiesAssist Techn Res SerYPromoting Positive Development in Early Childhood: Building Blocks for A Successful StartSearch I Ser Dev Att)Promoting Successful and Productive Aging Prim Prev PBPromoting Young People's Sexual Health: International PerspectivesSex Cult HealthpPromotion of Cooperation Among Research and Development Organizations in The Field of Vocational Training : 1989 Cedefop DocrPromotion of Cooperation Amongst Research and Development Organizations in The Field of Vocational Training : 1988 Cedefop Doc3Prompt Corrective Action in Banking: 10 Years Later Res Fin Serv4Proof and Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy Spectr SerProof and System-reliabilityNato Sci Ser Ii MathProof and System-reliabilityNato Sci Ser Ii-math/Prooftexts-a Journal of Jewish Literary History ProoftextsProof Theory for Fuzzy Logics Appl Log SerProof Theory of Modal Logic Appl Log Ser1Proof Theory: The First Step Into Impredicativity UniversitextgPropaganda and Information Warfare in The Twenty-first Century: Altered Images and Deception OperationsContemp Secur Stud;Propaganda, The Press and Conflict: The Gulf War and KosovoContemp Secur Stud&Propagated Fish in Resource Management Am Fish S S.Propagation and Imaging Through The AtmosphereP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Propagation and Imaging Through The Atmosphere IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Propagation and Imaging Through The Atmosphere IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Propagation and Imaging Through The Atmosphere Iii Proc Spie1Propagation and Imaging Through The Atmosphere IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Propagation Effects of Very Low Frequency Radio Waves Aip Conf Proc,Propagation Engineering : Fourth in A SeriesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Propagation Engineering : Third in A SeriesP Soc Photo-opt InsDPropagation of High-energy Laser Beams Through The Earths AtmosphereP Soc Photo-opt InsGPropagation of High-energy Laser Beams Through The Earths Atmosphere IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Propagation of Ornamental PlantsPropag Ornam PlantsPropellants and ExplosivesPropellants Explos#Propellants Explosives PyrotechnicsPropell Explos Pyrot%Proper Motions and Galactic Astronomy Astr Soc POProperties and Applications of Nanocrystalline Alloys From Amorphous PrecursorsNato Sci Ser Ii MathOProperties and Applications of Nanocrystalline Alloys From Amorphous PrecursorsNato Sci Ser Ii-math7Properties and Applications of Thermoelectric MaterialsNato Sci Peace Sec B7Properties and Applications of Thermoelectric MaterialsNato Science Peace S2Properties and Characteristics of Optical Glass IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Properties and Characteristics of Optical Glass IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Properties and Chemistry of Biomolecular Systems T Molec Org6Properties and Performance of Natural-fibre CompositesWoodhead Publ Mater5Properties and Processing of Vapor-deposited CoatingsMater Res Soc Symp PLProperties of Earth and Planetary Materials At High Pressure and TemperatureGeoph Monog SeriesProperties of Fresh Concrete Rilem ProcyProperties of Ii-vi Semiconductors : Bulk Crystals, Epitaxial Films, Quantum Well Structures, and Dilute Magnetic SystemsMater Res Soc Symp P"Properties of Metal NanostructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Properties of Structural Materials in Liquid Metal Environment K F K Reports@Property in Question: Value Transformation in The Global Economy Wenner-gr C'Property: Meanings, Histories, TheoriesCrit Approach Law.Property Problems: From Genes to Pension FundsWg Hart Leg Worksh S*Property Relations, Incentives and Welfare Iea Conf Vol-Property Testing: Current Reseach and SurveysLect Notes Comput Sc,Prophecy in The Ancient Near Eastern Context Sbl Symp Ser Prophecy in The Book of JeremiahBeih Z Alttest Wiss2Pro-poor Macroeconomics: Potential and LimitationsSoc Policy Dev ConteProportional Hazards RegressionStat Biol Health&Proportional Optimization and FairnessInt Ser Oper Res ManProprotein ConvertasesMethods Mol Biol=Prosodic Categories: Production, Perception and ComprehensionStud Nat Lang LinguiProsodic PhonologyStud Generat Gramm6Prosodies: With Special Reference to Iberian Languages Phonol Phonet Prospects Prospects`Prospects for Amino Acid Biosynthesis Inhibitors in Crop Protection and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Br Crop Pr%Prospects for Artificial Intelligence Fr Art Int=Prospects for A Sustainable Dairy Sector in The Mediterranean Eaap PublicProspects for Automatic Milking Eaap Public"Prospects for Hardware FoundationsLect Notes Comput Sc Prospects for Saline Agriculture Task Veg Sc Prospects for Saline Agriculture Tasks Veg Sci5Prospects in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer Int Congr Ser!Prospects in Mathematical Physics Contemp MathProspects in Topology Ann Math StudHProspects of Buffalo Production in The Mediterranean and The Middle East Eaap PublichProspektrichtlinie Und Prospektverordnung: Eine Dogmatische, Okonomische Und Rechtsvergleichende AnalyseSchr Eur Int Priv B8Prospettiva-rivista Di Storia Dell Arte Antica E Moderna ProspettivaTProstacyclin : New Perspectives for Basic Research and Novel Therapeutic Indications Int Congr Ser$Prostaglandin E1 in Vascular Disease J Vasc DisProstaglandinsProstaglProstaglandinsProstaglandins&Prostaglandins & Other Lipid MediatorsProstag Oth Lipid MGProstaglandins and Control of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell ProliferationAgent Action SupplProstaglandins and MedicineProstag Leukotr Ess$Prostaglandins and Related CompoundsAdv Prostag Thromb L2Prostaglandins and Related Compounds, Vols A and BAdv Prostag Thromb L8Prostaglandins: Biochemistry, Functions, Types and RolesCell Bio Res Prog5Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty AcidsProstag Leukotr Ess(Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and MedicineProsta Leukotr Med(Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and MedicineProstag Leukotr EssProstanoids and DrugsNato Adv Sci I A-lifProstateProstate;Prostate Biopsy: Indications, Techniques, and ComplicationsCurr Clin UrolProstate CancerRadiat Med Rounds#Prostate Cancer and Bone MetastasisAdv Exp Med Biol&Prostate Cancer and Prostatic DiseasesProstate Cancer P DNProstate Cancer Imaging: Computer-aided Diagnosis, Prognosis, and InterventionLect Notes Comput ScJProstate Cancer: Signaling Networks, Genetics, and New Treatment StategiesCurr Clin Oncol'Prosthetics and Orthotics InternationalProsthet Orthot IntJProstituidas Por El Texto: Discurso Prostibulario En La Picaresca FemeninaPurdue Stud Roman LiProstorProstor&Prostrate Cancer and Testicular CancerProg Clin Biol Res0Protcols for Neural Cell Culture, Fourth EditionSpringer Protoc HandProtease Inhibitors Int Congr SerDProteases and Protease Inhibitors in Alzheimers Disease PathogenesisAnn Ny Acad Sci4Proteases and The Regulation of Biological ProcessesBiochem Soc Symp Proteases in Biology and DiseaseProteases Biol Dis!Proteases in Biology and MedicineEssays Biochem0Proteasome-ubiquitin Protein Degradation PathwayCurr Top MicrobiolEProtected Areas and The Regional Planning Imperative in North America Pk Herit ServProtected Cultivation 2002: in Search of Structures, Systems and Plant Materials for Sustainable Greenhouse Production Acta HorticFProtected Land: Disturbance, Stress, and American Ecosystem ManagementSpringer Ser Env Man'Protecting Danube River Basin Resources Nato Asi 2%Protecting Infants Through Human MilkAdv Exp Med Biol.Protecting Persons While Protecting The PeopleLect Notes Comput ScProtection Ecology Prot Ecol<Protection of Civilian Infrastructure From Acts of TerrorismNato Sci Peace Secur=Protection of Materials and Structures From Space Environment Aip Conf Proc=Protection of Materials and Structures From Space EnvironmentSpace Technol ProcAProtection of Materials and Structures From The Space EnvironmentSpace Technol ProcProtection of Metals Prot Met+7Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of SurfacesProt Met Phys Chem+,Protection of Minorities in The Wider EuropePalgrave Stud Eur Un8Protection of Space Materials From The Space EnvironmentSpace Technol Proc5Protection of The Environment From Ionising RadiationIaea Conf Symp Pap&Protection of Well-known Marks in AsiaMax Planck Series7Protective and Pathological Immune Responses in The CnsCurr Top MicrobiolgProtective Cultures, Antimicrobial Metabolites and Bacteriophages for Food and Beverage BiopreservationWoodhead Publ Food S*Protective Devices: Types, Uses and Safety Saf Risk SocBProtective Relaying of Power Systems Using Mathematical Morphology Power Syst4Protective Strategies for Neurodegenerative DiseasesAnn Ny Acad SciProtein & Fat Globule Modifications By Heat Treatment, Homogenization & Other Technological Means for High Quality Dairy Products Int Dairy FiProtein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition: Report of A Joint Who/fao/unu Expert ConsultationWho Tech Rep Ser8Protein and Energy Requirements in Infancy and ChildhoodNestle Nutr Works SeProtein and Peptide LettersProtein Peptide Lett&Protein and Pharmaceutical Engineering Ucla Sym Bi?Protein Biochemistry Synthesis Structure and Cellular FunctionsProtein Biochem Synt5Protein Blotting and Detection: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol$Protein C and Related Anticoagulants Adv Ap Biot-Protein Chromatography: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol'Protein Complexes That Modify ChromatinCurr Top MicrobiolProtein Conformation Ciba F SympCProtein Design and The Development of New Therapeutics and Vaccines N Horiz ThProtein Discovery TechnologiesDrug Discov Ser&Protein Dynamics, Function, and DesignNato Adv Sci I A-lifProtein EngineeringMethod EnzymolProtein Engineering Protein Eng&Protein Engineering Design & SelectionProtein Eng Des Sel7Protein Engineering: Design, Selection and ApplicationsProtein Biochem Synt#Protein Expression and PurificationProtein Expres Purif"Protein Feed for Animal Production Eaap TechProtein Folding Acs Sym Ser%Protein Folding, Evolution and DesignNato Sci Ser I LifeProtein Folding in The CellAdv Protein Chem?Protein Folding, Misfolding, and Disease: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol%Protein Functionality in Food Systems Ift Bas SymIProtein Glycosylation : Cellular, Biotechnological and Analytical AspectsGbf Monog Series#Protein in Food and Human Nutrition Wiss Sch ErProtein Journal Protein J"Protein Kinase A and Human DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciRProtein Kinase C and Its Brain Substrates : Role in Neuronal Growth and PlasticityProg Brain Res+Protein Metabolism and Homeostasis in AgingAdv Exp Med Biol Protein Metabolism and Nutrition Eaap Public!Protein Metabolism During InfancyNestle Nutr Works Se>Protein Microarray for Disease Analysis: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol*Protein Microarrays: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolSProtein Misfolding and Cellular Stress in Disease and Aging: Concepts and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol0Protein Modules and Protein-protein InteractionsAdv Protein Chem&Protein Modules in Cellular SignallingNato Sci S A Lif Sci&Protein Modules in Signal TransductionCurr Top Microbiol%Protein Networks and Pathway AnalysisMethods Mol BiolProtein PhosphatasesMethod EnzymolProtein ProfileProtein ProfileProtein - Protein InteractionAdv Biochem Eng BiotProtein-protein InteractionsBiochem Res Trends)Protein Protocols Handbook, Third EditionSpringer Protoc HandProtein Purification // Acs Sym SerProtein Refolding Acs Sym SerProtein Reviews Protein RevProteins and Cell RegulationProteins Cell RegProteins and Cell RegulationProteins Cell RegulProteins At Interfaces Ii Acs Sym SerProtein Science Protein SciProtein Science and EngineeringProtein Sci EngProtein Science-crcProtein Sci-crc(Protein Secretion: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolQProtein Sensors and Reactive Oxygen Species, Pt A, Selenoproteins and ThioredoxinMethod EnzymolQProtein Sensors and Reactive Oxygen Species, Pt A, Selenoproteins and ThioredoxinMethods EnzymolMProtein Sensors and Reactive Oxygen Species, Pt B, Thiol Enzymes and ProteinsMethod EnzymolMProtein Sensors and Reactive Oxygen Species, Pt B, Thiol Enzymes and ProteinsMethods EnzymolProtein SimulationsAdv Protein Chem$Proteins in Eukaryotic TranscriptionAdv Protein Chem-Proteins: Membrane Binding and Pore FormationAdv Exp Med Biol.Proteins-structure Function and BioinformaticsProteins(Proteins-structure Function and GeneticsProteinsProtein Structure AnalysisSpring Lab Man!Protein Structure and EngineeringNato Adv Sci I A-lif(Protein Structure, Prediction and DesignBiochem Soc Symp Proteolysis and Protein Turnover Portl Pr PProteolysis in Cell Functions Biom Hlth R4Proteolytic Enzymes: Aspartic and Metallo PeptidasesMethod EnzymolSProteolytic Enzymes in Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, and Complement Activation, Part AMethod EnzymolSProteolytic Enzymes in Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, and Complement Activation, Part BMethod Enzymol3Proteolytic Enzymes: Serine and Cysteine PeptidasesMethod EnzymolProteome BioinformaticsMethods Mol Biol(Proteome Characterization and ProteomicsAdv Protein ChemProteome Science Proteome Sci Proteomics Proteomics Proteomics Clinical ApplicationsProteom Clin ApplProteomics in NephrologyContrib Nephrol8Proteomics in Nephrology - Towards Clinical ApplicationsContrib NephrolGProterozoic Tectonic Evolution of The Grenville Orogen in North AmericaGeol Soc Am Mem8Protest and Issues Around The Air Force Refueling TankerDef Secur StrategWProtestant Missionaries, Asian Immigrants, and Ideologies of Race in America, 1850-1924 Stud Asian AmhProtest, Repression and Political Regimes: An Empirical Analysis of Latin America and Sub-saharan Africa Secur GovProteusProteus!Protides of The Biological Fluids Protides B)Protides of The Biological Fluids, Vol 36 Protides BProtistProtistProtistologicaProtistologica;Protocol Politics: The Globalization of Internet GovernanceInform Revol Glob PoIProtocols and Systems for Interactive Distributed Multimedia, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScProtocols for Adult Stem CellsMethods Mol Biol.Protocols for High Speed Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScbProtocols for in Vitro Cultures and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal PlantsMethods Mol Biol8Protocols for in Vitro Propagation of Ornamentals PlantsMethods Mol Biol5Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Xii Ifip Trans C6Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Xiii Ifip Trans CProtocol Test Systems, Iv Ifip Trans CProtocol Test Systems, V Ifip Trans CProtocol Test Systems, Vi Ifip Trans C6Proton Conducting Membrane Fuel Cells Iii, Proceedings Elec Soc SProton-emitting Nuclei Aip Conf Proc)Proton Emitting Nuclei and Related Topics Aip Conf Proc"Proton-emitting Nuclei, Procon '99 Aip Conf Proc2Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells 8, Pts 1 and 2Ecs TransactionsLProton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Contamination and Mitigation StrategiesGreen Chem Chem EngProton TherapyRadiat Med Rounds*Proton Transfer in Hydrogen-bonded SystemsNato Adv Sci I B-phy#Proto-oncogenes in Cell Development Ciba F Symp Protoplasma ProtoplasmaProvable SecurityLect Notes Comput ScProvable Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Provenance and Annotation of DataLect Notes Comput Sc/Provenance and Annotation of Data and ProcessesLect Notes Comput Sc;Providing Quality and Increasing Value to Assure The Future VDI BerichtJProviding Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Environments, Vols 5a and 5bTeletraf Sci EngGProvincial Life and The Military in Imperial Japan: The Phantom SamuraiRoutl Stud Mod HistProvocation and PunishmentBeih Z Alttest WissProximal Soil SensingProgr Soil SciPrzeglad ElektrotechnicznyPrz ElektrotechnicznPrzeglad GastroenterologicznyPrz GastroenterolPrzeglad MenopauzalnyPrz MenopauzalnyPrzemysl Chemiczny Przem ChemP SP SP SPsNPs '09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Power SystemsRec Adv Electr EngPsa 1990, Vol 1 Psa P SerPsa 1990, Vol 2 Psa P SerPsa 1992, Vol 1 Psa P SercPsa 1994 - Proceedings of The 1994 Biennial Meeting of The Philosophy of Science Association, Vol 1 Psa P SercPsa 1994 - Proceedings of The 1994 Biennial Meeting of The Philosophy of Science Association, Vol 2 Psa P Ser Psa and Prostate Cancer ResearchCancer Etiol Diagn TPsalms in Community Sbl Symp Ser@Psam 5: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Vols 1-4Front Sci Series:Psa - Philosophy of Science Association Proceedings Series Psa P SerPseudo Differential OperatorsPseudo Differ Oper0Pseudo-differential Operators and Related Topics Oper Theor0Pseudo-differential Operators and Related TopicsOper Theory Adv ApplRPseudo-differential Operators: Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Oper TheorRPseudo-differential Operators: Complex Analysis and Partial Differential EquationsOper Theory Adv ApplYPseudo-differential Operators: Partial Differential Equations and Time-frequency AnalysisFields I CommunYPseudo-differential Operators: Partial Differential Equations and Time-frequency AnalysisFields Inst Commun7Pseudo-differential Operators: Quantization and SignalsLect Notes Math(Pseudomonas-aeruginosa in Human DiseasesAntibiot ChemotherPsicologia ConductualPsicol ConductPsicologia-reflexao E CriticaPsicol-reflex Crit Psicologica Psicologica Psicothema Psicothema Psihologija PsihologijaPsikhologicheskii Zhurnal Psikhol ZhPsiquisPsiquis/Psn-psychiatrie Sciences Humaines NeurosciencesPsn-psychiat Sci 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NeuroimagingNato Sci Ser I LifeRPsychiatric Nurses Perceptions of The Constituents of The Therapeutic RelationshipNurs Iss Probl ChallPsychiatric QuarterlyPsychiat Quart"Psychiatric Rehabilitation JournalPsychiatr Rehabil J<Psychiatric Research Trends: Dreams and Geriatric PsychiatryPsychiat Theor ApplPsychiatric Services Psychiat ServPsychiatric ServicesPsychiatr ServPsychiatrie De L EnfantPsychiat EnfantPsychiatrische Praxis Psychiat Prax Psychiatry Psychiatr%Psychiatry and Clinical NeurosciencesPsychiat Clin NeurosPsychiatry and EmpireCamb Imp Post-col StPsychiatry and EthicsBibl Psychiat Pol'Psychiatry : A World Perspective, Vol 1 Int Congr Ser'Psychiatry : A World Perspective, Vol 2 Int Congr Ser'Psychiatry : A World Perspective, Vol 3 Int Congr Ser'Psychiatry : A World Perspective, Vol 4 Int Congr SerPsychiatry Digest Psychiat DigPsychiatry in Medicine Psychiat MedPsychiatry in Progress SeriesPsychiat Progr Ser1Psychiatry-interpersonal and Biological Processes PsychiatryPsychiatry InvestigationPsychiat Invest)Psychiatry, Psychoimmunology, and VirusesKey Top Brain ResPsychiatry Psychology and LawPsychiat Psychol LawPsychiatry Research Psychiat Res Psychiatry Research-neuroimagingPsychiat Res-neuroim,Psychiatry Theory Applications and TreatmentPsychiat Theor ApplPsychoanalyses/feminismsSuny S Fem Crit2Psychoanalysis Education and Social TransformationPsychoanal Educ SocPsychoanalysis in A New KeyPsychoanal New KeyPsychoanalytic DialoguesPsychoanal DialoguesPsychoanalytic InquiryPsychoanal Inq"Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book SeriesPsychoanal Inq BookPsychoanalytic PsychologyPsychoanal PsycholPsychoanalytic QuarterlyPsychoanal QuartPsychoanalytic ReviewPsychoanal Rev!Psychoanalytic Study of The ChildPsychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 53Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 55Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 56Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 57Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 58Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 59Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 60Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 61Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 62Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 63Psychoanal Stud Chil)Psychoanalytic Study of The Child, Vol 64Psychoanal Stud Chil Psychobiology Psychobiology'Psychobiology of Human Eating DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci.Psychobiology of Posttraumatic Stress DisorderAnn Ny Acad SciDPsychobiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Decade of ProgressAnn Ny Acad SciPsychobiology of StressNato Adv Sci I D-beh?Psychobiology Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa Am PsychopPsychocultural ReviewPsychocult Rev`Psychogenic Denture Intolerance: Theoretical Background, Prevention, and Treatment PossibilitiesDent Sci Mater Tech=Psychogenic Movement Disorders: Neurology and NeuropsychiatryNeurol Ref SerPsychogeriatricsPsychogeriatricsZPsycholinguistik/psycholinguistics: Ein Internationales Handbuch/an International HandbookHandb Sprach Kommun Psychologia PsychologiaPsychologia Africana Psychol AfrPsychologica Belgica Psychol Belg3Psychological Agency: Theory, Practice, and CultureBradford Books@Psychological and Physiological Aspects of Chronic Renal FailureContrib Nephrol6Psychological Approaches to Chronic Disease Management Hlthc UtiliPsychological Approaches to Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Clinician's Guide to Assessment and TreatmentSer Anxiety Relat Di*Psychological Approaches to SustainabilityEnviron Sci Eng TechKPsychological Aspects of Social Axioms: Understanding Global Belief SystemsInt Cult PsycholPsychological AssessmentPsychol AssessmentPsychological Bulletin Psychol BullRPsychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions: A New Classification for Dsm-vAdv Psychosom MedCPsychological Impact of Living Under Violence and Poverty in BrazilPsychol Res ProgPsychological Inquiry Psychol InqPsychological IssuesPsychol IssuesPsychological Medicine Psychol MedPsychological MethodsPsychol MethodsPsychological MonographsPsychol Monogr,Psychological Monographs-general and AppliedPsychol Monogr-gen AdPsychological Perspectives On Early Childhood Education: Reframing Dilemmas in Research and PracticeRutg Inv Symp Educ S8Psychological Perspectives On Human Diversity in America Mast Lect PPsychological Record Psychol RecPsychological Reports Psychol Rep/Psychological Research-psychologische ForschungPsychol Res-psych FoPsychological Review Psychol Rev*Psychological Review-monograph SupplementsPsychol Rev-monogr SPsychological Science Psychol SciOPsychological Scientific Perspectives On Out-of-body and Near-death ExperiencesPsychol Res ProgjPsychological Selection and Optimal Experience Across Cultures: Social Empowerment Through Personal GrowthCross Cult Adv PositPsychological Services Psychol ServPsychological Studies Psychol Stud8Psychological Trauma-theory Research Practice and PolicyPsychol Trauma-usPsychological Well-beingPsychol Emot Motiv A Psychologie PsychologPsychologie & GezondheidPsychol Gezondh0Psychologie & Neuropsychiatrie Du VieillissementPsychol Neuropsychia+Psychologie Du Travail Et Des OrganisationsPsychol Trav OrganPsychologie Francaise Psychol Fr'Psychologie in Erziehung Und UnterrichtPsychol Erz UnterrLPsychologie-schweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie Und Ihre Andwendungen PsychologiePsychologie V Ekonomicke PraxiPsychol Ekon PraxPsychologische Beitrage Psychol BeitrPsychologische ForschungPsychol ForschPsychologische PraxisPsychol Prax-baselPsychologische RundschauPsychol Rundsch Psychologist Psychologist Psychology PsychologyPsychology & HealthPsychol HealthPsychology & MarketingPsychol MarketPsychology and Aging Psychol AgingPsychology and Criminal JusticePub Eur Assoc PsychbPsychology and Philosophy: Inquiries Into The Soul From Late Scholasticism to Contemporary ThoughtStud Hist Philos Min9Psychology and Psychotherapy-theory Research and PracticePsychol Psychother-tPsychology Crime & LawPsychol Crime LawPsychology Health & MedicinePsychol Health MedPsychology in The SchoolsPsychol Schools!Psychology of Addictive BehaviorsPsychol Addict Behav0Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and The ArtsPsychol Aesthet Crea7Psychology of Burnout: Predictors and Coping MechanismsPsychol Res ProgPsychology of DenialPsychol Emot Motiv A.Psychology of Emotions Motivations and ActionsPsychol Emot Motiv AZPsychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring The Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion Advert ConsPsychology of ExpectationsPsychol Emot Motiv APsychology of Global MobilityInt Cult PsycholPsychology of IntuitionPsychol Emot Motiv A7Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and ResearchLeas Org Man Series%Psychology of Learning and MotivationPsychol Learn MotivEPsychology of Learning and Motivation-advances in Research and TheoryPsychol Learn MotivFPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and TheoryPsychol Learn Motiv_Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory: Cognitve Vision, Vol 42Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 30Psychol Learn MotivOPsychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 31Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 39Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 40Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 43Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 44Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 45Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 46Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 49Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 51Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 52Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 53Psychol Learn MotivNPsychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol 54Psychol Learn Motiv=Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Cognition in EducationPsychol Learn Motiv-Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Vol 35Psychol Learn Motiv1Psychology of Liberation: Theory and ApplicationsPeace Psychol Book SPsychology of Men & MasculinityPsychol Men MasculinPsychology of Music Psychol Music#Psychology of Neuroticism and ShamePsychol Emot Motiv APsychology of OptimismPsychol Emot Motiv APsychology of PersuasionPsychol Emot Motiv APsychology of PessimismPsychol Emot Motiv A6Psychology of Prejudice : The Ontario Symposium, Vol 7 Ont Symp P-Psychology of Reading and Reading Instruction Psychol Read'Psychology of Religion and SpiritualityPsychol Relig Spirit Psychology of Sport and ExercisePsychol Sport ExercLPsychology of Strategic Terrorism: Public and Government Responses to AttackContemp Terror StudPsychology of TerrorismCass Ser Polit ViolePsychology of ThinkingPsychol Emot Motiv A2Psychology of Values: The Ontario Symposium, Vol 8 Ont Symp PPsychology of Women QuarterlyPsychol Women Quart Psychology Public Policy and LawPsychol Public Pol L!Psychology: Pythagoras to PresentBradford BooksKPsychology, Religion, and The Nature of The Soul: A Historical EntanglementLibr Hist Psychol ThPsychology Research ProgressPsychol Res Prog"Psychology, Spelling and Education MultilingPsychology Today Psychol Today Psychometrika Psychometrika(Psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology (pnei) Int Congr SerPsychoneuroendocrinologyPsychoneuroendocrinoPsychonomic Bulletin & Review Psychon B RevPsychonomic Science Psychon SciPsycho-oncologiePsycho-oncologiePsycho-oncology Psycho-oncolPsycho-oncologyPsycho-oncologyPsychopathologie AfricainePsychopathol AfrPsychopathologyPsychopathologyPsychopathology and The Brain Am Psychop:Psychopathy: Theory, Research and Implications for SocietyNato Adv Sci I D-behHPsychopedagogy: Freud, Lacan, and The Psychoanalytic Theory of EducationPsychoanal Educ SocPsychopharmacologiaPsychopharmacologiaPsychopharmacologyPsychopharmacologyPsychopharmacology BulletinPsychopharmacol Bull!Psychopharmacology CommunicationsPsychopharmacol Comm Psychopharmacology Series-berlin Psychoph SPsychopharmakotherapiePsychopharmakotherapLPsychophysiological States: The Ultradian Dynamics of Mind Body InteractionsInt Rev NeurobiolPsychophysiologyPsychophysiology#Psychosocial Rehabilitation JournalPsychosoc Rehabil JPsychosocial Stress SeriesPsychosoc StresPsychosomatic Medicine Psychosom MedPsychosomaticsPsychosomaticssPsychosomatik: Literarische, Philosophische Und Medizinische Geschichten Zur Entstehung Eines Diskurses (1778-1936)Hermaea Ger ForschPsychotherapeutPsychotherapeut'Psychotherapie Medizinische PsychologiePsychother Med Psych5Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische PsychologiePsychother Psych Med Psychotherapy Psychother Psychotherapy PsychotherapyIPsychotherapy, American Culture, and Social Policy: Immoral Individualism Cult Mind Soc Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsPsychother Psychosom#Psychotherapy and Religion in JapanJpn Anthropol Worksh&Psychotherapy Indications and Outcomes Am PsychopPsychotherapy ResearchPsychother Res*Psychotherapy-theory Research and PracticePsychother-theor ResPsychotherapy With Older MenRout Ser Counsel Psycoloquy PsycoloquyPtb-mitteilungenPtb-mitt Ptb-textePtb Text Pteridines Pteridines>Ptl-a Journal for Descriptive Poetics and Theory of LiteraturePtl-j Descript PoetPtolemy in Perspective Archimedes{Pubblicazioni Del Dipartimento Di Studi Sulla Storia Del Pensiero Europeo "m F Sciacca", Universita Di Genova, Sezione AttiPubb Sciacca 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Husserl Phaenomenol.Publications Astronomical Society of AustraliaPubl Astron Soc AustlPublication Series - European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, Affiliated With The United Nations Ps Eur Inst>Publications From The National Museum in Archaeology & HistoryPubl Natl Mus Stud3Publications in Ethnology-national Museum of Canada Publ EthnolPublications Mathematiques Publ MathPublications MathematiquesPubl Math-paris+Publications Mathematiques De L'hes, No 102Publ Math-paris$Publications Mathematiques De L Ihes Publ Math$Publications Mathematiques De L IhesPubl Math Ihes$Publications Mathematiques De L IhesPubl Math-paris,Publications Mathematiques De L'ihes, No 100Publ Math-paris,Publications Mathematiques De L'ihes, No 101Publ Math-paris+Publications Mathematiques De L'ihes No 103Publ Math-paris,Publications Mathematiques De L'ihes, No 104Publ Math-paris,Publications Mathematiques De L'ihes, No 105Publ Math-paris,Publications Mathematiques De L'ihes, No 106Publ 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Assoc?Publications of The Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade SeriesPub Astro Obs Belgr@Publications of The Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade--seriesPub Astro Obs Belgr5Publications of The Astronomical Society of AustraliaPubl Astron Soc Aust1Publications of The Astronomical Society of JapanPubl Astron Soc Jpn7Publications of The Astronomical Society of The PacificPubl Astron Soc Pac6Publications of The Dominion Astrophysical ObservatoryPubl Dom Astrophys O*Publications of The Egon-sohmen-foundationPub Egon Sohmen Fdn%Publications of The Eisenhower Center Publ Eisenh*Publications of The English Goethe SocietyPubl Engl Goethe Soc<Publications of The Eric Samson Chair in Jewish Civilization Pub Eric S>Publications of The European Association of Psychology and LawPub Eur Assoc PsychPublications of The Forestry and Agricultural Sciences Committee (poznan Society for The Advancement of Arts and Sciences Ptpn)Ptpn Roln Lesn/Publications of The German Historical InstitutePubl Ger Hist InstHPublications of The Helen Dowling Institute for Biopsychosocial MedicinePubl Hdi1Publications of The Institute of Germanic StudiesPubl I Ger StudRPublications of The International Center for Research On Bilingualism, A : Studies Publ Icrb A7Publications of The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies Publ Jc Str:Publications of The Modern Humanities Research AssociationPubl Mod Hum Res Ass$Publications of The Newton InstitutePubl Newton Inst@Publications of The Research Institute for Mathematical SciencesPubl Res I Math SciPPublications of The Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Special Publication SeriesP Seto Mar Biol LabBPublications of The Sir Thomas Browne Institute Leiden, New Series Publ Thom B/Publications of The Thomas Instituut Te UtrechtPub Thomas InstLPublications of The University of Kuopio : Medicine, Statistiics and Reviews Publ K MedCPublications of The Water and Environment Administration - Series APubl Wat Environ Adm#Publications On Information Science Schr Inform Public Choice Public Choice Public Concept of Land OwnershipCompar Int Law StPublic CulturePublic CulturePublic Debt and Economic GrowthDynam Mod Econ Econ#Public Education On Diet and Cancer Dev OncolPPublic Ethics and Governance: Standards and Practices in Comparative PerspectiveRes Public Policy AnPublic FinancePublic Finance3Public Finance and Public Policy in The New CenturyCesifo Seminar Ser!Public Finance-finances Publiques Public Financ7Public Finance in Developing and Transitional CountriesStud Fisc Fed Sl Fin7Public Finance in Developing and Transitional CountriesStud Fiscal Fed StatPublic Finance QuarterlyPublic Financ QuartPublic Finance ReviewPublic Financ Rev Public Health Public Health.Public Health and Protection of The Population Int Congr SerPublic Health GenomicsPublic Health GenomPublic Health GenomicsPublic Health GenomiNPublic Health in Asia and The Pacific: Historical and Comparative PerspectivesRoutl Adv Asia-pac!Public Health in The 21st CenturyPub Health Cent!Public Health in The 21st CenturyPublic Health 21st CPublic Health NursingPublic Health NursPublic Health NutritionPublic Health NutrPublic Health Policy and EthicsInt Libr Eth Law NewPublic Health ReportsPublic Health RepPublic Health ReviewsPublic Health RevFPublic Health-the Journal of The Society of Medical Officers of HealthPublic H-j Soc Med OPublic HistorianPubl HistorianPublic InterestPublic InterestPublic Key CryptographyLect Notes Comput ScPublic-key Cryptography Proc Sym Ap/Public Key Cryptography - Pkc 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Public Key Cryptography - Pkc 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Public Key Cryptography - Pkc 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc/Public Key Cryptography - Pkc 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Public Key Cryptography - Pkc 2007Lect Notes Comput Sc"Public Key Cryptography - Pkc 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc-Public Key Cryptography-pkc 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Public Key Cryptography - Pkc 2010, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput 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InstrumentsHigh Educ Dynam&Public Policy for Regional DevelopmentRoutl Stud Glob CompXPublic Policy in An Entrepreneurial Economy: Creating The Conditions for Business GrowthInt Stud EntrepPublic Policy SeriesPublic Policy Ser!Public Policy: Why Ethics Matters Anzsog Monogr-Public Procurement: The Continuing RevolutionInt Econ Dev Law Ser)Public Purpose of Education and Schooling Jos-bas EdcMPublic Relations in Global Cultural Contexts: Multi-paradigmatic Perspectives Commun Ser1Public Relations Metrics: Research and EvaluationLea Commun SerPublic Relations ReviewPublic Relat RevPublic Relations TheoryCommunic Public Roads Public Roads(Public Safety/law Enforcement TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Public Service Interpreting:the First StepsPalg Txb Transl Inte$Public Services Under ReconstructionRoutl Stud Manag Org4Public Sphere: Liberal Modernity, Catholicism, IslamCult Relig Int Relat Public Square Pub SquareGPublic Transport: Its Planning, Management and Operation, Fifth EditionNat 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PregnancyRespir Med SerPulp & Paper-canadaPulp Pap-canada,Pulp and Paper Industry Technical ConferencePulp Pap Ind Tech Co!Pulp and Paper Magazine of CanadaPulp Paper Mag Can6Pulsar Astronomy - 2000 and Beyond: Iau Colloquium 177 Astr Soc PPulsars: Problems and Progress Astr Soc P5Pulsation, Rotation and Mass Loss in Early-type StarsIau SympVPulsed Electric Fields Technology for The Food Industry: Fundamentals and Applications Food Eng SerPulsed Metal Vapour LasersNato Sci S 1 Disarm&Pulsed Rf Sources for Linear Colliders Aip Conf ProcPulse Power for Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsPumping Sludge and Slurry Imeche SemPumps and Their Applications Pumps ApplPumps-pompes-pumpenPumps-pompes-pumpen]Pumps, Transporters, and Ion Channels: Studies On Their Structure, Function, and Cell Biology Ser Cent Es3Punctured Torus Groups and 2-bridge Knot Groups (i)Lect Notes Math6Punishment & Society-international Journal of Penology Punishm SocAPunishment and Freedom: The Rabbinic Construction of Criminal LawDivin Reread Late AnTPunishment, Justice and International Relations: Ethics and Order After The Cold WarContemp Secur Stud Punishment, Politics and CultureStud Law Politics So7Punitive Damages: Common Law and Civil Law PerspectivesTort Insur LawJPupil Assessment and The Role of Final Examinations in Secondary Education Eur Educ R7Puppet and The Dwarf: The Perverse Core of ChristianityShort CircuitsPuppetry Journal Puppetry J%Purdue Studies in Romance LiteraturesPurdue Stud Roman LiPure and Applied ChemistryPure Appl ChemPure and Applied GeophysicsPure Appl GeophysTPure and Applied Mathematics : A Program of Monographs, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes Pure A Math&Pure and Applied Mathematics QuarterlyPure Appl Math QPure and Applied Optics Pure Appl OptPurely Objective RealitySemiot Commun Cognit*Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man IxAdv Exp Med Biol,Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man ViiiAdv Exp Med Biol1Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man Vii, Pt AAdv Exp Med 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Dental Technology 2008Qdt+Qdt: Quintessence of Dental Technology 2009Qdt+Qdt: Quintessence of Dental Technology 2010Qdt+Qdt: Quintessence of Dental Technology 2011QdtQed Structure Functions Aip Conf Proc`Qest 2004: First International Conference On The Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, ProceedingsInt Conf Quant EvalSQest 2006: Third International Conference On The Quantitative Evaluation of SystemsInt Conf Quant Eval Qirt JournalQirt J(Qjm-an International Journal of Medicine Qjm-int J Med4Qjm-monthly Journal of The Association of PhysiciansQjm-mon J Assoc Phys(Qme-quantitative Marketing and EconomicsQme-quant Mark Econ Qohelet in The Context of Wisdom Bib Eph The2Qp-pq Quantum Probability and White Noise AnalysisQtm Prob Wht NoiQp - Quaternary Proceedings Quat ProcQsar & Combinatorial Science Qsar Comb Sci)Qsar in Environmental and Health SciencesQsar Environ HealthJQsic 2006: Sixth International Conference On Quality Software, ProceedingsInt Conf Qual SoftwQQsic 2008: Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference On Quality SoftwareInt Conf Qual SoftwQso Absorption LinesEso Astrophy SympQstQstQ-theory of Finite SemigroupsSpringer Monogr Math+Qt Prolongation and Ventricular ArrhythmiasAnn Ny Acad Sci*Quaderni Della Revista Di Economia Agraria Quad Riv Ec.Quaderni Della Rivista Italiana Di Musicologia Quad Riv It(Quaderni Dell Ingegnere Chimico ItalianoQuad Ing Chim ItalQuaderni Di Sociologia Quad SociolQuaderni D Italianistica Quad ItalQuaderni MedievaliQuad MedievaliOQuaderni Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa-monographs Scuola Normale Superiore PisaQuad Sc Norm SuperQuaderni Storici Quad Storici%Quaderni Urbinati Di Cultura ClassicaQuad Urbin Cult Clas%Quaderni Urbinati Di Cultura ClassicaQuad Urbinati Cult CQuadrangular Algebras Math N Princ3Quadratic Forms - Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry Contemp MathSQuadrature Domains and Their Applications: The Harold S. Shapiro Anniversary Volume Oper TheorSQuadrature Domains and Their Applications: The Harold S. Shapiro Anniversary VolumeOper Theory Adv ApplQuadruplex Nucleic AcidsRsc Biomol SciQuaestiones Mathematicae Quaest Math&Qualification of Inspection Procedures Euro Mech M*Qualitas Plantarum Et Materiae VegetabilesQual Plant Mater Veg2Qualitas Plantarum-plant Foods for Human Nutrition Qual Plant0Qualitative and Quantitative Practical ReasoningLect Notes Artif IntQualitative Health ResearchQual Health Res:Qualitative Housing Analysis: An International PerspectiveStud Qual MethodolPQualitative Indicators of Labour Standards: Comparative Methods and ApplicationsSoc Indic Res SerQualitative InquiryQual InqAQualitative Methods in Inverse Scattering Theory: An IntroductionInteract Mech MathQualitative ResearchQual ResQualitative Sociology Qual Sociol9Qualitative Spatial Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning Cogn Technol:Qualitative Spatial Reasoning With Topological InformationLect Notes Artif Int,Qualitative Theory of Differential EquationsColloq Math Soc J B1Qualitative Theory of Planar Differential Systems Universitext8Qualitative Urban Analysis: An International PerspectiveStud Qual MethodolQualities of FoodNew Dynam Innov CompQuality & Quantity Qual QuantQuality & Safety in Health CareQual Saf Health Care1Quality and Reliability Engineering InternationalQual Reliab Eng Int+Quality and Reliability for Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Quality and Reliability of Large-eddy Simulations Ercoftac Ser0Quality and Statistics: Total Quality ManagementAm Soc Test MateraQuality Assurance and Quality Control in The Analytical Chemical Laboratory: A Practical Approach Anal Chem Ser-Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & FoodsQual Assur Saf Crop-Quality Assurance for Analytical Laboratories Roy Soc Ch&Quality Assurance in The Fish Industry Dev Food Sci0Quality Assurance Through Cooperation in Surgery Langeng Arc&Quality Control of Concrete Structures Rilem Proc>Quality Control of Veterinary Vaccines in Developing Countries Fao Anim PrPQuality Decision Management - The Heart of Effective Futures-oriented ManagementTop Saf Risk Reliab!Quality Education (at) A DistanceInt Fed Info ProcQuality for AllLect Notes Comput Sc/Quality Improvement Through Statistical MethodsStat Ind TechnolQuality in Health CareQual Health Care+Quality Issues in Clinical Genetic ServicesAdv Mar Genomics7Quality Matters: From Clinical Care to Customer ServiceQuintessent Dent PraQuality of ContextLect Notes Comput Sc-Quality of Democracy: Theory and ApplicationsHelen Kellogg Inst$Quality of Fresh and Processed FoodsAdv Exp Med Biol#Quality of Future Internet ServicesLect Notes Comput Sc0Quality of Future Internet Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Quality of Life and Quality of Care in Epilepsy Roy S Med S<Quality of Life and Quality of Care in Epilepsy: Update 1993 Roy S Med S:Quality of Life in Ireland: Social Impact of Economic BoomSoc Indic Res Ser5Quality of Life of Chinese People in A Changing WorldSoc Indic Res SerQuality of Life Research Qual Life ResRQuality-of-llife Community Indicators for Parks, Recreation and Tourism ManagementSoc Indic Res SerEQuality of Meat and Fat in Pigs As Affected By Genetics and Nutrition Eaap Public8Quality of Protection: Security Measurements and Metrics Adv Inf Sec8Quality of Protection: Security Measurements and MetricsAdv Inform Secur;Quality of Service in Multiservice Ip Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCQuality of Service in The Emerging Networking Panorama, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Quality of Service - Iwqos 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Quality of Service - Iwqos 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Quality of Service Over Next-generation Data NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Quality of Service Over Next-generation Data Networks Proc Spie0Quality of Service Over Next-generation InternetP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Quality of Service Over Next-generation Internet Proc Spie!Quality of Software ArchitecturesLect Notes Comput ScCQuality of Software Architectures and Software Quality, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Quality of Software Architectures, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScQuality of The Body Cell Mass Serono SympQuality Progress Qual Prog.Quality Technology and Quantitative ManagementQual Technol Quant M"Quality Through Engineering Design Adv Ind EngvQuality Uncertainty and Perception: Information Asymmetry and Management of Quality Uncertainty and Quality PerceptionContrib Manag Sci Quantification of Brain Function Int Congr Ser*Quantified Societal Risk and Policy Making Tech Risk SYQuantifiers in Action: Generalized Quantification in Query, Logical and Natural LanguagesAdv Database Syst Quantifying Consumer PreferencesContrib Econ Anal&Quantifying The Agri-food Supply Chain Wag Ur FronrQuantifying The Evolution of Early Life : Numerical Approaches to The Evaluation of Fossils and Ancient Ecosystems Top Geobiol3Quantitation in Biomedical Imaging With Pet and Mri Int Congr Ser!Quantitative Analyses of Behavior Quant An B(Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, Vol 8 Quant An B(Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, Vol 9 Quant An B;Quantitative Analysis and The Planning of Social Protection Stud Res Ss@Quantitative Analysis of Cognitive Radio and Network PerformanceArtech Hse Mob Comm/Quantitative Arithmetic of Projective Varieties Prog Math(Quantitative Assessment in Epilepsy CareNato Adv Sci Inst Se#Quantitative Coronary ArteriographyDev Cardiovasc MedHQuantitative Description of Ionospheric Storm Effects and Irregularities Adv Space ResRQuantitative Diagenesis: Recent Developments and Applications to Reservoir GeologyNato Adv Sci Inst Se3Quantitative Economic History: The Good of CountingRoutl Explor Econ HiGQuantitative Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of Andrew Hughes HallettAdv Comput Econ:Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: Qest 2008, ProceedingsInt Conf Quant EvalQuantitative Finance Quant FinancQuantitative Fund ManagementCh Crc Financ Math9Quantitative Genetics and Breeding Methods: The Way Ahead Colloq Inra'Quantitative Genetics in Maize BreedingHandb Plant Breed&Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics Quant Geo GpQuantitative Health Risk Analysis Methods: Modeling The Human Health Impacts of Antibiotics Used in Food AnimalsInt Ser Oper Res Man4Quantitative Immunohistology: Problems and SolutionsImmunol Immune Syst9Quantitative Information Fusion for Hydrological SciencesStud Comput IntellQuantitative LinguisticsQuant Linguist2Quantitative Linguistics / Quantitative LinguistikHandb Sprach Kommun1Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing 2010, Vol 2Adv Intel Soft CompuZQuantitative Methods in Education and The Behavioral Sciences-issues Research and TeachingQuant Meth Educ Beha$Quantitative Methods in FractographyAm Soc Test Mater'Quantitative Methods in Soil MineralogySssa Misc Publicat/Quantitative Modeling of Soil Forming ProcessesSssa Spec Publ|Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Data Envelopment Analysis With Spreadsheets, Second EditionInt Ser Oper Res ManXQuantitative Neuroscience: Models, Algorithms, Diagnostics, and Therapeutic Applications Biocomp SerQuantitative Particle PhysicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se<Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and ToolsPrinc Ser Financ-Quantitative Structure-activity RelationshipsQuant Struct-act RelMQuantitative Structure-activity Relationships in Environmental Sciences - Vii Setac Sp P-Quantization of Singular Symplectic Quotients Prog Math3Quantized Vortex Dynamics and Superfluid TurbulenceLect Notes PhysJQuantum 1/f Noise & Other Low Frequency Fluctuations in Electronic Devices Aip Conf ProcLQuantum 1/f Noise and Other Low Frequency Fluctuations in Electronic Devices Aip Conf ProcMQuantum Affine Algebras, Extended Affine Lie Algebras, and Their Applications Contemp MathFQuantum Analogues: From Phase Transitions to Black Holes and CosmologyLect Notes PhysQuantum and Nonlinear OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Quantum and Semiclassical OpticsQuantum Semicl OptIQuantum and Semi-classical Percolation and Breakdown in Disordered SolidsLect Notes Phys@Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and UnificationLect Notes Phys0Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunnelling in SolidMolecul Phys RepGQuantum Bio-informatics Ii: From Quantum Information to Bio-informaticsQtm Prob Wht NoiHQuantum Bio-informatics Iii: From Quantum Information to Bio-informaticsQtm Prob Wht NoiNQuantum Causality: Conceptual Issues in The Causal Theory of Quantum MechanicsSt Hist Phil Sci Ser Quantum ChaosP Int Sch Phys#Quantum Chaos - Quantum MeasurementNato Adv Sci I C-mat0Quantum Chemistry : Basic Aspects, Actual TrendsStud Phys Theo Chem%Quantum Chromodynamics On The LatticeLect Notes Phys!Quantum Coherence and Decoherence N-holland D(Quantum Coherence: From Quarks to SolidsLect Notes Phys&Quantum Coherence in Mesoscopic SystemNato Adv Sci I B-phy2Quantum Communication and Information TechnologiesNato Sci Ser Ii Math2Quantum Communication and Information TechnologiesNato Sci Ser Ii-math0Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing Aip Conf Proc7Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (qcmc) Aip Conf Proc*Quantum Communications and Quantum ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging Proc Spie-Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging Iv Proc Spie,Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging V Proc Spie-Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging Vi Proc Spie/Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging Viii Proc SpieQuantum Communications RealizedP Soc Photo-opt InsQuantum Communications Realized Proc Spie"Quantum Communications Realized IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Quantum Computation and Information: From Theory to Experiment Top Appl PhysQuantum ComputingP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Quantum Computing and Quantum CommunicationsLect Notes Comput Sc#Quantum Computing: Back Action 2006 Aip Conf Proc<Quantum Computing Devices: Principles, Designs, and AnalysisCh Crc Appl Math Non(Quantum Computing Without Magic: DevicesSci Eng Comput-Quantum Confined Semiconductor NanostructuresMater Res Soc Symp P<Quantum Confinement Vi: Nanostructured Materials and Devices Elec Soc SQuantum Control and Measurement N-holland DGQuantum Cosmology - The Supersymmetric Perspective, Vol 1: FundamentalsLect Notes Phys:Quantum Cosmology - The Supersymmetric Perspective - Vol 2Lect Notes Phys*Quantum Decoherence: Poincare Seminar 2005 Prog Math P*Quantum Decoherence: Poincare Seminar 2005Prog Math Phys!Quantum Dot Devices and ComputingP Soc Photo-opt InsQuantum Dots 2010J Phys Conf Ser,Quantum Dots: A Doorway to Nanoscale PhysicsLect Notes PhysNQuantum Dots and Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Modeling Vii Proc SpieOQuantum Dots and Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Modeling Viii Proc Spie7Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications, and FrontiersNato Sci Ser Ii Math7Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications, and FrontiersNato Sci Ser Ii-math-Quantum Dots, Nanoparticles, and NanoclustersP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Quantum Dots, Nanoparticles and NanowiresMater Res Soc Symp P0Quantum Dots, Nanoparticles, and Nonoclusters IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters VP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Quantum Dynamics of Complex Molecular SystemsSpringer Ser Chem Ph-Quantum Dynamics of Complex Molecular SystemsSpringer Series Chem(Quantum Dynamics of Submicron StructuresNato Adv Sci Inst Se4Quantum Effect Physics, Electronics and ApplicationsInst Phys Conf SerAQuantum Efficiency in Complex Systems, Pt I: Biomolecular SystemsSemiconduct Semimet1Quantum Electrodynamics and Physics of The Vacuum Aip Conf ProcQuantum ElectronicsQuantum Electron+&Quantum Electronics and Plasma Physics Ital Phy So(Quantum Electronics and Plasma Physics / Ital Phy SoQuantum Electronics MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt InsQuantum Electronics Metrology Proc Spie/Quantum Entanglement and Information Processing Les Houch SQuantum Few-body Systems Aip Conf Proc%Quantum Fields and Quantum Space TimeNato Adv Sci I B-phy0Quantum Field Theory and Noncommutative GeometryLect Notes Phys&Quantum Field Theory and String TheoryNato Adv Sci Inst SePQuantum Field Theory On Curved Spacetimes: Concepts and Mathematical FoundationsLect Notes Phys1Quantum Field Theory: Perspective and ProspectiveNato Adv Sci I C-matQuantum Fluctuations Les Houch S%Quantum Graphs and Their Applications Contemp Math3Quantum Gravity: From Theory to Experimental SearchLect Notes PhysQuantum GroupsIrma Lect Math TheorQuantum GroupsLect Notes Math!Quantum Groups and Related Topics Math Phys S0Quantum Groups and Their Applications in PhysicsP Int Sch Phys\Quantum Groups, Quantum Foundations, and Quantum Information: A Festschrift for Tony SudberyJ Phys Conf Ser*Quantum Hall Effect: Poincare Seminar 2004 Prog Math P*Quantum Hall Effect: Poincare Seminar 2004Prog Math PhysdQuantum Independent Increment Processes I: From Classical Probability to Quantum Stochastic CalculusLect Notes MathsQuantum Independent Increment Processes Ii: Structure of Quantum Levy Processes, Classical Probability, and PhysicsLect Notes MathQuantum Informatics 2004P Soc Photo-opt InsQuantum Informatics 2005P Soc Photo-opt InsQuantum Informatics 2005 Proc SpieQuantum Informatics 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsQuantum InformationSpringer Tr Mod Phys!Quantum Information & ComputationQuantum Inf Comput!Quantum Information & ComputationQuantum Inform Compu#Quantum Information and ComputationP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Quantum Information and Computation Proc Spie&Quantum Information and Computation IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Quantum Information and Computation Ii Proc Spie'Quantum Information and Computation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Quantum Information and Computation Iii Proc Spie&Quantum Information and Computation IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Quantum Information and Computation Iv Proc Spie&Quantum Information and Computation Ix Proc Spie%Quantum Information and Computation VP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Quantum Information and Computation V Proc Spie&Quantum Information and Computation ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Quantum Information and Computation ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsbQuantum Information and Cryptography: An Introduction Survey of Theory, Technology and ExperimentsLect Notes Phys>Quantum Information and Many Body Quantum Systems, ProceedingsCrm SerQuantum Information ProcessingQuantum Inf Process@Quantum Information Science and Its Contributions to Mathematics Proc Sym Ap1Quantum Information Theory and Quantum StatisticsTheor Math Phys Ser Quantum Interaction, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int Quantum Limits to The Second Law Aip Conf ProcQuantum MagnetismNato Sci Peace Sec BQuantum MagnetismNato Science Peace SXQuantum Materials: Lateral Semiconductor Nanostructures, Hybrid Systems and NanocrystalsNanosci TechnolQuantum Measurements in OpticsNato Adv Sci I B-phyQuantum Mechanics Aip Conf Proc#Quantum Mechanics At The Crossroads Front Collect&Quantum Mechanics in Curved Space-timeNato Adv Sci I B-phy/Quantum Mechanics in The Geometry of Space-timeSpringerbrief Phys*Quantum Mechanics of Fundamental Systems 2 Ser Cent Es*Quantum Mechanics of Fundamental Systems 3 Ser Cent Es4Quantum Monte Carlo Methods in Physics and ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-matQuantum Neural ComputationIntel Syst Contr Aut#Quantum Noise in Mesoscopic PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii Math#Quantum Noise in Mesoscopic PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathQuantum OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsQuantum Optics Proc SpieQuantum Optics Quantum OptBQuantum Optics and Applications in Computing and Communications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBQuantum Optics and Applications in Computing and Communications Ii Proc SpieQuantum Optics IiiJ Phys Conf Ser.Quantum Optics in Computing and CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Quantum Optics of Small Structures Knaw VerhanCQuantum Optics, Optical Data Storage, and Advanced MicrolithographyP Soc Photo-opt InsQuantum Optics ViSpringer Proc PhysBQuantum Phase Transitions in Cold Atoms and Low Temperature SolidsSpringer Theses-reco'Quantum Phenomena in Mesoscopic SystemsP Int Sch Phys,Quantum Plasmadynamics: Unmagnetized PlasmasLect Notes PhysQuantum Potential TheoryLect Notes Math&Quantum Probability and Applications VLect Notes Math5Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional AnalysisQtm Prob Wht NoiBQuantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, ProceedingsQtm Prob Wht Noi&Quantum Probability and Related TopicsQtm Prob Wht Noi,Quantum Quenching, Annealing and ComputationLect Notes PhysIQuantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing The Epistemic CircleW Ont Ser Philos Sci(Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices Ii Proc Spie,Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices Iv Proc Spie*Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices V Proc Spie+Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices Vi Proc Spie,Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices Vii Proc Spie-Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices Viii Proc Spie=Quantum Sensing: Evolution and Revolution From Past to FutureP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Quantum Sensing: Evolution and Revolution From Past to Future Proc Spie*Quantum Signatures of Chaos, Third EditionSpringer Ser Synerg%Quantum Spaces: Poincare Seminar 2007 Prog MathaQuantum Superposition: Counterintuitive Consequences of Coherence, Entanglement, and Interference Front Collect/Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Vol 1 Prog T Chem/Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Vol 1Prog Theor Chem Phys/Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Vol 2 Prog T Chem/Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Vol 2Prog Theor Chem Phys2Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations - 3 Aip Conf Proc2Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations - 4 Aip Conf Proc2Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations - 5 Aip Conf ProclQuantum Thermodynamics: Emergence of Thermodynamic Behavior Within Composite Quantum Systems, Second EditionLect Notes PhysLQuantum Trajectories and Measurements in Continuous Time: The Diffusive CaseLect Notes PhysQuantum TransportLect Notes Math7Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Submicron StructuresNato Adv Sci I E-app@Quantum Tunneling in Complex Systems: The Semiclassical ApproachSpringer Tr Mod Phys@Quantum Tunneling in Complex Systems: The Semiclassical ApproachSpringer Trac Mod Ph@Quantum Tunneling in Complex Systems: The Semiclassical ApproachSpringer Tracts Mod,Quantum Tunneling of Magnetization - Qtm '94Nato Adv Sci Inst Se)Quantum-well and Superlattice Physics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Quantum Well and Superlattice Physics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Quantum Well and Superlattice Physics VP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Quantum Well and Superlattice Physics ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors: Physics and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Opt Sci8Quantum Well Intersubband Transition Physics and DevicesNato Adv Sci Inst Se-Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum IiiProc Inst Nucl Theor,Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum Vi Aip Conf Proc-Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum Vii Aip Conf ProcQuark-gluon Plasma / Res Rep PhySQuarterly Bulletin of The Association of Food & Drug Officials of The United StatesQ B Ass Food Drug Of+Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics Q J Bus EconQuarterly Journal of EconomicsQ J Econ(Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology Q J Eng Geol9Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and HydrogeologyQ J Eng Geol Hydroge,Quarterly Journal of Experimental PhysiologyQ J Exp PhysiolIQuarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical SciencesQ J Exp Physiol Cms,Quarterly Journal of Experimental PsychologyQ J Exp PsycholTQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A-human Experimental PsychologyQ J Exp Psychol-a_Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B-comparative and Physiological PsychologyQ J Exp Psychol-bQuarterly Journal of Forestry Q J Forest Quarterly Journal of MathematicsQ J Math6Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied MathematicsQ J Mech Appl MathQuarterly Journal of MedicineQ J Med*Quarterly Journal of Microscopical ScienceQ J Microsc Sci%Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine Q J Nucl Med;Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular ImagingQ J Nucl Med Mol Im.Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and PharmacologyQ J Pharm Pharmacol&Quarterly Journal of Political Science Q J Polit Sci$Quarterly Journal of Public SpeakingQ J Public Speak#Quarterly Journal of Social Affairs Q J Soc AffQuarterly Journal of Speech Q J Speech%Quarterly Journal of Speech EducationQ J Speech Educ'Quarterly Journal of Studies On AlcoholQ J Stud Alcohol.Quarterly Journal of Studies On Alcohol-part AQ J Stud Alcohol,Quarterly Journal of The Library of CongressQ J Libr Congr3Quarterly Journal of The Royal Astronomical SocietyQ J Roy Astron Soc5Quarterly Journal of The Royal Meteorological SocietyQ J Roy Meteor Soc2Quarterly-nebraska Agricultural Experiment StationQuarterly-nebr Aes Quarterly of Applied Mathematics Q Appl Math>Quarterly Publications of The American Statistical AssociationQ Publ Am Stat AssocQuarterly Review of Biology Q Rev Biol*Quarterly Review of Economics and BusinessQ Rev Econ Bus)Quarterly Review of Economics and FinanceQ Rev Econ Financ"Quarterly Review of Film and VideoQ Rev Film Vid&Quarterly Review of Historical StudiesQ Rev Hist StudQuarterly Review of LiteratureQ Rev LiteratureQuarterly ReviewsQ Rev Chem SocQuarterly Reviews of Biophysics Q Rev Biophys.Quasars, Agns and Related Research Across 2000Eso Astrophy SympQuasars and Cosmology Astr Soc P QuasicrystalsMater Res Soc Symp P;Quasicrystals 2003-preparation, Properties and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P.Quasicrystals and Imperfectly Ordered CrystalsMater Sci ForumQuasi-gas Dynamic EquationsComput Fluid Solid M=Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems, Compressible Flows, and WavesCh Crc Monogr Surv P7Quasi-optical Control of Intense Microwave TransmissionNato Sci Ser Ii Math7Quasi-optical Control of Intense Microwave TransmissionNato Sci Ser Ii-math7Quasi-periodic Motions in Families of Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Math3Quasispecies: Concept and Implications for VirologyCurr Top MicrobiolFQuasi-stationary Phenomena in Nonlinearly Perturbed Stochastic SystemsDegruyter Expos Math Quaternaire QuaternairevQuaternary Carbonate and Evaporite Sedimentary Facies and Their Ancient Analogues: A Tribute to Douglas James ShearmanSpec Publ Int Ass SeQuaternary Deltas in IndiaGeol Soc India MemQuaternary Engineering Geology Geol Soc EnQuaternary GeochronologyQuat GeochronolQuaternary International Quatern Int3Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula Quat S Am A3Quaternary of South America and Antarctic PeninsulaQuaternary South AmBQuaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula, Vol 6 (1988 )Quaternary South AmAQuaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula, Vol 8 (1990) Quat S Am AQuaternary ResearchQuaternary ResQuaternary Science ReviewsQuaternary Sci Rev+Queen Mary Studies in Intellectual PropertyQueen Mary Stud InteQueenship and PowerQueenship PowerQueensland Agricultural JournalQueensland Agr JQueens Policy Studies SeriesQueens Policy Stud SQueens Quarterly Queens Quart-Queens, Queen Mothers, Priestesses, and PowerAnn Ny Acad Sci.Queer Inclusion in The United Methodist ChurchNew Approach Sociol?Queering Tourism: Paradoxical Performances At Gay Pride ParadesRoutl Stud Hum GeogrJQueer Latino Testimonio, Keith Haring, and Juanito Xtravaganza: Hard TailsNew Concepts Lat Am'Queer Political Performance and ProtestRoutl Adv Sociol?Queer Sexualities in French and Francophone Literature and Film Fr Lit Ser:Quellen Und Forschungen Zur Literatur Und KulturgeschichteQuell Forsch Lit Kul]Quellen Und Forschungen Zur Literatur Und Kulturgeschichte Der Germanischen Volker Neue FolgeQuell Fors Lit Kul G#Quellen Und Studien Zur PhilosophieQuellen Stud PhilosQuerying Databases PrivatelyLect Notes Comput ScQuestQuest(Quest for A General Theory of LeadershipNew Horiz Leadersh S/Quest for Epic in Contemporary American FictionRoutl Transnat PerspBQuest for Gentility in China: Negotiations Beyond Gender and ClassRout St Mod Hist AsiBQuest for Gentility in China: Negotiations Beyond Gender and ClassRoutl Stud Mod Hist4Quest for Moral Leaders: Essays On Leadership EthicsNew Hor Leadersh St0Quest for The Fundamental Constants in Cosmology Moriond AstQuestioning CitiesQuestion CitiesQuestioning CitiesQuestioning CitiesQuestioning CosmopolitanismStud Glob JusticeQuestioning CosmopolitanismStud Global Justice8Questioning Eu Enlargement: Europe in Search of IdentityRout Stud Democr EurQuestioning God In Phil Rel2Question of Commitment: Childrens Rights in CanadaStud Child Fam CanPQuestions and Answers : Strategies for Using The Electronic Reference Collection Cl Lib ApplQuestions in Dynamic SemanticsCurr Res Semant PragQuestions of Consciousness Asa Monogr)Queueing Networks: A Fundamental ApproachInt Ser Oper Res Man(Queueing, Performance and Control in AtmNorth Holl Stud TeleQueueing Systems Queueing Syst*Queueing Systems : Theory and Applications Queueing Sy?Quick Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Waves, Second EditionArtech Hse Elec AnalQuick Frozen FoodsQuick Frozen Food;Quilts: Central Extensions, Braid Actions and Finite GroupsLect Notes MathQuimica Analitica Quim Anal Quimica Nova Quim Nova"Quinones and Quinone Enzymes, Pt AMethod Enzymol"Quinones and Quinone Enzymes, Pt BMethod Enzymol+Quinquereme-new Studies in Modern Languages QuinqueremeQuintessence InternationalQuintessence Int"Quintessentials of Dental PracticeQuintessent Dent Pra>Quintus Smyrnaeus: Transforming Homer in Second Sophistic EpicMillennium StudienQuinzaine LitteraireQuinzaine LitteraireTQumran: The Site of The Dead Sea Scrolls: Archaeological Interpretations and DebatesStud Text Des Judah%Quorum Sensing: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolJQuotative Indexes in African Languages: A Synchronic and Diachronic SurveyEmpir Approach LangNQuoting Death in Early Modern England: The Poetics of Epitaphs Beyond The TombEarly Mod Lit HistQuo Vadis Europe?Inst Weltwirts Symp;Quo Vadis Medical Healing: Past Concepts and New ApproachesInt Lib Ethics LawQuo Vadis Quantum Mechanics? Front CollectQuo Vadis Quantum Mechanics?Frontiers Coll2Rabbinic Law in Its Roman and Near Eastern ContextTexte Stud Antik JudCRabbinic Perspectives: Rabbinic Literature and The Dead Sea ScrollsStud Text Des Judah*Rabies: Symptoms, Treatment and PreventionVirol Res Prog0Racar-revue D Art Canadienne-canadian Art ReviewRacarRaceRace Race & Class Race ClassaRace and Early Childhood Education: An International Approach to Identity, Politics, and PedagogyCrit Cult Stud Child9Race and Economic Opportunity in The Twenty-first CenturyRoutl Front Polit EcMRace and Ethnicity: Cultural Roles, Spiritual Practices and Social ChallengesSoc Iss Justice Stat#Race and Ethnicity in New York CityRes Urban Sociol'Race and Identity in Hemingways FictionAm Lit Read Twenty-f3Race and Multiculturalism in Malaysia and SingaporeRout Malays Stud Ser6Race and Rhetoric in The Renaissance: Barbarian ErrorsEarly Mod Cult Stud*Race, Class, and Gender in Medieval CinemaNew Middle AgesRace Ethnicity and EducationRace Ethn EducRace Ethnicity and EducationRace Ethnic Educ-uk%Race, Ethnicity, and MulticulturalismMo S Res Educ PolRace, Ethnicity, and PoliticsRace Ethn PolitnRace, Immigration, and American Identity in The Fiction of Salman Rushdie, Ralph Ellison, and William FaulknerLit Crit Cult TheoryRace, Rights, and JusticeLaw Philos Libr(Race, Social Identity, and Human DignitySoc Philos TodayRace, Whiteness, and EducationCrit Soc ThoughtRRacial Discourse and Cosmopolitanism in Twentieth-century African American WritingStud Afr Am Hist Cul:Racial Discrimination: Institutional Patterns and PoliticsRoutl Res Race EthnRacialized PoliticsStud Commun MediaYRacializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives: The Racism, Criminal Justice, and Law ReaderCrit Black Stud Ser'Racial Politics of Booker T. WashingtonRes Race Ethn Relat0Racing The Beam: The Atari Video Computer System Platf Stud&Racism, Xenophobia and Ethnic ConflictSt Disarm Confl Radar 2002 Iee Conf PublRadar 92 Iee Conf PublRadar 97 Iee Conf PublRadar and Sonar, Part 1 Ima V MathRadar Conference Radar Conf'Radar/ladar Processing and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar PolarimetryP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Radar Processing, Technology, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Radar Processing, Technology, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Radar Processing, Technology, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Radar Processing, Technology, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Radar Remote Sensing of Urban AreasRemote Sens Digit ImRadar Sensor TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology 1xP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology 1x Proc Spie.Radar Sensor Technology and Data VisualizationP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Radar Sensor Technology and Data Visualization Proc SpieRadar Sensor Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology Iv Proc SpieRadar Sensor Technology VP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology V Proc SpieRadar Sensor Technology ViP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology Vi Proc SpieORadar Sensor Technology Viii and Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsORadar Sensor Technology Viii and Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Technology Vii Proc SpieRadar Sensor Technology XP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology XiP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology Xi Proc SpieRadar Sensor Technology XivP Soc Photo-opt InsRadar Sensor Technology Xiv Proc SpieRadar Sensor Technology Xv Proc Spie%Radclyffe Hall: A Life in The WritingHaney Found Ser&Radiation and Environmental BiophysicsRadiat Environ Bioph7Radiation and Environmental Safety in North-west RussiaNato Sci Peace Secur&Radiation and Homeostasis, Proceedings Int Congr SerRadiation and Humankind Int Congr SerRadiation and Public Perception Adv Chem Ser*Radiation Biology and Radiation ProtectionProg Radiat ProtectRadiation Botany Radiat Bot'Radiation Curing of Polymeric Materials Acs Sym SerRadiation Curing of Polymers Ii Roy Soc Ch(Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems Aip Conf Proc(Radiation Damage in Biomolecular SystemsJ Phys Conf Ser2Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems (radam07)J Phys Conf SerRadiation Data and ReportsRadiat Data RepORadiation Defects in Ion Implanted And/or High-energy Irradiated Mos StructuresElectr Eng Dev,Radiation Detectors for Medical ApplicationsNato Sec Sci B Phys'Radiation Effects and Defects in SolidsRadiat Eff Defect S6Radiation Effects and Ion-beam Processing of MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PRadiation Effects in SolidsNato Sci Ser Ii MathRadiation Effects in SolidsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathRadiation Effects LettersRadiat Eff LettRadiation Effects On Polymers Acs Sym Ser0Radiation Effects On Polymers for Biological Use Adv Polym ScifRadiation From Black Holes, Future Missions to Primitive Bodies and Middle Atmospheric Fine Structures Adv Space ResfRadiation From Black Holes, Future Missions to Primitive Bodies and Middle Atmospheric Fine StructuresAdv Space Res-series-Radiation Inactivation of Bioterrorism AgentsNato Sci Ser I LifeCRadiation Induced F1 Sterility in Lepidoptera for Area-wide Control Iaea Pan PRadiation InjuryFront Radiat Ther On?Radiation Interaction Wtih Material and Its Use in TechnologiesRad Int Mat TechRadiation Measurements Radiat MeasRadiation Medicine Radiat MedRadiation Medicine RoundsRadiat Med RoundsRadiation Oncology Radiat Oncol.Radiation Oncology: An Evidence-based ApproachMed Radiol Radiat On*Radiation Oncology: A Physicist's-eye ViewBiol Med Phys Biomed!Radiation Oncology InvestigationsRadiat Oncol Invest!Radiation Oncology InvestigationsRadiat Oncol InvestiRadiation Physics and ChemistryRadiat Phys ChemBRadiation Physics for Medical Physicists, Second, Enlarged EditionBiol Med Phys BiomedRadiation Protection Radiat ProtRadiation Protection DosimetryRadiat Prot Dosim'Radiation Protection in Medical PhysicsNato Sci Peace Sec B Radiation Protection in Medicine P Nat C Rad5Radiation Protection in Medicine: Contemporary Issues P Nat C Rad4Radiation Protection Today - The Ncrp At Sixty Years P Nat C Rad9Radiation Protection Training and Information for Workers Radiat ProtRadiation Research Radiat ResRadiation Research ReviewsRadiat Res Rev;Radiation Risk Estimates in Normal and Emergency SituationsNato Sec Sci B Phys/Radiation Safety Problems in The Caspian RegionNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear.Radiation Science and Societal Decision Making Ncrp Proc,Radiation Sources and Radiation InteractionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Radiation Sources and Radiation Interactions Proc Spie$Radiation Therapy of Benign DiseasesFront Radiat Ther On%Radiation Tolerance of Normal TissuesFront Radiat Ther OnRadiative CorrectionsNato Adv Sci I B-phy<Radiative Transfer and Applications to Very Large TelescopesEas Publications4Radiative Transfer and Hydrodynamics in AstrophysicsEas PublicationsIRadical Biology: Advances and Perspectives On The Function of Plant Roots Cur Top Pl"Radical Embodied Cognitive ScienceBradford BooksRadical History ReviewRadical Hist RevERadical Innovations of Software and Systems Engineering in The FutureLect Notes Comput Sc>Radical Pacifism in Modern America: Egalitarianism and ProtestPolit Cult Mod AmCRadical Pedagogy: Identity, Generativity, and Social TransformationPsychoanal Educ SocRadical PhilosophyRadical PhilosRadical Philosophy TodayRadic Philos Today&Radical Polymerisation Polyeletrolytes Adv Polym Sci"Radical Reactions in Aqueous MediaRsc Green Chem SerARadicals and Non-equilibrium Processes in Low-temperature PlasmasJ Phys Conf SerRadical Science Radical Sci J+Radicals in Synthesis Ii: Complex Molecules Top Curr Chem/Radicals in Synthesis I: Methods and Mechanisms Top Curr ChemRadicals, Rhetoric, and The WarPalgr Stud Oral Hist:Radical Welfare State Retrenchment: A Comparative AnalysisTransform StateFRadioactive and Mixed Waste - Risk As A Basis for Waste ClassificationNcrp Symp Proc/Radioactive Contamination Research DevelopmentsEnv Remed Tech Regul6Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and Research Adv Phar Sc(Radioactive Particles in The EnvironmentNato Sci Peace SecurRadioactive Waste Management Radioact WKRadioactive Waste Management 2000: Challenges, Solutions, and OpportunitiesImeche Conf Trans:Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental RestorationRadioact Waste ManaghRadioactivity and Pollution in The Nordic Seas and Arctic Region: Observations, Modeling and SimulationsSpringer-prax Books+Radioactivity in Humans and The EnvironmentProg Radiat Protect Radioactivity in The EnvironmentRadioactiv Environm2Radioaktivitat in Mensch Und Umwelt, Bands 1 and 2Prog Radiat Protect5Radioanalytical Methods in Interdisciplinary Research Acs Sym SerRadio and Electronic EngineerJ I Electron Rad Eng*Radio Astronomy At The Fringe, Proceedings Astr Soc P/Radio Astronomy From Karl Jansky to MicrojanskyEas PublicationsRadiobiologia-radiotherapiaRadiobiol Radiother+Radiobiologica Radioterapia E Fisica MedicaRadiobiol Radioter Radiocarbon Radiocarbon)Radiochemical and Radioanalytical LettersRadiochem Radioa LetRadiochemistryRadiochemistry+Radiochimica ActaRadiochim Acta(Radio Detection of High Energy Particles Aip Conf ProcRadio-electronicsRadio-electron>Radio Emission From Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources Astr Soc P)Radio Emission From The Stars and The Sun Astr Soc PRadioengineeringRadioengineering-Radio Engineering and Electronic Physics-ussrRadio Eng Electron P2Radio Eye: Cinema in The North Atlantic, 1958-1988Film Media Stud Ser;Radio Frequency Identification: Security and Privacy IssuesLect Notes Comput Sc*Radio Frequency Integrated, Second EditionArtech Hse Microw Li,Radio Frequency Photonic Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas Aip Conf ProclRadio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry and Its Relationship to The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic FieldsNato Asi 3 High Tech"Radiofrequency Radiation StandardsNato Adv Sci Inst SeRadio Galaxy Messier 87Lect Notes Phys Radiographics RadiographicsRadio Handbook Media Pract;Radio Interferometry : Theory, Techniques, and Applications Astr Soc P+Radioisotope Thin-film Powered MicrosystemsMems Ref ShelfKRadiolabeled Blood Elements: Recent Advances in Techniques and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci Inst Se%Radiolabelled Cellular Blood ElementsProg Clin Biol Res Radiologe Radiologe RadiologiaRadiologia-madridRadiologia Clinica Radiol ClinRadiologia Clinica Et Biologica Radiol ClinRadiologia Diagnostica Radiol DiagnRadiologia Medica Radiol Med$Radiological Health Data and ReportsRadiol Health Data RCRadiological Imaging of The Digestive Tract in Infants and ChildrenMed Radiol Diagn Ima7Radiological Imaging of The Neonatal Chest, 2nd EditionMed Radiol Diagn Ima#Radiologic Clinics of North AmericaRadiol Clin N Am Radiology Radiology Radiology / Int Congr SerRadiology and Oncology Radiol Oncol&Radiology of Osteoporosis, 2nd EditionMed Radiol Diagn Ima%Radiology of The Stomach and DuodenumMed Radiol Diagn ImaRadionuclides in Food Chain Ilsi MonogrRadionuclides in Nephro-urologyContrib Nephrol$Radiophysics and Quantum ElectronicsRadiophys Quant El+$Radiophysics and Quantum ElectronicsRadiophys Quantum ElRadioprotectionRadioprotectionRadio Pulsars, Proceedings Astr Soc P5Radio Recombination Lines : 25 Years of InvestigationAstrophys Space Sc L Radio Science Radio SciRadio Sensor Technology XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsRadio Sensor Technology Xii Proc Spie!Radio Sounding and Plasma Physics Aip Conf Proc Radiosurgery RadiosurgRadiosurgery 1995 RadiosurgRadiosurgery 1997 RadiosurgRadiosurgery 1999 RadiosurgRadiosurgery (series) RadiosurgRadiosurgery, Vol 4 RadiosurgRadiosurgery, Vol 6 RadiosurgRadiosurgery, Vol 7 RadiosurgRadiotekhnika I ElektronikaRadiotekh Elektron+Radio TelescopesP Soc Photo-opt InsRadiotherapy and BrachytherapyNato Science Peace SRadiotherapy and OncologyRadiother Oncol:Radiotherapy / Chemotherapy Interactions in Cancer TherapyFront Radiat Ther On(Radiotherapy for Non-malignant DisordersMed Radiol Radiat OnRadiotherapy of Ocular DiseaseFront Radiat Ther On#Radio Wave Propagation FundamentalsArtech Hse Radar Lib5Radon Series On Computational and Applied MathematicsRad Ser Comp App5Radon Series On Computational and Applied MathematicsRadon Ser Comput App1Radon Transform, Inverse Problems, and Tomography Proc Sym Ap6Radon Transforms and The Rigidity of The Grassmannians Ann Math Stud(Radon Transforms, Geometry, and Wavelets Contemp Math0Radovi Zavoda Za Povijesne Znanosti Hazu U ZadruRad Zavoda Povij Zna(Rae-revista De Administracao De EmpresasRae-rev Admin EmpresRaffles Bulletin of ZoologyRaffles B Zool&Railroad-highway Grade Crossing IssuesTransport Res RecvRailroad Research: Intercity Passenger Transportation, Track Design and Maintenance, and Hazardous Materials TransportTransport Res RecWRailroads: High-speed Passenger Rail, Railway Bridges, and Track Design and MaintenanceTransport Res RecSRailroads: Intercity Rail Passenger; Track Design and Maintenance; and Other TopicsTransport Res RecKRailroads: Intercity Rail Passenger Transport; Track Design and MaintenanceTransport Res RecRRailroad Track Engineering and Maintenance; Passenger Rail Planning and OperationsTransport Res RecRails and Environment VDI BerichtRail Traction and Braking Imeche Sem(Railway Engineering, Systems, and Safety Imeche SemRailway InfrastructureImeche Conf TransRailway Rolling StockImeche Conf TransRailway Rolling Stock Imeche SemRailwaysTransport Res RecRailway SafetyImeche Conf Trans5Railways and The Russo-japanese War: Transporting War Cass Mil Stud=Railway Transportation: Policies, Technology and PerspectivesTransp Issues PoliciRainbow of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScRainfall: State of The ScienceGeophys Monogr Ser,Rainfed Agriculture: Unlocking The PotentialCompr Assess Wat Man*Rairo-analyse Numerique-numerical AnalysisRairo-anal Numer-num\Rairo-automatique-productique Informatique Industrielle-automatic Control Production SystemsRairo-autom Prod Inf.Rairo-automatique-systems Analysis and ControlRairo-autom-syst Ana#Rairo-informatique-computer ScienceRairo-inf-comput SciURairo-informatique Theorique Et Applications-theoretical Informatics and ApplicationsRairo-inf Theor Appl9Rairo-informatique Theorique-theoretical Computer ScienceRairo-inf Theor-th CbRairo-mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis-modelisation Mathematique Et Analyse NumeriqueRairo-math Model NumRairo-operations ResearchRairo-oper Res2Rairo-recherche Operationnelle-operations ResearchRairo-rech Oper.Rairo-theoretical Informatics and ApplicationsRairo-theor Inf Appl6Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopies in Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsRaman ScatteringP Soc Photo-opt InsIRaman Spectroscopy and Light Scattering Technologies in Materials ScienceP Soc Photo-opt InsIRaman Spectroscopy and Light Scattering Technologies in Materials Science Proc Spie1Raman Spectroscopy, Fullerenes and NanotechnologyRsc Nanosci Nanotech1Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History Rsc Ana S MRamanujan Journal Ramanujan JDR&d in Fy 1988 : R&d Policies, Budgets, and Economic Competitiveness Aaas R&d B2R&d in Fy 1989 : Looking Ahead in An Election Year Aaas R&d BR&d in The New Administration Aaas R&d B R&d MagazineR&d MagR & D Management R&d Manage,Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Prog Math4Ramus-critical Studies in Greek and Roman LiteratureRamusRand Conference ProceedingsRand Conf Proc\Rand/istituto Affari Internazionali Conference of The New Mediterranean Security EnvironmentRand Conf ProcRand Journal of Economics Rand J Econ1Random Effect and Latent Variable Model SelectionLect Notes StateRandom Finite Sets for Robot Mapping and Slam: New Concepts in Autonomous Robotic Map RepresentationsSpringer Trac Adv Ro>Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc8Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable SystemsCrm Ser Math PhysRandom Media and Composites Siam Proc S4Random Perturbation of Pdes and Fluid Dynamic ModelsLect Notes MathGRandom Polymers: Ecole D Ete De Probabilites De Saint-flour Xxxvii-2007Lect Notes MathRandom Structures & AlgorithmsRandom Struct Algor#Random Surfaces and Quantum GravityNato Adv Sci I B-phyBRandom Times and Enlargements of Filtrations in A Brownian SettingLect Notes MathJRandom Vibrations in Spacecraft Structures Design: Theory and ApplicationsSolid Mech Appl Random WalksBolyai Math StudDRandom Walks and Diffusions On Graphs and Databases: An IntroductionSpringer Ser Synerg*Random Walks and Discrete Potential TheorySym MathRangeland Ecology & ManagementRangeland Ecol ManagRangeland Journal Rangeland J!Range Management and AgroforestryRange Manag AgroforbRanking and Prioritization for Multi-indicator Systems: Introduction to Partial Order ApplicationsEnviron Ecol Stat Se!Ranking Queries On Uncertain DataAdv Database Syst/Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights LibraryRw Inst Hum R Lib)Rapid Communications in Mass SpectrometryRapid Commun Mass Sp)Rapid Detection Assays for Food and Water Roy Soc ChRapid Diagnosis of Mycoplasmas Fems Symp4Rapid Integration of Software Engineering TechniquesLect Notes Comput ScRapid Isothermal ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsRapid Load Fracture TestingAm Soc Test MaterRapidly Assembled Structures T EngineerERapid Methods for Analysis of Biological Materials in The EnvironmentNato Sci S 1 Disarm&Rapid Methods in Clinical MicrobiologyAdv Exp Med Biol&Rapid Product Development TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsGRapid Production of Micro- and Nano-particles Using Supercritical Water Eng MaterRapid PrototypingP Soc Photo-opt InsSRapid Prototyping and Engineering Applications: A Toolbox for Prototype DevelopmentMech Eng Ser Txb Ref,Rapid Prototyping and Flexible ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsRapid Prototyping JournalRapid Prototyping JRapid Prototyping TechnologiesMater Res Soc Symp P'Rapid Thermal and Integrated ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P)Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing /P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing IiMater Res Soc Symp P+Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing IiiMater Res Soc Symp P*Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing IvMater Res Soc Symp P)Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing VMater Res Soc Symp P*Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing ViMater Res Soc Symp P+Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing ViiMater Res Soc Symp P"Rapid Thermal and Laser ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsKRapid Thermal and Other Short-time Processing Technologies Iii, Proceedings Elec Soc S/Rapid Thermal and Related Processing TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt InsMRapid Thermal Annealing / Chemical Vapor Deposition and Integrated ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp PRapid Thermal Processing Eur Mat Res)Rapid Tooling Guidelines for Sand Casting Mech Eng Ser\Rapports Et Proces-verbaux Des Reunions - Conseil International Pour L'exploration De La Mer Rap Proces:Rare and Exclusive B & K Decays and Novel Flavor Factories Aip Conf ProcRare Diseases EpidemiologyAdv Exp Med BiolRare-earth-doped DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsRare-earth-doped Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLRare Earth Doped Iii-nitrides for Optoelectronic and Spintronic Applications Top Appl Phys*Rare-earth-doped Materials and Devices IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Rare-earth-doped Materials and Devices IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Rare-earth-doped Materials and Devices Iv Proc Spie(Rare-earth-doped Materials and Devices VP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Rare-earth-doped Materials and Devices V Proc Spie)Rare-earth-doped Materials and Devices ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Rare-earth-doped Materials and Devices ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsRare Earth Doped SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp P"Rare Earth Doped Semiconductors IiMater Res Soc Symp P1Rare-earth Doping for Optoelectronic ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PARare-earth Doping of Advanced Materials for Photonic ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P/Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater Flow SystemsWater Sci Technol Li/Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater Flow Systems Water TransqRare-earth Implanted Mos Devices for Silicon Photonics: Microstructural, Electrical and Optoelectronic PropertiesSpringer Ser Mater S4Rare Earth Minerals and Minerals for Electronic UsesMater Sci ForumIRare Earth Oxide Thin Films: Growth , Characterization , and Applications Top Appl PhysHRare Earth Oxide Thin Films: Growth, Characterization , and Applications Top Appl PhysRare Earths '98Mater Sci ForumRare Elements in Glasses Key Eng MatRarefied Gas Dynamics Aip Conf ProcCRarefied Gas Dynamics: Experimental Techniques and Physical SystemsProgr Astronaut Aero4Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Space Science and EngineeringProgr Astronaut Aero-Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Theory and SimulationsProgr Astronaut Aero(Rare Isotopes and Fundamental SymmetriesProc Inst Nucl TheorRare Kidney DiseasesContrib Nephrol$Rare Metal Materials and EngineeringRare Metal Mat Eng Rare Metals Rare MetalsRa-revista De Arquitectura Ra-rev ArquitRaritan-a Quarterly ReviewRaritan Ras OncogenesNato Adv Sci I A-lif#Rassegna Della Letteratura ItalianaRass Lett Ital!Rassegna Storica Del RisorgimentoRass Stor RisorgimenRassegna Storica ToscanaRass Stor Toscana%Raster Imaging and Digital Typography Cam Electr Rates of Soil Chemical ProcessesSssa Spec Publ#Rat Genomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolRatio Less IntellRatioRatio Ratio-england Ratio-england6Rational Algebraic Curves: A Computer Algebra ApproachAlgorithm Comp MathFRational and Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Vols I and IiColl Envir U MontrRational Drug Design Ima V MathdRational Environmental Management of Agrochemicals: Risk Assessment, Monitoring, and Remedial Action Acs Sym Ser>Rational Exuberance for Renewable Energy: An Economic AnalysisGreen Energy Technol/Rationalisation Des Organisations HospitalieresSci Soc-france.Rationalists: Between Tradition and InnovationNew Synth Hist LibRationality and Moral TheoryRoutl Stud Eth MoralRationality and Society Ration Soc!Rationality and The Literate MindRoutl Adv Commun LinRationality of Theism Stud Phil R!Rationality, Rules, and Structure Theor Dec A/Rational Matrix Equations in Stochastic ControlLect Notes Contr Inf)Rational Pharmacotherapy of The Inner EarAdv Oto-rhino-laryng@Rational, Robust, and Secure Negotiations in Multi-agent SystemsStud Comput IntellRatio-new SeriesRatio<Rationing Americas Medical Care : The Oregon Plan and Beyond Brookings DRationing in MedicineWissensch Technikfol0Rationing of Medical Care for The Critically Ill Brookings DRatoon CroppingAgr Issues PoliciesRaumkonstitution Durch Sprache Buchr Anglia)Raum Und Raumvorstellungen Im MittelalterMiscellan Mediaeval Raum-zeitGrundthemen PhilosRawls Routl PhilosRbc-cell Biology ReviewsRbc-cell Biol Rev-Rbgn-revista Brasileira De Gestao De NegociosRbgn-rev Bras Gest N Rca ReviewRca RevReachability ProblemsLect Notes Comput Sc"Reachability Problems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Reaction Diffusion and Solid State Chemical KineticsMater Sci FoundReaction Diffusion SystemsLect Notes Pure Appl2Reaction Dynamics in Clusters and Condensed Phases Jerus Sym Q'Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis LettersReact Kinet Catal L<Reaction Kinetics and The Development of Catalytic ProcessesStud Surf Sci Catal*Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and CatalysisReact Kinet Mech Cat*Reaction Mechanisms for Rare Isotope Beams Aip Conf Proc"Reactions of The Lung to Radiation Strah ForsUReaction-transport Systems: Mesoscopic Foundations, Fronts, and Spatial InstabilitiesSpringer Ser SynergReactive & Functional PolymersReact Funct PolymAReactive Intermediates in Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Elec Soc S<Reactive Oxygen Species: From Radiation to Molecular BiologyAnn Ny Acad Sci*Reactive Oxygen Species in Plant SignalingSignal Commun Plants>Reactive Phase Formation At Interfaces and Diffusion ProcessesMater Sci ForumReactive Polymers React Polym,Reactive Search and Intelligent OptimizationOper Res Comput SciReactive Sputter DepositionSpringer Ser Mater S"Reactive Transport in Porous Media Rev MineralReactivity of Solids React Solid-Reactivity Tuning in Oligosaccharide Assembly Top Curr Chem&Reactor and Fuel-processing TechnologyReact Fuel-process TReactor DosimetryAm Soc Test Mater/Reactor Dosimetry: 12th International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater5Reactor Dosimetry: Radiation Metrology and AssessmentAm Soc Test MaterReactor Fuel ProcessingReact Fuel ProcReactor Materials React Mater4Reactor Physics Calculations in The Nordic CountriesVtt SympReactor Technology React TechnolReaders in Education Read Educ*Reading and Hearing The Book of The Twelve Sbl Symp SerReading and LearningLect Notes Comput ScReading and Wisdom N D Conf MReading and Writing Read Writ/Reading: Assessment, Comprehension and TeachingEduc Compet Glob Wor$Reading Bohr: Physics and PhilosophyFund Theor Phys>Reading Chuck Palahniuk: American Monsters and Literary MayhemRout Stud Contemp Li8Reading Disabilities : Diagnosis and Component ProcessesNato Adv Sci Inst SeReading First Impact StudyChild Iss Laws Progr;Reading in 2010: A Comprehensive Review of A Changing FieldEduc Compet Glob WorReading LeviticusJ St Old Test SupplHReading Popular Culture in Victorian Print: Belgravia and SensationalismNinet-century MajorcReading Primary Sources: The Interpretation of Texts From Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century HistoryRout Guid Using Hist$Reading: Putting The Pieces TogetherYearb Amer Read For Reading Research and InstructionRead Res InstructReading Research QuarterlyRead Res Quart*Reading Sensations in Early Modern EnglandEarly Mod Lit Hist+Readings in Art and Design Education SeriesRead Art Des EduReadings in Educational ThoughtRead Educ Thought#Readings in Law and Popular CultureRoutl Stud Law SocReadings in Machine TranslationBradford BooksAReading: Strategies, Practices, and Research for The 21st CenturyYearb Amer Read ForReading Teacher Read TeachReading The LyricsInt Forsch Allg Vgl2Reading The Qur'an in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560 Mater TextsQReading Women: Literacy, Authorship, and Culture in The Atlantic World, 1500-1800 Mater TextsRead The Cultural OtherLang Power Soc ProceReaktorsicherheit in Osteuropa Grs BerichtReal Algebraic GeometryLect Notes Math$Real Analytic and Algebraic GeometryLect Notes Math"Real and Complex Dynamical SystemsNato Adv Sci Inst SeReal and Complex SingularitiesCh Crc Res NotesReal and Complex SingularitiesCh Crc Res Notes MatReal and Complex Singularities Contemp MathReal and Complex Singularities Trends MathReal Enriques SurfacesLect Notes MathReal Estate EconomicsReal Estate EconReal Estate Law JournalReal Estate Law JReal Estate ReviewReal Estate RevReal Estate TaxationReal Estate Tax]Real Existence, Ideal Necessity: Kant's Compromise, and The Modalities Without The Compromise KantstudienReal Fatou Conjecture Ann Math Stud_Real Function 09: Measures, Integration, Harmonic Analysis, Topology and Mathematical EconomicsTatra Mt Math PublIReal Functions '07: Topology, Measures, Integration and Harmonic AnalysisTatra Mt Math PublUReal Functions '08: Functional Equations, Measures, Integration and Harmonic AnalysisTatra Mt Math PublRealia Byzantina Byzant ArchMRealigning Interests: Crisis and Credibility in European Monetary IntegrationEur Transit-nyu EurCRealigning Research and Practice in Information Systems DevelopmentInt Fed Info Proc#Realising Cims Industrial Potential Adv Des ManFRealising Systems Thinking: Knowledge and Action in Management ScienceContemp Syst Think9Realism and Interdependence in Singapore's Foreign Policy Polit AsiaRealism and Representation Sci And Lit/Realism/anti-realism in 20th-century LiteratureInt Forsch Allg VglaRealist Strategies of Republican Peace: Niebuhr, Morgenthau and The Politics of Patriotic DissentPalgr Mac Ser HistRealitaten Des GlaubensPrakt Theol WissWRealities of Change in Higher Education: Interventions to Promote Learning and TeachingStaff Educ Dev SerfRealities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe -culture, Cognition and Everyday LifePalgr Hist Stud WitcReality of Linguistic Rules Stud Lang C*Realization and Modelling in System Theory Prog Syst C/Realization Theory and Design of Digital ImagesLect Notes Contr Inf5Realization Theory of Discrete-time Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Contr InfBRealizing Community: Concepts, Social Relationships and SentimentsEuro Assoc Social9Real Learning Opportunities At Business School and BeyondAdv Bus Educ Train8Reallexikon Der Germanischen Altertumskunde: ErgansbandeReallex German Alter;Reallexikon Der Germanischen Altertumskunde ErganzungsbandeReallex German Alter;Reallexikon Der Germanischen Altertumskunde ErganzungsbandeReallexikon Ger Alte'Real Methods in Complex and Cr GeometryLect Notes Math+Real Mind: Life and Work of Axel HagerstromLaw Philos Libr&Real Options and Intellectual PropertyLect Notes Econ MathReal Options Theory Adv Strat MXReal Options Valuation: The Importance of Interest Rate Modelling in Theory and PracticeLect Notes Econ Math'Real Property Probate and Trust JournalReal Prop Prob TrustMReal-time and Deliberative Decision Making: Application to Emerging StressorsNato Sci Peace Secur9Real-time and Embedded Computing Systems and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc)Real-time Image and Video Processing 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins)Real-time Image and Video Processing 2010 Proc Spie)Real-time Image and Video Processing 2011 Proc SpieReal-time Image Processing 2006P Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Image Processing 2006 Proc SpieReal-time Image Processing 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Image Processing 2008 Proc SpieReal-time Image Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time ImagingReal-time ImagingReal-time Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Imaging Iv Proc SpieReal-time Imaging IxP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Imaging Ix Proc SpieReal-time Imaging VP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Imaging V Proc SpieReal-time Imaging ViP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Imaging ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Imaging ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsReal-time Imaging Viii Proc Spie=Real-time Iterative Learning Control: Design and ApplicationsAdv Ind Control4Real-time Management of Resource Allocations SystemsInt Ser Oper Res Man1Real-time Mobile Multimedia Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Real-time Pde-constrained OptimizationComput Sci Eng SerReal Time Programming Ifac Work SReal Time Programming 1994 Ann R Aut P$Real Time Programming 1999 (wrtp'99) Ifac Work SReal-time Signal Processing XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Real-time Stability in Power Systems: Techniques for Early Detection of The Risk of BlackoutPower Electronics PReal-time SystemsReal-time Syst)Real-time Systems Symposium - ProceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp P'Real-time Systems Symposium-proceedingsReal Tim Syst Symp P"Real-time Systems With TransputersTransput Occam Eng S!Real-time Weld Process MonitoringWoodhead Publ Mater5Real World Applications of Computational IntelligenceStud Fuzz Soft Comp>Real-world Applications of Evolutionary Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNReal World Justice: Grounds, Principles, Human Rights, and Social InstitutionsStud Glob JusticeNReal World Justice: Grounds, Principles, Human Rights, and Social InstitutionsStud Global Justice^Reanalysis of Structures: A Unified Approach for Linear, Nonlinear, Static and Dynamic SystemsSolid Mech ApplRReappraisal of The Ascending Systems in Man, With Emphasis On The Medial LemniscusAdv Anat Embryol CelReappraisals: Canadian Writers ReappraisalBReapprendre A Voir Le Monde: Merleau-ponty Face Au Miroir LacanienPhaenomenologicaQRearrangement Relatif: Un Instrument D'estimations Dans Les Problemes Aux LimitesMath Appl-berlin<Reason, Culture, Religion: The Metaphysics of World PoliticsCult Relig Int RelatReason in Context, Vol 83P Am Cath Philos Ass#Reasoning About Preference Dynamics Synth Libr<Reasoning, Action and Interaction in Ai Theories and SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc,Reasoning in Event-based Distributed SystemsStud Comput Intell Reasoning WebLect Notes Comput Sc<Reasoning Web: Semantic Technologies for Information SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc=Reasoning Web: Semantic Technologies for Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScReason in HistoryAmer Cath Phil AssocReason, Life, Culture, Pt 1 Anal Hus Yb"Reasons, Patterns, and CooperationRoutl Stud Eth MoraltReason, Spirit and The Sacral in The New Enlightenment: Islamic Metaphysics Revived and Recent Phenomenology of LifeIslam Ph Occident!Reassessing Language and Literacy Engl Lang ERRebellion and Reform in Indonesia: Jakarta's Security and Autonomy Polices in AcehRoutl Cont Se Asia SJRebellion and Savagery: The Jacobite Rising of 1745 and The British EmpireEarly Am Stud SerRebuilding IdentityBeih Z Alttest WissMRebuilding of Greater Russia: Putins Foreign Policy Towards The Cis CountriesRoutl Contemp Russ EFRebuilding Urban Places After Disaster: Lessons From Hurricane KatrinaCity 21st CenturyRecallRecall;Recent Accomplishments in Applied Forest Economics ResearchFor Sci8Recent Advances and Applications of Computer Engineering Ele Com EngARecent Advances and Current Research Issues in Lunar StratigraphyGeol Soc Am Spec PapBRecent Advances and New Horizons in Zeolite Science and TechnologyStud Surf Sci Catal$Recent Advances in Acoustics & MusicWseas Mech Eng Ser4Recent Advances in Adaptive Computation, Proceedings Contemp MathQRecent Advances in Adsorption Processes for Environmental Protection and SecurityNato Sci Peace SecurRecent Advances in Ai PlanningLect Notes Artif Int#Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition Rec Adv An#Recent Advances in Animal NutritionRec Adv Anim Nutr*Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition - 1990 Stud Agr F(Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 1991 Rec Adv An(Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 1993 Rec Adv An(Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 1994 Rec Adv An*Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition - 1995 Rec Adv An*Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition - 1997 Rec Adv An*Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition - 2008Rec Adv Anim Nutr*Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition - 2009Rec Adv Anim Nutr&Recent Advances in Applied MathematicsMa Comput Sci Eng&Recent Advances in Applied MathematicsMath Comput Sci EngCRecent Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Fr Art IntCRecent Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research and DevelopmentFront Artif Intel Ap-Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc+Recent Advances in Automation & InformationRec Adv Electr EngDRecent Advances in Basic and Applied Aspects of Industrial CatalysisStud Surf Sci Catal8Recent Advances in Basic and Clinical Neuroendocrinology Int Congr Ser*Recent Advances in Biology and BiomedicineRec Adv Biol BiomedRRecent Advances in Biology, Biophysics, Bioengineering and Computational ChemistryRec Adv Biol Biomed Recent Advances in BiotechnologyNato Adv Sci I E-app,Recent Advances in Bis Guided Tci Anesthesia Adv Biol Med&Recent Advances in Bronchoesophagology Int Congr Ser*Recent Advances in Business AdministrationRec Adv Comput Eng.Recent Advances in Carbohydrate Bioengineering Roy Soc Ch&Recent Advances in Catalytic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PJRecent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Angiotensin ReceptorsAdv Exp Med Biol4Recent Advances in Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy Adv Gyn Obs'Recent Advances in Chemical Information Roy Soc Ch%Recent Advances in Chiral Separations Chrom S Sym0Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems and SignalsInt Conf Circ Syst S$Recent Advances in Clinical MedicineRec Adv Biol Biomed$Recent Advances in Clinical OncologyAnn Ny Acad Sci*Recent Advances in Clinical Periodontology Int Congr Ser'Recent Advances in Combustion Modelling S Adv Math'Recent Advances in Computer EngineeringRec Adv Comput Eng8Recent Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications Ele Com EngRecent Advances in ConstraintsLect Notes Artif IntRecent Advances in ConstraintsLect Notes Comput ScHRecent Advances in Constraints, 12th Annual Ercim International WorkshopLect Notes Artif IntDRecent Advances in Control and Optimization of Manufacturing SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf"Recent Advances in Decision MakingStud Comput IntellBRecent Advances in Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Contemp MathARecent Advances in E-activities, Information Security and Privacy Ele Com Eng-Recent Advances in Elastomeric NanocompositesAdv Struct Mat)Recent Advances in Electrical EngineeringRec Adv Electr Eng)Recent Advances in Energy and EnvironmentEnergy Environ Eng S8Recent Advances in Engineering and Computer Science 2007Lect Notes Eng Comp(Recent Advances in Engineering EducationMa Comput Sci Eng*Recent Advances in Environmental EconomicsNew Hor Env Eco*Recent Advances in Environmental EconomicsNew Horiz Environ Ec:Recent Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and DevelopmentEnergy Environ Eng S$Recent Advances in Epilepsy ResearchAdv Exp Med Biol9Recent Advances in Event-related Brain Potential Research Int Congr SerJRecent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial OptimizationStud Comp Intell"Recent Advances in Fluid MechanicsWseas Mech Eng Ser8Recent Advances in Fourier Analysis and Its ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat%Recent Advances in General Relativity Einstein St1Recent Advances in Glucocorticoid Receptor ActionE Schering Res Fdn W+Recent Advances in Harmony Search AlgorithmStud Comput Intell)Recent Advances in Heat and Mass TransferWseas Mech Eng Ser Recent Advances in Heat Transfer Tran Pr Eng"Recent Advances in Hemophilia CareProg Clin Biol Res(Recent Advances in Human Neurophysiology Int Congr SerPRecent Advances in Instrumentation, Data Acquistion and Testing in Soil Dynamics Geotech Sp3Recent Advances in Insulin Action and Its Disorders Int Congr Ser"Recent Advances in Insulin Therapy Int Congr SerDRecent Advances in Interventional Radiology and New Vascular Imaging Int Congr Ser&Recent Advances in Intrusion DetectionLect Notes Comput Sc3Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, Raid 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc'Recent Advances in Learning and ControlLect Notes Contr Inf.Recent Advances in Lower Carboniferous Geology Geol Soc Sp2Recent Advances in Management, Marketing, FinancesRec Adv Electr EngNRecent Advances in Materials Characterization and Modeling of Pavement Systems Geotech SpXRecent Advances in Mathematics and Computers in Business, Economics, Biology & ChemistryMath Comput Sci Eng-Recent Advances in Matrix and Operator TheoryOper Theory Adv Appl6Recent Advances in Metrology and Fundamental ConstantsP Int Sch Phys\Recent Advances in Metrology, Characterization, and Standards for Optical Digital Data DisksP Soc Photo-opt InsFRecent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-marine Stratigraphy Sepm Spec PFRecent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-marine StratigraphySoc Sediment Geol SpBRecent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and CommunicationsStud Comput Intell-Recent Advances in Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Int Congr Ser!Recent Advances in Mycoplasmology Zbl Bakt S.Recent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingAmst Stud Theory His2Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing IiiAmst Stud Theory His9Recent Advances in Networking, Vlsi and Signal ProcessingMa Comput Sci EngJRecent Advances in Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems & Evolutionary ComputingArtif Int Ser Wseas Recent Advances in Neurosonology Int Congr SerRRecent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization: Theory and ApplicationsStud Comput IntellLRecent Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications Proc Sym Ap3Recent Advances in Operator-related Function Theory Contemp Math"Recent Advances in Operator Theory Oper Theor3Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Applications Oper Theor^Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Its Applications: The Israel Gohberg Anniversary Volume Oper Theor5Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Related Topics Oper Theor5Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Related TopicsOper Theory Adv Appl>Recent Advances in Operator Theory in Hilbert and Krein SpacesOper Theory Adv ApplLRecent Advances in Operator Theory, Opeator Algebras, and Their Applications Oper TheorRecent Advances in OptimizationLect Notes Econ MathIRecent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing InterfaceLect Notes Comput ScVRecent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScURecent Advances in Parallel Vitual Machine and Message Passing Interface, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Recent Advances in Parkinsons Disease: Basic ResearchProg Brain ResJRecent Advances in Parkinsons Disease: Translational and Clinical ResearchProg Brain Res1Recent Advances in Partial Differential Equations Res Note Ap%Recent Advances in Perinatal Medicine E M I Lif S(Recent Advances in Periodontology, Vol 2 Int Congr Ser0Recent Advances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics Int Congr Ser+Recent Advances in Phototrophic ProkaryotesAdv Exp Med Biol!Recent Advances in PhytochemistryRecent Adv Phytochem&Recent Advances in Polyphenol ResearchRec Adv Polyphen Res-Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Vol 1Rec Adv Polyphen Res-Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Vol 2Rec Adv Polyphen ResGRecent Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane, and Leukotriene ResearchAdv Exp Med Biol9Recent Advances in Qsar Studies: Methods and ApplicationsChall Adv Comput Che)Recent Advances in Reinforcement LearningLect Notes Artif Int4Recent Advances in Reliability and Quality in DesignSpring Ser Reliab En4Recent Advances in Reliability and Quality in DesignSpringer Ser ReliabBRecent Advances in Remote Sensing and Hyperspectral Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Recent Advances in Retinal DegenerationAdv Exp Med Biol Recent Advances in Schizophrenia Int Per Ppn[Recent Advances in Sensors, Radiometric Calibration, and Processing of Remotely Sensed DataP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and LearningAdv Nat Comput3Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and LearningAdv Nat Computation4Recent Advances in Sociology, Psychology, PhilosophyMa Comput Sci Eng/Recent Advances in Solids and Structures - 2005 Pres Ves PYRecent Advances in Spectroscopy: Theoretical, Astrophysical and Experimental PerspectivesAstrophysics Space8Recent Advances in Systems, Communications and Computers Ele Com Eng>Recent Advances in Systems Engineering and Applied MathematicsMa Comput Sci Eng>Recent Advances in Systems Engineering and Applied MathematicsMath Comput Sci Eng%Recent Advances in Temporal Databases Work CompGRecent Advances in The Characterization of Transportation Geo-materials Geotech SpWRecent Advances in The Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials, Vol 6 Elec Soc SVRecent Advances in The Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Material, Vol 7 Elec Soc S5Recent Advances in The Chemistry of Insect Control Ii Roy Soc Ch;Recent Advances in The Development and Germination of SeedsNato Adv Sci I A-lifGRecent Advances in The Epidemiology and Prevention of Gallstone Disease Dev Gastro0Recent Advances in The Message Passing InterfaceLect Notes Comput Sc<Recent Advances in The Processing of Wood-plastic Composites Eng MaterSRecent Advances in The Reduction of Tobacco-specific Nitrosamines in Leaf and Smoke Rec Adv TobZRecent Advances in The Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials, Pts A - CStud Surf Sci Catal@Recent Advances in The Theory and Applications of Mass Transport Contemp Math>Recent Advances in The Theory of Chemical and Physical Systems Prog T Chem>Recent Advances in The Theory of Chemical and Physical SystemsProg Theor Chem PhysYRecent Advances in The Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders and Cognitive Dysfunction Int Acad BURecent Advances in The Uses of Light in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, and MedicineP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Recent Advances in Tobacco Science Rec Adv TobRRecent Advances in Total Least Squares Techniques and Errors-in-variables Modeling Siam Proc S%Recent Advances in Tropical Neurology Devel Neur&Recent Advances in Tryptophan ResearchAdv Exp Med BiolFRecent Advances in Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia Coli Infections Int Congr Ser%Recent Advances in Welding Simulation Imeche Sem"Recent Advances in Zeolite ScienceStud Surf Sci CatalFRecent Advances of Research in Antinutritional Factors in Legume Seeds Eaap PublicSRecent Advances of Research in Antinutritional Factors in Legume Seeds and Oilseeds Eaap PublicSRecent Advances of Research in Antinutritional Factors in Legume Seeds and Rapeseed Eaap Public&Recent Advances On Applied MathematicsMa Comput Sci Eng&Recent Advances On Applied MathematicsMath Comput Sci Eng4Recent Advances On Growth and Growth Hormone TherapySerono Coll Eur SerRecent Advances On Hypoglycemia Serono SymGRecent Advances On The Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus Int Congr Ser&Recent Developments in Acacia Planting Aciar Proc7Recent Developments in Advanced Materials and ProcessesMater Sci Forum!Recent Developments in AlcoholismRecent Dev Alcohol)Recent Developments in Algebraic Topology Contemp Math.Recent Developments in Applied BiostratigraphyMicropal Soc Spec Pu.Recent Developments in Applied BiostratigraphyMicropaleaeontologic1Recent Developments in Asymmetric Organocatalysis Rsc Catal Ser!Recent Developments in Benthology Oceanis S D4Recent Developments in Biocontrol of Plant Pathogens Curr T Life:Recent Developments in Carbocation and Onium Ion Chemistry Acs Sym Ser<Recent Developments in Complex Analysis and Computer AlgebraInt Soc Anal App ComGRecent Developments in Computer Modeling of Powder Metallurgy ProcessesNato Sc S Ss Iii C SNRecent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics Physcs Proc;Recent Developments in Cooperative Control and Optimization Cooperat Syst3Recent Developments in Domain Decomposition MethodsLect Notes Comp Sci,Recent Developments in Fish Otolith Research Bel Bar Lib2Recent Developments in Fractals and Related FieldsAppl Numer Harmon AnRRecent Developments in Geotextile Filters and Prefabricated Drainage GeocompositesAm Soc Test Mater9Recent Developments in Gravitation and Becs Phenomenology Aip Conf Proc0Recent Developments in Gravitation and Cosmology Aip Conf Proc8Recent Developments in International Banking and Finance Rec D Int BFRecent Developments in International Banking and Finance, Vols 4 and 5 Rec D Int B3Recent Developments in Management of Plant DiseasesPlant Path 21stBRecent Developments in Measurement and Assessment of Air Pollution VDI Bericht&Recent Developments in Mercury Science Struct Bond?Recent Developments in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Contemp Math4Recent Developments in Optical Gauge Block MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt 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Sci Forum9Recent Developments in Traceable Dimensional MeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Recent Developments in Traceable Dimensional Measurements IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Recent Developments in Turbulence Management Fluid Mec A(Recent Developments On Money and FinanceStud Econ TheoryJRecent Developments On Structural Equation Models: Theory and ApplicationsMath Model-theor AppJRecent Developments On Structural Equation Models: Theory and Applications Math ModellXRecent Directions in Astrophysical Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Hydrodynamics Aip Conf ProcRecent Economic Thought Series Rec Econ Th;Recent Evolution and Seismicity of The Mediterranean RegionNato Adv Sci Inst Se>Recent Excavations in Israel : Studies in Iron Age Archaeology Ann Amer ScHRecent Experimental and Computational Advances in Molecular SpectroscopyNato Adv Sci Inst SekRecent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in The Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, Proceedings Aip Conf ProcMRecent Innovations in Educational Technology That Facilitate Student LearningCurr Persp Cong LearjRecent Insights Into The Physics of The Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights From Soho and Other Space MissionsIau Symp1Recent Issues in Pattern Analysis and RecognitionLect Notes Comput Sc=Recent Knowledge On Iron and Folate Deficiencies in The World Colloq Inse7Recent Modelling Approaches in Applied Energy Economics Int St Ec M,Recent Patents On Anti-cancer Drug DiscoveryRecent Pat Anti-canc Recent Patents On NanotechnologyRecent Pat NanotechRecent Pavement Research IssuesTransport Res Rec=Recent Perspectives in Random Matrix Theory and Number Theory Lond Math S4Recent Progress in Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry Contemp Math,Recent Progress in Bladder and Kidney CancerProg Clin Biol Res5Recent Progress in Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis Int Congr SerQRecent Progress in Colorectal Cancer : Biology and Management of High Risk Groups Int Congr SerIRecent Progress in Computational Sciences and Engineering, Vols 7a and 7bLect Ser Computer CoCRecent Progress in Coupled Cluster Methods: Theory and ApplicationsChall Adv Comput Che&Recent Progress in Functional Analysis N-holland M#Recent Progress in Hormone ResearchRecent Prog Horm ResORecent Progress in Hormone Research, Proceedings of The 1996 Conference, Vol 52Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 45Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 47Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 48Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 49Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 50Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 51Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 53Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 54Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 55Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 56Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 57Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 58Recent Prog Horm Res+Recent Progress in Hormone Research, Vol 59Recent Prog Horm Res&Recent Progress in Intersection Theory Trends Math%Recent Progress in Many-body Theories Rec Prog M2Recent Progress in Many-body Theories, ProceedingsSer Adv Quant Many B,Recent Progress in Many-body Theories, Vol 2 Rec Prog M,Recent Progress in Many-body Theories, Vol 3 Rec Prog M,Recent Progress in Many-body Theories, Vol 4 Rec Prog M5Recent Progress in Marine Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Oceanis S DGRecent Progress in Marine Ecophysiology: Respiration and Osmoregulation Oceanis S D#Recent Progress in Medicinal PlantsRecent Prog Med PlanRecent Progress in Mesostructured Materials, Proceedings of The 5th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium - Imms2006Stud Surf Sci Catal-Recent Progress in Multivariate Approximation Int S Num M-Recent Progress in Multivariate ApproximationInt Ser Numer Math4Recent Progress in Posterior Pituitary Hormones 1988 Int Congr Ser<Recent Progress in Robotics: Viable Robotic Service to HumanLect Notes Contr InfDRecent Progress of Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering in Japan IAdv Biochem Eng BiotERecent Progress of Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering in Japan IiAdv Biochem Eng Biot(Recent Progress of Diabetes in East Asia Int Congr Ser%Recent Progress On Earthquake GeologyEnviron Sci Eng TechRecent Progress On KininsAgent Action Suppl`Recent Progress On Some Problems in Several Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations Contemp MathLRecent Research Advances in The Fluid Mechanics of Turbulent Jets and PlumesNato Adv Sci Inst Se7Recent Researches in Ecology, Environment and Pollution Res Ec EnRecent Research in Psychology Rec Res PsyVRecent Results and Perspective Instrumental Developments in X- and Gamma-ray AstronomyAdv Space Res-series!Recent Results in Cancer ResearchRecent Res Cancer!Recent Results in Cancer ResearchRecent Results Canc!Recent Results in Cancer ResearchRecent Results Cance.Recent Results in Laminar-turbulent TransitionNote N Fl Mech Mul D Recent Results On Mars and VenusAdv Space Res-series3Recents Progres En Chimie Et Ecotoxicologie MarinesOceanis-ser DocGRecents Progres En Ecophysiologie Marine: Respiration Et Osmoregulation Oceanis S D>Recent Studies in The Final Palaeolithic of The European PlainJut Arch Soc PublHRecent Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Hydrogen Bonded ClustersNato Sci Ser Ii MathHRecent Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Hydrogen Bonded ClustersNato Sci Ser Ii-math!Recent Topics in Nonlinear Pde Iv N-holland M1Recent Trends and Developments in Social SoftwareLect Notes Comput Sc1Recent Trends in Algebraic Development TechniquesLect Notes Comput ScRecent Trends in BiotechnologyRecent Trends Biotec/Recent Trends in Biotechnology and MicrobiologyMicrobiol Res Adv%Recent Trends in Biotechnology, Vol 1Recent Trends Biotec(Recent Trends in Clinical Pharmacology / Colloq Inse)Recent Trends in Clinical Pharmacology // Colloq InseRecent Trends in Cryptography Contemp Math(Recent Trends in Data Type SpecificationLect Notes Comput ScRecent Trends in Heap LeachingAustralas I Min Met,Recent Trends in Networks and CommunicationsComm Com Inf Sc2Recent Trends in Network Security and ApplicationsComm Com Inf Sc@Recent Trends in Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory Contemp Math.Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology, Vol 2 Rec Res Psy0Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology, Vol Iii Rec Res PsyERecent Trends in Theory of Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic FieldsNato Sci Ser Ii MathERecent Trends in Theory of Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic FieldsNato Sci Ser Ii-math4Recent Trends in Thermoelectric Materials Research ISemiconduct Semimet5Recent Trends in Thermoelectric Materials Research IiSemiconduct Semimet6Recent Trends in Thermoelectric Materials Research IiiSemiconduct SemimeteRecent Trends in Toeplitz and Pseudodifferential Operators:the 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Zahlungsverkehrs Im UberblickDegruyter Handb Rechtsmedizin Rechtsmedizin"Rechtsschutz Im Offentlichen RechtDegruyter LehrbRecht Und LandschaftReallexikon Ger AlteReciprocals and ReflexivesTrends Linguist-studReckoning With The TraditionP Am Cath Philos Ass3Reclaiming Chinese Society: The New Social ActivismAsias Transform"Reclaiming Education for DemocracySociocult Polit HistFReclaiming Reality: A Critical Introduction to Contemporary PhilosophyClass Texts Crit ReaEReclaiming The Media: Communication Rights and Democratic Media RolesEur Commun Res EducVReclaiming Theodicy: Reflections On Suffering, Compassion and Spiritual TransformationLibr Philos Relig#Reclamation & Revegetation ResearchReclam Reveg ResReclamation Era Reclam Era>Recoding: Expansion of Decoding Rules Enriches Gene ExpressionNucleic Acids Mol BiDRecoding The Museum: Digital Heritage and The Technologies of ChangeMus MeanRecognition of Anions Struct BondQRecognition of Carbohydrates in Biological Systems, Part B: Specific ApplicationsMethod EnzymolKRecognition of Carbohydrates in Biological Systems Pt A: General ProceduresMethod Enzymol@Recognition of Whiteboard Notes: Online, Offline and CombinationSer Mach Percept Art;Recognizing Patterns in Signals, Speech, Images, and VideosLect Notes Comput ScRecollections of France Contemp FrRecollections of TraumaNato Adv Sci I A-lifYRecombinant Dna Biotechnology Iii: The Integration of Biological and Engineering SciencesAnn Ny Acad SciRecombinant Dna Technology IAnn Ny Acad SciRecombinant Dna Technology IiAnn Ny Acad Sci*Recombinant Vectors in Vaccine DevelopmentDev Biol Stand.Recombination Lifetime Measurements in SiliconAm Soc Test MaterRecombination of Atomic IonsNato Adv Sci I B-phy'Recombination of Milk and Milk Products Int Dairy F\Recommender Systems for Information Providers: Designing Custom Centric Paths to InformationContrib Manag SciReconceptualising ConversionBeih Z Neutest Wiss:Reconciliation in Divided Societies: Finding Common GroundPa Stud Hum Rights6Reconciling Fisheries With Conservation, Vols I and Ii Am Fish S S2Reconciling Indonesia: Grassroots Agency for PeaceAsias Transform8Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc?Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScNReconfigurable Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: A Fault-hiding ApproachLect Notes Contr InfCReconfigurable Rf Power Amplifiers On Silicon for Wireless HandsetsAnalog Circ Sig ProccReconfigurable Technology: Fpgas and Reconfigurable Processors for Computing and Communications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InscReconfigurable Technology: Fpgas and Reconfigurable Processors for Computing and Communications Iii Proc SpiebReconfigurable Technology: Fpgas and Reconfigurable Processors for Computing and Communications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Reconfigurable Technology: Fpgas for Computing and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Reconfigurable Technology: Fpgas for Computing and Applications Proc 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Reconciliation Between NationsPalg Mac Ser TranshReconstructing Patriarchy After The Great War: Women, Gender, and Postwar Reconciliation Between NationsPalg Mac Transnat HLRe-constructing The Post-soviet Industrial Region - The Donbas in TransitionBasees-rout Ser RussNReconstructing The Tree of Life: Taxonomy and Systematics of Species Rich TaxaSyst Assoc Spec Vol8Reconstruction Designs of Lost Ancient Chinese MachineryHist Mech Mach SciBReconstructionist Confucianism: Rethinking Morality After The WestPhilos Stud Contemp&Reconstruction of Disturbed Arid Lands Aaas SelectOReconstruction of Macroscopic Maxwell Equations: A Single Susceptibility TheorySpringer Trac Mod Ph]Reconstruction of Pleistocene Ice-dammed Lake Outburst Floods in The Altai Mountains, SiberiaGeol Soc Am Spec PapBReconstruction of Small Inhomogeneities From Boundary MeasurementsLect Notes Math'Reconstruction Surgery and Traumatology Recons SurgReconstructive Neurosurgery Act Neur SReconstructive NeurosurgeryActa Neurochir SupplRecord-at&t Bell LaboratoriesRecord-at&t Bell LabRecording SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsRecordkeeping, Ethics and LawArch LibRecord of Chemical Progress Rec Chem ProgHRecord of Conference Papers - Petroleum and Chemical Industry ConferenceRecord Conf Pap Petr6Record of The Ieee 2000 International Radar Conference Ieee Rad Conf6Record of The Ieee 2000 International Radar Conference Radar ConfRecord - Society of ActuariesRecord Soc Actuar1Record - Society of Actuaries, Vol 18, No 4a & 4bRecord Soc Actuar1Record - Society of Actuaries, Vol 20, No 2, 1994Record Soc Actuar3Record - Society of Actuaries, Vol 20, No 4a and 4bRecord Soc Actuar+Record - Society of Actuaries, Vol 21, No 1Record Soc Actuar5Record - Society of Actuaries, Vols 21, Nos 3a and 3bRecord Soc ActuarRecords of Natural Products Rec Nat ProdXRecords of The 2000 Ieee International Workshop On Memory Technology, Design and TestingRec Ieee Int Wkshp MSRecords of The 2003 International Workshop On Memory 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Amer Conc I/Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar MatterIau SympRecycling The ResourceEnvironm Res ForumRed Algae in The Genomic AgeCell Orig Life ExtreRed Blood Cell AgingAdv Exp Med Biol.Red Book of Varieties and Schemes, 2nd EditionLect Notes MathRed Cell DevelopmentCurr Top Dev Biol"Redefining British Theatre HistoryRedefin Br Theatre H"Redefining British Theatre HistoryRedefin Brit TheatreQRedefining Regional French: Koineization and Dialect Levelling in Northern France Stud LingDRedefining The Csce : Challenges and Opportunities in The New Europe Inst Ew SecdRedesigning Achilles: Recycling The Epic Cycle in The Little Iliad (ovid, Metamorphoses 12.1-13.622)Unters Antiken Lit G1Redesigning Rice Photosynthesis to Increase Yield Stud Plan S5Redewiedergabe in Fruhneuzeitlichen HexenprozessaktenStud Linguist GerRedia-giornale Di ZoologiaRedia$Redirection of Th1 and Th2 ResponsesCurr Top MicrobiolRediscovering ApprenticeshipTech Vocat Ed TrainRediscovering PhenomenologyPhaenomenologica Rediscovery of Shamanic Heritage Bibl ShamanORedistricting and Representation: Why Competitive Elections Are Bad for AmericaControv Elect DemocrRedo Vascular Surgery Serono Sym#Redox-active Amino Acids in BiologyMethod Enzymol-Redox-active Metals in Neurological DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci'Redox Cell Biology and Genetics, Part AMethod Enzymol'Redox Cell Biology and Genetics, Part AMethods Enzymol%Redox Cell Biology and Genetics, Pt BMethod Enzymol Redox Report Redox RepRe-drawing Boundaries Stud ChinaBRedrawing The Nation: National Identity in Latin/o American ComicsNew Dir Lat Am Cult<Red Snapper Ecology and Fisheries in The U.s. Gulf of Mexico Am Fish S S!Red Tides As A Natural Phenomenon Cuad Area C0Reduced Activation Materials for Fusion ReactorsAm Soc Test MaterXReduced-density-matrix Mechanics - With Application to Many-electron Atoms and Molecules Adv Chem Phys(Reduced-order Modelling for Flow ControlCism Courses LectReduced Order SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf#Reduced Thermal Processing for UlsiNato Adv Sci I B-phyReduced-tillage Systems Colloq Inra,Reducing Salt in Foods: Practical StrategiesWoodhead Publ Food S=Reducing The Cost of Spacecraft Ground Systems and OperationsSpace Technol ProcUReducing The Impact of Poverty On Health and Human Development: Scientific ApproachesAnn Ny Acad Sci-Reductionism and The Development of Knowledge J Piaget Sy%Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Acs Sym SerReductions in Organic Synthesis Acs Sym Ser'Red Wine Color: Revealing The Mysteries Acs Sym SerReenactment HistoryReenactment HistRe-enchantment Art Semin_Reenchantment of Nineteenth-century Fiction: Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot and SerializationPalgrave Stud Ninet-WRe-engineering of The Damaged Brain and Spinal Cord: Evidence-based Neurorehabilitation Act Neur SWRe-engineering of The Damaged Brain and Spinal Cord: Evidence-based NeurorehabilitationActa Neurochir Suppl3Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database DesignAdd-wes Signat Ser#Reference & User Services QuarterlyRef User Serv Q!Reference and Anaphoric RelationsStud Linguist Philos Reference Books On Family IssuesRef Books Fam Iss5Reference Data On Atomic Physics and Atomic ProcessesSpringer Ser Atom OpZReferendums and Representative Democracy - Responsiveness, Accountability and DeliberationRoutl Ecpr Stud Eur-Refinement Techniques in Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScRefining Familiar Constructs Res Org Sci#Reflection and Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc5Reflection, Scattering, and Diffraction From SurfacesP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Reflection, Scattering, and Diffraction From Surfaces IiP Soc Photo-opt InsReflections of Change Contr St WoCReflections On European Integration: 50 Years of The Treaty of RomePalgrave Stud Eur UnReflections On Mexico 68B Lat Am Res Bk SerQReflections On The Cliometrics Revolution: Conversations With Economic HistoriansRoutl Explor Econ Hi-Reflections On The Foundations of MathematicsLect Notes Logic+Reflections On The Problem of ConsciousnessStud Brain MindLReflective and Refractive Optical Materials for Earth and Space ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Reflective Cracking in Pavements Rilem Proc&Reflective Practices in Arts EducationLandsc Art Aesthet EeReflexivity in Economics: An Experimental Examination On The Self-referentiality of Economic Theories Contrib EconReforesting Landscapes Landsc SerReform and Growth in Africa Oecd DevelKReform and Perspectives On Social Insurance: Lessons From The East and WestStud Emp Soc PolicyGReform and Restructuring of The Gas Industry in Economies in Transition Un Eco CommAReformed Vitality: Continuity and Change in The Face of ModernityCalvin Ctr SerQReforming Boston Schools, 1930-2006: Overcoming Corruption and Racial SegregationPalg Stud Urban Educ2Reforming Chinas State-owned Enterprises and BanksNew Horiz Money Fina.Reforming Europe: The Role of The Centre-rightCk I Dem Ser Eur Int3Reforming Fiscal Economic Management in AfghanistanDir DevReforming Health Care Systems Baas F Econ@Reforming Higher Education in Vietnam: Challenges and PrioritiesHigh Educ DynamLReforming Learning: Concepts, Issues and Practice in The Asia-pacific RegionEduc Asia Pac Reg-is"Reforming Mexico's Agrarian ReformColumb U Sem SerZReforming New Zealand Secondary Education: The Picot Report and The Road to Radical ReformSecond Educ Chang WoEReforming The Canadian Financial Sector: Canada in Global PerspectivePolicy Forum SeriesFReforming The Common Agricultural Policy: History of A Paradigm ChangePalgrave Stud Eur Un<Reforming The Financial Sector in Central European CountriesStud Econ Transit)Reforming The Higher Education CurriculumAm C Educ OryzReforming (transforming?) A Public Human Resource Management Agency: The Case of The Personnel Board of Jefferson County, AlabamaCont Hum Res Manag(Reform of Latin American Banking SystemsInt Econ Dev Law SerEReform of Teacher Education in The Asia-pacific in The New MillenniumEduc Asia Pac Reg-is2Reform of The International Financial ArchitectureInt Bank & Finance L.Reform Options for The Eu Own Resources System Zew Econ Stud ReformpoetikFruhe Neuzeit-stud DLReforms in Foreign Economic Relations of Eastern Europe and The Soviet Union Econom StudReforms in Public Transport Res Trans ERefractive and Corneal SurgeryRefract Corneal Surg RefractometryP Soc Photo-opt Ins RefractoriesRefractories-ussr+$Refractories and Industrial CeramicsRefract Ind Ceram+Refractories Journal Refract J3Reframing Humans in Information Systems DevelopmentComput Supp Coop Wor0Refrigerated Transport, Storage & Retail Display Refr Sci T"Refrigeration and Air ConditioningRefrig Air ConditionRefrigeration and Aquaculture Refr Sci T6Refrigeration, Climate Control and Energy Conservation Refr Sci T$Refrigeration Science and Technology Refr Sci TRefuah Veterinarith Refuah VetGRefuge and Reality: Feuchtwanger and The European Emigres in California Germ Monit$Refugee and Dorced Migration StudiesRef For Mig St"Refugees and Development in Africa Sem P Scand(Refugees, Recent Migrants and EmploymentRoutl Res Popul Migr8Refugees, The State and The Politics of Asylum in AfricaSt Antonys Ser"Regarding The Soledades By GongoraAnejos CriticonRegel Und WitzQuellen Stud Philos@Regenerating The Heart: Stem Cells and The Cardiovascular SystemStem Cells Biol Reg"Regeneratin: Stem Cells and BeyondCurr Top Microbiol1Regeneration of Vertebrate Sensory Receptor Cells Ciba F Symp0Regenerative and Cell Therapy: Clinical AdvancesE Schering Res Fdn WRegenerative Medicine Regen Med?Regenerative Medicine Ii: Clinical and Preclinical ApplicationsAdv Biochem Eng Biot5Regenerative Medicine I: Theories, Models and MethodsAdv Biochem Eng Biot2Regime and Society in The Twentieth Century RussiaInt Co Cent E Eur St'Regime Legitimacy in Contemporary ChinaRoutl Contemp China!Regional and Global Capital Flows Nber E A EcRegional Anesthesia Region Anesth%Regional Anesthesia and Pain MedicineRegion Anesth Pain M\Regional Aspects of Climate-terrestrial-hydrologic Interactions in Non-boreal Eastern EuropeNato Sci Peace Secur-Regional Aspects of Monetary Policy in EuropeZei Stud Eu Econ Law-Regional Aspects of Monetary Policy in EuropeZei Stud Eur Econ La4Regional Aspects of Multinationality and PerformanceRes Glob Strateg ManRegional Climate Studies Reg Clim StRegional Climate Studies Reg Clim StudFRegional Climate Variability and Its Impacts in The Mediterranean AreaNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear6Regional Cohesion: Effectiveness of Network Structures Contrib EconRegional Competition Adv Spat Sci)Regional Cooperation in Southern Africa / Sem P Scand?Regional Development and Conflict Management: A Case for BrazilContrib Confl Manag-Regional Development in The Knowledge Economy Reg Cities'Regional Disparities in Small Countries Adv Spat SciRegional Economic IntegrationRes Glob Strateg ManRegional Environmental ChangeReg Environ ChangeRegionale Prosodie Im DeutschenLinguist-impulse TenRegional Geophysical LineamentsGeol Soc India MemLRegional Hydrological Impacts of Climatic Change - Hydroclimatic Variability Iahs-aish PXRegional Hydrological Impacts of Climatic Change - Impact Assessment and Decision Making Iahs-aish PRegional Integration in Africa Oecd DevelJRegional Integration in East Asia: From The Viewpoint of Spatial Economics Ide Jetro Ser1Regionalisation, Growth, and Economic Integration Contrib EconRegionalism and Rivalry Nber Conf R&Regionalism in China-vietnam RelationsRoutl Contemp AsiaLRegionalism in South Asia: Negotiating Cooperation, Institutional StructuresRoutl Cont Se Asia S;Regionalism in Southeast Asia: to Foster The Political WillRout St Mod Hist Asi;Regionalism in Southeast Asia: to Foster The Political WillRoutl Stud Mod HistRegionalism in The North U Lap A C R2Regionalism Versus Multilateral Trade Arrangements Nber E A EcRegionalization in Hydrology Iahs-aish PDRegionalization of Watersheds: An Approach Based On Cluster AnalysisWater Sci Technol Li>Regional Knowledge Economies: Markets, Clusters and InnovationNew Horiz Reg Sci&Regional Management of Water Resources Iahs-aish P+Regional Minorities and Development in AsiaRoutl Contemp Asia(Regional Outcome Measure in Hand SurgerySurg-proced ComplicaRegional PlanningNat Built Environ Se)Regional Planning and Information SystemsCirad Colloques$Regional Science and Urban EconomicsReg Sci Urban Econ2Regional Science Perspectives in Economic AnalysisContrib Econ Anal2Regional Science Perspectives in Economic AnalysisContrib To Econ AnalRegional Security Regimes Suny S Irs St5Regionalspezifische Intonationsverlaufe Im Kolnischen Linguist ArbRegional StudiesReg Stud2Regional Unemployment, Job Matching, and Migration Eur Res R SRegions and Cities Reg CitiesRegnum Vegetabile Regnum VegQRegreening The Bare Hills: Tropical Forest Restoration in The Asia-pacific Region World Forests#Regression Methods in BiostatisticsStat Biol Health!Regression With Linear PredictorsStat Biol HealthRegular & Chaotic DynamicsRegul Chaotic Dyn;Regularity and Approximability of Electronic Wave FunctionsLect Notes Math#Regularity and Substructures of Hom Front Math.Regularity of Minimal Surfaces, Second EditionGrundlehr Math Wiss"Regularized Fast Hartley TransformSignals Commun Techn,Regular Variation and Differential EquationsLect Notes Math$Regulated Agent-based Social SystemsLect Notes Artif Int&Regulated Rivers-research & Management Regul River*Regulated Systems for Multiphase CatalysisTop Organometal ChemRegulation & Governance Regul Gov1Regulation in Asia: Pushing Back On GlobalizationRoutledge Law Asia1Regulation in Asia: Pushing Back On GlobalizationRtldg Law AsiaRegulation of Body Weight Life Sci R$Regulation of Chloroplast BiogenesisNato Adv Sci I A-lifARegulation of Enzymatic Systems Detoxifying Xenobiotics in PlantsNato Asi 3 High TechRegulation of Gene ExpressionEssays Biochem/Regulation of Gene Expression in Animal VirusesNato Adv Sci Inst Se3Regulation of Gene Expression in The Nervous System Neurol Neur/Regulation of Growth Hormone and Somatic Growth Int Congr Ser"Regulation of Hemoglobin Switching Jh S Cont M%Regulation of Isopentenoid Metabolism Acs Sym SerRegulation of MicrornasAdv Exp Med Biol4Regulation of Phytochemicals By Molecular TechniquesRecent Adv Phytochem3Regulation of Plant Growth and Development By Light Cur Top Pl2Regulation of Primary Metabolic Pathways in Plants Pr Phyt Soc-Regulation of Seasonal Cycles in Invertebrate Colloq Inra7Regulation of Sertoli Cell and Germ Cell DifferentationAdv Anat Embryol Cel'Regulation of Smooth Muscle ContractionAdv Exp Med Biol!Regulation of Testicular FunctionAnn Ny Acad SciBRegulation of The Acute Phase and Immune Responses : Interleukin-6Ann Ny Acad Sci'Regulation of The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Ciba F SympQRegulation of The Voluntary Sector: Freedom and Security in An Era of UncertaintyCrit Approach LawARegulation of Working Time in The European Union: Gender Approach Travail Soc/Regulators and Effectors of Small Gtpases, Pt DMethod Enzymol/Regulators and Effectors of Small Gtpases, Pt EMethod Enzymol=Regulators and Effectors of Small Gtpases, Pt F, Ras Family IMethod Enzymol/Regulators and Effectors of Small Gtpases, Pt GMethod Enzymol/Regulators and Effectors of Small Gtpases, Pt GMethods Enzymol5Regulators and Effectors of Small Gtpases: Ras FamilyMethod Enzymol2Regulators in Analysis, Geometry and Number Theory Prog Math)Regulators of G-protein Signaling, Part AMethod Enzymol'Regulators of G-protein Signaling, Pt BMethod Enzymol7Regulatory and Protective Role of The Normal Microflora Wenner-gr CGRegulatory Challenge of Biotechnology: Human Genetics, Food and PatentsBiotechnol Regul Ser=Regulatory Control and Standardization of Allergenic Extracts Arb Pei GshFRegulatory Fit and Persuasion Through Advocacy Messages and NarrativesPsychol Res ProgRegulatory GenomicsLect Notes Comput Sc-Regulatory Governance in Developing CountriesCrc Ser Compet RegulDRegulatory Gut Peptides in Paediatric Gastroenterology and NutritionFront Gastr Res7Regulatory Impact Assessment:towards Better Regulation?Crc Ser Compet Regul4Regulatory Mechanisms of Striated Muscle ContractionAdv Exp Med BiolRegulatory PeptidesRegul PeptidesBRegulatory Practices and Safety Standards for Nuclear Power Plants Int Aeaps 2#Regulatory Processes in Development Wenn Gr Int!Regulatory Roles of Neuropeptides Int Congr Ser)Regulatory T Cells: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol&Regulatory Toxicology and PharmacologyRegul Toxicol Pharm@Regulierung Elektrischer Netze: Offene Fragen Und LosungsansatzeEthics Sci Tech AssRehabilitationRehabilitation@Rehabilitation and Palliation of Cancer Patients: (patient Care)Ser Eur Acad Rehabil(Rehabilitation: Beyond The Risk ParadigmKey Ideas Criminol"Rehabilitation Counseling BulletinRehabil Couns Bull:Rehabilitation Facilities : Preparing for The 21st Century Switzer MonRehabilitation Literature Rehabil LitRehabilitation Medicine / Int Congr SerRehabilitation Nursing Rehabil NursDRehabilitation of Persons With Long-term Mental Illness in The 1990s Switzer Mon-Rehabilitation of The Shaken Soldier SyndromeNeurosci Res Prog SeRehabilitation PsychologyRehabil Psychol=Rehabilitation Technology : Strategies for The European Union St Heal TORehab, Protection and Safety Measures for Firefighters and Emergency Responders Saf Risk Soc#Reidemeister Torsion of 3-manifoldsDegruyter Stud MathReid On Ethics Philos DepthReifen - Fahrwerk - Fahrbahn VDI BerichtUReigniting The Labor Movement: Restoring Means to Ends in A Democratic Labor MovementRoutl Front Polit EcPReign of Truth and Faith: Epistemic Expressions in 16th and 17th Century EnglishTop Engl LinguistReihe Der Villa VigoniReihe Villa VigoniReihe Germanistische LinguistikReihe Ger LinguistReimagining WomenTheory Culture]Reindeer As A Keystone Species in The North - Biological, Cultural and Socio-economic Aspects U Lap A C RKReinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming Using Function ApproximatorsAutom Control Eng SeReinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)Mcgill Stud ReligGReinventing Accountability: Making Democracy Work for Human DevelopmentInt Polit Econ SerSReinventing Modernity in Latin America: Intellectuals Imagine The Future, 1900-1930Stud AmXReinventing Poland: Economic and Political Transformation and Evolving National IdentityBasees-rout Ser RussRe-inventing RealitiesAdv Public Inter AccRe-irradiation: New FrontiersMed Radiol Radiat OnRejection and ToleranceTransp Cl Immun SfmmRejuvenation Research Rejuv Res-Relating Geophysical Structures and ProcessesGeoph Monog Series.Relating to Environments: A New Look At UmweltAdv Cult Psychol Con;Relational and Kleene-algebraic Methods in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScZRelational Contracting for Construction Excellence: Principles, Practices and Case StudiesSpon Res:Relational Databases and Open-source Software DevelopmentsComput Sci Tech Appl4Relational Methods for Computer Science ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp&Relational Methods in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc,Relational Methods in Computer Science, 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc#Relational Perspectives Book SeriesRelat Perspect Book&Relation of Writing to Spoken LanguageLing Arb0Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc=Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Relationscapes: Movement, Art, PhilosophyTechnol Lived AbstrdRelationship Between Automatic and Controlled Processes of Attention and Leading to Complex ThinkingNeurosci Res Prog Se,Relationship Between Damage and LocalizationGeol Soc Spec PublSRelationship Between Exporters and Their Foreign Sales and Marketing IntermediariesAdv Int MarketingRelationships and ResourcesRelatsh Resour'Relationships As Developmental ContextsMinn Sym Child PsychCRelationships Between Active Galactic Nuclei and Starburst Galaxies Astr Soc P,Relations Industrielles-industrial RelationsRelat Ind-ind Relat(Relative Datierung Der Tragodien SenecasBeitr AltertumskundehRelative Efficacy of Sodium Fluoride and Sodium Monofluorophosphate As Anti-caries Agents in DentifricesRoy Soc Med Int Cong[Relatively and Philosophically Earnest: Festschrift in Honor of Paul Ernest's 65th BirthdayMont Math Enthus MonMRelative Tense and Aspectual Values in Tibetan Languages: A Comparative StudyTrends Linguist-studERelativistic and Electron Correlation Effects in Molecules and SolidsNato Adv Sci Inst SeRelativistic Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc'Relativistic Astrophysics and CosmologySci Cult Ser Astroph6Relativistic Collisions of Structured Atomic ParticlesSpringer Ser Atom Op"Relativistic Flows in AstrophysicsLect Notes PhysRelativistic GravitationAdv Space Res-series/Relativistic Gravitational Experiments in Space Nasa Conf P!Relativistic Heavy-ion Collisions Ccast Wl SwPRelativistic Jets: The Common Physics of Agn, Microquasars, and Gamma-ray Bursts Aip Conf Proc?Relativistic Many-body Theory: A New Field-theoretical ApproachSpringer Ser Atom Op!Relativistic Methods for ChemistsChall Adv Comput Che0Relativistic Quantum Measurement and DecoherenceLect Notes PhysRelativistic Quantum MechanicsTheor Math Phys SerJRelativistic Quantum Theory of Atoms and Molecules: Theory and ComputationSpringer Ser Atom OpCRelativistic Transitions in The Hydrogenic Atoms: Elementary TheorySpringer Ser Atom Op&Relativity and The Nature of Spacetime Front Collect4Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology: New DevelopmentsContemp Fund PhysRRelativity in Fundamental Astronomy: Dynamics, Reference Frames, and Data AnalysisIau Symp P Series3Relativ(satz)konstruktionen Im Gesprochenen DeutschLinguist-impulse TenQRelators and Linkers: The Syntax of Predication, Predicate Inversion, and CopulasLinguist Inq Monogr0Relaxation in Complex Systems and Related TopicsNato Adv Sci I B-phyRelaxation in PolymersProg Coll Pol Sci S(Relaxation Phenomena in Condensed Matter Adv Chem PhysRelaxin and Related PeptidesAdv Exp Med Biol<Relaxin and Related Peptides: Fifth International ConferenceAnn Ny Acad Sci=Relaxin and Related Peptides: Fourth International ConferenceAnn Ny Acad Sci8Release of Genetically Modified Microorganisms - Regem 2 Fems SympBRelevance of Animal Studies to The Evaluation of Human Cancer RiskProg Clin Biol ResCRelevance of Ethnic Factors in The Clinical Evaluation of Medicines Cmr Worksh$Relevance of The Philosophy of SportSpor Spiel KampHRelevance to Human Cancer of N-nitroso Compounds, Tobacco and Mycotoxins Iarc Sci Publ)Reliability and Maintainability Symposium P Rel Maint SaReliability and Optimization of Structural Systems: Assessment, Design and Life-cycle PerformanceProc Monogr Eng Wate5Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, V Ifip Trans BRReliability and Risk Issues in Large Scale Safety-critical Digital Control SystemsSpringer Ser Reliab"Reliability and Safety EngineeringSpringer Ser ReliabxReliability and Safety of Complex Technical Systems and Processes: Modeling - Identification - Prediction - OptimizationSpringer Ser Reliab6Reliability-based Design of Engineered Wood StructuresNato Adv Sci I E-app'Reliability Engineering & System SafetyReliab Eng Syst SafeFReliability of Optical Fiber Components, Devices, Systems and NetworksP Soc Photo-opt InsJReliability of Optical Fiber Components, Devices, Systems, and Networks IiP Soc Photo-opt InsKReliability of Optical Fiber Components, Devices, Systems, and Networks IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsKReliability of Optical Fiber Components, Devices, Systems, and Networks Iii Proc Spie1Reliability of Photonics Materials and StructuresMater Res Soc Symp PCReliability of Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, Components, and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsCReliability of Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, Components, and Systems Proc SpieGReliability of Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, Components, and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Reliability of Sealing Systems for Rotating Machinery Imeche SemVReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems and Nanodevices Ix Proc SpieXReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems and Nanodevices ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems IvP Soc Photo-opt InsFReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems Iv Proc SpieFReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/ Moems VP Soc Photo-opt InsFReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/ Moems V Proc SpieFReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems ViP Soc Photo-opt InsFReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems Vi Proc SpieGReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsGReliability, Packaging, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems Vii Proc Spie7Reliability, Testing and Characterization of Mems/moemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Reliability, Testing and Characterization of Mems/moems Proc Spie;Reliability, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Reliability, Testing, and Characterization of Mems/moems Ii Proc Spie;Reliability, Testing and Characterization of Mems/moems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Reliability, Testing and Characterization of Mems/moems Iii Proc Spie-Reliable and Autonomous Computational Science Auton SystReliable Computing Reliab ComputFReliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms: Theory and PracticeLect Notes Comput Sc*Reliable Knowledge and Social EpistemologyGrazer Philos Stud+Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-europeLect Notes Comput Sc.Reliable Software Technologies Ada-europe 2000Lect Notes Comput Sc0Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-europe 2002Lect Notes Comput Sc0Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-europe 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc/Reliable Software Technologies- Ada-europe 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc?Reliable Software Technologies - Ada - Europe 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc>Reliable Software Technologies - Ada- Europe 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-europe 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc0Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-europe 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc0Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-europe 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc/Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-europe '97Lect Notes Comput Sc/Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-europe' 99Lect Notes Comput Sc9Reliable Software Technology Ada-europe 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Reliable Systems On Unreliable Networked PlatformsLect Notes Comput ScReligionGrundthemen PhilosReligionReligionReligion & Literature Relig Lit9Religion and American Culture-a Journal of Interpretation Relig Am CultFReligion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia: Disrupting ViolenceAsian Secur StudReligion and Hume's LegacyClaremon Stud PhilosReligion and Political ViolenceContemp Terror StudReligion and Politics / A R Cecil LAReligion and Politics in Europe, The Middle East and North AfricaRoutl Ecpr Stud Eur(Religion and Politics in Southern Africa Sem P Scand/Religion and Profit: Moravians in Early AmericaEarly Am Stud SerReligion and Reason Relig Reason7Religion and Religious Practice in The Seleucid Kingdom St Hellen C%Religion and Secular Culture in TibetBrills Tibet Stu LibReligion and Sexual Taboo Prob Hist RReligion and Society Relig SocReligion and SpiritualityRelig Spiritual$Religion and The American PresidencyEvol Am Presid Religion and The Bush PresidencyEvol Am PresidXReligion and The Conceptual Boundary in Central and Eastern Europe: Encounters of FaithsSt Cent East EuropeReligion Culture CritiqueRelig Cult Crit5Religion, Gender, and Culture in The Pre-modern WorldRelig Cult Crit&Religion, Homosexuality and Literature Gay Men I R=Religion in Contemporary China: Revitalization and InnovationRoutl Contemp ChinaReligion in Everyday Life Kungl Vit H:Religion in International Relations: The Return From ExileCult Relig Int RelatReligion in Life Relig Life%Religion in The Age of Transformation Rel Age TranReligion in The Making St Hist Rel@Religion in World History: The Persistence of Imperial CommunionThemes World HistReligion, Language, and PowerRoutl Stud ReligReligion Marriage and FamilyRelig Marriage FamReligion Media and CultureRelig Media Cult0Religion, Medicine and The Human Embryo in TibetRoutl Crit Stud Budd$Religion, Politics and Thomas HobbesArch Int Hist Idees,Religion, Politics, and Turkeys Eu AccessionPalgr Stud Gov Secur0Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche Und VorarbeitenRelig Vers VorarbeitReligions in Dialogue Relig Dial#Religions in The Graeco-roman WorldRelig Graeco Roman WrReligion, Social Practice, and Contested Hegemonies: Reconstructing The Public Sphere in Muslim Majority SocietiesCult Relig Int Relat7Religions of The Book: Christian Perceptions, 1400-1660Early Mod Lit HistReligions of The WorldReligions WorldReligionsphilosophieDegruyter LehrbUReligion-state Encounters in Hindu Domains: From The Straits Settlements to SingaporeAri-springer Asia Se+Religionsunterricht Als Praxis Der FreiheitPrakt Theol Wiss%Religion, Theology, and The HolocaustRelig Theol HoloReligion Und DisziplinArb KirchengeschReligion Und StadtekonkurrenzMillenn Stud Kult GeXReligiosity, Cultural Capital, and Parochial Schooling: Psychological Empirical ResearchRes Relig Educ>Religious Confessions and The Sciences in The Sixteeth CenturyStud Europ Judaism&Religious Contributions to PeacemakingRelig Spiritual#Religious Dimensions of AdvertisingRelig Cult CritFReligious Diversity and Childrens Literature: Strategies and ResourcesInt Soc Stud Forum SReligious Education Relig Educ4Religious Harmony: Problems, Practice, and Education Relig ReasonReligious HumanismRelig Humanism<Religious Influences On Health and Well-being in The ElderlySociet Impact AgingReligious Liberalism Prob Hist R&Religious Nationalism in Modern EuropeRoutl Stud Nat EthnReligious Studies Relig StudReligious Studies ReviewRelig Stud Rev%Religious Texts and Material Contexts Stud Judais4Religious Transformations and Socio-political Change Relig SocBRemaining Issues in The Decommissioning of Nuclear Powered VesselsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarERemaking Chinese Urban Form: Modernity, Scarcity and Space, 1949-2005Plan Hist Environ SeRemaking MediaCommun Soc-serBRemaking Muslim Politics: Pluralism, Contestation, DemocratizationPrinc Stud Muslim PoWRemaking Regional Economies: Power, Labor, and Firm Strategies in The Knowledge EconomyRoutl Stud Econ GeogRemanent Life Prediction Imeche SemCRemapping Citizenship and The Nation in African-american LiteratureRoutl Transnat Persp%Remapping Ethiopia: Socialism & AfterE Afr Stud Ser(Remapping Gender in The New Global OrderRoutl Front Polit EcRemapping The BoundariesHeuresis: Sez Sci LBRemapping The Mediterranean World in Early Modern English WritingsEarly Mod Cult StudRemedial and Special Education Rem Spec EducRemembering Cosmopolitan EgyptRoutl Stud Mid E LitRemembering ElitesSociol Rev MonogrRemembering HedleyCanber Pap Strategy%Remembering: Oral History PerformancePalgr Stud Oral HistRemembering Self Emory S CogXRemembering The Early Modern Voyage: English Narratives in The Age of European ExpansionEarly Mod Cult StudNRemembering The Occupation in French Film: National Identity in Postwar EuropeStud Eur Cult HistRemembrance and Recollection Stud Shoah\Remolding and Resistance Among Writers of The Chinese Prison Camp: Disciplined and PublishedAsias TransformRRemote'09: Proceedings of The 5th Wseas International Conference On Remote SensingMath Comput Sci Eng=Remote Sensing and Applications: Earth, Atmosphere and Oceans Adv Space Res=Remote Sensing and Applications: Earth, Atmosphere and OceansAdv Space Res-series>Remote Sensing and Climate Modeling: Synergies and LimitationsAdv Glob Change Res+Remote Sensing and Digital Image ProcessingRemote Sens Digit ImcRemote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Resource Management in Developing CountriesEuro Cours Rem SenseRemote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Design and Operation of Water Resources Systems Iahs-aish P~Remote Sensing and Gis Data Processing and Applications; and Innovative Multispectral Technology and Applications, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins~Remote Sensing and Gis Data Processing and Applications; and Innovative Multispectral Technology and Applications, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie!Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000 Iahs-aish P<Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for SustainabilityP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability Proc Spie@Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability Iv Proc Spie>Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability VP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability V Proc Spie@Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsGRemote Sensing and Modeling of The Atmosphere, Oceans, and InteractionsP Soc Photo-opt InsKRemote Sensing and Modeling of The Atmosphere, Oceans, and Interactions IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsJRemote Sensing and Reconstruction for Three-dimensional Objects and ScenesP Soc Photo-opt InsSRemote Sensing and Space Technology for Multidisciplinary Research and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Remote Sensing and Spectral Geology Rev Econ Geol)Remote Sensing and The Earths Environment Esa Sp PublVRemote Sensing Applications for Aviation Weather Hazard Detection and Decision SupportP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Remote Sensing Applications of The Global Positioning SystemP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Remote Sensing: Earth, Ocean and Atmosphere Adv Space Res+Remote Sensing: Earth, Ocean and AtmosphereAdv Space Res-series9Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and HydrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology Proc Spie<Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology Ix Proc Spie;Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology V Proc Spie<Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology Vi Proc Spie>Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology Xii Proc Spie?Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural ResourcesP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Remote Sensing for Drought Impact Monitoring Univ Fra SARemote Sensing for Earth Science, Ocean, and Sea Ice ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsARemote Sensing for Earth Science, Ocean, and Sea Ice Applications Proc SpieWRemote Sensing for Environmental Data in Albania : A Strategy for Integrated Management Nato Asi 2JRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and GeologyP Soc Photo-opt InsMRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and Geology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsMRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and Geology Ii Proc SpieNRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and Geology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and Geology Iii Proc SpieMRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and Geology IvP Soc Photo-opt InsMRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and Geology Iv Proc SpieLRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications and Geology ViP Soc Photo-opt InsLRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications and Geology Vi Proc SpieNRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and Geology ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsNRemote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Gis Applications, and Geology Vii Proc SpieKRemote Sensing for Geography, Geology, Land Planning, and Cultural HeritageP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Remote Sensing for Land Surface Characterisation Adv Space Res@Remote Sensing for Monitoring The Changing Environment of Europe P Earsel Sy:Remote Sensing for Oceanography, Hydrology and Agriculture Adv Space Res>Remote Sensing in Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring and ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Remote Sensing in Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring and Control Proc Spie6Remote Sensing: Inversion Problems and Natural Hazards Adv Space Res6Remote Sensing: Inversion Problems and Natural HazardsAdv Space Res-seriesRemote Sensing LettersRemote Sens Lett"Remote Sensing of Active VolcanismGeoph Monog Series"Remote Sensing of Active VolcanismGeophys Monogr SernRemote Sensing of Aerosol and Chemical Gases, Model Simulation / Assimilation, and Applications to Air QualityP Soc Photo-opt InsURemote Sensing of Atmosphere and Ocean From Space: Models, Instruments and TechniquesAdv Glob Change Res'Remote Sensing of Atmosphere and OceansAdv Space Res-series&Remote Sensing of Atmosphere ChemistryP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Ix Proc Spie-Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere VP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere V Proc Spie.Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Vi Proc Spie/Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Vii Proc Spie0Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Viii Proc Spie.Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Xi Proc Spie/Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Xii Proc Spie.Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Xv Proc Spie/Remote Sensing of Earths Surface and Atmosphere Adv Space ResRemote Sensing of EnvironmentRemote Sens Environ/Remote Sensing of Fire: Science and ApplicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Remote Sensing of Fire: Science and Application Proc Spie%Remote Sensing of Impervious SurfacesT&f Ser Remote SensaRemote Sensing of Oceanographic Processes and Land Surfaces; Space Science Education and OutreachAdv Space Res-series2Remote Sensing of Physical Phenomena in The Oceans Oceanis S DMRemote Sensing of Sea Ice in The Northern Sea Route: Studies and ApplicationsSpringer-prax BooksYRemote Sensing of Solar Influence On Antarctic Terrestrial Climate From A Gps PerspectiveEnviron Sci Eng Tech+Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and CloudsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Clouds IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere and Clouds Iii Proc Spie;Remote Sensing of The Atmosphere for Envrionmental SecurityNato Sci Peace SecurRemote Sensing of The BiosphereP Soc Photo-opt InsERemote Sensing of The Coastal Ocean, Land, and Atmosphere EnvironmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Remote Sensing of The Earths Surface and AtmosphereAdv Space Res-seriesURemote Sensing of The Environment: 15th National Symposium On Remote Sensing of ChinaP Soc Photo-opt InsNRemote Sensing of The Environment: The 17th China Conference On Remote Sensing Proc Spie(Remote Sensing of The Marine EnvironmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Remote Sensing of The Marine Environment Proc Spie,Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea Ice 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins,Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea Ice 2001P Soc Photo-opt Ins,Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea Ice 2001 Proc Spie,Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea Ice 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins,Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea Ice 2002 Proc Spie,Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea Ice 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins,Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea Ice 2003 Proc Spie,Remote Sensing of The Ocean and Sea Ice 2004P Soc Photo-opt InsBRemote Sensing of The Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2006P Soc Photo-opt InsBRemote Sensing of The Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2006 Proc SpieBRemote Sensing of The Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsBRemote Sensing of The Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsRemote Sensing of Trace Constituents in The Lower Stratosphere, Troposphere and The Earth's Surface: Global Observations, Air Pollution and The Atmospheric Correction Adv Space ResRemote Sensing of Trace Constituents in The Lower Stratosphere, Troposphere and The Earth's Surface: Global Observations, Air Pollution and The Atmospheric CorrectionAdv Space Res-series5Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Composition From SpacePhys Earth Space Env*Remote Sensing of Urban and Suburban AreasRemote Sens Digit Im$Remote Sensing of Vegetation and SeaP Soc Photo-opt InsURemote Sensing of Vegetation and Water, and Standardization of Remote Sensing MethodsP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Remote Sensing System EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Remote Sensing System Engineering Proc Spie%Remote Sensing System Engineering IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Remote Sensing With Imaging RadarSignals Commun TechnRem-revista Escola De MinasRem-rev Esc MinasRenaissance and ReformationRenaissance ReformRenaissance DramaRenaissance DramaRenaissance Monographs Renais MonRenaissance MonographsRenaiss Monogr1Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary ChinaPhilos Stud ContempYRenaissance of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors : The New Selective and Reversible GenerationRoy Soc Med Int CongRenaissance QuarterlyRenaissance QuartRenaissance ScepticismsArch Int Hist IdeesRenaissance Theory Art SeminHRenal Ammoniagenesis and Interorgan Cooperation in Acid-base HomeostasisContrib Nephrol Renal CancerEmerg Cancer TherRenal EicosanoidsAdv Exp Med Biol Renal Failure Renal Failure'Renal Failure and Replacement TherapiesCompet-base Crit CarRenal FibrosisContrib Nephrol(Renal Involvement in Systemic VasculitisContrib Nephrol!Renal Physiology and BiochemistryRenal Physiol BiochRenal Stone Disease Aip Conf ProcRenal Stone Disease 2 Aip Conf Proc)Renascence-essays On Values in Literature RenascenceRencontres Du Vietnam Rencon VietRendering Techniques 2000Spring Comp SciRendering Techniques 2001Spring EurograpCRendering Techniques '95 - Proceedings of The Eurographics WorkshopSpring Comp SciRendering Techniques '99Spring Eurograp3Rendering, Visualization and Rasterization HardwareFoc Comp Graph>Rendiconti Del Seminario Matematico Della Universita Di PadovaRend Semin Ma Univ P>Rendiconti Del Seminario Matematico Della Universita Di PadovaRend Semin Mat U Pad Rendiconti Di Gastro-enterologiaRend Gastroenterol+Rendiconti Lincei-matematica E ApplicazioniRend Lincei-mat Appl,Rendiconti Lincei-scienze Fisiche E NaturaliRend Lincei-sci Fis'Rendiconti Romani Di Gastro-enterologiaRend Romani Gast-ent%Rending and Renewing The Social Order S Soc Polit1Renditions-a Chinese-english Translation Magazine RenditionsBRenegotiating Boundaries: Local Politics in Post-suharto Indonesia Verh Konik&Renewable Agriculture and Food SystemsRenew Agr Food Syst&Renewable & Sustainable Energy ReviewsRenew Sust Energ Rev5Renewable Bioenergy - Technologies, Risks and RewardsImeche Conf TransYRenewable Energies for Central Asia Countries: Economic, Environmental and Social ImpactsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarRenewable Energy Renew EnergGRenewable Energy for Sustainable Development in The Asia Pacific Region Aip Conf Proc;Renewable Energy From Forest Resources in The United StatesRoutl Explor EnvironTRenewable Energy in The Middle East: Enhancing Security Through Regional CooperationNato Sci Peace Secur2Renewable Energy Research Development and PoliciesRenew Energy Res DevRenewable Energy Storage Imeche Sem#Renewal of Nuclear Power in FinlandEnerg Clim Environ'Renewal of The Spanish Novel Since 1975 Coll HesperRenewing Philosophy Renew PhilosRenin-angiotensin Wenn Gr Int3Renin Angiotensin System and Cardiovascular DiseaseContemp Cardiol:Renin-angiotensin System and Progression of Renal DiseasesContrib Nephrol\Renin-angiotensin System: Current Research Progress in The Pancreas: The Ras in The PancreasAdv Exp Med Biol#Renkaiden Puutteet Kuolonkolareissa Vtt Res Notes;Renormalization and 3-manifolds Which Fiber Over The Circle Ann Math Stud>Renormalization Group Theory: Impact On Experimental MagnetismSpringer Ser Mater SReorganization of Buildings VDI Bericht>Reorganizing Health Care Delivery Systems: Problems of ManagedRes Sociol Health Ca-Reoviruses: Entry, Assembly and MorphogenesisCurr Top Microbiol Reoviruses ICurr Top Microbiol Reoviruses IiCurr Top Microbiol,Repair and Redesign of Physiological SystemsDes NatVRepair of The Soul: Metaphors of Transformation in Jewish Mysticism and PsychoanalysisRelat Perspect BookBRepair, Retrofit, and Inspection of Building Exterior Wall SystemsAm Soc Test MaterReparations to AfricaPa Stud Hum Rights/Reparative Medicine: Growing Tissues and OrgansAnn Ny Acad Sci&Replacement Models With Minimal RepairSpringer Ser ReliabqReplacement, Reduction and Refinement of Animal Experiments in The Development and Control of Biological ProductsDev Biol Stand&Replicating Vaccines: A New GenerationBirkhauser Adv Infec Replication: Theory and PracticeLect Notes Comput Sc.Re-politicising The Kyoto School As PhilosophyRoutl Leiden Ser ModReport and Proceedings of The Meeting On Fisheries Exploitation Within The Exclusive Economic Zones of English-speaking Caribbean CountriesFao FishYReporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsYReporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications Proc Spie\Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications Ii Proc Spie0Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in JapanRep Ionos Space ResReport of Nrl Progress Rep Nrl ProgBReport of Research Center of Ion Beam Technology, Hosei UniversityRep Res Cent Ion BeaOReport of Research Center of Ion Beam Technology, Hosei University, ProceedingsRep Res Cent Ion BeaLReport of Research Center of Ion Beam Technology Hosei University SupplementRep Res Cent Ion Bea9Report of The Annual Corn and Sorghum Research Conference R An Corn SEReport of The Forty-fifth Annual Corn and Sorghum Research Conference R An Corn S0Reports From The Kevo Subarctic Research StationRep Kevo Subarctic4Reports of The Ministry of Social Affairs and HealthRep Min Social AffReports On Mathematical Logic Rep Math Log$Reports On Mathematical Logic, No 34 Rep Math Log$Reports On Mathematical Logic, No 43 Rep Math Log$Reports On Mathematical Logic, No 44 Rep Math LogReports On Mathematical Physics Rep Math PhysReports On Progress in Physics Rep Prog PhysRRepresentation and Identity From Versailles to The Present: The Performing SubjectPalg Stud Theat PerfaRepresentation and Management of Narrative Information: Theoretical Principles and ImplementationAdv Inform Knowl ProRepresentation and MindRepresent MindRepresentation in Religion St Hist Rel[Representation of Three-dimensional Space in The Vestibular, Oculomotor, and Visual SystemsAnn Ny Acad SciRepresentationsRepresentationsERepresentations of Algebraic Groups, Quantum Groups, and Lie Algebras Contemp Math.Representations of Algebras and Related TopicsFields I Commun.Representations of Algebras and Related TopicsFields Inst Commun(Representations of Algebras, ProceedingsLect Notes Pure ApplBRepresentations of Gender On The Nineteenth-century American Stage Theatre Symp3Representations of Hecke Algebras At Roots of Unity Algebra Appl(Representations of Jews Through The Ages St Jew Civ0Representations of Lie Groups and Quantum Groups Pitman ResRepresentations of Sl2 (fq) Algebra ApplARepresentations of Technology in Science Fiction for Young PeopleChild Lit CultHRepresentations P-adiques Cristallines Et De De Rham Dans Le Cas RelatifMem Soc Math FrcRepresentations, Wavelets and Frames: A Celebration of The Mathematical Work of Lawrence W. BaggettAppl Numer Harmon An.Representation Theories and Algebraic GeometryNato Adv Sci I C-mat+Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms Prog Math*Representation Theory and Complex AnalysisLect Notes Math3Representation Theory and Higher Algebraic K-theoryMonogr Txb Pure ApplRepresentation Theory-bk Contemp MathRepresentation Theory-bookCurr Stud Linguist&Representation Theory of Finite Groups Ohio St U MFRepresentation Theory of Finite Groups and Finite-dimensional Algebras Prog Math2Representation Theory of Real Reductive Lie Groups Contemp Math-Representation Theory of The Virasoro AlgebraSpringer Monogr Math,Representative Research in Social PsychologyRepresent R Soc PsycGRepresenting Africa in Childrens Literature: Old and New Ways of SeeingChild Lit CultRepresenting CalcuttaAsias TransformNRepresenting India: Ethnic Diversity and The Governance of Public InstitutionsEthn Inequal Public2Representing Others in Medieval Iberian LiteratureNew Middle Ages5Representing Women in Parliament: A Comparative StudyRout Res Comp Poli5Representing Women in Parliament: A Comparative StudyRoutl Res Comp Polit Reproduccion ReproduccionDReproducing Enlightenment: Paradoxes in The Life of The Body PoliticInterd Germ Cult Reproduction Reproduction#Reproduction and Fitness in BaboonsDev Primatol-prog Pr&Reproduction Fertility and DevelopmentReprod Fert Develop<Reproduction, Genetics and Distributions of Marine Organisms Olsen Int S$Reproduction, Growth and Development Serono Sym Reproduction in Domestic AnimalsReprod Domest Anim&Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants ViiSoc Reprod Fertil"Reproduction Nutrition DevelopmentReprod Nutr Dev?Reproduction Strategy of Paphiopedilum Armeniacum (orchidaceae) Bot Res PractReproductive AgingAnn Ny Acad SciOReproductive and Developmental Effects of Contaminants in Oviparous Vertebrates Setac Sp PReproductive Biology Reprod BiolReproductive BiologyReprod Biology&Reproductive Biology and EndocrinologyReprod Biol EndocrinReproductive BiomechanicsAnn Ny Acad SciReproductive Biomedicine OnlineReprod Biomed OnlineReproductive Health MattersReprod Health MatterReproductive ImmunologyCurr Top MicrobiolReproductive Immunology Serono SymReproductive Medicine Serono Sym'Reproductive Medicine : Medical Therapy Int Congr SerCReproductive Polymorphism of Leafrollers (lepidoptera: Tortricidae)Gen-res IssuesReproductive ScienceAnn Ny Acad SciReproductive Sciences Reprod SciReproductive ToxicologyAdv Exp Med BiolReproductive ToxicologyReprod ToxicolReproductive Tract Infections Reprod Biol(Reprogen-ethics and The Future of GenderInt Libr Eth Law NewReprogramming The BrainProg Brain Res-Reptiles-classification Evolution and SystemsReptiles-classif EvoPRepublican Party and Immigration Politics: From Proposition 187 to George W BushStud Am1Republican Politics and English Poetry, 1789-1874Palgrave Stud Ninet-`Republic for The Ages: The United States Capitol and The Political Culture of The Early RepublicPer Amer RevolutSReputation and Power: Organizational Image and Pharmaceutical Regulation At The FdaPrinc Stud Am Polit9Reputation and Representation in Fifteenth Century EuropeNorthern World1Reputation and The Evolution of Generous BehaviorPsychol Emot Motiv ASReputation Transfer to Enter New B-to-b Markets: Measuring and Modelling ApproachesContrib Manag SciRequirements Engineering Requir Eng)Requirements Engineering 93 : Prototyping Ber Ger Acm1Requirements Engineering for Software and SystemsAuerbach S Appl Soft9Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software QualityLect Notes Comput Sc7Requirements Targeting Software and Systems EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScRe-reading Wagner Monat Occ V"Reric International Energy JournalReric Int Energ JLRerum Novarum : A Symposium Celebrating 100 Years of Catholic Social Thought Symposium S_Res 08: Proceedings of The 2nd Wseas/iasme International Conference On Renewable Energy SourcesEnergy Environ Eng S2Rescue of Sturgeon Species in The Ural River BasinNato Sci Peace SecurXRescuing The Enlightenment From Itself: Critical and Systemic Implications for DemocracyC W Churchm Leg Rel1Resealed Erythrocytes As Carriers and Bioreactors Adv Biosci$Research About Teaching and LearningRes Teach Learn.Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug ProblemsRes Adv Alcohol Drug>Research Advances in Database and Information Systems SecurityInt Fed Info Proc)Research Agenda for Mathematics Education Res Ag Math5Research Agendas in Eu Studies: Stalking The ElephantPalgrave Stud Eur UnResearch & DevelopmentRes DevResearch & Exploration Res Explor6Research and Advanced Technology for Digital LibrariesLect Notes Comput ScCResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Research and Applications of Chemical Sciences in Forestry Usda So ForResearch and Clinical ForumsRes Clin Forums'Research and Development in Agriculture Res Dev Agric-Research and Development in Expert Systems Vi Brit Comp S3Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XviBcs Conf Series4Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XviiBcs Conf Series5Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XviiiBcs Conf Series2Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XxBcs Conference S3Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XxiBcs Conference S4Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XxiiBcs Conf Series2Research and Development in Intelligent System XixBcs Conf Series?Research and Development in Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningLect Notes Artif IntCResearch and Development in Non-mechanical Electrical Power Sources Res Dev N M0Research and Development in The Nuclear Industry Res S Nuc T1Research and Education in Robotics - Eurobot 2008Comm Com Inf Sc0Research and Education in Robotics: Eurobot 2009Comm Com Inf ScResearch and IndustryRes IndZResearch and International Trade Policy Negotiations: Knowledge and Power in Latin AmericaRout Stud Lat Am PolIResearch and Management of The Brown-headed Cowbird in Western LandscapesStud Avian Biol-ser/Research and Perspectives in Alzheimers Disease Res Per Alz3Research and Perspectives in Endocrine InteractionsRes Perspect End Int&Research and Perspectives in LongevityRes Perspect Longev*Research and Perspectives in NeurosciencesRes Per Neurosci3Research and Perspectives On Processing InstructionStud Lang Acquis?Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information SystemsInt Fed Info ProcIResearch and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems Ii, Vol 1Int Fed Info ProcIResearch and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems Ii, Vol 2Int Fed Info Proc:Research and Practice for Persons With Severe DisabilitiesRes Pract Pers Sev D,Research and Practice in Applied LinguisticsRes Pract Appl Lingu:Research and Practice in Multiple Criteria Decision MakingLect Notes Econ Math!Research and Public Policy SeriesRes Pub Pol Series'Research and Publishing in Neurosurgery Act Neur S1Research and Technical and Scientific TerminologyLexicon Philos(Research and Theory for Nursing PracticeRes Theor Nurs Pract1Research and Theory in Educational AdministrationRes Theor Educ AdminnResearch Approaches to Support Non-wood Forest Products Sector Development: Case of Arkhangelsk Region, RussiaEur Forest Inst Proc.Research Collaboration in European Ipm Systems Br Crop PrpResearch Colloquium On Workers' Compensation Medical Benefit Delivery and Return to Work, Conference ProceedingsRand Conf Proc:Research Communications in Alcohol and Substances of AbuseRes Commun Alcohol S>Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and PharmacologyRes Commun Chem Path?Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and PharmacologyRes Commun Mol Path=Research Communications in Psychology Psychiatry and BehaviorRes Commun Psych Psy.Research Communications in Substances of AbuseRes Commun SubstancepResearch, Design and Construction of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipments in Eastern European Countries Refr Sci TResearch-developmentRes Dev5Research Directions in Data and Applications SecurityInt Fed Info Proc;Research Directions in Data and Applications Security XviiiInt Fed Info Proc4Research Directions in Distributed Parameter Systems Front App M4Research Directions in Distributed Parameter SystemsFront Appl MathResearches in Powder MetallurgyMater Sci Forum Researches On Population EcologyRes Popul Ecol7Research Ethics in Exercise, Health and Sports Sciences Ethics Sport7Research Ethics, Manuscript Review, and Journal Quality Acs Misc PResearch Evaluation Res Evaluat!Research Facilities of The FutureAnn Ny Acad SciEResearch for Social Justice Personal Passionate Participatory InquiryRes Soc Justice Pers5Research for What?: Making Engaged Scholarship MatterAdv Serv Learn Res/Research Handbook On International Criminal LawRes Hb Int Law2Research Handbook On The Economics of Property LawRes Handb Law Econ%Research Handbooks in Comparative LawRes Hand Comp Law'Research Handbooks in International LawRes Hb Int Law'Research Handbooks in Law and EconomicsRes Handb Law Econ,Research in Accounting in Emerging EconomiesRes Account Emerg Ec Research in Addiction: An UpdatePsychiat Progr SerResearch in African LiteraturesRes Afr LiteraturesResearch in Afroasiatic GrammarAmst Stud Theory HisResearch in Applied LinguisticsRes Appl LinguistResearch in Applied Mathematics Res Note Ap,Research in Architectural Engineering SeriesRes Archit Eng Ser,Research in Architectural Engineering SeriesRes Archtec Engr Ser"Research in Asian Economic Studies Res Asia Es<Research in Asian Economic Studies, Vol 7, Pts A and B, 1996 Res Asia Es0Research in Asian Economic Studies, Vol 8 - 1998 Res Asia Es&Research in Astronomy and AstrophysicsRes Astron Astrophys%Research in Autism Spectrum DisordersRes Autism Spect DisResearch in Biopolitics Res Biopolit%Research in Biopolitics, Vol 5 - 1997 Res Biopolit%Research in Biopolitics, Vol 6 - 1998 Res Biopolit5Research in Building Physics and Building EngineeringProc Monogr Eng WateResearch in Career DevelopmentRes Career DevResearch in Careers Res Careers!Research in Clinic and Laboratory Res Clin Lab'Research in Competence-based ManagementRes Compet-based Man+Research in Computational Molecular BiologyLect N Bioinformat8Research in Computational Molecular Biology, ProceedingsLect N Bioinformat8Research in Computational Molecular Biology, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Research in Consumer Behavior-a Research Annual Res Con Beh/Research in Consumer Behavior-a Research AnnualRes Consum Behav-a R%Research in Consumer Behavior, Vol 10Res Consum Behav-a RResearch in CryptologyLect Notes Comput Sc&Research in Curriculum and InstructionRes Curric InstructResearch in Dance Education Res Danc EducResearch in Design Series Res Des SerResearch in Design Series Res Desgn Ser&Research in Developmental DisabilitiesRes Dev Disabil!Research in Economic Anthropology Res Econ An!Research in Economic AnthropologyRes Econ Anthropol)Research in Economic Anthropology, Vol 14 Res Econ AnResearch in Economic History Res Econ Hist$Research in Economic History, Vol 24 Res Econ Hist$Research in Economic History, Vol 25 Res Econ Hist$Research in Economic History, Vol 26 Res Econ HistResearch in EducationRes EducEResearch in Educational Policy Local National and Global PerspectivesRes Educ Policy Loca$Research in Educational ProductivityRes Educ Product0Research in Education Fiscal Policy and PracticeRes Educ Fisc PolicyResearch in Engineering Design Res Eng DesMResearch in Engineering Design-theory Applications and Concurrent Engineering Res Eng Des+Research in Entrepreneurship and ManagementRes Entrep Manag+Research in Ethical Issues in OrganizationsRes Eth Iss Org"Research in Experimental Economics Res Exp Econ!Research in Experimental Medicine Res Exp MedResearch in Finance Res FinancResearch in Finance Res Finance'Research in Finance, Supplement 2, 1996 Res FinanceResearch in Finance, Vol 23 Res FinancResearch in Finance, Vol 24 Res FinancResearch in Finance, Vol 25 Res Financ9Research in Financial Services: Private and Public Policy Res Fin ServHResearch in Financial Services: Private and Public Policy, Vol 10 - 1998 Res Fin ServHResearch in Financial Services: Private and Public Policy, Vol 11 - 1999 Res Fin ServGResearch in Financial Services: Private and Public Policy, Vol 12, 2000 Res Fin ServFResearch in Financial Services: Private and Public Policy, Vol 7, 1995 Res Fin ServFResearch in Financial Services: Private and Public Policy, Vol 9, 1997 Res Fin ServyResearch Informing Practice - Practice Informaing Research: Innovative Teaching Methodologies for World Language TeachersRes Second Lang Lear#Researching Communication DisordersRes Pract Appl Lingu]Researching Design Learning: Issues and Findings From Two Decades of Research and DevelopmentSci Technol Educ LibResearching EntrepreneurshipInt Stud EntrepDResearching Families and Communities: Social and Generational ChangeRelatsh Resour`Researching Learning in Higher Education: An Introduction to Contemporary Methods and ApproachesStaff Educ Dev Ser&Researching Learning in Virtual WorldsHum-comput Int-sprin!Research in Global Child AdvocacyRes Glob Child Advoc'Research in Global Strategic ManagementRes Glob Strateg Man;Research in Global Strategic Management : A Research Annual Res Glob St.Research in Global Strategic Management, Vol 2 Res Glob St5Research in Global Strategic Management, Vol 6 - 1998 Res Glob St5Research in Global Strategic Management, Vol 7 - 1999 Res Glob St1Research in Governmental and Nonprofit AccountingRes Gov Nonprofit Ac9Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting, Vol 12Res Gov Nonprofit Ac&Researching Second Language ClassroomsEsl Appl Ling ProfResearching Sexual Behavior Kinsey Inst6Researching Strategic Alliances: Emerging PerspectivesAdv Strateg Alliance<Researching The Presidency : Vital Questions, New Approaches Pitt S PolResearching Trust and HealthRout Stud Hlth Soc WResearch in Higher Education Res High Educ)Research in Human Capital and Development Res Hum Cap)Research in Human Capital and DevelopmentRes Hum Cap Dev>Research in Human Capital and Development, Vol 11, Pts A and B Res Hum CapResearch in Human Development Res Hum Dev Research in Humanities ComputingRes Human Comp"Research in Humanities Computing 2Res Human Comp"Research in Humanities Computing 3Res Human Comp"Research in Humanities Computing 4Res Human Comp"Research in Humanities Computing 5Res Human Comp&Research in Human Resources Management Res Hum R MResearch in Immunology Res ImmunolResearch in Infant Assessment Birth DefResearch in Labor Economics Res Labor EResearch in Labor EconomicsRes Labor Econ/Research in Labor Economics : A Research Annual Res Labor EResearch in Law and Economics Res Law EcResearch in Law and Economics Res Law Econ%Research in Law and Economics, Vol 22 Res Law Econ%Research in Law and Economics, Vol 23 Res Law EconResearch in Legal Medicine Res Leg MedResearch in Management Res Manag!Research in Management ConsultingRes Manag Consult0Research in Management Education and DevelopmentRes Manag Educ Dev(Research in Mathematics Education SeriesRes Math Educ SerResearch in Microbiology Res MicrobiolBResearch in Multicultural Education and International PerspectivesRes Multicult Educ IResearch in Multi Level IssuesRes Multi Level Iss%Research in Nondestructive EvaluationRes Nondestruct EvalResearch in Nursing & HealthRes Nurs Health.Research in Occupational Stress and Well-beingRes Occup Stress Wel#Research in Organizational BehaviorRes Organ BehavmResearch in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews, Vol 17, 1995Res Organ BehavgResearch in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews, Vol 26Res Organ BehavgResearch in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews, Vol 30Res Organ Behav1Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 18, 1996Res Organ Behav1Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 19, 1997Res Organ Behav1Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 20, 1998Res Organ Behav2Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol. 21, 1999Res Organ Behav1Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 22, 2000Res Organ Behav+Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 23Res Organ Behav+Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 24Res Organ Behav+Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 25Res Organ Behav+Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 27Res Organ Behav+Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 28Res Organ Behav+Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 29Res Organ Behav1Research in Organizational Change and DevelopmentRes Organ Chan Dev9Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol 15Res Organ Chan Dev9Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol 16Res Organ Chan Dev9Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol 17Res Organ Chan Dev"Research in Organizational Science Res Org SciResearch in Outdoor EducationRes Outdoor Educ$Research in Outdoor Education, Vol 6Res Outdoor Educ$Research in Outdoor Education, Vol 7Res Outdoor EducResearch in Parapsychology Res ParapsyResearch in Parapsychology 1990 Res ParapsyResearch in Perinatal Medicine Res Per Med4Research in Personnel and Human Resources ManagementRes Pers Hum Res ManHResearch in Personnel and Human Resources Management : A Research Annual Res Pers HBResearch in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Supplement 2 Res Pers HIResearch in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Supplement 4 - 1999Res Pers Hum Res ManResearch in PhenomenologyRes Phenomenol+Research in Philosophy & Technology, Vol 10 Res Phil T9Research in Philosophy and Technology : A Research Annual Res Phil TResearch in Political EconomyRes Polit EconResearch in Political SociologyRes Polit Sociol,Research in Professional Development SchoolsRes Prof Dev SchResearch in Public ManagementRes Public ManagResearch in Public ManagementRes Public Manage1Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management Res Publ P1Research in Public Policy Analysis and ManagementRes Public Policy An%Research in Race and Ethnic RelationsRes Race Ethn Relat+Research in Rural Sociology and DevelopmentRes Rural Sociol DevResearch in Science Education Res Sci EdResearch in Science Education Res Sci Educ$Research in Science Education SeriesRes Sci Educ Ser%Research in Science Education, Vol 18 Res Sci Ed%Research in Science Education, Vol 19 Res Sci Ed%Research in Science Education, Vol 20 Res Sci Ed+Research in Science Education, Vol 21, 1991 Res Sci Ed+Research in Science Education, Vol 22, 1992 Res Sci Ed+Research in Science Education, Vol 24, 1994 Res Sci Ed&Research in Secondary School Curricula Eur Educ RResearch in Secondary SchoolsAdv Learn Behav Disa+Research in Second Language Learning SeriesRes Second Lang Lear-Research in Second Language Learning (series)Res Sec Lang Learn S,Research in Social & Administrative PharmacyRes Soc Adm Pharm,Research in Social & Administrative PharmacyRes Soc Admin PharmResearch in Social Education Res Soc Educ.Research in Social Issues in Management SeriesRes Soc Iss Man Ser2Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and ChangeRes Soc Mov Confl Ch8Research in Social Movements Conflicts and Change SeriesRes Soc Mov Confl Ch9Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change Series Res Soc Mov:Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Vol 26Res Soc Mov Confl Ch:Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Vol 27Res Soc Mov Confl Ch:Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Vol 28Res Soc Mov Confl Ch-Research in Social Problems and Public PolicyRes Soc Probl Public)Research in Social Science and DisabilityRes Soc Sci DisabilResearch in Sports MedicineRes Sports MedEResearch Institute of Geodesy Topography and Cartography PublicationsRes Inst Geodesy TopResearch in Strategic AlliancesRes Strateg Alliance>Research in Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials 1990 Nasa Conf PResearch in Text Theory Res Text Th;Research in The History of Economic Thought and MethodologyRes Hist Econ ThoughOResearch in The History of Economic Thought and Methodology : A Research Annual Res Hist EcIResearch in The History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol 24, Pt 1Res Hist Econ ThoughHResearch in The History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol 25 Pt 1Res Hist Econ ThoughHResearch in The History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol 26 Pt 1Res Hist Econ ThoughHResearch in The History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol 27 Pt 1Res Hist Econ Though&Research in The Sociology of EducationRes Sociol Educ(Research in The Sociology of Health CareRes Sociol Health Ca<Research in The Sociology of Organizations-a Research AnnualRes Sociol Organ-res"Research in The Sociology of SportRes Sociol Sport!Research in The Sociology of WorkRes Sociol Work#Research in The Teaching of EnglishRes Teach Engl4Research Into Practice-reality and Gaps, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Research Into Secondary Education Eur Educ R"Research Into Spinal Deformities 1 St Heal T"Research Into Spinal Deformities 2 St Heal T"Research Into Spinal Deformities 2Stud Health Technol"Research Into Spinal Deformities 3 St Heal T"Research Into Spinal Deformities 3Stud Health Technol"Research Into Spinal Deformities 5 St Heal T"Research Into Spinal Deformities 5Stud Health Technol"Research Into Spinal Deformities 6 St Heal T8Research in Transportation Economics : A Research Annual Res Trans E6Research in Transportation Economics-a Research Annual Res Trans EResearch in Urbanism Series Res Urban SerResearch in Urban SociologyRes Urban SociolResearch in Veterinary Science Res Vet SciResearch in Virology Res VirologyResearch Issues in Real EstateRes Iss Real Estate7Research Issues in The Learning and Teaching of Algebra Res Ag Math!Research Journal of BiotechnologyRes J Biotechnol-Research Journal of Chemistry and EnvironmentRes J Chem Environ:Research Journal of The Water Pollution Control FederationRes J Water Pollut C)Research Library - The Day After Tomorrow A R L MinutResearch Management Res ManageiResearch - Measurement - Approach : A Series of Monographs of The Physikalisch - Technische Bundesanstalt Res Meas Ap'Research Methodologies in Public HealthPublic Health 21st C/Research Methodology in Strategy and ManagementRes Method Strat Man6Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Vol 2Res Method Strat Man6Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Vol 3Res Method Strat Man6Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Vol 4Res Method Strat Man6Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Vol 5Res Method Strat Man!Research Methods for Primary Care Res Meth Pr*Research Methods in Educational TechnologyRes Methods Educ Tec"Research Methods in Plant SciencesRes Meth Plant Sci6Research Methods in Plant Sciences: Allelopathy, Vol 7 Plant BiochemRResearch Methods in Social Studies Education: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives Res Soc EducResearch Methods SeriesRes Methods SermResearch Mission of Higher Education Institutions Outside The University Sector: Striving for DifferentiationHigh Educ DynamHResearch Monograph of The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy ResearchRes Mg Cent Aborig E%Research Monographs in French StudiesRes Monogr Fr Stud9Research Monographs in Parallel and Distributed Computing Res Mg ParZResearch Needs and Applications to Reduce Erosion and Sedimentation in Tropical Steeplands Iahs-aish PResearch Notes in Mathematics Res Not Mat"Research Notes in Neural Computing R N Neur C&Research On African American EducationRes Afr Am EducResearch On Aging Res AgingGResearch On Alcoholics Anonymous and Spirituality in Addiction RecoveryRecent Dev AlcoholResearch On Arctic GeeseNorsk Polarinst Skri"Research On Chemical IntermediatesRes Chem IntermediatResearch On CropsRes Crop$Research On Eastern European HistoryFors Osteurop GeschResearch On Economic Inequality Res Ec IneqResearch On Economic InequalityRes Econ Inequal3Research On Economic Inequality : A Research Annual Res Ec IneqAResearch On Education in Africa The Caribbean and The Middle EastRes Educ Afr Caribb$Research On Emotion in OrganizationsRes Emotion Organ(Research On Hispanic and Latino BusinessRes Hisp Latin Bus*Research On International Civic EngagementRes Int Civ Engagem?Research On International Service Marketing: A State of The ArtAdv Int Marketing+Research On Language and Social InteractionRes Lang Soc Interac%Research On Managing Groups and TeamsRes Manag Group Team%Research On Managing Groups and TeamsRes Manag Grp Team3Research On Managing Groups and Teams, Vol 1 - 1998Res Manag Grp Team3Research On Managing Groups and Teams, Vol 2 - 1999Res Manag Grp TeamEResearch On Negotiation in Organizations : A Biannual Research Series Res Negot O6Research On Negotiation in Organizations, Vol 6 - 1997 Res Negot O6Research On Negotiation in Organizations, Vol 7 - 1999 Res Negot OResearch On Physics EducationP Int Sch Phys"Research On Religion and EducationRes Relig Educ'Research On Russia and Eastern European Res Rus E Eur2Research On Russia and Eastern Europe, Vol 2, 1996 Res Rus E Eur Research On Social Work PracticeRes Social Work Prac?Research On Sociocultural Influences On Motivation and LearningRes Sociocult Influ*Research On Stress and Coping in EducationRes Stress Coping Ed2Research On Technology in Social Studies EducationRes Methods Educ Tec8Research On The Education of Asian and Pacific AmericansRes Educ Asian Pac&Research On The Menopause in The 1990sWho Tech Rep Ser#Research On Traffic Control DevicesTransport Res Rec"Research Papers and Policy Studies Res Pap PolResearch Papers in Education Res Pap Educ6Research Papers in Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Int Congr SerCResearch Perspectives and Case Studies in System Test and Diagnosis Fr Electr T>Research Perspectives: Thought and Practice in Music EducationAdv Music Educ ResResearch Policy Res Policy8Research Policy in Librarianship and Information Science Br Lib R DResearch Previews Res PreviewsResearch Program EffectivenessRes Program Eff,Research Progress in Alzheimers and DementiaRes Prog Alzheim Dem<Research Progress in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Vol 4Res Prog Alzheim Dem%Research Projects in Dry Eye SyndromeDev OphthalmolNResearch Publications : Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease Res P ArnmdLResearch Publications-association for Research in Nervous and Mental DiseaseRes Publ Assoc Res NResearch Quarterly Res Quart)Research Quarterly for Exercise and SportRes Q Exercise SportCResearch Report of The Centre of Criminology, University of TorontoRes Rep Cent CriminResearch Reports in Physics Res Rep Phy1Research Reports of The Fish and Wildlife ServiceUs Bur Sport Fish$Research Reviews and Clinical TrialsRes Rev Clin TrialsResearch Roundtable SeriesRes Roundtable SerResearch Series Res SeriesEResearch Strategy for Animal Production in Europe in The 21st Century Eaap PublicResearch StudiesRes Stud&Research Studies in Nuclear Technology Res S Nuc T*Research Supporting Middle Grades PracticeMiddle Grades Res JResearch-technology ManagementRes Technol Manage Research Traditions in MarketingInt S Quant Market1Research Trends in Contemporary Materials ScienceMater Sci ForumResearch Trends in Physics Res Tr Phys,Reservoir Characterization - Recent Advances Aapg MemoirReservoir CompartmentalizationGeol Soc Spec PublReservoir Fisheries in India Asian F Ind=Reservoir Simulation: Mathematical Techniques in Oil Recovery Cbms-nsf Ma4Residential Location Choice: Models and Applications Adv Spat SciKResidential Segregation Patterns of Latinos in The United States, 1990-2000Lat Communities)Residual Currents and Long-term TransportCoast Estuar StudResidual Stresses ViiMater Sci Forum"Residual Stresses Vii, ProceedingsMater Sci ForumYResidual Stress in Rails : Effects On Rail Integrity and Railroad Economics, Vols 1 and 2 Eng Appl Fr3Residual Stress Measurement and The Slitting Method Mech Eng SerResidue Reviews Residue Rev2Resilience and The Behavior of Large-scale Systems Scope SerResilience in ChildrenAnn Ny Acad Sci3Resilience of Cities to Terrorist and Other ThreatsNato Sci Peace Secur8Resiliency of Gadid Stocks to Fishing and Climate Change Low Wake FiGResiliency Reconsidered: Policy Implications of The Resiliency MovementEduc Policy 21st Cen`Resilient Cities: Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change - Proceedings of The Global Forum 2010 Local Sustain0Resilient Control of Uncertain Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf1Resilient Modulus Testing for Pavement ComponentsAm Soc Test MaterResilient Networks and ServicesLect Notes Comput ScResistance Arteries Exp Biol M+Resistance Arteries, Structure and Function Int Congr SerResistance to Antitumor Agents E M I Lif S7Resistant Organisms: Global Impact On Continuum of CareRoy Soc Med Int CongVRes Maritimae - Cyprus and The Eastern Mediterranean From Prehistory to Late AntiquityAmer Sch Orient Res Res MechanicaRes MechResolving Ecosystem ComplexityMonogr Popul Biol Resolving The Antibiotic ParadoxAdv Exp Med Biol6Resolving The Late Paleozoic Ice Age in Time and Space Geol S Am S0Resolving The Russo-japanese Territorial DisputeNissan I Routl Jpn S!Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy Aip Conf Proc&Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1988Inst Phys Conf Ser&Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1990Inst Phys Conf Ser&Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1992Inst Phys Conf SerHResonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1994 - Seventh International Symposium Aip Conf ProcGResonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1996 - Eighth International Symposium Aip Conf Proc&Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 2000 Aip Conf ProcResonances in Few-body Systems Few Body Sy$Resonant Tunneling in SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci I B-phy%Resource-adaptive Cognitive Processes Cogn Technol)Resource Allocation in Project ManagementGor-publ?Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks: Theory and AlgorithmsLect Notes Comput ScResource and Energy EconomicsResour Energy EconResource and Market Projections for Forest Policy Development: Twenty-five Years of Experience With The Us Rpa Timber AssessmentManag For EcosystResource Database Towards 2000Aimm Spectr SerResource DiscoveryLect Notes Comput ScResource Geology Resour Geol3Resource-light Approach to Morpho-syntactic Tagging Lang Comput$Resource Management and OptimizationResour Manage OptResource Management-crcResource Manag-crc"Resource Recovery and ConservationResour Recov ConservHResource Recovery, Confinement, and Remediation of Environmental Hazards Ima V MathHResource Recovery, Confinement, and Remediation of Environmental HazardsIma Vol Math ApplXResource/reserve Estimation Practice in The Central West New South Wales Mining IndustryAimm Spectr SerResources and ConservationResour ConservResources and Energy Resour EnergVResources and Engineering: 2010 Sree Conference On Resources and Engineering, Cre 2010 Adv Eng Res5Resources, Co-evolution and Artifacts: Theory in CscwComput Supp Coop Wor$Resources Conservation and RecyclingResour Conserv Recy)Resource-sensitivity Binding and AnaphoraStud Linguist Philos%Resources for American Literary StudyResour Am Lit StudResources for CultureSvensk Unescoradets(Resources, Governance and Civil ConflictRoutledge/ecpr StudResources Management Iatul ProcResources Policy Resour Policy1Resource to Reserve Inputs Seminar - Towards 2000Aimm Spectr SerUResourcing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Financial Growth Life Cycle ApproachContrib Manag SciResourcing The 21st CenturyAustralas I Min Met6Respace - Key Technologies for Reuseable Space SystemsNotes Numer Fluid Me Respiration RespirationRespiration Physiology Resp PhysiolRespiratory Allergy Cl ImmunolLRespiratory Allergy : Advances in Clinical Immunology and Pulmonary Medicine Int Congr SerRespiratory Care Resp CareRespiratory Care Respir Care&Respiratory Disease and Its ManagementCompet-base Crit Car,Respiratory Diseases in Infants and ChildrenEur Respir Monogr#Respiratory Diseases in The ElderlyEur Respir MonogrRespiratory EmergenciesEur Respir MonogrRespiratory MedicineResp MedRespiratory Medicine SeriesRespir Med Ser,Respiratory Pharmacology and PharmacotherapyResp Pharm & Pharmac%Respiratory Physiology & NeurobiologyResp Physiol NeurobiRespiratory ResearchResp ResRespiratory Research Respir Res-Respiratory System and Artificial VentilationCrit Care Med Ser*Respiratory Toxicology and Risk AssessmentIpcs Joint Ser Respirology Respirology1Responding to Change in Our Industry, Proceedings Rec Adv TobKResponding to Environmental Conflicts: Implications for Theory and Practice Nato Asi 2TResponse of Upper Gulf Coast Estuaries to Holocene Climate Change and Sea-level RiseGeol Soc Am Spec PapResponsibility and PunishmentLibr Ethics Appl Phi9Responsibility of Contemporary Science and Intelligentsia Serb Ac A CResponsible EuropePalgrave Stud Eur UnResponsive CommunityResponsive Community/Responsive Systems for Active Vibration ControlNato Sci Ser Ii Math2Ressortforschung Fur Den Okologischen Landbau 2009Landbauforsch-vti AgWRestaurator-international Journal for The Preservation of Library and Archival Material RestauratorRestless Earth Nobel ConflRestless Universe - Applications of Gravitational N-body Dynamics to Planetary, Stellar and Galactic SystemsScott Univ Sum Sch PARestocking and Stock Enhancement of Marine Invertebrate Fisheries Adv Mar Biol3Restoration and Eighteenth Century Theatre ResearchRestor 18th Cent ThRestoration Ecology Restor EcolRestoration: Is It Acceptable?Brit Mus Occas PapBRestoration of Degraded Rivers: Challenges, Issues and Experiences Nato Asi 2Restoration of Forests Nato Asi 2Restoration of IsraelBeih Z Neutest Wiss[Restoration of Lakes, Streams, Floodplains, and Bogs in Europe: Principles and Case StudiesWetl Ecol Conserv Ma1Restoration of Lost Human Uses of The Environment Setac Gen P)Restoration of Tropical Forest Ecosystems Task Veg ScLRestorative Commons: Creating Health and Well-being Through Urban LandscapesUsda For Serv Nrs Gt,Restorative Justice: From Theory to PracticeSociol Crime Law DevRestorative Justice On TrialNato Adv Sci I D-behRestorative Neurology Res Neurol&Restorative Neurology and NeuroscienceRestor Neurol Neuros3Restoring Function to The Injured Human Spinal CordAdv Anat Embryol Cel%Restoring The Middle Ebro FloodplainsEnv Remed Tech RegulVRestoring The Mystery of The Rainbow: Literature's Refraction of Science, Vols 1 and 2 Dqr Stud Lit7Restoring Women's History Through Historic PreservationCent Books ContempRestriction and SaturationLinguist Inq Monogr8Restructuring and Managing The Telecommunications Sector World BankDRestructuring Asian Economics for The New Millennium, Vols 9a and 9b Res Asia EsRestructuring Eastern GermanyGer Annu Spat Res PoWRe/structuring Science Education: Reuniting Sociological and Psychological PerspectivesCult Stud Sci Educ@Restructuring The Countryside : Environmental Policy in Practice Aveb St Gr,Results and Problems in Cell DifferentiationResults Probl Cell DResults in Mathematics Results MathResults of The Iastp Program Adv Space ResResults of The Iastp ProgramAdv Space Res-series Resurrection W U Neu Test Resuscitation ResuscitationhResuscitation of Patients in Ventricular Fibrillation From The Perspective of Emergency Medical ServicesCardiol Res Clin DevResveratrol and HealthAnn Ny Acad Sci|Retail Industry - General Merchandisers and Discounters, Specialty Merchandisers, Apparel Specialty, and Food/drug RetailersAimr Ind Anal SerIRetail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical StudiesInt Ser Oper Res ManRetaining The Original St His A SsRetheorizing Religion in NepalRelig Cult Crit'Rethinking American Electoral DemocracyControv Elect Democr?Rethinking Capitalism: Community and Responsibility in BusinessRoutl Stud Bus EthicRethinking China in The 1950s Chin Hist SocfRethinking Educational Practice Through Reflexive Inquiry: Essays in Honour of Susan Groundwater-smithProf Learn Dev Sch H?Rethinking Evolution in The Museum: Envisioning African OriginsMus MeanRethinking ExplanationBost Stud Philos Sci.Rethinking Gandhi and Nonviolent RelationalityRoutl Stud Mod Hist!Rethinking Gender and Youth SportInt Stud Phys Educ YRethinking Globalizations Rethink GlobRethinking GlobalizationsRethink Global[Rethinking Historical Injustice and Reconciliation in Northeast Asia: The Korean Experience Polit AsiaRethinking History Rethink HistJRethinking Inclusive Education: The Philosophers of Difference in PracticeIncl Educ Cross Cult'Rethinking Insecurity, War and Violence Rethink GlobcRe-thinking Intellectual Property: The Political Economy of Copyright Protection in The Digital EraRoutl Cavend Res Int$Rethinking International DevelopmentRethink Int Dev>Rethinking Japanese Security: Internal and External Dimensions Secur GovNRethinking Knowledge Management: From Knowledge Objects to Knowledge ProcessesInform Sci Knowl MannRethinking Language, Mind, and World Dialogically: Interactional and Contextual Theories of Human Sense-makingAdv Cult Psychol Con6Rethinking Language Pedagogy From A Corpus PerspectiveLodz Stud LanguageRethinking MapsRoutl Stud Hum Geogr5Rethinking Media Change: The Aesthetics of Transition Media Transit"Rethinking Municipal PrivatizationNew Polit Econ SerRethinking Musical ModernismSasa Dept Fine Arts%Rethinking Peace and Conflict StudiesRethink Peace ConflRethinking Peter WeissGerman Life Civiliza!Rethinking Philosophy of ReligionPers Contin PhilosRethinking PopperBost Stud Philos Sci!Rethinking Popular RepresentationPalgr Stud Gov SecurIRethinking Race, Politics, and Poetics: C L R James Critique of ModernityRoutl Stud Cult HistSRethinking Regional Innovation and Change: Path Dependency Or Regional BreakthroughEcon Sci Technol Inn`Rethinking Scientific Change and Theory Comparison: Stabilities, Ruptures, Incommensurabilities?Bost Stud Philos SciFRethinking Sequentiality: Linguistics Meets Conversational InteractionPrag Beyond New SerRethinking The Americas Rethink Am'Rethinking The Concept of The GrotesqueStud Comp Lit SerRethinking The Curriculum Cont Stud E2Rethinking The European Union: Igc 2000 and BeyondCurr Europe IssDRethinking The Liberal Peace: External Models and Local AlternativesCass Ser Peacekeepin!Rethinking The Roots of TerrorismRethink Peace ConflRethinking Transnationalism Transnatl SerVRethinking Work and Learning: Adult and Vocational Education for Social SustainabilityTech Vocat Ed TrainxRethinnking The Coordinate-subordinate Dichotomy: Interpersonal Grammar and The Analysis of Adverbial Clauses in EnglishTop Engl LinguistReti Medievali RivistaReti Mediev Riv!Retina, Aging and Transplantation Sem Ophtalm5Retinal Degeneration: Causes, Diagnosis and TreatmentEye Vis Res Dev:Retinal Degenerations: Mechanisms and Experimental TherapyAdv Exp Med BiolRetinal Degenerative DiseasesAdv Exp Med BiolHRetinal Degenerative Diseases: Laboratory and Therapeutic InvestigationsAdv Exp Med Biol/Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Macular Diseases Doc Ophth P3Retina-the Journal of Retinal and Vitreous DiseasesRetina-j Ret Vit Dis6Retinitis Pigmentosa: Causes, Diagnosis, and TreatmentEye Vis Res DevRetinoblastomaPediatr Oncol-berlin Retinoids: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolRetransplantationTransp Cl Immun SfmmRetreat From Marriage Fam Amer R/Retribution Et Intercession Dans Le DeuteronomeBeih Z Alttest Wiss Retrospectives On Public Finance Fisc Ref D+Retrotransposition, Diversity and The BrainRes Per NeurosciRetroviral ProteasesMethod Enzymol Retrovirology RetrovirologyReturning The Gift Sun TracksRReturning (to) Communities: Theory, Culture and Political Practice of The Communal Crit Stud2Return of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Into The Food SupplyWorld Rev Nutr DietNReturn of Yhwh: The Tension Between Deliverance and Repentance in Isaiah 40-55Beih Z Alttest Wiss$Return to Les Nourritures Terrestres Faux TitreMReuniting The Antipodes - Constructive and Nonstandard Views of The Continuum Synth Libr.Reuse of Off-the-shelf Components, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Revealing The Molecular Universe: One Antenna Is Never Enough Astr Soc PuRevealing The Mysterion: The Use of Mystery in Daniel and Second Temple Judaism With Its Bearing On First CorinthiansBeih Z Neutest Wiss[Revenue Management With Flexible Products: Models and Methods for The Broadcasting IndustryLect Notes Econ MathHReverberation Mapping of The Broad-line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei Astr Soc P-Reversal of Aging: Resetting The Pineal ClockAnn Ny Acad Sci0Reverse Chemical Genetics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol.Reverse Engineering: An Industrial PerspectiveSpringer Ser Adv Man'Reverse Engineering Biological NetworksAnn Ny Acad SciReviewing Asian America Assoc As AmNRe-viewing Space: Figurative Language in Architects' Assessment of Built SpaceAppl Cogn Linguist*Reviewing Steroids in The Treatment of IbdRes Clin Forums;Reviewing The Cold War: Approaches, Interpretations, Theory Nobel Symp)Review-latin American Literature and ArtsReview-lat Am Lit*Review-literature and Arts of The AmericasReviewReview of Accounting Studies Rev Acc StudReview of Accounting StudiesRev Account Stud#Review of African Political EconomyRev Afr Polit Econ Review of Agricultural Economics Rev Agr Econ Review of Agricultural EconomicsRev Agric Econ(Review of Allergy and Applied Immunology Rev Allergy!Review of Black Political EconomyRev Black Polit Econ(Review of Business and Economic ResearchRev Bus Econ Res'Review of Central and East European LawRev Cent E Eur Law$Review of Child Development ResearchRev Child Dev ResReview of Czechoslovak Medicine Rev Czech MedReview of Derivatives Research Rev Deriv ResReview of Development Economics Rev Dev Econ&Review of Economic Conditions in ItalyRev Econ Cond ItalyReview of Economic Design Rev Econ DesReview of Economic DynamicsRev Econ Dynam"Review of Economics and Statistics Rev Econ Stat$Review of Economics of The HouseholdRev Econ HouseholdReview of Economic StatisticsRev Econ StatisticsReview of Economic Studies Rev Econ StudReview of Educational Research Rev Educ ResReview of English Studies Rev Engl Stud,Review of Environmental Economics and PolicyRev Env Econ Policy-Review of Existential Psychology & PsychiatryRev Exist Psychol Ps'Review of Faith & International AffairsRev Faith Int AffReview of Finance Rev FinancReview of Financial StudiesRev Financ StudReview of General PsychologyRev Gen PsycholReview of Higher Education Rev High EducReview of Income and WealthRev Income Wealth!Review of Industrial Organization Rev Ind Organ!Review of International Economics Rev Int Econ%Review of International Organizations Rev Int Organ)Review of International Political EconomyRev Int Polit EconReview of International Studies Rev Int StudReview of Metaphysics Rev MetaphysReview of National LiteraturesRev Natl LiteraturesReview of Network Economics Rev Netw Econ%Review of Palaeobotany and PalynologyRev Palaeobot Palyno%Review of Physical Chemistry of JapanRev Phys Chem JpnReview of Policy ResearchRev Policy ResReview of Politics Rev Polit<Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Rev Prog QMReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol 27a and 27b Aip Conf ProcNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 12a and 12b Rev Prog QNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 13a and 13b Rev Prog QNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 14a and 14b Rev Prog QNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 15a and 15b Rev Prog QNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 16a and 16b Rev Prog QNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 19a and 19b Aip Conf ProcNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 20a and 20b Rev Prog QJReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 21a & B Aip Conf ProcNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 22a and 22b Rev Prog QNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 23a and 23b Rev Prog QNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 24a and 24b Aip Conf ProcNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 25a and 25b Aip Conf ProcNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 26a and 26b Aip Conf ProcNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 28a and 28b Aip Conf ProcNReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 29a and 29b Aip Conf ProcLReview of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 9a and 9b Rev Prog QReview of Public Data UseRev Public Data Use)Review of Public Personnel AdministrationRev Public Pers Adm%Review of Radical Political EconomicsRev Radical Pol EconReview of Religious Research Rev Relig Res&Review of Research and Practice, Vol 3Nabe Rev Res PractReview of Research in Education Rev Res Educ)Review of Research in Education, 20, 1994 Rev Res Educ#Review of Research in Education, 21 Rev Res Educ(Review of Research in Education 22, 1997 Rev Res Educ)Review of Research in Education, 23, 1998 Rev Res Educ(Review of Research in Education, 24 1999 Rev Res Educ(Review of Research in Education 29, 2005 Rev Res Educ(Review of Research in Education 30, 2006 Rev Res Educ-Review of Research in Education, Vol 31, 2007 Rev Res Educ-Review of Research in Education, Vol 33, 2009 Rev Res Educ-Review of Research in Education, Vol 34, 2010 Rev Res Educ Review of Scientific InstrumentsRev Sci InstrumReview of Social Economy Rev Soc EconReview of Suicidology Rev SuicidolReview of Suicidology, 1997 Rev SuicidolReview of Suicidology, 2000 Rev SuicidolReview of Symbolic Logic Rev Symb Log4Review of The Electrical Communications LaboratoriesRev Elec Commun LabReview of World EconomicsRev World EconReviews in American History Rev Am HistReviews in Analytical Chemistry Rev Anal ChemReviews in Aquaculture Rev AquacultReviews in Aquatic Sciences Rev Aquat Sci!Reviews in Biochemical ToxicologyRev Biochem Toxicol"Reviews in Cardiovascular MedicineRev Cardiovasc MedReviews in Chemical Engineering Rev Chem Eng"Reviews in Computational Chemistry Rev Comp Ch"Reviews in Computational ChemistryRev Comput Chem$Reviews in Computational Chemistry V Rev Comp Ch*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 14 Rev Comp Ch*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 14Rev Comput Chem*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 15 Rev Comp Ch*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 16 Rev Comp Ch*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 16Rev Comput Chem*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 17 Rev Comp Ch*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 18 Rev Comp Ch*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 19 Rev Comp Ch*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 20 Rev Comp Ch*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 20Rev Comput Chem*Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol 21 Rev Comp Ch'Reviews in Contemporary PharmacotherapyRev Contemp PharmacoReviews in Economic Geology Rev Econ Geol*Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic DisordersRev Endocr Metab DisReviews in Engineering Geology Rev Eng Geol3Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-technologyRev Environ Sci BioReviews in European History Rev Eur Hist%Reviews in Fish Biology and FisheriesRev Fish Biol FisherReviews in Fisheries Science Rev Fish SciReviews in Fluorescence Rev FluorescReviews in Fluorescence 2008Rev Fluoresc-serReviews in Fluorescence 2009 Rev Fluoresc Reviews in Fluorescence - SeriesRev Fluoresc-ser(Reviews in Gastroenterological DisordersRev Gastroenterol DiReviews in Inorganic ChemistryRev Inorg ChemReviews in Mathematical Physics Rev Math PhysReviews in Medical MicrobiologyRev Med MicrobiolReviews in Medical Virology Rev Med VirolReviews in Mineralogy Rev Mineral$Reviews in Mineralogy & GeochemistryRev Mineral GeochemReviews in Mineralogy <d>Rev Mineral <d>Reviews in Modern AstronomyRev Mod Astron Reviews in Particulate MaterialsRev Particul MaterReviews in Perinatal MedicineRev Perinatal MedReviews in Pesticide Toxicology Rev Pest TReviews in The NeurosciencesRev Neuroscience>Reviews-methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries Rev M T Fis>Reviews-methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and FisheriesRev-methods Technol?Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries Rev M T Fis!Reviews of Chemical IntermediatesRev Chem Intermed5Reviews of Environmental Contamination and ToixicolgyRev Environ Contam T4Reviews of Environmental Contamination and ToxicolgyRev Environ Contam T5Reviews of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyRev Environ Contam T_Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews, Vol 147Rev Environ Contam T?Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology <d>Rev Environ Conta<d>>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 128Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 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164Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 165Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 166Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 167Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 169Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 170Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 171Rev Environ Contam T=Reviews of Environmental Contaminationand Toxicology, Vol 172Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 173Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 175Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 176Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 177Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 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191Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 192Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 193Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 194Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 195Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 196Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 197Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 198Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 199Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 200Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 201Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 202Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 203Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 204Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 205Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 206Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 207Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 208Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 209Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 210Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 211Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 212Rev Environ Contam T>Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol 213Rev Environ Contam TReviews of Geophysics Rev Geophys'Reviews of Geophysics and Space PhysicsRev Geophys Space GeReviews of Infectious DiseasesRev Infect DisReviews of Modern Physics Rev Mod Phys<Reviews of Physiology, Biochemical and Pharmacology, Vol 152Rev Physiol Bioch P3Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and PharmacologyRev Physiol Bioch P4Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and PharmacologyRev Physiol Bioch P8Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, 128Rev Physiol Bioch P7Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology 136Rev Physiol Bioch P7Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology 141Rev Physiol Bioch P=Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 123Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 124Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 126Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 127Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 130Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 138Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 139Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 143Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 144Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 145Rev Physiol Bioch P=Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 146Rev Physiol Bioch PBReviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 147 2003Rev Physiol Bioch P=Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 148Rev Physiol Bioch P=Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 149Rev Physiol Bioch P=Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 150Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 154Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 155Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 156Rev Physiol Bioch P<Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 157Rev Physiol Bioch P=Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 158Rev Physiol Bioch P=Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 159Rev Physiol Bioch P=Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol 160Rev Physiol Bioch PReviews of Plasma PhysicsRev Plasma Phys!Reviews of Plasma Physics, Vol 24Rev Plasma Phys%Reviews of Pure and Applied ChemistryRev Pure Appl ChemReviews of Reproduction Rev Reprod%Reviews On Advanced Materials ScienceRev Adv Mater SciReviews On Environmental HealthRev Environ HealthReviews On Heteroatom ChemistryRev Heteroatom Chem)Revija Za Kriminalistiko in KriminologijoRev Kriminalistiko KRevija Za Socijalnu Politiku Rev Soc PolitRevising HistoryPassagesHRevision, Acceptability and Context: Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects Cogn Technol&Revisiting Discovery and Justification ArchimedesERevisiting The Chinese Learner: Changing Contexts, Changing EducationCerc Stud Comp Educ Revista 180Rev 180(Revista Argentina De Clinica PsicologicaRev Argent Clin Psic"Revista Argentina De MicrobiologiaRev Argent MicrobiolRevista Arvore Rev Arvore$Revista Brasileira De AnestesiologiaRev Bras Anestesiol%Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do SoloRev Bras Cienc Solo,Revista Brasileira De Ciencias FarmaceuticasRev Bras Cienc Farm-Revista Brasileira De Cirurgia CardiovascularRev Bras Cir CardiovRevista Brasileira De Economia Rev Bras Econ&Revista Brasileira De Ensino De FisicaRev Bras Ensino Fis!Revista Brasileira De EntomologiaRev Bras EntomolFRevista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of PharmacognosyRev Bras Farmacogn"Revista Brasileira De FisioterapiaRev Bras Fisioter"Revista Brasileira De FruticulturaRev Bras FruticRevista Brasileira De Genetica Braz J GenetRevista Brasileira De GeneticaRev Bras GenetRevista Brasileira De Historia Rev Bras HistRevista Brasileira De Medicina Rev Bras Med)Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do EsporteRev Bras Med Esporte*Revista Brasileira De Medicina VeterinariaRev Bras Med Vet"Revista Brasileira De OftalmologiaRev Bras Oftalmol!Revista Brasileira De OrnitologiaRev Bras Ornitol#Revista Brasileira De PaleontologiaRev Bras Paleontolog/Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia VeterinariaRev Bras Parasitol V4Revista Brasileira De Pesquisas Medicas E BiologicasRev Bras Pesqui Med,Revista Brasileira De Politica InternacionalRev Bras Polit Int!Revista Brasileira De PsiquiatriaRev Bras PsiquiatrRevista Brasileira De Zoologia Rev Bras ZoolCRevista Brasileira De Zootecnia-brazilian Journal of Animal ScienceRev Bras ZootecnRevista Caatinga Rev Caatinga9Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del AmbienteRev Chapingo Ser CieRevista Chilena De Cirugia Rev Chil Cir#Revista Chilena De Historia NaturalRev Chil Hist NatRevista Chilena De InfectologiaRev Chil InfectolRevista Chilena De Literatura Rev Chil LitRevista Ciencia AgronomicaRev Cienc Agron4Revista Cientifica-facultad De Ciencias VeterinariasRev Cient-fac Cien VRevista Clinica Espanola Rev Clin Esp(Revista Colombiana De Ciencias PecuariasRev Colomb Cienc Pec!Revista Colombiana De EntomologiaRev Colomb Entomol!Revista Colombiana De EstadisticaRev Colomb Estad'Revista Da Associacao Medica BrasileiraRev Assoc Med Bras&Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da UspRev Esc Enferm Usp4Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina TropicalRev Soc Bras Med Tro_Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Zootecnia-journal of The Brazilian Society of Animal ScienceRev Soc Bras Zootecn0Revista De Agroquimica Y Tecnologia De AlimentosRev Agroquim Tecnol)Revista De Biologia Marina Y OceanografiaRev Biol Mar OceanogRevista De Biologia Tropical Rev Biol Trop+Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie SocialaRev Cercet Interv SoRevista De ChimieRev Chim-bucharestRevista De Ciencia PoliticaRev Cienc PolitRevista De Ciencia PoliticaRev Cienc Polit-santRevista De Ciencias Sociales Rev Cienc SocRevista De Ciencias SocialesRev Cienc Soc-venezRevista De Cresterea AnimalelorRev Crest Anim,Revista De Critica Literaria LatinoamericanaRev Crit Lit Latino&Revista De Derecho Comunitario EuropeoRev Derecho Comunita0Revista De Dialectologia Y Tradiciones PopularesRev Dialect Trad PopRevista De Economia AplicadaRev Econ Apl-spainRevista De Economia Mundial Rev Econ MundRevista De EducacionRev EducRevista De Estudios HispanicosRev Estud Hispan#Revista De Estudios Internacionales Rev Estud IntRevista De Estudios PoliticosRev Estud PolitRevista De Estudios Sociales Rev Estud SocRevista De Filologia EspanolaRev Filol EspanRevista De Filosofia AuroraRev Filos Aurora4Revista De Filosofia De La Universidad De Costa Rica Revista FilGRevista De Filosofia De La Universidad De Costa Rica, Vol 28, Nos 67-68 Revista FilRevista De Filosofie Rev Filos!Revista De Geografia Norte GrandeRev Geogr Norte Gd Revista De Hispanismo FilosoficoRev Hisp FilosRevista De Historia De America Rev Hist AmRevista De Historia Economica Rev Hist EconRevista De Historia IndustrialRev Hist IndustRevista De Indias Rev Indias#Revista De Informatica Y AutomaticaRev Inform Automat Revista De Investigacion ClinicaRev Invest Clin3Revista De La Ciencia Del Suelo Y Nutricion VegetalRev Cienc Suelo NutrRevista De La Construccion Rev Constr?Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia De La Universidad Del Zulia Rev Fac Agron?Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia De La Universidad Del ZuliaRev Fac Agron Luz+Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias AgrariasRev Fac Cienc AgrarWRevista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-matematicasRacsam Rev R Acad AWRevista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-matematicasRev Real Acad Cienc(Revista De La Union Matematica ArgentinaRev Union Mat Argent)Revista Del Centro De Estudios EducativosRev Cent Estud Educ%Revista Del Clad Reforma Y DemocraciaRev Clad Reforma DemRevista De LetrasRev LetRevista De LiteraturaRev LiteraturaRevista De MetalurgiaRev Metal MadridRevista De Microbiologia Rev Microbiol"Revista De Microscopia ElectronicaRev Microsc Electron+Revista De Nefrologia Dialisis Y TrasplanteRev Nefrol Dial TrasRevista De NeurologiaRev Neurologia2Revista De Nutricao-brazilian Journal of NutritionRev NutrRevista De Occidente Rev Occidente!Revista De Politica Internacional Rev Polit IntRevista De PsicodidacticaRev Psicodidact!Revista De Psicologia Del DeporteRev Psicol DeporteRevista De Psicologia SocialRev Psicol SocRevista De Psiquiatria ClinicaRev Psiq Clin-brazilRevista De Psiquiatria ClinicaRev Psiquiatr Clin%Revista De Psiquiatria Y Salud MentalRev Psiquiatr SaludRevista De Saude PublicaRev Saude Publ6Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao PauloRev I Med Trop6Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao PauloRev Inst Med Trop SpRevista Doyma De InmunologiaRev Doyma Inmun!Revista Ecuatoriana De NeurologiaRev Ecuat NeurolRevista Espanola De CardiologiaRev Esp Cardiol5Revista Espanola De Ciencia Y Tecnologia De AlimentosRev Esp Cien Tec Ali*Revista Espanola De Derecho ConstitucionalRev Esp Derecho Cons,Revista Espanola De Documentacion CientificaRev Esp Doc Cient+Revista Espanola De Enfermedades DigestivasRev Esp Enferm DigYRevista Espanola De Financiacion Y Contabilidad-spanish Journal of Finance and AccountingRev Esp Financ ContaRevista Espanola De FisiologiaRev Esp Fisiol0Revista Espanola De Investigaciones SociologicasRev Esp Investig Soc:Revista Espanola De Las Enfermedades Del Aparato DigestivoRev Esp Enferm Apar(Revista Espanola De Linguistica AplicadaRev Esp Linguist Apl$Revista Espanola De Medicina NuclearRev Esp Med NuclPRevista Espanola De Nutricion Comunitaria-spanish Journal of Community NutritionRev Esp Nutr ComunitRevista Espanola De PedagogiaRev Esp PedagogRevista Espanola De PediatriaRev Esp Pediatr!Revista Espanola De Quimioterapia Rev Esp Quim!Revista Espanola De Salud PublicaRev Esp Salud Public7Revista Facultad De Ingenieria-universidad De AntioquiaRev Fac Ing-univ AntRevista Fitotecnia MexicanaRev Fitotec MexRevista Geologica De ChileRev Geol ChileRevista Hispanica ModernaRev Hispan Mod!Revista Iberica De EndocrinologiaRev Iber EndocrinolRevista IberoamericanaRev Iberoamericana=Revista Iberoamericana De Automatica E Informatica IndustrialRev Iberoam Autom InJRevista Iberoamericana De Diagnostico Y Evaluacion-e Avaliacao PsicologicaRev Iberoam Diagn Ev#Revista Iberoamericana De MicologiaRev Iberoam Micol"Revista Ingenieria E InvestigacionRev Ing InvestLRevista Interamericana De Bibliografia-inter-american Review of BibliographyRev Interamer Bibl$Revista Interamericana De PsicologiaRev Interam Psicol#Revista Internacional De AndrologiaRev Int Androl0Revista Internacional De Contaminacion AmbientalRev Int Contam AmbieQRevista Internacional De Medicina Y Ciencias De La Actividad Fisica Y Del DeporteRev Int Med Cienc AcNRevista Internacional De Metodos Numericos Para Calculo Y Diseno En IngenieriaRev Int Metod Numer#Revista Internacional De SociologiaRev Int Sociol&Revista Latino-americana De EnfermagemRev Lat-am Enferm'Revista Latinoamericana De HipertensionRev Latinoam HiperteRevista Latinoamericana De Ingenieria Quimica Y Quimica Aplicada-latin American Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applied ChemistryRev Lat Am Ing QuimGRevista Latinoamericana De Investigacion En Matematica Educativa-relimeRev Lat Am Inv Mat E%Revista Latinoamericana De PsicologiaRev Lat Am Psicol5Revista Latinoamericana De Psicopatologia FundamentalRev Latinoam PsicopaRevista Lusofona De EducacaoRev Lusofona EducRevista Matematica ComplutenseRev Mat Complut!Revista Matematica IberoamericanaRev Mat IberoamRevista Medica De Chile Rev Med Chile,Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y AstrofisicaRev Mex Astron AstrBRevista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica-serie De ConferenciasRev Mex Ast AstrCRevista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica, Serie De ConferenciasRev Mex Ast AstrVRevista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica, Serie De Conferencias, Vol 1, Abril 1995Rev Mex Ast AstrWRevista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica - Serie De Conferencias, Vol 2, Junio 1995Rev Mex Ast Astr[Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica - Serie De Conferencias, Vol 3, Diciembre 1995Rev Mex Ast AstrURevista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica: Serie De Conferencias, Vol 6, Mayo 1997Rev Mex Ast Astr!Revista Mexicana De BiodiversidadRev Mex Biodivers'Revista Mexicana De Ciencias GeologicasRev Mex Cienc Geol&Revista Mexicana De Ciencias PecuariasRev Mex Cienc PecuRevista Mexicana De Fisica Rev Mex FisRevista Mexicana De Fisica E Rev Mex Fis E&Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria QuimicaRev Mex Ing QuimRevista Mexicana De PsicologiaRev Mex PsicolRevista Mexicana De RadiologiaRev Mex RadiolRevista Musical ChilenaRev Music ChilRevista Mvz CordobaRev Mvz CordobaKRevista Panamericana De Salud Publica-pan American Journal of Public HealthRev Panam Salud PublRevista Portugesa De Quimica Rev Port Quim!Revista Portuguesa De PneumologiaRev Port PneumolRevista Romana De Bioetica Rev Rom Bioet9Revista Romana De Materiale-romanian Journal of Materials Rev Rom Mat9Revista Romana De Materiale-romanian Journal of Materials Rev Rom Mater'Revista Romana De Medicina De LaboratorRev Romana Med LabRevista Signos Rev SignosBRevista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del ZuliaRev Tec Fac Ing UnivRevista Tecnica IntevepRev Tec Intevep Revista UsemRev UsemRevista Venezolana De GerenciaRev Venez GerenckRevisting Discovery and Justification: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives On The Contest Distinction ArchimedesRevitalizing CausalityRoutl Stud Crit RealRevitalizing The Rural South Srdc PublRevival of Dresden Adv Arc Ser%Revival of Strategic Spatial Planning Knaw Verhan+Revival of Tradition in Indonesian PoliticsRoutl Cont Se Asia S&Revolution and Enlightenment in Europe Enl Rig RevIRevolutionary Backlash: Women and Politics in The Early American RepublicEarly Am Stud Ser1Revolutionary Materials: Technology and EconomicsInt Sampe Tech ConfRevolutionary Process in Mexico Ucla Lat AmRevolutionary Russia Revolut Russ:Revolutionary World-an International Journal of PhilosophyRevolution WorldhRevolution, Counter-revolution and Revisionism in Postcolonial Africa: The Case of Mozambique, 1975-1994Routl Stud Mod Hist?Revolution in Geology From The Renaissance to The EnlightenmentGeol Soc Am MemRevolution in The World-systemContrib Econ Econ HiRevolution in Writing Ideas Prod^Revolutionizing Pedagogy: Education for Social Justice Within and Beyond Global Neo-liberalism Marx EducRevolutions, Institutions, Law Sem Hum Sci=Revolution Will Not Be Downloaded: Dissent in The Digital AgeChandos Internet SerRevstat-statistical JournalRevstat-stat JRevue Archeologique Revue Archeol-Revue Archeologique De L Est Et Du Centre-estRev Archeol-est'Revue Belge De Philologie Et D HistoireRev Belge Philol HisRevue Biblique Rev BibliqueRevue Canadienne De BiologieRev Can Biol Exptl*Revue Canadienne De Biologie ExperimentaleRev Can Biol Exptl]Revue Canadienne Des Sciences De L Administration-canadian Journal of Administrative SciencesRev Can Sci AdminRRevue Canadienne D Etudes Du Developpement-canadian Journal of Development StudiesRev Can Etud DevRevue De Chimie MineraleRev Chim MinerCRevue De Chirurgie Orthopedique Et Reparatrice De L Appareil MoteurRev Chir Orthop&Revue D Ecologie Et De Biologie Du SolRev Ecol Biol Sol#Revue D Ecologie-la Terre Et La VieRev Ecol-terre VieRevue D Economie PolitiqueRev Econ Polit5Revue De Geographie Alpine-journal of Alpine Research Rev Geogr Alp5Revue De Geographie Physique Et De Geologie DynamiqueRev Geogr Phys Geol5Revue De Geologie Dynamique Et De Geographie PhysiqueRev Geol Dyn GeogrRevue De L AgricultureRev Agr-brusselsRevue De L Alcoolisme Rev AlcoolRevue De L ArtRev Art?Revue D Electroencephalographie Et De Neurophysiologie CliniqueRev Eeg NeurophysiolRevue De L EstRev Est=Revue D Elevage Et De Medecine Veterinaire Des Pays TropicauxRev Elev Med Vet Pay!Revue De L Histoire Des ReligionsRev Hist ReligRevue De Linguistique RomaneRev Linguist Roman!Revue De L Institut De Sociologie Rev I Sociol'Revue De L Institut Francais Du PetroleRev I Fr PetrolLRevue De L Institut Francais Du Petrole Et Annales Des Combustibles LiquidesRev Inst Fr Pet AnnbRevue De L Institut International De Statistique-review of The International Statistical InstituteRev Inst Int StatRevue De L Institut NapoleonRev I NapoleonRevue De Medecine Rev Med-parisRevue De Medecine De ToulouseRev Med ToulouseRevue De Medecine InterneRev Med InterneRevue De Medecine VeterinaireRev Med Vet-toulouseRevue De Metallurgie Rev Metall6Revue De Metallurgie-cahiers D Informations TechniquesRev Metall-paris"Revue De Metaphysique Et De MoraleRev Metaphys MoraleRevue De Musicologie Rev MusicolRevue De Mycologie Rev MycolERevue De Neuropsychiatrie Infantile Et D Hygiene Mentale De L EnfanceRev Neuropsych InfanRevue De NeuropsychologieRev NeuropsycholRevue De Pediatrie Rev Pediatr:Revue De Philologie De Litterature Et D Histoire AnciennesRev Philol Lit HistRevue De Physique Appliquee Rev Phys Appl*Revue D Epidemiologie Et De Sante PubliqueRev Epidemiol Sante8Revue D Epidemiologie Medecine Sociale Et Sante PubliqueRev Epidemiol Med SRevue De Pneumologie CliniqueRev Pneumol ClinRevue De Psychologie AppliqueeRev Psychol ApplRevue Des Etudes Italiennes Rev Etud ItalRevue Des Etudes JuivesRev Etud JuivesRevue Des Etudes LatinesRev Etud Latin6Revue Des Fermentations Et Des Industries AlimentairesRev Ferment Ind AlimRevue Des Langues RomanesRev Langues Romanes9Revue Des Langues Vivantes-tijdschrift Voor Levende TalenRev Langues Vivantes Revue Des Maladies RespiratoiresRev Mal Respir*Revue Des Musees De France-revue Du LouvreRev Mus Fr-rev LouvrRevue Des Sciences HumainesRev Sci Humaines1Revue Des Sciences Philosophiques Et TheologiquesRev Sci Philos TheolRevue D Esthetique Rev Esthet5Revue De Stomatologie Et De Chirurgie Maxillo-facialeRev Stomatol ChirRevue De Synthese Rev Synth%Revue D Etudes Comparatives Est-ouestRev Etud Comp Est-o%Revue D Etudes Comparatives Est-ouestRev Etud Comp Est-q4Revue De Zoologie Agricole Et De Pathologie VegetaleRev Zool Agr PatholMRevue D Histoire De La Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale Et Des Conflits ContemporainsRev Hist Deux Guerre(Revue D Histoire De L Amerique FrancaiseRev Hist Am Fr&Revue D Histoire De L Eglise De FranceRev Hist Eglise FrRevue D Histoire DiplomatiqueRev Hist DiplomatiqRevue D Histoire Du TheatreRev Hist TheatreRevue D Histoire EcclesiastiqueRev Hist Ecclesiast.Revue D Histoire Et De Philosophie ReligieusesRev Hist Philos Rel(Revue D Histoire Litteraire De La FranceRev Hist Lit Fr)Revue D Histoire Moderne Et ContemporaineRev Hist Mod ContempRevue D Immunologie Rev Immunol2Revue D Immunologie Et De Therapie AntimicrobienneRev Immunol Ther AntRevue D Informatique MedicialeRev Inform Med*Revue D Optique Theorique Et InstrumentaleRev Opt Theor InstruRevue Du CinemaRev Cinema-image Son-Revue Du Louvre-la Revue Des Musees De France Rev LouvreRevue Du Moyen Age LatinRev Moyen Age Lat Revue Du NordRev NordRevue Du Praticien Rev PraticienRevue Du RhumatismeRev Rhum6Revue Du Rhumatisme Et Des Maladies Osteo-articulairesRev Rhum Mal Osteo-m'Revue Du Zoologie Agricole Et AppliqueeRev Zoolog Agric AppRevue EconomiqueRev EconRevue Economique Rev Econ-fr$Revue Epidemiologie Et Sante AnimaleRev Epid San Anim1Revue Europeenne D Etudes Cliniques Et BiologiqueRev Eur Etud Cl BiolRevue Francaise D AllergologieRev Fr Allergol8Revue Francaise D Allergologie Et D Immunologie CliniqueRev Fr AllergolCRevue Francaise D Automatique Informatique Recherche OperationnelleRev Fr Automat Infor/Revue Francaise De Gynecologie Et D ObstetriqueRev Fr Gynecol Obste)Revue Francaise De Linguistique AppliqueeRev Fr Ling ApplRevue Francaise De PsychanalyseRev Fr Psychanal*Revue Francaise De Recherche OperationneleRev Fr Rech Operat$Revue Francaise De Science PolitiqueRev Fr Sci PolitRevue Francaise Des Corps GrasRev Fr Corps Gras*Revue Francaise Des Maladies RespiratoiresRev Fr Mal RespirRevue Francaise De Sociologie Rev Fr SociolRevue Francaise De TransfusionRev Fr Transfus Immu0Revue Francaise De Transfusion Et D HemobiologieRev Fr Transfus Hem4Revue Francaise De Transfusion Et Immuno-hematologieRev Fr Transfus Immu$Revue Francaise D Etudes AmericainesRev Fr Etud Amer1Revue Francaise D Etudes Cliniques Et BiologiquesRev Fr Etud Clin Bio&Revue Francaise D Histoire D Outre-merRev Fr Hist Outre:Revue Francaise D Informatique De Recherche OperationnelleRev Fr Inform Rech ORevue Francaise Du MarketingRev Fr MarketingRevue Generale De Thermique Rev Gen ThermRevue HistoriqueRev Historique(Revue Internationale De La Documentation Rev Int Doc)Revue Internationale De Musique FrancaiseRev Int Musique Fr#Revue Internationale De PhilosophieRev Int Philos-Revue Internationale De Psychologie AppliqueeRev Int Psychol ApplURevue Internationale De Psychologie Sociale-international Review of Social PsychologyRev Int Psychol Soc@Revue Internationale Des Hautes Temperatures Et Des RefractairesRev Int Hautes TempRevue Laitiere FrancaiseRev Laitiere Fr$Revue Marocaine De Medecine Et SanteRev Maroc Med SanteRevue Musicale Rev MusicaleRevue Neurologique Rev NeurolRevue NeurologiqueRev Neurol-france1Revue Philosophique De La France Et De L EtrangerRev Philos Fr EtrangRevue Philosophique De LouvainRev Philos Louvain Revue Romane Rev RomaneRevue Roumaine De BiochimieRev Roum BiochimRevue Roumaine De Chimie Rev Roum Chim=Revue Roumaine De Linguistique-romanian Review of LinguisticsRev Roum Linguist3Revue Roumaine De Mathematiques Pures Et AppliqueesRev Roum Math Pure A"Revue Roumaine De Medecine InterneRev Roum Med-med Int+Revue Roumaine De Medecine-medecine InterneRev Roum Med-med IntRevue Roumaine De Physique Rev Roum PhysLRevue Roumaine Des Sciences Techniques-serie Electrotechnique Et EnergetiqueRev Roum Sci Tech-elLRevue Roumaine Des Sciences Techniques-serie Electrotechnique Et EnergetiqueRev Roum Sci Tech-seRevue Roumaine D Histoire Rev Roum HistHRevue Scientifique Et Technique De L Office International Des EpizootiesRev Sci Tech OieCRevue Scientifique Et Technique-office International Des EpizootiesRev Sci Tech OieRevue Suisse D AgricultureRev Suisse AgricRevue Suisse De ZoologieRev Suisse ZoolRevue Technique Thomson-csfRev Tech ThomsonRevue Theologique De LouvainRev Theol Louvain;Reward and Decision Making in Corticobasal Ganglia NetworksAnn Ny Acad SciReweaving The Social Tapestry Uniting Amer;Reworking The Bible: Apocryphal and Related Texts At QumranStud Text Des Judah Rewriting, Computation and ProofLect Notes Comput ScRewriting HistoriesRewriting Hist$Rewriting Logic and Its ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc%Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc2Rewriting Techniques and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Rewriting Tecniques and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScIRezeption Des Orpheus Mythos in Deutschen Musikdramen Des 17 JahrhundertsFruhe Neuzeit-stud D Rf and Millimeter-wave Photonics Proc Spie0Rf Bulk Acoustic Wave Filters for CommunicationsArtech Hse Microw Li=Rfic: 2009 Ieee Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits SymposiumIeee Rad Freq IntegrRfid Design PrinciplesArtech Hse Microw Li+Rfid-enabled Sensor Design and ApplicationsArtech Hse Integr MiQRf Mems Switches and Integrated Switching Circuits: Design, Fabrication, and TestMems Ref ShelfR for Sas and Spss UsersStat Comput SerR for Stata UsersStat Comput SerRheologica Acta Rheol ActaRheologyRheologyBRheology and Deformation of The Lithosphere At Continental MarginsMarg Theor Exp EarthRhetoricNew Crit Idiom.Rhetorica-a Journal of The History of Rhetoric Rhetorica6Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations Commun SerRhetoric and ArgumentationBeitr Dialogforsch,Rhetoric and Reality in Early ChristianitiesStud Christian Jud0Rhetoric and Theology: Figural Reading of John 9Beih Z Neutest WissRhetoric Review Rhetor RevdRhetoric, Royalty, and Reality: Essays On The Literary Culture of Medieval and Early Modern ScotlandMediaev Groningana7Rhetorics, Literacies, and Narratives of SustainabilityRoutl Stud Rhet CommRhetoric Society Quarterly Rhetor Soc QRhetorikRhetorik5Rhetorik Jahrbuch (2003), Band 22: Krieg Und RhetorikRhetorik=Rhetorik Jahrbuch (2004), Band 23: Rhetorik Und AnthropologieRhetorik7Rhetorik Jahrbuch (2006), Band 25: Rhetorik Der DebatteRhetorik9Rhetorik Jahrbuch (2008), Band 27: Theatralische RhetorikRhetorik@Rhetorik Jahrbuch (2009), Band 28, Rhetorik Und VerstandlichkeitRhetorik'Rhetorik Jahrbuch, Bd 24: Bild-rhetorikRhetorikRhetorik Und GeschichteUnters Antiken Lit G^Rhetorik Und Stilistik: Ein Internationales Handbuch Historischer Und Systematischer ForschungHandb Sprach Kommun RheumadermAdv Exp Med Biol*Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North AmericaRheum Dis Clin N Am+Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart DiseaseWho Tech Rep Ser Rheumatology RheumatologyRheumatology and RehabilitationRheumatol RehabilRheumatology International Rheumatol IntRheumatology, Seapal 1988 Int Congr SerRheumatology, State of The Art Int Congr SerRhic Physics and Beyond Aip Conf Proc Rhinology Rhinology:Rhinosinusitis: Current Issues in Diagnosis and Management Roy S Med S5Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinR I Agr Exp Sta BullRhode Island Medical Journal R I Med JRhodesia Agricultural Journal Rhod Agr J*Rhodesian Journal of Agricultural ResearchRhod J Agr ResRhodium ExpressRhodium ExpressRhodoraRhodoraRhythmic GrammarTop Engl LinguistRhythms in FishesNato Adv Sci Inst SeRhythmus Beim Fruhen NietzscheMonogr Texte NietzscRiao/optilas 2004: 5th Iberoamerican Meeting On Optics and 8th Latin American Meeting On Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsRiao/optilas 2004: 5th Iberoamerican Meeting On Optics and 8th Latin American Meeting On Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieRiao/optilas 2007 Aip Conf Proc2Riba Journal-royal Institute of British ArchitectsRiba JRibonuclease P Protein RevRibonucleases, Pt AMethod EnzymolRibonucleases, Pt AMethods EnzymolRibonucleases, Pt BMethod EnzymolNRibosomal Proteins and Protein Engineering: Design, Selection and ApplicationsProtein Sci EngeRicci Flow in Riemannian Geometry: A Complete Proof of The Differentiable 1/4-pinching Sphere TheoremLect Notes MathRiceRiceGRice Biotechnology: Improving Yield, Stress Tolerance and Grain QualityNovart Fdn Symp Rice JournalRice J#Ricerca in Clinica E in Laboratorio Res Clin LabRicerche Di MatematicaRic MatRicerche Di Storia Dell Arte Ric Stor Arte(Richard H Battin Astrodynamics SymposiumAdv Astronaut SciRichard Wagner and His WorldBard Music Festiv.Richard Wright's Native Son: A Routledge GuideRoutledge Guides Lit.Rich World and The Impoverishment of EducationRoutl Stud Educ NeolRicketsNestle Nutr Works Se'Rickettsiology and Rickettsial DiseasesAnn Ny Acad Sci0Rickettsiology : Current Issues and PerspectivesAnn Ny Acad Sci-Rickettsiology: Present and Future DirectionsAnn Ny Acad Sci`Rickettsioses: From Genome to Proteome, Pathobiology, and Rickettsiae As An International ThreatAnn Ny Acad SciRide - Mlim 2003: Thirteenth International Work Shop On Research Issues in Data Engineering: Multi-lingual Information Management, ProceedingsPr Gr Lak Symp Vlsi3Ride-the Journal of Applied Theatre and PerformanceRide-j Appl TheatreeRidt '94 - Proceedings of The Third International Conference On Raster Imaging and Digital TypographyElectr Pub Org Diss9Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Fifth Edition UniversitextGRiemannian Geometry of Contact and Symplectic Manifolds, Second Edition Prog Math9Riemannian Topology and Geometric Structures On Manifolds Prog Math9Rift Between America and Old Europe: The Distracted EagleContemp Secur Stud!Rifted Ocean-continent BoundariesNato Adv Sci Inst Se!Right Fibre for The Right DiseaseRoy Soc Med Int Cong:Righting of Passage: Perceptions of Change After ModernityContemp EthnogrHRightist Multiculturalism: Core Lessons On Neoconservative School ReformCrit Soc ThoughtRights Based FishingNato Adv Sci I E-appKRights-based Preventative Approach for Psychosocial Well-being in ChildhoodChild Well-being IndIRights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in EuropePalg Stud Minor Lang?Right to Development in International Law: The Case of PakistanRout Res Hum Rts Law2Right to Health Care in Several European CountriesStud Emp Soc PolicyBRight Ventricular Hypertrophy and Function in Chronic Lung Disease Curr T Reh,Right-wing Extremism in Contemporary GermanyNew Perspect Ger Pol'Rigid and Flexible Pavement Design 2005Transport Res Rec'Rigid and Flexible Pavement Design 2006Transport Res Rec,Rigid Flexibility: The Logic of Intelligence Appl Log SerRigid Local Systems Ann Math Stud6Rigorous Development of Complex Fault-tolerant SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc7Rigorous Methods for Software Construction and AnalysisLect Notes Comput ScRigorous Quantum Field Theory Prog Math:Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-oriented SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc$Rilce-revista De Filologia HispanicaRilce-rev Filol Hisp$Rilem : 43rd General Council MeetingVtt SympRilem Bookseries Rilem BookserRilem Proceedings Rilem ProcRilem State of The Art ReportsRilem State Art Rep2Rilem Workshop : Concrete Technology in The FutureVtt SympRilem Workshop On Long-term Performance of Cementitious Barriers and Reinforced Concrete in Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Management Rilem ProcRimbaud 1891-1991Bib Lit Modern Rinascimento RinascimentoRing and Module Theory Trends Math<Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerisation and Related ChemistryNato Sci Ser Ii Math<Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerisation and Related ChemistryNato Sci Ser Ii-math!Rings, Extensions, and Cohomology Pure A Math'Rings, Hopf Algebras, and Brauer GroupsLect Notes Pure Appl"Rings, Modules and Representations Contemp Math"Ring Theory and Algebraic GeometryLect Notes Pure ApplHRio Chagres, Panama: A Multidisciplinary Profile of A Tropical WatershedWater Sci Technol LiHRio Chagres, Panama: A Multidisciplinary Profile of A Tropical Watershed Water Trans9Riparian Management : Common Threads and Shared Interests Usda Rocky0Riparian Resources, Proceedings of The SymposiumNat Resour Env Iss-Riparian Vegetation and Fluvial GeomorphologyWater Sci Appl'Ripe Series in Global Political EconomyRipe S Glob Pol Econ'Ripe Series in Global Political EconomyRipe Ser Glob PolitBRise and Development of The Theory of Series Up to The Early 1820sSourc Stud Hist MathBRise and Fall of Adult Education Institutions and Social MovementsStud Ped And Geron:Rise and Fall of Privatization in The Russian Oil IndustrySt Antonys Ser^Rise and Fall of The Carbon Civilisation: Resolving Global Environmental and Resource ProblemsGreen Energy Technol$Rise and Fall of The Ediacaran BiotaGeol Soc Spec Publ9Rise and Fall of The Soviet Navy in The Baltic, 1921-1941Cass Ser Nav PolicyBRise of China and International Security: America and Asia RespondAsian Secur StudIRise of China: Beijing's Strategies and Implications for The Asia-pacific Polit Asia0Rise of Interactive Governance and Quasi-marketsLib Pub Policy Pub A2Rise of Israel: A History of A Revolutionary StateIsr Hist Polit Soc*Rise of Japanese Ngos: Activism From AboveRoutl Contemp Jpn SeJRise of Performance Studies: Rethinking Richard Schechner's Broad SpectrumStud Int PerformJRise of The Conservative Legal Movement: The Battle for Control of The LawPrinc Stud Am Polit/Rise of The Corporate Economy in Southeast AsiaRoutledge Stud GrowtARise of The Detective in Early Nineteenth-century Popular Fiction Crime FileARise of The Detective in Early Nineteenth-century Popular FictionCrime Files SerRise of The English Regions Reg CitiesORise of Transnational Corporations From Emerging Markets: Threat Or OpportunityStud Int InvestORise of Transnational Corporations From Emerging Markets: Threat Or OpportunityStud Int InvestmtTRising China and Security in East Asia: Identity Construction and Security Discourse Polit AsiaRising Trends in Asthma Ciba F SympDRisk21- Coping With Risks Due to Natural Hazards in The 21st CenturyProc Monogr Eng Wate Risk AnalysisComputat Studies Risk Analysis Risk AnalRisk Analysis IiManag Informat SystRisk Analysis IiiManag Informat Syst)Risk Analysis in Nuclear Waste Management Ispra C RelRisk Analysis IvManag Informat Syst.Risk Analysis of Complex and Uncertain SystemsInt Ser Oper Res Man1Risk Analysis V: Simulation and Hazard MitigationWit Trans Ecol EnvirRisk and Social WelfareSoc Iss Justice StatBRisk Appraisal and Venture Capital in High Technology New VenturesRoutl Stud Glob Comp7Risk Aspects of Investment-based Social Security Reform Nber Conf RNRisk Assessment and Risk Communication Strategies in Bioterrorism PreparednessNato Secur Sci Ser ANRisk Assessment and Risk Communication Strategies in Bioterrorism PreparednessNato Security Sci AMRisk Assessment As A Tool for Water Resources Decision-making in Central AsiaNato Sci S Ss Iv EarDRisk Assessment, Modeling and Decision Support: Strategic Directions Risk Gov Soc2Risk-averse Capacity Control in Revenue ManagementLect Notes Econ MathRisk Aversion in Experiments Res Exp Econ9Risk-based Corrective Action and Brownfields Restorations Geotech SphRisk/benefit Analysis for The Use and Approval of Thrombolytic, Antiarrhythmic, and Hypolipidemic AgentsDev Cardiovasc Med6Risk-benefit Perspective On Early Customer IntegrationContrib Manag Sci3Risk Control and Quality Management in Neurosurgery Act Neur SDRisk Factors for Adverse Drug Reactions - Epidemiological ApproachesAgent Action Suppl=Risk, Global Governance and Security: The Other War On TerrorRout Glob Secur StudRisk Governance and Society Risk Gov Soc:Risk Infections and Possibilities for Biomedical TerrorismNato Sci Ser I LifeRisk in International FinanceRoutl Front Polit EcERisk Management and Governance: Concepts, Guidelines and Applications Risk Gov Soc(Risk Management and Sustainable ForestryEur Forest Inst Proc6Risk Management and Value: Valuation and Asset PricingWorld Sci Stud Int E(Risk Management-an International Journal Risk Manag-uk1Risk Management, Econometrics and Neural Networks Contrib Econ1Risk Management, Econometrics and Neural NetworksContribut EconERisk Management in Credit Portfolios: Concentration Risk and Basel Ii Contrib Econ-Risk Management in Volatile Financial Markets Finan Mon PZRisk Management of Safety and Dependability: A Guide for Directors, Managers and EngineersWoodhead Publ Mech E6Risk Management of Water Supply and Sanitation SystemsNato Sci Peace SecurYRisk Management Strategies Applied to Environmental Cleanup in Central and Eastern EuropeSci Cult Ser Environ%Risk Management: The State of The ArtNyu Sa Ctr Ser F M I-Risk Methodologies for Technological LegaciesNato Sci S Ss Iv EarDRisk Minimization By Experimental Mechanics : Imeko / Gesa Symposium VDI BerichtYRisk Navigation Strategies for Major Capital Projects : Beyond The Myth of PredictabilitySpringer Ser ReliabhRisk Regulation in The Single Market: Governance of Pharmaceuticals and Foodstuffs in The European UnionPalgrave Stud Eur Un/Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety, Vols 1-3Proc Monogr Eng WateeRisk Science and Sustainability: Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of SocietyNato Sci Ser Ii MatheRisk Science and Sustainability: Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of SocietyNato Sci Ser Ii-math Risks From Radium and Thorotrast Bir ReportFRisk-sharing in The Pharmaceutical Industry: The Case of Out-licensingContrib Manag SciRisks in Modern SocietyTop Saf Risk ReliabRisks in Technological SystemsSpringer Ser ReliabRisks of Financial Institutions Nber Conf R%Risk, Vulnerability and Everyday Life New Sociol0Riso International Symposium On Material Science Riso Mat Sci Risorgimento RisorgimentoRiten, Gesten, ZeremonienTrends Mediev PhilolPRites and Passages: The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Culture in France, 1650-1860Jew Cult Context6Rites of Way: The Politics and Poetics of Public Space Can Comment0Ritual and Event: Interdisciplinary PerspectivesRoutl Adv Theatr Per@Ritual and Memory: Toward A Comparative Anthropology of ReligionCognitive Sci Rel-Ritual and Sacrifice in The Ancient Near EastOrient Lovan AnalRitual, Performance, Media Asa MonogrRRive Gauche: Paris As A Site of Avant-garde Art and Cultural Exchange in The 1920sInt Forsch Allg Vgl;Riverbank Filtration for Water Security in Desert CountriesNato Sci Peace SecurRiverbank Filtration HydrologyNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear4Riverbank Filtration: Improving Source-water QualityWater Sci Technol Li4Riverbank Filtration: Improving Source-water Quality Water TransTRiverbank Filtration: Understanding Contaminant Biogeochemistry and Pathogen RemovalNato Sci S Ss Iv EarRiver Basin ManagementInt Ser Prog Wat ResRiver Basin Management IiInt Ser Prog Wat ResRiver Basin Management IiiWit Trans Ecol EnvirRiver Basin Management IvWit Trans Ecol EnvirRiver Basin Management VWit Trans Ecol EnvirDRiver, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: Rcem 2007, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng WateRiver Flow 2006, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng WateRiver GeomorphologyIag PublRiver Research and ApplicationsRiver Res ApplRiver SedimentsEnviron Res AdvKRivers-studies in The Science Environmental Policy and Law of Instream FlowRivers-stud Sci Env0River Studenica: Study of Ecology and HydrofaunaSasa Dept Chem BiolRivista Aeronautica Riv Aeronaut)Rivista Critica Di Storia Della FilosofiaRiv Crit Stor FilosRivista Del Nuovo CimentoRiv Nuovo Cimento/Rivista Di Agricoltura Subtropicale E TropicaleRiv Agr Subtrop Trop!Rivista Di Biologia-biology ForumRiv Biol-biol ForumRivista Di Economia Agraria Riv Econ Agr#Rivista Di Filosofia Neo-scolasticaRiv Filos Neo-scolasRivista Di Letteratura Italiana Riv Lett Ital*Rivista Di Letterature Moderne E ComparateRiv Lett Mod Comp*Rivista Di Medicina Aeronautica E SpazialeRiv Med Aeronaut Spa#Rivista Di Meteorologia AeronauticaRiv Meteorol AeronauRivista Di NeuroradiologiaRiv NeuroradiolRivista Di Patologia Vegetale Riv Patol VegRivista Di Politica EconomicaRiv Polit EconRivista Di Psichiatria Riv PsichiatrRivista Di Psicoanalisi Riv PsicoanalRivista Di Storia ContemporaneaRiv Storia Contemp!Rivista Di Storia Della FilosofiaRiv Stor Filos)Rivista Di Storia E Letteratura ReligiosaRiv Stor Lett Relig:Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Economiche E CommercialiRiv Int Sci Econ Com)Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze SocialiRiv Int Sci Soc&Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze GrasseRiv Ital Sostanze GrRivista Italiana Di GeofisicaRiv Ital Geofis.Rivista Italiana Di Geofisica E Scienze AffiniRiv Ital Geofis SciRivista Italiana Di MusicologiaRiv Ital Music0Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E StratigrafiaRiv Ital Paleontol S;Rivista Italiana Di Pediatria-italian Journal of Pediatrics Riv Ital Ped$Rivista Italiana Di Scienza PoliticaRiv Ital Sci Polit#Rivista Italiana Di TelerilevamentoRiv Ital TelerilevamRivista Storica Dell AntichitaRiv Stor AntichRivista Storica ItalianaRiv Storica Ital-Rla-revista De Linguistica Teorica Y AplicadaRla-rev Linguist Teo*Rla : Romance Languages Annual 1991, Vol 3 Rom Lang An)Rla: Romance Languages Annual 1992, Vol 4 Rom Lang An+Rla - Romance Languages Annual 1994, Vol Vi Rom Lang An,Rla - Romance Languages Annual 1995, Vol Vii Rom Lang An*Rla: Romance Languages Annual 1997, Vol Ix Rom Lang An.Rla - Romance Languages Annuals 1996, Vol Viii Rom Lang An!Rlc-revue De Litterature CompareeRlc-rev Lit CompRmclas Proceedings Rmclas Proc*Rna and Dna Editing: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol$Rna-a Publication of The Rna SocietyRna"Rna Biochemistry and BiotechnologyNato Asi 3 High Tech Rna BiologyRna Biol6Rna Detection and Visualization: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol Rna EditingMethod Enzymol Rna ExosomeAdv Exp Med Biol Rna HelicasesRsc Biomol Sci^Rnai and Microrna-mediated Gene Regulation in Stem Cells: Methods, Protocols, and ApplicationsMethods Mol Biol<Rnai and Plant Gene Function Analysis: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolRna Infrastructure and NetworksAdv Exp Med BiolRna InterferenceCurr Top MicrobiolRna InterferenceMethod Enzymol7Rna Interference: From Biology to Clinical ApplicationsMethods Mol BiolRna Interference Techniques NeuromethodsRna-ligand Interactions, Part BMethod EnzymolRna-ligand Interactions Pt AMethod EnzymolRna: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolRna ModificationMethod Enzymol+Rna Polymerase and Associated Factors, Pt AMethod Enzymol+Rna Polymerase and Associated Factors, Pt BMethod Enzymol,Rna Polymerases and Associated Factors, Pt CMethod Enzymol,Rna Polymerases and Associated Factors, Pt CMethods Enzymol,Rna Polymerases and Associated Factors, Pt DMethod EnzymolRna Technologies Rna Technol'Rna Technologies and Their Applications Rna Technol0Rna Therapeutics: Function, Design, and DeliveryMethods Mol Biol0Rna Turnover in Bacteria, Archaea and OrganellesMethod EnzymolZRna Turnover in Eukaryotes: Analysis of Specialized and Quality Control Rna Decay PathwaysMethod EnzymolJRna Turnover in Eukaryotes: Nucleases, Pathways and Anaylsis of Mrna DecayMethod EnzymolRna World, Third EditionCold Spring Harb Mon Rn MagazineRn MagRoad & Transport ResearchRoad Transp Res%Roadblocks On The Information Highway Stud Mod JRoad From DamascusMcmaster New Test St4Roadmap for Cognitive Development in Humanoid RobotsCogn Syst Monogr$Roadmap of Scanning Probe MicroscopyNanosci TechnolxRoadmap to The Successful Development and Commercialization of Microbial Pest Control Products for Control of ArthropodsProg Biol Control"Road Materials and Pavement DesignRoad Mater Pavement6Road Pricing: Theory, Empirical Assessment, and PolicyTransp Res Econ PolKRoadside Safety Features and Hydraulic, Hydrology, and Water Quality IssuesTransport Res Rec(Road to Galaxy Formation, Second EditionS-p B Astron PlanetQRoad to International Financial Stability: Are Key Financial Standards The AnswerInt Polit Econ Ser@Road to Jerusalem: Pilgrimage and Travel in The Age of Discovery Mater Texts2Road to Sustainability: Gdp and Future Generations Sus World.Robert Antelme: Humanity, Community, TestimonyRes Monogr Fr Stud?Robert A. Welch Foundation 37th Conference On Chemical Research P R A Welch Robert LepageRoutl Perform Pract6Robert Louis Stevenson, Science, and The Fin De SieclePalgrave Stud Ninet-9Roberto Burle Marx in Caracas: Parque Del Este, 1956-1961Penn Stud Landsc ArcVRobert Owen and The Owenites in Britain and America: The Quest for The New Moral WorldRoutledge Revivals Robert WilsonRoutl Perform PractORob Milne: A Tribute to A Pioneering Ai Scientist, Entrepreneur and MountaineerFront Artif Intel Ap'Robocup 2002: Robot Soccer World Cup ViLect Notes Artif Int(Robocup 2003: Robot Soccer World Cup ViiLect Notes Comput Sc)Robocup 2004: Robot Soccer World Cup ViiiLect Notes Comput Sc'Robocup 2005: Robot Soccer World Cup IxLect Notes Artif Int&Robocup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup XLect Notes Artif Int'Robocup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XiLect Notes Comput Sc(Robocup 2008: Robot Soccer World Cup XiiLect Notes Comput Sc)Robocup 2009: Robot Soccer World Cup XiiiLect Notes Artif Int%Robocup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup IiLect Notes Artif Int&Robocup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup IiiLect Notes Artif Int Robot Control 1991 ( Syroco 91 )Ifac Symp Series Robot Control 1997, Vols 1 and 2Ifac Symp SeriesRobotersystemeRobotersystemeRoboticaRoboticaFRobotic and Laparoscopic Reconstructive Surgery in Children and AdultsCurr Clin Urol2Robotic and Semi-robotic Ground Vehicle TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsfRobotic Exploration and Landmark Determination: Hardware-efficient Algorithms and Fpga ImplementationsStud Comput Intell6Robotic Exploration Close to The Sun: Scientific Basis Aip Conf ProcRobotic Mapping and ExplorationSpringer Trac Adv RoRobotic ObservatoriesWil Prax Ser AstronRoboticsIntel Syst Contr Aut Robotics Age Robotic AgeRobotics and Automation SystemsSolid State PhenomenRobotics and Autonomous SystemsRobot Auton Syst4Robotics and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial MappingSpr Tra Adv Robot.Robotics and Computer-integrated ManufacturingRobot Cim-int ManufWRobotics, Automation and Control and Manufacturing: Trends, Principles and Applications Tsi Press S.Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology Ele Com Eng)Robotics: Modelling, Planning and ControlAdv Txb Contr Sig PrRobotics ResearchSpr Tra Adv RobotRobotics ResearchSpringer Trac Adv Ro5Robotics: Trends, Principles and Applications, Vol 15 Tsi Press S)Robotic Systems for Handling and AssemblySpringer Trac Adv RolRobotic Telescopes: Current Capabilities, Present Developments, and Future Prospects for Automated Astronomy Astr Soc PRobotic Telescopes in The 1990s Astr Soc P,Robotic Welding, Intelligence and AutomationLect Notes Contr Inf Robotik 2002 VDI Bericht=Robot Intelligence: An Advanced Knowledge Processing ApproachAdv Inform Knowl ProRobot Motion and Control 2007Lect Notes Contr InfRobot Motion and Control 2009Lect Notes Contr Inf-Robot Motion and Control: Recent DevelopmentsLect Notes Contr InfnRobot Navigation From Nature: Simultaneous Localisation, Mapping and Path Planning Based On Hippocampal ModelsSpringer Trac Adv RoRobot Vision, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScGRobust Adaptation to Non-native Accents in Automatic Speech RecognitionLect Notes Artif Int2Robust Algebraic Multilevel Methods and AlgorithmsRadon Ser Comput App*Robust and Online Large-scale OptimizationLect Notes Comput Sc0Robust Control and Filtering of Singular SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf&Robust Control Design 2000, Vols 1 & 2Ifac Symp SeriesIRobust Control for Uncertain Networked Control Systems With Random DelaysLect Notes Contr Inf.Robust Control of Infinite Dimensional SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf6Robust Control of Linear Systems and Nonlinear Control Prog Syst CCRobust Control of Linear Systems Subject to Time-varying ParametersLect Notes Contr Inf(Robustness in Identification and Control Appl Info T(Robustness in Identification and ControlLect Notes Contr Inf:Robustness of Dynamic Systems With Parameter Uncertainties Monte VerityRobust Numerical Methods for Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations: Convection-diffusion-reaction and Flow ProblemsSpr Ser Comput MathRobust OptimizationPrinc Ser Appl Math%Robust Power System Frequency ControlPower Electron PowereRobust Sigma Delta Converters: and Their Application in Low-power Highly-digitized Flexible ReceiversAnalog Circ Sig Proc4Robust Signal Processing for Wireless CommunicationsFound Signal Process2Robust Static Super-replication of Barrier OptionsRadon Ser Comput App6Robust Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Via FeedbackLect Notes Contr InfRoc Curves for Continuous DataMonogr Stat Appl Pro3Rochester Museum & Science Center, Research Records Rmsc Res Rec*Rochester Series On Environmental Toxicity Roch S Env0Rochester Studies in Economics and Policy Issues Roch Stud ERock Art Research Rock Art Res/Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion, Third EditionSpringer-prax BooksRock for Erosion ControlAm Soc Test MaterRock Mechanics Rock Mech#Rock Mechanics and Rock EngineeringRock Mech Rock EngFRock Mechanics: Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng WateIRock Physics and Geomechanics in The Study of Reservoirs and RepositoriesGeol Soc Spec Publ Rock Products Rock Prod&Rock Weathering and Landform Evolution Brit Geomor#Rocky Mountain Institute NewsletterRocky Mt Inst Newsl%Rocky Mountain Journal of MathematicsRocky Mt J MathRocky Mountain Medical JournalRocky Mt Med JRocky Mountain New Perspectives Usda Rocky.Rocky Mountain Region: An Evolving LithosphereGeophys Monogr Ser0Rocky Mountain Review of Language and LiteratureRocky Mt Rev Lang%Rocky Mountain Social Science JournalRocky Mt Soc Sci JqRocom'09: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology Ele Com EngRoczniki Chemii Rocz ChemRocznik Ochrona Srodowiska Rocz Ochr SrRodent Models of Stroke Neuromethods(Rodopi Perspectives On Modern Literature Rod Per ModSRofo-fortschritte Auf Dem Gebiet Der Rontgenstrahlen Und Der Bildgebenden VerfahrenRofo-fortschr RontgNRogue Performances: Staging The Underclasses in Early American Theatre CulturePalg Stud Theat PerfRogue Waves in The OceanAdv Geophys Env MechdRole and Position of The Research Sector for The Development of Changing Cotton Industries in AfricaCirad Colloques3Role Engineering for Enterprise Security ManagementArtech Hse Inf Secur/Role of Admixtures in High Performance Concrete Rilem ProcRole of Apoptosis in InfectionCurr Top MicrobiolKRole of Biodiversity Conservation in The Transition to Rural SustainabilityNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec.Role of Biotechnology in Countering Btw AgentsNato Sci Prt 1 Disar/Role of Corporate Venture Capital in InnovationBus Econ Rapid Chang&Role of Degenerate States in Chemistry Adv Chem PhysyRole of Developing Countries in Ground Based Experiments in Support of Space Observations for Global and Regional Studies Adv Space Res4Role of Digital Libraries in A Time of Global ChangeLect Notes Comput ScNRole of Ecological Chemistry in Pollution Research and Sustainable DevelopmentNato Sci Peace Secur2Role of Epidemiology in Regulatory Risk Assessment Int Congr SerXRole of Erosion and Sediment Transport in Nutrient and Contaminant Transfer, Proceedings Iahs-aish PDRole of Foreign Direct Investment in East Asian Economic Development Nber E A Ec1Role of Genetics in Breast and Productive CancersCancer Genet-ser.Role of Gis in Lifting The Cloud Off ChernobylNato Sci S Iv Ear En)Role of Government in Adjusting EconomiesRole Gov Adjust Econ8Role of High Energy Electrons in The Treatment of CancerFront Radiat Ther On:Role of Insulin-like Growth Factors in The Nervous SystemsAnn Ny Acad SciMRole of International Institutions in Globalisation: The Challenges of ReformInt I Glob GovMRole of International Institutions in Globalisation: The Challenges of ReformIntl Inst Global GovDRole of Labour Mobility and Informal Networks for Knowledge TransferInt Stud EntreARole of Legumes in The Farming Systems of The Mediterranean AreasDev Plant Soil Sci?Role of Mathematics Discourse in Producing Leaders of DiscourseMont Math Enthus Mon>Role of Melatonin and Pineal Peptides in NeuroimmunomodulationNato Adv Sci I A-lif4Role of Metrology in Economic and Social DevelopmentPtb TextrRole of Mexicos Plural in Latin American Literary and Political Culture: From Tlatelolco to The Philanthropic OgreStud Am/Role of Microenvironment in Axonal RegenerationAdv Anat Embryol CelVRole of Model Integration in Complex Systems Modelling: An Example From Cancer BiologyUnderst Complex SystTRole of Moral Reasoning On Socioscientific Issues and Discourse in Science EducationSci Technol Educ Lib+Role of Muscle Strength in Hamstring InjuryMuscular Syst-anat F*Role of Natural Products in Drug DiscoveryE Schering Res Fdn WDRole of Nepotism and Competition for The Evolution of Avian FamiliesBirds-evol Behav Eco1Role of Neural Plasticity in Chemical IntoleranceAnn Ny Acad Sci0Role of Nonlinear Dynamics in Endocrine Feedback Math Res Dev<Role of Nonliving Organic Matter in The Earth's Carbon Cycle Dahl Ws Env7Role of Phosphodiesterase - Inhibitors in Heart FailureRoy Soc Med Int Cong8Role of Plant Pathology in Food Safety and Food SecurityPlant Path 21st/Role of Public Policy in K-12 Science EducationRes Sci Educ Ser2Role of Religion in Marriage and Family CounselingFam Ther CounselORole of Specialized Beef Breeds in Extensive Husbandry Systems of Suckling Cows Eaap PublicQRole of Technology in Cscl: Studies in Technology Enhanced Collaborative LearningComput-supp Collab L-Role of Technology in The Cost of Health CareP Soc Photo-opt InsFRole of Technology in The Cost of Health Care: Providing The SolutionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Role of The Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia in Voluntary Movement Int Congr Ser/Role of The Forebrain in Sensation and BehaviorProg Brain ResQRole of The Mitochondria in Human Aging and Disease: From Genes to Cell SignalingAnn Ny Acad Sci?Role of The National Libraries in The Evolving National Network Netw Plan PFRole of The Ocean in Global Cycling of Persistent Organic ContaminantsHamb Stud Marit AffRole of Theory in Sex Research Kinsey InstURole of The Press and Communication Technology in Democratization: The Nigerian StoryAfr Stud-hist PolitBRole of Trace Elements for Health Promotion and Disease PreventionBibl Nutr Diet3Role of Traditional Medicine in Primary Health Care Prim Hlth C>Role of Universities in National Agricultural Research SystemsFao Res Technol Pap4Role of Vlbi in Astrophysics, Astrometry and GeodesyNato Sci Ser Ii MathERole of Wnt Signalling in The Development of Somites and Neural CrestAdv Anat Embryol Cel'Role of Women in The History of GeologyGeol Soc Spec PublRoll Forming HandbookManuf Eng Mater ProcRolling Contact Phenomena Cism Cour LRolling Contact PhenomenaCism Courses LectPRoll of Characterization in Understanding Environmental Degradation of Materials Microstr ScHRoman Barbarians: The Royal Court and Culture in The Early Medieval WestMediev Cult SocMRomance and Sex in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: Risks and OpportunitesPenn State Univ Fam,Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2003Amst Stud Theory HisRomance Languages Annual Rom Lang An$Romance Languages Annual 1989, Vol 1 Rom Lang An$Romance Languages Annual 1990, Vol 2 Rom Lang An$Romance Languages Annual 1993, Vol 5 Rom Lang An Romance Notes Romance NotesRomance PhilologyRomance PhilolRomance Quarterly Romance Quart'Romances About The Knight With The LionChloeRomance Studies Roman StudRoman Empire From 192 to 325Pallas'Roman Garden: Space, Sense, and SocietyRoutl Monogr Class SRomaniaRomaniaRomania and The European UnionEur Nation StateRomanian Agricultural Research Rom Agric Res!Romanian Biotechnological LettersRom Biotech Lett(Romanian Journal of Economic ForecastingRom J Econ Forecast6Romanian Journal of Information Science and TechnologyRom J Inf Sci Tech"Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine Rom J Leg Med-Romanian Journal of Morphology and EmbryologyRom J Morphol EmbryoRomanian Journal of Physics Rom J Phys%Romanian Journal of Political ScienceRom J Polit SciRomanian Reports in Physics Rom Rep PhysRomanian Review Romanian RevRomanic Review Romanic RevRoman Imperial BiographiesRoman Imp BiogrRomanische Forschungen Roman ForschGRomanische Sprachgeschichte/histoire Linguistique De La Romania, Tome 3Handb Sprach KommunSRomanische Sprachgeschichte, Teilband 1/histoire Linguistique De La Romania, Tome 1Handb Sprach KommunURomanische Sprachgeschichte, Teilband 2 / Histoire Linguistique De La Romania, Tome 2Handb Sprach KommunRomanistisches Jahrbuch Rom Jahbr'Romanistisches Jahrbuch (2002), Band 53 Rom Jahbr'Romanistisches Jahrbuch (2003), Band 54 Rom Jahbr'Romanistisches Jahrbuch (2004), Band 55 Rom Jahbr'Romanistisches Jahrbuch (2005), Band 56 Rom Jahbr'Romanistisches Jahrbuch (2006), Band 57 Rom Jahbr'Romanistisches Jahrbuch (2007), Band 58 Rom Jahbr'Romanistisches Jahrbuch (2008), Band 59 Rom Jahbr]Romanistische Zeitschrift Fur Literaturgeschichte-cahiers D Histoire Des Litteratures RomanesRoman Z Lit-cah 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and The 1980s: Perceptions, Policies, LegaciesStud Am!Rontgen-blatter Klinik Und PraxisRontgen-bl Klin Prax7Roofing Research and Standards Development : 2nd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater6Roofing Research and Standards Development: 3rd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater6Roofing Research and Standards Development: 5th VolumeAm Soc Test Mater6Roofing Research and Standards Development: 6th VolumeAm Soc Test Mater9Roofing Research and Standards Development: Fourth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater7Room to Manoeuvre? 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ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Rules of Globalization: Case BookFront Artif Intel Ap"Rumors of Wisdom: Job 28 As PoetryBeih Z Alttest WissRunensteine in SchwedenReallexikon Ger Alte<Runic Inscriptions As A Source for Interdisciplinary StudiesReallex German Alter:Run-time Models for Self-managing Systems and Applications Auton SystRuntime VerificationLect Notes Comput ScRural and Remote HealthRural Remote HealthRural DevelopmentRural Development2Rural Development 2005, Vol 2, Book 1, ProceedingsRural Development2Rural Development 2005, Vol 2, Book 2, ProceedingsRural Development2Rural Development 2007, Vol 3, Book 1, ProceedingsRural Development2Rural Development 2007, Vol 3, Book 2, ProceedingsRural Development?Rural Development 2009, Proceedings, Vol 4, Book 1, ProceedingsRural Development>Rural Development 2009 Proceedings, Vol 4, Book 2, ProceedingsRural DevelopmentGRural Development and Social Science Research: Case Studies From BorneoBorn Res Co Pro Ser%Rural Development Theory and PracticeRoutl Stud Dev Soc#Rural Education in The 21st CenturyEduc Compet Glob Wor Rural Electric Power Conferences Rur Elec P,Rural Governance: International PerspectivesRout Stud Human Geog,Rural Governance: International PerspectivesRoutl Stud Hum Geogr%Rural History-economy Society Culture Rural HistRural Labor Flows in China Res Pap PolRural Sociology Rural SociolVRural-urban Dynamics: Livelihoods, Mobility and Markets in African and Asian FrontiersRoutl Stud Hum Geogr!Rural - Urban Interface in Africa Sem P Scand'Russell Sage Foundation Series On TrustRussell Sage Trust4Russell-the Journal of The Bertrand Russell ArchivesRussell3Russell-the Journal of The Bertrand Russell StudiesRussell>Russia and Iran in The Great Game: Travelogues and OrientalismRout Stud Mid E Hist?Russia and Its Others On Film: Screening Intercultural DialogueStud Cent E Eur\Russia and The Challengers: Russian Alignment With China, Iran, and Iraq in The Unipolar EraSt Antonys SerRussia As A Great PowerBasees-rout Ser Russ^Russia As An Aspiring Great Power in East Asia: Perceptions and Policies From Yeltsin to PutinSt Antonys Ser:Russia: Creating Private Enterprises and Efficient MarketsStud Econ Transform$Russia Moves Into The Global EconomyRoutl Stud Mod World1Russian Academy of Sciences Izvestiya MathematicsRuss Ac Sc Izv Math+/Russian Academy of Sciences Sbornik MathematicsRuss Ac Sc Sb Math+.Russian Airborne Geophysics and Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Russian and East European Finance and TradeRuss E Eur Financ Tr7Russia, Nato and Cooperative Security: Bridging The GapContemp Secur StudVRussian Business Power: The Role of Russian Business in Foreign and Security RelationsRoutl Transnat CrimeRussian Chemical Bulletin Russ Chem B+Russian Chemical Reviews Russ Chem RevRussian Chemical ReviewsRuss Chem Rev+Russian ConstitutionalismBasees-rout Ser Russ;Russian Contributions to Game Theory and Equilibrium TheoryTheory Decis Ser C GDRussian Culture in Uzbekistan: One Language in The Middle of NowhereCent Asian StudDRussian Culture in Uzbekistan: One Language in The Middle of NowhereCent Asian Stud SerRussian Education and Society Russ Educ SocRussian ElectrochemistryRuss Electrochem+URussian Energy Power and Foreign Relations: Implications for Conflict and CooperationCss Stud Sec Int RelRussian Engineering Journal Russ Eng J Russian Engineering Journal-ussrRuss Eng J-ussr)Russian Factory Enters The Market EconomyRoutl Contemp Russ ERussian Geology and GeophysicsRuss Geol Geophys+TRussian Governance in The 21st Century: Geo-strategy, Geopolitics and New GovernanceContemp Secur StudRussian History-histoire RusseRuss Hist-hist Russ$Russian Journal of Applied ChemistryRuss J Appl Chem+'Russian Journal of Bioorganic ChemistryRuss J Bioorg Chem+Russian Journal of CardiologyRuss J Cardiol)Russian Journal of Coordination ChemistryRuss J Coord Chem+(Russian Journal of Developmental BiologyRuss J Dev Biol(Russian Journal of Developmental BiologyRuss J Dev Biol+Russian Journal of Ecology Russ J Ecol+#Russian Journal of ElectrochemistryRuss J Electrochem+$Russian Journal of General ChemistryRuss J Gen Chem$Russian Journal of General ChemistryRuss J Gen Chem+Russian Journal of Genetics Russ J Genet+&Russian Journal of Inorganic ChemistryRuss J Inorg Chem+!Russian Journal of Marine BiologyRuss J Mar Biol!Russian Journal of Marine BiologyRuss J Mar Biol +!Russian Journal of Marine BiologyRuss J Mar Biol+'Russian Journal of Mathematical PhysicsRuss J Math PhysRussian Journal of NematologyRuss J Nematol)Russian Journal of Nondestructive TestingRuss J Nondestruct+%Russian Journal of Non-ferrous MetalsRuss J Non-ferr Met+@Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical ModellingRuss J Numer Anal M$Russian Journal of Organic ChemistryRuss J Org Chem+"Russian Journal of Pacific GeologyRuss J Pac Geol%Russian Journal of Physical ChemistryRuss J Phys Ch%Russian Journal of Physical ChemistryRuss J Phys Chem+'Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry ARuss J Phys Chem A+'Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry BRuss J Phys Chem B+*Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry,ussrRuss J Phys Ch Ussr#Russian Journal of Plant PhysiologyRuss J Plant Physl+0Russian Legal Culture Before and After CommunismBasees-rout Ser RussRussian Linguistics Russ LinguistRussian LiteratureRuss LiteratureRussian Literature TriquarterlyRuss Lit Triquart&Russian Mass Media and Changing ValuesRoutl Contemp Russ ERussian Mathematical SurveysRuss Math Surv+Russian Metallurgy Russ Metall+Russian Metallurgy-metally-ussrRuss Metall-metall-u!Russian Meteorology and HydrologyRuss Meteorol Hydro+!Russian Meteorology and HydrologyRuss Meteorol HydrolbRussian Military Intelligence in The War With Japan, 1904-05: Secret Operations On Land and At SeaRoutl Stud Hist RussERussian Military Reform: A Failed Exercise in Defence Decision MakingRoutl Contemp Russ E>Russian Minority Politics in Post-soviet Latvia and KyrgyzstanNatl Ethn Confl 21stBRussian Models From The Mechanisms Collection of Bauman UniversityHist Mech Mach Sci:Russian Nationalism and The National Reassertion of RussiaRoutl Contemp Russ E9Russian Nationalism and The Politics of Soviet LiteratureStud Russ E EurRussian Physics Journal Russ Phys JRussian Physics Journal Russ Phys J+FRussian Planetary Exploration: History, Development, Legacy, ProspectsSpringer-prax BooksRussian Plant PhysiologyRuss Plant Physiol+&Russian Policy Towards China and JapanBasees-rout Ser Russ.Russian Political Economic and Security IssuesRuss Polit Econ Secu/Russian Political, Economic and Security IssuesRuss Polit Econ SecuRussian Politics and LawRuss Polit LawRussian ReviewRuss Rev&Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24Basees-rout Ser Russ%Russian Strategic Thought Toward AsiaStrateg Thought Ne ARussian Studies in Literature Russ Stud LitRussian Studies in PhilosophyRuss Stud Philos4Russian Television Today: Primetime Drama and ComedyRoutl Contemp Russ ERussian Ultrasonics Russ UltrasonRussia: Re-emerging Great PowerStud Cent E EurRussia's Demographic "crisis"Rand Conf ProcRussische Proto-narratologie NarratologiaRusskaia LiteraturaRuss Literatura Rusts of Pine For Can Nor2Rutgers Invitational Symposium On Education SeriesRutg Inv Symp Educ SRutgers Law ReviewRutgers Law Rev*Rutgers Series On Self and Social IdentityRutg Self Soc Id-Rutgers Series On The Public Life of The ArtsRs Pub Life Arts&Rutgers Symposia On Applied Psychology Rutg S Appl'Ruthenate and Rutheno-cuprate MaterialsLect Notes PhysIRuthenium Oxidation Complexes: Their Uses As Homogenous Organic CatalystsCatal Met Complexes+Rws: 2009 Ieee Radio and Wireless SymposiumIeee Radio Wireless Rwthedition Rwthedition Rynek Energii Rynek Energii?Saa '96 - National Meeting On Sensors for Advanced Applications Ital Phy SoSaami Shaman Drum Sc Inst DonSaas-fee Advanced Course Saas Fee AdBSabert Basescu: Selected Papers On Human Nature and PsychoanalysisRelat Perspect Book6Sabkha Ecosystems: Africa and Southern Europe, Vol Iii Tasks Veg Sci Sabouraudia Sabouraud6Sabouraudia-journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology Sabouraudia'Sabrao Journal of Breeding and GeneticsSabrao J Breed GenetFSachsische Strafrecht Im 19. Jahrhundert Bis Zum ReichsstrafgesetzbuchSchr Juris Zeitgesch,Sacramental Presence in A Postmodern Context Bib Eph The Sacred Music Sacred MusicLSacred Topology of Early Ireland and Ancient India: Religious Paradigm ShiftJ Indo-eur Stud Mono!Sacrifice in Religious Experience St Hist Rel.Sadeq Hedayat: His Work and His Wondrous World Iran Stud SeroSadfe 2007: Second International Workshop On Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering, ProceedingsInt Work Sys Appr DnSadfe 2008: Third International Workshop On Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering, ProceedingsInt Work Sys Appr DoSadfe 2009: Fourth International Workshop On Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering, ProceedingsInt Work Sys Appr D3Sadhana-academy Proceedings in Engineering SciencesSadhana-acad P Eng SSaeculumSaeculum Sae JournalSae J-automot Eng#Sae Journal of Automotive EngineersSae J-automot EngSae Progress in TechnologySae Prog TechnolSae TransactionsSae TransactionsSafavid Persia Pemb Pers PapJSafe Adaptive Control: Data-driven Stability Analysis and Robust SynthesisLect Notes Contr Inf4Safe Application of Technology in Corporate AviationInt Air Saf Sem P+Safe Decommissioning for Nuclear ActivitiesP S Iaea'Safeguarding The Nations Drinking WaterWater Resour Plan De-Safeguards in A World of Ambient IntelligenceInt Libr Eth Law Tec"Safe Handling of Combustible Dusts VDI Bericht)Safety & Technology - Harmony Or Discord?Int Air Saf Sem PHSafety and Loss Prevention in The Chemical and Oil Processing Industries Inst Chem ESafety and Maintenance ServicesTransport Res Rec2Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, Vols 1-3Proc Monogr Eng Wate7Safety and Reliability of Automobile Electronic Systems VDI BerichtSafety and Risk in Society Saf Risk SocSafety and Security EngineeringWit Trans Built Env"Safety and Security Engineering IiWit Trans Built Env#Safety and Security Engineering IiiWit Trans Built Env)Safety and Security in Multiagent SystemsLect Notes Artif Int$Safety and Structural Integrity 2006 Sol St Phen'Safety Assurance During Food ProcessingFood Saf Assur Vet%Safety Data, Analysis, and EvaluationTransport Res Rec8Safety Developments in The Offshore Oil and Gas IndustryProc Inst Mech Eng SQSafety, Economy, and Efficiency in Airport and Airspace Management and OperationsTransport Res RecKSafety, Efficiency and Mechanisms: A Guide to Nsaid Use in General Practice Roy S Med SFSafety, Environmental Impact, and Economic Prospects of Nuclear Fusion E Maj Int ScSafety Evaluation of Biotechnologically-derived Pharmaceuticals: Facilitating A Scientific ApproachCmr Int Works S+Safety, Health and Environmental Technology Aatcc SympfSafety Improvements Through Lessons Learned From Operational Experience in Nuclear Research FacilitiesNato Sec Sci B Phys Safety in A Changing EnvironmentP Corp Aviat Saf SemSafety in American FootballAm Soc Test Mater Safety in Ice Hockey: 5th VolumeAm Soc Test Mater#Safety in Ice Hockey: Fourth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater"Safety in Ice Hockey: Third VolumeAm Soc Test Mater4Safety Instrumented Systems for The Process IndustryTech Papers Isa%Safety in Tritium Handling TechnologyEuro Nucl Sci TechMSafety Issues Associated With Plutonium Involvement in The Nuclear Fuel CycleNato Sci S 1 DisarmSafety Maintenance Saf MaintBSafety of Biological Products Prepared From Mammalian Cell CultureDev Biol Stand3Safety of Chemical Batch Reactors and Storage Tanks Euro Reliab7Safety of Computer Control Systems 1990 ( Safecomp 90 )Ifac Symp Series7Safety of Computer Control Systems 1991 ( Safecomp 91 )Ifac Symp SeriesSafety: Older Drivers; Traffic Law Enforcement; Management; School Transportation; Emergency Evacuation; Truck and Bus; and MotorcyclesTransport Res Rec3Safety Related Issues of Spent Nuclear Fuel StorageNato Sci Peace SecurJSafety, Reliability and Risks Associated With Water, Oil and Gas PipelinesNato Sci Peace SecurSafety Science Safety Sci7Safety Through Interactions and International StandardsInt Air Saf Sem P`Safir2010-the Finnish Research Programme On Nuclear Power Plant Safety 2007-2010, Interim Report Vtt Res Notes-Sage Annual Reviews of Communication Research Sage Ar Cr$Sage Criminal Justice System Annuals Sage Crim JSage Focus Editions Sage Foc EdSage Modern Politics SeriesSage ModASage Professional Paper in Administrative & Policy Studies SeriesSage Prof Pap Admin3Sage Professional Paper in American Politics SeriesSage Prof Pap Am Po6Sage Professional Paper in Comparative Politics SeriesSage Prof Pap Comp PBSage Professional Paper in Contemporary Political Sociology SeriesSage Prof Pap Contem7Sage Professional Paper in International Studies SeriesSage Prof Pap Int St+Sage Research Papers in The Social SciencesSage Res Pap Soc Sci%Sage Series On Violence Against WomenSage Viol Women=Saggi-neuropsicologia Infantile Psicopedagogia RiabilitazioneSaggi.Sahara J-journal of Social Aspects of Hiv-aidsSahara J-j Soc Asp HSains Malaysiana Sains Malays'Saint Anselm- His Origins and Influence Text Stud RSaint Augustine The Bishop Garl Rl Hum/Saint-gobain Centre for Economic Studies SeriesSt-gobain Ctr Econ S'Saint Louis University Research JournalSt Louis Univ Res JSais African Studies Library Sais Afr St4Sais Review-school of Advanced International StudiesSais Rev9Sajog-south African Journal of Obstetrics and GynaecologySajog-s Afr J Obstet!Sakha Ynaga: Cattle of The YakutsSuom Tiedeakat Toim Salamandra Salamandra0Salinidad Edafica En Varios Salobrares De AragonMem Real Soc Esp HisSaliva As A Diagnostic FluidAnn Ny Acad Sci&Salivary Gland Biogenesis and FunctionAnn Ny Acad SciSalivary Gland CytopathologyEssent Cytopathol5Salivary Glands: Development, Adaptations and DiseaseFront Oral BiolDSally Heming and Thomas Jefferson: History, Memory and Civic CultureJeffersonian Amer<Salmagundi-a Quarterly of The Humanities and Social Sciences Salmagundi*Salmon: Biology, Nutrition and ConsumptionFish Fish FishkSalmonid Spawning Habitat in Rivers: Physical Controls, Biological Responses, and Approaches to Remediation Am Fish S SYSalsa Iv - Proceedings of The Fourth Annual Symposium About Language and Society - Austin Tx Ling ForSSalt Ii - Proceedings From The Second Conference On Semantics and Linguistic TheoryOsu Work Pap Ling$Salt Tectonics: A Global Perspective Aapg MemoirSalud Colectiva Salud ColectSalud I Ciencia Salud Cienc Salud Mental Salud MentSalud Publica De MexicoSalud Publica MexicoSalutogenesis in OncologyTumortherap RehabilSam Advanced Management JournalSam Adv Manage JSamdok E-serie Samdok E Ser"Samj South African Medical JournalSamj S Afr Med J2Sammlung Griechischer Und Lateinischer GrammatikerSamml Griech Lat Gra&Sammlung Wissenschaftlicher CommentareSamml Wiss CommentSam Model of Senescence Int Congr Ser#Samnivm-rivista Storica TrimestraleSamnivm Sampe JournalSampe JOSampe Quarterly-society for The Advancement of Material and Process Engineering Sampe Quart<Sample Preparation for Biomedical and Environmental Analysis Chrom S Sym&Sample Return Missions to Small Bodies Adv Space Res&Sample Return Missions to Small BodiesAdv Space Res-seriesSampling Environmental MediaAm Soc Test MaterGSampling Methods, Remote Sensing and Gis Multiresource Forest Inventory Trop Forest"Samuel Beckett: Debts and LegaciesSamuel Beckett Today,Samuel Beckett: Endlessness in The Year 2000Sam Beckett TodaySamuel Beckett TodaySamuel Beckett Today"Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'huiSam Beckett Today(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Literary Life Lit LivesTSanctifying The Name of God: Jewish Martyrs and Jewish Memories of The First CrusadeJew Cult Context Sanctions Serb Ac Sci?Sanctuary of Bethel and The Configuration of Israelite IdentityBeih Z Alttest WissSandal and Its Products Aciar Proc Sandalwood in The Pacific Region Aciar ProcSandhurst Conference SeriesSandhurst Conf SerSangreSangreSang Thrombose VaisseauxSang Thromb Vaiss#Sanitary Selection of The Grapevine Colloq InraSankhyaSankhya1Sankhya-the Indian Journal of Statistics Series A Sankhya Ser A1Sankhya-the Indian Journal of Statistics Series B Sankhya Ser B.San Pedro Martir: Astronomical Site EvaluationRev Mex Ast Astr"Sanskrit Computational LinguisticsLect Notes Artif Int2Sanskrit Computational Linguistics, Invited PapersLect Notes Artif IntJSanta Fe Institute Studies in The Sciences of Complexity - Lecture Volumes Sfi Sci C LNSanta Fe Institute Studies in The Sciences of Complexity - Proceedings Volumes Sfi S Sci CtSanta Rita Experimental Range: 100 Years (1903 to 2003) of Accomplishments and Contributions, Conference ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-pSante PubliqueSante PubliqueSao Paulo Medical JournalSao Paulo Med JSap Excellence Sap ExcellKSapiential Perspectives: Wisdom Literature in Light of The Dead Sea ScrollsStud Text Des Judah1Saponins in Food, Feedstuffs and Medicinal Plants Pr Phyt Soc%Saponins Used in Food and AgricultureAdv Exp Med Biol0Saponins Used in Traditional and Modern MedicineAdv Exp Med Biol/Sapphire: Material, Manufacturing, ApplicationsMicro- Opto-electronBSapporo 2007: Algebraic and Arithmetic Structures of Moduli Spaces Adv Stu P MSaproxylic Beetles: Their Role and Diversity in European Woodland and Tree Habitats - Proceedings of The 5th Symposium and WorkshopPensoft Ser Faunist-Sarajevo Under Siege: Anthropology in WartimeEthnogr Polit Violen&Sar and Qsar in Environmental ResearchSar Qsar Environ ResFSaratov Fall Meeting 2000: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random MediaP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Saratov Fall Meeting 2000: Laser Physics and Photonics; and Spectroscopy and Molecular ModelingP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Saratov Fall Meeting 2000: Laser Physics and Photonics; and Spectroscopy and Molecular Modeling Proc SpieMSaratov Fall Meeting 2000: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine IiP Soc Photo-opt InsISaratov Fall Meeting 2001: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Saratov Fall Meeting 2001: Laser Physics and Photonics Spectroscopy, and Molecular Modeling IiP Soc Photo-opt InsNSaratov Fall Meeting 2001: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsNSaratov Fall Meeting 2001: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine Iii Proc SpieSaratov Fall Meeting 2002: Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy, and Molecular Modeling Iii; Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsMSaratov Fall Meeting 2002: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine IvP Soc Photo-opt InsMSaratov Fall Meeting 2002: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine Iv Proc SpieISaratov Fall Meeting 2003: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Saratov Fall Meeting 2003: Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy, and Molecular Modeling IvP Soc Photo-opt InsLSaratov Fall Meeting 2003: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine VP Soc Photo-opt InsLSaratov Fall Meeting 2003: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine V Proc SpieHSaratov Fall Meeting 2004: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media VP Soc Photo-opt InsHSaratov Fall Meeting 2004: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media V Proc Spie^Saratov Fall Meeting 2004: Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy, and Molecular Modeling VP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Saratov Fall Meeting 2004: Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy, and Molecular Modeling V Proc SpieMSaratov Fall Meeting 2004: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine ViP Soc Photo-opt InsMSaratov Fall Meeting 2004: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine Vi Proc SpieISaratov Fall Meeting 2005: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media ViP Soc Photo-opt InsISaratov Fall Meeting 2005: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media Vi Proc Spie^Saratov Fall Meeting 2005: Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy and Molecular Modeling ViP Soc Photo-opt InsNSaratov Fall Meeting 2005: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsNSaratov Fall Meeting 2005: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine Vii Proc SpieJSaratov Fall Meeting 2006: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsJSaratov Fall Meeting 2006: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media Vii Proc Spie_Saratov Fall Meeting 2006: Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy and Molecular Modeling ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsOSaratov Fall Meeting 2006: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsOSaratov Fall Meeting 2006: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine Viii Proc Spie}Saratov Fall Meeting 2009: International School for Junior Scientists and Students On Optics, Laser Physics, and BiophotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins}Saratov Fall Meeting 2009: International School for Junior Scientists and Students On Optics, Laser Physics, and Biophotonics Proc SpiehSaratov Fall Meeting '98: Light Scattering Technologies for Mechanics, Biomedicine, and Material ScienceP Soc Photo-opt InshSaratov Fall Meeting '98: Light Scattering Technologies for Mechanics, Biomedicine, and Material Science Proc Spie8Saratov Fall Meeting '99: Laser Physics and SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins Sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis-Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders Sarcoid SupSarcoidosis - Supplement Sarcoid Sup0Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung DiseasesSarcoidosis Vasc Dif%Sarcomere and Skeletal Muscle DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol&Sar Data Processing for Remote SensingP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques Proc Spie/Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques Iv Proc Spie/Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques Ix Proc Spie.Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques VP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques V Proc Spie/Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Sar Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XP Soc Photo-opt InsSarsiaSarsia(Sars in Context: Memory, History, PolicyMcgill Queens Assoc:Sars: Reception and Interpretation in Three Chinese CitiesRoutl Contemp ChinaHSartov Fall Meeting '99: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and MedicineP Soc Photo-opt InsHSartov Fall Meeting '99: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine Proc SpieSartre On The Body Philos Depth7Sas for Data Analysis: Intermediate Statistical MethodsStat Comput Ser3Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication Sask Geo SpISatellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics and Oceanography, ProceedingsIag SympDSatellite Applications for Energy Budgets and The Hydrological Cycle Adv Space Res/Satellite Communications and Navigation Systems Sig Com Tec/Satellite Communications and Navigation SystemsSignals Commun Techn0Satellite Data Applications: Weather and Climate Adv Space Res0Satellite Data Applications: Weather and ClimateAdv Space Res-series<Satellite Data Compression, Communication, and Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Satellite Data Compression, Communication, and Processing Iv Proc Spie;Satellite Data Compression, Communications and Archiving IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving Iii Proc Spie=Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Processing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Satellite Data for Atmosphere, Continent and Ocean Research Adv Space Res;Satellite Data for Atmosphere, Continent and Ocean ResearchAdv Space Res-series@Satellite Dynamics in The Era of Interdisciplinary Space GeodesyAdv Space Res-series@Satellite Dynamics in The Era of Intredisciplinary Space Geodesy Adv Space ResFSatellite Dynamics, Orbit Analysis and Combination of Space Techniques Adv Space ResFSatellite Dynamics, Orbit Analysis and Combination of Space TechniquesAdv Space Res-series.Satellite Events At The Models 2005 ConferenceLect Notes Comput Sc:Satellite Monitoring of The Earth's Surface and Atmosphere Adv Space ResJSatellite Navigation Systems: Policy, Commercial and Technical Interaction Spac StudSatellite Orbits Adv Space Res@Satellite Radar Interferometry: Subsidence Monitoring TechniquesRemote Sens Digit ImBSatellite Remote Sensing and Modeling of Clouds and The AtmosphereP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Satellite Remote Sensing for Agricultural Projects World Ban T8Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Iii Proc Spie8Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and The Atmosphere Iv Proc Spie#Satellites and Defective Viral RnasCurr Top MicrobiolSatellites and Tidal Streams Astr Soc P9Satellite Symposium On Pig Management Information SystemsMg Inia8Satisfying Safety Goals By Probabilistic Risk AssessmentSpringer Ser ReliabSaturday Review Saturday Rev>Satyajit Ray's The Chess Players and Post Colonial Film TheoryLang Discourse SocSaude E Sociedade Saude Soc$Saudi Journal of Biological SciencesSaudi J Biol SciSaudi Medical Journal Saudi Med JSaudi Pharmaceutical Journal Saudi Pharm JSaving Children At Risk Sage Foc EdSaving Human LivesIssues Bus EthicsSavings Behavior Sc J Econ S8Saving Shame: Martyrs, Saints, and Other Abject SubjectsDivin Reread Late An@Savoirs De L'intervention En Sport: Entre Sciences Et Pratiques?Sci Soc-france)Sayings Source Q and The Historical Jesus Bib Eph ThecSbac-oad 2006: 18th International Symposium On Computer Architecture and High Performance ComputingInt Sym Comp ArchitSbornik LekarskySb LekSbornik MathematicsSb Math+=Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Chemicko-technologicke V Praze-potravinySb Vys Sk Chem TechnLS-bpm One-setting The Stage for Subject-oriented Business Process ManagementComm Com Inf Sc7Scadron70: Workshop On Scalar Mesons and Related Topics Aip Conf ProcCScai '95 - Fifth Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence Fr Art Int.Scalability and Traffic Control in Ip NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Scalability and Traffic Control in Ip Networks Proc Spie1Scalability and Traffic Control in Ip Networks IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Scalability of Networks and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Scalable Uncertainty Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int,Scalable Uncertainty Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Scalable Uncertainty Management, Sum 2008Lect Notes Artif IntAScalar and Asymptotic Scalar Derivatives: Theory and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim A,Scalar Mesons: An Interesting Puzzle for Qcd Aip Conf ProcIScale and Complexity in Plant Systems Research: Gene-plant-crop Relations Wag Ur FronOScale, Heterogeneity, and The Structure and Diversity of Ecological CommunitiesMonogr Popul Biol:Scale Invariance, Interfaces, and Non-equilibrium DynamicsNato Adv Sci I B-phy:Scale Invariance, Interfaces, and Non-equilibrium DynamicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se:Scale-space and Morphology in Computer Vision, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc;Scale Space and Pde Methods in Computer Vision, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCScale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Scale Space Methods in Computer Vision, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Scale-space Theories in Computer VisionLect Notes Comput Sc%Scale-space Theory in Computer VisionLect Notes Comput ScScaling in Biology Sfi S Sci C Scaling in Integrated AssessmentIntegrat Ass Studies5Scaling in Soil Physics : Principles and ApplicationsSssa Spec PublRScaling Limits in Statistical Mechanics and Microstructures in Continuum MechanicsTheor Math Phys Ser)Scaling Relations in Experimental Ecology Com Eco SysScaling Topic MapsLect Notes Artif IntScandiaScandiaScandinavian Actuarial JournalScand Actuar JScandinavian Audiology Scand Audiol#Scandinavian Cardiovascular JournalScand Cardiovasc J7Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence - 89 Fr Art IntFScandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence - 91 : Odins Ravens Fr Art Int7Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence - 93 Fr Art Int(Scandinavian Housing & Planning ResearchScand Hous Plan Res)Scandinavian Information Systems ResearchLect Notes Bus Inf)Scandinavian Information Systems ResearchLect Notes Bus Inf P'Scandinavian Journal of Caring SciencesScand J Caring Sci;Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory InvestigationScand J Clin Lab Inv'Scandinavian Journal of Dental ResearchScand J Dent Res!Scandinavian Journal of Economics Scand J Econ(Scandinavian Journal of Economics Series Sc J Econ S,Scandinavian Journal of Educational ResearchScand J Educ Res'Scandinavian Journal of Forest ResearchScand J Forest Res(Scandinavian Journal of GastroenterologyScand J Gastroentero#Scandinavian Journal of HaematologyScand J HaematolScandinavian Journal of History Scand J Hist/Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and TourismScand J Hosp Tour"Scandinavian Journal of ImmunologyScand J Immunol+Scandinavian Journal of Infectious DiseasesScand J Infect Dis1Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal ScienceScand J Lab Anim Sci"Scandinavian Journal of Management Scand J Manag4Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in SportsScand J Med Sci Spor"Scandinavian Journal of MetallurgyScand J Metall,Scandinavian Journal of Occupational TherapyScand J Occup Ther:Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryScand J Plast ReconKScandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand SurgeryScand J Plast Recons+Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health CareScand J Prim Health"Scandinavian Journal of PsychologyScand J Psychol%Scandinavian Journal of Public HealthScand J Public Healt/Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation MedicineScand J Rehabil Med,Scandinavian Journal of Respiratory DiseasesScand J Respir Dis$Scandinavian Journal of RheumatologyScand J Rheumatol'Scandinavian Journal of Social MedicineScand J Soc Med&Scandinavian Journal of Social WelfareScand J Soc Welfare"Scandinavian Journal of Statistics Scand J StatScandinavian Journal of Surgery Scand J Surg)Scandinavian Journal of The Old TestamentScand J Old Testam;Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryScand J Thorac CardAScandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency MedicineScand J Trauma Resus.Scandinavian Journal of Urology and NephrologyScand J Urol Nephrol1Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & HealthScand J Work Env HeaScandinavian Political StudiesScand Polit Stud"Scandinavian Psychoanalytic ReviewScand Psychoanal RevScandinavian Studies Scand Stud Scandinavica ScandinavicaScanned Probe Microscopy Aip Conf ProcScanningScanning>Scanning and Force Microscopies for Biomedical Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsKScanning and Force Microscopies for Biomedical Applications, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsScanning Electron MicroscopyScan Electron MicrosScanning Electron MicroscopyScanning Microscopy%Scanning Force Microscopy of PolymersSpringer Lab Man PolScanning Microscopies 2011: Advanced Microscopy Technologies for Defense, Homeland Security, Forensic, Life, Environmental, and Industrial Sciences Proc SpieScanning MicroscopyScanning MicroscopyScanning Microscopy 2010P Soc Photo-opt InsScanning Microscopy 2010 Proc Spie#Scanning Microscopy InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt InsScanning Probe MicroscopiesP Soc Photo-opt InsScanning Probe Microscopies IiP Soc Photo-opt InsScanning Probe Microscopies IiiP Soc Photo-opt InskScanning Probe Microscopy: Characterization, Nanofabrication and Device Application of Functional MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii MathkScanning Probe Microscopy: Characterization, Nanofabrication and Device Application of Functional MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii-math;Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and NanotechnologyNanosci TechnolBScanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol 2Nanosci TechnolAScanning Tunneling Microscopy/spectroscopy and Related Techniques Aip Conf Proc)Scan Statistics: Methods and ApplicationsStat Ind TechnolScatter From Optical ComponentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Scattering and Surface RoughnessP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Scattering and Surface Roughness IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Scattering and Surface Roughness IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Scattering and Surface Roughness Iii Proc Spie^Scattering From Model Nonspherical Particles: Theory and Applications to Environmental PhysicsPhys Earth Space EnvScattering From Polymers Acs Sym Ser"Scattering in Volumes and Surfaces N-holland D.Scattering of Photons By Many-electron SystemsSpringer Ser Atom Op,Scattering Theory: Some Old and New ProblemsLect Notes Math`Sccc 2007: Xxvi International Conference of The Chilean Society of Computer Science, ProceedingsP Int C Chil ComputXSccc 2008: International Conference of The Chilean Computer Science Society, ProceedingsP Int C Chil ComputAScenarios and Information Design: A User-oriented Practical GuideChandos Inf Prof Ser,Scenarios: Models, Transformations and ToolsLect Notes Comput SclSchalarbeiten: Technologische Grundlagen, Sichtbeton, Systemauswahl, Ablaufplanung, Logistik Und KalkulationVDI-BuchSchallabsorber Und Schalldampfer: Innovative Akustische Konzepte Und Bauteile Mit Praktischen Anwendungen in Konkreten BeispielenVDI-Buch@Schedule-based Dynamic Transit Modeling: Theory and ApplicationsOperat Res Comp SciKSchedule-based Modeling of Transportation Networks: Theory and ApplicationsOper Res Comput Sci"Scheduling for Parallel ProcessingComput Commun Netw SSchema Matching and MappingData Centric Syst ApSchering Foundation Workshop Scher Fdn W)Schiller: National Poet - Poet of Nations Ams C Mod G SchizophreniaAlfred Benzon Symp S Schizophrenia SchizophreniaSchizophrenia BulletinSchizophrenia BullSchizophrenia Research Schizophr ResESchlanker Materialfluss: Mit Lean Production, Kanban Und InnovationenVDI-BuchSchlern-schrifter Schlern SchSchmerzSchmerz&Scholarly Communication for LibrariansChandos Inf Prof SerScholarly Communication in Library and Information Services: The Impacts of Open Access Journals and E-journals On A Changing ScenarioChandos Inf Prof SerScholarly Environments Gr Stud CultScholarly PublishingScholarly Publ@Scholarship for Sustaining Service-learning and Civic EngagementAdv Serv Learn ResSchool and CommunitySchool CommunitySchool and Society School SocNSchool Consultation: Conceptual and Empirical Bases of Practice, Third EditionIssues Clin Child Ps"School District Leadership MattersStud Educ Leadersh+School Effectiveness and School ImprovementSch Eff Sch ImprovSchooling and Society Gr Stud CultSchooling for SuccessColumb U Sem SerDSchooling Islam: The Culture and Politics of Modern Muslim EducationPrinc Stud Muslim Po!Schooling, Society and CurriculumFound Futures Educ:School 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Forschungszentrums Julich Reihe Materie Und MaterialSchr Forsch Zent Jul.Schriftenreihe Der Bankrechtlichen VereinigungSchr Bankrechtl VerSSchriftenreihe Der Eidg Forschungsanstadt Fur Agrarwirtschaft Und Landtechnik (fat) Schrift FatTSchriftenreihe Der Eidg Forschungsanstalt Fur Betriebswirtschaft Und Landtechnik Fat Schr Eidg FHSchriftenreihe Der Gesellschaft Fur Mineralstoffe Und Spurenelemente E V Schrif GmsFSchriftenreihe Der Hamburg-mannheimer-stiftung Fur Informationsmedizin Schr Hamb MWSchriftenreihe Der Juristischen Fakultat Der Europa-universitat Viadrina Frankfurt-oderSchr Juris Fak EurSchriftenreihe Der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft Fur Europaforschung (ecsa Austria) - European Community Studies Association of Austria Publication SeriesSch Ost Ges EuropaSchriftenreihe Der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft Fur Europaforschung Ecsa Austria-european Community Studies Association of Austria Publication SeriesSchr Ost Ges Eur Ecs,Schriftenreihe Der Wittgenstein-gesellschaft Schr Witt G>Schriftenreihe Des Arbeitskreises Europaische Integration E.v. Sch Arb EurDSchriftenreihe Des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts Der BundeswehrSchr Sozialw I BundeSchriftenreihe InformatikSchriften Informatik@Schriftenreihe Intensiv Medizin, Notfallmedizin, Anasthesiologie Sch Int Med5Schriftenreihe Juristische Zeitgeschichte Abteilung 3Schr Juris Zeitgesch,Schriftenreihe Zum Problem Der Suchtgefahren Schrif Such Schriften Zum Chinesischen RechtSchrift Chin RechtGSchriften Zum Deutschen Europaischen Und Internationalen InsolvenzrechtSchr Deut Eur Int InOSchriften Zum Europaischen Und Internationalen Privat Bank Und WirtschaftsrechtSchr Eur Int Priv B'Schriften Zum Europaischen UrheberrechtSchr Eur Urheber&Schriften Zum GemeinschaftsprivatrechtSchr Gemeinschaftspr9Schriften Zum Kulturguterschutz-cultural Property StudiesSchrift Kulturgut-Schriften Zur Europaischen RechtswissenschaftSchr Eur Rechtswiss?Schriften Zur Internationalen Entwicklungs- Und UmweltforschungSch Int Ent Umwel0Schrift Und Liebe in Der Kultur Des MittelaltersTrends Mediev 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Zeitschrift Fur GeschichteSchweiz Z GeschDSchweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Hydrologie-swiss Journal of HydrologySchweiz Z HydrolFSchweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie-revue Suisse De PsychologieSchweiz Z Psychol1Schweizerische Zeitschrift Fur SozialversicherungSchweiz Z SozialversSchweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Sozialversicherung Und Berufliche Vorsorge-revue Suisse Des Assurances Sociales Et De La Prevoyance ProfessionnelleSchweiz Z Sozialvers&Sciacca, Restless Thinker and PolemistPubb Sciacca Sez Att<Scidac 2005: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced ComputingJ Phys Conf Ser<Scidac 2006: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced ComputingJ Phys Conf Ser<Scidac 2007: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced ComputingJ Phys Conf Ser<Scidac 2008: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced ComputingJ Phys Conf Ser<Scidac 2009: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced ComputingJ Phys Conf Ser Scid MouseCurr Top MicrobiolScienceScience Science 83 Science 85 Science 84 Science 85 Science 85 Science 85Science Across CulturesSci Across CultScience & EducationSci Educ-netherlandsScience & Justice Sci JusticeScience & SocietySci SocScience & Sports Sci Sport&Science & Technology Education LibrarySci Technol Educ LibScience & Technology Libraries Sci Tech Libr(Science and Culture Series: AstrophysicsSci Cult Ser Astroph2Science and Culture Series: Environmental SciencesSci Cult Ser EnvironAScience and Culture Series: Nuclear Strategy and Peace TechnologySci Cult Nucl Strat#Science and Culture Series: PhysicsSci Cult Ser Phys1Science and Education Administration PublicationsSci Educ Admin PublScience and EmpiresBost Stud Philos Sci)Science and Engineering Education SourcesSci Eng Educ SourcesScience and Engineering EthicsSci Eng Ethics.Science and Engineering of Composite MaterialsSci Eng Compos Mater*Science and Engineering of Medical ImagingP Soc Photo-opt InsCScience and Engineering of One- and Zero-dimensional SemiconductorsNato Adv Sci I B-phyDScience and Engineering of Short Fibre Reinforced Polymer CompositesWoodhead Publ Mater:Science and Ethics At The Threshold of The Third Millenium Ital Phy SoLScience and Innovation As Strategic Tools for Industrial and Economic GrowthNato Asi S 4 Sci TecHScience and Its History: A Reassessment of The Historiography of ScienceBost Stud Philos SciScience and Literature Sci And Lit&Science and Processing of Cast Iron Ix Key Eng Mater<Science and Public Affairs-bulletin of The Atomic ScientistsSci Public AffScience and Public PolicySci Publ Policy@Science and Stewardship to Protect and Sustain Wilderness ValuesUs For Serv Rmrs-pScience and TechnologySci Technology3Science and Technology and The Changing World Order Aaas R&d B0Science and Technology Education Document Series Sci Tech Ed?Science and Technology in Apec, The Opportunities for AustraliaAatse Inv Symp(Science and Technology in Catalysis 1994Stud Surf Sci Catal(Science and Technology in Catalysis 1998Stud Surf Sci Catal(Science and Technology in Catalysis 2002Stud Surf Sci Catal#Science and Technology in East Asia De Div Art'Science and Technology in Homeric EpicsHist Mech Mach ScilScience and Technology in The Age of Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, and James: Thinking and Writing ElectricityAm Lit Read Twenty-f!Science and Technology ManagementNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec,Science and Technology of Advanced MaterialsSci Technol Adv Mat^Science and Technology of Buidling Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and Waterproofing: Seventh VolumeAm Soc Test MaterNScience and Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and WaterproofingAm Soc Test MaterZScience and Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and Waterproofing: 3rd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater\Science and Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and Waterproofing: Fifth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater]Science and Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and Waterproofing: Fourth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater]Science and Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and Waterproofing, Second VolumeAm Soc Test Mater-Science and Technology of Energetic MaterialsSci Technol Energ MaYScience and Technology of Enrobed and Filled Chocolate, Confectionery and Bakery ProductsWoodhead Food Ser-Science and Technology of Fast Ion ConductorsNato Adv Sci I B-phy-Science and Technology of Fullerene MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P*Science and Technology of Hybrid Materials Sol St Phen)Science and Technology of Magnetic OxidesMater Res Soc Symp P4Science and Technology of Nanomaterials - Icmat 2003J Metastab Nanocryst;Science and Technology of Nanostructured Magnetic MaterialsNato Adv Sci I B-phy=Science and Technology of Rapid Solidification and ProcessingNato Adv Sci Inst SelScience and Technology of Semiconductor-on-insulator Structures and Devices Operating in A Harsh EnvironmentNato Sci Ser Ii MathlScience and Technology of Semiconductor-on-insulator Structures and Devices Operating in A Harsh EnvironmentNato Sci Ser Ii-math;Science and Technology of Semiconductor Surface PreparationMater Res Soc Symp PCScience and Technology of Silicones and Silicone-modified Materials Acs Sym Ser-Science and Technology of Welding and JoiningSci Technol Weld JoiScience and Technology SeriesSci Tech Science and The Indian TraditionIndia Mod World-Science and The Management of Protected Areas Dev LandscMScience and Whig Manners: Science and Political Style in Britain, C.1790-1850 Stud Mod HistScience As CultureSci CultScience As Culture Sci Cult-uk Scienceasia ScienceasiaScience At Century's EndPitt Konst S Philos"Science-based Economic DevelopmentAnn Ny Acad ScimScience Between Europe and Asia: Historical Studies On The Transmission, Adoption and Adaptation of KnowledgeBost Stud Philos Sci@Science Bulletin of The Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu UniversitySci B Fac Agr KyushuScience China-chemistrySci China ChemScience China-earth SciencesSci China Earth Sci"Science China-information SciencesSci China Inform SciScience China-life SciencesSci China Life SciScience China-mathematicsSci China Math+Science China-physics Mechanics & AstronomySci China Phys Chem+Science China-physics Mechanics & AstronomySci China Phys Mech$Science China-technological SciencesSci China Technol ScScience Communication Sci CommunScience Conference Series Sci Con SerScience Curriculum Th Yr Sch SScience DigestSci DigScience EducationSci Educ;Science Education and Civic Engagement: The Sencer Approach Acs Sym Ser<Science Education and Outreach: Forging A Path to The Future Astr Soc PScience EssentialsSci Essentials%Science Evaluation and Its ManagementNato Asi S 4 Sci TecScience-fiction StudiesSci-fiction StudLScience for Ecosystem-based Management: Narragansett Bay in The 21st CenturySpringer Ser Env ManScience for Plant Breeding Vort Pflanz Science Forum Sci Forum%Science in China Series A-mathematicsSci China Ser A7Science in China Series A-mathematics Physics AstronomySci China Ser APScience in China Series A-mathematics Physics Astronomy & Technological SciencesSci China Ser A#Science in China Series B-chemistrySci China Ser BBScience in China Series B-chemistry Life Sciences & Earth SciencesSci China Ser B'Science in China Series C-life SciencesSci China Ser C(Science in China Series D-earth SciencesSci China Ser D9Science in China Series E-engineering & Materials ScienceSci China Ser E0Science in China Series E-technological SciencesSci China Ser EScience in China Series FSci China Ser F.Science in China Series F-information SciencesSci China Ser F+Science in China Series G-physics AstronomySci China Ser G7Science in China Series G-physics Mechanics & AstronomySci China Ser GScience in Clothing ComfortWoodhead Publ IndiaScience in Context Sci ContextScience in Court Iss Law Soc+Science Indicators for Developing Countries Colloq Semi5Science-industry Nexus: History, Policy, Implications Nobel SympScience in Society Series Sci Soc Ser%Science in The Context of ApplicationBost Stud Philos SciScience JournalSci J#Science Networks Historical StudiesSci Netw Hist Stud Science NewsSci NewsScience of Advanced Materials Sci Adv Mater<Science of Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Series Sci Adv Mat(Science of Artificial Neural Networks IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Science of Artificial Neural Networks, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsScience of AwakeningInt Rev NeurobiolScience of Biology Journal Sci Biol J Science of Ceramic Interfaces IiMater Sci MonogScience of Cold Fusion Ital Phy SoAScience of Complex Networks: From Biology to The Internet and Www Aip Conf ProcScience of Computer ProgrammingSci Comput Program"Science of Engineering Ceramics Ii Key Eng Mat"Science of Engineering Ceramics Ii Key Eng Mater#Science of Engineering Ceramics Iii Key Eng Mat#Science of Engineering Ceramics Iii Key Eng MaterScience of Light Sci Light"Science of Making Torque From WindJ Phys Conf Ser,Science of Nature in The Seventeenth CenturySt Hist Phil Sci SerGScience of Operations: Machines, Logic and The Invention of ProgrammingHist Comput-springerScience of Optimism and HopeLaws Lif Symp SerScience of Service SystemsServ Sci Res Innov SScience of Sintering Sci Sinter9Science of Social Influence: Advances and Future ProgressFront Soc Psychol.Science of Superconductivity and New MaterialsProgr High Temp Supe)Science of Superstrong Field Interactions Aip Conf ProcEScience of The Individual: Leibniz's Ontology of Individual Substance Topoi Libr Science of The Total EnvironmentSci Total Environ7Science of Well-being: The Collected Works of Ed DienerSoc Indic Res Ser;Science Opportunities for The Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop Aip Conf Proc(Science Perspectives for 3d SpectroscopyEso Astrophy SympQScience Policy: New Mechanisms for Scientific Collaboration Between East and WestNato Asi S 4 Sci TecScience ProgressSci ProgScience ProgressSci Progress-ukfScience Reports of The Research Institutes Tohoku University Series A-physics Chemistry and MetallurgySci Rep Res Tohoku ASciences De La SocieteSci Soc-franceSciences De La Societe Sci SocieteSciences Des Aliments Sci AlimentScience SerializedDibner Inst Stud His1Sciences Et Techniques De L Animal De LaboratoireSci Tech Anim LabSciences Et Techniques De L Eau Sci Tech EauLScience, Sexuality, and Race in The United States and Australia, 1780s-1890sRoutl Adv Am HistSciences Humaines Et Religions Sci Hum RelScience Signaling Sci SignalSciences-new YorkSciencesUScience, Society and Sustainability: Education and Empowerment for An Uncertain WorldRoutl Res EducCSciences Po Series in International Relations and Political EconomySci Po Ser Int RelatSciences Sociales Et Sante Sci Soc Sante<Science, Strategy and War: The Strategic Theory of John Boyd Strateg HistScience StudiesSci Stud)Science Studies As Naturalized Philosophy Synth LibrSciences Update Sci UpdateScience Teaching Th Yr Sch S)Science Teaching : Making The System Work Th Yr Sch S!Science Technology & Human ValuesSci Technol Hum Val*Science, Technology, and Innovation PolicyInt S Techn Pol Inn*Science, Technology, and Innovation PolicyInt Ser Technol Poli1Science Technology and Medicine in Modern HistorySci Technol Med ModScience Translational MedicineSci Transl MedScience Update Sci Update/Science With The Atacama Large Millimeter Array Astr Soc P#Science With The Gtc 10-m TelescopeRev Mex Ast AstrDScience With The New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments Aip Conf ProcDScience With The New Generation of High-energy Gamma-ray Experiments Aip Conf ProcScience With The Ngst Astr Soc P#Science With The Vlt in The Elt EraAstrophysics SpaceScientiaScientiaScientia AgricolaSci AgrScientia Agricola Sci AgricScientia ForestalisSci ForScientia Geologica SinicaSci Geol SinicaScientia Graeco-arabicaSci Graeco-arabScientia HorticulturaeSci Hortic-amsterdamrScientia in Early Modern Philosophy: Seventeenth-century Thinkers On Demonstrative Knowledge From First PrinciplesSt Hist Phil Sci SerScientia IranicaSci Iran0Scientia Iranica Transaction A-civil EngineeringSci Iran Trans A5Scientia Iranica Transaction B-mechanical EngineeringSci Iran Trans BAScientia Iranica Transaction C-chemistry and Chemical EngineeringSci Iran Trans CXScientia Iranica Transaction D-computer Science & Engineering and Electrical EngineeringSci Iran Trans D5Scientia Iranica Transaction E-industrial EngineeringSci Iran Trans EScientia MarinaSci Mar#Scientia Paedagogica ExperimentalisSci Paedagog ExpScientia Sinica Sci SinicaPScientia Sinica Series A-mathematical Physical Astronomical & Technical SciencesSci China Ser APScientia Sinica Series A-mathematical Physical Astronomical & Technical SciencesSci Sin A-math P A TRScientia Sinica Series B-chemical Biological Agricultural Medical & Earth SciencesSci China Ser BRScientia Sinica Series B-chemical Biological Agricultural Medical & Earth SciencesSci Sin B-chem B A M'Scientific Aesthetics-sciences De L ArtSci Aesthet-sci ArtScientific AmericanSci Am&Scientific and Engineering ComputationSci Eng Comput.Scientific and Statistical Database ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc;Scientific and Statistical Database Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScdScientific and Technical Issues in The Management of Spent Fuel of Decommissioned Nuclear SubmarinesNato Sci Ser Ii MathdScientific and Technical Issues in The Management of Spent Fuel of Decommissioned Nuclear SubmarinesNato Sci Ser Ii-math_Scientific and Technical Means of Distinguishing Between Natural and Other Outbreaks of DiseaseNato Sci Prt 1 Disar)Scientific Applications of Grid ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc&Scientific Applications of Neural NetsLect Notes Phys&Scientific Approaches to Consciousness Carn S Cogn-Scientific Article in The Age of DigitizationInform Sci Knowl ManScientific Ballooning Adv Space ResScientific BallooningAdv Space Res-series?Scientific Ballooning in The Next Century: Goals and Challenges Adv Space Res?Scientific Bases for The Preparation of Heterogeneous CatalystsStud Surf Sci CatalpScientific Bases for The Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts: Proceedings of The 10th International SymposiumStud Surf Sci CataloScientific Bases for The Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts, Proceedings of The 9th International SymposiumStud Surf Sci Catal*Scientific Bases of Cancer Chemoprevention Int Congr Ser2Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XiiiMater Res Soc Symp P1Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XivMater Res Soc Symp P1Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XixMater Res Soc Symp P0Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XvMater Res Soc Symp P1Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XviMater Res Soc Symp P2Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XviiMater Res Soc Symp P@Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management Xviii, Pts 1 and 2Mater Res Soc Symp P0Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management Xx Mat Res S C1Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxiMater Res Soc Symp P2Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxiiMater Res Soc Symp P2Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxivMater Res Soc Symp P2Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxixMater Res Soc Symp P1Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxvMater Res Soc Symp P2Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxviMater Res Soc Symp P3Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxviiMater Res Soc Symp P4Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxviiiMater Res Soc Symp P1Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxxMater Res Soc Symp P2Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxxiMater Res Soc Symp P3Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XxxiiMater Res Soc Symp P6Scientific Basis for Vitamin Intake in Human NutritionBibl Nutr Diet,Scientific Basis of Educational ProductivityRes Educ Product(Scientific Basis of Fertility Regulation Sci Bas Fer.Scientific Basis of Tobacco Product RegulationWho Tech Rep SerRScientific Basis of Tobacco Product Regulation: Second Report of A Who Study GroupWho Tech Rep SerScientific Computation Sci ComputScientific ComputationScientif Comput%Scientific Computing and ApplicationsAdv Comp The Pract3Scientific Computing and Automation ( Europe ) 1990Data Handl Sci Techn+Scientific Computing and Validated NumericsMath Res.Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering Math Indust;Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comp Sci8Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering Scee 2008 Math Indust&Scientific Computing With Case StudiesOther Titl Appl MathbScientific Cooperation, State Conflict: The Role of Scientists in Mitigating International DiscordAnn Ny Acad Sci0Scientific Correspondence of H.a. Lorentz, Vol 1Sourc Stud Hist Math/Scientific Data Mining: A Practical PerspectiveOther Titl Appl Math%Scientific Detection of Fakery in ArtP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Scientific Detection of Fakery in Art IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Scientific Detectors for Astronomy 2005Astrophys Space Sc L>Scientific Detectors for Astronomy: The Beginning of A New EraAstrophys Space Sc LBScientific Dialogue : From Basic Research to Clinical Intervention Ann S Eur RGScientific Drivers for Eso Future Vlt/vlti Instrumentation, ProceedingsEso Astrophy Symp8Scientific Engineering for Distributed Java ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc7Scientific Engineering of Distributed Java ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScLScientific, Environmental, and Political Issues in The Circum-caspian Region Nato Asi 2vScientific Evidence in European Environmental Rulemaking: The Case of The Landfill and End-of-life Vehicles DirectivesStud LawRScientific Exploration, Planetary Protection, Active Experiments and Dusty Plasmas Adv Space ResRScientific Exploration, Planetary Protection, Active Experiments and Dusty PlasmasAdv Space Res-series6Scientific Frontiers in Research On Extrasolar Planets Astr Soc PScientific HorticultureSci Hortic-england=Scientific Impact of The Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph Astr Soc PdScientific Inquiry and Nature of Science: Implications for Teaching, Learning, and Teacher EducationCont Trends Iss Sci%Scientific Issues of The Next CenturyAnn Ny Acad SciScientific Literacy Th Yr Sch SKScientific Methods for The Study of Polymer Colloids and Their ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat#Scientific Modeling and SimulationsSci Model SimulScientific MonthlySci Mon"Scientific Nature of Geomorphology Bing Symp GaScientific Papers of The Institute of Mining of The Wroclaw University of Technology, ConferencesSci P Inst Min Conf/Scientific Philosophy: Origins and DevelopmentsVien Cir Inst YearbkScientific PluralismMinn Stud Philos SciScientific ProgrammingSci Programming-nethyScientific Progress: A Study Concerning The Nature of The Relation Between Successive Scientific Theories, Fourth Edition Synth LibrScientific Psychology Series Sci Psych SScientific Research and EssaysSci Res EssaysCScientific Research in World War Ii: What Scientists Did in The WarRout Stud Mod HistScientific Revolutions Sci RevolutScientific StructuralismBost Stud Philos SciScientific Studies of Reading Sci Stud Read7Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and The Virgin IslandsAnn Ny Acad SciaScientific Tools and Research Needs for Multifunctional Mediterranean Forest Ecosystem ManagementEur Forest Inst ProcLScientific Uncertainty and Its Influence On The Public Communication ProcessNato Adv Sci I D-behScientific Visualization E H Worksh Scientist ScientistScientist and Citizen Sci CitizDScientist and The Humanist: A Festschrift in Honor of Elliot AronsonMod Pioneer Psychol*Scientist Or Engineer As An Expert Witness Chem Ind-serScientists and Mountains Colloq CthstScientist's Atom and The Philosopher's Stone: How Science Succeeded and Philosophy Failed to Gain Knowledge of AtomsBost Stud Philos SciScientometricsScientometrics5Scifi 97: Conference On Scintillating Fiber Detectors Aip Conf Proc/Scintillating Fiber Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Scintillating Fiber Technology and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Scintillator and Phosphor MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P_Scioto Hopewell and Their Neighbors: Bioarchaeological Documentation and Cultural UnderstandingInterd Contrib Arch Scope Series Scope Ser4Scotia-interdisciplinary Journal of Scottish StudiesScotia-interdisc J SScottish Educational Review Scot Educ RevScottish Educational Studies Scot Educ RevScottish Geographical Journal Scot Geogr JScottish Geographical Journal Scott Geogr JScottish Geographical MagazineScot Geogr MagScottish Graduate Series Scot Grad SerScottish Historical Review Scot Hist RevScottish Journal of Geology Scot J Geol%Scottish Journal of Political EconomyScot J Polit Econ%Scottish Journal of Religious StudiesScot J Relig StudScottish Journal of Sociology Scot J SociolScottish Journal of TheologyScot J TheologyScottish Literary JournalScot Literary JScottish Literary Review Scott Lit RevScottish Medical Journal Scot Med JScottish Studies Scot StudyScottish Studies : Publications of The Scottish Studies Centre of The Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz in Germersheim Scot St PubScottish Studies Review Scot Stud Rev<Scottish Universities Summer Schools in Physics PublicationsScott Univ Sum Sch P=Scrap Tire Derived Geomaterials: Opportunities and ChallengesProc Monogr Eng WateScreenScreen Screening Screening<Screening and Preventive Diagnosis With Radiological ImagingMed Radiol Diagn ImaScreening Europe Bfi Work PScriblerian and The Kit-catsScriblerian Kit-catsScrinium Friburgense Scrin FriburgScrinium FriburgenseScrinium FribgScripta Botanica BelgicaScripta Botan BelgScripta Canonica Scrip Canon%Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis Sc Inst DonScripta Materialia Scripta MaterScripta Mathematica Scripta MathScripta MetallurgicaScripta Metall Mater"Scripta Metallurgica Et MaterialiaScripta Metall MaterAScripta Nova-revista Electronica De Geografia Y Ciencias SocialesScr NovaAScripta Nova-revista Electronica De Geografia Y Ciencias Sociales Scripta NovakScripting Computer-supported Collaborative Learning - Cognitive, Computational and Educational PerspectivesComput-supp Collab L Scriptorium ScriptoriumScripture & Hermeneutics SeriesScripture Hermeneut<Scripture As Logos: Rabbi Ishmael and The Origins of MidrashDivin Reread Late AnScriptures in The Gospels Bib Eph The;Scrutinising Science: The Changing Uk Government of Science Transform Gov"Sculpture From Arcadia and Laconia Oxbow MonogrSculpture JournalSculpt JSculpture Review Sculpt Rev$Sdl 2003: System Design, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Sdl 2005: Model Driven, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Sdl 2007: Design for Dependable Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Sdl 2009: Design for Motes and Mobiles, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput SccSeaa 2007: 33rd Euromicro Conference On Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, ProceedingsEuromicro Conf Proc-Seabed Morphology of The Russian Arctic ShelfOceanogr Ocean Eng0Seabird Bycatch: Trends,roadblocks and Solutions Uasgcp RepASeafood From Producer to Consumer, Integrated Approach to Quality Dev Food Sci Sea Frontiers Sea Frontiers;Seagrasses: Monitoring, Ecology, Physiology, and Management Mar Sci SerYSea Level Changes in Eastern Mediterranean During Holocene - Indicators and Human ImpactsZ Geomorphol SuppSea Lions of The World Low Wake FiSean O Casey ReviewSean O Casey RevNSea of Silk: A Textile Geography of Women's Work in Medieval French LiteratureMiddle Ages Ser>Seapower: A Guide for The Twenty-first Century, Second EditionCass Ser Nav PolicySearchSearch+Search Computing: Challenges and DirectionsLect Notes Comput Sc5Search Engines, Link Analysis, and Users Web BehaviorStud Comput Intell0Searcher-the Magazine for Database ProfessionalsSearcherwSearch for A Common European Foreign and Security Policy: Leaders, Cognitions, and Questions of Institutional ViabilityAdv Foreign Policy AISearch for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( Seti ) in The Optical SpectrumP Soc Photo-opt InsJSearch for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (seti) in The Optical Spectrum IiP Soc Photo-opt InsKSearch for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (seti) in The Optical Spectrum IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsKSearch for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (seti) in The Optical Spectrum Iii Proc SpieSearch for Fundamental Theory Aip Conf Proc]Search for Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: Inspection, Verification and Non-proliferation Glob Iss SerRSearch for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in The Minos ExperimentSpringer Theses-recoSearch for Other Worlds Aip Conf ProcQSearch for Strategies for Sustainable Dryland Cropping in Semi-arid Eastern Kenya Aciar Proc0Search for The Totally Unexpected in The Lhc Era Subnucl Ser2Search Games and Other Applications of Game TheoryLect Notes Econ Math&Searching for Security in A New EuropeDiplomat DiplomacySearching for The Just CityQuestion CitiesJSearch Institute Series On Developmentally Attentive Community and SocietySearch I Ser Dev AttJSearch Institute Series On Developmentally Attentive Community and SocietySearch Inst Ser Dev2Seaside Operations Planning in Container TerminalsContrib Manag Sci8Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis and Rhinoconjunctivitis Roy S Med S/Seasonal Climate: Forecasting and Managing RiskNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear4Seasonal Forecasts, Climatic Change and Human HealthAdv Glob Change ResSeasonality and Human Ecology Soc St Hum6Seasonality in Human Mortality: A Demographic ApproachDemogr Res MonogrSeasonal Landscapes Landsc SerSeas Proceedings Seas Proc$Sea Surface Topography and The GeoidIag SympSea Technology Sea TechnolBSeawater Desalination: Conventional and Renewable Energy ProcessesGreen Energy Technol9Seaweeds and Their Role in Globally Changing EnvironmentsCell Orig Life ExtreKSecessionist Challenges in Aceh and Papua: Is Special Autonomy The SolutionPol StuddSecond Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Three-dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions Astr Soc P4Second Aerospace Environmental Technology Conference Nasa Conf PkSecond Annual International Conference On Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement FusionP Soc Photo-opt InsYSecond Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution Astr Soc P%Secondary Education At The CrossroadsEduc Asia Pac Reg-is'Secondary Education in A Changing WorldSecond Educ Chang Wo%Secondary Metabolism in Model SystemsRecent Adv Phytochem0Secondary-metabolite Biosynthesis and Metabolism Envir Sci R4Secondary Metabolites : Their Function and Evolution Ciba F SympDSecond Backaskog Workshop On Extremely Large Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsDSecond Backaskog Workshop On Extremely Large Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie"Second Beamed Space-power Workshop Nasa Conf P3Second Century-a Journal of Early Christian Studies Second CentSecond Compton Symposium Aip Conf ProcFSecond Conference On Microelectronics, Microsystems and NanotechnologyJ Phys Conf Ser1Second Conference On Photonics for TransportationP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Second Conference On Photonics for Transportation Proc SpieQSecond Developing Areas Symposium Proceedings: People, Rangelands and DevelopmentGrassl Soc So Afr Sp<Second European Conference On Smart Structures and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Second European In-orbit Operations Technology Symposium Esa Sp Publ>Second European Workshop On Optical Fibre Sensors: ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsbSecond-generation High-temperature Superconducting Coils and Their Applications for Energy StorageSpringer Theses-reco,Second German Symposium On Laser AngioplastyP Soc Photo-opt InsOSecond Gr-i International Conference On New Laser Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsDSecond Hinode Science Meeting: Beyond Discovery-toward Understanding Astr Soc P&Second Iberoamerican Meeting On OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsjSecond I.f.a.c./i.s.h.s. Workshop On Mathematical and Control Applications in Agriculture and Horticulture Acta HorticGSecond International Conference On 3g Mobile Communication Technologies Iee Conf PubldSecond International Conference On Advanced A-d and D-a Conversion Techniques and Their Applications Iee Conf PublFSecond International Conference On Advanced Optoelectronics and LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsFSecond International Conference On Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers Proc Spie=Second International Conference On Artificial Neural Networks Iee Conf PublKSecond International Conference On Broadband Services, Systems and Networks Iee Conf PublBSecond International Conference On Computation in Electromagnetics Iee Conf PublZSecond International Conference On Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol 1, ProceedingsInt C Comp Elec EngZSecond International Conference On Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol 2, ProceedingsInt C Comp Elec Eng;Second International Conference On Digital Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Second International Conference On Digital Image Processing Proc Spie9Second International Conference On Experimental MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Second International Conference On Experimental Mechanics Proc Spie[Second International Conference On Factory 2001 - Integrating Information and Material Flow Iee Conf PublBSecond International Conference On Frequency Control and Synthesis Iee Conf PublLSecond International Conference On Gearbox Noise, Vibration, and DiagnosticsImeche Conf TransBSecond International Conference On Intelligent Systems Engineering Iee Conf PublsSecond International Conference On Inverse Problems: Recent Theoretical Developments and Numerical Approaches, 2004J Phys Conf SerRSecond International Conference On Lasers for Measurement and Information TransferP Soc Photo-opt InsRSecond International Conference On Lasers for Measurement and Information Transfer Proc SpieYSecond International Conference On Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation Siam Proc S@Second International Conference On Optical and Laser DiagnosticsJ Phys Conf SerASecond International Conference On Optical Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsMSecond International Conference On Optoelectronic Science and Engineering '94P Soc Photo-opt InstSecond International Conference On Photo-induced Phase Transitions: Cooperative, Nonlinear and Functional PropertiesJ Phys Conf SerISecond International Conference On Private Switching Systems and Networks Iee Conf Publ:Second International Conference On Road Traffic Monitoring Iee Conf Publ;Second International Conference On Rural Telecommunications Iee Conf PubldSecond International Conference On Singular Optics (optical Vortices): Fundamentals and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsHSecond International Conference On Space Information Technology, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsHSecond International Conference On Space Information Technology, Pts 1-3 Proc SpieHSecond International Conference On The Detection of Abandoned Land Mines Iee Conf PublVSecond International Conference On The Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, ProceedingsInt Conf Quant EvalESecond International Conference On Thin Film Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InshSecond International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Second International Pineapple Symposium - Proceedings Acta Hortic.Second International Protea Research Symposium Acta HorticNSecond International Rilem Symposium On Adhesion Between Polymers and Concrete Rilem Proc6Second International Rubiaceae Conference, ProceedingsOpera Bot BelgeSecond International Specialists Seminar On The Design and Application of Parallel Digital Processors Iee Conf Publ=Second International Symposium On Advanced Laser TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Second International Symposium On Atomic TechnologyJ Phys Conf Ser*Second International Symposium On Chestnut Acta Hortic]Second International Symposium On Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management Acta HorticQSecond International Symposium On Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticBSecond International Symposium On Laser Precision MicrofabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsBSecond International Symposium On Laser Precision Microfabrication Proc SpieaSecond International Symposium On Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins}Second International Symposium On Models for Plant Growth, Environmental Control and Farm Management in Protected Cultivation Acta HorticVSecond International Symposium On Ornamental Palms and Other Monocots From The Tropics Acta Hortic8Second International Symposium On Pistachios and Almonds Acta Hortic9Second International Symposium On Sensors in Horticulture Acta HorticASecond International Workshop and Summer School On Plasma PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser<Second International Workshop On Hyaluronan in Drug Delivery Roy S Med S_Second International Workshop On Non-equilibrium Processes in Plasmas and Environmental ScienceJ Phys Conf Ser,Second International Workshop On Pollination Acta HorticpSecond International Workshop On Retrieval of Bio- & Geo-physical Parameters From Sar Data for Land Applications Esa Sp PublpSecond International Workshop On Retrieval of Bio- & Geo-physical Parameters From Sar Data for Land Applications Esa Spec Publ@Second Internation Conference On Image and Graphics, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins@Second Internation Conference On Image and Graphics, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieHSecond Joint Embs-bmes Conference 2002, Vols 1-3, Conference ProceedingsP Ann Int Ieee Embs>Second Language Acquisition and The Critical Period HypothesisSec Lang Acq Res7Second Language Acquisition / Foreign Language Learning Multiling+Second Language Acquisition Research SeriesSecond Lang Acquis RKSecond Language Acquisition Research: Theoretical and Methodological IssuesSec Lang Acq ResSecond Language ResearchSecond Lang Res3Second Languages: Teaching, Learning and AssessmentLang Linguist Ser!Second Language Teacher EducationEsl Appl Ling Prof%Second Messengers and PhosphoproteinsSec Mess PhosphoprotSecond National Conference On Preventing and Treating Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, Hiv Infection, and Aids in Black Communities: From Advocacy to ActionCsap Prevent MonogrFSecond Nrel Conference On Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity Aip Conf Proc5Second Oecd Conference On Women Entrepreneurs in Smes Oecd Proc%Second-order Organic Nonlinear OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Second Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor WorkshopP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Second Stromlo Symposium: The Nature of Elliptical Galaxies Astr Soc P3Second Term of George W. Bush: Prospects and PerilsEvol Am PresidJSecond Us-japanese Dialogue On Lipid Disorders and Coronary Artery DiseaseRoy Soc Med Int CongCSecond Wave: Southern Industrialization From The 1940s to The 1970sEcon Soc Mod S5Second World Conference On Sampling and Blending 2005Australas I Min MetSecond World Congress On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare Wocmap-2: Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Phytomedicines, Toxicology Acta HorticSecrecy and Concealment St Hist RelSSecrecy and The Media: The Official History of The United Kingdom's D-notice SystemWhitehall HistdSecret Israeli-palestinian Negotiations in Oslo: Their Success and Why The Process Ultimately FailedDurh Mod Mid E Islam4Sectarianism in Qumran: A Cross-cultural Perspective Relig SocISection Criteria and Ecological Consequences of Importing Natural Enemies Thom Say PWSecular and Islamic Politics in Turkey: The Making of The Justice and Development PartyRoutl Stud Mid E Pol\Secularism in The Postcolonial Indian Novel: National and Cosmopolitan Narratives in EnglishRout Res Postcol LitSecure Data ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc#Secure Data Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Secured Transactions Reform and Access to CreditElgar Financ LawSecure Information NetworksInt Fed Info Proc&Secure Integrated Circuits and SystemsIntegr Circuit SystSecure Key EstablishmentAdv Inform SecurTSecure Localization and Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks Adv Inf Sec)Secure Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and SensorsLect Notes Comput Sc=Secure Multi-party Non-repudiation Protocols and ApplicationsAdv Inform Secur=Secure Transaction Protocol Analysis: Models and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc,Securing Electricity Supply in The Cyber AgeTop Saf Reliab Qual[Securing Information and Communications Systems: Principles, Technologies, and ApplicationsArtech Hse Inf Secur7Securing The Safe Performance of Graphite Reactor Cores Roy Soc Ch!Securities Regulation Law JournalSecur Regul Law JISecuritization of Humanitarian Migration: Digging Moats and Sinking BoatsRoutl Adv Int RelatSecuritizations of CitizenshipRoutl Adv Int Relat8Securitizing Immigration: The Politics of Risk in The EuPalgr Stud Int RelatSecurityKey Ideas CriminolSecurityTransport Res Rec Security 2006Transport Res Rec#Security and Communication NetworksSecur Commun Netw Security and Conflict ManagementSecur Confl Manag9Security and Control of Information Technology in Society Ifip Trans A&Security and Cryptography for NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc3Security and Cryptography for Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Security and Dependability for Ambient IntelligenceAdv Inform SecurASecurity and Environmental Sustainability of Multimodal TransportNato Sci Peace Sec CASecurity and Environmental Sustainability of Multimodal TransportNato Sci Peace SecurSecurity and Governance Secur GovSecurity and Governance Secur GoverncSecurity and International Politics in The South China Sea: Towards A Cooperative Management 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Netw Secu&Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc"Security in Communication NetworksLect Notes Comput ScSecurity in Embedded Devices Embed SystSecurity InformaticsAnn Inform SystSecurity in Pervasive ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc,Security in Pervasive Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Security in Rfid and Sensor NetworksWirel Netw Mob Commu6Security in The European North - From 'hard' to 'soft' U Lap A C R=Security in The Information Society: Visions and PerspectivesInt Fed Info Proc"Security in Wireless Mesh NetworksWirel Netw Mob CommuSecurity JournalSecur JKSecurity Management, Integrity, and Internal Control in Information SystemsInt Fed Info Proc8Security of Natural Gas Supply Through Transit CountriesNato Sci Ser Ii Math8Security of Natural Gas Supply Through Transit CountriesNato Sci Ser Ii-math!Security of Public Water Supplies Nato Asi 2Security of Radioactive SourcesP S Iaea4Security of Water Supply Systems: From Source to TapNato Sci Peace Secur=Security Operations in Aceh: Goals, Consequences, and LessonsPol Stud0Security Policy Symposium On The Balkan ConflictWehrd U GesellSecurity ProtocolsLect Notes Comput ScCSecurity, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IxP Soc Photo-opt InsCSecurity, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents Ix Proc SpieCSecurity, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents ViP Soc Photo-opt InsCSecurity, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents Vi Proc SpieDSecurity, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsDSecurity, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents Vii Proc SpieESecurity, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsESecurity, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents Viii Proc Spie8Security Strategies and American World Order: Lost PowerContemp Secur StudSecurity Studies Secur Stud?Security Systems and Nonlethal Technologies for Law EnforcementP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Security Technology, Disaster Recovery and Business ContinuityComm Com Inf Sc Security Technology, ProceedingsComm Com Inf ScSedentary Life and NutritionAgingUSederi-yearbook of The Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance StudiesSederiTSediment and Stream Water Quality in A Changing Environment : Trends and Explanation Iahs-aish PSSedimentary Basin Tectonics From The Black Sea and Caucasus to The Arabian PlatformGeol Soc Spec Publ$Sedimentary Dynamics in Coastal Zone Oceanis S DSedimentary Geology Sediment GeolISedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins: A Tribute to Peter FriendSpec Publ Int Ass SeWSedimentary Provenance and Petrogenesis: Perspectives From Petrography and Geochemistry Geol S Am S'Sedimentary Record of Meteorite Impacts Geol S Am SQSedimentation History in The Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas for The Last 130 KyrLect Notes Earth ScicSedimentation in Reservoirs and Related Problems in Water Mains and Canals, International Symposium Mit Ver WasSediment Budgets 1 Iahs-aish PSediment Budgets 2 Iahs-aish P<Sediment Dynamics and The Hydromorphology of Fluvial Systems Iahs-aish P9Sediment Flux to Basins: Causes, Control and ConsequencesGeol Soc Spec PublKSediment-hosted Gas Hydrates: New Insights On Natural and Synthetic SystemsGeol Soc Spec Publ Sedimentology Sedimentology7Sediment-organism Interactions: A Multifacted Ichnology Sepm Spec P7Sediment-organism Interactions: A Multifacted IchnologySoc Sediment Geol SpESediment Problems: Strategies for Monitoring, Prediction, and Control Iahs-aish P,Sediment Transfer Through The Fluvial System Iahs-aish PSeduced, Abandoned, and RebornEarly Am Stud SerSeductiveness of Jewish MythSuny S Jud Her Mys R;Seed and Soil Dynamics in Shrubland Ecosystems: ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-p$Seed Dormancy: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolSeed Science and TechnologySeed Sci TechnolSeed Science Research Seed Sci ResDSeed Storage Compounds: Biosynthesis, Interactions and 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The Japan Petroleum InstituteSekiyu GakkaishiSelbyanaSelbyanaSelecta Mathematica-new SeriesSel Math-new SerSelected Areas in CryptographyLect Notes Comput Sc+Selected Areas in Cryptography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNSelected Paper From International Conference On Optics and Optoelectronics '98P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Selected Papers From Icnaam 2007 and Iccmse 2007 Aip Conf Proc(Selected Papers From Photonics India '98P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Selected Papers From Photonics India '98 Proc Spie\Selected Papers From The International Conference On Optoelectronic Information TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Selected Papers From The International Conference On Spectroscopy of Molecules and CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Selected Papers of The Nagisa Westpac Congress 2008P Seto Mar Biol Lab^Selected Preserver Problems On Algebraic Structures of Linear Operators and On Function SpacesLect Notes MathBSelected Problems of Contemporary Physics (nonlocal Point of View)Actual Probl Cont Ph.Selected Problems of Fractional Systems TheoryLect Notes Contr Inf=Selected Proceedings of The Symposium On Estimating Functions Inst Math S+Selected Topics in Applied Computer ScienceInt Conf Appl ComputGSelected Topics in Boundary Integral Formulations for Solids and Fluids Cism Cour LLSelected Topics in Dynamics and Control of Chemical and Biological ProcessesLect Notes Contr Inf*Selected Topics in Electronics and SystemsSel Top Electr SystASelected Topics in Mass Spectrometry in The Biomolecular SciencesNato Adv Sci I C-mat&Selected Topics in Nonperturbative QcdP Int Sch Phys$Selected Topics in Signal Processing Pr H Adv Re$Selected Topics in SuperconductivitySel Top Supercond?Selected Topics in System Science and Simulation in EngineeringInt Conf Syst Sci Si!Selected Topics On Crystal Growth Aip Conf Proc#Selected Topics On Electron Physics Phys AtomsSelected Works of A.i. ShirshovCont Mathematicians(Selection and Use of Essential MedicinesWho Tech Rep SerSelectionism and The BrainInt Rev Neurobiol0Selective Activation of Drugs By Redox ProcessesNato Adv Sci I A-lif2Selective Breeding in Aquaculture: An IntroductionRev-methods TechnolSelective Cancer TherapeuticsSelect Cancer TherSelective Electrode ReviewsSelect Electr Rev.Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (serms)Ann Ny Acad Sci:Selective Fluorination in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry Acs Sym SerESelective Immunosuppression: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications Chem ImmunolSelectivity in Catalysis Acs Sym Ser)Select Topics in Laser Matter InteractionS U P Front SciSelfFront Soc PsycholNSelf Across Psychology: Self-recognition, Self-awareness, and The Self ConceptAnn Ny Acad Sci5Self-adaptive Heuristics for Evolutionary ComputationStud Comput Intell$Self-adaptive Software: ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScSelf and IdentityRutg Self Soc IdSelf and Identity Self Identity>Self and Systems: Explorations in Contemporary Self PsychologyAnn Ny Acad Sci9Self and World: From Analytic Philosophy to PhenomenologyQuellen Stud Philos'Self-assembled Ingaas/gaas Quantum DotsSemiconduct Semimet*Self-assembled Nanomaterials Ii: Nanotubes Adv Polym Sci*Self-assembled Nanomaterials I: Nanofibers Adv Polym Sci'Self-assembled Nanostructured MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PSelf-assembled Quantum DotsLect Notes NanoscaleESelf-assembly, Pattern Formation and Growth Phenomena in Nano-systemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math$Self-assembly Processes in MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P7Self-calibrated Intelligent Optical Sensors and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Self-concept Rec Res Psy>Self-consistent Methods for Composites, Vol 1: Static ProblemsSolid Mech ApplZSelf-consistent Methods for Composites, Vol 2: Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous MaterialsSolid Mech Appl5Selfdual Gauge Field Vortices: An Analytical ApproachProg Nonlinear DiffeGSelf-dual Partial Differential Systems and Their Variational PrinciplesSpringer Monogr MathSelf-focusing: Past and Present Top Appl Phys.Self-force and Inertia: Old Light On New IdeasLect Notes Phys&Self Formation Theory and Applications Sol St Phen&Self Formation Theory and ApplicationsSolid State PhenomenSelf: From Soul to BrainAnn Ny Acad SciTSelf Healing Materials: An Alternative Approach to 20 Centuries of Materials ScienceSpringer Ser Mater SSelf-identity and Everyday Life New Sociol7Self-inference Processes : The Ontario Symposium, Vol 6 Ont Symp P4Self-injurious Behavior in Intellectual DisabilitiesAssess Treat Child PNSelf-learning Speaker Identification: A System for Enhanced Speech RecognitionSignals Commun Techn.Selfless Cinema? Ethics and French DocumentaryRes Monogr Fr Stud9Self-managed Networks, Systems, and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc8Self-managed Networks,systems, and Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*Self-management and Leadership DevelopmentNew Horiz Manag!Self-managing Distributed SystemsLect Notes Comput ScSelf-normalized ProcessesProbab Appl Ser/Self-organization and Autonomic Informatics (i)Front Artif Intel ApSelf-organization and Pattern-formation in Neuronal Systems Under Conditions of Variable Gravity:life Sciences Under Systems ConditionsNonlinear Phys Sci[Self-organization During Friction: Advanced Surface-engineered Materials and Systems Design Mater Eng Ser4Self-organization, Emerging Properties, and LearningNato Adv Sci I B-phy]Self-organization of Molecular Systems: From Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and ProteinsNato Sci Peace Sec A]Self-organization of Molecular Systems: From Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and ProteinsNato Scie Peace Secu5Self-organized 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Execution-level Business Process ModelingLect Notes Bus Inf P Semantic Multimedia, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Semantic Processing of Legal TextsLect Notes Artif Int'Semantic Prosody: A Critical EvaluationRoutl Adv Corpus LinjSemantic Role Universals and Argument Linking: Theoretical, Typological, and Psycholinguistic PerspectivesTrends Linguist-stud%Semantics and Algebraic SpecificationLect Notes Comput ScMSemantics, Applications and Implementation of Program Generation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSemantics for Concurrency Work CompSemantics in AcquisitionStud Theor PsycholinPSemantics in Adaptive and Personalized Services: Methods, Tools and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell%Semantics in Data and Knowledge BasesLect Notes Comput ScSemantics in DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc<Semantics of A Networked World: Semantics for Grid DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc>Semantics of Polysemy: Reading Meaning in English and WarlpiriCogn Linguist ResSemantics of Prepositions Nat Lang Proc3Semantics of Programming Languages and Model Theory Alg Log App,Semantics of Systems of Concurrent ProcessesLect Notes Comput ScSemantics of The FutureOutst Diss Lunguist.Semantics-oriented Natural Language ProcessingIfsr Int Ser Syst Sc"Semantic Structures in ComputationSemant Struct ComputSemantics, Web and MiningLect Notes Comput ScSemantic Techniques for The WebLect Notes Comput Sc8Semantic Techniques for The Web: The Rewerse PerspectiveLect Notes Comput Sc6Semantic Web and Beyond-computing for Human ExperienceSemat Web Beyond-com7Semantic Web and Beyond: Computing for Human ExperienceSemantic Web BeyondSemantic Web and DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc%Semantic Web - Aswc 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Semantic Web - Isec 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSemantic Web - Iswc 2002Lect Notes Comput ScSemantic Web - Iswc 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc%Semantic Web - Iswc 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Semantic Web - Iswc 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSemantic Web - Iswc 2008Lect 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Analysis for Diffusions and Stochastic ProcessesLect Notes Math%Semiclassical Dynamics and RelaxationSpringer Ser Atom OpPSemiclassical Solution Ensembles for The Focusing Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation Ann Math Stud2Semiclassical Theory of Mesoscopic Quantum SystemsSpringer Tr Mod PhyswSemiconducting Chalcogenide Glass I: Glass Formation, Structure, and Stimulated Transformations in Chalcogenide GlassesSemiconduct SemimetKSemiconducting Chalcogenide Glass Iii: Applications of Chalcogenide GlassesSemiconduct SemimetHSemiconducting Chalcogenide Glass Ii: Properties of Chalcogenide GlassesSemiconduct Semimet>Semiconductor and Organic Optoelectronic Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Semiconductor and Organic Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Proc Spie;Semiconductor Catalysis and Photocatalysis On The NanoscaleNanotechnol Sci Tech,Semiconductor Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsSpringer Tr Mod PhysLSemiconductor Defect Engineering-materials, Synthetic Structures and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp POSemiconductor Defect Engineering-materials, Synthetic Structures and Devices IiMater Res Soc Symp P Semiconductor Device ReliabilityNato Adv Sci I E-appSemiconductor DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsGSemiconductor Heterostructures for Photonic and Electronic ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P3Semiconductor Interfaces At The Sub-nanometer ScaleNato Adv Sci Inst Se%Semiconductor Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Semiconductor Lasers and Applications Proc Spie(Semiconductor Lasers and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Semiconductor Lasers and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Semiconductor Lasers and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Semiconductor Lasers and Laser DynamicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics Proc Spie*Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics Ii Proc Spie+Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics Iii Proc Spie*Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsOSemiconductor Lasers and Optical Amplifiers for Lightwave Communication SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsOSemiconductor Lasers and Optical Amplifiers for Lightwave Communication Systems Proc Spie8Semiconductor Lasers for Lightwave Communication SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsSemiconductor Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSemiconductor Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Semiconductor Lasers, Second EditionSpringer Ser Opt Sci=Semiconductor Materials for Optoelectronics & Ltmbe Materials Eur Mat Res#Semiconductor Materials for SensingMater Res Soc Symp PESemiconductor Nanoclusters- Physical, Chemical, and Catalytic AspectsStud Surf Sci Catal4Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Silicate Naoparticles Struct BondSemiconductor NanostructuresNanosci TechnolESemiconductor-on-insulator Materials for Nanoelectronics Applications Eng MaterBSemiconductor Optoelectronic Device Manufacturing and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsBSemiconductor Optoelectronic Device Manufacturing and Applications Proc Spie@Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices for Lightwave CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt InsSemiconductor PhotodetectorsP Soc Photo-opt InsSemiconductor Photodetectors Proc SpieSemiconductor Photodetectors IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSemiconductor Photodetectors Ii Proc Spie Semiconductor Photodetectors IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Semiconductor Photonics: Nano-structured Materials and Devices Adv Mat Res>Semiconductor Photonics: Nano-structured Materials and DevicesAdv Mater Res-switz6Semiconductor Process and Device Performance ModellingMater Res Soc Symp PYSemiconductor Processing and Characterization With Lasers - Applications in PhotovoltaicsMater Sci Forum1Semiconductor Products and Solid State TechnologySemicond Prod SolidSemiconductor Quantum DotsMater Res Soc Symp P%Semiconductor Quantum Optoelectronics Sussp ProcSemiconductorsSemiconductors+Semiconductors and InsulatorsSemicond InsulSemiconductors and SemimetalsSemicond SemimetSemiconductors and SemimetalsSemiconduct Semimet%Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol 35Semicond Semimet%Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol 35Semiconduct Semimet$Semiconductor Science and TechnologySemicond Sci TechCSemiconductors for Room-temperature Radiation Detector ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PFSemiconductors for Room-temperature Radiation Detector Applications IiMater Res Soc Symp P(Semiconductor Silicon 2002, Vols 1 and 2 Elec Soc S*Semiconductor Superlattices and InterfacesP Int Sch Phys)Semiconductor Thermoelectronic GeneratorsMater Sci FoundESemiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology, and Applications Iv Elec Soc SQSemiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology, and Applications V, Proceedings Elec Soc SSSemiconductor Wafer Bonding Vii: Science, Technology, and Applications, Proceedings Elec Soc SRSemi-discretization for Time-delay Systems: Stability and Engineering Applications Appl Math SciSemigroup ForumSemigroup Forum0Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications Prog Nonlin!Semigroup Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Pure Appl(Semigroup Theory and Evolution EquationsLect Notes Pure Appl[Semilinear Elliptic Equations for Beginners: Existence Results Via The Variational Approach Universitext?Semimagnetic Semiconductors and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors E Maj Int SSemina-ciencias AgrariasSemin-cienc AgrarSeminaire D'enseignement InsermSem Ens InsermSeminaire De Probabilites XlLect Notes MathSeminaire De Probabilites XliLect Notes MathSeminaire De Probabilites XliiLect Notes MathSeminaire De Probabilites XliiiLect Notes Math Seminaire De Probabilites XxxiiiLect Notes MathSeminaire De Probabilites XxxivLect Notes MathSeminaire De Probabilites XxxvLect Notes Math Seminaire De Probabilities XxxviLect Notes Math"Seminaire De Probabilities XxxviiiLect Notes MathSeminaire Inserm Sem Inserm"Seminaires Ophtalmologiques Dipsen Sem Ophtalm%Seminar-a Journal of Germanic StudiesSeminar-j Ger Stud6Seminar in Consumer Research in The Fragrance BusinessProc Esomar Congr@Seminar On Competition in Publishing: The Necessity for ResearchProc Esomar CongrSeminar On Dynamical Systems Prog NonlinLSeminar On Information Provision to Rural Communities in Africa, ProceedingsIfla Alp Proj Rep>Seminar On Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications Prog ProbabBSeminar On Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications Iii Prog ProbabASeminar On Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications Iv Prog Probab@Seminar On Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications V Prog ProbabASeminar On Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications Vi Prog Probab%Seminar On Stochastic Processes, 1989 Prog Probab%Seminar On Stochastic Processes, 1991 Prog Probab%Seminar On Stochastic Processes, 1992 Prog ProbabDSeminar Proceedings of The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies Sem P ScandSeminars in Anesthesia Semin Anesth6Seminars in Anesthesia Perioperative Medicine and PainSemin Anesth Perio M$Seminars in Arthritis and RheumatismSemin Arthritis Rheu)Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet MedicineSemin Avian Exot PetSeminars in Cancer BiologySemin Cancer Biol(Seminars in Cell & Developmental BiologySemin Cell Dev BiolSeminars in Cell BiologySemin Cell Biol*Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and SurgerySemin Cutan Med SurgSeminars in DermatologySemin Dermatol Seminars in Diagnostic PathologySemin Diagn PatholSeminars in DialysisSemin DialysisSeminars in Drug TreatmentSemin Drug Treat%Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal MedicineSemin Fetal Neonat MSeminars in Hematology Semin HematolSeminars in Immunology Semin ImmunolSeminars in ImmunopathologySemin Immunopathol$Seminars in Interventional RadiologySemin Intervent RadSeminars in Liver DiseaseSemin Liver Dis%Seminars in Musculoskeletal RadiologySemin Musculoskel RSeminars in Nephrology Semin NephrolSeminars in Neurology Semin NeurolSeminars in NeuroscienceSemin NeurosciSeminars in Nuclear MedicineSemin Nucl MedSeminars in Oncology Semin OncolSeminars in OphthalmologySemin OphthalmolSeminars in Pediatric NeurologySemin Pediatr NeurolSeminars in Pediatric SurgerySemin Pediat SurgSeminars in Pediatric SurgerySemin Pediatr SurgSeminars in PerinatologySemin PerinatolSeminars in PsychiatrySemin PsychiatSeminars in Radiation OncologySemin Radiat Oncol&Seminars in Reproductive EndocrinologySemin Reprod Endocr!Seminars in Reproductive MedicineSemin Reprod Med2Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineSem Resp Crit Care M2Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineSemin Resp Crit Care Seminars in Respiratory MedicineSemin Respir MedSeminars in RoentgenologySemin RoentgenolSeminars in Surgical OncologySemin Surg OncolSeminars in The NeurosciencesSemin Neurosci%Seminars in Thrombosis and HemostasisSemin Thromb Hemost!Seminars in Ultrasound Ct and MriSemin Ultrasound CtSeminars in Vascular SurgerySemin Vasc Surg8Seminars in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery-small AnimalSemin Vet Med SurgSeminars in Virology Semin Virol Semiotexte Semiotexte Semiotica Semiotica1Semiotic Encounters: Text, Image and Trans-nationInt Forsch Allg Vgl8Semiotic Rotations: Modes of Meanings in Cultural WorldsAdv Cult Psychol ConSemiotics 1996 Sour SemiotSemiotics and Popular CultureSemiot Pop Cult Semiotics and The Human Sciences Sem Hum Sci?Semiotics Around The World: Synthesis in Diversity, Vol 1 and 2 Approach S%Semiotics Communication and CognitionSemiot Commun Cognit^Semiotik, Teilband 3: Ein Handbuch Zu Den Zeichentheoretischen Grundlagen Von Natur Und KulturHandb Sprach Kommun^Semiotik, Teilband 4: Ein Handbuch Zu Den Zeichentheoretischen Grundlagen Von Natur Und KulturHandb Sprach Kommun8Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in EconometricsSpringer Ser Stat*Semiperipheral States in The World-economyContrib Econ Econ Hi#Semi-presidentialism Outside EuropeRoutl Res Comp Polit)Semi-rigid Joints in Structural Steelwork Cism Cour L5Semirings for Soft Constraint Solving and ProgrammingLect Notes Comput ScoSemismooth Newton Methods for Variational Inequalities and Constrained Optimization Problems in Function SpacesMps-siam Ser OptimizSemi-solid Processing of AlloysSpringer Ser Mater S/Semi- Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites Sol St Phen.Semi-solid Processing of Alloys and Composites Sol St Phen.Semi-solid Processing of Alloys and CompositesSolid State Phenomen0Semi-solid Processing of Alloys and Composites X Sol St Phen5Semisupervised Learning for Computational LinguisticsCh Crc Comp Sci DataSemitic Papyrology in Context Cult Hist Anc#Senate of The Fifth French RepublicFr Polit Soc CultSenckenberg-buchSenckenberg Buch Senckenbergiana Maritima -series Senck MaritQSeneca Als Theologe: Studien Zum Verhaltnis Von Philosophie Und TragodiendichtungBeitr AltertumskundeOSeneca Possessed: Indians, Witchcraft, and Power in The Early American RepublicEarly Am Stud SerASenescence-accelerated Mouse (sam): An Animal Model of Senescence Int Congr SerSen-i GakkaishiSen-i Gakkaishi.Senile Neurodegeneration and Neurotransmitters Int Congr SerSenology Int Congr Ser6Senory Circumventricular Organs of The Mammalian BrainAdv Anat Embryol Cel*Sen's Capability Approach and InstitutionsEduc Compet Glob WorSense of Audience Span SeriesSense of PlaceText Stud Canada\Sense of Touch and Its Rendering: Progress in Haptics Research: Progress in Haptics ResearchSpringer Trac Adv RoSenses & Society Senses SocXSensig '08: Proceedings of The 1st Wseas International Conference On Sensors and SignalsRec Adv Electr Eng1Sensing, Actuation, and Control in AeropropulsionP Soc Photo-opt InsSensing and Controlling MotionAnn Ny Acad SciBSensing and Reconstruction of Three-dimensional Objects and ScenesP Soc Photo-opt InsDSensing Cities: Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and ManchesterRoutl Stud Hum Geogr6Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety Iii Proc SpieKSensing, Imaging, and Vision for Control and Guidance of Aerospace VehiclesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Sensitivity Analysis for Neural NetworksNat Comput Ser;Sensitivity to Change: Black Sea, Baltic Sea, and North Sea Nato Asi 2Sensor Based Intelligent RobotsLect Notes Artif IntSensor Based Intelligent RobotsLect Notes Comput ScSensoren Und Messsysteme 2004 VDI BerichtSensoren Und Messsysteme 2008 VDI Bericht(Sensor Fusion and Aerospace ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Sensor Fusion and Aerospace Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsESensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Autonomous Robotic SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems Ii Proc Spie>Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems Iii Proc Spie=Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Sensor Fusion and Distributed Robotic AgentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Sensor Fusion and Networked Robotics ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications Iii Proc Spie=Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications Iv Proc Spie;Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications Vi Proc Spie/Sensor Fusion Ii : Human and Machine StrategiesP Soc Photo-opt InsSensor Fusion IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Sensor Fusion Iii : 3-d Perception and RecognitionP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Sensor Fusion Iv : Control Paradigms and Data StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsSensor Fusion VP Soc Photo-opt InsSensor Fusion ViP Soc Photo-opt InsSensor Fusion ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsSensorimotor ControlNato Sci Ser I Life,Sensorimotor Control of Movement and PostureAdv Exp Med Biol&Sensorimotor Impairment in The ElderlyNato Adv Sci Inst SeSensor Letters Sens LettSensor Letters Sensor Lett,Sensor Networks: Where Theory Meets PracticeSignals Commun TechnYSensor Networks With Ieee 802.15.4 Systems: Distributed Processing, Mac, and ConnectivitySignals Commun Techn Sensor Review Sensor RevSensors Ah S SensSensorsSensorsSensors Sensors-baselXSensors: Advancements in Modeling, Design Issues, Fabrication and Practical ApplicationsLect Notes Electr En!Sensors & Their Applications XiiiJ Phys Conf SerSensors & Their Applications XvJ Phys Conf SerSensors and ActuatorsSensor Actuator Sensors and Actuators A-physicalSensor Actuat A-phys Sensors and Actuators B-chemicalSensor Actuat B-chemHSensors and Camera Systems for Scientific and Industrial Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsZSensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial and Digital Photography ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsZSensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial and Digital Photography Applications Proc Spie^Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications Ii Proc Spie_Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins_Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications Iii Proc Spie^Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications Iv Proc Spie]Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications V Proc SpiezSensors, and Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (c31) Technologies for Homeland Defense and Law EnforcementP Soc Photo-opt InsSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence(c31) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Iii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence(c31) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Iii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c31) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Iv, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c31) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Iv, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie~Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c31)technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense VP Soc Photo-opt Ins~Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c31)technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense V Proc SpieSensors, and Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (c31) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense ViP Soc Photo-opt InsSensors, and Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (c31) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Vi Proc Spie~Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c3i) Technologies for Homeland Defense and Law Enforcement IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins~Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c3i) Technologies for Homeland Defense and Law Enforcement Ii Proc SpieSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c3i) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense IxP Soc Photo-opt InsSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c3i) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Ix Proc SpieSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c3i) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c3i) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Vii Proc SpieSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c3i) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Viii Proc SpieSensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (c3i) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense X Proc Spie"Sensors and Control for AutomationP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Sensors and Controls for Advanced ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt InsUSensors and Controls for Intelligent Machining, Agile Manufacturing, and MechatronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsUSensors and Controls for Intelligent Machining, Agile Manufacturing, and Mechatronics Proc SpieMSensors and Controls for Intelligent Machining and Manufacturing MechatronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsMSensors and Controls for Intelligent Machining and Manufacturing Mechatronics Proc Spie2Sensors and Controls for Intelligent ManufacturingP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Sensors and Controls for Intelligent Manufacturing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Sensors and Controls for Intelligent Manufacturing Ii Proc SpieSensors and Materials Sensor Mater"Sensors and Measuring Systems 2004 VDI BerichtSensors and Sensor IntegrationP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Sensors and Sensor Systems for Guidance and NavigationP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Sensors and Sensor Systems for Guidance and Navigation IiP Soc Photo-opt InshSensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2007, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InshSensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2007, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpiehSensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2008, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie[Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins[Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2010 Proc Spie[Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2011 Proc Spie*Sensors and Systems for Space ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Sensors and Systems for Space Applications Proc Spie-Sensors and Systems for Space Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Sensors and Systems for Space Applications Ii Proc Spie.Sensors and Systems for Space Applications Iii Proc Spie-Sensors and Systems for Space Applications Iv Proc Spie"Sensors and Their Applications Vii Sensors Ser#Sensors and Their Applications Viii Sensors SerMSensors, Automatic Measurement, Control, and Computer Simulation, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsMSensors, Automatic Measurement, Control, and Computer Simulation, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieHSensors, C31, Information, and Training Technologies for Law EnforcementP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Sensors, Cameras, and Applications for Digital PhotographyP Soc Photo-opt InsWSensors, Cameras, and Systems for Industrial, Scientific, and Consumer Applications Xii Proc SpieGSensors, Cameras, and Systems for Industrial/scientific Applications Ix Proc SpieGSensors, Cameras, and Systems for Industrial/scientific Applications Xi Proc SpieDSensors, Cameras, and Systems for Scientific/industrial ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsHSensors, Cameras, and Systems for Scientific/industrial Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsHSensors, Cameras, and Systems for Scientific/industrial Applications Vii Proc SpieISensors, Cameras, and Systems for Scientific/industrial Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsISensors, Cameras, and Systems for Scientific/industrial Applications Viii Proc SpieQSensors for Environment, Health and Security: Advanced Materials and TechnologiesNato Sci Peace Sec CQSensors for Environment, Health and Security: Advanced Materials and TechnologiesNato Sci Peace SecurSensors for Harsh EnvironmentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Sensors for Harsh Environments IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Sensors for Propulsion Measurement ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Sensors, Sensor Systems, and Sensor Data ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsSensors Series Sensors Ser0Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation SatellitesP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites Ii Proc Spie4Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites Iii Proc Spie3Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Sensors, Systems and Next-generation Satellites VP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Sensors, Systems and Next-generation Satellites V Proc Spie2Sensors, Systems and Next-generation Satellites ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Sensors, Systems and Next-generation Satellites Vi Proc Spie3Sensors, Systems and Next-generation Satellites ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Sensors, Systems and Next-generation Satellites Vii Proc Spie5Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites XP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites X Proc Spie3Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites Xi Proc Spie4Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Sensors, Systems, and Next-generation Satellites Xiv Proc Spie1Sensors Vi: Technology, Systems, and Applications Sensors SergSensor Systems and Networks: Phenomena, Technology, and Applications for Nde and Health Monitoring 2007P Soc Photo-opt InsgSensor Systems and Networks: Phenomena, Technology, and Applications for Nde and Health Monitoring 2007 Proc Spie=Sensor Systems for The Early Earth Observing System PlatformsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Sensor Technology for Soldier SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Sensor Technology in The Netherlands: State of The ArtMesa MgJSensory Aanalysis for Food and Beverage Quality Control: A Practical GuideWoodhead Publ Food SSensory Abilities of CetaceansNato Adv Sci I A-lif/Sensory and Metabolic Control of Energy BalanceResults Probl Cell D7Sensory Circumventricular Organs of The Mammalian BrainAdv Anat Embryol CelSensory Guidance of MovementNovart Fdn SympJSensory-motor Organizations and Development in Infancy and Early ChildhoodNato Adv Sci I D-beh4Sensory Nerves and Neuropeptides in GastroenterologyAdv Exp Med BiolSensory Processes Sens Process0Sensory Science Theory and Applications in Foods Ift Bas Sym/Sensory Systems and Communication in Arthropods Adv Lif SciSensory Transduction Soc Gen PhySensory Transduction /Nato Adv Sci I A-lifSensus - Sensatio Less IntellSeoul Journal of Korean StudiesSeoul J Korean StudzSepads 08: Proceedings of The 7th Wseas International Conference On Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems Ele Com EngSepads'09: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Recent Advances in Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems Ele Com EngzSepads'10: Proceedings of The 9th Wseas International Conference On Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems Ele Com Eng.Separation and Purification By Crystallization Acs Sym Ser#Separation and Purification MethodsSepar Purif Method#Separation and Purification Reviews Sep Purif Rev&Separation and Purification TechnologySep Purif TechnoleSeparation, Extraction and Concentration Processes in The Food, Beverage and Nutraceutical IndustriesWoodhead Publ Food SSeparation of Gases Roy Soc ChSeparation Science Separ Sci!Separation Science and TechnologySep Sci Technol!Separation Science and TechnologySepar Sci Technol:Separations for The Nuclear Fuel Cycle in The 21st Century Acs Sym SerSeparations Technology Separ TechnolSepm Core Workshop Sepm Core WSepm Core WorkshopSepm Core WorkshopSepm Short Course Notes Sepm ShortSepm Special Publication Sepm Spec PSepsisCompet-base Crit Car-Sepsis, Kidney and Multiple Organ DysfunctionContrib NephrolMSepsis - Pro-inflammatory and Anti-inflammatory Responses: Good, Bad Or Ugly?Contrib Microbiol)Sepsis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and TreatmentPublic Health 21st CSeptuagint and Messianism Bib Eph The(Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings Sbl Sept Co-Sequences and Their Applications, ProceedingsDiscrete Math & Theo,Sequences and Their Applications - Seta 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc,Sequences and Their Applications - Seta 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc,Sequences and Their Applications - Seta 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc*Sequences and Their Applications-seta 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc$Sequence-specific Dna Binding AgentsRsc Biomol Sci)Sequences, Subsequences, and ConsequencesLect Notes Comput Sc1Sequence Stratigraphy - Concepts and Applications Npf Sp Publ6Sequence Stratigraphy On The Northwest European Margin Npf Sp PublSSequential Approximate Multiobjective Optimization Using Computational Intelligence Vector OptimJSerbian Academy of Science and Arts, Department of Language and LiteratureSerb Ac Sci Art Lang9Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Academic Conferences Serb Ac A C-Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Bulletin Serb Ac B:Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Commemorative Volumes Ser Ac Comm^Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences MonographsSasa Dept Chem Biol[Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Department of Fine Arts and Music Academic ConferencesSasa Dept Fine ArtsQSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Department of Fine Arts and Music MonographsSasa Dept F Arts MonZSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Department of Historical Sciences Scientific MeetingsSasa Dept Hist SciYSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geo-sciencesSasa Dep Math Phys GCSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Social Sciences Serb Acd ScYSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Social Sciences : Demographic Studies Ser Asa DemYSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Department of Social Sciences Scientific ConferencesSasa Dep Soc Sci SciASerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts: Dept of Historical Sciences Serb Hist Sci/Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Monographs Serb Ac Mon/Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts MonographsSrpska Akad Nauk:Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Scientific Conference Serb Ac Sci-Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Symposia Serb Ac Sym+Serbs and The Albanians in The 20th Century Serb Ac A C"Serdp Estcp Remediation TechnologySerdp Estcp RemediatSerials Librarian Serials LibrSerials Review Serials RevTSerial Violence: Analysis of Modus Operandi and Signature Characteristics of KillersCrc Ser Pract Asp CrSerie Hommes Et Societe Ser Hom SocSerie Livros Do Museu NacionalMus Nac Ser LivrosSerie Livros Do Museu NacionalSer Livros Mus NacSerie Nova TerraSer Nova Terra"Series De La Decouverte Freudienne S Decouv FrSeries Entomologica Series EntomSeries in Affective ScienceSer Affective SciSeries in Analysis Ser Analysis'Series in Anxiety and Related DisordersSer Anxiety Relat DiSeries in Applied Psychology S Appl PsycSeries in Applied PsychologySer Appl Psychol:Series in Applied Psychology : Social Issues and Questions S Ap Psyc S Series in Biomedical EngineeringSer Biomed Eng+Series in Clinical and Community Psychology Ser Clin CPSeries in Computational and Physical Processes in Mechanics and Thermal Sciences S Comp Phys'Series in Computer and Network SecuritySer Comput Netw Secu%Series in Death Dying and BereavementSer Death Dying1Series in Death Education, Aging, and Health Care Ser Death ESeries in Health Care for Women S Hlth C W3Series in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine S Hlth Psyc7Series in High Energy Physics Cosmology and GravitationSer Hi Energy Phys7Series in High Energy Physics Cosmology and GravitationSer High Energy Phys8Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence S Mach Perc8Series in Machine Perception and Artificial IntelligenceSer Mach Percept Art+Series in Materials Science and EngineeringSer Mat Sci Engn+Series in Materials Science and EngineeringSer Mater Sci Eng4Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical EngineeringSer Med Phys Biomed*Series in Metallurgy and Materials ScienceSer Metall Mater SciSeries in Number TheorySer Num Theory$Series in Optics and OptoelectronicsSer Opt OptoelectronSeries in Optics and Photonics S Opt Phot%Series in Organization and ManagementSer Organ ManageSeries in Plasma PhysicsSer Plasma Phys8Series in Quality Reliability and Engineering StatisticsSer Qual Reliab EngSeries in Radiology Ser RadiolSeries in Remote SensingSer Remote Sens&Series in Representation and Reasoning S Repr ReasSeries in Sensors Ser Sensors2Series-journal of The Spanish Economic AssociationSeries-j Span Econ-Series of Information and Management SciencesSer Inf Manage SciESeries of Monographs On Materials Science, Engineering and TechnologySer Mono Mat Sci Eng9Series of Operations and Supply Chain Management in ChinaSer Oper Supp Ch Man8Series of The Centro De Estudios Cientificos De Santiago Ser Cent Es9Series of The European Academy of Rehabilitation MedicineSer Eur Acad Rehabil>Series On Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologySer Adv Bioinform6Series On Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences S Adv Math6Series On Advances in Mathematics for Applied SciencesSer Adv Math Appl Sc.Series On Advances in Quantum Many-body TheorySer Adv Quant Many B+Series On Advances in Statistical MechanicsSer Adv Stat MechSeries On Applied Mathematics Ser Appl M3Series On Bioengineering and Biomedical EngineeringSer Bioeng Biomed En'Series On Biophysics and BiocyberneticsSer Biophys Biocyber&Series On Coding Theory and CryptologySer Coding Th Crypto&Series On Coding Theory and CryptologySer Coding Theory Cr+Series On Computers and Operations ResearchSer Computers Oper R-Series On Concrete and Applicable MathematicsSer Con Appl MathSeries On Contemporary ChinaSer Contemp China-Series On Innovation and Knowledge ManagementSer Innovat Knowl Ma)Series On Integrated Circuits and SystemsSer Integr CircuitsSeries On Knots and Everything Ser KnotsSeries On Knots and EverythingSer Knots EverythingSeries On Law and Psychology Ser Law Psy0Series On Mathematical Economics and Game TheorySer Math Econ Game TSeries On Multivariate AnalysisSer Multivar AnalSeries On Neural Networks S Neur Netw-Series On Neutron Techniques and ApplicationsSer Neutron Tech App,Series On Number Theory and Its ApplicationsSer Numb Theory Appl$Series On Probability and Statistics S Prob Stat(Series On Prospering in A Global Economy S Pros Gl E9Series On Quality, Reliability and Engineering StatisticsSer Qual Rel Eng StaSeries On School ReformSer Sch Reform.Series On Semiconductor Science and Technology S Semi Sci8Series On Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringSer Softw Engn KnowloSeries On Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems: Series B-conference Proceedings and Special Theme IssuesSer Sta Vib Co Sy :b!Series On Teleostean Fish BiologySer Teleost Fish Bio1Serie-uitgave Van De Stichting Historia Medicinae S St Hist MBSerine Proteases and Their Serpin Inhibitors in The Nervous SystemNato Adv Sci I A-lif2Serious Fun With Flexagons: A Compendium and GuideSolid Mech Appl@Serious Violent Offenders: Sentencing, Psychiatry and Law Reform Aic Conf P5Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious DiseaseSerodiag Immun Inf DSerono Colloquia Europe SeriesSerono Coll Eur Ser-Serono Symposia Publications From Raven Press Serono Sym:Serono Symposia Series : Advances in Experimental Medicine Ser Symp AdSerono Symposia, Usa Serono Symp3Serosal Membranes (pleura, Pericardium, Peritoneum)Adv Anat Embryol Cel SerotoninMed Sci Symp SerBSerotonin and 5-ht2 Receptor Blockade in The Cardiovascular System Pr Pharm ClSerotonin and Pain Int Congr Ser+Serotonin, Cns Receptors and Brain Function Adv BiosciOSerotonin-dopamine Interaction: Experimental Evidence and Therapeutic RelevanceProg Brain Res5Serotonin in The Central Nervous System and Periphery Int Congr Ser#Serotonin Receptors in NeurobiologyFront NeurosciTSerotonin Receptor Subtypes : Pharmacological Significance and Clinical Implications Int Acad BHSerotonin-related Psychiatric Syndromes : Clinical and Therapeutic LinksRoy Soc Med Int CongdSerpins and Protein Kinase Inhibitors: Novel Functions, Structural Features and Molecular MechanismsProtein Biochem Synt.Serum/plasma Proteomics: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol(Server-side Gps and Assisted-gps in JavaArtech Hse Gnss TechFService Assurance With Partial and Intermittent Resources, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScService AvailabilityLect Notes Comput Sc!Service Availability, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScService BusinessServ BusService Design and DeliveryServ Sci Res Innov SEService Enterprise Integration: An Enterprise Engineering PerspectiveIntegr Ser Inform Sy5Service Excellence : Marketings Impact On Performance Amer Mar AsService Industries Journal Serv Ind JEService Life Estimation and Extension of Civil Engineering StructuresWoodhead Publ MaterNService Opportunities for Electric Utilities: Creating Differentiated Products T Reg EconService-oriented ComputingCoop Inform SystService-oriented ComputingLect Notes Comput ScKService-oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics, and Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Service-oriented Computing: Csoc 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Service-oriented Computing - Icsoc 2003Lect Notes Comput Sc'Service-oriented Computing - Icsoc 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc'Service Oriented Computing - Icsoc 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc4Service-oriented Computing - Icsoc 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Service-oriented Computing - Icsoc 2007 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc4Service-oriented Computing - Icsoc 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc1Service-oriented Computing - Icsoc 2008 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc=Service-oriented Computing: Icsoc/service Wave 2009 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc'Service-oriented Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScService Quality Iss Org ManAService Quality Regulation in Electricity Distribution and Retail Power SystService Research Challenges and Solutions for The Future Internet: S-cube-towards Engineering, Managing and Adapting Service-based SystemsLect Notes Comput ScKService Robotics Within The Digital Home: Applications and Future ProspectsIntel Syst Contr AutServices and VisualizationLect Notes Comput ScJService Science, Management and Engineering Education for The 21st CenturyServ Sci Res Innov S?Service Science-research and Innovations in The Service EconomyServ Sci Res Innov S.Services Liberalisation in The Internal MarketSch Ost Ges Europa8Services Management in Intelligent Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Services Offshoring and Its Impact On The Labor Market Contrib EconYServices of General Interest in The Eu: Reconciling Competition and Social ResponsibilityCurr Europe IssService Systems ImplementationServ Sci Res Innov SServing With The Poor in Africa Cas Hol Min*Servo Motors and Industrial Control Theory Mech Eng Ser!Setac General Publications Series Setac Gen P!Setac Special Publications Series Setac Sp P#Setac Technical Publications SeriesSetac Tech Publicat Set-aside Br Crop PrSets, Graphs and Numbers Colloq Math Set-theoretic Methods in ControlSyst Control-found ASet Theory and Its Applications Contemp MathSet Theory and Its ApplicationsLect Notes MathSetting Research PrioritiesDev Orient Res AgrASettlement and Occupation of Land in Europe During The Bronze Age Docum PrehistSettler and Creole ReenactmentReenactment HistSet-valued AnalysisSet-valued Anal#Set-valued and Variational AnalysisSet-valued Var Anal:Set-valued Mappings and Enlargements of Monotone OperatorsSpringer Ser Optim A3Seuh 95 - Software Engineering and Higher Education Ber Ger AcmSeventeen Provers of The WorldLect Notes Artif IntdSeventeenth Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, Proceedings 2001P Ieee Semicond TherLSeventeenth Annual International Computer Software & Applications ConferenceP Int Comp Softw AppSeventeenth CenturySeventeenth Cent"Seventeenth-century French StudiesSeventeen-cent Fr StSeventeenth-century NewsSeventeen-cent NewsCSeventeenth Ieee International Workshop On Rapid System PrototypingP Ieee Rap Syst ProtGSeventeenth Ieee Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist Syst]Seventeenth International Conference On Database and Expert Systems Applications, ProceedingsInt Workshop Databas$Seventeenth Nastran Users Colloquium Nasa Conf PFSeventeenth Texas Symposium On Relativistic Astrophysics and CosmologyAnn Ny Acad SciYSeventh Annual Ieee International Conference On Wafer Scale Integration, 1995 ProceedingsInt Conf Wafer Scale0Seventh Ausimm Underground Operators' ConferenceAustralas I Min Met_Seventh European Congress On Fluid Machinery for The Oil, Petrochemical, and Related IndustriesImeche Conf Trans2Seventh Great Lakes Symposium On Vlsi, ProceedingsPr Gr Lak Symp Vlsi]Seventh Ieee International Conference On Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng CompLSeventh Ieee International Workshop On Rapid System Prototyping, ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst ProtESeventh Iee European Conference On Mobile and Personal Communications Iee Conf Publ;Seventh International Conference On Ac-dc Power Tranmission Iee Conf PublISeventh International Conference On Antennas and Propagation, Pts 1 and 2 Iee Conf Publ\Seventh International Conference On Application of Concurrency to System Design, ProceedingsInt Conf Appl Concur6Seventh International Conference On Correlation OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Seventh International Conference On Correlation Optics Proc SpieKSeventh International Conference On Developments in Power System Protection Iee Conf PublmSeventh International Conference On Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications (dr2007)J Phys Conf SerRSeventh International Conference On Education and Training in Optics and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsRSeventh International Conference On Education and Training in Optics and Photonics Proc SpieASeventh International Conference On Electromagnetic Compatibility Iee Conf PublzSeventh International Conference On Electronic Engineering in Oceanography - Technology Transfer From Research to Industry Iee Conf PublOSeventh International Conference On Grey Literature, Gl7 Conference ProceedingsGl Conference SerCSeventh International Conference On Hf Radio Systems and Techniques Iee Conf PublISeventh International Conference On Image Processing and Its Applications Iee Conf PublJSeventh International Conference On Information Visualization, ProceedingsIeee Infor VisLSeventh International Conference On Laser and Laser-information TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsLSeventh International Conference On Laser and Laser-information Technologies Proc Spie@Seventh International Conference On Low-volume Roads 1999, Vol 1Transport Res Rec@Seventh International Conference On Low-volume Roads 1999, Vol 2Transport Res RecYSeventh International Conference On Metering Apparatus and Tariffs for Electricity Supply Iee Conf PublSeventh International Conference On New Phenomena in Mesoscopic Structures and Fifth International Conference On Surfaces and Interfaces of Mesoscopic Devices, 2005J Phys Conf SerOSeventh International Conference On Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives Iee Conf PublGSeventh International Conference On Road Traffic Monitoring and Control Iee Conf Publ8Seventh International Conference On Solid State LightingP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Seventh International Conference On Solid State Lighting Proc SpieFSeventh International Conference On Thin Film Physics and Applications Proc SpieSSeventh International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtiSeventh International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsiSeventh International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications Proc SpieDSeventh International Conference On Vibrations in Rotating MachineryImeche Conf TransUSeventh International Symposium On Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes (isafpw95) Asae PublQSeventh International Symposium On Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, ProceedingsPr Int Symp Adv Res?Seventh International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Seventh International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics Proc SpieSeventh International Symposium On Instrumentation and Control Technology: Optoelectronic Technology and Instuments, Control Theory and Automation, and Space ExplorationP Soc Photo-opt InsSeventh International Symposium On Instrumentation and Control Technology: Optoelectronic Technology and Instuments, Control Theory and Automation, and Space Exploration Proc SpieSeventh International Symposium On Instrumentation and Control Technology: Sensors and Instruments, Computer Simulation, and Artificial IntelligenceP Soc Photo-opt InsoSeventh International Symposium On Laser Metrology Applied to Science, Industry, and Everyday Life, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsoSeventh International Symposium On Laser Metrology Applied to Science, Industry, and Everyday Life, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieUSeventh International Symposium On Pollination - Pollination: From Theory to Practise Acta Hortic4Seventh International Workshop On Information OpticsJ Phys Conf SerlSeventh International Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt InsDSeventh International Workshop On Program Comprehension, ProceedingsProg Comprehen7Seventh Iutam Symposium On Laminar-turbulent Transition Iutam Bookser/Seventh Mill Operators' Conference, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met6Seventh Pacific Rim Conference On Stellar Astrophysics Astr Soc P:Seventh Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence Fr Art Int:Seventh Scandinavian Conference On Artificial IntelligenceFront Artif Intel ApNSeventh Seminar On Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsdSeventy-five Years of Hirayama Asteroid Families: The Role of Collisions in The Solar System History Astr Soc PSeveral Worlds of Pearl S. BuckContrib Women S Stud.Severe Slugging in Offshore Production SystemsPetrol Sci Tech SerSewage and Industrial WastesSewage Ind Wastes3Sewage Sludge: Land Utilization and The EnvironmentSssa Misc Publicat,Sewage Treatment: Uses, Processes and ImpactWaste Waste ManagSewage Works JournalSewage Works JSewanee Review Sewanee RevSex AllocationMonogr Popul BiolSex and Sexuality in ChinaRout Stud China Tran/Sex Chromosome Abnormalities and Human Behavior Aaas Select6Sex Chromosomes: Genetics, Abnormalities and DisordersGen-res Issues(Sex Determination and Sexual DevelopmentCurr Top Dev BiolHSex Differences in The Human Brain, Their Underpinnings and ImplicationsProg Brain ResFSexed Sentiments: Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Gender and Emotion Crit StudZSex Hormones and Antihormones in Endocrine Dependent Pathology: Basic and Clinical Aspects Int Congr SerSex Industry and Public Policy Aic Conf PSexing The SoldierTransformations-lond7Sex Lives of Saints : An Erotics of Ancient HagiographyDivin Reread Late An^Sex, Love and Feminism in The Asia Pacific: A Cross-cultural Study of Young People's AttitudesAsian Stud Assoc AusSex Markets: A Denied IndustryRoutl Iaffe Adv Fem Sex Matters Int Congr Ser Sexology / Int Congr Ser<Sex, Race, and Family in Contemporary American Short StoriesAm Lit Read Twenty-f Sex Roles Sex Roles0Sexual Abuse-a Journal of Research and TreatmentSex Abuse-j Res TrSexual and Relationship TherapySex Relatsh TherSexual DevelopmentSex DevMSexual Dimorphism of The Bed Nucleus of The Stria Terminalis and The AmygdalaAdv Anat Embryol Cel-Sexual Dysfunction: The Brain-body ConnectionAdv Psychosom Med9Sexual Equality in An Integrated Europe: Virtual EqualityEur Transit-nyu Eur.Sexual Function in The Prostate Cancer PatientCurr Clin Urol"Sexual Harassment Around The GlobeSoc Iss Justice Stat Sexual Health Sex Health Sexualities Sexualities#Sexualities, Work and OrganizationsRoutl Stud Employ Wo Sexuality Key IdeasSexuality & Space Prin P ArchSexuality and Disability Sex DisabilSexuality and Human Bonding Int Congr Ser@Sexuality and Its Queer Discontents in Middle English LiteratureNew Middle AgesSexuality Culture and HealthSex Cult HealthSexuality EducationEduc Compet Glob Wor!Sexuality Education and AttitudesEduc Compet Glob WorJSexuality, Gender and Power: Intersectional and Transnational PerspectivesRout Adv Fem Stud"Sexuality, Health and Human RightsSex Cult Health3Sexuality in The Middle Ages and Early Modern TimesFund Mediev Early Mo$Sexuality Research and Social PolicySex Res Soc PolicyYSexual Justice / Cultural Justice: Critical Perspectives in Political Theory and PracticeRout Innov Poli Theo8Sexually Coercive Behavior: Understanding and ManagementAnn Ny Acad SciSexually Transmitted DiseasesSex Transm DisASexually Transmitted Diseases: A Practical Guide for Primary CareCurr Clin PractSexually Transmitted InfectionsSex Transm InfectSexual Nature, Sexual CultureChic Sex Hist Soc?Sexual Orientation Discrimination: An International PerspectiveRoutl Iaffe Adv FemSexual Plant ReproductionSex Plant Reprod$Sexual Violence and The Law in JapanAsian Stud Assoc AusTSexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From The Ancient World to The Era of Human RightsPa Stud Hum Rights)Seybold Outlook On Professional ComputingAndrew Seybold Out P(Seybold Report On Professional ComputingAndrew Seybold Out P9Sezession Und Demokratie-eine Philosophische UntersuchungIdeen Argumente6Sgte Casebook: Thermodynamics At Work , Second EditionWoodhead Publ MaterShades of Blue and Gray SeriesShades Blue Gray Ser9Shades of Grey: 1960s Lisbon in Novel, Film and PhotobookMod Humanit Res AssoShadowing in Dynamical SystemsLect Notes Math7Shadows of The Prophet: Martial Arts and Sufi MysticismMuslims Glob Soc SerShaftesbury PapersShaftesb Paper Shakespeare ShakespeareNShakespeare and Character: Theory, History, Performance and Theatrical PersonsPalgrave ShakespearShakespeare and PhilosophyRoutl Stud Shakespea Shakespeare and Religious ChangeEarly Mod Lit Hist4Shakespeare and The Cultural Colonization of IrelandLit Crit Cult TheoryHShakespeare and The Economic Imperative: What's Aught But As Tis Valued?Stud Major Lit AuthoCShakespeare and The Institution of Theatre: 'the Best in This Kind'Palgrave Shakespear$Shakespearean International YearbookShakespear Int YearbAShakespearean International Yearbook 4: Shakespeare Studies TodayShakespear Int Yearb]Shakespearean International Yearbook 5: Special Section, Shakespeare and The Bonds of ServiceShakespear Int Yearb\Shakespearean International Yearbook 6: Special Section, Shakespeare and Montaigne RevisitedShakespear Int YearbShakespeare CriticismShakespear CritAShakespeare in Children's Literature: Gender and Cultural CapitalChild Lit Cult.Shakespeare in Hollywood, Asia, and CyberspaceComp Cult Stud(Shakespeare in The Victorian PeriodicalsStud Major Lit AuthoShakespeare QuarterlyShakespeare QuartDShakespeare's Entrails: Beliefs, Scepticism and Interior of The BodyPalgrave Shakespear;Shakespeare's Hybrid Faith: History, Religion and The StageEarly Mod Lit Hist.Shakespeare, Spenser and The Matter of BritainEarly Mod Lit HistShakespeare SurveyShakespeare SurvShakespeare Survey 46Shakespeare SurvShakespeare Survey, 48Shakespeare SurvShakespeare Survey 49Shakespeare SurvSShakespeare Survey - An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, Vol 47Shakespeare SurvShakespeare's World of LearningRenaiss MonogrShakeup in SystematicsCour For Sekenbg$Shallow Impurities in SemiconductorsMater Sci Forum&Shallow Impurities in Semiconductors /Mater Sci Forum)Shallow Impurities in Semiconductors 1988Inst Phys Conf SerShallow-water Acoustics Aip Conf ProcShamanism in Performing Arts Bibl ShamanVShamanism, Racism, and Hip Hop Culture: Essays On White Supremacy and Black SubversionBlack Relig Woman ThCShame and The Sorrow: Dutch-amerindian Encounters in New NetherlandEarly Am Stud Ser0Shampoos - Scientific Basis and Clinical AspectsRoy Soc Med Int 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C-mat%Shape Optimization and Optimal DesignLect Notes Pure ApplShapes and Diffeomorphisms Appl Math SciaShapes and Geometries: Metrics, Analysis, Differential Calculus, and Optimization, Second EditionAdv Des ControlShapes of Hadrons Aip Conf ProcOShape Understanding System: The First Steps Toward The Visual Thinking MachinesStud Comput Intell#Shaping A New Economic Relationship Hoover Inst7Shaping Inquiry Culture Communication and Media StudiesShap Inq Cult Commun7Shaping Inquiry Culture Communication and Media StudiesShap Inquir CultShaping Sexual KnowledgeRoutl Stud Soc HistShared EncountersComp Support Comp WShared EncountersComput Supp Coop WorOShared Idioms, Sacred Symbols, and The Articulation of Identities in South AsiaRoutl Stud Relig.Shared Memory Parallel Programming With OpenmpLect Notes Comput ScShare Europe Proceedings Share Eur P+Share Europe Spring Conference: Proceedings Share Eur PYSharing A Vision: Systems and Algorithms for Collaboratively-teleoperated Robotic CamerasSpringer Trac Adv RoSharing Cim Solutions Adv Des ManZSharing Common Ground On Western Rangelands: Proceedings of A Livestock/big Game Symposium Usda Interm4Sharing Data, Information and Knowledge, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSharing Network LeadershipLmx Leadersh SerSharing of Diversities Can Plain PXSharing Poetic Expressions: Beauty, Sublime, Mysticism in Islamic and Occidental CultureIslam Ph OccidentRSharks and Their Relatives Ii: Biodiversity, Adaptive Physiology, and ConservationCrc Mar Biol Ser,Sharp Real-part Theorems: A Unified ApproachLect Notes MathSharp Technical Journal Sharp Tech JGShattered Voices: Language, Violence, and The Work of Truth CommissionsPa Stud Hum Rights%Shaw and The Irish Literary TraditionShaw Shaw ReviewShaw Rev)Shaw : The Annual of Bernard Shaw StudiesShaw'Shaw-the Annual of Bernard Shaw StudiesShawEShear Localization in Granular Bodies With Micro-polar HypoplasticitySpringer Ser GeomechSheet Metal 2005 Adv Mat ResSheet Metal 2007 Key Eng MatSheet Metal 2007 Key Eng MaterSheet Metal 2009 Key Eng Mat8Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies / Routledge Series Sheff Ctr J6Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies Routledge SeriesSheff Cent Jpn StudQSheffield Space Plasma Meeting: Multipoint Measurement Versus Theory, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ;Shelf-life of Basic Substances and Preparations in Pharmacy Paperb ApvShellfish Safety and QualityWoodhead Food Ser Shell GamesEssays Stud Cent Ref Shenandoah ShenandoahShifting Borders Mod Fr IdenShifting ContextsAsa Decen Conf Ser_Shifting Grounds of Race: Black and Japanese Americans in The Making of Multiethnic Los AngelesPolit Soc TwentiethLShifting The Focus: From Static Structures to The Dynamics of InterpretationCurr Res Semant PragShiftwork in The 21st CenturyArbeitswiss Betr Pra"Shilap-revista De LepidopterologiaShilap-rev Lepidopt"Shilap-revista De LepidopterologiaShilap-rev. Lepidopt7Shinkansen: From Bullet Train to Symbol of Modern JapanRoutl Contemp Jpn SeShip As SymbolPubl Natl Mus StudShips and Offshore StructuresShips Offshore StrucShock Int Congr SerShockShock-Shock and Damage Models in Reliability TheorySpringer Ser ReliabShock and Vibration Shock Vib,Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1995 Aip Conf Proc,Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1997 Aip Conf Proc7Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-1999, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcDShock Compression of Condensed Matter-2001, Pts 1 and 2, Proceedings Aip Conf ProcFShock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2003, Pts 1 and 2, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc9Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2005, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc9Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2007, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc9Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2009, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc&Shock Wave and High Pressure PhenomenaShock Wave High Pres/Shock Wave Reflection Phenomena, Second EditionShock Wave High Pres Shock Waves Shock Waves3Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference LibraryShock Wave Sci TechnEShock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library, Vol 3: Solids IiShock Wave Sci Techn:Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library, Vol 5Shock Wave Sci Techn3Shock Waves in Space and Astrophysical Environments Aip Conf Proc$Shofar Supplements in Jewish StudiesShofar Suppl Jew Stu:Shoreless Bridges: South East European Writing in Diaspora Stud Slav L#Short and Long Chains At InterfacesMoriond Cond Matt P=Short and Long Term Effects of Breast Feeding On Child HealthAdv Exp Med Biol+Short Chain Fatty Acids - Falk Symposium 73 Falk SympShort CircuitsShort CircuitsShort Course in Geology Volcan HazPShort Course in Quantum Information Theory: An Approach From Theoretical PhysicsLect Notes Phys3Short Distance Behavior of Fundamental Interactions Aip Conf ProcShortest Path ProblemDimacs Ser Discret M*Short History of The Drug Receptor ConceptSci Technol Med Mod=Short Journey From Quarks to The Universe: Selected SolutionsSpringerbrief Phys>Short-period Binary Stars: Observations, Analyses, and ResultsAstrophys Space Sc L2Short-pulse High-intensity Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Short-pulse High Intensity Lasers and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Short Stay Management of Chest PainContemp CardiolShort Stay SurgerySpringer Surg Atlas"Short-wavelength Radiation SourcesP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Shotcrete for Underground Support SeriesShotcrete Undergr S%Shotcrete for Underground Support ViiShotcrete Undergr S`Show Me The Money: Writing Business and Economics Stories for Mass Communication, Second Edition Commun Ser:Shrubland Ecosystem Genetics and Biodiversity: ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-pPShrublands Under Fire: Disturbance and Recovery in A Changing World, ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-pSiaions Key Eng MatSiaions Key Eng MaterSiaions and Non-oxides Key Eng Mat.Siam Journal On Algebraic and Discrete MethodsSiam J Algebra Discr)Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical SystemsSiam J Appl Dyn Syst#Siam Journal On Applied MathematicsSiam J Appl MathSiam Journal On Computing Siam J ComputSiam Journal On ControlSiam J Control(Siam Journal On Control and OptimizationSiam J Control Optim$Siam Journal On Discrete MathematicsSiam J Discrete Math Siam Journal On Imaging SciencesSiam J Imaging Sci%Siam Journal On Mathematical AnalysisSiam J Math Anal0Siam Journal On Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsSiam J Matrix Anal A"Siam Journal On Numerical AnalysisSiam J Numer AnalSiam Journal On OptimizationSiam J Optimiz4Siam Journal On Scientific and Statistical ComputingSiam J Sci Stat Comp$Siam Journal On Scientific ComputingSiam J Sci ComputSiam Proceedings Series Siam Proc S Siam ReviewSiam RevSiberian Mathematical JournalSiberian Math J+]Sibgrapi 2006: Xix Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics and Image Processing, ProceedingsSibgrapiPSibgrapi 2008: Xxi Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics and Image ProcessingSibgrapiHSibgrapi - Brazilian Symposium On Computer Graphics and Image ProcessingSibgrapiSibirskii Khimicheskii ZhurnalSibirskii Khim Zh+NSichtbarkeitsregime: Uberwachung, Sicherheit Und Privatheit Im 21. JahrhundertLeviathan SonderhESich Verzehrender Skeptizismus: Lauterungen Bei Hegel Und KierkegaardKierke Stud Monogr S"Sicile Antique Pyrrhus En OccidentPallas-rev Etud AntiSickle Cell Disease /Ann Ny Acad SciSic Materials and DevicesSemiconduct Semimet)Side-effects of Anti-inflammatory Drugs 3 Infl Dr ThdSide-effects of Chemotherapy On The Gastrointestinal Tract: Pathophysiology, Prophylaxis and Therapy Falk Symp5Sidewalks: Conflict and Negotiation Over Public SpaceUrban Ind Environ6Sid International Symposium Digest of Technical PapersSid Int Symp Dig Tec Sid JournalSid Journal Soc InfTSiemens Forschungs-und Entwicklungsberichte-siemens Research and Development ReportsSiemens Forsch EntwSiemens Review Siemens RevSiemens Zeitschrift Siemens-zSierraSierraLSi Front-end Processing-physics and Technology of Dopant-defect InteractionsMater Res Soc Symp PeSigcse 2000: Proceedings of The Thirty-first Sigcse Technical Symposium On Computer Science Education Sigcse BulleSigcse Bulletin : A Quarterly Publication of The Special Interest Group On Computer Science Education Sigcse BullESige, Ge, and Related Compounds 3: Materials, Processing, and DevicesEcs Transactions$Siggraph 2000 Conference Proceedings Comp Graph$Siggraph 2001 Conference Proceedings Comp Graph"Siggraph 91 Conference Proceedings Comp Graph$Siggraph 92 : Conference Proceedings Comp Graph"Siggraph 99 Conference Proceedings Comp GraphSight and Sound Sight SoundSight-saving ReviewSight Saving Rev Sigir Forum Sigir Forum1Sigmadelta A/d Conversion for Signal ConditioningSpringer Int Ser EngmSigmetrics'07: Proceedings of The 2007 International Conference On Measurement & Modeling of Computer Systems Perf E R SimSigmetrics'08: Proceedings of The 2008 International Conference On Measurement & Modeling of Computer Systems Perf E R SiSigmetrics 2010: Proceedings of The 2010 Acm Sigmetrics International Conference On Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems Perf E R SiSigmetrics/performance'09, Proceedings of The 2009 Joint International Conference On Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems Perf E R Si Sigmod Record Sigmod Rec Sigmod Record Sigmod RecordSigmund Freud, Second EditionRoutl Crit Thinkers*Sigmund Freud Und Das Wissen Der LiteraturSpectr LiteraturwissZSigmund Von Birken - Werke Und Korrespondenz, Band 5: Todten-andenken Und Himmels-gedankenNeudrucke Dtsch LitjSignal Analysis, Measurement Theory, Photo-electronic Technology, and Artificial Intelligence, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsjSignal Analysis, Measurement Theory, Photo-electronic Technology, and Artificial Intelligence, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1989P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1990P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1991P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1992P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1993P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1994P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1995P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1996P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1997P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1998P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1999P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1999 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2000 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2001P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2001 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2002 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2003 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2004P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2004 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2005 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2006 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2007 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2008P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2008 Proc Spie0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins0Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2010 Proc Spie:Signal and Image Processing Systems Performance EvaluationP Soc Photo-opt InsTSignal and Image Processing Systems Performance Evaluation, Simulation, and ModelingP Soc Photo-opt InsSignal and Sense Neurosci In]Signal Extraction: Efficient Estimation Unit-root Tests and Early Detection of Turning PointsLect Notes Econ Math!Signal Image and Video ProcessingSignal Image Video P%Signaling and Communication in PlantsSignal Commun Plants5Signaling Mechanisms and Gene Expression in The Ovary Serono Symp2Signaling Mechanisms in Secretary and Immune Cells Lov Med Fdn4Signalling From Internalized Growth Factor ReceptorsCurr Top MicrobiolSignalling in The Liver Falk SympCSignal, Meaning and Message: Perspectives On Sign-based LinguisticsStud Funct StructSignal Molecules and Behaviour Stud NeurosSignal ProcessingSignal Process Signal Processing and MultimediaComm Com Inf ScASignal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing Mu Sys Appl7Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia Mu Sys Appl%Signal Processing-image CommunicationSignal Process-image<Signal Processing, Image Processing, and Pattern RecognitionComm Com Inf ScSignal Processing, Part 1 Ima V MathSignal Processing, Pt 2 Ima V MathHSignal Processing, Scattering and Operator Theory, and Numerical Methods Prog Syst C8Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target RecognitionP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Ix Proc Spie:Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition VP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Viii Proc Spie:Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xi Proc Spie<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xii Proc Spie=Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xiii Proc Spie<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xiv Proc Spie<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XixP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xix Proc Spie;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xv Proc Spie<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xvi Proc Spie=Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XviiP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xvii Proc Spie;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XxP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition Xx Proc Spie$Signals and Communication Technology Sig Com Tec$Signals and Communication TechnologySignals Commun TechnNSignals, Switches, Regulons and Cascades: Control of Bacterial Gene ExpressionSymp Soc Gen Microbi+Signal Transduction and Cardiac HypertrophyProg Exp Cardiol5Signal Transduction and Communication in Cancer CellsAnn Ny Acad SciSSignal Transduction and The Coordination of B Lymphocyte Development and Function ICurr Top MicrobiolTSignal Transduction and The Coordination of B Lymphocyte Development and Function IiCurr Top Microbiol?Signal Transduction Immunohistochemistry: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol(Signal Transduction in Cancer MetastasisCancer Metast Biol T)Signal Transduction in Health and DiseaseAdv Sec Mess Phosph!Signal Transduction in Lung CellsLung Biol Health DishSignal Transduction Pathways, Chromatin Structure, and Gene Expression Mechanisms As Therapeutic TargetsAnn Ny Acad Sci"Signal Transduction Pathways, Pt AAnn Ny Acad Sci"Signal Transduction Pathways, Pt BAnn Ny Acad Sci"Signal Transduction Pathways, Pt CAnn Ny Acad Sci"Signal Transduction Pathways, Pt DAnn Ny Acad Sci4Signa-revista De La Asociacion Espanola De SemioticaSigna Signa Vitae Signa Vitae;Significance of Individual Aspirations in Health PsychologyPsychol Res ProgfSignificance of Infant Observational Research for Clinical Work With Children, Adolescents, and Adults Work S Am P&Significance of N-nitrosation of Drugs Drug Dev E Significance of Popper's Thought Poznan StudSignificant Issues Series Signif Is S[Signifying and Understanding: Reading The Works of Victoria Welby and The Signific MovementSemiot Commun CognitSign Languages in ContactSociolinguist DeafSignsSignsWSigns of Logic: Peircean Themes On The Philosophy of Language, Games, and Communication Synth Libr Signs of Race Signs RaceSigns, Search and Communication Grundl KommSigois Bulletin Sigois BulSigplan NoticesSigplan Notices Sik-dokumentSik Dok#Silenced Voices in Education SeriesSilenc Voice Educ Se1Silent Myocardial Ischemia : A Critical Appraisal Adv Cardiol<Silent Witness: Racine's Non-verbal Annotations of EuripidesRes Monogr Fr StudBSilica: Physical Behavior, Geochemistry and Materials Applications Rev MineralSilicates Industriels Silic Ind+Silicides, Germanides, and Their InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp P?Silicide Thin Films - Fabrication, Properties, and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P,Silicon-based and Hybrid Optoelectronics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Silicon-based and Hybrid Optoelectronics Iii Proc Spie+Silicon-based and Hybrid Optoelectronics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Silicon-based Microphotonics: From Basics to ApplicationsP Int Sch Phys:Silicon-based Monolithic and Hybrid Optoelectronic DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Silicon-based Optoelectronic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PSilicon-based OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Silicon-based Optoelectronics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Silicon-based Optoelectronics Ii Proc SpieSilicon-based Polymer Science Adv Chem Ser5Silicon-based Rf Front-ends for Ultra Wideband RadiosAnalog Circ Sig Proc8Silicon-based Structural Ceramics for The New Millennium Ceram Trans6Silicon Carbide 2002-materials, Processing and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P6Silicon Carbide 2004-materials, Processing and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P8Silicon Carbide 2006 - Materials, Processing and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P8Silicon Carbide 2008 - Materials, Processing and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp P*Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 1995Inst Phys Conf Ser7Silicon Carbide and Related Materials - 1999 Pts, 1 & 2Mater Sci ForumDSilicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001, Pts 1 and 2, ProceedingsMater Sci Forum,Silicon Carbide and Related Materials - 2002Mater Sci Forum8Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2003, Prts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum7Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2003, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum*Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2004Mater Sci Forum7Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2005, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum*Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2006Mater Sci Forum7Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2007, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum*Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2008Mater Sci Forum7Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2009, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum*Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2010Mater Sci Forum1Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Ecscrm2000Mater Sci Forum@Silicon Carbide, Iii-nitrides and Related Materials, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum=Silicon Carbide Materials for Optics and Precision StructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Silicon Carbide Microsystems for Harsh EnvironmentsMems Ref Shelf%Silicon-containing Dendritic PolymersAdv Silicon SciSilicon EpitaxySemiconduct Semimet;Silicon Front-end Junction Formation-physics and TechnologyMater Res Soc Symp P1Silicon Front-end Junction Formation TechnologiesMater Res Soc Symp P?Silicon Front-end Technology-materials Processing and ModellingMater Res Soc Symp P_Silicon-germanium (sige) Nanostructures: Production, Properties and Applications in ElectronicsWoodhead Publ Mater6Silicon-germanium Strained Layers and HeterostructuresSemiconduct Semimet>Silicon Materials-processing, Characterization and ReliabilityMater Res Soc Symp PSilicon Molecular Beam EpitaxyMater Res Soc Symp PSilicon Nitride 93 Key Eng MatSilicon Nitride 93 Key Eng Mater9Silicon Nitride and Silicon Dioxide Thin Insulating Films Elec Soc SSilicon Nitride Ceramics Mat Res S C=Silicon Nitride, Silicon Dioxide, and Emerging Dielectrics 10Ecs TransactionsSilicon PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsSilicon Photonics Top Appl Phys2Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits Proc Spie5Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSilicon Photonics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSilicon Photonics Ii Proc Spie0Silicon Photonics Ii: Components and Integration Top Appl PhysSilicon Photonics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSilicon Photonics Iii Proc SpieSilicon Photonics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsSilicon Photonics VP Soc Photo-opt InsSilicon Photonics V Proc SpieSilicon Polymers Adv Polym Sci7Silicon Science and Advanced Micro-device Engineering I Key Eng MaterSilicon Versus CarbonNato Sci Peace Sec BSilicon Versus CarbonNato Science Peace SSilikatySilikaty3Silk: Inheritance and Innovation - Modern Silk RoadAdv Mater Res-switz Silk Polymers Acs Sym SerhSilurian and Lower Devonian Thelodonts and Putative Chondrichthyans From The Canadian Arctic ArchipelagoSpec Pap Palaeontol9Silurian Conodonts From The Yangtze Platform, South ChinaSpec Pap PalaeontolSiluro-devonian Studies 1Mem Assoc AustralasSilvae Genetica Silvae Genet Silva Fennica Silva Fenn;Silver Anniversary Annual International Logistics Symposium Soc Log E SBSilver in Healthcare: Its Antimicrobial Efficacy and Safety in UseIssues Toxicol/Silver Metallization: Stability and ReliabilityEng Mater Process3Silver Nanoparticles Applied On Photonics MaterialsNanotechnol Sci Tech%Silvics and Ecology of Boreal Spruces For Can New+Silviculture in Special Places, ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-pSilviculture in The Tropics Trop Forest-Simbol-x: Focusing On The Hard X-ray Universe Aip Conf Proc3Simian Virus 40 (sv40): Possible Human PolyomavirusDev Biol Stand?Similarities and Differences Between Atomic Nuclei and Clusters Aip Conf ProcLSimilarity-based Clustering: Recent Developments and Biomedical ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc5Simiolus-netherlands Quarterly for The History of ArtSimiolus+Simon Dach (1605-1659): Werk Und NachwirkenFruhe Neuzeit-stud DmSimple Lie Alegebras Over Fields of Positive Characteristic, Ii: Classifying The Absolute Toral Rank Two CaseDegruyter Expos MathOSimple Lie Algebras Over Fields of Positive Characteristic, I, Structure TheoryDegruyter Expos MathSimplicial Complexes of GraphsLect Notes Math5Simplicial Methods for Operads and Algebraic GeometryAdv Courses Math Crm!Simplicial Structures in TopologyCms Books MathSimplicity Behind ComplexityFront Nonlinear Dyn*Simplicity-design Technology Business LifeSimplicity-des Techn Simulated Evolution and LearningLect Notes Artif Int Simulated Evolution and LearningLect Notes Comput Sc-Simulated Evolution and Learning, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScMSimulating An Ageing Population: A Microsimulation Approach Applied to SwedenContrib Econ Anal/Simulating Complex Systems By Cellular AutomataUnderst Complex SystSimulating Fuzzy SystemsStud Fuzz Soft CompMSimulating Interacting Agents and Social Phenomena: The Second World CongressSpringer Ser Agent BSimulating Spacecraft SystemsSpringer Aerosp Tech Simulation SimulationSimulation & GamingSimulat GamingKSimulation and Assessment of Chemical Processes in A Multiphase EnvironmentNato Sci Peace SecurOSimulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations: With R ExamplesSpringer Ser StatSimulation and Its DiscontentsSimplicity-des TechnSimulation and OptimizationLect Notes Econ Math,Simulation and Simulators - Virtual Mobility VDI Bericht?Simulation and Theory of Electrostatic Interactions in Solution Aip Conf Proc5Simulation and Visualization On The Grid, ProceedingsLect Notes Comp SciPSimulation Approaches in Transportation Analysis: Recent Advances and ChallengesOper Res Comput Sci9Simulation-based Algorithms for Markov Decision ProcessesCommun Control Eng%Simulation in Business and Management Simul Series+Simulation in Business and Management, 1991 Simul SeriesSimulation in Healthcare Simul HealthcFSimulation Methods for Reliability and Availability of Complex SystemsSpringer Ser ReliabHSimulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int(Simulation Modelling Practice and TheorySimul Model Pract ThSimulation Monographs Simulat Mg'Simulation of Electrochemical ProcessesWit Trans Eng Sci*Simulation of Electrochemical Processes IiWit Trans Eng SciKSimulation of Industrial Systems: Discrete Event Simulation Using Excel/vbaEng Manag Innov SerSimulation Practice and TheorySimulat Pract Theory-Simulation: Pragmatic Construction of RealitySociol Sci Yearb7Simulation: Presentation Technique and Cognitive MethodContext ArchitSimulation Series Simul SeriesSimulations in Biomedicine VAdv Comp Bioeng)Simulation Techiques for Applied Dynamics Cism Cour L)Simulation Techiques for Applied DynamicsCism Courses LectPSimulation-transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation InternationalSimul-t Soc Mod SimSimulators International Xiv Simul Series Simulators Ix Simul Series Simulators Vi Simul Series Simulators X Simul SeriesFSimvec - Numerical Analysis and Simulation in Vehicle Engineering 2008 VDI BerichtSingapore Economic ReviewSingap Econ RevSingapore Economic ReviewSingapore Econ Rev-Singapore Economy: An Econometric PerspectiveRoutledge Stud GrowtCSingapore in The Global System: Relationship, Structure, and ChangeRoutl Cont Se Asia SESingapore in The Malay World: Building and Breaching Regional BridgesAsias Transform-Singapore Journal of Obstetrics & GynaecologySingapore J Obstet'Singapore Journal of Tropical GeographySingapore J Trop GeoSingapore Medical Journal Singap Med J3Singapore: Wealth, Power and The Culture of ControlAsias TransformNSinger and The Scribe: European Ballad Traditions and European Ballad Cultures Int For Lit@Singing Poets: Literature and Popular Music in France and GreeceStud Comp Lit SerCSinging The New Song: Literacy and Liturgy in Late Medieval EnglandMiddle Ages SerSingle Charge TunnelingNato Adv Sci I B-phy9Single Crystal Growth, Characterization, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Single Crystal Growth, Characterization, and Applications Proc Spie/Single Crystal - Large Grain Niobium Technology Aip Conf Proc8Single-dish Radio Astronomy: Techniques and Applications Astr Soc P0Single-electron Tunneling and Mesoscopic Devices Sprin S Ele1Single Molecule Enzymology: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol-Single-molecule Magnets and Related Phenomena Struct BondSingle Molecules Single Mol(Single Molecule Spectroscopy and ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging Proc Spie+Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging Ii Proc Spie,Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging Iii Proc Spie>Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Physics and BiologySpringer Ser Chem Ph>Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Physics and BiologySpringer Series ChemFSingle Nucleotide Polymorphisms: Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol BiolSingle-photon ImagingSpringer Ser Opt Sci@Single Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications and New Concepts Top Appl Phys!Single Semiconductor Quantum DotsNanosci TechnolCSingle-sensor Imaging: Methods and Applications for Digital CamerasImage Process SerSinglet Oxygen, Uv-a, and OzoneMethod EnzymolSinglet Oxygen, Uv-a, and OzoneMethods EnzymolSing OutSing OutSingt Dem Herrn Nah Und FernHallesche ForschungSingular Audiology TextbookSing Audiol TextbkSingular Coverings of ToposesLect Notes Math.Singular Integral Operators and Related Topics Oper Theor;Singular Integral Operators, Factorization and Applications Oper Theor;Singular Integral Operators, Factorization and ApplicationsOper Theory Adv Appl/Singularities I: Algebraic and Analytic Aspects Contemp Math3Singularities Ii: Geometric and Topological Aspects Contemp Math,Singularities in Fluids, Plasmas, and OpticsNato Adv Sci Inst SeKSingularities in Nonlinear Evolution Phenomena and Applications ProceedingsCrm Ser3Singularities in Pde and The Calculus of VariationsCrm Proc & Lect NoteSingularities, Lille 1991 Lond Math S%Singularities - Niigata - Toyama 2007 Adv Stu P MLSingularities of Integrals: Homology, Hyperfunctions and Microlocal Analysis UniversitextSingularities - Sapporo 1998 Adv Stu P M;Singularity Theory and Its Applications, Warwick 1989, Pt 1Lect Notes Math;Singularity Theory and Its Applications, Warwick 1989, Pt 2Lect Notes Math3Singular Limits in Thermodynamics of Viscous FluidsAdv Math Fluid Mech#Singular Limits of Dispersive WavesNato Adv Sci Inst Se2Singular Perturbation Problems in Chemical Physics Adv Chem Phys<Singular Problems in Shell Theory: Computing and AsymptoticsLect Notes Appl Comp/Singular Reference: A Descriptivist PerspectivePhilos Stud Ser*Singular Stochastic Differential EquationsLect Notes MathgSinhalese Buddhist Nationalist Ideology: Implications for Politics and Conflict Resolution in Sri LankaPol StudSinica LeidensiaSinica Leidensia@Sinkholes and The Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst Geotech Sp|Sinnformeln-linguistische Und Soziologische Analysen Von Leitbildern, Metaphern Und Anderen Kollektiven OrientierungsmusternLinguist-impulse Ten Sin Nombre Sin Nombre Sinn Und Form Sinn Form0Sinn Und Form: The Anatomy of A Literary JournalInterd Germ CultSino-christian StudiesSino-christ Stud@Sino-tibetan Dialogue in The Post-mao Era: Lessons and ProspectsPol StudNSins - Small Ionized and Neutral Structures in The Diffuse Interstellar Medium Astr Soc P Sintering 91 Sol St PhenSintering FundamentalsMater Sci ForumSintering of Advanced Ceramics Ceram Trans;Sintering of Advanced Materials: Fundamentals and ProcessesWoodhead Publ Mater0Sintering of Systems With Interacting ComponentsMater Sci Found-Sioel '99: Sixth Symposium On OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Sioel '99: Sixth Symposium On Optoelectronics Proc Spie$Siop Organizational Frontiers SeriesSiop Organ Front Ser+Sipri Chemical & Biological Warfare Studies Sipri Chem5Sips: 2009 Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing SystemsIeee Wrk Sig Pro SysASip: Understanding The Session Initiation Protocol, Third EditionArtech Hse Telecom SSirach, Scrolls, and SagesStud Text Des Judah=Siren Songs: Representations of Gender and Sexuality in OperaPrin Stud OperaSirius MattersAstrophys Space Sc L`Sispad 2010 - 15th International Conference On Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and DevicesInt Conf Sim Semi PrcSisters and Brothers of The Common Life: The Devotio Moderna and The World of The Later Middle AgesMiddle Ages SerRSisters in The Botherhoods: Working Women Organizing for Equality in New York CityPalgr Stud Oral Hist?Sites of Discourse - Public and Private Spheres - Legal Culture Int For Lit?Sites of Discourse - Public and Private Spheres - Legal CultureInt Forsch Allg VglSites of The UncannyInterd Germ Cult=Sites-the Journal of 20th-century Contemporary French StudiesSitesVSittengesetz Und Freiheit: Untersuchungen Zu Immanuel Kants Theorie Des Freien WillensQuellen Stud PhilosSituated CommunicationTrends Linguist-studSituating GlobalityAfr Dyn<Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and ExperiencesInt Fed Info ProcSituations and IndividualsCurr Stud Linguist+Situation-specific Management in Irrigation Dvwk Bull,Situation Theory and Its Applications, Vol 1 Csli Lect NGSitzungsberichte Der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie Der WissenschaftenSitzber K Preuss Aka^Sitzungsberichte Der Preussichen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Physikalisch-mathematische KlasseSitzber Preuss AkadSix-day War and World JewryStud Text Jew Hist9Six International Conference of The Balkan Physical Union Aip Conf Proc#Six Lectures On Commutative Algebra Prog Math;Six-port Technique With Microwave and Wireless ApplicationsArtech Hse Microw LiYSixteenth Biennial University/government/industry Microelectronics Symposium, ProceedingsP Univ Govt Ind Micr"Sixteenth Century Essays & StudiesSixt Century EssaysSixteenth Century JournalSixteenth Cent JISixteenth International Conference On Numerical Methods in Fluid DynamicsLect Notes Phys.Sixteenth Symposium On Nucleic Acids Chemistry Nucl Acid S@Sixteenth Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist Syst=Sixth Annual Ieee Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems Comp Med SySixth Cooleys Anemia SymposiumAnn Ny Acad Sci5Sixth Copper Mountain Conference On Multigrid Methods Nasa Conf P"Sixth Cryogenics 2000, Proceedings Refr Sci TMSixth European Symposium On Space Environmental Control Systems, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp Publ0Sixth Great Lakes Symposium On Vlsi, ProceedingsPr Gr Lak Symp Vlsi^Sixth Hutton Symposium On The Origin of Granites and Related Rocks: Proceedings of A SymposiumGeol Soc Am Spec Pap*Sixth Iee Conference On Telecommunications Iee Conf Publ[Sixth Ieee International Conference On Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ProceedingsIeee Int C Eng CompeSixth Ieee International Symposium On A World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks, ProceedingsI S World Wirel MobiQSixth International Conference On Advanced Optical Materials and Devices (aomd-6)P Soc Photo-opt InsQSixth International Conference On Antennas and Propagation ( Icap 89 ), Parts 1-2 Iee Conf Publ4Sixth International Conference On Correlation OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Sixth International Conference On Correlation Optics Proc Spie3Sixth International Conference On Creep and FatigueImeche Conf TransUSixth International Conference On Dielectric Materials, Measurements and Applications Iee Conf PublQSixth International Conference On Digital Processing of Signals in Communications Iee Conf PublPSixth International Conference On Education and Training in Optics and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Sixth International Conference On Electrical Machines and Drives Iee Conf PublASixth International Conference On Hf Radio Systems and Techniques Iee Conf PublNSixth International Conference On Image Processing and Its Applications, Vol 1 Iee Conf PublVSixth International Conference On Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, Parts 1-4J Phys Conf SergSixth International Conference On Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsgSixth International Conference On Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics Proc SpieBSixth International Conference On Perspectives in Hadronic Physics Aip Conf ProcFSixth International Conference On Quality Control By Artificial VisionP Soc Photo-opt InsFSixth International Conference On Quality Control By Artificial Vision Proc SpieESixth International Conference On Road Traffic Monitoring and Control Iee Conf Publ6Sixth International Conference On Solid State LightingP Soc Photo-opt InsUSixth International Conference On The Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, ProceedingsInt Conf Quant EvalQSixth International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtJSixth International Conference On Turbocharging and Air Management SystemsImeche Conf TransgSixth International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsgSixth International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications Proc SpieBSixth International Conference On Vibrations in Rotating MachineryImeche Conf TransQSixth International Conf On Metering Apparatus and Tariffs for Electricity Supply Iee Conf PublDSixth International Conf On Mobile Radio and Personal Communications Iee Conf PublySixth International Ishs Symposium On The Processing Tomato - Workshop On Irrigation and Fertigation of Processing Tomato Acta Hortic=Sixth International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsPSixth International Symposium On Digital Earth: Data Processing and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsPSixth International Symposium On Digital Earth: Data Processing and Applications Proc SpieWSixth International Symposium On Digital Earth: Models, Algorithms, and Virtual RealityP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Sixth International Symposium On Display HolographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Sixth International Symposium On Neural Networks (isnn 2009)Adv Intel Soft Compu<Sixth International Symposium On Neural Networks (isnn 2009)Adv Intell Soft Comp<Sixth International Symposium On Optical Storage (isos 2002)P Soc Photo-opt Ins-Sixth International Symposium On Pear Growing Acta HorticLSixth International Symposium On Postharvest Physiology of Ornamental Plants Acta Hortic2Sixth International Symposium On Vaccinium Culture Acta Hortic-Sixth International Williston Basin Symposium Sask Geo SpSSixth International Workshop On Neutrino-nucleus Interactions in The Few-gev Region Aip Conf ProcjSixth International Workshop On Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Sixth Iutam Symposium On Laminar-turbulent Transition Fluid Mec A5Sixth Iutam Symposium On Laminar-turbulent TransitionFluid Mech Appl Sixth Mill Operators' ConferenceAustralas I Min Met6Sixth National Conference On Engineering Heritage 1992 Inst Eng A3Sixth Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor WorkshopP Soc Photo-opt InsZSixth Quantum 1/f Noise and Other Low Frequency Fluctuations in Electron Devices Symposium Aip Conf Proc8Sixth Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence Fr Art IntLSixth Seminar On Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion OpticsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Workshops On Virtual IntelligenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Sixth Symposium: Optics in IndustryP Soc Photo-opt InsQSixth Texas-mexico Conference On Astrophysics: Astrophysical Plasmas Near and FarRev Mex Ast Astr-Sixth Uk National Conference On Heat TransferImeche Conf TransSixty-two Years of UncertaintyNato Adv Sci I B-phy<Size- and Age-related Changes in Tree Structure and FunctionTree Physiol Ser>Size Effects in Metals, Semiconductors and Inorganic Compounds Key Eng MaterRSizing in Clothing: Developing Effective Sizing Systems for Ready-to-wear ClothingWoodhead Publ Ser Te&Skandinavisches Archiv Fur PhysiologieSkand Arch PhysiolSkandinavisk AktuarietidskriftSkand AktuarietidskrSkandinavistikSkandinavistikSkeletal Biology and MedicineAnn Ny Acad Sci#Skeletal Biology and Medicine, Pt AAnn Ny Acad Sci#Skeletal Biology and Medicine, Pt BAnn Ny Acad SciASkeletal Development and Remodeling in Health, Disease, and AgingAnn Ny Acad Sci3Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Exercise and DiabetesAdv Exp Med BiolSkeletal RadiologySkeletal RadiolSkeletal SystemCold Spring Harb MonSkeptical Tradition Around 1800Arch Int Hist IdeesSkeptical Tradition Around 1800 Int Arch HSSkepticism, Modernity and Critical Theory: Critical Theory in Philosophical Context Renew PhilosSkiing Trauma and SafetyAm Soc Test MaterSkiing Trauma and Safety Ski Trau Saf"Skiing Trauma and Safety, 13th VolAm Soc Test Mater9Skiing Trauma and Safety : Eighth International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater)Skiing Trauma and Safety: Eleventh VolumeAm Soc Test Mater*Skiing Trauma and Safety: Fifteenth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater+Skiing Trauma and Safety: Fourteenth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater8Skiing Trauma and Safety : Ninth International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater*Skiing Trauma and Safety: Sixteenth Volume Ski Trau Saf&Skiing Trauma and Safety: Tenth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater(Skiing Trauma and Safety: Twelfth VolumeAm Soc Test Mater Skill and Strategy in Memory UsePsychol Learn MotiveSkills for Success in Small & Medium Enterprises - Proceedings of The Icsb 40th World Conference 1995 Conf S Inst1Skin Anatomy and Physiology Research DevelopmentsHum Anat PhysiolSkin BioengineeringCurr Probl Dermatol2Skin Carcinogenesis in Man and Experimental ModelsRecent Res Cancer"Skin: Interface of A Living System Int Congr SerSkin PharmacologySkin PharmacolSkin Pharmacology & PhysiologySkin Pharmacol Physi-Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin PhysiologySkin Pharmacol Appl Skin Pharmacology and PhysiologySkin Pharmacol Phys Skin Pharmacology and PhysiologySkin Pharmacol Physi Skin Pharmacology and ToxicologyNato Adv Sci I A-lifSkin Research and TechnologySkin Res Technol.Skrifter Utgivna Av Svenska Institutet I Athen Skr Ut S In(Skull Base-an Interdisciplinary ApproachSkull Base-interd ApSkull Base SurgerySkull Base SurgSky and Telescope Sky TelescopeqSky Polarisation At Far-infrared to Radio Wavelengths: The Galactic Screen Before The Cosmic Microwave BackgroundEas Publications(Sky Surveys: Protostars to Protogalaxies Astr Soc PSlavery & AbolitionSlavery Abolit Slavic and East European JournalSlavic E Eur J Slavic Review Slavic Rev;Slavische Erzahltheorie: Russische Und Tschechische Ansatze NarratologiaSlavischen Sprachen, Band 1Handb Sprach KommunSlavisticna RevijaSlavisticna Rev!Slavonic and East European ReviewSlavon E Eur RevSleepSleepSleep and Biological RhythmsSleep Biol RhythmsSleep and Breathing Sleep Breath#Sleep and Cardiorespiratory Control Colloq InseSleep and RespirationProg Clin Biol Res Sleep ApnoeaEur Respir Monogr0Sleep Deprivation: Causes, Effects and TreatmentNeurosci Res Prog SeSleep Medicine Sleep MedSleep Medicine Reviews Sleep Med Rev1Sleep-physiology Functions Dreaming and DisordersSleep-physiol FunctISliding Filament Mechanism in Muscle Contraction: Fifty Years of ResearchAdv Exp Med BiolBSliding Mode Control in Electro-mechanical Systems, Second EditionAutom Control Eng SeSloan Management ReviewSloan Manage Rev Slovak Review Slovak Rev*Slovak Review of World Literature Research Slovak RevSlovenian Veterinary Research Slov Vet ResSlovo Slovo-londonSlovo A SlovesnostSlovo Slovesnost8Slow Deformation and Transmission of Stress in The EarthGeoph Monog Series Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems Aip Conf Proc!Slow Dynamics in Condensed Matter Aip Conf ProcASlow Heavy-particle Induced Electron Emission From Solid SurfacesSpringer Tr Mod PhysASlow Heavy-particle Induced Electron Emission From Solid SurfacesSpringer Trac Mod Ph-Slow Infections of The Central Nervous SystemAnn Ny Acad SciSlow Learning ChildSlow Learn Child$Slow Light: Science and ApplicationsOpt Sci Eng-crcSSlow Positron Beam Techniques for Solids and Surfaces: Fifth International Workshop Aip Conf Proc)Slow Potential Changes in The Human BrainNato Adv Sci Inst SeHSlow Sand Filtration : Recent Developments in Water Treatment Technology E H S WaterwSlow Strain Rate Testing for The Evaluation of Environmentally Induced Cracking : Research and Engineering ApplicationsAm Soc Test MaterSludge Management Series Sludg Man S/Sludge: Types, Treatment Processes and DisposalAir Water Soil Sci T#Slug and Snail Pests in Agriculture Bcpc Symp SerESlugs & Snails: Agricultural, Veterinary & Environmental Perspectives Bcpc Symp Ser:Slurry Handling and Pipeline Transport - Hydrotransport 14Bhr Gr Conf Ser Publ8Slurry Walls : Design, Construction, and Quality ControlAm Soc Test Mater#Smack: Heroin and The American CityPolit Cult Mod AmSmallSmallNSmall Animal Whole-body Optical Imaging Based On Genetically Engineered ProbesP Soc Photo-opt InsNSmall Animal Whole-body Optical Imaging Based On Genetically Engineered Probes Proc SpieUSmall Arms and Light Weapons: Legal Aspects of National and International RegulationsArms Control Disarma9Small Arms and Security: New Emerging International NormsContemp Secur Stud!Small Bodies in Planetary SystemsLect Notes Phys.Small Bodies in The Solar System; Space DebrisAdv Space Res-seriesSmall Business Computer NewsSmall Bus Comput NewSmall Business ComputersSmall Bus ComputSmall Business EconomicsSmall Bus Econ6Small Cell Carcinomas: Causes, Diagnosis and TreatmentCancer Etiol Diagn T4Small Cities: Urban Experience Beyond The MetropolisQuestion Cities!Small City and Regional Community Sm City Reg&Smaller Solar System Bodies and OrbitsAdv Space Res-series2Smallest Anthropoids: Marmoset/callimico RadiationDev Primatol-prog Pr*Small Firms and Innovation Policy in JapanRoutl Contemp Jpn SeSmall Firms, Large ConcernsFuj Busin Hist SerSmall Galaxy Groups Astr Soc PSmall Group BehaviorSmall Group BehavSmall Group Research Small Gr Res(Small Gtpases and Their Regulators, Pt AMethod Enzymol(Small Gtpases and Their Regulators, Pt BMethod Enzymol(Small Gtpases and Their Regulators, Pt CMethod Enzymol Small Gtpases in Disease, Part AMethod EnzymolSmall Gtpases in Disease, Pt BMethod Enzymol\Smallholder Tree Growing for Rural Development and Environmental Services: Lessons From Asia Adv AgroforSmall Interfering RnaNucleic Acids-chem SSmall Islands, Large QuestionsStud Slav Post Slav]Small Manufacturer's Toolkit: A Guide to Selecting The Techniques and Systems to Help You WinResource Manag-crc)Small Missions for Energetic Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc9Small-molecule Inhibitors of Protein-protein InteractionsCurr Top Microbiol1Small Molecule Microarrays: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol#Small Molecule-protein InteractionsE Schering Res Fdn WSmall Molecules in OncologyRecent Results CancSmall Payloads in SpaceP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Small Ring Compounds in Organic Synthesis V Top Curr Chem,Small Ring Compounds in Organic Synthesis Vi Top Curr ChemSmall Ruminant ResearchSmall Ruminant ReseSmall Satellites for Astrophysical Research, The Copernican Principle and Homogeneity of The Universe Adv Space Res0Small Satellite Technologies and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Small-satellite Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Small-satellite Technology and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSmall-scale ForestrySmall-scale For?Small Schools: Public School Reform Meets The Ownership SocietyPositions-educ PolitFSmall Spacecraft, Space Environments, and Instrumentation TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsSmall Specimen Test TechniquesAm Soc Test MaterlSmall Specimen Test Techniques Applied to Nuclear Receptor Vessel Thermal Annealing and Plant Life ExtensionAm Soc Test Mater-Small Specimen Test Techniques: Fourth VolumeAm Soc Test MaterISmall States and Eu Governance: Leadership Through The Council PresidencySt Antonys Ser(Small Stress Proteins and Human DiseasesProtein Sci Eng*Small-telescope Astronomy On Global Scales Astr Soc PSmall Town Africa Sem P Scand6Small Wind Turbines: Analysis, Design, and ApplicationGreen Energy TechnolSmarandache NotionsSmarandache NotionsSmarandache Notions, Vol 12Smarandache NotionsSmart Ad and Da ConversionAnalog Circ Sig Proc/Smart and Flexible Digital-to-analog ConvertersAnalog Circ Sig Proc:Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technologies ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technologies Vii Proc Spie6Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology VP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology V Proc Spie9Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology Viii Proc SpieSmart Biosensor TechnologyOpt Sci Eng-crc9Smart Card Research and Advanced Application, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Smart Card Research and Advanced ApplicationsInt Fed Info Proc:Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications ViInt Fed Info Proc1Smart Card Research and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Smart Clothes and Wearable TechnologyWoodhead Publ Text)Smart Cmos Image Sensors and ApplicationsOpt Sci Eng-crcSmart Coatings Acs Sym SerSmart Coatings Ii Acs Sym SerSmart Colloidal MaterialsProg Coll Pol Sci S+Smart Devices: Modeling of Material Systems Aip Conf ProcSmart ElectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Electronics and MemsP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Electronics and Mems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Electronics and Mems Ii Proc Spie@Smart Electronics and Mems - Smart Structures and Materials 1997P Soc Photo-opt InsSmarter GrowthContrib Econ Econ Hi6Smart Focal Plane Arrays and Focal Plane Array TestingP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Graphics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSmart Homes and BeyondAssist Techn Res SerSmart Homes and BeyondAssist Technol Res S!Smart Homes and Health TelematicsLect Notes Comput Sc#Smart Imagers and Their ApplicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Smart Imagers and Their Application Proc Spie*Smart Information and Knowledge ManagementStud Comput Intell)Smart Innovation Systems and TechnologiesSmart Innov Sys)Smart Innovation Systems and TechnologiesSmart Innov Syst Tec8Smart Internet: Current Research and Future ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScSmart Materials Adv Mat ResSmart MaterialsAdv Mater Res-switzSmart MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Materials Proc Spie#Smart Materials & Micro/nanosystems Adv Sci TechSmart Materials & StructuresSmart Mater Struct4Smart Materials and Intelligent Systems, Pts 1 and 2Adv Mater Res-switzSmart Materials and StructuresVtt Symp%Smart Materials and Structures Series Smar Mat StNSmart Materials Fabrication and Materials for Micro-electro-mechanical SystemsMater Res Soc Symp P7Smart Materials for Energy, Communications and SecurityNato Sci Peace Sec B7Smart Materials for Energy, Communications and SecurityNato Science Peace S#Smart Materials for Ranging SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii Math#Smart Materials for Ranging SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math0Smart Materials for Smart Devices and Structures Sol St PhenSmart Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Materials Iii Proc SpieSmart Materials IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Smart Materials, Structures, and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Smart Materials, Structures, and Integrated Systems Proc Spie4Smart Materials, Structures, and System, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins4Smart Materials, Structures, and System, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieSmart Materials TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsRSmart Materials Technologies and Biomimetics - Smart Structures and Materials 1996P Soc Photo-opt InsRSmart Materials Technologies and Biomimetics - Smart Structures and Materials 1996 Proc Spie.Smart Medical and Biomedical Sensor TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Smart Medical and Biomedical Sensor Technology Proc Spie1Smart Medical and Biomedical Sensor Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Smart Medical and Biomedical Sensor Technology Ii Proc Spie1Smart Medical and Biomedical Sensor Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Smart Medical and Biomedical Sensor Technology Iv Proc SpieSmart NanotextilesMater Res Soc Symp PSmart NetworksInt Fed Info Proc]Smart Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsZSmart Nondestructive Evaluation for Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsZSmart Nondestructive Evaluation for Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems Proc Spie.Smart Optical Inorganic Structures and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins Smart Optics Adv Sci TechSmart Sensing and ContextLect Notes Comput Sc&Smart Sensing and Context, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Smart Sensing, Processing, and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt InsTSmart Sensing, Processing, and Instrumentation - Smart Structures and Materials 1995P Soc Photo-opt InsTSmart Sensing, Processing, and Instrumentation - Smart Structures and Materials 1997P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems 2008P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems 2008 Proc Spie>Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins>Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems 2011 Proc Spie%Smart Sensors, Actuators, and Mems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Smart Sensors, Actuators, and Mems Ii Proc Spie&Smart Sensors, Actuators, and Mems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Smart Sensors, Actuators, and Mems Iii Proc Spie/Smart Sensors, Actuators, and Mems, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins/Smart Sensors, Actuators, and Mems, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie$Smart Sensors, Actuators, and Mems V Proc SpieSmart Sensors and MemsNato Sci Ser Ii MathSmart Sensors and MemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math:Smart Spaces and Next Generation Wired/wireless NetworkingLect Notes Comput ScGSmart Spaces and Next Generation Wired/wireless Networking, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSmart Structures and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Structures and Devices Proc Spie'Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Integrated Systems - Smart Structures and Materials 1997P Soc Photo-opt Ins(Smart Structures and Intelligent SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Smart Structures and Intelligent Systems, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InskSmart Structures and Material 2000: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InskSmart Structures and Material 2000: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies Proc SpieKSmart Structures and Material 2000: Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsKSmart Structures and Material 2000: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems Proc SpiemSmart Structures and Materials 1995 - Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 1995 - Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 1995: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and HighwaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Smart Structures and Materials 1996: Smart Electronics and MemsP Soc Photo-opt InsSSmart Structures and Materials 1996: Smart Sensing, Processing, and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt InsPSmart Structures and Materials 1998: Mathematics and Control in Smart StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsySmart Structures and Materials 1998: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Smart Structures and Materials 1998: Smart Electronics and MemsP Soc Photo-opt InsASmart Structures and Materials 1998: Smart Materials TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsYSmart Structures and Materials 1998: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsPSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsPSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices Proc SpielSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InslSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies Proc SpiePSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Mathematics and Control in Smart StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsPSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Mathematics and Control in Smart Structures Proc SpieBSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Passive Damping and IsolationP Soc Photo-opt InsBSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Passive Damping and Isolation Proc SpieySmart Structures and Materials 1999: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsySmart Structures and Materials 1999: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and Materials Proc Spie?Smart Structures and Materials 1999: Smart Electronics and MemsP Soc Photo-opt InsASmart Structures and Materials 1999: Smart Materials TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsYSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsYSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieWSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures and HighwaysP Soc Photo-opt InsWSmart Structures and Materials 1999: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures and Highways Proc SpieNSmart Structures and Materials 2000 - Active Materials: Behavior and MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Smart Structures and Materials 2000: Damping and IsolationP Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2000: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad)P Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2000: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) Proc SpiePSmart Structures and Materials 2000: Mathematics and Control in Smart StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsPSmart Structures and Materials 2000: Mathematics and Control in Smart Structures Proc SpieySmart Structures and Materials 2000: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsySmart Structures and Materials 2000: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and Materials Proc Spie?Smart Structures and Materials 2000: Smart Electronics and MemsP Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2000: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and HighwaysP Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2000: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Active Materials: Behavior and MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics Proc Spie:Smart Structures and Materials 2001: Damping and IsolationP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Smart Structures and Materials 2001: Damping and Isolation Proc SpiePSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsPSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices Proc SpielSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsaSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control in Smart StructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsaSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control in Smart Structures Proc SpieySmart Structures and Materials 2001: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsySmart Structures and Materials 2001: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and Materials Proc Spie?Smart Structures and Materials 2001: Smart Electronics and MemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Smart Structures and Materials 2001: Smart Electronics and Mems Proc SpieLSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsLSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems Proc SpieXSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and HighwaysP Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2001: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Active Materials: Behavior and MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics Proc Spie:Smart Structures and Materials 2002: Damping and IsolationP Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad)P Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) Proc SpielSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InslSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Modeling, Signal Processing, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control Proc SpiePSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Smart Electronics, Mems, and NanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsPSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Smart Electronics, Mems, and Nanotechnology Proc SpieLSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsLSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems Proc SpieXSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and HighwaysP Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2002: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Active Materials: Behavior and MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Damping and IsolationP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Damping and Isolation Proc SpieXSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad)P Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) Proc SpielSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InslSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Modeling, Signal Processing, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control Proc SpieYSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Electronics, Mems, Biomems, and NanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsTSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Sensor Technology and Measurement SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsTSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Sensor Technology and Measurement Systems Proc SpieLSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsLSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems Proc SpiejSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Systems and Nondestructive Evaluation for Civil InfrastructuresP Soc Photo-opt InsjSmart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Systems and Nondestructive Evaluation for Civil Infrastructures Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Active Materials: Behavior and MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics Proc Spie:Smart Structures and Materials 2004: Damping and IsolationP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Smart Structures and Materials 2004: Damping and Isolation Proc SpieXSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad)P Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) Proc SpielSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InslSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Modeling, Signal Processing, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control Proc Spie{Smart Structures and Materials 2004: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins{Smart Structures and Materials 2004: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems Proc SpieXSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Smart Electronics, Mems, Biomems and NanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Smart Electronics, Mems, Biomems and Nanotechnology Proc SpieTSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Smart Sensor Technology and Measurement SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsLSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsLSmart Structures and Materials 2004: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics Proc Spie:Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Damping and IsolationP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Damping and Isolation Proc SpieXSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices( Eapad)P Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices( Eapad) Proc SpielSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InslSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Modeling, Signal Processing, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control Proc SpieSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieYSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Smart Electronics, Mems, Biomems, and NanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsYSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Smart Electronics, Mems, Biomems, and Nanotechnology Proc SpieTSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Smart Sensor Technology and Measurement SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsTSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Smart Sensor Technology and Measurement Systems Proc SpieLSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsLSmart Structures and Materials 2005: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems Proc SpieMSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Active Materials: Behavior and MechanicsP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics Proc Spie:Smart Structures and Materials 2006: Damping and IsolationP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Smart Structures and Materials 2006: Damping and Isolation Proc SpieXSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad)P Soc Photo-opt InsXSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (eapad) Proc SpielSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Modeling, Signal Processing, and ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsMSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control Proc SpieSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical , and Aerospace Systems, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical , and Aerospace Systems, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieYSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Electronics, Mems, Biomems, and NanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsUSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Sensor Monitoring Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsUSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Sensor Monitoring Systems and Applications Proc SpieLSmart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Structures and Integrated SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsSmart Structures and SystemsSmart Struct Syst&Smart Structures, Devices, and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems Proc Spie*Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems Iii Proc Spie5Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems Ii, Pt 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems Ii, Pt 1 and 2 Proc Spie=Smart Structures: Optical Instrumentation and Sensing SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and HighwaysP Soc Photo-opt InsYSmart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways - Smart Structures and Materials 1997P Soc Photo-opt InsSmart System Technologies Smrt Sys Tech$Smart Textile Coatings and LaminatesWoodhead Publ TextSmart Textiles Adv Sci TechOSmart Textiles for Medicine and Healthcare: Materials, Systems and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Ser TejSmc 2000 Conference Proceedings: 2000 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Vol 1-5Ieee Sys Man CybernnSmc '97 Conference Proceedings - 1997 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vols 1-5Ieee Sys Man Cybern$Smith College Studies in Social WorkSmith Coll Stud Soc Smithsonian Smithsonian0Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology-series Sm C Paleob*Smithsonian Series in Ethnographic InquirySmithson Ser EthnoggSmo 08: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Simulation, Modelling and OptimizationMa Comput Sci EnggSmo 08: Proceedings of The 8th Wseas International Conference On Simulation, Modelling and OptimizationMath Comput Sci Eng$Smoking As A Risk Factor for SuicidePsychol Emot Motiv ASmoking CessationEur Respir Monogr0Smoking Relapse: Causes, Prevention and RecoveryPublic Health 21st C'Smooth Ergodic Theory for EndomorphismsLect Notes Math Smpte JournalSmpte JSmpte Motion Imaging JournalSmpte Motion Imag JhSnapi 2007: Fourth International Workshop On Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/os, ProceedingsI W Stor Netw ArchlSnapi 2008: Fifth Ieee International Workshop On Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/os, ProceedingsI W Stor Netw Arch(Snoring: Causes, Diagnosis and TreatmentOtolaryngol Res AdvSnow and Glacier Hydrology Iahs-aish PDSnow and Ice Covers: Interactions With The Atmosphere and Ecosystems Iahs-aish P'Snowbird Lectures in Algebraic Geometry Contemp Math$Snowbird Lectures On String Geometry Contemp Math0Snow, Hydrology and Forests in High Alpine Areas Iahs-aish PSoap & Cosmetics Soap CosmetSoap and Chemical SpecialitiesSoap Chem Special#Soap Cosmetics Chemical SpecialtiesSoap Cosmet Chem Spe)Soas-routledge Studies On The Middle EastSoas-rout Stud Mid E<Sobolev Gradients and Differential Equations, Second EditionLect Notes MathSobolev Spaces in Mathematics I Int Mat Ser Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics Ii Int Mat Ser!Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics Iii Int Mat SerYSobolev Spaces: With Applications to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, 2nd EditionGrundlehr Math Wiss/Sobornost Incorporating Eastern Churches ReviewSobornost E Church RSobre Lope De VegaCriticonKSocial Accounting and Public Management: Accountability for The Common GoodRoutl Crit Stud PublSocial AlternativesSoc AlternativesSocial & Cultural GeographySoc Cult GeogrSocial & Legal StudiesSoc Legal Stud1Social Analysis : A Series in The Social Sciences Soc Anal Se1Social and Cultural Diversity in A Sporting WorldRes Sociol Sport"Social and Economic AdministrationSoc Econ Admin]Social and Economic Conditions of The Kosova Serbs in The 19th Century and Early 20th CenturySrpska Akad NaukNSocial and Economic Control of Alcohol: The 21st Amendment in The 21st CenturyPublic Adm Public PobSocial and Economic Roots of The Scientific Revolution: Texts By Boris Hessen and Henryk GrossmannBost Stud Philos SciSocial and Economic Studies Soc Econ Stud1Social and Gender Boundaries in The United States Mellen St S@Social and Policy Issues in Education: The David C Anchin SeriesSoc Pol Iss Edu=Social and Political Thought of George Orwell: A ReassessmentRoutl Stud Soc PolitSocial Anthropology in OceaniaSoc Anthropol OceanSocial Aspects of Aids Soc As Aids2Social Banks and The Future of Sustainable FinanceRoutl Int Stud MoneySocial Behavior and PersonalitySoc Behav PersonalSocial Behaviour Soc Behav-Social Behaviour and Natural Resources Series Soc Beh NatSocial BiologySoc BiolOSocial Capital and Associations in European Democracies: A Comparative AnalysisRoutl Res Comp PolitaSocial Capital and Peace-building: Creating and Resolving Conflict With Trust and Social NetworksRoutl Stud Peace Con<Social Capital in The Knowledge Economy: Theory and Empirics Adv Spat SciSocial Capital, Second Edition Key Ideas>Social Capital, Trust and The Industrial Revolution, 1780-1880Routl Explor Econ HiSocial CaseworkSoc Casework-jcsw3Social Casework-journal of Contemporary Social WorkSoc Casework-jcswSocial Change and Modernization De Gruy St)Social Change in The Age of GlobalizationAnn Int Inst Sociol&Social Changes and Position of Gypsies Serb Ac SciJSocial Choice and Strategic Decisions: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey S. BanksStud Choice WelfSocial Choice and WelfareSoc Choice Welfare Social Choice Re-examined, Vol 2 Iea Conf Vol"Social Class in Contemporary JapanNissan I Routl Jpn SSocial Class in EuropeRoutl Eur Sociol AssSocial Cognition Soc Cognition0Social Cognition: The Basis of Human InteractionFront Soc Psychol+Social Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceSoc Cogn Affect Neur.Social Cognitive Neuroscience of OrganizationsAnn Ny Acad SciSocial CommunicationFront Soc PsycholSocial Compass Soc Compass.Social Competence in Developmental PerspectiveNato Adv Sci I D-beh*Social Consequences of Genetic Engineering Int Congr SerSocial Construction of DiseaseRoutl St Hist Sci TeASocial Contexts of Early Education, and Reconceptualizing Play IiAdv Early Educ Day C=Social Cost of Electricity: Scenarios and Policy ImplicationsFeem Ser Econ Envir3Social Costs and Public Action in Modern CapitalismRoutl Fr Polit Econ%Social Costs and Sustainable Mobility Zew Econ Stud%Social Costs and Sustainable MobilityZew Econ StudiesMSocial Decision Making: Social Dilemmas, Social Values, and Ethical JudgmentsSer Organ Manage1Social Democracy in Power: The Capacity to ReformRoutl Res Comp PolitSocial DevelopmentSoc DevSocial DevelopmentSoc Iss Justice StatDSocial Dimensions of Information and Communication Technology PolicyInt Fed Info Proc,Social Disparities in Health and Health CareSoc Dispar H H Care7Social Drinking: Uses, Abuses and Psychological FactorsSubst Abus Assess InSSocial Dynamics-a Journal of The Centre for African Studies University of Cape Town Soc Dynamics8Social Economic and Political Studies of The Middle East Soc Econ P9Social Economy: Working Alternatives in A Globalizing Era Rethink GlobSocial EducationSoc EducCSocial Education in Asia: Critical Issues and Multiple Perspectives Res Soc EduciSocial Embeddedness of Media Use:action Theoretical Contributions to The Study of Tv Use in Everyday LifeCommun Monogr-gerSocial EnterpriseRoutl Stud Man Volun#Social Environmental SustainabilitySoc Environ Sustain=Social Epileptology: Understanding Social Aspects of EpilepsySoc Iss Justice Stat-Social Epistemology of Experimental EconomicsRoutl Adv Exp ComputPSocial Ethics and Normative Economics: Essays in Honour of Serge-christophe KolmStud Choice Welf Social Forces Soc Forces,Social Histories of Disability and DeformityRoutl Stud Soc HistSocial HistorySoc Hist%Social History & African EnvironmentsOhio Univ Press Ecol7Social History of Health and Medicine in Colonial IndiaRout Stud S Asia HisSocial History of Medicine Soc Hist MedSocial Identification in GroupsAdv Group ProcessSocial Identity, Third Edition Key IdeasRSocial Inclusion: Societal and Organizational Implications for Information SystemsInt Fed Info ProcSocial Indicators Research Soc Indic Res!Social Indicators Research SeriesSoc Indic Res Ser!Social Indicators Research SeriesSocial Indic ResSocial Influence Soc InfluenceSocial InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc3Social Informatics: An Information Society for All?Int Fed Info ProcSocial InstitutionsSoc Econ[Social Institutions and Social Change : An Aldine De Gruyter Series of Texts and Monographs So Inst S Socialism Asa MonogrSocialism and The Law Arsp Beiheft Socialisme Socialisme4Socialism, Economic Calculation and EntrepreneurshipNew Think Polit Econ Social Issues Justice and StatusSoc Iss Justice StatWSocialist Alternative to Bolshevik Russia: The Socialist Revolutionary Party, 1921-1939Basees-rout Ser RussgSocialist China, Capitalist China: Social Tension and Political Adaptation Under Economic GlobalizationChina Policy SerSocialist Review Socialist RevQSocialist Revolutions in Asia: The Social History of Mongolia in The 20th CenturyCent Asian Stud Ser[Socialization of School Children and Their Education Fro Democratic Values and Human Rights Eur Educ RSocial Justice Soc Justice:Social Justice-a Journal of Crime Conflict and World OrderSocial Justice,Social Justice and Communication ScholarshipLea Commun Ser#Social Justice in The Ancient WorldContrib Polit Sci'Social Justice: Its Theory and PracticeP Am Cath Philos AssSocial Justice ResearchSoc Justice ResSocial Legacy of CommunismW Wilson Cent SerSocial Life of TreesMaterializ CultSocial Market EconomySt Econ Ethic PhilosSocial Marketing Advert Cons0Social Meanings of Sacrifice in The Hebrew BibleBeih Z Alttest Wiss;Social Media On The Road: The Future of Car Based ComputingComput Supp Coop WorSocial MotivationFront Soc PsycholSocial Movements in Development Int Pol EcCSocial Movements in Politics: A Comparative Study, Expanded EditionPerspect Comp PolitSocial Movement SocietyPeople Pas Pow(Social Movements Protest and ContentionsSoc Mov Protest ContSocial Networks Soc Networks/Social Networks and Historical SociolinguisticsTop Engl LinguistSocial Neuroscience Soc NeurosciSocial NeuroscienceSoc Neurosci-uk"Social Order in Multiagent SystemsMu S Art Soc Sim Org#Social Pacts, Employment and GrowthAiel Ser Labour EconSocial Perspectives of AgingSoc Perspect AgingSocial Philosophy & PolicySoc Philos PolicySocial Philosophy TodaySoc Philos TodayDSocial Philosophy Today: Communication, Conflict, and ReconciliationSoc Philos Today=Social Philosophy Today: Human Rights, Religon, and DemocracySoc Philos Today6Social Philosophy Today: International Law and JusticeSoc Philos TodayASocial Philosophy Today: Race and Diversity in The Global ContextSoc Philos TodayHSocial Philosophy Today: Science, Technology, and Social Justice, Vol 22Soc Philos TodaySSocial Policies and Private Sector Participation in Water Supply: Beyond RegulationSoc Policy Dev Conte Social Policy Soc PolicySocial Policy & AdministrationSoc Policy AdminCSocial Policy and Poverty in East Asia: The Role of Social SecurityRout Res Pub Soc Pol8Social Policy: Challenges, Developments and ImplicationsSoc Iss Justice Stat&Social Policy in A Development ContextSoc Pol Dev Context-Social Policy in A Development Context SeriesSoc Pol Dev Context-Social Policy in A Development Context SeriesSoc Policy Dev ContePSocial Policy in Sub-saharan African Context: in Search of Inclusive DevelopmentSoc Policy Dev Conte$Social Policy Journal of New ZealandSoc Policy J N Z$Social Policy Journal of New ZealandSoc Policy J NzSocial Politics Soc Polit Social PraxisSoc PraxSocial Problems Soc ProblWSocial Professional Activity: The Search for A Minimum Common Denominator in DifferenceWm Thomp Ser Dem SocKSocial Protection for The Poor and Poorest: Concepts, Policies and PoliticsPalgrave Stud Dev&Social Protection of The Frail Elderly Stud Res Ss2Social Protection of The Next Generation in EuropeEiss Kluw Law Int SSocial PsychiatrySoc Psych Psych EpidSocial Psychiatry Soc Psychiatr.Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric EpidemiologySoc Psych Psych EpidSocial Psychology Soc PsycholSocial PsychologySoc Psychol-germany#Social Psychology and OrganizationsSer Organ ManagemSocial Psychology of English As A Global Language: Attitudes, Awareness and Identitiy in The Japanese Context 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of Science Soc Stud Sci-Social Systems and Population Cycles in Voles Adv Lif SciSocial Theory & HealthSoc Theor Health&Social Theory As Politics in KnowledgeCurr Perspect Soc TheSocial Theory of The Nation-state: The Political Forms of Modernity Beyond Methodological NationalismCrit Realism Interv Social WorkSoc Work$Social Work & Social Sciences ReviewSoc Work Soc Sci RevSocial Work in Health CareSoc Work Health CareSocial Work Research Soc Work Res Social Work Research & AbstractsSoc Work Res AbstrSocial Work Skills SeriesSoc Work Skills SerSocial Work With GroupsSoc Work GroupsSociedade E CulturaSoc Cult3Societa Italiana Di Fisica : Conference Proceedings Soc Ital FiSocietal Impact On Aging SeriesSociet Impact Aging#Societas-a Review of Social HistorySocietas Rev Soc HisSSocietas Celtologica Nordica : Proceedings of Inaugural Meeting and First Symposium A U U St An.Societatis Scientiarum Lodziensis Acta ChimicaSoc Sci Lodz Acta ChSocietesSocietes1Societies and Cities in The Age of Instant AccessGeoj Lib1Societies and Cities in The Age of Instant AccessGeojournal LibSocietySocietySociety & AnimalsSoc AnimSociety & Natural ResourcesSoc Natur ResourSociety and Aging Soc Aging,Society for Economic Anthropology MonographsSoc Econ Anthropol M/Society for Experimental Biology Seminar SeriesSoc Exp Biol Sem Ser/Society for Experimental Biology Seminar SeriesSoc Exp Biol Semin S/Society for Post-medieval Archaeology MonographSoc Post Med Arch M3Society for Sedimentary Geology Special Publication Sepm Spec P3Society for Sedimentary Geology Special PublicationSoc Sediment Geol Sp;Society for The Promotion of Byzantine Studies PublicationsSoc Prom Byzant St,Society for The Study of Addiction Monograph Soc St Add Mg-Society for The Study of Human Biology Series Soc St Hum7Society for The Study of Human Biology Symposium Series Soc St Hum2Society of Biblical Literature 1991 Seminar Papers Soc Bibl L3Society of Biblical Literature, 1992 Seminar Papers Soc Bibl L2Society of Biblical Literature 1996 Seminar Papers Soc Bibl L2Society of Biblical Literature 2002 Seminar Papers Soc Bibl L0Society of Biblical Literature Masoretic StudiesSbl Masoret Stud.Society of Biblical Literature, Semeia Studies Sbl Semeia4Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers Series Soc Bibl LESociety of Biblical Literature, Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series Sbl Sept Co0Society of Biblical Literature, Symposium Series Sbl Symp Ser:Society of Economic Geologists Special Publications SeriesSoc Eco Geo Spc Pub:Society of Economic Geologists Special Publications SeriesSoc Econ Geol Spec PJSociety of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publications Soc Econ Pa'Society of General Physiologists Series Soc Gen Phy;Society of Logistics Engineers Annual Symposium Proceedings Soc Log E S&Society of Petroleum Engineers JournalSoc Petrol Eng J:Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers JournalSoc Photo-opt Instru.Society of Plastics Engineers Technical Papers Soc Plast E%Society of Reproduction and FertilitySoc Reprod FertilmSocinianism and Arminianism: Antitrinitarians, Calvinists and Cultural Exchange in Seventeenth-century Europe Brill S In Sociobiology SociobiologySociobiology and BioeconomicsSt Econ Ethic PhilosSociobiology and BioeconomicsStud Econ Ethics PhiASociocultural and Historical Contexts of African American EnglishVar Engl Ar World Gs;Sociocultural Political and Historical Studies in EducationSociocult Polit Hist=Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in EducationSociocult Pol His St]Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use Adv Ecol Econ1Socioeconomic Aspects of Human Behavioral Ecology Res Econ An1Socioeconomic Aspects of Human Behavioral EcologyRes Econ AnthropolISocio-economic Causes and Consequences of Desertification in Central AsiaNato Sci Peace SecurISocio-economic Mobility and Low-status Minorities: Slow Roads to ProgressRoutl Adv Soc Econ Socio-economic Planning SciencesSocio Econ Plan SciSocio-economic ReviewSocio-econ Rev5Socioeconomic Status and Health in Industrial NationsAnn Ny Acad Sci(Socio-economics : Toward A New Synthesis Stud Soc-ec*Socioendocrinology of Primate Reproduction Mg PrimatolSocio-genetics Adv GenetSocio-legal Studies SeriesSoc Legal St SerSociolinguisticaSociolinguisticaSociolinguisticsLang Linguist Ser+Sociolinguistics in Deaf Communities SeriesSociolinguist Deaf&Sociolinguistics, Language and Society Languag Dev Sociologia SociologiaSociologia Neerlandica Sociol NeerlSociologia RuralisSociol RuralisSociological Analysis Sociol AnalSociological Analysis & TheorySociol Anal TheorSociological Bulletin Sociol BullSociological Focus Sociol FocusSociological Forum Sociol ForumSociological Inquiry Sociol InqNSociological Look At Biofuels: Understanding The Past/prospects for The FutureEnerg Sci Eng TechSociological MethodologySociol Methodol%Sociological Methodology 1993, Vol 23Sociol Methodol%Sociological 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L'experience Des Eleves Et Des Enseignants Dans Une Institution En MutationSocio-logiquesSociologie Du Travail Sociol TravSociologie Et Societes Sociol SocSociologija I Prostor Sociol ProstSocio-logiquesSocio-logiquesSociologisk ForskningSociol Forsknin Sociologus Sociologus8Sociology and Complexity Science: A New Field of InquiryUnderst Complex Syst5Sociology and Economics : Controversy and IntegrationSoc EconSociology and Social ResearchSociol Soc ResSociology and The Public Agenda Asa Pres SSociology in America Asa Pres S#Sociology of Crime Law and DevianceSociol Crime Law DevSociology of Education Sociol EducSociology of ElitesRoutl Stud Soc PolitSociology of EntrepreneurshipRes Sociol Organ-resSociology of Health & IllnessSociol Health IllSociology of Religion Sociol ReligVSociology of Scientific Work: The Fundamental Relationship Between Science and SocietyPrime Ser Res InnovSociology of Sport JournalSociol Sport J&Sociology of The Sciences : A Yearbook Sociol Sci"Sociology of The Sciences YearbookSociol Sci Yearb7Sociology of Tourism: European Origins and DevelopmentsTour Soc Sci Ser!Sociology of Work and OccupationsSociol Work Occup;Sociology, Organic Farming, Climate Change and Soil ScienceSustain Agr Rev:Sociology, Religion and Grace: A Quest for The RenaissanceRoutl Adv Sociol=Sociology-the Journal of The British Sociological Association SociologySociology Through The ProjectorInt Libr Sociol Sociomedia Tech Commun Sociometry Sociometry SocionicsLect Notes Artif IntISocio-scientific Issues in The Classroom: Teaching, Learning and ResearchCont Trends Iss Sci1Sockeye Salmon Evolution, Ecology, and Management Am Fish S SSodium-calcium ExchangeAnn Ny Acad ScilSodium-calcium Exchange and The Plasma Membrane Ca2+-atpase in Cell Function: Fifth International ConferenceAnn Ny Acad Sci.Sodium Channels and Neuronal HyperexcitabilityNovart Fdn Symp2Sodium Pump : Structure, Mechanism, and Regulation Soc Gen Phy;Sodium Valproate: Role in The Treatment of Partial Epilepsy Boll Leg ItNSodom Als Symptom: Gleichgeschlechtliche Sexualitat Im Christlichen ImaginarenRelig Vers Vorarbeit1Sodom's Sin: Genesis 18-19 and Its InterpretationThemes Bibl Narr/Sofsem 2000: Theory and Practice of InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc/Sofsem 2002: Theory and Practice of InformaticsLect Notes Comput ScASofsem 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Sofsem 2005:theory and Practice of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScASofsem 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScASofsem 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Sofsem 2008: Theory and Practice of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc@Sofsem 2009-theory and Practice of Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScASofsem 2010: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Sofsem'98: Theory and Practice of InformaticsLect Notes Comput Sc-Sofsem'99: Theory and Practice of InformaticsLect Notes Comput ScHSoft and Fragile Matter: Nonequilibrium Dynamics, Metastability and Flow Sussp Proc)Soft Chemistry Leading to Novel MaterialsDefect Diffus Forum5Soft Chemistry Routes to New Materials - Chimie DouceMater Sci ForumSoft Computing Soft ComputSoft Computing Applications Adv Soft Comp'Soft Computing Applications in BusinessStud Fuzz Soft Comp'Soft Computing Applications in IndustryStud Fuzz Soft Comp:Soft Computing As Transdisciplinary Science and Technology Adv Soft Comp4Soft Computing Based Modeling in Intelligent SystemsStud Comp Intell4Soft Computing Based Modeling in Intelligent SystemsStud Comput Intell<Soft Computing for Complex Multiple Criteria Decision MakingInt Ser Oper Res Man+Soft Computing for Data Mining ApplicationsStud Comput Intell-Soft Computing for Hybrid Intelligent SystemsStud Comput Intell:Soft Computing for Intelligent Control and Mobile RoboticsStud Comput Intell2Soft Computing for Recognition Based On BiometricsStud Comput 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Industrial Applications, Vol 17 Tsi Press S;Soft Condensed Matter Physics in Molecular and Cell Biology Scot Grad Ser*Soft Drink and Fruit Juice Problems SolvedWoodhead Food Ser(Soft Errors in Modern Electronic SystemsFront Electron TestSoft Materials Soft Mater Soft Matter Soft Matter"Soft Matter Under Exogenic ImpactsNato Sci Ser Ii Math"Soft Matter Under Exogenic ImpactsNato Sci Ser Ii-math/Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems Adv Soft Comp5Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision Adv Soft Comp1Soft Methods for Integrated Uncertainty Modelling Adv Soft Comp9Soft Methods in Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis Adv Soft CompSoft Order in Physical SystemsNato Adv Sci Inst Se?Soft Sensors for Monitoring and Control of Industrial ProcessesAdv Ind ControlSoft Soil EngineeringProc Monogr Eng Wate/Soft-ware 2002: Computing in An Imperfect WorldLect Notes Comput ScSoftware & MicrosystemsSoftw MicrosystSoftware & MicrosystemsSoftware Eng J+Software and Compilers for Embedded SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc8Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Software and Cyberinfrastructure for AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy Proc SpieSoftware and Data TechnologiesComm Com Inf ScSoftware and OrganisationsRoutledge Stud TechnSoftware and Systems ModelingSoftw Syst ModelSoftware ArchitectureAdv Top Sci Tech ChiSoftware ArchitectureInt Fed Info ProcSoftware ArchitectureLect Notes Comput Sc"Software Architecture, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Software Architectures, Components, and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScSoftware BusinessLect Notes Bus InfSoftware BusinessLect Notes Bus Inf PSoftware CompositionLect Notes Comput Sc!Software Composition, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSoftware-concepts and ToolsSoftware-conc Tool!Software Configuration ManagementLect Notes Comput ScFSoftware-defined Gps and Galileo Receiver: A Single-frequency ApproachAppl Numer Harmon An4Software Defined 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Notes Comput Sc7Software Engineering in Curricula At Seuh Colleges 1994 Ber Ger Acm2Software Engineering in Higher Education Seuh 1993 Ber Ger AcmSoftware Engineering JournalSoftware Eng J.Software Engineering Research and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc:Software Engineering Research, Management and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc:Software Engineering Research, Management and ApplicationsStud Comp Intell:Software Engineering Research, Management and ApplicationsStud Comput Intell?Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2009Stud Comp Intell?Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2010Stud Comp Intell?Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2010Stud Comput Intell3Software Engineering Techniques: Design for QualityInt Fed Info ProcSoftware Environments and ToolsSoftw Environ Tools!Software, Environments, and ToolsSoftw Environm ToolSoftware Ergonomics 1993 Ber Ger AcmSoftware Ergonomics 1995 Ber Ger AcmSoftware for Algebraic 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Beh+Software Testing Verification & ReliabilitySoftw Test Verif Rel4Software Tools and Algorithms for Biological SystemsAdv Exp Med BiolSoftware VisualizationLect Notes Comput Sc"Soft X-ray and Euv Imaging SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Soft X-ray and Euv Imaging Systems Proc Spie%Soft X-ray and Euv Imaging Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Soft X-ray and Euv Imaging Systems Ii Proc SpieSoft X-ray Cosmos Aip Conf ProcCSoft X-ray Emission From Clusters of Galaxies and Related PhenomenaAstrophys Space Sc L"Soft X-ray Lasers and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Soft X-ray Lasers and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Soft X-ray Lasers and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Soft X-ray Lasers and Applications Iii Proc Spie%Soft X-ray Lasers and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Soft X-ray Lasers and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Soft X-ray Lasers and Applications V Proc Spie&Soft X-ray Lasers and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsSoft X-ray MicroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Soho-23: Understanding A Peculiar Solar Minimum Astr Soc PmSoho 6/gong 98 Workshop On Structure and Dynamics of The Interior of The Sun and Sun-like Stars, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Sp PublmSoho 6/gong 98 Workshop On Structure and Dynamics of The Interior of The Sun and Sun-like Stars, Vols 1 and 2 Esa Spec PublSoil AllelochemicalsRes Meth Plant SciSoil & Environment Soil EnvironmSoil & Sediment ContaminationSoil Sediment ContamSoil & Tillage Research Soil Till Res4Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida ProceedingsSoil Crop Sci Soc Fl?Soil and Water Pollution Monitoring, Protection and RemediationNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear*Soil Behavior and Soft Ground Construction Geotech Sp Soil Biology Soil BiolSoil Biology & BiochemistrySoil Biol Biochem+Soil Biology and Agriculture in The Tropics Soil Biol%Soil Biology: Effects On Soil Quality Adv Soil S3Soil Carbon Sequestration and The Greenhouse EffectSssa Spec PublBSoil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and SecurityNato Sci Peace Sec CBSoil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and SecurityNato Sci Peace Secur Soil ColorSssa Spec PublSoil Conservation Soil Conserv Soil Crusting Adv Soil S(Soil Dynamics and Earthquake EngineeringSoil Dyn Earthq EngSoil Engineering Soil BiolSoil Enzymology Soil Biol Soil Erosion and Carbon DynamicsAdv Soil Sci-ser'Soil Erosion - Experiments and Models - Catena Supp!Soil Erosion On Agricultural Land Brit GeomorSoil FertilityEnviron Sci Eng Tech>Soil Fertility and Climatic Constraints in Dryland Agriculture Aciar ProcSoil Heavy Metals Soil BiolSoil Improvement for Big Digs Geotech Sp1Soil Improvement for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Geotech Sp"Soil Management for Sustainability Adv GeoecolSoil Mechanics 2000Transport Res RecSoil Mechanics 2001Transport Res RecSoil Mechanics 2002Transport Res RecSoil Mechanics 2003Transport Res RecSoil Mechanics 2004Transport Res RecSoil Mechanics 2005Transport Res RecSoil Mechanics 2006Transport Res Rec)Soil Mechanics and Foundation EngineeringSoil Mech Found Eng)Soil 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and AnalysisSolid Mech ApplPSoil Structure and Its Evolution : Agronomic Consequences Dependant Upon Farmers Colloq Inra>Soil Suction Applications in Geotechnical Engineering Practice Geotech Sp!Soil Surface Sealing and Crusting Catena SuppSoil Technology Soil Technol>Soil Testing: Prospects for Improving Nutrient RecommendationsSssa Spec PublSoil Use and ManagementSoil Use ManageOSoil-vegetation-atmosphere Transfer Schemes and Large-scale Hydrological Models Iahs-aish P.Soil Water Balance in The Sudano-sahelian Zone Iahs-aish PSolaSolaDSolar 94 - Proceedings of The 19th National Passive Solar Conference P Natl SolASolar Active Region Evolution: Comparing Models With Observations Astr Soc P2Solar Activity and Earth's Climate, Second EditionSpringer-prax Books.Solar Activity Cycle and Particle AccelerationAdv Space Res-series Solar AgeSol Age1Solar and Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamic FlowsNato Adv Sci Inst Se'Solar and Extra-solar Planetary SystemsLect Notes PhysSolar and Galactic 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Stein Astr Soc P$Solar Neutrons and Related PhenomenaAstrophys Space Sc L2Solar Observations : Techniques and Interpretation Can Isl AstSolar Optical Materials XviP Soc Photo-opt InsSolar Optical Materials Xvi Proc Spie=Solar Photosphere : Structure, Convection and Magnetic FieldsIau Symp Solar PhysicsSol Phys2Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSolar PolarizationAstrophys Space Sc LSolar Polarization 3 Astr Soc PSolar Polarization 4 Astr Soc PSolar Polarization 5 Astr Soc PSolar Polarization 6 Astr Soc PRSolar-stellar Dynamos As Revealed By Helio and Asteroseismology: Gong 2008/soho 21 Astr Soc PSolar Surface MagnetismNato Adv Sci Inst SeSolar System AstrophysicsAstron Astrophys LibHSolar System Astrophysics: Background Science and The Inner Solar SystemAstron Astrophys Lib$Solar System Formation and Evolution Astr Soc PSolar System IcesAstrophys Space Sc LSolar System ResearchSolar Syst Res+Solar System UpdateS-p B Astron Planet Solar-terrestrial Energy Program Cospar Coll9Solar-terrestrial Magnetic Activity and Space Environment Cospar CollRSolar-terrestrial Relations: Predicting The Effects On The Near- Earth Environment Adv Space ResRSolar-terrestrial Relations: Predicting The Effects On The Near- Earth EnvironmentAdv Space Res-series>Solar Thermal Systems: Design, Application, Technical Controls VDI Bericht$Solar Variability and Climate Change Adv Space Res$Solar Variability and Climate ChangeAdv Space Res-series%Solar Variability and Earth's ClimateMem Soc Astron Ital,Solar Variability and Solar Physics Missions Adv Space Res,Solar Variability and Solar Physics MissionsAdv Space Res-series8Solar Variability As An Input to The Earth's Environment Esa Sp Publ8Solar Variability As An Input to The Earth's Environment Esa Spec Publ;Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers, Vols 1 & 2 Esa Sp Publ;Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers, Vols 1 & 2 Esa Spec PublPSolar Wind Eight - Proceedings of The Eighth International Solar Wind Conference Aip Conf ProcASolar Wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere Dynamics and Radiation Models Adv Space ResASolar Wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere Dynamics and Radiation ModelsAdv Space Res-seriesSolar Wind Nine Aip Conf ProcSolar Wind Seven Cospar Coll>Solar Wind Sources of Magnetospheric Ultra-low-frequency WavesGeoph Monog SeriesSolar Wind Ten, Proceedings Aip Conf ProcSoldagem & Inspecao Soldagem Insp$Soldering & Surface Mount TechnologySolder Surf Mt TechSolder Joint TechnologySpringer Ser Mater SfSoldiers and Citizens: An Oral History of Operation Iraqi Freedom From The Battlefield to The PentagonPalgr Stud Oral HistFSoldiers and Societies in Post-communist Europe: Legitimacy and ChangeOne Eur SeveralqSoldiers, Citizens and Civilians: Experiences and Perceptions of The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1790-1820War Cult Soc 1750WSoldiers, Martyrs, Traitors, and Exiles: Political Conflict in Eritrea and The DiasporaEthnogr Polit Violen(Sol-gel Methods for Materials ProcessingNato Sci Peace SecurSol-gel OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsSol-gel Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSol-gel Optics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSol-gel Optics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsSol-gel Optics VP Soc Photo-opt InsSol-gel Optics V Proc SpieSol-gel Optics ViP Soc Photo-opt InsSol-gel Production Key Eng Mat Sol-gel Synthesis and Processing Ceram Trans7Solidarity: A Structural Principle of International LawBeitr Ausl Offentl R7Solidarity: A Structural Principle of International LawBeitr Ausland Offent=Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to A Global Legal CommunityStud Contemp Ger SocSolidarity PerfectedBeih Z Neutest Wiss=Solid Biofuels for Energy: A Lower Greenhouse Gas AlternativeGreen Energy Technol&Solid Compounds of Transition ElementsSolid State PhenomenSolid Earth Sciences Library Solid EarthSolid-fluid Mixtures of Frictional Materials in Geophysical and Geotechnical Context: Based On A Concise Thermodynamic AnalysisAdv Geophys Env Mech'Solid Freeform and Additive FabricationMater Res Soc Symp P,Solid Freeform and Additive Fabrication-2000Mater Res Soc Symp P4Solid Freeform Fabrication Proceedings, August, 1998Sol Freeform Fabric3Solid Freeform Fabrication Proceedings, August 1999Sol Freeform Fabric6Solid Freeform Fabrication Proceedings, September 1996Sol Freeform Fabric6Solid Freeform Fabrication Proceedings, September 1997Sol Freeform Fabric/Solid Freeform Fabrication Proceedings (series)Sol Freeform FabricSolid Fuel ChemistrySolid Fuel ChemSolid Fuel ChemistrySolid Fuel Chem+gSolid Fuels Combustion and Gasification: Modeling, Simulation, and Equipment Operations, Second Edition Mech Eng-crcSolidification and CastingSer Mat Sci EngnSolidification and GravityMater Sci ForumSolidification and Gravity 2000Mater Sci ForumSolidification and Gravity IvMater Sci ForumSolidification and Gravity VMater Sci ForumSolidification and MicrogravityMater Sci Forum.Solidification Processing of Reinforced Metals Key Eng Mat'Solid-liquid Electrochemical Interfaces Acs Sym Ser$Solid Mechanics and Its ApplicationsSolid Mech ApplSolid Mechanics ArchivesSolid Mech Arch/Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 10 (sofc-x), Pts 1 and 2Ecs Transactions<Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Materials Properties and PerformanceGreen Chem Chem Eng Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (sofc Vi) Elec Soc S'Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Viii (sofc Viii) Elec Soc S%Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Vii (sofc Vii) Elec Soc S Solid Oxide Fuel Cell TechnologyWoodhead Publ Ser EnSolid-phase Peptide SynthesisMethod EnzymolSolid Phase Transformations IiSolid State PhenomenSolid-state AstrophysicsP Int Sch Phys<Solid State Chemistry and Photocatalysis of Titanium DioxideSolid State Phenomen,Solid-state Chemistry of Inorganic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P/Solid-state Chemistry of Inorganic Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp P/Solid-state Chemistry of Inorganic Materials IvMater Res Soc Symp P.Solid-state Chemistry of Inorganic Materials VMater Res Soc Symp PSolid State Chemistry V Sol St PhenSolid State Chemistry VSolid State PhenomenSolid State CommunicationsSolid State CommunDSolid State Crystals 2002: Crystalline Materials for OptoelectronicsP Soc Photo-opt InsDSolid State Crystals 2002: Crystalline Materials for Optoelectronics Proc Spie1Solid State Crystals: Growth and CharacterizationP Soc Photo-opt InsDSolid State Crystals in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Solid State Crystals: Materials Science and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State ElectrochemistryChem Res Appl-novaSolid-state ElectronicsSolid State Electron5Solid-state Hydrogen Storage: Materials and ChemistryWoodhead Publ MaterSolid-state Ionic Devices Elec Soc SSolid State IonicsSolid State IonicsSolid State Ionics-2002Mater Res Soc Symp PSolid State Ionics-2004Mater Res Soc Symp PSolid-state Ionics-2006Mater Res Soc Symp PSolid-state Ionics-2008Mater Res Soc Symp PSolid State Ionics IiMater Res Soc Symp PSolid State Ionics IiiMater Res Soc Symp PSolid State Ionics IvMater Res Soc Symp PSolid State Ionics VMater Res Soc Symp PSolid State LasersNato Adv Sci Inst SeSolid State LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Solid State Lasers and AmplifiersP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Solid State Lasers and Amplifiers IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Solid State Lasers and Amplifiers Ii Proc Spie%Solid State Lasers and Amplifiers IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Solid State Lasers and Amplifiers Iii Proc Spie:Solid State Lasers and Amplifiers Iv and High-power LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Solid State Lasers and Amplifiers Iv and High-power Lasers Proc Spie)Solid State Lasers and Nonlinear CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers IvP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Solid State Lasers - Laser Optics '98P Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers VP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers ViP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers XP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers XiP Soc Photo-opt InsSolid State Lasers XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Solid State Lasers Xiii: Technology and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Solid State Lasers Xiii: Technology and Devices Proc Spie.Solid State Lasers Xiv: Technology and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Solid State Lasers Xiv: Technology and Devices Proc Spie.Solid State Lasers Xix: Technology and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Solid State Lasers Xviii: Technology and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Solid State Lasers Xvii: Technology and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Solid State Lasers Xvii: Technology and Devices Proc Spie.Solid State Lasers Xvi: Technology and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Solid State Lasers Xvi: Technology and Devices Proc Spie-Solid State Lasers Xv: Technology and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Solid State Laser Technologies and Femtosecond PhenomenaP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Solid State Lighting and DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Solid State Lighting and Solar Energy TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Solid State Lighting and Solar Energy Technologies Proc SpieSolid State Lighting IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Solid-state Lighting Materials and DevicesMater Res Soc Symp PSolid State MicrobatteriesNato Adv Sci I B-phy+Solid-state Microwave High-power AmplifiersArtech Hse Microw Li&Solid-state Mid-infrared Laser Sources Top Appl Phys&Solid State Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceSolid State Nucl MagSolid State Phenomena Sol St PhenSolid State PhenomenaSolid State PhenomSolid State PhenomenaSolid State PhenomenSolid State Phenomena Series Sol St PhenSolid State PhysicsSolid State Phys9Solid State Physics-advances in Research and ApplicationsSolid State PhysBSolid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 46Solid State PhysCSolid State Physics - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 47Solid State PhysCSolid State Physics - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 48Solid State PhysCSolid State Physics - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 50Solid State PhysCSolid State Physics - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 52Solid State PhysCSolid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, Vol. 54Solid State PhysBSolid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 55Solid State PhysBSolid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 57Solid State PhysBSolid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 59Solid State PhysBSolid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 60Solid State PhysSolid State Physics, Vol 51Solid State PhysSolid State Physics, Vol 56Solid State PhysSolid State Physics, Vol. 58Solid State Phys*Solid-state Quantum Computing, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc"Solid State Science and Technology Aip Conf Proc*Solid-state Science and Technology LibrarySol Sci Technol LibSolid State SciencesSolid State Sci)Solid State Sensor Arrays and Ccd CamerasP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Solid State Sensor Arrays: Development and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Solid State Sensor Arrays: Development and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHSolid-state Synthesis of Magnesium-based Functional Alloys and CompoundsMater Sci FoundSolid State TechnologySolid State Technol8Solid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films, Fifth EditionGrad Texts Phys4Solid Waste Management and Environmental RemediationEnv Remed Tech RegulSolid Wastes ManagementSolid Waste ManagemSoliton-driven PhotonicsNato Sci Ser Ii MathSoliton-driven PhotonicsNato Sci Ser Ii-math6Solitons in Physics, Mathematics, and Nonlinear Optics Ima V Math:Solitons: Properties, Dynamics, Interactions, ApplicationsCrm Ser Math PhysoSolmag 2002: Proceedings of The Magnetic Coupling of The Solar Atmosphere Euroconference and Iau Colloquium 188 Esa Sp PubloSolmag 2002: Proceedings of The Magnetic Coupling of The Solar Atmosphere Euroconference and Iau Colloquium 188 Esa Spec PublSolomons House Revisited Nobel Symp;Solo Performances: Staging The Early Modern Self in EnglandInt Forsch Allg VglSSolspa 2001: Proceedings of The Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconference Esa Sp PublSSolspa 2001: Proceedings of The Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconference Esa Spec PublLSolus Deus-untersuchungen Zur Rede Von Gott Im Brief Des Paulus An Die RomerBeih Z Neutest Wiss0Solute Transport and Retention in Fractured Rock Vtt Res Notes4Solutions for Improving Productivity and FlexibilityTech Papers Isa6Solutions for Intelligent Nutrition: Nutritech Roadmap Vtt Res Notes"Solvay Pharmaceuticals ConferencesSolvay Pharmaceut$Solvent Extraction 1990, Pts A and B Process Met#Solvent Extraction and Ion ExchangeSolvent Extr Ion Exc1Solvent Extraction Research and Development-japanSolvent Extr Res Dev*Solvents and Self-organization of PolymersNato Adv Sci Inst Se3Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in ParallelLect Notes Comput ScLSolving Pdes in C++: Numerical Methods in A Unified Object-oriented ApproachComput Sci Eng SerUSolving Polynomial Systems Using Continuation for Engineering and Scientific ProblemsClass Appl Math$Solving Problems in Food Engineering Food Eng SerSolving The Pell EquationCms Books Math3Solving The Riddle of Globalization and DevelopmentRoutl Stud Mod World#Somatic Cell and Molecular GeneticsSomat Cell Molec GenSomatic Cell GeneticsSomat Cell Genet5Somatic Cell Genetics and Molecular Genetics of TreesFor SciSomatic Cell Nuclear TransferAdv Exp Med Biol)Somatic Cells and Milk of Small Ruminants Eaap Public+Somatic Diversification of Immune ResponsesCurr Top MicrobiolSomatoform DisordersKeio Univ Symp Life Somatosensory and Motor ResearchSomatosens Mot Res6Somatosensory Cortex: Roles, Interventions and TraumasNeurol Lab Clin ResSomatosensory ResearchSomatosens Mot ResSomatosensory ResearchSomatosens ResSomatostatin and Its Receptors Ciba F Symp=Somatostatin Binding Sites in Functional Systems of The BrainProg Histochem CytocESomatotrophic Axis and The Reproductive Process in Health and Disease Serono Symp>Some Aspects of Medical Physics - in Vivo and in Vitro StudiesMg Pol J Envir Stud1Some Mathematical Models From Population GeneticsLect Notes Math SomitogenesisAdv Exp Med Biol"Sonochemistry and SonoluminescenceNato Adv Sci I C-mat<Sonochemistry:theory, Reactions, Syntheses, and ApplicationsChem Eng Method Tech)Soochow University Lectures in PhilosophySoochow Univ LectSophiaSophia&Sophisms in Medieval Logic and Grammar Nijhoff Int0Sorbents: Properties, Materials and ApplicationsEnviron Res AdvSorghum and Millets Diseases World Agr SSortier- Und VerteilsystemeVDI-Buch Sorting and Distribution Systems VDI Bericht4Sort-statistics and Operations Research TransactionsSort-stat Oper Res T"Sos 08: In2p3 School of Statistics Epj Web ConfdSosiaali- Ja Terveydenhuollon Systeemisen Innovaation Johtaminen: Kahden Tapaustutkimuksen Opetuksia Vtt Res NotesSotsiologicheskie IssledovaniyaSotsiol Issled+_Soul of The German Historical School: Methodological Essays On Schmoller, Weber, and SchumpeterEur Herit Econ Soc SSoulsSoulsSound and SignalsSignals Commun TechnSound and Vibration Sound Vib)Sound and Vibration Damping With Polymers Acs Sym SerSound Atlas of Irish EnglishTop Engl Linguist@Sound Business: Newspapers, Radio, and The Politics of New MediaAmer Bus PolitdSound Capture for Human/ Machine Interfaces: Practical Aspects of Microphone Array Signal ProcessingLect Notes Contr InfSound-flow InteractionsLect Notes Phys Soundings SoundingsSoundings-a Music JournalSoundings-music J+Sound in The Age of Mechanical ReproductionHagley Perspect BusESound, Space, and The City: Civic Performance in Downtown Los AngelesCity 21st CenturySound Technology 1993 VDI BerichtSound Technology 89 VDI Bericht]Sourcebook for Political Communication Research: Methods, Measures, and Analytical Techniques Commun Ser"Source-notes in The History of ArtSource-note Hist ArtDSources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in The Universe Aip Conf Proc.Sources and Detectors for Fiber CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGSources and Studies in The History of Mathematics and Physical SciencesSourc Stud Hist MathSources in Semiotics Series Sour Semiot"Sources of Indoor Air ContaminantsAnn Ny Acad Sci8Sources of Medical Technology: Universities and Industry Med Inn CrKSouth Aegean Active Volcanic Arc: Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives Dev Volcano%South African Archaeological BulletinS Afr Archaeol Bull"South African Geographical Journal S Afr Geogr J South African Historical Journal S Afr Hist JASouth African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Symposium SeriesS African Inst Min MMSouth African Journal for Research in Sport Physical Education and RecreationS Afr J Res Sport Ph'South African Journal of Animal ScienceS Afr J Anim SciMSouth African Journal of Animal Science-suid-afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir VeekundeS Afr J Anim SciSouth African Journal of Botany S Afr J BotGSouth African Journal of Botany-suid-afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Plantkunde S Afr J Bot,South African Journal of Business ManagementS Afr J Bus Manag"South African Journal of Chemistry S Afr J ChemFSouth African Journal of Chemistry-suid-afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir ChemieS Afr J Chem-s-afr T9South African Journal of Economic and Management SciencesS Afr J Econ Manag S"South African Journal of Economics S Afr J Econ"South African Journal of Education S Afr J Educ0South African Journal of Enology and ViticultureS Afr J Enol Vitic South African Journal of Geology S Afr J Geol/South African Journal of Industrial EngineeringS Afr J Ind EngQSouth African Journal of Marine Science-suid-afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir SeewetenskapS Afr J Marine Sci)South African Journal of Medical SciencesS Afr J Med Sci#South African Journal of PhilosophyS Afr J PhilosLSouth African Journal of Philosophy-suid-afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir WysbegeerteS Afr J PhilosFSouth African Journal of Physics - Suid-afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Fisika S Afr J Phys#South African Journal of PsychiatrySajp#South African Journal of PsychiatrySajp-s Afr J Psychi#South African Journal of PsychologyS Afr J PsycholJSouth African Journal of Psychology-suid-afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir SielkundeS Afr J Psychol South African Journal of Science S Afr J Sci South African Journal of Surgery S Afr J Surg*South African Journal of Wildlife ResearchS Afr J Wildl Res South African Journal of Zoology S Afr J ZoolGSouth African Journal of Zoology-suid-afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Dierkunde S Afr J Zool%South African Journal On Human RightsS Afr J Hum Rights!South African Mechanical EngineerS Afr Mech EngSouth African Medical Journal S Afr Med J!South African Statistical Journal S Afr Stat J^South African Sugar Technologists' Association - Proceedings of The Seventieth Annual Congress P S Afr Sug_South African Sugar Technologists Association, Proceedings of The Sixty-seventh Annual Congress P S Afr Sug^South African Sugar Technologists Association - Proceedings of The Sixty-sixth Annual Congress P S Afr Sug8South Africa's Environmental History Cases & Comparisons Ecol Hist.South Africa Since 1994: Lessons and ProspectsAfr Cent Publ Ser+Southampton Studies in International PolicySouthamp Stud Int Po)South Asia-journal of South Asian StudiesS Asia*South Asian Archaeology 1993, Vols 1 and 2 Ann Acad ScDSouth Asian Diaspora: Transnational Networks and Changing IdentitiesRoutl Cont S Asia Se South Asian Religions On DisplayRoutl S Asian ReligSouth Asian Review S Asian Rev+South Asian Studies - Heidelberg University S Asian StudNSouth Asia's Cold War: Nuclear Weapons and Conflict in Comparative PerspectiveAsian Secur Stud#South Asia Series Occasional Papers S Asia S OcSouth Atlantic Bulletin S Atl BullSouth Atlantic QuarterlyS Atl QSouth Atlantic Quarterly S Atl QuartSouth Atlantic Review S Atl Rev$South Caspian to Central Iran BasinsGeol Soc Spec PublSouth Central Review S Cent Rev3South China Sea: Paleoceanography and SedimentologyDev Paleoenviron Res!South Dakota Farm & Home ResearchS Dak Farm Home Res South Dakota Journal of Medicine S Dak J MedSouth Dakota Review S Dak RevSoutheast Asian DevelopmentRoutl Perspect Dev>Southeast Asian International Advances in Micro/nanotechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Southeast Asian International Advances in Micro/nanotechnology Proc Spie>Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public HealthSe Asian J Trop MedSouth East Asia ResearchSouth East Asia Res5Southeast Conference Association Asian Studies Annals Se Conf AsASoutheast Conference Association for Asian Studies Annals, Vol 10 Se Conf AsASoutheast Conference Association for Asian Studies Annals, Vol 11 Se Conf AsASoutheast Conference Association for Asian Studies Annals, Vol 12 Se Conf AsCSoutheast Conference, Association for Asian Studies, Annals, Vol 13 Se Conf AsBSoutheast Conference Association for Asian Studies, Annals, Vol 14 Se Conf AsBSoutheast Conference Association for Asian Studies: Annals, Vol 15 Se Conf AsSoutheastern Europe Southeast EurSoutheastern Naturalist Southeast Nat'Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySe Sym Sys Thry(Southeast European and Black Sea StudiesSe Eur Black Sea Stu!Southeast Review of Asian StudiesSe Rev Asian Stud1Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol Xix - 1997Se Rev Asian Stud0Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol Xvi, 1994Se Rev Asian Stud1Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol Xvii, 1995Se Rev Asian Stud0Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol Xxi, 1999Se Rev Asian Stud Southerly SoutherlySouthern AfricaMaking Contemp WorldSouthern Africa After Apartheid Sem P ScandKSouthern Africa - Australia Mineral Sector Synergies Symposium, ProceedingsAustralas I Min MetSouthern African HumanitiesSouth Afr Humanit(Southern African Journal of Hiv MedicineS Afr J Hiv Med(Southern African Journal of Hiv MedicineSouth Afr J Hiv Med9Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language StudiesSo Afr Linguist Appl9Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language StudiesSouth Afr Linguist A,Southern Anthropological Society Proceedings South Anthr7Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference. ProceedingsSo Biomm Engn Conf PSouthern California Law ReviewSouth Calif Law RevSouthern California Law ReviewSouthern Calif Law RSouthern Cultures South CultSouthern Economic Journal South Econ JSouthern Economic JournalSouthern Econ JISouthern Extension Water Training Workshop : Actions for Working Together Srdc PublSouthern Folklore QuarterlySouthern Folklore QSouthern Forests South Forests$Southern Hemisphere Forestry JournalSouth Hemisph For J3Southern Hemisphere Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere Adv Space ResSouthern Humanities ReviewSouthern Human RevfSouthern Illinois University At Carbondale Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Papers S Il U Carb$Southern Journal of Applied ForestrySouth J Appl ForSouthern Journal of PhilosophySouthern J PhilosSouthern Literary JournalSouthern Lit JSouthern Medical Journal South Med JSouthern Medical JournalSouthern Med JSouthern QuarterlySouthern QuartSouthern Review-adelaideSouthern Rev-adelaidSouthern Review-baton RougeSouthern Rev-baton R#South European Society and PoliticsS Eur Soc Polit/South Florida Studies in The History of Judaism S Fl St His=South in International Economic Regimes: Whose Globalization?Int Polit Econ SerBSouth Korea: Challenging Globalisation and The Post-crisis ReformsChandos Asian Stud[South Korean Engagement Policies and North Korea: Identities, Norms and The Sunshine Policy Polit Asia*South Korean Strategic Thought Toward AsiaStrateg Thought Ne ASouth Pacific Indigenous Nuts Aciar ProcCSouth to The Future: An American Region in The Twenty-first Century Mercer U L-Southwest Academy of Management - ProceedingsSw Acad Manag PKSouthwest Academy of Management, Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting, ProceedingsSw Acad Manag P Southwestern American LiteratureSouthwest Am LitSouthwestern Art Southwest ArtSouthwestern EntomologistSouthwest Entomol!Southwestern Historical QuarterlySouthwest Hist Quart$Southwestern Journal of AnthropologySouthwest J Anthrop"Southwestern Journal of PhilosophySouthwest J PhilosbSouthwestern Mosaic : Proceeding of The Southwestern Region New Perspectives University Colloquium Usda RockySouthwestern Naturalist Southwest NatLSouthwestern Rare and Endangered Plants: Proceedings of The Third ConferenceUs For Serv Rmrs-p%Southwestern Social Science QuarterlySouthwest Soc Sci QSouthwestern StudiesSouthwest Stud UtepSouthwestern Veterinarian Southwest VetJSouthwest Rare and Endangered Plants: Proceedings of The Second Conference Usda RockyKSovereignty Games: Instrumentalizing State Sovereignty in Europe and BeyondPalgr Stud GovKSovereignty Games: Instrumentalizing State Sovereignty in Europe and BeyondPalgr Stud Gov SecurSovetskaya MeditsinaSov MeditisinaSoviet Agriculture Sp S Kennan"Soviet Air Force Theory, 1918-1945Sov Russ Mil Theory)Soviet and Eastern European Foreign TradeSov E Eur For Trade"Soviet Anthropology and ArcheologySov Anthropol ArchSoviet Applied MechanicsSov Appl Mech+Soviet Astronomy Aj Ussr Sov AstronSoviet Astronomy LettersSov Astron Lett+Soviet Atomic EnergySov Atom Energy+Soviet Atomic Energy-ussrSov At Energy-ussr?Soviet Dream World of Retail Trade and Consumption in The 1930sConsum Public Life2Soviet Economic Reforms : Implementation Under Way Nato Ec InfSoviet EconomySov EconSoviet EducationSov EducSoviet ElectrochemistrySov Electrochem+Soviet Engineering Research Sov Eng Res Soviet FilmSov FilmSoviet Geography Sov Geogr'Soviet Geography Review and Translation Sov Geogr/Soviet Journal of Computer and Systems SciencesSov J Comput Syst S+Soviet Journal of Ecology Sov J Ecol+-Soviet Journal of Glass Physics and ChemistrySov J Glass Phys Ch+-Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing-ussrSov J Nondestr Test+&Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics-ussrSov J Nucl Phys+?Soviet Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical ModellingSov J Numer Anal Mat$Soviet Journal of Optical TechnologySov J Opt Technol+ Soviet Journal of Remote SensingSov J Remot Sens+Soviet Law and Government Sov Law GovSoviet LiteratureSov LiteratureSoviet Materials ScienceSov Mater Sci+Soviet MicroelectronicsSov Microelectron+Soviet Mining Science Ussr Sov Min Sci+Soviet Neurology and PsychiatrySov Neurol Psychiat$Soviet Neurology and Psychiatry-ussrSov Neur PsychiatrySoviet Physics Acoustics-ussrSov Phys Acoust+$Soviet Physics Crystallography, UssrSov Phys CrystallogrSoviet Physics Jetp-ussrSov Phys Jetp-ussr"Soviet Physics Semiconductors-ussrSov Phys Semicond+Soviet Physics-solid StateSov Phys-sol StateSoviet Physics Solid State,ussrFiz Tverd Tela+ Soviet Physics-technical PhysicsSov Phys-tech Phys%Soviet Physics Technical Physics-ussrSov Phys Tech Phys-uSoviet Physics Uspekhi-ussrSov Phys UspekhiSoviet Plant PhysiologySov Plant Physiol++Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal CeramicsSov Powder Metall+Soviet Psychology Sov Psychol Soviet Psychology and PsychiatrySov Psychol PsychiatSoviet Psychology-ussrSov Psychol-ussrSoviet RadiochemistrySov Radiochem++Soviet Russian Military Theory and PracticeSov Russ Mil TheorySoviet Russian Study of WarSov Russ Study WarSoviet Science Review Sov Sci RevSoviet Sobranie of Laws Res SeriesSoviet Sociology Sov SociolSoviet Soil Science Sov Soil Sci+Soviet Soil Science-ussrSov Soil Sci-ussr0Soviet State and Society Under Nikita KhrushchevBasees-rout Ser RussSoviet StudiesSov StudSoviet Studies in History Sov Stud HistSoviet Studies in Literature Sov Stud LitSoviet Studies in PhilosophySov Stud PhilosKSoviet-vietnam Relations and The Role of China, 1949-64: Changing AlliancesCold War Hist-routl;Sowjetischen Geheimdienste in Der Sbz/ddr Von 1945 Bis 1953Texte Mater Zeitgesc;Sowjetwissenschaft Gesellschafts Wissenschaftliche BeitrageSowjetwiss Gesellsch9Soybean and Wheat Crops: Growth, Fertilization, and YieldAgr Issues PoliciesSoybean Digest Soybean DigISoziale Welt-zeitschrift Fur Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung Und PraxisSoz WeltSozial-und PraventivmedizinSoz Praventiv Med1Sozomena-studies in The Recovery of Ancient TextsSozomena-stud RecovSpaceSpace(Space Access and Utilization Beyond 2000Sci TechLSpace Activities and Cooperation Contributing to All Pacific Basin CountriesAdv Astronaut SciSpace AeronauticsSpace AeronautSpace and Culture Space CultSpace and Defense PolicySpace Power PolitBSpace and Muslim Urban Life: At The Limits of The Labyrinth of FezCult Civiliz Mid ESpace and Place of DeathArch P Amer Ant AssoSpace and Place of DeathArcheol Pap Am Anthr@Space and The Global Village: Tele-services for The 21st Century Spac Stud-Space Astronomical Telescopes and InstrumentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Space Astronomical Telescopes and Instruments IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSpace Astronomy Adv Space ResSpace: A Vital Stimulus to Our National Well-being - 31st Goddard Memorial Symposium/world Space Programs and Fiscal Reality - 30th Goddard Memorial SymposiumSci Tech9Space Based Astronomy: Iso, Agn, Radiopulsars and The Sun Adv Space Res9Space Based Astronomy: Iso, Agn, Radiopulsars and The SunAdv Space Res-series]Space Biology 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MitigationP Soc Photo-opt InsCSpace Development and Cooperation Among All Pacific Basin CountriesAdv Astronaut SciSpace Distribution of Quasars Astr Soc PGSpaced Out: Policy, Difference and The Challenge of Inclusive EducationIncl Educ Cross Cult;Space Electrochemical Research and Technology ( Sert ) 1989 Nasa Conf P-Space Environmental, Legal, and Safety IssuesP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Space Environment and Its Effects On Space Systems Aiaa Educ SerESpace Exploration of The Outer Space Solar System and Cometary Nuclei Adv Space ResESpace Exploration of The Outer Space Solar System and Cometary NucleiAdv Space Res-seriesSpace Exploration ResearchSpace Sci Explor PolSpace Exploration TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsSpace Exploration Technologies Proc Spie Spaceflight Spaceflight&Spaceflight Dynamics 1993, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci0Spaceflight Dynamics 1998, Vol 100, Part 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci'Spaceflight Mechanics 1991, Pts 1 and BAdv Astronaut Sci'Spaceflight Mechanics 1992, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut SciSpaceflight Mechanics 1993Adv Astronaut Sci'Spaceflight Mechanics 1994, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut SciSpaceflight Mechanics 1995Adv Astronaut Sci'Spaceflight Mechanics 1996, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci'Spaceflight Mechanics 1997, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci/Spaceflight Mechanics 1998, Vol 99, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci1Spaceflight Mechanics 1999, Vol 102, Pts I and IiAdv Astronaut Sci1Spaceflight Mechanics 2000, Vol 105, Pts I and IiAdv Astronaut Sci0Spaceflight Mechanics 2001, Vol 108, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci1Spaceflight Mechanics 2002, Vol 112, Pts I and IiAdv Astronaut Sci#Spaceflight Mechanics 2003, Pts 1-3Adv Astronaut Sci+Spaceflight Mechanics 2004, Vol 119, Pt 1-3Adv Astronaut Sci0Spaceflight Mechanics 2005, Vol 120, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci0Spaceflight Mechanics 2006, Vol 124, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci1Space Flight Mechanics 2007, Vol 127, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci0Spaceflight Mechanics 2008, Vol 130, Pts 1 and 2Adv Astronaut Sci.Spaceflight Mechanics 2009, Vol 134, Pts I-iiiAdv Astronaut Sci%Spaceflight Mechanics 2010, Pts I-iiiAdv Astronaut Sci@Space, Geometry and Aesthetics: Through Kant and Towards Deleuze Renew Philos%Space Guidance, Control, and TrackingP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Space Guidance, Control, and Tracking IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Space Infrared Telescopes and Related Science Adv Space Res-Space Infrared Telescopes and Related ScienceAdv Space Res-series/Space Instrumentation and Dual-use TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsSpace Life SciencesAdv Space Res-seriesSpace Life SciencesSpace Life Sci=Space Life Sciences: Aircraft and Space Radiation Environment Adv Space Res=Space Life Sciences: Aircraft and Space Radiation EnvironmentAdv Space Res-seriesWSpace Life Sciences: Astrobiology: Steps Toward Origin of Life and Titan Before Cassini Adv Space ResWSpace Life Sciences: Astrobiology: Steps Toward Origin of Life and Titan Before CassiniAdv Space Res-series\Space Life Sciences: Biodosimetry, Biomarkers and Late Stochastic Effects of Space Radiation Adv Space Res\Space Life Sciences: Biodosimetry, Biomarkers and Late Stochastic Effects of Space RadiationAdv Space Res-series<Space Life Sciences: Biological Research and Space Radiation Adv Space Res<Space Life Sciences: Biological Research and Space RadiationAdv Space Res-seriesJSpace Life Sciences: Closed Artificial Ecosystems and Life Support Systems Adv Space ResJSpace Life Sciences: Closed Artificial Ecosystems and Life Support SystemsAdv Space Res-seriesLSpace Life Sciences: Closed Ecological Systems: Earth and Space Applications Adv Space ResLSpace Life Sciences: Closed Ecological Systems: Earth and Space ApplicationsAdv Space Res-serieswSpace Life Sciences: Extraterrestrial Organic Chemistry, Uv Radiation On Biological Evolution, and Planetary Protection Adv Space ReswSpace Life Sciences: Extraterrestrial Organic Chemistry, Uv Radiation On Biological Evolution, and Planetary ProtectionAdv Space Res-seriesrSpace Life Sciences: Flight Measurements, Calibration of Detectors and Environmental Models for Radiation Analysis Adv Space ResrSpace Life Sciences: Flight Measurements, Calibration of Detectors and Environmental Models for Radiation AnalysisAdv Space Res-series0Space Life Sciences: Gravitational Biology: 2002 Adv Space Res0Space Life Sciences: Gravitational Biology: 2002Adv Space Res-seriesdSpace Life Sciences: Gravity Perception and Transduction in Plan Ts, Fungi and Unicellular Organisms Adv Space RescSpace Life Sciences: Gravity Perception and Transduction in Plants, Fungi and Unicellular OrganismsAdv Space Res-seriesvSpace Life Sciences: Gravity-related Effects On Plants and Spaceflight and Man-made Environments On Biological Systems Adv Space ResvSpace Life Sciences: Gravity-related Effects On Plants and Spaceflight and Man-made Environments On Biological SystemsAdv Space Res-series8Space Life Sciences: Gravity-related Processes in Plants Adv Space ResSSpace Life Sciences: Ground-based Iron-ion Biology and Physics, Including Shielding Adv Space ResSSpace Life Sciences: Ground-based Iron-ion Biology and Physics, Including ShieldingAdv Space Res-series_Space Life Sciences: Life in The Solar System: Prebiotic Chemistry, Chirality and Space Biology Adv Space Res_Space Life Sciences: Life in The Solar System: Prebiotic Chemistry, Chirality and Space BiologyAdv Space Res-seriesdSpace Life Sciences: Life Support Systems and Biological Systems Under Influence of Physical Factors Adv Space ResdSpace Life Sciences: Life Support Systems and Biological Systems Under Influence of Physical FactorsAdv Space Res-seriesRSpace Life Sciences: Living Organisms, Biological Processes and The Limits of Life Adv Space ResRSpace Life Sciences: Living Organisms, Biological Processes and The Limits of LifeAdv Space Res-seriesSpace Life Sciences: Missions to Mars, Radiation Biology, and Plants As A Foundation for Long-term Life Support Systems in Space Adv Space ResSpace Life Sciences: Missions to Mars, Radiation Biology, and Plants As A Foundation for Long-term Life Support Systems in SpaceAdv Space Res-series[Space Life Sciences: Radiation Risk Assessment and Radiation Measurement in Low Earth Orbit Adv Space RespSpace Life Sciences: Search for Signatures of Life, and Space Flight Environmental Effects On The Nervous System Adv Space RespSpace Life Sciences: Search for Signatures of Life, and Space Flight Environmental Effects On The Nervous SystemAdv Space Res-series3Space Life Sciences: Steps Toward Origin(s) of Life Adv Space Res3Space Life Sciences: Steps Toward Origin(s) of LifeAdv Space Res-seriesfSpace Life Sciences: Structure and Dynamics of The Global Space Radiation Field At Aircraft Altitiudes Adv Space ReseSpace Life Sciences: Structure and Dynamics of The Global Space Radiation Field At Aircraft AltitudesAdv Space Res-seriesSpace Missions and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt InsSpace of Mathematics Grundl KommSpace of Service to Humanity Spac StudrSpace of Their Own: The Archaeology of Nineteenth Century Lunatic Asylums in Britain, South Australia and TasmaniaContrib Glob Hist ArSpace, Oil and CapitalRoutl Stud Int Bus WLSpace Operations: Mission Management, Technologies, and Current ApplicationsProgr Astronaut Aero2Space Optics 1994: Earth Observation and AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Space Optics 1994: Space Instrumentation and Spacecraft OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsSpace, Place, and Society Spa Plac SocSpace Plasma Physics Adv Space ResSpace Plasma Physics Aip Conf ProcSpace Plasma SimulationLect Notes Phys Space Policy Space Policy Space Power Space PowerSpace Power and PoliticsSpace Power PolitSpace Processing of MaterialsP Soc Photo-opt InsCSpace, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum Spesif-2009 Aip Conf ProcDSpace, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum Spesif- 2010 Aip Conf Proc/Space Psychology and Psychiatry, Second EditionSpace Technol LibSpace Regulations LibrarySpace Regul LibSpace Safety and Rescue 1990Sci TechSpace Safety and Rescue 1991Sci TechSpace Safety and Rescue 1992Sci TechSpace Safety and Rescue 1997Sci TechSpace Safety and Rescue 1998Sci Tech*Space Safety, Rescue and Quality 1999-2000Sci Tech%Space Safety, Rescue and Quality 2001Sci Tech9Space Science and The Long-term Future of Space in Europe Esa Sp Publ9Space Science and The Long-term Future of Space in Europe Esa Spec Publ=Space Sciencecraft Control and Tracking in The New MillenniumP Soc Photo-opt InsOSpace Science Education and Promoting North-south Partnership in Space Research Adv Space Res$Space Science Exploration and PolicySpace Sci Explor PolSpace Science Reviews Space Sci RevSpace Science Series Space Sci SSpace Science Series of Issi S S S IssiSpace Science Series of IssiSpace Sci Ser Issi<Space Shuttle Main Engine: The First Twenty Years and Beyond Aas Hist Ser$Spaces of Homotopy Self-equivalencesLect Notes MathUSpaces of The Sacred and Profane: Dickens, Trollope, and The Victorian Cathedral TownLit Crit Cult TheorySpace Solar Power Review Space Power!Spaces, Spatiality and TechnologyKis Co Sup Coop Work Space Studies Spac Stud:Space Systems Engineering and Optical Alignment MechanismsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Space Systems Technology and OperationsP Soc Photo-opt InsESpace Technology and Applications International Forum - 1998, Pts 1-3 Aip Conf ProcMSpace Technology and Applications International Forum - 1999, Pts One and Two Aip Conf Proc:Space Technology and Applications International Forum-2001 Aip Conf Proc>Space Technology and Applications International Forum, Pts 1-3 Aip Conf ProcBSpace Technology and Applications International Forum, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc@Space Technology and Applications International Forum-staif 2002 Aip Conf ProcBSpace Technology and Applications International Forum - Staif 2003 Aip Conf Proc@Space Technology and Applications International Forum-staif 2004 Aip Conf Proc@Space Technology and Applications International Forum-staif 2005 Aip Conf ProcBSpace Technology and Applications International Forum - Staif 2006 Aip Conf ProcBSpace Technology and Applications International Forum - Staif 2007 Aip Conf Proc@Space Technology and Applications International Forum Staif 2008 Aip Conf ProcISpace Technology and Applications International Forum (staif-96), Pts 1-3 Aip Conf Proc7Space Technology-industrial and Commercial Applications Space TechnolSpace Technology Library Spac Tec LSpace Technology LibrarySpace Technol LibSpace Technology ProceedingsSpace Technol ProcYSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsYSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpiePSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsPSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieQSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter WaveP Soc Photo-opt InsCSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma RayP Soc Photo-opt InsCSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Proc SpieNSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation Ii: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsNSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation Ii: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieVSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation I: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsVSpace Telescopes and Instrumentation I: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie Space Telescopes and InstrumentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Space Telescopes and Instruments IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Space Telescopes and Instruments V, Pts 1-2P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium Series Space Tel SSpace, Time, and CultureContr PhenomenolpSpace, Time, and Spacetime: Physical and Philosophical Implications On Minkowski's Unification of Space and TimeFund Theor Phys$Space, Time, and The Use of LanguageCogn Linguist Res]Space-time Continuous Models of Swarm Robotic Systems: Supporting Global-to-local ProgrammingCogn Syst Monogr#Spacetime, Geometry and GravitationProg Math Phys0Space-time Organization in Macromolecular FluidsSpringer Series Chem;Space Transportation Propulsion Technology Symposium, Vol 2 Nasa Conf P6Space Travel and Culture: From Apollo to Space TourismSociol Rev Monogr Space Weather Adv Space Res Space WeatherGeoph Monog SeriesSpace Weather 2000 Adv Space ResSpace Weather 2000Adv Space Res-series'Space Weather: Physics and Applications Adv Space Res'Space Weather: Physics and ApplicationsAdv Space Res-series#Space Weather - Physics and EffectsSpringer-prax Books5Space Weather Prediction: Applications and Validation Adv Space Res5Space Weather Prediction: Applications and ValidationAdv Space Res-series6Space Weather: Research Towards Applications in EuropeAstrophys Space Sc L/Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques Cospar CollDSpace Weather-the International Journal of Research and Applications Space Weather*Space Weather: The Physics Behind A SloganLect Notes PhysSpanSpanZSpanische Verbalflexion: Eine Minimalistische Analyse Im Rahmen Der Distributed Morphology Linguist ArbSpanish Economic Review Span Econ RevSpanish in Context Span Context(Spanish Journal of Agricultural ResearchSpan J Agric ResSpanish Journal of PsychologySpan J PsycholLSpanish Relativity Meeting, Ere2007: Relativistic Astrophysics and CosmologyEas Publications%Spanish Relativity Meeting (ere 2009)J Phys Conf Ser Span Series Span SeriesjSparking Signals: Kinases As Molecular Signal Transducers and Pharmacological Drug Targets in InflammationErnst Schering FoundaSpasticity and Its Management With Physical Therapy Applications With Multiple Sclerosis PatientsNeurodegener Dis Lab\Spatial Analysis and Modeling in Geographical Transformation Process: Gis-based ApplicationsGeojournal Lib(Spatial Analysis and Population Dynamics Congr Coll<Spatial Analysis in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Geotech SpUSpatial and Social Disparities: Understanding Population Trends and Processes - Vol 2Underst Popul Trends'Spatial and Spatiotemporal EconometricsAdv EconometricsXSpatial Assemblages of Tropical Intertidal Rocky Shore Communities in Ghana, West AfricaEnviron Sci Eng TechSpatial Choices and Processes Stud Reg Sc!Spatial Cognition and ComputationSpat Cogn Comput/Spatial Cognition: Foundations and Applications Adv Consc ResSpatial Cognition IiLect Notes Artif IntSpatial Cognition IiiLect Notes Artif Int4Spatial Cognition Iv, Reasoning, Action, InteractionLect Notes Comput ScSpatial Cognition ViiLect Notes Artif IntBSpatial Cognition Vi: Learning, Reasoning, and Talking About SpaceLect Notes Artif Int3Spatial Cognition V: Reasoning, Action, InteractionLect Notes Artif Int,Spatial Coherence for Visual Motion AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc@Spatial Contact Problems in Geotechnics: Boundary-element MethodFound Eng MechSpatial Database SystemsGeojournal Lib2Spatial Data Infrastructure for Urban RegenerationCsur Ut Ser Lib SustVSpatial Dimensions of Development - Interaction Between The Global, National and LocalGeogr Hafniensia*Spatial Disparities and Development PolicyBerlin Workshop Ser(Spatial Dynamics, Networks and ModellingNew Horiz Reg SciVSpatial Econometrics: Statistical Foundations and Applications to Regional Convergence Adv Spat SciSpatial Economic AnalysisSpat Econ AnalSpatial Economic Science Adv Spat SciSpatial Epidemiology London Pap'Spatial Information and The Environment Innovat GisPSpatial Information From Digital Photogrammetry and Computer Vision, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsSpatial Information TheoryLect Notes Comput Sc7Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basic for GisLect Notes Comput Sc'Spatial Information Theory, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSpatial Light ModulatorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Spatial Light Modulators and Applications Iii Crit Rev Op5Spatial Light Modulators: Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsVSpatially Resolved Characterization of Local Phenomena in Materials and NanostructuresMater Res Soc Symp PWSpatial Memory: Visuospatial Processes, Cognitive Performance and Developmental EffectsNeurosci Res Prog SejSpatial Methods for Solution of Environmental and Hydrologic Problems-science, Policy, and StandardizationAm Soc Test MaterSpatial Model of PoliticsRoutl Front Polit Ec=Spatial Planning and Urban Development: Critical PerspectivesUrban Land Perspect6Spatial Processes and Management of Marine Populations Low Wake FiNSpatial Representation and Reasoning for Robot Mapping: A Shape-based ApproachSpringer Trac Adv RoSpatial Statistics and ModelingSpringer Ser StatISpatial Temporal Patterns for Action-oriented Perception in Roving RobotsCogn Syst Monogr;Spatial Theories of Education: Policy and Geography MattersRoutl Res Educ,Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary PerspectivesRoutl Stud Hum GeogrOSpatial Turns: Space, Place, and Mobility in German Literary and Visual CultureAmst Beitr Neuer GerRSpatial Variation of Seismic Ground Motions: Modeling and Engineering ApplicationsAdv EngSpatial VisionSpatial Vision3Spatio-temporal Databases: The Chrochronos ApproachLect Notes Comput ScISpatio-temporal Dynamics and Quantum Fluctuations in Semiconductor LasersSpringer Tr Mod PhyskSpatio-temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems: A Time/space Separation Based ApproachIntel Syst Contr Aut:Spatiotemporal Models in Biological and Artificial Systems Fr Art Int:Spatio-temporal Patterns in Nonequilibrium Complex Systems Sfi S Sci C4Spatrenaissance-philosophie in Deutschland 1570-1650Fruhe Neuzeit-stud D Spazio E Societa-space & SocietySpaz Soc-space Soc3Spde in Hydrodynamic: Recent Progress and ProspectsLect Notes Math=Speaking for Islam: Religious Authorities in Muslim Societies Soc Econ P5Speaking of Economics: How to Get in The ConversationEcon Soc TheorSpeaking of Emotions Cog Lin Res7Speaking Science Fiction: Dialogues and InterpretationsLp Sci Fic T StudiesSpeaking With AuthorityIndigen People Polit<Speaking Without Words : Forms of Nonverbal Human Expression Kungl Vit H Speareports SpeareportsISpecial Applications and Advanced Techniques for Crack Size DeterminationAm Soc Test MaterSpecial Ceramics 9 Brit Cer Pr8Special Conference Series - Academy of Marketing Science Sp Conf Ams3Special Design Topics in Digital Wideband ReceiversArtech Hse Radar Lib=Special Edition of Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education Tex Pap For&Special Features in Vegetation ScienceSpec Feat Veget Sci.Special Forces, Strategy and The War On Terror Cass Mil StudASpecial Functions 2000: Current Perspective and Future DirectionsNato Sci Ser Ii Math,Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials Contemp MathTSpecial Geotechnical Testing: Central Artery/tunnel Project in Boston, Massachusetts Geotech Sp<Special Issue: Constitutional Politics in A Conservative EraStud Law Politics So)Special Issue: Is The Death Penalty DyingStud Law Politics So.Special Issue: Law and Literature ReconsideredStud Law Politics So+Special Issue: Law and Society ReconsideredStud Law Politics So=Special Issue: New Perspectives On Crime and Criminal JusticeStud Law Politics SoSpecial Issue Revisiting RightsStud Law Politics So`Specialist Periodical Reports Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic CompoundsSpec Per Rep Spectro*Speciality Chemicals in Mineral Processing Roy Soc ChKSpecialization and Complementation of Humoral Immune Responses to InfectionCurr Top Microbiol8Specialization of Quadratic and Symmetric Bilinear Forms Algebra Appl-Specialized Optical Developments in AstronomyP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Specialized Optical Developments in Astronomy Proc Spie@Specialized Rasch Measures Applied At The Forefront of EducationEduc Compet Glob WorSpecial Libraries Spec Libr!Special Metrics and Supersymmetry Aip Conf ProcJSpecial Operations and Strategy: From World War Ii to The War On Terrorism Strateg HistSpecial Papers in PalaeontologySp Pap PalaeontolSpecial Papers in PalaeontologySpec Pap Palaeontol&Special Papers in Palaeontology Series Sp Palaeont&Special Papers in Palaeontology SeriesSpec Pap Palaeontol&Special Papers in Palaeontology SeriesSpec Pap Paleontol5Special Publication - Agronomy Society of New Zealand Sp Pub Agr2Special Publication / European Aquaculture SocietySp Pub Eur AquacultJSpecial Publication of The European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists Sp Pub EapgSpecial Publications of IavceiSpec Publ IavceiISpecial Publications of The International Association of Sedimentologists Sp Publ IntISpecial Publications of The International Association of Sedimentologists Spec Publ IntISpecial Publications of The International Association of SedimentologistsSpec Publ Int Ass Se<Special Publications of The Society for General MicrobiologySpec Publ Soc Gen Mi7Special Relativity: Will It Survive The Next 101 Years?Lect Notes Phys8Special Report - Inter-american Tropical Tuna CommissionSr Inter Amer Trop T<Special Reports of The Institute for International Economics Sr Inst IntTSpecial Research Unit 227 - Prevention and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence Sp R Prev ISpecial Sessions On Food Safety, Visual Analytics, Resource Restricted Embedded and Sensor Networks, and 3d Imaging and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt InsSpecial Sessions On Food Safety, Visual Analytics, Resource Restricted Embedded and Sensor Networks, and 3d Imaging and Display Proc Spie1Special Studies in Teaching and Teacher Education Sp St TechlSpecial Study of The Kennan Inst for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Ctr for Scholars Sp S Kennan'Special Topics in Intellectual Property Acs Sym Ser*Specialty Cements With Advanced PropertiesMater Res Soc Symp PQSpecialty Fiber Optics for Biomedical and Industrial Applications, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Specialty Fiber Optics for Medical Applications, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Specialty Fiber Optics for Medical Applications, Proceedings Of Proc Spie2Specialty Fiber Optic Systems for Mobile PlatformsP Soc Photo-opt InsMSpecialty Fiber Optic Systems for Mobile Platforms and Plastic Optical FibersP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Special Volume in Memory of Ilya Prigogine Adv Chem Phys!Speciation of Modern Homo Sapiens P Brit Acad7Species Conservation : A Population-biological Approach Adv Lif SciISpecies Differences in Thyroid, Kidney and Urinary Bladder Carcinogenesis Iarc Sci Publ Species Diversity and ExtinctionEnviron Sci Eng Tech3Species Richness: Patterns in The Diversity of LifeS-p B Environ Sci0Specification and Measurement of Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Specification and Verification of Declarative Open Interaction Models: A Logic-based ApproachLect Notes Bus Inf P.Specification of Software Systems, 2nd EditionTexts Comput SciHSpecification, Production, and Testing of Optical Components and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InswSpecifications Performance Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Radiographic and Fluoroscopic Systems in The Digital Era Med Phys Mg.Specific Immunotherapy of Cancer With VaccinesAnn Ny Acad Sci2Specificity, Function, and Development of Nk CellsCurr Top MicrobiolSpecifying Engineer Specif EngISpecimen Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials IiMater Res Soc Symp PLSpecimen Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials - IiiMater Res Soc Symp PISpecimen Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials IvMater Res Soc Symp P+Speckle06: Speckles, From Grains to FlowersP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Speckle06: Speckles, From Grains to Flowers Proc SpieSpeckle 2010: Optical MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt InsSpeckle 2010: Optical Metrology Proc Spie#Speckle Metrology 2003, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt InsYSpeckle Techniques, Birefringence Methods, and Applications to Solid Mechanics, Pts A & BP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Spectacles of Empire: Monsters, Martyrs, and Book of RevelationDivin Reread Late An,Spectra and Timing of Compact X-ray BinariesAdv Space Res-series/Spectral Analysis in Geometry and Number Theory Contemp MathFSpectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices, Second EditionSpringer Ser StatSpectral and Scattering TheoryLect Notes Pure Appl;Spectral and Scattering Theory for Quantum Magnetic Systems Contemp MathPSpectral Energy Distributions of Gas-rich Galaxies: Confronting Models With Data Aip Conf ProcSpectral Finite Element MethodComput Fluid Solid MKSpectral Geometry of Manifolds With Boundary and Decomposition of Manifolds Contemp MathOSpectral Imaging: Eighth International Symposium On Multispectral Color ScienceP Soc Photo-opt InsOSpectral Imaging: Eighth International Symposium On Multispectral Color Science Proc Spie=Spectral Imaging: Instrumentation, Applications, and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Spectral Imaging: Instrumentation, Applications, and Analysis IiP Soc Photo-opt InsASpectral Imaging: Instrumentation, Applications, and Analysis IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsASpectral Imaging: Instrumentation, Applications, and Analysis Iii Proc SpieSpectral Line Shapes Aip Conf Proc$Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics Aip Conf ProcSpectral Line Shapes, Vol 10 Aip Conf ProcSpectral Line Shapes, Vol 11 Aip Conf ProcSpectral Line Shapes Vol 15 Aip Conf ProcSpectral Line Shapes, Vol 8 Aip Conf Proc(Spectral Line Shapes, Vol 9 - 13th Icsls Aip Conf Proc,Spectral Method in Multiaxial Random FatigueLect Notes Appl Comp6Spectral Methods for Operators of Mathematical Physics Oper TheorbSpectral Methods for Uncertainty Quantification: With Applications to Computational Fluid Dynamics Sci Comput(Spectral Methods in Quantum Field TheoryLect Notes Phys-Spectral Methods in Surface SuperconductivityProg Nonlinear Diffe-Spectral Properties of Noncommuting OperatorsLect Notes MathESpectral Theory and Computational Methods of Sturm-liouville ProblemsLect Notes Pure Appl&Spectral Theory and Geometric Analysis Contemp Math_Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics: A Festschrift in Honor of Barry Simon's 60th BirthdayP Symp Pure MathQSpectral Theory for Random and Nonautonomous Parabolic Equations and ApplicationsCh Crc Monogr Surv P8Spectral Theory in Inner Product Spaces and Applications Oper Theor[Spectral Theory of Linear Operators and Spectral Systems in Banach Algebras, Second EditionOper Theory Adv ApplHSpectral Theory of Non-commutative Harmonic Oscillators: An IntroductionLect Notes MathSpectrochimica ActaSpectrochim ActaBSpectrochimica Acta Part A-molecular and Biomolecular SpectroscopySpectrochim Acta A1Spectrochimica Acta Part A-molecular SpectroscopySpectrochim Acta A-m.Spectrochimica Acta Part B-atomic SpectroscopySpectrochim Acta BSpectrochimica Acta ReviewsSpectrochim Acta Rev/Spectrophotometric Dating of Stars and Galaxies Astr Soc P@Spectrophotometry, Luminescence and Colour; Science & Compliance Anal SpectrNSpectroscopically and Spatially Resolving The Components of Close Binary Stars Astr Soc P/Spectroscopic Atmospheric Monitoring TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Spectroscopic Challenges of Photoionized Plasmas Astr Soc P=Spectroscopic Characterization of Minerals and Their Surfaces Acs Sym SerISpectroscopic Characterization Techniques for Semiconductor Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt InsHSpectroscopic Characterization Techniques for Semiconductor Technology VP Soc Photo-opt InsJSpectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, Vol 37Spec Per Rep SpectroJSpectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, Vol 38Spec Per Rep SpectroJSpectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, Vol 39Spec Per Rep Spectro5Spectroscopic Studies of Superconductors, Pts A and BP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Spectroscopic Techniques in Biophysics Ivsla Ser?Spectroscopic Tools for The Analysis of Electrochemical Systems Elec Soc S=Spectroscopie Atmospheric Environmental Monitoring TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins Spectroscopy Spectroscopy SpectroscopySpectroscopy-us=Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Collective Excitations in SolidsNato Adv Sci I B-phy"Spectroscopy and Spectral AnalysisSpectrosc Spect Anal%Spectroscopy-an International JournalSpectrosc-int J$Spectroscopy-biomedical ApplicationsSpectrosc-biomed AppSpectroscopy From SpaceNato Sci Ser Ii MathSpectroscopy From SpaceNato Sci Ser Ii-mathSpectroscopy LettersSpectrosc Lett$Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules Roy Soc Ch"Spectroscopy of Emerging MaterialsNato Sci Ser Ii Math!Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei 1989Inst Phys Conf Ser'Spectroscopy of Inorganic BioactivatorsNato Adv Sci I C-mat5Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated MetalsSpringer Series Soli-Spectroscopy of Semiconductor MicrostructuresNato Adv Sci I B-phySpectroscopy of SemiconductorsSemiconduct Semimet:Spectroscopy of Systems With Spatially Confined StructuresNato Sci Ser Ii Math:Spectroscopy of Systems With Spatially Confined StructuresNato Sci Ser Ii-mathSpectrum and DynamicsCrm Proc & Lect Note7Spectrum Auctions and Competition in TelecommunicationsCesifo Seminar SerSpectrum LiteraturwissenschaftSpect LiteraturwissSpectrum LiteraturwissenschaftSpectr LiteraturwissSpectrum Series Spectr Ser(Spectrum-the Journal of State GovernmentSpectrum-j State Gov&Speculations in Science and TechnologySpeculat Sci TechnolqSpeculative Grammar and Stoic Language Theory in Medieval Allegorical Narrative: From Prudentius to Alan of LilleStud Mediev Hist Cul&Speculum-a Journal of Medieval StudiesSpeculumSpe Drilling & CompletionSpe Drill CompletionSpeech Acoustics and PhoneticsText Speech Lang TecMSpeech Acts Across Cultures: Challenges to Communication in A Second LanguageStud Lang Acquis3Speech and Audio Processing in Adverse EnvironmentsSignals Commun Techn,Speech and Thought Representation in EnglishTop Engl LinguistKSpeech, Audio, Image and Biomedical Signal Processing Using Neural NetworksStud Comput IntellSpeech Communication Speech CommunSpeech DereverberationSignals Commun Techn6Speech Disorders: Causes, Treatment and Social EffectsLang Linguist SerSpeech Monographs Speech Monogr#Speech Motor Control and Stuttering Int Congr SerFSpeech Processing in Modern Communication: Challenges and PerspectivesSpringer Top Sign Pr&Speech Production and Speech ModellingNato Adv Sci I D-behFSpeech Production: Motor Control, Brain Research and Fluency Disorders Int Congr SerSpeech Spectrum AnalysisSignals Commun TechnSpeech Teacher Speech TeachSpeeding Up Innovation Eirma ConfSpe Formation EvaluationSpe Formation Eval Spe JournalSpe JSpektrum Der AugenheilkundeSpektrum Augenheilkd?Spelling Skills: Acquisition, Abilities, and Reading ConnectionEduc Compet Glob WorSpenser Newsletter Spenser NewslSpe Production & FacilitiesSpe Prod FacilSpe Production & Operations Spe Prod OperSpe Reservoir EngineeringSpe Reservoir Eng&Spe Reservoir Evaluation & EngineeringSpe Reserv Eval Eng Sperimental Sperimentale Sperimentale SperimentalSperry Symposium SeriesSperry Symp SerSpe Transactions Spe Trans_Spezielles Gesellschaftsrecht Fur Borsennotierte Aktiengesellschaften in Den Eg-mitgliedstaatenSchr Eur Int Priv BVSpherical Functions of Matematical Geosciences: Scalar, Vectorial, and Tensorial SetupAdv Geophys Env MechYSpherical Functions of Mathematical Geosciences: A Scalar, Vectorial, and Tensorial SetupAdv Geophys Env MechSpherical Tube HypersurfacesLect Notes Math0Sphingolipid Metabolism and Cell Signaling, Pt AMethod Enzymol0Sphingolipid Metabolism and Cell Signaling, Pt BMethod Enzymol#Sphingolipids and Metabolic DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol3Sphingolipids As Signaling and Regulatory MoleculesAdv Exp Med Biol;Sphingolipids As Signaling Modulators in The Nervous SystemAnn Ny Acad SciSpices Acs Sym SerrSpie Eco-photonics 2011: Sustainable Design, Manufacturing, and Engineering Workforce Education for A Green FutureP Soc Photo-opt InsrSpie Eco-photonics 2011: Sustainable Design, Manufacturing, and Engineering Workforce Education for A Green Future Proc SpieSpiegel Der Letteren Spiegel LettRSpiel in Der Asthetik: Systematische Uberlegungen Zu Kants Kritik Der Urteilskraft KantstudienSpie Proceedings Series Spie Proc SerSpies of The KaiserSt Antonys Ser7Spillover and Migration of Surface Species On CatalystsStud Surf Sci Catal?Spillovers and Innovations: Space, Environment, and The EconomyInterd Stud Econ Man#Spill Science & Technology BulletinSpill Sci Technol B Spin 2000 Aip Conf Proc Spin 2002 Aip Conf Proc Spinal Cord Spinal Cord;Spinal Cord Injury Pain: Assessment, Mechanisms, ManagementProg Pain Res ManagGSpinal Cord Trauma: Regeneration, Neural Repair and Functional RecoveryProg Brain Res?Spinal Imaging: Diagnostic Imaging of The Spine and Spinal CordMed Radiol Diagn Ima5Spinal Implants: Are We Evaluating Them AppropriatelyAm Soc Test Mater.Spin Crossover in Transition Metal Compounds I Top Curr Chem/Spin Crossover in Transition Metal Compounds Ii Top Curr Chem0Spin Crossover in Transition Metal Compounds Iii Top Curr Chem/Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures I Top Appl Phys0Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures Ii Top Appl Phys1Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures Iii Top Appl PhysSpineSpine Spine JournalSpine J Spin GlassesLect Notes Math"Spin Glasses: Statics and Dynamics Prog Probab-Spin Model Checking and Software VerificationLect Notes Comput Sc,Spin Model Checking and Software VerificatonLect Notes Comput Sc9Spinning Particles - Semiclassics and Spectral StatisticsSpringer Tr Mod PhysHSpin-orbit Coupling Effects in Two-dimensional Electron and Hole SystemsSpringer Tr Mod PhysHSpin-orbit Coupling Effects in Two-dimensional Electron and Hole SystemsSpringer Trac Mod PhHSpin-orbit Coupling Effects in Two-dimensional Electron and Hole SystemsSpringer Tracts Mod"Spinors in Four-dimensional SpacesProg Math PhysSpinoza Routl Philos Spinoziana Less Intell Spin Physics Aip Conf ProcSpin Physics in SemiconductorsSpringer Ser Solid-sSpin: Poincare Seminar 2007 Prog Math PSpin: Poincare Seminar 2007Prog Math Phys4Spin-statistics Connection and Commutation Relations Aip Conf Proc5Spin Structure At Long Distance, Workshop Proceedings Aip Conf ProcSpin Structure of The NucleonNato Sci Ser Ii Math SpintronicsMater Res Soc Symp P SpintronicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Spintronics Proc Spie SpintronicsSemiconduct SemimetSpintronics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsSpintronics Ii Proc SpieSpintronics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Spirit in The Church and The WorldAnn Pub Coll Theol SSpirituality and Community Gay Men I R%Spirituality and Ethics in ManagementIssues Bus Ethics,Spiritus-a Journal of Christian SpiritualitySpiritus0Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of The Cosmos Astr Soc PSpixianaSpixianaSplanchnic Circulation Upd Int Car>Split Hopkinson (kolsky) Bar: Design, Testing and Applications Mech Eng Ser9Splitting Deformations of Degenerations of Complex CurvesLect Notes MathgSplitting Methods for Partial Differential Equations With Rough Solutions: Analysis and Matlab ProgramsEms Ser Lect Math@Spoken Multimodal Human-computer Dialogue in Mobile EnvironmentsText Speech Lang Tec Spon ResearchSpon Res>Spontaneous Formation of Space-time Structures and CriticalityNato Adv Sci I C-matSport AerodynamicsCism Courses Lect?Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Key Concepts, Second EditionRoutl Key GuidesSport Education and SocietySport Educ SocSport for All: Into The 90's Com Phys EdSport History ReviewSport Hist RevSporting Bodies, Damaged SelvesRes Sociol SportSport in The Global SocietySport Glob Soc!Sport, Masculinities and The BodyRoutl Res Sport CultSport Psychologist Sport PsycholSport PsychologySports Athl Prep Per;Sports and Athletics Preparation Performance and PsychologySports Athl Prep PerSports Biomechanics Sport BiomechSport Science Review Sport Sci RevSports Data MiningIntegr Ser Inform SySports Exercise and InjurySports Exerc Injury#Sport, Sexualities and Queer/theoryRoutl Crit Stud Spor*Sports in School, Association and IndustrySchrift Deut Verein*Sports Materials, Modelling and SimulationAdv Mater Res-switzSports Medicine Sports Med&Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy ReviewSports Med ArthroscSports, Medicine and Health Int Congr Ser2Sports Medicine Standards and Malpractice ReporterSports Med Stand MalCSports, Narrative, and Nation in The Fiction of F. Scott FitzgeraldStud Major Lit Autho\Sport, Spiele, Kampfe: Studien Zur Historischen Anthropologie Und Zur Philosophie Des SportsSpor Spiel Kamp%Sports Science and Sports EngineeringSport Sci Sport EngSportverletzung-sportschadenSportverletz Sportsc&Spotlight On Modern Transformer Design Power Syst$Sprachbund in The West African SahelCollect Afr Et LangSprache & KognitionSprache KognitfSprache Im Bild - Das Bild in Der Sprache: Zur Verknupfung Von Sprache Und Bild Im Massenmedialen TextLinguist-impulse TenXSprache in Der Organisation: Sprachreflexive Verfahren Im Systemischen BeratungsgesprachLinguist-impulse TenSprache-stimme-gehorSprache-stimme-gehor:Sprache Und Schrift Aus Handlungstheoretischer PerspektiveStud Linguist GerPSprache Und Tabu-interpretationen Zu Franzosischen Und Italienischen EuphemismenBeih Z Roman PhilolSprache Und WissenSprache WissenpSprachgeschichte: Ein Handbuch Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache Und Ihrer Erforschung, Teilband 4, Auflage 2Handb Sprach Kommun Sprachkunst SprachkunstASprachliche Benennung Von Personen Aus Konstruktivistischer SichtLinguist-impulse TenESprachliche Kurze-konzeptuelle, Strukturelle Und Pragmatische AspekteLinguist-impulse Ten&Sprachwahl in Europaischen UnternehmenSociolinguisticaSprachwissenschaftSprachwissenschaft Spr-catalysis Spr-catalISpread of Novels: Translation and Prose Fiction in The Eighteenth CenturyTransl TransnatSpringer Aerospace TechnologySpringer Aerosp TechSpringerbriefs in AgricultureSprbrief Agric2Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and TechnologySpr Brief Appl Sci1Springerbriefs in Applied Sciences and TechnologySpringerbr Appl SciSpringerbriefs in BusinessSpringerbrief Bus#Springer Briefs in Computer ScienceSpr Brief Comput Sci"Springerbriefs in Computer ScienceSpringerbrief ComputSpringerbriefs in EconomicsSpringerbrief EconSpringerbriefs in EducationSpringerbriefs Educ5Springerbriefs in Electrical and Computer EngineeringSprbrief Elect5Springerbriefs in Electrical and Computer EngineeringSpringerbriefs Elect'Springerbriefs in Environmental ScienceSpringerbr Env SciSpringerbriefs in MathematicsSpringerbrief MathSpringerbriefs in MicrobiologySpringerbrief MicroSpringer Briefs in PhysicsSpringer Briefs PhysSpringerbriefs in PhysicsSpringerbrief Phys$Springerbriefs in Population StudiesSpringerbrief Popul#Springerbriefs in Speech TechnologySpringerbrief SpeechSpringerbriefs in StatisticsSpringerbrief StatSpringer ComplexitySpringer ComplexSpringer Computer ScienceSpring Comp SciSpringer FinanceSpringer FinancSpringer FinanceSpringer Finance&Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Spr Hdb Aud&Springer Handbook of Auditory ResearchSpringer Handb AuditASpringer International Series in Engineering and Computer ScienceSpring Int Ser Eng CASpringer International Series in Engineering and Computer ScienceSpringer Int Ser EngSpringer Lab ManualSpring Lab Man.Springer Laboratory Manuals in Polymer ScienceSpringer Lab Man Pol"Springer Monographs in MathematicsSpringer Monogr MathSpringer Praxis BooksSpringer-prax Books2Springer-praxis Books in Astronautical EngineeringS-p B Astronaut Eng9Springer-praxis Books in Astronomy and Planetary SciencesS-p B Astron Planet5Springer-praxis Books in Astronomy and Space SciencesS-p B Astron Space/Springer-praxis Books in Environmental SciencesS-p B Environ Sci*Springer-praxis Books in Space ExplorationS-p B Space ExplorSpringer Proceedings in PhysicsSpringer Proc PhysSpringer Protocols HandbooksSpringer Protoc Hand$Springer Seminars in ImmunopathologySpringer Semin Immun)Springer Series in Accounting ScholarshipSpringer Ser Account)Springer Series in Advanced ManufacturingSpr Ser Adv Manuf)Springer Series in Advanced ManufacturingSpringer Ser Adv Man,Springer Series in Advanced MicroelectronicsSpr Ser Adv MicroeleSpringer Series in BiophysicsSpringer Ser Biophys#Springer Series in Chemical PhysicsSpringer Ser Chem Ph#Springer Series in Chemical PhysicsSpringer Series Chem/Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural SystemsSpringer Ser Cog Neu,Springer Series in Computational Mathematics Spr S Comp,Springer Series in Computational MathematicsSpr Ser Comput Math-Springer Series in Computational NeuroscienceSpr Ser Comput NeuroHSpringer Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceSpr S Disc Math,Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics Sprin S EleSpringer Series in Game TheorySpringer Ser Game Th2Springer Series in Geomechanics and GeoengineeringSpr Ser Geomch Geong2Springer Series in Geomechanics and GeoengineeringSpringer Ser Geomech$Springer Series in Materials ScienceSpringer Ser Mater S$Springer Series in Materials ScienceSpringer Series Mate"Springer Series in Neuropsychology Spr S Neur@Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial EngineeringSpringer Ser Oper Re#Springer Series in Optical SciencesSpringer Ser Opt Sci#Springer Series in Optical SciencesSpringer Series Opti4Springer Series in Optimization and Its ApplicationsSpringer Optim Appl4Springer Series in Optimization and Its ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim A*Springer Series in Reliability EngineeringSpring Ser Reliab En*Springer Series in Reliability EngineeringSpringer Ser Reliab'Springer Series in Solid-state SciencesSpringer Ser Solid-s'Springer Series in Solid-state SciencesSpringer Series SoliSpringer Series in StatisticsSpringer Ser Stat#Springer Series in Surface SciencesSpringer Ser Surf ScSpringer Series in SynergeticsSpringer Ser SynergSpringer Series in SynergeticsSpringer Series Syne)Springer Series in Underwater ArchaeologySpringer Ser Underw-Springer Series On Agent Based Social SystemsSp S Ag Ba So Syst-Springer Series On Agent Based Social SystemsSpringer Ser Agent B6Springer Series On Artificial Intelligence and Society Spr S Ai S4Springer Series On Atomic Optical and Plasma PhysicsSpringer Ser Atom Op;Springer Series On Behavior Therapy and Behavioral Medicine Spr S Beh2Springer Series On Chemical Sensors and BiosensorsSpringer Ser Chem Se>Springer Series On Demographic Methods and Population AnalysisSpringer Ser Demogr+Springer Series On Environmental ManagementSpringer Ser Env Man*Springer Series On Epidemiology and HealthSpringer Ser EpidemiSpringer Series On Fluorescence Spr S FluorSpringer Series On FluorescenceSpringer Ser Fluores'Springer Series On Human ExceptionalitySpringer Ser Hum Exc+Springer Series On Touch and Haptic SystemsSpringer Ser Touch,Springers Forensic Laboratory Science SeriesSpringer Forens Lab"Springer Specialist Surgery SeriesSpringer Spec Surg S%Springer Studies in Work and IndustrySpringer Stud Work ISpringer Surgery Atlas SeriesSpringer Surg AtlasSpringer Texts in StatisticsSpringer Texts Stat4Springer Theses-recognizing Outstanding Phd ResearchSpringer Theses-reco$Springer Topics in Signal ProcessingSpringer Top Sign Pr$Springer Tracts in Advanced RoboticsSpr Tra Adv Robot$Springer Tracts in Advanced RoboticsSpringer Trac Adv Ro$Springer Tracts in Advanced RoboticsSpringer Tracts Adv!Springer Tracts in Modern PhysicsSpringer Tr Mod Phys!Springer Tracts in Modern PhysicsSpringer Trac Mod Ph!Springer Tracts in Modern PhysicsSpringer Tracts Mod:Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and TechnologySpring Und Text Math,Spring Handbooks of Computational StatisticsSpr Hbk Compu Stat/Sprites, Elves and Intense Lightning DischargesNato Sci Ser Ii Math/Sprites, Elves and Intense Lightning DischargesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathSpr-organophosphorus ChemistrySpr-organophos Chem>Spruce Monocultures in Central Europe - Problems and ProspectsEur Forest Inst Proc"Sps-programmierung Mit Iec 61131-3VDI-BuchGSpudasmata : Studien Zur Klassischen Philologie Und Ihren Grenzgebieten Spudasmata"Sputtering By Particle Bombardment Top Appl PhysSpyware and AdwareAdv Inform Secur/Square Wave Voltammetry: Theory and ApplicationMonogr Electrochem9Squid Sensors: Fundamentals, Fabrication and ApplicationsNato Adv Sci I E-app5Sra-journal of The Society of Research AdministratorsSra-j Soc Res AdminSrdc Publication Srdc PublKSrds 2006: 25th Ieee Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist SystYSrds 2007: 26th Ieee International Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist SystTSri 2009: The 10th International Conference On Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Aip Conf Proc#Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno LekarstvoSrp Ark Celok Lek Ssl and Tls: Theory and PracticeArtech Hse Inf Secur/Ssrc Newsletter-social Science Research Council Ssrc NewslSssa Miscellaneous PublicationSssa Misc PublicatSssa Special PublicationsSssa Spec Publ7Ssst: 2009 41st Southeastern Symposium On System TheorySe Sym Sys ThryQStability Analysis and Nonlinear Observer Design Using Takagi-sugeno Fuzzy ModelsStud Fuzz Soft CompZStability Analysis of Fuzzy-model-based Control Systems: Linear-matrix-inequality ApproachStud Fuzz Soft CompAStability Analysis of Impulsive Functional Differential EquationsDegruyter Expos Math<Stability and Control of Dynamical Systems With ApplicationsControl Eng Ser Birk<Stability and Control of Dynamical Systems With ApplicationsControl Engn Ser Bir7Stability and Control: Theory, Methods and Applications Stab ContrKStability and Convergence of Mechanical Systems With Unilateral ConstraintsLect Notes Appl Comp@Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures Under Cyclic Loading New D Civ E8Stability and Growth Pact Experiences and Future AspectsSchr Ost Ges Eur EcsJStability and Optimization of Structures: Generalized Sensitivity Analysis Mech Eng SerDStability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments-ii, Vols 1 and 2 Geotech Sp+Stability and Stabilization of BiocatalystsProgr Biotechnol&Stability and Stabilization of Enzymes Stud Org Chem0Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear SystemsCommun Control Eng0Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear SystemsLect Notes Contr InfOStability and Stabilization of Time-delay Systems: An Eigenvalue-based ApproachAdv Des Control)Stability and Wave Motion in Porous Media Appl Math Sci4Stability Augmentation of A Grid-connected Wind FarmGreen Energy Technol6Stability By Linearization of Einsteins Field EquationProg Math PhysCStability Estimates for Hybrid Coupled Domain Decomposition MethodsLect Notes MathOStability of Dynamical Systems: Continuous, Discontinuous, and Discrete SystemsSyst Control-found AStability of MaterialsNato Adv Sci I B-phyStability of MaterialsNato Adv Sci Inst SeStability of Minerals Min Soc Ser0Stability of Natural Slopes in The Coastal Plain Geotech Sp1Stability of Nonautonomous Differential EquationsLect Notes Math.Stability of Operators and Operator SemigroupsOper Theory Adv Appl-Stability of Particle Motion in Storage Rings Aip Conf ProcStability of Queueing NetworksLect Notes MathzStability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and ConservationEnviron Sci Eng(Stability Problems for Stochastic ModelsFront Pur Appl Prob(Stability Problems for Stochastic ModelsLect Notes MathStability Theory Int S Num M.Stability Theory of Switched Dynamical SystemsCommun Control Eng@Stability, Variation and Change of Word-order Patterns Over TimeAmst Stud Theory HisStabilization and GeosyntheticsTransport Res RecWStabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Waste, 2nd VolumeAm Soc Test MaterEStabilization, Growth and Distribution: Linkages in The Knowledge EraBell Canada Pap Econ$Stabilization of Navier-stokes FlowsCommun Control EngIStabilization of Nonlinear Systems Using Receding-horizon Control SchemesLect Notes Contr InfsStabilization of Nonlinear Systems Using Receding Horizon Control Schemes: A Parametrized Approach for Fast SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf)Stabilization, Optimal and Robust ControlCommun Control Eng:Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed SystemsLect Notes Comput ScbStabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, 10th International Symposium, Sss 2008Lect Notes Comput ScGStabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScStable and Unstable HomotopyFields I CommunStable and Unstable HomotopyFields Inst Commun4Stable Approximate Evaluation of Unbounded OperatorsLect Notes Math1Stable Homotopy Around The Arf-kervaire Invariant Prog MathStable Isotope GeochemistryRev Mineral Geochem\Stable Isotope Techniques in The Study of Biological Processes and Functioning of EcosystemsCurr Plant Sci BiotKStacs 2000: 17th Annual Symposium On Theoretical Aspect of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScLStacs 2000: 17th Annual Symposium On Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScStacs 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScStacs 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScStacs 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScStacs 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScStacs 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScStacs 90Lect Notes Comput ScStacs 91Lect Notes Comput ScStacs 92Lect Notes Comput ScKStacs 97 - 14th Annual Symposium On Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScKStacs 98 - 15th Annual Symposium On Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScKStacs'99 - 16th Annual Symposium On Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc Stadler Genetics Symposia Series Stadler Gen:Stadtburgertum Und Fruhneuzeitliche SprachstandardisierungStud Linguist GerUStadtische Eliten Im Romischen Makedonien: Untersuchungen Zur Formierung Und StrukturBeitr Altertumskunde(Staff and Educational Development SeriesStaff Educ Dev Ser"Staff Papers Brookings InstitutionStaff Pap Brookings4Stages of Deployment of Syngas Cleaning TechnologiesEnerg Sci Eng Tech8Staging Black Feminisms: Identity, Politics, PerformancePerform IntervStaging Early Modern RomanceRout Stud Renais LitStaging International FeminismsStud Int PerformAStaging Stigma: A Critical Examination of The American Freak ShowPalg Stud Theat PerfStahlbauStahlbauStahl Und Eisen Stahl Eisen-Stained Glass : Worldviews and Social Science Christ Stud6Stainless Steels for Medical and Surgical ApplicationsAm Soc Test MaterStain Technology Stain TechnolStairs 2002, Proceedings Fr Art IntStairs 2002, ProceedingsFront Artif Intel Ap Stairs 2004 Fr Art Int Stairs 2006 Fr Art Int Stairs 2008 Fr Art Int)Stakeholders, The Environment and SocietyNew Perspect Res CorStal in English-ussr Stal EnglStalinism in Poland, 1944-1956Int Congr Cent E EurUStalins Cold War: Soviet Foreign Policy, Democracy and Communism in Bulgaria, 1941-48Glob Confl SecurQStamm Und Landschaft: Josef Nadler's Konzeption Der Deutschen LiteraturgeschichteQuell Fors Lit Kul GhStammutter Aller Guten Schulen: Das Dessauer Philanthropinum Und Der Deutsche Philanthropismus 1774-1793Hallesche Beitr EurStandStandWStand-alone and Hybrid Wind Energy Systems: Technology, Energy Storage and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Ser En&Standard Basque: A Progressive GrammarCurr Stud Linguist3Standardisation of Thermal Cycling Exposure TestingEur Fed Corros Publ Standardization and ExpectationsLect Notes Econ MathpStandardization and Quality Assurance in Fluorescence Measurements Ii: Bioanalytical and Biomedical ApplicationsSpringer Ser FluoresPStandardization and Quality Assurance in Fluorescence Measurements I: TechniquesSpringer Ser FluoresXStandardization of American Schooling: Linking Secondary and Higher Education, 1870-1910Second Educ Chang Wo?Standardization of Epidemiologic Studies of Host SusceptibilityNato Adv Sci Inst Se>Standardization of Fretting Fatigue Test Methods and EquipmentAm Soc Test Mater.Standardization of Herbal/ayurvedic FormationsRecent Prog Med PlanSStandardization of The Immunopharmacology of Natural and Synthetic ImmunomodulatorsDev Biologicals>Standardizing and Harmonizing Terminology: Theory and PracticeAm Soc Test MaterZStandardizing Terminology for Better Communication : Practice, Applied Theory, and ResultsAm Soc Test Mater&Standard Methods of Clinical ChemistryStand Meth Clin ChemStandard Model and BeyondSpringer Proc Phys6Standard Monomial Theory: Invariant Theoretic ApproachEncycl Math Sci_Standard Negation: The Negation of Declarative Verbal Main Clauses in A Typological PerspectiveEmpir Approach Lang+Standards and Norms in The English LanguageContrib Sociol Lang.Standards and Thresholds for Impact AssessmentEnviron Prot Eur UniStandards in Genomic SciencesStand Genomic SciDStandardvariation: Wie Viel Variation Vertragt Die Deutsche Sprache?Jahrb-inst Dtsch SprStand Magazine Stand Mag:Stand-off Detection of Suicide Bombers and Mobile SubjectsNato Sec Sci B Phys)St Andrews Studies in Reformation HistorySt Andr St ReformatStanford French ReviewStanford Fr RevStanford Italian ReviewStanford Ital Rev%Stanford Journal of International LawStanford J Int Law)Stanford Journal of International StudiesStanford J Int StudStanford Law ReviewStanford Law Rev.Stanford Series On Education and Public Policy Stan Educ P.Stanford Studies in Jewish History and CultureStanf Stud Jew Hist.Stanford Studies in Morphology and The LexiconStanf Stud Morphol LSt Antonys Series St Antony SerSt Antonys SeriesSt Antonys Ser Staphylococci Zbl Bakt S+Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections Zbl Bakt SStapp Car Crash Conference Stapp Car CStapp Car Crash JournalStapp Car Crash JoStapp Car Crash Journal, Vol 51Stapp Car Crash JoStapp Car Crash Journal, Vol 52 Stapp Car CStapp Car Crash Journal, Vol 53Stapp Car Crash JoStarburst-agn Connection Astr Soc P-Starburst Galaxies: Near and Far, ProceedingsSpringer Proc Phys3Starbursts: From 30 Doradus to Lyman Break GalaxiesAstrophys Space Sc L*Starch: Advances in Structure and Function Roy Soc Ch Starch-starke Starch-starke Star Clusters Saas Fee AdGStar Clusters: Basic Galactic Building Blocks Throughout Time and SpaceIau Symp P Series)Star Formation At High Angular ResolutionIau Symp%Star Formation in Early-type Galaxies Astr Soc PbStar Formation in The Interstellar Medium: in Honor of David Hollenbach, Chris Mckee and Frank Shu Astr Soc P=Star Formation Near and Far - Seventh Astrophysics Conference Aip Conf ProcStar Formation Through Time Astr Soc P4Star Formation With Infrared Space Observatory (iso) Astr Soc PStarke Starch-starkeStarkeStarkeDStarkoff Institute Studies in Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems S I E Con M/Stars and Nuclei: A Tribute to Manuel ForestiniEas Publications.Stars As Suns: Activity, Evolution and PlanetsIau SympAStars, Gas and Dust in Galaxies: Exploring The Links, Proceedings Astr Soc P+Stars With The B[e] Phenomenon, Proceedings Astr Soc P Starvation and India's DemocracyRoutl Adv S Asian St$Stasi: Shield and Sword of The Party Stud Intell Stata JournalStata JState and Indigenous MovementsIndigen People PolitTState and Local Government Reforms in France and Germany: Divergence and ConvergenceUrban Reg Res Int'State and Local Pension Fund ManagementPublic Adm Public Po-State and Society in Post-socialist EconomiesStud Cent E EurPState and Society Responses to Social Welfare Needs in China: Serving The PeopleRoutl Contemp ChinaState As ParentNato Adv Sci I D-beh'State As Utopia: Continental ApproachesEu Her Eco Soc Sci'State As Utopia: Continental ApproachesEur Herit Econ Soc SPState Building and Democracy in Africa: A Comparative and Developmental ApproachAfr Polit Econ Secur7State Building and International Intervention in Bosnia Secur GovIState Building and Military Power in Russia and The New States of Eurasia Int Pol Eur#State-building: Theory and PracticeRout Adv Int Rel Glo#State-building: Theory and PracticeRoutl Adv Int Relat5State, Communities and Forests in Contemporary BorneoAsia-pac Env Monogr2Statecraft, Welfare, and The Politics of InclusionInt Polit Econ Ser[State, Development and Identity in Multi-ethnic Societies: Ethnicity, Equity and The NationRoutl Malaysian Stud.State Formation and Radical Democracy in IndiaAsias Transform-State Formation: Anthropological PerspectivesAnthropol Cult SocAState Formation in Japan: Emergence of A 4th-century Ruling EliteDurham E Asia SerState Government State GovCState in India After Liberalization: Interdisciplinary PerspectivesRoutl Cont S Asia SeJStateless Core: A Scalable Approach for Quality of Service in The InternetLect Notes Comput ScState Making in Asia Polit Asia%State, Market and Organizational Form De Gruy St3State Observers for Linear Systems With UncertaintyDegruyter Expos MathState of Art Criticism Art Semin(State of Breeding Evaluation in Trotters Eaap PublicState of CorrectionsProc Aca Annu Conf@State of Dermatoglyphics - The Science of Finger and Palm PrintsMell Stud AnthroState of Health SeriesState Hlth SerState of Minority LanguagesEur St MultilinState of Social Welfare, 1997Int Stud Social SecsState of The Art Analytical Methods for The Characterization of Biological Products and Assessment of ComparabilityDev BiologicalsState-of-the Art Application of Surface and Interface Analysis Methods to Environmental Materials Interactions: in Honor of James E. Castle's 65th Year, Proceedings Elec Soc S7State of The Art Hepatology: Molecular and Cell Biology Falk Symp(State of The Art in Applied CryptographyLect Notes Comput Sc.State of The Art in Computational Intelligence Adv Soft Comp9State of The Art in Computational Morphology, ProceedingsComm Com Inf Sc;State-of-the-art in Content-based Image and Video Retrieval Comp Imag Vis;State-of-the-art in Content-based Image and Video RetrievalComput Imaging Vis'State of The Art in Global OptimizationNoncon Optim Its AppQState of The Art in Probability and Statistics: Festschrift for Willem R Van Zwet Inst Math SState-of-the-art MappingP Soc Photo-opt InsJState-of-the-art Methodology of Forest Inventory : A Symposium ProceedingsUs For Serv T R PnwState of The Art PresentationsIsbt Sci SeriesCState-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors (sotapocs Xxxi) Elec Soc SCState-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors (sotapocs Xxxv) Elec Soc SState-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors Xl (sotapocs Xl) and Narrow Bandgap Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Ii Elec Soc SState-of-the-art Program On Compound Semiconductors Xxxvi and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Photonic and Electronic Devices and Sensors Ii Elec Soc S>State-of-the-art Research and Application of Smas Technologies Adv Sci TechState-of-the-arts SeriesState Arts Ser<State-of-the-art Technology in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Int Congr Ser)State of The Art: Ultrasonics in Medicine Int Congr Ser State of The Art Workshop SeriesState Art Worksh Ser'State of The Business 2000, Proceedings Rec Adv TobState of The Fantastic Contr Sci F;State of The Planet: Frontiers and Challenges in GeophysicsGeoph Monog Series;State of The Planet: Frontiers and Challenges in GeophysicsGeophys Monogr SerState of The Union N Civil War!State Politics & Policy QuarterlyState Polit Policy QdState Recognition and Democratization in Sub-saharan Africa: A New Dawn for Traditional Authorities?Palgr Stud Gov SecurPState, Removal and Indigenous Peoples in The United States and Mexico, 1620-2000Indigen People PolitHStates and Development: Historical Antecedents of Stagnation and AdvancePolit Evol Inst ChanState Sovereignty and Intervention: A Discourse Analysis of Interventionary and Non-interventionary Practices in Kosovo and Algeria New Int RelatAState Space Approach to Canonical Factorization With ApplicationsOper Theory Adv Appl^State-space Realisations of Linear 2-d Systems With Extensions to The General Nd (n>s) CaseLect Notes Contr Inf1State Strikes Back: India and The Naga InsurgencyPol Stud-State Territoriality and European IntegrationEur Nation State9State Terrorism and Neoliberalism: The North in The SouthCrit Terror StudBState, The Activists and The Islanders: Language Policy On CorsicaLang Policy SerStatic AnalysisLect Notes Comput ScStatic Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Static Compression of Energetic MaterialsShock Wave High Pres3Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase TransformationsNato Adv Sci Inst Se8Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-pitaevskii Equations Contemp Math4Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plants: Commercialization VDI BerichtIStatisical Mechanics of Quantum Lattice Systems: A Path Integral ApproachEms Tracts Math+Statistical Analysis of Functional Mri DataStat Biol Health8Statistical Analysis of Network Data: Methods and ModelsSpringer Ser Stat(Statistical Analysis of Recurrent EventsStat Biol Health@Statistical and Geometrical Approaches to Visual Motion AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc0Statistical and Scientific Database Management /Lect Notes Comput Sc7Statistical and Stochastic Methods for Image ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Statistical and Stochastic Methods in Image Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular BiologyStat Appl Genet Mo B:Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular BiologyStat Appl Genet MolRStatistical Association Methods for Mechanized Documentation Symposium ProceedingsStat Assoc Method M9Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of The HeartLect Notes Comput Sc-Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy Iv Astr Soc P?Statistical Decision Theory: Estimation, Testing, and SelectionSpringer Ser Stat&Statistical Demography and ForecastingSpringer Ser StatStatistical DesignSpringer Texts Stat=Statistical Detection and Surveillance of Geographic Clusters Interd Stat^Statistical, Gradient, Block and Graft Copolymers By Controlled/living Radical Polymerizations Adv Polym Sci:Statistical Image Processing and Multidimensional ModelingInform Sci Stat9Statistical Implicative Analysis: Theory and ApplicationsStud Comput IntellHStatistical Learning and Pattern Analysis for Image and Video ProcessingAdv Pattern Recognit2Statistical Learning From A Regression PerspectiveSpringer Ser Stat7Statistical Learning Theory and Stochastic OptimizationLect Notes Math9Statistical Mechanics Deformation Ultrasonic Spectroscopy Adv Polym Sci,Statistical Mechanics in Physics and Biology Mat Res S C)Statistical Mechanics of Complex NetworksLect Notes Phys(Statistical Mechanics of Neural NetworksLect Notes PhysLStatistical Mechanics, Protein Structure, and Protein Substrate InteractionsNato Adv Sci Inst SeNStatistical Methodology: Applications to Design, Data Analysis, and EvaluationTransport Res Rec$Statistical Methods and ApplicationsStat Method Appl$Statistical Methods and ApplicationsStat Method Appl-ger1Statistical Methods and Crash Prediction ModelingTransport Res RecJStatistical Methods and Modeling and Safety Data, Analysis, and EvaluationTransport Res Rec;Statistical Methods and Safety Data Analysis and EvaluationTransport Res Rec-Statistical Methods for Communication ScienceRoutl Commun Ser*Statistical Methods for Disease ClusteringStat Biol HealthcStatistical Methods for Environmental Epidemiology With R: A Case Study in Air Pollution and HealthUse RNStatistical Methods for Modeling Human Dynamics: An Interdisciplinary DialogueN D Ser Quant Method/Statistical Methods for Spatio-temporal Systems Mg Stat Pro/Statistical Methods for Spatio-temporal SystemsMonogr Stat Appl ProVStatistical Methods for The Evaluation of Educational Services and Quality of Products Contrib Stat<Statistical Methods for The Evaluation of University Systems Contrib Stat}Statistical Methods; Highway Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation; Occupant Protection; Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysisTransport Res Rec6Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: An IntroductionStat Biol Health"Statistical Methods in LinguisticsStat Method Linguist'Statistical Methods in Medical ResearchStat Methods Med Res(Statistical Methods in Molecular BiologyMethods Mol Biol'Statistical Methods in Quantum Optics 2Theor Math Phys Ser'Statistical Methods in Video ProcessingLect Notes Comput ScGStatistical Modeling of The National Assessment of Educational ProgressStat Soc Behav ScStatistical Modelling Stat ModelCStatistical Models and Methods for Biomedical and Technical SystemsStat Ind Technol4Statistical Models and Methods for Financial MarketsSpringer Texts Stat:Statistical Models for Test Equating, Scaling, and LinkingStat Soc Behav Sc=Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials: A Unified ApproachStat Biol Health@Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Issues, and New DirectionsLect Notes Comput ScStatistical PapersStat PapStatistical Physics Aip Conf ProcStatistical Physics and Beyond Aip Conf ProcCStatistical Physics and Economics: Concepts, Tools and ApplicationsSpringer Tr Mod Phys<Statistical Physics, Automata Networks and Dynamical Systems Math Appl3Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications Aip Conf Proc@Statistical Physics of Ageing Phenomena and The Glass TransitionJ Phys Conf SerCStatistical Pronunciation Modeling for Non-native Speech ProcessingSignals Commun Techn/Statistical Properties of Deterministic SystemsTsinghua U TextsIStatistical Sampling : Past, Present and Future Theoretical and PracticalAm Soc Test MaterStatistical ScienceStat Sci2Statistical Science and Interdisciplinary ResearchStat Sci Int Res2Statistical Science and Interdisciplinary ResearchStat Sci Interdisc RStatistica Neerlandica Stat NeerlStatistica Sinica Stat Sinica Statistician Statistician Statistics Statistics Statistics & Probability LettersStat Probabil Lett;Statistics and Analytical Methods in Automotive EngineeringImeche Conf TransStatistics and Computing Stat ComputStatistics and Computing SeriesStat Comput Ser6Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial EngineeringSpringer Texts StatStatistics and Its InterfaceStat InterfaceEStatistics for Archaeologists: A Commonsense Approach, Second EditionInterd Contrib Arch!Statistics for Biology and HealthStat Biol HealthFStatistics for High-dimensional Data: Methods, Theory and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Stat&Statistics for Industry and TechnologyStat Ind Technol;Statistics for Linguistics With R: A Practical IntroductionTrends Linguist-stud-Statistics for Social and Behavioral SciencesStat Soc Behav Sc'Statistics for The Environment (series) Stat Environ(Statistics in Biopharmaceutical ResearchStat Biopharm Res8Statistics in Genetics and in The Environmental Sciences Trends MathStatistics in MedicineStat Med@Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction, Second Edition Universitext?Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction, Third Edition Universitext$Statistics Textbooks and MonongraphsStat Textb Monogr1Status and Conservation of The Bears of The World Int Bear Ms7Status and Function of Languages and Language Varieties Found CommCStatus and Future Developments in The Study of Transport PropertiesNato Adv Sci I C-matStatus and GroupsRes Manag Grp Team4Status and Management of Neotropical Migratory Birds Usda Rocky>Status and Perspectives of Nuclear Energy : Fission and FusionP Int Sch Phys[Status, Distribution, and Conservation of Native Freshwater Fishes of Western North America Am Fish S S1Status of Differentation Therapy of Cancer, Vol 2 Serono Sym'Status of National Minorities in SerbiaSasa Dep Soc Sci Sci$Status of Vascular Surgery in Europe Int Congr Ser4Status Report of The Nuclear Safety Research Project K F K Reports>Statutory Interpretation: General Principles and Recent Trends Laws LegisStaub Reinhaltung Der LuftStaub Reinhalt LuftBStauffer Symposium On Applied Psychology At The Claremont CollegesStauffer Symp Appl PStayin' Alive Through '95 Amer Mar AsTStaying Maasai? Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African RangelandsStud Hum Ecol AdaptqSteady Hands Needed: Reflections On The Role of The Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Australia 1979-1999 Anzsog MonogrlStealing The Fire: Adaptation, Appropriation, Plagiarism, Hoax in French and Francophone Literature and Film Fr Lit Ser Steam Plant Imeche Sem0Steam Turbine Governing and Overspeed Protection Imeche SemSteatohepatitis (nash and Ash) Falk SympSteel & Composite StructuresSteel Compos StructSteel and Composite StructuresSteel Compos Struct3Steel - A New and Traditional Material for BuildingProc Monogr Eng WateSteel Forgings: Second VolumeAm Soc Test MaterSteel in The Ussr Steel TranslSteel in The Ussr Steel UssrSteel in Translation Steel TranslSteelmaking Proceedings Steel ProcSteel Research Steel ResSteel Research International Steel Res IntEStefan University Press Series On Frontiers in Science and TechnologyS U P Front SciSteinbeck Monograph SeriesSteinbeck Monogr SerSteinbeck QuarterlySteinbeck Quart&Stellar and Circumstellar Astrophysics Astr Soc P1Stellar Astrophysics - A Tribute to Helmut A. AbtAstrophys Space Sc L8Stellar Astrophysics With The World's Largest Telescopes Aip Conf ProcStellar Atmosphere Modeling Astr Soc P-Stellar Atmospheres : Beyond Classical ModelsNato Adv Sci I C-mat4Stellar Candles for The Extragalactic Distance ScaleLect Notes PhysDStellar Clusters and Associations: Convection, Rotation, and Dynamos Astr Soc P3Stellar Collisions, Mergers, and Their Consequences Astr Soc P'Stellar Content of Local Group GalaxiesIau Symp/Stellar Dynamos: Nonlinearity and Chaotic Flows Astr Soc PStellar End ProductsMem Soc Astron ItalkStellar Evolution and Seismic Tools for Asteroseismology: Diffusive Processes in Stars and Seismic AnalysisEas PublicationsFStellar Evolution At Low Metallicity: Mass Loss, Explosions, Cosmology Astr Soc POStellar Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Simulations: From The Sun to Neutron StarsEas PublicationsStellar Initial Mass Function Astr Soc P!Stellar Jets and Bipolar OutflowsAstrophys Space Sc LStellar MagnetismEas Publications+Stellar Nucleosynthesis 50 Years After B2fhEas PublicationsGStellar Physics: Stellar Evolution and Stability, Vol 2, Second EditionAstron Astrophys LibStellar PopulationsIau SympStellar Populations of GalaxiesIau Symp1Stellar Populations: Planning for The Next DecadeIau Symp P Series8Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation Aip Conf ProcStellar Remnants Saas Fee AdStellar RotationIau Symp.Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding Esa Sp Publ;Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ;Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding, Proceedings Esa Spec PublStellar Surface StructureIau Symp+Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative MedicineStem Cells Biol Reg-Stem Cell Biology: Development and PlasticityAnn Ny Acad SciStem Cell CultureMethod Cell Biol*Stem Cell Migration: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolStem Cell Research Stem Cell ResStem Cell Research & TherapyStem Cell Res TherStem Cell Reviews Stem Cell RevStem Cell Reviews and ReportsStem Cell Rev Rep Stem Cells Stem CellsStem Cells and CancerCancer Drug Discov DMStem Cells and Cartilage Tissue Engineering Approaches to Orthopaedic SurgerySurg-proced ComplicaStem Cells and DevelopmentStem Cells DevUStem Cells and Regenerative Medicine: From Molecular Embryology to Tissue EngineeringStem Cells Biol Reg+Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Vol 5Stem Cells Lab Clin7Stem Cells and Their Potential for Clinical ApplicationNato Scie Peace SecufStem Cells Form Cord Blood, in Utero Stem Cell Development, and Transplantation-inclusive Gene TherapyE Schering Res Fdn W=Stem Cells for Myocardial Regeneration: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol%Stem Cells in Development and DiseaseCurr Top Dev Biol+Stem Cells in Reproduction and in The BrainE Schering Res Fdn WFStem Cells in The Nervous System: Functional and Clinical ImplicationsRes Per Neurosci$Stem Cells in The Respiratory SystemStem Cells Biol Reg+Stem Cells Laboratory and Clinical ResearchStem Cells Lab ClinStem Cell Therapy for DiabetesStem Cells Biol Reg0Stem Cell Tools and Other Experimental ProtocolsMethod Enzymol0Stem Cell Transplantation and Tissue EngineeringE Schering Res Fdn W Stendhal Club Stendhal ClubVStepchildren of Science: Psychical Research and Parapsychology in Germany, C.1870-1939Clio Med3Step-growth Polymers for High-performance Materials Acs Sym SerPStep Project Management: Guide for Science, Technology, and Engineering Projects Ind Innov Ser*Stepwise Refinement of Distributed SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc|Stereophonie Der Autobiographie-autobiographisches Schreiben Von Paaren Am Beispiel Von Maria Teresa Leon Und Rafael AlbertiMimesis&Stereoscopic Displays and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Xix Proc Spie*Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XxiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Xxi Proc Spie+Stereoscopic 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Food in Retort Pouches Food Eng Ser+Steroid Contraceptives and Women's Response Reprod BiolSteroid Enzymes and CancerAnn Ny Acad Sci@Steroid Formation, Degradation, and Action in Peripheral TissuesAnn Ny Acad Sci"Steroid Receptors and AntihormonesAnn Ny Acad SciSteroidsSteroidsSteroids and Lipids ResearchSteroids Lipid ResSteroids and Neuronal Activity Ciba F SympSteroids and The Nervous SystemAnn Ny Acad SciSteroid Use and AbuseDrug Trans Dist Int Stessa 2006Proc Monogr Eng WateNSticking to The Union: An Oral History of The Life and Times of Julia RuuttilaPalgr Stud Oral Hist>Stigma and Group Inequality: Social Psychological Perspectives Clar SympStill-image CompressionP Soc Photo-opt InsStill-image Compression IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Stimme(n) Im Text-narratologische Positionsbestimmungen Narratologia/Stimuli-responsive Polymeric Films and Coatings Acs Sym SerStirling Management SeriesStirl Manag SerKStitching Identities in A Free Trade Zone: Gender and Politics in Sri LankaContemp EthnogrHStm and Afm Studies On (bio)molecular Systems: Unravelling The Nanoworld Top Curr ChemStm Investigation of Molecular Architectures of Porphyrinoids On A Ag(111) Surface: Supramolecular Ordering, Electronic Properties and ReactivitySpringer Theses-recoLStoc 07: Proceedings of The 39th Annual Acm Symposium On Theory of ComputingAcm S Theory Comput3Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc@Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Stochastic Analysis and Applications Abel Symp$Stochastic Analysis and ApplicationsStoch Anal Appl:Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics (anestoc '98) Trends Math/Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics Ii Trends Math)Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics IiLect Notes Math*Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics Vii Prog Probab+Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics Viii Prog ProbabDStochastic Analysis and Related Topics V: The Silivri Workshop, 1994 Prog ProbabPStochastic Analysis in Discrete and Continuous Settings: With Normal MartingalesLect Notes Math,Stochastic and Chaotic Dynamics in The Lakes Aip Conf Proc Stochastic and Integral GeometryProbab Appl SerYStochastic and Neural Methods in Signal Processing, Image Processing, and Computer VisionP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Stochastic and Quantum Dynamics of Biomolecular Systems Aip Conf ProcCStochastic Calculus for Fractional Brownian Motion and ApplicationsProbab Appl SerHStochastic Calculus for Fractional Brownian Motion and Related ProcessesLect Notes MathStochastic Climate Models Prog ProbabStochastic Coalgebraic LogicMonogr Theor ComputAStochastic Control in Insurance: Probability and Its ApplicationsProbab Appl Ser9Stochastic Control of Hereditary Systems and ApplicationsStoch Mod Appl Proba@Stochastic Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensional Spaces Inst Math SxStochastic Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensions: With Applications to Stochastic Partial Differential 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and Computation, 2nd EditionInt Ser Oper Res ManStochastic Methods in FinanceLect Notes MathOStochastic Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems and Supply ChainsInt Ser Oper Res Man,Stochastic Modelling and Applied ProbabilityStoch Mod Appl Proba0Stochastic Modelling in Innovative ManufacturingLect Notes Econ MathStochastic Models Stoch Models#Stochastic Models and Option ValuesContrib To Econ AnaleStochastic Models, Information Theory, and Lie Groups, Vol 1: Classical Results and Geometric MethodsAppl Numer Harmon AnStochastic NetworksLect Notes Stat4Stochastic Optimization: Algorithms and Applications Appl Optim4Stochastic Optimization: Algorithms and ApplicationsAppl OptimizatFStochastic Optimization : Numerical Methods and Technical ApplicationsLect Notes Econ MathStochastic OrdersSpringer Ser StatwStochastic Ordinary and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Transition From Microscopic to Macroscopic EquationsStoch Mod Appl Proba:Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and ApplicationsLect Notes Pure ApplWStochastic Processes and Functional Analysis, in Celebration of M M Rao's 65th BirthdayLect Notes Pure Appl'Stochastic Processes and Related Topics Stochast M+Stochastic Processes and Their ApplicationsStoch Proc Appl-Stochastic Processes and Their Applications /Lect Notes Econ Math-Stochastic Processes, Estimation, and ControlAdv Des Control$Stochastic Processes in AstrophysicsAnn Ny Acad SciStochastic Processes, Optimization, and Control Theory: Applications in Financial Engineering, Queueing Networks, and Manufacturing SystemsInt Ser Oper Res Man=Stochastic Processes: With Applications to Reliability TheorySpringer Ser Reliab9Stochastic Programming Methods and Technical ApplicationsLect Notes Econ MathJStochastic Programming: The State of The Art in Honor of George B. DantzigInt Ser Oper Res ManStochastics and Dynamics Stoch DynamLStochastics-an International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes Stochastics=Stochastics: Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 2008Degruyter TextbHStochastics Monographs : Theory and Applicationsof Stochastic Pr Ocesses Stochast M*Stochastic Theory and Control, ProceedingsLect Notes Contr Inf;Stochastic Tools in Mathematics and Science, Second EditionSurv Tutor Appl MathKStochastik-einfuhrung in Die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Statistik, 2009Degruyter LehrbStockholm Studies in LawStockh Stud Law%Stockholm: The Making of A MetropolisPlan Hist Environ SeStockholm Water SymposiumStockholm Water Symp3Stock Management for Sustainable Urban RegenerationCsur Ut Ser Lib SustStock Market VolatilityCh Crc Financ SerStock Preparation Short Course Notes TechStomach As An Endocrine OrganFerns Found Series,Stone Decay in The Architectural EnvironmentGeol Soc Am Spec Pap2Stone Deterioration in Polluted Urban Environments Land Recons2Stone Deterioration in Polluted Urban EnvironmentsLand Reconstr Manag Stone Tools Interd ContBStop-merkin Ja 20 Km/h - Nopeusrajoituksen Kaytto Tasoristeyksissa Vtt Res NotesEStopped Random Walks: Limit Theorems and Applications, Second EditionSpringer Ser Oper Re/Stopping of Heavy Ions: A Theroretical ApproachSpringer Tr Mod Phys3Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video DatabasesP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases Vii Proc Spie.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2000P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2000 Proc Spie.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2001P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2001 Proc Spie.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2002 Proc Spie.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2003 Proc Spie<Storage and Retrieval for Still Image and Video Databases IvP Soc Photo-opt InsBStorage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia 2004P Soc Photo-opt InsBStorage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia 2004 Proc SpieBStorage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia 2005P Soc Photo-opt InsBStorage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia 2005 Proc Spie.Storage and Retrieval Systems and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Storage of Spent Fuel From Power ReactorsIaea Conf Symp PapStored-grain Ecosystems Book Soil PStoria ContemporaneaStoria ContempStoria Dell Arte Storia ArtePStoried Inquiries International Landscapes: An Anthology of Educational ResearchTeach Learn Indig In"St Petersburg Mathematical JournalSt Petersb Math J"St Petersburg Mathematical JournalSt Petersb Math J+Stp Pharma SciencesStp Pharma SciStradStrad$Strafvollzugsgesetz: Bund Und LanderDegruyter Komment0Strahlenmedizin: Ein Leitfaden Fur Den Praktiker Leitf Prakt&Strahlenschutz in Forschung Und Praxis Strah ForsStrahlentherapieStrahlenther OnkolStrahlentherapie Und OnkologieStrahlenther OnkolFStraight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-century AmericaPolit Soc TwentiethStrainStrain0Strain and Its Implications in Organic ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-matEStrained Layer Epitaxy-materials, Processing, and Device ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P)Strain Engineering: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol*Strain-induced Effects in Advanced MosfetsComp MicroelectronGStrange Acts: Studies in The Cultural World of The Acts of The ApostlesBeih Z Neutest WissBStrange Beauty: Ecocritical Approaches to Early Medieval LandscapeNew Middle AgesStrangeness in Hadronic Matter Aip Conf ProcStrangers, Aliens and AsiansBrit Polit Soc Strange World of Human SacrificeStud His Anth Rel<Strategic Alliances: Coalition Building and Social MovementsSoc Mov Protest Cont*Strategic Alliances in A Globalizing WorldRes Strateg Alliance8Strategic Alliances in Biotechnology and PharmaceuticalsBiotech Agr Ind Med0Strategic Basing and The Great Powers, 1200-2000 Strateg Hist<Strategic Competition in Oligopolies With Fluctuating DemandLect Notes Econ Math!Strategic Culture and Ways of War Cass Mil Stud|Strategic Culture and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Culturally Based Insights Into Comparative National Security PolicymakingInitiat Strateg StudStrategic DiscoveryStrat Manag Ser"Strategic Entrepreneurship JournalStrateg Entrep J,Strategic Environmental Assessment in EuropeEnvir Sci Tech Lib@Strategic Factors in Nineteeth Century American Economic History Nber Conf RStrategic FlexibilityStrat Manag 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of Nuclear DisarmamentNato Sci S 1 DisarmxStrategic Supply Chain Management in Process Industries: An Application to Specialty Chemicals Production Network DesignLect Notes Econ MathqStrategic Thinking About The Korean Nuclear Crisis: Four Parties Caught Between North Korea and The United StatesStrateg Thought Ne AIStrategic Thinking and Entrepreneurial Action in The Health Care IndustryAdv Health Care Mana#Strategic Thought in Northeast AsiaStrateg Thought Ne A%Strategic Trading in Illiquid MarketsLect Notes Econ Math8Strategies for A Modern Pomology, Fruit Section Workshop Acta Hortic`Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence: Why Genuine Control of Aging May Be ForeseeableAnn Ny Acad Sci'Strategies for Public Management ReformRes Public Policy AnBStrategies for Regenerating The Library and Information Profession Ifla PublBStrategies for Risk Communication: Evolution, Evidence, ExperienceAnn Ny Acad SciStrategies for Sustainability Strat SustainAStrategies for The Development 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AlliancesContrib Manag SciStrategy and History Strateg Hist3Strategy and History: Essays On Theory and Practice Strateg Hist,Strategy in The American War of Independence Cass Mil Stud]Strategy Mix for Nonprofit Organisations: Vehicles for Social and Labour Market IntergrationsNonprof Civ Soc Stud5Strategy of Terrorism: How It Works, and Why It FailsContemp Terror StudStrategy Process Adv Strat MCStratified Lie Groups and Potential Theory for Their Sub-laplaciansSpringer Monogr Math Stratigraphic Analyses Using GprGeol Soc Am Spec Pap'Stratigraphic Boundary Problem in IndiaGeol Soc India Mem Stratigraphy Stratigraphy'Stratigraphy and Geological CorrelationStratigr Geo Correl+'Stratigraphy and Geological CorrelationStratigr Geol Correl*Stratigraphy and Geology of Volcanic AreasGeol Soc Am Spec Pap0Stratosphere: Dynamics, Transport, and ChemistryGeophys Monogr Ser"Stray Radiation in Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Stray Radiation in Optical Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Stray Radiation in Optical Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Stream Data Processing: A Quality of Service PerspectiveAdv Database SystAStreamers, Slow Solar Wind, and The Dynamics of The Magnetosphere Adv Space ResAStreamers, Slow Solar Wind, and The Dynamics of The MagnetosphereAdv Space Res-seriesPStream Restoration: Halting Disturbances, Assisted Recovery and Managed RecoveryEnv Remed Tech RegulFStreben Und Bewegen: Aristoteles Theorie Der Animalischen OrtsbewegungQuellen Stud PhilosQStreet Entrepreneurs: People, Place, and Politics in Local and Global PerspectiveRoutl Stud Mod WorldLStreetlights and Shadows: Searching for The Keys to Adaptive Decision MakingBradford BooksDStreet Smart: Competition, Entrepreneurship, and The Future of RoadsIndep Stud Polit Eco!Strength Analysis in GeomechanicsFound Eng Mech1Strength Analysis in Geomechanics, Second EditionSpringer Ser GeomechStrength and Conditioning Strength Cond!Strength and Conditioning JournalStrength Cond J-Strength and Stiffness of Engineering Systems Mech Eng Ser\Strength and Weakness At The Interface: Positional Neutralization in Phonetics and Phonology Phonol PhonetiStrengthening and Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructures Using Fibre-reinforced Polymer (frp) CompositesWoodhead Publ Mater-Strengthening Cooperation in The 21st CenturyAdv Astronaut Sci>Strengthening Historic Covered Bridges to Carry Modern TrafficTransp Infrastruct-r5Strengthening Local Governments in Sub-saharan Africa Edi Pol Sem0Strengthening of The European Statistical SystemEurop Commiss Ser DQStrengthening Relations With Arab and Islamic Countries Through International LawPca Peace Palace PapoStrength From Weakness: Structural Consequences of Weak Interactions in Molecules, Supermolecules, and CrystalsNato Sci Ser Ii MathoStrength From Weakness: Structural Consequences of Weak Interactions in Molecules, Supermolecules, and CrystalsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathStrength of MaterialsMater Sci TechnolStrength of MaterialsStrength Mater+Strength Relations in 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Induced Phenomena in Metallization Aip Conf Proc)Stress-induced Phenomena in Metallization Aip Conf ProcIStress Induced Phenomena in Metallization - Fourth International Workshop Aip Conf ProcHStress-induced Phenomena in Metallization: Second International Workshop Aip Conf ProcHStress-induced Phenomena in Metallization - Third International Workshop Aip Conf Proc"Stress in The Year 2010 and BeyondPsychol Res ProgStress MedicineStress MedicineNStress, Neurotransmitters, and Hormones: Neuroendocrine and Genetic MechanismsAnn Ny Acad Sci'Stress, Obesity, and Metabolic SyndromeAnn Ny Acad SciStress of LifeAnn Ny Acad Sci&Stress Response in Pathogenic Bacteria Adv M C M(Stress Responses in Biology and MedicineAnn Ny Acad Sci9Stress-the International Journal On The Biology of StressStressStretching Water Supplies Can Plain PCStriking First: Preemption and Prevention in International ConflictUniv Cent Hum ValueStrindbert and France A U S Rom S5String Gravity and Physics At The Planck Energy ScaleNato Adv Sci Inst Se+String Processing and Information RetrievalLect Notes Comput Sc8String Processing and Information Retrieval, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScStrings, Branes and DualitiesNato Adv Sci I C-mat String Theory Aip Conf Proc*String Theory and Fundamental InteractionsLect Notes Phys3String Theory: From Gauge Interactions to CosmologyNato Sci Ser Ii Math3String Theory: From Gauge Interactions to CosmologyNato Sci Ser Ii-mathStripes and Related PhenomenaSel Top SupercondyStriving for The Perfect Classroom: Instructional and Assessment Strategies to Meet The Needs of Today's Diverse LearnersEduc Compet Glob Wor Strojarstvo Strojarstvo4Strojniski Vestnik-journal of Mechanical EngineeringStroj Vestn-j Mech EStrokeStrokeStroke Upd Int Car5Stroke Essentials for Primary Care: A Practical GuideCurr Clin Pract'Stroke Recovery With Cellular TherapiesCurr Clin Neurol@Stromboli Volcano: An Integrated Study of The 2002-2003 EruptionGeophys Monogr Ser(Stromlo Workshop On High-velocity Clouds Astr Soc P-Strom Und Warme Aus Biogenen Festbrennstoffen VDI BerichtStromungsmesstechnikVDI-Buch(Strong Correlation and SuperconductivitySpringer Series SolibStrong Evaluation Without Moral Sources: On Charles Taylor's Philosophical Anthropology and EthicsQuellen Stud PhilosStrong Field Laser PhysicsSpringer Ser Opt Sci'Strongly Correlated Electron Systems IiProgr High Temp SupeMStrongly Correlated Fermions and Bosons in Low-dimensional Disordered SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii MathMStrongly Correlated Fermions and Bosons in Low-dimensional Disordered SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math8Strongly Correlated Magnetic and Superconducting SystemsLect Notes Phys!Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics / N-holland DStrong States, Weak SchoolsRes Sociol EducQStrong, Weak, and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei, Atoms, and Astrophysics Aip Conf ProcStructural Analysis Math Res DevStructural AnalysisSolid Mech ApplStructural Analysis 1992Vtt SympStructural Analysis and DesignTransport Res Rec)Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials Key Eng Mater2Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions IiTheor Engn Applicat[Structural Analysis With The Finite Element Method, Linear Statics, Vol 1: Basis and SolidsLect Notes Numer Met3Structural and Catalytic Roles of Metal Ions in RnaMetal Ions Life Sci8Structural and Electronic Paradigms in Cluster Chemistry Struct Bond@Structural and Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures Aip Conf Proc7Structural and Failure Mechanics of Sandwich CompositesSolid Mech ApplJStructural and Functional Abnormalities in Subclinical Diabetic Angiopathy Pediat Ad E7Structural and Functional Organization of The Neocortex Exp Br Res-Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationStruct Multidiscip O=Structural and Organizational Aspects of Metabolic Regulation Ucla Sym Bi?Structural Aspects in The Theory of Probability, Second EditionSer Multivar Anal+Structural Aspects of The East Asian Crisis Oecd Proc7Structural Change and Cooperation in The Global EconomyNew Horiz Int BusFStructural Change in The Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe World Ban TStructural Chemistry Struct ChemStructural ConcreteStruct Concrete&Structural Control & Health MonitoringStruct Control Hlth7Structural Design, Codes, and Special Building ProjectsCtbuh Counc RepStructural Design IssuesTransport Res Rec/Structural Design of Tall and Special BuildingsStruct Des Tall Spec#Structural Design of Tall BuildingsStruct Des Tall Buil-Structural Dynamics of Earthquake EngineeringWoodhead Publ MaterStructural Engineer Struct Eng$Structural Engineering and MechanicsStruct Eng MechStructural Engineering PracticeStruct Eng PractStructural Engineering ReviewStruct Eng RevStructural Engineer-part A Struct Eng-aStructural Engineer-part B Struct Eng-bStructural Equation ModelingStruct Equ Modeling8Structural Equation Modeling-a Multidisciplinary JournalStruct Equ Modeling-Structural Equation Modeling: A Second CourseQuant Meth Educ BehaQStructural Foundations of International Finance: Problems of Growth and StabilityNew Horiz Int Bus[Structural Framework for The Pricing of Corporate Securities: Economic and Empirical IssuesLect Notes Econ MathStructural Genomics, Part BAdv Protein Chem StrStructural Genomics, Part CAdv Protein Chem StrStructural Genomics, Pt AAdv Protein ChemStructural Health MonitoringStruct Health MonitIStructural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Vols 1 and 2Proc Monogr Eng Wate5Structural Health Monitoring-an International JournalStruct Health Monit4Structural, Historical, and Comparative PerspectivesSociol Stud Child Yo3Structural Information and Communication ComplexityLect Notes Comput Sc?Structural Information and Communication Complexity, ProceedingLect Notes Comput Sc@Structural Information and Communication Complexity, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Structural Integrity and Failure Adv Mat Res Structural Integrity and FailureAdv Mater Res-switz(Structural Integrity and Materials AgingFracture Mech Symp!Structural Integrity of FastenersAm Soc Test MaterqStructural Integrity of Fasteners: Including The Effects of Environment and Stress Corrosion Cracking: 3rd VolumeAm Soc Test Mater(Structural Integrity of Fasteners, Vol 2Am Soc Test Mater?Structuralist Review-a Journal of Theory Criticism and PedagogyStructuralist RevStructurally Complex ReservoirsGeol Soc Spec Publ#Structural Materials Technology Iii Spie Proc SerStructural OptimizationStruct Optimization*Structural Optimization With UncertaintiesSolid Mech ApplRStructural Plasticity: Limit, Shakedown and Dynamic Plastic Analyses of StructuresAdv Top Sci Tech ChiStructural Safety Struct SafPStructural Steel and Castings: Shapes and Standards, Properties and ApplicationsEng Tools Tech TableHStructural Studies, Repairs, and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture IxWit Trans Built EnvIStructural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture Viii Adv Arc SerFStructural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XWit Trans Built EnvGStructural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XiWit Trans Built EnvCStructural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Historical Buildings Adv Arc SerFStructural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Historical Buildings Vi Adv Arc SerHStructural Studies, Repairs, and Maintenance of Historical Buildings Vii Adv Arc Ser:Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern RecognitionLect Notes Comput ScGStructural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots, Pt 1: MethodologySolid Mech ApplmStructural Synthesis of Parallel Robots, Pt 2: Translational Topologies With Two and Three Degrees of FreedomSolid Mech Appl-Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots, Pt 3Solid Mech Appl@Structural Theory of Automata, Semigroups, and Universal AlgebraNato Sci Ser Ii Math@Structural Theory of Automata, Semigroups, and Universal AlgebraNato Sci Ser Ii-mathStructural VirologyRsc Biomol Sci Structure StructureKStructure-activity and Selectivity Relationships in Heterogeneous CatalysisStud Surf Sci Catal1Structure and Agency in The Neoliberal UniversityRoutl Res EducTStructure and Biophysics - New Technologies for Current Challenges in Biology BeyondNato Sci Ser Ii MathTStructure and Biophysics - New Technologies for Current Challenges in Biology BeyondNato Sci Ser Ii-mathStructure and Bonding Struct BondOStructure and Development of Self-consciousness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Adv Consc Res+Structure and Dynamics of Confined PolymersNato Sci S Prt 3 Hi+Structure and Dynamics of Elementary MatterNato Sci Ser Ii Math+Structure and Dynamics of Elementary MatterNato Sci Ser Ii-math3Structure and Dynamics of Glasses and Glass Formers Mat Res S C+Structure and Dynamics of Globular Clusters Astr Soc PaStructure and Dynamics of Strongly Interacting Colloids and Supramolecular Aggregates in SolutionNato Adv Sci I C-mat1Structure and Dynamics of The Interstellar MediumLect Notes PhyscStructure and Electronic Properties of Ultrathin Dielectric Films On Silicon and Related StructuresMater Res Soc Symp P8Structure and Emplacement of High-level Magmatic SystemsGeol Soc Spec Publ*Structure and Flow in Surfactant Solutions Acs Sym Ser'Structure and Function of 7tm ReceptorsAlfred Benzon Symp S"Structure and Function of Biofilms Life Sci R2Structure and Function of Calcium Release ChannelsCurr Top Membr)Structure and Function of The Arabic VerbRoutl Arab Lingu Ser2Structure and Function of The Aspartic ProteinasesAdv Exp Med Biol*Structure and Function of The Bladder NeckAdv Anat Embryol Cel@Structure and Function of The Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule NcamAdv Exp Med Biol6Structure and Functions of The Human Prefrontal CortexAnn Ny Acad Sci(Structure and Infrastructure EngineeringStruct Infrastruct E5Structure and Kinematics of Quasar Broad Line Regions Astr Soc P9Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Biological MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P3Structure and Mechanics of Textile Fibre AssembliesWoodhead Publ Text;Structure and Perception of Electroacoustic Sound and Music Int Congr Ser?Structure and Properties of Dislocations in Semiconductors 1989Inst Phys Conf Ser/Structure and Properties of Energetic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P2Structure and Properties of Interfaces in CeramicsMater Res Soc Symp P3Structure and Properties of Interfaces in MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P2Structure and Properties of Modified PolyurethanesChem Res Appl-nova3Structure and Properties of Multilayered Thin FilmsMater Res Soc Symp P,Structure and Reactivity in Aqueous Solution Acs Sym Ser:Structure and Ultrastructure of Soils and Living Organisms Colloq InraStructure-based Drug DesignNato Adv Sci I E-appStructured Analog Cmos DesignAnalog Circ Sig Proc4Structured Credit Portfolio Analysis, Baskets & CdosCh Crc Financ Math/Structure Development During Polymer ProcessingNato Adv Sci I E-app8Structured Population Models in Biology and EpidemiologyLect Notes MathStructured ProgrammingStruct Program@Structure, Dynamics and Properties of Disperse Colloidal SystemsProg Coll Pol Sci S4Structure, Dynamics and Properties of Silicate Melts Rev MineraltStructure, Energetics and Dynamics of The Corona and The Heliosphere During The Rising Phase of The 23rd Solar Cycle Adv Space RestStructure, Energetics and Dynamics of The Corona and The Heliosphere During The Rising Phase of The 23rd Solar CycleAdv Space Res-seriesNStructure, Function and Management Implications of Fluvial Sedimentary Systems Iahs-aish P0Structure-function Relationship of Gonadotropins Serono Sym7Structure in Complexity Theory Conference - ProceedingsStruct Compl Th Conf7Structure, Molecular Biology, and Pathology of CollagenAnn Ny Acad SciStructure of Affine Buildings Ann Math Stud+Structure of Compact Groups, Second EditionDegruyter Stud MathStructure of Enteric NeuronsAdv Anat Embryol Cel+Structure of The Nucleon At Large Bjorken X Aip Conf ProcStructure of The Real Line Monogr MatmStructure-property Relationships and Correlations With The Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials Microstr Sc;Structure/property Relationships for Metal/metal InterfacesMater Res Soc Symp PLStructure-property Relationships in Biomineralized and Biomimetic CompositesMater Res Soc Symp PDStructure-property Relationships of Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces IiMater Res Soc Symp P(Structure-property Relations in Polymers Adv Chem Ser<Structure, Relaxation, and Physical Aging of Glassy PolymersMater Res Soc Symp P3Structures and Conformations of Non-rigid MoleculesNato Adv Sci Inst Se,Structures and Functions of Retinal Proteins Colloq Inse%Structures and Infrastructures SeriesStrtr Infra SersStructures and Materials Struct Mat0Structures and Mechanisms: From Ashes to Enzymes Acs Sym SerStructures and Norms in Science Synth Libr0Structures and Organelles in Pathogenic ProtistsMicrobiol MonogrStructures and StrategiesRoutl Lead Linguists Structures in Concurrency Theory Work Comp(Structures in Logic and Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScStructures Sensing and ControlP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Structures Under Shock and Impact IxWit Trans Built Env#Structures Under Shock and Impact V Struct Mat$Structures Under Shock and Impact Vi Struct Mat%Structures Under Shock and Impact Vii Struct Mat&Structures Under Shock and Impact Viii Struct Mat#Structures Under Shock and Impact XWit Trans Built Env$Structures Under Shock and Impact XiWit Trans Built EnvStructure With Folding & DesignStruct Fold Des3Structuring Role of Subbmerged Macrophytes in Lakes Ecol Stu An*Struggle for Democracy in Chile, 1982-1990 Lat Amer S7Struggle for Free Speech in The United States 1872-1915Stud Am Popul Hist C*Struggle Over Democracy in The Middle EastUcla Cent Mid E Dev+Strukturelle Zwange: Personliche FreiheitenStud Gesch Kult Isla&Struktur Und Dynamik in Kants Kritiken KantstudienStrumenti CriticiStrumenti Crit7Stuart Dynastic Policy and Religious Politics 1621-1625Camden Fifth SerIStudent Governance and Institutional Policy: Formation and ImplementationEduc Policy 21st Cen[Student Perspectives On Assessment: What Students Can Tell Us About Assessment for LearningRes Sociocult InfluStudents and Science Learning Th Yr Sch S6Students Experiences of E-learning in Higher EducationOpen Flex Learn SerStudent Social Work Stud Soc WorkStudia Augustana Stud AugustStudia Biophysica Stud BiophysStudia Canonica Stud CanonicaStudia Formosiana Stud Formos"Studia Geologica Polonica - SeriesStud Geol PolonStudia Geophysica Et GeodaeticaStud Geophys GeodStudia HellenisticaStud HellenistStudia HistoricaStudia HistoricaStudia Judaica Stud JudaStudia Judaica Stud JudaicaStudia LeibnitianaStud LeibnitianaStudia LinguisticaStud LinguisticaStudia Linguistica GermanicaStud Linguist GerStudia Mathematica Stud MathStudia MonasticaStud MonasticaStudia Musicologica Stud MusicolStudia Mystica Stud MystStudia NeophilologicaStud NeophilolStudia Patristica Stud PatrisStudia Patristica, Vol Xl Stud PatrisStudia Patristica, Vol Xli Stud PatrisStudia Patristica, Vol Xlii Stud PatrisStudia Patristica, Vol Xliii Stud PatrisStudia Patristica, Vol Xxxix Stud PatrisStudia PhaenomenologicaStud PhaenomenolStudia Post-biblicaStud Post BiblStudia Psychologica Stud PsycholStudia RosenthalianaStud Rosenthaliana+Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum HungaricaStud Sci Math HungStudia Socjologiczne Stud SocjolStudia SocjologiczneStud SocjologiczneStudia Theologica Stud Theol Studia Theologica-czech RepublicStudia Theol-czech R(Studia Universitatis Babes-bolyai ChemiaStud U Babes-bol Che(Studia Universitatis Babes-bolyai ChemiaStud Univ Babes-bolStudi DanteschiStud DanteschiStudi Di Musica Veneta Stud Mus V>Studien Des Prinzen Albert An Der Universitat Bonn (1837-1838)Prinz-albert-forsch/Studien Interdisziplinare GeschlechterforschungStud Interdisz Gesch@Studien Und Dokumente Zur Geschichte Der Romanischen LiteraturenStud Dokumente Gesch8Studien Und Texte Zur Geistesgeschichte Des Mittelalters St Text Gei4Studien Und Texte Zur Sozialgeschichte Der LiteraturStud Texte Sozialges,Studien Zum 9. Buch Von Lucans Bellum CivileGott Forum AltertumsStudien Zur Deutschen Literatur Stud Deut Lit9Studien Zur Geschichte Und Kultur Des Islamischen OrientsStud Gesch Kult Isla$Studien Zur Lebenswelt Der EisenzeitReallexikon Ger Alte!Studien Zur Literatur Der Moderne St Lit Mod)Studien Zur Mittelhochdeutschen GrammatikStud Mittelhochdeut0Studien Zur Philologie Und Zur MusikwissenschaftAbh Akad Wiss Got PhLStudien Zu Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius Und Zur Pyrrhonischen SkepsisBeitr Altertumskunde!Studien Zu Wissenschaft Und EthikStud Wiss Ethik$Studi E Problemi Di Critica TestualeStud Probl Crit Test Studies and Reports in Hydrology Stud HydrolDStudies and Research : The International Social Security Association Stud Res Ss/Studies and Texts in Jewish History and CultureStud Text Jew Hist:Studies From The International Institute for Asian StudiesStud Int Inst Asian"Studies in 20th Century Literature St 20 C LitStudies in Accounting HistoryContrib Econ Econ HiStudies in Advanced Mathematics St Adv Math/Studies in African American History and CultureStud Afr Am Hist CulStudies in American FictionStud Am FictionStudies in American History Stud Amer H&Studies in American Indian LiteraturesStud Am Indian Lit)Studies in American Political DevelopmentStud Am Polit Dev/Studies in American Popular History and CultureStud Am Popul Hist CStudies in Ancient Medicine Stud Anc Med%Studies in Antiquity and Christianity St Ant Chr1Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and MechanicsStud Appl ElectromagStudies in Applied MathematicsStud Appl MathStudies in Applied MechanicsStud Appl Mech)Studies in Arthurian and Courtly CulturesStud Arthur Court CuStudies in Asian Americans Stud Asian Am3Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture and Thought St Aust LitStudies in Avian Biology-seriesStud Avian Biol-serStudies in Bibliography Stud BibliogrStudies in BilingualismStud Bilingual'Studies in Biology, Economy and Society St Biol EcStudies in Black LiteratureStud Black LitStudies in Brain and MindStud Brain MindStudies in British Literature Stud Brit Lit"Studies in Browning and His CircleStud Browning CircleStudies in Burke and His TimeStud Burke TimeStudies in Business CyclesStud Bus Cycles?Studies in Canadian Literature-etudes En Litterature Canadienne Stud Can Lit%Studies in Central and Eastern EuropeSt Cent East Europe%Studies in Central and Eastern EuropeStud Cent E Eur%Studies in Central European HistoriesStud Cent Eur Hist4Studies in Chemical Evolution and The Origin of LifeSt Chem Evol & Orig)Studies in Childhood and Family in CanadaStud Child Fam Can*Studies in Chinese Government and PoliticsStud Chin Gov PolitStudies in Choice and WelfareStud Choice WelfStudies in Choice and WelfareStudies Choice WelfaMStudies in Christianity and Judaism-etude Sur Le Christianisme Et Le JudaismeStud Christian JudStudies in Christian MissionStud Christ Mission$Studies in Church History : Subsidia St Ch His SStudies in Classics Stud ClassicsBStudies in Classification Data Analysis and Knowledge OrganizationStud Class Data AnalDStudies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge OrganizationSt Class Dat AnalStudies in Cognition Stud Cogn3Studies in Communication, Media, and Public OpinionStud Commun Media/Studies in Communism Revisionism and RevolutionStud Commun Revi Rev Studies in Comparative CommunismStud Comp Communism Studies in Comparative EducationBeitr Verg Bild0Studies in Comparative International DevelopmentStud Comp Int Dev!Studies in Comparative Literature St Compar L(Studies in Comparative Literature Series Stud Comp Lit(Studies in Comparative Literature SeriesStud Comp Lit Ser'Studies in Comparative Local GovernmentStud Comp Local GovStudies in Comparative ReligionStud Comp Relig Studies in Computational FinanceStud Computat Fin%Studies in Computational IntelligenceStud Comp Intell%Studies in Computational IntelligenceStud Comput Intell$Studies in Computational MathematicsStud Comput Math.Studies in Computer and Communications Systems St Comp ComStudies in Conflict & TerrorismStud Confl TerrorStudies in Conservation Stud Conserv-Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought St Cont Ger-Studies in Contemporary German Social ThoughtStud Contemp Ger SocStudies in Continuing EducationStud Contin EducStudies in Curriculum TheoryStud Curric Theory#Studies in Developmental PsychologyStud Dev Psychol+Studies in Development Economics and PolicyStud Dev Econ Policy+Studies in Development Economics and PolicyStud Devel Econ0Studies in Diplomacy and International RelationsStud Dipl Int Relat$Studies in Disarmament and ConflictsSt Disarm Confl)Studies in Early Modern Religious ReformsStud Early Mod Relig Studies in East European ThoughtStud E Eur Thought)Studies in Economic Ethics and PhilosophySt Econ Ethic Philos)Studies in Economic Ethics and PhilosophyStud Econ Ethics PhiGStudies in Economic, Social and Politcal Change : The Republic of China Stud Econ SStudies in Economic TheoryStud Econ Theory4Studies in Economic Transformation and Public PolicySt Ec Transform PublStudies in Economic TransitionStud Econ TransStudies in Economic TransitionStud Econ Transit"Studies in Educational EthnographyStud Educ Ethnog!Studies in Educational LeadershipStud Educ LeadershStudies in Egyptology Stud Egypt%Studies in Eighteenth-century CultureStud Eighteenth-cent-Studies in Eighteenth-century Culture, Vol 23Stud Eighteenth-centStudies in Empirical EconomicsStud Empiric Econ'Studies in Employment and Social PolicyStud Emp Soc Policy-Studies in English and Comparative LiteratureStud Eng & Compa Lit'Studies in English Literature 1500-1900Stud Engl Lit-1500#Studies in English Literature-tokyoStud Engl Lit-tokyo Studies in Environmental ScienceStud Environ Sci$Studies in Eu Reform and EnlargementStud Eu Reform Enlar'Studies in European Culture and HistoryStud Eur Cult Hist'Studies in European Culture and HistoryStud Eur Culture HisStudies in European JudaismStud Europ Judaism)Studies in Evolutionary Political EconomyStud Evol Polit EconStudies in Family PlanningStud Family PlannStudies in Federalism St Federal4Studies in Fiscal Federalism and State-local FinanceStud Fisc Fed Sl Fin4Studies in Fiscal Federalism and State-local FinanceStud Fiscal Fed Stat!Studies in Formative SpiritualityStud Formative SpirStudies in Frank Waters Stu Frank W+Studies in Frank Waters - Xviii: Afterwords Stu Frank WStudies in French Cinema Stud Fr Cinem0Studies in Functional and Structural LinguisticsStud Funct Struct'Studies in Fuzziness and Soft ComputingStud Fuzz Soft Comp'Studies in Fuzziness and Soft ComputingStud Fuzziness Soft"Studies in Gdr Culture and Society Stud Gdr C$Studies in Gdr Culture and Society 6 Stud Gdr C$Studies in Gdr Culture and Society 9 Stud Gdr CStudies in Generative GrammarStud Gener GrammStudies in Generative GrammarStud Genera GrammarStudies in Generative GrammarStud Generat Gramm0Studies in Geophysical Optics and Remote Sensing Stud Geo OpStudies in German IdealismStud Ger IdealStudies in German IdealismStud Ger Idealism5Studies in German Literature, Linquistics and Culture St German LStudies in Global JusticeStud Glob JusticeStudies in Global JusticeStud Global Justice,Studies in Health Technology and Informatics St Heal T,Studies in Health Technology and InformaticsStud Health TechnolStudies in HeliodorusCamb C J Proc Cam Ph#Studies in Hellenistic Civilization St Hellen C8Studies in High Energy Physics Cosmology and GravitationStud Hi Ener Phy CosStudies in Higher EducationStud High Educ"Studies in Higher Education SeriesStud High Educ Ser3Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern PhysicsStud Hist Philos M P,Studies in History and Philosophy of ScienceStud Hist Philos Sci3Studies in History and Philosophy of Science SeriesSt Hist Phil Sci SerStudies in Human Biology Stud Hum B'Studies in Human Ecology and AdaptationStud Hum Ecol AdaptStudies in Human RightsStud Hum RightsStudies in Iconography Stud IconogrStudies in Imperialism Stud ImperStudies in Income and Wealth Stud Income"Studies in Industrial Organization Stud Ind Or"Studies in Industrial OrganizationStud Ind OrganStudies in Industrial Relations St Ind Rel"Studies in Informatics and ControlStud Inform ControlStudies in Inorganic ChemistryStud Inorg ChemStudies in Intelligence Stud IntellStudies in Intelligence SeriesStud Intell Ser#Studies in Intercultural PhilosophyStud Intercult PhilStudies in Interface ScienceStud Interf Sci"Studies in International Economics Stud Int Ec#Studies in International Governance Stud Int Gov#Studies in International InvestmentStud Int Invest#Studies in International InvestmentStud Int Investmt$Studies in International PerformanceStud Int Perform"Studies in International Relations Stud Int R"Studies in International RelationsStud Int RelatStudies in InterpretationStud Interpret4Studies in Islamic Finance Accounting and GovernanceStud Islam Financ Ac"Studies in Islamic Law and SocietyStud Islam Law SocStudies in Islamic Legal TheoryStud Islam Law SocStudies in Jewish Civilization St Jew CivStudies in Judaism Stud JudaisrStudies in Judaism and Christianity : Exploration of Issues in The Contempory Dialogue Between Christians and Jews St Jud Chr)Studies in Lake Antiquity and Early Islam St Late AntStudies in Language Stud Lang$Studies in Language Companion Series Stud Lang CStudies in LanguagesStud Lang-finland)Studies in Latin American Popular CultureStud Lat Am Pop CultStudies in LawStud Law#Studies in Law Politics and SocietyStud Law Politics So,Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Vol 28Stud Law Politics So,Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Vol 29Stud Law Politics So,Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Vol 31Stud Law Politics So,Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Vol 32Stud Law Politics So,Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Vol 33Stud Law Politics So,Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Vol 35Stud Law Politics So,Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Vol 38Stud Law Politics So,Studies in Law, Politics and 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His)Studies in Military and Strategic HistoryStud Milit StratStudies in Modern History Stud Mod HistStudies in Modern Japan Stud Mod JStudies in MultidisciplinarityStud MultidiscipStudies in Multimedia Asis MonogrStudies in Mycology Stud Mycol1Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory St Nat Lang1Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic TheoryStud Nat Lang LinguiStudies in NeoplatonismStud Neoplatonism.Studies in Netherlandic Culture and Literature Publ AansStudies in Neuroscience Stud Neuros.Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and EconometricsStud Nonlinear Dyn E'Studies in Operational Regional Science Stud Oper RStudies in Organic Chemistry Stud Org Chem]Studies in Palaeozoic Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy in Honour of Charles Hepworth Holland Sp Palaeont/Studies in Pedagogy, Andragogy, and GerontagogyStud Ped And Geron Studies in Perception and ActionStud Percept Action$Studies in Perception and Action IiiStud Percept Action"Studies in Perception and Action VStud Percept 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in MethodologyStud Qual Methodol/Studies in Regional Science and Urban Economics Stud Reg ScStudies in RegulationStudies RegulatStudies in Religion and Culture St Rel Cult(Studies in Religion-sciences ReligieusesStud Relig-sci Relig4Studies in Religion Secular Beliefs and Human RightsStud Relig Secul BelStudies in Risk and UncertaintyStud Risk UncertainStudies in RomanticismStud Romanticism!Studies in Russia and East EuropeStud Russ E Eur!Studies in Russia and East EuropeStud Russia E Europe8Studies in Russian and East European History and SocietyStud Russ E Eur Hist(Studies in Russian Literature and TheoryStud Russ Lit TheorStudies in School ImprovementRes Theor Educ Admin8Studies in Science and Humanities From The Reilly Center St Sci HumStudies in Science Education Stud Sci Educ&Studies in Second Language AcquisitionStud Second Lang AcqStudies in Short FictionStud Short Fiction6Studies in Slave and Post-slave Societies and CulturesStud Slav Post Slav)Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics Stud Slav(Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics Stud Slav L(Studies in Slavic Literature and PoeticsStud Slav Lit Poet&Studies in Social and Political Theory S Soc PolitStudies in Social Life Stud Soc Life2Studies in Social, Political, and Legal PhilosophySt Social Polit Leg%Studies in Social Security and HealthStud Soc Secur HealtStudies in Socio-economics Stud Soc-ecStudies in SociologyStudies SociolStudies in Soviet ThoughtStud Sov ThoughtStudies in Space PolicyStud Space Policy+Studies in State and Society in The PacificStud St Soc Pac(Studies in Surface Science and CatalysisStud Surf Sci CatalStudies in Symbolic Interaction Stud Sym InStudies in Symbolic InteractionStud Symb InteracStudies in Symbolic InteractionStud Symb Interact4Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 10, Pts A and B Stud Sym In'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 12 Stud Sym In-Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 19, 1995 Stud Sym In-Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 21, 1997 Stud Sym In-Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 22, 1999 Stud Sym In'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 23 Stud Sym In'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 24 Stud Sym In'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 25 Stud Sym In'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 26 Stud Sym In'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 26Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 27 Stud Sym In'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 28 Stud Sym In'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 28Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 29Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 30Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 31Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 32Stud Symb Interac'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 32Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 33Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 34Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 35Stud Symb Interact'Studies in Technology and Social Change Stud Tech SStudies in The African Past Stud Afr Past-Studies in The Agricultural and Food Sciences Stud Agr F?Studies in The Archaeology of The Iron Age in Israel and JordanJ St Old Test Suppl&Studies in Theatre History and Culture St Theat HStudies in The Book of Exodus Bib Eph TheStudies in The Book of Genesis Bib Eph The0Studies in The Development of Accounting ThoughtStud Dev Account Tho4Studies in The Economies of East and South-east AsiaStud Econ E Se Asia3Studies in The Economies of East and Southeast AsiaStud Econ E Se Asia8Studies in The Field of Agriculture, Vol 87 (supplement)Ptpn Roln Lesn3Studies in The History and Anthropology of ReligionStud His Anth RelStudies in The History of Art Stud Hist Art$Studies in The History of Art Series Stud Hist A+Studies in The History of Arts, Symp Series St His A Ss0Studies in The History of Art - Symposium SeriesStud Hist Art Symp,Studies in The History of Christian MissionsStud Hist Christ Mis+Studies in The History of Christian ThoughtSt Hist Christ Th.Studies in The History of Christian TraditionsStud Hist Christ Tra#Studies in The History of EducationStud Hist Educ7Studies in The History of Gardens & Designed LandscapesStud Hist Gard Des L4Studies in The History of Ideas in The Low CountriesStud Hist Idea Low,Studies in The History of Philosophy of MindStud His Phil Mind,Studies in The History of Philosophy of MindStud Hist Philos Min"Studies in The History of Religion St Hist RelHStudies in The History of The English Language: A Millennial Perspective Top Eng LingHStudies in The History of The English Language: A Millennial PerspectiveTop Engl Linguist4Studies in The Intercultural History of ChristianityStud Int Hist Christ#Studies in The Literary ImaginationStud Lit ImaginationStudies in The Novel Stud Novel(Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics Stud Th Psy(Studies in Theoretical PsycholinguisticsStud Theor Psycholin4Studies in The Political Economy of The World-system Stud Pol Ec%Studies in The Portuguese Discoveries St Port Dis'Studies in The Portuguese Discoveries I St Port DisStudies in The Shoah Stud Shoah)Studies in The Social History of MedicineStud Social Hist Med(Studies in Transatlantic Business EthicsStud Transatl Bus Et%Studies in Transnational Economic Law St Trans E'Studies in Twentieth Century LiteratureStud 20th Cent LitStudies in Universal LogicStud Univers Log(Studies in Visual Information ProcessingStud Vis Inform ProcStudies in Women and ReligionStud Wom ReligStudies in World ChristianityStud World ChristStudies in World Peace St World PStudies in Writing Stud WritStudies in Yiddish Stud Yiddish"Studies of Communism in Transition St Commun T&Studies of Economies in TransformationStud Econ TransformStudies of Nanoconstrictions, Nanowires and Fe3o4 Thin Films: Electrical Conduction and Magnetic Properties, Fabrication By Focused Electron/ion BeamSpringer Theses-reco.Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life ScienceStud Nonlin PhenomStudies of Organized CrimeStud Organize Crime:Studies of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in East AsiaStud Small Med Enter0Studies of Supply and Demand in Higher Education Nat Bur EcStudies of The AmericasStud AmStudies of The Americas Stud Amer1Studies of The German Historical Institute LondonStud Ger Hist InstjStudies of The Magnitude and Nature of Pesticide Residues in Stored Products, Using Radiotracer Techniques Iaea Pan P1Studies of Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray ProcessesSt Vac Ultrav Xray P#Studies On Cardiovascular DisordersOxid Stress Appl BasStudies On China Stud ChinaStudies On Contemporary China St Cont ChNStudies On Continuing Vocational Training in Germany - An Empirical Assessment Zew Econ StudStudies On Culture and Society Stud Cult SocStudies On East Asia Stud E AsEStudies On Economic Well-being: Essays in The Honor of John P. Formby Res Ec IneqEStudies On Economic Well-being: Essays in The Honor of John P. FormbyRes Econ Inequal!Studies On Ethnic Groups in ChinaStud Ethnic Groups CStudies On Ethno-medicineStud Ethno-medStudies On Experimental ModelsOxid Stress Appl BasStudies On GrammaticalizationTrends Linguist-studStudies On Language AcquisitionStud Lang Acquis5Studies On Locke: Sources, Contemporaries, and LegacyArch Int Hist Idees*Studies On Medieval and Early Modern WomenStud Med Ear Mod WomAStudies On Medieval and Early Modern Women 4: Victims Or Viragos?Stud Med Ear Mod Wom=Studies On Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns Or Players?Stud Med Ear Mod Wom,Studies On Neotropical Fauna and EnvironmentStud Neotrop Fauna E4Studies On Neuropsychology Development and CognitionStud Neuropsych Dev2Studies On Neuropsychology Neurology and CognitionStud Neuropsychol NeStudies On Renal DisordersOxid Stress Appl Bas#Studies On The 18th Century, Vol 19 U Lib Bruxe.Studies On The Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus SpudasmataStudies On The Chinese EconomyStud Chin Econ8Studies On The Economic Future of The Western HemisphereSt Econ Fut W HemStudies On The History of LogicPerspekt Analyt Phil-Studies On The History of Society and CultureStud Hist Soc Cult+Studies On The Texts of The Desert of JudahStud Text Des Judah4Studies On Turkish and Turkic Languages, Proceedings TurcologicaStudies On Veterinary MedicineOxid Stress Appl Bas.Studies On Voltaire and The Eighteenth CenturyStud Volt Eight CentStudies On War and GenocideStud War GenocideStudi Francesi Stud FrancesiStudii Si Cercetari De FizicaStud Cercet FizStudi Medievali Stud MedievStudi Musicali Stud MusicStudi PiemontesiStud Piemontesi Studi Romani Stud RomaniStudi SecenteschiStud Secenteschi Studi Storici Stud Storici0Studi Urbinati Di Storia Filosofia E LetteraturaStud Urbinati Ser B34Studi Urbinati Serie B3-linguistica Letteratura ArteStud Urbinati Ser B3@Study Abroad: Perspectives and Experiences From Business Schools Adv Int Mar;Study Europe: Challenges and Prospects for European Studies Sch Arb EurStudying Collective ActionSage Mod]Studying Differences Between Organizations: Comparative Approaches to Organizational ResearchRes Sociol Organ-resPStudying Kinetics With Neutrons: Prospects for Times-resolved Neutron ScatteringSpringer Ser Solid-sPStudying Kinetics With Neutrons: Prospects for Times-resolved Neutron ScatteringSpringer Series Soli'Studying Transcultural Literary HistorySpect Literaturwiss'Studying Transcultural Literary HistorySpectr LiteraturwissStudying Virtual Math TeamsComput-supp Collab LMStudy of Ion Cluster Theory of Molten Silicates and Some Inorganic SubstancesMater Sci FoundJStudy of Livestock Farming Systems in A Research and Development Framework Eaap PublicIStudy of Personal and Cultural Values: American, Japanese, and Vietnamese Cult Mind SoccStudy of Public Management in Europe and The Us: A Comparative Analysis of National DistinctivenessRoutl Crit Stud Publ Study of Time Stud Time=Study of Tourism: Anthropological and Sociological BeginningsTour Soc Sci Ser)Study On Spatial Phenomena in Agriculture Colloq Inra%Stuttgart Seminar in Cultural StudiesStutt Sem Cultur St Stygologia StygologiaStyleStyle!Styles of Continental ContractionGeol Soc Am Spec Pap%Sub-acute Spongiform Encephalopathies Curr T VetMSubaltern Citizens and Their Histories: Investigations From India and The UsaInters Colon PostcolPSubauroral Ionosphere, Plasmasphere, Ring Current and Inner Magnetosphere System Adv Space ResPSubauroral Ionosphere, Plasmasphere, Ring Current and Inner Magnetosphere SystemAdv Space Res-series(Subcellular Basis of Contractile FailureDev Cardiovasc MedSub-cellular BiochemistrySub-cell BiochemSubcellular BiochemistrySubcell Biochem1Subcommissural Organ and Reissner's Fiber ComplexProg Histochem CytocSubdivision Surfaces Geom ComputSubduction Zone GeodynamicsFront Earth Sci?Subjectivity and Suffering in American Culture: Possible Selves Cult Mind SocASubject Positions and Interfaces: The Case of European PortugueseStud Generat GrammdSubjects Unto The Same King: Indians, English, and The Contest for Authority in Colonial New EnglandEarly Am Stud SergSubjunctive in The Age of Prescriptivism: English and German Developments During The Eighteenth CenturyPalgr Stud Lang HistSublimeNew Crit Idiom!Submarine Landslides and TsunamisNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear/Submarine Mass Movements and Their ConsequencesAdv Nat Tech Haz Res/Submarine Mass Movements and Their ConsequencesAdv Nat Technol HazKSubmarine Power Cables: Design, Installation, Repair, Environmental Aspects Power Syst/Submarine Slope Systems: Processes and ProductsGeol Soc Spec Publ&Submerged Cultural Resource ManagementPl S UnderwaterLSubmicrometer Metallization : The Challenges, Opportunities, and LimitationsP Soc Photo-opt InsSubmicron Multiphase MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PRSubmillimeter Astrophysics and Technology: A Symposium Honoring Thomas G. Phillips Astr Soc PSubmillimetre AstronomyAstrophys Space Sc L(Submolecular Glass Chemistry and PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Subnational Government: The French ExperienceFr Polit Soc CultSubnuclear Series Subnucl SerSub-saharan Economic Geology Geol Soc ZiFSubsea Control and Data Acquisition for Oil and Gas Production SystemsAdv Underwat Technol)Subseafloor Biosphere At Mid-ocean RangesGeoph Monog Series)Subseafloor Biosphere At Mid-ocean RangesGeophys Monogr SerSubsea International 93Adv Underwat Technol<Subsoil Compaction: Distribution, Processes and Consequences Adv Geoecol0Subspace, Latent Structure and Feature SelectionLect Notes Comput Sc Sub-stance Sub-stanceSubstance Abuse Subst Abus6Substance Abuse Assessment Interventions and TreatmentSubst Abus Assess InCSubstance Abuse Recovery in College: Community Supported AbstinenceAdv Respons Adol Dev/Substance Abuse Treatment Prevention and PolicySubst Abuse Treat PrSubstance Detection SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Substance Identification AnalyticsP Soc Photo-opt InsDSubstance P and Related Peptides : Cellular and Molecular PhysiologyAnn Ny Acad Sci(Substances Marines A Visee TherapeutiqueOceanis-ser DocSubstance Use & MisuseSubst Use MisuseNSubstance Use: Individual Behaviour, Social Interactions, Markets and Politics Adv HealthNSubstance Use: Individual Behaviour, Social Interactions, Markets and PoliticsAdv Health Econ HealSubstance Withdrawal SyndromeDrug Trans Dist Int?Substantivderivation in Der Urkundensprache Des 13 JahrhundertsStud Linguist GerGSubstantive Perspectivism: An Essay On Philosophical Concern With Truth Synth LibrASubstitution Dynamical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Second EditionLect Notes Math8Substitutions in Dynamics, Arithmetics and CombinatoricsLect Notes Math.Substrate Noise Coupling in Analog/rf CircuitsArtech Hse Microw Li!Substrate Noise Coupling in RficsAnalog Circ Sig Proc7Subsurface and Atmospheric Influences On Solar Activity Astr Soc P@Subsurface and Surface Sensing Technologies and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Subsurface and Surface Sensing Technologies and Applications Iii Proc Spie=Subsurface Fluid-flow (ground-water and Vadose Zone) ModelingAm Soc Test MaterCSubsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and ProcessesGeophys Monogr Ser?Subsurface Reservoir Characterization From Outcrop Observations Coll Col Se Subsurface Sediment MobilizationGeol Soc Spec Publ3Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications Ii Proc Spie#Subsurface Sensors and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Subsurface Sensors and Applications Proc SpiebSubsurface Solute Transport Models and Case Histories: With Applications to Radionuclide MigrationTheor Appl Trans PorNSubthalamic Nucleus, Pt I: Developmental, Cytology, Topography and ConnectionsAdv Anat Embryol Cel@Subthalamic Nucleus, Pt Ii: Modelling and Simulation of ActivityAdv Anat Embryol Cel0Sub-threshold Design for Ultra Low-power SystemsIntegr Circuit SystSubtilisin EnzymesAdv Exp Med BiolSuburbia Re-examined Contr Soc@Sub-versions: Trans-national Readings of Modern Irish Literature Dqr Stud Lit,Subversive Self in Modern Chinese LiteratureComp Perspect Mod As3Subwavelength and Nanometer Diameter Optical FibersAdv Top Sci Tech Chi+Successes and Failures of Digital Libraries Cl Lib Appl&Success Factors of Corporate Spin-offsInt Stud Entrep0Successful Case-based Reasoning Applications - 1Stud Comput IntellSuccessful Pneumatic Conveying Imeche SemSuccessful Posterior CompositesQuintessent Dent PraPSuccessful Principal Leadership in Times of Change: An International PerspectiveStud Educ LeadershQSuccessful Science and Engineering Teaching:theoretical and Learning PerspectivesInnov Chang Prof EduISuccessful Transformation? Restructuring of The Czech Automobile Industry Contrib EconJSuccessful Women in Chemistry: Corporate America's Contribution to Science Acs Sym Ser#Success in Evolutionary ComputationStud Comput Intell$Success Stories in Satellite Systems Libr Flight Suchttherapie SuchttherapieSucrerie Francaise Sucr FrancBSucrose Metabolism, Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology Cur Top PlSudan Notes and RecordsSudan Notes RecSudarshan: Seven Science QuestsJ Phys Conf SerSud-ouest Europeen Sud-ouest EurSuffer The Little ChildrenAdv Educ Divers CommXSufi-jewish Dialogue: Philosophy and Mysticism in Bahya Ibn Paquda's Duties of The HeartJew Cult Context6Sugar-based Surfactants: Fundamentals and ApplicationsSurfactant Sci Ser/Sugar Beet Crops: Growth, Fertilization & YieldAgr Issues Policies-Sugarcane Germplasm Conservation and Exchange Aciar Proc!Sugarcane Pathologists NewsletterSugarcane Pathol NewSugar Industry and Cotton CropsAgr Issues Policies Sugar JournalSugar J'Sugar: Refined Power in A Global RegimeInt Polit Econ SerSugars in NutritionNestle Nutr Works SeSugar Technology ReviewsSugar Technol RevSugar Y Azucar Sugar Azucar:Suicidal Behavior in Alcohol and Drug Abuse and DependencePsychiat Theor ApplSuicideSuicideOSuicide Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research, and PracticeSer Death Dying*Suicide and Justice: A Chinese PerspectiveRoutl Contemp China%Suicide and Life-threatening BehaviorSuicide Life-threatSuicide and The Creative ArtsPsychol Res Prog#Suicide: Biopsychosocial Approaches Int Congr SerDSuid-afrikaanse Historiese Joernaal-south African Historical Journal S Afr Hist J8Suites De Sturm, Indice De Maslov Et Periodicite De Bott Prog MathQSukupolvien Ketju: Suuret Ikaluokat Ja Sukupolvien Valinen Vuorovaikutus SuomessaStud Soc Secur Healt(Sulfated Glycoconjugates in AmelogenesisProg Histochem CytocOSulfate Minerals - Crystallography, Geochemistry and Environmental SignificanceRev Mineral Geochem$Sulfide Mineralolgy and GeochemistryRev Mineral Geochem?Sulfur-centered Reactive Intermediates in Chemistry and BiologyNato Adv Sci I A-lifSulfur Compounds in Foods Acs Sym SerRSulfur Fertilizer Policy for Lowland and Upland Rice Cropping Systems in Indonesia Aciar ProcNSulfur in Magmas and Melts: Its Importance for Natural and Technical ProcessesRev Mineral Geochem Sulfur-mediated Rearrangements I Top Curr Chem!Sulfur-mediated Rearrangements Ii Top Curr Chem>Sulphate-reducing Bacteria in Biological Treatment WastewatersAir Water Soil Sci TcSulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides in Industrial Waste Gases : Emission, Legislation and Abatement Euro Ch Env Sumarski List Sumar List2Sumatra: Geology, Resources and Tectonic Evolution Geol Soc Mem&Sumitomo Light Metal Technical ReportsSumitomo Light M TecSumitomo SearchSumitomo SearchCSummary of Flow Modulation and Fluid-structure Interaction FindingsNotes Numer Fluid MeTSummary of Proceedings: Annual Conference - American Theological Library AssociationSum Proc Ann C AtlafSummary of Proceedings - Forty-ninth Annual Conference of The American Theological Library AssociationSum Proc Ann C Atla4Summer School On Astroparticle Physics and CosmologyIctp Lect NotesSSummer Solstice 2009 International Conference On Discrete Models of Complex SystemsActa Phys Pol B Pr SUSuna & Inan Kirac Research Institute On Mediterranean Civilizations Monography SeriesSuna Inan Kirac Res#Sun : A Laboratory for AstrophysicsNato Adv Sci I C-matSun and Its Atmosphere Adv Space ResSun and Its AtmosphereAdv Space Res-series#Sun and Its Role in The Heliosphere Adv Space Res#Sun and Its Role in The HeliosphereAdv Space Res-series8Sun and Similar Stars/cosmic Ray Spectra and Composition Adv Space Res8Sun and Similar Stars/cosmic Ray Spectra and CompositionAdv Space Res-seriesSun-earth Plasma ConnectionsGeoph Monog SeriesSun-earth Plasma ConnectionsGeophys Monogr Ser&Sungkyun Journal of East Asian StudiesSungkyun J East Asia#Sunlight, Vitamin D and Skin CancerAdv Exp Med BiolSun Recorded Through HistoryAstrophys Space Sc L"Sunspots : Theory and ObservationsNato Adv Sci I C-mat@Sun's Surface and Subsurface: Investigating Shape and IrradianceLect Notes Phys(Sun, The Solar Wind, and The HeliosphereIaga Spec Sopron4Sun, The Stars, The Universe, and General Relativity Aip Conf Proc0Sun Tracks: An American Indian Literature Series Sun Tracks2Suny Series in Critical Issues in Criminal Justice Suny C Crit,Suny Series in Feminist Criticism and TheorySuny S Fem CritSuny Series in Hegelian Studies Suny Se HegSuny Series in Israel Studies Suny S Irs St Suny Series in Jewish Philosophy Suny Jew Ph=Suny Series in Judaica: Hermeneutics, Mysticism, and ReligionSuny S Jud Her Mys RSuny Series in Linguistics Suny S Ling1Suny Series in Racial Social and Political Theory Suny Rad S2Suny Series in Radical Social and Political Theory Suny Rad SASuny Series in The Social and Economic History of The Middle EastSuny S Soci Econ His"Suny Series in Urban Public Policy Suny S Urb&Suny Series, The Margins of LiteratureSuny Ser Margins LitISuomalaisen Energiateollisuuden Kilpailukyky Ilmastopolitiikan Muuttuessa Vtt Res Notes7Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia: Sarja HumanioraSuomal Tied Toim Sar7Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia Series HumanioraSuom Tiedeakat Toim7Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia Series HumanioraSuomal Tied Toim SarSuomen Kemistilehti Suom KemistilSuperabsorbent Polymers Acs Sym SerSupercentenariansDemogr Res Monogr Supercomputer SupercomputerQSupercomputer Algorithms for Reactivity, Dynamics and Kinetics of Small MoleculesNato Adv Sci I C-matSupercomputing /Nato Adv Sci I F-comSupercomputing '93, ProceedingsSupercomp ProcSupercomputing '94, ProceedingsSupercomp Proc-Supercomputing '95, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2Supercomp ProcSupercomputing ProceedingsSupercomp ProcCSuperconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsCSuperconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering Iii Proc SpieBSuperconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering IvP Soc Photo-opt InsBSuperconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering Iv Proc SpieASuperconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering VP Soc Photo-opt InsSuperconducting CeramicsProgr High Temp Supe.Superconducting Devices and Their ApplicationsSpringer Proc Phys3Superconducting Materials for High Energy CollidersSci Cult Ser Phys-Superconducting Superlattices and MultilayersP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Superconducting Superlattices Ii: Native and ArtificialP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Superconductive Devices and CircuitsP Soc Photo-opt InsSuperconductivityProgr High Temp Supe&Superconductivity and Its Applications Aip Conf Proc(Superconductivity and Its Applications / Aip Conf Proc)Superconductivity and Its Applications // Aip Conf Proc+Superconductivity and Superconducting WiresHoriz World Phys SerASuperconductivity Applications for Infrared and Microwave DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsDSuperconductivity Applications for Infrared and Microwave Devices IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Superconductivity in Complex Systems Struct Bond#Superconductor Science & TechnologySupercond Sci Tech&Superconductor/semiconductor JunctionsSpringer Tr Mod Phys&Superconductor/semiconductor JunctionsSpringer Trac Mod PhSupercooled Liquids Acs Sym Ser?Supercooled Liquids, Glass Transition and Bulk Metallic GlassesMater Res Soc Symp P7Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Separations and Processes Acs Sym Ser'Supercritical Fluid Engineering Science Acs Sym SerSupercritical Fluids Acs Sym SerSupercritical FluidsCondens Matter Res TSupercritical FluidsNato Adv Sci I E-appSupercritical FluidsNato Adv Sci Inst SeSupercritical Fluid Technology Acs Sym Ser=Super-deep Continental Drilling and Deep Geophysical Sounding Exp Deep Co'Superdense Qcd Matter and Compact StarsNato Sci Ser Ii Math'Superdense Qcd Matter and Compact StarsNato Sci Ser Ii-math Superfamily of Ras-related GenesNato Adv Sci I A-lif7Superfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination StudiesAm Soc Test Mater@Superfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies: 2nd VolAm Soc Test MaterESuperfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies: Third VolumeAm Soc Test Mater3Superintegrability in Classical and Quantum SystemsCrm Proc & Lect Note Super-intense Laser-atom PhysicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se Super-intense Laser-atom PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii Math Super-intense Laser-atom PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathRSuperintense Laser Fields : Generation, Interaction With Matter, and X-ray SourcesP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Superintense Laser Fields - Laser Optics '95 and Icono '95P Soc Photo-opt Ins!Superlattices and MicrostructuresSuperlattice Microst%Supermagnets, Hard Magnetic MaterialsNato Adv Sci I C-mat.Supermen1: Pituitary, Parathyroid and PancreasAdv Exp Med BiolSupermolecular Dye Chemistry Top Curr ChemSupernova 1987a: 20 Years After Aip Conf Proc Supernovae / Jer Win SchSupernovae and Gamma-ray Bursts Space Tel S!Supernovae and Supernova Remnants Iau ColloqSuperoxide DismutaseMethod Enzymol SuperpaveTransport Res Rec3Superplasticity-current Status and Future PotentialMater Res Soc Symp P%Superplasticity in Advanced Materials Key Eng Mat%Superplasticity in Advanced MaterialsMater Sci Forum1Superplasticity in Advanced Materials, Icsam-2000Mater Sci Forum0Superplasticity in Advanced Materials - Icsam-94Mater Sci Forum0Superplasticity in Advanced Materials - Icsam-97Mater Sci Forum7Superplasticity in Metals, Ceramics, and IntermetallicsMater Res Soc Symp P&Superstring Theory in The 21st CenturyHoriz World Phys SerSuperstrong Fields in Plasmas Aip Conf Proc<Superstrong Laser Fields and Applications - Laser Optics '98P Soc Photo-opt InsSupersymmetric Mechanics, Vol 3Lect Notes Phys&Supersymmetries and Quantum SymmetriesLect Notes Phys=Supersymmetry and The Unification of Fundamental Interactions Aip Conf Proc)Supervisory Control of Concurrent SystemsSyst Control-found ASuperworld Iii Subnucl Ser!Supplementary Cementing Materials Eng MaterSupplementary Sensorimotor Area Adv Neurol1Supplement of The Progress of Theoretical PhysicsProg Theor Phys Supp1Supplement of The Progress of Theoretical PhysicsSup Prog Theor Phys'Supplements to Clinical NeurophysiologySuppl Clin Neurophys Supplements to Novum TestamentumSupp Novum Testament+Supplements to Small Computers in Libraries Suppl Sm C3Supplements to The Journal for The Study of JudaismSupp J Stud Judaism Supplements to Vetus TestamentumSupp Vetus Testament#Supplements to Vigiliae ChristianaeS Vigiliae ChristiSupplement to Editio Beih Editio\Supply Chain Analysis: A Handbook On The Interaction of Information, System and OptimizationInt Ser Oper Res ManhSupply Chain and Logistics in National, International and Governmental Environment - Concepts and ModelsContrib Manag SciGSupply Chain Finance Solutions: Relevance - Propositions - Market ValueSpringerbrief Bus<Supply Chain Games: Operations Management and Risk ValuationInt Ser Oper Res ManSupply Chain Integration SeriesSupply Chain Integr7Supply Chain Logistics Program for Warehouse ManagementResource Manag-crc0Supply Chain Management-an International JournalSupply Chain ManagQSupply Chain Management Based On Sap Systems: Architecture and Planning Processes Sap ExcellUSupply Chain Optimisation: Product/process Design, Facility Location and Flow Control Appl OptimHSupply Chain Risk: A Handbook of Assessment, Management, and PerformanceInt Ser Oper Res ManRSupply Market Intelligence: A Managerial Handbook for Building Sourcing StrategiesResource Manag-crc*Supported Catalysts and Their Applications Roy Soc Ch$Support for Victims of Crime in AsiaRtldg Law Asia9Supporting Learning Flow Through Integrative Technologies Fr Art Int9Supporting Learning Flow Through Integrative TechnologiesFront Artif Intel ApSSupporting Multilingual Learners in The Early Years: Many Languages - Many ChildrenNurs World RoutledgeCSupporting People With Dementia Using Pervasive Health TechnologiesAdv Inform Knowl ProYSupporting Real Time Decision-making: The Role of Context in Decision Support On The MoveAnn Inform SystZSupporting The Development of R&d and The Innovation Potential of Post-socialist CountriesNato Asi S 4 Sci TecBSupporting Womens Career Advancement: Challenges and OpportunitiesNew Horiz Manag>Supporting Workplace Learning: Towards Evidence-based PracticeProf Pract-based LeaSupportive Care in CancerSupport Care Cancer%Supportive Care in Cancer Patients IiRecent Res CancerSupport Vector MachinesInform Sci StatBSupport Vector Machines for Pattern Classification, Second EditionAdv Pattern RecognitESuppression and Regulation of Immune Responses: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolSupramolecular Architecture Acs Sym Ser,Supramolecular Assembly Via Hydrogen Bonds I Struct Bond-Supramolecular Assembly Via Hydrogen Bonds Ii Struct BondSupramolecular ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-matSupramolecular Chemistry Supramol ChemCSupramolecular Chemistry Ii - Host Design and Molecular Recognition Top Curr ChemSupramolecular Chirality Top Curr Chem3Supramolecular Polymers Polymeric Betains Oligomers Adv Polym SciSupramolecular Science Supramol Sci9Supramolecular Science: Where It Is and Where It Is GoingNato Adv Sci I C-matSupramolecular StereochemistryNato Adv Sci Inst Se$Supreme Court Economic Review, Vol 5Supreme Court RevSupreme Court ReviewSupreme Court RevSurSurSurface & Coatings TechnologySurf Coat Tech,Surface Analysis Techniques and Applications Roy Soc ChSurface and Colloid ScienceProg Coll Pol Sci SSurface and Interface AnalysisSurf Interface Anal7Surface and Interface Analysis: Electrochemists ToolboxSpringer Ser Chem PhQSurface and Interface Analysis of Microelectronic Materials Processing and GrowthP Soc Photo-opt InsBSurface and Interfacial Forces - From Fundamentals to ApplicationsProg Coll Pol Sci S=Surface-based Remote Sensing of The Atospheric Boundary LayerAtmos Ocean Sci Lib'Surface Characterization and Testing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLSurface Characterization for Computer Disks, Wafers, and Flat Panel DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Surface Charging and Points of Zero ChargeSurfactant Sci SerFSurface Chemical Cleaning and Passivation for Semiconductor ProcessingMater Res Soc Symp P-Surface Chemistry and Beam-solid InteractionsMater Res Soc Symp P9Surface Chemistry in Biomedical and Environmental ScienceNato Sci Ser Ii Math9Surface Chemistry in Biomedical and Environmental ScienceNato Sci Ser Ii-math'Surface Coatings for Advanced MaterialsMater Sci ForumSurface Coatings International Surf Coat Int;Surface Coatings International Part B-coatings TransactionsSurf Coat Int Pt B-cHSurface-controlled Nanoscale Materials for High-added-value ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PSurface DiffusionNato Adv Sci I B-phy?Surface Disordering : Growth, Roughening, and Phase Transitions Les Houches(Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics IxWit Trans Eng SciSurface EngineeringSurf EngSurface Engineering Surface Eng8Surface Engineering 2001 - Fundamentals and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PESurface Engineering 2002-synthesis, Characterization and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P8Surface Engineering 2004 - Fundamentals and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P0Surface Engineering and Applied ElectrochemistrySurf Eng Appl Elect0Surface Engineering and Applied ElectrochemistrySurf Eng Appl Elect+2Surface Engineering for Manufacturing ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PSurface Engineering (icse 2007) Key Eng MatSurface Engineering (icse 2007) Key Eng MaterMSurface Engineering of Light Alloys: Aluminium, Magnesium and Titanium AlloysWoodhead Publ Mater)Surface Engineering of Polymers MembranesAdv Top Sci Tech Chi*Surface Engineering With High Energy Beams Key Eng Mat;Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering: Physics and Applications Top Appl Phys4Surface Finishing Technology and Surface Engineering Adv Mat Res7Surface Finishing Technology and Surface Engineering IiAdv Mater Res-switz"Surface-initiated Polymerization I Adv Polym Sci$Surface- Initiated Polymerization Ii Adv Polym SciKSurface/interface and Stress Effects in Electronic Materials NanostructuresMater Res Soc Symp PSurface LayersMater Sci ForumgSurface Magnetism: Correlation of Structural, Electronic and Chemical Properties With Magnetic BehaviorSpringer Trac Mod PhHSurface Modification of Biomaterials: Methods, Analysis and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mater Surface Modification of TextilesWoodhead Publ Text?Surface Modifications of Titanium for Biomaterials ApplicationsBiomat Prop Prod Dev+Surface Modified Biomedical Titanium AlloysMater Sci Technol)Surface Ocean--lower Atmosphere ProcessesGeophys Monogr SerSurface Oxide Films Elec Soc S9Surface Phenomena - International Liquid Crystal WorkshopP Soc Photo-opt InsSurface Physics Ccast Wl SwSurface Plasmon NanophotonicsSpringer Ser Opt Sci'Surface Plasmon Resonance Based SensorsSpringer Ser Chem Se0Surface Plasmon Resonance: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol/Surface Processing and Laser Assisted Chemistry Eur Mat Res&Surface Reactive Peptides and Polymers Acs Sym SerSurface Review and Letters Surf Rev Lett,Surfaces and Interfaces of Ceramic MaterialsNato Adv Sci I E-app9Surface Scattering and Diffraction for Advanced MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Surface Scattering and Diffraction for Advanced Metrology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Surface Scattering and Diffraction IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsSurface ScienceSurf Sci+Surface Science Investigations in Tribology Acs Sym SerSurface Science of Catalysis Acs Sym SerSurface Science Reports Surf Sci RepSurfaces in Interfaces Brit Cer Pr8Surfaces, Interfaces, and The Science of Ceramic Joining Ceram Trans(Surfaces, Vacuum, and Their Applications Aip Conf ProcSurface Technology Surf TechnolSurface Technology ProgrammeVtt SympFSurface Transportation: Infrastructure Environmental Issues and SafetyTransp Infrastruct-rSurface Treatment IvComp Exptl MethodsCSurface Treatment V: Computer Methods and Experimental MeasurementsComp Exptl MethodsSurface Treatment ViComp Exptl MethodsGSurface Waves in Anisotropic and Laminated Bodies and Defects DetectionNato Sci Ser Ii MathGSurface Waves in Anisotropic and Laminated Bodies and Defects DetectionNato Sci Ser Ii-mathOSurface Waves in Geomechanics: Direct and Inverse Modelling for Soils and Rocks Cism Cour LOSurface Waves in Geomechanics: Direct and Inverse Modelling for Soils and RocksCism Courses Lect0Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization Acs Sym Ser$Surfactant and The Respiratory TractFerns Found Series*Surfactant-enhanced Subsurface Remediation Acs Sym Ser+Surfactants and Colloids in The EnvironmentProg Coll Pol Sci SHSurfactants and Macromolecules : Self-assembly At Interfaces and in BulkProg Coll Pol Sci SSurfactant Science SeriesSurf Sci SeriesSurfactant Science SeriesSurfactant Sci SerMSurfactants in Personal Care Products and Decorative Cosmetics, Third EditionSurfactant Sci SerSurfactants in SolutionSurf Sci SeriesSurfactants in Solution Surf SolutSurfactants in Solution, Vol 11 Surf SolutJSurgeon Journal of The Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and IrelandSurg J R Coll Surg EJSurgeon-journal of The Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and IrelandSurg-j R Coll Surg ESurgerySurgeryNSurgery and Prosthetic Voice Restoration After Total and Subtotal Laryngectomy Int Congr Ser(Surgery for Obesity and Related DiseasesSurg Obes Relat DisSurgery Gynecology & ObstetricsSurg Gynecol ObstetISurgery Gynecology and Obstetrics With International Abstracts of SurgerySurg Gynecol ObstetrSurgery in Italy Surg Ital0Surgery in Multimodal Management of Solid Tumors Updates SurgSurgery of The Shoulder Int Congr Ser,Surgery-procedures Complications and ResultsSurg-proced Complica8Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Surgery Today Surg Today-Surgery Today-the Japanese Journal of Surgery Surg TodaySurgical and Radiologic AnatomySurg Radiol Anat/Surgical Applications of Energy, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Surgical-assist Systems, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Surgical Clinics of North AmericaSurg Clin N Am6Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques Surg Endosc;Surgical Endoscopy-ultrasound and Interventional TechniquesSurg Endosc-ultrasSurgical Forum Surg Forum:Surgical Forum 1995 for Experimental and Clinical Research Langeng ArcSurgical Infections Surg InfectSurgical Innovation Surg Innov Surgical Laparoscopy & EndoscopySurg Laparosc Endosc8Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous TechniquesSurg Laparo Endo Per.Surgical Management of Cerebrovascular Disease Act Neur SSurgical Neurology Surg Neurol*Surgical Oncology Clinics of North AmericaSurg Oncol Clin N AmSurgical Oncology-oxford Surg Oncol9Surgical Pathology of Endocrine and Neuroendocrine TumorsCurr Clin PatholSurgical Practice Surg Pract Surgical Simulation and TrainingSurg-proced ComplicaSurgical Techniques IllustratedSurg Tech Illus?Surgical Treatment of Hilar and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Updates SurgJSurplus Value of Information - Professionalization of Information Activity Schr Inform@Surprised By God: Praise Responses in The Narrative of Luke-actsBeih Z Neutest Wiss/Surrealismus in Der Deutschsprachigen LiteraturSpectr LiteraturwissSurrealist Adventure in Spain Ott Hisp St<Surveillance and Assessment Technologies for Law EnforcementP Soc Photo-opt InsNSurveillance and Control in Israel/palestine: Population, Territory, and PowerRoutl Stud Mid E Pol5Surveillance and Governance: Crime Control and BeyondSociol Crime Law DevSurveillance TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Surveillance Technologies and Imaging ComponentsP Soc Photo-opt InsSurveillance Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Survey and Other Telescope Technologies and DiscoveriesP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Survey and Other Telescope Technologies and Discoveries Proc Spie*Survey and Synthesis of Pathology ResearchSurv Syn Pathol ResSurveying and Mapping Surv MappSurveying The Record Mem A Philo&Survey Measurement and Process QualityWiley Ser Prob StatSurvey Methodology Surv MethodolSurvey of Cell Biology Int Rev CytolSurvey of Immunologic ResearchSurv Immunol Res0Survey of International Corporate ResponsibilityInt Corp Respons SerSurvey of OphthalmologySurv Ophthalmol:Survey of The Almagest: With Annotation and New CommentarySourc Stud Hist Math Survey ReviewSurv Rev:Surveys and Tutorials in The Applied Mathematical SciencesSurv Tutor Appl MathSurveys in Combinatorics, 1989 Lond Math SSurveys in Geophysics Surv GeophysSurveys in Number TheoryDev MathBSurveys On Discrete and Computational Geometry: Twenty Years Later Contemp Math Surveys On Surgery Theory, Vol 1 Ann Math Stud Surveys On Surgery Theory, Vol 2 Ann Math StudSurvivalSurvival$Survival Analysis : State of The ArtNato Adv Sci I E-app<Survival and Event History Analysis: A Process Point of ViewStat Biol HealthSurviving DeathCarl G Hemp Lect SerASurviving The Future: Academic Libraries, Quality, and AssessmentChandos Inf Prof SeriSurviving The Transition? Case Studies of Schools and Schooling in The Kyrgyz Republic Since IndependenceInt Persp Educ Polic#Susan Glaspell and Sophie TreadwellRoutl Mod Contemp DrDSuspensions: Fundamentals and Applications in The Petroleum Industry Adv Chem SerSussp Proceedings Sussp Proc%Sustainability 2009: The Next Horizon Aip Conf Proc'Sustainability Accounting and ReportingEco Efficien Ind Sci'Sustainability Accounting and ReportingEco-effic Ind Sci;Sustainability and Environmental Concerns in TransportationTransport Res Rec@Sustainability and Environmental Concerns in Transportation 2001Transport Res Rec@Sustainability and Environmental Concerns in Transportation 2002Transport Res Rec@Sustainability and Environmental Concerns in Transportation 2003Transport Res RecSustainability and Innovation Sustain InnovSustainability and InnovationSustain Innovation4Sustainability and Security Within Liberal SocietiesRoutl Stud Soc Polit2Sustainability and Spread of Organizational ChangeUnderst Organ Chang7Sustainability-contributions Through Science TechnologySustain-contrib Sci.Sustainability Economics and Natural ResourcesSustain Econ Nat Res9Sustainability, Environmental Performance and DisclosuresAdv Environ Acc ManWSustainability in European Environmental Policy: Challenges of Governance and KnowledgeRoutl Adv Eur Polit6Sustainability in Food and Water: An Asian PerspectiveAlliance Glob SustaiSustainability NetworksRoutl Stud Ecol EconASustainability of Agricultural Systems in Transition, Proceedings Asa Spec P?Sustainability of Agrosilvopastoral Systems - Dehesas, Montados Adv GeoecolSustainability of ConcreteMod Conrete Technol(Sustainability of Construction MaterialsWoodhead Publ MaterGSustainability of Cultural Diversity: Nations, Cities and OrganizationsFeem Ser Econ Envir:Sustainability of Groundwater Resources and Its Indicators Iahs-aish P;Sustainability of Horticultural Systems in The 21st Century Acta Hortic'Sustainability of Irrigated AgricultureNato Adv Sci I E-app'Sustainability of Irrigated AgricultureNato Adv Sci Inst SeSustainability of Public DebtCesifo Book Ser8Sustainability of The Sugar and Sugar-ethanol Industries Acs Sym Ser>Sustainability of Water Resources Under Increasing Uncertainty Iahs-aish PSustainability Science Sustain SciSustainable Agriculture ReviewsSustain Agr Rev<Sustainable Agriculture: Technology, Planning and ManagementAgr Issues Policies#Sustainable and Safe Water SuppliesWa Sci TechnolCSustainable Cities: Diverstity, Economic Growth and Social CohesionFeem Ser Econ Envir;Sustainable City Iii: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability Adv Arc Ser:Sustainable City Ii: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability Adv Arc Ser;Sustainable City Iv : Urban Regeneration and SustainabilityWit Trans Ecol Envir7Sustainable City: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability Adv Arc Ser:Sustainable City Vi: Urban Regeneration and SustainabilityWit Trans Ecol Envir9Sustainable City V: Urban Regeneration and SustainabilityWit Trans Ecol EnvirRSustainable Coastal Management: A Transatlantic and Euro-mediterranean PerspectiveNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear3Sustainable Construction Materials and TechnologiesProc Monogr Eng Wate/Sustainable Consumption, Ecology and Fair TradeRout Res Environ PolSustainable Development Sustain Dev@Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Institutional ApproachesRoutl Stud Dev Econ-Sustainable Development and International Law Int Env Law6Sustainable Development and Planning Iii, Vols 1 and 2Wit Trans Ecol Envir5Sustainable Development and Planning Ii, Vols 1 and 2Wit Trans Ecol Envir5Sustainable Development and Planning Iv, Vols 1 and 2Wit Trans Ecol Envir]Sustainable Development and The Limitation of Growth: Future Prospects for World CivilizationSpringer-prax Books:Sustainable Development Indicators in Ecological EconomicsCurr Iss Ecol Econ$Sustainable Development in The Sahel Aau Reports8Sustainable Development in The Southeastern Coastal Zone Bel Bar LibASustainable Development: Principles, Frameworks, and Case StudiesSoc Environ Sustain!Sustainable E-business ManagementLect Notes Bus InfVSustainable Ecological Systems: Implementing An Ecological Approach to Land Management Usda Rocky]Sustainable Energy Production and Consumption: Benefits, Strategies and Environmental CostingNato Sci Peace Secur*Sustainable Evidence-based Decision-makingPsychol Res ProgSustainable Feminisms Adv Gend ResISustainable Forest Management in A Changing World: A European PerspectiveManag For Ecosyst#Sustainable Groundwater DevelopmentGeol Soc Spec Publ%Sustainable Human Resource ManagementContrib Manag Sci!Sustainable Internet, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<Sustainable Irrigation Management, Technologies and PoliciesWit Trans Ecol Envir?Sustainable Irrigation Management, Technologies and Policies IiWit Trans Ecol Envir6Sustainable Land Management - Environmental Protection Adv GeoecolSustainable Land Use Planning Dev Landsc3Sustainable Livestock Farming Into The 21st Century Cas PaperMSustainable Management of Headwater Resources: Research From Africa and IndiaWater Reso Manage Po2Sustainable Management of North American Fisheries Am Fish S SASustainable Management of Water Resources: An Integrated ApproachFeem Ser Econ Envir(Sustainable Neighbourhood TransformationSustain Urban Areas/Sustainable Parasite Control in Small Ruminants Aciar Proc$Sustainable Planning and Development Sus World;Sustainable Production of Forest Products 2000, ProceedingsUs For Serv T R Pnw;Sustainable Production of Wood and Non-wood Forest ProductsUs For Serv T R Pnw8Sustainable Reform and Development in Post-olympic ChinaRoutl Stud Chin Econ(Sustainable Resilience of Energy SystemsEnerg Sci Eng Tech.Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics Eco Nm G ReCSustainable Solid Waste Management in The Southern Black Sea RegionNato Sci S Prt 2 Env*Sustainable Solutions for Modern EconomiesRsc Green Chem SerdSustainable Strategies for The Upgrading of Natural Gas: Fundamentals, Challenges, and OpportunitiesNato Sci Ser Ii MathdSustainable Strategies for The Upgrading of Natural Gas: Fundamentals, Challenges, and OpportunitiesNato Sci Ser Ii-mathlSustainable Supplier Management in The Automotive Industry: Leading The 3rd Revolution Through CollaborationTransp Issues PoliciSustainable TextilesWoodhead Publ TextSustainable Tourism Sus WorldSustainable Tourism IiWit Trans Ecol EnvirSustainable Tourism IiiWit Trans Ecol Envir/Sustainable Tourism in Islands and Small States Isl Stud SerSustainable Tourism IvWit Trans Ecol EnvirSustainable Urban AreasSustain Urban Areas$Sustainable Urban Development SeriesSustain Urban Dev SeISustainable Urban Development Vol 2: The Environmental Assessment MethodsSustain Urban Dev Se$Sustainable Urban Development, Vol 3Sustain Urban Dev SeDSustainable Urban Development, Vol 4: Changing Professional PracticeSustain Urban Dev SeUSustainable Urban Housing in China: Principles and Case Studies for Low-energy DesignAlliance Glob Sustai/Sustainable Urban Transport in An Asian ContextCsur Ut Ser Lib Sust-Sustainable Use and Development of WatershedsNato Sci Peace SecurCSustainable Use and Management of Soils - Arid and Semiarid Regions Adv GeoecolSustainable WaterIss Environ Sci Tech7Sustainable Water Management Solutions for Large Cities Iahs-aish P+Sustainable Water Quality Management PolicyAlliance Glob SustaiSustainable World Sus World=Sustaining Aspen in Western Landscapes: Symposium Proceedings Usda RockyESustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Soils and Sediments Scope Ser.Sustaining Growth and Performance in East AsiaStud Small Med EnterMSustaining Language Diversity in Europe: Evidence From The Euromosaic ProjectPalg Stud Minor Lang8Sustaining Tel: From Innovation to Learning and PracticeLect Notes Comput ScMSustaining The Military Enterprise: An Architecture for A Lean TransformationResource Manag-crcjSusy06: The 14th International Conference On Supersymmetry and The Unification of Fundamental Interactions Aip Conf ProcjSusy09: The 17th International Conference On Supersymmetry and The Unification of Fundamental Interactions Aip Conf ProcSuvremena Psihologija Suvrem PsiholSvensk Kemisk TidskriftSven Kem TidskrSvensk LitteraturtidskriftSven Littidskr'Svensk Papperstidning-nordisk CellulosaSven Papperstidn#Svensk Tidskrift for MusikforskningSven Tidskr Musikfor*Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic ComputingLect Notes Comput ScSwarm IntelligenceLect Notes Comput ScSwarm IntelligenceSwarm Intell-us>Swarm Intelligence for Multi-objective Problems in Data MiningStud Comput IntellSwarm RoboticsLect Notes Comput ScSwat 90Lect Notes Comput Sc!Swedish Council for Unesco SeriesSvensk UnescoradetsSwedish Dental Journal Swed Dent J(Swedish Journal of Agricultural ResearchSwed J Agr ResSwedish Journal of Economics Swed J EconCSweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to A Science of ConsciousnessJean Nicod Lect Sweeteners Acs Sym Ser6Sweet Liberty: The Final Days of Slavery in MartiniqueEarly Am Stud SerSweetness and Sweeteners Acs Sym Ser=Sweet Potato: Post Harvest Aspects in Food, Feed and IndustryFood Sci Technol0Sweet Thunder: Music and Libretti in 1960s Italy Ital Perspect9Swimming With Crocodiles: The Culture of Extreme DrinkingIcap Ser Alcohol SocSwine Health and ProductionSwine Health ProdSwine Housing Ii, Proceedings Asae PublSwiss Journal of GeosciencesSwiss J GeosciSwiss Journal of PsychologySwiss J PsycholSwiss Medical WeeklySwiss Med WklySwiss Political Science ReviewSwiss Polit Sci Rev,Switchable Materials and Flat Panel DisplaysP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Switchable Materials and Flat Panel Displays Proc SpieBSwitched and Impulsive Systems: Analysis, Design, and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr Inf@Switched Finite Time Control of A Class of Underactuated SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf*Switching and Learning in Feedback SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc"Switzerland and The European UnionEur Nation State8Switzerland and The International Protection of RefugeesGrad Inst Int StudKSwitzerland in Europe: Continuity and Change in The Swiss Political EconomyRoutl Adv Eur PolitSwitzer Monograph Switzer Mon Sws-rundschau Sws-rundschSydowiaSydowiaSyesisSyesis4Syllables of Time: Proust and The History of ReadingRes Monogr Fr StudSyllable: Views and FactsStud Gener GrammSyllable: Views and FactsStud Genera Grammar*Sylvia Plath: A Literary Life, 2nd Edition Lit LivesSylwanSylwan/Symbioses and Stress: Joint Ventures in BiologyCell Orig Life Extre Symbiosis SymbiosisSymbiosis in Marine Organisms Oceanis S D[Symbiosis of Human and Artifact: Future Computing and Design for Human-computer InteractionAdv Hum Fact ErgonXSymbiosis of Human and Artifact: Human and Social Aspects of Human-computer InteractionsAdv Hum Fact Ergon(Symbiotic Fungi: Principles and Practice Soil BiolESymbiotic Multi-robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, EvolutionCogn Syst Monogr)Symbiotic Stars Probing Stellar Evolution Astr Soc PSymbolae Botanicae UpsaliensesSymb Bot UpsalSymbolae Osloenses Symb OsloCSymbola Et Emblemata : Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Symbolism Symb Emblem(Symbol Grounding and Beyond, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int$Symbolic and Connectionist Paradigms Cog Sci Ser-Symbolic and Numerical Scientific ComputationLect Notes Comput ScASymbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and UncertaintyLect Notes Artif IntNSymbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning With Uncertainty, ProceedingLect Notes Artif IntOSymbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning With Uncertainty, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntOSymbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning With Uncertainty, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to UncertaintyLect Notes Comput ScSymbolic Computation Front App MCSymbolic Computation : Computer Graphics - Systems and Applications Symb Comput&Symbolic Dynamics and Its Applications Proc Sym ApSymbolic Interaction Symb InteractSymbolic-numeric Computation Trends MathISymbolic Transformation: The Mind in Movement Through Culture and SocietyCult Dyn Soc Represe2Symbols, Myths and Images of The French RevolutionUniv Regin PublicatSymbols Vs Neurons ? Fr Art IntRSymbol Use and Symbolic Representation: Developmental and Comparative Perspectives Emory S CogESymeonis Magistri Et Logothetae Chronicon: Recensuit Staffan WahlgrenCorpus Font Hist ByzFSymmetric Functionals On Random Matrices and Random Matchings ProblemsIma Vol Math ApplBSymmetric Functions 2001: Surveys of Developments and PerspectivesNato Sci Ser Ii Math4Symmetries and Algebraic Structures in Physics, Pt 1 P Trudy P N4Symmetries and Algebraic Structures in Physics, Pt 2 P Trudy P N;Symmetries and Groups in Signal Processing: An IntroductionSignals Commun TechnGSymmetries and Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations Ima V MathGSymmetries and Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential EquationsIma Vol Math ApplFSymmetries and Related Topics in Differential and Difference Equations Contemp Math%Symmetries and Singularity Structures Res Rep Phy:Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei: From Isospin to SupersymmetrySpringer Trac Mod PhSymmetries in Complex Analysis Contemp Math2Symmetries in Intermediate and High Energy PhysicsSpringer Tr Mod Phys2Symmetries in Intermediate and High Energy PhysicsSpringer Trac Mod PhSymmetries in Nature Aip Conf ProcSymmetries in Nuclear StructureSci Cult Ser PhysSymmetries in Subatomic Physics Aip Conf Proc&Symmetries of Compact Riemann SurfacesLect Notes Math_Symmetries of Integro-differential Equations: With Applications in Mechanics and Plasma PhysicsLect Notes Phys>Symmetry and Heterogeneity in High Temperature SuperconductorsNato Sci Ser Ii Math>Symmetry and Heterogeneity in High Temperature SuperconductorsNato Sci Ser Ii-math'Symmetry and Pairing in SuperconductorsNato Asi 3 High TechSymmetry and Spaces Prog Math6Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed MatterJ Phys Conf SerSymmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter (sspcm 2005): Proceedings of The 8th International School On Theoretical PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser"Symmetry and Topology in Evolution Kfki Prep R!Symmetry Breaking, Second EditionLect Notes PhysSymmetry for Elliptic Pdes Contemp Math?Symmetry, Group Theory, and The Physical Properties of CrystalsLect Notes PhysWSymmetry in Chaos: A Search for Pattern in Mathematics, Art, and Nature, Second EditionOther Titl Appl Math#Symmetry in Mathematics and Physics Contemp Math<Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-methods and ApplicationsSymmetry Integr Geom)Symmetry, Representations, and InvariantsGrad Texts Math>Symmetry Rules: How Science and Nature Are Founded On Symmetry Front Collect-Symplectic 4-manifolds and Algebraic SurfacesLect Notes Math"Symplectic and Mechanical GeometryLect Notes Math6Symplectic Geometry, Groupoids, and Integrable Systems Math Sci R5Symplectic Geometry of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems Ad Co Math-Symplectic Manifolds With No Kahler StructureLect Notes MathCSymplectic Methods in Harmonic Analysis and in Mathematical PhysicsPseudo Differ Oper<Symplectic Topology and Measure Preserving Dynamical Systems Contemp MathSymposia Biologica HungaricaSymp Biol HungSymposia Fondation Merieux Sym Fond MSymposia Gaussiana (series) Sym GaussianaSymposia MathematicaSym MathSymposia Medica Hoechst Symp Med H!Symposia of The Fyssen FoundationSymp Syssen Fdn0Symposia of The Society for Experimental BiologySym Soc Exp Biol0Symposia of The Society for General MicrobiologySymp Soc Gen Microbi6Symposia of The Society for The Study of Human Biology Sym S Stud,Symposia of The Zoological Society of London Sym Zool S0Symposia On The Pharmacology of Thermoregulation Symp Pharma;Symposium-a Quarterly Journal in Modern Foreign Literatures Symposium3Symposium-a Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures SymposiumSymposium Gyro TechnologySymposium Gyro TechnSymposium Gyro Technology 2008Symposium Gyro TechnSymposium Gyro Technology 2009Symposium Gyro TechnqSymposium in Honour of Antonino Zichichi to Celebrate The 30th Anniversary of The Discovery of Nuclear Antimatter Ital Phy So*Symposium On Bedding and Pot Plant Culture Acta Hortic2Symposium On Computer Applications in Medical CareProc Symp Comput AppSymposium On Flower Bulbs Acta HorticSymposium On Health Care EthicsRes Eth Iss Org+Symposium On High Performance InterconnectsSymp Hi Per Int(Symposium On Integrated Fruit Production Acta HorticSymposium On Lexicography Iv Lexicograph)Symposium On Lexicography Ix, ProceedingsLexicogr Ser Maior)Symposium On Lexicography Ix, Proceedings LexicographSymposium On Lexicography V LexicographSymposium On Lexicography Vi LexicographSymposium On Lexicography Vii LexicographSymposium On Lexicography ViiiLexicogr Ser MaiorSymposium On Lexicography Viii LexicographSymposium On Lexicography XLexicogr Ser MaiorSymposium On Lexicography X Lexicograph>Symposium On Logic in Computer Science - Lics '94, Proceedings Ieee S LogaSymposium On Monoclonal Antibodies for Therapy, Prevention and in Vivo Diagnosis of Human DiseaseDev Biologicals%Symposium On Nucleic Acids Technology Nucl Acid SQSymposium On Plant Biotechnology As A Tool for The Exploitation of Mountain Lands Acta Hortic5Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems ProceedingsSym Rel Dist Syst6Symposium On Reliable Distributed Systems, ProceedingsSym Rel Dist SystUSymposium On Resource Use and Conservation of The African Great Lakes, Bujumbura 1989 Int Ver The_Symposium On Sustainable Management of Hemlock Ecosystems in Eastern North America, Proceedings Usda Ne Exp9Symposium On The Saint-lawrence - A River to Be Reclaimed C Env Geol9Symposium On The Timing of Field Production of Vegetables Acta Hortic2Symposium On Timing Field Production of Vegetables Acta Hortic2Symposium On Tropical Fruit in International Trade Acta Hortic@Symposium On Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing-vl HccS Vis Lang Hum Cen C+Symposium On Vlsi Circuits-digest of PapersSymp Vlsi Circuits7Symposium On Vlsi Technology-digest of Technical Papers S Vlsi Tech;Symposium Proceedings - Society of Experimental Test PilotsSymp P Soc Exp T PilSymposium Series Symposium S"Synagoge-synagoge Lexeon ChresimonSamml Griech Lat GraSynapseSynapseSynchronic Corpus Linguistics Lang ComputoSynchronization and Triggering: From Fracture to Earthquake Processes - Laboratory, Field Analysis and TheoriesGeoplanet-earth Plan'Synchronization: From Simple to ComplexSpringer Ser Synerg#Synchronization in Complex NetworksComput Netw Ser'Synchronization: Theory and ApplicationNato Sci Ser Ii Math'Synchronization: Theory and ApplicationNato Sci Ser Ii-math7Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their ApplicationsPower Electron Power+Synchrotron Radiation and Dynamic Phenomena Aip Conf Proc*Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science Aip Conf Proc1Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science (srps 4)Iop Conf Ser-mat Sci+Synchrotron Radiation in Structural BiologyBasic Life Sci%Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Aip Conf Proc2Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf ProcHSynchrotron Radiation : Selected Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics Monte Verit6Synchrotron Techniques in Interfacial ElectrochemistryNato Adv Sci Inst Se)Synchrotron X-ray Methods in Clay Science Cms Work Lect<Syncretismes Et Heresies Dans L'oient Seldjoukide Et Ottoman Collect TurSynergetics of CognitionSpringer Series Syne6Synergistic Use of Multisensor Data for Land Processes Adv Space Res@Synergy Between Dynamics and Reactivity At Clusters and SurfacesNato Adv Sci Inst Se\Synergy in Polycentric Urban Regions: Complementarity, Organising Capacity and Critical MassSustain Urban AreasSynlettSynlettSynoptic Gospels Bib Eph TheSynoptic Solar Physics Astr Soc PKSyntax-a Journal of Theoretical Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research Syntax-ukSyntax and SemanticsSyntax Semantics$Syntax and Semantics of PrepositionsText Speech Lang Tec*Syntax and Semantics of The Left PeripheryInterface ExplorSyntax and Semantics, Vol 25Syntax SemanticsSyntax and Semantics, Vol 26Syntax SemanticsSyntax and Semantics, Vol 27Syntax SemanticsSyntax and Semantics, Vol 29Syntax SemanticsSyntax and Semantics, Vol 30Syntax SemanticsSyntax and Semantics, Vol 31Syntax SemanticsSyntax and Semantics, Vol 32Syntax SemanticsSyntax and Semantics, Vol 33Syntax SemanticsSyntax and Semantics, Vol 34Syntax SemanticsSyntax of (in)dependenceLinguist Inq Monogr@Syntax of Tenselessness: Tense Mood Aspect-agreeing InfinitivalsStud Generat GrammSyntax of TimeCurr Stud LinguistSyntheseSyntheseSynthese Library Synth Libr4Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Materials Acs Sym Ser+Synthesis and Chemistry of Agrochemicals Iv Acs Sym Ser2Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsSynthesis and Photosynthesis Adv Polym Sci8Synthesis and Processing of Ceramics : Scientific IssuesMater Res Soc Symp P4Synthesis and Processing of Nanostructured MaterialsCeram Eng Sci Proc8Synthesis and Properties of Advanced Catalytic MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PhSynthesis and Properties of Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials, Pts 1 and 2 - Ismanam-96Mater Sci ForumESynthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-modified Materials Acs Sym Ser,Synthesis and Properties of Surface Coatings Adv Mat ResASynthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-organic ChemistrySyn React Inorg MetLSynthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-organic and Nano-metal ChemistrySynth React Inorg MLSynthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-organic and Nano-metal ChemistrySynth React Inorg MeSynthesis-cambridgeSynthesis-cambridgeNSynthesis/characterization and Noval Applications of Molecular Sieve MaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PNSynthesis, Characterization and Properties of Energetic/reactive NanomaterialsMater Res Soc Symp PeSynthesis, Characterization and Properties of Nanostructures: Computational and Experimental ApproachSolid State Phenomen$Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy Astr Soc P'Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy Ii Astr Soc PISynthesis-international Journal of Methods in Synthetic Organic ChemistrySynth-int J MethodsSynthesis-la PlataSynth-la Plata0Synthesis of Carbohydrates Through Biotechnology Acs Sym Ser.Synthesis of Heterocycles Via Cycloadditions ITop Heterocycl Chem/Synthesis of Heterocycles Via Cycloadditions IiTop Heterocycl Chem8Synthesis of Heterocycles Via Multicomponent Reactions ITop Heterocycl ChemSynthesis of Porous Materials Chem IndustTSynthesis of Three Dimendional Haptic Textures: Geometry, Control, and PsychophysicsSpringer Ser TouchSynthesis Philosophica Synth PhilosFSynthesis, Properties and Applications of Ultrananocrystalline DiamondNato Sci Ser Ii MathFSynthesis, Properties and Applications of Ultrananocrystalline DiamondNato Sci Ser Ii-mathJSynthesis, Properties, and Crystal Chemistry of Perovskite-based Materials Ceram TransSynthesis-stuttgartSynthesis-stuttgartTSynthetic and Integrative Biology: Parts and Systems, Design Theory and ApplicationsBiotech Agr Ind MedSynthetic Aperture RadarP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Synthetic Aperture Radar and Passive Microwave SensingP Soc Photo-opt InsSynthetic Biology, Pt BMethod EnzymolSynthetic CommunicationsSynthetic CommunSynthetic Metals Synthetic MetSynthetic Oligosaccharides Acs Sym SerJSynthetic Polymeric Membranes: Characterization By Atomic Force MicroscopySpringer Lab Man PolSynthetic Pyrethroids Acs Sym Ser1Synthetic Vision for Vehicle Guidance and ControlP Soc Photo-opt InsSyracuse Law ReviewSyracuse Law Rev1Syracuse Studies On Peace and Conflict Resolution Syr S Peace,Syria's Kurds: History, Politics and SocietyRoutl Adv Midd E IslSystemSystemSystem Analysis and ModelingLect Notes Comput Sc/System Analysis and Modeling: Language ProfilesLect Notes Comput Sc Systematic and Applied AcarologySyst Appl Acarol-uk#Systematic and Applied MicrobiologySyst Appl Microbiol9Systematic Approach to Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control Fao Anim PrSystematic Biology Syst BiolSystematic BiologySystematic BiolSystematic BotanySyst BotSystematic Entomology Syst Entomol7Systematic Organisation of Information in Fuzzy SystemsNato Sc S Ss Iii C SSystematic ParasitologySyst Parasitol Systematics SystematicsSystematics and BiodiversitySyst Biodivers'Systematics Association Special Volumes Syst Assoc'Systematics Association Special VolumesSyst Assoc Spec Vol-Systematics Association Special Volume SeriesSyst Assoc Spec VolSystematic Zoology Syst ZoolSystematik Im AufbruchCour For SekenbgSystem Configuration ManagementLect Notes Comput Sc.System Development Foundation Benchmark Series Sys Dev FdnLSystem Diagnosis and Prognosis: Security and Condition Monitoring Issues IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLSystem Diagnosis and Prognosis: Security and Condition Monitoring Issues Iii Proc SpieMSystem Dynamic and Long-term Behaviour of Railway Vehicles,track and Subgrade L Not App MPSystem Dynamics of The Railroad : Experiences, Service Life, Economic Efficiency VDI BerichtSystem Dynamics ReviewSyst Dynam Rev6System Earth Via Geodetic-geophysical Space TechniquesAdv Technol Earth Sc'System Engineering in Automotive Design VDI Bericht/System-ergonomic Design of Cognitive AutomationStud Comput IntellSystem FamilieSyst Fam%System Familie-forschung Und TherapieSyst FamdSystemic Governance and Accountability: Working and Re-working The Conceptual and Spatial BoundariesC W Churchm Leg Rel/Systemic Lupus Erythematosus : Renal VasculitisContrib NephrolSystemic Manifestations of Ibd Falk Symp%Systemic Practice and Action ResearchSyst Pract Act Res/Systemic Transitions: Past, Present, and FutureEvol Proc World Pol&System Identification: An IntroductionAdv Txb Contr Sig Pr1System Identification With Quantized ObservationsSyst Control-found A System Modeling and OptimizationIfip Adv Inf Comm Te System Modeling and OptimizationInt Fed Info Proc#System Modeling and Optimization XxInt Fed Info Proc!System Modelling and OptimizationInt Fed Info Proc&System-on-chip Design and TechnologiesSyst-chip Des Techno)System-on-chip for Real-time ApplicationsKluwer Int Ser Eng C)System-on-chip for Real-time ApplicationsSpringer Int Ser Eng'System Optimization for Railway Traffic VDI Bericht.Systems & Control : Foundations & Applications Sys Con FdnSystems & Control LettersSyst Control LettUSystems Analysis and Design: Techniques, Methodologies, Approaches, and ArchitecturesAdv Manag Inform Sys1Systems Analysis in Forest Resources, ProceedingsManag For Ecosyst%Systems Analysis Modelling SimulationSyst Anal Model SimSystems and Computers in JapanSyst Comput JpnSystems and Control Syst Control0Systems and Control-foundations and ApplicationsSyst Control-found A/Systems and Control in The Twenty-first Century Prog Syst CASystems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications, Vol 1Math ResWSystems and Technologies for Clinical Diagnostics and Drug Discovery Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsWSystems and Technologies for Clinical Diagnostics and Drug Discovery Ii, Proceedings Of Proc SpieTSystems and Technologies for Clinical Diagnostics and Drug Discovery, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsTSystems and Technologies for Clinical Diagnostics and Drug Discovery, Proceedings Of Proc SpieESystems and Virtualization Management: Standards and New TechnologiesComm Com Inf Sc>Systems and Virtualization Management: Standards and The CloudComm Com Inf Sc/Systems Approaches for Agricultural Development Syst Appr S;Systems Approaches for Sustainable Agricultural Development Syst Appr S0Systems Approaches to Developmental NeurobiologyNato Adv Sci I A-lifGSystems, Approximation, Singular Integral Operators, and Related Topics Oper TheorGSystems, Approximation, Singular Integral Operators, and Related TopicsOper Theory Adv ApplKSystems Aspects in Organic and Pervasive Computing - Arcs 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScSystems Biology Systems Biol,Systems Biology and Computational ProteomicsLect Notes Comput Sc'Systems Biology and Regulatory GenomicsLect Notes Comput Sc.Systems Biology: Applications and PerspectivesE Schering Res Fdn W&Systems Biology for Signaling NetworksSyst BioHSystems Biology in Drug Discovery and Development: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol(Systems Biology in Reproductive MedicineSyst Biol Reprod Mec(Systems Biology in Reproductive MedicineSyst Biol Reprod MedSystems Biology-springerSyst Bio2Systems Biology Theory Techniques and ApplicationsSyst Biol Theor Tech System Science in Health Care, 1 Col Med Le System Science in Health Care, 2 Col Med Le System Science in Health Care, 3 Col Med Le+Systems, Control, Modeling and OptimizationInt Fed Info ProcSystems EngineeringSyst EngSystems Engineering Systems Eng2Systems Engineering Approach to Medical Automation Eng Med Biol,Systems Engineering in Public Administration Ifip Trans A8Systems Evaluation Prediction and Decision-making SeriesSyst Eval Predict DeCSystem Signatures and Their Applications in Engineering ReliabilityInt Ser Oper Res ManSystems Integration BusinessSyst Integrat Bus8Systems Modeling and Simulation: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc"Systems Modelling and OptimizationCh Crc Res Notes"Systems Modelling and OptimizationCh Crc Res Notes Mat6Systems, Models and Feedback : Theory and Applications Prog Syst CSystems Objectives SolutionsSyst Object Solut Systems of Optical Security 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins Systems of Optical Security 2003 Proc SpieSystems-oriented Optical DesignP Soc Photo-opt InsSystems Practice Syst Practice+Systems Practice in The Information SocietyRoutl Ser Inform SysSystems Reliability Assessment Ispra C RelSystems ResearchSyst Res'Systems Research and Behavioral ScienceSyst Res Behav Sci(Systems Research and Information ScienceSyst Res Inform Sci2Systems, Software and Services Process ImprovementComm Com Inf ScSystems Technology Syst Technol3Systems Thinking: Coping With 21st Century Problems Ind Innov SerSystem Structure and Control Ifac Work S/System Structure and Control 2001, Vols 1 and 2Ifac Symp Series!Systems With Fast Ionic TransportMater Sci Forum.System Theory: Modeling, Analysis, and ControlKluwer Int Ser Eng C.System Theory: Modeling, Analysis, and ControlSpringer Int Ser Eng@System Theory, The Schur Algorithm and Multidimensional Analysis Oper TheorwSystem Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe and Its Consequences for Banks, Stock Markets and Credit WorthinessBeitr Ausland Int PrgSystemtransformation in Mittel- Und Osteuropa Und Ihre Folgen Fur Banken, Borsen Und KreditsicherheitenBeitr Ausland Int Pr1Systemwide Efforts to Improve Student AchievementRes Educ Policy Loca,Systolic and Diastolic Function of The Heart St Heal TbSzegos Theorem and Its Descendants: Spectral Theory for L2 Perturbations of Orthogonal Polynomials Porter LectSzociologiai Szemle Szociol Szle)Tabletops-horizontal Interactive DisplaysHum-comput Int-sprin2Tabula Picta: Painting and Writing in Medieval Law Mater Texts6Tactical Biopolitics: Art, Activism, and Technoscience Leonardo SerTactical Infrared SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Tactile Perception of Textiles in A Virtual-reality SystemCogn Syst Monogr>Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals With Electronic Devices Rev M T Fis>Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals With Electronic DevicesRev-methods TechnolCTagungsbericht / Akademie Der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften Der Ddr Tag Ak Land.Tailored Light 2: Laser Application Technology Rwthedition4Tailoring of Mechanical Properties of Si3n4 CeramicsNato Adv Sci I E-app4Tailoring of Mechanical Properties of Si3n4 CeramicsNato Adv Sci Inst SeTaiwan Taiw Mod W Taiwan and Post-communist EuropeRoutl Contemp Asia Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics Taiwan J Math,Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyTaiwan J Obstet Gyne-Taiwan, Humanitarianism and Global GovernanceRoutledge Res TaiwanTaiwan in The 21st Century Polit AsiaTaiwan in The Modern World Taiw Mod WTaiwan's Defense ReformRoutl Secur Asia Ser>Taiwan's Environmental Struggle: Toward A Green Silicon IslandRoutl Contemp Asia2Taiwan's Expanding Role in The International Arena Taiw Mod W&Taiwan's Relations With Mainland ChinaRoutl Contemp AsiaLTaiwans Rising Rationalism: Generations, Politics, and Taiwanese NationalismPol Stud(Taiwan's Security: History and ProspectsAsian Secur StudTaiwan Strait Dilemmas Signif Is SFTaking Action: Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives On Intentional ActsBradford BooksDTaking and Displaying of Human Body Parts As Trophies By AmerindiansInterd Contrib ArchTaking Culture SeriouslyTaking Cult SeriousTaking Fund Raising Seriously Jos-bas Non/Taking Responsibility: Comparative Perspectives St Rel CultqTaking Sustainable Cities Seriously-economic Development, The Environment, and Quality of Life in American CitiesAm Comp Environ PoliTalantaTalantaTalent Development Talent Dev#Talent Development Iii, Proceedings Talent Dev@Talent Knows No Color: The History of An Arts Magnet High SchoolRes Curric Instruct'Tall Building Structures - A World ViewCtbuh Counc RepTaller De Letras Taller Let0Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference ProceedingsTall Timb Fire Ecol.Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-roman Culture IiiTexte Stud Antik JudTamarack Review Tamarack Rev1Tame Geometry With Application in Smooth AnalysisLect Notes MathBTamil Cinema: The Cultural Politics of India's Other Film IndustryRoutl Media Cult SocCTamime and Robinsons Yoghurt: Science and Technology, Third EditionWoodhead Publ Food S)Taming The Yellow River : Silt and FloodsGeoj LibTamkang Review Tamkang RevHTandem Cold Metal Rolling Mill Control: Using Practical Advanced MethodsAdv Ind Control$Taniguchi Symposia On Brain SciencesTanig Symp Brain Sci5Tannins in Livestock and Human Nutrition, Proceedings Aciar ProcTanzTanzTTanzania Revisited: Political Stability, Aid Dependency, and Development Constraints Hamb Afr Stud!Tapas in Experimental Mathematics Contemp Math8Taphonomy: Process and Bias Through Time, Second Edition Top GeobiolTappiTappiTappi 90 P Tech As P4Tappi 92 : Proceedings : Ride The Wave of Technology P Tech As PBTappi 99 Proceedings - Preparing for The Next Millennium, Vols 1-3 P Tech As P-Tappi Advanced Coating Fundamentals Symposium P Tech As PTappi Coating Conference P Tech As PTappi Course Notes Notes Tech6Tappi Finishing & Converting Conference and Trade Fair P Tech As PTappi Hot Melt Symposium P Tech As P6Tappi International Environmental Conference, Vols 1-3 P Tech As P1Tappi International Mechanical Pulping Conference P Tech As P,Tappi International Paper Physics Conference P Tech As P Tappi JournalTappi JSTapping The Market: The Challenge of Institutional Reform in The Urban Water SectorRole Gov Adjust EconTappi Nonwovens Conference P Tech As P Tappi Notes Notes Tech?Tappi Polymers, Laminations & Coatings Conference, Vols 1 and 2 P Tech As PTappi Proceedings P Tech As PnTappi Process Control, Electrical & Information Conference / Isa Pupid 37th Annual Symposium, Joint Conference P Tech As PTapsoft 91, Vol 1Lect Notes Comput ScTapsoft 91, Vol 2Lect Notes Comput Sc8Tapsoft '95: Theory and Practice of Software DevelopmentLect Notes Comput ScTargeted Cancer TherapyCurr Clin OncolTargeted Diagnosis and Therapy Targ Diag TKTargeted Learning: Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental DataSpringer Ser StatTargeted Oncology Target Oncol.Targeted Therapies in Cancer: Myth Or Reality?Adv Exp Med Biol,Targeted Therapies: Mechanisms of ResistanceMol Transl MedTargeting of DrugsNato Adv Sci I A-lifTargeting of Drugs 3Nato Adv Sci Inst SeTargeting of Drugs 4Nato Adv Sci Inst SeTargeting of Drugs 5Nato Adv Sci I A-lifTargeting of Drugs 6Nato Adv Sci I A-lif'Targeting Regional Economic DevelopmentRoutl Stud Glob CompHTargeting Terrorist Financing: International Cooperation and New RegimesContemp Terror Stud3Target-international Journal of Translation Studies Target-nethCTarget-in-the-loop: Atmospheric Tracking, Imaging, and CompensationP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Target Pattern Recognition in Innate ImmunityAdv Exp Med Biol\Target Receptors for Anxiolytics and Hypnotics : From Molecular Pharmacology to Therapeutics Int Acad B<Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and RepresentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation VP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation V Proc Spie?Targets and Backgrounds Ix: Characterization and RepresentationP Soc Photo-opt InsVTargets and Backgrounds Vi: Characterization, Visualization, and The Detection ProcessP Soc Photo-opt InsVTargets and Backgrounds Vi: Characterization, Visualization, and The Detection Process Proc Spie@Targets and Backgrounds Vii: Characterization and RepresentationP Soc Photo-opt InsATargets and Backgrounds Viii: Characterization and RepresentationP Soc Photo-opt InsATargets and Backgrounds Viii: Characterization and Representation Proc Spie>Targets and Backgrounds X: Characterization and RepresentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Targets and Backgrounds Xi: Characterization and RepresentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Targets and Backgrounds Xi: Characterization and Representation Proc Spie@Targets and Backgrounds Xii: Characterization and RepresentationP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Targets and Backgrounds Xii: Characterization and Representation Proc SpiedTarget Seedling Symposium : Proceedings, Combined Meeting of The Western Forest Nursery Associations Usda Rocky8Targets in Heterocyclic Systems-chemistry and PropertiesTarg Heterocycl SystHTargets in Heterocyclic Systems: Chemistry and Properties, Vol 11 (2007)Targ Heterocycl SystHTargets in Heterocyclic Systems: Chemistry and Properties, Vol 13 (2009)Targ Heterocycl Syst;Targets of Treatment in Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Falk Symp8Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi-journal of Agricultural SciencesTarim Bilim Derg4Tarp and The Restoration of U.s. Financial StabilityFinanc I Serv SerKTarp in The Crosshairs: Accountability in The Troubled Asset Relief ProgramEcon Iss Probl Persp%Tar Sand and Oil Upgrading Technology Aiche Sym S2Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface DesignLect Notes Comput Sc?Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Task Models and Diagrams for Users Interface DesignLect Notes Comput ScTasks for Vegetation Science Task Veg ScTasks for Vegetation Science Tasks Veg SciJTasks in Primary Mathematics Teacher Education: Purpose, Use and ExemplarsMath Teach Educ!Tasks in Second Language LearningRes Pract Appl Lingu Tasmanian Journal of AgricultureTasmanian J Agr<Tatracrypt '07 - 7th Central Europe Conference of CryptologyTatra Mt Math Publ)Tatra Mountains Mathematical PublicationsTatra Mt Math PublTauberian OperatorsOper Theory Adv Appl7Tauber Institute for The Study of European Jewry Series Taub InstoTaup 2005: Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference On Topics in Astroparticle and Underground PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser[Taup2007: Tenth International Conference On Topics in Astroparticle and Underground PhysicsJ Phys Conf SerTaurineAdv Exp Med Biol Taurine 2Adv Exp Med Biol Taurine 3Adv Exp Med Biol(Taurine 4: Taurine and Excitable TissuesAdv Exp Med Biol%Taurine 5: Beginning The 21st CenturyAdv Exp Med Biol Taurine 6Adv Exp Med Biol Taurine 7Adv Exp Med Biol?Taurine : Functional Neurochemistry, Physiology, and CardiologyProg Clin Biol ResTaurine in Health and DiseaseAdv Exp Med BiolTawny FrogmouthAustral Nat Hist SerTaxane Anticancer Agents Acs Sym Ser8Taxation in A Low-income Economy: The Case of MozambiqueRoutl Stud Dev Econ1Taxation, Incomplete Markets, and Social SecurityMunich Lect Econ(Taxation in The United States and Europe Conf Eea C\Taxation Issues in A Federal State and Economic Groupings With Concurrent Taxing Authorities Ifa Congr STaxation of Expatriates Ifa Congr STaxesTaxesTaxes-the Tax MagazineTaxesTax Expenditure- Shedding Light On Government Spending Through The Tax System: Lessons From Development and Transition EconomiesDir Dev8Taxing The Hard-to-tax: Lessons From Theory and PracticeContrib To Econ AnalTax Law Review Tax Law Rev Tax MagazineTax MagTaxonTaxon)Taxpayer Protection in The European Union Efs BrochurTax Policy and The Economy Tax Pol Ec"Tax Policy and The Economy, Vol 17 Tax Pol Ec"Tax Policy and The Economy, Vol 18 Tax Pol Ec"Tax Policy and The Economy, Vol 19 Tax Pol Ec"Tax Policy and The Economy, Vol 20 Tax Pol Ec"Tax Policy and The Economy, Vol 21 Tax Pol Ec"Tax Policy and The Economy, Vol 22 Tax Pol Ec"Tax Policy and The Economy, Vol 23 Tax Pol Ec"Tax Policy and The Economy, Vol 24 Tax Pol Ec0Tax Policy Roundtalbe Property Tax Papers Series Tax Pol R P"Tax Reform in Developing Countries Fisc Ref D,Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in Latin AmericaRoutl Int Stud Money2Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in South and East AsiaRoutl Int Stud Money6Taylor & Francis Series in Remote Sensing ApplicationsT&f Ser Remote Sens,Taylor & Francis Series in Systems & ControlT&f S Syst ContrTay-sachs Disease Adv GenetTceTceTceTce-the Chem Eng+T Cell Activation By Cd1 and Lipid AntigensCurr Top Microbiol0T-cell Receptor Use in Human Autoimmune DiseasesAnn Ny Acad Sci4T Cell Subsets in Infectious and Autoimmune Diseases Ciba F Symp)T-cell Trafficking: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol"Tchaikovsky and His Contemporaries Contr St MTciTci5Tdr-the Drama Review-a Journal of Performance StudiesTdr-drama Rev-j Perf7Tdr-the Drama Review-the Journal of Performance StudiesTdr-drama Rev-j Perf5Teacher Development and The Struggle for AuthenticityProfess Dev Pract STeacher Education Teach EducTeacher Education 6 Teach EducTeacher Education 7 Teach EducTeacher LearningSer Sch Reform1Teacher Learning and Development: The Mirror MazeSelf Study Teach TeaTeacher of The Deaf Teach DeafTeacher Quality Hoover InstHTeachers As Learners: Critical Discourse On Challenges and OpportunitiesCerc Stud Comp Educ,Teacher's Career Trajectories and Work LivesProf Learn Dev Sch HTeachers College RecordTeach Coll RecTeachers Library Teach LibrDTeacher's Role in Implementing Cooperative Learning in The ClassroomComput-supp Collab LFTeaching About Hegemony: Race, Class and Democracy in The 21st CenturyExplor Educ Purp_Teaching About Technology: An Introduction to The Philosophy of Technology for Non-philosophersSci Technol Educ Lib1Teaching Africa: Towards A Transgressive PedagogyExplor Educ Purp6Teaching and Assessing of Mathematical Problem Solving Res Ag Math/Teaching and Communicating Astronomy - Jenam'04Eas Publications.Teaching and Learning By Doing Corpus Analysis Lang Comput(Teaching and Learning in A Network World Fr Art Int(Teaching and Learning in A Network WorldFront Artif Intel Ap0Teaching and Learning in Logo-based Environments Fr Art Int!Teaching and Learning in MedicineTeach Learn Med2Teaching and Learning: International Best PracticeRes Sociocult Influ8Teaching and Learning of Mathematics At University LevelNew Icmi Stud Ser-Teaching and Learning Proof Across The GradesStud Math Think Lear7Teaching and Researching Language in African Classrooms Multiling-Teaching and Research in Industrial Relations Ann Cira PTeaching and Teacher EducationTeach Teach EducTeaching ChaucerTeach New Engl3Teaching Contemporary Themes in Secondary EducationTeach Cont Theme/Teaching, Curriculum, and Community InvolvementFam Sch Commun Part;Teaching Entrepreneurship: Cases for Education and TrainingContrib Manag Sci'Teaching Esl/efl Listening and SpeakingEsl Appl Ling Prof$Teaching Esl/efl Reading and WritingEsl Appl Ling Prof$Teaching Formal Methods, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Informatics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc,Teaching German in Twentieth-century America Monat Occ V&Teaching Holocaust Literature and FilmTeach New EnglTeaching in Higher EducationTeach High EduclTeaching Intercultural Rhetoric and Technical Communication: Theories, Curriculum, Pedagogies, and PracticesBaywoods Tech CommunsTeaching Learning Indigenous Intercultural Worldviews International Perspectives On Social Justice and Human RightsTeach Learn Indig In(Teaching of Arabic As A Foreign LanguageAl Arabiyya Mon SerTeaching of Astronomy Iau ColloqTeaching of Psychology Teach PsycholTeaching Philosophy Teach PhilosTeaching Political ScienceTeach Polit Sci6Teaching Science With Hispanic Ells in K-16 ClassroomsRes Sci Educ Ser0Teaching Shakespeare and Early Modern DramatistsTeach New EnglHTeaching Social Foundations of Education: Contexts, Theories, and IssuesSociocult Polit HistTeaching Sociology Teach Sociol>Teaching Teachers: Aproaches in Improving Quality of EducationEduc Compet Glob Wor9Teaching, Technology, Textuality: Approaches to New MediaTeach New EnglTeaching The GothicTeach New EnglTeaching The New EnglishTeach New EnglaTeaching The Rhetoric of Resistance: The Popular Holocaust and Social Change in A Post 9/11 WorldPsychoanal Educ SocGTeaching The Shoah in The Twenty-first Century: Topics and Topographies Symposium S%Teaching Translation and Interpreting Copen S Tr'Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2Benjamin Transl Lib'Teaching Translation and Interpreting 3Benjamin Transl Lib6Teaching With Technology: An Academic Librarians GuideChandos Inf Prof SerTTeaching Writing Genres Across The Curriculum: Strategies for Middle School TeachersContemp Lang Educ*Teaching Writing in Chinese Speaking Areas Stud WritTeadustoode KogumikTeadustoode Kogumik[Team Effectiveness in Complex Organizations: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives and ApproachesSiop Organ Front Ser Tea Quarterly Tea QuartTechnetium and Rhenium Top Curr ChemMTechnical and Vocational Education and Training-issues Concerns and ProspectsTech Vocat Ed TrainTechnical Association PapersTech Assoc PapTechnical Communication Tech CommunTechnical CommunicationTech Commun-stc1Technical Communications and Informations Systems Tech Commun>Technical Council On Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Monograph Tech Coun LETechnical Digest - Ieee Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuit SymposiumTg Ieee Gal ArsTechnical Digest Series Tech Dig S Technical Documents in Hydrology Tech Doc Hy7Technical Functions: On The Use and Design of ArtefactsPhilos Eng Technol+Technical Information Center AdministrationTech Inf Cent AdmTechnical Papers of IsaTech Papers IsaTechnical Physics Tech Phys+Technical Physics LettersTech Phys Lett+ETechnical Reports-natural History Museum of Los Angeles County-seriesNat Hist Mus Los AnghTechnical, Technological and Economic Aspects of Thin-seams Coal Mining: International Mining Forum 2007Proc Monogr Eng Wate<Technical Textile Yarns: Industrial and Medical ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Text/Technics Technologies Education Management-ttemTech Technol Educ Ma"Technique Et Science InformatiquesTech Sci InformTechnique of Organic Chemistry Tech Org Chem/Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce Fr Art Int/Techniques and Applications for Mobile CommerceFront Artif Intel Ap1Techniques and Concepts of High-energy Physics IxNato Adv Sci I B-phy0Techniques and Concepts of High-energy Physics VNato Adv Sci I B-phy1Techniques and Concepts of High-energy Physics ViNato Adv Sci I B-phy3Techniques and Concepts of High-energy Physics ViiiNato Adv Sci Inst Se:Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of ExoplanetsP Soc Photo-opt Ins=Techniques and Instumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsLTechniques and Management of Personnel Thermoluminescence Dosimetry ServicesEuro Health Phys Rad(Techniques and Uses of Molecular Markers Colloq Inra%Techniques Des Industries CerealieresTech Ind Cereal#Techniques for Corrosion MonitoringWoodhead Publ Mater!Techniques for Modern Aquaculture Asae Publ4Techniques in Bioinformatics and Medical InformaticsAnn Ny Acad SciTechniques in ColoproctologyTech Coloproctol0Techniques in Comparative Respiratory PhysiologySoc Exp Biol Sem Ser&Techniques in Interventional RadiologyTech Interv RadiolTechniques in NeurosurgeryTech Neurosurg4Techniques in Protein Chemistry (academic Press Inc)Tech Prot Chem"Techniques in Protein Chemistry ViTech Prot Chem$Techniques in Protein Chemistry ViiiTech Prot ChemSTechniques to Assess The Corrosion Activity of Steel Reinforced Concrete StructuresAm Soc Test Mater0Technische Mitteilungen Krupp ForschungsberichteTech Mitt Krupp Fors+Technische Mitteilungen Krupp WerksberichteTech Mitt Krupp WerkTechnisches Messen Tech Mess1Technological and Economic Development of EconomyTechnol Econ Dev Eco8Technological and Institutional Innovation in Irrigation World Ban TDTechnological and Medical Implications of Metabolic Control AnalysisNato Asi 3 High Tech&Technological Communities and NetworksRoutl Adv Manag BusGTechnological Convergence and Social Networks in Information ManagementComm Com Inf Sc+Technological Forecasting and Social ChangeTechnol Forecast Soc+Technological Innovation for SustainabilityIfip Adv Inf Comm Te5Technological Innovation: Generating Economic ResultsAdv Stud Entrep InnoTechnological Transformation Philos Tech2Technological University Libraries in The NinetiesIatul Proc New Ser6Technologies and Management for Sustainable BiosystemsBiotech Agr Ind Med:Technologies and Systems for Access and Transport NetworksArtech Hse Mob Comm@Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems 1: TasksStud Fuzz Soft Comp:Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems 1: TasksStud Fuzziness Soft:Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems 2: ToolsStud Fuzz Soft CompBTechnologies for E-learning and Digital Entertainment, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<Technologies for Environmental Cleanup: Soil and GroundwaterEuro Environm ManagLTechnologies for Environmental Cleanup: Toxic and Hazardous Waste ManagementEuro Environm ManagTechnologies for E-servicesLect Notes Comput Sc(Technologies for E-services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScCTechnologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and EntertainmentLect Notes Comput ScPTechnologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Technologies for Optical CountermeasuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Technologies for Optical Countermeasures Proc Spie,Technologies for Optical Countermeasures IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Technologies for Optical Countermeasures IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Technologies for Optical Countermeasures ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Technologies for Optical Fiber CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsNTechnologies for Sustainable Agriculture On Marginal Uplands in Southeast Asia Aciar ProcETechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop TestingP Soc Photo-opt InsHTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsITechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing IvP Soc Photo-opt InsHTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware in The Loop Testing IxP Soc Photo-opt InsGTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing VP Soc Photo-opt InsHTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing ViP Soc Photo-opt InsHTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing Vi Proc SpieITechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsJTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsGTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing XP Soc Photo-opt InsHTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in The-loop Testing XiP Soc Photo-opt InsITechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsITechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing Xii Proc SpieJTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHTechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing XvP Soc Photo-opt InsATechnologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Xvi Proc Spie#Technologies of 3-liter Automobiles VDI Bericht!Technologies of Lived AbstractionTechnol Lived AbstrBTechnologies, Protocols, and Services for Next-generation InternetP Soc Photo-opt InsBTechnologies, Protocols, and Services for Next-generation Internet Proc SpieBTechnologies, Systems, and Architectures for Transnational DefenseP Soc Photo-opt InsETechnologies, Systems, and Architectures for Transnational Defense IiP Soc Photo-opt InsTechnology 2000, Vol 1 Nasa Conf P*Technology Analysis & Strategic ManagementTechnol Anal StrategTechnology and AgingAssist Techn Res Ser+Technology and Applications of Light GuidesP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Technology and Assessment: The Tale of Two InterpretationsRes Methods Educ TecTechnology and Culture Technol CultTechnology and DisabilityTechnol DisabilTechnology and Health CareTechnol Health Care.Technology and Health Care in An Era of Limits Med Inn Cr-Technology and Methods in Behavioral Medicine Persp Beh M<Technology and Regulation: How Are They Driving Our Markets?Zi Sch Bus Fin Ma@Technology and Security: Governing Threats in The New MillenniumNew Secur Chall:Technology and Society: Building Our Sociotechnical FutureInside Technol5Technology and The Culture of Progress in Meiji JapanRoutl Asian Stud AsfTechnology and Vocational Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Individuals for The FutureTech Vocat Ed TrainKTechnology-based Education: Bringing Researchers and Practitioners TogetherNebr Symp Inf Tech EMTechnology Developments: The Role of Mechanism and Machine Science and Iftomm Mech Mach SciVTechnology-energy-environment-health (teeh) Chain in China: A Case Study of CokemakingAlliance Glob SustaiTechnology Enhanced LearningInt Fed Info ProcHTechnology Enhanced Learning: Quality of Teaching and Educational ReformComm Com Inf ScTechnology for Business Needs Imeche Sem&Technology for Combating Wmd TerrorismNato Sci Ser Ii Math&Technology for Combating Wmd TerrorismNato Sci Ser Ii-mathoTechnology for Modelling: Electrical Analogies, Engineering Practice, and The Development of Analogue ComputingHist Comput-springer$Technology for Teaching and Learning Th Yr Sch S"Technology for Waterborne Coatings Acs Sym SerdTechnology Gatekeepers for War and Peace: The British Ship Revolution and Japanese IndustrializationSt Antonys Ser/Technology Globalization and Development SeriesTechnol Glob Dev Ser)Technology in Cancer Research & TreatmentTechnol Cancer Res T Technology Innovation and Policy Tech Inno PTechnology in Society Technol Soc'Technology Link to Economic DevelopmentAnn Ny Acad Sci'Technology, Morality, and Social Policy S Soc Polit2Technology of Floor Maintenance and Current TrendsAm Soc Test Mater(Technology of Functional Cereal ProductsWoodhead Food Ser,Technology of Gallium Nitride Crystal GrowthSpringer Ser Mater S?Technology of Measurement and Testing in Automotive Engineering VDI Bericht;Technology of Object-oriented Languages and Systems Tools 4Tools=Technology of Object-oriented Languages and Systems - Tools 5Tools=Technology of Object-oriented Languages and Systems - Tools 6Tools=Technology of Object-oriented Languages and Systems - Tools 7ToolsBTechnology of Object-oriented Languages, Systems and ArchitecturesKluwer Int Ser Eng CBTechnology of Object-oriented Languages, Systems and ArchitecturesSpringer Int Ser Eng!Technology Pedagogy and EducationTechnol Pedagog Educ(Technology, Pessimism, and Postmodernism Sociol SciTechnology Review Technol RevFTechnology Risk and Society : An International Series in Risk Analysis Tech Risk S4Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property IssuesIntell Prop 21st Cen Technology Transfer and TrainingTransport Res Rec)Technology Transfer in A Global CommunityInt Sampe Tech ConfHTechnology Transfer in Biotechnology: From Lab to Industry to ProductionAdv Biochem Eng BiotTechnology Transfer Via Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, Method of Research and Empirical EvidenceStud Econ Transit2Technology, Transgenics and A Practical Moral CodeInt Libr Eth Law Tec Technometrics Technometrics TechnonaturesEnviron HumanitTechnopolis Phenomenon In Tech In*Techno-security in An Age of GlobalizationPac Rim Bus Technol Technovation TechnovationTecnica Pecuaria En Mexico Tec Pecu MexTecnologia Y Ciencias Del AguaTecnol Cienc Agua9Tectonic and Climatic Evolution of The Arabian Sea RegionGeol Soc Spec PublVTectonic and Stratigraphic Evolution of Zagros and Makran During The Mesozoic-cenozoicGeol Soc Spec Publ9Tectonic Aspects of The Alpine-dinaride-carpathian SystemGeol Soc Spec Publ8Tectonic Development of The Eastern Mediterranean RegionGeol Soc Spec Publ=Tectonic Events Responsible for Britains Oil and Gas ReservesGeol Soc Spec PublYTectonic Growth of A Collisional Continental Margin: Crustal Evolution of Southern AlaskaGeol Soc Am Spec Pap Tectonics Tectonics+Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution Geol S Am S8Tectonics of Strike-slip Restraining and Releasing BendsGeol Soc Spec Publ?Tectonics of The Nanga Parbat Syntaxis and The Western HimalayaGeol Soc Spec Publ7Tectonics of The Western Mediterranean and North AfricaGeol Soc Spec PublTectonophysicsTectonophysics Ted HughesRoutledge Guides LitTeenagers CitizenshipRelatsh Resour"Tehnicki Vjesnik-technical Gazette Teh Vjesn)Teicoplanin : Further European ExperienceRoy Soc Med Int Cong Teknik Dergi Tek DergiTekstilTekstilTekstil Ve KonfeksiyonTekst Konfeksiyon Teksty Drugie Teksty Drugie+Telecommuications and Networking - Ict 2004Lect Notes Comput ScTelecommunication Eur Comm PTelecommunication Journal Telecommun J,Telecommunication : Limits to Deregulation ? Eur Comm P2Telecommunication Markets: Drivers and Impediments Contrib EconGTelecommunications and Beyond: The Broader Applicability of Sdl and MscLect Notes Comput Sc@Telecommunications and It Convergence Towards Service E-volutionLect Notes Comput Sc,Telecommunications and Networking - Ict 2004Lect Notes Comput ScMTelecommunications and Pacific Development : Alternatives for The Next DecadeNorth Holl Stud Tele(Telecommunications and Radio EngineeringTelecomm Radio Eng+*Telecommunications and Radio Engineer-ussrTelecommun Radio EngTelecommunications IndustryAimr Ind Anal Ser3Telecommunications Modeling, Policy, and TechnologyOper Res Comput Sci3Telecommunications Modeling, Policy, and TechnologyOperat Res Comp Sci0Telecommunications Network Design and ManagementOper Res Comput Sci0Telecommunications Network Design and ManagementOperat Res Comp SciSTelecommunications Planning : Innovations in Pricing, Network Design and ManagementOperat Res Comp SciTelecommunications PolicyTelecommun Policy(Telecommunications Reports InternationalTelecommun Rep IntTelecommunications (series) TelecommunTelecommunication SystemsTelecommun Syst Teleconnect TeleconnectTele-english EditionTele-engl Edition5Tele-learning: The Challenge for The Third MillenniumInt Fed Info Proc-Telemanipulator and Telepresence TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies VP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies V Proc Spie0Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies Vi Proc Spie2Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsTelemanipulator TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Telemanipulator Technology and Space TeleroboticsP Soc Photo-opt InsTelematcs for Vehicles VDI BerichtTelemedicine and E-healthTelemed E-healthTelemedicine Journal Telemed J!Telemedicine Journal and E-healthTelemed J E-health&Telemedicine - Risks and Opportunities Roy S Med S5Teleology of The Modern Nation-state: Japan and ChinaEncounters Asia@Teleoperation : Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation Euro C CompTelephone Survey Methodology Wiley S Pro Telephony Telephony&Telephony, The Internet, and The Media TelecommunTelescope Control Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsTelescope Control Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar AstrophysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Telescope Structures, Enclosures, Controls, Assembly/integration/validation, and CommissioningP Soc Photo-opt Ins^Telescope Structures, Enclosures, Controls, Assembly/integration/validation, and Commissioning Proc SpieTelescopy Control SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins Teleteaching Ifip Trans ATeletraffic and DatatrafficNorth Holl Stud Tele1Teletraffic and Datatraffic in A Period of ChangeNorth Holl Stud Tele1Teletraffic Contributions for The Information AgeTeletraf Sci Eng.Teletraffic Engineering in A Competitive WorldTeletraf Sci Eng#Teletraffic Science and EngineeringTeletraf Sci EngTelevision & New MediaTelev New Media8Television and Culture in Putin's Russia: Remote ControlBasees-rout Ser RussITelevision and Terror: Conflicting Times and The Crisis of News DiscourseNew Secur Chall0Television and Youth Culture: Televised ParanoiaPsychoanal Educ Soc-Television, Democracy and Elections in RussiaBasees-rout Ser RussTelevision EntertainmentCommun Soc-serTelevision Goes DigitalEcon Inform Comm Ent=Television in India: Satellites, Politics and Cultural ChangeRoutl Media Cult SocTelevision Quarterly Telev Quart Televisions TelevisionsTelling Elt Tales Out of SchoolProcd Soc BehvTelling Ruins in Latin AmericaNew Concepts Lat AmETelling The Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and The Fossil RecordSyst Assoc Spec VolTellusTellus4Tellus Series A-dynamic Meteorology and OceanographyTellus A1Tellus Series B-chemical and Physical MeteorologyTellus B<Telomerase: Composition, Functions and Clinical ImplicationsDna Prop Modif FunctTelomeres and Telomerase Ciba F Symp/Telomeres and Telomerase: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolTelomeres, Second EditionCold Spring Harb MonTelopeaTelopeaTelosTelos-usTel QuelTel QuelTemenosTemenosTemperature '98 VDI Bericht.Temperature Adaptation of Biological Membranes Portl Pr P3Temperature and Environmental Effects On The TestisAdv Exp Med BiolATemperature : Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry Temp Meas CUTemperature : Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, Vol 6, Pts 1 and 2 Temp Meas CTTemperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, Vol 7, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc=Temperly-lieb Recoupling Theory and Invariants of 3-manifolds Ann Math StudbTemper Sands in Prehistoric Oceanian Pottery: Geotectonics, Sedimentology, Petrography, ProvenanceGeol Soc Am Spec PapTemplates in Chemistry I Top Curr ChemTemplates in Chemistry Ii Top Curr ChemTemplates in Chemistry Iii Top Curr ChemTemple Law Quarterly Temple Law QTemple Law ReviewTemple Law RevTempoTempo Tempo-niteroi Tempo-niteroiTempo PsicanaliticoTempo Psicanal!Temporal Control of Drug DeliveryAnn Ny Acad SciTemporal Data MiningCh Crc Data Min Know5Temporal Information Processing in The Nervous SystemAnn Ny Acad Sci.Temporality in Life As Seen Through LiteratureAnalecta HusserlTemporality of The EnvironmentPaysage EnvironmITemporal Lobe Epilepsy and The Mind-brain Relationship: A New PerspectiveInt Rev Neurobiol Temporal Logic and State SystemsTexts Theor Comput STemporal Logic in SpecificationLect Notes Comput Sc1Temporarily Open/closed Estuaries in South AfricaEnviron Sci Eng Tech1Temporary Agency Work and The Information SocietyBull Comparat Lab Re7Temporomandibular Disorders and Related Pain ConditionsProg Pain Res ManagCTempos in Science and Nature: Structures, Relations, and ComplexityAnn Ny Acad Sci Tempo Social Tempo SocTemps ModernesTemps Modernes Tempus Series Tempus SerCTencon 2004 - 2004 Ieee Region 10 Conference, Vols A-d, ProceedingsTencon Ieee Region6Tencon 2005 - 2005 Ieee Region 10 Conference, Vols 1-5Tencon Ieee Region6Tencon 2006 - 2006 Ieee Region 10 Conference, Vols 1-4Tencon Ieee Region6Tencon 2007 - 2007 Ieee Region 10 Conference, Vols 1-3Tencon Ieee Region6Tencon 2009 - 2009 Ieee Region 10 Conference, Vols 1-4Tencon Ieee Region+Tencon 2010: 2010 Ieee Region 10 ConferenceTencon Ieee Region,Tencon Ieee Region 10 Conference ProceedingsTencon Ieee Region,Tencon-ieee Region 10 Conference ProceedingsTencon Ieee Region)Tendon Transfer for Irreparable Cuff Tear Collect GecoTend The Olive, Water The VineEduc Policy Pract-cr2Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Tenn Aes BullTennessee Farm & Home ScienceTenn Farm Home SciTenside Surfactants DetergentsTenside Surfact DetQTensions in Teaching About Teaching: Understanding Practice As A Teacher EducatorSelf Study Teach TeaTensorTensor/Tensors in Image Processing and Computer VisionAdv Pattern RecognitNTenth All-union Symposium and School On High-resolution Molecular SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsHTenth Annual Ieee International Asic Conference and Exhibit, ProceedingsP Ieee Int Asic C&eETenth Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S LogCTenth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, ProceedingsStruct Compl Th ConfhTenth Feofilov Symposium On Spectroscopy of Crystals Activated By Rare-earth and Transitional-metal IonsP Soc Photo-opt InsQTenth Ieee International Conference On Computer Vision, Vols 1 and 2, ProceedingsIeee I Conf Comp VisVTenth Ieee International Conference On Tools With Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsProc Int C Tools ArtKTenth Ieee International Workshop On Rapid Systems Prototyping, ProceedingsP Ieee Rap Syst ProtCTenth Ieee Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems, Proceedings Comp Med SySTenth International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, ProceedingsIeee Ic Comp Com Net7Tenth International Conference On Optical Fibre SensorsP Soc Photo-opt InsFTenth International Conference On Quality Control By Artificial Vision Proc SpieHTenth International Conference On Road Transport Information and Control Iee Conf Publ6Tenth International Conference On Solid State LightingP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Tenth International Conference On Solid State Lighting Proc SpieQTenth International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsQTenth International School On Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications Proc Spie=Tenth International Symposium On Gas Flow and Chemical LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Tenth Joint International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics, Pt 1P Soc Photo-opt Ins]Tenth Joint International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics, Pt 1 Proc Spie]Tenth Joint International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics, Pt 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins]Tenth Joint International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics, Pt 2 Proc Spie1Tenth Mill Operators Conference 2009, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met8Tenth Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence Fr Art Int8Tenth Scandinavian Conference On Artificial IntelligenceFront Artif Intel ApTen Years of Ads/cft Aip Conf ProcTeologia Y Vida Teol VidaTeoremaTeorema+Teoreticheskaya I Eksperimentalnaya KhimiyaTeor Eksp KhimTeoria De La Educacion Teor EducTeoria-rivista Di FilosofiaTeoria0Teorie A Praxe Politickeho Katolicismu 1870-2007Polit Nabozenstvi&Teoriya I Praktika Fizicheskoy KulturyTeor Prakt Fiz Kult&Teoriya Veroyatnostei I Yeye Primeniya Teor Ver PrimLTe Puna-a New Zealand Mission Station: Historical Archaeology in New ZealandContrib Glob Hist ArHTerabit Optical Networking: Architecture, Control, and Management IssuesP Soc Photo-opt InsHTerabit Optical Networking: Architecture, Control, and Management Issues Proc Spie4Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics Ii Proc Spie5Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics VP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Terahertz and Gigahertz PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Terahertz and Gigahertz Photonics Proc SpieLTerahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Generation, Detection and ApplicationsNato Sci Peace Sec B/Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Terahertz for Military and Security ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Terahertz for Military and Security Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Terahertz for Military and Security Applications Ii Proc Spie4Terahertz for Military and Security Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Terahertz for Military and Security Applications Iii Proc Spie3Terahertz for Military and Security Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Terahertz for Military and Security Applications Iv Proc Spie2Terahertz for Military and Security Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Terahertz for Military and Security Applications V Proc SpieITerahertz Frequency Detection and Identification of Materials and ObjectsNato Sci Peace Sec BITerahertz Frequency Detection and Identification of Materials and ObjectsNato Science Peace STerahertz Optoelectronics Top Appl PhysTerahertz PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Terahertz Physics, Devices, and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems Proc Spie*Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsYTerahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems Iv: Advanced Applications in Industry and DefenseP Soc Photo-opt InsWTerahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems V: Advance Applications in Industry and Defense Proc SpieTerahertz Sources and SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii MathTerahertz Sources and SystemsNato Sci Ser Ii-math'Terahertz Spectroscopy and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Terahertz Spectroscopy and Applications 11P Soc Photo-opt Ins*Terahertz Spectroscopy and Applications 11 Proc Spie%Terahertz Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Terahertz Technology and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Terahertz Technology and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Terahertz Technology and Applications Iii Proc SpieTerapevticheskii Arkhiv Terapevt ArkhTerapia Psicologica Ter Psicol*Teraspalvelutoiminnan Tulevaisuus Suomessa Vtt Res Notes,Teratogenesis Carcinogenesis and MutagenesisTeratogen Carcin Mut Teratology TeratologytTerbinafine in The Treatment of Superficial Fungal Infections (proceedings of The Asia-pacific Symposium On Lamisil)Roy Soc Med Int Cong;Terentia, Tullia and Publilia: The Women of Cicero's FamilyWomen Ancient World Terminology TerminologyTerm RewritingLect Notes Comput Sc,Term Rewriting and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScATerm Structure Modeling and Estimation in A State Space FrameworkLect Notes Econ MathTernary and Multinary CompoundsInst Phys Conf Ser Terotechnica TerotechnicaTerra Antartica ReportsTerra Ant ReportsTerra Antartica ReportsTerra Antarct RepTerra AustralisTerra Australis.Terraforming: The Creating of Habitable WorldsAstron Univers-Terrane Analysis of China and The Pacific Rim Circ-pac C,Terrane Processes At The Margins of GondwanaGeol Soc Spec Publ Terra Nova Terra Nova*Terre Et La Vie-revue D Ecologie AppliqueeTerre Vie-rev Ecol A,Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic SciencesTerr Atmos Ocean SciITerrestrial Field Dissipation Studies: Purpose, Design and Interpretation Acs Sym Ser_Terrestrialization Process: Modelling Complex Interactions At The Biosphere-geosphere InterfaceGeol Soc Spec PublTerritorial CohesionGer Annu Spat Res PoTerritorial Future of The CityUrban Land Perspect"Territorial Rights, Second EditionLaw Philos Libr$Territory, Society and Communication Sci SocieteTerror and SuicideTerror Hot Spots Con^Terror and The Sublime in Art and Critical Theory: From Auschwitz to Hiroshima to September 11Stud Eur Cult HistQTerror, Insecurity and Liberty: Illiberal Practices of Liberal Regimes After 9/11Routl Stud Lib Secur Terrorism Terrorism7Terrorism and Counterterrorism Methods and TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Terrorism and Disaster: New Threats, New IdeasRes Soc Probl Public Terrorism and Political ViolenceTerror Polit Violenc&Terrorism and The Politics of ResponseRout Crit TerrorFTerrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Responding to The ChallengeRout Glob Secur StudUTerrorism As A Challenge for National and International Law: Security Versus Liberty?Beitr Ausl Offentl RUTerrorism As A Challenge for National and International Law: Security Versus Liberty?Beitr Ausland Offent6Terrorism, Freedom, and Security - Winning Without WarBcsia Stud Int Secur/Terrorism Hot Spots and Conflict-related IssuesTerror Hot Spots ConQTerrorism Informatics: Knowledge Management and Data Mining for Homeland SecurityIntegr Ser Inform SyTerrorism Today, Second EditionCass Ser Polit VioleFTerrorism Versus Democracy: The Liberal State Response, Second EditionCass Ser Polit VioleXTerrorist Rehabilitation and Counter-radicalisation: New Approaches to Counter-terrorismCass Ser Polit VioleTertullian The AfricanMillenn Stud Kult GeTesol Quarterly Tesol QuartTestTest1Test and Evaluation of Ir Detectors and Arrays IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Test and Measurement Applications of Optoelectronic DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsTest and Proofs, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc2Test By Fire: The War Presidency of George W. BushEvol Am Presid0Testicular Cell Dynamics and Endocrine SignalingAnn Ny Acad Sci3Testicular Chromosome Structure and Gene ExpressionAnn Ny Acad SciTesticular Descent in HumanAdv Anat Embryol CelTesticular TangramsE Schering Res Fdn WTestimony of John The BelovedSperry Symp Ser<Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Geosynthetic Clay LinersAm Soc Test Mater/Testing and Evaluation of Inorganic Materials IAdv Mater Res-switz?Testing and Performance of Geosynthetics in Subsurface DrainageAm Soc Test Mater$Testing During Concrete Construction Rilem Proc1Testing for Abuse in Liability of Drugs in Humans Nida Res MgTesting in Construction Test ConstrCTesting Molecular Wires: A Photophysical and Quantum Chemical AssaySpringer Theses-reco Testing of Communicating SystemsInt Fed Info Proc Testing of Communicating SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc:Testing of Communicating Systems: Methods and ApplicationsInt Fed Info Proc-Testing of Communicating Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Testing of Communication Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc?Testing of Conventional and Unconventional Aggregates and SoilsTransport Res Rec$Testing of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Amer Conc I Testing of Metals for Structures Rilem Proc:Testing of Software and Communicating Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Testing of Software and Communication Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScLTesting, Packaging, Reliability, and Applications of Semiconductor Lasers IvP Soc Photo-opt InsLTesting, Packaging, Reliability, and Applications of Semiconductor Lasers Iv Proc Spie*Testing - Practice and Research TechniquesLect Notes Comput ScITesting, Reliability, and Application of Micro- and Nano-material SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsLTesting, Reliability, and Application of Micro- and Nano-material Systems IiP Soc Photo-opt InsLTesting, Reliability, and Application of Micro- and Nano-material Systems Ii Proc SpieMTesting, Reliability, and Application of Micro- and Nano-material Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsKTesting , Reliability, and Application of Micro-and Nano-material Sytems IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Testing Reliability and Applications of Optoelectronic DevicesP Soc Photo-opt InsTesting Software and SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc3Testing Soil Mixed With Waste Or Recycled MaterialsAm Soc Test Mater*Testing Techniques in Software EngineeringLect Notes Comput ScTesting The Agn Paradigm Aip Conf Proc4Testis, Epididymis and Technologies in The Year 2000E Schering Res Fdn W(Testis: From Stem Cell to Sperm Function Serono Symp7Test Quality for Construction, Materials and Structures Rilem ProcTests and ProofsLect Notes Comput ScTests and Proofs, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNTests, Measurements, and Characterization of Electro-optic Devices and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Tet Effect: Intelligence and The Public Perception of War Cass Mil StudTethysTethys@Tetons 4: Galactic Structure, Stars, and The Interstellar Medium Astr Soc PJTetraazacyclotetradecane Species As Models of The Polyazacrown MacrocyclesChem Res Appl-nova Tetrahedron TetrahedronTetrahedron-asymmetryTetrahedron-asymmetrTetrahedron LettersTetrahedron Lett@Tetsu to Hagane-journal of The Iron and Steel Institute of JapanTetsu To HaganeTetsu-to-hagane Overseas-japanTetsu-to-haganeTeubner-texte Zur Mathematik Teub Text MqTeufelspakt in Fruhneuzeitlichen Verhorprotokollen: Standardisierung Und Regionalisierung Im FruhneuhochdeutschenStud Linguist Ger Tev Physics Ccast Wl Sw.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Tex Aes Bull?Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Miscellaneous PublicationTex Aes Misc Publ5Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Progress ReportTex Aes Prog RepTexas Agricultural Progress Tex Agr Prog[Texas / Eso-cern Symposium On Relativistic Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Fundamental PhysicsAnn Ny Acad SciTexas Heart Institute Journal Tex Heart I JTexas Journal of Science Tex J SciTexas Law Review Tex Law RevTexas Linquistic Forum (tlf) Tx Ling ForTexas MedicineTex Med*Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education Tex Pap ForBTexas/pascos 92 : Relativistic Astrophysics and Particle CosmologyAnn Ny Acad SciTexas Quarterly Tex Quart%Texas Reports On Biology and MedicineTex Rep Biol Med(Texas Studies in Literature and LanguageTex Stud Lit LangTextText Text & Kritik Text Kritik Text & Talk Text Talk3Text and Intertext in Medieval Arthurian Literature Garl Rl HumText and Performance QuarterlyText Perform QText and Presentation // U Fla Dep C-Text- and Speech-triggered Information AccessLect Notes Artif IntTextbooks in Mathematics Textb Math!Textbooks in The Developing World Edi Semin S)Text Des Koptischen Psalters Aus Al-mudilTexte Unters Gesch A0Texte-revue De Critique Et De Theorie LitteraireTexte1Textes Et Etudes Liturgiques / Studies in Liturgy Tex Etu LitTextes LiminairesCriblesTexte Und Kommentare Texte Komment(Texte Und Materialien Zur ZeitgeschichteTexte Mater Zeitgesc&Texte Und Studien Zum Antiken JudentumTexte Stud Antik JudETexte Und Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Der Altchristlichen LiteraturTexte Unters Gesch A+Textile Advances in The Automotive IndustryWoodhead Publ TextTextile Chemist and ColoristText Chem Color9Textile Chemist and Colorist & American Dyestuff ReporterText Chem Color Am D/Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures IiComp Meth Appl Sci5Textile Design: Principles, Advances and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Ser TeTextile Engineering Adv Sci EngTextile History Text HistTextile IndustriesText Ind-atlantaTextile Institute and Industry Text I IndTextile Research Journal Text Res JTextiles and Composites 92Vtt Symp!Textiles for Cold Weather ApparelWoodhead Publ Text/Textiles, Polymers and Composites for BuildingsWoodhead Publ Ser Te+Textiles Trade and The Developing Countries Uruguay R&Textile-the Journal of Cloth & CultureTextile Textile World Text WorldTextilveredlungTextilveredlung1Text Information Retrieval Systems, Third EditionLibr Inform Sci SerQText Into Image : Image Into Text - 1995 Interdisciplinary Bicentenary Conference Int For LitYTextkoharenz Und Narration: Untersuchungen Russischer Texte Des Realismus Und Der Moderne Narratologia Text Mining and Its ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft CompNText Mining and Its Applications to Intelligence, Crm and Knowledge ManagementAdv Manag Inform1Text Mining: Theoretical Aspects and Applications Adv Soft CompTexto & Contexto EnfermagemTexto Contexto Enfer$Text Resources and Lexical KnowledgeText Trans Comp Proc$Text Resources and Lexical KnowledgeText Transl Comput P,Texts and Monographs in Symbolic ComputationText Mg Symb ComputTexts and Studies in Religion Text Stud R&Texts and Studies in The Social GospelTexts Stud Social GoTexts in Applied MathematicsTexts Appl Math.Texts in Computational Science and EngineeringTexts Comput Sci EngTexts in Computer ScienceTexts Comput Sci5Texts in Theoretical Computer Science-an Eatcs SeriesTexts Theor Comput SText, Speech and DialogueLect Notes Artif Int&Text, Speech and Dialogue, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int&Text, Speech and Dialogue, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Text Speech and Language TechnologyText Speech Lang Tec$Text, Speech and Language TechnologyText Speech Lang Tec;Text, Time, and Context: Selected Papers of Carlota S SmithStud Linguist Philos)Text Translation Computational ProcessingText Trans Comp Proc)Text Translation Computational ProcessingText Transl Comput P%Text Types and The History of EnglishTrends Linguist-studTTextual Intersections: Literature, History and The Arts in Nineteenth-century EuropeInt Forsch Allg VglTextual Pathways Coll DeboraTextual Practice Textual PractTextual Studies in CanadaText Stud Canada&Texture and Anisotropy of PolycrystalsMater Sci Forum)Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals Ii Sol St Phen)Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals IiSolid State Phenomen*Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals Iii Sol St Phen*Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals IiiSolid State Phenomen5Texture of Fermented Milk Products and Dairy Desserts Int Dairy FTextures and MicrostructuresTexture Microstruct"Textures of Materials, Pts 1 and 2Mater Sci Forum,Text-verstehen: Grammatik Und Daruber HinausJahrb-inst Dtsch Spr-Tex, Xml, and Digital Typography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScITgo-tijdschrift Voor Geneesmiddelenonderzoek-journal of Drug Research-jdrTgo-tijdschr Ther Ge`Tgo-tijdschrift Voor Therapie Geneesmiddel En Onderzoek Jdr-journal for Drugtherapy and ResearchTgo-tijdschr Ther Ge'Th1 and Th2 Cells in Health and Disease Chem ImmunolAThabit Ibn Qurra: Science and Philosophy in Ninth-century BaghdadSci Graeco-arab#Thai Journal of Veterinary MedicineThai J Vet Med1Thailand's Industrialization and Its ConsequencesStud Econ E Se Asia*Thalamic Networks for Relay and Modulation Perg S Neur Thalassas Thalassas Thalia-studies in Literary HumorThalia>That Eminent Tribunal: Judicial Supremacy and The ConstitutionNew Forum BookThat Other World, Vol 1 Princ GraceThat Other World, Vol 2 Princ Grace,The 2007 Eso Instrument Calibration WorkshopEso Astrophy Symp%The Academy of International BusinessAcad Int BusinessTheaterTheaterTheater Der Zeit Theater Zeit Theater Heute Theater Heute>Theater Im Aufbruch-das Europaische Theater Der Fruhen NeuzeitTheatronKTheatre and Performance in Digital Culture: From Simulation to EmbeddednessRoutl Adv Theatr PerTheatre AnnualTheatre AnnualJTheatre As A Medium for Children and Young People: Images and ObservationsLandsc Art Aesthet ETheatre CraftsTheatre Crafts$Theatre En Pologne-theatre in PolandTheatre Pologne7Theatre History in Canada-histoire Du Theatre Au CanadaTheatre Hist CanTheatre History StudiesTheatre Hist StudTheatre International Theatre Intl6Theatre, Intimacy and Engagement: The Last Human VenueStud Int PerformTheatre Journal Theatre JTheatre NotebookTheatre NotebookLTheatre of Production: Philosophy and Individuation Between Kant and Deleuze Renew PhilosTheatre Quarterly Theatre Quart:Theatre Research in Canada-recherches Theatrales Au CanadaTheatre Res CanadaTheatre Research InternationalTheatre Res IntTheatre Studies Theatre StudTheatre SurveyTheatre SurveyTheatre Symposium Theatre SympTheatronTheatron$Theatrum Scientiarum-english EditionTheatr Sci-engl EdThecaloscopy: Cadaver StudiesSurg-proced Complica#The Feminization of Fame, 1750-1830Palgrave Stud Enligh9The Functional Roles of Glial Cells in Health and DiseaseAdv Exp Med BiolTheism and ExplanationRout Stud Philos Rel2The Joint Spectral Radius: Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Contr InfThe-law Vs. The-people Sem Hum SciHThe Major Periatlantic River Basins: The Congo, The Niger and The Amazon Colloq SemiIThematic Conference On Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments Them Conf R=Themes in Biblical Narrative: Jewish and Christian TraditionsThemes Bibl NarrThemes in Greek LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory HisThemes in Sla ResearchAila RevThemes in World HistoryThemes World HistThe Metabolic Syndrome XAnn Ny Acad SciQThe Mojave-sonora Megashear Hypothesis: Development, Assessment, and AlternativesGeol Soc Am Spec Pap'Theochem-journal of Molecular StructureTheochem-j Mol StrucTheodor AdornoRoutl Crit ThinkersTheodore of MopsuestiaEarly Church Fathers5Theodor Fontane and The European Context, Proceedings Int For Lit'Theodor Von Mopsuestia, De IncarnationePatrist Texte StudTheognis Und Die TheognideaUnters Antiken Lit GTheologiae FacultasArb Kirchengesch)Theological Education and Moral Formation Encounter STheological Paradox Theol BilbTheological Studies Theol Stud3Theologie Et Sciences Religieuses : Cogitatio Fidei Theol Sci R+Theologie Und Kirche Im Horizont Der AntikeArb Kirchengesch Theologische Bibliotek TopelmannTheol Bibl Topelmann!Theologische Bibliothek Topelmann Theol Bilb4Theologische Werke 1: Vita Beata - Vom Seligen LebenParacelsus-neue Para-Theology and Christology in The Fourth Gospel Bib Eph The8Theology and Conversation: Towards A Relational Theology Bib Eph The0Theology and Early Modern Philosophy (1550-1750)Suom Tiedeakat Toim0Theology and Early Modern Philosophy (1550-1750)Suomal Tied Toim Sar(Theology As History, History As TheologyBeih Z Neutest Wiss"Theology At The End of The Century St Rel Cult,Theology, Creation, and Environmental EthicsRoutl Stud Relig,Theology, Ethics and Transcendence in SportsRoutl Res Sport Cult9Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr and Desmond Mpilo TutuBlack Relig Woman ThTheology Today Theol Today$Theology Toward The Third Millennium Toronto StTheophilus of AlexandriaEarly Church FathersTheophrastus Paracelsus StudienTheophr Paracel Stud!Theorem Provers in Circuit Design Ifip Trans A&Theorem Proving in Higher Order LogicsLect Notes Comput Sc3Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Theorem Proving With Analytic Tableaux and Related MethodsLect Notes Artif IntTheoretica Chimica ActaTheor Chim ActaKTheoretical Advancement in Chromatography and Related Separation TechniquesNato Adv Sci Inst SeGTheoretical Advances and Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing Adv Soft Comp#Theoretical and Applied ClimatologyTheor Appl Climatol*Theoretical and Applied Fracture MechanicsTheor Appl Fract Mec Theoretical and Applied GeneticsTheor Appl Genet!Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Theor Appl)Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol 38 Theor Appl)Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol 39 Theor Appl)Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol 40 Theor Appl)Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol 41 Theor Appl)Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol 42 Theor Appl,Theoretical and Computational Fluid DynamicsTheor Comp Fluid DynRTheoretical and Computational Methods in Mineral Physics: Geophysical ApplicationsRev Mineral Geochem:Theoretical and Computational Models for Organic ChemistryNato Adv Sci I C-matCTheoretical and Computational Nanophotonics (tacona-photonics 2009) Aip Conf Proc>Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance LinguisticsAmst Stud Theory His;Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Continuum MechanicsMa Comput Sci Eng;Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Continuum MechanicsMath Comput Sci Eng7Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Fluid MechanicsMa Comput Sci Eng7Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Fluid MechanicsMath Comput Sci Eng>Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Heat and Mass TransferMath Comput Sci Eng&Theoretical and Experimental ChemistryTheor Exp Chem&Theoretical and Experimental ChemistryTheor Exp Chem+$Theoretical and Mathematical PhysicsTheor Math Phys++Theoretical and Mathematical Physics SeriesTheor Math Phys Ser4Theoretical and Numerical Unsaturated Soil MechanicsSpringer Proc Phys'Theoretical and Observational CosmologyNato Adv Sci I C-mat@Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar EclipsesNato Adv Sci I C-mat8Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Spin Model CheckingLect Notes Comput Sc7Theoretical and Technological Aspects of Crystal GrowthMater Sci Forum-Theoretical Approaches to African Linguistics Tr Afr Ling'Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput Sc(Theoretical Aspects of Computer SoftwareLect Notes Comput Sc Theoretical Aspects of ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc-Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Ictac 2004Lect Notes Comput Sc-Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Ictac 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc-Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Ictac 2006Lect Notes Comput Sc:Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Ictac 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Ictac 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Ictac 2009Lect Notes Comput Sc-Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary Computing Nat Comp Ser-Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary ComputingNat Comput Ser(Theoretical Aspects of Industrial Design Siam Proc S)Theoretical Biology and Medical ModellingTheor Biol Med Model8Theoretical Challenges in The Dynamics of Complex FluidsNato Adv Sci I E-appTheoretical Chemistry AccountsTheor Chem AccTheoretical Comparative SyntaxRoutl Lead LinguistsTheoretical Computer ScienceIfip Adv Inf Comm TeTheoretical Computer ScienceLect Notes Comput ScTheoretical Computer ScienceTheor Comput Sci)Theoretical Computer Science, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScTheoretical CriminologyTheor Criminol?Theoretical Developments and Future Research in Family BusinessRes Entrep ManagTheoretical Ecology Theor EcolTheoretical EcologyTheor Ecol-nethKTheoretical Femtosecond Physics: Atoms and Molecules in Strong Laser FieldsSpringer Ser Atom Op/Theoretical Foundations of Chemical EngineeringTheor Found Chem En+/Theoretical Foundations of Chemical EngineeringTheor Found Chem EngKTheoretical Foundations of Quantum Information Processing and CommunicationLect Notes PhysTheoretical High Energy Physics Aip Conf Proc*Theoretical High Energy Physics: Mrst 2000 Aip Conf Proc*Theoretical High Energy Physics: Mrst 2001 Aip Conf Proc:Theoretical Integration in The Study of Deviance and Crime Suny C Crit5Theoretical Issues in Stimulus-response Compatibility Adv PsycholTheoretical Knowledge Synth LibrTheoretical LinguisticsTheor Linguist,Theoretical Mechanics: Theoretical Physics 1Grad Texts PhysTheoretical Medicine Theor Med"Theoretical Medicine and BioethicsTheor Med Bioeth5Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated ElectronsCrm Ser Math Phys Theoretical Molecular BiophysicsBiol Med Phys BiomedNTheoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework, Third EditionTexts Appl Math3Theoretical Perspectives On Autobiographical MemoryNato Adv Sci Inst Se5Theoretical Perspectives On Native American Languages Suny S LingTheoretical Physics Aip Conf Proc7Theoretical Physics At The End of The Twentieth CenturyCrm Ser Math Phys"Theoretical Physics, Fin De SiecleLect Notes PhysTheoretical Population BiologyTheor Popul Biol:Theoretical Production Ecology : Reflections and Prospects Simulat Mg<Theoretical Roman Archaeology : First Conference Proceedings Worldw ArchNTheoretical Roots of Us Foreign Policy: Machiavelli and American UnilateralismContemp Secur Stud0Theoretical Statistics: Topics for A Core CourseSpringer Texts StatTheoretical Surgery Theor SurgTheoriaTheoria'Theoria-a Swedish Journal of PhilosophyTheoria-swed J Philo>Theoria-revista De Teoria Historia Y Fundamentos De La Ciencia Theoria-spain0Theorie Der Praktischen Freiheit: Fichte - 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Eliot, T.e. Hulme, Ezra PoundRoutl Crit ThinkersQTheorists of The Modernist Novel: James Joyce, Dorothy Richardson, Virginia WoolfRoutl Crit Thinkers'Theorizing Identities and Social ActionIdentity Stud Soc Sc/Theorizing Practice: Redefining Theatre HistoryRedefin Br Theatre H/Theorizing Practice: Redefining Theatre HistoryRedefin Brit TheatreTheorizing Sexual ViolenceRoutl Res Gend Soc'Theory & Applications of Image Analysis S Mach PercTheory & Psychology Theor Psychol-Theory and Algorithms for Cooperative SystemsSer Computers Oper RHTheory and Appliations of Relational Structures As Knowledge InstrumentsLect Notes Comput Sc.Theory and Application in Fish Feeding Ecology Bel Bar Lib/Theory and Application of Diagrams, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int/Theory and Application of Recent Robust MethodsStat Ind Technol%Theory and Applications of CategoriesTheor Appl Categ(Theory and Applications of ComputabilityTheor Appl Comput9Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry - 2008 Aip Conf Proc0Theory and Applications of Models of ComputationLect Notes Comput Sc=Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Theory and Applications of Natural Language ProcessingTheor Appl Nat LangDTheory and Applications of Ocean Surface Waves, Pt 1: Linear AspectsAdv Ser Ocean EngGTheory and Applications of Ocean Surface Waves, Pt 2: Nonlinear AspectsAdv Ser Ocean EngITheory and Applications of Relational Structures As Knowledge InstrumentsLect Notes Comput ScLTheory and Applications of Relational Structures As Knowledge Instruments IiLect Notes Artif Int1Theory and Applications of Satisfiability TestingLect Notes Comput Sc>Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScITheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - Sat 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScITheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - Sat 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScITheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - Sat 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScITheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - Sat 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScITheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - Sat 2010, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Theory and Applications of Stochastic Processes Appl Math Sci4Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media Theor App T4Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous MediaTheor Appl Trans Por/Theory and Application to Graph TransformationsLect Notes Comput Sc=Theory and Computation for Synchrotron Radiation Spectroscopy Aip Conf ProcTheory and Decision Theor DecisVTheory and Decision Library Series A Philosophy and Methodology of The Social Sciences Theor Dec AVTheory and Decision Library Series A Philosophy and Methodology of The Social SciencesTheory Decis Lib AYTheory and Decision Library, Series A : Philosophy and Methodology of The Social Sciences Theor Dec ALTheory and Decision Library, Series B : Mathematical and Statistical Methods Theo Dec LhTheory and Decision Library, Series C : Game Theory, Mathematical Programming and Mathematical Economics Theor Dec C`Theory and Decision Library, Series D : System Theory, Knowledge Engineering and Problem Solving Theo Deci LYTheory and Decision Series C Game Theory Mathematical Programming and Operations Research Theor Dec CYTheory and Decision Series C Game Theory Mathematical Programming and Operations ResearchTheory Decis Ser C GYTheory and Decision Series C-game Theory Mathematical Programming and Operations ResearchTheory Decis Ser C G Theory and Design of Cnc SystemsSpringer Ser Adv ManSTheory and Engineering Applications of Computational Methods: A Series of HandbooksTheor Engn ApplicatGTheory and Evidence in Comparative Politics and International Relations New Vis Secur)Theory and Experiment in ElectrocatalysisMod Asp Electrochem2Theory and Mathematical Methods for BioinformaticsBiol Med Phys Biomed-Theory and Numerics of Differential Equations Universitext*Theory and Practice in Distributed SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc+Theory and Practice in Kant and KierkegaardKierke Stud Monogr S"Theory and Practice of Foreign AidFront Econ Global?Theory and Practice of International Mediation: Selected EssaysSecur Confl Manag(Theory and Practice of Logic ProgrammingTheor Pract Log Prog,Theory and Practice of Model TransformationsLect Notes Comput Sc%Theory and Practice of Object SystemsTheor Pract Obj SystETheory and Practice of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, ProceedingsAdv Intel Sys Res^Theory and Practice of Surface-relief Diffraction Gratings: Synchrotron and Other ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Theory and Practice of The Triple Helix System in Developing Countries: Issues and ChallengesRout Stud Innov Org<Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming, Second EditionStud Fuzz Soft Comp'Theory and Research in Social EducationTheor Res Soc Educ%Theory and Research On Human EmotionsAdv Group Process?Theory and Simulation of Hard-sphere Fluids and Related SystemsLect Notes PhysTheory and Society Theor Soc3Theory and Tests of Convection in Stellar Structure Astr Soc P#Theory and Typology of Proper NamesTrends Linguist-studTheory Building in Sociology Key Iss SocTheory / CultureTheory CultureTheory Culture & SocietyTheor Cult SocTheory in Biosciences Theor BiosciTheory Into Practice Theor PractXTheory Is Forever: Essays Dedicated to Arto Salomaa On The Occasion of His 70th BirthdayLect Notes Comput Sc;Theory, Method, and Practice in Social and Cultural History Probl MethNTheory, Modeling and Experience in The Management of Nonpoint-source Pollution Nat Res ManxTheory, Modeling, and Field Investigation in Hydrogeology: A Special Volume in Honor of Shlomo P. Neuman's 60th Birthday Geol S Am SxTheory, Modeling, and Field Investigation in Hydrogeology: A Special Volume in Honor of Shlomo P. 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Comput Sc#Theory of Cryptography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Theory of Crytography, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc#Theory of Defects in Semiconductors Top Appl PhysKTheory of Differential Equations: Classical and Qualitative, Second Edition UniversitextTheory of Dynamic EfficiencyRout Found Mark Econ.Theory of Electron Transport in SemiconductorsSpringer Ser Solid-s!Theory of Epistemic JustificationPhilos Stud SerTheory of Fusion Plasmas Aip Conf ProcTheory of Fusion Plasmas Int Sch PlTheory of Fusion Plasmas / Int Sch PlGTheory of Fusion Plasmas: Joint Varenna-lausanne International WorkshopJ Phys Conf Ser3Theory of Heat Transfer With Forced Convection FilmHeat Mass Transf"Theory of Hypergeometric FunctionsSpringer Monogr Math,Theory of Intense Beams of Charged ParticlesAdv Imag Elect PhysTheory of International TradeLect Notes Econ MathVTheory of Interregional Dynamics: Models of Capital, Knowledge and Economic StructuresLect Notes Econ MathTheory of K-loopsLect Notes MathQTheory of Laser Materials Processing: Heat and Mass Transfer in Modern TechnologySpringer Ser Mater STheory of Legal PrinciplesLaw Philos Libr'Theory of Light Hydrogenic Bound StatesSpringer Tr Mod Phys'Theory of Particle and Cluster EmissionLect Notes Phys*Theory of Probability and Its ApplicationsTheor Probab Appl+-Theory of Probility and Its Applications,ussrTheor Probab Appl+>Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and CryptographyLect Notes Comput ScATheory of Quantum Transport in Metallic and Hybrid NanostructuresNato Sci Ser Ii MathTheory of Radicals Colloq MathGTheory of Reasoned Action: Its Application to Aids-preventive Behaviour In S Ex SocWTheory of Semiconductor Quantum Devices: Microscopic Modeling and Simulation StrategiesNanosci TechnolTheory of Shape IdentificationLect Notes MathWTheory of Sobolev Multipliers: With Applications to Differential and Integral OperatorsGrundlehr Math Wiss0Theory of Spin Lattices and Lattice Gauge ModelsLect Notes PhysTheory of 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ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolTherapeutic Drug MonitoringTher Drug Monit?Therapeutic Laser Applications and Laser-tissue Interaction IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Therapeutic Laser Applications and Laser-tissue Interaction Iii Proc Spie<Therapeutic Laser Applications and Laser-tissue InteractionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Therapeutic Laser Applications and Laser-tissue Interactions Proc Spie2Therapeutic Management of Metastatic Breast Cancer Con Dev CanTherapeutic OligonucleotidesAnn Ny Acad Sci3Therapeutic Oligonucleotides: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolhTherapeutic Oligonucleotides: Transcriptional and Translational Strategies for Silencing Gene ExpressionAnn Ny Acad Sci*Therapeutic Outcome of Endocrine Disorders Serono Symp8Therapeutic Potential of Cyclosporin in Severe PsoriasisRoy Soc Med Int Cong"Therapeutic Potential of MelatoninFront Horm Res8Therapeutic Protein and Peptide Formulation and Delivery Acs Sym Ser Therapeutics for Cognitive AgingAnn Ny Acad Sci?Therapeutic Strategies for Modulating The Inflammatory DiseasesAgent Action Suppl*Therapeutic Targets of The Tnf SuperfamilyAdv Exp Med BiolTherapeutic Ultrasound Aip Conf Proc"Therapeutic Vaccination StrategiesE Schering Res Fdn WTherapeutische Umschau Ther UmschTherapia Hungarica Ther HungTherapieTherapieTherapie Der GegenwartTher GegenwartTherapie FamilialeTher FamTherapy-resistant SchizophreniaAdv Biol Psych-karg{Theravada Buddhism and The British Encounter: Religious, Missionary and Colonial Experience in Nineteenth-century Sri LankaRoutl Crit Stud Budd[Theravada Buddhism: A Social History From Ancient Benares to Modern Colombo, Second EditionLibr Relig Beliefs PTheriogenologyTheriogenology8Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Polymer Materials Adv Polym SciOThermal and Ionization Aspects of Flows From Hot Stars: Observations and Theory Astr Soc PWThermal and Mechanical Test Methods and Behavior of Continuous-fiber Ceramic CompositesAm Soc Test MaterPThermal and Optical Interactions With Biological and 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Measurements: The Foundation of Fire StandardsAm Soc Test Mater%Thermal Nanosystems and Nanomaterials Top Appl Phys2Thermal Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Fluid MixturesLect Notes PhysVThermal Performance of The Exterior Envelopes of Buildings Vii, Conference Proceedings Ashrae SpecThermal Physiology 1989 Int Congr Ser4Thermal Processing of Packaged Foods, Second Edition Food Eng SerThermal Science Therm Sci?Thermal Shock and Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Advanced CeramicsNato Adv Sci Inst Se@Thermal Solid Waste Utilisation in Regular Industrial Facilities Envir Sci R3Thermal Stresses - Advanced Theory and ApplicationsSolid Mech Appl6Thermal Structures and Materials for High-speed FlightProgr Astronaut AeroCThermal Therapy, Laser Welding, and Tissue Interaction, ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Thermal Transport for Applications in Micro/nanomachiningMicrotechnol Mems;Thermal Treatment of Tissue: Energy Delivery and AssessmentP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Thermal Treatment of Tissue: Energy Delivery 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PublThermodynamic Machinery of Life Front Collect,Thermodynamics: A Dynamical Systems ApproachPrinc Ser Appl Math4Thermodynamics and Fluctuations Far From EquilibriumSpringer Ser Chem Ph4Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Phase TransformationsMater Res Soc Symp P5Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Water-rock InteractionRev Mineral Geochem!Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory S Adv MathFThermodynamics, Gibbs Method and Statistical Physics of Electron GasesSpringer Ser Atom Op.Thermodynamics, Microstructures and PlasticityNato Sci Ser Ii Math.Thermodynamics, Microstructures and PlasticityNato Sci Ser Ii-math"Thermodynamics of The Glassy StateCondens Matt Phy-crc}Thermoelectric Materials 1998 - The Next Generation Materials for Small-scale Refrigeration and Power Generation ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P7Thermoelectric Materials 2001-research and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P7Thermoelectric Materials 2003-research and ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P8Thermoelectric Materials - New Directions and ApproachesMater Res Soc Symp PThermoelectric Power GenerationMater Res Soc Symp PHThermoelectric Power in Nanostructured Materials: Strong Magnetic FieldsSpringer Ser Mater S8Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials, 3rd VolAm Soc Test Mater:Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials: 4th VolumeAm Soc Test MaterAThermomechanics of Viscoplasticity: Fundamentals and Applications Adv Mech MathThermonuclear SupernovaeNato Adv Sci I C-mat,Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity Aip Conf ProcKThermophotovoltaics: Basic Principles and Critical Aspects of System DesignGreen Energy Technol2Thermophysical Properties of Materials and Devices Aip Conf ProcThermophysics and AeromechanicsThermophys Aeromech+ThermoregulationAnn Ny Acad SciEThermoregulation : The Pathophysiological Basis of Clinical Disorders Symp PharmaThermoreversible Networks Adv Polym Sci1Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XxxiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications Xxxiii Proc SpieThermosense XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsdThermosense Xiv : An International Conference On Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InscThermosense Xix: An International Conference On Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense XvP Soc Photo-opt InscThermosense Xvi: An International Conference On Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsdThermosense Xvii: An International Conference On Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InseThermosense Xviii: An International Conference On Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense XxP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense XxiP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense XxiiP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense Xxii Proc SpieThermosense XxiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense XxivP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense XxixP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense Xxix Proc SpieThermosense XxvP Soc Photo-opt InsThermosense XxviP Soc Photo-opt 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Hierarchie Des Dionysius AreopagitaTransform AntikeThe Value Chain of Foreign Aid Contrib Econ6The Virtual Battlefield: Perspectives On Cyber Warfare Cryp Info Sec6The Virtual Battlefield: Perspectives On Cyber WarfareCryptol Inf Sec Ser5Thiamine Deficiency and Associated Clinical DisordersContemp Clin Neurosc.Thin-film Coatings for Optical Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Thin-film Compound Semiconductor PhotovoltaicsMater Res Soc Symp P5Thin-film Compound Semiconductor Photovoltaics - 2007Mater Res Soc Symp P.Thin-film Compound Semiconductor Voltaics-2009Mater Res Soc Symp PThin-film Diamond ISemiconduct SemimetThin-film Diamond IiSemiconduct Semimet/Thin Film Materials, Processes, and Reliability Elec Soc S)Thin-film Optical Filters, Fourth EditionSer Opt OptoelectronBThin Film Physics and Applications, Sixth International ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt InsBThin Film Physics and Applications, Sixth International Conference Proc Spie Thin Films Thin FilmsThin Films and Porous MaterialsMater Sci ForumCThin Films and Surfaces for Bioactivity and Biomedical ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp P.Thin Films Epitaxial Growth and Nanostructures Eur Mat Res-Thin Films for Integrated Optics ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PThin Films for Optical SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsKThin Films for Optical Waveguide Devices and Materials for Optical LimitingMater Res Soc Symp P;Thin Films for Photovoltaic and Related Device ApplicationsMater Res Soc Symp PThin Films in OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsThin Films in Tribology Tribology SThin Films of Soft Matter Cism Cour LThin Film Solar Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Thin Films : Stress and Mechanical Properties IiiMater Res Soc Symp P2Thin Films : Stresses and Mechanical Properties IiMater Res Soc Symp P1Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties IvMater Res Soc Symp P1Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties IxMater Res Soc Symp P0Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties VMater Res Soc Symp P1Thin Films: Stresses and 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1 Esa Sp PublEThird Ers Symposium On Space At The Service of Our Environment, Vol 1 Esa Spec PublNThird Ers Symposium On Space At The Service of Our Environment, Vols. 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500kv Iee Conf PublXThird International Conference On Probablistic Methods Applied to Electric Power Systems Iee Conf Publ6Third International Conference On Road Traffic Control Iee Conf PublLThird International Conference On Software Engineering for Real Time Systems Iee Conf PublpThird International Conference On Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Third International Conference On Solid State LightingP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Third International Conference On Solid State Lighting Proc Spie7Third International Conference On Spacecraft Propulsion Esa Sp PublDThird International Conference On Thin Film Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsKThird International Conference On Train Maintenance Tomorrow ... and BeyondImeche Conf TransgThird International Conference On Vibration Measurements By Laser Techniques: Advances and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsQThird International Conference On Virtual Reality and Its Application in IndustryP Soc Photo-opt InsQThird International Conference On Virtual Reality and Its Application in Industry Proc Spie:Third International Congress On Cactus Pear and Cochenille Acta HorticNThird International Meeting of Dynamic Astronomy in Latin America (adela-2004)Rev Mex Ast Astr'Third International Mine Water Congress Aust I Min-Third International Mining Geology ConferenceAustralas I Min Met7Third International Strawberry Symposium, Vols. 1 and 2 Acta HorticDThird International Symposium On Artificial Lighting in Horticulture Acta Hortic\Third International Symposium On Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management Acta HorticCThird International Symposium On Diversification of Vegetable Crops Acta HorticKThird International Symposium On Environmental Testing for Space Programmes Esa Sp Publ8Third International Symposium On Kiwifruit, Vols 1 and 2 Acta HorticAThird International Symposium On Laser Precision MicrofabricationP Soc Photo-opt InsAThird International Symposium On Laser Precision Microfabrication Proc SpiedThird International Symposium On Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsdThird International Symposium On Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieFThird International Symposium On New Floricultural Crops - 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Conference Record, Vols 1 and 2, Conference RecordConf Rec Asilomar CfThirty Years of China's Economic Reform: Institutions, Management Organizations and Foreign InvestmentChina 21st CenturyMThirty Years of Progress in Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and Molecular Biology Prog Cell R?This Is Our Music: Free Jazz, The Sixties, and American CultureArts Intell Life ModThis Noble Craft ... Costerus EsThis Year in School Science Th Yr Sch S3Thomasevangelium: Entstehung - Rezeption -theologieBeih Z Neutest Wiss=Thomas Hare and Political Representation in Victorian Britain Stud Mod HistEThomas Harriot's Doctrine of Triangular Numbers: The Magisteria MagnaHerit Eur MathThomas Manns Doctor Faustus St German L3Thomas Say Publications in Entomology : Proceedings Thom Say PThomas Wolfe NewsletterThomas Wolfe NewslThomas Wolfe ReviewThomas Wolfe RevThomistThomist"Thomistic Principles and BioethicsRoutl Ann Bioethics#Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeonThorac Cardiov SurgThoracic Cancer Thorac CancerThoracic MalignanciesEur Respir MonogrThoracic MalignanciesRadiat Med Rounds6Thoracic Organ Transplantation: Routine As A Challenge Int Congr SerThoraxThorax#Thoraxchirurgie Vaskulare ChirurgieThoraxchir Vask ChirThoreau Society BulletinThoreau Soc Bull$Thought-a Review of Culture and IdeaThoughtSThought-contents: On The Ontology of Belief and The Semantics of Belief AttributionPhilos Stud SerThousand and One NightsRoutl Stud Mid E Lit4Threats, Risks and Sustainability - Answers By SpaceStud Space Policy.Threats to Food and Water Chain InfrastructureNato Sci Peace Secur Threats to Global Water SecurityNato Sci Peace SecurThree Banks ReviewThree Banks Rev/Three Courses On Partial Differential EquationsIrma Lect Math Theor0Three Dimensional Analysis of Spinal Deformities St Heal TVThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing IxP Soc Photo-opt InsXThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsfThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing Vi, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsfThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing Vi, Proceedings Of Proc SpieeThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing V, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsUThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XP Soc Photo-opt InsVThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XiPro Biomed Opt ImagWThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsWThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing Xii Proc SpieXThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsXThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing Xiii Proc SpieWThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XivP Soc Photo-opt InsWThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing Xiv Proc SpieVThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XvP Soc Photo-opt InsVThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing Xv Proc SpieWThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XviP Soc Photo-opt InsXThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XviiP Soc Photo-opt InsXThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing Xvii Proc SpieSThree-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition Processing ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsTThree-dimensional and Unconventional Imaging for Industrial Inspection and MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Three-dimensional Electromagnetics, Proceedings Meth GeochThree-dimensional FlowsErgeb Math Grenzgeb:Three-dimensional Holography : Science, Culture, EducationP Soc Photo-opt InsThree-dimensional Image CaptureP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Three-dimensional Image Capture and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications 2008 Proc Spie3Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications V Proc Spie3Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications Vi Proc Spie4Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Three-dimensional Image Capture and Applications Vii Proc Spie:Three-dimensional Image Processing (3dip) and Applications Proc SpieHThree-dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Comp Imag VisQThree-dimensional Imaging and Laser-based Systems for Metrology and Inspection IiP Soc Photo-opt InsRThree-dimensional Imaging and Laser-based Systems for Metrology and Inspection IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Three-dimensional Imaging, Interaction, and MeasurementP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Three-dimensional Imaging, Optical Metrology, and Inspection IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Three-dimensional Imaging, Optical Metrology, and Inspection VP Soc Photo-opt InsThree-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2010 and Display Technologies and Applications for Defense, Security, and Avionics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsThree-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2010 and Display Technologies and Applications for Defense, Security, and Avionics Iv Proc Spie:Three-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2011 Proc SpieThree-dimensional Magnetosphere Adv Space ResThree-dimensional MagnetosphereAdv Space Res-series>Three-dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsAThree-dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt InsBThree-dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsQThree-dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Three-dimensional Model Analysis and ProcessingAdv Top Sci Tech ChiAThree-dimensional Modeling With Geoscientific Information SystemsNato Adv Sci I C-mat+Three-dimensional Nanoengineered AssembliesMater Res Soc Symp P%Three-dimensional Radiation TreatmentFront Radiat Ther OnThree-dimensional SystemsAnn Ny Acad Sci<Three-dimensional Television: Capture, Transmission, DisplaySignals Commun Techn'Three-dimensional Tv, Video and DisplayP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Three-dimensional Tv, Video, and Display IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Three-dimensional Tv, Video, and Display Ii Proc Spie-Three-dimensional Tv, Video, and Displays IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Three-dimensional Tv, Video, and Display VP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Three-dimensional Tv, Video, and Display V Proc Spie+Three-dimensional Tv, Video, and Display ViP Soc Photo-opt InsPThree-dimensional Velocity and Vorticity Measuring and Image Analysis Techniques Ercoftac SerWThree-dimensional X-ray Diffraction Microscopy: Mapping Polycrystals and Their DynamicsSpringer Tr Mod PhysThree Hundred Prairie Years Can Plain P7Three Loves - Philosophy, Theology, and World ReligionsMcgill Stud Relig5Three-phase Diode Bridge Rectifier With Low HarmonicsPower Electron PowerJThree Years After: Next Steps in The War On Terror, Conference ProceedingsRand Conf ProcThrips Biology and ManagementNato Adv Sci Inst SeThrombosis and HaemostasisThromb Haemostasis,Thrombosis: Causes, Treatment and PreventionCardiol Res Clin Dev%Thrombosis Et Diathesis HaemorrhagicaThromb Diath HaemostThrombosis Research Thromb Res(Throughput Optimization in Robotic CellsInt Ser Oper Res ManThrough The Looking GlassAmer Ital Hist AssocMThrust Belts and Foreland Basins: From Fold Kinematics to Hydrocarbon SystemsFront Earth Sci!Thrust-for Educational LeadershipThrustCThuggee: Banditry and The British in Early Nineteenth-century IndiaCamb Imp Post-col StThymosins in Health and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci>Thymosins in Health and Disease: First International SymposiumAnn Ny Acad SciThymusThymus2Thy People Shall Be My People - and Thy God My GodSperry Symp SerThyroid Mg Clin CytThyroidThyroid Thyroid 1988 Int Congr SerThyroid CytopathologyEssent Cytopathol%Thyroid Cytopathology, Second EditionEssent CytopatholThyroid Function Testing Endocr Updat+Thyroid Gland, Environment and Autoimmunity Int Congr Ser6Thyroid Hormones: Functions, Related Diseases and UsesEndocr Res Clin Dev(Thyroperoxidase and Thyroid Autoimmunity Colloq InseQTibetan Buddhist Literature and Praxis: Studies in Its Formative Period, 900-1400Brills Tibet Stu Lib.Tibetan Government-in-exile: Politics At LargeRoutl Adv S Asian St*Tibet-china Conflict: History and PolemicsPol StudTibet, Past and PresentBrills Tibet Stu LibTicks and Tick-borne DiseasesTicks Tick-borne Dis)Tidal Effects in Stars, Planets and DisksEas Publications\Tidal Evolution and Oscillations in Binary Stars Third Granada Workshop On Stellar Structure Astr Soc PTidal PhenomenaLect Notes Earth Sci0Tidal Signatures in Modern and Ancient Sediments Int As Sed'Tidsskrift for Den Norske LaegeforeningTidsskr Norske Laege+Tidsskrift for Kjemi Bergvesenog MetallurgiTidsskr Kjemi Bergv Tidsskrift for SamfunnsforskningTidsskr Samfunnsfor2Tieraerztliche Praxis Ausgabe Grosstiere NutztiereTieraerztl Prax G N2Tieraerztliche Praxis Ausgabe Kleintiere HeimtiereTieraerztl Prax K HTieraerztliche UmschauTieraerztl UmschauTierarztliche PraxisTierarztl Prax0Tierarztliche Praxis Ausgabe Grobtiere NutztiereTierarztl Prax G N1Tierarztliche Praxis Ausgabe Grosstiere NutztiereTierarztl Prax G N1Tierarztliche Praxis Ausgabe Kleintiere HeimtiereTierarztl Prax K HTierarztliche UmschauTierarztl Umschau%Tierbilder Aus Dem Ersten JahrhundertArch Papyrus Verwand:Ties That Buy: Women and Commerce in Revolutionary AmericaEarly Am Stud Ser9Tight-binding Approach to Computational Materials ScienceMater Res Soc Symp PMTijdschrift Van De Koninklijke Vereniging Voor Nederlandse MuziekgeschiedenisTijd K Ver Ned MuzATijdschrift Van De Vereniging Voor Nederlandse MuziekgeschiedenisTijdschr Ver Ned Muz'Tijdschrift Voor 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Construction VDI BerichtTime and DevelopmentStud Intercult PhilTime and Frequency MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt InsTime and Frequency Metrology Proc SpieTime and Memory Stud Time(Time and Mind : Interdisciplinary Issues Stud TimeTime and Modality St Nat LangTime and ModalityStud Nat Lang Lingui+Time and Process : Interdisciplinary Issues Stud Time<Time Bomb Lies Buried: Fijis Road to Independence, 1960-1970Stud St Soc PacTime Delay Systems Ifac Work S?Time Dependent and Nonlinear Effects in Polymers and CompositesAm Soc Test Mater:Time Dependent Mechanical Response of Engineering Ceramics Key Eng Mat:Time Dependent Mechanical Response of Engineering Ceramics Key Eng Mater)Time-dependent Quantum Molecular DynamicsNato Adv Sci Inst SeTime-dependent SchedulingMonogr Theor Comput?Time-dependent Structure and Control of Arterial Blood PressureAnn Ny Acad SciXTime-domain Beamforming and Blind Source Separation: Speech Input in The Car EnvironmentLect Notes Electr En&Time Domain Methods in ElectrodynamicsSpringer Proc Phys6Time for Verification: Essays in Memory of Amir PnueliLect Notes Comput ScJTime in Child Inuktitut: A Developmental Study of An Eskimo-aleut LanguageStud Lang AcquisTime in GroupsRes Manag Grp TeamKTime in Natural Language: Syntactic Interfaces With Semantics and DiscourseInterface ExplorTime in Organizational ResearchRoutl Stud Manag Org)Time in Quantum Mechanics, Second EditionLect Notes Phys Time in Quantum Mechanics, Vol 2Lect Notes Phys-Time-interleaved Analog-to-digital ConvertersAnalog Circ Sig Proc Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry Acs Sym SerTime, Order, Chaos Stud Time,Time-resolved Electron and X-ray DiffractionP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Time-resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Biochemistry IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins@Time-resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Biochemistry Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsCTime-resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Biochemistry Iv, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins2Time Reversal - The Arthur Rich Memorial Symposium Aip Conf Proc%Timescales of The Paleomagnetic FieldGeoph Monog Series%Timescales of The Paleomagnetic FieldGeophys Monogr Ser<Time Series Analysis and Applications to Geophysical Systems Ima V Math<Time Series Analysis and Applications to Geophysical SystemsIma Vol Math ApplITime Series Analysis and Its Applications: With R Examples, Third EditionSpringer Texts Stat<Time Series Analysis: With Applications in R, Second EditionSpringer Texts StatITime Series Prediction: Forecasting The Future and Understanding The Past Sfi S Sci CHTimes of Convergence: Technologies Across Learning Contexts, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Time, Space and Women's Lives in Early Modern EuropeSixt Century Essays.Time-space Compression: Historical GeographiesRoutl Stud Hum Geogr4Time Structure of X-ray Sources and Its ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsTime, Tense, and ReferenceBradford BooksTime-to-digital ConvertersSpr Ser Adv Microele!Time-varying Network OptimizationInt Ser Oper Res Man=Time-varying Sliding Modes for Second and Third Order SystemsLect Notes Contr Inf?Timing and Location of Major Ore Deposits in An Evolving OrogenGeol Soc Spec PublFTiming and Temporality in Islamic Philosophy and Phenomenology of LifeIslam Ph OccidentTiming Neutron StarsNato Adv Sci I C-mat'Timon of Phlius: Pyrrhonism Into PoetryUnters Antiken Lit G'Tinnitus: Pathophysiology and TreatmentProg Brain ResTire - Chassis- Roads VDI BerichtTires, Chassis and Roads VDI BerichtUTires - Chassis - Road in The Interplay Between Costs, Technology and The Environment VDI BerichtTires Chassis Roads VDI BerichtTires, Chassis, Roads VDI BerichtETire Tread and Tire Track Evidence: Recovery and Forensic ExaminationCrc Ser Pract Asp Cr Tissue & Cell Tissue CellTissue AntigensTissue Antigens*Tissue Engineered Medical Products (temps)Am Soc Test MaterTissue EngineeringAdv Exp Med BiolTissue Engineering Tissue Eng,Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineTissue Eng Regen Med(Tissue Engineering for Therapeutic Use 1 Int Congr Ser(Tissue Engineering for Therapeutic Use 2 Int Congr Ser(Tissue Engineering for Therapeutic Use 3 Int Congr Ser(Tissue Engineering for Therapeutic Use 4 Int Congr Ser(Tissue Engineering for Therapeutic Use 5 Int Congr Ser(Tissue Engineering for Therapeutic Use 6 Int Congr SerKTissue Engineering Ii: Basics of Tissue Engineering and Tissue ApplicationsAdv Biochem Eng Biot=Tissue Engineering I: Scaffold Systems for Tissue EngineeringAdv Biochem Eng BiotTissue Engineering Part ATissue Eng Pt A!Tissue Engineering Part B-reviewsTissue Eng Part B-re!Tissue Engineering Part B-reviewsTissue Eng Pt B-rev!Tissue Engineering Part C-methodsTissue Eng Part C-me!Tissue Engineering Part C-methodsTissue Eng Pt C-meth1Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells and Gene TherapiesAdv Exp Med Biol.Tissue Engineering Using Ceramics and PolymersWoodhead Publ MaterTissue-inducing BiomaterialsMater Res Soc Symp P)Tissue Microarrays: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolTissue RemodelingAnn Ny Acad Sci.Tissue Remodeling and Epithelial MorphogenesisCurr Top Dev Biol Tissue Renin-angiotensin SystemsAdv Exp Med BiolTissue Repair and FibrosisCurr Topics Pathol<Tissue Restoration Through Regenerative Biology and MedicineAdv Anat Embryol CelQTissue-specific Estrogen Action: Novel Mechanisms, Novel Ligands, Novel TherapiesErnst Schering Found1Tissue-specific Metabolic Alterations in DiabetesFront DiabetesITissue-specific Vascular Endothelial Signals and Vector Targeting, Part A Adv GenetFTitanate and Titania Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties and ApplicationsRsc Nanosci Nanotech?Titanic 2010? The European Union and Its Failed Lisbon StrategyEur Polit Econ SecurHTitanium Alloy: Modelling of Microstructure, Properties and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ MaterUTitanium Alloys At Elevated Temperature: Structural Development and Service BehaviourMicro High Temp Mat9Titanium Alloys: Preparation, Properties and ApplicationsMater Sci TechnolPTitanium, Niobium, Zirconium, and Tantalum for Medical and Surgical ApplicationsAm Soc Test MaterT-i-t-journal of Life SciencesT-i-t J Life Sci+T-labs Series in Telecommunication ServicesT-lab Ser Telecommun!Tls-the Times Literary SupplementTls-times Lit Suppl T LymphocytesNato Adv Sci I A-lifTm-technisches Messen Tm-tech Mess6Tnf Pathophysiology: Molecular and Cellular MechanismsCurr Dir Autoimmun'Tnf Receptor Associated Factors (trafs)Adv Exp Med BiolDTno Committee On Hydrological Research : Proceedings and Information Comm HydrolTo Achieve Security and WealthCornell E Asia SerTobacco and Cancer Int Congr SerTobacco Control Tob Control>Tobacco Control Policy Analysis in China: Economics and HealthSer Contemp ChinaTobacco Epidemic Prog R ResTobacco EpidemicProg Respir ResNTobacco in Russian History and Culture: The Seventeenth Century to The PresentRoutl Stud Cult Hist#Tobacco Smoking and AtherosclerosisAdv Exp Med BiolTobacco Smoking and NutritionAnn Ny Acad SciVTo Build and Be Built: Landscape, Literature, and The Construction of Zionist IdentityJew Cult Context@Tocqueville, Lieber, and Bagehot: Liberalism Confronts The WorldPalgr Mac Ser Hist\Tod Der Konigin: Frauenopfer Und Politische Souveranitat Im Trauerspiel Des 17. JahrhundertsQuell Forsch Lit Kul1Toeplitz Matrices and Singular Integral Equations Oper Theor/Toeplitz Operators and Spectral Function Theory Oper TheorTogether With TechnologyBaywoods Tech Commun'Tohoku Journal of Experimental MedicineTohoku J Exp MedTohoku Mathematical Journal Tohoku Math JTohoku Psychologica FoliaTohoku Psychol FoliaTokamak Concept Improvement Int Sch Pl#Toledot-journal of Jewish GenealogyToledot#Toleration: A Critical IntroductionRoutl Contemp Polit3Toll-like Receptor Family Members and Their LigandsCurr Top Microbiol:Toll-like Receptors: Roles in Infection and NeuropathologyCurr Top Microbiol+Tomato and Pepper Production in The Tropics Avrdc PublKTomatoes: Agricultural Procedures, Pathogen Interactions and Health EffectsAgr Issues Policies3Tommaso Campanella: The Book and The Body of NatureArch Int Hist IdeesTomography in Nuclear MedicineP S Iaea'Tomography of Soil-water-root ProcessesSssa Spec Publ)Tomorrows Materials : Today, Book 1 and 2 Sci Adv MatTomorrow's World Imeche SemTones and Tunes, Vol 1 Phonol PhonetTones and Tunes, Vol 2 Phonol PhonetTongking Gulf Through HistoryEncounters Asia8Tongue Ties: Logo-eroticism in Anglo-hispanic LiteratureNew Concepts Lat Am Toni Morrison's Beloved: OriginsRoutl Transnat Persp&Tonsils : A Clinically Oriented UpdateAdv Oto-rhino-laryngHTonspuren: Erinnerungen An Den Holocaust Im Horspiel Der Ddr (1945-1989)Medien Kult ErinneruTool and Manufacturing EngineerTool Manuf Eng<Tool and Object: A History and Philosophy of Category TheorySci Netw Hist StudTooling & Production Tool Prod=Tool Kits in Regional Science: Theory, Models, and Estimation Adv Spat SciToolsTools>Tools 24: Technology of Object-oriented Languages, ProceedingsTools>Tools 28: Technology of Object-oriented Languages, ProceedingsToolsJTools 29: Technology of Object-oriented Languages and Systems, ProceedingsToolsJTools 38: Technology of Object-oriented Languages and Systems, ProceedingsToolsJTools 39: Technology of Object-oriented Languages and Systems, ProceedingsToolsATools and Algorithms for The Construction and Analysis of SystemsLect Notes Comput ScNTools and Algorithms for The Construction and Analysis of Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScNTools and Algorithms for The Construction and Anaylsis of Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Tools and Applications With Artificial IntelligenceStud Comp Intell*Tools and Methods for Pollution Prevention Nato Asi 2DTools and Techniques for Modeling and Simulation, 24th Aipr WorkshopP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Tools and Techniques for Transputer Applications ( Oug-12 ) Occam Us Gr/Tools for Computational Finance, Fourth Edition Universitext5Tools for Drought Mitigation in Mediterranean Regions Water Trans?Tools for Knowledge Organization and The Human Interface, Vol 1 Adv Know Or?Tools for Knowledge Organization and The Human Interface, Vol 2 Adv Know Or'Tools of Radio Astronomy, Fifth EditionAstron Astrophys LibTopTop#Topical Applications and The MucosaCurr Probl Dermatol"Topical Drug Delivery FormulationsDrugs Pharm Sci*Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Topical Problems of PsychotherapyTop Probl Psychother0Topical Workshop On Low Radioactivity Techniques Aip Conf Proc/Topical Worshop On Low Radioactivity Techniques Aip Conf Proc:Topical Worshop On Low Radioactivity Techniques - Lrt 2010 Aip Conf ProcHTopic and Focus: Cross-linguistic Perspectives On Meaning and IntonationStud Linguist Philos6Topics and Trends in Experimental Structural Mechanics VDI Bericht"Topics in Aging Research in Europe T Aging Res,Topics in Algebraic and Topological K-theoryLect Notes Math'Topics in Anaesthesia and Critical CareTop Anaesth Crit Car'Topics in Analysis and Its ApplicationsNato Sci Ser Ii MathTopics in Applied Chemistry Top Appl Chem5Topics in Applied Electromagnetics and Communications Ele Com Eng%Topics in Applied Macrodynamic TheoryDynam Mod Econ EconTopics in Applied Physics Top Appl Phys0Topics in Arrhythmias and Ischemic Heart DiseaseEmerg Concept Cardio!Topics in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int.Topics in Artificial Intelligence, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int:Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (taup2009)J Phys Conf Ser'Topics in Atomic and Nuclear CollisionsNato Adv Sci Inst Se6Topics in Australasian Library and Information StudiesT Australas Lib InfTopics in Banach Space TheoryGrad Texts Math Topics in Biomedical EngineeringTop Biomed EngTopics in Bone Biology Top Bone BiolTopics in Canadian Weed ScienceTop Can Weed SciTopics in Catalysis Top CatalTopics in Cognitive Science Top Cogn Sci#Topics in Companion Animal MedicineTop Companion Anim M(Topics in Computational Wave PropagationLect Notes Comp Sci/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-ras 2001, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-rsa 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-rsa 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-rsa 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-rsa 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-rsa 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-rsa 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-rsa 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Topics in Cryptology - Ct-rsa 2010, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScTopics in Current Chemistry Top Curr ChemTopics in Current GeneticsTop Curr GenetTopics in Digestive Disease 1 Persp Dig DTopics in Digestive Disease 2 Persp Dig D Topics in Dynamic Model AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc+Topics in Early Childhood Special EducationTop Early Child Spec)Topics in Early Modern Philosophy of MindStud Hist Philos Min:Topics in Electron Diffraction and Microscopy of MaterialsMicro Mat Sci STopics in Engineering T EngineerTopics in English Linguistics Top Eng LingTopics in English Linguistics Top Eng LitTopics in English LinguisticsTop Engl Linguist:Topics in Extrinsic Geometry of Codimension-one FoliationsSpringerbrief MathTopics in Finite Elasticity Cism Cour LTopics in Finite ElasticityCism Courses LectTopics in Geobiology T GeobiolTopics in Geobiology Top Geobiol2Topics in Geometry, Coding Theory and Cryptography Algebra Appl"Topics in Geriatric RehabilitationTop Geriatr RehabilITopics in Gravitational Dynamics: Solar, Extra-solar and Galactic SystemsLect Notes Phys.Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory Contemp Math Topics in Heterocyclic ChemistryTop Heterocycl Chem<Topics in Hyperplane Arrangements, Polytopes and Box-splines Universitext!Topics in Industrial Microbiology T Ind MicrTopics in Kinetic TheoryFields Inst CommunTopics in Knot TheoryNato Adv Sci Inst SeTopics in Kwa SyntaxStud Nat Lang LinguiTopics in Language DisordersTop Lang Disord$Topics in Magnetic Resonance ImagingTop Magn Reson Imag$Topics in Matrix and Operator Theory Oper Theor$Topics in Medicinal Chemistry SeriesTop Med Chem Ser0Topics in Molecular Organization and Engineering T Molec Org1Topics in Multidimenisional Linear Systems TheoryLect Notes Contr InfTopics in Neuroscience Top NeurosciTopics in NeuroscienceTopics Neurosci9Topics in Nonconvex Optimization: Theory and ApplicationsSpringer Ser Optim ATopics in Operator Semigroups Prog MathLTopics in Operator Theory: Operators, Matrices and Analytic Functions, Vol 1 Oper TheorLTopics in Operator Theory: Operators, Matrices and Analytic Functions, Vol 1Oper Theory Adv Appl Topics in Operator Theory, Vol 2Oper Theory Adv ApplTopics in Orbit EquivalenceLect Notes Math"Topics in Organometallic ChemistryTop Organometal ChemKTopics in Physical Chemistry: A Series of Advanced Textbooks and MonographsT Phys Chem Ser)Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy T Reg Econ0Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy Series T Reg Econ-Topics in Safety Risk Reliability and QualityTop Saf Reliab Qual-Topics in Safety Risk Reliability and QualityTop Saf Risk ReliabTopics in Social Psychiatry T Soc Psych&Topics in Spatial Stochastic ProcessesLect Notes MathTopics in StereochemistryTop Stereochem!Topics in Stereochemistry, Vol 21Top Stereochem!Topics in Stereochemistry, Vol 23Top Stereochem%Topics in Strangeness Nuclear PhysicsLect Notes PhysTopics in Stroke RehabilitationTop Stroke Rehabil"Topics in Structural Heart DiseaseEmerg Concept CardioQTopics in Symplectic 4-manifolds, Vol 1, First International Press Lecture SeriesGeometry Topology Bo Topics in The Economics of Aging Nat Bur EcTopics in Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience: From Controlling Light At The Nanoscale to Calculating Quantum Effects With Classical ElectrodynamicsSpringer Theses-reco5Topics in The Theory of Chemical and Physical Systems Prog T Chem5Topics in The Theory of Chemical and Physical SystemsProg Theor Chem Phys>Topics in Time Delay Systems: Analysis, Algorithms and ControlLect Notes Contr InfTopics in TopologyLect Notes Math Topics in Validated ComputationsStud Comput Math9Topics of Current Scientific Interest in Tobacco Research Rec Adv Tob*Topics On Beef Cattle Research in ArkansasArkansas Aes Spec Re0Topics On Beef Cattle Research in Arkansas, 1993Arkansas Aes Spec Re.Topics On Riemann Surfaces and Fuchsian Groups Lond Math S9Topik Des Sonetts: Gattungstheorie Und GattungsgeschichteFruhe Neuzeit-stud D<Topographical Stories: Studies in Landscape and ArchitecturePenn Stud Landsc Arc.Topographies of Power in The Early Middle AgesTransfor Roman World+Topoi-an International Review of PhilosophyTopoi-int Rev Philos Topoi Library Topoi Libr%Topological Algebras and Applications Contemp Math2Topological and Asymptotic Aspects of Group Theory Contemp MathVTopological Approximation Methods for Evolutionary Problems of Nonlinear HydrodynamicsDegruyter Ser Nonlin.Topological Aspects of Low Dimensional Systems Les Houch S[Topological Defects and The Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking Phase TransitionsNato Adv Sci I C-mat3Topological Degree Approach to Bifurcation ProblemsTopol Fixed Point Th/Topological Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsLect Notes Math3Topological Fixed Point Theory and Its ApplicationsTopol Fixed Point Th;Topological Library Pt 1: Cobordisms and Their ApplicationsSer Knots Everything<Topological Methods for Variational Problems With SymmetriesLect Notes Math6Topological Methods in Algebraic Transformation Groups Prog Math<Topological Methods in Differential Equations and InclusionsNato Adv Sci Inst Se)Topological Methods in Nonlinear AnalysisTopol Method Nonl An(Topological Properties of Rauzy FractalsMem Soc Math FrTopologyTopology!Topology and Geometry for PhysicsLect Notes Phys Topology and Geometry in PhysicsLect Notes PhysTopology and Its Applications Topol ApplTopology and Robotics Contemp Math'Topology-based Methods in Visualization Math Visual*Topology-based Methods in Visualization Ii Math VisualRTopology Contstruction for Bootstrapping Peer-to-peer Systems Over Ad-hoc NetworksComput Netw SerTopology Design of StructuresNato Adv Sci Inst SeATopology, Geometry, and Gauge Fields: Foundations, Second EditionTexts Appl MathATopology, Geometry and Gauge Fields: Interactions, Second Edition Appl Math SciTopology in Condensed MatterSpringer Series SoliTopology in Molecular BiologyBiol Med Phys Biomed1Topology of Algebraic Varieties and Singularities Contemp Math2Topology of Singular Fibers of Differentiable MapsLect Notes Math:Topology Optimization of Structures and Composite ContinuaNato Sci Ser Ii Math:Topology Optimization of Structures and Composite ContinuaNato Sci Ser Ii-mathTopology ProceedingsTopol P)Topology Proceedings (monographic Series)Topol P"Topology Proceedings, Vol 18, 1993Topol P-Topology Proceedings, Vol 26, No 1, 2001-2002Topol P-Topology Proceedings, Vol 26, No 2, 2001-2002Topol P(Topology Proceedings, Vol 27, No 1, 2003Topol P(Topology Proceedings, Vol 27, No 2, 2003Topol P(Topology Proceedings, Vol 28, No 1, 2004Topol P(Topology Proceedings, Vol 28, No 2, 2004Topol P(Topology Proceedings, Vol 29, No 1, 2005Topol PTopology Proceedings, Vol 33Topol PTopology Proceedings, Vol 34Topol PTopology Proceedings, Vol 35Topol PTopology Proceedings, Vol 36Topol PTopology With ApplicationsBolyai Math Stud!Top Ten Algorithms in Data MiningCh Crc Data Min Know?Torasemide : Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutic Applications Pr Pharm ClTo Rejoice As WomenWomen Conf SerToric Topology Contemp MathToronto Studies in PhilosophyToronto St PhilosToronto Studies in Theology Toronto StTort & Insurance Law JournalTort Insur Law JTort and Insurance LawTort Insur LawTort and Insurance LawTort Insurance LawTor-target of RapamycinCurr Top Microbiol2Torture, Truth and Justice:the Case of Timor-leste Polit Asia Toscana Musei Toscana MuseiToshiba Review Toshiba Rev#Total Colour Management in TextilesWoodhead Text SerTotal Hip Revision Surgery Bris Myer Z\Totalitarianism and Political Religions, Vol 2: Concepts for The Comparison of DictatorshipsTotal Mov Polit Reli3Totalitarianism and Political Religions, Volume IiiTotal Mov Polit Reli.Totalitarian Movements and Political ReligionsTotal Mov Polit ReliGTotal Maximum Daily Load (tmdl): Environmental Regulations, Proceedings Asae Publ%Total Positivity and Its Applications Math Appl&Total Quality in The Chemical Industry Roy Soc ChTotal Quality ManagementTotal Qual Manage.Total Quality Management & Business ExcellenceTotal Qual Manag Bus*To The Edge of The Solar System and Beyond Adv Space Res*To The Edge of The Solar System and BeyondAdv Space Res-series0Totung Unschuldiger: Ein Dogma Auf Dem PrufstandIdeen ArgumenteTouch in Virtual EnvironmentsPren Hal Imsc P Mult2Touch, Temperature, and Pain in Health and DiseaseProg Pain Res Manag#Touch The Future With A Smart Touch Vtt Res NotesToughened Plastics Ii Adv Chem Ser0Toughening Mechanisms in Quasi-brittle MaterialsNato Adv Sci I E-appToulouse Lectures in EconomicsToulouse Lect Econ Toung Pao Toung PaoTourette Syndrome Adv Neurol[Tourism and Agriculture: New Geographies of Consumption, Production and Rural RestructuringContemp Geogr Leis T/Tourism and Development in The Developing WorldRoutl Perspect DevpTourism and Environment: The Natural, Cultural and Socio-economic Challenges of Sustainable Tourism, ProceedingsEnviron Encount'Tourism and Global Environmental ChangeContemp Geogr Leis T2Tourism and Hospitality Development and ManagementTour Hosp Dev ManagTourism and InnovationContemp Geogr Leis T=Tourism and National Identities: An International PerspectiveContemp Geogr Leis TLTourism and The Consumption of Wildlife: Hunting, Shooting and Sport FishingContemp Geogr Leis TCTourism and Tibetan Culture in Transition: A Place Called ShangrilaRoutl Contemp ChinaETourism At The Grassroots: Villagers and Visitors in The Asia-pacificContemp Geogr Leis T'Tourism Branding: Communities in ActionBridg Tour Theor Pra#Tourism, Creativity and DevelopmentContemp Geogr Leis TTourism Economics Tourism EconuTourism Enterprises and Sustainable Development: International Perspectives On Responses to The Sustainability AgendaRoutl Adv Tour&Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and The CityContemp Geogr Leis TTourism Geographies Tourism Geogr7Tourism in China: Destination, Cultures and CommunitiesRoutl Adv TourTourism ManagementTourism ManageTourism, Power and SpaceContemp Geogr Leis T(Tourism, Religion and Spiritual JourneysContemp Geogr Leis TTourism Social Science SeriesTour Soc Sci Ser3Tourist Mobility and Advanced Tracking TechnologiesRoutl Adv Tour9Tours Symposium On Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics - Vii Aip Conf Proc&Tours Symposium On Nuclear Physics Iii Aip Conf Proc%Tours Symposium On Nuclear Physics Vi Aip Conf ProcMToward A Broader Understanding of Stress and Coping: Mixed Methods ApproachesRes Stress Coping Ed/Toward A Competitive Telecommunication IndustryLea TelecommunCToward A Critique of Guilt-perspectives From Law and The HumanitiesStud Law Politics So1Toward A Molecular Basis of Alcohol Use and AbuseExs;Toward A New World Order : Adjusting India / U.s. Relations Res Pap Pol+Toward An International Virtual ObservatoryEso Astrophy Symp3Toward Anti-adhesion Therapy for Microbial DiseasesAdv Exp Med Biol'Toward A Practice of Autonomous SystemsFrom Anim Animat(Toward A Revolution in Military Affairs?Contrib Mil Stud!Toward A Science of Consciousness Com Adap Sy$Toward A Science of Consciousness IiFrom Anim Animat%Toward A Science of Consciousness IiiFrom Anim Animat'Toward A Typology of European Languages Emp App LanfToward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical IssuesLect Notes Comput Sc(Toward Category-level Object RecognitionLect Notes Comput ScQToward Ecologically Sound Fertilization Strategies for Field Vegetable Production Acta HorticEToward Greater Understanding and Use of The World Heritage ConventionOccas Pap Herit Res'Toward Personalized Medicine for CancerAnn Ny Acad SciTowards A Brighter TomorrowRes Afr Am Educ.Towards A Cleaner Plant: Energy for The FutureEnviron Sci EngITowards A European Labour Identity:the Case of The European Works CouncilRoutl Res Employ Rel&Towards Affordance-based Robot ControlLect Notes Artif Int:Towards A Global Community: Educating for Tomorrow's WorldEduc Asia Pac Reg-is>Towards An Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (iggos)Iag SympTowards An Optical InternetInt Fed Info Proc:Towards An Understanding of Language Learner Self- Concept Educ LinguistATowards A Semantic Web: Connecting Knowledge in Academic ResearchChandos Internet Ser Towards A Service-based InternetLect Notes Comput Sc'Towards A Sustainable Urban Environment World B DisHTowards A Theory of Thinking: Building Blocks for A Conceptual Framework On Thinking0Towards A Transnational Perspective On MigrationAnn Ny Acad Sci-Towards A Unified Picture of Nuclear Dynamics Aip Conf Proc0Towards A Worldwide Library: A Ten Year Forecast Ver U Essen,Towards Better Performing Transport NetworksRoutl Stud Bus Organ Towards Digital Optical NetworksLect Notes Comput ScTowards Higher CategoriesIma Vol Math Appl%Towards Hybrid and Adaptive ComputingStud Comput Intell'Towards Innovation in Superplasticity IMater Sci Forum(Towards Innovation in Superplasticity IiMater Sci ForumQTowards Integrated Fire Management: Outcomes of The European Project Fire ParadoxEur For I Res Rep:Towards Intelligent Engineering and Information TechnologyStud Comput Intell?Towards Intelligent Modelling: Statistical Approximation TheoryIntel Syst Ref LibrTowards Mathematical PhilosophyTr Log Stud Log Lib*Towards Mechanized Mathematical AssistantsLect Notes Artif Int5Towards Natural Medicine Research in The 21st Century Int Congr Ser_Towards Other Earths: Darwin/tpf and The Search for Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets, Proceedings Esa Sp Publ_Towards Other Earths: Darwin/tpf and The Search for Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets, Proceedings Esa Spec Publ-Towards Prolongation of The Healthy Life SpanAnn Ny Acad SciTowards Quantum GravityLect Notes PhysRTowards Responsible Government in East Asia: Trajectories, Intentions and MeaningsComp Dev Policy Asia&Towards Security in Medical Telematics St Heal TVTowards Sustainable and Scalable Educational Innovations Informed By Learning Sciences Fr Art IntVTowards Sustainable and Scalable Educational Innovations Informed By Learning SciencesFront Artif Intel Ap[Towards Sustainable Cities in China: Analysis and Assessment of Some Chinese Cities in 2008Springerbr Env SciVTowards Sustainable Development of The Coastal Resources of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines Iclarm Conf)Towards Sustainable Land Use, Vols I & Ii Adv Geoecol2Towards Sustainable Society On Ubiquitous NetworksInt Fed Info Proc,Towards Synthesis of Micro - /nano - Systems Jspe Publ Ser,Towards The Elimination of Rabies in EurasiaDev Biologicals?Towards The E-society: E-commerce, E-business, and E-governmentInt Fed Info ProcTowards The First Silicon LaserNato Sci Ser Ii MathTowards The First Silicon LaserNato Sci Ser Ii-mathTowards The Information SocietyWiss Technik FolgenbTowards The Information SocietyWissensch TechnikfolGTowards The Knowledge Society: E-commerce, E-business, and E-governmentInt Fed Info Proc>Towards The Learning Grid: Advances in Human Learning ServicesFront Artif Intel Ap(Towards The Neurobiology of Chronic PainProg Brain Res@Towards The Rational Use of High Salinity Tolerant Plants, Vol 2 Task Veg ScTowards The Sustainable Use of Europe's Forests - Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and OpportunitiesEur Forest Inst ProcCTowards The Use of Noradrenergic Agonists for The Treatment of Pain Int Congr SerTowards The Virtuous UniversityKey Issues High EducBTowards Trustworthy Elections: New Directions in Electronic VotingLect Notes Comput ScfToward Sustainable Communities: Transition and Transformations in Environmental Policy, Second EditionAm Comp Environ Poli&Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993 Ifip Trans B"Towards X-ray Free Electron Lasers Aip Conf Proc'Towards Zero Emission Energy ProductionVtt SympKToward The Healthy City: People, Places, and The Politics of Urban PlanningUrban Ind EnvironToward The Millennium St Hist Rel)Toward The Theory of Everything: Mrst '98 Aip Conf ProcToward The Virtual UniversityPer Inst Technol Dis@Tower of London in English Renaissance Drama: Icon of OppositionLit Crit Cult TheoryTown & Country PlanningTown Country PlannSTown Born: The Political Economy of New England From Its Founding to The RevolutionEarly Am Stud SerLTown In-between: Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and The Early Mid-atlantic InteriorEarly Am Stud SerTown Planning ReviewTown Plann RevJToxic and Carcinogenic Effects of Solid Particles in The Respiratory Tract Ilsi MonogrToxicity Assessment Toxic AssessToxicogenomics and ProteomicsNato Sci Ser I Life)Toxicological and Environmental ChemistryToxicol Environ ChemVToxicological and Immunological Aspects of Drug Metabolism and Environmental Chemicals Symp Med HEToxicological Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants / Who Food AdFToxicological Evaluation of Certain Veterinary Drug Residues in Food / Who Food AdToxicological Sciences Toxicol SciToxicologic PathologyToxicol Pathol Toxicology Toxicology#Toxicology and Applied PharmacologyToxicol Appl Pharm Toxicology and Industrial HealthToxicol Ind HealthToxicology - From Cells to Man Arch Tox SToxicology in Transition Arch Tox SToxicology in VitroToxicol In VitroToxicology Letters Toxicol Lett!Toxicology Mechanisms and MethodsToxicol Mech MethodToxicology MethodsToxicol MethodeToxicology of The Environment : Biological Effects of Pollutants Used As Biomarkers of Contaminations Oceanis S D Toxicomanies ToxicomaniesToxiconToxicon%Toxic Phytoplankton Blooms in The Sea Dev Mar BioToxic Plant ProteinsPlant Cell MonogrToxic Substance MechanismsTox Subst Mech Toxin Reviews Toxin RevToxins and ExocytosisAnn Ny Acad SciToxoplasma GondiiCurr Top MicrobiolTrabajos De PrehistoriaTrabajos Prehist<Trace Constituents in The Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Adv Space Res<Trace Constituents in The Troposphere and Lower StratosphereAdv Space Res-seriesTrace Elements and ElectrolytesTrace Elem ElectrolyTrace Elements in MedicineTrace Elem Med*Trace Elements in Nutrition of Children-iiNestle Nutr Works SeTrace Metals in The Environment Tr Met EnvTrace Metals in The EnvironmentTrace Metals Other%Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology Iahs-aish PTracers in Geomorphology Brit GeomorTracers in Hydrology Iahs-aish P,Tracer Technologies for Hydrological Systems Iahs-aish P(Trace Substances in Environmental Health Tr Sub Env/Trace Substances in Environmental Health - Xxiv Tr Sub Env;Trace Transmission in Rhetorics Arts and Cultural EvolutionTrace Transm Rhetor:Tracing Cosmic Evolution With Galaxy Clusters, Proceedings Astr Soc PTTracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design Act Technol#Tracing Pathogens in The Food ChainWoodhead Publ Food STracing The Trail of Time Lang ComputPTracking Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills: Findings From Longitudinal ResearchRoutl Res Educ$Tracks-a Journal of Artists WritingsTracks@Tractability of Multivariate Problems, Vol 1: Linear InformationEms Tracts MathSTractability of Multivariate Problems, Vol Ii: Standard Information for FunctionalsEms Tracts MathMTractable Models of Solid Mechanics: Formulation, Analysis and InterpretationFound Eng Mech.Tractable Reasoning in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int#Trac-trends in Analytical ChemistryTrac-trend Anal ChemNTrade and Contemporary Society Along The Silk Road: An Ethno-history of LadakhRoutl Contemp AsiaCTrade and Cooperation With The European Union in The New MillenniumMelb Stu C Int LawTrade and Development Series Trade Dev SerTrade and Environment SeriesTrade Environ SerTrade and Investment Guides Trade Invest<Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Aspects of TradeSt Med Ar Lit PbTrade and Protectionism Nber E A EcATrade, Development and Security in Africa: All Sides of The Coin? Whitehall PapcTrade Disputes and The Dispute Settlement Understanding of The Wto: An Interdisciplinary AssessmentFront Econ GlobalTrade Effects of Eco-labellingEscap Stud Trade InvSTrade, Empire and British Foreign Policy, 1689-1815: Politics of A Commercial StateWar Hist Polit Trade, Globalization and PovertyRout Stud Int Bus)Trade, Global Policy, and The Environment World B DisTrade, Growth and DevelopmentContrib To Econ Anal8Trade, Growth and Inequality in The Era of GlobalizationRoutl Stud Dev Econ,Trade in Services in The Asia-pacific Region Nber E A EcETrade, Integration and Economic Development: The Eu and Latin AmericaSch Ost Ges EuropaETrade, Integration and Economic Development: The Eu and Latin AmericaSchr Ost Ges Eur Ecs%Trade, Investment and The EnvironmentTrade Environ Ser%Trade Issues Policies and Laws SeriesTrade Issues Policie&Trade Liberalisation and Smes in AseanTrade Issues Policie?Trade Policy Inequality and Performance in Indian ManufacturingRoutl Adv S Asian StYTrade Policy in The Asia-pacific: The Role of Ideas, Interests, and Domestic InstitutionsPolit Econ Asia PackTrade Relations Between The Eu and Africa: Development, Challenges and Options Beyond The Cotonou AgreementRoutl Stud Dev Econ3Trade Specialization in The Enlarged European Union Contrib Econ%Trading Desk's View of Market QualityZi Sch Bus Fin Ma.Tradition-a Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought Tradition-Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern TimesTradit Herb Med ModXTraditional Rating of Noise Versus Physiological Costs of Sound Exposures to The HearingBiomed Health ResITradition and Culture in The Millennium: Tribal Colleges and UniversitiesEduc Policy 21st Cen-Tradition and Innovation in French Garden ArtPenn St Land Arch-Tradition and Innovation in French Garden ArtPenn Stud Landsc Arc"Tradition and Modernity in MyanmarBerliner As Afr StTraditions in World CinemaTradition Wor CinemaSTraditio Praesocratica: Zeugnisse Fruhgriechischer Philosophie Und Ihres FortlebensTraditio PraesocratiETraditio-studies in Ancient and Medieval History Thought and ReligionTraditio:Traditonal Chinese Foods: Production and Research ProgressFood Sci TechnolwTraduction De La Poesie Allemande En Francais Dans La Premiere Moitie Du Xixe Siecle: Reception Et Interaction Poetique Communicatio#Traduction Et Langues De Specialite Ciral Pub BTrafficTraffic:Traffic and Qos Management in Wireless Multimedia NetworksLect Notes Electr EnTraffic and Urban DataTransport Res RecJTraffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail-highway Grade Crossings 2000Transport Res RecJTraffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail-highway Grade Crossings 2001Transport Res RecJTraffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail-highway Grade Crossings 2002Transport Res RecJTraffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail-highway Grade Crossings 2003Transport Res RecJTraffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail-highway Grade Crossings 2004Transport Res RecJTraffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail-highway Grade Crossings 2005Transport Res RecJTraffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail-highway Grade Crossings 2006Transport Res Rec/Traffic Data Collection and Its StandardizationInt Ser Oper Res ManTraffic Engineering Traffic EngTraffic Engineering & ControlTraffic Eng ControlTraffic Flow TheoryTransport Res RecTraffic Flow Theory 2005Transport Res RecTraffic Flow Theory 2006Transport Res Rec-Traffic Flow Theory and Highway Capacity 2000Transport Res Rec-Traffic Flow Theory and Highway Capacity 2001Transport Res Rec-Traffic Flow Theory and Highway Capacity 2002Transport Res Rec-Traffic Flow Theory and Highway Capacity 2003Transport Res RecETraffic Flow Theory and Highway Capacity and Quality of Services 2004Transport Res RecMTraffic Grooming for Optical Networks: Foundations, Techniques, and FrontiersOpt NetwTraffic Injury PreventionTraffic Inj PrevnTraffic in Obscenity From Byron to Beardsley: Sexuality and Exocticism in The Nineteenth Century Print CulturePalgrave Stud Ninet-=Trafficking Inside Cells: Pathways, Mechanisms and RegulationMol Biol Intell UnitQTrafficking of Intracellular Membranes: From Molecular Sorting to Membrane FusionNato Adv Sci Inst SeBTraffic Management and Traffic Engineering for The Future InternetLect Notes Comput ScTraffic Monitoring and AnalysisLect Notes Comput Sc,Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Traffic Psychology: An International PerspectivePsychol Res ProgTraffic Quarterly Traffic Quart=Traffic Related Air Pollution and Internal Combustion EnginesAir Water Soil Sci TTraffic Safety Traffic SafTraffic SafetyTransport Res RecTraffic Safety 2001: Americans With Disabilities Act; Driver and Vehicle Modeling; Situation Awareness; Licensing; Driver Behavior; Enforcement; Trucks; and MotorcyclesTransport Res Rec;Traffic Signal Systems and Regional Systems Management 2006Transport Res Rec/Tragedy and Scepticism in Shakespeare's EnglandEarly Mod Lit HistPTragwerke 2: Theorie Und Berechnungsmethoden Statisch Unbestimmter StabtragwerkeVDI-Buch/Trail Pheromones and Sex Pheromones in TermitesInsect Terr Arth-bio-Trail (tnf-related Apoptosis-inducing Ligand) Vitam HormTraining & Development Training Dev Training and Development Journal Train Dev J1Training and Education in Professional PsychologyTrain Educ Prof PsycGTraining and Professional Development in Adult and Continuing EducationUe Crce Occ PapVTraining, Education, and Liability Issues for Law Enforcement Scientists and EngineersP Soc Photo-opt Ins`Training for Work in The Informal Micro-enterprise Sector: Fresh Evidence From Sub-sahara AfricaTech Vocat Ed TrainGTraining in Diagnostic Ultrasound: Essentials, Principles and StandardsWho Tech Rep Ser!Training in Innovation Management Innov S CecTraining in Neurosurgery Act Neur STrain Maintenance Imeche SemTraitement Du Signal Trait SignalaTraktat Vom Mysterium Der Buchstaben: Kritischer Text Mit Einfuhrung, Ubersetzung Und AnmerkungenTexte Unters Gesch A)Trakya Universitesi Tip Fakultesi DergisiTrak Univ Tip Fak De4Trames-journal of The Humanities and Social SciencesTrames-j Humanit Soc+Transacting Functions of Human RetrovirusesCurr Top Microbiol Trans-actionTrans-act-soc Sci MoTransactional Analysis JournalTransactional Anal J%Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond Rec Econ Th=Transaction of The American Philological Association, Vol 127T Am Philol AssocATransactions American Academy of Ophthalmology and OtolaryngologyT Am Acad Ophthalmol'Transactions-american Geophysical UnionEos T Am Geophys Un<Transactions American Society for Artificial Internal OrgansT Am Soc Art Int Org"Transactions and Database DynamicsLect Notes Comput Sc7Transactions and Journal of The British Ceramic SocietyBrit Ceram Trans J2Transactions and Journal of The Plastics Institute T J Plast I?Transactions for The Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, XvT Roy Hist SocTransactions in GisT GisTransactions of FamenaT FamenaTransactions of Famena Trans Famena6Transactions of National Research Institute for MetalsT Natl Res I Met2Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of ChinaT Nonferr Metal Soc0Transactions of Nonlinear Science and ComplexityTrans Nonlin Sci Com6Transactions of The 2000 Citrus Engineering ConferenceTrans Citrus Engn6Transactions of The 2002 Citrus Engineering ConferenceTrans Citrus Engn6Transactions of The 2003 Citrus Engineering ConferenceTrans Citrus Engn@Transactions of The Academy of Sciences Ussr-mathematical SeriesTrans Acad Sci-ussr:Transactions of The American Association of Cost EngineersTrans Annu Meet Amer9Transactions of The American Crystallographic Association T Am Cryst2Transactions of The American Entomological SocietyT Am Entomol Soc.Transactions of The American Fisheries Society T Am Fish Soc1Transactions of The American Foundrymen's Society Tran Amer F:Transactions of The American Foundrymen's Society, Vol 105 Tran Amer F:Transactions of The American Foundrymen's Society, Vol 106 Tran Amer F:Transactions of The American Foundrymen's Society, Vol 107 Tran Amer F,Transactions of The American Foundry Society Tran Amer F5Transactions of The American Foundry Society, Vol 117 Tran Amer F5Transactions of The American Foundry Society, Vol 118 Tran Amer F<Transactions of The American Institute of Chemical EngineersT Am Inst Chem EngLTransactions of The American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical EngineersT Am I Min Met Eng1Transactions of The American Mathematical Society T Am Math Soc2Transactions of The American Microscopical SocietyT Am Microsc Soc5Transactions of The American Neurological AssociationT Am Neurol Assoc,Transactions of The American Nuclear Society T Am Nucl Soc5Transactions of The American Ophthalmological SocietyT Am Ophthal Soc5Transactions of The American Philological AssociationT Am Philol Assoc?Transactions of The American Philological Association <d>T Am Philol Assoc<Transactions of The American Philological Association-seriesT Am Philol AssocDTransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 125, 1995T Am Philol Assoc>Transactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 126T Am Philol Assoc>Transactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 130T Am Philol Assoc>Transactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 131T Am Philol Assoc>Transactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 132T Am Philol AssocDTransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 133, No 1T Am Philol AssocDTransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 133, No 2T Am Philol AssocDTransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 134, No 1T Am Philol AssocETransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol. 134, No 2T Am Philol AssocDTransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 135, No 1T Am Philol AssocDTransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 135, No 2T Am Philol AssocCTransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 136 No 1T Am Philol AssocCTransactions of The American Philological Association, Vol 136 No 2T Am Philol Assoc2Transactions of The American Philosophical SocietyT Am Philos Soc/Transactions of The American Society for MetalsT Am Soc Metal7Transactions of The American Society of Civil EngineersT Am Soc Civ Eng-Transactions of The Ancient Monuments SocietyT Ancient MonumentTransactions of The AsabeT AsabeTransactions of The AsaeT Asae6Transactions of The Association of American PhysiciansT Assoc Am Physician?Transactions of The Association of American Physicians, Vol 102T Assoc Am Physician?Transactions of The Association of American Physicians, Vol 103T Assoc Am Physician?Transactions of The Association of American Physicians, Vol 104T Assoc Am Physician?Transactions of The Association of American Physicians, Vol 106T Assoc Am PhysicianNTransactions of The Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America T Assoc LifVTransactions of The Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America, Vol 73 T Assoc LifVTransactions of The Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America, Vol 74 T Assoc LifCTransactions of The Association of The American Physicians, Vol 105T Assoc Am Physician/Transactions of The British Bryological SocietyT Brit Bryol Soc+Transactions of The British Ceramic SocietyBrit Ceram Trans J/Transactions of The British Mycological SocietyT Brit Mycol Soc?Transactions of The Canadian Society for Mechanical EngineeringT Can Soc Mech Eng,Transactions of The Charles S Peirce SocietyT C S Peirce Soc1Transactions of The Citrus Engineering ConferenceTrans Citrus Engn0Transactions of The Conference On Social InsectsAct Colloq Insect S+Transactions of The Electrochemical SocietyT Electrochem Soc=Transactions of The Estonian Agricultural University, Vol 209Teadustoode KogumikHTransactions of The Faculty of Forestry Estonian Agricultural UniversityTrans Fac For Est Ag#Transactions of The Faraday Society T Faraday SocYTransactions of The Fifty-eighth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResXTransactions of The Fifty-ninth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResZTransactions of The Fifty-seventh North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResXTransactions of The Fifty-sixth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat Res*Transactions of The Indian Ceramic SocietyT Indian Ceram Soc*Transactions of The Indian Ceramic SocietyTrans Indian Ceram S.Transactions of The Indian Institute of MetalsT Indian I Metals4Transactions of The Institute of British GeographersT I Brit Geogr8Transactions of The Institute of Measurement and ControlT I Meas Control0Transactions of The Institute of Metal FinishingT I Met Finish5Transactions of The Institution of Chemical EngineersT I Chem Eng-londOTransactions of The Institution of Chemical Engineers and The Chemical EngineerTrans Inst Chem EngRTransactions of The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section A-mining IndustryT I Min Metall ATTransactions of The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section A-mining TechnologyT I Min Metall AXTransactions of The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B-applied Earth ScienceT I Min Metall BoTransactions of The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section C-mineral Processing and Extractive MetallurgyT I Min Metall C?Transactions of The International Conference of Eastern StudiesT Int Conf East StudFTransactions of The International Conference of Eastern Studies, No 54T Int Conf East Stud5Transactions of The Iron and Steel Institute of JapanT Iron Steel I Jpn2Transactions of The Iron and Steel Society of Aime T Iss Aime-Transactions of The Japan Institute of Metals T Jpn I MetETransactions of The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space SciencesT Jpn Soc Aeronaut S7Transactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 30, No 4 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 31, No 1 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 31, No 2 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 31, No 3 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 31, No 4 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 32, No 3 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 32, No 4 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 33, No 1 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 33, No 2 T Mrs JapETransactions of The Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 33, No 3 T Mrs Jap8Transactions of The Metal Finishers Association of IndiaT Met Finish India1Transactions of The Metallurgical Society of AimeT Metall Soc Aime0Transactions of The Mycological Society of JapanT Mycol Soc Jpn8Transactions of The New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology T N Orl Aca0Transactions of The New York Academy of SciencesT New York Acad SciLTransactions of The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SmeTrans N Amer Manufac_Transactions of The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of Sme 2005, Vol 33, 2005Trans N Amer ManufacLTransactions of The North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResLTransactions of The North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceTrans N Am Wildl NatDTransactions of The Ophthalmological Societies of The United KingdomT Ophthal Soc Uk9Transactions of The Ophthalmological Society of AustraliaT Ophthalmol Soc Aus(Transactions of The Philological Society T Philol Soc9Transactions of The Royal Entomological Society of LondonT Roy Ent Soc London,Transactions of The Royal Historical SocietyT Roy Hist Soc=Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, 6th Series, XiiT Roy Hist Soc>Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, IxT Roy Hist Soc@Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, ViiiT Roy Hist SocETransactions of The Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, Vol XviiiT Roy Hist Soc=Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, XT Roy Hist Soc@Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, XiiiT Roy Hist Soc?Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, XivT Roy Hist Soc?Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series, XixT Roy Hist Soc4Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, Vol 20T Roy Hist Soc<Transactions of The Royal Microscopical Society : New Series T Roy MicrCTransactions of The Royal Microscopical Society : New Series, Vol 1 T Roy Micr+Transactions of The Royal Society of Canada T Roy Soc Can>Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh : Earth Science T Rse Earth=Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh-earth SciencesT Roy Soc Edin-earth7Transactions of The Royal Society of New Zealand-botanyT Roy Soc Nz Bot8Transactions of The Royal Society of New Zealand-generalT Roy Soc Nz Gen9Transactions of The Royal Society of New Zealand -zoologyT Roy Soc Nz Zool1Transactions of The Royal Society of South AfricaT Roy Soc S Afr4Transactions of The Royal Society of South AustraliaT Roy Soc South AustBTransactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneT Roy Soc Trop Med H?Transactions of The Royal Zoological Society of New South WalesTrzs NswUTransactions of The Sixtieth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResYTransactions of The Sixty-eighth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResYTransactions of The Sixty-eighth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceTrans N Am Wildl NatXTransactions of The Sixty-first North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResXTransactions of The Sixty-fourth North American Wildlife and Natural Resource ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResXTransactions of The Sixty-fourth North American Wildlife and Natural Resource ConferenceTrans N Am Wildl NatXTransactions of The Sixty-ninth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResXTransactions of The Sixty-ninth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceTrans N Am Wildl NatYTransactions of The Sixty-second North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResYTransactions of The Sixty-seventh North American Wildlife and Natural Resource ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResXTransactions of The Sixty-sixth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResXTransactions of The Sixty-sixth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceTrans N Am Wildl NatXTransactions of The Sixty-third North American Wildlife and Natural Resources ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat Res3Transactions of The Society for Computer SimulationT Soc Comput SimulATransactions of The Society for Computer Simulation InternationalT Soc Comput Simul I4Transactions of The Society of Instrument TechnologyT Soc Instr Technol7Transactions of The Society of Mining Engineers of Aime T Soc Min Eng:Transactions of The Society of Petroleum Engineers of AimeT Soc Petrol En Aime'Transactions of The Society of Rheology T Soc Rheol<Transactions of The St Johns Hospital Dermatological SocietyT St Johns Hosp Derm^Transactions of The Tokyo University of Fisheries-tokyo Suisan Daigaku Tokubetsu Kenkyu HokokuT Tokyo Univ Fish;Transactions of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society T W Sec WilHTransactions of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society 1992, Vol 28 T W Sec WilHTransactions of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society 1993, Vol 29 T W Sec WilHTransactions of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, 1995 Vol 31 T W Sec WilITransactions of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, Vol 27, 1991 T W Sec Wil?Transactions of The Wisconsin Academy Sciences Arts and LettersT Wisc Acad Sci6Transactions On Aspect-oriented Software Development ILect Notes Comput Sc7Transactions On Aspect-oriented Software Development IiLect Notes Comput Sc8Transactions On Aspect-oriented Software Development IiiLect Notes Comput Sc7Transactions On Aspect-oriented Software Development IvLect Notes Comput Sc6Transactions On Aspect-oriented Software Development VLect Notes Comput Sc7Transactions On Aspect-oriented Software Development ViLect Notes Comput ScjTransactions On Aspect-oriented Software Development Vii: A Common Case Study for Aspect-oriented ModelingLect Notes Comput Sc7Transactions On Computational Collective Intelligence ILect Notes Comput Sc8Transactions On Computational Collective Intelligence IiLect Notes Comput Sc'Transactions On Computational Science ILect Notes Comput Sc(Transactions On Computational Science IiLect Notes Comput Sc)Transactions On Computational Science IiiLect Notes Comput ScPTransactions On Computational Science Iv: Special Issue On Security in ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc(Transactions On Computational Science IxLect Notes Comput Sc(Transactions On Computational Science ViLect Notes Comput Sc)Transactions On Computational Science ViiLect Notes Comput Sc*Transactions On Computational Science ViiiLect Notes Comput ScUTransactions On Computational Science X: Special Issue On Security in Computing, Pt ILect Notes Comput Sc/Transactions On Computational Systems Biology ILect Notes Comput Sc0Transactions On Computational Systems Biology IiLect Notes Comput Sc0Transactions On Computational Systems Biology IvLect Notes Comput Sc/Transactions On Computational Systems Biology VLect Notes Comput Sc0Transactions On Computational Systems Biology ViLect Notes Comput Sc1Transactions On Computational Systems Biology ViiLect Notes Comput Sc/Transactions On Computational Systems Biology XLect Notes Comput Sc0Transactions On Computational Systems Biology XiLect Notes Comput Sc1Transactions On Computational Systems Biology XiiLect N Bioinformat5Transactions On Data Hiding and Multimedia Security 1Lect Notes Comput Sc7Transactions On Data Hiding and Multimedia Security IiiLect Notes Comput Sc6Transactions On Data Hiding and Multimedia Security IvLect Notes Comput Sc5Transactions On Data Hiding and Multimedia Security VLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Edutainment ILect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Edutainment IiLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Edutainment IiiLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Edutainment IvLect Notes Comput ScGTransactions On High-performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers ILect Notes Comput ScHTransactions On High-performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers IiLect Notes Comput ScBTransactions On Large-scale Data- and Knowledge-centered Systems ILect Notes Comput ScWTransactions On Pattern Languages of Programming Ii: Special Issue On Applying PatternsLect Notes Comput Sc<Transactions On Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency ILect Notes Comput Sc=Transactions On Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency IiLect Notes Comput Sc>Transactions On Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency IiiLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets ILect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets IiLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets IiiLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets IvLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets IxLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets VLect Notes Comput Sc[Transactions On Rough Sets Vii: Commemorating The Life and Work of Zdzislaw Pawlak, Part IiLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets ViiiLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets XLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets XiLect Notes Comput ScTransactions On Rough Sets XiiLect Notes Comput ScVTransaero-european Initiative On Transient Aerodnamics for Railway System OptimisationNote N Fl Mech Mul DVTransaero-european Initiative On Transient Aerodnamics for Railway System OptimisationNotes Numer Fluid MeTransafrican Journal of HistoryTransafr J Hist0Trans-atlantic Migration: The Paradoxes of ExileAfr Stud-hist Polit+Transatlantic Relations in A Global EconomyVer Hwwa Inst Wirts#Transboundary and Emerging DiseasesTransbound Emerg Dis=Transboundary Floods: Reducing Risks Through Flood ManagementNato Sci S Ss Iv EarRTransboundary Water Resources: A Foundation for Regional Stability in Central AsiaNato Sci Peace Secur,Transboundary Water Resources in The Balkans Nato Asi 2XTransboundary Water Resources: Strategies for Regional Security and Ecological StabilityNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear&Transcatheter Embolization and TherapyTech Interv RadiolWTranscations of The Sixty Fifth North American Wildlife and Natural Resource ConferenceT N Am Wildl Nat ResWTranscations of The Sixty Fifth North American Wildlife and Natural Resource ConferenceTrans N Am Wildl Nat!Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Eeg Cl N SuMTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation and Transcranial Direct Current StimulationSuppl Clin Neurophys?Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Neurochronometrics of MindBradford Books-Transcranial Sonography in Movement DisordersInt Rev Neurobiol TranscriptionBiochem Soc Symp;Transcriptional Control of Cell Growth: The E2f Gene FamilyCurr Top MicrobiolETranscriptional Corepressors: Mediators of Eukaryotic Gene RepressionCurr Top Microbiol,Transcription Factors: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolDTranscultural Japan: At The Borderlands of Race, Gender and IdentityAsias Transform5Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in EuropeMatatuTranscultural PsychiatryTranscult PsychiatryCTransculturation: Cities, Spaces and Architectures in Latin America Crit Stud?Transdisciplinary Digital Art: Sound, Vision and The New ScreenComm Com Inf ScdTransdisciplinary Knowledge Production in Architecture and Urbanism: Towards Hybrid Modes of InquiryUrban Land Perspect!Transducing Materials and DevicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Transducing Materials and Devices Proc Spie"Transduction in Biological Systems Ser Cent EsATransferability and Applicability of Current Mechanics ApproachesFracture Mech Symp6Transferability of Fracture Mechanical CharacteristicsNato Sci Ser Ii Math6Transferability of Fracture Mechanical CharacteristicsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathNTransfer and Diffusion of Information Technology for Organizational ResilienceInt Fed Info Proc*Transfer in Reinforcement Learning DomainsStud Comput IntellETransfer Phenomena in Magnetohydrodynamic and Electroconducting Flows Fluid Mec AETransfer Phenomena in Magnetohydrodynamic and Electroconducting FlowsFluid Mech ApplTrans-form-acaoTrans-form-acaoHTransformational Science and Technology for The Current and Future ForceSel Top Electr Syst3Transformational Trends in Governance and DemocracyTransform Tr Gov Dem1Transformation-based Reactive Systems DevelopmentLect Notes Comput Sc,Transformation, Co-operation, and ConversionNato Asi S 4 Sci TecTransformationen Der AntikeTransform AntikeTransformation GroupsTransform GroupsHTransformation in Higher Education: Global Pressures and Local RealitiesHigh Educ Dynam;Transformation! Innovation?: Perspectives On Taiwan Culture Stud FormosXTransformation of Planned Economics : Property Rights Reform and Macroeconomic Stability Oecd Ctr C6Transformation of Socialist Economies : Symposium 1991 Kieler StudITransformation of The Japanese Left: From Old Socialists to New DemocratsNissan I Routl Jpn S!Transformation of The Roman WorldTransfor Roman World6Transformation of Trade Union and Industrial RelationsColl Instrum Trav3Transformation of Urban Space in Post-soviet RussiaBasees-rout Ser RusssTransformation of Vocational Education and Training (vet) in The Baltic States - Survey of Reforms and DevelopmentsTech Vocat Ed Train$Transformation Processes in MineralsRev Mineral GeochemATransformation Products of Synthetic Chemicals in The EnvironmentHandb Environ Chem'Transformations in Business & EconomicsTransform Bus Econ\Transformations in Global Governance: Implications for Multinationals and Other StakeholdersNew Horiz Int Bus=Transformations in Medieval and Early-modern Rights DiscourseNew Synth Hist Lib*Transformations in Twentieth Century KoreaRoutl Adv Korean StuTransformations-londonTransformations-londTransformations of KinshipSmithson Ser Ethnog"Transformations of The New GermanyStud Eur Cult HistTransformations of The StateTransform State@Transformations-studies in The History of Science and TechnologyTransformations-stud)Transformations Thinking Through FeminismTransform Think Fem6Transformative Pastoral Leadership in The Black ChurchBlack Relig Woman Th0Transformed Muscle for Cardiac Assist and Repair Bakken ResLTransforming Asian Governance: Rethinking Assumptions, Challenging PracticesRout Res Pub Soc Pol Transforming Education for PeacePeace Educ SerMTransforming European Militaries: Coalition Operations and The Technology GapContemp Secur StudTransforming Faith Contr St RTransforming Government Transform Gov<Transforming Government and Building The Information SocietyInnov Tech Knowl Man Transforming Growth-factor BetasAnn Ny Acad SciITransforming Health Care Through Information: Case Studies, Third EditionHealth Inform SerBTransforming Higher Education: A Comparative Study, Second EditionHigh Educ DynamLTransforming Nato in The Cold War: Challenges Beyond Deterrence in The 1960sCss Stud Sec Int Rel6Transforming Organizations With Information Technology Ifip Trans ABTransforming Peasants: Society, State and The Peasantry, 1861-1930Int Congr Cent E EurvTransforming Politics, Transforming America: The Political and Civic Incorporation of Immigrants Inn The United StatesRace Ethn Polit@Transforming Power: Energy, Environment, and Society in ConflictEnerg Environ Policy3Transforming Public Leadership for The 21st CenturyTransform Tr Gov Dem@Transforming Research Libraries for The Global Knowledge SocietyChandos Inf Prof SerETransforming Science and Technology Systems - The Endless Transition?Nato Asi S 4 Sci TecXTransforming Societies After Political Violence:truth, Reconciliation, and Mental HealthPeace Psychol Book S9Transforming The Developmental Welfare State in East AsiaSoc Policy Dev Conte(Transforming The Golden-age Nation StateTransform State3Transforming Unjust Structures: Capability ApproachLib Ethics Appl Phil3Transforms and Applications Handbook, Third EditionElectr Eng Handb Ser Transfusion Transfusion!Transfusion and Apheresis ScienceTransfus Apher Sci"Transfusion Clinique Et BiologiqueTransfus Clin BiolTransfusion Medicine Beitr InfusTransfusion MedicineTransfusion MedUTransfusion Medicine 1988 - Infections, Plasma Products, Transplantations, Antibodies Beitr InfusTransfusion Medicine 1989-1990 Beitr InfusTransfusion Medicine 1991-1992 Beitr InfusTransfusion Medicine 1992-1993 Beitr InfusTransfusion Medicine 1993-94 Beitr InfusTransfusion Medicine 1995/1996 Beitr Infus$Transfusion Medicine and HemotherapyTransfus Med Hemoth'Transfusion Medicine : Fact and Fiction Dev HematolOTransfusion Medicine: Quo Vadis? What Has Been Achieved, What Is to Be Expected Dev HematolTransfusion Medicine ReviewsTransfus Med RevTransfusion Science Transfus SciTransfusionsmedizin 1996/97 Beitr InfusTransfusion: Think About ItHealth Care Iss Cost7Transgenesis and The Management of Vector-borne DiseaseAdv Exp Med Biol4Transgenic and Mutant Tools to Model Brain Disorders Neuromethods'Transgenic Maize: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol-Transgenic Microalgae As Green Cell FactoriesAdv Exp Med Biol-Transgenic Models in Medicine and Agriculture Ucla Sym Bi:Transgenic Models of Human Viral and Immunological DiseaseCurr Top Microbiol6Transgenic Mouse Methods and Protocols, Second EditionMethods Mol Biol8Transgenic Organisms: Biological and Social Implications Adv Lif SciTransgenic ResearchTransgenic Res Transgenics Transgenics;Transglutaminases: Family of Enzymes With Diverse FunctionsProg Exp Tumor Res8Transgressions: Critical Australian Indigenous HistoriesAborig Hist Mg Ser7Transient Chaos: Complex Dynamics On Finite-time Scales Appl Math Sci.Transient Diffusion in Nuclear Fuels ProcessesEnerg Sci Eng TechTransient Heat TransferSpringerbr Appl Sci,Transient Milky Way: A Perspective for Mirax Aip Conf Proc Transient Processes in Tribology Tribology STransient Radio SkySpringer Theses-reco%Transient Receptor Potential ChannelsAdv Exp Med BiolTransinformacaoTransinformacao3Transistor Scaling- Methods, Materials and ModelingMater Res Soc Symp P.Transistors: Types, Materials and ApplicationsElectr Eng DevTransitTransport Res RecTransit: Buses, Paratransit, Rural Public Buses, and Intercity Transit; New Transportation Systems and Technology: Capacity and Quality of ServiceTransport Res Rec8Transit: Bus, Paratransit, and Marketing and Fare PolicyTransport Res RecTransit: Bus, Paratransit, Rural Public and Intercity Bus, New Transportation Systems and Technology, Capacity and Quality of ServiceTransport Res Rec9Transit: Bus, Rural Public and Intercity, and ParatransitTransport Res Rec9Transit Bus, Rural Public Transportation, and ParatransitTransport Res RecETransit: Bus Transit and Maintenance, Paratransit, and New TechnologyTransport Res ReceTransit: Bus Transit and Maintenance; Rural; Paratransit; Technology; Capacity and Quality of ServiceTransport Res Rec&Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop Astr Soc PTransiting Planets, ProceedingsIau Symp P SeriesvTransit: Intermodal Facilities, Rail Transit, Commuter Rail, Light Rail Transit, Maintenance, and Ferry TransportationTransport Res RecTransit: Intermodal Transfer Facilities and Ferry Transportation; Commuter Rail; Light Rail and Major Activity Center Circulation Systems; Capacity and Quality of ServiceTransport Res RecvTransit: Intermodal Transfer Facilities, Rail, Commuter Rail, Light Rail, and Major Actvity Center Circulation SystemsTransport Res RecTransit: Intermodal Transfer Facilities, Rail Transit, Commuter Rail, Light Rail, Ferry, and Major Activity Center Circulation SystemsTransport Res RecATransitional Dynamics and Economic Growth in Developing CountriesLect Notes Econ MathBTransitional Justice in Eastern Europe and The Former Soviet UnionBasees-rout Ser RussTransitional Metal SulphidesNato Asi 3 High Tech4Transition and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Mario NutiStud Econ Transit!Transition and Turbulence ControlLect Notes Ser Inst:Transitioned Media: A Turning Point Into The Digital RealmEcon Inform Comm Ent#Transition in Eastern Europe, Vol 1 Nber Conf RUTransition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds: Excited States, Transition, Interactions I Top Curr ChemWTransition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds: Excited States, Transitions, Interactions Ii Top Curr Chem-Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds Iii Top Curr Chem"Transition Metal Carbyne ComplexesNato Adv Sci Inst SeTransition Metal ChemistryTransit Metal Chem9Transition Metal Complexes of Neutral Eta1-carbon LigandsTop Organometal Chem!Transition Metal Sulfur Chemistry Acs Sym Ser2Transition of Optical Processors Into Systems 1993P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Transition of Optical Processors Into Systems 1994P Soc Photo-opt Ins2Transition of Optical Processors Into Systems 1995P Soc Photo-opt InsTransitions and TransformationsP Assoc Res Lib!Transitions Before The TransitionInterd Contrib Arch3Transitions: Development Through Symbolic ResourcesAdv Cult Psychol Con4Transitions in Latin America and in Poland and SyriaRes Polit Econ+Transitions in Oligomer and Polymer SystemsProg Coll Pol Sci S"Transitions to Adulthood in EuropeEur Stud Populat/Transition, Turbulence and Combustion Modelling Ercoftac Ser9Transit: Management, Maintenance, Technology and PlanningTransport Res RecETransit Migration: The Missing Link Between Emigration and SettlementMigrat Minor Citizen|Transit Planning and Development, Management and Performance, Marketing and Fare Policy, and Capacity and Quality of ServiceTransport Res Rec|Transit: Planning and Development, Management and Performance, Marketing and Fare Policy, and Intermodal Transfer FacilitiesTransport Res RecTTransit: Planning and Development, Management and Performance, Marketing Fare PolicyTransport Res Rec6Transit Planning, Intermodal Facilities, and MarketingTransport Res RecCTransit: Planning, Intermodal Facilities, Management, and MarketingTransport Res RecxTransit: Planning, Management and Maintenance, Technology, Marketing and Fare Policy, and Capacity and Qualtiy of SeviceTransport Res RecYTransit Planning, Management, Marketing, New Technology, Capacity, and Quality of ServiceTransport Res ReceTransit Rail, Commuter Rail, Major Activity Center Circulation Systems, Light Rail, and Ferry ServiceTransport Res RecTransit: Rail Transit and Maintenance, Commuter Rail, Major Activity Center Circulation Systems, Light Rail Transit, and Ferry ServiceTransport Res RecTransit: Rail Transit, Commuter Rail, Light Rail Transit, Major Activity Center Circulation Systems, New Technology and MaintenanceTransport Res RecTransitus MariaeGriech Christl SchriTransjordanian PalimpsestBeih Z Alttest WissTranslatability of CulturesStutt Sem Cultur St+Translating Latin America : Culture As Text Trans Persp9Translating Mechanisms of Orofacial Neurological DisorderInt Rev Neurobiol4Translating Shakespeare for The Twenty-first Century Dqr Stud Lit9Translating Theory and Research Into Educational PracticeEduc Psychol Ser:Translational Medicine: Strategies and Statistical MethodsCh Crc Biostat Ser+Translational Multimodality Optical ImagingArtech Hse Bioinf Bi[Translational Neuroscience in Animal Research: Advancement, Challenges, and Research EthicsNeurosci Res Prog SeTranslational Oncology Transl OncolTranslational Research Transl Res%Translational Research in BiomedicineTransl Res BiomedbTranslational Stem Cell Research: Issues Beyond The Debate On The Moral Status of The Human EmbryoStem Cells Biol RegTranslation and Literature Transl LitTranslation and TechnologyPalg Txb Transl InteTranslation in ContextBenjamin Transl Lib:Translation: in French and Francophone Literature and Film Fr Lit Ser\Translation Initiation: Cell Biology, High-throughput Methods, and Chemical-based ApproachesMethod Enzymol>Translation Initiation: Extract Systems and Molecular GeneticsMethod EnzymolETranslation Initiation: Reconstituted Systems and Biophysical MethodsMethod Enzymol$Translation of Raphael's Roman Style Gr Stud CultTranslation Perspectives Trans Persp2Translation Practices: Through Language to CultureInt Forsch Allg VglTranslation ReviewTranslation RevATranslation, Sociolinguistic, and Consumer Issues in InterpretingStud Interpret'Translation Studies: An InterdisciplineBenjamin Transl Lib3Translation Studies At The Interface of DisciplinesBenjamin Transl Lib)Translation Studies in The New MillenniumTransl Stud New Mill6Translation Studies in The New Millennium, ProceedingsTransl Stud New MillTranslation TransnationTransl TransnatYTranslation Under State Control: Books for Young People in The German Democratic RepublicChild Lit Cult Translator TranslatorXTransmembrane Signalling, Intracellular Messengers and Implications for Drug Development Biol Coun S9Transmissible Diseases and Blood Transfusion, Proceedings Dev HematolMTransmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies - Impact On Animal and Human HealthDev Biol StandTransmission & DistributionTransm Distrib7Transmission and Distribution Conference and ExpositionTrans Distrib ConfETransmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition-latin AmericaTr Dist C Exp Lat AmCTransmission Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry in Materials Science Empmd MonogmTransmission Electron Microscopy of Semiconductor Nanostructures: An Analysis of Composition and Strain StateSpringer Tr Mod PhysmTransmission Electron Microscopy of Semiconductor Nanostructures: An Analysis of Composition and Strain StateSpringer Trac Mod Ph*Transmission Grid Security: A Psa Approach Power SystOTransmission Problems for Elliptic Second-order Equations in Non-smooth Domains Front Math$Transmissions in Automotive Vehicles VDI Bericht&Transmission Systems for Rail Vehicles VDI BerichtTransnational American MemoriesMedia Cult Mem9Transnational Blackness: Navigating The Global Color LineCrit Black Stud Ser4Transnational Dimension of Cyber Crime and TerrorismHoover Natl Secur Fo3Transnational Environmental Liability and Insurance Int Bar Ass(Transnational Feminism in Film and MediaComp Fem Stud SerTransnationalism Key IdeasHTransnationalism and American Literature: Literary Translation 1773-1892Routl Transnat Persp/Transnationalism in Southern African LiteratureRout Res Postcol LitTransnationalism Series Transnatl Ser&Transnationalization of Public SpheresTransform StateTransnational Labour SolidarityRoutl Adv Eur PolitTransnational Organized Crime Glob Inst9Transnational Politics of Corporate Governance RegulationRipe S Glob Pol Econ9Transnational Politics of Corporate Governance RegulationRipe Ser Glob Polit/Transnational Private Governance and Its LimitsRoutl Ecpr Stud Eur/Transnational Private Governance and Its LimitsRoutledge/ecpr StudWTransnational Unconscious: Essays in The History of Psychoanalysis and TransnationalismPalg Mac Transnat H"Trans-neptunian Objects and Comets Saas Fee AdTransonic Aerodynamics Front App M Transpacific TranspacificITransparency in Grey Literature: Grey Tech Approaches to High Tech IssuesGl Conference Ser!Transparent Conductive Zinc OxideSpringer Ser Mater STransplacental Disorders Alb Bir DefTransplantationTransplantationTransplantation '95Roy Soc Med Int CongCTransplantation '96 - Maximizing Patient Benefit in TransplantationRoy Soc Med Int CongLTransplantation and Clinical Immunology (symposia Foundation Marcel Merieux)Transp Cl Immun Sfmm/Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, Vol 22 Sym Fond M/Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, Vol 24 Sym Fond M/Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, Vol Xx Sym Fond M2Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, Vol Xxiii Sym Fond MTransplantation Bulletin Transplan BTransplantation Proceedings Transpl PTransplantation Proceedings Transplant PTransplantation ReviewsTransplant Rev8Transplantationsmedizin: Ein Leitfaden Fur Den Praktiker Leitf PraktTransplant ImmunologyTranspl ImmunolTransplant Infectious DiseaseTranspl Infect DisTransplant International Transpl IntTransplant InternationalTransplant IntTransplant Monitoring Contr Trans#Transporation Network Modeling 2003Transport Res Rec Transport Transport TransportTransport-vilnius.Transport and Conversion of in The HeliosphereLect Notes Phys)Transport and Mixing in Geophysical FlowsLect Notes Phys1Transport and Optical Properties of Nanomaterials Aip Conf Proc4Transport and Remediation of Subsurface Contaminants Acs Sym SerTransport and The EnvironmentIss Environ Sci TechTransportationTransportationTransportation AnalysisTransportation Analy2Transportation and Economic Development ChallengesNectar Ser TranspMTransportation and Energy: Strategies for A Sustainable Transportation SystemAceee Ener Pol Ener(Transportation and Land Development 2005Transport Res Rec%Transportation and Public Policy 2001Transport Res Rec%Transportation and Public Policy 2002Transport Res Rec[Transportation Biofuels: Novel Pathways for The Production of Ethanol, Biogas and BiodieselRsc Green Chem Ser.Transportation Data and Information TechnologyTransport Res Rec7Transportation Data and Information Technology ResearchTransport Res RecTransportation Data ResearchTransport Res Rec;Transportation Data, Statistics, and Information TechnologyTransport Res RecTransportation Engineering Transport Eng*Transportation Engineering Journal of AsceTransport Eng-j Asce?Transportation Finance, Economics and Economic Development 2003Transport Res Rec@Transportation Finance, Economics, and Economic Development 2004Transport Res Rec1Transportation Finance, Economics, and ManagementTransport Res Rec.Transportation Finance, Pricing, and EconomicsTransport Res Rec&Transportation in Developing CountriesTransport Res RecNTransportation Infrastructure-roads Highways Bridges Airports and Mass TransitTransp Infrastruct-r(Transportation Issues Policies and R & DTransp Issues PoliciTransportation Journal Transport J(Transportation Land Use and Smart GrowthTransport Res Rec'Transportation Management and EducationTransport Res Rec0Transportation Management and Public Policy 2003Transport Res Rec0Transportation Management and Public Policy 2004Transport Res Rec$Transportation Network Modeling 2001Transport Res Rec$Transportation Network Modeling 2002Transport Res Rec$Transportation Network Modeling 2004Transport Res RecTransportation Network PlanningTransport Res Rec)Transportation Planning and Analysis 2002Transport Res Rec)Transportation Planning and Analysis 2003Transport Res Rec)Transportation Planning and Analysis 2004Transport Res Rec&Transportation Planning and TechnologyTransport Plan Techn@Transportation Planning, Public Participation, and TelecommutingTransport Res Rec)Transportation Planning: State of The ArtAppl OptimizatTransportation Quarterly Transport QTransportation Research Transport Res,Transportation Research Board Special Report Trans Res B,Transportation Research Economics and PolicyTransp Res Econ Pol-Transportation Research, Economics and PolicyTransp Res Econ Pol2Transportation Research Part A-policy and PracticeTransport Res A-pol-Transportation Research Part B-methodologicalTransport Res B-meth4Transportation Research Part C-emerging TechnologiesTransport Res C-emer8Transportation Research Part D-transport and EnvironmentTransport Res D-tr EBTransportation Research Part E-logistics and Transportation ReviewTransport Res E-log?Transportation Research Part F-traffic Psychology and BehaviourTransport Res F-trafTransportation Research RecordTransp Res RecordTransportation Research RecordTransport Res Rec%Transportation Research Record-seriesTransport Res RecTransportation Science Transport Sci5Transportation Security and Infrastructure ProtectionTransport Res RecUTransportation Sensors and Controls: Collision Avoidance, Traffic Management, and ItsP Soc Photo-opt InsTransportation Studies Transp Stud%Transportation Systems 1997, Vols 1-3Ifac Symp Series/Transportation Systems Analysis, Second EditionSpringer Ser Optim A:Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health - Human BehaviorTrans Traff Saf Hlth;Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health - Man and MachineTrans Traff Saf Hlth2Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health (series)Trans Traff Saf Hlth3Transportation Work-zone Safety and Winter ServicesTransport Res RecMTransport At The Air-sea Interface: Measurements, Models and ParametrizationsEnviron Sci Eng;Transport Developments and Innovations in An Evolving World Adv Spat Sci)Transport Economics Management and PolicyTransp Econ Manag Po<Transport Equations and Multi-d Hyperbolic Conservation LawsLect Notes Unione Ma&Transport Equations for SemiconductorsLect Notes Phys)Transporters and Pumps in Plant SignalingSignal Commun Plants!Transporters As Targets for DrugsTop Med Chem SerTransport HistoryTransport Hist_Transport in Metal-oxide-semiconductor Structures: Mobile Ions Effects On The Oxide Properities Eng MaterTransport in Porous MediaTransport Porous MedTransport in The Liver Falk SympTransport in Transition Regimes Ima V Math'Transport, Land-use and The EnvironmentTransp Res Econ Pol!Transport Means 2006, Proceedings Transp Means!Transport Means 2008, Proceedings Transp MeansTransport Means 2009 Transp Means=Transport Means - Proceedings of The International Conference Transp MeansTransportmetricaTransportmetricahTransport of Galactic and Anomalous Cosmic Rays in The Heliosphere: Observations, Simulations and Theory Adv Space ReshTransport of Galactic and Anomalous Cosmic Rays in The Heliosphere: Observations, Simulations and TheoryAdv Space Res-series1Transport of Molecules Across Microbial MembranesSymp Soc Gen Microbi&Transport Phenomena and Kinetic TheoryModel Simul Sci EngTransport Phenomena in FiresInt Ser Dev Heat Tra#Transport Phenomena in MicrogravityAnn Ny Acad Sci0Transport Phenomena in Micro Process EngineeringHeat Mass Transf3Transport Planning, Logistics, and Spatial Mismatch Eur Res R STransport Policy Transp PolicyTransport PolicyTransport Policy"Transport Processes in Engineering Tran Pr EngTransport Reviews Transport RevTransport System TelematicsComm Com Inf Sc<Transport Technologies for Broadband Optical Access NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Transport Theory and Statistical PhysicsTransport Theor Stat=Transport Theory, Invariant Imbedding, and Integral EquationsLect Notes Pure Appl:Transport Through Membranes : Carriers, Channels and Pumps Jerus Sym QTransposable ElementsCurr Top Microbiol"Transposons and The Dynamic GenomeGenome Dynam Stabil!Transputer and Occam DevelopmentsTransput Occam Eng S'Transputer and Occam Engineering SeriesTransput Occam Eng S.Transputer and Occam Research : New DirectionsTransput Occam Eng S&Transputer Applications and Systems 93Transput Occam Eng S'Transputer Applications and Systems '94Transput Occam Eng S'Transputer Applications and Systems '95Concur Syst Engn Ser0Transputer Applications - Progress and ProspectsTransput Occam Eng STransputer in AustralasiaTransput Occam Eng STransputer in Australasia 2Transput Occam Eng STransputer/occam Japan 3Transput Occam Eng STransputer / Occam Japan 4Transput Occam Eng STransputer/occam Japan 5Transput Occam Eng STransputer/occam Japan 6Transput Occam Eng S&Transputer Research and Applications 1 Appl Transp&Transputer Research and Applications 2 Appl Transp&Transputer Research and Applications 3 N Amer Tran&Transputer Research and Applications 4 N Amer Tran&Transputer Research and Applications 7Transput Occam Eng STransputers '94Transput Occam Eng S%Transputers and Parallel ApplicationsTransput Occam Eng STransputing 91Transput Occam Eng S4Transrapid Und Rad-schiene- HochgeschwindigkeitsbahnVDI-BuchTrans-saharan Slave TradeHist Soc Islam World'Transseries and Real Diffential AlgebraLect Notes Math9Transtactions of The Royal Society of New Zealand-geologyT Roy Soc Nz Geol6Transverse-pattern Formation in Photorefractive OpticsSpringer Tr Mod Phys6Transverse-pattern Formation in Photorefractive OpticsSpringer Trac Mod Ph6Transverse-pattern Formation in Photorefractive OpticsSpringer Tracts Mod3Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical ResonatorsSpringer Tr Mod Phys3Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical ResonatorsSpringer Tracts Mod'Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsTransylvanian Review Transylv Rev/Transylvanian Review of Administrative SciencesTransylv Rev Adm Sci/Transylvanian Review of Administrative SciencesTransylv Rev Adm Ser6Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental InteractionsLect Notes Phys2Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamentals Physics Aip Conf Proc)Trapped Particles and Fundamental PhysicsNato Sci Ser Ii Math1Trauma and Media: Theories, Histories, and ImagesRoutl Res Cult MediaTrauma Violence & AbuseTrauma Violence Abus"Travail & Societe - Work & Society Travail SocTravail Genre Et SocietesTrav Genre SocTravail Humain Trav HumainYTravaux De L Institut Interuniversitaire Pour L Etude De La Renaissance Et De L Humanisme Trav I EtudTravel Behavior and Values 2004Transport Res RecTravel Demand 2005Transport Res RecTravel Demand and Land Use 2002Transport Res RecTravel Demand and Land Use 2003Transport Res RecTravel Demand and Land Use 2004Transport Res RecTravel Demand and Land Use 2006Transport Res Rec!Traveler Behavior and Values 2002Transport Res Rec!Traveler Behavior and Values 2003Transport Res Rec!Traveler Behavior and Values 2005Transport Res Rec!Traveler Behavior and Values 2006Transport Res Rec3Traveling Spirits: Migrants, Markets and MobilitiesRoutl Stud Anthropol(Traveller, Nomadic and Migrant EducationRoutl Res EduchTravelling in A Palimpsest: Finnish Nineteenth Century Painters' Encounters With Spanish Art and CultureSuom Tiedeakat Toim9Travelling Mathematics: The Fate of Diophantos ArithmeticSci Netw Hist Stud&Travel Medicine and Infectious DiseaseTravel Med Infect DiBTravel Patterns and Behavior; Effects of Communications TechnologyTransport Res RecBTravel Survey Methods, Information Technology, and Geospatial DataTransport Res RecdTreadmill Exercise and Its Effects On Cardiovascular Fitness, Depression and Muscle Aerobic FunctionPublic Health 21st CTreasures of Wisdom Bib Eph The>Treating Child and Adolescent Aggression Through BibliotherapySpringer Ser Hum Exc&Treatment of Adult Survivors of Incest Clin PracXTreatment of Age-related Cognitive Dysfunction : Pharmacological and Clinical Evaluation Int Acad BTreatment of DementiasAdv Behav BiolTreatment of Esophageal Varices Int Congr SerPTreatment of Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease and Helicobacter Pylori InfectionRes Clin Forums$Treatment of Post Surgical AdhesionsProg Clin Biol Res7Treatment of Prostatic Cancer - Facts and ControversiesProg Clin Biol Res@Treatment of Tannery Effluents By Membrane Separation TechnologyChem Eng Method TechTreatment of The Obese PatientContemp Endocrinol S%Treatment of Ventricular FibrillationCardiol Res Clin Dev/Treatment Planning for The Developing DentitionQuintessent Dent Pra.Treatment Strategies for Chronic Renal FailureContrib Nephrol&Treatment Strategy in Hodgkins Disease Colloq Inse]Treats to Optimal Development: Integrating Biological, Psychological, and Social Risk FactorsMinn Sym Child PsychTree Genetics & GenomesTree Genet Genomes*Tree-kangaroos of Australia and New GuineaAustral Nat Hist SerTree Physiology Tree PhysiolTree Physiology SeriesTree Physiol SerTree-ring Research Tree-ring Res2Tree Rings and Natural Hazards: A State-of-the-artAdv Glob Change Res Trees of Life Aust S Hist=Tree Species Effects On Soils: Implications for Global ChangeNato Sci S Ss Iv EarTrees-structure and FunctionTrees-struct Funct`Tree-structure Based Hybrid Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Foundations and ApplicationsIntel Syst Ref Libr0Trees - Workshop in Versailles, June 14-16, 1995 Prog ProbabOTrekking The Shore: Changing Coastlines and The Antiquity of Coastal SettlementInterd Contrib Arch%Trends and Advances in Liver Diseases Tr Adv Liv)Trends and Directions in Climate ResearchAnn Ny Acad SciCTrends and Future Perspectives in Peptide and Protein Drug Delivery Drug Targ D#Trends and Issues in Global TourismTr Iss Glob Tour(Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2011Tr Iss Glob Tour)Trends and New Applications of Thin FilmsMater Sci Forum*Trends in Advanced Materials and ProcessesMater Sci ForumTrends in African Linguistics Tr Afr Ling2Trends in Applications of Mathematics to MechanicsCh Crc Monogr Surv P2Trends in Applications of Mathematics to MechanicsCh/c Mon Sur Pur App:Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems, Pt Iii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int9Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int8Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntTrends in Applied LinguisticsTrends Appl Linguist'Trends in Applied Theoretical Chemistry T Molec Org!Trends in Artificial IntelligenceLect Notes Artif Int)Trends in Banach Spaces & Operator Theory Contemp MathTrends in Bile Acid Research Falk SympTrends in Biochemical SciencesTrends Biochem SciTrends in BiotechnologyTrends Biotechnol&Trends in Business and Economic EthicsStud Econ Ethics Phi2Trends in Cancer Mortality in Industrial CountriesAnn Ny Acad Sci!Trends in Cardiovascular MedicineTrends Cardiovas MedTrends in Cell BiologyTrends Cell Biol(Trends in Classics Supplementary VolumesTrends Class Suppl VTrends in Cognitive SciencesTrends Cogn Sci+Trends in Colloid and Interface Science IiiProg Coll Pol Sci S*Trends in Colloid and Interface Science IvProg Coll Pol Sci S*Trends in Colloid and Interface Science IxProg Coll Pol Sci S)Trends in Colloid and Interface Science VProg Coll Pol Sci S*Trends in Colloid and Interface Science ViProg Coll Pol Sci S+Trends in Colloid and Interface Science ViiProg Coll Pol Sci S,Trends in Colloid and Interface Science ViiiProg Coll Pol Sci S)Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XProg Coll Pol Sci S*Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XiProg Coll Pol Sci S,Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XiiiProg Coll Pol Sci S+Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XivProg Coll Pol Sci S*Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XvProg Coll Pol Sci S+Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XviProg Coll Pol Sci S,Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XviiProg Coll Pol Sci S-Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XxiiiProg Coll Pol Sci S,Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XxivProg Coll Pol Sci S4Trends in Comparative Endocrinology and NeurobiologyAnn Ny Acad Sci.Trends in Composite Materials and Their Design Key Eng Mater#Trends in Computer Aided InnovationInt Fed Info Proc!Trends in Dermatoglyphic Research Stud Hum B5Trends in Distributed Systems for Electronic CommerceLect Notes Comput ScATrends in Distributed Systems: Towards A Universal Service MarketLect Notes Comput ScTrends in Drug Research Pharm LibrTrends in Drug Research Ii Pharm LibrTrends in Ecology & EvolutionTrends Ecol EvolTrends in Eicosanoid BiologyAdv Prostag Thromb L&Trends in Endocrinology and MetabolismTrends Endocrin Met+Trends in Energy and Power Plant Technology VDI Bericht-Trends in Enterprise Application ArchitectureLect Notes Comput Sc*Trends in Enterprise Architecture ResearchLect Notes Bus Inf*Trends in Enterprise Architecture ResearchLect Notes Bus Inf P*Trends in Fisheries Science and Management Tr Fish SciTrends in Flavour Research Dev Food Sci#Trends in Food Science & TechnologyTrends Food Sci Tech'Trends in Functional Programming-seriesTr Funct Program'Trends in Functional Programming, Vol 7Tr Funct ProgramTrends in Genetics Trends Genet*Trends in Glycoscience and GlycotechnologyTrends Glycosci GlycATrends in High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, ProceedingsProgr BiotechnolTrends in ImmunologyTrends Immunol9Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Proceedings Appl Optim9Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, ProceedingsAppl Optimizat,Trends in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Therapy Falk Symp+Trends in Inflammatory Bowl Disease Therapy Falk SympTrends in Intelligent RoboticsComm Com Inf Sc<Trends in Interactive Visualization: State-of-the-art SurveyAdv Inform Knowl Pro'Trends in Language Acquisition ResearchTrends Lang Acquis R.Trends in Linguistics : Studies and Monographs Trend Lin S,Trends in Linguistics-studies and Monographs Trend Lin S,Trends in Linguistics-studies and MonographsTrends Linguist-stud'Trends in Logic - Studia Logica LibraryTr Log Stud Log Lib%Trends in Logic Studia Logica LibraryTr Log Stud Log Lib%Trends in Logic Studia Logica LibraryTrends Log Stud LogTrends in Magnetism Sol St PhenTrends in MagnetismSolid State PhenomenTrends in Mathematics Trends MathTrends in Medieval PhilologyTrend Mediev PhilolTrends in Medieval PhilologyTrends Mediev PhilolTrends in MicrobiologyTrends MicrobiolCTrends in Mobile Technology and Business in The Asia-pacific RegionChandos Asian Stud Trends in Modern Meat TechnologyTrends Mod Meat Tech"Trends in Modern Meat Technology 3Trends Mod Meat TechTrends in Molecular MedicineTrends Mol Med-Trends in Multiple Criteria Decision AnalysisInt Ser Oper Res Man8Trends in Nanophysics: Theory, Experiment and Technology Eng Mater5Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing - Arcs 2002Lect Notes Comput ScTrends in Neural ComputationStud Comp IntellTrends in Neural ComputationStud Comput IntellTrends in NeuroendocrinologyAnn Ny Acad SciTrends in NeurosciencesTrends NeurosciTrends in Nuclear PhysicsP Int Sch Phys/Trends in Optical Fibre Metrology and StandardsNato Adv Sci Inst SeTrends in Optimization Proc Sym ApTrends in Ornithology ResearchBirds-evol Behav EcoTrends in ParasitologyTrends ParasitolUTrends in Parsing Technology: Dependency Parsing, Domain Adaptation, and Deep ParsingText Speech Lang Tec@Trends in Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics Prog Nonlin@Trends in Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical PhysicsProg Nonlinear Diffe"Trends in Pharmacological SciencesTrends Pharmacol SciTrends in Physical AnthropologyFocus Civiliz CultTrends in Plant ScienceTrends Plant SciTrends in Polymer ScienceTrends Polym SciBTrends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagents SystemsAdv Intel Soft CompuATrends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent SystemsAdv Intel Soft CompuATrends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent SystemsAdv Intell Soft Comp#Trends in Practical Colloid ScienceInter Colloid Res PrTrends in Receptor Research Pharm Libr>Trends in Representation Theory of Algebras and Related Topics Contemp MathTrends in Singularities Trends MathTrends in Structural MechanicsSolid Mech Appl,Trends in Supply Chain Design and ManagementSpringer Ser Adv ManTrends in Theoretical Physics Tr Theor PhLTrends in Theoretical Physics - Cern-santiago De Compostela-la Plata Meeting Aip Conf Proc Trends in Theoretical Physics Ii Aip Conf Proc$Trends in Theoretical Physics, Vol 2 Tr Theor PhTrialTrial$Trial and Court Procedures Worldwide Int Bar AssTrialsTrialsTriangle Papers Triangle PapTriangulated Categories Ann Math Stud:Triangulations: Structures for Algorithms and ApplicationsAlgorithm Comp MathTrias of Maimonides Stud JudaTrias of Maimonides Stud JudaicaZTriassic Evolution of The Yangtze Platform in Guizhou Province, People's Republic of ChinaGeol Soc Am Spec PapTriassic TimescaleGeol Soc Spec Publ/Tribal Play: Subcultural Journeys Through SportRes Sociol SportDTribal Politics in Iran: Rural Conflict and The New State, 1921-1941Roy Asiat Soc BooksTribolites and Their Relatives Sp Palaeont.Tribological Modeling for Mechanical DesignersAm Soc Test Mater"Tribology & Lubrication TechnologyTribol Lubr Technol*Tribology and The Liquid-crystalline State Acs Sym Ser!Tribology for Energy Conservation Tribology STribology International Tribol IntTribology Letters Tribol Lett Tribology of Composite MaterialsMater Manuf Technol-Tribology of Natural Fiber Polymer CompositesWoodhead Publ MaterTribology Research AdvancesMater Manuf TechnolTribology Series Tribology STribology TransactionsTribol T9Tribology: Wear Test Selection for Design and ApplicationAm Soc Test MaternTribus Et Marabouts: Arab Et Walaya Dans L Interieur De L Ifriqiyi Entre Le Vie/xiie Et Le Xiie/xviiie SieclesSuom Tiedeakat Toim&Trichogramma and Other Egg Parasitoids Colloq Inra<Tridimensional Optical Spectroscopic Methods in Astrophysics Astr Soc P'Trigger Factors in Transfusion Medicine Dev HematolTriggering Relativistic JetsRev Mex Ast Astr8Triglycerides : The Role in Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Ather Rev0Trigonometric Sums in Number Theory and AnalysisDegruyter Expos MathTrilobites and Their RelativesSpec Pap PalaeontolTrimestre Economico Trimest EconMTrinidad and Tobago: Ethnic Conflict, Inequality and Public Sector GovernanceEthn Inequal PublicRTriple C Model of Project Management: Communication, Cooperation, and Coordination Ind Innov Ser3Triple M of Organizations: Man, Management and MythInterd Stud Econ Man-Triple Repeat Diseases of The Nervous SystemsAdv Exp Med Biol Triquarterly Triquarterly7Tri-service Conference On Electromagnetic CompatibilityTri-serv Conf El ComTriticale: Today and TomorrowDev Plant BreedTriviumTrivium0Trochus: Status, Hatchery Practice and Nutrition Aciar Proc*Troia and The Troad: Scientific Approaches Nat Sci Arc*Troia and The Troad: Scientific ApproachesNat Sci ArchaeolTropenlandwirtTropenlandwirtTropenmedizin Und ParasitologieTropenmed ParasitolETropes for The Past: Hayden White and The History / Literature Debate Int For LitTropes of Revolution Dqr Stu Lit4Trophic and Guild Interactions in Biological ControlProg Biol Control&Trophic Factors and The Nervous System Fid Res Fdn'Trophic Regulation of The Basal Ganglia Wenn Gr IntTropical AgricultureTrop AgrTropical Algebraic GeometryOberwolfach Semin"Tropical and Geographical MedicineTrop Geogr Med#Tropical and Idempotent Mathematics Contemp Math%Tropical Animal Health and ProductionTrop Anim Health ProTropical Biomedicine Trop Biomed!Tropical Deep-sea Benthos, Vol 26Mem Mus Nat Hist Nat6Tropical Diseases-etiology Pathogenesis and TreatmentsTrop Dis-etiol Patho+Tropical Diseases: From Molecule to BedsideAdv Exp Med BiolTropical Doctor Trop DoctTropical Ecology Trop EcolJTropical Fish Otoliths: Information for Assessment, Management and EcologyRev-methods TechnolTropical Forestry Trop ForestKTropical Forests, International Jungle: The Underside of Global EcopoliticsCeri Ser Int Relat P!Tropical Forests, People and Food Man BiosphTropical GrasslandsTrop GrasslandsTropical Grassy Weeds Casafa Rep0Tropical Hydrology and Caribbean Water Resources Am Wat Res=Tropical Hydrology and Caribbean Water Resources, Proceedings Am Wat Res+Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical ResearchTrop J Pharm Res(Tropical Medicine & International HealthTrop Med Int Health"Tropical Medicine and ParasitologyTrop Med ParasitolTropical Montane Cloud Forests Ecol Stu AnTropical Pest ManagementTrop Pest ManageTropical Phyotogeography Colloq SemiTropical Plant PathologyTrop Plant Pathol-Tropical Rainforest Research - Current Issues Monog BiolbTropical Rainforests and Agroforests Under Global Change: Ecological and Socio-economic ValuationsEnviron Sci EngTropical ScienceTrop SciTropical Tree Seed Research Aciar ProcVTropical Trees: The Potential for Domestication and The Rebuilding of Forest ResourcesIte SympTropical Veterinary DiseasesAnn Ny Acad SciTropical Veterinary MedicineAnn Ny Acad Sci:Tropical Veterinary Medicine : Current Issues PerspectivesAnn Ny Acad SciTropical Zoology Trop ZoolTropic of Venice Pers Takes TropomyosinAdv Exp Med BiolBTroubled Experiment : Crime and Justice in Pennsylvania, 1682-1800Early Am Stud SerWTrouble With Ownership: Literary Property and Authorial Liability in England, 1660-1730 Mater Texts8Troubling Tricksters: Revisioning Critical ConversationsIndigenous Stud SerTrue Relations Contr St Wo.Trust and Distrust: Sociocultural PerspectivesAdv Cult Psychol Con/Trust and Fairness in Open, Distributed SystemsStud Comput Intell2Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScTrust and ReciprocityRussell Sage Trust,Trust and Trustworthy Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<Trusted Computing - Challenges and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScTrusted Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc-Trusted Information: The New Decade ChallengeInt Fed Info ProcTrusted SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc)Trust, Globalisation and Market ExpansionEcon Iss Probl PerspTrust Im Chinesischen Recht: Eine Darstellung Des Chinesischen Trustgesetzes Von 2001 Vor Dem Hintergrund Des Englischen Trustrechts Und Des Rechts Der Fiduziarischen Treuhand in DeutschlandSchrift Chin RechtTrust in Agent SocietiesLect Notes Artif Int`Trusting Agents for Trusting Electronic Societies: Theory and Applications in Hci and E-commerceLect Notes Artif IntTrust ManagementInt Fed Info ProcTrust Management IiInt Fed Info ProcTrust Management IiiInt Fed Info ProcJTrust Management in Virtual Work Environments: A Human Factors PerspectiveErgon Des Manag TheoTrust Management, ProceedingLect Notes Comput ScTrust Management, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital BusinessLect Notes Comput Sc0Trust, Privacy, and Security in Digital BusinessLect Notes Comput Sc<Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc=Trust, Privacy, and Security in Digital Business, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc6Trust, Reputation, and Security: Theories and PracticeLect Notes Artif IntTrustworthly Global ComputingLect Notes Comput ScTrustworthy Global ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc7Trustworthy Software Development Processes, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Truth and History - A Dialogue With Paul Tillich Theol BilbTruth and Its DeformitiesMidwest Stud Philos&Truth and Objectivity in Social EthicsSoc Philos Today>Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Did The Trc Deliver?Pa Stud Hum Rights\Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in Biblical Narratives: A Hermeneutical Study of Genesis 21:1-21Beih Z Alttest WissTruthful and The GoodContr PhenomenolTruth in Perspective Aveb S Phil5Truth: Interdisciplinary Dialogues in A Pluralist AgeStud Philoso TheolTruth Maintenance SystemsLect Notes Artif Int(Truth, Rationality, Cognition, and Music Phil Stud SATruth Recovery and Justice After Conflict: Managing Violent PastsRoutl Stud Peace Con#Tryptophan, Serotonin and MelatoninAdv Exp Med Biol:Tschermaks Mineralogische Und Petrographische MitteilungenTscher Miner PetrogTsinghua University TextsTsinghua U TextsTsi Press Series Tsi Press S&Tsi-technique Et Science InformatiquesTsi-tech Sci Inf Tsitologiya Tsitologiya+Tsitologiya I Genetika Tsitol Genet+.Tsunamis: Case Studies and Recent DevelopmentsAdv Nat Technol Haz:Tsunamis: Causes, Characteristics, Warnings and ProtectionNat Disaster Res PrQTsunamis, Hurricanes and Neotectonics: As Driving Mechanisms in Coastal EvolutionZ Geomorphol SuppTsunamis in The WorldAdv Nat Technol Haz/Tsunami: The Underrated Hazard (second Edition)Springer-prax Books.Tt Viruses - The Still Elusive Human PathogensCurr Top Microbiol:Tuba-ar-turkish Academy of Sciences Journal of ArchaeologyTuba-ar-turk Acad ScTubercleTubercleTubercle and Lung DiseaseTubercle Lung Dis TuberculosisCurr Top Microbiol Tuberculosis Tuberculosis'Tuberous Sclerosis and Allied DisordersAnn Ny Acad Sci`Tuberous Sclerosis and Neurofibromatosis : Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Biology and Management Int Congr SerFTubulin-binding Agents: Synthetic, Structural and Mechanistic Insights Top Curr Chem!Tubulo-interstitial Nephropathies Dev Nephrol1Tudor Queenship: The Reigns of Mary and ElizabethQueenship PowerFTufas and Speleothems: Unravelling The Microbial and Physical ControlsGeol Soc Spec Publ8Tuffs - Their Properties, Uses, Hydrology, and ResourcesGeol Soc Am Spec PapTulane Studies in EnglishTulane Stud Engl#Tulane Studies in Political ScienceTulane Stud Pol Sci"Tulsa Studies in Womens LiteratureTulsa Stud Women Lit Tumor Biology Tumor Biol1Tumor Blood Supply and Metabolic Microenvironment Funk Biol STumordiagnostikTumordiagnostikTumordiagnostik & TherapieTumordiagn TherTumoriTumori&Tumorigenic Melanocytic ProliferationsConsult Pathol#Tumor Immunology and Cancer Therapy Immunol SerTumor MicroenvironmentCancer Drug Discov DTumor MicroenvironmentTumor Microenviron/Tumor Models in Cancer Research, Second EditionCancer Drug Discov DTumor Necrosis FactorCell Bio Res ProgTumor Prevention and GeneticsRecent Res CancerTumor Prevention and GeneticsRecent Results CancTumor Prevention and GeneticsRecent Results Cance!Tumor Prevention and Genetics IiiRecent Res Cancer,Tumor Progression and Therapeutic ResistanceAnn Ny Acad SciTumor Targeting Tumor Target Tumortherapie Und RehabilitationTumortherap RehabilTumour Biology Tumor BiolTumour Biology Tumour Biol0Tumour Induced Hypercalcaemia and Its ManagementRoy Soc Med Int CongTuna-ajalookultuuri AjakiriTuna-ajalookult Ajak)Tuna Baitfish in Fiji and Solomon Islands Aciar Proc(Tuna Baitfish in The Indo-pacific Region Aciar ProcjTunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy, Lidar, and Dial Techniques for Environmental and Industrial MeasurementsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Tunable Laser Applications, Second EditionOpt Sci Eng-crc2Tuna Prospects and Strategies for The Indian Ocean Colloq Semi0Tundras: Vegetation, Wildlife and Climate TrendsEnviron Res Adv@Tungsten and Other Advanced Metals for Ulsi Applications in 1990 Mat Res S C5Tuning Metaheuristics: A Machine Learning PerspectiveStud Comput Intell:Tuning The Optical Response of Photonic Bandgap StructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Tuning The Optical Response of Photonic Bandgap Structures Proc Spie<Tuning The Optic Response of Photonic Bandgap Structures IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsTunisia Sais Afr St Tunnelling 91 Tunnelling+Tunnelling and Underground Space TechnologyTunn Undergr Sp Tech7Tunnelling : Proceedings of The International Symposium Tunnelling+Turbidites and Associated Deep-water Facies Sepm Core W'Turbine Lubrication in The 21st CenturyAm Soc Test MaterTurbochargers and TurbochargingImeche Conf TransTurbocharging and TurbochargersProc Inst Mech Eng S8Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamic and Thermodynamic Aspects VDI Bericht/Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Mech Eng SeTurbomachinery International Turbomach Int8Turbomachinery : Latest Developments in A Changing SceneProc Inst Mech Eng S TurbulenceNato Adv Sci Inst Se"Turbulence and Coherent Structures Fluid Mec ATurbulence and InteractionsNote N Fl Mech Mul DTurbulence and InteractionsNotes Numer Fluid Me.Turbulence and Magnetic Fields in AstrophysicsLect Notes Phys;Turbulence and Nonlinear Processes in Astrophysical Plasmas Aip Conf ProcMTurbulence, Dynamos, Accretion Disks, Pulsars and Collective Plasma ProcessesAstrophysics Space$Turbulence in Fluids, Fourth EditionFluid Mech ApplTurbulence in Space PlasmasLect Notes Phys'Turbulence Modeling and Vortex DynamicsLect Notes Phys)Turbulence Nature and The Inverse ProblemFluid Mech Appl7Turbulence, Waves and Instabilities in The Solar PlasmaNato Sci Ser Ii Math7Turbulence, Waves and Instabilities in The Solar PlasmaNato Sci Ser Ii-math$Turbulent Transport in Fusion Plasma Aip Conf Proc Turcologica Turcologica<Turgenev and Russian Culture: Essays to Honour Richard PeaceStud Slav Lit Poet"Turgenev: Art, Ideology and Legacy Stud Slav L"Turgenev: Art, Ideology and LegacyStud Slav Lit Poet;Turkderm-archives of The Turkish Dermatology and VenerologyTurkderm-arch Turk DBTurkey and The European Union: Prospects for A Difficult EncounterPalgrave Stud Eur Un>Turkey's Accession to The European Union: An Unusual CandidacyCk I Dem Ser Eur Int3Turk Geriatri Dergisi-turkish Journal of GeriatricsTurk Geriatri Derg^Turk Gogus Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi-turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryTurk Gogus Kalp Dama?Turkish Accession to The Eu: Satisfying The Copenhagen CriteriaRout Stud Mid E Econ.Turkish Dynamics: Bridge Across Troubled LandsMiddle E FocusATurkish Economy:the Real Economy, Corporate Governance and ReformRout Stud Mid E Econ7Turkish Islam and The Secular State: The Gulen Movement Cont Iss M+Turkish Journal of Agriculture and ForestryTurk J Agric For6Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-turk Biyokimya DergisiTurk J BiochemTurkish Journal of Biology Turk J BiolTurkish Journal of Botany Turk J BotTurkish Journal of Chemistry Turk J Chem!Turkish Journal of Earth SciencesTurk J Earth Sci?Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer SciencesTurk J Electr Eng CoTurkish Journal of Field CropsTurk J Field Crops1Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic SciencesTurk J Fish Aquat Sc#Turkish Journal of GastroenterologyTurk J Gastroenterol3Turkish Journal of Geriatrics-turk Geriatri DergisiTurk J GeriatrTurkish Journal of HematologyTurk J HematolTurkish Journal of Mathematics Turk J Math#Turkish Journal of Medical SciencesTurk J Med SciTurkish Journal of PediatricsTurkish J PediatrTurkish Journal of RheumatologyTurk J Rheumatol7Turkish Journal of Rheumatology-turk Romatoloji DergisiTurk J Rheumatol/Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal SciencesTurk J Vet Anim SciTurkish Journal of Zoology Turk J ZoolTurkish NeurosurgeryTurk Neurosurg0Turkish Online Journal of Educational TechnologyTurk Online J Educ TTurkish Studies Turk StudZTurkish Turn in Contemporary German Literature: Toward A New Critical Grammar of MigrationStud Eur Cult HistNTurkish Viiith National Symposium On Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol 1 Marmara U PNTurkish Viiith National Symposium On Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol 2 Marmara U PNTurkish Viiith National Symposium On Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol 3 Marmara U PNTurkish Viiith National Symposium On Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol 4 Marmara U P8Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi-turkish Journal of EntomologyTurk Entomol Derg-tufTurkiye Fiziksel Tip Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi-turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationTurk Fiz Tip Rehab D(Turkiye Klinikleri Tip Bilimleri DergisiTurk Klin Tip Bilim2Turk Kulturu Ve Haci Bektas Veli-arastirma DergisiTurk Kult Haci Bekta^Turkmenistan's Foreign Policy: Positive Neutrality and The Consolidation of The Turkmen RegimeCent Asian Stud Ser3Turk Pediatri Arsivi-turkish Archives of PediatricsTurk Pediatr ArsiviTurk Psikiyatri DergisiTurk Psikiyatr DergTurk Psikoloji DergisiTurk Psikol Derg,Turner Syndrome : Growth Promoting Therapies Int Congr SerITurner Syndrome in A Life-span Perspective: Research and Clinical Aspects Int Congr SeraTurning A Problem Into A Resource: Remediation and Waste Management At The Sillamae Site, EstoniaNato Sci S 1 Disarm=Turning Into Sterne: Viktor Shklovskii and Literary ReceptionStud Comp Lit SerTurn of The CenturyEur Cult St Lit ArtsTurn of The CycleBeih Z Alttest Wiss Turrialba TurrialbaFTurvallisuusalan Liiketoimunnan Kasvualueet Ja-mahdollisuudet Suomessa Vtt Res Notes>Tutorials in Electrochemical Engineering-mathematical Modeling Elec Soc S(Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences IiLect Notes MathPTutorials in Mathematical Biosciences Iii: Cell Cycle, Proliferation, and CancerLect Notes MathBTutorials in Mathematical Biosciences I: Mathematical NeuroscienceLect Notes Math?Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences Iv: Evolution and EcologyLect Notes MathTutorials in Motor NeuroscienceNato Adv Sci I D-behKTutorials On Emerging Methodologies and Applications in Operations ResearchInt Ser Oper Res Man8Tuulivoimaloiden Melun Synty, Eteneminen Ja Hairitsevyys Vtt Res NotesTwainianTwainian[Twelfth Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, ProceedingsP Ieee Semicond Ther%Twelfth Edition of The Jdl Conference Ciral Pub B+Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference Aip Conf ProcVTwelfth International Symposium On High-performance Computer Architecture, ProceedingsInt S High Perf ComppTwelfth International Workshop On Research Issues in Data Engineering: Engineering E-commerce/e-business SystemsPr Gr Lak Symp VlsifTwelfth Joint International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsfTwelfth Joint International Symposium On Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/atmospheric Physics, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie(Twelfth Nordic Teletraffic Seminar Nts12Vtt SympITwentieth Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf ComputbTwentieth Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, Proceedings 2004P Ieee Semicond TherdTwentieth Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference (compsac'96), ProceedingsP Int Comp Softw App!Twentieth Century British HistoryTwent Century Br HisTwentieth Century LiteratureTwentieth Cent Lit$Twentieth-century Russian LiteratureInt Congr Cent E EurUTwentieth Ieee International Symposium On Computer-based Medical Systems, Proceedings Comp Med SyTwentieth Lacus Forum 1993 Lacus Forum1Twentieth Vertebrate Pest Conference, ProceedingsProc Vertebr Pest C(Twenty Beautiful Years of Bottom Physics Aip Conf ProcWTwenty-eighth Annual International Symposium On Fault-tolerant Computing, Digest PapersDig Pap Int Symp FauSTwenty-fifth Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management SymposiumP Ieee Semicond TherRTwenty-fifth International Symposium On Fault-tolerant Computing, Digest of PapersDig Pap Int Symp FaueTwenty-first Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, Proceedings 2005P Ieee Semicond Ther\Twenty-first Annual Symposium - Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices : Proceedings Ann Sym IncTwenty-first Lacus Forum 1994 Lacus ForumKTwenty-fourth International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Proceedings Int Sym MvlYTwenty-ninth Annual International Symposium On Fault-tolerant Computing, Digest of PapersDig Pap Int Symp FauMTwenty-second Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf ComputfTwenty Second Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, Proceedings 2006P Ieee Semicond Ther\Twenty-second Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference - ProceedingsP Int Comp Softw App]Twenty-second Annual Symposium - Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices : Proceedings Ann Sym IncTwenty-second Lacus Forum, 1995 Lacus ForumaTwenty Seventh Annual Ieee/cpmt/semi International Electronics Manufacturing Technology SymposiumIeee/cpmt Int El Mfg[Twenty-seventh Annual International Symposium On Fault-tolerant Computing, Digest of PapersDig Pap Int Symp Fau`Twenty Sixth Ieee/cpmt International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium, ProceedingsIeee/cpmt Int El MfgLTwenty-third Annual Ieee Conference On Computational Complexity, ProceedingsAnn Ieee Conf ComputeTwenty-third Annual Ieee Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, Proceedings 2007P Ieee Semicond TherLTwenty-third Annual Ieee Symposium On Logic in Computer Science, Proceedings Ieee S LogKTwenty-third International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic : Proceedings Int Sym MvlTwenty-third Lacus Forum 1996 Lacus ForumjTwenty Years of Bialowieza: A Mathematical Anthology: Aspects of Differential Geometric Methods in PhysicsWorld Sci Monograph"Twenty Years of Islamic Revolution Cont Iss M7Twenty Years of Managing Change : Visions of The Future Cause Nat C6Twin Buildings and Applications to S-arithmetic GroupsLect Notes Math Twin ResearchTwin Res Twin Research and Human GeneticsTwin Res Hum Genet!Twisted L-functions and Monodromy Ann Math StudBTwo- and Three-dimensional Methods for Inspection and Metrology IvP Soc Photo-opt InsATwo- and Three-dimensional Methods for Inspection and Metrology VP Soc Photo-opt InsBTwo- and Three-dimensional Methods for Inspection and Metrology ViP Soc Photo-opt InsPTwo- and Three-dimensional Vision Systems for Inspection, Control, and MetrologyP Soc Photo-opt InsPTwo- and Three-dimensional Vision Systems for Inspection, Control, and Metrology Proc SpieUTwo- and Three - Dimensional Vision Systems for Inspection, Control, and Metrology IiP Soc Photo-opt InsTwo Art HistoriesClark Stud Vis Arts)Two-center Effects in Ion-atom Collisions Aip Conf Proc%Two-component Signaling Systems, Pt AMethod Enzymol%Two-component Signaling Systems, Pt BMethod EnzymolTwo Cultures of RightsPubl Ger Hist Inst8Two Decades of Adult T-cell Leukemia and Htlv-i ResearchGann Monogr Canc Res#Two Decades of Experience in Growth Serono Sym(Two-dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy Aip Conf ProctTwo-dimensional Periodic Nanoscale Patterning of Solid Surfaces By Four-beam Standing Wave Excimer Laser LithographyLasers Electro-opt R3Two Dimensional Quantum Gravity and Random Surfaces Jer Win SchDTwo-dimensional Turbulence in Plasmas and Fluids - Research Workshop Aip Conf ProcTwo Faiths, One Covenant? Bern Cent Ser(Two Hundred Years of Accounting ResearchRoutl New Works Acct#Two Hundred Years of Pushkin, Vol 3 Stud Slav L#Two Hundred Years of Pushkin, Vol I Stud Slav L#Two Hundred Years of Pushkin, Vol IStud Slav Lit Poet$Two Hundred Years of Pushkin, Vol Ii Stud Slav LTwo Liturgical Traditions Two LiturgdTwo Old French Satires On The Power of The Keys: L'escommeniement Au Lecheor and Le Pardon De FoutreRes Monogr Fr StudTwo-phase Flow Heat ExchangesNato Adv Sci I E-appTwo Sciences of Mind Adv Consc ResTwo Societies in Opposition Stud Econ S1Two-step Approaches to Natural Language FormalismStud Generat Gramm$Two-year College Mathematics JournalTwo-year Coll Math J$Tydskrif Vir Die Suid-afrikaanse RegTydskr Suid-afr RegTydskrif Vir GeesteswetenskappeTydskr GeesteswetTydskrif Vir Letterkunde Tydskr LettTyndale Bulletin Tyndale BullLType 2 Diabetes Mellitus: An Evidence-based Approach to Practical ManagementContemp Endocrinol S&Type 2 Diabetes: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolIType 2 Diabetes, Pre-diabetes, and The Metabolic Syndrome, Second EditionCurr Clin Pract;Type-2 Diabetic Nephropathy in Japan: From Bench to BedsideContrib Nephrol+Type-2 Fuzzy Logic: Theory and ApplicationsStud Fuzz Soft Comp%Typed Lambda Calculi and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc2Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScTypes for Proofs and ProgramsAnn Ny Acad SciTypes for Proofs and ProgramsLect Notes Comput ScTypes of AlcoholicsAnn Ny Acad Sci'Typological Studies in Language ( Tsl ) Typol St L3Typology of Sculpted Forms in Open Bedrock ChannelsGeol Soc Am Spec PapTypology of Verbal BorrowingsTrends Linguist-studTyroszyklus Des EzechielbuchesBeih Z Alttest Wiss(U- and E-service, Science and TechnologyComm Com Inf ScIUav Cooperative Decision and Control: Challenges and Practical ApproachesAdv Des Control@Uberschusse Der Erfahrung: Grenzdimensionen Des Ich Nach HusserlPhaenomenologicaUUbersetzung Antiker Literatur: Funktionen Und Konzeptionen Im 19. Und 20. JahrhundertTransform AntikeJUbersetzung: Ein Internationales Handbuch Zur Ubersetzungsforschung, Vol 1Handb Sprach KommunJUbersetzung: Ein Internationales Handbuch Zur Ubersetzungsforschung, Vol 2Handb Sprach Kommun"Ubicomp 2003: Ubiquitous ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc/Ubicomp 2004: Ubiquitous Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Ubicomp 2005: Ubiquitous Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Ubicomp 2006: Ubiquitous Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Ubicomp 2007: Ubiquitous Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Ubiquitin and Protein Degradation, Part AMethod Enzymol'Ubiquitin and Protein Degradation, Pt BMethod EnzymolcUbiquitin Proteasome System in The Central Nervous System: From Physiology to Pathology-2008 UpdateBiochem Res Trends&Ubiquitin System in Health and DiseaseErnst Schering FoundHUbiquitous and Pervasive Commerce: New Frontiers for Electronic BusinessComput Commun Netw S0Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia ApplicationsComm Com Inf ScUbiquitous Computing SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc)Ubiquitous Computing Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Ubiquitous Convergence TechnologyLect Notes Comput ScUbiquitous Heat Kernel Contemp Math%Ubiquitous Intelligence and ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc2Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScDUbiquitous Knowledge Discovery: Challenges, Techniques, ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc7Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration SystemsLect Notes Comput ScUbiquitous PositioningArtech Hse Mob Comm;Ubiquity: Technologies for Better Health in Aging Societies St Heal T;Ubiquity: Technologies for Better Health in Aging SocietiesStud Health Technol3Ucla Center for Middle East Development Cmed SeriesUcla Cent Mid E Dev"Ucla Clark Memorial Library SeriesUcla Clark Mem Lib S<Ucla Institute of Industrial Relations Current Issues Series Ucla Iir CDUcla Institute of Industrial Relations Monograph and Research Series U Cal I IndAUcla Institute of Industrial Relations Policy and Practice Series Ucla Iir PUcla Latin American Studies Ucla Lat AmUcla Law Review Ucla Law Rev/Ucla Symposia On Molecular and Cellular BiologyUcla Symp Mol Cell B<Ucla Symposia On Molecular and Cellular Biology - New Series Ucla Sym BiUcl Molecular Pathology SeriesUcl Molec Pathol Ser;Uganda's Recovery: The Role of Farms, Firms, and GovernmentWb Reg Sect StudUgeskrift for LaegerUgeskrift Laeger-Uhod-uluslararasi Hematoloji-onkoloji DergisiUhod-uluslar HematolUk It 1990 Conference Iee Conf PublHUkraine, The Eu and Russia: History, Culture and International RelationsStud Cent E EurUkrainian EconomyHarv S Ukrain St$Ukrainian Journal of Physical OpticsUkr J Phys OptUkrainian Mathematical Journal Ukr Math JUkrainian Mathematical Journal Ukr Math J+"Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii ZhurnalUkr Biokhim Zh+ Ukrainskii Biokhimichnii ZhurnalUkr Biokhim Zh+Ukrainskii Fizicheskii Zhurnal Ukr Fiz Zh+Ukrainskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal Ukr Khim Zh+Ulsi Process Integration Elec Soc S"Ulsi Science and Technology / 1997 Elec Soc SUlster FolklifeUlster FolklifeUlster Medical Journal Ulster Med JUltimate Reality and MeaningUltimate Real MeanUltracentrifugationProg Coll Pol Sci S3Ultra Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces Ix Sol St Phen5Ultra Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces Viii Sol St Phen5Ultra Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces ViiiSolid State Phenomen/Ultra Clean Processing of Silicon Surfaces 2000 Sol St Phen,Ultra Clean Processing of Silicon Surfaces V Sol St Phen,Ultra Clean Processing of Silicon Surfaces VSolid State Phenomen.Ultra Clean Processing of Silicon Surfaces Vii Sol St Phen.Ultra Clean Processing of Silicon Surfaces ViiSolid State Phenomen\Ultraclean Semiconductor Processing Technology and Surface Chemical Cleaning and PassivationMater Res Soc Symp PUltracold Quantum FieldsTheor Math Phys Ser/Ultrafast Dynamical Processes in Semiconductors Top Appl Phys%Ultrafast Dynamics of Quantum SystemsNato Adv Sci I B-phy6Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt PhotoMUltrafast Laser Probe Phenomena in Bulk and Microstructure Semiconductors IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Ultrafast Lasers for Materials ScienceMater Res Soc Symp PFUltrafast Lasers Probe Phenomena in Semiconductors and SuperconductorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Ultrafast Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine Int Congr SerUltrafast Optics IvSpringer Ser Opt SciUltrafast Optics VSpringer Ser Opt SciUltrafast Optics VSpringer Series Opti%Ultrafast Phenomena in SemiconductorsMater Sci Forum%Ultrafast Phenomena in SemiconductorsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors 2001Mater Sci ForumDUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials IxP Soc Photo-opt InsDUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials Ix Proc SpieFUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials Viii Proc SpieCUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XP Soc Photo-opt InsCUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials X Proc SpiehUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials Xi and Semiconductor Photodetectors IvP Soc Photo-opt InshUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials Xi and Semiconductor Photodetectors Iv Proc SpieEUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials Xii Proc SpieFUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsEUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XivP Soc Photo-opt InsEUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials Xiv Proc SpieDUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials Xv Proc Spie(Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors Iii Proc Spie(Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors Iv Proc Spie'Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors VP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors Vi Proc Spie)Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors Vii Proc SpieUltrafast Phenomena ViiSpringer Series ChemUltrafast Phenomena XiSpringer Ser Chem PhUltrafast Phenomena XiSpringer Series ChemUltrafast Phenomena XiiSpringer Ser Chem PhUltrafast Phenomena XiiSpringer Series ChemUltrafast Phenomena XiiiSpringer Ser Chem PhUltrafast Phenomena XiiiSpringer Series ChemUltrafast Phenomena XivSpringer Ser Chem PhUltrafast Phenomena XivSpringer Series ChemUltrafast Phenomena XvSpringer Series ChemUltrafast Phenomena XviSpringer Ser Chem PhUltrafast Phenomena XviSpringer Series ChemUltrafast PhotonicsInst Phys Conf Ser.Ultrafast Physical Processes in SemiconductorsSemicond Semimet.Ultrafast Physical Processes in SemiconductorsSemiconduct Semimet(Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy 1991Inst Phys Conf Ser+Ultrafast Pulse Generation and SpectroscopyP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Ultrafast Reaction Dynamics and Solvent Effects Aip Conf Proc%Ultrafast X-ray Sources and DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt InsUltrafilters Across Mathematics Contemp MathPUltrahigh- and High-speed Photograph, Videography, Photonics, and Velocimetry 90P Soc Photo-opt InsHUltrahigh- and High-speed Photography and Image-based Motion MeasurementP Soc Photo-opt InsAUltrahigh- and High-speed Photography, Photonics, and VideographyP Soc Photo-opt InsAUltrahigh- and High-speed Photography, Photonics, and Videography Proc SpieAUltrahigh- and High-speed Photography, Videography, and PhotonicsP Soc Photo-opt InsCUltrahigh and High-speed Photography, Videography, and Photonics 91P Soc Photo-opt InsEUltrahigh- and High-speed Photography, Videography, and Photonics '93P Soc Photo-opt InsEUltrahigh- and High-speed Photography, Videography, and Photonics '94P Soc Photo-opt InsEUltrahigh- and High-speed Photography, Videography, and Photonics '95P Soc Photo-opt InsCUltra High Energy Cosmic Rays: A New Tool for Astrophysics ResearchSpace Sci Explor Pol+Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance ImagingBiol Magn Reson?Ultra-high Frequency Linear Fiber Optic Systems, Second EditionSpringer Ser Opt Sci<Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphism: Deep Continental Subduction Geol S Am SUltrahigh-pressure Mineralogy Rev Mineral?Ultra-high-pumpability and High Performance Concrete Technology Key Eng Mat?Ultra-high-pumpability and High Performance Concrete Technology Key Eng MaterUltrahigh Resolution RadarP Soc Photo-opt InsHUltrahigh Speed and High Speed Photography, Photonics, and Videograph 89P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Ultra-low Energy Domain-specific Instruction-set Processors Embed SystEUltra-low Fertility in Pacific Asia: Trends, Causes and Policy IssuesRout Res Pub Soc Pol,Ultra Low-power Biomedical Signal ProcessingAnalog Circ Sig Proc,Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor InterfacesAnalog Circ Sig Proc%Ultra-low Voltage Nano-scale MemoriesIntegr Circuit SystUltrametric Functional Analysis Contemp MathUltramicroscopyUltramicroscopy&Ultra-precision Machining Technologies Adv Mat Res&Ultra-precision Machining TechnologiesAdv Mater Res-switzUltraschall in Der MedizinUltraschall Med9Ultrasensitive and Single-molecule Detection TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins<Ultrasensitive and Single-molecule Detection Technologies IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Ultrasensitive Biochemical Diagnostics Ii, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Ultrasensitive Biochemical Diagnostics, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins]Ultrasensitive Instrumentation for Dna Sequencing and Biochemical Diagnostics, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Ultrashort Processes in Condensed MatterNato Adv Sci Inst SeUltrashort-wavelength LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsUltrashort Wavelength Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt InsUltrasonic ImagingUltrasonic Imaging$Ultrasonic Instruments and Devices IPhys Acoustics%Ultrasonic Instruments and Devices IiPhys Acoustics!Ultrasonic Processes and MachinesFound Eng Mech Ultrasonics UltrasonicsAUltrasonics of High-t(c) and Other Unconventional SuperconductorsPhys AcousticsUltrasonics SonochemistryUltrason SonochemUltrasonics SymposiumUltrason!Ultrasonic Transducer EngineeringP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Non Homogeneous MediaSpringer Proc Phys#Ultrasonography in Ophthalmology 12 Doc Ophth P#Ultrasonography in Ophthalmology 14 Doc Ophth P#Ultrasonography in Ophthalmology Xv Doc Ophth PUltrasound in Medicine Med Sci Ser"Ultrasound in Medicine and BiologyUltrasound Med Biol%Ultrasound in Obstetrics & GynecologyUltrasound Obst Gyn(Ultrasound of The Musculoskeletal SystemMed Radiol Diagn Ima9Ultrasound Screening for Fetal Anomalies: Is It Worth It?Ann Ny Acad Sci2Ultrasound Technologies for Food and Bioprocessing Food Eng SerUltrastructural PathologyUltrastruct Pathol9Ultrathin Metal Films: Magnetic and Structural PropertiesSpringer Tr Mod Phys=Ultrathin Sio2 and High-k Materials for Ulsi Gate DielectricsMater Res Soc Symp P/Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Free-electron LasersSpringer Tr Mod PhysBUltraviolet and X-ray Detection, Spectroscopy, and Polarimetry IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5Ultraviolet Astrophysics Beyond The Iue Final Archive Esa Sp PublMUltraviolet Atmospheric and Space Remote Sensing: Methods and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt InsPUltraviolet Atmospheric and Space Remote Sensing: Methods and Instrumentation IiP Soc Photo-opt InsPUltraviolet Atmospheric and Space Remote Sensing: Methods and Instrumentation Ii Proc SpieEUltraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and EffectsP Soc Photo-opt InsEUltraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects Proc SpieHUltraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects IiP Soc Photo-opt InsHUltraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects Ii Proc SpieHUltraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models and Effects IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsHUltraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models and Effects Iii Proc SpieHUltraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects IvP Soc Photo-opt InsAUltraviolet Light in Food Technology: Principles and ApplicationsContemp Food Eng.Ultraviolet-optical Space Astronomy Beyond Hst Astr Soc P-Ultraviolet Radiation Hazards, Proceedings OfP Soc Photo-opt InsUltraviolet Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsUltraviolet Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt InsUltraviolet Technology VP Soc Photo-opt InsWUltraviolet Universe At Low and High Redshift: Probing The Progress of Galaxy Evolution Aip Conf Proc2Ultra Wideband: Circuits, Transceivers and SystemsIntegr Circuit SystPUltra-wideband Pulse-based Radio: Reliable Communication Over A Wideband ChannelAnalog Circ Sig ProcUltrawideband RadarP Soc Photo-opt InsSUlusal Travma Ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi-turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency SurgeryUlus Travma Acil Cer.Uluslararasi Iliskiler-international RelationsUluslar Iliskiler Um99: User Modeling, Proceedings Cism Cour L Um99: User Modeling, ProceedingsCism Courses Lect Umeni-art Umeni-art5Uml 2000 - The Unified Modeling Language, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Uml 2003 - The Unified Modeling Language, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScZUml 2004 - The Unified Modeling Language: Modeling Languages and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc&Uml'99 - The Unified Modeling LanguageLect Notes Comput Sc'Uml Modeling Languages and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput ScUmschauUmschau Umschau Das WissenschaftsmagazinUmschau#Umschau in Wissenschaft Und TechnikUmschaugUmstrittene Vergangenheit: Historische Argumente in Der Auseinandersetzung Augustins Mit Den DonatistenMillenn Stud Kult GeUmweltschutztechnikVDI-BuchAUnanswered Threats: Political Constraints On The Balance of PowerPrinc Stud Int HistGUnattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications IxP Soc Photo-opt InsGUnattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications Ix Proc SpieJUnattended Ground , Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsFUnattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications XP Soc Photo-opt InsHUnattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsIUnattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications Xiii Proc Spie6Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications VP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications Vii Proc Spie;Unattended Radiation Sensor Systems for Remote Applications Aip Conf ProcRUnattended/unmanned Ground, Ocean, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications ViP Soc Photo-opt InsUncanny Networks Leonardo Ser'Uncertain Logics, Variables and SystemsLect Notes Contr InfUncertain Projective GeometryLect Notes Comput ScKUncertainties in Environmental Modelling and Consequences for Policy MakingNato Sci Peace SecurWUncertainty and Environmental Decision Making: A Handbook of Research and Best PracticeInt Ser Oper Res ManBUncertainty and Risk: Mental, Formal, Experimental Representations Theor Dec CUUncertainty and Surprise in Complex Systems: Questions On Working With The Unexpected Und Com Sys_Uncertainty Approaches for Spatial Data Modeling and Processing: A Decision Support PerspectiveStud Comput Intell6Uncertainty Assessment of Large Finite Element SystemsLect Notes Appl Comp%Uncertainty in Geometric ComputationsKluwer Int Ser Eng CUncertainty in Knowledge BasesLect Notes Comput ScNUncertainty in The Geologic Environment: From Theory to Practice, Vols 1 and 2 Geotech SpLUncertainty in The Risk Assessment of Environmental and Occupational HazardsAnn Ny Acad SciCUncertainty Principles Associated to Non-degenerate Quadratic FormsMem Soc Math Fr,Uncertainty Reasoning for The Semantic Web ILect Notes Artif IntUnclassical Traditions Vol ICamb C J Proc Cam Ph>Uncommon Mathematical Excursions: Polynomia and Related RealmsDolciani Math ExpoxUnconventional Approaches to Nanostructures With Applications in Electronics, Photonics, Information Storage and SensingMater Res Soc Symp P'Unconventional Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScUnconventional Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt InsUnconventional Imaging IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsUnconventional Imaging Iii Proc SpieUnconventional Imaging IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Unconventional Models in Computation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc$Unconventional Models of ComputationSpr S Disc Math9Unconventional Models of Computation Umc' 2k, ProceedingsDiscrete Math & TheoVUnconventional Optical Elements for Information Storage, Processing and CommunicationsNato Asi 3 High Tech$Unconventional Programming ParadigmsLect Notes Comput ScZUnconventional Superconductors: Experimental Investigation of The Order-parameter SymmetrySpringer Tr Mod PhysQUnconventional Weapons and International Terrorism: Challenges and New ApproachesCass Ser Polit Viole+Uncouth Nation: Why Europe Dislikes America Pub SquareUncovering Cp ViolationSpringer Tr Mod PhysUncultivated MicroorganismsMicrobiol MonogrUnderactuated Robotic HandsSpringer Trac Adv RoLUnderdetermination: An Essay On Evidence and The Limits of Natural KnowledgeBost Stud Philos Sci5Underground and Obscured Object Imaging and DetectionP Soc Photo-opt InsZUnderground Gas Storage: Worldwide Experiences and Future Development in The Uk and EuropeGeol Soc Spec Publ!Underground Operators' ConferenceAustralas I Min MetUnderground 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Plants: Materials and Operational Aspects of Plant Life Management (plim)Woodhead Publ Ser En"Understanding and Modulating AgingAnn Ny Acad SciVUnderstanding and Optimizing Human Development:: From Cells to Patients to PopulationsAnn Ny Acad Sci.Understanding and Preventing Hiv Risk Behavior Clar Symp_Understanding and Responding to Hazardous Substances At Mine Sites in The Western United States Rev Eng Geol#Understanding Cold Fusion Phenomena Conf P Ital1Understanding Complex Systems Springer Complexity Und Com Sys1Understanding Complex Systems Springer ComplexityUnderst Complex Syst1Understanding Complex Systems-springer Complexity Und Com Sys Understanding Concurrent SystemsTexts Comput Sci(Understanding Consumers of Food ProductsWoodhead Food Ser[Understanding Corneal Biomechanics Through Experimental Assessment and Numerical SimulationEye Vis Res DevUnderstanding EmotionsProg Brain Res!Understanding Feminist PhilosophyUnderst Fem PhilosMUnderstanding Humic Substances: Advanced Methods, Properties and Applications Roy Soc ChUnderstanding ImpoverishmentRef For Mig StGUnderstanding Inequality and Poverty in China: Methods and ApplicationsStud Dev Econ PolicyUnderstanding Innovation Underst InnovUnderstanding Language TeachingEsl Appl Ling Prof"Understanding Macroeconomic TheoryRoutl Adv Texts Econ>Understanding Male Infertility : Basic and Clinical Approaches Serono Sym>Understanding Nature: Case Studies in Comparative EpistemologyInt Libr Environ Agr#Understanding Organizational ChangeUnderst Organ ChangAUnderstanding Organization As Process: Theory for A Tangled WorldRoutl Stud Manag Org-Understanding Pendulums: A Brief IntroductionHist Mech Mach SciKUnderstanding Planning Tasks: Domain Complexity and Heuristic DecompositionLect Notes Comput Sc-Understanding Population Trends and ProcessesUnderst Popul TrendsLUnderstanding Post-soviet Transitions: Corruption, Collusion and ClientelismEuro-asian Stud'Understanding Religion: Selected Essays Relig ReasonLUnderstanding Research Methods: A Guide for The Public and Nonprofit ManagerPublic Adm Public PoVUnderstanding Search Engines: Mathematical Modeling and Text Retrieval, Second EditionSoftw Environ ToolsUnderstanding Sip Servlets 1.1Artech Hse Telecom S8Understanding Teacher Stress in An Age of AccountabilityRes Stress Coping EdkUnderstanding Terrorism and Political Violence: The Life Cycle of Birth, Growth, Transformation, and DemiseCass Ser Polit VioleIUnderstanding Terrorist Innovation: Technology, Tactics and Global TrendsContemp Terror Stud1Understanding The Dynamics of A Knowledge EconomyStud Evol Polit EconZUnderstanding The Impact of Global Networks On Local Social, Political and Cultural ValuesLaw Econ Int TelecomtUnderstanding The Internet: A Glimpse Into The Building Blocks, Applications, Security and Hidden Secrets of The WebChandos Internet Ser@Understanding The Micro to Macro Behaviour of Rock-fluid SystemsGeol Soc Spec Publ,Understanding The Process of Economic 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Conference On Trade and Development (unctad) Glob Inst<United Nations Disarmament Processes in Intra-state ConflictSouthamp Stud Int Po4United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Series Un Eco CommUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (unhcr): The Politics and Practice of Refugee Protection Into The Twenty-first Century Glob InsthUnited Nations - Past Present and Future: Proceedings of The 2007 Francis Marion Unviersity Un SymposiumGlob Pol Stud SerhUnited Nations - Past Present and Future: Proceedings of The 2007 Francis Marion Unviersity Un SymposiumGlob Polit Stud4United Nations Peacekeeping in The Post-cold War EraCass Ser Peacekeepin.United Nations Reform: Heading North Or South?Routl Adv Int Relat.United Nations Sanctions and International LawGrad Inst Int Stud/United Nations University Series On RegionalismUn U Ser Regionalism<United States and Europe: Beyond The Neo-conservative DivideContemp Secur StudUnited States and IranRoutl Stud Mid E Pol/United States and The Legacy of The Vietnam WarGlob Confl Secur'United States and The Malaysian EconomyRoutledge Stud Growt3United States, Britain and The Transatlantic CrisisGlob Confl SecurDUnited States Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Research ReportU S Bur Sport Fish WHUnited States, Europe, and The Wider Middle East, Conference ProceedingsRand Conf Proc8United States Fish and Wildlife Service Fishery BulletinUs Fish Wld S Fish BFUnited States Foreign Policy and National Identity in The 21st CenturyRout Stud Us For PoliUnited States Foreign Policy Regarding Greece, Turkey and Cyprus - The Rule of Law and American Interests Ahi Conf PrCUnited States, International Law and The Struggle Against TerrorismRoutl Res Terror LawUnited States in World HistoryThemes World Hist#United States Relations With EuropeKeck Ctr Int St StudUnited States Supreme Court Und Bundesverfassungsgericht: Die Bedeutung Des United States Supreme Court Fur Die Errichtung Und Fortentwicklung Des BundesverfassungsgerichtsBeitr Ausl Offentl RUniting America Uniting AmerNUnits of Measurement: Past, Present and Future - International System of UnitsSpringer Ser Mater S5Unity From Duality: Gravity, Gauge Theory and Strings Les Houch S@Unity of Knowledge: The Convergence of Natural and Human ScienceAnn Ny Acad SciUnity of Luke-acts Bib Eph TheUnity of Mathematics Prog MathZUnity of Plutarch's Work-moralia Themes in The Lives, Features of The Lives in The MoraliaMillenn Stud Kult Ge]Unity of Science in The Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and Their InteractionsLogic Epistemol UnitUnity, Truth and The LiarLogic Epistemol Unit5Universal Access in Ambient Intelligence EnvironmentsLect Notes Comput Sc%Universal Access in Health TelematicsLect Notes Comput ScWUniversal Access in Human-computer Interaction: Addressing Diversity, Pt I, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVUniversal Access in Human-computer Interaction: Ambient Interaction, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScQUniversal Access in Human-computer Interaction: Applications and Services, Pt IiiLect Notes Comput ScKUniversal Access in Human Computer Interaction: Coping With Diversity, Pt 1Lect Notes Comput ScBUniversal Access in Human-computer Interaction, Pt Ii, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc+Universal Access in The Information SocietyUniversal Access InfDUniversal Access: Theoretical Perspectives, Practice, and ExperienceLect Notes Comput ScUniversal Dialogue Series Univer Dial!Universal Heliophysical ProcessesIau Symp P SeriesUniversal Human RightsUniversal Hum Rights7Universal Human Rights and Extraterritorial ObligationsPa Stud Hum Rights`Universality and Renormalization: From Stochastic Evolution to Renormalization of Quantum FieldsFields I Commun`Universality and Renormalization: From Stochastic Evolution to Renormalization of Quantum FieldsFields Inst Commun0Universality, Ethics and International Relations InterventionseUniversal Jurisdiction: National Courts and The Prosecution of Serious Crimes Under International LawPa Stud Hum Rights,Universal Multiservice Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScUniversals of Language Belg J Ling&Universe As Seen By Iso, Vols I and Ii Esa Sp Publ&Universe As Seen By Iso, Vols I and Ii Esa Spec PublMUniverse At High-z, Large-scale Structure and The Cosmic Microwave BackgroundLect Notes PhysDUniverse At Sub-second Timescales: High Time Resolution Astrophysics Aip Conf Proc9Universe Before The Big Bang: Cosmology and String TheoryAstron UniversUniverse in X-raysAstron Astrophys LibUniverse of General Relativity Einstein StUniversia Business ReviewUniversia Bus Rev4Universitas-monthly Review of Philosophy and CultureUniversitas-taiwanUniversitas Psychologica Univ PsycholUniversitas-stuttgart UniversitasyUniversite Des Sciences Humaines De Strasbourg - Travaux Du Centre De Recherche Sur Le Proche Orient Et La Grece Antiques U Sci Hum S:Universite Libre De Bruxelles, Etudes Sur Le Xviiie Siecle U Lib Bruxe1Universites Francophones : Actualite Scientifique Univ Fra S Universitext UniversitextTUniversities and Climate Change: Introducing Climate Change to University ProgrammesClim Chang Manag3Universities and Science in The Early Modern Period Archimedes$Universities, Ethics and ProfessionsKey Issues High Educ(Universities, Innovation and The EconomyRoutl Stud Bus OrganVUniversities in Transition: The Changing Role and Challenges for Academic InstitutionsInsight Innov Int DeUniversities QuarterlyU Quart-cult Educ S2Universities Quarterly-culture Education & SocietyU Quart-cult Educ S)Universities' Responsibilities to Society Iss High EducGUniversity & Urban Revival: Out of The Ivory Tower and Into The StreetsCity 21st Century9University and Corporate Innovations in Lifelong LearningRes Manag Educ DevWUniversity and School Connections: Research Studies in Professional Development SchoolsRes Prof Dev Sch)University Center for Human Values Series Univ Cent Hum)University Center for Human Values SeriesUniv Cent Hum ValueUniversity ComputingU Comput,University Dynamics and European IntegrationHigh Educ DynamBUniversity Education Uses of Visualization in Scientific Computing Ifip Trans A3University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer Adv St Entr@University Governance: Western European Comparative PerspectivesHigh Educ Dynam?University Government Industry Micro-nano Symposium ProceedingsU Gov Ind Micro Nano?University/government/industry Micro-nano Symposium ProceedingsU Gov Ind Micro NanoUniversity in The Market Wenn Gr IntUniversity Journal of Business Univ J Bus"University Museum Symposium Series U Mus Symp5University of Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report Uasgcp RepCUniversity of California Division of Agricultural Sciences BulletinU Calif Agr Sci BullBUniversity of California Division of Agricultural Sciences LeafletU Calif Agr Sci Leaf University of Chicago Law ReviewU Chicago Law Rev!University of Chicago Legal ForumUniv Chicago Leg For#University of Cincinnati Law ReviewU Cinci Law Rev*University of Detroit Journal of Urban LawU Detroit J Urban L University of Detroit Law ReviewU Detroit Law RevTUniversity of Exeter, Centre for Research in Continuing Education - Occational PaperUe Crce Occ PapPUniversity of Florida Department of Classics Comparative Drama Conference Papers U Fla Dep C/University of Florida Social Sciences MonographU Fla Soc Sci Monogr,University of Hartford Studies in LiteratureU Hartford Stud Lit University of Illinois Law ForumU Ill Law Forum!University of Illinois Law ReviewU Illinois Law Rev+University of Iowa Studies in Child WelfareUniv Iowa Stud Child0University of Lapland Arctic Centre Publications U Lap A C P,University of Lapland, Arctic Centre Reports U Lap A C R<University of London Institute of Classical Studies BulletinU Lond I Class Stud.University of Louisville Journal of Family LawU Louisville J Fam LOUniversity of Massachusetts, Department of Geology and Geography : Contribution U Ma Dgg C5University of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies U Pa Armen@University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Business LawU Penn J Int Bus Law@University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic LawU Pa J Int Econ Law7University of Pennsylvania Journal of International LawU Pa J Int Law7University of Pennsylvania Journal of International LawUniv Pa J Int Law%University of Pennsylvania Law ReviewU Penn Law Rev?University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law RegisterUniv Pa Law Rev Am L#University of Pittsburgh Law ReviewU Pitt Law Rev/University of Queensland Papers Social SciencesU Queensl Pap Soc Sc!University of Regina PublicationsUniv Regin Publicat%University of Sydney East Asia SeriesU Syd E Asia SerFUniversity of Texas At Austin Studies in Foreign and Transnational LawU Tex Aust Stud ForeUniversity of Toledo Law ReviewU Toledo Law Rev!University of Toronto Law JournalU Toronto Law JUniversity of Toronto QuarterlyU Toronto Quart=University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science U W Ont Phi`University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin-series A-applied Mathematics and PhysicsU Politeh Buch Ser A"Unix Reviews Performance ComputingUnix Rev-perform ComUnknown Technology in HomerHist Mech Mach ScicUnlicensed Mobile Assess Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards and ApplicationsWirel Netw Mob Commu3Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Strengths and WeaknessesDef Secur Strateg"Unmanned Ground Vehicle TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology Proc Spie%Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology Iv Proc Spie$Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology VP Soc Photo-opt Ins$Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology V Proc Spie%Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology Vi Proc Spie&Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology Vii Proc SpieUnmanned Rotorcraft SystemsAdv Ind ControlUnmanned Systems Technology IxP Soc Photo-opt InsUnmanned Systems Technology Ix Proc Spie-Unmanned Systems Technology Viii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins-Unmanned Systems Technology Viii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieUnmanned Systems Technology XP Soc Photo-opt InsUnmanned Systems Technology X Proc SpieUnmanned Systems Technology Xi Proc SpieUnmanned Systems Technology XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsUnmanned Systems Technology Xii Proc Spie/Unmanned/unattended Sensors and Sensor NetworksBba Lib3Unmanned/unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Unmanned/unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks Iii Proc Spie2Unmanned/unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins3Unmanned-unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsZUn-masking Bruno Schulz: New Combinations, Further Fragmentations, Ultimate ReintegrationsStud Slav Lit Poet?Unpacking Pedagogy: New Perspectives for Mathematics ClassroomsInt Perspect Math EdAUnquiet Nisei: An Oral History of The Life of Sue Kunitomi EmbreyPalgr Stud Oral Hist5Unravelling Single Cell Genomics: Micro and NanotoolsRsc Nanosci Nanotech'Unsaturated Flow in Hydrologic ModelingNato Adv Sci I C-mat%Unsaturated Soil Engineering Practice Geotech Sp'Unsaturated Soils: Experimental StudiesSpringer Proc Phys7Unsaturated Soils: Numerical and Theoretical ApproachesSpringer Proc Phys@Unsaturated-zone Modeling: Progress, Challenges and Applications Wag Ur Fron?Un Security Council and The Politics of International Authority Secur Gov'Un Security Council: Practice & Promise Glob InstRUnsettled Account: The Evolution of Banking in The Industrialized World Since 1800Princ Econ Hist W Wo/Unsettling Beliefs: Teaching Theory to TeachersInt Soc Stud Forum SUnsettling SensationRs Pub Life ArtsAUnsettling Space-contestations in Contemporary Australian TheatreStud Int Perform@Unsicheres Wissen: Skeptizismus Und Wahrscheinlichkeit 1550-1850Hist Hermen Ser Stud$Unsolved Problems in Stellar Physics Aip Conf Proc+Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations Aip Conf Proc"Unsolved Problems of The Milky WayIau Symp1Unsteady Effects of Shock Wave Induced SeparationNotes Numer Fluid Me>Unternehmung-schweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Betriebswirtschaft Unternehmung{Unterrichtskommunikation: Linguistische Analysemethoden Und Forschungsergebnisse, 2., Bearbeitete Und Aktualisierte AuflageGer ArbeitsheftDUntersuchungen Zum Wortschatz in Thomas Muntzers Deutschen SchriftenQuell Fors Lit Kul G3Untersuchungen Zur Antiken Literatur Und GeschichteUnters Antiken Lit G0Untersuchungen Zur Deutschen LiteraturgeschichteUnters Deut LitMUntersuchungen Zur Gestaltung Und Zum Historischen Stoff Der Johannis CorippsUnters Antiken Lit GBUntersuchungen Zur Hippokratischen Schrift Uber Die Alte HeilkunstBeitr AltertumskundeUUntersuchungen Zur Temporalen Umfunktionierung Des Konjunktivs Ii Im Heutigen Deutsch Linguist Arb4Unu/intech Studies in New Technology and DevelopmentUnu Intech Stud New%Unusual Applications of Number TheoryDimacs Ser Discret M5Unveiling Large-scale Structures Behind The Milky Way Astr Soc P(Unveiling The Cosmic Infrared Background Aip Conf ProcOUnveiling The Council of The European Union: Games Governments Play in BrusselsPalgrave Stud Eur UnZUnveiling The Mystery of The Brain: Neurophysiological Investigation of The Brain Function Int Congr Ser^Unzuverlassiges Erzahlen Und Literarische Moderne-eine Untersuchung Der Romane Von Ernst Weiss Stud Deut LitTUp2010: Have Observations Revealed A Variable Upper End of The Initial Mass Function Astr Soc PUpdate: Clinical ImmunologyUpdat Clin Immunol/Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Upd Int Car%Update On Hepatobiliary Diseases 1996 Falk Symp"Updates in Advances in Lung Cancer Prog R Res Updates in Cochlear ImplantationAdv Oto-rhino-laryngUpdates in Diagnostic PathologyAdv Exp Med BiolUpdates in Surgery Updates Surg$Upper Atmosphere Models and Research Adv Space E5Upper Layer Protocols, Architectures and Applications Ifip Trans C?Upper Mantle Heterogeneities From Active and Passive SeismologyNato Sci S 1 Disarm/Upper Pleistocene Prehistory of Western Eurasia U Mus Symp%Uppsala Studies in History of Science Upps Hist Sci%Uppsala Studies in History of ScienceUpps Stud Hist Sci"Upsala Journal of Medical SciencesUpsala J Med Sci6Up South: Civil Rights and Black Power in PhiladelphiaPolit Cult Mod AmUpwelling in The Ocean Dahl Ws EnvUraniumUraniumUranium and Nuclear Energy Uran Nucl E!Uranium and Nuclear Energy : 1989 Uran Nucl E!Uranium and Nuclear Energy : 1991 Uran Nucl E!Uranium and Nuclear Energy : 1992 Uran Nucl E Uranium and Nuclear Energy: 1994 Uran Nucl E Uranium and Nuclear Energy: 1995 Uran Nucl EUranium-series GeochemistryRev Mineral GeochemUrban Affairs Annual Reviews Urban Aff AUrban Affairs QuarterlyUrban Affairs QUrban Affairs Review Urban Aff Rev'Urban Agglomeration and Economic GrowthPub Egon Sohmen FdnMUrban Airborne Particulate Matter: Origin, Chemistry, Fate and Health ImpactsEnviron Sci EngUrban Air Pollution Nato Asi 2Urban & Social Change ReviewUrban Soc Change RevPUrban and Community Fisheries Programms: Development, Management, and Evaluation Am Fish S S!Urban and Industrial EnvironmentsUrban Ind Environ Urban and Landscape PerspectivesUrban Land Perspect"Urban and Regional Data ManagementProc Monogr Eng Wate)Urban and Regional Research InternationalUrban Reg Res IntJUrban and Regional Transportation Modeling: Essays in Honor of David BoyceNew Dimens NetwUrban Animal ManagementUrban Anim Manag SerUrban Animal Management SeriesUrban Anim Manag SerUrban Anthropology Urban Anthrop2Urban Biosphere and Society: Partnership of CitiesAnn Ny Acad Sci4Urban Change in The United States and Western Europe Urban Oppor;Urban Coastal Area Management : The Experience of Singapore Iclarm ConfTUrban Complexity and Spatial Strategies: Towards A Relational Planning for Our Times Rtpi Lib SerUrban Design International Urban Des Int4Urban Discharges and Receiving Water Quality Impacts Adv Wat Pol Urban Ecology Urban Ecol+Urban Ecology and Health in The Third World Sym S StudUrban Ecosystems Urban EcosystUrban Education Urban Educ-Urban Environmental Management and TechnologyCsur Ut Ser Lib SustSUrban Fears and Global Terrors: Citizenship, Multicultures and Belongings After 7/7Int Libr SociolUrban Forestry & Urban GreeningUrban For Urban GreeUrban GeographyRoutl Contemp Hum GeUrban Geography Urban Geogr/Urban Groundwater Management and SustainabilityNato Sci S Ss Iv EarUrban Growth Machine Suny S Urb Urban History Urban Hist-Urban History Review-revue D Histoire UrbaineUrban Hist RevGUrban Imperative: Urban Outreach Strategies for Protected Area Agencies Cipa PublUrban InterestUrban Interest$Urbanisation in Developing CountriesIss Urb Stud SerFUrbanisation Process in Cameroon: Patterns, Implications and ProspectsAfr Polit Econ SecurCUrbanism On Track: Application of Tracking Technologies in Urbanism Res Urban Ser8Urbanization and Land Ownership in The Ancient Near East Pea Mus Bull$Urban Land Institute Landmark ReportUrban Land I Ldm Re%Urban Land Institute Research ReportsUrban Land I Res Rep#Urban Land Institute Special ReportUrban Land I Spec ReUrban Landscape PerspectivesUrban Land PerspectUrban Law and PolicyUrban Law Policy Urban Lawyer Urban LawyerUrban League ReviewUrban League Rev Urban Life Urban LifeUrban Life and CultureUrban Life Cult7Urban Markets and Milk Development in Subsaharan AfricaCirad ColloquesUrban Morphology Urban MorpholEUrban Mosaic of Post-socialist Europe: Space, Institutions and Policy Contrib EconUrban Opportunity Series Urban Oppor9Urban Planning and Real Estate Development, Third EditionNat Built Environ SeUrban Policy and ResearchUrban Policy Res9Urban Regeneration Management: International PerspectivesRoutl Adv Manag BusCUrban-rural Interactions:towns As Focus Points in Rural Development Contrib EconUrban Space and CityscapesQuestion Cities7Urban Space in The Middle Ages and The Early Modern AgeFund Mediev Early MoRUrban Structure Matters: Residential Location, Car Dependence and Travel Behaviour Rtpi Lib Ser Urban Studies Urban Stud Urban Systems Urban Systems?Urban Transport and The The Environment for The 21st Century Iv Adv TransportKUrban Transport Ix: Urban Transport and The Environment in The 21st Century Adv TransportUrban Transport Vi Adv TransportUrban Transport Viii Adv TransportLUrban Transport Vii: Urban Transport and The Environment in The 21st Century Adv TransportKUrban Transport V: Urban Transport and The Environment for The 21st Century Adv TransportUrban Transport X Adv TransportUrban Transport XiiiWit Trans Built EnvLUrban Transport Xii: Urban Transport and The Environment in The 21st CenturyWit Trans Built EnvUrban Transport XivWit Trans Built EnvUrban Transport XvWit Trans Built EnvUrban Transport XviWit Trans Built Env!Urban University and Its IdentityGeoj LibUrban Water Journal Urban Water J?Urban Water Management: Science Technology and Service DeliveryNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear+Urbicide: The Politics of Urban DestructionRoutl Adv Int RelatUremia Investigation Uremia InvestUrethral Reconstructive SurgeryCurr Clin UrolEUrheilupaikkojen Integroidut Lammitys- Ja Jaahdytystekniset Ratkaisut Vtt Res Notes'Urinary Proteome: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol BiolUrinary Stone DiseaseCurr Clin UrolUrologeUrologe Urologe A Urologe AUrologe-ausgabe A Urologe AUrologia InternationalisUrol IntUrological OncologyProg Clin Biol ResUrological ResearchUrol Res!Urologic Clinics of North AmericaUrol Clin N AmUrologic Oncology Urol Oncol6Urologic Oncology-seminars and Original InvestigationsUrol Oncol-semin O I6Urologic Oncology-seminars and Original InvestigationsUrol Oncol-semin OriUrologic Radiology Urol RadiolUrologic Robotic SurgeryCurr Clin UrolUrologyUrologyUrology JournalUrol J/Uro-oncology : Current Status and Future TrendsProg Clin Biol Res*Ursi/ieee Xxix Convention On Radio ScienceVtt SympUrsusUrsusUrsus (series) Ursus-seriesUrsus, Vol 10 - 1998 Ursus-seriesUrsus, Vol 12 (2001) Ursus-series Uruguay Round Uruguay R5Usability and Internationalization, Pt 1, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Usability and Internationalization, Pt 2, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc%Usability: Gaining A Competitive EdgeInt Fed Info ProcDUsability of Speech Dialog Systems: Listening to The Target AudienceSignals Commun Techn+Usage of Major Crops in The Non-food Sector Colloq InraUs and Cross-national Policies, Practices, and Preparation: Implications for Successful Instructional Leadership, Oranizational Learning, and Culturally Responsive PracticesStud Educ Leadersh3Us and Them: Archaeology and Ethnicity in The AndesMonogr Cotsen Inst A]Us-asia Economic Relations: A Political Economy of Crisis and The Rise of New Business ActorsRoutl City U Hong Ko Usa Today Usa Today6Usa - United States of Asia: An Asian Union InitiativeAsian Polit Econ SecUs-china Economic Relations Res Pap PolYU.s.-china Relations and The Bush Administration: A New Paradigm Or Continuing ModalitiesKeck Ctr Int St Stud0Us-china Relations: China Policy On Capitol HillRoutl Contemp ChinaBUs-china Relations in The 21st Century: Power Transition and Peace Polit Asia,U.s. Constitution and The Power to Go to WarContrib Mil Stud*Us Covert Operations and Cold War Strategy Stud IntellPUsda Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory General Technical Report - SeriesUsda For Serv For Pr:Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Alaska Region Usda Alaska:Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Intermountain Usda Interm:Usda Forest Service General Technical Report North CentralUs For Serv T R Nc:Usda Forest Service General Technical Report North Central Usda N CentUUsda Forest Service General Technical Report Northeastern Forest Experimental Station Usda Ne Exp>Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Pacific NorthwestUs For Serv T R Pnw>Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Pacific Northwest Usda Pac Nw>Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Pacific SouthwestUs For Serv T R Psw>Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Pacific Southwest Usda Pac Sw;Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Rocky Mountain Usda Rocky9Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Southeastern Usda Southe<Usda Forest Service General Technical Report Southern Forest Usda So ForAUsda Forest Service Intermountain Research Station Research PaperUsda For Serv Int RJUsda Forest Service North Central Forest Experiment Station Research PaperUsda For Serv Nc R PIUsda Forest Service Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Research PaperUsda For Serv Ne ResJUsda Forest Service Northeastern Research Station General Technical ReportUsda Fs Ne Res St Gt@Usda Forest Service Northeastern Research Station Research PaperUsda For Serv Ne ResNUsda Forest Service Northern Research Station General Technical Report Gtr NrsUsda For Serv N ResNUsda Forest Service Northern Research Station General Technical Report Gtr-nrsUsda For Serv Nrs GtEUsda Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Research PaperUsda For Serv Pnw ReLUsda Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Research Paper Pnw-rpUs For Serv R P PnwEUsda Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Research PaperUsda For Serv Psw RUUsda Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Research PaperUsda For Serv Rm Res?Usda Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-pGUsda Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Research Paper RmrsUs For Serv Rmrs-rpGUsda Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Research Paper RmrsUsda For Serv Rm R SIUsda Forest Service Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Research PaperUsda For Serv Se ResEUsda Forest Service Southern Forest Experiment Station Research PaperUsda For Serv So Res{Us Defense Strategy From Vietnam to Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Innovation and The New American War of War, 1973-2003 Strateg HistEUs Department Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service : Biological Report Usdi Fish WLUs Department Interior, National Park Service : Transactions and Proceedings Usdi Tran PIU.s Domestic and National Security Agendas: Into The Twenty-first CenturyContrib Mil Stud;Use and Abuse of Computer Technology in The Social Sciences Ser Hom SocUse and Approval of Antihypertensive Agents and Surrogate Endpoints for The Approval of Drugs Affecting Antiarrhythmic Heart Failure and HypolipidemiaDev Cardiovasc Med2Used Books: Marking Readers in Renaissance England Mater TextsGUseful Knowledge: The American Philosophical Society Millennium Program Mem A Philo6Use of Agriculturally Important Genes in BiotechnologyNato Adv Sci I A-lifHUse of and Need for Preservation Standards in Architectural ConservationAm Soc Test MaterVUse of Biomarkers in Assessing Health and Environmental Impacts of Chemical PollutantsNato Adv Sci Inst Se&Use of Chemicals in Oil Spill ResponseAm Soc Test Mater=Use of Cyclodextrin Polymers in Separation of Organic SpeciesPolym Sci Technol Se,Use of Databases in Cross-linguistic StudiesEmpir Approach LangUse of Desmopressin in SurgeryRes Clin Forums1Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental PolicyRoutl Explor EnvironPUse of Electrochemical Scanning Tunnel Microscopy (ec-stm) in Corrosion AnalysisEur Fed Corros Publ-Use of Eos for Studies of Atmospheric PhysicsP Int Sch PhysUse of Essential DrugsWho Tech Rep Ser!Use of Fire in Forest Restoration Usda Interm4Use of Historical Data in Natural Hazard AssessmentsAdv Nat Tech Haz Res4Use of Historical Data in Natural Hazard AssessmentsAdv Nat Technol HazSUse of Humic Substances to Remediate Polluted Environments: From Theory to PracticeNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear1Use of Hydro-ecological Models in The Netherlands Comm HydrolFUse of Hydrogeochemical Information in Testing Groundwater Flow Models Radioact WQUse of Irradiation As A Quarantine Treatment of Food and Agricultural Commodities Iaea Pan PAUse of Irradiation to Control Infectivity of Food-borne Parasites Iaea Pan PFUse of Landscape Sciences for The Assessment of Environmental SecurityNato Sci Peace Secur1Use of Mechanistic Information in Risk Assessment Arch Tox S"Use of Organosilanes in BiosensorsBiotech Agr Ind Med8Use of Plant Introductions in Cultivar Development, Pt 1Cssa Spec Publ8Use of Plant Introductions in Cultivar Development, Pt 2Cssa Spec PublEUse of Probablistic Safety Assessment for Operational Safety - Psa 91P S Iaea;Use of Satellite and In-situ Data to Improve SustainabilityNato Sci Peace SecurxUse of Science and Technology in Business: Exploring The Impact of Using Activity for Systems, Organizations, and PeopleInt Bus Manag-serqUse of Short- and Medium-term Tests for Carcinogens and Data On Genetic Effects in Carcinogenic Hazard Evaluation Iarc Sci Publ+Use of Ultraproducts in Commutative AlgebraLect Notes Math)Use of Waste Materials in Hot-mix AsphaltAm Soc Test MaterUse RUse R1User Acceptance of Health Telematics Applications St Heal T1User Acceptance of Health Telematics ApplicationsStud Health TechnolYUser-centered Interaction Design Patterns for Interactive Digital Television ApplicationsHum-comput Int-sprinSUser-centered Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in The Information SoceityLect Notes Comput Sc*User-centric Technologies and ApplicationsAdv Intel Soft CompuCUser-generated Content and Its Impact On Web-based Library ServicesChandos Inf Prof Ser$User Interface Management and Design Eurograph SUser Modeling 2001, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntUser Modeling 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntUser Modeling 2005, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif IntUser Modeling 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int;User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc*User Modeling and User-adapted InteractionUser Model User-adap9Uses and Effects of Cultured Fishes in Aquatic Ecosystems Am Fish S S Uses of Algae Oceanis S D'Uses of Fluoxetine in Clinical PracticeRoy Soc Med Int CongUses of History Lit Pol Th(Uses of Immobilized Biological CompoundsNato Adv Sci Inst SeUses of LinguisticsAnn Ny Acad Sci)Uses of The Future in Early Modern EuropeRout Stud Renais Lit Useware 2002 VDI BerichtSUs Foreign Policy and Iran: American-iranian Relations Since The Islamic RevolutionContemp Secur StudRUs Foreign Policy and The War On Drugs: Displacing The Cocaine and Heroin IndustryCss Stud Sec Int Rel,Us Foreign Policy Since 1945, Second EditionMaking Contemp WorldQUs Hypersonic Research and Development: The Rise and Fall of Dyna-soar, 1944-1963Space Power PolitFUs-indian Strategic Cooperation Into The 21st Century: More Than WordsAsian Secur StudAUsing Discrete Choice Experiments to Value Health and Health CareEcon Non-mark Good<Using Dynamic General Equilibrium Models for Policy AnalysisContrib To Econ AnalBUsing Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource EconomicsNew Horiz Environ EcmUsing Eye Movements As An Experimental Probe of Brain Function - A Symposium in Honor of Jean Buttner-enneverProg Brain ResUsing Natural Gas in Engines Imeche Sem!Using Powder Metallurgy in Design Imeche Sem\Using Robots in Hazardous Environments: Landmine Detection, De-mining and Other ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Mech E6Using Simulations for Education, Training and ResearchWork Res Multidiscip\Using Survey Data to Study Disability: Results From The National Health Survey On DisabilityRes Soc Sci Disabil Using Video in Teacher Education Adv Res Teach8Using Wood Composites As A Tool for Sustainable ForestryUsda For Serv For Pr)U.s. Intellectual Property Law and PolicyQueen Mary Stud Inte0Us Internal Security Assistance to South VietnamCold War Hist-routlLU.s. / Japan Workshop On Ion Temperature Gradient-driven Turbulent Transport Aip Conf ProcjU.s. Marine Shrimp Farming Program: The Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Consortium, 10th Anniversary ReviewGulf Coast Res Lab S)Us Military Innovation Since The Cold War Strateg HistUUs Military Profession Into The 21st Century: War, Peace and Politics, Second Edition Cass Mil StudUs Mine Ventilation Symposia Us Mine Ven0Us National Security, Intelligence and Democracy Stud IntellUs Navy Medicine Us Navy Med,Us Nuclear Weapons Policy After The Cold WarRout Glob Secur StudUspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk Usp Fiz Nauk+Uspekhi Khimii Usp Khim+Us - Post-soviet Dialogues Us Post SovJU.s. Scienfific and Technical Workforce: Impriving Data for DecisionmakingRand Conf ProcGU.s. Social Welfare Reform: Policy Transitions From 1981 to The PresentInt Ser Consum Sci Us SpacesuitsSpringer-prax BooksjUs Special Forces and Counterinsurgency in Vietnam: Military Innovation and Institutional Failure, 1961-63 Strateg Hist7Ussr Computational Mathematics and Mathematical PhysicsUssr Comp Math Math+jUssr-csfr Joint Seminar On Nonlinear Optics in Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling of Biophysical ProcessesP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Us Taiwan Policy: Constructing The TriangleAsian Secur StudPUs Textile Production in Historical Perspective: A Case Study From MassachusettsStud Am Popul Hist C0Us-thailand Relations in A New International Era Res Pap PolAU.s. Trade With Developing Countries: Policy, Programs and TrendsMonet Fisc Trade Pol6Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Research BulletinUtah Aes Res Bull4Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Research ReportUtah Aes Res Rep Utah ScienceUtah Sci0Uterine and Embryonic Factors in Early Pregnancy Reprod Biol3Uterine Cancer: Screening, Diagnosis, and TreatmentCurr Clin Oncol"Uterine Fibroids : Time for Review Adv Rep End%Uteroglobin/clara Cell Protein FamilyAnn Ny Acad SciUterus and Human ReproductionAnn Ny Acad Sci"Uterus: Endometrium and MyometriumAnn Ny Acad Sci7Utilisation and Development of Solar and Wind ResourcesEnerg Sci Eng TechUtilitasUtilitasUtilitas MathematicaUtilitas Mathematica1Utilities and Geothermal: An Emerging Partnership Geoth Res TUtilities Policy Util PolicyUtility ComputingLect Notes Comput ScUtility Vehicles VDI BerichtRUtilization of Bioremediation to Reduce Soil Contamination: Problems and SolutionsNato Sci S Ss Iv EarUtilization of Greenhouse Gases Acs Sym Ser(Utilization of Lignocellulosic Materials Macromol Sy@Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning: A Local Search ApproachLect Notes Artif IntEUtilizing Technology Transfer to Develop Small and Medium EnterprisesNato Asi S 4 Sci Tec>Utopia Antiqua: Readings of The Golden Age and Decline At RomeRoutl Monogr Class SUtopian Fantastic Contr Sci FJUtopian Generations: The Political Horizon of Twentieth-century LiteratureTransl Transnat'Uttarkashi Earthquake (20 October 1991)Geol Soc Ind Mem-Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive ModelsCur Res Sem Prag IntUttering TreesLinguist Inq Monogr7Uudet Jatteenkasittelykeskusten Vesienhankintatekniikat Vtt Res Notes5Uv and Gamma-ray Space Telescope Systems, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins5Uv and Gamma-ray Space Telescope Systems, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie.Uv and Visible Lasers and Laser Crystal GrowthP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Uveitis and Immunological DisordersEssent Ophthalmol1Uveitis and Immunological Disorders: Progress IiiEssent Ophthalmol Uveitis Today Int Congr SerHUv/euv and Visible Space Instrumentation for Astronomy and Solar PhysicsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Uv/euv and Visible Space Instrumentation for Astronomy IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Uv, Optical, and Ir Space Telescopes and InstrumentsP Soc Photo-opt Ins4Uv, Optical, and Ir Space Telescopes and Instruments Proc SpieDUv/optical/ir Space Telescopes: Innovative Technologies and ConceptsP Soc Photo-opt InsHUv/optical/ir Space Telescopes: Innovative Technologies and Concepts IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Uv Solid-state Light Emitters and DetectorsNato Sci Ser Ii Math+Uv Solid-state Light Emitters and DetectorsNato Sci Ser Ii-math?Uv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins?Uv, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy Xv Proc Spie0Vacation Queueing Models Theory and ApplicationsInt Ser Oper Res Man,Vaccination and Control of Aujeszkys Disease Curr T Vet6Vaccination: A Tool for The Control of Avian InfluenzaDev BiologicalsVaccineVaccineVaccine AdjuvantsMethods Mol BiolVaccine Cell Substrates 2004Dev BiologicalsVaccine DesignNato Adv Sci I A-lifVaccinesNato Adv Sci Inst SeHVaccines 95 - Molecular Approaches to The Control of Infectious DiseasesVaccinesHVaccines 96 - Molecular Approaches to The Control of Infectious DiseasesVaccinesHVaccines 97 - Molecular Approaches to The Control of Infectious DiseasesVaccines(Vaccines Against Virally Induced Cancers Ciba F Symp.Vaccines (cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press)VaccinesVaccines for Pandemic InfluenzaCurr Top Microbiol2Vaccines: Preventing Disease and Protecting Health Paho Sci P%Vaccines : Recent Trends and ProgressNato Adv Sci I A-lifVacuumVacuum*Vacuum Design of Synchrotron Light Sources Aip Conf ProcVacuum Mechatronics Aip Conf ProcVacuum Microelectronics 1989Inst Phys Conf Ser"Vacuum Structure in Intense FieldsNato Adv Sci I B-phyVadose Zone Journal Vadose Zone JVagueness: A GuideLogic Epistemol Unit0Vagueness: From Epstemicism to Transvaluationism Acta AnalytVakuum-technik Vakuum-tech6Valency: Theoretical, Descriptive and Cognitive IssuesTrends Linguist-stud;Valeur Des Liens: Hommes, Femmes Et Transactions FamilialesAnthropologiquesValidation in Language TestingMod Lang Pract#Validation of Magnetospheric Models Adv Space Res Validation of Stochastic SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc/Validation Practices for Biotechnology ProductsAm Soc Test MaterWValidation Problems of Rainfall Estimation Methods By Satellite in Intertropical Africa Colloq Semi0Valuation of Network Effects in Software MarketsContrib Manag SciValuative TreeLect Notes Math(Value-based Management of The Rising SunMonden Inst Manag-jp[Value Chain Management in The Chemical Industry: Global Value Chain Planning of CommoditiesContrib Manag Sci'Value Creation in E-business ManagementLect Notes Bus Inf'Value Creation in E-business ManagementLect Notes Bus Inf P*Value Creation in Multinational EnterpriseInt Financ Rev"Value-distributions of L-functionsLect Notes MathmValue-focused Business Process Engineering: A Systems Approach With Applications to Human Resource ManagementIntegr Ser Inform SyValue in Health Value Health8Value of Information Updating in New Product DevelopmentLect Notes Econ MathUValue of Innovation : Impact On Health, Life Quality, Safety, and Regulatory ResearchRes Hum Cap DevValues and Knowledge J Piaget Sy6Values and Principles in European Union Foreign PolicyRoutl Adv Eur Polit4Values and Violence: Intangible Aspects of TerrorismStud Glob Justice4Values and Violence: Intangible Aspects of TerrorismStud Global JusticeHValues Education and Lifelong Learning: Principles, Policies, ProgrammesLifelong Learn Book4Values, Empathy, and Fairness Across Social BarriersAnn Ny Acad Sci9Values in Medicine: What Are We Really Doing to Patients?Biomed Law Ethics Li!Values of Presidential LeadershipJepson Stud LeadershJValuing Complex Natural Resource Systems: The Case of The Lagoon of VeniceFeem Ser Econ EnvirkValuing Environmental Amenities Using Stated Choice Studies: A Common Sense Approach to Theory and PracticeEcon Non-mark Good$Valuing Wildlife Resources in Alaska Soc Beh NatValvular Heart DiseaseContemp CardiolVanadium: The Verastile Metal Acs Sym Ser&Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science Vanc St CogVanderbilt Law ReviewVanderbilt Law RevVanillaMed Aromat Plants-inaVanishing and Finiteness Results in Geometric Analysis: A Generalization of The Bochner Technique Prog Math<Vanishing Bile Duct Syndrome - Pathophysiology and Treatment Falk Symp>Vanishing Theorems and Effective Results in Algebraic GeometryIctp Lect Notes:Van Loon: Popular Historian, Journalist, and Fdr ConfidantWorld RooseveltsLVapor-liquid Interfaces, Bubbles and Droplets: Fundamentals and ApplicationsHeat Mass TransfDVapour and Trace Detection of Explosives for Anti-terrorism PurposesNato Sci Ser Ii Math#Vargas and Brazil: New PerspectivesStud Am"Variability in Human Drug Response Int Congr Ser0Variability in Rangeland Water Erosion ProcessesSssa Spec Publ/Variability in Response to Anti-rheumatic DrugsAgent Action Suppl>Variable and Non-spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot StarsLect Notes PhysVariable Speed Drive Systems VDI BerichtVariable Stars and Galaxies Astr Soc P/Variable Stars As Essential Astrophysical ToolsNato Adv Sci I C-mat!Variable Stars in The Local Group Astr Soc P>Variable Structure Systems, Sliding Mode and Nonlinear ControlLect Notes Contr Inf4Variable Structure Systems: Towards The 21st CenturyLect Notes Contr Inf4Variable Universe: A Celebration of Bohdan Paczynski Astr Soc P.Variational Analysis and Aerospace EngineeringSpringer Optim Appl.Variational Analysis and Aerospace EngineeringSpringer Ser Optim A%Variational Analysis and ApplicationsNoncon Optim Its App%Variational Analysis and ApplicationsNonconvex OptimsVariational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation in Optimization and Control: in Honor of Boris S. MordukhovichSpringer Ser Optim A-Variational Analysis in Sobolev and Bv SpacesMps-siam Ser Optimiz;Variational and Quasi-variational Inequalities in MechanicsSolid Mech ApplGVariational and Topological Methods in The Study of Nonlinear Phenomena Prog Nonlin6Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications Int S Num MMVariational, Geometric, and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc\Variational Inequalities With Applications: A Study of Antiplane Frictional Contact Problems Adv Mech MathuVariational Methods: Applications to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Hamiltonian Systems, Fourth EditionErgeb Math GrenzgebLVariational Methods for Crystalline Mirostructure - Analysis and ComputationLect Notes Math0Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures Prog Nonlin0Variational Methods for Discontinuous StructuresProg Nonlinear Diffe\Variational Methods for Problems From Plasticity Theory and for Generalized Newtonian FluidsLect Notes MathVariational Methods in Imaging Appl Math Sci>Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics Ii: ApplicationsInteract Mech MathAVariational Principles of Continuum Mechanics, Vol I FundamentalsInteract Mech Math)Variational Problems in Materials Science Prog NonlinOVariational Problems in Riemannian Geometry: Bubbles, Scans and Geometric Flows Prog Nonlin2Variation and Gradience in Phonetics and Phonology Phonol Phonet_Variation Aware Analog and Mixed-signal Circuit Design in Emerging Multi-gate Cmos TechnologiesSpr Ser Adv MicroeleRVariation-aware Analog Structural Synthesis: A Computational Intelligence ApproachAnalog Circ Sig Proc<Variation Et Optimisation De Formes: Une Analyse GeometriqueMath Appl-berlin#Variation in (sub)standard Language Belg J LingVariation in The Human Genome Ciba F Symp@Variation in The Input: Studies in The Acquisition of Word OrderStud Theor PsycholinTVariation, Selection, Development: Probing The Evolutionary Model of Language ChangeTrends Linguist-studVaricella-zoster VirusCurr Top Microbiol3Varieties of Capitalism in Post-communist CountriesStud Econ TransitLVarieties of Capitalism Paradigm: Explaining Germany's Comparative AdvantageNew Perspect Ger Stu5Varieties of English Around The World, General SeriesVar Engl Ar World Gs2Varieties of Meaning: The 2002 Jean Nicod LecturesJean Nicod Lect?Varieties of Political Experience in Eighteenth-century AmericaEarly Am Stud SerJVariscan-appalachian Dynamics: The Building of The Late Paleozoic Basement Geol S Am SWVartioimattoman Tasoristeyksen Ylitys: Autonkuljettajien Kasitykset Ja Riskin Kokeminen Vtt Res Notes*Vasa-european Journal of Vascular MedicineVasa!Vasa-journal of Vascular DiseasesVasa-j Vascular DisVascularVascular!Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryVasc Endovasc SurgVascular EndotheliumNato Adv Sci I A-lifVascular EndotheliumNato Adv Sci Inst SeVascular EndotheliumNato Sci Ser I LifeVascular Endothelium /Nato Adv Sci I A-lif$Vascular Endothelium in InflammationBehr Inst Mitt2Vascular Endothelium: Mechanisms of Cell SignalingNato Adv Sci I A-lif'Vascular Factors in Alzheimer's DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci(Vascular Growth Factors and AngiogenesisCurr Top MicrobiolWVascular Interventional Radiology: Angioplasty, Stenting, Thrombolysis and ThrombectomyMed Radiol Diagn ImaVascular MedicineVasc MedVascular Medicine / Int Congr SerVascular PharmacologyVasc PharmacolVascular Plants As Epiphytes Ecol Stu AnVascular SurgerySpringer Surg AtlasVascular Surgery Vascular SurgAVasodilatation and Beta-blockade A New Standard in Hypertension ?Roy Soc Med Int Cong6Vasomotion and Flow Modulation in The MicrocirculationProgr Appl MicrVasomotion and Flow MotionProgr Appl MicrVasopressin and OxytocinAdv Exp Med Biol=Vasopressin and Oxytocin: From Genes to Clinical ApplicationsProg Brain ResQVast 2006: Ieee Symposium On Visual Analytics Science and Technology, ProceedingsIeee S Vis AnalQVast: Ieee Symposium On Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2007, ProceedingsIeee S Vis Anal Vcsels and Optical InterconnectsP Soc Photo-opt InsV(d)j RecombinationAdv Exp Med BiolVdm 90Lect Notes Comput Sc,Vector and Parallel Processing - Vecpar 2000Lect Notes Comput Sc*Vector and Parallel Processing - Vecpar'96Lect Notes Comput Sc*Vector and Parallel Processing - Vecpar'98Lect Notes Comput Sc"Vector-borne and Zoonotic DiseasesVector-borne ZoonotHVector-borne Pathogens: International Trade and Tropical Animal DiseasesAnn Ny Acad Sci#Vector Bundles and Complex Geometry Contemp Math2Vector Bundles in Algebraic Geometry - Durham 1993 Lond Math SkVector Calculus in Regional Development Analysis: Comparative Regional Analysis Using The Example of Poland Contrib EconMVector Control of Three-phase Ac Machines: System Development in The Practice Power Syst#Vector Fields On Singular VarietiesLect Notes Math/Vector Measures, Integration and Related Topics Oper Theor/Vector Measures, Integration and Related TopicsOper Theory Adv ApplVector Optimization Vector Optim8Vector Optimization: Set-valued and Variational AnalysisLect Notes Econ Math-Vector Optimization With Infimum and Supremum Vector OptimGVector -valued Laplace Transforms and Cauchy A Problems, Second EditionMg MathDVegetables, Whole Grains, and Their Derivatives in Cancer Prevention Diet Cancer Vegetatio VegetatioVVegetation-climate Interaction: How Plants Make The Global Environment, Second EditionS-p B Environ SciKVegetation-climate Interaction: How Vegetation Makes The Global EnvironmentSpringer-prax Books$Vegetation History and ArchaeobotanyVeg Hist Archaeobot,Vegetation Structure and Species CoexistenceSpec Feat Veget SciVegetosVegetos=Vehicle Concepts for The 2nd Century of Automotive Technology VDI Bericht Vehicle Noise and Vibration 2000Imeche Conf Trans Vehicle Noise and Vibration 2002Imeche Conf Trans&Vehicle Noise and Vibration RefinementWoodhead Publ Mech EVehicle-road InteractionAm Soc Test Mater;Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New ChallengesOper Res Comput SciVehicle Safety 2002Imeche Conf TransVehicle System DynamicsVehicle Syst Dyn+Vehicular Networks: From Theory to PracticeCh Crc Comp Info SciVeligerVeligerMVelvet Revolution At The Synchrotron: Biology, Physics, and Change in ScienceInside TechnolHVenereology-the Interdisciplinary International Journal of Sexual Health Venereology1Venezuela: A Petro-state Using Renewable EnergiesEnerg Polic Clim Pro$Venomous Snakes: Envenoming, TherapyReptiles-classif Evo<Venomous Tongues: Speech and Gender in Late Medieval EnglandMiddle Ages Ser.Venoms: Sources, Toxicity and Therapeutic Uses Adv Biol Med'Venous Drainage of The Human MyocardiumAdv Anat Embryol Cel8Vent and Seep Biota: Aspects From Microbes to Ecosystems Top Geobiol/Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Hospitals Nato Asi 2/Ventilators: Development - Planning - Operation VDI BerichtJVentral Brainstem Mechanisms and Control of Respiration and Blood PressureLung Biol Health Dis3Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship and Public PolicyCesifo Seminar SerVenus AtmosphereAdv Space Res-series*Veranderungsprozesse Erfolgreich GestaltenVDI-Buch-Verbal and Nonverbal Communication BehavioursLect Notes Comput ScKVerbal and Nonverbal Features of Human-human and Human-machine InteractionsLect Notes Artif IntVerbatimVerbatim&Verb Constructions in German and DutchAmst Stud Theory His1Verbraucherschutz Bei Vertragsschluss Im InternetSchr Eur Int Priv BZVerbraucherschutz Im Kreditgeschaft-compliance in Der Kreditwirtschaft: Bankrechtstag 2008Schr Bankrechtl VerVerbumVerbum!Verfahren Der FertigungssteuerungVDI-Buch8Verfahren Der Fertigungssteuerung, Second Edition (2008)VDI-BuchVerfassungsrechtliche Beitrittsverfahren Zur Europaischen Union Und Seine Auswirkungen Am Beispiel Der Gotovina-affare Im Kroatischen BeitrittsverfahrenBeitr Ausl Offentl REVerfication, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVerhaltenstherapieVerhaltenstherapieKVerhandelingen : Van Het Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal Land En Volkenkunde Verh Konik?Verhandlungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur KreislaufforschungVer Deut Gesell Kr7Verhandlungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Pathologie Verh Deut GCVerhandlungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Pathologie, 88. Tagung Verh Deut G5Verhandlungen Der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft Verh Deut Z@Verhandlungen Der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher Und Arzte Ver Ges D N Verification Pugwash Mon9Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract InterpretationLect Notes Comput ScGVerification, Model Checking , and Abstract Interpretation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFVerification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc)Verification of Digital and Hybrid SystemNato Adv Sci I F-com%Verification of Geotechnical Grouting Geotech Sp;Verification of The Biological and Toxin Weapons ConventionNato Sci S 1 Disarm!Verification: Theory and PracticeLect Notes Comput Sc Verifiche Verifiche/Verified Software: Theories, Tools, ExperimentsLect Notes Comput ScJVerifikation Und Validierung Fur Die Simulation in Produktion Und LogistikVDI-BuchGVerkehrsleittechnik: Automatisierung Des Strassen- Und SchienenverkehrsVDI-BuchVernacular Architecture Vernac Archit+Vernacular Universals and Language ContactsRoutl Stud Ger LingNVernacular Voices: Language and Identity in Medieval French Jewish CommunitiesJew Cult Context"Vernetztes Supply Chain ManagementVDI-Buch)Vernon Lee: Dacadence, Ethics, AestheticsPalgrave Stud Ninet-;Veroffentlichungen Aus Der Pathologie-progress in Pathology Veroff Pathol8Veroffentlichungen Der Historischen Kommission Zu BerlinVeroff Hist Komm Ber3Veroffentlichungen Der Universitatsbibliothek Essen Ver U EssenjVeroffentlichungen Des Geobotanischen Institutes Der Eidgenossischen Technischen Hochschule Stiftung Rubel Ver GeobotGVeroffentlichungen Des Hwwa-institut Fur Wirtschaftsforschung - HamburgVer Hwwa Inst WirtsRVeroffentlichungen Des Instituts Fur Internationales Recht An Der Universitat Kiel Ver Inst InQVeroffentlichungen Des Ludwig-boltzmann-instituts Fur Geschichte Und GesellschaftVer Ludwig Boltzmann[Veroffentlichungen Des Seminars Fur Agrarpolitik Und Agrarrecht An Der Hochschule St Gallen Ver Sem Agr;Veroffentlichungen Des Zentralinstituts Fur Physik Der Erde Ver Zent PhVerpackungs RundschauVerpack RundschVersatile SolitonMod Birkhauser Class5Versatility of Wetlands in The Agricultural Landscape Asae Publ"Vers La Republique Des DifferencesPhilos ToulouseVertebral Column and Statics Prak OrthopVertebrata PalasiaticaVertebrat Palasiatic%Vertebrate Biomechanics and EvolutionExptl Biol RevEVertebrate Embryogenesis: Embryological, Cellular and Genetic MethodsMethods Mol Biol-Vertebrate Paleobiology and PaleoanthropologyVertebr Paleobiol Pa4Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology SeriesVertebr Paleobiol Pa9Vertebrate Phototransduction and The Visual Cycle, Part AMethod Enzymol7Vertebrate Phototransduction and The Visual Cycle, Pt BMethod EnzymolVertebrate Zoology Vertebr Zool*Vertex Operator Algebras and Related Areas Contemp MathVerticaVertica-Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Laser ArraysP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers Iii Proc Spie*Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins*Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers Iv Proc Spie*Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers VP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers V Proc Spie*Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers XP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Vertical - Cavity Surface - Emitting Lasers XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers Xii Proc Spie,Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers Xiv Proc Spie*Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers Xv Proc Spie3Vertical Coupling and Decoupling in The LithosphereGeol Soc Spec PublVertical Reference SystemsIag Symp:Vertical Relationships and Coordination in The Food SystemContribut Econ$Vertical Software Industry EvolutionContrib Manag SciXVertigo, Nausea, Tinnitus and Hearing Loss in Central and Peripheral Vestibular Diseases Int Congr SerDVertigo, Nausea, Tinnitus and Hypoacusia Due to Head and Neck Trauma Int Congr Ser?Vertigo, Nausea, Tinnitus and Hypoacusia in Metabolic Disorders Int Congr SerVertrag, Treueid Und BundBeih Z Alttest Wiss2Vertriebsrecht: Kommentierung Zu Ss 84 Bis 92c HgbDegruyter Komment$Very High Angular Resolution ImagingIau Symp(Very High Resolution and Quality ImagingP Soc Photo-opt Ins+Very High Resolution and Quality Imaging IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins,Very High Resolution and Quality Imaging Iii Spie Proc Ser!Very Large Data Bases : Vldb - 92Proc Int Conf Very LVery Large-scale FiresAm Soc Test Mater.Very Long Baseline Interferometry and The Vlba Astr Soc P$Very Low-mass Stars and Brown DwarfsCam Contemp Astrophy?Verzahnungsmesstechnik: Praktisch Anwendungen Und Neue Losungen VDI BerichtkVerzaubertes Horen: Das Zusammenwirken Von Musik- Und Wortsprache Als Zeichen Gottesdienstlicher PolyphoniePrakt Theol WissVestibular and Neural Front Int Congr Ser&Vestibular Dysfunction and Its TherapyAdv Oto-rhino-laryng*Vestibular Labyrinth in Health and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci(Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SssrVestn Akad Med Nauk+Vestnik Akademii Nauk SssrVestn An Sssr+"Vestnik Dermatologii I VenerologiiVestn Dermatol Vener#Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I I GrekovaVestn Khir Im Grekov9Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta Seriya Fizika KhimiyaVestn Lenin U Fiz KhKVestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta Seriya Matematika Mekhanika AstronomiyaVestn Lenin U Mma>Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Seriya 1 Matematika MekhanikaVestn Mosk U Mat M+1Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Seriya 2 KhimiyaVestn Mosk U Khim+<Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Seriya 3 Fizika AstronomiyaVestn Mosk U Fiz As+Vestnik OftalmologiiVestn Oftalmol.Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh NaukVestn Ros Akad Med+ Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii NaukVestn Ros Akad Nauk+Veterans Benefits and CareDef Secur Strateg Veterinaria Veterinaria VeterinariaVeterinaria-cremonaVeterinaria ItalianaVet ItalVeterinaria Italiana (series)Veter Ital SerVeterinaria Mexico Vet Mexico Veterinarian VeterinarianVeterinaria-spofaVeterinaria-spofaVeterinarija Ir Zootechnika Vet ZootecVeterinarija Ir ZootechnikaVet Zootech-lithVeterinarni Medicina Vet Med-czechVeterinarski Arhiv Vet Arhiv&Veterinary & Comparative OphthalmologyVet Comp Ophthalmol$Veterinary Anaesthesia and AnalgesiaVet Anaesth Analg#Veterinary and Comparative OncologyVet Comp Oncol8Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and TraumatologyVet Comp OrthopaedVeterinary and Human ToxicologyVet Hum ToxicolVeterinary Clinical Pathology Vet Clin Path#Veterinary Clinics of North America Vet Clin N Am3Veterinary Clinics of North America-equine PracticeVet Clin N Am-equine8Veterinary Clinics of North America-food Animal PracticeVet Clin N Am-food A9Veterinary Clinics of North America-large Animal PracticeVet Clin N Am-large9Veterinary Clinics of North America-small Animal PracticeVet Clin N Am-smallVeterinary Dermatology Vet DermatolVeterinary Drug Residues Acs Sym SerVeterinary EconomicsVet Econ)Veterinary Immunology and ImmunopathologyVet Immunol ImmunopVeterinary Ireland Journal Vet Ireland JVeterinary JournalVet J@Veterinary Medical Specialization: Bridging Science and MedicineAdv Vet Sci Comp MedVeterinary Medicine Vet Med-us,Veterinary Medicine & Small Animal ClinicianVet Med Sm Anim ClinVeterinary Microbiology Vet MicrobiolVeterinary OphthalmologyVet OphthalmolVeterinary Parasitology Vet ParasitolVeterinary Pathology Vet Pathol-Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in The Environment Acs Sym SerVeterinary Practice StaffVet Pract StaffVeterinary Practitioner Vet PractVeterinary Quarterly Vet QuartVeterinary Radiology Vet Radiology!Veterinary Radiology & UltrasoundVet Radiol UltrasounVeterinary RecordVet RecVeterinary ResearchVet Res"Veterinary Research CommunicationsVet Res Commun!Veterinary Science CommunicationsVet Sci CommunVeterinary SurgeryVet SurgVeterinary TechnicianVet TechVeterinary TherapeuticsVet TherVetus TestamentumVetus TestamentumViaViaQViable Methods of Soil and Water Pollution Monitoring, Protection and RemediationNato Sci S Ss Iv Ear'Viable New Paradigm for Quantum RealityPhys Res Technol Via Folios Via Folios6Vial-vigo International Journal of Applied LinguisticsVial-vigo Int J Appl'Viator-medieval and Renaissance StudiesViator-mediev Renais6Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Vol 38, No 1Viator-mediev Renais6Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Vol 38, No 2Viator-mediev Renais6Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Vol 39, No 1Viator-mediev Renais6Viator: Medieval and 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Rotating MachineryImeche Conf Trans;Vibrations in Rotating Machinery - International ConferenceProc Inst Mech Eng S7Vibrations of Mechanical Systems With Regular StructureFound Eng MechVibroengineering-kaunasVibroengineering KauVibro-impact DynamicsLect Notes Appl Comp;Vibro-impact Dynamics of Ocean Systems and Related Problems Ln App C MCVibronic Interactions: Jahn-teller Effect in Crystals and MoleculesNato Sci Ser Ii MathCVibronic Interactions: Jahn-teller Effect in Crystals and MoleculesNato Sci Ser Ii-math8Victimhood, Vengefulness, and The Culture of ForgivenessPsychiat Theor Appl>Victims and Victimization in French and Francophone Literature Fr Lit SerVictims of Abuse Mg S RalphVictorian Christmas in PrintNinet-century MajorpVictorian Detective Fiction and The Nature of Evidence: The Scientific Investigations of Poe, Dickens, and DoylePalgrave Stud Ninet- Victorian Literature and CultureVictorian Lit Cult3Victorian Narrative Technologies in The Middle EastLit Crit Cult TheoryVictorian NewsletterVictorian NewslVictorian Periodicals ReviewVic Period RevVictorian PoetryVictorian Poetry"Victorian Press and The Fairy TalePalgrave Stud Ninet-7Victorian Servants, Class, and The Politics of LiteracyRoutl Stud Ninet CenVictorian StudiesVictorian StudTVictorian Travel Writing and Imperial Violence: British Writing On Africa, 1855-1902Palgrave Stud Ninet-6Video Communications and Pacs for Medical ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Video Communications and Pacs for Medical Applications Proc Spie6Videoconferencing: Technology, Impact and ApplicationsMedia Commun TechnolVideodisc and Optical DiskVideodisc Opt DiskVideodisc-videotexVideodisc-videotex+Video Encryption Technology and ApplicationMedia Commun Technol VideometricsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3d Shape MeasurementP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3d Shape Measurement Proc SpieVideometrics IiP Soc Photo-opt InsVideometrics IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsVideometrics IvP Soc Photo-opt InsVideometrics IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins0Videometrics, Range Imaging, and Applications Xi Proc SpieVideometrics VP Soc Photo-opt InsVideometrics ViP Soc Photo-opt InsVideometrics Vi Proc SpieVideometrics ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsVideometrics ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsVideometrics Viii Proc Spie Video MiningInt Ser Video Comput Video MiningKlu Int S Video CompVideo Search and MiningStud Comput Intell.Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive TechniquesVideosurgery Miniinv7Video Techniques and Software for Full-service NetworksP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Video Technologies for Multimedia ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Vide-science Technique Et ApplicationsVidegVie D'acqua A Udine: Uno Studio Storico E Naturalistico Delle Rogge Di Udine E Palma E Del Canale LedraPubbl Varie Mus Friu"Vie Et Milieu-life and Environment Vie Milieu%Vie Et Milieu Serie A-biologie MarineVie Milieu A Biol Ma#Vie Et Milieu Serie B-oceanographieVie Milieu B Oceanog(Vie Et Milieu Serie C-biologie TerrestreVie Milieu C Biol Te^Vielstimmige Rede Vom Unsagbaren: Dekonstruktion, Glaube Und Kierkegaards Pseudonyme LiteraturKierke Stud Monogr SVie Medicale Au Canada FrancaisVie Med Can FrVi Encuentro Franco-espanol De Quimica Y Fisica Del Estado Solido - Vi Rencontre Franco-espagnole Sur La Chimie Et La Physique De L Etat Solide Physcs ProcKVienna Circle and Logical Empiricism: Re-evaluation and Future PerspectivesVienna Circ Inst YeaVienna Circle CollectionVienna Circ Collect Vienna Circle Institute YearbookVien Cir Inst Yearbk Vienna Circle Institute YearbookVienna Circ Inst YeaYVienna Circle in The Nordic Countries: Networks and Transformations of Logical EmpiricismVien Cir Inst Yearbk$Vienna Series in Theoretical BiologyVienna S Theor Biol$Vienna Series in Theoretical BiologyVienna Ser Theor Bio-Vientiane: Transformations of A Lao LandscapeAsias TransformCVierteljahrschrift Fur Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichte - BeihefteVier Soz Wirts Beih$Vierteljahrshefte Fur ZeitgeschichteVierteljahr 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Nuclear Physics and Applications Aip Conf ProchViii National Polish Scientific Conference On Complex and Detailed Problems of Environmental EngineeringZesz Nauk Wydzialu BSViii Reunion Regional Latinoamericana De Astronomia Union Astronomica InternationalRev Mex Ast Astr@Vii Latin American Symposium On Nuclear Physics and Applications Aip Conf Proc:Vii Mexican School On Gravitation and Mathematical PhysicsJ Phys Conf SergVii National Polish Scientific Conference On Complex and Detailed Problems of Environmental EngineeringZesz Nauk Wydzialu B-Vii National Symposium On Fast Ion ConductorsMolecul Phys Rep9Vi International Symposium On Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Falk SympLVi International Symposium On Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding and Pomology Acta Hortic-Viith International Symposium On Pear Growing Acta Hortic Viking WorldRoutledge Worlds?Vi Latin American Symposium On Nuclear Physics and Applications Aip Conf Proc2Villages in The Future: Crops, Jobs and LivelihoodGlobal Dial ExpoVilla Spelman Colloquia Vill Spel CVilles Et Territoires Villes TerrVilles Et Territories Villes Territ9Vi Mexican School On Gravitation and Mathematical PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser3Vina Del Mar Workshop On Cataclysmic Variable Stars Astr Soc PfVi National Polish Scientific Conference On Complex and Detailed Problems of Environmental EngineeringZesz Nauk Wydzialu BVinca and Its World Serb Ac SymHVindiciae Gallicae: Defence of The French Revolution: A Critical Edition Stud Mod HistVine and Wine Economy Dev Agr Ec!Vingtieme Siecle-revue D HistoireVingtieme Siecle-rev)V-invex Functions and Vector OptimizationSpringer Ser Optim AViolence Against WomenViolence Against WomIViolence Against Women : Nursing Research, Education, and Practice Issues S Hlth C W.Violence Against Women: Vulnerable PopulationsContemp Sociol PerspViolence Among The Mentally IllNato Adv Sci I D-behRViolence and Belief in Late Antiquity: Militant Devotion in Christianity and IslamDivin Reread Late An1Violence and Exploitation Against Women and GirlsAnn Ny Acad Sci#Violence and Non-violence in AfricaRoutl Adv Int RelatViolence and VictimsViolence Victims!Violence As A Public Health IssueRoy Soc Med Int Cong6Violence in French and Francophone Literature and Film Fr Lit Ser^Violence, L' Ordre Et La Paix: Resoudre Les Conflits En Gascogne Du Xi Au Debut De Xiii Siecle Tempus SerViolence of IncarcerationRoutl Adv Criminol Violence, Terrorism, and Justice Cam St PhilGViolent Crime and Prisons: Population, Health Conditions and RecidivismCrim Justice Law Enf1Violent Femmes: Women As Spies in Popular CultureTransformations-lond?Violent Passions: Managing Love in The Old French Verse RomanceStud Arthur Court Cu5Violent Separatism in Xinjiang: A Critical AssessmentPol Stud Vip, Pacap, and Related PeptidesAnn Ny Acad Sci=Vip, Pacap, and Related Peptides, 2nd International SymposiumAnn Ny Acad Sci6Vip, Pacap, and Related Peptides: From Gene to TherapyAnn Ny Acad Sci*Vip, Pacap, Glucagon, and Related PeptidesAnn Ny Acad Sci:Viral Cancers: Cytologic Tools in Diagnosis and ManagementCancer Etiol Diagn T Viral Gene Expression RegulationGen-res IssuesViral Hepatitis C, D and E Int Congr Ser>Viral Hepatitis in Children: Unique Features and OpportunitiesClin Gastroent-serViral Immunology Viral Immunol*Viral Oncogenesis and Cell DifferentiationAnn Ny Acad Sci&Viral Polymerases and Related ProteinsMethod Enzymol&Viral Polymerases and Related ProteinsMethods EnzymolZViral Proteases and Antiviral Protease Inhibitor Therapy: Proteases in Biology and DiseaseProteases Biol Dis*Viral Proteins Counteracting Host DefensesCurr Top MicrobiolNViral Safety and Evaluation of Viral Clearance From Biopharmaceutical ProductsDev Biol Stand5Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy: Methods and ProtocolsMethods Mol Biol9Viral Vectors for Treating Diseases of The Nervous SystemInt Rev NeurobiolVirchows Archiv Virchows Arch2Virchows Archiv Abteilung A Pathologische AnatomieVirchows Arch A*Virchows Archiv Abteilung B ZellpathologieVirchows Arch B5Virchows Archiv-an International Journal of Pathology Virchows Arch9Virchows Archiv A-pathological Anatomy and HistopathologyVirchows Arch A>Virchows Archiv B-cell Pathology Including Molecular PathologyVirchows Arch BTVirchows Archiv Fur Pathologische Anatomie Und Physiologie Und Fur Klinische MedizinVirchows Arch AVirginia Agricultural Economics Va Agr Econ1Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinVa Agr Exp Stat B%Virginia Journal of International Law Va J Int LawVirginia Law Review Va Law Rev*Virginia Magazine of History and BiographyVa Mag Hist BiogVirginia MedicalVa MedPVirginia Polytechnic Institute Extension Service-virginia Agricultural EconomicsVa Poly I Ext Serv V9Virginia Polytechnic Institute Research Division BulletinVa Poly I Res Div BVirginia Quarterly Review Va Quart RevVirginia Woolf and War Syr S PeaceVirginia Woolf QuarterlyVirginia Woolf Quart"Virginia Woolf: Texts and Contexts Woolf St An0Virological Safety Aspects of Plasma DerivativesDev Biol Stand Virologie VirologieVirologyVirologyVirology JournalVirol JVirology Research ProgressVirol Res Prog&Virtual and Mixed Reality, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVirtual and Rapid ManufacturingProc Monogr Eng Wate'Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion Leonardo Ser6Virtual Colonoscopy: A Practical Guide, Second EditionMed Radiol Diagn ImaEVirtual Decomposition Control: Toward Hyper Degrees of Freedom RobotsSpringer Trac Adv RoVirtual Design and Manufacture Imeche Sem.Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative NetworksInt Fed Info ProcVirtual Environments 2000Spring Comp SciVirtuality and VirtualizationInt Fed Info ProcVirtual Laboratory Virtual LabVirtual ManufacturingSpringer Ser Adv ManVirtual ObservatoriesP Soc Photo-opt InsVirtual Observatories Proc Spie0Virtual Observatories of The Future, Proceedings Astr Soc P0Virtual Product Design in Automotive Engineering VDI Bericht5Virtual Prototyping: Vtt Research Programme 1998-2000Vtt SympVirtual Reality, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc!Virtual Storytelling, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVVirtual Storytelling: Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVirtual Systems and MultimediaLect Notes Comput Sc:Virtual University: Educational Environments of The Future Wenn Gr IntVVirtual Utility: Accounting, Technology & Competitive Aspects of The Emerging Industry T Reg EconVirtual WorldsLect Notes Artif Int:Virtual Worlds: Controversies At The Frontier of EducationEduc Compet Glob Wor[Virtual Worlds of Precision: Computer-based Simulations in The Sciences and Social SciencesMethoden(Virtue and Ethics in The Twelfth Century Brill S InMVirtue, Liberty, and Toleration: Political Ideas of European Women, 1400-1800New Syn Hist LMVirtue, Liberty, and Toleration: Political Ideas of European Women, 1400-1800New Synth Hist LibXVirtues and Passions in Literature: Excellence, Courage, Engagements, Wisdom, Fulfilment Anal Hus Yb Virulence Virulence#Virus Diseases and Crop BiosecurityNato Sci Peace SecurViruses and CancerSymp Soc Gen MicrobiViruses and NanotechnologyCurr Top Microbiol Viruses-basel Viruses-basel%Viruses That Affect The Immune System Icn Uci C V Virus Genes Virus GenesVirus Research Virus ResVirus StructureAdv Protein ChemVirus Structure and Assembly Adv Virus Res Visceral PainProg Pain Res ManagViscoelasticity of Biomaterials Acs Sym Ser$Viscosity Solutions and ApplicationsLect Notes Math6Viscous Profiles and Numerical Methods for Shock Waves Siam Proc SVisible Language Visible LangAVisible Variation: Comparative Studies On Sign Language StructureTrends Linguist-studVision and Adaptation Sem OphtalmVision and The Brain Res P ArnmdVision and Uv LasersP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Vision: From Neurons to CognitionProg Brain ResVision GeometryP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry IiP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry Iii Proc SpieVision Geometry IvP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry IxP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry Ix Proc SpieVision Geometry VP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry ViP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry ViiP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry ViiiP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry Viii Proc SpieVision Geometry XP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry X Proc SpieVision Geometry XiP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry XiiP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry Xii Proc SpieVision Geometry XiiiP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry Xiii Proc SpieVision Geometry XivP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Geometry Xiv Proc SpieWVisioning and Engineering The Knowledge Society: A Web Science Perspective, ProceedingsLect Notes Artif Int!Vision Interface '95, ProceedingsProc Canad Imag Proc=Vision Interface - Real World Applications of Computer Vision S Mach Perc=Vision Interface - Real World Applications of Computer VisionSer Mach Percept ArtVision Research Vision Res0Vision Science and Its Applications, ProceedingsOsa Trends Opt Photo@Vision, Sensors, and Control for Automated Manufacturing SystemsP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Visions of Progress: The Left-liberal Tradition in AmericaPolit Cult Mod AmVisions of The Fantastic Contr Sci FFVisions of Tomorrow - Improving The Quality of Life Through TechnologyImeche Conf TransVision Systems: ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Vision Systems: New Image Processing TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Vision Systems: Sensors, Sensor Systems, and ComponentsP Soc Photo-opt InsVision Tecnologica Vis Tecnol-Visitor Studies: Theory Research and PracticeVisitor Stud Theory5Visitor Studies: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol 5Visitor Stud Theory6Visitor Studies: Theory, Research, and Practice, Vol 5Visitor Stud Theory5Visitor Studies: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol 6Visitor Stud Theory:Visitor Use Density and Wilderness Experience: ProceedingsUs For Serv Rmrs-p(Vistas for Geodesy in The New MillenniumIag SympVistas in Astronomy Vistas AstronVistas in Astronomy Series Vista Ast S$Vistas in Astronomy, Vol 37, Pts 1-4 Vista Ast SVVisual Art and Education in An Era of Designer Capitalism: Deconstructing The Oral EyePsychoanal Educ SocVisual Arthroscopy SeriesVis Arthrosc SerVisual CognitionVis CognVisual Communication Vis CommunicVisual CommunicationVisual Commun-usVisual CommunicationVisual Communic8Visual Communications and Image Processing 2000, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins8Visual Communications and Image Processing 2000, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie/Visual Communications and Image Processing 2001P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2002, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2002, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie8Visual Communications and Image Processing 2003, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins8Visual Communications and Image Processing 2003, Pts 1-3 Proc Spie<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie8Visual Communications and Image Processing 2005, Pts 1-4P Soc Photo-opt Ins8Visual Communications and Image Processing 2005, Pts 1-4 Proc Spie<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2006, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2006, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2007, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2007, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2008, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins<Visual Communications and Image Processing 2008, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie6Visual Communications and Image Processing 90, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsMVisual Communications and Image Processing 91 : Image Processing, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsRVisual Communications and Image Processing 91 : Visual Communications, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Visual Communications and Image Processing 92, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins6Visual Communications and Image Processing 93, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins7Visual Communications and Image Processing '94, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins7Visual Communications and Image Processing '95, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt Ins.Visual Communications and Image Processing '96P Soc Photo-opt Ins7Visual Communications and Image Processing '97, Pts 1-2P Soc Photo-opt Ins;Visual Communications and Image Processing '98, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Visual Communications and Image Processing '99, Parts 1-2P Soc Photo-opt Ins9Visual Communications and Image Processing '99, Parts 1-2 Proc Spie6Visual Communications and Image Processing Iv, Pts 1-3P Soc Photo-opt InsKVisual Complexity and Intelligent Computer Graphics Techniques EnhancementsStud Comput IntellVisual Computer Visual Comput,Visual Content Processing and RepresentationLect Notes Comput Sc9Visual Content Processing and Representation, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScVisual Database Systems, Ii Ifip Trans A$Visual Data Exploration and AnalysisP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Visual Data Exploration and Analysis IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Visual Data Exploration and Analysis IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'Visual Data Exploration and Analysis IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Visual Data Exploration and Analysis VP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Visual Data Exploration and Analysis ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins(Visual Data Exploration and Analysis Vii Proc Spie)Visual Data Exploration and Analysis ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Visual Data Exploration and Analysis Viii Proc Spie&Visual Data Exploration and Anlysis ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins&Visual Data Exploration and Anlysis Vi Proc SpieVisual Data InterpretationP Soc Photo-opt InsEVisual Data Mining: Theory, Techniques and Tools for Visual AnalyticsLect Notes Comput Sc@Visual Double Stars: Formation, Dynamics and Evolutionary TracksAstrophys Space Sc L2Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and PracticeLect Notes Comput Sc*Visual Information and Information SystemsLect Notes Comput ScVisual Information ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt Ins/Visual Information Processing and Communication Proc Spie=Visual Information Processing for Television and Telerobotics Nasa Conf P Visual Information Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Visual Information Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins Visual Information Processing IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins Visual Information Processing IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins Visual Information Processing Ix Proc SpieVisual Information Processing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins Visual Information Processing ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Visual Information Processing ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Visual Information Processing ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Visual Information Processing Viii Proc SpieVisual Information Processing XP Soc Photo-opt Ins Visual Information Processing XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Visual Information Processing XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Visual Information Processing Xii Proc Spie"Visual Information Processing XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Visual Information Processing Xiii Proc Spie!Visual Information Processing XivP Soc Photo-opt Ins!Visual Information Processing Xiv Proc Spie!Visual Information Processing XixP Soc Photo-opt Ins Visual Information Processing XvP Soc Photo-opt Ins Visual Information Processing Xv Proc Spie!Visual Information Processing XviP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Visual Information Processing Xvii Proc Spie Visual Information Processing Xx Proc Spie[Visual Information Systems: Web-based Visual Information Search and Management, Visual 2008Lect Notes Comput Sc&Visual Interfaces to Digital LibrariesLect Notes Comput Sc/Visuality in The Theatre - The Locus of LookingPerform IntervVisualization 2000, Proceedings Ieee VisualVisualization 2001, Proceedings Ieee VisualVisualization '94, Proceedings Ieee VisualVisualization '96, Proceedings Ieee Visual$Visualization and Data Analysis 2002P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Visualization and Data Analysis 2002 Proc Spie$Visualization and Data Analysis 2003P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Visualization and Data Analysis 2003 Proc Spie$Visualization and Data Analysis 2004P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Visualization and Data Analysis 2004 Proc Spie$Visualization and Data Analysis 2005P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Visualization and Data Analysis 2005 Proc Spie$Visualization and Data Analysis 2006P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Visualization and Data Analysis 2006 Proc Spie$Visualization and Data Analysis 2007P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Visualization and Data Analysis 2007 Proc Spie$Visualization and Data Analysis 2008 Proc Spie$Visualization and Data Analysis 2010P Soc Photo-opt Ins$Visualization and Data Analysis 2010 Proc Spie$Visualization and Data Analysis 2011 Proc Spie0Visualization and Imaging in Transport PhenomenaAnn Ny Acad Sci)Visualization and Optimization TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt Ins)Visualization and Optimization Techniques Proc SpieHVisualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Advances and PerspectivesMath Vis>Visualization, Explanation and Reasoning Styles in Mathematics Synth Libr0Visualization for Computer Security, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc'Visualization for Information RetrievalInform Retrieval Ser)Visualization in Biomedical Computer 1994P Soc Photo-opt Ins%Visualization in Biomedical ComputingLect Notes Comput Sc8Visualization in Biomedical Computing 1992 : ProceedingsP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Visualization in Mathematics, Reading and Science EducationModel Model Sci Educ+Visualization in Medicine and Life SciencesMath Vis+Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences Math Visual"Visualization in Science EducationModel Model Sci Educ Visualization of Brain Functions Wenner-gr C:Visualization of Information Processing in The Human Brain Eeg Cl N SuPVisualization of Temporal and Spatial Data for Civilian and Defense ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Visualization of Time-oriented DataHum-comput Int-sprin7Visualization: Theory and Practice in Science EducationModel Model Sci Educ@Visualizing Africa in Nineteenth-century British Travel AccountsRoutl Res Trav WritXVisualizing Document Processing: Innovations in Communication Patterns and Textual FormsText Transl Comput PVisualizing ImmunityCurr Top MicrobiolVisualizing Utopia Gr Stud CultjVisual Language of Spatial Planning: Exploring Cartographic Representations for Spatial Planning in Europe Rtpi Lib SerVisual NeuroscienceVisual Neurosci*Visual Perception and Cognition in Infancy Carn S CognCVisual Perception for Manipulation and Imitation in Humanoid RobotsCogn Syst Monogr\Visual Perception, Part 1, Fundamentals of Vision: Low and Mid-level Processes in PerceptionProg Brain ResgVisual Perception, Pt 2: Fundamentals of Awareness: Multi-sensory Integration and High-order PerceptionProg Brain Res.Visual Servoing Via Advanced Numerical MethodsLect Notes Contr Inf*Visual Structures and Integrated Functions R N Neur CVisual Studies Visual StudCVisual Synergies in Fiction and Documentary Film From Latin America Stud AmerVisual World in Memory Curr Iss MemViszeralchirurgieViszeralchirurgieViszeralmedizinViszeralmedizin4Vitae-revista De La Facultad De Quimica FarmaceuticaVitae-columbia Vita Humana Vita Humana7Vitality of Enjoyment in Qohelet's Theological RhetoricBeih Z Alttest Wiss Vitamin A Vitam HormVitamin B12 Deficiency Roy S Med S Vitamin B6Ann Ny Acad Sci2Vitamin D Analogs in Cancer Prevention and TherapyRecent Res CancerSVitamin D: Physiology, Molecular Biology, and Clinical Applications, Second EditionNutr Health SerVitamin E and HealthAnn Ny Acad Sci0Vitamin E : Biochemistry and Health ImplicationsAnn Ny Acad SciFVitamin E: Vitamins and Hormones Advances in Research and Applications Vitam Horm Vitamin K Vitam HormVitamins and Cancer Prevention Cont Iss ClVitamins and Coenzymes, Pt IMethod EnzymolVitamins and Coenzymes, Pt JMethod EnzymolVitamins and Coenzymes, Pt JMethods EnzymolVitamins and Coenzymes, Pt KMethod EnzymolVitamins and Coenzymes, Pt LMethod EnzymolVitamins and Hormones Vitam Horm;Vitamins and Hormones-advances in Research and Applications Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 48 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 51 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 52 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 53 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 54 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 55 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 57 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 58 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 60 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 61 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 62 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 63 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 64 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 65 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 66 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 69 Vitam HormEVitamins and Hormones - Advances in Research and Applications, Vol 71 Vitam Horm;Vitamins and Hormones: Anandamide An Endogenous Cannabinoid Vitam HormVitamins and Hormones, Ghrelin Vitam Horm6Vitamins and Hormones: Incretins and Insulin Secretion Vitam Horm&Vitamins and Hormones Insulin and Igfs Vitam Horm!Vitamins and Hormones: Pheromones Vitam HormVitamins and Hormones, Vol 47 Vitam HormVitamins and Hormones, Vol 49 Vitam HormVitamins and The Immune System Vitam HormWVith International Symposium On Digestive Physiology in Pigs, Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2 Eaap Public%Viticulture - Living With Limitations Acta HorticVitisVitisVitreo-retinal SurgeryEssent Ophthalmol-Vitrinite Reflectance As A Maturity Parameter Acs Sym Ser)Vitushkin's Conjecture for Removable Sets UniversitextmVivarium-an International Journal for The Philosophy and Intellectual Life of The Middle Ages and RenaissanceVivarium)Vizcaya: An American Villa and Its MakersPenn Stud Landsc Arc Vizsec 2007 Math Visual-Vjesnik Za Arheologiju I Povijest DalmatinskuVjesn Arheol Povij D#Vlaams Diergeneeskundig TijdschriftVlaams Diergen Tijds+Vladimir Solov'ev: Reconciler and PolemcistEast Christ Studies Vldb JournalVldb JVlsi 91 Ifip Trans AVlsi 93 Ifip Trans AVlsi Circuits and SystemsP Soc Photo-opt InsVlsi Circuits and Systems Proc SpieVlsi Circuits and Systems IiiP Soc Photo-opt InsVlsi Circuits and Systems Iii Proc Spie)Vlsi Circuits and Systems Ii, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins)Vlsi Circuits and Systems Ii, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieVlsi Circuits and Systems V Proc Spie Vlsi DesignVlsi Des.Vlsi-soc: Advanced Topics On Systems On A ChipInt Fed Info ProcVlsi-soc: From Systems to ChipsInt Fed Info Proc!Vlsi-soc: From Systems to SiliconInt Fed Info Proc5Vlsi-soc: Research Trends in Vlsi and Systems On ChipInt Fed Info ProcVlsi Systems Design Vlsi Syst DesVlsi: Systems On A ChipInt Fed Info Proc%Vocabulary of Republiques Des Lettres Less IntellVocal Fold Physiology Vocal FoldVocal Fold Physiology Series Vocal Fold,Vocal Fold Physiology: Voice Quality Control Vocal FoldVocational Guidance MagazineVocat Guid MagVocational Guidance QuarterlyVocat Guid Quart2Vocationalisation of Secondary Education RevisitedTech Vocat Ed TrainVocational RehabilitationCollect Acad Eur Med/Vocational Training: International PerspectivesRoutl Stud Employ WoVocational Training of The 90s Estud DocumVocations and Learning Vocat LearnNVocus: A Visual Attention System for Object Detection and Goal-directed SearchLect Notes Artif IntVoice for Human RightsPa Stud Hum RightsFVoice in Motion: Staging Gender, Shaping Sound in Early Modern England Mater Texts0Voice of Breast Cancer in Medicine and Bioethics Philos MedSVoice Over Ip in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks: Signalling, Mobility and SecuritySignals Commun TechnWVoice Over Ip Security: A Comprehensive Survey of Vulnerabilities and Academic ResearchSpr Brief Comput SciVoice Over Ip (voip) TechnologyP Soc Photo-opt InsJVoices and Veils: Feminism and Islam in French Womens Writing and ActivismRes Monogr Fr StudWVoices From The Middle: Narrative Inquiry By, For, and About The Middle Level CommunityHandb Red Middle LevVoices of China Guil Commun1Voices of Diversity: Multi-culturalism in AmericaClin Sociol Res PracNVoices of Foreign-born African American Teacher Educators in The United StatesSilenc Voice Educ SeVoices of The African DiasporaVoices Afr Dia'Voices-the Journal of New York FolkloreVoices Voice Update Int Congr SerVoicing in JapaneseStud Genera GrammarVoicing in JapaneseStud Generat Gramm Voix & Images Voix ImageVojnosanitetski PregledVojnosanit PreglPVolatile Organic Compounds in The Environment - Risk Assessmet and NeurotoxicityAdv Occup Med RehabVolatiles in Magmas Rev Mineral'Volatiles in The Earth and Solar System Aip Conf ProcVolcanic DegassingGeol Soc Spec PublVolcanic Hazards Volcan Haz#Volcanic Hazards in Central AmericaGeol Soc Am Spec Pap)Volcanic Landforms, Processes and HazardsZ Geomorphol SuppVolcanic RocksProc Monogr Eng Wate2Volcanism and Evolution of The African LithosphereGeol Soc Am Spec Pap.Volcanism and Subduction: The Kamchatka RegionGeophys Monogr SerVolcano DeformationSpringer-prax Books2Volcano Instability On The Earth and Other Planets Geol Soc SpMVolcano Workshop 1994 - Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics Ital Phy SokVolk Bei Otto Von Bismarck: Eine Historisch-semantische Analyse Anhand Von Bedeutungen, Konzepten Und TopoiStud Linguist GerMVolkerwanderungszeitliche Blechfibeln: Typologie, Chronologie, InterpretationReallexikon Ger Alte Volkskunde Volkskunde Volta Review Volta RevHVolterra Integrodifferential Equations in Banach Spaces and Applications Pitman ResVolume Graphics 2001Spring Eurograp Volume Transmission in The Brain Adv NeuroscVolume Transmission RevisitedProg Brain ResVoluntary Food Intake of Pigs Occ Pub BriVoluntasVoluntasKVom Genius Zum Medienastheten: Modelle Des Kunstlerdramas Im 20 Jahrhundert Stud Deut Lit#Vom Offenbaren Und Verborgenen GottBeih Z Alttest WissKVom Romertum Zum Asthetizismus: Studien Zu Den Briefen Des Jungeren PliniusBeitr Altertumskunde,Vom Selbst-verstandnis in Antike Und NeuzeitTransform Antike Vom Wasser Vom WasserCVon Der Anreizung Zum Klassenkampf Zur Volksverhetzung (ss130 Stgb)Schr Juris ZeitgeschVon Der Nationalen Zur Internationalen Literatur: Transkulturelle Deutschsprachige Literatur Und Kultur Im Zeitalter Globaler MigrationAmst Beitr Neuer GerVon Der Transformation Zur Kooperationsoffenheit?: Die Offnung Der Rechtsordnungen Ausgewahlter Staaten Mittel- Und Osteuropas Fur Das Volker- Und EuroparechtBeitr Ausl Offentl RKVon Hiob Zu Horkheimer: Gesammelte Schriften Zum Judentum Und Seiner Umwelt Stud Judaica\Von Iphigenie Zu Medea: Semantik Und Dramaturgie Des Barbarischen Bei Goethe Und GrillparzerUnters Deut LitEVon Karman Evolution Equations: Well-posedness and Long-time DynamicsSpringer Monogr MathVoprosy Filosofii Vop FilosVoprosy Istorii Vop IstoriiVoprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii Vop Med KhimVoprosy Onkologii Vop Onkol+Voprosy Psikhologii Vop Psikhol+Voprosy Virusologii Vop Virusol+2Vorbilder - Werte - Normen in Den Homerischen EpenBeitr AltertumskundeOVorstand Einer Aktiengesellschaft: Vertrag Und Haftung Von VorstandsmitgliedernVDI-BuchVortVortVortex Electronics and Squids Top Appl Phys Vortex StateNato Adv Sci Inst SeVortex Wakes of AircraftsFound Eng Mech!Vortice-literatura Arte Y CriticaVortice0Vortices and Turbulence At Very Low Temperatures Cism Cour L0Vortices and Turbulence At Very Low TemperaturesCism Courses Lect:Vortices in Unconventional Superconductors and SuperfluidsSpringer Ser Solid-s:Vortices in Unconventional Superconductors and SuperfluidsSpringer Series SoliVortrage Fur Pflanzenzuchtung Vort Pflanz)Votex Flows and Related Numerical MethodsNato Adv Sci Inst Se'Vowel Harmony and Correspondence TheoryStud Generat Gramm Vox SanguinisVox Sang@Voyages of Discovery: Parting The Seas of Information Technology Iamslic C SBVoz De Los Dramaturgos: El Teatro Espanol Y Latinoamericano ActualBeih IberoromaniaVrachebnoe DeloVrachebnoe Delo)Vsop Results and The Future of Space Vlbi Adv Space Res)Vsop Results and The Future of Space VlbiAdv Space Res-seriesNVtc2005-fall: 2005 Ieee 62nd Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-4, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh TechnolUVtc2005-spring: 2005 Ieee 61st Vehicular Technology Conference, Vols 1-5, ProceedingsIeee Vts Veh TechnolgVth National Polish Scientific Conference On Complex and Detailed Problems of Environmental EngineeringZesz Nauk Wydzialu BEVti-baseline 2009-2019: Agrarokonomische Projektionen Fur DeutschlandLandbauforsch-vti AgVtt Intelligence Forum 2007Vtt SympVtt PublicationsVtt PublVtt Research Notes Vtt Res Notes Vtt SymposiaVtt Symp9Vtt Symposium On Service Science, Technology and BusinessVtt SympMVulcano Workshop 1990 : Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics Ital Phy SoMVulcano Workshop 1992 : Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics Ital Phy 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Ancient Near East: Military Violence in Light of Cosmology and HistoryBeih Z Alttest WissLWar and Media Operations: The Us Military and The Press From Vietnam to Iraq Cass Mil StudAWar and Nationalism in South Asia: The Indian State and The NagasRoutl Adv S Asian St2War and Society in The Ancient and Medieval WorldsCtr Hell Stud ColloqWar and SuicidePsychiat Theor ApplWar and TerrorismSoc Philos Today:War and The Cultural Construction of Identities in Britain Int For Lit:War and The Cultural Construction of Identities in BritainInt Forsch Allg Vgl-War and The Transformation of Global PoliticsRethink Peace ConflKWar As Risk Management: Strategy and Conflict in An Age of Globalised RisksContemp Secur Stud-War Crimes Tribunals and Transitional JusticeContemp Secur Stud!War Culture and Society 1750-1850War Cult Soc 1750!War Culture and Society 1750-1850War Cult Soc 1750-18Warehouse ManagementVDI-BuchUWarehouse Management: Organisation Und Steuerung Von Lager- Und KommissioniersystemenVDI-BuchWarfare and History Warfare Hist7Warfare Ecology: A New Synthesis for Peace and SecurityNato Sci Peace SecurQWarfare in The Ancient Near East to 1600 Bc: Holy Warriors At The Dawn of History Warfare Hist=Warfare, State and Society On The Black Sea Steppe, 1500-1700 Warfare HistWar History and PoliticsWar Hist Polit8War, Image and Legitimacy: Viewing Contemporary ConflictContemp Secur StudWar in HistoryWar Hist#War in Iraq: Planning and Execution Strateg HistBWar Memory, Nationalism, and Education in Postwar Japan, 1945-2007Routl Contemp Jpn Se4Warme Und Stoffubertragung-thermo and Fluid DynamicsWarme StoffubertragDWarming and Wound Healing: Warm-up-registration Active Wound TherapyRoy Soc Med Int CongWarmwater Fisheries Symposium I Usda Rocky[War, Nation, Memory: International Perspectives On World War Ii in School History TextbooksRes Curric InstructCWar of Religion - Dissenters, Anglicans and The American Revolution Stud Mod Hist?War On Welfare: Family, Poverty, and Politics in Modern AmericaPolit Cult Mod AmhWar Or Common Cause? 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Zur Geschichte Und Relevanz Eines Zentralbegriffs Der Editionswissenschaft Beih EditioWassaja-the Indian HistorianWassaja9Wasseraufbereitung-chemie Und Chemische VerfahrenstechnikVDI-BuchWasserwirtschaftWasserwirtschaftWaste and Environmental PolicyRoutl Explor EnvironWaste and Waste ManagementWaste Waste ManagEWaste Containment Systems : Construction, Regulation, and Performance Geotech SpKWaste Input-output Analysis: Concepts and Application to Industrial EcologyEco-effic Ind SciWaste Management Waste ManageWaste Management & ResearchWaste Manage Res(Waste Management and The Environment IiiWit Trans Ecol Envir'Waste Management and The Environment IvWit Trans Ecol Envir&Waste Management and The Environment VWit Trans Ecol Envir5Waste Management: Recycling - Disposal, Vols I and IiProg Radiat ProtectWaste Management Techniques VDI Bericht+Waste Materials and By-products in Concrete Eng MaterWaste Materials in ConstructionStud Environ SciEWaste Processing and Recycling in Mining and Metallurgical Industries Cim An ConfWastesWastes2Waste Testing and Quality Assurance : Third VolumeAm Soc Test MaterVWaste Treatment in The Metal Manufacturing, Forming, Coating, and Finishing IndustriesAdv Ind Hazard Waste)Wastewater Re-use and Groundwater Quality Iahs-aish POWastewater Reused - Risk Assessment, Decision-making and Environmental SecurityNato Sci Peace SecurWastewater TreatmentWater Environm SerAWatching Earth From Space: How Surveillance Helps Us and Harms UsSpringer-prax BooksWater Air and Soil PollutionWater Air Soil PollWater & Sewage WorksWater Sewage WorksWater & Wastes EngineeringWater Waste Eng,Water & Wastewater Instrumentation SymposiumTech Papers IsaNWater and Development in China: The Political Economy of Shanghai Water PolicySer Contemp ChinaWater and Environment JournalWater Environ J'Water and Food Security in Central AsiaNato Sci Peace Secur&Water and Ions in Biomolecular Systems Adv Lif Sci"Water and Peace in The Middle EastStud Environ Sci!Water and Sustainable AgricultureSprbrief AgricWater and Water EngineeringWater Water EngWater-biomolecule Interactions Ital Phy So Waterbirds WaterbirdsWaterborne PathogensWa Sci Technol]Water Business in Not An Island: Asssessing The Market Potential of Environmental InnovationsVtt PublvWatercomp 93 : 2nd Australasian Conference On Computing for The Water Industry Today and Tomorrow, Preprints of Papers Inst Eng A3Water Conducting Features in Radionuclide Migration Radioact W<Water Consumption and Sustainable Water Resources Management Oecd Proc-Water Contamination Emergencies: Can We Cope? Roy Soc Ch7Water Contamination Emergencies: Enhancing Our Response Roy Soc Ch-Water Disinfection and Natural Organic Matter Acs Sym SerWater Dynamics Aip Conf Proc'Water Economics, Statistics and FinanceWa Sci TechnolWater-engineering & ManagementWater Eng Manag?Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Rural DevelopmentRoutl Iss Stud Rural:Water, Environment and Society in Times of Climatic Change Water TransWater Environment ResearchWater Environ ResWater Environment SeriesWater Environm Ser Water Erosion Tech Doc HyEWater Footprint and Virtual Water Trade in Spain: Policy ImplicationsNat Res Manag Policy%Water for A Changing Global CommunityWater Chang Glob Com!Water for Pharmaceutical Purposes Paperb Apv2Water for Urban Areas: Challenges and PerspectivesWater Reso Manage Po7Water Future of Albuquerque and Middle Rio Grande BasinWrri Rep;Water, Ground, and Air Pollution Monitoring and RemediationP Soc Photo-opt InsDWater in Celtic Countries: Quantity, Quality and Climate Variability Iahs-aish P9Water in Exterior Building Walls : Problems and SolutionsAm Soc Test MaterEWater Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities: China and The WorldCities Future Series!Water in Mining 2006, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met!Water in Mining 2009, ProceedingsAustralas I Min Met%Water in Nominally Anhydrous MineralsRev Mineral Geochem8Water in Road Structures: Movement, Drainage and EffectsGeotech Geol EarthqPWater Interfaces in Physics Chemistry and Biology: A Multi-disciplinary ApproachJ Phys Conf SerWater International Water IntWater in The UniverseAstrophys Space Sc LWater Management in IslamWater Reso Manage PoFWater Microbiology: Types, Analyses and Disease-causing MicroorganismsMicrobiol Res Adv Water Policy Water PolicyCWater Policy Processes in India: Discourses of Power and ResistanceRoutl Cont S Asia SeWater Pollution ControlWater Pollut ControlWater Pollution IxWit Trans Ecol EnvirNWater Pollution Research Reports of The Commission of The European Communities Water Pol RWater Pollution VInt Ser Prog Wat ResWater Pollution ViInt Ser Prog Wat ResWater Pollution ViiInt Ser Prog Wat Res:Water Pollution Viii: Modelling, Monitoring and ManagementWit Trans Ecol EnvirWater Pollution XWit Trans Ecol EnvirDWater, Power and Citizenship: Social Struggle in The Basin of MexicoSt Antonys SerMWater Problems in Building Exterior Walls: Evaluation, Prevention, and RepairAm Soc Test MaterBWater Properties of Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biological MaterialsFood Preserv TechnolWater PurificationAir Water Soil Sci T!Water Purification and ManagementNato Sci Peace Secur1Water Quality and The Early Life Stages of Fishes Am Fish S S(Water Quality Management in The AmericasWater Res Devel ManCWater Quality Modeling - 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Du Bois: American ProphetPolit Cult Mod AmW.e.b. Du Bois and RaceVoices Afr DiaWeb EngineeringLect Notes Comput Sc*Web Engineering and Peer to Peer ComputingLect Notes Comput ScWeb Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScPWeber and The Persistence of Religion: Social Theory, Capitalism and The SublimeRoutl Adv Sociol,Web Information System Engineering-wise 2010Lect Notes Comput Sc"Web Information Systems and MiningLect Notes Comput Sc/Web Information Systems and Mining, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Web Information Systems and TechnologiesLect Notes Bus Inf(Web Information Systems and TechnologiesLect Notes Bus Inf P=Web Information Systems Engineering and Internet TechnologiesWeb Inf Syst Eng Int0Web Information Systems Engineering, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc/Web Information Systems Engineering - Wise 2005Lect Notes Comput ScFWeb Information Systems Engineering - Wise 2005 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<Web Information Systems Engineering - Wise 2007, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc9Web Information Systems Engineering - Wise 2007 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc<Web Information Systems Engineering - Wise 2008, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc<Web Information Systems Engineering - Wise 2009, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Web Information Systems - Wise 2004, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Web Information Systems - Wise 2004 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc0Web Information Systems - Wise 2006, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Web Information Systems - Wise 2006 Workshops, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc(Web Intelligence Meets Brain InformaticsLect Notes Artif IntCWebkdd 2001 - Mining Web Log Data Across All Customers Touch PointsLect Notes Artif IntIWebkdd 2002 - Mining Web Data for Discovering Usage Patterns and ProfilesLect Notes Artif Int.Web Knowledge Management and Decision SupportsLect Notes Artif Int=Web Mining and Social Networking: Techniques and ApplicationsWeb Inf Syst Eng Int4Web Mining Applications in E-commerce and E-servicesStud Comput Intell$Web Mining: From Web to Semantic WebLect Notes Comput Sc<Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield Asist Mon SerAWeb of Nature: Martin Lister (1639-1712), The First ArachnologistHist Sci Med Libr/Web Personalization in Intelligent EnvironmentsStud Comput IntellWeb Reasoning and Rule SystemsLect Notes Comput Sc+Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScWeb Resource Space ModelWeb Inf Syst Eng Int*Web Search: Multidisciplinary PerspectivesInform Sci Knowl ManWeb Services and Formal MethodsLect Notes Comput Sc,Web Services and Formal Methods, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc.Web Services, E-business, and The Semantic WebLect Notes Comput Sc+Web Services -icws-europe 2003, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScWeb Services in The EnterpriseNetw Syst ManagWeb Services, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc5Websprache.net: Sprache Und Kommunikation Im InternetLinguist-impulse Ten!Web Technologies and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc6Web Technologies Research and Development - Apweb 2005Lect Notes Comput Sc%Web Usage Analysis and User ProfilingLect Notes Comput Sc'Web, Web-services, and Database SystemsLect Notes Comput ScWeed Biology and ManagementWeed Biol Manag Weed ResearchWeed ResWeedsWeeds-u)Weeds and Weed Control 1990, Vols 1 and 2 P Swed W C Weed ScienceWeed SciWeeds in A Changing World Bcpc Symp Ser/Weeds: Management, Economic Impacts and BiologyAgr Issues PoliciesWeed Technology Weed Technol3We Europeans: Media, Representations and IdentitiesChanging MediaHWege Des Essayistischen Schreibens Im Deutschsprachigen Raum (1900-1920)Amst Beitr Neuer GerlWegweiser Fur Den Erfinder: Von Der Aufgabe Uber Die Idee Zum Patent, 3 Erweiterte Und Aktualisierte AuflageVDI-BuchWehrdienst Und GesellschaftWehrd U GesellxWeichenstellungen Der Evangelischen Kirche Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert: Beitrage Zur Kirchengeschichte Und KirchenordnungArb Kirchengesch0Weichteil- Und Viszeralchirurgie Bei HippokratesBeitr AltertumskundeEWeighted Littlewood-paley Theory and Exponential-square IntegrabilityLect Notes MathGWeighted Norm Inequalities for Integral Transforms With Product Kernals Math Res DevWWeight Filtrations On Log Crystalline Cohomologies of Families of Open Smooth VarietiesLect Notes Math9Weights, Extrapolation and The Theory of Rubio De FranciaOper Theory Adv ApplWeimarer BeitrageWeimarer BeitrWeinberg Und KellerWeinberg Keller:Weisheit Aus Der Begegnung: Bildung Nach Dem Buch Ben SiraBeih Z Alttest WissWeld Cracking in Ferrous AlloysWoodhead Publ Mater'Welding and Joining of Magnesium AlloysWoodhead Publ MaterWelding and Metal Fabrication Weld Met FabrWelding Design & FabricationWeld Design FabrWelding in The World Weld WorldWelding JournalWeld J-Welding: Processes, Quality, and ApplicationsMech Eng Theor ApplWelding Production Weld Prod+Welding Research AbroadWeld Res Abroad!Welding Research Council BulletinWeld Res Counc BullWelding Research International Weld Res Int0Welfare of Domestic Fowl and Other Captive BirdsAnim Welfare SerWelfare of Farmed RatitesAnim Welfare SerWelfare of The Laying Hen Poult Sci S6Welfare, Right and The State: A Framework for ThinkingRoutl Adv Int Polit Well-being Cross ContGWellbeing and Development in Peru: Local and Universal Views ConfrontedStud AmZWellington's Men in Australia: Peninsular War Veterans and The Making of Empire C. 1820-40War Cult Soc 1750-18Welsh History ReviewWelsh Hist RevHWelt Als Bild: Interdisziplinare Beitrage Zur Visualitat Von Weltbildern Arb Kirch.Weltanschauliche Orientierungsversuche Im Exil Ams C Mod GWelt Der GotterbilderBeih Z Alttest Wiss/Welt Der Slaven-halbjahresschrift Fur Slavistik Welt SlavenWelt Des Islams Welt IslamhWelt Im Ausnahmezustand: Eine Untersuchung Zu Aussagegehalt Und Theologie Des Wachterbuches (1 Hen 1 36)Beih Z Alttest Wiss5Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv-review of World EconomicsWeltwirtsch Arch"Wem-water Engineering & ManagementWem"Wem-water Engineering & ManagementWem-water Eng Manag1Wenner-gren Center International Symposium Series Wenner-gr C Wenner-gren International Series Wenn Gr Int/Wer Kauft Liebesgotter: Metastasen Eines MotivsAbh Akad Wiss Got PhWerkpolitik: Zur Literaturgeschichte Kritischer Kommunikation Vom 17 Bis Ins 20 Jahrhundert Mit Studien Zu Klopstock, Tieck, Goethe Und GeorgeHist Hermen Ser StudWerkstattstechnikWerkstattstechnik8Werkstattstechnik Zeitschrift Fur Industrielle FertigungWt-z Ind Fertigung0Werkstoffe Und Korrosion-materials and Corrosion Werkst KorrosWerkstoffkundeVDI-BuchWerkstoffkunde, 2008VDI-BuchNWerkzeugmaschinen 3: Mechatronische Systeme, Vorschubantriebe, ProzessdiagnoseVDI-BuchWerkzeugmaschinen 4VDI-BuchWerkzeugmaschinen 5VDI-Buch-Werkzeugmaschinen Konstruktion Und BerechnungVDI-Buch8Werkzeugmaschinen: Maschinenarten Und AnwendungsbereicheVDI-Buch%Werner Elerts Apologetisches FruhwerkTheol Bibl TopelmannWertanalyse Praxis 2008 VDI Bericht(Wertorientiertes Supply Chain ManagementVDI-Buch-Wertstromdesign: Der Weg Zur Schlanken FabrikVDI-Buch Weser River Limnol Akt#West African Journal of ArchaeologyW Afr J Archaeol*West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative, Vol 2 Nasa Conf P%West Canadian Journal of AnthropologyW Can J AnthropolWesterlyWesterlyWestern African StudiesW African StudiesWestern American LiteratureWestern Am LitWestern Economic JournalWestern Econ JWestern Electric EngineerWestern Electr EngWestern FolkloreWestern FolkloreWestern Hemisphere SeriesWest Hemisphere SerWestern Historical QuarterlyWestern Hist QuartWestern Humanities ReviewWestern Hum Rev3Western Intellectuals and The Soviet Union, 1920-40Basees-rout Ser Russ)Western Journal of Agricultural EconomicsWestern J Agr Econ#Western Journal of Applied ForestryWest J Appl For Western Journal of CommunicationWestern J CommWestern Journal of Medicine Western J Med#Western Journal of Nursing ResearchWestern J Nurs Res4Western Journal of Surgery Obstetrics and GynecologyWestern J Surg Ob Gy!Western North American NaturalistWest N Am Naturalist/Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of ScienceW Ont Ser Philos Sci/Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of ScienceWest Ont Ser PhilosMWestern Pharmacology Society, Proceedings of The Thirty-eighth Annual MeetingP W Pharmacol SocMWestern Pharmacology Society - Proceedings of The Thirty-ninth Annual MeetingP W Pharmacol SocWestern Plastics Western PlastWestern Political QuarterlyWestern Polit Quart,Western Snow Conference, 65th Annual MeetingP West Snow ConfWest European PoliticsWest Eur PolitIWest Gondwana: Pre-cenozoic Correlations Across The South Atlantic RegionGeol Soc Spec PublWest Indian Medical JournalW Indian Med J5West Nile Virus: Detection, Surveillance, and ControlAnn Ny Acad Sci:Westview Special Studies in Agriculture Science and Policy Wss Agr Sci"Westview Studies in Insect Biology Westv StudCWest Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station BulletinW Va Afes Bull6West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station BulletinW Va Agr Exp St Bull<West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Current ReportW Va Aes Curr RepWest Virginia Law Review W Va Law RevWest Virginia Medical Journal W Va Med J,West Virginia University Philological Papers W Va U Phil4West Virginia University Philological Papers, Vol 44 W Va U Phil4West Virginia University Philological Papers, Vol 45 W Va U Phil4West Virginia University Philological Papers, Vol 46 W Va U Phil4West Virginia University Philological Papers, Vol 47 W Va U Phil4West Virginia University Philological Papers, Vol 48 W Va U Phil4West Virginia University Philological Papers, Vol 49 W Va U Phil4West Virginia University Philological Papers, Vol 50 W Va U PhilIWest Virginia Unversity Conferences On Life-span Developmental Psychology Wvu Con Lif3Wet Electrochemical Detection of Organic ImpuritiesChem Res Appl-nova!Wet End Operations - Short Course Notes TechWet End Operations Short Course Notes TechWetlandsWetlands(Wetlands and Natural Resource Management Ecol Stu An(Wetlands and Natural Resource ManagementEcol Stud-anal SynthWetlands Ecology and ManagementWetl Ecol Manag,Wetlands Ecology Conservation and ManagementWetl Ecol Conserv Ma4Wetlands Ecosystems in Asia: Function and ManagementDev EcosystemsAWetlands: Functioning, Biodiversity Conservation, and Restoration Ecol Stu An.Wetlands: Monitoring, Modelling and ManagementProc Monogr Eng WateWetlands Through TimeGeol Soc Am Spec Pap/Wetland Systems: Storm Water Management ControlGreen Energy TechnolWetting and Spreading DynamicsSurfactant Sci SerWetting PhenomenaLect Notes PhysAWeyl Group Multiple Dirichlet Series: Type A Combinatorial Theory Ann Math Stud6Weyward Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance Signs RaceW G Hart Legal Workshop SeriesWg Hart Leg Worksh S)W G Sebald - Die Dialektische ImaginationQuell Forsch Lit Kul%W G Sebald: History - Memory - TraumaInterd Germ Cult2W G Sebald: Schreiben Ex Patria/expatriate Writing Ams C Mod G2W G Sebald: Schreiben Ex Patria/expatriate WritingAmst Beitr Neuer GerWhales, Seals, Fish and Man Dev Mar BioEWhaling Diplomacy: Defining Issues in International Environmental LawNew Horiz Environ LaWharton Magazine Wharton MagWharton Quarterly Wharton QuartWhat Are Gamma-ray BurstsPrinc Front PhysdWhat Counts As Knowledge in Educational Settings: Disciplinary Knowledge, Assessment, and Curriculum Rev Res EducEWhat Counts in Teaching Mathematics: Adding Value to Self and ContentSelf Study Teach Tea"What Do Children Need to Flourish?Search I Ser Dev Att"What Do Children Need to Flourish?Search Inst Ser DevWhat Does The Process Cost Us? VDI Bericht3What Drives Metamorphism and Metamorphic Reactions?Geol Soc Spec PublJWhat English Language Teachers Need to Know, Vol Ii: Facilitating LearningEsl Appl Ling ProfWhat Every Engineer Should KnowWhat Every Eng ShouliWhat Every Engineer Should Know About Computational Techniques of Finite Element Analysis, Second EditionWhat Every Eng Shoul_What Future for Social Security? Debates and Reforms in National and Cross-national PerspectiveStud Emp Soc PolicyMWhat Good Condition: Reflections On An Australian Aboriginal Treaty 1986-2006Aborig Hist Mg SerWhat Is A VolcanoGeol Soc Am Spec PapWhat Is Controlling Life?Mod Tr Biothermokin=What Is Good Instruction Now? Library Instruction for The 90s Lib OrientWhat Is MeaningSoochow Univ LectWhat Is Narratology NarratologDWhat Is Research in The Visual Arts? : Obsession, Archive, EncounterClark Stud Vis ArtsiWhat Makes A City, Planning for Quality of Place: The Case of High-speed Train Station Area RedevelopmentSustain Urban AreasIWhat Makes Grammaticalization? A Look From Its Fringes and Its ComponentsTrends Linguist-studGWhat Mothers Say About Special Education: From The 1960s to The PresentPalg Stud Urban EducpWhat Philosophers Say Compared With What Psychologists Find in Discerning Values: How Wise People Interpret LifePsychol Res Prog)What's Gone Wrong in America's Classrooms Hoover Inst%What's New in Cardiovascular Imaging?Dev Cardiovasc Med'What The God-seekers Found in NietzscheStud Slav Lit PoetfWhat The West Can Learn From The East: Asian Perspectives On The Psychology of Learning and MotivationRes Multicult Educ I@What We Know About Cscl: and Implementing It in Higher EducationComput-supp Collab LnWhat We Know About Emotional Intelligence: How It Affects Learning, Work, Relationships, and Our Mental HealthBradford BooksMWhat Women Want From Work: Gender and Occupational Choice in The 21st CenturyYork Stud Women Men Wheat Gluten Roy Soc ChWheat in A Global EnvironmentDev Plant Breed)Wheat Production in Stressed EnvironmentsDev Plant BreedWheel/rail Interface HandbookWoodhead Publ Mech EWheels and Axles Imeche Sem,Wheels and Axles: Cost-effective Engineering Imeche SemWheels Within Wheels Duisb Arb SFWhence The Mountains? Inquiries Into The Evolution of Orogenic SystemsGeol Soc Am Spec Pap2When Conscience and Politics Meet: A Catholic View P Wethers I.When Did Plate Tectonics Begin On Planet Earth Geol S Am SLWhen Gods Were Men: The Embodied God in Biblical and Near Eastern LiteratureBeih Z Alttest WissWhen Puberty Is PrecociousContemp Endocrinol S#When Public Sector Workers Unionize Nat Bur EcCWhen Self-consciousness Breaks : Alien Voices and Inserted ThoughtsPhilos PsychopatholGWhen The Grass Is Gone : Development Intervention in African Arid Lands Sem P ScandWhen The Land Meets The SeaWhen Land Meets SeaLWhen The Past Is Always Present: Emotional Traumatization, Causes, and CuresRout Psychsoc StressmWhen to Stop The Cheering: The Black Press, The Black Community, and The Integration of Professional BaseballStud Afr Am Hist Cul Where Does Binding Theory Apply?Linguist Inq MonogrEWhere Instrumentation Is Going - Conference Proceedings, Vols 1 and 2 Ieee Imtc PLWhere Never Before: Beckett's Poetics of Elsewhere/la Poetique De L'ailleursSamuel Beckett TodayWhere Prosody Meets Pragmatics Stud Pragmat Where Semantics Meets PragmaticsCur Res Sem Prag Int Where Semantics Meets PragmaticsCurr Res Semant PragNWhere Strangers Become Neighbours: Integrating Immigrants in Vancouver, CanadaUrban Land Perspect3Which Mary?: The Marys of Early Christian Tradition Sbl Symp Ser$Which Psychotherapies in Year 2000 ? Ann S Eur RWhig Revival, 1808-1830 Stud Mod Hist,Whirling Disease: Reviews and Current Topics Am Fish S SEWhite and Black Posthumanism: After Consciousness and The UnconsciousTrace Transm RhetorWhite BiotechnologyAdv Biochem Eng Biot White DwarfsAstrophys Space Sc L White DwarfsNato Sci Ser Ii Math White DwarfsNato Sci Ser Ii-mathWhite Dwarfs /Nato Adv Sci I C-mat1White Dwarfs : Advances in Observation and TheoryNato Adv Sci Inst SeWhitehall HistoriesWhitehall HistWhitehall Paper Whitehall PapaWhite Matter in Cognitive Neuroscience: Advances in Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Its ApplicationsAnn Ny Acad Sci?White Negritude: Race, Writing, and Brazilian Cultural IdentityNew Concepts Lat AmSWhiteness and Morality: Pursuing Racial Justice Through Reparations and SovereigntyBlack Relig Woman Th)White Slip Ware of Late Bronze Age Cyprus Con Chronol0Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies Ws So Ag TeHWhitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic ComputingWhitestein Ser SoftwHWhitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing Ws So Ag Te-White Theology: Outing Supremacy in ModernityBlack Relig Woman Th0Whither Turbulence, Turbulence At The CrossroadsLect Notes Phys Who Chronicle Who Chron2Who Expert Committee On Biological StandardizationWho Tech Rep Ser@Who Expert Committee On Biological Standardization - 48th ReportWho Tech Rep SerGWho Expert Committee On Biological Standardization, Fifty-fourth ReportWho Tech Rep SerGWho Expert Committee On Biological Standardization, Fifty-second ReportWho Tech Rep SerFWho Expert Committee On Biological Standardization: Fifty-sixth ReportWho Tech Rep SerFWho Expert Committee On Biological Standardization, Forty-fifth ReportWho Tech Rep SerGWho Expert Committee On Biological Standardization, Forty-fourth ReportWho Tech Rep SerIWho Expert Committee On Biological Standardization - Forty-seventh ReportWho Tech Rep Ser1Who Expert Committee On Biological StandarizationWho Tech Rep Ser'Who Expert Committee On Drug DependenceWho Tech Rep Ser5Who Expert Committee On Drug Dependence - 28th ReportWho Tech Rep Ser5Who Expert Committee On Drug Dependence - 29th ReportWho Tech Rep Ser5Who Expert Committee On Drug Dependence - 30th ReportWho Tech Rep Ser,Who Expert Committee On Leprosy - 7th ReportWho Tech Rep Ser1Who Expert Committee On Malaria, Twentieth ReportWho Tech Rep Ser?Who Expert Committee On Problems Related to Alcohol ConsumptionWho Tech Rep SerFWho Expert Committee On Specifications for Pharmaceutical PreparationsWho Tech Rep SerSWho Expert Committee On Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, 33rd ReportWho Tech Rep SerSWho Expert Committee On Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, 38th ReportWho Tech Rep Ser\Who Expert Committee On Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations - Thirty-fifth ReportWho Tech Rep Ser4Who Expert Committe On Drug Dependence - 31st ReportWho Tech Rep Ser!Who Expert Consultation On RabiesWho Tech Rep SerWho Food Additives Series Who Food AdUWho Gains From Free Trade: Export-led Growth, Inequality and Poverty in Latin AmericaRoutl Stud Dev Econ?Who Gave You The Epsilon? & Other Tales of Mathematical History Spectr SerWhole Body InteractionHum-comput Int-sprinWhole Cell Sensing Systems IiAdv Biochem Eng Biot8Whole Cell Sensing Systems I: Reporter Cells and DevicesAdv Biochem Eng BiotWhole Regolith PedologySssa Spec PublWho One Is, Book 1PhaenomenologicaWho One Is, Book 2PhaenomenologicaWho Owns English? Engl Lang ETWho Owns The Moon?: Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources OwnershipSpace Regul Lib)Who Regional Publications European Series Who Reg PubUWhose Urban Renaissance: An International Comparison of Urban Regeneration StrategiesRoutl Stud Hum Geogr-Who Study Group On Tobacco Product RegulationWho Tech Rep SerWho Technical Report SeriesWho Tech Rep SerUWhy Agree? Why Move? Unifying Agreement-based and Discourse Configurational LanguagesLinguist Inq Monogr3Why Capitalism Survives Crises: The Shock AbsorbersRes Polit EconfWhy Care for Nature?: in Search of An Ethical Framework for Environmental Responsibility and EducationInt Libr Environ Agr,Why Do We Educate? Renewing The ConversationYearb Natl Soc Stud/Why Do We Educate? Voices From The ConversationYearb Natl Soc StudHWhy Galaxies Care About Agb Stars: Their Importance As Actors and Probes Astr Soc P0Why Is There No Labor Party in The United StatesPrinc Stud Am Polit0Why Labour Won The General Election of 1997 1997Polit Commun Ser%Why Managers and Companies Take RisksContrib Manag SciWhy Sports Morally MatterRoutl Crit Stud SporJWide Angle-a Quarterly Journal of Film History Theory Criticism & Practice Wide AngleWide Band Gap SemiconductorsMater Res Soc Symp POWide-bandgap Semiconductors for High Power, High Frequency and High TemperatureMater Res Soc Symp PaWide-bandgap Semiconductors for High-power, High-frequency and High-temperature Applications-1999Mater Res Soc Symp P8Wideband Interferometric Sensing and Imaging PolarimetryP Soc Photo-opt InsWide-field SpectroscopyAstrophys Space Sc LWide-gap ChalcopyritesSpringer Ser Mater SWide-gap ChalcopyritesSpringer Series Mate,Wideochirurgia I Inne Techniki MaloinwazyjneWideochirurgia Tec M(Wider Perspectives On Global DevelopmentStud Dev Econ Policy5Widerstand: Dissent and Resistance in The Third ReichWid Diss Resis Third*Wiederverwendung Von Antike Im MittelalterHans Lietzmann VorleTWiener Chaos: Moments, Cumulants and Diagrams: A Survey With Computer ImplementationB & Ss Bocc Spr SerWiener Klinische WochenschriftWien Klin Wochenschr!Wiener Medizinische WochenschriftWien Med WochenschrWiener Slavistisches JahrbuchWien Slav Jahrb"Wiener Tierarztliche MonatsschriftWien Tierarztl Monat/Wigalois-wirnts Von Grafenberg: Eine EinfuhrungDegruyter StudienbbWikinger Im Mittelalter: Die Rezeption Von Vikingr M. Und Viking F. in Der Altnordischen LiteraturReallexikon Ger Alte3Wikis: Tools for Information Work and CollaborationChandos Inf Prof Ser Wilderness Wilderness#Wilderness & Environmental MedicineWild Environ Med8Wilderness Science in A Time of Change Conference, Vol 1Us For Serv Rmrs-p8Wilderness Science in A Time of Change Conference, Vol 2Us For Serv Rmrs-p8Wilderness Science in A Time of Change Conference, Vol 3Us For Serv Rmrs-p8Wilderness Science in A Time of Change Conference, Vol 4Us For Serv Rmrs-p8Wilderness Science in A Time of Change Conference, Vol 5Us For Serv Rmrs-pJWilderness - The Biological and Sociological Meaning in The Northern Areas U Lap A C R%Wilde Writings: Contextual ConditionsUcla Clark Mem Lib SrWildlife and Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: The Biology, Circumstances and Consequences of Cross-species TransmissionCurr Top Microbiol8Wildlife and Vegetation of Unmanaged Douglas-fir ForestsUs For Serv T R PnwWildlife Biology Wildlife Biol2Wildlife Conservation in Metropolitan Environments Niuw Symp S4Wildlife: Destruction, Conservation and BiodiversityWildl Prot Destr ExtWildlife MonographsWildlife Monogr.Wildlife Protection Destruction and ExtinctionWildl Prot Destr Ext1Wildlife Rabies Contingency Planning in Australia Bur Rur R PWildlife Research Wildlife ResWildlife Society BulletinWildlife Soc B+Wildlife Toxicology and Population Modeling Setac Sp PWildlife Use and ManagementBur Ru WWild Stars in The Old West Astr Soc P.Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-climate ChangeWires Clim ChangeBWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-nanomedicine and NanobiotechnologyWires Nanomed Nanobi<Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-systems Biology and MedicineWires Syst Biol Med*Wiley Polymer Networks Group Review SeriesWiley Pol Net Grp ReRWiley Polymer Networks Group Review Series, Vol 1 - Chemical and Physical NetworksWiley Pol Net Grp Re1Wiley-praxis Series in Astronomy and AstrophysicsWil Prax Ser Astron#Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology Wil Cl PsyHWiley Series in Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic ApplicationsWiley Ser Mater Elec7Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics Wiley S ProOWiley Series in Probability and Statistics - Applied Probability and StatisticsWiley Ser Prob Stat"Wiley Series in Sustainable DesignWiley S Sus Des;Wilhelm Roux Archiv Fur Entwicklungsmechanik Der OrganismenRoux Arch Dev Biol/Wilhelm Rouxs Archives of Developmental BiologyRoux Arch Dev BiolWilkie Collins: A Literary Life Lit Lives Willdenowia WilldenowiaWWille Zum Willen: Der Naturalismus Und Die Grundung Der Literarischen Moderne 1880-1900Quell Forsch Lit Kul4William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante StudiesW&k Devers Dante StWilliam and Mary QuarterlyWilliam Mary QuartWilliam Blake: A Literary Life Lit LivesWilliam Carlos Williams ReviewWilliam Carlos Will>William E. Connolly: Democracy, Pluralism and Political TheoryRoutl Innov Polit Th!William Faulkner: A Literary Life Lit Lives-William Faulkner: An Economy of Complex Words20 21FWilliam Morris and The Society for The Protection of Ancient BuildingsLit Crit Cult TheoryUWilliam Thompson Series for Democratic Social Studies and International Social PolicyWm Thomp Ser Dem SocWilson Bulletin Wilson BullWilson Journal of OrnithologyWilson J OrnitholWilson Library BulletinWilson Libr Bull'Wimax Network Planning and OptimizationWirel Netw Mob CommuWimax Rf Systems EngineeringArtech Hse Mob Comm*Winckelmann Und Die Mythologie Der KlassikReihe Villa VigoniWind and Structures Wind Struct-Wind Blown Sediments in The Quaternary Record Quat ProcWind Climate in CitiesNato Adv Sci Inst SeAWind Effects On Buildings and Design of Wind-sensitive StructuresCism Courses Lect Wind Energy Wind Energy1Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and The EnvironmentEnerg Env Ser-crc1Wind Energy Systems for Electric Power GenerationGreen Energy Technol-Window and Dome Technologies and Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Window and Dome Technologies and Materials IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Window and Dome Technologies and Materials IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Window and Dome Technologies and Materials IxP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Window and Dome Technologies and Materials Ix Proc Spie,Window and Dome Technologies and Materials VP Soc Photo-opt Ins-Window and Dome Technologies and Materials ViP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Window and Dome Technologies and Materials ViiP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Window and Dome Technologies and Materials Vii Proc Spie,Window and Dome Technologies and Materials XP Soc Photo-opt Ins.Window and Dome Technologies and Materials Xii Proc Spie!Window and Dome Technologies ViiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins8Window of Opportunity: Pre-pregnancy to 24 Months of AgeNestle Nutr Works SeWindow On The Future of GeodesyIag Symp"Window On The Laser Medicine WorldP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Window On The Laser Medicine World Proc SpieWindows On GalaxiesAstrophys Space Sc L9Wind Power and Power Politics: International PerspectivesRoutledge Stud Sci T4Wind Power in Europe: Politics, Business and SocietyEnerg Clim Environ>Wind Power Systems: Applications of Computational IntelligenceGreen Energy TechnolWinds of ChangeState Arts Ser/Wind Turbines: Types, Economics and DevelopmentEnerg Sci Eng TechWine Acs Sym SerWinemaking Problems SolvedWoodhead Publ Food S Winre '93 Grs Bericht$Winrock Development Education Series Winr Dev Ed4Winter Maintenance Innovations; Vehicle Rental RatesTransport Res Rec(Winter Simulation Conference ProceedingsWint Simul C Proc;Winterthur Portfolio-a Journal of American Material CultureWinterthur PortfolioWinter War : Finland and Russia Hist Arkist<Win - Women in Numbers: Research Directions in Number TheoryFields I CommunWireWireGWired Homestead: An Mit Press Sourcebook On The Internet and The FamilyMit Press Sourceb3Wired-wireless Internet Communications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc4Wired/ Wireless Internet Communications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc3Wired/wireless Internet Communications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc:Wired-wireless Multimedia Networks and Services ManagementLect Notes Comput ScWire Journal International Wire J Int#Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksSignals Commun Techn.Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc;Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc"Wireless and Mobile Communications Kluw CommunWireless and Mobile NetworkingInt Fed Info Proc+Wireless and Mobile Networking, ProceedingsIfip Adv Inf Comm TeWireless Communications Ima V MathWireless CommunicationsIma Vol Math ApplWireless Communications Kluw CommunWireless CommunicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins6Wireless Communications 2007 Cnit Thyrrenian Symposium Sig Com Tec6Wireless Communications 2007 Cnit Thyrrenian SymposiumSignals Commun Techn*Wireless Communications & Mobile ComputingWirel Commun Mob Com;Wireless Communication Technologies: New Multimedia SystemsKluwer Int Ser Eng CWireless Data TransmissionP Soc Photo-opt InsWireless Information Networks Kluw Commun,Wireless Ip and Building The Mobile InternetArt H Uni Per Commun,Wireless Ip and Building The Mobile InternetArtech Hse Univers PDWireless Network Design: Optimization Models and Solution ProceduresInt Ser Oper Res ManWireless Networks Wirel Netw2Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications SeriesWirel Netw Mob CommuWireless Network SecuritySignals Commun Techn5Wireless Networks, Information Processing and SystemsComm Com Inf Sc/Wireless On-demand Network Systems, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput Sc Wireless Personal Communications Kluw Commun Wireless Personal CommunicationsKluwer Int Ser Eng C Wireless Personal CommunicationsSpringer Int Ser Eng Wireless Personal CommunicationsWireless Pers Commun7Wireless Personal Communications: Trends and Challenges Kluw Commun2Wireless Positioning Technologies and ApplicationsArtech Hse Gnss TechDWireless Quality of Service: Techniques, Standards, and ApplicationsWirel Netw Mob CommuWireless Sensing and ProcessingP Soc Photo-opt InsWireless Sensing and Processing Proc Spie"Wireless Sensing and Processing IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Wireless Sensing and Processing IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins#Wireless Sensing and Processing Iii Proc Spie0Wireless Sensing, Localization, and Processing VP Soc Photo-opt Ins1Wireless Sensing, Localization, and Processing Vi Proc Spie"Wireless Sensor and Actor NetworksInt Fed Info Proc%Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks IiInt Fed Info ProcWireless Sensor NetworksLect Notes Comput Sc)Wireless Sensor Networks and ApplicationsSignals Commun Techn Wireless Sensor Network SecurityCryptol Inf Sec Ser%Wireless Sensor Networks, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScFWireless Sensor Network Technologies for The Information Explosion EraStud Comput Intell9Wireless Systems and Mobility in Next Generation InternetLect Notes Comput ScFWireless Systems and Network Architectures in Next Generation InternetLect Notes Comput ScSWireless Technologies and Services for Cellular and Personal Communication ServicesP Soc Photo-opt Ins>Wireless Technologies and Systems: Millimeter-wave and OpticalP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Wireless Technology: Applications, Management, and SecurityLect Notes Electr En%Wireless Telecommunications SymposiumWirel Telecomm SympWireless WorldElectron Wireless WmWirms 2009: 5th International Workshop On Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy With Accelerator Based Sources Aip Conf Proc<Wirtschaftliche Hinterland Der Fruhmittelalterlichen ZentrenInt Tagung MikulciceWirtschaftsinformatikWirtschaftsinfDWisconsin College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Research BulletinWisc Coll Als Res BOWisconsin Government and Business and The History of Heterodox Economic Thought Res Hist EcWisconsin Law Review Wisc Law RevWisconsin Medical Journal Wisc Med JOWisdom and Apocalypticism in The Dead Sea Scrolls and in The Biblical Tradition Bib Eph TheFWisdom and Her Lovers in Medieval and Early Modern Hispanic LiteratureNew Middle Ages!Wisdom, Knowledge, and ManagementC W Churchm Leg Rel.Wise Report (world Inventory of Soil Emission)Wise RepYWisp 2009: 6th Ieee International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing, ProceedingsI S Intell Sig PrCWissensasthetik: Wissen Uber Die Antike in Asthetischer VermittlungTransform Antike^Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe Der Ernahrungsgesellschaften Deutschland, Osterreich, Schweiz Wiss Sch Er4Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen Zum Neuen Testament W U Neu Test/Wissenschaftsethik Und TechnikfolgenbeurteilungWiss Technik Folgenb/Wissenschaftsethik Und TechnikfolgenbeurteilungWissensch TechnikfolWistar Symposium Series Wist Symp S.Witchcraft and Belief in Early Modern ScotlandPalgr Hist Stud Witc.Witchcraft and Magic in The Nordic Middle AgesMiddle Ages Ser3Witchcraft and Masculinities in Early Modern EuropePalgr Hist Stud Wit3Witchcraft and Masculinities in Early Modern EuropePalgr Hist Stud WitcKWitches, Isis and Narrative: Approaches to Magic in Apuleius' MetamorphosesTrends Class Suppl V6Witching Culture: Folklore and Neo-paganism in AmericaContemp EthnogrWith Eyes Toward Zion W Eyes ZionWith Eyes Toward Zion - Iii W Eyes Zion2Without Consent: Confronting Adult Sexual Violence Aic Conf P:Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, and AestheticsTechnol Lived AbstrWithout Spot Or WrinkleOcc P Inst Men Stud9With Us Or Against Us: Studies in Global Anti-americanismCeri Ser Int Rel Pol=Witnesses: War Crimes and The Promise of Justice in The HaguePa Stud Hum Rights(Wittenstein - Towards A Re-evaluation, I Schr Witt G)Wittenstein - Towards A Re-evaluation, Ii Schr Witt G*Wittenstein - Towards A Re-evaluation, Iii Schr Witt G Wittgenstein Routl PhilosWittgenstein Centenary Essays Roy Inst Ph?Wittgensten, Language and Information: Back to The Rough GroundInform Sci Knowl Man*Wit Transactions On Biomedicine and HealthWit Tr Biomed Health/Wit Transactions On Ecology and The EnvironmentWit Trans Ecol Envir(Wit Transactions On Engineering SciencesWit Trans Eng Sci>Wit Transactions On Information and Communication TechnologiesWit Trans Info Comm,Wit Transactions On Modelling and SimulationWit Trans Model Sim)Wit Transactions On The Built EnvironmentWit Trans Built Env(Wlwe-world Literature Written in EnglishWlwe-world Lit WritMWmo/geo Expert Meeting On An International Sand and Dust Storm Warning SystemIop C Ser Earth EnvWoburn Education SeriesWoburn Educ Ser!Wochenblatt Fur PapierfabrikationWochenbl PapierfabrRWocmap-2: Second World Congress On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare Acta Hortic_Wocmap-2: Second World Congress On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare, Proceedings Acta Hortic0Wocmap Iii: Bioprospecting and Ethnopharmacology Acta HorticAWocmap Iii: Conservation, Cultivation and Sustainable Use of Maps Acta Hortic5Wocmap Iii: Perspectives in Natural Product Chemistry Acta HorticCWocmap Iii: Quality, Efficacy, Safety, Processing and Trade in Maps Acta Hortic9Wocmap Iii: Targeted Screening of Maps, Economics and Law Acta Hortic3Wocmap Iii: Traditional Medicine and Nutraceuticals Acta Hortic%Wolfenbutteler Studien Zur AufklarungWolfenb Stud Aufklar:Wolfgang Stammler Gastprofessur Fur Germanische PhilologieWolf Stamml Gast Ge<Wolf-rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst GalaxiesIau SympHWolf-rayet Stars and Interrelations With Other Massive Stars in GalaxiesIau Symp6Wolf-rayet Stars: Binaries, Colliding Winds, EvolutionIau SympWolves From The Sea Carib SerMWomanism, Literature, and The Transformation of The Black Community, 19651980Stud Afr Am Hist Cul3Womanist Ethics and The Cultural Production of EvilBlack Relig Woman ThWomans Art Journal Woman Art J%Woman, The Writer & Caribbean Society Caas Spec PubWombats, 2nd EditionAustral Nat Hist SerWomen & Health Women HealthWomen & LiteratureWomen LiteratureWomen & Politics Women PolitWomen & Therapy Women TherVWomen and British Party Politics: Descriptive, Substantive and Symbolic RepresentationRoutl Adv Eur Polit4Women and Exercise: The Body, Health and ConsumerismRoutl Res Sport CultHWomen and Experience in Later Medieval Writing: Reading The Book of LifeNew Middle Ages%Women and Gender in Jewish Philosophy Jew Lit CultWomen and Industrial Relations Ann Cira PEWomen and Labour Organizing in Asia: Diversity, Autonomy and ActivismAsian Stud Assoc AusWomen and Mental HealthAnn Ny Acad SciWomen and Multiple SclerosisNeurol Lab Clin ResJWomen and Political Violence: Female Combatants in Ethno-national ConflictContemp Secur Stud'Women and Power in The Nonprofit Sector Jos-bas NonFWomen and Race in Contemporary U.s. Writing: From Faulkner to MorrisonAm Lit Read Twenty-fWomen and Sports in EuropeSchrift Deut Verein<Women and Their Money 1700-1950: Essays On Women and FinanceRout Int Stud Bus HiWomen and The Law Aic Conf PWomen and The MafiaStud Organize CrimeWomen and TheologyAnn Pub Coll Theol S:Women and The Unstable State in Nineteenth-century America Wpw Memor LWomen and The Wende Germ MonitWomen and Work in IndonesiaWomen Asia SerWomen, Art, and Technology Leonardo Ser@Women As Teachers and Disciples in Traditional and New ReligionsStud Wom Relig;Women As Unseen Characters: Male Ritual in Papua New GuineaSoc Anthropol Ocean Women At Work U Cal I IndWomen At Work Ii U Cal I IndWomen At Work, ProceedingsPeople Work Res Rep(Women, Clubs and Associations in BritainWoburn Educ SerWomen, Creators of Culture Amer St GrIWomen, Democracy, and Globalization in North America: A Comparative StudyPerspect Comp Polit'Women, Education, and Agency, 1600-2000Routl Res Gender HijWomen Entrepreneurs Across Racial Lines: Issues of Human Capital, Financial Capital and Network StructuresNew Horiz Entrep0Women, Identity and India's Call Centre IndustryRoutl Res Gend AsiaWomen in Asia SeriesWomen Asia Ser@Women in Irish Drama: A Century of Authorship and RepresentationPerform Interv5Women in Italy, 1945-1960: An Interdisciplinary StudyItal Ital Am StudWomen in Physics Aip Conf Proc5Women in Science and Engineering: Choices for SuccessAnn Ny Acad Sci<Women in The British Army: War and The Gentle Sex, 1907-1948Womens Gend HistQWomen in The Criminal Justice System: International Examples & National Responses Ps Eur Inst+Women in The Military and in Armed ConflictSchr Sozialw I BundeCWomen, Islam and Everyday Life: Renegotiating Polygamy in IndonesiaWomen Asia SereWomen, Islam and Modernity: Single Women, Sexuality and Reproductive Health in Contemporary IndonesiaWomen Asia Ser1Women, Murder, and Equity in Early Modern EnglandRout Stud Renais Lit2Women of Fes: Ambiguities of Urban Life in MoroccoContemp EthnogrWomen of The Ancient WorldWomen Ancient WorldKWomen On Corporate Boards of Directors: International Research and PracticeNew Horiz ManagWomens and Gender HistoryWomens Gend Hist(Women's Citizenship and Political RightsWomens Rights Eur SeWomen's Conference SeriesWomen Conf Ser<Women's Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe and Cis CountriesEntrepreneurship SmeWomen's Health and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad Sci?Women's Health and Disease: Gynecologic and Reproductive IssuesAnn Ny Acad SciKWomen's Health and Disease: Gynecologic, Endocrine, and Reproductive IssuesAnn Ny Acad SciWomen's Health and MenopauseMed Sci Symp SerGWomen's Health and Menopause: New Strategies - Improved Quality of LifeMed Sci Symp Ser Women's Health and Social ChangeCrit Stud Health Soc@Women's Health in Clinical Practice: A Handbook for Primary CareCurr Clin PractWomen's Health in MenopauseMed Sci Symp SerWomens Health IssuesWomen Health IssWomens History ReviewWomen Hist Rev@Women Speaking Up: Getting and Using Turns in Workplace MeetingsPalg Stud Prof OrganWomen Speak Out Bul S Rti8Womens Rights and Religious Practice: Claims in ConflictYork Stud Women MenWomens Rights in Europe SeriesWomens Rights Eur Se;Women's Sexualities and Masculinities in A Globalizing AsiaComp Fem Stud Ser+Womens Studies-an Interdisciplinary Journal Women Stud"Womens Studies International ForumWomen Stud Int Forum&Womens Studies International QuarterlyWomen Stud Int QCWomens Wages : Stability and Change in Six Industrialized Countries Int Rev Com\Women, Universities, and Change: Gender Equality in The European Union and The United StatesIssues High Educ-palWomen, Work and Computerization Ifip Trans AWomen, Work, and Health Pl S Stress9Women Workers in Industrialising Asia: Costed, Not ValuedStud Econ E Se AsiaaWomen Write Back: Strategies of Response and The Dynamics of European Literary Culture, 1790-1805Int Forsch Allg VglPWomen Writers and Familial Discourse in The English Renaissance: Relative ValuesEarly Mod Lit HistAWomen Writing Greece: Essays On Hellenism, Orientalism and TravelInt Forsch Allg VglWood & Wood ProductsWood Wood ProdWood and FiberWood Fiber SciWood and Fiber ScienceWood Fiber Sci#Wood Deterioration and Preservation Acs Sym SerWoodhead Food SeriesWoodhead Food Ser%Woodhead Publishing India in TextilesWoodhead Publ India<Woodhead Publishing in Food Science Technology and NutritionWoodhead Publ Food S Woodhead Publishing in MaterialsWoodhead Publ Mater-Woodhead Publishing in Mechanical EngineeringWoodhead Publ Mech EWoodhead Publishing in TextilesWoodh Publ TextWoodhead Publishing in TextilesWoodhead Publ Text$Woodhead Publishing Series in EnergyWoodhead Publ Ser En&Woodhead Publishing Series in TextilesWoodhead Publ Ser TeWoodhead Textiles SeriesWoodhead Text SerWood-polymer CompositesWoodhead Publ Mater Wood ResearchWood Res-slovakia6Woodrow Wilson Center Current Studies On Latin America W Wilson LWoodrow Wilson Center SeriesW Wilson Cent Ser%Woodrow Wilson Center Special Studies W Wilson Sp Wood ScienceWood SciWood Science and TechnologyWood Sci Technol_Wood Structures: A Global Forum On The Treatment, Conservation, and Repair of Cultural HeritageAm Soc Test MaterWoodward Conference Series Woodw ConfWoodwind Brass & PercussionWoodwind Brass Per!Woodwind World-brass & PercussionWoodwind WorldWoody Plant BiotechnologyNato Adv Sci I A-lifWoolf Studies Annual Woolf St An"Wool Technology and Sheep BreedingWool Tech Sheep Bree Word & Image Word Image0Word Classes and Related Topics in Ancient GreekBibl Des Cah De L In9Word-formation and Creolisation: The Case of Early Sranan Linguist ArbWord Frequency StudiesQuant LinguistWord Is Near YouBeih Z Neutest Wiss8Word-journal of The International Linguistic AssociationWord%Word Processing & Information SystemsWord Process Inform:Words and Intelligence Ii: Essays in Honor of Yorick WilksText Speech Lang Tec9Words and Intelligence I: Selected Papers By Yorick WilksText Speech Lang Tec>Words and Other Wonders: Papers On Lexical and Semantic TopicsCogn Linguist RespWords and Songs of Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone: Sound Motion, Blues Spirit, and African MemoryStud Afr Am Hist Cul6Word Sense Disambiguation: Algorithms and ApplicationsText Speech Lang Tec1Words - Proceedings of An International Symposium Kungl Vit HBWords, Worlds, and Material Girls: Language, Gender, GlobalizationLang Power Soc ProceWordsworth CircleWordsworth CircleWordsworth in Context Bucknell Re8Work-a Journal of Prevention Assessment & RehabilitationWorkWork and OccupationsWork Occupation@Work and Organizations in China After Thirty Years of TransitionRes Sociol Work9Work and People: An Economic Evaluation of Job-enrichmentRes Manag ConsultWork and Stress Work Stress;Work, Earnings and Other Aspects of The Employment RelationRes Labor EconWork Employment and SocietyWork Employ Soc9Worker Participation : Current Research and Future TrendsRes Sociol Work=Workers' Democracy in China's Transition From State SocialismE Asia Hist Polit So#Worker Well-being and Public PolicyRes Labor EconDWork Experiences and Psychological Development Through The Life Span Aaas Select1Work, Female Empowerment and Economic DevelopmentRoutl Stud Dev Econ0Workflow Management Systems and InteroperabilityNato Adv Sci I F-com Workforce Workforce;Workforce Management for Farms and Horticultural BusinessesNraes, Nat Res Agr EWorking Across Cultures Iss Bus Eth,Working Animals in Agriculture and Transport Eaap Tech-Working-class Lesbian Life: Classed OutsidersYork Stud Women Men)Working Conference On Reverse EngineeringWork Conf Reverse EnNWorking Forests in The Neotropics-conservation Through Sustainable Management?Biol Resource ManageWorking in Asia Work AsiaEWorking in China: Ethnographies of Labor and Workplace TransformationAsia's TransformEWorking in China: Ethnographies of Labor and Workplace TransformationAsias TransformJWorking On The Fringe: Optical and Ir Interferometry From Ground and Space Astr Soc PWorking Time Around The WorldRoutl Stud Mod WorldTWorking Together With God to Shape The New Millennium: Opportunities and LimitationsEvangel Missiol Soc2Working With Faculty in The New Electronic Library Lib OrientAWorking With Immigrant Families: A Practical Guide for CounselorsFam Ther CounselWorking With Older PeopleSoc Work Skills SerWorking With Older Workers Ucla Iir P&Working With Preferences: Less Is More Cogn TechnolWorking With Vulnerable AdultsSoc Work Skills SerWork in The Global VillagePeople Work Res RepWork in The Information SocietyPeople Work Res RepHWork, Learning and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and ChallengesTech Vocat Ed Train;Workload Characterization of Emerging Computer ApplicationsKluwer Int Ser Eng C;Workload Characterization of Emerging Computer ApplicationsSpringer Int Ser EngWork Motivation S Appl Psyc,Work of Language in Multicultural ClassroomsLang Cult TeachWork of Mary Ellen RudinAnn Ny Acad SciWorkplace TemporalitiesRes Sociol WorkWork Research MultidisciplinaryWork Res MultidiscipaWorkshop Ecological Aspects of Vegetable Fertilization in Integrated Crop Production in The Field Acta Hortic*Workshop : From Classical to Quantum Chaos Ital Phy SoQWorkshop Molecules in Space and in The Laboratory, Vol 67, Conference Proceedings Soc Ital Fi(Workshop On Astronomical Site EvaluationRev Mex Ast AstrBWorkshop On Automated Beam Steering and Shaping (abs), Proceedings Cern Report+Workshop On Beam Cooling and Related Topics Cern ReportHWorkshop On Calculation of Double-beta-decay Matrix Elements (medex '07) Aip Conf ProcHWorkshop On Calculation of Double-beta-decay Matrix Elements (medex '09) Aip Conf ProcAWorkshop On Colliding Winds in Binary Stars to Honor Jorge SahadeRev Mex Ast Astr:Workshop On Color Aerial Photography in The Plant Sciences W Col Aer P*Workshop On Confidence Limits, Proceedings Cern ReportWorkshop On Digital HolographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins%Workshop On Dust in Planetary Systems Esa Sp Publ%Workshop On Dust in Planetary Systems Esa Spec PublWorkshop On Ecological Corridors for Invertebrates: Strategies of Dispersal and Recolonisation in Today's Agricultural and Forestry Landscapes, ProceedingsEnviron EncountMWorkshop On Emerging Scatterometer Applications - From Research to Operations Esa Sp PublMWorkshop On Emerging Scatterometer Applications - From Research to Operations Esa Spec Publ-Workshop On High Energy Physics Phenomenology W High En P(Workshop On Higher Symmetries in PhysicsJ Phys Conf SerFWorkshop On High Performance Computing and Gigabit Local Area NetworksLect Notes Contr InfNWorkshop On Hot Stars in Open Clusters of The Galaxy and The Magellanic CloudsRev Mex Ast AstrAWorkshop On Instabilities of High Intensity Hadron Beams in Rings Aip Conf Proc*Workshop On Ion-aerosol-cloud Interactions Cern Report)Workshop On Iso Polarisation Observations Esa Sp Publ(Workshop On Laser Applications in EuropeP Soc Photo-opt Ins"Workshop On Non-hodgkins LymphomasRes Clin ForumsZWorkshop On Observing Giant Cosmic Ray Air Showers From >10(20) Ev Particles From Space Aip Conf Proc:Workshop On Optical Components for Broadband CommunicationP Soc Photo-opt Ins:Workshop On Optical Components for Broadband Communication Proc Spie/Workshop On Parallel and Distributed SimulationW Par Distr Simulat(Workshop On Photon Radiation From Quarks Cern ReportVWorkshop On Physics At The First Muon Collider and At The Front End of A Muon Collider Aip Conf Proc=Workshop On Principles of Advanced and Distributed SimulationW Prin Adv Distr SimiWorkshop On Radiation Protection Issues Related to Radioactive Ion-beam Facilities (saferib), Proceedings Cern Report?Workshop On Space Charge Physics in High Intensity Hadron Rings Aip Conf Proc4Workshop On The Earth's Trapped Particle Environment Aip Conf Proc!Workshop On The Tau/charm Factory Aip Conf Proc9Workshop On The Use of Atomic Beams in Plasma Experiments Kfki Prep RTWorkshop On Timing Detectors: Electronics, Medical and Particle Physics ApplicationsActa Phys Pol B Pr S=Workshop On Wide Area Networks and High Performance ComputingLect Notes Contr InfFWorkshop Series of The American Psychoanalytic Association : Monograph Work S Am PWorkshops in Computing Work CompOWorkshops On Particles and Fields and Phenomenology of Fundamental Interactions Aip Conf ProcfWorkshop to Resolve Conflicts in The Conservation of Migratory Landbirds in Bottomland Hardwood Forest Usda SoutheWorkstations for Experiments Ifip S CompLWork, Subjectivity and Learning: Understanding Learning Through Working LifeTech Vocat Ed Train>Work Time Regulation As A Sustainable Full Employment StrategyRoutl Front Polit Ec4Work Zone Safety; Pavement Marking RetroreflectivityTransport Res Rec World Affairs World AffWorld Agriculture World AgrWorld Agriculture Series World Agr SWorld Animal ReviewWorld Anim RevWorld Aquaculture Workshops World Aquac=World Archaeological Congress Cultural Heritage Manual SeriesWorld Archaeol CongrWorld ArchaeologyWorld ArchaeolWorld Archaeology SeriesWorld Archaeol Ser;World As Aesthetic Phenomenon: The Image in Abundance, Pt 1Int Stud Philos Mono<World As Aesthetic Phenomenon: The Wonder of The Earth, Pt 2Int Stud Philos MonoWorld As A Mathematical GameSci Netw Hist Stud2World At Risk : Natural Hazards and Climate Change Aip Conf Proc#World Bank and Global ManagerialismRoutl Stud Int Bus W9World Bank and Urban Development: From Projects to PolicyRoutl Stud Dev SocWorld Bank Discussion Papers World B Dis.World Bank Discussion Papers: Fisheries SeriesWorld B Dis FisWorld Bank Economic ReviewWorld Bank Econ RevWorld Bank Environment PaperWorld Bank Environ P8World Bank: From Reconstruction to Development to Equity Glob Inst.World Bank Institute Learning Resources SeriesWbi Learn Resour Ser=World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies - ProceedingsWorld B Lat Amer Car&World Bank Operations Evaluation Study World B Op(World Bank Regional and Sectoral StudiesWb Reg Sect StudWorld Bank Research ObserverWorld Bank Res ObserWorld Bank Symposium World BankWorld Bank Technical Papers World Ban TLWorldcall: International Perspectives On Computer-assisted Language LearningRout Stud Comp AssisWorld Cement TechnologyWorld Cem Technol8World-class University and Ranking: Aiming Beyond StatusHigh Educ Knowl SocXWorld Conference On Educational Sciences - New Trends and Issues in Educational SciencesProcd Soc Behv*World Conference On Horticultural Research Acta HorticWorld Congress of BiomechanicsWorld Congr Biomech0World Congress On Engineering 2007, Vols 1 and 2Lect Notes Eng Comp+World Congress On Engineering 2008, Vol IiiLect Notes Eng Comp-World Congress On Engineering 2008, Vols I-iiLect Notes Eng Comp1World Congress On Engineering 2009, Vols I and IiLect Notes Eng Comp@World Congress On Engineering and Computer Science, Vols 1 and 2Lect Notes Eng CompRWorld Congress On Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006, Vol 14, Pts 1-6 Ifmbe ProcKWorld Congress On Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol 25, Pt 10 Ifmbe ProcKWorld Congress On Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol 25, Pt 11 Ifmbe ProcKWorld Congress On Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol 25, Pt 12 Ifmbe ProcKWorld Congress On Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol 25, Pt 13 Ifmbe ProcJWorld Congress On Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol 25, Pt 5 Ifmbe ProcJWorld Congress On Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol 25, Pt 6 Ifmbe ProcWorld Court DigestWorld Court Dig World Crops World Crop World Crops World CropsWorld Crops and LivestockWorld Crop LivestockWorld Data Book of Obesity Int Congr Ser:World Democratic Federalism: Peace and Justice IndivisibleInt Polit Econ SerWorld Development World DevGWorld Economic Forum: A Multi-stakeholder Approach to Global Governance Glob InstWorld Economic OutlookWor Econ OutlookuWorld Economic Outlook, April 2011: Tensions From The Two-speed Recovery-unemployment, Commodities, and Capital FlowsWor Econ Outlook World Economy World Econ World Economy: A Global AnalysisRoutl Stud Mod WorldWorld Englishes World EnglishWorld Englishes 2000 Lit St E W5World Englishes: A Cognitive Sociolinguistic ApproachAppl Cogn Linguist World Farming World Farm World Fishing World FishaWorld Food Security and Sustainability: The Impacts of Biotechnology and Industrial ConsolidationNabc Rep World Forests World Forests World Futures World FutureWorld Gold 2007Australas I Min MetWorld Gold '97Australas I Min MetWorld Health ForumWorld Health ForumWorld Health Organization (who) Glob InstWorld Health Report Wor Healt RepZWorld in A Crucible: Laboratory Practice and Geological Theory At The Beginning of GeologyGeol Soc Am Spec PapWorlding DanceStud Int PerformOWorld Intellectual Property Organization: Resurgence and The Development Agenda Glob InstTWorld in Transition; Humankind and Nature: The Green Book of Einstein Meets MagritteEinstein Meet Magrit+World Inventory of Soil Emission PotentialsWise Rep&World Journal of Biological PsychiatryWorld J Biol Psychia!World Journal of GastroenterologyWorld J Gastroentero-World Journal of Microbiology & BiotechnologyWorld J Microb BiotWorld Journal of PediatricsWorld J PediatrWorld Journal of Surgery World J Surg"World Journal of Surgical OncologyWorld J Surg OncolWorld Journal of Urology World J Urol'Worldliness of A Cosmopolitan EducationStud Curric TheoryWorld Literature StudiesWorld Lit StudWorld Literature TodayWorld Literature TodWorld Marketing CongressWorld Market CongrWorld Medical Journal World Med J5World Meteorological Organization Technical Documents World MeteoMWorld Migration 2008: Managing Labour Mobility in The Evolving Global EconomyWorld Migr RepWorld Migration ReportWorld Migr RepWorld Mycotoxin JournalWorld Mycotoxin JWorld Neurology World NeurolWorld NeurosurgeryWorld NeurosurgWorld of Metallurgy World MetallWorld of Music World MusicWorld of PompeiiRoutledge WorldsWorld of RhabdovirusesCurr Top MicrobiolWorld of The American WestRoutledge WorldsWorld of The RooseveltsWorld RooseveltsBWorld of Water: Rain, Rivers and Seas in Southeast Asian Histories Verh Konik World Oil World OilWorld Philosophy SeriesWorld Philos SerWorld Policy JournalWorld Policy JWorld Politics World PolitWorld PsychiatryWorld PsychiatryWorld Rabbit ScienceWorld Rabbit Sci&World Resource Review, Vol 12, Nos 2-4Glob Warm Int Ctr M&World Resource Review, Vol 13, Nos 2-4Glob Warm Int Ctr M$World Resource Review, Vol 4, No 2-4Glob Warm Int Ctr M$World Resource Review, Vol 5, No 2-4Glob Warm Int Ctr M1World Resource Review, Vol 7, Nos 1-3, March 1995Glob Warm Int Ctr M World Review World Rev!World Review of Animal ProductionWorld Rev Anim Prod'World Review of Nutrition and DieteticsWorld Rev Nutr DietWorld Review of Pest ControlWorld Rev Pest Contr Worlds ApartAsa Decen Conf Ser<World Says No to War: Demonstrations Against The War On IraqSoc Mov Protest Cont9World's Best Practice in Mining and Processing ConferenceAustralas I Min Met1World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex SystemsWorld Sci Lect Notes)World Scientific Lecture Notes in PhysicsWorld Sci Lec No Phy)World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics World Sci P0World Scientific Monograph Series in MathematicsWorld Sci MonographSWorld Scientific Proceedings Series On Computer Engineering and Information ScienceWd Sci P Comp Eng0World Scientific Series On 21st Century BusinessWorld Sci Ser 21st C5World Scientific Series On Nonlinear Science Series AWorld Sci Ser Nonlin6World Scientific Series On Nonlinear Science, Series BWss Nonlin Sci Ser B3World Scientific Studies in International EconomicsWorld Sci Stud Int E0World Social Systems Series : China in A New Era Wor Sss ChiGWorld Society and The Middle East: Reconstructions in Regional PoliticsRethink Peace ConflWorlds of S. An-skyStanf Stud Jew HistWorld Soil Resources Report World SoilWorlds Poultry Science JournalWorld Poultry Sci JWorlds Savannas Man Biosph World's Worst Weeds, Proceedings Bcpc Symp Ser World Today World TodayWorld Trade Organization Glob Inst2World Trade Organization in The New Global EconomyNew Horiz Int BusWorld Trade ReviewWorld Trade Rev Worldview WorldviewWorld-view of Prehistoric Man Kungl Vit HTWorldviews and Cultures: Philosophical Reflections From An Intercultural PerspectiveEinstein Meets Magri$Worldviews On Evidence-based NursingWorldv Evid-based NuWorld War Ii and The Exiles St Lit Mod World Wastes World Waste World Watch World Watch3World We Could Win: Administering Global GovernanceInt I Adm Sci MonogrWorldwide Archaeology Series Worldw Arch9Worldwide Biomass Potential: Technology CharacterizationsEnerg Polic Polit Pr(Worldwide Computing and Its ApplicationsLect Notes Comput Sc2Worldwide Computing and Its Applications - Wwca'98Lect Notes Comput Sc,Worldwide Transformation of Higher EducationInt Persp Educ SocWorld Wide Web and DatabasesLect Notes Comput Sc3World Wide Web-internet and Web Information SystemsWorld Wide Web@World Without Values: Essays On John Mackie's Moral Error TheoryPhilos Stud SerWorld Yearbook of EducationWorld Yearb EducOWorld Yearbook of Education 2008: Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of PowerWorld Yearb EducWorld Zinc '93Australas I Min Met@Worship Traditions in Armenia and The Neighboring Christian East Avant SerLWorst-case Execution Time Aware Compilation Techniques for Real-time Systems Embed SystDWortarten Und Grammatikalisierung: Perspektiven in System Und ErwerbLinguist-impulse Ten2Wotug-30: Communicating Process Architectures 2007Concur Syst Engn SerWound Repair and RegenerationWound Repair Regen5Wounds-a Compendium of Clinical Research and PracticeWounds0Woven Textile Structure: Theory and ApplicationsWoodhead Publ Text Wpi Studies Wpi Studies]Wpnc'08: 5th Workshop On Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2008, Workshop ProceedingsHann Beitr NachrichtWriting A National Identity Fulbright P0Writing and Cognition: Research and Applications Stud WritWriting and Digital Media Stud WritBWriting and Filming The Painting: Ekphrasis in Literature and FilmInt Forsch Allg VglLWriting and Holiness: The Practice of Authorship in The Early Christian EastDivin Reread Late AnWriting and Motivation Stud Writ=Writing and Representation in Medieval Islam: Muslim HorizonsRoutl Stud Mid E Lit,Writing and Seeing: Essays On Word and Image Int For LitWriting Architecture SeriesWrit Archit SerRWriting in A Cold Climate: Belarusian Literature From The 1970s to The Present DayPubl Mod Hum Res AssYWriting in Context(s): Textual Practices and Learning Processes in Sociocultural Settings Stud WritDWriting of Anxiety: Imagining Wartime in Mid-century British CultureLang Discourse Soc:Writing Okinawa: Narrative Acts of Identity and ResistanceAsias Transform(Writing: Processes, Tools and TechniquesEduc Compet Glob Wor:Writing Race Across The Atlantic World: Medieval to Modern Signs RaceBWritings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy Sbl Symp SerWriting Science Writing SciWritings On European CopyrightWrit Eur Copyr+Writings On Love in The English Middle AgesStud Arthur Court CuWriting Sri LankaRout Res Postcol LitLWriting The Nation-national Historiographies and The Making of Nation StatesWriting NationWriting The Social Text Comm Soc Or!Writing Urbanism: A Design ReaderAcsa Archit Educ SerWritten Communication Writ CommunWritten Languages of IndiaCirb Pub Wrri ReportWrri RepOWse 2008: Tenth Ieee International Symposium On Web Site Evolution, ProceedingsIeee Intl Sympos WebEWseas: Advances On Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science Ele Com Eng9Wseas: Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems Ele Com Eng#Wseas Mechanical Engineering SeriesWseas Mech Eng Ser+Wspolczesna Onkologia-contemporary OncologyWspolczesna Onkol+Wspotczesna Onkologia-contemporary OncologyWspotczesna Onkol,Wto and World Trade: Challenges in A New Era Contrib EconhWto, Developing Countries and The Doha Development Agenda: Prospects and Challenges for Trade-led GrowthStud Dev Econ Policy4Wto/gats and The Global Politics of Higher EducationStud High Educ Ser/Wts: 2009 Wireless Telecommunications SymposiumWirel Telecomm SympWulfeniaWulfenia-Wulff Crystal in Ising and Percolation ModelsLect Notes MathRWunder, Spott Und Prophetie: Naturliche Narrheit in Den Historien Von Claus NarrenFruhe Neuzeit-stud D}Wwai '08: Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference On Waste Management, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Indoor ClimateEnergy Environ Eng S0Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Wyo Aes Bull8Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station Research Journal Wyo Aes Res J.Wyoming Agriculture Extension Service Bulletin Wyo Aexs Bull$Xavier Review Occasional PublicationXavier Rev Occas PubXenartros (mammalia: Xenarthra) Del Museo Argentino De Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia Y Del Museo De La Plata (argentina) Contrib Macn Xenobiotica Xenobiotica&Xenobiotics and Food-producing Animals Acs Sym SernXenobiotics in The Urban Water Cycle: Mass Flows, Environmental Processes, Mitigation and Treatment StrategiesEnviron Pollut Ser Xenograft 25 Int Congr SerXenotransplantationAnn Ny Acad SciXenotransplantationXenotransplantationXeno-transplantationCurr Top MicrobiolCXerographic Photoreceptors and Organic Photorefractive Materials IvP Soc Photo-opt InsDXerographic Photoreceptors and Organics Photorefractive Materials IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins7Xerographic Photoreceptors and Photorefractive PolymersP Soc Photo-opt InsXi Annual Simulators Conference Simul SeriescXi Feofilov Symposium On Spectroscopy of Crystals Activated By Rare-earth and Transition Metal IonsP Soc Photo-opt InscXi Feofilov Symposium On Spectroscopy of Crystals Activated By Rare-earth and Transition Metal Ions Proc SpieXi Hadron Physics Aip Conf Proc3Xi Iau Regional Latin American Meeting of AstronomyRev Mex Ast Astr^Xii Congress of The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies Leiden, 2004 Sbl Sept Co'Xii Iau Regional Latin American MeetingRev Mex Ast AstrKXiii European Annual Conference On Human Decision Making and Manual ControlVtt SympCXiii International Conference On Calorimetry in High Energy PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser=Xiii International Seminar On Physics and Chemistry of SolidsJ Phys Conf Ser\Xiii International Symposium On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-power Laser ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins\Xiii International Symposium On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-power Laser Conference Proc Spie[Xii International Symposium On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-power Laser ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt Ins[Xii International Symposium On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-power Laser Conference Proc Spie9Xiiith International Symposium On Horticultural Economics Acta HorticZXi International Symposium On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-power Laser ConferenceP Soc Photo-opt InsLXinjiang Conflict: Uyghur Identity, Language Policy, and Political DiscoursePol Stud4Xin Jie-liu Centenary: Progress in Chinese Acarology ZoosymposiaGXiv Conference On Liquid Crystals: Chemistry, Physics, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsGXiv Conference On Liquid Crystals: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications Proc SpieOXiv International Conference On Calorimetry in High Energy Physics (calor 2010)J Phys Conf Ser>Xiv International Conference On Small-angle Scattering (sas09)J Phys Conf SerOXiv International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsX Media Publishing X Media PublHXml-based Data Management and Multimedia Engineering-edbt 2002 WorkshopsLect Notes Comput Sc&X-ray Absorption Fine Structure-xafs13 Aip Conf Proc.X-ray and Euv/fuv Spectroscopy and PolarimetryP Soc Photo-opt Ins$X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsX-ray and Gamma-ray AstronomyAdv Space Res-series1X-ray and Gamma-ray Detectors and Applications IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins4X-ray and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XiP Soc Photo-opt Ins5X-ray and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6X-ray and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XiiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins6X-ray and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy Xiii Proc SpieQX-ray and Gamma-ray Signatures of Black Holes and Weakly Magnetized Neutron Stars Adv Space ResQX-ray and Gamma-ray Signatures of Black Holes and Weakly Magnetized Neutron StarsAdv Space Res-seriesIX-ray and Gamma-ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsIX-ray and Gamma-ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Pts 1 and 2 Proc SpieX-ray and Inner-shell Processes Aip Conf Proc?X-ray and Inner-shell Processes - 17th International Conference Aip Conf Proc%X-ray and Neutron Capillary Optics IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins'X-ray and Neutron Dynamical DiffractionNato Adv Sci I B-phy;X-ray and Neutron Reflectivity: Principles and ApplicationsLect Notes PhysX-ray and Related TechniquesAdv Mater Res-switz!X-ray and Ultraviolet PolarimetryP Soc Photo-opt Ins.X-ray and Ultraviolet Sensors and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins2X-ray and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and PolarimetryP Soc Photo-opt Ins5X-ray and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and Polarimetry IiP Soc Photo-opt InsX-ray and Uv DetectorsP Soc Photo-opt InsX-ray Astronomy Aip Conf ProcX-ray Astronomy 2000 Astr Soc PdX-ray Astronomy-2009: Present Status, Multi-wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc#X-ray Binaries and Recycled PulsarsNato Adv Sci I C-mat'X-ray Detector Physics and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*X-ray Detector Physics and Applications IiP Soc Photo-opt InsOX-ray Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas: Theory, Experiment, and Observation Aip Conf ProcOX-ray Diffuse Scattering From Self-organized Messcopic Semiconductor StructuresSpringer Tr Mod Phys-X-ray/euv Optics for Astronomy and MicroscopyP Soc Photo-opt InsSX-ray/euv Optics for Astronomy, Microscopy, Polarimetry, and Projection LithographyP Soc Photo-opt Ins$X-ray Fel Optics and InstrumentationP Soc Photo-opt InsfX-ray Instrumentation in Medicine and Biology, Plasma Physics, Astrophysics, and Synchrotron RadiationP Soc Photo-opt Ins*X-ray Investigations of Polymer StructuresP Soc Photo-opt Ins-X-ray Investigations of Polymer Structures IiP Soc Photo-opt InsX-ray Lasers 1990Inst Phys Conf SerX-ray Lasers 1992Inst Phys Conf Ser3X-ray Lasers 1994 - Fourth International Colloquium Aip Conf ProcX-ray Lasers 1996Inst Phys Conf SerX-ray Lasers 1998Inst Phys Conf SerX-ray Lasers 2002 Aip Conf ProcX-ray Lasers 2006, ProceedingsSpringer Proc PhysX-ray Lasers 2008, ProceedingsSpringer Proc Phys>X-ray Micro- and Nano-focusing: Applications and Techniques IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins>X-ray Micro- and Nano-focusing: Applications and Techniques Ii Proc Spie+X-ray Microbeam Technology and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt Ins0X-ray Microfocusing: Applications and TechniquesP Soc Photo-opt InsX-ray Microscopy, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc'X-ray Mirrors, Crystals and MultilayersP Soc Photo-opt Ins+X-ray Mirrors, Crystals, and Multilayers IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins+X-ray Mirrors, Crystals, and Multilayers Ii Proc Spie#X-ray Optics and Microanalysis 1992Inst Phys Conf Ser+X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc2X-ray Optics Design, Performance, and ApplicationsP Soc Photo-opt InsPX-ray Optics for Astronomy: Telescopes, Multilayers, Spectrometers, and MissionsP Soc Photo-opt InsPX-ray Optics for Astronomy: Telescopes, Multilayers, Spectrometers, and Missions Proc Spie'X-ray Optics, Instruments, and MissionsP Soc Photo-opt Ins*X-ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions IiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*X-ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions Ii Proc Spie+X-ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions IiiP Soc Photo-opt Ins*X-ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions IvP Soc Photo-opt Ins,X-ray Scattering From Soft-matter Thin FilmsSpringer Tr Mod Phys,X-ray Scattering From Soft-matter Thin FilmsSpringer Tracts ModLX Rays in Materials Analysis Ii : Novel Applications and Recent DevelopmentsP Soc Photo-opt InsX-ray Sources and OpticsP Soc Photo-opt InsX-ray SpectrometryX-ray Spectrom"X-ray Spectroscopy in AstrophysicsLect Notes Phys#X-ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond Aip Conf Proc(X-ray Timing and Cosmic Gamma Ray Bursts Adv Space Res(X-ray Timing and Cosmic Gamma Ray BurstsAdv Space Res-series Xv Conference On Liquid CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt Ins9Xviii International Fall Workshop On Geometry and Physics Aip Conf Proc6Xviii International Mineral Processing Congress, Vol 1Australas I Min Met6Xviii International Mineral Processing Congress, Vol 2Australas I Min Met6Xviii International Mineral Processing Congress, Vol 3Australas I Min Met6Xviii International Mineral Processing Congress, Vol 4Australas I Min Met6Xviii International Mineral Processing Congress, Vol 5Australas I Min MetOXviii International School On Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and ApplicationsJ Phys Conf SerQXviii International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsQXviii International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power Lasers Proc Spie.Xvii International Materials Research Congress Adv Mat ResPXvii International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power LasersP Soc Photo-opt InsPXvii International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power Lasers Proc SpieUXvi International Conference On Electromagnetic Disturbances : Emd 2006 - ProceedingsInt Conf ElectromagFXvi International Conference On Spectroscopy of Molecules and CrystalsP Soc Photo-opt InsFXvi International Conference On Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals Proc SpieMXvi International Symposium On Discharges and Electrical Insulation in VacuumP Soc Photo-opt InsFXvi International Symposium On Electron Molecule Collisions and SwarmsJ Phys Conf Ser\Xvi International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power Lasers, Pts 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt Ins\Xvi International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power Lasers, Pts 1 and 2 Proc Spie;Xv International Symposium On Advanced Display TechnologiesP Soc Photo-opt Ins;Xv International Symposium On Advanced Display Technologies Proc SpieYXv International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power Lasers Pt 1 and 2P Soc Photo-opt InsYXv International Symposium On Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-power Lasers Pt 1 and 2 Proc SpieHXv International Workshop On Low Energy Positron and Positronium PhysicsJ Phys Conf Ser:Xvith International Symposium On Fruit Tree Virus Diseases Acta HorticMXvth Iap Meeting Dynamics of Galaxies: From The Early Universe to The Present Astr Soc PbXvth International Congress On Rheology - The Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, Pts 1 and 2 Aip Conf Proc5Xxiii Conference On Neutrino Physics and AstrophysicsJ Phys Conf Ser3Xxii International Conference On Raman Spectroscopy Aip Conf Proc-Xxix Workshop On Geometric Methods in Physics Aip Conf ProcKXxvi International Conference On Photonic, Electronic and Atomic CollisionsJ Phys Conf SerJXxv International Conference On Photonic, Electronic and Atomic CollisionsJ Phys Conf Ser<Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Proceedings - Pt 5 Acta Hortic<Xxv International Horticultural Congress, Proceedings - Pt 6 Acta Hortic/Xxvi Workshop On Geometrical Methods in Physics Aip Conf Proc%Xxv Physics in Collision, Proceedings Aip Conf Proc+Xxxii Brazilian Workshop On Nuclear Physics Aip Conf Proc#Xxxiii Symposium On Nuclear PhysicsJ Phys Conf SerTXxxii Polish Seminar On Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications, ProceedingsMolecul Phys RepXylans and XylanasesProgr BiotechnolYakhtehYakhtehYakugaku Zasshi Yakuga Zasshi>Yakugaku Zasshi-journal of The Pharmaceutical Society of JapanYakugaku ZasshiYale Economic EssaysYale Econ EssaysYale French Studies Yale Fr StudYale Italian StudiesYale Ital Stud$Yale Journal of Biology and MedicineYale J Biol MedYale Journal of Criticism Yale J CritYale Law Journal Yale Law J Yale ReviewYale RevYale Studies in Sacred MusicYale Stud Sac Music Yale Theatre Yale TheatreYale University Library GazetteYale Univ Libr Gaz8Yamada Conference Lx On Research in High Magnetic FieldsJ Phys Conf Ser Ycf SeriesYcf Ser Yearbook 1998Conf Lat Amer GeogrYearbook for Traditional MusicYearb Tradit MusicYearbook of English StudiesYearb Engl StudYearbook of European Studies Yearb Eur S1Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency MedicineYearb Intensive Care6Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2009Yearb Intensive CareYearbook of Langland Studies Yearb Langl)Yearbook of Langland Studies, Vol 11 1997 Yearb Langl$Yearbook of Langland Studies, Vol 19 Yearb LanglYearbook of Morphology Yearb MorpholYearbook of MorphologyYearbook MorphologyYearbook of Morphology 2002 Yearb MorpholYearbook of Morphology 2003 Yearb MorpholYearbook of Morphology 2004 Yearb MorpholYearbook of Morphology 2004Yearbook MorphologyYearbook of Morphology 2005 Yearb Morphol%Yearbook of Nanotechnology in SocietyYearb Nanotechnol So@Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Vol I: Presenting FuturesYearb Nanotechnol So!Yearbook of Physical AnthropologyYearb Phys Anthropol'Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1995Yearb Phys Anthropol.Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 1999, Vol 42Yearb Phys Anthropol.Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 36 1993Yearb Phys Anthropol0Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 40 - 1997Yearb Phys Anthropol0Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 41 - 1998Yearb Phys Anthropol.Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 43 2000Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 44Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 45Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology: Vol 46Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 47Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 48Yearb Phys Anthropol/Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 49 2006Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 50Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 51Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 52Yearb Phys Anthropol)Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Vol 53Yearb Phys Anthropol9Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Yearbook Series Vol 39Yearb Phys Anthropol%Yearbook of Private International LawYearb Priv Int Law-Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol IxYearb Priv Int Law,Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol VYearb Priv Int Law4Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol Vi (2004)Yearb Priv Int Law5Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol Vii (2005)Yearb Priv Int Law6Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol Viii (2006)Yearb Priv Int Law3Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol X (2008)Yearb Priv Int Law1Yearbook of South Asian Languages and LinguisticsYearb S Asian Lang L8Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics (2003)Yearb S Asian Lang L8Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics (2004)Yearb S Asian Lang L8Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics (2005)Yearb S Asian Lang L8Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics (2006)Yearb S Asian Lang L"Yearbook of The Alamire FoundationYb Alamire Fdn&Yearbook of The American Reading ForumYearb Amer Read ForAYearbook of The European Association for Education Law and PolicyYearb Eur Asso EduDYearbook of The European College for The Study of Consciousness 1996Eur Col BewusstAYearbook of The European Society of Women in Theological ResearchYearb Eur Soc Wom Th;Yearbook of The National Society for The Study of EducationYearb Natl Soc StudYearbook On Space PolicyYearb Space Policy:Yearbook On Space Policy 2006/2007: New Impetus for EuropeYearb Space Policy?Yearbook On Space Policy 2007/2008: From Policies to ProgrammesStud Space PolicyYear in Cognitive NeuroscienceAnn Ny Acad Sci#Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2008Ann Ny Acad Sci#Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2009Ann Ny Acad Sci#Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2010Ann Ny Acad SciYear in Diabetes and ObesityAnn Ny Acad Sci-Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology 2008Ann Ny Acad Sci-Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology 2009Ann Ny Acad Sci-Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology 2010Ann Ny Acad SciYear in Evolutionary BiologyAnn Ny Acad Sci!Year in Evolutionary Biology 2008Ann Ny Acad Sci!Year in Evolutionary Biology 2009Ann Ny Acad Sci'Year in Human and Medical Genetics 2009Ann Ny Acad SciDYear in Human and Medical Genetics: New Trends in Mendelian GeneticsAnn Ny Acad SciYear in ImmunologyAnn Ny Acad SciYear in Immunology Year ImmunYear in Immunology 2Ann Ny Acad SciYear in Immunology 2008Ann Ny Acad SciYear in Neurology 2Ann Ny Acad SciYear in Neurology 2008Ann Ny Acad Sci<Yearning for Form and Other Essays On Hermann Cohens ThoughtStud Ger IdealismYears of High EconometricsRoutl Stud Hist EconYeastYeast?Yeast Functional Genomics and Proteomics: Methods and 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Hindu Stud SerYogyo-kyokai-shiNippon Seram Kyo GakYonago Acta MedicaYonago Acta MedYonsei Medical Journal Yonsei Med JYork Studies On Women and MenYork Stud Women Men/Yoruba in Diaspora: An African Church in LondonContemp Anthr ReligYoungYoungYoung and Defiant in TehranContemp EthnogrYoung ChildrenYoung Children.Young Galaxies and Qso Absorption-line Systems Astr Soc P*Young Neutron Stars and Supernova Remnants Adv Space Res*Young Neutron Stars and Supernova RemnantsAdv Space Res-series*Young Neutron Stars and Their EnvironmentsIau Symp:Young People's Human Rights and The Politics of Voting AgeIus Gentium-comp Per.Young Stars Near Earth: Progress and Prospects Astr Soc PYoung Supernova Remnants Aip Conf ProcPYoung Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution At Intermediate and High Redshift Astr Soc P$Young, Violent and Dangerous to KnowPsychiat Theor ApplhYoung Woman At The Rise of The 21st Century: Gynecological and Reproductive Issues in Health and DiseaseAnn Ny Acad SciYouth & Society Youth SocJYouth Crime and Youth Justice: Comparative and Cross-national Perspectives Crime Justice.Youth Cultures: Scenes, Subcultures and TribesRoutl Adv Sociol.Youth Cultures: Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes Rtldg Adv Soc6Youth Employment and Joblessness in Advanced CountriesNber Compa Labor Mar#Youth Violence and Juvenile JusticeYouth Violence Juv JJYouth Violence in Latin America: Gangs and Juvenile Justice in PerspectiveStud Am3Youth Violence: Scientific Approaches to PreventionAnn Ny Acad SciYugoslav Economy Under Blocade Serb Ac Sci Z0 Physics Moriond Par"Zababakhin Scientific Talks - 2005 Aip Conf Proc-Zahlung Und Zahlungssicherung Im AussenhandelDegruyter Handb&Zainichi Korean Identity and EthnicityRoutl Contemp Jpn Se7Zamm-zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und MechanikZamm-z Angew Math MeBZamumo's Gifts: Indian-european Exchange in The Colonial SoutheastEarly Am Stud SerZavodskaya Laboratoriya Ind Lab-ussr+8Zb 2003: Formal Specification and Development in Z and BLect Notes Comput ScEZb 2005: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B, ProceedingsLect Notes Comput ScWZbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta U Rijeci-proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of EconomicsZb Rad Ekon Fak Rij+WZbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta U Rijeci-proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of EconomicsZb Rad Ekon Fak RijeZ Degree Physics : Cargese 1990Nato Adv Sci I B-phy,Zdravniski Vestnik-slovenian Medical Journal Zdr VestnZdravstveni Vestnik Zdrav VestnZdravstveno Varstvo Zdrav Varst Zebrafish Zebrafish9Zebrafish: 2nd Edition Cellular and Developmental BiologyMethod Cell Biol9Zebrafish: 2nd Edition Cellular and Developmental BiologyMethods Cell Biol7Zebrafish:2nd Edition Genetics Genomics and InformaticsMethod Cell Biol7Zebrafish:2nd Edition Genetics Genomics and InformaticsMethods Cell BiolBZebrafish: Cellular and Developmental Biology, Pt A, Third EditionMethod Cell Biol,Zebrafish Models in Neurobehavioral Research Neuromethods#Zebrafish Neurobehavioral Protocols Neuromethods!Zebra Mussel 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Anwend,Zeitschrift Fur Analytische Chemie FreseniusZ Anal Chem Freseniu3Zeitschrift Fur Anatomie Und EntwicklungsgeschichteZ Anat EntwicklungsDZeitschrift Fur Angewandte Entomologie-journal of Applied EntomologyZ Angew Entomol#Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Geologie Z Angew Geol2Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und MechanikZ Angew Math Mech0Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und PhysikZ Angew Math Phys!Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte PhysikZ Angew Physik+Zeitschrift Fur Anglistik Und Amerikanistik Z Anglist Am#Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Chemie Z Anorg Chem2Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine ChemieZ Anorg Allg ChemCZeitschrift Fur Antikes Christentum-journal of Ancient ChristianityZ Antikes Christ-j A4Zeitschrift Fur Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie Z Arb OrganZeitschrift Fur Archaologie Z Archaol(Zeitschrift Fur Arznei- & GewurzpflanzenZ Arznei- Gewurzpfla=Zeitschrift Fur Assyriologie Und Vorderasiatische ArchaologieZ Assyriol Vorderasi9Zeitschrift Fur Asthetik Und 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Slawistik!Zeitschrift Fur SozialpsychologieZ SozialpsycholZeitschrift Fur SoziologieZ Soziol:Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und SozialisationZ Soziol Erzieh Sozi Zeitschrift Fur SportpsychologieZ Sportpsychol"Zeitschrift Fur Sprachwissenschaft Z Sprachwiss$Zeitschrift Fur Theologie Und KircheZ Theol KircheuZeitschrift Fur Tierphysiologie Tierernahrung Und Futtermittelkunde-journal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionZ Tierphysiol Tierer?Zeitschrift Fur Tierpsychologie-journal of Comparative Ethology Z TierpsycholZZeitschrift Fur Tierzuchtung Und Zuchtungsbiologie-journal of Animal Breeding and GeneticsZ Tierz Zuchtungsbio/Zeitschrift Fur Tropenmedizin Und ParasitologieZ Tropenmed Parasit(Zeitschrift Fur Urologie Und NephrologieZ Urol NephrolZeitschrift Fur Vererbungslehre Z Verebungsl)Zeitschrift Fur Vergleichende PhysiologieZ Vergl Physiol!Zeitschrift Fur VersuchstierkundeZ VersuchstierkdZeitschrift Fur Volkskunde Z Volkskunde@Zeitschrift Fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Verwandte GebieteZ WahrscheinlichkeitWZeitschrift Fur Wasser Und Abwasser Forschung-journal for Water and Wastewater ResearchZ Wasser Abwass For|Zeitschrift Fur Wasser- Und Abwasser-forschung-journal for Water and Wastewater Research-acta Hydrochimica Et HydrobiologicaZ Wasser-acta HydrocAZeitschrift Fur Werkstofftechnik-materials Technology and TestingZ Werkstofftech%Zeitschrift Fur Wirtschaftsgeographie Z Wirtsch%Zeitschrift Fur WirtschaftsgeographieZ Wirtschaftsgeogr4Zeitschrift Fur Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaften Z Wirt SozLZeitschrift Fur Wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie Und Fur Mikroskopische TechnikZ Wiss MikroskFZeitschrift Fur Wissenschaftliche Photographie Photophysik PhotochemieZ Wiss Photogr Photo*Zeitschrift Fur Wissenschaftliche ZoologieZ Wiss Zool Abt A9Zeitschrift Fur Zellforschung Und Mikroskopische AnatomieZ Zellforsch Mik Ana>Zeitschrift Fur Zoologische Systematik Und EvolutionsforschungZ Zool Syst EvolZeitschrift PersonalpsychologieZ PersonalpsycholuZeit Und Ewigkeit Als Raum Gottlichen Handelns: Religionsgeschichtliche, Theologische Und Philosophische PerspektivenBeih Z Alttest WissZZeit Und Gott: Hellenistische Zeitvorstellungen in Der Altarabischen Dichtung Und Im KoranStud Gesch Kult IslaZellstoff Und Papier Zellst PapZemdirbyste-agriculture ZemdirbysteZement-kalk-gips Zem-kalk-gipsZement-kalk-gipsZkg IntzZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie-international Journal of Medical Microbiology Virology Parasitology and Infectious DiseasesZbl Bakt-int J Med MSZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie Und Hygiene, 1 Abteilung, Supplemente Zbl Bakt PZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Mikrobiologie Und Hygiene I Abteilung Originale C-allgemeine Angewandte Und Okologische MikrobiologieZbl Bakt Mik Hyg I CZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Mikrobiologie Und Hygiene Serie B-umwelthygiene Krankenhaushygiene Arbeitshygiene Praventive MedizinZbl Bakt Mik Hyg BZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Mikrobiologie Und Hygiene Serie B-umwelthygiene Krankenhaushygiene Arbeitshygiene Praventive MedizinZbl Hyg UmweltmedZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Mikrobiologie Und Hygiene Series A-medical Microbiology Infectious Diseases Virology ParasitologyZbl Bakt-int J Med MZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskranheiten Und Hygiene Abteilung 1-originale Medizinisch Hygiensche Bakteriologie Virusforschung Und ParasitologieZentbl Bakteriolog P[Zentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskrankheiten Und Hygiene Abteilung 1Zbl Bakt ParasitZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektions-krankheiten Und Hygiene Erste Abteilung Orginale Riehe A-medizinische Mikrobiologie Und ParasitologieZentralbl Bakt P InfrZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektions-krankheiten Und Hygiene Erste Abteilung Originale Riehe BZentralbl Bakter ParZentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskrankheiten Und Hygiene Ii Abteilung-naturwissenschaftliche-mikrobiologie Der Landwirtschaft Der TechnologieZbl Bakt Ii Natur+Zentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie : Supplement Zbl Bakt S!Zentralblatt Fur BibliothekswesenZbl BibliothekswesenZentralblatt Fur ChirurgieZbl ChirpZentralblatt Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie, Teil 1 : Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale Und Historische Geologie Zbl Geo PalZentralblatt Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie, Teil I: Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale Und Historische Geologie, 1993, Heft 1/2 Zbl Geo PalZentralblatt Fur Gynakologie Zbl Gynakol*Zentralblatt Fur Hygiene Und UmweltmedizinZbl Hyg UmweltmedZentralblatt Fur Mikrobiologie Zbl MikrobiolZentralblatt Fur Neurochirurgie Zbl Neurochir!Zentralblatt Fur VeterinarmedizinZbl VeterinarmedizinZentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe A-journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A-animal Physiology Pathology and Clinical Veterinary Medicine Zbl Vet Med AZentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe B-journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B-infectious Diseases Immunology Food Hygiene Veterinary Public Health Zbl Vet Med BqZentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe C-journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C-anatomia Histologia Embryologia Zbl Vet Med C)Zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Riehe AZentralb Vet Riehe A)Zentralblatt Fur Veterinarmedizin Riehe BZentralb Vet Riehe BZeolite Chemistry and CatalysisStud Surf Sci CatalAZeolite Microporous Solids : Synthesis, Structure, and ReactivityNato Adv Sci I C-matZeolitesZeolites!Zeolites and Microporous CrystalsStud Surf Sci CatalAZeolites and Ordered Mesoporous Materials: Progress and ProspectsStud Surf Sci CataltZeolites and Related Materials: Trends, Targets and Challenges, Proceedings of The 4th International Feza ConferenceStud Surf Sci CatalAZeolites and Related Microporous Materials: State of The Art 1994Stud Surf Sci Catal6Zeolites: A Refined Tool for Designing Catalytic SitesStud Surf Sci Catal"Zero-dimensional Commutative RingsLect Notes Pure Appl,Zero to Infinity: The Foundations of PhysicsSer Knots Everything=Zeszyty Naukowe Wydzialu Budownictwai I Inzynierii 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in The Nuclear Industry: 15th International SymposiumAm Soc Test MaterAZirconium in The Nuclear Industry : Ninth International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater@Zirconium in The Nuclear Industry: Tenth International SymposiumAm Soc Test MaterEZirconium in The Nuclear Industry: Thirteenth International SymposiumAm Soc Test MaterBZirconium in The Nuclear Industry: Twelfth International SymposiumAm Soc Test Mater Ziva Antika Ziva Antika<Zivljenjska (ne)moc Obrobnih Podezelskih Obmocij V SlovenijiGeograffZivocisna VyrobaZivocisna VyrobaZivot Umjetnosti Ziv UmjetZkg InternationalZkg Int.Zno Nanostructures Deposited By Laser AblationNanotechnol Sci Tech4Zona Pellucida Glycoproteins and Immunocontraception J Rep Fer S_Zones Cotieres Et Question D'environnement: Reflexions Methodologiqueseflexions MethodologiquesOceanis-ser DocZones of Religion Zones Relig Zoo BiologyZoo BiolZookeysZookeysZoologiaZoologiaZoologiaZoologia-curitiba?Zoologia Neocaledonica 7: Biodiversity Studies in New CaledoniaMem Mus 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