use std::env; use std::str::FromStr; use std::string::ToString; use std::time::Instant; use num_bigint::BigUint; use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use accumulator_plus::{batch_add_big_uint, batch_auth_by_normal_loop, batch_auth_by_shamir_trick, batch_delete_by_normal_loop, batch_delete_by_shamir_trick, gen_diff_prime_vec, MODULUS}; use accumulator_plus::proofs::{poe_big_uint, verify_poe_big_uint}; use accumulator_plus::subroutines::mod_exp_big_uint; use accumulator_plus::witnesses::create_all_mem_wit; fn config_parse(config: &mut Config) { let mut args = env::args(); let _ =; match { None => panic!("The first numeric parameter is required: g_k < represents the number of subdomains > !"), Some(gk) => config.g_k = gk.parse().unwrap() } match { None => panic!("Requires a second numeric parameter: g_bits < indicates the number of bits required for a domain identifier > !"), Some(gk) => config.g_bits = gk.parse().unwrap() } match { None => panic!("A third numeric parameter is required: e_k < represents the number of pseudonyms in a delimit > !"), Some(gk) => config.e_k = gk.parse().unwrap() } match { None => panic!("A fourth numeric parameter is required: e_bits < indicates the number of bits required for a pseudonymous identifier > !"), Some(gk) => config.e_bits = gk.parse().unwrap() } match { None => panic!("Need the fifth numerical parameter: delete_n !"), Some(gk) => config.batch_interval_percent = gk.parse().unwrap() } match { None => { // println!("Optional sixth character parameter: delete_mad, default shamir mode!"); } Some(gk) => config.batch_mod = gk.parse().unwrap() } } fn init(tag: String, g_k: usize, g_bits: usize, e_k: usize, e_bits: usize, s: &mut Vec, vpks: &mut Vec) { println!("{}", tag.clone() + "/Gi gen "); let now = Instant::now(); gen_diff_prime_vec(g_k, g_bits, s); println!("\t\t\t\t time: {:?} ms", now.elapsed().as_millis()); // 1 println!("{}", tag.clone() + "/Ei list gen "); let now = Instant::now(); gen_diff_prime_vec(e_k, e_bits, vpks); println!("\t\t\t\t time: {:?} ms", now.elapsed().as_millis()); //2 } fn run_count(c: &mut Criterion, tag: String, config: Config) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group(tag.clone()); group.significance_level(0.1).sample_size(10); // initialization //------------------------------- let mut s: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut vpks: Vec = Vec::new(); init(tag.clone(), config.g_k, config.g_bits, config.e_k, config.e_bits, &mut s, &mut vpks); //------------------------------- let old_state = s.get(0).unwrap(); println!("gi list len: {}", s.len()); let new_elems = vpks.clone(); println!("ei list len: {}", new_elems.len()); // Offline generation of node values //------------------------------- group.bench_function("Si gen ", |b| b.iter(|| { let (_, _, _) = batch_add_big_uint(&old_state, &new_elems); })); let (new_state, x_agg, _) = batch_add_big_uint(&old_state, &new_elems); println!("si size : {:?}", new_state); println!("x_agg size : {:?}", x_agg.to_bytes_le().len()); // Response to each pseudonym, witness value //------------------------------- group.bench_function("Wi list gen ", |b| b.iter(|| { let _ = create_all_mem_wit(&old_state, &new_elems); // 3 })); let vms = create_all_mem_wit(&old_state, &new_elems); // 3 println!("wi list len: {}", &vms.len()); let percent = config.batch_interval_percent; let n = 100 / percent; for i in 0..n { let batch_n = (i + 1) * percent; // ------------------------------------------------- // Batch authentication //------------------------------- let batch_n_auth_data = new_elems[0..batch_n].iter().cloned().collect(); let batch_n_auth_stat = new_state.clone(); group.bench_function(format!("BATCH_{}/Authentication <{}>", batch_n, config.batch_mod), |b| b.iter(|| { // 6 if config.batch_mod == config.mod_default_key { batch_auth_by_normal_loop(&batch_n_auth_data, &vms, &batch_n_auth_stat); } else { batch_auth_by_shamir_trick(&batch_n_auth_data, &vms, &batch_n_auth_stat); } })); // ------------------------------------------------- // Batch deletion //------------------------------- let pairs: Vec<(BigUint, BigUint)> = new_elems.iter().cloned().zip(vms.iter().cloned()).collect(); let dels: Vec<(BigUint, BigUint)> = pairs[0..batch_n].iter().cloned().collect(); let elems = vpks.clone(); group.bench_function(format!("BATCH_{}/Delete <{}>", batch_n, config.batch_mod), |b| b.iter(|| { // 6 if config.batch_mod == config.mod_default_key { let rest = batch_delete_by_normal_loop(old_state.clone(), new_state.clone(), &dels, &elems); black_box(rest); } else { let rest = batch_delete_by_shamir_trick(new_state.clone(), &dels); black_box(rest); } })); let rest; if config.batch_mod == config.mod_default_key { rest = batch_delete_by_normal_loop(old_state.clone(), new_state.clone(), &dels, &elems); } else { rest = batch_delete_by_shamir_trick(new_state.clone(), &dels); } // ------------------------------------------------- // CHECK FUNC //------------------------------- group.bench_function(format!("MOD_EXP ACTION BATCH {}", batch_n), |b| b.iter(|| { // 6 let state = mod_exp_big_uint(&rest.0, &rest.1, &BigUint::from_str(MODULUS).unwrap()); black_box(state); })); assert_eq!(mod_exp_big_uint(&rest.0, &rest.1, &BigUint::from_str(MODULUS).unwrap()), new_state.clone()); // ------------------------------------------------- // TODO------------------------------------------------- // let elems = &x_agg % &BigUint::from_str(MODULUS).unwrap(); let elems = x_agg.clone(); // ------------------------------------------------- group.bench_function(format!("POE ACTION BATCH {}", batch_n), |b| b.iter(|| { // 7 let proof = poe_big_uint(&rest.0, &elems, &new_state); black_box(proof); })); let proof = poe_big_uint(&rest.0, &elems, &new_state); if verify_poe_big_uint(&rest.0, &elems, &new_state, &proof) == true { println!("poe ok!"); } } group.finish(); } pub const NORMAL_MOD:&str = "normal"; #[derive(Clone)] struct Config { g_k: usize, g_bits: usize, e_k: usize, e_bits: usize, batch_interval_percent: usize, batch_mod: String, mod_default_key: String, } impl Config { fn new()->Config{ Config{ mod_default_key: NORMAL_MOD.to_string(), g_k: 1, g_bits: 256, e_k: 100, e_bits: 256, batch_interval_percent: 50, batch_mod: NORMAL_MOD.to_string(), } } } fn bench_accumulator(c: &mut Criterion) { let config = Config::new(); // TODO // Manual mod switch // config.batch_mod = "shamir".to_string(); println!("\r\n-------------------------------------start test: -------------------------------------\r\n"); // config_parse(&mut config); run_count(c, format!("bench_accumulator_ini", config.g_bits, config.g_k, config.e_bits, config.e_k), config.clone()); } criterion_group!(benches, bench_accumulator); criterion_main!(benches);