use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io::Write as _; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use structopt::StructOpt; use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir}; use acick_util::abs_path::AbsPathBuf; use acick_util::assert_matches; static ARC100_C_SOURCE: &str = r#"/* [arc100] C - Linear Approximation */ #include #include using namespace std; typedef long long int ll; typedef pair pii; typedef pair pli; const int MAX_N = 200000; int N; int A[MAX_N]; ll solve() { int b[MAX_N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { b[i] = A[i] - i + 1; } sort(b, b + N); ll ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { ans += abs(b[i] - b[N / 2]); } return ans; } int main() { cin >> N; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { cin >> A[i]; } cout << solve() << endl; return 0; } "#; lazy_static! { static ref ACICK_TEST_ENABLE_SUBMIT: bool = std::env::var("ACICK_TEST_ENABLE_SUBMIT") .map(|v| !(v.is_empty() || v == "false" || v == "0")) .unwrap_or(false); } fn get_opt_common(test_dir: &TempDir, args: &[&str]) -> Result { let base_dir = &test_dir.path().display().to_string(); let mut cmd = vec!["acick", "--quiet", "--assume-yes", "--base-dir", base_dir]; cmd.extend_from_slice(args); acick::Opt::from_iter_safe(&cmd) } fn replace_cookies_path_in_conf( test_dir: &TempDir, cookies_path: &AbsPathBuf, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let conf_path = test_dir.path().join(".acick.yaml"); let conf_str = fs::read_to_string(&conf_path)?; // remove current cookies_path config let conf_str: String = conf_str .lines() .map(|line| { if line.starts_with(" cookies_path: ") { "" } else { line } }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); // add new cookies_path config let mut new_conf = String::new(); for line in conf_str.lines() { new_conf.push_str(line); if line == "session:" { new_conf.push_str(&format!("\n cookies_path: {}\n", cookies_path)); } else { new_conf.push('\n'); } } // write new config to file let mut file = fs::File::create(&conf_path)?; file.write_all(new_conf.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn run_with_no_args() { let args = &["acick"]; let res = acick::Opt::from_iter_safe(args); assert_matches!(res => Err(_)); } #[test] fn compare_readme_usage_with_help_message() { let args = &["acick", "--help"]; let res = acick::Opt::from_iter_safe(args); let err = res.unwrap_err(); let mut long_help_message = vec!["```"]; long_help_message.extend(err.message.lines()); long_help_message.push("```"); let readme_str = include_str!("../"); let mut i = 0; let mut is_usage = false; for line in readme_str.lines() { if !is_usage && line.contains("__ACICK_USAGE_BEGIN__") { is_usage = true; } else if is_usage && line.contains("__ACICK_USAGE_END__") { is_usage = false; } else if is_usage { assert_eq!(line, long_help_message[i]); i += 1; } } assert_eq!(i, long_help_message.len()); } #[test] fn test_basic_usage() -> anyhow::Result<()> { env::set_var("ACICK_CONTEST", "arc100"); let test_dir = tempdir()?; assert_matches!(get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["help"]) => Err(_)); // check that config file is not created yet assert_matches!(get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["show"])?.run() => Err(_)); // create config file get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["init"])?.run()?; // set cookies_path to be under the test_dir let cookies_path = AbsPathBuf::try_new(&test_dir)?.join("cookies.json"); replace_cookies_path_in_conf(&test_dir, &cookies_path)?; get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["show"])?.run()?; // check that use is not logged in assert_matches!(get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["me"])?.run() => Err(_)); get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["login"])?.run()?; get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["me"])?.run()?; get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["fetch", "c", "--full", "--open"])?.run()?; // write source to file let mut file = fs::File::create(test_dir.path().join("atcoder/arc100/c/Main.cpp"))?; file.write_all(ARC100_C_SOURCE.as_bytes())?; get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["test", "c"])?.run()?; get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["test", "c", "--full"])?.run()?; if *ACICK_TEST_ENABLE_SUBMIT { get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["submit", "c", "--open"])?.run()?; } get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["logout"])?.run()?; // check that use is logged out assert_matches!(get_opt_common(&test_dir, &["me"])?.run() => Err(_)); Ok(()) }