#!/usr/bin/env bash set -x set -eo pipefail if ! [ -x "$(command -v sqlx)" ]; then echo >&2 "Error: sqlx is not installed." echo >&2 "Use:" echo >&2 " cargo install --version='~0.8' sqlx-cli --no-default-features --features rustls,postgres" echo >&2 "to install it." exit 1 fi # Check if a custom parameter has been set, otherwise use default values DB_PORT="${POSTGRES_PORT:=5432}" SUPERUSER="${SUPERUSER:=postgres}" SUPERUSER_PWD="${SUPERUSER_PWD:=password}" APP_USER="${APP_USER:=app}" APP_USER_PWD="${APP_USER_PWD:=secret}" APP_DB_NAME="${APP_DB_NAME:=acidarchive}" # Allow to skip Docker if a dockerized Postgres database is already running if [[ -z "${SKIP_DOCKER}" ]] then # if a postgres container is running, print instructions to kill it and exit RUNNING_POSTGRES_CONTAINER=$(docker ps --filter 'name=postgres' --format '{{.ID}}') if [[ -n $RUNNING_POSTGRES_CONTAINER ]]; then echo >&2 "there is a postgres container already running, kill it with" echo >&2 " docker kill ${RUNNING_POSTGRES_CONTAINER}" exit 1 fi CONTAINER_NAME="postgres_$(date '+%s')" # Launch postgres using Docker docker run \ --env POSTGRES_USER=${SUPERUSER} \ --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${SUPERUSER_PWD} \ --health-cmd="pg_isready -U ${SUPERUSER} || exit 1" \ --health-interval=1s \ --health-timeout=5s \ --health-retries=5 \ --publish "${DB_PORT}":5432 \ --detach \ --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" \ postgres:17 -N 1000 # ^ Increased maximum number of connections for testing purposes until [ \ "$(docker inspect -f "{{.State.Health.Status}}" ${CONTAINER_NAME})" == \ "healthy" \ ]; do >&2 echo "Postgres is still unavailable - sleeping" sleep 1 done # Create the application user CREATE_QUERY="CREATE USER ${APP_USER} WITH PASSWORD '${APP_USER_PWD}';" docker exec -it "${CONTAINER_NAME}" psql -U "${SUPERUSER}" -c "${CREATE_QUERY}" # Grant create db privileges to the app user GRANT_QUERY="ALTER USER ${APP_USER} CREATEDB;" docker exec -it "${CONTAINER_NAME}" psql -U "${SUPERUSER}" -c "${GRANT_QUERY}" fi >&2 echo "Postgres is up and running on port ${DB_PORT} - running migrations now!" # Create the application database DATABASE_URL=postgres://${APP_USER}:${APP_USER_PWD}@localhost:${DB_PORT}/${APP_DB_NAME} export DATABASE_URL sqlx database create sqlx migrate run >&2 echo "Postgres has been migrated, ready to go!"