use acid::configuration::{get_configuration, DatabaseSettings}; use acid::startup::{get_connection_pool, Application}; use acid::telemetry::{get_subscriber, init_subscriber}; use argon2::{password_hash::SaltString, Algorithm, Argon2, Params, PasswordHasher, Version}; use chrono::Utc; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use secrecy::Secret; use serde_json::json; use sqlx::{Connection, Executor, PgConnection, PgPool}; use uuid::Uuid; use wiremock::MockServer; // Ensure that the `tracing` stack is only initialised once using `once_cell` static TRACING: Lazy<()> = Lazy::new(|| { let default_filter_level = "info".to_string(); let subscriber_name = "test".to_string(); if std::env::var("TEST_LOG").is_ok() { let subscriber = get_subscriber(subscriber_name, default_filter_level, std::io::stdout); init_subscriber(subscriber); } else { let subscriber = get_subscriber(subscriber_name, default_filter_level, std::io::sink); init_subscriber(subscriber); }; }); pub struct TestUser { pub user_id: Uuid, pub username: String, pub email: String, pub status: String, pub password: String, } impl TestUser { pub fn generate() -> Self { Self { user_id: Uuid::new_v4(), username: Uuid::new_v4().to_string(), email: Uuid::new_v4().to_string(), status: "active".to_string(), password: Uuid::new_v4().to_string(), } } async fn store(&self, pool: &PgPool) { let salt = SaltString::generate(&mut rand::thread_rng()); let password_hash = Argon2::new( Algorithm::Argon2id, Version::V0x13, Params::new(15000, 2, 1, None).unwrap(), ) .hash_password(self.password.as_bytes(), &salt) .unwrap() .to_string(); sqlx::query!( "INSERT INTO users (user_id, username, email, status, password_hash, created_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)", self.user_id, self.username,, self.status, password_hash, Utc::now() ) .execute(pool) .await .expect("Failed to store test user."); } } pub struct TestApp { pub port: u16, pub address: String, pub db_pool: PgPool, pub email_server: MockServer, pub test_user: TestUser, pub api_client: reqwest::Client, } impl TestApp { pub async fn post_activate_resend(&self, body: String) -> reqwest::Response { self.api_client .post(&format!( "{}/api/v1/auth/signup/activate/resend", &self.address )) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(body) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request.") } pub async fn post_reset_password_request(&self, body: String) -> reqwest::Response { self.api_client .post(&format!( "{}/api/v1/auth/change_password/request", &self.address )) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(body) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request.") } pub async fn post_change_password(&self, body: String) -> reqwest::Response { self.api_client .post(&format!("{}/api/v1/auth/change_password", &self.address)) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(body) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request.") } pub fn get_activation_link(&self, email_request: &wiremock::Request) -> reqwest::Url { let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&email_request.body).unwrap(); let get_link = |s: &str| { let links: Vec<_> = linkify::LinkFinder::new() .links(s) .filter(|l| *l.kind() == linkify::LinkKind::Url) .collect(); assert_eq!(links.len(), 1); let raw_link = links[0].as_str().to_owned(); let mut activation_link = reqwest::Url::parse(&raw_link).unwrap(); // Make sure we don't call random APIs on the web assert_eq!(activation_link.host_str().unwrap(), ""); activation_link.set_port(Some(self.port)).unwrap(); activation_link }; let data = json!(body); let message = &data["Messages"][0]; let activation_link = get_link(&message["Variables"]["activation_link"].as_str().unwrap()); activation_link } pub fn get_reset_token(&self, email_request: &wiremock::Request) -> String { let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&email_request.body).unwrap(); let data = json!(body); let message = &data["Messages"][0]; let password_reset_link = reqwest::Url::parse( &message["Variables"]["password_reset_link"] .as_str() .unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); // Make sure we don't call random APIs on the web assert_eq!(password_reset_link.host_str().unwrap(), ""); let query = password_reset_link.query().unwrap(); let parts: Vec<&str> = query.split('=').collect(); parts[1].to_string() } pub async fn post_login(&self, body: String) -> reqwest::Response { self.api_client .post(&format!("{}/api/v1/auth/login", &self.address)) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(body) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request.") } pub async fn post_signup(&self, body: String) -> reqwest::Response { self.api_client .post(&format!("{}/api/v1/auth/signup", &self.address)) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(body) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request.") } } pub async fn spawn_app() -> TestApp { Lazy::force(&TRACING); let email_server = MockServer::start().await; // randomize configuration to ensure test isolation let configuration = { let mut c = get_configuration().expect("Failed to read configuration."); c.database.database_name = Uuid::new_v4().to_string(); c.application.port = 0; c.email_client.base_url = email_server.uri(); c }; configure_database(&configuration.database).await; let application = Application::build(configuration.clone()) .await .expect("Failed to build application."); let application_port = application.port(); let _ = tokio::spawn(application.run_until_stopped()); let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .redirect(reqwest::redirect::Policy::none()) .cookie_store(true) .build() .unwrap(); let test_app = TestApp { address: format!("http://localhost:{}", application_port), port: application_port, db_pool: get_connection_pool(&configuration.database), email_server, test_user: TestUser::generate(), api_client: client, };; test_app } async fn configure_database(config: &DatabaseSettings) -> PgPool { // create database let maintenance_settings = DatabaseSettings { database_name: "postgres".to_string(), username: "postgres".to_string(), password: Secret::new("password".to_string()), ..config.clone() }; let mut connection = PgConnection::connect_with(&maintenance_settings.connect_options()) .await .expect("Failed to connect to Postgres"); connection .execute(format!(r#"CREATE DATABASE "{}";"#, config.database_name).as_str()) .await .expect("Failed to create database."); // migrate database let connection_pool = PgPool::connect_with(config.connect_options()) .await .expect("Failed to connect to Postgres."); sqlx::migrate!("./migrations") .run(&connection_pool) .await .expect("Failed to migrate the database"); connection_pool }