base_url = "" api_key = "" custom_message = "||/type||: ||/description||" [params] max_tokens = 128 model = "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1" n = 1 temperature = 0 top_p = 0.1 [[params.messages]] content = """ You will be provided with an output from the `git diff --staged` command. Your task is to construct a clean and comprehensive commit message for the code changes in JSON format with the following keys: - type: A label from the following list [feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, perf, test, build, ci, chore] that represents the code changes - description: A succinct description of the code changes in a single sentence, without a period at the end""" role = "system" [params.response_format] type = "json_object" [params.response_format.schema] required = [ "type", "description", ] type = "object" [] type = "string" [] type = "string"