use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc, thread, time::Duration}; use acme::{create_p256_key, Directory, DirectoryUrl}; use parking_lot::Mutex; use rustls::{ pki_types::{PrivateKeyDer, PrivatePkcs8KeyDer}, server::Acceptor, }; use tokio::fs; const CERTIFICATE_DIR: &str = "./acme-certificates"; const DOMAINS: &[&str] = &[""]; const CONTACT_EMAIL: Option<&str> = None; /// Thread-safe map of ServerName to ACME identity for TLS challenge type (32-byte hash). type AcmeIdentityMap = Arc>>; #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> { color_eyre::install()?; env_logger::init_from_env(env_logger::Env::new().default_filter_or("info")); log::info!("ensuring certificate dir exists"); fs::create_dir_all(CERTIFICATE_DIR) .await .expect("should be able to create certificate directory"); log::info!("starting temporary TLS challenge server"); let identity_map = AcmeIdentityMap::default(); let _srv_handle = thread::spawn({ let identity_map = Arc::clone(&identity_map); move || acme_tls_server(identity_map) }); log::info!("fetching LetsEncrypt directory"); // Create a directory entrypoint. // Note: Change to `DirectoryUrl::LetsEncrypt` in production. let dir = Directory::fetch(DirectoryUrl::LetsEncryptStaging).await?; // Your contact addresses, note the `mailto:` let contact =|email| vec![format!("mailto:{email}")]); log::info!("generating private key and registering with ACME provider"); // Usually, you'll write the private key to disk any use `load_account` in the future. let acc = dir.register_account(contact.clone()).await?; log::info!("ordering a new TLS certificate for our domain"); let mut order = acc.new_order(DOMAINS[0], DOMAINS).await?; // If the ownership of the domain(s) have already been authorized in a previous order, you might // be able to skip validation. The ACME API provider decides. log::info!("waiting for certificate signing request to be validated"); let csr = loop { // Are we done? if let Some(csr) = order.confirm_validations() { log::info!("certificate signing request validated"); break csr; } // Get the possible authorizations. let auths = order.authorizations().await?; for auth in auths { // For TLS, the challenge is a text file that needs to be placed in your web server's root: let tls_challenge = auth.tls_alpn_challenge().unwrap(); // The ACME identifier is a 32-byte hash of the proof. let acme_ident = tls_challenge.tls_alpn_proof()?; log::info!("storing authorization proof for {}", auth.domain_name()); identity_map .lock() .insert(auth.domain_name().to_owned(), acme_ident); // After the ID is accessible during a TLS handshake, the `validate` // call tells the ACME API to start checking the existence of the // proof. // // The order will change status later to either confirm ownership of // the domain, or fail due to a failed TLS handshake. To see the // change, we poll the API every 5 seconds. tls_challenge.validate(Duration::from_secs(5)).await?; } // Update the state against the ACME API. order.refresh().await?; }; // Ownership is proven. Create a private key for the certificate. // Alternatively you can load a private key from elsewhere. let private_key = create_p256_key(); log::info!("submitting CSR for: {:?}", &csr.api_order().domains()); // Submit the CSR. This causes the ACME provider to enter a state of // "processing" that must be polled until the certificate is either issued // or rejected. Again we poll for the status change. let ord_cert = csr.finalize(private_key, Duration::from_secs(5)).await?; log::info!("downloading certificate"); let cert = ord_cert.download_cert().await?; // NOTE: Here you would spawn your real server and use the private key plus // certificate to configure TLS on it. For this example, we just print the // certificate and exit. let cert_path = format!("{CERTIFICATE_DIR}/{}.pem", DOMAINS[0]); log::info!("persisting certificate to {cert_path}"); fs::write(cert_path, cert.certificate()).await?; let key_path = format!("{CERTIFICATE_DIR}/{}.key", DOMAINS[0]); log::info!("persisting private key to {key_path}"); fs::write(key_path, cert.private_key()).await?; println!(); println!("{}", cert.certificate()); Ok(()) } /// Starts a (synchronous) TCP/TLS listener on port 443 that responds to connections from an ACME /// provider with self-signed certificates containing proof of domain ownership for items in `ids`. fn acme_tls_server(ids: AcmeIdentityMap) { // Start a TLS server accepting connections as they arrive. let listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind(("", 443)).unwrap(); for stream in listener.incoming() { let mut stream = stream.unwrap(); let mut acceptor = Acceptor::default(); // Read TLS packets until we are ready to accept a connection. let accepted = loop { acceptor.read_tls(&mut stream).unwrap(); if let Some(accepted) = acceptor.accept().unwrap() { break accepted; } }; let hello = accepted.client_hello(); let Some(server_name) = hello.server_name() else { // ACME servers have to indicate a server name. // If it's not present then drop the connection. continue; }; let Some(&acme_identity) = ids.lock().get(server_name) else { // If the server name indicated doesn't have an associated identity, // then the connection is not for us; drop it. continue; }; // Generate a server config for the accepted connection based on the // server name indicated. let config = acme_tls_server_config(server_name, acme_identity); let mut conn = accepted.into_connection(config).unwrap(); // Proceed with handling the connection until the ACME client closes // the connection. _ = conn.complete_io(&mut stream); } } /// Generate a self-signed server configuration for the ACME negotiator. fn acme_tls_server_config(server_name: &str, acme_identity: [u8; 32]) -> Arc { let mut cert_params = rcgen::CertificateParams::new(vec![server_name.to_owned()]).unwrap(); cert_params.extended_key_usages = vec![rcgen::ExtendedKeyUsagePurpose::ServerAuth]; cert_params.custom_extensions = vec![rcgen::CustomExtension::new_acme_identifier(&acme_identity)]; let key_pair = rcgen::KeyPair::generate().unwrap(); let key_der = key_pair.serialize_der(); let cert = cert_params.self_signed(&key_pair).unwrap(); let cert_der = cert.der(); let mut server_config = rustls::ServerConfig::builder() .with_no_client_auth() .with_single_cert( vec![cert_der.clone()], PrivateKeyDer::Pkcs8(PrivatePkcs8KeyDer::from(key_der)), ) .unwrap(); // defined in const ACME_ALPN: &[u8] = b"acme-tls/1"; server_config.alpn_protocols = vec![ACME_ALPN.to_vec()]; server_config.key_log = Arc::new(rustls::KeyLogFile::new()); Arc::new(server_config) }