:_content-type: PROCEDURE [id="configuring-trackers_{context}"] = Configuring trackers To enable access to your ticket trackers, enter the required settings in the `trackers.yaml` configuration file. .Prerequisites * You have installed {name}. * You have initialized a directory with sample release notes project configuration. .Procedure . In your release notes project, open the `{bin-name}/trackers.yaml` file in an editor. . Configure access to your Bugzilla and Jira instance. + NOTE: Currently, {name} requires configuration for both trackers. If you are using only one, you can enter empty, invalid values for the other, unused trackers, such as an empty list (`[]`) or the default values. {name} only loads the configuration for a particular tracker when your project contains tickets that come from the tracker. Otherwise, {name} ignores the tracker configuration. ** In the `bugzilla` entry, fill out the following, required fields for Bugzilla: + [source,yaml] ---- bugzilla: host: "https://bugzilla.host.org" <1> fields: doc_type: <2> - "cf_doc_type" doc_text: <3> - "cf_release_notes" doc_text_status: <4> - "requires_doc_text" ---- <1> The base URL to your Bugzilla instance. <2> The ID of the *Doc Type* field, which is probably a drop-down menu of values. <3> The ID of the *Doc Text* field, which is a text box that contains your release note. <4> The ID of the flag that describes the status of the release note. ** In the `jira` entry, fill out the following, required fields for Jira: + [source,yaml] ---- jira: host: "https://jira.host.org" <1> fields: doc_type: <2> - "customfield_12345678" doc_text: <3> - "customfield_23456789" doc_text_status: <4> - "customfield_34567890" docs_contact: <5> - "customfield_45678901" ---- + <1> The base URL to your Jira instance. <2> The ID of the field that lists the type of the release note. It is a drop-down menu of values. <3> The ID of the field that contains your release note. It is a text box. <4> The ID of the field that lists the status of the release note. It is a drop-down menu of values. <5> The ID of the field that contains the docs contact for this release note. It is a Jira user entry. .Verification . Add tickets to your release notes project. . Build the release notes. [role="_additional-resources"] .Additional resources * xref:finding-ids-of-tracker-fields_{context}[] * xref:required-and-optional-fields-in-tracker-configuration_{context}[]