:_content-type: PROCEDURE [id="finding-ids-of-tracker-fields_{context}"] = Finding IDs of tracker fields To access your Bugzilla and Jira instance, you must know the internal IDs that the tracker gives to your documentation fields. The following procedure identifies the field IDs. .Prerequisites * You have logged into your ticket tracker. .Procedure . Open a ticket that has your documentation fields. . In Bugzilla, click *Show advanced fields* if you cannot see your documentation fields. . Right-click the name of a documentation field, such as the *Doc Type* or *Release note text* field. . In the right-click menu, select *Inspect*. . Your web browser displays a toolbar that lists the elements of the web page, and highlights the element that represents the selected documentation field. . Find the field ID in the `label` tag: ** With Bugzilla: + [source,html,subs="+quotes"] ----