:_content-type: PROCEDURE [id="installing-acorns_{context}"] = Installing aCoRNs Install the {name} release notes generator on your system, so that you can run it locally. .Procedure * On Fedora, CentOS Stream, or RHEL, use link:{copr-repo}[the Copr repository]. + [WARNING] -- The repository is only available for actively supported releases of the operating system. If you are using a legacy, unsupported release, you can no longer install or update the package. DNF reports the following error: ---- Error: This repository does not have any builds yet so you cannot enable it now. ---- If this is the case, please upgrade your system. -- .. Enable the repository: + [subs="+attributes"] ---- # dnf copr enable {copr-repo-slug} ---- .. Install the `{bin-name}` package: + [subs="+attributes"] ---- # dnf install {bin-name} ---- * On any system that has the Docker or Podman container platform, you can use {name} as a container. + On Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS, replace `docker` with `podman` in the following commands. .. Download the image: + [subs="+attributes"] ---- $ docker pull {container-repo} ---- + NOTE: If this image is unavailable, you can use a backup image at `docker.io/msuchane/acorns:latest`. .. Configure a command alias. Save this line in your shell configuration file: + [source,bash,subs="+attributes"] ---- alias acorns="docker run -it -e BZ_API_KEY -e JIRA_API_KEY -v .:/mnt/{bin-name}:Z {container-repo-slug} {bin-name}" ---- *** With the Bash shell, save the line at the end of `~/.bashrc`. *** With the ZSH shell, save the line at the end of `~/.zshrc`. *** With the Fish shell, save the alias using the following command: + [subs="+attributes"] ---- $ alias --save acorns="docker run -it -e BZ_API_KEY -e JIRA_API_KEY -v .:/mnt/{bin-name}:Z {container-repo-slug} {bin-name}" ---- .. Open a new terminal to reload the shell configuration. * On macOS, you can use the Homebrew package manager: + WARNING: This repository is currently experimental. Please report any problems with usage or installation as issues in the `acorns` repository. .. Install the Homebrew package manager as described on . .. Install `acorns`: + ---- $ brew install redhat-documentation/repo/acorns ---- * On any system, including different Linux distributions and macOS, you can build {name} from source: .. Install the Rust toolchain se described at . .. Build and install {name} from its Git repository: + [subs="+attributes"] ---- $ cargo install --git {git-repo} ---- + If the build fails due to a missing dependency, install the missing dependency on your system and start the build again. .Verification * Try running `{bin-name}`: + [subs="+attributes"] ---- $ {bin-name} --version ----