:_content-type: PROCEDURE [id="obtaining-api-keys-to-ticket-trackers_{context}"] = Obtaining API keys to ticket trackers To log into your ticket trackers, {name} needs your API keys. If you do not have or do not know any API keys, you can generate them. .Prerequisites * You have logged into your Jira and Bugzilla accounts. * Your Jira instance enables the *Personal Access Tokens* plug-in (`com.atlassian.pats`). .Procedure . Generate a Jira API key: .. Click your profile picture in the upper-right corner and select *Profile*. .. Go to the *Personal Access Tokens* tab. .. Click *Create token*. .. In the *Token Name* field, enter a name for your new API key. .. Under *Expiry date*, set for how long this API key stays valid. .. Click *Create*. .. Note down the API key displayed at the top of the page. . Generate a Bugzilla API key: .. Click your name in the upper-right corner and select *Preferences*. .. Click *API Keys*. .. Under the *New API key* heading, check the checkbox and enter a name for your new API key. .. Click *Submit Changes*. .. Note down the API key displayed at the top of the page. . Save your API keys in a password manager. + You cannot recover the API keys from Jira or Bugzilla. You can only generate new ones and revoke existing ones.