:_content-type: PROCEDURE [id="organizing-a-ticket-manually_{context}"] = Organizing a ticket manually {name} organizes your release notes based on the ticket properties as defined in `templates.yaml`. If a release note appears in the wrong section, but you cannot edit the ticket itself, you can override certain ticket properties in the `tickets.yaml` file. .Prerequisites .Prerequisites * You have added tickets to your release notes project configuration. * You have defined release note templates. .Procedure . Find the line that defines the ticket in `tickets.yaml`. + .A ticket without overrides ==== [source,yaml] ---- - [Jira, key: PROJECT-1234] ---- ==== . Add an override to adjust the release note organization: + .A ticket with an override ==== [source,yaml, subs="+quotes"] ---- - [Jira, key: PROJECT-1234, { overrides: {__components__: [__CustomComponent__]} }] ---- ==== + In the `overrides` block, you can use the following elements to override selected ticket properties: + `components: [_Component1_, _Component2_]`:: Set custom components for this ticket. `doc_type: _Type_`:: Set a custom doc type for this ticket. `subsystems: [_SST1_, _SST2_]`:: Set custom subsystems for this ticket. .Verification . Build an HTML preview of the internal document: + ---- # asciidoctor --safe -vn internal.adoc ---- . Open the preview and check where the release note appears.