:_newdoc-version: 2.18.2 :_template-generated: 2024-06-25 :_mod-docs-content-type: PROCEDURE [id="publishing-previous-releases-in-one-continuous-document_{context}"] = Publishing previous releases in one continuous document As a release notes maintainer, you can publish several releases or all release history in one document. Only the latest release is actively generated by `acorns`, while the previous releases are archived as manual content. You can see an example of a similar setup in the link:https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/8.2_release_notes/index[RHEL 8.2 release notes]. .Prerequisites * You have a working `acorns` configuration in a Git repository, later called the _source repository_. * A CI/CD pipeline runs `acorns` and saves the generated content in a separate, _generated repository_. + If you do not use this workflow, you can still archive previous releases in one document, but the procedure is slightly different. .Procedure . Generate your release notes for the current release as usual. . When the current release is published and done, you can archive it. . Open your generated RN repository. . Navigate to the `external` branch of the current release. . Download the latest generated files. . In your source directory, create a new directory under the `manual-content/` directory. Name it such that it refers to the release that you are archiving: for example, `manual-content/RHOSO-18.0-Beta/`. . Move all the downloaded generated files into the newly created directory in your source repository. . In the same directory, create a `main.adoc` assembly. Set a title that refers to the archived version, such as _RHOSO 18.0 Beta_. . In the assembly, include all the downloaded generated files. + Because you are including files in the same directory, specify only the file names with no directory path in the include directives. . Include the new assembly from your master file, such as the `master_template.adoc` file. For example: + [subs="quotes"] ---- \include::manual-content/__RHOSO-18.0-Beta__/main.adoc[leveloffset=+1] ---- . You now have a _RHOSO 18.0 Beta_ chapter in your RN document that includes all release notes for that specific release, saved as static, manual content that originated from the generated repository. . As `acorns` regenerates new release notes, they work towards the following release. In your master file, they are included from the `acorns/generated/` directory, until you want to archive this release as a another static assembly. . Optional: If you want your current, actively generated release to also appear in a separate chapter of the document: .. Create a new assembly with a title appropriate to the current release. .. Move the include directives that refer to `acorns/generated/` from your master file to the new assembly. .. Include the new assembly in your master file.