MsgStdBnÿþP@LBL1ìe,,,4<DLT\dlt||||||||„Œ”œ¤¬´¼ÄÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÔÜäìôü $,4<DLT\dllllllllt|„Œ”œ¤¤¤¬´¼ÄÌÔÜäììììì020021022023024025026027028029040'041(042)043*044+045,046-047.048/0490010 011 012 013 014 015016017018019030031032033 034!035"036#037$038%039&0501051205230534054505560567001002003004005006007008009««««ATR1p8 )       !"$%*-4/41434TXT2š88äøèæèêŽNÚø@Ž j ž XžŽÊ¨þœž €¨Ü˜ b h!\"F$f&h&j&l&d')ø)È*8,-’.F0À2ü3¸506ª7–8˜8       %! It's amazing how you manage to get up early every day! What's your secret?      Hey! Take it easy! Get a hold of yourself, ! People are gonna think I'm bullying you!      Huh. So roses used to be a much simpler flower?     Huh. So bamboo flowers only blossom once every few decades?     Wait. So...tulips can be poisonous?     Huh. You mean you can EAT pansies if you grow them a certain way?     Interesting... So if you go back far enough, pansies and violets are actually relatives?    &Yes! Exactly!(% Heh heh! I'm so happy! I hardly ever get to talk flowers!, you really like gardening, don't you!    Huh?( Ah ha ha! You got me!( Yeah, I'm all about it!(% Heh, I decorate my room with flowers and everything!    Oh, flower arranging!( I like that too!     'Yeah... And since it's spring, I like to work some cherry blossoms into my arrangements...    Oh! Very nice!( Hey, you should try floating a cherry-blossom petal in your favorite tea...    'And... I find that, in summer, water plants are a nice addition...    Yes!( And maybe garnish a dessert with some tropical-flower petals!    'Right now it's I like to toss some chestnuts or fallen leaves into my decorations...    Precisely! You could also garnish a dessert dish with a maple leaf...    'Right now it's a curvy branch that hasn't budded yet could be a nice touch...    Yes! Oh! And try making a dessert dish out of snow or ice...    Wow... That is so...girly, but... I love it! I'm gonna try it!    Oh!( R-really?( Cool! ! Í   Huh? There's no secret!( I'm no better at it than anyone else!But...I suppose I do make an effort to go to bed early.    Oh, that's nothing special!( What I need is a quick and easy trick for waking up early...and refreshed! !Me... I just don't have the discipline to make myself go to bed early!     Hmm. I don't know...(     , what do you think? Any ideas?  # GO TO BED EARLY. Power naps! Don't sleep!Yes, exactly! There's no way around it.(      % You can do it, ! If I can do it, anyone can!  Awww! That's it? Really?( I'll never make it... I don't have the self-control for that, !    What?!( Oh no! It's hopeless if you won't try! !Oh! That might work!(% If you sleep deeply for short periods, maybe you won't feel groggy in the morning.       I hear that the smell of flowers can relax your body and help you sleep deeply. So try a flower-power nap! Put some !Í on your pillow. See if that works! Oh! !Í, huh?( That might be good...You sure do know a lot about a lot of things! I'm impressed!     Oh...  Well, I'm no expert! I just try lots of new things, !( ! Be serious!  might actually believe what you're saying...    Well, not sleeping does have a certain logic to it.( If you're awake long enough, you get a second wind.  That's what I always have that second-wind feeling and never be sleepy!       Wh-what...? , you can't... You're making a huge mistake...    , tell her! You can't avoid sleep and not be sleepy! !(    Ah, ah... I-I'm sorry... It won't stop!      ! This isn't a show! Get out of here!Wait!! Let's get one thing clear... I did not make her cry, OK?!   +56 Really? Understood. ...       Yes, it's true!(  didn't do anything wrong!  ,.02 We were just talking about chopping onions, and...the tears started up!     $See? I told ya!There aren't many people like  who can cry so easily, you know?I wouldn't even know where to begin, !  I have a terrible flower allergy...and I always end up like this in Í!     She said this happens every year! I bet it's a real hassle!  Course, I'm fine, so I don't really understand what she's going through. !   was talking about how she cut her nails too close, and while I was listening... I started imagining how much it must have hurt her, and I just burst into tears!(      Yeah, can you believe it?( I'm the one with the hurty fingers, so I should be the one crying!  insisted I tell her all about how I hurt myself...and here we are! $I mean, it's nice that she's so concerned about me, but still! !   taught me a massage pressure point, and it hurt so much when I pushed it... I just burst into tears!(      Geez... How come you're fine with ghosts and bugs and stuff, but you can't handle the tiniest bit of pain! I can't tell if you're brave or a baby! ! Waahaaaaaaa! I'm sorry! !(       Uh... Uwuh... I'm embarrassed to be crying over something like this...  ,.02      Waaaaaah! It's not like I'm crying because I want to,  ! ,.02««««««