MsgStdBn LBL1 e,<Ld|$4DTdlt$,4DLd|4DTl ,<Tdt ,<Ld| $ 4 D T l |   076H181077I182020078J183021079K184022185023186024187025130|188026131}189027132~028133029090V134091W135092X136093Y137094Z138095[139096\097]040&098^041'099_042(043)044*045+046,151047-152048.153049/154155157100`158101a159102b103c0609104d061:062;106e211063<107f212064=108g213065>109h170214066?215067@172216010 068A173217011 069B174218012 175219013 176014 177015120r178016121s179017122t018123u019080L124v081M125w082N126x083O127y084P128z085Q129{086R191087S192088T193031089U194032195033196034 197035!198036"141199037#142038$143039%144145146147148149050005112000522201053320205442030555160204056616120505771622060588163207001164208002165209003166004167005168006111i169007112j008113k009114l071C115m220072D116n073E117o074F118p075G119q180ATR1 TXT2dHvJ  lr\hpF !####,%&p'\))z+|+0,,-v./0P1H257|8*9,9r:;<~=>jAA BbCD6FFGGJMNOpPRSTUVnWRXYfZ\]h^`_ ``abbcdefghijkl^mfno&pqrrrrtuvwy||},~6T(ĆV&֋ЏzLdppJLNPRܣȤ4<bdRtֹ^J>~bn`.PRTVXZ\^`b:(>zpHello, Mayor !Hello! Welcome to the  town hall service counter!Is there something I can help you with today? ( Citizen satisfaction. Town tune. Town flag. Problematic citizens. Nothing.All right then. If there is anything I can assist you with in the future, please don't hesitate to ask. Oh!  ! I hope you're settling in well.At the town hall here, we address inquiries about a variety of issues in . So if you have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to ask! Unfortunately, the counter is closed at the moment. I'm sorry, but I hope that you understand. I get so busy when we have visitors or are expecting company, so I can't run the counter at the same time. %I'll be more than happy to help you when everything is nice and quiet in town though!Speaking of which...Sorry, but the counter is actually closed right now while we prepare to receive out-of-town visitors. Please come back later when the train station's ticket gate is closed.Sorry, but the counter is actually closed right now. It closes anytime we have visitors from out of town. If you have questions about , please stop by some other time. Oh!  Mayor ! Have you settled in and finished unpacking?( All done! Not yet.Wow! Really?! You must be really efficient when it comes to moving! My bedroom is completely full of unpacked cardboard boxes, and it feels like I moved so long ago!(I understand. It's a lot of work! My bedroom is still full of unpacked cardboard boxes, and I feel like I've lived there for AGES!( Sorry! Please don't tell my brother! I don't let him into my room for just this reason! Ahem!Right! I was going to tell you about the town hall!For starters,  right now I'm standing at the service counter. This is the information hub of !OK, for starters, the area where I usually stand is the service counter. It's the hub for all  info!At the service counter,  I also take requests to change the town tune or flag design. Oh yeah! I can also provide information about citizen satisfaction. And, of course,  %I always welcome direct input from our great mayor! However, to get advice or provide input, you'll need to stand at the counter just like everybody else. Where you're standing now is perfect, actually! However, to get advice or provide input, you'll need to stand at the counter just like everybody else. I can't go bending the rules just because you're the mayor, after all!'Now then, moving on to your responsibilities as mayo    AH! I almost forgot!d Before you can start laying out your vision for , you'll need a town-development permit! Getting the permit takes a bit of work, but don't worry I'll help you out! That's what I'm here for!  Sounds good! You sound pretty busy.&You know, I just love your can-do attitude,  Mayor !Me? Busy? &Don't worry about it! $I got a whole hour of sleep last night, so I'm just raring to go!%Now then, there's a very special chair in the back of this room that's reserved for the mayor.  That's you! When you need to work on official mayoral business,  just sit in that chair and I'll help you out!Well, look! Your mayoral instincts must be really good, because you're already sitting in the mayor's chair! When you want to work on official mayoral business,  just sit in that chair and I'll help you out! Oh! But you know what?I forgot to mention that I (can't help you with things when we have or expect visitors to . I just get so busy is all. I hope you understand and come talk to me when everything is nice and quiet.%And come see me when I'm not overly busy so we can get started on your town-development permit!Is there something you'd like to inquire about? ( Advice for living here. Citizen satisfaction. Town tune. Town flag. Problematic citizens. Nothing.$Umm... Hi. Did you need something?I know it's silly, but if you want to talk about , you'll need to talk to me over the counter. Or if you want to flex your mayoral muscle, you can sit in the mayor's chair.You want to know how satisfied the citizens of  are?Here in , we believe that the citizens deserve to be heard.That's why we've established a committee to gauge the needs of the population! So, without further ado, here are the results of the latest survey...Sure thing!  Here's what the citizen- satisfaction committee had to say:The survey also says  has a good balance between natural areas and developed areas. However, citizens think the town still feels a bit barren overall, so additional development is desired.They'd like to see Mayor  dedicate more time and resources to public works projects.They'd like to see you dedicate more time and resources to public works projects.The citizens also say they feel there isn't enough greenery in . They want more plants in the town!The citizens also say that they feel  is underdeveloped. They want more public works projects!In addition, the citizens complained about the cleanliness of town.All the weeds and garbage make them feel like they're "living on a landfill." Their words, not mine.I know you're not the mayor, but please see what you can do to make  even better!The fate of  lies in your hands, Mayor . I just know you'll do us proud!The survey also says the citizens feel  is the best town  ever! Everyone just loves it here!Mayor ! You've finally done it! Everyone loves ! On behalf of the citizen-satisfaction committee, I'd like to thank you for all of your hard work. In addition, the committee would like to propose a few special public works projects. They'd like to remodel the town hall and also build a new flower clock!If you're interested in either of these, please consider them for upcoming public works projects! The citizens have been completely satisfied with life in  for 15 days straight! To commemorate this event, the citizen-satisfaction committee would like to give you a gift...Please accept this golden can!Let's both work hard to make sure  is always a great place to live!Let's both do our best to ensure that  is always a clean, happy place to live!The survey also says that citizens feel that  is a good place to live, but it can still be improved. With a little work,  could become the best town ever!You want to know about 's flag?It's displayed in front of the town hall and inside the train station.Do you have a flag design that really captures the spirit of ?You'd like to submit a new design for the  flag? Great! Please show me the design!Oh,  you changed your mind? Well, if there's anything else I can help with, please let me know! Wow!It's perfect! It really captures the spirit of !We'll use this design as our new town flag. Thank you for your excellent submission!Well, the  town tune plays in multiple places around town and serves to tell us what time it is! Our current town tune is OK, but I always like change, so if you have ideas for a new one, let me know! Even if you're not a musician, you should try to compose a theme that captures the essence of !You want to compose a new  town tune? All right!Allow me.  Ahem...Um...this town tune is the same as our current one, isn't it?It's like I always say: if it's not broken, don't fix it!Oh my! What a wonderful theme! It's to my ears! Literally!I'm sure this will be a big hit with the townsfolk. We'll start using it right away! AH! Mayor ! You came at a great time!&Your town-development permit is here! You can finally get to work! Oh!  Mayor ! I've been waiting for you!&You're finally ready to start work on improving !As mayor,  you have two primary ways to influence the growth of .The first is  ordinances!By enacting ordinances, you can change the way  is run.Of course, you can't just enact any old ordinance you feel like enacting. That would make you a dictator! Instead, you're able to choose an ordinance out of a list provided to you. Try to choose ordinances that match up with the lifestyles and needs of 's residents.The second way to exercise your mayoral power is by starting public works projects. Public works projects add buildings and features to !I've already taken the liberty of putting together a list of requests from the town citizens... If there's a request that really speaks to you, please select it to begin development!That's all I have for you right now, but when you decide to start on either of those, I'll explain further.When you'd like to work on official mayoral business, just sit in your mayor's chair and I'll help you out!When you'd like to work on official mayoral business, just sit in that chair and I'll help you out!In addition to giving advice, I also provide other services when I'm at my post in the town hall. %So let me know if you ever want to change the town tune or flag, or learn about citizen satisfaction!I provide a variety of services at the service counter, such as giving people advice for living in town. I also listen to requests to change the town tune and flag, and I report on citizen satisfaction!OK, let's work on ordinances! At present, there are no ordinances in effect in .OK, let's work on ordinances! The Keep  Beautiful ordinance is currently in effect.OK, let's work on ordinances! The Early Bird ordinance is currently in effect in .OK, let's work on ordinances! The Night Owl ordinance is currently in effect in .OK, let's work on ordinances! The Bell Boom ordinance is currently in effect in .To enact an ordinance, a processing fee of 20,000 Bells is required.Once enacted, ordinances can be canceled for free. Shall we look at your options? ( OK! On second thought...All right. Let me know if you change your mind! Oh, seems that you're a bit short on funds, Mayor.)I should have mentioned that the law says you need 20,000 Bells on hand when changing ordinances. I'll prepare the necessary forms, so let me know when you have enough Bells.Now then, what kind of town would you like  to become? ( A beautiful town. An early-bird town. A night-owl town. A wealthy town. I want something else.Great idea, Mayor! +I can see it now...+A town where flowers live forever and weeds hardly ever grow.  Ooh! And no garbage or cockroaches!+A town where citizens wake up early feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day!+A town where the stores stay open late and the citizens socialize until the wee hours of the night!+A town where the economy is rock solid and you can sell items for more Bells than you can imagine!&That's your grand vision for , right?( Exactly! Not so much.Oh . . . Well, what kind of town do you want  to be then? ( A beautiful town. An early-bird town. A night-owl town. A wealthy town. I want something else.The Keep  Beautiful ordinance is already active, so let's keep beautifying !Well, the Early Bird ordinance is already active, so let's continue waking up early each and every day!Well, the Night Owl ordinance is already active, so let's continue enjoying the local nightlife!Well, the Bell Boom ordinance is already active, so let's keep working hard to boost the town's economy!OK! So you want to sign the Keep  Beautiful ordinance into law? ( Let's do it! I changed my mind.OK! So you want to sign the Early Bird ordinance into law? ( Let's do it! I changed my mind.OK! So you want to sign the Night Owl ordinance into law? ( Let's do it! I changed my mind.OK! So you want to sign the Bell Boom ordinance into law? ( Let's do it! I changed my mind.Gotcha. Signing legislation is a big deal,  so you should think it over carefully.Then it's official! The ordinance will go into effect tomorrow morning! I'll let the townsfolk know. I see...If that's the case, let's circle back once your vision for  is crystal clear! I see...Well, do you want to cancel the current ordinance, or do you want to keep it?  Keep it. Cancel it.Understood! We'll leave things the way they are for now!I'll get right on it! The cancellation should go into effect by tomorrow morning. By the way, there's no extra fee for dropping an ordinance, as it's built in to the original ordinance fee.I still have some ordinance related paperwork to finish up. It should be all ready by tomorrow morning.Mayor , I haven't heard anything back yet about your town- development permit.  It'll take one day at the very least to get it approved, but it could take a few days longer... Why don't you check back with me in a day or so?Hi,  Mr.Ms. Mayor! Is there something I can help you with?( Development permit. No, thanks.Hi, Mayor ! Is there something I can help you with?( Public works projects. Ordinances. Nothing, thanks.Is there anything else I can help you with right now, Mayor?( Public works projects. Ordinances. Maybe later.Ooh! Public works projects are exciting! Allow me to explain the fascinating process. First,  choose a project you'd like to work on from the list of requests citizens have made. Once you've chosen a project,  we'll go search for a place to build it!Once we've found a spot for it, we'll need to raise the construction funds by asking for donations. Then, after we've collected enough donations to fully fund the project, the structure will be built! Please keep in mind that we only have the resources to work on one public works project at a time. Well then, let's dive right in!Here are the current requests from the townspeople.Oh, nothing for now then? %OK, that is totally fine.Would you like to start work on the  project? ( Let's do it! Not now.You won't be able to demolish the  project once it's finished. Shall we start? ( Let's do it! Not quite yet. Yay! Let's go find a place to build!Great! Maybe we should have the donation gyroid sit inside the train station this time? Yay! I'm sooooooo excited! It's long overdue, if you ask me!Considering this is the place we're remodeling, why don't we just have the donation gyroid set up here?&Great news, Mayor !We've met our collection goal for the  project! It should be complete tomorrow! Why don't you take the rest of the day off? You've earned it! Sorry, Mayor. I'm trying to get the  project canceled, so my schedule is full. Any new projects will have to wait until tomorrow. Sorry about that! Ugh. I'm so swamped with work right now.I'm setting up the demolition of the  project, so I don't have time for anything else. Any new projects will have to wait until tomorrow. Sorry about that!You want to work on a public works project? I'm happy to help!We're currently collecting donations for the  project. We can't start a new project until the current one is finished, but can I help you with something else? Stop donations. Demolish a project. Not at the moment.We're currently collecting donations for the  project. We can't start a new project until the current one is finished, but can I help you with something else? Stop donations. No, thanks. There isn't any room in town for a new project, but can I help you with something else?  Demolish a project. No, thanks.What would you like to work on? Start a new project. Demolish a project. Nothing. You want to demolish something? Well, that's unfortunate, but I suppose it's necessary sometimes. Please let me know what you want to demolish from this list.You've changed your mind? Well, let's just forget this conversation ever happened then!It will cost   Bells to destroy the . Are you sure you want to do this?  No, I want to keep it. Yeah, tear it down! Oh my... You don't have enough Bells to pay for the demolition, Mayor.  We can't ask for donations to cover the demolition fee, so it'll have to come from your own pocket. I,  Isabelle, hereby affirm that I have received   Bells from you for the purpose of demolition. We'll demolish it overnight so that the town is neat and tidy by the time the residents wake up. Whoa... You'd like to cancel the  project?Seems like such a waste, but I'm sure you have your reasons.By law, the donations cannot be returned to the donors. You're sure you want to cancel it?  No, leave it be. Yes, please cancel it.Understood. I'll make sure that the project is completely stopped by tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this to you before...but the cost for all of 's public works projects are covered entirely by donations. Of course, you're more than welcome to donate your own money as well, Mayor! Truth be told...'if you don't, I get the feeling it'll take a lot longer to gather up all the money we'll need. &Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation!Oh! You wanted to work on official mayoral business today? But what about today's event? We can't sit here in this stuffy office building while the rest of the town is enjoying the festivities!  It's not healthy to work so much, Mayor! Why don't you just take the day off instead?-KZzzzzzdK...dx  AHHHH! -d   }Mayor !d It's not what it looks like!  OK, it's exactly what it looks like...$But I was dreaming about work! I promise!Ooh! That reminds me! We had a visitor earlier who suggested a new public works project. She wants us to put a Dream Suite on Main Street where you can take naps with vivid dreams! %Cool, huh? She needs support from the town before it can open, so this is where you'd be a big help.I'll go ahead and add it to the list of public works projects under the name Dream Suite. &Well, if it isn't Mayor  from ! Welcome to our fair town!&Well now, would you look who it is!  from , right? Welcome to our fair town!Please enjoy  today!I hope you're enjoying your stay in  so far.  Please make yourself at home!If I get some time off, I'd like to visit  sometime.I hear there's a really nice young secretary working there who's supposed to be stunningly beautiful. +Hmm... I wish I could be that beautiful someday.I love your enthusiasm, Mayor, but why don't we prioritize getting your house built first? I'm sure you're ready to move out of that tent, and it needs to be done before you can get your permit. Well, your house isn't ready yet, but you've paid your down payment, so that's good. However, in order to receive your development permit, you'll need an approval rating of 100 percent. According to a recent survey of the townsfolk,  your mayoral approval rating is at  percent.  Hm. Let me think of a good way for you to gain the citizens' approval... Your house isn't ready yet, but according to a recent poll, your approval rating is 100 percent! So now all we can do is wait for your house to be finished.Provided you've already paid the down payment, your house should be ready by tomorrow!Hi, Mayor !Let me guess you'd like to work on the application for your town- development permit! Well then,  let me explain the prerequisites for the permit.The first requirement is that you own a house in town!You're still living in a tent, so you'll need to put together the down payment for a house first.Since you already own a house, you're all set there!OK, the second requirement for the town-development permit is to gain the approval of the citizens! In order to gauge citizen approval, I'll regularly survey the townsfolk to see what they think of you. The best way to raise your approval rating is to improve the town and the lives of those who live here! Now, according to a preliminary survey, your current approval rating is  percent. The law requires that all applicants have a 100 percent approval rating, &so let's make that our goal!Talk to me from your mayor's chair anytime you want to know what your approval rating is. I can also give you advice on how to raise your approval rating.That's all there is to it! Good luck,  Mayor !You'd like to know how much progress you've made toward getting the development permit? Well, your house isn't finished yet, and according to a recent survey, your approval rating is  percent. Why don't you begin by paying the down payment on your house?I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard to earn the money for a down payment. &Good luck!  Well, your house isn't finished yet...But according to a recent citizen survey, & your approval rating has reached 100 percent!  Congrats! So all that's left is collecting the down payment on your house!Good luck,  Mr.Ms. Mayor! Well, you already own a house, and according to a recent survey, your approval rating is  percent. So all you need to do now is gain the approval of the citizens!Hm. Let me think of a good way for you to gain their approval... Well, you already own a house, and... Wait a minute!According to a recent citizen survey, your approval rating is  100 percent! Wow! &Mayor !  }You've done it!d}dI'll submit your application for the town-development permit right away!  The approval process will take one day at the very least, but it could take up to a few days. %If you could come by and check on its approval status from time to time, I'd really appreciate it! Oh!  Is there a citizen who's troubling you?( Yeah. Nope. Phew!  That's a relief. KI don't like confrontation...d Which citizen seems to be causing all the trouble?What don't you like about ?( HisHer language is rude. HisHer clothes are wrong. HeShe has a naughty letter. Never mind. Oh my... So  hasn't been speaking politely lately? Oh my... So  hasn't been dressing very nicely lately? Oh my... So  is carrying around a bad letter?Do you want me to ask  to stop this behavior? I have the authority to do that, you know. ( Yes, make himher stop! Nah, it's fine.OK, but if a citizen is breaking the rules, please let me know so I can make him or her knock it off.Say no more. I'll make sure to wash 's mouth out with soap.#Just kidding! That would be gross! But seriously, I'll have a stern talk with himher.Say no more.  I'll make sure  changes hisher clothes right away. I should make himher have to wear a barrel for a day to learn to respect the clothes on hisher back! &Hee hee, I'm only kidding!Say no more. I'll make sure that  disposes of hisher naughty letter right away.Oh, Mayor! I just remembered!The townsfolk would like to hold a ceremony to celebrate completing the  project. And considering you're the one who made all this possible, we want you to attend! What do you say?( I'd be happy to! I'm gonna pass.&I was really hoping you'd say that! $Because I kind of already finished the preparations. Heh... All right, then let's head to the site of the ceremony, shall we?&Hooray!We're going to hold the ceremony in front of the town hall this time,' and it starts right now, so, uh... $SURPRISE! Heh...&Hooray!The ceremony will be held outside at the train station, so can you please come with me?You can't make it?! Well, I guess I'll have to attend the ceremony in your place. I hope the townsfolk aren't too disappointed.Ahem... Hello everyone!&Welcome to the grand completion ceremony for 's vital  project! Thank you for joining us for this momentous occasion.I'm Isabelle, and I'll be your host today!Thank you. (Thank you. You're too kind!%We're going to keep this short and sweet, so let's jump right in.First up, we have an incredibly short speech from our very own mayor! &Take it away, Mayor !, We did it! Hooray for everyone! On to the next project!$Well said, Mayor! You have quite a way with words...OK, moving on...Everybody, please locate that item we passed out earlier and get ready.And now...To celebrate the completion of this public works project...and all the hard work that made this possible...  READY? (SET! (POP!d<That concludes our ceremony!Thanks, everyone, for all of your hard work and for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here!Why don't you try mingling with the town citizens?  Nothing builds trust like good old face time! It should be easy,  because everyone in town is very interested in getting to know their new mayor!  Sure, some of them will ask favors of you,  but as long as you just smile and nod,  it'll be a piece of cake! OK, you should probably actually help them, &but make sure to do it with a smile on your face!How about cleaning up the town? It'll send a message to the citizens that you care about ! Ooh, try this:  while fishing, you'll sometimes pull up garbage, which makes the ocean and river cleaner! But make sure to take any trash you find to the recycle shop so they can dispose of it properly. You don't want people to think you don't actually care about the environment, after all.How about pulling up any weeds around town?  After all, no one likes weeds. Just keep an eye out for them while you're strolling around town, and pull up any you see.  Easy peasy!How about watering any flowers around town? It'll show the citizens that you care about . Plus,  people just love seeing public officials get their hands dirty!Just water any flowers around town that aren't looking too hot. Or any that ARE looking too hot, I guess!That's it!  You could send a message to the town citizens via the bulletin board in front of the train station! You can use the bulletin board for whatever you want, so why not post a friendly hello as their mayor? It could be an excellent forum to introduce yourself and tell them your plans for 's future!Why not compose a new town tune for the town? *Everybody loves a catchy jingle! Every time the citizens hear it, they'll think about you and how much you care about ! Just talk to me at the service counter to try your hand at composing a new town tune!Got it!  You can design a new town flag for !The flag flies in front of the town hall and inside the train station,  so everyone will see it! Just tap ! on the Touch Screen to start your design. Then see me at the counter to submit the design!Um, why not make a donation to the local museum? The townsfolk would really respect that! You should really visit the museum, if you haven't already. It's located on the edge of the shopping district. It's really great. It holds things like bugs, fish, fossils, and works of art.And it's all items donated by the citizens of , so why don't you donate something  as well?Ooh!  Why don't you sell some stuff at the recycle shop?If you haven't been to the Re-Tail recycle shop yet,  you should really check it out. Selling stuff at the recycle shop is much better for the environment than simply throwing it away. Plus,  recycling will set a good example for the rest of the town, and the people will love you for it!There you have it! If you follow that advice,  you'll have a 100 percent approval rating in no time!