{ "rooms": [ { "name": "start", "scene": "Im a starting room! Welcome to this example game.", "actions": [ { "variant": "Move", "fields": [ "Move to another room","example","" ] } ] }, { "name": "example", "scene": "You enter an example room, with a big, triangular key in it. Theres also a door with a keyhole in triangular shape.", "actions": [ { "variant": "PickUp", "fields": [ "Pick the key up","TriangleKey","" ] }, { "variant": "Move", "fields": [ "Try to open the door","locked","TriangleKey" ] } ] }, { "name": "locked", "scene": "You picked an item up and used it to open the door! This is the final room. Congratz!", "actions": [ { "variant": "Move", "fields": [ "Return to start","example","" ] } ] } ] }