use std::{ collections::HashSet, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}, Arc, }, time::Duration, }; use actix::{prelude::*, WeakRecipient}; use actix_rt::time::sleep; #[derive(Debug)] struct Ping; impl Message for Ping { type Result = (); } struct MyActor(Arc); impl Actor for MyActor { type Context = actix::Context; } impl actix::Handler for MyActor { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, _: Ping, _: &mut Self::Context) { self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } #[derive(Debug)] struct MyActor3; impl Actor for MyActor3 { type Context = Context; } impl actix::Handler for MyActor3 { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, _: Ping, _: &mut actix::Context) -> Self::Result { System::current().stop(); } } #[derive(Debug)] struct PingCounterActor { ping_count: Arc, } impl Default for PingCounterActor { fn default() -> Self { Self { ping_count: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::from(0)), } } } impl Actor for PingCounterActor { type Context = Context; } struct CountPings; impl Message for CountPings { type Result = usize; } impl actix::Handler for PingCounterActor { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, _msg: Ping, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { self.ping_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); } } impl actix::Handler for PingCounterActor { type Result = ::Result; fn handle(&mut self, _msg: CountPings, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { self.ping_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst) } } #[test] fn test_address() { let count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let count2 = Arc::clone(&count); let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { let arbiter = Arbiter::new(); let addr = MyActor(count2).start(); let addr2 = addr.clone(); let addr3 = addr.clone(); addr.do_send(Ping); arbiter.spawn_fn(move || { addr3.do_send(Ping); actix_rt::spawn(async move { let _ = addr2.send(Ping).await; let _ = addr2.send(Ping).await; System::current().stop(); }); }); });; assert_eq!(count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 4); } struct WeakAddressRunner; impl Actor for WeakAddressRunner { type Context = Context; fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { let addr1 = MyActor3.start(); let addr2 = MyActor3.start(); let weak1 = addr1.downgrade(); let weak2 = addr2.downgrade(); drop(addr1); ctx.run_later(Duration::new(0, 1000), move |_, _| { assert!( weak1.upgrade().is_none(), "Should not be able to upgrade weak1!" ); match weak2.upgrade() { Some(addr) => { assert!(addr2 == addr); } None => panic!("Should be able to upgrade weak2!"), } System::current().stop(); }); } } #[test] fn test_weak_address() { let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { WeakAddressRunner.start(); });; } struct WeakRecipientRunner; impl Actor for WeakRecipientRunner { type Context = Context; fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { let count0 = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let addr1 = MyActor(count0).start(); let addr2 = MyActor3.start(); // let recipient1 = addr1.clone().recipient(); let recipient2 = addr2.clone().recipient(); let weak1 = addr1.downgrade().recipient(); let weak2 = addr2.downgrade().recipient(); // not strictly necessary, weak1 is dropped by RIAA since nobody in `run_later` uses it. // to make this test red, move drop(addr1) to the line before `System::current().stop()` drop(addr1); ctx.run_later(Duration::new(0, 1000), move |_, _| { if weak1.upgrade().is_some() { System::current().stop_with_code(1); panic!("Should not be able to upgrade weak1!"); } match weak2.upgrade() { Some(addr) => { assert!(recipient2 == addr); } None => panic!("Should be able to upgrade weak2!"), } System::current().stop(); }); } } #[test] fn test_weak_recipient() { let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { WeakRecipientRunner.start(); });; } #[test] fn test_weak_recipient_can_be_cloned() { let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { let addr = PingCounterActor::start_default(); let weak_recipient = addr.downgrade().recipient(); let weak_recipient_clone = weak_recipient.clone(); weak_recipient .upgrade() .expect("must be able to upgrade the weak recipient here") .send(Ping) .await .expect("send must not fail"); weak_recipient_clone .upgrade() .expect("must be able to upgrade the cloned weak recipient here") .send(Ping) .await .expect("send must not fail"); let pings = addr.send(CountPings {}).await.expect("send must not fail"); assert_eq!( pings, 2, "both the weak recipient and its clone must have sent a ping" ); }); } #[test] fn test_recipient_can_be_downgraded() { let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { let addr = PingCounterActor::start_default(); let strong_recipient: Recipient = addr.clone().recipient(); // test the downgrade method let weak_recipient: WeakRecipient = strong_recipient.downgrade(); // test the From trait let converted_weak_recipient = WeakRecipient::from(strong_recipient); weak_recipient .upgrade() .expect("upgrade of weak recipient must not fail here") .send(Ping) .await .unwrap(); converted_weak_recipient .upgrade() .expect("upgrade of weak recipient must not fail here") .send(Ping) .await .unwrap(); let ping_count = addr.send(CountPings {}).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( ping_count, 2, "weak recipients must not fail to send a message" ); }); } #[test] fn test_weak_addr_partial_equality() { let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { let actor1 = MyActor3 {}.start(); let actor2 = MyActor3 {}.start(); let weak1 = actor1.downgrade(); let weak1_again = actor1.downgrade(); let weak2 = actor2.downgrade(); // if this stops compiling this means that Add::downgrade // now takes self by value and we must clone before downgrading assert!(actor1.connected(), "actor 1 must be alive"); assert!(actor2.connected(), "actor 2 must be alive"); // the assertions we want to hold for partial equality of weak actor addresses // these assertions must hold whether one or both of the actors are connected or not let check_equality_assertions = || { assert_eq!(weak1, weak1); assert_eq!(weak1, weak1_again); assert_eq!(weak2, weak2); assert_ne!(weak1, weak2); assert_ne!(weak1_again, weak2); }; check_equality_assertions(); // make sure that the same results apply when upgrading weak addr to addr and // comparing strong addresses so the results are intuitive and consistent assert_eq!(weak1.upgrade().unwrap(), weak1.upgrade().unwrap()); assert_eq!(weak1.upgrade().unwrap(), weak1_again.upgrade().unwrap()); assert_eq!(weak2.upgrade().unwrap(), weak2.upgrade().unwrap()); assert_ne!(weak1.upgrade().unwrap(), weak2.upgrade().unwrap()); assert_ne!(weak1_again.upgrade().unwrap(), weak2.upgrade().unwrap()); // now drop one of the actors and make sure the same equality comparisons still hold drop(actor1); assert!(actor2.connected()); check_equality_assertions(); // and drop the second actor as well drop(actor2); check_equality_assertions(); }); } #[test] fn test_sync_recipient_call() { let count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let count2 = Arc::clone(&count); let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { let addr = MyActor(count2).start(); let addr2 = addr.clone().recipient(); addr.do_send(Ping); actix_rt::spawn(async move { let _ = addr2.send(Ping).await; let _ = addr2.send(Ping).await; System::current().stop(); }); });; assert_eq!(count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 3); } #[test] fn test_error_result() { System::new().block_on(async { let addr = MyActor3.start(); actix_rt::spawn(async move { let res = addr.send(Ping).await; match res { Ok(_) => (), _ => panic!("Should not happen"), }; }); }); } struct TimeoutActor; impl Actor for TimeoutActor { type Context = actix::Context; } impl Handler for TimeoutActor { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, _: Ping, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { sleep(Duration::from_millis(20)).into_actor(self).wait(ctx); } } #[test] fn test_message_timeout() { let count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let count2 = Arc::clone(&count); let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { let addr = TimeoutActor.start(); addr.do_send(Ping); actix_rt::spawn(async move { let res = addr.send(Ping).timeout(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; match res { Ok(_) => panic!("Should not happen"), Err(MailboxError::Timeout) => { count2.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } _ => panic!("Should not happen"), } System::current().stop(); }); });; assert_eq!(count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1); } struct TimeoutActor3(Addr, Arc); impl Actor for TimeoutActor3 { type Context = Context; fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { self.0.do_send(Ping); self.0 .send(Ping) .timeout(Duration::new(0, 1_000)) .into_actor(self) .then(move |res, act, _| { match res { Ok(_) => panic!("Should not happen"), Err(MailboxError::Timeout) => { act.1.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } _ => panic!("Should not happen"), } System::current().stop(); async {}.into_actor(act) }) .wait(ctx); } } #[test] fn test_call_message_timeout() { let count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let count2 = Arc::clone(&count); let sys = System::new(); sys.block_on(async move { let addr = TimeoutActor.start(); let _addr2 = TimeoutActor3(addr, count2).start(); });; assert_eq!(count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1); } #[test] fn test_address_eq() { let count0 = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let count1 = Arc::clone(&count0); System::new().block_on(async move { let addr0 = MyActor(count0).start(); let addr01 = addr0.clone(); let addr02 = addr01.clone(); assert!(addr0 == addr01); assert!(addr0 == addr02); let addr1 = MyActor(count1).start(); assert!(addr0 != addr1); System::current().stop(); }); } #[test] fn test_address_hash() { let count0 = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let count1 = Arc::clone(&count0); System::new().block_on(async move { let addr0 = MyActor(count0).start(); let addr01 = addr0.clone(); let mut addresses = HashSet::new(); addresses.insert(addr0.clone()); addresses.insert(addr01.clone()); assert_eq!(addresses.len(), 1); assert!(addresses.contains(&addr0)); assert!(addresses.contains(&addr01)); let addr1 = MyActor(count1).start(); addresses.insert(addr1.clone()); assert_eq!(addresses.len(), 2); assert!(addresses.contains(&addr1)); assert!(addresses.remove(&addr0)); assert!(!addresses.contains(&addr0)); assert!(!addresses.contains(&addr01)); assert_eq!(addresses.len(), 1); assert!(addresses.contains(&addr1)); System::current().stop(); }); } #[test] fn test_recipient_eq() { let count0 = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let count1 = Arc::clone(&count0); System::new().block_on(async move { let addr0 = MyActor(count0).start(); let recipient01 = addr0.clone().recipient::(); let recipient02 = addr0.recipient::(); assert!(recipient01 == recipient02); let recipient03 = recipient01.clone(); assert!(recipient01 == recipient03); let addr1 = MyActor(count1).start(); let recipient11 = addr1.recipient::(); assert!(recipient01 != recipient11); System::current().stop(); }); } #[test] fn test_recipient_hash() { let count0 = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let count1 = Arc::clone(&count0); System::new().block_on(async move { let addr0 = MyActor(count0).start(); let recipient01 = addr0.clone().recipient::(); let recipient02 = addr0.recipient::(); let mut recipients = HashSet::new(); recipients.insert(recipient01.clone()); recipients.insert(recipient02.clone()); assert_eq!(recipients.len(), 1); assert!(recipients.contains(&recipient01)); assert!(recipients.contains(&recipient02)); let addr1 = MyActor(count1).start(); let recipient11 = addr1.recipient::(); recipients.insert(recipient11.clone()); assert_eq!(recipients.len(), 2); assert!(recipients.contains(&recipient11)); assert!(recipients.remove(&recipient01)); assert!(!recipients.contains(&recipient01)); assert!(!recipients.contains(&recipient02)); assert_eq!(recipients.len(), 1); assert!(recipients.contains(&recipient11)); System::current().stop(); }); }