# actix-jwt-auth-middleware This crate builds upon the [`jwt-compact`](https://github.com/slowli/jwt-compact) crate to provide a jwt authentication middleware for the [`actix-web`](https://github.com/actix/actix-web) framework. The jwt implementation supports the revocation for tokens via `access` and `refresh` tokens. It provides multiple cryptographic signing and verifying algorithms such as `HS256`, `HS384`, `HS512`, `EdDSA` and `ES256`. For more infos on that mater please refer to the [`Supported algorithms`](https://docs.rs/jwt-compact/latest/jwt_compact/#supported-algorithms) section of the [`jwt-compact`](https://github.com/slowli/jwt-compact) crate. ## Features - easy use of custom jwt claims - automatic extraction of the custom claims - extraction of tokens from `query` parameters, `HTTP` headers, [`Authorization`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Authorization) header and `cookies` - verify only mode (`public key` only) - automatic renewal of `access` token (very customizable) - easy way to set expiration time of `access` and `refresh` tokens - simple `UseJWT` trait for protecting a `App` or `Scope` (`Resource` is currently experimental [#91611](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/91611)) - refresh authorizer function that has access to application state ## Automatic Extraction of Claims This crate tightly integrates into the actix-web ecosystem, this makes it easy to Automatic extract the jwt claims from a valid token. ```rust #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, FromRequest)] struct UserClaims { id: u32, role: Role, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)] enum Role { Admin, RegularUser, } #[get("/hello")] async fn hello(user_claims: UserClaims) -> impl Responder { format!( "Hello user with id: {}, i see you are a {:?}!", user_claims.id, user_claims.role ) } ``` For this your custom claim type has to implement the [`FromRequest`](actix_web::FromRequest) trait or it has to be annotated with the `#[derive(actix-jwt-auth-middleware::FromRequest)]` macro which implements this trait for your type. ## Simple Example ```rust #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, FromRequest)] struct User { id: u32, } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let key_pair = KeyPair::random(); HttpServer::new(move || { let authority = Authority::::new() .refresh_authorizer(|| async move { Ok(()) }) .token_signer(Some( TokenSigner::new() .signing_key(key_pair.secret_key().clone()) .algorithm(Ed25519) .build() .expect(""), )) .verifying_key(key_pair.public_key()) .build() .expect(""); App::new() .service(login) .use_jwt(authority, web::scope("").service(hello)) }) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await?; Ok(()) } #[get("/login")] async fn login(token_signer: web::Data>) -> AuthResult { let user = User { id: 1 }; Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() .cookie(token_signer.create_access_cookie(&user)?) .cookie(token_signer.create_refresh_cookie(&user)?) .body("You are now logged in")) } #[get("/hello")] async fn hello(user: User) -> impl Responder { format!("Hello there, i see your user id is {}.", user.id) } ``` For more examples please referee to the `examples` directory. License: MIT