# A MQTT v3.1.1 client based on actix framework The `actix-mqtt-client` crate is a mqtt v3.1.1 client based on the [actix](https://github.com/actix/actix) framework [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Syndim/actix-mqtt-client.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Syndim/actix-mqtt-client) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/actix-mqtt-client.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/actix-mqtt-client) [![docs.rs](https://docs.rs/actix-mqtt-client/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/actix-mqtt-client) ## Basic usage and example First, create 2 actix actors, one for receiving publish messages, the other one for receiving error messages from the client, you can also create an optional actix actor for receiving the stop message: ```rust pub struct ErrorActor; impl actix::Actor for ErrorActor { type Context = actix::Context; } impl actix::Handler for ErrorActor { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, error: ErrorMessage, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { log::error!("{}", error.0); } } pub struct MessageActor; impl actix::Actor for MessageActor { type Context = actix::Context; } impl actix::Handler for MessageActor { type Result = (); fn handle( &mut self, msg: PublishMessage, _: &mut Self::Context, ) -> Self::Result { log::info!( "Got message: id:{}, topic: {}, payload: {:?}", msg.id, msg.topic_name, msg.payload ); } } ``` Then, connect to the server(using tokio) and use the read and write part of the stream along with the actors to create a MqttClient: ```rust use std::io::Error as IoError; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::str::FromStr; use std::time::Duration; use actix::{Actor, Arbiter, System}; use env_logger; use tokio::io::split; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tokio::time::{sleep_until, Instant}; use actix_mqtt_client::client::{MqttClient, MqttOptions}; let sys = System::new(); let socket_addr = SocketAddr::from_str("").unwrap(); sys.block_on(async move { let result = async move { let stream = TcpStream::connect(socket_addr).await?; let (r, w) = split(stream); log::info!("TCP connected"); let mut client = MqttClient::new( r, w, String::from("test"), MqttOptions::default(), MessageActor.start().recipient(), ErrorActor.start().recipient(), None, ); client.connect().await?; // Waiting for the client to be connected while !client.is_connected().await? { let delay_time = Instant::now() + Duration::new(1, 0); sleep_until(delay_time).await; } log::info!("MQTT connected"); log::info!("Subscribe"); client .subscribe(String::from("test"), mqtt::QualityOfService::Level2) .await?; log::info!("Publish"); client .publish( String::from("test"), mqtt::QualityOfService::Level0, Vec::from("test".as_bytes()), ) .await?; log::info!("Wait for 10s"); let delay_time = Instant::now() + Duration::new(10, 0); sleep_until(delay_time).await; client .publish( String::from("test"), mqtt::QualityOfService::Level1, Vec::from("test2".as_bytes()), ) .await?; log::info!("Wait for 10s"); let delay_time = Instant::now() + Duration::new(10, 0); sleep_until(delay_time).await; client .publish( String::from("test"), mqtt::QualityOfService::Level2, Vec::from("test3".as_bytes()), ) .await?; log::info!("Wait for 10s"); let delay_time = Instant::now() + Duration::new(10, 0); sleep_until(delay_time).await; log::info!("Disconnect"); client.disconnect(false).await?; log::info!("Check if disconnect is successful"); Ok(assert_eq!(true, client.is_disconnected())) as Result<(), IoError> } .await; result.unwrap() }); sys.run().unwrap(); ```