# actix-storage-dashmap This crate provides implementations for actix-storage based on dashmap. > Please refer to actix-storage crate documentations for full details about usage and use cases. There are 2 different implementers available in this crate ## DashMapStore `DashMapStore` is a simple store without expiration functionality. ## DashMapActor `DashMapActor` is a full expiry_store implementation available under `actor` feature. ### Implementation details `DashMapActor` is a `SyncActor` running in a thread-pool by actix which uses `delay-queue` crate internally in a thread for expiration notifications. It is possible to specify the number of instances being used in thread-pool, and the default capacity of dashmap is also configurable. ```rust let store = DashMapActor::start_default(THREADS_NUMBER); // OR let store = DashMapActor::with_capacity(100).start(THREADS_NUMBER); ```