use actix_files::NamedFile; use actix_web::{web, App, Either, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder}; use actix_web_flash::{FlashMessage, FlashMiddleware, FlashResponse}; fn show_flash(flash: FlashMessage) -> impl Responder { flash.into_inner() } /// When using flash messages you often find yourself retuning different types in the error and non /// error cases. actix-web offers the `Either` type to help you do this. /// /// Unfortunately you can not return arbitrary types implementing `Responder`. /// Using returning a boxed trait object will no work due to `respond_to` (a method of `Responder`) /// being parameterized via monomorphisation as opposed to dynamic dispatch. fn set_flash(req: HttpRequest) -> Either { if req.query_string().len() > 1 { Either::A(FlashResponse::new( Some(format!("Query string: {}", req.query_string()).to_owned()), HttpResponse::SeeOther() .header(actix_http::http::header::LOCATION, "/show_flash") .finish(), )) } else { Either::B(NamedFile::open("")) } } fn main() { HttpServer::new(|| { App::new() .wrap(FlashMiddleware::default()) .route("/show_flash", web::get().to(show_flash)) .route("/set_flash", web::route().to(set_flash)) }) .bind("") .unwrap() .run() .unwrap(); }