use actix_web::dev::ServiceRequest; use actix_web::{get, middleware, web, App, Error, HttpResponse, HttpServer}; use std::collections::HashSet; use actix_web_grants::authorities::{AuthDetails, AuthoritiesCheck}; use actix_web_grants::{protect, AuthorityGuard, GrantsMiddleware}; const ROLE_ADMIN: &str = "ROLE_ADMIN"; const ADMIN_RESPONSE: &str = "Hello Admin!"; const OTHER_RESPONSE: &str = "Hello!"; #[get("/admin")] #[protect("OP_READ_ADMIN_INFO")] // An example of protection via `proc-macro` async fn macro_secured() -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok().body(ADMIN_RESPONSE) } #[get("/")] // An example of programmable protection async fn manual_secure(details: AuthDetails) -> HttpResponse { if details.has_authority(ROLE_ADMIN) { return HttpResponse::Ok().body(ADMIN_RESPONSE); } HttpResponse::Ok().body(OTHER_RESPONSE) } struct User { id: i32, } #[get("/resource/{user_id}")] #[protect("ROLE_ADMIN", expr = "user_id.into_inner() ==")] // An example of protection via `proc-macro` with secure attribute async fn secure_with_params(user_id: web::Path, user: web::Data) -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok().body(ADMIN_RESPONSE) } #[actix_web::main] // Sample application with grant protection based on extracting by your custom function async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { HttpServer::new(|| { let auth = GrantsMiddleware::with_extractor(extract); App::new() .wrap(middleware::Logger::default()) .wrap(auth) .service(manual_secure) .service(macro_secured) // An example of `Guard` protection .service( web::resource("/guard_admin") .to(|| async { HttpResponse::Ok().finish() }) .guard(AuthorityGuard::new(ROLE_ADMIN.to_string())), ) // An example with the secure attribute of macro .service(secure_with_params) }) .bind("localhost:8081")? .workers(1) .run() .await } // You can use both &ServiceRequest and &mut ServiceRequest async fn extract(_req: &mut ServiceRequest) -> Result, Error> { // Here is a place for your code to get user permissions/roles/authorities from a request // For example from a token or database // Stub example Ok(HashSet::from([ROLE_ADMIN.to_string()])) }