use actix_web::{ http::{Method, StatusCode}, web, App, HttpResponse, Responder, }; use actix_web_lab_derive::FromRequest; #[derive(Debug, FromRequest)] struct RequestParts { method: Method, pool: web::Data, body: String, body2: String, #[from_request(copy_from_app_data)] copied_data: u64, } async fn handler(parts: RequestParts) -> impl Responder { let RequestParts { method, pool, body, body2, copied_data, .. } = parts; let pool = **pool; assert_eq!(copied_data, 43); assert_eq!(body, "foo"); // assert that body is taken and second attempt to do so will be blank assert_eq!(body2, ""); if method == Method::POST && pool == 42 { HttpResponse::Ok() } else { eprintln!("method: {method} | pool: {pool}"); HttpResponse::NotImplemented() } } #[actix_web::test] async fn tdd() { let srv = actix_test::start(|| { App::new() .app_data(43u64) .app_data(web::Data::new(42u32)) .default_service(web::to(handler)) }); let res ="/").send_body("foo").await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); }