# Variables CARGO = cargo FMT = rustfmt CLIPPY = cargo clippy TEST = cargo test # Default target: run the program run: $(CARGO) run -- $(log_data) # Run tests test: $(TEST) # Format code using rustfmt fmt: $(FMT) # Run Clippy (linter) clippy: $(CLIPPY) # Build the project (optional but useful for ensuring compilation works) build: $(CARGO) build # Clean the project clean: $(CARGO) clean # Lint and format the code before committing pre-commit: fmt clippy test # Helpful to check project status (all the above commands in one) status: $(CARGO) check # Run the project with a sample log data argument run-sample: $(CARGO) run -- "2023-07-20 12:34:56 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 9.99" "2023-07-21 14:00:00 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001 19.99" # If running any specific commands or arguments, use the following example: run-credits: $(CARGO) run -- --credits