export type ScaleOption = "noscale" | "shrink" | "fit" export type MethodOption = "duplex" | "duplexshort" | "simplex" export type PaperOption = "A2" | "A3" | "A4" | "A5" | "A6" | "letter" | "legal" | "tabloid" export type OrientationOption = "portrait" | "landscape" // new types export type PrintType = "text" | "barCode" | "qrCode" | "image" | "table"; export type PrintPosition = "left" | "center" | "right"; export type PrintTableField = { type: "text" | "image"; value?: string; path?: string; style?: PrintStyle; width?: string; height?: string; } export type PrintData = { type: PrintType; value?: string; style?: PrintStyle; width?: number; height?: number; fontsize?: number; displayValue?: boolean; position?: PrintPosition; path?: string; url?: string; tableHeader?: PrintTableField[] | string[]; tableBody?: PrintTableField[][] | string[][]; tableFooter?: PrintTableField[] | string[]; tableHeaderStyle?: PrintStyle; tableBodyStyle?: PrintStyle; tableFooterStyle?: PrintStyle; } export type PrintStyle = { accentColor?: string; alignContent?: string; alignItems?: string; alignSelf?: string; alignmentBaseline?: string; all?: string; appearance?: string; aspectRatio?: string; backfaceVisibility?: string; background?: string; backgroundAttachment?: string; backgroundBlendMode?: string; backgroundClip?: string; backgroundColor?: string; backgroundImage?: string; backgroundOrigin?: string; backgroundPosition?: string; backgroundPositionX?: string; backgroundPositionY?: string; backgroundRepeat?: string; backgroundSize?: string; baselineShift?: string; blockSize?: string; border?: string; borderBlock?: string; borderBlockColor?: string; borderBlockEnd?: string; borderBlockEndColor?: string; borderBlockEndStyle?: string; borderBlockEndWidth?: string; borderBlockStart?: string; borderBlockStartColor?: string; borderBlockStartStyle?: string; borderBlockStartWidth?: string; borderBlockStyle?: string; borderBlockWidth?: string; borderBottom?: string; borderBottomColor?: string; borderBottomLeftRadius?: string; borderBottomRightRadius?: string; borderBottomStyle?: string; borderBottomWidth?: string; borderCollapse?: string; borderColor?: string; borderEndEndRadius?: string; borderEndStartRadius?: string; borderImage?: string; borderImageOutset?: string; borderImageRepeat?: string; borderImageSlice?: string; borderImageSource?: string; borderImageWidth?: string; borderInline?: string; borderInlineColor?: string; borderInlineEnd?: string; borderInlineEndColor?: string; borderInlineEndStyle?: string; borderInlineEndWidth?: string; borderInlineStart?: string; borderInlineStartColor?: string; borderInlineStartStyle?: string; borderInlineStartWidth?: string; borderInlineStyle?: string; borderInlineWidth?: string; borderLeft?: string; borderLeftColor?: string; borderLeftStyle?: string; borderLeftWidth?: string; borderRadius?: string; borderRight?: string; borderRightColor?: string; borderRightStyle?: string; borderRightWidth?: string; borderSpacing?: string; borderStartEndRadius?: string; borderStartStartRadius?: string; borderStyle?: string; borderTop?: string; borderTopColor?: string; borderTopLeftRadius?: string; borderTopRightRadius?: string; borderTopStyle?: string; borderTopWidth?: string; borderWidth?: string; bottom?: string; boxShadow?: string; boxSizing?: string; breakAfter?: string; breakBefore?: string; breakInside?: string; captionSide?: string; caretColor?: string; clear?: string; /** @deprecated */ clip?: string; clipPath?: string; clipRule?: string; color?: string; colorInterpolation?: string; colorInterpolationFilters?: string; colorScheme?: string; columnCount?: string; columnFill?: string; columnGap?: string; columnRule?: string; columnRuleColor?: string; columnRuleStyle?: string; columnRuleWidth?: string; columnSpan?: string; columnWidth?: string; columns?: string; contain?: string; content?: string; counterIncrement?: string; counterReset?: string; counterSet?: string; cssFloat?: string; cssText?: string; cursor?: string; direction?: string; display?: string; dominantBaseline?: string; emptyCells?: string; fill?: string; fillOpacity?: string; fillRule?: string; filter?: string; flex?: string; flexBasis?: string; flexDirection?: string; flexFlow?: string; flexGrow?: string; flexShrink?: string; flexWrap?: string; float?: string; floodColor?: string; floodOpacity?: string; font?: string; fontFamily?: string; fontFeatureSettings?: string; fontKerning?: string; fontOpticalSizing?: string; fontSize?: string; fontSizeAdjust?: string; fontStretch?: string; fontStyle?: string; fontSynthesis?: string; fontVariant?: string; fontVariantAlternates?: string; fontVariantCaps?: string; fontVariantEastAsian?: string; fontVariantLigatures?: string; fontVariantNumeric?: string; fontVariantPosition?: string; fontVariationSettings?: string; fontWeight?: string; gap?: string; grid?: string; gridArea?: string; gridAutoColumns?: string; gridAutoFlow?: string; gridAutoRows?: string; gridColumn?: string; gridColumnEnd?: string; /** @deprecated This is a legacy alias of `columnGap`. */ gridColumnGap?: string; gridColumnStart?: string; /** @deprecated This is a legacy alias of `gap`. */ gridGap?: string; gridRow?: string; gridRowEnd?: string; /** @deprecated This is a legacy alias of `rowGap`. */ gridRowGap?: string; gridRowStart?: string; gridTemplate?: string; gridTemplateAreas?: string; gridTemplateColumns?: string; gridTemplateRows?: string; height?: string; hyphens?: string; /** @deprecated */ imageOrientation?: string; imageRendering?: string; inlineSize?: string; inset?: string; insetBlock?: string; insetBlockEnd?: string; insetBlockStart?: string; insetInline?: string; insetInlineEnd?: string; insetInlineStart?: string; isolation?: string; justifyContent?: string; justifyItems?: string; justifySelf?: string; left?: string; readonly length?: number; letterSpacing?: string; lightingColor?: string; lineBreak?: string; lineHeight?: string; listStyle?: string; listStyleImage?: string; listStylePosition?: string; listStyleType?: string; margin?: string; marginBlock?: string; marginBlockEnd?: string; marginBlockStart?: string; marginBottom?: string; marginInline?: string; marginInlineEnd?: string; marginInlineStart?: string; marginLeft?: string; marginRight?: string; marginTop?: string; marker?: string; markerEnd?: string; markerMid?: string; markerStart?: string; mask?: string; maskClip?: string; maskComposite?: string; maskImage?: string; maskMode?: string; maskOrigin?: string; maskPosition?: string; maskRepeat?: string; maskSize?: string; maskType?: string; maxBlockSize?: string; maxHeight?: string; maxInlineSize?: string; maxWidth?: string; minBlockSize?: string; minHeight?: string; minInlineSize?: string; minWidth?: string; mixBlendMode?: string; objectFit?: string; objectPosition?: string; offset?: string; offsetDistance?: string; offsetPath?: string; offsetRotate?: string; opacity?: string; order?: string; orphans?: string; outline?: string; outlineColor?: string; outlineOffset?: string; outlineStyle?: string; outlineWidth?: string; overflow?: string; overflowAnchor?: string; overflowWrap?: string; overflowX?: string; overflowY?: string; overscrollBehavior?: string; overscrollBehaviorBlock?: string; overscrollBehaviorInline?: string; overscrollBehaviorX?: string; overscrollBehaviorY?: string; padding?: string; paddingBlock?: string; paddingBlockEnd?: string; paddingBlockStart?: string; paddingBottom?: string; paddingInline?: string; paddingInlineEnd?: string; paddingInlineStart?: string; paddingLeft?: string; paddingRight?: string; paddingTop?: string; pageBreakAfter?: string; pageBreakBefore?: string; pageBreakInside?: string; paintOrder?: string; perspective?: string; perspectiveOrigin?: string; placeContent?: string; placeItems?: string; placeSelf?: string; pointerEvents?: string; position?: string; printColorAdjust?: string; quotes?: string; resize?: string; right?: string; rotate?: string; rowGap?: string; rubyPosition?: string; scale?: string; scrollBehavior?: string; scrollMargin?: string; scrollMarginBlock?: string; scrollMarginBlockEnd?: string; scrollMarginBlockStart?: string; scrollMarginBottom?: string; scrollMarginInline?: string; scrollMarginInlineEnd?: string; scrollMarginInlineStart?: string; scrollMarginLeft?: string; scrollMarginRight?: string; scrollMarginTop?: string; scrollPadding?: string; scrollPaddingBlock?: string; scrollPaddingBlockEnd?: string; scrollPaddingBlockStart?: string; scrollPaddingBottom?: string; scrollPaddingInline?: string; scrollPaddingInlineEnd?: string; scrollPaddingInlineStart?: string; scrollPaddingLeft?: string; scrollPaddingRight?: string; scrollPaddingTop?: string; scrollSnapAlign?: string; scrollSnapStop?: string; scrollSnapType?: string; scrollbarGutter?: string; shapeImageThreshold?: string; shapeMargin?: string; shapeOutside?: string; shapeRendering?: string; stopColor?: string; stopOpacity?: string; stroke?: string; strokeDasharray?: string; strokeDashoffset?: string; strokeLinecap?: string; strokeLinejoin?: string; strokeMiterlimit?: string; strokeOpacity?: string; strokeWidth?: string; tabSize?: string; tableLayout?: string; textAlign?: string; textAlignLast?: string; textAnchor?: string; textCombineUpright?: string; textDecoration?: string; textDecorationColor?: string; textDecorationLine?: string; textDecorationSkipInk?: string; textDecorationStyle?: string; textDecorationThickness?: string; textEmphasis?: string; textEmphasisColor?: string; textEmphasisPosition?: string; textEmphasisStyle?: string; textIndent?: string; textOrientation?: string; textOverflow?: string; textRendering?: string; textShadow?: string; textTransform?: string; textUnderlineOffset?: string; textUnderlinePosition?: string; top?: string; touchAction?: string; transform?: string; transformBox?: string; transformOrigin?: string; transformStyle?: string; translate?: string; unicodeBidi?: string; userSelect?: string; verticalAlign?: string; visibility?: string; whiteSpace?: string; widows?: string; width?: string; willChange?: string; wordBreak?: string; wordSpacing?: string; writingMode?: string; zIndex?: string; } export type PrintMargin = { marginType?: 'default' | 'none' | 'printableArea' | 'custom'; top?: number; bottom?: number; right?: number; left?: number; } export interface SizeOptions { height: number; width: number; } export type Printer = { id: string; name: string; driver_name: string; job_count: number; print_processor: string; port_name: string; share_name: string; computer_name: string; printer_status: number; // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printer shared: boolean; type: number; // 0: local; 1: connection priority: number } export type ColorType = "color" | "monochrome" export type RangeOptions = { from: number, to: number } export type PrintSettings = { paper?: PaperOption; method?: MethodOption; scale?: ScaleOption; color_type?: ColorType orientation?: OrientationOption; repeat?: Number; range?: RangeOptions|string } export type PrintOptions = { id?: string; name?: string; preview?: boolean; page_size: SizeOptions; print_setting?: PrintSettings; remove_temp?: boolean; } export type PrintFileOptions = { id?: string; name?: string; path?: string; file?: Buffer, print_setting?: PrintSettings; remove_temp?: boolean; } export type JobsStatus = { code: number; name: string; description: string; } export type Jobs = { job_status: JobsStatus, computer_name: string, data_type: string, document_name: string, id: string, job_id: number, job_time: number, pages_printed: number, position: number, printer_name: string, priority: number, size: number, submitted_time: number | null, total_pages: number, username: string } export type ResponseResult = { message: string|undefined; success: boolean; }