[package] name = "adbackup" version = "0.5.2" authors = [ "Julian Raufelder ", "Jonas Reinwald " ] description = "backup tool for android written in rust which can either be used as a module and as a cli-tool" documentation = "https://github.com/bb30/adbackup/blob/master/README.md" repository = "https://github.com/bb30/adbackup/" readme = "README.md" keywords = ["android", "backup"] license = "MIT" [lib] name ="adbackup" path = "src/lib.rs" doc = false [[bin]] name = "adbackup-cli" path = "src/bin/adbackup-cli.rs" doc = false [dev-dependencies] hamcrest = "0.1.5" [dependencies] clap = "~2.19" clippy = {version = "0.0.103", optional = true} spectral = "0.6.0" failure = "0.1.1" failure_derive = "0.1.1" fern = "0.4.4" log = "0.3" chrono = "0.4" [dependencies.rusqlite] version = "0.13.0" # functions (closures in queries), trace (sqlite tracing), blob (io access to blobs) if needed features = ["bundled"] [features] default = []