f _c@sdZddlmZmZmZmZmZmZmZm Z m Z m Z m Z ddl mZmZmZddlmZddlmZGdddeZGdd d eZGd d d eZGd d d eZdddZdddZedkrddlmZeddddddlmZeedS)zSimple text browser for IDLE ) ToplevelTextTclError HORIZONTALVERTICALNSEWNSEWNONEWORDSUNKEN)Frame ScrollbarButton) showerror) color_configcs0eZdZdZfddZddZddZZS)AutoHideScrollbarzpA scrollbar that is automatically hidden when not needed. Only the grid geometry manager is supported. cs<t|dkst|dkr"|n|t||dS)Ngg?)ZfloatgridZ grid_removesuperset)selfZloZhi __class__)/usr/lib64/python3.10/idlelib/textview.pyrs zAutoHideScrollbar.setcKt|jjddS)Nz does not support "pack"rr__name__rkwargsrrrpackzAutoHideScrollbar.packcKr)Nz does not support "place"rrrrrplacer zAutoHideScrollbar.place)r __module__ __qualname____doc__rrr! __classcell__rrrrr s rcs$eZdZdZeffdd ZZS)ScrollableTextFramezDisplay text with scrollbar(s).c stj|fi|t||d}|_|jddtd|jddd|jdddt|t d|j d|_ |j jddt d|j j |d<|tkrt|td|jd|_|jjddtd|jj |d <nd |_d S) aCreate a frame for Textview. master - master widget for this frame wrap - type of text wrapping to use ('word', 'char' or 'none') All parameters except for 'wrap' are passed to Frame.__init__(). The Text widget is accessible via the 'text' attribute. Note: Changing the wrapping mode of the text widget after instantiation is not supported. wrapr)ZrowZcolumnZstickyi)ZweightF)Zorient takefocuscommandZyscrollcommandZxscrollcommandN)r__init__rtextrrZgrid_rowconfigureZgrid_columnconfigurerrZyviewZyscrollrrr rZxviewZxscrollr)rZmasterr(rr,rrrr+"s&  zScrollableTextFrame.__init__)rr"r#r$r r+r%rrrrr&sr&cs,eZdZdZdfdd Zd ddZZS) ViewFramez#Display TextFrame and Close button.wordcst|||_|d|j|d|jt|tdd|_|jj}|_| d||j |dddt || t |d |jd d |_}|jjd d dd|jdddS)aCreate a frame for viewing text with a "Close" button. parent - parent widget for this frame contents - text to display wrap - type of text wrapping to use ('word', 'char' or 'none') The Text widget is accessible via the 'text' attribute. zzi)ZreliefZheightz1.0rZdisabled)r(ZhighlightthicknessZstateCloseFr,r*r)topTbothsideZexpandZfillZbottom)r4N)rr+parentZbindokr&r Z textframer,ZinsertZ configurerZ focus_setr button_okr)rr5contentsr(r,r7rrrr+Js   zViewFrame.__init__NcCs|jdSzDismiss text viewer dialog.N)r5destroyrZeventrrrr6dsz ViewFrame.ok)r.N)rr"r#r$r+r6r%rrrrr-Hsr-cs8eZdZdZdefdddfdd Zd dd ZZS) ViewWindowz%A simple text viewer dialog for IDLE.TF)_htest_utestc st|d|d<|d}||s.dnd} |d|d| ||t|||d|_|d|j t |d |j d d |_ } |jj d d dd||_ |j r||||s|dS)aShow the given text in a scrollable window with a 'close' button. If modal is left True, users cannot interact with other windows until the textview window is closed. parent - parent of this dialog title - string which is title of popup dialog contents - text to display in dialog wrap - type of text wrapping to use ('word', 'char' or 'none') _htest - bool; change box location when running htest. _utest - bool; don't wait_window when running unittest. iZ borderwidthi idz =750x500+z+r'ZWM_DELETE_WINDOWr/Fr0r1Tr2r3N)rr+Z winfo_rootxZ winfo_rootyZgeometrytitler-Z viewframeZprotocolr6rr7ris_modalZ transientZgrab_setZ wait_window) rr5r@r8modalr(r>r?ZxZyr7rrrr+ls$     zViewWindow.__init__NcCs|jr||dSr9)rAZ grab_releaser:r;rrrr6sz ViewWindow.okr<)rr"r#r$r r+r6r%rrrrr=is #r=Tr.FcCst||||||dS)aCreate text viewer for given text. parent - parent of this dialog title - string which is the title of popup dialog contents - text to display in this dialog wrap - type of text wrapping to use ('word', 'char' or 'none') modal - controls if users can interact with other windows while this dialog is displayed _utest - bool; controls wait_window on unittest r(r?)r=)r5r@r8rBr(r?rrr view_texts rDc Csz:t|d|d}|}Wdn1s.0YWn\tybtdd|d|dYnJty} ztdt| |dWYd} ~ nd} ~ 00t||||||d SdS) zCreate text viewer for text in filename. Return error message if file cannot be read. Otherwise calls view_text with contents of the file. Zr)encodingNzFile Load ErrorzUnable to load file z .)r@Zmessager5zUnicode Decode ErrorrC)ZopenZreadZOSErrorrZUnicodeDecodeErrorZstrrD) r5r@ZfilenamerErBr(r?Zfiler8Zerrrrr view_files"*    rFZ__main__)mainzidlelib.idle_test.test_textviewi)Z verbosityZexit)runNTr.FrI) r$Ztkinterrrrrrrrrr r r Z tkinter.ttkr r rZtkinter.messageboxrZidlelib.colorizerrrr&r-r=rDrFrZunittestrGZidlelib.idle_test.htestrHrrrrZs4  )!-