Vc_c s0dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZ ddl m Z gdZ ddddd d Zddddd d Zdd d ZdZdZdZGddZdZGddZeeeeeeeedhZdZ ddZ!dZ"e#dkr e!dSdS)a/Support to pretty-print lists, tuples, & dictionaries recursively. Very simple, but useful, especially in debugging data structures. Classes ------- PrettyPrinter() Handle pretty-printing operations onto a stream using a configured set of formatting parameters. Functions --------- pformat() Format a Python object into a pretty-printed representation. pprint() Pretty-print a Python object to a stream [default is sys.stdout]. saferepr() Generate a 'standard' repr()-like value, but protect against recursive data structures. N)StringIO)pprintpformat isreadable isrecursivesaferepr PrettyPrinterppPFTcompact sort_dictsunderscore_numbersc s\t|||||||}||dS)zAPretty-print a Python object to a stream [default is sys.stdout].)streamindentwidthdepthr r rN)rr) objectrrrrr r rZprinter /usr/lib64/python3.11/pprint.pyrr0sCfEJ-///G NN6csRt|||||||S)z @ @ @@GPr)r cs*t|g|Rd|i|dS)zPretty-print a Python objectr N)r)rr ZargsZkwargss rrr@s+ 6:D:::Z:6:::::rcsVt|idddS)z=Version of repr() which can handle recursive data structures.Nrr _safe_reprr rrrD% ?? % %fb$ : :1 ==rcVt|idddS)z4Determine if saferepr(object) is readable by eval().Nrr rrrrrrHrrcr)z8Determine if object requires a recursive representation.NrrrrrrrLrrcs$eZdZdZdgZdZdZdS) _safe_keyaUHelper function for key functions when sorting unorderable objects. The wrapped-object will fallback to a Py2.x style comparison for unorderable types (sorting first comparing the type name and then by the obj ids). Does not work recursively, so dict.items() must have _safe_key applied to both the key and the value. objcs||_dSN)r )selfr  r__init__z_safe_key.__init__\s rcs |j|jkS#t$rott|jt |jftt|jt |jfkcYSwxYwr!)r Z TypeErrorstrtypeid)r"Zotherr#r__lt__z_safe_key.__lt___s ;8ei' ' ; ; ;dh(("TX,,7ei))2ei==9: ; ; ; ;sA6B  B N)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__Z __slots__r$r(rrrrPsEI;;;;;rrcsVt|dt|dfS)z&Helper function for comparing 2-tuplesrr )r)Ztrr _safe_tupler.fs! QqT??IadOO ++rcseZdZd%dddddZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd Z iZ dZ e e e j <dZee ejj <dZee ej <dZee ej <dZee ej <ee ej <dZee ej <dZee ej <dZee ej <dZee ej j <dZ!e!e ej"j <dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ'dZ(e(e ej)j <dZ*e*e ej+j <dZ,e,e ej-j <d Z.e.e ej/j <d!Z0e0e ej1j <d"Z2e2e ej3j <d#Z4e4e ej5j <d$Z6dS)&rr r NFTr cs`t|}t|}|dkrtd||dkrtd|std||_||_||_|||_nt j|_t||_ ||_ ||_ dS)aHandle pretty printing operations onto a stream using a set of configured parameters. indent Number of spaces to indent for each level of nesting. width Attempted maximum number of columns in the output. depth The maximum depth to print out nested structures. stream The desired output stream. If omitted (or false), the standard output stream available at construction will be used. compact If true, several items will be combined in one line. sort_dicts If true, dict keys are sorted. rzindent must be >= 0Nzdepth must be > 0zwidth must be != 0) intZ ValueError_depth_indent_per_level_width_stream_sysZstdoutbool_compact _sort_dicts_underscore_numbers)r"rrrrr r r rr$zPrettyPrinter.__init__ks2VE  A: 4233 3  2! 2011 1 3122 2 !'  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