WcBZdZddlmZddlmZddlmZGddej ZdS)zFixer that changes 'a ,b' into 'a, b'. This also changes '{a :b}' into '{a: b}', but does not touch other uses of colons. It does not touch other uses of whitespace. )pytree)token) fixer_baseceZdZdZdZej ejdZej ejdZ ee fZ dZ dS) FixWsCommaTzH any<(not(',') any)+ ',' ((not(',') any)+ ',')* [not(',') any]> ,:c|j}d}|jD]T}||jvr+|j}|j r d|vrd|_d}<|r|j}|sd|_d}V|S)NF T )clonechildrenSEPSprefixisspace)selfnoderesultsnewcommachildrs 3/usr/lib64/python3.12/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ws_comma.py transformzFixWsComma.transformsjjl\\  E !!>>##F(:(:#%EL5"\\F!6'*  N) __name__ __module__ __qualname__explicitPATTERNrLeafrCOMMACOLONrrrrrr sfHG FKK S )E FKK S )E 5>DrrN)__doc__r rpgen2rrBaseFixrr$rrr(s|##r