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Default is -1 which uses the optimization level of the Python interpreter itself (see -O).)rrrrz-eDIRr&z+Ignore symlinks pointing outsite of the DIRz--hardlink-dupesr'zHardlink duplicated pyc filesrLzYHardlinking of duplicated bytecode makes sense only for more than one optimization level.z.-d cannot be used in combination with -s or -pzutf-8)rur zError reading file list {}FT)r5r$r%r4r&r')rDr5r$r%r4r&r')r3r1r r5z [interrupted])/argparseArgumentParser add_argumentrZrmPycInvalidationModer lowerreplacer[ parse_argsrr2rernr&rr rrYr'errorr0r$r%rr=stdinrjrstriprr rrr5upperrrr`rr1r3rrDrKeyboardInterrupt)rparsermodeinvalidation_modesargs compile_destsrr flineivl_moder5rFrs r"mainr;s  $ $G%IF ]! $;@B 3[<> \NP W7A;< \OQ ivt,.  j $46  l, $46 hT4HJ f7BD  #AC k1 'DF'1&D&DF"))//+33C=FF - &'9 :79  XClKM e/JL *<-<>    D%%M ww**TWW% R! ~~!NN NN  $ 4??q T%8%8 C E yy !T__%@ EF zz #zz3#))g6 7;<7D!((67 7 ))11#s;AAC&::8D G  % (77>>$'''iiTWW(, DKK:K1537??156:6H6H7;7J7JL#(L't '+zz477DJJ'+{{DLL9J04 26//04595G5G6:6I6IKK#(+ (,Nt{{$**&*jj2CE EuF` 7 7 zzA~299$**EF R  ::> # $sU3S+4T4)S0T9D:U8U)U0 S?:T?T>UU%U.-U.__main__)r) NNFNrFrr N)NFNrFrN)r rFrFrN)rr=importlib.utilrarmrfro functoolsrpathlibr__all__rrrrrr}rZ exit_statusexitrr"rs   7..7