[![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/adder-to-dvs)](https://crates.io/crates/adder-to-dvs) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/crates/dr/adder-to-dvs)](https://crates.io/crates/adder-to-dvs) This program transcodes an ADΔER file to DVS events in a text or binary representation. Performance is fast. The resulting DVS stream is written out as an mp4 file. Install: `cargo install adder-to-dvs` Example usage: ```adder-to-dvs --input "/home/andrew/Downloads/spinner.adder" --output-events "/home/andrew/Downloads/adder.dat" --output-video "/home/andrew/Downloads/adder_dvs.mp4" --show-display --fps 1000.0 --playback-slowdown 0.01``` Optionally, you can enable the `--reorder` flag to ensure that the DVS events are all correctly ordered with each other by timestamp. It's a lot slower, since all the events must be kept in memory until the end. You can then convert the resulting .dat-formatted file (see .dat reference [here](https://docs.prophesee.ai/stable/data/file_formats/dat.html)) to the .hdf5 format using [this](https://docs.prophesee.ai/stable/samples/modules/driver/file_to_hdf5.html#chapter-samples-driver-file-to-hdf5) Metavision tool. Then, you can display the resulting .hdf5 file in Metavision Studio, as if it was generated by a Prophesee camera.