# [Aldaron's Device Interface](https://crates.io/crates/adi) ## Multi-Platform Graphics * Linux Desktop: `XCB` (`OpenGL or OpenGL(ES) or Vulkan`) - XCB works because Wayland is not widespread yet, and where it's used XWayland takes care of it * Windows: `WinAPI` (`OpenGL or Vulkan`) - Windows has only the one option. * Raspberry Pi: `DirectFB` (`Vulkan`) - Raspberry Pi uses DirectFB because then an X server doesn't have to be running, saving CPU time. * MacOS / iOS: `Cocoa` (`Vulkan (MoltenVK)`) - This is the newest Window Manager library for Macs/iOS. * Android (`OpenGL(ES) or Vulkan`) * Nintendo Switch (`Vulkan`) * Web Assembly (`OpenGL`) * Maybe more in the future.