[![Plop Grizzly](https://plopgrizzly.com/images/logo-bar.png)](https://plopgrizzly.com) # [Aldaron's Device Interface / GPU / Vulkan](https://crates.io/crates/adi_gpu_vulkan) Vulkan implementation for adi_gpu This project is part of [ADI](https://crates.io/crates/adi). ## Change Log ### 0.11 * Update to adi\_gpu\_base 0.11. * Version now matches adi\_gpu. ### 0.8 * Update to adi\_gpu\_base 0.9. * Update asi\_vulkan: Now uses Rc & RefCell instead of ami. ### 0.7 * Update to adi\_gpu\_base 0.8. ### 0.6 * Update adi\_gpu\_base. * Update asi\_vulkan to fix different texturing behavior from adi\_gpu\_opengl * Fixed platform-dependant coloration bug. * Do less commands during draw - GIANT speed increase. ### 0.5 * Update to newest adi\_gpu\_base.