extern crate ads_proto; use ads_proto::ads_services::system_services::GET_SYMHANDLE_BY_NAME; use ads_proto::proto::ams_address::*; use ads_proto::proto::ams_header::{AmsHeader, AmsTcpHeader}; use ads_proto::proto::proto_traits::*; use ads_proto::proto::request::*; use ads_proto::proto::state_flags::StateFlags; use anyhow; use std::result::Result; use std::str::FromStr; fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { //Creating a request (client) //We need the targed ams address let targed_ams_address = match AmsAddress::from_str("") { Ok(a) => a, Err(e) => panic!("{}", e), }; //and the source ams address let source_ams_address = AmsAddress::new(AmsNetId::from([192, 168, 1, 3, 1, 1]), 851); //we crate a default state flag for a request. //default for the request -> resonse=false, ads_command=true, netproto=TCP let state_flags = StateFlags::req_default(); //The invoke id can be any u32 number. //This invoke key will be returned in the response. let invoke_id = 123321; //Last but no least we need the request we want to send //We want to request a handle for a variable in this example let var_name = "Main.SomeVar"; let request = Request::ReadWrite(ReadWriteRequest::new( GET_SYMHANDLE_BY_NAME.index_group, GET_SYMHANDLE_BY_NAME.index_offset_start, var_name.len() as u32, var_name.as_bytes().to_vec(), )); //Now we need to create the ams header let ams_header = AmsHeader::new( targed_ams_address, source_ams_address, state_flags, invoke_id, request, ); //If we want to send over TCP we need to put this AMS header into a AmsTcpHeader let mut tcp_ams_header = AmsTcpHeader::from(ams_header); print!("Our AmsTcpHeader struct:\n{:?}\n", tcp_ams_header); //Finally create the byte buffer. let mut buffer: Vec = Vec::new(); tcp_ams_header.write_to(&mut buffer)?; print!( "Byte buffer (AmsTcpHeader) with read write request\n{:?}\n", buffer ); //We may want to reuse the header and supply a new request let request = Request::ReadState(ReadStateRequest::new()); tcp_ams_header .ams_header .update_command(request, StateFlags::req_default())?; let mut new_buffer: Vec = Vec::new(); tcp_ams_header.write_to(&mut new_buffer)?; print!( "Byte buffer (AmsTcpHeader) with read state request\n{:?}\n", new_buffer ); print!("==========================================================================\n"); //========================================================= //Reading a request (server/router) let mut tcp_ams_header = AmsTcpHeader::read_from(&mut buffer.as_slice())?; //Get the requst data let request = tcp_ams_header.ams_header.request()?; //Handle the request match request { Request::Invalid(_) => panic!(), Request::Read(r) => { let r: ReadRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("var handle is {:?}", r.index_offset); } Request::ReadDeviceInfo(r) => { let _r: ReadDeviceInfoRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("recieved a read device info request"); } Request::ReadState(r) => { let _r: ReadStateRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("recieved a read state request"); } Request::ReadWrite(r) => { let r: ReadWriteRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("received a read write request...\n"); print!("Command id :{:?} \n", r.command_id); print!("Data :{:?} \n", r.data); print!("Index group :{:?} \n", r.index_group); print!("Index offset:{:?} \n", r.index_offset); print!("Read length :{:?} \n", r.read_length); print!("Write length:{:?} \n", r.write_length); } Request::Write(r) => { let r: WriteRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("recieved a write request"); print!("data to write -> {:?}", r.data); } Request::WriteControl(r) => { let r: WriteControlRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("recieved a write control request:"); print!("requested ads state is: {:?}", r.ads_state); } Request::AddDeviceNotification(r) => { let r: AddDeviceNotificationRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("recieved an add device notification request"); print!("transition mode is -> {:?}", r.transmission_mode); } Request::DeleteDeviceNotification(r) => { let r: DeleteDeviceNotificationRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("recieved a delete device notification request"); print!("delete notification for handle -> {:?}", r.handle); } Request::DeviceNotification(r) => { let _r: DeviceNotificationRequest = r.try_into()?; print!("recieved a device notification (?)"); } } Ok(()) }