# Aegis Rules Configuration Reference Rules define how Aegis processes requests. There are two types of rules: - **Regular Rules**: - **Type**: `"Regular"` - **`action`**: The action to take if the rule is matched (`Allow`, `Block`, or `Count`). - **`condition`**: Specifies how to evaluate multiple statements. Allowed values: `One`, `All`, or `None` - **`statements`**: A list of conditions to match requests. (`Header`, `QueryParameter`, `HttpMethod`, `UriPath`, QueryString`, AllHeaders`, `Cookies`, `IpSet`) - **`inspect`**: Specifies the part of the request to inspect (e.g., headers, query parameters). More details below - **`match_type`**: How to match the inspected value (`StartsWith`, `EndsWith`, `Contains`, `Exact`, `Regex`). - **`match_string`**: The string to match against. - **Rate-Based Rules**: - **Type**: `"RateBased"` - **`limit`**: Maximum number of requests allowed within the evaluation window. - **`evaluation_window_seconds`**: The duration of the evaluation window in seconds. - **`key`**: The request component to use for rate-limiting (e.g., `SourceIp`). ### Field Descriptions (Statements - Inspect) In a regular rule, you define **statements** that specify how to process a request. Below are the possible values for the `inspect` field: 1. **`Header`**: Inspect a specific HTTP header. - **`key`**: The name of the header to inspect. - Example: ```yaml inspect: Header: key: "User-Agent" ``` 2. **`QueryParameter`**: Inspect a specific query parameter in the request URL. - **`key`**: The name of the query parameter to inspect. - Example: ```yaml inspect: QueryParameter: key: "id" ``` 3. **`HttpMethod`**: Inspect the HTTP method (e.g., `GET`, `POST`). - Example: ```yaml inspect: HttpMethod ``` 4. **`UriPath`**: Inspect the path of the request URI (e.g., `/home`, `/login`). - Example: ```yaml inspect: UriPath ``` 5. **`QueryString`**: Inspect the entire query string in the request (e.g., `?id=123&name=test`). - Example: ```yaml inspect: QueryString ``` 6. **`AllHeaders`**: Inspect all request headers. - **`scope`**: Defines which part of the headers to inspect (all, only keys, or only values). - Allowed values: `All`, `Keys`, `Values` - **`content_filter`**: Further filters the headers to include or exclude specific headers. - Examples: - Include a header: ```yaml inspect: AllHeaders: scope: All content_filter: Include: key: "Authorization" ``` - Exclude a header: ```yaml inspect: AllHeaders: scope: Keys content_filter: Exclude: key: "Cookie" ``` 7. **`Cookies`**: Inspect all request cookies. - **`scope`**: Defines which part of the cookies to inspect (all, only keys, or only values). - Allowed values: `All`, `Keys`, `Values` - **`content_filter`**: Include or exclude specific cookies. - Example: ```yaml inspect: Cookies: scope: All content_filter: Include: key: "session_id" ``` 8. **`IpSet`**: Inspect the IP address of the request. - **`source`**: Defines how to extract the IP address. - Allowed values: - `SourceIp`: Use the source IP of the request. - `Header`: Extract the IP from a specific header (e.g., `X-Forwarded-For`). - **`name`**: The name of the header. - **`position`**: Where to look for the IP address in the header (options: `First`, `Last`, `Any`). - Example: ```yaml inspect: IpSet: source: Header: name: "X-Forwarded-For" position: Last ``` ### Field Descriptions (Statements - Match Type) The `match_type` field defines how the inspected value should be matched against the specified `match_string`. Below are the possible values for `match_type`: 1. **`StartsWith`**: Matches if the inspected value begins with the `match_string`. - Example: ```yaml match_type: "StartsWith" match_string: "/api" ``` - Explanation: This matches any URI path that starts with `/api`, such as `/api/v1/resource`. 2. **`EndsWith`**: Matches if the inspected value ends with the `match_string`. - Example: ```yaml match_type: "EndsWith" match_string: ".html" ``` - Explanation: This matches any URI path that ends with `.html`, such as `/home/index.html`. 3. **`Contains`**: Matches if the inspected value contains the `match_string`. - Example: ```yaml match_type: "Contains" match_string: "admin" ``` - Explanation: This matches any part of the inspected value that contains `admin`, such as `/admin/login`. 4. **`Exact`**: Matches if the inspected value exactly equals the `match_string`. - Example: ```yaml match_type: "Exact" match_string: "POST" ``` - Explanation: This matches the HTTP method if it is exactly `POST`. 5. **`Regex`**: Matches if the inspected value matches the regular expression pattern specified in `match_string`. - Example: ```yaml match_type: "Regex" match_string: "^/user/[0-9]+" ``` - Explanation: This matches any URI path that starts with `/user/` followed by one or more digits, such as `/user/123`. ## Configuration Examples ### Block requests from the curl user agent ```yaml rules: - type: "Regular" action: "Block" condition: "All" statements: - inspect: Header: key: "User-Agent" match_type: "Contains" match_string: "curl" ``` ## Block requests if content type header is `application/json` ```yaml rules: - type: "Regular" action: "Block" condition: "All" statements: - inspect: Header: key: "Content-Type" # Inspect the Content-Type header match_type: "Exact" # Match if the value is exactly "application/json" match_string: "application/json" ``` ### Allow requests if `id` query parameter starts with `123` ```yaml rules: - type: "Regular" action: "Allow" condition: "One" statements: - inspect: QueryParameter: key: "id" # Inspect the "id" query parameter match_type: "StartsWith" # Match if the value starts with "123" match_string: "123" ``` ### Block requests if HTTP Methos is `POST` ```yaml rules: - type: "Regular" action: "Block" condition: "All" statements: - inspect: HttpMethod # Inspect the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) match_type: "Exact" match_string: "POST" # Block if the request is a POST method ``` ### Block requests from localhost ```yaml rules: - type: "Regular" action: "Block" condition: "All" statements: - inspect: AllHeaders: scope: Values # Inspect all headers content_filter: Include: # Apply a content filter (e.g., inspect specific headers) key: "X-Forwarded-For" # Include only the "X-Forwarded-For" header for inspection match_type: "Contains" match_string: "" ``` ### Block request if all cookies are equal to `invalid` ```yaml rules: - type: "Regular" action: "Block" condition: "All" statements: - inspect: Cookies: scope: All # Inspect all cookies content_filter: Exclude: # Exclude specific cookie keys from the match key: "session_id" match_type: "Exact" match_string: "invalid" ``` ### Block request if the first ip in the `X-Forwarded-For` header is `` ```yaml rules: - type: "Regular" action: "Block" condition: "All" statements: - inspect: IpSet: source: Header: # Inspect IP address from a header name: "X-Forwarded-For" # Specify the header name position: First # Use the first IP in the header match_type: "Exact" match_string: "" # Block if the IP matches "" ``` ### Limit requests to 1000 rpm ```yaml rules: - type: "RateBased" limit: 1000 evaluation_window_seconds: 60 key: "SourceIp" ```