use aery::prelude::*; use bevy::{prelude::*, window::PrimaryWindow}; const WIN_SIZE: Vec2 = Vec2::new(800., 600.); #[derive(Component)] struct Pos(Vec2); #[derive(Relation)] // By default all relations are orhpaning. // Supplying one of the other cleanup policies to the `aery` attribute will override that. // Click on any of the nodes in this example to delete them. // Change the policy and rerun the example to see the different behaviors. #[aery(Recursive)] struct ChildOf; fn setup(mut cmds: Commands) { cmds.spawn(Camera2d); cmds.spawn(Pos(Vec2::new(0.0, 150.0))) .scope::(|chld| { chld.add(Pos(Vec2::new(-150., 0.))) .scope::(|chld| { chld.add(Pos(Vec2::new(-300., -150.))) .add(Pos(Vec2::new(-100., -150.))); }) .add(Pos(Vec2::new(150., 0.))) .scope::(|chld| { chld.add(Pos(Vec2::new(100., -150.))) .add(Pos(Vec2::new(300., -150.))); }); }); } fn draw(mut gizmos: Gizmos, tree: Query<&Pos>) { for Pos(pos) in tree.iter() { gizmos.circle_2d(*pos, 40., Color::WHITE); } } fn input( mut cmds: Commands, mouse_buttons: Res>, windows: Query<&Window, With>, nodes: Query<(Entity, &Pos)>, ) { let Some(cursor_pos) = windows .get_single() .ok() .and_then(Window::cursor_position) .filter(|_| mouse_buttons.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left)) .map(|pos| pos - WIN_SIZE / 2.) .map(|pos| Vec2::new(pos.x, -pos.y)) else { return; }; if let Some((e, _)) = nodes .iter() .find(|(_, Pos(pos))| (cursor_pos - *pos).length() < 40.) { cmds.entity(e).despawn(); } } fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin { primary_window: Some(Window { resolution: WIN_SIZE.into(), ..default() }), ..default() })) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, (input, draw)) .run(); }