[![ci][19]][16] [![][18]][3] [![][17]][4] > This crate has known issue: Unified API library of ArrayFire used by Rust bindings has bug that doesn't let us use functions necessary for this crate to work as expected. The associated fix has already been submitted and should be in next release of ArrayFire i.e. either v3.7.3 or v.3.8. # ArrayFire OpenCL Interop This crate is an addition on top of [ArrayFire][1] crate to enable users to mix RAW OpenCL code in rust and [ArrayFire][1]. ## Supported platforms Supported on all platforms [arrayfire-rust][1] is supported. ## Usage Command to build the crate ``` cargo build -p af_opencl_interop ``` Use the following command to run an example ``` cargo run -p af_opencl_interop --example custom_kernel ``` This crate can be used by directly using the packages on crates.io or building them on your own. The process for this can be found on [arrayfire-rust#readme][2] ## Acknowledgements The ArrayFire library is written by developers at [ArrayFire][14] LLC with [contributions][15] from several individuals. The developers at ArrayFire LLC have received partial financial support from several grants and institutions. Those that wish to receive public acknowledgement are listed below: ### Grants This material is based upon work supported by the DARPA SBIR Program Office under Contract Numbers W31P4Q-14-C-0012 and W31P4Q-15-C-0008. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA SBIR Program Office. [1]: https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire-rust [2]: https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire-rust/blob/master/README.md [3]: http://arrayfire.github.io/arrayfire-rust/af_opencl_interop/index.html [4]: https://join.slack.com/t/arrayfire-org/shared_invite/MjI4MjIzMDMzMTczLTE1MDI5ODg4NzYtN2QwNGE3ODA5OQ [14]: https://arrayfire.com/ [15]: https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire_rust/graphs/contributors [16]: https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire-rust/actions?workflow=CI [17]: https://img.shields.io/badge/af_opencl_interop-community-e69138?logo=slack [18]: https://img.shields.io/badge/af_opencl_interop-Docs-blue?logo=readthedocs [19]: https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire-rust/workflows/ci/badge.svg?event=push