## Release Assumptions: * `main` branch can wait until release PR is merged The steps: 1. **release**: 1. **review and adjust if needed the release version in `main`** to match the changes from the latest release following the [SemVer rules](https://semver.org/#summary). 2. [create](https://github.com/sicpa-dlab/didcomm-rust/compare/stable...main) a **PR from `main` to `stable`** (you may likely want to name it as `release-`) 3. once merged [release pipeline](https://github.com/sicpa-dlab/didcomm-rust/actions/workflows/release.yml) will publish the release: * to [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/didcomm) * to NPM: * as Bundler(Webpack) compatible [package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/didcomm) * as Node.js (CommonJS) compatible [package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/didcomm-node) 2. **bump next release version in `main`** * **Note** decision about the next release version should be based on the same [SemVer](https://semver.org/) rules and the expected changes. Usually it would be either a MINOR or MAJOR (if incompatible changes are planned) release.